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Episode 26

The Emergency

2 Kevin is waiting for Rebecca. She walks quickly through the passenger area. She sees Kevin and rushes
3 to him. They hug.
4 REBECCA How’s Dad?
5 KEVIN (very quietly) Not good. The heart attack was pretty serious.
6 The two Caseys walk through the airport terminal.


8 A taxicab sits outside the terminal.
9 KEVIN Are you free?
10 The driver nods and gets out of the cab to help Rebecca and Kevin with the luggage. They get into the
11 and it takes off. The cab drives through the traffic, heading toward the hospital. Rebecca and Kevin sit
12 staring out the window without talking.
13 REBECCA How did it happen?
14 KEVIN He just fell on the floor in his bedroom.
15 REBECCA Was he in pain?
16 KEVIN (not showing emotion) Yeah. (sighs)
17 REBECCA Were there any signs. . . I mean. . . before...?
18 KEVIN I don’t know exactly. He wasn’t feeling well. . . and then. . . it just happened...


20 Dad struggles to get to the bathroom to take his medicine. Suddenly, he is hit by the pain of a heart
21 He falls to the floor in pain. As he falls, he knocks over a lamp. Kevin hears the crash and looks up.
22 KEVIN (calls out to the other room) Dad?. . . Dad? You OK?
23 He gets up from the table and walks over to the doorway. He looks toward his father’s bedroom.
24 KEVIN Dad?. . . Oh my God...
25 He has a shocked look on his face as he sees his father on the floor.


27 Dad lies very still. He seems to be in great pain as Kevin rushes over to him.
28 KEVIN Dad?. . . Dad?. . . Hold on! .. . Hold on, Dad, hold on...
29 Kevin reaches over to the phone and dials 911.
30 911 OPERATOR Nine-one-one.
31 KEVIN Yes, this is an emergency!
32 911 Please stay calm. Tell me the problem.
33 KEVIN It’s my dad. He’s fallen over…and, um. . . he’s holding his chest.
34 911 OPERATOR Is he conscious?
35 KEVIN No...
36 911(interrupting) Stay on the line. . . I’m transferring you to an emergency medical team.

38 Inside an ambulance, an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) takes the emergency call from Kevin.
39 AMBULANCE Brewster seventy-seven...
40 KEVIN Yes, this is Kevin Casey.. . I need an ambulance.
41 AMBULANCE OK, what’s your location?
42 KEVIN I’m at ten-seven. . . ten-ninety-seven E Street, apartment three.
43 AMBULANCE What part of the city is that?
44 KEVIN South Boston.
45 AMBULANCE All right, sir, give me your phone number.
46 KEVIN Ah. . . six-eight-six-seven-seven-three-one.
47 AMBULANCE All right, Kevin, you’re doin’ fine. OK. You’re a family member?
48 KEVIN Yes, I’m his son.
49 AMBULANCE OK, do you have any medical training at all?
50 KEVIN No, I don’t.
51 AMBULANCE OK, here’s what I want you to do. Your dad’s breathing?
52 KEVIN Uh. . . barely.
53 AMBULANCE I want you to go over to him, put your hand on his chest to see if he’s
54 breathing. . . I want you to also feel his neck or his chest to see if you can feel a
55 heartbeat.
56 KEVIN OK, hold on...
57 Kevin checks his father’s breathing and heartbeat.
58 KEVIN OK, uh. . . he’s breathing. . . but barely. . . and his.. . and his. . . and his
59 heartbeat is weak...
60 AMBULANCE OK, Kevin, just slow down, you’re doin’ great. OK. Does he have any medical
61 problems?
62 KEVIN Yes, uh. . . um. . . he has a bad heart and. . . and, uh. . . uh. . . he has high
63 blood pressure, but I don’t know what medication he’s on...
64 AMBULANCE Brewster seventy-seven,.we’ll be there in about three to five minutes. That’s
65 our ETA. That will be our Estimated Time of Arrival.
66 Kevin puts down the phone and looks over his father in a panic.
67 KEVIN Hold on, Dad...
68 He grabs a blanket and places it over his father. He then sits quietly beside him, awaiting the arrival
of the
69 ambulance.
70 The ambulance races through the traffic, its siren wailing. Kevin hears the siren and goes to the
window to
71 look out. He motions to the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).
72 KEVIN Up here...!
73 He knocks on the window and then rushes to the door.


75 As the door is flung open, Dad is seen on the floor. The EMTs rush in to provide emergency care.
76 KEVIN Hey, it’s my dad...
77 EMT #1 Kevin?
78 KEVIN Yes.
79 EMT #1 How ya doin’? OK, that’s Dan. . . I’m Fitz, all right?
80 KEVIN Yeah.
81 EMT #1 How long ago did this start, Kevin?
82 KEVIN Uh. . . like ten minutes.
83 The EMT feels his pulse.
84EMT #1 (to EMT#2) It’s really weak.. . (to Kevin) Kevin, you said your dad was on
85 medication?
86KEVIN Yeah.
87EMT #1 But you didn’t know what it was?
88KEVIN No...
89EMT #1 Why don’t you find his meds, and bring ‘em to me. OK?
90 KEVIN OK, they’re here.
91 Kevin rushes off.
92 EMT #1 OK, just go slow. Take your time, take your time.
93 EMT #2 I’m gonna put him on a mask.
94 EMT #1 OK, Dan.
96 The ambulance pulls in. Dad is taken out of the ambulance, and Kevin climbs out, too. Dad is wheeled
97 the cardiology diagnostic center.

99 The EMTs are met by an Emergency Room (ER) doctor and move Dad into a restricted area. An ER
100 approaches Kevin to reassure him and to keep him out of the restricted area.
101 ER NURSE It’s OK.
102 KEVIN (distressed) It’s my dad


104 Dad is on the bed. He is being monitored and screened for all possible heart problems. The ER
doctor is
105 present. Kevin is talking to the ER doctor about his father.
106 ER DOCTOR Your father has had a serious heart attack. We can’t tell how bad it is at this
107 point, but he’s alive and alert. Now, can you tell me anything about his medical
108 history?
109KEVIN Uh, well, his health hasn’t been very good for years. He’s been taking medicine
110 for his
111 ER DOCTOR (interrupting) For—for his heart?
112 KEVIN High blood pressure, I think. . . Is he gonna to be all right?
113 ER DOCTOR We don’t know how much damage there is to the heart…but we’re doing
114 everything we can.


116 Dad is now in his own room. Kevin and the ER doctor are standing in a dark corner of the room.
They talk
117 quietly to each other.
118 KEVIN How is he? Can he hear me?
119 ER DOCTOR He’s under sedation at the moment. You should probably wait a little while
120 befOre you try to talk to him.
121 KEVIN But, um. . . shouldn’t he know that I’m here?
122 ER DOCTOR He’s pretty groggy right now. It’s best to let him rest.
123 Kevin goes to his father’s bedside. For a moment, Kevin looks like a scared kid.


125 Kevin goes to the phones. He unfolds a piece of paper with Rebecca’s phone number in San
126 KEVIN Yes, operator, I’d like to make a collect call, please. . . It’s an emergency. .. I’m
127 Kevin Casey...
128 He waits for the call to go through. He is very upset. Finally someone in the Shaw house answers the
129 KEVIN Hello, I need to speak to Rebecca, please. It’s an emergency..
131 Kevin and Rebecca sit in the cab.
132 KEVIN You know, I tried to call you, but you were at some party...
133 REBECCA I’m sorry. Must have been awful for you.
134 KEVIN There’s the hospital.
135 REBECCA I don’t know if I’m ready for this...


137 Rebecca and Kevin enter the hospital reception area and head to the elevators. Kevin knows the way
138 leads his sister down the halls.

140 Kevin and Rebecca are on the hospital elevator along with other visitors and staff. Kevin presses the
141 for the third floor. He shows no emotion at all; Rebecca is slowly falling apart. The door opens.
142 KEVIN His room is this way...


144 Dad has oxygen tubes in his nostrils. The head nurse is next to Dad. Rebecca and Kevin enter.
145 approaches her father’s bed. Kevin stays back in the shadows.
146 HEAD NURSE Hello. Are you a family member?
147 REBECCA Yes, I’m his daughter. How is he?
148 HEAD NURSE He’s on medication and resting comfortably now. I’ll let the doctor know
149 you’re here.
150 Rebecca approaches her father. She bends over him and almost breaks into tears. But she puts on
her bravest
151 face and talks to him. Kevin turns away, still showing no emotion.
152 REBECCA Hi, Dad. It’s me, Beck. I’m back.
153 His eyes open briefly, but it’s hard to know if he has heard or even recognized her.
154 REBECCA You’re gonna be all right, you hear me?
155 His hand moves toward her. She grabs it and pulls it toward her. His fingers touch the necklace
156 wearing.
157 REBECCA Mom’s necklace, remember? I haven’t taken it off since the day you gave it to
158 me… just before I left for San Francisco. Oh, Dad, I’ve missed you.
159 Rebecca touches him gently.
160 REBECCA You’re gonna be OK...
161 A doctor enters and stands talking to Kevin quietly. Rebecca stops and joins the doctor.
162 DOCTOR (to Kevin) Is this your sister?. . . Ms. Casey? I’m Dr. Lincoln. Let’s step outside.
164 Outside in the hallway, Rebecca and the doctor have a conversation. Kevin stays behind in his
father’s room.
165 DR. LINCOLN Your father has had a serious heart attack. Our tests show that there has been
166 major damage to the heart muscle. Lack of blood flow through the arteries to
167 certain portions of the heart muscle result in the death of that muscle. And this,
168 in turn, can result in poor pumping action.
169 REBECCA What does that mean?
170 DR. LINCOLN That means that the next forty-eight hours will be critical…We’re going to
171 monitor him constantly. . . Your father’s heart is very weak.
172 REBECCA Is he gonna make it?
173 DR. LINCOLN Well, we don’t know for sure. Let’s hope for the best. . . I have to go now, but
174 I’ll check back later.
175 REBECCA (panicking) What about a bypass operation, or drugs, or something?
176 DR. LINCOLN (interrupting) Well, your father’s in no condition to undergo surgery. . . But I
177 can assure you that we are considering every possible procedure.
178 REBECCA I think that I’d like to get a second opinion.
179 DR. LINCOLN I understand. I can ask Dr. Weinstein, chief of cardiology, to come up and see
180 your father. . . Or, if you prefer, you can ask your own doctor to come in.
181 REBECCA Uh.. . Dr. Weinstein will be fine, I guess.
183 REBECCA Uh, there is still hope, isn’t there?
184 DR. LINCOLN Yes, of course, but his condition is serious. . . Excuse me.
185 The doctor leaves.


187 Rebecca is seated on a bench. Kevin brings her coffee and sits next to her. She takes a deep breath.
188 REBECCA Do you think I should call in a priest?
189 KEVIN Rebecca...
190 REBECCA We are Catholic, you know. Shouldn’t he have the last rites?
191 KEVIN (with some anger) Stop it. He’s going to make it. You’ll see.
192 The head nurse emerges from Dad’s room. They both stand up, uncertain of what is happening.
193 REBECCA How is he?
194 HEAD NURSE (kindly) He’ll be under sedation for a while. Why don’t the two of you go
195 home, get some rest?
196 Kevin and Rebecca talk.
197 REBECCA I don’t want to leave him. The one thing I can do is be here for him.
198 Kevin looks at her, sadly.
199 KEVIN I’ve been here since they brought him in…except when I went to meet you at
200 the airport.
201 Rebecca looks at Kevin for a minute.
202 REBECCA Kevin, why don’t you go home, hm? You need to get some rest.
203 KEVIN No, it’s all right. I can handle it.
204 REBECCA Maybe we should both go home, hm? I’ll let the nurse know we’re going.
205 Rebecca goes to inform the nurse. Kevin looks very upset.


207 Rebecca and Kevin start to head for the elevator. A woman emerges from the billing office nearby.
208 catches them before they get on the elevator.
209 MRS. SMITH Excuse me, excuse me? Hi, are you Ms., ah. . . Casey?
210 REBECCA Yes?
211 MRS. SMITH Uh, I’m sorry to bother you at a time like this. My name’s Mrs. Smith. I’m the
212 billing administrator. (looking at a form) Uh, your father’s in room seven-eight-
213 seven, is that right?
214 REBECCA Yes, that’s right.
215 MRS. SMITH Uh, and are you the person we talk to about his account?
216 REBECCA (trying to be patient) Yes.
217 MRS. SMITH OK, I’d like you to fill out a couple forms for me. I need some additional
218 information. . . about his insurance.
219 REBECCA Can we do this later? My brother and I are going home. We need to get some
220 sleep
221 MRS. SMITH I see. Do you know the name of his Health Maintenance Organization?
222 REBECCA No. He was a Boston fireman. They have good coverage.
223 KEVIN I told the Admitting Office all of this yesterday...
224 MRS. SMITH (interrupting) Will you fill these out, please? And return them to me just as soon
225 as you possibly can?
226 Rebecca takes the forms, but she is not happy to have to deal with this now. Mrs. Smith turns and
heads off
227 down the hall. Rebecca reacts with shock and disgust at Mrs. Smith’s behavior. Kevin tries to hide
all his feelings.


229 The door opens and Rebecca and Kevin enter. The place looks very messy.
230 REBECCA What happened? This place is a mess.
231 KEVIN It just needs a little cleaning up.
232 Kevin doesn’t finish his reply; he just heads into the bathroom.
233 REBECCA (to herself) (sigh) I can’t believe this! Dirty dishes on the floor?
235 Rebecca enters and sees that the dishes haven’t been washed in days. There are empty food boxes on
236 table. She opens the refrigerator. There’s hardly any food in it. Somehow, this empty refrigerator
finally gets
237 to her. She starts to cry uncontrollably. She sits down at the kitchen table and cries her eyes out.
238 enters and stands by the kitchen door. Kevin is concerned and feels guilty, but he doesn’t know what
to say.
239 Rebecca regains control.
240 REBECCA Kevin, I can’t believe this. . . There’s no food in the refrigerator.
241 KEVIN We can go out and get a sandwich...
242 REBECCA That’s not my point! What were you and Dad doing for food?
243 KEVIN He didn’t want much food, and.. . he wasn’t feeling well...
244 REBECCA (interrupting) When did that start?
245 KEVIN …A while ago.
246 REBECCA How long?
247 KEVIN … A couple of weeks.
248 REBECCA And you didn’t call me? (shouting) Damn it, Kevin, I’m talking to you! (Kevin turns
249 to face her.) Why didn’t you call me? (Kevin doesn’t respond.) What were you and
250 Dad doing for food? What was going on here?
251 KEVIN Don’t blame me. At least I was here.
252 The phone rings. This stops Rebecca in her tracks. They both look at each other. Rebecca answers it.
253 REBECCA Yes?. . . Speaking. (pause) Oh, no. . . We’ll be right there.
254 She hangs up the phone.
255 REBECCA It’s Dad. We have to go.
256 Kevin looks very depressed and lost.

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