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(with Credits) Computer Science and Engineering Sem VIII

CSE8051 - Elective-IV : Distributed System

P. Pages : 2 GUG/W/17/7036
Time : Three Hours *2187* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry equal marks.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

1. a) How is membership of peers in managed in the chord (ring- like- peer- to- peer structured) 4

b) Describe the multilayered architecture for distributed system in follow up of hybrid 12



2. a) Explain aim & objectives of Distributed system with its types? 8

b) Explain. 8

i) Process

ii) Message Oriented system

iii) Servers

iv) Software Agent

3. a) Describe heterogeneous DSM? 6

b) What are the classes of block replacement strategies used in multimedia shared memory? 8

c) Explain mutual Exclusion? 2


4. a) Compare sequential consistency & release consistency of DSM? 8

b) Explain general architecture of distributed shared memory? 8

5. a) Explain naming conventions & synchronization in distributed file systems? 4

b) Define Distributed commit & Recovery with suitable example? 4

c) Figure out with description of consistency & replication on real time distributed system? 8


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6. In how many ways systems get tolerated by the detected fault in distributed system? 16

7. a) What are the design parameters that make the amoeba operating system reliable? Explain. 8

b) How does the run server select a processor for executing a program in the amoeba 8
operating system?


8. a) How does the thread scheduling take place in Mac O.S? 8

b) What's the difference between FAT 32, exFAT, and NTFS? 8

9. a) What are traffic shaping algorithms in distributed multimedia systems? 8

b) What are the features of good scheduling algorithm? Explain. 8


10. a) Explain: 8

i) The tiger video file server.

b) What are the different key source technologies & solutions in the design of a DMS? 8


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