Hooke S Law Lab Report

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Hooke’s Law-Determining the Relation of the Load

and the Springs Elongation

M. D. Cardiño1
Department of Physical Sciences, College of Science,
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila 1016

An example of an oscillating body is best described for a vibrating system that
moves back and forth or up and down and the time it takes to cover the motion
is one period of time. The experiment aims to test Hooke’s Law by determining
the maximum load attached to the metallic spring at which this law is obeyed.
Also it is ought to show the mathematical relationship between the attached
load and the increase in length of the metallic spring within the elastic regime.
The experiment used Hooke’s law apparatus, ruler, and loads. The results gain
a good measurement that determines the maximum load that the spring could
handle under Hooke’s law. The experimentation was done for several trials.
After the experiment it was been concluded that the load’s mass were linearly
proportional on the increase in length of the spring. Their correlation was found
to be strongly positive correlated. As the loads mass increases the length also
increases by a factor of 16.66.

Keywords: Hooke’s Law, Spring Constant, Restoring Force, Elastic Regime,

PACS: 45.00.00, 45.20.da

1. Introduction
An example of an oscillating body is best described for a vibrating system that moves back and forth or up and
down and the time it takes to cover the motion is one period of time [1]. The force that acts on the body to have this
motion going back and forth from its equilibrium position is called the restoring force. A spring with an attached
mass and displaced from rest exerts force on the mass; the exerted force is directly proportional to the x-
displacement that has been compressed or stretched that allows the spring to bring back into its equilibrium position
[1]. The potential energy function for the system of spring and mass must exhibit similar behavior near the
equilibrium position of xo, dominated by a purely quadratic term [2],

−d V x
F ( x )= (1.1)

1 2
Wherein the potential energy is equal to k x , substituting the given energy on Eq. 1.1

−d ( k x 2)
2 (1.2)
F ( x )=
Differentiating the equation we get,

To whom any correspondence should be addressed.
F ( x )=−kx (1.3)

This equation is commonly known as Hooke’s Law where k is the spring constant. Hooke’s law is valid only for
small displacements, where the restoring force is linear [3]. For a spring vertically hang supporting the mass from
falling due to gravity, there is an external force acting on the system which is the weight of the body. Adding the
gravitational potential energy function on Eq. 1.2 and changing its path with respect to y-axis we have,

−d( k y2 +mgy )
2 (1.4)
F ( y )=
Differentiating Eq. 1.2,

F ( y )=−ky−mg (1.5)

Using the derive Newton’s Equation on Eq. 1.5 the spring constant k was computed. Solving for k in an equilibrium
state we have,

k= (1.6)
Where in the value of y-displacement has a negative value since it travels on the –y axis.

The experiment aims to test Hooke’s Law by determining the maximum load attached to the metallic spring at
which this law is obeyed. Also it is ought to show the mathematical relationship between the attached load and the
increase in length of the metallic spring within the elastic regime.

2. Methodology
The experiment used ruler, loads with different masses and Hooke’s Law apparatus composing of iron stand
and metallic spring. The set-up was prepared by hanging the spring vertically downward with an attached mass m.
For several set-ups mass m were increased by 0.25 kg for 10 times. For experimental processes on measuring the
spring’s elongation we used laser pointer and camera to precisely measure the displacement or the increase in length
of the spring. See figure 1 for the experimentation set-up. For the computations Eq. 1.6 was used. The relation
between the load and the elongation were test through Pearson Product Moment Correlation.


Figure 1.1 The experimental set-up for Hooke’s Law.

Figure 1.A shows the initial set-up of the experiment with a load holder attached on a spring placed in front of the
initial point of the ruler. And when loads are added, the spring was elongated as portrayed on figure 1.B. The
increase in the spring’s length was measured carefully to avoid and lessen uncertainties.

3. Results and Discussion

The measurements were done for a multiple of trials to gain precise and valid results that fitted the calibrated
values for the accuracy of the apparatus. The possible causes were the judgment on the measurement and the
rusting of the spring that lessen the quality of the material. But then it was still minimized through some measuring
techniques likewise through the use of laser pointer, camera, and even by removing the rusts on the spring.

Table 1.1 The measured values in the increase in length of the metallic spring of PUP CS Laboratory.
Load (kg) Increase in Length (m) Spring Constant “k” (N/m)
0.25 1.5×10-2
0.50 3.0×10-2
0.75 4.5×10-2 163.33
1.00 6.0×10 -2 (Bounded in the Elastic Region)
1.25 7.5×10 -2

1.50 9.0×10-2
1.75 9.5×10-2
2.00 10.2×10-2
(It Exceeds the Elastic Limit)
2.25 10.5×10-2
2.50 11.0×10-2

Table 1.1 shows the gathered measurements on the experimentation process. Based on the gathered results it can be
observed that for an increasing mass in multiples of 0.25 kg the elongation of the spring also increases with a value
of 0.015 m. It shows the proportionality of the mass and displacement. Recall Eq. 1.5, since the motion is into free
fall the acceleration along y is equal to the earth’s gravity.

−ky =mg (1.7)

Where y is negative in value, since “k” and “g” are constants it was shown on Eq. 1.7 that “y” and “m” are linearly
proportional to each other. In this experiment for an increasing mass the increase in length is always

− y=0.06 m (1.8)

But Eq. 1.8 differs on the measured datas on 1.75 kg – 2.50 kg as the increase in lenght was at a different rate.
Increase in Length



Elastic Regime Plastic Regime
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Load's Mass

Graph 1.1 It shows the gathered measurements that bounds different regimes.

It was shown on Graph 1.1 that the spring constant “k” that was defined by the ratio of the mass and elongation at y
was constant for all loads having a mass of 0.25 kg – 1.5 kg, unlikely on loads having a mass 1.75 kg – 2.5 kg it
gains different ratios or constant. Those loads that had a constant value of k were called to be bounded on the elastic
regime with a maximum load of 1.5 kg. This regime shows the loads whose mass that obeys Hooke’s law, once the
law was not obeyed or preserved it shows that the mass exceeds the elastic limit of the spring and it was already
bounded on the plastic regime.

. Table 1.2 The computed increase in length at different loads.

Load (kg) Increase in Length (m) Spring Constant “k” (N/m)
0.15 9.0×10 -3
1.35 0.081 (Bounded in the Elastic Region)
No reliable measurements since the mass of the load exceed the maximum
load that obeys Hooke’s Law.

Table 1.2 shows the computed values on the given exercise. The same behavior was observed when compared to the
experiment. For 3 kg the spring constant “k” is no longer in need to compute since its mass were larger than of the
maximum load of the given metallic spring that could handle and obey Hooke’s law.

Based on the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, there is a strong positive correlation between the
loads mass and the increase in length of the spring which means that as the mass increases the spring’s length also
increases, this is for the whole gathered measurements. The correlation of the gathered data projected at each regime
were also computed, for the elastic regime the correlation projects perfectly positive correlation therefore the x and y
variables or the mass and length are linearly proportional to each other.

4. Conclusion and Recommendation

It was been concluded based on the experiment that the loads mass is linearly proportional to the increase in
length of the spring. For all loads that having the same measurements of spring constant k within the elastic regime,
Hooke’s law were still obeyed and the spring is still elastic. Once the elastic limit were exceeded Hooke’s law’s
equations were not applicable and capable of measuring the constant k as different principle were need and used.
It is greatly recommended to use metallic springs that are in good quality. It is also recommended that the
experiment must be conducted by multiple of trials with a shorter difference on the increase in mass of the loads to
observed more the behavior between the load and the increase in length of the spring.

We would like to extend our gratitude to those who made the experiments possible and successful with our
deepest appreciation to their efforts and support. To Mr. Rogelio Dizon, our professor in Advance Laboratory I,
who gave his time and effort on sharing his knowledge and guiding us in forming methods of experiments
until its execution. To our parents who showed their valuable support. To our colleagues and classmates, who
shared their advice, time and resources to make the experiments possible. And especially to God, the Father
Almighty, for giving us provision, grace, mercy, strength and wisdom to finish the experiment and this
laboratory report.
[1] Giancoli, Douglas C. “Physics Principles with Applications”. Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education Inc. ISBN-
10: 0-321-62592-7
[2] Fowles, Grant R. and George L. Cassiday. “Analytical Mechanics”6th ed. Harcourt College Publisher, ISBN 0-
[3] A. Young, R. Freedman and A.L Ford, University Physics with Modern Physics, 13th ed. Jurong Singapore:
Pearson, 2012, ch.7
[4] Serway, Raymond A., Vuille, Chris and Jerry S. Faughn “College Physics”.2008
[5] Wolfson, Richard. “Essential University Physics” 2nd ed. Addison and Wesley, Pearson Education Inc. ISBN

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