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Redesigned recycle valves

abate compressor vibration
David E. Laing Marathon Oil U.K. Ltd. Aberdeen, Scotland
Herbert L Miller, John W. McCaskill Control Components Inc. Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.

ew recycle valves in before entering the manifold
stalled in 1994 on the for injection into the reservoir.
compressors in the Each of the compressor
East Brae field in the North Sea trains can move 339,300 kg/hr
corrected the noise and vibra- (730,000 lb/hr) or 321 MMscfd
tion problem that damaged the of gas. Hence, two trains are
original valves shortly after required to handle all of the
commissioning the platform. required capacity.
The original recycle valves, Each stage of compression
especially on the second-stage is protected against compres-
compressors, showed severe sion surge by a fast-acting
damage. control system provided by
the Compressor Controls
East Bran Corp. This system modulates
To further develop the Brae individual stage, recycle-con-
field, Marathon Oil U.K. Ltd. trol valves.
brought on stream the Fast The valves were the multi-
Brae platform (Fig. 1). First oil stage, drill hole-cage type.
was produced in mid-Decem- Problems with these valves
ber 1993. during the commissioning
East Brae primarily serves as stages led to their eventual re-
a facility for recycling gas, ex- During commissioning of the East Brae platform, the compressor recycle placement in the summer of
porting natural gas liquids or valves caused excessive vibration and noise (Fig. 1). 1994, and the previous prob-
condensate to the Forties pipe- lems have ceased
line, reinjecting dry gas into the early part of 1994. Gas discharge from the first
the reservoir, and exporting Each train is driven by a Gen- compression stage, at about
gas to the SAGE pipeline for eral Electric LM5000 gas tur- 166 barg (2,400 psig), can be ex- Recycle system
processing at the St. Fergus bine. This engine is used as a ported to the SAGE pipeline Essentially, a recycle system
gas terminal. gas generator to drive a power and/or transferred to the next functions by maintaining the
The platform was designed to turbine manufactured by Euro- compression stage for injection minimum flow required to avoid
handle 125,000 b/d from a pean Gas Turbines Ltd. The into the reservoir. surge conditions for the estab-
single-train separation system power turbine develops about North Brae gas can be im- lished compressor speed. Re-
comprised of four main separa- 33 megawatts (mw) that, in turn, ported into the second-stage gardless of design or applica-
tion vessels and to process gas drive the three stages of the suction and, along with East tion, centrifugal compressors
at the rate of 670,000 kg/hr compressor through a gearbox. Brae gas, is compressed to have one common characteris-
(1,460,000 lb/hr) or 626 MMscfd. Suction gas at about 65 barg about 290 barg (4,200 psig). The tic. That is, at low flow because
Gas from the separation train (940 psig) comes from the sepa- third and last compression of high external circuit resis-
was introduced into the first of ration train via a glycol water stage raises the gas pressure tance, orderly gas flow through
three gas compressor trains in removal system. to about 500 barg (7,250 psig) the compressor is impossible

Reprinted from the June 5, 1995 edition of Oil & Gas Journal
Copyright 1995 by PennWell Publishing Company

because gas velocities are too Recycle valves capacity for all service condi-
low to be converted to the re- Compressor recycle valves per- tions.
quired pressure energy level in form two functions: High noise levels in excess of
the discharge line. 1. React quickly during start- 100 dbA can be experienced with
When discharge pressure ex- up and shutdown operations and conventional recycle valves. Se-
ceeds impeller discharge pres- to emergency situations. vere vibration is created because
sure, backflow occurs until the 2. Modulate recycle flow dur- of the high mass flow at high
discharge pressure is less than ing normal operations to avoid pressure drop. This can cause
impeller outlet pressure. At this compressor operation near or valve and trim fatigue and can
point, forward flow is reestab- below the critical surge point. also lead to piping failure.
lished, and the compressor op- Fig. 2 shows a typical recycle Noise levels at East Brae have
eration is nearing unstable con- valve control integration into the been reduced to below 80 dbA
ditions, resulting in vibration and compressor cycle. Fig. 2A indi- with accompanying drastic re- Several modifications to the
possible damage to the compres- cates the relationship of the four duction in damaging vibration original design were tried to
sor. critical flow points for three typi- levels after fitting DRAG trimmed alleviate noise and vibration
This phenomenon is called cal compressor operating valves (DRAG is a registered problems. The valve trim was
“stall” and produces a “surge” speeds. Fig. 2B indicates safety trade mark of Control Component improved to try to produce the
in the system. As a function of on response, an operating fea- Inc.) effect of multistage velocity
its design, every centrifugal com- ture of the control system. control.
pressor has a “stall/flow” point If the line is crossed, the con- Operations In the spring of 1994, one valve
at any given operating speed. trol and recycle trip lines will be Each of the three compressors failed to the closed position caus-
While the gas flow correspond- moved to the right by X% be- on East Brae normally handles ing its compressor to surge. At
ing to this surge point is fixed for cause their position is assumed 339,500 kg/h (750,000 lb/hr) of this point, Marathon Oil decided
a constant-speed compressor, it to be too close to the surge point. natural gas at 500 barg (7,250 to replace the valves with a dif-
changes at each operating speed If crossed three times, the com- psig), an( 750 C. (1670 F.). This ferent design.
for a variable-speed compressor. pressor will trip. very high discharge pressure
In any event, good industry The main problems generally optimizes gas injection back into New valve design
practice dictates that compres- associated with compressor re- the reservoir. Initially, Marathon decided to
sor gas flow should never drop cycle valves include: Prior to entering each compres- retrofit the first-stage valves by
below 5% in excess of the surge • The potential for high noise sor train, the nature gas is replacing the existing drilled
point for any operating speed. It levels. scrubbed of water vapor. Shortly cages with a true multistage trim
is for this purpose that compres- • Vibration. after initial commissioning of the design with the existing valve
sor recycle valves are used to ap- • Inadequate response times platform, the drilled cage-type re- bodies. But this proved im-
propriately recycle gas flow from such as the time required to fully cycle valves, especially those practical because Marathon
compressor discharge to suction open a closed recycle valve on serving the second stage com- felt that it could not afford to
to prevent operation below this system upset. pressors, showed signs of se- take the first-stage recycle
critical flow. • Control instability (hunting) vere vibration These problems valves out of service for the
due to improper actuator and involved excessive noise and vi- time required to transport them
controls selection. • Inadequate bration that led to valve damage. ashore and install new multi-

valves in each train were “char- allowing all nine replacement

acterized” (Fig. 4) with four, mul- valve actuators to be exact du-
tistage disk groups to produce plicates.
linearity within the control range Fig. 5 details the basic recycle
(valve coefficient Cv-vs.-valve valve design now in use at
stroke) up to about 62% of maxi- Marathon’s East Brae platform.
mum stroke. The valve is uniquely suited for
A velocity-control transition compressor recycle service be-
zone was incorporated from 62 cause it specifically addresses
to 75% of stroke. From there to and solves the potential prob-
100% of stroke, no velocity con- lems in this tough service.
stage trim. new body was machined with trol was needed. Flow in this Also, this replacement recycle
Therefore, only two sets of first- Grayloc fittings to match exist- range is required for settle-out valve design provides for gas
stage multistage valve trim were ing piping requirements. flow, such as the result of a trip flow modulation. Therefore, in
ordered for valve retrofit and one Second and third-stage re- and isolation. Discharge flows addition to reacting quickly to
complete new first-stage valve placement valves were procured back to suction to settle out at protect the compressors during
was purchased to initiate the to- again with bodies fabricated from some intermediate pressure. start-up and emergency situa-
tal recycle valve replacement forged steel billets, incorporat- tions, the valves modulate the
Second and third-stage re-
process. ing multistage velocity letdown. flow during normal operations to
cycle valves were not character-
First stage (10 in. x 10 in.) and avoid compressor operation near
Because time was short, and a ized; for example, valve coeffi-
second stage (4 in. x 4 in.) gas or below the surge point
new cast steel body could not cient Cv-vs.-stroke was linear
be procured within the required recycle valve bodies were de- from 0 to 100% of stroke. Noise and vibration
accelerated delivery schedule, signed in accordance with ANSI The new recycle valves incorpo-
For the retrofit of the first-stage
the replacement first-stage valve 1500 and 2500 requirements re- rate a tortuous flow path. That
valves, replacement trim had to
body was machined out of a spectively, but third stage (4 in. x is, pressure energy is dissipated
fit into the existing valve bodies
forged steel billet with enlarged 4 in.) valve bodies were in accor- at a controlled velocity head
in all respects without the need
internal gas passages (Fig. 3). dance with API 10,000. through multiple, right-angle
for remachining the existing
A forged steel billet uses more API design rules allow bolted valve bodies. This meant that turns in a stack of individual
material than a cast steel valve end connections as per Mara- the multistage, redesigned trim disks.
body and is therefore heavier but thon specification. was confined to a 6-in. stroke. At East Brae, the replacement
has the advantage of absorbing Table I shows the essential Subsequently, complete first, valve trim disks are electro-dis-
more vibration. Existing face-face operating parameters of the re- second, and third-stage trim was charge machined (Fig. 6). The stack
dimensions were held, and the cycle valves. First-stage recycle also designed with a 6-in, stroke, of disks surround the plug through-

Laing Miller
David F. Loing is instrument and elec-
trical supervisor in the facilities depart-
ment of Marathon Oil U.K. Ltd., Aber-
deen. He is responsible for the onshore
support of the maintenance and facili-
ties work on the Brae field topsides.
Laing has a BS in electronic and elec-
trical engineering from Robert Gordons,

Herbert L. Miller is vice-president of

technical services of Control Compo-
nents Inc. in Rancho Santa Margarita,
Calif. He has been involved in the de-
sign, manufacture, and application of
control valves for severe service for over McCaskill
20 years. Miller has a BS in mechanical
engineering from Ohio Northern Uni-
versity, and an MS in mechanical engineering from Northwestern University.

John W. McCaskill is manager of engineering at Control Components Inc. in

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif. He has 26 years of experience in the control
valve and oil field equipment manufacturing industry. MeCaskill has a BS in
mechanical engineering from the University of Houston. He is a member of
ASME, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, and the Instrument Society of America.
McCaskill is a registered professional engineer and holds five U.S. patents.

in gas density from the expand- 100 psig) air that is controlled
ing gas volume. by a 4-20 ma input signal to
For the same reason, where new the positioner. Because a
forged steel valve bodies were spring acts on the actuator
provided for Fast Brae, larger piston, quick opening is as-
body runs in this area were ma- sured in the event of either
out its stroke in the second and cause of rapid plug radial movement. chined-in to achieve minimum power or air failure.
third-stage valves. In the first- This propensity for rapid plug velocity head. Because all nine actuators in-
stage valves, these character- radial movement undoubtedly corporate a 150-mm (6-in.)
ized disks are in only up to 75% caused plug guide galling in Valve actuators stroke, the installation has maxi-
of the stroke. Above this, a some valve designs. This tortu- In an upset situation to pro- mum interchangeability should
drilled cage is used because no ous path, velocity control design tect the compressors from severe the need arise.
velocity control is required. limits noise levels to below 80 db. damage, the nine recycle valves All new replacement and ret-
Velocity head (pV2/2) These recycle valves are de- on the East Brae platform must rofitted compressor recycle
through the disk stack is lim- signed with an ANSI Class V rapidly stroke from full closed to valves at Marathon’s East Brae
ited to 0.52 MPa (70 psi) to mini- plug/seat-ring design and mate- full open. A 2-sec stroking, platform have been installed.
mize noise and vibration. In rials to assure tight valve closure through the 150-mm (6-in.) full Marathon’s evaluation of the
addition, the disk stack incor- at shutoff. In this under-the-plug valve travel, is achieved with performance indicates that
porates a pressure equalizing design, gas flow passes through quick exhaust valves on both noise and vibration have been
ring (PER) on its inside diam- the plug/seat-ring area under full sides of the pneumatic, double- significantly reduced to back-
eter to ensure equal pressure compressor discharge pressure. acting actuator piston. ground levels and, in its opin-
acting radially on the valve The gas then enters the energy Fig. 7 applies to all nine identi- ion, previous problems have
plug at all times to eliminate dissipating disk stack that is de- cal actuators. The actuator is been eliminated.
vibration that could occur be- signed to accommodate changes supplied with 5.5-6.8 barg (80-

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