X Ray Diffraction of Iron Containing Samples The Importance of A Suitable Configuration

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Geomicrobiology Journal

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X-Ray Diffraction of Iron Containing Samples: The

Importance of a Suitable Configuration

Yvonne M. Mos, Arnold C. Vermeulen, Cees J. N. Buisman & Jan Weijma

To cite this article: Yvonne M. Mos, Arnold C. Vermeulen, Cees J. N. Buisman & Jan Weijma
(2018) X-Ray Diffraction of Iron Containing Samples: The Importance of a Suitable Configuration,
Geomicrobiology Journal, 35:6, 511-517, DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2017.1401183

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2017.1401183

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa

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Published online: 15 Feb 2018.

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VOL. 35, NO. 6, 511–517

X-Ray Diffraction of Iron Containing Samples: The Importance of a Suitable

Yvonne M. Mosa, Arnold C. Vermeulenb, Cees J. N. Buismana, and Jan Weijmaa
Sub-Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University, Bornse Weilanden 9, Wageningen, The Netherlands;
PANalytical, Lelyweg 1, Almelo, The Netherlands


In X-ray diffraction, a good combination of configuration and sample is essential. Copper radiation for iron Received 14 June 2016
containing materials leads to a high background. Although this has been recognized, many researchers Accepted 1 November 2017
still use this combination. To clearly show the unsuitability of copper radiation for iron oxides, magnetite, KEYWORDS
goethite, maghemite, and hematite were analysed in different configurations using copper or cobalt Fluorescence; iron; radiation
radiation. Results show effects of fluorescence repressing measures and different radiation sources. type; X-ray diffraction
Copper radiation diffractograms make phase identification contestable. Studies using copper radiation for
iron oxides must therefore be carefully evaluated. Cobalt radiation yielded high quality diffractograms,
making phase identification unambiguous.

et al. 2015; Wu et al. 2013). By using copper radiation when ana-
The iron redox cycle is important in the field of geomicrobiology. lyzing iron minerals however, it is often overlooked that the choice
Ferric and ferrous iron are abundant in nature and can be reduced of radiation should be compatible to the sample composition in
or oxidized, depending on the redox conditions. Both chemical order to obtain a diffractogram of good quality. A mismatch
and biological oxidation/reduction reactions can occur. These therein can lead to a high background signal that, especially in
reactions often lead to dissolution and formation of iron minerals, combination with a low peak intensity, makes interpretation more
of which there are many. To understand the role of iron in biogeo- difficult and can even lead to incorrect phase identification. The
chemistry, numerous studies have focused on assessing the effect most striking example thereof is when dealing with magnetite
of environmental parameters on the redox conversion and mineral and/or maghemite. Diffractograms of these two minerals are only
dissolution/precipitation. Although advancements have been distinguishable by a few low intensity peaks. Both can form in sim-
made, there is still a large potential for future research. Compre- ilar environments and be converted into one another, in the case
hension of iron speciation and conversions lead to insights in the of magnetite to maghemite simply by exposure to ambient air
effects of, for example, acid mine drainage and availability of (Cullity 1978).
nutrients (e.g., Adams et al. 2007; Amstaetter et al. 2012; Behrends The mismatch between copper radiation and iron is well-
and Van Cappellen 2007; Cooper et al. 2000; Wu et al. 2013). Fur- known in the iron and steel industry, where cobalt radiation is
thermore, the biological formation of minerals like magnetite is a used (Klug and Alexander 1954), but is it not common knowl-
topic of high interest (e.g., Bharde et al. 2006; Bharde et al. 2005; edge in other fields of research, while there is an increasing
Byrne et al. 2015a; Ch^atellier et al. 2004; Dey et al. 2015). interest in the biomineralization of iron oxides. This issue is
Iron mineral phase identification is crucial for understanding even more important in this field, where samples often do not
the role of iron in natural and engineered environments. Recently only contain crystalline, but also amorphous minerals and
we started research on iron mineral formation from ferrous iron microorganisms, which will increase the background signal fur-
solutions, aiming to develop a new microbiological method for ther. Despite indications in literature that it is unfavorable, cop-
iron removal from groundwater. In literature concerning microbi- per radiation is often used in XRD analysis of iron oxides and
ological iron conversions, X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a commonly interpretation of the results is not always sufficiently careful.
used method for the phase identification of crystalline solids. In An example is found in Adams et al. 2007. The diffractograms
many papers, also in the last decade, the most commonly applied in Figure 6 and the interpretation thereof show that some peaks
configuration for XRD uses a copper radiation source (e.g., that are used for identification are of equal height as the back-
Amstaetter et al. 2012; Behrends and Van Cappellen 2007; Bharde ground noise. Other peaks are excluded from identification for
et al. 2005, 2006; Ch^atellier et al., 2004; Cooper et al. 2000; Dey no apparent reason. A similar case is present in Byrne et al.

CONTACT Yvonne M. Mos yvonne.mos@wur.nl Sub-department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University, Bornse Weilanden 9, 6708 WG,
Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/ugmb.
© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/),
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512 Y. M. MOS ET AL.

2015, Figures 1c and 4b, where peaks are hardly distinguishable same wavelength as the incident beam and therefore contrib-
from the background and the identification of siderite is based utes to the diffractogram.
on the presence of only one peak. These diffractograms of mix- In inelastic scattering, the X-ray is also diffracted by the elec-
tures of iron oxides were obtained with a copper radiation tron it hits. However, in this case, the X-ray knocks one of the
source and are open to multiple interpretations. Drawing firm electrons out of the inner shell of an atom, emitting a character-
conclusions from this data is therefore inadvisable. Many other istic fluorescent radiation. While this is the basis of the tech-
researchers draw conclusions based on diffractograms of iron nique of XRF (X-ray fluorescence), this is an unwanted
oxides obtained with copper radiation that are vulnerable for phenomenon in XRD. Since a relatively large part of the energy
incorrect interpretation (e.g., Behrends and Van Cappellen of the incident beam is absorbed in this process, the intensity of
2007; Bharde et al. 2005, 2006; Ch^atellier et al. 2004; Cooper the beam reaching the detector (the diffracted beam), and
et al. 2000). Others strengthen their conclusions with TEM therefore the peak in the diffractogram, will be lower. Also, the
analysis (Dey et al. 2015; Wu et al. 2013) or M€ ossbauer spec- fluorescent radiation will be detected, causing a high back-
troscopy (Amstaetter et al. 2012). While this can confirm the ground. These two effects combined can cause peaks to become
conclusions that are based on the XRD results, time, costs, and invisible, making it difficult to analyze the diffractogram.
effort can be saved by obtaining a good quality diffractogram in Inelastic scattering and therefore fluorescence always takes
the first place. place during XRD. However, the amount of inelastic scattering
The incompatibility of copper radiation and iron oxides has that occurs, depends on the combination of the type of X-rays
been indicated by, amongst others, Cullity, Fransen and Klug and the material that is analyzed. X-rays have a characteristic
and Alexander (Cullity 1978; Fransen 2004; Klug and Alexan- radiation with peaks at different wavelengths, depending on the
der 1954). While these authors give a well-founded theoretical source material. The wavelength of these peaks determines the
explanation for this, examples and visuals to illustrate this are extent to which it will penetrate, absorb, and scatter. To ensure
not presented. In the current paper, we visualize the advantages sufficient scattering, the wavelength of the so called Ka radia-
of cobalt radiation for the analysis of iron oxides as well as giv- tion peak used should be longer than the so called K absorption
ing some other possible measures that can be taken to decrease edge of the sample material. The K adsorption edge of iron is
fluorescence. 1.743A , which, in principle, would exclude copper (as well as
In this paper, we demonstrate that the use of Cu radiation molybdenum) as suitable radiations for analysis (Table 1).
for XRD analysis of iron oxides, as still applied in recent litera- However, some physical measures can be taken to decrease the
ture, can result in incorrect and/or incomplete phase identifica- background signal in the diffractogram. The first is setting a
tion. We will illustrate this by analyzing four iron oxides which sensitivity window for the detector. This window would typi-
are commonly investigated in biomineralization research (mag- cally be set for energies of the Ka § 50% keV (Table 1). This
netite, goethite, maghemite, and hematite) with various equip- solves the problem for iron analysis with molybdenum radia-
ment configurations using both copper and cobalt radiation. tion, but not for copper radiation (Cullity 1978; Fransen 2004).
The results of the various scans are compared to show the Furthermore, one can use monochromators, both in the inci-
effects of the different configurations and radiation sources. dent beam as well as in the diffracted beam (Fransen 2004). A
monochromator is a crystal like germanium or graphite. By
allowing the beam to be diffracted by the crystal, the radiation
Theoretical background
of wavelengths other than Ka will be eliminated. In this way
The information in XRD analysis is provided by the interaction the radiation hitting the sample as well as the radiation reach-
between X-rays and the sample material. The different types of ing the detector can be ‘cleaned up’.
interaction and their effects are discussed in this section, which Applying a suitable type of radiation or using monochroma-
is primarily based on the works of Cullity (Cullity 1978). tors are both good options to avoid fluorescence (Cullity 1978;
When an X-ray hits an electron, as is the case in XRD imag- Fransen 2004; Klug and Alexander 1954). However, as men-
ing, it will be scattered. The diffraction of the X-ray takes place tioned before, when a poorly suitable type of radiation is used,
in all directions. Since in XRD a beam of X-rays (the incident a relatively large part of this will be absorbed by the sample.
beam) hits a crystal lattice, many atoms are hit simultaneously. This means that 1) besides causing a lower background signal,
The diffracted X-rays can either interact constructively or it results in a lower peak intensity as well, and 2) it causes a
destructively. This can be understood when one considers X- smaller penetration depth of the sample, implying that the vol-
rays to be waves; when in antiphase, the sum of the two waves ume of the sample that is analyzed in a scan is reduced, possibly
is zero. When the waves are in phase, they will reinforce each leading to a less representative result. Calculated penetration
other maximally, giving a high intensity peak in the
diffractogram. Table 1. Wavelengths and characteristic energies of the Ka peak of different radia-
X-rays have properties of both waves and particles (pho- tions used in XRD.

tons). Moreover, X-rays are electromagnetic, meaning that at Radiation Wavelength of Ka peak (A ) Characteristic Energy (keV)
any point in a beam, there is a varying electric field. Scattering
Molybdenum 0.711 17.44
can happen in two ways; elastic or inelastic. In elastic scattering, Copper 1.542 8.039
the X-ray is diffracted by the electron it hits. Since the electron Cobalt 1.790 6.926
is hit by a photon with an alternating electric field, it will start Iron 1.937 6.400
to oscillate around its mean position. This causes the electron Manganese 2.103 5.895
Chromium 2.291 5.411
to emit an electromagnetic wave of its own. This wave has the

nanocrystalline powder the step size and counting time were

adapted to 0.105 and 227s/step, respectively.

Results and discussion

Phase purity powder samples
The diffractograms gave insight into the phase purity of the
samples. Both the magnetite and maghemite samples had a
phase purity close to 100% based on the obtained diffracto-
grams. The goethite and hematite samples however, contained
various mineral phases. The goethite sample consisted of goe-
thite with both a cubic and an orthorhombic configuration.
Figure 1. Calculated penetration depths of various types of radiation for
Next to this, it contained about 40 to 50% hematite and 1 to 2%
magnetite. quartz. The hematite sample contained about 10% maghemite
and a trace (1 – 2%) of quartz.
depths of different radiation types for magnetite are shown in
Figure 1. Qualifying the diffractogram
The peak to background ratio is commonly used for a compari-
Materials and methods son of diffractograms. This ratio is defined by the net peak
height of the highest peak divided by the background level
Four different iron oxides were purchased from chemical
below that same peak:
suppliers. Indicated purity and particle size is according to
supplier information. The used magnetite (Fe3O4, Sigma
Inet peak
Aldrich, The Netherlands) is 97% pure, with a particle P=B D (1)
size ranging from 50 to 100nm. Goethite (a-FeOOH, Santa Ibackground
Cruz Biotechnology, USA) with a purity of 98% was used
(particle size not indicated). The maghemite (g-Fe2O3) was A higher value for P/B indicates a better quality of the dif-
obtained from US Research Nanomaterials, Inc. and is fractogram. This is a quick and easy evaluation of the quality.
99% pure, with nanoscale particle sizes ranging from 20 However, this method does not take peak intensity loss into
to 40nm. Lastly, the hematite (a-Fe2O3) (Cofermin Chemi- account that is caused by physical measures taken to prevent
cals GmbH & Co. KG, Germany) is 96% pure with a par- fluorescence (e.g., monochromators).
ticle size of »700nm. Considering the P/B ratio of the diffractograms of the mag-
The iron oxide powders were analysed with a PANalyti- netite sample for all tested configurations (Figure 2), the combi-
cal Empyrean diffractometer system equipped with a sample nation of Cu radiation with a diffracted beam monochromator
spinner and PreFIX (Pre-aligned Fast Interchangeable X- yields a good quality diffractogram. However, due to the loss of
ray) modules. The Bragg-Brentano diffraction geometry was efficiency, the net peak intensity is rather low. To counteract
used in all cases. X-ray tubes with Cu and Co anode mate- this, the exposure time must be increased significantly (order of
rials were utilized as radiation sources. Two different inci- magnitude 10 times) for small peaks to be visible. Hence, the
dent beam modules have been applied. First the traditional P/B ratio is not full proof as quality parameter in practice.
incident beam slits (PDS, programmable divergence slits) A different approach to qualify a diffractogram is looking at
and secondly the novel Bragg-BrentanoHD module (BBHD), the peak to noise ratio. Here, the net peak height of the highest
which produces a monochromatized divergent incident peak is divided by the noise of the background level. A com-
beam. The samples were spun with 1 rev/s. As detector the mon simplified formula for this ratio is obtained by replacing
PIXcel3D is used in linear (1D) scanning mode with adjust-
able energy sensitivity (PHD, pulse height distribution) set-
tings. The standard PHD settings used are set to a range of
25–80%, where the typical Ka energy of the radiation
source is defined at 50%. To suppress the fluorescence radi-
ation from Fe the lower level PHD setting was increased.
For the Cu radiation source the optimum peak-to-noise
ratio was found with a PHD range of 50–80%. For Co radi-
ation increasing the lower level PHD setting did not further
improve the peak-to-noise ratio. Finally the effectiveness to
remove fluorescence of a diffracted beam monochromator
was tested.
Scans were made over a 2u range of 10–110 with a total
exposure time of 15.5 min. For the regular powders a step size
of 0.0263 and a counting time of 56.9s/step were used. For the Figure 2. Peak to background ratios of all tested configurations.
514 Y. M. MOS ET AL.

different configurations (Figure 3, magnetite sample). This is illus-

trated by the lower score of the setup with Cu radiation and the dif-
fracted beam monochromator. Therefore, we conclude that the
P/N ratio is an excellent measure to judge the quality of a
Further improvement of the P/N ratio can be achieved by
increasing the exposure time. For example, to improve the
P/N ratio with a factor of 5, exposure time needs to be
25 times longer. Or alternatively, a measurement can be done
in a shorter time when a lower P/N ratio is considered as suf-
ficient. A commonly used rule of thumb is that the P/N ratio
has to be >3 to identify trace peaks and >10 for an accurate
phase quantification.
Figure 3. Peak to noise ratios of all tested configurations. Comparison of the diffractograms of maghemite measured
with PDS for the two radiation types shows that cobalt radia-
the latter by the square root of the number of counts of the tion gives both a lower background and a higher peak intensity
background level below that same peak: (Figures 4a and b). Comparison of the Cu and Co results of the
same sample with the highest P/N ratio however, shows a back-
Inet peak Inet peak
P=N D   D pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : (2) ground for the Cu radiation that is about 2.5 times lower
s Ibackground Ibackground (Figures 4c and d). However, due to the induced fluorescence
and the use of a BBHD, the intensity of the peaks is 5 times
With the P/N ratio, the loss of intensity is considered, making it lower. While the main peaks are visible in all diffractograms,
a more suitable parameter for comparison of diffractograms in the peaks with lower intensity (at larger d-spacing) are not

Figure 4. Diffractograms of the maghemite samples measured in the configurations a) Cu radiation with PDS; b) Co radiation with PDS; c) Cu radiation, BBHD and PHD 50
– 80; and d) Co radiation with BBHD.

detected in the diffractograms obtained with Cu radiation show a great resemblance, as is highlighted in Figure 6. A
(Figures 4a and c). The P/N ratio therefore, is better in the scan striking difference is the width of the peaks in case of the
with cobalt radiation. maghemite. This is caused by the nanoscale particle size and
The penetration depth of the radiation into the sample is is independent of the type of iron oxide and is therefore not
important for a representative result. This is especially true for regarded as a relevant parameter in this comparison. It is
(inhomogeneous) multiphase samples or samples containing clearly visible that both materials share many peaks at the
impurities. The penetration depth or analysis volume is not same d-spacing. The distinguishing peaks, specifically at high
directly included in the P/N ratio. However, the X-ray intensity d-spacing (left side of X-axis), are small. In the scan with Co
yield is proportional to the analysed sample volume and there- – BBHD, there are clearly distinguishable peaks present for
fore it is indirectly represented in the net peak intensity. Conse- the maghemite sample in this range, while in the Cu – BBHD
quently, we see no need to explore this further in this paper. – PHD50-80 scan, these are obscured by the background (see
Nevertheless, when the occasion arises that one has to choose frame). Moreover, the latter shows a shoulder for the highest
between options with Cu or Co radiation with similar P/N intensity peak. This could be mistaken for one of the signa-
ratios, it is preferable to take the penetration depth of the radia- ture peaks of magnetite that occurs around the same d-spac-
tion type into account (Figure 1). ing. When considering a single type of sample of either
mineral with this configuration therefore, the identification
becomes inconclusive. When a sample is measured with a
Implications for iron mineral identification shorter exposure time, the smaller peaks will become even
As the measurements with the Co – BBHD setup have the less distinguishable. With only the larger intensity peaks visi-
best P/N ratio, these are used to provide an overview of the ble, a maghemite sample can easily be identified as magnetite.
different samples. Figure 5 shows the diffractograms of a) Moreover, these analysis have been performed on high grade
magnetite, b) goethite, c) maghemite, and d) hematite. The chemical iron oxides, many samples in research are of a lower
diffractograms of magnetite and maghemite in particular grade and/or are mixtures of several phases, complicating

Figure 5. Diffractograms of a) magnetite; b) goethite; c) maghemite; and d) hematite as measured with the Co – BBHD configuration.
516 Y. M. MOS ET AL.

Figure 6. Comparison of diffractograms of the magnetite and maghemite samples as measured with a) Co – BBHD; and b) Cu – BHHD – PHD50–80 configurations. Frames
highlight the distinguishing peaks.

analysis further. A good quality diffractogram is therefore Funding

vital for correct phase identification. This research is supported by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW,
which is part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
(NWO), and which is partly funded by the Ministry of Economic
Conclusion Affairs.
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