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Technology & Training Training to Reduce Unscheduled Events - Training to Reduce Unscheduled Events was compiled by the Amoco EPTG Drilling Technology Teams © 1994, 1995, 1996 Amoco Production Company Third Edition The materials were prepared by Amoco Production Company. Neither Amoco Production Company, employees of Amoco Production Company, nor any person acting on behalf of either: a. Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information, contained in these materials, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe third party rights: or b. Assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for any and all damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method, or process in these materials. TABLE OF CONTENTS ———————————— __TEAM BUILDING PRINCIPLES ‘+ TEAMBUILDING PRINCIPLES . BASIC GEOLOGY .... CASING PROGRAM DRILLING FLUIDS . HYDRAULICS PLANNING HOLE PACK-OFF / BRIDGE ... DIFFERENTIAL STICKING WELLBORE GEOMETRY .. | # STUCK PIPE FREEING 0... nnnnnnnnnsnnnns LOST CIRCULATION MECHANISMS .. « SEEPAGE LOSS SOLUTIONS ..... eons 60 * PARTIAL LOSS SOLUTIONS 61 + TOTALLOSS SOLUTIONS .. «PILL SPOTTING GUIDELINES + IMPACT OF UNSCHEDULED RIG REPAIR .. + INTERGRATING PMP WITH WELL PLAN ... 8 |___« _ DRILLING SYSTEM EMERGENCY PROCE PROCEDURES 69 «TOOL FAILURE CAUSES + FACTORS INFLUENCING TOOL SELECTION * RIG-SITE TOOL SELECTION / INSPECTION CHECK LIS 2 © DRILL PIPE FAILURE PREVENTION PLANNING 73 + DRILL PIPE TUBE FATIGUE FAILURE .. 74 «BHA CONNECTION FATIGUE FAILURE + BHA CONNECTION STRESS RELIEF /BSR «DRILL CREW FIVE SECOND CHECKS ...... 79 DRILL STRING CARE / HANDLING PRACTICES .. TABLE OF CONTENTS BASIC JAR OPERATIONS....... et PUMP OPEN FORCE .. . 82 COCKING / TRIPPING THE JAR ... 83, DRILLING ACCELERATOR . 86 | _* JAR RULES / PLACEMENT GUIDELINES... PRIMARY WELL CONTROL, SWAB / SURGE PRESSURE 92 SECONDARY WELL CONTROL 95, KICK DETECTION TEAN .... 97 TERTIARY WELL CONTROL ...... mt OBM KICK DETECTION / GAS BEHAVIOR WELL CONTROL KILL SHEET .. 115 117 CEMENTING CONSIDERATIONS 1g STANDARD EQUIPMENT. 124 EQUIPMENT / WELLBORE PREPARATIONS 122 CASING PRE JOB CHECKLIST ..... 125 RUNNING CASING GUIDELINES .. 126 CEMENTING PRE JOB CHECKLIST .. TROUBLE SHOOTING CEMENTING PROBLEMS .. WHY DRILL HORIZONTAL WELLS 131 HORIZONTAL WELL PROFILES 1320 | HORIZONTAL DRILLING BHA, HORIZONTAL WELL PLANNING HORIZONTAL WELL CONTROL KILL SHEET 136 DRILLER HANDOVER NOTES ......-ccccsccssestesestunnrenesense 138 SHAKER HANDOVER NOTES ... TIGHT HOLE / STUCK PIPE REPORT FORM. LOST CIRCULATION REPORT FORM oo... asres EQUIPMENT SELECTION / INSPECTION FORM 142 DOWN HOLE TOOL FAILURE REPORT FORM ...0..0..000000143 DRILL STRING FAILURE REPORT FORM .. WELL CONTROL REPORT FORN ...... TEAM BUILDING PRINCIPLES WHAT ARE TEAMS “Two or more people working together ‘Wok teams have a common goal ‘Team members develop "eamed trust” through accountability Teams are seltrotivated ‘Teams are performance motvated TEAMS: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL, ‘TEAMS REQUIRE A MIXTURE OF SKILLS ‘Techrical expartice Functional experience Problem solving eapabiity Decision making skits Inter-persona skils HOW DO TEAMS SOLVE PROBLEMS Define the problem Identty primary causets) Develop aternatve solution(s) Implement ation plans Evaluate the effectveness of the plan WORKING STYLES TEAM DECISION MAKING STYLES (COMMAND Decision is made by leader CONSULTATIVE Decision is made by leader wth team input CONSENSUS Decision is mage as a team DELEGATION Decision 's delegated down the chain of command RESULT! WHAT TEAMS DO. IMPROVE WORK QUALITY - More expertise/skils are available FLEXIBLE - Respond quickly to change CREATIVE - Continously improve work processes DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT ACTION PLANS - Better communications. REDUCE PROJECT COST Page BASIC GEOLOGY WELL PLAN “The study of he earns compostion. structure anc history ‘An extensive depression inthe earth's sutace ‘An estimeted 90% of the works drilings occurs in offshore and inland basins A lateraly continuous sequence of seciments that's recognizably distinct ‘and mappable Land mass elevated above sea level is weathered and broken down to ‘smal fragments (clastics) Mechanically by water, wind and temperature Chemically by soluble minerals dissolving into tne water Rock fragments (sand, sit, c'ay) and dissolved chemical compounds {slicates, calcite, Fon, etc.) ere vansported to the basin by gravity, flowing water and wind “The fragments are swept into the basin where they settle tothe floor of the basin and form water saturaiod bede of eand and ety “The weight of each successive sediment layer (overburden) compacts the ents betow. Compaction squeezes the waler out ofthe sediments and back tothe sea [As the water is squeezed out, the dissolved chemical compounds lat behind ‘cements the fragments together to form sedimentary rock SHALE SANDSTONE | LIMESTONE GULF OF MEXICO. 60% 30% 10% _PERMIANBASIN | 10% | 30% | 60% TRINIDAD 50% een Shale, saree, imestenatcsionte generaiy mae up about 9% of sedmenany rec, a fer ots isa ony a Page 2 WELL PLAN BASIC GEOLOGY “micron (rm) = 4 mili ‘ef a meter. Sizes of common m: Tom, minimum visual senstivity - 30m, riimum touch sensitivity - 20m; CLAYSTONE Lessthen | Rocks formed rom an accumulaton of RSHALE Ginttons | slay minerals and sit ez0 particles Less than | Rocks formed from an accumulation of wee microns | cay minerals and calte (calcium carbonate) veo | - SITSTONE ‘mcrons Rocks formed trom an accumulation of ‘mineral graine (quartz) ‘SANDSTONE Somirore | Sandstone compressive erngh + 9000p Greeterthan Rocks formed fiom an accumulation of pmerily (CONGLONERATE em ‘grarule, pebble and boulder size particles Rocks formed from large deposits of primarily LIMESTONE: calcite (calcum carbonate) and dolomite (calcium | magnesium) DOLOMITE & CHALK. ‘Compressive strength: Limestone, + 20,000 pai Doomte, +- 24,000 psi; Cher, + 69,000 psi, cHERT Chak, #/- 6000 psi Gypsum & Rocks composed of mineral that precipitated Anyite fiom solution during the evaporation of water Comaressive strength: Anhydrte+/-6000 psi ‘SALT BASEMENT Rock formed from the cooling of molten magma, VOLCANICS ‘A fracture in tho rock caused by natura forces FAULT fesuling in fllure and displacement of the formation aiong the faut plane om Liquid hydrocarbon (5.010 7.1 ppa) cas, ‘Gaseous nycrocarbon (2.3 ppg average) WATER | Mater @310 117 poo Page 3 BASIC GEOLOGY WELL PLAN The percent of void per 100% volume Sedimentary rocks (shale, sandstone, imestens) always exhibit same value of porosity TYPICAL POROSITY REDUCTION BY SEDIMENT CONFACTION ANO CEMENTATION. DEPTH (1000) NOTE: Devators rom he average porsty can occ The abilty ofa rock to flow fluids measured in units of darcies ‘rock thats porous does not indicate that itis permeable (ig, shale with 10% porosity may exhibt only micro permeability, Soo 10"? darcy) TYPICAL PERMEABILITY REDUCTION BY ‘SEDIMENT COMPACTION AND CENENTATION DEPTH (1000) NOTE: Caviaions tom ne Page WELL PLAN BASIC GEOLOGY ‘A force imposed tothe rock matrix measured in pounds of force per square inc’ of area (psi) Natural sources of rock stress originate trom overburden stress, tectonic stress and formation fluid pressure The stress produced by the combined weight of the rocks and formation Tuids overlaying 9 depth of interest TYPICAL OVERBURDEN STRESS VERSUS DEPTH DEPTH (1000) ‘OVERBURDEN STRESS ppg Generated by the force of gravity the overburden exerts a vertical stress tothe formations, A resulting value of herizonia! stress is developed depending on rock sifiness (as rock sifress increases, horizontal stiess decreases) ‘The stress produced by lateral (side fo side) forces in the formation Tectonic stresses are usually very high in mountainous regions Tectonic stressed shale generally produces an ovel shaped wellbore Page 5 Formation fracture srengh is defined by the overburden stress, cementation, formation pressure ‘and the evengtn ofthe rock type. The following comoaresthe relatve stenath ofthe afferent. ‘ack typos (al other factors corsidereé equal) LIMESTONE ‘Of the tree primary rock types, Sandsione generally exhibits the lowest compressive and tensile strength '¢ Gonerally occurs in the shalower depthi< 19,000’) '* Sof ard pliable due to high water content SOFT [+ Fracture and injection pressure approximately seme (Ductile) |* Piabie texture allows fractures to “heal” quickly ' Ascociatod with swabbing, lost circulation, hole wash-cut hole pack-of '* Coneraly occurs in deoper depth (10,000'+) HARD —|+ Hard ane brite de to low water content (Brittle) _ |» Fracture pressure higher than injection pressure | '* Bitte texture preven tractur from “healing |+ associated win hole pack-otonige SHALE ' Goneraly occurs in the shallowor éopth< 6,009) ' Hah porosity (25% +) UNCON. ' righ permeatity (2 darcies ») SOLIDATED |e Associated with lost cirulaton, hole wash-out, SANDSTONE) hole pack-of '* Generally occurs in mid to deep depths (4000 +) CON-___ |* Porosity range (25% - 1%) SOLIDATED |» pormoabilty range (2 darcies - 10 mlidercies) © Associated wal differential sticking, underquage hole ® Low compressive strangth "High porosity (+/- 40%) SOFT |» permeabitty range (2 darcies - 10 milidarcies) LIMESTONE!| (Chalk) | wi dissolve in fresh water muds DOLOMITE. |* Associated with hole wash-out, mud contamination HARD |? Hohcompressive strength. usually ractured (Brite) |? Hn porosty (20 - 40%), Hign permeabity '* Associatee wih pack-olfixidge, lost circulation, diferential sticking seal Page 6 WELL PLAN BASIC GEOLOGY The pressure ofthe native Nuids (water, ol, gas) within the pore spaces ofthe rock Formation pressure equal te @ ful column (surface to depih of interest) of formation water [NORMAL FORMATION PRESSURE VERSUS DEPTH Normal ormaton pressure ls calculated: Nommal FP, F455 X Vertical Depth » Untess ater information is known, 465 psitisa sate wort. wice average Formation pressure greater than the notmal pressure expected for the dep of interest ‘Wher permeablty crops to near zero, enatcn fide become Uapped i he pere spaces. Any futher compaction ‘tine oration wil pressure the fs and produce nigherthan-aermal(Abnodrall fomaion pressure ABNORMAL / SUBNORMAL |_ FORMATION PRESSURE VERSUS DEPTH ‘ver gesogic te (miiens of yeas, the high pressure pore fud is squeezed ou ot te shale tothe adjacent pormosbis forations (sandetone, imeston®, et) Formation pressure ess than the normal pressure expected for the depth of interest LLower-tnan-normal formation pressure may exist in cffshore basine du to production depletion, however, naturally occurring suDnormal pressure is fate. In inland basine, native subnormal pressure is a commen cceurrence SSS Page 7 BASIC GEOLOGY WELL PLAN The bed of sediments in which the oll and gas was produced (shale, limestone). Compaction squeezes the oll and gas to the reservoir rack (primary migration) ‘The permeable formation which receives and stores the oll and gas volume ‘of primary migration “The elevation in razervoir rock to which the oll and gas accumulates (secondary migration) “Traps formed as a result of uplting, folding and/or Fouiting of the formation ‘The lightest fluid, gas, rises to the top of the irap. The next heaviest lui, cil, accumulates below the gas and then the water © RESERVOIR ‘ROCK OIL & Gas} IN PORE SPACES Traps formed by the displacement of the reservoir rock along a stress crack which pesitions the face of the down-35) = Bee us: De srTngsaeTLEONTHELOW SDE DOWN HOLE PACKING OFF THE DRILL B strinc WHILE POOH, THE CUTTINGS BED IS } B ORAGGED UPWARD BY THE BHA AND PACKS OFF THE DRILL STRING Sees WARNING: 1 Boe HOLE ANGLE GREATER THAN 35° IE ORILLING WITH A DOWN HOLE MOTOR Ee HIGH ROP, LOW PUMP RATE, INCREASE [ijcurrines ceo HB Form wie: GORING “Eau sme) LIKELY TO OCCUR WHILE POOH, POSSIBLE BS) WHILE ORILLING INCREASE OVERPULL ON TRIPS CIRCULATING PRESSURE RESTRICTED OR IMPOSSIBLE iB FIRST ACTION: CLEAN HOLE TO AVOID RECURRENCE PREVENTIVE ACTION: RECORD TREND INDICATORS FOR INADEQUATE HOLE CLEANING CUTTINGS BSED g CONTROL ROP, MAINTAIN MUD PROPERTIES, GIRCULATE AT MAXIMUM RATE, MAKIMIZE STRING ROTATION CIRCULATE HOLE CLEAN BEFORE POOH, ESTABLISH AN OVERPULL LIMIT Page 24 STUCK PIPE raceme: PRESSURE | Increasing, erate Increasing DRILLING * Gradual decrease in ROP | Surge to aiat | Baek pressure before | CONNECTION | “Y*Pullof sips circulatons | Breaking connection “TRIPPING increasing, eretis Swabbing OUT | Overputtof stes TRIPPING” | eteating eat down Begins wih BHA below | TRIPPING: weight deptns of 35° hole angle IN| Ovepulloft sips BACK ‘Overpull off slips Increasing, Increasing Sige wee roster: REAMING [Eratcorerul | erate senate PUMPING | Overpull off sips: Increasing ‘Surge to start creuiation OUT —_ creasing, eratc Strngpistoning, Back fow Loss of fluid possible SHAKER | Low cuttings return rato forpenctraton rat, Erratic cuttings rotums, No citings TRENDS. _| retun, Hugh cutnge reurnon tine shaker sereen and dealer mu leaner LOGGER Rounded, reground cuttings: TRENDS + rea uD F ‘i ncceasing plastic viseoily and yield pci, Increase in ow gravy soli, Possible TRENDS — | musweantincrease ‘+ Maintain te requited mud properties Circulate at maximum recommended GPM for hole size race more emphases on annular vetocily when designing the hydraulics for 12-114" and larger hole Sizes, Consider using 2 ser booster line when driling 8-1/2" and smaller hole sizes Do not allow the penetration rate fo exceed the abilty o clean the hole Record torque and drag trends for symptoms of inadequate ho'e cleaning Consider a wiper tip after driing along section with a down hole motor Wie the hole at full reulating rate as low as possibie (5 - 10 min) before connections, Rotate ‘at maximum RPM when possible Maximize string motion when circulating the hole clean. Use maximum prectical RPM, raise the dril siring slowly (S min/std) and slack-off ata safe but fast rate (1 min/sto) Consider pumping high-vig sweeps in low angle wells (<35'). Consider lows /high-vs sweeps innigher ange wele O96), DO NOT STOP CIRCULATING UNTIL ALL SWEEPS RETURN Circulate unti the hole is cloan, Ifthe last swaop krings up oxcossive amounts of cuttings, continue ‘may be necessary HOLE PROBLEMS. STUCK PIPE HOLE PACK-OFF MINIMUM GPM HOLE SIZE ANGLE INTERVAL “Too Gem 500. GPIA _ | s006PM 1250GPM 950 GPM 450 GPU. 1100 GPM 750 GEM 500 GPM Minimum flow rate (GPM) for any given hole size and angle is greatly dependent on mud weight. mud Theology and annulus geometry, Maximum recommended fowrate is 60 GPM perinch of bit ciameter MAXIMUM ROP. HOLE SIZE ANGLE INTERVAL 0°-35° 60 10 455 240 35°55° 40 78 85 125 55% 80 18 100 Penatrtion rata quidelinas are based on adequate mud propertios MINIMUM STROKES. 26" 47-4/2"-16"___ 12-414" ANGLE INTERVAL, 2 WwW 14 14 | as%s5° 25 25 48 16 55% 3 2 I 17 PROCEDURE 1. Separate the wellbore into sections by hele ange from intervals above | 2. Multiply each hole section langth (See. Lih) by CSF and total the adjusted measured depth (MO) Adjustod MO = (Soot Lth X CSF) + (Soet. Lth X CSF) + (Sect Lth X CSF) 3. Calculate the mirimum circulating strokes to cloan the hole. Total Adusted MO_x_ Bottoms: fonsired Dept Minimum Cre Stes = Page 26 HOLE PACK-OFF HOLE PROBLEMS, = so EXAMPLE CALCULATION MINIMUM CIRCULATING STROKES CALCULATION (12-1/2" HOLE) ‘SEPARATE THE WELLBORE INTO SECTIONS BY HOLE ANGLE INTERVALS + MULTIPLY EACH HOLE SECTION LENGTH BY CSF AND TOTAL THE STED MEASURED DEPTH (SECT LTH ¥ CSF) + (SECTLTH x CSF) + (SECT LTH xCSF) = (4500x 14) * (2000%18) + (6500x2) = 6300 + 3600 + 13,000 = 22,900 TOTAL ADJUSTED MO ‘ADJUSTED MD CALCULATE THE MINIMUM CIRCULATING STROKES REQUIRED _ TO CLEAN THE HOLE TOTAL ADJUSTED MD x BOTTOMS-UP STKS * MCI STIS: os MEASURED DEPTH 22,900 x 15,000 13,000 28.423 STROKES CURRENT BOTTOMS UP STROKES Page 27 STUCK PIPE HOLE PROBLEMS. HOLE PACK-OFF Sc ‘Maintain suficient mud weight to stabilize the wellbore ax hole argle andlor formation pressure Use proper Low End-Rheology for hole size and angle to maximize hole clearing Circulate at maximum rate fer hol Limit the ROP to the maximum recommended for hole size and hole angle Back ream each stand (or 1/2 stand) drilled with a down-hole motor ‘&- Rotate at high RPM (160+). Rasa the dil string slowly (.@.. 5 ministand). Lower the ori string ata safe but fast rate (.e., 1 min/stand) | «Continue tackreaning ithe condone state ‘» Consider 2 wiper rp after ding along section wity a down hole meter to mechanically agitate and remove cuttings bed Pump @ sweep (pi) if hole cordtions do not improve. Consider low-vi ‘Optimize sweep type, volume and frequency pumped | high-dens tandem sweeps, ‘Consider recucing ROP or siop dling and circulate unt hole concitions improve ESS oe ET Start and stop ail string slowly. Ensure adequate back teaming at full ciculation rate prior to ‘connections Prepare crew ard equipment to minimize connection time | Record ree rotating weight, pick-up weight, slack-of weignt,of-bortom torque, {or trend indications ef madequate hole cleaning nd circulating pressure Pllthe slips and slowly rotate the oil string first, then increase pump speed slowly. Carefully lower the ‘rl string to bottom Circulate 1 to 3 joints off bottom while cleaning the hole o avcid cropping bottom hole angle. Consider sweeps (pls) {0 aid Pole Cleaning Rotate at high RPM (160+) vile cleaning the hole. Raise the cil sting stony ((e.,S ir/stand), lower | the dil sing ata safe but fast rate (ie. 1 ministand) | Ensure recommended mnmum circulation strokes for hole size and angle are pumped, 2ta 4 tmes normal botioms-up may be required. Circulate untilthe shakers are clean Consider pumping 2 sweep (pil) to determine if aditionsl circulation time is required Iniorm the Driller of the measured depth and stand count when the top of the BHA reaches the deepest anticipated cuttings bed, Maximum cuttings bed thickness is likely between 45 and 65' hole ang) Determine an overpul limit prior to pulling out ofthe hole (the lesser of 122 BHA weight cr 30,000 Ibs) If overpull Emit occurs, run in 1 stand and repeat hole cleaning guidelines from prosentbit depth. When the shakers are clean, continue pulling out ofthe hole. Ifthe ovespull limits again reacted, repeat procedur CAUTIOUSLY BACKREAM OR PUMP-OUT STANDS WHEN & CUTTINGS BED IS PRESENT! ‘Be pationt several hole clearing cycles may be required to safely pul the dil stng out o the hole ‘Record deptns and stanc count of righ pick-up weights during the tip. Compare these fo the citing pick-up werghts forthe same dopths to dotormire value of overpull Page 28 HOLE PACK-OFF. STUCK PIPE HOLE PROBLEMS ‘The shale formation becomes unstable, b into the welloore GEO-PRESSURED SHALE HYDRO-PRESSURED SHALE REACTIVE SHALE OVERBURDEN TECTONIC STRESS STRESS. WATER SENSITIVE SHALE DRILLED WITH LITTLE ‘OR NO MUD INHIBITION SHALE ABSORBS WATER AND SWELLS INTO THE WELLBORE REACTION IS TINE DEPENDENT WARNING: FUNNEL VISCOSITY, PY, YP, CEC INCREASE TORQUE & DRAG INCREASE «_ PUMP PRESSURE INCREASE CLAY BALLS AND/OR SOFT "MUSHY" CUTTINGS. AT SHAKER OVER PULL & SWABBING BHA BALLING (MUD RINGS) INDICATIONS: GENERALLY OCCURS WHILE POOH, POSSIBLE WHILE DRILLING CIRCULATION IMPOSSIBLE OR HIGHLY RESTRICTED = FIRST ACTION: * APPLY LOW PUMP PRESSURE (200 - 409 PS!) SPP 'F POOH, TORQUE UP AND JAR DOWN WITH MAXIMUM TRIP LOAD IF RIM, JAR UP WITH MAXIMUM TRIP LOAD, DO NOT APPLY TORQUE PREVENTIVE ACTION: USE AN INHIBITED MUD MAINTAIN MUD PROPERTIES. PLAN WIPER TRIPS MINIMIZE HOLE EXPOSURE TIME STUCK PIPE HOLE PROBLEMS HOLE PACK-OFF DRAG TORQUE i Irereasing DRILLING | Smooth Smotn Gradual decrease in ROP Mus loss possive | Back proseure botore ‘Ovorpull off slips Surge to start CONNECTION Susees ennecien TRIPPING Increasing, Soom Swabbing OUT —_Overpal off increasing set down 7 Begins ai depih of TRIPPING | weight problem formation Overpull off Mud ioss possible BACK | Overpul offclipe | Increasing, | Ineveasing ‘Surge to start circulation Smoot Suing stoning REAMING | Sslea vito PUMPING | increasing, Smooth Increasing Surge to star circulation Wwerpal of slipe Sting pstoning, Our || anisiee | Loss of mud SHAKER ial TRENDS “Oe ‘Wet "mushy’"clay (gumbo). Flow line plugging LOGGER Large quanty of hydrated shale cuttings. High value on shale swelling test LOGGER Large quony of 3 Hil na MUD High funnel vis. & YP. Increasing PV, low gravity solids & CEC. Possible mud int TRENDS | fnerease Lowinhbtor content) =e [aaa ane eee © Addiion of various salts (potassium, socium, caleium, etc to reduce the chemical atration of water fo the shale * Addition of various encapsulating (coating) polymers to reduce water contact withthe shale * Use of cil and synthetic base muds to exclude water contact with the shale © Minimize open hole time ‘© Plan requiar wiper / reaming rips based on time, footage dilled o the warning signs of reactive shale ‘Ensure adequate hydraulics fer bit and hole cleaning Maintain required mud properties and minimize low gravity solids Page 30 HOLE PACK-OFF HOLE PROBLEMS MECHANICALLY STRESSED SHALE ‘GEO-PRESSURED SHALE CAUSE: DRILLING PRESSURED SHALE WITH INSUFFICIENT MUD WEIGHT FavoRostan PRESSURE BB THe STRESSED SHALE FRACTURES AND Bey CAVES INTO THE WELLBORE TRIPS, SPLINTERY SHALE CAVINGS POSSIBLE BACKGROUND GAS INCREASE INDICATIONS: LIKELY TO OCCUR WHILE TRIPPING, POSSIBLE WHILE DRILLING. E COMPLETE PACK-OFF LIKELY, HOLE BRIDGING POSSIBLE CIRCULATION RESTRICTED OR IMPOSSIBLE FIRST ACTION: APPLY LOW PUMP PRESSURE (200 £60 ps) rae [APPLY TORQUE, JAR DOWN WITH MAXIMUM ss | TRIP LOAD, \, = == BP Peevennive action [ADJUST MUD WEIGHT BEFORE DRILLING KNOWN PRESSURED SHALE S SLOWLY INCREASE MUD WEIGHT TO. I STABILIZE SHALE MINIMIZE SWAB / SURGE PRESSURES Tass SEE VINIMIZE OPEN HOLE EXPOSURE TIME HOLE PROBLEMS HOLE PACK-OFF MECHANICALLY STRESSED SHALE HYDRt OVER TIME, SHALE PORE PRESSURE BECOMES Be CHARGED BY HYDROSTATIC OVER BALANCE Ee PRESSURE SURGES STRESS-CRACKS THE UNSTABILIZED SHALE F THE SHALE FALLS INTO THE WELLBORE AND Se JAMS THE STRING SS warnne: I GENERALLY FOLLOWS A MUD WEIGHT +7 REDUCTION * TORQUE & DRAG INCREASE } SHALE CAVINGS AT SHAKER INDICATIONS: SEBS Possiee WHILE DRILLING OR TRIPPING SSIES HOLE GRIOGING OR COMPLETE PACK-OFF POSSIBLE CIRCULATION RESTRICTED OR IMPossiee | APPLY TORQUE, JAR DOWN WITH MAXIMUM. ts 7 TRIP Load CIRCULATION AT MAXIMUM RATE ONCE {J} CIRCULATION IS ESTABLISHED ; PREVENTIVE ACTION: USE 06M, SBM OR GLYCOL BASE MUD IF BS PROBLEM IS SUSPECTED IF AWEIGHT REDUCTION IS NECESSARY, & REDUCE GRADUALLY OVER SEVERAL CIRCULATIONS HOLE PACK-OFF HOLE PROBLEMS. MECHANICALLY STRESSED SHALE OVERBURDEN STRESS «CAUSE: MUD WEIGHT IS INSUFFICIENT TO SUPPORT IBS THE OVER BURDEN i Bares E : = RESTRICTED CIRCULATION OR NO f CIRCULATION POSSIBLE FIRST ACTION: APPLY LOW PUMP PRESSURE (200 - 400 psi) PREVENTIVE ACTION: q USE MUD WEIGHT NEEDED To STABILIZE THE BS OVER BURDEN q Eee INCREASE MUD WEIGHT AS HOLE ANGLE Page 33, HOLE PACK-OFF HOLE PROBLEMS MECHANICALY STRESSED SHALE TECTONIC STRESS cause: i NATURALLY OCCURRING LATERAL FORCES. IN THE FORMATIONS, 4 STRESSED SHALE FRACTURES, FALLS INTO. see THE WELLBORE AND JAMS THE DRILLSTRING See SANDSTONE SQUEEZES IN CAUSING UNDER & GAUGE HOLE Ane es Ee NounTaINous Locarion § FROGNOSED TECTONICS ERRATIC TORQUE & DRAG BLOCKY SHALE CAVINGS CREATES ELLIPTICAL WELLBORE POSSIBLE WHILE DRILLING OR TRIPPING E CIRCULATION RESTRICTED OR IMPOSSIBLE Se “PPLY LOW PUMP PRESSURE (200 - 400 psi) ees APPLY TORQUE, JAR COWN WITH MAXIMUM S TRIP Load Sra J), PREVENTIVE ACTION: INCREASE MUD WEIGHT IF POSSIBLE CIRCULATE HIGH DENSITY SWEEPS STUCK PIPE HOLE PROBLEMS, HOLE PACK-OFF RAG | TORQUE | PRESSURE | __OTHER increasing, erratic | Increasing, | Inereasing Increase ROP followed DRILLING erratic by gradual decrease, Pressure surges Hoe fil CONNECTION] Uf sins Surge ip sat TRIPPING Jncreasing, ertic Swabbing OUT [Overuttot sins | Increasing set down ——h Begins atdepth of | TREFING wotgnt probiem formation IN ‘Hole fill on bottom BACK — Joverpuitoftsips | increasing, | increasing ‘Suge to start creulation erate Sirng ostoning REAMING - oe of td possible PUMPING | fircieasing, erratic Tnereasing Suge estan crevaon or ees toes of id possible SHAKER TRENDS LOGGER = Jars Large, spliniery or blocky shale cavings. Large volume of cavings: fanty of slintory or blocky cavings with striations. Possible indicatons of TRENDS —_|incicase in omation pressure. Prognosed mectenicaly sessed shale MUD Possible slight increase in mud weight and piastic vscosity TRENDS . a Consider offset well data andor computer models which simulate shale failure limits when planning the mud weight for each hole section ‘© Mud weight increase with hole angle and TVD specific to the area to maintain hole stabilty * Exploraton wells, consult the Mud Logger for changes in formation pressure. Increase the mud weight cautiously until symptoms are ne longer obeorved © If possible, ineroase mud weight slonly (0.1 to 0.2 ppg por day) until the desired donsity fora given ‘depth s reached. This wil maintain an overbalance agains! hydrostaticaly sensite shales ‘© AVOID MUD WEIGHT REDUCTION after 1+ day exposure to hydrostaticaly sensitve shale, If mud ‘weight reduction is necessary, reduce the mud weight gradually over a ime frame equal to the time. of exposure ‘© Use the Snaker Handover Notes to determine trends cf cuttings volume, size and shape '* Maintain mud properties to ensure hole cleaning © Use sweeps to help clean the hole Stop ailing until the nol is citculated clean + Minimize open hole exposure time ‘Pian contingency to case-off the problem 8 SSS ye 35 HOLE PROBLEMS HOLE PACK-OFF BRIDGE UNCONSOLIDATED FORMATION cause: LITTLE OR NO FILTER CAKE i Ba, UNSONDED FORMATION (SAND, PEA GRAVEL ETC.) CAN NOT BE SUPPORTED BY HYDROSTATIC OVERBALANCE ‘SANDIPEA GRAVEL FALLS INTO THE HOLE AND PACKS OFF THE DRILL STRING WARNING: } LIKELY TO OCCUR AS THE FORMATIONIS DRILLED i SEEPAGE LOSS LIKELY i INCREASE TORQUE & DRAG, PUMP PRESSURE FLUCTUATIONS SHAKER & DESANDER OVER LOAD HOLE FILL ON CONNECTIONS & TRIPS. | INDICATIONS: GENERALLY OCCURS IN SURFACE HOLE CCAM OCCUR WHILE ORILLING OR TRIPPING SUDDEN PACK-OFF WITHOUT WARNING CIRCULATION IMPOSSIBLE FIRST ACTION: APPLY LOW PUMP PRESSURE (200 - 400 psi) * JAR DOWN WITH MAXIMUM TRIP LOAD, i APPLY TORQUE WITH CAUTION PREVENTIVE ACTION: CONTROL FLUID LOSS TO PROVIDE AN ; ADEQUATE FILTER CAKE i CONTROL DRILL SUSPECTED ZONE : USE HIGH VIS SWEEPS. I SPOT AGEL PILL BEFORE POOH MINIMZE TRIP SPEED. HOLE PACK-OFF | BRIDGE STUCK PIPE HOLE PROBLEMS: DRAG | TORQUE | PRESSURE OTHER Increasing, erratic | Increasing, | Increasing Pressure surges DRILLING erate =j an | Hove CONNECTION, SPU! of stps Sugeto start TRIPPING Increasing. erratic ‘Swabbing OUT Overpull of sips i ; | Increasing set down Begins at depth of TRIPPING Voge problom formation IN Hole fill on bottom: BACK Overpuilof slips | Increasing, | Increasing Surge to sia crcuiaton : Siringpistoning REAMING Soe Loss of flu possibie PUMPING increasing, erratic Increasing ‘Surge to start circulation Sing piston CUT Paeatenaes Toes of fsa passbie SHAKER agoseina cane overeat Sank rap nt denn’ ted LOGGER Large quant ‘send in samples. Pr unconsolidated formation. LOGGER ge urtiycsonncanpe. Prgstosuncontldt ee Increase in mud weight and plastic viscosity. High % sand content, * Provide an effective fiter cake for the hycrosiatic overbalance to "push against" and stabilize the formation * If possible, avoid excessive crculating time with the BHA opposite unconsolidated formations 10, reduce hydraulic erosion © Slow down tipping speed when the BHA is oppesite unconsolidated formations to avoid mechanics! emage ‘Start and stop the cri string slowly to avoid pressure surges to unconsolidated formations, © Controk Occurs ony WHILE POOH fee COGLEG DEPTH Baa UNRESTRICTED CIRCULATION GE FREE STRING MOVEMENT BELOW KEY [um Se SEAT DEPTH POSSIBLE IF NOT STUCK FIRST ACTION: =, ‘APPLY TORQUE AND JAR DOWN WITH MAXIMUM TRIP LOAD ATTEMPT TO ROTATE WITH LOW OVER PULLS TO WORK THROUGH DOGLEG B PREVENTIVE ACTION: MINIMIZE DOGLEG SEVERITY To 31/100" Bee OF LESS LIMIT OVERPULLS THROUGH SUSPECTED INTERVALS A DOGLEG IS PRESENT RUN STRING REAMER OR KEY SEAT WIPER IF SUSPECTED WELLBORE GEOMETRY DIRECTION / ANGLE CHANGE HOLE PROBLEMS Be FREQUENT CORRECTIONS INHOLE ANGLE OR DIRECTION BHA BECOMES JAVMED INTHE SUCCESSIVE MICRO DOGLEGS FORMATIONS, FREQUENT ANGLEIDIRECTION CHANGES ie ORILLING/SLIDING WITH DOWN HOLE: i MoTOR | =] PROGNOSED HARO/SOFT INTERBEDDED |} ] ems ERRATIC TORQUE AND DRAG ON SEES CONNECTION “INDICATIONS: LIKELY WHEN PICKING UP FOR A #4] CONNECTION, POSSIBLE ON TRIPS Sapa. CIRCULATION UNRESTRICTED { FIRST ACTION: | {IF MOVING UP WHEN STICKING OCCURRED, || aj APPLY TORQUE ANDJAR DOWN WITH MAXIAUIA TRIP LOAO | = | Be |= VOVING DOWN, JAR DOWN WITH | Be NAxiMUMt TRIP LOAD, 0 NOT APPLY ees TORQUE ‘PREVENTIVE ACTION: BB nnivintize BHA CHANGES f | MINIMIZE DIRECTION /ANGLE CHANGES §] BACKREAM FREQUENTLY WHEN DRILLING ff HARD/SOFT FORMATIONS : SLOW TRIP SPEED BEFORE BHA ENTERS ‘SUSPECTED ZONE Page 49 HOLE PROBLEMS. ‘SOFT FORMATION WELLBORE GEOMETRY DIRECTION | ANGLE CHANGE INTERBEDDED FORMATIONS. |SOFT ROCKS - WASH OUT HARD ROCKS - IN GAUGE FRACTURED / FAULTED FORMATIONS J STABILIZER BLADES AND TOOL UPSETS BECOME STUCK UNDER LEDGES WARNING: Bee PROGNOSED HARDISOFT INTERBEDDED Se FORMATIONS. PROGNOSED FRACTURED/FAULTED FORMATIONS, i SUDDEN, ERRATIC OVER PULL |GENERALLY OCCURS WHEN TRIPPING POSSIBLE WHEN PICKING UP FOR A |CONNECTION GENERALLY ASSOCIATED WITH MICRO BOGLEGS ICIRCULATION UNRESTRICTED B rinsT acrion: IEF MOVING UP WHEN STICKING EE OCCURRED, APPLY TORQUE AND JAR BOOWN WITH MAXIMUM TRIP LOAD SIF MOVING DOWN, JAR UP WITH MAXIMUM TRIP LOAD DO NOT APPLY TORQUE PREVENTIVE ACTION: IMINIMIZE DIRECTION / ANGLE CHANGES IMINIMIZE BHA CHANGES B PLAN REAMING TRIPS, REAM WITH CAUTION Sy SLOW TRIP SPEED BEFORE BHA ENTERS H SUSPECTED ZONE WELLBORE GEOMETRY HOLE DIAMETER DECREASE HOLE PROBLEMS: MOBILE FORMATION en CAUSES: OVER BURDEN WEIGHT SQUEEZES Be PLASTIC SALT OR SHALE INTO THE WELLBORE BS SUDDEN INCREASE IN OVER PULL OR SET iy OOWN WEIGHT |SUDDEN TORQUE INCREASE WITH FAST BB MOVING PLASTIC FORMATION GENERALLY CCCURS WHILE POOH POSSIBLE WHEN RIH AFTER A LONG PERIOD OUT OF THE HOLE POSSIBLE WHILE DRILLING IF FORMATION MOVES FAST STICKING OCCURS WITH BHA AT PLASTIC JZONE DEPTH CIRCULATION UNRESTRICTED OR SLIGHT RESTRICTION POSSIBLE FIRST ACTION: IF MOVING UP, APPLY TORQUE AND JAR DOWN WITH MAXIMUM TRIP LOAD IE MOVING DOWN, JAR UP WITH MAXIMUM [TRIP LOAD. DO NOT APPLY TORQUE |SPOT FRESH WATER IF IN SALT. (CONSIDER WELL CONTROL) [PREVENTIVE ACTION: |SELECT THE CORRECT MUD SYSTEM MAINTAIN SUFFICIENT MUD WEIGHT LAN FREQUENT REAMING/ WIPER TRIPS ICONSIDER ECCENTRIC PDC BITS Se SLOW TRIP SPEED BEFORE BHA ENTERS SUSPECTED ZONE NIMIZE OPEN HOLE EXPOSURE TIME 5 WELLBORE GEOMETRY HOLE, PROBLEMS. SIUCRPIEE HOLE DIAMETER DECREASE (CAUSES: /ORILLING HARD ABRASIVE ROCK WEARS IBIT GAUGE PROTECTION |CORED HOLE SECTION UNDER GAUGE “NEW BIT IS JANMED INTO THE UNDER (GAUGE HOLE SECTION WARNING: ! PROGNOSED ABRASIVE SANDS APULLED BIT AND STABILIZERS ARE UNDER |GAUGE |WHEN PDC BIT FOLLOWS ROLLER CONE BIT RUN RUNNING IN HOLE AFTER CORING J INDICATIONS. \CCURS ONLY WHEN RIM SUDDEN SET DOWN WEIGHT BIT STUCK NEAR BOTTOM OR AT TOP OF CORE HOLE SECTION CIRCULATION UNRESTRICTED OR SLIGHTLY RESTRICTED. [FIRST ACTION: [JAR UP WITH MAXIMUM TRIP LOAD. DO NOT APPLY TORQUE ‘PREVENTIVE ACTION: GAUGE PULLED BIT AND STABILIZERS NEVER FORCE BIT THROUGH TIGHT SPOTS. REAM THE LAST 3 JOINTS TO BOTTOM BEGIN REAMING 3 JOINTS ABOVE CORE {HOLE SECTION. SLOW TRIP SPEED BEFORE BHA ENTERS SUSPECTED ZONE STUCK PIPE WELLBORE GEOMETRY HOLE PROBLEMS The incicalions of Wellbore Geomety Problems are observed enly when BHA is moving in he hole TORQUE | PRESSURE | _ OTHER increasing. | No change | Momentary ove pull DRILLING cess: | Nesey sow ee CONNECTION] Pee8sina. erate surgeto sit | Moment overpul Srcuaton "| sat down Increasing. erratic y ‘Momentary over pull & TappInc | Pee co problem zone | - increasing erate Begins at depin of TRIERING | ft own wag | problem formation BACK Evatic Increasing, | Nochange | Momantary over pull REAMING erate | PUMPING increasing erate No erange | Momentary ove pul OUT | overput SHAKER —Nochange TRENDS LOGGER No change |_TRENDS : _ MUD [Nowhere TRENDS © Optimize BHA design (run enly what is required) end when possible, minimize BHA stffnocs ‘Plan a reaming tip if the new BHA is locked up andlor a hole geometry problem is euspected © Slow down tip speed before BHA enters kick off or doglag dopth, depth of micro doglog andlor ledges, mobile formation cepin | & Minimize doatea severty to 31/100" cr less. Minimize rotating hours below a sharp dogieg without a \wioer of roaming tp © Consider using key seat wipers or dil tring ri ers f= key seat is suspected © Limit the length of casing rathole to avoid key seating the bettom of the casing. Do not start angle bullding operations too close to the shoe © Minimize sharp, frequent wellbore course changes © Avcic prolonged circulation in suspected micro dogleg section to prevent hole wash out and forming ledges © With mobile eatte consider using a eightly undar saturated mud system to allow a controled washout necessary, increase the mud weigh to help slow down sal intrusion, * Consider acting mobile salts with eccentric PDC bits. Plan regular wiper trips to keep the hole section cpen © Use hard faced stabilizers and select bits with extra gauge protection if abrasive formations are cited! © Gauge the od bit and stabilizers as wel as the bit and stabilizers picked up agin reaming 1 joint above a cored hole section. As standard practice, ream the last stand or 3 joint back te bottom on every tip HOLE PROBLEMS: Sree FREEING INTAL ACTION: {lf atetirg occured white movog up apply orue andar Down win maximum rp 2d ‘Moving Dow If stoking occured white — ‘mowing don, do lappy trgue and a UP with ea Don maxim tp oad, Sop er induce orton when cocking the jar and wen pag com’ Down Festiied NOTE: Fung pressuo wil INCREASE ne nyarauc jr up [oemninpss | ‘low, DECREASE the Sonn Si0n | eres snc 1s Comin jarieg unite sting iste o an aternative [Rotate Free Secktan's mase. Jarng for TOs urs may be necessary. Fae fesse last ‘SECONDARY ACTION: ‘Spor oo f ck mn imostene or chalk. Spotiraoh water, | “erensnomar we mobi sat ee eee as wren i Stans Comes Pree Insreaae creation 9 mania rao rotate and werk the = “Torats 1 sng. Ream! backcam tha he sectonhorouahly. CCeeuate the hoe sean, STUCK wie How UF Srvc wate Sere aa ACTION TO ESTABLISH CIRC: ACTION TO ESTABLISH CIRC: 5 nn Tae Sree preg ex ||" zemyrmpsre resuetcie- | Two uaa ittonee mnie ‘i hurmeeasset ||" aBper ant pasa MAX nti oun tected orculaionepousble, reac ietateninpoeanle, | | POWlus kph and had he frm DORCT ARUP APL conor uanpowmare.y | (a msesraraseaw aoa TORQUE! Stack of to. TOROUEM Apply MAXIMUM. og or rca parr desea Re ae an ww || ceomninn ores Moat ceneee a || mente coe y::| | enw omian leas ‘vip (4 - 6 rin for long cycie, see jer 8 minfor long cycle, see jer eit een mS focal Tov ottcon tetera nae Nest rere ore Wie strpos csjemeton || © Alon ine DO NOT JAR UP var DOAN (DO NOT JAR DOWN!!! Jar up eran een Galiwammconctingran || tnasmmye foes an eae amare Serabecbactense. | rremrgaonsaorn ce en te ne || rreamtericcharsey te | | © dieetrgstey cor tn Pat coms paren arena Gon with maser i oa WHEN ORC. S ESTABLISHED. || WHEN CIRG mEsTAaLIsNED: wemorcesmmmen, || Meter aemomete soon bee Pace, ||" etm veer pecarut sees enters, || Sargereme acne TSoiNean ton ost saosin Reaneeaacnnaearar 3 NFOOHoeaara) oan cama | [conan Aan excsswe e sturn to bettom and circulate the: down waight is observed. Babes ol len, See te eet 3. Check he prpar muc specications. ‘QUESTION AESULTS pe motion prt sticking? Movingup —_Thetveerumbers20,2arecicadin the Nevng Up row Pipe motion aftr sticking? Dn impossible The three numbers 0,0, Oa%e diced in the Down Impossible ron. Poe olson alter sticking?” Rot. Impossiola The trae numbers 0,0, Oar crcled in the Rot. Impossibe row. Cire. prose. atarstcking? Ce. mpossble The three rumbers 2, 0, O.are ccledin the Circ Impossible row. ‘Ade the rumbers in the eoloums. ToTaLs 40,2 ‘The probable sticking mechanism isthe column withthe highest total number (4), Pack-ot!/Bridge Page 54 LOST CIRCULATION HOLE PROBLEME: ‘Measurable loss of whole mud (liquid phase and solid phase) to {the formation. Lost circulation can occur at any depth during any operation Loss of fuid level ‘monitoring Lose of drive conductor shoe Loss of fluid tovel monitoring Loss of formation evaluation Loss of formation evaluation Hole cleaning problems Hole cleaning problems Hole bricge /collapse Hole cleaning problems Hole bridge collapse Stuck pipe Hole bridge /eollapse: Extended wellbore exposure time: Extended wellbore exposure time Well control event ‘stuok pipe Leas of well Well contro! event ‘Stuck pipe Under ground blowout Well control event ‘Additional casing string Underground blowout Additional casing string Production zone damage Wellbore pressure exceeds fracture pressure of the formation causing the rock to crack open (fracture) (Over balanced wellbore pressure is exposed to a formation with unsealed fractures or high permeability Excessive mud weight Unconeolidated formation Annulus friction pressure Fissures / fractures Unsealed fault boundary Wellbore pressure surges Imposed / trapped pressure \Vugular / cavernous formation ‘Shutin pressure Low formation pressure LOST CIRCULATION HOLE PROBLEMS MECHANISMS. IPROGNOSED LOSS ZONE EXCESSIVE MUD WEIGHT LOW FRACTURE STRENGTH [POOR HOLE CLEANING WELLBORE PRESSURE SURGES PIT VOLUME Loss EXCESSIVE HOLE FILLUP FIRST IF SHUT-IN, SUDDEN LOSS OF PRESSURE INTERFACE |FIRST ACTION (TOTAL LOSS): REDUCE PUMP SPEED TO 1/2 PULL OFF BOTTOM, STOP PUMPS ZERO STROKE COUNTER, FILL ANNULUS [WITH WATER OR LIGHT MUD. RECORD STROKES IF / WHEN THE [ANNULUS FILLS UP MONITOR WELL FOR FLOW [PREVENTIVE ACTION: IMINIMIZE MUD WEIGHT/MAXIMIZE SOLIDS| REMOVAL "CONTROL PENETRATION RATE LOW PRESS SAND pcre IMINIMIZE WELLBORE PRESSURE LOST CIRCULATION MECHANISMS HOLE PROBLEMS WELLBORE PRESSURE IS OVER BALANCED TO FORMATION PRESSURE MUD IS LOST TO NATURAL FRACTURES. ANDIOR HIGH PERMEABILITY > PROGNOSED LOSS ZONE LOST CIRCULATION CAN OCCUR AT ANY ff TIME DURING ANY OPEN HOLE OPERATION INDICATIONS: MAY BEGIN WITH SEEPAGE LOSS, TOTAL LOSS POSSIBLE STATIC LOSSES DURING CONNECTIONS / SURVEY j PIT VOLUME Loss FIRST ACTION (TOTAL LOSS): REDUCE PUMP SPEED TO 1/2 PULL DRILL STRING OFF BOTTOM, STOP. GIRCULATION ZERO STROKE COUNTER, FILL ANNULUS WITH WATER OR LIGHT MUD RECORD STROKES IF / WHEN THE ANNULUS FILLS UP B VONITOR WELL FOR FLOW CONTROL PENETRATION RATE B iNWiZE WELLBORE PRESSURE FRACTURED) SURGES FORMATION Page 87 LOST CIRCULATION GRADUAL LOSSES IMMEDIATE DROP INFLUID | RETURN FLOW STOPS LEVEL WHEN PUMPING IS IMMEDIATELY OPERATION NOT ‘STOPPED INTERRUPTED PUMP PRESSURE SLOWTO REGAIN RETURNS | DECREASE POSSIBLE WARNING OF INCREASED LOSS SEVERITY AFTER STARTING CIRCULATION, STRING WEIGHT INCREASE OPERATIONS USUALLY INTERRUPTED OPERATION SUSPENDED REMEDIAL ACTION REMEDIAL ACTION REQUIRED | REQUIRED ‘Success{ul treatment of lost circulation depends greatly on locating the depth of the loss zone * TEMPERATURE SURVEY © OFFSET WELL DATA * Acoustic Loc ‘* GEOLOGIST / LOGGER IDENTIFIES POTENTIAL LOSS ZONE © RADIOACTIVE TRACER ‘* MONITORING FLUID LEVEL TRENDS. © SPINNER SURVEY WHILE DRILLING © PRESSURE TRANSDUCER © HOT WIRE SURVEY * SURVEY TOOLS NOT ALWAYS AVAILABLE * CONSICERABLE TIME REQUIRED TO RUN SURVEY © SURVEYS REQUIRE LARGE VOLUME OF MUD ‘RESULTS OFTEN DIFFICULT TO INTERPRET * POSSIBILITY OF LOSING SURVEY TOOL IN THE HOLE Pago 58 LOST CIRCULATION RESTORING CIRCULATION HOLE PROBLEMS Reduced welbore pressure (the More suocestful with pressure MINIMIZE | Grving foxes pushing mud into induces fractures MUD Wr the bss zone Possible well contol evento hele inslabilty problame Reactive clays of oss zone swellwith |More success with fresh water mud water o! WEM producing a plugging efec! esto shale formatons FORMATION poner ea HEALING | softshales deform win formation sess | Beter resus with LCM TIME” holping to "heal the racture Normal 6-6 hous wat tine wih sting nesting Effectively bridges, mats and seals Less effective wi Losscike | Staltomedur focures! faults MATERIAL meat (tem pemeabity Ineffective wih cavernous zones Increase LCM fs/bbI wth loss ‘overt ‘Apiug beso ie pumped inte the less zone | Can be used in production zon SPECIALTY — | ‘glowed by a chemcal activator TECHNIQUES | The two matarials form 2 soft plug, Increased risk of plugging equipment Plug breaks down win time Cement suis sueezedino ne loss Provides. 0" oom eo plug at Sone undo nection prose near urrounci eer or injection proseure or nea he ses of ne 0 “The srry cues toa cold phig In seme cases, the only practical solution | Nota censideration where well control DRILLING | fe tcl without returns potental enst | BLIND! ‘e:caung nthe tatcorpercent mation © Locating the loss zone and accurate pill placement is vital, Pasion the string +100 fast above lose one, do not stop pumping uni the pill eas the bit ‘Insure the base mud viscosiy will suspend the LCM volume added. Add fresh gel ‘0 @ premixed LOM pillimmecistely before pumping, fesh gel continues to yield after spotting © An effective LCM pil bridges, matts and then seas he loss zone, parle size detibution and pi formulation must salsfy ese requirements, Conult the LGM prot guide pir to applying the pil Use large nozzle sizes the loss potentials high. Keep the sting moving dung pil spoting «operation to avod stuck pine Pago 69 RESTORING HOLE PROBLEMS: LOST CIRCULATION CIRCULATION FINE (F) A portion of the mater wil pass through the shaker GRADES MEDIUM (M) Majonty of material will creon-out at shakers, COARSE (C) All materia! wil screen-cut at shaker. Wil pig jets end dorm hole teols Recemmended with cpar-endad pipe FIBROUS | Nong etal that forma atone hol wl o provide foundation for rutcen _|romal itr cake covconment GRANULAR Rigid materials that bridge and plug the permeability of the loss zone LCMBLEND A combination of ibrous, flaked and granular materials in one sack CELLULOSTIC Sized wood derived materials used to prevent seepage /partal loss CARBON Suesbmastre rae ae st) esr seperti ienproctoy SIZED SALT | Granulated salt (water soluble) developed for seepage /parta! loss in production | zone in saltsaturated systame © Reduce ROP tolimt | Add LCM pillin 5 - 10 PPB increments. Evaluate results over 2 cuttings load Circulations before increasing fo next level of LCM concentration. ‘Mix in 30 to 80 bal batches dictated by hole size. Consider spotting © Minimize mud LOM pill before POOH theclegy NON-PRODUCTIVE INTERVALS © Minimize GPM 1 Wem: (BM / SBM: ¢ Minimize webore | Pressuresuiges | LCM Blenc(F) 5-19PPB ——_Ceulosie (FIM). 2-25 PPB LCM Blenc (M) 5-15 PPB | 4% Minzormudwe Fhe FIM) 10-20°PB | © Consider puting into | PRODUC’ XPOSED ‘casing andwating 610 Bhours WeM: Toom (SBM: Unesone (Fit) §-99°0 | Cohiosie(pmy 2-25 Pr Uimestone (F/M) 5 18 PPB. THE LCM MIXTURES SHOWN HERE ARE INTENDED AS A GUIDE WHERE NO FIELD EXPERIENCE EXIST. SOME SITUATIONS MAY REQUIRE 2 - 6 PPB LCM CONCENTRATION IN THE TOTAL MUD SYSTEM. CONSULT YOUR MUD COMPANY. FOR AVAILABLE PRODUCTS AND PILL FORMULATIONS BEST SUITED FOR THE AREA. Page 60 RESTORING CIRCULATION HOST CIRCULATION, HOLE PROBLEMS ‘Add LCM pillin 6 -10 PPB increments. Evaluate results over 2 Reduce ROP to circulations before increasing to next level of LCM concentration. Mx iit cat in 20 t 50 bbi batches dicteted by hole size. Consider spotting LCA limitcutings oad Si before POOH © Miniize mud = rheclogy NON-PRODUCTIVE INTERVALS wen: OEM / SBM: © Reduce Gem LCM Blend (Ml) 15-25 PPB [cellulosic (FINA) 10.25 PPR twee esi LCM Blend (6) 4 ICetuose:(c) 10-25 PPB inimize wellbore | Walnut (MIC) 10-20 PPB Walnut (Mt), 5-15 PPB | pressure sug © tinerize mod wt PRODUCTION ZONE EXPOSED © Consiter puting into | WOM! joem/ sem: cating andwaitng | LoMBlend(F) 5-15 PPB |celosic (F/M) 2-25 PPB 6 to 8 hours LCM Blend (M4) Limestone (F) 8-15 PRB Calulosic (Mt) GUIDELINES Formulations for the specially pill and cement are dictated by © Pullof bottom, keep conditions of each event | sting moving | NON-PRODUCTIVE INTERVALS | © Fit annulus with water wen: oBM/ SBM: light mud 40 PPB LOM Pill 20-40 PPB LCM Pill ‘Specialty Pll Specialy Fil al Recodi sides Cement Squeeze Cement Squeeze | when annuius fll up pd PRODUCTION ZONE EXPOSED Corsider puling nto invicta wen: oBM/ sem: 40 PPB.LCM Pil 30-40 PPB LCM Pill ‘Specialty Pill Specialty Pill © Minirize welbore Gement Squeeze Gement Squeeze | Pressure surges ADDRESS RESERVOIR, ADDRESS RESERVOIR NEEDS NEEDS Page 61 LOST CIRCULATION HOLE PROBLEMS: 04 8 22 16 Nutshell Granular —_§0% -2/16+ 10 mesh Te! 50% -10+ 100 mesh | Plastic Granular 50% - 3/16 10. mesh 20 Easy 50% - 10+ 100 mesh Limestone Granular 50% -3/6+ 10 mesh 0 —— 50% - 10+ 100 mesh Sulphur Granular 50%-3/16+10mech 1 50% 10+ 100 mesh Nutshell Granular —«§0%- 10+ 19 mesh > = | 50% - 30+ 100 mesh Expanded Granular §0%-3/16+ 10 mesh oo Percite 50% - 10+ 100 mesh |callophane Laminated 2/4" fakes . — Sawdust Fibrous. 14" particles oo —« Prairie Hay Fibrous: 1/2" particles 10 ae Bark Fibrous 3/8 particles oo — | Cottonseed Granular Fine o —_ Hulls | Prairie Hay Fibrous 3/8" partes 2 Cellophane Laminated 1/2" fakes . —_ Shredded — Fitrous.—‘1/4"fivers 5 = | Wood Sawdust Fibrous. 1/6" patisles > Page 62 RESTORING CIRCULATION LOST CIRCULATION HOLE PROBLEMS © Locate the loss zone ‘© moc 50 ~ 100 barrels of mud with 25 - 30 ppb bentonite and 30 - 40 ppb LCM ‘Postion the dil string +/-100 teet above the joss zone ‘open-ended, pump 1/2 ofthe pillinto the loss zone, Stop the pump, wat 18 minutes and pump the remainder ofthe pil ‘* IF pumping through the kit, pump the entire pill and follow witn 25 barrele of mud © tFretume ave not regained, repeat procedure. If returns are not regained, wait 2 hours and repeat procedure ‘+ ttretums are not regained after pumping 3 pils, consider other options to regain circulation ‘© pessible cil through the logs interval. Pull out ofthe hele and return open ended Position the string +/-100 fest above the loss zone an the mixing pt thoroughly. Mx 50 barrels of desired specialty gill ‘© Pump down the dit sting and place in the suspected zone. If annulus is not full, pump mud down, the annulus while pumping pil down cil sting + When annulus fils anc squeeze is in place, apply 150 - 200 psion annuius. This wil soft squeeze” the material into the loss zone * If possible, dril through the loss interval, Pullout of the hole and return open-ended ‘Postion the string +/-100 feat above the loss zone ‘© Mic 100 sx of cement and 100 sx of bentonite with £0 barrels of cesel (slurry wt- 11.6 ppa, yield 1.38 cubic feet per seck ) ‘Pump down the dil sting, 15 barrals of water-free dissel ahead and behind the gunk slurry ‘© When the lead diesel epacer reaches the bit, close the BOP and pump mud down the annulus © Pump 4 bele/min down the eting and 2 bble/min down the annulus until the til diesel spacer clears the string ‘ Reciprocate tne string slowly, donot reverse crculate ‘+ Pulline anil string clear ofthe squeeze. Mix and place the squeeze wth a cementing unt, if possible “© Wait 8+ hours forthe gunk to cure, peat procedure if returns are not regained ‘+ tmay be neceeeary to él ut the gunk before repeating the procedure Page 63 HOLE PROBLEMS: LOST CIRCULATION PREVENTION | The coment slurry formulation should be tested by the cement company to determine the thickening time 1 pessiblo, cil through the ent loss crcuation interval ‘© Pulloutof the hole anc retum with open-ended dri pipe ‘© Postion te open-ended cil pipe approxmately 100 feet above the oss zone © micane purp 59 0 100 bos of cement sry ‘© Fotow the stuny wit a sufficient volume of mud or water to balance the U-Tube Wat. 6 t0 8 hours and attempt to fil the annulus ‘© Repeat the procedure i retumns are not regained © ray be necessary to dill out the cement before repeating the procedure Prevention of lst circuation must be considered in the well planning, driling and post analysis phases '* Design the casing program to case-ot low pressure or suspected lat crculation zones ‘© Maintain rud weight to the minimum required 10 contro! known formation pressures... Hich mud eight ic one of the major causoe of lst circulation © Pre-treat the mud eyetem with LCM when diiling through known lost circulation intervals © Maintain low mud rheology values that ar stil suficient io clean the hole ‘© Rotating the dil sting when staring ctculation helps to break the gels and minimize pump pressure surges. '¢ Stat circulation stoniy ater connections ard periods of non-ciculation ‘Use minimum GPM fow rate to clean the hole when dling know jot cculation zene ‘© Control aril known jot circulation zone to avoid loading the annulus with cuttings ‘+ Recuce pipe tipping speeds to minimizo swableurge pressure ‘+ Plan to-break circulation at 2 to 3 dopths whit tipping inthe hole Minimize annular restretions © Considor using jt sizes or TFA that ill allow the use of LCM pile (12032" ets +) © Be propared for plugging pump suctons, pump discharge screen dil string screens, etc © Be prepared for mud losses due to shaker screen plugging Page 64 LOST CIRCULATION eke pRSecea (PRECAUTIONS WHILE DRILLING WITHOUTRETURNS "| Circumstances may dictate driling blind until 50 feet ofthe rex! competent fermation is eile. Casing is set to s0've the let circulation problom. A blind diiling eporation must have Driting Manager approval | @ Insure an adequate water supply is available ‘© Use one pump to eri and the other pump to contnucusly add water to the annulus © Assign a parson to mentor the flow line a all times * Closely monitor torque and drag to determine when to pum viscous sweeps ‘© Closely moritor pump pressure while ailing for indications of pack-oft * Cont! ent possible at one joint per our * Pickup off bottom every 15 feet (2m) diled to ensure the hole is rot packing off Keep the pipe moving at all times ‘© Manain 2400 - 500 tb reserve of viscous mud ready to pump ‘© Consicer spotting viscous mud on bottom prior tipping or logging ‘+ Stop ailing and consider puting tothe shoe i pump repairs are required ‘Start and stop pipe slowly and minimize pipe speed "© Consider sporting a viscous pil above the BHA prior to each connection ‘+ Ptiorto each connection, circulate and wipe the hole thoroughly © Donotrun surveys when ailing bind © ifercutaton retumns, stop citing, Raise the cil sting tothe shutin postion. Stop the pumps ‘and chock the well for flow © Ifflow is observed, close the BOP and observe shut-in preesures: © No pressure - Slowly circulate bottoms up through 2 cpan chokes: © Prossure Observed - Slowy circulate the kick with the Circulation Method and present | ‘mud weight, Be prepared for an underground blowout condition * Atalltmes to pump cement tothe well Page 65 RIG REPAIR ‘An interruption in wned operations caused by a breakdown in the dling rig ‘equipment. Running rig equipment to failure is not cost effective for the Contractor, Operator, or walbore FINANCIAL PENALTIES: HIGH RISK OF OTHER INCREASED WELL COST UNSCHEDULED EVENTS (COST OF EMERGENCY REPAIR DELAYED PRODUCTION EXTENDED EXPOSURE POSSIBLE PERSONNEL INJURY | TIME Loss OF PRODUCTION EXTENSIVE EQUIPMENT LOSS OF HOLE SECTION DAMAGE LOSS OF FUTURE CONTRACTS LOSS OF WELL NO PERSONNEL INJURY NO PERSONNEL INJURY NO WELL CONTROL INCIDENT NO WELL CONTROL INCIDENT OPTIMIZE EQUIPMENT LIFE OPTIMIZE DRILLING OPERATION MINIMIZE RIG REPAIR MINIMIZE UNSCHEDULED EVENTS. CONTROL EQUIPMENT COST CONTROL FINAL WELL COST LONG TERM DRILLING CONTRACT COST EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE ‘A progrem designed to schedule reguer inspection, maintenance and/or repair ‘of criling equipment prior to failure ‘The histoncal ie expectancy of ig equipment is based on the frequency of ‘mainionanco ‘© Managemerttong | ® Refining ardtailonng | * Equpmenthsioy | ® Through inspections the system © Rig to management ‘*Equpmenttrencs | * Well designed checklists © Roles defined '* Equipment maintenance, ‘Follow-up plans/ * Clear guidelines reports RIG REPAIR © MAIN ENGINES ‘© HIGH PRESSURE MANIFOLDS / VALVES / HOSES) © GENERATORS / SCR SYSTEMS ‘© HYDRAULIC OPERATING SYSTEMS. ‘© MOORING / STATION KEEPING SYSTEM | * COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM © BALLAST AND BILGE SYSTEM + CRANES © TENSIONING EQUIPMENT PIPE HANDLING SYSTEM ‘© BOPE / CONTROL SYSTEM CIRCULATING SYSTEM. ‘© RISER / DIVERTER SYSTEM * MUD PUMPS | * HOISTING EQUIPMENT ‘+ BULK MIXING SYSTEM | TOP DRIVE SYSTEM ‘SOLIDS CONTROL SYSTEM * ROTARY SYSTEM RIG COMPUTER SYSTEMS. * HOURLY. © BLMONTHLY © EVERY TWO YEARS. © Daily © QUARTERLY © EVERY THREE YEARS ° WEEKLY EVERY FOUR MONTHS: * EVERY FOUR YEARS BIWEEKLY ‘© SEM-ANNUALLY + EVERY FIVE YEARS ‘* MONTHLY * ANNUALLY . EVERY EIGHT YEARS ‘© Ensure equipment Ife expectancy © Reduce down time for unechedules rig opsir © Lower well cost © Reduce coverity of damage to equipment © Maintenance lose costy than emergency repair © Loss chance of personnel injury © Increase contractor profit margin * Reduce isk af stuck pipe, well control problems, other unscheduled events © Component falure frequency records defines rg and shore base spare parts inventory '* Increase operator awareness of the contractors operational needs. + Opportunity for contractor inout/ involvement curing well panning ‘+ WHO SHOULD BE NOTIFIED ‘+ ARE PERSONNEL OR THE RIGIN DANGER * WHAT IAMEDIATE ACTIONIS REQUIRED —_® |S THE WELLBORE IN DANGER ‘+ CANNORMAL OPERATIONS CONTINUE ® WHAT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ARE REQUIRED, ‘+ CAN PARTIAL OPERATIONS CONTINUE ——_® CAN THE FAILURE BE REPAIRED ON SITE. IS OPERATIONAL SHUT DOWN REQUIRED © PREVENTATIVE ACTION PLAN Page 67 RIG REPAIR zc St exzicresrey didi] LL _<@68° io i mE 5), i i Z i é t 'PMP scheduling design should consider the potontia for ee al st ; ees "haaS minnie 3) Boman ion eons TD sownaunm xsemor Bh =xvcum oan ‘on3031 S snung ww et ve PORES e) REEROIS SOE 9) ME HIO CS + ash 3oNMLAINA INAINAOS 9 Page 68 RIG REPAIR Ii ig equipment failure shuts down a major driling system, immediate action must be taken to protect the personnel, ig and wellbore from associated events [STATION KEEPING ‘TOTAL RSG POWER ‘Rig arts ordives | ® Stuck pipe st focaton 1 BOP /nsor damage Det eving ic cheaod.of| © on sting domoge 1 Upper mane ser conectorulatches _|® Surface equbment | faite damage { ——— "© Stop rotation nd ereviation © Posion oat above the range ram ‘chose nang ot ars ang sack ‘ofite predetermined woah “iat dillngcanvactars emegeney procedures |e Leet of tation keeping | # Rig tof damage POWER ‘TOP ORIVE SysTEM (08) HOISTING SYSTEM [ROTATING SYSTEM ccincuvaTins SYSTEM WELL CONTROL ‘SYSTEM: "© Stat emergency generater 1 Envronmental damage |Loss ot nasing, | stuck pipe | sae prin disconect retaien creation proceatre Wat conta | Rai dt stony off batiom wih maton ‘ sutace equomant |” conponaator ‘aiute damage * Gwcuete win comening puma 1 Montor wo or oe "= Pooste was of + pensar oof |= Sta verge generar Staton heen amage * hate primary sscornect 1 Lees efhoiing, 1 stk ine prectcure '*waticonto! * cuculate wa cementing perp possible rotate dil ting wath pew tong ‘mentor wef: fow loons bas of | ® Stick pip 11 possi, tp cating hoa er faaton, toting repair ‘Sreaiston * wat conta} © not posse. set sips. ve sip hanaies srtata ppm sip si possbe, rgup w areulate * Mentor walforfow f*carnetraseme | stuck pre * Goninue eration sean ‘ats ‘¢Recorocate sr sting wih mmetion comporcater fecarnotraime tne | scx ope “+ Recorocate ail suing ‘arsiieg [*Trotocasng shoe for renair i pose, rotate eit sting with powertongs | 1 sitsin fl eatin ‘scamatcicuitetne | * Suc pipe © Trp 0 casing shoe for par wwoloere ' woitcontat © Rott reciprocate the di sting ‘Tropair made whieh open le ‘ecamotstutia cuing |® Persomnaliquy | ® Nonemegeney- secure he wel kek ‘mate raaais | Equomen damege '*owcut * cmergorcy Inte evacuation # Less ot we procecures Page DOWN HOLE EQUIPMENT FAILURE SS SSS ‘An interruption in planned operations caused by driling fevalvation tool failures tther tran dil sting falures. Down hele tool salection and operation is entical in the reduction of too failure ‘© Driling engineer specifies equipment © Dilling foreman orders equipment * Toolpusher inspects/checks equipment © Diller picks upiruns equipment ‘© _ Rig team post analyzes equipment ROLLER GONE BITS Lost cones (mst common fishing job) DOWN HOLE MOTOR Motor stops ériling ‘SHOCK SUB Seal wachout DRILLING JAR. Untrained personnel MTS ‘Dump valve, sofware, LEM plugging Te ast ue Rana, spRTOneDT Opa, ne ‘SURVEY EQUIPMENT Fim, batteries, wireline favre, inaufisiont bar weight ‘SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT Untrained personnel, unproven technology PACKER / DST TOOLS Leaks, packer does nt release, incompatble with other tools, high angle heles METAL FATIGUE Cycle stress reversals IMPROPER TOOL SELECTION _Loads exceed design limits, incompatible with other tools IMPROPER TOOL OPERATION _Untrained personnel, inattention EXCEEDED DESIGN LIMITS ‘Accidental mtentional overtoad EXCEEDED DESIGN LIFE “Economic based, untrained personnel TRANSPORTATION | Untrained personnel HANDLING DAMAGE HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT 115, CO, high temperature, corrosive mud, high ‘angle, hard abrasive formations DESIGN / MANUFACTURING. Quality contol failed Page 70 DOWN HOLE EQUIPMENT FAILURE sss ‘Solacting the right to! forthe job can significantly reduce too failure. Following a standarclzed ‘oo! ‘selection procedure ensures the right tool is selected ‘© WELLBORE CONDITIONS DOAN HOLE “Temporalure liitatons of tools EBOENT, HS, CO,, Corrosion resistance: Oi resistant oer gooce Hydrostatic pressure tations Hole angle ltatons Hole size versus fool size TOOL PHYSICAL —_| ® DIMENSIONS EROPERTIES: Length, OD, 1D of tool ‘Weight and grade Connection ype Special make up torque requirements, tread dope Stress relief features. Connections compatible with ether down hole equipment ‘Will tool work wah other equipment © OPERATING PARAMETERS COMPATIBILITY OPERATIONS Minimum / maxirum fow rate Minimum / maximum operating pressure | Torque / tension limitatons Recommended operating hours |. tool operator needed ! provided Special handling tools required ‘ee special operating instructons required/provided Operating manual provided Safety Recommendations Settings! calbraton data Maintenance requitements ‘@ FISHING TOOL METHODS | FISHING Too! dimensions diagram provided Required fsning tools ease of fishing Fishing records available Teo! lostir-hole consequences Back up tools readily available / delivery time suPPORT [Are spare nar's neeced / readily available Transportation problems /hazerdous cergo Ar transportable Required deck space / deck loed ovauiry ‘© RELIABILITY OF TOOL eonrees New or rebuilt tool Hours see lst rebult inspection records Peromance rece of tol on ofaot wale Pertormanece record tol wordnide cost Operatng/standby rental rates / pair agreements Lostin-hole charges / insurance sical rere ee cmararions eg eco pessuetintston Bing tld 01, LOM, Hematite Bate packs ee Page 74 DOWN HOLE EQUIPMENT FAILURE SSeS Following a standarckzed check ls! when the tool arrives insures the right too| ras been shipped and ‘was rot demaged in transit PAPER WORK PHYSICAL CONDITION COMPATIBILITY © Very equipment quantities and types: ‘© Ensure seral/ model numbers on the tool agree with the order form, ‘cargo manifest and inspection report too! © Locate the operating manual, special instructions (i any), setings ‘and calibration sheat, tool dimensions diagram and parts ist © Damaged containers may indicate damaged too! ‘Missing or damaged arts and spare parts © Thread protectors installed on tools and crossovers © Thread and sealing shoulder damage | Tool bore and other circulating ports are ree of dabris © Explosive / corrosive tools anc materials are clearly markec Correct connections size, type and BSR - Connection stress relief features match features ofthe dril string ‘© Handling / operating tools ere compatible wih rg equipment | Plugs / wireline tools wil pass through too! © Bot pattem, bolts, gaskets are correct ‘OPERATION © Function test values, appers, etc. before running tool in hole © cross-over subs are correct, BSR's are checked 1 aeniity and mark new technology tools UNFAMILIAR NEW TECHNOLOGY | Hold apre-job safety meeting focused on the safe and proper operation of the Too. teol, fen operator is provided, allow the epocialist to make the presentation OPERATING ‘Make available to the Drier, an operations manual for each tool that requires MANUAL special operating procedures (.e., jas) AWARENESS/ —_| Pre-our safety meetings with written Tour Operations Plan, Driller Hand Over REFRESHERS —_| Noles with currentinoxt operations section. Diecuct operation of unfamiliar / ‘new techno‘ogy tools TOOL FAILURE —_| When too! failure occurs, fie a Too! Failure Report to share knowledge of the REPORT failure and preventive action takon. A statstical data base can be built with this information, SERVICE/ Inferior service and tools provides by supply companies can account for a EQUIPMENT —_| eubetantial numtor of toc falures, Included in the Tool Falure Report, is 2 section on supply company performance ratings, An eltematve supplier shoud be coneidarad if ratings incicate high tcolfalure rate and/or poor service | ge 72 DRILL STRING FAILURE ‘The minimum (oad (bs!sq in of metal) at which plastic deformation of the metal begins ‘Accumulated matal damage caused by stess reversals Faligue damage is a naturally occurring process that begins when the dril pipe is put into service and accumulates with use Stress cracks form and continue to grow which eventually resuls in string failure if not detected by inspection ATTRIBUTES | The dimensions and mechanical prepertios Wall hichness. Yield strength Dulltino the crit sting comoonents. Attrbutes | Toughress, Upset geometry detormine the loods that can be appliec DESIGN | The designed strength ofthe cit sting must | Antepatedioads, Corect exceed the loads required to drill the well. ‘selection and positioning of Speratng below te deignimite extends the | sting components. Posting Ie the dri sing ‘radimum toneonardterin lms for ne Orr INSPECTION | Examine the dri sting components to ensure | nse visual nsoecion itmests minimum specifeations. Inspections | Elctonicinspacton bated on detect wear before it results in a down hole failure| «hill sing and diiling conditons OPERATIONS Improper use, handling and storage ofthe anit | Coveci connection mako-p sting results 'n premature sting failure Caltrating gavgne, Cperatonal se and handing pracices SURROUNDINGS | The chemical and mechanical environment in Doglegs, Buckling, Vibrations, hice dlleting tapered” the Coketen High au wale Surrouncngs becohe noc. te nspecton frequency ened be moreeeed i mnie tates The lps taken io prevent dil sing fare is he sum of lors in hese ve components tn tovns cheen fers Ince Gomporent ree reat be varied to utnice prvirte orate © rit Pipe Tube Fatigue © Tension ‘© BHA Connection Ftique * Torsion © Comection Leak ‘Tension / Torsion Combination © Sulfde Stress Cracking * Coliapse * spit ox + syst ‘Mechanical Failure of Specialy Tools © Welding Failure prurrrerancve — ORILL STRING FAILURE DRILL STRING FAILURE INTERNAL UPSET | 16" 024" from pin and box end | Sharp change in wal thickness between toojoint and pipe tute SLIP AREA 16'10 26" from box end Using ene tong, stopping the string wth iert02 the sigs, worn sips and bow! TUBE MIDOLE ‘Middle section beween pin and | Contact wth abrasive formation whie box retating causing OD wear TRANSITION ZONE | First stands above BHA SSiifness change from BHA to del pipe oral loading wit © Sip cuts + Notansiton pipe © Doglege and high angle holes © Corrosive mud, oxygen, HS, carbon dioxide, chlorides © Running bent pipe © Running dil pipa in compression © Backreaming with high tension loads, torque and tension in combination ‘© Dri ating vibrations and vertical Bouncing © Erratic torque, sipsstickcrting condition Msintsin hola angle changes under 37100" © Maintain suffcent levels of corosion inhiitors anc oxygen scavengers © Stop pipo, cat alps and lower pipe slowly onto sline to prevent sip cuts © Allow no more than 3'cf pie length above the sips if possbie © Atweys use 2 tongs te make-up and break out connection © Ensure tongs are at 90” angle in two planes when torquing up connections De not run bent pipe, pipe with deep sip cuts or corrosion © Go slow when backreaming, minimize the overpull © Anvays use transition ppe (HWDP) bemeen the dil colars and ci pipe ‘© Move the bottom stand of dri pipe (HOWP) tothe top ofthe dill tring on each rp © Rotate the connection breaks on each thp © Use adequate BHA weight to provide bit weight © Check slip insert bow, master bushing and retary table for wear © Clean and inspect sip anc tong cies frequenty Page 74 DRILL STRING FAILURE DRILL PIPE FATIGUE CORRECT TONG USE CLASS 1 PREMIUM CLASS 3 3 | : [CLASS 2 ooeossnnnnn a # CLASS 3... & gb CLASS 4 ose 22 SCRAP onsen 5 5 8 8 g s = 3 i i SHOP REPAIRABLE ‘OR SCRAP FIELD REPAIRABLE CLASSIFICATION POF DRILL PIPE BODY 1 RED BAND . WHITE BAND. 2 WHITE BANDS: 4 YELLOW BAND. 4. BLUE BAND 1 GREEN BAND = 9 RED STRIPS 3 GREEN STRIPS Page 75 DRILL PIPE FATIGUE DRILL STRING FAILURE JOINT NOMINAL STD or | SIZE WEIGHT TMALL CODE stD 4 mw 2 4 1400 «STD 2 1575 TW 3 44/2" 1660 STD 2 20.00 TW 3 2282 TW 4 5 1950 STD 2 2560 TW 3 2 3 2470 TW 6-5/8" 2520 STD E- E75 G-G105 X- X95, S- $105 uss = Teoljeint manufacturer 684 Date of tool joining (dune, 1994) N-- Tube manufacturer cede (see RP7G) E — -Dill pipe grade DRILL STRING FAILURE BHA FATIGUE ‘Tension from connection torque and BHA weight PINNECK ‘© Bending load increases neck tension on the outer side of the bending radius © Corrosion pitting © Bending load applies crcumferential stress BOTTOM OF THE — | ® Box OD wear reduces box strength BOX | © Corrosion pitting © Over or under torquing the connection, under torquing is mare common ' Doglegs / high angle notes * Corrosion from oxygen, H,S, carbon dioxide, chlorides © Unetobilzed dil collars in compreesion © Large ciameter holes or washed out eles ‘© BHA vibratons and vertical bouncing ‘© High tension load or jarring on stuck pipe © No cennection tross rliotfosturoe © Damaged connection sealing surfaces © incorrect Bending Strength Ratio (BSR) Enratic torque, sip/stick drling conditions © ‘Maintain hole angle change under 3/100 © ‘Maintain suficient levels of corrosion inhbtors and oxygen scavengers * Apply recommended make-up torque with tongs at 90° angle ntwo planes and calibrate tong gauges frequenty © Correct recommended make-up torque (RMUT) for dope fretion factor RMUT..= RMUT x Dope Friction Factor © Minimize BHA vibration buckling with stabilizers, shock subs © Inspect the BHA at recommended intervals and after severe circumstances © Cold-roll BHA connection thread roots © Specify stress relieved pins and bore back boxes ‘© Maintain bending strength ratio (BSR) near value recommended for dil colar size Page 77 BHA FATIGUE BHA CONNECTION STRESS RELIEF FEATURES ‘Stes relief features are designed to more ‘evenly distibute the bending iead through | the connection wees Pw a F STRESS z REUEF 7, NENGAGED| unencacer 10 [BOREBACK| ar CONNECTION BENDING STRENGTH RATIO (BSR) _ ‘The ratio of box stiffness to pin stiffness. Ater applying proper torque, bending strength of connection is balanced when the box stiffness is 2.5 times the pin stiffness A.BSR of 2.5 represents a balanced connection for the average size collar and connection type. ‘As collar OD decreases, BSR should be reduced to compensate for a weaker pin. As colar OD Increases, BSR should be increased to compensate for a stronger pin FATIGUE LIFE (CYCLES) 1s 20 25 30 28 BENDING STRENGTH RATIO (BSR) DRILL STRING FAILURE CAREJHANDLING =e SS DEVELOP A REGULAR HABIT OF DOING 5-SECOND CHECKS. THESE CHECKS CAN BE MADE (ON THE PIPE RACK, V-DOOR, RIG FLOOR, WHILE DRILLING/TRIPPING, AND LAYING DOWN THE DRILL STRING. MARK AND SET ASIDE BAD JOINTS. © Use a soft bristle krush and eolventto clean the threads and shoulder for a visual inspection ‘© Caliper tor minmum required OD. inspect for cracks, eccentric wear (out-of- roundness), severe tong cuts of unusual dama Look for small or missing connection bevel © Vieually inspect tho sealing chou Connection type, and beled boxes 3 and threads for impact damage, piting, galled surfaces, correct ‘Check the BHA connections for bore-back feature «Vena napcthe afr dep ip ct, eer ptr, ons «east nepeat h pipe br fo dei, el. Rabi dit pip ore veo « atper he md le tub nin ecure OD and ecati wea (st-cuneness) + euainpect ute br aan so nal cage « checkpp fr aires when ling on hep rack. eaten spec + Us sof beste brsh an sot leant tase and sour fra evainpatan + cece wat /srad sacl on eck fat © Comp: ‘grooves on toojoint for pipe idenifcation © Caliper minimum required OD © Inepect for eccentic wear (outof-ouncness), severe tong cuts or unusual damage ‘© visually inspect the sealing shoulder and threads for impact damage, pitting, galled surfaces, correct Connection type, siretched pin ‘© Look for small or missing connection bevel © Check the BHA connections fer stress reliof groove foature © Look for abnormal connection ID's that are not consistent withthe string Page 79 CAREIHANDLING ‘When failuie occurs, others may follow Diil suring history is unknown Pulling oF jarring on stuck pipe Picking up unfamiliar equipment Kop the mousehole and rathole cloan ‘Visually inopeet xelly saver sub al frequent imervals Clean and inspect tong and slip cies at frequent intorvale Keep handing subs clean and free of damage Allow no mote than 3 feet of pipe above slips when making/breaking Use correct dope compound forthe specific connection. Dope threads and shoulder generously Do net ral the pin into the box, pick up and re-siab ‘Atways use 2 tongs to make-up and break-out connections Use « pipe spinnerto spin-up and back out connections Use proper make-up torque forthe specif connection Terque connections with tongs at 90'angle in ‘wo pianes Correct recommended make up torque (RMUT) for dope fiction factor RMUT..= RMUT x Dope Friction Factor Use a steady pullto torque-up the connection | * DRILL STRING FAILURE Mud corrosion levels high Doglegs are present ‘Abnormal torque, drag, vibration High angle hole ‘Aliemate and record the break on each trip Do not let the slips ride the dil sting Stop the pipe, set slips, slowly set pine weight (on slips fo minimize slip cut depth ‘Allow no more then 3 feet pipe length above sips ‘Always use 2 tongs to make-up and break-out connections. Use a pipe spinner to spin-up ‘and back-out connections Never app the tongs onthe ali pipe tube ia conection requires excessive break-out torque. the connection has dry of mucdy thveads on breakout, clean and vsualy Inopoct the pin and box for damage ‘Watch for hose signs on tis: + Shoulder damage * Wor or missing bevels * Belledbox + Galed or bumned threads * Stretched pin * ‘Eccentric box/tube wear Koop pipe set back area clean. Rinse mud off outsi¢e end inside of pipe. Instal pipe wiper as, soon as possible Do not use a hammer or pipe wrench to move stands on the pipe reck, use a pipe jack Do not rll the gin into the box, pick up and re-stab the connection Monitor both make-up and break-out torque, break-out torque should be 80 - 100% of make-up torque Page 80 DRILLING JARS A driling tool designed to deliver high impact "hammer" blows to the stuck DRILLING JAR {aii sting ighor probability of recovery with imymediaio and correct application of jar ADVANTAGE _|[igher Probabiity of recovery with immodiato and corect appicaton of BASIC JAR SECTIONS: OPEN INNER MANDREL, OCKED ouTerR Tevewun BARREL SPLINE DRIVE LATCH MECHANISM LOWER SEAL WASH PIPE | HYDRAULIC JAR LATCH COCKING JAR, ‘OVERPULL APPLIED JAR LATCH TRIPS Tapped Upward oir Moveront Flowing of mend By Pistor Metered Daly Lateh Tap Page 81 DRILLING JARS (oF trapped pressure pushing the jar to the open position LOWER ‘SEAL PRESSURE DROP = 2000 psi west WASHPIPE AREA x 10 yin PIOFORCE= 20,000 bs CIRCULATIO! BOTTOM AREA OF WASHPIPE, 10 SQ INCHES. See jar manual for POF information for your jar make, model and size || More aiticult or impossible to cock. Slow /stop pumps or bleed tapped pressure before cocking ‘More set down weight required for a down-jar blow. Slow/ stop pumps or bleed trapped pressure when jarring down "| Dampens the down-jar blow. Slow /stop pumps or bleed trapped pressure when jarring down Page 82 DRILLING JARS COCKING THE JAR Last recorded pick-up wt = 330,000 Lbs ~ BHA wt below jar = 30,000 Lbs eat ‘i = 10000 Lbs = WE Incicator load 310,000 Lbs POF will ASSIST cocking tho jar Last recorded slackoff wt = 330,000 Lbs “BHA wt below jar 20,000 Lbs Internal ar fricton 410,000 Lbs. ~Pump open force We Indl 270,000 Lbs. POF will OPPOSE cocking the jar. siow down or siop the pumps or bleed trappad pump pressure to make the jar easier to cock “The force required to move the inner mandrel through the seals Last recorded elack-off wt 380,000 Lbs “BHA wt below jor 30,000 Lbs “Dnjar tip ae setting 40,000 Lbs mp open force. indicator oad 240,000 Lbs CALCULATING TRIP LOAD Last ecotded pick-up wt = 330,000 Lbs = BHA wt delow js 30,000 Lbs + Upertte ood seting 180,000 Lbs = Pump open force 220,000 Lbs = Wt indeator load = 360,000 Lbs. ‘Siow down or siop the pumnps or bieed trappea rossure to reduce the clack-off weight required fottip he jar ‘Afier cocking the ar, pump pressure can be increased to reduce pick-up weight required to trip the jar Dressure to reduce the slaci-off weight required totip the jar Last recorded siack-off wt = 330,000 Lbs | Last recorded pick-up wt BHA wt below jar '30,000 Lbe | - BHA wt below jar = DESIRED trp load 50,000 Lbs | * DESIRED" trip load Pump epen foreo = 20,000 Lbs | -Pump open force Wt hnlctor oat =230,000 Lbs | = Wt indicator load ‘Siow down or siop the pumps or bleed trepped | Aller cocking the jar, pump pressure can be increased) toraduce pick-up weight required to trip the jar * DESIRED - The tnp load selected by the jar oper ator slack off to the calculated No delay time ie required, the latch will tip ‘when the preset inp load is appied to the jar {the jar does not np, slow down or stop the pumps or bieod trappod pump pressure to reduce pump open force {1 the Jar stil does not tip, slack off additonal ‘weigh! (10,000 to 20, 000 fos) TRIPPING THE JAR ‘After cocking the jar, pick upto the calculated ‘weight incicator load NNo delay time is required, the latch wil tip when the preset tnp load is applied to the jar I the jar stil does not tp, increase circulating presaure io maxmum to increase the pump ‘open force. Do not apply tapped pressure {the jar does net trip. pick up aditional ‘weight (10,000 to 20,000 Ibe) DRILLING JARS ee pOMmnn! zs HYDRAULIC JAR ___UP-JAR BLOW. | © After cocking the jar, slack-off to the calculated weight indicator load * Lock down the brake and wait for the jar time delay to elapse. See your jar ‘manual (30 - 60 sec short cycle, 2-8 min long cycle) * If the jar does not trip, stop pumping or bleed trapped pressure. Recock the jar and apply trp load « If the jar stil does not trip, slack-off more| ‘weight and allow more time Afier cocking the jar, pick-up to the calculated weight indicator load Lock down the brake and wait for the jar time delay to elapse. See your jar manual (30 - 60 sec short cycle, 2- 8 min long cycle) If the jar does net trip, circulate at max rate and allow additional time (do not apply trapped pressure) If the jar still does not trip, stop pumping and recock the jar and apply trip load FROWCLOSED POSTON: 0 i) s om FZ 4 ) a Weis sTaN— 2 DRILL A SLACKED 2 ‘STRETCHES 2 sue fF OF BS ars s IsRaseo 5 = € 6 BHAIUSSIS | Acre euro i () JAR ) LATCH ag _|}|]TRPS Cocks a « 0) cocks eel IMPACTIS Oe TaN TRIS / sux ve Page 64 DRILLING JARS eee —— * darnot cocked © Jer not cocked * ‘Stuck above jar Net wating long enough © dar faite © Stuck above jor ‘Pump open force not considered © sertoivre 1 Pick-up islackoff weight incorrect * Pump open force not considered * Unkrown fincorrect trp load setting * Pick-up /slack-ff weight incorrect * Excessive hoe drag * Excessive hole diag ‘© Right-hand torque trapped in torque sensitive jar * Ifa service connecton is found loose, call the shop for recommended torque. Do not use tochoint torque on these connectons * Do notte me chain hoist apply the tongs or set the slips on the exposed polished section ef the inner mandral ‘ Amechanical aris shippod in the cocked postion. Run the ja in the extended or cocked postion ‘© Rack @ mechanical jar inthe detick inthe cocked positon at any positon inthe stand ‘© Ahycraulc jar is shipped witha safety clamp on the inner mandrel, The jar rmustbe runin the open postion ‘© Rack a hydraulic jar in the derick with the safety clamp at any positon in the stand ‘An energy storing device designed to optimize the driling jar assembly for maximum up and down jar-blow intensity Allows optimum jar placement Intensifies the jar blow Protects the drill string and rig surface equipment from high impact loads ‘Compensates for insufficient drill string stretch in shallow holes Compensates for excessive drag in high angle holes Page 85 DRILLING JARS DRILLING ACCELERATOR | INNER MANDREL | ourer | BARREL | | SPLINE | aR NIB concen | Compaesseo| irRoceN SV APPLIED | Gone OveRPuLL | tower [i | SSeat wash rire BHA Mass ACCELERATED ACCELERATOR OPERATING SEQUENCE JAR COCKED OVERPULL APPLIED JAR LATCH TRIPS weloe | stacked overPuLt OFF APPLIED. | ence ‘STROKES OUT wag taTon wae TRIPS cocks 6 BHA ACCELERATED 7, JAR BLOW DELIVERED DRILLING JARS BASIC JARRING RULES STRING STATIC when sticking occured >>> sarcown STRING MOVING UP winen sticking ocourec D>> sar oown STRING MOVING DOWN when sicking occured D> varvr In 70% of sticking occurrences, down jarring Is required. Jar accelerator placement programs are available through jar service companies DRILLING JAR ASSEMBLIES (<60 HOLE ANGLE) _ JAR ASSEMBLY _JAR | ACCELERATOR ASSEMBLY _ WEIGHT FOR WEIGHT UP AND DOWN! FOR DOWN JAR BLOW JAR BLOW EQUAL TO DOWN-TRIF BoWicTRIP LOAD tone WEIGHT FOR UP JAR BLOW 10.2 OF UP- TRIP LOAD Page 87 DRILLING JARS '* Match the jar ard accelerator O0 of the OD of the BHA secton the component will be placed in (.8,, use 8" jar in 8 collar section, 6-1/2" accelerator in the HWDP section). Use the largest jar size (OD) for he hole size JAR SIZE JAR SIZE ort 47.412" and target eset 12414 @ 17-412" oe 2/410 12-16" aa e412 07418" Place the jar and accelerator 5000 Ibs of BHA weight above or below the neutral zone to aveid pro-mature wear ‘© tthe citing jar assemoly is not equipped with an accelerator, optimize the ar pestion for a 70% probability of cown jarring ‘© Visually inspect jars each tip for any indication of damage, Icose connections, excessive wear, orleakage © Gaution should be exercised not to un the jer drecily between dill colars and heavy weight cil, pipe, and directy between stablizers or collar strings of different OO size. '* Do not run hydraulic dling jars in close proximity to other hydraulic ailing jars. Do notruna stabilizer of key seat wiper above the jar to avoid getting stuck ebove the jar ‘© ifthe jars run in compression, place the jar where the BHA weight above the jar (required for bit, weight) doos net exceed pump open force at normsl circulating pressure, The jer will remsin in ‘the open position (if eireulation ie maintained) even with fil bit weight supplied ‘© ifthe jar ie run in compression, consider using a jar model that is internally counter balanced. The increased pump open force will old the jar in the open position while dling © Coneult the jar eervice company for detailed jartaccelerator placement advice Page 88 DRILLING JARS wep @nOay SEIS = sed W + 14s = 'pe07 cuL-ua, peo} duy-unop oun oj jenbo se/ ein enoge yybtem yg & Lam (euo7 jexneU OW wO}eR 016 9402 ® 10) Je aU WW Jn) soiess\900e pue Jef a4 UBBMIEG ped cu-dn BUI SALUN Z'0 JO 1UBIGM WHEE sold Zz = ones me area 74 x pe07 duy-ug [By [se] TETee TOT, (oe s (We) S/S TSLOS OLIN SIO' (ag) S¥OL9v4 ADNVAONS 1¥q Woy, spueig ——— = —— sone + ws + Ga X om £"au0z neN iq Woy spueis sores M+ wsa7 + SLL Xx 80m =“bu0z nen ‘u0z exInou ay Mojeq 10 xoge soyes9}9008/ Jef oy ve}q sel OMY OnOcE sioweDy SIEZNGEIS UNI OUOg —E ‘do sovesa;@09y ‘aouer ur peverd 51100) ota uonDes vig eXa Jo G0 ew} GO Joversisone pue sel xn yoI@n 94¢5-%CE Aa yedu Je sasearau!(papuauIuoSa!) oje-qaa2e BUIP YZ GAH! HoaW) hy ae sr (0013 se{j208uq) ‘90:0, vedo-duund jsoy6iy) sef ynespy e y0}98 ‘oxBue 904 gy < (peo7 du -uiKog p20 aut-dn (quay yod-s0r0 Buuss 0 409 pesoxe you op) s6umes peo duy papuewswooes sey 190105 {@yons Je! 15960} '9010) vado-S “1 owes M = 66 X aX us ‘WHE Iv albu 90H ‘SaNYLS aHOIM, er “O73 Page 89 DRILLING JARS ouzTa00¥ ‘SNUgY3TENG HLa3a \OSLNeIOILNY WAWAKyH ‘SONviS I Lia ONIN a spueig——— ~~ dQ eM prepueis pis sep-ug——— vaisq] + (Beg 0H + peo) dus sep-ug) (Uoyers}2008 049 pue ojBue 0104 .09 21 uaemi0q Beup-umop parewinse Snid) Deo) ds JeF-unoD 10} 1y6!9m apIrOI © aIBUE a}0U 09 2Un aAOGE AIMH/ SEIN UNA ssayvis (yop poectonue wnwpew sire na ou Susopivo0) ice api can aap ipa wap ccpadtnd ice DouTod nak Geo aes | Mo spueis Gower = e+ iM + tO x eon dui-ua ‘peo di vel-umop wntupcew ay) 0 Z'9 0} enba sel a4} Boge GAMH 22RId AqUIaSSe oIgeIa.IS} 919 Te Ie OMY aOR = ao 9e19209y aozer ‘dQMMH 24849 GO 24 04 GO soFEIEI2028 puE Je! OWN UOTE —po.inbou s| scye19}9098 BUIILP ONUOV-I7GNOG V+ Jeponw/ @¥eW Jer _(@aMs 4e13820U0) ‘20104 uado-dund ysaybuy) Jef aIneIPAY e WAS Page 90 WELL CONTROL PRIMARY Control of kicks with hydro- | Drill to total depth without First Line Of Defense _| static pressure (HSP) only | a well control event SECONDARY Control of kicks with HSP | Safely kil the kick without | ‘Second Line Of Defense | 2Ssisted by blowout the loss of circulation | preventer equipment | TERTIARY ‘An underground blowout —_| Avoid a surface blowout. | Third Line Of Defen Regain primary well control The ultimate goal of well pressure control is to prevent a surface blowout | ‘The pressure developed by the height and density of a non-moving fluid column PPG = Pounds per gallon fluid density (0.052 = PPG to PSI/FT conversion factor TVD = True vertical depth (FT) HSRg) = MUD ppg x 052 x TVD, = 10.0 x .052 x 10,000 = 5200 psi HSP To prevent formation fluid flow into the wellbore (kick), hydrostatic pressure must be at least equal to the highest pressured permeable zone of the open hole HSP 5200 PSI Pai WELL CONTROL | The piston affect of up- | Maximum swab pressure occurs at | ward string movement | the bit and is equally imposed to the swap | causing a decrease in _| bottom of the wellbore wellbore pressure which | as string motion Is started, additional een surge pressure is imposed to break the gel strength of the mud and accelerate the mud column Marginal overbalance _ | The hydrostatic pressure overbalance TRIP MARGIN | pressure (\e., 300 - 500 | is more often dictated by hole psi) to compensate for | instability (.¢., 800 - 2000 psi) | swab pressure | The piston affect of down- | Maximum surge pressure occurs at | surce ward string movement _| the bit and is equally imposed to the | causing an increase in| bottom of the wallbore eee ee | As string motion is started, additional surge pressure is imposed to break ereitation the gel strength of the mud and accelerate the mud column Pie The pump pressure | Pump surge pressure to break BURGE required to break the _| circulation may be greater than the gel strength of the mud | normal circulating annulus friction and accelerate the mud | pressure column ‘6000. PRESSURE —————> ie Saas Page 92 WELL CONTROL PRIMARY ‘The mud weight equivalent to the sum of hydrostatic and annulus friction pressures at a true vertical depth of interest e ss Ann Fricpe: TVD,,X 052 ) + Mv ne 400 . (ieaeox 1052 ) +100 = 10.8pp5 ECD HyDRostaric PRESSURE oa 2. © 4¢ 6 © @ PRESSURE (1000 psi)——>- Built-in safety factor during a kick killing | Penetration rate decreases as ECD operation increases Safety factor if circulating near or Increases potential for lost circulation, slightly under balance to formation differential sticking, wellbore instability ‘The maximum underbaiance kick load (ppg), considering an estimated kick ‘volume, the casing shoe can tolerate without fracturing Casing shoe drill out True vertical depth increase Mud weight increase Maximum kick tolerance for hole section Decreases kick tolerance Decreases kick tolerance Indicates the next casing depth to maintain well control safety Input to risk analysis if decision is made to drill ahead Page 93 WELL CONTROL PRIMARY. Weigh and record mud weight in and | Shaker Man Driller | out every 30 minutes during any Derrick Man | Mud Engineer circulating operation | Driller Geologist | Monitor the well fr signs of changing | wud Logger Driling Engineer oration bressure Shaker Man Company Rep | Ensure mud weight is correct before | Company Rep easel drilling into known high or low pressure | Mud Logger Drilling a ease| zones Toolpusher ig Engi | Ensure means of disposing of Mud Engineer Driller | contaminated fluids to avoid ‘Shaker Man Toolpusher contaminating the mud system Derrick Man Company Rep Ensure proper mud weight is used to fill the hole during trips | Maintain pit vaive seals to avoid ‘Shaker Man Driller | accidental dilution Derrick Man Mud Engineer | Maintain degasser capacity to handle full returns | Ensure proper hole fill during trips Use a calibrated trip tank. Appoint a dedicated trip tank man. Record hole fill volumes during round trip If correct fill-up is not taken (swabbing Driller indicated), flow check the well. If not ‘Mud Logger flowing, return to bottom and circulate | Trip Tank Man bottoms up| If correct displacement volume does not return while tripping in (lost circulation indicated), stop tripping and observe the well. If circulation is lost, pump fluid down the annulus. If the well is flowing shut-in immediately Company Rep Drilling Engineer Toolpusher Maintain mud box seals, ensure drain AD is plumbed to the trip tank or annulus if | Floor Men filling with pump strokes Maintain hole full during non-circulating AD | operations Driller Company Rep Toolpusher Company Rep Toolpusher Page 04 SECONDARY SECOND LINE OF DEFENSE KICK The loss of hydrostatic pressure control of formation fluid flow into the wellbore SECONDARY || The control of formation fluid flow by the use of hydrostatic [WEEE CONTROL) pressure ASSISTED by blowout preventer equipment UNDER BALANCE KICK \crease in formation pressure above wellbore hydrostatic pressure Kick caused by an CAUSE: PERMEABLE ZONE IS DRILLED WITH MUD WT INSUFFICIENT TO CONTROL FORMATION PRESSURE WARNING: PROGNOSED ABNORMAL FORMATION PRESSURE OFFSET WELL DATA = | B SECLOGIST / MUD LOGGER ABNORMAL PRESSURE TREND Sy DRILLING BREAK BI WELL FLOW /PIT GAIN eT FIRST ACTION: ‘SOUND KICK ALARM POSITION DRILL STRING FOR ‘SHUT-IN STOP THE PUMPS /SHUT-IN THE | f 1 t ' | PREVENTIVE ACTION: ADJUST MUD WEIGHT PRIOR TO ff DRILLING KNOWN ABNORMAL PRESSURED ZONE | OBSERVE ABNORMAL PRESSURI [WARNING SIGNS Page 95

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