Engineering Dept Manual

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Engineering Department
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................. 3
ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS.......................................................................................................4
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT..........................................................................................................................................6
TOOLS MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................................................................................8
PURCHASING AND STOCK CONTROL..................................................................................................................................9
COMMUNICATIONS WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT..............................................................................................................11
ANNUAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE.........................................................................................................14
BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN...........................................................................................................................................18
CHECKING AND CHANGING LAMPS..................................................................................................................................34
CHILLER MAINTENANCE...................................................................................................................................................35
CONTRACTORS WORKS....................................................................................................................................................36
FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TESTING..........................................................................................................................................37
FIRE EXTINIGUISHERS.......................................................................................................................................................38
FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TESTING....................................................................................................................................39
GENERATOR MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................................................40
HOW TO ENTER A GUEST ROOM.....................................................................................................................................41
KEN-FIX IT PROGRAM.......................................................................................................................................................42
LEGIONELLA DISEASE PREVENTION..................................................................................................................................43
LIFT MAINTENANCE.........................................................................................................................................................48
Master Filing System........................................................................................................................................................49
MAINTENANCE REQUEST SYSTEM...................................................................................................................................55
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH.............................................................................................................................57
OPEN FLAMES.................................................................................................................................................................. 59
SIGNAGES......................................................................................................................................................................... 60
TOUR OF THE HOTEL........................................................................................................................................................61
WATER TEST..................................................................................................................................................................... 63

As part of the hotel entity, engineering department has specific roles/purpose why it is existing as one of the
operational departments. A hotel requires a huge amount of investment by the owner /owing company. This
investment as a facility needs to be kept in excellent condition at all times for the service life it is designed to

It is therefore the most important function of the department to maintain the looks, the services, furniture and
equipments of a hotel in an excellent condition.

All hotels provide guest services by consuming resources like electricity, water, gas, fuel, etc which we
collectively call Utility. It is also the responsibility of the department to make sure the consistent supply of
utilities and to monitor their consumption, to make sure that there is a minimized wastage and later minimize
the utility costs to a reasonable amount.

Finally it is safety. Safety to the guests we serve, safety to the employees who are working in the hotel and
safety to the environment we operate in at large which mainly concern the department.

The operating procedures are compiled together as a department manual together with the organization
structure and manning plan.

Chief Engineer



Asst Chief Engineer



Electrician- 5



Civil Team Leader Mechanical Team

Table 1: Manning Chart
Position Manning

Civil technician-3 G.Mechanic-
Chief Engineer 1  
Asst Chief Engineer 1

Engineering Coordinator 1

Mechanical Team Leader 1

G. Mechanic Handy man-12

Plumber   1 Plumber-1
Electrical Team Leader 1  
Electrician 5

Civil works team leader 1

Civil Technician 3

Handy Man 1

Total 17



To insure that there is a continual development process to all engineering staff members through
familiarization knowledge and skill trainings. Trainings also enable to set a bench mark for operating standards
and to make sure all are performing up to the set standards procedure.

Two types of trainings will be given to all staff within the department

Planned training

This training will be a scheduled training which will be divided into two.

Regular Departmental Training

The regular departmental training plan will be given to all as a briefing and orientation when new employees
join the department. In addition even Saturday morning is the date for departmental training from the basic
systems down to the individual equipments one by one throughout the year.

On Job Skills Training

A preplanned schedule training mainly on skills covered under the OJS training. A training subject will be
developed based on the gap analysis observed during operation. Training sessions will be developed and
training will take 15-20mins per trainee. OJS training is a skill training which focuses on enabling trainees
achieve the skill to do one task to the standard via a structured training sessions in a very short time. It does not
include transferring knowledge, knowledge trainings should be given before hand on a specific subject before
conducting OJS training.

Unplanned on the job coaching and guidance

Giving an OJS or regular training does not make the trainee perfect by itself. During normal operations, there
are chances to observe performance gaps in trainees on subjects which trainings have been given. When such
gaps are observed an unplanned coaching and guidance on the spot will be conducted to all engineering staff. It
is this follow up and coaching which will enable the staff to meet the performance standards set.

Competence Chart

After the planned trainings, a competence chart will be filled to see in what areas one staff is competent and
which areas need to be covered for him/her to be efficient. In addition it will be used to assist the HOD to
determine to whom to assign a specific job based on their competency. The competence chart will also used as
guide line for performance evaluation.


Purpose: To set a clear procedure on how available engineering tools are utilized within the department to
provide consistent repair and maintenance service.


All tools should only be issued by the engineering department. No personal tools should be used during
operation unless in special situations and approved by the HOD.

Any gift tools from suppliers or contractors should be reported to HOD and should be given to the engineering

Everyone should carefully handle the tools provided to him with utmost care and proper usage.

Any tools lost should be reported immediately to HOD for further follow up and investigation.

Tools will be divided into the following sections

Individual tools: to be kept in duty engineers and all other technicians individually and they will sign on the
tools receiving logbook for every tool that they receive with an individual responsibility.

Duty engineers - common tools: This common tool box will be managed in group by the duty engineers. The
key to the common duty tool box is to be transferred from one shift to the next during the duty briefing.

Mechanical common tools: This common tool box will be managed in group by the mechanics. The key to
the common mechanical tool box is to be transferred from one shift to the next during the duty briefing.

Civil Technicians common tools: This common tool box will be managed in group by the civil technicians.
The key to the common civil technician tool box is to be transferred from one shift to the next during the duty

Work shop and Heavy tools: These tools will be managed by the engineering coordinator and will be kept in
engineering store. Tools which are taken from the store will be signed by the requesting technician and these
tools should not be kept personally, should be returned on the same date to the engineering coordinator.


Purpose: To insure that there is a smooth supply of spare, consumable and replacement items without
discontinuity of service to our internal and external customers.

Purchasing: The purchasing flow for procuring engineering consumables and spare parts will be mainly based
on the maintenance control system.(MC)
Regarding the request, the engineering coordinator will be mainly responsible and in his/her absence
ACE/supervisors will be in charge.

Requests will be mainly generated from:-

Moring briefing

Maintenance request

New projects

Depleted stock item

All supervisors and technicians are expected to report in writing the details of the requested item and the
expected delivery date.

The pending purchasing items will be updated on weekly basis and submitted to HOD for follow up with the
purchasing department. The supervisors and engineering coordinator will be following up regularly with the
purchasing and on critical and important items they can ask for assistance from the HOD.

When an item is purchased, the engineering coordinator is responsible for receiving and before signing off,
he/she has to liaise with the requester/ supervisor/Ass. CE/ HOD for confirmation that the item delivered is up
to the quality required.

Stock control

Stock control for the engineering store is a vital process which will enable the department activities of repair
and maintenance to proceed without any flows to meet the guest expectation.


Stock control will mainly be the responsibility of the engineering coordinator and the following steps should be

List all available and newly coming items in a continuous way.

Segmentation of all items in to their respective specialization.

Determine the minimum/maximum stock level for each item.

Index the shelves into rows and columns and determine the location of the items.

Develop the bin-card and fill the above information including the existing quantity at the time of filling the
stock item information.

Whenever an item is received and/or issued the engineering coordinator will be in charge of balancing and if
the quantity of a given item reaches the minimum value to initiate the purchase request.

Chemical stores

The same procedure above applies to the chemical storing but chemicals used in engineering systems, should
be stored in a separate location which is ventilated and not in contact with other stock items. The chemicals
should be kept in a place where they are protected from spoilage, falling or moisture.

A manufacturer recommended, material safety data sheet (MSDS) should be listed for each chemical type
including the following information.

Name of chemical

Physical property

Chemical property

Safety while handling

Health hazards

Fire hazards

First aid measures

Fire fighting technique



Purpose: As an operational department, communication plays a major role to provide a consistent service to
our internal and external customers. A lot of responsibility lies on the engineering department and
miscommunication can endanger the continuity of business.

The main core communications within the department are :-

1. Monthly Departmental meeting: this will be a scheduled monthly meeting with the presence of HR
manager mainly focusing on

Review of the department’s operation

Preventive maintenance

Ken-fix-it program

Duty roster



Employee of the month

Utility consumption

Energy saving initiatives

Open discussion

Morning briefing

Every morning at 8:00 AM there will be a morning briefing with normal shift and duty technicians, which will
take 15-20 mins.

In morning briefing the following main parts should be covered

Job assignment

A specific job will be assigned to each technician and supervisor. Each technician is expected to know what
job is assigned to him and the expected delivery date/time

The delayed job assignment will be made by the ACE or supervisors in his absence and will be read out loudly
to each technician.

Log book review


General notices


Guest comment

Complaints from other departments etc

The daily utility consumption






The daily utility consumption will be recorded in a utility consumption report logbook by the morning shift
duty technicians.

Afternoon and Night briefing

Afternoon and night briefings will be carried out between the shift and supervisors. The list of performed and
pending jobs will be communicated, including duty room cards, keys, duct phones etc.


Utility consumption report

A monthly compiled utility consumption report will be submitted to the finance department and a copy will be
kept in the engineering dept.

The utility consumption report mainly compromises:

Diesel consumption

Water consumption

Electric power consumption

Gas consumption

Log Book

One of the main communication methods for the department is the logbook. The logbook is expected to be
filled by each engineering staff about every activity performed, remarks, observation, message etc. Each
engineering staff is expected to read and sign on the log book daily.

It is especially the duty engineer’s duty to read and also write their daily report about executed jobs, pending
jobs, special requests by other departments etc.

The logbook will be divided into two sections as:

General log book – for all public area, back of house and all areas with the exception of guest rooms.

Guest room log book – will be used for activities performed in a guest room. The reason for separating this
logbook from the general one is that guest related jobs and urgency without any miscommunication.

Check lists

Check list will be developed to be used by the duty technicians while they are doing tour of the hotel. The
check lists have to be used on each duty shift and if there are irregularities observed, they have to be
communicated to the immediate supervisor/ACE/CE depending on the criticality of the situation. These
findings of irregularities have to be recorded and must be highlighted in the logbook.

Shift changes and lieu days

Depending on the situation they are in a duty technician might need to change his shift duty. Since engineering
department is operational for 24 hrs 7 days a week, a strict policy is required to be set to maintain a consistent

Any duty technician who wants to change his schedule has to come with a replacement request form filled and
signed. The shift change has to be checked by the ACE and only upon the approval from the HOD can the shift
change be allowed.

Shift change requests should be filled at least 3 days before the requested date of change.

Lieu days clearing

Lieu days are days earned on which an employee has worked extra day like in holidays, weekly day offs and
collective extra hours. These extra days have to be compensated by taking leave which we call lieu day

Lieu day clearing has to be requested by the requester at least 4 days before the actual date of leave to ensure a
smooth replacement.

Upon request, the ACE will check if the lieu day clearing is possible and will update the duty roster
accordingly. Finally upon approval by the HOD the lieu day clearing can be taken.



Preventive maintenance is a schedule of planned maintenance actions aimed at the prevention of breakdowns
and failures and to keep the property and its contents in excellent condition at all times. This document is
intended as a guide line for setting up and running a hotel maintenance organization.


The primary goal of preventive maintenance is to prevent the failure of equipment before it actually occurs and
to keep the product in good shape. It is designed to preserve and enhance equipment reliability by replacing
worn components before they actually fail. The ideal preventive maintenance program would prevent all
equipment failure before it occurs.


The following procedures should be followed to develop a fully fledged preventive maintenance plan;

Technical fact sheet of the hotel: This sheet has to be prepared and contains the total built-in area, plot area
and area schedule of the hotel.

Technical Inventory: (Facility and Equipment register) a technical inventory of the whole plant and all
equipment installed must be prepared as per the submitted As-Built drawings, equipment schedules and
manuals. The inventory should contain the following information;

Equipment name


Brand and Model

Technical specifications

Serial No.

Its designed service area

Annual Preventive maintenance Plan( Chart):

The program shall be a regular scheduled program to inspect, service and repair all facilities and equipment

A chart of the schedule of weekly , monthly, quarterly, Semi-annual and annual maintenance activities of all
the plant, laundry, kitchen, bar equipment should be prepared as per the manufacturer’s recommendations of
each equipment.



T EQPT. NO.>           0               1              

NO. NAME                                            

N PUMP – 1 A                   C              

N PUMP – 2   A                   C            

PUMP     A       D       D       C       D      

PUMP       A       D       D       C       D    

PUMP D       A       D       D       C       D  

PUMP   D       A       D       D       C       D

PUMP     D       A       D       D       C      

PUMP       D       A       D       D       C    

Maintenance procedure

Maintenance procedures and a preventive maintenance plan as per the manufacturer’s recommendations must
be prepared for each piece of equipment. The maintenance manuals and catalogues will be used in preparing
the required plan. Please see the example below.

Capital Hotel and Spa - PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE – Schedule of works

Equipment: Grease Interceptor Manufacturer: Model / Type:

Supplier :

Location: External – Loading bay

Maintenance Time Interval

Works to be done Days Months Years

S.No 1 7 15 1 2 3 4 6 1

Check if the cover seals are in the closed position. If 

1 necessary properly seal the cover after checking

2 Open the cover and check scrap (replace if damaged) 

3 Pump out all the contaminated water 

Maintenance History Card: A maintenance history card for each piece of equipment will be prepared. The
history card will contain the following information;

Technical specs of the equipment

Supplier’s contact address

Technical Details


Equipment Number

Details of the maintenance works done( indicating any spare parts used)

The name and signature of the technician carrying out the work

Date of work performed.

After the execution of a maintenance and repair work, the history card must be filled and signed off by the
technician who has performed the work.

Internal Maintenance and work orders:

Effective work allocation to maintenance staff by the Engineering supervisor as per the preventive
maintenance plan and schedule though work order sheets

Work order sheets will contain the following information,

Name and location of equipment

Description of work to be performed


Issued by :( Name and Signature)

Date of Completion



Primary objective

To prepare the business to cope with the effects of an emergency.

Secondary Objectives

To define and prioritize the Critical Functions of the business

To analyze the emergency risks to the business

To detail the agreed response to an emergency

To identify Key Contacts during an emergency

Business Impact Analysis

Critical Function: Electricity supply interrupted

Affect on Service:

Time Effect on Service: Hotel services will be interrupted/stopped

Mitigation in place

Shift to Generator (Automatically)

Assign technician to monitor engine temperature , output and general functionality

Check availability of fuel in the tank and replenish

Check if power interruption is not due to own equipment-substation, cabling, panel board etc...
First 24 hours Contact EEPCO to get information on the fault and expected power outage duration

Record on the log book activities carried out.

Inform the General Manager and all concerned departments

Verify that all equipment connected to Generator power supply is functional and disconnect all
non essential loads.

Consult the GM in relation to the ability of the generator sets to continue working

24 – 48 hours Distribute candles to every room

Shut down for 1 hour and check oil, temperature, noise etc.

Up to 1 week

Resource Requirements for Recovery:

Time No. of staff Relocation? Resources required Data required

Fuel Contact list

Multi meters Generator Manual
Electrical designs
and Standard
First 24 hours 1 No operational

Fuel, Candles Generator Manual

24 – 48 hours 1 No

Up to 1 week

Business Impact Analysis

Critical Function: Water supply interrupted

Affect on Service:

Time Effect on Service: Hotel services will be interrupted/stopped

Mitigation in place

Check the levels in the water tank and ensure the minimum required for
fire fighting purpose
Contact Utility company AAWSA( Addis Ababa Water and Sewer
Authority) and find out the expected time to recover from the interruption
First 24 hours
Inform the GM and all concerned parties
Consult with GM on closing high water consumption areas like Laundry,
Steam generator and Stewarding areas
Record on the log book activities carried out

Follow up the status with the utility supplier

Contact water supplying companies and facilitate the delivery
24 – 48 hours Make sure proper pressure and discharge is maintained in the water line
Check functionality of operation of the pumps and be ready for check up
and maintenance if required

Up to 1 week

Resource Requirements for Recovery:

Time No. of staff Relocation? Data required

Contact list
First 24 hours 1 No Manual for

Petty cash for Manual for

24 – 48 hours 1 No externally Pumps
delivered water

Up to 1 week

Business Impact Analysis

Critical Function: Fuel / Gas supply interrupted

Affect on Service:

Effect on Service: Diesel Generator, hot water supply will be interrupted,

Kitchen, Laundry and services will be affected

Mitigation in place

In case there is no replenishment 1-2 days after request, Identify and

record in the log book the estimated remaining time before GAS/FUEL is
First 24 hours Inform the General Manager and all other concerned departments
Contact supplier to ensure swift replenishment
Fill in the log book activities carried out

Asses the expected remaining duration of the interruption and consult

24 – 48 hours with the General Manager for alternatives.
Attempt to minimise the consumption.

Up to 1 week Identify option to utilize alternative suppliers

Up to 2 weeks

Resource Requirements for Recovery:

Time No. of staff Relocation? Resources required Data required

Cost of transport and Contact list

First 24 hours 1 No
Transport cost suppliers list

Cost of Transport and Contact list

24 – 48 hours 1 No replenishment
Transport cost

Contact list
Up to 1 week 1 No
suppliers list

Business Impact Analysis

Critical Function: Critical equipment out of order

Note: Critical Equipments include

Electromechanical: Boilers, Elevators, Chillers and AHU, Generators , Main Panel Boards and the like ....
Kitchen and Laundry: Kitchen appliances and cold rooms, Steam Generator Laundry equipments and the
Special/Support systems: BMS, Security, IT and communication, TV and the like....

Time Effect on Service: Ranges from partial to complete hotel service interruption

Mitigation in place

Switch to redundancy if available

Check if there are spares available and replace
Call “Brain Storming” meeting and call emergency maintenance staff members.
Contact the relevant subcontractors and suppliers to get it fixed or replaced.
First 24 hours
Inform the General Manager and all concerned departments
Evaluate the service interrupted as result of an equipment out of order can be out
sourced and contact the available service providers
Fill in the log book activities carried out

Evaluate the cause and devise plan of action by consulting with the GM to reinstate the
service interrupted.
24 – 48 hours
Mobilize all available resources (including other hotels or similar entities) to resolve
the issue.

Up to 1 week

Resource Requirements for Recovery:

Time No. of staff Relocation? Data required

First 24 hours 2 or as required No Tools Spare parts list

(Electrical and Contractors and

suppliers list

Spare parts, Contact list

Petty Cash Operation and

maintenance manuals.

Tel/ Internet

Same as above Same as above

24 – 48 hours 1 No

Up to 1 week

Business Impact Analysis

Critical Function: Critical staff absent

Affect on Service:

Effect on Service: Related maintenance service will be stopped

-Brand and business values will be compromised

Mitigation in place

Inform the HR department

Follow up if there is a maintenance request related to the missing staff

First 24 hours
Evaluate who can be a better replacement among the maintenance team

Assign a replacement

Contact maintenance contractors to assign a maintenance person

24 – 48 hours Inform to the GM

Record to the log book activities carried

Advise HR department to contact potential recruits

Up to 1 week

Request for initiation of recruitment

Up to 2 weeks

Resource Requirements for Recovery:

Time No. of staff Relocation? Data required

First 24 hours 2 Yes

24 – 48 hours 1 No and suppliers

Up to 1 week

Business Impact Analysis

Critical Function: Drainage / Sewer line blocked/flooding

Affect on Service:

Time Effect on Service: hotel services will be interrupted/stopped

Mitigation in place

Initiate full evacuation if there is flooding to make sure no life is endangered.

Discontinue the source to ease the problem( if Possible)
Try to identify the place/location of blockage and if in-house try to solve it.
Contact Utility Addis Ababa Water and Sewer Authority (AAWSA) to rectify the
First 24 hours
situation and confirm their response time.
If not satisfactory, contact pending sanitary service providers from the contacts list.
Inform the GM and all concerning departments.
Record on the log book activities carried out.

Contact contractors or suppliers of the sewer system by consulting with the General
24 – 48 hours Come to a contractual agreement with selected sanitary service providers
At the end restore the sewer system, clean other systems damaged as a result of the
blockage and make sure they are in good condition.

Up to 1 week

Resource Requirements for Recovery:

Time No. of staff Relocation? Data required

Designs Contact list

First 24 hours 1 No Contractors and suppliers

Contact list
24 – 48 hours 1 No Contractors and suppliers

Up to 1 week

Business Impact Analysis

Critical Function: Close a floor/area for emergency reasons

Affect on Service:

Time Effect on Service: Hotel services in one floor/area is interrupted/stopped

Mitigation in place

Notify the GM and Front Desk and other concerned department

Disable Elevators not to stop on the floors to be closed.
Put a signage on the doors from the escape stairs and temporarily close these doors in
collaboration with security
Check communication cables, Electric cables, Water supply Pipes and fire fighting
cables passing through the concerned area and ensure continuity and functionality.
Take out (if any) guarantees covering damaged items and communicate respective
First 24 hours suppliers / contractors for an immediate remedial action.
Call insurance companies to estimate the damage and prepare a claim.
Agree with the General Manager the time frame, reopening date and resources required.
Identify and repair the cause/source of the problem.
Schedule all other relevant remedial works, testing and commissioning activity.
Evaluate support services interrupted can be outsourced and contact available external
services providers.

Make all necessary damage repairs.

Once completed, assign a snag team with a snag list to check appropriate completion of
the works.
24 – 48 hours
Archive all the testing and commissioning procedure.
Enable elevators, and remove signs and open closed doors.
Notify again the front Desk manager and GM and all concerned departments

Up to 1 week

Resource Requirements for Recovery:

Time No. of staff Relocation? Data required

Designs Contact list

2 or as Contractors and suppliers list

First 24 hours No
required Snag list

Guarantee’s lis

Contact list

24 – 48 hours 1 No Operating and Maintenance


Hazard Analysis Table

Risk Matrix Score

A = HIGH Likelihood and HIGH Impact

B = LOW Likelihood and HIGH Impact

C = HIGH Likelihood and LOW Impact

D = LOW Likelihood and LOW Impact

Risk Matrix
Hazard Impact

Electricity supply All hotel services will be stoped


Water supply Interrupted All hotel services will be stopped B

Hot water supply will be interrupted,

Gas/Fuel supply Kitchen service will be affected.

discontinued shuttle and transport services will be affected

ranges from partial to complete hotel service

Critical Equipment out of interruption B

-Brand and business values will be

Critical Staff is Absent compromised.
Related maintenance service will be stopped

Drainage/ Sewer line is hotel services will be stopped


Close a floor for Hotel services in one floor is

emergency reasons interrupted/stopped

Critical Function Priority List

Priority Critical Function

1 Electricity supply interrupted

2 Gas/Fuel supply discontinued

3 Water supply Interrupted

4 Critical Equipment out of order

5 Closing of One floor for emergency

6 Drainage/ Sewer line is blocked

7 Critical Staff is Absent


This list can be used during an emergency to assist your decision making when compiling an Action Plan as to
which function needs to be reinstated first.

Emergency Response Checklist

For use during an emergency

Start a log of actions taken:

Liaise with Emergency Services:

Identify any damage:

Identify Functions disrupted:

Convene your Response / Recovery Team:

Provide information to staff:

Decide on course of action:

Communicate decisions to staff and business partners:

Provide public information to maintain reputation and business:

Arrange a Debrief:

Lessons learnt and review Business Continuity Plan:

Key Contact Sheet

Contact Office Number Mobile Number Useful information

Log Sheet

Date Time Information / Decisions / Actions Initials



To maintain all lamps in public area, guest floor and back areas, functional at all times of the hotel operation


Areas to cover

Guest floor levels from 2nd floor-9th floor

Kitchens, Laundry, storage areas, Mezzanine, conference centers, meeting rooms

Back office area, bar, restaurant, lobby, lifts, cafeteria, executive lounge, Staff canteen, Substation, MDB
room, Security room

Electricians in every shift will check the areas specified above and check and replace faulty lamps by
consulting the relevant department

A check list will be prepared and all finding shall be filled on it.

Missing lamp types should be immediately reported to the chief engineer for purchase processing



To keep the Chillers in our hotel free of trouble and keep them in an excellent condition to guarantee that they
are always operating at the peak efficiency.


To have an AMC for the maintenance of the Chillers with an approved HVAC contractor.

Specialized trade should be carrying out the maintenances for continuously carrying preventive and service

The chillers must be inspected by every shift person and to fill in the specified log sheets.

Any malfunction noted during the shift inspection must be logged in properly and to notify CE / ACE

CE/ ACE to liaise with the contractor for any breakdown of the chillers

In case of a complete chiller failure or temporary maintenance services a proper sign should be kept on the
chiller concerned stating “Do not operate, Equipment out of order"

Engineering department should coordinate with the service contracting company for the immediate trouble
shooting of the chillers.

All the service reports must be filed and available in the Eng. Office.



To ensure all the contractors carries out their specified work in an orderly manner maintaining safety of the
guest and staff, causing minimum disturbance to the hotel operation.


Ensure proper agreement between the contractor and the hotel exist

To brief the contractor of the timings of their work in relation to the area they are working

Ensure to assign a hotel staff accompany the contractor if the work involves a guest occupied area,

Engineering Dept. to notify the concerned Dept if the work involves a guest occupied area, like FO, F&B, Spa,

Contractors should be asked to wear appropriate dress on duty

Contractors must be provided with an area for their lunch breaks if needed

Ensure to give standby services if the work affects the services to other areas of the hotel

Ensure that the contract staffs use all eqpts. safely and the eqpts are well protected

To communicate closely with the foremen on all related issues.


Primary objective:

To ensure the fire alarm system is thoroughly checked at specified intervals by an authorized service company.


To have an appropriate “Annual Maintenance Contract” for the periodic service of the fire alarm system, with
a competent and authorized service company

The service company to liaise with security control room for any testing or repair work.

Any detectors / MCP found defective during the inspection and service, must be rectified or replaced

To ensure spares for the system is always available with the co. and must be available to replace any defective
spares at any time.

The system must be tested by the service company every 3 months

Periodical in-house test must be carried out and recorded.

Any defective or damaged detectors / MCP units found at any time, the service company must be called in for
immediate rectification or replacement.

Any defects in the fire alarm system must be notified to the civil defence control room


Primary objective:

To ensure all the portable fire extinguishers are properly serviced at the specified intervals by an authorized
service company.


To have an appropriate “Annual Maintenance Contract” for the periodic service of all portable fire
extinguishers, with a competent and authorized service company

All the fire extinguishers to be serviced every six months and tagged by the service company

Any Extinguishers found defective during the inspection and service, must be rectified or replaced

Spare fire extinguishers must be available to replace any defective extinguishers at any time.

All the extinguishers must be marked with the location, type and size of the extinguisher.

Any used or damaged extinguishers found at any time, must be sent to the service company for immediate
rectification or replacement.

The list of the fire extinguishers must be available in the Engineering and security office.


Primary objective:

To ensure the fire sprinkler system is thoroughly inspected and tested at specified intervals by an authorized
service company.


To have an appropriate “Annual Maintenance Contract” for the periodic service of the fire sprinkler system,
with a competent and authorized service company

The service company to liaise with security & Engineering Dept for any testing or repair work on the sprinkler

Any spares found defective during the inspection and service, must be rectified or replaced immediately, as per
the service contract.

To ensure spares for the system is always available with the co. and must be available to replace any defective
spares at any time.

The sprinkler pumps – Electrical and Diesel pumps must be tested every month and the sprinkler head must be
tested annually.

All the zone control valves must be checked every 3 months

All the sprinkler system valves must be open at all times

Any defects in the system must be notified to the control room.

Any defective or damaged components found at any time, the service company must be called in for immediate
rectification or replacement.



To keep the Generators in our hotel free of trouble and keep them in an excellent condition to guarantee that
they are available for emergency power supply.


To have an AMC for the maintenance of the Generators with an approved Electrical contractor.

Specialized trade should be carrying out the maintenances for continuously carrying preventive and service

Generator problems are priority 1, and should be attended with utmost urgency

The Generator must be tested on a monthly basis and maintain athe test reports

In case of a complete Generator failure or temporary maintenance services a proper sign should be kept on near
to the generator concerned stating “Do not operate, Equipment under service"

Engineering department should coordinate with the service contracting company for the immediate trouble
shooting of the Generators.

All the service reports must be filed and available in the Eng. Office.



To ensure that all guests in-house respect their privacy while staying in their room, all staff that needs to enter
the guestroom will follow the standard and procedure consistently. Always be aware that when the guest stays
in the hotel the room given is his/her home away from home.


Try go get the name of the guest and make sure you pronounce it correctly.

Knock on door: Check the presence of DND "Do Not Disturb" sign, check if it is double lock, if no DND sign,
then proceed to your business. Knock the door 3 times with your knuckles and identify yourself "Engineering"
and your intention.

Wait for reply.

If no reply within 30 second, knock again and announce yourself the second time.

Wait for reply again.

If no reply, knock again and open the door at the same time say "Good Morning, Good Afternoon or Good
Evening" and identify yourself.

If the guest presence in the room, explain what is your purpose of visit.

Always give the guest an option by offering him/her to comeback: Ask the guest what convenient time for the
service you offer.

Leave the room quietly and close the door.

When entering the guestroom always leave the door open by using door stopper. Never close the door while
you were inside the room.

At the end your shift such as DND rooms, Double locked, Refuse service etc. has to be reported to the
Housekeeping Supervisor along with the Room Attendant report accompany with all important information.



The Ken-Fix-It (“KFI”) program is the Hotel’s guest room and public area maintenance program.

Guidelines and objectives:

Guest satisfaction is directly tied to the quality of the Hotel’s physical appearance.

The Ken-Fix-it prorgram aims to keep the guest rooms,guest floors and all the public areas in excellent shape
at all times through routine and planned inspections,maitenance & repair works.


A Ken-Fix-Team will consist of multi-skilled technicians, typically a carpenter and an electrician, who are
trained to do minor repair and maintenance for all trades.

Usually, two Ken-Fix-It teams will be required, i.e. one in the guest areas and one in the back of house areas.

Each team will have a trolley containing several shelving to accommodate spare parts and engineering
consumables, such as lamps, screws, pipe fittings etc. The trolley will have rubber tires and swivel casters.

Uniforms worn by the team: The Ken-fix-it team technicians should wear a different uniform than the other
technical staff; more presentable, better in quality as they will be in front of the guest view at all times.

Programs for regular room and public area inspection &maintenance need to be prepared. These programs
should be prepared taking into consideration the size and type of the hotel.

The guest area inspections and maintenance other than the guest rooms should be completed in maximum four
to five days.

The back of house areas should be completed in maximum a week time. (Weekly turnover is one)

Two type of programs need to be developed;

a.Guest room maintenance program-Technical Checklist

b. Public area maintenance program-Technical Checklist

Daily house tours in the guest areas and back of house areas will be carried out by the Ken-Fix- It team to
instantly correct any noted deficiencies on the floors, walls, ceilings or furniture. A pre-determined amount of
guest rooms will be taken daily as “out of order” status –depending on the size and occupancy levels of the
hotel-to carry out deep maintenance.



Legionnaires' disease is a form of pneumonia that is caused by inhalation or aspiration of bacteria that belong
to the family Legionellaceae. Legionellosis is most commonly linked to exposure to Legionella pneumophila;
however, other species can cause the disease as well.

Legionella can be found in stagnant and unsanitised water sources. This could include decorative water
fountains, pools/ponds and standing water and in cooling towers. Legionella has also been found in improperly
maintained swimming pools and whirlpools.

Legionella and other bacteria can be controlled by maintaining sanitized water at all times. Water which is not
sanitized can become an attractive medium for growth. The appearance of algae or other growth should be a
warning sign for the potential presence of Legionella.

The illness can often be fatal and the publicity attracted by such cases is highly damaging to both the tour
operator and the hotel.

Signs of illness usually appear 3 to 6 days after infection but may take longer.

Risk vector:

The three conditions for a contamination:

A: an origin : legionella exists in the natural environment

B: a distributor: water system with terminal apparatus that

generates Aerosols

C: a target: a person



‫ا‬ Inhalation
Legionella Prolifération ‫ا‬

Cold water Showers – Whirlpool bath-Fountains

(Public main) Water 25 to 45°C Cooling towers
Stagnant water
The risk results from a combination of the three elements. If one of them is absent, there is no risk.


The illness usually starts with a fever, chills, headache and muscle pain.

This is followed by a dry cough and breathing difficulties that in some persons will progress to a
severe pneumonia.

About a third of those infected will also have diarrhea or vomiting and about a half become confused or

In order to make an accurate diagnosis specific medical laboratory tests must be undertaken and may need

In most cases this Will not occur until after the guests have returned home

Are there any specific risk areas?

Wherever water sprays can be created there is a risk of infection:-

Showers and taps

Water tanks

Stagnant points/branches in pipes

Rubber and natural fibers in washers and seals.

Spa baths and whirlpool baths

Turkish baths and saunas

Cooling towers and evaporative condensers, even if situated on the roof or in the grounds

Garden irrigation systems

Ornamental fountains, particularly indoors

Humidified food displays


The preventive actions will ensure that the risk for Legionella disease is maintained at minimum at all times.
The risk of Legionnaires' disease can be minimized by implementing the Legionella prevention program.


This program is controlled by the Engineering department and the Engineering department is fully responsible
for its implementation.

Prevention procedures: The prevention procedures that must be adapted are as follows;

Keeping hot water hot and circulating at all times: 50˚C - 60˚C. Keeping cold water: below 20˚C (although the
EC Directive on the quality of water intended for human consumption permits water to be supplied to premises
at temperatures up to 25°C).

Note: In practice, the water temperature is likely to be well below this maximum value (in the order of 5 -
10°C in winter and up to 20°C in summer). However, during a prolonged hot summer, the incoming water
temperature can become abnormally warm. If the incoming water is above 20°C, the incoming water should be
pre-cooled to 22 °C.

Running all taps and showers in unoccupied guest rooms for several minutes at least once a week and always
prior to occupation.

Keeping shower heads and taps clean and free from scale

Preventing water stagnancy in any area of the hotel.

Cleaning and disinfecting cooling towers and associated pipes used in air conditioning systems regularly - at
least twice a year

The AC filters and cooling coils of all AHUs and FCU should be disinfected on regular bases.

Cleaning and disinfecting water heaters (calorifiers) once a year

Cleaning and disinfecting all water filters regularly - every one to three months

Inspecting water storage tanks and visible pipe work monthly.

Cleaning and disinfecting the shower heads in the guest room bathrooms on quarterly bases.

Inspecting the inside of cold water tanks at least once a year and disinfecting with 50mg/l chlorine and clean if
containing a deposit or otherwise dirty

Procedures to be followed once contamination has been detected:

Do not panic.

Do not disclose the contamination incident to anyone other than the GM. Instruct the local water treatment
consultant/lab to keep the results strictly confidential.

Do not shut down the water supply immediately. Remember that the bacteria exist since the day of the water
samples were taken. Non-essential equipment such as spa pools, fountains could be switched off.

Guests should be informed that a shock chlorination is to take place for "routine disinfection of the plumbing
networks" and that they should not drink, wash their teeth and take shower for the disclosed period of time

Circulate water containing 50-60 mg/l free available chlorine or another oxidizing biocide for 6 hours.
Maintain absolute minimum of 20 mg/l at any time during this period. Staff must wear full pressurized

Use bio dispersants during chlorination.

De-chlorinate and drain;

Manually clean tower, sump and distribution system with cleaning

Staff wearing full pressurized respirators;

Tower fans must not be running;

Refill with fresh water, circulate with 20-25 mg/l free available

De-chlorinate and drain, drain, refill and decommission the water treatment program.

A general disinfection of the water circuit to be carried out:-

Disinfect all shower heads/ hoses in the hotel. To be done manually with peroxide or other chlorine tablets.
Soak for 10-15 minutes, in a big recipient in a solution of water and peroxide or chlorine tablets. Buy 4 to 5
new shower heads and shower hoses to allow rotation with the disinfected ones.

After the problem has been solved (following results), regular analysis must be done at least 3 times a year.

When the results are clear for one year, go back to normal maintenance procedures.

A deeper analyse has to be done on the water circuits:

Identify unused “dead end pipes” or stagnant branches.

Hot water pipes not insulated and close to cold water-pipes(T°C of cold water to room must be maintained to

If the hot water circulation loop is not well done ( Heat tracing system could be investigated to maintain min
hot water T°)

Injection system could be investigated on the water circuit to prevent Legionella



To keep the lifts in our hotel free of trouble and keep them in an excellent condition to guarantee that they are
available for guest service


Specialized trade should be carrying out the maintenances for continuously carrying preventive and service

Lift problems are priority 1,( related to Guest) and should be attended with utmost urgency

When a lift fails to operate with a guest inside, immediate actions should be taken to get the guest out of the lift

i.e. either the service contracting company and/or the engineering department should work together to get the
guest out of the lift by using emergency procedures

In case of a complete lift failure or temporary maintenance services a proper sign should be kept on the lift
lobby near to the lift concerned stating " Do not operate, Equipment under service"

Engineering department should coordinate with the service contracting company for the immediate trouble
shooting of the lifts.

Master Filing System

Primary objective

The purpose of this procedure is to establish the method how files in records are identified, collected, indexed,
accessed, filed, retained, protected, and stored properly.


Structure of a file system

File categories

All files shall be organized into logical groups, separate color labels/binders will be used to differentiate
between each category, which relate to the functions and activities of the department. Records in a filing
system shall be categorized as follows

Category 1-Static Documentation

Documentation that should be kept for owners – official institutions etc.

In Category 1 the following groups are included:

Commissioning reports (Fuchisa Labels/ Binders)

Technical specifications of the building (White Labels/Binders)

Equipment Listing (Black Labels/Binders)

Operating Manuals( Grey Labels/Binders)

Category 2- Dynamic Documentation

Also known as operation protocols. Documentation used on daily basis when operating hotels

In category 2 the following groups are included:

Electrical(Yellow Labels/Binders)

Mechanical(Green Labels/Binders)

Architectural( Blue Labels/Binders)

Safety and Security(Red Labels/Binders)

Administrative ( Orange Labels/Binders)

If previous file does not exist, a file shall be constructed as follows:

Allocate file number

Physically construct the file as per Files Numbering Template

Register the file on the File registration form.

Each second level category of process has its own number sequence that ranges from 01 to 99.

Clearly identifying the year of creation.

First level category

Categorize the records based on the specific Department / Service / Sections and these are designated by two to
three uppercase English Alphabets as Follows.

Code Department

ENG Engineering

Second level category

Two digit numerical codes starting from 01 to 99 shall be assigned to each process/activity identified in each
Second level category.

Table 1

Code Records Title

001 Extra Low Voltage System

002 Electrical Equipment and Distribution

003 Heating-Air Conditioning and Ventilation

004 Sanitary and Plumbing

005 Dedicated Equipment

006 Fire Protection

007 Fire Detection

008 Security

009 Reports and Communication

010 Staff and Related Issues

011 Tools, spare parts and attic stock

012 Business Plan

013 Administration and Contracts

014 Business Continuity Plan


File serial number

Every file shall be allocated a file number and year of creating clearly identifying the years the file
remained active.

File Numbering Template

Company Logo

The First Level Category


nal Identification
The Second Level Category
Assign a unique identification number for each activity/process

File Serial Number

Unique Number for Each File within Each Third Category

Year Calendar Year the record remained active

Example of File Numbering System:

Engineering / 001/01/2011


The number of second level category files within one box shall not exceed three files.

Each file shall have its own File Content Summary registration Form.

All files accessed shall be controlled by recording their status on File/Record Movement Control Form, to
ensure an easy identification about who possess the file and /or whether a file is returned or not

Access control

All confidential records shall be handled and stored confidentially. The access to such records shall be
approved by the Chief Engineer.

A person who wants to have an access to confidential records shall raise a request clearly describing his/her
reasons on File/Movement Control Form and he/she may have an access to such records only when he/she has
adequate reasons and authorized person approves his/her request.

Access controlled records shall be stored in an area where their confidentiality is secured i.e. in locked filing
cabinets and/or in separate rooms where entry of unauthorized individuals is restricted.

List of access controlled records

S.N. Access Controlled Records Reasons for Access Location Authorized Persons

1 All Static Documentations To protect Original Chief Engineer’s Chief Engineer

Manuals, Test and Office
Commissioning, Drawings
and the like from
alteration and loss.


Authorized persons have an access to confidential records without any prior approval of their access and they
have the responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of such records

File closing

Files are closed using File closing form when the file becomes full or when the process associated to the file

Storage of files

All engineering records shall be filed and stored in an office environment unless specific media and/or special
environmental control are specified to prevent damage, deterioration, or loss and allow access control.

All records shall be physically or electronically filed by a method which enhances accessibility and retrieval by
a user. If electronic files are used a back-up system or other suitable measures shall be used to prevent records.

Multiple attachments of records

Photocopy the original ensuring enough copies for all subjects represented in the original.

Attach copies and original to the appropriate files.

Note on copies where the original record is located.

Register each copy of the records to the file to which it has been attached, and note that it is a copy.

Related documents:

File registry form

File/records movement control form

File closing form

File Content summary registration form


Primary objective

To have all “Furniture Fixtures & Equipment” and the structures always well maintained and to speed up
reinstate Broken, worn out or “Out of Order” items.

To ensure all the repairs carried out in the property is well monitored and recorded for proper maintenance


1 All Departments to enter their R&M related complaints in the MR system, in the shared drive.

2 Only “Repair & Maintenance” nature defects related to an existing structure, furniture, fixtures or
equipment only must be entered in the MR. System.

3 The Department responsible for the concerned area must originate the MR. All the repairs must be
carried out through the MR system only.

4 Any “Non-R&M” nature jobs, such as any new items, any modifications, new installations, re-
locations, etc and any damaged / broken items should not be entered in the MR. System.

4a Non-R&M Jobs: “Maintenance Request” forms, depending on the nature of the work, as attached, to
be filled by the concerned Department Head and must be approved by GM. Such work will not be treated as
top priority. Do not process MR for such cases.

5 All the Guest complaints must be received properly by the Front office / Housekeeping / F&B and to
notify Duty Engineer via Dect phones set for immediate rectification. Engineering Dept. treats this type of
defects as top priority. Such defects must be in 2 category.

5a Category 1: Engineering Department recommends to enter all R&M related jobs in the MR system, But
Guest complaints such as fused bulbs, drain blockage, TV. Channels, etc. may not be entered in the MR.
System. However the job

completion must be checked with the Duty engineer, by the originator. R&M Department won’t be responsible
for such calls, if the details given verbally is incomplete.

5b Category 2: Guest complaints such as A/C noisy, A/C not cooling, No hot water, etc must be entered in
the MR system, for easy follow ups and proper completion.

6 All R&M related complaints must be received through MR system and NO oral comments / complaints
to be accepted by Engineering, except for No. 5 category.


An MR must be entered in the system immediately on noticing malfunction, faulty or wear and tear damage on
any existing FF&E or property structure by the operating department concerned.

“MR.” Must be entered in the shared drive, strictly following this procedure.

The “MR” must be completed fully, mentioning the location, equipment name / No., nature of breakdown, and
the name of the person entering the MR.

The Engineering Department will carry out the “MR” on “first come first serve basis” and level of priority.

“MR” for urgent matters must be notified by phone to Engineering supervisor or ACE.

One “MR” per job must be made. Will not accept “MR” with more than one job written in the same line.

R&M Dept. to check the incoming “MRs” every 4Hrs., during the Day shift and once in the evening shift.

Eng. Sups / Eng. Co-ordinator to assign the Jobs to Technicians, marking the priority, 1, 2 & 3.

Technician will carry out the Job and mark completed in the status column.

If the Jobs cannot be carried out due to unavailability of spares, right manpower, no access, etc, the status of
the same must be marked in the status column.

Eng. Sup / Shift leader to discuss the status of all “MR”, with CE. On a daily basis..

Due to Busy period or major breakdowns there will be situations when R&M Dept. cannot handle all in-
coming “MRs”. and there will be pending “MRs”. Therefore a follow up system must be maintained by all
departments to be always aware of the status of the item given for repair.

It is recommended that one senior supervisory staff from each department is made responsible for following up
“MR” on a weekly basis, to avoid everybody approaching Engineering Department.

The follow up must be on a regular basis, and the HOD concerned to meet CE on long pending items, for
discussion and necessary actions.

The department concerned must be fully aware of all pending “MR”.



The purpose of this procedure is to set the guide lines for creating a working environment free from accident
and injuries.


All employees will be provided with Protective equipment and other safety materials and will be required to
use it properly at all times.

An Occupational Safety and Health Committee shall be formulated as per the directive laid by the Ministry of
Labor and social affairs within 6 months of the opening of the hotel.

The functions of the Committee are stated as follows

Annually prepare plan and budget for Occupational Safety and Health activities

Inspect at least quarterly all hotel area for safety.

Identify areas where a continuous follow up is required and carry out close follow up and report to the

Advise the employer on improvement points in the hotel regarding safety.

Ensure all information is gathered on near miss, near hit, accident and diseases observed in the hotel and plan
and act on the prevention of such.

Assess complaints raised by the employees in various areas regarding safety and health in relation to their job
and advise the employer together with the solutions.

Organize, conduct and evaluate training programs with each department on Occupational safety and Health

Arrange a media for the management and employees to discuss on Occupational safety and health within the

Evaluate the Occupational Health and safety policy of the hotel and advise for improvement.

Make sure posters for the prevention of occupational accidents and injuries are posted in all areas required.

To facilitate and work together with safety inspectors coming from the appropriate authority

Report to the ministry regarding activities carried out by the committee.

All employment accidents and occupational diseases will be recorded and will be reported to the ministry/
regional bureau.

Continuous trainings will be given on Occupational Safety and Health directive issued by the Ministry of
Labor and Social affairs, once in two weeks to the whole staff together with the Occupational safety and health


Occupational Safety and Health Directive, by Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

Occupational Safety and Health Committee Formulating Directive

Labor Proclamation No. 377/2003


Primary objective:

To ensure safety when open flames are used for any engineering works.


Any jobs involved with open flames, must have prior approval of the Chief Engineer.

The eqpt. / Torch must be checked for proper operation prior to commencing the job.

Make sure to use minimum amount of fuel for the job, store away the balance fuel if any.

To ensure there are minimum 2 people available for such hazardous jobs.

Appropriate fire extinguishers must be brought to the work area, before starting the work.

On completion of such work, ensure to keep the eqpts, fuel, etc at the designated area.

All the Ashes or any other disposals of the flame / fire must be disposed properly as necessary



To maintain all hotel signage, exterior and interior to ensure they are properly placed, well lit and they are
always in good condition to ease the guest movement and contribute the overall Guest perception of the hotel.


All Signs will be inspected by the night shift technicians and routine maintenance carried out

Signage to check are, all hotel areas, Fire escape signs, Directional signs, Safety signs, etc.

A full report on the maintenance carried out shall be filled in a log sheet.

Any signage breakdowns must be attended on urgent basis.

All service reports must be filed at Eng. and made available at all times.


Primary objective:

The primary objective of this document is to set the guide line on the continuous daily tour of the hotel by the
Engineering department


The tour of the hotel will be carried out by the engineering department three times a day by each shift
personnel i.e. Morning, Afternoon and Night.

The following areas of focus shall be considered while carrying the tour of the hotel

Health and safety issues

Technical Problems or Noise

Safe and proper operation of critical equipments like substation, transformer, MDB, Plant room and Chillers
and AHU

Observing undergoing activities

The tour of the hotel will be carried by the engineering department staff as assigned by the CE during day time
(Morning and afternoon) and by the duty technician during night time

The Areas to be focused on are

Generator area



M&E area

Lobby area

Kitchen and Laundry

Plant room

Bar, Restaurant and Cafeteria

Roof and

Guest room floors

Guest rooms shall not be included in the tour of the house

Every time a tour is made a log sheet to be filled in inclusive but not limited to the time started and finished,
areas covered and observations collected including the name and signature of the person who carried out the
tour shall be included.


Primary objective:

The domestic water is regularly tested to ensure the water is safe for utilization for our Guest, maintaining the
required standards.


Ensure to have a contract with an approved Laboratory to carry out the tests.

To have a acceptable mutually agreed set intervals of the test.

The Mechanical sup. to lease with the company to take water samples at the set times.

The samples to be taken from Kitchen, Guest rooms, Spa, water tanks, etc.

Based on the test results and advice, necessary action to be taken on improving the quality of water.

The Laboratory responsible must certify that the water concerned is suitable for utility or not.

All the original test results must be filed in the Eng. Office.


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