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PGE2 - Information Systems

TravelNice Case Study – Course regulati ons

G. Duffing – rev. 27/08/20 (v1)

This document contains important information about the project to be conducted

throughout the course “I.S. Management” / PGE2 / Berlin
Please read it carefully


- S16 : truc sur l’IA

You will find here the content of directed work sessions, along with the list of important dates. The
evaluation principles of the deliverables associated with the project are presented.
The operating rules of the project are explained. Read them carefully and strictly follow the

Table des matières

General Organization.............................................................................................................................3
Deliverable evaluation........................................................................................................................7
Business process modeler: Bizagi.......................................................................................................8
Data modeler: MySQL Workbench.....................................................................................................8
Part 1: Information Systems in the Organization....................................................................................9
S1 / S1bis (CM): Information systems in the organization..................................................................9
S2 (TD): Business architecture and process modeling........................................................................9
S3 (AN): Case study Q1: enterprise architecture / main processes..................................................10
S4 (TE): Case study Q1: current situation analysis............................................................................11
Part 2: Corporate Strategy – IS/IT Strategy..........................................................................................12
S5/S5bis (CM): Information Systems, and strategy..........................................................................12
S6/S6bis (CM): Business applications...............................................................................................13

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20) 1
S7 (AP): Q&A; TN organization.........................................................................................................13
S8 (AP): Q&A; current situation analysis, and future strategy..........................................................14
S9 (AN): Case study Q3.....................................................................................................................14
S10 (CM): Infrastructures.................................................................................................................15
S11 (CM): Security............................................................................................................................16
S12 (AP): Q&A; corporate, IS, and IT strategies................................................................................16
Part 3: Capabilities................................................................................................................................17
S13 (CM): Data management...........................................................................................................17
S14 (TE): Organisational and technological capabilities...................................................................17
S15 (TD): Data modeling...................................................................................................................18
S16 (CM): Decision making...............................................................................................................19
S17 (AN): Case study Q4a, IS/IT contribution...................................................................................20
Part 4: Project presentation and defense.............................................................................................21
S18 (AP): Q&A, groups’ presentation...............................................................................................21
S19 (TE): Case study Q4b, project presentation...............................................................................21
S20 (AP): Q&A. Critical review..........................................................................................................22
Grade assignments...............................................................................................................................23
Project assistance.................................................................................................................................24

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20) 2
General Organization
This module consists in 20 sessions dedicated to course and project work. In addition to that, expect
additional readings and heavy personal work. The “TravelNice” case study is used throughout the
course, and required deliverables are evaluated regularly.

Due to covid-19 pandemy, a distance-learning strategy is put in place. Each session has a type, and a
delivery mode, that indicate we we shall do, and by what means.

Activity Type Mode Instructor Type of work
Lectures and discussion, via videoconference.
Course CM DS Yes Present
Limited to 45min.
Course CM DA No No Lectures as videos to watch in autonomy.
Student work associated with a CM course, in
Course TE - No No
This time is dedicated to personal research or
readings assigned to the class.
Classic “class-contact” hours. Lectures and
discussions are held in a classroom.
Course CM PR Yes Present
In case of classroom capacity limitation, a group
of student may attend via videoconference.
Directed work: exercises, project application,
Course TD DS Yes Present
Directed work on project, as an application to
Course AP DS Yes Present the course, with the instructor.
Typically used for questions & answers.
Forum/ Personal work on the project, with a precise
Project AN DA No On task to achieve. The instructor may be available
request by appointment, or via a forum.
Project TE - No No Personal work on the course and the project.

Sessions can be delivered:

 In class (PR): we meet in class. Part of students are in class with the instructor, whereas other
can interact via videoconference (DS sessions may be turned into PR sessions, on
administration proposal).
 Synchronous distance learning (DS): we all use videoconference to interact.
 Asynchronous distance learning (DA): in case of CM, videos are available. In case of AN, a
precise work should be achieved. There is no time slot allocated, so that you can work
whenever you want. However, we recommend you respect the prescribed sequence of

DS and PR sessions will be recorded and uploaded to MyICN.

Teaching material
- Main references are available on Scholarvox
- Articles, tools, blue prints, videos, ... are uploaded on MyICN
- Slides presentations are uploaded on MyICN

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20) 3
Workgroups, with 5 to 7 students are to be formed during the first session. Following rules apply:

- No change is allowed in group composition.

- Appoint a workgroup leader, who will be the preferred contact to the instructor.
- Students who do not show up during the first session will be assigned to a group by the
- Members of a workgroup are jointly responsible for deliverables. Cumulative penalties apply:
o Incorrect / incomplete coverpage: - 1 point.
o Incorrect deliverable filename or format: - 1 point.
o Deliverable not uploaded in due time: - 2 points.
o Non-professional deliverable (presentation, typos, ...): - 2 points.
- Any workgroup member who does not contribute to the requested work will be excluded
from the group at the request of the other members (unanimously). It will not be
reassigned to another group and will receive a zero for the project.

Important: This course requires additional heavy personal research and project work: balance the
workload on all team members! Keep updated your log, as a “to do list” where you clearly state what
task is assigned to what teammate. Add a precise due date, and any other comments on outcomes.
This information is to be disclosed to the instructor on demand.

We will follow the following steps to browse through important IS management concepts and
techniques, and to apply them to the TravelNice case study (TN).

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20) 4
Ste Tasks Sessions and Artefacts
1 Analyze the current situation (“As Is”) Session 1 – 3 & 7

TN Q1 = “How is TravelNice organized? What are its functional areas, its key  A Business Architecture, with organizational units,
processes?” processes, information flows.

You first need to understand current TN strategy, its current strategy, and
how things (operations) are actually done in the current organization.

No assumptions at this point! You just need to describe the current

situation, as it is, with no judgement.
2 Diagnose the existing Session 4 & 8

TN Q2 = “What are the strengths and weaknesses of this Company,  SWOT analysis, and a summary of main points.
compared to its competitors?”

The internal and external analysis gathers facts and information that can
help you to make a diagnosis and, in next steps, prepare for new strategic

Your judgement is now required, to interpret all facts you have gathered so
far, using various tools and techniques you may have learned in other
3 Devise strategic objectives, based on corporate strategy Sessions 5 – 9 & 12
 A clear corporate strategy and its decomposition into
TN Q3 = “From your diagnosis, choose a strategic direction for the future”
strategic objectives (that show a clear value proposition).
 A list of key success factors, and information needs.
First, we define here the corporate strategy of TN for the future (the same
for all groups). Then, you split it into strategic objectives, that can be
You can now identify what is really important to make sure that TN can

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
achieve its objectives. In the IS context, these business needs are often
related to processes, information, and software.
4 Define “capabilities” required to achieve your objectives Session 10 – 18

TN Q4a = “What do you think would be the main contribution of the I.S. to  A list of documented capabilities, with the appropriate
this strategy?” degree of IT.
 An updated Business Architecture.
You are now able to list precisely what TN must be able to do to achieve its  Some Enterprise Architecture elements (eg, data model).
objectives, in terms of capabilities that deal with organization, management,
technology, ...
In this important step, you are required to make recommendations for the See COBIT process APO 02 – Managed strategy, and APO 03 –
future, and to identify the contribution of IS (what is required?) and IT (what Managed Enterprise Architecture (comp. slides)
technology can deliver?).
TN future Information System of TN can be represented within an Enterprise
Architecture (“To Be”).
5 Present and defend your proposal to justify the investments Sessions 19 – 20

TN Q4b = “Propose and defend an I.S. flagship project to bring TravelNice to  A “Benefits Dependency Networks” reconciles business
success.” change that are needed, enabling IT, and expected
You document your proposal, so that your can clearly justify the required
investments. You must convince the CFO that your initiative is worth See COBIT process EDM 02 – Ensured Benefits Delivery (comp.
becoming a project. slides)

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
Four deliverables are expected.

Deliverables must be uploaded on MyICN, before the official deadline. Expected number of pages is
clearly indicated in this document; it is kept small, so that deliverables have to be dense, and precise.

The cover page of any deliverables must show:

- Course name (PGE2 – Management of Information Systems 2020-2021)

- Group number
- Submission date
- Active team mates (group leader in bold).

The uploaded deliverable must be a unique PDF file, and named as follows:

MSI-ENG-2020_GroupNbr _DeliverableNbr.pdf

Example, for Q3 deliverable (#3) of group #10, the filename is: MSI-ENG-19-20_10_3.pdf

Your instructor is here to help you in class, or during office hours or personal appointment (see
“Project assistance”, at the end of this document). The following deadlines apply for uploading your

# Delivrable Sessions
1 Q1 S3 / S7 23 sept.
2 Q2 S4 / S8 23 sept.
3 Q3 S9 / S12 7 Oct.
4 Q4 S17-S20 20 Oct.

Deliverable evaluation
Each deliverable is assessed using two criteria, ranging from 0 to 3:

 0 = work not done, or irrelevant topic.

 1 = partial and/or wrong answer to the question.
 2 = correct answer to the question.
 3 = outstanding work.

Max. points: 3 pts x 2 criteria x 4 deliverables = 24 points.

Each deliverable is assessed only once, when submitted. No further assessment will be made at the
end of the course.

# Deliverable Criterion 1 Criterion 2

Key processes Information flows
1 Case Q1
identification identification
2 Case Q2 Correct strong Correct weak
points / points / threats
opportunities identification

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
Complete and
Clear and relevant
3 Case Q3 aligned IS
strategic proposal
Evaluation of the
Sound and solution impact on
Case Q4
4 with identified current
(final report)
capabilities organization

 Read carefully the TravelNice case study (pages 1 – 11).
 Readings: see session S1.
 Download and install on your laptop the following software: “Bizagi” and
“MySQLWorkbench”. These tools makes model design much easier.

Business process modeler: Bizagi

Bizagi is a BPM tool (business process modelling) that runs on Windows environment only.


On Mac, check out the following webpage to select a similar tool:

Suggested alternative tool on Mac:

Data modeler: MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is a unified visual tool for database architects. We will be using it for data
modeling, only. It works on PC and Mac.


I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
Part 1: Information Systems in the Organization
S1 / S1bis (CM): Information systems in the organization
CM #1 : Information Systems in Organizations
[TB] Chap. 1 (Laudon : Chap. 1, 2)

- Lecture & discussion

S1 Preliminary readings:
(DS) - Case study « TravelNice »
- [TB] Introduction, pp. 1 – 16
- [TB] Chap. 1, p. 17 – 24

Teaching material:
- [AM] Introduction to COBIT : governance & management of IS
- S01(a) – The co-evolution of business and digital strategies [PW]

S2 (TD): Business architecture and process modeling

TD #1 : Architectures and Models
[TB] Chap. 5

(Group work with Bizagi – bring your laptops with software
- Principles of Business Architecture
- Principles of Process Modelling
- Exercise: “Having a coffee at the bar” – propose a Business
Architecture for the bar, and a process model describing the
client experience.

S2 Preliminary readings:
(DS) - Indications pour l’installation du logiciel
- [TB] Chap. 5, p. 102 – 107:
-> Business Process Perspective
-> Building Agile and Dynamic Business Processes
-> Changing Business Processes

Teaching material:
- S02(a) – APQC Process Classification Framework
- [AM] Step 1 – resources / Analyze the current situation
- [Video] Welcome to the Process Excellence Revolution:
- [Video] Why Enterprise Architecture:

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
“Business architecture is the analysis and design of business models, strategies, structures,
capabilities, processes, practices and metrics. Its theoretical scope is extremely broad.”


S3 (AN): Case study Q1: enterprise architecture / main processes

Project #1 : Business Architecture

“How is TravelNice organized? What are its functional areas, its key
(Answering to Q1 supposes you have read the case entirely)

Teaching material:
- S01(a) – Business Model Canvas
- [TB] Chap. 6:
-> From Vision to Implementation, p. 125
- S03(a) / [BAG] – BA Guild - Business Architecture, p. 5, 8, 10 (Fig.
1), 12, 14 (Fig. 4)
- [RDD] p. 6: Identifying Vision is Only Half the Job,
p. 19: Driving the agenda.


 Understand TN current strategy.

 Understand how TN is organized.
 Identify the most important tasks and information in this company.

Work to do:

 Rephrase current TN strategy

 Fill out the “Business Model Canvas” for TravelNice.
 What are the main (key) processes, given the current strategy?
 Based on TN Business Architecture, build a “level 1” map.
 What are the main data/information associated to these main processes?
 Identify information flows on your models.

Deliverable #1:

 A “level 1” Business Architecture (1 page), with:

o Organizational Units (“departments”)
o Key processes
o Main information flows

S4 (TE): Case study Q1: current situation analysis

S4 Project #2 : Current Situation Analysis

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
“What are the strengths and weaknesses of this Company, compared to
its competitors?”

(TE) Teaching material:

- [AM] Step 2 Resources – Diagnose the existing
- [Video] TOGAF for Enterprise Architecture:


 Assess TravelNice current situation under different perspective

 Summarize your findings (external and internal analysis + synthesis).

Work to do:

 Analyze TN business environment (external):

o Who are TN Competitors?
o What do customers expect?
o How is IT used in this sector?
 Analyze TN organization (internal):
o Characteristics of TN.
o Strengths & weakness in each department.

Deliverable #2:

 A SWOT matrix.
 A half-page synthesis.


 Try to answer to the following questions.

o What are strengths and weaknesses of TravelNice (internal analysis)?
o Describe the environment of TravelNice. What’s the trend? How do competitors
o What can be considered as required technologies in TravelNice sector? To do what?
o What are opportunities and threats of the environment (external analysis).
o Compared to competitors, what are important issues to consider? (Weak points,
strong points).
 You must have a good knowledge of TravelNice operations. Interviews provided in the case
can help you.
 Consider using other tools you have learned, like 7S, 4P, PESTEL, … model. Do not hesitate to
use any other tool that can help you find relevant facts to put in your SWOT. Most of them
will lead you through important issues to address.
 Do some personal research to find relevant facts and information (always carefully cite your

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
Part 2: Corporate Strategy – IS/IT Strategy
S5/S5bis (CM): Information Systems, and strategy
CM #2: Strategies
[TB] Chap. 1, 2 (Laudon : Chap. 3)

Work to do:
- Lecture: video CM#2

Preliminary readings:
- [TB] Chap. 1, p. 25 – 29

Session readings:
- [TB] Chap. 1, p. 20:
-> Examples of missions, Fig. 1.2
- [TB] Chap. 2, p. 36 – 46:
-> Information Resources as Strategic Tools
-> How Can Information Resources Be Used Strategically?
S5 -> Sustaining Competitive Advantage
(DA) - (Venkatraman et al, 1993) Continuous strategic alignment [...]
- [Video] Business/IT alignment:

Teaching material:
- [RDD] p. 36+ : Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values, Strategy(ies).
- [AM] Step 3 Resources – Devise strategic objectives
- S05(a) – Overall framework for determination of the business IS
- S05(b) – IS-IT strategic analysis
- S05(c) – The Twelve components of alignment.
- S05(d) – Treacy and Wiersma [PW]

Further readings :
- [TB] Chap. 3
- [TB] Chap. 9

“Strategic drivers are things that shape an organization’s plans for the future. In other works, they
are factors that people consider when developing business strategies.”

“Strategic thinking is the ability to achieve goals in a constrained and competitive environment. It
includes fundamental, thought processes such as creativity, logic and calculation as well as specific
techniques of strategy development. Strategic thinking deals with complexities such as markets,
human behavior, rapid change and uncertainty that may require a firm grasp of mathematics,
history, culture, society, technology and economics.”


I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
S6/S6bis (CM): Business applications
CM #3: Enterprise Applications
[TB] Chap. 5 (Laudon : Chap. 9)

Work to do:
- Lecture: video CM#3

Preliminary readings:
S6 - [TB] Chap. 5, p. 110 – 120.
Session readings & personal research:
- [TB] Chap. 6, p. 137 – 138:
-> Virtualization and Cloud Computing
- Software websites (see below)
- [Video] IT Portfolio management:

Personal research:

 What a CRM can do (Suggested website to explore):

o ZOHO CRM. Check “Features” on that page:
- What an ERP can do (Suggested website to explore):
o ZOHO ONE. Check various “Solutions” available (
o SAP. Check features, and benefits.
o ERP for travel agencies

S7 (AP): Q&A; TN organization.

S7 Project review #1 : Critical review Q1
“How is TravelNice organized? What are its functional areas, its key

- Q&A session
- Discussion: strategy and key processes.

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
o Does TN have a competitive advantage today?
o On what processes does TN success rely today?
o What important information / data have to managed?
o How could we characterize information flows?

S8 (AP): Q&A; current situation analysis, and future strategy

Project review #2 : Critical review Q2 & Q3 preparation

“What are the strengths and weaknesses of this Company, compared to

its competitors?”

- Q&A session
- Discussion:
o What are current strong and weak points inside TN? What can
we rely on?
o How would you characterize competition?
o Can you identify opportunities and threats from the
- Focus: does TN need to renew its strategy?
o Gather information that can help us identifying a competitive
o Imagine some possible strategic intents for TN’s future.
o What information needs derive from these strategic intents?

At the end of the session: each group is assigned a precise strategy.

S9 (AN): Case study Q3

S9 Project #3 : Setting Objectives
(DA) Case study Q3

“From your diagnosis, choose a strategic direction for the future”

Teaching material:
- S09(a) – IS-IT opportunity analysis - the questions
- S09(b) – Value Factors
- [AM] Step 3 Resources – Critical Success Factors
- [RDD] p. 63:
-> Business Focus and Customer Value Proposition (see also Table 5.1,
p. 83)
-> Five possible customer value proposition, or ways to be recognized
by customers (see also Table 5.2, p. 86)
- [RDD] p. 113:

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
-> Architect Business Structure.
(see also Table 7.3, p. 123: Process Systems Architecture)

“A critical success factor is a capability, activity or condition that is required for a mission to be
successful. Success factors aren’t measurements of success but rather something that needs to be
done well in order to achieve objectives.”

“A business capability is a description of what a business does independently of how or why. They
offer a view into a business that is free of details such as processes and strategy. Capabilities may be
captured at various levels of detail such as organizational, department, or team capabilities.”

(Source :


 CSF analysis (WardPeppard) – A very important & powerful tool to emphasize key points. It
relates objectives to requirements (both informational, and technological). It clearly states
what must be done correctly in order to be successful.


 Based on the corporate strategy assigned, imagine a future organization for TravelNice.
 Split TN corporate strategy into several objectives.

Work to do:

 Derive objectives from the global strategy (the main issue is splitted into objectives, which
represent smaller, simpler, manageable “problems” to be solved).
 Identify and document Key Success Factors associated to each objective.
 Deduce main information needs.

Deliverable #3:

 Maximum 2 pages.
 Clear objectives (max. 3).
 For each objective: two documented Key Success Factors, with information needs.

S10 (CM): Infrastructures

S10 CM #4: IT Infrastructure
(DA) [TB] Chap. 6 (Laudon : Chap. 5)

Work to do:
- Lecture: video CM#4

Preliminary readings:
- [TB] Chap. 6, p. 126 – 133:
-> The Leap from Strategy to Architecture to Infrastructure

Session readings:

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
- [TB] Chap. 13, p. 292 – 293:
-> Green Computing.
- [Video] Decision (Mintzberg):

S11 (CM): Security

CM #5: Information Systems Security
[TB] Chap. 7 (Laudon : Chap. 8)

Work to do:
- Lecture: video CM#5

Preliminary readings:
- [TB] Chap. 7, p. 147 – 151:
-> IT Security Decision Framework

Session readings:
- [TB] Chap. 7:
-> Breaches and How They Occurred, p. 151
-> The Impossibility of 100% Security, p. 154
-> What Should Management Do?, p. 155

S12 (AP): Q&A; corporate, IS, and IT strategies

Project review #3 : Critical review Q3 & strategies

- Q&A session.
- Focus:
o How do relate: corporate strategy (business), IS (information
requirements), and IT (technological solutions).
o Required capabilities (both organizational and technological):
what must the Information System and the organization be able
S12 to do/produce, so that they contribute to make TN strategy
(DS) successful?
- Discussion:
o What technology could contribute to fulfill information needs
and/or improve the performance of the processes and/or
improve the value delivered by information?

Teaching material:
- [RDD] p. 125:
-> Aligning IT to Business Strategy, p. 125 (see also Table 7.5, p. 128: Six
Steps to Organization Alignment. We only use steps 1 – 4 in this
- S12(a) - Benefits Management overview ([PW])

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)

 Benefits Dependency Network. – An example (S12(a) - Benefits Management overview). This

network is very valuable, because it highlights relationships between “business” and “IT”. It
helps demonstrating the soundness of your project, its contribution to corporate strategy. It
also facilitates investments’ justification.

Part 3: Capabilities
S13 (CM): Data management
CM #6: Data Management
[TB] Chap. 13 (Laudon : Chap. 6)

- Lecture CM#6.

Preliminary readings:
- [TB] Introduction: Assumptions about Information Systems, pp.
S13 10-12.
Session readings:
- [TB] Chap. 13, p. 283 – 292:
-> Responsible use of information
-> Ethical Tensions with Governments
-> PAPA: Privacy, Accuracy, Property, and Accessibility

Teaching material:
- S12(a) - MCD Client

S14 (TE): Organisational and technological capabilities

Project #4 : Identification of Capabilities

Teaching material:
S14 - S14(a) – Benefits Dependency Network
(TE) - S14(b) – Risks Factors
- S14(c) – Stakeholder analysis
- [RB]Chap 6, p. 133 – 135:
-> From Strategy to Architecture to Infrastructure: An Example


 Describe technological and organizational capabilities required.

Work to do:

 Based on the Key Success Factors you identified before, identify the related processes.

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
 Deduce what capabilities should be developed (organizational & technological) to ensure
processes’ effectiveness and efficiency.


 Use the Business Architecture and appropriate process models

 Think about how taking advantage of the technology, of TN strengths.
 Identify potential benefits that contribute to your objectives
 Formalize your work using the Benefit Dependency Network
 Try to list risks that may occur.
 Deduce a list of required capabilities.


 Stakeholder Analysis (WardPeppard) – Analyse the attitude of stakeholders (current and

expected). Helpful for diagnosis, as well as change management.

S15 (TD): Data modeling

TD #2 : Data Modelling

Group work with MySQLWorkbench (bring your laptops with Bizagi
- Principles of E/A modelling.
S15 - Exercise: build a simple E/A model
- Application: organize data corresponding to one of your processes.

Teaching material:
- S12(a) - MCD Client
- Access database « TravelNice.accdb »


 Assess the value of data.

 Understand basic principles of Entity/Association modeling.

Work to do:

In the Booking application, hotels and their rooms are carefully described, so that the customer can
choose an accomodation according to his needs. Below, three entities used in this application are
presented, along with the different values they can take.

1. Build the E/A model corresponding to a catalogue of hotels, with their rooms and their
characteristics (3 entities below).
2. Rooms have a room number, a name, and are situated on a floor.
3. Add the category of the hotel (number of stars), as a lookup table.

Room "flat_screen_tv", "private_pool", "barbecue", "view", "washing_machine",

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
"dishwasher", "soundproofing", "bath", "airconditioning", "terrace", "patio",
"kitchen", "spa_bath", "entire_unit_wheelchair_accessible"
"aparthotel", "camping", "inn", "resort", "capsule-hotel", "japanese-style-business-
hotel", "holiday-home", "guest-house", "boat", "love-hotel", "ryokan", "tented-
camp", "hotel", "condo", "motel", "sanatorium", "apartment", "villa", "gite",
"hostel", "holiday-park", "lodge", "cottage", "bed-and-breakfast", "homestay",
"farm-stay", "chalet", "riad", "country-house"
"private_beach_area", "fitness_room", "turkish_bath",
"babysitting_child_services", "kids_club", "garden", "swimmingpool_outdoor",
"ski_to_door_access", "canoeing", "sauna", "parking_on_site",
"different_parking_types", "trouser_press", "paid_wifi", "wifi_everywhere",
"ski_school", "valet_parking", "hot_spring_bath", "bikes_available_for_free",
"squash", "evening_entertainment", "spa_wellness_centre", "ski_storage",
"aqua_park", "adult_only", "non_smoking_rooms", "casino", "private_parking",
"nightclub_dj", "airport_shuttle", "tennis_court", "paid_parking",
"business_center", "windsurfing", "24_hour_front_desk", "bbq_facilities",
"all_public_and_private_spaces_non_smoking", "fishing", "free_parking",
"daily_maid_service", "children_play_ground", "hot_tub", "horse_riding",
"diving", "water_sports_facilities_on_site", "internet_services",
"free_wifi_internet_access_included", "elevator", "swimmingpool_indoor",
"facilities_for_disabled", "family_rooms", "solarium", "massage", "pets_allowed",
"golf_course_close_by", "hiking", "shoe_shine", "grocery_deliveries", "bowling",
"restaurant", "bar", "beach_front", "wireless_lan", "minigolf", "karaoke",
"meeting_facilities", "luggage_storage"

S16 (CM): Decision making

S16 CM #7: Decision Making
(DA) [TB] Chap. 12 (Laudon : Chap. 12)

Work to do:
- Lecture: video CM#7

Preliminary readings:
- [TB] Chap. 12: p. 259 – 267:
-> Competing with Business Analytics
-> Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence, and Business
-> Data, Information, and Knowledge
-> Knowledge Management Processes
-> Business Intelligence
-> Components of Business Analytics

Session readings:
- [TB] Chap. 12: p. 268 – 270:
-> Big Data
-> Social Media Analytics
- [TB] Chap. 8, p. 178 – 182:
-> The Balance scorecard

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
-> IT dashboards
- [RDD] p. 149:
-> Track a moving target,
-> Building a BSC.

Teaching material:
- Microsoft PowerBI:
- S16(a) - BSC Strategy Map

Further readings:
- Intelligence artificielle


 BSC Strategy Map. – The Balanced Scorecard is a strategy performance management tool,
which is very useful to monitor the execution of your strategy.

S17 (AN): Case study Q4a, IS/IT contribution

Project #5 : IS Contribution to the Corporate Strategy
Case study Q4a

“What do you think would be the main contribution of the I.S. to this
(DA) Teaching material:
- [AM] Step 5 resources – present and defend your proposal
- [TB] Chap. 6, p. 136 – 137:
-> Enterprise architecture
- [TB] Chap. 11, p. 240 – 243:
-> IT Project Development Methodologies and Approaches


 Build a comprehensive answer to TN strategic shift.

Work to do:

 Enrich your KSF / capabilities descriptions with data and decision making issues.
 List precisely the expected benefits, and explain how you monitor their achievements.
 Explain how objectives are fulfilled with your proposal. Propose some associated relevant
 Update your risk list.


I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
 Prepare a slide show (max 10 slides / 20min presentation) to present one of your objectives,
o Recall briefly the corporate strategy.
o Present the objectives, with associated KPIs, and underline the one you will be
describing in you presentation.
o Choose one key success factors associated to this objective.
o Present associated capabilities, and choose one.
o For that capability, explain what IS / IT element you chose to support these
o List expected benefits, with KPIs.
o List some possible risks.
 Upload the slide show, as a PDF file, on MyICN.
 During session S18, some groups will be required to present their work .
o Malus point: -5 points in case the presentation is not well prepared.

Part 4: Project presentation and defense

S18 (AP): Q&A, groups’ presentation.
Project review #4 : Critical review Q4a

“What do you think would be the main contribution of the I.S. to this
- Students’ presentations (2 to 4 groups / 20mn each).
- Q&A.

S19 (TE): Case study Q4b, project presentation

Project #6 : Project Presentation and Defence
Case study Q4b

“Propose and defend an I.S. flagship project to bring TravelNice to


Teaching material:
- [TB] Chap. 8:
-> Building a Business Case, p. 173 – 175
-> Funding IT Resources, p. 182
-> How much IT cots, p. 184
- [TB] Chap. 10, p. 209 – 223:
-> Sourcing Decision Cycle Framework


 Finalize your proposal to the case study resolution.

Work to do:

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
 Turn your presentation (S17) into a report.
 Modify / enrich it as you wish.
 Add an introduction (your TN strategy & objectives, team members presentation)
 Add a conclusion (self-evaluation of your work).

Deliverable #4:

 Max 10 pages.
 Final report, completed with a conclusion addressing:
o Executive summary.
o Critical thinking about your work.
o Some feedback about your learning experience.


 A peer evaluation form will be required for each team member.

o Each member evaluate each of his/her team mates (0 to 100%)
o The contribution of each member is computed as the average of the “implication”
o For each group, a “continuous assessment” grade is computed based on the four
required deliverables.
o For each group member, this grade will be individualized, based on his/her
contribution score:
 100% of the grade if contribution belongs to [100% - 75%]
 75% of the grade if contribution belongs to ]75% - 50%]
 The contribution score, if contribution is below 50%.

S20 (AP): Q&A. Critical review

Project review #5 : Critical review Q4b & Case Conclusion

“Propose and defend an I.S. flagship project to bring TravelNice to


- Project Q&A and conclusion
- Course Q&A
- Preparation to the exam.

Further readings:
- [TB] Chap. 11


Available on Scholarvox

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
- [TB (textbook)] (Pearlson et al, 2016) – K.E. Pearlson, C.S. Saunders, D.F. Galletta:
Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach Ed. 6. John Wiley &
Sons, 2016.
- [LDD] R.L. Lynch, J. Diezemann, J. Dowling: Capable Company. Blackwell Publishing,

Available on MyICN

- [BAG] BA Guild - Business Architecture.pdf

- [AM] Additional material (PWP in PDF)
- (Venkatramen et al, 1993) N. Venkatraman, J. C. Henderson, S. Oldach: Continuous
strategic alignment: Exploiting information technology capabilities for competitive
success. European Management Journal (11) 2, June 1993 (pp. 139-149).

Additional resources

- [LL] K. C. Laudon, J. P. Laudon: Management Information Systems. Managing the Digital

Firm. 14th Ed. Pearson, 2016.
- [PW] J. Peppard, J. Ward: The Strategic Management of Information Systems. 4th Ed.,
Wiley, 2016.

Additional Web resources


Grade assignments

The grade assigned to continuous assessment is computed as follows:

- Based on the table below, a grade is assigned to the project.

- Penalties are applied.
- Grades are individualized with the peer evaluation form.

Points Grade
1 5
2 5
3 5
4 5
5 6
6 6
7 6
8 7
9 7
10 8
11 10
12 11
13 12

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)
14 13
15 14
16 15
17 16
18 16
19 17
20 17
21 17
22 18
23 18
24 19

Project assistance
FR/ Instructor: S. Mallek


# Delivrable Sessions Office hours / contact

Q1 S3 / S7 10 Sept. (17h30-18h30)
1 15 Sept. (17h-18h30)
17 sept. (9h-12h) & (16h30-18h30)
Q2 S4 / S8 10 Sept. (17h30-18h30)
2 15 Sept. (17h-18h30)
17 sept. (9h-12h) & (16h30-18h30)
Q3 S9 / S12 1 Oct. (9h-12h)
5 Oct. (17h30-18h30)
Q4 S17-S20 8 Oct. (9h-12h)
9 Oct. 10h-12h)

I.S. Management – PGE 2 – TravelNice Case Study – Course regulations (v1, 27/08/20)

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