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Rapid Revision
T h e enzyme NADPH reductase is kocated on the stroma side of the memtbrane in the chioroplast
23 The ATP svnthase enzyme consists of two parts one is CF which is embedded in the thylakoid memk

torms trans/membrane channei that carries out faclitated difusion of protons across the
other portion is calted CF, and protrades on the outer surface of the thytakoid membrane on the:
membrane andathe
side that faces
the stroma
The products of ight reaction are ATP NADPH and O,
5 Dark reacton or
CO, fixaton occurs through C, pathway or C, pathway
Theacceptor molecule of CO, in Calvin cycle (C, pathway)is a 5-C ketose sugar i.e., RuBP

RuBP carbovylase also has an oxygenation activity. so it would be more correct to call t RuBisCO

Calvin cyce have three important stages carboxylation. reduction and regeneration
The fixation of 6 molecules of CO, and 6 turns of the cycte are required for the removal of one molecule of glucose
from the Cavin cycle
F o r every CO, molecule entering the Calvin cycle, 3 molecules of ATP and 2 of NADPH are required
31 C,plants have a special type of leaf anatomy. tolerate higher temperatures, lack photorespiration and have
greater productivity of biomass
2 Larpe cells around the vascular bundles of the C, pathway plants are called bundle sheath cells and it is called
Kranz anatomy

33 Kranz' means wreath and is a reflection of the arrangement of cells

34 C pathway has been named as Hatch and Slack pathway.
35 In C, plants, the primary CO, acceptor is a 3-C molecule that is PEP and is present in the mesophyll cels

36 in C, plants. mesophyll oells lack RuBiscO enzymes The C, acid OAA is formed in mesophyl cells
37 4-C compounds like malic acid or aspartic acid are formed in mesophyll çells of C plants are transported to
the bundle sheath.
38 C acid from the mesophytl is broken down in the bundle sheath cells to release CO, this results in increasing the
concentration of CO
39 The bundie sheath cells are rich in an enzyme RuBisCO but lacks PEPcase
40 Calvin pathway of Co, fixation is common to both C, and C, plants
41 The acthve site of RuBiscO has both , and Co, binding sites. It has greater affinity for co, than0,
42 In C, plants RuBisCO shows its oxygenase activity when O, concentration is higher than CO
43 C plants show photorespiration phenomenon which involves chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisomes
44 PGA binds with 0, to form one molecule of phosphoglycerate and phosphoglycolate in photorespiration.
There is neither synthesis of sugars nor of ATP and therefore it is called a wasteful process
the factor. s
45 Blackman's law of limiting factors defines that rate of photosynthesis is determined by Whic
nearest to minimum value.
46 CO is the major limiting factor for photosynthesis.
increase in concentration upto 0.05% can cause an increase in CO, fixation rates, beyond this level it can
become damaging over longer periods
48 C, plants show saturation at about 360 ull-1 while C, responds to increased CO, concentration and saturdu
seen only beyond 450 uilL

48 Photosynthesis rate increases at high light intensity and light saturation occurs at 10% of full sunign
50 Water is rarely a limiting factor

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