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Xerox Developer Program

Extensible Interface Platform (EIP)

SDK Integration Guide
September 2018 Month 00, 0000
Version 1.6
©2018 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, Xerox Canada Ltd®, Xerox Limited®, FreeFlow®, The
Document Company® and all identifying numbers used in connection with the Xerox products mentioned in this
publication are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and
matters of copyrightable material and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted,
including without limitations, material generated from the software programs which are displayed on the screen
such as styles, templates, icons, screen displays looks, etc.
While every care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no liability will be accepted by Xerox
Corporation arising out of any inaccuracies or omissions.

© 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google Chrome is a trademark of Google Inc.

© 2018 Novell
Changes are periodically made to this document. Changes, technical inaccuracies, and typographical errors
will be corrected in subsequent editions.


Version Date Details

1.0 January Initial Version
1.01 March 2014 Update Card Reader
1.02 June 2014 Card Reader update, API releases & XP
1.2 August 2014 WebKit browser, Emulator updates
1.3 December 2015 EIP 3.5
1.4 June 2016 EIP 4.0 Beta
1.5 March 2017 EIP 4.0
1.51 August 2017 EIP 4.0.0x updates
1.6 August 2018 EIP 4.1 updates

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................1
Overview .............................................................................................................................................1
Skill Set ...............................................................................................................................................1
References ..........................................................................................................................................2

2. Using the EIP SDK ............................................................................................................................3

What’s New in EIP SDK ......................................................................................................................3
Ant Browser Notification: ...............................................................................................................10
EIP SDK Overview ............................................................................................................................11
Scan Services ...............................................................................................................................11
Fax Services..................................................................................................................................11
Print Services ................................................................................................................................11
Accounting Services ......................................................................................................................12
Presentation Services ...................................................................................................................12
Authentication Services .................................................................................................................13
External Device Services ..............................................................................................................13
Job Services ..................................................................................................................................13
EIP MFD Emulator ........................................................................................................................13

3. EIP Health Check Tool ....................................................................................................................14

4. Device Differences ..........................................................................................................................15

EIP Version Support for Each Device ...............................................................................................15
Card Reader Support ........................................................................................................................19
Supported Card Readers and Card Reader Types.......................................................................19
API Support for Each Device. ...........................................................................................................19
API releases ......................................................................................................................................23
Screen Sizes and Resolutions ..........................................................................................................24
Proxy Setting .....................................................................................................................................24

5. Frequently Asked Questions .........................................................................................................25

What is ConnectKey? ....................................................................................................................25

Why is the web service or web site slow to connect? ...................................................................25
Why is there a delay before the scan job initiates?.......................................................................25
What API allows customized text within a login screen? ..............................................................25
What attributes can be used with the scan template? ..................................................................25
Why is the registration information corrupted after a device reboot? ...........................................25
Why does the EIP application icon disappear from the device panel? .........................................26
What unique id can be used to identify a device?.........................................................................26
Is there an EIP call to get serial number and/or mac address of a device? .................................26
Why is Network Accounting not enabled on the device? ..............................................................26
Why is there an error saying that a problem occurred trying to connect to the server? ...............26
Can an EIP server reside outside a firewall? ................................................................................26
Why do “????”(question marks) appear in place of “Custom Services” text? .............................26
Why is the EIP Application icon not appearing under Custom Services? ....................................27
Is it possible to configure the EIP application the default application? .........................................27
Is the setting: Enable the Extensible Services Browser “ON” by default? ....................................27
Why is there an error when a scan is initiated? ............................................................................27
When using the EIP registration tool, why is there an unable to authenticate user error? ...........27
Why does the application fail to make an https connection on some devices but not others? .....28
What devices support FTP, SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMB, Netware®? ..........................................28
Unless otherwise noted, the devices support all of the noted Connectivity protocols. .................28

1. Introduction

This guide is to be used in conjunction with the Xerox Extensible Interface Platform Software
Developers Kit (EIP SDK).

The EIP SDK is a set of API's available on Xerox Multifunction Devices. The support of
multiple destinations for scan solutions including email and Samples are new with the EIP
SDK version 4.1.

The EIP SDK has been validated in the following environments: The EIP SDK should be usable
in additional environments. Please contact your Support team if you encounter any issues or
have questions.

 Windows Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, Windows Server 2008 R2
SP1 x64, Windows Server 2012 x64, Windows Server 2012 R2 x64, Windows Server
2016, Windows 7 SP1 x86, Windows 7 SP1 x64, Windows 8.1 SP1 x64, Windows 10
 Browser: IE, Edge, Firefox, or Chrome

NOTE: When you download the *.msi file in IE or Edge, you might see a warning message
“The signature of *.msi is corrupt or invalid”. This is because Visual Studio 2015 signs the
msi file with a sha1 certificate, and sha1 certificates are no longer valid after the end of
2015. Please ignore the warning message.

NOTE: Due to security restriction in Microsoft Edge the SDK may not load correctly from
the file system (file:///). Use a different supported browser to view the SDK, or setup a
virtual directory in IIS and view the SDK from localhost to get around this issue.

Skill Set
EIP (Extensible Interface Platform) is based on standard web services components. Any
industry standard web services tool set can be used to develop an EIP application (JAX-WS,

The following skills and knowledge are recommended for the users of the EIP SDK:
 Network Protocol Knowledge
o Web Services
 Familiarity with the following
o Java Script
o .NET
o Java
EIP SDK Integration Guide 1

o ANT browser
o WebKit browser
Knowledge of Xerox devices

The following information may be useful when developing an EIP application:

 The latest firmware for Xerox MFP devices can be found on

 SNMP MIB information for Xerox devices can be found on

 Xerox USB Card Reader Plug-in module needed on some devices for card reader

2. Using the EIP SDK

What’s New in EIP SDK

Feature Description

The Caveat has been removed from within the SDK and
EIP 4.1 Caveat is now a standalone document

In SDK 4.1 Document


Workflow Management Web Service – allows a client to

process a Scan for delivery to one or more possible
New APIs destinations.
In SDK 4.1

Xerox EIP Web Service Support for Network

Authentication – The support of PasswordText has been
added within WS-Security

Copy Service – New attributes:

 LayoutAdjustment
 Nup

ScanExtension (Version2) – better support of meta data

in scan tickets

Device Configuration API – includes a new call to get the

status of the Workflow Management API
In SDK 4.1
Security Configuration API – added support for the
release Updated APIs following new methods:

 ListCertificates
 RemoveCertificate
 GetCertificate
 GetCORSStatus
 SetCORSStatus
 GetCORSTrustedDomains
 SetCORSTrustedDomains

Network Configuration API – added support for the

following new methods:

 GetNetworkConfig
 SetNetworkConfig

EIP SDK Integration Guide 3

Using the EIP SDK

New files:

 XRXWorkflowManagement.js
 XRXRegistration.js
XeroxJavascriptLibrary Update files:

In SDK 4.1  XRXWsSecurity.js

release  XRXWebservices.js
 XRXJobManagement.js

Workflow Management .NET – Demonstrates how to

make EIP Web services calls to the Workflow
Management API

Workflow Management Java - Demonstrates how to

make EIP Web services calls to the Workflow
Management API

JBA Java– Demonstrates all methods in the JBA API.

Also implemented as a Java client which makes HTTP
requests to a MFD and reports the results.

New Clients EIP SNMP Java– Demonstrates all methods in EIP

In SDK 4.1 SNMP Web service
Copy .NET – Demonstrates how to make EIP Web
services calls to the COPY API*

Session .NET – Demonstrates how to make EIP Web

services calls to the Session API*

Mass Storage .NET – Demonstrates how to make EIP

Web services calls to the USB Mass Storage API*

* These changes require usage of “Trusted Host” API that

was added in EIP 4.0

Using the EIP SDK

Workflow Management PHP – PHP/JS sample that uses

9th Gen Widgets and how to make the calls to the
Workflow Management API.

Workflow Management JavaScript – HTML/Javascript

sample that uses 9th Gen Widgets and how to make the
calls to Workflow Management API using the functions in

Mass Storage JavaScript – HTML/Javascript sample that

uses 9th Gen Widgets and how to make calls to the USB
Mass Storage API using the functions in
New Samples
Language Detection – PHP/Javascript sample that
In SDK 4.1
demonstrates how to determine the currently set device

ID Card Copy – HTML/Javascript sample that

demonstrates how to submit an ID card copy job using

Registration – HTML/Javascript Application that

demonstrates the Registration Web service methods

LocalStorage – HTML/Javascript application that

demonstrates the use of Window.localStorage properties
and methods

CopyAppPHP – updated to support the following attribute

and value:

 Side – value=”SecondSideRotation”
 LayoutAdjustment
 Nup

ScanTempleteApp – Updated to demonstrate 9th Gen

Widget page and how to display the existing page or 9 th
Gen Widget page based on style generation reported by
Device Configuration Web service

Job Management Javascript – Updated to demonstrate:

Updated Samples  9th Gen Widget page

 How to display existing page or 9th Gen Widget
page based on style generation reported by
In SDK 4.1
Device Configuration Web service
 WS-security Plain Text Password in Javascript

SessionSampleApp – Updated to demonstrate how to

wrap a legacy EIP application in an iFrame so it will be
centered on a 10” screen

9thGenWidgetShowcaseApp – Updated to showcase

new Widgets and features

Sample Tickets and Templates – Updated to include the

most common scan attribute options.

Using the EIP SDK

Updated 9th Gen widgets error handling

Enhanced Widget Test Tool
New Widgets:
 Action Bar -- The action bar contains a title
for the screen, and usually provides action
buttons for things like log in, navigating
back to the previous screen, starting a job,
or other important actions. The action bar is
used on applications and popups.
 Alternative Layout Button -- The Alternative
New Widgets Layout Buttons are used for source or
destination dialogs, and are usually on a
In SDK 4.1 Popup.
release  Carousel -- Carousels are used to cycle
through content (images & HTML content)
and display them as blocks of information,
similar to a slideshow.
 Slider -- The Slider allows a user to quickly
select a value from a finite list by sliding a
handle back and forth or up and down
inside of a stationary channel.

Using the EIP SDK

 xrxscrollable region’s padding no longer being
incorrectly applied to other widgets inside of it.
[Bounding Box]
 Xrxscrollable region’s padding no longer being
incorrectly applied to other widgets inside of it.
 Enabled min-width and min-height to improve
error handling.
 Accommodate two lines of text inside a width
constrained button.
 Updated base keyboard plugin to newer version
 Less code optimization
 Fixed a bug that interfered with the keyboard
correctly handling read-only inputs that are
marked as read-only dynamically after the DOM
 Improvements to the keyboard’s destroy()
 Fixed theming issue with Primary theme on
keyboard inputs
 Cleaned up unneeded touch events in Keyboard
 Fixed incorrect keys in second row of Russian
10” keyboard layout
 Fixed Glyph centering issues in keyboard
 Improved language select list to scroll to
currently selected language when opened.
 Add when the max number of characters for an
Widget Issues fixed input has been entered the input keys on the
keyboard will be disabled
In SDK 4.1  Added caret plugin to keyboard to style the
release displayed caret
 New extended keys are now broken out by
keyboard layout instead of having a single set of
extended keys for all layouts
 New Option: disabled
 Added Ukrainian keyboard layout
 Added Croatian keyboard layout
 Ensure that the popover is never positioned off
 Method:setTargetControl() – Allow to pass in the
Event object that will bring up the popover as a
 New Method: Close()
 New Event: open
 New Event: close
 Updated default width to work with the addition
of the Alternative Layout Button Widget
 Default value for maxWidth has been changed
to ‘null’
 Set the “tap” option’s default value to be “false”
 Improved handling of min/max height/width
 Popup’s titles now utilize ‘light’ font weight
 New Option: customActionBar
 New Option: momentum
[Progress Indicator]

Using the EIP SDK

 New Method: getValue()

[Segmented Control]
 Enabled min-width and min-height to improve
error handling
 The selected item will always be displayed
 If the width of a Segmented Control is set, the
item label that is too long will be truncated with
an ellipsis
 If no item is selected during when a Segmented
Control is initialized, the first item will be
 New Method: disableItem()
[Spin Box]
 The xrx-spinner class has been deprecated in
favor of the xrx-spinbox class
 Improved handling of min/max button style when
initalValue was either the min or the max value
 Improved theming around editable input when
increment or decrement buttons are pressed
 Theming improvements
 New Option: inputWidth
 Improved the checkbox theming
 Improved theming inside of interactive table
[Text Input/Area]
 Migrated placeholder styles from Keyboard Less
files into the Text Input/Area Less files.
[Toggle Switch]
 Fixed the bug for Toggle Switch on a color field.
[XRX Scrollable]
 Enabled min-width and min-height to improve
error handling
 The custom “tap” event is disabled by default
[All Widgets]
 Update theme() and clearTheme() method to
accommodate custom themes
 Improved support for the option() methods in all
the EIP 9th Gen Widgets
 New Support custom checkbox styling
(xrxcheckbox class)
 There are many new, updated, and removed
Glyphs in this release. Please refer to the SDK
under Home > Presentation Services > Widgets
> 9thGenWidgets > 9th Gen Widget Release
Notes for the complete list.

NOTE: The updated EIP widgets within the EIP SDK

4.1 are available for use as Off-box widgets. The
updated EIP widgets have not been made available
as On-box widgets via a device SPAR release.
Availability of the updated EIP widgets as part of
device SPAR releases may be a possibility future
SPAR releases.

Using the EIP SDK

There are a few options to help support your need of a

device for development.

 Contact Xerox Developer Program Manager at

In SDK 4.1 Partner Device for
release Purchase information on Partner device purchases,
Developer (non-Partner) device purchases
 The use of the Virtual Integration Center to
access Xerox devices.

The previously supported Ant browser is no longer the

default browser on the new devices. Products being
released in 2017 now have the WebKit as the default
First seen in The Ant Browser has browser. The Ant browser has been removed from new
SDK 4.0.12 been removed products. All of our Partners are encouraged to work with
release the Xerox Developer Program on completion of their
transition to WebKit and for explanation of means by
which to handle mixed fleets.

Due to potential security vulnerabilities, recent device

firmware releases allows the administrator to disable the
use of TLS 1.0 for secure communications. To ensure
First seen in compatibility with various device configurations,
SDK 4.0.12 developers should enable their applications to connect to
release TLS 1.0 Disabled the device using TLS 1.2. NOTE: Previous version of the
SDK contained code samples that used .NET 4.0 or Java
7 which only supports TLS 1.0 or lower. If you built your
app using those code samples, you should rebuild your
app using .NET 4.6 or higher or Java 8 to support TLS
1.2 protocol by default.

This release supports the new Xerox AltaLink and Xerox

Support of new VersaLink devices new screen sizes and resolutions.
First seen in
SDK 4.0.12 devices

AltaLink supports EIP Applications being part of the “USB

Switchboard”. This means an EIP App can specify that it
First seen in USB Switchboard “uses USB” and it will be shown as part of the device
SDK 4.0.12
switchboard when a USB drive is inserted.

New Samples include:

ScanAppPHP – Demonstrates how to use PHP to make

EIP Web Services call to the EIP ScanExtension v2
Added in the
EIP 9th Gen Widgets
SDK 4.0.12 CopyAppPHP – This copy app uses 9thGenWidgets to
and Samples
release build the copy page, and makes web service calls in PHP

Partner applications work with mobile experience.

Partner applications can match native UI experience.

Using the EIP SDK

RemoteScan Client – New features around searchable

Added in the
SDK 4.0.12 .NET clients JobManagement Client – This client can now use
release ClientID to identify and query a job.

An updated version of the EIP SDK JavaScript library is

being released. This new version fixes a defect where
Applications making parallel AJAX calls incorrectly
receive failures. These failures make it appear as those
the device failed to respond to EIP API calls. In actuality,
the device never receives the EIP API call in the first
Added in the JavaScript Library place.
SDK 4.0.12 update
The root cause was the reuse of an XMLHttpRequest
object in the EIP SDK JavaScript library. In the case of
parallel AJAX calls, the initial call ends up having its
connection to the MFD closed before the call is serviced
by the device.

On devices that support dual browser (ConnectKey

WC58xx, WC 78xx, WC 72xx, WC7970, WC59xx,
WC3655, WC6655, CQ87xx, CQ93xx), the partner will
have an option to assign a “Second Gen Browser” based
on WebKit to their solutions. This browser will support
AJAX, and will be able to develop GUIs that are not
consistent with the Xerox look-and-feel if it better fits their
customer requirements.

The “Second Gen Browser” based on WebKit now

Added in the
EIP Browser supports an EIP Embedded Keyboard that is displayed
SDK 4.0.12
automatically for web page elements requiring user input.
release (WebKit)
This display of the EIP Embedded keyboard can be
Embedded Keyboard controlled by the Partner Solution. Refer to the SDK for

Ant Browser Notification:

The previously supported Ant browser is no longer the

default browser. Products being released in 2017 now
have the WebKit as the default browser. The Ant browser
has been removed from new products. All of our Partners
are encouraged to work with the Xerox Developer
Program on completion of their transition to WebKit and
for explanation of means by which to handle mixed fleets.

Using the EIP SDK

Partner Solutions can use more than one USB device to

create unique Customer workflows.
Added in the
Multiple USB Device
SDK 4.0.12 NOTE: This only works for ConnectKey 2.0 (EIP3.5) and
release for AltalLink (EIP 4.0) devices. It is NOT available on
VersalLink (EIP 3.7).

Added in the AltaLink supports the EIP API for loading digital
SDK 4.0.12 certificates onto the device.
release Digital Certificates

EIP SDK Overview

Scan Services

Network Scan Architecture (NSA) defines how a Xerox device scans to a network location using
scan templates.

 Scan API describes the scanning capabilities of the device and how to interact with
them using the device scan services (templates, filing protocols, image formats, and
network template repository).

 Template Management API describes the web services interface used to check that
the interface version is compatible, list, upload, delete, read and write device scan

 Parser API (Parser) provides a library to create templates, edit or read parameters
from a template. It is used to parse both job templates and job logs.

 Scan Extension API (Version1) ability to obtain a device’s scan capabilities and initiate
a scan from within Presentation Services.

 Scan Extension API (Version2) is used to initiate scan jobs locally or remotely with a
NSA compliant template or a job ticket. Allows images from a scan job to be retrieved
by the submitting client. Backward compatible with ScanExtension(Version1) API.


Workflow Management API allows sending of scan jobs to multiple destinations including
Email, Network Filing Servers and USB.

Fax Services

Fax Services was integrated with the Scanning Services and refer to the Scan Services section
for using Fax.

Print Services

 WSD Print API leverages industry standard printing protocols, LPR and Port 9100.
Using the EIP SDK

 EIP Pull Print Web Service print using a print ready document at a given URL and
submit over http/https

Accounting Services

 JBA API Job Based Accounting (JBA) holds accounting information on the device until
a remote client downloads the data. Note: Some MFDs refer to JBA as Network

 Off Box Validation API provides the interface for development of Off Box Validation
server that processes JBA Accounting code validation or Scan Template Meta-Data
validation requests from the MFD.

 Job Limits API works in conjunction with Accounting (e.g. Job Based Accounting) to
provide a method to implement a cost control accounting system. Note: This is only
available on devices which support EIP 2.0 or higher.
Management Services

 Device Configuration API is a web service used to get device capabilities. This is a read
only API.

 Access Configuration API is a web service that enables access control information for
applications on the device (EIP and non-EIP) to be set. It also allows the client to view
and modify the configuration values for all accounting methods.

 EIP SNMP WS API is a web service that enables partners to access the MIB objects.

 UI Configuration API provides method to view and modify the behavior of the Local
UI of the MFD.

 Security Configuration API allows the creation of a self-signed certificate as well as

enabling SSL via a programmatic web interface.

 Network Configuration API allows the setting of a proxy server for the Presentation
Services browser. This allows the EIP application to be used in a hosted model.

 EIP Tools – EIP Simple Solution Toolkit a library that simplifies the setup and
configuration of the EIP features up to EIP version 1.5.

 Xerox MIBs Provide the network manager access to configure the unique parameters
for Xerox MFDs.

Presentation Services

 EIP Embedded Browser EIP Solutions (Applications) are accessed from a browser that
is resident on the device. First generation (ANT Gallo S12) and Second Generation
(WebKit) that provides HTML5 capabilities, better coherence to industry standards,
compatibility with modern libraries such as jQuery

 Registration API is a mechanism used to register an application on the MFD. Sample

code is included in the SDK.

Using the EIP SDK

 Session API is used to get information about the currently logged in user. This API can
only be called from the device through the embedded browser (it must be called using
localhost address). Sample code is included in the SDK.

 Widgets provide partner applications with a set of widgets built to the standard Xerox
look and feel provided on Xerox MFDs. Copies of the Widget sets and usage examples
are provided in the SDK.

Authentication Services

 Convenience Authentication (Secure Access) API enables usage of 3rd party access
control mechanisms (card readers, biometric readers) to control access to the devices
with authentication methods. It can be used to restrict access to color copy function,
and/or restrict access to a select group of users (used in conjunction with

Note: This can be used in conjunction with Job Based Accounting (JBA).

External Device Services

 Card Reader API provides the ability to interface to an off-the-shelf card reader that is
connected to the device. It provides a high level interface to determine if one or more
readers have been plugged in and a way to obtain the card data when a card is
swiped. See the Card Reader Support section for the supported card readers, card
reader types and supported MFDs.

 Mass Storage API allows a client access data stored on an external Mass Storage
device plugged into the MFD.

Note: This is only available on devices which support EIP 2.0 or higher.
Job Services
 Copy Services API allows the application to submit copy jobs on the platen or DADH.
Also allows the application to submit copy jobs with or without specifying a limited set
of attributes. The Copy Service also allows the application to pause, resume or cancel
a submitted copy job.

 Job Management API allows the application to list the device active and completed
job queue, retrieve job details for a specific job, and perform job operations such as
pause, resume and cancel.

Note: This is only available on devices which support EIP 2.0 or higher.

EIP MFD Emulator

 Emulator A tool used for presentation emulation of a Xerox MFD that is EIP
compatible. Allow partners to see how their EIP application will render on the MFD
user interface. Partners can develop and test their solution before testing on a real
MFD. The emulator supports the WebKit browser.

Note: The Emulator supports Presentation functionalities and APIs up to EIP 1.5.

3. EIP Health Check Tool

The EIP Health Check Tool is designed to assess the EIP capability and readiness of a
device. It is an enabler for determining how a Xerox device is set up, or for debugging
why a particular device may not be performing.

Note: The EIP Health Check Tool is provided as is. Problems and issues with the tool may
be reported to Xerox Developer Program; however, there is no commitment to fix any
defects with the tool.

Note: The EIP Health Check Tool cannot be distributed to customers.

Note: The EIP Health Check Tool does not support the newer web services such as EIP
SNMP, Workflow Management, and others.

Feature Description

Win 64 bit OS Support Health Check Tool Version 1.9 supports Win 64 bit OS

This feature allows running the EIP Enablement test against

Enterprise Configuration set of devices specified in CSV file.

EIP SDK Integration Guide 14

4. Device Differences

EIP Version Support for Each Device

There are many different Xerox devices which support EIP. The following table describes if a
device supports EIP version 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0 or 4.1. In some cases, the device
may need to be at a minimum firmware level for EIP support. The recommendation is to always be
at the latest version of firmware. To download the latest firmware’s for the device go to:

 is supported
 not applicable
* Device available in the VIC

Product EIP 1.0 Note if Minimum EIP 1.5 Note if Minimum

Firmware Version is Firmware Version is
needed for EIP 1.0 needed for EIP 1.5
Support Support

Xerox Color 550/560 Printer *  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


Xerox C60/C70  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


Xerox D95/D110/D125/D136 *  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


ColorQube 9201/9202/9203  (North America)  (North America)
(Europe) (Europe)

Phaser 3635 MFP   

WorkCentre 232/238/245/255/265/275   

May require hardware

WorkCentre Pro 232/238/245/255/265/275   

May require hardware

WorkCentre 5135/5150  Hardware  Hardware Enablement

Enablement Kit Kit Required

WorkCentre 5222/5225/5230  1.204.4  

WorkCentre 5325/5330/5335 *  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


EIP SDK Integration Guide 15

Device Differences

Product EIP 1.0 Note if Minimum EIP 1.5 Note if Minimum

Firmware Version is Firmware Version is
needed for EIP 1.0 needed for EIP 1.5
Support Support

WorkCentre 5632/5638/5645/5655/5665/5675/5687  (Multi Board  (Single Board

Controller) 21.113.02 Controller)
(Multi Board

WorkCentre 6400  

WorkCentre 7120/7125  Minimum not  71.3.1


WorkCentre 7232/7242  1.203.5  

WorkCentre 7328/7335/7345  1.221.5  

WorkCentre 7346  1.224.1  

WorkCentre 7425/7428/7435  74.1.3  75.3.1

WorkCentre 7655/7665/7675  (Base)  040.033.53050

(Low Cost Device)

WorkCentre 7755/7765/7775  Minimum not 


Xerox 4112/4127  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


Product EIP 2.0 Note if Minimum EIP 2.5 Note if Minimum

Firmware Version is Firmware Version is
needed for EIP 2.0 needed for EIP 2.5
Support Support

WorkCentre 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790   


WorkCentre 7525/7530/7535/7545/7556 *   

ColorQube 9301/9302/9303  

ColorQube 8700/8900  

WorkCentre  Minimum not 


WorkCentre 7845/7855  Minimum not 


Device Differences

Product EIP 2.0 Note if Minimum EIP 2.5 Note if Minimum

Firmware Version is Firmware Version is
needed for EIP 2.0 needed for EIP 2.5
Support Support

WorkCentre 58xx  Minimum not 


WorkCentre 7220/7225  Minimum not 


WorkCentre 5945/5955  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


WorkCentre 6655  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


WorkCentre 3655X  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


WorkCentre 7970  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


WorkCentre 4265 *  Minimum not  Minimum not Required


Product EIP Note if Minimum EIP Note if Minimum

Firmware Version is Firmware Version is
3.0 3.5
needed for EIP 3.0 needed for EIP 3.5
Support Support

ColorQube 9301/9302/9303   

ColorQube 8700/8900 *   

WorkCentre7830/7835  

WorkCentre 7845/7855 *  

WorkCentre 58xx *  

WorkCentre 7220/7225 *  

WorkCentre 5945/5955 *  

WorkCentre 6655 *  Minimum not 


WorkCentre 3655X *  Minimum not 


WorkCentre 7970 *  Minimum not 


Device Differences

Product EIP Note if Minimum EIP Note if Minimum EIP Note if Minimum
Firmware Version is Firmware Version Firmware Version is
3.7 4.0 4.1
needed for EIP 3.7 is needed for EIP needed for EIP 4.1
Support 4.0 Support Support

Xerox® VersaLink® C405  Minimum not Required    

Color Multifunction Printer *

Xerox® VersaLink® C400  Minimum not Required    

Color Printer

Xerox® VersaLink® C500  Minimum not Required    


Xerox® VersaLink® C600  Minimum not Required    


Xerox® VersaLink® C505  Minimum not Required    

Color Multifunction Printer *

Xerox® VersaLink® C605  Minimum not Required    

Color Multifunction Printer

Xerox® VersaLink® B400  Minimum not Required    


Xerox® VersaLink® B405  Minimum not Required    

Multifunction Printer

Xerox® VersaLink® B600  Minimum not Required    


Xerox® VersaLink® B610  Minimum not Required    


Xerox® VersaLink® B605  Minimum not Required    

Multifunction Printer

Xerox® VersaLink® B615  Minimum not Required    

Multifunction Printer

Xerox® VersaLink®  Minimum not Required    

Multifunction Printer

Xerox® VersaLink®  Minimum not Required    

Color Multifunction Printer

Xerox® AltaLink® B8045 /  Minimum not Required  Minimum not  Minimum not
B8055 / B8065 / B8075 / Required Required
B8090 Multifunction Printer *

Xerox® AltaLink® C8030 /  Minimum not Required  Minimum not  Minimum not
C8035 / C8045 / C8055 / Required Required
C8070 Color Multifunction
Printer *

Device Differences

Card Reader Support

Supported Card Readers and Card Reader Types

Please check “Card Reader.pdf” for the list of supported card readers and the new devices that are
supported. There is also “Old Device Card Reader.pdf” that lists the supported readers and older
devices that support the readers. Both are found inside the sdk zip file.

Xerox USB Card Reader Plug-in module needed on some devices for card reader

API Support for Each Device.

Each API uses a distinct interface version, and Xerox devices may not support the same interfaces.
Information on the APIs supported by the various Xerox devices is found in the SDK.

EIP 1.0 and 1.5 APIs.

Embedded Browser

Class of EIP
Off-box validation

Scan Extension
Network Config

Scan Template

Access Config

Security Mgmt

Copy Services
Device Config



Job Mgmnt

(Version 1)
Job Based

UI Config


Product All Services

or Switch

Xerox 4112/4127
               All Services

Xerox 550/560/570                All Services

Xerox C60/C70                All Services
               All Services

WorkCentre &
               Switch Mode
WorkCentre Pro 232/238

WorkCentre &
               Switch Mode
WorkCentre Pro 245/255

WorkCentre &
               Switch Mode
WorkCentre Pro 265/275

WorkCentre 5135/5150                Switch Mode

               Switch Mode

               Switch Mode

Device Differences

Embedded Browser
Class of EIP

Off-box validation

Scan Extension
Network Config

Scan Template

Access Config

Security Mgmt

Copy Services
Device Config



Job Mgmnt

(Version 1)
Job Based

UI Config

Product All Services
or Switch

               All Services

WorkCentre 7120/7125                Switch Mode

WorkCentre 7232/7242                Switch Mode
               All Services

WorkCentre 7425/28/35                All Services

WorkCentre 7655/65/75                All Services
               All Services

WorkCentre Bookmark
               Switch Mode

               All Services

WorkCentre 5335                All Services

3635 MFP                Switch Mode

EIP 2.0 and EIP 2.5 APIs. All devices in this list also support EIP 1.0 and 1.5 APIs from
Class of EIP
USB Mass Storage

Scan Extension
Copy Services

Pull Print API

Card Reader

Job Mgmnt

(Version 2)
Job Limits

Product All Services

or Switch

WorkCentre 57xx        Switch Mode

WorkCentre 75xx        All Services
WorkCentre 4265        All Services
WorkCentre 7830/7835        All Services
WorkCentre 7845/7855        All Services
WorkCentre 58xx        All Services
WorkCentre 7220/7225        All Services

Device Differences

EIP 3.0 and EIP 3.5 APIs. All devices in this list also support EIP 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 APIs
from above.

Barcode Reader
Class of EIP






Product All Services
or Switch

ColorQube 8700/8900      All Services

ColorQube 9301/9302/9303      All Services
WorkCentre 7830/35/40/55      All Services
WorkCentre 5845/55/65/75/90      All Services
WorkCentre 7220/7225      All Services
WorkCentre 5945/5955      All Services
WorkCentre 6655      All Services
WorkCentre 3655X      All Services
WorkCentre 7970      All Services

EIP 3.72 and EIP 4.0 APIs. All devices in this list also support EIP 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and
3.5 APIs from above.
Class of EIP

Widgets and Presentation
EIP 9th Gen

Product All Services
or Switch

Xerox® VersaLink® C405 Color Multifunction Printer2   All Services

Xerox® VersaLink® C505 Color Multifunction Printer2   All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® C605 Color Multifunction Printer 2
  All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® B405 Multifunction Printer2   All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® B605 Multifunction Printer2   All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® B615 Multifunction Printer2   All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® B7025/B7030/B7035 Multifunction Printer 2
  All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® C7000/C7020/C7025/C7030 Color Multifunction Printer2   All Services
Xerox® AltaLink® B8045 / B8055 / B8065 / B8075 / B8090 Multifunction Printer   All Services
Xerox® AltaLink® C8030 / C8035 / C8045 / C8055 / C8070 Color Multifunction
  All Services

Device Differences

Class of EIP


Widgets and
EIP 9th Gen

Product All Services
or Switch

Xerox® VersaLink® C400 Color Printer1   All Services

Xerox® VersaLink® C500 Printer1   All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® C600 Printer1   All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® B400 Printer1   All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® B600 Printer1   All Services
Xerox® VersaLink® B610 Printer1   All Services

EIP 4.1 APIs. All devices in this list also support EIP 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 APIs
from above.

Updated EIP 9th Class of EIP Presentation

Web Services
and Samples

Gen Widgets


All Services or Switch Mode

Xerox® AltaLink® B8045 / B8055 / B8065 / B8075 / B8090 

  All Services
Multifunction Printer
Xerox® AltaLink® C8030 / C8035 / C8045 / C8055 / C8070 Color 
  All Services
Multifunction Printer
*Please refer to the EIP version associated with your device model from section 4 EIP
Version Support
: Devices that support a SFP configuration do not support Copy, Scan, or Scan Template APIs in
those SFP configuration
2Please refer to the EIP SDK Caveat documentation for important information about supported

Device Differences

API releases
The below chart shows when each API was introduced (EIP 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0 or

EIP 1.0 EIP 1.5 EIP 2.0 EIP 2.5 EIP 3.0 EIP 3.5 EIP 3.7 EIP 4.0 EIP 4.1

Registration Access Copy Scan EIP SNMP WebKit WebKit EIP EIP 9th Gen WorkFlow
Configuration Services Extension Web embedded embedded Widgets and Management
(See charts API Services keyboard keyboard Samples Web Service
above for (Version 2) Only supported
devices that by the latest
support this AltaLink
API) products.

Embedded Security Job Pull Print Embedded Digital Ant Ant Updated EIP 9th
Browser (Ant) Configuration Management Browser Certificate REMOVED REMOVED Gen Widgets
(WebKit) and Samples

Scan API Network Job Limits Job Limits Barcode EIP 9th Gen Enhanced
Configuration (Copy) (Print/Scan) Reader Widgets and Digital
Support Samples Certificate

Scan Card Reader


Scan Parser USB Mass

API (Parser) Storage

Extension API
(Version 1)


Off Box




Device Differences

Secure Access

Screen Sizes and Resolutions

EIP applications should be prepared for different display metrics. Configurations include "full-panel"
(800x600, 800x480, 1024x600) and "half-panel" (640x240) displays as well as various sizes (e.g.
5”, 7”, 8”, 8.5”, 9”, 10”). The UI's will also include color and monochrome displays. Expect variances
in bit depth of the display, resolution of the display, dot pitch, and color capability.

Information on the screen sizes and resolutions supported by the various Xerox devices is found in
the SDK.
Xerox Extensible Interface Platform SDK\Presentation Services\Programmers
Guide\Programmers Guide Overview\Device Model, Widget and Display Table

Proxy Setting
In newer MFDs (EIP 3.5 and later), the default setting for proxy is no longer "No Proxy". The default
is now Proxy (proxy auto-detect WPAD/PAC). This change means that a MFD by default can be
using automatically determined proxy settings even if manual proxy settings were not set on the
Note: Having the proxy enabled on a device can break apps that require proxy to be disabled (local
network only) to work correctly. If your app requires the proxy to be disabled on a device, you
should not disable the proxy but instead add a proxy exception for your server. This ensures that
other applications that do require the proxy to be enabled will still function properly.
The following devices will support this feature: WC58xx, WC59xx, WC7970, WC72xx,
WC78xx, WC3655, WC6655, all Xerox® AltaLink®, and all Xerox® VersaLink®

5. Frequently Asked Questions

This Chapter provides information to frequently asked questions and some general hints and tips
for developing an EIP application.

What is ConnectKey?
Please check the following link for information on ConnectKey.

Why is the web service or web site slow to connect?

The OS may be set to automatically Update Root Certificates, disabling the automatic update may
resolve the issue. Checking for the SSL certificate updates takes times request will not initiate until
either an update is found or the update service errors out.

Note: this solution may not be acceptable in all customer environments.

Why is there a delay before the scan job initiates?

The OS may be set to automatically Update Root Certificates, disabling the automatic update may
resolve the issue. Checking for the SSL certificate updates takes times request will not initiate until
either an update is found or the update service errors out.

Note: this solution may not be acceptable in all customer environments.

What API allows customized text within a login screen?

The Convenience Authentication API can be used to customize the login. More specifically this API
will enable the EIP application to prompt for keyboard input. Within the EIP SDK this API is found:
Authentication Services> ConvenienceAuthenticationAPI> Documentation

What attributes can be used with the scan template?

Note: Not all devices implement all attributes.

Note: A way to obtain a sample template to implement a new template is to create a template in
the device web UI browser and save file, then use the scan template client to get a copy.

 In the EIP SDK, go to ScanServices> NSA> Documentation>

Scan_Attribute_Manual_SDK.pdf. This document describes the attributes in the scan

Why is the registration information corrupted after a device reboot?

 The vendor field in the registration portion may contain a comma. Currently a comma is
not allowed in this field.

EIP SDK Integration Guide 25

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the EIP application icon disappear from the device panel?

 The vendor field in the registration portion may contain a comma. Currently a comma is
not allowed in this field.
 The icon may be hidden by access configuration.

What unique id can be used to identify a device?

 Serial numbers or MAC ids can be used as unique identifiers. Serial numbers are 9 or 10
digits (the first 3 digits identify the model).

Is there an EIP call to get serial number and/or mac address of a device?

 The getDeviceInformation call in the Device configuration web service returns this

Why is Network Accounting not enabled on the device?

 Network accounting is a paid option on some devices. The option is not installed
 Network Accounting enablement is different on the various Xerox devices, here are some
hints and tips to enable this feature.
o Ensure Admin is not logged in (Logout as admin)
o The device may need to be rebooted as the final step to enable Network
o There is a sample tool, JBAClient.exe in the EIP SDK (Accounting Services>
JBA API> Samples). Use this on the machine that is hosting the EIP application to
determine if communication with the device is enabled.

Why is there an error saying that a problem occurred trying to connect to the server?

 The OS may be set to automatically Update Root Certificates, disabling the automatic
update may resolve the issue.
 Validate certificates are enabled in EIP enablement.

Can an EIP server reside outside a firewall?

 Yes with devices that support EIP version 1.5 or later, the EIP Presentation Services
server can run outside of the firewall. EIP 1.5 or later device can be setup such that the
Browser uses a Proxy server.

Why do “????”(question marks) appear in place of “Custom Services” text?

 Ensure a correct (working) URL is being used.

 This is seen when the device gets directed to the wrong server; ensure there is not a
duplicate IP address (same as the EIP server) on the network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the EIP Application icon not appearing under Custom Services?

Note: this varies by device, the following may not apply to specific device being used. The label
names may be different on specific device being used.

 Ensure the EIP Application is registered.

 Ensure the following are enabled on the device:
o Go to Custom service setup on the device (under Properties >General Setup)
o "Display Custom Services Selection..."
o "Enable the Custom Services Browser
 The device may need to be rebooted to enable all selections.

Is it possible to configure the EIP application the default application?

Note: this varies by device, the following may not apply to specific device being used.

Note: the EIP application can be set as the default application on devices supporting EIP 1.5 or

 Yes an EIP application can be configured to be the default application. The SDK describes
this in the following section Management Services >UIConfigurationAPI

Is the setting: Enable the Extensible Services Browser “ON” by default?

Note: this varies by device, the following may not apply to specific device being used.

 For many devices, the default setting is “OFF”.

Why is there an error when a scan is initiated?

Note: this varies by device, the following may not apply to specific device being used.

 Ensure the scan Extension web service turned on at the device. It can be found via the
protocols >http > web services link (or Extensible Services Setup >Extensible service
Registration >edit).
 Ensure the FTP client is enabled.
 The template is invalid.
 The device may need to be rebooted to enable all selections.

When using the EIP registration tool, why is there an unable to authenticate user error?
 The registration API depends on a time/date stamp in the SOAP header. If the date and
time set on the device is out of sync with the client trying to contact it (server or client
application such as the registration tool). Devices coming from the factory typically have a
date way in the past; so ensure the date on the device is appropriately set.
 SSL may be checked on, but may not be enabled on the device
 SSL may be misconfigured; (port 433)
 The wrong username or password is being used, or may have been used too many times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the application fail to make an https connection on some devices but not others?
Due to potential security vulnerabilities, recent device firmware releases allows the
administrator to disable the use of TLS 1.0 for secure communications. To ensure
compatibility with various device configurations, developers should enable their
applications to connect to the device using TLS 1.2. It should be noted that previous
versions of the SDK contained code samples that used .NET 4.0 which only supports TLS
1.0 or lower. If you built your app using those code samples, you should rebuild your app
using .NET 4.6 or higher or java 8 to support TLS 1.2 protocol by default.

What devices support FTP, SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMB, Netware®?

Unless otherwise noted, the devices support all of the noted Connectivity protocols.

Device Connectivity Protocol

WC 7132 SMB, FTP
CQ 92xx FTP, SMB, HTTP, HTTPS, Netware
WC 52xx FTP, SMB, Netware, HTTP, HTTPS
Xerox 550/560 FTP, SMB, Netware, HTTP, HTTPS


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