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Identify the Controls and Variables Made by

Of each experiment, identify the following (make a table in your notebook):

Control group, independent variable, dependent variable, constants, conclusions, possible errors or weaknesses, and possible improvements.

Batman notices that his batmobile is partly covered with a purple gelatine stain. His butler tells
him that tomato juice will help get rid of it. Batman decides to pour some tomato juice on 1/3 of
the stain, soda on another 1/3 and water on the last 1/3. After a couple of hours, he rinses the
car, and checks the results. There was no change in the appearance of the stain.

Captain America's shield is made of a unique Vibranium-Adimantium alloy. To make it more

effective, he decides to add a layer of lead. He stacks up plates at a distance of 10 meters and
throws his shield at them. He tries two ways, with and without the lead layer. Without the lead
layer, he breaks 183 of the 200 plates. With the lead layer, he breaks 135 of the 200 plates.

Thor's adopted brother Loki, known for his natural talent for causing mischief, transformed Thor
into a frog for a time, using the Twilight Sword. Their father, Odin tried to look for a way to bring
him back- he used microwaves, radio waves, and ultraviolet waves. He exposed Thor 10
seconds to each. In the microwaves, he turned yellow. In the radio waves, he grew a bit and
3. turned pale. In the ultraviolet waves, hair came out all over.
4. Ironman, Black widow, and Captain America have been selected to do a test. They must each
correct a stack of exams. Each one is given a red pen, a calculator, and a set of answers. The
Black widow receives special drink A that should increase her productivity. Captain America
receives special drink B. Ironman is not given anything to drink. After two hours, we count the
number of exams corrected. Ironman corrected 30 exams. Captain America corrected 24
exams. The Black widow corrected 23 exams.
5. The Hulk and Superman have decided to help in a test of strength. Both receive an injection
and then they must push 10 5-ton blocks of wood 10 meters in less than 3 minutes. The Hulk
pushed 7 out of 10 blocks. Superman pushed 8 out of 10 blocks.
   1 2 3 4 5 
Control group  The part with  The shield with  The original  Ironman  The amount
the water no added layer form of thor without any
special drink
pushed without
an injection.
IV  Gelatine Lead layer  the waves  the exams  the blocks
DV/  Time  how many  Froggy Thor  Drink  Injection
How do they measure it layers E
Appearance of # of plates Appearance # of exams # of blocks
stain counting them corrected pushed R
CONSTANTS  Hours, quantity #plates,  Time, Sword,  # of exams  # of blocks,
(min 3) of the mix, distance, shield appearance corrected, time,quantity of H
batmobile quantity of drink

 None of the  The shield  None of the  The results

 The conclusion
products used
were useful for
without any
extra layer is
showed that is that the
there's no need injections
the car better than with
completely to
transform thor
for the special
drink to the
worked better in
superman than
again to their
normal size
efficient, in hulk.
because ironman Superman did
who didn't take better and
the drink, stronger in the S
corrected more test.
POSSIBLE  the products  the material  The radio waves Is not about  The injection is
ERRORS/WEAKNESSES used weren't lead is not that were in low productivity, not good
strong enough strong, it makes power son the ironman is enough, none of
the shield effect didn't smarter than the the 10 blocks.
weaker work as well other two, so
without the
drink he was
IMPROVEMENTS  They could  They can put  Find another  Find a drink that  Use an injection
search a better more quantity of way or other doesn't affect that doesn't
quantity of the material to the method with their intelligence affect their
product so it will shield or find more power to and just make principal power.
function. another decrease the them more fast.
stronger. effect of the
Research question If the amount of If we add If again they use If no one drinks If Hulk was less
tomato juice another layer of Twilight Sword anything, then stronger than
then it would have
increases to 2/4, lead then the the three of Superman then
the power to bring
the soda ¼ and shield could be back the original them correct it means that the
water ¼ then the capable of form of Ther? more exams injection makes
appearance of breaking the 200 between all? them lose their
the stain plates? original power?
Hypothesis If the juices If the # of layers If the waves If the drink If the injection
would have is greater, then were stronger, wasn't affecting didn't affect
stayed longer, the lead layer then Thor would their their powers,
then the gelatine would be have more intelligence, then Hulk would
would come off. effective. exalted results. then they would be stronger.
correct more

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