Case Study #1

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1. What are the identified unethical practices in this case? What ethical remedies
can you suggest?
The recognized unethical practices in this case is about tardiness. Emma is
always absent nor has been late for than ten times in a month violating the company’s
policy. Because of her baby that needs intensive medical monitoring, she neglects her
duty as an employee of the company.
In my own opinion, the ethical remedies that I can suggest are the following:
 Emma should divide her time equally between her work and her baby. She
should make a plan about her time management to manage her time
effectively and efficiently to avoid the possibility of neglecting her duties
as a mother and as an employee.
 She should consider the choice of hiring a nanny that will take care of her
 Lastly, since her husband does not have a job at the moment, her husband
should take over the duties of taking care of their child.
1. Was the act of Talitha in awarding the contract to the competitor of Adeda
The act of Talitha in awarding the contract to the competitor of Adeda was
unethical. They have no sense of justice. During their downfall, Adeda was there to
get their back. Adeda helps them to find solution to the problem they were facing but
then, when the problem was solved, they forget the good deeds that Adeda has done
for them just because of a mere compromise made by the other company.
2. Can Adeda go after Talitha for reasons that they were the ones who help them
make the new product perfect?
They could definitely go after Talitha because they have the right. Working
for that project for more than a year was never easy. They should harvest the fruit of
their hard work. If necessary, they could also sue Talitha because it is an act of
betrayal for what they have done.
3. Was the business relationship mutual from the very first engagement?
Yes, I think it is partly mutual because those two companies will never agree
to work with each other if they do not have a mutual relationship from the very start.
Being practicable, every business person knows the ‘give and take’ relationship and I
think that would be enough reason to prove that they have mutual business
relationship from the very first engagement.

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