HS Dimple

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HS Dimple

(Please ANALYSE my literary work and send feedback at my email address-

sohnanaam@gmail.com. Thanks in advance for kind perusal)


When I gather my courage and look at thee,

To lighten the worries and feel free,
And with a twain of eyes get a glance
To feel the grace, I turn at once
Towards the visage where beauty dwells
Where smiles dance and the charm swells
I feel if I am in the company of Almighty
Where all are beautiful and everything is pretty
Where eyes talk and the tresses flow
And the cynosure is your forehead’s glow
Then mind and eye enter a debate and fight
To relish the charm is whose right?
Eyes want to see and the heart want to win
Please satiate both as leaving is a sin
I trow your mind will understand my compulsion
I am killed by your beauteous impression


My poems will remain for time to come

I may die but these will become
My voice for those who love life
Who want to win peace and rid the strife
None of these is writ by me, dear
Someone whispered into my ear
The verses that ye read as my composing
Who? I don’t know, just went on jotting
All that He spake for me for I wrote
Learn them by heart or by rote
As they are true to me and the laity
They are everything but coax or gaity
They are filled with me head and tail
Of earth and heavens where gods trail
Can you tell me how should I write
To delight you all sans any spite
So I end the lyric but not end up
As the life is to go on and forever up

If I could write the poetry of they eyes!
Where gods dwell and the grace lies
Where arrows come from to kill my being
Where the beauty is for ever never fleeing
The eternal flame in this twain is never dimmed
Even if fall on temples thy tresses untrimmed
The light is there of hope and more
The unravish’d beauty in them is a folklore
The music of thy beauty must go on
For the connoisseurs to relish whenever alone
As the Beethovan is not here for ever
And the Mona Lisa in thy eyes gives a shiver
When Michaelanglo in God gave thou a finish
Must have thought not to part with this
May I dare have a glance at you once more
The company of thy eyes is my wish’s core

Maiden Middle
Some things, I shall never forget in life. Especially the maidens, I mean the
maiden things in my life. My maiden ‘standing first’, maiden ‘best athlete
title’, maiden ‘haircut’ all against the wishes of mom and dad, maiden
hubby’s kiss and his maiden virgin touch. And of course this MIDDLE, which
is going to be the maiden middle, penned by me and published in the
envious middle space of the editorial page, obviously, if it sees the light of
the day, I mean you read it.
I was in the school when I was frequently abdomished by my mom for being
so dull. I promised my mom to hit the jackpot and be a winner. I worked
hard, crammed all by heart and Lo and behold, come 31st March (then it
was a fixed date), the head teacher announced my name in her Himesh
Reshmyya type nasal tone, “Dimple is the topper”, and I could not believe it.
Nor my friends, my peers, my gang members, my boyfriend or mom. It was
a dream, a dream coming true, and my joy knew no bounds, then. I was
crowned, awarded, kissed, embraced and lifted. That day is as fresh in my
mind, as if it were just YESTERDAY. Yes, yesterday!
And then the first Best Athlete title. I remember those long heavy crunching
hours, in the morning, when on pressure from my beauteous mom and
forceful dad, I would enter the ground and run and run and run. The D-day
came and I ran my way to the Best Athlete trophy. Eyes of boys followed me
and my long flowing tresses (loosely done braid) hanging behind back
touching my buttocks.
How can I forget my maiden haircut, too. I had just joinded the college,
when my lengthy tresses became the target of attack, the butt, the
favourite subject for the girls to tease me. Ultimately, I decided to get my
precious possession, scissored off! I untied my hair, the salon girl sprinkled
some water on my tresses, looked at my scaring face, gave a smile and
asked, “How long mam?” No long, do it short, I retorted back. “I mean, how
long be kept?” “No, just cut it. I know nothing more.” She opered a
colourful book of beauties with haircuts, stylishly. I was shocked. I will be
like these. So bold. And I never looked back or behind. Why to? I had no
braid hanging backside to look at. Now it’s a routine. Like Bipasha, I too got
my hair snipped and got short hair, which I longed for long.

The POWER of words

Words are power. Like money, beauty and knowledge, words also act as the
weapons which help a person rule the roost, nay world. In today’s world of
social interaction, knowledge explosion, and split second communication,
the power is commanded bot by those who possess artillery, but the
vocabulary, and skill of its usage.
The slogan ‘conquer the word to conquer the world’ is coined by one, who
knew best the power of words. No wonmder, all the great wordsmiths of the
world were well aware of the intensity and density of the meaningful
semantic structures. Otherwise wonders like John Keats, John Milton and
John Donne had same 26 letters, as you or me have. However, we the lesser
mortals have to consult lexicons or Thesaurus to fit a round peg in round
hole and square in square. Even then sometimes we face a piquant situation
to fail to dot our I or cross our x. But the men and women of letters are
alwars penny wise and pound wisest, esp in terms of wit, humour, syntax
and semantics.
Words are a bliss for humanity. They give us a chance to give vent to our
feelings, emotions and fears and pleasures. If silence is silver, speech is
gold and the words act as Midas, whose magic touch creates genis out of
mortal eartheran lamps.
Word wizards like William Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Jones created
literary masterpieces, as they have been canny enough to make perfect use
of permutations and combinations of various alphabets.
The magical power of words is known well to leaders, actors, orators,
teachers and the speakers, who make both ends meet by dent fo their oily
or lolly polly tongues. Every word spoken by Amitab Bachchan matters and
drsaws one 1000 rupees out of the organized of a fete or function, at which
he is called, every word pronounced by ABV creates a hole in the stomach of
ruling alliance. Every word spoken by Aish in a film earns her Mullah, kudos
and a never-ending list of admirers. And every word written in this essay
begs your attention. I keep my fingers crossed.


Look or the outlook is more significant than anything else in today’s see-
saw world, in which the ‘dare and bare’ philosophy rules the roost. Vanity
and hypocrisy have made our tragic world full of ‘comedy of manners’, in
which the difference amid a rich and a poor lissome can be made not from
the quantity of the wardrobe, covering their flesh, but by the brand name.
Other wise, it is either a too-much kissed Malaiaka Sherawat can’t be
differentiated from a street beggar on any basis as both wear a strip around
the breast and a underwear, nay outerwear! The smooch rule the minds and
the beauty is not a milimeter deeper than skin.
The term beauty is often read in context of the colour and the complexion of
the person in consideration. But the million dollar question is: Is the beauty
just limited to the outer or external being of a persona? Few know that the
beauty is much more than the exterior. Rather it is in sense of quality. The
wise men aver that a beauteous person is he who has something which the
others lack and strive to have that. If the fair complexion has been the sole
criteria of beauty the all oriental people would have been winsome and the
blacks, the ugly ones. But this is not the case. If the litmus test of the
beauty like Miss Universe and the Miss world contest results of the last
decade are any indication, the black lissome are (hold your breath!)
comparatively prettier and smarter. The seductive smile of Karaina Kapur,
elephantine gait of Bipaasha Baasu, serpentine tresses of Ameesha Patel
and chameleonine haircuts of Preity Zinta are too tempting to ignore.
The beauty is a harmonious mix-up of mind and heart. The face, according
to Shakespeare, is at third place. John Keats, the world famous bard too
sees “more beauty inside” than on the visage. He has in his oft-quoted ‘Ode
on Grecian Urn’ stressed,
“the truth is beauty, and beauty truth,
ye know on Earth, all ye need to know”
He emphasizes that the external beauty is short-lived but the internal
beauty is permanent. For him, “the heard melodies are sweet, but those
unheard are sweeter.”
Every girl can’t be Aishwayra-perfect. A goody-goody face allures one and
all. But what worth is the beauty of Helen, whose beauteous visage was
responsible for the calumnious battle of Troy. The beauty f tens of
thousands of girls becomes their for when they are dragged out of their
homes, by the pimps to force them to be whores or the strumpets. Or to be
forced to tie nuptial knot with the money bags. Phew! Was not Socrates a
disfigured thinker and Maharaja Ranjeet Singh as ugly emperor, but the
imprints left by them on the sands of time are too good to faded. The
inimitable Shabana Azmi or melody queen are too not too eye-sweet ones,
but ht performance of both on screen and the crooning field is unparalleled.
So the day the man understands the real beauty the days of evil doers
would turn numbered. And let us keep our fingers crossed! Amen!!


The term beauty is often read in context of the colour and the complexion of
the person in consideration. But the million dollar question is: Is the beauty
just limited to the outer or external being of a persona? Few know that the
beauty is much more than the exterior. Rather it is in sense of quality. The
wise men aver that a beauteous person is he who has something which the
others lack and strive to have that. If the fair complexion has been the sole
criteria of beauty the all oriental people would have been winsome and the
blacks, the ugly ones. But this is not the case. If the litmus test of the
beauty like Miss Universe and the Miss world contest results of the last
decade are any indication, the black lissome are (hold your breath!)
comparatively prettier and smarter.

The beauty is a harmonious mix-up of mind and heart. The face, according
to Shakespeare, is at third place. John Keats, the world famous bard too
sees “more beauty inside” than on the visage. He has in his oft-quoted ‘Ode
on Grecian Urn’ stressed,

“the truth is beauty, and beauty truth,

ye know on Earth, all ye need to know”
He emphasizes that the external beauty is short-lived but the internal
beauty is permanent. For him,
“the heard melodies are sweet,
but those unheard are sweeter.”

A goody-goody face allures one and all. However, what is the worth of the
beauty of Helen, whose beauteous visage was responsible for the
calumnious battle of Troy. The beauty of tens of thousands of girls becomes
their curse, when they are dragged out of their homes, by the pimps to force
them to be whores or the strumpets. Or to be forced to tie nuptial knot with
the money bags. Phew! Was not Socrates a disfigured thinker and Maharaja
Ranjeet Singh as ugly emperor, but the imprints left by them on the sands
of time are too good to fade. The inimitable Shabana Azmi or melody queen
are too not too eye-sweet ones, but the performances of both on screen and
in the crooning field is unparalleled.

To get the long and short of the whole debate, we wait for the day, when
the man understands the real beauty, and the days of evil doers turn
numbered. And let us keep our fingers crossed! Amen!!

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