Maher Hassan: Verbal and Non-Verbal (Formal & Informal)

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Lecture 5: Series of Experiences (formal & Informal) Communication Skills 3th stage

Maher Hassan Kerbala University- Science College-Computer Science

Verbal and Non-Verbal (Formal & Informal)

Communication: implies the act of exchanging thoughts, ideas, news, views and any other information with other
person or people, either verbally or non-verbally

Formal communication: refers to communication that passes through predefined channels. It is also is known as
official communication.

Informal Communication: is the casual and unofficial form of communication wherein the information is
exchanged spontaneously between two or more persons without conforming to the prescribed official rules.

Formal Communication Vs Informal Communication

Comparison Chart

Meaning A type of verbal communication in which the A type of verbal communication in which the interchange
interchange of information is done through the pre- of information does not follow any channels i.e. the
defined channels is known as formal communication. communication stretches in all directions.

Another Name Official Communication Grapevine communication

Reliability More Comparatively less

Speed Slow Very Fast

Evidence As the communication is generally written, documentary No documentary evidence.

evidence is present.

Time Consuming Yes No

Advantage Effective due to timely and systematic flow of Efficient because employees can discuss work related
information. problems, this saves time and cost of the organization.

Disadvantage Distortion due to long chain of communication. Spread of rumors

Secrecy Full secrecy is maintained. It is difficult to maintain the secrecy.

Flow of Only through predefined channels. Can move freely.


Example Speech , publication ,Email Conversation , personal note, overhead comment

Lecture 5: Series of Experiences (formal & Informal) Communication Skills 3th stage
Maher Hassan Kerbala University- Science College-Computer Science
Students in computer science must be able to communicate ideas effectively in writing and in both
formal and informal oral presentations

Communication - Meaning

Communication is a dynamic process through this process we convey a thought or feeling to

someone else.


It means communicating with words, written or spoken, verbal communication consists of
speaking, listening. writing and reading

Characteristics of effective verbal communication

1- Consider the objective.

2- Be sincere.
3- Use simple language, familiar words.
4- Be brief and precise.
5- Assume nothing.
6- Use polite words and tone.

Lecture 5: Series of Experiences (formal & Informal) Communication Skills 3th stage
Maher Hassan Kerbala University- Science College-Computer Science
7- Say something interesting and pleasing.

1- More personal and informal.
2- Makes immediate impact.
3- Provides opportunity for interaction and feedback.
4- Help us correct ourselves (our messages according to the feedback and non-verbal cues
from the listener)
5- It is fastest and less expensive.

1- It can be quickly forgotten.
2- A word once uttered cannot be taken back.
3- There is no legal evidence of oral communication.
4- Impact may be short lived.
5- Very difficult to be conscious of our body language.

Barriers to effective verbal communication

1- Status – formal and informal status levels affects effectiveness of face to face
2- Complexes – lack of confidence or sense of superiority.
3- Abstracting- it is partial and selective listening, leading to loss of information.
4- Language barrier- listener should be familiar with the language used by the speaker.

1. Intra verbal: intonation of word and sound

Is non-verbal method of expressing various
meanings, emotions or

Aspects of intonation

- New information.
- Contrast.
- Meaning.
- Pronunciation
- Mood or personality.

Lecture 5: Series of Experiences (formal & Informal) Communication Skills 3th stage
Maher Hassan Kerbala University- Science College-Computer Science
- Cultural Understanding.

2. Extra verbal: implication of words and phrases, semantics

How language users acquire a sense of meaning. (As speakers and writers, listeners and readers)
and of language change (how meanings
after over time).

Nonverbal communication includes all unwritten and unspoken messages, both intentional and

Types of Non-Verbal communication

Kinesics communication Meta communication
Body language Through words, depicting
Alternate meaning
Includes behavior Shows latent meaning.

1- Non-verbal communication flows through all acts of speaking or writing.
2- They are the wordless messages.
3- Is a creative activity, which comes through stimuli, produced by the mind?

Lecture 5: Series of Experiences (formal & Informal) Communication Skills 3th stage
Maher Hassan Kerbala University- Science College-Computer Science

Importance of non-verbal communication

A person to have quality communication skills must

process the knowledge of non-verbal

As compared to words and vocal variety non-verbal

communication matters a lot.

1) Gestures
A characteristic of nonverbal communication in
which visible body actions communication
particular message, gestures include movement or
position of the hands, arm, body, head, or face that
is expressive of an idea, opinion, emotion, etc.

2) Postures
A movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to
express an idea or feeling. How you carry yourself
tells a lot about you. How you walk, sit, stand or
hold your head not only indicates your current
mood but also your personality in general.

For example, if you cross your arms while

standing, you indicate that you may be closed off
and defensive.

Lecture 5: Series of Experiences (formal & Informal) Communication Skills 3th stage
Maher Hassan Kerbala University- Science College-Computer Science

3) Movements
The body movements into five types, this was done on
the basis of the origins, functions and coding of the
behavior, they are emblems, illustrators, affect displays,
regulators and adaptors.

Communication refers to a special of patterning which is
expressed in symbolic form, two requirements must be met:

1- Symbolic system must be shared by the people

involved (we need to speak the same language or
jargon or dialects).
2- The associations between the symbols and their
referents must be shared.


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