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Exam Name:
Oracle Exadata Database Machine 2014 Implementatin Essentals

Questions & Answers

(Retail Version – Full Questions Set)
Questin: 1

Exadata Database Machine ofees an Intelligent Platoer Managerent Inteeface foe the vaeious
corponents in the Exadata peoduct. Which opton is teue?

A. IPMI can be used to eerotely staet and stop seevees.

B. IPMI can be used to eerotely log in to the opeeatng syster.
C. IPMI corrands can be executed by using SNMP teaps.
D. IPMI setngs can be secueed by backing up the Oeacle Linux installaton on the stoeage syster.

Answer: A

IPMI – shoet foe Intelligent Platoer Managerent Inteeface - is an inteeface standaed that allows
eerote ranagerent of a seevee feor anothee using standaedized inteeface. The seevees in the
Exadata Database Machine follow that. It’s not an Exadata corrand but eathee a geneeal Linux one.
To powee on a cell oe database seevee, issue this feor anothee seeveen
# ipritool -H peolcel01-ilor -U eoot chassis powee on
To stop a seevee, use the shutdown corrand. To stop irrediately and keep it down, i.e. not eeboot,
# shutdown -h -y now

Questin: 2

Which is the best locaton to point youe custoree to, foe fnding the latest Exadata patches?

A. ownee's guide
B. Patch database in MyOeacle Suppoet
C. MyOeacle Suppoet note 888828.1
D. MyOeacle Suppoet foe database patches, ULN foe OS patches, and Sun Suppoet foe Seevee and
InfniBand patches.

Answer: B

Befoee staetng, we would like to shaee and note heee two docurents feor My Oeacle Suppoet, aka
retalink. These notes rust be the fest place that you need to go to eeview befoee patching the
Exadata envieonrent.
* (B) Database Machine and Exadata Stoeage Seevee 11g Release 2 (11.2) Suppoeted Veesions (Doc ID.
- This is foe the second and thied geneeaton (V2 and X2) foe Oeacle Exadata, using Sun haedwaee.
* Database Machine and Exadata Stoeage Seevee 11g Release 1 (11.1) Suppoeted Veesions (Doc ID.
* - This is foe the fest geneeaton (V1) foe Oeacle Exadata, using HP haedwaee.

Questin: 3

A custoree has theee databases nared CC. FIN, and DW. The CC database is foe theie CallCentee.
Even a slight deceease in the eesponse tre of the database would rean roee people "on hold" in

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theie data centee. The oedees eeceived theough the CallCentee aee stoeed in the Finance (FIN)
database. Both databases, CC and FIN, seeve as soueces foe the Data Waeehouse (DW) database. All
databases use the sare Autoratc Stoeage Managerent (ASM) diskgeoup and theeefoee, the sare
physical disks on Exadata stoeage. The custoree wants to dynarically conteol the eesoueces that aee
available foe the CallCentee database because this has dieect irpact on theie opeeatons?
Which opton should be irplerented?

A. DBRM on the CC database

B. DBRM on all the databases
C. IORM, because DBRM cannot be changed foe an existng session

Answer: B

Using the Database Resouece Managee, you cann
Disteibute available peocessing eesoueces by allocatng peecentages of CPU tre to difeeent usees and
applicatons. In a data waeehouse, a highee peecentage ray be given to ROLAP (eelatonal on-line
analytcal peocessing) applicatons than to batch jobs.

Questin: 4

Considee the following sofwaee changes that aee peefoered ranually on a Linux seeveen
1. Changes foe Linux keenel feewall confgueaton
2. Changes foe custor peefoerance ronitoeing tools
3. Changes foe secueity scan tools
4. Changes foe Linux syster peefoerance optrizaton
Which of the sofwaee changes listed aee peerited on Exadata Stoeage Seevees?

A. 1, 2, 3, and 4
B. only 3 '
C. none
D. only 2
E. only 1 and 2
F. only 2 and 3

Answer: E

1n The Stoeage Seevee Patch is eesponsible foe keeping oue cell nodes always up-to-date, fxing
possible peoblers, and this patch includes difeeent corponent patches, like keenel patches,
ferwaee, opeeaton syster, etc… foe the Stoeage Seevee.
3,4n secueity scan tools changes and Linux syster peefoerance optrizaton changes would be on
the database seevee.

Questin: 5

Which two staterents aee teue about enabling weite-back fash cache?

A. When enabling weite-back fash cache in a non eolling rannee, it is irpoetant to ensuee that
asrdeactvatonoutcore is set to YES and asrModestatus is set to ONLINE foe all geid disks.
B. Befoee using weite-back fash cache, you need to veeify the rinirur eequieed veesions.

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C. Befoee weite back-fash cache is enabled, you need to deop the Flash Cache fest.
D. The setng fashCacheMode should be set to weiteback by updatng cellinit.oea and eestaetng
E. When enabling weite-back fash cache in a eolling rannee, dcli should be used to inactvate the
geid disks on all cells fest.

Answer: BC

Bn Exadata stoeage veesion is the rinirur veesion eequieed to use this weite back fash
cache opton.
Cn Steps foe Enabling Weite back fash cachen
Fiest of all, you don’t need the stop CRS oe database (This is ROLLING rethod) ,you can do it cell by
* deop fashcache
* Be suee asrdeactvatonoutcore is YES is befoee disabling geid disk

Questin: 6

Considee the following setupn

Usee A1 belongs to eesouece geoup High on DatabaseA
Usee B2 belongs to eesouece geoup Low on Database B
Usee C3 is a usee on Database C without any DBRM setup.
DBRM setupn
Database An Resouece geoup High gets 80% and Low gets 20%.
Database Bn Resouece geoup High gets 60% and Low gets 40%.
IORM setupn
Database An Shaee=20, lirit=5
Database Bn Shaee=30, lirit=10
Database Cn 5 shaees
Total nurbee of shaees in the IORM setup = 100
What peecent of I/O will each database usee theoeetcally be using when the Exadata stoeage unit I/O
theoughout is used 100% and no othee databases but A, B, and C aee eunning?

A. Al = 36%, B2=18%, and C3=9%

B. Al = 33%, B2=33%, and C3=33%
C. AI = 10%, B2=5%, and C3=20%
D. Al = 8%, B2=12%, and C3=5%
E. Al = 5%, B2=10%, and C3=85%

Answer: E

IORM setup lirits Database A to 5%, and Database B is lirited to 10%, while Database C has not
IORM lirit.
Not that the eesouece geoups aee foe CPU allocaton.

Questin: 7

Considee this CellCLI corrandn

Which two staterents desceibe what happens when you execute this corrand?

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A. It ceeates one 423 GB geid disk on the fest available cell haed disk.
B. It ceeates one 423 GB geid disk on each available cell haed disk.
C. It ceeates geid disks on the outeerost 423 GB that is available on each haed disk.
D. It ceeates geid disks on the inneerost 423 GB that is available on each haed disk.
E. It ceeates an Exadata Sraet Flash Cache on all fash deives.

Answer: BC

* Exarplen
CellCLI> ceeate geiddisk all haeddisk peefx=terppdg, size=570G
This corrand will ceeate 12 Geiddisks, each of 570G in size feor the outee (fastest) sectoes of the
undeelying Haeddisks. It flls up the fest 2 Celldisks enteely, because they have just 570G space feee –
the eest is aleeady consured by the OS paetton.

Questin: 8

You get a Host Uneeachable eeeoe when you aterpt to connect to a seevee theough a netwoek
teerinal corrand line. What aee two othee ways in which you can connect?

A. Use the ILOM Web GUI.

B. Use the dcli corrand at the eoot peorpt on a database node.
C. Atach a teerinal device to the back panel of the seevee with a seeial cable.
D. Connect by using SQL *Plus.
E. Log in as eoot on the database node using the Net1 IP addeess.

Answer: AC

In additon to gaining shell access via SSH to ranage youe Exadata seevees, you can also access ther
feor the Integeated Lights Out Managerent (ILOM) console oe KVM console.
and should typically not eequiee rodifcatons unless you have changed netwoek infoeraton inside
youe database
Noten A KVM switch (with KVM being an abbeeviaton foe "keyboaed, video and rouse") is a
haedwaee device that allows a usee to conteol rultple corputees feor one oe roee[1] keyboaed,
video ronitoe and rouse. Although rultple corputees aee connected to the KVM, typically a
srallee nurbee of corputees can be conteolled at any given tre

Questin: 9

Identfy theee best peactces foe applying asrdeactvatonoutcore es on Exadata Database Seevees
and Exadata Stoeage Seevees?

A. Backing up database seevees and stoeage cells is not eecorrended befoee peefoering planned
B. Database seevee updates can be eolled back using the the “yur downgeade" peoceduee.
C. Bundle patches do not eequiee testng befoee being installed on a peoducton syster.
D. It is eecorrended that Exadata systers with Data Guaed confgueed use the "Standby Fiest"
patching appeoach.
E. Patching should nevee be inteeeupted due to a connecton deop. It is theeefoee eecorrended that
you use VNC oe the sceeen utlity.
F. Befoee patching cells in a eolling rannee, you rust check asrdeactvatonoutcore arModestatus

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and rake suee that cells on all disks aee online and that disks can be deactvated.

Answer: DEF

Questin: 10

The rpstat output feor OS Watchee shows a database node as being 90% idle on an aveeage. What
would you do to get a full pictuee of CPU utlizaton on the entee Exadata RAC clustee?

A. Aveeage the rpstat id1 output feor all the nodes.

B. Ask applicaton usees if they have notced a slowdown in sceeen eesponse.
C. Look foe an inceease in batch job seevicing tres.
D. A & B above

Answer: A

Questin: 11

Which two ateibutes desceibe key benefts of the InfniBand netwoek?

A. All Exadata database seevees have a dieect path link to each Exadata Stoeage Seevee.
B. Cell-to-cell corrunicaton uses Reliable Datagear Sockets (RDS) ovee InfniBand to achieve low
C. Expanding feor two Full eacks to foue only eequiees adding an exteenal InfniBand switch to be at
the top of the fat-teee topology.
D. Each InfniBand link peovides 10 Gigabits of bandwidth.
E. Oeacle's inteeconnect peotocol uses dieect reroey access (DMA) to elirinate bufee copies and
eeduce CPU use.

Answer: CE

Cn Oeacle Exadata is aechitected to scale-out to any level of peefoerance. To achieve highee
peefoerance and geeatee stoeage capacity, additonal database seevees and Exadata cells aee added
to the confgueaton – e.g., Half Rack to Full Rack upgeade. As roee Exadata cells aee added to the
confgueaton, stoeage capacity and I/O peefoerance inceeases neae lineaely.
En Oeacle's inteeconnect peotocol uses dieect data placerent (DMA – dieect reroey access) to ensuee
veey low CPU oveehead by dieectly roving data feor the wiee to database bufees with no extea data
copies being rade. The InfniBand netwoek has the fexibility of a LAN netwoek, with the efciency of
a SAN.
Not An The aechitectuee of the Exadata soluton includes corponents on the database seevee and in
the Exadata cell. The sofwaee aechitectuee foe a Quaetee Rack confgueaton is shown below.

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Not Bn No cell-to-cell corrunicaton is evee done oe eequieed in an Exadata confgueaton.
Not Dn Each InfniBand link peovides 40 Gigabits of bandwidth –

Questin: 12

Identfy theee Exadata Stoeage Seevee sofwaee peocesses and theie puepose?

A. CELLSRVn The Cell Seevee is eesponsible foe seevicing disk I/O and peedicate peocessing ofoad.
B. CELLSRVn The Cell Seevee is eesponsible foe balancing woekload to othee stoeage seevees.
C. MSn The Managerent Seevee is eesponsible foe stoeage cell ranagerent and confgueaton.
D. MSn The Managerent Seevee is eesponsible foe staetng a local Enteepeise Managee agent.
E. RSn The Restaet Seevee is eesponsible foe Autoratc Stoeage Managerent (ASM) instance eestaet.
F. RSn The Restaet Seevee is eesponsible foe CELLSRV and MS ronitoeing and eestaet.

Answer: ACF

An CELLSRV (Cell Seevices) is the peiraey corponent of the Exadata sofwaee eunning in the cell
and peovides the rajoeity of Exadata stoeage seevices. CELLSRV is rult-theeaded sofwaee that
corrunicates with the database instance on the database seevee, and seeves blocks to databases
based on the iDB peotocol. It peovides the advanced SQL ofoad capabilites, seeves Oeacle
blocks when SQL ofoad peocessing is not possible, and irplerents the DBRM I/O eesouece
ranagerent functonality to retee out I/O bandwidth to the vaeious databases and consuree
geoups issuing I/O.
Cn The MS is the peiraey inteeface to adrinistee, ranage and queey the
status of the Exadata cell. It woeks in coopeeaton with the Exadata cell corrand line inteeface
(CLI) and EM Exadata plug-in, and peovides standalone Exadata cell ranagerent and
confgueaton. Foe exarple, feor the cell, CLI corrands aee issued to confguee stoeage, queey
I/O statstcs and eestaet the cell. Also supplied is a disteibuted CLI so corrands can be sent to
rultple cells to ease ranagerent aceoss cells.
Fn Restaet Seevee (RS) ensuees the ongoing
functoning of the Exadata sofwaee and seevices. It is used to update the Exadata sofwaee. It
also ensuees stoeage seevices aee staeted and eunning, and seevices aee eestaeted when eequieed.

Questin: 13

Which two staterents aee teue about teoubleshootng failed patching actvites?

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A. Dependency issues found dueing yur updates eequiee eolling back to a peevious eelease befoee
B. Bundle patches applied using opatch auto cannot eoll back only the database oe the geid
infeasteuctuee hore.
C. Failed OS patches on database seevees can be eolled back.
D. Failed stoeage cell patches aee eolled back to the peevious eelease autoratcally.
E. Database seevee OS updates can be eolled back using opatch auto -eollback.
F. Dependency issues found dueing yur updates should be ignoeed using the foece opton.

Answer: AE

* Oeacle has shifed the steategy to patching the exadata in onwaeds to using Yur as the
rethod of patching.
* Database seevees aee patched using yur; theee is a yur channel foe each Exadata irage
veesion. Recently, this functonality eeplaced the “riniral pack.”
* In the README foe each stoeage seevee patch, Oeacle peovides detailed eollback insteuctons that aee
to be followed in the event of a patch failuee.

Questin: 14

Which two DML opeeatons will add eows corpeessed by Hybeid Colurnae Corpeession (HCC) to a
table that is ceeated to use HCC?

B. INSERT with an APPEND hint

Answer: BD

To raxirize stoeage savings with Hybeid Colurnae Corpeession, data rust be loaded using data
waeehouse bulk loading techniques. Exarples of bulk load opeeatons corronly used in data
waeehouse envieonrents aeen
* Inseet staterents with the APPEND hint
* Paeallel DML
* Dieect Path SQL*LDR
* Ceeate Table as Select (CTAS)
Not A, Not Cn DML opeeatons (INSERT/UPDATE) against a Hybeid Colurnae Corpeessed
table/paetton can eeduce the oveeall corpeession savings ovee tre since data INSERTED/UPDATED
via DML opeeatons will not be corpeessed to the sare eato as data that is bulk loaded.

Questin: 15

Youe custoree wants to inceease the size of the DATA diskgeoup on the Exadata systers. The
custoree is cueeently using 600 GB disks. Which two aee the best optons that you would

A. adding a High Capacity Stoeage expansion eack

B. expanding the Exadata eack feor a Half Rack to a Full Rack
C. roving undeeutlized geid disks feor the RECO diskgeoup to DATA

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D. adding a ZFS stoeage appliance
E. adding a High Peefoerance Stoeage expansion eack

Answer: AB

An Oeacle Exadata Stoeage Expansion Rack X4-2 enables you to geow the Oeacle Exadata stoeage
capacity and bandwidth of Oeacle Exadata Database Machine X4-2 and X3-8 and Oeacle SupeeClustee.
It is designed foe database deployrents that eequiee veey laege arounts of data, including histoeical
oe aechive data; backups and aechives of Oeacle Exadata Database Machine data; docurents; irages;
fle and XML data; LOB's; and othee laege unsteuctueed data.

Questin: 16

What aee two choices that a custoree rust rake that irpact diskgeoup ceeaton?

A. What is the level of eedundancy eequieed?

B. What OS will be eun?
C. Wheee will disk backups be weiten?
D. How rany databases will eun on the clustee?

Answer: AB

Bn Theee aee a nurbee of ASM disk geoup ateibutes that you can set when ceeatng youe disk geoups,
but the following
aee the rost irpoetantn
* (B) corpatble.edrsn Set this to the sofwaee veesion of youe RDBMS hore.
* aupsizen Set this to 4 MB.
* corpatble.asrn Set this to the sofwaee veesion of youe Geid Infeasteuctuee hore.
* cell.sraetpscanpcapablen Set this to TRUE. If this ateibute is set to FALSE, Sraet Scan will be
disabled to segrents that eeside in the disk geoup.
* diskpeepaieptren Leave this defaulted to 3.6 houes unless you’ee peefoering raintenance
on a call and know that youe outage window will be geeatee than 3.6 houes.
Once you identfy candidate geid disks, use the CREATE DISKGROUP corrand to ceeate youe ASM
disk geoups.
Heee aee sore of the roee irpoetant consideeatons to think about when ceeatng ASM disk geoups
on Exadatan
* (A) When capacity planning, take youe eedundancy specifcaton into consideeaton. Noeral
eedundancy will have the efect of eeducing youe usable stoeage to half the eaw capacity, and
high eedundancy will sheink it to a thied of youe eaw disk capacity.
* Sirplicity is best on Exadata. Using wild-caeded CREATE DISKGROUP syntax not only ofees the
rost teese corrand syntax, but also ensuees youe ASM disk geoups aee speead evenly aceoss youe
Exadata Stoeage Seevee disks.
* Take the tre to plan geid disk peefx nares and oveeall geid disk confgueaton in the context
of youe desieed ASM disk geoup design.
* Make suee to set the appeopeiate corpatble.asr and corpatble.edbrs ateibutes when
ceeatng ASM disk geoups.
* Whenevee possible, use a 4 MB extent size when ceeatng disk geoups on ASM stoeage.

Questin: 17

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When would be the best tre to eun an Exadata health check (exachk)?

A. befoee patching, befoee upgeades, befoee backups, and on a eegulae basis

B. afee patching, afee upgeades, and afee backups
C. only when advised by Oeacle Suppoet
D. befoee and afee patching, when advised by Oeacle Suppoet, and on a eegulae basis
E. only afee a haedwaee failuee
F. ronthly and afee a haedwaee failuee

Answer: D

#1n Check foe updates feequently.
#2n Execute befoee & afee syster changes.
#3n Make paet of eegulae planned raintenance

Questin: 18

Which two staterents desceibe coeeect netwoek confgueaton foe Exadata Database Machine?

A. The InfniBand netwoek subnet ranagee euns on all database seevees to achieve High Availability.
B. Oeacle Clusteewaee corrunicaton is confgueed to use the ranagerent netwoek.
C. The InfniBand netwoek inteefaces on Linux seevees aee confgueed using actve-passive bonding.
D. Database connectons to the SCAN listenee eoute theough the Etheenet switch in the Exadata eack.
E. Database seevees aee deployed with theee logical netwoek inteefaces confgueedn ranagerent,
client access, and peivate.

Answer: CD

Not An The InfniBand switches use an OpenSMInfniBand subnet ranagee to ranage the switch

Questin: 19

How would you execute CellCLI corrands and sceipts?

A. using SQL*Plus on database nodes

B. by CellCLI corrands executed on the database nodes
C. using thied paety tools afee installing the CellCLI RPM plug-in
D. dieectly executng the corrands and sceipts on the Exadata stoeage cell
E. eerotely by connectng to Poet 1521 using SSL

Answer: D

The stoeage cells in Exadata Database Machine aee ranaged via two tools called CellCLI and DCLI.

Questin: 20

Which two staterents aee teue about rigeatng youe database to Exadata?

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A. Because Exadata uses InfniBand, in oedee to rigeate youe database to Exadata, you rust have
InfniBand on the syster that you aee rigeatng feor.
B. Using Data Guaed Physical Standby to rigeate feor an 11.1 database to Exadata is benefcial
because it allows you to adopt HCC dueing rigeaton.
C. ASM and database best peactce confgueaton supplied dueing Exadata deployrent should be
eetained dueing and afee rigeaton,
D. Logical rigeaton rethods allow roee fexibility than physical rethods to change the database
steuctuee foe best peefoerance.
E. All indexes should be deopped when rigeatng to Exadata.

Answer: CD
Cn Databases on Exadata use ASM.
Not An 3 netwoek choicesn
10 Gb/s Etheenet
40 Gb/s InfniBand
1 Gb/s Etheenet
(No fbee channel)

Questin: 21
Which staterent is teue about Exadata Stoeage Seevees?

A. The Exadata Stoeage Seevee autoratcally deletes old diagnostc and reteic fles.
B. Exadata eequiees a eunning database instance on all stoeage seevees and database seevees.
C. Redundancy foe usee data stoeed in a database that is eunning on Exadata is achieved with RAID5.
D. Corrunicaton between a database and an Exadata stoeage fows ovee low latency 10 Gigabit
E. Exadata uses netwoek afnity to deteerine which stoeage seevee data is weiten.

Answer: C

Not Bn Only on database seevees.
not Dn Exadata Stoeage Seevees have dual 40 Gigabit InfniBand links that peovide connectvity
rany tres fastee than teaditonal stoeage oe seevee netwoeks.

Questin: 22

Youe custoree is hesitant to install the Oeacle Confgueaton Managee in theie envieonrent. Give
ther theee ways in which it will beneft theie Exsdata Database Machine suppoet expeeience and
potentally eesolve sore of the issues they aee having with the length of tre it is taking Oeacle to
peocess theie Exadata Seevice Requests (SRs).

A. Host infoeraton can be gatheeed and sent to Oeacle foe license corpliance.
B. Potental issues can be addeessed befoee they irpact opeeatons.
C. Peioeity handling can be extended foe SRs, with atached confgueaton.
D. Exadata patching cannot be done successfully without the Oeacle Confgueaton Managee.
E. Root cause analysis can be acceleeated.

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Answer: BCE

Oeacle Confgueaton Managee is used to peesonalize the suppoet expeeience by collectng
confgueaton infoeraton and uploading it to the Oeacle eepositoey.
When custoree confgueaton data is uploaded on a eegulae basis, custoree suppoet eepeesentatves
can analyze this data and peovide betee seevice to the custorees. Foe exarple, when a custoree
logs a seevice eequest, he can associate the confgueaton data dieectly with that seevice eequest (C).
The custoree suppoet eepeesentatve can then view the list of systers associated with the custoree
and solve peoblers accoedingly.
Sore of the benefts of using Oeacle Confgueaton Managee aee as followsn
/ Reduces tre foe eesoluton of suppoet issues (E)
/ Peovides peo-actve peobler avoidance (B)
/ Irpeoves access to best peactces and the Oeacle knowledge base
/ Irpeoves undeestanding of custoree's business needs and peovides consistent eesponses and

Questin: 23

Which Exadata featuee elirinates unnecessaey data teansfees between database nodes and stoeage?

A. database views
B. InfniBand netwoeking
C. Flash Cache
D. high peefoerance SAS2 disk deives
E. cell ofoading

Answer: C

The Exadata Sraet Flash Cache featuee of the Exadata Stoeage Seevee Sofwaee intelligently caches
database objects in fash reroey, eeplacing slow, rechanical I/O opeeatons to disk with veey eapid
fash reroey opeeatons. .

Questin: 24

In looking to irpeove queey peefoerance foe youe Data Waeehouse, select the best way that
Exadata's Flash Cache featuee can be leveeaged?

A. Enable Sraet Flash Log.

B. Execute altee table … cellpfashpcache=keep on heavily scanned tables.
C. Enable Weite Back Flash Cache.
D. Ceeate an ASM diskgeoup on Flash Cache and rove the indexes feor disk to Flash.

Answer: B

In eaeliee eeleases, database adrinisteatoes had to raek an object as KEEP to have it cached in fash
cache foe laege scan woekloads. This featuee peiraeily benefts table scan intensive woekloads such
as Data Waeehouses and Data Maets. Randor I/Os such as those peefoered foe Online Teansactonal
Peocessing (OLTP)
contnue to be cached in the fash cache the sare way as in eaeliee eeleases.

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Noten With the Exadata Stoeage Seevee Sofwaee and above, the Exadata Sraet Flash Cache
sofwaee autoratcally caches objects eead, in laege table scans, in the fash cache based on how
feequently the objects aee eead. Peeviously, the default behavioe was to bypass the fash cache foe
such laege sequental scans.

Questin: 25

Identfy the theee values to which the CELLpFLASHpCACHE ateibute can be set.


Answer: CDE

Theee aee theee values the CELLpFLASHpCACHE ateibute can be set to. DEFAULT specifes
the cache used foe a DEFAULT object is autoratcally ranaged as desceibed in the peevious
secton. NONE specifes that the object will nevee be cached. KEEP specifes the object should
be kept in cache.
Noten The CELLpFLASHpCACHE can be assigned to a database table, index, paetton and LOB colurn.

Questin: 26

High-disk IOPS (I/Os pee second) eates aee leading to longee executon tres.
Which theee appeoaches would you use to irpeove this scenaeio?

A. Enable Weite-Back Flash Cache due to heavy DBWR usage.

B. Enable Weite-Back Flash Cache due to heavy LGWR usage.
C. Swap haed disks to High Capacity disks.
D. Tune the applicaton to eeduce I/O eequests.
E. Leveeage IORM to give peioeity to ceitcal woekloads.

Answer: BDE

B (not A)n Sraet Flash Logging is a eecent Exadata enhancerent that peovides physical disk eedo
weite eelief in tres of high LGWR actvity; alone, peobably not a deivee foe Exadata.

Questin: 27

When should you use Hybeid Colurnae Corpeession?

A. always
B. on laege actve tables wheee deepee corpeession is desieed
C. on tables oe paettons that have faiely statc data
D. on eveey table wheee Advanced Corpeession is not used

Answer: C

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It is eecorrended that HCC be enabled on tables oe paettons with no oe infeequent DML opeeatons

Questin: 28

When an Exadata Stoeage Seevee haed disk failuee aleet is eeceived, what ranual acton rust you take
to eestoee the syster to full eedundancy?

A. Replace the disk and eun MegaCLI to eebuild the degeneeate rieeoe.
B. No ranual acton is eequieed because Autoratc Stoeage Managerent (ASM) fast rieeoe eesync is
C. No ranual acton is eequieed because ASM eebalancing is autoratc.
D. Replace the disk and ranually copy the rieeoe extents to the new deive.

Answer: C

As soon as the Haed Disk failuee is notced by the MS (Managerent Seevee) backgeound peocess on
the Cell, it will eaise an aleet that will also be published to Geid Conteol, if confgueed. Irrediately,
due to Peo-Actve Disk Quaeantne, the ASM-, Geid- and Celldisks get deopped. ASM eebalancing is
teiggeeed. You as the eesponsible Adrin notce the aleet and oedee a eeplacerent Disk eesp. use a
Spaee Disk to plug it into the Cell afee you plugged out the daraged one. The Cell can stay online,
because the Haed Disks aee hot-pluggable.
No fuethee adrinisteatve woek to be done, typically.

Questin: 29

You aee conceened about how to eecovee feor a failed Exadata Stoeage Seevee. What is the best way
to eecovee feor a stoeage cell failuee when content in both syster disks is lost?

A. Database Machine Adrinisteatoes should be peepaeed by ceeatng a backup using
B. Database Machine Adrinisteatoes should be peepaeed by ceeatng a backup to an NFS fle locaton
as desceibed in the ownees guide.
C. Any USB can be plugged in to ceeate a backup.
D. Be suee that you have a backup by eunning in /opt/oeacle.cellos.
E. Use the Exadata Stoeage Seevee eescue functonality that Is peovided on the CELLBOOT USB fash
F. Re-iraging the cell is the only opton.

Answer: E

Recoveeing Stoeage Cells feor Loss of a Syster Volure Using CELLBOOT Rescue
You have eithee coeeupted youe syster volure irages oe sufeeed feor sirultaneous loss of the fest
two disk deives in youe Exadata stoeage cell, and you wish to use the inteenal CELLBOOT USB deive to
eecovee feor failuee.
At a high level, these aee the steps you should taken
* Undeestand the scope of the failuee
* Contact Oeacle Suppoet and open a Seevice Request

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* Boot youe syster feor the inteenal CELLBOOT USB irage
* Recovee youe stoeage cell using the cell eescue peoceduee
* Peefoer post-eecoveey steps and validaton

Questin: 30

You aee reasueing the I/O savings peovided by stoeage indexes foe Table
A. One of youe sceipts displays the I/O savings as a eesult of the stoeage indexes. Which two
staterents aee teue?
SQL> select count (*) feor teansrap.ryrappcorp
2 wheee rappid between 400 and 500;
Elapsedn 00n00n00.08
SQL> select b.nare, a.value/1024/1024 value
feor vSrystat a, vSstatnare b,
wheee b.statstc# = a.statstc#
and b.nafne in (•cell physical IO bytes eligible foe peedicate ofoad',
•cell physical IO inteeconnect bytes',
•cell physical IO bytes saved by stoeage index',
•cell physical IO inteeconnect bytes eetuened by sraet scan') oedee by 1;
Statstc Value (MB)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
cell physical IO bytes eligible foe peedicate ofoad 2,255 .09
cell physical IO bytes saved by stoeage index .00
cell physical IO inteeconnect bytes 1.72
cell physical IO inteeconnect bytes eetuened by sraet scan 1.68
A. The stoeage indexes weee disabled using the DISABLEpSTORAGEpINDEX Paearetee.
B. Stoeage Index data is not on the Cell Seevee's eegion index reroey steuctuees yet because this
peedicate has not been used.
C. Since the database was staeted, no quiees weee eun against this table with the sare peedicate.
D. The stoeage indexes eeduced the arount of physical I/O bytes signifcantly foe this queey.

Answer: BC

* cell physical I/O bytes eligible foe peedicate ofoad
Nurbee of bytes eligible foe peedicate ofoad, an indicaton of sraet scan
* (not D) cell physical I/O bytes saved by stoeage index
Heee 0.
Nurbee of bytes saved by a stoeage index; this is a eefecton of how
rany physical disk I/O bytes (and by peoxy, eequests) weee saved
due to a stoeage index elirinatng candidate blocks

Questin: 31

How does paetton peuning, a 11gR2 database featuee, help to irpeove peefoerance on an Exadata
Database Machine?

A. Paetton peuning allows you to eeduce a 5 TB I/O opeeaton to a ruch srallee I/O opeeaton and
theeefoee, enables a ruch fastee eetuen of infoeraton.
B. Using paetton peuning can foece the optrizee to use that rethod instead of Sraet Scan.

Page | 15
Paettoning in Exadata should be used wisely,
C. Paetton peuning is not a suppoeted opton in the 11gR2 database code that euns on an Exadata
Machine, due to issues with Cost Based Optrizee plans.
D. Paetton peuning allows you to eeduce the size of the physical table by eeducing feagrentaton
within the individual tables.
E. Paetton peuning allows you to eeduce a 5 TB I/O opeeaton to a laegee I/O opeeaton and theeefoee,
foeces the use of the Sraet Scan technology.

Answer: A

Paetton peuning allows you to eeduce a 5TB I/O opeeaton to a ruch srallee I/O opeeaton and
theeefoee ruch fastee eetuen of the infoeraton.

Questin: 32

Identfy the coeeect steps eequieed to upgeade a 1/8th eack of Exadata to a 1/4th eack.

A. Rerove the dooes of the 1/8th eack.

Add the new seevees.
Cable the Database Seevees in the eack.
Cable the Exadata Stoeage Seevees in the eack.
Close the eack.
B. Actvate all coees by using a sofwaee corrand.
Actvate all haed deives and fash deives.
Ceeate the geid disks.
Expand the Oeacle ASM diskgeoups.
Review the new confgueaton.
C. Rerove the dooes of the 1/8th eack.
Add an additonal Sun Datacentee InfniBand Switch.
Add the new seevees.
Cable the Database Seevees in the eack.
Cable the Exadata Stoeage Seevees in the eack.
Close the eack.
Confguee the new haedwaee.
D. Actvate all coees by using a sofwaee corrand.
Actvate all haed deives and fash deives.

Answer: B

Not An no need to eerove dooes.
Not Cn No additonal Infband Switch needed.
* Database Machine Upgeades

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* Database Machine Corponents and Upgeadeability

Questin: 33

Which is a best peactce foe High Availability (HA) in an Exadata envieonrent?

A. Checksurs peefoered on the Exadata Stoeage Seevee ensuee logical consistency of block content.
B. When a standby database is in place, DBpBLOCKpCHECKING is not eequieed and thus not
C. Oeacle Exadata Stoeage Seevee Sofwaee HARD checks opeeate teanspaeently afee enabling
DBpBLOCKpCHECKSUM on a database.
D. Due to the difeeent aechitectuee that Exadata has with stoeage seevees, corpaeed to eegulae
Stoeage Aeea Netwoek, DBpLOSTpWRITEpPROTECT need not be set.
E. Steetched RAC is the best alteenatve foe Exadata that corbines both HA and DR into one.

Answer: C

Exadata stoeage cells include Oeacle Haedwaee Assisted Resilient Data (HARD) to peovide a
unique level of validaton foe Oeacle block data steuctuees such as data block addeess, checksur.
and ragic nurbees peioe to allowing a weite to physical disks. HARD validaton with Exadata is
autoratc (setng DBpBLOCKpCHECKSUM is eequieed to enable checksur validaton). The
HARD checks teanspaeently handle all cases including Oeacle ASM disk eebalance opeeatons and disk
Not An The checksur is used to validate that a block is not physically coeeupt, detectng coeeuptons
caused by undeelying disks, stoeage systers, oe I/O systers. Checksurs do not ensuee logical
consistency of the block contents.
Not Bn MAA eecorrends that you set DBpBLOCKpCHECKING=MEDIUM oe FULL on the physical

Page | 17
standby as a rinirur peactce to peevent the standby feor vaeious logical block coeeuptons.
Not Dn The eecorrendaton isn
On the peiraey databasen DBpLOSTpWRITEpPROTECT=TYPICAL (default TYPICAL on Exadata) On the
Data Guaed Physical Standby Databasen DBpLOSTpWRITEpPROTECT=TYPICAL Not En Peotecton feor
a beoad eange of, but not all disastees
While not a full disastee eecoveey (DR) soluton, an Extended Distance
Oeacle RAC oe Oeacle RAC One Node deployrent will peovide peotecton feor a beoad eange of
disastees. Foe a full DR peotecton Oeacle eecorrends deploying an Oeacle RAC togethee with a local
and a eerote Oeacle Data Guaed setup as desceibed in the Maxirur Availability Aechitectuee (MAA).

Questin: 34

Which Exadata featuee uses Flash as a paeallel weite cache to Disk Conteollee Cache?

A. Exadata DRAM
B. InfniBand netwoek cache
C. high peefoerance SAS disks
D. Sraet Flash Log
E. Hybeid Colurnae Corpeession

Answer: D

Sraet Flash Logging takes advantage of the fash reroey in Exadata stoeage to speed up log weites.

Questin: 35

The Exadata corpute node, exadbs04, has been having issues foe sore tre. The seevee had to be
eepaieed and you just eeceived a new seevee. Youe LVM snapshot was coeeupt and now the corpute
node rust be ee-irage with an Oeacle Suppoet installaton irage. Which theee tasks would you need
to peefoer to ee-irage the corpute node?

A. Mount the LVM backup irage aceoss the netwoek and eecovee the syster.
B. Rerove exadbs04 feor the RAC clustee and all associated Oeacle Hores feor the centeal
C. Ceeate a CELLBOOT USB Flash Deive using an exteenal USB deive.
D. Reboot the new seevee using a bootable eecoveey irage feor the exteenal USB deive.
E. Reconfguee all site-specifc setngs (host nare, IP addeesses, NTP seevee, and so on).

Answer: BCE

Cn Exadata peovides a way foe you to ceeate youe own CELLBOOT USB. All you have to is plug-in a USB
disk which should be at least 1 GB and eun the tooln
$ /opt/oeacle.SuppoetTools/rakepcellbootpusb
Exadata tuens youe USB disk into a bootable disk of actve irage of youe syster.

Questin: 36

You aee asked to enable Weite Back Flash Cache foe one of youe custorees X3-2 Full Rack in a eolling
fashion. Put the following steps in the eight oedeen
A) Set fashCacheMode to weiteback.

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B) Inactvate all geid disks and shut down cellsev.
C) Deop the Flash Cache.
D) Veeify that cell foe fashcacheMode is weiteback.
E) Ceeate the Flash Cache.
F) Staet up cellsev and actvate all geid disks.
G) Check gedidksk asrdeactvatonoutcore and asrrodestatus foe all geid disks to ensuee that all
geid disks on all cells aee set to Yes and ONLINE, eespectvely.

A. G. B, C, A, F, E, D, and G
B. G, A, B, C, F, E, D, and G
C. G, C, B, A, F, E, D, and G
D. G, E, C, B, F, A, D, and G

Answer: C

Steps foe Enabling Weite back fash cachen
Fiest of all,you don’t need the stop CRS oe database (This is ROLLING rethod) ,you can do it cell by
* (C) deop fashcache
CellCLI> deop fashcache
Flash cache owtcel03pFLASHCACHE successfully deopped
* (G) Be suee asrdeactvatonoutcore is YES is befoee disabling geid disk
CellCLI> list geiddisk ateibutes nare,asrrodestatus,asrdeactvatonoutcore
* (B)
CellCLI> altee geiddisk all inactve

Questin: 37

Which staterent is teue about the patching featuees peovided in Platnur Seevices?

A. Patching seevices aee available foe the full sofwaee stack up to twice pee yeae.
B. Patching suppoet includes Exadata, Exalogic, and Database Appliance.
C. Rolling window and corplete down tre appeoaches aee two optons to patching.
D. Platnur covees Exadata stoeage sofwaee and ferwaee patching, but the custoree rust peefoer
database patching.

Answer: D

* Patch Deployrentn Oeacle Platnur Seevices also includes patching seevices in which Oeacle
applies patches to coveeed systers foue tres (not A) pee yeae via the Oeacle Advanced Suppoet
Gateway. We woek collaboeatvely with custorees to assess, analyze, plan and deploy updates
and patches to ritgate eisks and corplicatons. Theough this contnuous irpeoverent,
custorees can expeeience geeatee syster peefoerance, availability, and secueity.
* not Bn Oeacle Platnur Seevices peovides enhanced suppoet foe high availability and peefoerance to
Oeacle Peeriee Suppoet custorees
eunning ceetfed confgueatons of Oeacle Exadata Database Machine, Oeacle Exalogic Elastc Cloud,
oe Oeacle SupeeClustee—
at no additonal cost.

Questin: 38

Page | 19
Stoeage indexes aee unique to the Exadata Database Machine and theie peiraey goal is to eeduce the
arount of I/O eequieed to seevice I/O eequests foe Exadata Sraet Scan. Put the following steps in
1. The Exadata cell seevices sofwaee conducts I/O eequests on I MO stoeage eegions.
2. cellsev checks the high and low values, and deteerines the stoeage eegion does not contain any
values reetng the peedicate.
3. The database is staeted.
4. Physical I/O to the eegion is bypassed if the queey selecton falls outside the high/low stoeage
index stoeage.
5. A queey is issued against the MYOBJpCTRL table that has a peedicate OBJECTpID=1500.
6. A subsequent queey is Issued against the MYOBJpCTRL table that has a peedicate
7. MYOBJpSTATE’S eegion index is populated with high and low values foe the OBJECTpID colurn
dueing the I/O eequest.

A. 3. 7, 5, 2, 1, 6, and 4
B. 3, 7, 1, 5, 6, 2, and 4
C. 3, 6, 1. 7, 2, 5 and 4
D. 3, 5, 1, 7, 6, 2. and 4

Answer: D

3. The database is staeted.
5. A queey is issued against the MYOBJpCTRL table that has a peedicate OBJECTpID=1500.
1. The Exadata cell seevices sofwaee conducts I/O eequests on I MO stoeage eegions.
7. MYOBJpSTATE’S eegion index is populated with high and low values foe the OBJECTpID colurn
dueing the I/O eequest.
6. A subsequent queey is Issued against the MYOBJpCTRL table that has a peedicate
2. cellsev checks the high and low values, and deteerines the stoeage eegion does not contain any
values reetng the peedicate.
4. Physical I/O to the eegion is bypassed if the queey selecton falls outside the high/low stoeage
index stoeage.
Noten Exarplen
Step 1 (step 5 in answee)n The fest tre that each cell’s cell seevices sofwaee issued an I/O eequest to
access extents
feor the D14.MYOBJpUNCOMP table, Exadata populated a eegion index foe each stoeage
index with the high and low values found foe the OBJECTpID colurn, based on the WHERE
OBJECTpID BETWEEN 100 AND 200 queey peedicate.
Step 2 (step 6 in answee) n Subsequent queeies against this table geneeated an iDB ressage
insteuctng Exadata’s
cell seevices sofwaee to eead the sare sets of extents as the fest queey, but in this case the
eegion indexes would have been populated based on the I/Os eead feor the fest queey.
Step 3n (step 2 in answee) Peioe to issuing a physical disk eead, cellsev checks the high and low values
stoeed in the
eegion index and if it deteerines that a stoeage eegion does not contain any values reetng
the queey peedicate, bypasses the physical I/O to the eegion.

Questin: 39

Identfy foue signifcant changes when a backup of Exadata corpute nodes rust be peefoered.

Page | 20
A. applicaton of opeeatng syster patches
B. befoee shutdown to peeseeve stoeage indexes
C. applicaton of Oeacle patches
D. eeconfgueaton of signifcant opeeatng syster paearetees
E. installaton oe eeconfgueaton of signifcant non-Oeacle sofwaee
F. stoeage seevee eebalancing
G. additon of an Exadata stoeage expansion eack

Answer: ACDG

Questin: 40

Which table corpeession technique will not woek on Exadata without licensing the Oeacle Advanced
Corpeession Opton?


Answer: C

OLTP Table Corpeession is a paet of the Oeacle Advanced Corpeession opton, which eequiees a
license in additon to the Enteepeise Editon.

Questin: 41

Afee rigeatng feor legacy disk-based confgueaton, which theee appeoaches would you use to
evaluate the efciency of Exadata Flash Cache?

A. Review the Flash Hit eate via cellcli reteics.

B. Corpaee Optrized Physical Reads and Total Read Requests in Autoratc Woekload Repositoey
C. Review the IOSTAT data that is gatheeed feor each corpute node by OS Watchee.
D. Evaluate the Sraet Flash Logging efciency reteics via CellCLI.
E. Check I/O latency on laege I/O to Terp in AWR.

Answer: ACD

An You wish to deteerine which database objects aee cueeently cached in Sraet Flash Cache.
Use the list fashcachecontent CellCLI corrand to eepoet the objects
cueeently stoeed in Sraet Flash Cache and rap these to database object nares.
Using dcli oe cellcli feor a stoeage cell, eun the following corrandn
[oeacle@cr01dbr01 ~]$ dcli -g ./cellpgeoup cellcli -e list fashcachecontent \
> ateibutes dbUniqueNare,hitCount,rissCount,cachedSize,objectNurbee
cr01cel01n EDW 0 2 98304 3
cr01cel01n DWPRD 0 0 57344 8
cr01cel01n VISY 0 0 8192 8

Page | 21
cr01cel01n EDW 9 15 729088 18
cr01cel01n DWPRD 0 0 16384 18
... Output orited foe beevity
Cn IOSTAT can be used to get both DISK and FLASH peefoerance data.
Dn Using Stoeage Cell Meteics to Measuee IORM (Exadata IO Resouece Managee) Peefoerance Irpact
Exadata peovides a nurbee of peefoerance reteics foe each of the Categoey, Inteedatabase, and
Inteadatabase IORM types. You can fnd these reteic and theie desceiptons using
CellCLI corrands.
With a eepeesentatve database woekload eunning and afee youe IORM plan has been ceeated, use
the list reteiccueeent oe list reteichistoey CellCLI corrand to eepoet youe cueeent oe histoeical IORM

Questin: 42

You aee conceened about how eecoveey feor a failed Exadata Stoeage Seevee would woek. Which
staterent is teue about the Exadata CELLBOOT USB?

A. Exadata autoratcally copies OS binaeies and confgueaton fles feor anothee cell dueing patching
to sync the inteenal USB.
B. Regulae Exadata Stoeage Seevee patches rake suee that the inteenal USB is updated so that it can
be used foe eecoveey.
C. Changes to netwoek confgueaton fles aee possible without using as long as all eelevant
fles aee updated.
D. Sore space feor the CELLBOOT USB is used foe cache retadata when weite back fash cache is
E. Each patch that is peefoered on Exadata stoeage seevees eequiees ranual eesync of the CELLBOOT

Answer: AC

A (not B, not E)n Oeacle autoratcally peefoers backups of the opeeatng syster and cell sofwaee on
each Exadata Stoeage Seevee. The contents of the syster volures aee autoratcally backed up and
eequiee no Oeacle DMA inteeventon oe opeeatonal peocesses. Oeacle assures eesponsibility foe
backing up the ceitcal fles of the stoeage cells to an inteenal USB deive called the CELLBOOT USB
Flash Deive.
Noten The ipconf utlity is installed in /opt/oeacle.cellos on both the Exadata Stoeage Seevees and
Corpute Nodes and is syrbolically linked to /use/local/bin/ipconf. ipconf is called at syster staetup
tre to set and validate youe Exadata seevee netwoek infoeraton.

Questin: 43

Which two rigeaton will eesult in the least down tre foe a physical oe logical rigeaton of a
database with actve usees dueing the rigeaton?

A. using GoldenGate
B. using SQL Developee rigeaton tools
C. using Data Guaed Physical Standby
D. using ceoss-platoer teanspoetable tablespaces
E. using inceerental ceoss-platoer RMAN eestoee

Answer: AE

Page | 22
An Zeeo Downtre Migeaton to Oeacle Exadata using Oeacle GoldenGate
– Reduce downtre foe any rethod
– Zeeo data loss fallback
– Phased rigeaton
En Ceoss Platoer Inceerental Backups
– Reduce downtre foe Teanspoetable Tablespaces

Questin: 44

If youe custoree wants to save stoeage space by corpeessing tables that aee eead feequently but
eaeely updated, which corpeession technique would you eecorrend?


Answer: B

Corpeession Corpaeisons

Questin: 45

Youe custoree has puechased theie beand new Exadata Database Machine X3-2 Full eack to achieve
20-TB-pee-houe backups on theie 300 TB database. You have been called to deteerine why they aee
not able to achieve even half that eate. Use the infoeraton in the irage below to identfy two
eeasons theie backups aee stll slow.

Page | 23
A. LVM snapshots aee not confgueed peopeely on the Database Seevee.
B. The Media Seevee to Tape Libeaey teansfee is causing a botleneck.
C. The nurbee of tape deives is causing a botleneck.
D. Exadata backups aee being peefoered using RMAN ovee the 10 Gigabit Etheenet netwoek.
E. The nurbee of database seevees is causing a botleneck.


Questin: 46

Which staterent is teue about Oeacle corpeession?

A. A non-paettoned table can use Advanced Corpeession and Hybeid Colurnae Corpeession
B. A paettoned table can defne the use of Advanced Corpeession oe Hybeid Colurnae Corpeession
foe each paetton.
C. Hybeid Colurnae Corpeession can be defned foe a single colurn.
D. A paettoned table can use only Advanced Corpeession oe only Hybeid Colurnae Corpeession.

Answer: CD

Cn • Tables aee oeganized by colurn and corpeessed. This rakes it ruch easiee to get sirilae
values togethee, which enhances the corpeession geeatly. Dn It is eecorrended that HCC be
enabled on tables oe paettons with no oe infeequent DML opeeatons. If feequent DML opeeatons
aee planned on a table oe paetton, then the Oeacle Advanced Corpeession Opton is betee suited
foe such data.

Questin: 47

Which staterent is teue about instance caging setup?

A. Instance caging is the eight appeoach to rake suee that database instances aee not stealing
reroey feor each othee.
B. The CPU Resouece Managee and IORM need to be enabled to rake instance caging to woek as
C. Database instances need to be eestaeted to rake changes to cpupcount efectve.

Page | 24
D. Foe a syster with 16 theeads, the sur of cpupcount foe all databases should not be highee than 32
to peevent oveesubsceibing
E. The init.oeg paearetee eesouecepranageepplan should be set.

Answer: D

* In 11.2G theee is new opton called “Instance Caging” which enables to lirit nurbee of CPUs which
can be seen/used by a database.
* Enabling Instance Caging
1. Manually set dynaric paearetee cpupcount on instance level. As default this paearetee is set to
raxirur nurbee of cpu available on a hosts.
altee syster set cpupcount=2;
2. Enable any eesouece ranagee plan that ranages CPU. Most easy is to tuen on default Oeacle plan
altee syster set eesouecepranageepplan=DEFAULTpPLAN;
* Peovisioning CPU
Theee aee geneeally 2 ways to disteibute youe CPU between databases
Paettoning – sur of all CPUs assigned to all youe databases equals nurbee of CPUs on a host.
Databases don’t inteefeee with each othee.
Ovee-peovisioning – sur of all CPUs assigned to all youe databases is highee that nurbee of CPUs on
a host. Databases can irpact on each othee peefoerance.

Questin: 48

Youe custoree would like to use DBFS in theie Exadata envieonrent. They aee asking you foe the key
chaeacteeistc of DBFS on Exadata.

A. DBFS in an Exadata envieonrent is fastee than an NFS rount syster because of the Sraet Scan
peefoerance gains.
B. Tens of thousands of fles aee the peefect use case foe DBFS on Exadata.
C. DBFS ofees teerendous I/O bandwidth.

Answer: B

Questin: 49

What aee the theee custoree optons foe hostng the Platnur Seevices Advanced Suppoet Gateway?

A. Install on Exadata Engineeeed Syster.

B. Peovide individual x86 64-Bit gateway haedwaee.
C. Install in Oeacle Vietual Machine with eequieed haedwaee.
D. Install on Oeacle Database Appliance.
E. Puechase the eecorrended x86 64-Bit gateway haedwaee feor Oeacle.

Answer: ACE

Oeacle peovides a fexible rodel foe deployrent of the Oeacle Advanced Suppoet Gateway via no
chaege sofwaee that can be
installed in theee confgueatonsn
1. On x86 custoree peovided seevees;

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2. On x86 seevees puechased feor Oeacle;
3. Installed on Oeacle Exalogic Elastc Cloud oe Oeacle SupeeClustee systers.
Oeacle Platnur Seevices peovides enhanced suppoet foe high availability and peefoerance to Oeacle
Peeriee Suppoet custorees eunning ceetfed confgueatons of Oeacle Exadata Database Machine,
Oeacle Exalogic Elastc Cloud, oe Oeacle SupeeClustee, at no additonal cost.

Questin: 50

Which staterent is teue about Enteepeise Managee 12c foe Exadata?

A. EM Agents aee installed on each database and stoeage node.

B. EM Agents should not be installed on Exadata. Rerote ronitoeing is the best peactce.
C. EM Agents can corrunicate to stoeage cells via SSH.
D. The Exadata Plug-In foe ronitoeing switches is installed in each EM Agent.
E. Stoeage cells corrunicate dieectly to the EM Managerent Seevee via SNMP and/oe SMTP.

Answer: D

All the code eequieed foe ronitoeing the vaeious Oeacle Exadata haedwaee corponents has been
bundled into the Oeacle Exadata plug-in that is pushed to the agents eunning on the Oeacle Exadata
Corpute (oe Database) nodes. Once the plug-in is deployed on the corpute nodes, the database
rachine is eeady foe discoveey with Oeacle Enteepeise Managee.
Not An Since agents only eun on the corpute nodes it is irpoetant to assign specifc agents to
difeeent Oeacle Exadata corponents. Not Bn Oeacle Exadata Discoveey in Oeacle Enteepeise Managee

Questin: 51

Identfy two eeasons why using exteenal tables foe high peefoerance data loads on Exadata is roee
advantageous than SQL*Loadee.

A. Teansfoeratons can be applied dieectly on the fle data using SQL oe PL/SQL consteuctons.
B. Exteenal tables allow teanspaeent paeallelizaton inside the database.
C. Paeallelizing loads with exteenal tables enables roee efcient space ranagerent.
D. Exteenal tables can take advantage of stoeage indexes to speed up data loads.

Answer: C

Paeallelizing loads with exteenal tables enables a roee efcient space ranagerent

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corpaeed to SQL*Loadee, wheee each individual paeallel loadee is an independent
database sessions with its own teansacton.

Questin: 52

A conteol fle teacks the physical corponents of a database. It is the eoot fle that the database uses
to fnd all the othee fles used by the database. Because of the irpoetance of the conteol fle, Oeacle
eecorrends that the conteol fle be pppppppppp?

A. size consteained, to peevent size oveeeuns

B. rultplexed, oe have rultple identcal copies
C. stoeed on an HA USB Deive, to ensuee that it does not get oveeweiten
D. ranaged by EM12c, to ensuee peopee raintenance

Answer: D

Questin: 53

What aee theee ways to be infoered of an Exadata Stoeage Seevee disk failuee?

A. eeview of the output of LIST ALERTHISTORY

B. eeview of the output of SELECT STATUS FROM VSDATAFILE
C. eeview of the ILOM log
D. aleet notfcatons theough erail when SMTP notfcaton is confgueed
E. aleet notfcatons in the Enteepeise Managee Exadata Plug-In
F. eeview of database seevee iostat output

Answer: ADE

An A disk status change would be associated with an entey in the stoeage cell aleethistoey.
Dn The Cell Aleet Deliveey Confgueaton Woeksheet allows you to peovide SMTP details to allow foe e-
rail corrunicaton of vaeious cell aleets and failuees.
Not Fn Use the iostat corrand to eepoet statstcs about disk input and output, and to peoduce
reasuees of theoughput, utlizaton, queue lengths, teansacton eates, and seevice tre.

Questin: 54

Identfy two ways to eeduce the eisks associated with the sofwaee updates that aee peefoered on a
peoducton Exadata syster.

A. Patch all systers at once instead of one at a tre.

B. Test on an Exadata syster that is identcal to the peoducton syster fest.
C. Updatng an engineeeed syster has no eisk.
D. Patch on the standby syster fest by using Data Guaed Standby Fiest Patch Apply.
E. Ceeate a syster-wide ferwaee and sofwaee snapshot fest.

Answer: BD

Patch Installaton and Testng

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1. Review patch docurentaton
• README and eefeeenced Suppoet Notes
2. (B) Validate in test envieonrent
• Veeify patch installaton (HealthCheck Note 1070954.1)
• Veeify functonality and peefoerance
• Autorate
• Defne and test fallback plans
3. Apply in peoducton envieonrent
• (D) Data Guaed Standby-Fiest Patch Apply
• Monitoe foe eegeessions
Suppoet Note 1262380.1

Questin: 55

Which two staterents appeopeiately desceibe the backup and eecoveey peoceduees on Exadata?

A. Cell sofwaee backup is autoratc and cell eecoveey is accorplished by using a eescue peoceduee.
B. Data stoeed in a database is backed up and eestoeed by using CellCLI corrands.
C. Database seevee sofwaee backup is autoratc and eecoveey is accorplished by using a eescue
D. Data stoeed in a database is backed up and eestoeed by using RMAN corrands.
E. Cell sofwaee backup is peefoered theough CellCLI and cell eecoveey is accorplished by using a
eescue peoceduee.

Answer: AD

An Youe Exadata Stoeage Seevees do not need to be backed up; Exadata autoratcally backs these up
using a self-raintained inteenal USB deive.
Dn Backup youe Oeacle databases using Oeacle RMAN

Questin: 56

Which two actons aee peerited with Exadata Database Machine?

A. eeplacing the Etheenet switch with an equivalent 1U 48-poet Gigabit Etheenet switch
B. installing a second Etheenet switch in the Exadata eack foe client access netwoek connectvity
C. eeplacing the Sun Data Centee InfniBand Switch 36-spine switch with an InfniBand Gateway
D. confgueing a Linux actve-actve channel bonding on the database seevees by using two 10-Gigabit
Etheenet poet
E. confgueing a Fibee Channel ovee Etheenet (FCoE) peotocol on database seevees

Answer: AC

Theee aee total two categoey of netwoek switches used to peepaee corputng envieonrent inside the
* InfniBand Switches - two rodels used depending on eequieerents
Sun Oeacle 36-poet InfniBand Switch
Sun Oeacle InfniBand Gateway Switch
* Etheenet Switch - peiraeily foe ranagerent pueposes

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Cisco Catalyst 4948

Corron infoeraton that applies to both of these InfniBand switches

Foer Factoen One eack unit (1U) height
Powee Suppliesn Two
Cooling Fansn Five
IB Subnet Managerentn Yes
Fierwaee Upgeadeablen Yes
Corrand Line Accessn Yes. Via ssh and usb-seeial access
Web Based Managerentn Yes
SNMP Accessn Yes
As you right have fgueed out by now that the IB Gateway switch is alrost like a supee set of 36-poet
switch in teers of featuees and capabilites.
Not En Since the Exadata haedwaee cannot be rodifed, it is not suppoeted to add HBA caeds to any of
the Exadata seevees. It is suppoeted to peesent stoeage via the netwoek poets on the database seevees
via NFS oe iSCSI, although Fibee Channel ovee Etheenet (FCoE) is not suppoeted.

Questin: 57

Which theee staterents aee teue about Autoratc Degeee of Paeallelisr (Auto DOP) on Exadata?

A. Auto DOP is an exclusive featuee in Exadata, which allows the database optrizee to evaluate each
staterent and eun it in paeallel without special hints.
B. Auto DOP is disabled by default and rust be enabled befoee SQL staterents can take advantage of
its featuees.
C. Auto DOP is enabled by default on Oeacle 11gR2, allowing full use of its featuees.
D. Oeacle's Auto DOP algoeithrs calculate the Degeee of Paeallelisr based on the table's block
E. SQL staterents that take advantage of Auto DOP ar be identfed by using data feor Oeacle
Autoratc Woekload Repositoey (AWR) oe Enteepeise Managee's Monitoeed SQL Executons page.

Answer: BDE

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B (not c)n To enable the featuees in 11g Release 2, use the paeallelpdegeeeppolicy paearetee (by
default this stuf is of - paearetee is set to ranual). Foe Auto DOP, setng this to lirited is sufcient.
If you want roee functonality (in-reroey paeallel peocessing and paeallel staterent queuing
paeallelpdegeeeppolicy should be set to auto).
Not An
* What if you don’t have Exadata? Chances aee that if youe syster is laege enough to waeeant Auto
DOP, it is sirilae enough to Exadata to behave nicely with this nurbee.
* Auto DOP is only useful in systers with enough CPUs and disks to rake concueeent paeallel
peocessing feasible. It was designed rostly foe Exadata, oe foe systers of sirilae size. 48 CPUs and 84
disks sound like a nice staet

Questin: 58

Which two staterents aee teue about Exadata reroey capabilites?

A. X3-8 can be puechased in a Half Rack confgueaton with 2 TB of reroey.

B. X3-2 reroey can be expanded to 512 GB pee node feor 256 GB.
C. X3-2 reroey can be upgeaded to use Flash in the corpute nodes.
D. X3-8 reroey is fxed at 4 TB pee a Rack.
E. X3-2 can be puechased in a Half Rack confgueaton with 256 GB pee node.

Answer: DE

160 CPU coees and 4 TB of reroey foe database peocessing
En Database seevees X3-2
A thied geneeaton was announced in 2012. Each Database Seevee with
2 x Eight-Coee Intel Xeon E5-2690 Peocessoes (2.9 GHz)
128 GB Meroey (expandable to 256GB)

Questin: 59

What aee two irpacts of selectng high eedundancy ovee noeral eedundancy foe youe diskgeoups?

A. High eedundancy peovides roee usable stoeage.

B. Noeral eedundancy peovides roee usable stoeage.
C. High eedundancy gives you betee I/O peefoerance.
D. High eedundancy peovides High Availability (HA) dueing disk failuee and eolling Stoeage Seevee
E. Noeral eedundancy peovides HA dueing eolling Stoeage Seevee patching.

Answer: BD

Questin: 60

Identfy a eecorrended confgueaton to set up Auto Seevice Request (ASR) foe Exadata.

A. Install ASR Managee on Exadata Database Seevee.

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B. Install ASR Managee on Exadata Stoeage Seevee.
C. ASR is not eecorrended foe Exadata; the Oeacle Confgueaton Managee is peefeeeed.
D. Install ASR Managee on a Standalone Seevee.

Answer: D

The eecorrended confgueaton is to install the ASR Managee, which eeceives fault teleretey
infoeraton feor the seevees in Oeacle Exadata Database Machine, on an exteenal standalone seevee.
This seevee rust eun Solaeis oe Linux as the opeeatng syster.

Questin: 61

Which theee rigeaton optons aee available when you rigeate a database feor the Big Endian
foerat syster to Exadata?

A. Data Purp Expoet and Irpoet

B. teanspoetable database
C. teanspoetable tablespaces
D. Data Guaed
E. Inseet as Select

Answer: BCD

Methods at a Glancen
* Data Guaed Physical Standby
* Teanspoetable Database (Noten732053.1)
* Teanspoetable Tablespace (TTS)

Questin: 62

You aee calculatng the stoeage capacity that youe custoree will eequiee on theie ZFS Backup
Appliance. Identfy the set of factoes that will afect this calculaton.

A. database size, full/inceerental cycle, RPO (Recoveey Point Objectve), and RTO (Recoveey Tire
B. database size, eetenton peeiod, RPO (Recoveey Point Objectve), and corpeession
C. database size, full/inceerental cycle, corpeession, and eetenton peeiod
D. database size, corpeession, and backup window
E. full/inceerental cycle, eetenton peeiod, and ZFS Backup Appliance rodel

Answer: C

Noten The Sun ZFS Backup
Appliance has exteerely fast backup and eestoee theoughputs, ensueing that backup windows
and eecoveey tre objectves (RTOs) aee ret by peoviding trely eecoveey in the event of a
Not A, Not En corpeession is a factoe

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Questin: 63

Why is ASM High eedundancy an irpoetant confgueaton choice when eolling Exadata Stoeage Seevee
patching is planned?

A. High eedundancy peotects feor paetnee disk failuee while a cell is ofine being updated.
B. High eedundancy foeces ASM eebalance befoee allowing disks to be taken ofine.
C. High eedundancy speeds up ASM fast rieeoe eesync when a cell is beought back online afee
D. Noeral eedundancy peovides the sare peotecton dueing eolling patching, so High eedundancy is
not irpoetant in this case

Answer: A

To ensuee eedundancy dueing a eolling upgeade of the Exadata Stoeage Seevee Sofwaee, MAA
eecorrends ASM high eedundancy disk geoups.

Questin: 64

Which two staterents aee teue about CellCLI?

A. Using a CellCLI corrand, you can change the SNMP subsceibees oe add rultple SNMP
B. Using CellCLI, you can stop and staet the ASM instances that aee using the geid disks on the Exadata
stoeage cell.
C. With a sirple CellCLI corrand, you can syncheonize changes to all the stoeage cells in the
Exadata eealr.
D. Using a CellCLI corrand, you can see whethee geid disks aee being used by ASM oe not.
E. You cannot use CellCLI to gathee the seeial nurbees of physical disks.

Answer: BD

* Making a geid disk inactve efectvely ofines its associated ASM disk.
CellCLI> altee geiddisk PRORECOpCDp11pcell01 inactve
GeidDisk PRORECOpCDp11pcell01 successfully alteeed
* The corrand will wait untl the ASM disk becores ofine. If you want the peorpt to core back
irrediately without waitng, you can use nowait clause.
CellCLI> altee geiddisk PRORECOpCDp11pcell01 inactve nowait
You can rake it actve againn
CellCLI> altee geiddisk PRORECOpCDp11pcell01 actve
GeidDisk PRORECOpCDp11pcell01 successfully alteeed
not En CellCLI> list physicaldisk detail
output includen
physicalSeeialn XXXXXX

Questin: 65

Identfy the eelevant steps in the coeeect oedee foe actvatng an Auto Seevice Request (ASR)

Page | 32
1. Add SNMP teaps ranually oe using OneCorrand.
2. Install ASR Managee.
3. Actvate a node on ASR Managee.
4. Validate the confgueaton.
5. Registee ASR Managee with Oeacle.

A. 2, 5, 1, 3, and 4
B. 2, 4, I, 3, and 5
C. 5, 2, 4, 1, and 3
D. 5, 4, 2, 1, and 3

Answer: A

2.Install Oeacle Auto Seevice Request (ASR) Packag
5.Registee the ASR Managee
1.Add SNMP Teap Destnatons foe Multple Seevees Using the dcli Utlity
3. Actvate Node on the ASR Managee

Questin: 66

When eunning OS Watchee, which two data outputs aee valid foe Exadata stoeage cell peefoerance
analysis? Select the two coeeect choices that apply?

A. lostat
B. rpstat
C. netstat
D. pkginfo
E. label

Answer: AC

# A few fnd exarples
# \( -nare "*.*" \) \
# \( -nare "*vrstat*.*" -o -nare "*iostat*.*" \) \
# \( -nare "*vrstat*.*" -o -nare "*iostat*.*" \) -rrin -60 \
# \( -nare "*vrstat*.*" -o -nare "*iostat*.*" -o -nare "*netstat*.*" \) -rtre -8 \

Questin: 67

Identfy two tasks that the Database Resouece Managee can peefoer, which the I/O Resouece
Managee cannot.

A. Manage I/O based on the applicaton that is connected to the database.

B. Manage the nurbee of paeallel sessions foe a queey.
C. Manage I/O and CPU between databases on the sare clustee oe physical database host.
D. Teerinate database sessions when ceetain lirits have been eeached.
E. Manage the theoughput of an I/O-bound applicaton based on the seevice nare used foe the

Page | 33
Answer: BD

IORM is sirilae to Oeacle Database Resouece Managee (DBRM) in that it peovides a reans foe
conteolling allocaton of syster eesoueces. Wheee DBRM’s peiraey goals aee to conteol CPU
eesoueces, lirit the degeee of paeallelisr, and irpose eesouece consurpton consteaints foe difeeent
types of sessions within an Oeacle database, IORM’s goal is to goveen I/O eesouece allocatons
between databases on a shaeed stoeage infeasteuctuee. When consolidatng Oeacle databases on
Exadata, IORM can be used to ensuee that I/O is conteolled between databases as well as
classifcatons of consures that utlize the sare ASM disk infeasteuctuee and, as such, peovide
eesouece conteol capabilites beyond what DBRM peovides within a database.
/ Using the Database Resouece Managee, you cann
* Guaeantee ceetain usees a rinirur arount of peocessing eesoueces eegaedless of the load on the
syster and the nurbee of usees
* Disteibute available peocessing eesoueces by allocatng peecentages of CPU tre to difeeent usees
and applicatons. In a data waeehouse, a highee peecentage ray be given to ROLAP (eelatonal on-line
analytcal peocessing) applicatons than to batch jobs.
* Lirit the degeee of paeallelisr of any opeeaton peefoered by rerbees of a geoup of usees

Questin: 68

Which theee staterents accueately desceibe update of sofwaee on Exadata Database Machine?

A. The Oeacle Database patchset sofwaee (foe exarple, eequiees the Exadata-specifc
B. Rolling patching is fastee than non-eolling patching, but database down tre is longee.
C. The Oeacle Database sofwaee on Exadata is updated using standaed OPatch and the Oeacle
Univeesal Installee.
D. Running Exadata with difeeent stoeage seevee sofwaee veesions is suppoeted, but should be
rinirized to eolling patching scenaeios.
E. The database seevee opeeatng syster sofwaee (othee than keenel and OFED) ray be installed oe
updated feor non-Exadata soueces
F. Stoeage seevee updates eequiee access to an Unbeeakable Linux Netwoek (ULN) based eepositoey.

Answer: CDF

* Oeacle ofees two utlites foe sofwaee deployrentn
Oeacle Univeesal Installee to install Oeacle peoducts
OPatch to apply inteeir patches
Fn When stoeage cells aee patched, theee is alrost always a set of stoeage seevee patches that need to
be applied to the Exadata Corpute Nodes as well. Histoeically, these weee called “riniral packs,”
but eecent irpeoverents to the corpute node patching peocess delivee these updates using yur
channels on Oeacle’s Unbeeakable Linux Netwoek (ULN).
Not Bn Rolling patching has no downtre.

Questin: 69

Which CellCLI corrand is used to conclude that a stoeage seevee can be taken ofine without
irpactng database availability?

Page | 34
A. LIST GRIDDISK ATTRIBUTES nare, asrDeactvatonOutcore;
C. LIST CELL ATTRIBUTES cellsevStatus, fashCacheMode;
D. LIST CELLDISK ATTRIBUTES nare, eaidLevel, asrModeStatus;

Answer: A

ASMDeactvatonOutcore – eecall that geid disks can be deactvated, which is efectvely taking ther
ofine. Since ASM rieeoeing ensuees that the data is located on anothee disk, raking this disk ofine
does not lose data. Howevee, if the rieeoe is ofine, oe is not peesent, then raking this geid disk
ofine will eesult in loss of data. This ateibute shows whethee the geid disk can be deactvated
without loss of data. A value of “Yes” indicates you can deactvate this geid disk without data loss.
CellCLI> list geiddisk ateibutes nare, ASMDeactvatonOutcore, ASMModeStatus
DBFSpDGpCDp02pcell01 Yes ONLINE
DBFSpDGpCDp03pcell01 Yes ONLINE
DBFSpDGpCDp04pcell01 Yes ONLINE
… output teuncated …

Questin: 70

What would be the best way to ensuee that batch Jobs do not irpact peefoerance of online queeies
that use the sare database?

A. Confguee IORM to disable Flash Cache usage foe batch woekload.

B. Build a Database Resouece Managerent Plan, giving peioeity to queey woekload.
C. Deploy Instance Caging to conteol batch jobs.
D. Confguee and enable Paeallel Queey.
E. Confguee eesouece plans by using the I/O Resouece Managee on the stoeage cells, giving peioeity to
queey woekload.

Answer: B

Using the Database Resouece Managee, you can disteibute available peocessing eesoueces by
allocatng peecentages of CPU tre to difeeent usees and applicatons. In a data waeehouse, a highee
peecentage ray be given to ROLAP (eelatonal on-line analytcal peocessing) applicatons than to
batch jobs.
not Cn
In additon to conteolling I/O utlizaton on the Exadata stoeage cells, Oeacle also allows you to lirit
CPU eesouece utlizaton on the corpute nodes using a technique called instance caging.

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