SDK Self Validation Report v6

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Xerox Developer Program

SDK Self Validation Report

<Company Name>

For Xerox Developer Program

Products Validated:
 <Developer Product Name/Version>
 <EIP Controller Version(s) Validated > and/or
 <FreeFlow Controller Version(s) Validated>
 <Xerox SDK Interfaces Being Validated>

Prepared By: <Name>

Version <1.0>

Xerox Internal Use Only

Xerox Developer Program: SDK Validation Report for <Product Name>

XEROX® and all XEROX product names mentioned in this publication are registered trademarks of Xerox

<Product Name> and all <Company Name> product names mentioned in this publication are registered
trademarks of <Company Name>.
Table of Contents

1 Preface................................................................................v
General Purpose and Audience...................................................................v
The Audience for this report is:............................................................v
Note to All Readers of this Report................................................................v
2 Configuration & Workflow Summary................................2-1
Workflow Diagram....................................................................................2-2
XYZ Access Printing (This is an EIP Example)................................2-2
3 Test Summary..................................................................3-1
Test Configuration/Results...............................................................3-1
Offering Capabilities.........................................................................3-2
Recommendations & Caveats..........................................................3-2
4 References......................................................................4-1
Appendix A – Validation References................................................4-1
5 Updates and Revision History..........................................5-1
List of Changes................................................................................5-1

Xerox Developer Program: SDK Validation Report for <Product Name>


General Purpose and Audience

This document details the compatibility tests conducted with <Product Name> based on the
features implemented in the SDK as specified originally by the 3 rd party developer within their
development proposal. This is outlined in the Test Configuration Table (next page). The
conclusions and recommendations made within this report apply only to the specific
configurations & features with the equipment named, and are not intended as a blanket
endorsement of any other possible configurations or features.
Furthermore, this test is by no means the limit of what can be achieved while using <Product
Name> with Xerox EIP-enabled Multi Function Printers (MFP’s) and/or Xerox FreeFlow Print
Server-enabled Printers.

The Audience for this report is:

 You, the 3rd Party Developer/Partner involved with the test and reporting these results
(This report is considered Xerox Internal Use Only and will not be shared outside Xerox)

 The Alliance and Partnership Management (A&PM) Xerox Validation Test Team
 The Xerox SDK Developer Program Manager
 The Xerox Program Manager responsible for your relationship (If applicable)

Note to All Readers of this Report

It is strongly recommended that the reader of this SDK Self Validation Report review it in its
entirety, as both the SDK validation process and scope of the validation is limited to the
configurations detailed in this report.

While Xerox does not guarantee or warrant that <Product Name, Version#> will meet your
requirements, we do believe that the test results as reflected in this report are accurate.

Pass / Fail
Receiving a “Pass” indicates that, through testing of the above stated Product version
with the Xerox platform(s) and Software versions reported, Xerox has concluded that
the feature level interface and / or functions indicated in the scope of the validation
processed by the configuration(s) listed have been successful.

Receiving a “Fail” rating indicates that Xerox has concluded the feature level interface
and / or functions indicated in the scope of the validation have not been successfully
processed by the specific configuration listed.

Xerox Internal Use Only v

Xerox Developer Program: SDK Validation Report for <Product Name>

& Workflow Summary

This table reflects the specific configuration used to test the SDK features implemented as
specified in your original development proposal and the overall test results for each device tested.
(The examples in this table should be removed and your own test information substituted)

Tested Firmware / Pass /
Model Platform Comments
Software Level Fail
WC 5222/5225 NA NA Not Tested – System unavailable

WC 5632/5638/5645/5655 EIP 1.5 PASS Tested on 5632

WC 7328/7335/7345/7346 1.227.4 EIP 1.0 PASS Tested on 7335

WC 7425/7428/7435 NA NA Not Tested – System unavailable

Xerox Color 550/560 55.21.91 FFPS 8 PASS Tested on 550

Tested on CQ 8700
Caveat: EIP Custom Services
ColorQube 8700/8900 EIP 2.0 PASS Application Icon size smaller then
should be, will be addressed in future
release but functions correctly.

WC 6400 EIP 1.0 PASS

Known Issue with Device, SPAR was
WC XXXX EIP 1.5 FAIL already submitted. Would like to re-
test when SPAR Patch is available.

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Xerox Developer Program: SDK Validation Report for <Product Name>

Workflow Diagram
The description on the workflow of your product used for this test must be supplied. The example
shown below is an example only. Please replace or edit the example with your own diagram
that described your implementation with the Xerox SDK, along with a description of the steps
involved in your workflow.

XYZ Access Printing (This is an EIP Example)

XYZ Access Printing allows users to send print ready jobs to any print device on users network
transparently via the ZYZ Access Server. Users can then access/release print jobs after logging
into the MFP. XYZ Server will also track and indicate active and non active jobs for each user

This workflow diagram shows which actions are done by the user and what happens
automatically on the XYZ server.

User action on
Release documents
Select documents to print
MFP UI panel
Input Enter User ID Code on MFP Panel

documents are no longer active

documents and indicates that the
Processing XYZ Access retreives the selected

on MFP
Output Users selected documents are printed

NOTE: Additional steps or descriptions of your workflow, Screen Shots or greater detail on steps
can also be provided here if you choose

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Xerox Developer Program: SDK Validation Report for <Product Name>

3Test Summary
This section should contain a summary of the SDK validation tests performed and the
overall test results. In the pages following this summary, greater detail should be
provided for those readers that would like to better understand the results and any
specific interactions with the Xerox devices tested.

Test Configuration/Results
Based on the features implemented in the SDK Development Proposal for this Validation
and Report, <Company Name> has successfully completed a validation of <Product
Name> in conjunction with the following test procedures:

Presentation Services
EIP Client Application Installation on Xerox WC 5655

Function Rating
Installation of XYZ Server EIP Client PASS
Registration with EIP enabled WC 5655 PASS

Table #1

Presentation Services, Authentication Services & Print Services

XYZ Access Server v1.1 ~ MFP User Interaction Tests - WorkCentre 5655

Document Name Input Processing Output Rating

 Log in on MFP UI Panel  XYZ Access Server Authenticates User MFP Successfully
Test Doc 1  User Selects Test Doc 1 document  Test Doc 1 was pulled from XYZ Server Printed Test Doc PASS
at WC 5655 MFP UI panel and released for printing on MFP 1

Table #2

NOTE: The above tables are for example purposes only and is fictitious information, not intended to be
actual tests preformed or a complete number of tests that would normally need to be preformed.
These two EIP SDK tests were used as a sample of types of information that is typical of this type
of test.

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Xerox Developer Program: SDK Validation Report for <Product Name>

Offering Capabilities
Please Modify these tables to match your particular capabilities and functions that were
tested and add any screen captures or application pictures that support the capabilities
validated with Xerox.
<Capability Tested>
Function Action Comments
<Function Tested> <Actions Required/Used>

<Insert Picture>

<Capability Tested>
Function Action Comments
<Function Tested> <Actions Required/Used>

<Insert Picture>

Recommendations & Caveats

Although the configuration described above passed self
validation, the following caveats were noted:
 <Caveat / Recommendation>
 <Caveat / Recommendation>
 <Caveat / Recommendation>
 <Caveat / Recommendation>

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Xerox Developer Program: SDK Validation Report for <Product Name>


Appendix A – Validation References

The following table contains all of the test artifacts (Documents, Spreadsheets, etc.) used
to perform the validation.

Validation References





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Xerox Developer Program: SDK Validation Report for <Product Name>

5Updates and Revision


Listed below are all changes made to this test report since its original inception and
review. A brief description of the modifications made, date the change was made, and
the revision number should be documented below.

List of Changes
Version <#>, <Date>, <Description of Change>
Originated by <Name>

Version <#>, <Date>, <Description of Change>

Originated by <Name>

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Xerox Internal Use Only

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