Call For Application Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) To

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Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) to Germany

What is Erasmus+?
Erasmus+ is the EU's program to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget
of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, and gain
experience abroad. It is also open to non-European individuals coming from the so called ‘Partner
Studying abroad is a central part of Erasmus+ and has been shown to have a positive effect on later
job prospects. It is also an opportunity to improve language skills, gain self-confidence and
independence and immerse yourself in a new culture.
Opportunities are available for students at Bachelor, Master or Doctoral levels.
The Receiving Partner Universities and number of spots
University Type of Mobility Level Spots
2 months with
SRH Riedlingen Internship Mobility a focus on e- 1

The Grant/Scholarship:
Receiving country Amount per month in EUR
Germany 850 EUR

Travel allowance covering the flight ticket (round trip): Distance calculator: Link
Travel distances Amount
Between 500 and 1999 KM: 275 EUR
Between 2000 and 2999 KM: 360 EUR
Between 3000 and 3999 KM: 530 EUR

Who can apply?

In order to be an eligible applicant:

1. You must be enrolled and have completed at least one year at UIR by the start of your mobility.
2. Must have a GPA above 2,3/ 4 equivalent to 13/20.
How can you apply?
1. Fill the application form and choose three different universities Forms to fill out
2. Upload the required documents
a. Transcript of records of last year
b. Language certificate proving at least a B2 level in English
c. Motivation letter explaining why you are applying for an Erasmus+ Scholarship
d. Proof of scholarship at UIR (attestation de bourse) (if applicable)
3. Submit your application Form
Erasmus Grade
Erasmus Grade is used by the selection committee to evaluate and to rank the applicants. Please
see below how Erasmus Grade is calculated:
Erasmus Grade = (GPA /Grade+ English level +Motivation letter+ Scholarship at UIR) *
(*): each evaluation element mentioned above is given a score
Selection Criteria
The selection of students must be fair, transparent, coherent and documented and shall be made
available to all parties involved in the selection process. It will not only be based on academic
achievement but also financial situation of the applications.
Selections are carried out by ranking the points from the highest to the lowest, considering the
evaluation criteria and weighted scores announced above among the students who fulfill the
minimum requirements.
NB: Priority will be given to students with a scholarship and who have a mandatory semester
abroad as part of their curriculum.

Important dates:
Call for application September 15th, 2020
Preselection Application deadline September 30th, 2020
Selection Results October 15th, 2020

For any questions regarding the application, please send us an e-mail at

Good Luck

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