Iadc/Spe: IADC/SPE 14801 Pore Pressure and Porosity From MWD Measurements

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IADC/SPE 14801

Pore Pressure and Porosity From MWD Measurements

by W.G. Lesso Jr. and T.M. Burgess, Anadri/1 Schlumberger
SPE Members

Copyright 1986, IADC/SPE 1986 Drilling Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1986 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas, TX, February 10-12, 1986.

This paper was selected tor presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the
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ABSTRACT There is frequently a need to interpret formation
This paper describes a new empirical technique for pore pressures while drilling. At one extreme a
interpreting pore pressure and porosity while kick can result if the mud weight falls below the
drilling from MWD measurements of mechanical pore pressure at any point in the open wellbore. At
and formation properties. In-situ rock strength is the other extreme, the formation might break down
computed on a foot by foot basis from MWD weight if the weight of the mud exceeds the fracture
on bit and torque, plus surface computed values of pressure at any point in the open wellbore. If the
rate of penetration and rotary speed. The resultant pore pressure is reliably known, the mud weight
strength is sensitive to formation properties. can be kept just overbalanced resulting in safe
drilling and higher rates of penetration. This is a
Locally, the strength is modelled as a function of starting point for drilling optimization.
the clay fraction (computed from the MWD gamma
ray), and the porosity. Inverting the relationship Currently there are only two methods for directly
gives the "drilling" porosity. Logs of drilling measuring pore pressures. One is by wireline
porosity are very similar to logs of "density" formation testing techniques, the other is by
porosity measured by wireline tools. drillstem testing. Both occur after drilling, and
since they are costly they only tend to be used in
On a large scale a comparison is made between the the vicinity of hydrocarbon bearing zones.
average strength of the shales, and the predicted
strength of shales in normally pressured All other methods of determining· pore pressures
sequences in the same area. The pore pressure is are inferences or interpretations. They are based
estimated from the ratio between the two. on three types of measurements:

The technique is demonstrated with two examples. o mud-logging data

It is concluded that the method could significantly o physical formation measurements
improve pore pressure evaluation while drilling, o drilling data
particularly when used with standard mud-logging
techniques. Relevant mud-logging data consist primarily of
surface measurements of gas in the drilling mud,
and measurements of the density of shale cuttings.
An Increase in the background or connection gas,
and a change in the trend in the shale density, are
References and illustrations at end of paper. often used as qualitative indicators of increasing
pore pressure.

Relevant physical formation measurements are The DWOB measurement enables the rock strength
wireline recorded values of resistivity, acoustic to be calculated with the "true" weight on bit. This
properties, and density logs. A change in the trend is particularly important in deviated holes or in
of these values in shales is often interpreted as a sections of poor wellbore stability where
change in pore pressure 1. Until MWD resistivity tran~mission of weight is poor. The third has been
was available, these techniques could not be used the development of new drilling models 4 that
while drilling. have shown how the DTOR can be used to
effectively correct the strength measurement for
Drilling data initially consisted of rate .Q.f bit wear. This has led to a real time rock strength
g,enetration (ROP), .§.Urface measured values of measurement that is very sensitive to porosity and
weight Qn b.it (SWOB) and mtary speed (ROT). The pore pressure.
surface torque can not be used because of large
friction losses down the drillstring. The reciprocal The next section describes a general framework
of ROP (ie. 1/ROP) normalized in some way with for .interpreting pore pressure and porosity from
the weight and rotary speed is a simple existing MWD measurements. The following section
instantaneous computation of in-situ rock then describes how the techntque is locally applied
strength at the bit. For most rock types, this to a specific abnormal pressure environment in the
strength varies inversely with the pore pressure. Gulf Coast. The method is demonstrated with two
If this function is known, the rock strength can be examples, one in a normally pressured environment
used to interpret the pore pressure. and one in an abnormally pressured environment. A
similar approach could be taken in other
Rock strength computations based on ROP are abnormally pressured environments. It is
currently the only real time measurement of concluded that this new method could significantly
formation properties at the bit. As such they must improve real time drilling evaluation, particularly
be the primary source of pore pressure information when used with standard methods based on
while drilling. Other sources of data must not be mud-logging and MWD resistivity.
ignored, but they exist in a supporting role.
Mud-logging data is normally lagged by at least 30
minutes and sometimes hours.
Rock strength measurements based on ROP are This section will describe a strategy for
normally used in a simple fashion. A gradually interpreting porosity and pore pressure from rock
increasing ROP (ie. lower strength) is often an strength measurements while drilling. This
indicator of a pore pressure increase. Often the strategy has led to the creation of a logic for data
driller decides what a "safe" ROP might be, then processing that will be implemented on rig-site
increases his mud weight if he sees the ROP computers in the near future. The result is a
increasing. The first real improvement to this program, or framework, for pore pressure
simple technique was the D-exponent based on interpretation into which specific models for
ROP, SWOB and ROT 2. A refinement on this different environments can be incorporated as they
concept, using an empirical time dependent bit are developed.
wear model, led to the Instantaneous Drilling
Evaluation Log (I DEL) 3. Both of these methods Six key concepts underlie this approach:
have been found to work well in many Gulf Coast
type environments if there is good transmission of 1) Currently, rock strength measurements
weight to the bit. computed from ROP and MWD values of weight on
bit (DWOB) and torque (DTOR), are the only
Until recently there have been no significant strictly real time measurements available from
improvements to the rock strength analysis. Three the bit, therefore they are the first indicator of
recent events have led to the advancements abnormal pressures and porosity.
described in this paper. The first is the advent of
powerful computers at the well-site for real time 2) Although rock strength is the cornerstone of
data acquisition and processing. 9 The importance this analysis, it should not be considered in
of efficient data organization should not be isolation from other techniques based on
underestimated. The second has been the mud-logging and MWD physical formation
introduction of MWD measurements of Q.ownhole measurements.
~eight Qn .Qit (DWOB) and .Qownhole torque {DTOR).

14801 W.G. LESSO, JR. and T.M. BURGESS 3

3) Any pore pressure/porosity interpretation pressure while circulating:

technique must be proven to have local validity.
This involves two steps: RS = f1 (matrix)*f2(0)*f3( ~p) .............................. 1
i) establishing the mechanism responsible for
the abnormal pressures and the associated Equation 1 can only be justified if the parameters
models, of the model are selected on a local basis and if
ii) determining the parameters of the model
the model is not used across a very wide range of
from offset well data.
This approach results in an interpretation that is
finely tuned to a particular environment.
For a "clean" formation, like a sand, f 1 would be a
4) The steps in an interpretation must be clearly constant (possibly related to the bit type). For a
explained and easy to understand by wellsite shaly formation, f 1 can be a function of the
personnel. This is particularly important when percentage of clay.
using an interpretation in the urgency of a real
time drilling problem. "Black-box" techniques f2 is assumed to have the same functional form
should be discouraged.
for all rock matrices, but can have a parameter
5) The computation of porosity and pore pressure which varies as a function of the matrix. The
relationship used in the examples is:
should be as independent as possible. This is
largely because of scale effects. The effect of .................................................................. 2
lithology on rock strength can be about an order of
magnitude greater than the effect of pore pressure
on strength. Significant changes in porosity can The function f3 is positive and increases with ~p.
occur over distances as small as six inches, It is defined to be equal to 1 when ~P equals 0.
however significant variations in pore pressure
occur over much greater distances. This can be b) In permeable rocks, like porous sands, the
used to distinguish between pore pressure and differential pressure effect is negligible. It is
porosity. The pore pressure interpretation should assumed that the spurt loss ahead of the bit is
not depend on the porosity interpretation. This sufficient to equilibrate the pore pressure over
prevents errors in one from being compounded in the rock failure surface. This amounts to setting
the other. f3 equal to 1 in sandstones.

6) The interpreted porosity must have real

quantitative significance and be strongly c) The pore pressure gradient only changes in-
correlated with a well known porosity impermeable formations .like shales. In permeable
measurement. This can be done by creating a formations, like porous sands, the pore pressure
"drilling" porosity which has the characteristics gradient with (true vertical) depth remains
of a wireline formation density porosity. The constant and equal to the pore pressure gradient in
density log was selected since it is normally the immediately adjacent impermeable zones.
available after drilling and the matrix volume
computation from it correlates well with rock d) The differential pressure can be predicted from
strength. The density is considered one of the the ratio of the average rock ~trength (ARS), to the
most accurate porosity computations and is expected rock .s_trength when the differential
usually available on offset wells. · pressure is .Q (RSO). This can be written as:

Apart from these six concepts, the following ARS = RSO* f3 ( .6p ) ................................. .- ................ 3
assumptions are made about the physical behavior
of rocks under the bit: This is consistent with equation 2 above. RSO is
deduced from offset well drilling data. It amounts
a) The rock ~trength (RS) can be expressed as the · to a second independent measurement. Thus
product of three functions related to the rock porosity and pore pressure are computed from RS
matrix, the porosity (0), and the differential and RSO.
pressure ( ~p ) between the ~quivalent Qirculating
.Q.ensity (ECD) of the mud and the pore pressure
gradient. The ECD is the effective bottom hole


In the examples below the following function was otherwise ~Pis unchanged.
used: ix) go to i)

f3(~) = a*arctan[b* ~ +C] + a/2 ............................. .4 The recommended computation of in-situ rock
strength is the one described by Burgess and
where the parameters a, b, and c were chosen to Lesso 4 for milled tooth bits. It has been found to
satisfy the constraints on f3 and to fit the offset be very sensitive to pore pressure and porosity
effects. ·
well data.
AS= 8* a1 *DWOB*AOT*Eff I (AOP*BS2) ........ 5
In practice the functional forms of f 1 , f2 , and f3
depend upon the mechanism causing the abnormal a1 is a "bit" constant associated with the cutting
pressuring. Most authors recognize at least six
di~tinct ~echa~isms, namely; undercompaction action of the bit. Eff is a.n efficiency term related_
w1th rap1d bunal, shale diagenesis, abnormal to the tooth wear. It is computed from the
therm~l gradients, hydrocarbon generation, DTOA/DWOB ratio. If only surface values are
t~cton1c forces, and faulting and vertical available, a "second best" computation can be made
displacement of sealed formations. References 5 by replacing the MWD downhole weight on bit with
and 6 give a more detailed treatment. a surface value and by setting Eff to the value 1.
(This might tend to overestimate the rock strength
In practice, prior to drilling, one would establish resulting in a low estimate of pore pressure).
the c.ause ?f abnormal pressures from general
cons1derat1ons (seismic, geology, basin
development) and select the functional forms of LIMITATIONS OF THE TECHNIQUE
f 1 , f2, and f3 accordingly. The approach is So far this approach to pore pressure and porosity
interpretation has only been tested in the Gulf of
sufficiently flexible that the user can define the Mexico.
functions best suited to his needs. Few
constitutive equations have been published, The strength analysis has only been tested with
therefore the functions and the parameters mill tooth bits.
asso.c~ated with th~m are usually selected
e~p!ncally after mterpreting drilling and The rock strength in equation 5 accounts for the
w1rellne logs from offset or neighboring wells.
mechanical work expended during drilling and
During drilling, the porosity and·pore pressure are neglects the work expended hy the hydraulics. The
computed on a real time basis according to the mud is considered only as a transport device· to
following (simplified) algorithm: remove cuttings and ensure 1OOo/o cleaning under
the bit. It will not give a reliable rock strength
0) Initialize parameters, and in surface hole computation in those cases in which jetting is
assume the pore pressure is equivalent to used to drill. Other interpretations of rock
hydrostatic. strength might do equally well.
i) Drill a unit of depth.
ii) Calculate True Vertival Depth (TVD) from Prior to performing the interpretation in real time
survey data. it is necessary to establish the mechanism causing
the abnormal pressuring and to perform drilling
iii) Calculate ECD from mud weight, pump rate, interpretation on data from an offset, neighboring,
pipe depth, etc. ·
or exploration well.
iv) Calculate rock strength from ROP, ROT, MWD
v) Calculate Shale Index (SI) from AS or MWD
vi) Calculate 0 from: GULF COAST MODEL
0 = f2 -1 [AS/f 1(SI)*f 3 ( ~p )] The preceding sections have defined a strategy and
a framework for obtaining a reliable calculation of
using previous value of ~p. pore pressure and porosity in real time. This
vii) Calculate average rock strength (AAS) from approach has been used to develop a model of the
previous AS values.
effects of undercompaction and shale diagenesis
viii) If Sl is high (ie. impermeable) calculate
on sand shale sequences in the Gulf of Mexico.
~p = f3- 1(AAS/RSO),
14801 W.G. LESSO, JR. and T.M. BURGESS 5

Under compaction is defined as the rapid burial of volume (1-0) is plotted versus rock strength.
sediments that would normally settle into a Both are on a logarithmic scale. The analysis of
competent matrix. It cannot compact because the rock strength as compared to porosity data in this
rate of burial is relatively high compared to the fashion is the key to the interpretation of pore
rate at which the water can escape. Diagenesis is presure and porosity. Equation 6 on the plot, is a
a broadly used term. In this context, it shall be straight line with slope b. It is called the sand
used to represent a chemical transformation of line. The lower end of this line corresponds to the
clay minerals such as smectites (mainly porosity and strength of clean sandstone. It is
montmorillonite) to illite. This results in, among called the sand point. For less porous (or more
other changes, a dehydration of the clays and the compacted) sandstones, the strength and matrix
release of free water. volume increase. This corresponds to points
moving up the sand line. This is verified in the
Both these events affect the porosity and pore examples.
pressure of formations in the Gulf Coast. They are
similar in that excess trapped water begins to It has been found from data analysis that data
support a larger portion of the total stress in the corresponding to shales tend to lie near or on the
rock. 5,6,? extrapolation of the sand line. The density porosity
of shales is usually always much less than the
In regard to permeability, two types of rock are density porosity of sands, regardless of the true
commonly encountered in the Gulf Coast. These porosity. This means that in terms of strength,
are sandstones and shales. Sandstone is several shales hypothetically resemble very fine grained
orders of magnitude more permeable than shale. cemented sandstones on the strength/density bulk
There is also a marked difference in rock strength volume cross-plot. The centroid of the cloud of
between sand and shale. Shales drill much slower points corresponding to shale is called the clay
than sands. By maintaining a running average of point. It corresponds to a shale with the shale
rock strength in shale and establishing an envelope average rock strength (SARS) and the QJ.ay point
around this, a sand/shale decision can be made porosity 0cl. In the absence of low porosity sands,
(Fig. 1). When the actual rock strength is below the sand line is defined by joining the clay point to
the envelope, the matrix has sufficient the sand point.
permeability to be called a sand or shaly sand.
Within the envelope it is a shale. A MWD gamma The next step is to define the porosity relationship
ray measurement can be used to confirm the for shale. Density porosity of shales is nearly
sand/shale decision. This is based on selecting a always low. This means that changes in the clay
gamma ray value for sand and another for shale. point with porosity will appear as a fairly flat
The two "picks" will be changed when the levels of curve on the cross-plot. These changes in porosity
the gamma ray measurement change (Fig. 2). of shale in the Gulf Coast environment are usually
due to the effects of compaction or from pore
Either of these two methods can be used to pressure changes. The changes are modelled by
automatically make a sand/shale decision. another straight line passing through the clay
point. It is called the shale line (see figure 4). The
Once the lithology is determined, it is possible to shale line is not well defined over short intervals.
interpret the porosity. From the general function However over several thousands of feet there is
between porosity and rock strength (equation 1), a normally sufficient change in shale porosity to
specific equation has been developed empirically define a reasonable line. This can be done on
for Gulf Coast lithologies using wireline density previous or nearby wells and then this line can be
porosity. used reliably throughout a field.
For a sandstone the assumption is that: Experience has shown that shaly sands tend to lie
above the sand line. As shale content increases,
(1-0) =a· Rsb ................................................................ 6
points appear to move from the sand point to the
clay point, describing an arc above the the sand
where a and b are constants. Equation 6 is a line (see figure 4). Using the sand and shale lines,
specific application of equations 1 and 2, where a simple method for interpolating porosity in shaly
1/b=m, and (1/a)(1/b) = f1(matrix) (f3 (L\p)=1). sands has been developed. The fan of lines
originating from the clay point shows the
relationship between rock strength and porosity
It is shown graphically in Figure 3. Density matrix
for formations of varying shale volume. This shale

volume is derived from a shale indicator such as a shape for low positive values of ~p. This behavior
MWD gamma ray. It is defined with "picks" as has ben proven successful in the Instantaneous
shown in Figure 2. This Shale Index varies from o Drilling Evaluation Log3. Second, the strength
for a clean sandstone to 1 in shales. Drilling reachs a maximum at high values of ~p, a property
porosity (0DRL) is computed from sand porosity found to occur in laboratory triaxial tests on
(0sD) and shale porosity (0sH) for a given rock shales. Third, a small change in strength in
underbalanced conditions is interpreted as a
strength as follows: significantly negative ~p. In other words the
model is sensitive to underbalanced conditions.
0sD = 1 - C3scj * RS bsd .............. ······. ..... ...... ......... ........ 7
In practice the interpreter might only have a few
0sH = 1 -8.gt, * Rsbsh ................................................. a wireline formation test pressures, or well tests
from offset wells with which to fit equation 10.
0DRL =0sH•SI+0sD•(1-SI} ······························~· 9 These are normally suff1c!er.t to well define the
Points to the right of the sand line (ie. high curve in the operating zone.
strength} normally appear to correspond to drilling
problems like bit balling or poor weight transfer if In the Gulf Coast the expected shale rock strength
surface weight on bit is used in the computation (RSO} normally appears to be a simple gradient of
instead of downhole weight on bit. true vertical depth, or to be a constant, depending
on the field and depths of interest. . It is fairly
Figure 5 shows the effect of mud weight changes straightforward to fit a simple function to the
in the interpretation. An increase in mud weight shale rock strength over several hundred or
moves the clay point along a line of constant thousands of feet of data from an offset well.
matrix bulk volume, but increases the rock
strength. This is equivalent to changing the angle The pore pressure gradient is computed as follows:-
of the sand line. The sand point remains fixed
because of the high permeability of porous sands. PPG = ECD- ~I (TVD*cf} ......................................... 11
The slope of the clay line remains unchanged. A
decrease in mud weight has the inverse effect. where ECD is the equivalent circulating density of
the mud. TVD is the true vertical depth and cf is
Differential pressure is computed using shale the conversion factor (English: 0.0519 psilft to
average rock strength (SARS). The relationship lbslgal).
currently used for the under compaction I
diagen~sis model is:
~p = x*tan{1t[(SARSIRSO}I(RSmax/RSO)] - 112}} The porosity and pore pres·sure interpretation
+Y ............................................................................... 10.
framework with the Gulf Coast application, has
been developed into a computer program so that
This is consistent with equation 4. RSmax is an large amounts of drilling data can be analyzed.
estimate of the maximum strength of shale in a Two wells from different parts of the Gulf of
very overbalanced condition. The analysis is not M_exi~o are presented here. The analysis includes
sensitive to the choice of RSmax provided it is w1rel1ne data where available. A uniform display
much larger (say more than 5 times) than RSO. x of t~e data ha_s been _made for ease in comparing
and y are simply constants determined from the the 1nterpretat1ons. F1gures 7 and 1o are six track
slope of the ~P versus SARSIRSO plot at RSO logs. The first track contains the pressure data
(balanced conditions). Figure 6 is a plot of namely, differential pressure, pore pressure and
equation 10 showing the normal operating zone. mud weight. The second track contains the gamma
The ratio SARSIRSO is referred to as the ray and computed shale indicator. The third track
normalized rock strength. sho~s rock strength, shale average rock strength
and 1ts _envelope. !he fourth track is the porosity
Equation 10 was selected empirically after companson. The f1fth and sixth tracks contain the
attempting to find a function sufficiently flexible drilling data used in the analysis.
to fit published laboratory data (eg. Cheatham et
alB) and field data from drilling and wireline The first well (Fig. 7) is from the eastern Gulf of
formation tests. It has certain appealing Mexico. It has a relatively constant pore pressure
characteristics. First, it has a near exponential gradient. Figure 8 is a matrix volume from the

14801 • W.G. LESSO, JR. and T.M. BURGESS 7
strength is increasing, indicating a higher ~p. The
density and rock strength cross plot for this well. pore pressure in this area remains constant at
The sand and shale lines are drawn. The shale line about 12.0 ppg. At point "F" the strength starts to
was not easy to determine reliably at first sight decrease indicating the actual start of the pore
since there was little compaction or change in pressure increase. The pore pressure gradient
pore pressure gradient. However experience has increase was confirmed by the MWD resistivity.
shown that the clay line has a fairly constant Figure 11 is a plot of MWD gamma ray, short
slope across the Gulf Coast. Four major sand zones normal resistivity and the computed pore pressure
are circled. They cluster along the sand line. The gradient. The resistivity is on a logarithmic scale
clay point lies on the extrapolation of the sand from .1 to 1. ohm-meters. Note the correlation
line. The numbers on the points correspond to between the resistivity and computed pore
graduations on the shale indicator (in this case the pressure gradient.
gamma ray). A low number indicates low gamma
ray. These are sandstones. A higher number Point G ( on figure 10) does not correspond to a
corresponds to higher gamma ray readings and sand. This is in fact a drilling problem at the start
therefore shale points. One of the sand sections, a of a bit run.
shaly sand, has been highlighted in figure 9 to
show the increasing gamma trend, which CONCLUSIONS
demonstrates the "fan" effect on figure 4 within A general procedure has been described for
the accuracy of the data. · determining pore pressure and drilling porosity
while drilling, in real-time from mechanical
The strong correlation between drilling porosity drilling data. The method is sufficiently flexible
and wireline density porosity, in this case, is such that new models for different environments
partly a result of making the "picks" on the same can be incorporated as they are developed.
set of data. Nonetheless it is striking that much of
the fine detail is repeated on both logs. Two The method is applied on a local basis by picking
discrepanCies are noted. At point "A", the density key parameters of the model from an analysis of
porosity increases. The gamma ray indicated a offset wells.
continuing shale. The wireline 9aliper showed an
enlarged hole at this depth indicating a washed out The drilling porosity approximates the familiar
shale with possible loss of density pad contact density porosity.
leading to erroneously high porosity computations. Pore pressure can be computed by comparing the
Point "8" shows a 30 foot section of abnormally average rock strength in impermeable formations
low drilling porosity. The rate of penetration is to the expected strength at balanced conditions.
also very low for that section. This was a cored
interval, where drilling conditions differ from This resulted in a specific interpretation
strength models used here. procedure for Gulf of Mexico wells, in which the
mechanisms for overpressuring were identified as
The next example (Fig. 10) shows a well from the shale under compaction and diagenesis. The·
central Gulf of Mexico. In this case the cross-plot procedure was demonstrated with two examples.
picks were made from experience on offset wells.
The new technique is probably the most
There is a pore pressure increase confirmed by RFT quantitively reliable real-time method available
data (at points "A" and "B") and by MWD resistivity for formation evaluation and pore pressure
data. determination while drilling. Other methods based
on mud-logging or formation evaluation
Drilling porosity was compared to sonic porosity, measurements are subject to significant lag or
because the density porosity was not available. depth offsets.
Wireline sonic and density porosities usually agree
in sand sections. The acoustic travel time ACKNO~EDGEMENTS
measurement usually yields a much higher We would like to thank the oil companies who
porosity in shales. Drilling porosity follows this· choose to explore drilling data analysis and allow
same pattern when compared to the sonic porosity. these results to be published. Schlumberger
Points "C" show the sands, note that the two Cambridge Research should also be recognized for
porosities do converge. many fruitful discussions on drilling models and
pore pressure mechanisms. The comments on
Point "D" shows the first mud weight increase. earlier drafts of this paper by T. R. Bates, Jr. and
Point "E" · shows the second. Note that rock G.S. Huchital were very much appreciated.


ARS average rock strength (general form) 1. Fertl, W.H. :Abnormal formation Pressures,
BS bit size Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., New York,
D1""ffi MWD torque (1976), pg.382.
DJ\03 MWD weight on bit
ECD equivalent circulating density 2. Jorden, J.R. and Shirley, O.J. : "Application of
Eft bit efficiency Drilling Performance Data to Overpressure
PA3 pore pressure gradient Detection," SPE 1407, SPE Symposium on
R:P rate of penetration Offshore Technology, New Orleans, LA.,
RJT rate of (rotary) turn (RPM) May 23-24, 1966.
RS rock strength
RSO expected rock strength at o ~P 3. Zoeller, W.A.: "Instantaneous Log is Based on
SARS shale average rock strength Surface Drilling Data," World Oil, Jan. 1978.
Sl shale index
SM:13 surface weight on bit 4. Burgess, T.M. and Lesso, W.G. :"Measuring the
TVD true vertical depth Wear of Milled Tooth Bits Using MWD Torque
a local porosity - strength offset and Weight-on-Bit," SPE/IADC 13475,
a1 cutting action bit constant SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, New Orleans,
LA., March 6-8, 1985.
b local porosity - strength exponent
cf conversion factor .0519(psi/ft-ppg)
5. Magara, K.: Compaction and Fluid Migration,
f1 rock strength - matrix function
Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., New York,
f2 rock strength - porosity function (1978), pp. 87-117.
f3 rock strength - pore pressure function
6. Hottmann, C. E. and Johnson, R.K.: "Estimation of
m porosity - ~trength exponent (general form)
Formation Pressures from Log-Derived Shale
x,y constants 1n pore pressure function
Properties," SPE 1110, 40th Annual Fall
~P differential pressure
Me.eting, Denver, CO., Oct. 3-6, 1965.
0 porosity (general form)
CZCL clay point porosity
7. Eaton, B.A.: "The Equation for Geopressure
e.t>AL drilling porosity Prediction from Well Logs," SPE 5544, 50th
0aJ sand porosity Annual Fall Meeting, Dallas, TX., Sept.28-
es, shale porosity 0ct.1 , 1975.

8. Cheatham, C.A., Nahm, J.J., Heitkamp, N.D. :

"Effects of Selected Mud Properties on Rate
of Penetration in Full-Scale Shale Drilling
Simulations," SPE/IADC 13465, SPE/IADC
Drilling Conference, New Orleans, LA., March
6-8, 1985.

9. Martin, C.A. : "Wellsite Applications of

Integrated MWD and Surface Data," SPE/IADC
14721, IADC/SPE 1986 Drilling Conference,
Dallas, TX., Feb. 10-12, 1986.

SP·E l 4- H0 -1

gamma ray gamma ray

Shale Average shale 1
•_.L__..j,--Rock Strength sand 1

Sand I Shale gamma ray

Discrimination gamma ray
Envelope sand 2 shale 2

Fig. 1-Determining sand or shale and shale average rock strength Fig. 2-The determination of shale volume from a gamma ray
from a running average of rock strength and a cutoff · measurement.



log ROCK STRENGTH (kpsi)

Fig. 3-Sandstone porosity as determined from rock strength along the lithology line for sands.




log ROCK STRENGTH (kpsi)

Fig. 4-With the shale relationship defined , a shale indicator is used to determine drilling porosity
for a strength from sand and shale porosities.
SPE 14 8 0 1



log ROCK STRENGTH · (kpsi)

Fig. 5-The effect of differential pressure on the clay point and sand line.


Ap a·tan[n~ 5 ~:x]-.sJ +b

pore pressure

effect on strength

operating zone

Normalized Rock Strength

Fig. 6-The relationship between differential pressure and shale average rock strength used in the
Gulf of Mexico.
SPE 1 4 8 0·1
-I 08-- DP -woe so
18 -MW
18 · · · .. · PPG

Fig. 7-A pore pressure and porosity analysis for a well in the eastern Gulf of
SP·E 1 4 ~ 0·1
(full log scale)


w .a
> CJ

~ .7
Ci5 ~~

.1 1 ROCK STRENGTH (kpsi) 1o 100

Fig. 8-The density matrix volume-rock strength crossplot for the well data in Fig. 7.

Sand 4 6 8


7 I.J


Fig. 9-An expansion of Sand 4 in Fig. 8, showing the trend in shaliness for that sand.
SPE 1480·1
0 ...... RPH

-RFT 11. Sppg

FT 14.6ppg

Fig. 10-A pore pressure and porosity analysis for a well in the central Gulf of Mexico.
SPE 1 4 8Q. 1

--GR - RSN
118 --PPG



pore pressure
I 13


Fig. 11-A comparison between the computed pore pressure gradient and
MWD resistivity for the well data in Fig. 10.

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