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Application for: Fixed-Mobile CPN Service ‫ اﻟﺸﺒﻜﺔ اﻟﺨﺎﺻــﺔ ﻟﻋﻤـــﺎل اﻟﺘﺠﺎرﻳــــﺔ‬:‫اﺳﺘﻤﺎرة ﻃﻠﺐ‬

ISDN ‫اﻟﺸﺒﻜﺔ اﻟﺮﻗﻤﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﺨﺪﻣﺎت اﻟﻤﺘﻜﺎﻣﻠﺔ‬

SIP ‫ﺧﺪﻣــﺔ ﺑﺮوﺗــﻮﻛــﻮل اﻻﺗﺼــﺎل اﻟﻠﺤﻈﻲ‬
Full Name of Organisation á°ù°SDƒŸG º°SG

Town/Village ájô≤dG/Ió∏ÑdG …ójÈdG õeôdG Ü.¢U

Phone No. (Office) ÖàμŸG ∞JÉg Fax No. ¢ùcÉØdG ºbQ

Contact Person’s Name á°ù°SDƒŸG øe ∞XƒŸG º°SG

Mobile ∫É≤f Telephone ∞JÉg

E-mail ÊhÎμdE’G ójÈdG

Requested Service ójóL ÜÉ°ùM …QÉL ÜÉ°ùM πjó©J AɨdEG áHƒ∏£ŸG áeóÿG
New contract Existing Account Modify Cancel

Requested Information áHƒ∏£ŸG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG

Location of Service áeóÿG π«°UƒJ ™bƒe ójó–
Area: Willayat: Town/Village: :ájô≤dG / Ió∏ÑdG :áj’ƒdG :á≤£æŸG
Street No: Street Name: :´QÉ°ûdG º°SG :´QÉ°ûdG ºbQ
House No. / Bldg.: Floor No.: Flat No.: :á≤°ûdG ºbQ :≥HÉ£dG ºbQ :⋲æÑŸG/∫õæŸG ºbQ
Cabinet / DP / BSW No.: Working Telephone No. in same building: :⋲æÑŸG ¢ùØf ‘ πª©j ∞JÉg ºbQ :™jRƒàdG á£≤f ºbQ

ISDN-PRI A/C No.: :ISDN-PRI ‫ﺭﻗﻢ ﺣﺴﺎﺏ‬

NAMA CPN A/c No.: :CPN ‫ﺭﻗﻢ ﺣﺴﺎﺏ ﳕﺎ‬

CPN ID Corporation No.: :‫ ﻟﻠﺸﺮﻛﺎﺕ‬CPN‫ﺭﻗﻢ‬

PBX Interface Type: : PBX ‫ﻧﻮﻉ‬

Requested Channels / áHƒ∏£ŸG äGƒæ≤dG Block Numbers / ΩÉbQCG ¥É£f

30 Channels IÉæb 30
Telephone Numbers ∞JÉg ºbQ
20 Channels IÉæb 20
Block Numbers ºbQ õéM
10 Channels äGƒæb 10

Fill in the below in case AɨdE’G /πjó©àdG ádÉM ‘ ÆGôØdG CÓeG Fill in the below in case AɨdE’G /πjó©àdG ádÉM ‘ ÆGôØdG CÓeG
of modify/ terminate: of modify/ terminate:

Channel Details: ∫É°üJ’G äGƒæb π«°UÉØJ

á«aÉ°VEG äGRƒéM ¤EG á«aÉ°VEG äGRƒéM ¤EG

To Additional Blocks To
Additional Channels

äGRƒé◊G AɨdG ¤EG äGRƒé◊G AɨdG ¤EG

Terminate Channels To Terminate Blocks To

Additional Services á«aÉ°VE’G äÉeóÿG

Subscriber Absent Service óLGƒàŸG ÒZ ∑ΰûŸG áeóN Follow me Service »æ©ÑJG áeóN

Three Party Conference ±GôWC’G á«KÓK áŸÉμe áeóN Restrict Outgoing Calls IQOÉ°üdG áŸÉμŸÉH ºμëàdG áeóN

Wake – Up Service ®É≤jE’G áeóN Call Waiting Service Qɶàf’G ‘ iôNG áKOÉ áeóN

Hotline Service øNÉ°ùdG §ÿG áeóN Call Number Identification π°üàŸG ºbQ QÉ¡XG áeóN

Self Hunting Service »FÉ≤∏àdG πjƒëàdG áeóN Abbreviated Dialing Service öüàîŸG ∫É°üJ’G áeóN

Do Not Disturb êÉYRE’G ΩóY áeóN Public IP Address ‫ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬âfÎfE’G ∫ƒcƒJhôH ¿GƒæY

Name of Organisation: :á°ù°SDƒŸG º°SG

Date of Application: :‫ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺦ ﺍﻻﺳﺘﻤﺎﺭﺓ‬

Applied Services: :‫ﺍﳋﺪﻣﺎﺕ ﺍﳌﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬

Omantel’s Signature: :‫ﺗﻮﻗﻴﻊ ﻋﻤﺎﻧﺘﻞ‬ Omantel’s Stamps: :‫ﺧﺘﻢ ﻋﻤﺎﻧﺘﻞ‬

Contract No. / Acc. No. :‫ ﺍﳊﺴﺎﺏ‬/ ‫ ﺭﻗﻢ ﺍﻟﻌﻘﺪ‬Serial No.: :‫ﺍﻟﺮﻗﻢ ﺍﳌﺴﻠﺴﻞ‬
Terms & Conditions ΩÉμMC’G h •höûdG

1. Standard Customer Agreement approved by Telecommunications

Regulatory Authority (TRA) shall apply. .ä’É°üJE’G º«¶æJ áÄ«g øe ábó°üŸG AÓª©∏d IóMƒŸG á«bÉØJE’G ≥Ñ£J .1
2. Installation charges are to be determines by Omantel, and must be paid .á∏eÉc ™aóJ ¿CG Ú©àjh ácöûdG ᣰSGƒH Ö«cÎdG Ωƒ°SQ Oó– .2
in full by the subscriber. ájGh ácöûdG É¡æ∏©J »àdG QÉ©°SC’Gh áaô©àdG ¢SÉ°SCG ⋲∏Y áeóÿG Ωƒ°SQ ¿ƒμJ .3
3. The charges for the service shall be based on tariff/rates published by ¤EG âbh øe ácöûdGh ä’É°üJ’G º«¶æJ áÄ«g øe Ióªà©ŸGh É¡∏NóJ äÓjó©J
Omantel and any amendments there to as may be introduced by .ôNCG
Omantel from time to time and subject to TRA approval. ∑ΰûŸG ⋲∏Yh .áeóÿG ∫ɪ©à°SG øY áÄ°TÉædG äÉeGõàd’G ™«ªL ∑ΰûŸG πªëàj .4
4. The subscriber must pay all charges subject to present and future tariff .ácöûdG ¬æ∏©J ÉŸ É≤ÑW áaô©àdG äÉÄa ÖYƒà°ùj ¿CG
5. After notifications to the subscriber, Omantel shall have the right to Éà ôNG ¤EG º°ù≤ŸG øe áeóÿG πjƒ– ‘ ≥◊G ∑ΰûŸG QÉ£NEG ó©H ácöû∏d ¿ƒμj .5
transfer this service to another exchange. Should the customer deny Gòg ‘ ∑ΰûŸG áÑZQ ΩóY ádÉM ‘h .º°SÉ≤ŸG ‘ πjó©J øe ∂dP ¬Ñ∏£àj
such change he/she shall have the right to terminate the service and shall äÉeGõàdE’G πªëàj ádÉ◊G √òg ‘h ,áeóÿG AɨdEG ‘ ≥◊G ¬d ¿ƒμj πjó©àdG
pay all dues up to the date of service disconnection. .É¡FɨdEG Ωƒj ¤EG ¬«∏Y á≤ëà°ùŸG
6. The subscriber shall allow access at all reasonable time to Omantel áÑ°SÉæŸG äÉbhC’G ‘ √ô≤e ∫ƒNóH ácöûdG ∫ɪ©d íª°ùj ¿G ∑ΰûŸG ⋲∏Y .6
employees for the execution of their duty for the purpose of maintaining óe hCG äGó©ŸG hCG ä’C’G Öë°S hCG áfÉ«°üdG ∫ɪYCG øe º¡«dEG ó¡©j Ée ò«Øæàd
or recovering organization plant and equipment and shall grant
permission to run wires and erect poles on the subscriber’s property .IóªYC’G Ö«côJ hCG ∑Ó°SC’G
through suitable right of way. .IQOÉ°üdG ÒJGƒØdG ∫ƒÑb ‘ É¡d ¢üNôŸG øcÉeC’G ‘ ácöûdG äÉ≤ëà°ùe ™aO ºàj .7
7. Payments must be made by the customer at an authorized location .äGôNCÉàŸG ™aóH ∑ΰûŸG ΩGõàdEG ΩóY ádÉM ‘ É¡JÉeóN ≥«∏©J ácöû∏d ≥ëj .8
promptly. ,äGó©ŸG ⋲∏Y áàÑãe ΩÉbQG hCG äɪ∏c hCG äÉeÓY ájCG Ò¨j ¿CG ∑ΰûª∏d Rƒéj ’ .9
8. Omantel has the right to suspend the service in case of late due .É¡«∏Y iôNCG äÉeÓY ájCG ™°†j ¿CG ¬d Rƒéj ’ ɪc
9. Tampering with the service in any way by the subscriber is prohibited.
⋲∏Y É¡àfÉ«°üH Ωõà∏j ɪc áeóÿG 𫨰ûàd áeRÓdG äGó©ŸG ÒaƒàH ∑ΰûŸG Ωõà∏j .10
Marks, words, numbers, etc affixed to the equipment shall not be ‘ hCG áeóÿG Ëó≤J óæY ∂dP ±ÓN ⋲∏Y ≥Øàj ⁄Ée πàfɪY √Oó– …òdG ƒëædG
removed or altered. Ö«°üj ∞∏J hG ó≤a …G øY k ’hDƒ°ùe √óMh ∑ΰûŸG ¿ƒμjh k É≤M’ âbh …CG
10. The subscriber shall provide on his charges the equipment required for .äGó©ŸG
commissioning the service and shall be responsible for its maintenance ,áeóîà°ùŸG äGó©ŸG hCG äÓ«°UƒJ ⋲∏Y äÓjó©J …CG πNój ’ ¿CÉH ∑ΰûŸG Ωõà∏j .11
as instructed by Omantel, unless there is an agreement to the contrary .ÜÉÑ°SG ájC’ äGó©ŸG Ö«°üj ∞∏J hCG ó≤a …CG øY ’hDƒ°ùe √óMh ¿ƒμjh
entered to in between Omantel and the subscriber on provision of the
service or afterwards as the case may be. The subscriber shall be solely πHÉ≤à áeóÿG ΩGóîà°SEÉH Ò¨∏d ¢üNôj ¿CG ∑ΰûª∏d Rƒéj ’ ä’É◊G ™«ªL ‘ .12
held responsible for any damage or loss of the equipment. .…OÉe
11. The subscriber shall be solely responsible for any loss or damage to the ΩÉ«≤dG Rƒéj ’h §≤a ∑ΰûŸG ∫ɪ©à°SE’ á°ü°ü áeóÿG √òg ¿ƒμJ .13
equipment. ácöûdG áμÑ°T k GRhÉéàe ∫É°üJ’G QÉ°ùe Ò«¨J hCG iôNCG ±GôWCG ¤EG ÉgÒLCÉàH
12. Under no circumstances should the customer resell service. .ä’É°üJÓd á«fɪ©dG
13. The service is given for the sole use of the customer and must never be øe ∑ΰûŸG ¿ÉeôM ≥M ácöû∏d ∫ƒîj •höûdG √òg øe •öT …C’ áØdÉ ájCG .14
used to bypass Omantel network or to provide service to other third party.
.¢†jƒ©àdG ‘ πàfɪY ≥ëH ∫ÓNE’G ΩóY ™e ,á«FÉ¡f áØ°üH áeóÿG
14. Violation of any provision of these conditions shall be justifiable reason for
possible disconnection of service without prejudice to Omantel rights for .§≤a á°ù°SDƒŸG ¥É£f øª°V ≥«Ñ£à∏d á∏HÉb áeóÿG .15
compensation. á°UÉÿG áμÑ°ûdG áeóN ⋲∏Y ∫ƒ°üë∏d (CPN) ɉ áeóN ‘ ∑GΰT’G Ωõ∏à°ùj .16
15. The service will be applicable within the same company/group only. .ájQÉéàdG ∫ɪYCÓd
16. In order to be eligible for the Fixed Mobile Service, Corporate Customer á«aôW äÉeóN …CG hCG áeóÿG É¡«a ™£≤æJ IÎa …CG øY ádhDƒ°ùe ÒZ ácöûdG .17
Needs to be a NAMA CPN contracted customer. .ácöûdG Iô£«°S øY áLQÉN á∏°üdG äGP iôNCG
17. The company is not responsible for any service outage or any other áaô©àdG …öùJh á∏≤à°ùe áeóN,ájQÉéàdG ∫ɪYÓd á°UÉÿG áμÑ°ûdG áeóN .18
related terminal services which are out of the company’s control.
∫ɪYCÓd á°UÉÿG áμÑ°ûdG ɉh (ISDN) á∏eÉμàŸG ᫪bôdG áμÑ°û∏d á«dÉ◊G
18. The Fixed Mobile CPN service will not replace the existing ISDN-PRI and .ájQÉéàdG
Nama CPN tariff plans.
19. Submissions of an application for the service shall be considered as πμH ∑ΰûŸG øe k ÉeGõàdEGh k ’ƒÑb Èà©j áeóÿG ‘ ∑GΰT’G Ö∏W Ëó≤J ¿EG .19
acceptance and commitment by the customer to comply with all the ôNC’ âbh øe É¡dÉNOEG ºàj äÓjó©J ájCG ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH IQOÉ°üdG ΩÉμM’Gh •höûdG
conditions and stipulations issued or amended from time to time for such .ácöûdG ᣰSGƒH
service. . áμÑ°ûdG á©°S ⋲∏Y óªà©j áeóÿG √òg ÒaƒJ .20
20. Service availability is subject to network capacity. á«aôW äÉeóN …CG hCG áeóÿG É¡«a ™£≤æJ IÎa …CG øY ádhDƒ°ùe ÒZ ácöûdG .21
21. The company is not responsible for any service outrage or any other .ácöûdG Iô£«°S øY áLQÉN á∏°üdG äGP iôNCG
related terminal services which are out of the company’s control.

Required documents Commercial Establishment :ájQÉéàdG äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG áHƒ∏£ŸG äGóæà°ùŸG

1. A Signed and stamped guarantee letter from the establishment πc ájƒ°ùàH É¡«a ó¡©àJ á°ù°SDƒŸG øe áeƒà h á©bƒe ¿Éª°V ádÉ°SQ ¥ÉaQEG .1
undertaking to settle all bills related to the service (this must not be on the ⋲∏Y ¢ù«d h á«∏°UC’G ᫪°SôdG ábhôdG ⋲∏Y) áHƒ∏£ŸG áeóÿÉH á°UÉÿG äÉHÉ°ù◊G
official original letterhead print NOT on photocopy or a computer print). .ádÉ°SôdG ‘ áHƒ∏£ŸG áeóÿG ´ƒf í«°VƒJ Öéj ɪc (É¡æe áî°ùf hCG IQƒ°U
Service requested should be stated clearly on the letter. Applications will
be rejected in case of non-compliance. .•öûdÉH ∫ÓNE’G ” GPEG Ö∏£dG ¢†aQ ºà«°S
2. Customer must obtain type approval which is to be attached with the .¬æe IQƒ°U ¥ÉaQEGh á°ù°SDƒª∏d …QÉéàdG πé°ùdG π°UCG RGôHEG .2
customer application. .¬æe IQƒ°U ¥ÉaQEGh á°ù°SDƒª∏d Ióªà©ŸG äÉ©«bƒàdG êPɉ π°UCG RGôHEG .3
3. The original establishment’s authorized signatures to be verified and a
copy attached (printout). ¥ÉaQEGh á°ù°SDƒŸG Ühóæà á°UÉÿG πª©dG ábÉ£Hh á«°üî°ûdG ábÉ£ÑdG π°UCG RGôHEG .4
4. The original PRO’s ID and labor card to be verified and a copy attached. .ɪ¡æe πc øe IQƒ°U
5. A letter of authorization from the establishment to the PRO is to be .á°ù°SDƒŸG øe Ühóæª∏d ¢†jƒØJ ádÉ°SQ ¥ÉaQEG .5
attached. .á°ù°SDƒŸG ºàîH äGóæà°ùŸG ºàN .6
6. Company’s seal is essential. .∫É°üJE’G RÉ¡L á«Yƒf OɪàYEG øe áî°ùf .7
7. Copy of approval for the equipment type.

The undersigned, as authorized signatory for the organization/company AÉL Ée âÑYƒà°SG h äCGôb ób »æfCÉH ácöûdG / á°ù°SDƒŸG øY ™«bƒàdÉH »àØ°üH √ÉfOCG ™bƒŸG ÉfCG ôbCG
have read and understand the sated terms and conditions contained on h ¥ƒ≤M øe É¡«a OQh Ée ⋲∏Y »à≤aGƒÃh IQɪà°SE’G √òg ⋲∏Y IOQGƒdG •höûdG h OƒæÑdG ‘
this form and agree to them. Furthermore, I understand that the óbh ¥ÉØJE’G Gòg øe GAõL ó©j •höûdG Gò¡H ≥aôe óæà°ùe ¿Éc ¿CÉH »ª∏©H ∂dòch äÉeGõàdEG
application forms part of this agreement and I accept all terms and ¿CÉH ôbCG Gò¡Hh πàfɪY ä’É°üJEÓd á«fɪ©dG ácöûdG ‘ á≤Ñ£ŸG ᫪°SôdG •höûdG â∏Ñb
conditions as implemented by Omantel. I declare that all the statements
made by me are accurate to the best of my knowledge and I shall bear all áaÉc πª–CG »æfCG º∏YCGh á≤«≤ë∏d á≤HÉ£eh áë«ë°U É¡H âeó≤J »àdG äÉfÉ«ÑdG ™«ªL
consequences if proven otherwise, and is a violation of the äGP iôNC’G ÚfGƒ≤dG h ä’É°üJ’G º«¶æJ ¿ƒfÉ≤d øe ÉbôN Èà©jh ∂dP ÒZ âÑK ¿EG äÉ©ÑàdG
Telecommunications Regulatory Act and other relevant laws or .¿ÉªY áæ£∏°S ‘ É¡H ∫ƒª©ŸG á∏°üdG
regulations in force in the Sultanate of Oman.

Signature ‫ﺍﻟﺘﻮﻗﻴﻊ‬

Date ‫ﺍﻟﺘﺎﺭﻳﺦ‬

Applicant’s Stamp ‫ﺧﺘﻢ ﻣﻘﺪﻡ ﺍﻟﻄﻠﺐ‬ ‫ ﺃﻭ ﻣﺮﺍﺳﻠﺘﻨﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ‬24242888 ‫ ﺃﻭ ﺍﻻﺗﺼﺎﻝ ﺑـ‬ ‫ﳌﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺍﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺕ‬

For more information you can visit or call 24 24 2888 or email us at

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