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GARCIA, Krizzi Eve D.

Chemist’s Sixth Sense: The Common Sense
As I enter another academic year in the university, I have never felt so grateful and
appreciative that I entered my third year as a chemistry student with complete and fully
functioning limbs. After I watched the video, memories from the time where our own lab
technician had been on an accident came flooding back. All I can say is that I was fortunate
enough to be able to get through the two years that I had dealing with chemicals without
experiencing any accident. Honestly, I am a little careless and reckless as a person and I
sometimes tend to bring these attitudes with me in the lab which is extremely dangerous and
inappropriate. I could potentially pose a hazard that can be harmful to myself or even worse to
my classmates.
The video that was linked to us presented the past incidents from top universities like
UCLA and Dartmouth which made me realize how everyone even the most professional and
expert in the league can be vulnerable and can actually be affected. My first year student self
have underestimated the risks presented by chemicals. I did not actually think that accidents do
actually happen in the real world and we do not know when it will happen. Now on my third
year, I got to fully understand the gravity of working in the lab. I know it was a little late to be
able to grasp the importance of lab safety but I guess it was something that needs constant
practice and reminder to be able to have it all ingrained in you.
Being able to see everything clearly now, the laboratory is a nice place to work in
however one must remember the dangers present and guard themselves from them. It is truly a
great privilege to be able to work in the laboratory but privilege comes with great responsibility.
Being both responsible and knowledgeable about the laboratory setting I think tops the list of the
requirements for lab safety. The laboratory is not a place for everyone thus we shall abide by its
rules and make sure we do not place any danger to others. As mentioned, being responsible
involves knowing and following all the things essential in the laboratory setting. The use of
personal protective equipment must be utilized always as it is an effective means of preventing
further damage during an accident. Knowing the locations of all laboratory safety showers,
eyewash stations, fire extinguishers and fire exits is also a safety protocol that must be followed.
All chemicals must be labeled properly and correct disposal must be monitored at all times. Also,
inappropriate activities like eating or applying cosmetics should be strictly avoided. Almost all of
these are part of the common knowledge. It is almost easy to say that everything about lab safety
is common sense. However, we must remember that it takes skill and discipline to practice a
good sense. Working in the laboratory is a great privilege that must be cherished seeing that it is
where most of the breakthroughs in sciences were founded. Therefore, as a young scientist I can
say that I am growing maturely into my profession when lab safety is what all I see as the
number one priority.

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