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Businesses To Apple Maps Submission

1. Description
The goal of this experiment was to try and directly submit clients’ businesses to Apple Maps. For
this we tried several methods. The first two failed and the other two were successful.
We tried submitting businesses to TOMTOM and Openstreetmap with the idea that Apple Maps
use their services and will scrape our businesses from there. But our attempt failed at early
stage because the businesses were not accepted at TOMTOM and Openstreetmap.
We had success directly submitting to Apple Maps Connect and via iPhone.

2. Test Results
Submitting via Apple Maps Connect requires phone verification, so it is applicable only if the
customer has CF number assigned or is participating in the process. This process is also
applicable only for businesses that have their address listed on their sites. We used 5 accounts
with their address listed on their sites and used CF numbers for verification.
When directly submitting businesses with visible address through “Apple Maps Connect” we
had 100% success rate.
For the other test - submitting via iPhone we used 2 groups of accounts. The first 5 accounts
had their addresses visible on the sites, and the second 5 accounts had their addresses hidden
on the sites.

When submitting via iPhone we succeeded in 9 of 10 cases.

Of all the 9 clients we successfully submitted via iPhone, 4 had their address hidden.

We saw 100% success rate submitting businesses with their address visible on the site.

From the 5 businesses with hidden address 4 were successfully placed on the maps.
3. Procedure for submitting to Apple Maps via Apple
Maps Connect
The first step is to create a Maps Connect Account.
And you will receive a verification code by email.

After you’ve created your Apple ID you login to Maps Connect and start the process of
submitting the business.

Enter the name and address of the business.

You’ll see a list of already submitted businesses.

You should click on “Add new place”.

And submit phone, category and additional information.

Apple will give you the opportunity to verify that you own this phone by answering a call.

We use Call Fire numbers. Apple calls and provides a 4 digit code.

After that the submission is pending review. And after 3-4 days to a week it is either accepted or
After one unsuccessful submission we received an email from apple stating that they are only
accepting businesses with the address listed on their official website so their users can visit it
during the business day.

After that we only submitted businesses that had their address listed on the website and had 5
out of 5 success rate.

4. Procedure for submitting to Apple Maps via

The first step is to open the Apple Maps App on your iPhone.

Next under the settings menu choose “add place”.

Then you should choose “Business or Landmark” type.
And enter the name of the business.
Then select a category.
Or alternatively search for it.
Then enter the details of the business.
And press “Send”.
It takes the business from 3-4 to 20 days to appear on the maps.
We submitted 10 businesses via iPhone and 9 of them appeared on the maps.

5. Conclusion
In order to successfully submit businesses to apple maps we need to be able to verify the
submission by phone (CF is a possibility), and devices running iOS 9 or higher for those
businesses with hidden address.

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