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Liceo de Cagayan University College of Arts and Sciences Page 17

Chapter 3


This chapter will discuss the specific procedures employed by the researchers in

gathering the data for the study.

Research Setting

The study will be conducted in Cagayan de Oro City and the College of Arts and

Sciences which is located at the South Academic Cluster building of Liceo de Cagayan

University, R.N.P Blvd., Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City.

Research Design

The study is descriptive and quantitative analysis of data. Quantitative methodology

refers to ____________. Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the

current status of the phenomena and to describe "what exists" with respect to variables or

conditions in a situation (Anastas, 2008).

Respondents and Sampling Procedure

The respondents of the study will be the public (non-academe) and the academe

(students and teachers) of Liceo de Cagayan University. The two categories are chosen

inorder to determine the varied opinon of the public on the topic.

The researchers will utilize the purposive sampling with the following criteria; for the

public: a) must not be employed or had been employed in the academe, b) parents with a

child or children within the age of 9 to 15 years old, c) must be within the age range of 40

and above, and d) Filipino citizen. The religious must be a) priest or nun and b) assigned in
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Arts and Sciences Page 18

any church, chapel, or convent in Barangay Carmen. The academe must be represented by a)

College students, b) teachers, and c) Employed or enrolled in Liceo De Cagayan University.

The number of respondents will be determine by quota, Hence, there must be a)

Public -50 respondents, b) Religious- 20 respondents, c) Students- 50 respondents, and d)

teachers-50 respondents. There will be a total of 170 respondents.

The respondents will be chosen purposively.

Research Instrument

The study will use a researcher-made survey questionnaire to obtain data. Ther will be

one questioannaire for all the respondents. The questionnaire will be divided into four parts,

namely; part 1 will get the personal information of the respondents, part 2 will get the

resondents feelings about the topic, part 3 will get information about the respondents

attitudes, and part 3 will obtain the respondents beliefs about the Juvenile Justice and

Welfare Act.

Scoring Procedure

To determine the opinion of the respondents, the following scoring guide was used

A. Feelings

Range Description Interpretation

3.25-4.00 Highly Agree Absolutley accepts the statement

2.50-3.24 Agree Accepts the statement

1.75-2.49 Somewhat agree Not sure

1.00-1.74 Not agree Does not accept the statement

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B. Attitudes

Range Description Interpretation

3.25-4.00 Highly support Absolutley obey and follow

2.50-3.24 Support Will obey or follow

1.75-2.49 Maybe Possibly will obey or follow

1.00-1.74 Against Does obey or follow

C. Beliefs

Range Description Interpretation

3.25-4.00 Absolutely Absolutley accepts the belief

2.50-3.24 Yes Accepts the belief

1.75-2.49 Maybe Not sure

1.00-1.74 No Againt the belief

Research Protocol

The researchers will ask permission from the Dean of the college to conduct the study

and from the Research and Publication Office (RPO). The researchers will submit to the

RPO the Research Ethics Application form and commence with the study after the approval

by the University Ethics Board.

After the approval, the researchers will locate and distribute their questionnaires to

the respondents. The respondent’s answer and response will be gathered as information in the
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Arts and Sciences Page 20

research. The respondents are assured that their personal identity and answers would be kept


Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will undergo a simualteaneous and random gathering of data from the

respondents. They will visit the public, the academe, and the religious in no particular order

and schedule. But in the case of the public, the researchers plan to get permission from the

Barangay leaders to conduct the study. This is necessary for their protection and safety. In

the case of the religious, the researchers will ask the permission from the head of the

institution before proceeding to interview or distribute the questionnaire to the priests or

nuns. For the academe, the researcher plans to randomly approach the students and teacher.

In all cases, the respondents will explain the nature and purposes of the research.

Furthermore, the researchers will provide the respondents a brief of Republic Act 9344 or

explain to them the law. The researchers also plan to conduct a series of focus group


Statistical Techniques

In analyzing the data, the researchers will utilize the following statistical tools:

Problems No. 1-3. The frequency count and average will be utilized to get the

opinions of the public, the religious, and the acadme.

Problem 4. T-test or Mann-Whitney U Test will be used to determine the significant

difference in the opinions of the respondents.

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