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Academic Vocabulary in Use

Test 2
Task 1. Complete the sentences using the words in the box below. Change the forms of the words when necessary. Be
careful, there are more words than you need.

Alarm Approach Aspect Assessment Awareness Consider Establish

Feature Identification Issue Methodology Model Nature Number
Pattern Perspective Principle Range Repetition Research Reveal Scope
Significant Statement Subject Theme Theory Topic View

1. She's got some very interesting things to say on the _____________________.

2. If you ______________________ how long he's been learning the piano, he's not very good.
3. The _________________________ of freedom recurs throughout her writing.
4. An article on this _______________________ would once have been considered off limits.
5. The party is divided over the __________________________ of capital punishment.
6. He has a _________________________ that the hole was caused by a meteorite.
7. My original _______________________ has been completely distorted by the media.
8. They created an education system on the European _____________________.
9. If you think that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads, you completely misunderstand
the _____________________ of the problem.
10. The machine works according to the _____________________ of electromagnetic conduction.
11. We want to prevent a _____________________ of last summer's fires, which destroyed more than 500,000
acres of land.
12. Lighting is a vitally important ______________________ of filmmaking.
13. The town's main ___________________________ are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace.
14. I'm afraid that question is beyond the ____________________ of my lecture.
15. As an actor he could communicate a whole ____________________ of emotions.
16. The _____________________ of family life has been changing over recent years.
17. The ______________________ of people killed in traffic accidents fell last month.
18. There has been an ________________________ rise in the rate of inflation.
19. The discovery of the new drug is of great _______________________ to people suffering from heart problems.
20. Most of the bodies were badly burned, making ___________________________ almost impossible.
21. Would you say that is a fair __________________________ of the situation?
22. They are doing some fascinating ____________________ on the language of dolphins.
23. Everyone will have a chance to make their _____________________ known at the meeting.
24. We really ought to ___________________________ the problem in a more scientific manner.
25. The __________________________ and findings of the research team have been criticized.
26. Public _________________________ of the problem will make politicians take it seriously.
27. He was jailed for ________________________ secrets to the Russians.
28. He writes from a Marxist ________________________.
29. The country is run on socialist __________________________.
30. The brewery was __________________________ in 1822.

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