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Language Services UK Limited



In order to maintain a professional service, it is requested that you read and agree with the conditions set out
below, any deviation may be subject to termination or disciplinary action being taken against you. All freelance
interpreters working for LSUK Limited are required to provide or obtain an enhanced DBS certificate.
Practitioners shall not delegate work, nor accept delegated work, without the full and informed consent from
LSUK. Practitioners, in recognition of their responsibility to the society, their clients, their colleagues and the
professional bodies of which they are members, shall always act with integrity and in accordance with the high
standards appropriate to practitioners within the profession.

Professional Behavior for Translators:

Working as a translator you shall only carry out work which you believe is within your linguistic and relevant
specialist competence, or which is to be checked by yourself as someone with the relevant knowledge or

You SHALL translate only from those languages in which you can demonstrate you have the requisite skills.

You shall do the best of your ability to provide highest standard and faithful translation of the source text into the
target text and use the right word in the right context.

You SHALL have sole responsibility and liability for work that you accept from LSUK, whether or not this is
delegated or subcontracted.

You are the data handler and you MUST securely store or safely delete the data.

You SHALL draw the attention to any significant ambiguities, errors, omission or imprecise language in the
material on which you work.

Professional Behaviour for Interpreters:

You MUST not sub-contract your assigned work to another freelancer without disclosing it to LSUK.

Working as an interpreter you shall only carry out work which you believe is within your linguistic and relevant
specialist competence.

You MUST resign to interpret where conflict of interest can be established e.g. engaging to interpret as a
professional interpreter for a family member or a friend.

You shall interpret truly and faithfully what is uttered, without adding, omitting or changing anything.

Accuracy is vital therfore you must ensure that you are direct and interpret only what is said to you.

Neutrality is absolute and you should resist from giving your own opinion as this can lead to suspicion of bias or

1/3 |Suite 3 Davis House • Lodge Causeway •Bristol, BS16 3JB • (T) 01173290610 •(M) 07915177068 • (E) INFO@LSUK.ORG
Language Services UK Limited


You shall not interrupt, pause or intervene and refrain from prompting or leading the client.

Our company is bound by an agreement of client confidentiality. The information you receive and anything
witnessed or heard must remain confidential. You are not permitted to discuss these matters with anyone but
the client and the service providing company (if necessary).

You SHALL maintain complete confidentiality at all times and treat any information that may come to you
in the course of your work as privileged information, not to be communicated / disclosed to any third party
without prior written authority. 

You SHALL NOT derive any gain from the privileged information acquired in the course of work

Freelancers shall keep confidential all matters in relation to a complaint, including the fact that a
complaint has been made. This clause shall not apply to any information that is required to be disclosed
pursuant to any applicable laws or the order of any competent court or other regulatory authority.

During assignments it is important that you disgress or allow improvisation to your interpretation.

Interpreters and translators are strictly forbidden to work directly with the client unless explicit
authorisation has been granted by LSUK. Normally interpreters or translators should wait for a period of no
less than 12 months after their last LSUK assignment before working for the aforementioned client. It is advised
to read more about professional code of conduct as laid out by the Institute of Linguists, copies of which are
available online or on request.

Agreed Fees:

Interpreting Time:

Unless agreed differently, we shall pay you the minimum of 1 hour or the booked time of interpretation time.
Additioanl time will be paid in the increments of 15 minutes.

Travel Time:

Travel time is paid for your return journey time. It is the time it takes you to go from your location to the place of
the assignment and back. Unless agreed beforehand, travel time is not applicable to jobs below 15 miles radius
from your location in your local city in one direction. Travel time, where applicable, shall be charged / claimed
for the most directed route as opposed to the fastest route.

Travel Expenses:

2/3 |Suite 3 Davis House • Lodge Causeway •Bristol, BS16 3JB • (T) 01173290610 •(M) 07915177068 • (E) INFO@LSUK.ORG
Language Services UK Limited


Travel expenses are to reimburse your expenses that may incur when attending an assignment in your local or
away town. If travelling by car, we will reimburse you for return mileage from your location to the place of the
assignment. Travel costs are paid in full, if travelled by public transport. We shall pay all applicable charged such
as parking fee and bridge toll. Please note, you are required to provide us with the Fare Receipts, Parking
and Bridge Toll Tickets . Travel expenses, where applicable, shall be charged / claimed for the most directed
route as opposed to the fastest route. We shall not authorise payment for any fares, parking, transport or
otherwise, unless you provide the receipts. In exceptional circumstances you are allowed to use taxi but you must
obtain our authorisation before doing so. We may not pay for taxis use without prior permission.

Translation Work:

Translation work shall be delivered on time and in the required format. All work shall be proofread prior to being
sent to us. Rates will be agreed between you and Language Services UK Limite prior to commencing any work.
A minimum of 350 words will be paid at agreed rate. If required, a Purchase Order will be issued to set out terms
for a particular translation.

Telephone Work:

For all over the phone interpretations you will be piad the agreed per minute rate. Minimum duration differ for
each session and will be discussed prior to the session.

All work carried out by you on behalf of Language Services UK Limited is done on a freelance basis, and
therefore you are responsible for any personal tax implications. You should be aware that you are not an
employee of Language Services UK Limited, therefore you are responsible for your own tax declarations,
National Insurance deductions and VAT. You must also have permission to work in the United Kingdom.

Payment Terms:

Payment are processed at the end of each month and reaches your bank on or after the 7th of the following month,
Your payment covers jobs completed between 11th of the previouse month until 10th of the current month. All
timesheets and/or invoices must reach our office, fully completed and signed, no later than 10th of the payment
month. We encourage all our linguists to send all completed timesheets within 3 days after the completion of the
assignment. We may not be able to process your payment if we do not receive your signed timesheets before the
deadline. We can pay by BACS and cheque. It is your responsibility to provide us with the most up to date

If the Company makes an overpayment to you to which you are not entitled or is more than that to which you are
entitled, you agree to allow the Company to recover the overpayment by deductions from your salary or other
payments due to you. Any deductions will normally be made over the same period that the overpayment was

It is in your interests to regularly check your remittance slips. You shall direct all your payment related queries to
PAYROLL@LSUK.ORG within 7 days of the receipt of your payment slip. Any payment related disputes will be
adjusted in the next pay run.

3/3 |Suite 3 Davis House • Lodge Causeway •Bristol, BS16 3JB • (T) 01173290610 •(M) 07915177068 • (E) INFO@LSUK.ORG
Language Services UK Limited


Cancellations / Amendments:

If we cancel a booking on short notice (on the day) we will pay you 100% of your fee for all such
cancellations / amendments.
While we appreciate that emergencies cannot be avoided, please Do Not Cancel On Short Notice Once You
Confirm Your Availability. It is essential that you provide us with at least 48 hours notice if you are unable to
attend an appointment for whatever reason. Failure to do so may result in cancellation costs being payable by
yourself. We will deduct equivalent to 100% of fee for all on the day cancellations or non- attendance and 50%
for all cancellations within 24 hours. These charges will be recovered from your previous or future payments as
deductions for non-attendance or cancellation. You must not delegate work to another party or person on
your behalf.


You should arrive at least 5 minutes before the set time. Introduce yourself to make the client aware of your
arricval. Isolate yourself and avoid engaging into any discussion with the service user. Do not enter in to
properties before the arrival of your contact (the client). Your arrival or latenesses shall be reported to LSUK and
or recorded on the timesheet. All mobile phones must be switched off or put on silient during assignments, unless
requested by the client, or if permission has been explicitly granted.

Dress Code:

You must be presentable and be approprietly dressed every time you attend an assignment. A Tidy Casual Dress
is acceptable.

ID Badges and Dress Code:

You must wear your interpreter Identity Badge every time you are attending an assignment. Be Aware! our mistry
shoppers may report negative feedback to LSUK management#


You must take LSUK timesheet to each assignment and send us a properly completed timesheet within 24 hours
of the assignment. The timesheet must be signed both by yourself and the case worker ( assignment in charge).
Incomplete timesheets can not be processed, all incomplete timesheets will be returned to yourself for complition
and resubmission. It is your responsibility to claim all applicable expenses on the timesheet and provide us with
the reciepts for any incurring expenses. We can not pay you all unclaimed or without receipts expenses at a later
date. You can submit your timesheet to us online at our website, by post, using Whats App or by Email. As

4/3 |Suite 3 Davis House • Lodge Causeway •Bristol, BS16 3JB • (T) 01173290610 •(M) 07915177068 • (E) INFO@LSUK.ORG
Language Services UK Limited


a professional it is your reposnisbility to send us the timesheet, we shall not be chasing you for your timesheet.
Timesheets delay our invoices thus we will not pay you until the month after if you do not send us timesheets by
the 10th of each month.


You must ensure that you arrive on time since latenesses are not considered professional. Neither we nor our
client would like it if you inform us about your potential latness a few minutes before or after the assignment’s
start time. Communication is a king, All latenesses must be reported to us in good time and well before LSUK
contacts you for your lateness.

You must plan your journey and allow suffiecient time to commute from your location to the assignment location
on time. We operate a strict late atendance or no atendance fining policy. All latenesses more than 5 minute are
considered lateness and any lateness more than 30 minutes are considered no attendance. We may have to provide
fee free service in compesation for your late attendance or last minute cancellation – if this was the case we will
have no other option but to deduct the fine amount from your payment for a previous or future job.

Self Employment – Freelance Work:

Interpreting and Translation work is self-employed / freelance work. When you accept an interpreting or
translation work you will be conducting that as a Self Employed – Freelance professinal. We will not deduct your
taxes from the agreed payment and as a freelance interpreter, you should understand that you are self-employed
and you yourself are responsible for declaring your income from interpreting / transation work, payments of your
taxes and NI contributions to HMRC. Additionally, you are indeminfying Language Services UK Limited from
any result / liability should you failed to do so.

The terms of this agreement may subject to change in that case we will inform you of any changes to terms via
email as an attahment or in the email body. We would be grateful if you could sign and post this document to us
at your earliest convenience, it is advisable for you to keep a copy of this document. By signing this document,
you have entered into an agreement with us to deliver your professional services as and when they are allocated to
you.You are bound by the conditions set above.

Signed By (Liguist)_____________________________________ Dated_______________________________

Print Name (Liguist) :

Signed By (Company) __________________________ Name: _____________________________

5/3 |Suite 3 Davis House • Lodge Causeway •Bristol, BS16 3JB • (T) 01173290610 •(M) 07915177068 • (E) INFO@LSUK.ORG

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