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Every year, the Dolphins are massacred in the Faroe Islands.

This tradition lasts for

more than 5 centuries, when boys become men. Young people and teens go to the
coast to meet the dolphins and then kill them. After this bloody rite, they become
adults едалтс. This is a cruel круол but necessary part of the islanders' lives

Lately, many environmental organizations have become interested in this issue.

Іш’є Many publications have written about it and actively appeared in news all
over the world.

 Many people are becoming interested in solving these problems, and more and
more environmental organizations are trying to ban this brutal act, so this topic is
extremely relevant

5. Denmark (the owner of the islands) cannot influence the internal policies of the
islands, since the island is autonomous.

Tradition does not affect dolphin populations, because the ecosystem has already
adapted to this tradition, for half a millennium, islanders have become a natural
predator for dolphins, and this is normal in nature.

For islanders, dolphin meat is a must.

Dolphin meat is a major source(сорьс) of protein for the island's population,

because of the climate, the island's agriculture is very poor, fish, plants and sheep
ar the main food items, but this food is scarce.

The killing of dolphins is massive, but occurs only once a year. The meat and fat of
dolphins are locally harvested, stored, cooked and eaten by families. This meat is
not for stores or export.

6. So, despite the protests of environmental organizations, the cruelty of the

tradition itself and the outrage of society, for the island population, is not only a
centuries-old tradition that shows that a boy has become a man, it is a necessity

The killing of any animal is bloody and cruel. However, in this situation - despite
діспайт thousands of petitions and signatures collected worldwide - everything
remains unchanged.

The question of society:

Is it not easier to supply сиплай provisions from the mainland?

But don’t you think how meat appears on the mainland, why do dolphins want to
protect , and domestic animals no? Is it humane to protect only special species.

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