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What is proteinuria?

Proteinuria is a condition that occurs when there is a greater than normal amount
of protein in the urine. It is usually associated with some kind of underlying disease or
abnormality but may occasionally be seen in healthy individuals.

Urine normally contains a small amount of protein. The kidneys, which are part of the
urinary tract, filter wastes from the blood and produce urine. The liquid portion of blood
(plasma) contains...

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This article was last reviewed on 

July 23, 2020.

This article waslast modified on September 11, 2020.

What is proteinuria?

Proteinuria is a condition that occurs when there is a greater than normal amount of protein in the
urine. It is usually associated with some kind of underlying disease or abnormality but may
occasionally be seen in healthy individuals.

Urine normally contains a small amount of protein. The kidneys, which are part of the urinary
tract, filter wastes from the blood and produce urine. The liquid portion of blood (plasma)

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About Proteinuria

Signs and Symptoms

There are frequently no symptoms associated with proteinuria, especially in mild cases.
Laboratory testing is the only way to know for sure if you have protein in your urine. Several
health organizations recommend regular urine tests for people at risk for chronic kidney
disease and the associated proteinuria.

With increasing amounts of protein in the urine, there may be signs and symptoms:

 Large amounts of protein may cause urine to appear foamy or frothy.

 Significant protein loss from the blood can affect the body's ability to regulate
fluids, which can lead to swelling in the hands, feet, abdomen, and/or face (edema).

There may also be symptoms associated with the condition or disease causing the proteinuria

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