Meal Plan-Weight Loss

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Meal Plan

This meal plan has been created as a flexible guideline for people trying to introduce themselves to a more
strict, healthy and regimented diet. With this plan you will be able to add or subtract certain foods depend-
ing on what you are looking to change. When it comes to changing your body and lifestyle, working out and
dieting go hand in hand. Eating healthy and consistently is an important lifestyle habit to build as our food
plays a huge role in not only our physical health but also our mental health. We often crave food with the
idea of taste first, but neglect the reality of healthy eating and its significance. This is a basic mistake most
people make a little too often and end up dealing with the effects in an alternate way. When creating this
meal plan we have stuck to a more scientific approach to weight loss. Picking foods that are very benefi-
cial to aid in fat loss within your body. We have kept the meals clean, dairy free and if you should choose
you can also keep everything gluten free. With that being said, I hope this meal plan can help guide you to
the results you are looking for.

Why its important to eat consistently and not starve yourself:

The first point of emphasis in this plan is the importance of having 4 meals per day – but why 4 meals a day?
The answer is simple, having 4 smaller portioned meals per day triggers your metabolism. Instead of your
body storing food as fat it will stay in a constant state of burning calories. This keeps your energy consis-
tent throughout the day but it also will help to keep you in shape and satisfied instead of feeling full and
stagnant. Other benefits of this are reduction in bloating and improvement in digestion. Keep in mind that
eating less than 3 times a day puts you at risk for overeating and choosing less healthy foods. On top of
this, the reason why this plan is set out with the meals and snacks that are included is because, the quality of
food can help with hunger management and weight loss.
The best way to make sure you’re losing body fat and losing weight properly in general is to be aware of
each ingredient you’re putting into you body. Keeping your meals clean entails that you do not use too
many sauces, random oils etc…

How many calories should you be eating in a day to lose weight?

This meal plan has been created around simple days that all range around 1200 calories a day. The average
calories a day per person who is trying to lose weight will differ.

For example: a woman who is approximately 130 lbs (moderately active) and is trying to lose weight at a
moderate rate should be eating about 1500 calories a day. Before using this plan it is important that you go
online and track your daily caloric intake as well. In doing so you will be able to use this plan and get the
best results.
*i would also recommend trying to track how many calories you’re losing during each workout session, if
possible. This can be done with a fit bit or apple watch. If you do not have one of these calorie trackers you
can also do some research online to try and determine approximately how many calories you burn through
each workout. This step isn’t mandatory, however i believe it does help really getting to know your body in
every way you can. No harm in knowledge.

With that being said, after you have calculated everything it is now time to get started. If you are someone
who is noticing that you are more active at the gym and are needing more energy during the day you can
include you protein shake and eat extra during these days. 1200 calorie outline leaves room for you to add
in some of your own food/ eat more of each meal, you may also still have your coffee and small threats pro-
vided you stay under your goal for that day.

This does not mean go eat an entire box of donuts but you get the idea, try to make the healthier options
here :) lol -Helin
Caloric deficit, tracking carbs and protein intake for fat loss:
We know that carbs can give us energy, we also know carbs can make us feel extremely sluggish
and add excess weight. So the question must be asked then, how many carbs should one eat?

When aiming to lose weight, 50-150 grams of carbs per day is what you would be aiming for. In contrast,
the average person’s carb intake sits between 225 grams to 325 grams per day. With that being said, when
trying to lose weight it is important to make sure you are maintaining a caloric deficit, which means to eat
less calories than you normally would. For example, to lose 1 pound per week you would need to cut out
500 calories per day. Another thing to remember that just because you’re eating in a caloric deficit does not
mean weight loss will come fast or even successfully. It is absolutely fundamental that you work out while
doing this to get the maximum results you are looking for. With all of this in mind, make a habit of tracking
your carbs daily (can be done online) to help organize and accurately pace yourself. Within this meal plan
everything is tracked for you, should you choose to eat anything extra it would be beneficial to look up the
nutritional info to get a better idea of what it is you’re putting into your body.

Calculate what your protein intake should be during this meal plan:
As you track your calorie and carb intake it is also important to track your protein intake. The easiest way to
understand your protein intake is to understand who you are, your situation and your goals. The average
adult that doesn’t work out should generally have 0.5 – 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
The average adult that is doing some physical activities and is trying to improve their physical health should
have 0.8 – 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Average female whose primary goal is to build
muscle, get toned, lose fat and increase strength should consume 1 – 1.2 grams of protein per pound of
body weight. In contrast, men with the same goals should have 1 – 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body

This is just a rough outline for anyone trying to calculate themselves, for further detail you can Google (cal-
culate my protein intake for fat loss) and set in your activity levels as well.
The website i used for a more accurate result :

Lastly, this plan is meant to be challenging but also manageable! I have added alternative options which al-
low you to add or subtract from the diet depending on your goal and personal build. I understand diets are
hard and can be inconvenient, so I wanted to make this beneficial but also realistic – especially for people
who may be newer to dieting. Understand that as it is important to challenge yourself if you want to yield
the best results, it is also important to find a balance that works for you! If you find that you may need to cut
certain items because you want to lose more weight, or feel like you want to eat more because you want to
gain faster results then those are manageable possibilities as well.

***This meal plan outlines Monday -Friday meals. For Saturday and Sunday you may pick
whatever day you like from the previous 5 days, or since it is a weekend I know how many
people go out with their friends for lunch etc... This is why I chose to leave these days
blank. Be careful on these days if you do choose to eat out, try not to bing the entire day.
Otherwise please follow this meal plan for your desired period of time. As time goes on
you can also switch around meals between the days to create your own routine.

I wanted to make this meal plan as lenient as possible so that it could accommodate ev-
eryones lifestyle, but still give amazing results.

Meal Plan
My personal tips and tricks for a sweet tooth/ cheat days :
Sweet Tooth:
I know that many of us struggle with dieting, the biggest issue we face is actually when it comes
to our sweets cravings. For the most part what you have to do when these feelings come up is to
simply ignore them. Learning self discipline is important when it comes to your fitness journey,
anything from working out to how you’re eating requires patience, discipline and effort.

A lot of the times when im craving sweets

One really important fact to know is that when your body is feeling that urge for chocolate this
actually may mean that you’re lacking magnesium in your system. This is why one of my absolute
staples in my house when I’m dieting is 70% dark chocolate. 70% dark chocolate is a rich source
of magnesium this is why it will help suppress any sugar cravings you might have. Something else
you can do to help with these chocolate cravings is to take magnesium supplements.

Cheat Days:
It’s not a bad thing to want and crave sweets, after you reach your goals you can enjoy everything
you love in moderation! However it is important to remember that when you’re on your journey
your body is adjusting to your diet, and having a cheat day every week might not change your re-
sults dramatically, but it will make it harder for you to stay on track entirely. I always say, you should
not have a cheat day! It should be a cheat meal or cheat snack. This way you can still enjoy some-
thing you love once a week or so.
Please remember: you do not necessarily have to look at it as a “cheat”. As long as you’re still
working out, eating and following this plan over all there is some room for you to enjoy one piece
of something you love every couple of days.
*but please don’t go over board! Read the labels on what you’re eating.

Meat and fish substitutions:

If you are looking to substitute any of the meats or seafood in this plan you may do so. Many of
you may have seafood or some other kind of allergies, for these issues feel free to sub chicken
(using the same amount of grams as you would) or ground turkey simply fried on pan with your
seasoning, made into patties etc.. Or you can also stick to lean ground beef as well.

Best oils to use when cooking:

Although this is not a necessary step, I would recommend using oils such as
-coconut oil
-sunflower oil
-avocado oil
over olive oil and butter . The reason for this is because olive oil and butter are high in calories
and fat. However as mentioned above, if you’re not wanting to spend money you can stick to it.
Just be a little careful with how much you’re using!
-Chicken breast
-pre- cooked (frozen shrimp)
-White fish (any)
-Chicken bacon (turkey bacon)
-Egg whites

Fruits and veggies:

-cherry tomato
-green veggies (of your choice, peppers etc..)
-white onion
-Garlic cloves

-Goat cheese
-Brown rice or quinoa
-English muffin (whole wheat)
-Toast (whole grain)
-Whole wheat, rice cakes
-almond butter/ peanut butter
-Dry roasted almonds (unsalted)
-Low fat ranch

Spices I recommend having on hand:

-pink Himalayan salt
-black pepper
-garlic powered
-Cheyenne pepper

Meal 1: Egg white omelet

(Approx 205 calories, 6 grams of carbs, 33 grams protein)

-1 cup of egg whites
-1 whole egg
-1/2 cup spinach
-Cherry tomato (3-4 cut up)

-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )
-pinch of salt
-black pepper

Oil your pan (avocado oil is best, you may use olive oil or anything else you have
on hand). Whisk egg and egg whites together. Add spinach. Add Spices of your
choice. Once you omelet is complete cut up cherry tomato and add on top.

Meal Plan
Meal 2: Cod + Avocado on a bed of qui-
(Approx 340 calories, 27 gram carbs, 30 grams of protein)

-125 grams Cod (or any white fish of your choice)
-50 grams avocado
-1 cup of spinach
-1/2 cup cooked quinoa (or brown rice, basmati rice can be used as substitute)
-cherry tomatoes (4-5)
-lemon juice
-1 garlic clove

-pinch of salt
-spices of your choice

Start buy seasoning the cod with your salt and pepper. Cut up garlic and fry on pan
with oil (avocado oil is best, you may also use olive oil). At this time you should start on
your rice. Add cod to pan and cook till ready.

Cut up avocado into small pieces. Cut up cherry tomato and mix with avocado. Add a
splash of lemon juice into the mix.

Snack: Option
-2 brown rice, rice cakes
-1tbsp peanut butter or Almond butter

-Approx 164 calories, 14 grams of carbs, 5 grams protein

Meal Plan
Meal 3: Chicken Breast + broccoli
(247 calories, 7 grams of carbs, 39 grams protein)
(349 Calories (if you eat quinoa), 28 grams of carbs)

-125 grams Chicken
-Brocolli (1 cup and a half chopped)
-1 garlic clove
-1/2 cup cooked quinoa (optional)

Options on how to spice chicken:

-pinch of salt
-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )
-1tsp of garlic powder

Start buy seasoning the chicken with your salt and pepper. Cut up garlic + onion and fry
on pan with oil. At this time you should start on your broccoli. Boil till soft, you may also
roast it on a pan after if you would like.

Meal Plan
Snack: Option
- Half or Whole cucumber sliced with lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil
+ salt
-Half red bell pepper sliced (optional)

-Approx 55 calories, 7 grams of carbs

Meal 4: Cod + spinach

(109 calories, 1 gram carbs, 20 grams protein)

-125 grams Cod (or any white fish of your choice) (102 calories)
-1 cup of spinach
-1 garlic clove

- salt
-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )

Start buy seasoning the cod. Cut up garlic and fry on pan with oil. Add cod to pan and
cook till ready. Boil your spinach, salt when done.

Meal Plan
Meal 1: Almond butter English muffin
(Approx 350 calories, 19 grams carbs 24 grams protein)

-whole wheat english muffin (one side)
-1/2 or 1 tbsp Almond butter
-1 boilled egg
-1/2 fruit of choice

-pinch of salt
-black pepper

Meal Plan
Meal 2: Chicken Breast + broccoli
(247 calories, 7 grams of carbs, 39 grams protein)
(349 Calories (if you eat quinoa), 28 grams of carbs)

-125 grams Chicken
-Brocolli (1 cup and a half chopped)
-1 garlic clove
-1/2 cup cooked quinoa (optional)

Options on how to spice chicken:

-pinch of salt
-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )
-1tsp of garlic powder

Start buy seasoning the chicken with your salt and pepper. Cut up garlic + onion and fry
on pan with oil. At this time you should start on your broccoli. Boil till soft, you may also
roast it on a pan after if you would like.

Snack: Option
-Handful of dry roasted (unsalted almonds), half an apple, half a table
spoon of peanut butter.

-Approx 183 calories, 15 grams of carbs

Meal Plan
Meal 3: Cod + spinach
(110 calories, 1 gram carbs, 20 grams protein)

-125 grams Cod (or any white fish of your choice) (102 calories)
-1 cup of spinach
-1 garlic clove

- salt
-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )

Start buy seasoning the cod. Cut up garlic and fry on pan with oil. Add cod to pan and
cook till ready. Boil your spinach, salt when done.

Snack: Option
- Half or Whole cucumber sliced with lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil
+ salt
-Half red bell pepper sliced (optional)

-Approx 55 calories, 7 grams of carbs

Meal Plan
Meal 4: Egg white + green veggie scram-
(Approx 145 calories, 3 gram carbs, 26 grams protein)

-1 cup of egg whites
- 1/2 green peppers
-1/2 cup spinach (optional extra greens)

-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )
-pinch of salt
-black pepper

Oil your pan (avocado oil is best, you may use olive oil or anything else you have on
hand). Add egg whites, spinach + green peppers to pan. Add Spices of your choice.

Meal Plan

Meal 1: Egg white omelet

(Approx 205 calories, 6 grams of carbs, 33 grams protein)

-1 cup of egg whites
-1 whole egg
-1/2 cup spinach
-Cherry tomato (3-4 cut up)

-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )
-pinch of salt
-black pepper

Oil your pan (avocado oil is best, you may use olive oil or anything else you have
on hand). Whisk egg and egg whites together. Add spinach. Add Spices of your
choice. Once you omelet is complete cut up cherry tomato and add on top.

Meal Plan
Meal 2: Chicken Breast Avo + Broccoli
(Approx 327 calories, 12 grams of carbs, 40 grams protein)

-125 grams Chicken
-50 grams avocado
-Brocolli (1 cup and a half chopped)
-1 garlic clove

Options on how to spice chicken:

-pinch of salt
-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )

Start buy seasoning the chicken with your salt and pepper. Cut up garlic + onion
and fry on pan with oil. At this time you should start on your broccoli. Boil till soft,
you may also roast it on a pan after if you would like. Cut up avocado place on
plate, or you can smash it up and use it as a spread for the chicken.

Snack: Option
-Handful of dry roasted (unsalted almonds), half an apple, half a table
spoon of peanut butter.

-Approx 183 calories, 15 grams of carbs

Meal Plan
Meal 3: Chicken + spinach
(Approx 220 calories, 1 gram carbs, 34 grams protein)

-125 grams chicken
-1 cup of spinach
-1 garlic clove

- salt
-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )

Start buy seasoning the chicken. Cut up garlic and fry on pan with oil. Add chicken to
pan and cook till ready. Boil your spinach, salt when done.

Snack: Option
-Carrots/ Celery with low fat ranch.
Small boll (mix of both)

Meal Plan
Meal 4: Egg white + green veggie scram-
( Approx 145 calories, 3 gram carbs, 26 grams protein)

-1 cup of egg whites
- 1/2 green peppers
-1/2 cup spinach (optional extra greens)

-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )
-pinch of salt
-black pepper

Oil your pan (avocado oil is best, you may use olive oil or anything else you have on
hand). Add egg whites, spinach + green peppers to pan. Add Spices of your choice.

Meal Plan

Avocado toast with goat cheese,

Meal 1:

onions and spinach.

(Approx 250 calories, 55 gram carbs, 8 grams protein)

-1 slice of toast (whole wheat, whole grain)
-Half avocado (50 grams)
-onion chopped (4 small slices white onion, top it off)
-5 pieces of baby spinach
-Goat cheese crumble (or feta cheese, this is optional)
* for better results is best to stay away from most dairy products, but a little wont
be too bad.

-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )
-pinch of salt
-black pepper

Meal Plan
Meal 2: Chicken Breast + broccoli
(247 calories, 7 grams of carbs, 34 grams protein)

-125 grams Chicken
-Brocolli (1 cup and a half chopped)

Options on how to spice chicken:

-pinch of salt
-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )

Start buy seasoning the chicken with your salt and pepper. Cut onion and fry on
pan with oil. At this time you should start on your broccoli. Boil till soft, you may
also roast it on a pan after if you would like.

Snack: Option
- Half or Whole cucumber sliced with lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil
+ salt
-Half red bell pepper sliced (optional)

-Approx 55 calories, 7 grams of carbs

Meal Plan
Meal 3: Chicken,Quinoa,Cucumber salad
(Approx 381 calories, 30 grams carbs, 39 grams protein)

-125 grams Chicken
-1/2 cup cooked quinoa
-1 garlic clove
-1/2 tomato
-cucumber (whole)
-lemon juice
-1 tsp olive oil

-pinch of salt
-black pepper
-chayeen pepper
-1tsp garlic powder

Start buy seasoning the chicken. Add chicken to pan.

Cook quinoa however you prefer.

Salad: cut up cucumbers into small square pieces, dice up tomato, salt, 1 tsp olive oil
and add lemon juice to your preferred taste.

Meal Plan
Snack: Option
-Carrots/ Celery with low fat ranch.
Small boll (mix of both)

Meal 4: Shrimp + broccoli

(Approx 138 calories, 7 carbs, 32 grams protein)

-125 grams shrimp (or any protein of your choice) 132 cals
-Brocolli (1 cup and a half chopped)

-pinch of salt
-black pepper
-1 tsp of garlic powder
- Cayenne pepper (to your taste)

De- tail shrimp. Season. Add oil to pan, cook till ready (avocado oil is best)
Boil broccoli.

Meal Plan

Meal 1: Egg white omelet

(Approx 205 calories, 6 grams of carbs, 33 grams protein)

-1 cup of egg whites
-1 whole egg
- 1/2 green peppers

-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )
-pinch of salt
-black pepper

Oil your pan (avocado oil is best, you may use olive oil or anything else you have
on hand). Whisk egg and egg whites together. Add spinach. Add Spices of your
choice. Once you omelet is complete cut up cherry tomato and add on top.

Meal Plan
Meal 2: Chicken Breast Avo + Broccoli
(Approx 327 calories, 12 grams of carbs, 40 grams protein)

-125 grams Chicken
-50 grams avocado
-Brocolli (1 cup and a half chopped)
-1 garlic clove

Options on how to spice chicken:

-pinch of salt
-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )

Start buy seasoning the chicken with your salt and pepper. Cut up garlic + onion
and fry on pan with oil. At this time you should start on your broccoli. Boil till soft,
you may also roast it on a pan after if you would like. Cut up avocado place on
plate, or you can smash it up and use it as a spread for the chicken.

Snack: Option
- Half or Whole cucumber sliced with lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil
+ salt
-Half red bell pepper sliced (optional)

-Approx 55 calories, 7 grams of carbs

Meal Plan
Meal 3: Shrimp + Quinoa
(Approx 290 calories, 21 grams carbs, 34 grams protein)

-125 grams shrimp (or any protein of your choice)
-1/2 cup cooked quinoa

-pinch of salt
-black pepper
-1 tsp of garlic powder
- Cayenne pepper (to your taste)

De- tail shrimp. Season. Add olive oil to pan, add spices, cook till ready.
Cook quinoa however you prefer.

Snack: Option
- Half or Whole cucumber sliced with lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil
+ salt
-Half red bell pepper sliced (optional)

-Approx 55 calories, 7 grams of carbs

OR two slices of chicken bacon/ turkey bacon

Meal Plan
Meal 4: Egg white + green veggie scram-
( Approx 145 calories, 3 gram carbs, 26 grams protein)

-1 cup of egg whites
- 1/2 green peppers
-1/2 cup spinach (optional extra greens)

-cayenne pepper ( to your taste )
-pinch of salt
-black pepper

Oil your pan (avocado oil is best, you may use olive oil or anything else you have on
hand). Add egg whites, spinach + green peppers to pan. Add Spices of your choice.

Meal Plan

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