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Expt 4 Control valve Characterstics

Aim :
To understand the control valve characteristics.

 To determine the height of the liquid in tank by air purge method.
 Compare the actual height and calculated height.

A control valve is a valve used to control fluid flow by varying the size of the flow passage as
directed by a signal from a controller. This enables the direct control of flow rate and the
consequential control of process quantities such as pressure, temperature, and liquid level.
Various versions of actuators are used to control the stem travel of the valve like electrical,
pneumatic, and hydraulic. But for it valves are operated pneuamtically.
The valves used in the chamber are of two types:

 Air to Close( Direct Acting Actuator): Here the air pressure is applied from the top of
the chamber to close the vave.
 Air to Open( Reverse Acting Actuator):Here the air pressure is apllied from the
bottom of the chamber to open the valve.
On the basis of the valve plug design used, the control valves are classified into 3 major
1. Equal percentage Type
2. Linear Type
3. Quick opening Type
Expt 4.1 Study of Control Valve Characteristics(Cv)
 To find the flow coefficient Cv of the linear control valve
 To find the flow coefficient Cv of the equal percentage control valve
 To find the flow coefficient Cv of the quick open control valve

A control valve changes the flow rate by changing the pressure in the flow system because
it introduces the constriction in the delivery system. Then the flow rate is given by:
Where, K= correction factor also called as valve coeffecient that’s used in valve sizing.
The control valce coeffecient is:
= 11.7 ∗ √

It is linearly proportional with the amount of the fluid from the valve.

 Close all the valves V1- V10.
 Fill the sump tank 3/4th of its, with water
 Connect the air supply to the set-up
 Switch ON the power supply and pump.
 Wait for fill the over tank with water.
 Open the valve V4.
 Open the valve V1 and adjust flow rate.
 Open the valve V6 completely
 Partially open the valve V5 and wait for some time (5 min). 7.a.1.10 Record the manometer
 Record the rotameter reading
 Repeat the experiment by adjust the valve V1 at different flow rate.
 Repeat for different flow rates
 Repeat for valve 2 and valve 3
Observation and calcualtion:

Sp. Gravity Relative to Water: 1

∆ = 0.0098 ∗ ( )
= 0.001 ∗ ( /ℎ)
= 11.7 ∗ √

Linear Valve H(mm H20) Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) ∆P (Kpa) Cv
1 100 1745 1.745 0.98 20.624
2 180 1688 1.688 1.764 14.870
3 230 1648 1.648 2.254 12.843
4 350 1476 1.476 3.43 9.324
5 470 1250 1.25 4.606 6.814
6 510 1150 1.15 4.998 6.018
7 590 960 0.96 5.782 4.671

Equal Percentage Valve: H(mm H20) Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) ∆P (Kpa) Cv
1 401 585 0.585 3.930 3.453
2 690 500 0.5 6.762 2.250
3 1550 240 0.24 15.190 0.720
4 1680 125 0.125 16.464 0.360
5 1740 78 0.078 17.052 0.221

Quick Opening: H(mm H20) Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) ∆P (Kpa) Cv
1 0 0 0 0 N.A
2 1310 410 0.41 12.838 1.3388164
3 1370 415 0.415 13.426 1.3251366
4 830 N.A N.A 8.134 N.A
5 350 N.A N.A 3.43 N.A

Results and conclusion:

The data above shows that that control valve coeffecient for the linear valve is more than
the other two as a result the flow of fluid is maximum in the corresponding valve.
Expt 4.2 Study of Inherent Characteristics of Control valve

 To Study the inherent characteristics of the linear control valve.
 To Study the inherent characteristics of the Equal percentage control valve.
 To Study the inherent characteristics of the Quick Open control valve.

There exists a relationship between stem position, plug position, and the rate of flow, which
is described in terms of flow characteristics of a valve. Inherent and installed are two types
of flow characteristics of a control valve.
The inherent flow characteristic of control valve is the relation between the flow and the
valve travel at constant pressure drop across the valve.

 Close all the valves V1-V10.
 Fill the sump tank 3/4th of its, with water.
 Connect the air supply to the set-up.
 Switch ON the power supply and pump.
 Wait for fill the over tank with water.
 Open the valve V1 and adjust flow rate.
 Open the valve V4 & V6 completely.
 Partially open the valve V5 and wait for some time (5 min).
 Note down the manometer reading.
 Note down the rotameter reading.
 Now slowly decrease the air pressure by pressure regulator.
 Adjust the valveV1 to keep pressure drop constant.
 Note down the reading of rotameter and position of valve stem by scale.
 Repeat for valve 2 and valve 3
Observatons and Calculations:

10 ∗


Linear Valve L(cm) L(mm) Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) m ∆L x
1 0.35 3.5 1745 0.000485 1 2.000 0.16
2 0.5 5 1688 0.000469 0.967335244 3.500 0.28
3 0.6 6 1648 0.000458 0.944412607 4.500 0.36
4 0.8 8 1476 0.00041 0.845845272 6.500 0.52
5 1.05 10.5 1250 0.000347 0.716332378 9.000 0.72
6 1.15 11.5 1150 0.000319 0.659025788 10.000 0.80
7 1.4 14 960 0.000267 0.550143266 12.500 1.00

Equal Percentage Valve: L(cm) L(mm) Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) m ∆L x
1 2.5 25 585 0.000163 1.000 -3.500 0.156
2 2.1 21 500 0.000139 0.855 -7.500 0.333
3 1.3 13 240 6.67E-05 0.410 -15.500 0.689
4 0.9 9 125 3.47E-05 0.214 -19.500 0.867
5 0.6 6 78 2.17E-05 0.133 -22.500 1

Quick Opening: L(cm) L(mm) Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) m ∆L x
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
2 0.3 3 410 0.000114 0.987951807 3 0.857
3 0.35 3.5 415 0.000115 1 3.5 1.000
4 0.5 5 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A
5 0.7 7 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A

Equal %
Quick opening

0.000 0.857 1.000

Fig: m( Y axis) vs x ( X axis)

Results and Conclusion:

Linear: Q max= 0.000485 ∆ = 12.5
Equal %: Q max= 0.0.0001625 ∆ = −22.5
Quick Opening: Q max= 0.0.000115 ∆ = 3.5
Expt 4.3 Study of Installed Characteristics of Control Valve

 To study the installed characteristics of linear control valve
 To study the installed characteristics of equal percentage control valve
 To study the installed characteristics of quick open control valve

There exists a relationship between stem position, plug position, and the rate of flow, which
is described in terms of flow characteristics of a valve. Inherent and installed are two types
of flow characteristics of a control valve.
The installed characteristics of the valves described are subject to distortion due to
Variations in pressure drop with flow
 Close all the valves V1-V10.
 Fill the sump tank 3/4th of its, with water.
 Connect the air supply to the set-up.
 Switch ON the power supply and pump.
 Wait for fill the over tank with water.
 Open the valve V1 and adjust flow rate.
 Open the valve V4 & V6 completely.
 Partially open the valve V5 and wait for some time (5 min).
 Note down the manometer reading.
 Note down the rotameter reading.
 Now slowly decrease the air pressure by pressure regulator.
 Adjust the valveV1 to keep pressure drop constant.
 Note down the reading of rotameter and position of valve stem by scale.
 Repeat for valve 2 and valve 3

Observation and Calculation:

10 ∗


Linear Valve L(cm) L(mm) Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) H(mm) ∆L x
1 0.35 3.5 1745 0.000485 100 2 0.16
2 0.5 5 1688 0.000469 180 3.5 0.28
3 0.6 6 1648 0.000458 230 4.5 0.36
4 0.8 8 1476 0.00041 350 6.5 0.52
5 1.05 10.5 1250 0.000347 470 9 0.72
6 1.15 11.5 1150 0.000319 510 10 0.8
7 1.4 14 960 0.000267 590 12.5 1

Equal Percentage Valve: L(cm) L(mm) Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) m ∆L x
1 2.5 25 585 0.000163 1 -3.5 0.156
2 2.1 21 500 0.000139 0.854701 -7.5 0.333
3 1.3 13 240 6.67E-05 0.410256 -15.5 0.689
4 0.9 9 125 3.47E-05 0.213675 -19.5 0.867
5 0.6 6 78 2.17E-05 0.133333 -22.5 1

Quick Opening: L(cm) L(mm) Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) m ∆L x
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
2 0.3 3 410 0.000114 0.987952 3 0.86
3 0.35 3.5 415 0.000115 1 3.5 1.00
4 0.5 5 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A
5 0.7 7 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A



0.0002 Quick open

0.00 0.86 1.00

Fig: Q (Y axis) vs x (X axis)

Results and Conclusion:
Linear: Q max= 0.000485 ∆ = 12.5
Equal %: Q max= 0.0.0001625 ∆ = −22.5
Quick Opening: Q max= 0.0.000115 ∆ = 3.5
Expt 4.4 Study of Installed Characteristics of Control Valve

 To study the hysteresis in linear control valve.
 To study the hysteresis in equal percentage control valve.
 To study the hysteresis in quick open control valve.

Hysteresis is the dependence of the state of a system on its history. In case of
control valves for same actuator signal different stem travel are obtained depending upon
the direction of change in the signal.
The maximum error in stem travel expressed in % for same actuator pressure while
opening and closing the valve is indicated as hysteresis

 Close all the valves V1-V10.
 Fill the sump tank 3/4th of its, with water.
 Connect the air supply to the set-up.
 Switch ON the power supply and pump.
 Wait for fill the over tank with water.
 Open the valve V1 and adjust flow rate.
 Open the valve V4 & V6 completely.
 Partially open the valve V5 and wait for some time (5 min).
 Note down the manometer reading.
 Note down the rotameter reading.
 Now slowly decrease the air pressure by pressure regulator.
 Adjust the valveV1 to keep pressure drop constant.
 Note down the reading of rotameter and position of valve stem by scale.
 Repeat for valve 2 and valve 3

Observation and Calculations :

10 ∗


Linear Valve P(psi) L(cm) L(mm) ∆L x
1 7 0.35 3.5 2 0.16
2 8 0.5 5 3.5 0.28
3 9 0.6 6 4.5 0.36
4 10 0.8 8 6.5 0.52
5 11 1.05 10.5 9 0.72
6 12 1.15 11.5 10 0.8
7 13 1.4 14 12.5 1

Equal Percentage Valve: P(psi) L(cm) L(mm) ∆L x
1 4 2.5 25 -3.5 0.156
2 7 2.1 21 -7.5 0.333
3 11 1.3 13 -15.5 0.689
4 12 0.9 9 -19.5 0.867
5 13 0.6 6 -22.5 1

Quick Opening: P(psi) L(cm) L(mm) ∆L x
1 3 0 0 0 0.00
2 5 0.3 3 3 0.86
3 6 0.35 3.5 3.5 1.00
4 7 0.5 5 N.A N.A
5 9 0.7 7 N.A N.A

8 Linear
6 Equal %
Quick Open
0.00 0.86 1.00

Fig: P (Y axis) vs x (X axis)

Results and conclusion:

From the above graph, its clearly visible that as we increases the air pressure in the
controlled environment the deflection of valves also increase.
Expt 4.4 Study of Rangeability

 To study installed characteristics of linear control valve.
 To study installed characteristics of equal percentage control valve.
 To study installed characteristics of quic open control valve.

Rangeability of a control valve is defined as the ratio of maximum to minimum flow that can
be acted upon by a control valve after receiving a signal from a controller. Generally these
types of valves don’t shut down flow completely in its journey of of stem travel.

 Close all the valves V1-V10.
 Fill the sump tank 3/4th of its, with water.
 Connect the air supply to the set-up.
 Switch ON the power supply and pump.
 Wait for fill the over tank with water.
 Open the valve V1 and adjust flow rate.
 Open the valve V4 & V6 completely.
 Partially open the valve V5 and wait for some time (5 min).
 Note down the manometer reading.
 Note down the rotameter reading.
 Now slowly decrease the air pressure by pressure regulator.
 Adjust the valveV1 to keep pressure drop constant.
 Note down the reading of rotameter and position of valve stem by scale.
 Repeat for valve 2 and valve 3

Observation and Calculations :

10 ∗


Linear Valve Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) m
1 1745 0.000485 1.00
2 1688 0.000469 0.97
3 1648 0.000458 0.94
4 1476 0.00041 0.85
5 1250 0.000347 0.72
6 1150 0.000319 0.66

R= = 1.81

Equal percentage Valve Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) m
1 1745 0.000485 1.00
2 1688 0.000469 0.97
3 1648 0.000458 0.94
4 1476 0.00041 0.85
5 1250 0.000347 0.72
6 1150 0.000319 0.66
7 960 0.000267 0.55
R= = 7.69
Quick Opening: Q(LPH) Q(m^3/h) m
1 0 0 0.00
2 410 0.000114 0.99
3 415 0.000115 1.00
4 N.A N.A N.A
5 N.A N.A N.A

R= =∞

Results and conclusion:

So we calculated all the rangeability for all 3 valves and found out that its highest for quick
opening valve which justifies its use for handling higher range flow rates.

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