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Computer Programming

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Roselyn Mazon September 15, 2020


Activity #1

1. What is Programming?
 Programming is the implementation of logic to facilitate specified computing
operations and functionality. It occurs in one or more languages, which differ by
application, domain and programming model. Programming language semantics
and syntax are used when constructing an application. Thus, programming
requires knowledge of application domains, algorithms and programming
language expertise. Programming language logic differs by developer. From a
high level, good code can be evaluated with factors such as Robustness that
focuses on program continuation capability, regardless of errors or incorrect data,
Reliability that focuses on correct design and algorithm implementation,
Efficiency focuses on memory, hardware or other properties used to optimize

2. Why do humans need programming? Answer with at least 5 sentences.

 Purpose of programming is to make human life better and easier. It does so
because the computer programs can perform a set of tasks once we define them
clearly. Hence we can use a computer to solve our day to day problems by
providing it clear instructions rather than solving it by our self. This saves a lot of
human time and energy so that we can concentrate on other challenging tasks that
cannot be automated. Purpose of programming is to make human life better and
easier. Everyone should learn how to program regardless of what profession we
are doing. With this programming knowledge, we can optimize our task easily
and efficiently.

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