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Classification of The Animal Kingdom (Metazoa)

(a.k.a. the diploblasts) Lophophorata
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) PHYLUM NEMATOMORPHA

*Paraphyletic group
Geologic Time Scale

Holocene 10,000 ybp

Pleistocene 2.6 mya
Pliocene 5.3 mya
Cenozoic Miocene 23 mya
Tertiary Oligocene 33.9 mya
Paleogene Eocene 56 mya
Paleocene 66 mya
Cretaceous 145 mya
Mesozoic Jurassic 201 mya
Triassic 252 mya
Permian 299 mya
Pennsylvanian 323 mya
Mississippian 359 mya
Paleozoic Devonian 419 mya
Silurian 444 mya
Ordovician 485 mya
Cambrian 541 mya
Ediacaran 635 mya
4.57 bya
ybp = years before present; mya = million years ago; bya = bi llion years ago


Deuterostomia Protostomia

Chordata Ambul acraria Spiralia Ecdysozoa


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Lophophorata Nematoida
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A phylogenetic tree of the Animal Kingdom (Metazoa),
reflecting a consensus view based primarily on recent
molecu lar phylogenetic analyses. Radiation of the clade
Spiralia is shown in red, that of Ecdysozoa in green.
Uncertainty still exists in several regions, as shown by
the "starburst" at the base of the spiralian clade, and
by several other polytom ies in the tree. The relative
positions of the basalmost (non-bilaterian) phyla remain
uncertain, especially Ctenophora. Further resolution of
metazoan phylogeny is enthusiastically anticipated in
the coming years. See Chapter 28 for additional details.
Third Edition
Third Edition


Executive Director Emeritus,
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Research Scientist, Department of Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology,
University of Arizona


Assistant Professor and Curator,
Department of Entomology,
University of Arizona


Professor of Invertebrate Zoology and Curator,
Department of Biological Sciences,
Northern Arizona University

with illustrations by

Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers

Sunder land, Massachusetts USA
About the cover
The scale worm Ardonoe pulchm on the ,varty sea cucumber (Apostichopus parvi111e11-
sis). Photo by Larry Jon Friesen. Dr. Friesen's spectacular photographs were also
part of the Second Edition of Invertebrates (including its cover), and over 130 of his
photographs grace the pages of this Third Edition. The success of this project has
been due, in no small part, to his contributions.
Larry Jon Friesen, PhD, con1pleted his graduate research at the University of
California, Santa Barbara, in Ani,nal Communication. Dr.Friesen is a Professor of
Biological Sciences at Santa Barbara City College, teaching Cell Biology and Ani,nal
Diversity and incorporating his life-long passion for nature photography.

Invertebrates, Third Edition

Copyright© 2016 by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part ,vithout
pern1ission from the publisher.

For information or to order, address:

Sinauer Associates
P.O. Box407
Sunderland, MA 01375 USA
Fax: 413-549-1118

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Brusca, Richard C., author. I Moore, Wendy (Entomologist), author. I
Shuster, Stephen M., 1954-, author.
Title: lnvertebrates / Richard C. Brusca, Wendy Moore, Stephen M. Shuster.
Description: Third edition. I Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. : Sinauer
Associates, lnc., Publishers, 2016.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015038708 I ISBN 9781605353753
Subj ects: LCSH: Invertebrates.
Classification: LCC QL362 .8924 2016 I DOC 5 9 2 -
LC record available at

Printed in the USA

5 4 3 2 1
We dedicate this book to all our fellow teachers
and students of Invertebrate Zoology around the world.
Brief Contents
CHAPTER 1 ■ Introduction 1
CHAPTER 2 ■ Systematics, Phylogeny, and Classification 35
CHAPTER 3 ■ The Protists: Kingdom Protista 55
CHAPTER 4 ■ Introduction to the Animal Kingdom: Animal Architecture and Body Plans 135
CHAPTER 5 ■ Introduction to the Animal Kingdom: Development, Life Histories, and Origin 183

CHAPTER 6 ■ Two Basal Metazoan Phyla: Pori fera and Placozoa 213
CHAPTER 7 ■ Phylum Cnidaria: Anemones, Corals, Jellyf ish, and Their Kin 265
CHAPTER 8 ■ Phylum Ctenophora: The Comb Jellies 327
CHAPTER 9 ■ Introduction to the Bilateria and the Phylum Xenacoelomorpha: Triploblasty and
Bilateral Symmetry Provide New Avenues for Animal Radiation 345

CHAPTER 10 ■ Phylum Platyhelminthes: The Flatworms 373

CHAPTER 11 ■ Four Enigmatic Protostome Phyla: Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Chaetognatha,
Gastrotricha 413

CHAPTER 12 ■ Phylum Nemertea: The Ribbon Worms 435

CHAPTER 13 ■ Phylum Mollusca 453

CHAPTER 14 ■ Phylum Annelida: The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 531
CHAPTER 15 ■ Two Enigmatic Spiralian Phyla: Entoprocta and Cycl iophora 603

CHAPTER 16 ■ The Gnathifera: Phyla Gnathostomulida, Rotifera (including Acanthocephala), and

Micrognathozoa 613

CHAPTER 17 ■ The Lophophorates: Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brach iopoda 635
CHAPTER 18 ■ The Nematoida: Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 669

CHAPTER 19 ■ The Scalidophora: Phyla Kinorhyncha, Priapula, and Loricifera 693

CHAPTER 20 ■ The Emergence of the Arthropods: Tardigrades, Onychophorans, and the Arthropod
Body Plan 709

CHAPTER 21 ■ Phylum Arthropoda: Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 761
CHAPTER 22 ■ Phylum Arthropoda: The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 843
CHAPTER 23 ■ Phylum Arthropoda: The Myr iapods: Centipedes, Millipedes, and Their Kin 895
CHAPTER 24 ■ Phylum Arthropoda: The Chelicerata 911
CHAPTER 25 ■ Introduction to the Deuterostomes and the Phylum Echinodermata 967
CHAPTER 26 ■ Phylum Hemichordata: Acorn Worms and Pterobranchs 1007
CHAPTER 27 ■ Phylum Chordata: Cephalochordata and Urochordata 1021
CHAPTER 28 ■ Perspectives on Invertebrate Phylogeny 1047


Introduction 1
Keeping Track of Life 4 Estuaries and Coastal Wetlands 20
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 7 Freshwater Habitats 22
Where Did Invertebrates Come From? 10 Terrestrial Habitats 22
The Da\"n of Life 10 A Special Type of Environment: Symbiosis 23
The Ediacaran Period and the Origin of Animals 10 Biodiversity Patterns 24
The Paleozoic Era (541-252 Ma) 12 New Views of Invertebrate Phylogeny 25
The Mesozoic Era (252-66 Ma) 16 Some Comments on Evolution 26
The Cenozoic Era (66 Ma-present) 16 A Final Introductory Message to the Reader 32
Where Do Invertebrates Live? 17
Marine Habitats 17

Systematics, Phylogeny, and Classification 35
Biological Classification 36 Phylogenetic Trees 43
Nomenclature 36 Pleisiomorphy and Apomorphy 44
Systematics 39 Constructing Phylogenies and
Monophyly, Paraphyly, and Polyphyly 40 Classifications 44
Characters and the Concept of Homology 41 Molecular Phylogenetics 51


The Protists: Kingdom Protista 55

Taxonomic History and Classification 59 Phylum Apicomplexa: Gregarines, Coccidians,
Overviews of the Major Glades, or Groups 62 Haemosporidians, and Their Kin 81
The General Protistan Body Plan 64 Phylum Ciliata: The Ciliates 87
The Protist Phyla 70 Phylum Stramenopila: Diatoms, Brown Algae,
Golden Algae, Slime Nets, Oomycetes,
Group 1: Amoebozoa 70
etc. 97
Phylum Amoebozoa: Amebas 70
Phylum Haptophyta: Coccolithophores 101
Group 2: Chromalveolata 76
Phylum Cryptomonada: Cryptomonads 103
Phylum Dinoflagellata: Dinoflagellates 76
v111 Contents

Group 3: Rhizaria 104

Phylum Chlorarachniophyta:
Chlorarachniophyte Algae 104
Phylum Granuloreticulosa: Foraminiferans and
Their Kin 105
Phylum Radiolaria: Radiolarians 108
Phylum Haplosporidia: Haplosporidians 111
Group 4: Excavata 112
Phylum Parabasalida: Trichomonads,
Hypermastigotes, and Their Kin 112
Phylum Diplomonadida: Diplomonads 115
Phylum Heterolobosea: Heterolobosids 117
Phylum Euglenida: Euglenids 118
Phylum Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomes,
Bodonids, and Their Kin 120
Group 5: Opisthokonta 124
Phylum Choanoflagellata: Protist Phylogeny 125
Choanoflagellates 124 The Origin of the Protista 125
Relationships an1ong the Protists 127

Introduction to the Animal Kingdom: Animal Architecture and
Body Plans 135
Body Symmetry 136 Bioluminescence 174
Cellularity, Body Size, Germ Layers, and Body Nervous Systems and Body Plans 174
Cavities 138 Hormones and Pheromones 175
Locomotion and Support 140 Reproduction 176
Feeding and Digestion 148 Asexual Reproduction 176
Excretion and Osmoregulation 157 Sexual Reproduction 177
Circulation and Gas Exchange 162 Parthenogenesis 179
Nervous Systems and Sense Organs 168

Introduction to the Animal Kingdom: Development, Life Histories,
and Origin 183
Evolutionary Developmental Orientation of Cleavage Planes 188
Biology-EvoDevo 184 Radial and Spiral Cleavage 188
Developmental Tool Kits 184 Cell Fates 191
The Relationship Betv1een Genotype and Blastula Types 192
Phenotype 185 Gastrulation and Germ Layer Formation 193
The Evolution of Novel Gene Function 185 Mesoderm and Body Cavities 195
Gene Regulatory Networks 185 Life Cycles: Sequences and Strategies 197
Eggs and Embryos 187 Classification of Life Cycles 197
Eggs 187 Indirect Development 197
Cleavage 187 Settling and Metamorphosis 199
Contents ,x

Direct Development 199 The Relationships Between Ontogeny and

Mixed Development 200 Phylogeny 201
Adaptations to Land and Fresh \iVater 200 The Origin of the Metazoa 203
Parasite Life Cycles 200


Two Basal Metazoan Phyla: Porifera and Placozoa 213

Phylum Placozoa 215 Distribution and Ecology 249
Phylum Porifera: The Sponges 216 Biochen1ical Agents 250
Taxonomic History and Classification 220 Growth Rates 250
The Poriferan Body Plan 222 Sy1nbioses 251
Some Additional Aspects of Sponge Poriferan Phylogeny 254
Biology 249 The Origin of Sponges 254
Evolution within the Porifera 255


Phylum Cnidaria: Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 265

Taxonomic History and Classification 268 Ediacaran Cnidaria? 317
The Cnidarian Body Plan 274 Cnidarian Origins 318
Cnidarian Phylogeny 317 Relationships within Cnidaria 319


Phylum Ctenophora: The Comb Jellies 327

Taxonomic History and Classification 328 Ctenophoran Phylogeny 341
The Ctenophoran Body Plan 332


Introduction to the Bilateria and the Phylum Xenacoelomorpha:

Triploblasty and Bilateral Symmetry Provide New Avenues for Animal
Radiation 345
The Basal Bilaterian 346
Protostomes and Deuterostomes 347
Phylum Xenacoelomorpha 349
Classification of Phylum Xenacoelomorpha 35
Class Acoela 351
The Acoel Body Plan 353
Class Nemertodermatida 360
The Nemertodermatid Body Plan 362
Subphylum Xenoturbellida 366
The Xenoturbellid Body Plan 367
x Contents


Phylum Platyhelminthes: The Flatworms 373

Taxonomic History and Classification 374 Platyhelminth Phylogeny 405
The Platyhelminth Body Plan 380


Four Enigmatic Protostome Phyla: Rhombozoa, Orthonectida,

Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha 413
Phylum Rhombozoa 414 Chaetognath Classification 422
The Dicyemida 414 The Chaetognath Body Plan 423
The Heterocyemida 417 Phylum Gastrotricha: The Gastrotrichs 428
Phylum Orthonectida 418 Gastrotrich Classification 429
Phylum Chaetognatha 420 The Gastrotrich Body Plan 429

Phylum Nemertea: The Ribbon Worms 435
Taxonomic History and Classification 436 Nemertean Phylogeny 450
The Nemertean Body Plan 438

Phylum Mollusca 453
Taxonomic History and Classification 454 Molluscan Evolution and Phylogeny 521
The Molluscan Body Plan 472

Phylum Annelida: The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented)
Worms 531
Taxonomic History and Classification 532
The Annelid Body Plan 541
Sipuncula: The Peanut Worms 572
Sipunculan Classification 574
The Sipunculan Body Plan 575
Echiuridae: The Spoon Worms 579
Siboglinidae: Vent Worms and Their Kin 584
Siboglinid Taxonomic History 588
The Siboglinidae Body Plan 588
Hirudinoidea: Leeches and Their Relatives 591
The Hirudinoidean Body Plan 592
Annelid Phylogeny 597
Contents x,


Two Enigmatic Spiralian Phyla: Entoprocta and Cycliophora 603

Phylum Entoprocta: The Entoprocts 603 The Entoproct Body Plan 606
Entoproct Classification 605 Phylum Cycliophora: The Cycliophorans 609

The Gnathifera: Phyla Gnathostomulida, Rotifera (including
Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 613
Phylum Gnathostomulida: The
Gnathostomulids 615
Gnathostomulid Classification 615
The Gnathostomulid Body Plan 616
Phylum Rotifera: The Free-Living Rotifers 616
Rotifer Classification 618
The Rotifer Body Plan 618
Phylum Rotifera, Subclass Acanthocephala: The
Acanthocephalans 624
The Acanthocephalan Body Plan 624
Phylum Micrognathozoa: The
Micrognathozoans 626 The Micrognathozoan Body Plan 628


The Lophophorates: Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 635

Taxonomic History of the Lophophorates 636 Phylum Bryozoa: The Moss Animals 644
The Lophophorate Body Plan 637 The Bryozoan Body Plan 646
Phylum Phoronida: The Phoronids 638 Phylum Brachiopoda: The Lamp Shells 657
The Phoronid Body Plan 638 The Brachiopod Body Plan 660


The Nematoida: Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 669

Phylum Nematoda: Roundworms and Life Cycles of Some Parasitic Nematodes 682
Threadworms 671 Phylum Nematomorpha: Horsehair Worms and
Nematode Classification 672 Their Kin 686
The Nematode Body Plan 673 The Nematomorphan Body Plan 687

The Scalidophora: Phyla Kinorhyncha, Priapula, and Loricifera 693
Phylum Kinorhyncha: The Kinorhynchs 695 Priapulan Classification 699
Kinorhynch Classification 696 The Priapulan Body Plan 699
The Kinorhynch Body Plan 696 Phylum Loricifera: The Loriciferans 701
Phylum Priapula: The Priapulans 698
xii Contents


The Emergence of the Arthropods: Tardigrades, Onychophorans,

and the Arthropod Body Plan 709
Phylum Tardigrada 711
The Tardigrade Body Plan 715
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Evolution 1,vithin the Arthropoda 751

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Phylum Arthropoda: Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 761
Classification of The Crustacea 764 The Crustacean Body Plan 798
Synopses of Crustacean Taxa 767 Crustacean Phylogeny 831

Phylum Arthropoda: The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 843
Hexapod Classification 847 Hexapod Evolution 887
The Hexapod Body Plan 859

Phylum Arthropoda: The Myriapods: Centipedes, Millipedes,
and Their Kin 895
Myriapod Classification 897 Myriapod Phylogeny 908
The Myriapod Body Plan 899


Phylum Arthropoda: The Chelicerata 911

Chelicerate Classification 915 The Pycnogonid Body Plan 958
The Euchelicerate Body Plan 927 Chelicerate Phylogeny 961
The Class Pycnogonida 955
Contents x111


Introduction to the Deuterostomes and the Phylum

Echinodermata 967
Phylum Echinodermata 968 Echinoderm Phylogeny 1000
Taxonomic History and Classification 969 First Echinoderms 1000
The Echinoderm Body Plan 975 Modern Echinoderms 1001


Phylum Hemichordata: Acorn Worms and Pterobranchs 1007

Hemichordate Classification 1008 Pterobranchs 1015
The Hemichordate Body Plan 1009 Hemichordate Fossil Record and
Enteropneusta (Acorn Worms) 1009 Phylogeny 1018


Phylum Chordata: Cephalochordata and Urochordata 1021

Chordate Classification 1022 Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Urochordata: The
Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Cephalochordata: Tunicates 1027
The Lancelets (Amphioxus) 1023 The Tunicate Body Plan 1041
The Cephalochordate Body Plan 1041 Chordate Phylogeny 1041


Perspectives on Invertebrate Phylogeny 1047

Illustration Credits 1053

Index 1061
Preface to the Third Edition

or this edition of Invertebrates, Wendy Moore names, are italicized (though note that names for class­
and Stephen M . Shuster joined as co-authors. es of genes, e g. ,. Hox and ParaHox genes, are not itali­
In addition, 22 other contributing authors gra­ cized). We have again included the protists in the book,
ciously agreed to revise selected chapters or because instructors teaching Invertebrate Zoology usu­
chapter sections. And two dozen reviewers were kind ally cover the "kingdom Protista" and have asked for
enough to critically read various chapters of the book. it. Our knowledge of protistan biology and phylogeny
There is likely no way Invertebrates, Third Edition could has expanded s o much since the Second Edition that
have the depth and accuracy it has without the help of the an1ount of new information, even briefly presen t ­
these wonderful professionals and specialists, and we ed, is substantial. The ICZN (International Code for
are deeply indebted to them. Zoological Nomenclature) eschews use of diacritical
An information explosion has occurred since the marks in formal taxonomic names, and ,,ve follow that
Second Edition of this book, especially i n the fields recommendation. However, for other terms w e gener­
of molecular biology and phylogenetics. Just as the ally retain the original spellings and diacritics. So for
Second Edition of Invertebrates was going into pro­ example, there are archoophoran and neoophoran flat­
duction, the beginning framework of a new n1etazoan worms (the terms describing modes of egg develop­
phylogeny was starting to appear in the scientific lit­ ment), but there are also the (now largely abandoned)
erature, although at that time it was based aln1ost en­ taxa Archoophora and Neoophora.
tirely on ribosomal gene trees and considerable d i s ­ Much of ilie art for this edition has been updated.
agreement existed. In the intervening decade, this new However, "''e continue t o include diagrams that will
phylogeny ,,vas refined-although many details still re­ be useful to students in the laboratory, including for
main to be worked out. Most ilnportantly, Protostomia aniiual dissections. We also continue to provide rather
and Deuterostomia have been redefined, and the detailed classifications and taxonomic synopses within
long-standing Articulata group (based upon a hypoth­ each phylum. We don't expect these to read in the same
esized sister-group relationship between Annelida way as the rest of the chapter, but rather to be used as a
and the Panarthropoda) has been disarticulated with reference to look up taxonomic names, understand the
annelids now being placed among the Spiralia, and traits that distinguish groups, or get an overall sense of
arthropods among the Ecdysozoa. The phyla Echiura the scope of ilie higher taxa in a phylum.
and Sipuncula have been subsumed into Annelida. To say this book is a "labor of love" would be an
The basal, diploblastic phyla have been shuffled about understatement. Without a deep passion for mverte­
near the base of the Metazoa tree, and they might c o n ­ brates, on the part of all the contributors, it would not
tinue to shuffle about for a bit longer; a s this edition have been possible. Hope.fully this book elevates in its
goes to press. We predict iliat, by the Fourth Edition readers their own passion and enthusiasm for iliat 96%
of Inverte/1rates, the phylogenetic positions of all (or at of the animal kingdom that has so successfully flour­
least most) of the rnetazoan phyla will be stabilized-a ished without backbones.
lofty goal long sought by zoologists.
As i n the Second Edition, important new terms are R.C.B., W.M., S.M.S.
printed in boldface when first defined (and these are Tucson, Arizona
noted in the Index). Specific gene names, like species Dece,nber 2015
Preface to the Second Edition

It is not 11010 nor will it ever be given to one 111a11 or what we call the bauplan concept. The second theme
to observe all tlte things reco1111ted in the \Ve approach through the principles of phylogenetic
follo,ving pages. biology. Our hope was that weaving the book tightly
WALDO L. 5CHM117' to these themes would provide a 1neaningful flow as
Crustaceans, 1965
readers move from one phylum to the next. The first
uring the revision of Invertebrates my brother five chapters provide background for these themes and
Gary passed away. For a while the project thus provide an important foundation upon which the
was stalled. But, buoyed by the support of rest of the book rests. Please read these chapters care­
family, friends, and colleagues, I eventu­ fully and refer back to them throughout your study.
ally returned to the task, which, at times, seemed The bulk of this book is devoted to a phylum-by­
overwhelming. The field of invertebrate biology is so phylum discussion of invertebrates. Fairly detailed
vast, and cuts across so n1any disciplinary lines, that classifications or taxonomic synopses for each phylUJn
even in a book of this size it is necessary to generalize are included in separate sections of each chapter to
about some topics and to slight others. As university serve as references. A consistent organization is main­
instructors, my brother and I realized early on that the tained throughout each chapter, although �ve did yield
teaching of invertebrate zoology should not be com­ to the important and sometimes different lessons to be
partmentalized. Thus, in planning this book we were learned by investigating the special attributes of each
concerned about two potential dangers. First, the text group of animals. In addition, because of their size and
might become an encyclopedic list of "facts" about one diversity, some taxa receive more attention than oth­
group after another, the sort of "flash-card" approach ers-although this does not n,ean that such groups are
that we wanted to avoid. Second, the book might be a m.o re "i1nportant" biologically than smaller or more
rambling series of stories or vignettes about randomly ho1nogeneous ones. (Five chapters are devoted to the
selected animals (or "model organisms'') and their arthropods and their kin.) In certain chapters more
ways of life. The first book would be dull, would en­ than one phylum is covered. In some cases the phyla
courage rote memorization instead of understanding, covered are thought to be closely related to one anoth­
and might give the misconception that there is little er; in other cases the phyla merely represent a particu­
left to discover. The second book might be full of inter­ lar grade of complexity and their inclusion in a single
esting "gee whiz" stuff but would seem disorganized chapter facilitates our comparative approach.
and ,,vithout continuity or purpose to the serious stu­ Certain aspects of this book have, of course, been
dent. Either approach could fail to present the most influenced by our own biases; this is especially true of
important aspects of invertebrates-their phenomenal the discussions on phylogeny. We use a combination of
diversity, their natural history, and their evolutionary phylogenetic trees (cladograms) and narrative discus­
relationships. We also held to the belief that v.-hat we sions to talk about animal evolution. Cladograms are
kno,v about these animals is not as important as how used when appropriate, because they provide the least
we think about them. You should be prepared to as­ ambiguous state1nents that can be made about animal
similate much new material, but you should also be relationships. We always knew that some of you, pro­
prepared for a great deal of uncertainty and mystery, fessors and students both, would disa.gree with our
as much remains to be discovered. methods and ideas to various degrees-at least we
To avoid the pitfalls noted above, and to establish hoped that you would. Never placidly accept what you
threads of continuity i n our discussions about inver­ see in a textbook, or anyplace else for that matter, but
tebrates, we developed our book around two funda­ try to be critical in your reading.
mental themes: unity and diversity. The first theme The book's final chapter i s a phylogenetic summa­
we approach by way of functional body architecture, ry of the animal kingdon1. It reinforces the point that
xvi Preface

much remains to be explored and learned about the for the subject at hand. (lt is surprising how many of
evolutionary relationsh.ips of invertebrates. Like all sci­ the illustrations in m.odern biology texts can be traced
entific knowledge, we are dealing here with provision­ back to origins in nineteenth-century publications.) It
al, transient "truths" that always remain open to chal­ is distressing to see how commonplace it has becon1e
lenge and revision. And, of course, scientists disagree. for researchers to ignore the excellent (and important)
It is disagreement and the constant challenging of work of past decades. For example, many phylogenetic
hypotheses that enliven the field and push the frontiers research papers completely ignore 150 years of careful
of knowledge forward. embryological researc11 that was published, largely m
There are a few other things you should know about the German and American literatLtre, in the nineteenth
this book. A brief historical review of the classification and twentieth centuries. For some scientists, biologi­
of each tnajor group is provided. We felt this material cal resea.rch seems to be little more than "sound bites"
was not only interesting but also served to in1bue stu­ from the past decade. Sadly, today, this "sound bite re­
dents v-1ith a sense of the dynamic nature of taxonomy searc11 culture" is often imbued in graduate students­
and the development of our understanding of earn a shocking and dangerous trend that encourages dil­
group. Unless otherwise indicated, the Classification ettantes. To understand animals requires a thorough
section in each chapter deals only with extant taxa. w1derstanding of their overall biology, and the dedica­
Descriptions of taxa in these annotated classifications tion of a career, not just dabbling.
are written in somewhat telegraphic style to save Smee the first edition of this book, there has been an
space; ,,ve never expected these sections to be "read"­ explosion of research in the field of molecular biology.
they are for reference. Important new wo1·ds, when Much of this has been in molecular phylogenetics, but
first defined, are set in boldface type. These boldfaced huge strides are also being made in the area of molecu­
terms are also indicated by boldfaced page references lar developmental biology. Papers in these fields no1,v
in the index; thus the index can also be used as a glos­ appear at sum a pace that it is difficult to write about
sary. We tried hard to be consistent in our usage of zoo­ then1 in a textbook, for fear the ideas vviJJ be obsolete in
logical terminology, but the existence of similar tern1s six months. There have been 1nany ne,-v phylogenetic
for entirely different structures in certain groups is no­ hypotheses proposed on the basis of DNA sequence
toriously troublesome-these are noted in the text. analyses smce the fist edition of this book. Many of
For Second Edition of Invertebrates, of course, we the molecular phylogenetic trees that were published
have tried to be as current as possible with the research before 2000 were quirky and troublesome, due to the
literature, but even as this book goes into production simple fact that the field is still new and emerging.
important new publications appear daily. It has been Because most of these trees are relatively new and still
estimated that the volume of scientific information is await rigorous testing with independent data, 1,ve do
doubling about every 10 years (or faster). A half-million not discuss then1 all. However, we do discuss molec­
nonclinical biology papers are published a11nua1Jy. As ular-based hypotheses that have a growing body of
Professor George Bartholome1..v noted, "If one equates support or have received widespread attention. But, in
ignorance with the ratio between what one knows and general we have taken a conservative approach in this
what is available to be known ...each biological investi­ regard-we are only just beginning to discover which
gator becomes more ignorant with every passing day." genes are appropriate for different levels of phyloge­
My goal has been to provide sufficient reference mate­ netic ai1alysis, ai1d how best to analyze them.
rial to lead the interested student quickly into the heart These things being said, I hope you are now ready
of the relevant literature. Most of the references cited to forge ahead in your study of invertebrates. The task
in the text will be found at the end of the correspond­ may at first seem daunting, and rightly so. I hope that
mg chapter. However, to conserve space and elin1mate this book will make this seemingly overwhelming task
redundancy, in a number of cases (especially in figure a bit more manageable. If I succeed in enhanciJ1g your
citations) references of a general nature may be listed enjoyment and appreciation of invertebrates, then my
only once, usually in the introductory chapters. You efforts will have been worthwhile.
will also notice citations of a fair number of references
that are quite old, some from the nineteenth century. R.C.B.
These are included not out of whimsy, but because Tucson, Arizona
many of these are benchmark research papers or they Dece,nber 2002
stand out as of the best available descriptions
Acknowledgments xvu

photographs or other material, especially from Mexico

Acknowledgments and South A1nerica, but none has been as creative or
This edition of Invertebrates has again benefitted greatly inspirational as Lorena Viana and her friends fro1n the
from conscientious reviews provided by many special­ University of Sao Paulo. M11ito obrigado, Lorena.
ists, and we extend to these wonderful professionals Most of the original artwork in this text was done
our utmost gratitude. A very special note of apprecia­ fro1n our own sketches or from other sources by the
tion goes to Gonzalo Giribet, who not only revised sev­ award-winning scientific illustrator Nancy Haver, sup­
eral chapters and sections for this edition, but also gra­ ported by our publisher, Sinauer Associates. We have
ciously took the time to review several other chapters; been incredibly fortunate to have Nancy working with
a more informed invertebrate zoologist does not exist us on all three editions of lnvertebrates. The highly tal­
today and v,e deeply appreciate the help he provided. ented production staff at Sinauer has ahvays been a joy
Rebecca Rundell read the entire text-a daunting u n ­ to work with, and for this edition we once again had
dertaking-providing critical scientific and instructor­ the skills of Janice Holabird, Martha Lorantos, David
oriented feedback; we were fortunate that she was will­ McIntyre, Marie Scavotto, and Chris Small. We are es­
ing to undertake this formidable task and we thank her pecially grateful to Production Editor Martha Lorantos,
profusely! Other colleagues who went above and be­ who led the team for this edition, doing so with ex­
yond in providing assistance include Larry Jon Friesen, traordinary technical skill, patience, and good humor.
Jens H0eg, Reinhardt Kristensen, Brian Leander, Sally Martha somehow n1anaged to keep this locomotive
Leys, Claus Nielsen, and Martin S0rensen, to whom on the tracks no 1natter how many twists, turns, and
we owe a great debt of gratitude. Larry Friesen's pho­ switches it took. Andy Sinauer has been part of this
tographic contributions to this edition of invertebrates project since the rnid-1980s, and he has been unwaver­
tremendously enhanced the book. ing in his wise council, patience, and great insight. We
Invertebrates is in four languages and enjoys a broad are deeply indebted to Andy for his consistent support
readership, especially in Europe and Latin America. and personal interest in this text throughout its history.
Many students have written over the years express­ As a book publisher (and book lover) Andy's dedica­
ing their support and encouragement and sending tion to quality and professionalism is unequaled.
xvm Guest Contributors

Guest Contributors
Jesus Benito, He1njchordata (with Fernando Pardos), Rjch Mooi, Echinodern1ata, California Academy of
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA
C. Sarah Cohen, Urochordata, California State Ricardo Cardoso Neves, Cycliophora, Biozentrurn,
University at San Francisco, California, USA University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Gonzalo Giribet, Onychophora, Nen,ertea, Claus Nielsen, Entoprocta, Bryozoa, Natural
Chelicerata (with Gustavo Hormiga), Annelida: History Museun1 of Denmark, University of
Sipuncula, Metazoan Phylogeny (withRichard Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
C. Brusca), Museum of Comparative Zoology, Fernando Pardos, Hemichordata (vvith Jesus Benito),
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
USA Winston Ponder, Mollusca (with David Lindberg and
Rick Hochberg, Gastrotricha, University of Richard C. Brusca), Australian Museum, Sydney,
Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts, Australia
USA Greg Rouse, Annelida: non-Sipuncula, Scripps
Gustavo Hormiga, Chelicerata (with Gonzalo Institution of Oceanography, University of
Giribet), The George Washington University, California, San Diego, California, USA
Washington, DC, USA Scott Santagata, Phoronida, Long Island University,
Reinhardt M0bjerg Kristensen, Tardigrada (with Greenvale, New York, USA
Rjchard C. Brusca), Loricifera, Micrognathozoa Andreas Schmidt-Rheasa, Nematomorpha,
(with Katrine Worsaae), Natural History Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg,
Museum of Denmark, University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
George Shinn, Chaetognatha, Truman State
David Lindberg, Mollusca (with Winston Ponder University, Kirksville, Missouri, USA
and Richard C. Brusca), University of California,
Martin Vinther S0rensen, Kinorhyncha,
Berkeley, California, USA
Priapula, Gnathostomulida, Rotifera, Natural
Carsten Li.iter, Brachiopoda, Museum History Museum of Denmark, University of
Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany Copenhagen, Copenl1agen, Denmark
Joel W . Martin, Crustacea (with Richard C. Brusca),
S . Patricia Stock, Ne1natoda, University of Arizona,
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Tucson, Arizona, USA
County, Los Angeles, California, USA
Katrine Worsaae, Micrognathozoa (vvithReinhardt
Alessandro Minelli, Myriapoda, University of M0bjerg Kristensen), University of Copenhagen,
Padova, Padova, Italy Denmark
Chapter Reviewers for the Third Edition xix

Chapter reviewers for the Third Edition include the following:

Nicole Boury-Esnault, Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee, Brian Leander, University of British Columbia,
Oostende, Belgium Vancouver, Canada
Jose Luis Carballo, Universidad Nacional Aut6noma Sally Leys, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
de Mexico, Estacion Mazatlan, Mexico Renata Manconi, Universita degli Studi di Sassari
Allen Collins, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, (UNlSS), Italy
D.C. Mark Q . Martindale, Director, Whitney Laboratory
Alexander V. Ereskovsky, French National Center for and Seahorse Key Marine Laboratory, and
Scientific Research, In.stitut Mediterraneen de Professor of Biology, University of Florida,
Biodiversite et d'Ecologie Marine et Continentale Gainesville, USA
(IMBE), Marseille, France. Rick McCourt, Academy of Natural Sciences,
Daphne G. Fautin, Professor Emerita, University of Philadelphia, USA
Kansas, Lawrence, USA Catherine S. McFadden, Harvey Mudd College,
Gonzalo Giribet, Harvard University, Ca,nbridge, Clare,nont, California, USA
Massachusetts, USA Claus Nielsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Gordon Hendler, Natural History Museum of Los David Pawson, National Museum of Natural History,
Angeles County, Los Angeles, USA Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA
Jens H0eg, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Hilke Ruhberg, University of Hamburg, Germany
Matthew Hooge, University of Maine, Orono, USA Rebecca Rundell, State University of New York-ESF,
Michael N. Horst, Mercer University, Georgia, USA Syracuse, New York, USA
Michelle Kelly, NIWA ( National Institute of Water Alastair Simpson, Dalhousie University, Halifax,
and Atmospheric Research), New Zealand Nova Scotia, Canada
Kevin Kocot, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Christiane Todt, University of Bergen, Norway
USA Jean Vacelet, Universite de la Mediterranee Aix­
Reinhardt Kristensen, University of Copenhagen, Marseille, France
Denmark R. W. M. van Soest, University of Amsterdam,
Christopher Laumer, Harvard University, The Netherlands
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Media and Supplements to accompany
Invertebrates, Third Edition

eBook For the Instructor

Invertebrates, Thjrd Edition is available for purchase (Available to qualified adopters)
as an eBook, in several different fonnats, including V i ­
Instructor's Resource Library
talSource, Yuzu, BryteWave, and RedShelf. The eBook
The Invertebrates, Third Edition Instructor's Resource
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New for the Thud Edition, trus now includes all of
the textbook's photographs.
Supplen1ental Photo Collection: Expanded for the Third
Edition, thjs collection of over 1,000 photographs
depicts organisms that span the entire range of
phyla covered in the textbook.
PowerPoint Presentations: Two ready-to-use PowerPoint
presentations are provided for each chapter of the
textbook: one that contains all of the textbook f i g ­
ures and tables, and one that contains all of the rele­
vant photos from the supplemental photo collection.
he incredible array of extant (= living) invertebrate species on
Earth is the outcome of hundreds of nullions of years of evolution.
Indirect evidence of the first life on Earth, prokaryotic organisms,
has been found in some of the oldest sedimentary rocks on the
planet, suggesting that life first appeared in Earth's seas almost as soon as
the planet cooled enough for it to exist. The Earth is 4.57 billion years old,
and the oldest rocks found so far are about 4.3 billion years old. Although
the precise date of the first appearance of life on Earth remains debatable,
there are tantalizing 3.8-b illion-year-old trace fossils fron1 Australia that
resemble prokaryotic cells-although these have been challenged, and
opinion is now split on whether they are traces of early bacteria or sin1-
ply mineral deposits. However, good evidence of prokaryotic life has been
found in pillow lava that formed on the seabed 3.5 billion years ago, now
exposed in South Africa. And 3 . 4 b- illion-year-old fossil cells (probably sul­
fur bacteria) have been found an1ong cemented sand grains on an ancient
beach in Australia.1
The next big step in biological evolution came about when prokary­
otic cells bega11 taking in guests. Around 2 to 2.5 billion years ago, one of
these primitive cells took in a f r e e -living bacterium that established p e r ­
manent residency, giving rise t o the organelles \Ve call mitochondria­
and this was the origin of the eukaryotic cell. Mitochondria, you will re­
call, generate energy for their host ceils by oxi dizing sugars, and in this
case they also equipped early life to survive in Earth's increasing oxy­
gen levels. Evidence suggests that nutochondria evolved just once, from a

Tiwre are three popular theories on how life first evolved on Earth. The classic .,primeval
soup" theory, dating from Stanley Miller's work in the 1950s, proposes that self-replicating
organic molecules first appeared in Earth's earl)' atmosphere and were deposited by rain­
fall into tl1e ocean, where the)' reacted further to make nucleic acids, proteins, and other
molecules of life. More recent! )', the idea of the first S)'l'thcsis of biological molecules
by chemie<1I and thermal activity at deep-sea hydrothennal vents has been suggested.
Hyd.rothermal vents also spew out compounds that co,Jd have been i. ncorporated u1to
the first life forms. The third proposal is that organic molecules, or even prokaryotic life
ilself, first arrived on Earth from another planet (recentl )' Mars has been at the forefront),
or from deep space, on comets or meteorites. Meteorites that fall to Earth contain amino
acids and organic carbon molecules such as formaldehyde. Clearly, raw materials were not
the issue-the trick was assembling the organic compounds t o create a Jiving, reproducing
2 Chapter One

TABLE 1.1 Numbers of Described Living Species in the 32 Animal syn1biotic a-proteobacterium,
Phyla (-1,382,402 total; -1,324,402, or 96% are and then subsequently diversi-
fied broadly. Modern free-Jiving
relatives of this bacterium harbor
Number of Percent of Total about 2,000 genes across several
Described Described Animal
Taxon Species Species million bases, but their 1nitochon-
d.rial descendants have far fewer,
Phylum Porifera 9000 0.65 sometin1es as few as three genes.
Phylum Placozoa 1 (or 2) 0.0001 And human mitochondrial DNA
harbors only about 16,000 bases.
Phylum Cnidaria 13,200 0.95
On the other hand, so1ne plants
Phylum Ctenophora 100 0.007 have greatly expanded their mi-
Phylum Xenacoelomorpha 400 0.03 tochondrial genome, the largest
so far discovered in the genus
Phylum Platyhelminthes 26,500 1.92
Silene, with around 11 million
Phylum Chaetognatha 130 0.009 bases. Another prokaryotic intra-
Phylum Gastrotricha 800 0.06 cellular guest, a cyanobacterium,
became the ancestor of chloro-
Phylum Rhombozoa (= Dicye,nida) 70 0.005
plasts through the san1e symbio-
Phylum Orthonectida 21 0.002 genie process; chloroplasts, of
Phylum Nemertea 1300 0.09 course, are the photosynthesiz-
ing organelles that made plants
Phylum Mollusca 80,000 5.79
and algae possible. In some pla11t
Phylum Annelida 20,000 1.45 and algae Jilles, the origillal c h l o -
Phyl um Entoprocta 200 0.014 roplast was lost, and a new one
was picked up vvhen a host cell
Phylum Cycliophora 2 0.0001
took in an alga and co-opted its
Phylum Gnathostomulida 100 0.007 chloroplast i n another kind of
Phylum Micrognathozoa 1 0.0001 symbiogenic event (see Chapter 3
for a detailed discussion of these
Phylum Rotifera 2000 0.14
symbiogenic events).
Phylum Phoronida 11 0.0008 Controversial hydrocarbon
Phylum Bryozoa (= Ectoprocta) 6000 0.43 bio1narkers suggest that the first
eukaryotic cells might have ap-
Phylum Brachiopoda 400 0.03 peared as early as 2.7 billion
Phylum Nematoda(= Nemata) 25,000 1.81 years ago (late Archean), al-
though the earliest fossils that
Phylum Nematomorpha 360 0.03
have been proposed to be eu-
Phylum Kinorhyncha 200 0.014 karyotes-based on cell surface
Phylum Priapula 20 0.001 features and their large size-are
35 about 1.8 billion years old (early
Phylum Loricifera 0.003
Proterozoic). Multicelled algae
Phylum Tardigrada 1200 0.087 (protists) date as far back as 1.2
Phylum Onychophora 200 0.014 billion years. Eukaryote-like mi-
crofossils have been described
Phylum Arthropoda from 1 b - illion -year-old freshwa-
Subphylum Crustacea 70,000 5.06 ter deposits, suggesting that the
eukaryotes might have left the
Phylum Arthropoda
sea and invaded the terrestrial
Subphylum Hexapoda 926,990 67.06 realm long ago. Even though the
Phylum Arthropoda eukaryotic condition appeared
early in Earth's history, it took a
Subphylum Chelicerata 113,335 8.20 few hundred million more years
Phylum Arthropoda for multicellular organisms to
first evolve.
Subphylum Myriapoda 16,360 1.18
Disputed trace fossils have led
Phylum Arthropoda TOTAL 1,126,685 81.48 some to suggest that the earliest

TABLE 1.1 (Continued) There is no argun1ent that

Metazoa are n1onophyletic (i.e.,
Number of Percent of Total a clade), and the animal kingdom
Described Described Animal
Taxon Species Species is defined by numerous synapo­
morphies, including: gastrulation
Phylum Echinodennata 7300 0.53 and en1bryonic gern1 layer forma­
Phylum Hemichordata 135 0.01 tion; unique modes of oogenesis
and spermatogenesis; a unique
Phyl um Chordata sperm structure; mitochondrial
Subphylum Cephalochordata 30 0.002 gene reduction; epidermal epi­
Phylw11 Chordata thelia with septate jw1ctions, tight
junctions, or zonula adherens;
Subphylum Urochordata 3000 0.22 striate myofibrils; actin-myosin
Phylum Chordata contracti.le elen1ents; type N col­
4.2 lagen; and the presence of a basal
SubphylumVertebrata 58,000 membrane b e ­
Phylum Chordata TOTAL 61,030 4.41
neath epidermal layers (of course,
•Estimated numbers of described (l ving)
i species of f>rokaryota = 10.300: Protista = 200.000; Plan tae = some of these features have been
315,000; and Fungi= 100 ,00 0 .
secondarily lost in son1e groups).
Evidence is strong that Metazoa
arose out of the protist group
animals (Metazoa) might have originated a billion years Choanoflagellata, or a common ancestor, and the
ago, but recent n1oleculai· clock estimates put the ori­ two comprise sister groups in aln1ost all recent analy­
gin of Metazoa at 875 to 650 million years ago. The old­ ses. They are, in turn, part of a larger clade known as
est generally accepted metazoan fossils are from the Opisthokonta that also includes the fungi and several
Ediacaran period, found in the Fermeuse Formation small protist groups (see Chapter 3).
of Nev-•foundland (-560 Ma) and the Doushantuo The three great lineages of life on Earth-Bacteria,
Formation of southern China (600-580 Ma). A 560-mil­ Archaea, Eukaryota-are very different from one an­
lion-year-old likely cnidarian (named Haootin q11adri­ other. Bacteria and Archaea have their DNA dispersed
fonnis) has been described from Newfoundland, with throughout the cell, whereas in Eukaryota the DNA
quadraradial symmetry and clearly preserved bundled is enclosed within a membrane-bound nucleus. The
n1uscular fibers. Haootin appears to be a nearly 6 -cm­ cell lineages that gave rise to the Eukaryota are still
long polyp, or perhaps an attached medusa- it re­ wlknown. The many millennia between the origin of
sembles modern species of Staurozoa. Cnidarians and Eukaryota and the explosive radiation that apparently
other apparent diploblastic animals have been report­ began in the Ediacaran is sometimes called the "boring
ed from the Doushantuo deposits, although these have billion years," but the fossil record is fairly sparse for
been met with skepticistn in some quarters. However, that time period, so we're not sure how "boring" it a c ­
in 2015, a seemingly reliable 6 0 0 m - illion-year-old fossil tually was. A popular hypothesis suggests that oxygen
sponge (Eoci;nthispongia qiania) was described from the levels were too low during that time for larger organ­
Doushantuo Formation. In 2009, Jun-Yuan Chen and isms to evolve (see below).
colleagues reported on embryos of reputed bilaterians Today, there are an estimated 2,007,702 described
(triploblasts) in the Doushantuo deposits (dated 600- and named living species. About 58,000 of these are
580 Ma)-32-cell stage embryos with micromeres and vertebrates and 1,324,402 are invertebrates (Table 1.1).
macromeres, apparent anterior-posterior and dorso­ In addition, about 200,000 protists have been described,
ventra1 patterning, and ectoderm-like cells around part 315,000 plants (290,000 seed plants), and 100,000 fungi.
of their periphery. This finding was challenged, and And 15,000 to 20,000 new species are described every
the fossils v-•ere variously declared as prokaryotes or year. It seems likely that a significant portion of Earth's
protists by other workers. However, further discover­ biodiversity, at the level of both genes and species, re­
ies of additional embryos seemed to support the vie,-v sides in the "invisible" prokaryotic world, and we have
of these being bilaterian embryos and, in some cases, co1ne to realize how little we know about this hidden
perhaps diapause embryos ("resting eggs") of bilateri­ world. About 10,300 species of prokaryotes have been
ans. Good trace fossils (tracks) of a minute wormlike described, but there are an estimated 10 million (or per­
bilaterian animal, possibly with legs, have also been haps more) undescribed prokaryote species on Earth.
described from 585-million-year-old rocks in Uruguay. An esti.n1ated 135,000 more plant species remain to be
These fossil records put the appearance of "higher described. Overall, estimates of undescribed eukary­
metazoans" (i.e., bilaterians) millions of years before otes range from lows of 3-8 million to highs of 100 mil­
the beginning of the Cambrian period. lion or more.
4 Chapter One

Keeping Track of Life (i.e., groups that include all the descendru1ts of a stem
species, known as monophyletic groups, or clades).
For a gentleman should kn01v something of invertebrate Exa1nples of sucll natural, or monophyletic groups are
zoologi;, call it culture or wlint you will, just as he ought the superkingdom Eukaryota, kingdom Metazoa (the
lo k11ow s0111ethi11g about painting and music and the animals), and kingdom Plantae (the lower and higher
weeds in his garden. plru1ts).2 All three of these large groupings are thought
Marfin Wells to have had a single origin, and they eacll include aU
Lower A11i111nls, 1968 of the species descended from that original ancestor.
Monophyletic groups con1prise a cluster of tern'linal
How can we possibly keep track of all these species branches (with a single origin) embedded \,vithin a
names and information about each of the1n, and how much larger tree. Some other nan1ed groups are natu­
do we organize them in a meaningful way? We do so ral, having a single evolutionary origin, but the group
with classifications. Classifications are lists of species, does not contain nil of the 111e111bers of the lineage. Such
ranked in a subordinated fashion that reflects their groups are said to be paraphyletic, and they are often
evolutionary relationships and phylogenetic history. the basal or ancestral lmeages in a much larger clade.
Classifications summarize the overarclling aspects of Paraphyletic groups comprise some, but not all de­
the tree of life. At the highest level of classification, scendants of a stem species. The Protista are paraphy­
we can recogn .ize two superkingdon1s: Prokaryota letic because the grouping excludes three large mul­
(containing the kingdoms Archaea and Bacteria) and ticelJed lineages that evolved out of it (e.g., Metazoa,
Eukaryota (containing the kingdo1ns Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Fungi). Another w e l l -k nown paraphyletic
Plantae, and Anirnalia/Metazoa). Because "Protista" is group is Crustacea (which excludes the Hexapoda/
not a monophyletic group, the protists are sometimes lnsecta, a clade that evolved out of it). The clade that
broken up into several kingdon1s, or other classifica­ includes both Crustacea and Hexapoda is known as
tory ranks, but the relationships among the protists are Pancrustacea. Classifications of life are derived fron1
still being debated (see Chapter 3). evolutionary or phylogenetic trees, and thus generally
One of the earliest and best-known evolutionary include only monophyletic groups. However, son1e­
trees of life published from a Darwinian (genealogi­ times paraphyletic taxa are also used because, if they
cal) perspective was by Ernst Haeckel in 1866 (Figure are unambiguous, they can be important in facilitat­
1.1). Haeckel coined the term "phylogeny," and his fa­ ing meaningful communication among scientists and
mous trees codified what became a tradition of depict­ between the scientific community and society (e.g.,
ing phylogenetic hypotheses as branching diagrams, a Protista and Crustacea).
tradition that has persisted since that time. However, Some na1nes refer to unnatural, or co1nposite,
a hand-drawn sketcl1 in Charles Dar\,vin's field note­ groupmgs of organisn1s, sucll as "microbes" (i.e., any
book (1837) clearly depicts his view of South American organism that is microscopic in size, sucll as bacteria,
mammal evolution in a branching tree of extant and archaeans, yeasts, unicellular fungi, and some protists).
fossil species. And in his book, On the Origin ofSpecies These unnatural groups are polyphyletic. For exam­
(1859), Darwin presented ru1 abstract branching dia­ ple, yeasts are unicellular fungi that evolved several
gra1n of a theoretical tree of species as a way of illus­ times independently from multicellular filamentous
trating his concept of descent with modification. Jean ancestors; today they are assigned to one of three high­
Baptiste la.n1arck probably presented the first histori­ er fu11gal phyla, so the concept of "yeast" represents a
cal trees of aniJnals in his Philosophie Zoologique in 1809, polyphyletic, or unnatural grouping. The nan1e "slugs"
and the French botanist Augustin Augier published a
tree showing the relationships among plants in 1801
'For decades, taxonomists have debated the boundary between
(perhaps the first tree ever published)-although both protists and Plantae. We accept the view that it sho,Lld be placed
lan1arck's and Augier's trees were produced before just prior to the evolutionary origin of chloroplasts and that
the modern concept of evolution had been clearly artic­ Plantae should comprise aU eukaryotes with plastids directly
descending from the initially enslaved cyanobacterium, i.e.,
ulated. We discuss various ways in whicll phylogenetic Rhodophyta (red algae), Glaucophyta (glaucophyte algae), and
trees are developed in Chapter 2. Viridiplantae ("green plants"), but exclude those like chrom-
Since Haeckel's day, many names have been coined ists that obtained their chloroplasts from plants secondarily
by subsequent eukaryote-to-eukaryote lateral transfers. The
for the branches that sprout from these trees, and in structure of plastid genomes and the derived chloroplast
recent years a glut of new names has been introduced protein-import machinery support a single origin of these
to label various molecu.Jarly based clades nested with­ closely related groups. Thus, Plantae is a monophyletic clade
containing two subkingdoms, Biliphyta (phyla Glaucophyta
in the tree of life. We \•viii not burden you with all of and Rhodophyta) and Viridiplant.le (the phyla Chlorophyta,
these names, but a few of them need to be defined here Charophyra, Anlhocerotophyra, Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta, and
before we launch into our study of the invertebrates. Tracheophyta). Ln the past, some workers have restricted Plantae
to land plants (embryophytes , or higher plants) a.nd included
Some of these names refer t o groups of organisms the other Viridipla.ntae with the Protista in a larger group called
that are thought to be natural phylogenetic lineages Protoctista (which also included the lower fungi).

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Figure 1 .1 Haeckel's Tree of Life (1866).

6 Chapter One

(or "sea slugs") also refers to a group of animals that do There are currently several atte1npts to compile a
not share a single ancestry (the slug forn1 has evolved List of all known species on Earth. The United States
many times among gastropod 1nolluscs), so slugs are Geological Service (USGS) hosts ITIS-the Integrated
polyphyletic (see chapter opener photo of a Spanish Taxonomic Information System. The goal of !TIS is to
shawl slug, Flnbellinn iodinen). We explore these con­ create an easily accessible database ,.vith reliable in­
cepts more fully in Chapter 2 . forn1ation on species nan1es and their classification.
We know approximately how many genes are Recently, ITIS and several other initiatives turned their
in organisms from yeast (about 6,000 genes) to hu­ data over to the Catalogue of Life (Col) project, which
mans (about 25,000 genes), but we don't knov.• how is building the species list (up to 1.5 million species as
many living species inhabit our planet and the range this book went to press) and maintaining a "consen­
in estimates is surprisingly broad. How many unde­ sus classification" of all life (see www .catalogueof life.
scribed species are lingering out there, waiting for org, and Ruggiero et al. 2015). The Encyclopedia of Life
names? However derived, predictions of global spe­ (EOL) project is building a website that offers not just
cies diversity rely on extrapolations from existing species names, but also ecological information about
real data. Methods of estimation have included rates each species; it currently contains more than 175,000
of past species descriptions, expert opinion, the f r a c ­ vetted species pages. WoRMS (The World Register of
tion of undescribed species in samples collected, and Marine Species), an open-access online database \Vith
ratios between taxa in the taxonomic hierarchy. Each the goal of listing all described eukaryotic marine s p e ­
method has its limitations. Two recent estimates of cies, predicts the con1.pleted inventory will catalog
undescribed marine animals (Mora et al. 2011 and 222,000 to 230,000 species.
Appeltans et al. 2012) reached the conclusion that However, at our current rate of anthropogenically
91% vs. 33-67% (respectively) of the world's eukary­ driven extinction a majority of Earth's species will go
otic marine fauna is stilJ undescribed. More recent­ extinct before they are ever described. In the Unjted
ly, a large research program sampling the Western States alone, at least 5,000 nan1ed species are threat­
Australian upper continental slope for Crustacea and ened with extinction, and an estimated 500 known
Polychaeta found 95% of the species to be undescribed species have already gone extinct since people first ar­
(with the rate of new species obtained by the sampling rived in North America. Globally, the United Nations
program not even leveling off). Given the vast extent Environn1ent Programme estimates that b y 2030
of the poorly-sampled world's continental slopes, not nearly 25% of the world's mammals could go extinct,
to mention the deep sea, rainforests, and other little­ and recent counts indicate 322 vertebrate species have
sampled habitats, these data suggest that estimates already become extinct since 1500. Some v.,orkers
of over 90% undescribed eukaryotes on Earth are not no,,v refer to the time since the start of the Industrial
unreasonable. Revolution as the Anthropocene--a period n1arked by
Our great uncertainty about how many species of humanity's profound global transformation of the en­
living organisms exist on Earth is unsettling and speaks vironment. More than half of Earth's terrestrial surface
to the issue of priorities and funding in biology. At our is now plowed, pastured, fertilized, irrigated, drained,
current rate of species descriptions, it might take us bulldozed, compacted, eroded, reconstructed, mined,
10,000 years or more to describe just the rest of Earth's logged, or otherwise converted to new uses. Human­
eukaryotic life forms. Not all of the species remaining driven deforestation removes 15 billion trees per year.
to be described are invertebrates-between 1990 and E. 0. Wilson once estimated that about 25,000 spe­
2002 alone, 38 new primate species were discovered cies are goiJ1g extinct annually on Earth ( just don't
and named. And if prokaryotes are thrown into this know what they are!).
mix, the numbers become even larger. Recent gene-se­ Pimm et al. (2014) calculated extinction rates as
quence surveys of the world's oceans (based largely on fractions of species going extinct over time-extinc­
DNA "barcodes"-16S ribosomal gene sequences for tions per nilllion species-years (E/MSY). For exan1ple,
Bacteria and Archaea, 18S ribosomal gene sequences 1,230 bird species have been described since 1900, and
for eukaryotes) have revealed a massive undescribed 13 of these are now extinct. This cohort accun1ulated
biota of microbes in the sea. Similar discoveries have 98,334 species-years, meaning an average species has
been made with genetic searches for soil microbes. For been known for 80 years. The extinction rate is thus
example, there are about 30,000 forn1ally named bacte­ 13/98,334 x 106 = 132 E/MSY. They calculated that,
rial varieties that are in pure culture, but estimates of before Ho1no sapiens arrived on the scene, the overall
undescribed species range from 10 million to a billion background animal extinction rate was 0.1 E/MSY;
or more! And v.•e now know that thousands of bacterial today it is about JOO E/MSY (a thousand times higher).
species inhabit the human body, almost all of which ProportionalJy speaking, larger animals (e.g., verte­
are not yet even named and described. Viruses still lack brates), higher in the food chain and fev.•er in number,
a universal molecular identifier, and the world scope of are more likely to go extinct than invertebrates. This
viral biodiversity is essentially unknown. means invertebrates (and protists), which already run

the world, will play even n1ore important ecosysten1

roles in the future.
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Even though invertebrates make up 96% of the d e ­ The discovery that organisms with a cell nucleus con­
scribed animal kingdom (Table 1.1), they account for stitute a natural (monophyletic) group divided the liv­
a mere 38% of the 500 or so species now under protec­ ing world neatly into two categories, the prokaryotes
tion by the U.S. Endangered Species Act. NatureServe (Archaea and Bacteria: those organisms lacking mem­
has argued that more than 1,800 invertebrate spe­ brane-enclosed organelles and a nucleus, and without
cies need protection, ,,vhile the IUCN Red List of linear chromosomes), and the eukaryotes (those organ­
Threatened Species documents the extinction risk of isn1s that do possess men1brane-bound organelles, a
nearly 50,000 species of animals and plants. In 2002, nucleus, and linear chromosomes). Investigations by
the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity commit­ Carl Woese and others, beginning in the 1970s, led to
ted nations to significantly reduce rates of biodiversity the discovery that the prokaryotes themselves comprise
loss by 2010, and in 2010 this call was renewed •,,vith two distinct groups, called Bacteria(= Eubacteria) and
a set of specific targets for 2020. However, several r e ­ Archaea (= Archaebacteria), both quite distinct from
cent studies have shown that the convention has s o far eukaryotes (Box lA). Bacteria correspond more or less
failed and rates of biodiversity loss do not appear to to our traditional understanding of bacteria. Archaea
be slowing at all. Further, the Convention has crippled strongly resemble Bacteria, but they have genetic and
scientific fieldwork around the 1,vorld by instilJing in n1etabolic characteristics that make them quite unique.
many nations a fear of outside researchers "stealing For exan1ple, Archaea differ from both Bacteria and
their genetic biodiversity." Eukaryota in the composition of their ribosomes, in
The single greatest threat to species survival for the the construction of their cell walls, and in the kinds of
past 200 years has been habitat loss. Although we hear lipids in their cell membranes. Some Bacteria conduct
mostly about deforestation, 30 to 50% of the Earth's chlorophylJ-based photosynthesis, a trait that is never
coastal envirorunents have been degraded during past present in Archaea (photosynthesis is the harvesting
decades, at rates exceeding those of tropical forest loss. of light to produce energy/sugars and oxygen). C u r ­
Looking forward, the damaging effects of habitat loss rent thinking favors the viev., that prokaryotes ruled
will likely be matched (and escalated) by anthropo­ Earth for about a billion years before the eukaryotic
genically-driven global clin1ate change. The concentra­ cell appeared.
tion of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth's atmosphere has As the prokaryotes evolved, they adapted to colo­
risen by about 38% since the start of the industrial era nize every conceivable environment on Earth. During
as a result of fossil fuel burning and land use change, the early evolution of prokaryotes, Earth's air had al­
and a quarter to a third of all the CO2 e1nitted through most no oxygen, consisting primarily of CO2, 1nethane,
human activities has been absorbed by the ocean, re­ and nitrogen. The n1etabolism of the earliest prokary­
sulting in acidification of surface waters. In fact, the otes relied on hydrogen, methane, and sulfur, and did
oceans overall are novv about 30% more acidic than not produce oxygen as a byproduct. lt was the appear­
they were 100 years ago. The drop in ocean pH is creat­ ance of the first oceanic photosynthesizing prokary­
ing hardships on animals with calcium carbonate skel­ otes that led to increased atmospheric oxygen concen­
etons, and damage has been documented in everything trations, setting the stage for the evolution of complex
from corals to sea butterflies (pteropod molluscs). In multicellular life. And aquatic species v.,ere probably
May 2013, the concentration of CO2 in the atn1osphere able to colonize land only because the oxygen helped
reached 400 ppm, the highest i.t has been over the past create the ozone layer that shields against the sun's ul­
2 tnillion years. Never before has such a rapid global­ traviolet radiation. Just when oxygen-producing photo­
scale increase in CO2 (and temperature) occurred dur­ synthesis began is still being debated, but when it hap­
ing the history of human civilization. Rising concen­ pened, most of the early chemoautotrophic prokaryotes
trations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere are were likely poisoned by the "new gas" in the environ­
leading to increasing global temperatures and changes ment. A large body of evidence points to a sharp rise in
in precipitation regimes, and these changes are in1pact­ the concentration of atmospheric oxygen between 2.45
ing the distribution of biota across the planet. Globally, and 2.32 billion years ago (this is sometimes called the
average air temperatures have risen about 0.8°C since "great oxidation event"), around the same time the eu­
1880, mean land surface temperature has warmed karyotic cell first appeared. This evidence includes red
0.27° C per decade since 1979, and projections from beds or layers tinged by oxidized iron (i.e., rust) and oil
global clin1ate models predict global atmospheric tem­ biomarkers that may be the re1nains of Cyanobacteria
peratures to increase by about 4°C by the end of this (true Bacteria). However, in western Australia, thick
century. Melting polar ice and glaciers, combined 1-vith shale deposits that are 3.2 billion years old have bacte­
expansion of •,,vanning ocean vvaters, are driving up rial remains that hint at oxygen-producing photosyn­
sea level, which is expected to be as much as four feet thesis. These ancient oxygen levels might have reamed
higher by the end of this century. around 40% of present atmospheric levels. There is
8 Chapter One

BOX 1A The Six Kingdoms of Life*

PROKARYOTES (Superkingdom Prokaryota)* Kingdom Fungi
The fungi. Probably a monophyletic group that includes
Kingdom Bacteria (= Eubacteria)
mo lds, mushrooms, yeasts, and others. Saprobic, hetero­
The •true" bacteria, incl uding Cyanobacteria (bl ue-green
trophic, multicellular organisms. We view the demarcation
algae), Proteobacteria, Spirochaetae, and numerous other
between Protists and Fungi as tying immed iately before the
phyla; never w ith membrane-enclosed organelles or nu­
origin of the chitinous wall around vegetative fungal cells
clei, or a cytoskeleton; none are methanogens; some use and the associated toss of phagotrophy. The earliest fos­
chlorophyll-based photosynthesis; with peptidoglycan in
sil records of fungi are from the Middle Ordovic ian. about
cell wall; with a s ingle known RNA Polymerase
460 million years ago. The 100,000 described spec ies
Kingdom Archaea (= Archaebacteria) are thought to represent only a small percent o f the actual
Anaerob ic or aerobic, largely methane-producing m icro­ d i versity. and estimates o f total fungal biodi versity range
organ isms; never w i th membrane-enclosed organelles or from 3 to 1 O mil lion.
nuclei, or a cytoskeleton; none use chlorophyll-based pho­ Kingdom Plantae (= Archaeplastida)
tosynthesis; w i thaut peptidog lycan in cell wall; with several
Unicel lular and multicellular, photosynthetic, chlorophyl l-bear­
RNA polymerases. ing eukaryotes with p lastids directly descended from an ini­
EUKARYOTES (Superkingdom Eukaryota) t ially enslaved cyanobacterium. Includes G laucophyta (glau­
Cells with a variety of membrane-enclosed organelles cophyte algae), Rhodophyta (red algae), and Viridiplantae
(e.g., mitochondr ia, lysosomes, peroxisomes) and with a (green plants). Virid ip lantae includes the phyla Chlorophyta
(green algae), Charophyta (freshwater green algae),
membrane-enclosed nucleus. Cells gai n structural sup­
port from an internal network of fibrous proteins called a Anthocerotophyta (hornworts and their kin), Marchantiophyta
cytoskeleton. ( liverworts), Bryophyta (other non-vascular plants). and
Tracheophyta (the vascular plants, about 260.000 of which
Kingdom Protista are flowering plants). Tracheophytes develop through em­
Largely unicellular eukaryotes that do not undergo tissue bryonic t issue layering, in a manner analogous to a nimal em­
formation through the process of embryolog ical layer ing. A bryogeny.The described species of Plantae are thought to
paraphyletic grouping of many phyla , inc luding euglenids, represent about hatt of Earth's actual plant diversity.
diatoms and some other brown algae, ci liates. dinof tagel­
lates, foramin iferans, amoebae, and others (Chapter 3). Kingdom Animalia (= Metazoa)
Protists descended from bacteria by the acquisit ion of a The multicellular an imals. A monophytetic taxon, containing
nucleus, endomembrane, cytoskeleton, and mitochondria. 32 phyla of ingestive, heterotrophic, multicellular organisms
The 200,000 or so described living species probably rep­ that develop by tissue layering during embryogenesis. About
resent about 10% of the actual protist d i versity on Earth 1,382.402 species of living metazoans have been desc,ibed;
today. estimates of the number of undescribed animal species
range from lows of 3-S m illion to highs of over 100 m illion.

·Portio n s of lhe o l d "Kingdom Monera· are now included in lhe polyphytetic group of stripped-down parasitic genet ic fragments.
Bacter ia (Eubacteria) and the Archaea. Viruses (about 5,000 Recent work suggests that they might have played i mportant
described "speci es') and subviral parasites such as viroids and ro l es in maj0t evolutionary transitions, such as the invention of
prions, which are all regarded as laterally transmissible parasitic DNA and DNA replication mechan isms, the formation of the
genetic elements, are not inciuded in this classification. Prions are major •supel1<ingdoms' of li fe, and perhap s even the or ig in of the
infectious proteins, devoid of a nucleic acid genome but subject eukaryotic nucleus. Viral classification is standardized by lhe ICTV
to mutation and thus evolution. Viruses compr ise an ancient. (International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses).

also evidence in the geological record that atmospheric phytoplankter i n tropical and subtropical oceans, a c ­
oxygen did not steadily increase, but fluctuated vvi.ldly, counting for 20 to 48% of the photosynthetic biomass
dropping at times to a mere 0.1% of current levels. It and production in some regions. Today most marine
may not have been until around 800 million years ago photosynthesis is performed b y Cyanobacteria and
that high oxygen levels stabilized. single-celled protists, such as diatoms and coccolitho­
Terrestrial photosynthesis has little effect on a t m o ­ phores. Cyanobacteria are nearly unique a1nong the
spheric 02 because it is nearly balanced b y the reverse prokaryotes in performing oxygenic photosynthesis,
processes of respiration and decay. By contrast, marine often together with nitrogen fixation, and thus they
photosynthesis is a net source of 02 because a small are major primary producers in both marine and ter­
fraction (~0.1%) of the organic matter synthesized restrial ecosystems.
in the oceans is buried in sediments. It is this small Many Archaea live in extreme environments, and
"leak" in the marine organic carbon cycle is respon­ this pattern is often interpreted as a refugial lifestyle-in
sible for most of our atmospheric 02. Cyanobacteria other words, such creatures tend to live in places where
are thought to have been largely responsible for the they have been able to survive without confronting dan­
initial rise of atmospheric 0 2 on Earth, and even today gerous environments or competition from more highly
Prochlorococc11s can be the numerically dominant derived life forms. Many of these "extremophiles'' are

anaerobic chemoautotrophs, and they have been found Cotuses and texts on invertebrates often include dis­
in a variety of habitats, such as deep-sea hydrothermal cussions of two eukaryotic kingdom.s: the Anin1alia (=
vents, benthic 1narine cold seeps, hot springs, saline Metazoa) and certain protist phyla. Follovving thls tra­
lakes, sev;age treatment ponds, in subglacial lakes be­ dition, we treat 3 2 phyla of Metazoa and 17 phyla of
neath the ice of Antarctica (where the water is liquid due protists in this book. In today's world of diminishing
to a combination of geothermal heating and pressure), " -ology" courses 1nany students will find this to be their
and in the guts of humans and other animals. One of the only detailed expostue to this very important group of
most astonishing discoveries of the 1980s was that ex­ organisms. The vast majority of kinds (species) of liv­
tremophile Archaea (and some fungi) are vvidespread in ing organisms that have been described are animals.
the deep rocks of Earth's crust. Since then, a commwuty The kingdom Animalia, or Metazoa, is usually defined
of hydrogen-eating Archaea has been fow1d living in a as the ingestive, heterotrophic, sexual, multicellular
geothermal hot spring in Idallo, 600 feet beneath Earth's eukaryotes that I.IJ'\dergo embryonic tissue formation.4
surface, relying on neither sunshine nor organic car­ The process of embryoruc tissue formation takes place
bon. Archaea are known to grow at temperatures up to through a major reorgaru. zation and differentiation pro­
121 C in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and one species cess called gastrulation. However, its members pos­
has been shown to fix nitrogen at temperatures up to sess other wuque attributes as well, such as an acetyl­
92°C . Archaea have been fol.lJ'\d at depths as great as 2. 8 choline/cholinesterase-based nervous system, special
krn, Living in igneous rocks with ten1peratures as high types of cell-<:ell jw,ctions, and a I.IJ'\.ique fan1ily of con­
as 75°C. Recently, a diverse n1jcrobial biota (Bacteria, nective tissue proteins called co!Jagens. Metazoans have
Archaea, and even Eukaryotes) has been fol.lJ'\d to live also been shown to possess a distinctive set of insertions
as deep as 2.5 km beneath the seaAoor, in ancient buried and deletions in genes coding for proteins in the mito­
sediments, and they are remarkably abundant in coal­ chondrial genome. Among the Metazoa are some spe­
bed layers. And in the early part of this century, using cies that possess a backbone (or vertebral column), but
new J u g h t-hroughput sequencing technologies, it was most do not. Those that possess a backbone constitute
discovered that there are massively more species of the subphylum Vertebrata of the phylum Chordata,
prokaryotes in the environment than had been thought. and account for only about 4% (about 58,000 species) of
Even deep within sediments, at least 800 m below the all described an.imals. Those that do not possess a back­
seafloor, huge populations of prokaryotes have been bone (the remainder of the phylum Chordata, plus 31
discovered. additional animal phyla) constitute the invertebrates.
W e are now realizing that the 10,000 or so described Thus we can see that the division of animals into inver­
species of Bacteria and Archaea are barely the tip of tebrates and vertebrates is based more on tradition and
the iceberg. Extremophiles include halophiles (which convenience, reflecting a dichotomy of interests among
grov.1 i n the presence of high salt concentrations, in zoologists, than i t is on the recognition of natural b i o ­
some cases as high as 35% salt), thermophiles and logical groupings. About 10,000 to 12,000 new species
psychrophiles (which live a t very high or very lovv are named and described by biologists each year, most
temperatures), acidiphiles and alkaliphiles (which of them invertebrates (mainly insects).
are optimally adapted to acidic or alkaline pH environ­ Not only are invertebrates diverse and numerous,
ments), and barophiles (\.\1hid1 grow best under p r e s ­ they span over 6 orders of magrutude in size. Many
sure). Molecular phylogenetic studies now suggest that species are microscopic (even though they may have
some of these extren1ophiles, particularly the thermo­ thousands of ce!Js in their bodies). Son1e of the smallest
philes, m . ay be very similar to the "wuversal ancestor" are cycliophorans (350 µm, or . 3 5 n11n), loriciferans (as
of all life on Earth.3 small as 85 µm, or .085 mm), and the coral reef nema­
tode Greeffielln minut11111, that is only 80 µm (.08 mm)
3<)ne of the most striking examples of a thermophile is Pyrolob11s long. However, species with bodies smaller than one
fumarU, a chemolithotrophic archaean that lives in oceanic hydro­ n1illin1eter occur in many other phyla. Invertebrates can
thermal vents at temperahlres of 90°-l13°C. (Chemolithotrophs also be quite large. Son1e jellyfish reach 25 n1 including
are organisms that use inorganic compounds as energy sources.)
On the other hand, Polaromouns vacuo/ala grows optimally at 4°C. the tentacles, the giant squid (Architeuthis dux) reaches
Picrophilus oshimne is an acidiphile whose growth optimum is 13 m including the tentacles, a sperm whale nematode
pH 0.7 (P. <lshi11111e is also a thermoph.ile, preferring temperatures parasite (Plnce11tone111n gignntisimn) can exceed 8 m, and
of 60°C). TI1e alkaliphile Nntro11obncteri11111 gregoryi lives in soda
lakes where the pH can rise as high as 12. Halophilic microorgan­ some earthworn1s can reach 3 m in length. There is a
isms abound in hypersaline lakes such as the Dead Sea, Great record of a nemertean reaching 6 0 m, but thls lacks reli­
Salt Lake, and solar salt evaporation ponds, and the green alga able verification. Giant dams (Tridacnn) can exceed 400
D1111nlielln snli11n lives in the Dead Sea at salinities of 23% s. 1 lt.Such
lakes are often colored red by dense microbial communities (e.g.,
Hnlobncteri11111). Hnlobncteri11111 snli11nr11111 lives in the saltpans of San 'Heterotrophic organisms are those that derive their nutritional
Francisco Bay and colors them red. Barophiles have been found requirements from complex organic substances (i.e ., by consum­
living at all depths in the sea, and one unnamed species from the ing other organisms or organic materials as food). ln contrast,
Mariana Trench (the deepest part of the ocean) has been shown to autotrophs are able to form nutritional organic substances from
require at least 500 atmospheres of pressure in order to grow. simple inorganic matter such as carbon dioxide (e.g., plants).
10 Chapter One

kg in weight, and the terrestrial coconut crab (8irg11s tai11 eukaryotic fossils (phytoplankton) are 1.4 to 1.7 bil­
Jatro) can exceed 4 k g-perhaps the heaviest land lion yean; old. Together, these prokaryotes and protists
invertebrate. appear to have formed diverse communities in shallow
marine habitats throughout the Proterozoic. Living stro­
matolites (compact layered colonies of Cyanobacteria
Where Did Invertebrates Come and 1nud) are still with us, and can be fow1d in certain
high evaporation/high-salinity coastal environments
From? in places as Shark Bay (Western Australia), Scammon's
Evolutionary analyses confirm that the ancestors of Lagoon (Baja California), salt ponds on islands in the Sea
plants and animals (and fungi) were protists, and the of Cortez, the .Persian Gulf, the Paracas coast of Peru,
phenon1enon of multicellularity arose independently the Bal1amas, and Antarctica. Living stromatolites also
in these three groups, although in different ways. Ge­ occur in some isolated inland waters, such as the famous
netic and developmental data confinn that the basic Cuatro Cienegas Oasis of Chil1uahua, Mexico.
mechanis.1ns of pattern forn1ation and cell-cell c o m ­ The end era of the Proterozoic (the Neoproterozoic,
munication during development were independently 1 billion years ago to 541 Ma) was a different world
derived in aninlals and in plants. In animals, segmen­ fron1 today. Atmospheric oxygen levels were much
tal identity is established by the spatially specific tran­ lower. The deep ocean was especially oxygen poor.
scriptional activation of an overlapping series of m a s ­ And three ice-covered Earth events are hypothesized
ter regulatory genes, the homeobox (Hox) genes. The to have occurred during the Neoproterozoic Era, based
master regulatory genes of plants are not members of on the occurrence of 1nultiple glaciations at sea level in
the homeobox gene family, but belong to the MADS lov-• latitudes in the geological record. These "Snowball
box family of transcription factor genes. There i s no Earth" events, which might have each lasted up to 10
evidence that the animal homeobox and MADS box million years, are thought to have been interrupted by
transcription factor genes are homologous. periods of rapid ""'armiI1g and global greenhouse con­
Although the fossil record is rich vvith the history of ditions. The causes of these wide climatic swings d u r ­
many early animal lineages, many others have left few ing the Neoproterozoic are still unclear although there
or no fossils. Many ancient animals were very small, is evidence that the world oceans lacked the CaC03-
many were soft-bodied and did not fossilize well, based carbon stabilization chemistry we have today.
and others lived where conditions were not suitable Indeed, major carbon precipitators such as foraminifer­
for the formation of fossils. However, groups such as ans and coccolithophores had probably not yet evolved
the echinodern1s (sea stars, urchins), n1olluscs (clan1s, in the v-•orld's oceans. It seen,s likely that buildup of
snails), arthropods (crustaceans, insects), corals, ecto­ atn1ospheric CO2 generated by massive volcanic erup­
procts, brachiopods, and vertebrates have left rid, f o s ­ tions drove the wanning events. All these changes
sil records. In fact, for some groups (e .g., echinoderms, were taking place during the breakup of a superconti­
brachiopods, ectoprocts, molluscs), the number of ex­ nent as Rodinia (about 750 Ma)-the supercon­
tinct species known from fossils exceeds the nurnber of tinent that preceded Pangaea. It was against this back­
knovvn living forms. Representatives of nearly all of the drop that the Metazoa first arose, some time between
extant aninlal phyla were present i n the Cambrian p e ­ 650 million years ago and 1 billion years ago (the exact
riod. Life on land, however, did not appear until later, timing is still tmcertain). Arotmd 800 million years ago,
and terrestrial radiations probably began only about atmospheric oxygen seen1s to have stabilized at a rela­
470 million years ago. The following account briefly tively high level, setting the stage for the more rapid
summarizes the early history of life and the rise of the evolution of eukaryotes and the Bilateria. Oxygen, of
invertebrates. course, was critical to the diversification of large and
metabolically active, complex life.
The Dawn of Life The prevailing view is that Metazoa arose in the
It used to be thought that the Proterozoic eon, 2.5 b i l ­ Neoproterozoic (latest Precambrian) and began t o di­
lion years ago t o 541 million years ago, was a time of versify, and then radiated rapidly in the Cambrian­
only a fe.v simple kinds of life; hence the name. How­ the "Cambrian explosion." However, during the
ever, recent discoveries have shown that life on Earth Neoproterozoic these early animal lineages must have
began early and had a very long history throughout the survived some extreme climate swings on Earth, in­
Proterozoic. As noted above, some of the oldest rocks cluding profotmd changes in ocean and atmospheric
known on Earth already have markings suspected to chemistry and widespread global glacial events.
represent anaerobic sulfate-reducing prokaryotes and
perhaps even cyanobacterial stromatolites. Undisputed The Ediacaran Period and the Origin
cyanobacterial fossils 2.9 billion years of age are known. of Animals
The first actual fossil traces of eukaryotic life (benthic One of the most perplexing unsolved mysteries in biol­
algae) are 1.7 to 2 billion years old, whereas the first cer- ogy is the origin and early radiation of Metazoa (the an-

imal kingdom). Fossil (and molecular clock) evidence certainly had w e l l -developed internal organs (e.g.,
suggests that by the end-Proterozoic Edi.acaran period, the segmented, sheetlike Dickinsonin, which reached a
a worldwide 1narine invertebrate fauna was already meter in length; Figure 1.2). Some workers have ques­
well established. Although the animals that existed tioned whether or not Ediacaran life even included
during this time left few records, the fauna of the Edia­ any animals, suggesting that it might represent only
caran (635-541 Ma) contains the first evidence of many protists, algae, fungi, lichens, and microbial colonies
modern phyla. Living phyla thought to be represented and mats. However, some Ediacaran fossils seem to
among the Ediacaran fauna include Porifera, Cnidaria, b e unmistakably Porifera and Cnidaria, and others
Mollusca, possibly Annelida (including possible echi­ (e.g., Ki111berelln) show strong similarity to molluscs.
urids and pogonophorans), and others. Some authors Kirnberelln has been associated with scratch marks rem­
have even suggested the presence of Onychophora, A r ­ iniscent of radula scrapings. Still others are thought to
thropoda, and Echinodermata, although these are con­ possess bilateral symmetry, an idea once controversial
troversial. The Ediacaran Dickinsonin has been said to but now gaining traction. Among the bilaterian fossils
represent a "placozoan-grade animal," Ki111berelln may are Ki111berelln, the annelid· or arthropod-like Sprigginn,
be a mollusc, Eonndro111edn a ctenophore, and Theclnrdis "small shelly fossils" (e.g., the enigmatic C/011dina), and
a sponge (although all of these classifications are de­ bilaterian embryos from the Doushantuo Forn1ation
batable). Over 100 Ediacaran animal genera have been of south China, although these bilaterian records have
described from around the world. However, n1any Edi­ their detractors. Other evidence of bilaterians in these
acaran animals cannot be unambiguously assigned to deposits include what appear to be predatory bore
any living phylum, and these ani1nals may represent holes in the small shelly fossils, and a variety of hori­
phyla or other high-level taxa that went extinct at the zontal and vertical burrows that were perhaps 1nade
Proterozoic-Cambrian transition. by motile animals. An entire group of species called
Ediacaran fossils were first reported from sites ProarticuJata, appear to possess both segmentation and
in Newfoundland and Namibia, but the name is d e ­ bilateral syn1rnetry (e.g., Dickinsonin, Vendin, Onega,
rived from the superb assemblages of these fossils dis­ Praecn111bridiu 111).
covered at Ediacara in the Flinders Ranges of South The beginning of the Ediacaran period coincides
Australia. Most of the Ediacaran organisms were v,ith the end of the last "Snowball Earth" event of the
preserved a s shallow-water impressions on sand­ Precambrian, when most of Earth's land, and perhaps
stone beds, but some of the 25 or so worldwide sites much of its ocean, was frozen over. And at the end of
probably represent deep-water and continental slope the Ediacaran (the end of the Precambrian) many living
con1munities. The Ediacaran fauna was mostly soft creatures seen1 to have gone extinct.6 The Ediacaran
bodied, and there have been no heavily shelled crea­ period was followed by the Cambrian period (541-485
tures reported from these deposits. Even the alleged Ma) and the great "explosion" of skeletonized meta­
molluscs and arthropod-like creatures from this fauna zoan life associated with that time (see below). Life
are thought to have had soft (unmineralized or light­ quickly got very interesting and very complicated in
ly 1nineralized) skeletons. A few chitinous structures the Cambrian! Why large, skeletonized animals ap­
developed during this time, such as the jaws of some peared at that particular time, and in such great pro­
annelid-like creatures (and the chitinous sabellid-like fusion, remains a mystery, but the fossil record clear­
tubes of others) and the radulae of early molluscs.5 ly informs us that by the early Cambrian most of the
Siliceous spicules of hexactinellid sponges have been n1ajor animal phyla we recognize today had come
reported fron1 Australian and Chinese Ediacaran d e ­ iJ1to being. Certainly, great changes were occurring at
posits. In 2014, Ediacaran-age metazoan reefs were the end of the Precambrian and the start of the early
discovered in Namibia that were built by skeletonized Cambrian-the breakup of the supercontinents, ris­
creatures named Cloudinn. Resembling cnidarians, ing sea levels, a possible nutrient crisis, fluctuations in
these are the oldest known structural reef-building atmospheric composition (including oxygen and CO2
organisms although their phylogenetic affinities are levels), changes in ocean chemistry-and these likely
Many of these Ediacaran animals appear to have
lacked complex internal organ structures. Many were 6The largest mass extinctions recorded in the fossi l record
occurred at the ends of the Precambrian (the Ediacaran-Cambrian
small and possessed radial symmetry. However, at transition), Ordovician, Devonian, and Permian, and in the Early
least by the late Ediacaran, large animals with bilateral Triassic, Late Triassic, and end-Cretaceous. Most of these extinc­
symmetry seem to have appeared, and so1ne almost tion events were experienced by both marine and terrestrial
organisms. The Triassic events and the end-Devonian event have
recently been shown to be less severe extinction events than once
5<:hitin is a cellulose-like family of compounds that is widely thought. And a relatively little-studied mass extinction event in
distributed in nature, especially in invertebrates, fungi, and many the late Permian, about 260 million years ago, has recently begun
protists, but it is apparentl y uncommon in deuterostome anima)s to emerge as a much larger extinction event than previously
and higher plants, perhaps due t o the absence of the chitin syn­ thought, with perhaps 56% of plant species and 58% of marine
thase enzyme. invertebrate genera disappearing.
12 Chapter One



Figure 1 .2 Some Ediacaran (late Proterozoic) animals.

(A) Chamia and Chamiodiscus, two Cnidaria resembling
modern sea pens (Anthozoa, Pennatulacea). (BJ A bush•
(E) like fossil o f uncertain affi nity (suggestive of a cnidarian).
(CJ Ediacara, a cnidarian medusa. (D) Dickinsonia, possi bly
an annel id. (E) One of the numerous soft-bodied trilobites
known from the Ediacaran period (some of which also
occurred in the early Cambrian).

of the Cambrian, and it was an event of fundamental

importance in the history of life. The newly skeleton­
ized animals radiated quickly and filled a multitude
of ecological roles in shallow-water marine environ­
ments, and by the early Can,brian most living phyla
possessing hard parts had appeared.
Evidence suggests that in the early Cambrian the
world ocean increased its calcium content dramati­
cally, \vhich coincided with a proliferation of skel­
played a role the demise of the Ediacaran fauna and the etonjzed animals. Clin1ates were warm, and shal­
rise of Cambrian life. low epicontinental seas covered broad regions of
Paleozoic continents. The explosion of bilaterally sym­
The Paleozoic Era (541-252 Ma} metrical animals, the Bilateria, also began around the
The Phanerozoic eon (the time of abundant life on Proterozoic-Crunbrian transition. Seed ferns and other
Earth that encompasses the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and gymnosperms also arose during the Paleozoic, perhaps
Cenozoic eras) v.ras ushered in with the almost simul­ about 400 million years ago, whereas angiosperms may
taneous appearance in the lower Cambrian of well-de­ have arisen around 200 million years ago, as suggested
veloped, large, calcareous body skeletons in numerous by molecular data (although the oldest undisputed an­
groups, such as archaeocyathans (coral-like organisms giosperm fossils arose about 130 Ma).
that "vere probably early sponges), molluscs, bryozo­ Did aJl these metazoan lineages arise quickly, during
ans, brachiopods, crustaceans, and trilobites. Shelled the first 10 million years or so of the Cambrian? Or were
animals (molluscs, etc.) first appear among the "small many (or most) of them already getting established in
shelly fossils" of the earliest Ca1nbrian, and chaeto­ the Ediacaran, but we have yet to find evidence of this,
gnaths (represented by protoconodonts) are known perhaps because they lacked hard skeletons or were
from the same period. The appearance of weU-.min­ very small. This latter idea, somerunes called the "phylo­
eralized animal skeletons thus defines the beginning genetic fuse'' hypothesis, is supported by the discovery

of undisputed and modern-appearing crustaceans in the tin,e after the Precambrian; the Paleozoic-Mesozoic­
earliest Can,brian, as welJ as n1any creatures fron, the Cenozoic eras). The Ediacaran fauna seen,s to have
Ectiacaran that resemble modern phyla. Given that a d ­ included priinarily passive suspension and detritus
vanced phyla like arthropods were already well estab­ feeders; very few of these animals appear to have been
lished in the earliest Cambrian, it seems likely that ear­ active carnivores or herbivores. Early Cambrian animal
lier-derived phyla of ecdysozoans must have been alive conunwuties, on the other hand, included 1nost of the
and welJ during the Ediacaran. lndeed, apparent phos­ trophic roles found in modern marine communities, in­
phatized bilaterian animal embryos from the Ediacaran cluding giant predatory arthropods.
provide evidence of the cryptic roots ofMetazoa and the Much of what we know about earliest Cambrian life
likelihood that the evolutionary fuse of modern animal comes from the lower Cambrian Chengjiang fossil de­
phyla was lit well before the Cambrian began. A recent, posits of the Yunnan Province in southern China, and
large phylogenetic analysis by Omar Rota-Stabelli and sinillarly aged (although less well preserved) deposits
colleagues used 67 fossil calibration points to date a mo­ spread across China and the Siberian Platform. The
lecular timetree of ecdysozoan phyla, concluding that Chengjiang deposits are the oldest Can,brian occur­
the clade originated in the Ectiacaran. rences of w e l l p
- reserved soft-bodied and hard-bodied
Geological evidence teJJs us that Earth's earliest a t ­ aniinals, and although they are domii1ated by arthro­
mosphere lacked free oxygen, and the radiation of the pods they also include a rid, assemblage of exquisitely
animal kingdom could not have begun under those preserved onychophorans, medusae (Cnidaria), and
conditions. Free oxygen probably accumulated over brachiopods, many of which appear closely related to
many millions of years as a b y p - roduct of photosyn­ Ectiacaran species.
thetic activity in the oceans, particularly by the cya­ !J1 the middle Cambrian (e.g., the Burgess Shale fauna
nobacterial (blue-green algae) stromatolites. A long­ of western Canada and similar deposits elsewhere;
standing hypothesis suggests that the beginning of Figures 1.3 and 1.4), annelids and tardigrades made
an oxygenated atn1osphere was around 2.4 billion their first positive appearance in the fossil record, and
years ago, and it was then that "modern life" began to the first complete echinodenn skeletons appear. Twelve
evolve (at the beginning of the Proterozoic). However, million years younger than the Chengjiang fauna, the
evidence for free oxygen levels in the Proterozoic is still Burgess Shale material is also dominated by arthro­
unclear, and there are some data that suggest an oxy­ pods (and their allies), including the infamous Opnbinin
genated atmosphere might have evolved even earlier and An.011,nlocnris.Most of the Burgess Shale fauna can
than that. Proterozoic seas might have been oxic near also be assigned to living phyla. There are numerous
the surface, but anoxic in deep waters and on the bot­ other (less famous) Cambrian fossil sites, such as the
tom. Some workers suggest that the absence of meta­ Sirius Passet fauna in Greenland, the Emu Bay Shale in
zoan life in the early fossil record is due to the siinple Australia, the Sinsk biota in Russia, and the Kaili and
fact that the first animals l-\1 ere small, lacked skeletons, Guanshan biotas in China. In the upper Cambrian (e.g.,
and did not fossilize well. The discovery of highly the Orsten deposits of southern Sweden and similar
diverse communities of metazoan meiofauna in the strata), the fiTst pe.ntaston,id Crustacea and the first ag­
Proterozoic strata of south Chii1a and in deposits from nathan fishes make their appearances. By the end of the
the middle and upper Cambrian (e.g., the Swedish Can1brian, nearly all of the major, modern aniinal phyla
Orsten fauna) lends support to the idea that many of had appeared. The Burgess Shale-like assemblage in
the first animals were 1nicroscopic.7 However, large Lower Ordovician rocks ofMorocco tells us that many
artinlals also are not uncommon among the Ediacaran of the Cambrian lineages survived for tens of n1illions of
and early Cambrian faunas. years (Figure 1.4).
It has also been proposed that the advent of preda­ The driving force for this Cambrian explosion has
tory lifestyles, early in the Cambrian, was the key that perplexed scientists since Darwin's day. ln fact, it has
favored the fust appearance of animal skeletons (as been referred to as "Darwin's dilemn1a," because he
defensive structures), leading to the "Ca1nbrian ex­ could not reconcile such rapid origination and diversi­
plosion." The rapid appearance and spread of diverse fication of major animal groups with his view of grad­
metazoan skeletons in the early Cambrian certainly ual evolution driven only by natural selection. Some
heralded the beginning of the Phanerozoic (i.e., all analyses have suggested that rates of phenotypic and
genomic evolution might have been many times faster
during the Cambrian than in the rest of the Paleozoic.
"0rsten"-type preservation entail s the phosphatization of cuticles O n e popular notion is that atmospheric oxygen
with almost no deformation. It preserves the finest details of
organisms, including setae, and such deposits have yielded three­ reached a critical level around 580 million years ago, in
dimensional fossils at the scale of 0 . 12.- 0 mm. First disc<>vered in the Ediacaran, that allov1ed for larger aniinals and skel­
Sweden., Orsten•type deposits arc now known from several conti• etonized animals to begii1 to evolve. This might have
nents, from the early Cambrian (520 Ma) to the middle Cretaceous
(100 Ma). Most of the earliest "Orsten fossils" are undisputed led to the appearance of large carnivores, whicl, rely on
arthropods. oxygen for high-energy pursuits. Once the carnivores
14 Chapter One



(F ) (G )

Figure 1 .3 Some Cambrian life forms from the Burgess (F) Dinomischus, a stalked creature with a U-shaped
Shale deposits of Canada. (A) Canadaspis, an ear l y gut and with the mouth and anus both placed on a radi­
mal acostracan crustacean. (B) Yohoia, an arthropod of ally symmetrical calyx. A lthough superfi cially resembling
uncertain classification. (C) Two species of Anomatocaris, several extant phyla, Dinomischus is now thought to
A . nathorsti (above) and A. canadensis. Anomalocarids belong to an unnamed exti nct phylum of sessile Cambri an
were once thought to represent an extinct phylum of seg­ animals. (G) The elusive Odontogriphus, an appendage­
mented animals, but are now regarded by many workers less flattened vermiform creature of unknown affinity.
as pri mitive arthropods dating back to the Ediacaran. (H) One of the more enigmatic of the Burgess Shale ani­
(D) Wiwaxia, a Burgess Shale animal with no clear affinity mals, Opabinia; this segmented creature was probably
to any known metazoan phylum (although some workers an ancestral arthropod. Notice the presence of five eyes,
regard it as a free-living annelid). (E) Nectocaris, another a long prehensile "nozzle," and gills positioned dorsal to
creature that has yet to be classified into any known p h y ­ lateral flaps.
lum (despite its strong chordate-like appearance).

Figure 1.4 "Fauna of the Burgess Shale," Carel Brest von Kempen. Acrylic on illustration
board. Depicted are stromatolites, Leptomitus, Vauxia, Billingsella , Hallucigenia, Aysheaia,
Anoma/ocaris, Opabinia, Lejopyge, Olenoides, Asaphiscus, Elrathia, Modocia, Naraoia, Habellia,
Burgessia, Plenocaris, Sarotrocercus, Odaraia, Pseudoarctolepis, Canadaspis, Marrella,
Branchiocaris, Ottoia, Hyolithes, Canad/a, Gogia, Pikaia, Wiwaxia, Dinomischus, and Amiskwia.

proliferated, a predator-prey arms race ensued, driv­ 22). Insects probably developed flight in the Early
ing the rapid evolution of never-ending new body Devonian (-406 million years ago), and they began
forms. However, some other evidence suggests that their long history of coevolution with plants shortly
high oxygen levels existed well before that date. thereafter (at least by the n1id-Carboniferous, when
Another explanation for the explosive radiation of tree fern galls first appeared in the fossil record).8
Metazoa in the Cambrian is a rapid increase in nutri­ During the Carboniferous period, global climates were
ent supplies to the \-vorld's oceans, especially phos­ generally warn, and humid, and extensive coal-pro­
phorus (P) and potassium (K). This is hypothesized to ducing swamps existed.
have occurred as the Earth cooled enough for subd uct­ The late Paleozoic witnessed the formation of
ing mantle to hydrate with seawater about 600 million Earth's most recent supercontinent Pangaea, i n
years ago, thus n1oving water from the oceans into the the Permian period (about 270 Ma). The end of the
lower mantle and lowering sea level, which in turn ex­ Paleozoic era/Permian period (252 Ma) was marked
posed great swaths of new landmasses that underwent by the largest mass extinction known, in which about
erosion of P and K, which in turn were transported 90% of Earth's marine species (and 70'¾, of the terres­
to the sea as fertilizers. In addition, massive uplift of trial vertebrate genera) were lost over a brief span of
mountains and plun,e-driven dome-up of landmasses a few n,illion years. The Paleozoic reef corals (Rugosa
also n1ight have added new nutrient-erosion sources and Tabulata) went extinct, as did the once donlinant
arow1d the Precambrian-Cambrian transition. trilobites, never to be seen again. The driving force of
The early Paleozoic also saw the first xipho­ the massive Permian extinction is a hotly debated sub­
surans, eurypterids, trees, and teleost fishes (in the ject, and hypotheses range from rapid global v.•arming
Ordovician). The first land animals (arachnids, c e n ­ to rapid global coolli1g! Either might have been driv­
tipedes, myriapods) appeared in the Upper Silurian. en by a huge asteroid impact, perhaps coupled with
By the middle Paleozoic (the Devonian period), life
on land had begun to proliferate. Forest ecosys­ 8<:oevolution is the recipr<>Cal adaptdtion that occurs over time
tems became established and began reducing atmo­ between closely interacting species. One classic example is plants
spheric CO2 levels (eventually ternunating an earlier and their pollinators, which have evolved in lockstep since the
late Paleozoic era to form remarkably finely tuned anatomies,
Paleozoic greenhouse environment). The first insects physiologies, and behaviors, among willing (or ,mwilling)
also appeared in the early Paleozoic era (see chapter partners.
16 Chapter One

massive Earth volcanisn1, and perhaps also degassing and other leaf-mining orders appeared through the
of methane from stagnant ocean basins. Evidence s u g ­ Cretaceous, coincident with the radjation of the vascu­
gests that toxic waters decimated shallow bottom ma­ lar pla11ts.
rine communities at that time. All of these mjght have In the Cretaceous, large-scale fragmentation of
created a large and rapid global warming (or cooling) Gondwana and Laurasia took place, resulting in the
event, depending on how thlngs played out. The t r i l ­ formation of the Atla11tic and Southern Ocea11s. During
lions of tons o f carbon released into the atmosphere this period, lai1dmasses subsided aI1d sea levels were
and oceans from enormous volcanism likely also led to high; the ocems sent their waters far inla11d, and great
ocean acidification and a drop in dissolved oxygen in epicontinental seas and coastal swamps developed. As
the oceans, further possible causes of ocea.iuc extinction land masses fragmented a11d new oceans formed, glob­
events. Tlus volcaiusm was likely the one that created al climates began to cool and ocea1uc mixing began to
the massive flood basalts known as the Siberian Traps move oxygenated waters to greater depths in the sea.
in Asia, an event coincident in time that could have The oldest fossil of modern birds dates from the early
led to atmospheric "pollution" in the form of dust ai1d Cretaceous (Arc/1aeornith11rn 111een1annne, ~130 Ma).
sulfur particles that cooled Earth's surface and/ or m a s ­ The end of the Cretaceous was marked by the
sive gas emissions that led to a prolonged greenhouse Cretaceous-Paleocene mass extinction, in which an
v-•arrning and ocean acidification. estimated 50% of Earth's species were lost, includ­
ing the (nonavian) dinosaurs and all of the sea's rich
The Mesozoic Era (252-66 Ma) Mesozoic ammonite diversity. There is strong evidence
The Mesozoic era is divided into three broad periods: that this extinction event was driven by a combination
the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. The Triassic of two factors: massive Earth volcanism associated
began \¥ith the continents joined together as Pangaea. with the great flood basalts of western India known
The land was high, and few shallow seas existed. Glob­ as the Deccan Traps, combined with a major asteroid
al climates v-•ere warm, and deserts were extensive. A l ­ impact (documented by the Chlcxulub Crater in the
though the Triassic is perhaps best known for the emer­ Yucatan region of modern Mexico). The DeccaI1 Traps
gence of the dinosaurs, vertebrate diversity in general flood basalts comprise an almost unimaginable 1.3 111il­
exploded during this period, as the first land mam.mals l ion cubic kilometers of erupted lava, 3,000 m thick
made their appeara11ce. In Triassic seas, modem-look­ i n some places. The main eruptions initiated about
ing sderacti.nian corals appeared, a11d the diversity of 250,000 years before the Cretaceous-Paleocene bound­
predatory invertebrates a11d fishes increased dramati­ ary, a11d overall the lava flowed for over 750,000 years.
cally, although the paleogeological data suggest that However, an estimated 90% of the eruptive flow took
deeper marine waters might have been too low in o x y ­ place rapidly, over Jess than 1 million years, coinci­
gen to harbor mucll (or a11y) multicellular Lile. The end dent with the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary. The
of the Triassic witnessed a global extinction event that sulfur dioxide gas injected into the atmosphere from
resulted in the disappeara11ce of around half of all the this massive volcanic event would have converted to
Living species. This was perhaps driven by the combi­ sulfate aerosols that caused climate cooling, and when
nation o f asteroid impact and widespread volcaiusm these aerosols washed out (as acid rain) they would
that created the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province have acidified the oceai1s. The scale of biological turn­
of northeastern South America 200 mil)jon years ago, over betv-•een the Cretaceous and Paleocene i s nearly
although there i. s considerable disagreement about the uJ1precedented in Earth history. All the nonavian di­
extent and cause of this extinction event. Recent studies nosaurs, n1arine reptiles, ammonites, and rudistid
suggest elevated atmospheric CO2 was the culprit be­ clams went extinct. Planktonic foraminiferans and
hind the end-Triassic extinction event, possibly caused land plants were devastated. There is recent evidence
by high rates of magmatic CO 2 degassing suggesting that the full strength of the end-Cretaceous
The Jurassic saw a continuation of warm, stable cli­ mass extinctions might not have kicked in w1til about
n1ates, with little latitudinal or seasonal variation a11d 300,000 years after the Chicxulub i.lnpact. If con1et im­
probably little mixing between shallow a11d deep oce­ pacts are beginning to sound like a recurring theme in
anic waters. Pangaea split into two large landmasses, the history of life on Earth, it's because so many large
a northern Laurasia and southern Gondwana, sepa­ impact craters have been found (at least 70 that are
rated b y a circumglobal tropical seaway known as larger than 6 km in diameter), and many of these coin­
the Tethys Sea. Many tropical marine families and cide with major traI1Sitions in the fossil record.
genera today are thought to be direct descendants of
inhabitants of the pantropical Tethys Sea. On land, The Cenozoic Era (66 Ma-present)
modern genera of many gymnosperms ai1d advanced The Cenozoic era dawned with a continuing world­
angiosperms appeared, and the first birds begin to wide cooling trend. As Soutl1 America decoupled from
evolve (Archaeopteryx,~150 Ma). Leaf-mining insects Antarctica, the Drake Passage opened to injtiate the cir­
(lepidopterans) appeared by the late Jurassic (150 Ma}, cum-Antarctic current, whicll eventually drove the for-

mation of the Antarctic ice cap, which in tum led to our n1arine world minimize physical and d1en1ica1 stresses
modern cold ocean botton1 conditions (in the Miocene). on organisms. The challenge of evolving gas exchange
India moved north from Antarctica and collided with and osmotic regulatory structures that can function in
southern Asia (in the early Oligocene). Africa collided freshwater and terrestrial environments are formida­
with western Asia (late Oligocene/early Miocene), ble, and relatively few lineages \'Vere able to do so and
separating the Mediterranean Sea from the Indian escape their marine origins. Thus, is not surprising to
Ocean and breaking up the circumtropical Tethys Sea. find that the marine environment continues to harbor
Around 56 million years ago, the Earth warmed rapid­ the greatest diversity of higher taxa and major body
ly as greenhouse gasses spiked in the atmosphere and plans-14 of the 32 living animal phyla are strictly ma­
global oceans warmed all the way down to the deep rine (e.g., Placozoa, Ctenophora, Chaetognatha, Rhom­
sea. The cause of this Paleocene-Eocene Thennal Maxi­ bozoa, Orthonectida, Cydiophora, Gnathostomulida,
mum is uncertain, but massive volcanic eruptions that Phoronida, Brachiopoda, Kinorhyncha, Priapula, Lo­
could have cooked CO2 out of organic sea.floor sedi­ rici.fera, Echinodermata, Hemichordata) and many oth­
ments have been suggested, as have wildfires burning ers have barely penetrated the terrestrial or freshwater
through Paleocene peat deposits, and a cotnet impact realn1. Productivity in the world's oceans is very high,
(that could have released large deposits of methane and this also probably contributes to the high diversity
hydrate from the seafloor). Relatively recently (in the of animal life in the sea (the total primary productivity
Pliocene), the Arctic ice cap formed, and the Panama of the seas is about 48.7 x 109 rnetric tons of carbon per
isthmus rose, separating the Caribbean Sea fron1 the year). Perhaps Ille most significant factor, however, is
Pacific and breaking up the last remnant of the ancient fue special nature of seawater itself.
Tethys Sea about 3 million years ago (although recent Water is a very efficient thern1al buffer. Because
work has proposed a much earlier date for the closure of its high heat capacity, it is slow to heat u p or cool
of the Panama Seaway, perhaps 15-13 Ma). Modern down. Large bodies of water, such as oceans, absorb
coral reefs (sderactinian-based reefs) appeared early in and lose great amounts of heat witl1 little change in a c ­
the Cenozoic, reestablishing the niche once held by the tual water temperature. In fact, the oceans store over
rugose and tabulate corals of the Paleozoic. 90% of the excess heat accumulating in the \v , orld's
This textbook focuses primarily on invertebrate life atmospheric climate system today. Thus, oceanic tem­
at the very end of the Cenozoic, in fue Qua ternary p e ­ peratures are very stable in co1nparison with those of
riod (Pleistocene+ Holocene). However, evaluation of freshwater and terrestrial environments. Short-term
the present-day success of animal groups also involves temperature extremes occur only in intertidal and es­
consideration of the deeper history of modem lineages, tuarine habitats, and invertebrates living in such areas
the diversity of life over time (numbers of species and must possess behavioral and physiological adaptations
higher taxa), and the abundance of life in various envi­ that allow them to survive these temperature changes,
ronments. The predominance of certain kinds of inver­ which are often combined with aerial exposure during
tebrates today is unquestionable. For example, of the low tide periods.
1,382,402 or so described species of animals (1,324,402 The saltiness, or salinity, of seawater averages about
of which are invertebrates), 81.5°/o are arthropods (and 3.5% (usually expressed as parts per thousand, 35%o).
82% of those are insects). It would be hard to argue that This property, too, is quite stable, especially in areas
insects are not the most successful group of animals on away from shore and fue influence of freshwater run­
Earth today. And the fossil record tells us that arthro­ off. The salinity of seawater gives it a high density,
pods have always been key players in the biosphere, which enhances buoyancy, thereby minimizing energy
even before the appearance of fue insects. Table 1.1 expenditures for flotation. Furthermore, the various
conveys a general idea of the levels of diversity among ions that contribute to the total salinity occur in fairly
the animal phyla today. constant proportions. These qualities result in a total
ionic concentration in seawater that is sinillar to that
in the body fluids of most anin1als, mini111izing the
Where Do Invertebrates Live? problems of osmotic and ionic regulation (see Chapter
4). The pH of seawater is also quite stable throughout
Marine Habitats most of fue ocean. Naturally occurring carbonate com­
The global ocean is Earth's largest biome. In fact, it pounds participate in a series of chemical reactions
can be said that Earth is a marine planet-salt water that buffer seawater at about pH 7.5-8.5. However,
covers 71 % of its surface. The vast three-dimensional today's anthropogenic-driven increase in atmospheric
world of the seas contains 99% of Earth's inhabited CO 2 threatens to alter the carbonate buffering capacity
space. Life aln1ost certainly evolved in the sea, and the of the world's seas. A large fraction (over 25%) of the
major events described above leading to the diversi­ CO2 added to the atmosphere by burning of fossil fuels
fication of invertebrates occurred in late Proterozoic enters the ocean. Seawater reacts with CO2 to form car­
and early Cambrian shallow seas. Many aspects of the bonic acid, decreasing the pH of ocean surface waters.
18 Chapter One

The lowering of sea surface pH disrupts forn1ation conditions, and yet tl1ese areas commonly are home to
of calcium carbonate skeletons in both ani1nals and exceptionally high numbers of species. Most animals
protists. and plants are more or less restricted to particular e l ­
In shallow and nearshore waters, CO2, various nu­ evations along the shore, a condition resulting in the
trients, and sunlight are generally available in quanti­ phenomenon of zonation. Such zones are visible as
ties sufficient to allovv high levels of photosynthesis, e i ­ distinct bands or communities of organisms along the
ther seasonally or continuously (depending on latitude shoreline. The upper elevational limit of an intertidal
and other factors). Dissolved oxygen levels rarely drop organism is commonly established by its ability to tol­
below those required for normal respiration, except in erate conditions of exposure to air (e.g., desiccation,
stagnant waters such as might occur in certain estuarine temperature fluctuations), whereas its lower elevation­
or ocean basin habitats, or where anthropogenic activi­ al limit is often determined by biological factors (co1n­
ties have created eutrophic conditions that can result in petition with or predation by other species). There are,
oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), hypoxic regions, or of course, many exceptions to these generalizations.
even anoxic sea floor conditions. Hypoxia occurs when ExtendiJ1g seaward from the shoreline is the conti­
dissolved oxygen falls below< 2 ml of 02/liter. TI1e size nental shelf, a feature of most large landmasses. The
and number of OMZs, defined by 02 concentrations continental shelf n1ay be only a few kilon1eters wide, or
below 20 µMand sometimes called "dead zones," in it may extend up to 1,000 km from shore (50 to 100 km
the world oceans have been growing rapidly in recent is average for most areas). It usually reaches a depth of
decades as a result of humans releasing huge quantities 1 5 0200
- m. These nearshore shelf areas are among the
of organic waste and fertilizers into the sea. Deep-sea most productive environments of the ocean, being rich
ecosystems contain the largest hypoxic and anoxic re­ in nutrients and shallow enough to pennit photosyn­
gions of the Biosphere. Permanently anoxic conditions thesis from surface to sea floor.
in the oceans are present in the subsurface seafloor and, The outer limit of the continental shelf-called the
among other areas, in the interior of the Black Sea and continental edge-is indicated by a relatively sudden
in the deep (> 3,000 m) hypersaline anoxic basins of the increase i n the steepness of the bottom contour. The
Mediterranean Sea, where it has long been thought that "steep" parts of the ocean floor, the continental slopes,
no metazoans could live. However, recently several actually have slopes of only 4-6% (although tile slope
species of Loricifera were discovered living in the anox­ is 1nuch steeper around volcanic islands). The conti­
ic Mediterranean basins (perhaps the only animals able nental slope continues from the continental edge to the
to live permanently in anoxic conditions). deep ocean floor, which forms the expansive, relatively
Because the marine realm is home to n1ost of the ani­ flat abyssal plain. The abyssal plain is an average of
mals discussed in this book, some terms that describe about 4 km below tl1e sea's surface, but it is iJ1terrupted
the subdivisions of that environment and the catego­ by a variety of ridges, sea1nounts, mountain ranges,
ries of animals that inhabit them will be useful. Figure trenches, and other formations. The bottoms of some
1.5 illustrates a generalized cross section through an deep-sea trenches exceed 10 km in depth.
ocean. The shoreline marks the littoral region, where Organisn1s that inhabit the water colum.n are known
sea, air, and land meet and interact (Figure 1.6A). as pelagic organisms, whereas those living on the sea
Obviously, this region is affected by the rise and fall of bottom anywhere along the entire contour shown
the tides, and we can subdivide it into zones or shore in Figure 1.5 are referred to as benthic organisms.
elevations relative to the tides. The supra littoral zone, Organisms Jiving near tl1e seafloor demersal. Botl1
or splash zone, is rarely covered by water, even at high the variety and the abundance of life tend to decrease
tide, but it is subjected to storm surges and spray fron1 with increasing depth, fro1n the rich littoral and con­
waves. The eulittoral zone, or true intertidal zone, lies tinental shelf environments to the deep abyssal plain.
between the levels of the highest and lowest tides. It However, an overgeneralization of this relationship can
can be subdivided by its flora and fauna, and by n1ean be misleadiJ1g. For example, although pelagic bion1ass
n1onthly hours of aerial exposure, into high, mid-, and declines exponentially with depth, both diversity and
low intertidal zones. The sublittoral zone, or subtidal biomass increase again near the bottom, in a thick layer
zone, is never uncovered, even at very low tides, but it of resuspended sediments called the benthic b o u n d ­
is influenced by tidal action (e.g., by changes in turbu­ ary layer. Also, shelf and slope habitats in temperate
lence, turbidity, and light penetration). regions are often characterized by low anilnal density
Organisms that inhabit the world's littoral re­ but high species diversity. In many areas, benthic di­
gions are subjected to dynamic and often de1nanding versity increases abruptly below tl1e continental edge
(100-300 m depth), peaks at 1,000 to 2,000 m depth,
and tllen decreases gradually. Species diversity iJ1 the
9Despite its large surface area (423,500 km1), the Black Sea has
benthic abyssal region itself may be surprisingly high.
only a thin surface layer that supPorts eukaryotic life. The water
rnass below about 175 mis devoid of dissolved oxygen, making The first impression of early marine scientists-that the
this the largest anoxic body of water in the world. deep seabed was an environment able to sustain only a
..- -


Epipelagk zone t
Photic zone
zone 200m i

zone I

Bathypelagic zone
Aphotic zone

Abyssopelagic zone
Figure 1 .5 A schematic cross section of the
major habitat regions of the ocean (not drawn 6,000m
to scale). Hadalpelagic zone

Abyssal plain

few species in impoverished simple communities-was The region of water extending from the surface to
long ago shown to be incorrect, and deep-sea biodiver­ near the bottom of the sea is called the pelagic zone.
sity i s now known to be quite high, in so1ne areas even The pelagic region over the continental shell is called
rivaling tropical rain forests. Additionally, the deep the neritic zone, and that over the continental slope and
ocean covers more than half the planet! beyond is called the oceanic zone. The pelagic region
Benthic anin1als may live on the surface of the sub­ can also be subdivided into increments on the basis of
stratum (epifauna, or epibenthic forms, such as most water depth (Figure 1.5) or the depth to which light
sea anemones, sponges, many snails, and barnacles) penetrates. The latter factor is, of course, of paramount
or burrow within soft substrata (infauna). Infauna! biological importance. Only within the photic zone
forms include n1any relatively large invertebrates, does enough sunlight penetrate that photosynthesis can
such as clams and various crustaceans and worms, occur, and (except in a few special circumstances) all life
as well as some specialized, very tiny forms that i n ­ in the deeper, aphotic zone depends ultimately upon
habit the spaces between sand grains, termed intersti­ organic input from the overlying sunlit layers of the
tial organisms (the smallest of which are meiofauna, sea. Notable exceptions are the restricted deep-sea hy­
usually defined as animals smaller than 0.5 mn1). Six drothermal vent and benthic cold seep co1nn1w1ities in
phyla of n1etazoans are exclusively meiobenthic in which sulfur-fixing microorganisn1s serve as the basis
the sea: Gastrotricha, Gnathostomulida, Kinorhyncha, of the food chain.10 The photic zone can be up to 200 m
Loricifera, Micrognathozoa, and Tardigrada. Benthic deep in the clear v.iatei:s of the open ocean, decreasing
animals may also be categorized by their locomotor ca­ to about 40 m over continental shelves and to as little
pabilities. Animals that are generally quite motile and
active are described as being errant (e.g., crabs, many ,oln addition to deep-sea hydrothermal vents, nonphotosynthetic
worms), ,,vhereas those that are firmly attached to the chemoautotroph-based communities have recently been discov­
ered in a cave, Movile Cave i n Romania. 11-,e base of the food
substratum are sessile (e.g., sponges, corals, barnacles). ci,ain in this unique cave ecosystem is autotrophic microorgan­
Others are unattached or weakly attached, but gener­ isms (bacteria and fungi) thrivi ng in thin mats in and ,,ear geo­
ally do not move around much (e.g., crinoids, solitary thermal waters that contain high levels of hydrogen sulfide. This
community sustains dozens of n,icrobial and invertebrate species.
anemones, most clams); these animals are said to be It is thought that the hydrogen sulfide originates from a deep
sedentary. milgmatic source , similar t o that seen in deep•sea vents.
20 Chapter One

as 15 m in some coastal waters. Phytoplankton in the called the trophosome-for nutrition. The symbionts
photic zone of the world's oceans account for about half are Proteobacteria, which are fw1ctionally analogous to
the production of organic 1natter on Earth. Note that plant chloroplasts in that they generate organic carbon
some oceanographers restrict the term aphotic zone to as a food source for their worm hosts.
depths below 1,000 m, where absolutely no sunlight Another unique marine habitat consists of large
penetrates; the region between this depth and the p h o ­ vertebrate carcasses that sink to the bottom in deep
tic zone is then caUed the disphotic zone. Nearly 64% of waters, especially cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and
the surface of planet Earth-over 200 million lmi2-lies porpoises). Unlike in shallower waters, where a large
in the sea below the photic zone (below 200 m depth), carcass will be consumed by scavengers over a rela­
and in this region it is estimated that 16 gigatons of c a r ­ tively short period of time, these ",,vhale falls" can last
bon fixed b y phytoplankton sink t o the ocean interior for decades and allow for the establishment of an en­
ever year as the only food source for the majority of or­ tire food web, characterized by a specific assemblage
ganisms in the deep sea (one gigaton is a billion tons). of species, especiaUy crustaceans, annelids, and fishes.
Organisms that inhabit t h e pelagic zone are often Some of the more famous members of the Vl'hale fall
described in terms of their relative powers of locomo­ comrnwtity are species of Osednx, the so-called zombie
tion. Pelagic animals that are strong swimmers, such worms, ,,vhich consume the bones of dead cetaceans in
as fishes and squids, constitute the nekton. Those pe­ these communities (see Chapter 14).
lagic forms that simply float and drift, or generally One of the n,ost unusual marine environments in­
are at the mercy of water movem.ents, are collectively habited by invertebrates are the pockets of concentrat­
called plankton. Many planktoni.c animals (e.g., small ed brines that are encased in the ice matrix of Earth's
crustaceans) actually swim very 1-vell, but they are so polar regions (brines are generally considered to be 5%
small that they are swept along by prevailing currents or more dissolved salts; ocean water is 3.4-3.5% salt).
in spite of their swimming 1novements, even though Living at very low ten1peratures (to-20 C) and light l e v ­
those n1ovements may serve to assist them in feeding els, a food web i n miJtiature exists, including photosyn­
or escaping predators. Both photosynthetic organ­ thetic bacteria and protists (especially diatoms), hetero­
isms (phytoplankton) and animals (zooplankton) are trophic protists, flatworms, small crustaceans, etc. These
included among the plankton, the latter being repre­ are highly-adapted, normally planktonic species that get
sented by invertebrates such as jellyfishes, comb jellies, trapped, and survive, when winter sea ice forms.
arrow worms, many small crustaceans, and the pelagic
larvae of many benthic adults. Planktonic animals that Estuaries and Coastal Wetlands
spend their entire lives in the pelagic realm are called Estuaries usually occur along low-lying coasts and are
holoplanktonic ani1nals; those whose adult stage is created by the interaction of fresh and marine waters,
benthic are called merop lanktonic animals. typically where rivers meet the sea. Here one finds an
The oceans hold some unique habitats. Perhaps the unstable blending of freshwater and saltwater con­
most ,veil known are coral reefs, which comprise one of ditions, moving water, tidal influences, and drastic
the ocean's most diverse ecosystems. In 1997, Marjorie seasonal fluctuations. Estuaries receive high concen­
Reaka-Kudla estimated there were about 93,000 de­ trations of nutrients from terrestrial runoff in their
scribed animal species living in the world ocean's coral freshwater sources and are typically highly productive
reefs, but that this was only 10% of the actual diversity envu·onments. Temperature and salinjty vary greatly
(due to aU of the undescribed species). Since then, son,e with tidal activity and with season. Depending on tides
workers have suggested the number of coral reef a n i ­ and turbulence, the waters of estuaries may be relative­
mals ntight be three ti.mes, o r more, than Reaka-Kudla ly well mixed and more or less homogeneously brack­
estimated. ish, or they may be distinctly stratified, with freshwater
Another well-known ocean ecosystem is the hydro­ floating on the denser salt water below.
thermal vent comn1unities. These are abw1dant in the The amount of dissolved oxygen in an est1.1ary may
world's oceans, and tend to occur in areas ""here t e c ­ also change markedly throughout a 24-hour cycle as a
tonic plates are moving apart and near plate hotspots function of temperature and the metabolism of auto­
(the land equivalents are geysers, fumaroles and hot trophic organisms. Jn many cases, hypoxic (very low
springs). Oceanic hydrothermal vents have i n common oxygen) conditions may occur on a daily basis, espe­
an abundance of reduced chemicals, such as sulfides cially in the early n1orning hours. Altin1als inhabiting
and methane. Chemosynthetic bacteria and archaea these areas must be capable of migrating to regions of
fonn the base of the food chain in these areas. One of higher oxygen levels, be able to store oxygen bound to
the signature animals of hydrothermal vents is the tube­ certain body fluid pigments, or be able to switch ten1-
worm annelid Riftin pnclzyptiln, wltich has no mouth, gut porarily to metabolic processes that do not require ox­
or anus and cannot feed by normal means (see Chapter y g e nb
- ased respiration. Furthermore, vast an1ounts of
14). Instead, Riftia depends on intracellular chemoau­ silt borne by freshwater runoff are carried into the wa­
totrophic symbionts-which fill a large internal organ ters of estuaries; most of this silt settles out and creates


(E) (F)

Figure 1.6 A few of Earth's major ecosystems. Rica. (E) Flowering trees in a trop ical dry forest, Costa
(A) Exposed rocks and algae in the intertidal zone, north­ Rica. (F) The Sonoran desert in Arizona. Fully a third of the
ern California. (8) A tidal flat in a salt marsh, New York. land o n our planet is desert or semi-desert, and this eco­
(C) A mangrove swamp at low tide, in Mexico. (0) A fresh­ system is predicted to grow with global warming.
water stream in a tropical wet forest ("rain forest"), Costa

extensive tidal flats or deltaic regions (Figure 1.6B). ln thermal additions from po,ver plants, dredging and
addition to the natural stresses com1non to estuarine filling, excessive siltation resulting from coastal and
existence, the inhabitants of estuaries are also subject upland deforestation and development, and storm
to stresses resulting from human activity-pollution, drain discharges are some examples.
22 Chapter One

Most coastal wetlands and estuaries, such as salt this sounds, ephemeral pools contain ricll con1n1unities
marshes and mangrove swamps, are characterized of plant and animal life, especially endemic species of
by stands of halophytes (flowering plants that flour­ crustaceans. Diapause is a form of dormancy in which
ish in saline conditions; Figure 1.6B,C). Salt marshes invertebrates in any stage of development before the
and mangrove swamps are alternately flooded and adult, including the egg stage, cease their growth and
uncovered by tidal action within the estuary, and are development. Diapause is genetically determined.
thus subjected to the fluctuating conditions described Some species are programmed to enter diapause when
above. The dense halophyte stands and the mixing of certain environmental conditions provide the proper
waters of different salinities create an efficient nutrient cues (often a combination of temperature and length
trap. Instead of being swept out to sea, most dissolved of daylight). Hibernation and aestivation are two other
nutrients entering an estuary (or generated within it) types of dormancy, but they are not genetically pro­
are utilized there, yielding some of the most produc­ grammed and may occur irregularly, or not at all, dur­
tive regions i n the world. This great productivity does ing any stage of an animal's development. Hibernation
eventually enter the sea in two principal ways: as plant is a ten1porary response to cold, while aestivation is a
detritus (mainly from halophyte debris), and via the temporary response to heat.
nektonic anin1als that migrate in and out of the estu­ The very low sali1uty of fresh water (rarely more
ary. The contribution of estuaries t o general coastal than 1%o) and the lack of constant relative ion concen­
productivity can hardly be exaggerated. The organic trations subject freshwater inhabitants to severe ionic
matter produced by plants of the Florida Everglades, and osmotic stresses. These conditions, along with
for example, forms the base of a major detritus food other factors such as reduced buoyancy, less stable pH,
web that culminates in the rich fisheries of Florida Bay. and rapid nutrient input and depletion produce envi­
Furthermore, 60-80% of the world's commercial ma­ ronments that support far less biological diversity than
rine fishes rely on estuaries directly, either as hon1es the ocean does. Nonetheless, n1any different inverte­
for migrating adults or as protective nurseries for the brates do live in fresh water and have solved the prob­
young. Estuaries and other coastal wetlands are also of lems associated with this environment. Special adapta­
prime importance to both resident and migratory pop­ tions to life in fresh water are summarized in Chapter 4
ulations of water birds. and discussed in relation to the groups of invertebrates
A large nun1ber of invertebrates have adapted to life that have sucll adaptations in later chapters.
in these dynamic environments. In general, animals Stygobionts are aquatic obligates in subterranean
have but two alternatives when encountering stressful ground waters, including streams and underground
conditions: either they migrate to more favorable envi­ lakes that often connect to the sea. Aquatic creatures
ronments, or they remain and tolerate (accommodate that inhabit subterranean alluvia.I waters and karst eco­
to) the changing conditions. Many animals nugrate syste1ns also fall into this category.
into estuaries to spend only a portion of their life cycle, Freshwater habitats are some of the most threat­
whereas others move in and out on a daily basis with ened environments on Earth. Throughout the United
the tides. Other species remain in estuaries throughout States, people destroy 100,000 acres of wetlands annu­
their lives, and these species show a remarkable range ally. Rare aquatic habitats sucll as ephemeral pools and
of physiological adaptations to the environmental con­ subterranean rivers are disappearing faster than they
ditions with whicll they must cope (Chapter 4). can be studied. Underground, or hypogean, habitats
are often aquatic, and these habitats are quickly being
Freshwater Habitats destroyed by pollution and groundwater overdraft.
Because bodies of fresh water are so 1nucl1 smaller than
the oceans, they are mucll more readily and drastically Terrestrial Habitats
influenced by extrinsic environmental factors, and thus Life on land is in many ways even more rigorous than
are relatively unstable environments (Figure 1.6D). life in fresh water. Temperature extremes are usually
Changes in temperature and other conditions in ponds, encountered on a daily basis, water balance is a criti­
streams, and Jakes may occur quickly and be of a mag­ cal problem, and just physically supporting tl1e body
nitude never experienced in most marine environ­ requires major expenditures of energy. Water pro­
ments. Seasonal changes are even more extreme, and vides a medium for support, for dispersing gametes,
may include complete freezing during the winter and larvae, and adults, and for diluting waste products,
complete drying in the summer. Ponds that hold water and is a source of dissolved materials needed by ani­
for only a fe,,v weeks during and after rainy seasons are mals. Animals Jiving in terrestrial environments do
called ephemeral pools (or vernal pools). They typi­ not enjoy these benefits of water, and must pay the
cally contain a unique and highly specialized inverte­ pnce.
brate fauna capable of producing resting, or diapause, Relatively few phyla have successfully invaded
stages (usually eggs or embryos) that can survive for the terrestrial world. Invertebrate success on land is
months or even years ,,vithout water. As stressful as exemplified by the arthropods, notably the terrestrial

isopods, insects, and spiders, mites, scorpions, and are one of them. In some of these cases, the line be­
other arachnids. These arthropod groups include truly tween parasitism and predation becomes blurred.
terrestrial species that have invaded even the most arid Temporary parasites, such as mosquitoes and aegiid
environments (Figure 1.6F). Except for some snails isopods, are often referred to as micropredators, in
and nematodes, all other land-dwelling invertebrates, recognition of the fact that they usually "prey" on
including such familiar animals as earthworms, are several different host individuals (that happen to be
largely restricted to relatively moist areas. much larger than themselves).
Terrestrial environments are commonly described Parasites that parasitize other parasites are hy­
in terms of moisture availability. Xeric habitats are dry, perparasitic. Parasitoids are insects, usually flies or
mesic environments have a moderate amount of mois­ wasps, whose immature stages feed on their hosts'
ture, and hydric habitats are very wet. Adaptations of bodies, usually other insects, and ultimately kill the
terrestrial invertebrates to these various conditions are host. A definitive host is one in which the parasite
described in Chapter 4 and, for individual taxa, in sub­ reaches reproductive maturity. An intermediate host
sequent chapters. i s one that is required for parasite's development, but
in which the parasite does not reach reproductive ma­
A Special Type of Environment: Symbiosis turity. Multiple hosts are more common than not in
Many invertebrates live in intimate association with the world of parasites. Even most human pathogens
other animals or plants. And, of course all animals circulate in anin,als (or else originated in nonhun1an
share an ancient genetic relationship with prokaryotes. hosts), such as influenza, plague, and trypanoso­
A n intimate association between two different species miasis, 1, vhich all transmit fro1n animals to humans.
is termed a symbiotic relationship, or symbiosis. Sym­ Over half of all human pathogens are zoonotic (have
biosis was first defined in 1879 by German mycologist animals hosts, other than humans, in their life cycle).
H. A. DeBary as "unlike organisms living together." Every species probably serves as host to several (or
In most syntbiotic relationships, a larger organism n1any) parasites. It has been suggested that parasitism
(called the host) provides an environment (its body, i s the most popular lifestyle on Earth! In fact, it has
burrow, nest, etc.) on or within which a smaller organ­ been estimated that 50 to 70% of the world's species
ism (the symbiont) lives. Some symbiotic relationships are parasitic, making parasitism the most common
are rather transient-for exan1ple, the relationship be­ way of life. Since insects are the most diverse group
tween ticks or lice and their vertebrate host-whereas of organisms on Earth, and since all insects harbor nu­
others are more or less permanent. Some symbionts are merous parasites, it is fair to say that the most com­
opportunistic (facultative), whereas others cannot sur­ mon mode of life on Earth is that of an insect parasite.
vive without their host (obligatory). And, importantly, Most parasites have yet to be described, and as s p e ­
some symbioses evolve such intimacy that, over time, cies go extinct, so, often, do their parasites (when the
the genes of the smaller symbiont get incorporated into passenger pigeon was eliminated in 1914, it took two
the genome of the "host." species of parasitic lice with it).
Symbiotic relationships can be subdivided into sev­ A few groups of invertebrates are predominantly or
eral categories based on the nature of the interaction exclusively parasitic, and almost all invertebrate phyla
between the sy1nbiont and its host (although in many have at least some species that have adopted parasitic
cases the exact nature of the relationship is unkno�vn). lifestyles. Many texts and courses on parasitology pay
Perhaps the most familiar type of sy1nbiotic relation­ particular attention to the effects of these animals on
ship is parasitism, in which the syn1biont (a parasite) hun1ans, crops, and livestock. Here we also try to focus
receives benefits at the host's expense. Parasites may on parasitism from "the parasite's point of view," that
be external (ectoparasites), such as lice, ticks, and is, as a particular lifestyle suited to a specific environ­
leeches; o r internal (endoparasites), such as liver ment, requiring certain adaptations and conferring cer­
flukes, some roundworn1s, and tapeworms. Other tain advantages.
parasites may be neither strictly internal nor strictly Mutualism is another form of symbiosis that is gen­
external; rather, they may live in a body cavity or area erally defined as an association in which both host and
of the host that conununicates with the environment, symbiont benefit. Such relationships may be extren,ely
such as the gill chamber of a fish or the mouth or anus intimate and important for the survival of both parties;
of a host animal (mesoparasites). Some parasites live for example, the bacteria in our own large intestine are
their entire adult lives i n association with their hosts important in the production of certain vitamins and in
and are permanent parasites, whereas temporary, or processing material in our gut. In fact, beneficial asso­
intern,ittent parasites, such as bedbugs, only feed on ciations with specific bacterial symbionts characterize
the host and then leave it. There are even nest para­ many, if not all, ani.Inal species, although most of these
sites, such as a n t -n est beetles (Carabidae: Paussini) relationships have not been well studied. Another ex­
that inhabit the nests of host ants and feed on them, ample is the relationship between termites and cer­
apparently by tricking the ants into thinking they tain protists that inhabit their digestive tracts and are
24 Chapter One

responsible for the breakdown of cellulose into com­

pounds that can b e assimilated by the insect hosts.
Biodiversity Patterns
Other n1utualistic relationships may be Jess binding Biodiversity has been defined as the variety of genes,
on the organisms involved. Cleaner shrimps, for ex­ species, higher taxa, and ecosystems that constitute life
ample, inhabit coral reef environments, where they on Earth. There are all kinds of biodiversity patterns on
establish "cleaning stations" that are visited regularly the Earth. At the species level, perhaps the best-known
by reef-dwelling fishes that present themselves to the pattern is the latitudinal biodiversity gradient rang­
shrimps for the removal of parasites. Obviously, even ing from low at the poles to high at the equator. This
this rather loose association results in benefits for the pattern is so general across so many taxa (though not
shrimps (a meal) as well as for the fishes (removal all taxa) that it suggests the existence of a general e x ­
of parasites). The mutualistic relationships betvveen planation. Many hypotheses have been proposed to e x ­
plants and their pollinators are essential to the sur­ plain this pattern, but none have proven flawless. Some
vival of most flowering plants and their insect part­ hypotheses focus on area relationships-for example,
ners (and, in some cases, their bird or nectar-f eed­ the tropics (roughly between the Tropics of Cancer
ing bat partners). Mutualisms are son1e of the 1nost and Capricorn) con1prise the largest and most benign
threatened ecological relationships on earth. For ex­ landscape-scale region on the Earth and over time this
ample, as we loose pollinator species the plants they might result in a great accumulation of species. Other
rely on suffer and begin to decline. Tn some cases, hypotheses focus on biology and ecology. For exan1ple,
plants rely on single species for pollination. Imagine because of their latitude the tropics receive more Sllll­
what will happen to the giant fig trees of the tropics light and increased solar energy can drive higher pro­
(Ficus is the n1ost widespread plant genus in the trop­ ductivity, which in turn can presumably support more
ics) as they loose the single parasitic "''asp varieties species. One of the most studied hypotheses to explain
that pollinate each of the 900 or so species. Of in1n1e­ biodiversity patterns is the humped-back n1odel (HBM;
diate concern is Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a in reference to a curve often revealed when diversity
syndrome that i s killing honeybees worldwide. Bees is plotted against productivity), which suggests that
pollinate 71% of the crops that provide 90% of human plant diversity peaks in commllllities at intermediate
food; but since 2006, U.S. beekeepers have seen hon­ productivity levels. At low productivity few species
eybee colony loss rates increase to 35% per year. The can tolerate the environmental stresses, and at high
causes for CCD have yet to b e elucidated, but over­ productivity a few highly competitive species domi­
use of pesticides in the environment appears to play nate. Support for HBM has waxed and waned over
a key role. the years; currently, it seems rather well supported
A third type of symbiosis i s called commensalism. by the evidence, at least in terrestrial environments.
This category is something of a catchall for associations There are also ideas that suggest there n1ay be faster
in which neither significant harm nor mutual benefit speciation rates in warmer (tropical) climates leading
is obvious. Commensalism is usually described as to an accumulation of species. Other hypotheses focus
an association that is advantageous to one party (the on historical factors, such as climate stability in the
symbiont) but leaves the other (the host) unaffected. tropics over Phanerozoic time. Still others explain the
For instance, among invertebrates there are numerous latitudinal biodiversity gradient on the basis of evolu­
examples of one species inhabiting the tube or bur­ tionary ecology, suggesting that species competition,
row of another (inquilism); the former obtains protec­ predation, aJ1d symbioses are stronger in the tropics
tion, food, or both with little or no apparent effect on and these interactions promote species coexistence
the latter. A special type of commensalism is phoresis, and specialization, leading to greater speciation and/
wherein the two symbionts "travel together," but there or niche specialization in the tropics. Paleontological
is no physiological or biochemical dependency on the studies of oceanic reef deposits support the idea that
part of either participant. Usually one phoront is s1nall­ animals living in tropical reefs have high speciation
er than the other and is n1echanically carried about by rates (i.e., they are "cradles of evolution") and tend to
its larger companion. export species to other, less biodiverse regions.
There is a good deal of overlap among the catego­ Within the marine realm today, the tropical West
ries of symbiosis described above, and many animal Pacific (especially the Indo-Australian ArcJ1ipelago)
relationships have elements of two or even of all the has far and away the greatest biodiversity, especially
categories, depending on life history stage or environ­ associated with the coral habitats (both reefs and non­
mental conditions. Taken in its broad sense, the con­ reefs) that dominate shallow seas in that region. This
cept of symbiosis has profound i1npHcations for under­ extraordinary diversity has been attributed to three
standing Earth's biodiversity. It has been said that at possible n1ecJ1anisms: (1) the coral habitats have served
least half the planet's species are symbionts and that all as refugia, preserving species from extinction during
species have many symbiotic partnerships-concepts global cooling episodes, such as the 30 or so glacial cy­
suggesting that every individual is an ecosystem. cles of the Pleistocene (i.e., these habitats are "species

sinks" where species accumulate over time); (2) these Loricifera, Kinorhyncha), Nematoida (Nematoda,
habitats have been sources of recruits and recoloniza­ Nemato1norpha), and PaJ1arthropoda (Onychophora,
tion during favorable periods (i.e., they are "species Tardigrada, Arthropoda). Relationships among the
pumps"); and (3) these habitats have exceptionally Spiralia have been more difficult to tease apart, although
high speciation rates (i.e., they are "evolutionary cra­ one well-supported internal clade is recognized, the
dles"). Of course, any or all of these explanations could Gnathifera, containing the phyla Gnathostomulida,
be correct. The paleontological record tells us that the Micrognathozoa, and Rotifera. Also, recent analy­
West Pacific biodiversity hotspot is much older than ses suggest that the Lophotrochozoa might be a dade
the Pleistocene, and also that over Earth's history, ma­ within Spiralia, containing (as the name suggests) the
rine hotspots have moved about, probably as a result of lophophorate phyla (Phoronida, Bryozoa/Ectoprocta,
changes in ocean basin geography. Brachiopoda) plus Nemertea, Annelida, and Mollusca
Interestingly, research shows that there is a correla­ (and possibly also Cycliophora,Entoprocta, and
tion between species diversity and the size of the areas Platyhelminthes); however, this needs further testing.
being measured. For terrestrial species, some stud­ Son1e recent studies have suggested that ctenophores,
ies show that precipitation is most influential at small not sponges, could b e basal Metazoa, but this idea might
spatial scales, but cloud cover and area are more i 1 n ­ be based on 1nethodologkal artifacts (Pisaili et al 2015).
portant at larger scales. At the local-to-landscape scale, Some phyla recognized in the last edition of this book
fire, storm, and hurricane history often correlate to r e ­ are now kno,,vn to be specialized lineages of other phyla,
gionaJ diversity. At global scales, processes such as t e c ­ henceEchiura and Sipuncula are now viewed as special­
tonic plate movements and variations i n sea level can ized clades within the Annelida, and Acanthocephala
account for differences in higher-level diversity (e.g., are nov" seen as a parasitic lineage of Rotifera. Hexapoda
mammal families). (insects and their kin) now seem certain to have arisen
fron, within the Crustacea, n1aking the latter a paraphy­
letic group. And the Myxozoa, once thought to be pro­
New Views of Invertebrate tists, are now known to be highly derived and extraordi­
narily specialized, parasitic cnidarians.
Phylogeny Among the deuterostomes, Echinodermata and
Significant changes in our view of animal phylogeny Hemichordata now appear to form a well-supported
have come about over the past two decades, primarily clade (Ambulacraria), and this is the sister group to
from the rapidly expanding field of molecular phy­ Chordata. Within Chordata, the long-standing idea that
logenetics, and also from new paleontological work lancelets (Cephalochordata) are the sister group to the
and new ultrastructural and embryological studies. Vertebrata (Craniata) has been overturned, and strong
Broadly speaking, the 32 phyla of Metazoa are now evidence now supports the tunicates (Urochordata) as
divided into the four basal, or non-bilaterian phyla the sister group to the vertebrates. The many phyloge­
(Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Placozoa) and the netic ideas about these phyla and clades are presented
Bilateria (the triploblastic phyla). The Bilateria com­ in the following chapters. A sumn,ary classification is
prise two long-recognized clades, Protostomia and provided on the front inside cover, and a geologic time
Deuterostomia, but four phyla once regarded as d e u ­ scale is on the back inside cover.
terostomes are now recognized as protostomes (Chae­ Not only have the phyla assigned to the old groups
tognatha, Phoronida, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda), leaving Protoston1ia and Deuterostornia been shuffled, but the
only three phyla of Deuterostoo,ia-Echinodermata, meaning of these old names now rings only partly true.
Hemichordata, Chordata. The newly-created phylum New developmental research, especially gene-expres­
Xenacoelomorpha, housing taxa formerly allied with sion studies, has revealed that many (perhaps most)
the Platyhelminthes (Acoela, Nemertodermatida, and members of Protostomia do not have "protostomous"
Xe11ot11rbell11), remains enigmatic but most analyses development, but instead have idiosyncratic patterns
place this group as basal bilaterians. or deuterostomous patterns.
Among the protostomes, molecular phylogenet­ Teasing apart the evolutionary relationships of the
ic research identifies two major clades, Ecdysozoa metazoan phyla has been challenging because of their
and Spiralia. However, five protostome phyla still ancient roots, and it has required finding informative
rem.a in elusive i n their affinities: Chaetognatha, phylogenetic markers for groups that are hundreds of
Platyhelminthes, Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, and millions of years old. The main obstacle has been that
Gastrotricha. And, despite great efforts to date, the different regions of the genome have experienced dif­
specific relationships of the phyla withinEcdysozoa ferent evolutionary histories, thus producing conflict­
and Spiralia also ren1ain somewhat evasive, although ing phylogenetic signals. Not only has this required
so1ne strongly supported internal clades have been using multiple genes, and even genome-level analyses,
identified. For example, theEcdysozoa comprises it has also led to the development of sophisticated al­
three well-supported clades-Scalidophora (Priapula, gorithms that model the evolution of individual amino
26 Chapter One

acids. Those phyla still stubbornly resisting phyloge­ the clade called Protostomia (e.g., 01aetognatha, P h o ­
netic understanding will probably requi re new and ronida, Bryozoa, Braduopods, Priapula, Arthropoda).
even more sophisticated analysis protocols. One of the Thus both names have been rendered less-than-perfect­
important things that has been revealed over the past ly descriptive. Similarly, the name Spiralia was created
couple decades through the work of molecular phylo­ by Waldemar Schleip in 1929, a.fter the stereotypical spi­
genetics and developn1ental biology is that there is far ral cleavage seen i n n1ost member phyla, but even this
more homoplasy in the animal world than we suspect­ name is not fully descriptive because several phyla of
ed, even in such complex features as segmentation and Spiralia lack this developmental pattern (e.g., Bryozoa,
nervous system.s. For example, one surprising new dis­ Brachiopoda, Gastrotricha, Orthonectida). These kinds
covery is that the annelids (now considered spiralians) of names for higher taxa, that are no longer fully descrip­
and the Panarthropoda (Onychophora, Tardigrada, tive based on their original intent, are legacy names. To
Arthropoda-now placed within Ecdysozoa) are far fully appreciate them, one needs to understand a bit of
more distantly related than was previously thought. It their history, otherwise they can seem illogical.
might be hard to in1agine the highly complex, multi­
level process of segmentation shared by annelids and Phylogenetics and Classification Schemes
arthropods evolving independently, and it seems more As noted above, the rapidly growing number of mo­
likely that they share some ancient bilaterian genes lecular phylogenetic studies has changed many of our
that predisposed them to a nearly identical en1bryo­ views on a1un1al relationships and classifications. This
logical segmental patterning process. We still have work is also generating large and highly detailed p h y ­
much to learn about this surprising nev,r twist in a n i ­ logenetic trees, with long branching patterns depicting
mal phylogeny. Even spiral cleavage, once thought to the history of life on Earth. Such detail creates challeng­
be a largely immutable aspect of animal development es for biologists who like to produce classifications that
(due to "developn1ental constraints"), has been shO½'Il accurately reflect phylogeny, because the traditional
to be flexible-to the point of being greatly altered or Linneru1 hierarclucal ranks are too few in nun1ber to
possibly even lost in some lineages. Further, we now capture the great depth and detail of these trees. Many
know that many genes once thought to be specific to of the new multigene or genon1-ic trees have scores of
particular innovations actually appeared in the tree of branching points, or even hundreds of branches that
life much earlier than did the features themselves; so appear as long comblike topologies. But the standard
we can no longer necessarily expect to find novel genes Linnean rat1ks number only 30 or so. There a few
associated with novel morphological or developmental solutions to this dilemma, sum as using unranked
features. For example, cellular adhesion and transcrip­ classifications, but none of the solutions is perfect. We
tional regulation genes essential to anirnal 1nulticellu­ briefly discuss these in Chapter 2. ln this book, we
larity also occur in the protistan ancestral line leading mostly use ranked classifications that mirror, or at least
to Metazoa. And, we now kno,,,.., that many genes once do not conflict with the phylogeny of the groups in
thought to be specific to vertebrates can be found as far question. 1n a few instances, we have had to use fully
down the tree of life as Cnidaria (but have been lost in or partly unranked subordinated classifications (e.g.,
many lineages i n -between). Many novel phenotypes annelids and molluscs). Again, tlus is all explained in
have arisen by way of modification of gene ftmction rnore detail in Chapter 2. But the upshot is, things are
and by interactions between existing genes. changing and the "traditional" classification schemes
many students are used to seeing are beginning to look
Legacy Names rather different these days.
As you rnight have guessed by now, some of the names
in use today for higher taxa were created before biolo­
gists achieved their current understanding of animal
phylogeny, and due to 111ore recent reassignn1ents of
Some Comments on Evolution
phyla these names are no longer fully descriptive. As Fitness By Any Other Name
noted above, the two great clades of Bilateria have WouJd Be As Loose
long been called Protostomia and Deuterostomia. The
A group inept
name Protostomia was created for those animal phyla
in ,,,..,hich the blastopore gives rise to the mouth during Might better opt
embryogenesis (proto = first, sto,na = mouth). In contrast, To be11dept
the nrune Deuterostomia was created for those animals And so adopt
that form the mouth not from the blastopore but else­
where (deutero = second); in many of these groups, the Ways more apt
the blastopore gives rise to the anus. Ho½rever, over the To ,vii, adapt.
past few years, we have discovered that some phyla John Burns
with deuterostomous development actually belong in Biograffiti, 1975

This book takes evolution as its central theme. AJ­ by recombination and n1utation, although the raJ1don1
though evolutionary biology has expanded rapidly phenon1ena of genetic drift and founder effect are also
over the past few decades, at its core ren1ains the s e m ­ part of the neo-Darwinian synthesis.
inal and galvanizing concept o f Charles Darwin and Evolution by natural selection can be viewed as a
Alfred Russell Wallace-that natural selection and deterministic process, even though certain elements
descent ,,vith modification are the agent and n1anifes­ of chance are accepted ,,vithin the theory (e.g., muta­
tation, respectively, of evolutionary change. Since the tion, random mating, the founder effect). The theory
"molecular biology revolution" began in the 1980s, the of natural selection implies that, given a complete un­
paradigms that have guided evolutionary biology have derstanding of the environment and genetics, evolu­
expanded greatly. MolecuJar biology has produced tionary outcomes should b e largely predictable. The
dramatic discoveries and will no doubt continue to do theory of natural selection further implies that virtually
so for many decades to come. all of the characteristics animals possess are products
There are three funda1nental patterns we see when of adaptations leading to increased fitness (ultimately,
we examine evolutionary history: anagenesis, specia­ to increased reproductive success). An adaptation­
tion, and extinction. Anagenesis is the process by which ist view might lead one to assume that every aspect
a genetic or phenotypic character changes within a spe­ of ai1 animal's phenotype is the product of natural se­
cies over time, whether the change is random or non­ lection working to increase the fitness of a species in
randon1, slow or rapid. Anagenesis seen1s to be driven a particular environment. Microevolution is thus seen
by those nee-Darwinian processes often referred to as as a deterministic, within-species phenomenon that a f ­
microevolution-the within-species, generation-by­ fects population genetics on a generation-to-generation
generation evolution of populations and groups of pop­ basis to produce changes and patterns in gene frequen­
ulations over the "lifetime" of a species. Natural selec­ cies within and among populations.
tion and adaptation are powerful driving forces at this
level. Speciation is the "birth" of a species, and extinc­ Macroevolution
tion is the "death" (termination) of a species. Speciation Macroevolution is the focus of some of the most in­
and extinction engage processes outside the natural se­ teresting debates among biologists today. Macroevo­
lection/adaptation paradigm-processes often referred lutionary phenomena can include the origin of new
to as macroevolution. The mechanisms that initiate and species (dadogenesis), "explosive" adaptive radiations
sculpt each of these processes differ. Most college cours­ that appear to be linked to the opening up of new eco­
es today focus primarily on microevolution, or anagen­ logical arenas or niches, transgenic events, major shifts
esis, and most students reading this book already know in developmental processes that might result in ne"''
a great deal about population genetics and natural s e ­ body plans, various karyotypic alterations (e.g., poly­
lection. Population genetics focuses on vertical trans­ ploidy and polyteny), and mass extinction events (and
mission of genetic information. However, the view that the subsequent new biotic proliferations). One of the
all of evolution can be understood solely on the basis best examples of macroevolution is the origin and rise
of microevolutionary phenomena is being reexan1ined of birds from their massive-bodied theropod dinosaur
in light of new ideas regarding evolutionary change. ancestors. The lineage leading to modern birds under­
Consequently, we would like to introduce readers to went rapid sustained miniaturization, with species
some ideas 1-vith which they might be less familiar.We evolving at a much faster rate than seen in other thero­
will do so by first discussing within-species processes pod lineages. Birds also rapidly developed new ecolog­
(presented here under the term "n1icroevolution"), ical and n1orphologicaJ innovations linked to smaller
and then speciation and extinction (grouped under the size, including a rate of skeletal adaptations four times
heading "macroevolution"). faster than other dinosaurs. In part, the rapid radiation
of bu·ds was driven by the innovation of flight. Macro­
Microevolution evolution asks the question, "what drives evolutionary
The neo-Darwinia11 evolutionary model, or so-called innovation?"
"modern synthesis," that resulted from the integration Mass extinction events i n Earth's history have played
of Mendelian genetics into Dar�vinian natural se.lection major roles in reshaping the directions of animal evolu­
theory dominated evolutionary biology through the tion in unpredictable ways. The largest of these extinc­
twentieth century. Basically, the neo-Darwinian view tion events wiped out a majority of life forms on Earth.
holds that all evolutionary chai1ges result from the a c ­ In the Permian-Triassic extinction event, an estimated
tion of natural selection on variation within popula­ 90% of all marine species went extinct (although no
tions (see John Burns's poem on page 26). This view phylun, is known to have gone extinct since the start of
has been called the "adaptationist paradigm." The the CambriM) resulting u1 a worldwide reorganization
theory focuses on adaptation and deals primarily with of life. Mass extu1ctions are profound macroevolution­
genes and changes in allelic frequencies within popu­ ary events that can abruptly (in geological time) termi­
lations. These genetic variations con1e about primarily nate millions of species and lineages.
28 Chapter One

In contrast t o microevolution, n1acroevolution is distant past, especially from Eubacteria and Archaea.
evolutionary change, often rapid, that produces p h y ­ T w o phyla that have been shown to have notably
logenetic pattern formation above the species level large percentages of their DNA derived from other
(e.g., the patterns depicted on the phylogenetic trees life forms via horizontal transfer are rotifers and tardi­
in thjs book). The fossil record suggests that speciation grades. In the latter case, as much as one-sixth of their
events (one species giving rise to one or more ne'A' s p e ­ DNA 1night have been acquired by horizontal transfer
cies) tend to be rapid, o r geologically instantaneous. (Chapter 20). A recent study by Thomas Boothby and
Analysis of the fossil record also shows that the num­ others (2015) suggested that tardigrades (and rotifers,
ber of species has increased graduaIIy since the end of and perhaps other invertebrates) might be prone to
the Proterozoic, with this diversification periodically integrating foreign genes into their genomes because
interrupted by n1ass extinctions. And n1ass extinctions they famously have the ability to survive extre1ne envi­
have always been followed by periods of rapid spe­ ronmental stress. These researchers speculated that in
ciation and radiation at higher taxonomic levels (i.e., conditions of extreme stress, such as desiccation, a tar­
macroevolution). digrade's DNA breaks into tiny pieces and then, when
Newer views suggest that speciation might not be the cells rehydrate, the cell membranes and nucleus
initiated by natural selection, but rather by processes become temporarily leaky and DNA molecules can
outside the natural selection paradigm-perhaps most pass through, allowing an opportunity for the "host"
frequently by stochastic processes. Microevolution can to stitch in foreign DNA from the environment.
be thought of as a within-species process that main­ Transposable elen1ents (TEs) are specialized DNA
tains genomic continuity and continually "fine-tunes" segments that move (transpose) from one location to
populations and species to their changing environ­ another, either within a cell's DNA, behveen individu­
ment. A reasonable analogy might be the basic meta­ als in a species, or even between species. They \Vere
bolic activities that keep your own body "fine-tuned" discovered in maize (Zen mnys) by the Nobel laureate
to the environment-a background process that is al­ Barbara McClintock in the 1950s, but little was known
ways at work maintaining a level of homeostasis (with­ about them until recently. With tl1e growth of molecular
in your body, or within a species' gene pool). A mac­ genetics, hundreds of TEs no"' have been identified­
roevolutionary event, on the other hand, is typically over 40 different ones are known from the laboratory
a process that disrupts that genomic, or reproductive, fruit fly Drosophila 111elanognster alone. The mechanisnlS
continuity in a species and may thus initiate speciation of TE transfer between organisms are not yet well un­
events. Following the above analogy, macroevolution­ derstood. However, the transfer of genetic elements
ary events disrupt the homeostasis of species' gene from one species to another is suspected to be by way
pools. Some examples of stochastic events that can lead of viruses, bacteria, arthropod parasites, or other vec­
to macroevolutjonary change are described below. tors. There is strong evidence, for example, that para­
The geneticist Richard Goldschmidt, the paleontolo­ sitic mites have been responsible for the lateral transfer
gist Otto Schindewolf, and the zoologists Rene Jeanne! of genetic elements among Drosophila species.
and Claude Cuenot all maintained until the 1950s that The n,ovement of a transposable element within a
neither evolution within species nor simple allopatric geno1ne i s mediated by a TE-encoded protein called a
speciation could fully explain macroevolution. They "transposase," probably interacting in complex ways
advanced an idea called saltation theory-the sud­ �vith certain cellular factors. A transposase recognizes
den origin of wholly new types of organisms-the the ends of the TE, breaks the DNA at these ends to
"hopeful monsters" of Goldschmidt-in great leaps of release the TE from its original position, and joins the
change. It has been proposed that one way such rapid ends to a new target sequence. The transposition of
changes might occur is through transgenic events, in­ some TEs from bacteria to bacteria, and from bacteria
volving the lateral transfer of genetic material from to plant cells, is partially understood, and we know that
one species to another. Proposed mechanisms of l a t ­ the introduction of these DNA segments can contribute
eral genetic transfer include transposable genetic e l e ­ powerful n1.utagenic qualities to the new host's genome.
ments and symbiogenesis. The endosymbiont bacteria Recent work suggests that a great deal of such "gene
that gave rise to mitochondria and chloroplasts have swapping" took place during the early evolution of the
been one major source of bacterial genes in eukary­ prokaryotes. TEs have been best studied in prokaryotes,
otic nuclear genomes, and their ancestral lineages are but they have been found in most organisms that have
the a-Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria, respectively. been examined, including insects, mammals, flowering
Even in the hun1an genome, it has been shown that plants, sponges, and flatworms. Although we lack spe­
dozens of genes have probably been transferred fron, cific evidence, there is reason to suspect that TEs could
bacteria to humans (or to one of our vertebrate ances­ have been responsible for some of the major genetic in­
tors) over the course of evolution. novations that have taken place in the history of life.
Probably all phyla have some DNA in their ge­ Aside from transposable elements, the duplica­
nome that was "adopted" from other species in their tion of a chromosomal segment that then becomes

separated from the original segment, ending up in a the kingdom Plantae, and (3) secondary enslavement
different chromosomal location, i s now known to be of a red alga to yield n1ore con1plex n1embrane topol­
a fairly common occurrence. A number of human ge­ ogy in the phagophototrophic protist group known as
netic disorders are known to be associated with the the Chromalveolata. It has been estimated that over
increased expression of genes contained v.1ithin such 50% of all formally described protists are chromalve­
duplications. Duplicate genes provide a rich new s u b ­ olates. In addition to the enslaven1ent of a red alga to
strate on which evolution can work. One member of give rise to the plastid ancestor of the Chromalveolata
the duplicate pair could take on a nev.1 function, or two event, green algae have also been endosymbiotically
duplicate genes could divide the multiple functions of captured, at least twice, to begin other new lineages of
the ancestral gene between them with natural selection protists.
then refining each copy separately to a more restrict­ Beyond the origin of the eukaryotic cell, symbiogen­
ed set of tasks. Even single genes can duplicate, giv­ esis has also been at work in many other systems, but
ing rise to redundancy that can provide the fodder for we are just beginning to understand how pervasive
rapid evolution of new gene functions. For example, in this has been among Metazoa. ln extremely intimate
the water flea (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Diplostraca: symbiotic partnerships, the two symbionts can have
Daphnia), tandem gene duplication has been extensive profound effects on each other's genetic evolution.
and is likely responsible for the extreme phenotypic Such partnerships are major sources of evolutionary in­
plasticity of these creatures, as well as their extren,e novation and they have driven rapid diversi.fication of
ecophysiological adaptability. organ.isn,s, aJlowed hosts to harness new forms of en­
Rapid speciation by v.1ay of successful hybridization ergy, and resulted in profound modifications of Earth's
betv.,een two species is another example of macroevolu­ nutrient cycles and geochemistry. Recent genomic
tion. Although most common in plants, and probably studies have revealed the ubiquity of intimate symbio­
microbes, hybrid speciation does occur in animals as ses. Many invertebrates are involved in such relation­
well, and it has been docun1ented in African cichlids, ships, including the cora Is and other cnidarians that
cyprinid fishes, Rhagoletis fruit flies, and Heliconius but­ serve as hosts for symbiotic dinoflagellates (called zoo­
terflies. The Appalachian tiger swallowtail, Papilio appa­ xanthell ae) that live ,vithin their tissues. Various ani­
lnchiensis evolved from mixing between the eastern tiger mals that harbor (and exploit) tetrodotoxin-secreting
swallowtail, P. glnucus, and the Canadian tiger swal­ bacteria (many chaetognaths, the blue-ringed octopus,
lowtail, P . cnnadensis. The Appalachian species rarely a sea star, a horseshoe crab, and certain tetraodontid
reproduces with its parental species. Studies suggest fishes), squids with luminous bacteria, and lichens (an
the Appalachian tiger evolved about 100,000 years ago, .intimate association between fungi and Cyanobacteria
and its genome is a mixture of the parental geno1nes. or green algae) are other examples. Many insects h a r ­
Another way in which evolutionary novelties can bor endosymbionts-bacteria that live within the
arise is through symbiosis. The Russian biologist host's cells. Although separate organisms, they func­
Konstantin Mereschkovsky (1855-1921) developed tion as a metabolic unit. For example, species of mealy
the "two-plasn," (cell within a cell) theory, claiming bugs depend on bacteria endosymbionts for nutrient
that chloroplasts originated from blue-green algae provisioning, and the endosymbiont can in turn harbor
(Cyanobacteria). For this process, he invented the term its own endosymbiont. Endosymbionts can even spe­
symbiogenesis (today, this is often called the endo­ ciate within their hosts, as has been shown in cicadas.
symbiotic theory). ln Chapter 3, we describe the sym­ That symbionts can affect the evolution of their hosts
biogen.ic origin of the eukaryotic cell, which probably in unexpected ways can also be seen in parasites that
arose by way of incorporation of once free-living p r o ­ enhance their own chances for survival by altering as­
karyotes that came to be what we recognize today as pects of their host's lives-for example, parasites that
mitochondria, chloroplasts, cilia, flagella, and other or­ increase the Likeliliood that their intermediate host will
ganelles. Although syn,biogenesis is an old idea, Lynn faU prey to their definitive host by changing the inter-
Margulis and others vigorously chan1pioned it in the 111ediate host's size, color, biochemistry, or behavior in
twentieth century. Symbiogenesis is the pennanent ways that make it more vulnerable to predation. One
merger of two organisms from phylogenetically distant common outcome of host-symbiont integration is a
lineages into one radically more complex organism. reduction in symbiont genome size. A species of leaf
Once thought to be rare, we now know that this p h e ­ hopper, Macrosteles quadrilinentus, harbors the endo­
nomenon is common throughout life. Three examples symbiont Nnsuia deltocephalinicoln, the s1nallest bacte­
are exceptionaUy important with regards to the evolu­ rial genome sequenced to date.
tion of the animal kingdorn: (1) intracellular enslave­ Another revelation in our thinking about macro­
ment by an early eukaryote of an a-proteobacterium by evolution has come from the discovery of homeobox
host protein insertion to make the first mitochondria, (Hox) genes. These master regulatory genes encode
(2) later capture of a cyanobacterium by a heterotrophic proteins that regulate the expression of other genes.
protist to create the first chloroplast, thereby launching They modulate other sets of developmental genes and
30 Chapter One

in doing so "select" the developmental pathways that in the output of these multigene networks can arise
are followed by cLividing cells. Hox genes have two at n1any levels simply through changes in the rela­
functions in the early development of embryos: (1) they tive tinting of developmental gene expression (i.e., by
encode short regulatory proteins that bind to particu­ heterochrony; see Chapter 5), or through interactions
lar sequences of bases in ONA and either enhance or between genes in the regulatory network. To u n d e r ­
repress gene expression, and (2) they encode proteins stand the profound potential o f Hox genes to drive
that are expressed in complex patterns that determine evolutionary change, consider that •,vithin the genome
the basic geometry of the organism. The term ''Hox of Drosoplzila 85-170 different genes are regulated by
genes" refers specifically to those genes that are clus­ the product of the Hox gene Ultrabithornx (Ubx) alone.
tered i n an array on the chromosome and function p r i ­ Changes in the Ubx protein could potentially alter the
marily in establishing regional or segmental identities. regulation of all these genes! In son1e families of sea
In all animal phyla that have been examined, regional spiders (Chelicerata: Pycnogonida), Rox gene muta­
or segmental specialization is controlled by the spatial­ tions appear to have produced spurious segn1ent/Ieg
ly localized expression of these genes, which play cru­ duplications, creating polymerous lineages.
cial roles in determining body patterns. They underlie There are nov., many examples of the extraorcLinary
such fundamental attributes as anterior-posterior d i f ­ potential, and flexibility, of developmental genes. The
ferentiation (in both invertebrates and vertebrates) and potential of Hox genes is seen in the abdominal limbs
the positioning of body wall outgrowths (e.g., limbs). of insects. Abdominal limbs ("prolegs") occur on larvae
The pivotal role played in evolution by developmen­ of various insects in severa.l orders, and they are ubiqui­
tal genes and the processes they regulate has led to the tous in the Lepidoptera (e.g., caterpillars). These limbs
en1erging field of evolutionary developmental biology, were probably present in insect ancestors, hence prolegs
or "EvoDevo" for short. EvoDevo is concerned with may have reappeared through the de-repression of an
the generation of fom1 ,,vithi11 a11 individual and ho\v ancestral lin1b develop1nental program (i.e., they are a
developmental mechanisms evolve over time-that is, Hox gene n,ediated atavisn1). Proleg forn1ation appears
how evolutionary innovation comes about. to involve a change in the regulation and expression of
Hox genes have been conserved to a ren1arkable a single gene (abd-A) during embryogenesis. Another
degree throughout the animal kingdom, and they are fundamental feature of animals is eyes, and these come
now known from all anin1al phyla that have been ex­ in an enormous variety of styles, from the sophisticated
amined. Hox proteins regulate the genes that control camera-type eyes of vertebrates and cephalopods, to the
the cellular processes involved in morphogenesis. simple light-sensitive eyespots of flatworms, to the com­
In doing so, they demarcate relative positions in ani­ pound faceted eyes of arthropods. It has been estimated
mals-they do not specify the precise nature of particu­ the eyes have been "invented" independently dozens of
lar structures. For example, in arthropods, Hox genes times i n Metazoa. Yet v.,e now know that the gene re­
regulate where body appendages form, and they can quired for eye formation i n fruit flies (the Pax-6 gene) is
either suppress limb development or modify it (in con­ the exact counterpart of the gene required for eye for­
cert with other regulatory genes) to create unique ap­ mation in humans and squids and many other animals.
pendage morphologies. Mutations in Hox genes, and Major innovations, macroevolution, can come about by
other developmental genes, can create gross mutations "teaching old genes new tricks." And, most recently, it
(homeotic mutations or homeosis). has been discovered that new genes can arise de nova,
Only a small fraction of all genes, fewer than 1%, are from ancestrally nongenic sequences. Since early in the
devoted to the construction and patterning of animal twenty-first century, de ncrv0 genes have been identified
bocLies during their development from fertilized egg to in Drosophila, rodents, rice, yeast and humans.
adult-the process of a single egg becoming a complex, In summary, the processes of microevolution (e.g.,
multibillion- (or multitrillion-) celled organism that natural selection) act on individuals and populations,
looks and functions properly. The rest are involved in maintain genontic continuity, and create anastomos­
the everyday tasks of cells within various organs and ing patterns of relationship over time (Figure 1.7).
tissues. Thus, mutations or other changes in relatively Macroevolutionary processes (e.g., speciation and e x ­
few genes, a "toolkit" common to all animals, can have tinction), on the other hand, act on species and lineag­
large embryological outcomes. There is a growing es, disrupt genomic continuity, and create ascending,
body of evidence suggesting that Hox genes (and other bifurcating patterns of relationship over time (Figure
"master control genes") have played major roles in the 1.7). In a cladogram of species, the line segments rep­
evolution of new body plans among the Metazoa. The resent the places where anagenesis (microevolution) is
evolutionary potential of Hox genes lies in their hierar­ taking place within a given species. The nodes in the
chical and combinatorial nature. We now know that a cladogram represent macroevolutionary events, spe­
single Hox gene can n1odulate the expression of d o z ­ ciation, and extinction. Although Darwin titled his
ens of interacting downstream genes, the products of book On the Origin of Species, he dealt primarily with
which determine developmental outcomes. Variation the maintenance of adaptations. In fact, the nature of

Macroevolution (Species/clade evolution)

I. Species linked by speciation events
2. Process produces pattern of
Microevolution (Wit.h in•species evolution) bifurcation ("dendrogram")
1. Individuals and populations linked by gene How 3. Acts on species
(e.g., reproductive ties, dispersion)
4 . Disrupts genomic continuity
2. Process produces pattern of reticulation
5. Creates hierarchical, diverging network
3. Acts on individuals (e.g. natural selection)
6. Explains cladogenesis
4. Works to maintain genomic continuity (origin of clades: species and
(i.e. evolutionary homeostasis) species groups)
5. Creates an anastomosing network
Species 2
6. Explains anagenesis

Species 1
Species 1 Species 3 Spedes 4

-Extinction event
(Extinction of
Stochastic event species 2)
U1at breaks
down genomic Anagenesis
homeostasis //--, (Life of species)
(can result in I �
extinction or I ;_,'7 T-- Speciation event
speciation) "'
,,,� l (Cladogenesis)
A BC D E FG H -Individuals
Population #1 Population #2
Figure 1.7 Microevolution and macroevolution depicted
graphically. The highlighted portion of the cladogram (on
the right) is shown in detail in the drawing to the left.
(e.g., molecular phylogenetics). The current debates
concern the process-the nature of the evolutionary
the relationship between anagenesis and cladogen­ mechanisms then1selves. It seems probable that d i f ­
esis is still not well understood. Evidence for the d i s ­ ferent processes, working at different levels, have c r e ­
engage1nent of natural selection and speciation comes ated the patterns v-•e see in tl1e world today. Despite
from the fossil record, which suggests that most species the many evolutionary questions currently being dis­
do not change significantly throughout their ex.istence; cussed, and despite whatever evolutionary processes
rather, they remain phenotypicaUy stable for n1illions are at work, biologists are able to continue their efforts
of years, then undergo a rapid change in which they a t reconstructing the evolutionary history of life on
essentially "replace themselves" with one or more Earth, because the processes of evolution result in new
new and different species. These new species, in turn, organisms that are distinct by vi.rtue of the unique new
remain phe11otypically static for millions more years. characters or attributes that they have acquired. Their
The fossil record suggests that most species of marine descendants retain these attributes and in time acquire
invertebrates persist more or less unchanged for 5-10 still others, v-•hich are retained by their descendants. In
million years, whereas the time required for significant this fashion, the living v-,orld provides us with an ana­
anatomical change seems to be only a fev., thousand lyzable hierarchical pattern consisting of nested sets of
years or less. The pattern of speciation in rapid bursts, features recognizable both in fossils and in living organ­
sandwiched between Jong periods of species stasis, isms. Those features, in turn, are tlie data (i.e., the "char­
was presented in the famous punctuated equilibrium acters") with which we can reconstruct a history of the
model of Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould (1972). ascent of life. We will have much more to say regarding
Biologists are still a long way from understanding this reconstruction process in the following chapter, be­
all tlie causes and mechanisms of the evolutionary pro­ cause understanding what characters are and how they
cess, although we are developing excellent methods are evaluated is fundamental to comparative biology
for analyzing the patterns of the history of evolution and to an appreciation of the invertebrate world.
32 Chapter One

A Final Introductory Message constitute the basic building blocks of this book. We then
proceed in the "animal chapters" to explore the evolu­
to the Reader
tion of the invertebrates in light of various combinations
Because of our comparative approach, it is critical that of these basic functional body plans and lifestyles. With
you become familiar with Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5 before this background, you should be able to follow the evolu­
atte1npting to study and comprehend the sections deal­ tionary changes and branchings a1nong the invertebrate
ing with individual animal groups. These four chapters phyla, their body systems, and their various pathways
are designed to accomplish several goals: (1) to define to success on Earth. Note that chapters treating large
some basic terminology, (2) to introduce a nu1nber of phyla (e.g., n1olluscs, annelids, the arthropods) have
important concepts, and (3) t o describe in detail the rather lengthy taxonomic synopses sections. We don't
then1es that we use throughout the rest of the book. expect students to read every word of these synopses;
The fundamental theme of this book is evolution, and they are provided more as a source reference for readers
we approach invertebrate evolution primarily through to look up taxa within the context of our current state of
the field of comparative biology. In Chapter 2 we p r o ­ knowledge for the groups.
vide an explanation of how biologists derive evolution­ Through our approach, we hope to add continuity
ary schemes and classifications, how theories about the to the massive subject of invertebrate zoology, which is
phylogeny of animal groups grow and change, and often covered (in texts and lectures) by a sort of "flash­
hov., the information presented in this text has been card" method, iJ1 which the prm1ary goal is to have the
used to construct theories on how life evolved on Earth. student rnen1orize animal names and characteristics
In Chapters 4 and 5 we lay out the fundamental ana­ and keep them properly associated, at least until after
tomical and morphological designs and developmental the examination. Thus, we urge you t o look back fre­
strategies of metazoans. Like the features of organisms, quently at these first fevv chapters as you read ahead
these designs and strategies are not random, but form and explore how invertebrates are put together, how
patterns. Recognition and a11al ysis of these patterns they live, and how they evolved.

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,re.,.. ••

. �.


Systematics, Phylogeny,
and Classification

J-tjs book deals vvith the field of comparative biology, or what may
be called the science of the diversity of life. Scientists n1ay use
comparative biology for many reasons, but evolutionary biolo­
gists use it to study the characteristics of organisms in ways that
allow them to estimate the history of life. Biologists have been w1dertaking
con1parative studies of anatomy, morphology, embryology, physiology,
and behavior for over 150 years. And for the past 20 years or so, com­
parative molecular phylogenetics and evolutionary-developmental biology
("EvoDevo") have played critically important roles. Because we cannot di­
rectly observe the history of life (aside from the paleontological record), we
must rely on the strength of the scientific method to reconstruct it, or infer
it. This chapter provides an overview of this process. Comparative biology,
then, in its attempt t o understand diversity in the living world, deals with
three distingujshable elements: (1) descriptions of organisn1s, particularly
in terms of similarities and differences in their attributes (including their
genetic characteristics); (2) the phylogenetic history of organisms through
time; and (3) the distributional hlstory of organisms in space. Many com­
parative biologists think of themselves as systen1atists. Systematics is the
science of documenting Earth's biological diversity, reconstructing the h i s ­
tory of that biodiversity, and developing natural classifications that reflect
its evolutionary history.
The field of biological systematics has experienced a revolution in its the­
ory and application in the past 40 years, especially with regard to phyloge­
netic reconstruction. Son1e philosophlcal aspects and operating principles
of this exciting field are described in this chapter. It is essential that biology
students have a basic grasp of how classifications are developed and phy­
logenetic relationships inferred, and we urge you to reflect carefully on the
ideas presented in this introductory chapter.
Today, our classifications of life are built upon careful phylogenetic anal­
yses of morphological, developmental, and genetic characteristics of spe­
cies that we hypothesize reflect their evolutionary history. More and n1ore,

The chapter opener photo shows representatives of two phyla that are only distantly relat­
ed, deeply in time: sponges (Porifera) and crabs (Arthropoda). Both are ancient phyla that
arose in Precambrian seas more than 550 mrnion years ago .
36 Chapter Two

we rely on molecular sequence data from genes as our relatedness among individuals and taxa. The concept of
basis for these analyses. But this process is not always relatedness, or genealogical kinship, lies at the core of
straightforward. Genes (and morphology) can trick us systematics and evolutionary biology. Patterns of relat­
in many ·,vays. Similarities can come about in indirect edness are usually displayed by biologists in branching
ways, characters can be lost or transformed in ways diagrams called trees (e.g., phylogenetic, genealogical,
that are not always obvious, and many long-held ideas or evolutionary trees). Once constructed, sucl1 trees can
about animal development have recently been altered then be converted into classification schemes, whicl1 are
(or even overturned). ln this chapter, we will help you a dynamic way of representing our understanding of
understand the underpinnings of comparative biology the history of life on Earth. Thus, trees and classifications
as it relates to phylogenetic analysis and the construc­ are actually hypotheses of the evolution of life and the
tion of classifications. natural order it has created.
Classifications are necessary for several reasons, not
the least of which is to efficiently catalog the enormous
Biological Classification number of species of organisms on Earth. Nearly two
million species of prokaryotes and eukaryotes have
And you see /lint every lime I 11inde n f11rther division, been named and described (and a great many more re­
up came more boxes based 011 tl1ese divisions until I hnd n1ain undescribed). The insects alone comprise nearly
n huge pyramid of boxes. Finally you see flint while 1,vns a ntlllion named species, and over 350,000 of those are
spliffing the cycle up into finer nnd finer pieces, I wns beetles! Classifications provide a detailed systen1 for
nlso building n structure. This structure of co11cepts is storage and retrieval of these na1nes. Second, and most
for111nlly called n hiernrc/1y and since ancient times /ins important to evolutionary biologists, classifications
been a basic str11ct11refor nll Western knowledge. serve a descriptive function. This function is served
Robert M. Pirsig not only by the descriptions that define each taxon,
Zen nnd the Art of Motorcycle Mninlennnce, 1974 but also, as noted above, by the detailed hypotheses
of evolutionary relationships among the orgarusn1s
The term biological classification has two mean­ that inhabit Earth. In other words, classifications are
ings. First, it means the process of classifying, which (or should be) constructed from evolutionary relation­
consists of delimiting, ordering, and ranking organ­ ships; that is, from the patterns of ancestry and descent
isms in groups. Second, it describes the product of this depicted in phylogenetic trees.
process, or the classification scheme itself. The living If biological classification schemes summarize the
world has an objective structure that can be empirically hypotheses defined by phylogenetic trees, then classi­
documented and described. One goal of biology is to fications, like other hypotheses in science, have a third
discover and describe this structure, and classifications function-prediction. And like all hypotheses, the
are one way of doing this. Carrying out the process of more precise and less ambiguous the classification, the
biological classification constitutes one of the principal greater its predictive value. Predictability is another
tasks of the systematist. way of saying testability, and it is testability that places
The construction of a classification n1ay at first appear an endeavor in the realm of science rather than in the
straightforward; basically, the process consists of ana­ realrn of art, faitl1, or rhetoric. Like other hypotheses
lyzing patterns in the distribution of cl1aracters among (or theories), classifications are always subject to refu­
organisms. On the basis of such analyses, specimens tation, refinement, and growth as ne\v data becou1e
are grouped into species (the word "species" is both available. These new data may be in the form of newly
singular and plural); related species are grouped into discovered species or cl1aracteristics of organisms, new
genera (singular, genus); related genera are grouped to tools for the analysis of characters, or new ideas re­
form families; and so forth. The grouping process cre­ garding how characteristics are evaluated. Changes in
ates a system of subordinated, or nested, taxa (singular, classifications reflect changes in our view and w1der­
taxon) arranged in a hierarchical fashion following basic standing of the natw·al world.
set theory. If the taxa are properly grouped according to
their degree of shared similarity (that is, on the basis of
shared derived c11aracteristics), the hierarchy will reflect
patterns of evolutionary descent-the "descent with
modification" of Darwin and Wallace. The names employed within classifications are gov­
The concept of similarity is fundamental to taxono• erned by rules and recommendations that are analogous
my, the classificatory process, and comparative biology to the rules of grammar that govern Western languages.
as a whole. Sioularity, evaluated on the basis of cl1arac­ The most fundamental goals of biological nomencla­
teristics shared among organisms, i s generally accepted ture are the creation of classifications in whicl1 (1) any
by biologiststo be a measure of biological (evolutionary) single kind of organism has one and only one correct

nan1e, and (2) no two kinds of orgruusn,s bear the same Binomens are Latin (or Latinized) because of the
naine. All of the codes of nomenclature for the various custom followed in Europe prior to the eighteenth
groups of life address these two fundamental require­ century of publishing scientific papers in Latin, the
ments. Nomenclature is an important tool of biologists universal language of the educated people of the
that facilitates communication and stability. 1 time. For several decades after Linnaeus, names for
Prior to the mid-1700s, anin1al and plant names animals and plants proliferated, and there were often
consisted of one to several words or often simply a de­ several names for any given species (different names
scriptive phrase. 1n 1735, at the age of just 28, the great for the same species are called synonyms). The name
$1,vedish naturalist Carl von Linne (Carolus Linnaeus, in in common use was usually the most descriptive one,
the Latinized form he preferred) established a system of or often it was simply the one used by the preeminent
naining orgaiusms now referred to as binomial nomen­ authority of the 1n addition, some generic names
clature. Linnaeus's system required that every organism and specific epithets were composed of more than one
have a two-part scientific name, that is, be a binomen. word earn. This lack of nomenclatural uniformity led,
The two parts of a binomen are the generic, or genus in 1842, to the adoption of a code of rules formulated
name and the specific name, or specific epithet. For e x ­ under the auspices of the British Association for the
ample, the scientific name for one of the con1mon Pacific Advancement of Science, called the StricklaJ1d code. In
coast sea stars is Pisnster giganteus. These two names to­ 1901 the newly formed International Commission on
gether constitute the bino1nen; Pisnster is the animal's Zoological Nomenclature adopted a revised version
generic (genus) nan,e, and gignnteus is its specific e p i ­ of the Strickland code, called the International Code
thet. The specific epithet is never used alone, but must o f Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Botanists had
be preceded by the generic name, and the animal's "spe­ adopted a similar code for plants in 1813, the Theorie
cies name" is thus the complete binomen. Use of the first Elementaire de la Botanique, which became in 1930
letter of a genus name preceding the specific epithet is the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
also acceptable once the nan1e has appeared spelled out (there i s also a separate, but complementary code for
on the page or in a short article (e.g., P . gignnteus). cultivated plants). Since then, it has been revised as
The 1758 version of Linnaeus's system was the tenth the International Code of Non1enclature for Algae,
edition of his famous Systemn Nnhirne, in which he list­ Fungi, and Plants. There is also an International Code
ed all animals known to him at that time ai1d included of Nomenclature of Bacteria.
critical guidelines for classifying organisms. Linnaeus The ICZN established January 1, 1758 (the year the
distinguished and narned over 4,400 species of animals, tenth edit.ion of Linnaeus's Systemn Nnturae appeared)
including Homo snpiens. Linnaeus's Species Plnntnr11n1 as the starting date for n1odern zoological nomencla­
(in which he named over 8,000 species) did the same ture. Any nan1es published the sa1ne year, or in sub­
for the plants in 1753. Linnaeus was one of the first sequent years, are regarded as having appeared after
naturalists to emphasize the use of similarities among the Systemn. The ICZN also slightly changed the de­
species (or among other taxa) in constructing a classifi­ scription of Linnaeus's naming system, from binomial
cation, rather than using differences between them. In nomenclatuTe (nan,es of two parts) to binominal no­
doing so, he wlknowingly began classifying organisms menclature (names of two naines). However, one still
by virtue of their genetic, and hence evolutionary, r e ­ sees the former designation in con1mon use. This subtle
latedness. Linnaeus produced his Syste,nn Naturae 100 change implies that the system must be truly binary;
years prior to the appearai1ce of Darwin and Wallace's that .is, both generic and trivial nan,es can be only one
theory of evolution by natural. selection (1859), ai1d thus word each. Although the system is binary, it also ac­
his use of similarities in classification the cepts the use of subspecies names, creating a trinomen
subsequent emphasis by biologists on evolutionary re­ (three names) within whichi s contained the mandato­
lationships among taxa. Linnaeus was granted nobility ry binomen. For example, the sea star Pisnster gignnteus
in 1761 (ai,d becan1e Carl von Linne); he died in 1778. is known to have a distinct form occurring in the south­
ern part of its range, which is designated as a subspe­
cies, Pisaster gignnteus capitntus.
We generally avoid using cornmon, or vernacular, names in All codes of biological nomenclature share the fol­
this book, simply because they are frequently misleading. Most
invertebrates have no specific common name, and those that do lowing five basic principles:
typicall y have more than one name. For example, several dozen
different species of sea slugs are known as "Spanish dancers." 1. Botanical, bacterial, ai,d zoological codes are inde­
All manner of creatures are called "bugs," most of which are not pendent of earn other. It is therefore permissible,
tn1e bugs (Hcmiptera) at all, e.g., "ladybugs," "sowbugs," "potato although not recommended, for a plant genus and
bugs," and so on. Recently, there has been a movement to codify
common names, in a n attempt t o establish a single preferred an animal genus to bear the same name (e.g., the
vernacular for any given species. This movement i s taking place name Cnnnnbis is used for both a plai,t genus ai,d
mainly among vertebrate specialists, and there is, as yet, no wide­ a bird genus).
ly accepted initiative to do this for invertebrates.
38 Chapter Two

2. A taxon can bear one and only one correct name. (and higher taxa), as distinguished from the species
group categories (species and subspecies). Taxonontlc
3. No h-vo genera within a given code can bear the
ranks may have super-, and s u b -, and infracategories
same name (i.e., generic names are unique); and no
as well, e.g., superorder, suborder, infraorder.
two species \vithin one genus can bear the same
The common Pacific sea star Pisaster giganteus is
name (i.e., binomens are unique).
classified as follows:
4. The correct or valid name of a taxon i s based on Category Taxon
priority of publication (first usage). Phylun1 Edunodermata
5. For the categories of superfan1ily in animals and Subphyhun Asterozoa
order in plants, and for all categories below these, Class Asteroidea
taxon names must b e based on type specimens, Order Forcipulatida
type species, or type genera. 2 Family Asteriidae
Genus Pisnster
When strict application of a code results in confu­
Species Pisaster gign11te11s (Stin1pson, 1857)
sion or ambiguity, problems are referred to the ap­
propriate commission for a "legal" decision. Rulings Notice that a person's name follo\,vs the species name
of the International Commission o n Zoological in this classification. This is the name of the author of
Nomenclature are published regularly in its journal, that species-the person who first described the s p e ­
the Bulletin of Zoological Non1enclature. Note that cies and gave it its name. In this particular case the au­
the international commissions rule only on nomencla­ thor's name is in parentheses, which indicates that this
ture or "legal" matters, not on questions of scientific or species is no\v placed in a different genus than origi­
biological interpretation; these latter problems are the nally assigned by Professor Stimpson. Authors' names
business of systematists. Obviously, the correct name usually follow the first usage of a species naiue in the
of a species (and any future changes in that name) has primary literature (i.e., articles published in profession­
great importance to all fields of biology (e.g., ecology, al scientific journals). In the secondary literature, such
conservation biology, physiology) because scientists as textbooks and popular science magazines, authors'
must know the correct names of their study organisms names are rarely used.
in order to communicate about them. The names given to animals and plants are usually
The hierarchical categories recognized by the lCZN descriptive i n some way, or perhaps indicative of the
are as follows: geographic area in which the species occurs. Others are
Kingdom named in honor of persons for one reason or another.
Phylum Occasionally one runs across purely whimsical names,
Class or even names that see1n to have been formulated for
seemingly diabolical reasons. 3
The biological species definition (or genetical spe­
cies concept), as codified by Ernst Mayr, defines species
as groups of interbreeding (or potentially interbreed­
ing) natural populations that are reproductively isolated
from other such groups. Obviously, this definition fails
to acco1nrnodate nonsexual species. George Gaylord
Simpson and Edward 0. Wiley developed the evolu­
The above names represent categories; the actual aili­ tionary species concept, which states that a species is a
mal group that is placed at any particular categorical single lineage of ancestor-descendant populations that
level forms a taxon. Thus, the taxon Echinodermata is maintains its identity separate from other such lineages
placed at the hierarchical level corresponding to the and that has its own evolutionary tendencies and histor­
category phylun1-Echinodermata is the taxon; p h y ­ ical fate. In reality, of course, biologists rely heavily on
lum is the category. All categories (and taxa) above the morphological aspects of organisms (a11d increasingly
species level are referred to as the higher categories on gene sequence data) as surrogates in gauging these
conceptual views of species. That is, we conceive of spe­
'When a biologist first i,ames and describes a new species, he or cies as genetic or evolutionary entities, but we recognize
she takes a "typical" or representative individual, declares it a them primarily by their phenotypic (or gene sequence)
type specimen, and deposits it in a safe repository such as a large characters. Hence, an understanding of such characters
natural history museum. If later workers are ever uncertain about
wheU,er they are working with the s.1me species described by is of great in,portance; read on.
Lhe original author, they can compare their material to the type Higher taxa (categories and taxa above the species
specimen. Although of substantially less value, the designation of level) are natural groups of species (or lineages) chosen
a "typical" or type species for a genus, or a type genus for a fam­
ily, serves a somewhat similar purpose in establishing, a "typical" by biologists for naming i n order to reflect our state of
species or genus upon which a genus or family is based. knowledge regarding their evolutionary relationships.

Higher taxa, if correctly constructed, represent ances­ octopuses (Octopodidae), or weevils (Cuculiorridae).
tor-descendant Lineages (or clades) that, Like species, This stability seems to b e an artifact of the history of
have an origin, a comn1on ancestry and descent, and taxonomy, but it nonetheless makes families conve­
eventually a death (extinction of the lineage); thus they nient higher taxa to study and discuss. However, biolo­
too are evolutionary units with definable boundaries. gists err when they compare equally ranked hjgher in
There are no rules for how many species should n1ake ways that presuppose them to be somehow equivalent.
up a genus-only that it be a natural group. Nor are
there rules about how many genera constitute a fa1n­
ily, or whether any group of genera should be recog­
nized as a family, or a subfamily, or an order, or any
other categorical rank. What ,natters is simply that the The science of systematics is the oldest and 1nost en­
named group (the taxon) be a natural group. Hence, compassing of all fields of biology. To paraphrase the
i t i s incorrect to assume that families of insects are in eminent biologist G. G. Simpson, systematics is the
some way evolutionarily comparable to fan,ilies of study of the diversity of life on Earth, and of any and
molluscs, or orders of worms co1nparable to orders of all relationships among species. The modern system­
crustaceans. Nor are there any rules about categorical atist is a natural historian of the first order. His or her
rank and geological or evolutionary age. These aspects traming is broad, cutting across the fields of zoology
of l1igher taxa are often misunderstood. Interestingly, and botany, genetics, paleontology, biogeography, ge­
this being said, famil y -level taxa often tend to be the ology, historical biology, ecology, and even ethology,
most stable taxonomic groupings, usually recogniz­ chemistry, philosophy, and cellular and molecular
able even to laypersons-think, for example, of cats biology. Ernst Mayr said that the field of systematics
(Felidae), dogs (Canidae), abalone (Haliotidae), lady­ can be thought of as a continuum, from the routine
bird beetles (Coccinellidae), n1osquitoes (Culicidae), naming and describing of species (a process known

3Among the many clever names given to animals arc Agra vation as they grow). Injecting a lyrical dose of sexual innuendo into
(a tropical beetle that was extremely difficult for D r . Terry Erwin taxonomy is not new. Linnaeus himself incorporated a few good
to collect) and Ughtiella sere11dipida (a small crustacean; the generic zingers into his writi.ngs and, i.n fact, drew parallels between
name honors the famous Pacific naturalist S . F . Light, 1886-1947, plant sexuality and huinan love. I n 1729 he wrote of flower petals,
while the species epithet is taken from "serendipity," a word "[These! serve as bridal beds which the Creator has so gloriously
coined by Walpole in allusion to the tale of "The Three Princes arranged, adorned with such noble bed curtains, and perfumed
of Serendip," who in their travels were always discovering, by with so many soft scents, that the bridegroom with his bride
chance or sagacity, things they did not seek-the tern, is said to might there celebrate their nuptials with so much the greater
aptly describe the circumstances of the initial discovery of this spe­ sol emni. t y." Such sexually explicit writing (in the early eighteenth
cies). There are actually over 500 described species of Agra (those century) did not go uncriticized, and Linnaeus had his detractors.
carabid beetles known as "elegant canopy beetles"), including The German botanist Johann Siegesbeck (a Demonstrator at the
Agra epo11i11e, named after the street urchin in Les Miserables who, Botanical Garden at St. Petersburg) called it "loathsome harlotry"
in the Broadway version of the story, personified tragic beauty and commented, "Who would have thought that bluebells, lilies,
("such is the state of the tropical forests where these beetles live," and onions could be up to such immorality?" Linnaeus had his
according to Dr. Erwin, who also named this species). Another of revenge, however, when he named a small, ugly, foul-smelling,
Erwin's names is Agra ic/,n/1od, referring to the fact that the holo­ mud- inhabiting European weed (St. Paul's wort) Siegesbeckia.
type is missing its head, the allusion refening to the frightened Other fun names include the hoopoe (a bird), Up11pa epops,
schoolteacher Ichabod Crane's phantom nemesis, the Headless euphoniously named for its call, and the fish Zappa co11fl11e11l11s,
Horseman, in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." The nineteenth­ which was named by a fan of Frank Zappa's. The Grateful Dead
century British naturalist W . E . Leach erected numerous genera of have a fly named in their honor (Dicrofe11dipes f/1mwt ograt11s).
isopod crustaceans whose spellings were anagrams of the name And there is the vampite 5<1uid Vampyrofeufl1is i11fenwlis (the
Caroline. Exactly who Caroline was (and the nature of her relation­ "vampire squid from hell"), a bivalve named Abra cadnbra, a
ship with Professor Leach) is still being debated, but the prevailing blood-sucking spider Draculoides brm11stokeri, and a wasp Aha
tl,eory implicates Caroline of Brw,sw.ick, who was in the public ha. Even Linnaeus created a curious name for a common ameba.,
eye at th is time in history. It is said that Caroline was badly treated Chaos chaos. And, in a stroke of whimsy, the entomologist G . �V.
by her husband (the Prince Regent, later George IV), and that she Kirkaldy created the bug genera Polychisme ("Polly kiss me"),
was herself a lady of questionable fidelity. Leach, from Devon, Pfggichisme, Mnricl,isme, Dolycl,isme, and Florichisme. There are
may have taken the side of support for Caroline by honoring her fish genera named Zeus, Sata11, Ze11, 8a/111a11, and Sayo11nra. There
with a long series of generic names, including Ciro/mu,, ln11ocira, are insect genera named Ci11dere/la, Aloha, Oops, and Euphoria.
Roduela, Nerad/a, Auilocra, Couilern, Oliucera, and others. Some other clever binomens include Leonardo davindi (a rnoth),
A light-hearted attitude toward naming organisms has not Pilthiria re/ativitae (a fly), and Ba /111111b11gi (a soail). A few biolo­
always been without Freudian overtones, as there also exist Thetys gists have gone overboard in erecting names for new animals,
Vflgi11a (a large, hollow, tubular pelagic salp), S11cci11ea Vflgi11aco11- and many binomens exceed 30 letters in length, including those of
torltl (a hermaphroditic snail whose vagina twists in corkscrew the chaetognath Sngitta pse11doserratnde11tatoides (31 letters) and the
fashion), Phallus i111p11dic11s ( a slime-covered mushroom), and common North Pacific sea urchin Strongyloce11trot1,s droebnchie11sis
A111m1ila plralloides and A111a11ila Vflgi11afa (two species of highly (31 letters) . uige11iVflgi110pse11dobe11ede11ia is a 27-letter genus name
tox.i c mushrooms around whkh numerous aboriginal ceremo­ for a group of monogenean nukes. Amphipod crustaceans prob•
nies and legends exist). Humbert /111111/Jerti is a wasp named after ably win the grand prize in the longest overall name category,
Vladimir Nabokov's Humbert Humbert, the narrator in the great with Siemie,,kit"lviczieclti110gammar11s siemienkiewilschii (47 letters)
novel Lolita who was obsessed with his 12-year old, soon-to-b e and C.n11celloidokytodermognmmar11s (Love11insuskytcdermogammarus)
stepdaughter. Crepidula fomicafa is a hermaphroditic slipper shell love11i (61 letters, including the subgenus name)-these are cases
(gastropod) that forms stacks of alternating male-functioning/ i n which the journal editor simply was not doing his or her job
female-functioning individuals (males on top turn into females properly!
40 Chapter Two

as taxonomy) through the con1pilation of large faunal halt, or worse yet, would drift off into pockets of iso­
compendia and n1011ographs, to n,ore synthetic studies lated reductionist or deterministic schools with no con­
such as the fitting of these species into classifications ceptual framework or continuity.
that depict evolutionary relationships, generating phy­
logenetic hypotheses based on morphological or mo­
lecular genetic data, biogeographic analyses, studies Monophyly, Paraphyly,
of population biology and genetics, and evolutionary
and specia.tion studies. Mayr designated three stages
and Polyphyly
of study within this continuum, which he called alpha, One of the concepts most crucial to our understand­
beta, and gamma, corresponding to the three general ing of biological systematics and evolution in general
levels of complexity he perceived in systematics. When is monophyly. A monophyletic group (or monophy­
a group of organisms is first discovered or is in a poor­ letic taxon) is a group of species that includes all of the
ly known state, work on that group is necessarily at descendants of a common ancestor-that is, a natural
the alpha level (e.g., the describing of new species, or group (Figure 2.1). Species belonging to a monophy­
taxonomy). It is only when most, or at many, s p e ­ letic group are related to one another through a unique
cies in a taxon become known that the systematist is history of descent (with modification) fron1 a common
able to work at the beta or ganlJlla levels within that ancestor-a single evolutionary lineage. Another name
group (e.g., to perforn, evolutionary studies). These for a n,onophyletic group is a clade.
stages in systematic research overlap and cycle back A group whose n1en1ber species are all descendants
on themselves in a highly iterative fashion. In sum, of a common ancestor, but that does not contain all the
the role of systematics is to docun1ent and understand species descended from that ancestor, is called a para­
Earth's biological diversity, to reconstruct the history phyletic group. Paraphyly implies that for some rea­
of that biodiversity, and to develop natural (evolution­ son (e.g., lack of knowledge, purposeful manipulation
ary) classifications of living organisms. of a classification) one or more members of a natural
Systema.tists use a great variety of tools to study group have been separated out and placed in a differ­
the relationships among taxa. These tools include not ent group. As we will see below, a great many paraphy­
only the traditional and highly informative techniques letic taxa exist within animal classifications today. Some
of comparative and functional anatomy, but also the biologists consider paraphyly a subset of monophyly,
methods of embryology, serology, physiology, in'llllu­ using the term holophyly to denote the strictly mono­
nology, biochemistry, population and molecular genet­ phyletic groups. However, this alternative use of these
ics, and molecular gene sequencing (v.rhich now works tem,s is not common and we do not use it in this book.
at the genomic level). A sound classification lies at the A third possible kind of taxon is a polyphyletic
root of any study of evolutionary significance. Without group-a group comprising species that arose from
systematics, the science of biology would grind to a two or more, different immediate ancestors. Such

TaxonW TaxonX TaxonY 'faxon Z

SpeciesC Species F Species H Species L Species P

Species B Species K


Species A

Figure 2.1 Two trees (dendrograms), illustrating three immediate common ancestor; spec ies M and P may look
kinds o f taxa. Taxon W, comprising three spec ies, is very much alike as a result of evolutionary convergence
monophyletic because it contai ns an ancestor (species or parallelism, and therefore may have been mistakenly
B) and all its descendants (species C and D). Taxon X is placed together in a single taxon. Taxon Z is paraphyletic.
paraphyletic because it includes an ancestor (species A), In this case, further systematic research should eventually
but only some of its descendants (species E through I, reveal the correct relationships among these taxa, result­
leaving out species B, C, and D). Taxon Y i s polyphyletic ing in species M being classified wi th species K and L,
because it contains taxa that are not derived from an and species P with species N and 0.

composite taxa would have been established because of present in two or more taxa, but are traceable phylo­
insufficient knowledge concerning the species in q u e s ­ genetically and ontogenetica11y (i .e., they share genetic
tion. One of the principal goals o f systematists is to dis­ and developn1ental ancestry) to the saine character in
cover such polyphyletic or "artificial" taxa and, through the common ancestor of those taxa. Tn order to compare
careful study, reclassify their members into appropriate characters among different organisms or groups of or­
monophyletic taxa. These three kinds of taxa or species ganisn1s, it must be established that the characters being
groups are illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 2.1. compared are homologous. Our ability to recognize an­
There are m a n y examples of known or suspected atomical homologues often depends on developmental
polyphyletic taxa in the zoological literature. For e x ­ or embryological evidence and on the relative position
ample, the old phylum Gephyrea contained species that of the anatomical structure in adults (Chapter 5).
we now classify into three distinct taxa that are only d i s ­ Ho1nology is an absolute relationship: characters
tantly related to one another-Sipuncula, Echiura, and either are or are not homologous. Homology is also
Priapula. Another example is the old group Radiata, completely independent of function. The functions of
which included all animals possessing radial symmetry homologous structures may be similar or different, but
(e.g., cnidarians, ctenophores, and echinoderms). Most this has no bearing on the underlying homology of the
recently, the group called Articulata, containing the structures involved. Genes, like anato1nical structures,
annelids and the arthropods (and their kin), has been may be homologous if they are derived from a com­
shown by molecular phylogenetics to be polyphyletic. n,on ancestral gene either by duplication (,vhich gen­
Polyphyletic taxa usually are established because the erates paralogous genes) or as simple copies passed
features or characters used to recognize and diagnose o n via reproduction and descent, including through
them are the result of evolutionary convergence in dif­ speciation events (orthologous genes). The process of
ferent lineages, as discussed below. Convergent evolu­ evolutionary descent with modification has produced
tion can often be understood only by careful compara­ a hierarchical pattern of ho111ologies that can be traced
tive embryological o r anatomical studies, son1etimes through lineages of living orgaiusn1s. It is this pattern
requiring the efforts of several generations of special­ that we use t o reconstruct the history of life.
ists. The complex nature of the probable convergence Homology is a concept that i s applicable to anatomi­
between annelid and arthropod segmental develop­ cal structures, to genes, and to developmental processes.
ment, for exan1ple, is yet t o be fully worked out. However, homology at one of these levels does not nec­
essarily indicate homology at another. Biologists should
always be clear regarding the level at which they are in­
Characters and the Concept ferring homology: genes, their expression patterns, their

of Homology developmental roles, or tile structures to which they

give rise. Researchers sometimes assume similar p a t ­
Characters are the attributes, or features, of organisms terns o f regulatory gene expression are also evidence of
or groups of organisms (clades, taxa) that biologists homology among structures. This is a mistake because it
rely on to indicate their relatedness to other sin,ilar ignores the evolutionary histories of the genes and of the
organisms and to distinguish them from other groups. structures in which they are expressed. The functions
Characters are the observable features and expressions of homologous genes (orthologues or paralogues), just
of the genotype, and they can be anyiliing from the like iliose of homologous struch.ues, can diverge from
actual amino acid sequences of the genes then,selves to one another over evolutionary tin1e.Sinillarly, the func­
the phenotypic expressions of the genotype. A charac­ tions of nonhornologous genes can converge over time.
ter can be any genetically based trait that taxonomists Therefore, similarity of function is not a valid criterion
can examine and measure; it can be a morphological, for the determination of homology of eiilier genes or
anatomical, developmental, or molecular feature of struch.ires. For example, the phenomenon of gene re­
an organism, its chromosomal n1akeup (karyotype) or cruitment (co-option) cai, lead t o situations in which
bioche1nical "fingerprint," or even a physiological, or truly orthologous genes are expressed in nonhomolo­
eiliological (behavioral) attribute. A large number of gous structtues during development. Most regulatory
biochemical and molecular techniques for measuring genes play several distinct roles during development,
similarity and inferring relationships among organ­ and homologous genes can be independently recruit­
isms have been developed over the past few decades. e d to superficially similar roles. A classic example is
Thus, a variety of kinds of data are available that pro­ ilie regulatory gene Distal-less, 1ovhich is expressed in
vide systematists wiili the characters needed to define the distal portion of appendages of many animals dur­
and compare species and infer phylogenies. ing their embryogeny (e.g., arthropods, echinoderms,
The fundamental basis for comparative biology is chordates). Although the domains of Distal-less gene
the concept of homology. Characters that share d e ­ expression 1night reflect a homologous role in specify ­
scent from a common ancestor are called homologues. ing proximodistal axes of appendages, the appendages
In other words, homologues are characters that are iliemselves are clearly not homologous.
42 Chapter Two

Atten1pts to relate two taxa by con, nonho­ a con,mon genetic and developmental basis. Parallel
mologous characters will result in errors. For example, evolution is the result of "distant" or underlying ho­
the hands of chin1panzees and humans are homologous mology; for parallel evolution to occur, the genetic po­
characters (i.e., homologues) because they have the tential for certain features must persist within a group,
same evolutionary and developmental origin; the wings thus allowing the feature to appear and reappear i n
of bats and butterflies, although similar in some ways, various related species or groups of species. Parallelism
are not homologous characters because they have com­ might b e thought of as a kind of "evolutionary redun­
pletely different origins.In a strict sense, the concept of dancy." 4 Failure to recognize convergences (and paral­
homology has nothing to do with similarity or degree of lelisms) among different groups of organjsms has led
resemblance. Some homologous features look very d i f ­ to the creation of "unnatural," or polyphyletic, taxa in
ferent in different taxa (e.g., the pectoral fins of whales the past. For example, the intracellular parasites known
and the arms of humans; the forewings of beetles and of as Myxozoa \Vere long thought to be protists, but have
flies). Again, the concept of homology is related to the recently been sho"''n to be highly specialized parasitic
level of analysis being considered. The wings of bats and cnidarians. These and some other groups (e.g., yeasts)
birds are ho1nologous as tetrapod forelimbs, but they mistakenly classified among the Protista made protists
are not homologous as "wings," because ,.vings evolved a polyphyletic group; removal of those n o n -protistan
independently i n these two groups (i.e., the wings of taxa has left the Protista a paraphyletic group (a natu­
bats and birds do not share a con,mon ancestral wing). ral group, with a single origin, but from "''hich animals,
Homology is a powerful concept, but it is in1portant to plants and fungi are excluded). Parallelism is com­
re1nember that homologies are really hypotheses, open monly encountered in characters of morphological "re­
to testing and possible refutation. duction," such as reduction in the number of segments,
Through the phenomenon of convergent evolution, spines, fin rays, and so on in many different kinds of
si.01jlar-appearing (but nonhomologous) structures animals.
may evolve in distantly related groups of orga1usms A tlurd phenomenon i n this general category is evo­
in quite different ways; that is, they have separate ge­ lutionary reversal, wherein a feature reverts back to
netic and developmental origins. For exan,ple, early bi­ a previous, ancestral condition. Together, these three
ologists were misled by the superficial similarities be­ evolutionary processes (convergence, parallelism, re­
tween the vertebrate eye and the cephalopod eye, the versal) constitute the phenon,enon known as homo­
bivalve shells of molluscs and of brachiopods, and the plasy-the recurrence of similarity in evolution (Figure
sucking mouthparts of true bugs (Hemiptera) and of 2.2). As you might guess, for systematists, homoplasy
mosquitoes (Diptera). Structures such as these, which can be both fascinating and frustrating!
appear superficially similar but that have arisen inde­ When con1paring homologues an,ong species, one
pendently and have separate genetic and phylogenetic quickly sees t!1at variation in tl,e expression of a char­
origins, are called convergent characters. There are acter is the rule, rather than the exception. The various
both ecological and genomic explanations for the evo­ conditions of a homologous character are often re­
lution of morphological similarity. Through the phe­ fe1Ted to as its character states. A character may have
nomenon of convergent evolution, similar-appearing only two contrasting states, or it may have several
structures have arisen independently, with separate different states witlun a taxon. Polymorphic species
genetic and developmental origins, in response to the are those that show a range of phenotypic or genetic
sao,e ecological factors. Convergent traits in anin,als variation as a result of the presence of nuo,erous char­
and plants have been recognized at nearly all levels acter states for the features being examined. A sin1ple
of biological organization, ranging from molecules to example is hair color in humans; black, brown, red,
morphology to behaviors. and blond are all states of the character "hair color."
One of the most interesting cases of convergent evo­ Not only can characters vary within a species, they
lution is the recently discovered analogies between also typically have several states among groups of spe­
voice and vocal learning i n some marno,als and birds cies "''itlun higher taxa, such as patten,s of body hair
(vocal learning is the ability to imitate sounds). Not arnong various primates or the spine patterns o n the
only have the vocal areas of certain bird and m.ammal legs of crustaceans.5
brains converged in their anatomy, but more than 50
genes have contributed t o their convergent special­ 4
Parallelism in this context is not to be confused with the evolu­
ization-convergent behavior and neural circuits for tion of species (or characters within species) "in parallel," that is,
when two species (or characters) change more or less together
vocal learning are accompanied by convergent molecu­ over time. Host-parasite cocvolution is an example of "evolution
lar changes of multiple genes in species separated by in parallel."
millions of years from a common ancestor. 51n practical usage the terms "character" and "character state" are
Convergence is often confused with parallelism. often used interchangeably. This practice can be a bit confusing.
When the term "character'' is used in a discussion of two or more
Parallel characters are similar features that have aris­ homologues, it is typically being used i n the same sense as "char­
en more than once in different species, but that share acter state."

subject. Systematics is, to a great extent, a seard1 for the

homologues that define natw·al evolutionary lineages.
Most recently, great efforts have been made to define
homologous gene sequences that can serve as reliable
Convergence characters to infer relationships among species.

Phylogenetic Trees
Another important concept in systematics and compar­
Divergence ative biology is the phylogenetic tree. A phylogenetic
tree is a branching diagram depicting the relationships
""' among groups of organisms. It is a graphical means of
ti expressing relationships among species or other taxa.
"' Most trees are intended to depict genealogical or evo­
·.;, lutionary relationships, with the base representing the
0 oldest (earliest) ancestors and the higher branches indi­

Radiation �
cating successively more recent divisions of evolution­
::E ary lineages. Most modem phylogenetic trees, whether
based on 1norphology or gene sequence data, also have
a n implied (or explicit) time axis, although not all do.
When examining trees and classifications derived
from them, it i s in1portant to understand the concept of
grades and clades. As depicted in Figure 2.3, a clade is
a monophyletic group or branch of a tree, which may
undergo very little or a great deal of diversification. A
clade, in other words, is a group of species related by
direct descent-a natural group. A grade, on the other

Figure 2.2 Common patterns o f evolution displayed by
independent lineages. Convergence occurs when two or
more lineages (or characters) evolve independently toward
a sim ilar state. Convergence generally refers to very dis­
tantly related taxa and to characters sharing no common
genetic (phylogenetic or ontogenetic) basis. Divergence
occurs when two or more lineages (or characters) evol ve Clade I
independently to become less si milar. Radiations are
multiple divergences from a common ancestor that resu lt
in more than two descendant lineages. Parallel evolution
occurs when two or more species (or lineages) change
similarl y so that, desp it e evolut ionary activity, they remain
similar in some ways. Parallelism generally refers to close­
ly related taxa, usually species, with in which the charac­ "'
ters or structures in question share a common genetic Q,
basis. Oade3

It is ilnportant to understand that what we designate Figure 2.3 Clades and grades. Ciades are monophy­
a "character'' is really a hypothesis-that two attributes leti c branches in a tree. Grades are groups of organisms
that appear different in different organisms are simply cl assified together on the basis of levels of funct ional or
alternative states of the same feature (i.e., they are ho­ morphological complexity. Grades may be monophyletic,
mologues). Note that convergences are not homologies, paraphyletic, or polyphylet ic. In this figure, grade I is
whereas parallelisms and reversals do represent an un­ monophyletic, encompassing only a single clade (clade
3); grade II is polyphyletic, because the associated level
derlying genetic homology. In other words, so,ne kinds
of compl exity has been achieved independently by two
of homoplastic characters are homologues, and others separate lineages, clades 1 and 2. An example of a p o l y ­
are not. The recognition and selection of proper charac­ phyleti c animal clade is "slugs," which compri se a cluster
ters is clearly of primary importance in systematics and of groups of gastropods that have all lost their shells
phylogenetics, and a great deal has been written on this independently.
44 Chapter Two

hand, is a group of species (or higher taxa) defined by transforn1ation takes place, the new (derived) charac­
somewhat more abstract measures. In fact, it is a group ter state is ca!Jed an apomorphy and the former (an­
defined by a particular level of functional or morpho­ cestral) state a plesiomorphy. Thus the appearance of
logical complexity. Thus, a grade can be polyphyletic, an apomorphy denotes the specific place in the tree of
paraphyletic, or monophyletic (in the latter case, it is life where a "primitive" or "ancestral" character state
also a clade). A good example of a grade is the large changes to become an "advanced" or "derived" c h a r ­
group of gastropod taxa that have achieved shelless­ acter state. Use of these terms thus implies a precise
ness. These "slugs," however, do not constitute a clade, phylogenetic placement of the character in question,
because shell loss has occurred independently in sev­ and this place1nent constitutes a testable phylogenetic
eral different lineages of gastropods; thus the grade of hypothesis in and of itself. Apomorphies shared by
shellessness we recognize as "slugs" is a polyphyletic two or more taxa are termed synapomorphies; ple­
grouping. An example of a monophyletic grade is the siomorphies shared by two or more taxa are called
subphylum Vertebrata (animals with backbones). symplesiomorphies.

Pleisiomorphy and Apomorphy Constructing Phylogenies

One last concept important to our understanding of s y s ­
and Classifications
tematics is that of primitive versus adva.nced character Our classifications will come to be, as far as they can be
states. In the most general sense, primitive character so made, genealogies.
states are attributes of species that are relatively "old"
Charles Darwin, The Origin ofSpecies, 1859
and have been retained from some remote ancestor; in
other words, they have been arow1d for a long tin1e, geo­ From what you have read s o far in this chapter, it
logically or genealogically speaking. Character states of should be evident that comparative biologists, particu­
this kind are sometimes referred to as ancestral character larly systematists, spend a great deal of their time seek­
states. Advanced character states, on the other hand, are ing to identify and unambiguously define two natural
attributes of species that are of relatively recent origin­ entities, homologues and monophyletic groups (i.e.,
often called derived character states. Within the p h y ­ clades). In fact, modern phylogenetic trees are com­
lum Chordata, for example, the possession o f hair, milk posed primarily of these two entities: homologues and
glands, and three middle ear bones are derived character clades. Biologists may present their ideas on such mat­
states whose evolutionary appearance marked the origin ters of relationship in the forn1 of trees, classifications,
of the n1ammals (thus distinguishing them from all other or narrative discussions (evolutionary scenarios). In
cl1ordates). Within a subset of the Mammalia, ho•Never, alJ three contexts, these presentations represent sets of
such as the primates, these same features represent re­ evolutionary hypotheses-hypotheses of common an­
tained ancestral features, whereas possession of an op­ cestry (or ancestor-descendant relationships).
posable thu1nb is a defining, derived trait. The least an1biguous (n1ost testable) way to pres­
It should be apparent fro1n the preceding paragraph ent evolutionary hypotheses is in the fonn of a d e n ­
that the designations "primitive" and "advanced" are drogran1, or branching tree. Although classification
relative, and that any given character state or attribute schemes are ultimately derived from such dendro­
can be viewed as either ancestral or derived, depend­ grams, they do not always reflect precisely the ar­
ing on the level of the phylogenetic tree or classification rangement of natural groups in the tree. Discrepancies
being examined. Opposable thumbs may be a derived between phylogenetic trees and classifications derived
trait defining primates within the mammal lineage, but from them most commonly occur when biologists pur­
it is not a derived character state within the primate posely choose to establish or recognize paraphyletic
line itself (aU primates have opposable thumbs). Thus, taxa. Thus, to recognize the protists as a distinct taxon
in the prin1ate genus Homo, "opposable thumbs" is a (the kingdom Protista) would b e t o recognize a para­
primitive (ancestral) feature, and certain features of phyletic group (because it excludes three large lineages
the nervous system that distinguish humans from the that descended from it-animals, plants, and fungi).
"lower apes" would be considered derived (such as Whereas most systematists advocate that only mono­
Broca's center in the human brain). Thus it behooves phyletic taxa b e recognized in a formal classification,
us to more precisely define the concepts of primitive many paraphyletic taxa persist i n animal classification,
and advanced. The most unambiguous way to describe for convenience or tradition, or because they are simply
and use these important concepts is to define the exact not yet known to be paraphyletic (there are probably
place in the phylogenetic history of a group of organ­ thousands of taxa for which we do not know whether
isms at which a character actually undergoes an e v o ­ they are monophyletic or paraphyletic). For example,
lutionary transformation from one state to another. At the long-recognized group Reptilia is paraphyletic
the specific point on a phylogenetic tree where such a because i t excludes one of that group's most distinct

lineages, the birds. The subphylum Crustacea is para­ n1ost powerful means of recognizing close evolutionary
phyletic because it on1jts the insects, wl-tich evolved (genealogical) relationships. Because synapomorphies
out of the crustaceans long ago. And as we will see in are shared homologues inherited fro111 an irn1nediate
Chapter 14, the class Polychaeta is also paraphyletic. common ancestor, all homologues may be considered
And of course, the group "invertebrata" is a paraphylet­ synapomorphies at one (but only one) level of phyloge­
ic group-it is Metazoa excluding the vertebrates.Even netic relationship, and they therefore constitute symple­
the Prokaryota i s a paraphyletic group (the Eukaryota siomorphies at all lower levels. As noted earlier, hair,
evolved out of it). In fact, taxonomic groups at all levels milk glands, and so forth are synapomorphies uniquely
are likely to have been derived from 1vithin other taxo­ defining the appearance of the 1nammals within the
nomic groups, leaving the latter paraphyletic, and we vertebrates, but these are symplesiomorphles within the
are beginning to discover that paraphyly abounds in group Mammalia. Jointed legs are a synapomorphy of
the Linnean hierarchy of life that has been built over the the Arthropoda, but 1vithi11 the arthropods jointed legs
past century. The issue of how to deal with such long­ are a symplesiomorphy. The keystone of phylogenetic
standing, well-known paraphyletic taxa in classification systen1atics is the recognition that all homologues de­
schemes is still being debated. One •Nay of doing this fine monophyletic groups at some level. The challenge
might be to indicate their paraphyletic status by a code is, of course, recognizing the level at whicl1 each charac­
in the classification scheme (e.g., some type of notation ter state is a unique synapomorphy. Generally speak­
beside the name). This code would inforn1 readers that ing, synapomorphies are either structural or genetic
t o view the precise phylogenetic relationships of such features. Ho•..vever, in the broadest sense, and iI1 the
taxa, they must look to the phylogenetic tree. context of the biological species definition, reproductive
Biologists today use a method known as phyloge­ isolation can be thought of as a synapomorphy for any
netic systematics, or cladistics, when construing bio­ given species. And thus, incomplete reproductive iso­
logical dendrogran1s. Phylogenetic syste111atics had its lation (successful hybridization) could be viewed as a
origin in 1950 in a book by the German biologist Willi symplesiomorphy shared an1ong the species involved.
Hennig; the English translation (with revisions) ap­ Numerous methods and criteria have been used to
peared in 1966. lts popularity has grown steadily since determine which is the apomorphic and which is the
that time. Through the years, cladistics has evolved plesiomorphic form of two character states-a process
well beyond the framework Hennig originally p r o ­ sometimes referred to as character state polarity anal­
posed. Its detailed methodology has been formalized ysis. No method is foolproof, but some may be better
and expanded and will certainly continue to be elabo­ than others lmder specific circumstances. Only three
rated for some time to come. (For good discussions methods appear to have a strong evolutionary basis
of the philosophjcaJ underpinnings of phylogenetic and provide a reasonably powerful means for recog­
syste111atics see Eldredge and Cracraft 1980, Nelson nizing the relative place of origin of a synapomorphy
and Platnick 1981, and Wiley and Lieberman 2011.) on a tree: out-group analysis (seeking clues to ancestral
The goal of phylogenetic systematics is to produce ex­ character states in groups thought to be earlier derived
plicit and testable hypotheses of genealogical relation­ than the study group), developmental studies (onto­
ships among monophyletic groups of organisms. As genetic analysis, or seekiI1g clues to ancestral charac­
a systematic methodology, cladistics is based entirely ter states in the embryogeny of the study group), and
on recency of common descent (i.e., genealogy). The study of the fossil record. Out-group analysis helps
dendrograms used by phylogenetic systematists are identi.fy the states of the characters in question in taxa
called cladograms, or ph ylogen. etic trees, and they are that are closely related to the study group, but are not
constructed to depict only genealogy, or ancestor-de­ part of it. Ontogenetic analysis identifies character
scendant relationships. The term cladogenesis refers to changes that occur during the development of a spe­
splitting; in the case of biology, this means the splitting cies (see the discussion of ontogeny and phylogeny in
of one species (or lineage) lnto two or more species (or Chapter 5). And the use of fossils and associated dating
lineages). It is this splitting process that produces g e ­ and stratigraphic techruques provides direct lustorical
nealogical (ancestor-descendant) relationships. information (e.g., providing critical calibration points
Phylogenetic systematists rely heavily on the con­ for molecular-based evolutionary studies). These tech­
cept of ancestral versus derived character states dis­ ruques of polarity analysis are not discussed in detail
cussed earlier. They identify these homologies in the here; we refer those with a serious interest in systemat­
strict sense, as plesiomorphies and apomorphies. An ics, evolution, and comparative biology to the readings
apomorphy restricted to a single species is referred to listed at the end of this chapter.
as an autapomorphy, whereas an apomorphic char­ A cladistic analysis often comprises four steps:
acter state that is shared between two or more species (1) identifying homologous characters among the
(or other taxa) is called a synapomorphy. Identifying organis1ns being studied (whether they be based
synapomorphies (also known as shared derived char­ on anatomy, gene sequences, gene expression, etc.),
acters, or evolutionary novelties) is the systematist's (2) assessing the direction of character change or
46 Chapter Two

character evolution (character state polarity analysis),

(3) constructing a phylogenetic tree of the taxa pos­
sessing the characters analyzed, and(4) testing the
tree with new data (new taxa, new characters, new
character interpretations, new statistical tests, etc.).
Phylogenetic trees depict only one kind of event-the
origin o r sequence of appearances of unique derived
character states (synapomorphies). Hence, phyloge­
netic trees may be thought of in the most fundamen­
Figure 2.4 A cladogram of four taxa, illustrating the
tal sense as nested synapomorphy patterns. However,
concept of sister groups. Taxon W i s the sister of taxon
biologists define and categorize taxa by the character X; taxon W + X is the sister group of taxon Y; taxon W + X
states they possess. Thus, in a larger sense, the sequen­ + Y is the sister group of taxon Z.
tial branching of nested sets of synapomorphies in a
cladogram creates a "family tree"-an evolutionary
pattern of hypothesized monophyletic lineages. a framev,ork of assumptions based on how we believe
Phylogenetic systematists generally adhere to the nucleotides operate and change over time.
principle of logical parsimony6 and thus generally pre­ Construction of a cladogram can be a time-con­
fer the tree containing the smaUest number of evolution­ suming process. The nu1nber of n1athe1natically p o s ­
ary transformations (character state d1anges). Typically sible trees (of aLI branching patterns) for more than a
this will also be the tree with the least evolutionary r e ­ few species is enormous-for three taxa there are only
dundancy(= homoplasy). Although parsimony is the four possible trees, but for ten taxa there are about 280
only inference method currently used for analyses of million possible trees, 34 million of which are fully
non-molecular data, the use of gene sequence data has dichotomous. Needless to say, such analyses are not
spav.1J1ed a new faniily of model-based methods that in­ possible without the aid of a computer. Algorithms for
corporate hypotheses of nucleotide evolution. In these computer-assisted tree construction began appearing
methods(i.e., maximum likelihood and distance meth­ in the late 1970s, and today the development of such
ods, Bayesian analyses), DNA nucleotide sequences programs comprises an entire field of researdi. But, all
from organisms in the study group are analyzed within of these programs generate trees by clustering taxa into
clades on the basis of nested sets of synapomorphies.
By identifying the precise points at whidi synapo­
6Parsimony is a method of logic in which economy in reasoning morphies occur, phylogenetic trees unambiguously
is sought. The principle of parsimony, also known as Ockham's
razor,has strong support in science.William of Ockham (Occam), define monophyletic lineages. Hence, these trees are
the fourteenth-century English philosopher, stated the principle called explicit phylogenetic hypotheses. Being ex­
as, ''Plurality must not b e posited without necessity." Modern plicit, they can be tested(and potentially falsified) by
renderings would read, "An explanation of the facts should be
no more complicated than necessary," or,"An1ong competing anyone. The synapomorphies are markers that iden­
hypotheses, favor the simplest one." Scientists in all disciplines tify specific places in the tree where new monophyletic
follow this rule daily,and it can be viewed as a consequence of taxa arise. For phylogenetic systematists, a phylogeny
deeper principles that are supported by statistical inferences.
TI,us, parsimonious solutions or hypotheses are those that consists of a genealogical brandung pattern expressed
explain the data in the simplest way. Evolutionary biologists as a phylogenetic tree. Each split or dichotomy vvithin
rely on the principle of logical parsimony for the same reason the tree produces a pair of newly derived taxa called
other scientific disciplines rely on it: doing so presumes the f e w ­
est ad hoc assumptions and produces U,e most testable (i.e., the sister taxa, or sister groups (for exa1nple, sister spe­
most easily falsified) hypotheses. If evidential support favored cies). Sister groups always share an immediate com­
only one hypothesis, we wo1tld have little need for pars i mony as mon ancestor. ln Figure 2.4, set W is the sister of set X;
a method. The reason we must rely on parsimony in science is
set W + X is the sister group of set Y; and set W + X +
Y is the sister group of set z. This nested-set pattern
that there is virn,ally always more than one hypothesis that can
explain our data. Parsimony considerations come into play most
strongly when a choice must be made among equally supported of hierarchical relationships results from the fact that
In phylogenetic reconstruction, any given data set can be dadogenesis is a lustorical process. A s depicted on a
explained by a great number of possible trees. A three-taxon phylogenetic tree, the product of cladogenesis (or the
data set has 3 possible dichotomous (all lines divide into just two splitting of a taxon) is two (or more) new lineages that
branches) trees that explain it. A four-taxon data set has 15 pos·
sible dichotomous trees, a five-taxon data set has 105 possible constitute sister groups. Another way of stating this is
dichotomous trees, and so on. Thus, the evidence alone does not to say that the two (or more) subsets of any set defined
sufficiently narrow the class of admissible hypotheses, a.nd some by a synapomorphy constitute sister groups.
extra-evidential criterion (parsimony) is required. The virtue of
choosing the shortest (i.e., most parsimonious) tree among a u n i ­ Like all scientific hypotheses, phylogenetic analyses
verse of possible trees lies in its testability. William of Ockham, and their resulting trees are tested by the discovery of
by the way, also denied the existence of universals except in new data. As new characters or new species are identi­
the minds of humans and in language. This notion resulted in a
charge of heresy from the Church, after whicl, he fled to Rome fied and their diaracter states elucidated, new data ma­
and, alas, died of the plague. trices are developed, and new analyses are undertaken.

Cirolanidac Corallanid,1e Aegidae Cymothoidae parasites); together they constitute a sister group of the
Corallanidae (micropredators on fishes); and all three
constitute a sister group of the Cirolanidae (carnivorous
predators and scavengers). Each of these nested sister­
group pairs shares one or more unique synapomorphies
that defines them. In Figure 2.5, the synapomorphies
that define the sister group Cirolanidae + Corallanidae
+ Aegidae + Cymothoidae become symplesiomorphies
Classification scheme A Classification scheme B higher in the cladogram (i.e., for each of the separate
families). Sister groups are monophyletic by definition.
Family Aegidao Family Cirolanidae
As illustrated in Figure 2.5 (classification scl1eme B),
Family Cirolanidae Family Corallanidae
Subfamily Corallaninae some phylogenetic systematists early on suggested that
Family Corallanidae
Subfamily Aeginae every lineage depicted in a tree should be designated by
Family Cymothoidae Tribe Aegini a formal name and categorical rank, and that each mem­
Tribe Cymothoini
Classification scheme C ber of a sister-group pair must be of the same categori­
cal rank. A moment's thought reveals that giving names
Family Cirolanidae to every brancl1ing point in a cladogram would result in
Family Corallanidao
an impossible proliferation of names and ranks. Other
Family Aegidae
systematists have proposed a method of avoiding such
Family Cymothoidae
name proliferation, called the phylogenetic sequencing
Figure 2.5 A phylogenetic tree o f four closely related convention. When this convention is used, linear se­
families of isopod crustaceans (mari ne pillbugs; see quences of taxa can all be given equal categorical desig­
Chapter 21 ). In this example, the four families constitute nations (e.g., they can all be classified as genera, or all as
an interesting "evolutionary series," from the free-living fanulies, and so on), so long as they are listed in the clas­
carnivorous Cirolanidae through micropredators and tem­
sification scheme in the precise sequence in whicl, the
porary fish paras ites (Corallanidae and Aegidae) to obliga­
brancl,es appear on the cladogram (classification scJ,erne
tory fish parasites (Cymothoidae). Classification scheme
A si mply lists the families in alphabetical order, and there C). Either method of creating a classification scheme al­
i s no way to recover their phylogenetic history from th is lO'A'S one to convert the classification scheme directly
classi fication. Scheme B arranges the taxa in a subordi­ back into a cladogram-that is, to visualize the phyloge­
nated (hierarchical) classificat ion and precisely reflects the netic brancl1ing pattern it depicts. Classification scl,eme
structure of the tree (but requires assigning the taxa to A does not reflect the phylogeny of these four fan1ilies at
new nomenclatural ranks). Scheme C utilizes the phylo­ all (it is simply alphabetical), so the only in.formation it
genetic sequencing convention to arrange the taxa in the
provides is that these families are "somehow" related to
exact sequential order in which they appear on the tree,
but w ithout subordination; it also precisely reflects the one another within a monophyletic clade.
structure of the phylogenetic tree. The adoption of cladistic methodologies (the em­
pirical construction of phylogenetic trees with precise
branching patterns based on synapomorphies) in the
The first molecular phylogenetic trees were based on 1980s led to an explosion of new phylogenetic work.
a single gene. But as techniques improved, these trees This resulted in a proliferation of new phylogenetic
were tested w.ith 01ultiple gene sets, and eventually trees, which iJ, turn led to new classifications. A silni­
with entire genomic data sets. Hypotheses (branches of Jar explosion of the field of molecular phylogenetics
the tree) that consistently resist refutation are said to (using cladistic principals) shortly thereafter gave e v o ­
be highly corroborated. For example, the clade called lutionary biology another big boost, and has further
Arthropoda has been examined in thousands of analy­ changed some of our views on animal relationships
ses using a great variety of data, and it has consistently and classifications. And just since the turn of the cen­
been shown to constitute a monophyletic group (i.e., it tury another revolution in phylogenetics has begun
is a highly corroborated phylogenetic hypothesis). as we have learned t o sequence not just one gene at a
The final step in a phylogenetic analysis is often the time, but thousands of genes or even entire genomes.
conversion of the tree into a classification scJ,eme. There This latest development has begun to shine a very
is more than one way to make this conversion. Figure bright light on our understanding of animal evolution.
2.5 shows a phylogenetic tree of four families of ma­ It is also generating large and highly detailed phyloge­
rine isopods, 1Nith three possible ways to classify the netic trees, with long brancl1ing patterns depicting the
taxa. In this tree, these four families show an evolution­ history of life on earth (Figure 2.6, for example). Such
ary trend from free-living (the Cirolanidae) to parasitic detail creates cl,allenges for biologists who like to pro­
lifestyles (the Cymothoidae). The Cymothoidae (a f a m ­ duce classifications that accurately reflect phylogeny,
ily of isopods that are obligatory parasites on fishes) is because the traditional Linnea.n hierarcl1ical ranks are
the sister group of Aegidae (a family of temporary fish too few in number to capture the great depth and detail
m �
� m 1� 100 � o

-__ I
•■ MYR

• 4-

=� .1

40I PROTURA: ooneheads

1139 91 s,.,.....,

l1137l [
• 11
&"S, I DIPLURA: two-pronged bristletai ls
121 :,.:;:,,;:. ARCHAEOGNATHA:jumping bristtetails

I ZYGENTOMA: silverfish
1136 19 �"
:;: tvy'M
I ODONATA: damselflies & dragonflies
=«. I

mayfl ies
�';:: • ZORAPTERA: grouod bee

1l31 rl29
1135 •101.

lr - -�= =� �..� � ,..,,..,....

[ 106 Z,"':�,
•109 PLECOPTERA: stoneflles
132 �':,,..,,..
'""" I ORTHOPTERA:crickets & katydids
13-4 •123-

130 i.
12 - - �123--=:0
- I GRYLLOBLATTODEA: ice crawlers
• ii, 120 I EMBIOPTERA: webspinners
PHASMATODEA: stick & leaf insects
125 .,i;_e,
MANTODEA: J)faying mantids

�- - - - 111�------.r---lmpUHI
I BLATTODEA: cockroaches
'-4116 Plttlplclnt�U,

133 Cryptott«


1s0PTERA: termites
"½ 1 ll Ptorl'ii'nocmnn

r- - -------➔,22 I
37 ,,...,_.,,

L36 ._ .,..

HEMIPTERA: bugs, cicadas,

, -- A<'f" _

31 �o,aro
.... plant lice
3 r.S,- -• -

"C....-.-34_. NJ"foporvoro ::c
10 5



........ PSOCODEA: bark & !rue lice C

Ttn tlwdo l>

HYMENOPTERA: sawf l es,
i wasps,
104 ' bees, ants

r�64, 6263


Xo,,chon� I RAPHIOIOPTERA: snakeflles

I MEGALOPTERA: alderflies & doboonllies

== I
103 ComwntrSo

,.,,.., NEUROPTERA: net-winged insects
-, s• I STREPSIPTERA: twisted wing pa,asttes
- - - - - - - °"""""' ""'

'r*7 ,_
,_.,,,, COLEOPTERA: beetles
� C=""

TRICHOPTERA: cadd isllies
r-- - Annulipalpl _.t hl m .
T� -•
- 95
5F" .,,,.
='....., LEPIDOPTERA: moths & butterflies

10 �

�--•T 8S
::,,- - -
�,----• 81�1,r(hoHpl.)'l'M I SIPHONAPTERA: fleas
-- MI
• • 84
� •· �
B ttocus
, I MECOPTERA: scoqJionflies

�- - • �
- -•79
I /¥/lt6o��

DIPTERA: true flies

� ...

�mm•�@ m � m m 1� 100 � o

Figure 2.6 This phylogenetic tree of hexapod relation• of these trees. Many of the new n1ultigene or genomic
ships (Misof et al. 2014) illustrates the challenges of trees have scores of branching points, or even huJ1-
converting large molecular-based phylogenies into c l a s ­
dreds of branches that appear as long con1blike topolo­
sifications. The tree includes over 130 hexapod spec ies
gies. But the standard Linnean ranks number only nine
and nearly as many branches. In order to erect a cl as­
sification based on this tree, decisions must be made as o r ten, or about four times that at best, when the pre­
to which nodes (clades) to name, whether or not to limit fixes super-, sub-, and infra- are also used.
the named clades to the 30 or so traditional Linnean ranks There are a few solutions to this dilemma, but none
or use unranked names, and whether to make the class­ of them is perfect (Figure 2.7). The most straightfor­
ification perfectly match the phylogeny. To see one way ward solution is to not use ranks at all in the classifi­
o f dealing with these classificati on issues, see Chapter cation, instead just indenting the subordinated groups
22 (Hexapoda). Note that the seven Crustacea included
i n ways that reflect the phylogeny-an unranked
in the analysis are shown to b e a paraphyletic cluster at
the base of hexapod clade (i.e., "Crustacea" is a para­ classification. Another solution is the phylogenetic
phyletic grouping; Chapter 21), and that the si ster group sequencing convention, described above. A third so­
of Hexapoda is Remipedia. Note also that th is is a dated lution (and probably still the most frequently seen) is
phylogeny (the time scale, in millions of years, is shown at to create classifications that do not precisely mirror the
the top and bottom o f the figure). phylogeny, referring readers to the tree if they \Vant
to understand the precise relationships of the taxa in a
classification. Unranked classifications are useful when
the phylogeny of a group is still quite poorly known
(e.g., Chapter 14, A.ru1elida). Fully ranked classifications

Birds g.
----Lizards and snakes


._______ Mammals


Classification scheme A ClassificaHon scheme 8 Classification scheme C

Phylum Chordata Phylum Chordata Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Pisces (fishes) Tetrapoda Class Pisces
Class Amphibia (amphibial\s) Lissamphibia (amphibiMS) Class Amphibia
Class Reptilia (turtles, crocodilians, Anmiota Class Mammalia
snakes, lizards) Mammalia (mammals) ClassAnapsida (turtles)
Class Aves (birds) Saurop sida (RepHlomorpha) ClassLepidosaura (snakes, lizards)
Class Mammalia (mammals) Anapsida (turtles) Class CrocodWa (crocodilians)
Diapsida Oass Aves (birds)
Lepidos.,ura (snakes, lizards)
Crocodilia (crocodilians)
Aves (bird s)
Figure 2.7 Sometimes genealogy and overall morpho­ Scheme B reflects the branching pattern of the cladogram
logical similarity/diss imilarity can lead to conflicting with subordinated taxa (unranked in th is case); thus, the
approaches to a classification. This is exemplified by the reptiles are broken into separate taxa in recognition of
birds and reptiles. The cladogram in th is figure depicts the their genealogical relationships-the snakes and l izards
generally accepted view of the relationships among the (Lepidosaura) are classified together as a separate si ster
major groups of living vertebrates. Classification scheme group to the birds and crocodil ians. Scheme C a l so strict•
A depicts a traditi onal classificat ion of the vertebrates, in ly mirrors the tree, but uses the phylogenetic sequencing
which crocodilians are classified with lizards, snakes, and convention rather than subordinated sets of sister-groups.
turtles in the taxon Reptilia, while birds are retai ned as a But in both B and C, all taxa are monophyl etic. Notice that
separate taxon, Aves. In this classification, class Reptilia is scheme C, using the sequencing convention, requires four
paraphyletic (because it excludes the birds). Classification fewer taxonomic names than scheme B.
schemes B and C strictly reflect the phylogenetic tree.
50 Chapter Two

(A) b C (B) b a b {D) b C d e (E) c

a a a a a b

Figure 2.8 Common models o f speciation. (A) One spe­ and reproductive isolation as the new niches are filled.
cies splits into two new species. (B) One species is trans­ Explosive radiat ion might also occur when the range of a
formed into another over time. This type of speciation widespread species is fragmented into numerous smaller,
may be viewed as either gradual or rapid. (C) One species isolated populations. Classic examples of explosive radia­
remains unchanged, while an isolated peripheral popula­ tion include cichlid fishes in Africa's Rift Lakes and ant
tion evolves into a distinct new spec ies. (D) "Explosive nest beetles in Madagascar (and elsewhere). (E) A new
adaptive radiation," in which one species suddenly splits species is "created" by hybridization of two other species;
into many new species. Speciation events represented this type of speciation appears to be rare and may occur
by th is model are pred icted to occur when a species is pri marily in plants and protists, although examples are
suddenly confronted with a vast new array of habitats or also known from the Metazoa (e.g., whiptail lizards).
"unfilled niches" to exploit, resulting i n rapid specialization

can get cumbersome when "pushed to the limit" 2.8D). Second, a terminal taxon on a cladogram may
of available taxonomic categories (e.g., Chapter 10, lack any defining synapomorphies, thus indicating that
Platyhelminthes). The upshot is, things are changing it is not only the sister group of its adjacent lineage, but
and the "traditional" classification schemes n1any stu­ also the actual. ancestor of that lineage. A phylogenetic
dents are used to seeing are beginning to look rather tree can express any kind of speciation event; it sim­
different these days. In this book, we mostly use ranked ply does s o in a restricted way-by way of branches
classifications that mirror, or at least do not conflict depicting a pattern of nested synapomorphie.s.
with tl1e phylogeny of the groups in question. In a few The n1ethods of phylogenetic systematics force the
instances, we have had to use fully or partly unranked systematist to be explicit about groups and characters.
classifications (e.g., annelids and molluscs). The method is also largely independent of the biases of
Further confusion is added when names that have the discipline in which it is applied. In its fundamental
been used for many decades are difficult to discard. principles, it is not restricted to biology, but is applica­
Some o f these legacy names have been redefined to ble to a variety of fields in which the relations that char­
represent monophyletic groups, or clades, such as acterize groups are comparable to the homology con­
Protostomia and Deuterostomia. Others, however, are cept and possess a hierarchical nature. Thus, cladistic
now known to represent nonmonophyletic groups, yet analyses have been applied to other historical systems,
the names have not yet disappeared from either t e x t ­ such as linguistics and textual criticism (in which the
books or the scientific literature, for example, the g a s ­ "homologues" are shared tongues or texts), and even
tropod group "heteropods" (which is a polyphyletic to the classification of musical instruments. Cladistic
group of pelagic gastropods with laterally-compressed analysis has also used in biogeographjc analyses,
translucent bodies and reduced or lost shells). IJ1 this wherein taxa are replaced by their appropriate areas
book, i f we use a name that is not indicative of a natural of endemism, and the "homologues" are thus sister
(i.e., monophyletic) group, we point this out. groups shared by geographic regions. Although the in­
One criticism of phylogenetic systematics occasion­ formation stored in a phylogenetic tree is restricted to
ally heard is that it ah•vays depicts the speciation pro­ genealogy, such trees a1·e often used to test other kinds
cess as t h e splitting of an ancestral species into tvvo of hypotheses, such as modes of speciation, historical
sister species, despite the probability that numerous relationships among geographic areas, and coevolu­
other speciation modes exist (Figure 2.8). In a phyloge­ tion in host-parasite lineages.
netic tree, once a new species appears, a "split" must As stressed earlier, the concept of similarity plays
be placed on the tree, and the two branches represent a central role in phylogenetic systematics. There are
sister groups, whether or not the original species has in really only three kinds of evolutionary similarity ex­
fact changed at all. Some biologists have claimed that pressed among organisms: (1) shared evolutionary
this practice is n1isleading. This criticism is unfounded, novelties inherited from an imn1ediate comn1on an­
and it derives from simple lack of understanding. First cestor (i.e., apomorphies); (2) similarity inherited from
of all, trees need not always be co1npletely dichoto­ some 1nore remote ancestor (any number of descendant
mous; they can (theoretically) have branching points taxa may retain such similarity); and (3) similarity due
that are trichotomous or even polytomous (Figure to evolutionary convergent evolution. Phylogenetic

systeo,atists accept only the first kind of sinillarity (sy­ that forms the 3D structure of riboso1nes (the large sub­
napon,orphies) as valid evidence of close affinity (com­ unit 28S, and small subunit 18S).7 However, not long
mon ancestry) between two taxa. The second kind of after the first molecular-based trees were published,
similarity reflects plesiomorphies, attributes that origi­ it was recognized that analyses of molecular sequence
nated before the appearance of the study group and data are prone to predicting erroneous relationships
thus, while being informative, do not provide specific under certain circuo,stances. Rapidly evolving lineages
evidence relevant to branching points in phylogenetic \-vere inferred to be closely related, regardless of their
trees. The third kind of sinillarity (convergence) holds true evolutionary relationships, due to a phenomenon
no value at all in phylogenetic analyses, although it knO\-vn as long branch attraction (LBA). Since there are
can lead to interesting questions about evolutionary only four possible character states in molecular sequence
biology. data (the four nucleotides), when DNA substitution
It is worth noting that the concept of shared derived rates are high, there is a high probability that two lineag­
characters has been around for many decades, and a es will independe11tly evolve the same nucleotide at the
careful revie�v of the work produced by the most criti­ same site by chance alone. In these circun,stances, phy­
cal systematists through time will reveal that most were logenetic algorithms (especially parsimony methods)
striving to delimit monophyletic taxa and construct phy­ erroneously interpret these convergences to be signs of
logenetic trees based on nested sets of synapomorphies. shared ancestry (synapomorphies) and therefore misin­
However, n,any existing older classifications are still terpret taxa on long branches to be close relatives.
based in part on symplesiomorphies rather than solely Using phylogenetic algorithn,s that incorporate
on synapo1norphies, and these classifications are des­ models of evolution can minimize the LBA proble1n.
tined to be revised as modern studies are accomplished. These models include three components: (1) models of
DNA substitution, which describe the rates at which
one nucleotide replaces another over evolutionary
time, (2) the relative nucleotide base frequency in a
Molecular Phylogenetics dataset, and (3) the relative rates at which sites in an
On February 12, 1988 (by appropriate coincidence, alignment evolve in a dataset. Popular evolutiona:ry­
Charles Darwin's birthday), a paper published by model-based algorithms include maximum likelihood
Katherine Field, Rudy Raff, and others presented the and Bayesian methods of phylogenetic estimation.
first credible molecular analysis of metazoan phylog­ The number of genes used to infer phylogenies in­
eny based on sequences from the small subunit ribo­ creased quickly to include both nuclear and mitochon­
somal RNA gene (SSU). This work initiated a paradigm drial protein coding genes. Inferring phylogeny from
shift in phylogenetic analysis, and today the field of protein coding genes offers several advantages. Protein
molecular phylogenetics is rooted in the methods pio­ sequences from distant relatives are easier to align to
neered in that important paper. In 1997, Anna Marie one another than ribosomal genes. And since a three­
Aguinaldo and colleagues also published a revolu­ nucleotide codon in a nucleic acid sequence specifies
tionary paper, proposing a radical new view of animal an amino acid accordi,ng to the genetic code, proteiJ,­
phylogeny-one that hypothesized the Protostomia to coding genes can be analyzed at either the nucleotide
comprise two distinct clades, a "molting clade" (called or the amino acid level.8 Whereas analyses of single
Ecdysozoa) and a nonmolting clade (called Spiralia in genes were the standard only a few years ago, most
this book). With the advent of technology for rapid a o , ­ n,olecular phylogenetic analyses today use multiple,
plification of DNA fragments and sequencing of the preferably unlinked, genes concatenated together in
nucleic acids, the field of systematics has undergone one super matrix of 5 to 10 or more genes. In fact, new
dramatic change. Questions of evolutionary relation­ and relatively inexpensive DNA sequencing technol­
ship, which had traditionally been addressed only by ogy, known as next generation sequencing, is allow­
con,parative 01orphology, can now be tested by a new ing for molecular phylogenies to be constructed from
and independent source of data. Since the 1990s, mo· larger portions of the genome, up to tens of thousands
lecular phylogenetics has swept the literature with of genes. Specific regions of the genome can be t a r ­
evolutionary trees built by analyses of gene sequences. geted a priori through methods such as anchored hy•
Molecular matrices are DNA sequence data, construct­ brid enrichment, or novel genes of phylogenetic sig­
ed of the four nucleotides of the genetic code: adenine nificance can be discovered after shotgun sequencing
(A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). Mo­ of all DNA molecules (genomes) or RNA molecules
lecular trees have corroborated some relationships pre­
viously inferred by analyses of n,orphological traits, 7The genetic information in the nucleic acid DNA (deoxyribo•
but they also provided support for novel relationships nucleic add) is transcribed to the nucleic acid RNA (ribonucleic
acid), and this information is then translated from RNA to protein.
never predicted.
"The human genome contains about 21,000 genes, and protein­
The first molecular phylogenies were constructed coding regions account for only around 1.5% of the gen<m1e.
from analyses of ribosomal genes, which code for RNA Many other complex species get by with far fewer genes.
52 Chapter Two

(transcripton1es). No mater what type of genetic data skin, eggshells, fathers, and even the saliva of anitnals,
is selected or how it is sequenced, these methods result as well as from the decaying leaves and fine rootlets of
in rich multigene datasets for phylogenetic inference. plants. Ancient DNA has led to the discovery of new
Resulting trees are therefore inferred from a larger types of ancient humans and revealed interbreeding
portion of the genome than previous methods that re­ between our ancestors and our archaic cousins, which
lied on only a handful of genes, whose history may or left a genetic legacy that shapes ,,vho we are today.
may not precisely reflect the history of the taxa being Muell of the genome of Neanderthal has now been se­
analyzed. quenced. As a result, we now know that modem Ho1110
Equally exciting are techniques developed sapiens carry a remnant of Neanderthal DNA from in­
to extract DNA from fossilized bone, tissue, or dlu1g. terbreeding events that have been postulated to have
In 2003, scientists managed to extract DNA from occurred as hun1ans migrated out of Africa and into
Siberian permafrost sediments and soils of caves in Eurasia, at least 80,000 years ago.
New Zealand. The Siberian sediments yielded the old­ Research suggests that in closely-related species
est reliable ancient DNA up to that tune, from plants (e.g., sister species) that have recently diverged from
as much as 400,000 years old (angiosperms, gy1nno­ one another there are key genes that diverge rapidly
sperms, and mosses) as well as from numerous ani­ and produce reproductive incompatibility, thus reduc­
mals, including both living and extinct species up to ing the likelihood of viable or fertile hybrid offspring.
30,000 years old. In 2008, the entire genome of the ex­ Other key genes that evolve quickly during the origin
tinct woolly marnn1oth (Mn11111111th11s pri111igenius) from of a new species appear to be those that confer a spe­
Siberia was sequenced, showing a sequence identity cial advantage to the new population. For example, the
of over 98 percent \Vith modern African elephants (the genomes of humans and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
two diverged from one another about 6 million years are about 99 percent identical. But among the genes
ago). Also in 2008, DNA was sequenced fron1 lice that comprise that one percent are two sn1all stretches
(Insecta: Phthiraptera: Pedicu/11s h11111n1111s) preserved m of bases known as the HARl (the human accelerated
the scalps of 1000-year old Peruvian mummies. The lice region 1) and the FOXP2. Before humans appeared,
belonged to a subtype of head and body lice found all HARl appears to have evolved exb·emely slowly, but
over the world, thus proving that human lice were in in Homo sapiens it underwent abrupt evolution. It turns
the New World well before Columbus. Since then, sci­ out that HARl is active during embryogenesis in a type
entists have begun sequencing DNA from even older of neuron that plays a key role in the pattern and layout
animals-the oldest so far is a 700,000-year-old horse, of the developing cerebral cortex of the brain. FOXP2
perhaps pushing the limits of how long DNA can ac­ is involved in speech. Thus, it appears that the rapid
tually survive. By extractmg fragments of DNA from burst of substitutions il, these genetic regions may have
ancient soils and sediments (known as "environmental altered our brains significantly from those of cilirnpan­
DNA") in North America, scientists have beglm to re­ zees. A small amolmt of rapid gene change can have
construct Pleistocene and early Holocene ecosystems. a major impact in species divergence and evolution.
The extraction of DNA fro1n 2000- to 4000-year-old Interestingly, the FOXP2 sequence of Neanderthals is
cores from the Arctic region has yielded a variety of very similar to that of modern humans, suggesting that
plants, bison, horses, bears, marnn1oths, and lerrunings. they may have had speecl1 similar to ours.
Environmental DNA comes from urine, feces, hair,

Selected References
Aguinaldo,A.M .A., J.M .Turbeville, L. S . Linford, M. C . Rivera, Bull, J. J.,J. P . Huelsenbeck, C. W. Cum1ingham, D . L. Swofford
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Village, CO. construction; an eclectic overview of systematics and evolu­
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University Press, NY. [Although this classic text is aging Procedurefor Biologists. Columbia University Press, NY.
fast, it still provides a sow1d look at non-cladistic thinking on
evolution, the species concept, and traditional classification
The Protists
Kingdom Protista

t has long been a tradition in invertebrate zoology courses to cover

the protists, at least the most common groups, and today well over
half of the invertebrate courses taught in North America still do
s o . And in today's world of diminishing "-ology" courses many
students will find this to b e their only detailed exposure to this very im­
portant asse1nblage of organisms. For this reason 1,ve have chosen to retai11
the protist chapter i n this edition of Invertebrates, despite the challenges of
presenting this highly diverse collection of phyla in a succinct fashio11. The
formal taxon "Protozoa" was established by Richard 01-ven in 1858, the san1e
year Charles Darwin aud Alfred Russel Wallace published their theory of
natural selection. In its most common use it has always been a paraphyletic
taxon, although before the Myxozoa, yeasts, and a few others were removed
it was a polyphyletic grouping. Ho1-vever, the name "Protozoa" has been
used for a plethora of different groupi11gs of eukaryotes over the past 150
years, and it is probably best laid to rest as a formal taxonomic name today.
Because the protists are a paraphyletic group, they are not easy to define.
Like other paraphyletic groups, they are defined primarily by what they
lack. One definition is, "eukaryotic, largely unicelJuJar organism.s that do not
undergo tissue formation through the process of embryological layering."
The assemblage we call protists is paraphyletic because it excludes numer­
ous multicellular descendant lineages (Metazoa, Fungi, Plantae), as well as
the Glaucophyta, and the red and green algae. Thus protists are the "soup"
out of which the three great multicellular kingdoms evolved. Some protists
(such as the choanoflagellates) are more closely related to ani1nals than to
other protists; and four phyla once regarded as protists are now usually c l a s ­
sified in the kingdom Plantae (=Archaeplastida): Glaucophyta (glaucophyte
algae), Rhodophyta (red algae), Chlorophyta (green algae), and Charophyta
(stoneworts).1 Recently, some 1-vorkers have subdivided the protists into

1Plants form a monophyletic group, comprising unicellular and multicellular, photo•

synthetic, chlorophyll-bearing eukaryotes with chloroplasts directly descended from an
initially enslaved cyanobacterimn (i.e., the "primary plastid"). These chloroplasts are sur­
ro,mded by two membranes, and they may contain chlorophyll n and/orb . Plantae con­
tains two subkingdoms: Biliphyta (phyla Glaucophyta and Rhodophyta) and Viridiplantae
(the phyla Chlorophyta, Charophyta, Anthocerotophyta, Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta, and
Tracheophyta). The 11,,0-layered chloroplast membrane, structure of plastid genomes, and
derived chloroplasl protein-import machinery all suggest a single origin for the Pla.ntae.
56 Chapter Three

h,vo groups-Protozoa and Clu:omista. This arrange­ food chains, the global carbon cycle, and n1arine ecosys­
ment, championed by Thon1as Cavalier-South, sepa­ ten1 functioning. Even though they account for less than
rates out the Chromista as those chromophtye algae 1 % of Earth's standing photosynthetic bion1ass, they
(those with chlorophyll a and c, but not b) thought to are responsible for about half of Earth's annual produc­
have evolved by symbiogenetic enslavement of a red tion of atmospheric oxygen (the rest coming from ter­
alga, as well as all heterotrophlc protists descended from restrial plants, that, unlike marme primary producers,
them by loss of photosynthesis or entire plastids. In this are much longer-lived and channel more of their energy
scheme, the "kingdom Chromista" viould include such to standing biomass). And, of course, much of the pe­
phyla as Haptophyta, Ciliophora, and Cercozoa; and troleun1 we consu1ne at an ever-increasing pace came
the "kingdom Protozoa" would contain phyla such as from phytoplankton that settled on the ocean floor and
Euglenozoa, Amoebozoa, and Choanozoa (see Ruggiero was buried and "cooked" over past millennia. This took
et al. 2015 for a version of thls classification). However, place on a warmer Earth that had less dissolved oxygen
multigene analyses of protists are still ambiguous on the in the sea, and less decay of organic matter as it sank to
precise nature of this dichotomy and whether Chromista the seafloor. However, it has been estimated that only
is monophyletic, and Vie feel the redefined use of the about 2% of all oceanic plankton makes it to the ocean
now highly ambiguous term "Protozoa" is confusing. floor in modern seas, the rest being recycled before it
Thus we have not adopted thls classification for thls edi­ reaches the benthic realm. The smallest oceanic pro­
tion of l11vertebrates. In fact, classification of the protists is tists (below l n1m body size), such as diatoms, are, like
still i11 a significant state of flux as nevv multigene phy­ bacteria, completely at the mercy of the currents and
logenies continue to discover, sort out, and rearrange tend to disperse far and wide. For thls reason, species
the n1any clades. Because the protists are no more than of small protists tend to disperse everywhere, and the
a paraphyletic assemblage, and because brown algae local environment selects where they can survive.
(Phaeophyta), like red and green algae, arose fro1n a The "big three" eukaryotic primary producers that
separate protistan ancestor, some workers would e x ­ are conspicuous m the world's oceans today (diatoms,
clude the Phaeophyta from the protists. dinoflagellates, coccolithophores) came to prominence
About 200,000 species of protists have so far been during the Mesozoic era, although they first arose
described, but taxonomists have only scratched the much earlier than that. Chemical evidence of lipid
surface and it is almost certain that species diversity biosignatures from dit1oflagellates has been found m
in this assemblage of phyla exceeds that of Metazoa. Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic strata. Evidence of coc­
For example, recent large-scale molecular screening colithophores has been found in Late Triassic strata.
techniques have revealed an unimagined diversity of The siliceous ren1ains of diatoms have left a somewhat
minute (picoplankton, 0.2-2 µ1n) protists in the world's substantial fossil record, the earliest clear evidence
oceans, most of which have not even begun to be classi­ (fossil frustules) being Jurassic (re1nnants of their s i l ­
fied. Most protists are unicellular, but there are also co­ ica shells make up the porous rock called diatomite).
lonial and multicellular species, although the multicel­ However, molecular clock analyses suggest an origin
lular forms do not undergo embryonic tissue formation for the diato.m s around the Permian-Triassic boundary.
as seen in the plants and animals (thus distinguishing Interestingly, all tlu:ee groups contain plastids derived
them from the kingdoms Plantae and Metazoa). Some from an ancestral red alga by secondary (or even hlgh­
protists are exclusively asexual; others can also repro­ er-level) symbioses, and all three groups began their
duce sexually, or at least employ the sexual processes major radiations subsequent to the End-Permian n1ass
of meiosis and syngamy. Some protists are photoau­ 2
extinction event.
totrophs containing plastids, organelles with light­ Photosynthetic protists contain a variety of types of
capturing pigments for photosynthesis. Som.e are het­ chlorophyll and have differently constructed chloro­
erotrophs, absorbing organic molecules or ingesting plasts, reflecting their many separate lineages. Like mi­
larger food particles (phagotrophy). Still others are tocl1ondria, plastids have a11 intricate internal structure
mixotrophs, combittlng photosynthesis and hetero­ of folded n1en1branes. But the plastid's men1branes are
trophic nutrition. In years past, protists were divided not continuous with the inner membrane of the cltloro­
into three large groupings on the basis of these nutri­ plast envelope. Instead, the internal membranes lie in
tional modes: protozoans (the ingestive heterotrophs, flattened disclike sacs called thylakoids. Each thylakoid
or anirnal-like protists); algae (the photosynthetic, or consists of an outer thylakoid membrane surround­
plantlike protists); and the (absorptive) pro­ ing an inner space. Thylakoids are piled up like plates.
tists. However, we now know that these represented Most protists have thylakoids that form stacks h'\10 or
no n1ore than loose ecological groupings.
The prokaryotic and eukaryotic phytoplankton,
2Some dinoflagellates and other groups, obtained their plastids
mainly Cyanobacteria ("blue-green algae") and photo­ ,
through tertiary or higher-order symbioses (i.e., acquisition of a
synthetic protists such as the diatoms, dinoflagellates, eukaryotic algal cell and retention of the plastid as well as other
and coccolithophores, are criticaUy important to oceanic pieces of cell machinery).
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 57

three units thick. Green algae and land plants have cyanobacterial progenitor of plastids were either lost
many thylakoids stacked into piles called grana (sing. or transferred to the nuclear genome of the eukaryotic
granum), and a chloroplast may contain many grana. host, where they are now expressed and their protein
Red algae (Rhodophyta) have unstacked thylakoids. products targeted back to the organelle in which they
The body plans of protists demonstrate a remarkable were originally encoded by a dedicated plastid protein
diversity of nonn1etazoan form, function, and survival import system.3
strategies. Most, but not all, are unicellular. In any case, Subsequent to the ancient primary endosymbiotic
they carry out all of life's functions using only the or­ event, many other protist clades adopted chloroplasts
ganelles found in a "typical" eukaryotic cell. Many of secondarily by entering into a symbiosis with a green
the fundamentally unicellular protist phyla also con­ or red alga, and then gradually reducing the syn1bionts
tain species that form colonies. Others are multicellular, w1tiJ all that remained was the chloroplast-a process
though lacking the embryonic tissue-layering processes known as secondary endosymbiosis. At least three
and differentiated organs and tissues seen in animals, independent secondary endosymbioses between unre­
plants, and fungi. Multicellularity in a number of pro­ lated host cells and red and green algal endosymbionts
tist groups (e.g., the fonnati.on of cellular slime molds probably occurred, one involving a red alga and two
in di.ctyostelids; the forn1ation of multicellular thalli in involving green algae. Fron1 the red algal secondary
different groups of brown algae) is but one example of endosymbiotic event arose the cryptomonads, hapto­
rampant convergent evolution seen an,ong these crea­ phytes, heterokonts, dinoflagellates, and probably a p i ­
tures. Different lli1eages of free-living protists have, con1plexans (the apicomplexans having lost their c h l o ­
for instance, independently evolved a wide variety of roplasts a s they took up their parasitic lifestyle). From
cytoskeletaJ extensions (e.g., flagella, axopods, hapto­ the green algal line, eugleni.ds and chlorarachniophytes
nemes), feeding apparatuses (e.g., rods and gullets), each evolved independently. And we now know of
secreted celJ coverings (e.g., scales, loricas, frustules, tertiary, and perhaps even quaternary endosymbiotic
spines), and intracellular armor (e.g., thecae, pellicles). events that transferred photosynthetic capabilities to
Protists include an awesome array of shapes and newly evolving protist clades. Indeed, one of the most
functional types. Figure 3.1 illustrates some of this vari­ stunning achievements of protists has been their ability
ety. Most unicellular proti.sts are microscopic, although to engage in endosymbiotic relationships with one an­
a few, sucl, as the foranlini.ferans, are commonly visible other-a trait seen in nearly every n1ajor lli1eage. Some
to the naked eye. Many protists are actually larger than fundamentally heterotroph.ic groups have become spe­
the smallest metazoans (e.g., some gastrotriclls, kino­ cialists at developing symbioses with a variety of au­
rhynchs, nematodes, loriciferans, and others). Protists totrophic protists, such as the forams, which may h a r ­
include marine, freshwater, terrestrial, and symbiotic bor endosymbiotic diatoms, d.inoflagellates, or red or
species, and the last category includes many serious green algae. Diatoms themselves are a highly chimeric
pathogens. Humans are hosts to over 30 species of pro­ group, with about 10% of their nuclear genes being of
tistan symbionts, many of which are pathogenic. foreign algal origin (from ancient, secondary endosym­
Protist diversity, indeed the diversity of the entire biotic events with red and green algae).
superkingdom Eukaryota, had its origin in a remark­
able and critically important evolutionary event that 3
Photosynthetic plastids (those with chlorophyll) are called chlo­
occurred 2-2.7 billion years ago, when a free-living roplasts, and they contain their own DNA (cpDNA). Plastids
proteobacterium took up residence in an anaerobic without chlorophyll are usually called leucoplasts (and generally
contain lpDNA). Both cpDNA and lpDNA are transcribed and
prokaryote, first becoming an endosy1nbiont, and then translated just like nuclear DNA, except these organelle genes are
being fully assin1ilated into the cytoplasm and cellular effectively haploid. Chloroplasts are the solar-powered, energy·
machinery of its host to become the first mitochondri­ generating, oxygen-producing organelles of plants and algae
(photosynthetic protists). All are descendants of once-free-living
on. This primary endosymbiosis origin of mitochon­ cyanobacteria. Chlorophyll (a green pigment) is found in most
dria is believed to have occurred only once (Figure 3.2), plants, algae, and Cyanobacteria. Chlorophyll absorbs light most
and it represents the origin of the n1onophyletic lineage strongly in the blue and red wavelengths, and only poorly in the
green wavelengths (hence the renected green color). Chlorophyll
called Eukaryota. molecules are arranged in and around pigment protein complexes
Some time later, a cyanobacterium became endo­ called photosystems, which are embedded in the thylakoid mem­
symbiotic in a protist and, as with the proteobacterium, branes of chloroplasts. Besides the very common chlorophyll a
(which may be universal in photosynthetic eukaryotes), there are
became enslaved and incorporated into its host.As the other pigments, called accessory pigments, which occur in the
cyanobacterium became a permanent fixture in this photosystems. These include other forms of chlorophyll, such as
host, the photosynthetic apparatus of its plastid (or chlorophyll b in green algae and higher plants, and chlorophyll c
or d in other algae. There are also nonchJorophyll accessory p i g ­
chloroplast) continued to function and thus serve its ments, such a s carotenoids and phycobilins (phycobiliproteins),
new master. Fron1 this singular endosyn1biotic event, which also absorb light and transfer that energy t<> the photosys0
arose the kingdom Plantae, or Archaeplastida. The tern's chlorophyll. The different chlorophyll and nonchlorophyll
pigments all have different absorptive spectra (e.g., the phycobil­
plastids in these phyla are called primary plastids. ins i n red algae, and typically in Cyanobacteria, and some crypto­
The bulk of the genes present in the genome of the monads, can absorb green light relatively well).
58 Chapter Three


(D) (E)

THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 59

◄ Figure 3.1 Protist diversity. (A) Phylum Oinoflagellata, "s1noking gw1" of the secondary endosymbiotic theory.
Peridinium. (B) Phylum Amoebozoa, Amoeba proteus The still unanswered question is, why have the ancestral
(formerly Chaos diffluens); a large water expulsion (con­ endosymbiont genon1es been retained in cryptomonads
tractile) vacuole, green food vacuoles, and lobopodia can
and chlorarachniophytes, when they have been lost in
b e seen. (C) Phylum Stramenopila, Opalina. (0) Phylum
Ciliata, Stentor. (E) Phylum Euglenida, Lepocinclis. all other secondary plastid-containing organisms? One
(F) Phylum Kinetoplastida, Trypanosoma in blood smear. answer is, they are still gradually disappearing as their
(G) Phylum Oinof lagellata, Ceratium hirudinella, a fresh­ genes are lost or transferred to the "host" nucleus.
water dinoflagellate. (H) Phylum Stramenopila, Oinobryon,
a colonial golden alga. ( I) Phylum Stramenopila, Fucus ( a
brown alga). (J) Phylum Granuloreticulosa, G/obigerinella,
a foram (note the calcareous spines that radiate out
Taxonomic History and
from the body). (K} Phylum Radiolaria, Amphilonche Classification
Antony van Leeuwenhoek is generally credited with
being the first person to report seeing protists, in about
Cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes have been 1675. In fact, Leeuwenhoek was the first to describe a
the subject of intense research in recent years, because nun1ber of m.icroscopic aquatic life forms (e.g., rotifers),
they each possess four genomes-two nuclear genomes, referring to them as "animalcules" (little animals). For
an endosyn1biont -derived plastid genome, and a m.ito­ nearly 200 years, protists •..vere classified along with
chondrial genome derived fron1 the host cell. Like m.ito­ a great variety of other m.icroscopic life forms under
cl1ondrial and plastid genomes, the persistent genome various names (e.g., lnfusoria). The name protozoon
of the endosymbiont nucleus, called a nucleomorph, (Greek, proto, "first"; zoon, "animal") ,vas coined by
has been retained in these two groups. Much of the nu­ Goldfuss i n 1818 as a subgrouping of a huge assem­
cleomorph genon1e has been lost in cryptomonads and blage of animals known a t that time as the Zoophyta
chlorarachniophytes, reduced through the combined e f ­ (protists, sponges, cnidarians, rotiiers, and others).
fects of gene loss and intracellular gene transfer to the Ernst Haeckel's Protista (in 1866) did not include the
"host" nucleus. In fact, nudeomorph genomes are the green algae or ciliates (placed among the animals) but
smallest genomes known in the Eukaryota. It was an did include the sponges. Following the discovery of
ultrastructural w1derstanding of nucleo1norphs, largely cells in 1839, the distinctive nature of protists became
led by the ,,vork of A. 0. Greenwood in the 1970s, that apparent. On the basis of this distinction, Karl von
showed them to b e degenerate nuclei and provided the Siebold, in 1845, restricted the name protozoa t o apply

\li">(LJ Eukaryote 2
Eukaryote 1
Red algae -� - )-----,'I► Cryptomonads, Haptophytes, Heterokonts,
Oinoflagellates, Apicomplexans (?)

Eukaryote ,,--► {[J-----,'I► Euglenids

'--►Green algae
'--�{[)----► Chlorarachniophytes
'---➔► Glaucophytes
(A) Primary (B) Primary (C) Secondary (0) Secondary
cndosymbiosis plastids endosymbiosis plastids
Figure 3.2 The o ri gin and spread of plastids in e u k a r y ­ apicomplexans harbor plastids deri ved from a red a lgal
otic cells. (A) Primary endosymbiosis between a hetero­ endosymbiont, while euglenids and chlorarachniopytes
trophic eukaryote and a photosynthetic prokaryote. acquired their plastids from green algae. probably in
(BJ Three modern-day eukaryotic lineages (red and green separate events. The cryptomonads and chlorarachniopy­
algae, glaucophytes) possess primary plastids whose tes are the only known secondary plastid-containing algae
ancestry traces directly back to the primary endosymbio­ to still possess the nucleus and nuclear genome of their
sis; the green algae spawned multicellular lineages such a lgal endosymbionts. Some dinofl agellate lineages have
as land plants. (C) At least three independent secondary replaced their ancestral red algal secondary plastid with
(i.e., eukaryote-eukaryote) endosymbiosis events between a tertiary plastid through the uptake of cryptomonad, het­
unrelated host cells and red and green algal endosymbi­ erokonts, o r haptophytes algae. The api complexans are
onts have probably occurred. (D) Di versity of eukaryotes an entirely nonphotosyntheti c lineage of parasi tes, some
harboring secondary plastids; cryptomonads, hapto­ of which have completely lost their plastid.
phytes, heterokonts, many dinoflagellates, and (probably)
60 Chapter Three

to all unicellular forms of animal life. It was the great dramatically reduced the mitochondria during their
naturalist Ernst Haeckel who united the algae and Pro­ evolution. Microsporidia are an enign1atic group of
tozoa into a single group, the Proti.sta. parasites, and some workers retain them among the
Throughout most of the tvventieth century, a rela­ Protista because they are phagotrophic and lack the
tively standard classification scheme was used for chitinous wall around vegetative cells that charac­
the protists, or "Protozoa." This scheme, which has terize Fungi. And we now know that the amebas do
its roots in the work of the great nineteenth century not constitute a monophyletic group, but are spread
German zoologist Otto Biitschli, was based on the idea through many distantly related protist taxa (i.e., pseu­
that the different groups could be classified primar­ dopodia are very different in structure and function
ily by their modes of locomotion and nutrition. Thus in different protist groups, and the basic ameba cell
the protozoans were divided into the Mastigophora fonn has evolved n1ay times independently). The king­
(locomotion with flagella), Ciliata (locomotion with dom Fungi is now known to have been polyphyletic
cilia), Sarcodina (locomotion with pseudopodia), and as once defined, and many of its former me1nbers are
Sporozoa (parasites, with no obvious locomotory now spread through several protistan phyla, with the
structures, but forming resistant spores for transn1is­ remaining "true fungi" sometimes given the name
sion between hosts). Flagellated protists were further Eumycota (all true fungi, or Eumycota, have chitin
divided into the zooflageUates (heterotrophs) and phy­ in their cell walls, except the Microsporidia). There
toflagellates (photosynthetic autotrophs). While these are n1any protist groups that remain quite enigmatic,
divisions might accurately describe protists' roles iJ.1 a.nd w e still are not certam about their phylogenetic
ecosystems, we now know that they do not accurately relationships.
reflect evolutionary relatedness. Pseudopodia and fla­ Depending on which specialists you follow, protists
gella are present in many different kinds of cells (in­ can be divided into as few as a half-dozen, or as many
cluding plant and anin1al cells) and their presence does as 50+ phyla, and phylogenetic research is clustering
not necessarily indicate unique relatedness. Flagella these into a half-dozen or so larger clades (Box 3A). The
(and cilia) are clearly shared primitive features, or sym­ deep relationships among protists are now beginning
plesiomorphjes, whereas pseudopodia come in many to emerge, and the completion of genome sequencing
different forms that represent cases of independent projects on various species is shedding critical nevv
evolution. Modern 1nolecular phylogenetics and c o m ­ light on protist relationships. In fact, new data are ap­
parative ultrastructural studies have completely reor­ pearing so rapidly, and so fluid are many of the ne½•
ganized the classification of protists, and will continue hypotheses, that many workers are now opting not to
to n1ake adjustments for some time come. use formal taxonornic nan,es at all, and instead refer to
Although there continues to be n1uch debate over hypothesized "higher clades" simply as "groups" (a
how these enigmatic organisms are related to each practice we follow, in part, in this book). Other workers
other, there are now dozens of well-defined clades consider these major clades worthy of "kingdom" or
of protists, many of which cluster into larger hypoth­ some other status, and still others prefer to simply use
esized clades. However, readers are cautioned that vernacular or fonnal names that have no categorical
the field of protist systematics is highly dynamic, and taxonomic standiJ.1g at all ("rankless taxa"). The protist
major changes continue to appear at a rapid pace. In phyla we treat in this chapter are the n1ost commonly
fact, protistan classification is probably the most un­ encountered ones. Although "''e have organized them
stable of any classification seen i.n eukaryote systernat­ by current phylogenetic thinking, this classification
ics today, and nearly every book that treats the subject scheme "viii surely be modified as new studies emerge.
uses a somewhat different classification scheme. This At the time this book went to press, a conservative view
instability simply reflects the exciting, rapid state of on­ based on molecular phylogenetics (with support from
going discovery among the protists. Certainly, by the ultrastructural studies) groups the eukaryotes largely
time this book is printed protistan classification will into six groups, or putative clades: (1) An1oebozoa,
have already undergone numerous revisions, and it (2) Chromalveolata, (3) Rhizaria, (4) Excavata, (5)
will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Opisthokonta (Choanoflagellata, Metazoa, and Fungi),
One of the more surprising recent discoveries is and (6) Plantae (= Archaeplastida).
that the former protist phylum Myxozoa comprises a
group of highly modified cnidarians, parasitic in c e r ­ CLASSIFICATION OF THE PROTIST
tain invertebrates and vertebrates (see Chapter 7). This
revelation was made possible through DNA analyses,
and by the discovery of certain metazoan and cnidar­ GROUP 1 AMOEBOZOA
ian features (e. g ., collagen, nematocysts) in 1nyxozoans.
PHYLUM AMOEBOZOA Examples include: Acanthamoe·
Also, the Microsporidia, once thought to be basal pro­ ba, Amoeba, Arce/la, Chaos, Centropyxis, Oifflugia, Endoti­
tists, are no"'' thought to be highly atypical fungi that max, Entamoeba, Euhyperamoeba, Flabellula, Hartmanella,
THE PROTISTS Ki ngdom Protista 61

BOX 3A Classification of Eukaryota, Including the 17 Protist Phyla

Covered in this Book
(nonprotist taxa are shown in blue ) GROUP 4 EXCAVATA
Kingdom Protista* Phylum Parabasalida Trichomonads, hypermastigotes,
etc.(300 described species)
Phylum Amoebozoa Lobate-pseudopod amebas, myxo­ Phylum Diplomonadida Diplomonads {100 described
mycetes, dictyostelids, myxogastrids (plasmodial slime species)
molds), and dictyostel ids {cellul a r slime mol ds or "social Phylum Euglenida Euglenids (1,000 described species)
amoebae") (200+ described species)
Phylum Kinetoplastida Trypanosomes, bodonids, and
GROUP 2 CHROMALVEOLATA their kin (600 described species)
Phylum Oinoflagellata Oinoflagellates.(2,000 described
Phylum Hetero lobosea (Naegleria, Stephanopogon, etc.)
Phylum Apicomplexa Gregarines, coccidi ans, haemo­
sporidians, and their kin (5,000+ described species) Phylum Choanoflagellata Choanoflagetlates (150
described species)
Phylum Ciliata (= Ciliophora) Cil iates (10,000-12,000
described species) Kingdom Metazoa
Phylum Stramenopila Bacillariophytes (photosynthetic Kingdom Fungi
diatoms), Phaeophyta (brown algae). Chry5ophytes (golden Kingdom Plantae (= Archaeplastida)
algae), the fungusl ke
i nonphotosynthetic Oomycetes (water
mo lds or Oomycota, downy mi ldews, etc.), and certain par­ Subki ngdom Bil iphyta
asitic (opalines and blastocysti ds) and free-living (some he• Phylum Glaucophyta Glaucophytes
liozoans and flagellates) groups (9,000 described species) Phylum Rhodophyta Red algae
Phylum Haptophyta (= Prymnesiophyta) Coccolit h o ­ Subkingdom Vir idiplantae
phores and their relati ves Phyl um Chlorophyta Green algae
Phylum Cryptomonada Cryptomonads Phyl um Charophyta Freshwater green algae; i n ­
cludes the stoneworts
Subgroup Embryophyta
Phylum Chlorarachniophyta Chlorarachniophytes
Phylum Anthocerotophyta Hornworts
Phylum Granuloreticulosa Foram iniferans and thei r kin
(4,000+ described species) Phyl um Bryophyta Other nonvascular plants
Phylum Marchantiophyta Liverworts
Phylum Radiolaria Radiolarians (2,500 described species)
Phylum Trac heophyta Vascular plants. Includes
Phylum Haplosporidia Haplosporidi ans clubmosses, horsetai ls, ferns, gymnosperms, and
angiosperms (flowering plants)
•Paraphyletic group

lodamoeba, Mayorella, Pamphagus, Petomyxa, Thecamoe­ PHYLUM CILIATA (OR "CILIOPHORA") The c i liates (e.g.,
ba, Vannella, Dictyostelium (cellu lar slime mold), Fuligo Batantidium, Coteps, Colpidium , Colpoda, Oidinium, Eu­
(p lasmodia l s lime mold), Physarum (plasmodial slim e mold) ptotes, Halteria, Laboea, Oxytricha, Paramecium, Podoph­
rya, Stentor, Tetrahymena, Tintinnidium, Vorticella)
PHYLUM DINOFLAGELLATA (OR DINOZOA) Examples in­ Chrysophytes ("gol den a l gae"), the fungusli ke nonphotosyn­
clude: Amphidinium, Ceratium, Haptozoon, Kotoidinium, thet i c Oomycetes (water mol ds or Oomycota, downy mil­
Gonyautax, Nematodinium , Nematopsides, Noctiluca, Peri­ dews), and certain parasi tic (opalines and blastocyst ids) and
dinium, Perkinsus, Pfiesteria, Polykri k os, Protoperidinium, free-living (some heliozoans and f lagellates) groups (e.g.,
Symbiodinium, Syndinium, Zooxanthella Actinophrys, Actinosphaerium, Dinobryon, Fucus, Macro­
PHYLUM APICOMPLEXA Gregari nes, coccidians, haemo­ cystis, Opalina, Poteriochromas, Protopalina, Saprolegnia,
sporid ians, and their k in (e.g., Cryptosporidium, Diaptauxis, Synura); and the photosyntheti c d iatoms [Bacillariophyta]
Didymophyes, Bmeria, Gregarina, Haemoproteus, Lankes­ (e.g., Actinoptychus, Chaetoceros, Coscinodiscus, Didy­
teria, Lecudina, Leucocytozaon, Plasmodium, Plerospora, mosphenia, Melosira, Navicula, Nitzschia, Pseudonitzschia,
Setenidium, Strombidium , Stylocephatus, Toxoptasma) Thatassiosira)
62 Chapter Three

lithophores and the i r relatives; pl acement of Haptophyta Overviews of the Major Clades,
within the Chroma lveolata is only weakly supported (e.g., or Groups
Emiliania, Pavlova)
PHYLUM CRYPTOMONADA Placement of Cryptomonada
withi n the Chroma lveolata is only weakly supported (e.g., The Amoebozoa include most of the well-known ame­
Cryptomonas [= Chilomonas], Goniomonas, Guillardia) bas with lobate (rather than threadlike) pseudopodia,
as well as the bizarre slime molds. Although lacking
GROUP 3 RHIZARIA clear-cut morphological synapomorphies, most are
unicellular and most produce lobate pseudopodia.
An1oebozoa is well supported by n1olecular phyloge­
Bigeloiel/a, Bigelowiella, Chlorarachnion, Gymnochlora,
netic studies. The group contains only a single nomi­
nate phylum (Amoebozoa), and includes such familiar
PHYLUM GRANULORETICULOSA Foraminiferans and groups as the gyn1namoebas, entamoebas, and plasn10-
their kin (e.g., Allogromia, Ammonia, Astrorhiza, Arach­ dial and cellular sli1ne molds. Most amoebozoans are
nula, Biomyxa, Chitinosiphon, Elphidium, Glabratella, Gto­ free-living heterotrophs that feed by engulfing other
bigerina, Globigerinella, Gromia , lridia, Lenticu/a, Micro­ cells with their pseudopodia. Also included are some
gromia, Nummulites, Rhizoptasma, Rotatiella, Technitella, mitochondria-lacking organisn1s (pelobionts and e n t ­
amoebas) and several facuJtative or obligate parasites.
PHYLUM RAOIOLARIA Examples include: Acanthodesmia, Current evidence suggests both the plasmodial sli1ne
Acanthosphaera, Arachnosphaera, Artopilium , Challenge­ molds and cellular slime n1olds (the social amebas) be­
ron, Oendrospyris, Heliodiscus, Hetothotus, Lamprocyctas, long to this clade. Cellular slime molds (e.g., Dich;oste­
Peridium, Phormospyris, Sphaerostylus liu111) are amebas that periodically congregate to form
an asexual, spore-producing phase called a fruiting
PHYLUM HAPLOSPORIOIA Examples include: Bonamia,
Haptosporidium, Marticelta, Minchinia, Urosporidium body. Plasmodial slime molds (e.g., Fuligo) don't have
congregating cells, but do have sexual fruiting bodies
GROUP 4 EXCAVATA that produce aggregated cell masses.


gotes (e.g., Oien/amoeba, Histomonas, Monocercomo­
This chapter treats six of the phyla included in this
nas. Pentatrichomonas, Trichomonas. Trichonympha,
large and diverse assemblage: Dinoflagellata, Api­
complexa, Ciliata, Stramenopila, Haptophyta, and
PHYLUM DIPLOMONADIDA Examples include: Enteromo­ Cryptomonada. Photosynthetic species in these groups
nas, Giardia, Hexamita, Octomitis, Spironucleus, Trimitus have plastids that contain chlorophyll c, in addition
PHYLUM HETEROLOBOSEA Examples include: Naegleria to chloroph yll a. Chromalveolates are predominately
and Stephanopogon unicellular, and they n1ay be photosynthetic or n o n ­
photosynthetic. They are united by the "chromalveo­
PHYLUM EUGLENIDA (= EUGLENOZOA) Examp les include: late hypothesis," which states that a single secondary
Ascogtena, Calkinsia, Colacium. Entosiphon, Euglena, Lep­ endosymbiosis with a red alga gave rise to a plastid
ocinclis, Menoidium, Peranema. Phacus , Rapaza, Strombo­ ancestor of all chro1nalveolates. This plastid was sec­
monas, Trachelomonas
ondariJy lost or reduced in some lines, and there was a
PHYLUM KINETOPLASTIDA Trypanosomes. bodonids, tertiary reacquisition of a plastid in others. Support for
and thei r kin (e.g., Bodo, Cryptobia, Oimastigella, Leish­ this group is largely based on plastid-related charac­
mania, Leptomonas, Procryptobia, Rhynchomonas, ters, and no single character- or molecular phylogeny
Trypanosoma) has been able to wute all of its hypothesized members.
The phyla Dinoflagellata, Apicomplexa, and Ciliata
GROUP 5 OPISTHOKONTA form a monophyletic clade, the Alveolata, uniquely
PHYLUM CHOANOFLAGELLATA Examples include: Codo­ characterized by a system of flattened, membrane­
siga, Monosiga, Proterospongia bounded sacs or cavities, called alveoli, that lie just
beneath the outer cell membrane. The function of
The Opisthokonta al so includes the taxa Nuclear iida, lch­
the alveoli is unknown; researchers hypothesize that
thyosporea (= Mesomycetozoea), and the ki ngdoms Meta­
zoa and Fungi. they may help stabilize the cell surface or regulate the
cell's water and ion content. The alveolate clade is also
strongly supported by gene sequence phylogenetics.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 63

All three alveolate phyla contain predatory and para­ Most amebas (including radiolarians) that have thread­
sitic species, but only dinoflagellates (and an unusual like pseudopodia are part of Rhizaria, although these
lineage called Chro111era) are known to contain fully i n ­ filopodia rnay vary from simple, to branching or
tegrated and photosynthetic plastids. anastomosing. The relationships of the major rhizar­
Closely related to the alveolates is a large and di­ ian clades remain unresolved, and even the number
verse cluster of protists called the Stramenopila, now and placement of the "phyla" is higllly unstable. So1ne
usually given phylum status. The Stramenopila were recent molecular evidence suggests that Radiolaria
first identified through molecular phylogenetic studies and Granuloreticulosa are basal groups, the remain­
and later received confirmation from comparative ana­ ing groups forming the subgroup, or clade, som.etimes
tomical work. "Stramenopila" (Latin strn111e11, straw; called Cercozoa (e.g., chlorarachniophytes, plasmo­
pilos, hair) refers to a flagellum lined with numerous, diophorids, haplosporids). There are numerous flagel­
fine, tubular hairs-a distinctive feature of these pro­ lated cercozoans, many of whicl, use pseudopodia for
tists. 1n most stramenopiles, this "hairy" flagellum is feeding, if not movement. Although poorly studied,
paired with a smooth (nonhairy) flagellum. In some it is known that many sn1all-to-medium sized, h e t ­
stramenopile groups, the only flagellated cells are m o ­ erotrophic cercozoans (e.g., Cercomonas, Heteromita,
tile reproductive cells. The Stramenopila include: pho­ Euglypha), both flagellates and amebas, are important
tosynthetic diatoms; brown algae (formerly placed in members of benthic and soil microbial communities.
their own phylun1, Phaeophyta); Chrysophytes (the Chlorarachniophytes (e.g., Chlorarachnion, Crypto­
"golden algae"); t h e funguslike, nonphotosynthetic chlorn, Gy11111od1lorn, Lotharelln) are unusual within the
Oomycetes (water molds or Oomycota, downy 1nil­ cercozoan clade in having chloroplasts. Most studies
dews, etc.); and certain parasitic (opalines and blasto­ suggest that Radiolaria is the deepest branch, and that
cystids) and free-living (some heliozoans and flagel­ Granuloreticulosa and Haplosporidia branch next to,
lates) groups. The opalines and diatoms are thought or even within Cercozoa, but it has also been proposed
to have secondarily lost the unique hollow hairs (al­ that Granuloreticulosa and Radiolaria are a clade, or
though in centric diatoms the male gametes have hairy that Granuloreticulosa and Cercozoa are sister groups.
flagella). The largest known eukaryotes are strameno­ The group Rhizaria is united only by molecular phylo­
piles-brown algae known as kelp (e.g., Macrocystis, genetics; other kinds of synapomorphies are as yet un­
Nereocystis, Egregin). Recent work suggests that many known. Recent molecular analyses link the rhizarians
stramenopiles also contain nuclear genes from an an­ closely to the chromalveolates.
cient secondary endosymbiotic event 1..vith a green alga,
perhaps even predating the red algal gene acquisition GROUP 4: EXCAVATA
that now dominates the photosynthetic machinery in The excavates comprise a somewhat loose amalgama­
this phylum. tion of protists whose relationships to o n e -another are
Two other chromalveolate groups, Haptophyta (or just beginning to be understood. These are unicellular
Prymnesiophyta; coccolithophores and their relatives) eukaryotes that share an array of cytoskeletal features
and Crypton1onada (e.g., Cryptomonns, = Chilo,nonas) as well as a distinctive ventral excavation that functions
have plastids that contain clllorophyll n and c, suggest­ as a feeding groove ( a suspension-feeding cytostome
ing they also might belong to the alveolate assemblage. capturing small particles from a feeding current g e n ­
However, the precise nature of their affinity \.Vith stra­ erated by a posteriorly directed flagellum), plus forms
menopiles and alveolates has yet to be established. that have apparently lost some of these features. Over­
Recent n1olecular analyses suggest the Stramenopiles, all, the clade Excavata is only weakly supported by
Alveolata, and Rhizaria (the "SAR group") might share molecular data. Most excavates are heterotrophic flag­
a common ancestry to the exclusion of the haptophytes ellates, and many have greatly modified mitochondria.
and cryptomonads, \.vhich would leave these three taxa Currently included within the Excavata are the
with an uncertain classification. There is also reason­ following protist groups: the phyla Parabasa!ida
able support for Haptophyta being sister to the SAR (trichomonads and hypern,astigotes; e.g., Die11ta111oeba,
group. Histo111011as, Mo11ocercomonas, Pentatrichomonas, Tric/10-
monas, Tric/1011ympha, Tritricho111011as), Diplomonada
GROUP 3: RHIZARIA (e.g., Enteromonas, Giardia, Hexa111ita, Octo111itis, Spiro-
The clade called Rhizaria contains the mixotrophic, 11ucle11s, Trimit11s), and Heterolobosea (e.g., Naeglerin,
green chloroplast-cont aining phylum Chlorarach­ Stephanopogon), as well a s the groups Jakobida
niophyta, the parasitic Haplosporidia, and the phyla (e.g., Rec/ino111onas), Oxymonada, Retortamonada,
Granuloreticulosa and Radiolaria, as well as some fun­ Euglenozoa, and a few others. Recent multigene anal­
gilike plant parasites such as the plasmodiophorids. yses of excavate taxa identify three clades. One clade
64 Chapter Three

comprises diplomonads, pa1·abasalids, and the free-liv­ euglenids appear to have originated via secondary
ing amitochondriate protist Carpediemonas. The second endosyn,biosis between a predatory euglenid and a
clade consists of two other amitochondriate groups, green alga prey.
oxymonads and Trirnastix. The third clade is composed
of Euglenozoa, Heterolobosea, and Jakobida. Several GROUP 5: OPISTHOKONTA
of the excavate taxa were long thought to lack mito­ The clade known as Opisthokonta includes the king­
chondria, but recent evidence suggests these groups doms Metazoa and Fungi (and its likely sister group,
have highly reduced or modified mitochondria (e.g., Nucleariida), the Choanoflagellata, and a few other
Parabasalida, Diplomonada). The jakobids have the sn,all protist groups. Two spore-forming groups once
most primitive (bacteria-like) mitochondrial genomes allied with protists in this group are now known to be
knov.rn. animals (Myxozoa) and fungi (Microsporidia). In this
The phylum Heterolobosea i s more closely related chapter, we treat the choanoflagellates, which com­
to euglenids and kinetoplastids than to other amebas. prise the sister group, and probable direct ancestors, of
Naegleria fowleri (= N . aerobia) is the major agent of a the Metazoa. Together, Choanoflagel.lata and Metazoa
disease called pri1nary an1ebic 1neningoencephalitis (along with a few enigmatic tuucellular eukaryotes that
(PAM), or simply "amebic meningitis." PAM is an acute, predated choanoflagellates) comprise a clade called
fulminant, rapidly fatal illness usually affecting young Holozoa. The clades Opisthokonta and Holozoa are
people who have been exposed to water ha.rbori11g the both strongly supported by molecular phylogenetics.
free-living trophozoites, most comn,only in lakes and
swimming pools (but this ameba has even been isolated
from bottled mineral water in Mexico). It is thought that
the amebas are forced into the nasal passages when the
The General Protistan Body Plan
victin, dives into the water. Once in the nasal passages, While realizing that the protists do not represent a
they migrate along the olfactory nerves, through the monophyletic group, it is still advantageous to examine
cribiform plate, and into the cranium. Death fro1n brain them together from the standpoint of the strategies and
destruction is rapid. They do not forn1 cysts in the host. constraints of a unicellular, or at least a nontissue-lev­
Naegleria infections are rare, but usually fatal. Only a few el, eukaryotic body plan. Protists represent the "most
hundred cases have been documented since its discov­ primitive," or more accurately, the n1ost ancient, living
ery in Australia in 1960s, including a few dozen in the eukaryotes, yet, within the limitations imposed by their
United States. As environments warm, Naegleria is ex­ unicel.lularity, these creatures still must accomplish all
pected to spread to higher latitudes. of the basic life functions co1nmon to the Metazoa. Re­
T h e excavate subclade Euglenozoa contains call that the Eukaryota is distinguished from the other
the "plantlike" phylum Euglenida, the phylum two n,ajor clades of life (prokaryotic Bacteria and A r ­
Kinetoplastida (trypanosomes, bodonids, and their cl,aea) by the structural complexity of the cells-char­
kin), and a few other odds and ends (e.g., diplonernids). acterized by internal membranes and by having many
Euglenozoans comprise a diverse group of flage!Jate functions segregated into semi-autonon,ous regions
predatory heterotrophs, photosynthetic autotrophs, (organelles)-and by the cytoskeleton. Fundamentally
and pathogenic parasites. Two principal anatomical unique to the Eukaryota, and evidence of their singular
features distinguish euglenozoans: (1) a spiral, or crys­ origin, is the double membrane-bound nucleus with its
talline rod inside each of their two flagella, whicl, insert linear chromosomes (eukaryote, "true nuclei").
into an anterior pocket; and (2) disk-shaped 1nitochon­
drial cristae. Parasitic and commensal euglenozoans Body Structure, Excretion, Gas Exchange,
have evolved independently several times among the and Single-Celledness
kinetoplastids.The Euglenozoa clade is also supported Most life processes are dependent upon activities as­
by molecular phylogenetic studies. Both the Euglenida sociated with surfaces, notably with cell n,embranes.
and the Kinetoplastida were formerly classified in the Even in the largest multicellular organisms, the reg­
old "protozoan" phylum Sarcomastigophora. ulation of exchanges across cell membranes and the
The excavates are mostly heterotrophic flagellates, metabolic reactions along the surfaces of various cell
and even within the parasitic groups there are hetero­ organelles are the phenomena on which all life ulti­
trophic members. Many excavates have highly modi­ mately depends. Consequently, tl,e total area of these
fied mitochondria not used for oxidative phosphory­ important surfaces must be great enough relative to
lation, and these are common i n low-oxygen habitats the volu1ne of the organism to provide adequate ex­
(including animal guts). Broad-pseudopod forming change and reaction sites. Nowhere is the "lesson" of
amebas have evolved in one group (Heterolobosea), the surface area-to-volume ratio more clearly demon­
independently of the Amoebozoa, and even include strated than an1ong the protists, where it reveals the
their own group of slime molds (the acrasids). The impossibility of massive, 100 kg amebas (1950s horror
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 65

movies notwithstanding). Lacking both an efficient provided by interactions between the cell surface and
mechanism for circulation within the body and the the surrounding mediu1n. Pseudopodia, cilia, and f l a ­
presence of membrane partitions (multicellularity) gella provide the n1eans by which many protists push
to enhance and regulate exchanges of materials, pro­ or pull themselves along.
tists must remain relatively small (with a fe"'' notably Pseudopodia come in a variety of forms. Lobopods
unique groups, such as the brown algae). The diffu­ (lobopodia) are broad and blw1t-tipped. Filopods (fi­
sion distances between protists' cell membranes (their lopodia) are thin and tapering; they can be simple,
"body surface") and the ilu1ermost parts of their bodies branching or anastomosing. Axopods (axopodia) are
can never be so great that it prevents adequate move­ also thin and tapering, but supported by microtubules.
ment of materials from one place to another within the Reticulopods are thin and anastomosing and support­
cell. Certamly there are structural ele1nents (e.g., micro­ ed by nucrotubules.
tubules, endoplasmic reticula) and various processes
(e.g., protoplasmic streaming, active transport) that Nutrition
supplement passive phenomena. But the fact is, u n i ­ Various types of nutrition occur among protists, but
cellularity mandates that a high surface area-to-volume fw1damentally they may be either autotrophic or het­
ratio be maintained by restricting shape and size. This erotrophic, and many are both. Photosynthetic protists
is the principle behind the fact that the largest protists have plastids and are capable of photosynthesis, al­
(other than certain colonies, or colony-like species) as­ though not all use the san1e pign,ents, and they may
surne shapes that are elongate, thin, flattened, or hol­ differ i n plastid structure (Figure 3.3). All heterotrophic
low-shapes that maintain small diffusion distances. protists acquire food through some interaction beh-veen
The formation of membrane-bounded pockets, or the cell surface and the environment. Heterotrophic
vesicles, is con1mon in protists, and these structures forms may be saprobic, taking in dissolved organics by
help n1aintail1 a high surface area for internal reactions diffusion, active transport, or pinocytosis. Or they may
and exchanges. The elimination of metabolic wastes be holozoic, taking in solid foods-such as orga.iuc de­
and excess water, especially in freshwater forms living tritus or whole prey (e.g., bacteria, smaller protists)-by
in hypotonic environments, is facilitated by water ex­ phagocytosis. Many heterotrophic protists are symbi­
pulsion vesicles (Chapter 4, Figure 4.22). As explained otic on or within other organisms. Those protists that
in Chapter 4, these vesicles (frequently called contrac­ engage in pinocytosis or phagocytosis rely on the f o r ­
tile vacuoles) release their contents to the outside in a mation of membra.11e-bounded vesicles called food vac­
more or less controlled fashion, often counteracting the uoles (Figure 3.4). These structures may form at nearly
normal diffusion gradients between the cell and the any site on the cell surface, as they do in the amebas,
envirorunent. or at particular sites associated with so1ne sort of "cell
mouth," or cytostome, as they do in most protists with
Support and Locomotion more or less fixed shapes. The cytostome may be asso­
The cell surface is critical not only in providing a means ciated with further elaborations of the cell surface that
of exchange of n,aterials with the environment but also form permanent invaginations or feeding structures
in providing protection and structural integrity to the (discussed in more detail below, under specific taxa).
cell. The plasma membrane itself serves as a 1nechani­ Once a food vacuole has formed and moved i11to the
cal and chemical boundary to the protist "body," and cytoplasm, it begins to swell as various enzymes and
when present alone (as in the "naked amebas"), i t al­ other chen,icals are secreted into it. The vacuole first
lows great flexibility and plasticity of shape. However, becon,es acidic, and the vacuolar membrane develops
many protists maintain a more or less constant shape numerous inwardly directed microvilli (Figure 3.4).
(spherical, radial, or even bilaterally symmetrical) by A s digestion proceeds, the pH of the vacuolar fluid
thickening the cell membrane to form a rigid or semi­ shifts to become increasingly alkaline. The cytoplasm
rigid pellicle, by secreting scales or a shell-like cover­ just inside the vacuolar membrane ta.kes on a distinc­
ing called a test (usually of cellulose, CaC03 or Si02), tive appearance from the products of digestion. Then
by accumulating particles from the environment, or by the vacuolar membrane forms tiny vesicles that pinch
other skeletal arrangements described below. 4 off and carry these products into the cytoplasm. Much
The cytoskeleton is a complex array o f proteins of this latter activity resembles cell-surface pmocytosis.
that provides the structural framework for protist (in­ The result is numerous, til,y, nutrient-carrying vesicles
deed, for all eukaryote) cells and its components and offering a greatly increased surface area for absorp­
organelles. Locomotory capabilities are also ultilnately tion of the digested products into the cell's cytoplasm.
During this period of activity, the original vacuole
gradually shrinks a.11d undigested 1naterials eventually
Cell,�ose is the most abundant organic polymer on Earth. It is a
polysaccharide consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to are expelled from the cell. In some protists (e.g., ma.11y
many thousands of �(1 -+ 4) linked 0-glucose units. amebas), the spent vacuole may discharge anywhere
66 Chapter Three

(A) Phylum Chlorophyta (B) Phylum Cryptomonada

:::=:::"s::---- Nucleus--- :::: (3
Food storage

Thylakoids Plastid

::::o=::.::::= :::
(C) Phylum Stramenopila (D) Phyla Euglenida and DinoAag elleta

.--:;::.::::-_;:;::::::,--. (0
.:>.-- - ra e
::1:�� g
() 8>

Figure 3.3 Variations in protist (and Chlorophyta) chlo­ the chloroplast is surrounded by four membranes and the
roplast anatomy. (A) Phylum Chlorophyta. As in land thylakoids occur in stacks of three. In many strameno­
plants, the chloroplast in Chlorophyta is surrounded by p iles, the outermost membrane is continuous with the
two membranes and the thylakoids are arranged in irregu­ inner envelope. Food reserves are stored as liquid poly­
lar stacks, or grana. Also as in land plants, the primary saccharide (usually laminarin) and oi ls, which are located
photosynthetic pigments in chlorophytes are chlorophylls in the cytoplasm. The pr i mary photosynthetic pigments
a and b, and food reserves are stored as starch inside the are chlorophylls a, c,, and c2. (D) Phyla Euglenida and
chloroplast. (Bl Phylum Cryptomonada. In cryptomonads, Dinoflagellata. In both of these phyla, the chloroplasts are
the chloroplast is surrounded by four membranes and the surrounded by three membranes and the thylakoi ds are
thylakoids occur in stacks of two. The inner two mem­ arranged in stacks of three. Also in both phyla, the food
branes enc lose the thylakoi ds and eyespot; the outer two storage products (starch and oils) and the eyespots are
membranes al so enclose the storage product granules located outside of the chloroplast. The primary photo­
and nucl eomorph. The outermost membrane of the four synthetic pigments in euglenids are chlorophylls a and b.
is also continuous with the nuclear envelope. The nucleo­ Food reserves are stored as paramylon. In dinoflagellates,
morph is thought to be the nucleus of an ancient endo­ the photosynthet ic pigments include chlorophylls a and
symbiont that eventually became the chloroplast. Food c2 ; accessory pigments include the xanthophyll peridinin,
reserves are stored as starch and oils, and the primary which is unique to dinotl agellates. Note that in some dino­
photosynthetic pigments are chlorophylls a and c2; acces­ f lagellates, the eyespot is located inside the chloroplast
sory pigments incl ude phycobilins and alloxanthin. rather than in the cytoplasm. The food storage products
(C) Phylum Stramenopila. In photosynthetic stramenopiles, are starch and oils.

on the cell surface. But in ciliates and others in which are the mitochondria. The mitochondria of protists, like
a relatively impermeable covering exists around the all mitochondria, have two membranes, but the inner
cell, the covering bears a permanent pore (cytoproct) membranes, or cristae, have different forms-tubular,
through which the vacuole releases material to the out­ discoidal, and lamellar (Figure 3.5). However, in sev­
side. Anything left in the food vacuole when it reaches eral groups of protists the mitochondria have been pro­
the cytoproct is discharged. foundly 1nodified to generate ATP using alternative
In most protists, as i n other eukaryotic organisms, non-oxygen-dependent pathways, or no longer have a
the organelles responsible for most ATP production known energy-generating role at all.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 67

(A) (8)
Cell cytoplasm

.... ..
. . '. .

. . ......

Cell cytopla$m
. '-�
(E) , : :·
::·: : - �. : ,.• ·
1�-� �, -� {�};ii: �,i

· :-�.,;�
Microtubule us membrane
� �
bw,dles "
�- ,:-· ,,�
. -
ves1c. le conta1n.u.'n, g i.... -. ,.�·
' \..-,
�:>--, :�: ..
.. :�?i.:,v'
·-. ··� t,,.;:�.-..
: ,,.
ft "�;. : :,.
,.,.,.� . ,--·"'I . ,.,
digested material ...--.,.;_ _· .. :::. • -'·
'.-.- Food mass ·..
Microtubule in vacuole
Cell cytoplasm
. .
. Ie contammg · . . . .Q
Vesicle · · :.. .· , .
digested material _:.\: {ii/ /{),.·-.,. {,.

:, ·,·--�,·- •,:
. . e,Q
- - ,, u•g· ,
.-:;_ : �R::-:-:?• ;::JJ.: . ., .-:..:_. ·.
. _ r,-, · - : ,t ,1P,<:;.-
- ,. �. -� ; ,· .-

�'fJ__. -� -·-�-�,.- " ·, ..t;;• ;: ' ·,
..... _membrane
Figure 3.4 Activity in a generalized protist food vacuole.
·.r;r���;l��-==:?.·.:l�·-� �· :· ·:�·.
. .......

(A) Intact food mass with in food vacuole. (B) The vacu­
olar membrane and edge of the food mass (magnified �-...• ' ,.:'.,.:...-'..
·c ·
. . .. ·
Food mass
view). (C) Formation of microvilli and vesicles of vacuolar ··:.·..... t in vacuole
membrane. (D) Uptake of vesicles containing products of
digestion into the cytoplasm. (E) Cross section through
the cytostome of the ciliate Helicoprorodon, showing the
area of food vacuole formation at center. Microtubules Many protists have extrusomes, membrane-bound
provide support to the mouth. (exocytotic) organelJes containing various chemicals.
Extrusomes have a variety of functions (e.g., protec­
tio11, food capture, secretion), but they have one feature
i n common: they readily, and sometimes explosively,
Activity and Sensitivity discharge their contents when subjected to stimuli. The
Ma11y protists display remarkable degrees of sensitiv­ best-known extrusome is the trichocyst of ciliates such
ity to environmental stimuli a11d are ec,pable of surpris­ as Pnra111eci11111, but about ten different types are known
ingly complex behaviors. But, u.nlike that of anitnals, among protists.
protists' entire stimulus-response circuit lies within Thermoreception is known to occur in many pro­
the confines of a single cell. Response behavior may be tists but is not well understood. Under experimental
a function of the ge.neraJ se.nsitivity and conductivity of conditions, n1ost motile protists will seek opti111al tem­
protoplasn1, or i t may involve special orga11elles. Sen­ peratures when given a choice of e11vironments. This
sitivity to touch ofte.n involves distinctive locomotor behavior probably is a ftu1ction of the general sensitiv­
reactions in motile protists and avoidance responses in ity of the organism and not of special receptors. Some
many sessile forms. Cilia and flagella are touch-sensi­ evidence suggests that thermoreception in protists may
tive; when mechanically stimulated, they typically stop be u.nder electrophysiological control. Chemotactic re­
beating or beat in a pattern that moves the organism sponses are probably similarly induced. Most protists
away from the point of stimulus. These responses are react positively or negatively to various chemicals or
most dramatically expressed by sessile stalked ciliates, concentrations of chemicals. For example, amebas are
which display very rapid reactions when the cilia of the able to distinguish food from nonfood items and quick­
cell body are touched. Contractile ele1nents within the l y eject the latter fron1 their vacuoles. Many ciliates, e s ­
stalk shorten, pullmg the animal's body away from the pecially predators, have specialized patches of sensory
source of the stimulus. cilia that aid i n findmg prey, and even filter feeders use
68 Chapter Three

(A) light. Specialized light-sensitive organelles are known

among n1any flagellates, especially the photosynthetic
ones. These organisms often have pigmented eyespots,
or stigmata (sing. stigma) that are usually associated
with the flagellar apparatus. The stigmata are oriented
to shade the light-sen sitive region (often part of the
flagellum itself) from some directions, and the flagella
(B) thus behave differently depending on whether or not
the sensitive region is receiving direct light. Some stig­
mata are actually contained inside a lobe of the duoro­
plast. Eyespots vary in complexity, ranging from very
simple pigment spots to complex, lens-like structures.

A major aspect of protist success is their surprising
range of reproductive strategies. Most protists have
been able to capitalize on the advantages of both asex­
ual and sexual reproduction, although some appar­
ently reproduce only asexually. Many of the complex
life cycles seen in certain protists (especially parasitic
forms) involve alternation between sexual and asexual
processes, with a series of asexual divisions between
brief sexual phases.
Protists undergo a variety of strictly asexual repro­
ductive processes including binary fission, multiple
fission, and budding. Binary fission involves a sin­
gle mitotic division, resulting in two daughter cells.
During multiple fission, the nucleus undergoes s e v ­
eral multiple divisions prior to cytokinesis (partition­
(D) ing of the cytoplasm), resulting in many daughter cells.
Some protists engage in a process called plasmotomy,
considered by so1ne to be a form of budding, in which
a multinucleate adult simply divides into two multi­
nucleate daughter cells. Still others undergo a type of
internal budding called endopolygeny, during •,vhich
daughter cells actually forn1 within the cytoplasm of
the mother cell.
The advantage of sexual reproduction has long
been viewed to be the generation and maintenance
of genetic variation within populations and species.
Figure 3.5 Protist mitochondria, showing variation in Protists have evolved a variety of n1ethods that achieve
the inner membrane (i.e., cristae), plus the chlorophyte this, not all of whim result in the immediate produc­
Pteromonas lacerata. (A) La.m ellar cri stae from the mito­ tion of additional individuals. If we expand our tradi­
chondrion of the choanoflagellate Stephanocea (x 80,000). tional definition of meiosis to include any nuclear pro­
(B) Discoidal cristae from the mitochondrion of the eugl­
cess that results in a haploid condition, then meiosis
enid Euglena spirogyra (x 40,000). (C) Dilated tubular cris­
tae from the mitochondrion of Apusomonas proboscidea,
ca11 be considered a general eukaryotic phenomenon.
an enigmatic f lagellate of uncertain affinity (x 97,000). This disclaimer is necessary because protist "meio­
(D) Tubular cri stae from the mitochondrion o f the chloro­ sis" is more variable than that seen in animals, and it
phyte Pteromonas lacerata (x 27,000). is certainly less well understood. Nonetheless, reduc­
tion division does occur, and haploid cells or nuclei of
one kind or another are produced, and then fuse to re­
cilia located arow1d the cytostome to "taste" and then store the diploid condition. The production and subse­
accept or reject food items. quent fusion of gametes in protists is called syngamy.
Photosynthetic protists typically show a positive However, not all protists are diploid. In the diploid
taxis to low- or moderate light intensities, an obvi­ forms, gametes are produced by mitosis, or sin1ply by
ously advantageous response for these creatures. They an existing cell starting to behave as a gamete-when
usually become negatively phototactic in very strong two gametes from haploid individuals fuse to form a
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 69

BOX 3B Six Categories of Mitosis in Protists

Open mitosis Closed mitosis with an intranuclear spindle
1. Open orthomitosis. The nuclear envelope breaks 4. lntranuclear orthomitosis. Nuclear envelope persists
down completely; the sp indle is symmetrical and throughout mitosis; spindle is symmetrical, bi polar,
bipolar; an equatorial plate occurs. and forms inside the nucleus; an equatorial plate usu­
ally forms.
Semi-open mitosis
5. lntranuc/ear pleuromitosis. Nuclear envelope persists
2. Semi-open orthomitosis. The nuclear enve lope per­ throughout mitosis; spindle is asymmetrical and forms
sists except for small fenestrae through which the inside the nucleus; an equatorial plate does not form.
spindle microtubules enter the nucleus; the spindle is
symmetrical and bipolar; an equatorial plate occurs. Closed mitosis with an extranuclear spindle
3. Semi-open pleuromitosis. The nuclear envelope per­ 6 . £xtranuclear pleuromitosis. Nuclear envelope persists
sists except for small fenestrae through which the throughout m itosis; spindle is asymmetrical and forms
spindle microtubules enter the nucleus; the spindle is outside of the nucleus; an equatorial plate does not
asymmetrical; an equatorial plate does not form. form.

diploid cell, the fusion is followed by meiosis to form the life hjstories of sexual protists. As noted above,
the next generation of nonreproductive cells (e.g., in the meiotic process may immediately precede the f o r ­
apicornplexans). There are also taxa that will live asex• mation and union of gametes (prezygotic reduction
ually in either the diploid or haploid state for extended division), or i t may occur immediately after fertiliza­
periods (e.g., haptophytes), and in these cases the two tion (postzygotic reduction division), as it also does
forms might look quite different. in haploid protists and in n1any plants. Other sexual
Protist cells responsible for the production of gam­ processes that result i n genetic mixing by the exchange
etes are often called gamonts. Syngan1y may involve of nuclear material between mates (conjugation) or by
gametes that are all similar in size and shape (isoga• the re-formation of a genetically"new" nucleus within
my), or the more familiar condition of gainetes of two a single individual (autogamy) are best known among
distinct types (anisogamy). Thus, as in the Metazoa, the ciliates and are discussed below for that phylum.
both haploid and diploid phases can be produced in There is also considerable variability in mitosis
among protists (Box 3B). Different mi•
to tic patterns are prirnarily distinguished
Pleuromitoses on the basis of persistence of the nuclear
membrane (= envelope), and the loca­
tion and symmetry of the spindle (Figure
3.6). The terms"open," "semi-open," and
"closed" refer to the persistence of the
nuclear envelope. If mitosis is open, the
nuclear membrane breaks down com­
pletely; if it is semi-open, the nuclear enve-
lope remains intact except for small holes

Figure 3.6 Mitosis in protists. In open

mitosis the nuclear membrane breaks
down completely. In semi-open mitosis the
nuclear envelope remains intact except for
small holes where the spindle microtubules
penetrate the nuclear envelope. In c losed
mitosis the nucl ear envelope remains com­
p letely intact throughout mitosis, and the
spindle forms e ither inside the nucleus
( i ntranuclear mitosis) or outside the nucl eus
(extranuclear mitosis). Orthomitosis refers to
the spindle being bi polar and symmetrical,
� usually with the formation of an equatori al
plate. Pleuromitosis occurs when the sp i n­
dle is asymmetrical and an equatorial plate
does not fom1.
70 Chapter Three

(fenestrae) where the spindle microtubules penetrate the

nuclear envelope; if it is closed, the nuclear envelope r e ­ BOX 3C Characteristics of the
mains completely intact throughout mitosis. The tern1s Phylum Amoebozoa
"orthomitosis" and "pleuromitosis" refer to the symme­
1 . Mostly free living, but some are endo• or ectosym­
try of the spindle. During orthomitosis, the spindle is bi­
biotic, including some pathogens
polar and symmetrical, and an equatorial plate usually
2. Cell surrounded by plasma membrane (naked ame­
forms. During pleuromitosis, the spindle is asymmetri­
bas), which may be coated with layer of glycopro­
cal, and an equatorial plate does not form. The terms in­ tein (the g l ycocalyx); some also form external test
tra nuclear and extranuclear refer to the location of the (testate amebas)
spindle. During intranuclear mitosis, the spindle fonns 3. Wit h temporary extensions of cytoplasm (pseudo­
inside of the nucleus; during extranuclear mitosis, the podia) for feeding and locomotion; pseudopodia are
spindle forms outside of the nucleus. broad and blunt (lobopods)
Protist nuclei also show remarkable diversity. The 4. Some species harbor intracellu lar symb ionts (e.g..
most common type of nucleus is the vesicular nucleus, algae, bacteria).
and is characterized as being between 1 1 -0 µm in d i ­ 5. M itochondria with tubular cristae
ameter, round (usually), with a prominent nucleolus, 6. Most with single vesicular nucleus
and uncondensed cluomatin. Ovular nuclei are cllar­
7. Mitotic patterns variable
actedzed as being large (up to 100 µn1 in diameter),
8. Asexual reproduction by binary fission and mu ltiple
with many peripheral nucleoli, and uncondensed chro­
matin. Chromosomal nuclei are characterized by the
9. Sexual reproduction reported for s l ime molds, oth·
tendency of the cllromosomes to remain condensed
erw ise not conf i rmed
during interphase, and for there to be one nucleo­
10. Without plastids: strictly heterotrophic
lus that is associated ,-vith a chromosome. Ciliates are
11 . Some store gl ycogen (e.g., Pelomyxa), but most do
unique in their possession of two different kinds of
not appear to store carbohydrates
nuclei: small micronuclei (with no nucleoli and dis­
persed chromatin), and large macronuclei (with many
prominent nucleoli and con1pact chromatin). In sum­
mary, protist diversity and success is reflected by the
tremendous variation ,,vithin the unicellular body plan. well w1derstood. Amoebozoans have often been used
The following accounts of protist phyla explore this in laboratories as experimental organisms for studies of
variation in some detail. cell locomotion (Amoeba proteus), nonmuscle conh·actile
systems (Aca11tha111oeba), and the effects of removing
and transplanting nuclei.
Although most amoebozoans are harmless free­
THE PROTIST PHYLA living creatures, some are endosymbiotic, and many
of these are considered to be parasites. They occur
GROUP1:AMOEBOZOA most commonly i n arthropods, annelids, and ver­
tebrates (including humans). Three cosmopolitan
Phylum Amoebozoa: Amebas species are commensals in the large intestines of hu­
The phylum An1oebozoa, although small, con1prises mans: Endolii11ax nnnn, Entamoebn coli, and lodarnoebn
a siJ1gular clade of protists consisting of just over 200 buetsc hlii. All three species feed on other n1icroorgan­
species. Most are f r e e l-iving, but so1ne endosymbiotic isms in the gut. Enta111oeba coli infection levels reach
groups are known, including some pathogenic forms. 100% of the population in some areas of the ,-vorld.
The most obvious characteristic of amoebozoans is that Entnnroeba coli often coexists with the more problemat­
they forn1 temporary extensions of the cytoplas1n, or ic E . histolyticn; transnussion (via cysts) is by the san1e
pseudopodia (described in Chapter 4, used in feeding n1ethod, and the trophozoites of the two species are
and locomotion (Figure 3.7; see also Figures 3.1B and difficult to differentiate. Iodn111oebn b11 etsc/1/ii infects
3.10) (Box 3C). Amoebozoans are ubiquitous creatures hun,ans, other primates, and pigs. Ent n111oeba gingi­
that can be found in nearly any moist or aquatic habi­ valis was the first ameba of humans to be described.
tat: in soil or sand, on aquatic vegetation, on wet rocks, Like E.coli, i t is a largely harn1less commensal, resid­
in lakes, streams, glacial meltwater, tidepools, bays, ing only on the teeth and gums, i n gingival pockets
estuaries, on the ocean floor, and afloat in the open near the base of the teeth, and occasionally in the
ocean. Many are ectocommensals on aquatic organisms crypts of the tonsils. It also occurs in dogs, cats, and
and some are parasites of diatoms, fishes, molluscs, other primates. No cyst is formed and transmission is
arthropods, or mammals. Son1e amoebozoans harbor direct, fron1 one person to another. An estimated 50%
intracellular symbionts such as algae, bacteria, and vi­ o f the human population with healthy mouths har­
ruses, although the nature of these relationships is not bors this ameba.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 71

(A) (B)

'-::x· � ..... .
.,,. '.
. ,·
Food vacuole

(C) (D) (E)

(F) Figure 3.7 Phylum Amoebozoa. Amoebozoan diversity.

(A) Anatomy of a "naked" ameba; note the multiple lobo­
pods. (B) A testate ameba, Difflugia (test of microscopic
mineral grains). (C) Hartmanella, with single fingerlike lobo­
pod. (D) Vannella, with f a n -shaped pseudopod. (E) Nebeta

co//arfs, a testate ameba. Thick pseudopods (lobopods)
extend from the test aperture, and the ameba's body is
� attached to the interi or of the shell by fine pseudopods
(I • t ..
• 0

...,.: •..t, (filopods). (F) Mayoral/a, a "naked" ameba.

• •
y stage, and is acquired by way of fecal contamination .
. ••:\� ••
Emergence of individuals in the active (1notile) stage
(i.e., the trophozoites) takes place quickly once in the
host's gut, and it is this stage that releases the histolytic
enzymes that break down the epithelium of the large
intestine and rectum.
Under severe stress, symbiotic gut amoebozoans One of the n1ost enign1atic groups of amoebozoans
(e.g., £ntn111oebn coli} that are normally harmless can in­ i s the social amebas, or cellular slime molds. These odd
crease to abnormally high numbers and cause tempo­ creatures, and their close relatives the plasmodial (acel­
rary mild gastrointestinal distress in people. Entn111oebn lular) slime molds (Myxogastrida), were once thought
histolytica, however, is a serious pathogen in hun1ai1s to be a11ied with the fungi, but are now classified as
(Box 3D). This species causes a1nebic dysentery, an an1oebozoans. So bizarre are the lives of these creatures
intestinal disorder resulting in destruction of cells lin­ that they inspired one of the all-time great 1950s sci­
ing the gut. The parasite is usually ingested in its cyst ence fiction movies, The Blob (with Steve McQueen).
72 Chapter Three

BOX 3D Histolytic (Amebic) Dysentery

Entamoeba histolytica is the etiological agent of amebic infecti ve for many days, or even weeks,° but are kill ed by
dysentery, a d isease that has plagued humans through­ desiccation and temperatures below 5 C and albove 40°C.
out all of recorded history. E . histolytica is the third most The cysts are res istant to levels of chlorine normally used for
common cause of parasitic death in the world. About 500 water purification.
million people in the world are infected at any one time, Symptoms of amebiasis vary greatly, due to the strain of
with up to 100,000 deaths annually. Interestingly, E . histo­ E. histOlytjca and the host's resistance and physical condi•
/ytica comes in two sizes. The smaller race (trophozoites ti on. Commonly, the disease develops slowly, with intermit­
12-15 µm in diameter. cysts 5-9 µm wide) is nonpatho­ tent diarrhea. cramps, vomiting, and general malaise. Some
gen ic, and some workers consider ii a separate species infections may mimic appendicitis. Broad abdominal pai n,
(E. hartmann,), The larger form (trophozoites 2Q-30 µm in ful minating diarrhea, dehydrat ion, and loss of blood are
diameter, cysts 10-20 µm wide) is sometimes pathogenic typical of bad cases. Acute infections can result in death
and other times not. Another species of Entamoeba, E . from periton itis, the result of gut perforation, or from cardiac
moshkovskii, is identical i n morphology to E. histolytica, but failure and exhaustion. Hepatic amebiasis results when
is not a symbiont; it lives in sewage and i s often mistaken trophozoites enter the mesenteric veins and travel to the
for E. histolytica. liver through the hepato-portal system: they d igest their way
When swallowed, the cysts of E . histolytica pass through through the portal capillaries and form abscesses in the liver.
the stomach unharmed. When they reach the alkaline me­ Pulmonary ameb ias is usually develops when liver abscesses
dium of the small intest ine, they break open and release rupture through the diaphragm. Other sites occasionally
trophozoites that are swept to the large intestine. They can infected are the brain, skin, and penis (possibly acquired
survi ve both anaerobically and in the presence of oxygen. through sexual oontact).
Trophozoites of E. histolytica may live and multiply indefi­ Although amebiasis is most common in tropical regions,
nitely within the crypts of the mucosa of the large intestine, where up to 40% of the population may be infected, the
apparently feeding on starches and mucous secretions. parasite is firmly established from Alaska to Patagonia.
In order t o absorb food in t his setting, they may require Transmission is via fecal contami nation, and the best pre­
the presence of certain naturally occurring gut bacteria. vention is a sanitary lifestyle. Fi lth flies, particularly the com­
However, they can also invade t issues by hydrolyzing mu­ mon housefly (Musca domeslica). and cockroaches are
cosa! cells of the large intestine, and in this mode they need important mechanical vectors or cysts, and houseflies' habit
no help from their bacter ial partners to feed. E. histolytica of vom iting and defecating while feeding is a key means of
produces several hydrolytic enzymes, including phospha­ transmission. Human carriers (cyst passers) handling food
tases, g lycosidases, proteinases, and an RNAse. They are also major sources of transmission. The use of human
erode ulcers into the intestinal wall, eventually entering the feces as ferti l zer
i in Asia, Europe, and South America con­
bloodstream to infect other organs such as the liver. lungs, tributes heavily to transmiss ion in those reg ions. Although
or even the skin. Cysts form only in the large intestine and humans are the primary reservoir of E. histo/ytica, dogs,
pass with the host's feces. Cysts can remain viable and pigs, and monkeys have a lso been implicated

An1ong the cellular slime n1olds, each organism begins cell-cell signa(jng, cellular specialization, coherent cell
its life as a unicellular ameba, primarily feeding on movement, and progra1nmed cell death-although
soil bacteria. However, when food is insufficient they embryonic tissue layering, diagnostic of the Metazoa,
aggregate to form a multicellular fruiting body. The obviously does not occur. The dictyostelids' ability to
fruiting body (or "fructification") takes several forms, cultivate their own "food crop" of soil bacteria puts
depending on the species. This process has been best these creatures in a unique class of "invertebrate farm­
described for the "n1odel organism" Dictyosteli11111 d i s ­ ers" that also includes fungus-growing aJ'lts, termites,
coide11111. l n D. discoideum, the aggregate of u p to 100,000 and ambrosia beetles.
cells first transforms into a finger-shaped structure, Whereas the dictyoste(jds aggregate to from asexual
the "slug." The "head" region of the slug senses envi­ fruiting bodies, the fruiting bodies of the Myxogastrida
ronmental stimuli such as ten1perature and light and (e.g., Physar11n1, Fuligo) function in sexual reproduc­
directs the slug toward the soil's upper surface, "''here tion. Further, myxogastrids don't form fruiting bod­
spores will be dispersed. The slug then stands up to ies by aggregation. Instead, two haploid cells h1se by
form the asexual fruiting body, or sorocarp (Figw·e 3.8). syngamy. The resulting diploid ameba then grows
The cells in the head region move into a prefabricated without undergoing further cell division to form a
cellulose tube and differentiate into stalk cells that ulti­ multinucleate plasmodium. This super-cell eventually
mately die. TI1e remaining "body" cells then cra"'rl up grows fruiting bodies containing UJ'linucleate spores.
the stalk and encapsulate to form spores. Recent work The process is sexual because there is a meiotic step in
with Dictyosteli111n suggests the spores carry with them the production of the spore cells in the fruiting bodies,
soil bacterial "seeds," which are used to inoculate the so the spores, and the amebas that hatch from the1n, are
new ameba's new location. Thus the Dictyostelida dis­ haploid. Thus the life cycle of myxogastrids contains
play characteristics akin t o multicellularity, such as critical haploid and diploid components.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 73

(A) (B)

..• ,
'!I< -..'

r... �-·
. ..1 i
\ .\
I '· \.
ii • ..
·I I '' ''.'I'
·• . I ·t
. .,.•
\ .. .
. __...
• •
••.. - •

.,., ·::....;.i.":''
, • • • - - •

(C) (D)

(E) (F)

Figure 3.8 Phylum Amoebozoa. Cellular slime molds on slender stalks. (C) Large, multinucleate (but acellular)
(social amebas) and plasmodial slime molds. (A) plasmodium of the plasmodial slime mold (Myxogastrida)
Fru iting bodies of the cellular slime mold (Di ctyostelida) Futigo septica, the "scrambled-egg slime mold." (D-F) The
Oictyostelium discoideum. (B) The wood-rot slime mold highly variable slime mold Physarum polycepha/um.
Stemonitis, with its distinctive brown sporangia supported

In North America, the famous scrambled-egg slime plant and fungal spores, other protists, and organic
mold, or "dog-vomit slime mold" (Myxogastrida: detritus. When the large, multinucleate (but acellular)
F11ligo septica) i s often encountered (Figure 3.8C). plasmodium converts into a spore-bearing structure
The gigantic (up to 40 cm across), ye!Jow, cushiony (an aethalium) i t becomes a spongy mass that is the
crusts of F. septica grow on dead or living trees, and largest spore-producing structure knov,1n an1ong the
on wood mulches in landscaped areas. The plasmo­ Amebozoa. The spores of F. septicn are dispersed by
dia slowly creep over the surface, engulfing bacteria, beetles of the family Lathridiidae.
74 Chapter Three

(A) (B) (C)

';.;,. .;:::.}
,. . .-,_' ..
: ....

. "
,.,. -�. ·,, . �'"-.�,,_·:, . �
�· - , . ••• . t';,-<

.< �.,..... .....··;,.,.
� '
\'. �,.

. ···� ,
!.: ·. .

--:,:·. . . .


Figure 3.9 Phylum Amoebozoa. Locomotion in ame­

bas. (A) Typical ameboid movement by lobopods in subpseudopodia, and Acanfha,noeba, which forms
Amoeba proteus. (B) Creeping, "limax" form of movement. subpseudopodia caUed acanthopods.
(CJ Rolling, treadlike movement. (D) Filopodial creeping Some amoebozoans produce only a single lobopod.
in Chlamydophorus. (E) "Wal king" locomotion in certain One such group is the so-caUed lirnax amoebozoans,
naked amebas. (F) "Bipedal-stepp ing" in Difflugia. which form a single fingerlike "anterior" lobopod
(giving the organis1n a sluglike, or Linrax, appear­
ance) (Figure 3.9B). Lirnicine locomotion is con1monly
found i n amoebozoans that dwell in soil (e.g., Chaos,
Support and Locomotion E11hypera111oeba, Hnrtruauella, Peloruyxa). Other an1oebo­
Most amoebozoans are surrounded only by a plasma zoans that produce a single lobopod include the gen­
membrane. These are the so-called naked amebas (see era Theca,noeba and Va1111ella. I n Van11ella, the lobopod
Figures 3,7A-C. and 3.8). Others, known as testate ame­ is shaped such that it gives the body a fanlike appear­
bas, have the plasma membrane covered by some sort ance (see Figure 3.7C), while i n Theca111oeba, the lobo­
of test (see Figure 3.70-E). The tests of amoebozoans pod has a somewhat indefinite shape and creates the
may be co1nposed primarily of particulate material impression that the ceU rolls like the tread of a tractor
either gathered from the environment (e.g., Difflugia) or tank, the leading surface adhering temporarily to the
or secreted by the cell itself (e.g., Arcelia). A few spe­ substratum as the organism progresses (Figure 3.9C).
cies produce a n external covering of very smaU scales. As described in Chapter 4, the physical processes
Some of the naked amebas (e.g., the genus Amoeba) involved in pseudopodiaI movement are sti.11 not fully
may secrete a mucopolysaccharide layer, called the understood. It is likely that more than one method
glycocalyx, o n the outside of the plasma n1embrane. of pseudopod formation occurs among the different
Sometimes there may be flexible, sticky structures pro­ a.moebozoans; certainly the gross mechanics involved
truding fron1 the glycocalyx, which ase thought to aid in the actual use of pseudopodia vary greatly (see
in the capture and ingestion of bacteria during feeding. Figure 3.9). Recall the typical differentiation of the c y ­
Amoebozoans use pseudopodia for feeding and toplas1n into ectoplasm (plasmagel) and endoplasm
locomotion. Although pseudopodia vary in shape (plasmasol), the latter being much more fluid than the
among protists, there are two primary types-lobo­ former. The formation of lobopods results from the
pods and filopods (sometimes called rhizopods). streanling of the inner plasmasol into areas where the
Amoebozoans have only lobopods, which are blunt constraints of the plasmagel have been temporarily
and rounded at the tip (filopods ase and tapering) relieved.
(Figure 3.9A,E). Some an1oebozoans produce several While many amoebozoans move by "flowing"
pseudopodia, or lobopods, that extend in different di­ into their pseudopodia or by "creeping" with numer­
rections at the time. Probably the most fainiliar ous filopodia, some engage in more bizarre methods
organism that produces multiple lobopods is A,noeba of getting from one place t o another. Some hold their
proteus (see Figure 3.9A). Similar pseudopodia are bodies off the substratum by extending pseudopodia
formed by some testate amoebozoans such as Arcelia, downward; leading pseudopodia are then produced
Centropyxis, a.11d Difflugia. Some amoebozoa.11s that pro­ and extended sequentially, pulling the organism along
duce 1nultiple lobopods also produce subpseudopo­ in a sort of "multi-legged" walking fashion. Some of
dia on the surfaces of their lobopods. condition i s the shelled amoebozoans (e.g., Diff111gia) that possess
found in t h e genus Mayorella, which forms fingerlike a single pylome extend two pseudopodia through the
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 75

(A) (B)
Pseudopodium �/'
.-1'·... '.. •··. ,

); .?. ')\·.f.·�i.'.•.{_ _',•�. -·.'., .

,' •, •


•; � : ,:: '
'. '
Food cup


: ,: ;: �: . : ' -)··
::···IE/,'.. ;:-\,..:'�
,pWif •..... ' ... .. . """ '

4 Food vacuole

Figure 3.1 O Phylum Amoebozoa. Feeding in amebas.

(A) Sequence of events during which a lobopodium
engulfs a food particle. (B) Uptake of disso lved nutrients
through a pinocytotic channel in Amoeba. (C) Two soi l
amebas, Vahlkampfia, ingesting ciliates by phagocytosis.

aperture (Figure 3.9F; see also Figure 3.7B). By alter­ Not only the size of a food item, but also the amount
nately extending and retracting these pseudopodia, of water taken in during feeding detennine the size of
the organism "steps" forward. During locomotion, one the food vacuole. Frequently, pseudopodia that form a
pseudopodium is extended and used to "pull" the or­ food cup do not actually contact the food item; thus a
ganisn1 along, trailing the other pseudopodium behind packet of the environmental medium is taken in with
the cell. the food. In other cases, the walls forming the vacu­
ole press closely against the food material; tllus, little
Nutrition ,,vater is included in the vacuole. Food vacuoles move
While there is little doubt that amoebozoans take up about the cytoplasm and sometimes coalesce. If live
dissolved organics directly across the cell membrane, prey have been ingested, they genera!Jy die within
the most common mechanisms of ingestion are pino­ a few minutes from the paralytic and proteolytic en­
cytosis and phagocytosis (Figure 3.10). The size of the zymes present in the vacuole. Undigested material that
food vacuoles varies greatly, depending primarily on remains within the vacuole is eventually expelled from
the size of the food material ingested. Generally, inges­ the cell when the vacuole walJ reincorporates iJ1to the
tion can occur anywhere on the surface of the body, cell n1embrane. In n1ost an1oebozoans this process of
there being no distinct cytostome. Most large a m o e ­ cell defecation may occur anywhere on the body, but
bozoans are carnivores and are frequently predators, in some active forms it tends to take place at or near the
whereas the smallest species mostly eat prokaryotes. trailing end of the moving cell.
Some, such as Pelomyxn, inhabit soils or muds and are Feeding in amoebozoans with skeletal elen1ents v a r ­
predominantly herbivorous, but they are known to ies vvith the form of the test and the type of pseudo­
ingest nearly any sort of organic matter in their envi­ podia, Amebas with a relatively large single aperture
ronment. As explained earlier, a food vacuole forms or opening, such as Arce/In and Diffl11gia, feed much as
from an invagination in the cell surface-sometimes described above. By extending lobopods through the
called a food cup-that pinches off and drops inward. aperture, tlley engulf food in typical vacuoles.
This process, sometimes called endocytosis, occurs in
response to some stimulus at the interface between the Reproduction
cell membrane and the environment. Vacuole forma­ Simple binary fission is the most common forn1 of asex­
tion in an1oebozoans may be induced by either m e ­ ual reproduction, differing only in minor details among
chanical or chemical stimuli; even nonfood items may the different groups (Figure 3.11). In the naked amoebo­
be incorporated into food vacuoles, but they are soon zoans, nuclear division occurs first and then cytoplas­
egested. mic division follows. During cytoplasmic division, the
76 Chapter Three

,-: •

>.......�·.. :: . .. �-•,

.,.. .. ··. 1...·,.
. •- . --
.., ,,..
·�,-: , ;
• •.!•No

2 >("
I -•
3 5


1 2 3

1 2 3 4

Figure 3. 1 1 Phylum Amoebozoa. Asexual reproduction in Amoebozoans.

(A) Simple binary f ission in Amoeba. (B) Binary fission in the shelled ameba
Pamphagus; the test is partitioned more or less equally between the two
daughter cells. (C) Binary fission in Arce/la; the parent test is retained by one
daughter cell, and a new test i s produced by the other daughter cell.

two potential daughter cells form locomotor pseudo­ Although there have been suggestions that sexual
podia and pull away from each other. In species w.ith reproduction might occur in amoebozoans, there has
an external test, the shell itself may divide more or less been little evidence to support this possibility, other
equally in conjUJ1ction with the formation of daughter than in the slime molds.
cells (e.g., Pn111phng11s); or, as occurs more frequently,
the shell may be retained by one daughter cell, the other
producing a new shell (e.g., Arce/In). Multiple fission is GROUP 2: CHROMALVEOLATA
also known an1ong many amoebozoans. Certain endo­ Phylum Dinoflagellata:
symbiotic naked species, including £11tn1noebn histolyti­
cn, produce cysts in which multiple fission takes place.
Cyst forn1ation during UJ1favorable environmental The Dinoflagellata con1prise about 4,000 described
conditions is well developed in some an1oebozoans, species, including the kno,vn extinct forn1s. Although
including all testate amebas, 1nost soil amebas, and UJ1questionable fossil dinoflagellates date back to the
the parasitic an,ebas. In the parasitic amebas (e.g., Triassic (240 Ma), evidence from organic markers in
Entnn1oeba), cysts protect the organism as it passes early Cambrian rocks suggests that they might have
through the digestive tract of the host. been abw1dant as early as 540 million years ago. The
Mitotic patterns in amoebozoans vary and have been fossil record suggests that dinoflagellate biodiversity
used as a criterion for classification within tl1e phylwn. was low after the End-Permian mass extinction event,
In most species, mitosis is characterized as open o r ­ recovered by the early Eocene (-55 Ma), and then
thomitosis without centrioles; in so1ne, the breakdown subsequently began a long-term decline that contin­
of the nucleus and nucleolus i s delayed. Closed intra­ ues to the present (also see Chapter 1). The histori­
nuclear orthomitosis with a persistent nucleolus occurs cal patterns of diversity of dinoflagellates and coc­
in some amoebozoans, such as Entnmoeba. colithophores are roughly concordant, but contrast
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 77


Thecal (cellulose) plates

Epitheca flagellum



·-_ Longitudinal

(D) (E)


Figure 3.12 Phylum Dinoflagellata. (A) The

common thecate dinoflagellate Ceratium, which
has a cellulose test (illustration and photomicro­
graph). Other thecate species include: (B) the
heavily armored Peridinium sp.; (C) an ornate
species of Gonyaulax; (D) the highly specialized
parasi tic dinoflagellate Haplozoon axiothellae
(from the intestine of a maldanid polychaete.
Axiothella rubrocincta); (E) the red tide producing
Protoperidinium depressum. (F) Dinofl agellate
bloom ("red tide") in Flori da.

with that of diatoms-the former peaked in diversity Dinoflagellates are common in all aquatic environ­
in Mesozoic seas, whereas diatoms began their broad ments, but about 90% of the described species are plank­
evolutionary radiation n1uch more recently, in the tonic in the world's seas (Figure 3.12). Approximately
early Cenozoic, corresponding t o the onset of major half of the living species of dinoflagellates are photo­
polar ice caps and increased oceanic thermohaline synthetic, and these are important primary produc­
circulation. ers in many aquatic environments. They can be quite
78 Chapter Three

BOX 3E Characteristics of the Phylum Dinoflagellata

1 . Shape of cell maintained by pell cle consisting of 6. Many d i noflagellates are capable of bioluminescence
alveolar vesicles beneath the plasma membrane: in (using a luc iferin-luciferase system).
some species (thecate species) alveoli may be filled 7. Thylakoids occur in stacks of three, wtth three sur­
with polysaccharides, usually cellulose: species with round ing membranes: the outer membrane is not
"empty" alveoli are said to be naked (athecate) continuous wtth nuclear membrane. Various spec ies
2. Most species are unicellular; some form fi lamentous show evidence of plastid origin v ia secondary and
colon ies. Endosymbiotic marine species (zooxanthel­ even tertiary endosymbiosis with a variety of other
lae) occur as cocco id cells ins ide their invertebrate or protists.
protist hosts, but produce motile cel ls periodical ly . 8. Food reserves stored as starch and oils
3. Usually w ith two flagella for locomotion: one is trans­ 9. Many wtth unique system of pusules for osmoregula•
verse and has a s ing l e row of hairs, the other is tion, excretion. o r buoyancy regu lat ion
longitud inal and has two rows of ha irs: both flagella 10. Nuclei contain permanently condensed chromo­
are supported by a paraxonemal rod. Flagella usually
somes; few or no histone proteins associated wtth
oriented in longitudinal groove and equatorial groove
(a d iagnostic feature of this group)
11 . Nuclear d ivision occurs by closed extranuciear pleu­
4 . Mitochondria with tubular cristae
romitosis w ithout centrioles; no obvious organizing
5. Wtth both autotrophic and heterotrophic species (and center for mitotic spi ndle
many can sw itch back and forth). Most photosyn­
12. Asexual reproduction by binary fission along the longi­
thetic species (about half of all species in the phylum)
tud i nal plane
have ch lorophylls a and c2• Accessory p igments (phy­
cobilins, carotenoids, xanthophylls) often g ive cells a 13. Sexual reproduction occurs in some. Meiosis involves
brownish color. Predatory spec ies often with extru­ two d ivisions, one just after nuclei from a pair of
somes (e.g., trichocysts. mucocysts, nematocysts) gametes fuse, and one after cell undergoes period of

beautiful and many are capable of bioluminescence tides, and they are only rarely red. A red tide is simply
(e.g., Gonynulnx) using a luciferin-luciferase system. a streak or patch of ocean water discolored, generally
Although most are unicellular, some form filamentous, a pinkish orange or reddish-brown, by the presence of
multicellular colonies.Dinoflagellates have two flagella, trillions of dinoflagellates (and occasionally diaton1s or
positioned such that they whirl or spin as they swim (see other algae). During a red tide, densities of these pro­
Figures 3.lA,G), the attribute for which they are named tists may be as high as 10 to 100 million cells per liter of
(Greek di nos, "whirling, turning") (Box 3£). seawater. Organic pollutants in terrestrial runoff (e.g.,
Endosymbiotic, photosynthetic, marine dinoflagel­ from agricultLue and from animal farms) are tied to in­
lates that occur as coccoid cells "'hen inside their i n ­ c.reased occurrences of red tides worldwide. Many red
vertebrate or protist hosts, but produce motile cells tide organisms are also bioluminescent, so observers
periodically, are called zooxanthellae. They belong to are treated to the spectacular demonstrations of their
the poorly understood but vastly important genera abundance during both day and night observations!
ZooxnnU1elln (syn1bionts of radiolarians), Symbiodi11i11111 Many red tide organisms n1anufactuJ·e toxic sub­
(symbionts of cnidarians and some other metazo­ stances, a11d some are among the strongest known poi­
ans), and Zooc/1/orelln (prin1arily symbionts of various sons. One group of toxins produced by dinoflagellate
freshwater organisms). Species of Symbiodini11111 are species such as Gy11111odi11iu111 cate11ntu111, Pyrodiniuin
best known as critically important mutualistic sym­ bnhn111e11se, and Alexandri11111 spp., is called saxitoxins.
bionts of hermatypic corals. There are several species Saxitoxins are tasteless, odorless, and \vater-soluble,
of Sy111biodini11111 in corals. All are photosynthetic and with a toxicity similar to that of the biological-,v , eap­
provide nutrients to the corals and help create the i n ­ o n poison ricin. Saxitoxins block the sodium-potas­
ternal chemical environment necessary for the coral to sium pump of nerve cells and prevent nonnal impulse
secrete its calcium carbonate skeleton. Zooxanthellae transmission. When suspension feeders such as mus­
also occur in many cnidarians other than scleractin­ sels and clams eat these dinoflagellates, they store the
ian corals, such as milleporinids, chondrophorans, sea toxins in their bodies. Extremely high concentrations
anemones, and various medusae. Sy111biodiniu1n has of toxic dinoflagellates will even kill suspension feed­
even been found as an endosymbiont in certain ciliates ers and occasionally also fish caught in the thick of the
(as have green algal synlbionts of the genus Chlore/In). bloo1n. The shellfish feeding on the protists become
Some planktonic dinoflagellates occasionally un­ toxic to animals that eat them. In humans, the result is
dergo periodic bursts of population growth to produce a disease known as paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP).
red tides. Red tides have nothing to do with actual Extreme cases of PSP result in muscular paralysis and
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 79

respiratory failure. Over 300 human deaths worldwide caused a mass stranding and high mortality of sea­
have been docu.mented from PSP, and this number birds, not due to toxins but due to their sheer numbers.
is growing as red tides become increasingly frequent The birds' plumage became coated in a sticky green
around the world (linked to anthropogenic disturbanc­ froth exuded from the algae that contained surfactant
es of coastal environments). 5 mycosporine-like amino acids, which acted like a de­
The dinoflagellate Karenia brevis (formerly known tergent t o strip the feathers of their natural waterproof­
as Gy111nodi11h1111 breve) releases a family of toxins called ing oils.
brevetoxins that result in neurotoxic shellfish poison­ About half the known dinoflagellates are not photo­
ing (NSP). Humans consu1ning anin1als that have this synthetic (i.e., they are plastid-free), whereas most with
toxin accumulated in their tissues experience uncom­ plastids have one basic form-a peridinin-containi11g
fortable gastrointestinal side effects such as diarrhea, plastid surrounded by three membranes. These p l a s ­
vo,niting, and abdominal pain, and also neurological tids are presumed t o have derived from a singular
problems, including dizziness and a n odd reversal event of secondary endosymbiosis. A n1inority of plas­
of temperature sensation. Though temporarily .inca­ t i d -c ontaining dinoflagellates have plastids derived
pacitating, no human deaths have been reported from from other sources. One group has a plastid derived
NSP. Ocean spray containing K. brevis toxins can blow from an endosymbiotic haptophyte, thus represent­
ashore and cause temporary health problems for sea­ ing a tertiary symbiosis because the haptophyte plastid
side residents and visitors (skin, eye, and throat prob­ itself ,,vas the product of a secondary endosymbiosis
len1s). Karenia brevis is responsible for producing d e v ­ (Karenia, the agent of neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, is
astating red tides that have produced massive kills one of these). There are also groups with cryptomonad­
of fish, sea birds, sea turtles, manatees, and dolphins derived or chlorophyte-derived plastids. It is thought
all along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. One of likely that these various atypical plastids might repre­
the worst blooms of K. brevis ever recorded was from sent plastid replacements in lineages that already had
January 2005 to January 2006, along the coast of west­ the peridil1in-contaming plastid, rather than original
central Florida, a n event that resulted in widespread plastid acquisitions by heterotrophic lineages.
hypoxia and the death of tens of thousands of fish, tur­ Parasitic dinoflagellates have a broad range of hosts,
tles, and marine mammals. morphological diversity, and life histories. The genus
In recent years, two newly discovered species of d i ­ Haplowo11 is a small group of intestiJ1al parasites occur­
noflagellate called Pfiesteria piscicida and P. shumwnyae ring in marine worms with a highly unusual organiza­
have been creating havoc in the coastal areas of the tion of differentiated cells, and a body plan so bizarre
easten1 United States. Pfiesterin piscicida normally e x ­ that early workers classified son1e of then, as mesozo­
ists in a benign state, and it reportedly can even utilize ans and gregarine apicomplexans. Species of Haplozoon
photosynthesis if it consumes certain other protists that have long been viewed as "multicellular" or "colonial"
contain chloroplasts it can co-opt. However, with the i n their organization. However, recent studies of spe­
proper stimulation, which is believed to be high levels cies in this genus have revealed a unique cellular or­
of fish oils or fish excrement in the water, P . piscicidn ganization in v.•hid1 the entire organisn1 is bounded by
becomes a voracious predator. I t first produces a toxin a single continuous membrane, suggesting that these
that causes fish to become lethargic and then releases protists are not "multicelled" but rather syncytial, c o m ­
other toxins that cause open sores to form on the fish's posed of cell-like compartments separated by sheets of
body, exposing the tissues on which it feeds. The t o x ­ alveoli.
i11s of P . piscicida have been reported to affect huJnans
but have caused no known deaths. In the Carolinas, it Support and Locomotion
has been claimed that outbreaks of Pftesterin might be The shape of dinoflagellates appears to be at least
linked to large-scale hog farming in North Carolina. partly maintained by a system of flattened sacs, called
The industry dun1ps hw1dreds of millions of gallons alveoli, beneath the cell's outer (plasma) membrane,
of untreated hog feces and urine into earthen lagoons plus a layer of supporting microtubules. In some, the
along the coast that often leak or collapse. In 1995, 25 alveoli are filled to form plates of polysacd1arides, typ­
million gallons of liquid swine manure (more than ically cellulose, and these dinoflagellates are said to be
twice the size of the Exxon Valdez oil spill) flo"ved into thecate, or armored (e.g., Protoperidini11111, Cerati11111).
the New River when a lagoon was breached. Dinoflagellates that have empty alveoli are said to be
In 2009 red tides caused by the dinoflagellate athecate, or naked (e.g., Noctilucn). The part of the theca
Aknshilvo sangui11en in Monterey Bay (California) above the girdle is called the epitheca in armored spe­
cies and the epicone in naked species; the part below
the girdle is the hypotheca i n armored species and the
Pilots who Oew U-2 spy missions over the Soviet Union were hypocone in naked species (see Figure 3.12).
reportedly given tiny pellets of saxitoxin extracted from dinoOa­
gellates and instructed to take the suicide capst�es if they were Dinoflagellates possess two flagella that enable
shot down. their locomotion. A transverse flagellum with a row
80 Chapter Three

of slender hairs wraps around the cell in a groove, or compounds take in dissolved organic nutrients by sa­
girdle (see Figure 3.12). When it beats, this flagellum protrophy. Other dinoflagellates ingest food particles
spins the cell arow1d, effectively pushing it through the by phagocytosis. Many, in fact, are voracious preda­
water like a screw. The transverse flagellum provides tors that ingest other protists and microinvertebrates or
much, if not most of the forward propulsion. The sec­ use specialized cellular appendages to pierce prey and
ond, longitudinal flagellun1 has two rows of hairs and suck out their cytoplasmic contents.
also lies in a groove on the cell's surface, called the sul­ Some dinoflagellates (e.g., Kofoidh1i11111 and Noctiluca)
cus. It extends posteriorly behind the cell and its beat have a permanent cell mouth or cytostome supported
adds to the forward propulsion. Both flagella are sup• by sheets of microtubules. The cytostome is often sur•
ported by a paraxonemal rod of uncertain function but rounded by extrusomes, of three types-trichocysts,
similar to that found in the kinetoplastids, euglenids, mucocysts, and nematocysts. The most common are
and others.6 trichocysts (similar to those found in ciliates), which
are fired in defense or to capture and bind prey. Sac-like
Osmoregulation mucocysts secrete sticky n1ucous 1nateriaJ onto the sur•
Most fresh,,vater and some di.noflagellates have face of the cell. This n1ay aid in attachment to substrata
a unique system of double-membrane-bound tubules (e.g., A111phidi11i11111) or may help to capture prey (e.g.,
called pusules, which open to the outside via a canal. Nocti/11ca). Other dinoflagellates (e.g., Ne111atodi11i11111,
The two membranes of the pusules distinguish them Ne111atopsides, Polykrikos) have "neroatocysts" that re­
fron1 water expulsion vesicles, but apparently these semble, but probably are not homologous to, the sting­
membranes have a similar function-osmoregulation. ing organelles of cnidarians of the same name.

Nutrition Reproduction
Dinoflagellates exhibit wide variation in feeding h a b ­ The nuclei of dinoflagellates have three w1usual fea­
its. Approximately half o f the living species are p h o ­ tures: (1) they contain five to ten times the amount of
tosynthetic, but most of these also are heterotrophic to DNA that is found in most eukaryotic cells; (2) the five
some extent, and some dinoflagellates with functional histone proteins that are typically associated with the
chloroplasts can switch entirely to heterotrophy i n the DNA of other eukaryotic ceHs are absent; and (3) the
absence of sufficient light. chromosomes of di.noflagellatesremain condensed and
In most photosynthetic species the chloroplasts the nucleolus remains intact during interphase and
are surrounded by three membranes, and thylakoids mitosis. Most dinoflagellates (but not Noctiluca) spend
are arranged in stacks of three (see Figure 3.3). Some much of their lives as haploid cells, called vegetative
contain eyespots (stig1nata) that can be very si1nple cells to distinguish then1 from haploid gametes.
pigment spots or 1nore complex organelles with Nuclear division is by dosed extra.nuclear pleuromi­
lens-like structures that apparently focus the light. tosis. No centrioles are present, and the organizing
Photosynthetic pigments include chlorophylls a and center for the mitotic spindle is not obvious. Asexual
c2, phycobilins, carotenoids (e.g., �-carotene), and also reproduction occurs by oblique, longitudinal fission,
xanthophyll pigments known as peridini.n, found only beginning at the posterior end of the cell. The thecate
in dinoflagellates (neopericlini.n, dinoxanthin, neodi­ forms may ctivide the thecal plates between the two
noxanthin). These xanthophylls mask the chlorophyll daughter cells (e.g., Cerati11111), or they may shed the
pig1nents and account for the golden or brown color thecal plates prior to cell division (Figure 3.13A). In
that is co1nn1only seen in dinoflagellates. former case, each daughter cell synth.esizes the missing
Some dinoflagellates always lack chloroplasts and plates; in the latter case, each daughter cell synthesizes
are obligate heterotrophs. Most of these are free liv­ all of the thecal plates anew.
ing, but some parasitic species are known. The feeding Sexual reproduction begins when the haploid veg­
med1anisn1s of heterotrophic dinoflagellates are quite etative cells divide by nlitosis to produce two flagel­
diverse. Both free-living and endoparasitic dinoflagel­ lated daughter cells, which act as gametes. When a pair
lates that live in environments rich in dissolved organic of gametes fuses to fonn a zygote, a fertilization tube
develops beneath the basal bodies of its flagella. The
6Paraxonemal rods are internal, solid o r hoUow, proteinaceous nucleus from each gamete enters the tube 1,vhere they
rods that extend nearl)' the entire length of a flagellum/cilium. fuse. The first meiotic division follows shortly after nu­
They are located between the axoneme and flagellar membrane, clear fusion. Over the next few weeks, the zygote grows
and usually ate connected to the axoneme and rnembrane by spe­ in size and then enters a resting stage, or cyst. The cyst
cific links. Although the)' are seen in dinoflagellates, euglcnids,
kinetoplastids, silicoflagellates, and others, the)' differ in ultra­ develops a resistant outer wall and remains dormant
structure and biochemical composition and their homolog)' seems for an indefinite period of time. Eventually the second
tmlikel)'. They also are known as "flagellar rods," "paraxial rods," meiotic division occurs, all but one of the nuclei disin­
and "paraflagellar rods." Similar structures (also called "paraxo­
nemal rods") have even been described from the flagella o( certain tegrate, and a haploid vegetative cell emerges from the
vertebrate spermatozoa. cyst (Figure 3.138).
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 81

(A) (B)
Vegetative cell Dividing cell in
gamete formation


Meiosis 11


Zygote in
resting stage


Fusion of gametes
(Biflagellate) /Me.Jos1s
Figure 3.13 Phylum Dinoflagellata. Asexua l and / M . . 1
sexual reproduction in dinoflagellates. (A) Oblique
binary fission in the dinofl agellate Ceratium, showing
disposition of the thecal pl anes among the daughter 211 211
cells; each daughter cell produces a replacement
for the missing portion of the test. (B) Life cycle and
sexual reproduction in the dinoflagellate Peridinium

Phylum Apicomplexa: Gregarines comprise a large group of apicomplex ­

Gregarines, Coccidians, ans that occupy the guts, reproductive systems, and
other body cavities of numerous phyla of inverte­
Haemosporidians, and Their Kin brates, including annelids, molluscs, nemerteans, si­
The phylum Apicornplexa, i,vith more than 5,000 spe­ puncuJans, tunicates, echinoderms, phoronids, herni­
cies, is arguably the most successful group of specialist chordates, appendicularians, and arthropods. The
parasites on Earth. This phylu1n includes the grega­ genus Gregnri11n itself has nearly a thousand described
rines, coccidians, haemosporidians, and piroplasms. species, mostly insect parasites. The trophozoites (mo­
An1ong these is the vastly in1portant hu1nan pathogen tile cells) of gregarines are often very large cells. Unlike
Plns111odi11111 (the causative agent of malaria), as well n,ost other Apicon1plexa, gregarines are largely extra­
as the human disease causing genera Toxoplns111a and cellular, rather than intracellular parasites. Their api­
Cr yptosporidium. All apicomplexans are parasitic, and cal complex is generally specialized for attachment to
the group is characterized by the presence of a unique the host's epithelia, rather than for host cell invasion,
coD1bi.nation of organelles at the anterior end of the and thus is typically equipped with hooks or suckers
cell called the apical complex (Figure 3.14A). The a p i ­ (Figure 3.148-D). Although both cellular and molecu­
cal complex apparently attaches the parasite to a host lar data indicate gregarines diverged early within the
cell and releases a substance that causes the host cell radiation of Apicomplexa, these are highly-derived/
membrane to invaginate and draw the parasite into specialized parasites that have many novel ultrastruc­
its cytoplasn1 in a vacuole. Some apicomplexans also tural and behavioral adaptations, and many of the ma­
possess a bizarre, vestigial plastid, the apicoplast. Thls rine species have become giants among single-celled
DNA-containing organelle is the remnant of a second­ organisms.
ary endosymbiosis involving a red algal "prey" cell The coccidians are parasites of several groups of ani­
and an apico1nplexan. In these species, the apicoplast mals, vertebrates. They typically reside withln
appears to be necessary for the survival of the "host" the epithelial cells of their host's gut, at least during
cell, and functions in fatty acid, heme, and isoprynoid some stages, and many are pathogenic. Some coccid­
synthesis (Box 3F). ians pass their entire life cycle withln a single host;
82 Chapter Three

(A) (B) (C)

Preconoidal rings





Figure 3.14 Phylum Apicomplexa. (A) Mi crostructure of Deutomerite
the apical complex. (B) The body of a gregarine is com­
monly divided into three recogn izabl e regions. (C) Septate
gregarines (gamonts) undergoing syzygy. (D) Pterospora '
floridiensis, a gregarine that lives in the coelom of malda­
nid po lychaetes (Axiothella rvbrocincta).

many others require an intermediate host that serves

as a vector. Coccidjans are responsible for a variety
of diseases, including cocciruosis in rabbits, cats, and
birds, and toxoplasmosis in people and many other
man1mals. Piroplasms and haemosporidians are both
parasites of vertebrates. The piroplasms are transmit­
ted by ticks and are responsible for some serious rus­
eases of domestic animals, including red-water fever
in cattle. The cocciruan genus Eimerin causes a disease
known as cecal coccidiosis in chickens. This disease
was estin1ated by the USDA to cost Alnerican poultry
farmers more than $600 million dollars annually in lost
animals, medication, and additional labor.
Haemosporidians are blood parasites of vertebrates
that are transmitted by biting insects and include the
organisms that cause malaria and malaria-like ailments hosts. They alternate between 1norphologically related
in humans, birds, and other vertebrates. Human malar­ invasive stages (sporozoites, merozoites, ookinetes)
ia, vvhlch affects people in over 100 countries, is caused and replicative stages (pre-erythrocytic, erytluocytic­
by four species of the genus Plnsmodi11m (Box 3G). M.ore schizont, oocyst) interposed by a single phase of sex­
people have died of malaria than from any other dis­ ual development that m.ediates transmission fron1 the
ease in history. Although malaria was greatly reduced human host to the anopheline vector. In all, in its two
worldwide during the 1960s, it is making an alarming hosts, human Plasmodium parasites undergo 10 mor­
comeback, and it is one of the most prevalent and se­ phological transitions in five different host tissues.
vere health problems in the developing world. Nearly Recent genomic studies have revealed that Plnsmodiu,n
a quarter -n1illion new cases of malaria are contracted has many genes with no known hon1ologs in other spe­
each year, and over one-half million deaths occur an­ cies, indicating its machinery for interacting witl1 the
nually due to the disease, most of them children and host environment is highly specialized. Rodent malaria
90% of them in Africa where A11opheles ga111biae mos­ parasite species provide model systems that facilitate
quitoes are the major vectors of Plasmodiumfnlcipnnnn. research not easily accon1plished in humans, and three
Although Anopheles mosquitoes are the only insects species are in common laboratory use (Plas1110dh.11n b e r ­
capable of harboring the human malaria parasite, the ghei, P. chabaudi, P. yoe/ii). Other malaria-like genera
complex life cycle of this parasite challenges research­ (e.g., Hnemoproteus, l..e11coet;t{)zoon) are parasites of birds
ers (some A. gantbiae strains are completely resistant to and reptiles but have life cycles sirrular to Plns1nodi11m
Plasmodi11m infections). Individuals of the Plasmodi11111 and also utilize n1osquitoes as vectors. In the Old
parasite differentiate into a series of morphologically World, migrating birds can pick up various species of
distinct forms in both the vertebrate and mosquito malaria parasites while overwintering in the tropics. A
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 83

Support and Locomotion

BOX 3F Characteristics of the The fixed shape of apicomplexans is maintained by a
Phylum Apicomplexa pellicle composed of inner membrane sacs, or alveoli,
which lie just beneath the plasma membrane. Micro­
1. Shape of cell maintained by pelli cle consisting of
tubules originate at the apical complex and run be­
alveolar ves icles beneath plasma membrane, and
by supporting m icrotubu les neath the alveoli, providing additional support. A p i ­
complexa do not have cilia, flagella or pseudopodia
2. Locomotion characterized as glid ing, but cilia/fla­
gella absent (although some species produce flag­ (except i n some microgametes). Nevertheless, they
ell ated or ameboid gametes) can be observed flexing and gliding along surfaces,
3. With unique system of organelles-the apical com­ and this movement is produced by microtubules and
plex-in anterior region of cell. These function in microfilan1ents underneath the alveoli. The 1notion
host cell attachment and/or host cell invas ion. involves attachment proteins that are released to the
4. All spec ies are parasitic. cell membrane from vesicles in the apical complex, and
5. Carbohydrates stored as paraglycogen actin-n1yosin interactions, that is the same fundamen­
(= amylopectin) tal motor syste1n that powers muscle cells in Metazoa.
6. Some species wi th nonphotosynthetio pl ast id-the
apicop l ast-which fu l fills essential biosynthetic
functions The alveoli are interrupted at both the anterior and
7. Mitochondria with vesicu l ar cristae posterior ends, and at tiny invaginations of the cell
8. With single vesi cul ar nucleus membrane called micropores, which have been im­
p licate d in feeding. Nutrient ingestion is thought to
9. Nuclear division occurs by semi-open plevromi­
tosis in all except gregarines, which show much occur primarily by pinocytosis at the microspores. In
diversity in their mitoses: mitotic spindle organizers the haemosporidians, ingestion of the host's cytoplasm
are d isks, plugs, or electron-dense crescents on through the microspores has been observed. Absorp­
nuclear envelope in the location of fenestrae. In tion of nutrients has also been reported in son1e greg­
coccidians, cenlrioles are associated w ith spi ndle arines at the point where the parasite attaches to the
organizers; in haemosporidians and p iroplasms. host's cell.
centr io les absent.
1O. Asexual reproduction by binary fission, multiple fis­ Reproduction and Life Cycles
s ion. or endopolygeny
Asexual reproduction in Apicomplexa is by binary fis­
11 . Sexual reproduction is gametic; gametes either sion, multiple fission, or endopolygeny. During mul­
isogametous or anisogametous; meiosis invol ves tiple fission, the nucleus undergoes several divisions
s ingle division after formation of zygote
prior to cytokinesis (partitioning of the cytoplasm), re­
sulting i n many (e.g., 32) daughter cells. Some engage
in a process called plasmotomy, considered by some to
recent study of 111.igrant great reed warblers, which nest be a form of budding, in which a multinucleate adult
in Sweden and overwinter in Africa, fow1d that birds si1nply divides into two multinucleate daughter cells.
infected with species of Plasmodium and Hae111oprote11s Other members of the Apicomplexa undergo a type of
laid fewer eggs i n their lifetime, were less successful at internal budding called endopolygeny, during whicll
rearing offspring, and died at a younger age (probably daughter cells actually fonn within the cytop!asn1 of
due to telon1ere damage). the mother cell.
Toxoplas111a gondii is extraordinarily prevalent in Mitosis is a semi-open pleuromitosis in all api­
the developed world, and it is a source of congenital complexans except for some gregarines. Gregarines
neurological birth defects in children whose mother undergo a variety of mitoses, depending on the spe­
happen to be exposed during pregnancy. In adults, cies. For example, Diaplnuxis ha/ti and Lec11di11a tuze­
Toxoplasmn usually produces no symptoms, or only tae undergo semi-open orthomitosis, Monocystis sp.
mild sympto,ns, but it and another apicomplexan, and Sty/ocephalus sp. undergo open orthomitosis, and
Cryptosporidiu111, have been increasingly problematic Didy111ophyes gigantea undergoes closed intranuclear
in AIDS patients and other immunosuppressed peo­ orthomitosis. Sexual reproduction occurs by a union
ple. Transmission of Toxoplas111a parasites is thought of haploid gametes, whicll can be the same size (isoga­
to be via raw or undercooked meat (beef, pork, metous) or different sizes (anisogametous), and may be
lamb), through fecal contamination from pet cats, or flagellated or form pseudopodia.
by v,ay of flies and cockroaches (which can carry the The life cycle varies somei,vhat between the differ­
T . go11dii cysts from a cat's litter box to the table). In ent groups of apicomplexan protists, but can be di­
1982 Martina Navratilova lost the U.S. Open Tennis vided into three general stages: (1) gamontogony (the
Championship (and a half-million dollars) when she sexual phase), (2) sporogony (the spore-forming stage),
had toxoplasmosis. and (3) merogony or schizogony (the growth phase).
BOX 3G Malaria
Human malaria has been known since ant iquity. Egyptian the d iscovery of the potent ant imalarial properties of artemis­
mummies show s igns of malaria, and descri ptions of in in has helped helped turn the t ide against malaria, espe­
the disease are found in Egyptian papyruses and temple cially when used in combination therapies and in association
hieroglyphs (outbreaks followed the annual floodi ng of with insecticide-treated bednets. Chinese scientists isolated
the Ni le}. Alexander the Great likely d ied of it, lead ing to artemisi nin in the 1970s from sweet wormwood (Artemisia
the unraveling of the Greek Empire. Malaria might have annua), a plant used to treat fever for centuries. However,
been what stopped the armies of both Attila the Hun and it may be only a matter of time until the highly adaptable P.
Gengh is Khan. Malaria was almost certainty brought to the fatciparum parasi te develops a resistance to artemisinin.
New World by the conquering Spaniards and thei r African Among the many symptoms of malaria are cycl ical
slaves. A t least four popes died of it. George Washington, paroxysms, wherein the patient feels intensely cold as the
Abraham Lincoln, and U lysses S. Grant all suffered from hypothalamus (the body's thermostat) is activated; body
it. During World War II, there were more casualties in the temperature then rises rapidly to 104°-t 06° F . Nausea and
Pacific theater from malaria than from combat. Some vomiting are usual. Copious perspiration signals the end of
scientists believe that one out of every two peop le who the hot stage, and the temperature drops back to normal
have ever l ived have died of malaria. I n 1946, the Centers within 2 or 3 hours; the entire paroxysm is over w ithin 8 to
for Disease Control was founded in Atlanta specifical ly 12 hours. It is thought that these episodes are stimulated by
to combat ma laria. Other forms of vertebrate mataria are the appearance of the waste products of parasites feeding
probably hundreds of mill i ons of years old -some evidence on ery1hrocytes, which are released when the blood cells
suggests dinosaurs might have had malaria. Mice, birds, tyse. Secondary symptoms include anemia due to the red
porcupines, lemurs, monkeys and apes, bats, snakes and blood cell destruction. In extreme cases of falciparum malar­
f lying squirrels all have their own forms of malaria . In 2002, ia, massive lysis of ery1hrocytes results in high l eve ls of tree
scientists sequenced the genome of Plasmodium falci­ hemoglobi n and various breakdown products that c irculate
parum, the most deadly species of malaria parasite, and in the blood and urine, resulting in a darkening of these fl u ­
in 201 O they concluded that this parasite was descended ids, hence the condi tion called blackwater fever.
from a single lineage (P. reichenow1) that jumped from go­ One of the principal causes of the recent malaria re­
rillas or chimpanzees a few million years ago. And in 2014, surgence is the dramatic rise in the numbers of pesticide­
Neafsey et al. pub lished an anatysis of the genomes of 1 6 resistant strains of Anopheles mosquitoes, the insect vector
species of Anopheles mosqu itoes, providing detai led in­ tor Ptasmodium. The development of a malaria vaccine con­
sight into the evolution of these insects. tinues to elude researchers; in fact, vaccines do not exist tor
The relationship between malaria in humans and the any human metazoan parasitic disease. By 1968, 38 strains
smell of nearby swampland led to the belief that it could o r species ofAnopheles in India a lone had been identified as
be contracted by breathing "bad air" (from the I talian, ma/ largely pest icide-resistant; and between 1965 and 1975 the
aria)-hence the origin of the name.. It was not unti l 1897 incidence of malaria in Central America tripled. Researchers
that Britain·s Sir Ronald Ross discovered that the malaria have recently discovered that Ptasmodium species, like
parasite is transmitted by theAnopheles mosqu ito. By Trypanosoma, have the ability to avoid detection by the
the time the Panama Canal was bu i lt, malaria (and yellow human immune system by switchi ng ai110ng as many as
fever) was well established in the New Wortd, and until the 150 genes that code for different versions of the protein that
twentieth century the disease occurred as far north as the coats the surface of their cells Qt is this protein coat that the
American Midwest. The presence of malaria (and yellow human immune system relies o n as a recognition factoQ.
fever) was the principal reason the French tailed in their Th is trick is known as antigenic variation, Furthermore.
attempt to construct the Panama Canal. William Gorgas, because the parasite sequesters itsett ins ide red blood cells ,
the medical officer in charge duri ng the U.S. phase of the it is largely protected from most drugs. Recent evidence
canal's construction, became a hero when his mosquito­ also suggests that one effect the parasite may have on i ts
control efforts allowed for the canal 's successful comp letion mosquito host is inducing it to b ite more frequently than un­
by U.S. engineers. The president made Gorgas Surgeon infected mosqu itoes.
General, Oxford University gave him an honorary doctorate. At least one of the four malaria-causing Plasmodium s p e ­
and the King of Eng land knighted him. cies occurs on every continent save Antarctica, and the d i s ­
The first effective remedy for human malaria-the bark ease threatens nearty half the world's population. The less
of the c inchona tree (a close cousin of coffee)-was d is• deadly Plasmoclium vivaxoccurs mai nly in South America
covered in Peru and Ecuador. This remedy came to be and Asia. Today, sub-Saharan Africa is not on ly the largest
d istributed wortdwide as qui nine. The cinchona tree was remaining sanctuary of the deadly P. talciparum, but also
eventually established on plantations in India and elsewhere. the home of Anopheles gambiae. the most aggressive of
Quinine disrupts the parasi te's reproductive process; how­ the more than 60 mosquito species that transmit malaria to
ever it is short-acting, and it taken too frequently can cause people. Falciparum malaria can be devastating, and infected
serious s ide effects, including hearing loss. In the 1940s individuals common ly suffer seizures, coma, heart. and lung
synthetic malaria medicine was developed-initially a drug failure. Those who survive can suffer mental or physical
named chloroquine, wh ich worked as both a prophy1ac- handicaps or chronic debilitation. Most of the genome of
tic and a partia l remedy. Today, however, most strai ns of Plasmodium talciparum, and its host mosqu ito Anopheles
Plasmodium falciparum have developed chloroqu ine r e ­ gambiae, have now been sequenced, openi ng doors to
s istance, apparently through a simple mutat ion in a s ingle possible new control measures for this deadly d isease. The
gene. In the mid t-wentieth century DDT (dichlorodiphen­ battle against malaria got a big boost in 2005 when the Bill
y ltrichloroethane) was invented by the Swiss chemist Paul and Melinda Gates Foundation announced grants totaling
Muller, and this potent insecticide qu ickly became the cen­ $258 million t o support development of new drugs and im­
terpiece of global mosquito eradicat ion. Today, however, proved mosquit o c- ontrol methods.
the use of DDT is illegal almost everywhere.. Most recently.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 85

Growth Pha

8/aps ,nortisaga


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.• '·:i

0 . •·

Figure 3.15 Phylum Apicomp lexa. Life cycle of the subsequently mate (3-4), becoming enclosed within
gregarine Stylocephalus longicolfis, a gut parasite of a mating cyst, which leaves the host with the feces.
the Old World "churchyard beetle" (Tenebri onidae: Repeated mitotic divisions within the cyst produce an is o ­
B/aps mortisaga). Stages 1-4 take place wi thin the host, gametes (5-7); these ultimately fuse (8) to produce a
5-15 outside the host. The spores (15) are ingested by zygote (9), which eventually becomes a spore. The first
the beetle and rel ease sporozoites within the gut lumen. divisions of the spore cell are me iotic (1OJ, so all subse­
Each sporozoite grows into a gamont (2); the gamonts quent stages leading back to gamete fusion are haploid.

A great deal has been written about the life cycles of forming a gametocyst, within which several row1ds of
these protists and a fuJl description is beyond the scope mitosis produce hundreds of gametes. Both isogamy
of this text, however, it is worth noting that typical and anisogamy are known among different grega­
Api co.mplexa are haploid for most of their life cycle. rines. Zygotes (the fleeting diploid stage) are formed
The life cycles of the gregarine Stylocepha/11s and the after one gamete fron1 each gamont fuse together.
haemosporidan Plas111odi11111 are given as examples to Each zygote that is formed by the fusion of two gam­
illustrate the basic themes and variations in apicom­ etes becomes a thick-walled sporocyst, which under­
plexan reproduction. goes meiosis to produce four o.r more sporozoites.
The life cycle of gregarines is usually monox­ Sporozoite-filled gametocysts are released into the en­
enous-it involves only one host. Some of the best­ vironment by way of host feces, host gametes, or host
studied gregarines are those found in coleopterans disintegration. New hosts inadvertently consume spo­
(beetles), and the life cycles of these are �veil under­ rocysts in their environment, and these find their way
stood (the life cycle of Styloceplza/11s longicollis is dia­ to tl1e appropriate body cavity and penetrate the host
granuned in Figure 3.15). Once two trophozoites join cells, completing the cycle.
together for sex, a process called syzygy, the cells are The life cycle of haemosporidians is heteroxenous,
called gamonts. A wall forms around the gamonts which means i t involves two hosts, usually a vertebrate
86 Chapter Three

Figure 3.16 Phylum Apicomplexa. Life cycle o f

Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria in
humans. When a female anopheline mosquito takes
a blood meal, she releases sporozoites into the
victim's bloodstream (1 ). These sporozoites enter
the host's liver cells and undergo mu ltiple fission,
producing many merozoites (2); each sporozoite may
produce as many as 20,000 merozoites in a si ngle
liver cell. The infected liver cells rupture, releasing
the merozoites into the blood where they invade red
blood cells (3). Through continued multip le fi ssi on,
more merozoites are produced. The red blood cells
eventually burst, releasing merozoites, which enter
other red blood cells. Some merozoites differentiate Liver
to become gametocytes (4), which
are picked up by mosquitoes. The
female gametocyte forms a s ingle Sporozoites
macrogamete; the male gamete•
cyte typically undergoes multiple
fissi on to produce several motile,
flagellated microgametes within the Zygote
gut of the mosquito (5). After fertil­
izati on occurs, the zygote migrates Gametes
to the mosquito's salivary glands
and divides t o form numerous spo•
rozoites, thereby completing the \
life cycle. In mosquito
gut .. ... .

and an invertebrate. The complexity and evolved so­

phistication of haemosporidians are revealed in the
lifecycle of P/as11wdiu111, the causative agent of maJaria.
In Plasmodit.1111, the vertebrate host is a tetrapod (e.g.,
humans), and the invertebrate host i s the Anopheles Gametocytes
mosquito (Figure 3.16). Fe1nale mosquitoes drill into (in blood)
the network of blood-filled capillaries of the host, re­
leasing an anticoagulant and lubricant at the same time.
Sporozoites, which reside in the salivary glands o f the
mosquito, are released into the bloodstream where,
within minutes, they migrate to the liver and enter the
hepatocytes, or liver cells. A single successful sporozo­
ite is enough to initiate the disease. Once in the liver that the lungs must fight for air and the heart struggle
celJs, the sporozoites undergo multiple fission ( s c h i ­ to pump-and the blood acidifies. In some cases of fal­
zogony) for a week or so, until the host celJ has been ciparum malaria, infected red blood celJs pass through
entirely digested and is bulging with parasites, upon the capillaries of the brain and the infection turns into
which the cell ruptures to release the merozoites. The cerebral malaria, the most feared manifestation of the
merozoites immediately enter red blood cells (eryth­ disease. Sickle-cell anentia confers partial resistance
rocytes) and transforn1 into trophozoites. In the eryth­ to P. fnlcipnru111. If the trophozoite becon1es a gam­
rocytes, the trophozoites undergo schizogony again to ont, it will be morphologically distinguishable as e i ­
form more merozoites (or, occasionally, they transforn, ther a macrogamont or a microgamont. The life cycle
into gamonts), eventually bursting the erythrocyte. The of gamonts proceeds no further unless they are taken
released 1nerozoites infect other red blood cells and the in by a 1nosquito during its blood meal (and, remen1-
population of parasites grows rapidly. ber, only female mosquitoes bite). Once in the gut of
The destruction of red blood cells by human the mosquito, the macrogamont becomes a spheri­
Plas1110diu111 parasites, and the release of metabolic by­ cal macrogamete, while the microgamont undergoes
products, are responsible for the characteristic chills, three nuclear divisions and develops eight projections
fever, and anemia that are comn1on sympto1ns of ma­ (nticrogametes), ,,vhich each receive a nucleus. The
laria. So many oxygen-carrying red cells are destroyed microgametes break away and each fertilizes a single
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 87

macrogamete to form a diploid zygote called an ooki­

nete (this cell is the only diploid stage in the entire life BOX 3H Characteristics of
cycle). The ookinete then actively burrows through the the Phylum Ciliata
mosquito's stomach and secretes a covering around it­
1. Common in v irtually all aquatic and wet environ­
self on the outside of the stomach, forming an oocyst.
ments. freshwater, saltwater or so i l
Inside the oocyst, the zygote undergoes a meiotic r e ­
2. Shape of cell maintained by pellicle consisting of
duction division follo'A•ed by schizogony to form hap­
a lveolar membrane vesicles and underlying pro­
loid sporozoites that are released from the oocyst into teinaceous layer (the epiplasm), associated with
the gut, to n,igrate to the salivary gland "''here they re­ microtubules, all beneath plasma membrane. Some
main w,til the next time the insect feeds. secrete calcium carbonate plates withi n thei r alveoli:
The ability o f Plas1nodi11111 to develop within ver­ some others secrete external skeletons (loricae)
tebrate red blood cells is a challenge met by very few 3. W ith cilia for locomot ion. Associated with the basal
intracellular parasites. Normally, "diseased" and se­ bodies (kinetosomes) of ci lia are two microtubular
nescent erythrocytes are cleared by the spleen, but in roots and one fibrous root; these roots plus basal
Plas1t1odi11rn-infected erythrocytes the parasite modifies bodies are collectively known as intraci liature. The
diagnostic rows of cilia are called kineties.
the host cell by exporting its own proteins into the c y ­
toplasm and plasma membrane of the red cell as an im­ 4. With extrusomes and mitochondria (wtth tubular
mune evasion mechanism.
5. Without p lastids
6. Carbohydrates sorted as glycogen
7. Most with buccal cavity and cytostome ("mouth"):
Phylum Ciliata: The Ciliates often also a cytoproct ("anus'')
There are an estimated 10,000 t o 12,000 described s p e ­ 8. W ith two distinct types of nuclei -hyperpolyploid
cies of ciliates. They derive their nan1e from the Latin macronuclei and a diploid micronuclei
word for "eyelash" ("cilia"). Ciliates are very common 9. M icronucleus divides by closed intranuclear
in benthic and planktonic communities in marine, orthomitosis (in most) w ithout centrio les. Electron­
brackish, and freshwater habitats, as well as in damp dense bodies inside nucleus act as organizi ng
centers for mitot ic sp i nd le. Macronucleus divides
soils. A number are also ecto- or endosymbiotic, and
amitotically by simple constriction.
some are even obligate o r opportunistic parasites.
10. Asexual reproduction by transverse binary fission
Members of at least one genus, Co/linia, are marine
parasitoids that infect euphausid crustaceans (krill),
11 . Sexual reproduction by conjugation: pair of cil iates
killing their host in order to achieve transrnission and
bond together and exchange micronuc lei through a
complete their life cycle. Species of Collina have been cytop lasmic connection at po in t of jo ining
reported causing mass euphausid mortality events in
the North Pacific. Most ciliates occur as single cells,
and son1e get quite large (-2 n,m long). Branching and
linear colonies also occur in several species. The cili­
ates shown in Figures 3.17 and 3.1D illustrate some of chromoson1es, were discovered through studies of
the variety of cell forms within this large and complex model ciliates.
group of protists.
Some ciliates are important mutualistic endosy1n­ Support and Locomotion
bionts of ruminants such as goats, sheep, and cattle. The fixed cell shape of ciliates is maintained by the
They are found by the millions in the digestive tracts, alveolar membrane system and an underlying pro­
feeding on plant matter ingested by the host and con­ teinaceous layer called the epiplasm, or cortex (Fig­
verting it into a form that can be metabolized by the ure 3.18). A few types (e.g., tintinnids) secrete external
ruminant. Some ciliates parasitize fish or invertebrates skeletons, or loricae, which have been docun1ented in
(e.g., American lobster), and at least one (Ba/a11tidi11r11 the fossil record as early as the Ordovician (500 Ma).
coli) is known to be an occasional endoparasite of the Another common group (Coleps and its relatives) has
human digestive tt·act. Ciliates such as Tetrahyrnenn calcium carbonate plates in their alveoli.
and Colpidir1111 have been used as n1odels in cell b i o l ­ The cilia are in rows called kineties (sing. kinety),
ogy, genomics, and proteomics (especially studies of and the different patterns these rows create are used
cilia). Others are widely used as indicators of water as taxonomic characters for identification and classifi­
quality, and some have been used to clarify water in cation. Associated with the basal body (or centriole),
sewage treatrnent plants (Box 3H). Ribozymes (cata­ which is called a kinetosome in ciliates, are three in1-
lytic RNA molecules) and the enzyme telornerase, portant cytoskeletal structures-two microtubular
which is involved in creating the ends of eukaryotic roots, the postciliary microtubules and the transverse
88 Chapter Three

(A) Anterior (B)



-- - ---r
--- -
C ilia---
(D) (E)





THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 89

◄ Figure 3.17 Phyl um Ciliata. Representative ciliates.

due in large part to the facts that cilia are much more
(A) Paramecium (a peniculine); illustration and photom i­
crograph. (BJ Loxophyllum (a haptorid). (C) Nassula (a nas­ numerous and densely distributed than flagella, and
sul id). (D) Vaginaco/a (a loricated peritrich). (E) f=uplotes (a the patterns of ciliation on the body are extremely var­
hypotrich), walking on an algal filament. (F) f=uplotes; note ied and thus allow a range of diverse locomotor behav­
the AZM. (G) Stentor (a heterotrich), illustration and photo­ iors not possible with just one or a fev-1 flagella. Cilia
micrograph. (H) Flavella, retracted and extended from its can also play a role in feeding, sensation, and even
lorica. (I) Folliculina, retracted and extended from its lorica. attachment.
Species of Folliculinidae often attach their bottle-shaped
As discussed in Chapter 4, each individual cilium
lorica to various invertebrates or seaweeds. The lorica can
reach several millimeters in length and these ciliates are undergoes an effective (po�ver) stroke as it beats. The
easily mistaken for small animals. cilium does not move on a single plane, but describes
a distorted cone as it beats (Figure 3.19A,8). The beat­
ing of a ciliary field occurs in metachronal waves that
microtubules, and one fibrous root, the kinetodesmal pass over the body surface (Figure 3.19C). The coordi­
fiber. These roots, together called the infraciliature, nation of these waves is apparently due largely to hy­
anchor the cilium to its neighbors and provide addi­ drodynamic effects generated as each cilium moves.
tional support for the cell surface (Figure 3.19). The k i ­ Microdisturbances created in the water by the action
netosomes of ciliates are homologous to the centrioles of one cilium stimulate movement in the neighboring
of other eukaryotic cells, being a tubular cylinder of ciliun1, and so on over the cell surface. In ciliates, the
nine triplets of microtubules. tip of the cilium usually follov-1s a counterclockwise
The cilia can be grouped into two functional and two path during the recovery stroke, resulting in a spiral­
structural categories. Cilia associated with the cyto­ ing motion as the organism swims (Figure 3.19G).
stome and the surrounding feeding area comprise the Many ciliates (e.g., Didi11iu111, Pnra111eci11111) can vary the
oral ciliature, whereas cilia of the general body surface direction of ciliary beating and metachronal waves. In
are the somatic ciliature. The cilia in both of these cate­ such forn1s, complete reversal of the body's direction
gories may be single (simple cilia), or the kinetosomes of movement is possible by simply reversing the ciliary
may be grouped close together to form compound cil­ beat and wave directions.
iature (e.g., cirri, n1embranelles). Ciliatologists have Perhaps more than any other protist group, the cili­
developed a detailed and co1nplicated terminology ates have been studied for their complex locomotory
for talking about their favorite creatures. This special behavior. Parm11eci1t111, a popular laboratory protist, has
language reaches almost overwhelming proportions in received most of the attention of protozoological be­
matters of ciliature, and we present here only a neces­ haviorists. When a swimming Para111eci11111 encounters a
sary minimum of new words in order to adequately mechanical or chemical environmental stin1ulus of s u f ­
describe these organisms. Beyond this, w e offer the ficient intensity, it begins a series of rather intricate re­
reference list at the end of this chapter, especially the sponse activities. The protist first initiates a reversal of
extensive and illustrated glossary in J. 0. Corliss' The movement, effectively backing away from the source
Ciliated Protozoa (1979). of the stimulus. Then, while the posterior end of the
The cilia are also, of course, the locomotory organ­ body remains more or less stationary, the anterior end
elles of ciliate protists. Their structural similarities and swings around in a circle. This action is appropriately
homology to flagella are well known; but ciliates do called the cone-swinging phase. The Para111eci11111 then
not move like protists with flagella. The differences are proceeds fon,vard again, usually along a new pathway.




Figure 3.18 Phylum Ciliata. Fine structure of the

epiplasma, or cortex of Tetrahymena pyriformis. Transverse microtubules
90 Chapter Three

(A) ,et stroke _. (B) (C)

f O'" - - -- .......
" Recovery
/ \ stroke
I \
I 0- -
I stroke
I ,,.....�-;;--1::;,l--__-/;e::::
- .,I

Recovery stroke

(D) j (E) 1 (F) I

(C) e m e e

7 -- ''



Fi gure 3.19 Phylum Ciliata. Locomotion in ciliates. (A} The positions of a si ngle
cilium during the effective (power) and recovery strokes. (B) Flattened oval described
by the tip of a beating cilium. (C) A ciliary field fixed during metachronal beating.
Rows 0 2 - are engaged in the power stroke, whereas rows 3--7 are at various stages
o f the recovery stroke. (D) Symplectic metachrony. (e, direction of effective stroke; m,
direction of metachronal wave). (E) Antiplect ic metachrony. (F) Diaplectic metachrony.
(G) Hel ical pattern of forward movement of Paramecium. (H) Stylonychia uses cirri for

Much of the l.iterature refers the cell backs up. In Pnrnmecium genetic mutations are
to this behavior in tern1s of known to result in abnormal behavior characterized by
sin1ple "trial and error," but prolonged periods of continuous ciliary reversal (the
the situation is not so easily so-called "paranoiac Pnrameci11111").
explained. The response pat­ A n interesting form of locomotion in ciliates is ex­
tern is not constant, because hibited by the hypotrich ciliates (e.g., E11plotes). In this
the c o n es-winging phase n1ay not always occur; some­ group, the son1atic cilia are arranged i n bundles called
times the cell simply changes direction in one m o v e ­ cirri, which they use to "crawl" or "walk" over surfaces
ment and swims forward again. Furthermore, the (Figure 3.19H and 3.17E). Sessile ciliates are also capable
cone-swinging phase occurs even in the absence of rec­ of movement i n response to stimuli. The attachment
ognizable stinlltli and thus may be regarded as a phe­ stalk of many peritrid1S (e.g., Vorticelln) contains contrac­
nomenon of "normal" locomotion. Recent studies sug­ tile myonemes, fibrillar contractile elements in the cyto­
gest that Pnrn111eciu111. swimming behavior is governed plas1n, which serve to pull the cell body against the sub­
by the cell's men1brane potential. When the me1nbrane stratum. Similar myonemes are found in the cell walls of
is "at rest," the cilia beat posteriorly and the cell swims other ciliates (e.g., Sten tor), and they are capable of c o n ­
forward. When the membrane becomes depolarized, tracting and extending the entire cell. Other ciliates (e.g.,
the cilia beat i n a reverse direction (ciliary reversal) and Lacry111nrin) use sliding microtubules to contract.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 91

Figure 3.20 Phylum Ciliata. Formation of and digestion within a food vacuole
in Paramecium caudatum. The sequence of digestive events may be followed by
staining yeast cells with Congo red dye and allowing the stained cells to be ingest•
ed by the protist. The changes in color from red to red-orange to blue-green reflects
the change to an acid condition within the food vacuole and thus the initial stage
of the digestive process. The change back to red-orange occurs as the vacuole
subsequently becomes more alkaline. The pattern of movement of the food vacuole
(arrows) is typical of this organism or cell and is often termed cyclos is.

The ciliates include many different feeding types. Some
are filter feeders, others capture and ingest other p r o ­
tists or small invertebrates, 1nany eat algal filaments or
diatoms, some graze on attached bacteria, and a fe\v
are saprophytic parasites. In almost all ciliates, feeding
is restdcted to a specialized oral area containing the
cytoston1e, or "cell mouth." Food vacuoles are forn1ed
at the cytostome and then are circulated through the
cytoplasm as digestion occurs (Figure 3.20). Because of
the different ciliate feeding types, however, there are form a projection that sticks t o prey and then inverts
a variety of structures associated with, and modifica­ back iJ1to the cell, thus pullmg the prey into a food
tions of, the cytostome. vacuole. In this way, Didi11i11111 can engulf its relatively
Holozoic ciliates that ingest relatively large food gigantic prey, Paramecium and other ciliates (Figure
items usually possess a nonciliated tube, called the 3.21A). Other ciliates, such as the hypostomes, have
cytopharynx, which extends from the cytostome deep complex nematodesmal baskets in which microtubules
into the cytoplasm. The walls of the cytopharynx are work together to draw filaments of algae mto the c y ­
often reinforced with stiff rods called nem.atodesmata, tostome, reminiscent of the way a human sucks up a
composed of microtubules. In a fe..,, forms, most nota­ piece of spaghetti (Figure 3.21 B). In most of these cili­
bly Didini11111, the cytopharynx is normally everted to ates, the cilia around the mouth are relatively simple.

(A} (B)

Figure 3.21 Phylum Ciliata. . Holozoic feeding in ciliates. (A) The predatory ciliate
Oidinium nasutum, attacking and ingesting a Paramecium (composite of SEM pho­
tographs). (B) Nassulopsis ingesting blue-green algae.
92 Chapter Three

ciliates have tubular extrusomes, called toxicysts, in

the oral region of the cell (Figure 3.24A). During prey
capture, the toxicysts are extruded and release their
contents, whicl, apparently include both paralytic and
digestive enzymes. Active prey are first immobilized
and then partially digested by the discharged chemi­
cals; this partially digested food is later taken into food
vacuoles. Some ciliates have extrusomes called muco­
(A) cysts located just beneath the pellicle (Figure 3.24B).
Mucocysts discharge mucus onto the surface of the cell
as a protective coating; they may also play a role in cyst
fonnation. Others have trichocysts, whicl, contain nail­
shaped structures that can be discharged through the
Figure 3.22 Phylum Ciliata. Feeding currents produced pellicle. Most specialists suggest that these structures
by two ciliates. (A) Euplotes. (B) Stentor. The ciliary c u r ­
rents bring suspended food to the cell, where it can be

Other ciliates, including many of the more famil­

iar forms (e.g., Stentor) are suspension feeders (Figure
3.22). These often lack or have reduced cytopharynx­ Feeding tentaclcs?--=---v
es. Instead, they have elaborate specialized oral cilia
for creating water currents, and filtering structures or
scraping devices. Their cytostomes often sit in a d e ­ , ·.
pression on the cell surface, the buccal cavity. The size (B) •',., �.
Prey ,
of the food eaten by such ciliates depends on the na­ '
ture of the feeding current and, when present, the size ::{.< £--7Haptocysts ' •

of the depression. The oral ciliature often consists of

compound ciliary organelles, called the adoral zone of
membranelles, or sin1ply the AZM (see Figure 3.17E,F)
on one side of the cytostome, and a row of closely situ­
ated paired cilia wh.icl, is frequently called the paroral (C) (D)
membrane on the other side. Ciliates that feed like this ,.
include such common genera as Euplotes, Sten tor, and

Vorticelln. Many hypotrichs (e.g., Euplotes) that move
about the substratum \•vith their oral region oriented
ventrally use their specialized oral ciliature to swirl s e t ­ Feeding­
tled material into suspension and then into the buccal tentacle
cavity for ingestion.
Among the most specialized ciliate feedi11g meth­
ods are those used by the suctorians, whicl1 lack cilia
as adults and instead have knobbed feeding tentacles
(Figure 3.23). A few suctorians have two types of ten­
tacles, one form for food capture and another for inges­ Ring of
tion. The swellings at the tips of the tentacles contain
extrusomes called haptocysts, which are discl,arged Food vacuole
upon contact with a potential prey. Portions of the hap•
tocyst penetrate the victim and hold it to the tentacle.
Sometimes prey are actually paralyzed after contact Figure 3.23 Phylum Ciliata. Feeding i n the suctorian
with haptocysts, presumably by enzymes released dur­ ciliate Acineta. (A) Acineta has capitate feeding tentacles;
ing dismarge. Following attachment to the prey, a tem­ note the absence o f cilia. (B-0) Schematic drawings of
enlarged feeding tentacles, showing the sequence of
porary tube forms within the tentacle, and the contents events in prey capture and ingesti on. (B) Contact with
of the prey are sucked into the tentacle and incorpo­ prey and firing of haptocysts into prey. (C) Shorten ing of
rated into food vacuoles (Figure 3.238-D). tentacle and formati on of a temporary feeding duct within
In addition to haptocysts, several other types of a ring o f microtubules. (D) Drawing of contents of prey
extrusomes are present in ciliates. Some predatory into duct and formation of food vacuole.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 93

(A) (C)

• ,.

..... .
q . ••• • • -•'..,
Figure 3.24 Phylum Ciliata. Extrusomes in ciliates.
(A) Toxicyst (longitudinal section) from Helicoprorodon.
(B) Mucocyst (longitudinal section) from Cotpidium. (C) majority of the freshwater planktonic ciliate faw1a. The
The pellicle of Nassu/opsis e/egans, showing mucocysts common freshwater ciliate Parm11eci11n1 bursnria typical­
(raised dots) just below the surface. ly harbors hundreds of syn1biotic green algae (Chlorel/a
sp.) in its cytoplasrn, ir1 a mutualistic relationship. The
algal symbionts can be experhnentally removed from
are not used in prey capture, but serve a defensive the host, i n whicJ1 case growth rates decline (in the
function. Para111eci11111). The host can regain its symbionts simply
A number of ciliates are ecto- or endosymbionts by ingesting them from the environment and incorpo­
associated with a variety of vertebrate and inverte­ rating them irito its cytoplasm alive and well.
brate hosts. In some cases these syn1bionts depend
entirely upon their hosts for food. Some suctorians, Reproduction
for example, are true parasites, occasionally even liv­ Ciliates are unique among the Eukaryota in possessing
ing within the cytoplasm of other ciliates. A number two different kinds of nuclei in each cell. The larger
of hypostome ciliates are ectoparasites on freshwater type-the macronucleus-controls the general opera­
fishes and may cause significant damage to their hosts' tion of the cell. The macronucleus is usually hyper­
gills. Bala11tidi11m coli, a large vestibuliferan ciliate, is polyploid (containmg many sets of duomosomes) and
con1mon in pigs and occasionally is acquired by hu­ may be compact, ribbon-like, beaded, or branched. The
mans, where it can cause intestinal lesions. The rwnen smaller type-the m.icronucleus-has a reproductive
of ungulates contains whole comn1wuties of ciliates, function, syntl1esizing the DNA associated with repro­
including species that break down the grasses eaten duction. It is usually diploid. in a process that is utterly
by the host, bactivorous species, and even predators unique among eukaryotes, the macronucleus is actu­
preying on the other ciliates. Members of the order ally generated from the micronucleus by a1nplification
Chonotrichida are mostly ectosymbiotic on crustaceans of the genome (along with some heavy genetic editing).
(and occasionally on \,vhales). Chonotrichs are sessile, Division of the macronucleus occurs by "amitosis," the
attaching to their hosts by a stalk produced from a spe­ segregation of the chromosomes, by a process whose
cial adhesive organelle. Other ciliates are symbiotic on n1echanism is not yet well known. This process is not
a variety of hosts, incJ.uding bivalve and cephalopod pedect, and after about 200 generations the celJ shows
molluscs, polychaete worn1s, and perhaps rnites. signs of aging. Thus periodically the macronucJei must
Although plastids have not been definitely demon­ be regenerated and this is accomplished during the
strated in ciliates, several independent lineages in this process of conjugation (see below).
group harbor photosynthetic symbionts that are inter­ Asexual reproduction in ciliates is usually by bir1ary
mittently replenished by feeding, especially planktoruc fission, although multiple fission and budding are also
forms (e.g., Laboea, Mytridi11n1, Stro111bidi11111) that s e ­ known (Figure 3.25). Bir1ary fission in ciliates is usu­
quester photosynthetically functional plastids from in­ ally transverse. The micronucleus is the reservoir of
gested algae. The cllloroplasts lie free in the cytoplasm, genetic material i n ciliates. As such, each micronudeus
beneath the pellicle, where they actively contribute to withir1 the cell (even when there are n1any) forms an
the ciliate's carbon budget. This unusual practice has internal mitotic spmdle during fission, thus distribut­
also been docwnented in forarniniferans. The cellular ing daughter micronuclei equally to the progeny of
mechanisms by which the prey chloroplasts are re­ division. Macronuclear division is highly variable,
moved, sequestered, and maintained are not known. although the nuclear envelope never seems to break
Other ciliates maintain entire algal cells as endosym­ down. The large, sometimes multiple, macronuclei
bionts. During the summer, in some areas, "photosyn­ usually condense into a smgle macronucleus whicll di­
thetic ciliates" of one sort or the other can comprise a vides by constriction. Some macronuclei have mternal
94 Chapter Three

with both daughter cells re1naining attached to the

growing colony, but in solitary species divisions may
be unequal and may involve a swimming phase. A
type of unequal division frequently referred to as
budding occurs in a variety of sessile ciliates, includ­
ing chonotrichs and suctorians. In these cases the cili­
ated bud is released as a so-called swarmer that swims
about before adopting the adult morphology and life­
(8) style. ln some cases, several buds are formed and re­
leased simultaneously.
0 True multiple fission is known in a few groups of
ciliates and typically follows the production of a cyst
(F) by the prospective parent. Repeated divisions within
the cyst produce nu1nerous, which are even­
.· tually released with breakdov.•n of the cyst coating.
. . Sexual reproduction (or more precisely, genetic re­
. . .. .
....\. -:--•,'.; � ; . combination) by ciliates is usually by conjugation, less
commonly by autogamy. Conjugation is perhaps most
easiJy understood by first describing it h1 Pnrn111ecit1111.
A s with any sexual process, the functional advantage
of the activity is genetic mixing or recombination, and
X�\ •
it is accomplished during conjugation by an exchange
of n1icronuclear material. The following account
(G) ' ..:f ,. 0 • · •.
�- -� · •_ (Figure 3.26) is of Pnrnmeciran caudntum-detaiJs vary in
� ._
-t!'J:0.:• �' ·. other species of the genus.
, ·...: · '-''i· • tv--:; � ·-,,.....-, A s paramecia move about and encounter one an-
other, they recognize compatible "mates" (i.e., mem­
bers of another clone). After makmg contact at their
anterior ends, the "mates"-called conjugants--orient
themselves side by side and attacl, to eaci, other at their
oral areas. ln each conjugant, the micronucleus under­
goes two divisions that are equivalent to meiosis and
reduce the chro1noso1ne number to the haploid condi­
tion. Three of the daughter micronudei in each con­
jugant disintegrate and are incorporated into the cy­
toplasm; the remaining haploid micronucleus in each
cell divides once more by mitosis. The products of this
postmeiotic rnicronuclear division are called gametic
Figure 3.25 Phylum Ciliata. Asexual reproduction i n nuclei. One gametic nucleus in eaci, conjugant remains
- Transverse binary fissi on in Paramecium;
cil iates. ( A0) in its "" conjugant while the other is transferred
the micronuc leus divides mitotically, whereas the macro­ to the other conjugant via a cytoplasmic connection
nucleus simply splits. (E-G) Binary fission in Vorticella. (H)
formed at the point of Thus each conjuga.nt
Budding in the sue tori an Ephelota gigantea.
sends a haploid micronucleus to the other, thereby
accomplishing the exchange of genetic material. Each
migratory ga.metic nucleus then fuses with the station­
n1icrotubules that appear to push daughter nuclei ary nucronucleus of the recipient, producing a diploid
apart, but there is never a clear, well-organized spin­ nucleus, or synkaryon, in. eacl, conjugant. This process
dle. Since many ciliates are anatomically complex and is analogous to mutual cross-fertilization in metazoan
frequently bear structures that are not centrally or sym­ invertebrates (e.g., land slugs).
metrically placed on the body (especially structures a s ­ Following nuclear excl,ange, the cells separate from
sociated i,vith the cytostome), a significant amount of each other and are now called exconjugants. The pro­
reconstruction 1nust occur following fission. Such re­ cess is far from complete, however, for the new genetic
formation of parts or special ciliary fields does not take combination must be incorporated into the macro•
place haphazardly; it apparently is controlled, at least nucleus if i t is to h1iluence the orga1usm's phenotype.
in part, by the macronucleus. This is accomplished as follows. The n1acronucleus of
Binary fission is typical of the colonial and solitary eacl, exconjugant has disintegrated during the meiotic
peritrichs. In colonial species, the division i s equal, and exchange processes. The newly formed diploid
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 95

0• ,,,
-- .
6 -
1. Two conjugants w1ite
2. Macronuclei begin to
at oral areas.
disintegrate; micronuclei
divide twice (meiosis).


--,q,�--�.".' .

8. Micronucleus and ceU

divide to produce four individuals,
each receiving one micronudeus.
.- --

3. Three (of four) micronuclci

Two binary divisions disintegrate in each conjugant.

0 0

" ...,,.•n ,..·•

7 . Four micronuclei become

macronuclei; three of the
others disintegrate and one
,,. - � -
remains as the new micronucleus.
4 . Remairting mkronuclei

divide unequally to produce
two "gamete nuclei," the

_/' smaller of which is exchanged

between conjugants.
6 . Synkaryon divides three
times by mj tosis.
Ciliates separate 5. M_irconuclei fuse within each
(only one is shown conjugant to form a synkaryon.
in remaining drawings).

Figure 3.26 Phylum Ciliata. The photograph shows a

p air of conjugating Paramecium caudatum.
In most ciliates the members of the conjugating pair
are indistinguishable from eacll other in terms of size,
shape, and other morphological details. However,
synkaryon divides mitotically three times, producing some species, especially in the Peritrichida, display
eight s1naU nuclei (all, reme1nber, containing the c o m ­ distinct and predictable differences between the two
bined genetic information from the two original conju­ conjugants, particularly in size. In such cases, the mem­
gants). Four of the eight nuclei then enlarge to become bers of the mating pair are called the microconjugant
macronuclei. Three of the ren1aining four small nuclei and the macroconjugant (Figure 3.27). TI1e formation
break down and are absorbed into the cytoplasm. Then of the mjcroconjugant generally involves one or a s e ­
the single remaining micronucleus divides twice mi­ ries of w1equal divisions, ,,vhich may occur in a variety
totically as the entire organism undergoes two binary of ways. The critical difference between conjugation of
fissions to produce four daughter cells, each of which similar mates and that of dissimilar mates is that in the
receives one of the four n1acronuclei and one n1icro­ latter case, there is often a o n e w
- ay transfer of genetic
nucleus. Thus, the ultin1ate product of conjugation and n1aterial. The nucroconjugant alone contributes a hap­
the subsequent fissions is four new diploid daughter loid micronudeus to the macroconjugant; thus only the
organisms from each original conjugant. larger individual is "fertilized." Following this activ­
Variations on the sequence of events described ity, the entire microconjugant usually is absorbed into
above for Parn111eci11111 include differences in the n u m ­ the cytoplasm of the macroconjugant (Figure 3.27E). A
ber of divisions, whicll seem to be determined in part similar process occurs in most cllonotriclls. One con­
by the normal number of micronuclei present in the jugant appears to be swallowed into the cytostome of
cell. Even when two or more micronuclei are present, another, after which nuclear fusion and reorganization
they typically all undergo meiotic divisions. All but take place. There are several other n1odifications on
one disintegrate, however, and the remaining micro­ this complex sexual process in ciliates, but all have the
nucleus divides again to produce the stationary and same fundamental result of introducing genetic varia­
migratory gametic nuclei. tion into the populations.
96 Chapter Three

(A) (B)


Macroconjugant Dividing
(E) micronuclei
�-""-. /

1 . . 2

00 o•• 0 Oo :• . 0

,, <>co

0000 0 co oo 0
Oo 0 �

00 •�� 00 .
00 00 S, 0 l!l
0 0
00<$> ••O .,o
o0 0 °o
00¢0() 0
0 o

o ., 0 '>'•>

5 •o•
-o O
·'t ... c:
r,,)';J,"(. 7 8 9

Figure 3.27 Phylum Ciliata. Sexual processes in cili­ sessile macrogamont (1-2). The macronuclei begin to d i s ­
ates. (A,B) Ephetota gemmipara (a suctorian); two m a t ­ integrate (2) and ultimately disappear (9). The micronucle­
ing partners o f unequal sizes are attached to each other, us of the macrogamont divides t wice (2-3) and the micro­
apparently following chemical recognition. Both have nucleus of the microgamont divides three times (2-3). All
undergone nuclear meiosis. The smaller mate detaches but one of the micronuclei in each gamont disintegrate,
from its stalk and is absorbed by the larger one, then and the remaining micronucleus of the microgamont
the gametic nuclei fuse. Subsequent nuclear divisions moves to fuse with the micronucleus of the macrogamont
produce the multimicronuclear and macronuclear com­ (4-5). As the zygotic nucleus (synkaryon) begins to divide,
ponents of the normal individual. (C,D) Unequal divi sions the m icrogamont is absorbed into the cytoplasm of the
of Vorticella campanuta resu lt in macro- and microcon­ macrogamont. The synkaryon divides three times (6-8);
jugants; conjugation follows. (E) Schematic d iagrams of one of the daughter nuclei becomes the micronucleus
sexual activities in certain peritrichs. Unequal divisions and the others eventually form the new macronucleus (9).
result in macro- and microgamonts; the latter detach from It should be noted that the sequence of nuclear activities
their stal ks and become free-swimming organisms; even­ and numbers of divisions vary among different per itr ichs.
tually the free-swimming microgamont attaches itself to a

One other aspect of conjugation that deserves men­ species of Euplotes and Para111eciu111), the nuclear phe­
tion is that of mating types. Individuals of the same ge­ nomena are similar if not identical to those occurring
netic mating type (e.g., members of a clone produced in conjugation. Ho,v , ever, only a single individual is
b y binary fission) cannot successfully conjugate with involved. When the point is reached at which the cell
one another. In other words, conjugation is not a ran­ contains t"ro haploid micronuclei, these two nuclei
dom event but can occur only between members of dif­ fuse with one another, rather than one being trans­
ferent n1ating types, or clones. This restriction presum­ ferred to a mate. Autoga1ny is known in relatively fevv
ably ensures good genetic ,nixing among individuals. ciliates, although it may actually be much more com­
The second basic sexual process in ciliates is a u ­ mon than den1onstrated thus far. Its significance in
togamy. Among ciliates i n which it occurs (e.g., certain terms of genetic variation is not dear.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 97

Phylum Stramenopila: Diatoms, BOX 31 Characteristics of the

Brown Algae, Golden Algae, Phylum Stramenopila
Slime Nets, Oomycetes, etc. 1 . A hi gh ly diverse group found in virtually every habi­
tat on Earth.
The stramenopiles comprise a highly diverse taxon of
2. Cell surrounded by plasma membrane, which may
some 9,000 species including diatoms, brown algae
be supported by sil ca
i (sil i con dioxi de), calcium car­
(Phaeophyta), golden algae (Chrysophytes, e.g., Di­ bonate, or proteinaceous shells, scales, or tests
nobryon), some heterotrophic and parasitic flagellates, 3. Almost all species with unique, comp lex, three-part
labyrinthulids (slime nets), oomycetes and hyphochy­ tubular hai rs on the flagella. at some stage in life
tridio1nycetes (the latter two groups formerly classified cycle. Most exhibit heterokont flagellation (i.e., with
as fungi) (see Figures 3.28 and 3.lC,H,1) (Box 31). Each two flagella, one d irected anteriorly, one d irected
of these groups has been placed in their own phylum posteriorly). Sometimes only the reproductive cells
i11 the past, but we herein follow the current convention are flagellated and the trophic cells lack any obvi­
of classifying them together in the phylum Strameno­ ous mode of locomotion. Opalini ds are thought to
have lost their flagellation and replaced it wtth rows
pila. A few stramenopiles, including brov.rn seaweeds i
of ci l ia (unl ke those of the Ciliata).
(Phaeophyta) such as the kelps are complex, differenti­
4. Most are heterotrophi c, but others are photosyn­
ated organisms, and the Phaeophyta in particular 01ay
thet ic, saprophytic, or parasitic.
reach extremely large sizes. Brown algae are always
5. Photosynthetic forms have chlorophylls a, c1 • and
multicellular, marine, photoautotrophs, ai1d are p r e ­
c2• Thylakoids in stacks of three; four membranes
dominantly marine. The largest brown algae, the kelps, surrounding the chloroplast with the outermost
may reach a hundred feet in length and resemble true membrane continuing around nuc leus. Yellow and
plants. However, they have no vascular tissues (every brown xanthophylls give them a brownish-green
cell fending for itself), the blades are not homologous co lo r that has earned them the common name
to plant leaves, they do not undergo gastrulation nor •golden al gae.·
produce tissues by way of embryological layering. The 6. Food reserves stored as liqu id polysacchari de (usu-
diversity of form i n Stramenopila is staggering, and at ally laminarin) or oils
first glance it may be difficultto ilnagine diatoms, kelp, 7. M itochondria with short tubular cristae
and oomycete "fungi" bemg closely related. However, 8. With singl e vesicular nucleus
their relatedness is hypothesized on the basis that al­ 9. Nuclear d ivision occurs by open pl euromi tosis with­
most all have unjque, con1plex, three-part tubular hairs out centrioles.
on the flagella at some stage m the li.fe cycle. The name 10. Asexual reproduction by binary fission
Stramenopila (Latin stamen, "straw"; pilus, "hair") re­ 11 . Sexual reproduction usual ly gametic; gametes usu­
fers to the appearance of these hairs (Figure 3.29). Mo­ ally isoga.metous (not the case for many diatoms
lecular phylogenetics also support this clade. While it and brown al gae)
might be tempting to think of some species in this dade
(e.g., giant kelps) as multicellular m the sense of green
plants, one key difference is that higher plants derive
their adult tissues through a process of embryological Diatoms (e.g., Cltaetoceros, Tltalassiosira) are key
tissue forn1ation, sinillar though convergent to that seen components of marine ecosysten1s and, along with di­
i11 the Meta.zoa. Protists, mcluding kelps, never have an noflagellates and coccolithophores, contribute greatly
embryogenic tissue-layeril1g phase m their li.fe history. to oceaJlic prirnary productivity. In today's ocean, dia­
Stramenopiles are found i n a variety of habitats, toms might be responsible for up to 40% of the net pri­
and most are very small (< 10 microns) biflagellated mary production (and upward of 50 °/4 of the organic
bacteriovores. Freshv.r ater and marine pla11kton are carbon exported to oceanic ecosystems). When con­
rich i n diatoms and chrysophytes, and these can also ditions are right, oceaJlic diatoms can multiply at as­
occur i11 moist soils, sea ice, snow, and glaciers. They tonishil1g rates, creating "blooms" that are sometimes
have even been found alive i n clouds i n the atmo­ toxic. It has been estimated that diatoms produce 19
sphere! Heterotrophic free-living stramenopiles are billion tons of organjc carbon annually (giving them a
also found m marme, estua.rme, and freshwater habi­ k e y roll ill processmg CO2 mto solid matter to mitigate
tats. A few are symbiotic on other algae i n marine or climate warming). Recent estimates suggest diatoms
estuarine environments. Many produce calcite or sili­ alone account for u p t o 20% of global carbon fixation.
con scales, shells, cysts, or tests, which are preserved in Some species of diatoms can form extensive blooms.
the fossil record. The oldest of these fossils are from the Because their shells (frustules) composed of silica,
Cambrian/Precambrian boundary, a.bout 550 million they are also extremely important for the biogeochemi­
years ago. cal cycling of silicon.
98 Chapter Three



(D) (E)


(F) (G)

(H) Figure 3.28 Phylum Stramenopila. A diversity of strameno­

piles. (A) Synura, a colonial golden alga. (B) Centric and
pennate diatoms in a plankton sample. (C) The centric diatom
Coscinodiscus (the yellow patches are chloroplasts).
(D) Me/osira, a chain-forming d i atom; the valves of adjacent
individuals attached by mucilage pads. (E) Ectocarpus,
a filamentous brown alga. (F) A heliozoan, Actinophrys.
(G) Poste/isa, a brown seaweed. (H) A kelp bed in California
waters (Macrocystis).
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 99

Figure 3.29 Phylum Stramenopi la. Generalized

Tripartite hair on flagella anatomy (Ochromonas). Note the tripartite hairs on
the flagellum.

Hairy �
storing reserves for rapid reproduction or to survive
smooth flagellum
.....------- periods of nutrient depletion.Their nutrient storage
capacity also adapts diatoms for fluctuating environ-
Contractile 1nents. In addition, the vacuole in pelagic species aids
vacuole in buoyancy due to its light osmolite content.
Food vacuole
The siliceous cell walls (frustules) of diatoms do
Golgi body
not preserve well in deep marine sediments because
the silica dissolves. Although the earliest certain
fossils are Mesozoic, molecular clock estimates s u g ­
gest that they originated near the Permjan-Triassic
boundary. The fossil record indicates diatoms ex­
Mitcx:hondrion perienced two major bursts of radiation during the
Cenozoic era, one a t the Eocene/Oligocene bound­

+r'---=- Food storage
ary, and one through the mjddle and late Miocene.
It has been suggested that the rise of diatoms in
the Cenozoic stems from their unique, absolute re­
quirement for a large supply of silica in the 1-vorld's
A few n1arine diatoms produce toxins simjlar in oceans. The theory suggests that the rise of land plants,
potency to those seen in some dinoflagellates. Of especially grasses and the grazing ungulates that con­
particular concern are increasing occurrences of sume them, led to greatly increased removal of silica
Pse11donitzsc/1in nustrnlis blooms. ln southern California, from soils and it's eventual transport to the sea, setting
blooms of this diatom have caused deaths of sea lions, the stage for diatoms to radiate and flourish.
seabirds, fish and shellfish. Diatoms in the genus Brown seaweeds form an integral base to many
Pseudonitzschia produce domoic acid that accumulates coastal food v.rebs, especially on temperate coasts.
in the food chain. In humans, domoic acid poisoning Algin, extracted from certain brown algae (kelp), is
causes severe syn1pton1s, including gastrointestinal used as an emulsifier in everything from paint to baby
disorders and memory loss (amnesic shellfish poison­ food to cosn1etics. This material has 1nany industrial
ing, or ASP), and it can be fatal. Cases of ASP have uses (e.g., in paint as a spreader; as filtration material in
been reported with increasing frequency worldvvide food production and water purification). Silicon depos­
since its discovery late in the twentieth century. its produced by diatoms and other stramenopiles are
The photosynthetic, freshwater diatom Didy1110s­ used in geology and limnology as markers of different
phe11in ge111i11ntn, native to cool oligotrophic waters of stratigraphic layers of the Earth. Benthic deposits of the
northern Asia, Europe and North A1nerica, has recent­ siliceous shells of dead marine diatoms can, over g e o ­
ly become an invasive species, both ,,vithin its range logic time, result in massive uplifted land formations
and elsewhere in the world (e.g., Nev.• Zealand, Chile). that are n1ined as djatoo1aceous earth.
Individuals attach to the bottom by a stalk, and colo­ Most Strao1enopila are heterotrophic, but a few are
nies of the diatom can from thick brovvn mats in lakes serious parasites or agents of disease. Because some
and rivers that smother benthic communities and de­ secrete fishy-smelling aldehydes, they may become a
plete bottom oxygen as they decompose. The flowing nuisance when they occur in great quantities, but stra-
"tails" from these brownish mats look like tissue paper 111enopiles only rarely cause fish kills or foul drinking
or cotton waving in the water, resulting in the common water. However, the Oomyceta contain n1any plant
name of "rock snot." Massive blooms of this diatom parasites, including many that attack domestic crops.
have had a major negative impact on freshv.,ater eco­ The devastating Trish (European, actually) potato
systems since the mid-1980s. It isn't knov.•n why popu­ blight disease and resulting famine of the nineteenth
lations of this species have becon1e invasive, although century was caused by an oomycete, Phytophthorn
reduced stream flow is one important factor (the dia­ infestans.
tom cannot withstand rapid water flow). Chrysophytes, or "golden algae," are very com­
Unlike dinoflagellates and coccolithophores, pelagic mon in fresh water; more than 1,000 species have been
(1nostly centric) diato1ns have a large nutrient storage described. Most are photosynthetic, but some species
vacuole that occupies about 40% of the cell volun1e. are colorless and strictly heterotrophic. In fact, most
This storage organelle allows diatoms to take advan­ of the autotrophic species will become facultatively
tage of short-term pulses of environmental nutrients, heterotrophic in the absence of adequate light, or in
100 Chapter Three

(A) (B) (C)

(D) Figure 3.30 Phylum Stramenopila. Stramenopile skeletons. (A) Colorized

SEM of the silicious skeleton of the centric diatom Actinocyclus sp.
(B) Colorized SEM of the pennate diatom Navicula sp. (C) Tubular diatom
Aulacoseira itatica. (D) Large diatom bloom in the northeast Pacifi c (coastal
Washington State), July 2014.

and/or diarrhea. Most of the species fow1d in n1am­

ma.Is a11d birds are also able to cause infections in hu­
mans. These protists were first classified as yeasts, later
as sporozoans, and then shown by molecular analyses
to be stramenopiles.

Support and Locomotion

Stramenopile support structures are highly varied. 1n
addition to their cell n1embrane, many also possess
shells, tests, and other support structures, resulting in
many different shapes and appearances. Like most pro­
tists, they rarely have chitin in the cell wall (further dis­
the presence of plentiful food. When this occurs, the tinguishing them from true fw1gi, or Eumycota, which
chloroplasts (calJed chrysoplasts in this group) atro­ rely heavily on chitin for support). Some chrysophytes
phy and the algae may turn into predators, feeding produce small discs of calcite, protein, or even silicon
on bacteria or other protists, including diatoms. The in their cells. These are then packaged in endoplasmic
photosynthetic species are important primary produc­ reticulum vesicles and secreted onto the surface of the
ers in lakes. A.Ithough most are unicelJular, there are cell to form a layer of distinctive scales-much the same
also filamentous and colonial fonns. ln the well-known mechanism seen in other scaly protists, induding Hap­
Di11obryon (a freshwater genus), the individual cells are tophyta. 1n some stramenopiles, these can be quite elab­
surrounded by vase-shaped loricae, composed of chi­ orate and beautiful (Figure 3.30 ). The silicoflagellates
tin fibrils and other polysaccharides. The colonies grow have a distinctive internal skeleton of tubular pieces of
as brand1ed or w1brand1ed chains. Species of Synura silica associated with a central nucleus, and a complex
forn1 spherical colonies covered by silica scales. The lobed body that contains many chloroplasts.
oldest known Chrysophytes are from Cretaceous de­ Diatoms also secrete silica in the fonn of an exter­
posits, and the group bas a fairly complete fossil record nal test, or frustule, "vhich consists of two parts, called
because of the siliceous resting cysts that freshwater valves. Beneath the test is the cell membrane, enclosing
species tend to form. the nucleus, dlloroplasts, and the rest of the cytoplasm.
The enigmatic group Blastocystida includes There are two different diatom forms: centric diatoms
Blastocystis, a highly prevalent, fecal-transmitted para­ have radially symmetrical frustules, and since one
site that infects the gastrointestinal tract of humans and valve is slightly larger than the other, they resen1ble a
other anin1als, including many vertebrates and a few petri dish (Figures 3.30A and 3.28); pennate diatoms
insects (e.g., cockroaches). Infection with Blastocystis, are bilaterally syrrunetrical and often have longitudinal
blastocystosis, causes abdominal pain, constipation grooves on the valves (Figure 3.30B).
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 101

Stramenopiles generalJy exhibit heterokont flagel­ they are stramenopiles. The oomycetes produce hy­
lation. That is, they possess two flagella, one directed phae that absorb nutrients much like fungi, and are
anteriorly, the other usually extended posteriorly. The mostly coenocytic. lncluded among the oomycetes are
anteriorly directed flagellum has a bilateral array of the water molds, \vhite rusts, and downy mildews.
tripartite, tubular hairs, while the posterior is either
s1nooth or has a row of fine, filan1entous hairs (see Reproduction
Figure 3.29). The tripartite, tubular hairs are stiff and Mitosis in most stramenopiles is characterized as open
reverse the direction of the thrust of the flagellum so pleuromitosis. During division, the basal bodies of the
that, even though the flagellum is beating in front of two flagella separate and a spindle forms adjacent to
the cell, the cell is still drawn forward. them or adjacent to the striated root at the base of each.
labyrinthulids are commonly called "slime nets," In those fonns with scales, the scaly armor appears to
and because of their unique lifestyle and locomotion, b e added to the surface of the daughter cells as divi­
in the past they have been classified as a distinct phy­ sion proceeds. In diatoms, each daughter cell gets one
lum. However, because they can produce cells with of the silica valves and makes a new second valve to
two heterokont flagella they are now classified as con1plete the frustule.
Stramenopila. The nonflagellated stage of the laby­ Sexual reproduction is poorly studied in most forms
rinthulid's life cycle forms complex organisms consist­ but appears to almost always occur by the production
ing of nun1erous spindle-shaped bodies, each contain­ of haploid gan1etes, which fuse to forn1 a zygote. In
ing a nucleus, which gljde rapidly within a con1mon nJany, the gametes are undifferentiated, but in a few
membrane-bound ectoplasmic network. This network (sud1 as diatoms), one of the gametes is flagellated and
contains a calcium-dependent contractile system of ac­ motile, and the other is stationary. Many of the brown
tinlike proteins that is responsible for shuttling the cells algae (Phaeophyta) have alternation of generations.
through the net. The net spreads out over decaying The opalinids, once classified as "protociliates," then
material, or acts as a pathogen of living plants. They as zoof!agellates, then as a separate phylum of uncer­
are associated in particular with marine and brackish tain relationship, is included here in the Stramenopila
habitats. based primarily on analyses of DNA sequence data.
Their numerous oblique rows of cilia clearly differ from
Nutrition the rows in ciliates in that they lack the kinetidal system.
A s you have no doubt already guessed, stramenopiles During asexual reproduction, the fission plane parallels
exhibit a wide variety of nutritional habits. Some are the oblique ciliary rows; thus i t is longitudinal (as it is
photosynthetic, others are ingesting heteroh·ophs, and in flagellates) rather than transverse (as it is in ciliates).
still others are saprophytic. Those forms that are pho­ Some opalinids are binucleate, others 1nultmucleate,
tosynthetic have: chlorophylls a, c1, and c2; thylakoids but all are homokaryotic (i.e., the nuclei are all identi­
in stacks of three; and four membranes surrounding cal). There are about 150 species of opalinids, in several
the chloroplast (as in haptophytes and cryptomonads, genera, almost all being endosymbiotic in the hindgut of
the outern1ost men1brane is often continuous ,,vith the anurans (frogs and toads) where they ingest dissolved
nuclear envelope) (see Figure 3.3). Yellow and brown material anywhere on their body surface. Sexual re­
accessory pign1ents (primarily xanthophylls such as production is by syngainy and asexual reproduction is
fucoxanthm, but carotenoids are present as well) give by binary fission and plasmotomy, the latter involving
many of them a brownish-green color that has earned cytoplasmic divisions that produce n1ultinucleate o f f ­
them the co1nmon name "golden algae." There is usu­ spring. Opnlinn and Protopnlina are two gei1era common­
ally an eyespot associated with the region of the chlo­ ly encotu1tered (Figure 3.31). Opalinids are often found
roplast near the basal bodies. in routine dissections of frogs in the classroom; their
Many of the heterotrophic stramenopiles use the an­ large size and graceful movements through the frog's
teriorly directed flagellum with tripartite haiTs to cap­ rectun1 make them a pleasant discovery for students.
ture food particles, which are engulfed by small pseu­
dopodia or a h o o p s- haped cytostome near the base
of the flagella. Other heterotrophic forms feed sapro­ Phylum Haptophyta:
phytically by excreting enzymes that digest food items
outside the cell and then absorbing nutrients through
small pores on the cell surface. This mode of nutrition Haptophyta (also known as Prymnesiophyta) com­
is siTnilar to that of true fungi (Eumycota), and it is prise a group of single-celled, phytoplanktonic pro­
the reason that the labyrinthulids, oomycetes ("water tists most of which are known as coccolithophores (or
molds"), and hyphochytridiomycetes were once clas­ coccolithophorids) (Figure 3.32). Haptophytes are dis­
sified as fungi. However, the presence of a heterokont­ tinguished by their possession of two normal flagella
flagella stage in these organisms makes it clear that plus a third flagellum-like, or peglike structure called a
102 Chapter Three

BOX 3J Characteristics of the

Phylum Haptophyta
1 . A small group of phytop lanktonic protists, a lmost
exc l usively mari ne, most of wh ich are known as
2. Distinguished by two normal flagella, plus a third
flagellum-like. or peg like haptonema. The hapto­
nema is usually coi led and differs completely from
the true flagella.
3. With two go lden-brown chloroplasts that have dia­
di noxanthin and fucoxanthin accessory pi gments
4. Cells usually covered by scales (coccc l ths)
i com­
Figure 3.31 The enigmatic Opalina, once classified in its posed of carbohydrates, calcium carbonate, or
own phylum, now generally regarded as a member of the silicon
phylum Stramenopila. 5. Reproduct ion is poorly understood for this group,
but evidence suggests that both asexual and sexu­
al methods occur.
haptonema. The haptonema is generally coiled, and it
differs from the flagella proper in its internal structure,
basal attachn1ent, and function. During the nonmotile
phase of the life cycle, the flagella disappear, but the have siliceous scales. The scales show a broad variety
haptonen1a often ren,ains. Its primary function is not and con1plexity of shape-they can resemble buckets,
entirely dear and may vary from species to species. It donuts, muffins, pentagons, or even be trumpetlike
is used as a food collection device in at least some spe­(Box 31).
cies, but otherwise it appears to have attachment and/ Although almost exclusively marine, there are a
or mechanosensory functions. The cell itself contains a few reported freshwater and "terrestrial" species.
nucleus and two golden-brown chloroplasts that carry Coccolithophores live in huge numbers throughout the
the yellow-brown accessory pigments diadinoxan­ photic zone of the world's oceans, and they are one of
thin and fucoxanthin. The cells are usually covered by the main primary producers in this environment. One
scales, either small scales made of carbohydrate, or, in of the n1ost abundant species in the world's oceans is
the case of some or ail life stages of coccolithophores, En,iliania huxleyi (Figure 3.32). The secreted plates, or
small or large scales-<:occoliths-<:omposed predom­ coccoliths, are held in place on the surface of the cell
inantly of calcium carbonate (see below). Some may by a n organic coating, the coccosphere. The coccoliths
are usually composed of calcium carbonate
(CaC03), but unmineralized (carbohydrate
compounds) and even siliceous plates are also
known from a few species. The function of the
coccosphere is presumably either protection
or buoyancy. A single coccolithophore will
be covered by 10 to over 100 coccoliths, and
these vary wildly in shape between species.
As might be expected, coccoliths play a cen­
tral role in haptophyte taxonomy.
It is estin1ated that coccolithophores pro­
duce several n1illion tons of calcite annu­
ally. Most of this ends up on the sea floor as
calcareous ooze that eventually conh·ibutes
to the Earth's sedimentary record. In fact,
these "calcareous nannofossils" (generally
Jess than 30 µm in diameter) have become
the preferred tool for quick accurate strati­
graphic age determination in post-Paleozoic
calcareous sequences. The earliest uncon­
Figure 3.32 Phylum Haptophyta. Colorized SEM of the cocco­ tested calcareous nannofossils are from the
li thophore f=miliania huxleyi. Late Triassic, thought t o correspond to the
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 1 03

first time open-ocean planktonic organisms utilized

calcareous skeletons and exported calcium carbonate
to the deep oceans. Fossilizable Haptophytes reached
their greatest abundance in the Late Cretaceous, expe­
riencing a mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous
(two-thirds of the ~50 known genera disappeared).
Many new groups appear in the Paleocene fossil re­
cord. Exposed ancient calcareous coccolithophore sedi­
ments are recognjzed as limestone, or "chalk," 1nostly
Mesozoic in age. The White Cliffs of Dover (England)
is one of the more well-known coccolithophore-formed
limestone exposures.
The life history of coccolithophores is only partly
w1derstood, but the existence of both haploid and dip­
loid phases is inferred by DNA studies, with rrutotic
reproduction occurring in both stages. In at least some
species, such as E111ilia11ia huxleyi, the coccosphere­
bearing phase i.s diploid and capable of asexual repro­ Figure 3.33 Phylum Cryptomonada. Cryptomonas.
duction, allowing for rapid population growth during
periods of optimum conditions when "coccolithophore
blooms" may occur. Some of these blooms, especially stored 1,vithin the plastid's cytoplasmic compartment.
those of Eniiliania huxleyi, have been measured at den­ Thus cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes stem
sities of 1.5 rrullion ceUs per liter! Motile naked hap­ from two independent and tlnrelated endosymbiotic
loid gametes may be produced by meiosis, and n o n ­ events. The .nucleomorph of cryptomonads consists of
motile benthlc stages also are known to be produced. three small chromosomes that primarily encode only
Syngamy has not been observed but is assumed to those genes necessary for the n1aintenance of the nu­
occur. Both single and double fission occur, sometimes cleomorph itself. This "enslaved" and reduced algal
accomparued by a swarm spore stage. Large blooms nucleus now encodes only around 20 of the proteins
can be problematic because of the mucilage surround­ necessary for the maintenance of the plastid, and ex­
ing the ceUs that can clog fish gills or render them per­ tensive lateral gene transfer has moved most of the
meable to dissolved toxins. essential algal genes to the host nucleus. The crypto­
monad "model organism" Bigelowiella nntans has a nu­
cleon1orph genome of only 373,000 base pairs, one of
Phylum Cryptomonada: the smallest eukaryotic genomes known (Box 3K).

Cryptomonads include several genera of photosynthet­
ic, and sometimes heterotrophic flageUates that occur
in marine and freshwater habitats. One heterotrophlc BOX 3K Characteristics of the
form, previously called Chilo,nonns but now classified Phylum Cryptomonada
in Cryptomo11ns, i s a commonly used research toot in 1 . A small group of primarily photosynthetic flagellates
biological laboratories. Cryptomonads are biflagel­ that occurs in marine and freshwater habitats
lated cells with a large flagellar pocket, a semirigid 2. Cells biflagellate: wi th semiri gid cell surface sup­
cell surface supported by proteinaceous plates (called ported by proteinaceous pl aces (the periplast)
the periplast), and a single large rrutocl1ondrion with 3. Single large mitochondrion wi th cri stae that appear
cristae that appear to be flattened tubes. The plastids of as flattened tubes
cryptornonads are surrounded by four membranes and 4. Plastids surrounded by four membranes that con­
contain chlorophylls a and c. As with chlorarachnio­ tain chlorophylls a and c . P l ast id has small pocket
phytes, the plastid of cryptomonads includes a small of cytoplasm between inner and outer pair of
pocket of cytoplasm between the inner and outer pair of membranes, and also contains ribosomes and a
membranes, and also contams ribosomes and a nucleo­ nucleomorph (the nucleomorph is a highly reduced
nucleus of the red algal symbiont that became the
morph-the hlghly reduced nucleus of the eukaryotic,
pl astid).
photosynthetic endosyn1biont that became the plastid
(Figure 3.33). Unlike chlorarach.niophytes, however,
5. Starch is synthesized and stored within the plastid's
cytoplasmic compartment.
the cryptomonad plastid is of red algal origin (rather
than green algal origin), and starch is synthesized and
104 Chapter Three

BOX 3L Characteristics
of the Phylum
1 . A small group of uncommon protists in tropical and
subtropical seas
2. Normally small, unicellular, and ameboid with
branching cytoplasmic extensions (pseudopodia)
that sometimes connect several cells together in
netli ke fashion
{B) 3. Some form uniflagellated zoospores, and coccoid
cells (thought to be cysts).
.. 4. M ixotrophic, feeding on bacteria and other p r o ­
tists, or photosynthesizing with green chloroplasts
containing chlorophyll s a and b (and a prominent
projecting pyreno id). Chlorop lasts w ith four enve­
lope membranes and a prominent pyreoo id (food
storage structure)

5. With nuc l eomorph (reduced nucleus of the endo­
symbiotic green algal cell that became the chlo r o ­
plast) present in space between second and third
enve lope membranes of each chloroplast
6. Thytakoids often loosely stacked in threes

7. Mitochondrial cristae tubular

•• ..�.
8. Asexual reproduction by normal mitotic cell division
or zoospore formation. Sexual reproduction appar­
ently rare, but both anisogamy and isogamy have
been reported
Figure 3.34 Two rare rhizar i an phyla,
Chlorarachniophyta (A) and Haplosporidia (B). (A)
Chlorarachnion reptans; the green algal endosymbionts
are vi sible within the cell, each retaining its own nucleus.
(B) Haplosporidium nelsoni, the causat ive disease agent as conducting photosynthesis. They have green chlo­
in MSX, in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). The roplasts but have a cell structure con1pletely diffe r ­
vascular spaces between the digestive gland tubules ent from that of green algae (phylum Chlorophyta).
contain numerous hemocytes, or bl ood cells, elevated in Normally they have the form of small amebas, with
number as a response to the infection. Note the extensive
branching cytoplasmic extensions (reticulopods) that
sporulation within the epithelial cells of the d igestive gland
tubules, as well as multinucleate plasmodial stages and
capture prey and sometimes connect several cells t o ­
hemocyte infiltration w i thin the vascular spaces of the gether in a netlike fashion. They may also form flagel­
d igestive gland. Host nucle i are dark purpl e/blue, cyto­ lated zoospores, which characteristically have a single
plasm and cell membranes are pink. H: hemocytes; S: subapica1 flagellum that spirals backwards around the
sporulation/spores; P: plasmodia stages. (5 µ.m-section cell body. Some species also forn, walled coccoid cells
stained with haematoxylin and eosin) (thought to be cysts) (Box 3L).
Chlorarachniophytes are distinguished by the fol­
lowing characteristics: always unicellular, although
cells may anasto1nose their pseudopodia to form
"nets"; photosynthetic, with green chloroplasts, with
GROUP 3: RHIZARIA four envelope membranes, and that contain chloro­
Phylum Chlorarachniophyta: phylls a and band a prominent projecting pyrenoid7;
nucleomorph present in space between the second and
Chlorarachniophyte Algae third envelope membranes of each chloroplast; thyla­
The Chlorarachniophyta (or Chlorarachniophytes) koids often loosely stacked in threes; mitochondrial
comprise a recently recognized, s1nall, and fascinat­
ing group of single-celled algae that have become a
major focus of evolutionary biologists (Figure 3.34A). 7Pyrenoids are protein-rich structures fo,md inside some types of
They occur, apparently with rarity, in tropical and chloroplasts. They are thought to function in the carbon concen­
tration/carbon fixation portions of photosynthesis, and are often
subtropical seas. The species are typically mixotro­ closely associated with accumulations of storage materials , such
phic, ingesting bacteria and smaller protists as well as starch.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 1 05

cristae tubular; fundan1entally an1oeboid cells with nudeomorphs came fron1 a green algal endosymbiont.
long, thin (filose) pseudopodia. Species that have c o c ­ Nucleomorphs are thus an excellent example of con­
coid stages in their life history have been fow1d from vergent evolution through endosymbiosis (see phy­
coastal areas, while those 1,vith flagellated stages (zoo­ logeny section below). Molecular phylogenetic studies
spores) tend to occur in oceanic waters (as picoplank­ suggest that the "host" clade of Chlorarachniophyta
ton). The patterns of the life cycle vary among species. is monophyletic, and that its ancestry lies in a hetero­
Coccoid cells tend to be regarded as cysts. Asexual re­ trophjc protist that we would place within the clade
production is carried out by either normal mitotic cell Cercozoa.
division or zoospore formation. Sexual reproduction
has been reported fro1n two species: Chloraracl1nion
rep/ans and Cryptochlorn pe1fora11s. In the former, two Phylum Granuloreticulosa:
different types of cells, amoeboid and coccoid, fuse to
form a zygote (anisogamy), while in C. perforans the fu­
Foraminiferans and Their Kin
sion occurs beh• v een two amoeboid cells (isogan1y). The phylum Granuloreticulosa contains about 40,000
The chlorarachniophytes are one of several protist described living and fossil species (Box 3M). Members
groups that acquired their chloroplasts via second­ of this phylum are nearly ubiquitous in all aquatic hab­
ary endosymbiosis, in whjch a nonphotosynthetic eu­ itats from the poles to the equator, and at all depths in
karyote engulfed a eukaryotic alga and c o -opted it as a the world's oceans. The phylum consists of two major
symbiont, which over evolutionary time was reduced groups: the Athalamida and Foran1inifera (including
to a photosynthetic organelle. In at least two cases of the monothalamids). Athalamids are found i n fresh
secondary endosyn1biosis, Chlorarachniophyta and ,vater, soil, and marine environments and are distin­
Cryptomonada, nuclear material (and a small amount guished from the forams in that they lack a test and
of cytoplasm) has been retained from the assimilated the pseudopodia can e1nerge any place on the body.
photosynthetic endosyn1biont (a green and a red alga, The Foraminifera (e.g., Globigerinn), also called
respectively), along with the plastid to the present day Foraminiferida o r forams, are t h e most common
by the "host" lineage. In both of these phyla the sym­ and well-known members of the Granuloreticulosa
biont's nuclei are greatly reduced and termed nucleo­ (Figures 3.35 and 3.36; see also Figure 3.IJ). They are
morphs. The nucleo1norphs, and particularly the genes
they contain, have been a key to understanding the
phenomenon of secondary endosymbiosis.
The nucleon1orph in chlorarachniophytes is the ves­ BOX 3M Characteristics
tigial nucleus of the eukaryotic green algal endosym­
of the Phylum
biont that gave rise to the duoroplast itself. In the one
species studied to date, the nucleomorph genome is Granuloreticulosa
just 380 kb-one of the smallest eukaryotic genomes 1 . Common protists, ubiquitous in all aquatic hab itats
known. T h e genome consists of three linear chro­ and all depths
n1osomes that encode about 300 genes arranged in a 2. Cell surrounded by p lasma membrane. which may
highly compacted manner. Genes encoded by the n u ­ by supported by organ i c, aggluti nated, or calcare­
cleomorph genome are mostly "housekeeping genes," ous test; test s i tuated outside plasma membrane
genes for maintaining its own replication aJ1d expres­ 3. Locomoti on and feed ing involves long thin pseudo­
sion systems. Only a few chloroplast-targeted proteins pod i a called reticulopodi a, whi ch branch and fuse
are encoded by the nucleomorph, suggesting that the to from a network.
majority of nuclear-encoded chloroplast genes have 4. Heterotrophi c and without plastids. However, many
been co-opted by the host's nuclear genome. species host symbi otic, photoautotrophic protists
Like other D N A -containing organelles, the nucleo­ within thei r cell (e.g.. d i atoms. di noflagellates. red
a lgae, green algae).
morph is se1niautonon1ous. Nucleomorph division
takes place just before chloroplast division by the s e ­ 5. Mitochondria with tubular cr i stae
quential infolding of the inner and outer membranes of 6. Nuclei either ovular or vesicular; many are multi ­
the nucleomorph envelope. No spindle formation has nucl eate; some exhibit nucl ear dual ism
been observed during the division. How the dlromo­ 7. Nuclear d ivisi on by closed intranucl ear
somes are correctly segregated into two daughter nu­ pl euromitosis
cleomorphs is not clear. 8. Asexual reproducti on by budding and/or multi pl e
Despite the striking similarity in structure and g e ­ fiss ion
nome organization between the chlorarachniophytes 9. Sexual reproduct i on known in most. The ltte cycl e is
and the cryptomonads, their origins are clearly differ­ usually compl ex, invo lving alternation of an asexual
form (agamont) and a sexual form (gamont).
ent. Cryptomonad nucieomorphs originated from a red
algal endosymbiont, whereas the chlorarachniophytes
106 Chapter Three


Figure 3.35 Phylum Granuloreticulosa. (A) Foraminiferan

shells from the Red Sea. (B) The foraminiferan Spirolina
sp., with i ts extended reticulopodia. Members of these sillgle-chambered lineages are also
the only foran1s to have invaded freshwater and t e r ­
restrial habitats. Thus the great ocean depths and t e r ­
most frequently found in marine and brackish water restrial ecosystems serve as refugia for ancient foram
and are characterized by the presence of a test with lineages.
one to multiple chan1bers and distinctive reticulopo• The tests of forams have left an excellent fossil re­
dia-Jong, thin pseudopodia (supported by 1nicrotu­ cord dating back to at least the Lower Cambrian, and
bules) that branch and anaston1ose, and house a rapid perhaps the Precambrian. The tests of planktonic
bidirectional intracellular transport mechanism. Most forams are used by geologists as paleoecological and
forams are benthic and have flattened tests. A small biostratigraphic indicators, and deposits of benthic
number, however, are pelagic and may have calcareous foram tests are often used by petroleum geologists in
spines that have been ilnplicated in prey capture (e.g., their search for oil. The tests of some species are sur­
G/obigerine/la; see Figure 3.lJ). Foraminiferans (non­ prisingly durable. On the island of Bali, the tests of
calcareous species) have even been found living in the one species are mined and used as gravel in walks and
deepest ocean trenches, such as the Challenger Deep roads! Much of the world's chalk, limestone, and n1ar­
(10,896 1n). Trench and abyssal forams primarily are ble is co1nposed largely of foraminiferan tests or the re­
silnple, sil1gle-chambered species belonging to ancient sidual calcareous 1naterial derived from the tests. Most
lineages that long ago gave rise to the more complex of the stones used to build the great pyramids of Egypt
multichambered groups that dominate shallower seas. are foraminiferan in origin (it's engagillg and illstruc­
tive to think of the great pyramids as being built of p r o ­
tist skeletons). Before they get buried o n the sea floor,
the tests of foraminiferans function as homes and egg·
Jayillg sites for many minute metazoan species, such as
small sipunculans, polychaetes, ne1natodes, copepods,
isopods, and others.

Support and Locomotion

Although little is known about locomotion in the Gran­
uloreticulosa, the reticulopodia are illvolved (see Fig­
ure 3.36). Most species have tests coverillg their plasma
(cell) membrane. However, the AlthalamidaJack a test
and instead are covered by a thin, fibrous envelope.
The tests of forams are usua II y constructed as a series
of inter-connected chambers of increasing size, with
main openings, or apertures, ill the largest chamber
from which the reticulopodia emerge. The connect­
ing pores between the chambers are called foramina
(hence the group's na1ne) and they actually constitute
Figure 3.36 Phylum Granuloreticulosa. An unidentified the former apertures. TI1ere may b e one large aperture,
athalamid with reticulopodia. or several smal.ler ones ill the largest (youngest) cham-
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 107

ber. Cytoplasm emerging from the aperture(s) forms Shallow-water benthlc and planktonic foran1s liv­
the reticuJopodial network and also often forn1s a layer ing near the water's surface often harbor endosymbi­
covering the outside of the test. otic algae such as diatoms, dinoflagellates, or red or
There are three types of tests in the Foraminifera: green algae, which can migrate along the reticulopodia
(1) organic, (2) agglutinated, and (3) calcareous. The to expose themselves to more sunlight. These forams
nature of the test is a taxonomic feature used to clas­ are particularly abundant in warm tropical seas.
sify forams. Organic tests are composed of complexes Studies suggest that nutrient and mineral recycling
of proteins and mucopolysaccharides. These tests are occurs between the forams and their algal symbionts.
flexible and allow the organisms that secrete them (e.g., Furthermore, i t has been shown that the syn1bionts
Allograr11ia) to change shape rapidly. may enhance the test-building capacities of forams and
Agglutinated tests are composed of materials gath­ that their presence often allows their hosts to grow to
ered from the environment (e.g., sand grains, sponge very large sizes (e.g., the Eocene foram N11111111ulites
spicules, diatoms, etc.) that are embedded in a layer gize/rensis reached 12 cm in diameter), even in nutrient­
of n1ucopolysaccharide secreted by the cell. The test poor waters. "Giant" forams, such as N11111m11/ites, are
may b e made rigid by calcareous and iron salts. Some much more common in fossil deposits than they are
forams that have agglutinated tests are highly selec­ today.
tive about the building materials used to build their
tests (e.g., Tec/111itella), while others are not (e.g., Reproduction and Some Life Cycles
Astrorhiza). The life cycles of granuloreticulosans are frequently
Calcareous tests are composed of an organic layer complex, and most are incompletely understood.
reinforced with calcite (CaC03) secreted by the forams These cycles often involve an alternation of sexual and
themselves. The arrangement of calcite crystals asexual phases (Figure 3.37). However, son1e smaller
gives the tests a characteristic appearance, and three species apparently onJy reproduce asexually, by b u d ­
n1ajor categories of calcareous tests are recognized: ding and/or multipJe fission. Nuclear division in both
(1) porcelaneous, (2) hyaline, and (3) microgranular. sexually and asexually reproducing species occurs by
Porcelaneous tests appear shiny and white, and these intranuclear pleuromitosis. In those that reproduce
are probably the most familiar to students (see Figure sexually, it is not uncommon to find individuals of the
3.35). These tests generally lack perforations and the same forarniniferan species differing greatly in size and
reticulopodia emerge from a single aperture. Hyaline shape at different phases of the life cycle. The size dif­
tests have a glasslike appearance in reflected light and ference is generally determined by the size of the initial
often are perforated with tiny holes. Microgranular shell chamber (the proloculum), produced following a
tests have a sugary (granular) appearance in reflected particular life-cycle event. Often the proloculum that
light. Planktonic forarniniferans can occur in such high is formed following asexual processes is significantly
numbers that the calcareous tests of dead individuals larger than one formed after syngamy. Individuals
constitute a major portion of the sediments of ocean with large prolocula are called the macro- or mega­
basins. l n some parts of the world, these sedin1ents­ spheric generation; individuals with sn1all prolocula
called foraminiferan ooze-are hundreds of meters are the microspheric generation.
thick. Such sediments are restricted to depths shallow­ During the sexual phase of the life cycle, the haploid
er than 3,000 to 4,000 m, however, because CaC03 dis­ individuals (gamonts) undergo repeated divisions to
solves under high pressure. produce and release bi- or triflagellated isogan1etes,
which pair and fuse to form the asexual individuals.
Nutrition Asexual, diploid individuals (called agamonts) under­
All Granuloreticulosa are heterotrophic and feed by go meiosis and produce haploid gamonts-the sexual
phagocytosis. The prey varies depending on the spe­ individuals. The means of return to the diploid condi­
cies. Some are herbivores, other carnivores, and still tion varies. In many foraminiferans (Elpliidiu111, Iridin,
others are omnivores or detritivores. The life cycles Treto111phal11s, and others), flagellated gametes are pro­
of many herbivorous planktonic species are tuned to duced and released; fertilization occurs freely in the
the bloom of certain algae, such as diatoms or chloro­ seawater to produce a young agamont. In others, such
phytes, and they graze heavily on the phytoplankton at as Clnbrntella, two or more gamonts come together and
those times. All species probably use their reticulopo­ temporarily attach to one another. The gametes, which
dia t o trap food. Vesicles at the tip of the reticulopodia may b e flagellate or amoeboid, fuse within the cham­
secrete a sticky substance to which prey adhere upon bers of the paired tests. The shells eventually separate,
contact. Benthic species trap prey by spreading their re­ releasing the newly formed agamonts. True autogamy
ticulopodia out on the lake or ocean botton1. TI1e prey occurs in Rot.aliella: each gainont produces gametes that
are eventually transported to the cell's plasma m e m ­ pair ai1d fuse within a single test, ai1d the zygote is then
brane where they are engulfed in food vacuoles. released as a n agamont.
108 Chapter Three

BOX 3N Characteristics of the

Phylum Radiolaria
1. Common marine planktonic protists in the world's
oceans; most common in the tropics
2. Cytoplasm d ivided into two regions, endoplasm
and ectop lasm (=calymma), separated by a cap­
sular wall composed (usually) of mucoprotein. Cell
surrounded by plasma membrane, which may be
supported by skeleton secreted by the cell and
usual ly internal; skeletons of variab le composition
3. Locomotion most ly pass ive; some movement can
be accomplished with axopods
4. Mitochondria w ith tubu lar cristae (in most)
Figure 3.37 Phylum Granu loreticulosa. (A) Life cyc le of
5. Heterotrophic, capturing prey w ith axopods and
the foraminiferan Tretomphalus bulloides. (1) The shell­
extrusomes. Although without plastids, some s p e ­
less, ameboid zygote settles o n the surface of an a l ga o r
cies harbor symbiotic, photoautotrophic protists
sea grass (e.g., Thalassia testudinum). (2) The cell grows
(e.g., chlorophytes, dinoflagellates).
and matures as an agamont, wh ich (3) asexually produces
young gamonts. Each mature gamont (4) accumulates 6 . Most with single vesicular nucleus; some have
particles of detritus (5-6) to produce a flotation chamber sing le ovu lar nucleus; some have mu ltiple nuclei
(7). (8) The gamont floats t o the surface and produces and 7. Nuclear division occurs by c losed intranuclear
releases gametes (9), which fuse to produce a swimming pleuromitosis. Electron-dense p laques act as
zygote (10--12). (Bl A common habitat for Tretompha/us organizers for mitotic spindle; pair of centrio les are
bulloides in the Caribbean is sea grass beds (Thalassia located outside nucleus and situated near plaques.
testudinum). Amorphous structures called po lar caps located in
cytoplasm act as mitot ic spindle organizers.
8 . Asexual reproduction by b inary fission, mu ltiple fis­
Phylum Radiolaria: Radiolarians sion, or budding
9. Meios is invo lves two divis ions prior to formation of
The phylum Radiolaria comprises about 2,500 de­
scribed species whose threadlike pseudopodia appear
to ally them with chlorarachniophytes and n,any helio­
zoans-the three forming a clade known as the Cerco­ although acantharians have a skeleton of strontium
zoa (Box 3N). Three groups are typically classified in sulfate (celestite, Sr504) that i s more water soluble and
the Radiolaria: Polycystina, Acantharia, and Phaeodar­ less frequently found in the fossil record. Radiolarians
ia, although it is likely that none of these represents a are all planktonic; they are found exclusively in ma­
monophyletic group (Figure 3.38). Most have internal rine habitats and are most abundant in warm waters
siliceous (Si02) skeletons that preserve well as fossils, (26°-37°C).
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 1 09

(A) (B) Skeletal spine

(C) (D)

engulfing food

Figure 3.38 Phylum Radiolaria. (A-8) In these light microscope images, photo­
synthetic zooxanthellae color the endoplasm and extended pseudopodia can be
seen around the cell's periphery. (C) Drawing of Challengeron wyvillei, a p h a e ­
odarian. (D) Food capture by an axopodium.

The axopods, which radiate from the bodies of these and phaeodarians do not dissolve under great pressure
beautiful protists, are slender pseudopodia supported and therefore accumulate, along \•vith diatom tests,
by an inner core of microtubules. In 1nany groups, the as deposits called siliceous ooze on the floors of deep
axopods extend from a central region of the cell called ocean basins (3,500-10,000 m deep). These skeletons
the axoplast (Figure 3.39). The pattern of the microtu­ date back to the Cambrian and have been used as pa­
bule arrangement wiUlin the axopods varies and is an leoenvironmental indicators.
important taxonomic feature. Axopods function pri­
marily in feeding and, i n some cases, locomotion. The Support and Locomotion
cytoplasm exhibits a characteristic bidirectional move­ The cytoplasm of radiolarians is divided into two re­
ment (like the Granuloreticulosa), circulating substanc­ gions, the endoplasm and the ectoplasm, which are
es in the cytoplasm between the pseudopodia and the separated by a capsular wall that is composed (usu­
main body of the cell. One of the most useful aspects of ally) of mucoprotein. The central endoplasm is gran­
radiolarians for humans is related to the nature of their ular and dense, and contains most of the organelles:
skeletons-the strontium sulfate skeletons of acanthar­ nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, pigmented
ians have been used by scientists to measure amounts granules, digestive vacuoles, crystals, and the axoplast.
of natural or anthropogenic radioactivity in marine Axopods emerge from the axoplast in the endoplas1n
environments. The siliceous skeletons of polycystines through pores in the capsule wall. The pore pattern is
110 Chapter Three

Endoplasm Zooxanthellae

Central capsule

Cell membrane



c---' -------Skeletal, or
Axopod --�- --r-- --- siliceous spine
Nucleus Cortex Figure 3.39 Phylum Radio lar i a. (A) General anatomy of a
radiolarian, showing the axopods (radiat ing spines that aid
(8) Microtubules in flotation) and other structures. (B) Cross section (TEM)
through axopodium of Actinosphaerium.

construction and ornamentation, and frequently bear

radiating spines that aid in flotation. In the Acantharia,
there is a strict arrangernent of 20 radial spicules, which
is a diagnostic feature of this group.
The ectoplasm, often called the calymma, lies out­
side the capsule wall and contains mitochondria, large
digestive vacuoles, extrusomes, and (in son1e) algal
symbionts. The calymma has a rather foamy appear­
' ance due to the presence of a large number of vacu­
'-.. oles (see Figures 3.38 and 3.39}. The vacuoles, some of
which house oil droplets and other l o w -density fluids,
aid ii1 flotation in free-living species. When surface
water conditions become rough and potentially d a n ­
variable. In polycystines, for example, there are many gerous to these delicate protists, the calymma expels
pores in the capsule wall, all of which are associated some of its contents and the creature sinks to calmer
with collarlike structures called fusules. In phaeodar­ depths. Eventually the cell replaces the oils and other
ians, there are only three pores in the capsule wall. The fluids, and the organis1n rises toward the surface again.
largest, the astropyle, is associated with fusules. Unique to the ectoplasm of phaeodarians are balls of
Axopods emerge from the two smaller pores, the para­ waste products called phaeodium, after which this
pyles, which are not associated with fusules. group was named. The ectoplasm of acantharians is
Most radiolarians have skeletons for support. covered with a netlike cortex that is anchored to the
The skeleton is fonned and housed i,vithin the endo­ apex of the spicules by contractile myonemes. Both the
plasm and is therefore internal. l n Polycystina and cortex and the presence of myonemes in association
Phaeodaria, the skeleton is composed primarily of with the skeletal spicules are distinctive features of the
siliceous elements that are solid in polycystines and acantharians.
hollow in phaeodarians. In acantharians, the skel­ Locomotion in radiolarians i s liinited. Most radio­
eton is composed of strontium sulfate embedded in a larians drift passively in the water column usii1g the
proteinaceous matrix. These skeletons vary greatly in axopods, skeletal spines (if present), and ectoplasmic
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 111

vacuoles as flotation devices. In some cases, however,

tl1e axopods and spines play a more active role in l o ­
comotion. For example, the axopods may also help
these organisms maintain their position in the water
column by the expansion and contraction of vacuoles
between the axopods.This has been suggested because
it has been observed in polycystines that when the ec­
toplasm and axopods are lost during cell division, the
organisms sink. In at least one genus, Sticholonche, the
axopods appear to be used as tiny oars. In acanthari­
ans, it is thought that contraction of the myonemes that
are attached to the spicules may somehow regulate
All radiolarians are heterokophic, obtaining food
by phagocytosis, and many are voracious predators.
Figure 3.40 Phylum Radiolaria. Mass of swarmers pro­
Prey items include bacteria, other protists (e.g., ciliates,
duced by multiple fission within the central capsule of the
diatoms, flagellates), and even small invertebrates (e.g.,
radiolarian Thafassophysa.
copepods). Radiolarians use their axopods as traps for
prey. The Radiolada are usually equipped with extru­
somes such as mucus-producing mucocysts, and ki­
netocysts, which eject barbed, threadlike structures. Reproduction
Prey items adhere to mucus (discharged by mucocysts) Asexual reproduction occurs by binary fission, mul­
that covers the extended axopods, or they becon1e a t ­ tiple fission, or budding. In the Polycystina and v a r i ­
tached to the axopods by the discharged kinetocysts. o u s shelled forms, however, division occurs along
The size and motility of the prey determines the planes predetermined by body symmetry and skeletal
particular feeding mechanism used. Small prey are arrangement. The san,e basic mode of multiple fission
engulfed in food vacuoles directly, whereas large prey is seen in all groups. A polyploid nucleus results from
may be partially digested extracellularly by the action nun1erous mitotic divisions. The nucleus fragments,
of secretory lysosomes in the mucous coat or broken producing many biflagellate individuals called swarm­
into pieces by the action of large pseudopodia. The ex­ ers, ¼• eventually lose their flagella and develop
tracellular food is dra\,vn toward the cell body by cy­ into adults (Figure 3.40). ln polycystines, swarmers
toplasmic streaming, eventually enclosed within food have a crystal of strontium sulfate in their cytoplasm.
vacuoles, and completely digested in the central p o r ­ In most polycystine and acantharian species, n1ultiple
tion o f the cell. In polycystines, it has been observed fission i s the only mode of asexual reproduction.
that when fast-moving or large prey (especially those Sexual reproduction is poorly documented in ra­
with skeletons, such as diatoms) contact the axopods, diolarians. Autogamy is usually triggered by either a
the axopods actually collapse, drawing the prey into lack of food or, conversely, i t follows heavy feeding.
the cell body where it is engulfed by thin filopodia and First the cell encysts and undergoes a mitotic division
then enclosed in a food vacuole (see Figure 3.38D). The to produce two gamonts. Eacll gamont nucleus divides
collapse of the axopods is thought to involve n1icrotu­ by n,eiosis without cytokinesis. All but two of the nu­
buJe disassembly. clei disintegrate. The rn•o surviving haploid nuclei fuse
An interesting feeding arrangement is fow1d in the while still inside the cyst, forming a diploid zygote that
phaeodarians. As mentioned earlier, they have only later emerges from the cyst when environmental con­
three openings in the capsule wall: two parapyles and ditions become more favorable.
the single astropyle. Prey become trapped on the axo­ Nuclear division occurs by closed intranuclear pleu­
pods. Then a large pseudopod, formed fron1 the astro­ romitosis. Electron-dense plaques, located on the inner
pyle, engulfs the prey item into a food vacuole where surface of the nuclear envelope, act as organizers for
it is digested in the ectoplasm. Because of this behav­ the mitotic spindle. A pair of centrioles, located outside
ior, some workers have referred to the astropyle as a of the nucleus is found near the plaques.
Many polycystines and acantharians live near the
water's surface. These protis ts often have algal sym­ Phylum Haplosporidia:
bion ts, including chlorophytes and dinoflagellates,
which presu1nably provide them with additional nutri­
ents. Phaeodarians do not have algal symbionts, which The haplosporidians comprise a small phylu1n of
is not surprising since they tend to be found in vvater parasitic protists that typically (though not always,
depths unsuitable for photosynthesis. e.g., Bona111in) form uninucleate spores without polar
112 Chapter Three

capsules or polar filaments; the spore wall has an ori­ Haplosporidians have been a troublesome group
fice at one pole (see Figure 3.34B). ln Urosporidi11111, the for taxononusts. Historically, the taxon was treated as
orifice is "closed" by an internal diaphragm; in the a catchall for any spore-forming parasites with m u l ­
other genera there is an external hinged operculum. tinucleated naked cells (plasmodia) in their life cy­
Tubular, filamentous, or ribbon-like strands of mate­ cles that could not be easily classified elsewhere. The
rial have often been observed on the external spore Haplosporidia were first erected (in 1899) as an order
surface, but this ornamentation is structurally diverse of the phylum Sporozoa. In 1979 the Haplosporidia
and not well understood. There is, in fact, no single (and the Paramyxea) were separated from the ''other
ultrastructural feature that characterizes haplosporid­ Sporozoa" and placed i n a new phylum called
ians, and they are usually recognized on the basis of a Ascetospora, not all of which have a spore stage in
combination of features: a uninucleate stage, usually their life history. Recently, the Ascetospora "'as aban­
with a central nucleus, which develops to a diplokary­ doned and the Haplosporidia and Paramyxea were
otic stage. 1n the later stage, two nuclei lie close and in eacl1 elevated to phylum rank. The phylum Paramyxea
contact with one another after division, with further also contains several important parasites of oysters
nuclear division producing multinucleate plasmodia, and other bivalves, including species of Marteilia from
from which operculate spores may develop. Haplo­ the Indo-Pacific region. Molecular phylogeneticists
sporidians are exclusively intracellular parasites of have begun trying to unravel the relationships of these
certain invertebrates, including flatworms (Turbel­ groups, but so far with little success. Son1e protistolo­
laria), annelids, crustaceans, and especially molluscs. gists now regard haplosporidians as an order within
They occur worldwide, primarily in marine environ­ a recently erected phylum called Retaria, while others
ments and to a lesser extent in freshwater habitats. place then, in a phylum called Cercozoa.
Causative agents of MSX disease, haplosporidians
(H11plosporidil1111 and 801111111i11) have been kno1-vn to GROUP 4: EXCAVATA
decimate coastal oyster populations. We have little
kno"1ledge of haplosporidian life histories, and spe­ Phylum P arabasalida:
cies are characterized on the basis of spore structure Trichomonads, Hypermastigotes,
and gene sequencing.
The largest genus in the phylun1, Haplosporidi11m,
and Their Kin
contains about two dozen species, most of whicl1 are The phylum Parabasalida contains about 300 species
parasites on bivalve molluscs, although some species of heterotrophic flagellate protists, all of which are
infest commercially important crabs and shrimps (e.g., endosyn,bionts (mostly parasites) of animals (Figure
H . littornlis i11fects the common European shore crab 3.41). There are two major subgroups of parabasalids:
Carcinus 11,aenas). the trichomonads and the hypermastigotes (Box 30).
The hypermastigotes (e.g., Triclzony111pha) are obligate
mutualists in the digestive tracts of wood-eating in­
sects such as termites and "'ood roaches. The obligate
mutualism between hypermastigotes and termites and
wood roaches is well studied. Although these insects
eat wood, they lack the enzymes necessary to break it
down. The hypermastigotes produce the enzyn1e cel­
lulase, which breaks the cellulose in wood down to a

Nucleus form that the insect can metabolize.
Undulating Trichomonads are symbionts in the digestive, repro­
mernbrane ductive, and respiratory tracts of vertebrates, includ­
ing humans. There are four species of trichomonads
Parabasal fiber found in humans, three that are norn1ally harmless
Atractophore commensals (Dienln111oebnfrngilis, Pentatrichomonns h o -
111011is, Tricho11101111s tenax), and one that is an extremely
prevalent, sexually transmitted pathogen ( T . vagina/is).
Pentntricho111onns hominis is found in the gut of humans,
• other primates, dogs, and cats. It is generally present in
less than 2% of the population, although in many de­
veloping countries the prevalence is much higher (e.g.,
32% in Mexico). I t is directly associated with poor hy­
giene since the parasite is transnutted by the oral-fecal
Figure 3.41 Phylum Parabasalida. Trichomonas murius, route via contaminated food, water, and filth insects
a trichomonad inhabiting the large intesti ne of mice. such as flies and roacl1es.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 113

infants. Its occasional presence in very young children

BOX 30 Characteristics of the suggests that the infection can also be contracted from
Phylum Parabasalida shared washcloths, towels, or clothing. Most strains of
T . vnginnlis are of such low pathogenicity that the vic­
1. Small phylu m of heterotroph ic flagellates, wi thout
tim is virtually asymptomatic, although urethritis and
plastids, all of which are endosymbionts (mostly
prostatitis are not uncommon. However, other strains
paras i tes) of animals. Hypermastigotes are obli­
gate mutualists in the d igestive tracts of wood• cause intense inflammation \.vith itcl1ing and a copious
eating insects. Trichomonads are symbionts in the greenish-white discharge (leukorrhea) that is swarm­
digestive, reproductive, and respiratory tracts of ing with the parasite. Trichomonns vnginnlis is basically
vertebrates. a highly voracious and indiscriminant predator, feed­
2. Body surrounded onl y by plasma membrane; some ing on bacteria, vaginal epithelial cells, erythrocytes
rigid i ty prov ided by cytoskeleton, associated with and leukocytes, and cell exudates. An estimated 170
the flagella million nev" cases of T. vnginnlis occur annually.
3. W ith flagella for locomot ion (almost always); num­ 0. F. Mi.iller discovered Tricho111011ns tennx in 1773,
ber of flagella can vary between one to thousands; when he examined a culture of tartar from his own
fibrous roots (parabasal fiber, atractophore) and
teeth. T. tennx is generally regarded as a harmless
microtubular structures (axostyle, pelta) associated
commensal of the human mouth, its prevalence rang­
with basal bodies of the flagella
ing fro1n 4% to 53% of the population. However, a
4. Highly modified mitochondria present in the form
of hydrogenosomes (lacking many normal mi to­ rare, but serious disease known as pulmonary tricho­
chondrial features. includ ing DNA and oxidative moniasis can be contracted by aspirating T. tennx.
phosphorylation) Dientnmoeba frngilis is a fairly common parasite of
5. Hypermastigotes possess eilher a si ngle chro­ human intestinal tracts, where it lives in the large
mosomal or vesicular nucleus with a promi nent intestine and feeds mainly on debris. Although tra­
nucleolus. Trichomonads possess a single vesicular ditionally considered a harmless con1mensal, recent
nucleus with a minute nucleo lus. studies suggest that infections by this protist routine­
6. Nuclear div ision occurs by closed extranuclear ly result in abdominal stress ( e .g., diarrhea, abdomi­
pleuromitosis wi thout centrioles. nal pain). Tritricho111011ns foetus is a parasite in cattle
7. Asexual cell division by longitudinal b inary fiss ion and other large mammals and is one of the leading
8. Sexual reproduction occurs in some hypermasti· causes of abortion in these animals; it is common in
gotes. but is unknown in tr ichomonads. In hyper­ the United States and Europe. Histomonas 111e/engri ­
mastigotes, sexual reproduction varies, occurs by dis is a cosmopolitan parasite of gallinaceous fowl
gametogamy, gamontogamy. o r autogamy. (i.e., domestic poultry and game birds of the order
Galliformes). Histomoniasis in chickens and turkeys
causes over a million dollars in losses annually.
Trichomonads are members of the parabasalid
The parabasalids get their name from a fiber, the lineage that lacks "normal" mitochondria and per­
parabasal fiber, which extends fro111 the basal bodies oxiso1nes, but contains hydrogenosomes. Analogous
to the Golgi apparatus. Several other unusual cyto· organelles have been identified in ciliates and so1ne
skeletal fibers, basically rodlike or sheetlike bundles other eukaryotes. Tricho111011ns vnginnlis is known to use
of microtubules, are associated with the basal bodies carbohydrate as a main energy source via fermentative
(an atractophore, an axostyle, and a pelta) and their metabolism under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
presence, along with the parabasal fiber, is a diagnostic
feature of this group. Most species also have an undu­ Support and Locomotion
lating membrane. Parabasalids have highly modified In parabasalids, the cell body is surrounded only by
n1itochondria called hydrogenosomes. These gener­ plasma n1embrane, but soD1e rigidity is provided by
ate energy (ATP) in the absence of oxygen, releasing a system of supporting fibers and microtubules that
hydrogen gas as one of the waste products. Similar are associated with the kinetosomes. There are two
organelles are found in some other protists that live in striated fibrous roots (a parabasal fiber and an atracto­
oxygen-poor environments (e.g., many ciliates). phore) and two microtubular roots (an axostyle and a
Trichomonads have been the focus of much re­ pelta) (Figure 3.41). The number of parabasal fibers is
search because there are four species found as sym­ variable. In small trichon1onads, there are only a fe"',
bionts in humans and several species that parasitize whereas in hypermastigotes, such as Trichonymplzn,
domestic stock and fowl. Tricl10111011ns vngi11nlis is a there can be over a dozen. The atractophore extends
cosmopolitan species found in the vagina and urethra toward the nucleus from the basal bodies. The axostyle
of women, and in the prostate, seminal vesicles, and i s a rodlike bundle of microtubules that originates near
urethra of men. l t is transmitted primarily by sexual the basal bodies and curves around the nucleus as it
intercourse, although i t has been found in newborn extends t o the posterior region of the cell. The pelta is
114 Chapter Three

a sheet of microtubules that encloses the flagellar bases. Nutrition

In tricho1nonads, an additional striated fiber called the All parabasalids are heterotrophic but lack a distinct
costa is present. This fiber originates at the bases of cytostome (although claims have been made for the
the flagella and extends posteriorly beneath the undu­ presence of a rudimentary, anteriorly positioned cyto­
lating membrane. These fibers, along with the flagella stome). In some trichomonads (e. g . , Tritricho11101111s), fluid
and the nucleus, comprise the karyon1astigont systen1 is taken up by pinocytosis in depressions on the cell s u r ­
(similar to those found in diplomonads). Trichomo­ face. Trichomonads also form pseudopodia that engulf
nads are characterized by protoplasmic plasticity, so bacteria, cellular debris, and leukocytes. Most parabasa­
that various shapes may be assumed. However, they lids, however, take in particulate ,natter by phagocyto­
are usually pear-shaped and possess 3 t o 5 anterior f l a ­ In
sis. hypermastigotes, pseudopodia formed in a sensi­
gella, with a recurrent anterior flagellu1n attached to tive region at the posterior end of the cell engulf wood
the body as an undulating membrane. particles. The chloroplasts of phototrophic euglenids
Locomotion is accomplished by the beats of flagella. originated through a secondary endosymbioti.c relation­
In Tricho111011ns vagina/is, for example, four free flagella ship between eukaryovorous euglenids and green algae.
form a tuft in the anterior region of the cell. The fifth
flagellum is attached to the cell body at regular attach­ Reproduction
ment sites so that when it beats, the cell membrane i n Asexual reproduction is by l ongitudinal binary fis­
that region o f the body is pulled up into a fold, formiI1g sion (Figure 3.42A). Nuclear division occurs by closed
an undulating membrane. A s in kineto­ extranuclear pleuromi.tosis with an external spindle.
plastids, the flagellum-undulating 1nembrane complex The atractophores are thought to act as microtubular
seems to be efficient in moving the organism through organizing centers.
viscous media. Hypermastigotes usually have doz­ Sexual reproduction is unknown for the trichomo­
ens or even hundreds of flagella occurring all over the nads but i t occw·s in some hypermastigotes, where it
body. I n these protists, the basal bodies of the flagella is well understood. A variety of sexual processes are
are arranged in parallel rows and are connected by m i ­ exhibited by hypermastigotes, including allogamy, or
crofibrils. The beat of the flagella is synchronized (as cross-fertilization (e.g., union of two single-celled gan1-
in ciliates, the synchronization is imposed by hydrody­ etes to form a zygote) and autogamy, or self-fertiliza­
namic effects), fornling metachronal waves. tion (the fusion of two nuclei originating from a single
Some trichomonads (e.g., Dientn,noebn frngilis, ceJl). Hypermastigotes spend most of their lives as
Histo111011as 111eleagridis, Tric/10111onns vagina/is) also form haploids i n the digestive tract of wood-eating insects,
pseudopodia. These pseudopodia function primarily dividing asexually by mitosis. Sexual reproduction is
in phagocytizing food particles, but they can also aid in sthnulated when the host insect molts and produces
locomotion. ecdysone, the molting hormone.


\. l _: '


�---� :::_1'6 0

Trophont/gamont Cyst Gametes Fertilization Zygote

1 v��
�fl\_ fj-
Meiosis Trophonts
Figure 3.42 Phylum Parabasilida. Reproduction in Trichonympha (a hypermastigote). (C) Mating activity (fer­
parabasalids. (A) Longitudinal binary (asexual) fission in tilization) in /:ucomonympha (a hypermastigote), in which
the trichomonad Oevescovina. (B) Sexual reproduction in ind ividual s act as gametes.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 115
(A) (B) (C)

Nucleus /
Flagella (/,iE �·
3 microns

Figure 3.43 Phyla Diplomonadida and Heterolobosea.

(A) Giardia muris can occur in the intestine of vari ous
vertebrates, although it appears to be a relative l y benign
parasite. The ventral adhes ive disk and four pairs of fla­
gella can be seen in this SEM photograph. Schematic
drawings of Giardia (B) and Hexamita (C), illustrating the
paired nuclei and numerous fl agella. (D) Two views (SEMs)
of Stephanopogon minuta (Heterolobosea), which has 8
rows of flagella on one side.

An example of a life cycle involving gametogamy is tend to be found in organically rich, oxygen-poor ,.va­
seen in Trichonympha (Figure 3.42B). ln this group, the ters or sediments. Most diplomonads live as harmless
gametes are anisogametous, the male gan1ete being commensals within the digestive tracts of animals, but
smaller than the female gamete. In some other species a few are serious pathogens.
that undergo gametogamy, the gametes are isogame­
tous. The haploid individual encysts and transforn1s
into a gamont. While still encysted, the ga1nont di­
vides by mitosis to produce a pair of flagellated g a m ­ BOX 3P Characteristics of the
etes, one male and one female, which escape from the Phylum Diplomonadida
cyst. The posterior end of the female gamete is modi­
1 . Predominantly symbiotic f lagellates, most of which
fied to forn1 a fertilization cone through which the
are harm less commensals in the guts of animals
male gamete enters the cell. Once the male gamete e n ­ (some are serious pathogens)
ters, it is entirely absorbed by the female gamete, and
2. Heterotrophic; without plastids
nuclear fusion produces a diploid zygote. Within a
3. Body surrounded only by plasma membrane; some
few hours, the zygote undergoes meiosis, resulting in
r igidit y provided by up to three microtubular roots
four haploid cells. Because Trichony,npha are obligate associated wi th the flagella
anaerobes in the guts of insects, encysting prior to host
4. With flagella for locomotion. Number of flagella v a r ­
molting may allow the insects to maintain their protist ies (typically eight); usually d ivided into two equal
symbionts. c lusters; one flagellum from each cluster usually
directed posteriorly
5. Most possess two vesicular nuclei (one associated
Phylum Diplomonadida: with each vesicu lar cluster) with minute nucleoli.

Diplomonads 6. Mitochondria represented by highly aberrant organ­

elles called mitosomes (which stem from an ancient
The diplomonads were one of the first protist groups endosymb iotic event)
ever to be observed. Antony van Leeuwenhoek de­ 7. Nuclear d ivision occurs by semi-open orthomitosis,
scribed a diplomonad protist, now known as Giardia synchronous between the two nuc lei. Repl icated
intestinalis (=G. Jamb/in), from his own diarrheic stool basal bodies (rather than separate centrioles) act as
organizing centers for the mitotic spindle.
as early as 1681 (Figure 3.43A). About 100 species
of diplomonads are known today (Box 3P). This is a 8. Asexual cell division by longitudinal binary fission
group of predominantly symbiotic flagellates, but a 9. Meiosis and sexual reproduction unknown
few free-living genera are known. Free-living species
116 Chapter Three

The diplom. onads are so-nan1ed because the first deaths in saln1on and trout hatcheries. Ginrdin intes­
species described from this group had a two-fold syn1- tinnlis is a common and nearly ubiqu.itous intestinal
metry defined by a pair of karyon1astigont systems parasite in humans that causes diarrhea, dehydration,
(Figure 3.43B). It was later discovered that some genera and intestinal pain. Although it i s not fatal if treated
(the enteromonads) have only one system. Each "kary­ promptly, giardiasis is one of the top ten most common
omastigont" consists of a nucleus and a set of flagella parasite diseases in the world today. There are literally
connected to it, plus a system that consists of fibers hundreds of millions of Giardin infections each year,
(mostly microtubular) that originate at the basal bod­ mostly i n the developing world, resulting mainly from
ies of the flagella. The pair of anteriody located nuclei sewage contamination of drinking water. In the United
(one from each karyomastigont), along with their nu­ States, G. i11testinalis is the most prevalent parasitic p r o ­
cleoli, makes the protist seem to have eyes that peer up tist, with an incidence possibly as high as 0.7% of the
at the observer (these are the eyes van Leeuwenhoek national population (Box 3Q).
saw looking at him in 1681). The mitochondria are Most of the genome of Ginrdin intestinnlis was re­
highly unusual; for a long time they were thought to cently sequenced. Unusual features of thjs enigmatic
be co1npletely absent, but in 2003 tiny organelles called protist include the presence of two diploid nuclei and
mitosomes were identified as probable mitochondrial the absence of mitochondria. The two nuclei, present in
homologues. The mitosomes stem from the endosym­ the trophozoite stage, both seem to be fully functional
biotic event that gave rise to ancestral mitochondria, and essentially i11distinguishable, containing eviden­
but they are now highly reduced and no longer func­ tial copies of the genome. The absence of typical n u ­
tion in cellular energy production. They are, however, tochondria have led some biologists to speculate that
knov.•n to function in at least one biosynthetic pathway. this genus is an ancient clade that evolved prior to the
A s noted above, some diplomonads are pathogen­ endosymbiotic event that first generated mitochon­
ic. Hexamitn snlt11011is, a parasite of fish, causes many dria in eukaryotes. Analysis of sequence data fron1 the

BOX 3Q Giardia
The genus Giardia is notab le among human parasites Giardia tamblia is a teardrop-shaped organism, dorso­
in lacking m itochondria, conspicuous Golg i bod ies, and ventrally flattened with the ventral surface bearing a concave
lysosomes. For many years, these had been interpreted bilobed adhesive disc w ith which the cell adheres to the
as prim itive traits that placed Giardia and other diplomo­ host tissue. Eight flagella arise from kinetosomes IOcated
nads near the po int of divergence between prokaryotes between the anterior portions of the two nuclei. The flagella
and eukaryotes (hence the genus has been referred to as facil itate rapid swimming. Members of this genus also pos­
a "missi ng link"). However, recent studies suggest that sess a unique pa ir of large, curved, dark-staining median
the absence of m itochondria represents a secondary bodies lying posterior to the adhesive discs; thei r function
loss. There are probably five valid species in the intensely is unknown. In severe infections, the free surface of nearly
studied genus Giardia: G . larnblia (= G . intestinalis, = G . every cell in the infected portion of the gut is covered by
duodena/is) and G . muris from mammals, G . ardeae and parasites. A single d iarrheic stool can contain up to 14 b i l ­
G. psittaci from birds, and G . agilis from amphibians.The lion parasites, facilitating the rapid spread of this very com­
closely related genus Hexamita has no human paras ites, mon protist. Some infections show no evi dence of d i sease,
but H . meleagridis is a common parasi te of the guts of whereas others cause severe gastritis and associated
young gal l form
i b irds (e.g., turkey, quai l, pheasant), and it symptoms, no doubt due to d ifferences in host susceptibi l­
causes mi llions of dollars in losses to the U.S. turkey indus• ity and strains of the parasite. The dense coating of these
try annually. The genus Spironucteus incl udes spec ies that protists on the intestinal epithelium interleres with abSO(l)tion
cause serious diseases in fishes, including farmed salmon. of fats and other nutrients. Stools are fatty, but never contain
Giardia tambfia is a cosmopolitan species that occurs blood. The parasi te does not lyse host cells, but appears to
most commonly in develOping countries. It is the most com­ feed on mucous secretions. Some protective immunity can
mon flagellated prolist of the human digestive tract -there apparently be acqu ired.
are hundreds of millions of infections in the developing wor ld Lacki ng mitochondria, the tricart>oxyl ci acid cycle and
each year, thanks to human-to-human transmission and cytochrome system are absent in Giardia, but the organ­
sewage contamination of drinking water. However, it is also isms av idly consume oxygen when it is present. G lucose is
present in natural water bodies, inducing in North America, apparently the primary substratum for respi ration, and the
and it can be contracted by drinking nonpurified. or poorly parasites store g lycogen. However. they a lso multiply when
purified water while camping and hiking. Over 30,000 cases g lucose is absent. T rophozoites divide by binary fission. A s
of giardiasis are reported annually in the United States, with trypanosomes and Plasmodium, G . tambtia exhibit s
where animal reservoirs of G ./arnbfia include beavers, dogs, antigenic variat ion, with up to 180 different antigens bei ng
cats. and sheep. Treatment with quinacrine or metronida­ expressed over 6 to 12 generations.
zole ("Flagyl") usually effects comp lete cure with in a few
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 117

ribosomal RNA and elongation factor genes tend to nuclear fiber is associated with a ribbon of protein that
place Giard in as a basal eukaryote, wherea.s other genes extends into the cytoplasm.
position it well within the diplomonads as one of many Each karyomastigont system typically has four fla­
eukaryotic lineages that diverged nearly simultaneous­ gella. The flagella are of at least two kinds, although
ly vvith the opisthokonts and plants. However, genom­ in Cinrdin each of the four flagella that form each kary­
ic analysis has revealed the presence of a mitochon­ omastigont has a distinct appearance. Locon1otion is a c ­
drion-like cp1160 gene and a mitosome, which implies complished by the coordinated actions of the eight fla­
that the absence of typical (respiring) mitochondria in gella (although not all play a direct locomotory role in all
Giardin may reflect adaptation to a nucroaerophiJjc lffe­ species). It has been suggested that the flagella may also
style, rather than divergence before the endosymbiotic be involved with creating a suction force beneath the a d ­
event vvith the nutochondrial ancestor. The genome of hesive disc in Giardin, enabling it to attacl1 to its host.
G . intestinnlis is small, compact, and distributed on just
five chromosomes. DNA synthesis,transcription, RNA Nutrition
processing, and cell cycle n1achinery are also highly Most diplomonads are phagotrophic and feed on bac­
simplified. In fact, Ginrdin has fewer nucleotide sugar teria. These forms have a cytostome through which
transporters than any other known eukaryotic ge­ bacteria are engulfed via endocytosis. In some (e.g.,
nome. There are essentially no homologues for Krebs Spironucleus, Hexa111ita) the two intracellular channels
cycle enzymes and, except for scavenging pathways, i n which the posterior flagella lie function as cyto­
no evidence of vestigial genes associated with purine stomes. Other genera such as Gin rdin and Octomitis lack
and pyrimidine biosynthesis. The genome contains a cytostomes and are saprozoic, feeding upon mucus se­
single actin gene, but does not encode other classical cretions of the host's intestinal tissue through simple
microfilament proteins. It lacks myosins (as does the pinocytosis.
closely related genus Tricho111011ns), suggesting that ei­
ther unknown novel proteins or altered cytoskeletal Reproduction
dynamics must be present. When attached to the s u r ­ Asexual reproduction is the only reproductive mode
face of the intestinal mucosa, Giardin trophozoites have known to occur in diplomonads, and division occurs
ample opportunity to pick up genes from bacteria and along the longitudinal plane.Nuclear division involves
to scavenge products of host and bacterial metabolisn1. s e m i -open ortho1nitosis and is synchronous between
Hence, it is not surprising that, like both Tricl10111011ns the two nuclei (if there are two). Replicated basal bod­
and E11tn1110ebn, Ginrdin's genome contains many genes ies act as organizing centers for the mitotic spindle.
that appear to have been gained secondarily via lateral Most symbiotic diplomonads form cysts at son1e point
gene transfer. In fact, one reason is has been so difficult during their life cycle, thus alternating between a mo­
to resolve Giardin's evolutionary history is probably tile trophozoite form and a dormant encysted form.
because so many genes may have been derived from Giardia intestina/is, for example, will form a thick pro­
horizontal transfer. tective covering that resists desiccation as it passes
from the host's small intestine into the large intestine,
Support and Locomotion where i t is prone to dehydration. Once it leaves the
The cell is surrounded by a plasma membrane, but digestive system through the anus, it must be s w a l ­
some rigidity is provided by three microtubular roots lowed b y another host, where i t vvill travel through the
that are associated with the basaJ bodies. These roots digestive system w,til it reaches the duodenun1 of the
include a supranuclear fiber that passes over or in front small intestine and excyst.
of the nuclei, a n infranuclear fiber that extends beneath
or behind the nuclei, and a band of microtubules that
parallels the posteriorly directed flagellum. Some gen­ Phylum Heterolobosea:
era have additional fibrous structures tl1at are asso­
ciated with the basal bodies. For exan1ple, the genus
Ginrdia attaches t o the host's intestinal epithelium with The Heterolobosea comprise a small and enigmatic
an adhesive disc that is constructed i n part from the protist group, first described in 1985, that seems to be
microtubular bands of the cytoskeleton. The disc is de­ most closely related to the phyla Euglenida and Ja­
limited by a ridge or lateral crest that is composed of kobida. Many heterolobosids can transform between
actin and is used to "bite" into the host's tissue. The amoeboid, flagellate, or cyst forms, although the amoe­
contractile proteins myosin, actin, and tropomyosin boid stage is most frequently seen. Flagellate stages
have all been reported around the periphery of the disc typically have 2 o r 4 flagella and possess the typical
and may be involved with attaclung to the host. The Excavata feeding groove. The ameboid stage does not
supranuclear fiber in Ginrdia is co1nposed of a single form true pseudopods. Instead, they move with "erup­
ribbon of microtubules that connects t o the plasma tive waves" which bulge from one end of the cell. All
membrane of the disc. Each microtubule of the supra- have mitocllondria. Ameboid stages seem to be mainly
118 Chapter Three

(A) (8)



Figure 3.44 Phylum Euglenida. (A) Anatomy of Eugtena.
(8) Entosiphon. (C) A vari ety of Eug/ena species and body

BOX 3R Characteristics of the

Phylum Euglenida
1 . Mostly marine, although the majority of the
described species are freshwater
2. Shape of cell maintained by pellicle, formed by
interlocking stri ps of protein beneath the cell mem­
brane that are associated with l inked microtubules
arranged in regular pattern (also beneath the cell
membrane). Some spec ies secrete a mucous
3. With two flagella of unequal length for locomotion,
supported by paraxonemal rods (one of the flagella
may be greatly reduced); each flagellum usually
with hairs; one or both flagella arise from an ante­
rior pocket, the reservoir
feeding; flagelJate stages, n1any loco1notory. Most h e t ­
4. Single mitochondrion has d iscoidal cristae
erolobosids live a s bacteriovores in soil, but they are
also found in freshwater and organic waste (including 5. With single chromosomal nuc leus
feces). A few species are marine and some species are 6. Heterotroph ic or autotrophic. Photosynthetic forms
parasitic, including Nneglerinfmvleri, which can become have chlorophylls a and b; usually appear grass­
green in color. Thylakoid membranes arranged in
pathogenic in humans and is mostly fatal.
stacks of three; three membranes surround the
chloroplast; outetmost membrane not continuous
with nuclear membrane
Phylum Euglenida: Euglenids 7. Food reserves stored in cytop lasm as the unique
starchlike carbohydrate, paramyton
The Euglenida include about 1,000 described species,
8. Nuclear division occurs by closed intranuelear pleu•
mostly from fresh water but marine and brackish-wa­ romitosis without centrioles; organizing center for
ter species are also common. Most are noncolonial, but mitotic spindle is not obvious
some colonial fonns exist (e.g., Colacium). Euglenids 9. Asexual reproduction by longrtudinal binary fission
come in a wide variety of shapes (e.g., elongate, spheri­ 10. May be strictly asexual-neither meiosis nor sexual
cal, ovoid, peltate) (Figures3.44and 3.lF). The familiar reproduction has been confirmed
genus Euglena has been used extensively in research
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 119

laboratories for decades, and it is conunonly studied in have protein strips that are articulated to produce a
introductory biology and invertebrate zoology courses flexible pellicle. TI,ose euglenids w.ith a flexible pellide
(Box 3R). undergo euglenoid movement, or metaboly, in which
The phyla Euglenida and Kinetoplastida are closely the cell undulates as it rapidly extends and contracts
related, even though some euglenids are photosyn­ (Figures 3.44 and 3.45). Although this type of move­
thetic and some kinetoplastids (see below) are parasitic ment is not fully understood, it is accomplished by the
heterotrophs. Shared morphological features include: microtubular-driven sliding of adjacent protein strips
linked microtubules underlying the cell membrane; against one another (Figure 3.46).
discoidal mitochondrial cristae; flagella containing A few euglenids (e.g., Ascoglena, Colnciu111, Stro111-
a latticelike, spiral, or crystalline supportive rod (the bor11011ns, Trnchelon1011ns) secrete a lorica, or envelope,
paraxonemal rod); an anterior pocket from which the exterior to the cell membrane. The lorica is formed
two flagella arise; and a similar pattern of mitosis. by the mucus secretions of small vesicles called mu­
Molecular studies have also corroborated the close re­ cocysts, which are located under the cell membrane
lationship of these two groups. Most recently, the odd, along the seams between the protein strips of the pel­
low-oxygen, d e e p s- ea genus Calkinsia has also been licle. Secretions of mucocysts are also used to form
shown to belong to the Euglenozoa clade, sharing the protective coverings when environmental conditions
same paraxonemal rods, microtubular root system, become unfavorable.
and extruson1es seen in Euglenida and J<inetoplastida. Locomotion in euglenids is prinlarily by flagella.
Euglenids are como1only found in bodies of water They have two flagella, but one may be very short or
rich i n decaying organic matter. As such, some of represented by just a kinetosome. The flagella origi­
them are useful indicator organisms of \.Yater quality nate in an invagination at the anterior end of the cell,
(e.g., Leocinclis, Phac11s, Traclte/0111011as). Some species of called a reservoir(= flagellar pocket). In photosynthet­
Euglena have been used in experiments for wastewa­ ic species, the longer, anteriorly directed flagellum (the
ter treatment and have been reported to extract heavy emergent flagellum) propels the cell through the water
metals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc from sludge. or across surfaces. The shorter flagellum either trails
Other euglenids, ho,,.vever, are environmental pests, behind or does not en1erge from the reservoir at all. ln
and some have been shown to produce toxic substanc­ many heterotrophs (e.g., Entosiphon), the posterior fla­
es associated with diseases in trout fry. Still others are gellum is actually the longer of the h-vo and is involved
responsible for toxic blooms, \Vhich have caused de- in gliding locomotion, while the anterior flagellum is
struction of fishes and molluses in probably primarily for food detection and other tactile
Japan. Many species are phagofro­ functions. Both flagella have a single row of hairs on
phic, hunting particulate food items their surface and a latticelike supporting rod, called the
such as other s1nall protists and paraxone1nal rod, lying adjacent to the microtubules
bacteria. within the shaft. In phagotrophic euglenids, the fla­
gella (with associated paraxonemal rods and hairs) are
Support and Locomotion used to glide along substrates.

The shape of euglenids is main­
tained by a pellicle consisting of i n ­ Nutrition
terlocking longitudinally or helically Euglenids are quite variable in their nutrition. About
arranged strips of protein that articu­ one-third of the Euglenids have chloroplasts and are

late along their lateral margins. The photoautotrophic. These species are positively photo­
stripes that can sometimes be seen tactic and have a swelling near the base of the anterior
on a euglenid are the seams bet\-veen
the long protein strips winding
:teinstrip Micr<>tubules
around the cell. The pellicle is also

supported b y regularly arranged
microtubules lying just underneath
each strip. The rigidity of the pellicle
is variable. Some (e.g., Menodi11111,
Rliobdo111onas) have protein strips
that are fused together into a rigid
pellicle, while others (e.g., E11glena)

Figure 3.46 Phylum Euglenida. Cross section (TEM)

Figure 3.45 Phylum Euglenida. through the pellicl e of £uglena showing the protein strips
Euglenoid movement in £uglena. and microtubul es.
120 Chapter Three

�) �



Figure 3.47 Phylum Euglenida. (A) Paranema feeding either pull it into the feeding apparatus or hold it whi le the
on £uglena. Paranema possesses an expandable feeding contents are sucked out. (B) TEM through the cytopharyn­
pocket separate from the reservoir in which the fl agella geal rods and vanes of the euglen id Entosiphon.
arise. The rod organ can be extended to pierce prey and

flagellum that acts as a photoreceptor. The chloroplast cytostome located near the base of the flagella where
is surrounded by three membranes and has thylakoids food vacuoles form (e.g., Pern11e1na; Figure 3.47A). The
that are arranged in stacks of three (see Figure 3.2). The cytostome typically leads to a tube (the "cytopharynx")
photosynthetic pigments include: chlorophylls n and b, that extends deep into the cytoplasm. The wa.Lls of the
phycobilins, (3-carotene, and the xanthophylls neoxan­ cytopharynx are often reinforced by highly organized
thin and diadinoanthin. bw1dles of microtubules (e.g., Entosiphon, Pern11e111n)
Approximately two-thirds of the described species (Figure 3.476). Extrusomes are often found near
of euglenids lack chloroplasts and are thus obligate the cytostome and presumably aid in prey capture.
heterotrophs, and even phototrophic forms can lose Euglenids typically store food reserves in the form
their chJoroplasts and switch to heterotrophy. A few of starches and a unique n,olecule called paramylon,
parasitic species have been reported in invertebrates which is a starchlike carbohydrate.
and frog tadpoles, but these reports remain question­
able. Most euglenids also take in dissolved organic nu­ Reproduction
trients by saprotrophy, and this is genera.Lly restricted Asexual reproduction in euglenids primarily is by l o n ­
to parts of the cell not covered by the pellicle (e.g., the gitudinal cell division (Figure 3.48). Nuclear division
reservoir). Some euglenids also ingest particulate food occurs by closed intranuclear pleuromitosis. During
items by phagocytosis of relatively large (sometimes mitosis, the nucleolus remains distinct and no obvi­
comparatively huge) food materials. These have a ous microtubular organizing center is evident. Sexual
reproduction has been reported in one species, but this
has not been confirn1ed.

Phylum Kinetoplastida:
Trypanosomes, Bodonids,
and Their Kin
There are about 600 described species of kinetoplas­
tids. The phylum includes two major groups: the bodo­
Figure 3.48 Phylum Euglenida. Asexual reproduction. nids and the trypanosomes (Trypnnosomn, Leptomonns,
Longitudinal fission in Euglena, in which the flagella and Leishman in, etc.) (Figures 3.49 and 3.lF}. The bodonids
reservoir duplicate prior to cell divisi on. are primarily free living in marine and freshv,ater en-
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 121

(A) Undulating membrane

Endoplasmic reticulum

�� Golgi apparatus

- •
Mitochondrion Reservoir

(B) Anterior flagellum (Cl

� ·..

Mitochondrion Cytopharymc


Figure 3.49 Phylum Kinetoplastida. (A) Trypanosoma
brucei, a bloodstream parasite. (8) Bodo caudatus, a
I free-living k inetoplastid. (C) Electron micrograph of a

Posterior flagellum Leish111011ia and Trypa11oso111a cause several debilitat­

ing and often fatal diseases. There are no vaccines for
diseases caused by these protists, and the few drugs
that are used are inadequate because of toxicity and
resistance. However, tllese human parasites are very
closely related, sharing a conserved core proteome of
vironments, especially those rich in organic material. about 6,200 genes, suggesting that a genetic-based sci­
Like phagotrophic euglenids, they are often associated entific attack on these protists might be possible as we
with surfaces, but generally being smaller they tend to come to better understand their gene expression p a t ­
take smaller prey and consequently are important con­ terns (Box 3S).
sumers of bacteria in these habitats. Because bodonids Kinetoplastids are best known as agents of disease
have strict oxygen preferences they often aggregate at in humans and domestic animals. Species of Leishmania
a particular distance from the water surface. The t r y ­ cause a variety of ailments collectively called leishman­
panosomes (or trypanosomatids) are exclusively para­ iasis, and these include kala-azar (a visceral infection
sitic, and they occur in the digestive tracts of inverte­ that particularly affects the spleen), oriental sore, and
brates, phloen1 vessels of certain plant species, and the "Baghdad boil" (clla.racterized by open, slow-healing,
blood of vertebrates. Lepto111onas exhibits the simplest sometitnes disfiguring skm boils; parasites that spread
We cycle, in \Vhicll an insect is the sole host and trans­ t o mternal organs and can cause deatll if left untreat­
mission occurs by vvay of an ingested cyst. In humans, ed), a n d several other skin and mucous membrane
122 Chapter Three

cattle; in the latter case it is often fatal, making it impos­

BOX 3S Characteristics of the sible to raise livestock on more than 4.5 n1illion square
Phylum Kinetoplastida miles of the African continent (an area larger than the
United States). Two other African species (sometin,es
1. Bodonids are primari yl free-living heterotrophs in considered subspecies of T . brr1cei) are T . ga111biense and
marine and freshwater environments; trypano­
somes are strictly parasitic in the digestive tracts of T. rhodesiense, both of which cause sleeping sickness in
invertebrates. humans. These parasites are introduced into the blood
of humans from the salivary glands of the blood-suck­
2. Shape of cell maintained by a pellicle, consisti ng
of the cell membrane and a corset of microtubules ing tsetse fly (Clossina). From the blood, trypanosomes
beneath it. can enter the lymphatic system and ultimately the c e ­
3 . With one (trypanosomes) or two (bodonids) flagella rebrospinal fluid. It is estimated that 300,000 to 500,000
for locomotion. Flagella contain a paraxonemal rod people annually contract sleeping sickness, and once it
and arise from an anterior pocket. Fl agellum of t ry ­ enters the brain it is invariably fatal if untreated (it kills
panosomes usually forms an undu lating membrane. about 100,000 people annually). Tsetse flies have been
4. Si ngle, large, elongate mitochondrion has discoidal called "vampires of the insect world," because of their
cristae and conspicuous d isco idal concentration voracious appetite for blood. Whereas only female
of mDNA (the k inetoplast). Shape of cristae can n1osquitoes sip blood, among tsetse flies both sexes
change as organism progresses through life cycle,
will drink nearly their own weight in blood with each
but predominantly d iscoidal.
n1eaJ. Infected flies are known to drink more frequent­
5. With single vesicular nucleus; prominent nucleolus ly, favoring transmission of the trypanosome parasite
typ ically evident.
to more vertebrate hosts.
6. Nuc lear divis ion oocurs by closed intranuclear pleu­ Chagas disease (common i n Central and South
romitosis without centrioles. Plaques on inside of
nuclear envelope may act as organizing centers for An1erica, and Mexico) is caused by Trypanosomn cruzi
mitotic spindle. and is transmitted to humans by cone-nosed he1nipter­
an bugs (also known as assassin or kissing bugs; family
7. Asexual reproduct ion by longitudi nal b inary fission.
Reduviidae, subfamily Triatominae). These bugs feed
8 . Neither meiosis nor sexual reproduction has been
on blood and often bite sleeping humans. They com­
confirmed, although indirect evidence suggests sex
might oocur in at least some kinetoplastids. monly bite around the mouth, hence the vernacular
name. After feeding they leave behind feces that con­
9. Without plastids.
tain the infective stage, which invades through mucous
1 o. Mitochondrial DNA forms aggregates, collective ly
known as the kinetop last, readily seen w ith the light

BOX 3T Leishmaniasis
Species of Leishmania are difficult to differentiate mor­
phologically. and their taxonomy is unsettled (although
infections. Leishn1aniasis strikes over one million h u ­ now be ing unraveled by molecular genet ics). Most
mans annually but due to effective treatment, it only widespread are Leishmania infantvm and L. major,
kills about 1,000 people each year (although many wh ich occur in Africa and southem Asia and are trans­
survivors are badly scarred). Leishn,aniasis occurs mi tted by species of the sand fly genus Phtebotomus
in the tropics and subtropics, and it is transmitted al­
(Psychodidae). These species produce the cutane-
ous u lcers variously known as oriental sore, cutane-
most exclusively by the bite of sand flies (Diptera:
ous le ishmaniasis. Jericho boil, Aleppo boil, and Delhi
Psychodidae: Phlebotominae). The Neotropical species bo il. Leishmania donovani is endemic to southern Asia
Leis/1111a11ia 111exica11a first appeared in the United States but also occurs in low levels in Latin America and the
(in Texas) in 2007-one of many ti·opical parasites that Mediterranean region: it is the etiological agent of Dum­
are beginning to show u p in the United States as c l i ­ Dum fever, or kala-azar. Kala-azar can result in extreme
mates warm. Both Trypanoso1nn and Leis/1111n11in were and even grotesque skin deformations. Leishman/a bra­
long thought to be asexual and clonal, but in the 1980s zitiensis is endemic to Brazil, where it causes espundia,
or uta, which often leads to such severe destruction of
solid evidence began to appear that they were also ca­
the skin and associated t issues that complete erosion of
pable of genetic exchange (Box 3T). the li ps and gums ensues. Leishman/a mexicana occurs
More serious diseases are caused by members of the in northern Central America. Mexico, Texas, and prob­
genus Trypn110s0111a, all of which are parasites of verte­ ably some Caribbean islands, where it mostly affects
brates. Trypa110s0111a br11cei is a debilitating parasite that agricultural or forest laborers. Infections of L . mexicana
lives in the bloodstream of African hoofed animals, in cause a cutaneous d isease called chiclero u lcer, b e ­
which i t causes a disease called nagana (which kills
cause it is so common in "ch icleros," men who harvest
the gum of chicle trees.
about three million farm animals annually). It also at­
tacks domestic livestock, including horses, sheep, and
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 123

membranes or the wound caused by the insect's bite. n1tme system recognizes the glycoprotein as foreign
Occasionally the bugs bite around the eyes of the sleep­ (an antigen) and specific antibodies are made against
ing victims, and subsequent rubbing leads to conjw1cti­ it. Although most of the trypanosome population i s
vitis and swelling of a particular lymph node, a symp­ destroyed, a few cells are able to evade the immune
tom known as Romai'ia's Sign. The parasites migrate system by cllanging their glycoprotein coat so that the
to the bloodstrean1, where they circulate and invade new coat is unrecognizable to the host's antibodies.
other tissues. [n chronic human infections, T. cruzi can Once a new antibody is produced by the host, another
cause severe tissue destruction, including the enlarge­ new glycoprotein is produced by the trypanosome,
ment and thinning of walls of the heart. In Central and and so on. About 1,000 genes contain information that
South America the incidence of Chagas disease is high, encodes surface glycoproteins, although it appears
and an estimated 15 to 20 nilllion persons are infected that only one of these genes is expressed at a time.
at any given time with an annual death rate recognized The ability of trypanosomes to cllange their glycopro­
at ~21,000 people. A study in Brazil attributed a 30% tein coat makes treatment of trypanosome infections
mortality rate to Chagas disease. In the United States, difficult.
at least 14 species of mammals may serve as reservoirs Both bodonids and trypanoso1nes move using fla­
for Trypnnosornn cr11zi (including dogs, cats, opossums, gella, which, like those of euglenids, usually emerge
armadillos, and wood rats). However, the U.S. strain fron, an inpocketing and contain a paraxonen1al rod.
of T . cr11zi is less pathogenic than the Mexican and Trypanosomes have two kinetosomes, but only one has
Central and South American strains, and the species of a flagellum. In many forn,s this flagellun1 lies against
Trinlo111n in the U.S. tend not to defecate when they bite, the side of the cell and its outer membrane is attached
thus leading to a lower incidence of the disease north to the cell body's 1nembrane. When the flagellun1 beats,
of Mexico. In recent decades, T . cruzi has also been the membrane of the cell is pulled up into a fold and
found to spread b y way of blood and organ donations. looks like a waving 0 1 · undulating n1embrane (see
The Kinetoplastida have a single, large, elongate Figure 3.49). This arrangen1ent appears to be relatively
mitochondrion with a uniquely conspicuous dark­ efficient in moving the cell through viscous media (e.g.,
staining concentration of mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) blood). Although trypanosomes can change the direc­
called the kinetoplast (hence the phylum name). tion of flagellar beat in response to cllemical or physical
Generally the kinetoplast is found in the part of the mi­ stimuli, usually the beat begins at the tip of the flagel­
tocllondrion lying close to the kinetosomes, although lum and proceeds toward the kinetosome. This is the
there is no known relationship between these hvo reverse of the way the flagella of other eukaryotes beat
structures. The size, shape, and position of the kineto­ (fron, base to tip). Bodonids usually have t.vo flagella:
plast are important in the taxonomy of trypanosomes one is extended anteriorly while the other trails behind
and bodonids, and it is used in distinguishing between and may be partially attacl1ed to the body in so1ne spe­
different stages in the life cycle. Kinetoplast DNA cies (e.g., Dilnnstigelln, Procryptobia). Although most
(kDNA) in trypanosomes is organized into a net.vork bodonids swim, they also employ various mechanisms
of linked circles, quite unlike the DNA in mitochondria to move efficiently across surfaces, including a gliding
of other organisms. Kinetoplastids share many ultra­ type of locomotion.
structural and 1nolecular features with the euglenids,
their putative sister group (see Euglenida, above). Nutrition
All kinetoplastids are heterotrophic. Free-living bodo­
Support and Locomotion nids capture particulate food, primarily bacteria, with
The shape of the cells is maintained by a pellicle con­ the aid of their anterior flagellwn and ingest through
sisting of the cell membrane and a supporting layer of a permanent cytostome. Most are raptorial feeders,
microtubules. In some smaller bodonids, the pellicu­ ingesting prey items (especially attached bacteria)
lar microtubules consist of three microtubular bands, one at a time. The cytostoo1e leads to a cytopha.rynx,
whereas in other bodonids, and in trypanosomes the which is supported b y microtubules. At the base of
pellicular microtubules are evenly spaced and form a the cytopharynx, food is enclosed in food vacuoles by
more-or-less complete corset that envelops the entire endocytosis.
body. ln trypanosomes, a layer of glycoprotein (12 to Little is known about feeding mechanisms in try•
15 µm thick) coats the outside of the cell and acts as a panosomes, a.II of whicll are parasitic. Some trypano­
protective barrier against the host's immune syste1n. somes have a cytostome-cytopharyngeal complex
The composition of the glycoprotein coat is cllanged through which proteins are ingested. The proteins are
cyclically; as a result, the trypanosome is able to avoid taken into food vacuoles by pinocytosis at the base of
the host's irnn1une system. This has been well studied the cytopharynx. It has also been reported that some
in pathogenic trypanosomes such as Trypnnosomn bru­ trypanosomes can take in proteins by pi.nocytosis from
cei (the causative agent of African sleeping sickness). the membrane lining the flagellar pocket or by some
When the trypanosome enters the host's body, the im- sort of cell membrane-mediated mecllanism.
124 Chapter Three

�-' (D) (E)
4 5
. l. Nucleus

l ..
2 . 1 8 .,
' 1

- 2. Kinetoplast
5 , :>

4 6 3. Kinetosome
1 4. Axoneme

2 ' .
·' :
3 ·' 5. Flagellum
7 6 . Undulating membrane
•. .
�1 ·I
7 . Flegellar pocket
4 ..� 8. Water expulsion vehicle

3 3

Figure 3.50 Phylum Kinetoplastida. Body plans of vari­

in that they are seemingly identical to choanocytes, the
ous trypanosomes. (A) Leishmania (amastigote form).
(B) Crithidia (choanomastigote form). (C) Leptomonas
flagellated feeding cells of sponges. Like choanocytes,
(promastigote form). (D) Herpetomonas (opisthomasti gote they have a single flagellum that is encircled by a bas­
form). (E) Trypanosoma (trypomastigote form). ketlike transparent coJlar of retractile microvilli that
contain actin filaments. The nucrovilli are sometimes
called"collar tentacles"-perhaps to differentiate them
Reproduction and Life Cycles from microvilli that are not retractile and lack a special
Although sexual reproduction has never been observed cytoskeleton of microtubules connected to the basal
in kinetoplastids, there i s indirect genetic evidence body of the cil i un:1.. The cen traI flagellun1 has a pair
that it occurs. Asexual reproduction occurs by longi­ of basal, lateral vanes, just as i n sponge choanocytes.
tudinal binary fission, as in Euglenn. Nuclear division Also, in both cl1oanoflagellates and sponges a true cili­
is by closed intranuclear pleuromitosis. During pleu­ ary rootlet is absent.8The collar acts as a food-catching
ron1itotic mitosis, the nucleolus remains distinct and net; feeding is accomplished when food particles are
plaques on the inside of the nuclear envelope appear swept into the collar by the beating of the flagellum,
to organize the spindle (centrioles are absent). An un­ pressed down against the cell surface, and engulfed by
usual feature of kinetoplastid mitosis is that condensed small pseudopodia. The choanoflagellates have long
chromoson1es cannot b e identified when the nucleus is been viewed as a transitional link between flagellated
dividing, even though they are typically conspicuous protists and the sponges, or more specifically, as the
during interphase. actual ancestors of the Porifera, and thus the Metazoa.
The life cycles of trypanosomes are complex and in­ In addition to the structure of the collar itself, some
volve at least one host, but usually more. Monoxenous choanoflagellates secrete a skeleton of siliceous pieces
trypanosomes (those with one host) usually are found
infecting the digestive tracts of arthropods or annelids.
Most heteroxenous forms (those with more than one 3Rootlets do occur in monociliated cells of sponge larvae and in
host) live part of their life cycle in the blood or organs most metazoan monocilial'ed cells.
of vertebrates and the remaining part of their Ufe cycle
in the digestive tracts of blood-sucking invertebrates,
usually insects, sometimes leemes. As a trypanosome
progresses through its life cycle, the shape of the cell
undergoes different body form changes, depending
on the phase of the cycle and the host it is parasitizing.
Not all of these forms (Figure 3.50) occur in all genera.
Body forms can differ in shape, position of the kineto­
some and kinetoplast, and in the development of the

Phylum Choanoflagellata
The moanoflagellates are stalked, sessile cells existing Figure 3.51 Phylum Choanofl agellata. The choanofla ­
singly o r i n colonies (Figure 3.51). They are distinctive gellate Salpingoeca.
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 1 25

similar to sponge spicules. DNA data support this h y ­ to fuse and pool their genetic resources in new and c r e ­
pothesis, although extant choa11oflagellates appear to ative ways. Prevailing consensus is that the eukaryotic
be a monophyletic group and thus sister to Metazoa. condition evolved only once, making the Eukaryota
On the other hand, some protozoologists in the past monophyletic, and protists paraphyletic.
have suggested the possibility that, because they are not It is now broadly agreed that the origin of 1nodern
obviously related to any other protist group, choano­ eukaryotic diversity involved a series of endosym­
flagellates might actually be highly reduced sponges! biotic events, described as the serial endosymbioti.c
About 150 species of choanoflagellates, in three theory (or SET for short). The SET theory is one of
families, have been described. Most are marine, but a the most fascinating ideas in biology, and a quick his­
few freshwater species are also known. Codosigidae torical review is worthwhile. By the late nineteenth
(=Monosigidae) are naked cells, or cells with thin century workers had observed that both chloroplasts
organic vestments (e.g., Codonosiga, Sphaeroeca). and mitochondria behave like independent, autono­
Salpingoecidae have cellulose theca (e.g., Salpingoeca, mous organisms that grow in number by division, and
Stelexomonns). Acanthoecidae produce extracellular l o ­ that mitochondria had the same staining properties
ricae 1nade of tiny strips of silica, usually forming an as bacteria. l.n 1905, the brillia11t biologist C.
open basketlike structure (e.g., Bicosta, Stephanoeca). Mereschkowsky hypothesized that this independent
The lorica of acanthoecids may be several times larger behavior of chloroplasts is because they are the evolu­
than the cell. Salpingoecids and acanthoecids are re­ tionary descendants of endosymbiotic Cyanobacteria­
stricted to marine and brackish waters and are n1ostly like organisms. And, in 1927, I. Wallin hypothesized
plank.tonic. They are present i n huge numbers in the tl1at mitochondria also evolved from once free-living
world's oceans, and are thought to be among the most bacteria. Thus was born the SET theory. Hov-•ever, the
important groups of bacteria-consuming organisms theory remained controversial and sidelined until it
in systems, and therefore of major ecological was revived by Lym, Margulis in 1970 (it was Margulis
significance. who actually first used the phrase "serial endosymbio­
sis theory," in 1979).
The premise in SET theory is that eukaryotes arose
Protist Phylogeny first through an intimate symbiotic relationship be­
tween two prokaryotic cells in which one can1e to live
The Origin of the Protista inside the other in a type of permanent endosymbiosi.s
We can do no more than touch upon the myriad ques­ (Figure 3.52). Over time, the symbiont became depen­
tions and interesting ideas concerning the origin and dent upon (and integrated with) its host until it even­
evolution of the protists. Beyond the fast-moving field tually beca1ne no longer obviously recognizable as a
of protist phylogeny, we are faced here with questions separate organism. It appeared, to all intents and pur­
about the very origin of eukaryotic life, as well as the poses, to b e an organelle of the host cell-an organelle
ancestry of the multicellular eukaryotic kingdoms­ we now call the mitochondrion. A second, later event
Plantae, Metazoa, and Fungi. The origin of the Protista involving a different prokaryotic symbiont (a photo­
(and the Eukaryota) probably took place 2.0 to 2.5 bil­ synthetic cyanobacterium) gave rise to the first chlo­
lion years ago. Although there are over 30,000 known roplast organelle. This "horizontal" mode-of-origin
fossil species of protists, they are of little use in estab­ of an organelle is called symbiogenesis (as distinct
lishing the origin or subsequent evolution of the v a r i ­ from "autogenesis," or origin by vertical descent with
ous protist lineages. Only those with hard parts have n1odification).
left us much of a fossil record, and only the forami.­ Unlike prokaryotic cells, all eukaryotic cells contain
niferans and radiolarians have substantial records in several kinds of membrane-bounded organelles that
Precambrian rocks. However, there are some deposits harbor distinct genetic systems. The membranes of
inferred to be testate amoebae in -750 million-year-old these organelles are theJe because the organelles origi­
rocks, and there are also son1e isolated "algal" fossils nated as men1brane-b ound, free-living, prokaryotic
scattered between 750 to 1,200 million-year-old period cells (e.g., the two membranes tl,at surround chloro­
(these are probably red algae/Rhodophyta). The origin plasts are derived from the inner and outer membranes
of the eukaryotic condition was, of course, a pivotal of the original gram-negative cyanobacterium). Hence,
event in the biological history of our planet, for it e n ­ we are faced with the fascinating proposition that the
abled life to escape from the severe limitations of the functions now performed by these various eukaryotic
prokaryotic body plan by providing the various sub­ organelles must have evolved long before the eukary­
cellular units that have formed the basis of specializa­ otic cell itself evolved. We are also faced with the real­
tion among the protists as well as the tissue-forming ity that evolution has proceeded not only by the split­
multicellular kingdoms of life. l.n addition to the eu­ ting and divergence of lineages (as classically depicted
karyotic cellular condition, the origin of the protists on phylogenetic trees), but also by merging of distantly
also ushered in the origin of sex, enabling related cells related lineages into evolutionary chi.maeric cells.
126 Chapter Three

Pronucleus Mitochondrion Plastid

------------Nucleus deus
l 2 �

(@ ©

Anaerobic heterotrophic Aerobic heterotropic Mitochondrion
prokaryote eukaryote "Phytot1agellate"

Aerobic heterotrophic Autotrophic prokaryote

pr(>karyote (e.g., cyanobacteria,
(promitochondrion) chloroxybacteria)

Figure 3.52 A simple model of the origin of eukaryotic heterotrophic prokaryote (origin of mitochondrion) and
cells by symbiosis (the serial endosymbiotic theory). acqu isit i on of an autotrophic prokaryote (ori gin of plastid).
The major events depicted are: acquisition of an aerobic

Both ultrastructural and molecular genomic (DNA} been secondarily co-opted by various heterotrophic
evidence suggest that the eukaryotic mitochondrion protists to secondarily incorporate photosynthesis as
evolved by way of a symbiotic relationship with a pro­ an option in their nutritional arsenal. This process ap­
karyote that was similar (if not identical} to modern pears to have taken place n1any times, and most of the
a-proteobacteria. This event is estimated to have trans­ important groups of algae in the modem ocean are actu­
pired between 2 and 2.5 biUion years ago. This particu­ ally the products of these secondary symbiotic events.
lar association provided a n1eans for early eukaryotic For example, diatoms (Stramenopiles), coccolithophores
cells, previously limited to anaerobic metabolisn,, t o (Haptophytes), peridinin-containing dinoflagellates,
carry out aerobic respiration. Once oxygen could be and cryptomonads all probably acquired their d\loro­
used as a terminal electron acceptor, the energy derived plasts from red algae, while chlorarachniophytes and
from ingested food increased by a factor of almost 20. euglenids obtained their chloroplasts from two different
DNA data also indicate that, later in eukaryotic his­ green algal species. Perhaps the most w,usual group to
tory, one lineage of heterotrophic eukaryotes acquired have acquired a plastid from another protist is the para­
a photosynthetic cyanobacterium symbiont that then sitic apicomplexans, whose bizarre apicoplast is appar­
evolved into plastids (e.g., chloroplasts}, thus setting ently a vestigial plastid from a photosynthetic ancestor
the stage for the origin of red and green algae, perhaps with a red algal, secondary endosymbiont. In most cases
between 1.2 and 1.5 billion years ago. Even today, the little remains of the engulfed alga apart from the plas­
DNA of plastid genes in red and green algae closely tids themselves, but in two groups, the cryptomonads
resembles the DNA of Cyanobacteria. Thus the two and clllorarachniophytes, a small remnant nucleus (and
n,embranes that surround the plastids in red and a bit of cytoplasm) of the once-engulfed alga remains to
green algae correspond t o the inner and outer mem­ this day. These tiny nuclei, called nucleomorphs, are the
branes of the original g r a m n- egative Cyanobacteria smallest and most compact eukaryotic genon1es known.
endosymbionts. These kinds of chimeric organisms complicate but make
Plastids and mitochondria, which have retained more exciting the study of protists.
large fractions of their prokaryotic biochemistry, con­ Interestingly, endosyn1biosis is not restricted to pro­
tain only a fe"" remnants of the protein-coding genes tists, but is also fairly common an,ong anin1als. The
that their ancestors possessed. Studies have shown that hydrothermal vent dam Calyptogena 11zag11ifica, for e x ­
most of their genes have been lost or have been trans­ ample, harbors a sulfur-oxidizing proteobacterium in
ferred from the organelles to the nucleus of the eukary­ specialized cells of its gills. The clam depends on these
otic "host cell." Today, more than 90% of the proteins symbiotic bacteria for its nutrition, and the bacteria are
required for the operation of any mitochondrion or transmitted, like mitochondria, via the eggs of the ani­
plastid are encoded by the nuclear genome, rather than mal. And, the bacteria have apparently lost their ability
the organellar genome. to live freely in the marine environ1nent. Many, well­
Support for the SET theory also comes from evidence known examples of endosymbiosis are seen among
of eukaryot-ukaryote secondary endosymbiosis in the insects. One of the best examples is the bacterium
numerous photoautotrophic protist clades. It seems Buchnera a111phidicola, a mutualist with aphids. Aphids
that plastids from both red algae and green algae have suck phloem sap that is rich in many nutrients but
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 127

deficient in amino acids that are provided by B11ch11ern, protistan clades, identified by combinations of molec­
which are intracellular and restricted to the cytoplasm ular genetics and ultrastructural/biochemical stud­
of one aphid cell type. These endosymbionts are ma­ ies. Most of these identified clades aren't given (and
ternally inherited via the aphid ovary. Thus the re­ might never be given) standard categorical rankings,
lationship is mutualistic and obligatory. Molecular although some workers refer to them as kingdoms,
phylogenetic studies indicate that the Buchnern-aphid groups, superphyla and such. Below, w e briefly de­
relationship is hundreds of millions of years old and scribe the six, major, •.-vell -supported ciades. Taxonom­
is extraordinarily fine-tuned and successful. The intra­ ic summaries and descriptions of these groups were
cellular B11chnern have a highly reduced genome and provided earlier in this chapter. One current view of
resemble endosymbiotic bacteria at the proto-organelle their relatedness is shown in Figure 3.53.
grade of evolution. The clade Amoebozoa is well supported by molecu­
Another fascinating invertebrate example of en­ lar phylogenetic analyses, although there have been no
dosymbiosis occurs in certain green sea slugs. These unique ultrastructural synapomorphies identified to
animals feed by evacuating the cellular contents of distinguish this group. AU species (at least prin1itively)
siphonaceous green algae (e .g., Va11cheria) and trans­ have lobose pseudopodia, although lobopods are not
ferring the metabolically active chloroplasts into their unique to An1oebozoa.
bodies. The chloroplasts are then distributed through­ The clade Chromalveolata is one of the most di­
out the slug's body and become lodged only one cell verse protist assemblages, and it includes dinofla­
layer beneath the epidermis, where Hght can reach gellates, apicomplexans, ciliates, stran1enopiles, and
them. By this means, the animals are capable of photo­ some other small groups-perhaps also Haptophyta
autotrophic CO2 fixation. The chloroplasts remain ac­ and Cryptomonada. With the exception of the last
tive for a limited amount of time and eventually new two groups, the clade is fairly strongly supported
ones must be acquired by the sea slug. Analogous pro­ by molecular data, and iJ1 addition, photosynthetic
cesses are common i n certain protists (e.g., see the s e c ­ species in these groups share the feature of plastids
tion on ciliates). containing chlorophyll c, as ,veil as chlorophyll a.
In addition to secondary endosymbiosis, many pro­ Mounting evidence supports the hypothesis that all
tists maintain close commensalistic relationships with chromalveolatans are descended from one secondary
other, photoautotrophic protists. Many species of fora­ endosymbiotic event, probably involving a red algal
miniferans, for example, harbor symbiotic diatoms, di­ symbiont (the "chromalveolate hypothesis"). Three
noflagellates, or red or green algae. These cases exem­ phyla-DinoflageUata, Apicomplexa, Ciliata-com­
plify potential early stages of secondary endosymbiotic prise a well-supported subclade called the Alveolata,
evolutionary events. and molecular analyses suggest these phyla may be
part of a larger monophyletic group that also includes
Relationships among the Protists the phylum Stramenopila. The alveolates are unique­
We are still a ways from understanding how all pro­ l y characterized by the presence of alveoli beneath
tists are interrelated and how they should be classified. the outer cell m.embrane. The Stran,enopila (treated
However, there are a number of emerging, higher-level as a phylum i n this text) was first identified through

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Alveolates Rhizarians Archaeplastida "Unikonts" Euglenozoans

---__:�-�"---L -1------ Chrom-


Figure 3.53 A phylogeny of the Eukaryota, showing current understandings of protist relationships.
128 Chapter Three

molecular phylogenetic studies and later received c o n ­ molecular phylogenetic studies. Excavates typically
firn1ation fro1n comparative anato1nicaJ work, notably have a suspension-feeding cytostome of the "excavate"
the shared character of flagella lined with fine, tubu­ type (i.e., a feeding groove used for capture and inges­
lar (hollow) hairs. The opalines and diatoms are usu­ tion of small particles from a feeding current gener­
ally included within the Stramenopila, and they are ated by a posteriorly directed flagellum; margin and
thought to have secondarily lost the hollow hairs. The floor of groove supported by the microtubular root).
Haptophyta(coccolithophores and their relatives) and The cytostome is presumed to be secondarily lost in
the Cryptomonada (e.g., Cryptomonns) have plastids many taxa. Currently included within the Excavata are
that contain chlorophyll a and c, suggesting they also Parabasalida (trichomonads, hypermastigotes, etc.),
belong to the chromalveolate assemblage. Multigene Diplomonada, Heterolobosea, Jakobida, Oxymonada,
phylogenetic analyses indicate that these two phyla are Retorta1nonada, and a few others. Molecular and cell
closely related to each other, and perhaps these in turn structure evidence also support placing the phyla
allied with stramenopiles and alveolates. Euglenida and Kinetoplastida (trypanosomes, bodo­
The clade called Rhizaria contains the mixo­ nids, and their kin) within the Excavata, the h,vo form­
trophic, green chloroplast-containing phy I um ing a clade known as Euglenozoa which is in turn
Chlorarachniophyta, and the phyla Granuloreticulosa thought to be closely related to the Heterolobosea and
(forams and their kin), Radiolaria, Haplosporidia, and Jakobida. Two principal anatomical features distin­
a fe"' others. Amoeboid species in this clade have filo­ guish the euglenozoans:(1) a spiral, or crystalline rod
pods or axopods (filopods supported by microtubules), inside each of their two flagella, 'A•hich inserts into an
neither of which are unique to this group. Rhizaria was anterior pocket; and (2) disk-shaped mitochondrial
discovered and delineated primarily by analyses of cristae.
molecular sequence data, but the relationships of the The jakobids have the most primitive (bacte­
major rhizarian clades remain unresolved. Son1e recent ria-like) mitochondrial genomes kno'A•n. The phy­
molecular evidence suggests that Radiolaria may be lum Heterolobosea is more closely related to eu­
the basal group, 'A1ith the remaining groups forming glenids and kinetoplastids than to other amebas.
the subgroup called Cercozoa(e.g., forams, chlorarach­ Broad-pseudopod-forming amebas have evolved
niophytes, plasmodiophorids, haplosporids, and a few in one group (Heterolobosea), independently of the
other odd groups), or with those that are sister to the Amoebozoa (whicl1 have sin1ilar pseudopods), and
Granuloreticulosa, called cercozoans (i.e., granulore­ heterolobosids even include their own clade of "slime
ticulosans and cercozoans form a sister group, that is molds"(the acrasids).
in turn sister to Radiolaria)..However, it has also been Two excavate taxa, Parabasalida and Diplon,onada,
proposed that Granuloreticulosa and Radiolaria are a were long thought to lack mitochondria, but recent
clade. Chlorarachniophytes are unusual among the evidence suggests these groups simply have highly
Rhizaria in their possession of chloroplasts, which they reduced or modified mitochondria lacking DNA.
acquired via a secondary endosymbiotic event with a Parabasalida and Diplomonada also lack plastids, elec­
green alga (Chlorophyta) symbiont. Like the Rhizaria tron transport chains, and the enzymes that are nor­
itself, the clade Cercozoa has no known unique m o r ­ mally needed for the citric acid cycle. Also, most species
phological synapomorphies. are fotu1d in anaerobic environments. For these reasons,
Growing evidence from molecular phylogenet­ and due to early molecular phylogenetic analyses, it
ics is suggesting an alliance of Rhizaria w.ith 1nost of was long thought that these t'A•o phyla might represent
the Chron1alveolata, a s the SAR group (strameno­ the oldest (earliest) surviving branches in the eukaryote
piles, alveolates, rhizarians). Some workers feel that tree. However, there is now growing evidence that the
the molecular data are also strong enough to unite the absence of mitocllondrial DNA and electron transport
Chromalveolata and Rhizaria as a larger group, the chains are not primary losses, but instead represent sec­
Chromista, a term proposed by Tho1nas Cavalier-Snlith ondary losses-reductions that took place in the evolu­
in 1981. In fact, Cavalier-Smith has championed the idea tion of these two groups. Most workers now consider
that protists should be reassigned to two kingdoms: parabasalids' and diplomonads' earlier positioning at
"Protozoa" (a redefined version of this taxon contain­ the base of the protist tree in molecular studies to have
ing the groups Amoebozoa, Excavata and the cho­ been an artifact of long-branch attraction. The two are
anoflagellates) and Chromista (containing the groups closely related to each other, and could derive from a
Chromalveolata and Rhizaria, and a fe"' other odds­ common ancestor that had already secondarily lost the
and-ends). However, molecular phylogenetic analyses classic features of mitochondria noted above.
have yet to provide strong support for the Chromista; The clade known as Opisthokonta comprises the
thus we have not used it in our classification, nor have protist phylum Choanoflagellata, the kingdoms
we used the proposed SAR clade as a formal taxon. Metazoa and Fungi(= Eun1ycota), and a few other ob­
The clade Excavata is supported mainly by cel­ scure groups. The group Opisthokonta is well support­
lular ultrastructural features and only modestly by ed by molecular sequence studies, and its members
THE PROTISTS Kingdom Protista 129

also share the attributes of flattened mitochondrial cris­ precise phylogenetic relationships of Glaucophyta,
tae and a single posterior cilium/flagellum on the male Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta, Charophyta and the
reproductive cells. As we noted above, the choano­ embryophytes have not yet been resolved. The
flagellates comprise the sister group called Holozoa, Charophyta, especially the Charales (e.g., Chara and
and Choanoflagellata is the probable direct ancestor of Coleochaetalest appear to be the most closely related
Metazoa (although see Chapter 6). Choanoflagellates, to the embryophytes (the "land plants"), ·,vith which
most animal sperm, and the zoospores of chytrids they share several synapomorphies: rose-shaped com­
(the only fungi with flagella) all swim with their sin­ plexes for cellulose synthesis, peroxisome enzymes
gle, unadorned flagellu1n emerging from their p o s ­ (the specialized enzym.e s of peroxisom.e s help mini­
terior end. Surprisingly, this arrangement is nearly mize the loss of organic products as a result of pho­
unique, and it appears to have been inherited from torespiration), the structure of the flagellated spenn,
the common ancestor of opisthokonts. The true Fungi and formation of a phragmoplast (an alignment of
include the well-known groups Basidiomycota, cytoskeletal elements and Golgi-derived vesicles
Ascomycota, Saccharomycetes, Microsporidia and across the midline of dividing cells during cell divi­
Chytridiomycetes (the chytrids being implicated in the sion). The phylogenetic branching order of the green
global die-off of amphibians). Fungi are heterotrophic algal groups that gave rise to the land plants re1nains
(not phagotrophic), with cell walls (when present) con­ uncertain.
taining �-glucan and usually chitin; plastids and tubu­ Recent biochemical and molecular phylogenetic
lar mastigonemes are absent. analyses also place the phylum Rhodophyta (red algae)
We recognize the clade Plantae, or Archaeplastida, i n the Archaeplastida. The oldest fossil rhodophytan,
to include all organisms that contain chlorophylls a and Bnngio,norplra pubescens, strongly resembles the modern
b, store their photosynthetic products as starch (inside Bnngia but occurs in rocks dated at 1.2 billion years.
the double-memb rane-bow1ded chloroplasts i11 which On the microscopic level, ernbryophyte cells re­
i t is produced), and typically have cell walls n,ade of n1ain similar to those of green algae, although they
cellulose. These are the prin1ary plastid-containing l i n ­ lack flagella and centrioles, except in certain gametes.
eages (hence the descriptive name,"Archaeplastida"), Embryophytes probably evolved out of green algae
although some groups have secondarily lost or re­ (Chlorophyta) in the Paleozoic era. The algaelike stone­
duced their plastids. As this book went to press, \-vorts (Charales) are perhaps the best living illustration
two major groupings of plants were recognized, the of that early evolutionary stage. 1n the first embryo­
Biliphyta (phyla Glaucophyta and Rhodophyta) and phytes, the sporophytes vvere very small and dependent
the Viridiplantae (including the phyla Chlorophyta on the parent for their entire brief life-these are the
and Charophyta, plus t h e embryophytes-phyla nonvascular plants. During the Silurian and Devonian,
Anthocerotophyta, Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta and land plants radiated rapidly and during this time the
Tracheophyta). Glaucophytes comprise a small group Tracheophyta, or vascular plants emerged. Vascular
of microscopic freshwater algae. Rhodophytes are plants have vascular tissues that transport water
the red algae, and chlorophytes are the green algae. throughout the body. Som. e time . in the Devonian (-385
Charophytes are an obscure group of freshwater million years ago), desiccation-resistru,t capsules, called
green algae that include the Charales, or stone\vorts). seeds, appeared, a feature distinguishing that group of
Anthocerotophytes are the hornworts, flattened green tracheophytes called the Spermatophyta. Five groups
pla11ts (gan,etophytes) that produce hornlike sporo­ of spermatophytes are recognized: Cycadophyta (cy­
phyte structures. Bryophytes are mosslike ground­ cads), Ginkgophyta (ginkos), Pinophyta (conifers),
hugging plants. Although the name "bryophyte" was Gnetophyta (gnetaens), and Magnoliophyta (flowering
long used to denote any non vascular plant, today it is plants). The first four groups are the gymnosperms. The
restricted to a specific clade of them. Marchantiophytes angiosperms were the last to evolve, probably some
are the liverworts. Tracheophytes are the vascu­ time in the Jurassic period, spreading globally and r a p ­
lar, or "higher" plants (including the clubmosses, idly i n the Cretaceou s . Categorical nrunes and taxonon1-
horsetails, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms). ic assignments vary considerably among botanists and
Anthocerotophyta, Bryophyta, Marcl1antiophyta, and textbooks.
Tracheophyta (the vascular plants) are often classified Thus we see that the origins of the three fam.iliar
together under the name Embryophyta, a descriptive muJticelled kingdoms (Metazoa, Plantae, Fungi) lie in
term referring to the origination of tissue layers during three different protist ancestors and embryogenic tissue­
embryogeny in this group. The plastids (chloroplasts) layering processes evolved independently in each line.
of Plantae/Archaeplastida appear to be monophylet­ Other than the embryonic formation of tissues, there are
ic-that is, to be descended from a single, original pri­ few obvious differences between the ancestral protists
mary endosyn1biotic event. and their earliest multicelled descendants. Thus 1nost
Although t h e Chlorophyta may rest a t the w1icellular green algae strongly resemble primitive
base of the clade leading to the land plants, the green plants (embryophytes), and choanoflagellates are
130 Chapter Three

strikingly similar to sponges. In addition to embryonic Of course, most unicellular clades are not directly
tissue layering, metazoans (animals) are distinguished related to a.ny of the three multicellular kingdoms. As
by: cells that are typically held together by intercellular the protistan lineages come into focus, it becomes clear
junctions; an extracellular matrix (the basement mem­ that the commonly used six-kingdom classification
brane, or basal lamina) with fibrous proteins, typically scheme is inadequate for describing the true nature
collagens, behveen hvo dissimilar epithelia; sexual r e ­ of diversity an1ong the Eukaryota. New kingdoms, or
production with the generation of eggs cells that are fer­ groups, based on very different criteria than have tra­
tilized b y smaller, monociliated, sperm cells; phagotro­ ditionally been used, are now beginning to be recog­
phy; and, lack of a cell wall (typical of plants). nized, as noted above.

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Introduction to
the Animal Kingdom
Animal Architecture and Body Plans

nimal bodies are marvelous things-s o complex, yet so consis­

tent and true to form within a species. All the parts seem to work
together in perfect harmony, like the architecture of a beautiful
building, which is how it should be after millions of years of evo­
lutionary fine-tuning. This chapter is about the architecture of animals. The
German language includes a wonderful word that expresses the essence of
animal architecture-bnuplnn (pl. bn11pliine). The word means, literally, "a
structural plan or design," but a direct translation is not entirely adequate.
The concept of a bnuplnn captures in a single word the essence of structural
range and architectural linl.its, as well as the functional aspects of a design.
The term "body plan" is a close English equivalent. If an organism is to
"work," all of its body components must be both structurally and function­
ally compatible. The entire organism encompasses a definable body plan,
and the specific organ systen1s themselves also encompass structural plans;
in both cases the structural and functional components of the particular
plan establish both capabilities and limits. Thus, body plans determine the
major constraints that operate at both the organismic and the organ system
TI1e divei-sity of form in the biological world is dazzling, yet there are real
limits to what may be successfully molded by evolutionary processes. All
animals must accomplish certain basic tasks in order to survive and repro­
duce. They must acquire, digest, and metabolize food and distribute its us­
able products throughout their bodies. They must obtain oxygen for cellular
respiration, wlille a t the same time ridding the1nselves of metabolic wastes
and undigested materials. The strategies employed by ail.imals to maintain
life are extremely varied, but they rest upon relatively few biological, physi­
cal, and chemical principles, regardless of what body plan they have. But
within the constraints imposed by particular body plans, animals have a lim­
ited number of options available to accomplish life's tasks. For this reason, a
fev.• recurring fundamental themes are apparent. chapter is a general re­
view of these themes: the structural/functional aspects of invertebrate body
plans and the basic survival strategies employed within each. It is a descrip­
tion of how invertebrates are put together and how they manage to survive
and reproduce. Each subject discussed here reflects fundamental principles
of animal mechanics, physiology, and adaptation. We realize that much of
136 Chapter Four

(A) 00

Figure 4.1 Examp les of asymmetrical animals and

protists. (A) An assortment of sponges. (B) Two amebas.

this chapter presents material that students learn in i n ­ One fom1 of symmetry is spherical symmetry. It is
troductory biology courses, but here we provide specific seen in creatures whose bodies lack an axis and have
viewpoints that set the stage for topics covered in more the form more or less of a sphere, with the body parts
detail in each "animal" chapter of this book. arranged concentrically around, or radiating from, a
Keep in nund that even though this chapter is orga­ cenh·al point (Figure 4.2). A sphere has an infinite nu1n­
nized on the basis of what might be called the " c o m ­ ber of planes of symmetry that pass through its c e n ­
ponents" of animal structure, whole animals are inte­ ter to divide it into like halves. Spherical symmetry is
grated functional combinations of these components. rare in nature; in the strictest sense, it is found only in
Furthermore, there is a strong element of predictability certain protists. Organisms with spherical symmett·y
in the concepts discussed in this chapter. For example, share an important functional attribute with asyrrunet­
given a particular type of symmetry, one can make rical organisms, in that both groups Jack polarity. That
reasonable guesses about other aspects of an animal's is, there exists no clear differentiation along an axis. In
structure that should be compatible with that symme­ all other forn1s of symmetry, some level of polarity has
try-some combinations work, others do not. Herein been achieved; and with polarity co1nes specialization
are explained many of the concepts and terms used of body regions and structures.
throughout this book, and we encourage you to be­ A body displaying radial symmetry has the general
come familiar with this material now as a basis for un­ form of a cylinder, with one main axis around which
derstanding the ren1ainder of the text. the various body parts are arranged (Figure 4.3). ln a
body displaying perfect radial symmetry, the body

Body Symmetry
A fundan,ental aspect of a.n anjmal's body plan is its
overall shape or geometry. In order to discuss inverte­
brate architecture and function, we must first acquaint (B)
ourselves with a basic aspect of body form: symmetry.
Syn1n1etry refers to the regular arrangement of body
structures relative to the axis of the body. Animals
that can be bisected or split along at least one plane, so
that the resulting halves are similar to one another, are
said to be symmetrical. For example, a shrimp can be
bisected vertical!y through its midline, head to tail, to
produce right and left halves that are mirror images of
one another. Some animals have no body axis and no
plane of symmetry, and are said to be asymmetrical.
Many sponges, for example, have an irregular growth Figure 4.2 Spherical symmetry in animals. (A) An exam­
form and lack any clear plane of symmetry. Sinularly, ple of spherica l symmetry; any plane passing through the
many protists, particularly the ameboid forms, are center divides the organism into like halves. (B) A radiolar­
asymmetrical (Figure 4.1). ian (protist).
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 137

(A) /Body axis (8) (C)

(D) (f)

Figure 4.3 Radial symmetry in invertebrates. The body

parts are arranged radi ally around a central ora-aboral
ax is. (A) Representation of perfect radia l symmetry. Further specializations of the basic radial body plan
(B) The barre-like sponge Xestospongia. (C) The sea can produce nearly any combination of multiradial­
anemone Epiactis, whose mouth alignment and internal ity. For example, many jellyfishes possess quadrira­
organization produce bi radial symmetry. (D) The hydrome­ dial symmetry (Figure 4.3D). Most echinoderms have
dusa Scrippsia, with quadri radial symmetry. (E) The s t a r ­ pentaradial sy1nmetry (Figure 4.3E,F), although n1any
fish Patiria, with pentaradial symmetry. (F) The sea biscuit, n1ultianned starfish are also known. In fact, the pres­
Clypeaster, with pentarad i al symmetry.
ence in starfish of certain organs (e.g., the madreporite)
allows for only one plane by which perfectly matching
halves exist, and thus starfish actually possess a form
parts are arranged equally around the axis, a11d any of pentaradial bilaterality. But this is splitting hairs.
plane of sectioning that passes along that axis results The adaptive significance of body symmetry operates
in similar halves (rather like a cake being divided and at a much coarser level than organ position, and in this
subdivided into equal halves and quarters). Nearly regard most echinoderms, including starfish, are func­
perfect radial symmetry is rare in nature but occurs in tionally radially symmetrical although their pentaradi­
some sponges and cnidarian polyps (Figure 4.3A,B). ality is unique in the animal kingdom and should not
But most radially symmetrical animals have evolved be ignored (see Chapter 25).
modifications on this theme. Biradial symmetry, for A radially symmetrical animal has no front or back
example, occurs where portions of the body are spe­ end; rather it is organized about an axis that passes
cialized and only two planes of sectioning can divide through the center of its body, like an axle through a
the animal into perfectly similar halves. Com1non e x ­ wheel. When a gut is present, this axis passes through
amples of biradial organisms are ctenophores and the mouth-bearing (oral) surface to the opposite (ab­
many sea anemones (Figure 4.3C). oral) surface. Radial symmetry is most common in
138 Chapter Four

-Transverse plane
(A) Dorsal f f Dorsal
Lateral Lat�al

Ventral [
Frontal plane Ventral 1

(B) Midsagittal

Figure 4.4 Bilateral symmetry i n animals; a single

plane-the midsagittal plane-divides the body into
equal halves. (A) Diagrammatic illustration of b ilateral
symmetry, with terms of orientation and planes of section­ (or, simply, a cross section). In bilaterally symmetrical
ing. A shrimp (B) and a scorpion (C} show obvious bilat­ animals the term lateral refers to the sides of the body,
eral symmetry. or to structures away from (to the right and left of) the
midsagittal plane. The term medial refers to the rmd­
line of the body, or to structures on, near, or tov.,ard the
sessile and sedentary animals (e.g., sponges, starfish, midsagittal plane.
and sea ane1nones) and drifting pelagic species (e.g., Whereas spherical and radial symmetry are typi­
jellyfishes and ctenophores). Given these lifestyles, it is cally associated with sessile or drifting ammals, bilat­
clearly advantageous to be able to confront the envi­ erality is generally found in animals with highly direc­
ronment equally from a variety of directions. In such tional n1obility. ln these animals, the anterior end of the
creatures the feeding structures (tentacles) and senso­ body confronts the environment first. Associated with
ry receptors are distributed at equal intervals around bilateral sy1nmetry and wudirectional movement is a
the periphery of the organisms, so that they contact concentration of feeding and sensory structures at the
the environn1ent n1ore or less equally in all djrections. anterior end of the body. The evolution of a special­
Furthern1ore, many bilaterally symmetrical ammals ized "head," containing those structures and the n e r ­
have beco1ne fw1ctionally radial i n certain ways associ­ vous tissues that iru1ervate them, is called cephaliza­
ated with sessile lifestyles. For example, their feeding tion (from the Greek kephalos, "head"). Furthermore,
structures may be in the form of a whorl of radially ar­ the surfaces of the animal differentiate as dorsal and
ranged tentacles, an arrangement allowing more effi­ ventral regions, the latter becoming locomotory and
cient contact with their surroundings. the former being specialized for protection. A variety
The body parts of bilaterally symmetrical anilnals of secondary asy1nmetrical modifications of bilateral
are oriented about an axis that passes from the front (and radial) symmetry have occurred, for example, the
(anterior) to the rear (posterior) end. A single plane of spiral coiling of snails and hermit crabs.
symmetry-the midsagittal plane (or median sagittal
plane)-passes along the axis of the body to separate
right and left sides. Any longitudinal plane passing Cellularity, Body Size, Germ
perpendicular to the midsagittal plane and separat­
ing the upper (dorsal) from the underside (ventral) is
Layers, and Body Cavities
called a frontal plane (Figure 4 .4). Any plane that cuts One of the main characteristics used to define grades
across the body perpendicular to the main body axis o f animal complexity is the presence o r absence of
and the midsagittal plane is called a transverse plane true tissues. Tissues are aggregations of morphologi-
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 139

cally and physiologically sin1ilar cells that perform a Figure 8.lE) or ribbon worms (Nemertea). Increase in
specific function. As we saw in Chapter 3, protists do two di1nensions results in a flat, sheetlike body like
not possess tissues, but occur only as single cells or that of flatworms (Platyhelminthes). In these cases the
as si1nple colonies of cells. In a sense, they are all at a diffusion distances are kept short. Sponges effectively
unicellular grade of construction. Beyond the protists increase their surface area by a process of complex
is the vast array of multicelled animals, the Metazoa. branching and folding of U1e body, both internally and
The Metazoa are often divided into two major levels, externally. This folding keeps most of the body cells
or grades-the non-bilateria (diploblastic animals) dose to the environment.
and the bilateria (= triploblastic animals), as described If these were the only solutions to the surface-to­
belO'A'. These names do not represent formal taxa, but volume dilem1na, the natural world would be filled
may be used to group the Metazoa by their level of with tiny, thin, flat animals and convoluted, spongelike
overall structural complexity. The non-bilateria com­ creatures. However, many organisms increase in size
prise a nonmonophyletic grouping; the bilateria is al­ by one to several orders of magnitude during their on­
most certainly a dade. togeny, and life forms on Earth span about 19 orders
Each of these two grades of body co1nplexity is as­ of magnitude (in mass). Thus, another solution arose
sociated with inherent constraints and capabilities, during the course of animal evolution that allowed for
and within each grade there are obvious limits to increases in body size. This solution ½•as to bring the
size. As the British biologist D'Arey Thon1pson wrote, "environn1ent" functionally closer to each cell in the
"Everything has its proper size...n1en and trees, birds body by the use of internal transport and exchange
and fishes, stars and star -systems, have... more or less syste1ns 'A•ith large surface areas. A significant U1ree­
narrow ranges of absolute magnitudes." As a cell (or dimensional increase in body size thus necessitated
an organisn1) increases in size, its volume increases at the development of sophisticated internal transport
a rate faster than the rate of increase of its surface area n1echanisms (e.g., ci1·culatory systems) for nutrients,
(surface area increases as the square of linear din1en­ oxygen, waste products, and so on. These evolving
sions; volume increases as the cube of linear dinlen­ transport structures became the organs and organ sys­
sions). Because a cell ultimately relies on transport of tems of higher animals. For example, the body volume
material across its plasma membrane for survival, this of humans is so large that we require a highly branched
disparity quickly reaches a point at which the cyto­ network of gas exchange surfaces (our lungs) to p r o ­
plasm can no longer be adequately serviced by sinlple vide an adequate Sluface area for gas diffusion. This
cellular diffusion. Some unicellular forms develop network has about 1,000 square feet of surface-as
complexly folded surfaces or are flattened or thread­ much area as half a tennis court! The same constraints
like in shape. Such creatures can be quite large, but apply to food absorption surfaces; hence the evolution
eventually a limit is reached; thus we have no meter­ of very long, highly folded, or branched guts.
long protists. The embryonic tissue layers of eumetazoans are
To increase in size, ultimately the only way aroLmd called germ layers (from the Latin gerrnen, "a sprout,
the surface-to-volume dilemma is to increase the nun1• bud, or en1bryonic primordium"), and it is from U1ese
ber of cells constituting a single organism; hence the germ layers that all adult structures develop. Chapter
Metazoa. But size increase in the Metazoa is also lim­ 5 provides an overview of gern1 layer formation and
ited. Those Metazoa lacking complex specializations of other aspects of metazoan developmental patterns.
tissues and organs must rely on diffusion into and out Here we need only point out that the gern1 layers ini­
of the body, and this is inadequate to sustain life un­ tially form as outer and inner sheets or coherent masses
less a majority of the body's cells are near or in contact of embryonic cells, termed ectoderm and endoderm
with the external environment. l n fact, diffusion is an (or entoderm), respectively. In the embryogeny of the
effective method of oxygenation only when the diffu­ radiate phyla Cnidaria and Ctenophora, only these two
sion path is less U1an about 1.0 mm. So here, too, U1ere germ layers develop (or if a middle layer does develop,
are lin1its. An animal simply cannot increase indefi­ it i s produced by the ectoderm, is largely noncellular,
nitely in volu1ne \Vhen most of its cells must lie close and is not considered a true germ layer). These animals
to the body surface. Some animals solve this problem are regarded as diploblastic (Greek diplo, "two"; blast,
to some degree by arranging their cellular material so "bud" or "sprout"). In the embryogeny of most ani­
that diffusion distances from cell to environment are n1als, however, a third cellular germ layer, the meso­
comfortably short. One method of accomplishing this derm, arises between the ectoderm and the endoderm;
is to pack the internal bulk of the body 'A'ith nonliving U1ese metazoans are said to be triploblastic.
(or largely nonliving) material, such as the jelly-like The evolution of a mesoderm greatly expanded the
mesoglea of n1edusae and ctenophores. Another is to evolutionary potential for animal con1plexity. As we
assume a body geometry that maximizes the surface shall see, the trip loblastic phyla have achieved many
area. Increase in one dimension leads to a vermiform more highly sophisticated body plans than are possible
body plan, like that of cestid ctenophores (Ctenophora; within the confines of a diploblastic body plan. Simply
140 Chapter Four

put, a developing triploblastic en1bryo has more build­ (A)

ing material to work with than does a diploblastic
One of the major trends in the evolution of the trip­
loblastic Metazoa has been the development of a flu­
id-filled cavity between the outer body wall and the Gonad
digestive tube; that is, between the adult derivatives
(B) Mesenchyme
of the ectoderm and the endoderm. The evolution of ..... ,:.. >.
this space created a radically new architecture, a tube­
within-a-tube design in which the inner tube (the gut Castrodermis Muscles, etc.
(endoderm) (mesoderm)
and its associated organs) was largely freed from the
constraint of being attached t o the outer tube (the body

wall). The fluid-filled cavity not only served as a me­

chanical buffer between these two largely indepen­
dent tubes, but also allowed for the development and Blastocoelom
expansion of new structures within the body, served ( = pseudocoelom)
as a storage chamber for various body products (e.g.,
gametes), provided a medium for circulation, and was
in itself an incipient hydrostatic skeleton. The nature of Parietal peritoneum
this cavity (or the absence of it) is associated ,vith the (mesoderm)
fonnation and subsequent development of the meso­ Muscles
derm, as discussed in detail in Chapter 5.
Three n1ajor grades of construction are recognizable
Dorsal---.0:.�:_--1 -- Coelom
mesentery _;�. �
among the triploblasticMetazoa: acoelomate, blastocoe­ 1----AA••Frf- VisceraJ
lomate, and eucoelomate. The acoelomate grade (Greek peritoneum
a, "without"; coel, "hollow, cavity") occurs in numerous
triploblastic phyla: Xenacoelomorpha, Platyhelminthes, Gastrodermis
Muscle (endoderm)
En toprocta, Cycl i op h o r a , G n a t h o s t o m u l i d a , (mesoderm)
Micrognathozoa, Nematomorpha, and Gastrotricha. In
these animals, the mesoderm forms a more or less solid Ventral mesentery (retroperitoneal)
mass of tissue, son1etin1es with small open spaces (lacu­
nae), between the gut and body wall (Figure 4.SA). In Figure 4.5 Principal body plans of tr iploblastic Metazoa
nearly all other triploblastic ani.tnals, an actual space (diagrammatic cross sections). (A) The acoelomate body
develops as a fluid-filled cavity between the body wall pl an.(B) The blastocoelomate body plan. (C) The coelo•
mate(= eucoel omate) body plan.
and the gut. In many phyla (e.g., annelids and echino­
derms), this cavity arises within the mesoderm itself
and is completely enclosed within a thin lining called The organization of the body cavity shows only
the peritoneum, which is derived from the mesoderm. a loose correlation to phylogeny. However, within
Such a cavity is called a true coelom (eucoelom).Notice the constraints inherent in each of the basic body or­
that the organs of the body are not actually free within ganizations discussed above, anin1als have evolved a
the coelomic space itself, but are separated from it by the multitude of va(iations on these themes. Throughout
peritoneum (Figure 4.SC). Peritoneum is usually a squa­ the remainder of this chapter we describe the ftu1da­
mous epitheEal layer, at least that portion of it covering mental organizational plans of major body systems
the gut and internal organs. as they have evolved within these basic body plans.
Several groups of triploblastic Metazoa (e.g., In subsequent chapters, we describe how men1bers
Rotifera, Nematoda, Loricifera, Priapula, Tardigrada, of the various phyla have n1odified these basic plans
and so1ne Kinorhyncha) possess small or large body through their own particular evolutionary program or
cavities that are neither formed from the mesoderm nor direction.
fully lined by peritoneum or any other form of meso­
dermally derived tissue. Such a cavity used to be called
a "pseudocoelom" (Greek pseudo, "false"; coe/, "hollow,
cavity") (Figure 4.5B). The organs of these animals ac­
Locomotion and Support
tually lie free \ovithin the body cavity and are bathed As eukaryotic life progressed from the single-celled
directly in its fluid. In most cases the space represents stage t o multicellularity, body size increased dramati­
persistent remnants of the embryonic blastocoel, and cally. And this increase in body size, coupled with
since there is nothing "false" about it, we use the more directed movement, was accompanied by the evolu­
descriptive term blastocoelom in this text. tion of a variety of support structures and locomotor
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 141

mechanisms. Because these two body systems evolved swinlming through water are very different from those
mutually and usually work in a complen1entary fash­ of a small aru1nal. Large ruun1als such as fishes, whales,
ion, they are conveniently discussed together. And of or even humans, by virtue of tlleir size or high veloc­
course, there was a rapid evolutionary boost in body ity or both, move in a world of high Reynolds num­
size and support in tile Cambrian, approximately 540 bers. With increased body size, fluid viscosity becomes
to 485 million years ago- an event knov>'n as the Ca1n­ less and less significant as far as the anilnal's energy
brian Explosion. The reasons for tllis rapid radiation output during locomotion is concerned. At tile same
of larger animals are still being debated(Chapter 1). time, however, inertia becomes more and more impor­
There are four fundamental locomotor patterns in tant. A large animal n1ust expend more energy than a
protists and Metazoa: ameboid movement, ciliary and small animal does to put its body in 1notion. But, by
flagellar move1nent, hydrostatic propulsion, and loco­ the same token, inertia works in favor of the moving
motor limb movement. There are three basic kinds of large animal by carrying it forward when the animal
support systems: structural endoskeletons, structural stops swimming. When large animals move at high
exoskeletons, and hydrostatic skeletons. In this section Reynolds numbers, the effect of inertia also imparts
we briefly describe the basic architecture and mechan­ motion to the water around the animal's body. Thus,
ics of tile various combinations of these systems. as tile Reynolds number increases, a point is reaclled at
which the flow of water manges from laminar to tur­
Reynolds Number bulent, decreasing swin,nling efficiency.
Most invertebrate lineages inhabit water, and aquatic Small organisn1s generally n1ove in a world of low
envirorunents present obstacles and advantages to sup­ Reynolds numbers. For example, a larva 1 rrun in diam­
port and locomotion tllat are quite different from tllose eter, moving at a speed of 1 mm/sec, has a Reynolds
of terrestrial environments. Just staying in one place number of about 1.0. Inertia and turbulence are virtu­
in the face of swiftly moviJ1g water, ,�r ithout being ally nonexistent, but viscosity becomes important-in­
damaged or dislodged, can require both support and creasingly so as body size and velocity decrease (i.e.,
flexibility. Anin1als moving tllrough water(or 1noving as the Reynolds number decreases). Small organisms
water over tlleir bodies- the effect is much the same) swin,ming through v-,ater have been likened to a
face problems of fluid dynamics created by the interac­ human swimming through liquid tar or thick molasses.
tion between a solid body and a surrounding liquid. The effect of this situation is that tiny creatures, such as
What happens during tllis interaction is tied to the con­ ciliate and flagellate protists and many small Metazoa,
cept of Reynolds number, a unitless value based on tile start and stop instru1taneously, and the motion of the
experiments of Osborne Reynolds (1842-1912). Reyn­ water set u p by their swimming also ceases imn1edi­
olds number represents a ratio of inertial force to v i s ­ ately if tile animal stops moving. Thus, small creatures
cous force. At higher Reynolds nunlbers, inertial force neither pay tile price nor reap the benefits of the effects
predominates and determines the behavior of v-rater of inertia. The organism only moves forward when it
flow around an object. At lower Reynolds numbers, is expending energy to swim; as soon as it stops mov­
viscous force predominates and determines the behav­ ing its c. ilia, or flagella, or appendages, it stops -and so
ior of the water flow. The importance of tllis concept is does the fluid surrow1ding it. Tiny organisn1s swim­
being increasingly recognized and applied to biologi­ ming at low Reynolds numbers (i.e., < 1.5) must ex­
cal systems. Altllough there is still a great deal to be pend an incredible amount of energy to propel them­
done in this area, some interestiJ1g generalizations can selves through theiT '\riscous" surroundings .
be made about locomotion of aquatic animals ru1d, as
we discuss later, aquatic suspension feeding. Reynolds Ameboid Locomotion
number is expressed by the following equation: Ameboid movement is used principally by certain
protists and by numerous kinds of ameboid cells that
Rc = p/U occur within the bodies of most Metazoa. Ameboid
cells possess a g e l l-ike ectoplasm, whicll surrounds a
where p equals the density of fluid, I is some measure­ more fluid endoplasm (Figure 4.6). Movement is fa­
ment of the size of the solid body, U equals tile rela­ cilitated by changes in the states of these regions of the
tive velocity of the fluid over the body surface, and v cell. At one (or several) points on the cell surface, pseu­
is the viscosity of the fluid. The formula was derived dopods (or pseudopodia) develop; and as endoplasm
by Reynolds to describe the behavior of cylinders in flows into a growing pseudopod (or pseudopodium),
water. Of course, since animals' bodies are not perfect the cell creeps in that direction. This seemingly simple
cylinders, the size variable(() is difficult to standardize. process actually involves complex changes in cell fine
Nonetheless, meaningful relative values cru1 be derived structure, chemistry, and behavior. The innennost en­
and applied to Jiving creatures in water. doplasm moves "forward" while the outermost endo­
Witllout belaboring tllis issue beyond its importance plasm takes on a granular appearance and remains fair­
here, it turns out that the problems of a large animal l y stable. The advancing portion of endoplasm pushes
142 Chapter Four

Ectoplasm (in patches or tracts), whereas the latter are long and
Axial endoplasm generally occur singly or in pairs. During cell devel­
opment, each new flagellum or cilium arises from an
Shear zone of cndoplasm
organelle called the kinetosome (sometimes called a
., .,.v!
}, -z�-,-'-.---
..,;:·-, .,..... ,...,
basal body or a blepharoplast), to which it remains
' �·:_..;,1· -· -�'
.c··..."·•w·, ; · �\ The movement of cilia and flagella creates a pro­
., ,,._••
pulsive force that either moves the organism through
Fountain zon� f-lyaHne a liquid mediun1 or, if the anin1al (or cell) is anchored,
creates a movement of fluid over it. Sucl1 action always
Recruitment Direction of occurs at very low Reynolds numbers. When the ani­
zone movement mal is large, the viscosity may be increased by secre­
Figure 4.6 Ameboid locomotion by way of pseudopod tion of mucus, which lowers the Reynolds number. The
formation in an ameba. general structure of a flagellum or cilium consists of
a long, flexible rod, the outer covering of which is an
extension of the plasn1a membrane of the cell (Figure
forward and then becomes semirigid ectoplasm at the 4. 7A). Inside is a circle of nine paired microtubules
tip of the advancing pseudopodium. Concurrently, en­ (often called doublets) that runs the length of the fla­
doplasm is recruited from the trailing end of the cell, gellum or cilium. One microtubule of each doublet
from whence it streams for\-vard to join i n the "grow­ bears two rows of projections, tl1e dynein arms, direct­
ing" pseudopod. Many protists, and certain cells of eu­ ed toward the adjacent doublet. Flagella and cilia move
karyotes, have wide, blunt-tipped pseudopods called as the microtubules slide up or down against one an­
lobopods (or lobopodia). In many protist groups long, other, bending tl1e flagellum or cilium in one direction
slender, tapering pseudopods occur-filopods (or filo­ or another. Microtubule sliding is driven by the dynein
podia). The formation of filopodia appears to involved arms, particularly by protein complexes called radial
actin polymerization. Reticulopods (or reticulopodia) spokes that arise from the arms. The radial spokes at­
are filopods that are very long and anastomose i n a net­ tach to each doublet microtubule immediately adjacent
like fashion. Evidence suggests that reticulopods are to the inner row of dynein arn1s and project centraUy.
supported by microtubules. Overall, it appears that Down the center of the doublet circle is an additional
various forms of pseudopods have evolved multiple pair of microtubules. This familiar 9+2 pattern is char­
times within the protists. acteristic of nearly all flagella and cilia (Figure 4.7B). 1
The molecular basis of ameboid movement may Flagellar / ciliary ntlcrotubules are 1nodified hollow
be essentially the same as that of vertebrate n1uscle tubules si.tnilar to those present in the matrix of 1nost
contraction, involving actin, myosin, and ATP. Two cells. The principal function of these cellular tubules
principal theories exist to explain the process. Perhaps appears to be support. Just as the ectoplasm helps re­
the n1ore popular of the two ideas has the actin m o l ­ tain the shape and integrity of a protozoan cell ( a c t ­
ecules floating freely in the endoplasm, polymerizing ing as a type o f rudimentary "exoskeleton"), s o the
into their filamentous form at the point of active pseu­ cytoplasmic microtubules act as a sort of simple "en­
dopodium growth, where they interact vvith myosin doskeleton" that help protists (and other cells) retain
n10Jecules. The resultant contraction literally pulls the their shape. Microtubules are also components of tile
streaming endoplasn1 forward, while at the same time spindle and help distribute the chron1osomes during
converting it to the ectoplasm that rings the forward­ cell division.
streaming pseudopodium. The second theory suggests In addition to the locomotor function seen in some
that the actin-myosin interaction takes place at the rear protists and small Metazoa, cilia and flagella have an
of the cell, where it produces a contraction of the ecto­ enonnous variety of fw1ctions i.t1 many other animals.
plasm. The contraction squeezes the cell like a tube of For exan1ple, they create feeding a11d gas exchange
toothpaste, causing the endoplasm to stream forward currents, they line digestive tracts and facilitate food
and create a pseudopodium directly opposite the point movement, and they propel sex cells and larvae. They
of ectoplasmic contraction. Some modifications of also form sensory structures of many kinds. Here we
pseudopodial movement were discussed in Chapter 3. focus on their use as locomotor structures.
Analysis by high-speed photography reveals that
Cilia and Flagella tl1e movement of these structures is complex and dif­
Cilia or flagella o r both occur in virtually every ani­ fers among taxa, and even at different locations on
mal phylum (with the qualified exception of the A r ­ the sa1ne orgaitlsm. Some flagella beat back and forth,
thropoda). Structurally, cilia and flagella are nearly
identical (and clearly homologous), but the former are 1Dyneins are a family of adenosine triphosphatases that cause
shorter and tend to occur in relatively larger numbers microtubuJc sliding in ciliary and Aagellar axonemcs.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 143

(A) (B) Central pair Microtubule doublet

f oo �
of microtubules ---,£..
Ciliary membrane or sheath
� ��

Dynein arms

'¢6' � 'JJ Radial spoke


.,= -=-:

Figure 4.7 Cilia and flagella. (A) Structures of two (F)

adjacent cilia. (BJ Cross section of a cilium. (CJ Three
successive stages in the undulatory movement of a fla ­ AlTh\��\�\
\ �\I
gellum. (D) Successive stages in the oarlike action of a · • : . ...
• - .·:
. " ·. ' .
·· ;,,. : ·":

cilium. The power stroke is shown in white, the recovery

stroke in black. (E) Examples o f ciliary tract patterns in
various ciliate protists (tracts indicated by dashed lines).
(F) Appearance of metachronal waves of a line of
cilia. (G) The comb jellies (ctenophores) are the larg-
est animals known to rely pri marily on cilia for loco­
motion. Shown here is the rather small ctenophore,
Pleurobrachia bachei (about two cm in diameter).

while others beat in a helical rotary pattern that drives

flagellate protist cells something like the propeller of an
outboard motor (Figure 4.7C). Depending on whether
the undulation moves from base to tip or from tip to
base, the effect wiJI be, respectively, to pi1sh or pull the never confirn1ed. Current thinking suggests that the
cell a.long. coordinated beating of cilia is probably due to hydro­
Some flagella possess tiny, hairlike side branches dynamic constraints imposed on them by the interfer­
called mastigonemes that increase the effective sur­ ence effects of the surrounding water layers and by the
face area and thus intprove the propulsive capability. simple mechanical stimulation of moving, adjacent
The beat of a cilium is generally sin1pler, consisting of cilia. Nevertheless, some ciliary responses in anin1als
a power stroke and a relaxed recovery stroke (Figure are clearly ttnder neural control, for example, reversal
4.70). When many cilia are present on a cell, they often of power stroke direction.
occur in distinct tracts, and their action is integrated, Ciliated protists are the swiftest of the single-celled
with beats usually moving in metachronaJ waves over organisms. Flagellated protists are the next most rapid,
the cell surface (Figure 4.7E,F). Since at any one time and amebas are the slowest. Most amebas move at
some cilia are always performing a power stroke, rates around 5 µm /sec (about 2 cm/hr), or about 100
metachronal coordination ensures a uniform and con­ times slower than most ciliates. Cilia are also used for
tinuous propulsive force. locomotion by members of several metazoan phyla
It was once suggested that ciliary tracts on indi­ (including Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Ctenophora,
vidual cells were coordinated by a primitive sort of Platyhelminthes, Rotifera, and some gastropod mol­
cellular "nervous system," but this hypothesis was luscs), and by the larva.I stages of a great many taxa.
144 Chapter Four

Muscles and Skeletons

Almost aU a11imals have son1e sort of a skeleton, the
major f1u1ctions of which are to maintain body shape,
provide support, serve as attachments for muscles, .
... _�..,•··,,,,.l:i�,,....
transmit the forces of muscle contraction to perform (B)
-!�•.,• ,,\._,
,.,, "
3ti·..�- .::·· ,l.\!', ':',;i•'•.....zj•· 1·..•i,'' iii' _•:�, · lf', ilj."' "!"'""!!)'' I

work, and extend relaxed muscles. These functions 1nay

be attained either by hard tissues or secreted skeletons,
or even by the turgidity of body fluids or tissues under
pressure. Muscles, skeletons, and body form are close­
ly integrated, both developmentally and fw1ctionally.
When rigid skeletal ele1nents are present, they can serve
as fixed points for muscle attachment. For example, the
rigid and jointed exoskeleton of arthropods allows for
a con1plex system of levers that results in very precise
and restricted limb n1ovements. Many invertebrates (E)
lack hard skeletons and can change their body shape by
alternate contraction and relaxation of various muscle (F)
groups attached to tough connective tissues or to the in­
side of the body wall. These "soft-bodjed" invertebrates ..
.,._ , � � -
.._..... �
' :---rrrr
� . .' . '
·�- � - -
usually have a hydrostatic skeleton. " "
. . ...·. ·.,. ..-.�: .,. -,,,-'---' ---
• ' .... •,,,..

,:1· • ,, •
.. ,. .- I.,.·,, ,, ,;., .

The hydrostatic skeleton The performance of a (G)

hydrostatic skeleton is based on two fundamental .' �- -� .. f

properties of liquids: their incompressibility and their

ability to assume any shape. Because of these features,
body fluids transmit pressure changes rapidly and
equally i n all directions. It is important to realize a Figure 4.8 The hydrostatic skeleton. (A-E) The initial
basic physical limitation concerning the action of mus­ state and the four possib le results of contraction of the
cles-they can only perform work by getting shorter circular muscles at one end of a cylindrical animal with
(contracting).2 In hydrostatic skeletons, a body region a hydrostatic skeleton. (A) The muscles are all relaxed.
is extended (or protruded) by the contractile force of a (8) The circular muscles of the right-hand end have con­
muscle being imparted t o a fluid-filled body compart­ tracted and this end has elongated: the left-hand end has
remained unaltered. (C) The length of the right-hand end
ment, creating a hydrostatic pressure that displaces the
has remained the same but the diameter of the left-hand
wall of the compartment. Such indirect muscle actions end has increased. (D) The length of the r ight-hand end
can be compared to squeezing a rubber glove filled and the diameter of the left-hand end have remained the
with water, thereby extending and stiffeni11g the fin­ same, but the length of the left-hand end has increased.
gers. The enclosure of a fluid-filled chamber (e.g., a c o e ­ (E) The lengths of both ends have increased, but their
lom) within sets of opposing muscle layers establishes respective d iameters have remained the same. (F,G) Two
animals that rely on hydrostatic skeletons for support and
a system in which muscles in one part of the body can
locomotion. (F) The sipunculan worm Phascolosoma.
contract, forcing body fluids into another region of the
(G) The echiurid worm Urechis caupo.
body, where the muscles relax; the body is thus extend­
ed or otherwise changed in shape (Figw-e 4.8).
In the most common plan, two muscle layers sur­ and controlled movement forward. Such movement
round a fluid-filled body cavity, and the fibers of the requires that the posterior end be anchored when the
layers run in different directions (e.g., a circular muscle anterior end is extended, and that the anterior end be
layer and a longitudinal muscle layer). A so f t-bodied anchored when the posterior end is pulled forward.
invertebrate can move forward by using its hydrostatic This system is commonly used for locomotion by many
skeleton in the following way. The circular muscles at worms that generate posterior-to-anterior metachro­
the posterior end of the animal contract; the hydrostat­ nal waves of muscle action, resulting in what is called
ic pressure generated then pushes anteriorly to extend peristalsis. A similar hydrostatic system can be used to
the relaxed longitudinal muscles of the front of the temporarily or intermittently extend selected parts of
body. Then contraction of the posterior longitudinal the body, such as the feeding proboscis of worms, tube
muscles pulls the rear end of the body forward. This feet of echinodern1s, and siphons of clams.
sequence of muscle contractions results in a directed The contraction of the circular muscles at one end
of a vermiform animal may actually have four possi­
Bcar in mind that muscles can contract isometrically and do no
2 ble effects: the contracting end may elongate, the op­
work posite end may elongate or thicken, or both ends may
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 145

elongate. The event that transpires depends not on the Hard skeletons can b e broadly classed as either e n ­
contraction of the circulas n1uscles of the contracting doskeletons or exoskeletons. Endoskeletons are gener­
end, but instead on the state of contraction of the longi­ ally derived from mesoderm, whereas exoskeletons are
tudinal and circular muscles in other parts of the body derived from ectoderm; both usually have organic and
(Figure 4.8). Such combinations of muscle contraction inorganic components. lt has been hypothesized that
and relaxation create a versatile movement systen1 rigid skeletons 1nay have originated by chance, as b y ­
based on very simple mechanical principles. products of certain metabolic pathways. By sheer ac­
Reliance on only circular and longitudinal muscles cident (preadaptation or exaptation), for example, the
could result in twists and kinks when a hydrostatic accumulation of nitrogenous wastes and their incor­
system engages itself against the resistance of the sub­ poration into complex organic molecules might have
stratum. Hence, most animals that rely on hydrostatic resulted in the evolution of the chitinous exoskeleton
movement also have helically wound, diagonal mus­ so common among invertebrates. Similar speculation
cle fibers-a left- and right-handed set, intersecting suggests that a 1netabolic system that originally func­
at an angle between O and 180 degrees. The diagonal tioned to efuninate excess calcium from the body n1ight
muscles allow extension and contraction, even at a c o n ­ have produced the first calcareous shell of 1nolluscs. In
stant volume, without stretching and while preventing any event, marine invertebrates are capable of forming,
kinking and twisting. A good analogy is the children's through their various biological activities, a vast array
toy-the helically ,,voven straw cylinder into which one of n,inerals, son1e of which cannot be formed i n o r ­
youngster convinces another to insert his two index ganically i n the biosphere. Indeed, the ever-increasing
fingers; pushing your fingers together increases the d i ­ amounts of these biominerals have radically altered the
ameter of the cylinder (and decreases the length), pull­ maracter of the biosphere since the origin of hard skel­
ing them apart decreases the diameter (and increases etons in the earliest Cambrian. Most common among
the length). All o f this is accomplished without an ap­ these bion1inerals are various carbonates, phosphates,
preciable stretching or con1pression of the straw fibers halides, sulfates, and iron oxides.
(or the diagonal muscles of an invertebrate). When a Invertebrate skeletons may be of the articulating
cylinder is extended, the fiber angle decreases; when .it type (e.g., the exoskeletons of arthropods, clams, and
is compressed, the angle increases. brachiopods and the endoskeleton of some echino­
The volume of the working fluid in a hyruostatic dern1s), or they may be of the nonarticulating type,
skeleton should remain constant, thus any leakage as seen in the simple o n e p
- iece exoskeletons of snails
should not be greater than the rate at ,,vhich the fluid and the rigid endoskeletons composed of interlocking
can be replaced. Body fluids n1ust be retained despite fused plates of sea urchins and sand dollars. Animal
"holes" in the body wall, such as the excretory pores of endoskeletons 1nay b e as simple as the microscopic
n1any coelomate anin1als or the mouth openings of cni­ calcareous or siliceous spicules embedded in the body
darians. Such openings are often encircled by sphinc­ of a sponge, cnidarian, or sea cucumber, or they may
ter muscles that can close and control the loss of body be as complex as the bony skeleton of vertebrates
fluids. (Figure 4.9). Hard skeletons of calcium carbonate have
One way in which movement by a hyruostatic skele­ evolved in many animal (and so1ne algal) phyla, but
ton can be made more precise is to divide an animal up the use of silica in a mineralized skeleton occurs only
into a series of separate compartments. For example, in in sponges (Porifera). Vertebrate skeletal tissues in­
annelid worn1s, partitioning of the coelom and body clude a calcium phosphate-collagen n1atrix. ln inverte­
muscles into seg1nents with separate neural control en­ brates, collagen often forms a substratum upon
ables body expansions and contractions to be confined calcareous spicules or other skeletal structures form,
to a few segments at a time. By manipulating particular but with a single exception (certain gorgonians) colla­
sets of segmental muscles, most annelids not only can gen is never incorporated directly into the calcareous
n1ove forward and backward but can tun, and twist in skeletal material. 3
complex n1aneuvers. ln the broadest sense, virtually every group of inver­
tebrates has developed an exoskeleton of sorts (Figure
The rigid skeleton In "hard-bodied" invertebrates, 4.10). Even cells of protists possess a semirigid ecto­
a fixed or rigid skeleton prevents the gross changes plasm, and some have surrounded themselves with
in body form seen in s o f t b
- odied invertebrates. This a test con1prising bits of sand or other foreign n1atter
trade-off in flexibility gives hard-bodied animals sev­ glued together. Other protists build a test made from
eral advantages: the capacity to grow larger (an advan­ chemicals that they either extract from seawater or p r o ­
tage that is especially useful in terrestrial habitats, duce themselves.
whim Jack the buoyancy provided by aquatic environ­
ments), more precise or controlled body 1novements, 3 Collagen, of course, also is tl1e primary component of basement
better defense against predators, and often greater membrane that underlies epithelia i n all Ntetazoa_., providing
speed of movement. structural integrity to tissues.
146 Chapter Four

(C) (D)

Figure 4.9 Some invertebrate endo•

skeletons. (A) an ossicle (skeletal
element) from a sea cucumber (Echino­
dermata). (B) Isolated sponge spicules.
(C) A deep-water glass sponge (Hex­
acti nellida) from the eastern Pacific; the
long siliceous spicules can be seen pro•
trud ing from the body. (D) The rigid test
of a sea urchin, inwhich the calcareous
plates are sutured together by connec­
tive tissue and calcite interdigitations

From their epidermis, many Metazoa secrete a Most skeletons act as body elements against which
nonliving external layer called the cuticle, which muscles operate and by which muscle action is con­
serves as an exoskeleton. The cuticle varies in thick­ verted to body movement. Because muscles cannot
ness and complexity, but it often has several lay­ elongate by themselves, they must be stretched by
ers of differing structure and con1position. In the antagonistic forces-usually other muscles, hydro­
arthropods, for example, the cuticle is a complex static forces, or elastic structures. In animals possessing
combination of the polysaccharide chitin and vari­ rigid but articulated skeletons, antagonistic n1uscles
ous proteins. 4 This skeleton may be strengthened by often appear in pairs, for example, flexors and exten­
the formation of internal cross-linkages (a process sors. These muscles extend across a joint and are used
called tanning) and by the addition of calciun1 and to move a limb or other body part (Figure 4.11). Most
pigments. The chitinous layer of most invertebrates is muscles have a discrete origin, where tlle muscle is a n ­
the first line of defense against infective microbes and chored, and an insertion, which is the point of major
desiccation. In most insects, the outermost layer is im­ body or limb movement. A classic vertebrate example
pregnated with wax, which decreases its permeability of this system is tlle biceps muscle of the human arrn, in
to ""ater. The cuticle is often ornamented with spines, which the origin is on the scapula and the insertion is
tubercles, scales, or striations; frequently it is divided on the radius bone of the forearm; contraction of the bi­
into rings or segments, a feature lending flexibility ceps causes flexion of tlle arm by decreasing the angle
to the body. Other examples of exoskeletons are the behveen the upper arm and the forearm. Movement
calcareous shells of many molluscs and the casings of of a limb toward the body is brought about by flexor
corals (Figure 4.10). muscles, of •,,vhich. the biceps is an exa1nple (Figure
4.llA,B). The muscle antagonistic to the biceps is the
triceps, an extensor muscle whose contraction extends
'The term chitin refers to a family of closely related chemical com­
the forearm away from the body. Other common sets
potmds, which, in various forms, are produced b y and incorporat­
ed into the cuticles of many invertebrates. Certain types of chitin of antagonistic muscles and actions are protractors
are also produced by some fungi and diatoms. Chitins a,-e high· and retractors, which respectively cause anterior and
molecular-weight, nitrogenous pol ysaccharide polymers that are posterior movement of entire limbs at their place of
tough yet flexible (Figure 4.lOF). fn addition to its supportive and
protective functions in the formation of exoskeletons, chitin is also juncture with the body; and adductors and abductors,
a major component of the teeth, jaws, and grasping and grinding which 1nove a body part toward or away fron1 a p a r ­
structures of a wide variety of invertebrates. That chitin is one of ticular point of reference. Although vertebrates have
U1e moot abundant macromolecules on earth is evidenced by the
estimated 101 1 tons produced annually in the biosphere-most of endoskeletons and arthropods have exoskeletons, most
it in the ocean. muscles of arthropods are arranged in antagonistic sets
(8) (C)

(D) (E)

Fi gure 4.1O Some exoskeletons. (A) The dinoflagellate

protist Gonyaulax, encased in cellulose plates. (B) The
testate ameba Difflugia, wi th a test of minute sand grains.
(C) The foraminiferan Cyclorbiculina (a granuloreticulosan
protist), wi th a ca lcareous. multichambered shell. (D) An
assassin bug, with a jo inted, chitinous exoskeleton. (E)
The giant clam, Tridacna, among corals. These two very
different animals both have calcareous exoskeletons. (F)
Chemical structure of the polysaccharide chitin.

(A) (B) (C)

muscle ---iii..

Biceps Condyle
(flexor) Articulating Apodeme
(extensor) membrane -­
(sderotized but
not calcified)

.. .__ Direction of limb

Figure 4.11 How antagonistic muscles work. (A) The movement upon Aexion
bi ceps is contracted and the triceps rel axed; this com­
binati on flexes the forearm. (B) The biceps is relaxed arthropod joint, illustrating a similar relationship between
and the triceps is contracted; this combination extends flexor and extensor. In arthropods, however, the muscles
the forearm. (C) A diagrammatic representation of an attach to the inside of the skeleton.
148 Chapter Four

Figure 4.12 Phagocytosis and pinocytosis.

(A) Plasma (A) Phagocytosis. This diagram illustrates the formation
membrane of a food vacuole, the fusion of a lysosome from the
Golgi body and the food vacuole, and the remaining
digestive vacuole that will carry wastes back to the
cell surface. (BJ Pinocytosis. Nutritive solute molecules
� attach to binding sites on the plasma membrane of the
� Food cell. which then form pinocytotic channels and finally
CeU cytoplasm � vacuole pinch off as pinocytotic vesicles.

/ ·. .-.:.. ·-:·
. .. Solute molecules
. ·.··...·:.' :. ,.· .. . . .. . . '. .... .... .. .. .
• ····· .· ..
.': .
�=:::::.: .,
. ......
-@-· --�'@ ,,=•
Digestive t l'inocytotic

Golgi body Cell cytoplasm

similar to those seen in vertebrates (Figure 4.llC). The

muscles of arthropods attach to the inside of the skel­
@ Pinocytotic
etal parts, whereas those of vertebrates attach to the
outside, but they both operate systems of levers.
Not all muscles attach to rigid endo- or exoskel­ tion exists in the mechruusn1s of capture and digestion
etons. Some form masses of interlacing muscle fibers, as a result of constraints placed on organisms by their
like those in the body wall of a worm, the foot of a overall body plans.
snail, or the muscle layers in the "valls of "hollow" or­ Digestion is the process of breaking down food by
gans (like those surrounding a gut tube or uterus). In hydrolysis mto units suitable to the nutrition of cells.
these cases, the muscles have no definite origin and in­ When this breakdown occurs outside the body, it is
sertion but act on each other and the surrounding tis­ called extracorporeal digestion; when it occurs in a
sues and body fluids to affect changes in the shape of gut chamber of some sort, it is referred to as extracel­
the body or body parts. lular digestion; and when the process occurs within a
The basic physiology and biochemistry of 1nuscle cell, it is called mtracellular digestion. Regardless of
contraction is the same in vertebrates and invertebrates, the site of digestion, all organisms are ultimately faced
although a variety of specialized variations on the basic with the fundamental challenge of cellular capture of
model have evolved. For example, the adductor muscle nutritional products (food, digested or not). This cel­
of a clam (the muscle that holds the shell closed) is d i ­ lular challenge is met by the process of phagocytosis
vided into two parts. One part i s heavily striated and (literally, "eating by cells") and pinocytosis ("drinki11g
used for rapid shell closure (the phasic, or "quick'' mus­ by cells"). These processes, collectively called endocy­
cle); the other is smooth, or tonic, and is used to ho.Id the tosis, are mecl1anically sin1ple and involve the engulf­
shell closed for hours or even days at a ti.tne (the "catch" ment of food "particles" at the cell surface.
muscle). Brachiopods have a silni.lar adductor muscle In 1892 the great comparative anatomist Elie
specialization-a good example of convergent evolu­ Metchnikoff made a discovery that led to his receiving
tion. Other specializations are found in crustacean mus­ the Nobel Prize 16 years later. Metchnikoff discovered
cle innervation, which differs from that typically seen in the process by whicl1 certaiI, arneboid cells in the coelo­
other invertebrates, and in certain insect flight n1uscles nuc fluid of starfish engulf and destroy foreign n1atter
that are capable of contracting at frequencies far higher such as bacteria. He named this process phagocytosis.
than can be induced by nerve impulses alone. In phagocytosis, extensions of a cell's plasma mem­
brane encircle the particle to be captured (whether it be
food or a foreign n1icrobe), forn, an inpocketing on the
Feeding and Digestion cell surface, and then pinch off the pocket inside the cell
(Figure 4.12A). The resultant intracellular membrane­
Intracellular and Extracellular Digestion bounded structure is called a food vacuole. Because the
Virtually all Metazoa and heterotrophic protists must food particle is inside a chamber fonned a.11d bounded
locate, select, capture, ingest, and fiI1ally digest and by a piece of the original plasma men1bra.11e of the cell,
assimilate food. Although the physiology of digestion some biologists consider that it is not actually "inside"
is similar at the biochemical level, considerable varia- the cell, but this point is of little consequence. The
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 149

plasma membrane siurounding the food vacuole is, of system. Carnivores tend to have shorter, simpler guts;
course, no longer part of the cell's outer membrane and the aniJnal foods they consume are higher qual.ity and
in this sense it and whatever i s i n the vacuole are now easier to digest.
"inside" the cell, and the subsequent digestive pro­
cesses that take place are considered intracellular, not Feeding Strategies
extracellular. However, food inside the food vacuole is Just as body architecture influences and limits the
not actually incorporated into the cell's cytoplasm until digestive modes of invertebrates, it is also intimately
it is digested and the resultant molecules are released. associated with the processes of food location, selec­
Protists and sponges rely on phagocytosis as a feed­ tion, and ingestion. Animals and animal-like protists
ing mechanism, and the digestive cells of metazoan are generally defined as heterotrophic organ.isms (as
guts take up food particles in the same fashion. Once opposed to autotrophs and saprophytes); they iJ1gest
a cell has phagocytosed a food particle and intracellu­ organic material i n the form of other organisms, or
lar digestion has been completed, any remaining waste parts thereof. However, in several groups of protists
particles may b e carried back to the cell surface by (e.g., many euglenoids and chlorophytans), both pho­
what re1nains of the old food vacuole, which fuses with tosynthesis and heterotrophy can occur as nutritional
the plasma membrane to discharge its wastes in a sort strategies. In addition, many nonphotosynthetic in­
of reverse phagocytosis, called exocytosis. vertebrate groups have developed intimate symbiotic
Pinocytosis can be thought of as a highly special­ relationships with single-celled algae, especially with
ized form of phagocytosis, in which n1olecule-sized certai.11 species of dinoflageUates. These invertebrates
particles are taken up by the cell. Such molecules are use photosynthetic by-products as an accessory (or
always dissolved in some fluid (e.g., a body fluid, or occasionalJy as the primary) food source. Notable in
sea water). During pinocytosis, minute invaginations this regard are reef-building corals, giant clams (Tri­
(pi.nocytotic channels) form on the cell surface, fill
with dncnn), and certain flatworn,s, sea slugs, hyd1·oids, a s ­
liquid from the surrounding n1edium (which includes cidians, sea anemones, freshwater sponges, and even
the dissolved nutritional molecules), and then pinch off some species of the protist Pnrameciu111. However, the
to enter the cytoplasm as pinocytotic vesicles (Figure overwhelming majority of invertebrates lead strictly
4.128). Pinocytosis generally occurs in cells Lining son1e heteroh·ophic lives.
body cavity (e.g., the gut) in which considerable extra­ Biologists classify heterotrophic feeding strategies
cellular digestion has already taken place and nutritive i n a number of ¼•ays. For example, organisms can be
molecules have been released from the original food considered herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores; or
source. In some cases, however, nutritional molecules they can be classed as grazers, predators, or scaven­
may be taken u p directly fro1n seawater, and there is gers. Organisms can also be classified as 1ni.crophagous
growing evidence that 1nany invertebrates rely sub­ or 1nacrophagous by the comparative size of their food
stantially on the direct uptake of dissolved organic or prey, or they can be classified by the envi ronmen­
matter (DOM) from their environment. tal source of their food as suspension feeders, deposit
Some animals have n o true digestive tract (e.g., feeders, or detritivores. In the ren1ainder of this section
Porifera, Placozoa, tapeworms, acanthocephalans), we define some important feeding-strategy terms and
but most metazoans possess some sort of dedicat­ explain some common the1nes of feeding.
ed, internal chamber into which food is moved for Few invertebrates are strictly herbivores or car­
processiJ1g. In so1ne (e.g., Cnidaria, Ctenophora, nivores, even though most show a clear preference
Xenacoelomorpha, Platyhelminthes) there is onJy one for either a vegetable or a meat diet. For example, the
opening through 1-vhich food is ingested and w1digest­ Atlantic purple sea urchin Arbacia p1111ct11l11ta usually
ed materials eliminated. These animals are said to have feeds on micro- and macroalgae. However, in certain
an incomplete gut (or blind gut). Most other Metazoa portions of its range, where algae may become sea­
have both mouth and anus (a complete gut, or through sonally scarce, epifaunal animals constitute the bulk
gut), an arrangement that allo¼'S the one-way flo"' of of this urchin's Omnivores, of course, must have
food and the specialization of different gut regions tl1e anatomical and physiological capability to capture,
for functions such as grinding, secretion, storage, di­ handle, and digest both plant and animal material.
gestion, and absorption. As the noted biologist Libbie Among invertebrates, there are two large categories of
Hyman so aptly put it, "The advantages of an anus are feeding strategies in which omnivory prevails: suspen­
obvious." sion feeding and deposit feeding.
The overall anatomy and physiology of an artimal's
gut are closely tied to the type and quality of food c o n ­ Suspension feeding Suspension feeding is the r e ­
sumed. In general, the guts o f herbivores are long and moval of suspended food particles fron1 the surrow1d­
often have specialized chambers for storage, grinding, ing mediun1 by some sort of capture, trapping, or filtra­
and so on because vegetable matter is difficult to di­ tion mechanism. Lest you think suspension feeding is a
gest and requires long residence times in the digestive sideline strategy in the animal kingdom, let us remind
150 Chapter Four

you that the largest living animals utilize it-baleen a sticky surface, such as a coating of n1ucus, to f l o w ­
whales and several lineages of sharks and rays . This ing water.Suspended particles contact and adhere to
mode o f feeding has three basic steps: transport of the surface and then are moved to the mouth by ciliary
water past the feeding structures, removal of particles tracts (as in crinoids), setal brushes (as in certain crus­
from the water, and transport of the captured particles taceans), or by some other means of transport. Other
to the mouth. It is a major mode of feeding Ln sponges, "contact suspension feeders" livLng in still water 1n . ay
ascidians, appendicularians, brachiopods, ectoprocts, simply expose a sticky surface to the rain of particu­
entoprocts, phoronids, most bivalves, and many crus­ late material settling downward from the water above,
taceans, polychaetes, and gastropods. The main food thus letting gravity do n1uch of the work of food-get­
selection criterion is particle size, and the size limits tLng. Some oysters are suspected of this feedLng strat­
of food are determined by the nature of the particle­ egy, at least on a part-ti1ne basis. SeveraI other contact
capturing device. some cases potential food particles methods of suspension feeding may occur, but all efun­
may also be sorted on the basis of their specific gravity, Lnate the costly activity of actual sieving in the highly
or even their perceived nutritional quality. viscous world of low Reynolds numbers.
Suspension -feeding invertebrates generally c o n ­ Another nonfiltering suspension feedLng method
sun1e bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and some is called "scan-and-trap." The general strategy here is
detritus. All suspension feeders probably have optimal to move water over part or all of the body, detect sus•
ranges of particle size; but some are capable, experin1en­ pended food particles, isolate the particles in a sn1aU
tally, of preferentially selecting "enriched" artificial food parcel of vvater, and process only that parcel by some
capsules over nonenriched (nonfood) capsules, an ob­ method of particle extraction. The animal thus avoids
servation suggesting that chemosensory selectivity may the energetic expense of continuously driving water
occur in situ as well. To capture food particles from their over the feeding surface at lovv Reynolds numbers.
environment, suspension feeders either must n1ove part The precise 1.nethods of particle detection, isolation and
or all o f their body through the water, or water must be capture vary an1ong invertebrates that use the scan­
moved over their feeding structures. As with locomo­ and-trap technique, and this basic strategy is probably
tion in ,,vater, the relative motion behveen a solid and employed by certain crustaceans (e.g., planktonic cope•
Hquid during suspension feedLng creates a system that pods), many bryozoans, and a variety of larval forms.
behaves accordLng to the concept of Reynolds numbers. The trick of removLng sn1all food particles from the
Virtually all suspension-feeding invertebrates capture surrounding environment is achieved through four
particles from the water at low Reynolds numbers. The fundamentally different mechanisms. Because there
flow rates in such systems are very low and the feedLng are a limited number of ways in which anin1als can
structures are s1nall (e.g., cilia, flagella, setae). suspension feed, it is not surprisLng that a great deal
Recall that at low Reynolds numbers viscous forces of evolutionary convergence has appeared among their
dominate, and water flow over small feeding struc­ feeding mecllanisms.
tures is laminar and nonturbulent and ceases instanta­ A m o n g some crustaceans, certain limbs are
neously when energy input stops. Thus, in the absence equipped with rows of feather-like setae adapted for r e ­
of inertial influence, suspension feeders that gener­ movLng particles from the water (Figure 4.13). The size
ate their own feedLng currents expend a great deal of of the particles captured is often directly proportional to
energy. Some suspension feeders conserve energy the "mesh" size of the interlaced setae on the food-cap­
by depending to various degrees on prevailing ambi­ ture structure. In sessile crustaceans such as barnacles,
ent water movem.ents to continually replenish their the feeding appendages are swept th.rough the water or
food supplies (e.g., barnacles on wave-swept shores held taut agaLnst movLng water. In either case, sessile
and mole crabs in the wash zone on sandy beaches). animals are dependent upon local currents to continu•
For most organisms, however, the effort expended for ally replenish their food supply. Motile setal-net feed­
feeding is a major pa1t of their energy budget. ers, Like 1nany larger planktonic crustaceans and certain
Only a relatively fevv suspension feeders are true benthic crustaceans (e.g., porcelain crabs), n1ay have
filterers. Because of the principles outlined above, it is modified appendages that generate a current across
energetically extremely costly to drive water through the feeding appendages that bear the capture setae.
a fine-meshed filtering device. For small animals, this Sometimes these same appendages serve simultane­
is somewhat analogous to moving a f i n e m - esh filter ously for locomotion. In cephalocarid and many bran­
through thick syrup. Such actual sieving does occur, clliopod crustaceans, for example, complex coordLnated
most notably i n many bivalve molluscs, many tuni­ movements of the highly setose thoracic legs propel the
cates, some larger crustaceans, and some worn1s that animal forward and also produce a constant current
produce mucous nets. However, most suspension of water (Figure 4.13D). These appendages simultane­
feeders employ a less expensive method of capturing ously capture food particles fron1 the water and collect
particles from the water, one that does not involve con­ them i n a median ventral food groove at the leg bases,
tinuous filtration. Many invertebrates simply expose where they are passed forward to the mouth region.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 151

(A) (8) (C)

, . ,,.·-,. �-­ ,._
...•, ..
r-. ••
(D) "\

: •, a

'.' 0 :
•, 0
• , o!'·. o
:' , .
· ,'. 0 .' ..
Figure 4.13 Some setal-net suspen­
sion-feeding invertebrates. (A) The
', sand crab emerita. (B) A goose barna­
cle, Po/licipes, with feeding appendages
extended. (C) The third maxilliped of
the porcelain crab Petrolisthes elegans.
Note the long, dense setae used in
feeding. (D) A portion of the trunk (sagit­
tal view) of a cephalocar id crustacean
during the metachronal cycle of the
feeding limbs. The arrows indicate the
direction of water currents; the arrow
above each trunk limb ind icates the
l imb's direction of movement.

A second suspension-feeding device is the n1ucous Another type of suspension feeding is the ciliary­
net, or 1nucous trap, wherein patches or a sheet of mucous mec11anism, in whicl1 rows of cilia carry a m u ­
mucus are used to capture suspended food particles. cous sheet across some structure while water is passed
Most mucous-net feeders consume their net along with through o r across it. Ascidians (sea squirts; Figure
the food and recycle the chemicals used to produce it. 4.14B) move a more or less continuous mucous sheet
Again, sessile and sedentary species often rely largely across their sievelike pharynx, while at the same
on local currents to keep a fresh supply of food coming pumping water through it. Fresh mucus is secreted at
their way. Some, however, especially benthic burrow­ one side of the pharynx while the food-laden mucus
ers, actively pump water through their burrow or tube, a t the other side is moved into the gut for digestion.
where it passes across or through the n1ucous sheet. A Several polychaete groups also 1nake use of the ciJi­
classic example of n1ucous-net feeding is seen in the ary-mucous feeding tecl1nique (Figure 4.14C). For ex­
aru1elid worm C/metopterus (Figure 4.14A). This animal ample, some species of tube-dwelling fan worn1S feed
lives in a U-shaped tube in the sediment and pumps with a crown of tentacles that are covered with cilia
water through the tube and through a mucous net. As and mucus and bear ciliated grooves that slowly move
the net fills with trapped food particles, it is periodi­ captured food particles to the mouth. Many sand dol­
cally n1anipulated and rolled into a ball, whicl1 is then lars capture suspended particles, especially diatoms,
passed to the mouth and swallowed. An example of on their mucus -covered spines; food and mucus are
mucous-trap feeding is seen in the tube-building gas­ transported by the tube feet and ciliary currents to food
tropods (family Vermetidae). These wormlike snails tracts, and then to the mouth.
construct colonies of meandering calcareous tubes Still another kind of suspension feeding is tentacle
in the intertidal zone. Eacl1 animal secretes a mucous or tube feet suspension feeding. In this strategy, some
trap that is deployed just outside the opening of the sort of tentacle-like structure captures larger food par­
tube, until nearly the entire colony surface is covered ticles, with or vvithout the aid of mucus. Food particles
with mucus. Suspended particulate n1atter settles and captured by this mechanis1n are generally larger than
becomes trapped in the mucus. At periodic intervals, those captured by setal or mucous traps or sieves.
eacl1 animal withdraws its mucous sheet and swallo,-vs Examples of tentacle or tube feet suspension feeding
it, whereupon a new sheet is irrunediately constructed. are most commonly encountered in the echinoderms
152 Chapter Four

(A) Water flow (8)

·, .: Substream

Mucous net


Figure 4.14 Some mucous-net and ciliary-mucous

suspension feeders. (A) The annelid worm Chaetopterus
in its burrow. Note the direction of water flow through its
mucous net. (B) The solitary ascidian Stye/a has incurrent
and excurrent siphons through which water enters and
leaves the body. Inside, the water passes through a sheet
of mucus covering holes in the wall of the pharynx. (C)
A maldanid polychaete, Praxillura maculata. This animal
constructs a membranous tube that bears 6-12 stiff radial
spokes. A mucous web hangs from these spokes and
passive ly traps passing food particles. The worm's head
is seen sweeping around the radial spokes to retrieve the
mucous web and its trapped food particles.

(e.g., many brittle stars and crinoids) and cnidarians increases beyond a given concentration. For this rea­
(e.g., certain sea anen1ones and corals; Figure 4.15). son, the amount of sediment in coastal ,vaters limits
Much research has been done on suspension feed­ the distribution and abundance of certain invertebrates
ing, and we no,v know •,vhat size range of particles such as clams, corals, sponges, and ascidians. Many
many ani.mals feed on and what kinds of capture rates tropical coral reefs are dying as a result of increased
they have. In general, feeding rates increase with food coastal sediment loads generated by run-off from land
particle concentration to a plateau, above which the areas subjected to deforestation or urban development.
rate levels off. At still higher particle concentrations,
entn1pn1ent n1echanis1ns may overtaxed or Deposit feeding The deposit feeders make up anoth­
clogged and feeding is inhibited or simply ceases. In er n1ajor group of omnivores. These animals obtain
sessile and sedentary suspension feeders, for exa1n­ nutrients from the sediments of soft-botton1 habitats
ple, pumping rates decrease quickly as the amount of (muds and sands) or terrestrial soils, but their tech­
suspended inorganic sediment (mud, silt, and sand) niques for feeding are diverse. Direct deposit feeders

Figure 4.15 Tube feet suspension

feeding. Food-particle capture in the
brittle star Ophiothrix fragilis. The
photographs show two views of a
captured food particle bei ng trans­
ported by the arm tentacles to the
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 153


. .. .- ..

(C} Fi gure 4.16 Some dep6sit •feedin g invertebrates. (A) A lumbri nerid
polychaete burrowi ng in the sediment. This worm is a subsurface
deposit feeder. (B) The sabellid pol ychaete Manayunkia aestuarina in its
feed ing posture. A pair of branchial filaments are being used to feed.
The large particle falling in front of the tube has just been expelled from
the branchial crown by a rejection current. (C) A surface deposit-feed­
ing hol othurian (Synapta).

feeders are removed from an area, organic debris ac­

cun1ulates, subsurface oxygen is depleted by bacterial
decon1position, and anaerobic sulfur bacteria eventu­
ally bloom. On land, earthworms and other burrowers
are important in maintaining the health of agricultural
and garden soils.

simply swallow large quantities of sediment-mud, Herbivory The following discussion deals with mac­
sand, soil, organic matter, everything. They may con­ roherbivory, or the consumption of macroscopic plants.
sume up to 500 tin1es their body weight daily. The Herbivory is common thr.oughout the anin1al king­
usable organics are digested and the unusable materi­ dom. It is most dramatically illustrated when certain
als passed out the anus. The resultant fecal material is invertebrate herbivores undergo a temporary popu­
essentially "cleaned dirt." This kind of deposit feeding lation explosion. Famous examples are outbreaks of
is seen in many polychaete annelids (Figure 4.16A), locust, whidl can destroy virtually all plant material in
some snails, son1e sea urchins, and most earthworn1s. their path of n1oven1ent. ln a similar fashion, herbivory
Some deposit feeders utilize tentacle-like structures by extremely high numbers of the Pacific sea urchin
to consume sediment, such as son1e sea cucumbers, Strongi;locenlrotus results in the wholesale destruction
most sipunculans, certain dams, and several types of of kelp beds. UnUke suspension- and deposit-feeding
polycbaetes (Figure 4.16B,C). Tentacle-utilizing depos­ herbivory, in which 01ostly single-celled and micro­
it feeders preferentially remove only the uppermost scopic plant matter is consumed, rnacroherbivory
deposits from the sediment surface and thus consume requires the ability to "bite and chew" large pieces of
a far greater percentage of Uving (especially bacteria, vegetable matter. Although the evolution of biting and
diatoms, and protists) and detrital organic material that chewing mechanisms has taken place within the archi­
accumulates there than do the burrowing deposit feed­ tectural fra1nework of a nun1ber of different inverte­
ers. These animals are generally called selective depos­ brate lineages, it is always characterized by the devel­
it feeders. Aquatic deposit feeders 1nay also rely to a opment of hard (usually calcified or chitinous) "teeth,"
significant extent on fecal material that accumulates on which are manipulated by powerful muscles.Members
the bottom, and many ,v , iii actively consume their own of a number of major invertebrate taxa have evolved
fecal pellets (coprophagy), which n1ay contain some n1acroherbivorous lifestyles, including molluscs, poly­
undigested or incompletely digested organic mate­ dlaetes, arthropods, and sea urdlins.
rial as well as microorganisms. Studies have shown Most molluscs have a unique structure called a rad­
that only about half of the bacteria ingested by marine ula, which is a muscularized, belt-like rasp armed with
deposit feeders is digested during passage through the chitinous teeth. Herbivorous molluscs use the radula to
gut. In all cases, deposit feeders are microphagous. scrape algae off rocks or to tear pieces of algal fronds
The ecological role of deposit feeding in sediment or the leaves of terrestrial plants. The radula acts like
turnover is a critical one. When burrowing deposit a curved file that is drawn across the feeding surface
154 Chapter Four

(C) (D) Proboscis .>

.. ...

Bore ole
/ �

..,· . A lga·

Figure 4.17 Some herbivorous invertebrates.

(A) The common land snail Cornu (formerly Helix),
munching on some foliage. (B) The red abalone
(E) Haliotis rufescens. (C) The radula, or rasping organ,
of H . rufescens. (D) Diagram of a radula removing
food particles from an alga (sagittal section). (E) The
tropical Pacific sea urchin Toxopneustes roseus.

switching is rarely seen in the terrestrial herbivores

because it is almost never necessary; terrestrial plant
matter can almost always be found. ln marine environ­
ments, however, algal supplies may at times be very
limited. Some herbivorous iJ1vertebrates cause serious
damage to wooden man-made structures (like homes,
pier pilings, and boats) by burrowing through and con­
suming the wood (Figure 4.18).

(Figure 4.17C,D). Some polychaetes such as nereids Carnivory and scavenging The 1nost sophisticated
(fa1nily Nereidae) have sets of large chitinous teeth methods of feeding are those that require the active
on an eversible pharynx or proboscis. The proboscis is capture of live animals, or predation.5 Most carnivo­
protracted by hydrostatic pressure, exposing the teeth, rous predators will, however, consume dead or dying
which by muscular action tear or scrape off pieces of aniina 1 n,atter when live food is scarce. Only a few
algae that are swallowed when the proboscis is retract­ generalizations about the many kinds of predation are
ed. As might be expected, the toothed pharynx of poly­ presented here; detailed discussions of various taxa are
chaetes is also suited for carnivory, and many primar­ presented in their appropriate chapters.
ily herbivorous polychaetes can switch to meat-eating Active predation often involves five recognizable
when algae are scarce. steps: prey location (predator orientation), pursuit
Macroherbivory i n arthropods i s best illustrat­ (usually), capture, handling, and fmaUy ingestion. Prey
ed by certain insects and crustaceans. Both of these location usually requires a certain level of nervous sys­
large groups have po,verful n,andibles capable of tem sophistication in which specialized sense organs
biting off pieces of plant material and subsequently
grinding or chewing them before ingestion. Some 5
Although in the broad sense, herbivory is a form of predation (on
macroherbivorous arthropods are able to tempo­ plants), for clarity of discussion we restrict the use of these terms
rarily switch to carnivory when necessary. This to vegetable eating and animal eating/carnivory, respectively.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 155

to be the most highly visual of all the invertebrate

Lurking predators are those that sit and wait for
their prey to con,e within capture distance, whereupon
they quickly seize the victim. Many lurking predators,
such as certain species of mantis shrimps (stomato­
pods), crabs, snapping shrimp (Alpheidae), spiders,
and polychaetes, live in burrows or crevices from
which they emerge to capture passing prey. There are
even ambushing planarian flatworms, which produce
mucous patches that form sticky traps for their prey.
The cost of building traps is sigrlificant. Ant lions, for
example, may increase their energy consumption as
n,uch as eightfold when building their sand capture
pits, and energy lost i n n1ucus secretion by planarians
may account for 20% of the 1-vorm's energy. Predatory
invertebrates, especially lurking predators, are fre­
quently n,ore or less territorial.
Sessile opportunists operate in much the same fash­
ion as lurking predators do, but they lack the mobil­
ity of the latter. The same may be said for drifting op­
portunists, such as jellyfishes. Many sessile predators,
such as son,e protists, barnacles, and cnidarians, are
actually suspension feeders with a strong preference
for live prey.
Grazing carnivores move about the substratun,
Figure 4.18 Shipworms. Wood from the submerged part picking at the epifauna. Grazers may be indiscrimi­
of an old dock piling, spl it open to show the work of the nate, consuming whatever happens to be present, or
wood-boring bivalve shipworm Teredo navalis (Mollusca). they may be fairly choosy about •..vhat they eat. In either
The shell valves are so reduced that they can no lon- case, their diet consists largely of sessile and slow-mov­
ger enclose the animal; instead they are used as "auger ing animals, such as sponges, ectoprocts, tunicates,
blades" in boring. The walls of the burrow are lined with a
snails, smaU crustaceans, and worms. Most grazers are
smooth, calcareous, shell-like materi al.
omnivorous to some degree, consuming plant material
along 1,vith their aninlal prey. Many crabs and shrimps
are excellent grazers, continuously moving across the
are present (discussed later in this chapter). Many car­ bottom and picking through the epifauna for tasty
nivorous invertebrates rely primarily on chemosensory morsels. Sea spiders (pycnogonids) and some carniv­
location of prey, although many also use visual orien­ orous sea slugs can also be classed as grazers on h y ­
tation, touch, and vibration detection. Chemoreceptors droids, ectoprocts, sponges, tunicates, and other sessile
tend to be equally distributed around the bodies of epifauna. Ovu]id snails (fan,iJy Ovulidae) inhabit, and
radially sym1netrical carnivores (e.g., jellyfish) but, usually mimic, the gorgonians and corals upon which
coincidentally with cephalization, most invertebrates they slowly crawl about, nipping off polyps as tl1ey go.
have their gustatory and olfactory receptors ("tasters" One special category of carnivory is cannibalism,
and "smellers") concentrated in the head region. A or intraspecific predation. Gary Polis (1981) examined
nun,ber of insects rely on CO2 sensing to locate their over 900 published reports describing cannibalism in
food source, including fruit flies, n1osquitoes, and about 1,300 different species of anin1als. In general, he
moths, but the sensing mechanisms are not yet fully found that species of large animals (and also larger in­
characterized. dividuals in any given species) are the most likely to
Predators may be classified by how they capture be cannibals. By far, the majority of the victims are ju­
their prey-as motile stalkers, lurking predators (am­ veniles. However, in a number of invertebrate groups
bushers), sessile opportunists, or grazers (Figure 4.19). the tables turn and cannibalism occurs when smaller
Stalkers actively pursue their prey; they include mem­ individuals band together to attack and consume a
bers of such disparate groups as ciliate protists, poly­ larger individual. Furthermore, females tend generally
clads, nen1erteans, polychaete worms, gastropods, to be 1nore cannibalistic than males, and males tend
octopuses and squids, crabs, and starfish. In all these to be eaten far more often than females. In many spe­
groups, chemosensation is highly important in locating cies, filial cannibalism is common, in �vhich a parent
potential prey, although some cephalopods are known eats its dying, deformed, weak, or sick offspring. Polis
(A) (8)




. . .:. ..
• i:t,
� • u•-·


Figure 4. 1 9 Some predatory invertebrates. (A) Most the two drawings (E) depict its raptorial strike to capture
octopuses are active hunting predators; this one is a a passing fish. (F) The predatory fl atworm Mesostoma
member of the genus Etedone. (B) The crown-of-thorns attacking a mosquito larva. (G) A cone snail (Convs) eating
starfish, Acanthaster, feeds on corals. (C) The moon snail, a fish. (H) Acanthina, a predatory gastropod feeding on
Polinices, d rills holes in the shells of bivalve molluscs to small barnacles.
feed on the soft parts. (D) A mantis shri mp (stomatopod);
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 157

concluded that cannibalism is a major factor in the b i ­ uptake of DOM is probably retarded by the processes
ology of n1any species and may influence population of osmoregulation. Also, with the exception of the ab­
structure, life history, behavior, and competition for errant hagfish, marine vertebrates seem not to utilize
mates and resources. He went so far as to point out that DOM to any significant extent.
Ho1110 snpiens may be "the only species capable of wor­
rying whether its food is intra- or ext1·aspecific." Chemoautotrophy A special form of autotrophy that
occurs in certain bacteria relies not on sunlight and
Dissolved organic matter The total living biomass photosynthesis as a source of energy to make organic
of the world's oceans is estimated to be about 2 x 109 molecules from inorganic raw n1aterials (photoautot­
tons of organic carbon (roughly 500 times the amow1t rophy), but rather on the oxidization of certain i n o r ­
of organic carbon in the terrestrial environment). ganic substances. This is called chemoautotrophy.
Furthermore, an additional 20 x 109 tons of particu­ Chemoautotrophs use CO2 as their carbon source,
late organic matter is estimated to occur in the seas, obtaining energy by oxidizing hydrogen sulfide (H2S),
and another 200 x 109 tons of organic carbon (C) n1ay an1n1onia (NH3), methane (CH4), ferrous ions (Fe2+), or
occur in the seas as dissolved organic matter (DOM). some other chemical, depending on the species. These
Thus, at any mon1ent in time, only a s1nall fraction of prokaryotes are not uncommon in aerated soils, and
the organic carbon in the world's seas actually exists in certain species live as symbionts in the tissues of a few
living organisn1s. Amino acids and carbohydrates 01ay n1arine invertebrates.
be the n1ost common dissolved organics. Typical o c e ­ Some of the most interesting of these chemoautotro­
anic values of DOM range from 0.4 to 1.0 m g C/liter, phic organis1ns derive their energy fro1n the oxidation
but n1ay reach 8.0 mg C/liter near shore. Pelagic and of hydrogen sulfide released at hot "vater vents on the
benthic algae release copious amounts of DOM into the deep-sea floor-where, in fact, they are the sole pri­
environment, as do certain invertebrates. Coral mucus, n1ary producers in the ecosystem. In this envirorunent,
for example, is an important fraction of suspended and chen1oautotrophic bacteria in11abit the tissues of cer­
dissolved organic material over reefs, and it contains tain mussels, clams, and vestimentiferan tube worms,
significant amounts of energy-rich and nitrogen-rich where they produce organic compounds that are uti­
compounds, including mono- and polysaccharides and lized by their hosts. Similar invertebrate-bacteria rela­
amino acids. Other sources of DOM include decom­ tionships have been discovered in shallow cold-water
posing tissue, detritus, fecal material, and metabolic petroleum and salt (brine) seeps, where the chemoau­
by-products discharged into the environment. totrophic microorganisms live off the methane- and
The idea that DOM may contribute significantly to hydrogen sulfide-rich waters associated with such sea
the nutrition of marine invertebrates has been arow1d floor phenomena. In all these cases, the bacteria actu­
for over a hundred years. Marine 1nicroorganisms are ally live within the cells of their hosts. In bivalves, the
known to use DOM, but the relative role of dissolved bacteria inhabit the gill cells and extract methane or
organic matter in the nutrition of aquatic Metazoa is other chemicals from the water that flows over those
uncertain. Available data strongly suggest that 1nen1- structures. In the case of the tube worms, the host must
bers of all marine taxa (except perhaps arthropods and transport the HiS to their bacterial partners, which live
vertebrates) are capable of absorbing DOM to some ex­ i n tissues deep within the animals' body. The \¥Orms
tent, and in the case of ciliary-mucous suspension feed­ have a unique type of hemoglobin that transports not
ers, marine larvae, n1any echinodern1s, and mussels, only oxygen (for the worm's metabolism) but sulfide
the ability to rapidly take up dissolved free amino acids as well.
fron1 a dilute external medium is well established. But
because of the complex chemical nature of dissolved
organics, and the difficulty of measuring their rates of
influx and loss, we still lack strong evidence of the a c ­
Excretion and Osmoregulation
tual use, or relative nutritional in1portance, of DOM to Excretion is the elimination from the body of n1etabolic
invertebrates. waste products, including carbon dioxide and water
Evidence from numerous studies indicates that ab­ (produced primarily by cellular respiration) and excess
sorption of DOM occurs directly across the body wall nitrogen (produced as ammonia from deamination of
of invertebrates, as well as via the gills. Also, inorganic amino acids). The excretion of respiratory CO2 is gener­
particles of colloidal dimensions provide a surface o n ally accomplished by structures that are separate from
which small organic molecules are concentrated b y those associated with other waste products and is dis­
adsorption, to be captured and utilized by suspension­ cussed in the section that follows.
feeding invertebrates. Interestingly, n1ost freshwater The excretion of nitrogenous ,vastes is usually i n ­
organisms seem incapable of ren1oving small organic timately associated with osmoregulation-the regu­
molecules from solution at anything like the rates char­ lation of water and ion balance within the body flu­
acteristic of marine invertebrates. ln fresh water, the i ds-so these processes are considered together here.
158 Chapter Four

Excretion, osmoregulation, and ion regulation serve (A) (B) H H

not only to rid the body of potentially toxic wastes, but R R \I
also to maintain concentrations of the various compo­
nents of body fluids at levels appropriate for metabolic
activities. As we shall see, these processes are structur­ Ammonia
ally and functionally tied t o the overall level of body
complexity and construction, the nature of other physi­ (D} H 0
ological systems, and the environment in which an ani­ '--N-c<""'
mal lives. We again emphasize the necessity of looking (C)
I I ,,.....-H
at whole animals, the integration of all aspects of their
I II ::::c=o
biology and ecology, and the possible evolutionary h i s ­ N-C-N
tories that could have produced compatible and suc­ H/ '--1-1
cessful combinations of functional systems. Urea Uric acid

Nitrogenous Wastes and Water Conservation Figure 4.20 Nitrogenous waste products. (A) The gen­
eral reaction for deamination of an amino acid producing
The source of most of the nitrogen in a n animal's s y s ­
a keto acid and ammonia. (B-D) The structures of three
tem i s amino acids produced from the digestion of pro­ common excretory compounds. (B) Ammonia. (C) Urea.
teins. Once absorbed, these anl.ino acids may be used (D) Uric acid.
to build new proteins, or they may be deaminated and
the residues used to form other compounds (Figure
4.20). The excess nitrogen released during deamina­ amn1onia for comparison. Ureotelic animals include
tion is typically liberated from the amino acid in the amphibians, mammals, and cartilaginous fishes (sharks
form of a1nmonia (NH3 ), a highly soluble but quite and rays); urea is a relatively rare and insigniiicant e x ­
toxic substance that either must be diluted and elimi­ cretory compound among invertebrates. On the other
nated quickly or converted to a less toxic form. The hand, the ability to produce uric acid is critically associ­
excretory products of vertebrates have been studied ated "vith the success of certain invertebrates on land.
much more extensively than those of invertebrates, but Uricotelic animals have capitalized on the relative in­
the available data on the latter allow some generaliza­ solubility (and very low toxicity) of uric acid, which is
tions. Typically, one nitrogenous waste form tends to generally precipitated and excreted in a solid or semi­
predominate in a given species, and the nature of that solid form with little ,,vater loss. Most land-dwelling
chemical is generally related to the availability of en­ arthropods and snails have evolved structural and
vironmental \vater. physiological mechanisms for the incorporation of ex­
The major excretory product in most marine and cess nitrogen into 1nolecules of uric acid. We emphasize
freshwater invertebrates is ammonia, since their envi­ that various combinations of tl1ese and other forms of
ronment provides an abundance of water as a medium nitrogen excretion are found i n most animals. ln some
for rapid dilution of this toxic substance. Such animals cases, individual animals can actually vary the propor­
are said to be am.monotelic. Being highly soluble, a m ­ tion of these compounds they produce, depending on
monia diffuses easily through fluids and tissues, and short-term environmental changes affecting water loss.
much of it is lost straight across the body walls of some
arnmonotelic aniinals. Anin1als that do not possess Osmoregulation and Habitat
definite excretory organs (e.g. , sponges, cnidarians, In addition to its relationship to excretion, osn1oregula­
and echinoderms) are more or less limited to the p r o ­ tion is directly associated witl1 environmental condi­
duction of ammonia and thus are restricted t o aquatic tions. As mentioned in Chapter 1, the composition of
habitats. seawater and that of the body fluids of most inverte­
Terrestrial .invertebrates (indeed, all land aJumals) brates is very similar, in terms of total concentration
have water conservation challenges. They simply can­ and the concentrations of n1any ions. Thus, the body
not afford to lose much body water in the process of fluids of many marine invertebrates and their habitats
diluting their wastes. These animals convert their ni­ are close to being isotonic. We hasten to add, hov.•ever,
trogenous wastes to more complex but far less toxic that probably no animal has body fluids that are exactly
substances. These compounds are energetically expen­ isotonic with sea water, and therefore all are faced with
sive to produce, but they often require relatively little the need for some degree of ionic and osmoregulation.
or no dilution by water, ru1d they can be stored within Nonetheless, marine invertebrates certainly do not face
the body prior to excretion. the extreme osn,oregulatory proble1ns encountered by
There are two major metabolic pathways for the d e ­ land ru1d freshwater fonns.
toxification of ammonia: the urea pathway and the uric As shown in Figure 4.21, the body fluids of fresh­
acid pathway. The products of these pathways, urea water animals are strongly hypertonic with respect to
and uric acid, are illustrated in Figure 4. 2 0, along with their environment, and thus they face serious problems
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 159

(A) (Bl such as 1nost freshwater forms (certain crustaceans,

H,O -+-t-
'" -H,O
protists, and oligochaetes), maintain their internal
body fluid concentrations regardless of external con­
ditions and are thus called osmoregulators. Others,
including a number of intertidal and estuarine forms
(mussels and some other bivalves, and a variety of
soft-bodied animals), allo�v their body fluids to vary
with changes in environmental salinities; they are ap­
Fresh water
propriately called os1noconformers. Again, even the
Marine (isotonic environment) (hypotonic environment) body fluids of marine, so-called osmoconformers are
not exactly isotonic with respect to their surround­
(C) ings; thus, these animals must osmoregulate slightly.
H,o�- -- Neither of these strategies i s without limits, and toler­
ance to various environmental salinities varies among
Salt different species. Those that are restricted to a very nar­
(in solution) row range of salinities are said to be stenohaline, while
those that tolerate relatively extensive variations, such
as many estuarine animals, are euryhaUne.
Although the preceding di.scussion n1ay seem clear­
Terrestri al ("dry" environment)
cut, it is an oversimplification. Experimental data from
Figure 4.21 Relative osmotic and ionic conditions whole animals tell only part of tlle story of osmoreg­
existing between marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ulation. When a whole marine animal is placed in a
invertebrates and their environments. The arrows indi­
hypotonic medium, it tends to swell (if it is an osmo­
cate the directions in which water and sa lts move pas­
sively in response to concentration gradients. Remember conformer) or to maintain its normal body volun1e (if
that in each of these cases movement occurs in both it is an osmoregulator). Even at this gross level, most
directions, but it is the potential net movement along the invertebrates usually show evidence of both conform­
gradient that is important and agai nst which freshwater ing and regulating. For instance, an osmoconformer
and terrestrial animals must constantly battle. For marine generally swells for a period of time in a lowered salin­
invertebrates, the body fluids and the envi ronment are ity environment and then begins to regulate. Its swol­
nearly isotonic to one another and there is little net move­
len volume v"ill decrease, altllough probably not to its
ment in either direction. (A) The organism is isotonic to
its environment. (B) The organism is hypertonic. (C) The
original size. The san1e is true of most osmoregulators
organism is hypotonic. \¥hen faced with a decrease in environmental salinity,
but the degree of original swelling is much reduced. In
both cases, the swelling of the body is a result of an in­
flux of environmental water into tlle extracellular body
of water influx as well as the potential loss of precious fluids (blood, coelomic fluids, and intercellular fluids).
body salts. Terrestrial anin1als are exposed to air and Within limits, tllis excess water is handled by excreto­
thus to problen1s of water loss. The evolutionary inva­ ry organs and various surface epithelia of the gut and
sion of land and fresh water was accompanied by the body wall. However, the second part of the osmoregu­
developn1ent of mechanisins that solved these prob­ latory phenomenon takes place at the cellular level.
lems, and only a relatively small nun1ber of inverte­ As the tonicity (relative concentrations) of the body
brate groups have managed to do this. Animals inhab­ fluids drops with the entrance of water, the cells in
iting freshwater and terrestrial habitats generally have contact with those fluids are placed in conditions of
excretory structures that are responsible for eliminat­ stress-they are now i n hypotonic environments.
ing or retaining water as needed, and they often pos­ These stressed cells swell to degree because of
sess modifications of the body wall to reduce overall the diffusion of water into their cytoplasm, but not
permeability. The most successful invertebrate body to the degree one might expect given the magnitude
plans on land, and in some ways of all environments, of the osmotic gradient to whjch they are subjected.
are those of the arthropods and gastropods. Their ef­ Cellular-level osmoregulation is accomplished by a
fective excretory structures and thickened exoskeletons loss of dissolved materials from the cell into the s u r ­
provide them with physiological os1noregulatory capa­ rounding intercellular fluids. The solutes released from
bilities plus a barrier against desiccation. these cells include both inorganic ions and free amino
Osmoregulatory problems of aquatic animals are, acids. Thus, osmoconformers are not passive animals
of course, determined by the salinity of the environ­ that inactively tolerate extremes of salinities. Nor are
mental water relative to the body fluids (Figure 4.21). n1arine invertebrates free from osmotic problems, even
Organisms respond physiologically to changes in en­ though we read statements that they are "98o/o water"
vironmental salinities in one of two basic ways. Some, or other such comments.
160 Chapter Four

(A) (II) (C)

Small vacuoles

·@;·,,· _;j,,. ,
• 4 • " o :t .:··�
-��L,!'- . •,..
; �-

. ' · ,,:4 •,P • : · .. ... .
. ..,,.. ·: . t;''
· � ·-·',•i, \
. - ' t . •,-
• .
,; •
� �c (-f

.. '

Figure 4.22 Water expulsion vesicles (:NEV), or con­

tractile vacuoles. (A) An ameba with a single WEV. Here
the vesicle is transitory and may form anywhere w ithin the
cell. (B) The WEV of an ameba, and its associat ion with (D)
mitochondri a. The numerous small vacuoles accumulate
water and then contribute their contents to the main WEV.
(C) Paramecium. Note the positions of two fi xed WEV sur­ .....
rounded by arrangements of collecting canals that pass
water to the vesicle. (D) The WEV of Paramecium, infilled
(bottom) and emptied (top) conditions. Enlarged areas
show details of a collecting canal surrounded by cyto­
plasmic tubules that accumulate cell water.The water is
passed into the main vesic le, which is collapsed by the
acti on of contractile fibrils, thereby expelling the water
through a discharge channel to the outside.

Discharge Permanent
Excretory and Osmoregulatory Structures Ampulla pore tubule
Water expulsion vesicles The form and function of
organs or systems associated "vith excretion and osmo­
regulation are related not only to environmental c o n ­ Collecting
ditions, but also t o body size (especially the surface­ tubules
to-volume ratio) and other basic features of an organ­
is1n's body plan. In very small creatures, notably the
protists, 1nost n1etabolic wastes diffuse easily across the
body covering because these organisms have sufficient
body surface (environmental contact) relative to their Microtubule
volume. However, thjs high surface area-to-volume bundles
ratio presents a distinct osrnoregulatory problem, p a r ­
ticularly for freshwater forms. Freshwater protists (and
even some marine species) typically possess special­ that their rates of filling and emptying change dramati­
ized organelles called contractile vacuoles, or water cally when the cell is exposed to different salinities. For
expulsion vesicles (WEVs), which actively excrete example, the marine flagellate Chla111ydo111011ns pulsatilla
excess water (Figure 4.22). These structures accumu­ lives in supralittoral tidal pools and is exposed to low
late cytoplasmic water and expel it from the cell. Both salinities during rainy periods, at which times it regu­
of these activities apparently require energy, as sug­ lates its cell volume and internal osmotic pressure via
gested in part by the large numbers of mitochondria the action of WEVs (which increase in activity as the
typically associated with WEVs. The idea that WEVs salinity of their rock pool drops). Interestingly, WEVs
are primarily os1noregulatory in function is supported also occur in freshwater sponges, where they probably
by a good deal of evidence. Most convincing is the fact perform sitnilar osmoregulatory functions.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 161

Nephridiopore (C)
(A) (8)

'? . '

·:�:· ti,.R-:
·•.;,r·i:.-i!':t ....-m• ;;,,i
lnterdigitation ..'... ·>' . Bladder
of two cells 1 . '
'� -·..

. {



(DJ Proventriculus
Malpighian tubules

_____\ __
\ /Anus
Pharynx .
/,.. .. ·•·..._�-�?-.\.
- -·''• "...............t
. i-·r
O ,.


Figure 4.23 Some invertebrate excretory structures. internally closed nephridium (antenna! gland) of a crusta­
(A) A single protonephridium, with the cap cell and tubule cean. (D) An insect's digestive tract. Excretory Malpighian
cell (cutaway view). (B) A simple metanephridium from a tubules extract wastes from the hemocoel and empty
marine annelid. The nephrostome opens to the coelom, them into the gut.
and the nephridiopore opens to the exterior. (C) The

Nephridia Although certain metazoan invertebrates the cavity, and solenocytes, usually with only one or
possess no known excretory structures, 1nost have two flagella. There i s some evidence that several differ­
some sort of ectodermally derived nephridia that serve ent types of flame bulb protonephridia have been inde­
for excretion or osmoregulation, or both. The evolution pendently derived fron1 solenocyte precursors, but the
of various types of invertebrate nephridia and their details of nephridial evolution are still controversial.
relationships to other structures were discussed by E. The cilia or flagella drive fluids down the nephrid­
S . Goodrich in 1945 in a classic paper, "The Study of ioduct, thereby creating a lowered pressure within the
Nephridia and Genital Ducts since 1895." tubule lumen. This lowered pressure draws body flu­
Probably the earliest type of nephridiurn to appear ids, carrying wastes, across the thin cell membranes
in the evolution of animals was the protonephridium and into the duct. Selectivity is based primarily on
(Figure 4.23A). Protonephridial systems are character­ molecular size. Protonephridia are co1nmon in adult
ized by a tubular arrangement opening to the outside acoelomates, many blastocoelomates, and some an­
of the body via one or more nephridiopores and ter­ nelids, but are rare among most adult coelomates (al­
minating internally i n closed unicellular units. These though they occur frequently in various larval types).
units are the cap cells (or terminal cells) and may occur Protonephridia are probably more important in osmo­
singly or i n clusters. Each cell is folded into a cup regulation than in excretion. In most of these animals,
shape, creating a concavity leading to an excretory duct nitrogenous wastes are expelled primarily by diffusion
(nephridioduct) and eventually to the nephridiopore. across tl1e general body surface.
Two generally recognized types of protonephridia are A second and probably more advanced type
flame bulbs, bearing a tuft of numerous cilia within of excretory structure among invertebrates is the
162 Chapter Four

metanephridium (Figure 4.23B). There is a critical ectodermally derived parts. Obviously there is some
structural difference between protonephridia and confusion at times about which term applies to a p a r ­
metanephridia: both open to the outside, but metane­ ticular "nephridial" type i f the precise developmental
phridia are open internally to the body fluids as well. origin is not clear. We do not vvish to belabor this point,
Metanephridia are also multicellular. The inner end so we leave it here to be resurrected periodically in
typically bears a ciliated funnel (nephrostome), and later chapters.
the duct is often elongated and convoluted and may
include a bladder-like storage region. Metanephridia Other organs of excretion Not all Metazoa pos­
function by taking in large amounts of body fluid sess excretory organs that are clearly proto- or meta­
through the open nephrostome and then selectively ab­ nephridia. In some taxa (e.g. , sponges, echinoderms,
sorbing most of the reclaimable components back into chaetognaths, cnidarians), no definite excretory struc­
the body fluids through the walls of the bladder or the tures are known. In such cases wastes are eliminated
excretory duct. across the surface of the skin or gut lining, perhaps
In very general terms, we can relate the structural with the aid of ameboid phagocytic cells that colJect
and functional differences between proto- and meta­ and transport these products. Other groups possess
nephridia to the body plans with which they are excretory organs that 1nay represent highly modified
commonly associated. Whereas protonephridia can nephridia or secondarily derived ("new") structures.
adequately serve anin1als that have solid bodies (acoe­ For example, the anten11al and maxillary glands of
lomates), body cavities of sn1all volume (blastocoelom­ crustaceans appear to b e derived fron1 metanephridia,
ates), or very s1nall bodies (e.g., larvae), metanephridia whereas the Malpighian tubules of insects and spi­
cannot. Open funnels would be ineffective in acoelo­ ders arose independently (Figure 4.23C,D). The details
mates, and would quickly drain small blastocoelom­ of these structures are discussed in appropriate later
ates of their limited body fluids. Conversely, proto­ chapters.
nephridia ase generally not capable of handling the
relatively large body and fluid volumes typical of c o e ­
lomate invertebrates. Thus, in many large coelomate Circulation and Gas Exchange
animals (e.g. , annelids, molluscs) one or more pairs of
metanephridia are typically found. Internal Transport
We have very broadly interpreted the terms proto­ The transport of materials from one place to another
nephridia and metanephridia in the above discussion, within an organism's body depends on the movement
and 1-ve use them as explained above throughout this and diffusion of substances in body fluids. Nutrients,
text unless specified otherwise. However, there are gases, and n1etabolic waste products are generally car­
more con1plications than our sin1ple usage suggests. ried in solution or bound t o other soluble con1pow1ds
For example, there is a frequent association of nephrid­ within tl1e body fluid itself or sometimes in loose cells
ia, especially metanephridia, with structures called (such as blood cells) suspended in fluid. Any system
coelomoducts. Coelomoducts are tubular connections of moving fluids that reduces the functional diffusion
arising from the coelomic lining and extending to the distance that these products must traverse may be r e ­
outside via special pores i n the body wall. Their inner ferred to as a circulatory system, regardless of its em­
ends are frequently funnel-like and ciliated, resembling bryological origin or its ultimate design. The nature
the nephsoston1es of metanephridia. Coelomoducts of the circulatory syste1n is directly related to the size,
n1ay have arisen evolutionarily as a means of allowing co.mplexity, and lifestyle of the organisn1 in question.
the escape of gametes to the outside; they are, in fact, Usually the circulatory fluid is an internal, extracellu­
considered homologous to the reproductive ducts of lar, aqueous medium produced by the animal. There
many invertebrates. Primitively, the coelomoducts and are, however, a few instances in which circulatory
nephridia were separate units; however, through evo­ functions are accomplished at least partly by other
lution they have in n1any cases fused in various fash­ n1eans. For instance, in most protists the protoplasn1
ions to become what are called nephromixia. itself serves as the medium through which materials
Generally speaking, there are three types of nephro­ diffuse to various parts of the cell body, or between
mixia. When a coelomoduct is joined with a protone­ the organism and the environment. Sponges and most
phridiu1n and they share a comn1on duct, the structure cnidarians utilize water from the environment as a c i r ­
is called a protonephromixium. When a coelomoduct culatory fluid, sponges by passing the water through
is united with a metanephridium, the result is either a a series of charmels in their bodies, and cnidarians by
metanephromixium or mixonephridiurn, depending circulating water through the gut (Figure 4.24A,B).
on the structural nature of the union. Whereas coelo­ In all Metazoa, tl1e intercellular tissue fluids play a
moducts originate from the coelomic lining, the n e ­ critical role as a transport n1edium. Even where co1npli­
phridial components arise from the outer body wall, so cated circulatory plumbing exists, tissue fluids are still
nephromixia are a combination of mesodermally and necessary to bring dissolved materials in contact with
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 163

(A) ) /Excurrent

Figure 4.24 Invertebrate circulatory systems. Sponges
(A) and cnidarians (B) utilize environmental water as their

1 \I
circulatory fluid. (C) Blastocoelomates (e.g., rotifers and
nematodes) use their body cavity fluid for internal trans­
'i!f!:.. �Water fii;i"'sl"'-
port. (D) The closed circulatory system of an earthworm
contains blood that is kept separate from the coelomic
Ga�trovascular . fluid. (E) Arthropods are characterized by an open circula­
cavity tory system, in which the blood and body cavi ty (hemo­
coelic) fluid are one and the same.



of vessels, chambers, sinuses, and pumping organs.

Sponge Cnidarian
Actually, many animals employ both their body cavity
and a circulatory system for internal transport.
(C) Blastocoelon1ate invertebrates use the fluids of the
body cavity for circulation (Figure 4.24C). Most of
these animals (e.g., rotifers and roundworms) are quite
small, or are long and thin, and adequate circulation is
accomplished by the movements of the body against
•V • '.
the body fluids, which are in direct contact with inter­
•r .
nal tissues and organs. Several types of cells are g e n ­
Nematode erally present i n the body fluids of blastocoelomates.
These cells may serve in activities such as transport
(D) Dorsal Capillary and waste accumulation, but their functions have not
vessels blood vessel bed been well studied. A few coelomate invertebrates (e.g.,
sipunculans and most echinoderms) also depend large­
ly on the body cavity as a circulatory chamber.

Circulatory Systems
Beyond the relatively rudimentary circulatory mecha­
nisms discussed above, there are two principal designs
or structural plans for accon1plishing internal transport
Oligochaete (exceptions and variations are discussed under specific
taxa). These two organizational plans are closed and
open circulatory systems, both of which contain a cir­
(E) Ostium Hearl Artery culatory fluid, or blood. 1n closed circulatory systems
the blood stays in distinct vessels and perhaps in lined
chambers; exchange of circulated material with parts
of the body occurs in special areas of the system such
as capillary beds (Figure 4.24D). Since the blood itself
i s physicalJy separated fron1 the interceUular fluids, the
Hemocoel exchange sites must offer minimal resistance to diffu­
sion; thus one finds capillaries typically have membra­
nous walls that are only a single cell-layer thick. Closed
circulatory systems are common in animals with well
developed or spacious coelomic compartments (e.g.,
aimelids, phoronids, vertebrates). Such arrai1gements
facilitate the transport from one body area to another
cells, a vital process for life support. In some animals of materials that might otherwise be isolated by the
(e.g., flatworms), are no special chambers or ves­ mesenteries or peritoneum of the body cavity. ln such
sels for body fluids other than the gut and intercellular situations the blood and coelomic fluid may be quite
spaces through v.•hich materials diffuse on a cell-to-cell different from one another, both in composition and in
level. This condition limits these animals to relatively function. For example, blood may transport nutrients
small sizes or to shapes that maintain low diffusion dis­ and gases, while coelomic fluid may accumulate n1eta­
tances. Most animals, however, have some specialized bolic v.rastes for removal by nephridia and also serves
structure to facilitate the transport of various body f l u ­ as a hydrostatic skeleton.
ids and their contents. This structure may include the lt takes power to keep a fluid moving through a
body cavities themselves or actual circulatory systems plumbing system. Many invertebrates 1,vith closed
164 Chapter Four

systems rely on body movements and the exertion of most arthropods and, at least in part, the contractile
coelomic pressure on vessels (often contajning one­ vessels of annelids.
way valves) to n1ove their blood. These activities are Blood pressure and flow velocities are inti1nately
frequently supplemented by muscles of the blood ves­ associated not only with the activity of the pump­
sel vvalls that contract in peristaltic waves. In addition, ing mechanism but also with vessel diameters.
there may be special heavily muscled pumping areas Energetically, it costs a good deal more to maintain
along certain vessels. These regions are sometimes re­ flo\¥ through a narrow pipe than through a wide pipe.
ferred to as hearts, but most are more appropriately This cost is mininlized i n animals with closed circula­
called contractile vessels. tory systems by .keeping the narrow vessels short and
Open circulatory systems are associated with a r e ­ using them only at sites of exchange (i.e., capillary
duction of the adult coelom, including a secondary loss beds), and by using the larger vessels for long-distance
of most of the peritoneal lining around the organs and transport from one exchange site to another. l n the
inner surface of the body waU. The circulatory system human circulatory system, for example, arteries have
itself usually includes a distinct heart as the primary an average radius of 2.0 mm, veins 2.5 mm, and capil­
pumping organ and various vessels, cha1nbers, or i l l ­ laries 0.006 mm. But reducing the diameter of a single
defined sinuses (Figure 4.24E). The degree of elabora­ vessel increases flovv velocity, which poses problems at
tion of such systems depends primarily on the size, an exchange site. This problem is solved by the pres­
con1plexity, and to some extent the activity level of ence of large numbers of sn1all vessels, the total cross­
the anin1al This .kind of system, ho,,vever, is "open" in sectional area of whjch exceeds that of the larger vessel
that the blood, often called the hemolymph, empties from whim they arise. The result is that blood pressure
from vessels into the body cavity and directly bathes and total flow velocity actually decrease at capillary ex­
the organs. The body cavity is called a hemocoel. Open change sites. A drop in blood pressure and a relative
circulatory syste1ns are typica I of aJthropods and n o n ­ rise in blood osn1otic pressure along the capillary bed
cephalopod molluscs, and such anin1als are sometinles facilitate exrnanges between the blood and surround­
referred to as being hemocoelo1nate. ing tissue fluids. In open systems, both pressure and
Just because the open circulatory system seems a velocity drop once the blood leaves the heart and ves­
bit sloppy in its organization, it should not be viewed and enters the spacious hen1ocoel.
as poorly "designed" or inefficient. In fact, in many
groups thls type of system has assumed a variety of Gas Exchange and Transport
functions beyond circulation. For example, in bivalves One of the principal functions of most circulatory flu­
and gastropods, the hemocoel functions as a hydro­ ids is to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide through the
static skeleton for locomotion and certain types of b u r ­ body and exchange these gases with the environment.
rowing activities. In aquatic arthropods, it also serves a With few exceptions, oxygen is necessary for cellular
hydrostatic function when the animal molts and tem­ respiration. Although a number of invertebrates can
porarily loses its exos.keletal support. ln large terres­ survive periods of environmental oxygen depletion­
trial insects, the transport of respiratory gases has been either by dra111atically reducing their metabolic rate or
largely assumed by the trarneal system, and one of the by switching to anaerobic respiration-most cannot;
primary responsibilities ta.ken on by the open circula­ they depend upon a relatively constant oxygen supply.
tory system appears to be thermal regulation. ln most All animals can in oxygen from their surround­
spiders, the limbs are extended by forcing hen1olyn1ph ings while at the same tin1e releasing carbon dioxide, a
into the appendages. metabolic waste product of respiration. We define the
uptake of oxygen and the loss of carbon dioxide at the
Hearts and Other Pumping Mechanisms surface of the organism as gas exchange, reserving the
Circulatory systems, open or closed, generally have term respiration for the energy-producing metabolic
structural n1echanisms for pumping the blood and activities within cells. Son1e authors distinguish these
n1aintaining adequate blood pressures. Beyond the two processes with the tenns external respiration and
influence of general body movements, 1nost of these cellular (internal) respiration.
structures fall into the following categories: contrac­ Gas exrnange in nearly all animals operates accord­
tile vessels (as in annelids); ostiate hearts (as in arthro­ ing to certain common principles regardless of any
pods); and rnambered hearts (as in molluscs and v e r ­ structural modifications that serve to enhance the p r o ­
tebrates). The method of initiating contraction of these cess under different conditions. The basic strategy is to
different plunps (the pacemaker mechanisms) may be bring the environmental medium (water or air) close to
intrinsic (originating within the musculature of the the appropriate body fluid (blood or body cavity fluid)
structure itself) or extrinsic (originating from motor so that the two are separated only by a wet n1embrane
nerves arising outside the structure). The first case across which the gases can diffuse. The system must be
describes the myogenic hearts of molluscs and verte­ moist because the gases must be in solution in order
brates; the second describes the neurogenic hearts of to diffuse across the membrane. The diffusion process
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 165

(A) (B) (D)

Environment Circulatory
body fluid

Cells and tissues
Gas exchange surface

Figure 4.25 Gas exchange in animals. Oxygen is ill a process called hindgut irrigation. Many sea cu­
obtai ned from the environment at a gas exchange surface,
cumbers and echiurid worn1s use this method of gas
such as an epithelial layer (A). and is transported by a cir ­
culatory body fluid (B) to the body's cells and tissues (C), exchange (Figure 4.26F).
where cellular respiration occurs (D). Carbon dioxide fol­ As you can imagine, protruding gills would not
lows the reverse path. See text for details. work on dry land. Here, the gas exchange surfaces
must be internalized to keep them moist and protected
and to prevent body water loss through the wet sur­
depends on the concentration gradients of the gases faces. The lungs of terrestrial vertebrates are the most
at the exchange site; these gradients are n1aintained familiar example of such an arrangement. Among the
by the circulation of internal fluids to and away from il1vertebrates, the arthropods have managed to solve
these areas (Figure 4.25). the problems of "air-breathing" in two basic ways.
Spiders and their kin possess book lungs, and most
Gas exchange structures Protists and a number of insects, centipedes, and millipedes possess tracheae
invertebrates lack special gas exchange structures. In (Figure 4.26D,E). Book lungs are blind mpocketings
such animals gas exchange is said to be integurnen­ with highly folded inner linings across which gases
tary or cutaneous, and occurs over much of the body diffuse behveen the hemolymph and the air. Tracheae,
surface. Such is the case in many tiny animals with however, are branched, usually anastomosed invagi­
very high surface-to-volume ratios and in some lru·g­ nations of the outer body wall and are open both illter­
er soft-bodied fonns (e.g., cnidarians and flatworms). nally and externally.
Most animals with integumentary gas exchange are The tracheae of most msects allow diffusion of ox­
restricted to aquatic or damp terrestrial environments ygen from air directly to the tissues of the body; the
where the body surface is kept moist. lntegumentary blood plays little or no role in gas transport. Rather,
gas exchange also supplements other methods ill many illtercellular fluids extend part way into the tracheal
anunals, even certain vertebrates (e.g., amphibia11S). tubes as a solvent for gases. Atmospheric pressure
Most marine and many freshwater invertebrates tends to prevent these fluids from being dra,-vn too
possess gills (Figure 4.26A-C,G), which are external close to the external body surface where evaporation
organs or restricted areas of the body surface special­ i s a potential problen,. In addition, the outside open­
ized for gas exchange. Basically, gills are thu1-walled ings (spiracles) of the tracheae are often equipped with
processes, well supplied with blood or other body flu­ some mechanism of closure. In many insects, especially
ids, which promote diffusion between this fluid and large ones, special muscles ventilate the tracheae by ac­
the environment. Gills are frequently highly folded or tively pun1ping air in and out. Terrestrial isopod crus­
digitate, il1creasil1g the diffusive surface area. A great taceans (e.g., sowbugs and pillbugs) have illvaginated
number of nonhomologous structures have evolved as gas exchange structures on some of their abdominal
gills in different taxa, and they often serve other func­ appendages. These inpocketings are called pseudotra­
tions in addition to gas exchange (e.g., sensory input chea, but are probably not homologous to the h·achea
and feeding). By their very nature, gills are permeable or the book lungs of lllSects and spiders.
surfaces that must be protected durillg times of osmot­ The only other major group of terrestrial inver­
ic stress, such as occur ill estuaries and illtertidal envi­ tebrates whose me,nbers have evolved distinct air­
ronments. In these instances, the gills may be housed breathing structures are the land snails and slugs
withu1 chambers or be retractable. (Figure 4.26H). The gas exchange structure here is
A fe�v maril1e il1vertebrates en1ploy the lining of the a lung that opens to the outside via a pore called
gut as the gas exchange surface. Water is pumped ill the pneumostome. This lung is derived from a fea­
and out of the hindgut, or a special evagillation thereof, ture common to molluscs in general, the mantle
166 Chapter Four


Trachea \ -----Cuticle

.. �Spiracle

---Muscle cell

(D) (F) Hindgut

Body wall

Oral tentacles

Respiratory tree


c...-- Walking leg

INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 167

◄ Figure 4.26 Some gas exchange structures in inverte­ oxygen concentrations by "unloading" or dissociat­
brates. (A) The tube-dwelling polychaete worm £udistylia,
ing from oxygen (releasing oxygen). The loading and
wi th its feeding-gas exchange tentacles extended. (B) A
sea slug (nudibranch) displaying its branchial plume. tuuoading qualities are different for various pigments
(C) The gills of the giant gumboot chiton (Cryptochiton in terms of their relative saturations at different levels
stellen) are visi ble along the right si de of its toot. (D) A of oxygen in their immediate surroundings, and are
general plan of the tracheal system of an insect. (E) A general!y expressed in the fonn of dissociation curves.
single insect trachea and its branches (tracheoles), which Respiratory pigments load at the site of gas exchange,
lead directly to a musc le cell. (F) A sea cucumber dis­ where environmental oxygen levels are high relative
sected to expose the paired respiratory trees, which are
to the body fluid, and unload at the cells and tissues,
flushed wi th water by hindgut irrigation. (G) The placement
of gills beneath the flaps (carapace) of the thorax in a where surrounding oxygen levels are low relative to
crustacean {lateral view). {H) A terrestrial banana slug has U,e body fluid. In addition to sin1ply carrying oxygen
a pneumostome that opens to the air sac, or "lung." from tile loading to the unloading sites, some pigments
may carry reserves of oxygen tilat are released only
when tissue levels are unusually low. Other factors,
cavity, which in other molluscs houses the gills and such as temperature and carbon dioxide concentration,
other organs. also influence the oxygen-carrying capacities of respi­
ratory pigments.
Gas transport As illustrated in Figure 4.25, oxygen Hemoglobin is an1ong the n1ost con1mon respira­
must b e transported fron1 the sites of environn1ental tory pigments in aiumals. TI1ere are actually a nun1-
gas exchange to the cells of the body, and carbon diox­ ber of different hemoglobins. Some function primarily
ide must get from the cells where it is produced to the for transport, whereas otilers store oxygen and then
gas exchange surface for release. Generally, groups release it during times of low environmental oxygen
displaying marked cephalization circulate freshly oxy­ availability. Hemoglobins are reddish pigments con­
genated blood U1rough U1e "head" region first, and sec­ taining iron as the oxygen-binding metal They are
ondarily to the rest of the body. found in a variety of invertebrates and, with U,e excep­
Invertebrates vary considerably in tileir oxygen re­ tion of a few fishes, in all vertebrates. An1ong tile major
quirements. ln general, active animals consume more groups of invertebrates, hemoglobin occurs in many
oxygen than sedentary ones. In slow-moving and s e d ­ annelids, some crustaceans, son1e insects, and a few
entary invertebrates, oxygen consumption and utili­ molluscs and echinoderms. Interestingly, hemoglobin
zation are quite low. For example, no more than 20% is not restricted to Uie Metazoa; it is also produced by
oxygen withdrawal from the gas exchange water cur­ some protists, certain fungi, and in the root nodules of
rent has ever been demonstrated in sessile sponges, b i ­ leguminous plants. Ainong animals, hemoglobin may
valves, or twucates. The amount of oxygen available to be carried witlli..n red blood cells (erytlll'ocytes), in c o e ­
an organism varies greatly i n different environments. lomic cells called hemocytes (in a few echinoderms),
The concentration of oxygen in dry air at sea level is or it may simply be dissolved in the blood or coelomic
uniformly about 210 mJ/liter, whereas in water it fluid.
ranges from near zero to about 10 ml/liter. Tius varia­ Hemocyanins are the most commonly occurring
tion in aquatic envirot1l'l1ents is due to such factors as respiratory pig1nents in molluscs and arthropods,
depth, surface turbulence, photosynthetic activity, and they occur only in members of these two phyla.
ten1perature, and salinity (oxygen concentrations drop Among arthropods, heinocyanin occurs in chelicerates,
as temperature and salinity increase). With the excep­ a few n1yriapods, and the "higher Crustacea." TI1ere
tion of certain areas prone to oxygen depletion (e.g., i s indirect evidence that it also occurred in trilobites.
muds rich in organic detritus), most habitats provide Hemocyanin has been found in most classes of mol­
adequate sources of oxygen to sustain animal life. Also, luscs. Although hemocyanins, like hemoglobins, are
the relatively low capacity of body fluids to carry oxy­ proteins, they display significant structural differences,
gen in solution is greatly increased by binding oxygen contain copper ratl1er than iron, and tend to have a blu­
with complex organic compounds called respiratory ish color when oxygenated. The oxygen-binding site
pigments. on a hemocyanin molecule is a pair of copper atoms
Respiratory pigments differ in molecular architec­ linked to amino acid side chains. Unlike most hemo­
ture and in their affinities for oxygen, but all have a globins, hemocyani..ns tend to release oxygen easily
metal ion (usually iron, sometitnes copper) with which and provide a ready source of oxygen to the tissues
the oxygen combines. 1n most invertebrates, these pig­ as long as there is a relatively high concentration of
ments occur in solution within the blood or other body available environmental oxygen. Hemocyanins are
fluid, but in some invertebrates (and virtually all verte­ always found in solution, never in cells, a characteris­
brates), they may be in specific blood cells. In general, tic probably related to the necessity for rapid oxygen
the pigments respond to high oxygen concentrations unloading. Hemocyanins often give a bluish tint to the
by "loading" (combining with oxygen), and to low hemolymph of arthropods, although the presence of
168 Chapter Four

TABLE 4.1 Properties of oxygen-carrying respiratory pigments

Pigment Molecular weight Metal Ratio of metal to 02 Metal associate
Hemoglobin 65,000 Fe 1:1 Porphyrin
Hemeiythrin 40,000-108,000 Fe 2:1 Protein chains
Hemocyanin 40,000-9,000,000 Cu 2:1 Protein chains
Chlorocruorin 3,000,000 Fe 1:1 Porphyrin

carotenoid pigments (beta-carotene and related mole­ By "tying up" CO2 in other forms, the concentration
cules) commonly impart a brown or orange coloration. of CO2 in solution is lowered, thus raising the overall
Two other types of respiratory pigments occur inci­ CO2-carrying capacity of the blood. This set of reac­
dentally in certajn invertebrates; these are hemerythrins tions responds to changes in pH, and in the presence
and chlorocruorins, both of whlch contain iron. The of appropriate cations (e.g., Ca2+ and Na+) it shlfts back
former is violet to pink when oxygenated; the latter is and forth, serving as a buffering n1echan.ism by regu­
green in dilute concentrations but red in rugh concentra­ lating hydrogen ion concentration.
tions. ChJorocruorins generally function as efficient o x y ­
gen carriers when environmental levels are relatively
h.igh; hemerythrins function more in oxygen storage. Nervous Systems and Sense
Chlorocn1orin is structurally similar to hemoglobin and
may have been derived from it. Chlorocruorin occurs
in several families of polychaete worms; hemerythrin All living cells respond to son1e stimuli and conduct
is known from sipunculans, at least one genus of poly­ some sort of "ituorn1ation," at least for short distances.
chaetes, and some priapulans and brachlopods. Thus, even vvhen no real nervous system is present­
Table 4.1 gives some of the basic properties of ox­ the condition found in protists and sponges-coordi­
ygen-carrying pigments. There seems to be no obvi­ nation and reaction to external stimulation do occur.
ous phylogenetic rhyme or reason t o the occurrence The regular n1etachronal beating of cilia in ciliate pro­
of these pigments among the various taxa. Their spo­ tists and the responses of certain flagellates t o varying
radic and inconsistent distribution suggests that some light intensities are examples. In addition, most protists
of them may have evolved more than once, through are known to respond to gradients of various environ­
parallel or convergent evolution. Respiratory pigments mentaJ factors by moving t o or away from areas of hlgh
are rare an1ong insects and are known only fro1n the concentration. For example, when subjected to condi­
occurrence of hemoglobin in chironomid midges, some tions of low oxygen concentration (hypoxia), parame­
notonectids, and certain parasitic flies of the genus cia move to regions of lower \-Vater temperature, thus
Gnstrophi/11s. The absence of respiratory pigments lowering their metabolic rate and presumably their
among the insects reflects the fact that most of them do oxygen need. But the integration and coordination of
not use the blood as a medium for gas transport, but bodily activities it1 Metazoa are it1 large part due to the
en1ploy extensive tracheal systems to carry gases di­ processing of information by a true nervous system.
rectly to the tissues. In those .insects without well-de­ The functional units of nervous syste1ns are neurons:
veloped tracheae, oxygen is simply carried in solution cells that are specialized for high-velocity impulse
in the hemolymph. conduction.
Respiratory pigments raise the oxygen-carrying The generation of an impulse within a true nervous
capacity of body fluids far above what would be system usually results from a stimulus imposed on the
achieved by transport in sin,ple solution. Similarly, nervous elen1ents. The source of stimulation may be
carbon ruoxide levels in body flu.ids (and in sea water) external or internal. A typical pathway of events oc­
are much higher than would be expected strictly on the curring in a nervous system is shown in Figure 4.27.
basis of its solubility. The enzyme carbonic anhydrase A stin,ulus received by some receptor (e.g., a sense
greatly accelerates the reaction between carbon dioxide organ) generates an impulse that is conducted along a
and water, forn,ing carbonic acid: sensory nerve (afferent nerve) via a series of adjacent
neurons to some coordinating center or region of the
CO2 + ttiO � H2C03
system. The i1uormation is processed and an appro­
Furthern,ore, carbonic acid ionizes to hydrogen and bi­ priate response is "selected." A motor nerve (efferent
carbonate ions, so a series of reversible reactions takes nerve) then conducts an impulse from the central pro­
place: cessit1g center t o an effector (e.g., a 1nuscle), where the
response occurs. Once an impulse i s initiated withln
the system, the mechanism of conduction is essentially
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 169

Figure 4.27 A generalized pathway

Affere"t within the nervous system. A stimulus
Stimulus Receptor (sei,sory) init iates an impulse with in some senso­
ry structure (the receptor); the impu lse
Integration and is then transferred to some integra•
response selection tive portion of the nervous system via
Efferent sensory nerves. Following response
Respo"se Effect<>r (motor) selection, an impulse is generated
pathway and transferred al ong motor nerves to
an effector (e.g., muscle), where the
appropriate response is elicited.

the same in all neurons, regardless of the stimulus. The threshold to mechanical stimulation has been reached.
wave of depolarization along the length of each neu­ By the sa1ne token, the application of extreme cold to a
ron and the chemical neurotransmitters crossing the heat receptor may feel hot.
synaptic gaps between neurons are common to virtu­ Nervous systems in general operate on the priI1ci­
ally all nervous conduction. How then is the informa­ ples outlined above. However, this description applies
tion interpreted within the system for response selec­ largely to nervous systems that have structural central­
tion? The answer t o this question involves three basic ized regions. Followmg a discussion below of the basic
considerations. types of sense organs (receptor units), we discuss cen­
First is the occurrence of a point called a threshold, tralized and noncentralized nervous systems and their
which corresponds to the minimum intensity of stimu­ relationships to general body architecture.
lation necessary to generate an impulse.Receptor sites
consist of specialized neurons whose thresholds for Sense Organs
various kinds o f sti.Inuli are drastically different from Invertebrates possess an in1pressive array of recep­
one another because of structural or physiological tor structures through which they receive iI,forma­
qualities. For example, a sense organ whose threshold tion about their internal and external environments.
for light stimulation is very low (compared with other An animal's behavior is in large part a function of its
potential stimuli) functions as a light sensor, or photo­ responses to that inforn,ation. These responses often
receptor. In any such specialized sensory receptor, the take the form of some sort of movement relative to the
condition of differential thresholds essentially screens source of a particular stimulus. A response of this na­
incoming stimuli so that an impulse normally is gener­ ture is called a taxis and may be positive or negative
ated by only one kind of information (e.g., light, sound, depending on the reaction of the animal to the stimu­
heat, or pressure). Second is the nature of the receptor lus. For example, many animals tend to move away
itself. Receptor units (e.g., sense organs) are generally from bright light and are thus said to be negatively
constructed in ways that permit only certain stimuli to phototactic.
reach the impulse-generating cells. For example, the The activities of receptor units represent the initial
light-sensitive cells of the human eye are located b e ­ step in the usual functioning of the nervous system;
neath the eye surface, where stimuli other than light they are a critical link between the organism and its
would not normally reach them. surroundmgs. Consequently, the kmds of sense or­
And third, the overall "wiring" or circuitry of the gans present a11d their placen1ent on the body are inti­
entire nervous systen, is such that impulses received n,ately related to the overall con1piexity, mode of life,
by the integrative (response s- electing) areas of the s y s ­ and general body plan of any animal. The following
tem from any particular nerve will be interpreted ac­ general review provides some concepts and terminol­
cording to the kind of stimulus for which that sensory ogy that serve as a basis for more detailed coverage
pathway is specialized. For exan,ple, all in,pulses com­ i n later chapters. The first five categories of sense or­
ing from a photoreceptor are understood as being light gans n1ay all be viewed as mechanoreceptors, in that
mduced. Threshold and circuitry can be demonstrated they respond to mechanical sti.Inuli (e.g., touch, vi­
by introducing false information into the system by brations, and pressure). The last three are sensitive to
stimulating a specialized sense organ in an mappropri­ nonmechanical input (e.g., chemicals, light, and ten,­
ate manner: if photoreceptors in the eye are stimulated perature). In addition, a few invertebrates have been
by electricity or pressure, the nervous system will in­ shown to possess a magnetic compass. For example,
terpret this input as light. Remember that an i.Inpulse during their 1nig-rations between North America and
can be generated in any receptor by nearly any forn, of central Mexico, monarch butterflies probably navi­
stimulation if the stimulus is intense enough to exceed gate usiI,g a combination of the sun and the mclination
the relevant threshold. A blow to the eye often results angle component of the Earth's magnetic field to guide
ill "seeing stars," or flashes of light, even when the their flights, as has been shown for most vertebrate
eye is closed. In such a situation, the photoreceptor's migrators.
170 Chapter Four

(A) (B) Figure 4.28 Some invertebrate

tactile receptors. (A) Tactile organ of
Tactile brisllc
Sagitta bipunctata (an arrow worm,
phylum Chaetognatha). (B) A sensory

epithelial cell of a nemertean worm.
(C) Long, touch-sensitive setae (and
stout grasping setae) on the leg of
the isopod, Politolana (SEM).


Georeceptors Georeceptors respond to the pull of

gravity, giving ani1nals iJ1formation about their orien­
tation relative to "up and down." Most georeceptors
are structures called statocysts (Figure 4.29). Statocysts
usually consist of a fluid-filled chamber containing a
solid gra11ule or pellet called a statolith. The inner lin­
ing of the chamber includes a touch-sensitive epithe­
lium from which project bristles or "hairs" associated
with underlying sensory neurons. 1n aquatic inverte­
brates, some statocysts are open to the environment
and thus are filled with water. In son1e of these the
Tactile receptors Touch or tactile receptors are g e n ­ statolith is a sand grain obtained fron1 the animal's s u r ­
erally derived from modified epithelial cells associat­ roundings. Most statoliths, however, are secreted with­
ed with sensory neurons. The nature of the epithelial in closed capsules by the organisms themselves.
modifications depends a great deal on the structure of Because of the resting inertia of the statolith with­
the body wall For instance, the form of a touch recep­ in the fluid, any movement of the animal results in a
tor in a n arthropod with a rigid exoskeleton must be change in the pattern or intensity of stimulation of
different from that in a soft-bodied cnidarian. Most the sensory epithelium by the statolith. Additionally,
such receptors, ho,.,vever, involve projections from the when the anjmal is stationary, the position of the stato­
body surface, such as bristles, spines, setae, tubercles, lith within the cl1a1nber provides information about
and assorted bumps and pimples (Figure 4.28). Objects the organism's orientation to gravity. The fluid within
in the environment with which the animal makes con­ statocysts of at least some invertebrates (especially cer­
tact move these receptors, thereby creating mechanical tain crustaceans) also acts something like the fluid of
deforn,ations that are in1posed upon the underlying the semicircular canals in vertebrates. When the ani­
sensory neurons to initiate an impulse. mal moves, the fluid tends to remain stationary-the
Virtually all animals are touch-sensitive, but their relative "flow" of the fluid over the sensory epithelium
responses are varied and often integrated with other provides the animal with information about its linear
sorts of sensory input. For exan1ple, the gregarious na­ and rotational acceleration relative t o its environment.
ture of many anin1als may involve a positive response
to touch (positive thigmotaxis) co1nbined with the
chemical recognition of members of the same species.
Some touch receptors are highly sensitive to mechani­
cally induced vibrations propagated in water, loose
sedin1ents, through solid substrata, or other n1aterials.
Such vibration sensors are common in certain tube­
dwelling polychaetes that retract quickly into their
' .
tubes in response to movements in their surround­

ings. Some crustacean ambush-predators are able to
detect the vibrations induced by nearby potential prey �

animals, and web-building spiders quickly and accu­ ,

rately sense prey in their webs through vibrations of
the threads. Some spiders have highly sensitive tactile •
setae on their appendages, called trichobothria, that
sense airborne vibrations of prey, such as wing beats Figure 4.29 A generalized statocyst, or georeceptor
and perhaps even some sound frequencies. (section).
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 171

Whether stationary or in motion, anin1als utilize the

input from georeceptors in different ways, depending
on their habitat and lifestyle. The information fron1
these statocysts is especially important under condi­
tions \¥here other sensory reception is inadequate.
For exan1ple, burrowing invertebrates cannot rely on
photoreceptors for orientation when moving through
the substratum, and some employ statocysts for that
purpose.Similarly, planktonic animals face orientation
problems in their three-dimensional aqueous environ­
ment, especially in deep water and at night; many such
creatures possess statocysts.
There are a few exceptions to the standard statocyst
arrangen1ents described above.For example, a number Figure 4.30 An arthropod phonoreceptor, or auditory
of aquatic insects detect gravity by using air bubbles organ, of the fork-tailed katydid, Scudderia furcata. Note
the position of the right-side tympanum on the t ibia of the
trapped in certain passageways (e.g., tracheal tubes).
first walking leg.
The bubbles move according to their orientation to the
vertical, much like the air bubble in a carpenter's level,
and stimulate sensory bristles lining the tube in which sound-induced vibrations. Certain centipedes bear
they are located. so-called organs of Tomosvary, which some workers
believe may be sensitive to sound.
Proprioceptors Internal sensory organs that respond
to n1echanically induced changes caused by stretching, Baroreceptors The sensitivity of invertebrates to
con1pression, bending, and tension are called proprio­ pressure changes-baroception-is not well under­
ceptors, or simply stretch receptors. These receptors stood, and no structures for this purpose have been
give the animal information about the movement of its positively identified. However, behavioral responses
body parts and their positions relative to one another. to pressure changes have been demonstrated in sev­
Proprioceptors have been most thoroughly studied in eral pelagic invertebrates including n1edusae, cteno­
vertebrates and arthropods, where they are associated phores, cephalopods, and copepod crustaceans, as well
with appendage joints and certain body extensor mus­ as in some planktonic larvae. Aquatic insects also sense
cles. The sensory neurons involved in proprioception changes in pressure, and may use a variety of methods
are associated with and attached to some part of the to do so. Some intertidal crustaceans coordinate daily
body that is stretched or otherwise mechanically affect­ migratory activities with tidal movements, perhaps
ed by movement or muscle tension.These parts may be partly in response to pressure as water depth changes.
specialized muscle cells, elastic connective tissue fibers,
or membranes that span joints. As these structures are Chemoreceptors Many anin1als have a general
stretched, relaxed, and compressed, the sensory e n d ­ chemical sensitivity, which is not a function of any
ings of the attached neurons are distorted accordingly definable sensory structure but is due to the general
and thus stimulated. Some of these receptor arrange­ irritability of protoplasm itself. When they occur in
ments can detect not only changes in position but also sufficiently high concentrations, noxious or irritating
in static tension. chen,icals can induce responses via this general chemi­
cal sensitivity. In addition, most animals have specific
Phonoreceptors General sensitivity to sound- pho­ chemoreceptors.
noreception-has been demonstrated in a number Chemoreception is a rather direct sense in that the
of invertebrates (certain annelid worms and a vari­ 111olecules stin1ulate sensory neurons by contact, u s u ­
ety of crustaceans), but true auditory receptors are ally after diffusing in solution across a thin epithelial
known only in a few groups of insects and perhaps covering. The chemoreceptors of many aquatic inver­
some arachnids and centipedes. Crickets, grasshop­ tebrates are located in pits or depressions, through
pers, and cicadas possess phonoreceptors called tym­ which water may b e circulated by ciliary action. In ar­
panic organs (Figure 4.30). A rather tough but flexible thropods, the chemoreceptors are usually in the form
tympanum covers an internal air sac that allows the of hollow "hairs" or other projections, within which
tympanum to vibrate when struck by sound waves. are chemosensory neurons. While chemosensitivity is
Sensory neurons attached to the tympanum are stimu­ a universal pheno1nenon among invertebrates, a wide
lated directly by the vibrations. Most arachnids possess range of specificities and capabilities exists.
structures called slit sense organs, which, although The types of chemicals to which particular animals
poorly studied, are suspected to perform auditory respond are closely associated with their lifestyles.
functions; at least they appear to be capable of sensing Chemoreceptors may be specialized for tasks such as
172 Chapter Four

general water analysis, humidity detection, sensitivity in many arthropods), and complex eyes (the "camera"
to pH, prey tracking, mate location, substratu1n analy­ eyes of cephalopod molluscs and vertebrates). In mul­
sis, and food recognition. Probably all aquatic organ­ ticellular ocelli, the light-sensitive (retinular) cells may
isms leak small amounts of amino acids into their en­ face outward; these ocelli are then said to be direct. Or
vironment through the skin and gills as well as in their the light-sensitive cells may be inverted. The inverted
urine and feces. These released an1ino acids form an type is common an1ong flatworms and nemerteans
organism's "body odor," which can create a chemical and is made up of a cup of reflective pigment and re­
picture of the animal that others detect to identify such tinular cells (Figure 4.318). The light-sensitive ends
characteristics as species, sex, stress level, distance and of these neurons face into the cup. Light entering the
direction, and perhaps size and individuality. Amino opening of the pigment cup is reflected back onto the
acids are widely distributed in the aquatic environ­ retinular cells. Because light can enter only through
ment, where they provide general indicators of bio­ the cup opening, this sort of ocellus gives the a11in1al a
logical activity. Many aquatic animals can detect amino good deal of information about light direction as well
acids with much greater sensitivity than OUT most s o ­ as variations in intensity.
phisticated laboratory equipment. Compound eyes are composed of a fev,, to many d i s ­
tinct wuts called ommatidia (Figure 4.31C). Although
Photoreceptors Nearly all animals are sensitive to eyes of multiple units occur i n certain annelid worms
light, and 1nost have son,e kind of identifiable pho­ and some bivalve molluscs, they are best developed
toreceptors. Although members of only a few of the and best understood among the arthropods. Each om­
metazoan phyla appear to have evolved eyes capable matidiurn is supplied with its own nerve tract leading
of image formation (Cnidaria, Mollusca, Annelida, to a large optic nerve, and apparently each has its own
Arthropoda, and Chordata), virtually all animal pho­ discrete field of vision. The visual fields of neighboring
toreceptors share structurally similar light receptor omrnatidia overlap to some degree, with the result that
molecules that probably predate the origin of discrete a shift in position of an object within the total visual
structural eyes. Thus, the structural photoreceptors field causes changes in the impulses reaching several
of animals share the common quality of possessing on,matidial units; based in part on this phenomenon,
light-sensitive pigments. These pigment molecules are compound eyes are especially suitable for detecting
capable of absorbing light energy in the form of p h o ­ movement. Compow1d eyes are described in more d e ­
tons, a process necessary for the initiation o f any light­ tail i n 01apter 20.
induced, or photic, reaction. The energy thus absorbed The complex eyes of squids and octopuses (Figure
is ultimately responsible for stimulating the sensory 4.31D) are probably the best image-forming eyes
neurons of the photoreceptor unit. among the invertebrates. Cephalopod eyes are fre­
Beyond this basic comn1onality, however, there is quently coinpared with those of vertebrates, but they
an incredible range of variation in complexity and ca­ differ in many respects. The eye is covered by a trans­
pability of light-sensitive structures. Arthropods, mol­ parent protective cornea. The amount of light that en­
luscs, and some polychaete annelids possess eyes with ters the eye is controlled by the iris, which regulates the
extreme sensitivity, good spatial resolution, and, in size of the slitlike pupil. The lens is held by a ring of
some cases, multiple spectral chaiu1els. Most classifica­ ciliary muscles and focuses light on tl1e retina, a layer
tions of photoreceptors are based upon grades of com­ of densely packed photosensitive cells from which the
plexity, and the same categorical term may be applied neurons a.rise. The receptor sites of the retinal layer face
to a variety of nonhomologous structures, from sin1ple in the direction of the light entering the eye. This direct
pigment spots (found i n protists) to extremely c o m ­ eye arrangement is quite different fron1 the indirect eye
plicated lensed eyes (found in squids and octopuses). condition in vertebrates, where the retinal layer is in­
Functionally, the capabilities of these receptors range verted. Another difference is that in many vertebrates,
from simply perceiving light intensity and diTection to focusing is accomplished by the action of musdes that
forming images with a high degree of visual discrimi­ change the shape of tl1e lens, whereas in cephalopods it
nation and resolution. is achieved by 1noving the lens back and forth with the
Certain protists, particularly flagellates, possess ciliary musdes and by compressing the eyeball.
subcellular organelles called stigmata, which are as­ A good deal of work suggests that metazoan pho­
sociated with simple spots of light-sensitive pigment toreceptors evolved primarily along two lines. On one
(Figure 4.31A). The simplest metawan photoreceptors hand photoreceptor units derived from or closely
are unicellular structures scattered over the epidennis associated with cilia (e.g., in cnidarians, echinoderms,
or concentrated in some area of the body. These are and chordates). These types of eyes are called ciliary
usually called eyespots. Multicellular photoreceptors eyes. On the other hand are photoreceptors derived
may be classified into three general types, with some from n1icrovilli or n1icrotubules and referred to as
subdivisions. These types include ocelli (sometimes rhabdomeric eyes (e.g., in flatworms, aimelids, arthro­
called simple eyes or eyespots), compound eyes (found pods, and molluscs). All 311imal photoreceptors may
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 173

(A) (B)
Retinular cells


0 0 �-0

0 Pigment
cup cells

(D) Retina

• '<,�Pupil-/L
� ( I
- . · .I

·· ·.;
,: . 'f
.,,./ muscle \··
· -, •• Optic
Optic nerve Cartilage
Vertebrate eye Octopus eye

Figure 4.31 Some photoreceptors. (A) A protist,

Euglena. Note the position of the stigma. (B) An inverted
pigment-cup ocellus of a fl atworm (section). (C) An physiological level, or whether discrete thermorecep­
insect's compound eye. A single unit is called an omma­ tor organs are also involved.
t idium. (D) A vertebrate eye (left) and a cephalopod eye There is considerable circumstantial evidence that
(right) (vertical sections). at least so1ne invertebrates are capable of directly sens­
ing differences in environmental temperatures, but
actual receptor units are for the n,ost part unidenti­
share a deep developmental homology with the Pax-6 fied. A number of bisects, some crustaceans, and the
gene, which is known to initiate eye development horseshoe crab (Limulus) apparently can sense thermal
(even structurally non-homologous eyes) in numer­ variation. The only nonarthropod invertebrates that
ous distantly related phyla of both Protostomia and have received much attention in this regard are certain
Deuteroston,ia. leeches, whid, apparently are drawn to warm-blooded
hosts by some heat-sensing mechanisn1. Other ecto­
Thermoreceptors The influence of te1nperature parasites (e.g., ticks) of warm-blooded vertebrates may
changes on all levels of biological activity is well docu­ also be able to sense the "warmth of a nearby meal,"
mented. Every student of general biology has learned but little work has been done on this subject.
about the basic relationships between temperature
and rates of metabolic reactions. Furthermore, even Independent Effectors
the casual observer has noticed that many organisms' Independent effectors are specialized sensory re­
activity levels range from lethargy at low tempera­ sponse structures that not only receive information
tures to hyperactivity at elevated temperatures, and from the environment but also elicit a response to the
that thermal extremes can result in death. The prob­ stiJnulus directly, without the intervention of the n e r ­
lem is determining whether the organism i s simply vous system per se. 1 n this sense, independent effectors
responding to the effects of temperature at a general are like dosed circuits. A s discussed in later chapters,
174 Chapter Four


/:j�= fl==;\-- -Longitudinal nerve cord

Figure 4.32 Nervous systems and sym­

metry. (A) The nerve net in a radially sym­
metrical sea anemone (cutaway view).
(B) A centralized ladder-like nervous s y s ­
tem in a bilaterally symmetrical flatworm.

the stinging capsules (nematocysts) of cnidarians and the reaction involves the oxidation of a substrate called
the adhesive cells of ctenophores are, at least under luciferin, catalyzed by an enzyme called luciferase.
most circumstances, independent effectors. The structures of these chemicals differ among taxa,
but the reaction is similar. The color of light varies from
deep blue (shrimp and dinoflagellates) to blue-green or

Bioluminescence green (certain millipedes, ostracods, and twucates), to

yellow and even red (fireilies). Bioluminescence serves
Bioluminescence, the production of light by living several functions, including offense, defense, prey at­
creatures, occurs in a great variety of organisms in traction, and intraspecific communication. In so1ne
the sea and in some land animals, but it is, curiously, cases, the luminescent organs of 1netazoans (particu­
rare in freshwaters. On land, it is seen in a number of larly fishes) are not intrinsic but are symbiotic colonies
beetle groups, as well as some flies and springtails, of microorganisms.
centipedes and millipedes, a few earthworms, and at
least one snail (as weU as some fungi). In freshwater it
has been reported from only a fe\v insect larvae and a Nervous Systems and
freshwater limpet. ln the sea, bioluminescence plays a
signjficant role in animal con1.municati.on, and it has
Body Plans
been recorded from various protists, cnidarians, cteno­ The nervous systen1 is always receiving information
phores, chaetognaths, annelids, n101luscs, numerous via its associated receptors, processing this informa­
arthropods, echinoderms, hemichordates, tunicates, at tion, and eliciting appropriate responses. We limit our
least one nemertean, and, of course, numerous fishes discussion at this point to those conditions in which
(as well as bacteria and hu1gi). Most bioluminescence distinct systems of identifiable neurons exist, leaving
commonly seen in the sea is produced by dinoflagel­ the special situations in protists and sponges for later
lates emitting rapid (one-tenth of a second) flashes. But chapters.
the patient nighttime observer will also discover that The structure of the nervous system of any animal is
flashes of light are produced by son1e species of medu­ related to its body plan and mode of life. Conside.r first
sae, ctenophores, copepods, bentluc ostracods, brittle a radially symmetrical animal with limited powers of
stars, sea pansies and sea pens, chaetopterid and syllid locomotion, such as a planktoruc jellyfish or a sessile
polychaetes, limpets, clams, tunicates, and others. sea anen1one. In such animals the major receptor or­
Luminescence is the emission of light without heat. gans are more or less regularly (and radially) distribut­
It involves a special type of chemical reaction in which ed around the body; the nervous system itself is a non­
the energy, instead of being released as heat as occurs centralized, diffuse meshwork generally called a nerve
in most chemical reactions, is used t o excite a product net (Figure 4.32A). Radially symmetrical animals tend
molecule that releases energy as a photon. In all cases, to be able to respond equally well t o stimuli coming
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 175

from any direction -a useful ability for creattll"es with Longitudinal nerve cords receive information
either sessile or f r e e f-loating lifestyles. Interesti.ngJy, at through peripheral sensory nerves from whatever
least in cnidarians, there are both polarized and n o n ­ sense organs are placed along the body, and they
polarized synapses within the nerve net. Impulses can carry impulses fro1n the cerebral ganglion to periph­
travel in either direction across the nonpolarized syn­ eral motor nerves to effector sites. Additionally, nerve
apses because the neuronal processes on both sides are cords and peripheral nerves often serve anin1als in
capable of releasing synaptic transmitter chemicals. reflex actions and i n some highly coordinated activi­
This capability, coupled with the form of the ties that do not depend on the cerebral ganglion. The
nerve net, enables in1pulses to travel in all directions most primitive centralized nervous system may have
from a point of stimulation. From this brief description, been similar to that seen today in xenacoelomorph
it might be assumed that such a simple and "unorga­ wonns and some free -livi.I1g flatwonns, where pairs
nized" nervous system would not provide enough in­ of longitudinal cords may attached to one another by
tegrated information to allovv complex behaviors and transverse connectives in a ladder-like fashion (Figure
coordination. In the absence of a structurally recogruz­ 4.32B). Among those Metazoa that have deveJoped
able integrating center, the nerve net does not fit well active lifestyles (e.g., errant polychaetes, most arthro ­
with our earlier description of the sequence of events pods, cephalopod molluscs, vertebrates), the nervous
from stimulus to response. But many cnidarians are in system has become increasingly centralized through a
fact capable of faidy inh·icate behavior, and the systen1 reduction in the number of longitudinal nerve cords.
works, often in ways that are not yet fully understood. However, a number of invertebrates (e.g., ectoprocts,
In any case, symmetry, sense organ distribution, n e r ­ tunicates, echinoderms) have secondarily taken up
vous system organization, and lifestyles are clearly cor­ sedentary or sessile modes of existence. Within these
related to one another. groups there has been a corresponding decentraliza­
The tren1endous evolutionary success of bilateral tion of the nervous syste1n and a genera.I reduction i.I1
symmetry and unidirectional locomotion must have and dispersal of sense organs.
depended in large part on associated changes in the o r ­
ganization of the nervous system and the distribution
of sense organs. The evolutionary trend among ani­
mals has been to centralize and concentrate the major
Hormones and Pheromones
coordinating elements of the nervous system. This cen­ We have stressed the significance of the integrated na­
tral nervous system is usually made up of an anteriorly ture of the parts and processes of living orgartisms and
located neuronal mass (ganglion) from which arise one have discussed the general role of the nervous systen,
or more longitudinal nerve cords that often bear addi­ i.I 1 this regard. Orgarusms also produce and distribute
tional ganglia (Figure 4.32B). The anterior ganglion is within their bodies a variety of chemicals that regulate
referred to by a variety of names. Many authors have and coordinate biological activities. This very broad
abandoned the term brain for such an organ because of description of what may be called chemical coordina­
the multifaceted implications of that word and adopt tors obviously includes ahnost any substance that has
the more neutral term cerebral ganglion (or cerebral some effect on bodily functions. One special category
ganglia) for the general case. In many instances, a term of chemical coordi.I1ators is the hormones. This term r e ­
of its relative position to some other organ is applied. fers to any chemicals that are produced and secreted by
For example, the cerebral ganglion co1nmonly bes d o r ­ some organ or tissue, and are then carried by the blood
sal to the anterior portion of the gut and is thus a su­ or other body fluid to exert their influence elsewhere in
praenteric (or supraesophageal, or suprapharyngeaJ) the body. In vertebrates, we associate this type of phe­
ganglion. nomenon with the endocrine system, which includes
In addition t o the cerebral ganglion, most bilater­ well known glands as production sites. For our pur­
ally symmetrical ani.Inals have many of the major sense poses we n1ay subdivide hormones into two types. First
organs placed anteriorly. The concentration of these are endocrine hormones, which are produced by more
organs at the front end of an animal is called cephali­ or less isolated glands and released into the circulatory
zation-the formation of a head region. Even though fluid. Second are neurohormones, which are produced
cephalization may seem an obvious and predictable by special neurons called neurosecretory cells.
outcome of bilaterality and mobility, it is nonetheless Much remains unknown concerning hormones in
extremely important. It simply would not do to have invertebrates. Most of our information comes from
information about the environment gathered by the studies on insects and crustaceans, although hormonal
trailing end of a n,otile ani1nal, lest it enter adverse and activity has been demonstrated in a few other taxa and
potentially dangerous conditions unawares. Hunting, is suspected in many others. Among the arthropods,
tracking, and other forms of food location are greatly honnones are involved in the control of growth, molt­
facilitated by having the appropriate receptors placed ing, reproduction, eye pigment migration, and prob­
anteriorly-toward the direction of movement. ably other phenomena; in at least some other taxa (e.g.,
176 Chapter Four

a11nelids), hormones influence growth, regeneration,

and sexual maturation.
Hormones do not belong to any particular class of

chemical compounds, nor do they all produce the same

effects at their sites of action: some are excitatory, some
are inhibitory. Because endocrine horn1ones are c a r ­
ried in the circulatory fluid, they reacl, all parts of an
animal's body. The site of action, or target site, must be
able to recognize the appropriate hormone(s) among
the myriad other chemicals in its surroundings. This
recognition usually involves an interaction between
the hormone and the cell surface at the target site.
Thus, under normal circumstances, even though a par­
ticular hormone is contacting many parts of the body, (C)
it will elicit activity only from the appropriate target
organ or tissue that recognizes it.
1n a general sense, pheromones are substances that
act as "interorganisn,al hormones." These che1nicals
are produced by organisms and released into the en­
- - .,

vironment, where they have an effect on other organ­
isms. Most pheromone research has been on intra­ ..., ·.--;., • ,
specific actions, especially in insects, v.•here activities , 0'
such as mate attraction are frequently related to these
Figure 4.33 Some common asexual reproductive pro­
airborne chemicals. We n1ay view intraspecific phero­
cesses. (A) Simple mitoti c binary fissi on; this process
mones as coordinating the activities of populations, occurs in most protists. (B) Fragmentation, followed by
just as hormones help coordinate the activities of indi­ regenerat i on of lost parts. This process occurs in a num­
vidual organisms. There is also a great deal of evidence ber of vermiform invertebrates. (C) Budding may produce
for the existence of interspecific pheromones. For e x ­ separate solitary individuals, as it does in Hydra (shown
ample, some predatory species (e.g., some starfish) re­ here); or i t may produce colonies (see Figure 4.34).
lease chemicals into the water that elicit extraordinary
behavioral responses on the part of potential prey spe­
cies, generally in the form of escape behavior. We dis­ have far more dramatic capabilities. The replacen,ent
cuss exan1ples of various pheromone phenomena for of a lost appendage in familiar anin1als such as star­
specific animal groups throughout the book. fish and crabs is a common example of regeneration.
However, these regenerative abilities are not "repro­
duction" because no new individuals result, and their
presence does not imply that an animal capable of
replacing a lost leg can necessarily reproduce asexu­
The biological success of any species depends upon aUy. Examples of organisms that possess regenerative
its members staying alive long enough to reproduce abilities of a magnitude permitti11g asexual reproduc­
themselves. The following account includes a discus­ tion include protists, sponges, many cnidarians (corals,
sion of the basic methods of reproduction a1nong i n ­ anemones, and hydroids), many colonial animals, and
vertebrates and leads to the account of embryology and certain types of worms.
developmental strategies provided in Chapter 5. In many cases asexual reproduction is a relatively
incidental process and is rather insignificant to a spe­
Asexual Reproduction cies' overall survival strategy. In others, however, it
Asexual reproductive processes do not involve the is an integral and even necessary step in the life cycle.
production and subsequent fusion of haploid cells, There are important evolutionary and adaptive aspects
but rely solely on vegetative growth through mitosis. to asexual reproduction. Organisms capable of rapid
Cell division itself is a common form of asexual repro­ asexual reproduction can quickly take advai,tage of
duction among the protists, and many invertebrates favorable environmental conditions by exploiting tem­
engage in various types of body fission, budding, or porarily abundant food supplies, newly available liv­
fragmentation, followed by growth to new individuals ing space, or other resources. This competitive edge is
(Figure 4.33). These asexual processes depend largely frequently evidenced by extremely high numbers of
on the organis1n's "reproductive exploitation" of its asexually produced individuals in disturbed or unique
ability to regenerate (regrow lost parts). Even wound habitats, or in other unusual conditions. In addition,
healing is a form of regeneration, but many animals asexual processes are often employed in the production
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 177

(A} (C}

Figure 4.34 Representative inver•
tebrate coloni es. (A) Botryllus, a
colonial ascidian. (B) Lophogorgia, a
colonial gorgonian. (C) Three species
of coral. (D) Aglaophenia, a colonial
hydro id.

of resistant cysts or overwintering bodies, which are surface-to-volume dilemma. Increased functional size
capable of surviving through periods of harsh environ­ through colonialism can result in a number of advan­
mental conditions. When favorable conditions return, tages for anin,als-it can increase feeding efficiency,
these structures grow to new individuals. facilitate the handling of larger food items, reduce
chances of predation, increase the competitive edge for
A word about colonies A frequent result of asexual food, space, and other resources, and allo"'' groups of
reproduction, particularly some forms of budding, is individuals within the colony to specialize for different
the forn,ation of colonies. This phenomenon is espe­ functions.
cially common in certain taxa (e.g., cnidarians, ascid­
ians, bryozoans) (Figure 4.34). The term colony is not Sexual Reproduction
easy to define. It may initially bring to mind ant or bee Although reproduction i.s critical to a species' survival,
colonies, or even groups of humans; but these exam­ it is the one n,ajor physiological activity that is not es­
ples are more appropriately viewed as social u11its rath­ sential to an individual organisn,'s survival. Jn fact,
er than as colonies, at least i.n the context of our discus­ when animals are stressed, reproduction is usually the
sions. For our purposes, we define colonies as associa­ first activity that ceases. Sexual reproduction is espe­
tions in which the constituent individuals are not com­ cially energy costly, yet it is the characteristic mode of
pletely separated from each othe1� but are organically reproduction among 1nulticellular organisms.6
connected together, either by living extensions of their Given the advantages of asexual reproduction,
bodies, or by material that they have secreted. While one might wonder why all anunals do not employ it
occasional mixed colonies may exist (usually due to and abandon sexual activities entirely. The n,ost fre­
fusion of two separate colonies, as i.n some tunicates), quently given explanation for the popularity of sexual
most colonies are con1posed of genetically identical reproduction (aside from anthropo1norphi.c views, of
individuals. We describe the nature of numerous exam­ course) focuses on the long-term benefits of genetic
ples of colonial life in later chapters.
The forn,ation of colonies not only may enhance
the benefits of asexual reproduction in general, but 6 ln thinking of artimals, we typically view "sex" and "reproduc­
also produces overall functional units that are much tion" as one in the same. However, at the cellular level these two
processes are opposites: reproduction is the division of one cell to
greater in size than mere individuals; thus this growth form two, whereas the sexual process incudes h,,o cells fusing to
habit may be viewed as a partial solution to the form one!
178 Chapter Four

variation. Recombination allows for the maintena11ce Male Female

of high genetic heterozygosity iJ1 mdividuals and
high polymorphis1n in populations. Through regular Testis Sperm duct Oviduct Ovary
meiosis and recombination, a level of genetic varia­
tion is maintained generation after generation, within
... ... · .
and among populations; thus species are thought to ·. . .
be more "genetically prepared" for environmental
changes, including both shifts in the physical environ­
ment and the changing milieu of competitors, preda­
tors, prey, and parasites. Accessory g land
Although this advantage must surely be real, does it
satisfactorily explain the role of sex in short-term selec­
tion (i.e., generation by generation)? Presumably even Seminal vesicle
in the short term an advantage lies in the maintenance ('
/ Ejaculatory duct Yagin•- -\�
of genetic variability. That is, genetic variability in both Gonopore
individuals and populations n1ay increase their chanc­ Gonopore
es of adapting to environmental fluctuations, preda­
Figure 4.36 Schematic and generalized male and
tors, parasites, and disease. In 1973, Leigh Van Valen
female reproductive systems. See text for explanation.
proposed the idea that in order just to "keep up" with
changing environments, populations must continually
access new and different gene combinations through
the process of natural selection-a notion called the and structures for copulation. The different levels of
"red queen hypothesis" after the Red Queen in Alice con1plexity of these systems are related to the develop­
ill Wonderland, who commanded her courtiers to run n1ental strategies used by the organisms in question, as
continuously just to stay in the same place. discussed in Chapter 5 and described in the coverage
Sexual reproduction involves the formation of hap­ of each phylum. The variation in such matters is im­
loid cells through meiosis and the subsequent fusion of mense, but at this point we introduce some basic termi­
pairs of those cells to produce a diploid zygote (Figure nology of structure and ftmction.
4.35). The haploid cells are gametes-sperm and Many mvertebrates simply release their gametes
eggs-and their fusion is the process of fertilization, into the water in which they live (broadcast spawn­
or syngamy. (Exceptions to these general terms and ing), where external fertilization occurs. In such ani­
processes are conunon among protists as discussed in mals the gonads are usually simple, often transiently
Chapter 3.) The production of gametes i s accomplished occurring structures associated with so1ne n1eans of
by the gonads-ovaries i n females and testes in getting the eggs and sperm out of the body. This re­
males-or their ftmctional equivalents. The gonads are lease is accomplished through a discrete plumbing
frequently associated with reproductive systems that arrangement (coelomoducts, metanephridia, or gono­
may include various arrangements of ducts and tubes, ducts-sperm ducts and oviducts), or by temporary
accessory organs such as yolk glands or shell glands, pores in or rupture of the body wall. In such animals,
synchronous spawning is critical, and marine species
rely largely on this synchrony and the water currents
---• Mature adults to achieve fertilization. Water ten1perature, light, p h y ­
Ovaries Testes toplankton abtmdance, lunar cycle, and the presence of
Growth and conspecifics have all been implicated in synchronized
\ Meiosis /
maturation spawning events of invertebrates.

( \ I
Ova (11) Sperm (n) On the other hand, invertebrates that pass sperm
directly from the male to the fe1naJe, where fertiliza­
tion occurs internally, must have structural features to
facilitate such activities. Figure 4.36 illustrates stylized

Fcrti1i7Ation male and female reproductive systems. A general sce­
nario leading t o internal fertilization in such systems is
as follows. Sperm are produced in the testes and trans­
Development Zygote (211) ported via the sperm duct to a precopulatory storage
area called the seminal vesicle. Prior to mating, many
invertebrates incorporate groups of sperm cells into
sperm packets, or spermatophores. Spennatophores
Figure 4.35 A generalized metazoan life cycle. provide a protective casing for the sperm and facilitate
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Anima l Architecture and Body Plans 179

transfer with mirtimal sperm loss. In addition, many protogyny (Greek gynos, "female"). At least some in­
spern1atophores are themselves motile, acting as inde­ vertebrates alternate regularly between being function­
pendent sperm carriers. So1ne sort of male copulatory al males and females, as explained by Jerome Tichenor
or intromittent organ (e .g., penis, cirrus, gonopod) is (Poems in Co11te111pt ofProgress, 1974):
inserted through the fe1nale's gonopore and into the Consider thecase of the oyster,
vagina. Sperm are passed th.rough the male's ejaculato­ Whict, pnsses its time in the moisture;
ry duct directly, or by way of a copulatory organ, into Ofsex alternate,
the female system, where they are received and often If chnses 110 111nte,
stored by a seminal receptacle. But lives in self-co11tai11ed cloister.
In the female, eggs are produced in the ovaries and
transported into the region of the oviducts. Sperm In addition to the clever oysters immortalized by Pro­
eventually travel into the female's reproductive tract, fessor Ticl1enor, some other taxa in which the hermaph­
where they encounter the eggs; fertilization often takes roditic condition is common include barnacles, arrow
place in the oviducts. Among invertebrates, the spern1 worms (Chaetognatha), flatworn1s, clitellate annelids,
may move by flagellar or ameboid action, or by loco­ tunicates, many advanced gastropods, and cymothoid
motor structures on the spermatophore packet; they isopods (Crustacea).
may be aided by ciliary action of the lining of the fe­ The sexual conditions of colonial animals include
male reproductive tract. Various accessory glands n1ay myriad variations on the themes described above.
be present both in n1ales (sucl1 as those that produce Colonies may include only one sex, both sexes, or the
spermatophores or seminal fluids) and in fe1nales individuals may be hermaphroditic.
(such as those that produce yolk, egg capsules, o r
shells). This simple sequence is typical (although with Parthenogenesis
many elaborations) of n1ost i 11vertebrates that rely on Parthenogenesis (Greek partheno, "virgin"; genesis,
internal fertilization. "birth") is a special reproductive strategy in which
Animals in which the sexes are separate, each indi­ unfertilized eggs develop into viable adult individu­
vidual being either male or female, are termed gono­ als. Parthenogenetic species are known in many inver­
choristic, or dioecious. However, many invertebrates tebrate (and vertebrate and plant) groups, including
are hern1aphroditic, or monoecious: each artin1al con­ gastrotrichs, rotifers, tardigrades, nematodes, gastro­
tains both ovaries and testes and thus is capable of pro­ pods, certain insects, and various crustaceans. The
ducing both eggs and sperm (though not necessarily at taxonomic distribution of parthenogenesis is spotty;
the same tin1e).7 Although self-fertilization may seen1 it is rare to find a whole genus, let alone any higher
to be a natural advantage in this condition, such is not taxon, that is wholly parthenogenetic. So1ne higher
the case. In fact, with some exceptions, sell-fertilization taxa that are largely parthenogenetic (e.g., aphids,
in hermaphrodites is usually prevented. Fertilizing cladocerans) are cyclically parthenogenetic, and they
one's self would be the ultimate form of inbreeding punctuate their life histories with sex.8 There are also
and would presumably result in a dra.mati c decrease a number of protist higher taxa for which sex has yet
in potential genetic variation and heterozygosity. The to be described. Among the invertebrates, partheno­
rule for many hermaphroditic invertebrates is mutual genesis usually occurs in small-bodied species that
cross fertilization, wherein t\.vo individuals function are parasites, or are free-living but inhabit extreme or
alternately or sin1ultaneously as males and exchange highly variable habitats such as temporary freshwater
sperm, and then use the mate's spern1 to fertilize their ponds. There is a generaI trend for parthenogenesis to
own eggs. The real advantage of hermaphroditism become more prevalent as one moves to\.vard higher
now becomes clear: a single sexual encounter results in latitudes or into harsher environments. OveraU, it ap­
the impregnation of two individuals, rather than only pears that parthenogenetic taxa arise from time to time
one as in the gonochoristic condition. and succeed in the short run due to certain ilnrnediate
A common phenomenon an1ong hermaphroditic advantages, but in the long run they might be con­
invertebrates is protandric hermaphroditism, or sim­ demJ1ed to extinction through competition with their
ply protandry (Greek proto, "first"; andro, "male"), sexual relatives.
where an individual is first a functional male, but later
in life changes sex to become a functional fe1nale. The
less co1nmon reverse situation, female first and then A number of fishes and amphibians are parthenogenetic,

but none seems to have overcome the need for U1eir egg to be
male, is called protogynic hermaphroditism, or simply penetrated by a sperm in order to initiate development. 11,e
parthenogenetic females usually mate with a male of another
species, providing sperm that trigger development (a behavior
7Hermaphoditus, the beautiful son of Hermes and Aphrodite, was called pseudogamy). A few lizards apparently have no need for
united with a water nyn1ph at the Carian fountain. Thus his body a sperm to trigger parthenogenetic development. No partheno­
became both male and female. genetic wild birds or mammals have been documented.
180 Chapter Four

In most species that have been studied, parthenoge­ or workers). If the eggs are not fertilized, they develop
netic periods alternate with periods of sexual reproduc­ parthenogenetically into males (drones).
tion. I n temperate freshwater habitats, parthenogenesis The question of the existence or prevalence of purely
often occurs during summer months, with the popu­ parthenogenetic species has been debated for decades.
lation switching to sexual reproduction as winter ap­ Many species once thought to be entirely parthenoge­
proaches. In some species, parthenogenesis takes place netic have proved, upon closer inspection, to alternate
for many generations, or several years, eventually to be between parthenogenesis and brief periods of sexual
punctuated by a brief period of sexual reproduction. In reproduction. In some species purely parthenogenetic
some rotifers, parthenogenesis predominates until the populations apparently exist only in some localities.
population attains a certain critical size, at �vhich time In other species, parthenogenetic lineages have been
males appear and a period of sexual reproduction e n ­ traced to sexual ancestral populations occupying relic­
sues. Cladocerans s�vitch from parthenogenesis to sex­ tual habitats. Nevertheless, for some parthenogenetic
ual reproduction under a number of conditions, such as animals, males have yet to be found in any population,
overcrowding, adverse temperature, food scarcity, or and these n1ay indeed be purely clonal species. One
even when the nature of the food changes. Many para­ cannot help but ,-vonder how long such species can
sitic species alternate between a free-living sexual stage exist in the face of natural selection without the ben­
and a parasitic parthenogenetic one; this arrangement efits of any genetic exchange. One would predict that,
is seen in some nematodes, thrips (Thysanoptera), gall as with any forn1 of asexual reproduction, obligatory
wasps, aphids, and certain other hemipterans . parthenogenesis would eventually lead to genetic stag­
One of the most interesting examples of parthe­ nation and extinction. There may, however, be some as
nogenesis occurs in honeybees; in these animals the yet unexplained genetic mechanisms to avoid this, be­
queen is fertilized by one or more males (drones) at cause some parthenogenetic animals (e.g., son1e earth­
only one period of her lifetime, in her "nuptial flight." worms, insects, and lizards) are capable of inhabiting
The sperm are stored in her seminal receptacles. If a wide range of habitats. Presumably they either have
sperm are released when the queen lays eggs, fertiliza­ a significant level of genetic adaptability or possess
tion occurs and the eggs develop into females (queens "general purpose genotypes."

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Lockwood, G.and B. R.Rosen (eds.). 1979. Biolog,J a11d Systematics Vogel, S. 1981. Life in Moving Fluids: The Physical Biology of
ofColo11ial A11imals,Special Vol.No. 11. Academic Press,New Flow, 2nd Ed. Pril1ceton University Pres.�, Princeton.
York. Published for TheSystematics Association. Vogel, S . 1988. How organisms use flow-induced pressures.
Lowensta,11, H.A. 1981. Minerals formed by organisms.Science Amer. Sci. 76: 28-34.
211: 1126-1131. Vogel, 5. 1988. Life's Devices. Tlte Plzysical World ofAni111als and
McMahon, B.R. and L. E . Burnett.1990. The crustacean open cir­ Plants. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
culatory system. A reexamination. Physiol. Zool. 63: 35-71. Vogel, 5 . 1998.Cats' Paws nnd Catapults: Meclranical Worlds of
Maynard Smith, J. 1978. The Evolution of Sex. Ca,nbridge Nat11rem1d People. W.W.Norton &Co.,New York.
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Animal Physiology text). JohnWiley and Sons,New York. Mollusca, Vols. 1 n11d 2.Academic Press,New York.
Ratcliffe,N.A. and A.F .Rowley (eds.). 1981. Tuvertebrnte Blood Wray, G. A .andR.R.StraU1mann.2002.Stasis, change, and func­
Cells. Vols. 1 2.- Academic Press,New York. [For a good in­ tional constraint in the evolution of anilnal body plans, what­
troduction to the literature on respiratory pigments, see Am. ever they 1nay be. Vie Milieu 52: 189-199.
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tion: Convergent evolution among interstitial eukaryotes.
Bioessays 32: 430-437.
Introduction to
the Animal Kingdom
Development, Life Histories, and Origin

he process by which uniceUular zygotes transforn1 then,selves

into n1ulticel1ular individuals and eventually into reproducing
adults, is called ontogeny. At the core of metazoan ontogeny is
embryogenesis-the growth and development of the embryo.
The embryo is that stage of an organism between fertilization and birth. lt
is the principal phase of life history that mediates between genotype and
As we saw in Chapter 4, the cells of animals are organized into functional
units, generally as tissues and organs, with specific roles that support the
whole animal. These different cell types are interdependent and their a c ­
tivities are coordinated in predictable patterns and relationships. The tis­
sues and organs develop through a series of events early in an organism's
embryogeny. The embryonic tissues, or germ layers, form the framework
upon which metazoan body plans are constructed. Thus, the cells of animals
(Metazoa) are specialized, interdependent, coordinated in function, and
develop through a genetically-orchestrated tissue layering process during
embryogeny-a combination of features that is absent among the protists.
The influence of yolk on early zygotic divisions, as well as on the d i f ­
ferentiation of embryonic tissues, is one of the most well-established princi­
ples of zoology. So it is not surprising that a large body of detailed descrip­
tive research on animal embryos has accumulated, leading to a strong focus
on structure and physical processes in the field of developmental biology.
Because pa1ticular developn1ental schemes characterize different anin1aJ
lineages, developmental biology has co1npiled detailed descriptions of ceU
divisions, cell fates, embryonic germ layers, and larval or adult structures
in the search for shared evolutionary patterns among animal phyla. Among
the most detailed studies in biology are the meticulous accounts of early
metazoan development by Wilhelm Roux, Hans Driesch, Edmund Beecher
Wilson, Hans Spemann, and others. The apparent tendency for progres­
sive stages of embryonic development to reveal the evolutionary history
of animals i s what inspired Ernst Haeckel, Karl von Baer, Walter Garstang,
and others to formulate their versions of the recapitulation hypothesis, or
"biogenetic law" (see the end of this chapter). And, despite some ongoing
philosophical debate, from a morphological perspective ontogeny does ap­
pear to recapitulate many aspects of animal phylogeny.
184 Chapter Five

However, the recent emergence of molecular devel­ that is now seen to be an oversin1plification. Instead,
opn1ental biology has changed some long-s tanding the con1parison of developmental sin1ilarities and d i f ­
embryological principles i n subtle and compelling ferences, as well as hov.r the differences are played
ways. Haeckel's biogenetic law i s no longer seen to out, has led to a much more subtle and discerning un­
govern the development of metazoan embryos in the derstanding of how animals are organized and how
ways en1bryologists once thought that it did. Taxon­ that organization wuolds within individual lifespans.
specific patterns, and deviations of those patterns in Although the breadth of these changes is beyond the
animal development, have revealed more complicat­ scope of this book, some general patterns are now ap­
ed interactions than could ever have been anticipated parent and we summarize these briefly beJow.
from morphological descriptions alone. For these rea­
sons, developmental biology can no longer consist pri­ Developmental Tool Kits
marily of descriptions o f ova, early cell division, the If animals arose from among the Protista, a basic set of
formation of increasingly complex balls of cells and cell genetic factors are likely to have existed in that ances­
layers, although these classic patterns are still a major try that supported multicellularity (,�rhich arose several
part of this field. A modern approach to the study of times in the Eukaryota), facilitated its expression, and
animal development includes molecular as well as allowed these traits to be favored by selection. Likely
morphological studies. genetic factors may have included a tendency for cells
to aggregate rather than djsperse after mitosis, the bio­
chemicaJ ability for cells to remain together as a group,
Evolutionary Developmental and the 1novement or differentiation of cells bearing
one set of specializations in response to proximity with
Biology- EvoDevo cells bearing another set of specializations.
Molecular genetics has had an explosive impact on The possibility that such traits existed ilnplies they
the study of developmental biology and animaJ p h y ­ were mediated in some way by the transcription prod­
logenetics and evolution. "EvoDevo," the catchy ab­ ucts of genes borne by the protistan ancestors of ani­
breviation for the field of evolutionary developmental n1als. Sets of functional genes that control ontogenetic
biology, is used for the burgeoning field of compara­ processes have been called developmental tool kits,
tive developmental genetics-the evolutionary study and with respect to the evolution of n1ulticellularity,
of the spatial and temporal expression of genes that they are likely to have been associated with three pro­
control body architecture among metazoans. Much of cesses: (1) the adhesion of cells to one another, (2) the
EvoDevo focuses on the roles of transcription factors transduction of biochemical signals within and benveen
(TFs), which are the products of the genes involved cell types (i.e., cell signaling pathways), and (3) differ­
in controlling early development. These genes and entiation of cells from primordial to specialized states.
TFs define the primary embryonic body axes (e.g., the The transition to multicellu larity from a unicellular
anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes), the direc­ state was a fundamental event in metazoan evolution.
tionality of structuTes developing along these axes, and However, until recently, there were few avenues avail­
the appearance of particular structures or organiza­ able for investigating this transition. The possibility
tions such as body cavities, segments, or appendages. that developmentaJ tool kits underlying multicellular­
EvoDevo investigates the genetic underpinnings of ity existed at the origin of the Metazoa suggests that
nearly every process described within classicaJ studies recognizable homologous gene sequences in different
of developmentaJ biology. The focus of developmental species, or orthologs, and their transcription factors
biology has thus shifted, from the ontogenetic study might be found in predictable ways witlun the ances­
of animal structural organization, to the comparative tors of metazoans, as well as throughout the metazoans
ontogenetic study of gene functions and their roles in themselves.
body organization. The structural organization of choanoflagellates
As genomic methods become less expensive and (see Chapter 3), as well as their sinuJarity to meta.zoans
more widely explored, the number of animal species such as sponges, have made these creatures compel­
whose full or partial genomic sequences are known ling candidates as metazoan ancestors, and molecular
is dramaticaUy increasing. Each year, new "model or­ phylogenetic methods have allowed this hypothesis
ganisms" in the genetic sense are identified, and as the to be directly tested. Many analyses of nuclear and
number of species considered within these frameworks mitochondrial genes from diverse metazoan lineages
grows, opportwuties for evolutionary comparison of strongly support the idea of animals and choanoflagel­
the different patten1s and mechanisms become increas­ lates having a common ancestor, and as predicted, a
ingly possible. TI1e use of developn1ental genonucs has majority of choanoflagellate-expressed genes have ho­
therefore become more than the n1ere detern1ination mologous sequences (orthologs) in ani1nal genotypes.
of •,vhether ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, an idea Noteworthy too are observations that choanoflagellates
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 185

express a surprising diversity of adhesion and cell s i g ­ developmental program in different lineages. Because
naling homologues. Thus, by identifying genes shared such difficulties are widespread, using particular genes
among animals and their apparent most recent com­ to establish homology in different n1etazoan lineages
mon ancestor, tests of specific developn1ental hypoth­ can be challenging.
eses regarding genome evolution in early animals have
become increasingly possible. However, things aren't The Evolution of Novel Gene Function
always as easy as they seem. New functional roles appear to routinely evolve in de­
velopmental genetic systems. Developmental genes,
The Relationship Between Genotype and despite being under strong stabilizing selection to per­
Phenotype form precise functions, can evolve in unexpected ways.
A search for genetically conserved tool kits underly­ This tendency i s called developmental system drift or
ing particular events or morphological landmarks in DSD. The existence of DSD can be useful for track­
animal development see1ns exciting indeed. Unfortu­ ing the evolution of particular structures (e.g., visual
nately, evidence now suggests that a direct correspon­ elements) but can cause confusion because DSD itself
dence between genotype and phenotype in metazoan often leads to morphological divergences.
development is rare-things are usually more com­ DSD appears to occur in two ways. First, a gene that
plicated. Early studies were lured in this direction by performs a function in one taxon may be co-opted for
the striking degree to "'hich Hox clusters (groups of another use in a different taxon. The process often be­
homeotic genes that control the body plan and limb gins with gene duplication, "'hen replication errors
organization of developing embryos along their ante­ create multiple copies of functional genes. Redundancy
rior-posterior axis) seemed to exhibit organizational i n regulatory function allows continuation of normal
and functional consistency throughout the Metazoa. metabolism, but also allows duplicated gene products
The discovery in the late 1970s that animals as diverse to be used elsewhere. For example, the gene Pax6 is
as vertebrates and arthropods had structurally and expressed in a range of both eyed and eyeless bilateri­
functionally related Hox genes led to the asslunption ans suggesting that this patterning gene has been co­
that all animals would contain sin1ilar gene clusters. opted for multiple functions in the regulation of eye
And some gene sequences, including Hox clusters and development.
other similar genes, confirmed this assumption. The A second DSD mechanism occurs when differences
developmental gene Brachy11ry (bra) is a good example. i n gene expression arise due to genetic interactions,
The transcription products of bra define the midline of or epistasis, occurring within different genetic back­
bilaterians, and the gene also is expressed in the noto­ grounds. Identical sequences can produce different
chord of species belonging to the phylwn Chordata. Its phenotypic effects in different species, or even among
expression pattern confirms the homologies suggested members of the same species. Although the magnitude
by morphology, in that its expression in the notochord of these effects can become increasingly pronounced as
of chordates provides an example of a homologous species divergence increases, the complexities of epi­
gene with a homologous function in a hon1ologous static interactions are seldom predictable.
morphological character-the notochord (which is a
synapo1norphy of the phylun1). Gene Regulatory Networks
The use of gene sequences and gene products for A major contribution of genomic analyses to develop­
phylogenetic analysis has proven to be more con1pli­ n,ental biology is the conclusion that individual genes
cated than expected. For exan1ple, Hox genes that are do not control cellular or development function. That
apparently hon1ologous in their sequences may not be is, there is no one gene "for" a particular phenotype or
identical or even necessarily similar in their expression sh"ucture. Instead, groups of genes, usually called gene
in different taxa, even among closely related taxa. Gene regulatory networks, are responsible for producing
sequence homology, it seems, does not guarantee that fw1ctional traits. Fow· major groups of these regulatory
the specific functions of the genes "'ill be similar.And, clusters exist: (1) cell differentiation networks, \,vhicl1 ap­
Hox genes have been found t o be linearly arranged pear to allow groups of cells to differentiate in particular
only in certain taxa, despite their linear representation ways; (2) subcircuits, developmental gene networks that
in most review papers and textbooks (Figure 5.1). are repeatedJy used in general cell function; (3) switclles,
Despite their presumed role as an evolutionary regulatory gene networks that turn cell fwlctions off or
"magic bullet," developmental genes now seem every on to regulate the timing of particular developmental
bit as likely as morphological characters are to exhibit events; and (4) kernels, co1nplex and tightly conserved
hon1oplasy (e.g., convergent evolution). While devel­ gene networks designed to specify the fields of cells
opmental genetic programs may at first appear to con­ from which particular body parts will eventually arise.
tain phylogenetic irlformation, observed patterns are Because kernels appear to be the type of net­
likely to represent patterns shaped by the needs of the \<VOrk most important for organizing lineage-specific
186 Chapter Five

(A) Convelltional representation of Hox gene dusters

.... ....
A11tp ftz
+- ....
.... ....
ZC1' pb

.... 13....
.... 11....
12 10
-+ ....9 ....8 ....7 .... 6 5
-+ ....4 ....3 2
-+ ....1

13 12
-+ ....
11 10
-+ ....8 ....4 ....3 ....l

Posterior Anterior

- �·.... -
(8) Structural representation of Hox gene clusters

Drosopl,ila --------------·
... ftz Ser Dfd zeu pb
-+ ....
l�I I IJ 11111
� �

A b d8- Abd-A Ubx

-+ -+


.....14 1312 11
......... -+
-+ ........
9 8
.....7 6 5
32 1

131211109 8
_.._..._..-+-+ _.,. .........
4 3 l

Figure 5.1 Representations of Hox genes in textbooks (B) A more accurate representation of Hox c lusters as
are often oversimplified and thus can lead to errone­ they actually exist wi thin Drosophila, Amphioxus and Mus,
ous views of metazoan phylogenetic relati onships. In shown to scale with regard to the actual size of the genes
this figure, the horizontal lines represent chromosomes. (the number of nucleotides involved incl uding non-cod ing
The colored boxes represent Hox gene "clusters," those sequences), the relative distances between the genes
genes that are related in their sequences and thus appear (the degree to which genes form "clusters"), and clearer
to be derived from a common ancestral Hox gene, in an spatial and gene orientation arrangements of Hox ele­
insect (Drosophila), a cephalochordate (Amphioxus), and ments w ith respect to one another on the chromosome.
a vertebrate (mouse, Mus). The arrows represent gene Note that in Drosophila, the B XC - and ANT-C complexes
ori entation, that is, the direction i n which transcription are "split" (spatially separated as indicated by the dashed
of the DNA coding strand proceeds. (A) Hox "c lusters" line) on chromosome Ill, compared w ith less spatially
1 through 14 as they are often represented in textbooks dispersed arrangements character ist ic of chordates
and some scientific articles. In such oversimplified rep­ (Amphioxus and Mus). Note also that while Drosophila
resentati ons, Hox genes, including BX·C (the bithorax gene orientations are vari able (indicated by arrows),
complex of Drosophila that controls development of they are consistently unidirectional in Amphioxus and
abdominal and posterior thoracic segments) and A N TC - Mus. While Hox clusters in chordates (Amphioxus and
(the antennipedia complex of Drosophila that controls the Mus) tend to be more spati ally condensed than in other
formation of legs) are incorrectly shown as being located metazoans, they are especially "organized" in this way in
in close proximity, with clusters that are sim ilar vertebrates (e.g., Mus). Accurate physical representations
in nucleoti de sequence length, and with gene clusters of Hox genes are needed to inform the discussi on on the
that are arranged in a linear order on chromosomes. structural and functional evolution of Hox c lusters.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 187

development (e.g., there are likely to be, pro­ (A)

toston1e, spiralian, and ecdysozoan kernels) these are
Egg nucleus
considered most likely useful for phylogenetic analy­
ses of the kind originally conceived of for Hox clusters.
Nevertheless, it is still possible for gene regulatory net­ 0 (B)
works to L111dergo substantial evolution within lineages.
Thus, as with all such analyses, care must be used in
choosing which networks to include.
· . .•'.: ·-. 0
.· . . .
' _. .
·. :--. . ·.• ·'•/.::.::

Eggs and Embryos

(C) · . . '.·.f. \',: '
·.::-:. ·.;{(\.:. ··•;.',' . •
.'.; :_.;:.ii.-=, :·
The physical (and physiological) attributes that dis­ .. �·.

tinguish the Metazoa are the result of their embryoruc .Q

development. Stated differently, adult phenotypes . . ·: . } ·..·

result from specific sequences of developmental stag­

es. Therefore, both animal unity and diversity are as
evident in patterns of develOplnent as they are in the Figure 5.2 Types of ova. Stippling denotes the distribu­
body architecture of adults. The patterns of develop­ tion and relative concentration of yolk within the cyto­
ment discussed below reflect this unity and diversity, plasm. (A) An isolecithal ovum has a small amount of yolk
and serve as a basis for understanding the sections on distributed evenly. (B) The yolk in a telolecithal ovum is
embryology in later chapters. concentrated toward the vegetal pole. The amount of yolk
in such eggs varies greatly. (C) A centrolecithal ovum has
Eggs yolk concentrated at the center of the cell.

Biological processes in general are cyclical. Successive

generations illustrate this generality, as the term "lffe
cycle" in1plies, and where the description of a process specific vitellogenic mechanism used. In general, op­
begins is only a matter of convenience. Here, we begin portunistic ( s o -called , s- elected) species have evolved
with the egg, or ovum, a single remarkable cell capable vitellogenic pathways for the rapid conversion of food
of developing into a new individual. Once fertilized, into egg production, ,,vhile more specialist (so-called
all of the different cell types of an adult animal are d e ­ K-selected) species utilize slower pathways.
rived during embryogenesis from this single totipotent
entity. A fertilized ovum contains not only the genetic Cleavage
information necessary to direct development but also The penetration of an ovum by a sperm cell and the
some quantity of nutrient material called yolk, which subsequent fusion of the male and female nuclei ini­
sustains the early stages of life. tiate the transformation of an ovum into a zygote or
Eggs are polarized along an animal-vegetal axis. fertilized egg. The initial cell divisions of a zygote are
This polarity may be apparent in the egg itself, or it called cleavage, and the resulting cells are called blas­
may be recognizable as development proceeds. The tomeres. Certain aspects of the pattern of early cleav­
vegetal pole is associated with the formation of nutri­ age are determined by the amount and placement of
tive organs (e.g., the digestive systen1), whereas the yolk, whereas other features are i11herent in the genetic
animal pole produces other regions of the embryo. programming of the particular organism. Isolecithal
Animal ova are categorized primarily by the amount and weakly to moderately telolecithal ova generally
and location of yolk within the cell (Figure 5.2), two undergo holoblastic cleavage. That is, the cleavage
factors that greatly influence certain aspects of devel­ planes pass completely through the cell, producing
opment. Isolecithal eggs contain a relatively small blaston1eres that are separated from one another by
amount of yolk that is more or less evenly distributed thin cell membranes (Figure 5.3A). Whenever very
throughout the cell. Ova in which the yolk is concen­ large amounts of yolk are present (as in strongly telo­
trated at one end (toward the vegetal pole) are termed lecithal eggs), the cleavage planes do not pass read­
telolecithal eggs; those in which the yolk is concentrat­ ily through the dense yolk, so the blastomeres are not
ed in the center are called centrolecithal eggs. fully separated from one another by cell membranes.
The actual amount of yolk in telolecithal and centro­ This pattern of early cell division is called meroblastic
lecithal eggs is highly variable.Yolk production (vitello­ cleavage (Figure 5.3B). The pattern of cleavage in cen­
genesis) is typically the longest phase of egg production, trolecithal eggs i s dependent on the amount of yolk
although its duration varies by orders of magnitude and varies from holoblastic to various modifications
among species. Rates of yolk production depend on the of meroblastic.
188 Chapter Five

..... ::.. .
Figure 5.3 Types of early cleavage
. . . ..
....·.... .·.'...::. . .
. . '

. ... . ..: .:, . . .-

i n developing zygotes. (A) Holoblastic

:... ...: . .....

cleavage. The cleavage planes pass . . .... ' .. . .
. . .
. . ...'• .
.. .· ..' .:..: .- .....
completely through the cytoplasm.
: . . ....

. . .....
(B) Meroblastic cleavage. The cleav­ ·.
.· .. _ .. ,··
... ..

age planes do not pass completely
·:: -·..:-···
'' .
'• :•,.
through the yolky cytoplasm. The
stippling represents yolk distributi on
in the egg and early zygote.

Orientation of Cleavage Planes Spiral cleavage is quite another matter. Although

A number of terms describe the relationship of cleavage not inherently complex, it can be difficult to describe.
planes to the animal-vegetal axis of the egg and the r e ­ The first two divisions are longitudinal, generally equal
lationships of the resulting blastomeres, one to another or subequal. Subsequent divisions, ho"'rever, displace
(Figure 5.4). Cell divisions during cleavage n1ay be equal the blastomeres laterally s o that they lie within the
or unequal, indicating the comparative sizes of groups furrows betvveen previously divided cells. This condi­
of blastomeres. The term subequal is used when blasto­ tion is a result of the formation of the mitotic spindles
meres are only slightly different in size. When cleavage at oblique angles rather than parallel to the axis of the
is distinctly w1equal, the larger cells lying at the vegetal embryo; hence the cleavage planes are neither perfect­
pole are called macromeres. The smaller cells located at ly longitudinal nor perfectly transverse. The division
the animal pole are called micromeres. from four to eight cells involves a displacement of the
Cleavage planes that pass through or parallel to the cells near the animal pole in a clockwise (dextrotropic)
anin1al-vegetal axis produce longitudinal (= n1eridi­ direction (viewed fron1 the animal pole). The next divi­
onal) divisions; those that pass at right angles to the sion, from eight to sixteen cells, occurs with a displace­
axis produce transverse divisions. Transverse divi­ ment i n a counterclockwise (levotropic) direction; the
sions may be equatorial, when the en1bryo is separated
equally into animal and vegetal halves, or sin1ply lati­
tudinal, when the division plane does not pass through (A)
the equator of the embryo.
.. ..,,
.: '

Radial and Spiral Cleavage

Most invertebrates display one of two cleavage p a t ­
terns defined o n the basis o f the orientation of the
blastomeres about the animal-vegetal axis. These pat­
terns called radial cleavage and spiral cleavage and
are illustrated in Figure S.S. Radial cleavage involves
strictly longitudinal and transverse divisions. Thus,
the blastomeres are arranged in ro1,vs either parallel or
perpendicular to the animal-vegetal axis. The place­
ment of the blaston1eres shows a radially symmetri­
cal pattern i n polar view. The chapter opening photo
shows the 16-cell stage embryo of a radially-cleaving
echinoderm (Lytechinus pictus), with four large macro­ Animal pole
meres behind four smaller micromeres (and eight "me­ (C):
someres" behind the macromeres).
(E) -­ - ..--... -'- -- -- -

Figure 5.4 Pl anes of holoblastic cleavage. (A) Equal cleavage. (B) Un­
(D)- -------L------ -
equal cleavage produces micromeres and macromeres. (C-E) Planes of I
cleavage relative to the anima l-vegetal axis of the egg or zygote. (CJ Long­ I

itudinal (= meridional) cleavage parallel to the an ima l-vegetal axis. (D) Equa­
torial cleavage perpendicular to the animal -vegetal axi s and bisecting the
zygote into equal animal and vegetal halves. (E) Latitudinal cleavage perpen•
dicular t o the animal-vegetal axis but not passing along the equatori al plane. Vegetal pole
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 189

Radial cleavage Spiral cleavage

During his extensive studies on the polychaete
worm Nennthes s11ccinea, conducted at the Marine
Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, E. B. Wilson
Zygote (1892) devised an elegant coding syste1n for spiral
cleavage, one that allows us to follow the developmen­
tal lineage of every en1bryonic cell. Wilson's systen1 is
usually applied to spiral cleavage in order to trace cell

! ! fates and compare development among species. Our

account of spiral cleavage is a general one, but it pro­
vides a point of reference for later consideration of the
patterns in different groups of animals.
At the 4-cell stage, following the initial longitudinal
2 cells divisions, the cells are given the codes of A, B, C, and
D, and are labeled clockwise in that order when viewed
from the animal pole (Figure 5.6A). TI1ese four cells are
referred to as a quartet of macromeres, and they may
be collectively coded as simply Q. The next division
i s more or less unequal, with the four cells nearest the
animal pole being displaced in a dextrotropic fashion,
as explained above. These four smaller cells are called
4 ceUs the first quartet of micron1eres (collectively the lq cells)
and are given the individual codes of la, lb, le, and
ld. The numeral "l" indicates that they are men1bers
of the first micron1ere quartet to be produced; the let­
! ters correspond to their respective macromere origins.
The capital letters designating the macromeres are now
preceded with the numeral "1" to indicate that they
have divided once and produced a first micromere set
(Figure 5.6B). We may viev-r this8-celled embryo as four
8 cells pairs of daughter cells that have been produced by the
divisions of the four original macromeres as follov-,s:

/ ld

Note that although the n1acromeres a.nd micron1eres

are sometimes similar in size, these terms are nonethe­
8 cells, polar view
less always used in describing spiral cleavage. Much
of the size discrepancy depends upon the amount of
yolk present at the vegetal pole in the original egg;
thjs yolk tends to be retained prin1arily in the larger
Figure 5.5 Comparison of radial versus spiral cleav­ macromeres.
age through the 8-cell stage. During radial cleavage, the The division from 8 to 16 cells occurs levotropi­
cleavage planes all pass e ither perpendicular or parallel
cally and involves cleavage of each macromere and
to the animal-vegetal axis of the embryo. Spiral cleav­
age involves a tilt ing of the mitotic sp i ndles, commencing nticromere. Notice that the only code nun1bers that
with the division from 4 to 8 cells. The resulting cleavage are changed through subsequent divisions are the
planes are neither perpendicular nor parallel to the axis. prefix numbers of the macromeres. These are changed
The polar views of the resulting a-cell stages illustrate the to indicate the number of times these individual
differences in blastomere ori entation. macromeres have divided, and to correspond to the
number of micromere quartets thus produced. So, at
the 8-cell stage, we can designate the existing blasto­
next is clockwise, and so on-alternating back and meres as the 1Q (= 1A, lB, lC, 1D) and the lq (= la,
forth until approximately the 6 4 -cell stage. We hasten lb, le, ld). The macromeres (lQ) divide to produce
to add that divisions are frequently not synchronous; a second quartet of nticron1eres (2q = 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d),
not all of the cells divide at the same rate. Thus, a p a r ­ and the prefix numeral of the daughter n1acromeres
ticular embryo may not proceed from four cells to is changed to "2." The first micromere quartet also di­
eight, to sixteen, and s o on, as neatly as in our general­ vides and now comprises eight cells, each of which is
ized description. identifiable not only by the letter corresponding to its
190 Chapter Five
(A) (B) 18
Figure 5.6 Spiral cleavage. (A-0) Spiral c l eavage through
32 cells (assumed synchronous) labe led w ith E. B. Wilson's
coding system (all diagrams are surface v iews from the IA •,,..... . . ... _,.·;c
animal pole). (E) Schematic diagram of a composite /
/ ld \., IC

embryo at approximate ly 64 cells showing the positions "------1 ..\
of the rosette, annelid cross, and molluscan cross. 10

parent macromere but now by the addition of super­ 3B

script numerals. For example, the la micro1nere (of (0)
the 8-cell embryo) divides to produce two daughter
cells coded the lal and the la2 cells. The cell that is
physically nearer the animal pole of the embryo re­
ceives the superscript "1," the other cell the super­ 2C
script "2." Thus, the 16-cell stage (Figure 5.6C) i n ­
cludes the follovving cells:
la1 lb1 lc1 1d1
Derivatives of the lq { 2
la lb 2 le2 l d>- 30
2q = 2a 2b 2c 2d (E)
Derivatives of the IQ {
2Q = 2A 2B 2C 2D Annelid cross

The next division (from 16 to 32 cells) again involves

Rosette cells
dextrotropic displacen1ent. The third nucromere quar­
tet (3q) is formed, the daughter macromeres are now
given the prefix "3" (3Q), and all of the 12 existing
micromeres divide. Superscripts are added to the de­
rivatives of the first and second micromere quartets
according to the rule of position as stated above. Thus,
the lb1 cell divides to yield the lb11 and lb12 cells; the
la2 cell yields the la21 and la22 cells; the 2c yields the The division to 64 cells follovvs the same pattern,
2c1 and 2c2 , and so on. Do not think of these super­ with appropriate coding changes and additions of su­
scripts as double-digit numbers (i.e., "twenty-one" perscripts. The displacement is levotropic and results
and "twenty-two"), but rather as two-digit sequences in the following cells:
reflecting the precise lineage of each cell ("two-one"
and "two-two"). 1a111 lblll lclII 1d1 11
The elegance of Wilson's system is that each code 1a1 12 1b11 2 lcl12 1d112
tells the history as well as the position of the cell in the 1a1 21 Jb1 21 lc121 1dl21
embryo. For instance, the code lb 11 indicates that the 1a1 22 1b1 22 Jc122 1d122
cell is a n1ember (derivative) of the first quartet of n1i­ Derivatives of the lq
cron1eres, that its parent macromere is the B cell, that l a211 1b211 1c211 ld211
the original lb nl.icromere has divided twice since its 1a2 12 1b21 2 lc 212 1d212
formation, and that this particular cell rests uppermost 1a221 lb221 1c221 1d221
in the embryo relative to its sister cells. The 32-cell state 1a222 lb222 lc222 ld222
(Figure 5.6D) is composed of the following:
lall lb11 Jell ld11 2a11 2h11 2c11 2d11
lal2 1h1 2 lc12 ldl2 2a12 2b1 2 2,12 2d1 2
Derivatives of the lq Derivatives of the 2q
1a21 lb21 lc21 ld21 2a2 1 2h 21 2c 21 2d21
la22 1h22 lc22 ld22 2a22 2h22 2,22 2d 22

2a1 2b1 2c 1 2d1 3a1 3b1 3c1 3d1

Derivatives of the 2q { Derivatives of the 3q {
2a2 2b2 2c2 2d2 3a2 3b 2 3c2 3d 2

Derivatives of the 2Q { 9 = 3a 3b 3c 3d 4
Derivatives of the 3Q { 9
= 4a 4b 4' 4d
3Q = 3A 38 3C 3D 4Q = 4A 4B 4C 4D
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 191

Notice that no two cells share the same code, so In some cases, cell fates are determined very early
exact identification of individual blastomeres and their during cleavage-as early as the 2 -or 4 -cell stage. If
lineages is always possible. one experimentally removes a blastomere from the
Late in the spiral cleavage of certain anin1als, dis­ early embryo of such an animal (as Roux did), then
tinctive cell patterns appear, formed by the orientation that embryo will fail to develop normally; the fates
of so1ne of the apical first-quartet micromeres (Figure of the cells have already become fixed, and the miss­
5.6E). The topmost cells (lq111 micromeres) lie at the ing cell cannot be replaced. Animals whose cell fates
embryo's apex and form the rosette. In some groups are established very early are said to have determi­
(e.g., annelids), other micromeres (lq1 12 micron1eres) nate cleavage. On the other hand, the blastomeres of
produce an annelid cross roughly at right angles to the some animals can be separated at the 2-cell, 4-cell (as
rosette cells. In n1olluscs, the annelid cross may appear Driesch did), or even later stages (as Spemann did),
(often called peripheral rosette cells in these groups), and each separate cell will develop nortnally; in these
but an additional molluscan cross forms from the lq12 cases the fates of the cells are not fixed until relatively
ce!Js and their derivatives. The anns of the molluscan late in development. Such animals are said to have in­
cross lie between the cells of the annelid cross (Figure determinate cleavage. Eggs that w1dergo detenninate
5.6E), and this configuration is not known to occur in cleavage are often caJled mosaic ova, because the fates
any other metazoan phylum. Some phylogenetic sig­ of regions of undivided cells can be mapped. Eggs that
nificance has been given to the appearance of these undergo indeterminate cleavage are called regula­
crosses, as we discuss in later chapters. tive ova, in that they can "regulate" to accomrnodate
lost blastomeres and thus cannot easily be predictably
Cell Fates mapped prior to division.
Tracing the fates of cells through development has been In any case, formation of the basic body plan is gen­
a popular and productive endeavor of embryologists erally determined by the time the embryo comprises
for over a century. Such studies have played a major about 104 ce!Js (usually after one or two days). By this
role i n aJlowing researchers to describe development, all available embryonic material has been appor­
as well as establish homologies an1ong the attributes tioned into specific cell groups, or "founder regions."
in different animals. The cells of embryos eventually These regions are relatively few, each forming a terri­
become established as functional parts of tissues or o r ­ tory within ·,vhich still more intricate developn1ental
gans, but before they do there is much variation in the patterns unfold. As t11ese zones of undifferentiated tis­
timing and degree to which cell fates become firmly sue are established, the unfolding genetic code drives
fixed. Although under norn1al conditions their func­ them to develop into their "preassigned" body tissues,
tions are specialized, even in adults, the cells of some organs, or other structures. Graphic representations of
animals (e.g., sponges) retain the ability to change their these regions are called fate maps, although such d e ­
structure and function. Other animal taxa have remark­ vices are rarely used by developmental biologists any
able power to regenerate lost parts, wherein cells dedif­ longer.
ferentiate and then generate new tissues and organs. In Jn the past, mosaic eggs and determinate cleavage
still other taxa, ce!J fates are relatively fixed and cells have been equated with spirally cleaving embryos, and
are able only to produce more of their own kind. regulative ova and indeterminate cleavage v.rith radial­
By carefully watching the development of any ly cleaving embryos. However, surprisingly few actual
animal, it becon1es clear that certain cells predictably tests for detenninacy have been perfonned, and what
form certain structures. Here too, the emerging field evidence is available suggests that there are n1any ex­
of molecular developmental biology has shown that ceptions to this generalization. That is, some embryos
many molecular components of development are also with spiral cleavage appear indeterminate, and some
widely conserved throughout the animal kingdom. For with radial cleavage appear determinate.
example, son1e transcription factors and cell signal­ In spite of the variations and excepti.ons, there is a
ing systems from widely divergent phyla are clearly remarkable underlying consistency in the fates of blas­
homologous and evidently operate in much the same tomeres among embryos that develop by typical spi­
way. On the other hand, these highly conserved mo­ ral cleavage. Many examples of these similarities are
lecular components can also be used in diverse ways discussed in later chapters, but we illustrate the point
by embryos. The pattern of orthologous gene expres­ by noting that the germ layers of spirally cleaving em­
sion in early metazoan embryos illustrates both aspects bryos tend to arise from the same groups of cells. The
of this relationship. Even such basic developmental first three quartets of micromeres and tl1eir derivatives
features as adult body axis formation and cleavage ge­ give rise to ectoderm (the outer germ layer), the 4a, 4b,
ometry differ among the 1netazoan phyla (Figure 5.7). 4c, and 4Q cells t o endoderm (the inner germ layer),
Such fundamental developmental variations appear to and the 4d cell to mesoderm (the middle germ layer).
have been essential i n fabricating the highest levels of Many students of embryology view tl1is uniformity
animal body plans. of cell fates as strong evidence that taxa sharing this
192 Chapter Five

Deuterostomes Protostomes
g Nuclear f>-cate11i11
Echinoderms Spiralians
□ bmp2/4/dpp
Cnidarians Chordates

? □ brachy11ry


D 11cda/
Figure 5.7 Locations and patterns of
expression in some genes at the begin­
ning o f gastrulation in diverse metazoan
embryos (cnidarians, chordates, echi­
noderms, spiralians). A-V represents
? the animal-vegetal axis. All but one of the
genes shown (nodal) are present in cnidar­
ians as well as in chordates. While some
A genes (e.g., nuclear 13-catenin) seem to
track the changing location of gastrula­
t ion across taxa, other genes (e.g., chordin
[chrd) and goosecoid [gsd) in echinoderms)
are associated with gastrulation in some
V species and disassociated from such activ ­
ity in others. The two circles at the animal

pole represent polar bodies, X ind icates
that the gene is not present in the genome
of a lineage, and ? indicates that the gene
has not been recovered in a lineage. Gene
abbreviations: bmp, bone morphogenet i c
protein; dpp, decapentaplegic; sog, short
gastrulation; hnf-forkhead, hepatocyte
nuclear factor, a forkhead homolog.

X ?

pattern are related to one another in some fundamental midline of many bilaterians. However this approach is
way and that they share a common evolutionary heri­ complicated by the fact that even among closely related
tage. We will have much more to say about this idea taxa, similar structures may be derived from different
throughout this book. gern, layers (e.g., Malpighian tubules a1·e derived from
EvoDevo analyses, for their part, provide an objec­ ectodern1 in insects but arise from endoderm in chelic­
tive means for assessing germ layer homology by iden­ erates). As explained above, traits used for evolution­
tifying genes that are transcribed at different devel­ ary comparative analyses, even at the molecular level,
opmental times, rather than identifying pools of cells must be selected with caution.
b y eventual fate (Figure 5.7). Genes that have proven
useful for such analyses include: GATA 4, 5, and 6, Blastula Types
genes associated ,, vith mucus production in endoder­ The product of early cleavage is called the blastula,
mal tissue; twist, a gene associated with mesodermal which may be defined developmentally as the embry­
development; snail, a repressor of E-cadherin, and thus onic stage preceding the formation of embryonic germ
important for dovvnregulating ectodennal genes with­ layers. Several types of blastulae are recognized among
in mesoderm and allowing mesenchymal develop­ invertebrates. Holoblastic cleavage generally results in
ment; and brachyun;, a gene important in defining the either a hollow or a solid ball of cells. A coeloblastula
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 193

third germ layer, the mesoderm, is produced between

the ectodertn and the endoderm. One striking exa1nple
of tl1e unity among the Metazoa is the consistency of
Blastocoel the fates of these germ layers. For example, ectoderm
always forms the nervous system, the outer skin and
its derivatives; endodern1 forms the main portion of
the gut and associated structures; mesoderm forms
the coelornic lining, the circulatory system, most of the
internal support structures, and the musculature.The
process of gastrulation, then, is a critical one in estab­
lishing the basic materials and their locations for build­
ing the whole organism.
Coeloblastulae often gastrulate by invagination,
a process commonly used to illustrate gastrulation in
general zoology classes. The cells in one area of the
surface of the blastula (frequently at or near the veg­
etal pole) pouch inward as a sac within the blastocoel
Figure 5.8 Types of blastulae. These diagrams represent (Figw·e 5.9A). These invaginated cells are now called
sections a long the an im a lvegetal
- axis. (A) Coeloblastula. the endoderm, and the sac thus formed is the embry­
The blastomeres form a hollow sphere with a wall one cell
layer thick. (B) Stereoblastula. Cleavage results in a solid onic gut, or archenteron; the opening to the outside
ball o f blastomeres. (Cl Di scoblastula. Cleavage has pro­ is the blastopore. The outer cells are now called ecto­
duced a cap of blastomeres that lies at the animal pole, derm, and a double-layered hollow coelogastrula has
above a solid mass of yolk. (D) Periblastula. Blastomeres been fonned. The blastopore may become the prin1or­
form a single cell layer enclosing an inner yolky mass. dial mouth or anus depending on the animal lineage. If
this structure becomes the mouth, the ectoderm lining
the interior of the blastopore is considered stomodeal.
If the blastopore becomes the anus, the ectoderm lining
(Figure 5.8A) is a hollow ball of cells, the wall of which the interior of this structure is considered proctodeal.
is usually one cell-layer thick. The space within the Note that the diagrams in Figure 5.9 represent 3 -di­
sphere of cells is the blastocoel, or primary body cav­ mensional embryos. Thus, the coelogastrula (Figure
ity. A stereoblastula (Figure 5.8B) is a solid ball of blas­ 5.9A) actually resen1bles a balloon with an invisible fin­
tomeres; obviously there is no blastocoel at this stage. ger poking into it.
Meroblastic cleavage sometimes results in a cap o r The coeloblastulae of many cnidarians undergo gas­
disc o f cells at the animal pole over an uncleaved mass trulation processes that result in a solid gastrula (ste­
of yol k. This arrangement is appropriately termed a reogastrula). Usually the cells of the blastula divide
discoblastula (Figure 5.8C). Some centrolecithal ova such that the cleavage planes are perpendicular to the
undergo odd cleavage patterns to form a periblastula, surface of the embryo. Some of the cells detach from
sinular in some respects to a coeloblastula that is c e n ­ the wall and migrate into the blastocoel, eventually fill­
trally filled with noncellular yolk (Figure 5.8D). ing it with a solid mass of endoderm. This process is
called ingression (Figw·e 5.9B) and may occur only at
Gastrulation and Germ Layer Formation the vegetal pole (unipolar ingression) or n1ore or less
Through one or more of several methods the blastula over the whole blastula (multipolar ingression). In a
develops toward a multilayered form, a process called fe"" instances (e.g., certain hydroids), the cells of the
gastrulation (Figure 5.9). The structure of the blastula blastula divide with cleavage planes that are parallel
dictates to some degree the nature of the process and to the surface, a process called delarnination (Figure
the form of the resulting en1bryo, the gastrula. Gastru­ 5.9C). This process produces a layer or a solid mass of
lation is the formation of the embryonic germ layers, endoderm surrounded by a layer of ectoderm.
the tissues on which all subsequent development even­ StereoblastuJae that result from holoblastic cleavage
tually depends. In fact, we may view gastrulation as generally undergo gastrulation by epiboly. Because
the embryonic analogue of the transition from protis­ there is no blastocoel into which the presumptive en­
tan to metazoan grades of complexity. It achieves sepa­ doderm can migrate b y any of the above methods,
ration of those cells that must interact directly with the gastrulation of this form involves a rapid growth by a
environment (i.e., locomotor, sensory, and protective sheet of presumptive ectoderrnal cells around the pre­
functions) fron1 those that process materials ingested sumptive endoderm (Figure 5.9D). Cells of the animal
from the environment (i.e., nutritive functions). pole proliferate rapidly, growing down and over the
The initial inner and outer sheets of cells are the en­ vegetal cells to enclose them as endoderm. The blas­
doderm and ectoderm, respectively; in most animals a topore forms where the edges of this ectodermal sheet
194 Chapter Five

Figure 5.9 Forms of gastrulation.

(A) lnvaginat ion of a coeloblastula
to form a coelogastrula. (B) Unipolar
ingressi on of a coeloblastula to form
a stereogastrula. (C) Delamination of a
coe l oblastula to fom, a double-l ayered
coelogastru la. (D) Epi boly of a stereo­
b l astula to form a stereogastrula.
(E) Involution of a discoblastula to form
a discogastrula.


� ..

(D) Ectoderm

-- Endoderm

, .


< ' .
� � -�· ·
Yolk · Endoderm
��l'. . - . ... ::.- ...-··
• "!•

' :,'fJ.. -, •

. �� . .. ,: -:..__j'
, ' :; ..

converge from all sides upon a single point at the v e g ­ During gastrulation, subtle shifts in the titning of
etal pole. The archenteron typically forms secondarily regulatory gene expression, the timing of cell fate spec­
as a space within the developed endoderm. ification, or in the movement of cells relative to one an­
Figure 5.9E illustrates gastrulation by involution, a other, can generate distinct developmental pathways,
process that usually follows the formation of a disco­ Such developmental divergences may dramatically
blastula. The cells around the edge of the disc divide shift larval or even adult formation within a lineage.
rapidly and grow beneath the disc, thus forming a For example, sea urchin larvae appear to have switched
double-layered gastrula with ectodern1 on the surface fron, planktotrophy (feeding larvae) to lecithotrophy
and endoderm below. There are several other types of (nonfeeding larvae) at least 20 times within the history
gastrulation, mostly variations or combinations of the of this echinoderm clade. Among nonfeeding larvae,
above processes. These gastrulation methods are dis­ egg size is often greater, cleavage is significantly al­
cussed in later chapters. tered, and the average larval life span is shorter.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 195

(A) (8) sheets of cells; rather it produces a more-or-less solid

but loosely organized mesenchyme consisting of a gel
matrix (the mesoglea) containing various cellular and
fibrous inclusions. In a few cases (e.g., the hydrozoans)
Presumptive a virtualJy noncellular mesoglea lies between the ecto­
derm and endodern1 (see Chapter 7).
In most animals, the area beh-veen the inner and
outer body layers includes a fluid-filled space. As dis­
cussed in Chapter 4, this space may be either a blasto­
Mesoclcrm coelom, a cavity not completely lined by 1nesoderm, or
Blastopore� a true coelom, a cavity fully enclosed within thin sheets
of mesodermalJy derived tissue. Endomesoderm gen­
Figure 5.10 Methods of mesoderm formation in late eralJy originates in one of two basic ways, as described
gastrulae (frontal sections). (A) Mesoderm formed from
derivatives of a mesentoblast. (B) Mesoderm formed by
belo\-v (Figure 5.10); modifications of these process­
archenteric pouching. es are discussed in later chapters. In most phyla that
undergo spiral cleavage (e.g., flatworms, annelids,
molluscs), a single micromere-the 4d cell, called the
mesentoblast-proliferates as mesoderm bet\-veen
Mesoderm and Body Cavities the developing archenteron (endoderm) and the body
During or soon after gastrulation, a middle layer forms wall (ectoderm) (Figure 5.10A). The other cells of the
between the ectoderm and the endoderm. This middle 4q (the 4a, 4b, and 4c cells) and the 4Q cells generally
layer may be derived from ectoderm, as it is in members contribute to endoderm. In some other taxa (e.g., echi­
of the diploblastic phylun1 Cnidaria, or from endodern1, noderms and chordates) the mesodern1 arises from the
as i t is in me1nbers of the triploblastic phyla. In the first wall of the archenteron itself (that is, from preforn1ed
case the middle layer is said to be ectomesoderm, and endoderm), either as a solid sheet or as poucl1es (Figure
in the latter case endomesoderm (or "true mesoderm"). 5.11B).
Thus, the triploblastic condition, by definition, includes I n addition to giving rise to other structures (such
endomesoderm. In this text, and n1ost others, the tern1 as the muscles of the gut and body wall), in coelomate
mesoderm in a general sense refers to endomesoderm animals mesoderm i s intimately associated with the
rather than ectomesoderm. Although endomesoderm formation of the body cavity. In those instances where
is characteristic of triploblastic metazoans, in n1any lin­ rnesoderm is produced as solid n1asses derived fron1
eages some ectomesoderm is also produced. a mesentoblast, the body cavity arises through a pro­
In diploblastic and certain triploblastic phyla (the cess called schiz-ocoely. Normally in sucl1 cases, bilat­
acoelomates), the middle layer does not form thin erally paired packets of mesoderm gradually enlarge,

(A) ✓
.::::_Mouth (B)
Mouth (C) .::::_ Mouth



Blastocoel Body

( ) )

' Mesoderm �

�Anus �Anus
Figure 5.11 Coelom formation by schizocoely (frontal sections).
(A) Precoelomic conditions with p aired packets of mesoderm. (B) Hollowing
of the mesodermal packets to produce a pair of coelomic spaces. (C) Pro­
gressive proliferation of serially arranged pairs of coelomic spaces. This pro­
cess occurs in metamer ic annelids.
196 Chapter Five

(A) Figure 5.12 Coelom fonnation

by enterocoely (frontal sections).

- -
(A) Archenteri c pouch ing. (B) Pro­
liferation and subsequent hollowing
of a plate of mesoderm from the
archenteron. (C) The typical tripar­
ti te arrangement of coeloms in a
deuterostome embryo.



(C) Protocoel in a tripartite arrangement of the body cavities, which

are designated protocoel, mesocoel, and metacoel
(Figure 5.12C).
Following germ tissue establishment, cells begin to
specialize and sort themselves out to form the organs
and tissues of the body-a poorly understood process
known as morphogenesis. Cell movements are an es­
sential part of morphogenesis. In addition, in order to
sculpt the organs and systems of the body, cells need
Metacoel to "know" when to stop growing and even die. For e x ­
ample, in nematode worms the vas deferens first de­
velops with a closed end; the cell that blocks the end of
split internally, and then expand to simultaneously Line this tube helps the vas deferens link up to the cloaca.
the body wall, support viscera and create thin-walled But once the connection has been made, this tenninaJ
coelomic spaces (Figure 5.llA,B). The number of such cell dies and disassociates, creating the opening to the
paired coeloms varies among different animals and is cloaca.
frequently associated with segmentation, as it is in a n ­ Recent research suggests that the same famiUes of
neUd wom1s (Figure 5.11C). molecules that guide the earliest stages of embryo­
The other general method of coelom formation is genesis-setting up the elements of body patterning
called enterocoely; it accompanies the process of me­ (Figure 5.7)-also play vital roles during morphogen­
soderm formation from the archenteron. In the most esis. Communication among adjacent cells is also criti­
direct sort of enterocoely, rnesoderm production and cal t o morphogenesis, and there are three ways ceUs
coelom formation are one and the same process. Figure "talk" to one another during this process, kno,,vn as in­
5.12A illustrates this process, which is called archen­ duction,The first is via diffusible signaling molecules
teric pouching. A pouch or pouches form in the gut released from one cell and detected by the adjacent cell.
wall. Each pouch eventually pinches off from the gut as These substances include hormones, growth factors,
a complete coelomic compart1nent. The walls of these and special substances caUed n1orphogens. A second
pouches are defined as mesoderm. In some cases the method involves actual contact between the surfaces
mesoderm arises from the wall of the archenteron as of adjacent cells, allowing cell surface molecules to in­
a solid sheet or plate that later becomes bilayered and teract. Cells selectively recognize other cells, adhering
hollow (Figure 5.12B). Some authors consider this pro­ to some and migrating over others. A third method i n ­
cess to be a form of schizocoely (because of the "split­ volves the move1nent of substances through gap junc­
ting" of the mesodermal plate), but it is in fact a modi­ tions between cells. Of all the stages of ontogeny, we
fied form of enterocoely. Enterocoely frequently results know leastabout morphogenesis.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 197

Life Cycles: Sequences lent in terrestrial invertebrates is seen in insects witll

holometabolous developn1ent. In aquatic groups,
and Strategies two basic larval types ca11 be recognized.
The patterns of early development described above are 11. Indirect development with planktotrophic
not isolated sequences of events, but are related to the larvae. The larva survives primarily by feeding,
mode of sexual reproduction, the presence or absence usually on plankton. (The feeding larvae of
of larval stages in the life cycle, and the ecology of the some deep-sea species are demersal and feed on
adult. Efforts to classify various invertebrate life cycles detrital matter, never swimming very far off the
and to explain the evolutionary forces that gave rise to bottom.)
the1n have produced a large number of publications b . Indirect development \-vith lecithotrophic larvae.
and a great deal of controversy. Most of these studies The larva survives primarily on yolk supplied to
concern marine invertebrates, on which we center our ilie egg by tl1e mother.
attention first. We then present some comments on the
special adaptations of terrestrial and fresh�vater forn1s. 2. Direct development The life cycle does not
include a free larva. ln these cases the embryos
Classification of Life Cycles are cared for by tl1e parents in one way or another
Our discussion of life cycles focuses on sexually re­ (generally by brooding or encapsulation) until they
producing animals. Sexual reproduction with son1e emerge as juveniles. The equivalent in terrestrial
degree of gan1ete dimorphism is nearly universal invertebrates is seen in insects with ametabolous
a1nong eukaryotes. Male and female gametes may be or hemimetabolous development.
produced by the same individual (hermaphroditism, 3. Mixed development The life cycle involves
cosexuality, or in plants, monoecy) or by separate in­ brooding or encapsulation of the embryos at early
dividuals (gonochory, or in plants, dioecy). Most t e r ­ stages of development and subsequent release of
restrial animals are gonochoristic, but hern1aphrodi t ­ free planktotrophic or lecithotrophic larvae. The
ism is widespread among marine invertebrates (as is initial source of nutrition and protection is the
monoecy among land plants). Mechanisms of sex de­ adult.
termination are diverse; in certain arthropods, females
may be diploid and males haploid, a syste1n known Not every species can be conveniently categorized
as haplodiploidy. Other forms of sex determination into just one of the above developmental patterns. For
involve structurally distinct sex chromosomes. In male example, some species have free larvae that depend on
heterogamety, males carry X and Y sex chron1osomes yolk for a time, but begin to feed once they develop the
and females are XX, as i n some vertebrates. In female ability to do so. Some species actually display different
heterogamety, females are ZW and males Z:Z, as seen develop1nental strategies under different environn1en­
in many crustaceans. There is typically Little or no re­ tal conditions-convincing evidence that embryog­
combinational exchange between X and Y chromo­ enies, like so many other aspects of a species or popula­
somes (or between Zand W) because there is almost tion, are subject to selection pressures and can readily
no genetic homology between the sex chromosomes. evolve.
Most of the Y (or W) chromosome is devoid of func­ These life cycle patterns provoke three basic ques­
tional gene loci, other than a few RNA genes and some tions. First, ho\-v do different developmental sequenc­
genes required for male (or female) fertiJity and sex es relate to other aspects of reproduction such as egg
determination. b1 any event, it is the fusion of n1ale a11d types and 1nating or spav.' activities? Second, how
female gametes that initiates the process of ontogeny do overall developmental sequences relate to the sur­
and a new cycle in the life history of an organism. vival strategies of larvae and adults? Third, what evo­
A number of classification schemes for life cycles lutionary mechanisms are responsible for the patterns
have been proposed over the past five decades (see seen in any given species? Given the large number of
papers by Thorson, Mileikovsky, Chia, Strathma1m, interacting factors to be considered, these are complex
Jablonsky, Lutz, and McEdward). We have generalized questions, and our understanding of them is still in­
from the works of various authors and suggest that complete. However, by first examining cases of direct
most animals display some form of one of the three fol­ and indirect development, we can illustrate some of
lowing basic patterns (Figure 5.13). ilie principles that underlie their relationships to differ­
ent ecological situations. Then we will briefly address
1. Indirect development TI1e life cycle includes free
some ideas about mixed development.
spawning of gametes followed by the development
of a free larval stage (usually a s�vimming form), Indirect Development
which is distinctly different from the adult and must
Consider first a life cycle with planktotrophic larvae
undergo a more or less drastic metan1orphosis to
(Figure 5.13A). The metabolic expense incurred on the
reach the juvenile or young adult stage. The equiva-
part of the adults involves only the production and
198 Chapter Five

(A) Free (B) Free Figure 5.13 Some general­

/spawning / spawni ng ized invertebrate life cycle
� �
strategies. (A) Indirect devel­
Weakly Moderately Lecithotrophic opment with planktotrophic
1SOl c1thal ova wimming to strongly free-swimmi ng larvae. (B) Indirect develop­
::��: telolecithal ova larvae
{ ment with lecithotrophic l a r ­

Settlement and
Settlement an d
vae. (C) Direct development.
(D) Mixed life cycle.

metamorphosis metamorphosis
"" "'-
Juvenilcs...,,__.--/ Juveniles__./

(C) Mating (D) Mating

/ �
/ � Moderately Brooding or
Strongly telolecithal ova encapsulatio n
Brooding or of embryos
telolec.1thaJ ova

encapsulation r
of embryo s Maturation
Hatching as
\ ) \ free-swimming
Matura tion Juven .1 larvae
Settlemen t and /
as juveni!f!S

release of gametes. Animals with fully indirect d e ­ What are the advantages and limitations of such a
velop1nent generally do not mate; instead, they shed life history, and under what circumstances might it be
their eggs and sperm into the water, thus divorcing successful? This sort of planktotrophic development
the adults from any further responsibility of parental is n1ost common an1ong benthic marine invertebrates
care. Such animals typically undergo synchronous in relatively shallow water and the intertidal zones of
(epidemic) broadcast spawning of large numbers of tropical and warm temperate seas. Here the planktonic
gametes, thereby ensuring some level of successful food sources are more consistently available (although
fertilization. This pattern of development is relatively often in low concentration) than they are in colder or
common in opportunistically settling and colonizing deeper waters, thus reducing the danger of starvation
( r -selected) marine species that n1ake use of tides or of the larvae. Such meroplanktonic life cycles allow
ocean currents to disperse their progeny, and are ca­ animals to take advantage of two distinct resources
pable of rapid production of high numbers of gametes. (plankton in the upper water column as larvae; ben­
The eggs of animals expressing such traits are usu­ thos and bottom plankton as adults). This arrangement
ally isolecithal and individually inexpensive to pro­ reduces or eliminates competition between larvae and
duce. The overall cost-and it is a significant one to adults. Indirect development also provides a mecha­
each potential parent-is in the production of very nism for dispersal, a particularly important benefit to
large numbers of eggs. Being supplied with little yolk, species that are sessile or sedentary as adults. There is
the embryos must develop quickly into feeding larvae good evidence to suggest that animals vvith free-swim­
to survive. Mortalities among the e1nbryos and larvae ming larvae are likely to recover more quickly from
are extremely high and can result from a variety of damage to the adult population than those engaging
factors, including lack of food, predation, or adverse in direct development. A successful set of larvae is a
environ1nental conditions. Each successful larva n1ust ready-made new population to replace lost adults.
accun1ulate enough nutrients from feeding to provide The disadvantages of planktotrophic development
for its i.nunediate survival, as well as for the processes result from the unpredictability of larval success.
of settling and metamorphosis from larva to juvenile Excessive larval deaths can result in poor recruitment
or subadult. That is, they must feed to excess as they and the possibility of invasion of suitable habitats by
prepare for a new lifestyle as a juvenile. Survival rates competitors. Conversely, unusually high survival rates
from zygote to settled juvenile are often less than one of larvae can lead to overcrov.1 ding and intraspecific
percent. Such high mortalities are offset by the initial competition upon settling.
high production of gametes. But by the same token, Animals that produce fully lecithotrophic larvae
high larval n1ortalities offset the high production of (Figure 5.13B) n1ust produce yolky and thus more met­
gametes-if all of these zygotes survived, the Earth abolically expensive eggs. This built-in nutrient sup­
v>'ould quickly be covered by the offspring of animals ply releases the larvae from dependence on environ­
with indirect development. mental food supplies and generally results in reduced
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 199

mortalities. It is not surprising that U1ese animals pro­ of studies show that in1portant factors include: sub­
duce son1ewhat fewer ova than those with planktotro­ stratu1n texture, con1position, and particle size; pres­
phic larvae. The eggs are either spawned directly into ence of conspecific adults (or donunant competitors);
the water or are fertilized internally and released as presence of key chemical cues; presence of appropri­
zygotes. Again, the adults' parental responsibility ends ate food sources; and the nature of bottom currents or
with the release of gametes or zygotes into the envi­ turbulence. Contact with the substrate includes risks.
ronment. Although survival rates of lecithotrophic lar­ Previously settled planktivores and predators are like­
vae are generally higher than those of planktotrophic ly to be common in many potentially suitable habitats.
types, they are lov.• compared with those of en1bryos Once again, larval mortalities at this stage are high.
that undergo direct development. Many invertebrate larvae touch down on the bottom
Marine invertebrates that live in relatively deep for a few minutes, and then law1cl1 themselves back up
benthic environments tend to produce lecithotrophic into the current again and again until a suitable sub­
larvae. Here, some of the advantages of indirect devel­ stratum is found. Assuming an appropriate situation
opment are realized, but larvae do not require environ­ is encountered, metamorphosis is induced and pro­
mental food supplies and therefore avoid the intense ceeds to completion. Interestingly, some feeding l a r ­
predation commonly encountered in surface water. vae are able to postpone metan1orphosis and reswne
The trade-off is clear: 1n deeper water fewer, more ex­ planktonic life if they initially encounter an unsuitable
pensive zygotes are produced, but they can survive substratum. In sucl1 cases, however, tl1e larvae become
where more numerous, less expensive planktotrophic gradually less selective; eventually, metamorphosis
larvae cannot. ensues regardless of the availability of a proper sub­
stratum. The ability to prolong the larval period until
Settling and Metamorphosis conditions are favorable for settlement has obvious
Of particular importance to the successful con1pletion survival advantages, and invertebrates differ greatly in
of animal life cycles with free larval stages are the pro­ tlus capability. Those that can postpone settlement may
cesses of settlement and metamorphosis. These events do so by several hours, days, or even months (based on
are crucial and dangerous times in an animal's life cycle laboratory experiments).
because they often require rapid and dramatic changes
in individual habitats and lifestyle. Free-swimming Direct Development
larvae usually metamorphose into benthic juveniles, a Direct development avoids some of the disadvantages
process that involves the shedding of larval structures but also misses some of the advantages of indirect de­
and the rapid growth or mobilization of juvenile ones. velopment. A typical scenario involves the production
Surviving this transformation in form and function and of relatively few, very yolky eggs, followed by so1ne
adopting a new mode of life requires adequate stored sort of mating activity and internal fertilization (Figure
resources, appropriate responses to internal and exter­ 5.13C). The embryos receive prolonged parental care,
nal conditions, and considerable luck. either directly (by brooding in or on the parent's body)
Throughout their free-sv.•imming lives larvae have o r indirectly (by encapsulation in egg cases provided
been "preparing" for these events, tu1ti1 they reach a by the parent). Animals that simply deposit their f e r ­
condition in which U1ey are physiologically capable of tilized eggs, either freely or in capsules, are said to be
metamorphosis. Such larvae are termed competent. oviparous. A great number of invertebrates as well as
The duration of the free-swimnung period varies great­ some vertebrates (a1nph.ibians, o,any fishes, reptiles,
ly among metazoan larvae and depends on factors and birds) display oviparity. Animals that brood their
such as original egg size, yolk content, and the avail­ embryos internally and nourish them directly, sucl1 as
ability of food for planktotrophic forms. Once a larva placental mammals or peracarids crustaceans, are de­
becomes competent, it generally begins to respond to scribed as viviparous. Ovoviviparous animals brood
certain environ1nentaJ cues that induce settling behav­ their embryos internally but rely on the yolk within U1e
ior. Metamorphosis is often preceded by settling, al­ eggs to nourish their developing young. Most inter­
though some species metamorphose prior to settling nally brooding invertebrates are ovoviviparous.
and still others engage in both processes simultaneous­ The large, yolky eggs of most invertebrates with
ly. In any case, larvae typically become negatively pho­ direct development are metabolically expensive to
totactic and/ or positively geotactic and move toward produce. But while only a few eggs a.r e possible, the
the botto1n to settle. 1n species that are planktonic both investment is protected though parental effort and sur­
as larvae and as adults (holoplanktonic species), the vival rates are relatively high. TI1e dangers of plank­
larvae obviously do not settle on the benthos. tonic larval life and metamorphosis are avoided and
Once contact with a substratum is made, a larva the embryos eventually hatch as juve1ules.
tests it, to determine its suitability as a habitat. This act What sorts of environments and lifestyles 1night re­
of substratum selection may involve processing physi­ sult i n selection for sucl1 a developmental sequence? At
cal, chemical, and biological information. A number the risk of overgeneralizing, we can say that there is a
200 Chapter Five

tendency for specialist (e.g., K s- elected) species to d i s ­ nature. The historical and evolutionary forces acting
play direct developn1ent. Another situation in which on invertebrates (and their larvae) are highly com­
direct development occurs is when the adults have plex. For example, larvae are subject to all ma1u1er of
no dispersal problems. We find, for example, that ho­ oceanographic variables (e.g., diffusion, lateral and
loplanktonic species with pelagic adults (e.g., arrow vertical transport, sea floor topography, storms) as well
wonns, phylum Chaetognatha; pelagic gastropods) as their self-directed vertical movements, seasonality,
often undergo direct development, either by brood­ a.11d biotic factors (predators, prey, competition, nutri­
ing or b y producing floating egg cases. A second situa­ ent availability). Life history predictions based strictly
tion is one in which critical environmental factors (e.g., on environmental conditions do not always hold true.
food, temperature, water currents) are highly variable. Invertebrates living i n the deep sea and at tl,e poles
There is a trend among benthic invertebrates to switch do not always brood (as was once thought). We now
from planktotrophic indirect development to direct know that all life history strategies occur in these re­
development at increasingly higher latitudes. The rel­ gions, and ma.11y deep-sea and polar species release
atively harsh conditions and strongly seasonal occur­ f r e e s- wimn,ing larvae, and even planktotrophic lar­
rence of planktonic food sources in polar and subpolar vae. Even some invertebrates of deep-sea hydrother­
areas partially explain this tendency. mal vent communities produce free-swi.nuning larvae.
1n addition to avoiding some of the danger of larval ln many cases, this may be due to evolutionary con­
life, direct development has another distinct advantage. straints: vent gastropods, for example, belong to lin­
The juveniles hatch in suitable habitats where the adults eages that are aJn,ost strictly lecithotrophic, regardless
brooded then1 or deposited the eggs in capsules. Thus, of latitude or habitat. Thus, vent gastropods are appar­
there is a reasonable assurance of appropriate food ently constrained by their phylogenetic histories. Other
sources and other environmental factors for the young. vent species that release free larvae, however, are not
so constrained: n1ytilid bivalves, for exan1ple, possess
Mixed Development a wide range of reproductive modes, and tend to r e ­
As defined earlier, mixed life histories involve some lease planktotrophic larvae in deep-sea and vent envi­
period of brooding prior to of a free larva I stage. ronments. Furthermore, reproductive cycles in many
Costly, yolky zygotes are protected for some time and abyssal invertebrates appear to be seasonal, perhaps
then are released as larvae, exploiting the advantages cued by aiu1ual variations in surface \,vater product i v ­
of dispersal. This developmental pattern is often ig­ ity. There i s still much to b e learned.
nored when classifying life histories, but in fact it i s
widespread among gastropods, insects, crustaceans, Adaptations to Land and Fresh Water
sponges, alidarians, and a host of other ailimal groups. The foregoing accow,t of life cycle strategies applies
Some workers view nlixed development as either the largely to 1narine invertebrates. Ma.11y invertebrates,
"best" or the "worst" of both worlds (i.e., fully indi­ however, have invaded land or fresh water, and their
rect or direct). Others suggest that such sequences are success in these habitats requires not only adaptation
evolutionarily unstable, and that local environmental of the adults to special problems, b u t also adaptation
pressures are driving them toward direct or indirect of the developmental forms. As discussed in Chapter 1,
develop111ent. There are, however, other possible e x ­ terrestrial ai1d freshwater environments are more rig­
planations. It may very well be that under some envi­ orous and unstable than the sea, and they are gener­
ronmentaJ situations a brooding period followed by a aUy unsuitable for reproductive strategies that i11volve
larval phase is adaptive and stable. free spawning of gan,etes or the production of delicate
Furthermore, at least some species show population larval forms. Most groups of terrestrial and freshwa­
variability in the relative lengths of time embryos exist ter invertebrates have adopted internal fertilization
in a brooded versus a free larval phase. lf this variabil­ followed by direct development, while their marine
ity responds to local environmental pressures, then counterparts often exhibit external fertilization and
clearly such a species might adapt quickly to changing produce free-s\,vinuning larvae. The insects, flatworn1s
conditions, or even exploit this ability by extending its and nematodes are notable exceptions, in wllich a
geographic range to live under a variety of settings. l n wide range of mixed development life histories have
this regard, mixed life histories may represent devel­ evolved. In these cases, larvae are highly adapted to
opmental polymorphisms, in which the frequency and their freshwater, terrestrial or parasitic environments
intensity of particular environmental cues influences with unique traits that are unlikely to have existed in
the proportion of the population that expresses or does a.11y marine larval ancestor.
not express a particular larval phenotype.Such pheno­
typic plasticity in life history expression is a.11 area in Parasite Life Cycles
need of further investigation. The evolutionary success of parasites is clear. Every
Our short description of life history strategies cer­ animal species examined for symbionts appears to
tainly does not explain all observable patterns in provide habitat for at least one, and usually ma.11y as-
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 201

sociated species. These symbionts often draw benefits life history patterns of the different invertebrate groups
from their host at their host's expense, and thus are discussed later. You might also be able to predict the
parasites. Most parasites have rather complicated life sorts of sequences that would be likeIy to occur tu1der
cycles, and specific examples are given in later chap­ different conditions. For example, given a situation in
ters. For now, we will examine parasitic lifestyles in a which a particular species is known to produce very
general way to understand their central features, and high numbers of free-spawned, isolecithal ova, what
to introduce some basic terminology. might you predict about cleavage pattern, blastula and
As outlined in Chapter 1, parasites 1nay be classified gastrula type, presence or absence of a larval stage,
as ectoparasites (living upon the host), endoparasites type of larva, adult Lifestyle, and ecological settings in
(living internally, within the host), or mesoparasites which such a sequence 'Nott.Id be advantageous? We
(living in some cavity of the host that opens directly to hope you will develop the habit of asking these kinds
the outside, such as the oral, nasal, anal, or gill cavi­ of questions and fuinking in this way about all aspects
ties). While associated 1-vith a host, a parasite may en­ of your study of invertebrates.
gage in sexual or asexual reproduction, but the eggs or
embryos are usually released to the outside via some
avenue fro1n the host's body. The problems at this The Relationships Between
point are very similar to those encountered during in­
direct larval developo1ent: soo1e mechanis1n must be
Ontogeny and Phylogeny
provided to ensure adequate survival furough the d e ­ Of the many fields of study from which we draw in­
velopmental stages, and some sequence of events must formation used in phylogenetic investigations, em­
bring the parasite back to an appropriate host (the bryology has been one of the most important. The
proper "substratum") for maturation and reproduc­ construction of phylogenies may be accomplished
tion. As explained earlier, habitat transitions are risky. and subsequently tested by several difierent methods
Thus, many pal'asites a1·e parthenogenetic-a fonn of (Chapter 2). But regardless of method, one of the prin­
reproduction in whim the ovum undergoes embryonic cipal problems of phylogeny reconstruction-in fact,
development and produces a nev" individual without central to the process-is separating true homologies
fertilization. Parthenogenesis produces offspring tllat from similar character traits tllat are the result of evo­
are genetically identical to their parent. Other parasites lutionary convergence. Even when these problems in­
may be capable of asexual reproduction by way of fis­ volve comparative adult morphology, one must often
sion or budding. The production of asexual progeny seek answers in studies of the development of the or­
appears to be one mechanism by which parasites off­ ganisms and structures in question. The search is for
set the high n1ortality tllat attends transitions from one developmental processes or structures tllat are homo­
host to the next. logues and thus demonstrate relationships between
Parasites exploit at least two different habitats ancestors and descendants. Changes that take place
in their life cycles. This practice is essential because in developmental stages are not trivial evolutionary
when hosts die, their parasites usually die with them. events. It has been effectively argued that develop­
Thus, the developmental period from zygote to mental phenomena n1ay themselves provide the evo­
adult parasite involves either the invasion of anotl1er lutionary mechanisms by which entire new lineages
host, or a free-living period between host invasions. originated (Chapter 1). As Stephen Jay Gould (1977)
When more than one host species is utilized for the has noted,
con1pletion of the life cycle, the organism harboring
£vo/11tio11 is strongly co11strni11ed by tt,e conservative
the adult parasite is called tile primary or definitive nature of embryological programs. Nothi11g in biology is
host. Hosts in which developmental or larval forms more complex t!,a11 the prod11ction of an adult ... from a
reside are called intermediate hosts. The completion single fertilized ovum. Nothing m11ch can be chn11ged very
of con1plex life cycles often requires elaborate meth­ radically witho11t discombob11/nti11g tl,e embryo.
ods of transfer from one host to the other, and again,
surviving tile manges from one habitat to another can Indeed, tile persistence of distinctive body plans
be problematic. Losses are routinely high. Thus, we throughout the history of life is testimony to the resis­
find that many parasites enjoy some of the benefits of tance to change of complex developmental programs.
indirect development (e.g., dispersal and exploitation (See Hall 1996 for an excellent analysis of these issues.)
of multiple resources) while being subjected to ac­ Altl1ough few workers would argue against a signif­
companying high mortalities and tile dangers of very icant relationship between ontogeny and phylogeny,
specialized lifestyles. the exact nature and extent of the relationship have his­
We emphasize again that the above discussions of torically been subjects of considerable contt·oversy, a
life cycles are generalities to whim there are many e x ­ good deal of which continues today. (Gould 1977 pres­
ceptions. But given these basic patterns, you should ents a fine analysis of these debates.) Central to mum
recognize and appreciate the adaptive significance of of the controversy is the concept of recapitulation.
202 Chapter Five

The Concept of Recapitulation all of the details) of Gosta Jagersten in Evolution of the
In 1866 Ernst Haeckel, a physician who found a higher Metnzomz Life Cycle (1972). Recapitulation per se should
calling in zoology and never practiced medicine, intro­ not categorically be accepted or dismissed as an "al­
duced his law of recapitulation (or the biogenetic law), ways" or "never" phenon1enon. The term must be
most commonly stated as "ontogeny recapitulates phy­ clearly defined in each case investigated, not locked
logeny." Haeckel suggested that a species' embryonic in t o Haeckel's original definition and implications.
development (ontogeny) reflects the adult forms of that For instance, similar, distinctive, homologous larval
species' evolutionary history (phylogeny). According types within a group of animals reflect some degree
to Haeckel, this was no accident, but a result of a close of shared ancestry (e.g., crustacean nauplii or mol­
mechanistic relationship between the two processes: luscan veligers). And we may speculate on such m a t ­
phylogenesis is the actual cause of embryogeny. R e ­ ters at various taxonomic levels, even when the adults
stated, animals have an embryogeny because of their are quite different from one another (e.g., the similar
evolutionary history. Evolutionary change over time trochophore larvae of polychaetes and molluscs).
has resulted in a continual adding on of n1orphologi­ These phenon1ena may be viewed as developmental
cal stages to the developmental process of organisms. evidence of relatedness through shared ancestry, and
The implications of Haeckel's proposal are irrln1ense. thus they are examples of "recapitulation" in a broad
Among other things, it means that to trace the phylog­ sense.
eny of an animal, one need only examine its develop­ Jagersten's exan1ple of vertebrate gill slits is particu­
ment to find therein a sequential or "chronological" larly appropriate because, to him, it provides a case iJ1
parade of the animal's adult ancestors. which Haeckel's strict concept of recapitulation is man­
Ideas and disagreement concerning the relation­ ifest. ln writing of this feature Jagersten (1972) stated,
ship between ontogeny and phylogeny were by no
Tl,e fact remains ... t/,a/ a character wl,ici, once existed i11
means new even at Haeckel's time. Over 2,000 years the adults of tl,e a11cestors but was lost i11 the adults of the
ago Aristotle described a sequence of "souls" or " e s ­ desce11da11ts is retai11ed in an easily recog11iznble sl1ape in
sences" of increasing quality and complexity through the embryoge11esis of the latter. This is my inlerpretatio11 of
which animals pass i n their development. He related recapitulation (the bioge11etic 'Jaw').
these conditions to the adult "souls" of various lower
and higher organisms, a notion suggestive of a type of Hyman (1940) perhaps put it most reasonably when
recapitulation. she wrote,
Descriptive embryology flourished in the nineteenth
Recapitulation in its narrow Haeckelian sense, as repetition
century, stimulating vigorous controversy regarding of adult ancestors, is not generally applicable; but ances­
the relationship between development and evolution. tral resembla11ce during 011togeny is a ge11eral biological
Many of the leading developmental biologists of the principle. There is no 11eed lo quibble over the word reca­
time ,,vere in the thick of things, each proposing his pitulation; either /1,e usage of /1,e word should be altered lo
own explanation (Meckel 1811; Serres 1824; von Baer include any type of ancestral remi11isce11ce d11ri11g ontog­
1828; and others). It was Haeckel, however, who r e ­ eny, or some 11ew term should be i11ve11ted.
ally stirred the pot with his discourse on the "law" of
recapitulation. He offered a focal point around which Other authors, however, are not comfortable with
biologists argued pro or con for 50 years; sporadic skir­ such flexibility and have made great efforts to catego­
n1ishes still erupt periodically.Walter Garstang critical­ rize and define the various possible relationships be­
ly examined the biogenetic law and gave u s a different tween ontogeny and phylogeny, of which strict recapit­
line of thinking. His ideas, presented in 1922, are r e ­ ulation is considered only one (see especially Chapter
flected in many of his poems (published posthumous­ 7 of Gould 1977). Although much of this material is
ly in 1951). Garstang made clear what a number of beyond the scope of this book, we discuss a few com­
other biologists had suggested: that evolution must be monly used terms here because they bear on topics in
viewed not as a succession of ancestral adult forms, but later chapters. We have drawn on a number of sources
as a succession of ontogenies. Each animal is a result cited i n this chapter to mix freely with our own ideas in
of its o,,vn developmental processes, and any change i n explaining these concepts.
an adult must represent a change in its ontogeny. So
what we see in the embryogeny of a particular species Heterochrony and Paedomorphosis
are not tiny replicas of its adult ancestors, but rather When comparing two ontogenies, one often finds that
an evolved pattern of development in which clues or some features appear earlier or later in one sequence
traces of ancestral ontogenies, and thus phylogenetic than in the other. Such temporal displacement during
relationships to other organisms, may be fow1d. development is called heterochrony. When coinparing
Arguments over these matters did not end 1,vith suspected ancestral and descendant embryogenies, for
Garstang, and tl1ey continue today in many quarters. example, we may find the very rapid (accelerated) de­
In general, we tend to agree with the approach (if not velopment of a particular feature and thus its relatively
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 203

early appearance in a descendant species or lineage. of the history of life on Earth. It is only through con­
Conversely, the development of a trait n1ay be slower jecture, study, inference, and the testing of hypotheses
(retarded) in a descendant than in an ancestor and that we are able to trace phylogenetic strands back in
thus appear later in the descendant's ontogeny. This time, joining them at various points to produce hy­
retardation may be so pronounced that a structure may pothetical pathways of evolution. We do not operate
never develop to more than a rudin1ent of its ancestral blindly in this process, but use rigorous scientific meth­
condition. (For excellent reviews of heterochrony and odology to draw upon information from many disci­
its impact on phylogeny see Gould 1977, and McKin­ plines in attempts to make our evolutionary hypothe­
ney and McNan1ara 1991.) ses meaningful and (we hope) increasingly closer to the
Particular types of heterochrony result in a condi­ truth-to the actual biotic history of Earth (Chapter 2).
tion known as paedomorphosis, wherein sexually 1na­ In Chapter 1 we briefly reviewed the history of life,
ture adults possess features characteristically found in i n part inferred from the fossil record, and in Chapter
early developmental stages of related forms (i.e., juve­ 28 we present a phylogenetic tree of the animal king­
nile or larval features). Paedomorphosis results when dom. However, many workers have not been satisfied
adult reproductive structures develop before comple­ to develop phylogenetic analyses based solely upon
tion of the development of all the adult nonreproduc­ known (extant and extinct) animal groups, but have
tive (somatic) structures. Thus, we find a reproduc­ felt compelled to specuJate on hypothetical ancestors
tively functional animal retaining what in the ancestor that nught have occurred along the evolutionary road
were certain embryonic, larval, or juvenile characteris­ to modern life. A variety of evolutionary stories have
tics. This condition can result from two different h e t ­ been proposed to describe these sequences of hypo­
erochronic processes. These are neoteny, in which thetical metazoan ancestors. We discuss some of these
somatic development is retarded, and progenesis, in below, and some key works are cited in the references
which reproductive development is accelerated. These at the end of this chapter and Chapter 28.
two terms are frequently used interchangeably b e ­
cause it is not always possible to know which process Origin of the Metazoan Condition
has given rise to a particular paedomorphic condition. The origin of the metazoan condition has received at­
Recognition of paedomorphosis may play a significant tention for more than a century. One of the most spec­
role in examining evolutionary hypotheses concerning tacular phenomena in the fossil record is the abrupt
the origins of certain lineages. For example, the evolu­ diversification of nearly all of the metazoan phyla
tion of precocious sexual maturation of a planktonic living today i n a brief span of 30 million years, at the
larval stage (that would "normally" continue develop­ Precambria n Cambrian
- transition (approximately
ing to a benthic adult) might result in a new diverging - million years ago). There is now little doubt
5 7 0600
Lineage in which the descendants pursue a fully pelagic that anin1als-the Metazoa-arose as a monophyletic
existence. Such a scenario, for example, may have been group from a protist ancestor, 650 million years ago or
responsible for the origin of some small planktonic earlier (Chapter 1). The debates now concern which
crustaceans. Paedomorphosis has also played major protist gt·oup was ancestral to the first Metazoa, what
roles in theories regarding the origin of the vertebrates. these first animals were like, what environments they
Myriad questions about the role of embryogenesis inhabited, and how the cl1anges from unicellularity to
in evolution and the usefulness of embryology i n con­ multicellularity took place.
structing and testing phylogenies persist. As the fol­
lowing accounts show, different authors continue to Historical Perspectives on Metazoan Origins
hold a variety of opinions about these matters. What intermediate forms might have linked protists
and metazoans? Some authors have chosen to design
logical but hypothetical creatures for this purpose.
Others rummage among extant types, arguing the
The Origin of the Metazoa advantages of using "real" organisms. Although it is
One theme we develop throughout this book is the probable that the actual precursor of the Metazoa is
evolutionary relationships within and among the in­ long extinct, the existence of modern-day forms that
vertebrate taxa. Life has probably existed on this planet combine protist and metazoan traits keeps this debate
for nearly 4 billion years; hun1ans have been observing alive. These organisms include enigmatic mul6cellular
it scientifically for only a few hundred years, and evo­ animals of uncertain position, imagined and real colo­
lutionarily for only about 150 years. Thus, the thread nial flagellates, and hypothetical multinucleate ciliates.
of evolutionary continuity we actually see around us Figure 5.14 illustrates some of these creatures for com­
today looks a bit like frazzled ends, representing the parative purposes.
many successful animal lineages that survive today, Before molecular tools convincingly linked protists
but omitting the legions of extinct species and Lineages t o metazoan ancestry, several theories of metazoan
whose identities could provide a clearer understanding evolution enjoyed support. In 1892, Johannes Frenzel
204 Chapter Five

� a- ::·
(Al (8) (C)

Macronudeus ;

I, . .
. . ...
. '• .
0• . ,1,


•, �!Vlultiplc
.. ,
.... ' I

(D) (
. . .
. . . .�
. . . . . . . . . ... . .

i Change while feeding

Figure 5.14 Living organisms that have been consid­ Digestive chamber
ered as protist-metazoan intermediates or that play
major roles in vari ous hypotheses concerning the origin "Anus"
of the metazoan condition. (A) Volvox, a col on ial
(G) '' (H)
flagellate. (8) A multinucleate ciliate (Paramecium).
(C,D) Sphaeroeca vo/vox and Proterospongia, two cho­
anoflagellates. (E) Trichoplax. (F) Saline/la. (G) A dycyemid ·9
..e 1 :
rhombozoan. (H) An orthonectid. , '
. .�.,,:

' &ffs
described one such organism collected from salt beds . "'·0. .r
in Argentina (Figure 5.14F). Tiny Salinella possessed a
mouth and an anus, fed o n organic detritus, and a sin­

' ."·'·''.
gle layer of cells formed its entire body wall Although
this creature lacked the layered cellular construction of
the Metazoa, it displayed a higher level of organization ....•.' .',.,
than colonial protists, and the phylum Monoblastozoa . '
was erected for it. Sadly, Saline/la has not been seen
since the original report, and many zoologists suspect
that Frenzel seriously misinterpreted whatever creature
he saw. Other s o -called "n1esozoan" phyla, Rhombozoa
and Orthonectida (Figure 5.14G,H), are also structurally this theory was a hollow sphere of flagellated cells that
simple, but these animals are endoparasites of inverte­ developed anterior-posterior locon1otor orientation,
brates and have complex life cycles. While possibly re­ and specialization of cells into separate somatic and
sembling early metazoans, most workers consider their reproductive functions. As we explain in Chapter 3,
body organization and life cycles, and their phylogenet­ similar conditions are common in living colonial pro­
ic position to be ,nore derived than ancestral. tists, including freshwater, colonial, photosynthetic
The colonial theory of n1etazoan evolution was first flagellates such as Volvox (Figure 5.14A). Haeckel
expressed by Ernst Haeckel (1874), who proposed that called this hypothetical protometazoan ancestor a
a colonial flagellated protist gave rise to a planuloid blastea (Figure 5.15A) and supported its validity by
metazoan ancestor (the planula is the basic larval type noting the widespread occurrence of coeloblastulae
of cnidarians; see Chapter 7). The ancestral protist in among modern animals.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 205

(B) Figure 5.15 Two versions of

the colonial theory of the origin
of the Metazoa. (A) The hypo­
thetical colonial flagellate ances­
tor, Haeckel's "blastea" (section).
(B) According to Haeckel, the
transition to a multicellula r condi­
tion occurred by invagination,
(C) a developmental process that
resulted in a hollow "gastrea."
(C) According to Metschnikoff,
the formation of a solid "gastrea"
occurred by ingression.

In Haeckel's scenario, the first Metazoa arose by in­ bilaterally symmetrical, benthic ciliate, crawling about
vagination of the blastea; the resulting anin1als had a with its oral groove directed toward the substratu1n.
double-layered, gastruJa-like body (a gastrea) with a This syncytial theory, proposed that a ceUular epider­
blastopore-like opening to the outside (Figure 5.15B) mis surrounding an inner syncytial mass could form
sin1ilar to the gastrulae of many modern animals. if this creature's surface nuclei partitioned themselves
Haeckel believed that these ancestral creatures (the off from one another with cell membranes, producing
blastea and gastrea) were recapitulated in the ontogeny acoel worm-like creature. Arguments in support of this
of modem animals, and the gastrea was viewed as the hypothesis rested upon similarities between n1odern
metazoan precursor to the cnidarians. It has been said ciliates and acoels (Chapter 9), including shape, sym­
that the monociliated cells of the body wall of Porifera metry, mouth location, surface ciliation and size; large
and Cnidaria support this hypothesis. Haeckel's origi­ ciliates are larger than small acoels. However, objec­
nal ideas were somewhat modified over the years tions to this hypothesis were more convincing. Acoels
by various authors (e.g., Elias Metschnikoff, Libbie undergo a complex embryonic development; nothing
Hyman). Some have argued that the transition to a lay­ of this sort occurs in ciliates. Acoel guts are cellular,
ered construction occurred by ingression rather than not syncytial. And molecular phylogenetics has shown
b y invagination, and that the original Metazoa were acoels to be basal bilaterians, not primitive metazoans.
solid, not hollow, based in large part on the view that Not surprisingly, the syncytial theory enjoys little sup­
ingression is the primitive form of gastruJation among port today.
cnidarians (Figure 4.lSC).
In 1883, Otto Bi.itschli presented another variant of The Origin of Multicellularity
the colonial theory, a bilateraJJy symmetrical, flattened Molecular phylogenetic studies have revealed that
creature consisting of cell layers, which fed by multicellularity likely evolved in at least a dozen or
crawling over its food, and using its ventral layer as a more eukaryotic clades, and has Jed to monophyletic
digestive surface. Bi.itschli called this creature a plaku­ lineages of such disparate groups as plaJ1ts, ani.mals,
la. ln an1azing support of the plakula hypothesis, a several different groups of amoebas, and others. Con­
tiny, flagellated, multicellular creature ,,vas discovered ditions favoring unicellularity persisted for protists
in a marine aquarium in the early tv,entieth century. over 1.5 billion years by most accounts until two events
Trichoplnx ndhaerens was placed in its own phylum, the occurred. Fi.rst, atmospheric oxygen of sufficient con­
Placozoa (see Chapter 6), and like Bi.itschli's plakula centration to support multicellular organization be­
has an outer, partly flagellated epitheliLm1 surround­ came available due to the activities of photosynthetic
ing an inner mesenchymal cell mass. Its body margins algae. Second, predation pressure from heterotrophlc
are irregular, its cells sho"" some specialization for so­ protists, capable of phagocytizing or otherwise de­
matic and reproductive function, and when feeding, vouring other unicellular individuals, appears to have
Trichoplnx "hunches up" to form a temporary digestive favored aggregation of cells after mitosis.
chamber on its underside (Figure 5.14£)-producing a Once a tendency to aggregate arose, there appears
form strikingly similar to Bi.itschli's hypothetical crea­ to have been competition within individuals for certain
ture. While this hypothesis is compelling, molecular functions. If, as appears likely, the fi.rst multicellular ani­
phylogenetic analyses do not place Trichoplnx at the mals were flagellated, these individuals faced a tradeoff
base of the metazoan tree. between the ability to swim and the ability to engage in
In the 1950s and 60s J. Hadzi and E. D. Hanson en­ mitotic division. The cellular machinery for both func­
visioned the metazoan ancestor as a multinucleate, tions appear to compete, as is evidenced even today by
206 Chapter Five

the fact that anin1al cells bearing flagella or cilia never to early twentieth century, du.ring the heyday of com­
replicate until they have reh·acted and inactivated their parative en1bryology. Most of these hypotheses shared
flagellar or ciliary apparatus. In xenacoelomorphs, the premise of monophyly-that the coelomic con­
worn out ciliated epidermal cells are simply reabsorbed dition arose only once. The inherent problem with a
(Chapter 9). A balance may have arisen bet"veen the monophyletic approach is the difficulty of relating
ability to n1ove and the ability to replicate cells, favor­ existing coelomate animals to a single comn1on coelo­
ing a tendency toward cellular specialization. If selection mate ancestor. Considering the advantages of possess­
favored a shift in the location of non-flagellated cells to­ ing a coelom, the very different methods of embryonic
ward the interior of the individual, with flagellated cells development (schizocoely and various forms of entero­
remaining outside, further specialization of i.nten1al cells coely), and the variety of adult coelomic body plans, it
may have become possible, necessitating the evolution may be more biologically reasonable to suggest that the
of layers of cells with flexible ontogenetic fates, as well coelomic condition arose twice. There are several cur­
as biochemical mechanisms that distinguished or al­ rent ideas about hov-1 this might have happened, and a
lowed particular cellular interactions. number of others have mostly been discarded as being
Most evidence today points to the protist phylum incompatible with existing evidence or with our s t a n ­
Choanoflagellata as the likely ancestral group from dard definition of the coelom.
""hjch the Metazoa arose. ChoanoflageUates possess The coelom may have originated by the pinching
collar cells essentially identical to those found in spong­ off and isolation of embryonic gut diverticula as occw·s
es. Choanoflagellate ge11era such as Proterospongin, in the developn1ent of n1any extant enterocoelous ani­
Sphneroeca, and others are animal-like colonial protists mals (Figure 5.16). This s o -called enterocoel theory (in
(Figure 5.14C,D) and are commonly cited as typifying several versions) enjoyed relatively strong support by
a potential metazoan precursor. Hov,ever, some re­ many authors since it was originally proposed by Sir
cent n10Jecular evidence suggests that ctenophores, not E. Ray Lankester i n 1877. An obvious point in favor of
sponges, lie at the base of the n1etazoan tree. Clearly, d e ­ this general idea is that enterocoely does occur in many
bate on the emergence of Metazoa from their protist an­ living animals, thus retaining the hypothetical ances­
cestor will continue for some time to come (01apter 28). tral process. ln addition, various authors cite examples

The Origin of the Bilateral Condition (A) (B)

and the Coelom
We discussed the functional significance of bilaterality
briefly in Chapter 4. The evolution of an anterior-pos­
terior body axis, unidirectional moven1ent, and ceph­
alization almost certainly coevolved to some degree,
and probably coincided with the invasion of benthic
environments and the development of creeping lo­
comotion. Further.more, the origin of the triploblas­
tic condition likely took place soon after the appear­
ance of the first bilateral forms. Among modem-day
invertebrates, bilaterality and triploblasty generally
Various hypotheses concerning the origin of coelon1
are summarized in R . 8. Clark's fine book Dynamics in
Metnzoan Evolution (1964). Clark's personal approach
was a functional one that emphasized the adaptive
significance of the coelon1 as the central criterion for
evaluating ideas concerning its origin. When early soft­
bodied, bilaterally symmetrical animals larger than a
few millimeters assumed a benthic, crawling, or bur­
rowing lifestyle, a fluid (hydrostatic) skeleton was es­ Mouth Anus
sential for certain types of movement. The evolution of
a body cavity filled with fluid against which muscles Figure 5.16 Jagersten's bilaterogastrea theory, accord­
could operate would have offered a tremendous loco­ ing to which the coelomic compartments arise by
motory advantage in addition to providing a circula­
enterocoelic pouching. (A) The formation of paired coe•
toms from the wall of the archenteron. The slitlike blas­
tory medium and space for organ developn1ent. How topore of the bilaterogastrea closes midventrally, leaving
might such spaces have originated? mouth and anus at opposite ends (B). (B,C) The tripartite
Most of the ideas concerning the evolutionary origin coelomic condition in Jagersten's hypothetical early coe­
of the coelom were developed from the mid-nineteenth lomate animal (ventral and lateral views).
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 207

of noncoelomate animals (anthozoans and flatworms) (A) Gut

in which gut diverticula exist in arrangements that r e ­
semble possible ancestral patterns.
Another popular idea concerning coelom origin is the
gonocoel theory (see publications by Bergh, Hatschek,
Meyer, Goodrich and others). This hypothesis suggests
that the first coelomic spaces arose by way of mesoder­
mally derived gonadal cavities that persisted subse­
quent to the release of gametes (Figure 5.17). The serial
Conopore Gonad
arrangement of gonads, as seen in animals such as flat­
worms and nemerteans, could have resulted in serially
arranged coelomic spaces and linings such as occurs in
annelids, where they often still produce and store gam­
etes. A major argument against this hypothesis is that in
no modern-day coelomate ani.J.nals do gonads develop
before coelomic spaces. As \-Ve have seen, however, h e t ­
erochrony can account for such turnabouts.
Another idea on coelom origin is called the neph­ Gut
rocoel theory (see publications by Lankester, Ziegler, (C)
Faussek, Snodgrass, and others). The association b e ­
tween the coelon, and exo·etion has prompted different
versions of this hypothesis through about 85 years of
moderate support. One idea is that the protonephridia
of flatworn1s expanded t o coelomic cavities, arguing
that the coelom first arose from ectodermally derived
structures. Another vie,-v is that coelomic spaces arose
as cavities within the mesoderm and served as storage
Figure 5.17 A version of the gonocoel theory (sche­
matic cross sections). (A) The condition in flatworms,
areas for \,vaste products. Certainly the coelomic cavi­
which have mesodermally derived gonads leading to
ties of many animals are related to excretory functions, ventral gonopores. (BJ The condition in nemerteans, which
but there is no convincing evidence that this relation­ have serially arranged gonadal masses leading to laterally
ship was the prin,ary selective force in the origin of the placed gonopores. (C) The condition in polychaetes, in
coelomate condition. which the linings of the gonads have expanded to pro­
Clark (1964) speculated that schizocoely, as we duce coelomic spaces with coel omoducts to the outside.
know it today, could have evolved by the formation
of spaces within the solid mesoderm of acoelomate
animals and then have been retained in response to the complicated scenario. The simplest hypothesis might
positive selection for the resulting hydrostatic skeleton. b e to view the deuterostome ancestor as a diploblas­
This is a very straightforward view, in part because, tic animal, perhaps a planuloid form, in which en­
like the enterocoel theory, it accommodates a real de­ terocoely occurred. Deriving the Deuterostomia sep­
velopmental process. arately from the evolution of spiral cleavage and tl,e
As we 1nen tioned earlier, these hypotheses share other features of protostomes avoids many of the com­
the fundamental constraint of arguing a monophy­ plications inherent i.n a monophyletic view of coelom
letic origin to all coelomate animals. The basic devel­ origin. Imagine a hollow, invaginated, gastrula-like
opmental differences between the two great clades metazoan swimming with its blastopore trailing, as
of coelomate animals (the Protosto1nia and the do the planula larvae of son1e cnidarians. Enterocoely
Deuterostomia) suggest that the coelon, may have n,ay have accon1panied a tendency toward benthic
arisen separately in these 1\-vo lineages. Given the life, giving the animal a peristaltic burrowing ability.
strong similarities between the coelomate Protostomia The archenteron may have then opened anteriorly as
and acoelomorph worms, it is easy to envision the pro­ a mouth, and the new coelomate creature adopted a
tostome clade arising from a triploblastic acoelomate deposit-feeding lifestyle. l f such a story began at the
ancestor. Hollov.ring of the mesoderm in such a pre­ level of diploblastic Metazoa (e.g., cnidarians), then
cursor to produce fluid-filled hydrostatic spaces can the radial cleavage seen today in the Bilataria was also
be easily explained both developmentally (n,odern­ present in the ancestor to that group.
day schizocoely) and fw1ctionally (peristaltic burrow­
ing, increased size, and so on). The Trochaea Theory
To derive the Deuterostomia and Protostomia The Danish zoologist Claus Nielsen has envisioned the
from an immediate coelomate ancestor creates a two major bilaterian clades, Protostomia and Deutero-
208 Chapter Five

Ventral views Lateral views Ventral views Lateral views

ApicaI organ
Oral cilia


,;..---,,-Ventral nerve


Benthic lips
larvae _..------····-

Figure 5.18 The Trochaea Theory. Ventral and lateral

vi ews of pelagic larvae and benthic adults pred icted by
Claus Nielsen's Trochaea Theory. (A) The upper drawings Transport of food particles into and out of the arch­
show the morphology of the holopelagic trochaea; the enteron may have become enhanced by compression
lower drawings illustrate the pelago-benthic life cycle of of the lateral blastopore lips, which were fused in the
an early protostomian ancestor. (B) The upper drawings
adult leaving an anterior n1outh and a posterior anus
show the pelagic phase of the life cycle of the fully differ­
entiated anc,estral protostomian with a trochophore larva,
(i.e., a through gut). This fusion of the blastopore lips
the lower drawings show the benthic form of this animal. may soon have become established in the larval stage.
Apical organ red; cerebral ganglia yellow; blastoporal n e r ­ The archaeob·och ,,vas lost in the creeping adult but re­
vous system green tained in the pelagic larva.
The anterior part of the archaeotroch around the
mouth could have become laterally extended, with the
stomia, arising from an ancient common ancestor that anterior region becoming the prototroch and the pos­
conforms to Haeckel's radially sya1metrical gastrea terior region the metatroch, bordering a lateral exten­
(see References section). Nielsen's theory proposes that sion of the perioral ciliary area, the adoral ciliary zone
Protosto1nia arose by way of at least hvo hypothetical (Figure 5.18B). Over evolutionary time, this may have
ancestral forms, called the trochaea and the gastroneu­ created the characteristic trochophore ciliary feed­
ron. The deuterostoa1e Line was originally believed to ing and swimming structures seen in modern proto­
have led to the Deuterostomia by way of a hypothetical stomes, wherein the posterior part of the archaeotroch
notoneuron ancestor. (The names gastroneuron and became the telotroch. The ciliary bands of the trocho­
notoneLrron referred to the ventral versus dorsal posi­ phores rely on downstream ciliary feeding, in which
tions of the major nerve cords in most protostomes and the larvae capture food particles from the vvater on
deuterostomes, respectively.) the dovvnstreatn side of the ciliary feeding bands, and
The theory provided a scenario of the evolution of these particles then are transported to the mouth by
the ancestral Protostomia, which possessed a trocho­ the adoral ciliary band. The lateral blastopore closure
phore larva and a ventral nervous system. The early may have resulted in a differentiation of a circumblas­
ancestor in this model was a holopelagic planktotro­ toporal ring nerve into an anterior loop around the
phic gastraea with a ring of co1npound cilia (the a r ­ mouth, the paired (or secondarily fused) ventral nerve
chaeotroch) around the blastopore, which was used in cords, and a small loop around the anus (in both the
swimming and particle collection by the downstream trochophore larvae and the adult). The brain of the
method (Figure 5.18A). After settling, the adult forn1 trochophore and the adult ancestor consisted of the
of this animal was presurned to creep on the bottom, anteriormost part of the perioral nerve loop and a new
collecting detritus using monociliated cells around paired structure, the large cerebral ganglion develop­
the blastopore. An anterior-posterior axis evolved ing from the episphere of the larva, i.e., from the area
along with the establishment of a creeping lifestyle. in front of the prototroch.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 209

Owing to the realization that Deuterostomia have the The most importa11t a11d least considered of these [pri11-
neuJal tube morphologicaUy venb·al, and that deuteros­ ciplesl is t/,at ltypothetical constructs which represe11t
tomy occUJs in several phyla of Protosto1nia, Nielsen a11cestral, generalized forms of modern groups, or stem
has revised his views on the origin of the former, and in for111s from whiclt several 111oder11 pity/a diverge, 11111st b e
possible animals. /11 other words, tltey 11111st be conceived as
the latest version of his theory the gastroneuron is seen
living organisms, obeying tlte same principles that we /,ave
as the latest comn1on ancestor of nil bilaterians. discovered i11 existing animals.
As you can see, \Vhen one attempts to describe hy­
pothetical ancestors, evolutionary analysis at the level In such terms, evolutionary hypotheses can be eval­
of phyla can be convoluted and problematical. Many uated. From a phylogenetic point of viev.,, it may be
different vie,vpoints of the same phenomena will i n ­ best to avoid initial speculation on what a hypotheti­
evitably arise. We trust, however, that you have gained cal ancestor might have looked like, and instead rely
some insights not only into the particular hypotheses on the analysis of known taxa to establish genealogi­
discussed here, but also into evolutionary speculation. cal relationships or branclling patterns. Once a tree has
A fundamental caveat should be kept in mind: any been constructed, t h e pattern of features associated
number of evolutionary pathv.rays can be proposed with the taxa on the tree will themselves predict the
and made to appear convincing on paper by imagining nature (character combination) of the ancestor for each
appropriate hypothetical ancestors or intermediates, brancll. This method attempts to avoid the potential
but one n,ust always ask whether these marvelous h y ­ problem of ciJ-cuiar reasoning, in which a hypothetical
pothetical creatures would have worked as functional ancestor is established first and hence constrains and
organisms, and whether rigorous phylogenetic analy­ foretells the nature of the taxa descended fron1 it. In ei­
ses support the hypotheses. Clark (1964) spends a good ther case, for the hypotheses to be truly scientific, they
deal of time on this point and emphasizes it in his con­ must be testable with new data gathered outside the
clusion ,vith the foUowing passage (p. 258): frainework of that used in their initial formulation.

Selected References
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Wilson, E. B. 1892. The cell lineage of Nereis.J. Morphol. 6: 361-
Hall, New York.
Harrison, F . W. andR.R. Cowden (eds.). 1982. Develop111ental
Biology ofFreshwater l11verle/Jrntes. A.R. Liss, New York. 480. [Wi.lson's classic work establishing the coding system for
Heffer, A., J. Xiang and L. Pick. 2013. Variation and constraint iJ1 spiral cleavage.]
Wilson, W. H., S. Stricker, and G.L. Shinn (eds.). 1994.
Hox gene evolution. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 110: 2211-2216.
Reproductiou a11d Develop111e11/ ofMariue Invertebrates. Johns
King, N. 2004.The unicellular ancestry of animal development.
Develop.Cell 7: 213-325. Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. [A collection of re­
cent work on a host of developmental topics.]
Marthy, H.J. (ed.). 1990. Experimental Embryology in Aquatic
Plants and Auimals.Plenum, New York.
210 Chapter Five

Life Histories 21-89. [An excellent review of larval ecology from an evolu­
Ayal, Y. and U. Safriel. 1982. r-Curves and the cost of the plank• tionary perspective.I
tome stage.Am. Nat.119:391-401. Jeffrey, W.R . and R. A. Raff (eds.). 1982. Time, Space, and Paller11
Cameron, R. A. (ed.). 1986. Proceedings of the Invertebrate i11 Embryonic Development. Alan R. Liss, New York.
Larval Biology Workshop held at Friday Harbor Laboratories, Kohn,A. J. and F. E. Perron. 1994. Life History and Biogeography:
University of Washington, 26-30 Mar. 1985.Bull. Mar. Sci.39: Paller11s in Conus. Clarenton Press, Oxford.
145-622. [Thirty-seven papers on larval biology.) Lutz, R. A., D .Jablonski and R. D. Turner. 1984. Larval develop­
Caswell, H. 1978. Optin,al life histories and the age-specific cost ment and dispersal at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Science
of reproduction. Bull. Ecol. Soc.Arn. 59: 99. [This paper and
226: 1 4 5 1 -1454.
the nvo below include interesting discussions of the adaptive McEdward, I... R . (ed.). 1995.Ecology ofMarine Invertebrate l.An.'tle.
qualities of various life cycle patterns, especially those that do CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
not fit the typical direct or indirect definitions.) Mileikovsky, S .1971. Types of larval development in marine b o t ­
Caswell, H. 1980.On the equivalence of maximizing fitness and tom invertebrates, their distribution and ecological signifi­
maximizing reproductive value. Ecology 61: 19-24. cance: A re-evaluation. Mar. Biol. 10: 193-213. [An excellent
Caswell, H. 1981. The evolution of "mixed" life histories in ma­ 1reatn1ent of the subject.)
rine invertebrates and elsewhere.Am. Nat. 117(4): 5 2 9 5- 36. Perron, F. and R. Carrier. 1981. Egg size distribution among close­
Charlesworth, B. 1991. The evolution of sex chromosomes. ly related marine invertebrate species: Are they bimodal or
Science 251: 10."l0-1033. unimodal? Am.Nat. 118: 749-755.[ Explai ns, in part, how egg
Chamov, E. I..., J.M . Smith, and J. J. Bull. 1976. Vvhy be an her­ size varies with other aspects of U,e developmental pattern.I
maphrodite? Nature 263: 125-126. Rokas, A. 2008. The origins of multicellularity and the early his­
Chia, F. S . 1974. Classification and adaptive significance of devel­ tory of the genetic toolkit for animal development. Ann. Rev.
opmental patterns in marine invertebrates. Thalassia Jugosl. Ge11et. 42 : 23�251.
10: 121-130. Sammarco, P . W .and M. I... Heron (eds.).1994. Tlie Bio-Physics of
Chia, F . S .and M. Rice (eds.). 1978.Selllement and Metamorphosis of Marine lilrval Dispersal. Am. Geophysical Union, Wash. DC.
_ [An excellent_ blending of physical oceanography and biology.]
ManneInvertebrate lilrvae. E l sevier/North-Holland, New York.
Christiansen, F. and T. Fenchel. 1979. Evolution of marine inver· Starr, M., J. H. Hm,melrnan and J. C. Therriault. 1990. Direct cou­
tebrate reproductive patterns.TI,eor. Pop. Biol. 16: 267-282. pling of marine invertebrate spawnjng with phytoplankton
Crisp, D . 1974. Energy relations of ,narine invertebrate larvae. bloo,ns.Science 247: 1071-1074.
Thalassia Jugosl. 10: 103-120. Steidinger, K. A . and L. M. Walker (eds.). 1984. Mari11e Pla11kto11
Crisp, D . 1974. Factors influencing the settlement of marine i n ­ Life Cycle Strategies. C.R.C. Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 93-120.
tertidal larvae.Pp. 177-265 in P. T . Grant and A. M.Macie Strathmann, R. 1977. Egg size, larval development and juvenile
(eds.), Che111oreception in Marine Organis111s.Academic Press, size in benthic marine invertebrates.Am. Nat. 111: 373-376.
New York. Strathmann, R. 1978. The evolution and loss of feeding larval
Davidson, E. H. andM . S. Levine. 2008. Properties of develop· stages of marine invertebrates. Evolution 32(4): 894-906.
mental gene regulatory nenvorks. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 105: Strath1nann, R. 1985. Feeding and nonfeedi11g larval develop­
2 006 3 2-0066. ment and life history evolution in marine invertebrates.Ann.
Dawydoff, C. 1928. Traite d'Embryologie Comparee des Rev. Ecol. Syst.16: 3 3 9 3-61.
lnvertebres. Masson et Cie, Libraires de I'Academie de Strathma,u,, R. and M. Strathn,ann. 1982. The relationship b e ­
Medicine, Paris. [In many ways out of date, yet still a useful nveen adult size and brooding in marine invertebrates.Am.
benchmark work.) Nat. 119: 91-101.
Eckelbarger, K. J. 1994. Diversity of metazoan ovaries and vi­ Thorson, G. 1946. Reproduction and larval development of
tellogenic mechanisms: Implications for life history theory. Danish marine bottom invertebrates with special reference to
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 107: 193-2]8. U,e planktonic larvae in the South (Oresund).Medd. Danm.
Eckelbarger, K. J. and I... Watling.1995. Role of phylogenetic con­ Fisk., Havunders., Ser.Pla11kton: 4.
straints in determining reproductive patterns in deep-sea in­ Thorson, G. 1950. Reproduction and larval ecology of marine
vertebrates. lnvert. Biol. 114(3): 256-269. bottom invertebrates. Biol. Rev. 25: 1-45. [These two works
Emlet, R. B. and E. E. Ruppert (eds.). 1994. Syn,posium: by G. Thorson lajd the foundation for modern studies c o n ­
Evolutionary morphology of marine invertebrate larvae and cerning the classification of invertebrate life cycles and their
juveniles.Am. Zool. 34 : 479-585. sign ificance.I
Erwin, D . H. 2009. Early origin of the bilaterian developmental Todd, C . D . and R. W. Doyle. 1981. Reproductive strategies of
toolkit. Phil. Trans. Roy.Soc. B364: 2253-2261. marine benthic invertebrates: A settlement-tinting hypoth­
Erwin, D. H. 2015. Was the Ediacaran-Cambrian radiation a esis. Mar.Ecol. Prog. Ser. 4: 75-83.
unique evolutionary event? Paleobiology 41: 1 1-5. Wray, G.A. and R , A. Raff. 1991. The evolution of developmental
Gilbert, I... I. and E. Frieden (eds.). 1981. Metamorphosis: A strategy in marine invertebrates. Trends Ecol. £vol. 6: 4�50.
Problem in Developmental Biology, 2nd Ed. Plenum, New Yo,mg, C. M. 1990.l..a1-val ecology of marine invertebrates:A ses•
York. [A largely biochemical approach.] quicentenn.ial history. Ophelia 32: 1-48.
Grosberg, R. K . 1981. Competitive ability influences habitat Young, C. M. and K . J. Eckelbarger (eds.). 1994. Reprod11ctio11,
choice i n mari ne invertebrates.Nature 290: 700-702. Larval Biology, a11d Recruitme11f of tire Deep-Sea Benthos.
Hadfield, M .G. 1978. Metamorphosis in marine molluscan lar­ Columbia University Press, New York.
vae: An analysis of stimulus and response.Pp.1 6 5 1-75 in F.S. Phylogeny and the Origins of Major Clades
Chia and M. E. Rice (eds.), Marine Natural Products Chemistry.
Plenun,, New York. Alberch, P., S. J. Gould, G. F. Osta, and D. B. \'\lake. 1979. Size
Hadfield, M. G. 1984.Settlement requirements of molluscan lar­ a11d shape in 011togeny and phylogeny. Paleobiology 5(3):
vae: New data on cl1emical and genetic roles.Aquaculture 39: 296-317.
283-298. Bergh, R. S. 1885. Die Exkretionsorgane der Wiirmer.Kosmos,
Jablonsky, D .and R.A. Lutz.1983. Larval ecology of 1narine ben­ Lwow 17: 97-122.
thic invertebrates: Paleobiological implications. Biol. Rev. 58: Bergstrom,). 1989.The ,)rigin of animal phyla and the new phy­
lum Procoelomata. l..ethaLia 22: 2 5 9 2- 69.
INTRODUCTION TO THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Development, Ute Histor ies, and Or igin 211

Butschli, 0. 1883. Bemerkungen zur Gastrea Theorie. Morph. germ-lamellae. Q. J. Microscop. Sci. 14: 1 4 2 -165; 223 -247.
Jahrb. 9. [Haeckel's concepts of recapitulation and blastea-gastrea
Carter, G. S. 1954. On Hadzi's interpretations of animal phylog­ idea of metazoan origin. A translation of the original German
eny. Syst. Zool. 3: 1 6 3 -167. [An analysis, sometimes quite paper that introduced the colonial theory of metazoan origin
pointed, of Hadzi's views.] Qena. Z.Naturwiss.8: 1 5-5).J
Clark, R. B. 1964. Dy11amics i11 Metazoa11 Evolulio11. Oxford Hall, B . K. 1996. Bauplane, phylotypic stages, and constraints.
University Press, New York. [A fine functional approach to Why are there so few types of animals? Pp.215-261 in, M. K .
metazoan evolutio1,, especially concerning the origi1, of the Herot, e t al. (eds.), Evol11tionan; Biology, Vo/. 29. Pler1um, New
coelom and metamerism.] York.
Dougherty, E. C. (ed.). 1963. The Lower Metazoa: Compnrntive Hanson, E .0 .1958. On the origin of U,e eumetazoa. Syst. Zoo!. 7:
Biology a11d Phyloge11y. Unive.rsity of California Press, Berkeley. 1647.!Support for Hadzi's views.]
Eaton, T .H . 1953. Paedomorphosis: An approach to the chor­ Hanson, E. D. 1977. The Origin n11d Early Evo/11tio11 ofA11i111a/s.
dat� echinodern, problern. Syst. Zool. 2: 1-o. Wesleyan University Press, Middletown, CT.
Faussek, V. 1899. Ober die physiologische Bedeutung des Hatschek, B. 1877. Embryonalentwicklung und Knospung der
Coloms. Trav.S oc .Nat. St. Petersberg 30: 40-57. Pedicellina ecl1inata. 2. Wiss. Zool. 29: 5 0 2 -549. [Some early
Faussek, V. 1911. Vergleichend�mbryologischeStudien. (Zur thoughts on the gonocoel theory.)
Frage iiber die Bedeutung der Colom-holen). 2 .Wiss. Zool. Hatschek, 8. 1878. Studien liuber Entwicklungsgeschichte der
98: 529-625. rFaussek's works include his views on the neph­ A1u,eliden. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Bilaterien. Arb.
rocoel theory.I Zoo!. Inst.Wien 1: 277-404.
Frenzel, J . 1892.$ali11el/a. Arcl1. Naturgesch. 58, Pt. 1. Hejnol, A. and J. M. Martin-Duran. 2015.Getting to the bottom of
Garstang,W. 1922. The theory of recapitulation. J . Linn. Soc. anal evolution. Zool. Anz. doi:10.1016/j.jcz.2015.02.006
Lond. Zool. 35: 81-101. [Garstang's revolutionary ideas on Hy,nan, L. H. 1940-1967. The Invertebrates.Vols.1-o. McGraw­
Haeckel's recapitulation concept.) Hill, New York. !All volumes include especially fine discus­
Garstang, W. 1985. Larva/ Forms a11d Other Zoo/ogicn/ Verses. sions o n embryology of the included taxa. Volumes 1 and 2
University of Oucago Press, Clucago.[A wonderful coUection include the auU,or's views on the origin of the Metazoa, bilat­
of prose and poetry by Walter Garstang, published after his erality, and coelom,and other related matters.]
death. The biographical sketch by Sir Alister Hardy and the Inglis, W .G. 1985.Evolutionary waves: Patterns in the origins of
Foreword by Micl,ael LaBarbera cluo1ucle many of Garstang's animal phyla. Aust.J. Zoo!.33: 153-178.
contributions to our understanding of the relationships be­ lvanova-Kazas, 0 . M. 1982. Phylogenetic significance of spiral
tween ontogeny and phylogeny and serve as a delightful in­ cleavage.Soviet J. Mar.Biol. 7(5): 275-283.
troduction to the 26 poems in this little volu1ne. This newer Jablonski, D. and D . J. Bottjer. 1991. Environmental patterns in
edition of the original (1951) version also includes Garstang's the origins of higher taxa: The post-Paleozoic fos.�il record.
famous address on "The Origin and Evolution of Larval Scier,ce 252: 1 8 3 11833.
Forms.") Jagersten, G. 1955. On the early phylogeny of the Metazoa. The
Goodrich, E . S . 1946.The study of nephridia and genital ducts bilaterogastrea theory. Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 30: 3 2 1 3-54.
since 1895. Q.J.Microsc.Sci. 86: 113-392. [One of the great Jagersten, G.1959.FurU,er remarks on the early phylogeny of the
classics concerning the origin of the coelom and related evo­ Metazo,,. Zoo!. Bidr, Uppsala 33: 7 9 1-08.
lutionary matters.J Jagersten, G. 19n.Evol11tio11 ofthe Metnzon11 Life Cycle. Academic
Gould, S . J. 1977. 011toge11y and Phyloge11y. Harvard University Press, London. !The phyloger1y of the Metazoa according to
Press, Cambridge, MA. IA scholarly coverage of ideas c o n ­ Jagersten, based in part on his biJaterogastrea hypothesis.
cen,ing recapitulation and other interactions between devel­ Included are some of the author's thoughts on recapitulation.)
opment and evolution.) Jefferies, R. P . S. 1986. The A11cestry of the Vertebrates. British
Grell, K. G. 1971. Trichoplax ad/werens F .E. Schulze, und die Museun, (Natural History),London.
Entstehung der Metazoen. Natunviss. Rundsch. 24(4): 160-161. Lang, A. 1881. Der Bau von Gunda seg1nentata und die
Grell,K. G.1971. Embryonalentwicklung bei Tricl1oplaxadhaere11s Venvandtschaft der Platyhelntinthen mit Coeter,teraten w,d
F. E. Schulze. Naturwiss. 58: 570. Hirtmdineen. Mitt. Zool. Sta. Neapel. 3: 1 8 7 2-51.
GreU,K . G. 1972. Formation of eggs and cleavage in Trichoplax Lang, A. 1903. Beitriiage zu einer Trophocoltheorie. Jena. Z.
adhaerens. Z. Morphol. Tiere 73(4): 297-314. Naturw. 38: 1 -373. !Lang's 1881 paper was in support of
Grell, K. G. 1973. Triclwplax adhaere11s and the origin of the the enterocoel theory, suggesting that the coelon, arose
Metazoa. Actualite's Protozooligiques. IVe. Cong. Int. from pinched-off gut diverticula in flatwonns; U,is opinion
Protozoologie. Paul Couty, Clermont-Ferrand. was based upon lus study of the turbeJlarian Gu11da (now
Grell, K. G. and G. Benwitz. 1971. Die Ultrastruktur von Procerodes). However, Lang eventually switmed his aUegiance
Trichoplaxadhaere11s F . E. Schulze.Cytobiologie 4(2): 216-240. to the gonocoel U,eory (1903),1
Gutman, W. F. 1981. Relationships between invertebrate phyla Lankester, E. R . 1874. Observations on the development of the
based on fw,ctional-mecha,ucal analysis of the hydrostatic pond snail (Ly11111aen stagna/is), and in the early stages of other
skeleton. Am. Zoo!. 21: 63-81. Mollusca. Q .J.Microsc.Sci. 14: 365-391. [Thoughts on U,e ori­
Hadzi, J. 1963. The Evol11tio11 oftheMetazo,i. Macmillan, New York. gin of the coelom.l
[OverkiU. But then, any book U,at begins with the sentence, Lankester,E. R. 1877.Notes on U,e embryology and classification
"It was in 1903, 58 years ago, that I, then a yow,g man who of the animal kingdom; comprising a revision of speculations
had just left the classical granm,ar srnool at Zagreb, went to relative to the origin and significance of the germ layers. Q.
Vienna to stud)' natt1ral sciences and above all my beloved J .Microsc.Sci. 17: 399-454. lln addition to the ambitious title,
Zoology at Vie,u,a University," can't be aJI bad!] tlus work includes thoughts about the gonocoel U,eory.J
Haeckel, E. 1866. Ge11erel/e Morphologie der Orga11is111e11: Al/gemeine Margulis, L. 1981. Symbiosis i11 Ce// Evol11tio11: Life a11d Its
Grimdziiuge der orgn11ische11 For111e11-Wisse11schaft 111ec/1m1sch be ­ E11viro11111e11t 011 the Early Earth. W .H .Freeman, San Francisco.
griitmdet durch die von Charles Darwin reformier/e Desce11de11z­ Marlow,H. and 6 others.2014. Larval body patterning and apical
Theorie. Vols. 1-2. George Rein,er, Berlin. organs are conserved in anin,al evolution.BMC Biol. 12: 7.
Haeckel, E. 1874. The gastrea-theory, the phylogenetic clas­
sification of the animal kingdom and the h01nology of U,e
212 Chapter Five

Martindale, M .Q. and A. Hejnol. 2009. A developmental perspec­ George, R. Gibson and H. M. Platt (eds.). 1985.The Origins n11d
tive: Changes in the position of the blastopore during bilateri­ Relntio11ships ofLower /11vertebrntes. Clarenton Press, Oxford.
an evolution. Dev Cell 17: 1 6 2 -174. Published for the Systematics Association, Special Vol. 2$.
Masterman, A. 1897. On the theory of archimeric segmenta­ Patterson, C. 1990. Reassessing relationships. Nature 344:
tion and its bearing upon the phyletic classification of the 199-200.
Coelomata. Proc. R. Soc .Edinburgh 22: 270-310. [Masterman Popkov. 0 . V. 1993. Polytrochal hypothesis of origin and evolu­
was generally a proponent of the enterocoel theo,·y.] tion of trochophora type larvae. Zool. Zh. 72: 1 17.
McKinney, M. L. and K. J. McNa1nara. 1991. Heterochrony: The Raff, R. A. 2008. Origins of the other metazoan body plans: the
Evolution ofOntoge11y. Plenum Press, NY. evolution of larval forn,s. Phil. Trans. Royal S oc . B: Biol. Sci.
Meckel, J. 1811. Entwurf einer Darstellung der zwischen dem 363: 1473-1479.
Embryozustande der hoheren Tiere und demPermanenten Raff, R. A. and T. C . Kaufman. 1983. Embryos, Ge11es, mid
der niedere stattfindenen Parallele: Beitruage zur vergleichen­ Evol111io11. Macmillan, New York.
den Anatomie, Vol. 2. Carl Heinrich Reclam., Leipzig, pp. 1- 6 0 . Rieger, R. M. 1994. The biphasic life cycle-A ce,ural theme of
Meckel, J. 1811. Ober d e n Charakter der allmtiahligen metazoan evolution. Am. Zool. 4$4-491.
Vervollkommung der Organisation, oder den Unterschied Salvini-Plawen, L. 1980. Was isl eine Trochophora? Eine Analyse
zwischen den hoheren und niederen Bildungen: Beytrtiage der Larventypen mariner Protostomier.Zoo!. Jb., Anal. 103:
zur vergleichenden Anatomie, Vol. 2. Carl Heinrich Reclam., 389-423
Leipzig, pp. 61-123.[Works by Meckel C<lntain interesting pre­ Salvini-Plawen, L. V. 1982. A paedomorphic origin of the oligo­
Haeckelian concepts of relationships between development merous animals? Zoo!. Ser. 11: 77-81.
and evolution as it was understood before Darwin.] Sarvaas, A. E. du Marchie. 1933. La theorie du coelome. Thesis,
Metschnikoff, E. 1883. Untersuchungen uber die intracellu­ University of Utrecht. [Some ideas on the schizocoel theory
lare Verdauung bei wirbellosen Thieren. Arb. Zool. Inst. that never quite took hold.]
Wien. 5: 141-168. [Translated into English and published as, Schleip, W . 1929. Die Determination derPrimitiventwicklung.
"Researches on the intracellular digestion of invertebrates," Q . Akad. Verlags, Leipzig. [The origin of the concept of the
J. Microsc.Sci. (1884) 24: 89 -111. This paper includes some of "Spiralia."I
the studies that led Metschnikoff and eventually others to con­ Sedgwick, A. 1884. O n the nature of metameric segmentation
clude that ingression was the original form of gastrulation.] and some other morphological questions. Q .J. Mic:rosc. Sci.
Meyer, E. 1890. Die Absthnmung der Anneliden. Der Ursprung 24: 43-82. [This work provided the mah, driving force behind
der Metamerie und die Bedeutung des Mesodern1s.Biol. Cb!. the idea that the coelom arose (via enterocoely) from cnidari­
10: 296-308. [An English translation appeared in Am. Natur. an gut pouches rather than by a pincl,ing off of the diverticula
2-4: 1143-1165.] i n flatworm digestive tracts.I
Meyer, E . 1901. Studien iiuber den Kiirperbau der Anneliden. V. Serres, E. R. A. 1$24. Explication de systeme nerveux des ani­
Das Mesodern, der Ringelwtiurmer.Mitt.Zoo!. Sta. Neapel. maux invertebres.Ann.Sci. Nat. 3: 3 7 7 3- 80.
14: 247-585. (The two papers by Meyer include coverage of Serres, E. R. A. 1830.Anatomie transcendante-Quatrie,ne m e ­
the gonocoel theory.] moire: Loi de symetrie et de conjugaison du systeme sanguin.
Morris, 5 . C . J. D . George, R .Gibson and H .M . Platt (eds.). 1985. Ann. Sci.Nat. 21: 549.
The Origi11s nnd Re/ntio11ships ofLower l11vertebrates. Clarenton Siewing, R. 1980. Das Archicl\elomatenkonzept. Zool. Jalub. Abt.
Press, Oxford. Published for the Systematics Association, Anal. Ontog. Tiere 8, 103: 439-482.
Special Vol. 28. Simonetta, A. M. and S. Conway Morris (eds.). 1989. The Enrly
Nielsen, C. 1985. Animal phylogeny in light of the trocl,aea theo­ Evol11tio11 ofMetnzon nnd the Significn11ce of Problematic Tnxa.
ry.Biol. J .Linn. Soc. London 25: 243-299. Cambridge Univ.Press, Cambridge.
Nielsen, C. 1987. Structure and function of metazoan ciliary Valentine, J., S. M. Awramik,P . S . Signor and P .M. Sadler. 1991.
bands and their phylogenetic significance. Acta Zool. 68: The biological explosion at the Precambrian-Cambrian
205-262. boundary. Pp. 279-356 in M. K . Hecht, B. Wallace and R. J.
Nielsen, C. 1994. Larval and adult cl\aracters in animal phylog­ Mach,tyre (eds.), Evol11tio11nry Biology, Vol. 25. Plenum, New
eny. Am. Zool. 34: 4 9 2 5-01. York.
Nielsen, C. 2012. How to make a protostome. Invertebrate Vecchia, G . L., R. Valvassori and M. D. C .Carnevali (eds.). 1995.
Systematics 26: 25-40 Body cavities: Function and phylogeny. Proceedings of U,e
Nielsen, C . 2012. Animnl Evolution: l11terrelntio11ships ofthe Living International Symposillln on Body Cavities, Varese. Collana
Pltyln, 3rd Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford. U.Z.I. Selected Symposia and Monographs No. 8. Mucclti
Nielsen, C. 2013. Life cycle evolution: was the eumetazoan ances­ Eclitore, Modena, Italy.
tor a holopelagic planktotrophic gastraea? BMC Evolutionary v o n Baer, K. E. 1828. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Thiere:
Biology 13: 171. Beobachtung w,d Reflexion. Bon,trager, Konigsberg.
Nielsen, C. 2015. Evolution of deuteroston1y-and origin of the Wilson, E. B. 1898. Considerations in cell-Lineage and ancestral
chordates. Biological Reviews, doi: 10.1111/brv.12229 ren1iniscence. Ann.N. Y. Acad. Sci. 11: 1 2- 7 .
Nielsen, C . 2015. Larval nervous systems: True larval and preco­ Ziegler, H .E .1898. Ober den derzeitigen Stand der Colomfrage.
cious adult.J. Exper. Biol. doi: 10.1242/jeb.109603 Verh.Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 8: 14-78.
Nielsen, C . and A. N0rrevang. 1985. The trochea theory: An ex­ Ziegler, H. E .1912. Leibeshohle. Handworterbuch Naturwiss. 6:
ample of life cycle phylogeny.Pp. 2841 ii, Morris, S. C. J. D. 148-165.
. . :...,,:'T..•,'JCail
1~ •
.:: •


( .


Two Basal Metazoan Phyla

Porifera and Placozoa

hapters l through 5 provide a detailed introduction to the Metazoa (or

Animalia). Metazoans are a monophyletic clade of eukaryotes-those
creatures whose cells contain n1embrane-enclosed organelles and have
a membrane-enclosed nucleus. However, they differ from other eu­
karyotes (i.e., fungi, plants, and the myriad protist dades) in their combination
of 1nulticellularity, heterotrophic and ingestive nutrition, and unique style of
tissue forn1ation through en1bryonic germ layering. Metazoans are heterotro­
phic multicellular eukaryotes that undergo embryogenesis by way of tissue
layering. The formation of embryonic germ layers takes place through a pro­
cess caJled gastrulation, and even the most primitive metazoans (e.g., sponges)
undergo this proces s-metazoan gastrulation is a hallmark of this kingdom.
Gastrulation is a process that acl1ieves separation
of those cells that must interact directly with the
environment (e.g., locomotor, sensory, protective)
Classification of The Animal from those that process materials obtained from
Kingdom (Metazoa) the envirorunent (e.g., nutritive functions).
As we noted i n Chapter 1, Metazoa almost cer­
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata tainly constitutes a monophyletic clade, defined
(a.k.a. the dipl lasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA
by numerous synapomorphies, inc.luding: gastru­
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHI OPODA lation; unique modes of oogenesis and spermato­
PHYLUM CNIOARIA ECDYSQZQA genesis; a unique sperm structure; mitochondrial
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida gene reduction; epidermal epithelia with septate,
PHYLUM NEMATODA tight, or zona adherens junctions; striate myofi­
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) brils; actin-myosin contractile elements; type TV
Scalidophora collagen; and the presence of a basal lamina or
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA basement membrane beneath epidermal layers (of
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICIFERA course, some of these features have been second­
SPJM IAL Panarthropoda arily lost in son1e groups). Evidence is strong that
Metazoa are descended from the choanoflagellate
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA protist group, or a common ancestor, and the two
clades comprise sister groups in almost all recent
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA However, despite these fundamental shared
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHEUCERATA similarities, there are four phyla of Metazoa that
Deuterostomia are so ancient and possess such a simple body c o n ­
Gnathifera struction that their relationships to other animals
PHYLUM GNATHOSTOMUUDA PHYLUM CHORDATA have so far eluded our understanding-these are
PHYLUM MICROGNATHOZOA the four non-bilaterian phyla: Porifera, Placozoa,
PHYLUM ROTIFERA "Paraphyletic group
Cnidaria, and Ctenophora. The first two (spong-
es and placozoans) are covered in this chapter,
214 Chapter Six

... • - 0 0 0 0

.,. . 0 0 0 0 0
O ·,"
•. 0
0 0 0 0
0 0
cavity 0 0 0
0 ••· 0
0 0
I. 0
0 0

(D) Dorsal epithelium


Figure 6.1 (A) The mysterious Saline/la (Monoblastozoa)

(sagittal section and lower view). (B) Several specimens
of Trichoplax adhaerens (Placozoa) on an algal mat.
(C) A single Trichoplax. (DJ Section through Trichoplax

accuracy of the original description of this very odd

beast.Many attempts have been made to rediscover
Saline/la without success. Yet, Frenzel was a serious
scholar and a meticulous artist, leaving us with quite a
mystery. One recent, unsuccessful expedition in search
the next two in the following chapters. Phylogenetic of this mystery animal, by another German scholar,
analyses inform us that these four phyla are basal to all Michael Schrodl, discovered that Frenzel had not actu­
otherMetazoa, and that Porifera is likely the oldest of ally collected the soil samples from which he cultured
all living anin,al phyla. In addition to lacking bilateral Snlinelln himself, but that they have been given to hin,
symmetry, these four phyla are generally considered to by a geologist friend, adding further to the enigma.
lack true mesodern, development, that is, they are dip­ According to Frenzel's description, the body wall of
loblastic (rather than triploblastic) metazoans. Sponges Sn/inel/a consists of on! y one or two layers of cells. The
and placozoans appear at the base of the animal tree inner borders of the line a cavity, which is open
in n,ost analyses, and many workers consider these at both ends (Figure 6.lA). The openings were said to
two phyla to lack true tissues of any kind, and also function as an anterior "mouth" and posterior "anus,"
to lack a permanent digestive cavity, true nerves, and both of which are ringed by bristles. The rest of the
muscles. The Cnidaria, Ctenophora, and Bilateria are body, inside and out, is densely ciliated. The animal
someti.mes considered a monophyletic lineage called was said to move by ciliary gliding, much like ciliat­
"Eurnetazoa," but this does not seen, like a very useful ed protists, sn1all flatworms, and xenacoelomorphans
categorization. (one of which Frenzel might have had under his mi­
One other enigmatic "phylum" was based on a croscope). Snlinelln was thought to feed by ingesting or­
microscopic creature named Salinelln snlve, from salt ganic detritus through the "mouth" and digesting it in
beds in Argentina. It was described by the German the internal cavity, undigested material being moved
biologist Johannes Frenzel in the nineteenth century. by cilia to the "anus" for expulsion. Asexual reproduc­
Over the course of time, Snlinelln ,,.,as treated as a pro­ tion was said to take place by transverse fission of the
tist and a larval stage of an unknown metazoan, but body, and sexual reproduction was suspected to occur
it was eventually assigned to its own monotypic p h y ­ as well. The true nature of this animal, including its
lum-Monoblastozoa. The single described species of very existence, remains elusive. And the combination
Snlinelln has not been seen since its reported discov­ of characters he presented does not match up very well
ery in 1892, and there is serious question about the with anything we can imagine.
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 215

Phylum Placozoa
BOX 6A Characteristics of the
Trichoplax adliaerens was discovered by F. E. Schulze
in 1883 in a seawater aquarium at the Graz Zoologi­ Phylum Placozoa
cal Institute in Austria. Specimens have subsequently 1. Minute, flattened metazoans comprised of ciliated
been found throughout the world's tropical and sub­ upper and lower cell layers (epithel ial layers?),
tropical seas. A second species, Trepfoplax reptans, was w ith fibrous cells in between; adults asymmetrical.
described in 1896, but has not been seen since. These On ly four somatic cell types have been identified.
creatures remained a mystery until the great German 2. Cells with desmosome cell-cell connections
protozoologist Karl Grell, Director of the Zoology In­ 3. With un ique shiny spheres, possibly defensive
stitute at Tu.bingen, began working on them. Molecu­ structures, in upper cell layer
lar genetics of T . adliaerens from around the world has 4. Without a structural neivous system, muscles, or
recently suggested that this species could be a cryptic digestive system
amalgamation of n,any species, yet to be distinguished
morphologically. Box 6A lists the major characteristics
of Placozoa.
The body of Trichoplax is only 1 to 3 mm in diameter, differences between the two cell layers. Between these
although it consists of a few thousand cells, of only a two cell layers (or, epithelial sheets) is a mesenchymal
few types, arranged as a simple double-layered plate layer of stellate ameboid ce!Js embedded in a support­
(Figure 6.lB-D). I t lacks anterior-posterior polarity, ive gel n1atrix. Grell (1982) considered Tric/10plax to be
symmetry, a mouth or gut, nervous system, muscles, a true diploblastic metazoan and suggested that the
or extra-cellular matrix. However, the cells of the upper and lov.1 er cell layers were true epithelia and
upper (top) and lower (bottom) layers differ in shape, n1ight b e homologous t o ectoderm and endodern,,
and there is a consistent orientation of the body rela­ respectively. However, a basement membrane has
tive to tl1e substratum. Because the concepts of dorsal not yet been identified beneath either layer, which
and ventral are generally taken to be characteristics suggests that Trichoplnx may be closer to the Porifera
of triploblastic animals, we will use the terms upper in organization than it is to Cnidaria, Ctenophora, or
and lower cells. The upper layer cells are flattened and the triploblastic eun,etazoa. No fossil placozoans have
monociliate, epithelium-like, and they have curious been found.
extracellular structures, called shiny spheres, unique Tric/1oplax moves by ciliary gliding along a solid
to placozoans. Long thought to be lipid inclusions, surface, aided by irregular, ameba-like shape changes
they appear to b e easily dislodged and fall out of the along the body edges. Very small, presumably young
cell layer. In 2007, Vicki Buchsbaum Pearse and Oliver individuals can swim, while larger individuals seen, to
Voight reported that gastropods, flatworms, and sabel­ always crawl. Trichoplnx apparently feeds by phagocy­
lid polychaetes recoil upon contact with placozoans, tosis of organic detritus using the lower surface, which
suggesting they n,ight possess a chemical deterrent can contract to form a "feeding chamber." Although
to predators. In 2009, Alexis Jackson and Leo Buss there is no evidence of extracellular digestion, it is pos­
tested this hypothesis, finding that when individual sible that Tricltoplax secretes digestive enzymes onto its
Tric/1oplax were fed t o the hydrozoan Podocoryna car­ food within the lower digestive pocket. It is not known
nen, the polyps became paralyzed, suggesting that the what these animals eat i n nature, but lab cultures
shiny spheres mjg),t indeed be anti-predator devices. can be sustained on di.e ls of flagellated protists (e.g.,
Most of the lower layer cells are also monociliate, Cryptomonas, Ch/ore/la).
but they are aJI more columnar and lack distinct shiny Trichoplnx reproduces asexually by fission of the
spheres; "gland cells" may also occur on the lower entire body into t\VO new individuals, and also by a
surface. Fiber cells can be seen between the upper and budding process that yields nun1erous multicellular
lower cell layers. These internal cells have thin exten­ flagellated "swarn1ers," each of which forn1s a new in­
sions that connect to each other in a network. Cellular dividual. It is also capable of regeneration from d a m ­
material such as microtubules and microfilaments tra­ age to the body. Sexual reproduction is also kno•,
verse the extensions from fiber cell to fiber cell. It has followed by a developmental period of holoblastic cell
been suggested that this network plays a role in coor­ division and growth. Eggs have been observed
dinating movement of the animal. Importantly, desmo­ tl1e mesenchyme, but their origin is unknown.
somes, cell-cell junctions of extracellular cell-adhesion With only four somatic cell types and a lack of de­
proteins, have been found in placozoans, a feature not fined symmetry or constant body axis, Tric/1oplnx has
seen in Porifera, but present in all higher Metazoa. the simplest body of any known metazoan. Over the
The lower cell layer can be temporarily invaginated, years, it has been suggested that Trichoplax might be
presumably for feeding. This observation supports the a secondarily reduced cnidarian (or a sister group
notion that there are functional as well as structural t o the Cnidaria). However, the more highly-derived
216 Chapter Six

cnidarians (Scyphozoa, Hydrozoa, Cubozoa) all have a positions of oscula are often dictated purely by hy­
linear mtDNA molecule-a unique synapon1orphy of drodynamic forces in the environn1ent). Others show
that clade within Cnidaria-in contrast to the circular such polarity by virtue of their pedw1culate or pinnate
mtDNA of Anthozoa and all other Metazoa. Trichoplax growth form, often even with stems/stalks and root­
also has circular mtDNA. Further, the secondary like structures. On the other hru1d, many sponges have
structure morphology of the 16S mitochondrial g e ­ no symmetry whatsoever as adults. Molecular genetic
nome of Trichoplax differs markedly from that seen analyses indicate Porifera is monophyletic and clearly
in Cnidarians. Most recently, phylogenomic analyses within Metazoa. In fact, sponge genes have been re­
have suggested that Placozoa are not cnidarians, but cently discovered that are implicated in regulating
do lie near the base of the metazoan tree, among the anterior-posterior polarity and specifying particular
other non-bilaterian phyla. The exact position a,nong tissues during the developn1ent of other basal metazo­
these four basal phyla was, at the time this book was ans, supporting the contention that sponges undergo
being written, still unresolved, with the two strongest true gastrulation during embryogenesis. Figure 6.2
arguments favoring it branching off between a basal illustrates a variety of sponge body forms and son1e
Porifera and the Cnidaria + Ctenophora, or position­ sponge anatomy. Box 6B lists the major characteristics
ing it as a sister group to the Bilateria. Surprisingly, a of sponges.
2008 genomic study showed that Trichoplax has many Sponges are sessile, primarily suspension-feeding,
of the genes responsible for guiding the developn1ent multicellular aJlirnals that utilize flagellated cells called
of body shape and organ development in higher meta­
zoans, as has also been shown for many cnidarians.
And, curiously, a shift from circular to linear mito­
chondrial genomes also occurred in a clade of calcare­
BOX 6B Characteristics of the
ous sponges. Phylum Porifera
1 . Metazoa partly at the cellular grade of construct i on,
with simple tissues, but with a h igh degree of cellu­
Phylum Porifera: The Sponges lar p luripotency; adults asymmetrica l or with a dis­
tinct ap ical-basal axis (often supertlcially appearing
The phylum Porifera (Latin porus, "pore"; ferre, "to as radially symmetrical); la,vae usually with anterior­
bear") comprises those odd but fascinating animals posterior symmetry
called sponges. At first glance, sponges may seem dif­ 2. Cells with adhaerens junctions in some species,
ficult to reconcile within the animal kingdom-adults but without gap junctions
lack a gut, conventional muscles, nerves and conven­ 3 . With unique flagellated cells-choanocytes-that
tional neuronal signaling systems, typical metazoan drive water through canals and chambers consti­
organs, gap junctions between cells, an obvious ante­ tuting the aquiferous system
rior-posterior polarity (except in larvae), and some of 4. Adults are primari ly sessi le suspensi on feeders; l a r ­
the key metazoan developmental genes. JJ1 addition, val stages are moti le and usually lecithotrophic.
they have cross-striated ciliary rootlets in larval cells 5. Type IV collagen basement membranes occur in
and choanocytes-a feature characteristic of many most Homoscleromorpha, and also (to a lesser
protists. However, they do possess the metazoan­ extent) in the other classes.
defining attributes of n1ulticellularity derived by e m ­ 6. Midd le layer-the mesohyt-is variable , but always
bryonic layering, specialized junctions between cells, includes motile cells and usually some ske letal
actin-myosin contractile elements, and type IV colla­
gen. In addition, recent genomic analyses of A111phi111- 7. Ske letal elements, when present, are composed of
calcium carbonate or sili con di oxide (typically in the
edo11 q11ee11s/a11dica (class Demospongiae) and Oscarella
form of sp icules), and/or collagen fibers.
cannela (class Hon1oscleron1orpha) reveal the presence
8 . Without neurons; on ly true sense organ is the
of certain key hon1eobox genes, and representatives of
osculum, whi ch util izes primary cilia to detect water
most higher metazoan molecules involved in cell-cell f low rates
communication, signaling pathways, complex epithe­
9. Ci liated cells of adult sponges bear on ly a sing le
lia, and immune recognition. They also undergo typi­ cilium (largely lacking the rootlet system seen in
cal rulirnal-like sexual reproduction, and the develop­ higher metazoans); some larvae wi th cil ia that have
ment of embryos through a structured series of cellular rootlet systems: some la,vae with bi-cil iated cells
divisions (cell cleavages) that result in a spatially or­ o n surface (postu lated by some workers to be
ganized larva with multiple cell layers and sensory products of defective cell div isi on)
capabilities. Most larvae have an obvious anterior­ 10. Porifera is one of the few ani mal phyla to possess
posterior symmetry, ru1d n1any adult sponges possess both cil ia (e.g., larval epi thel a
i l cells, adult oscular
an apical-basal symmetry, or polarity, defined by the epithelium) and flagella (e.g., adult choanocytes) in
somatic tissues.
presence of a large osculum at one end (although the
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 217

choanocytes to circulate water through a unique s y s ­ Sponges produce the largest and most diverse store­
tem of water canals. Most rely on an internal skeleton house of secondary n,etabolites of any animal phy­
of calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide spicules to sup­ lum-compounds that function to deter predators,
port their body, which can be quite large. It was long prevent fouling of the sponge's surface, screen ultra­
thought that Porifera lacked distinct embryological violet radiation, and nurture their symbiotic partner­
germ layering that leads to definable tissues, a condi­ ships. So1ne sponges even "walk" over rocks, using
tion sometimes referred to as "the parazoan grade of lobelike extensions of the body that grow and elongate
body construction." However, we now know that and then disappear, sometimes leaving separate living
sponges undergo distinct gastrulation events from pieces-progeny-in their \vake. At least one lineage
which the adult tissues derive, and the old concept of of sponges, possibly more, has taken a dramatic evo-
"parazoa" is probably best laid to rest. However, so1ne 1utionary turn and become predatory carnivores; in­
of the adult tissues in sponges are somewhat trans­ stead of filter feeding, these magrlificent creatures are
mutable and not fixed, due to a degree of cellular plu­ carnivores that capture and engulf sn1all prey that are
ripotency-most cells are capable of changing forn, caught on highly specialized Velcro-like surfaces. Well
and function, and some are kept in a totipotent state over 100 species of carnivorous sponges have been de­
to be recruited "on demand" (although pinacocytes scribed, mainly in the d e e p s- ea family Cladorhizidae
and sclerocytes cannot do so). So, despite the fact that and two other small carnivorous families.
sponges are large-bodied multicellular anin,als typi­ As of this writing, nearly 9,000 living species of
cally supported by an internal skeleton of spicules or sponges have been described, all but about 220 (the
stiffened collagen (spongin), in so1ne ways they func­ freshwater species) being restricted to benthic marine
tion like organisms at the unicellular grade of complex­ environments. Freshwater species occur at all latitudes,
ity. In fact, as you will discover in this chapter, their from deserts to equatorial rainforests, and from sea
nutrition, gas exchange, and response to environmen­ level to alpine lakes and even subterranean habitats.
tal stimuli are all very protist-like. So, superficially, About 60 new sponge species are described each year.
sponges might be viewed as tight consortiums of semi­ It has been estimated that less than half of the living
autonomous cells, and thus quite simple animals. But, species have so far been described. Sponges occur at all
appearances can be deceiving. Read on. depths, but are most abundant in unpolluted Littoral
Despite their seeming sin1plicity, sponges have e x ­ and tropicaJ reef habitats, cold ten1perate continental
perimented with various aspects of higher metazoan shelf regions, and Antarctic seas. However, deep-wa­
body organization, and they have developed primitive ter "sponge grounds" are also important components
tissues, a sparse basen,ent membrane, and in some spe­ of deep-sea ecosystems. Most littoral sponges grow as
cies even predatory behaviors, and other features typi­ thick or thin layers, or as erect structures, on hard s u r ­
cal of the higher Metazoa. So1ne might argue that p o ­ faces. Sponges that live on soft substrata typically are
riferans are "caught between two worlds"-the world upright and tall, or possess funnel-like structures on
of protists and the world of higher metazoans-while top of a buried basal body, thus avoiding burial by the
others would argue they are Metazoans in every sense shifting sediments of their envfronrnent.
of the word. Some sponges reach considerable size (up to 2 m
One of the most ren1arkable attributes of spong­ in height on Caribbean reefs, and even larger in
es is their tendency t o maintain symbiotic relation­ Antarctica) and may constitute a significant portion of
ships \vith a vadety of heterotrophic and autotrophic the benthic structure and bion,ass. In Antarctic seas,
Bacteria, Archaea, and Protista. Some of these intimate sponges can make up almost 75% of the total benthic
relationships have developed to the point that more biomass a t a depth of 1 0 0200- m. Areas of the deep
biomass is actually contributed by the symbiont than Antarctic shelf have been called "sponge kingdoms,"
by the sponge, and in these species microscopic exami­ and here over 300 species have been recorded with
nation of the sponge reveals mostly cells of nlicrobes! high biomass and density. Subtidal and deeper water
We are just beginning to explore this community hid­ species that do not confront strong tidal currents or
den within sponges, but already hundreds of symbiotic surge are often large and exhibit a stable, even sym­
species, in over a dozen bacterial and archaean phyla metrical (radial), external form. The deeper water
(and several protistan groups) have been documented. hexactinellid sponges often assume unusual shapes,
As the role of microorganis1ns in sponges begins to be n1any being delicate glasslike structures, others round
better understood, the emerging evidence suggests and massive, and still others growing in a ropelike
strong mutualism in many cases. Sponges of different fashion. Siliceous sponge reefs have been documented
types, in different ocean basins, seem to host strikingly from several periods in Earth history, and they culmi­
sinillar microbial communities, suggesting the sy1nbi­ nated in the late Jurassic when they formed a discon­
otic relationsllips are very old. And so1ne of these m i ­ tinuous deep-water reef belt extending more than 7,000
crobes appear to be transported in the eggs, nurse cells, km. This reef system was the largest biotic structure
and even sperm of sponges. ever built on Earth (at2,000 km, the Great Barrier Reef
218 Chapter Six

(E) (F)
•tr;f . •,
• ,

�.\•.' "•• •..
.o,�... .

•• ...'

Figure 6.2 Representative sponges. Class Calcarea: of the Amazon Basin-shown here i s Dru/ia (?) that lives
(A) Leucit/a nuttingi; (B) Sycon (= Scypha), a syconoid 5-10 meters above the dry season low water line (when
sponge; (C) the unusual Clathrina ctathrus (Mediterranean these photos were taken). ( K) The freshwater Spongi/la
Sea), which often grows on sea cave walls and ceilings. (Minnesota, USA). (L) The massive calcareous base of a
Class Demospongiae: (D) Aptysina archeri (Caribbean); corall ne sponge. (M) A red poecilosclerid sponge growing
(E) Age/as sp. (Bel ize); (F) a yellow encrusting Ha/iclona sp. on the back of a decorator crab makes it nearly invisible
(Gulf of Aden, Djibout i); (G) Speciospongia confoederata (Antipodes Island, New Zealand). Hexactinellida: (N) Three
(close-up of pinacoderm showing dermal pores and oscu­ specimens of deep-sea glass sponges (from the eastern
la); (H) Tethya aurantia, close-up showing oscula protect­ Pacific) with silica rope stalks; (0) /:up/ectel/a aspergil/um
ed by long spicules. (1,J) Tree sponges! Freshwater spong­ (Venus's fl ower basket). (P) Close-up of 1:uplectella skel­
es from all three New World families occur in the r ivers eton showing arrangement of spicule bundles.
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 219

(G) (1) '



(1,) (M)

(N) (0) (P)



• f ...
. ' ....
, ,.

' .... •' . .

' •'- .!' ...

'.,. ........
•.-.. .. J.
, ..... ,A·.'
- >'-•••
220 Chapter Six

of Australia is relatively small compared to the Jurassic the distinctive nature of the Homoscleromorpha (for­
sponge reef belt). merly inc.luded within the Demospongiae) was seen
Sponges display nearly every color imaginable, in­ to merit elevating this group t o class status, thus estab­
cluding bright lavenders, blues, yellows, crin1sons, lishing a fourth class of living Porifera.
and pure white. In many species it is the symbiotic Demospongiae is the largest sponge class, compris­
bacteria or algae that give color to their host's body, ing 81 °/4 of the living species. Because of its size and
especially in the tropics. And, sponges are the only morphological variability, the class Demospongiae
phylum of animals that utilize silica, rather than cal­ presents the greatest number of problems for taxono­
cium, in their mineral skeleton (in Demospongiae, mists. The only synapomorphy that distinguishes the
Homoscleromorpha, and Hexactinellida). In one of the class Demospongiae is the presence of a spongin-based
four classes of sponges, Calcarea, the skeleton is com­ skeleton, and yet not all species of den1osponges pos­
posed not of siliceous spicules but of calcium carbonate sess this feature. For many years, spongologists fol­
spicules (although a few species in other sponge classes lowed the classification of C. Levi, who created two
are known to secrete a firm calciun1 carbonate base, subclasses of demosponges based upon reproduc­
upon which the siliceous skeleton rests). tive modes, Tetractinomorpha and Ceractinomorpha.
However, b y the turn of the century these were
widely recognized as polyphyletic. In the early twen­
Taxonomic History ty-first century, molecular phylogenetics showed
both that the class is n1onophyletic (exclusive of
and Classification Homoscleromorpha), and that it can be divided into
The sessile nature of sponges, and their often amor­ three or four distinct subclasses as noted below.
phous or asynlffietrical growth form convinced early Although the mainstay of sponge taxonomy has tra­
nat1.1.ralists that they were plants. It was not until 1765, ditionally been the cl1en1ical composition, shape, oma­
when the nature of their internal water currents ,vas n1entation, din1ensions, and localization of the spicules,
described, that sponges were recognized as animals. additional kinds of information, including secondary
The great naturalists of the late eighteenth and early n,etabolite chemistry, and more notably molecular sys­
nineteenth centuries (e.g., Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Karl tematics are now being used to develop phylogenetic
Linnaeus, Georges Cuvier) classified sponges under hypotheses and higher classifications. Indeed, some
Zoophytes o r Polypes, regarding them as allied to sponge species lack spicules altogether (e.g., Oscare/la,
anthozoan cnidarians. Throughout much of the nine­ Hexade/la, Ha/isarca), whereas many spicules types ap­
teenth century they were placed with cnidarians under pear to be homoplasious among sponges (e.g., asters,
the name Coelenterata or Radiata. The morphology acanthostyles, sigmata). Sponge specialists also are
and physiology of sponges •..vere first adeq uately u n ­ now using embryological, bioche1nical, histological,
derstood by R. E. Grant. Grant created for them the and cytological methods to diagnose and analyze the
name Porifera, although other names were frequently Porifera. ln the past, the considerable difficulty in pre­
used (e.g., Spongida, Spongiae, Spongiaria). cisely setting the limits of some sponge species made
Historically, the classes of Porifera have been de­ poriferan taxonomy challenging. Sponges are famous
fined by the nature of their internal skeletons. Until for their paucity of reliable taxonomic cl1aracters, and
recently, three classes of sponges had long been recog­ even the great sponge taxonomist Arthur Dendy was
nized: Calcarea, Hexactinellida, Den1ospongiae. For a known to frequently end a species with a
couple of decades (1970-1990) some workers proposed question mark.1
another class, Sclerospongiae, which included those Since the advent of molecular phylogenetics, the
species that produce a solid, calcareous, rocklike matrix fascinating world of poriferology has grown more trac­
(in addition to the spicular skeleton) on which the liv­ table, and modern systematics i s beginning to build
ing animal grows. Over a dozen species of Hving scle­ a robust framework for this phyll.lffi. A few molecular
rosponges, also known as coralline sponges, have been phylogenetic studies of sponges suggested they might
described. Late in the twentieth century, ultrastruc­ be paraphyletic, but that work considered a relatively
tural work and DNA analyses showed that the class small number of nuclear genes and larger studies have
Sclerospongiae was actually a polyphyletic grouping not supported that idea. In addition to resolving long­
and it was thus abandoned, its men,bers relegated to standing phylogenetic questions, 1nolecular work has let
the Calcarea and Demospongiae. Today, the "coralline to the discovery that many "cosmopolitan species" are,
sponges" are known to be the last survivors of other­ in fact, clusters of closely-related but distinct species.
wise extinct stromatoporids, sphinctozoans, and chae­
tetids-ancient reef building sponges that were highly
111,e term a "sleeze" of sponges was coined by Ristau (1978) to
diversified in Paleozoic and Mesozoic seas. These a n ­ describe an aggregation of sponges; the usage is comparable to
cient coralline sponges were probably among the first other such collective nouns that define animal groups (e.g., flock,
metazoans to produce a carbonate skeleton. In 2010, herd, gaggle).
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 221

In addition, since the 1970s in1portant bioactive com­ some produce a uni quely hexactinellid larva, the trich imella.
pounds have been discovered in sponges, n1any having Long-l ived, exclusive ly mari ne, usually vase- or tube-shaped
potential pharmacological significance (e.g., antibacteri­ (never encrusting), primarily d e e p -water sponges (maximum
al, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and cytotoxic d iversity is at 300 to 600 m depth); 690 described species.
compounds, as welJ as channel blockers and antifouling Many species harbor Archaea-dom inated m icrobial com­
chemicals). The discovery of these natural products in munities w ith in their bodies. The hexacti nellid body plan
sponges also has led to a renewed interest in the group. is perhaps the most unusual in the entire animal ki ngdom
because nearly all the tissues in adults consist of a giant
mu l tinucleated syncyt i um that forms the inner and outer lay­
PHYLUM PORIFERA ers of the sponge, joined by cytop lasm ic bridges to li mited
uninuc leate cellular regions. Two subclasses
CLASS CALCAREA Calcareous sponges (Figure 6.2A-C).
Spicules of mineral skeleton composed entirely of calcium SUBCLASS AMPHIDISCOPHORA Body anchored in
carbonate la id down as calcite, secreted extracellularly w ith­ soft sedi ments by a basal tuft or tufts of spicules; mega­
in a collagenous sheath (but with no axial filament); skeletal scleres are discrete spicules, never fused into a rigid net -
elements often not differentiated into megascleres and mi ­ work; with birotulate microscleres, never hexasters (e.g.,
croscleres; spicules usually 1-, 3-, or 4-rayed; body with as­ Hyalonema, Monorhaphis, Pheronema)
conoid, syconoid, or leuconoid construction; many spec ies SUBCLASS HEXASTEROPHORA Usually attached to
exhibit superficial radial symmetry around a long axi s, but hard substrata, but sometimes attached to sediments by
in others there is no v isible axial symmetry; early cleavage a basal spicule tuft or mat; microscl eres are hexasters;
is total and equal ; embryonic cleavage patterns probably megascl eres free, or can be fused into a rigid skeletal
fundamentally rad ial; all studied species are viviparous. All framework, in wh ich case sponge may assume large and
marine; occurri ng at all latitudes. About 685 described s p e ­ elaborate morphology (e.g., Aphrocallistes, Cautopha­
cies. Although embryogenesis and larva l morphology of the cus, Euptectella, Hexactinella, Leptophragmetfa, Lopho­
two subclasses d iffer profoundly, molecular phylogenetics calyx, Rosella, Sympagella)
provides evidence that the c lass and both subclasses are
monophyfetic. CLASS DEMOSPONGIAE Demosponges (Figure 6.20-M).
W ith siliceous spicules and/or an organic skeleton (or, oc­
SUBCLASS CALCINEA Free-living larvae are hollow, cas ionally, with neither) or in some groups, a solid ca lc itic
fl agellated "coeloblastu las" (calciblastula); choanocyte skeleton; spicules secreted intra- or extracellularly around
nuclei located basally, and flagellum arises independent a tr i angular or hexagonal axial filament; spicules never
of nucleus (a presumpt ive synapomorphy o f this sub­ 6 r-ayed (i.e., not triaxons); organic skeleton a collagenous
c lass); with free, regular, tr iradiate spicules. (e.g., Clath­ network ("spongin"); most produce parenchymella larvae
rina, Dendya, Leucascus, Leucetta, Soteneiscus, the (Figure 6.19); viviparous or oviparous (ovi parous species
coralli ne genus Murrayona) occur in the subclasses Myxospongiae, Haploscleromor­
SUBCLASS CALCARONEA Free-living larvae are pha and Heteroscleromorpha); marine, brackish, or fresh­
unique, partly flagellated amphiblastulas, these typically water sponges occurring at all depths. Many species exhibit
forming by way of eversion of ear lier stomoblastu la "pre­ a mesohyl commun ity of Eubacteria, ma inly Proteobacteria
larvae" (which are he ld internally)-a presumptive syn­ and gram-positive bacteria, as well as species of Archaea.
apomorphy of this subclass; choanocyte nuclei apical, About 7.400 described species. The two subclasses T e t ­
and flagellum ar i ses direct ly from nucleus; spicules free ractinomorpha and Ceract inomorpha, long recognized as
or fused (e.g., Arnphoriscus, Grantia, Leucil/a, Leucoso­ polyphylet ic, have recently been abandoned, and four new
tenia, Sycon (= Scypha]. the coralline genus Petrobiona) subclasses have been proposed: Keratosa, Myxospongiae,
Haploscleromorpha, and Heterosc l eromorpha. Molecu lar
CLASS HEXACTINELLIDA Glass sponges (Figure analyses to date support the monophyly of these new sub­
6.2N,O,P). Skeleton composed of a large array of siliceous c lasses, although not all four have been un iquely defined
spicules of various shapes and sizes, secreted intracellu­ morpho l ogically.
larly around a square proteinaceous axial filament; spicules
with fundamental 3-axon or 6-rayed symmetry (tr iaxon ic); SUBCLASS KERATOSA Ske l eton of spongin fibers
both megascleres and m icroscleres al ways present. Entire only, or with a hypercalcified skeleton (Vaceletia). Spon­
sponge formed by a single continuous syncytial tissue, the gin f ibers either homogenous or pithed, and strongly
trabecu lar reticulum, w hi ch stretches from the outside or laminated with pith grading into bark. Reproduct ion typi­
dermal membrane, to the inside or atrial membrane, enc los­ cally viv iparous, larvae are parenchymella. All commer­
cial sponges belong to this subcl ass (e.g., Spongia, Hip­
ing the cellular components of the animal. Body wall c a v ­
ernous, filled pri marily w ith trabecular syncytium, connected pospongia, Coscinoderma, Rhopateoides). Includes the
via open and p lugged cytoplasmic bridges to choanosome. two orders Dendroceratida (Darwinelli dae: e.g., Aplysilla,
w ith its fl agellated chambers; external pinacoderm ab­ Oarwinella, Oendrilla; Dictyodendrillidae: e.g., Oictyoden­
sent and replaced by a noncellular dermal membrane; dril/a, Spongionella) and Dictyoceratida (Spongiidae: e.g.,
choanosome w ith anuc l eate choanocytes embedded in Spongia, Hippospongia, Rhopateoides; Thorectidae:
a trabecular syncytium. All stud ied spec ies are viviparous; Cacospongia; Thorecta, Phyllospongia, Carteriospongia;
222 Chapter Six

lrcinii dae: e.g., lrcinia, Sarcotragus; Dysidei dae: e.g., shown to be distinct (and monophyletic) on the basis of
Dysidea, Pleraplysilla; Verticillitidae: Vaceletia) m olecular phylogenetics, anatomy, and embryology (Fig­
ure 6.20B). Spongin skeleton always absent; rig id skeleton
almost a lways absent, but when present composed of
Without a skeleton or with skeleton of spongin fibers only
small (mostly <100 µm) tetraxon (four often unequal rays)
(with a laminated bark and finely fibrillar or granular pith);
siliceous spicules called calthrops, 2 similar but dist inct from
one genus with skeleton of s iliceous asters (Chondrilla).
certain tetraxon spicules seen in demosponges, or pecul iar
All demosponges lacking a skeleton belong to this sub­
class (e.g., Chondrosia, Ha/isarca, Hexade/la, Thymosi­ irregular ki nked oxeas (2 uneven rays); all spicules are of
a similar size, with no differentiation into megasc leres and
opsis). Reproduction ovi parous. Two or three orders are
microsc leres (hence the class name); with cil iated exopi­
now recognized (e.g., Aplysina, Ap/ysinella, Chondrosia,
nacocytes and endopinacocytes; a type IV collagen base­
Chondrilla, Halisarca, Hexadefla, Ianthe/la, Suberea, Thy­
ment membrane underlies both choanodenn and pinaco­
mosia, Thymosiopsis, Verongu/a).
derm (this type of collagen has also been found in several
SUBCLASS HAPLOSCLEROMORPHA With an iso­ species of demosponges and calcareans); zonula adherens
dictyal anisotropic or isotropic choanosomal ske leton; cell junctions in adult and larval epithelia; spermatozo ids
spicules diactinal megascleres (oxeas or strongyles); with an acrosome; choanocyte chambers oval to spheri cal,
microscleres, if present, sigmas and/or toxas, microx­ with large choanocytes.To date, septate junctions have not
eas, or microstrongyles. Reproduction typically vivi pa­ been found in t his class. Homoscleromorphs are viviparous
rous, w ith the exception of some petrosid genera that (i ncubate their embryos), form a hollow blastula by multi­
are oviparous. Larvae typically parenchymella. Includes po lar egression, and develop a unique cinctob lastula larva.
Calcif bi rospongia, previously assigned to Sc lerospongi­ Although some work had suggested this group might be
ae. Inc ludes only one order , Haploscleri da. Most of the more closely allied with higher metazoans than with other
famili es and genera are probably po lyphyletic, and this sponges, recent stud ies based on complete mitochondrial
subc lass itsel f is someti mes considered part of Hetero­ genome sequences strongly support its inclusion with i n a
scleromorpha. Among the most common genera are: monophyletic Porifera, perhaps most closely related to the
Haliclona, Callyspongia, Petrosia, Xestospongia, Niph­ Calcarea. About 85 known species o f exclusively marine
ates, Amphimedon, Siphonochalina, and a lso Galcifibro­ sponges, divided into two monophyletic families, Plakinidae
spongia, Oendroxea and Janulum. (spiculate species) and Oscarelli dae (aspiculate species).
Most species inhabit hard bottoms of the conti nental shel f,
but some are known from more than 1,000 m depth. The
posed of siliceous spicules that can be monaxones
fossil record, poor as it is, dates from the early Carbonifer­
and/or tetraxones and, when present, highly diversi­
ous. About 90 species (e.g., Corticium, Oscare/la, Placino­
fied mi croscleres. Reproduct io n mostly viviparous, but
/opha, Plakina , Pla/efnastre/la, P!akortis, Pseudocorticium).
ovi parous species occur in some genera (e.g., Age/as,
Axinefla, Raspailia, Suberites). This subcl ass contains
most of the Demospongiae (about 5,000 species), usu­
ally organized into eight orders. Most of the sponges
once assigned to Sclerospongiae are in this subclass,
The Poriferan Body Plan
including stromatoporoids (e.g., Astrosclera), tabu lates A 1nind-boggling diversity exists in the shape, color,
(Merlia, Acanthochaetetes), and ceratoporellids (e.g., and size of sponges. Increases in size and surface area
Ceratoporella, Goreauiefla, Hispidopetra, and Stromato­ are accomplished by folding of the body wall into a
spongia). The order Tetractinellida (Astrophorina, Spi­ variety of patterns, and also fron1 different growth p a t ­
rophorina and most of the l ithist ids) includes all sponges terns that appear in response to environmental condi­
with tetractine spicul es (e.g., Geodia, Penares, Stelletta, tions. This plasticity, plus the fact that sponges main­
Teti/la, Cinachyra, Discodermia). The freshwater sponge tain certain cells in a pluripotent state, compensate in
order Spongillida is here, which includes 220 speci es part for the absence of true organs. Two unique orga­
in six families (e.g., Spongilla, Ephydatia, Lubomirskia, nizational attributes define sponges and have played
Melania, Potamolepis). Other orders include: Poecilo­
n1ajor roles in poriferan success: first is the water c u r ­
sclerida ( e .g., Clathria, Hymedesmia, Mycale, Myxilla,
rent channel system, or aquiferous system, and its
Desmacella, Asbestopluma), Agelasida (e.g., Age/as,
unique all-purpose cells (pumping, feeding, gas-ex­
Astrosclera, Hymerhabdia, Acanthostylotella), Axinellida
change, and waste-expulsion) known as choanocytes.
(e.g., Axinella, Higginsia, Stelligera, Raspailia, Eurypon,
Myrme/efoderma), Biemnida (e.g., Biemna, Neofibularia,
Sigmaxinella), Halichondrida (e.g., Halichondria, Hyme­ 2
A "caltrop" or "calthrop" was an evil-looking medieval land­
niacidon), and Hadromerida (e.g., Cliona, Spirastrella, mine, consisting mainly of four short, sharpened spikes radiat­
Tectitethya, Tethya). ing from a common center at equal angles. These were scattered
in front of defensive positions and covered under a thin layer
CLASS HOMOSCLEROMORPHA The most recently pro­ of dirt, where they tended to inconvenience charging knights.
posed class of sponges, homoscleromorphs have been Homoscleromorph tetractine spicules often have the same general
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 223

Second is U,e highly pluripotent nature of sponge cells of sponges pushing so much water through the body
in general. The aquiferous system brings water through has been estimated to be about one-third of its overall
the sponge and close to U,e cells responsible for food metabolism.
gathering and gas exchange. At the same time, excre­ Sponge choanocytes are thought to be h1ndamen­
tory and digestive wastes are expelled by way of the tally identical to cells of choanoflagellate protists (see
water currents. The volume of water moving tlu·ough Chapter 3). They originate during meta1norphosis
a sponge's aquiferous system is remarkable. A single from the ciliated epithelial cells of larvae, and they can
1 x 10-cm individual of the complex sponge Le11co11in also derive from archaeocytes found in gemmules­
pumps about 23 liters of water through its body daily. in both cases, these precursor cells differentiate into
Researchers have recorded sponge pumping rates that choanoblasts that, in turn, grow collars to become
range fro1n 0.002 to 0.84 mJ of water per second per choanocytes. Their Jong flagellum has a basal, bilater­
cubic centimeter of sponge body. Large sponges filter ally-arranged pair of wing-shaped projections called
their own volume of water every 10 to 20 seconds. vanes. The flagellar vanes probably lend support to
The Hexactinellida ("glass sponges") might be the the flagellum. The flagellum is surrounded by a collar
most unusual creatures in the entire animal kingdom. of microvilli containing actin filaments, the 1nicrovilli
Their triaxonal spicules, with a square proteinaceous being connected to one another via a thin men1.brane
internal filament, distinguish them from other siliceous composed of a meshwork of extracellular glycoprotein
sponges. Their syncytial body, which arises by fusion (the glycocalyx mesh) (Figure 6.8 F-H).3
of early embryonic cells, is unique among Metazoa. A cuticle, or layer of coherent collagen, may cover
Both the larvae and adults have elegant combinations the pinacoderm in some species. The pinacoderm it­
of multinucleate and ceJlular cytoplasmic regions un­ self is a simple external sheet (exopinacoderm) of cells
like anything seen i n any other animal. The continuity (exopinacocytes), and it also lines some of the internal
of this tissue allows food to be transported symplasti­ cavities of the aquiferous systen1 where choanocytes
cally (analogous to plants), and it also allovvs electrical do not occur.Pinacocytes U1at line internal canals form
signals to travel throughout the sponge body (analo­ endopinacoderm and are called endopinacocytes. The
gous to the nervous systen, of higher Metazoa). choanoderm can be simple and continuous, or folded
Sponges are not colonial animals. Any and all and subdivided in various ways. The mesohyl varies
sponge n1aterial bounded by a continuous outer c o v ­ i n thickness and plays vital roles in digestion, gamete
ering (the pinacoderm) constitutes a single individual. production, secretion of the skeleton, and transport of
The growth of each individual is dictated by a com­ nutrients and \\1 aste products by special ameboid cells.
bination of genetics (e.g., most larvae have anterior­ The n1esohyl includes a noncellular colloidal n,eso­
posterior synunetry, many adults have a radial-axial glea in whicl1 are e1nbedded collagen fibers, spicules,
growth form) and environmental factors (e.g., water and various cells; as such, it is really a type of rnesen­
flow dynamics, contours of the substratum). For most chyme. A great number of cell types may be found in
sponges, changes in body form can arise anywhere in the mesohyl. Most of these cells are able to change from
or on the organism i11 response to external factors. one type to another as required, but some differentiate
irreversibly, such as U1ose that commit themselves to
Body Structure and the Aquiferous System reproduction or to skeleton formation.
The outer surface cells of a sponge make up the pina­ Some sponges actually move from one place to an­
coderm and are called pinacocytes, typically unciliated other-ameboid cells along the base of the sponge
flattened cells that are also known as "pavement cells." "crawl," as others carry fonvard spicules to support the
The pinacoderm can be considered a true epithelium. leading edge of the sponge. Studies suggest that some
Most of the inner surfaces comprise the choanoderm amoebocytes can actually break free from a sponge
and are composed of flagellated cells called choano­ and move about on their own for a time, eventually re­
cytes. Both of these layers are a single cell thick. Be­ turniJ1g to the parent sponge body. This "locon1otion"
tween these two thin cellular sheets is the mesohyl, i n sponges obviously is not sufficient to provide them
which may be very thin in some encrusting sponges, with a quick escape mechanism from predators; we're
or massive and thick in larger species (Figure 6.3). The talking about millimeters a day here!
pinacoderm is perforated by small holes called dennal As a sponge grows, the pinacoderm and choano­
pores or ostia (sing. ostium), dependiJ,g on whether derm remain only one cell thick. But b y increasing
the opening is surrounded by several cells or one cell,
respectively (Figure 6.3). Water is pulled through these 3
Monociliated ceUs bearing a collar of microvw; surrounding the
openings and is driven across the choanoderm by the cilium have been found in almost all rnctazoan phyla. However,
beating of the choanocyte flagella. The choanocytes in other metazoans the ciliurn is usually immobile, lacks vanes,
has a striated rootlet, and is frequently involved in sensory p r o ­
pump large volumes of water through the sponge cesses. I t is therefore thought that such cells are not homologues
body, thus enabling the aquiferous system. The cost t o sponge choanocytes and choanoflagellate protists.
224 Chapter Six

Figure 6.3 Sponge body forms. (A) The

unusual demosponge Coelosphaera hat•
chi (height in life 27 mm). (8) The coralline
sponge Mertia normani (vertical section)
has a basal calcareous matrix within
which individual compartments are fi lled
by secondary deposition. The superfi-
cial soft tissue contains the choanocyte
chambers and is supported by tracts of
siliceous spicules. (C) The demosponge
Haliclona sp., a sponge with a tubular type
of architecture; three successive level s o f I
magnification are shown, from left to right.
(D) Clathria prolifera, a demosponge with a
, ..
more solid type of architecture; three suc­
cessive levels of magnification are shown, :•.
�. ·:.
from left to right.
(C) Osculum

-· ✓
.:\ . ..' . ''·


.> •·



•. '


folding as the mesohyl volu1ne increases, these l a y ­ 6.4B,C), or it may become both folded and subdivided
ers maintain a surface area-to-volume ratio sufficient into separate flagellated chambers (the leuconoid con­
to sustain adequate nutrient and waste exchange dition; Figure 6.4D). Asconoid and syconoid anatomies
throughout the whole individual. Unique to the class occur only in the class Cakarea.
Calcarea, son1e species go through an ontogenetic s e ­ The asconoid condition is found in the early growth
quence in which an increasingly complex body archi­ stage (olynthus) of newly settled calcareous spong­
tecture develops; adults may express the most complex es and in some adult, radially symmetrical calcare­
structure, or they can retain one of the simpler architec­ ous sponges (e.g., Clnthrinn, Leucosolenia) (Figure 6.5).
tures. Thus, son1e adult Calcarea may retain a largely Asconoid and syconoid sponges rarely exceed a few cm
unfolded, simple, and continuous choanoderm (the in height and remain as simple, vase-shaped (apical­
asconoid condition; Figure 6.4A), or the choanoderm basal radial symmetry) tubular units, or meandering
may become folded (the syconoid condition; Figure networks of these vase-shaped units, or occasionally
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 225

(A) (B)


• Apopyle

• •I


' • • 0 II


• •
• '• •
• • II " '
I •
• Choanocyte
•• , ••
• ••
•• •

(= atriw,i)
• ' I

.. Choanocyte
• canal (chamber)
(C) (D)

• canal
, • • I

• • •

, • • • •
I • • • •
I • • •

I I • Choanocyte

I I Choanocytes chamber

• •
I Prosopyle
I Prosopyle

• •
' •
' '

Choanocyte canal (chamber) lncurrent canal
Apopyle Jncurrent canal

Figure 6.4 Body complexity in sponges (arrows

indicate flow of water). (A) The asconoid condition. specialized cells (porocytes) that elongate and roll to
(B) A s imple syconoid condition. (C) A complex syconoid form cylindrical tubes. Each porocyte extends all the
condi tion wi th ectosomal growth. (D) A leuconoid condi• way through the pinacoderm, the thin mesohyl, and
tion. Asconoid and syconoid anatomies occur only in the the choanoderm, and thus into the atrium where it
class Calcarea.
emerges between adjacent choanocytes like a porthole.
(Porocytes also occur in a few de1nosponge groups,
even stalked sponges (e.g., some Clnthrina). The thin particularly the freshwater species.) The choanoderm
walls enclose a central cavity called the atrium(= is a simple, unfolded layer of choanocytes lining the
spongocoel), which opens to the outside via a single entire atrium. Water moving through an asconoid
osculum (pl. oscula). The pinacodenn of asconoid, and sponge thus flows through the following structures:
very simple syconoid sponges rely on ostia as their ostium-+atrium/spongocoel (over the choanoderm)
incurrent pores. Ostia develop during embryogeny as -+osculum.
226 Chapter Six


Osculum t






Figure 6.5 The asconoid condition (class Cal carea).

(A) An olynthus, the asconoid form that follows larval
settlement in calcareous sponges. (B) Major cell types in
an asconoi d sponge. (C) The simple cal careous sponge
Leucosotenia shows the asconoid body form and skel­
eton of CaC03 spicules.

by a single porocyte) and are referred to as dermal

pores. In the syconoid condition, choanocytes are r e ­
stricted to specific chambers or diverticuJa of the atrium
called choanocyte chambers (also known as flagellated
chan1bers, or radial canals). Each choanocyte chainber
opens to the atrium by a wide aperture called an apo­
As stated above, in calcareous sponges, simple fold­ pyle. Syconoid sponges with a thick ectosome possess
ing of the pinacoderm and choanoderm produces the a system of channels or incurrent canals that lead from
syconoid condition, within whjch several levels of com­ the dermal pores through the mesohyl to the choano­
plexity are possible (Figure 6.4B,C). As con1plexity i n ­ cyte chambers. The openings from these chaimels to
creases, the mesohyl may thicken and appear to have the choanocyte chambers are called prosopyles. In such
two layers. The outer layer (formerly referred to as the a complex syconoid sponge, water moving from the
cortical region or cortex) is called the ectosome. The surface into the body flows along the following route:
ectosome contains an accumulation of spicules that are dennal (incurrent) pore-+ incurrent cai1aJ -+ prosopyle
different fro1n those found i n the interior portion of the - + choanocyte chamber-+ apopyle-+ atrium-+ oscu­
mesohyl. In calcareous sponges with an ectosome, the llun. Syconoid construction is found in many calcareous
incurrent openings are lined by several cells (not formed sponges, including the well-known genera Grantia and
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 227

Osculum Excurrent canal Chapter 4, or your old physics notes). Water flow v e ­
locity decreases as the cross-sectional diameter increas­
es-liquids move slower i n larger pipes-or when a
single pipe divides into numerous smaller pipes. Thus,
in a sponge, velocities are lowest over the choanoderm,
which has the largest cross-sectional area. However,
1vater leaving the osculum must be carried far enough
away to prevent it from fouling or being immediately
recycled by the sponge, so smaller accumulated cross­
sectional diameters (and greater water velocity) are
fow1d in excurrent canal-oscuJa system.
The recognition of the various levels of organiza­
tion and complexity among calcareous sponges used
to be thought to provide important evolutionary clues.
However, there is no evidence that the asconoid plan is
necessarily the n1ost phylogenetically primitive, or that
all sponge lineages have moved through these three
levels of complexity during their evolution. Nor do
n1ost sponges pass through these three stages during
Dermal (incurrent) pores
their development. Calcareous sponges of the leuco­
Figure 6.6 The surface of a living demosponge noid condition usually do pass through asconoid and
(Clathria). The complex system of ostia opens into under­ syconoid stages as they grow, but it is only i n this class
lyi ng incurrent canals, and large oscu l a receive several
that all three organizational body plans clearly occur.
excurrent canal s, all visib le through the thin pinacoderm.
The hexactinellid sponges differ strikingly fron1
other sponge classes (Figure 6.7). The bodies of hexac­
Sycon (formerly known as Scypha), and such construc­ tinellid sponges often display a considerable degree
tion often yields vase-shaped adults, as in many asco­ of superficial radial symn1etry. There is not a typical
noid Calcarea. Some syconoid sponges express a radial pinacoderm in hexactinellids. Instead, a dermal mem­
symmetry externally, but their complex internal organi­ brane is present, but it is extremely thin and is continu­
zation is largely asymmetrical. ous with all the other parts of the sponge; no discrete
The leuconoid condition is found in all four sponge or continuous cellular structure supports it. lncurrent
classes. Here, the choanoderm is much more highly pores are simple holes in this dermal membrane. The
folded and there is a thickening of the 1nesohyl by main tissue of the hexactinellid is called the trabecular
growth of the ectosome. Associated 1-vith this is a sub­ syncytium-it forms a syncytial, trabecular network
division of the flagellated surfaces into discrete oval stretching across interconnecting internal cavities (the
choanocyte chambers (Figure 6.4D). In the leuconoid subdermal lacunae) near the surface of the sponge and
condition, one finds an increase in number and a d e ­ penetrating into and forming the supporting frame­
crease in size of the choanocyte chambers, which typi­ work for the choanosome (Figure 6.7A). The trabecular
cally cluster in groups i n the thickened mesohyl. The net1vork resembles a three-din1ensional cobweb. The
atr.iu1n is often reduced t o a series of excurrent ca­ thimble-shaped flagellated chambers of the choano­
nals (or "exhaJent" canals) that carry water from the some are arranged in a single layer and are supported
choanocyte chambers to the oscula (Figure 6.6). The within the trabecular network. Both the trabecular n e t ­
flow of water through a leuconoid sponge is: dermal work and the walls of the flagellated chambers are syn­
pore .... incurrent canal -+ prosopyle--+ choanocyte cytial. ln these sponges, the choanoblasts produce new
chamber--+ apopyle--+ excurrent canal--+ (atrium)--+ collars but do not produce new nuclei, thus creating a
oscuJwn. Leuconoid organization i s typical of all n o n ­ single-nucleate syncytium with many collar bodies. As
calcareous sponges, and many calcareous sponges (e.g., new collars "bud off," the expanding, single-cell body
Le11cilln). of the choanoblast cell recesses itself beneath the tra­
It i s important to realize that flow rate is not uni­ becuJar syncytium, leaving just the collars exposed to
forn1 through the various parts of the aquiferous sys­ do the work.Water enters incurrent pores in the der­
tem. Functionally, it i s critical that water be moved mal membrane, passes into the subdermal lacunae, and
very slowly over the choanoderm, allowing time for from there enters the syncytial cl1oanosome chambers
exchanges of nutrients, gases, and wastes between the via the prosopyles. The soft tissue of the syncytium
water and the choanocytes. The changes in water flow serves to deliver food and other n1etabolites to all parts
velocity through this plumbing systen1 are a function of a hexactinellid sponge by cytoplasmic streanling.
of the effective accu.mulated cross-sectional diameters The unique structure of hexactinellids is so strik­
of the channels through which the water moves (see ing that some workers have even suggested the
228 Chapter Six

(A) Trabecula r Atrial

(B) Primary
0 strand
reticulum (Rl)
'----..,il'JN� Secondary
: /reticulum (R2)
. Prosopyles ·
·, ·-.:• � ::± ;fr. . --..
:, ;::_ ,
: :{]- (C)
' :·

.· ·' .
.- �-.
":{ Branched
. .· . .

·� -; ,-->
Dermal membrane
Flagellated chamber

Figure 6.7 Internal anatomy of Hexactinellida s h o w - surrounds the collars, forcing water through the col-
ing the trabecular network. (A) Two flagellated chambers lar microvilli. (C) Canal system and tissue structure in
connected to the dermal membrane by trabecular strands; Aphrocallistes vastus (scanning electron micrograph);
arrow shows water flow (farrea occa). (B) Section through primary (R1) and secondary (R2) reticula, extensions of
wall of a flagellated chamber, based on Rhabdocalyptus the trabecular reticulum, incurrent pores, prosopyles (pr),
dawsoni. Water (arrows) is drawn through prosopyles in collar bodies (cb) branching from choanocytes, with collar
the primary reticulum and through choanocyte collars microvilli (mv) and flagellum (fl).
by the beating of the flagella. The secondary reticulum

hexactinellids might be regarded as a separate subphy­ Cells that line surfaces As noted above, the pinaco­
lum or phylwn (the "Syinplasma"), distinct from the derm forms a continuous layer on the external surface
other sponge classes (the "Cellularia"). Ho,,vever, as of sponges and also lines all incurrent and excurrent
explained in Chapter 2, phylogenetic relationships are canals. The pinacocytes that make up this layer are usu­
best sought in similarities among groups (i.e., shared ally flattened and usually overlapping (Figure 6.8A,B).
derived features), not in differences. By this reasoning, The external surface, or exopinacodern1, of demo­
and through molecular phylogenetics, we know with­ sponges has an extracellular matrix (ECM) beneath it,
out doubt that hexactinellids are poriferans (and prob­ and in the Calcarea a loose collagenous n1esohyl under­
ably closely related to demosponges). Nevertheless, lies the pinacoderm. In homoscleromorph sponges,
hexactinellids are striking and bi.zarre in that no other and son1e species in other classes, a true basen1ent
n1etazoan group possesses such extensive syncytial membrane underlles the pinacodern1. In all cases, thjs
tissues.4 layer of secreted material helps maintain the positional

More on Sponge Cell Types

Prior to the 1970s, texts generally recognized only a fe\v Figure 6.8 Cells that line sponge surfaces. (A) A pina- ►
basic kinds of poriferan cells. However, subsequent d e ­
cocyte from the surface of the demosponge Halisarca
(drawn from an electron micrograph). The outer surface
tailed histochemical and ultrastructural studies have is covered wi th a polysaccharide-rich glycocalyx coat.
revealed a broad variety of cell types. These discover­ The cell is fusiform and overlaps adjacent pinacocytes.
ies make succinct "textbook classification" of their cells (B) Pinacoderm from a calcareous sponge (section).
difficult. We present below a highly abridged version T-shaped pinacocytes alternate with fusiform pinaco-
of sponge cell classification. cytes. (C, D) A porocyte from the calcareous asconoid
sponge Leucosolenia. (C) Cross section. (D) Side view.
(E) Myocytes surrounding a prosopyle. (F) A section of
choanoderm, showing three choanocytes; arrows indi-
Syncytial tissues are seen in some other metazoans. For example, cate direction of water current. (G) A choanocyte. (H)
the epithelia of some cnidarians and the skeletogenic tissues of
echinoids are syncytial, by way of incomplete cytokinesis. The Ultrastructure of a choanocyte (longitudinal section, drawn
giant neurons in squid, and vertebrate striated muscle cells (your from an electron micrograph). (I) A choanocyte chamber
biceps, for example) are multinucleate by fusion of separate cells. opening into an excurrent canal in a demosponge.
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 229


. 7

� Mesohyl--------
(0) Water flow
through pore
(C) . •, •
. A

' •
' .,. _

,'. .
· .( Pore ' .'
,.. .. . '
t/} ...•. ' .

! ••'

To spongocoel Flagellar
fibrils Flagellum





Water expulsion
vesicle (WEV}

Apopyle Endopinacocyte
230 Chapter Six

integrity of pinacocytes. Basal 1nembranes are sheet­ phagocytosis and pinocytosis, choanocytes are highly
like co1nplexes of extracellular n1atrix proteins that are vacuolated.
secreted by the epithelial layer; they are highly struc­
tured and contain type TV collagen. Such membranes Cells that secrete the skeleton There are several
typically underlie epithelial (and endothelial) tissues in types of ameboid cells in the mesohyl that secrete ele­
the Metazoa, but not in fungi or plants. They provide ments of sponge skeletons. In alinost all sponges, the
an added mechanical function as supporting structures, entire supportive matrix is built on a framework of
and also play a biological role as molecular sieves. The fibrillar collagen. The cells that secrete this material
pinacoderm of Homoscleromorpha is especially well are called collencytes, lophocytes, and spongocytes.
organized, forming a v,rell-developed epithelium (with Collencytes are morphologically nearly indistinguish­
an underlying basal me1nbrane).However, the appar­ able from pinacocytes, whereas lophocytes are large,
ent absence of a basal membrane in most Porifera dis­ highly motile cells that can be recognized by a collagen
tinguishes sponge pinacoderm from the well-devel­ tail they typically trail behind them (Figure 6.9C). The
oped tissue epithelia of the higher Metazoa.5 primary function of both cell types is to secrete the dis­
Internal, c a n a l -l ining pinacocytes (endopinaco­ persed fibrillar collagen found intercellularly in virtu­
cytes) are usually more fusiform i n shape and have ally all sponges. Spongocytes produce the fibrous s u p ­
less overlap than outer exopinacocytes. Although the portive collagen referred to as spongin (Figure 6.12A).
endopinacoderm is epithelial in function, it is prob­ Spongocytes operate in groups and are always found
ably phagocytic as well. External cells of the basal or wrapped around a spicule or spongin fiber (Figure
attaching region of a sponge surface are called basopi­ 6.9D).
nacocytes. These flattened cells are responsible for se­ Sclerocytes are responsible for the production of cal­
creting a fibrillar collagen-polysaccharide complex by careous and siliceous sponge spicules (Figure 6.9A,B).
which sponges attach to the substratum. In freshwa­ They are active cells that possess abundant mitochon­
ter sponges, the basopinacocytes ru·e active in feeding dria, cytoplasmic microfilaments, and small vacuoles.
and extend ameba-like "filopodia" to engulf bacteria. Numerous types of sclerocytes have been described;
Freshwater sponge basopinacocytes also play an active these cells always disintegrate after spicule secretion i s
role in osmoregulation and contain large numbers of complete.
water expulsion vesicles, or contractile vacuoles.
As noted earlier, porocytes are cylindrical or flat, Contractile cells Contractile cells in sponges, called
tubelike cells of the pinacoderm that form ostia in some myocytes, are found in the mesohyl (Figure 6.8E).
sponge species (Figure 6.8C,D). They are contractile They are usually fusiform and grouped concentri­
and can open and close the pore and regulate the ostial cally around oscula and major cru1als. Myocytes are
diameter; however, no microfilaments have been o b ­ distinguished by the great numbers of rnicrotubules
served in them and their precise method of contraction and microfilaments contained in their cytoplasm, and
and expansion is unknown. Some species are capable they rely on the classic actin/myosin structure seen
of producing a diaphragm-like cytoplasmic me1nbrane in all animals. Because of the nature of their filament
across the ostial opening that also regulates pore size. arrangement, it has been suggested that myocytes are
Choanocytes are the flagellated collar cells that homologous with the smooth muscle cells of higher
make up the choanoderm and create the currents that invertebrates. However, myocytes are independent
drive v,r ater through the aquiferous system (Figure effectors with a slow response ti1ne, aJ1d, uJ1like neu­
6.8F-H). Choanocytes are not coordinated in their beat­ rons and true 1nuscle fibers, they are insensitive to elec­
ing, not even within a given chamber. However, they trical stimuli.
are aligned such that the flagella, which beat from base
to tip, are directed toward the apopyle. The long fla­ Other cell types Archaeocytes are highly versatile,
gellum is always surrounded by the choanocyte col­ largely totipotent ameboid cells that are capable of
lar, which is made up o f 20 to 55 cytoplasn1ic n1icro­ quickly differentia ting to give rise to virtually any other
villi (= villi). The villi have microfilament cores and cell type. These large, highly motile cells also play a
are connected to one another by anastomosing n,u­ major role in digestion and food transport (Figure 6.10).
cous strands (a mucous reticulum) that form a glyco­ They possess a variety of digestive enzymes (e.g., acid
calyx band around the collar. Choanocytes rest on the phosphatase, protease, amylase, lipase) and can accept
mesohyl, held in place b y interdigitation of adjacent phagocytized material from the choanocytes. They also
basal surfaces. In keeping with their central role in phagocytize material directly through the pinacoderm
of water canals. Archaeocytes carry out much of the
digestive, transport, and excretory activities in spong­
5-fype IV collagen, diagnostic of Metazoa, is a long triple helix
molecule; it is one of several collagen types found in sponges and es. And, as cells of 1naxin1um totipotency, archaeocytes
other metazoans, and it occurs in all four sponge classes. are essential to the developmental program of sponges
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 231

Central Peripheral

... . .··.o·. .... . . ·o•"'

. . .::
. .
. .

/..•. :.
. .
. .

. :' �(.'·' '. ,- - . ,,_

.._: .. ({).

.. ..,. ->
Founder cell
,. .

(a) (b) (c) (d)


(B) Rudimentary



Figure 6.9 Cells that secrete the sponge skeleton.

(A) The formation of a triaxon calcareous spicule: (a)
sclerocytes associate to form a triad of three founder
cells; (b) nuclear divis ion in each founder cell produces
central and peri pheral nuclei; (c) the calcite ray is secreted
between each pair of nuclei, as thickener cells resulting
from the nuclear division gradually move outward along
the rays; (d) as sp icule formation draws to a close, the
founder cells also migrate a long the rays toward the ti ps.
(B) A sclerocyte of Mycale (Demospongiae) with a rudi­
mentary siliceous spicule extending between two vacuoles
(drawn from an electron micrograph}. (C) A lophocyte wi th
its tail of collagen fibers. (D) Spongocytes work in series
to secrete collagen fibrils in a demosponge.

and to various asexual processes (e.g., gem.mule forma­ the Atlantic "red beaJ'd sponge" (Clathria prolifera) are
tion). Spherulous cells are large mesohyl cells contain­ pressed through fine cloth, the separated cells in1me­
ing various chemical inclusions. diately begin to reorganize themselves by active cell
migration. Within 2 to 3 weeks, a functional sponge
Cell reaggregation Around the beginning of the reforms and the original cells return to their respec­
twentieth century, H. V . Wilson first demonstrated tive functions. Furthermore, if celJ suspensions of
the remarkable ability of sponge cells to reaggregate two different sponge species are mixed, the cells sort
after being mechanically dissociated. Although this themselves out and reconstitute individuals of each
discovery was interesting in itself, lending insight separate species-a remarkable display of cellular self­
into the plasticity of cellular organization in sponges, recognition. The controversial sponge biologist M. W .
it also foreshadowed more far-reaching cytological de Laubenfels described the situation in 1949 in slight­
research that has since shed light on basic questions ly different terms: "Sponges endure mutilation better
about how cells self-recognize, adhere, segregate, than any other known animal." The discovery that d i s ­
and specialize. Many sponges that are dissociated sociated sponge cells will reaggregate to form a func­
and maintained under proper conditions will forn1 tional organism ,vas the basis for the establislunent of
aggregates, and son1e vvill eventually reconstitute sponge cell cultures that have been used as a model for
their aquiferous system. For example, when pieces of the study of fundamental processes in developmental
232 Chapter Six

(A) Figure 6.1 O Archaeocytes.

(A) A typical archaeocyte with a
large nucl eus and a prominent
'.. ; ..' ...""':: ­ nucleolus. (BJ Photo of a typical
,• archaeocyte. (CJ An archaeocyte
.·�•,_,i '

;, engages in phagocytosis,
•• •• ,.--�·.,., • ·,,·

'7 , , .
.'. ·' ':i .;,:•

, : \:·....,.,,
� . :. . .

� X
.• .
-�.-:. . ..
j,:. ,...�

' · .�}

.. . � ./ Nucleus


date been found prio1arily in the Homoscleromorpha,

but also in a number of species of demosponges and
In sponges, fibrillar collagen is either dispersed as
thin fibrils in the intercellular matrix or organized as
a fibrous frao1ework called spongin in the mesohyl.
Although the dispersed collagen fibers seen in many
sponges are sometimes referred to as "spongin," true
spongin (fibrillar collagen forming a skeletal frame­
work in the mesohyl) is found only in meo1bers of the

) • 6Calcite and aragonite are closely related calcium carbonate

(CaC03) minerals representing the two most common, naturally
• occurring, crystalline forms. Both are formed by biological and
physical processes-primarily precipitation in marine and fresh­
C) water environments-and both are used by animals in the con­
struction of their skeletons. Calcite is the more stable of the poly­
morphs of calcium carbonate. Calcite crystals are trigonal•rhom•
bohedral, though cakite rhombohcdra are rare as nat\1ral
biology and immunology. We now know that sponge crystals. In animal skeletons, calcite occurs as lamellar or compact
deposits, or occasionally i n a fibrous form. Calcite is transpar-
cells (like other anitnal cells) have surface inarkers that ent to opaque.Single calcite crystals display an optical property
allo"'' for self- versus non-self recognition. called birefringence (double refraction) that causes objects viewed
through a clear piece of calcite to appear doubled. Although cal­
Support cite is fairly insoluble in cold water, acidity can cause its dissolu­
tion (a big problem for animals and protists living in an acidifying
The skeletal elements of sponges are of two types, o r ­ global ocean). Calcite exhibits a n unusual characteristic called
ganic and inorganic. The former is ahvays collagenous retrograde (or inverse) solubility in which i t becomes less soluble
in water as the temperature increases. Aragonite's c.rystaJ lattice
and the latter either siliceous (hydrated silicon dioxide) differs from that of calcite, resulting in a different crystal shape,
or calcareous-calciw11 carbonate in the forn1 of calcite an orthorhombic system with needlelike crystals. Aragonite may
or aragonite. Sponges are the only anin1als that use h y ­ be columnar or fibrous. Aragonite is thermodynamically unstable
at standard temperature and pressure, and tends to alter t o calcite
drated silica as a skeletal material. Calcite is a common on scales of 107 to 108 years. Because calcite is more stable than
crystalline form of natural calcium carbonate, CaCO:i, aragonite, and dissolves more slowly than aragonitc in water, it is
that is the basic constituent of many protist and animal more likely to fossilize. Thus, the fossil record for Paleozoic cor­
als is better than the fossil record for Cenozoic corals, the former
skeletons, as well as the fossiliferous sedimentary rocks being made of ca kite, the latter of aragonite.
known as limestone, marble, and chalk.6 Calcite skeletons occur in most invertebrates that have hard
Collagen is the major structural protein in inverte­ skeletons, including sponges, brachiopods, echinoderms, most
bryozoans, and most bivalves. Coccoliths and planktonioc forami..
brates; it is found in virtually all metazoan connective niferans also have calcitic skeletons, and certain red algae (coral•
tissues. In higher Metazoa, about 20 different kinds of line red algae) also produce it. Because calcite is so stable, larger
collagen have been identified, but in Porifera only two calcite shells in the fossil record (e.g., bivalves) thus tend to the
"real thing,'' not mineral replacements.Purely aragonite-based
are known so far: fibrillar collagen and type IV collagen shells do exist, such as in the molluscan class Polyplacophora (the
(the latter, a key component of basal membranes, has to chitons), but the)' are rare.
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 233

genera Hippospongin and Spongin, but these sponges

have now been largely "fished out" in the traditional
sponge hunting grounds of the Mediterranean and
Florida. In addition, they are prone to current-trans­
mitted epidemic diseases (three such events wiped out
bath sponge populations in both the Old World and
the New World in 1938, 1947, and in the late 1980s).
Mineralized sponge spicules (Figure 6.12) are pro­
duced by special mesohyl cells called sclerocytes,
which are capable of accumulating calcium or silicate
and depositing it in an organized way. In some cases,
one sclerocyte produces one spicule; in others, several
sclerocytes work together cooperatively to produce a
single spicule, often two cells per spicule ray (Figure
The construction of a siliceous spicule begins v,rith
Figure 6.11 Mediterranean bath sponges (Spongia offici­ the secretion of an organic axial filament within a
nalis) tor sale in an open-air market in Provence, France. vacuole in a sclerocyte. As the axial filament elongates
a t both ends, hydrated silica is secreted into the v a c ­
uole and deposited around the filament core. Recent
classes Demospongiae (Figure 6.12A). The amount of ,-vork suggests that, at least in some homoscleromor­
this fibrillar collagen varies greatly from species to spe­ phan species (e.g., Corticiu111 candelnbru111) pinacocytes
cies-in hexactinellids it is quite sparse, •..vhereas in d e - might also be capable of siliceous spicule production.
1nosponges it is abundant and may forn1 dense bands About 92% of all Iiving sponge species are siliceous.
in the ectosome. Unlike the ectosome of calcareous One might wonder how a skeleton made of glass (as
sponges, whjch is fundamentally a layer of concentrat­ in the Hexactinellida) could be strong enough to pro­
ed spicules, the ectosome of demosponges is a feature vide support while not being fragile as a windowpane.
of the outer mesohyl and is basically a well-developed The trick is that glass sponges have evolved a highly
collagen layer lacking choanocyte chambers. The net­ sophisticated, multilayered biomechanical structure
work often contains very thick fibers, and may incor­ to their skeleton. They construct their glass skeleton
porate siliceous spicules into its structure. Spongin by first consolidating nanometer-scaled silica spheres,
often cen1ents siliceous spicules together at their points arranged in microscopic concentric rings separated
of intersection. The encysting coat of the asexual g e m ­ from one another by alternating layers of an organic
mules o f freshwater (and some marine) sponges is also matrix-glue to form laminated spicules. The spicules
composed largely of spongin. are then bundled together by an organic, silica-based
Mineral skeletons of either silica or calcium are cement, resulting in the fonnation of micron -scale,
found in almost all sponges, except a few species of multilayered "beams." The beams are then assembled
demosponges and hon1oscleromorphs. Sponges l a c k ­ into the recognizable square-lattice cagelike struc­
ing mineral skeletons possess only fibrous collagen ture we see in glass sponges, such as E11plectelln. The
networks, and these are still used as bath sponges d e ­ lattice itself is further reinforced by diagonal ridges,
spite the prevalence nowadays of synthetic "spong­ giviJ1g the whole skeleton remarkable strength plus
es." Several demosponge and homoscleromorph a resilient flexibility. I n species of Euplectel/n, seven
genera lack both spongin and a spicule skeleton (e.g., hierarchical structural levels have been identified in
Chondrosin, Hnlisnrcn, Hexndelln, Oscnrelln). the skeleton-a textbook example in biomechanical
Sponges have been harvested for millennia. engineering, and perhaps one day an inspiration for
Evidence of an active Mediterranean sponge trade is glass fiber manufacturers. Even inDemospongiae and
found at least as early as 3,000 BCE (Egyptians), and Homoscleromorpha, the siliceous spicules exhibit e x ­
later in the ancient Phoenician, Greek and Roman civi­ ceptional flexibility and toughness due to their com­
lizations (Figure 6.11). Homer and other ancient Greek posite, layered construction.
writers mention a thriving Mediterranean sponge Unlike siliceous spicules, calcitm1 carbonate spicules
trade. Prior to the 1950s, active natural sponge fish­ do not have an organic axial core. Calcareous spicules
eries existed in south Florida, the Bahamas, and the are produced extracellularly, in intercellular spaces
Mediterranean. The industry peaked in 1938, when bounded by a number of sclerocytes. Each spicule is es­
the world's annual sponge catch (including culti­ sentially a single crystal of calcite or aragonjte.
vated sponges) exceeded 2.6 million pounds, 700,000 Considerable taxonomic weight has been given to
pounds of which came from the ·united States and the spicule morphology, and an elaborate nomenclature
Bahamas. Almost all commercial sponges belong to the exists to classify these skeletal structures. Spicules are
234 Chapter Six

termed either microscleres or m . ega- (A)

scleres. The former aJ"e small to minute,
rein.forcing (or packing) spicules; the l a t -
ter are large structural spicules. The de­
mosponges and hexactinellids have both
types; calcareous sponges often have only
megascleres (although the spicules can
differ considerably in size). Descriptive
terms that designate the number of nxes
in a spicule end in the suffix -nxon (e.g.,
monaxon, triaxon). Tenns that designate
the number of rnys end in the suffixes -nc-
ti11e or -acti11nl (e.g., monactinal, hexactinal,
tetractinal). In addition, there is a detailed
nomenclature specifying shape and o r - (C}
namentation of various spicules (Figure
(0) Spicule
6.12). �
A spicular skeleton n1ay b e viewed as a
supplemental supporting structure. If the
amount of inorganic material is increased
in relation to organic material, the sponge can al
becomes increasingly solid until the tex­
ture approaches that of a rock, as it may in
some members of the demosponge order
Tetractinellida and a few others (e.g., the
"Hthistid" sponges). ln contrast to discrete
spicules, the massive calcareous skeletons
of some species (the coralline, or sclero­ canal
sponges) have a polycrystalline m.icro­
structure; they are composed of needles
("fibers") of either calcite or aragonite embedded in an Unlike most Metazoa, nearly all sponges rely on
organic fibrillar matri,x. The advantage of incorporating intracellular digestion, and thus on phagocytosis and
organic matter into the calcareous fran1ework has been pinocytosis as means of food capture. The aquiferous
compared to lathe-and-plaster, or reinforced concrete. system has already been described; 1,vith it, sponges
The mix of organic and inorganic materials probably more or less continuously circulate water through their
yields fibrous calcites and aragon.ites that are less prone bodies, bringing with it the microscopic food particles
to fracture while also producing substances that are upon whlch U1ey feed. They are size-selective particle
more easily molded by the organisn1. In some demo­ feeders, and the arrangement of the aquiferous s y s ­
sponges (e.g., Lithlstida) and many Hexactinellida, the tem creates a series of "sieves" of decreasing mesh size
spicules may be Hnked or fused into sud, a rigid frame­ (e.g., i.nhalant ostia or dermal pores-+ canals-+ pro­
7 sopyles -+ cl,oanocyte viJli-+ intertentacular mucous
work that it is capable of fossilizing.
reticulum). The upper limit of the diameter of incur­
Nutrition, Excretion, and Gas Exchange rent openings is usually around 50 µm, so larger par­
Although sponges lack the complex organs and organ ticles do not enter the aquiferous system. A few spe­
syste1ns seen in U1e higher Metazoa, they are neverthe­ cies have larger incurrent pores, reaching diameters
less a hugely successful group of animals. As noted of 150 to 175 µm, but in most species the incurrent
above, their success see1ns partly due to their very openings range from 5 to 50 µmin diameter. Internal
"ancientness"-the flexibility inherent in their devel­ particle capture in the 2 to 10 µm range (e.g., bacte­
opmental programming, cellular pluripotency, highly ria, small protists, unicellular algae, organjc detritus)
versatile aquiferous system, and the general plasticity is by cl,oanocytes and by phagocytic motile archaeo­
of their body form.. cytes that move t o the lining of the incurrent canals.
A s in the choanoflagellate protists, the propagation of
the flagellar wave in sponge choanocytes is thought
7The order Lith.istida has long been recognized as polyphyletic, to draw water in through the m.icrovilli of the collar,
but kept mainly as a matter of convenience, essentiaUy because which then slows or blocks food particles, allowing
it is used by paleontologists. However, as with the former !axon
Sclerospongiae, it is clearly lime to abandon the name "Lithistida" them to be phagocytized. The smallest particles, large
and begin reassigning its component species. organic molecules and small bacteria in the 0.1-0.2 µm
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 235





(F) (G)


·.,•' ''' "
•. .
- • ''' '
� !

,,. '

•.•• ', ,.

< '

Figure 6.12 Sponge skeletal systems.

(A) Photomicrograph of the superfi cial d e r ­
mal spongin-fiber skeleton typical of the
demosponge family Callyspongiidae. (B)
Arrangement of cal careous tri axon spicu les
near the oscular opening in Leucoso/enia.
(C) Arrangement of monaxon and triaxon
calcareous spicules near the oscular open­
ing of Sycon. (D) Cross section of a simple
syconoid calcareous sponge (atrium on
right) illustrating placement of triaxon spic­
ules. (E) Some common types of siliceous
spicules from demosponges. (F) Some sili­
ceous spicules from sclerosponges.
(G) Various spicule types (SEMs).

range (the distance between adjacent villi is~1.5 ftm or (phagocytosis) that may be longer than the collar villi
less), 1nay be trapped on the collar itself. Larger p a r ­ themselves. Undulations of the collar might move
ticles, up to ~3 µm, adhere to the body of the choano­ some trapped food particles down to the choanocyte
cyte only to be engulfed by "pseudopodia!" extensions cell body, or stalled food might be captured by long
236 Chapter Six

phagocytizing pseudopods that forn1 fron1 the collar Figure 6.13 These remarkable SEMs and color photo- ►
microvilli and nlig,ate from the base of the collar (as in graphs show predation in the carnivorous sponge
Choanoflagellates) or by pseudopods from the choano­ Asbestopluma (family Cladorhizidae). (A-0) Asbesto-
pluma in ambush posture (A), followed by capture of a
cyte cell body itself.
mys id. (E) Fifteen minutes after capture of a mysid on its
Interestingly, it would seem that food particle cap­ tentacle-like feeding filaments. (F-H) The mysid prey has
ture can take place aln1ost anywhere on the surface of been partly engulfed by the sponge. (I) The prey is entirely
a sponge. Even pinacocytes are known to be capable of engulfed.
phagocytizing particles as large as 6 µm on the surface
of a sponge. It has been estimated that the pinacocytes
lining canals can take particles as large as SO µm. pa11icea have revealed that undigested material is e x ­
In the case of archaeocyte phagocytosis, digestion pelled as discrete pellets coated with a thin layer of
takes place i n the food vacuole formed at the time of mucus. Exactly how these pellets are formed is unclear.
capture. In the case of choanocyte capture, food par­ Altllough the phylum Porifera is characterized by
ticles are partly digested in the choanocytes and then filter feeding, n1embers of the deep-sea demosponge
quickly passed on to a n1esohyl archaeocyte (or other family Cladorhizidae display an entirely different and
wandering amebocyte) f o r final digestion. In both u.ruque mode of feeding. Species in this group have
cases, the mobility of the mesohyl cells assures trans­ lost most or all of the characteristic choanocyte-lined
port of nutrients throughout the sponge body. aquiferous systen1 and instead feed as macrophagous
The efficiency of food capture and digestion was carruvores; in fact, tl1ey are passive suspension-feeding
dramatically shown in an elegant study long ago, by predators, spenrung a minimal am0Lu1t of energy d u r ­
Schmidt (1970), using fluorescence-tagged bacteria ing long periods between rare feeding opportunities!
fed to the freshwater sponge Ephydatiafluviatilis. By They feed by trapping small prey on hook-shaped
monjtoring the movement of the fluorescent n1ate­ spicules that protrude from the surfaces of tentacle­
rial, Schmjdt determined that 30 n1inutes elapsed like structures (Figure 6.13 and 6.14). Trapped prey
from the onset of feeding until the bacteria had been are gradually enveloped by nugrating feeding cells
captured by choanocytes and moved to the base of the that undertake digestion and absorption. Most clado­
cells. Transfer of the fluorescent material to the meso­ rhizids live at great ocean depths, and Asbestopl11111a oc­
hyl com1nenced 30 minutes later. Twenty-four hours cide11talis is the deepest known sponge. Most cladorhi ­
later, fluorescent wastes began to be discharged into zids probably remain undescribed and, unfortunately,
the water, and no fluorescent material remained in the they are common on the tops of seamounts-a habitat
sponges after 48 hours. Additional studies on this same threatened by fisrung and mineral extraction interests.
species led to an estimate of 7,600 choanocyte cham­ However, one species of Asbestop/11111a (A. liypogea)
bers per cubic millimeter of sponge body, each cham­ lives in shallow caves i n the Mediterranean, where it
ber pumping a phenomenal 1,200 times its own vol­ has been the subject of considerable study. One of the
ume of water daily. More complex leuconoid sponges more bizarre cladorhizids is Chondroc/adia lyra (the lyre
have as many as 18,000 choanocyte chambers per cubic sponge), \,vhich has a series of vanes extending
millimeter. In some thin-walled asconoid and simple the central body, each vane in turn with a series of u p ­
syconoid sponges, a distinctive mesohyl is hardly pres­ right side branches, creating a lyre- or harp-like struc­
ent. In these sponges the choanocytes assume both cap­ ture that works for passive suspension capture of small
ture and djgestive/assimilative functions. More recent zooplankters, especially crustaceans. Cladorhizids
studjes have shown that sponges are capable of remov­ apparently lack oscula, ostia, and a canal system, and
ing up to 95% of the bacteria and heterotrophic protists some 1nay even lack choanocytes! Another of the re­
from the water they filter. markable cladorhizid sponges, Cladorliizn methanophiln,
Many sponges appear to also take up significant has been discovered to harbor methanotrophic bacte­
amounts of russolved organic matter (DOM) by pino­ rial syn1bionts in its cells, such as seen in n1any anin1als
cytosis fron1 the water witllin the aquiferous system, inhabiting hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. The
and there is some evidence that this is needed by the sponge thus feeds both by predation and by direct
microbial symbionts within the sponge. Studies have consumption of its mjcrobial symbionts. Recently, spe­
shown that 80% of the organic matter taken in by some cies in several other deep-sea families have shovvn evi­
shallow -water marine sponges can be of a size below dence of canlivory, suggesting that this habit has p e r ­
that resolvable by light microscopy. The other 20% haps evolved several times among tile Demospongiae.
comprises primarily bacteria and dinoflagellates. On Sponges continuously excrete \Vaste from their body
the other hand, some sponges appear to rely very little via the oscuJum. Occasionally, they also undergo a ste­
on DOM for nutrition (e.g., some hexactinellids that reotypic series of whole-body contractions, sometimes
have been studied). Recent studies show that at least called a "sneeze." It appears that these contractions are
some sponges form simple fecal pellets. Experiments stimulated by a reduction in water flow through the os­
on the widespread North Atlantic species Halichondria cula, v.1hich would typically be caused by obstruction
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 237

from an excessive accumulation of particulates that inner osculum epithelium. Unlike most cilia, that pos­
can clog the aquiferous system. The decrease in oscu­ sess the classic 9+2 anatomy, these oscular cilia lack the
lar flow is registered by special short cilia that line the central pair of microtubules and are nonmotile. Their
238 Chapter Six

Figure 6.14 More carnivorous sponges (family

CladorhizidaeJ. (AJ Asbestoptuma desmophora, a tree­
like carnivorous sponge from New Zealand. Large clear Excretion (primarily anunonia) and gas exchange
megascleres are aligned vertically along the main "trunk," are by simple diffusion, much of which occurs across
twisting around it to give a si lky sheen t o the creature. the choanoderm. We have already seen how folding
The small, thin, side branches are covered in microscleres of the body, combined with the presence of an aquif­
that snare passing prey. (BJ The remarkable lyre sponge. erous system, overcomes the surface-to-volume di­
Chondroc/adia lyra, from a depth of 3.5 km off the coast
lemma posed by an increase in size. The efficiency of
of Monterey, Californ i a, reaches 36 cm in height and has
up to six long vanes that grow from the main body, each the poriferan body plan is such that diffusion distances
vane with a parallel series of side branches that are used never exceed about 1.0 mm, the distance a t ,,vhich gas
for passive suspension feeding o f small invertebrates, exchange by diffusion becon1es notably inefficient. In
particu larly crustaceans, using Velcro-like barbed hooks addition, water expulsion vesicles (contractile v a c u ­
(microscleresJ. (CJ A microsclere from Abyssoc/adia c a r ­ oles) occur in freshwater sponges and presumably aid
charias, named for the remarkable shape of the "abys­ in osmoregulation.
sochelae" microscleres, which resemble the jaws of the
great wh ite shark Carcharodon carcharias. (D) Microsclere Activity and Sensitivity
("anisochelae"J of Asbestop/uma agglutinans. In carnivo­
rous sponges, microscleres are involved in snaring prey Sponges do not possess neurons, a nervous system, or
and typically line the sponge's surface. discrete adult sense organs (except for the oscula, see
above), and nothing resembling the synaptic connec­
tions (or gap junctions) of higher Metazoa is known
function see,ns strictly to be the detection of flow rates in these animals. Neuronal synapses, which provide
through the oscula. Such cilia, called "primary cilia" for chemically-mediated and directional nerve impulse
are known from other metazoans, where they typically transmission, do not occur in sponges (these occur in
sense changes in fluid n1ovement. Thus, the sponge os­ every metazoan phylun1 except Porifera and Placozoa).
culu,n can be viewed as a true sense organ-the only Despite the absence of a nervous system, sponges
one known in this phylum! Experimentally de-osculat­ are capable of responding to a variety of environ­
ed sponges cannot be triggered to sneeze. mental stimuli by closure of the ostia or oscula, canal
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 239

constriction, backflow, body contractions that flush perhaps also by diffusion of certain chemical n1essen­
tl1e aquiferous system ("sneezing"), and reorganiza­ gers (hormones, or other kinds of signaling molecules)
tion of flagellated chambers. Acetylcholinesterase, released by cells. The process by which cells commu­
catecholamines, and serotonin have all been shown to nicate with other cells by secreting specific chemicals
be present in sponges and these probably play roles released into the surrounding extracellular matrix is
in coordinating "tissue" contractions, although elec­ called a paracrine signaling, or a paxacrine system,
trophysiological evidence of a conducting mechanism and some workers consider sponges to use this kind of
is still Jacking. Sponge larvae show both positive and cell--<:ell signalmg.
negative phototaxis, depending on whether they are in The contractile myocytes of sponges act as inde­
their planktonic or settling phase. In the demosponge pendent effectors; they are organized mto a nehvork
Reniera, larval photoreceptors are thought to be a p o s ­ formed by contacts between fi.lopodial extensions of
terior ring of columnar monociliated epithelial cells adjacent myocytes and pmacocytes. Response time of
that possess cilia and pigment-filled protrusions. In ad­ myocytes is relatively slow. Latency periods average
dition, the ability to conduct electrical impulses (when 0.01 to 0.04 seconds, and conduction velocities are typi­
stimulated by an electrical probe) has been shown to cally less than 0.04 cm/sec (except iI1 the hexactinellids,
exist in some Hexactinellida, where the absence of cel­ where velocities of 0.30 cm/sec have been recorded).8
lular membranes within the syncytium presumably Conduction is unpolarized and diffuse, and it may
aUo,-vs action currents to spread in a11y direction fron1 rely on both hormones (or other signalmg Lnolecules)
sites of depolarization. When the action currents reach and direct mechanical action of one cell on the next.
choanocytes within the trabecular network, choano­ Considerable research once focused on the myocytes
cyte activity is suppressed. In aU sponges, the "default'' in attempts to shed light on the possible presence of a
behavior seems to be active pumping by the choano­ sponge nervous system analogous or homologous to
cytes to keep the aquiferous system functioning; and that in higher Metazoa. But, in spite of these efforts,
the usual effect of environmental stimuli is to reduce or there has been no verification of such a system.
stop the flow of water through the aquiferous system.
For example, when suspended particulates become Reproduction and Development
too large or too concentrated, sponges 1,vilJ respond by A l l sponges are capable of sexual reproduction, and
closing the incurrent openings and immobilizing the several types of asexual processes are also common.
choanocyte flagella. Indeed, sponges have long been Many of the details of these processes are urtknown,
known to contract their ostia and oscula, and portions ho,.,vever, largely because sponges lack distmct or lo­
of their canal system, although the rates of propaga­ calized gonads (gametes and embryos can generally
tion are very slow. Direct physical stimulation will also occur throughout the mesohyl). All hexactinellids, ho­
elicit this reaction, which is easily observed by sitnply moscleromorphans, and calcareous sponges are prob­
rtuming one's finger across a sponge surface and ob­ ably viviparous, as are most demosponges.
serving the dermal pore or oscular contractions with a
hand lens or l o w -power n1icroscope. ln addition, the Asexual reproduction Probably all sponges are capa­
mesohyl of son1e species has been shown to react to ble of regenerating viable adults from fragments. Many
mechanical stimulation by stiffening. species "pinch off" buds of various types (Figure 6.15)
Choanocyte pumping activity also varies vvith cer­ by a process of celJular reorganization, whereas in oth­
tain endogenous factors. For example, during a 1najor ers (especiaUy branching species) pieces of the sponge
growth phase, such as canal or chamber reorganiza­ body are siJnply broken off by storm surges. Either "'ay,
tion, activity typically decreases. the dislodged pieces fall off and regenerate into new
Periods of reproductive activity also cause a substan­ individuals. This regenerative ability was once com­
tial decrease in water pumping, in part because many monly used by commercial sponge farmers, who prop­
choanocytes are expended i n the reproduction pro­ agated their sponges by attachit1g "cuttings" to sub­
cess (see next section). Even under normal conditions, n1erged rocks or cen1ent blocks. Even today, iI1 Pohnpei
variations i n pumping rates occur. Some sponges cease (Federated States of Micronesia) sponge farmers strmg
pumping activity periodically, for a few minutes or for cuttings of Cosci11oder11111 111athe.vsi on lines in lagoons,
hours at a time; others cease activity for several days growing them into large bath sponges. Additional asex­
at a time-reasons for these changes in activity are not ual processes of poriferans mclude formation of gem­
always apparent. mules and reduction bodies, buddmg, and possibly for­
The switch from full pumping activity to complete mation of asexual larvae.
cessation requires at least several minutes; consider­
mg the orgaJ1ism, however, this is a fairly fast response
8 1t has been suggested that, in hcxactinellids, the syncytium serves
titne. The spread of stimulation-and-response iI1 most
as an electrical conduction pathway, propagating impulses along
sponges appears to be by simple mechanical action its membranes that trigger flagellar arrests in the flagellated
(stimulation from one cell t o the adjacent cells) and chambers.
240 Chapter Six

(A) (6)


Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal), and Malawispongiidae

(from the ancient lakes of the Great African Rift Valley,
through the Middle East, and to Sulawesi Island in the
Indian Ocean).
The formation and eventual growth of gemmules
are remarkable examples of poriferan cell totipotency.
As winter approaches, archaeocytes aggregate in the
mesohyl and undergo rapid mitosis. "Nurse cells,"
called trophocytes, stream to the archaeocyte mass and
are engulfed by phagocytosis. The result is a mass of
archaeocytes containing food reserves stored in elabo­
rate vitelline platelets. This entire 1nass eventually b e ­
Figure 6.15 Budding in three demosponge species comes surrounded by a three -layered spongin cover­
from New Zealand. (A) Tethya burtoni. (BJ Stelletta sp. ing. Developing gernmoscleres, amphidisc spicules
(C) Tethya bergquistae. (spicules having a stellate disk at each end) in most
species, are transported by their parent cells to the
growing gem1nule and incorporated into the spongin
envelope. The final bit of the gemmule to be enclosed
1n freshwater sponges, small spherical structures by the spongin case i s covered only by a single layer of
called gemmules are produced at the onset of winter spongiJ1 that is devoid of spicules; this single-layered
(Figure 6.16). These dorn1ant, o v e r -wintering bod­ patch is the micropyle. Thus formed, hibernation of the
ies are invested with a thick collagenous coating in gernmule co1nmences, while the parent sponge usually
which supportive siliceous microscleres (gemmo­ dies and disintegrates-such species can be thought of
scleres) are embedded. Gemmules are highly resistant as "annuas. 1 ,,
to both freezing and drying. The gemn1ules of son1e When environn1ental conditions are again favor­
species c a n withstand exposure to -70°C for up to an able, the micropyle opens and the first archaeocytes
hour, whereas others experience mortality at -10°C. begin t o flow out (Figure 6.16C). They immediately
Experiments suggest that gemmules of at least of some flow onto the substratum, whereupon they begin to
species can also withstand seasonal anoxic conditions. construct a framework of new pinacoderm and cho­
Fossil gemmules have been fow1d as far back as the anoderm. The second wave of archaeocytes to leave
Cretaceous, and these ancient forms are very similar to the gemmule colonizes this framework. In the course
modern ones. Gemmule morphology is highly specific of gemmule "hatching," and in an impressive example
and is used diagnostically at the family, genus, and of cellular totipotency, archaeocytes quickly give rise
even species levels. Three of the six freshwater sponge to every cell type of the adult sponge. Gemmule d o r ­
fa1nilies do not produce ge1nmules: Lubornirskiidae mancy appears to b e of two types, a quiescence and
and Metschinkowiidae (both known only from the a true diapause. Quiescence i s imposed by generally
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 241

(A) (B) Micropyle


. I(__ ✓�

Fully formed
reduction body

Later stage in formation

of clustered archaeocytes


Archaeocytes streaming
out of open micropylc

Figure 6.16 Gemmules and reduction bodies in

sponges. (A) Reduction bodies forming in a mari ne
sponge. (B) A gemmule (in section) of a freshwater
sponge (Spongi llidae). (C) A gemmule ( i n section) of the
freshwater sponge Spongilla in the process of hatching.
(D,E) Gemmule (SEMs) of Anheteromeyenia argyrosperma

unfavorable conditions, including low temperatures, Sexual processes The ancient origin of sponges is
and it ends when suitable conditions return. Diapause, reflected in their extreme variability of reproductive
on the other hand, typical of annual species, is imposed and developmental strategies. Many are hermaph­
b y a combination of endogenous n1echanisms and roditic, but they typically produce eggs and spenn at
adverse environn1ental conditions. The breaking of a different times. This sequential hern1aphroditisn1 may
diapause state typically requires exposure to very low take the form of protogyny or protandry, and the sex
temperatures for a prescribed number of days. change may occur only once, or an individual may
Many marine species produce asexual reproductive repeatedly alternate between male and female. ln some
bodies (called reduction bodies) that are roughly simi­ species, individuals appear to be permanently male or
lar to freshwater geirunules, though much simpler in female. In still other species, some individuals are per­
design and cell wall structure, and these incorporate a manently gonochoristic, whereas other individuals in
variety of amebocytes. And, in several genera of m a ­ the same population are hermaphroditic. In all cases,
rine sponges (e.g., Hnliclonn, Clznlin11/n) asexual repro­ cross-fertilization is probably the rule.
ductive bodies very similar to gemmules are fonned, Although sponge embryogenesis shares many c a r ­
with a spongin coat containing spicules (oxeas). dinal features �vith higher Metazoa, including the
242 Chapter Six

(B) (C)


:. ,··h"'i,;•
.. . '<

Nucleus •

(D) (E)

• .• •
t.�-.., (.

.·.j1)) .,,...
• • •

• .
• �'

I '
·, # '\': ..

Figure 6.17 Sexual reproduction in Demospongia. Thoosa. The armoring consists of flat plates that are actu­
(A) Sperm follicle (in sect ion) containing mature sperma­ ally highly modifi ed spicules (called discotrienaenes). The
tozoa. (B) An oocyte (in section) of Ephydatia fluviatilis is long fibers emerging from the larva are a lso modified spic­
phagocytizing a trophocyte. Inside the oocyte is a tropho­ ules that presumably aid in flotation. (D) Sperm rel ease
cyte that was recently ingested. (C) The unusual armored from Xestospongia muta. Flori da. (E) Oocyte release in
"hoplitomella larva" typical of boring sponges in the genus Xestospongia muta, Florida.

uniquely metazoan process of programmed cleavage spermatogonia, or when transformed cl1oanocytes

and tissue layering through the process of embryonic migrate into the mesohyl and aggregate there (Figure
n1orphogenesis that we regard as true gastrulation, it 6.17A). During oogenesis, solitary oocytes typically de­
also expresses great variability. In fact, the range of on­ velop within cysts surrounded by a layer of follicle cells
togenetic adaptation among sponges is so broad that it and, sometimes, nurse cells (trophocytes) (Figure 6.17B).
is difficult to generalize about their development. The In Demospongiae and Calcarea, mature sperm and
same cleavage pattern and blastula type may lead to (in the case of demosponge oviparity) oocytes are re­
several different larval types, and the saine larval types leased into the environn1ent through the aquiferous
n1ay develop from different cleavage patterns. Overall, system. The rapid release of sperm fron1 sponge oscuJa
sponges appear to have remained at an "experimental can b e highly visible and quite dramatic, and such i n ­
grade" of development, in which fixed cleavage pat­ dividuals are often referred to as "smoking sponges"
terns and modes of gastrulation are not yet well estab­ (Figure 6.17D). Sperm release may be synchronized in
lished, and a variety of developmentaJ processes are a local population or restricted to certain individuals.
exploited among various lineages. This extreme devel­ Fertilization takes place in the water (oviparity) lead­
opmental variation is described below. ing to platlktonic larvae, or within the female sponge
Sperm appear to arise primarily from choano­ itself (viviparity). Tn the viviparous coral-boring
cytes; eggs from choanocytes or archaeocytes. sponge Cliona vermifera, eacl1 zygote inside the sponge
Spermatogenesis usually occurs in distinct spermatic body becomes encapsulated; these are eventually re­
cysts (= sperm follicles), which form either when all leased into the water in a series of rapid pulsations of
the cells of a c11oanocyte cl1amber are transformed into the aquiferous system. In viviparous species, sperm
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 243

(A) Oocyte (8)


Choanocyte Transfer
Sperm choanocyte
Figure 6.18 Fertilization in the calcareous sponge. choanocyte gives up its sperm to the egg; note that the
(A) Sperm are trapped by choanocytes; an egg is lying in egg lies next to the choanodem1 and that the choanocyte
the mesohyl adjacent to the choanoderm. (B) A transfer has lost its flagellum.

(probably from a different individual) are taken into described. In fact, a number of embryogenic pathways
the aquiferous system and then n1ust then cross the occur i n sponges that do not occw· in any other Metazoa
cellular barrier of the choanoderm, enter the mesohyl, (e.g., multipolar egression in Homoscleromorpha,
locate the oocytes, penetrate the follicular barrier, and polarized delamination in some demosponges). Since
finally fertilize the egg. In all studied species of the sub­ the 1990s, significant new work has altered our view
class Calcaronea, this impressive feat involves sperm of developn1ent in this phylum although many ques­
capture by choanocytes and enclosure in an intracellu­ tions still remain. The diversity of sponge develop­
lar vesicle (somewhat like the formation of a "benign mentaI pathvvays is remarkable, and in some instances
food vacuo.le"). The choanocyte then loses its collar the same cleavage pattern and blastula type may be
and flagellum and migrates through the mesohyl as characteristic of several different larval types. On the
an ameboid cell, transporting the sperm to the oocyte other hand, the same larval type n1ay arise fron1 very
(Figure 6.18A). The migratory choanocyte is called different cleavage patterns. For example, the parenc11y­
a carrier cell, or transfer choanocyte (Figure 6.188). mella Jarva of Reniera (Demospongiae: Haplosclerida)
Choanocytes no doubt regularly consun1e and digest develops as a result of cl1aotic (seemingly unpattemed)
the uniucky sperm of different species of sponges and cleavage and mu.ltipolar delamination, \vhereas the
other benthic invertebrates but, by some as yet unde­ parenchymella larva of Halisarca (Oe1nospongiae:
scribed recognition mechanism, they respond with a Halisarcida) arises by polyaxial cleavage and multipo­
remarkably different behavior t o sperm of their own lar ingression.
kind. Presumably this process is dfrected by cell sur• Mucl1 of the confusion surrounding sponge embryo­
face proteins/glycoproteins. genesis has centered on the question of when gastrula­
In viviparous species, embryos are typically released tion occurs. Many older studies had reported that, dur­
as mature swimming larvae via the excurrent plumb­ ing larval development, the external ciliated cells lost
ing of the aquiferous system, or through a rupture in their cilia and mjgrated internally, whereupon they
the parent's body wall. La1·vae may settle directly, they differentiated into adult choanocytes. These studies
may swim about for several hours or a few days b e ­ suggested that larvae formed in such a way represent­
fore settling, or they may simply move about the sub­ ed the blastula stage, with later gastrulation coinciding
stratum until ready to attach. In all sponge species that with larval metamorphosis. Such an embryonic pro­
have been studied, the larvae are lecithotrophic. In gen­ cesses, producing blastular larvae, would n1ake spong­
eral, littoral sponges tend to produce planktonic larvae, es unique among metazoans. However, recent work
whereas the larvae of subtidal species tend to settle d i ­ suggests that this migration/inversion of cell layers
rectly or move about on the ocean floor for a few days during larval developn1ent was probably a misinter­
before beginning to grow into a new adult individual. pretation in most if not all cases, and in fact sponge
larvae probably represent post-gastrulation stage indi­
Embryogenesis and larvae Until fairly recently, viduals (as with most other metazoan larvae). Cell mi­
larval development in sponges was surrounded b y a grations such as these do occur in some poriferans, but
great deal of mystery, partly because it had not been only after embryogenesis has formed a fully differenti­
well studied and partly because huge variation exists. ated bi- or t r i -layered larva, and such cell movements
The broad array of blastulation/gastrulation processes are thus not related to gastrulation. It now seems that
and larval types seen in sponges is mind boggling, most, if not all, sponge larvae derive from cellular reor­
and many different, but distinct larval types have been ganization that can be equated (though not necessarily
244 Chapter Six

directly homologized) with gastrulation processes seen and polyaxial cleavage. Chaotic cleavage (seentingly
in other metazoans. Thus, gastrulation precedes the random, or unpatten1ed) is character.istic of tnany de­
larval stage, and probably no sponge larvae represent mosponges. In table palintomy, the cleavage furrows
biastula stages.9 pass obliquely relative to the egg's animal-vegetal
Specialists have long wondered what the original, axis; this form of cleavage occurs in some calcareous
or ancestral cleavage pattern in sponges (and Metazoa) sponges (Calcaronea). It is also reminiscent of the green
might be-most researchers would probably vote for algal genus Vo/vox and several other colonial protists.
radial cleavage, and indeed this form of cleavage i s However, the Calcaronea also undergo an utterly
seen in many demosponges, although it is not knovvn unique process of inversion of the blastula, and this
from any other sponge class. At least three other forms has led some workers to suggest that palintomy is an
of holoblastic cleavage have been described: chaotic aberrant cleavage process. Polyaxial cleavage is char­
(also knovvn as "anarchic") cleavage, table palintomy, acteristic of the genus Halisarca and possibly also the
Calcinea (Calcarea). It is characterized by cleavage fur­
rows that form perpendicular to the surface of the em­
9The question of whether-or-n ot, and when, gastrulation occurs bryo during the transition fro1n the 8 to 16-cell stage,
in sponges has long been debated. In fact, ii depends on how one with axes of sy1nmetry that radiate at certain angles
defines "gastrulation." Some workers define gastrulation simply
as the epithelialization of embryos, thus cle.irly indicating sponges from the center of the embryo; however, after the 16-
undergo gastrulation. Other workers define it as the embryogenic cell stage division becomes chaotic.
process through which metazoan ectoderm and endoderm, and Although sponge embryogeny is highly variable, all
a gut are derived; but, of course, sponges have no guts and their
inner and outer cell layers appear not lo be homologous to the species go through an ordered sequence of blastomere
epithelia of higher metazoans, and on this basis one could argue divisions and movements leading to morphogenesis of
that gastrulation does not occur in Porifera. Spo ,,gologists follow­ larval tissue structures (which \Ve consider to be gas­
ing this line of logic refer to "embryonic morphogenesis" rather trulation) and formation of a larval axis that is often
than "gastrulation." Still others have defined poriferan gastrula­
tion as the process of metamorphosis from larva to adult, when referred to as an anterior-posterior axis. Spongologists
the choanocyte chrunbers are formed. In this book, we define have so far recognized at least seven types of sexual
gastrulation (in the general sense) as the reorganization of cells of
the blastula to form multiple embryonic germ layers-the tissues development in sponges, recognized by their resul­
upon which all subsequent development depends. Gastrulation, tant larval forms, but continued research may reveal
in most cases, creates the separation of those cells that must even n1ore: (1) trichimella larva (Hexactinellida), (2)
interact directl y with the environment, and those that process
materials taken in from the environment. Thus, astrulation is a calciblastula larva (Calcarea: Calcinea), (3) amphi­

keystone, defining feature of the Metazoa. By our definition then, blastula larva (Calcarea: Calcaronea), (4) cinctoblas­
gastrulation in sponges takes place during formation of the Jarva, tula larva (H.omosdero1norpha), (5) disphaerula larva
when the first germ layers are laid down, regardless of the pro­
cess. It is worth noting, however, that the absence of solid cell-ceU (Demospongiae: Halisarcidae), (6) direct development
adhesion, and the ability of sponge cells to become mobile, might (Demospongiae, Tetractinellida, Teti/In), and (7) p a r ­
argue against true gastrulation in sponges because there is not enchymelJa larvae (most Demospongiae). These seven
necessarily conservation of cells in specific germ layers.
Interestingly, the term "gastrulation" derives from the name developmental path\vays are depicted in Figure 6.19
given by Emst Haeckel (in 1872) to a stage in the development of and described below. The anterior flagellated pole of
calcareous sponges, his gastrula stage, a ciliated egg-shaped larva swi.Jnming sponge larvae (e.g., amphiblastula, ciJ1cto­
that settles to the benthos and, according to Haeckel, formed a
"mouth and a gut." Haeckel claimed that the gastrula stage could blastula, parenchymella; Figure 6.20) putatively c o r ­
be found in the development of all animals, a ,,d thus represents responds to the animal pole of other metazoan larvae,
the recapitulation of the ancestral metazoon, a hypothetical ances­ and it is this pole tJ,at gives rise to tJ,e internal choano­
tor he called the gastraea-a djploblastic animal with a ciliated
gut.This recapitulation, he argued, was proof that the Metazoa derm, while ameboid cells at the posterior pole gener­
are monophyletic. Until recently, only one other observation of ate the outer layer (pinacoderm) of the adult sponge.
Haeckel's "gastrula" stage in calcareous sponges had been made, Homologues of metazoan developmental genes
by the German philosopher and biologist Ernst Hammer, in
1908. And yet, "gastn,lalion by invagination" has been widely are just beginning to be described from Porifera, but
conceived, for over a hundred years, to be the ancestral mode of many more should b e revealed soon with the recent
germ layer formation in animals. The conundrum, of course, is completion of a "complete genon1e" for the den10-
that we now know sponges don't form a typical metazoan gut,
so the transient cavity forrned by invagination during settlement sponge A1nphi111edo11 q11ee11s/a11dicn. Already, a diversity
cannot represent a future gut.An outstandjng sponge biologist of metazoan homeobox genes have been identified in
by the nan,e of Sally Leys has recently shown that what Haeckel sponges, and in A. quee11s/a11dica a broad range of tran­
(ru,d later Hammer) witnessed was a very brief transitory stage in
which the anterior cells of a settled calcareous sponge larva invag­ scription factor gene classes, many of which appear
inate into the posterior half of the larva. However, the "inva ina­
to be metazoan specific, are expressed during devel­
tion hole" closes completely and it is not until some days later opment. However, the possible homologies of adult
that the sponge forms an osculum (not a gut!) at its apical pole.
Hence, there is no reason to assume that this transitory 11 astrulaU sponge tissues to metazoan endoderm and ectoderm

stage is a precursor for formation of a gut via invagination in remain quite uncertain, and for this reason the tenns
higher ,mimals.Further, it is the earlier formation of the two cel­ "gastrodermis" and "epidermis" are used for sponges
lular regions of the larva that comprises the actual gastrulation
event (whereas metamorphosis upon settlement involves the reor­ to avoid implications of embryological homology (and
ganization of these already dHferentiated regions). the inner mesohyl layer certainly does not appear to
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 245

Type of development Cleavage Blastula Morphogenesis Larvae




• 0

Cinctoblastt�a '•


Dire<:t developme,u

• 0

•• •
0 0

• •
, 0

•• •• • •

Figure 6.19 Schematic diagram summarizing the various types of

development and their resultant larvae in different groups of Porifera;
see text for details.
246 Chapter Six

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E)
Figure 6.20 Some sponge larvae.
(A) Calciblastula larva of Clathrina contorta
(Calcarea: Calcinea). (B) Cinctoblastula larva
of Plakina trilopha (Homoscleromorpha).
(C) Di sphaerula larva of Halisarca dujardini
(Demospong iae). (D) Parenchymella larva of
lrcinia oros (Demospongiae). (E) Trichimella larva
of Oopsacas minuta (Hexactinellida).

be homologous to the mesoderm of higher Metazoa). outer cells, and one or two posterior granular cells.
This inability to directly homologize sponge tissues After larval release, and just prior to larval attachment
with those of higher Metazoa is one of the reasons to the substrate, in some species, son,e cells loose their
some workers reject using the term "gastrulation" for cilia and ingress into the blastocoel via ingression.
Porifera. With the exception of the homoscleromorph In the subclass Calcaronea, oocytes differentiate
demosponges, typical epithelial anatomy (with Lmder­ from choanocytes and move into the mesohyl. After
lying basal lamina) appears to be lacking in sponges. a period of growth they n1igrate to the periphery of
The ability of pinacocytes to nugrate into the mesohyl the sponge. Cleavage is total and equal, and the first
and convert to other cell types has also argued against three are meridional. The fourth division (at least in
considering this layer to be true ectodermalJy-derived Leucosolenin) is oblique, almost exactly like the cleav­
epithelium (the motility of pinacocytes has been as• age in the colonial green alga Vo/vox-a type of cleav­
cribed to the general absence of specialized desmoson1- age referred to as table palintorny. The resulti11g en,­
al junctions an,ong these cells). bryo is a c u p s- haped blastula, with a small opening at
Because there is so much variation in sponge devel­ the side closest to the choanoderm. While most of the
opmental processes, each class is reviewed separately celJs continue to cleave in the same manner, forming a
below. single-layered epithelium, a few that lie directly unde.r
the choanoderm do not; these remain rnuch larger than
Calcarea So far as is known, all calcareous sponges the other cells, viit h their cytoplasm filled with large
are viviparous. In the subclass Cakinea, oocytes devel­ yolk granules. The most unusual feature of the calca­
op within the mesohyl and grow in size (by phagocy­ ronean embryo is that cilia, ,vhich differentiate on the
tizing neighboring an1ebocytes). Embryos also develop micromeres, project into the center of the blastocoel
in the mesohyl and cleavage is total and equal to pro­ (inverted, compared with those in all other sponge
duce a holJow blastula Jarva (coeloblastula). The coelo­ embryos); this stage is called a stomoblastula (Figure
blastula of some species has two types of celJs: ciliated 6.21B-D). To reach the final orientation, the embryo
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 247

(f3) (C)

' '°" •'r'
- choanocytes




Figure 6.21 "Coeloblastula" and amphiblastula larvae itself inside out to form an amphiblastula larva w i th exter•
( in section). (A) Typical "coeloblastula" larva with its pos­ nally directed flagella. (E) A typical amphiblastula larva
teri or "macromeres." (B-0) During the remarkable process (Sycon). (F) Settled young sponge (Sycon) after invagina­
of inversion in Sycon (= Scypha), the stomoblastula turns tion of f lagellated cells.

actually turns itself inside out. To do this, the ciliated represent gastrulation. Once settled, they quickly w,­
blastomeres move upwards and through the opening dergo metamorphosis into a juvenile (sexually imma­
as a "single epithelium," into the choanocyte cha1n­ ture) sponge.10 During metamorphosis, the aJ1terior
ber (n,uch as a bag is turned inside out). The resulting cells loose their cilia and n,igrate in to forn, an inner
larva i s an amphiblastula (Figure 6.21E), composed cell 1nass; some of these cells differentiate into choano­
of anterior ciliated cells, posterior granular cells, and cytes, while others remain amoeboid. Metamorphosis
inner nutritive amebocytes. of these larvae seems to involve a rapid proliferation
The free-swimming amphiblastula larvae of Sycon of the "macron,eres" to forn, pinacoderrn that o v e r ­
(class Calcaronea) exit the parent sponge via the oscu­ grows the flagellated hemisphere. The flagellated cells
ltun and settle witllin 12 hours, attaching by their cilia, pocket inward to form a chamber lined with cells des­
which are thought to be adhesive (probably via gly­ tined to become choanocytes (Figure 6.21F). An oscu­
coproteins on the cell surface). ln some cases, larvae lum breaks through, and the tiny asconoid-like sponge
settle on their anterior end, on the hole left from the becomes capable of circulating water and feeding. This
earlier invagination event. The hole is thus unrelated
to the future oscuhun (nor is it a primitive "mouth" 1
°1nis is the stage that Ernst Haeckel focused upon as the root of
of any kind); it is, in fact, engulfed by the newly form­ gastrulation. Haeckel, however, mistook the amphiblastula for
ing epithelium of the metamorphosing larva. Thus, a bi layered planula larva and claimed a number of observations
the transient cavity that is fonned by invagination is tl,at have never been repeated. It is likely that the microscopical
tools that Haeckel had were simply insufficient to resolve the r a p ­
not the future osculum of the sponge, as Ernst Haeckel idly unfolding changes during embryogenesis and metamorphosis
long-ago intimated, and this invagination does not in Syco11.
248 Chapter Six

initial functional stage is called an olynthus (Figure cysts within the mesohyl, and in n1ost demosponges,
6.SA). After further growth, it will become an asco­ notably in fresb,,vater species, these derive fron1 c h o ­
noid, syconoid, or leuconoid adult, depending upon anocytes. Oocytes may be isolecithal or telolecithal,
the species. and they usually arise from archaeocytes in the meso­
hyl-although in the family Lubomirskiidae (freshwa­
Hexactinellida Because reproductive individuals in ter sponges in Lake Baikal) they are thought to derive
this class are rarely encountered, and most species live from choanocytes-and they may be accompanied by
in deep water, almost all of our knowledge on devel­ yolk-rich nurse cells, or follicular cells, that form a thick
opment comes fron, a fe,-v small cave-dwelling species coating around them, the yolk being incorporated into
that are accessible by SCUBA. Although based upon the cytoplasm of the oocytes. Spawning of eggs and
studies of only a few species, a general overview of sperm has been Jinked to lw1ar cycles in son1e species,
glass sponge development is as follows. Hexacti.nellids as in many higher invertebrates. Fertilization is usually
are probably all viviparous. Gametes arise from groups external.
of archaeocytes that are suspended withi.n the trabec­ Cleavage appears to be complete, equal or unequal,
ular reticulum. Each archaeocytes cluster is called a often chaotic, and (at least in some species) produce
congery, and all the cells are co1mected by cytoplas­ micromeres and macromeres. The former develop a c i l ­
mic bridges (although mature oocytes are independent ium, and eventually both types segregate out until the
cells). I t is not yet known how sperm find oocytes or ciliated n1icromeres cover the periphery of the e1nbryo
how fertilization occurs. Oeavage to the 3 2 c- ell stage (a process termed n1ultipolar delamination). At this
is total, equal, and asynchronous. The first cleavage is point, the embryo may be a solid blastula (stereoblastu­
generally meridional, and the second e.ither equatorial la), or a coeloblastula (although the central cavity may
or rotational. By the 16- and 32-cell stage, the embryo is be filled with bacteriocytes and small granular cells
a hollow blastula. The following cleavages are unequal, of the follicle layer). Many species appear to produce
producing smaller micromeres that lie on the outside parenchymella larvae that are polarized and possess a
and larger yolk-r ich macromeres on the inside. Even ciliated outer layer. Settlement seems to occur quickly,
the earliest micromeres are connected to one anoth­ and in some species the eggs are released in a mucus
er by cytoplasmic bridges. The macromeres divide mass and a planktonic larval stage is absent (larvae de­
unequally, gradually filling the center of the blasto­ velop upon the substratum near the parent sponge).
coel, and eventually they envelop the micromeres Among the Den1ospongiae, t h e genus Halisarcn
with massive filopodia. Uniquely, these cells then fuse stands out in several ways. It completely lacks a skele­
to form a single multinucleated giant tissue, the new ton, and has mixed developmental pathways (that have
trabecular syncytium, which completely envelops the been studied for over 100 years). Most, or all species
micromeres. l n this way, the embryo gains its outer e p i ­ are gonochoristic and viviparous. Spern1atocytes origi­
thelium. The formation o f micromeres was originally nate from choanocytes via spermatic cysts. Oocytes
considered to represent gastrulation by cellular delarni­ also derive from choanocytes, and during vitellogen­
nation. However, the epithelialization of the larva-the esis symbiotic bacteria characteristic of the mesohyl
enveloping of the micromeres by the incipient trabecu­ of adults are incorporated into the oocyte. Cleavage is
lar reticulu m-is probably better viewed as the true total and equal, producing a hollow blastula. In many
gastrulation event. The fully differentiated hexactinel­ cases, cells invade the blastocoel by both multipolar
lid larva i s a trichirnella (Figure 6.19). The major t i s ­ and unipolar ingression. Cil.ia appear on the external
sue of the larva is the syncytial trabecular reticulum, cells of the 3 2 - to 6 4 -cell stage blastula, while i n t e r ­
continuous throughout the larva including its surface nal cells differentiate to become archaeocytes. At this
"epithelium." After swimming for one to several days, point, things get strange, because three very different
the larva settles on its anterior, lipid-filled pole and kinds of larvae can now develop, even within the same
undergoes metamorphosis. The flagellated cells of individual parent sponge. The first is a coeloblastula,
the trichirnella are n1ulticiliated cells, which is unique with a single layer of surface cells surrounding a small
among the sponges. lumen. The second is a parenchymella that has an outer
layer surrounding an inner cell mass of amoeboid cells.
Demospongiae The class Demospongiae is large and The third has two layers of epithelial cells, one external
diverse-without an easily characterized or uniform and the other internal, that line a small lumen; this type
develop1nental pattern. Detailed recent e1nbryologi­ of larva is called a disphaerula. All three types are po­
cal studies have been acco1nplished for only a dozen larized by external patterns of ciliation, and all swim
or so species. Both viviparity and oviparity occur in by rotating in a left-handed direction.
this class. Development is highly varied among the
orders, families, genera, and in so1ne cases even within Homoscleromorpha The eggs of homoscleromorphs
single species. Spermatocytes may develop in special are isolecithal, rich i n yolk inclusions, and completely
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 249

surrow1ded by a follicle formed of parental endopina­ Some Additional Aspects

cocytes . Cleavage is holoblastic and equal. At the third
division, cleavage becotnes irregular and async11Io­
of Sponge Biology
nous, and proceeds to form a solid morula of undif­ Some basic sponge ecology has been presented in the
ferentiated yolk-rich blastomeres. At about the 64-cell previous sections of this chapter. Ho,-vever, because
stage, the outer layer of the n1orula begins to differenti­ sponges play such important roles in so many marine
ate. The blastomeres close to the surface divide more habitats, and because they are intrinsically interesting
actively, while the internal cells migrate to the periph­ i n their phylogenetic "primitiveness," we add here
ery of the embryo to gradually form a monolayered some additional aspects of their natural history.
larva with a central cavity that contains symbiotic
bacteria and maternally secreted cells. The resulting Distribution and Ecology
embryo is a hollow coeloblastula, and as the outer layer Certain rustributional patterns are evident among the
differentiates the cells grow cilia. So far as is known, four classes of sponges. Calcareous sponges (and cor­
the centrifugal mjgration of cells from the center to the alline demosponges) are far more abundant in shal­
periphery of the 1norula, to form the coeloblastula, is low waters (less than 200 m), although they are not
unique not only \-Vi thin Porifera but for all of Metazoa. uncomn1on a t slope depths, and a few species (par­
This unusual process has been termed multipolar ticularly Sycon; Figure 6.21) have even been reported
egression. The ciliated cells of the outermost layer from depths to 3,800 m. Hexactinellids, which were
becon,e elongate (colunmar) and are cl.osely linked b y co.mmon in shaUo"' seas of past eras, are now largely
desmoso1ne-like junctions. restricted to depths below 200 m, except in extremely
Loose collagen fibrils fill most of the internal cavity cold environments (such as western Canada and Alas­
as the coeloblastula matures into a larva. However, im­ ka, New Zealand, and Antarctica), ,-vhere some spe­
mediately below the outermost cell layer there devel­ cies occur in shallow waters. Demosponges live at all
ops a tough extracellular matrix of consolidated colla­ depths, whereas hon1oscleromorphs occur from the
gen fibrils, and beneath that there is a second layer of continental shelf to around 1,000 m depth. Calcareous
more loosely consolidated collagen fibrils. These two sponges n,ay be restricted largely to shallow waters
layers of collagen constitute a basement membrane because they require a firn, substratum for attachment.
similar to the one found below the pinacoderm and On the other hand, many demosponges and hexacti­
choanoderm of adult homoscleromorphs. (A similar nellids grow on soft seruments, attaching by means of
network of extracellular matrix has been described rootlike spicule tufts or mats. The coralline sponges,
from beneath the larval epithelium of one demosponge once a predominant group on shallow tropical reefs,
larva. ) The outermost cell layer of homoscleromorph are now largely restricted to shaded crevices and caves,
larvae i s a true epithelium, homologous to that seen to subreef depths, or to warn1-temperate waters where
in adult sponges and in other Metazoa, its cells being their potential competitors (the hermatypic corals) can­
columnar and producing a basement membrane/basal not grow (Figure 6.2L). They are thought to be relicts
lan,ina. of n1ajor reef-constructing sponge clades of Mesozoic
As development continues, the central cavity is and Paleozoic seas.
progressively filled by collagen fibrils (along with the Altl,ough sponges are very sensitive to suspended
symbiotic bacteria) and the larval epithelium becomes sediment in ilieir environment, they seem to be quite
regionaJly differentiated, giving tl1e larva a syn1.metry resistant to hydrocarbon and heavy n1etal contan1ina­
that most regard as truly anterior-posterior. The homo­ tion. Many species can actually accumulate these con­
scleromorph larva was originally called an "an1plublas­ taminants without apparent harm, and may be seen,
tula" because it was thought to possess two fairly dis­ for example, in the ferric granules on the spongin skel­
tinct regions, one ciliated and the other not. However, eton of fibrous bath sponges from intertidal regions.
n1orphogenesis in sponges of this group is not at all like The capacity of certain species to accutnulate 1netals
that of sponges in the Calcaronea (a group for wluch the at far higher levels than that of the an1bient environ­
amphiblastula Jarva is characteristic), and the larvae are ment has been suggested as a possible defense mecha­
in fact completely ciliated. Thus it was suggested that nism (anti-predation, anti fouling). Detergents also do
ilie homoscleromorph larva be called a cinctoblastula, not appear to affect many sponges, and in fact may
a term which more accurately describes its rustinctive even serve as a source of nutrition for these amazingly
feature of paracrystaUine intranuclear inclusions that adaptable anin1als.
from a belt around the posterior pole. The free-swim­ Sponges are the dominant anin1als in a great many
m ing cinctoblastula larva is ovoid or pear shaped, benthic marine habitats. Most rocky littoral regions
wider at the anterior pole than ilie posterior pole, and harbor enormous numbers of sponges, a n d they
the entire surface is ciliated. All larvae that have been often occur in vast numbers (and large sizes) arow1d
observed swin1 l.\1 ith a left-handed rotation. Antarctica. Although many animals prey on sponges,
250 Chapter Six

the amount of serious damage they do is usually slight.

Some tropical fishes (e.g., some angelfish) and turtles
(e.g., hawksbill turtles) crop certain kinds of sponges, a
number of sea stars and shelled gastropods are sponge
predators, and smaller predators (mainly opistho­
branchs that closely match the prey sponge's color) c o n ­
sume limited amounts of living sponge material in both
warm and temperate seas. Overall, however, sponges
appear to b e very stable and long-lived animals, per­
haps in part due to their spicules and toxic or distasteful
compounds that discourage would-be predators.

Biochemical Agents
Seashore explorers and SCUBA divers quickly no­
tice that sponges are just about everyv-rhere, except
on shallow sandy habitats. Most grow on open rock Figure 6.22 Siphonodictyon coralliphagum infests the
or occasionally mud surfaces where they are obvi­ hermatypic coral Siderastrea siderea on a Caribbean reef.
ously exposed to potential predation. Clearly, some Note the "dead zone" between the oscular chimneys of
the sponge and the coral polyps.
mechanism(s) n1ust be working to prevent these ani­
mals from being cropped excessively by predators. The
primary defense mechanisms in sponges are mechani­
cal (skeletal structures) and biochemical. Studies have are active against viruses, were found in the tropical
also show that sponges manufacture a surprisingly sponge Tectitethya (= Tecthya) crypta. This led to the d e ­
broad spectrum of biotoxins, some of ,-vhich are quite velopment of a number of important drugs that are in
potent. A few, such as Ted1111ia and Neofibu/aria, can use today, including A r a C - (Citarabina®), sold under
cause painful skin rashes in humans. the trade name Cytosar-u®, by Pharmacia & Upjohn.
Research in sponge biochemistry has also revealed Cytosar-U® was approved for treatment of certain
the widespread occurrence of antinticrobial agents in leukemias i n 1969, making it the first such approved
sponges. Sponges appear to use "chentical warfare" marine-derived drug for use in cancer chemotherapy.
not only to reduce predation and prevent infections, Other drugs, also derived from natural products in
but also to compete for space with other invertebrates T . crypta, include AZT (Zidovudine), manufactured
such as ectoprocts, ascidians, and even other sponges. under the trade naJne Retrovir® by the drug company
Different species have evolved chemicals (allelochemi­ GlaxoSn1ithKline, which was the first drug licensed
cals) that may be species-specific deterrents or actually for the treatment of HIV in.fection, and Ara-A (sold
lethal weapons for use against competing sessile and as Acyclovir/Zovirax®), an antiviral compound com­
encrusting organisms. For exan,ple, the co ral.-i nhabit ­ monly prescribed for treating herpes.
ing sponge Siphonodictyon releases a toxic chemical into Some sponges, including the west Pacific species
the mucus exuded from its oscula, thus preventing po­ Luffariella variabilis, produce a remarkable terpenoid
tential crowding by maintaining a zone of dead coral compound called manoalide that is not only an extreme­
polyps around each osculum (Figure 6.22). ly pov-,erful antibacterial co1npound but also acts as both
Many of the chen,icals produced by sponges and an analgesic and anti-i11f!amn1atory agent. Sponges of
other marine invertebrates are being closely studied by the genera Halichondria and Pandaros are known to p r o ­
natural products chemists and biologists interested in duce potent antitumor compounds belonging to a group
their potential as pharmaceutical agents. Compounds of chemicals called halichondrins. For example, eribulin
with respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, mesylate (sold under the trade nan1e Halaven®), a p o w ­
anti-infla1nn1atory, antitun1or, cytotoxic, and antibi­ erful treahnent for metastatic breast cancer, is a synthetic
otic activities have been identified from many marine analogue of halichondrin B, a product isolated from the
sponges. One study found that 87% of the te.mperate marine sponge Halicho11dria okadai.
sponges, and 58% of the tropical species examined in
New Zealand produced extracts with specific antibac­ Growth Rates
terial activity. One New Zealand sponge (Halichondria Little is known regarding growth rates in sponges,
moorei) has long been used by native Maoris to promote but rates appear to vary widely among species. Some
wound heaHng and was recently discovered to contain species are annuals (especially small-bodied calcare­
remarkably high concentrations (10% of the sponge ous sponges of colder v-•aters); hence, they grow from
dry weight) of the potent anti-inflammatory agent larvae or reduction bodies to reproductive adulthood
potassium fluorosilicate. In the 1950s, compounds be­ in a matter of months. Most, however, appear to be
longing to a class of chemicals called arabinosides, that perennials and often grov.r so slowly that almost no
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 251

change can be seen from one year to the next; this t o 875 m) recorded 236 symbiotic invertebrate species.
growth pattern is especially true of tropical and polar The last study concluded that sponge-symbiont assen1-
demosponges. Until recently, age approximations of blages can constitute legitimate ecological commw1i­
perennjaJ species ranged from 20 to 100 years. How­ ties harboring complete food webs as well as gravid
ever, research on the Caribbean giant barre.I sponge and juvenile individuals. Even freshwater sponges
Xestospongia 111uta, which can exceed two meters in host abundant syn1bionts, and most freshwater inver­
height, suggests that this species might be capable of tebrate phyla have been recorded with sponges (e.g.,
living more than 2,000 years. Radiocarbon dating of Hydrozoa, Nematoda, Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, Gas­
several hexactinellid Rossel/a species from Antarctica tropoda, Bivalvia, Isopoda, Amphipoda, Ostracoda,
recently revealed growth rates of about 3 mm per year, Copepoda, Hydracarina, Bryozoa).
aging the sponges at about 440 years old. Even more Most symbionts of sponges use their hosts only for
impressjve, the west Pacific species Monorhaphis chuni space and protection, but some rely on the sponge's
has giant Si02 spicules that can reach lengths of nearly water current for a supply of suspended food particles.
3 m, representing the largest biogenic silica structures A classic example of this phenomenon is the male-fe­
in the animal kingdom; the lifespan of the spicule is male pair of shrimp (Spongicola) that inhabit the glob­
estimated to be 11,000 (±3,000) years, making this the ally distributed, deep-water hexactinellid sponges
longest-lived animal species on Earth! known as Venus's flower baskets (Euplectelln; Figure
Son1e sponges are capable of very rapid growth, and 62 . 0,P). The shrimp enter the sponge •..vhen they are
they regularly overgrow neighboring flora and fauna. young, only to become trapped in their host's glasslike
For example, the tropical encrusting sponge Terpios case as they grow too large to escape. Here tl1ey spend
is known to overgrow both living and nonliving sub­ their lives as "prisoners of love." Appropriately, this
strata. In Guam, this sponge grows a t rates averaging sponge (with its guests) is a traditional wedding gift
23 mm per n1onth, over almost every live coral species in Japan-a symbol of the lifeti1ne bond between two
in the area as well as over hydrocorals, mollusc shells, partners.
and many algae. Experiments have shown that Terpios Other, far more intimate symbiotic relationships
is toxic to living corals, and presumably to many other with sponges are also common. Some snails and
anjmals. However, in most cases of observed sponge clams characteristically have specific sponges encrust­
overgrowth of living corals, the corals have been ing their shells, and many species of crabs (hermits
stressed (by temperature, sediment, pollution) or dam­ and brachyurans) collect certain sponges and culti­
aged and presumably weakened. vate them on their shell o r carapace (Figure 6.2M).
Still another physiological trick of some sponges Demosponges, such as Suberites, are con,monly in­
is the ability to rapidly produce copious amounts of volved in these com1nensalistic relationships. The
mucus when disturbed. On the west coast of North sponge serves primarily as protective ca1nouflage for
America, the beautiful red -orange Antho (= Ploca111ia) its host, and it perhaps benefits by being carried about
karyki11a covers itself with a thick layer of mucus when to new areas. The sponge also no doubt feeds off small
iJ1jured or disturbed. Yet the little red sea slug Rostn11gn bits of organ.ic material dislodged during the feeding
p11/chra has evolved the ability to live and feed incon­ activities of its host. Evidence suggests that scallops
spicuously on thls and other red-colored sponges, and oysters with tl1eir shells overgrown b y sponges
and even lays its camouflaged red egg masses on the (frequently Halichondrin panicea) experience reduced
sponge's exposed surface without eliciting the mucous predation from seastars. Certain dromUd crabs carry
reaction. sponges on their carapace, probably also as a predator
avoidance adaptation, and numerous species of deco­
Symbioses rator crabs stick pieces of sponge on their carapace as
Symbiosis is common among sponges of all kinds. It camouflage. A particularly odd symbiosis occurs in the
would be difficult to find a n1arine sponge that is not Mediterranean Sea, where most colonies of the bryo­
utilized by at least some smaller invertebrates and zoan Smit/inn cervicornis are overgrown by the thinly
often by fishes (e.g., gobies and blennies) as refuge. The encrusting sponge Halisarca J,annelini; somehow, the
porous nature of sponges makes them ideally suited feeding currents actually appear to b e strengthened for
for habitation by opportunistic crustaceans, ophiu­ both partners by this collaborat ion. On the other hand,
roids, n101luscs (e.g., scallops, mussels), and various the Indonesian sponge Mycale vnnsoesti seems to rely
worms. A single specimen of Sp/1eciospongia vespnria on a coralline alga (Amphiroa sp.) as its skeleton; the
from Florida marine waters was found to have over alga completely invests the sponge and holds it erect,
16,000 alphaeid shrimps living in it, a study from the the sponge itself having almost no spicular skeleton of
Gulf of California fow1d nearly 100 different species of its own.
plants and animals on and in a 15 x 15 ctn Geodia meso­ Other spectacular examples of poriferan symbio­
triaena, and an examination of eight sponge species off ses are sponge-Bacteria/Archaea and sponge-algae
the coast of South Carolina and Georgia (at depths of 18 associations, some of which appear to be mutualistic
252 Chapter Six

whereas others are not. For example, a typical member (whitening) of the host sponge, but it does not kill it.
of the demosponge order Verongida contains a meso­ The other species of Sy11echococc11s, which also dies back
hyl bacterial population accounting for some 38% of with warmer than normal waters (and perhaps under
its body's volume, far exceeding the actual sponge-cell other conditions), may be a pathogen and it kills its
volume of only 21 °/o. Presumably, the sponge matrix host sponge as it dies. Similar deaths, whicll are often
provides a rich 1nedium for bacterial growth, and the associated with a distinctive orange "death band" that
host benefits by being able to conveniently phagocytize moves across the sponge body, have been recorded for
the bacteria for food. Similar relationships are co1n­ several species of Aplysina in the Caribbean.
mon between poriferans and various Cyanobacteria. In some areas of the Caribbean and Great Barrier
The Indian Ocean demosponge Tethya orphei, and other Reef, sponges are second only t o corals in overall
haplosclerid sponge species, have been shown to h a r ­ biomass, and they appear to owe their rapid growth
bor an ectosome permeated by filamentous cyanobac­ to the presence of large populations of symbiotic
teria (probably Oscil/atoria spongeliae). Vertical trans­ Cyanobacteria. Most freshwater spongillids main­
mission of symbiotic bacteria (from the parent sponge tain similar relationships with zoochlorellae (sym­
to the next generation) is a specific trait of poriferan biotic green algae, or Chlorophyta). These sponges
development. The bacteria are transmitted to the buds grow larger and more rapidly than specimens of the
or gemmules when the sponge reproduces asexually. same species that kept in dark conditions. Some
During sexual reproduction the bacteria are transmit­ marine sponges (e.g., the boring sponges Cliona and
ted through eggs (in oviparous species) or through Spheciospougia) harbor con,mensal zooxanthellae simi­
larvae (in ovoviviparous forms). It has been suggested lar to those of corals.
that in Tethya seychellensis the green alga Ostreobi11111 sp. Many species of sponges prefer to grow on the roots
grows exclusively along the siliceous spicule bundles of mangrove trees in littoral habitats, and experin1ents
in order t o capture sunlight via these natural optical have shown that sponge-infested roots elongate n1uch
fibers, and other evidence from T . a11ra11tir1111 also s u g ­ faster than those \vithout sponges. Stable isotope stud­
gests that silicious spicules act like optical fibers to ies have suggested transfer of dissolved inorganic ni­
channel light to photosynthetic microbes living deep trogen from sponge to n1angrove, and transfer of car­
inside their bodies.Recent evidence suggests that some bon from mangrove to sponge! However, this unusual
products of norn1al cyanobacterial metabolism (e.g., spong�plant symbiosis is not well understood.
glycerol and certain organic phosphates) are translocat­ One of the most intriguing examples of poriferan
ed directly to the sponge for nutrition. In many spong­ symbiosis is the rare case of intimate association be­
es, both regular bacteria and Cyanobacteria co-occur, tween two different sponge species. In North A.merica,
the former in deeper cellular regions, the latter closer to for example Haliclwndria poa is almost always over­
the surface where light is available. On the far-offshore grown by Hy1neuiacido11 sa11g11inea, while in Europe
regions of the Great Barrier Reef, 80% of the sponge in­ Haliclona cratera a.lmost always overgrows lrcinia oros.
dividuals harbor commensal cyanobacteria. In one re­ And, in the Gulf of California (Mexico) Haliclona s0110-
markable study, C.R . Wilkinson (1983) showed that6 rensis overgrows Geodia 111edia. It is not known how the
of the 10 most common sponge species on the forereef covered species of sponge obtains sufficient water flow
slope of Davies Reef (Great Barrier Reef) are actually to survive, or what the cost/benefit relationships are of
net primary producers, with three times more oxygen these unusual symbioses.
produced by photosynthesis (by their symbionts) than The boring demosponges (e.g., Cliona, Sphecio­
consumed by respiration. Suell relationships also exist spongia) excavate complex gaIJeries in calcareous ma­
with certain dinoflagellates, filamentous green algae, terial such as corals and mollusc shells (Figure 6.23).
and red algae. This phenomenon, known as bioerosion, causes sig­
Recent studies of the Caribbean giant barrel nificant damage to commercial oysters as well as to
sponge (Xestospongia m11ta) have provided evidence natural coral, bivalve, and gastropod populations. In
of 10 very different cyanobacterial symbionts in the fact, in the Caribbean the boring sponge Cliona delitrix
Sy11echococc11s group, both of which are implicated in has been shown to undercut entire coral heads by their
"sponge bleaching" events in this species (similar to excavations, resulting in a collapse of the head. The ac­
coral bleaching). There is no evidence that either spe­ tive boring process involves chemical and mechanical
cies of Sy11echococc11s maintains a mutualistic relation­ removal of fragments or chips of the calcareous coral or
ship with Xestospon.gia 11111/a. One species seems to be a shell material by specialized arcllaeocytes called etch­
commensal, benefiting from the relationship but doing i n g cells, which release acid phosphatase. The coarse
nothing positive or negative to the sponge. This spe­ silt-sized excavated chips are expelled in the excurrent
cies dies back on a cyclical basis (as do about 25% of the canal system and can actually contribute significantly
sponges off southern Florida), probably in association to local sediments. Many species in the remarkable
v.1 ith abnormally warm seawater temperatures, and boring genus Cliona (family Clionaidae) have two or
the cyanobacterial death causes a temporary bleaclling three different growth forms (e.g., C. californian.a of the
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 253

(A) (8)

Figure 6.23 Boring sponges. (A) Surface of a coral eroded "chips," two of which have been entire ly removed
infected by the yellow boring sponge Cliona. (B) A close and four that are only partly etched by Ctiona.
view (SEM) of the surface of a clam shell, showing six

eastern Pacific region). The alpha stage (Figure 6.24A) is the 1,veakening of attachment regions of large corals.
is purely boring (living internally within the "host"), This action can result in considerable coral loss during
the beta stage (Figure 6.24B) is eruptive (having "es­ heavy tropica 1 storms, and it is increasing as corals are
caped" to overgrow the surface of the calcareous sub­ weakened by bleaching events and ocean acidifica­
stratum), and the gamma stage is "free living" (i.e., tion resulting from increased atmospheric CO2. Boring
has given u p the boring stage of its life history) (Figure sponges do not appear to gain any direct nourishn1ent
6.24C,D). from their host coral; rather, they use it as a protective
Sponge bioerosion has a significant i1npact on coral space in which to reside. If you carefully exanune the
reefs. Perhaps even more important than actual erosion shells of dead bivalves along any shoreline, you will

Figure 6.24 The three life

(A) history stages of the Paci fic
boring sponge Ctiona ca/iforni­
ana. (A) In the alpha-stage. the
sponge lives primarily within the
shell (or other calcareous struc•
ture) in which it bores. (B) In the
beta-stage, the sponge erupts
from its calcareous home and
begins to overgrow the substra­
tum. (C,D) In the gamma-stage,
the sponge is entirely free liv­
ing. (E) On most beaches in the
world, cast-ashore shells show
evidence of boring sponge
act ivity.
(C) (0) (E)
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254 Chapter Six

discover that most of them are perforated ,,vith minute Choanoflagellata, spanning the full width of tl1e collar
holes and galleries from boring sponges (Figw·e 6.24E). with the edges of the two wings lying against the inside
Bioeroding sponges are responsible for a major portion of the collar (and perhaps attached to it) in sponges.
of the initial breakdown of such calcareous structures, Somewhat similar collar cells (but without flagel­
and thus they set the stage for their eventual decom­ lar vanes and generally with a nonmotile cilium) have
position and recycling through Earth's biogeochemical also been found in some other metazoan phyla (e.g., in
cycle. certain echinoderm larvae and adults, in some corals,
in the trunk epithelium of the enteropneust Harriniania
kupfferi). The homology of these other metazoan cells
Poriferan Phylogeny to sponge choanocytes is questionable however. In ad­
dition, they do little to dinunish the force of the argu­
The Origin of Sponges ment for a direct relationship behveen Porifera and
Being the living descendants of what might have been Choanoflagellata (an idea that dates back to at least
the first multicellular animals on earth, sponges are a 1866). Molecular data support the monophyly of both
key group in which to look for innovations that form the Choanoflagellata and the Porifera.
the basis of the metazoan body plan. But sponges are an So similar are choanoflagellates and sponges that
ancient group, and the important events in their origin periodically through the eighteenth and nineteenth
and early evolution lie hidden in the Proterozic eon of centuries the proposal came u p that sponges are no
the Precan1brian. Both the ancient and the unique na­ n1ore than highly-organized colonial choanoflagellates.
ture of the poriferan body plan are strikingly revealed However, the presence of distinctly animal features, in­
by the aquiferous system, cellular pluripotency, and cluding metazoan developmental genes, in the Porifera
reproductive flexibility; and by the lack of a gut, fixed argues against this idea (e.g., gastrulation during em­
reproductive organs, nervous system, muscles, cell gap bryogen.esis, spermatogenesis, adhaerens junctions
junctions, or strong adult body polarity. These features, in some species, type IV collagen, etc.). And, recent
along with the choanoflagellate-like choanocytes of molecular developmental work suggests that certain
sponges, suggest a protistan ancestry, as also sho1,vn in genes found in sponges and other metazoans probably
many (though not all) molecular phylogenetics. Gen­ played critical roles in the transition fron1 unicellular­
erally speaking, the poriferans seem to share as many ity to multicellularity. Ho1nologues of many typical
similarities with protists as they do with the higher metazoan genes have nov-, been identified in sponges,
metazoans. A t the same time, sponges clearly stand such as those encoding proteins involved in immune
apart from all other Metazoa in their possession of sucl1 responses, n1yosin production, developmental p a t ­
features as an aquiferous system and choanocytes with terning, the fonnation o f the extracellular matrix, and
flagella bearing paired vanes (nearly identical to those other vital functions. Even the cl1itin synthase gene has
of the protist phylum Choanoflagellata) (Box 68). been found in sponges, although it does not see.m to be
Understanding sponge evolution is thus closely active.
tied to understanding the transition from unicellular The major class of transcription-fac t o r -encoding
to multicellular life-a phenomenon that we actually genes that regulate animal development is called
know surprisingly little about. Molecular phyloge­ Antennapedia (ANTP). The ANTP group includes tl1e
netic dating estimates indicate that the Porifera likely Hox, ParaHox, and NK genes, all of which are para­
arose fron1 a comn1on ancestor with the protist phylum logues (i.e., they have arisen in different animals from a
Choanoflagellata n1ore than 600 niillion years ago, p e r ­ shared ancestor as a result of gene-duplication events).
haps over 700 million years ago. These genes, which are involved in multiple develop­
Although subtle ultrastructural differences exist, the mental processes, are often found in clusters, and in
collar cells (choanocytes) of sponges are nearly iden­ some animals their expression i s temporally or spa­
tical to the collar cells o f choa.noflagellates, including tially correlated to their position within the cluster (a
the unique possession of two distinct winglike projec­ phenon1enon known as colinearity). Until recently, no
tions (the vanes) that arise on either side of the flagel­ ANTP genes had been found in the phylum Porifera,
lum, and a glycocalyx sheath on tile collar that joins the leading to the suspicion that this gene family did not
microvilli. In choanoflagellates, the collars are funnel evolve until the emergence of a line subsequent to
shaped and the sheatl, forms an uninterrupted fibrous sponges-the name "ParaHoxozoa" was given to that
layer on the cell surface. In sponge choanocytes, the col­ lineage of phyla with ANTP class genes. But when
lars tend to be tubular and the glycocalyx forms a mesh tl1e first sponge genome was sequenced (from a spe­
that both holds the microvilli together and connects ad­ cies of Demospongiae) a group of gene clusters was
jacent collar microvilli. The vanes, in both groups, are fow1d, wluch are known to be neighbors of Hox and
also formed from horizontal fibers of glycocalyx that ParaHox genes in higher metazoans. This led to a pro­
extend from the flagellum. The vanes in sponge cho­ posal in 2012 that these developmental genes had been
anocytes appear to be wider than that described from present in the common ancestor of all animals, but
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 255

had been secondarily lost in sponges-an idea called as in aninlal spern11 Choanoflagellates and sponges are
tl1e "ghost locus" hypothesis. A test of this hypoth­ clearly closely related and reside near the point of ori­
esis came in 2014, when researchers looked closely at gin of the Metazoa.11
sponge genomes in the class Calcarea, and it was dis­ The solutions that poriferans evolved to survive en­
covered that this sponge class contained both NK and vironmental challenges created a group of animals un­
ParaHox genes ren1arkably similar to those of higher like any other. Sponges achieved 1nulticellularity and
animals. In fact, they found that ParaHox expression in large body size without such typically metazoan traits
the choanoderm cell layer was very similar to that seen as fixed organs, nervous and muscular systems, extra­
in the endodern, of bilaterians. Although homology cellular digestion, or excretory organs. Taken together,
in developmental genes does not necessarily equate these and other poriferan attributes support the no­
to homology of organs, the discovery provided sup­ tion that sponges are the earliest evolving metazoans
port for the ghost locus hypothesis, and it suggests that for which living representatives exist today. Hov-•ever,
the first Metazoa probably had a ParaHox gene reper­ despite this evidence several phylogenetic studies have
toire. The discovery of these ANTP genes in calcarean suggested that Ctenophora, not Porifera, could be the
sponges adds further data to the recognized, consid­ basalmost metazoan, although those studies have been
erable genetic djvergence among the sponge classes, seriously questioned.
which is not too surprising given that Calcarea and
Demospongiae are estimated to have diverged from Evolution within the Porifera
011e another at least 600 nlillion years ago. Sponges comprise such aJ1 ancient and enigmatic phy­
Recently, genes belonging to the cadherin family lum that their phylogeny largely eluded scientists until
have also been identified in sponges. The cadherin fam­ fairly recently. Although the Porifera have nearly con­
ily of genes comprise critical mediators of metazoan cell sistently appeared at the base of metazoan molecular
adhesion and signaling and provide the structural basis and n1orphological trees, data have been slo1,v to r e ­
for vital developmental processes, including tissue solve the relationships of sponges to the other basal
morphogenesis and maintenance, cell sorting, and cell metazoa.n phyla (e.g., Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Placozoa),
polarization. Plants and fungi lack cadherins, whjch are and as this book went to press those relationships were
so far known only from metazoans and choanoflagel­ still unsettled, although overall evidence still supported
lates. Cadl1erin activity has been identified in choano­ them as basal metazoans. Recent genomic-level studies
flagellates in the actin-filled rnicrovilli that comprise the strongly suggest that Placozoa arose between sponges
apical collar, at the basal pole of the cell, and in certain and all other metazoans, thus clearly separating the Po­
cellular bodies of unknown function. The localization rifera from Cnidaria and Ctenophora. And only since
of cadherins on the collar suggests that actin filaments the early twenty-first century have there been robust
and cadherins have been associated since before the phylogenetic hypotheses of relationships among the
origin of the Metazoa. In metazoan epithelial cells, re­ four poriferan classes. Although fossils provide a poor
cruitment of� catenin facilitates essential interactions record of noncakareous sponges, first-occurrence data
between classical cadherins and the actin cytoskeleton support a Precambrian origin of the Hexactinellida and
to establish and maintain cell shape and polarity. Demospongiae, and an early Cambrian origin of the
This brings us to the interesting proposal that cho­ Calcarea (Figure 6.25). Estimated rates of molecular
anoflagellates might be nothing more than "reduced" evolution place the origin of the Hexactinellida over
sponges. Thjs idea derives partly fron1 the inability, 600 million years ago. Even considering some preser­
so far, to connect the Choanoflagellata phylogeneti­ vation biases in the fossil record, well over 1,000 fossil
cally with any other protist group. In addition, the genera have been described, about 20% of which are
mitochondria of choanoflagellates (which are char­ still extant.
acterized by non-discoidal flattened cristae) and thejr Sponges first appear in the fossil record in the
basal bodies (which bear accessory centrioles) are two Precan1brian, and the oldest known fossils are from
other features that are shared with n1etazoans. On the about 600 nullion years ago, although a well-preserved
other hand, comparison of the mitochondrial genomes
of protists and metazoans yields at least 13 genes in 11
Several other enigrnatic, unicellular organisms that appear
choanoflagellates that are absent from animal mito­ t o fall on the line leading to Metazoa are Cnpsasporn owcznraki,
Mfoisterin vibra11s, and the group khthyosporea. Cnpsns/lora o w c ­
chondria, in support of their protist roots. lt is often wrznki is a symbiont in tl,e hemolymph of the freshwater snail
noted that sponges, and all other metazoans, produce Biomphnlnrin glnbrata. Mi11isteria vibrnns is a free-living species that
true gametes and have embryogenesis-hallmarks feeds on bacteria. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that these hvo
species might form a sister group to the clade Choanoflagcllata
of the Metazoa that are lacking in choanoflagellates. + Metazoa. The large group lchthyosporea, which are symbionts
However, several choanoflagellates with a sessile tro­ with various animals, might be sister to that group, and this larger
phic stage also produce free-s\,vimming cells, called clade has been called Holozoa. Holozoa, in tum, is the likely sister
group t o Fungi, a clade known as Opisthokonta. However, the
zoospores. They have no collar, and swim vigorously status of these creatures might well change as more information
with the flagellum propelling the cell from behind, just about them becomes available in the near future.
256 Chapter Six

Coralline composed largely of four groups: the archaeocyatha.ns,

Calcarea sponges stromatoporoids, sphinctozoans, and chaetetids. The
,..�. oldest of these, the coralline Archaeocyatha (Figure

6.26), had a short life within the Cambrian (550-500

"':, - - Ma). Sphinctozoans and stromatoporids also appeared
in the Cambrian (about 540Ma), while chaetetids first
-"" appeared in the Ordovician (about 480 Ma). The af­
u tC "'·-.. " - "-
finities of these four coral-like groups have been de­
bated for a hundred years, and various alliances with
•.. e -
:g !!

"' "� Ce� ,,,&. 0
C Cyanobacteria, red algae, ectoprocts, cnidarians, and
&. foraminiferans have been proposed. However, the dis­
.. -e .."' -
:c "'

- 0E -

·5 G - :.= u
0 ., covery of living coralline sponges has led most work­
uu -s


:i: 0 ers to believe that the majority of species in these four

C" - - groups were primitive, but true, sponges. Research
suggests that the calciun1-carbonate secreting sponges
.C�;:: utilize the same a-carbonic anhydrase genetic pathway
C. "
"':, - - as seen in higher animals that biomineralize. And it

was exploitation of this gene group that led the explo­
-E . sion of n1ineralized skeletons among the Metazoa dur­
.&� ing their rapid Cambrian radiation, made possible by
0 - -
unique genes inherited from their poriferan "roots."
�C '' '' Unlike the coralline sponges, which have decreased
- C0 '' '' +- R in abundance and diversity since the Mesozoic, the
8>" ' '
- -
Calcarea and Demospongiae appear to have increased
" '' in diversity throughout their history. The demo­
.2 ' +-R sponges were well established by the mid-Cambrian,
C."' !'
'' ' - - and there is biochemical evidence that demosponges
might have been Living as much as 1.8 billion years ago
>C ' +-R (e.g., sponge-specific biochemicals associated with an­
"E ' cient stromatolites). Several recent molecular analyses,
"" .'' - -
0 I

:' "'
.,,E ''
'' '' ' -£: '' I
'' ''' 'r
u ''
'' I S:,
!' '' ' "' '
' I
-§ ' ' ' Pariety
.,, '
� <
G �·::: ,,.
£ :·.·.··,
. •::·-.·. .
'C:::;�· .

Figure 6.25 Fossil record of three sponge classes, the Tabula ·: :-.- ·.
Archaeocyatha, and the other coralline sponges. Dashed
lines indicate suggested occurrence, even though fossils
have not yet been found. "R" indicates the times when Outer wall
the group in question is known to have been an important
mar ine reef builder.

600-m illion-year-old fossil of an Ediacaran sponge was

described in 2015 from the Doushantuo Formation of
South China. This fossil sponge, Eocynthispongin qinnin,
is only just over one millimeter wide but composed of
hundreds of thousands o f cells, and it has a structure
consisting of several hollow tubes sharing a common
base. The external surface is covered with flattened cells
rese1nbling pinacocytes, punctuated with small pores. Figure 6.26 A typical archaeocyathan. A vertical section
The fossil record suggests that sponges might has been partly cut away to show the structure between
have had their ecological heyday in the Paleozoic the inner and outer walls (i.e., vertical parieties and hori­
and Mesozoic when massive tropical reefs developed zontal tabula).
TVVO BASAL METAZOAN PHYLA Porifera and Placozoa 257

including an analysis of protein kinase C in sponges Hexactine1lida Demospongiac Homoscfcromorpha C1lcarea

and some higher n1etazoans, favor the hypothesis that
Hexactinellida were the first of the three sponge classes
to appear. The Late Devonian extinction event brought
many den1osponge clades to an end, and the modern
demosponge lineages largely appeared subsequent to
that event. All known orders of modern demosponges
are found in Cretaceous rocks.
Hexactinellids were most diverse and abundant
during the Cretaceous. The oldest hexactinellid f o s ­
sils, of the early Cambrian, were all thin-walled, saclike
sponges with a dispersed surface spicule layer that
probably could not support a thick body wall. During
the Paleozoic, hexactinellids were common in shallow­
water environments. Since then, however, they have
become restricted largely to deeper oceanic regions. Figure 6.27 A modern view of poriferan phylogeny,
Until recently, two fundamentally opposing views based on molecular sequence analyses-18S and 28S
of sponge phylogeny existed. One hypothesis sug­ rDNA, plus mitochondrial genes. Synapomorphies of
the classes discussed in the text include the follow­
gested that tl1e living sponge classes that produce sili­
ing: Hexacti nell ida with unique syncytial body anat­
ceous spicules comprise a monophyletic lineage (e.g., omy, triaxonic spicules, and a square axial filament;
Demospongiae, Homoscleromorpha, Hexactinellida), Homoscleromorpha never with a spongin skeleton;
with the Calcarea being phylogenetically more dis­ Calcarea with monocrystalline calcareous spicules.
tant. The other view proposed that the classes of cel­
lular sponges (Den1ospongiae, Ho1noscleron1orpha,
Calcarea) comprise a monophyletic dade, v-rith the syn­ since 2009 strongly favor of the first hypothe­
cytial Hexactinellida standing apart from them. sis, but with the Homoscleromorphans removed
The first hypothesis was proposed by de Laubenfels from the demosponges (Figure 6.27). It now ap­
in 1955, "'ho reduced the siliceous groups to a single pears that Demosponges and Hexactinellids com­
class, Hyalospongiae. Subsequent autl1ors renamed prise a sister group, as possibly do Calcarea and
the two groups Silicea (or Silicispongia) and Cakarea Homoscleromorpha. All four classes appear to be
(or Calcispongia). An obvious objection to this concept monophyletic groups.
had been the profoundly different anatomies and spic­ Hexactinellid sponges, with their Precambrian re­
ule geometrys of Hexactinellida and Demospongiae/ cord, 1night b e considered the basal extant sponges.
Homoscleromorpha. However, the same process of In fact, hexactinellids are the earliest known meta­
secretion of the siliceous spicules within sclerocytes zoans that can be related to an extant animal group.
around an axial filament occurs in all three gi·oups, and Hexactinellids formed enormous reefs in the Jurassic
that itself might be viewed as a synapomorphy of the and their fossilized remains crop up all round the
Silicea. In addition, tl1ese three groups lack cross-stri­ world, but they declined in the Cretaceous and have
ated rootlets, which are present in Cakarea and other largely disappeared. However, in 1987 the Geological
metazoans (as well as in choanoflagellates and some Survey of CaJ1ada was engaged in routine su.rveys of
other protists). Thus, loss of this structure n1ay be a n ­ the seafloor off British Columbia. Here, at around 200
other synapomorphy of the Silicea. m depth in ancient glacially-scoured seafloor troughs,
The second hypothesis of class-level relation­ they discovered massive hexactinellid sponge reefs.
ships in Porifera suggests that the Hexactinellida Since that discovery, teams of scientists have docu-
stand apart from the other sponges by their unique 111ented the extent and con1posit.ion of these living
syncytial body plan. This view recognized the two sponge reefs, which appear to be about 9,000 years
groups Symplasma (or Nuda) for hexactinellids, and old. The reefs cover roughly 700 km 2, and tlley are
Cellularia (or Gelatinosa) for demosponges and calcar­ composed of fewer than a dozen hexactinellid species.
eous sponges. One of the arguments against this view They are largely identical to the massive hexactinel­
has been that hexactinellid sponges begin their lives as lid-lithistid sponge reefs of Mesozoic times, known to
cellular embryos and partly-cellular larvae, only later paleontolgists as "reef mounds" or "mud mounds,"
transitioning to the syncytial adult body form (by fu­ which culminated i n the Late Jurassic when a 7,000
sion of individual blastomeres), thus suggesting that km-long reef existed on the northern shelf of the Tethys
Hexactinellida may have arisen from a de1nosponge­ Sea-the largest bioconstruction ever built on Earth.
like ancestry. Hexactinellid reefs declined after the Cretaceous.
As it turns out, neither of these views of sponge The long fossil record of hexactinellids comprises
phylogeny is likely fully correct. DNA analyses two principal clades, the Amphidiscophora and the
258 Chapter Six

Hexasterophora, differing in shape and type of their lied toCalcarea, on th.e basis of DNA sequence data and
microscleres. Hexactinel.lid synapomorphies are many, the wuque cross-striated rootlet in larval ciliated cells
including their unique cellular and syncytial tissue in these two groups) was based on anatomical data, as
organization, possession of triaxonic spicules, and an well as 18S and 28S rDNA and complete mitochondrial
axial filament with a square section. DNA sequence data. In fact, Ho1noscleromorphs have
The key synapon1orphy of the Calcarea is their a nwnber of distinctly 111etazoan-like attributes, such as
monocrystalline calcareous spicules (unique among apical cell junctions, flagellated exopinacoderm, a well­
sponges). DNA analyses also support the mono­ developed basement membrane beneath both the pina­
phyly of the two classes ofCalcarea-Calcinea and coderm and the choanoderm (in larvae and adults), ac­
Calcaronea. An important proposed synapomorphy rosomes in their spermatozoa (also known from a few
of the Calcinea is the basal position of nuclei in cho­ other sponges), and a basal apparatus of flagellated l a r ­
anocytes, with no relation to the flagella. A proposed val cells with true cross-striated rootlets (as also seen in
synapomorphy of the Calcaronea is the formation of some Calcarea).
the ao,phiblastula Jarva through the original process of What is one to make of these higher rnetazoan­
eversion of the sto1noblastula. like aspects of the Homoscleromorpha, especially
Overall, relationships within the Demospongiae given that other features (including their mitochon­
remain uncertain, although there i s growing support drial genome) place them squarely within the phylwn
for the four subclasses used herein (although son,e Porifera? One explanation that has been offered is
researchers ,, vould subsun1e the Haploscleron1orpha that these features represent retained ancestral char­
within the Heteroscleromorpha). For many years, acteristics that have been lost in most other sponges.
Homoscleromorpha was viewed as the most primitive This would suggest that sponges are actually far
group o f living Porifera (and deeply embedded with­ more "evolved" than conventional 1,visdom holds,
in the Den1ospongiae) owing to its seemingly sin1ple and that they have undergone a massive simplifica­
anatomic organization . One species, Oscnrelln lobularis, tion since their origin, traces of which can be seen in
was even suggested as the prototype of all sponges be­ the Homoscleromorpha. A simpler interpretation
cause of its reduced mesohyl (and appearance of hav­ n,ight be that the genetic potential for such features
ing only two layers, choanoderm and pinacoderm) and as basement membrane, acrosome-bearing sperma­
lack of a mineral skeleton. For a brief period of tin1e, tozoa, and cross-striated ciliary rootlets has existed
some workers were proposing the Homoscleromorpha since the dawn of the Metazoa, and was simply un­
be removed from the Porifera altogether, and allied evenly expressed in early animal evolution. Certainly
with the Eumetazoa (a grouping dubbed Epitheliozoa). other features of sponges, such as the wide variation
However, just the opposite view now prevails. The in embryogenesis and larval forms, support the idea
recent discovery that Homosclero1norpha are not d e ­ of Porifera being an ancient group that v1as one of
mosponges, but should stand alone as a monophyletic the first to begin experimenting \Vith metazoan body
fourth class of living sponges (probably most closely al- plans.

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Phylum Cnidaria
Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin

he phylu1n Cnidaria is a highly diverse assemblage that includes jel­

lyfish, sea anemones, corals, and the comn,on laboratory Hydra, as
well as many less familiar forms such as hydroids, sea fans, sipho­
nophores, zoanthids, and myxozoans (Figure 7.1). There are about
13,400 living described species of cnidarians. Much of the striking diversity
seen in this phylum results from three fundamental aspects of their natural
history. First is the possession of cnidae-unique, tubular structures contained
within cellular capsules that aid in prey capture, defense, locomotion, and at­
tachment. No other animal group produces cnidae, and all cnidarians produce
them. Second is the tendency to form colonies or assemblages of individuals
by asexual reproduction; the colony can achieve din,ensions and forms unat-
tainable by single, nonmodular individuals. Third,
many species of cnidarians exhibit a dimorphic
life cycle that can include two entirely different
Classification of The Animal morphologies: a polypoid form and an adult me­
Kingdom (Metazoa) dusoid fonn. The di1norphic life cycle has major
evolutionary implications touching on nearly
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata every aspect of cnidarian biology.1 The unique
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONI DA
polyp form of Cnidaria, their planula larvae, and
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHIOPODA stinging o r adhesive cnidae are three of the key
PHYLUM CNIDARIA ECDYSQZQA synapomorphies that define the phylum.
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida Cnidarians are �videly thought to be diploblas­
PHYLUM NEMATODA tic metazoans at the tissue grade of construction.
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) They possess radial or bi.radial syn1n1etry, tentacles,
ScaJidophora cnidae, an endodermally derived incomplete gas­
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA trovascular cavity as their only "body cavity," and
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LOR IC IFERA a middle layer (called mesenchyme, or rnesoglea)
Se1BAuA Panarthropoda derived primarily from ectodern1.2They lack cepha­
PHYLUM TARDIGRADA lization, a centralized nervous system, and discrete
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA respiratory, circulatory, and excretory organs (Box
7A). This basic body plan is retained in both the pol­
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA ypoid and rnedusoid forms (Figure 7.2). The primi­
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUMMYRIAPODA tive nature of the cnidarian body plan is exemplified
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHELICERATA by the fact that they have fewer cell types than any
Deuterostomia other animals except the sponges and mesozoans.
PHYLUM ROTIFERA ,Paraphyletic group both phases are present in a spe<ies' life cycle, it is
sajd to undergo an alternation o f general-ions, or as it is
sometimes called, "metagenesis."
266 Chapter Seven



2There exists a suite of terms in zoological Literature that apply Adding to the potential confusion, the term mesenchyme
to apparently diploblastic species that is frequently C<)nfused, is used in a second, very different way by some biologists.
misused, and generally messy.These terms include mesencl1yme, Vertebrate embryologists sometimes use the term to refer to that
mesoglea, col le11chyme, pare11chyn1e, and coenenchyme. In this part of true (endo-) mesoderm from which all connective tissues,
book, these terms are used in the following ways. Mesenchyme blood vessels, blood cells, the lymphatic system, a.nd the heart
(Creek, literally "middle juices") refers t o a primitive connec- are derived. 11,us, to a vertebrate embryologist, the term ''mes•
tive tissue derived wholly or in part from ectoderm and located enchymal cell" often denotes any undifferentiated cell found i n
between the epidermis and the gastrodern1is (endodermis). the embryonic mesoderm tltat is capabl e of differentiating into
Mesenchyme generally consists of two components : a noncel• such tissues. Occasionally,. one a lso sees the term "mesenchymc"
lular, jelly-like matrix called mesoglea, and various cells and cell used in this way by echinoderm embryologists and non-vertebrate
products (e.g., fibers). When no (or very tittle) cellu.lar material is chordate specialists. In these latter cases, researchers are gener­
present, this layer is simply called mesoglea. Mesenchyme is the ally referring to cells that are destined to become mesodermal
typical middle layer of sponges (where it is called the mesohyl), and thus a better tem1 n1ight be "proto-" or "incipient mesoder­
and of members of the phyla Cnidaria and Ctenophora. In these mal cells." Because of this confusion, some authors prefer to use
diploblastic groups, where no true (endo•) mesoderm ex ists, the the term mcsoglea in lieu of mesenchyme when referring to the
mesenchyme is fully ectodermally derived. When cellular mate­ middle layers of sponges and diploblastic Metazoa. However, we
rial is sparse or densely packed, mesenchyme may sometimes be adhere to the former definition of mesenchyme and hope that this
designated as collenchyme or parenchyme, respectively. TI1e term note will lessen rather than add t o the muddle.
parencl1yme is also sometimes used for the mesenchymal layer A word of caution regarding spelling: the meanings of some
of triploblastic acoelomate animals (sucl1 as platyhelminths and of these lernlS can be altered by changing the tern1inal "e" to
xenacoelomorphans), in which the dense layer includes tissues an "a." Tiw tem,ination "-chyme" is preferred for animals,
derived from both ecto• and endomesodcrm. "--chyma" for plants. TI1us, mesenchyrna refers to tissue lying
ln some colonial cnidarians, partic.uarly anthozoan polyps, between the xylem and phloem in plant roots; collenchyma refers
the individuals are embedded in and arise from a mass of mesen­ to certain primordial leaf tissues.Parenchyma is a very general
chyme perforated with gastro,•ascular channels that are continu­ botanical term used in reference to various supportive tissues.
ous among the members of the colony. The term coenenchyme Unfortw1ately, the same spelling is occasionally (improperly) used
refers to this entire matrix of common basal material, which is by zoologists.
itself covered by a layer of epiderm is .
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 267

Figure 7.1 Some cnidarians. (A -E) Anthozoa. (A) An actini­
arian, the sea anemone Metridium senile. (B) The Caribbean
elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata. (C) The sea pen, Ptilosarcus
gumeyi (Pennatulacea). (D) The yellow gorgonian Eunice/la
cavo/ini (Mediterranean Sea, Italy), (E) Reni/la, the sea pansy
(Pennatulacea). (F-M) Medusozoa. (F) Lucernaria, a staurozoan
(White Sea, Russia). (G) A lion's mane jellyfish, Cyanea capil­
lata, a semaeostoman scyphozoan from the northeast Pacific
Ocean. (H) Carybdea marsupialis, a cubozoan; (1-L) Hydrozoa.
(I) Hydra, an aberrant freshwater anthomedusan (shown here
budding). (J) A colony of the leptomedusan Gonothyrea.
(K) The medusa of Polyorchis, an anthomedusan. (L) A colonial
hydrozoan, Vele/la ("by-the-wind sailor"). (M) Myxobolus cere­
bra/is, myxozoan spores from an infected trout.
268 Chapter Seven

(D) (E) (F)

Marginal , tentacles
/ Oral tentacles
/ Marginal
tentacl e

Figure 7.2 Tissue layer homologies in cnidarians. (A)

A hydrozoan polyp. (B) An anthozoan polyp. (C) A hydro­
zoan medusa, shown "upside down" for similar orienta­
tion. The outer tissue layer is ectodermal (= epidermis);
as a festive holiday dish. Eaten raw, however, mntn
the inner tissue layer is endodermal (= gastrodermis); and
the middle layer is the mesenchyme/mesoglea. Within the 111nl11 causes death and is a traditional device in Samoan
Hydrozoa, ectodermal tissue homologues may lie on the suicide. Hawaiians refer to the zoanthid Pnlython toxicn
outer body wall as in Hydra (D) or within the marginal ten­ as li1nu-niake-o-Hn11a ("the deadly seaweed of Hana").
tac les of hydromedusa and hydropo l yps (E,F). OT = oral Hawaiians used to srnear their spear tips with this
tentacles, MT = marginal tentacles. cnidarian, the toxin from which is called palytoxin.
Interestingly, palytoxin 1nay be produced by an un­
identified symbiotic bacterium, not by the cnidarian it­
In fact, cnidarians contain fewer cell types than does a self. It is one of the most powerful toxins known, being
single organ in some other Metazoa. more deadly than that of poison arrow frogs (batracho­
Cnidarians are mostly marine; only a few groups toxin) and paralytic shellfish toxin (saxitoxin).
have successfully invaded fresh waters. Most cnidarians
are sessile (polyps) or planktonic (medusae) carnivores,
although some entploy suspension feeding and many Taxonomic History and
species harbor symbiotic intracellular algae from which
they may secondarily derive energy. Cnidarians range
in size from nearly microscopic polyps and medusae to As is the case with sponges, the nature of cnidarians
individual jellyfish 2 m wide and with tentacles 25 m was long debated. In reference to their stinging ten­
long. Colonies, such as the corals, may be many meters tacles, Aristotle called the medusae Acnlephae (aknlephe)
across. The phylum dates from the Precambrian, and its and the polyps Cnidae (knide), both names derived from
members have played important roles in various ecolog­ terms meaning "nettle." Renaissance scholars consid­
icaI settings throughout their long history, just as they ered them plants, and it v.•as not until the eighteenth
do on modern coral reefs today. century that the animal nature of cnidarians v,as wide­
Cnidarians play numerous roles i n folklore around ly recognized. Eighteenth-century naturalists classified
the world. In Samoa, the corallimorpharian anemone them along with the sponges and a few other groups
Rhodnctis ho1vesii, kno1,vn as 11,atn-ninlu, is served boiled under Linnaeus's Zoophytes, a category for organisms
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 269

universally recognized as distinct phyla, a view up­

BOX 7A Characteristics of the held by recent n1olecular analyses. Recently, some
Phylum Cnidaria molecular analyses have suggested that Cnidaria and
Ctenophora might be sister-groups, encouraging the
1. Diploblastic Metazoa with ectoderm and endoderm
resurrection of the name "Coelenterata," but other
separated by an (primarily) ectodermally derived
acellu lar mesoglea or partly cellular mesenchyme studies have failed to produce this sister relationship.
2. Possess primary radial symmetry. often modified
An important recent major advance in audarian
as biradial, quadriradial, or other variat ions on the systematics is the realization that the myxozoans, for­
rad ial theme; the pr imary body axis is oral-aboral merly classified as protists, are in fact, highly derived,
3. Possess unique stinging or adhesive structures parasitic cnidarians. Myxozoans had been consid­
called cnidae; each cnida resides in and is pro­ ered protists until a century ago when Antonin Stoic
duced by one cell, the cnidocyte. The most com­ (1899) proposed they should be considered reduced
mon cnidae are called nematocysts. audarians because of the nematocyst-Like architecture
4. Musculature formed largely of myoepithelial cells of their spores. Over time, the n1ulticellular nature
{= ep itheliomuscu lar cells), derived from ectoderm of Myxozoa, and the structural and developmental
and endoderm {adult epiderm is and gastrodermis) sin1ilarity of their polar capsules to c1udarian nema­
5. Exhibit a lternation of asexual polypo id and sexual tocysts, came to be recognized. Since the early 2000s,
medusoid generations; but there are many varia­ n1olecular data have supported the classification of
t ions on this bas ic theme {e.g., a meduso id stage i s Myxozoa as cnidarians. 1n 2002, the enigmatic n1eta.­
absent in the class Anthozoa)
zoan B11ddenbrockia pl11niatellae, first discovered in 1850,
6. The endodermally derived gastrovascular cavity ,.vas reinterpreted as a myxozoan. B11ddenbrockia is a
{coelenteron) is the only ''body cavity." The coelen­
motile vermiform creature that inhabits the body cavi­
teron is sacl ike, partitioned. or branched, but has
only a s ingle opening, which serves as both mouth ties of freshwater ectoprocts. It possesses four bands of
and anus. longitudinal muscle cords, a cuticle-like body surface,
7. W ithout a head. centralized nervous system, or no digestive tract, a audarian-like complement of polar
discrete gas exchange, excretory, or circulatory capsules, and myxozoan-like infective spores (includ­
structures ing polar capsules) that are formed inside the body
8. Nervous system is a simple nerve net{s), composed cavity. Shortly after its rediscovery, it became clear
of naked and largely nonpolar neurons. that 811dden.brockia p/11111atel/ae is the same creature as
9. Typically have planu la larvae (cil ated, motile, g a s ­ Tetracaps11/a bryozoides, a known malacosporean (also
trula larvae) described as Myxosporidi11111 bryozoides), and further­
more, that another myxozoan, Tetracapsrila bryosahno­
nae (later Tetracaps11loides bryosalmonae) was responsible
for proliferative kidney disease (PKO) in salmonid fish.
deemed somewhere between plants and animals. La­ Clearly, malacosporeans are, i n fact, Myxozoa.
marck instituted the group Radiata (or "Radiaires") for While some molecular and developmental evi­
medusoid audarians, ctenophores, and echinodenns. dence based on the structure of the striated muscle has
In the early nineteenth century the great natural­ suggested that the diploblastic condition shared by
ist Michael Sars demonstrated that medusae and pol­ Cnidaria and Ctenophora could in fact be derived from
yps were 1nerely different forms of the san1e group triploblastic states, n1ost researchers agree that cnidar­
of organisms. Sars also den1onstrated that the gen­ ians are basal to triploblastic taxa. The Cnidaria appear
era Scyplzisto111a, Strobila, and Eplzyra actually repre­ to three major li.neages: Anthozoa, a polyp­
sented stages in the life history of certain jellyfishes oid lineage lacking medusae; Medusozoa, a diverse
(scyphozoans). The names have been retained and clade including species exhibiting primarily motile
are now used to identify these stages in the Life cycle. 111edusoid forn1s as well as fonns with medusoid and
Rudolph Leuckart eventually recognized the fun­ polypoid life stages; and Myxozoa, a clade whose re­
damental differences between the two great "radi­ lationship to the other two li.neages remains w1certain.
ate" groups, the Porifera/Cnidaria/Ctenophora and Within the Anthozoa, two main lineages appear to
the Echinodermata, and in 1847 created the name exist-the subclasses Octocorallia and Hexacorallia­
Coelenterata (Greek koilos, "cavity"; entero11, "intes­ but within these groups considerable revision has
tine") for the forn1er group in his recognition of the occurred, mainly involving consolidation of taxa
"intestine" as the sole body cavity. 1n 1888 Berthold previously considered distinct. Near the base of the
Hatschek split Leuckart's Coelenterata into the three medusozoan clade, the Staurozoa have been identified
phyla recognized today: Porifera, Cnidaria, and as a new cnidarian class, and the classes Scyphozoa
Ctenophora. Although son1e workers have been i n ­ and Cubozoa are identified as sister taxa. A possible
clined to retain the cnidarians and ctenophores to­ sister taxon to the Hydrozoa is the class Polypoidozoa,
gether within the Coelenterata, these two groups are an intracellular parasite of acipenceriform fish so far
270 Chapter Seven

ORDER ZOANTHIDEA Zoanthids. Colonial polyps

known from a single species. Hydrozoans then1selves
arise from a basal mat or stolon contai ning gas­
appear to include two Lnajor lineages, the subclasses
trodermal solenia or canals; new polyps bud from
Tradlylina and Hydroidolina. As within the Anthozoa,
gastrodermal solenia of stol ons; pharynx flattened,
considerable taxonomic revision within each hydrozo­
with one s iphonoglyph; mesenteries numerous, but
an subclass seems likely for some time to come.
w ith weak muscu lature; without intrinsi c skeleton,
but many species incorporate sand, sponge spic ­
PHYLUM CNIDARIA ules, or other debris into the thi ck body wall; most
with a thick cuticle; zooxanthellae abundant in some
SUBPHYLUM ANTHOZOA Class Anthozoa. Anemones, species; many species epizootic {e.g., Epizoanthus,
sea pens, soft corals, gorgonians, organ-pipe corals, and lsaurus, /sozoanthus, Palythoa, Parazoanthus.
stony coral s (Figure 7.1A-E).3Exclusively marine; solitary Thoracactus, Zoanthus).
or colon ial; w ithout a medusoid stage (i ndividua ls all pol­
ypoid); cnidae epidermal and gastrodermal, composed of ORDER ACTIN lARlA The sea anemones. Solitary or
spirocysts and ptychocysts; coelenteron divided by longi­ clonal; calcareous skeleton lacking, although some
tudinal (oral-aboral) mesenteries, the free edges of which species secrete a chitinous cuticle; some harbor
form thick, cordlike mesenterial fil aments; mesenchyme zooxanthellae; column often with special ized struc­
thick; tentacles usually number 8 (Octocorallia) or occur in tures, such as warts or verrucae, acrorhagi, pseu­
multiples of 6 (Hexacorallia), and contai n extensions of the dotentacles, or vesicles; oral tentacles conical, digiti­
coelenteron; stomodeal pharynx (= actinopharynx) extends form, or branched, usually hexamerously arrayed in
from the mouth into the coelenteron and bears one or more one or more circles; typically with two siphonoglyphs.
ciliated grooves (siphonoglyphs); po lyps may reproduce A highly successful group with at least 1,000 l iving
both sexually and asexually; gametes arise from gastroder­ spec ies in 41 families, the largest being the Act ini idae
mis. About 6,225 descri bed living species divided into two {e.g., the order includes Actinia, Adamsia, Aiptasia,
subclasses. Alicia, Anthop/eura, Anthothoe, Bartholomea,
Bunodactis, Calliactis, Oiadumene, Edwardsia,
Epiactis, Halcampa, Haliplanella, Heteractis (=
ones and stony corals. Solitary or co lonial; naked, or Radianthus). Liponema, Metridium, Nematostella,
with calcareous skeleton or chitinous cuticle, but never Peachia, Phyllodiscus, Ptychodactis, Stichodactyla,
with iso lated sclerites; mesenteries usually paired and Stomphia, Triactis).
in mult iples of six; mesenteries bear longitudinal retrac­
tor muscles arranged so that those of each pair either ORDER ANTlPATHARlA Black or thorny corals.
face toward each other o r away from each other; m e s ­ Upright, branched or whip-li ke colonies up to 6 m
enteria l filaments typ ically tri lobed, with two ciliated tall; calcareous axial skeleton, usually brown or black
bands flanking a central one bearing cnidocytes and and covered by a thin coenosarc bearing small pol­
gl and cells; one to several circles of hollow tentacles yps, usually with 6 (but up to 24) nonretractable ten­
arise from endocoels {the spaces between the mem­ tacles; with feeble mesenteries; ske leton produces
bers of each mesentery pair) and exocoels {the spaces thorns on its surface {e.g., Antipathes, Bathypathes,
between two mesenteries of different pairs); pharynx Leiopathes).
may have 0, 1, 2, or many siphonoglyphs; cnidae very ORDER CORALLIMORPHARlA Sol itary polyps, with­
diverse; endodermal zooxanthellae may be profuse.
out a ske leton; lacking siphonoglyphs, ciliated bands
ORDER CERIANTHARIA Cerianthids or tube anem­ on mesenterial filaments, and muscles in the pedal
ones. Mesenteries complete, but with feebl e mus­ disk {e.g., Amplexidiscus, Corynactis, Rhodactis,
cul ature; mesenteries complete, with six pri mary Ricordea).
mesenteries. Large, solitary, elongate polyps l iving
in vertical tubes in soft sediments; tube constructed corals. Colonial or sol itary; polyp morphology almost
of interwoven specialized cnidae {ptychocysts) and identical to that of Actiniaria, except corals lack
mucus; aboral end lacks a pedal disc and possesses
s iphonoglyphs and cil iated lobes on the mesente­
a terminal pore; long thin tentacles arise from m a r ­
rial filaments; zooxanthellae present in about half the
g in of oral disc, fewer shorter labial tentacles encircle
known species; colony forms delicate to massive cal­
mouth; mesenteries comp lete; gonads occur only careous {aragonite) exoskeleton, with plate like skel­
on alternate mesenteries; protandric hermaphro­
etal extensions {septa). Over 1 ,300 extant spec ies,
dites; some species possess long-lived pelagic
in 24 families4 (e.g., Acropora, Agaricia, Astrangia,
larval stages {e.g., Arachnanthus, Botruanthus, Batanophyllia, Dendrogyra, Flabellum, Fungia,
Ceriantheomorphe, Ceriantheopsis, Cerianthus.
"'The taxonomy of the Scleractinia is in a state of confusion; many
higher taxa appear t o be nonmonophyletic. About 700 coral spe­
3We use the term "anemone" in a ge.neral sense for any solitary cies live i n deep water and do not form symbiotic relationships
anthozoan polyps, but restrict the tem1 "sea anemone" to the with zooxanthellae, and about two-dozen of these build reef
anemones of the order Actiniaria. structures.
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyf i sh, and Their Kin 271

Goniopora, Letepsammia, Meandrina, Montipora, layer) consisting mainly of fused sclerites. Includes
Oculina, Pachyseris, Porites, Psammocora, Coraflium, one of the precious cora ls used to make
Siderastraea, Stytophora). jewelry (also Brianeum, Melithaea, Paragorgia,
corals. Po lyps with 8 hollow, marginal, pinnate tenta­ SUBORDER HOLAXONIA Gorgonians. Upright,
cles, and 8 comp lete (perfect) mesenteries, each with branched colonies with an inner axis consist­
retractor muscle o n the sulcal side, facing the si ngle ing of scleroproteinous gorgonin w i thout free
s iphonoglyph; most species with free or fused calcar­ sp icules, with hollow cross-chambered cen­
eous sclerites embedded in mesenchyme, although tral core, often w ith small amounts of embed­
sclerites lacking in some species; stolons or coenen­ ded nonsclerit ic CaC03 (e.g., Acanthogorgia,
chyme connect the polyps. Three orders are currently Eugorgia, Eunicea, Gorgonia, ldeogorgia, Muricea,
recognized but considerable revision of subordinal Pseudopterogorgia, Swiftia).
groups is likely, part icularly within the Alcyonacea.
SUBORDER CALCAXONIA Gorgonians. Upright,
ORDER HELIOPORACEA (= COENOTHECALIA) He­ branched or unbranched col onies with an inner
lioporaceans. Colonies produce massive, rigid cal­ axis consi sting of sc leroproteinous gorgonin with­
careous skeletons of aragonite crystals (not fused out hollow cross-chambered central core, w ith
sclerites) similar to those of milleporid hydrozoans large amounts of nonscleritic CaC03 as intemodes
and stony corals; polyps monomorphic. Two families or embedded in the gorgonin. Mostly found in
(Lithotelestidae and Helioporidae) and two genera the deep sea (e.g., Austratogorgia, Chrysogorgia,
(Epiphaxum and Heliopora, "b l ue coral'l Dendrobrachia, Fanelfia, Heficogorgia, Isis,
Plumarelfa, Plumigorgia, Primnoa, Verrucefla).
ORDER ALCYONACEA Soft gorgonian and organ­
pipe corals. Colonies encrusting or erect, often mas­ ORDER PENNATULACEA Sea pens and sea pan­
sive; usually fleshy and flexible, although the coen­ s ies. Colonies complex and polymorphic; adapted for
enchyme is sclerite-filled; polyps monomorphic or life on soft benthic substrata; often bioluminescent;
dimorphic; fleshy distal portions of polyps usually elongate primary axial polyp extends length of the col­
retractabl e into more compact basal portion; skel ­ ony (to 1 m) and consists of a basal bulb or peduncle
etal elements compri sed of calc ite and gorgonin. for anchorage and a distal stalk, the latter giving rise
Twenty-nine recognized families, classif ied in 6 het­ to dimorphic secondary po lyps; coelenteron of axial
erogeneous suborders that may be litt le more than polyp w ith skeletal axis of calcified horny material in
morpho logical grades. canals (e.g., Anthoptilum, Balticina, Cavernutaria,
Funicutina, Halipteris, Pennatuta, Pfilosarcus, Renifla,
Sarcoptilus, Stylatufa, Umbelfula, Virgularia).
ians are deep-water octocorals w ith sol�ary polyps
that reproduce exclusively by sexual means, (e.g., SUBPHYLUM MEDUSOZOA Medusozoans. Free-swim­
Taiaroa and possibly Haimea, Hartea, Monoxenia, ming and sessi e l forms; medusae produced through lateral
Psuchastes). The status of this suborder is uncer­ budding and growth of the entocodon; epidermal gonads;
ta in because phylogenetic studi es suggest that it loss of intramesogleal muscles associated with 4 peristom ial
is nested deep ly within the Octocorallia (rts name is pits; loss of pri mary polyp tentacles transformed into hol­
therefore mislead ing). low structures; gastric fil aments and coronal muscle absent.
About 4,775 described livi ng species in 5 classes.
SUBORDER STOLONIFERA Sto loniferans. Simple
polyps arise separately from ri bbon-l ike stolons CLASS STAUROZOA Sta lked jellyfish. Small, sessile in­
that forms a n encrusting sheet or network; oral dividuals that develop from benthic, non-ci liated planula
disc and tentacles retractable into a ca lyx (stiff larvae and have complex but poorly-understood life cy­
proximal portion of polyp); mesenchyme with or cles; the planula deve lops into a sessile stauropolyp, and
w ithout sclerites; in some (e.g., Cornulariidae) a this into a stauromedusa w ith a stalked adhes ive disc
thin, horny external skeleton may cover po lyps and by which individua ls attach to substratum (a highly mo­
stolons (e.g., Bathytelesto, Clavufaria, Coelogorgia, tile medusa stage does not exist); stauromedusae have
Cornu/aria, Pseudogorgia, Sarcodictyon, Telesto, eight tentacle-bearing "arms"; sexual reproduction may
Tubipora [organ-pipe o r pipe-organ ·coral," a be dominant in most species al though asexual repro­
monotypic genus, T . Musica. in which sclerites duction is known i n at least one (Hatictystus antarcticus);
fuse to from a calcareous skeleton]). ovaries with follic le cells. Occur ma inly in shallow water
at high latitudes (e.g., Halic/ystus, Lucernaria; al though
Kishinouyea spp. are tropical). Molecular phylogenetic
united within a mass of fleshy coenenchyme;
analyses ind icate that desp ite cons iderable morphologi­
coenenchyme usually with sc lerites, but lacking
cal convergence with trachyline hydrozoans, the mi nute
an axis (e.g., Afcyonium, Nidalia, Sarcophyton,
Antarctic species, Microhydrula limopsicola, formerly
Studeriotes, Umbeltulifera, Xenia).
identified withi n the Umnomedusae, is in fact a life stage
SUBORDER SCLERAXONIA Encrusting or upright, within the life cycle of H . antarctica.
branched colonies w ith an inner axis (or axial -l ike
272 Chapter Seven

CLASS CUBOZOA Sea wasps and box jellyfish (Figures present on the four gastrovascular septa. Small to
7.1H; 7.15A). Medusae 1-30cm, largely co lorless; pol­ moderate in size; primarily bathypelagic; some con­
yps each produce a single medusa b y complete meta­ tain zooxanthellae (e.g., Atolla, Linuche, Nausithoe,
morphosis (strobilation does not occur), medusa bell Periphylla, Stephanoscyphus).
nearly square in cross section; rhopalia with comp lex
_ ORDER SEMAEOSTOMEAE Corners of mouth
visual structures; hollow interradial tentacle(s) hang from
drawn out into four broad, gelatinous, frilly lobes;
bladel ke
i pedalia, one at each corner of umbrella; unfrilled stomach with gastric fi laments; hollow margi nal ten­
bell marg in drawn inward to form a velum-like structure
tacles contain extensions of radial canals; without
{the velarium) into which divert icula of the gut extend. Cni•
corona l furrow or pedalia; gonads on fo lds of gastro•
dae of the nematocyst type only; the sti ng is very toxic,
dermis. This order contains most of the typical jelly­
in some cases fatal to humans, hence the name "sea
fish of temperate and tropical seas; moderate to very
wasps." Cubozoans are strong swimmers that occur in
large forms (some w ith bells reaching several meters
all tropical seas (and a few temperate regions, e.g., the
in diameter) (e.g., Aurelia, Chrysaora, Cyanea,
west coast o f South Africa and Namibia) but are espe­
Pelagia, Phacel/ophora, Sanderia, Stygiomedusa).
cially abundant in the lndo-West Pacific reg ion.
o RDER RHIZOSTOMEAE Lacking a central mouth;
ORDER CHIRODROPIDA Pedalia branch into hand• ,
fnlled edges of the four oral lobes are fused over the
like structure with each branch giving rise to a ten­
mouth so that many suctorial "mouths" (ostio l es)
tacle; externally fertilizing species including known
open from a complicated canal system on eight
dead ly genera, although toxicity is variable withi n
branchi ng armlike appendages; bell without mar­
this order due to di fferences in tentacle surface
gina l tentacles or pedalia; stomach without gastric
area and means of venom deli very (e.g., Chironex,
filaments; gonads on fo lds of gastrodermis. Small to
Chiropsalmus, Chiropse/la).
large jellyfish that swim vigorously using a well-devel­
ORDER CARYBDEIDA Ovovi vi parous species; oped subumbrellar musculature; pri mari ly occur in
venom can induce lrukandj i syndrome, a usually non• low latitudes (e.g., Cassiopea, Cephea, Eupilema,
life threateni ng but physically and psychologically Mastigias, Rhizostoma, Stomolophus).
uncomfortable set of symptoms following envenom­
CLASS POLYPOIDOZOA Intracellular parasites of the
ation. Five fami lies, incl udi ng the pelagic Alatinidae
oocytes of acipenceriform fish (e.g., sturgeons); binucle­
(f\/atina, Keesingia), whose rhopaliar openings are
ate cells within fish oocytes develop into inverted planu•
t-shaped; two families that lack rhopaliar horns. and
have rhopaliar openings that are frown-shaped, the laforrn larvae which evert during host spawning into ten­
taclate stolons that possess cnidae and fragment when
Carukiidae (Garukia, Gerongia, Malo, Morbakka), and
released into fresh water, dispersing as asexually repro­
the Tamoyidae (e.g., Tamoya) which also lack gastric
ducing medusoids whose gametes infect host fish. A
filaments; the Caryt,deidae, Carybdea), whose ropa­
si ngle species, Po/ypodium hydriforme, currently defines
liar openings are heart-shaped; and the Tripedaliidae
this class.
(Tripedalia, Copula), which engage in courtship and
"copulatory" behavior. CLASS HYDROZOA Hydro ids and hydromedusae (Fig­
ure 7.11-L and chapter opener photo). A l ternation of
CLASS SCYPHOZOA Jellyfish (Figure 7.1 G). Medusoid
generations occurs in most genera (typically asexual
stage predominates; polypoid ind ividuals (scyphistomae)
benthic polyps alternate with sexual planktonic medu­
are small and inconspicuous but often long-lived; pol­
sae), although one or the other generation may be sup•
yps lacki ng in some species; polyps produce medusae
pressed or lacking; medusae produced through lateral
by asexual budding (strobilation); coelenteron divi ded
budding of the endocodon; meduso ids often retai ned on
by four longitudinal (oral-aboral) mesenteries; medusae
the polyp; polyps usually co lon ial, with interconnected
acraspedote (without a velum), typically with a thick me­
coel enterons; often polymorph ic, indi v idual polyps modi ­
sogleal (or collenchymal) layer, distinct pigmentation, fili­
fied for various functions (e.g., gastrozooids feed, gono­
form or cap itate tentacles, and marginal notches produc­ _
zoo,ds are reproductive, dactylozooids are for defense
ing lappets; sense organs occur in notches and alternate
and prey capture); exoskeleton when present usually of
with tentacles; gametes arise from gastrodermi s; cnidae
chitin or occasionally calcium carbonate (hydrocorals);
present in epidermis and gastrodermis, nematocysts
coel enteron of polyps and medusae lacks a pharynx and
only; mouth may or may not be on a manubrium; usual ly
mesenteri es; mesoglea acellular; tentacles so lid or hol­
without a ring canal. Scyphozoans are exclusively ma­
r ine; planktonic, demersal, or attached. About 200s p e ­ low; cnidae occur only in ep i dermis; gametes arise from
ep idermal cells; medusae mostly small and transparent,
cies are divided into three orders.
nearly always craspedote (with a velum) and with a ring
ORDER CORONATAE High bell divided i nto upper canal; mouth typically borne on pendant manubrium; me•
and lower regions by a coronal groove encircling dusae lack rhopalia. About 3,500descri bed spec ies are
exumbrella; margin of bell deeply scalloped by gelati­ contained in 6 orders, including some freshwater groups.
nous thickenings termed pedalia, which give rise to Although the taxonomy of Hydrozoa is currently in a state
tentacles, rhopalia, and marginal lappets; gonads of revision (and debate), there is considerable support
PHYLUM CNIDARI A Anemones, Corals, Jellyfi sh, and Their Kin 273

for the exi stence of two monophyletic subc lasses, the ORDER THECATA (= LEPTOMEDUSAE, CALYPTO­
Trachylina and the Hydroidolina. The Siphonophora has BLASTEA, OR LEPTOTHECATA) A diverse group
previously been regarded as a subclass, but it now ap­ of hydroids with polyps a lways colonial ; hydranths
pears l ikely to be part of subclass Hydroidol ina. and gonozooids encased in exoskeleton; free
medusae usually absent, but when present flat­
SUBCLASS TRACHYLINA Trachyl ine medusae. Poly ­
tened and with statocysts; medusae form gametes
po id generat ion m inute or absent; medusae produce on subumbrella beneath radial canals; gonozooi ds
planula larvae that usually develop directly into actinu la (= gonang ia) with blastosty le that produces medu­
larvae, which metamorphose into adult medusae; me­ sae buds. Monophyly of the Leptothecata seems
dusae craspedote, with tentacles often arising from likely but relationships with in this order await further
exumbrellar surface, well above bell margin; medusae study. These are some of the most common spe­
mostly gonochoristic; currently including three subor­
cies of hydrozoans in the marine littoral zone (e.g.,
ders and over 150 known spec ies. Abietinaria, Aequorea, Ag/aophenia, Bonneviella,
ORDER LIMNOMEDUSAE (Figure 7 .13A-C). Campanularia, Cuvieria, Gonothyrea, Lovenella,
Freshwater and marine hydromedusae with ecto­ Obelia, Plumularia, Senularia).
endodermal statocysts, hollow tentacles, and 4 ORDER ATHECATA (= ANTHOMEDUSAE, GYMNO­
(rare ly 6) radial canals. The close relationsh ips among BLASTEA, OR ANTHOATHECATA) Po lyps solitary
freshwater genera (e.g., Astrohydra, Craspedacusta, or colonial; hydranths and gonozooids lack exoskel­
Umnocnida) suggests that freshwater species share eton; gonozooids produce free or sessile medusae;
a common ancestor; these species are the only tra­
some groups produce gametes in transient sporo­
chylines with true polyps, tiny structures that bud sex­
sacs; free medusae tall and b e ll -shaped, without
ual medusae or asexual frustu les wh ich creep away
statocysts, with or without ocelli; medusae form
to generate more polyps; famil ies now considered
gametes on subumbrella or manubrium. Current
within the Umnomedusae incl ude the Oli ndias idae
research suggests this order is polyphyletic.
(e.g., Gonionemus, Olindias, and the above freshwa­
ter genera), Monobrachiidae (e.g., Monobrachium), SUBORDER CAPITATA A diverse group of hy­
and Armohydridae, as well as the Geryoniidae droi ds possessing stenotele nematocysts and
(e.g, Geryonia, Liriope) which now appear to be tentacl es w ith rounded (capitate) tips at some
Umnomedusae rather than Trachymedusae. stage in the life cycle; many have medusae with
complex, cup-shaped ocelli. Current research
ORDER TRACHYMEDUSA Exclusively marine hydro­
suggests there are two clades, Zancleida and
medusae, usually w ith 8 radial canals and solid ten­
Corynida. Zancleida includes well-known pol­
tacles; includes 4 families-Hal creat
i idae, Petasidae, ypoi d forms (e.g., Pennaria, the Christmas tree
Ptychogastri i dae, and Rhopa lonematidae. The last
hydroids) and the millepori d "fire corals" (known
fami ly may include the acti nulidans: free-living, soli ­
for the ir potent sting ing nematocysts). Milleporids
tary, minute (to 1.5 mm), moti le, interst itial, appar­ are distinguished by mass ive or encrusti ng calcar­
ently asexual polypoid hydrozoans with no medusa eous coral-like skeletons, the calcareous matrix
stage; (e.g., Halammohydra, Otohydra). This order covered by thin ep i dermal layer; gastrozooids with
may be polyphyletic. short capitate tentacles; and each gastrozoo id
ORDER NARCOMEDUSAE Pelagic or bathype­ surrounded b y 4-8 dactylozooid-like tentacles,
lagic hydromedusae lacki ng rad ial canals, w ith each tentacle in a separate skeletal cup; gono­
lobed umbrella margins, broad, pouched stom­ phores housed in pits (ampullae) in skeleton; and,
achs, solid tentacles; includes 4 fami lies: Aeginidae the small free medusae lack mouth, tentacles, and
(e.g., Aegina), Cuninidae (e.g., Gunia), Solmarisidae velum. Like the stony corals, millepor ids re ly on
(e.g., Pegantha), and Tetraplatiidae (e.g., the worm­ a commensal relationship with zooxanthellae and
like Tetraplatia, formerly consi dered a coronate are thus restricted to the photic zone. Zancl ei da
scyphozoan). also includes well-known medusoid forms, former­
ly known as "chondrophorans," whose colon ies
may consist of gastrozooids, gonozoo i ds, and
droids and their medusa, and s iphonophores. Pol­ dactylozooi ds, or as a solitary but highly special­
ypoid generation often predominant; polyps may
have a ch itinous exoskeleton; oral tentac les filiform i zed polypoid indiv idual. Chondrophoran "zooids"
are attached to a chiti nous, multichambered, d i s ­
or cap itate, rarely branched or absent; colonies often clike float, that may o r may not have an oblique
polymorphic; many do not release free medusae but sail (e.g., Porpita, Ve/feta), thei r "gonozooids" bear
release gametes from sporosacs or sessi le attached medusiform gonophores that are released and
meduso ids (= medusoid buds, or gonophores) on shed gametes, and most are richly supplied with
colony; co lon ies gonochoristic. A large group, with zooxanthellae. The Corynida includes well-known
over 75 described fami lies and over 3,200 species. medusoid forms such as Coryne, Dipurena,
Hydro ids occur at all depths; the polypoid forms are Polyorchis, and Sarsia. The status of the Corynida
very common in the l ittora l zone.
274 Chapter Seven

is presently unclear due to evidence that generic includes the monophyletic Ca lycophora and the
rel at ionshi ps may need revision. paraphyletic Physonecta. The former possess an
anterior nectosome, comprised of nectophores,
SUBORDER APLANULATA Members of this taxon
swi mming el ements that propel the colony, and
lack a c il iated planu la stage, hence their name; the a posteri or zooid-bearing siphosome but no
group is well supported by molecular phyloge­
pneumatophore (e.g., Oiphyes, Hippopodius,
netic analyses. This group includes Corymorpha,
Sphaeronectes). The Physonecta possess an
Tubularia, Hydra, and Candelabrum. Hydra, while
anterior pneumatophore, a more posterior necto­
often used to exemplify the Cnidaria, is actually
some and a posterior siphosome (e.g., Agalma,
quite unusua l in l ife cycle and morphology.
Apolemia, Bargmannia, Physophora).
SUBORDER FILIFERA Thi s heterogeneous group of
SUBPHYLUM MYXOZOA Intracellular parasi tes of poiki­
hydrozoans is currently dMded into 4 major groups.
lotherm vertebrates, annel ids and bryozoans; possessing
The first group (F i lifera I) is typified by the fami ly
myxospores, cnida-like structures with two or more shell
Eudentridae, wh ich is d istingui shed from other fil if­
valves and polar capsules containing nematocyst-like fila­
erans by the absence of desrnoneme nematocysts,
ments. This taxon contains two clades (Myxosporea and
the presence of a stylo id-shaped gonophore, and
Ma lacosporea), well supported by mo lecular phylogenetic
a trumpet-shaped hypostome. The second group
analyses. About 2,200 described spec ies.
(Filifera IQ is less distinct but shares a sol id ring canal
and macrobasic eurytele cn idae, as well as reduction CLASS MYXOSPOREA Marine and freshwater spe­
in hydranth tentacles. Many species in this group live c ies, usually wi th hard valves; life cycles inc lude a myxo­
on other invertebrates (e.g., Hydrichthella on octo­ sporean phase in vertebrates and an actinosporean
corals; Brinckmannia wi thi n hexactinellid sponges; phase within po lychaete and sipunculan annel ids. About
Proboscidatyla on sabellid polychaete tubes). Fil ifera 1,200 described species.
Ill is typified by the fami lies Hydractiniidae (e.g.,
ORDER BIVALVULIDA Possessing two valves
Clava, Hydractina) and Stylasteridae (e.g., Allopora,
per myxospore; gut and tissue parasites (e.g.,
Sty/aster). Members of these families have po lymor­
Ceratomyxa, Henneguya, Myxidium, Myxobolus,
phic polyps and perisarc- or skeleton-covered sto­
Sphaerospora; the genus Myxidium appears to be
lons that can be colorful. The sty lasterine skeleton
is secreted within the epidermis and covered by a
th ick epidermal layer; a calcareous style often rises ORDER MULTIVALVULIDA Possessi ng more than
from base of polyp cup, hence the name "stylaster­ two valves per myxospore (e.g., Hexacapsula,
ine"; polyps may have tentacles; free medusae are Kudoa, Trilospora).
not produced, but sess ile medusoid gonophores are
CLASS MALACOSPOREA Wi th a single order, Ma laco­
retained in shallow chambers (ampullae) of the col­
va lvul ida, and a sing le fam ily, Saccosporidae. Freshwater
ony; several dactylozooids surround each gastrozo­
species characterized by soft-walled spores, bryozoans
oid, although polyp pits are jo ined. Filifera IV includes
as invertebrate hosts, and spore formation wi thin a sac­
the families Bouganvilliidae (e.g., Bouganvillia,
l ike body form (e.g., Buddenbrockia, Tetracapsuloides).
Oicoryne), Oceaniidae (e.g., Cordylophora),
Pandeidae (e.g., Pandea) and Rathkei dae (e.g.,
Rathkea), which all bear gonophores on structures
other than hydranths.
The Cnidarian Body Plan
ORDER SIPHONOPHORA Siphonophores. Poly­
morphic sw i mmi ng or floating colonies, with a num­ Although showing marked advances over Porifera and
ber of distinct types of polyps and attached modi­ Placozoa, cnidarians still appear to possess only two
fied medusae; most have a gas-filled flotation zooid. embryonic germ layers-the ectoderm and the endo­
Si phonophores are major oceanic predators, some derm-which become the adult epidermis and gastro­
reaching tens of meters in length; a m ajority of the dermis, respectively. The middle mesoglea or mesen­
species is bioluminescent. H istorically divided into chyme in adults is derived largely from ectoderm and
three groups based on body structure, molecular never produces the complex organs seen in triploblas­
phylogenetic research now suggests the existence of tic Metazoa(i.e., the Bilateria).
two major clades-Cystonecta and Codonophora. Whether or not a tn1e basement membrane(= basal
lamina) exists in cnidarians is debatable. We define a
SUBORDER CYSTONECTA Possessi ng an ante­
basement membrane as a thin sheet of extracellular
r ior gas-filled float or pneumatophore, with a pos­
matrix upon which an epithelial layer may rest; it con­
terior, zooi d-beari ng si phosome (e.g., Physalia,
tains collagen and other proteins, and it helps hold the
epithelial cells in place. By this definition, placozoans
SUBORDER CODONOPHORA Structurally the lack a basement n1embrane, cnidarians and cteno­
more complex siphonophores, this suborder phores possess one by way of the mesenchyme, and
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 275

Figure 7.3 Cnidari an radial symme•

tries. (A) Quadri radial symmetry of a
hydromedusa. (B) Radial symmetry of
a hydrozoan polyp. (C) Biradial sym­
metry of an actiniarian polyp (a sea
anemone). (D) Biradial symmetry of an
octocoral polyp (Anthozoa).

In spite of the limitations of a dip­

loblastic, radially symmetrical body
plan, cnidarians are a hjghJy success­
ful and diverse group. Much of their
success has resulted from their pos­
session of cnjdae and the diversity
of different dimorphic life histories.
Although polyps and medusae are
very different in appearance, they
are really variations on the basic cni­
darian body plan (Figure 7.2). And
yet, the two stages are vastly differ­
ent ecologically, and their presence
in a single life history allows an indi­
vidual species to exploit different en­
vironn1ents and resources, leading a
"double life."

the Bilateria possess a well-developed, highly protein­ The Body Wall

aceous basement 1nembrane. And, as we've seen, base­ Cnidarian epithelia-the outer epidennis and the inner
ment membranes also occur in some sponges. gastrodermis -include myoepithelial cells (Figures
The essence o f the cnidarian body plan is radial 7.4 and 7.19), which are primitive muscle cells. These
symmetry (Figure 7.3). As discussed in Chapter 4, ra­ columnar cells bear flattened, contractile, basal exten­
dial symmetry is associated with vadous architectural sions called myonemes (Figure 7.19). ln the epidermis,
and strategic constraints. Cnidarians are either sessile, these cells are referred to as epitheliomuscular cells,
sedentary, or pelagic, and they do not engage in the a c ­ and in the gastroderrnis they are called nutritive-mus­
tive unidirectional movement seen in bilateral, cephali­ cular cells. The myonemes rest against the middle m e ­
zed creatures. Radjal syn1metry den,ands certain ana­ soglea or mesenchyn,e, and the opposite ends of the
tomical arrangements, particularly of those parts that cells forn, the outer body and gut surfaces. The myo­
interact directly with the environn1ent, such as feeding nemes run parallel to free surfaces and contain con­
structures and sensory receptors. Thus, we typically tractile myofibrils. Myonemes of neighboring cells are
find a ring of tentacles encircling the body that can col­ interconnected, often forming longitudinal and circular
lect food from any direction, and a diffuse, noncentral­ sheets capable of contracting like muscle layers of n,ore
ized nerve net with radially distributed sense organs. advanced phyla. Primitive contractile cells similar to
These and other implications of radial symmetry are myoepithelial cells occur in poriferans-the contrac­
explored further throughout this chapter. Although tile myocytes. Somewhat similar cells are even known
polypoid and medusoid forms are often represented as among mammals, where they are found in association
inverted forms of one another (Figure 7.2A-C), stud­ with certain secretory tissues.
ies of gene expression in cnidarians show that the oral Molecular studies of germ layer formation in antho­
tentacles of polyps and the 1narginal tentacles of medu­ zoans show that virtually all of the genes involved in
sae n,ay not ah,vays be homologous sh·uctures (Figure endomesoderm formation in bilaterian embryos, in­
7.2D). As we will see, differences between polyps and cluding the core genes identified as components of an
medusae go well beyond how anirnals appear to be o r i ­ evolutionarily conserved endomesoderm ("kernel")
ented along their oral-aboral axis. gene regulatory network, are expressed in cnidarian
276 Chapter Seven

the mouth of other bilaterians. This

relationship is also supported by
molecular data. Thus, the mouths
of all animals appear to be ho1nol­
ogous, vvith the possible excep­
tion of the chordates. (The mouth
-� of chordates does not express the
same suite of genes as seen in other
metazoans, and its position forms
Epidermal nerve cell
independently of a circumoral
component of the nervous systen,
shared by most other metazoans. If
this interpretation is correct, it sug­
-::i �i::::-\---Granular border of
gests that the single opening to the
epidermal cells
cnidarian and ctenophoran (and
perhaps also acoel) gut preceded
the evolution of the through gut,
V �tITTIJ;:.::'.i;=:g.--Muscle bases (myonemes)

'E suggesting that the anus arose in­
,, of nutritive ..musc-ualr cells
dependently in protostomes and
Some cnidarians also possess
subepidermal mesenchymal mus­
cles, apparently derived from the


�:.._--� IF.:-.- -

• I" .�
- Muscle bases (myonemes)
of epitheliomuscular cells
contractile elen1ents of the myo­
epithelial cells. In ane1nones, for e x ­
ample, cordlike sphincters are sunk
below the epithelium and reside
as distinct muscles wholly within
the mesenchyme. In addition to
epitheliomuscular cells, the epider­
mis contains sensory cells, cnida-bearing cells called
cnidocytes, gland cells, and interstitial cells. The last are
w1differentiated and capable of developing into other
types of cells. The gastroderrnis is histologically some­
what similar to the epidermis (Figure 7.4). Along with
the nutritive-muscular cells it also contains cnidocytes
Figure 7.4 A hydrozoan polyp column wall (cross sec• (except in the Hydrozoa) and gland cells.
tion) illustrates the basic cnidarian cell and tissue types.
In hydrozoans, the middle layer is a rather simple,
gel-like, largely acellular mesoglea. Scyphomedusae
epithelial tissue that Lines the gastric cavity or the phar­ have a very thick n,esogleal layer with scattered cells.
ynx. conservation in components of the endorne­ In stauromedusans, cubozoans, and hydrozoans, me­
sodermal gene regulatory network provides compel­ soglea is n o n -cellular. In anthozoans the middle layer
ling evidence that the endodermal and pharyngeal is often a thick and richly cellular mesenchyme (see
tissue of cnidarians (and probably ctenophores) is ho­ footnote 2, earlier in the chapter). Myxozoans are pri­
mologous with that of the gut and oral ectoderm of marily small and cellular without clearly defined body
bilaterians, and that both endoderm and n1esoderm of walls, with a few exceptions. The actin.osporan larva of
bilaterians evolved from an ancestral endomesodermal many 1nyxosporea11s has rays con1prised of single cells
layer. Fate mapping experiments have shown that the that are used to attach to the mucous membranes of
definitive endoderm is generated from the oral pole/ vertebrate hosts. The worm-like Buddenbrockin has four
anin1al hemisphere in both anthozoan cnidarians and blocks of longitudinal musculature that lie beneath the
ctenophore embryos. They also show that the single epidermis and surround a hollow, gut-free body cavity.
opening to the cnidarian and ctenophoran gut arises
from the same region of embryo (the animal hemi­ The polypoid form Polyps are n,uch more diverse
sphere) that forms the mouth in all other bilaterians. than are medusae, largely as a result of their capacities
This suggests that the oral pole of adult ctenophores for asexual reproduction and colony formation (Figures
and cnidarians is homologous to the anterior pole of bi­ 7.5-7.12). This diversity of form has led to an extensive
laterians, and that the single opening is homologous to lexicon of terms for the parts of polyps. This expansive
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 277

(A) �Tentacle
Hydrolheca J

µ,...- -Coenosarc Hydrocaulus,,.-".

--Hydrocaulus ��Hydrorhiza

(C) (D) (E) Hypostome


Solid gastrodermal
(cellular) core

• •..


Figure 7.5 Hydrozoan polyps. (A) A thecate hydroid colony.

The blastostyles produce either sporosaos or medusae. (B) An
athecate hydroid colony, illustrating various types of reproduc­
(F) tive structures. Note that A and B are composite diagrams; a
given species produces either sporosacs or medusae. never
both. (C) A thecate hydranth (= gastrozooid) ( longitudinal s e c ­
tion). (D) A hydranth with cap itate tentacles. (E) A hydranth
Tentacle (with
/ nematocyst batteries) with two whor l s of filiform tentacles (e.g., Tubularia). (F) The
freshwater Hydra (body is shown in longitudinal section).

subphylurn Myxozoa. Polyps are tubular structures with

an outer epidermis, an inner gut sac (coelenteron) lined
with gastrodermis, and a layer of jelly-like mesoglea or
Coelenteron mesenchyme in between. Most polyps are small, but
( = Gastrovascular the polyps of some species of sea ane1nones get quite
cavity) large; the largest is the n1onstrous tropical Indo-Pacific
Stid1odacti;la 1nerte11sii, which can exceed a meter in diam­
Bud eter, and the beautiful northeast Pacific Metridi11111 gig11n­
teu111, which can extend its column to a meter in height.
The fundan1ental polypoid symmetry is radial, al­
though as a result of subtle modifications most spe­
terminology may at first seem a bit overwhelming, but cies possess a biradial or quadriradial symmetry. The
bear with us-we \VOn't give you anything unneces­ main body axis runs longitudinally through the mouth
sary here. The polypoid stage occurs in the subphyla (oral end) to the base (aboral end) of the polyp. The ab­
Anthozoa and Medusozoa, although it is greatly modi­ oral end may fonn a pedal disc for attaching to hard
fied in the Scyphozoa, Cubozoa, and Staurozoa. A clear­ substrata (as in most common sea anemones); it may
l y defined polypoid stage appears to be lacking in the be a rounded structure-called a physa-adapted for
278 Chapter Seven

Oral disc

retractor muscle-i -l-f'.i:....:.:
(on complete

Transverse (= radial)
mesenterial muscles

Pedal disc
•• :,. ·• •
,·•,• ·.
·: .·. Retractor muscle
Complete Acontium (BJ
Cnidoglandular band
Nematocyst Pharynx



Ciliated band

Cross section of
mesenterial filament

digging and anchoring in soft substrata (as in burrov.1-

ing anetnones); or it may arise from a common mat,
stalk, or stolon in colonial forms. Mesentery Coelenteron
The mouth may be set on an elevated hypostome
or manubrium as in hydrozoans, or it n1ay be on a
flat oral disc as in anthozoans (Figures 7.5 and 7.6). Figure 7.6 An anthozoan polyp. (A) A sea anemone
In anthozoans the mouth is usually slitlike and leads (longitudinal section). (B) Cross section taken at the level
to a muscular, ectodermally derived pharynx that ex­ of the pharynx. (C) Cross section taken below level of the
tends into the coelenteron (the gut cavity of a polyp). pharynx.
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 279

The pharynx usually bears from one to several ciliated celJs and is called the mesenterial filament (Figures
grooves called siphonoglyphs, which drive water into 7.6 and 7.20). In some sea anemones these filaments
the coelenteron (Figure 7.6). It is in part the presence of give rise to long threads, called acontia, that hang
siphonoglyphs that gives these polyps a secondary bi­ free in the gastrovascular cavity. Acontia function in
radial or quadraradial symmetry. The side of an antho­ defense and feeding (see the section on Feeding and
zoan polyp that bears a single siphonoglyph is called Digestion section below). In n1ost colonial anthozo­
the sulcal side, and the opposite side is called the asul­ ans the cellular mesenchyme llnites individual zooids
cal side. (Figure 7.12). In some, such as the soft corals, gastro­
The coelenteron, or gastrovascular cavity, serves vascular cavities are connected to one another by ca­
for circulation as well as digestion and distribution of nals called solenia.
food. In hydrozoan polyps, the coelenteron is a single, The tentacles that surround the mouth contain
uncompartmentalized tube. In scyphozoan (scyphis­ hollow extensions of the coelenteron in anthozoans,
tomae) and staurozoan polyps, it is partially subdi­ whereas they house a solid core of packed gastroder­
vided by four longitudinal, ridgelike mesenteries, and ma] cells in most hydrozoans. Tentacles may taper to
in some staurozoans and cubozoans additionally by a a point (filiform tentacles) or may terminate in a con­
transverse claustrum (a partition running parallel to spicuous knob of cnidae (capita.le tentacles). In some
the umbrellar margin and dividing each gastric pouch polyps the tentacles are branched, often as pinnately
into inner and outer pockets); in anthozoan polyps, arranged pim1ules (e.g., in the octocorals).
it is extensively con1partmentalized b y mesentedes. Branched hydrozoan colonies grow in two patterns
Anthozoan mesenteries are projections of the inner (Figure 7.7). In monopodial growth, the first po.lyp
body wall and thus are lined with gastrodern1is and elongates continuously from a growth zone at the distal
filled with mesenchyme. They extend from the inner end of the simple or branched stem of the colony, the
body wall toward the pharynx, some or all of them hydrocaulus. This primary (axia.l) polyp may even lose
fusing with it as complete mesenteries. Those that do its hydra.nth and persist merely as a The primary
not connect to the pharynx are called incomplete mes­ hydrocaulus gives rise to secondary polyps by lateral
enteries. ln anthozoan polyps, the free inner edge of budding. These secondary polyps grow and may give
each mesentery belov, the pharynx has a thickened, rise to lateral tertiary polyps in the same fashion. ln hy­
cordUke margin arn1ed with cnidae, cilia, a11d gland drozoan colonies developing by sympodial growth,

(A) (8)
. v� Hydranth

-�- ,; :


e:;��:::<���\:z���l=/2.:j�� Hydrorhiza

(C) Terminal hydranth

Hydrocaulus Figure 7 .7 Growth forms of hydrozoan colonies.
(A) Hydrorhizal colony. (BJ Colony displaying mono­
podial growth. (CJ A colony displaying sympodial
growth. The models next to B and C illustrate age
of po lyps in the colony; oldest polyps are shown in
black, youngest in white.

280 Chapter Seven
Female medusa
(A} Tentacle of

Body elf
!r--Clam shell

Figure 7.8 Diversity of form among the colonial chondrophoran Porpita (aboral view). (E) A co lony of the
Hydrozoa. (A) Proboscidactyla, a two-tentacled hydroid calcareous milleporid hydrocoral Mitlepora (fire corals).
that lives around the open end of polychaete worm (F) A siphonophore, Physatia ("man-of-war"}. (G) A colony
tubes. (B) Monobrachium, a one-tentacled hydroid that of the calcareous stylasterine hydrocoral Allopora.
li ves on clam shells. (C) Hydractinia, a colon ial hydroid (H) Nectocarmen antonioi, a colonial cal ycophoran sipho•
commensal on shells inhabited by hermit crabs. (D) The nophore from California. (I) Another siphonophore.

the primary polyp does not continue to elongate but Gastrozooids capture and ingest prey and pro­
produces one or more lateral polyps by budding and vide energy and nutrients t o the rest of the colony.
then stops growing. The new polyps extend the colony Dactylozooids, which occur i n a variety of sizes and
upward some distance then stop growing and give rise shapes, are heavily armed with cnidae. Often several
to more new polyps by budding. In these colonies the dactylozooids surround each gastrozooid and serve
main stem or axis actually represents the combined hy­ for both defense and food capture. Gonozooids pro­
drocauli of many polyps and the age of the polyps de­ duce medusa buds called gonophores that are either
creases from base to tip along each branch. released or retained on the colony. Whether released as
Most marine hydroids are surrounded, at least in free medusae or retained as attached gonophores, they
part, by a nonliving protein-chitin exoskeleton s e ­ produce gametes for the sexual phase of the hydrozoan
creted by the epidermis and called the perisarc (Figure life cycle. The living tissue (coenosarc) of the gonozo­
7.5). Interestingly, this outer covering is absent in oid is called the blastostyle; the gonophores arise from
freshwater hydroids. The living tissue inside the peri­ this tissue. When a gonotheca surrounds the blastos­
sarc is termed the coenosarc. The perisarc may extend tyle, the zooid is called a gonangium.
arow1d each hydranth and gonozooid as a hydrotheca The most dra1natic examples of polymorphism
and gonotheca, respectively. When this occurs, the hy­ among polyps are seen in the hydrozoan order
droids are said to be thecate; hydroids whose perisarcs Siphonophora and the anthozoan order Pennatulacea.
do not extend around the zooids are athecate. Siphonophores (Figu res 7.SF,H,T and 7.9) are hydrozo­
A complex terminology has been developed to d e ­ an colonies composed of both polypoid and medusoid
scribe hydrozoan polyps, or "hydroids" as they are individuals, with as many as a thousand zooids in a sin­
commonly called (Figures 7.5 and 7.7). A big reason for gle colony. This large order includes a great variety of
this special nomenclature is that hydroid colonies are w1usual and poorly w1derstood species, including the
usually polymorphic, containing more than one kiI1d fan1ous Portuguese man-of-war, Physali11 (Figure 7.8F).
of polyp, or zooid. The term hydranth or gastrozooid The gastrozooids of siphonophores are actually highly
refers to feeding zooids, which typically bear tentacles modified polyps with a large mouth and one long, hol­
and a mouth. Other contmonly occurring polyp types low feeding tentacle that bears many cnidae (Figure
include defensive polyps (dactylozooids) and repro­ 7.9). This feeding tentacle reaches lengths of 13 m rn the
ductive polyps (gonozooids or gonangia). Each zooid Atlantic species Physa/ia physalis. The nonfeeding dacty­
typically arises from a stalk, called a hydrocaulus (pl. lozooids also bear one long (unbranched) tentacle. The
hydrocauli). In most colonial hydrozoans, the individ­ gonozooids are usually branched; they produce sessile
ual polyps are anchored in a rootlike stolon called a h y ­ gonophores that are never released as free medusae.
drorhiza, which grows over the substratum. From the Siphonophores use one or more swimming bells
hydrorhiza arise the hydrocauli, bearing polyps singly (nectophores) or a gas-filled float (a pneumatophore),
or in clusters. or both, to help maintain their position in the water.
(C) (D)




,__ Swimming bell




Fishing tentacle
) (dactylozooid)
282 Chapter Seven

(AJ (B) (C)

Basal mass Cluster of
.•' '
of nematocyst nematocyst
batteries ✓ batteries

Tentacle MaJe

Figure 7.9 Siphonophore zooids. (A) A gastrozooid. (B) A dactylozoo id. (C) A gonozooid.

Nectophores are true medusoid i. n dividuals with gastrozooid, and one or more gonophores that may
many of the structures common to free-swimming me­ function as swimming bells. The cormidia commonly
dusae, although each nectophore has lost its mouth, break loose from the parent colony to live an indepen­
tentacles, and sense organs. The pneumatophore, dent existence, at which time they are termed eudox­
once also thought to be a modified medusa, is now ids. The physonectans have an apical float with a long
known to be derived directly from the larval stage stem bearing a series of nectophores followed by a long
and probably represents a highly modified polyp. train of corrnidia. The cystonectans, including Physnlia,
Pneumatophores are double-walled chambers lined usually have a large pnewnatophore with a prominent
with chitin. Each float houses a gas gland, which con­ budding zone at its base, which produces the various
sists of a mitochondria-laden glandular epithelium polyps and medusoids (Figure 7.SF).
lining a chamber. The gland secretes a gas usually Within the hydrozoan suborder Capitata, a group
similar to air in co1nposition, although in Physalia it formerly known as the "chondrophora" is composed
apparently includes a surprisingly high proportion of of colorful oceanic organisms that drift about on the
carbon monoxide. Many siphonophores have mecha­ sea surface in enormous flotillas, occasionally washing
nisms by ·which they regulate gas in their floats to keep ashore to coat the beach with their blui. sh-purple bod­
the colony at a particular depth, much like the swin, ies (Figures 7.1D and 7.10). Although they superficially
bladders of fishes. rese1nble so1ne siphonophores, current opinion holds
Siphonophores were formerly classified into these animals to be large, solitary, athecate hydranth
three suborders on the basis of colony structure: polyps, floating upside down instead of sitting on a
the Calycophora included colonies with swimming stalk attached t o the botton, . The aberrant medusae of
bells but no float; Physonecta included those with a chondrophorans are short-lived and do not possess a
small float and a long train of S\•vimming bells; and functional mouth or gut, probably relying instead on
Cystonecta had a large float and no bell. However, re­ their symbiotic zooxanthellae for nutrition. The aboral
cent molecular evidence suggests that the Cystonecta sail in Vele/la (the "by-the-1,vind-sailor") has no coun­
are basal to other siphonophores, with the mono­ terpart i n sessile hydroids. In its ability to sail at an
phyletic Calyphora and the paraphyletic Physonecta angle to the wind, Vele/la resembles the siphonophore
grouped for now within the suborder Codonophora. Plzysnlin, a similarity attributed to convergent evolu­
Calycophorans have a long tubular stem extending tion. Figure 7.10 compares a chondrophoran and a ses­
from the swinuning bell, fron, which various types sile hydroid, such as Tub11/nrin or Cory111orphn.
of zooids bud in groups called cormidia (Figure The apparent polyps of Polypodi11111 hydrifon11e (the
7.8H). Each cormidium acts as a colony-within-a-col­ only species in the bizarre class Polypoidozoa) exist
ony, and i s usually composed of a shieldlike bract, a intracellularly within the ova of their fish hosts as an
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 283




�-.:..&____ _


(C) Mouth

give the colony the appearance of a pinwheel set on the

end of a tall narrow stalk. The first deep benthic photos
of U111bell11/a had biologists scratchmg their heads for
years, wondering to which phylum this preposterous
creature might belong.
Gorgonians are also colonial anthozoans (Figures
7.1D and 7.12). Some grow in bushy shapes, whereas
others are planar; size and shape of the colony are often
mediated by the hydrodynamics of prevailing surge
and currents. Where prevailing currents are more
or less in one plane (although they may move in two
directions back and forth), the branches of the colony
Figure 7.1 o (AJ A capitate hydrozoan such as Velella
tend to grow largely in one plane also-perpendicular
compared with (B) a sessile tubularian hydranth, in sup­ to the flow. In regions of mixed currents, the same spe­
port of the view that "chondrophorans" are highly special­ cies tends to grow in two planes.
ized, solitary tubularian zooi ds. (CJ Veile/a skeletons in
beach wrack, coast of Washington. The medusoid form Free medusae occur only in the
subphylum Medusozoa. Although variation in form
exists, medusae are far less diverse than polyps and it
iJ1verted stolon whose digestive surface faces outward. is much easier to generalize about their anaton1y. (After
Prior to host spawning when ova are provisioned with reading about the amazing variation in polypoid colo­
yolk, Polypodium everts to assume normal cell layer nies, you're probably happy to hear this!) The relative
position, filling its gastric cavity with host yolk and re­ uniformity of medusae is largely a result of their usu­
vealing tentacles distributed along the stolon's length. ally si.Jnilar lifestyles in open water, and of their mabil­
The pennatulaceans are the sea pens and sea pan­ ity to form colonies by asexual reproduction. They
sies, and these are the 1nost complex and polymor­ are participants m colonial life only i.J1sofar as some
phic members of the class Anthozoa (Figure 7.lC,E remam attached to hydrozoan colonies to function as
and 711D,F).
. The colony is built around a main sup• sessile gonophores. Sessile benthic medusae exist, but
portive stem, which is actually the primary polyp and are rare (Figure 7.lF). Despite their s.implicity relative
buds lateral polyps in a regular fashion. The base of to polypoid forms, medusae do vary considerably in
the primary polyp (the peduncle) is anchored in sedi­ size, rangi.J1g from 2.0 mm diameter hydromedusae to
ment, but the upper, exposed portion (the rachis) pro­ 2.0 m scyphomedusae, and depending on their habi­
duces polyps in whorls or ro1,vs, or sometimes united tat can exhibit particular morphological specializa­
in crescent-shaped "leaves." Often these polyps are of tions associated with movement in a fluid medium. In
two distinct types. Autozooids bear tentacles and func­ many medusae each radial canal opens near the ring
tion in feeding; siphonozooids are small, have reduced canal onto the subwnbrellar surface by a pore. These
tentacles, and serve to create water currents through are thought to be "excretory pores" for the ejection of
the colony. In sea pens the rachis is elongated and c y ­ wastes and indigestible material that have been seen
lindrical; in sea pansies it is flattened and shaped like passing through them. While polyps often represent
a large leaf (Figure 7.lE). I n the odd deep-sea genus the vegetative stage of development among cnidarians,
U111belluln, the secondary polyps radiate outward to most medusae are sexual forms.
284 Chapter Seven

Figure 7.11 Anthozoans. (A) A
sea anemone, Actinia (Actiniaria).
(Bl A soft coral, Afcyonium
(Alcyonacea). (C) The octocoral
Telesto (Telestacea). (D) The sea
pen Pennatula (Pennatulacea). (E) A
cerianthid anemone removed from
its burrow (Ceri antharia). (F) The cup
___,,,... coral, Phyllangia. (G) A soft coral
(Alcyonacea). (H) The giant west
Pacific anemone, Heteractis.

PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 285



section through

Figure 7.12 Gorgonians (class Anthozoa, subclass

Octocorallia, order Alcyonacea). (A) The sea fan Gorgonia
has lacelike branches. (B) Apertures of retracted pol• Cross section of
yps are visible on the branches of Gorgonia. (C} The retracted polyp
Pacific gorgonian, Muricea californica, releasing round Fine gastodermal canals connect
Longitudinal canal polyps with each other and "�th
white eggs from reproductive polyps. (D) A branch of (selenium} major (longitudinal) canals (solaua)
the sea tan Pseudoplexaura (cross section). (E) Polyps of

Even though the body walls of medusae and polyps

are similar and both adhere to the general cnidarian
body plan outlined earlier, their gross morphologies
are adapted to their very different lifestyles. Medusae
are bell-, dish-, or umbrella -shaped, and usually in,­
bued with a thick, jellylike mesogleal layer (hence the
name jellyfish, or simply "jellies"). The convex upper
(aboral) surface is called the exumbrella; the concave
lower (oral) surface is the subumbrella. The mouth
is located in the center of the subumbrella, often s u s ­
pended on a pendant, tubular extension called the ma­
nubrium, which is almost always present on hydrome­
dusae (Figure 7.13), but usually reduced or absent in
scyphomedusae (Figure 7.14). gastric pouches (in scyphomedusae) give most jelly­
The coelenteron or gastrovascular cavity occupies fish a quadriradial (= tetramerous) symmetry (Figure
the central region of the umbrella and extends radially 7.3A). Most hydromedusae have a thin circular flap of
in the body via radial canals. In most hydromedusae tissue, the velum, within the margin of the bell (Figi.ue
(medusae of the class Hydrozoa), a marginal ring canal 7.13). Such medusae are tern,ed craspedote. Those
within the rim of the bell connects the ends of the ra­ lacking a velu1n, such as scyphomedusae, are said to
dial canals. The presence of four radial canals and of be acraspedote (Figures 7.14 and 7.15). The medusae
tentacles in multiples of four (in hydromedusae) and of cubozoans possess an independently evolved struc­
the division of the stomach by mesenteries into four ture, the velarium, which is structurally different but
286 Chapter Seven


(1'-, Tentacle '

Radial canal
'----._ Manubrium (G)

PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 287

◄ Figure 7.13 Hydrozoan medusae. (A-C) Limnomedusae Support

(subclass Trachylina): (A) a freshwater limnomedusa,
Cnidarians employ a wide range of support mecha­
Craspedacusta sowerbyi. (B) A temperate coastal spe­
cies, Gonionemus vertens. (C) Liriope tetraphylla. (D,E)
nisms. Polypoid forms rely substruitially on the hydro­
Leptomedusae (subclass Hydroidolina): (D) Aequoria static qualities of the water-filled coelenteron, which
victoria. (E) Anatomy of a typical leptomedusan. (F,G) is constrained by circular and longitudinal muscles of
Anthomedusae (subclass Hydroidolina): (F) Two individuals the body wall. In addition, the mesenchyme may be
of Potyorchis sp. (G) Anatomy of a typical anthomedusan. stiffened with fibers, particularly in the anthozoans.
Colonial anthozoans may incorporate bits of sediment
and shell fragments onto the column wall for further
functionally similar to the hydromedusru, velum. As in support. Mruiy colonial hydrozoruis produce a flexible,
polyps, the external surfaces of medusae are covered horny perisarc, composed largely of chitin secreted
with epidermis, and the internal surfaces (coelenteron by the epidermis. In medusae, the principal support
and cruials) are lined with gastrodermis. The bulky, ge­ mechanism is the middle layer, which ranges from a
lati11ous middle layer is either a largely acellular meso­ fairly thin and flexible mesoglea to an extremely thick
glea or a partly cellular mesenchyme. and stiffened fibrous mesenchyme, which may be a l ­
Although morphologically similar, diversity within most cartilaginous in consistency.
scyphozorui genera may be much greater than previ­ In addition t o these soft or flexible support struc­
ously suspected. Molecular evidence suggests that tures, there is an in1pressive array of hard skeletal
Aurelia aurita, a cosmopolitan sen1aeostome species structures of three fundamental types: horny or wood­
often used in invertebrate zoology laboratories to i l ­ like axial skeletal structures, calcareous sclerites, and
lustrate medusoid structure, may consist of 7 or more massive calcareous frameworks. Horny axial skeletons
distinct species. While morphologically indistinguish­ occur in several groups of colonial anthozoans such as
able(so far), these genetically distinct populations may
have diverged as early as the late Cretaceous(> 65 Ma).

Umbrellar Mesenchyme
epidermis Gastric pouch
(A) Stomach



, � .....
·,,. . .. •+.
. .. .
. ..


.-,�-' .
-�• '• • i•v :
-'I .
,' epidermis

!� g:7 .·
Mesenchyme -�
Rhopalium Oral
Oral arm

Figure 7.14 A typical scyphozoan medusa. (A) Cutaway side view.

(B) Oral view. Radial canals
288 Chapter Seven (A)

Figure 7.15 Anatomy of cubomedusae

and scyphomedusae. (A) A cubome­
dusa. (Bl A coronate scyphomedusa
(order Coronatae). (C) A semaeostome
scyphomedusa (order Semaeostomae).
(D) A rhizostome scyphomedusa (order
Rhizostomae). (E) A sessile staurozoan
Coronal � )' . , ·
' '.
(class Staurozoa). Velarium ,,
, • . .,
. Rhopalium

(C) (D) (E)

.·-·,, . Anchor
· •,'¾• ,,. ,
'' .
• ·.

Subgenital pit
. ....
: ��·
.", Subgenital
t' . pit

', i-:t-0rruarm
. _,,..,.-Attachment
'-'::!....:J• disk

gorgonians, sea pens, and antipatharian corals (Figures Scleractinia), in which epidermal cells on the lower
7.11 and 7.12), Amebocytes in the coenenchyme secrete half of the column secrete a calcium carbonate skeleton
a flexible or stiff internal axial rod as a supportive base (Figure 7.17), The skeleton is covered by the thin layer
embedded in the coenenchymal mass. Axial rods are of living epidermis that secretes it, and thus it might
protein-mucopolysaccharide complexes (called g o r ­ ted,nically b e considered to be an internal skeleton.
gonin for "gorgonian" corals in the octocoral order However, because the stony coral colony generally sits
Alcyonacea), but little is known of their chemistry, In atop a large nonliving calcareous framework, most bi­
the antipatharians (black corals),the axial skeleton is so ologists speak of the skeleton as being external.
hard and dense that it is ground and polished to n1ake The entire skeleton of a scleractinian coral is termed
jewelry (leading to a serious over-harvesting of these the corallum, regardless of whether the animal is soli­
animals around the world). tary or colonial; the skeleton of a single polyp, howev­
In most octocorals, mesenchymal cells called sclero­ er, is called a corallite. The outer wall of the corallite
blasts secrete calcareous sclerites of various shapes is the theca; the floor is the basal plate (Figure 7.17).
and colors (Figure 7.16). It is usually these scledtes R.ising from the center of the basal plate is often a sup­
that give soft corals and gorgonians their d1aracteristic portive skeletal process called the columella. The
color and texture. In many species, the sderites become basal plate and inner thecal walls give rise to numer­
quite dense and may even fuse to form a more-or-less ous radially arranged calcareous partitions, the septa,
solid calcareous framework. The precious red coral which project inward and support the n1esenteries of
Cor11/li11111 is actually a gorgonian with fused red coe­ the polyp. Polyps occupy only the uppermost surface
nend,y1nal sderites. In the stoloniferan organ-pipe c o r ­ of the corallum. Skeletal thickness increases as polyps
als (T11bipor11), the sclerites of the body walls of the in­ grow, and the bottoms of the corallites are sealed off
dividual polyps are fused into rigid tubes. Invertebrate by h·ansverse calcareous partitions called tabulae, each
calcium carbonate skeletons do not usually have col­ of which becomes the basal support of a nevv polyp.
lagen incorporated into their framework, as occurs in The corallum can assume a great variety of shapes and
vertebrates. However, in at least some gorgonians (e.g., sizes, fro1n simple cup-shaped structures in solitary
Leptogorgia) the calcareous spicules do include a colla­ corals to large branching or encrusting forms in colo­
gen component. nial species.
Massive calcareous skeletons are found in only Members of the hydrozoan families Milleporidae
certain groups of Anthozoa and Hydrozoa, The (milleporids) and Stylasteridae (stylasterines) also
best known are the stony anthozoan corals (order produce calcareous exoskeletons, and they are often
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 289

(A) (B)
Figure 7.16 The skeleton of
gorgonians, illustrated by SEMs
at successively greater magnif i­
cation of the gorgonian Muricea
fruticosa. (A) A complete colony.
(B) Colony branches bear whorls
of polyps. (Cl Sclerites from the
tissues of a single polyp.


referred to as the hydrocorals. Like stony corals

(Scleractinia), milleporid colonies (fire corals) may a s ­
sume a variety of shapes, from erect branching forms
to encrustations. The mi11eporid exoskeleton, termed
a coenosteum, is perforated by pores of two sizes that
accommodate two kinds of polyps (Figure 7.18). The
Columella gastrozooids live in large holes, or gastropores, and are
surrounded by a circle of smaller dactylopores, which
house the dactylozooids. Canals lead downward fro1n
Septa the pores into the coenosteun1 and are closed off below
Costa (outer ridge) by transverse calcareous tabulae. As growth proceeds
and the colony thickens, new tabulae are formed,
keeping the polyp pores at a more or less fixed depth.
Hydrocoral colonies thus differ fron1 scleractinian colo­
nies i n having the skeleton penetrated by living tissue.! The stylasterine skeleton is similar to the milleporid
skeleton, but the margins of the gastropores often bear
notches that serve as dactylopores, and the gastrozo­
oids and dactylozooids are supported by calcareous,
Figure 7.17 The corallite of a solitary scleractinian coral spine-like gastrostyles and low ridges called dactylo­
illustrating morphological features. styles, respectively. Stylasterine gonophores arise in
290 Chapter Seven Myoe p ithelial cells
� >--,
(A) GaSITOStyle
Dactylostyle Gasrropore Ampulla
... . .
. · :·...... .
. .. .
'.,•.·_ ·, . ,+', • ...... ..

. .'
,. . '
,• •

� . ': .

�· - .- . ...
Neurosensory cell
Myoneme Nerve cell

. . ,- " . Figure 7.19 Myoepithelial cells and the nerve net of

cnidarian epithelium.
· ·,• ' ;,. ..

0a c ylopo re
(B) t (support dactylozooids) warming-ocean acidification. Increased atmospheric
Gastropore \
carbon leads to more CO2 dissolving into seawater
(now estimated to occur at a rate of 1 million tons per
(,, (J � hour), a reaction that accelerates with increasing tem­
perature. More dissolved CO2 reduces the pH of the
, ocean water, which tends to dissolve and thus destroy
• the prinlary building 1naterial of coral skeletons, calci­
um carbonate. Whereas calcification rates on the Great
Barrier Reef increased 5.4% between 1900 and 1970,
they dropped 14.2% between 1990 and 2005. The shells
of echinoderms, molluscs, crustaceans, certain pro­
tists, and many other marine species are at similar and
Gastrostyle Canal alarming risk.
(supports i,,aslTozooid)
Figure 7.18 Hydrozoan sketetons. The stylasterine
hydrocoral Allopora has a calcareous skeleton. Plane The contractile elements of cnidarians are derived from
view, from above (A) and cross section through the skel­ their myoepithelial cells (Figure 7.19). In spite of the
eton (B). epithelial origin of these elen1ents, for convenience we
use the terms "muscles" and "musculature" for the sets
of longitudinal and circular fibrils. In polyps, these two
chambers called ampullae, ,vhich connect to the feed­ muscle systems work in conjunction with the gastro­
ing zooids through the coenosteum. ln hydrocorals vascular cavity as an efficient hydrostatic skeleton, as
such as Millepora, ampullae open briefly to release well as providing a means of n1oven1ent. However, u n ­
large numbers of tiny medusae, which for each coralla like the fixed-volume hydrostatic skeletons of many
(colony) contain either eggs or sperm, as nulleporids animals (e.g., many worms), water can enter and leave
are gonochoristic. the coelenteron of cnidarians, adding to its versatility
The calciun1 carbonate skeletons of cnidarians make as a support device. Polyp body musculature is most
them particularly vulnerable to a seldom appreciated highly specialized and well developed in the anthozo-
outcome of continued carbon emissions and global
Mescnterial filament

Epidermis Ciliated lateral


Figure 7.20 Mesentery (cross section) Retractor muscles

of a sea anemone (Actiniaria). (longitudinal, on mesenchymal folds)
(A) (8)


.. .......' . . . . l).. '' .. . .. . . .

. .. . . . .

.. .. .... .. .. '. .. '. ..

. . . . . . ...

. :. ... ..-...
. ' .
.. .
. . . . .. . . . . '
. . '
. ..
. . . d
. .
•. ·,·::. -./}fl

C:'.· .'•..::;::,f:itt�;:.•!:�--
. .. ...........
. . . . . . ....
' ·,

Sucker-bearing branch
of tentacles


(D) (E)

Figure 7.21 Benthic locomotion in some cnidarians. Lucemaria. which also creeps about on its tentacles.
(A) A sea anemone burrowing: (1) eversion of the physa (D) Liponema brevicornis, a sea anemone that folds itself
with displacement of sand (a) and further penetration (b) into a "ball" and rolls about on the sea floor with the bot­
into substratum; the anemone is held by a column anchor tom currents. (E) The sea anemone Stomphla (wh ite arrow)
(c) as extension (d) follows retraction in (2); with the ten­ swimming off the substratum by undulatory back-and­
tacles folded inward (e), the physa is swollen to form an forth contractions of the column-an escape response to
anchor (I), which allows retractor muscles (g) to pull the the predatory sea star Gephyreaster swifti, visible in this
anemone into the sand. (B) The hydromedusan Eleutheria, photo (Puget Sound, Washington).
which creeps about on its tentac les. (C) The staurozoan

ans, particularly the sea anemones, and many muscles the sphincter to further cover and protect the delicate
lie i n the mesenchyme. In anemones, the muscles of oral surface upon contraction.
the column wall are largely gastrodermal, although Most polyps are sedentary or sessile. Their move-
epitheliomuscular cells occur in the tentacles and oral 111ents consist n1ainly of food-capturing actions and the
disc. Bundles of longitudinal fibers lie along the sides withdra,,val of the upper portion of the polyp during
of the mesenteries and act as retractor muscles for body contractions. These activities are accomplished
shortening the column (Figure 7.20). Circular muscles primarily by the epidermal muscles of the tentacles and
derived from the gastrodermis of the column wall are oral disc, and by the strong gastrodermal muscles of the
also well developed. In most anemones, the circular column. Circular n1uscles work in conjunction vv:ith the
muscles form a distinct sphincter at the junction of the hydrostatic skeleton to distend the tentacles and body.
column and the oral disc. Circular fibers also occur in A variety of locomotor methods have evolved
the tentacles and the oral disc, and circular muscles among polyps (Figure 7.21). Most can creep about
surrounding the mouth can close it completely. When slowly by using their pedal disc musculature. In so1ne
an anemone contracts, the upper rim of the colwnn is solitary hydrozoan polyps (e.g., Hydra), the colunm
pulled over to cover the oral disc. In many sea anemo­ can bend far enough to allow the tentacles to contact
nes, a circular fold-the collar, or parapet-occurs near and temporarily adhere to the substratum, whereupon
292 Chapter Seven

the pedal disc releases its hold and the animal som­ bell, driving water out from beneath the subumbrella
ersaults or 1noves Like an inchworm. Simple polyps and movmg the animal by jet propulsion. The restric­
like the hydrozoan Hydra transfer within their tion of striated myofibrils to epithelial cells appears to
gastrovascular cavity using contractions of the pe­ constrain the force with which bell musculature may
duncle; these contractions are biochemically mediated contract, favoring either small solitary or groups of
by RFan1ides, che1n.icals that induce cardiac contrac­ prolate (streantlined) bells tl1at n1ove by jet propulsion
tion m higher metazoans, suggesting that muscular (e.g., Anthoatllecata, Trachymedusae, Siphonophora,
contractions m these distantly related taxa might share Cubozoa) or larger, oblate (flattened) bells that move
neurological similarities. A few sea anemones can by more gentle contractions of the bell margin, called
detach from the substratum and actuaJly swim away rowing (e.g., Leptothecata, Narcomedusae, scyphozo­
b y "rapid" flexing or bending of the column (e.g., an medusae).
Actinostola, Ston1plzia); others swim by thrashing the The stiffened cellular collenchyme of scyphomedu­
tentacles (e.g., Boloceroides). These swimming activities sae and cubomedusae mcludes elastic fibers that pro­
are temporary behaviors, generally elicited by the a p ­ vide the antagonistic force to restore the bell shape be­
proach or contact of a predator. In a few species of sea tween contractions. Many medusae also possess radial
anemones, tile basal disc may detach and secrete a gas muscles tllat aid in openmg the bell between pulses. In
bubble, permitting the polyp to float away to a new craspedote forms, the velum serves to reduce tile size
location. of the subumbreUru· aperture, thus increasing the force
Many species of sn1all anthozoans can float h a n g ­ of the water jet (Figur e 7.13). The velarium of the fast­
ing upside-down on the sea surface by using water swimming cubomedusae has the same effect (Figure
surface-tension forces (e.g., Epiactis, Diad11mene). Sea 7.15A), and the evolutionary forces that produced
anemones of one family (Minyadidae) are wholly pe­ these two convergent features 1vere probably similar.
lagic and float upside m the sea by 1neans of a Most 01edusae spend their tinle swimming upward
gas bubble enclosed "vithm the folded pedal disc. u1 the water colunm, then sinking slowly down to cap­
Hydra also is known to float upside down by means ture prey by chance encounter, tllereafter to pulsate
of a mucus-coated gas bubble on the botton1 of its upward once again. Some medusae have the ability to
pedal disc. One of the oddest forms of polyp locomo­ change direction as they s"vim, however, and many are
tion is that of the sea anemone Liponema bre-vicornis of strongly attracted t o light (especially those harbormg
the Bermg Sea, which is capable of drawing itself mto symbiotic zooxanthellae). Medusoid form also appears
a tight ball that can be rolled around the sea floor by to correlate with feeding mode. Jet propulsion is associ­
the bottom currents (Figure 7 .21 D). Even colonial sea ated with ambush foraging by medusa who lie motion­
pansies (Pennatulacea) are motile, in tllat they can use less, waitmg for motile prey to swun u1to their tentacles
their muscular peduncle to n1ove t o different depths on before rapidly consuming the ensnared prey, whereas
the sea floor. rowmg propulsion is associated with cru.ismg foragmg
Most cerianthid anemones are burrowing, tube­ by medusa which swim continuously with tentacles
building organisn1s (Figure 7 .llE). They differ from the extended t o capture slow moving or floating prey. At
sea anemones (Actiniaria) in several unportant ways. least some medusae house their zooxanthellae m smaJI
They have no sphincter muscle, and their weak l o n ­ pockets that remau1 contracted at night but expand
gitudinal gastrodermal muscles d o not form distmct durmg the day, exposmg the algae to light.
retractors in the n1esenteries. As a result, cerianthids Medusae can b e abundant in certain Localities.
cannot retract the oral disc aJ1d tentacles as they with­ Some, such as the 1110011 jelly Aurelin (Figure 7.22), are
draw mto their tubes. In contrast to other anen1ones, known to aggregate at temperature or salmity discon­
however, they possess a complete layer of longitudi­ tinuity layers in the sea where they feed on small zoo­
nal epidermal muscles in the column, which allows a plankters, which also concentrate at these boundaries.
very rapid withdrawal response. The mere shadow of Large flotillas of scyphon1edusae are sometin1es seen
a passmg hand will cause a cerianthid to rapidly pull at sea (e.g., Pltncellopltora u1 the eastern Pacific). A few
itself deep mto its long, buried tube. unusual groups of medusae are bentl1ic. Some hydro­
In medusae, epidermal and subepidermal muscu­ medusae (e.g., Ele11tlteria, Gonio11e11111s) crawl about on
latures predominate, and the gastrodermal muscles algae or sea grasses by adhesive discs on tlleir tentacles
that are so unportant in polyps are reduced or lacking. (Figure 7.21B). Members of the Class Staurozoa (e.g.,
The epidermal musculature is best developed ru·ound Haliclystus) develop directly from the stauropolyp
the bell margin and over the subumbrellar surface. stage and affix to algae and other substrata by an ab­
Here the muscle fibers usually form circular sheets oral adhesive disc (Figure 7.lF). Aggregations are com­
called coronal muscles that are partly embedded in mon m scypho-and cubomedusae, possibly to enhance
the mesenchyme or mesoglea. Contractions of the feed mg or defense. Almost all cubomedusae are tropi­
coronal muscles produce rhythmic pulsations of the cal to subtropical rn their range, but a large temperate
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 293

Figure 7.22 The semaeostoman medusa Aurelia (moon jellies) often form
large swarms. (A) Aurelia aurita; notice elongated oral arms. (8) Aurelia radial
canals and rhopal ium.

species (Cnrybden brn11c/11) occurs on the Skeleton Coast anchored to adjacent epithelial ceJls (supporting cells)
of southwestern Africa where it can occur i n dense or to the w1derlying mesenchyme.
"clouds" of an acre or more across. When sufficiently stimulated, the tube everts
from the cell. In members of the classes Hydrozoa,
Cnidae Scyphozoa, and perhaps Cubozoa, the capsule is cov­
Before considering feeding and other aspects of cnidar­ ered by a hinged lid, or operculum, which is thrown
ian biology, it is necessary to present some information open when the cnida discharges. In members of these
on the structure and function of cnidae. Cnidae (sing. three classes, each cnida bears a long cilium-like bris­
cnida), often referred to collectively as "nematocysts" tle called a cnidocil, a mechanoreceptor that elicits
i n older works, are unique to the phylum Cnidaria. discharge when stimulated. The cnidocil responds to
They have a variety of functions, including prey cap­ specific water-borne vibration frequencies. Anthozoan
ture, defense, locomotion, and attachment. They are cnidae lack a cnidocil and have a tripartite apical flap
produced inside cells called cnidoblasts, which devel­ instead of an operculum (anthozoan cnidae are only
op from interstitial cells in the epidennis and, in many spirocysts and ptychocysts). Cnidocytes are most
groups, also in the gastrodermis. Once the cnida is fully abundant i n the epidermis of the oral region and the
formed, the cell is properly called a cnidocyte. During tentacles, where they often occur in dusters of wartlike
formation of a cnida, the cnidoblast produces a large structures called nematocyst batteries.
iJ1te111al vacuole in which a complex but poorly under­ About 30 kinds of cnidae have been described
stood intracellular reorganization takes place. Cnidae (Figures 7.24 and 7.25). Combinations of cnida types,
may be complex secretory products of the Golgi appa­ called cnidomes, occur in recognizable taxonomic
ratus of the cnidoblast. There is also some evidence that patterns within Cnidaria, and these have had lim­
cnidae might have originated syn,biogenetically from ited usefulness i n analyzing phylogenetic patterns in
some ancient protist(s), and cnidalike structures have the phylum. However, cnidae more or less sort out
been reported from such diverse groups as dinoflagel­ as three basic types. True nematocysts have double­
lates, "sporozoans," and microsporans. walled capsules containing a toxic mixture of phenols
Cnidae are among the largest and most complex in­ and proteins. The tubule of most types is armed with
tracelJular structures known. When fully forn1ed, they spines or barbs that aid i n penetration of and anchor­
are cigar- or f l a s ks- haped capsules, 5 100
- �im or more age in the victin1's flesh. The toxin is injected into the
long, with thin walls composed of a collagen-like p r o ­ victim through a terminal pore in the thread or is c a r ­
tein. One end of the capsule i s turned inward as a long, ried into the wound on the tubule surface. Spirocysts
hollow, coiled, eversible tubule (Figure 7.23). The outer have single-walled capsules containing mucoprotein
capsule wall consists of globular proteins of unknown or glycoprotein. Their adhesive tubules wrap around
function. The inner wall is composed of bundles of and stick to the victim rather than penetrating it. The
collagen-like fibrils having a spacing of 50-100 nm, capsule tubules of spirocysts never have an apical pore.
with cross-striations every 32 nm (in the nematocysts Nematocysts occur in members of all cnidarian classes
of Hydra). The distinct pattern of mini -collagen fibers except within the Myxozoa (although polar capsules
provides the tensile strength necessary to withstand appear to be homologous structures; see following
the high pressure in the capsule. The entire structure is paragraph); spirocysts occur only in the Hexacorallia.
294 Chapter Seven

(� �
Base of tubule

Supporting rod
Stylets (on for cnidocyte
base of tube) Coiled tube


Nucleus of
Figure 7.23 Nematocyst. (A) Before discharge. (B) After

The third kind of cnidae, the ptychocyst, differs n1or­

phologicaUy and functionally from both nematocysts
and spirocysts. The capsule tubule of a ptychocyst
lacks spines and an apical pore and is strictly adhesive
in nature. In addition, the tubule is folded into pleats
rather than coiled within the capsule. Ptychocysts
occur only in the cerianthids and function in forming
the unique tube in which these animals reside.
The polar capsules o f 1nyxozoans are now widely to fire. Cnidarians are known to discharge their cnidae
viewed as ho1nologous to other cnidarian cnidae, a l ­ in the presence of various sugars and low-molecular­
though they are simpler in form. Polar capsules are weight amino compounds.
found in both myxosporean and actinosporean life stag­ The rapid protrusion of the tubule from a cnida is
es of myxozoans. The capsules consist of a thick capsular called exocytosis, and a n individual cnida can be fired
wall; an eversible hollow filament that is spiraled along only once. Three hypotheses have been proposed to e x ­
its length, may vary in length (up to 10x the length of plain the mechartism of firing: (1) the discharge is the r e ­
the capsule} and is contiguous 1-vith the capsule; and a sult of increased hydrostatic pressure caused by a rapid
stopper-like structure that covers the inverted filan1ent influx of water (the osmotic hypothesis); (2) intrinsic ten­
at its base. A variety of substances have been explored sion forces generated during cnidogenesis are released
as possible inducers of polar filament extrusion and, like at discharge (the tension hypothesis); and (3) contrac­
cnidae, polar capsules appear to be sensitive to pressure, tile units enveloping the cnida cause the discharge by
extreme pH and K+ concentrations. However, no consis­ "squeezing" the capsule (the contractile hypothesis).
tent physical or chemical cue responsible for extrusion Because of the small size of cnidae and the extren1e
appears to exist across most taxa. speed of the exocytosis process, these hypotheses have
Cnidae have usually been viewed as independent been difficult to test. Recent work using ultra high-speed
effectors, and, indeed, they often discharge upon direct microcinematography suggests that both the osmotic
stimulation. However, experimental evidence suggests and tension models may be at work, and that capsules
that the animals do have at least some control of the have very high internal pressures. The coiled capsular
action of their cnidae. For example, starved anemones tubule is forcibly everted and thrown out of the bursting
seem t o have a lower firing threshold than satiated cell to penetrate or wrap around a portion of the unwary
anin1als. It has also been demonstrated that stimulat ­ victim. Tt takes only a few milliseconds for the cnida to
ing discharge of cnidae in one area of the body results fire, and the everting tubule may reach a velocity of 2
in discharge in surrounding areas. Still, either chemi­ m/sec-a n acceleration force of about 40,000 g m -a k ­
cal and/ or mechanical stimuli, initially perceived by ing it one of the fastest cellular processes in nature. The
the cnidocil or a similar structure, cause most cnidae firing mechanism of hydrozoan cnidae is thwarted by
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 295

(A) (8)


(D) (E)

Figure 7.24 Discharged nematocysts. (A) The base of a micrograph). (CJ A fully everted nematocyst of C. californi­
discharged nematocyst from the hydrozoan Hydra (SEM). ca (light micrograph). (D) A fully everted nematocyst of C .
(B) A nematocyst of the anthozoan Corynactis californica californica (SEM of the base o f the averted thread and the
(Corallimorpharia). The nematocyst has been "stopped" tip of the capsule). (E) Everting nematocyst of the antho­
when partially averted; the averting tubule can be seen zoan coral Balanophyllia elegans.
passing up tubule the a lready external region (light

certain nudibranch gastropods that, in order to feed disappear within a few hours. However, toxins of
upon and capture intact cnidae from their prey, release most cubomedusans (box jellies) are another story
copious amounts of mucus to entangle and envelop hy­ altogether, and are estimated to be more potent than
droid tentacles containing still-intact cnidae. cobra venom. In tropical Australia, twice as 1nany peo­
Most ne111atocysts contain several different tox­ ple die annually from box jellies as fron1 sharks. Stings
ins that vary in activity and strength, but as a class of by Chironex (the "sea wasp") usually result in severe
chen,icals they are all potent biological poisons ca­ pain at least, and fatal respiratory or cardiac failure at
pable of subduing large, active prey, including fish. worst. Both acidic and alkaline environments suppress
Most appear to be neurotoxins. The toxins of son1e nematocyst firing. Thus, if you come out of the surf
cnidarians are powerful enough to affect humans (e.g., with a jellyfish tentacle stuck to you, dousing it •,vith
those of cubozoans; some jellyfish; certain colonial h y ­ urine (acidic) or baking soda (alkaline) may reduce the
droids, such as Lytocarpus; many hydrocorals, such as impact. Meat tenderizer or vinegar works somewhat,
Millepora; and many siphonophores, sucl1 as Physalia). perhaps by denaturing the toxins or desensitizing the
The toxins of most scyphozoans are not strong enough nematocysts, and in our experience following this with
to create problems for most people, wlless they have hot compresses seem to alleviate the pain. This is con­
an allergic reaction; even the effects of Plzysa/ia stings sistent with experiments showing that the lethality
296 Chapter Seven

Anacrophore Spirotele Aspirotele Atrichous Apotrichous Holotrichous

isorh.iza isorhiza isorhiza

some sea anemones (e.g., Aiptasia, Anthothoe, Calliactis,

Diad11111ene, Metridiun,, Sagartia), the cnidoglandular
Macrobasic mastigoneme band continues beyond the base of the pharynx as a
free thread called an acontium, which floats about in
the coelenteron. The cnida -bearing acontia not only
Figure 7.25 Some types of cnidae and their specialized
nomenclature. subdue live prey within the coelenteron, but they may
be shot out through the mouth or through pores in the
body wall (called cinclides) when the animal contracts
of box jellyfish (Chironex) venom to crayfish cardiac violently; when this occurs, t h e acontia presumably
muscle was eliminated at temperatures approaching play a defensive role.
60° C. lf you want to swim in an area known to b e Prey type appears t o influence medusoid form.
frequented by dangerous jellies, you can ah,vays do Most oblate medusae feed on small ciliated or soft-bod­
what lifeguards in northern Australia do-don a pair ied prey, following their quarry by continuous rowing
of pantyhose (not fishnet!), which seem to offer some (using their large flat bell), and then using nematocysts
protection. on the tentacles, the oral arms, or both to capture their
victims. Pelagia noctiluca, an open-sea diurnal rnigrator,
Feeding and Digestion follovvs the other migrating macrozooplankton upon
All cnidarians are carnivores (or parasites). Typi­ which it feeds. Pelagia uses its n,arginal tentacles to
cally, nematocyst-laden feeding tentacles capture paralyze and capture moving prey, then transports it
anitnal prey and carry it to the mouth region ,,vhere to the oral arms dangling from the center of the subum­
it is ingested whole (Figure 7.26). Digestion is initially brella. The oral arms transport the prey to the mouth.
extracellular in the coelenteron. The gastrodermis is Motionless prey may also be captured by the oral arms
abundantly supplied with enzyme-producing cells directly through chance contact. Most prolate medusa
that facilitate digestion (Figure 7.4). In many groups, feed on actively swimming prey. These species often
gastrodermal cilia (or flagella) aid in mixing of the gut retract their tentacles while swimnung to reduce drag.
contents. 1n the absence of a true circulatory system, Cubomedusae such as Chironex spp. feed actively on
the gastrovascular cavity distributes the partially di­ fish, and can swim in bursts of up to five feet per sec­
gested material. The larger the cnidarian, the more ond. Because of their higher metabolic demands, un­
extensively branched or partitioned is its coelenteron. like other Medusozoa, they move semidigested food
The product of this preliminary breakdown is a soupy from their central gastrovascular cavity to canals lin­
broth, from which polypeptides, fats, and carbohy­ ing the interior walls of each tentacle for absorption.
drates are taken into the nutritive -n,uscular cells b y Son1e cubomedusae catch and lngest fish and prawns
phagocytosis and pinocytosis. Digestion is complet­ n1atchit1g their own diameter, and a large Chironex can
ed intracellularly within food vacuoles. Undigested eat fish 20-50cm i n length! Some cubomedusae are less
wastes in the coelenteron are expelled through the active hunter-predators and feed primarily by passive
mouth. 1n cubozoans, and at least some hydrozoans, hunting (e.g., Tripedalia cystophora, and perhaps also
ciliary movement of material in the coelenteron is en­ Chironexfleckeri and Carybdea rastonii), and in these
hanced by peristaltic movements. cases the eyes are probably used to position themselves
In anthozoans, the free edges of most of the gastro­ in the right food-rich habitat.
vascular mesenteries are thickened to form three-lobed Several groups of cnidarians have adopted feeding
mesenterial filaments (Figures 7.6 and 7.20). The lateral methods other than the direct use of nernatocyst-laden
lobes are ciliated and aid in circulating the digestive tentacles. One group of large tropical anemones in the
juices in the coelenteron. The m.iddle lobe, called the order Corallinlorpharia (e.g., Amplexidiscus) lacks ne­
cnidoglandular band, bears cnidae and gland cells. 1n matocysts 011 the external surfaces of most tentacles.
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 297


Figure 7.26 (A-D) Feeding sequence in the tropical sea character for a given species. These loose mucous webs,
anemone Amp/ex/discus senestrafer. (A) An expanded oral
or floes, are usually enriched by bacterial colonies and
disc has a tentacle-free area near the periphery, and an
entrapped detrital materials, further enhancing their
oral cone. (B) An expanded disc (side view). (C) Closure
one-third complete, 1 second after stimulation of the oral nutritional value.
disc. (D) Complete closure, 3 seconds after stimulation. The role of cnidarians as potentially significant
(E) The temperate sea anemone epiactis prolifora captur­ members of food webs depends large!y on location and
ing a Jellyfish (Aequorea?). circumstance. Stony corals obviously hold critical tro­
phic positions in tropical reef environments, as do zo­
anthids and octocorals in many tropical and subtropi­
These remarkable anemones capture prey directly cal habitats. In many wann and temperate areas sea
with the oral disc, which can envelop crustaceans and pens and sea pansies dominate benthic sandy habitats.
small fishes, rather like a fisherman's cast net (Figures Large scyphomedusae (e.g., Aurelia, Cyanea, Pelagia,
7.26A-D). Phncellophorn) often occur in great svvarn1s and may
1n addition to tentacular feeding on small plank­ consu1ne high numbers of larvae of commercially in,­
ters, many corals are capable of mucous-net suspen­ portant fishes, as welJ as competing with other fishes
sion feeding, which is accomplished by spreading thin for food. Swarms of jellyfish may be so dense that they
mucous strands or sheets over the colony surface and clog and damage fishing nets and pO\•ver plant intake organic particulate matter that rains down systems. We once witnessed a swarm of Phncellophorn
fron1 the water. The food-laden mucus is driven by in the Gulf of California that ran like a broad river fron1
cilia to the mouth. In a few corals (e.g., members of the Loreto to La Paz, a distance of about 200 kilometers.
family Agariciidae), the tentacles are greatly reduced Certain scyphozoans (Chrysnorn) have undergone pop­
or absent, and all direct feeding is by the mucous-net ulation blooms in their native habitats, perhaps due to
suspension method. The an1otmt of mucus produced climate shifts, while other species (Phyllorhi:zn) have
by corals is so great that it is an important food source become invasive after transport by ships or in shifting
for certain fishes and other reef organ.isms, •..vhid1 feed currents. In large numbers jellies significantly influ­
directly off the coral or recover mucus sloughed into ence local fish and plankton populations.
the surrounding sea water. Coral mucus released into Hydromedusae too are major components of tem­
the sea contains a variable mixture of macromolecu­ perate pelagic food webs. Members of several hydro­
lar components (glycoproteins, lipids, and mucopoly­ zoan genera also occur in huge congregations in tropi­
saccharides) or a mucous lipoglycoprotein of specific cal seas, where they are important carnivores in the
298 Chapter Seven

neustoruc food web. Best known among these are the for defense and competition for space, by direct contact
chondrophorans Porpi/11 (which actively feeds on m o ­ or release of toxic exudates.
tile crustaceans, such as copepods) and Vele/In (which The acrorhagi (= marginal tubercles or bumps) that
feeds on relatively passive prey, such as fish eggs and ring the collar of some sea ane1nones (e.g., A11thople11r11)
crustacean larvae), and the siphonophore Physnlia also have a defensive function. These normally incon­
(which actively catches and consumes fish). Other s i ­ spicuous vesicles at the base of the tentacles bear ne­
phonophores inhabiting deep-sea environments (e.g., matocysts and usually spirocysts. In A. elegnntissin111,
Erennn sp.) possess bioluminescent and red-fluorescent contact of an acrorhagi-bearing sea anemone with non­
lures that may be important for capturing fish sensitive clonen1ates or other species causes the acrorhagi in the
to long-wavelength light. Like scyphomedusae, hydro­ area of contact to swell and elongate. The expanded ac­
medusae and siphonophores can reach high densities rorhagi are placed on the victi1n and withdrawn, and
in surface waters and have sigruficant effects on zoo­ the application may be repeated. Pieces of acrorhagial
plankton and human populations. The Chinese fresh­ epidermis break off and remain on the victim, result­
water limnomedusa, Crnspedncusfn so,verbyi, is now ing in localized necrosis. Interclonal strips of bare rock
established throughout the Uruted States and Europe are maintained by this aggressive behavior, and may
where i t can undergo "blooms" and impact fisheries. help prevent overcrowding (Figure 7.27A). In addition
The Portuguese man-of-war, Physnlin sp., is a known to this behavior, the acrorhagi are exposed as a ring of
menace for swi1nn1ers during sumn1er n1onths in nematocyst batteries around the top of the constricted
coastal areas throughout the world. column whenever an acrorhagi-bearing sea anen1one
contracts in response to violent stimulation. Other
Defense, Interactions, and Symbiosis competitive interactions are known among stony cor­
There are so many interesting aspects of cnidarian biol­ als (Figure 7.27C).
ogy that do not fall neatly into our usual coverage of Octocorals, which lack toxic stinging nematocysts,
each group that we present this special section. The have been shovvn to be a rich source of biologically a c ­
following discussion also points out the surprising tive and structurally unusual compounds that appear
level of sophistication possible at the relatively simple to provide protection against predators and may allow
diploblastic, radiate grade of complexity. them to colonize new habitats by causing tissue necro­
In most cnidarians, defense and feeding are inti­ sis in potential competitors. These compounds include
mately related. The tentacles of most anemones and prostaglandins, diterpenoids, and nausea-inducing fu­
jellyfish usually serve both purposes, and the defense ranocembranolides including the descriptively named
polyps (dactylozooids) of hydroid colonies often aid in 1 lf3, 1213-epoxypukalide. In contrast to many coastal
feeding. In so1ne cases, however, the two functions are and coral reef dwelling species, octocorals are remark­
performed by distinctly separate structures (as in many ably free fron1 predation except by tl1e few species that
siphonophores). are specialized to use them as food. While sclerites
Some species o f acontiate sea anemones (e.g., have also been proposed to provide antipredatory ben­
Metridiu111) bear separate and distinct feeding tentacles efits, there is Uttle clear evidence that sclerites decrease
and defense tentacles. Whereas the former usually the nutritional value of octocorals sufficiently to deter
move in concert to capture and handle prey, the de­ predation. Thus, like sponges, octocorals appear to
fense tentacles move singly, in a so-called searching be­ use secondary metabolic compounds as their primary
havior, in which they extend to tllfee or four ti1nes their anti-predator defense. Chemical defenses n1ay have
resting length, gently touch the substratum, retract, evolved to compensate for poor regenerative abilities
and extend once more. Defense tentacles are used in in these slow growing cnidarians, or because their ses­
aggressive interactions ,,vith other sea anemones, either sile habit makes them especially conspicuous to visual
those of a different species or nonclonemates of the predators.
san1e species. The aggressive behavior consists of an There are 1nany examples of associations between
irutial contact with the opponent follo,..ved by autono­ cnidarians and other organisms, some of which are
mous separation of the defense tentacle tip, leaving the truly symbiotic, others of which are less intimate.
tip behind attached to the other sea anemone. Severe With the exception of myxozoans, few groups of cni­
neo·osis develops at the site of the attached tentacle tip, darians are truly parasitic, although several species
occasionally leading to death.Defense tentacles devel­ of hydroids infest marine fishes. The polyps of son1e
op from feeding tentacles and tend to increase under of these hydroids lack feeding tentacles and occasion­
crowded conditions. The development involves loss of ally even lack cnidae. The basal portion of the polyp
typical feeding tentacle cnidae (largely spirocysts) and erodes the fish's epidermis and underlying tissues, and
acquisition of true nematocysts and gland cells, which nutrients are absorbed directly from the host. One s p e ­
dominate in defense tentacles. Sin1ilarly, elongated cies invades the ovaries of Russian sturgeons (a caviar
"sweeper tentacles" in many species of corals are used feeder!).
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 299

(A) (8)

Figure 7.27 (A) Defensive acrorhagi (white-tipped ten­
tacles) on two sea anemones (Anthopleura elegantissima),
engaging in territorial chemical combat. (B) Close-up
showing acrorhagi of Anthop/eura elegantissima. (C) Com­
petition between true corals (Sc leractinia) in the Virgin
Islands. The coral lsophyllia sinuosa is seen extruding its
mesenterial filaments and externally digesting the edge of
a colony of Porites astereoides.

below). Sporulation often occurs in particular tissues

(e.g., cartilage in M . cerebra/is), 1,vhere a multinucleated
plasmodium develops and produces sporoblasts \Vith
variable numbers of internal spores depending on the
species (Figure 7.29, part 3).
Within plasmodia, valvogenic cells produce spore
valves, \Vhich enclose capsulogenic cells that become
However, the Myxozoa, by any standard, are indeed polar capsules as well as sporoplasm. When con1plete,
parasitic. This group consists of about 1,200 species of this process generates myxospores that are released by
tiny parasites, previously classified among the protists the vertebrate host and are infective to annelids (Figure
as the phylum Myxozoa. Morphological data, DNA se­
quence data, and the presence of metazoan Hox genes,
all provide evidence that these strange creatures are
allied with the cnidarians, possibly as a sister group Polar filament
t o the Medusozoa (Figure 7.46). The coiled polar fila­
ments housed within polar capsules of myxozoans are Nemato<:yst
no\v viewed as modified neinatocysts (Figure 7.28).
Polar capsule
Myxozoan cnidarians infect annelids and various
poikilothermic vertebrates, especially fishes (Figure
7.29). The life cycle begins when actinospore larvae :I I.
(which may vary in forn1) are released from spores, . t -sp<>re" waU
contact the mucous membranes of an appropriate . .
II ; . t t -.....__ ✓

vertebrate host (either by ingestion or contact; Figure

7.29, part 1), and extrude their polar filaments to re­
lease sporoplasm into the host cells. Presporogonic
development occurs within these cells, producing in­
fective cell-doublets, v-1hich rupture host cells and dis­
perse to infect other cells (Figure 7.29, part 2). Infection
can spread to other tissues, particularly neural tissue, Figure 7.28 Previously considered to be protists,
and can cause disruption of host tissue structure (e.g., myxozoans are now viewed as highly special ized, para­
a blackened tail i n infected trout) or behavior (see sitic cnidarians.
300 Chapter Seven ...

' . . . . .: ·
·.(:),' .'
/ ,,:...

, II
� .
. �#?'tp.,��-i'.·,;:,..
. . .

.. - ... ,.. ..
+ . ·' . ,, .�
..,. _ • • • (> , •

�-�-- : - ;•. • . �

., ,�

�- • . .• ' .
&\,: ,•• ,
',, .

Figure 7.29 The life cycle o f Myxobolus cerebra/is: (1) ingested by annelids, polar filaments facil itate penetrati on
Actinospore larvae attach to fish mucous membranes, of gut cells; (6) multinuc leate cells form, that infect other
extrude polar filaments and release sporoplasm into host cells and generate plasmod ia or (7) fuse with other cells to
cells. (2) Presporogonic development occurs within host become binucleate cells, then differentiate into multinucle­
cells producing infective cell-doublets, which rupture and ate cells with c, or � nuclei and (8) become complimentary
infect other host cells; spreading infection disrupts host gametes; (9) gametes fuse to produce pansporocysts con­
tissue causi ng a blackened tail in trout; (3) sporulati on and taining 8 zygotes; (10) zygotes differentiate into infective
multinucleated plasmodia devel op in particular tissues actinospores that are released in worm feces or remain
(e.g., carti lage in M . cerebra/is), further spreading infec­ within the worm's body; other fish are infected by contact
tion; (4) within plasmodia, sporoblasts form internal myxo­ with worm feces or by eating spore-beari ng worms.
spores that are (5) released by the vertebrate host and
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 301
(A) (B)

Figure 7.30 The golden "cloak anemone" (Anthozoa, (C)

Actiniaria) Sty/obates aenus. (A,B) The anemone is form­
ing a ;'shell," or carcinoecium, around the hermit crab
Parapagurus dofleini. (C) The empty carcinoecium of S .

7.29, part 4). Polar filaments facilitate cell penetration

of gut cells where multinucleate cells form by a process
often called schizogony (although this is probably not
the same process seen in sporozoan protists; Figure
7.29, parts 5 and 6). These cells then produce numerous
uninucleate cells that may either generate other plasmo­
dia or fuse with other cells to become binucleate within
the worm gut. Binucleate cells differentiate into multi• protection and camouflage. Many n1en1bers of the lep­
nucleate cells with a or � nuclei that develop into c o m ­ tomedusan family Eirenidae (e.g., E11gi;1n11nnthen) occu­
plimentary gametes by the end of gametogony, whicl1 py the mantle cavities of bivalves, where they protect
fuse to produce pansporocysts containing zygotes their hosts against trematode parasites by consuming
(Figure 7.29, parts 7-9). Zygotes differentiate into in­ the infective sporocysts. Hydroids of the genus Znnc/en
fective actinosporean spores that are released in worn1 are epifaunal on bryozoans, where they sting and
feces or remain within the worm's body. Infection of the discourage smaller predators and adjacent competi­
vertebrate host occurs when spores containing worm tors, helping the bryozoan to survive and overgrow
feces contact mucous membranes or when spore-bear­ competing species. The bryozoan lends protection to
ing '-''Orms are ingested (Figure 7.29, part 10). the hydroid with its coarse skeleton, and the mutu­
Most myxozoan species appear to include both a alism seeo1s to allow both taxa to cover a larger area
vertebrate and an invertebrate host in their life cycle. than either could individually. The bizarre, aberrant
Myxobolus cerebra/is, a parasite of freshwater fishes (es­ hydroid Proboscidncti;ln lives on the rim of polychaete
pecially trout, Figure 7.lM), devours the host's carti­ worm tubes (Figure 7.8A) and dines on food particles
lage, leaving the fish deforn1ed. Inflan1mati.on resulting dislodged by the host's activities. Another filiferan,
from the infection puts pressure on nerves and disrupts Brinckninnnin liexnctinellidopliiln, lives ,,vithin the tissues
balance, causing the fish to s>A•im in circles-a condi­ of Arctic glass sponges.
tion known as whirling disease. When an infected fish Some sea anemones attach to snail shells inhab­
dies, M. cerebra/is spores are released from the decaying ited by hermit crabs. These partnerships are mutual­
carcass and may survive for up to 30 years in sediment. istic; the sea anemone gains motility and food scraps
Eventually, the spores are consumed by Tubifex worms while protecting the hermit crab from predators. The
(oligochaete annelids). They reside in this intermediate most extreme case of this mutualism might be that of
host until eaten by a new host fish. the cloak anen1ones (e.g., Adnmsin, Sti;lobntes), which
Mutualism is comn1on among cnidarians. Many wrap themselves around the hermit crab's gastropod
species of hydroids live on the shells of various mol­ shell and grow as the crab does (Figure 7.30). Initially,
luscs, hermit crabs, and other crustaceans. The hy­ the anemone's pedal disc secretes a clutinous cuticle
droid gets a free ride and the host perhaps gains some over the small gastropod shell occupied by the hermit.
302 Chapter Seven

Figure 7.31 A case of remarkable evolutionary con­

vergence. (A,B) The hydrozoan colony Janaria mirabilis
(Athecata) forms a shell-like corallum inhabited by hermit
crabs. (C) The ectoproct Hippoporida catcarea, which Several cases of fish-cnidarian symbiosis have been
forms a similar structure, is a l so inhabited by hermit documented. The w e l l -known association of anem­
crabs. one fishes (clown fjshes) and their host sea anen10-
nes serves an obvious protective function for the fish.
A.bout a dozen species of sea anemones participate in
Such fortunate crabs need not seek new, larger shells this interesting relationship. The fish's ability to live
as they gro\-V, for the cloak anemone simply grows and among the sea ane1none's tentacles is still not fully un­
provides the hermit with a living protective cnidarian derstood. However, the sea anemone does not volun­
"shell," often dissolving the original gastropod shell tarily fail to spend its nematocysts on its fish partner;
over time. As if it were itself a gastropod, the sea anem­ rather, the fish alters the chemical nature of its own
one grows to produce a flexible coiled house called a mucous coating, perhaps by accumulating mucus frorn
carcinoecium. In fact, these odd anemone "shells" the sea anemone, thereby masking the normal cl1emi­
were initially described and classified as flexible gas­ cal stin1ulus to which the anemone's cnidae 1,vould re­
tropod shells. A similar relationship exists between spond. Neo11111s are small fishes that live symbiotically
some hernlit crabs of the genus Parnpng11r11s and certain among the tentacles of Pllysalia and appear to survive
species of Epizonnt/111s. The hydroid Jnnaria mirabilis se­ by simply avoiding direct contact with the beast. When
cretes a "long-spined" shell-like casing that is inhabited stung accidentally, however, it shows a much higher
by hermit o·abs and, in an extraordinary case of evolu­ survival rate than do other fishes of the same size.
tionary convergence, so does the bryozoan Hippoporida Neomus feeds on prey captured by its host.
cnlcaren (Figure 7.31). A number of associations are known between cni­
So effective are cnidae that many groups of animals darians and crustaceans. Nearly all amphipods of the
have figured out ways to capture or otherwise utilize suborder Hyperiidea are symbionts on gelatinous zoo­
these structures for their own defense. Several aeolid plankters, i11cluding medusae. The nature of many of
sea slugs consume cnidarian prey, ingesting their un­ these associations is unclear, .but various species of the
fired ne1natocysts and storing then1 in fingerlike pro­ amphipods are known to use their hosts as a nursery
cesses on their dorsal surfaces. Once the nematocysts for the young and perhaps for dispersal. Some actually
are in place, the sea slugs use them for their own d e ­ live a1nong and eat the nematocyst-bearing parts of the
fense. The ctenophore Hneckelin r11bra feeds on certain host, such as the tentacles or oral arn1s. Many are com­
hydromedusae and incorporates their nematocysts monly found inside the medusa's coelenteron, where
into its tentacles. The freshwater turbellarian flat­ they seem unaffected by the host's digestive enzymes.
worm Microsto11111 ca11dnt11111 feeds on Hydra, risking In a relationship similar to that of anemone fish, a few
being eaten itself, and then uses the stored nen1ato­ cases of anemone shrin1p are known, a t least one that is
cysts to capttue its own prey. Several species of hernlit obligate for the shrimp (Pericli111enes brevicarpnlis).
crabs and brachyuran crabs carry sea ane1nones (e.g., One of the most noteworthy evolutionary aclueve­
Calliactis, Sngartiomorpha) on their shells or claws and ments of cnidarians is their close relationship with
use them as living v-•eapons to deter would-be preda­ unicellular photosynthetic partners. The relationship
tors. The hermit crabs transfer their anemone partners is widespread and occurs in n1any shallow-water c1li­
to new shells, or the anemones move on their own, darians. The sy1nbionts of freshwater hydrozoans (e.g.,
when the hermits take new shells. Some hermit crabs Cltlorohydr11) are single-celled species of green algae
of the genus P11g11n,s often have their shell covered by (Chlorophyta) called zoochlorellae. In marine cnidar­
a n1at of symbiotic colo1lial hydroids (e.g., Hydrncfinia, ians, the protists are w1icellular cryptomonads and
Podocoryne). The presence of the hydroid coat deters dinoflagellates called zooxanthellae (probably several
more aggressive hermits (e.g., Clibinarius) from com­ genera including Zooxanthelln [= Syn1biodi11i11111] and
mandeering the pagurid's shell. others) (Figure 7.32). These algae are capable of living
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 303

Figure 7.32 (A) An octocoral with (A)

zooxanthellae distributed through­
out the gastroderm is (schematic
section). (B) Cells of zooxanthellae
in t issue of the giant green sea
anemone Anthopleura xantho­
grammica. (C) Mastigias sp., a
rhizostoman medusa, harbors zoo­
xanthellae in its cells.


free from their hosts, and perhaps do so normally, but their two symbionts have been shown to be (predict­
very little is known about their natural history. The ably) related to latitude and intertidal position.
algae typically reside in the host's gastrodermis o r Even some scyphozoans harbor large colonies of
epidermis, although some cnidarians harbor extracel­ zooxanthellae in their bodies, and it is now known that
lular zooxanthellae in the mesoglea. It is usually the these protist colonies produce much of the energy r e ­
algal symbionts that give cnidarians their green, blue­ qu.ired by their host jellyfish (e.g., Cassiopea, Li1111che,
green, or bro,vnish color. Corals that are reef-builders Mastigias). Some of thjs information comes from stud­
(i.e., hermatypic corals) typically harbor zooxanthellae ies on the scyphomedusa Mastigias (Figure 7.32C),
(they are "zooxanthellate corals"). Resident popula­ which live in marine Jakes o n the islands of Palau,
tions of zooxanthellae in these corals may reach a den­ where they may occur in densities exceeding 1,000 per
sity of 30,000 algal cells per cubic millimeter of host tis­ m3. l n these lakes, Mastigias makes daily vertical mi­
sue (or fron1 1 to 2 x 106 cells per square centin1eter of grations between the oxygenated, nutrient-poor upper
coral surface). Zooxanthellae also occur in many tropi­ layers and the anoxic, nutrient-r ich lower layers, as
cal octocorals, anemones, and zoanthids. well as horizontal migrations to track the movement
Surprisingly, both zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae of the sun across the lake. This behavior appears to
occur within the tissues and cells of one group of sea be related to the light and nutrient requirements of its
anemones, A11thople11ra of the northeast Pacific coast (A. symbiotic zooxanthellae. Unlike the zooxanthellae in
elegantissinia and A. xantl1ogram111ica). Data suggest that benthic cnidarians, which tend to reproduce more-or­
zoochlorellae in these anemones photosynthesize 1nore less evenly over a 24-hour period, the zooxanthellae of
efficiently and grow faster at lo,ver temperatures and Mastigias show a distinct reproductive peak during the
light, whereas zooxanthellae do so under higher t e m ­ hours when their host occupies a position in the deep­
peratures or light regimes. The two anemones are the er nitrogen-rich layers of the lakes. This reproductive
most abundant rocky intertidal anemones in their range, peak may be a result of the alga's use of free ammonia
from Alaska to Baja California, and the distributions of as a nutrient source.
304 Chapter Seven

Many cnidarians seem to derive only n1odest nutri­ partnerships may exist could n1ean slower syn1biotic
tional benefit from their algal symbionts, but in many reassociations (i.e., certain combinations of hosts and
others a significant amount of the hosts' nutritional algae are favored while others are impossible).
needs appears to be provided by the algae. In such cases, Loss of zooxanthellae by corals usually results in
a large portion of the organic compounds produced by loss of the ability to secrete the calcium carbonate skel­
photosynthesis of the symbiont may be passed on to the eton. The widespread disappearance of Caribbean
audarian host, probably as glycerol but also as glucose corals is now considered responsible for a 32-72%
and the amino acid alanine. In return, metabolic wastes decrease in reef fish populations, a potentially cata­
produced by the cnidarian provide the symbiotic alga strophic change for coastal communities dependent
with needed nitrogen and phosphorus. In corals, the on fisltlng. Coral reef biodiversity correlates with reef
symbiosis is thought to be important for rapid growth area, thus the long-term effects of reef loss likely to
and for efficient deposition of the calcareous skeleton, be cumulative and difficult to reverse. However, one
and many corals can only form reefs when they main­ recent experiment found that colonies of some coral
tain a viable dinoflageUate population in their tissues. species that lost their calcium carbonate skeleton c o n ­
Different coral species serve as hosts to genetically tinued t o exist a s soft-bodied polyps. These recent
distinct algal symbiont taxa, wluch each appear to be discoveries have suggested a possible explanation for
adapted to their host as well as that host's particular am­ the geologically "sudden" appearance of the modern
bient light regilne. Although the precise physiological­ stony corals (Scleractinia) i n the Middle Triassic, when
nutritional link between corals and their zooxanthellae geochemically perturbed oceans returned to "norn1al."
has been elusive, the algae clearly seem to increase the Before tlus time, corals and reefs had disappeared from
rate of calcium carbonate production. Corals and other the fossil record for millions of years, but perhaps tl1ey
cnidarians can be deprived of their algal symbionts by continued to exist as "naked corals'' (and thus not con­
experimentaUy placing the hosts in dark environments. tributing to the fos.sil record).
In such cases the algae may simply die, they may be e x ­
pelled from the host, or they may (to a limited extent) Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion,
actually be consumed directly by the host. Because they and Osmoregulation
are dependent on light, zooxanthellate corals can live to There is no independent circulatory system in cnidar­
depths of only 90 m or so. Most zooxanthellate corals ians. The coelenteron serves this role to a limited extent
also require warm waters and thus occur almost exclu­ by circulating partly digested nutrients through the in­
sively in shallow tropical seas (although zooxantheUae terior of the body, absorbing metabolic wastes from the
occur in some high-altitude anemones). Deep water and gastrodern1is, and eventually expelling waste products
cold water corals also exist but tend to be entirely c a r ­ of all types through the mouth. But large anemones and
nivorous. They grow at extremely slow rates and thus large medusae confront a serious surface area:volwne
tend to produce reefs that have existed for thousands dilemma. In such cases, the efficiency of the gastrovas­
and even millions of years, providing a detailed record cular system as a transport device is enhanced by the
of changes in sea temperature. presence of n1esenteries in the anemones and the radi­
Under stress, such as w1usually high temperatures, ally arranged canal system in the medusae. Cnidarians
corals 1nay lose their zooxanthellae-a process known also lack special organs for gas exchange or excretion.
as coral bleaching. The long-term impact of coral The body wall of most polyps is either fairly thin or
bleaching, now accelerating throughout the world's has a large interna I surface aJ"ea, and the tl1.ickness of
tropics, perhaps due to a cornbination of warntlng seas many medusae is due largely to the gel -like m.esoglea
and cl1anges i n oceruuc acid-base balance due to i n ­ or mesenchyme. Thus, diffusion distances are kept to a
creased atmospheric CO 2, is unclear. Certainly it seems minimum. Gas excllange occurs across the internal and
detrimental in the short run, and often leads to death external body surfaces. Facultative anaerobic respira­
of entire coral colonies. In addition, anthropogenic pol­ tion occurs in some species, such as anemones that are
lution such as increases in phosphates, nitrates, and routinely buried in soft sedin1ents. Niti·ogenous wastes
a1nmo11ia i n the sea are enhancing growth of algae are in the form of a1nmonia, whicll diffuses through the
and bacteria that compete with coral. Caribbean reefs general body surface to the exterior or into the coelen­
have been devastated over the last two decades, hav­ teron. In freshwater species there is a continual influx
ing lost about 80% of their coral cover. Interestingly, a of water into the body. Osmotic stress in such cases is
few recent studies have suggested that bleadung might relieved by periodic expulsion of fluids from the gas­
be an adaptive mecllruusm providing opportwuty for trovascular cavity, whicll is kept hypoosmotic to the
acquiring new types of zooxanthellae better adapted to tissue fluids.
the changing environment. If true, it v1ould ren1ain to
be seen if this symbiont switch could take place quickly Nervous System and Sense Organs
enough to keep up with today's rapidly cllanging ocean Consistent with their radiaUy symmetrical body plan,
cllemistry. Evidence that selectivity between symbiotic cnidarians generally have a diffuse, noncentralized
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 305

(A) Mouth (C)

Sphincter muscle

Radial canal
Nerve net
-� - ;'
. '



Retractor muscle

Inner nerve ring

Figure 7.33 Cnidarian nerve nets. (A) Nerve net of a typical sea anemone
(Anthozoa). (B) Nerve net in a hydromedusa (Hydrozoa). (C) Nerve net of
Hydra (Hydrozoa).

nervous system, however great variation exists. Strong across the synapse. Thus, sufficient sti.Jnulus sends an
centralization is seen in many hydrozoans and cubozo­ impulse spreading in every direction. In some cnidar­
ans, and son1e workers feel those even qualify as cen­ ians where both nerve nets are well developed, one net
tral nervous systems. Nonetheless, the neurosensory serves as a diffuse slow-conducting system of nonpolar
cells of the system are the most primitive in the animal neurons, and the other as a rapid through-conducting
kingdom, being naked and largely nonpolar. Usually system of bipolar neurons.
the neurons are arranged in two reticular arrays, called Polyps generally have very few sensory structures.
nerve nets, one between the epidern1is and the m e s ­ The general body surface has various n1inute hair­
enchyme and another between the gastrodermis and like structures developed fron1 individual cells. These
the mesenchyme (Figure 7.33). The presence of both serve as mechanoreceptors, and perhaps as che1nore­
ectodermal and endodermal nerve nets is unique to ceptors, and are most abundant on the tentacles and
the Cnidaria. The subgastrodermal net is generally Jess other regions where cnidae are concentrated. They
well developed than the subepidern1al net ai1d is absent are involved ii1 behavior such as tentacle movement
altogether in some species; in cubozoan polyps there is toward a prey or predator and in general body move­
a nerve net within the gastrodermis. Some hydrozoan ments. Some appear to be associated specifically with
medusae possess one or two additional nerve nets, discharged cnidae, such as the ciliary cone apparatus
whereas in the polyps of hydrozoans and cubozoans of anthozoan polyps, which is believed to function like
there appears to be only a single epidermal nerve ring. the cnidocil i n hydrozoan and scyphozoan nen1ato­
Despite the seeming simplicity of cnidarian nervous cysts (Figure 7.34). Oddly, these structures do not ap­
systems, it has been shown that they possess at least pear to be connected directly to the nerve nets. In ad­
some of the classic interneuronal and neuromuscular dition, most polyps show a general sensitivity to light,
synapse neurotransn1itters seen in Bilateria, including not n1ediated by any known receptor but presumably
serotonin, suggesting that both catecholamine and in­ associated with neurons concentrated in or just be­
dolamine neurotransmitters may be present (at least neath the translucent surface of epidermal cells.
in sea anemones). As might be expected, motile medusae have more
A few nerve cells and synapses are polarized and sopl1isticated nervous systems and sense organs than
allow for transmission in only one direction, but most do the sessile polyps (Figure 7.35). In many groups, e s ­
cnidarian neurons and synapses are nonpolar-that is, pecially the hydromedusae, the epidermal nerve net of
impulses can travel in either direction along the cell or the bell is condensed into two nerve rings near the bell
306 Chapter Seven

form an "optic nerve," that runs to the outer nerve ring

in the bell. In addition, hydrozoans have been shown
to possess a cytoplasmic conducting system similar in
nature to that of sponges. Epidermal cells and muscle
elements appear to be the principal components of the
system. Although the impulse seen1s to move slowly,
it is initiated by nerve cells and relies on gap junctions.
In the codonophoran siphonophores, a linear con­
densation of the nerve net produces longitudinal
"giant axons" in the stem and the nerve tracts in the
tentacles. This longitudinal "giant axon" is actually a
neuronal syncytium that originates by fusion of neu­
rons from the nerve net of the stem. The high-speed
impulses in these large diameter nerve tracts enable
codonophorans to contract rapidly and initiate a fast
escape reaction.
The bell margins of cubomedusae and scyphomedu­
sae usually bear club-shaped structures-<:alJed rhopa­
lia-that are situated between a pair of flaps, or lap­
pets (Figure 7.35A). The rhopalia are sensory centers,
each containing a concentration of epidermal neurons,
Figure 7.34 A ciliary cone on the tentacle of the coral­
a pair of chemosensory pits, a statocyst, and eyes of
limorpharian anemone Corynactis californica lies adja­
cent to cnidocyte (the circle of microvilli). various design. One pit i s located on the exumbrellar
side of the hood of the rhopaliurn, the other on the sub­
umbrellar side.
margin. These ne.rve rings connect with fibers enervat­ Cubomedusae are strong swin1mers that are able to
ing the tentacles, muscles, and sense organs. The inner make rapid directional changes in response to visual
ring stimulates rhythmic pulsations of the bell. This stimuli. They have been shown to be attracted to light,
ring is also connected to statocysts, when present, on to avoid dark objects, and even to navigate around ob­
the bell margin, •..vhich is supplied with general sensory stacles. They are active predators that "sleep" at night. and with radially distributed ocelli and (probably) Although cubomedusae have the basic cnidarian nerve
chemoreceptors. The general sensory cells are neurons net and subun1brellar nerve ring close to the bell m a r ­
whose receptor processes are exposed at the epider­ gin (sometimes called the ring nerve), they also have
mal surface. The ocelli are usually patches of pigment the most elaborate visual system in Cnidaria, located
and photoreceptor cells organized as a disc or a pit. on four rhopalia (sensory complexes). Each rhopaliun1
Statocysts may be in the form of pits or dosed vesicles, has thTee sets of eyes: paired p i t s- haped pigment cup
the latter housing a calcareous statolith adjacent to a eyes, paired s l i t s- haped pigment cup eyes, and two
sensory cilium. When one side of the bell tips upward, complex camera-type eyes with cornea, lens, and r e t ­
the statocysts on that side are stimulated. Statocyst ina (one small upper lensed eye, and one large lower
stimulation inhibits adjacent n1usculaT contraction a.nd lensed eye). Although the retina of the can1era eye is
the medusa contracts muscles on the opposite side. only one cell thick, it is multilayered, containing a sen­
Many medusae maintain themselves i n a particular sory layer, a pigmented layer, a nuclear layer, and a
photoregime by directed swimming behaviors. This region of nerve fibers. There number of sensory cells,
action is seen especially in those medusae harboring or photoreceptors, in each of these remarkable eyes
large populations of zooxanthellae, such as the medusa varies from about 300 to 1,000, depending on the spe­
Cassiopea, which lies upside down on the shallow sea cies. Each rhopaliun1 also has a crystalline concretion,
floor, exposing to light the dense zooxanthellae popu­ the statolith, which is often called a statocyst. Neuronal
lation residing in tissues of its tentacles and oral arms. signals from the rhopalia are presumably transmitted
There is great variation among hydrozoan medusae to swimming pacemaker neurons to direct visually­
visual systems. Some have structural eyes, but others guided swimming n1ovements. Giant neurons have
have only a generally photosensitive neuronal system. been identified on either side of the cubomedusan
The structural eyes are usually well-defined ocelli that rhopalium.
very in complexity from a simple ectodermal layer Despite the structural simplicity of the cubozoan
with sensory and pigment cells, through pigment cup planula larva, being con1posed of only six cell types,
eyes, to small camera-type eyes with pigmented retina they possess rhabdo1neric photoreceptors of the p i g ­
and lens- or cornea-like structures. The axons of the ment-cup ocelli type. These comprise 10-15 ocelli ar­
photosensory cells may join in bundles that collect to ranged as individual photoreceptor cells. Each contains
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 307

(A) (B) Mesenchyme Hood

Inner sensory pit

"'--� Pigment spot

photoreceptor area


Pigment cup Epidermis

Coronal muscle photoreceptor area

(C) �= - (D)
/ Gastrovascular
-canal Statocyst

- ¢, •


Statolith Gastrovascular
canal Cellular lens
(E) Neurosensory
Pigment cells cells
Lens layer
./'_,,--- •.•'
0 /� ,
Retina "•
0 . . ,. � ..... ,.


screening pigment in a cavity filled with microvilli Figure 7.35 Sensory structures in medusae. (A) The
(the sites of photoreception) and a single cilium. The rhopalia of the scyphomedusa Atolla are situated between
cilium is the typical 9+2 structure and is likely 1notile, the marginal lappets. (B) A rhopalium (section) has vari­
rather than sensory. There is no synaptic or electrical ous sensory regions. (C) A rhopalium of Aurelia (diagram­
matic). A portion of the gastrovascular canal has been cut
(gap junction) connection bet�veen the ocelli and any
away. (D) A cubozoan rhopa lium (note the lower eye is not
other cell in the larva. The ocelli of cubozoan planulae shown i n this oblique section). (E) A pigment-cup ocellus
appear to represent one of the simplest visual systems (cross section) of a hydrozoan medusa. (F) The eye of a
in the animal kingdo1n. cubozoan (Carybdea) (cross section).
Scyphozoan medusae have structurally simple visu­
al eyespots located in the rhopalia, which also contain
308 Chapter Seven

gravity-sensing structures, the statocysts. The eyespots Anthozoan reproduction Members of this class are
are simple ectodermal piginent cup eyes, consisting of exclusively polypoid, and the variety of ways that new
photosensory cells containing pigment granules, or of individuals can be produced asexually nearly defies
photosensory cells alternating with pigment cells, or imagination. Asexual reproduction is common in sea
pigment cup eyes with ectodermal sensory cells and anemones, and longitudinal fission of polyps can result
gastrodern1al pigment cells. The sensory cells make in two separate individuals, or the daughter anemo­
contact with the ectodermal nerve net. nes can remain dose together to produce large groups
Bioluminescence is common in cnidarians and has (clones) of genetically identical individuals (e.g., seen in
been documented in all classes except the Cubozoa some species of Anthople11ra, Diad11111ene, and Metridi11n1).
and the poorly known Staurozoa. In some forms (e.g., During longitudinal fission, the body column stretd1es
many hydromedusae), luminescence consists of s i n ­ to the point of ripping itself apart, each half then regen­
gle flashes i n response t o a local stimulus. l n others, erating its missing parts. The less common process of
bursts of flashes propagate as ,,vaves across the body pedal laceration (e.g., seen in some acontiate sea anemo­
or colony surface (e.g., sea pens and sea pansies). One nes: Dind11111ene, Haliplanella, Metridi11111) can also lead to
of the most complicated luminescent behaviors occur clonal populations. During pedal laceration, the pedal
in hydropolyps, where a series of 1nultiple flashes is disc spreads and the anemone simply glides away,
propagated. The sea pansy Renilla (an octocoral) also leaving behind a circle of small fragments of the disc,
has very elaborate luminescent displays. Propagated eacll of whicll develops into a young sea anemone. This
luminescence i s probably controlled by the nervous behavior is easily observed in aquaria, where ane1nones
system, although this phenomenon is not well un­ often affix themselves to the glass walls.
derstood. ln at least one hydromedusa (Aequorea), lu­ In addition to these two common modes of asexual
minescence appears not to be the result of the usual reproduction, at least a few species of sea anemones
luciferin-luciferase reaction. Rather, a high-energy undergo transverse fission (e.g., Ed,uardsiella /ineata,
protein, named aequorin, enuts light in the presence Nenzatostella vectensis). Transverse fission is usually by
of calcium. way of a constriction and then separation in the lower
part of the column that results in the formation of a
Reproduction and Development small aboral compartment and a larger oral region, each
Asexual reproduction takes many forn1s in cnidarians, of which then grows its missing region. Transverse f i s ­
and regeneration after major injuries is common. Many sion has also been reported by a process called "polar­
anemones can be cut in half, and the two halves regen­ ity reversal," i n which the aboral end spontaneously
erate flawlessly. Sometimes injuries to the oral region sprouts new tentacles and a new mouth; eventually a
result in the production of two or more mouths, each new physa forms in the midsection of the anemone and
with its own set of feeding tentacles. the two individuals separate (e.g., Gonactinia). Certain
Sexual reproductive processes in cnidarians are sagartiid sea anemones engage in intratentacular bud­
intimately tied to the alternation of generations that ding, wherein multiple mouth openings result from
characterizes this phylum. As you have already read, repeated longitudinal fission through the pharynges
cnidarian life cycles often involve an asexually repro­ of existing individuals. This process produces band­
ducing polyp stage, alternating with a sexual 1nedu­ like like colo11ies that resemble the elongated polyps
soid stage that produces a cllaracteristic planula larva. of certain meandroid corals. Also, certain populations
Thus, w e generally find a complex indirect or mixed of Anthopleurn engage in mesenterial budding of tiny
life history that includes phases of asexual reproduc­ polyps, which are brooded within the gastrovascular
tion. Anthozoan development is least complex, usually cavity before release from the parent anemone. In these
involving a motile planula larva that settles and grows anemones, no evidence of gonadaI or gametic develop­
into a sessile adult polyp. Cubozoans also have motile ment has been found, suggesting that these populations
planulae, whicll settle to grow into polyps that in turn are prio1arily if not entirely asexual.
produce sexual medusae. Scyphozoans too follov., the One family of sea anemones (Boloceroidae) swin1s
planula-to-sessile-polyp mode, but the polypoid stage actively and produces new individuals from longitudi­
generates multiple juvenile medusa, called ephyrae, nal fission, pedal laceration, and a bizarre process called
by transverse fission or strobilation at the polyp's tentacular shedding (or tentacle budding) in which
oral end; ephyrae later mature as the sexual medu­ tentacle fragments are pinclled off at basal sphincters
soid stage. Planulae, polyps, and medusa all appear in and brooded internally before dispersal. Additionally,
many hydrozoan species' life cycles. Medusae, when certain anemones and at least one scleractinian coral
present, develop from a laterally budding tissue mass (Pocillopora dar11icornis) are known to produce planula
called the entocodon, but polyp or medusa stages may larvae parthenogenetically and brood them until re­
be entirely nlissing from certain life cycles. Because of lease. Most surprising is the recent discovery that some
these many variations in life cycle, v,,e will discuss the sea anemones internally brood young that are asexually
cnidarian classes separately. produced, by a mecllanism not yet understood.
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 309

(A) (B) --•-OZygo te

-------..._ Planula
, . larva

Figure 7.36 Reproducti on in Anthozoa. (A) Asexual which fuse externally, or fertilized eggs are released. and
reproduct ion by longit udinal fission in the aggregating zygotes develop int o a planula larvae; the larvae settle and
anemone Anthop/eura e/egantissima. (B) A typical antho­ t ransform direct y into young polyps.
zoan sexual life cycle: the adult polyp releases gametes

Anthozoans are typically gonochoristic, although Octocorals are usually gonochoristic and often
most scleractinian corals are hermaphroditic. spawn synchronously, although the tinting of gonad­
Fertilization can take place internally, but in n1ost al development appears to be highly variable among
species it occurs externally, in the open sea. Eggs are temperate and tropical species, evidently due to vari­
free, or occasionally pooled into a gelatinous egg mass ability in water temperature or resource availability,
(even through fertilization). Sperm is usually equipped respectively. Although little is known about the repro­
with flagellar and nutochondrial structures suited for ductive biology of most cerianthru·ians, antipatharians,
propelling sperm to eggs, although structural differ­ anemones, and stony corals may be gonoc11oristic or
ences among anthozoan sperm are remarkable indeed. hermaphroditic. In some species, colonial forms can
Cleavage is typically radial and holoblastic, resulting contain males, fen1ales, and hermaphrodites. The gam­
in a hollow spherical, uniformly ciliated, coeloblastula. etes arise from patches of tissue on the gastrodernus of
Gastrulation occurs by way of ingression or invagina­ all or only some mesenteries. Eggs are fertilized either
tion, to produce distinct ectodermal and endodermal in the coelenteron, followed by early development in
germ layers, and thence a ciliated planula Jarva. When the gut chambers, or more commonly outside the body,
iJ1vagination occurs, the blastopore remains open and in the sea. A nun1ber of anemones brood their develop­
sinks inward, drawing with it a tube of ectoderrn that ing embryos internally or on the external body surface.
becomes the adult pharynx. Because the mouth forn1s The northeast Pacific sea anemone A11/acti11ia incubans
at the site of gastrulation (at the animal pole), anemo­ releases its brooded young through a pore at the tip of
nes/ cnidarians are, by definiti.on, true protosto1nes, each tentacle! Some corals undergo internal fertiliza­
suggesting that protostomy predated the cnidarian­ tion, brooding, and then release of planula larvae. The
bilaterian divergence. The planula Jarva may develop solitary coral Balanophyllia elegans builds skeletal c11am­
one or a few pairs of tentacles at the oral end, as well bers within which oocytes and embryos may be car­
as a rudimentary pharynx and mesenteries, before ried apart from the main digestive cavity, a structural
settling. Some anthozoan planulae are planktotro­ arrangement that allows continued brooding through
phic, although very yolky ones do not feed. The abil­ advanced developmental stages. These calcareous
ity of some larvae to feed allows them a potentially structures are preserved in the fossil record, perhaps
longer larval life, enhancing dispersal and selection providing clues to how parental care in these species
of an appropriate settlement site. Anthozoan planu­ evolved. Some octocorals (e.g., Briare11111, Alcyonium)
lae (Anthopleura) also appear to obtain zooxanthe!lae brood their embryos in a mucous coat on the body s u r ­
by ingestion. In some species, the planulae develop face; then the planula larvae escape. Others shed their
up to eight complete mesenteries before settling, and gametes and rely on external fertilization and plank­
this is the so-called edwardsia stage, named after the tonic developn1ent. Heliopora coerulea is a gonochoris­
octa1nesenterial genus Edivardsia. The larva eventually tic, hermatypic octocoral that broods its plru1ulae at the
settles on its aboral end and tentacles grow arow1d the surface of female colo1ues before their annual release.
upwardly directed mouth and oral disc. A typical an­ Some coral planula larvae are long-lived, spending
thozoan life cycle is shown in Figure 7.36. several weeks or months i n the plankton, an obvious
310 Chapter Seven

means of dispersal. Other corals release benthic planu­ known species share several common features. The
lae that crawl away from the parent and settle nearby. asexual form of scyphozoan cnidarians is a sn1all polyp
Many coral populations undergo synchronous spawn­ called the scyphistoma (= scyphopolyp; Figure 7.37A).
ing over large areas on reefs, a process mediated by It may produce new scyphistomae by budding from
moonlight sensitive molecules called cryptochromes, the column wall or from stolons. At certain times of the
which have also been associated with control of circa­ year, generally in the spring, medusae are produced
dian activity in vertebrates and insects. In some cases by repeated transverse fission of the scyph.istoma, a
this synchrony is restricted to colonies of a single spe­ process called strobilation (Figure 7,378). During this
cies, or is only loosely correlated \\lith lunar cycles, but process the polyp is known as a strobila. Medusae n1ay
widespread synchronous spawning events involving be produced one at a time (monodisc strobilation), or
over 100 different coral species have been reported (on nun1erous in1rnature medusae may stack up like soup
the Great Barrier Reef, Australia), perhaps to satiate bowls and then be released one after the other as they
predators. Such events create a pulse of nutrients into mature (polydisc strobilation). Immature and newly
the surrounding ecosystem, and n1ay lead to hybrid­ released medusae are called ephyrae (sing. ephyra). An
ization within and among scleractinian corals. Verified individual scyphistoma may survive only one strobila­
cases of hybridization between members of differ­ tion event, or it 1nay persist for several years, asexually
ent coral genera exist, and this may explain the great giving rise to more scyphistomae and releasing ephy­
range of polymorphism seen in many coral "species." rae annually.
Because hybrid individuals can become secondarily Ephyrae are very small larval animals with char­
clonal they may persist within populations for consid­ acteristically incised bell margins (Figure 7.37C). The
erable durations, but the degree to which interbreeding ephyral arms, or primary tentacles, mark the posi­
by hybrids or their introgression into parental popula­ tion of what becon1es the adult lappets and rhopalia.
tions occurs remains unclear. In some genera (e.g., Aurelia) the number of ephyral
Sagarfia troglodytes is the only sea anemone known arms is quite variable (Figure 7.37D). Maturation i n ­
to copulate. The coupling starts when a female glides volves growth between these arms to complete the bell.
up to a receptive male, whereupon their pedal discs Developn1ent into sexually mature adult scyphomedu­
are pressed together in such a way as to create a cham­ sae takes a few months to a few years, depending on
ber into which the gametes are shed and fertilization the species.
occurs. The copulatory position, which forms a tem­ The gamete-forming tissue i n adult scyphomedu­
porary marsupium, is maintained for several days, sae is always derived from the gastrodermis, usually
presumably until planula larvae have developed. This on the floor of the gastric pouches, and gametes are
behavior may be an adaptation to areas of great water generally released through the mouth. Most species
movement that might otherwise scatter gametes and are gonochoristic. Fertilization takes place in the open
reduce the probability of successful fertilization. sea or in the gastric pouches of the female. Cleavage
Recent work on the sea anemone Nematostella vecten­ and blastula formation are similar to the processes in
sis has revealed cnidarians to possess son1e (but not all) hydrozoans. Gastr.ulation is by ingression or invagina­
of the genes involved in dorsal-ventral patterning in tion, and results in a mouthless, double-layered plan­
the Bilateria. Although these homologs are expressed in ula larva; when invagination occurs, the blastopore
somewhat haphazard ways during development, their closes. The planula larva eventuaJJy settles and grows
expression has suggested to son1e ,,vorkers the possibil­ into a ne"' scyphistoma.
ity that the oral-aboral polarity of cnidarians n1ight be The medusa phase clearly dominates the life c y ­
equivalent to the anterior-posterior polarity of bilateri­ cles of most scyphozoans. The small polyp stage is
ans. In fact, homologues of 5 Hox genes known to reg­ often significantly suppressed or absent altogether.
ulate anterior-posterior axis patterning in Bilateria are For example, many pelagic scyphomedusae have
also knoW11 from N . vectensis. These genes show a stag­ elinunated the scyphistoma, and the planula larva
gered domain expression in the oral -aboral axis pattern­ transforms directly into a young medusa (e.g., Aloi/a,
ing of the anemone. This suggests that the earliest stages Pelagia, Peripl1ylla). In others, the larvae are brooded,
of what was to become bilaterality had its roots at least developing in cysts on the parent medusa's body (e.g.,
as deep in the evolution of the Metazoa as the Cnidaria. Clirysaora, Cyanea). A fe"' genera have branching co­
Thus, what we recognize as "biradiality" in anemones lonial scyphistomae with a supportive skeletal tube
(e.g., the right-left arrangement of feeding tentacles, and an abbreviated medusoid stage (e.g., Nausithoe,
pharyngeal siphonoglyph, coelenteron mesenteries) Stephanoscyph11s). None, however, has lost the medu­
might, in fact, bea rudimentary form of bilaterality. soid stage altogether. Some scyphozoan life cycles are
shown in Figure 7.38.
Scyphozoan reproduction The life cycles of most
scyphozoans are poorly known because their ben­ Cubozoan reproduction The biology of cubozoans
thic stages occur in yet unknown locations. However, is not yet well known and the polyps of only a fe"'
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 311

(A) (8)

(C) (D)

Figure 7.37 (Al Scyphozoan (Aurelia)

scyph istoma (and one strobi la), and (B)
strobila. (C) A "typical"' 8-armed ephyra.
(D) A 1 2 -armed ephyra.

species have been described. Apparently, each polyp stauropolyps, or the microhydrula may develop into
metamorphoses directly into a single medusa, rather stauropolyps themselves, which later develop into
than undergoing "standard" strobilation as scypho­ stauron1edusae.
zoan polyps do. S01ne cubozoan medusae engage in
a form of copulation, in which sperm are transferred Hydrozoan reproduction Hydrozoan polyps repro­
directly from the male to an adjacent female in the duce asexually by budding. This is a rather simple pro­
water column. In Copula sivickisi mature adults engage cess wherein the body wall evaginates as a bud, incor­
in courtship during which males transfer spennato­ porating an extension of the gastrovascuJar cavity with
phores to females who then insert them into their it. A mouth and tentacles arise at the distal end, and
manubria. Females accept multiple spermatophores eventually the bud either detaches fro,n the parent and
from multiple males, yet may only produce one becomes an independent polyp or, i n the case of colo­
embryo strand (a packet of fertilized ova that attaches nial forn1s, remains attached. Asexual reproduction in
to algae). During courtship, n1ature fen1ales, with bell fashion creates larger and more con1plex polypoid
margins greater than 5 mm, exhibit conspicuous velar colonies that have greater reproductive capacity and
spots that may provide a visual signal to courting perhaps greater resistance to rapid or turbulent \¥ater
males. Planula larvae of some cubozoans have been flow.
shown to possess n1any single-celled eyes, but no n e r ­ Medusa buds, or gonophores, are also produced
vous system! by polyps in a sintilar fashion, although the process is
sometimes quite complex. A rather special kind of bud­
Staurozoan reproduction Reproduction in stau­ ding occurs in the siphonophores, in which the floating
rozoans has been observed in only a few species. In colonies produce chains of individuals called connidia,
mature medusae, oocytes develop within follicular which may break free to begin a new colony.
cells, a unique feature within the Cnidaria. Fertilization Certain hydromedusae also undergo asexual re­
appears to occur in situ with zygotes shed into the production, either by the direct budding of young
water in summer. The zygotes then settle, and develop medusae (Figure 7.39) or by longitudinal fission. The
into creeping, nonciliated planulae, each with a fixed latter process often involves the formation of multiple
nwnber of cells (n = 16). Planulae develop into a n o n ­ gastric pouches (polygastry) followed by longitudinal
feeding "microhydrula" stage which may asexually splitting, which produces two daughter medusae. In
produce creeping frustrules, that later develop into some species (e.g., Aequorea nzacrodnctyla), direct fission
312 Chapter Seven

(A) ·./

. j

I '
' .



(8) Fertilized
Adult medusa egg

\ larva (e)

. Developing


.,--c...._ (C)
.. ,: ,
..: .
;i -" Adult

-, mcdusa



">C::: ll/\,LI�_/ Scyphistoma

Figure 7.38 Scypho2oan life cycles. ido�yst

6 (nonmotile
(A) Life cycle of Aurelia. The fertilized

egg (b) is released to develop into a Late bud)
planula larva (c), which settles to grow strobila
into a polyp, the scyphistoma (d). The
scyphistoma either buds off new pol­
yps (e) or produces ephyrae by strobi­
lation (f); ephyra (g) grows i nto an adult
medusae. (B) Life cycle of Pelagia, a ..· Scyphistoma
scyphomedusa lacking the polyploid (fully developed)
stage. (C) Life cycle of the "cannonball #-»"-.
jellyfish," Stomolophus meleagris.
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 313
(A) (B)


Figure 7.39 Asexual reproduction in

some hydromedusae. (A) New medusae of
Rathkea bud from the manubrium. (B) New
medusae of Sarsia bud from its long thin
manubri um. Daughter medusae are begin­
ning to produce buds in the same manner.
(C) New medusae of Niobia bud from the
tentacular bulbs.

may take place. Polygastry does not occur during this Cnidarians i n general have a great capacity for re­
process; instead, the entire bell folds in hall, sever­ generation, as exemplified by experin1ents on Hydra.
ing the stomach, ring canal, and velum (Figure 7.40). The eighteenth-century naturalist Abraham Trembley
Eventually the whole medusa splits in half and each had the clever idea of turning a Hydra inside out-and
part regenerates the missing portions. he did. To his delight, the animal survived quite well,

(A) (B)


Figure 7.40 Asexual reproduction in the hydromedusa marginal (D) views illustrate the severing of the umbrellar
Aequorea. The sequence of photographs shows the margin (um) and the separati on of exumbrellar halves;
direct fission of A. macrodactyla. (A) This oral view shows (E) shows the exumbrellar surface (ex) beginning to pull
a nond ividing medusa w i th its marginal fishing tentacles apart, producing free-swimming daughter medusae; heal­
(mt) depl oyed. (B) Initiation of invagination (ij. (C-E) A ing is nearly complete in the smaller daughter medusa on
progression of the direct fissi on process. The oral (C) and the left. ot: oral tentacles; m: mouth; re: radial canals.
314 Chapter Seven

Figure 7.41 Some hydrozoan life cycles. (A) Life cycle
of Hydra. Sperm produced by the male polyp (a) fertilizes
the eggs of the female polyp (b). Dur ing c l eavage, the
eggs secrete a chitinous theca about themselves. After
hatching, the embryos (c) grow into polyps that reproduce
asexually by budding (d), unt il environmental conditions
again trigger sexual reproduction. (B) Life cycle of Obe/ia,
a thecate hydroid with free medusae. (C) Life cyc le of , 0
Tubularia, an athecate hydroi d that does not release
free medusae. The polyp (a) bears many gonophores, (a) <i>
whose eggs develop in situ into planulae (b) and then into
acti nula larvae (c) before release (d); the liberated actinula (b)
larvae (d) settle and transform d irectly into new polyps (e).
which each proliferate to form a new colony (f). (D) Life
cycle of a trachyline hydrozoan medusa without a polyp•
oi d stage (Ag/aura). After fertilization, a gonochori stic adult
(a) releases a planula larva (b), which adds a mouth and
tentacles (c) to become an actinula larva (d). Subsequently
the actinula larva becomes a young medusa (e). (E) Life
cycle of a trachyline hydrozoan with a p olypoid stage, the
freshwater Limnocnida. Gonochorist ic medusae (a) release
fertilized eggs (b) that grow into planula larvae (c). Planula
larvae settle to form small hydroid co lonies (d), which bud (d)
off new medusae (e).






.... .'. .,:
(a) '

,, ,,, ·
. -�,,.

:li' �l-J..r..


with the gastrodermal cells functioning as the "new In some cases, entire animals will reconstruct from cells
epidermis" and vice versa. Cells removed from the taken only from the gastrodernlis or only from the epi·
body of a Hydra also have a modest degree of reaggre­ dermis. Although Hydra is an unusual and atypical cni­
gative ability, like that seen so dramatically in sponges. darian, this great capacity for cellular reorganization is
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 315

developing medusae

hydromedusa \
Q Ferti1 i7.ed.
(E) -



, (d)

epidermis and gastrodermi.s exist, these tissues are

very similar to one another, comprising mainly epi­
theliomuscular cells. The nervous system is, of course,
also very siinple. It takes only a few weeks for all the

cells in a Hydra to reproduce themselves, or "turn
over," including the nerve cells. These attributes make
Hydra an ideal creature for studies of developmental
biology, histogenesis, and morphogenesis.
All hydrozoan cnidarians have a sexual phase in their
life cycle (Figure 7.41). However, in solitary species such
as Hydra, and some (perhaps many) colonial forms, the
medusoid phase (typically the gamete-producing stage)
is suppressed or absent. Instead, the polyp epidermjs
develops simple, transient gamete-producing structures
called sporosacs (Figures 7.5B). Most colonial hydroids
produce medusa buds (gonophores) either from the
walls of the hydranths or from separate gonozooids. The
a reflection of the prinlitive state of tissue development gonophores may grow into medusae that are released
in the animals belonging to this phylum. as free-living sexually reproducing individuals, or they
A typical Hydra consists of only about 100,000 cells may remain attached to the polyps as incipient medusae
of roughly a dozen different types. Although distinct that produce gametes i n place.
316 Chapter Seven

adult epidermis; the endodern1 is destined to becon1e

the adult gastrodermis. The trailing end of the larva (of
all cnidarians) becomes the oral end of the adult, and
even in the larval stage a mouth sometimes develops
at this end. Hydrozoan planulae swim about for a few
hours, a few days, or a fe\V weeks before settling by a t ­
Figure 7.42 A typica l sol id hydrozoan planula larva
taching at the leading end. If the larva i s still solid, then
resulting from ingression. the endoderm hollows to form the coelenteron. The
mouth opens at the unattached oral end and tentacles
develop as the larva metamorphoses into a young soli­
Milleporid hydrozoans produce short-lived sexual tary polyp. Studies have shown that a dramatic reorga­
medusae that are released over several days during nization of the hydrozoan nervous system takes place
particular seasons. Temporal segregation of spawn­ during metamorphosis of the planula into the primary
ing seems t o occur among colonies of different spe­ polyp (in Pennnria). The larval neurons degenerate and
cies. Colonies within species are gonochoristic and so new neurons differentiate to refonn a nerve net, and
release exclusively male n1edusae, bearing a sperm sac the overall distribution pattern of the nervous system
located at the vestigial manubrium, or female medusae changes dramatically.
bearing 3 to 5 ova in the suburnbrella cavity. Male m e ­ This overview of the hydrozoan reproductive cycle
dusae appear to be released into the water column by covers most species (Figure 7.41), but in fact even more
their corallae a few hours before female medusae are variety actually exists than we have space to discuss.
released. Gametes are released by both medusa types, For example, in some trachylines, the polypoid stage
and fertilization occurs externally. is apparently lost altogether. The medusae produce
In free-living hydromedusae, germinal cells arise planula larvae that develop into actiJ1ula larvae, which
fron1 interstitial epidermal cells that nugrate to specific n1etan1orphose into adult n1edusae, bypassing any ses­
sites on the bell surface, where they consolidate into a sile polypoid phase. Some trachylines and some sipho­
temporary gonadal n1ass. Subsequently, gametogenic nophores undergo direct development, bypassing the
tissue appears on the surface of the manubrium, be­ larval stage altogether. Within the Trachylina, mem­
neath the radial canals, or on the general subumbrel­ bers of the fa.nilly Rhopalonematidae (formerly within
lar surface. Hydromedusae are typically gonochoristic, the order Actinulida) exhibit minute interstitial polyps
with either sperm or eggs usually being released directly that lack a medusoid stage (or possibly these forms
into the water, where fertilization occurs. In some, only represent creeping medusae) and have suppressed the
sperm are released and fertilization occurs on or in the larval phase. The adult polyp is ciliated and resembles
female medusa's body. Free hydromedusae are espe­ an actinula larva (hence the name).
cially common in temperate waters, where they may
be very abundant seasonally and easily collected in Myxozoan reproduction Myxozoan cnidarians have
plankton nets. Siphonophores appear to be ancestrally such aberrant life cycles that is it irnpossible to iden­
gonochoristic but hennaphroditic forms exist among the tify either polypoid or medusa stages within them.
Physonecta and exclusively among the Calycophorae No planula stage is known to exist. Such marked d i f ­
(Codonophora). Planktonic dispersal of sexual forms ferences from other cnidarian taxa no doubt contrib­
,,vould seen1 to mitigate against genetic differentiation of uted to the uncertain status of n1yxozoans within the
coastal populations, but considerable genetic population phylum to date. Nevertheless, an alternati.on of sexual
structure has been demonstrated among morphological­ and asexual generations within vertebrate and annelid
ly similar populations of Obelia ge11ic11/ata, with estimat­ hosts does occur, albeit as parasitic forms as described
ed divergence times among reciprocally monophyletic above. Asexual reproduction occurs within the verte­
lineages exceeding several n1illion years. brate host, producing infective Lnyxospores as already
Although several cleavage patterns occur in the described (Figure 7.29). Sexual reproduction occurs
Hydrozoa, the overall motif i s fw1damentally radial within annelids and other coelomate worms, gener­
and holoblastic. A coeloblastula forms, which gastru­ ating infective actinosporean larvae. The separation
lates by uni- or multipolar ingression to a stereogas­ of the sexual and asexual stages of the life cycle of
trula. The interior celJ mass is endoderm; the exterior these parasites is similar to that which occurs in other
cell layer is ectoderm (Figure 7.42). The stereogastrula parasitic species and could suggest that that some
elongates t o form a unique, solid or hollo,, v, nonfeed­ developmental genetic homologies exist between the
ing, free-swimming planula larva (Figure 7.43). The asexual and sexual stages of myxozoans and the polyp
planula larva is radially symmetrical, but it swims with and medusa stages of other audarians. However, the
a distinct "anterior-posterior" orientation. TI1e ectoder­ reproductive modes of most myxozoans remain poorly
mal cells are monociliated and destined to become the known.
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 317

Nematocyst Nerve cell Figure 7.43 The hollow

,, .
planula larva of the hydroid
gland eel.I
Gonothyraea (longitudinal
@ "

cavity gland cell

Cnidarian Phylogeny Annelida (due to hints of possible body segn,entation),

to an extinct phylum (Proarticulata), and to an entirely
Ediacaran Cnidaria? new kingdo1n!
Cnidarians have one of the longest fossil histories Attempts to place the Ediacaran fossils within the
an,ong the Metazoa. The first apparent cnidarian fos­ Cnidaria (or other extant phyla) have n1et with limit­
sils date from the Ediacaran period, from the famous ed success until 2014. For example, differences in ap­
Ediacara Hills of South Australia, which contain pos­ parent growth patterns and frond structure between
sible medusae and polypoid colonies (e.g., sea pen­ extant oudarians (e.g., pennatulaceans) and frondlike
like creatures) that lived nearly 600 million years ago. Ediacaran species have argued against a direct cnidar­
However, these early circular and frondlike impres­ ian relationship. Then, in 2014, a 560-miJlion-year-old
sions cannot be w,equivocally assigned to any moden, likely-cnidarian fossil (named Hnootin q11ndrifonnis) was
Cnidarian taxa. Some researchers doubt that they rep­ reported from Newfoundland, with quadraradial s y m ­
resent true cnidarians, even though son,e of the circu­ metry and clearly preserved bundled muscular fibers.
lar forms have marginal tentacles such as seen in most Haootin appears to be a nearly 6 cm long polyp, or per­
medusae. Other possible neoproterozoic polypoids in­ haps an attached medusa-it greatly resen1bles n1od­
clude impressions that may be the floats of the pelagic ern species of Staurozoa.
"chondrophorans," and fossils with triradiate sym­ Early trace fossils have also been assigned to the
metry (e.g., Tribrnchidi11111), as well as pentiradiate and phylum Cnidaria. Burrows assigned to sea anemones
octoradiate symn1etry, thus differing funda1nentally occur in the early Cambrian, and some strata have
fron1 any living cnidarians. Some workers consider meandering tracks that appear to be traces left from
these fossils to be parts of other organisms, such as iso­ mucous trails of creeping anemones (some modern
lated holdfast structures; others have placed them into anemones move in this fashion, using ciliary activity).
an extinct class of Cnidaria, the TriJobozoa. Still others Remarkable embryos of probable scyphozoan affinity
view them as primitive triradiate echinoderms. It helps have also been reported form the Lower Cambrian of
to have a good imagination i f you're a paleontologist. China.
In the 1980s, Adolf Seilacher, frustrated by at­ A recent discovery of two new species of enigmatic
ten1pts to assign these Neoproterozoic era fossils to diploblastic animals fron, southern Australian seabeds
modern phyla, created an entirely new phylum, the could provide an example of Ediacaran Cnidaria-like
Vendobionta (or Vendozoa) suggesting that it might animals that survived to modern times. De11drogrn111111n
be a sister-group to the Eumetazoa (metazoans above enignmticn and D. discoides (Figures 7.44 and 7.45) pos­
the poriferan grade). The Vendozoa, Seilacher noted, sess a polyp-like structure, an asymmetrical branching
seemed to have a quiltlike construction of thin, light­ digestive system with no apparent anus, a thick gelati­
ly sclerotized but flexible, outer skin separated into nous mesoglea between the epidermis and gastroder­
compartments by more rigid internal struts (which in mis, and other structural similarities shared with both
fossil impressions appear to be sutures). Later work­ ctenophores and cnidarians. But they lack the adhe­
ers placed these fossils into an extinct cnidarian order, sive or stinging structures that characterize those taxa.
the Rangeomorpha, and called other, more bilater­ Dendrogrnrnmn has an intriguing similarity to the fossil
ally sym1netrical forms Erinettomorpha. One of the medusoid Ediacaran creatures (e.g., Alb11111nres, Anfestn,
most famous of these latter forms is the oval-shaped Margnritiflnbel/11111, and R11goco11ites) that possessed a
Dickinsonin, which may have measured over a meter in disk containing forked and radiating channels and
length but been only a few millimeters thickness. Some a central stalk, possibly also with a terminal mouth.
workers consider Dickinsonin to be medusa-like, but Initial preservation of Dendrogra1n111n specimens in
it has also been assigned to the Platyhelminthes, the formalin has so far hindered molecular classification,
318 Chapter Seven

as evidence of a bilateral ancestry. As noted earlier in

this chapter, certain molecular and developo1ental evi­
dence supports this idea, but the weight of evidence is
against this interpretation, and despite Buddenbrockia's
putative vestigial musculature, no living cnidarians
show renmants of what might have been a triploblastic
:----Gastn,v.1scular /St,1lk
c.-u1.1l of stalk ancestry, either in their anatomy or their development.
(pharvnxl The triploblastic hypothesis remains controversial be­
cause many contemporary zoologists find it weak on
0.5mm several counts. "Degenerative evolution" (a poor choice
of words) is a phenomenon primarily associated with
the evolution of parasites or the exploitation of small­
(DI ness (e.g., interstitial forms), wherein it 1nay result in
Disc notch the reduction of certain systems and the specialized

.: •,
adaptive development of others. The idea of a free­
Stalk - '\

� living, triploblastic, bilateral, motile creature (such as a
flatworm) taking up a sessile existence and transform­

"'-. � .

�··,.. · ing into a radially symmetrical, diploblastic, anthozoan

�� polyp appears to be a highly unlikely evolutionary s c e ­
� nario. The adoption of radiality (or at least "functional"
radiality) of bilaterally symmetrical animals is well doc­

umented in some taxa (e.g., Echinodermata), but does

Bilob('d mouth-field

Figure 7.44 This new animal, Dendrogramma enigmati­

ca was collected in deep waters off southern Australia in
1986. (A,B) Lateral views, (C) aboral view, (D) oral view. "'-oi sc

leaving unresolved the possibility that Ediacaran m e ­ Gastrovascular canal

dusoids still persist 540 million years after their pre­ of stalk (pharynx)
sumed extinction. For now, the two living species have '-Stalk
been placed in their own family, Dendrogrammatidae, branches
as Metazoa incertae sedis.

Cnidarian Origins
The origin of the cnidarians is closely tied to the origin of with lobes
the Metazoa themselves. Like Porifera, cnidarian body
plans appear to have remained essentially unchanged
since the Cambrian. The prevailing theory of metazoan
origin sometimes called the colonial theory, depicts
a colonial flagellated protist (e.g., a choanoflagellate)
that gave rise to a hollow metazoan ancestor, termed a
blastea, which i n turn gave rise to a diploblastic planu­
loid animal called a gastrea. It is from these hypotheti­
'' ', .
cal ancestral forms that the Porifera and Cnidaria are
said to have evolved. On the other hand, another view
suggests that the ancestors of cnidarians were triplo­
blastic, acoelomate organisms, perhaps something like
rhabdocoel turbellarians, that underwent "degenera­ . ..
tive evolution" to produce what we recognize today
as the cnidarians. This view, called the triploblastic Gast:rovascular canal
5mm of stalk (pharynx)
theory (or the turbellarian theory), usually holds the
Anthozoa to be the most primitive cnidarian class and Figure 7.45 Diagrammatic render ing of Dendrogramma.
cites the "remnants" of bilateral symmetry in that class (A) Lateral view, (B) aboral view.
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 319

not involve the kinds of "degeneration" required by the The polypoid hypothesis suggests that the exclusively
turbellarian theory. The transformation suggested by polypoid class Anthozoa is closest to the ancestral cni­
the triploblastic or turbellarian theory is complicated; darian. This hypothesis has received increasing sup­
it involves the loss or drastic simplification of many port and is the sche1ne presented in this chapter (Figure
complex systems (notably the urogenital system) and 7.46). Molecular and genetic data supporting this view
major changes in funda111ental body design. Both larvae continue t o accun1ulate. For example, 18S rDNA se­
and adults of extant cnidarians maintain a fundamental quence analyses place anthozoans as a sister group to
radial symmetry. The so-called remnant bilaterality of all other cnidarians. In addition, we now know that,
anthozoan polyps is not true bilaterality at all, but bira­ among cnidarians, only the anthozoans possess circu­
diality about an oral -aboral axis, which develops late in lar mitochondrial DNA, a trait they share with other
the ontogeny of these animals. The triploblastic/turbel­ Metazoa (including the Placozoa). Members of the
larian theory is also weak on embryological grounds, Medusozoa clade all have linear mtDNA, viewed as a
such as differences in cleavage patterns and germ layer derived condition within cnidarians.
formation. And, perhaps most importantly, the most Jn the polypoid hypothesis, the ancestral cnidar­
recent n1ulti-gene phylogenetic analyses clearly posi­ ian would possess some or all of the traits that define
tion Cnidaria below the origin of bilaterality and likely moder n d - ay Anthozoa, whereas the clade comprising
as the sister group to the Bilateria. Staurozoa, Hydrozoa, Cubozoa, and Scyphozoa (i.e.,
In Chapter 5 we reviewed the in1portant en1bryo­ the Medusozoa) is defined by the evolution of the cni­
logical differences between the coelon1ate rnetazoan docil and linear mtDNA. Most workers also place the
clades known as the protosto1nes and deuterostomes. origin of the medusa at the base of the Medusozoa line,
To the extent that these traits occur in noncoelon1ate suggesting that all cnidarian medusae are homologous,
Metazoa, it is of phylogenetic importance to note them. whereas others have suggested that hydromedusae
For example, radial cleavage is characteristic of the d e u ­ and scyphon1edusae (and cubomedusae) arose inde­
teroston1es, but probably arose very early in metazoan pendently. In any case, in the polypoid hypothesis, the
evolution; it occurs in cnidarians and, in a slightly d i f ­ medusa represents a derived dispersal stage. The posi­
ferent form, in most sponges. Thus it appears to be the tion of the Myxozoa is still unclear.
plesion1orphic type of cleavage among animals. Spiral Jn contrast, the 1nedusoid hypothesis suggests that the
cleavage, on the other hand, defines an entire clade of Cnidaria arose from a swimming or creeping, ciliated,
protostomes (the Spiralia), suggesting it is a more de­ planuloid-like ancestor that, with the development of
rived cleavage pattern in Metazoa. In fact, as more is tentacles resulted an animal resembling an actinula
learned about cnidarian genomes, the evidence seen1s larva. The transition fron1 planula to actinula in the
to suggest that their genes share more similarities to modern medusa form can be seen today in the life cycle
deuterostome genes than to those of protostomes. of certain hydrozoans. Asexual reproduction, such as
budding, by a benthic actinula larva could have sec­
Relationships within Cnidaria ondarily led to the establishment of a distinct polyp­
Anaton1ical evidence has been equivocal on the ques­ oid stage. If so, the polyp can be viewed as an extended
tion of which living class of Cnidaria is the most ances­ larval form specialized for asexual reproduction and
tral. Some workers have favored a view that the first benthic existence. In this scenario, once the polypoid
cnidarian was a medusa, based largely the conjecture form became established some cnidarians began to
that the sexual stage n1ust have appeared first (the suppress the medusoid phase of thefr life cycles, vari­
medusoid hypothesis). Other workers have favored ous degrees of which can be seen among n1odern h y ­
the view that the polypoid fonn is primitive within drozoans. The epitome of this trend would be the class
Cnidaria, because polyps occur in all classes of the Anthozoa, �vhose members have no medusa stage at
phylum, except the parasitic Myxozoa, and thus they all. The sister-group of Cubozoa + Scyphozoa (known
represent part of the primitive cnidarian body plan as the Acraspeda) would be defined by the same sy:n­
(the polypoid hypothesis). Recent n1olecular work apon1orphies in both the polypoid and medusoid hy­
has clarified many relationships within Cnidaria, yet potheses-loss of gut mesenteries, loss of gastrodermal
whether anthozoans o r medusozoans represent the nen1atocysts, reduction of cells in the mesoglea, move­
"basal" cnidarian group still remains debatable. Of ment of the gamete-forming tissue to the epidermis,
course, the phylogenetic hypothesis that one adopts and tl1e evolution of acraspedote medusae.
has great implications for interpreting character evolu­ Phylogeny within each of the cnidarian classes
tion v- ,ithin this group-and the weight of the evidence i s equally interesting but largely beyond the scope
currently favors anthozoans as ancestral. Nevertheless, of this text. However, a few generalizations can be
more work is needed to substantiate this view. Next, made about some important events. Coloniality has
we present the implications of each hypothesis, know­ been a com1non and important evolutionary theme
ing that further work ,,vill eventually substantiate or ,-vithin Cnidaria. Coloniality in the hydrozoans prob­
refute the following frameworks. ably arose by retention of young polyps during
320 Chapter Seven

Myxozoa Polypoidozoa Hydrozoa Staurozoa Cubozoa Scyphozoa
Octocorallia liexacorallia Trachylina Hydroidolina Coronatae Discomedusae
•• ••
•• ••
•• '
•• 17
CD 1s
•• -lj4
•• c..._


Figure 7.46 A molecular-based phylogeny of the Synapomorphies of Staurozoa: (12) Evolution of unique
Cnidaria, overlaid w ith k e y synapomorphies o f the major life cycle, with stauropolyps and sessile stauromedusae.
lineages. Synapomorphies of Hydrozoa: (13) Rel ocation of gamete­
Synapomorphies of Cnidaria: (1) Cnidae; (2) Epithelio­ forming tissue to epidermis; (14) Loss of gut mesenteries;
muscular cells; (3) Planula larva. (15) Simplification of middle layer to an acellular meso­
Synapomorphies of Anthozoa: (4) Hexaradial/Octaradial glea; (16) Evolution of craspedote medusa form; (17) Loss
symmetry; (5) Acti nopharynx; (6) Siphonoglyph; (7) of gastrodermal nematocysts.
Mesenterial filaments in coelenteron; (8) Tri partite series of Synapomorphies of Cubozoa-Scyphozoa: (18) Reduction
flaps on cnidae. or loss of polyp; (19) Rhopalia.
Synapomorphies of Medusozoa: (9) Medusae and alter­ Synapomorphies of Scyphozoa: (20) Strobilation.
nation of generations; (10) Linear DNA; (11) Operculate Synapomorphies of Cubozoa: (21) Boxl ike medusae form;
cnidae (with cnidoc il). (22) Lensed rhopaliar eyes; (23) Velarium.

asexual reproduction, and this development ultimately polypoid living, resulting in such "superorganisms"
led to the highly specialized colonial groups such as as stony corals, octocorals, pennatulaceans, and z o ­
the Siphonophora, Milleporidae, and Stylasteridae. In anthidians. Within the Hexacorallia, stony corals
the class Scyphozoa, evolution has clearly favored i n ­ (scleractinians) first appear in the fossil record in the
creasing speciaJjzation of the pelagic medusoid form Middle Triassic period, about 237 million years ago, al­
and diminishing in1portance of the polypoid stage in though the first sderactinians were not reef builders.
their life cycle. Scyphomedusae and cubomedusae Scleractinian origins (and radiations) are sti!J not well
have evolved large size, special musculature, a cellular understood. Suggested extinct ancestors of Scleractiiua
or fibrous mesenchyme, a complex gastrovascular sys­ include three Paleozoic coral groups: the Rugosa, the
tem, and a fairly sophisticated sensory system. Heterocorallia, and the Tabulata. The Rugosa (some­
Anthozoans aTe characterized by several uruque syn­ tin1es called hon1 corals) and Heterocorallia had their
apo1norplues: hexaradial or octaradial symmetry (trans­ polyps divided by septa ii1to 4 cycles (rather than 6 as
fonned into birarual symmetry in most); the actinophar­ in Scleractiiua) and the septa arose i n a pinnate fasruon
ynx, siphonoglyphs, and unique mesenterial filaments (rather than cyclically as in Scleractinia). Tabulate cor­
in the coelenteron; absence of a cnidal operculum and als were nonseptate. The connection bet1,veen rugose
cnidocil; tripartite flaps on the cnidae; and special ciliary corals, which formed calcite skeletons, and modern
cones associated with the cnidocytes. Anthozoans also scleractinians, whose skeletons are aragonite, is tight­
possess a more complex gastrovascular and nervous ened by the discovery of Cretaceous scleractinians with
system than seen among the Medusozoa, as well as a calcite skeletons.
greater degree of cellularity of the mesenchyn1e. Within the Scleractinia, molecular evidence ap­
An1ong members of the class Anthozoa, evolution pears to confinn the existence of t\vo clades, "robust"
has produced a grand series of experiments in colonial species with solid, heavily calcified skeletons forming
PHYLUM CNIDARIA Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, and Their Kin 321

massive or plate-like structures, and "complex" species than men1bers of the other classes. Convergent evolu­
with lighter, more porous and Lnore con1plex skeleton tion has occurred frequently throughout the Cnidaria,
structures. Within these clades, only the Poritiina and as witnessed by such features as colonies, calcareous
Dendrophiliina appear to be monophyletic, suggesting skeletons, the velum-velarium structures, and various
that relationships based on morphology alone are like­ means of suppressing the medusoid or polypoid stage
ly to be misleading i n this group. Possibly contributing i n the life cycle.
to this diversity, recent evidence suggests that colonial­ The two recently recognized cnidarian lineages,
ity and symbiosis with zooxanthellae have been repeat­ Myxozoa and Polypoidozoa, represent experunents
edly acquired and lost throughout the history of stony in parasitic life histories, with the first more successful
corals, a tendency that 1nay have allowed scleractinians than the second. Myxozoans now appear to be com­
to diversify within reef and non-reef comrnwuties, as prised of nearly 2,200 species that clearly fall within the
well as recover from repeated local extinctions over Cnidaria, but whose relationships to one another are
evolutionary time. An increase in polyp size within still uncertain. The morphology of tile Polypoidozoa
the Anthozoa seems to have occurred over time, along suggests tl,at they arose from within tile Medusozoa.
with the evolution of complex structural components However, the precise phylogenetic position of both
of the mesenchyme and increasingly efficient 1nuscu­ taxa is uncertain at this time. Additional phylogenetic
lature. Anthozoans, of course, have greatly exploited a analyses of the Cnidaria in the coming years are certain
commensal relationship with zooxanthellae-n,ore so to produce exciting new results.

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Phylum Ctenophora
The Comb Jellies

tenophores (Greek cte11, "comb"; phero, "to bear")-commonly called

co1nb jellies, sea gooseberries, or sea walnuts-are transparent, gelati­
nous animals. Most of them are planktonic, living from surface waters
to depths of at least 3,000 meters, and a few species are epibenthic.
Their transparency and fragile nature make then1 difficult to capture or ob­
serve by traditional sampling methods such as towing or trawling with nets,
and until the recent advent of manned submersibles and "blue water" SCUBA
techniques they were thought to be only modestly abundant. However, they
are now known to form a major portion of the planktonic biomass in many
areas of the world, and they may periodically be the predominant zooplankters
in some areas. About 100 species have been described, but there are probably
many deep-sea forms yet to be discovered.
The ctenophores are radially (biradially) sym­
metrical, probably diploblastic animals, resem­
Classification of The Animal bling cnidarians in many respects. This sin1ilarity
Kingdom (Metazoa) is immediately obvious, for example, in features
such as symmetry, a gelatinous mesenchyme or
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata coUenchyme, the absence of a body cavity between
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA
the gut and the body vvall, and a relatively simple,
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHI OPODA netlike nervous system. Some zoologists, however,
PHYLUM CNIDARIA ECDYSQZQA have viewed these similarities as convergent fea­
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida tures resulting from adaptations to pelagic life­
PHYLUM NEMATODA styles. Ctenophores are significantly different from
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) cnidarians in their more extensively organized d i ­
gestive system, their wholly mesenchymal muscu­
Protostomia PHYLUM PRI APULA lature, and certain other features (Box SA). There
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICI FERA remains uncertainty as to the origin of the ctenoph­
SPJMLIA Panarthropoda oran n1esenchyn1e; son1e evidence suggests it is
PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES PHYLUM TARDIGRADA prin1arily ectodern1ally derived, yet other evidence
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA favors an endodermal origin. The latter possibility
might at first suggest developn1ental homology
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA with the true mesodenn of bilaterians. However,
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRI APODA sequencing of the genome of Pleurobrachia bachei
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHEUCERATA has shown that the genes involved in mesoderm
Deuterostomia development in bilaterians have no homologous
Gnathifera counterpart in the mesenchymal development of
PHYLUM MICROGNATHOZOA Ctenophores also differ fundamentally from
PHYLUM ROTIFERA "Paraphyletic group
cnidarians i n that they are monomorphic through­
out their life histories, are never colonial, and lack
328 Chapter Eight

any trace of an attached sessile stage. Ctenophores

lack a hard skeleton, an excretory systen1, and a r e ­ BOX SA Characteristics of the
spiratory system. Most are simultaneous hermaphro­ Phylum Ctenophora
dites capable of self-fertilization-an unusual qual­
1 . Dip loblastic (or possibly trip loblast ic) Metazoa. with
ity among the Metazoa. A distinctive larval stage, the ectoderm and endoderm separated by a cellular
cydippid larva, is usually produced. Ctenophores are mesenchyme
exclusively marine. They display a wonderful variety 2. Birad ial symmetry: the body axis is oral-aboral
of shapes, and they range in size from less than 1 cm
in height to ribbon-shaped forms 2 m long (Figure 8.1). 3. With adhes i ve exocytotic structures called
Some have evolved rather bizarre body forms, and a
4. Gastrovascular cav ity (gut) is the only "body c a v ­
few have taken up a benthlc creeping existence. They .
occur in all the world's oceans and at all latitudes. ity. ; gut with stomodeum and canals that branch
complexly throughout body; gut ends in two small
Desiccated specimens of the genus Ple11robrac/1ia are anal pores
often found washed ashore after storms. However, in 5. Without discrete respiratory. excretory. or c ircu la­
their planktonic environment, ctenophores are some of tory systems (other than the gut)
the 1nost elegant and graceful creatures in the sea, and 6. Neivous system in the form of a nerve net or plex­
observing them in their natural habitat is a memorable us. but more specialized than that of cn idarians
expenence. 7. Musculature always formed of true mesenchymaJ
8. Monomorphic, without alternatio n of generations
Taxonomic History and without any kind of an attached sess i le l ife
and Classification
9. With ei ght rows of cil iary plates (combs or ctenes)
Perhaps because many well-known ctenophores are at some stage in their l ife history; comb rows con­
brilliantly luminescent and are comn101uy seen from trolled by unique ap ical sense organ
shjps, the group has been known since ancient times. 10. Some adults and most juveniles with a pair of long
The first recognizable figures of ctenophores were tentac les. often retractable into sheaths
drawn by a shlp's doctor and naturalist in 1671. Lin­ 11. Most are hermaphroditic; typically with a character­
naeus placed them in hjs group Zoophyta, along with istic cydippid larval stage
varjous other "primitive" invertebrates. Cuvier classi­
fied them with medusae and anemones in Zoophytes.
In the early nineteenth century, Johann Friedrich von
Eschscholtz designed the first rational classification of Until more robust phylogenetic trees are achleved,
pelagic medusae and ctenophores by creating the or­ we follow Rich Harbison and Larry Madin (1983) in
ders Ctenophorae (for comb jellies), Discophorae (for simply dividing the ctenophores into 7 orders (con­
all the solitary cnidarian n1edusae), and Siphonopho­ taining 19 families). Figure 8.2 illustrates the general
rae (for the colonial siphonophorans and cl1ondropho­ anatomy of the major groups. The position of the
rans). Eschscholtz viewed these orders as subdivisions Ctenophora among the basal Metazoa is still under
of the class Acalepha, regarding them as intermediate debate. Some molecular phylogenetic studies have
bet\veen Zoophytes and Echinodern1ata (on the basis suggested they might be basal anin1aJs, but most have
of the common presence of radial syn1metry). Recall found Porifera to be the basalm. o st Metazoa, with
that it was Leuckart who, in 1847, first separated the Ctenophora being close to Cnideria in the tree of life.
Coelenterata from the echinoderms, although his Coel­
enterata also included sponges and ctenophores. Ras­
pailia Vosmaer (in 1877) \vas responsible for removing
the sponges and Hatschek (in 1889) for removing the Figure 8.1 Representative ctenophores. (A) Pleuro- ►
ctenophores as separate groups. brachia (order Cydippida). (8) Beroe ovata (order Beroida).
Until recently, two classes of ctenophores were rec­ (C) Beroe, showing iridescence in the comb rows. (D) An
ognized: Nuda, for species lacking tentacles (the single unidentif i ed lobate ctenophore from 780 m depth in the
order Beroida); and Tentaculata, for those species with Caribbean Sea. (E) Venus belt comb jelly, Cestum veneris
tentacles (all other orders). However, the monophyly (order Cestida). Socorro, Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico.
(F) Leucothea (order Lobata). (G) Warty comb jelly or sea
of these hvo groups had been questioned. Recent mo­ walnut, Mnemiopsis /eidyi (order Lobata), Cr i mea, Ukrai ne.
lecular analyses indicate that while the Ctenophora (H) An Antarctic cydippid ctenophore with two krill in its
overall are monophyletic, the presence or absence of gut, and a third one being captured. (1) Lyrocteis imperato­
tentacles may provide little phylogenetic information. ris, an Inda-West Pacific platyctenid ctenophore.
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA The Comb Jellies 329

(A) (B) (C)

{G) (!)

330 Chapter Eight
(B) Statocyst Tentacle side branch
Apical Aboral
sense organ

Xlf-�,,...:� �-Tentaclc sheath

\__j:::j:::::> Comb plates (ctenes)


comb row

Substomodeal .,d!,=:::�5!(41'/J
comb row

Subtentacle lnfundibulum
meridional canal

comb row

Diverticulum of
meridional canal
meridional canal
Tentade (E)
(F) Subtentade
Comb rows mc1idional canal

.. t


(G) � .·•. ;:•: , ..
', -.-_ Marginal

Brood sheath
Tentacle bulb

Comb rows
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA: The Comb Jellies 331

(H) (I) Subtcntaclc

Extended tentacle
meridional canal


Statocyst Subtentacle
comb row


Comb rows
(L) Statocyst

Oral Jobe
Auricles .. • ,

•.l .. "'·· •· .
. �

Comb rows Tentacle
side branches

· .'" -···
Figure 8.2 General anatomy of some major groups of
ctenophores; see al so Figure 8.3. (A) Order Cydippida,
P/eurobrachia. The extensi ve gastrovascular canal system
is not shown here compl etely. (8) Order Cydippida, Tinerfe,
with gametes devel oping in the meridional canals. (C)
Order Ganeshida, Ganesha. Note the circumoral ri ng canal
that connects the meridional and paragastric (pharyngeaO
canals. (D,E) Order Beroida, Beroe. (D) Side view. The aboral
surface has sensory papillae and the meridional canal s
are branched. (E) Aboral view. Members of this order are
extremely compressed on the tentacular pl ane. (F) Order
Platyctenida, the odd-shaped Lyrocteis, shown here in
layered cutaway view exposing vari ous internal structures.
(G) Order Platyctenida, Ctenoplana (aboral vi ew). On ly one
tentacle is shown. (H) Order Platyctenida, Coeloplana. This
ctenophore is a benthic form. (I) Order Cestida, Cestum.
This ctenophore exhibi ts an extreme modification of body
form. (J,K) Order Lobata, Mnemiopsis. (J) Side view.
Mnemiopsis has oral lobes and auricles. (K) Oral view. Note
the greatly expanded oral lobes wi th their distinctive pattern
of muscle fibers. (L) Order Lobata, Oeiopea.
332 Chapter Eight

PHYLUM CTENOPHORA ORDER BEROIDA (Figures 8.1 B-C and 8.2D,E). Pel agic;
ORDER CYDIPPIDA (Fi gures 8.1A and 8.2A,B). Pelag ic;
body cylindrica l or thimbl e-shaped and strongly flattened in
with well developed comb rows; tentacles long and retract­ tentacular plane; tentacles and sheaths absent; aboral end
rounded(Beroe) or with two prominent keels (Neis); stomo­
ab l e into sheaths; body g lobu lar or ovoid, occasionally flat­
deum great ly enlarged; aboral sense organ well developed;
tened in the stomodeal plane; meridional canals end bl ind ly,
paragastric canals(when present) end blind ly at mouth. This comb rows present; meridional canals with numerous side
branches; paragastric canals s imple or with side branches.
order i s widely viewed a s polyphyletic and in need of revi ­
Without a cyd ippid larva phase. Two genera: Beroe and
sion. (e.g., Aulococtena, Bathyctena , Callianira, Oryodora,
Euplokamis, Haeckelia, Hormiphora, Lampea, Mertensia, Neis.
Pleurobrachia, Tinerfe)
H). Planktonic or
ORDER PLATYCTENIDA (F igure 8 . 2 F - The Ctenophoran Body Plan
benthic; most speci es greatl y flattened. with part of sto­
modeum everted as a creeping sole; often with tentacle Although ctenophores are among the most ancient of
sheaths; tentac le canals bifid; gastrovascu lar system com­ living animals, they do possess true t issues. Between
plex and anastomos i ng; most species possess anal pores; the epidermis and the gastrodermis i s a well-developed
many are ectocommensals on other organisms (e.g., cor­ middle layer, \,vhich i s always a cellular mesenchyme.
als). Unlike most ctenophores, fertilization is often internal, Within this mesenchyme true muscle cells develop, a
and many platyctenids brood their embryos to the larval condition that also characterizes the h·iploblastic Meta­
stage; asexual reproduction is common. (e.g., Coeloplana, zoa although by different developmental pathways.
Ctenoplana, Gastra, Lyrocteis, Planoctena , Savangia, Tjal­ As w e noted in the preceding chapter, a critical es­
fiella, Vallicula) sence of the cnidarian and ctenophoran body plans i s
ORDER CESTIDA (Rgures 8.1 E and 8.21). Pe lagic; body ex­ radiality(or biradiality); w e have explained some of the
tremely compressed in tentacular p lane, and greatly elon­ structural constraints and advantages that derive fron1
gated in stomodeal p lane, produci ng a ribbon-like form up this sy1nmetry. Thus, predictably, the nervous system
to 1 m long in some species; substomodeal comb rows of ctenophores is in the form of a simple, noncentralized
elongated, extendi ng along entire aboral edge; subtentacu­ nerve net, and the locomotor structures are arranged ra•
lar meridional canals arise under subtentacular comb rows dially about the body. Other features that characterize
(Cestum) or equatorially from interradial canals (Ve/amen); the Ctenophora include: retractile tentacles and often
paragastric canals extend along oral edge and fuse with tentacle sheaths; anal pores; adhesive prey-capturing
meridional canals; tentacles and tentacle sheaths present. structures called colloblasts; locomotor structures
Two genera: Cestum and Ve/amen. called ctenes or comb plates, arranged i n comb rows;
ORDER GANESHIDA (Figure 8.2C). Pelagic; body form and an apical sense organ containing a statolith that
somewhat intermediate between Cydippida and Lobata, regulates the activity of the comb rows. The sheathed
compressed in tentacular plane; tentacles branched and tentacles, colloblasts, comb plates, and nature of the
with sheaths; interradial canals arise from infundibulum and apical sense organ are unique features of ctenophores.
divide into adrad ial canals, which joi n the aboral ends of the Figures 8.2 and 8.3i l l ustrate ctenophoran anatomy.
meridional cana ls; meridional canals and paragastric canals Most ctenophores are spherical o r ovoid in shape,
join and form a circumoral canal(as i n Beroida); mouth large although some species have evolved flattened shapes
and expanded in tentacu lar plane; without auricles or oral through compression and elongation in one of the two
lobes. One genus, Ganesha, with two known species. planes of body sy1nn1etry (Figures 8.lE and 8.21). The
general body plan can best be u n derstood by first ex­
ORDER LOBATA (Figures 8.1D,F-H and 8.2J-L). Pe lagic;
body compressed in tentacular plane; with a pair of char­ amining a generalized cydippid ctenophore (Figure
acteristic oral lobes and four flaplike auricles; a ci liated au­ 8.3). Specialists have long con sidered the cydippids
ricular groove extends to base o f auricles from each s ide to be ancestral within the phylum, although recent
of each tentacle base; paragastric and subtentacular me­ evidence suggests that the order Cydippida is prob­
ridional canals unite orally. (e.g., Bolinopsis, Deiopea, Leu­ ably polyphyletic. As in cnidarians, the principal axis
cothea, Mnemiopsis, Ocyropsis) is o r a l -aboral. The m o u t h is at the oral pole; the ab­
oral pole bears the apical sense organ. O n the surface
ORDER THALASSOCALYCIDA Pe l ag ic; body extremely
of the body are eight equally spaced meridional rows
fragile, expanded orally into medusa-like bell, to 15 cm
of comb plates. Eacl1 con1b plate, or ctene, is composed
along tentacular axis; body s l ghtly
i compressed i n stomo­
of a transverse band of long, fused(= compound) cilia.
dea l plane; tentacle sheaths absent; tentacles arise near
O n each side of the body of many species is a deep, cili­
mouth and bear lateral filaments; comb rows short; mouth
ated epidermal pouch (the tentacle sheath) from whose
and pharynx borne on central conical peduncle; meridional
inner wall a tentacle arises. The tentacles are typically
canals long, describi ng comp lex patterns in bell; all meridi­
very long and contractile, a n d bear lateral branches
onal canals end blindly aborally. Monotypic: Thafassocafyce
inconstans. called filaments, or tentillae. The epidermis of both the
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA The Comb Jellies 333

(A} Figure 8.3 The ctenophoran body plan. (A) A cydippid

2 ctenophore (cross section). (B) Ctenophoran biradiality
and the planes of symmetry {oral view).

5 Key
1. Anal canal
2. Anal pore
3 . Apical sense organ
4 . Aboral canal

5. Tentacle
• f 6
6 . lnfundibulum
7 . Transverse canal
8 . lnterradial canal
7 8 9 . Tentacle sheath
10. Tentilla
11. Ctenes of comb row
1 2 . Mouth
13. Pharynx
14. Pharyngeal canal
1 5 . Tentacle canal
16. Meridional c,lnal
17. Adradial canal



Oral-aboral axis
t tentacle and the lateraJ tentillae is richJy arn1ed with
colloblasts. Most species can retract the tentacles into
the sheaths \-Vith muscles. It is the tentacles and certain

aspects of the internal anatomy that give ctenophores a
biradial symmetry (although some workers have de­
scribed a more nuanced version of this in ctenophores,
called "rotational symmetry"). The elongate stomo­
lnterradial deum lies on the oral-aboral axis of the body. It is dis­
canal tinctly Aattened in one plane of body symmetry, the sto­
modeal plane (Figure 8.38). Bisecting the animal along
the stomodeal plane separates the two tentacular haJves
of the body. The second plane of body symmetry, called
the tentacular plane, is defined by the position of the
Stomodeal plane tentacle sheaths.
of symmetry
Some variations of the basic ctenophoran body plan
are illustrated i n Figures 8.1 and 8.2. In members of the
unique order Lobata (Figure 8.2J-L and chapter opener
334 Chapter Eight

mesenchyme makes up most of the body mass; cteno­

phore dry weights are only about 4 percent of their live
wet weights. The mesenchyme contains both elastic
supportive cells and muscle cells, the general tonus of
the latter being primarily responsible for maintaining
body shape. Figure 8.5 shov.•s a highly stylized cutaway
section of a cydippid ctenophore and illustrates the ar­
rangement of the supportive mesenchymal muscle fi­
bers. Tension in the looped muscles tends to maintain
the spherical geometry. Action of the radial muscles di­
minishes the radius and hence the circumference, and
also serves to open the pharynx. These two muscle sets
work antagonistically to one another.
Most ctenophores are pelagic. The gelatinous body
Figure 8.4 Thalassoca/yce inconstans, in the monotypic and low specific gravity maintain relatively neutral
order Thalassocalycida, with its expanded oral lobes buoyancy, allowing these creatures to float about
that form a medusa•like bell. with the ocean currents. Neutral buoyancy appears
to be maintained by passive osn1otic accon1modation.
Because buoyancy adjustn1e11ts take tin1e, ctenophores
photo), the body is compressed in the tentacuJar plane may temporarily accumulate at discontinuity layers in
and the oral end is expanded on each side into round­ the sea, where a water mass of one density overlies a
ed, contractile oral lobes. The mouth sits on an elon­ water mass of a slightly different density.
gate region, the base of vv.h ich bears four Jong flaps The beating of the ctenes provides most of the 1nod­
called auricles. The tentacles are reduced and lack est locon1otor power that allows ctenophores to move
sheaths. From either side of each tentacle base, a ciliat­ up and down in the water coluffill and to locate richer
ed auricular groove arises and extends to the auricles. feeding sites or preferred environmental conditions.
Members of the order Cestida (Figures 8.lE and 8.21) Each comb row comprises many ctenes. Each ctene
are also compressed in the tentacuJar plane and e x ­ consists of a transverse band of hundreds of very long,
tremely elongated in the stomodeal plane, giving these partly fused cilia (to 3.5 mm in length) that beat togeth­
ctenophores a striking snake- or ribbon-like appear­ er as a unit. Ctenophores are the largest animals known
ance. The sheathed tentacles are reduced and shifted to use cilia for locomotion. Each cilium has a typical
alongside the mouth. Beroida are thi1nble-shaped and 9+2 rnicrotubule structure, but each also possesses a
also flattened i n the tentacular plane (Figw·e 8.1 B,C wuque set of lamellae at the 3 and 8 doublets; these la­
and 8.20,E). They lack tentacles and sheaths. ln the mellae protrude to link together the adjacent cilia.
single species of Thalassocalycida (Tha/assocalyce incon­ Ctenophores are beautiful animals to observe in
stans), the body is expanded around the n1outh to forn1 life because their beating comb rows appear iddescent
a n1edusa-like bell (Figure 8.4). over a wide range of light intensities. This feature of
The oddest ctenophores are members of the order
Platyctenida (Figures8.ll and 8.2G-H). Platyctenids a1·e
benthic and s111all, often less than 1 cm in length; in c o n ­ Radial fiber
trast to n1ost pelagic ctenophores, they are pigmented Looped
",,.,,,-/ fibers
rather than transparent. The body is oval and n1arkedly
flattened. Despite these unusual features, early natural­
ists recognized them as ctenophores by the presence of
an apical sense organ, comb rows, and a pair of tenta­
cles.Detailed studies have shown that the flattened oral canal
surface is actually an everted portion of the pharynx!
The platyctenid pharynx was, in a sense, preadapted to
serve a dual purpose as a creeping foot or sole by its in•
trinsic n1uscuJature. Most of these animals crawl about fibers
on the sea bottom, but some are ectocominensals on al­
cyonarian cnidarians, echinoderms, or pelagic salps.
Figure 8.5 Stereogram of the arrangement of muscle
Support and Locomotion fi bers in Pleurobrachia, a cydippid ctenophore. The
d iagram depicts a transverse section through the region
Ctenophores rely primarily on their elastic n1esen­ of the pharynx; the gastrovascular system and tentacle
chyme for structural support. The watery gelatinous sheaths have been omitted for c lari ty.
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA The Comb Jellies 335

ctenophoran movement appears to be caused by the (Al

dense and highly regular packing of ciliary elen,ents Colloblasts

at the base of each con,b row. While iridescence may
Muscle fibers
serve to discourage predators or attract prey, it seems (in mesenchymal layer)
unlikely to function in social communication among
ctenophores because of the simplicity of these ani­
mals' visual systems. Because of their size, ctenophore
ctene plates move at low Reynolds numbers, where
fluid flow is smoother but vvhere water viscosity can
impede ciliary movement. In contrast, the bodies of
ctenophores n,ove at higher Reynolds nun,bers, where
viscosity is less important but water turbulence can
impede or enhance animal movement through the (B) Colloblast
As noted above, the mesenchymal musculature is
used to maintain body shape and assist in feeding; it
is involved in behaviors such as prey swaU01-ving, pha­
ryngeal contractions, and tentacle moven1ents. Usually
both longitudina I and circular muscles are present
just beneath the epidermis. In the benthic and epifau­
nal platyctenids, stomodeal musculature facilitates Figure 8.6 Ctenophore tentacle structure. (A) Longi­
a creeping locomotion. In the snakelike cestids, body tudinal section of tentacle. (B) Cross section of a lateral
filament (tentilla} of a tentacle.
muscles n1ay generate graceful swiJnming undula­
tions. Sv.rimming in the lobate ctenophores is assisted
by 1nuscular flapping of their two oral lobes, and per­
haps also by use of the four paddle-like auricles. The ton are trapped in mucus on the body surface and then
lobate species Le11cothen (Figure 8.lF) can swim either carried to the mouth by ciliary currents (along the cili­
by typical slow ctene propulsion or by rapid ctene ated auricular grooves in lobate forms and ciliated oral
propulsion; the latter is accomplished by an increased grooves in cestids). Most of the benthic platycte.nids
ciliary beat that produces a vortex wake, resulting i n jet also feed by capturing zooplankton in a some\\rhat
propulsion. Giant smooth muscle fibers-the first to be similar fashion.
discovered in ctenophores-have been found in Beroe. In some areas of the world's seas, ctenophores may
b e the dominant macrozooplankters and planktonic
Feeding and Digestion predators (e.g., Mertensin ovu111 in the Arctic region).
Comb jellies, so far as is known, are mostly predatory Early life stages of Mne1niopsis Jeidyi also consume sig­
iJ1 their habits. The long tentacles of cydippids (and of nificant quantities of microphytoplankton and micro­
the larvae of most other forms) have a muscular core zooplankton, indicating a mixed diet. Stable isotope
with a colloblast-laden epidermal covering (Figure 8.6). studies of the lobate ctenophore, Bolitopsis i11f1111dibu­
The tentacles trail passively or are "fished" by various /11n1 indicate that these animals rely primarily on sur­
swirling n1oven1ents of the body. Upon contact "'ith face photosynthetic products for food, suggesting that
zooplankton prey, the coUoblasts (sometimes called some species may lie quite low in the food chain. These
lasso cells) burst and discharge a strong adhesive ma­ same aniJnals also appear to supplement their diet
terial. Each colloblast develops from a single cell and with copepods, which may sink to waters layers near
consists of a hemispherical mass of secretory granules the sea floor during diapause, and where B. i11f1111dib11-
attached to the muscular core of the tentacle by a spi­ /11111 n,ay for111 large aggregations to feed on this abun­
ral filan,ent coiled around a straight filament (Figm·e dant source of carbon. The tendency of ctenophores to
8.7). The straight filament i s actually the highly modi­ form aggregations near food sources or at the water's
fied nucleus of the colloblast cell. The spiral filan1ent, surface may contribute to their patchy distribution in
which uncoils upon discharge, adheres to the prey by nature.
the sticky material produced in the secretory granules. Some ctenophores prey on larger animals, espe­
As the tentacles accumulate prey, they are periodically cially gelatinous forms. The cydippid Lnmpen (formerly
wiped across the mouth by muscular contractions, oc­ Gastrodes), for example, lives embedded in the body of
casionally combined with a coordinated somersaulting pelagic tunicates of the genus Sn/pa, on which it feeds.
action of the aniJnal that brings the mouth to the trail­ Figure 8.8 is a series of ren,arkable photographs show­
ing tentacle. In members of the orders Lobata and Ces­ ing the cydippid ctenophore Haeckelia eating the ten­
tida, which bear very short tentacles, small zooplank- tacles of the trachyline hydromedusa, Aegina. After
336 Chapter Eight
-7 Secretory



Nudeus---- ---\f._,], '..J. Spiral filament


1----Straight filament


(C) (D) (E) Attadunent tentacle filament

Adhesive granule of coUoblast

Figure 8.7 Colloblasts. (A) The functional parts of a co l­ granules attached to fragments of a copepod {small crus­
lobl ast. (B) Longitudinal section. (C) Colloblasts on the tacean). {E) Fired colloblasts are still attached to the ten­
lateral tentac le f ilaments (tentillae) of Pleurobrachia {SEM). tacle f ilament. The adhesive ends of the coiled filaments
(D) Fired colloblasts of Pleurobrachia, showing adhesive are stuck (arrows) to a bit of copepod.

consuming the tentacles one by one, Haeckelia retains Ctenophores were center stage in an ecologi­
the prey's unfired nematocysts, incorporates them into cal drama that played out in the Black Sea not long
its epidermis, and uses them for its own defense. This ago. In the 1980s, the predatory northwest Atlantic
pheno1nenon, knO'wn as kleptocnidae, occurs in sev­ ctenophore M11enziopsis leidyi was accidentally in­
eral unrelated groups who prey on cnidarians. troduced into the Black Sea by way of ship ballast
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA The Comb Jellies 337

Figure 8.8 The cydippid ctenophore Haeckelia rubra (= Euchlora

rubra) feeding on the trachyline hydromedusa Aegina citrea.
(A) Intact specimen of Aegina. with all four tentacles present.
(8) Haeckelia begins to consume one o f Aegina's tentacles.
(C) Most o f the first tentacle of the medusa has been ingested.
(D) Same anima l s, 2 minutes after feeding began. (E) Aegina has
lost all four of it s tentacles to the hungry Haeckelia.

Sea, probably also from ballast ,vater. Beroe ovatn feeds

almost exclusively on Mne111iopsis, and its introduction
resulted in a precipitous decline (perhaps extirpation)
of M. leidyi in the sea, followed at last by the disappear­
ance of Beroe itself. Introduced ctenophores continue to
present a threat to l.oca l fisheries in many parts of the
world and their numbers are now 1nonitored closely,
particularly in the Mediterranean Sea. Most recently,
M. leidyi has invaded the Caspian and Baltic Seas.
The ctenophoran mouth opens into an elongate,
highly folded, flattened, muscular, stomodeal pharynx.
The epithelium of the pharynx is richly endowed with
gland cells that produce the digestive juices. Large food
items are tumbled within the pharynx by ciliary ac­
tion. Digestion takes place extracellularly, n1ostly in the
pharynx. The largely digested food passes via a sn1all
chamber (the infundibulum, funnel, or stomach) from
the pharynx into a complex system of radiating gastro­
vascular canals (Figures 8.2 and 8.3). The details of the
arrangement of the canals vary among different groups;
the following description applies to the arrangement in
a cydippid.
Two paragastric or pharyngeal canals recurve and lie
parallel to the pharynx. Two transverse canals depart at
right angles to the stomodeal plane and divide into three
more branches. The middle branch of each triplet, the
tentacle canal, leads to the base of the tentacle sheath.
Each of the other two branches (the interradial canals)
bifurcates to form a total of four adradial canals on each
side of the animal. These in turn connect to the eight m e ­
ridional canals, one beneath each comb row. Finally, an
abotal ca.naJ passes fron1 the infundibulum to the aboraJ
pole, where it divides beneath the apical sense organ
into four short canals, two ending blindly and two (the
anal canals) opening to the outside via small anal pores.
The anal pores serve as a rudimentary anus, assisting
the n1outh in the voiding of indigestible wastes. They
may also serve as an exit for metabolic wastes.
Within this very complicated gastrovascular canal
system, digestion is completed, nutrients are distrib­
uted through the body, and absorption takes place.
water. The few invaders quickly underwent explosive Minute pores lead from the various canals into the mes­
population growth, reaching biomass levels in excess enchyme (Figure 8.9). Surrounding these pores are cir­
of one kilogram per cubic meter by 1989, devastating clets of ciliated gastrodermal cells called cell rosettes,
the food web of the entire Black Sea Basin and causing which appear to regulate the flow of the digestive soup
a collapse of the anchovy fishery (one of the favored and perhaps also play a role in excretion. Except for the
prey of M. leidyi). Then, in 1997, another ctenophore, stomodeal pharynx, the gastrovascular systen1 is lined
Beroe ovnta, was accidentally introduced to the Black by a simple epithelium of endodermal origin.
338 Chapter Eight

CiUary tuft on
mesenchyme side---:�...1._

Ciliary tuft -----7
facing into
.. , •,, . lumen

gastrovascular · . ·---}/�
: -ovary

Figure 8.9 Gastrovascular canal structures. (A) A

rosette cell from the gastrovascular canal of Coeloplana. Thin inner wall
(B) A meridional canal (in section) of a ctenophore. The of meridional canal
gonads are strips of cells in the outer wall of the meridi­
onal canal.

The apical sense organ is a statolith that functions

Circulation, Excretion, Gas Exchange, in balance and orientation. The calcareous statolith
and Osmoregulation is supported by four long tufts of cilia called balanc­
There is no independent circulatory systen1 in cteno­ ers (Figure 8.10). The whole structure is enclosed in a
phores; as in cnidarians, the gastrovascular canal s y s ­ transparent dome that apparently is also derived from
tem serves in this role by distributing nutrients to most cilia. From each balancer arises a pair of ciliated fur­
parts of the body. The gastrovascular system probably rows(= ciliated grooves), each of which connects with
also picks up metabolic wastes from the mesenchyme one comb row. Thus, each balancer innervates the two
for eventual expulsion out of the mouth or anal pores. co1nb rows of its particular quadrant. Tilting the a n i ­
The cell rosettes may also transport wastes to the gut. mal causes the statolith to press more heavily on the
Gas exchange occurs across the general body surface downside balancers, and the resulting stimulus elicits
and across the ,,valls of the gastrovascular system. All a vigorous beating of the corresponding comb rows to
of these activities are augmented by diffusion through right the body.
the gelatinous mesenchyme. Movement of water over The two comb rows in each quadrant innervated by
the body surface is enhanced by the beating of the a single ciliated furro"" beat synchronously. If a cili­
comb plates. Thus, the extensive canal system and the ated furrow is cut, the beating of the two correspond­
ci Iiary bands help to overcome the problen1 of long di f ­ ing con1b rows becomes asynchronous. The normal
fusion distances. direction of ciliary power strokes is toward the aboral
pole, so that the animal is driven forward oral end
Nervous System and Sense Organs first. The beat in each row, however, begins at the ab­
Although the nervous systen1s of both ctenophores and oral. end of the comb row and proceeds in metachronaJ
cnidarians are noncentralized nerve nets, there are c e r ­ waves toward the oral end (i.e ., antiplectic 1netachro­
tain important differences. In a ctenophore, nonpolar ny). Stimulation of the oral end reverses the direction
neurons form a diffuse subepidermal plexus. Beneath of both the wave and the po"'•er stroke. Removal of
the comb rows, the neurons form elongate plexes or the apical sense organ or statolith results in an overall
meshes such that they produce nervelike strands. The lack of coordination of the con1b rows, and the injured
bases o f the ctenes are thus in contact with a rich array ctenophore loses its ability to maintain a vertical posi­
of nerve cells. A sinlilar concentrated plexus surrotu1ds tion. The comb rows are very sensitive to contact; when
the mouth. However, as in cnidarians, no true ganglia a comb row is touched, many species retract it into a
occur, a condition that contrasts markedly with the groove formed in the jelly-like body.
presence of a centralized nervous system i n bilateral In cydippids and beroids, the stin1ulation for any
Metazoa (the Bilateria). given ctene to beat is triggered mechanically, by hy­
The nerve nets of ctenophores consist of polygonal drodynamic forces arising from the movements of the
nerve cords spread under the ectodermal epithelium; preceding plate. However, in the lobate ctenophores,
these nerve nets show high levels of regional specializa­ the ctenes are not coordinated in this mechanical fash­
tion and concentrations associated with the apical s e n ­ ion. In these anin1als a narrow tract of shorter cilia-the
sory organ/ polar fields and tentacle bulbs, structures interplate ciliated groove-runs between successive
without clear homologs in any other animal group. ctenes and is responsible for coordinating their activity.
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA The Comb Jellies 339

(A) Polar fields Comb row (B)

Tentacle Balancers



Transverse Anal pore Gland

Statolith cells
canal Apical sense

(C) Dome

' Ciliated furrow


Cellular lining
of statocyst Ciliated lining
capsule of statocyst

Figure 8.10 The ctenophore apical sense organ.

(A) Pleurobrachia (aboral view). Note the relationship of
the statocyst to the comb rows, the ciliated furrows, and
halves will regenerate. Speculation that ctenophores
the gastrovascular canals. (B) Apical sense organ of the may reproduce by fission or budding is still under inves­
cydipp id Hormiphora. (C) Apical sense organ and its re l a ­ tigation. Platyctenids reproduce asexually by a process
t ionship to the eight comb rows. that resen,bles pedal laceration in sea anen,ones; small
fragments break free as the anitnal crawls, and each
piece can regenerate into a complete adult.
It is not known hov.r the cilia of the groove are coor­
dinated or how the grooves stimulate the appropriate Sexual reproduction and development Most cteno­
con1b row, so these actions may also be mechanical. phores are hern,aphroditic, but a few gonoclioristic spe­
The interplate ciliated grooves develop only as the l o ­ cies are known (e.g., members of the genus Ocyropsis).
bate ctenophores mature to adulthood; the free-sw i m ­ The gonads arise on the walls of the meridional canals
ming larvae resemble cydippids and lack the grooves. (Figure 8.9B). Pelagic ctenophores generally shed their
ln some ctenophores, two oval tracts of cilia called gametes via the mouth into the surrounding seawa­
polar fields lie on the ston1odeaJ plane of the aboral ter, where either self-fertilization or cross-fertilization
surface (Figure 8.10B). These structures are presumed takes place. Fertilization appears to take place within
to be sensory in function. the meridional canals in Pleurobrac/lin. Special sperm
ducts occur in at least some platyctenid species. The
Reproduction and Development eggs are centrolecithal and formed in association with
Asexual reproduction and regeneration Cteno­ nurse cell complexes. Polyspermy is known to occur
phores can regenerate virtually any lost part, including i n some ctenophores. Those that free-spa1ovn typically
the apical sense organ. Entire quadrants and even whole produce embryos that grow quickly to planktotrophic
340 Chapter Eight

Apical sense organ at least some species, give rise to photoreceptor cells.
\. There is some question about the fate of all of these oral
micromeres. Metsclulikoff (1885) suggested that these
cells may contribute to the mesenchyme and may thus
be viewed as true endomesoderm. Harbison (1985)
; f,
also made a case for a triploblastic condition in cteno­
' phores. However, as mentioned above, the recently
sequenced geno1ne of Ple11robrachia bac/1ei shows no
indication of developmental homology between cte­
nophoran mesencl,yme and the mesoderm of true trip­
loblast bilaterians.
As the micromeres cover the embryo to form the
epidermis, four interradial bands of small, rapidly
dividing cells become apparent. Eventually, each
of these thickened ectodennal bands differentiates
i .,
into two of the comb rows. The aboral ectoderm d i f ­
ferentiates into the apical sense organ and its related
parts; the oral ectoderm invagi.nates to form the sto­
Figure 8.11 A typical young cydippid larva. n1odeun1. The gastrovascular system develops from
endodermal outgrowths and the tentacle sheaths arise
as ectodermal invaginations from the points where
cydippid larvae (Figure 8.11), although species in the the tentacles sprout. The embryo eventually devel­
order Beroida lack this larval phase. Develop1nent is ops into a free-swimming cydippid larva (Figure 8.11)
thus usually indirect, although gro,,vth to the adult that closely resen1bles adult ctenophores of the order
is gradual rather than metamorphic. Some cteno­ Cydippida. Some authors have taken this as evidence
phores are known to reproduce sexually before they that Cydippida houses the most primitive lineage of
have completed their larval development, a condi­ extant ctenophores.
tion known as dissogeny. Precocious reproduction is The developn1ent of ctenophores differs markedly
knov.•n in at least two orders (Lobata: M11e111iopsis leidyi; from that of cnidarians. I n the latter group, early cleav­
Cydippida: P/eurobrachia bachei), and may reflect an evo­ age results in an irregular mass of cells 'A•hose fates are
lutionary history favoring early reproduction, possibly not clearly predictable until later developn1ent, and
because food supplies are only intermittently avail­ the mesencl1yme i s strictly ectodermal in origin. 1n the
able, or because predation rates are high. In the ben­ ctenophores, on the other hand, develop1nent is deter­
thic Coeloplana and Tjalfiella, fertilization is internal and minate and a very precise cleavage pattern unfolds, in
embryos are brooded until a cydippid larva is formed which the ultimate morphology is definitely mapped.
and released. This mixed life history provides a means For exa1nple, if the two blastomeres of a 2-cell embryo
of dispersal for these benthic, sedentary animals. are experimentally separated, the "half-embryos" d e ­
Ctenophoran cleavage cannot easily be classified as velop into adults with exactly half the normal set of
either spiral or radial. During early cleavage, the first adult structures. Suci, results indicate that blastomere
four blasto1neres arise by the usual hvo n1eridional fate is hjghly determjned, but they also suggest that in­
cleavages, which mark the adult planes of symn,etry. ductive processes among embryonic cells and tissues
The third division is also nearly vertical and results in are important in ctenophore embryogenesis, as is true
a curved plate of eight cells (macromeres). The next in many bilaterian Metazoa. Additional data suggest
division is latitudinal and unequal, giving rise to 1ni­ that such processes can lead to more variation in cell
cromeres on the concave side of the macromere plate. fate than was previously suspected. Ctenophores lack
The microrneres continue to divide and spread by the planula larva that characterizes cnidarians; instead,
epiboly over the aboral pole and eventually over the they produce a cydippid larval type having no obvi­
macromeres. The latter also invaginate, so the gash·ula ous counterpart among the 01idarians. The presence of
arises through a combination of epiboly and invagina­ a brief "planula" stage has been reported in the devel­
tion. Thus, the microrneres become ectoderm and the opn1ent of the parasitic cydippid Gas/rodes parasitic11111
macromeres become endoderm. Just prior to gastrula­ (Komai 1922, 1963) that vvas said to burrow into the
tion, the macromeres divide and produce additional test of host salps, where it then developed into a free­
micromeres on the oral side of the embryo. Whereas swimming cydippid. This has not been confirmed by
the aboral micromeres become ectodern1, these oral m i ­ any subsequent research, and the nature of Komai's
cromeres are incorporated into the endoderm and, in "planula" remains unresolved.
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA The Comb Jellies 341

Sense patterns of development. Many of the similarities be­

cavity tween ctenophores and cnidarian medusae may well
b e convergences reflecting adaptations to their simi­
lar lifestyles and, in fact, many gelatinous zooplank­
ters show superficial similarities in body form and
Some molecular phylogenies have placed the
Ctenophora basal in the animal tree (belovv Porifera)
as the earliest-diverging animal phylum. Perhaps
supporting this hypothesis are next-generation s e ­
quencing studies that have shown the genomes of
ctenophores and sponges to lack several homeobox­
containing genes that are present within the genomes
of placozoans, cnidarians, and bilaterians. Further,
Figure 8.12 The aberrant cnidarian trachyline medusa ctenophore genomes are unique in n1any respects. For
Hydroctena, which superficially resembles a ctenophore example, they lack n1icroRNA ai,d microRNA-pro­
in its possession of an ap ical sensory structure and ten­ cessing machinery, and their m.itoc11ondrial genomes
tacle pouches.
are reduced.
The presence of n1esenchyn1al muscle cells and
gonoducts in some species, along with certain features
of early cleavage, have led some zoologists to suggest
Ctenophoran Phylogeny a relationship between the ctenophores and the flat­
Even though the ctenophores and cnidarians are wide­ worn1s (Platyhelminthes; Chapter 10). Some research­
ly regarded as belonging to the saine general grade of ers have viewed the ctenophores as ancestral to the
construction, it is difficult to link ctenophores to any flatworms; but a reverse scenario has also been s u g ·
specific cnidarian group. Although the phylogenetic gested. The presence o f benthic, crawling ctenophores
relationships of the basal Metazoa (Porifera, Placozoa, (e.g., Cte11oplana and Coeloplana) has been used as evi­
Cnidaria, Ctenophora) remain enigmatic, son1e recent dence that ecological and anatomical intermediates
molecular phylogenies have united Cnidaria and Cte­ between the two groups are plausible. However, the
nophora as sister groups, reviving the old concept of current consensus is that there is little evidence to link
"Coelenterata." Some zoologists have suggested that the ctenophores to the flatworn1s, and n1olecular p h y ­
ctenophores arose fro1n the hydrozoans, by way of an logenetic studies do not link the two groups.
intermediate medusa possessing an aboral statocyst Phylogenetic relationships within the Ctenophora
and two tentacle sheaths, such as is seen today in the have been cl1allenged by limited gene data and, in the
aberrant trachyline medusa Hydrocte11a (Figure 8.12). case of the 185 rRNA gene, highly unequal substitu­
In this n1.edusa, the number of tentacles has been re• tion rates among the lineages. Within the Ctenophora,
duced to two, and these are set high on the bell, like disagreement exists about whether tl1e tentaculate or
the tentacles of trachylines in general. The tentacles atentaculate condition i s primitive, and whether the
also arise from deep epidermal pockets that resemble atentaculate lineage (the order Beroida) arose from
the tentacle sheaths of ctenophores. This argu.ment son1ewhere among the tentacuJate groups. The "aten­
is weakened by fossil evidence that Can1brian cteno· taculate pri.mitive" hypotl1esis is supported by the lack
phores probably lacked tentacles entirely. Hydroctena of tentacles ainong Catrtbrian forms. The modern n u m ­
also has a single apical sense organ, although its con­ ber o f 8-comb rows appears to have stabilized in fossil
struction differs from that of ctenophores. Several forms by about 400 million years ago. The enigmatic
other trachyli11e medusae also have solitary aboral octoradiate Ediacara11 Eoandron1edn now appears likely
sense organs. to have been a ctenophore, ""hose comb rows spiraled
Although these similarities may suggest a relation­ down tl1e length of its cone-shaped body (Figure 8.13).
ship between ctenophores and trachyline cnidarians, Limited molecular phylogenetic research to date has
and while ctenophores also show certain similarities provided little resolution of internal ctenophoran re­
to the scyphozoans and anthozoans, such as the sto­ lationships, though i t suggests that the cydippid fam­
modeum and the highly cellular mesenchyme, and the ily Mertensiidae might be the sister group to all other
four-lobed gastrovascular cavity of the cydippid larva, ctenophores, and the orders Cydippida and Beroida
as we have seen, ctenophores are really quite different might not be monophyletic. These studies have also
from cnidarians in mai1y fundainental ways. These d i f . supported the monophyly of the orders Lobata,
ferences are evident both in adult morphology and in Cestida, and Platyctenida.
342 Chapter Eight

(A) (8) Figure 8.13 The Ediacaran fossil

Eoandromeda octobrachiata from the
Doushantuo Formation (580-551 Ma)
in southern China. (A,B) carbonaceous
impressions from the Institute of Geology,
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,
Bejing: (C) artist's render ing of live


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Introduction to the Bilateria
and the Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
Triploblasty and Bilateral Symmetry Provide
New Avenues for Animal Radiation

long the evolutionary path from prokaryotes to n1odern animals, three

key innovations led to greatly expanded biological diversification: (1)
the evolution of the eukaryote condition, (2) the emergence of the
Metazoa, and (3) the evolution of a third germ layer (triploblasty) and,
perhaps simultaneously, bilateral symmetry. We have already discussed the
origins of ilie Eukaryota and the Metazoa, in Chapters 1 and 6, and elsewhere.
The invention of a third (middle) gern1 layer, the true mesoderm, and evolution
of a bilateral body plan, opened up vast new avenues for evolutionary expan­
sion among animals. We discussed the embryological nature of true mesoderm
in Chapter 5, where we learned that the evolution of this inner body layer fa­
cilitated greater specialization in tissue formation, including highly specialized
organ systems and condensed nervous systems (e.g., central nervous systems).
In addition to derivatives of ectoderm (skin and
nervous system) and endoderm (gut and its de­
Classification of The Animal rivatives), triploblastic animals have mesoder­
Kingdom (Metazoa) n1al derivatives-which include musculature,
the circulatory system, the excretory system,
Non-Bilateria* Lophophorata and the somatic portions of the gonads. Bilater­
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA al symmetry gives these animals two axes of p o ­
larity (anteroposterior and dorsoventral) along
PHYLUM CNIDAR IA a single body plane that divides the body into
two symmetrically opposed parts-the left and
PHYLUM NEMATODA right sides. The evolution of bilaterality also
Bilateria PHYLUM NEMATOMORPHA resulted in cephalization, the concentration of
(a.k.a. the triploblasts)
Scalidophora sensory and feeding structures at a head end.
PHYLUM KINORHYNCHA Bilaterians further evolved a complete gut (or
through gut), with a mouth and an anus and
SPIRALIA Panarthropoda
excretory organs in the form of protonephridia
PHYLUM PLAlYHELMINTHES PHYLUM TARDIGRADA and metanephridia (except in the phylun1 X e ­
PHYLUM GASTROTRICHA PHYLUM ONYCHOPHORA nacoelomorpha, likely ilie most primitive living
PHYLUM NEMERTEA As noted in Chapter 1, the oldest fossils
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUSPHYI.UM MYRIAPODA thought to be bilaterians are from the Ediacaran
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHEUCERATA period-embryos found in the Doushantuo de­
Deuterostomia posits of China, dating 600-580 million years
PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA ago. The most recent molecular dating studies
PHYLUM HEM ICHORDATA also suggest that the origin of the Bilateria was
PHYLUM MICROGNATHOZOA probably in the Ediacaran, about 630-600 million
PHYLUM ROTIFERA •Paraphyletic group years ago, aliliough some dated trees have esti­
mated the origin even earlier.
346 Chapter Nine

together Ln.ight allow us to reconstruct the nature of the

BOX 9A Characteristics first bilaterian animal-the so-ca.lied Urbilaterian.
of the Phylum
1. Soft-bodied. dorsoventrally flattened, acoe lomate;
The Basal Bilaterian
almost exc lusively marine worms The notion that acoel flatworms are the most primi­
2. Epi dermis w ith unique pulsatile bodies, found in tive living bilateria.ns has been around for many years.
no other Metazoan phylum; cilia of ep i dermis with In the past, some workers have even speculated that
distinctive arrangement of microfil aments, with the acoels might be the most primitive living metazoans,
standard 9+2 arrangement extending for most of
having evolved from a ciliate protist ancestry (the "syn­
the shaft. but mi crofi lament doublets 4--6 fail to
reach the end of the cilium (the "xenacoelomorphan cytial, or ciliate-acoel hypothesis"). But most biologists
cili a") have favored some version of the "pla.nuloid-acoeloid
3. Midventral mouth and incomplete gut Q.e., lacking hypothesis," which postulated acoels to be the li.nk be­
an anus) tween diploblasts (via a larva) and triploblasts.
4. Largely lacking discrete organs (e.g., no discrete A third hypothesis, which gained traction for a short
circulatory system, protonephridi a or nephridia, or while, was that the simplicity of acoels was the result of
organiZed gonads) loss of derived features from a n1ore con,plex ancestor
5. Cerebral gangl ion with a neurop il; wi th anterior (the "archjcoelomate hypothesis").
statocysts and a diffuse intraepitheli al nervous Recent molecular phylogenetic research strong­
system ly suggests that acoelomorph worms (Acoela and
6 . With circular and longi tud inal musc les Nemertodermatida), perhaps along with worms of
7. Hox and ParaHox genes present (but fewer in num­ the genus Xenot11rbellt1, are likely to be the oldest
ber than in other metazoans) bilaterian lineages, or perhaps basal deuterostomes­
8. With direct development (no larval forms) but either way, sharing a great many characteristics
in common with an ancestral bilaterian, the so-called
hypothetical "Urbilaterian." Acoelomorphs are small,
direct-developing (no larval stage), unsegmented, cili­
Monophyly of the Bilateria is strongly support­ ated worms. They have mesodermally-derived mus­
ed by both molecular and morphological analyses. cles (but no coelom, circulatory, or excretory system),
Anatomical synapomorphies of this clade include: multiple parallel longitudinal nerve cords and a c e n ­
presence of a third genn layer (mesodern1), bilateral tralized nervous system, and a single opening t o the
symn1etry, cephalization, and a body with both circu­ digestive cavity. Importantly, research suggests that
lar and longitudinal musculature-although there are their mouth-the single gut opening-does not derive
prominent reversals or losses in all of these characters. from the blastopore (i.e., they are deuterostomous in
The field of molecular phylogenetics has recently their development). Thus, the origin of the Bilateria
provided us with better resolution of evolutionary may have been accompanied by an embryological shift
relationships among animals. Molecular biology has in the origin of the mouth frotn the blastopore (as seen
also led to the expansion of a field called evolutionary in Cnidaria and Ctenophora) to elsewhere.
developmental biology ("EvoDevo"), which atten1pts Many bilaterian phyla have a larval type that has
to understand the evolution of the n1olecular w1der­ been described as primary larvae. These are ciliated
pinnings of differences in the organization of an.in1al larvae with a characteristic apical organ-a true lar­
body plans. In large part, understanding the evolution val organ that disappears, in part or entirely, before
of animal body plans is about unraveling the transi­ or at metamorphosis. The apical organ i s a putative
tion from basal Meta.zoa (Porifera, Placozoa, Cnidaria, sensory structure that develops fron, the most apical
Ctenophora) to the Bilateria, and their subsequent ra­ blastomeres during e1nbryogenesis. It does not fit the
diation. However, genomic-level research has also narrow definition of a ganglion, because it seems to
sho\vn that there i s n o simple relationship between comprise only sensory cells. Hovvever, n1any spiralians
genomic/molecular complexity and organismal/de­ develop lateral (cerebral) ganglia in close apposition
velopmental complexity, so contrary to earlier asswnp­ to the apical organ, and this con1pound structure was
tions the mere presence of members of conserved gene called the "apical organ" in some of the older literature.
families (e.g., "segmentation genes") in an organism's It appears the apical organ is commonly used in larval
genome reveals little about the evolutionary relation­ settlen,ent, and it is lost once a larva settles (the settle­
ships of that organism to other animals. Thus, recon­ ment process typically uses cells around the apical
structing the phylogenetic tree of the animal kingdom pole). In spiralian protostomes, the apical organ differ­
using conserved genes and morphological characters is entiates from the most apical cells (the la1-ld1 cells in
a critical step. Ultimately, phylogenetics and EvoDevo spiral-cleavage terminology). It is highly variable, and

aspects of it are sometimes retained in the adult cen­ caudatus, typical n1etazoan foregut and hindgut gene
tral nervous system. In the pilidium larva of nemerte­ expressions acco111pany this development, and the
ans the apical organ is shed at metamorphosis together hindgut/posterior markers brac/1yury (bra) and ca11-
with the whole larval body, which in some cases is in­ dal (cdx) are expressed as the anus emerges from the
gested by the emerging juvenile worm. blastopore. Continuing developmental work on crus­
Deuterostomes are more difficult to interpret, taceans i s revealing that most species probably also
and only in echinoderm and enteropneust (i.e., express a form of deuterostomy. And in Chaetognatha
Ambulacraria) larvae are apical organs clearly pres­ gastrulation occurs by invagination of the presump­
ent. Apical organs occur in cnidarian larvae, but not tive endoderm, leaving no blastocoel-the blastopore
in Porifera, thus it has been proposed that the primary marks the eventual posterior end of the animal, and
larva/apical organ could be a synapomorphy that de­ both mouth and anus form secondarily, thus also a
fines a clade called Neuralia (i.e., Cnidara + Bilateria). deuterostome-like development .In fact, evidence is ac­
In Cnidaria the apical organ consists of a group of cumulating that mouth formation fron1 oral ectoderm
monociliated nerve cells-upon settlen1ent, the n e r ­ (in the animal hemisphere), typical of deuterostomy,
vous system becomes reorganized and the larval nerve may be ancestral in both protosto1nes and deutero­
net i s lost, with development of a new adult nerve net. stoines, and perhaps in Bilateria itself.
Recent gene expression studies have demonstrated So we see that, although the names Protostomia and
that the apical pole of cnidarians and the apical pole Deuteroston1.ia are still used for the two Lnain clades of
of bilaterians are probably homologous. Apical organs Bilateria, the names themselves are no longer perfectly
are apparently absent ill Ecdysozoa and Chordata ( e x ­ descriptive-they are legacy names. It has been sug­
cept, perhaps, in the nonfeeding amphioxus larva). gested that nev-1 names should be coined for these two
large dades, but as yet there has been no agreement on
what these names might be. The largest anin,al phyla
belong to Protostoo1ia-Arthropoda (over a million
Protostomes and Deuterostomes
described livmg species) and Mollusca (nearly 80,000
Early in the evolution of bilaterians there was a split described living species)-as do the smallest animal
il1to two major lineages, which have long been called phyla (Micrognathozoa and Placozoa, one described
Protostornia and Deuterostomia. These groups were species each; Cycliophora, two described species), al­
named over 100 years ago, and they were long de­ though several undescribed species are known to exist
fined on the basis of embryological principles. In pro­ m these small phyla.
tostomes the blastopore (the position in the embryo Today, the gi·oups Protostomia and Deuterostomia
that typically gives rise to endodermal tissues) was constitute clades based n1ostly on molecular phylo­
said to give rise to the mouth ("protostome" = 1nouth genetic evidence, and morphological and develop­
first). Typically in deuterostomes, the blastopore gave mental synapomorphies defining these t1,vo clades
rise t o the adult anus, the mouth thus forming second­ remain ambiguous. A probable synapomorphy of the
arily at a different location ("deuterostome" = second­ Protostomia, as it is now constituted, i s a central n e r ­
ary mouth). In both lineages, the blastopore sits at the vous system with a dorsal cerebral ganglion that usu­
vegetal pole of the embryo when gastrulation begins. ally has circumesophageal connectives to a pair of
As molecular phylogenetic discoveries have re­ ventral nerve cords. Probable synapomorphies of the
shuffled the aniinal phyla among the protoston1e a11d Deuteroston,ia are a trimeric body coelon, condition
deuterostome lineages, a new view of en,bryological and pharyngeal gi!J slits, at least primitively (trimery
patterns has emerged. In the Deuterostomia (now d e ­ is lacking ill the phylum Chordata, gill slits are ab­
fined as the phyla Echinodermata, Hemichordata, and sent in extant echinoderms but may have been pres­
Chordata), the blastopore does consistently give rise to ent in some extinct, basal echinoderms). Although still
the anus, and the n1outh foro1s secondarily. But ainong son,ewhat controversial, the position of the phylU1n
the Protoston1ia, gastrulation is now known to be much Xenacoelomorpha (acoels, ne1nertodern1atids, and
more variable. In fact, we have learned that m proto­ Xenot11rbel/a) appears to be basal �vithin Bilateria, this
stomes, while the anus usually does forn, secondarily, group not aligning strongly with either protostomes or
the blastopore does not always give rise to the mouth, deuterostomes (Box 9A).
especially among anin1als in the large clade known as The Protostornia contams 24 phyla, five of whid, still
Spiralia (annelids, molluscs, nemerteans, and others). remam enigmatic in terms of their phylogenetic align­
Even within the clade Ecdysozoa we now know deu­ ment: Chaetognatha, Platyhelminthes, Gastrotricha,
teroston,y can occur. For example, both nen,atomor­ Rhombozoa, and Orthonectida. Some molecular evi­
phans and priapulans have deuterostomous develop­ dence suggests all of these but Chaetognatha prob­
ment, with the blastopore givil1g rise to the anus (at the ably belong in the clade known as Spiralia, and in
vegetal pole) and the mouth arising at the animal pole. fact Platyhelminthes and Rhombozoa do seem to
Gene expression studies have shown that, in Priap11lus show spiral cleavage (and some evidence suggests
348 Chapter Nine

Chaetognatha might also have spiral cleavage). Recent Morphological evidence suggests that Nematoida and
studies have suggested that Chaetognatha 1nay be the Scalidophora are sister groups, and they share a number
sister group to Spiralia. Gastrotrichs have a unique, of morphological si1nilarities (e.g., a circumoral collar­
but non-radial embryogenesis, and the embryology of shaped brain composed of a ring neuropil with anterior
Orthonectida, Cycliophora, and Micrognathozoa is not and posterior concentrations of cell bodies). However,
yet known. Bryozoa and Brachiopoda clearly do not these n1orphological similarities mightbe plesion1orphic
have spiral cleavage. Thus, we do not yet know if spiral within Ecdysozoa, and most molecular analyses place
cleavage is a synapomorphy of the clade that bears its Nematoida as a sister group t o Panarthropoda. The in­
name-i.e., "Spiralia" is another legacy name. It may ternal relationships of the scalidophoran phyla also re•
eventually b e shown that all of these phyla comprise a main w1clear. The most recent work on Panarthropoda
single clade and are descendants of a spirally-cleaving suggests Onychophora may b e the sister group to
ancestor, making this cleavage pattern a valid synapo• Arthropoda, and Tardigrada the sister group to those.
morphy for the group known as Spiralia. If spiral cleav­ Unlike the Spiralia, the Ecdysozoa can be defined by
age does prove to be a synapomorphy for Spiralia, its unambiguous morphological synapon1orphies, includ­
absence i n some phyla would b e viewed as the prod­ ing their three-layered cuticle that can be molted, a pro­
uct of secondary n1odifications to the embryological cess regulated by ecdysteroid hormones in those groups
process. Recall that in spiral cleavage, the 4d ce!J (also where this is known. The cuticle consists of a protein­
known as the mesentoblast) gives rise to most of the aceous exocuticle and an endocuticle with chitin or col­
mesoderrn, called endon1esoderm. Most spiralians also lagen, with the epicuticle forming fron1 the apical zone
generate some mesoderm from micromeres of the s e c ­ of the epidermal microvilli. Ecdysozoans also lack exter­
ond or third quartet that are primarily responsible for nal epithelial cilia, lack a primary larva or ciliated larva,
ectoderm formation (thus it is called ectomesoderm); and none of them has spiral cleavage. This clade was
this commonly gives rise to larval musculature. discovered in one of the first, pioneering studies using
So1ne spirally-cleaving anin1als have a unique l a r ­ molecular sequence data (Aguinaldo et al. 1997).
val type, called the trochophore larva (e.g., Mollusca, The other great bilaterian clade, Deuterostomia, is
Annelida, Nemertea, and possibly some others), and quite small, comprising fewer than 100,000 living spe•
the clade name "Trochozoa" has been proposed for cies in only three phyla: Ecl1inodermata, Hemichordata,
those phyla, although this clade gets very mixed s u p ­ and Chordata. Although only a "side-branch" in the
port in molecular trees and might b e paraphyletic. In tree of life, we tend to give this clade exaggerated im­
addition, recent phylogenomic work suggests that portance because, of course, it is the lineage to 'Nhich
these "trochophore phyla" may comprise a sister we humans (and other vertebrates) belong. As noted
group to the Lophophorata (Phoronida, Bryozoa, above, this clade was originally defined largely on the
Brachiopoda), and perhaps also including Entoprocta, basis of deuterostomous en1bryology. However, we
as a larger grouping known as the Lophotrochozoa. now know that deuterostomous development occurs
Although DNA sequence data support the clade throughout its sister lineage, the Protostomia, leaving
Spiralia, no unan1biguous morphological synapo­ us with few definitive morphological or developmen­
morphies that might define it have been identified. tal features defining the Deuterostomia. However,
The phylogenetic relationships of the spiralian phyla as noted above, a tritneric body coelo1n and pharyn­
remain to be sorted out, and so far their deep ances­ geal gill slits, at least primitively, m a y eventually be
try has defied clear resolution. However, two clades proven to be synapon1orphies for the Deuterostornia.
within Spira Ha do seem to be we!J supported, and we Deuterostomes also appear to possess a unique devel­
treat these as cl1apters in this book; these are the clades opmental gene, called Nodal.
Gnathifera (phyla Gnathostomulida, Micrognathoz-0a, Within the deuterostome clade, recent morphologi­
Rotifera) and Lophophorata (phyla Phoronida, cal and molecular work (and also Hox gene motifs)
Bryozoa, Brachiopoda). suggests that echinoderms and hen1icl1ordates are sis­
The other n1ain protostome clade, Ecdysozoa, c o n ­ ter groups, constituting a clade called Ambulacraria,
tains 8 phyla (and about 80% of animal species diversity) and this is the sister group to the phylum Chordata. If
that all molt cuticle at least once during their life this assessment is correct, it means the features shared
history. The Ecdysozoa comprise three we!J-supported between chordates and hemichordates (long thought
clades: Panarthropoda (Tardigrada, Onychophora, to comprise a sister group), such as gill slits, may have
Arthropoda), Nematoida (Nematoda, Nematomorpha), indeed been ancestral within Deuterostomia, but lost
and Scalidophora (Priapula, Kinorhyncha, Loricifera), in the echinoderm line (and also i n some hernichor­
the latter supported mostly by morphological data. The date lineages), as suggested by the putative presence
phylogenetic relationships of these three clades have not of gill slits in some extinct echinoderms. Gill slits
yet been determined, so they appear as an unresolved in Deuterostomia have been shown to be homolo­
trichotomy i n our tree of the Metazoa (Chapter 28). gous based on their gene expression patterns. Several

deuterostome animals with gill slits are known from regarded not as prinutive, but as secondarily reduced
the fossil record, although it is not yet certain whether platyhelminths. However, as multigene phylogenetic
these belong to basal urochordates, to basal echino­ analyses have begun to explore these small soft-bod­
derms, or to their own extinct lineages. Another fea­ ied worms, it has become evident that they are indeed
ture shared between the Hemichordata and Chordata primitive bilaterians (perhaps diverging even before
is the ston1ochord/notochord, long vie,,ved as homo­ the protostome-deuterostome split), and not members
logues. It is now thought that these structures might of the phylum Platyhelminthes at all. Thus, the pen­
have had much earlier origins and may or may not be dulum has swung 180 degrees, as is known to happen
homologous, or that a group of vacuolated cells in an­ in phylogenetics. A growing knowledge base and new
cestral Deuterostomia gave rise to these structures i n ­ tecl1nologies can lead to major shifts in our u n d e r ­
dependently in heouchordates and chordates. Within standing o f life. I n addition, molecular phylogenetics
Chordata, Urochordata is the sister group to Vertebrata has shown a close relationship between the acoel and
( a clade known as Olfactores), and Cephalochordata nemertodermatid worms, whim is further supported
is t h e sister group to those. There is some evidence by their unique cijjary rootlet system, perhaps the early
that a fourth group, the genus Xenoturbella (or even cleavage pattern (i.e., the horizontal orientation of the
the whole clade Xenacoelomorpha) might b e near second, asymmetric cleavage plane), and several other
the base of the deuterostome line, but opposing evi­ features described below.
dence suggests Xenoturbella is Lnore likely a!Ued with Even more recently, another genus of small ma­
the Acoelomorpha as an ancestral bilaterian clade, the rine worms, Xenoturbella, was found to be allied
view we follow in this book. closely with the Acoelomorpha, and a new phy­
Deuterostomia is an ancient lineage, and dated lum name was created to house these three worm
phylogenetic trees (using fossils to date branch­ groups-Xenacoelomorpha. The phylum cur­
ing points) suggest t h e ancestral line existed well rently contains about 400 species, two in the sub­
into the Precambrian. The oldest definitive fossil of phylum Xenoturbellida and 398 in the subphylum
Deuterostomia is a 530-million-year-old creature called Acoelomorpha (mostly in the class Acoela). All de­
Yunnanozoon, fron, the lower Can,brian Chengjiang scribed species are small, flattened, marine worms
biota of Yunnan Province, China, although the affini­ \Vith an incomplete digestive system (i.e., lacking an
ties of yuru1anozoans are still uncertain. anus) and lacking discrete excretory systems Q1owever,
The classification of Metazoa used in this book is there is an Lmdescribed xenoturbellid species reported
shown in the box at the start of Chapters 6 through 27. to be several centimeters in length).
You will notice that phyla are listed under clade names DNA sequence analyses have suggested that
(n1ost of which lack formal nomenclatural ranking). Acoelomorpha are basal bilaterians and are likely the
You will also notice that ,vithin these clades, there is sister group of Xenoturbellida. Analyses have been d i ­
often little phylogenetic structure indicated. This is vided on whether Xenoturbellida are deuterostomes
because much of the branching pattern of the tree of or basal bilaterians, but the latter idea seems to have
life still remains to b e discovered. Genomic data are stronger support. However, the high evolutionary rate
still lacking for many groups, and in other cases data of analyzed genes in Acoelomorpha might be creat­
are available for only one or two species. Expanded ing long-branch attraction problems and further stud­
taxonomic sampling, additional genomic data sets, and ies are needed. Thus, although we recognize the phy­
new analysis techniques should resolve tl,e ren,ain­ lun1 Xenacoelomorpha, and treat Acoelo1norpha and
ing questions of anin,al phylogeny over the coining Xenoturbellida as subphyla, it is possible that these
decade. two groups will eventually again be separated, with
Acoelomorpha being placed at the base of the Bilateria,
and Xenoturbellida within the Deuterostomia. We dis­
cuss each of the three curious worm groups (Acoela,
Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
Nen1ertodermatida, Xenoturbellida) separately belovv.
The acoels and the nemertodermatids have had a In addition to the molecular phylogenetic data that
long journey. They were initially viewed as the most support an Acoela-Nemertodermatida sister group re­
primitive living platyhelminths (true flatworms), due lationship, both groups have unique epidermal bodies
to their simple anatomy, and in fact, were thought b y that represent degenerating ciliated cells, the pulsatile
many t o be the most primitive living Bilateria because bodies (and a type of pulsatile body also occurs in the
most workers placed the phylu1n Platyhelminthes at xenoturbellids). These epidermal bodies are unknown
the base of the bilaterian tree. As ultrastructural work from any other metazoan phylum. In Acoela, the cilia
revealed increasing complexity, opinion shifted, and are retained in vacuoles prior to digestion, whereas
from the 1960s to the turn of the century these worms, i n nemertodermatids the cilia appear to be lost be­
together known as the Acoelomorpha, were widely fore resorption begins. The musculattrre of acoels and
350 Chapter Nine

nemertodermatids is also strikingly similar, yet differ­ complete Hox cluster. The most recent phylogenetic
ent in so1ne key aspects; acoels have a grid of orthogo­ studies on Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbella are still con­
nal musculature with mainly ventral diagonal muscu­ flicting, plagued by long-branch attraction and small
lature, and a muscular posterior pharynx in what may taxon sampling issues. Although we accept the phy­
be basal species. More derived acoels have more com­ lum Xenacoelomorpha in this edition of Invertebrates,
plex layers of diagonal muscles. Nemertodermatids we recognize that the relationships of these three worm
seem to have an orthogonal grid and v.•ell-developed taxa are still subject to modification.
diagonal muscles throughout the body, but no evi­
dence of a muscular pharynx. These anaton,ical fea­
tures are described below.
In addition to puJsa tile bodies, both Acoela and
Nemertodermatida (and Xenoturbella) lack discrete Generally small, flattened or cylindrical, acoelomate ma­
excretory systems, the presence of which unites all rine worms with anterior statocysts, diffuse intraepithe­
other Bilateria, and their cerebral ganglion has a n e u ­ Ual nervous system, nlidventraJ mouth, incomplete gut
ropil (i.e., it can be considered a true brain, but see (i.e. , lacking an anus), unique pulsatile bodies (unknown
below). Furthermore, they share a unique pattern of from any other Bilateria), and largely lacking discrete
neurotransmitter activity, body-wall musculature, and organs (e.g., without a discrete circulatory system, ne­
mode of embryonic developn1ent. Hox and ParaHox phridia, or organized gonads). Cilia of epidennal cells
genes are present in both groups, although these are with distinctive arrangement of microfilaments wherein
not strictly similar. Both taxa appear to have the begin­ the standard 9+2 arrangement extends for most of the
ning of the extended central Hox set. ciHary shaft, but toward the end, microfilament doublets
Although initially considered to be a turbellarian 4 through 7 end, leaving doublets 1-3 and 8-9, which
flatworn1, the unusual anato1ny of Xenoturbella bocki continue to the end of the ciliwn. These xenacoelomor­
quickly distinguished it from platyhelminths, as well as phan cilia are not known in any other anin1al phylum
from the Acoelomorpha. Phylogenetic (and even some (although very similar cilia have been described from
morphological) studies initially linked Xenoturbella the pharynx of some enteropneust he.rnichordates). With
to deuterostomes. Sequences of Hox genes in X. bocki both circular and longitudinal n1usdes. With direct d e ­
also suggested it could be a basal deuterostome with velopment and no distinct larval forms. Two subphyla,
a reduced Hox gene complement. Additional work Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida.
using the entire mitochondrial genome of Xenoturbe/la
SUBPHYLUM ACOELOMORPHA The union of Acoela and
showed links with deuterostomes. However, the lack
Nemertodermatida as sister taxa i s based on molecul ar
of typical deuterosto1ne characteristics suggested that phylogenetic evidence, a s well as anatomical data. Both
Xenoturbella might belong at the very base of the d e u ­ groups: lack d iscrete excretory systems (present in all other
terostome tree. Other phylogenetic analyses, includ­ Bilater i a), have cerebra l ganglia with a neuropi l, share a
ing nuclear genes from X. bocki, also suggested that un ique pattern of neurotransmitter act ivity and unique body­
Xenoturbella might be closely tied to the clade known wall musculature, and go through a distinctive mode of em­
as Ambulacraria (Echinodermata and Hemichordata). bryon ic development. Hox and ParaHox genes are present
If these relationships are correct, develop1nental evi­ in both groups, a lthough these are not strictly si mi la r .
dence of structures common to other Ambulacraria
CLASS ACOELA Acoels lack a permanent digest ive
should exist, including gill slits, endostyle, and entero­
cavity. The pharynx, when present, is simple, leading
coelic coelom formation. However, such evidence has
to a solid syncytial or cellular endodermal mass. With a
not been found (although studies have been frustrated
un ique anter ior statocyst contain ing one stato lith, and
by the fact that Xe11ot11rbella ova are very yolky, which
b iflagellate sperm with 2 flagella whose axonemes are in­
obscures observation of early cleavage).
corporated into the sperm cell; endolecitha l ova; without
By 2009, large -scale 111olecular phylogenetic stud­ epithe l ia l basa l lam ina, or d iscrete excretory or circulatory
ies had begun to n1ove Xenoturbel/a even further systems. Small (1-5 mm) worms, common in mar ine and
down the animal tree, suggesting i t is sister to the brackish-water sediments; a few are planktonic or sym­
Acoelomorpha (Acoela + Nemertodermatida), at the b iotic. (e.g., Actinoposthia, Amphiscolops, Antigonaria,
base of the Bilateria. The anatomical data seemed to Conaperta, Convoluta, Convolutriloba, Daku, Diopis­
agree with this linking, and it was eventually sug­ thoporus, Eumecynostomum, Haplogonaria, Hofstenia,
gested that the three groups together warranted phy­ lsodiametra, Myopea, Oligochaerus (with freshwater
lum status, the Xenacoelomorpha. Acoels have only species], Paratomella, Philactinoposthia, Polychoerus,
three Hox genes (one each of the anterior, central, and Praesagittifera, Proporus, Solenofilomorpha, Symsagit­
posterior groups). Nemertodermatids have only two tifera, Waminoa)
(a central and a posterior group). Xenoturbella has one
CLASS NEMERTODERMATIOA Interstit ia l or endosym­
anterior, two (or three) central, and one posterior gene.
biotic marine worms possess ing a cil i ated, glandular epi­
Platyhelminths, on the other hand, have an almost dermis and an anterior statocyst generally conta ining two

statoliths; a proboscis with extensible filaments is p r e s ­ possess aberrant, complex, biflagellate sperm that vary
ent in some species; mouth may be present or absent; in the structure of the usual 9+2 arrangement of micro­
pharynx never present; gut cavity with small and rela­ tubules possessed by many metazoans. Acoels have di­
tively occluded, but with true epithel ium and gland cells; rect development and exhibit no distinct larval forms.
uniflagellate sperm; with endolecitha l ova; with limited Acoels were first described at the turn of the nine­
basal lamina beneath the epi dermis. One genus (Meara) teenth century from northeast Atlantic coastlines.
contains specie s that are symbi onts in sea cucumbers. These and other early descriptions placed the Acoela
(e.g., Ascoparia, Aage/lophora, Meara, Nemertinoides,
within the turbellarian Platyhelminthes, and distin­
Nemertoderma, Sterreria)
guished major subtaxa on the basis of the fen,ale re­
SUBPHYLUM XENOTURBELLIDA Two described spec ies, productive system. Later revisions in the middle of
Xenoturbellida bocki and X . westbladi (but others are known the twentieth century established over 20 families, and
to exist, and the species-level differences between the two most of the nearly 400 described species were based
described species have been questioned). Desp ite its s i m­ primarily on details of male copulatory structures.
ple body plan, X . bocki is a relatively large worm, reaching 4 Similarities in internal anatomy, epidermal ciliation,
cm in length, and some undescribed speci es may exceed and the appearance of epidermal "pulsatile bodies" led
that size. Xenoturbellids have a humplike structure in the t o combining Acoela with another turbellarian group,
anterior t hi rd of the body but lack other structura l organs Nen1ertodermatida, as the Acoelomorpha.
(other than a statocyst) and possess on ly a diffuse nervous The lack of hard anatomical features in these worms
system. These worms live in holes on sandy coastlines or
led workers t o studies of microscopic ultrastructure
deeper offshore muds and are specia l zed i to eat molluscs.
using scanning and transmission electron microscopy,
including investigations of muscle fiber orientation and
structure (which distinguished several major lineag­
Class Acoela es), sperm morphology, and spermatogenesis (\vhich
Acoels are mostly minute, marine or brackish-water, identified biflagellate spern1 and unusual patterns of
sediment- or surface-dwelling worms. They range in rnicrotubules within sperm acrosomes), as well as neu­
size fron1 less than a millimeter to about a centimeter in roanatomy. Studies increased in number near the end
length. Those inhabiting interstitial habitats are gener­ of the twentieth century as the diversity of habitats in­
ally long and slender, whereas those inhabiting surfaces vestigated increased, including anoxic sulfide sands.
tend to be more disc shaped, broad, and flat. Swin1ming 18S and 28S rRNA, mitochondrial DNA, and myo­
species are cylindrical with tapered ends, or occasion­ sin heavy chain type II nucleotide sequences have all
ally enrolled sides. Epiphytic species are usually cone placed Acoelon,orpha outside of the Platyheln1inthes.
shaped with ventrally enrolled sides that may give the Further systematic refine1nents wit11in major acoel
appearance of trailing "fins." A fe\,v species of acoels clades (notably the polyphyletic family Convolutidae),
have also been found in the gut of echinoderms, in fresh and developmental analyses, have corroborated genet­
water, and in hydrothermal vents. (Figures 9.1A-H) ic results that place acoels outside the Platyhelminthes.
Acoela lack a distinct internal body cavity-they are Much taxonomic revision is still underway, and about
acoelomate (as are the other members of the phylum 9 to 20 families are currently recognized, depending on
Xenacoelon1orpha). Acoels also lack a structural gut, whose sche1na is followed.
and this was actually the basis of the name Acoela. Both molecular phylogenetics and EvoDevo re­
Instead, they possess a 01ultinucleated 1nass (a syncy­ search provide evidence that acoels likely lie at the
tium) that phagocytizes ingested food particles (Figure base of the bilaterian tree. For exainple, the pattern of
9.2). Larger species often supplement their nutritional expression of CIEvx (a gene responsible for sensory
requirements \¥ith endosymbiotic algae, which can specificity brain neurons) anterior and posterior to
contribute to the bright coloration seen in many (Figure the statocyst in hatchling acoels is more similar to that
9.3A). Acoels living in the guts of other animals often found in cnidarians than it is t o n1ore derived bilat­
have symbiotic bacteria inhabiting their epidermis. erians. Other studies indicate that brachyury (bra) and
Acoels possess both circular and longitudinal m u s ­ goosecoid (gsc), genes associated with the forrnation of
cles. Their nervous system consists of an array o f paired the acoel mouth, are also expressed during mouth de­
longitudinal nerve cords with a concentration of anteri­ velopment in protostomes as well as deuterostomes,
or sensory cells and a cerebral co1nmissure (the "brain") suggesting that acoel and bilaterian mouths are homol­
(Figure 9.4). The anterior statocyst with a single stato­ ogous. Studies of neural development and structure
lith is distinctive in acoels and (along with simple, light i n the acoel Symsagittifera show that genes associated
sensitive eyes in a few species) appears to assist in with brainlike structures are present, suggesting that
n1aintaining the animal's orientation (Figure 9.lA-H). such genetic machinery was i n place in the Urbilaterian
They Jack sclerotized structures other than those asso­ ancestor (if indeed acoels represent such an ancestor).
ciated with genitalia, although some species manufac­ The overall primitiveness of Acoela appears to also be
ture crystalline spicules in the parenchyma. They also reflected in their lack of a clearly differentiated gut or
352 Chapter Nine

(A) (8) (C)

(0) (E)

• . -­
•• " y-,•

.. ..
, ,,• 'I
• ,.
(F) (G) (H)


◄ Figure 9.1 Acoela. (A) Diopisthoporus lofo/itus

(Diopisthopor idae). (8) Paratomella rubra (Paratomellidae).
from respiration and excreted an1monia from protein
(C) Color variation in 33 specimens of Hofstenia miamia metabolism. The rate of transfer is light dependent.
(Hofsteniidae) from the Caribbean. (0) Phi/actinoposthia It has been suggested that acoel body pigmentation
novaecaledoniae, living specimen (Dakuidae). (E) Waminoa may have several contexts. One might be to provide
sp. (Convolutidae) on bubble coral (Plerogyra sinuosa). protection from UV radiation for their symbiotic photo­
(F) Daku riegeri (Dakuidae). (G) Eumecynostomum evelinae synthetic protists. A second context might be to provide
(Mecynostomidae). (H) Paramecynostomum diversicolor. cryptic coloration, either to make acoels inconspicuous
to visual predators, or possibly to make them less vis­
ible to prey. Hofstenin species, also kno\vn as "panther
excretory system, unencapsulated gonads, absence worms," are highly polymorphic in dorsal pigmenta­
of ciliary or rhabdomeric eyes, lack of a basal lamina tion, with diverse patterns of dappling and striping of
under the epidermis, and absence of a larval stage. brown, yellow, and white colorations (Figure 9.lC).
The acoel body is completely covered with cilia,
which may or may not also line the mouth and entranc­
The Acoel Body Plan es to reproductive structures. The epithelium lacks a
basal lamina (extracellular matrix, or ECM). Early re­
Body Wall and External Appearance searchers identified puJsatile bodies embedded within
Most acoels are tiny, just a few millimeters long. The the epidermis of acoels (and nemertodermatids), which
smallest species tend to be interstitial, feeding on bac­ later proved to be clun1ps of ciliated cells in the process
teria and organic particulates available on the surfaces of being resorbed and replaced by the epidernus.
or between the spaces of the sediments
they inhabit. Infauna! species tend to
be more elongate (Figure 9.lA,B,F,H).
(A) (8)
Larger species usually inhabit the s u r ­
faces of rocks, large algae, or cnidarians
(Figure 9.lC-E,G). These more rapidly • Frontal
moving species are often predatory, Statocyst
gliding quickly on their ciliated surfac-
es and capturing prey with a raptorial • ••
•, 4l3
• •

"hood" that consists of lateral exten-
sions of the body.
• • •
• •

Large-bodied species, reaching • • •. fj,

• • •

. • • ..
lengths of 4-5 m, in some families (e.g.,

Convolutidae) have anterior ocelli •• Mouth • • •
(Figure 9.1G), whereas small-bodied
species tend to lack these. Larger­ ,,-.,,,.-...,,·•
bodied species also often have photo­
synthetic endosymbionts under their
epidermis (Figures 9.lE and 9.3A-E). '71.:::::=,..
Endosymbiotic algae are contained ,f sagittocyst
within the bodies of many large species
of acoels, and this association probably
f INozzle

evolved more than once-both zoochlo­

rellae and zooxanthellae have been iden­
tified among the various species. Algae
are usually obtained during feeding by sagittocyst Male gonopore�
juvenile worms, but in some species can SmaU
also be transmitted within oocytes by Small �f----Penis----lk,,- sagittocyst
parents to their offspring (vertical trans­
mission). In Heterochaer11s /angerhn11si, Large
the di.noflagellate A111phidi11i11111 klebsii re­
sides below the epidermis and has been
shown, using radioactively labeled c a r ­
bon and nitrogen, to receive these sub­ F igure 9.2 The anatomy of Praesagittifera shikoki (Acoela). (A) dorsal
stances from its host in the forms of CO2 view, (8) lateral view.
354 Chapter Nine

Figure 9.3 Bright coloration in Convolutriloba /ongifis­ endosymbiotic algae (B,D) transmissi on li ght; (C) incident
sura (Acoela). (A) Whole body (dorsal view). (8-E) Close­ light; (E) epifluorescent light (blue excitation). Note that
up views of the dorsal surface of C. tongifissura showing (B,C) and (D,E) are paired images.

Mucus-producing frontal organs,

that superficially resemble those of
Brain (Bl flatwonns but are probably not ho-
Anterior 1nologous in structme, occm in most
Lateral arch families. The ciliated epidermis of
trunk nerve Eyes �\�:""-<,...,., f\,
. - •.,, ,._,,,·- ..\>
.-: .
acoels also bears rhabdoid glands

Ventral Brain
distributed over the body. The rhab­
trunk nerve

Ventral doids themselves are composed of

\l: Dorsal mucopolysaccharides and are chem­

trunk nerve
nerve ically as well as structurally distinct
from the rhabdites of f r e eliving
- fl a t ­
trunk nerve Lateral
trunk worms, although their role in pro­
nerve l
ducing mucus to assist ciliary
appears to be similar. Most members
Dorsal of the family Sagittiferidae also have
sagittocysts (Figure 9.5), complex
needle-shaped secretory products

(5-50 µm Jong) that are ejected with
commissure force in prey capture or for defense,
and probably also to assist in sperm
transfer dming copulation (perhaps
by perforating the partner's epider­
mis). Each sagittocyst arises from
a sagittocyte, which is surrounded
Figure 9.4 Comparison of the central nervous systems of (A) an acoel by tightly spiraled muscle filaments
(Actinoposthia bek/emishev,) and (B) a free-livi ng flatworm (Gievzstoria that expel the sagittocyst upon c o n ­
expedita). traction (Figme 9.6).

(A) (B) Figure 9.5 TEM images of a Convolutriloba

longifissura (Acoela) sagittocysts. (A) A sagit­
tocyst (cf = central filament of sagittocyst) d u r ­
ing extrusion from the muscle mantle (mm) and
penetration of the epidermis (ep). Inset shows
higher magnification of the muscle mantle;
arrows indicate the location of desmosomes
linking the mantle layers. (B) Close-up of the
cut surface of a sagittocyst within the muscle


The position of the mouth in acoels is highly vari­ body cilia (assisted by body muscles) provide for their
able. In families thought to be primitive, the mouth gliding movement. The shape of the cilia is distinctive,
opens at the posterior end of the animal and leads to having a marked shelf at the tip where doublets 4-7
a distinct pharynx (Figure 9.lA). Other families have terminate. The rootlet system that connects the ci.lia is
anteroterminal mouths, although most acoel mouths also unique. Two lateral rootlets project from each cil­
open midventrally (Figures 9.2 and 9 7 . B). Both a cir­ ium and connect to the tips of the adjacent cilia. From
culatory system and an excretory system, even in the a caudal rootlet, two bundles of fibers project to join
form of protonephridia, are lacking in the Acoela. Male the kneelike bend of those same adjacent rootlets. Epi­
and female reproductive organs are visible through dermal cilia of acoels beat in a coordinated fashion to
the body wall of smaller acoels (Figures 9.lA,F,H). In create metachronal waves that move fro1n anterior to
larger species they may protrude from the body sur­ posterior.
face (Figures 9.7D, 9.12B). Abundant dorsoventral muscles serve to flatten the
body, and n,uscles in the body wall generate bend­
Body Musculature, Support, and Movement ing, shortening, and lengthening movements (Figures
The mesodermally derived musculature of acoels 9.7A E- and 9.SA-G). The body wall musculature in­
provides the primary means of support, whereas the cludes circular, diagonal, longitudinal, crossover,

Extrusion apparatus

Proximal Terminal
sagittocyst sagittocyst
Muscle mantle
Figure 9.6 Formation and differentiation of sagittocytes and their muscle mantle
from neoblast cells in Acoela. See text for description.
356 Chapter Nine

Figure 9. 7 Musculature of
acoels. (A) Whole mount of liv­
ing specimen of lsodiametra
earnhardti. (B) Ventral b o d y -wall
musculature of Haplogonaria
amarilla. (C) Parenchymat m u s ­
culature of/. divae, showing
portions of copulatory organs.
(D) Male copulatory organ of / .
divae, showing musculature of
seminal vesicle and invaginated
penis. (E) Penis musculature of
Convoluta henseni. Projections
of muscul ature in whole-mount
specimens of acoels stained with
Alexa-4 8 8 -labeled phalloidin and
vi ewed using CLSM. bn: bursa!
nozzle; cm: circular muscle of
body wall; e: egg; gp: gonopore;
Im: longitudinal muscle of body
wall; m: mouth; mco: male copu•
latory organ; p: penis; pcm: cir­
cular muscle of pen is; pl: penis
lumen; plm: longitudinal muscle
of penis; sb: seminal bursa; st:
statocyst; sv: seminal vesicle;
t: testes; vc: ventral crossover
muscle; vd: ventral diagonal

spiral, and even U-shaped muscles. Species lacking a ward the mouth. Swimming prey may also be rapidly
pharynx appear to have specialized, con1plicated ven­ captured and ingested, whereas dead material seen1s
tral musculature to compensate for the lack of a muscu­ to be actively avoided.
lar food-moving structure and this allows body move­ Some acoels possess a pharynx, in some cases known
ments to force food through the mouth. as a pharynx simplex (Figure 9.lA), and this structure is
variable among the families.ln some cases the pharynx
Nutrition, Excretion, and Gas Exchange is a flexible, tube-shaped structure that can be everted
As juveniles, most acoels appear to feed on protists, from the mouth. The pharynx is anchored by muscu­
including unicellular algae such as diatoms. Smaller lature attaching to circular muscles within the body
species may continue this diet throughout their lives, wall. ln the larger, predaceous species, there is no oral
whereas larger species (e.g., Convolutn co11vo/11tn) are sphincter but several layers of circular muscles inter­
often predaceous, hunting minute crustaceans but also spersed with oblique and longitudinal muscles extend
feeding on larval molluscs and other worms. Smaller throughout the protrusible structure, which is attached
protists are captured as acoels glide over them \Vith the to the body wall by densely packed 1nuscles (Figure
syncytial gut extruded through the mouth such that it 9.7B,C). In cases where no distinct pharynx exists, m u s ­
engulfs food with "amoeboid" -like n1oveinents. Larger cle fibers encircle the mouth to form a sphincter.
prey are grasped with the anterior 1nargin of the body Ingested prey is enclosed \Vithin vacuoles that drift
and entrapped with mucus before being pressed to- within the digestive syncytiurn, and food is completely

(A) (B) (C) Key

• Mouth sphincter
• U-shaped muscles and additional
mouth sphincters
• Peripheral pore muscles
• Deep pore muscles
• Circular body waU muscles
• Longitudinal body wall muscles
• Spiral body wall muscles

. ·1'·,;··:,:•:·;·:::·····::•·=•:�·1,I1/'1·
• Spiral muscles <>f the ventral
(F) :::.:::::::.:,: : :
,, �:t::::::::::::: ::: r t: t body wall
... .
•1•l ;.::: :;:::::;:::
.. .. . ...
. . ..

: ; I':::.:::::::::· :·
· :r1�r.._,�,.,,,_ (E)

••·..··..... . __
, ' •\ ••• ·••••••••• •· I r
Figure 9.8 Schematic diagrams of
'., l;
"'�' ·•·
\v:�,� .. l
a.� ·�,:�
· ��-=��:'. i/ !!.
1�•·•·••-l•·•_.,... t ·••t• -�,, 'I
patterns in acoel ventral body wall

. ..... ...... ..--...-

,,., ii�\�\ '71=':#11!/g

... ---...--�-,--:;..===
••·· ...

••·.....�•••1r1•r-4 muscu lature. (A) Myopea cal/aeum.

- ·. \.\,.:to
' -;• -·�•�l{
,.•. ,�h.
. ...•, ,% ..;

======== ====
.••,.;:...., �;:: ,. ••
. .._ &•6Z...
__._,, . i.;,,

(8) Solenofilomorpha crezeei. (C) H o f ­
•···""l ••I I•rr.••

- -:i��-

· , •. ••t •
• stenia miamia. Notice that two layers

--··�· ·'.........:,.
of longitudinal musculature exist.
----··• ------
-·--··· ·'· ·---.
(G) (D) Proporus bermudensis. (E) Cona­

.., ,......:-,-
... -..:0
--�- -• •;•-•·••-·:. '. perta the/a. Notice that pore muscles

.......-. ���,,,
....,-_,,�� .............::"!:
.-'!:ill.a.w;,iia� ..•�••
��- ....•-'.P,,a;..,.-:,at-_,
w.,�--•";:··""'�-.....:­ =;;====::::::==::.=
==-===::11====�= lie bel ow longitudinal and spiral m u s ­
�.._ cles. (F) Paratomella unichaeta.

.................. ......
....� �
...,...i. �
·�'· ··--
(G) Sterreria psammicola. Pharynx, if
=liii - ':. 'l;: • ,;;
, ·---
- ----·�
:.;:::��:.. ::':!:;:;=:
---· - · • ·
..... . . ..
present, is not shown.


absorbed within 18 to 24 hours. The exoskeletons longitudinal nerve cords connected by an irregular net­
of hard-bodied prey such as crustaceans are voided work of transverse fibers (Figure 9.9). Typically there
through the mouth. Fat globules and occasional glyco­ are single or paired dorsal nerve cords, and paired lat­
gen vacuoles stored within cells appear to be the pri­ eral and ventral cords. Peripheral neurons connect to
n1ary forms of food reserve. A number of acoel species epidermal sensory cells and to anterior light-sensitive
associate with corals (including Wa111inon and several cells that serve as simple eyes. There is no indication
species of Convolutrilobn). These associations appear to that the eyes have ciliary or rhabdomeric elements, and
primarily benefit the acoels who likely feed on mucus they are probably si.mple pigment cells with refractive
produced b y these cnidarians (Figure 9.lE). It has inclusions and up to three nerve cells to relay the stim­
been suggested that the syncytial digestive system of ulus. This orgrulization contrasts markedly with that
acoels might be an extreme state of the condition seen of platyhelminths, where the brain consists of a com­
i n nemertodern1atids, which have a small, relatively paratively dense gangUonic mass, the nervous system
occluded gut lun1en (and a remnant of a gut lumen is is primarily developed ventrally, and the nerve cords
evident in the acoel Pnratomel/a rubrn). fonn an orthogonal nervous system composed of eight
The small size of acoels is sufficient to allow them to orthogons largely developed laterally and ventrally
eliminate waste nitrogen and carbon dioxide, as well as (Figure 9.4).Although organized as a bilobed structure,
obtain oxygen from the surrounding water, without a the acoel "brain" lacks the dense gangUonic cell mass
need for specific excretory or circulatory systems. Food (neuropil) seen in the Platyhelnlinthes.
vacuoles evidently serve to move materials fro1n the The acoel statocyst is a fluid-filled, proteinaceous
digestive syncytium to other cells the body. spherical capsule, 10-30 �Lm in diameter, surrounding
a single retractile statolith (Figure 9.lA-H). The stato­
Nervous Systems and Sense Organs lith appears to be a single spherical cell. The capsule
The central nervous system of acoels usually includes enclosing the statolith comprises two unciliated cells.
an anteriorly located cluster of large comnlissures and Behavioral observations indicate that acoels are ca­
a fe..,_, cell bodies that form a paired ganglia system pable of precise geotactic orientation, suggesting that
with what so1ne workers consider to be a minute n e u ­ movements of the statolith within the statocyst are
ropil (though it is quite rudimentary compared to other detectable by the anin1al. Three pairs of muscle fibers
metazoans). Arising from this are three to five pairs of insert into the membrane of the statocyst, evidently
358 Chapter Nine

(A) Dorsal view Lateral neurite bundle

�minal bu rsa
Posterior lobe Sphincter

Dorsal � Male copulatory organ
_ neurite bundle

Frontal Mouth


d Bursa!

neurite bundle
'\ Lateral neurite bundle

(B) Ventral view

Lateral neurite bund1e
Ventral neurite bundle

/ Mcdioventra.1 neurite bundle

�r----, M-e- �
neurite �o
Ventral ne urite bu ndle

Lateral ne urite bundle

Figure 9.9 Diagram of the nervous system of positional information may be conveyed by the stretch­
/sodiametra pu/chra (Acoela) revealed using nervous tis­ ing of muscle fibers surrounding the statocyst. While
sue-specific staining (green and magenta colors denote
statocysts appear in other metazoans, including cni­
separate types of neural tissue in the bi lobed acoel brain;
cyan color is the central nervous system). darians, ctenophores, platyhelminths, annelids, and
others, statolith movement within the statocyst in these
taxa is generally detected by cilia along the internal
assisting in 1naintaining its position. While the c e r e ­ surface of the statocyst. The lack of these modifications
bral commissure is closely associated with the stato­ within the Acoela appears to b e unique.
cyst, specific innervation of the structure is difficult to
clearly identify, although a smaU nerve cushion created Reproduction and Development
b y two nerve bundles insert on the capsule and a cell Acoels are capable of both sexual and asexual repro­
body located at the ventral pole may be responsible for duction, and have considerable ability to regenerate
detecting deformation of statocyst fluid. Alternatively, cells through the actions of multipotent, mesodermally
derived, neoblastlike cells. These structures
were originally described in the Platyhel­
(A) (B) (C) (D)
minthes, but analogous (or homologous)
0 \)

- - -
cells appear i n the Acoela as well. These
cells replace damaged or missing body
con,ponents and appear to have few Lim.i­
tations in how they are able to repair or re­
place tissues, particularly epidennal cells.
Three d istinet forms of asexual repro­

duction have been documented within the
Acoela: transverse fission, longitudinal f i s ­
sion, and budding (Figure 9.10). Although

0 QJ - - .. Q
(E) (F) (G) (H) Figure 9.1 0 Modes of asexual reproduction
.b •• in Convo/uta longifissura (Acoela). (A) Intact
' animal. (B-D) Transverse fission; lower e l e ­
ment of (D) shows "butter11y" stage precedi ng
' transversion fission (E-H).

capable of asexual reproduction, and while often found

in large local abundances, acoels are not known to
markedly increase their numbers asexually lU\der n a t ­
ural conditions (as seen in many other asexual organ­
isms), except perhaps in the family Paratomellidae.
.t --, ,---' t Male
- antrum Most acoels are sin,ultaneous hermaphrodites
1. � \"
(Figure 9.11), although some (e.g., all members of the
. �;_' -.,..,._: tt"- Seminal bursa
.�.,.(. family Solenofilomorphidae) are protandrous. Ovaries
'. and testes n1ay be paired or unpaired, with testes usu­

·1 Testis
:( I '-

�' L-...,_.' :-! ally dorsal and ovaries more ventral (Figure 9.12A). In

�. I. (': some species a single mixed gonad exists. In no cases
\ � JI'\.
'. -, :
. ' •
are the gonads saccate-that is, the germ cells are not
lined or discretely separated from the surrounding
.., '--. .
' C'

. �
• parenchyma.
'.. '( ?(. I
I "'I ,
Genitalia are usually visible near the posterior end
5 ... :
of the animal. The penis is a n1uscular and glandular,
t r
' Ovum or needle-like structure, often with multiple stylet-like
, elements (Figure 9.12B). Male intromittent organs, r e ­
.. 1, ' .. . gardless of form, can be retracted iJ1to a sen1inal ves­
�_.. ,.,• ,.. '
c,,•"�-. ,

.. . �G>
·: r
\ icle. During copulation the penis is everted through
·• �� :· the gonopore that typically lies in a distinct antrum,

... .�.
...., .
� .',.
... .
o r vestibule on the body surface. A separate female
' gonopore exists in so1ne species. In others, the female

pore coru1ects directly to the n1ale pore. In still others,

no external female opening exists and insemination is
hypodermic. Most, but not all acoels have the vagina
Figure 9.11 Internal organization of Antigonaria positioned anterior to the penis.
arenaria (Acoela). A seminal bursa n1ay exist that appears to receive
sperm from mating partners either during copulation
or after hypodermic insemination, and a sclerotized
bursa! or vaginal nozzle or sphincter regulates the



Mouth ........._
'' 0
-- --
' gonopore

False seminal
Seminal bursa
Vacuolated parenchyma cell
Figure 9.12 Acoela. Reproductive
anatomy of Po/ychoerus gordoni.
(A) Dorsal view; note in this species
as in other Convolutidae, male and Rhabdoid
female gonads are paired, but are gland cell
Ci.rcular Bursal Vagina
shown singly here. (B) Sagittal view nozzle
muscle Female . -.;-,:-­
of female and male reproductive gonopore Spermatids
anatomy. Penis
360 Chapter Nine

Figure 9.13 Nemertodermatids. (A) (8)

(A) Flagellophora ape/ti. (B) Sterreria sp.

passage of sperm to eggs. These are

a1nong the few sclerotized structures
in these soft-bodied worms, and they
were considered important in early
taxonomic treatments of Acoela.
Like many persistent tenns in inver­
tebrate zoology, the name "nozzle"
was coined by Libbie Hyman who
thought these structures resembled
the nozzle of a hose. ln certain Convolutidae, multiple
bursa! nozzles 1nay exist in the same individual (Figure
9.12B). While highly variable in forn1, seminal bursae
and their associated structures appear to be homolo­
gous among all acoels.
Copulatory behavior was observed by Hyman to
occur during daylight hours when high densities of
individuals are maintained in aquaria o r other con­
fined spaces. Individuals approach one another and
exchange quick touches o r "nips" of the anterior ends. fro1n an ancestral spiral quartet cleavage typical of the
Larger individuals appear to initiate copulation, which Spiralia. As in spiral quartet cleavage, the first horizon­
proceeds after both individuals roll into a ball, and then tal cleavage is unequal ru1d s o produces micromeres,
unroll with their genitalia firmly engaged. Individuals but it occurs at the two-cell stage instead of the four­
mutuaUy insert their penes into their partner's fen1ale cell stage, so the micromeres appear as duets instead
gonopore and direct spern1 and sen1inal fluid into the of quartets. One is ten1pted to call tl1is "bilateral cleav­
female bursa. age," rather than spiral cleavage, and it is quite differ­
Acoel sperm are distinctively biflagellate, with the ent from that of all other spiral-cleaving Metazoa. So
t\vO axonemes of the flagella incorporated into the far as is known, acoel embryos generate only endome­
cell body (a condition also seen in Platyhelminthes). soderm, whereas most spiral -cleaving ani1nals tend
Several w e l l d
- efined patterns exist in acoel spern1 1nor­ to also produce some ecto1nesodern1. Internal tissues
phology, and these seem to be phylogenetically infor­ arise either by delami.nation or by in1migration of ceUs
mative. Combined studies of 18S rRNA sequence data that form the ectoderm and mesoderm. By the time
and sperm morphology have revealed ren,arkable con­ gastrulation is con1plete, the embryo has a layered
cordance between these two sources of data. Seminal appearance, with an outer epidermal primordium,
bursae and bursal nozzle co1nplexity also appears to and a middle layer of progenitor cells of muscles and
correlate with variation i n sperm morphology. neurons, while the innermost cells are those that will
Oocytes in the gonads of acoels give rise to endoleci­ develop into the digestive syncytiun1. Endomesoderm
thal eggs. Fertilization is always i11ternal, and zygotes forms fron, both of the third duet n1acromeres at the
are released either through the mouth, via the female vegetal pole, whereas the mouth forms anteriorly as la
gonopore, or through a rupture created in the epider­ micromere descendants expand around the posterior
mis by the growing embryos. Zygotes may be brooded pole. An anus never forms.
or protected b y encapsulation, but are usually depos­
ited singly and undergo direct developn1ent. Eggs
appear to b e laid primarily at night, in flat gelatinous
Class Nemertodermatida
Embryonic development is direct, and the cleav­ Nemertodennatida comprise a few dozen species of
age pattern of acoels appears t o be a unique "spiral marine worms described fron1 several locations arow1d
duet" cleavage program that is different from any the world, including the Swedish coast (their original
other 1netazoan (although this has been questioned). discovery site), the Mediterranean, Adriatic, North and
Nemertodermatids, while exhibiting duet cleav­ Caribbean Seas, and the east coast of North America.
age in the 4-cell stage, do not exhibit this spiral duet Like acoels, nemertodennatids were once classified in
pattern, and their cleavage pattern is distinct from the phylum PlatyhelmiJ1thes. Nearly all known spe­
the Spiralia. It has been suggested that the acoel cies are free-living, usually in fine sand, mud or gravel;
spiral duet-cleavage pattern might have evolved however, species in the genus Meara are symbionts in

the foreguts of holothurian echinodern,s (sea cucum­

bers). Nemertodertnatids range in length from a few
millimeters to nearly a centimeter. They can be leaf
shaped or narrow and elongated, and they may creep
over the substratum or swim with serpentine move­
ments. Their bodies are densely covered with locomo­
tory cilia, and as a group they are easily recognized
by an anterior statocyst containing two statoliths in
separate chan,bers (Figure 9.13A,B)-although a fe\v
reports of one to four statoliths also exist in the litera­
ture. Some species possess an eversible proboscis a s s o ­
ciated with feeding (oddly, some o f these species lack
a distinct mouth) 1-vith numerous branches that extend
anteriorly "like a witch's broom" (Figure 9.14).
The epidermal cells of ne1nertodermatids lack a
true basal lamina but are connected to underlying
muscle cells and to each other via a narrow extracel­ £·
lular matrix. Septate junctions between epidermal cells
are lacking. As in the acoels, old or damaged ciliated
a ;, ",-� �-
epidermal cells are withdrav.•n into the body and r e ­ Fi gure 9.15 TEM micrograph showing a cross section
sorbed, creating temporary structures called pulsatile the epidermis of the nemertodermatid, Meara stichopi.
bodies (Figure 9.15). Also as in acoels, species inhab­ Three ciliated epidermal cells (ec), presumably worn or
iting the guts of other animals often have sy1nbiotic damaged and bearing on ly the dark stubs of locomotory
cilia, are being compacted and wi thdrawn into the integu­
bacteria inhabiting their epidermis (Figure 9.16). The
ment to be dissolved; the three dark structures are the
form of the mouth and gut vary among species from epidermal cell nuclei (n).
temporary structures to a porelike opening and a nar­
row intestinal lumen, although a complete gut is lack­
ing (there is no anus, nor is there a discrete pharynx). sexual structures may consist of a simple, ciliated in­
They lack discrete circulatory or excretory structures. vagination of the epidermis or an eversible penis; semi­
Asexual reproduction has not been reported. Male nal vesicles may be present. Where these stn1ctttres are
lacking, sperm appear to simply be ejected fron, the
(A) (13)

; ,:

; Frontal
'·,..',' ... organ .,.,

,.,•, ,
\ ••
t, '





10 fllll
Male copulatory

100 ,,m
Figure 9.14 Nemertodermati ds. Flagel/ophora ape/ti. Figure 9.16 Nemertodermatida. Y -shaped elongated
(A) Dorsal view of mature specimen. (B) Protruded symbi otic bacteri a associated wi th the epi dermis of Meara
proboscis. stichopi.
362 Chapter Nine

male antrum. The fen1ale gonopore with an associated epidernlis resembles of nemertean worms, which
bursa is located dorsally in 01.ost species. Matui-e eggs led to the namesake "Nemertodermatid." In the genus
are released through the mouth. Duet cleavage and d i ­ Ne111ertoder11m, these glands are more abundant at the
rect development are similar to that observed in acoels apical pole, forming an anterior gland complex 1,vith
(Figure 9 20).
. separated, outwardly directed gland openings or
The first described nemertodermatids was classified necks. However, these openings are not grouped to­
within the acoel Platyhelminthes by Otto Steinbock gether in a regular \Vay at an apical pore and thus do
in 1930. Long before similar hyperbolic statements not form a "frontal organ" as has been described in
by now-deposed dictators, Steinbock, a colorful i n ­ Platyhehninthes. Nevertheless, the structures are suf­
dividual known to express himself in double-spaced ficiently similar to that of turbellarians that earlier au­
capital letters with excla1nation marks for emphasis, thors considered them to be homologous with the fron­
announced his discovery as "the mother of all turbel­ tal organ structures of flatworms.
larians," possessing a "novel, two-stoned statocyst, an
unusually thick and gland-rich epidern1is, a peripheral Cell and Tissue Organization
nervous system, and a mixed, lacunar gonad without The epidermis of nemertodennatids is entirely cili­
accessory organs." Going Steinbock one better, in 1940 ated. The cells are connected by an intracellular termi­
Tor Karling removed the Nemertodermatida from the nal web-a stratified structure composed of a closely
Acoela and other-than-tui-bellarians altogether because woven inner layer of intensely staining fibrils overlain
of their well-formed intestinal lumen, a structure lack­ with more loosely packed fibrils, which bulges at the
ing in acoels. The Acoela and Nemertodermatida \¥ere cell borders. Epidermal cells are joined apically by
combined as sister taxa within the Platyhelminthes belt-like adherens junctions (belt-desmosomes) called
in 1985 with Ulrich Ehlers' recognition of the taxon zonula adherens. Interspersed among the cells are the
Acoelomorpha, primarily based on ciliary structures. necks of various glands and sensory receptors, particu­
Additional work on Nemertodermatida has proceeded larly in the anterior region of the animal. The necks of
slowly because specimens are difficult to come by and glands appear to have associated muscular rings that
because many characters can be highly variable within n1ay regulate the flow of gland contents (Figure 9.17E).
populations. The ciliary rootlet structure i s similar in Acoela
The relationship of Menrn sticilopi to its echinoderm and Nemertodermatida, one of the primary reasons
hosts is poorly understood, but does not appear to be workers grouped these two taxa together (as the
parasitic-hosts do not appear to be harmed by the Acoelomorpha). The rootlets of nemertodermatids
presence of the worms. In fact, the relationship could include a rostrally-oriented rootlet and a caudally­
be 1nutualistic, as nematodes have been found within oriented rootlet. 1n their original description, Menrn
the guts of endosymbiotic Menrn. Symbiotic species of stichopi was reported to possess "restitution cells," that
both Meara and Ne,nertoder,nn are known to possess appeared to contain ciliary structures in the process
elongated, y-shaped symbiotic bacteria (Figure 9.16). ln of being resorbed. Indeed, these cells represent struc­
Meara, these symbionts are found prima.rily on the ven­ tures similar to the pulsatile bodies reported in acoels,
tral side of the host's body. The y s- hape of the bacteria wherein worn cells are encapsulated and transport­
has been suggested to represent the mode of asexual ed to the digestive tract for resorption (Figure 9.15).
reproduction because appendages are found only on However, this feature is distinct in the nemertoderma­
certain bacterial cells. Ultrastructural studies indicate tids because the cilia detach from their basal appara­
that bacteria occur only on the outside surface of their tus before encapsulation, eliminating their ability to
worm hosts, suggesting that the association between pulsate, causing some researchers to refer to them as
bacteria and host does not represent infection. "degenerating epidermal bodies."

Support and Movement

The Nemertodermatid Body Plan As in the acoels, body wall n1usculature of nemerto­
dermatids has been extensively investigated using
General Body Structure phallo. i din-staining procedures.1 Like most acoels,
In general, nemertodermatids are s1nall. The endo­ body musculature in nemertodermatids consists of
symbiotic Menrn stichopi is usually less than 2 nun in outer circular and umer longitudinal muscle layers.
length, free-living Ne111ertodenna average about 3 mm Diagonal musculature typically is also present and
in length, and a few "giant" nemertodermatids grow varies among species, with fibers forming connec-
to nearly one centimeter in length. Most individuals
are colorless to yellow or red, but pigmentation can be 1Phalloidin is a naturaJly occurring toxin in the death cap mush•
variable \•Vithin populations. room (Amnuitn plrnlloides). Its toxicity is due to its ability t o sta•
bilize actin filaments within cells, and this attribute has led to it
The epidermis of most species appears to contain being widely used (fluorescenllylabeled) in research to visualize
numerous bottle-shaped mucous glands. Overall, the filamentous actin, such as muscle fibers.

(A) Statocysts (B) (C) (D)


Supraterminal Supraterminal
Key male opening male opening
•Outer circulaY muscles
• Inner logitudinal muscles
• Diagonal muscles
• U-shaped muscles surrounding the mouth
Seminal vesicle
Zonula adherens Longitudinal

(E) of gland necks muscle fibers Male antrum

Outer circular

Figure 9.17 Schematic diagrams (A-D) and phalloi­ fibers beneath circular ones in central space. Above this
din-enhanced micrographs (E,F) of nemertodermatid are two thin stained layers, the lower layer correspond ing
musculature. (A) Ventral and (B) dorsal views of Meara to the intracellular web, the upper layer corresponding
stichopi (graphic showing muscle patterns). (C) Ventral to microvilli of the epidermal surface. The zonula adher•
and (D) dorsal views of Nemertoderma westbladi (graphic ens o f the gland necks appear as brightly stained areas
showing musc le patterns). Outer circular muscles (blue); at this level. (F) Posterior body region of Nemertoderma
inner longitudinal muscles (in red); diagonal muscles (in westbladi, with invagination of body wall to form the male
green); U -shaped muscles surrounding the mouth (in antrum; finer musculature of the seminal vesicle is visib le
orange) on ventral side. (E) Lateral view of epidermis in in open space.
Nemertoderma westbladi, showing longitudinal muscle

tions beh-veen layers in some (e.g., M. stichopi; Figure The opening of the male gonopore and its associ­
9.17A,B) and fonning distinct layers in others (e.g., N. ated antrum appear as an invagination of the entire
1vestbladi; Figure 9.17C,D). Musculature surrounding body wall, and musculature associated with the semi­
the mouth also varies, being best developed in species nal vesicle consists of a thin layer, present only in in­
with a permanent mouth. Musculature is also well de­ dividuals with mature male organs (Figure 9.17F).
veloped around permanent genital openings (e.g., M. Parenchy1nal muscles may also be present in individu­
stichopi), but less so in species with transient genital als in all life stages, forming a three-dimensional net­
orifices (e.g., N. 1vestbladi). work throughout parenchymal tissue. The statocyst is
364 Chapter Nine

Figure 9.18 Nemertodermatida. .. .: ..;, ..

Broom organ

Diagram of Ascoparia sp., showing

location of dorsal female gonopore
and subterminal male copulatory
organ. Ovary
Anterior -...___...

Autosperm Posterior
supported by muscles that attach 100 r•m
dorsoposteriorly and anterolateral- Male copulatory organ
ly to other body wall musculature.
Nemertodermatids move by creeping on their ciliated mal. In Ne,nertodernra 1vestbladi, 5-HT reactivity shows
surfaces or, in more elongated species, by undulating a t w o r- inged, anterior commissure, with the rings
their bodies in a serpentine way. converging near the statocyst, and connected by thin
fibers. Two lateral fibers extend longitudinally from
Nutrition, Excretion, Gas Exchange the como1issure, as does a delicate curtain of evenJy
The gut of nemertodermatids has only a single open­ spaced finer longitudinal fibers that become indistinct
ing, like that of cnidarians and other Xenacoelo1norphs. caudally. FMRFanude inlmunoreactivity follows the
However, unlike acoels, the nemertodermatid gut is not same pattern as 5-HT reactivity in M. stichopi and N .
syncytial and instead contains a well-defined intestinal ivestbladi. These results suggest that the nemertoder­
lumen. l n some species, a cone of gut tissue has been n1atid nervous system is distinct from the bi-lobed
reported to protrude and retract like a tongue to collect ganglionic brain and orthogon peripheral nervous
food particles. Ho.vever, no known nemertodermatid systems of Platyhelminthes (i.e., paired longitudinal
possesses a structure recognizable as a muscular phar­ ventral nerve cords connected by a regular pattern of
ynx. Other species appear to lack a n1outh altogether. transverse commissures). Nemertodermatid central
In such species (e.g., Flagellophora), an anterior broom nervous systems are also distinct from the comnlissural
organ is reported although this structure does not seem brains of acoels (i.e., symmetrical commissural fibers
to be directly connected to the gut. Instead it seems to with few cell bodies and 3-5 pairs of radially arranged
consist of a bundle of up to 30 glands whose necks are longitudinal nerve cords, irregularly connected with
protrusible through a canal at the anterior end of tile transverse fibers).
body (Figure 9.14B). When opened, the broom organ
appears to possess distal ends that are slightly swol­ Reproduction and Development
len and possibly adhesive. Some researcllers suggest The reproductive anatomy and natural history of
that the lack of a moutll may represent an ancestral nemertodermatids i s not well studied, and only a
condition and fuat tl1e mouth of nen1ertodermatids is few species have been examined in this regard. The
a transient structure that appears during a limited part male gonopores in nemertodermatids appear to open
of postembryonic life, with the duration of persistence dorsally (or supraterminally) and are associated with
dependent upon the species. a n1uscular male antrun1. In fully n1ature specimens,
Meara sticltopi inhabits the foregut of the holothu­ a muscular senlinal vesicle and often a male copula­
rian Parastichop11s tre11111/11s, a species common o n tory organ may also evert eitller posteriorly or slightly
Scandinavian coastlines, and appears to feed on detritus dorsally (Figure 9.18). female genitalia, if present, are
as well as upon nematodes within the guts of its host. located dorsally. Flagellophora seen, to have a deep,
Free-living species have been found with co.mparatively well-defined invagination that may represent a female
large turbellarians and nematodes within their guts. gonopore (Figure 9.14).
As in acoels, the small body sizes of nemertoderma­ In Meara stichopi, follicular testes occupy most of tile
tids allow them to eliminate \ovaste nitrogen and carbon preoral part of the body. The ovary occupies the post­
dioxide, as well as obtain oxygen fro1n the surrounding oral part of the body and often contains one or more
water, without a need for discrete excretory or circula­ large ova within the posterior body region. The n1ale
tory systems. intromittent organ opens terminally to slightly supra­
terminally in this species.
Nervous System ln general, Nemertodermatida have a 9+2 arrange­
The nervous system of nemertodermatids is still poor­ ment of microtubules in their uniflagellate sperm, a
ly understood. lmmunoreactivity studies to the neu­ condition distinct fron1 the variable microtubule ar­
rotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxytrypamine; 5-HT), rangement and biflagellate condition of acoel sperm.
and the regulatory neuropeptide FMRFamide, have Many field -collected nemertodern,atids contain two
shown considerable variation in responses in tl1e spe­ types of spenn. Autosperm (spern1 produced by the
cies examined. In Meara stichopi, 5-HT reactivity reveals individual in whicll they are found) i n M. stichopi are f i .
a subepidermal nerve net and two, loosely organized lifonn, about 45-60 pm long, and under phase contrast
longitudinal nerve bundles along tile length of the ani- microscopy show indistinct divisions of individual

Figure 9.19 Nemertodermatida. Stages in sper­

(A) (8) (C) (D) matogenesis in Meara stichopi. (A) In early stages
of spermatogenesis, the nucleus is large, with
heterogeneous e lectron density; two mitochondria
® ' are visible. A single flagellum begins to form from a
. ·. basa l body situated near the cell membrane.
(B) The nucleus shrinks and becomes homogenous
in density. The mitochondria begin to elongate,
and the basal body and associated fibers move
into the cytoplasm toward a depression forming in
JOµm the nucleus. Microtubules coil around the flagel­
lar channel. (C) The mitochondria coil around the
f lagellar channel and a sheath grows from the cell
to surround the proximal flagellum. (D) The cell and
nucleus elongate to form the head of the spermatozoon.
spern1 into head, middle piece, and tail, as is typical The mitochondria form tighter whorls and wander into the
of more derived spermatozoan fonns within Metazoa length of the flagellar sheath.
(Figure 9.19). Some sperm appear to be coiled, cork­
screw-fashion, over half of their length and are non­
motile within the animal producing thetn. AJlospern1 long enough for spermatids to get through the epithe­
(sperm not produced by the individual in which lium of the recipient ,,vorm. Since male structures are
they are found) are distinctive because they tend to located subterminally, this behavior would have to
be uncoiled and motile within the bodies of recipient occu1· with the recipient positioned somewhat dorsally,
individuals. or an individual transferring sperm would have to un­
The pioneering investigator of acoels and nemerto­ dergo dorsiflexion to accon1plish impregnation. In spe­
dermatids (what is now called Acoelomorpha), Einar cies lacking female structures, insemination appears to
Westblad, noticed that development of female repro­ be hypodermic. Oviposition is accomplished by flexing
ductive structures seemed to precede that of male the body into a dorsi-convex shape followed by protru­
structures indicating that some nemertodermatids sion of the circumoral area of the body to force indi­
are protogynous. On the other hand, other authors vidual eggs out of the mouth.
have noted that "male maturity seems to precede fe­ Development i n nemertodermatids is similar to
male maturity," or they have specifically stated that that of the Acoela. The first cleavage division is holo­
individuals are protandrous. In N . 1vestblndi, individu­ blastic (Figure 9.20). The second division results in the
als were found to have matured as 1nales, females, forn,ation of micromeres and macromeres. In later
and hermaphrodites, with no clear evidence of either 4 -cell stages, the micromeres shift slightly clockwise
protandry or protogyny. Mature females contained a (dexiotropic), resembling spiral cleavage, but this shift
single large egg but also contained up to 10 ova, and does not occur until well after the division has taken
allosperm were found in only a few individuals. ln place. Nemertodermatids do not have the unique
Ascoparia neglecta, an elongate species with no actual
mouth in mature individuals, although male and fe­ (A) (B) (C) (D)
male pores are visible, and individuals possess a male
copulatory organ, allosperm appear to be contained in
vacuoles near the vagina.
Many species appear t o lack female genitalia, yet are
found to contain autosperm that is clearly contained
within male reproductive structures, as well as allo­
spern1 that appear to have been introduced to the indi­ (E) (F) (G) (H)
vidual housing it. Individuals bearing allosperm appear
to include mature as well as immature individuals rais­
ing the possibility of sperm storage and sperm competi­
tion among individuals. Taken together, there appears
to be great diversity in reproductive life history among
nemertodermatids. Adults in some species appear to be Figure 9.20 Diagram of duet cleavage in Nemerto•
smaller than juveniles suggesting that maturing indi­ dennatida (Nemertoderma westblad1), viewed from the
viduals may cease to feed and complete their life his­ animal pole. Lines indicate cleaved rel ati onships among
cells. (A) Uncleaved zygote. (B) 2 -cell stage. (C) Early
tory using stored food reserves or other resources. 4-cell stage with micromeres oriented radially. (D) Late
Copulation has not been observed in any ne1nerto­ 4 -cell stage with micromeres shifted. (E) 6 -cell stage.
dermatids. However, earlier workers suggested that (G) 12-cell stage with 8 macromeres and 4 micromeres.
worms may simply press their posterior ends together (H) 16-cell stage with 8 macromeres and 8 micromeres.
366 Chapter Nine

spiral d u e t c- leavage prograin seen in Acoela. Instead,

cleavage starts out radial, but then takes place in a duet
pattern, the micromeres shifting clockwise to produce
a spiral-like pattern. The 4-celJ divisions involve both
macromeres, resulting a 6-celJ embryo, followed by an­
other division by the rnicromeres t o yield an 8-celled
embryo. This alternating pattern is followed until the
16-cell stage, similar to what is known in acoels as
"duet cleavage," although in acoeJs, the first division
involves a counterclockwise(levotropic) shift of the mi­
cromeres rather than the clockwise shift documented
for N . ,uestbladi. Nevertheless, the form of duet cleav­ Figure 9.21 Xenoturbella bocki. live speci men, from 80
age is similar in both taxa, suggesting to some research­ m depth, off the west coast of Sweden.
ers that this trait is ancestral in the Acoelon1orpha.
Postembryonic development in N . ,uestbladi appears
to follow three life history phases. Hatch.lings are nearly coast near TI1e Sven Loven Centre for Marine Sciences
round; only slightly longer than wide(250 x 200 µm). (then known as the Kristineberg Marine Station) in
These individuals grow into juveniles, which are bottle 1915 when he came across an odd-looking "flatworm."
shaped and n1ay reacl1 nearly ln,m in length, but p o s ­ Bock never got around to identifying the creature, but
sess no discemable sexual structures. Mature specimens Ei.nar Westblad, anotl1er great platyhelmintl, specialist
may be variable in size(averaging 450 µm in length), did, initially considered it an archoophoran turbellar­
and possess a slightly more elongated shape as well as ian, along wit!, similar specimens he had collected near
visible male copulatory organs and a small pointed tip Scotland and Norway. Eventually, in 1949, Westblad
at the posterior end formed by the male gonopore. described the original specin1ens as Xenot11 rbella bocki,
after its collector. The creatures caused immediate
controversy because of their distinctive appearance.
In 1999 the second species was described, and named
Subphylum Xenoturbellida after Westblad as Xenoturbella westbladi. By this tin1e
The free-living marine creatures known as xenotur­ people were beginning to wonder about how unique
bellids comprise just two described species, Xenot11r­ these two "flatworms" \>Vere. The name Xenoturbel/a
bella bocki (Figure 9.21 and chapter opener photo) and means "strange turbellarian" because, while they
X. westbladi, although several undescribed species are
known to exist. They are delicate, ciliated worn1s with
a very simple body plan, and are recognizable by their (A)
body furrows, the horizontal furrows(= side or an­
terolateral furrows), and a ring furrow(= equilateral
furrow), the latter nearly crossing the anin1al's mid­
line (Figure 9.22A). The furrows contain what has been
interpreted as high concentrations of sensory cells, so
they are presun1ed to be sensory structures. Like acoels
and nemertodern1atids, xenoturbellids possess a d i f ­
fuse, basi-or intraepithelial nervous system, they use a (B)
statocyst for orientation, have circular and longitudinal
muscles, and a mid-ventral mouth. Also like acoelo­
morphs, Xenoturbel/a lack a co1nplete gut, organized l > •••
gonads, excretory structures, coelomic cavities, or a
well-developed brain.

However, unlike acoelomorphs, xenoturbellids pos­

sess simple spermatozoa, similar to those seen in exter­

nally fertilizing species. Also, muscle layers are connect­
ed by extensive interdigitations among tl,e layers of cells
as w·ell as longitudinal muscles that are exceptionally
Figure 9.22 Line drawings of Xenoturbella bocki from
robust. Their nervous system, while diffuse, is concen­
live specimens. (A) Dorsol ateral view showing the hori•
trated along its sensory furrows. Xenoturbellids also are zontal and ring furrows. (B,C) Lateral vi ews of specimens
generally larger in size, reaching up to 4 cm in length. moving by ciliary gliding (arrows indicate direction of
Sixten Bock (1884-1946), the great Swedish platy­ movement). (DJ Animal with contracted anterior end after
helminth specialist, \-vas collecting along the Swedish exposure to MgCl2•

resen,bled acoelon1orphs overaU, their epidernus was (A)

re1nirtiscent of hemichordates, and their statocyst
seemed sin'lilar to that of certain holothurians. --2
A s morphological evidence accumulated on
Xe11ot11rbelln, their relationship to flatworms began to
be doubted, and by the late 1950s most researchers
agreed that Xenoturbe/ln was not a flatworm, but there

was little consensus about what these animals actually
were. Opinions on their identity ranged from consider­
ing them "among the coelenterates" to placing them as
a sister taxon to the enteropneusts.
Then, in the late 1990s, analysis of ribosomal RNA
on 1Nhat appeared to be developing oocytes and em­
bryos in son1e specimens led to the conclusion that
Xenoturbelln was i n fact a highly degenerate mollusc,
possibly some form of shell-less bivalve. However,
subsequent investigations showed that these samples
had been contan1inated with gut contents contain­
ing mollusc DNA. Subsequent DNA studies sug­
gested Xenoturbe/ln might be a highly degenerate
deuterostome, near the base of the deuterostome
line or perhaps closely related to echinoderms and 0.2511m
•I ' I
hemichordates (the clade known as An,bulacraria). II 1 1 5
Continued molecular phylogenetic studies have s u g ­
gested that Xenoturbe/la i s closely tied to acoels and
Figure 9.23 Diagram of the basal part of the cilium,
nen1ertodermatids, and thus the new phylum name basal body, and ciliary rootlets of Xenoturbella bocki.
Xenacoelomorpha was created to house these three (A) Longitudinal median section of basal part of cilium.
odd, primitive worms. While we accept this classifi­ (B, 1 -5) Cross sections of basal part of cilium and the
cation for this book, it is clear that the final resolution basal body, showing the position of the microtubules at
of Xenoturbel/a phylogenetic relationships is yet to be different levels. (1) Basal part of cilium. (2) Cup-shaped
settled. structure at the base of cilium. (3) Dense aggregation of
granules and champagne-glass structures in the upper
part of the basal body. (4) Centriolar tr iplet part of the
basal body with winglike projections (the "alar sheets").
The Xenoturbellid Body Plan (5) Lower part of the basal body.

General Body Structure

Most specimens of Xenoturbe/ln are ovoid in shape, the epidermal cell; the thinner one, located on the same
with a flattened ventrum and a length of 4 cm or less. side of the cilium as the basal foot, projects straight
These worms can be quite active and capable of consid­ into the cell, whereas the thicker rootlet has a knee-Hke
erable changes in shape (Figure 9.22B-D). The anterior bend. The cilia ead1 have a distinctive arrangement of
region of most individuals is sJjghtly Hghter in color, n1jcrofilaments in which the standard 9+2 arrangement
and the horizontal furrows extend posteriorly, on ei­ extends for most of the ciliary shaft length, but near the
ther side, from the head end. Approximately midway end microfilament doublets 4-7 abruptly end, leaving
down the body, these furrows nearly intersect \.vith a only doublets 1-3 and 8-9 to continue on to the end of
ring furrow. The nervous system appears to be concen­ the ciHurn (Figure 9.23B). This "shelf" arrangement of
trated i n these areas, suggesting a sensory function to nucrotubules is also present i n Nen1ertodern1atida and
these structures. Acoela but i s unknown in other known metazoan taxa
The epidermis of X. bocki consists of a layer of tall (Figure 9.24).
columnar cells with nuclei situated basally. These cells The basal region of the epidermis houses the cell
are densely ciliated, a11d are interspersed \.vith uncili­ processes of the multiciliary cells, supporting cells,
ated or monociliated gland cells and ciHary receptors, and a prominent intraepidermal nerve layer. The cell
the latter being most numerous in the horizontal fur­ membrane of adjacent epidermal cells intermingle
rows. The cilia themselves are attached to epidermal with each other, but tight couplings between the mem­
cells by several structures (Figure 9.23A). Each ciliun1 branes of adjacent extensions do not appear to exist.
ends in a basal body whose protruding basal foot has However, where the cytoplas1nic protrusions are
microtubules that extend into the epidermal cell. Two shorter, they show a regular arrangement as if the two
ciliary rootlets project from the basal body deeper into cells were held together by a zipper, but tight junctions,
368 Chapter Nine

(A) (8) � number of isolated fibers that when vie,,ved in cross­
section resen,ble a monolayered rosette.
No specialized parenchyma cells exist between the
epidermis and the gastrodermis. However, all muscle
cells tend to have numerous and well-defined cyto­
plasnuc extensions with extensive mutual interdigita­
tion. Tight attacllment of adjacent cell membranes does
not appear to exist, but connections resembling the
zonula adherens in acoels and nemertodermatids are
present, as is a fibrous subepidermal layer up to 5 µm
thick. The extensive co1mections between muscle cells
observed in Xenoturbe/Jn has been said to be remiJ1is­
cent of hernicl,ordates.
Xenoturbel/n inhabit marine mud bottoms at 20-120
m depth and move by ciliary glidiJ1g, without requir­
iJ1g modification of the body profile. The ventral s u r ­
face is richly supplied "'ith epidermal glands and
moving animals leave behiJ1d a trail of mucus. While
capable of considerable variation in body configura­
tion due to powerful circular and longitudinal 1nusdes,
in most circumstances animals do not require such
gymnastics in their basic activities.

Nutrition, Excretion, and Gas Exchange

Feeding by X. bocki occurs when iJ1dividuals open their
simple mouth and protrude their unciliated foregut.
Figure 9.24 Diagram of the configuration of axone•
mal fibers within the distal shafts of epidermal cilia in Extrusion of this structure appears to take place as a
Xenoturbella bocki. (A) Lateral v iew of the distal shaft result of contractions of the surrounding body wall
showing the "she l f" located approximately 1 .5 µm from musculature, with relaxation of these muscles resulting
the cilium tip. (B) Transverse sections of the cilium along m foregut retraction. The gut is cellular, but unciliated.
its length; a 9+2 arrangement of axonemal fibers begins at Considerable attention has focused on the gut contents
the cilium base but microtubule doublets 4-7 end at the of Xenoturbelln. Examination of mitochondrial DNA
(cytod,rome c oxidase subunit I sequence data) iJ1 the
gut contents of Xenot11rbella suggests that they feed pri­
marily on bivalve prey, possibly in the form of eggs
desmosomes or gap junctions between cells have yet to and benthic larvae. Such specificity suggests that these
be identified. worms may be specialized predators, a hypothesis sup­
A number of workers have noted the similarities in ported by the results of stable isotope studies indicat­
both ciliary roots and ciliary tips in Xenoturbelln, acoels, ing high ratios of N1 5 to N 14 (3.42) characteristic of most
and nen1.ertoderma tids. Like these other groups, predators. Two species of endosymbiotic bacteria have
Xe110l11rbelln is capable of withdrawiJ,g and resorbing been described from the gut of X . bocki. Researchers
worn out epithelial cells, yet there are differences in have suggested that these bacteria might assist iJ1 nitro­
the character of this process. Whereas nemertoderma­ gen detoxification (given excretory organs are lacking)
tids do not withdravv still-motile ciliary cells, the with­ or might supply growth factors or cl,emical defenses to
dra,vn epidermal cells in Xenoturbella assume an orien­ their hosts. Discrete excretory structures have not been
tation perpendicular to that of the other cells and retain described for Xenoturbella.
some rnotility.
Nervous System and Sense Organs
Support and Movement The nervous system of Xenot11rbelln is a diffuse intraepi•
Xenolurbella possess a highly n1uscular body ,val! (Fig­ thelial net without much of an anterior concentration
ure 9.25A). An outer circular muscle layer surrounds and most researcl,ers are reluctant to call this a brain.
a well-developed iJmer layer of longitudinal muscles, This arrangement is similar to that seen in some acoels
and with radial musculature extending fron, the gas­ and nemertodermatids, although the latter do have a
troderrnis to the outer circular layer of n1uscle cells small anterior concentration of neurons (larger than
(Figure 9.25B). The longitudinal layer of muscles is that of xenoturbellids). The sensory furrows of xenotur­
substantial, and individual muscle cells consists of a bellids appear to have slightly greater concentrations

(A) Ring furrow Figure 9.25 lntemal morphology of

I Xenoturbella bocki. (A) Transverse section
anterior to the mouth showing the gastric
cavity. (B) Schematic diagram of longitudinal
section anterior to mouth showing orientation
of circular, longitudinal and radial muscles.
Statocyst I Scale bars = 0.1 cm.
Gastric cavity
(13) Circular Gastric ca vi t y
muscles ,.....
----\:---.....,----,__ _____ ,,
Nerve plexus

Horizontal ,....,--1

of neu.rons than other parts of their bodies. Like acoelo­ ing the gut. Sperm develop in clun1ps and appear to be
morphs, Xenot11rbell11 have an anterior statocyst ( of a "primitive" type, usually associated with external
9.25B), but the arrangement of muscles and neu.rons fertilization, wherein spermatids possess a small coni­
associated with this differs in that it appears cal acrosome and a single flagellum. are no copu­
to be embedded •Nithin the nerve net rather than spe­ latory organs and gametes appear to be spawned either
cifically supplied with connecting commissures. through the gut or mouth opening. Although Xenot11r­
belln has been said to have direct development, as in
Reproduction and Development acoelomorphs, recent work has suggested the "hatch­
Xenoturbellids are simultaneous hermaphrodites pro­ ing stage" might be called a larva; these are elongate/
ducing relatively large diameter, yolky eggs. Neither ovoid, swimming with a rotating motion with unifonn
well-developed ovaries nor testes have been observed
in adult individuals. In particular, male gonads appear �=
ciliation, and have an apical tu.ft of cilia that are 20-30
in length. No mouth or blastopore has been seen
to consist simply of a layer of male sex cells surround- in the larva.

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he phylum Platyheln1inthes (Greek plnty, "flat"; hel111inth, "worm") i n ­
cludes about 26,500 extant species of f r e e -living and parasitic worms;
more than 100,000 undescribed species have been estimated to exist.
Platyhelm:inths are triploblastic, nonsegn1ented, bilateral, acoelon,ate,
soft-bodied, dorsoventrally flattened V>'Orms (Box lOA). They display a variety of
body forn,s (Figure 10.lA-N) and inhabit a wide range of environments. About
75% of all described species are parasitic, mostly belonging to the infraclasses
Monogenea and Trematoda (the flukes) and Cestoda (the tapeworms). Most of
the free-living forms live in marine and freshv.•ater benthic habitats and com­
prise a diverse group fonnerly known as "turbellarians"; a few are terrestrial and
some are symbiotic in or on other invertebrates. Free-living marine flatworms
are often some of the most colorful and graceful
creatures found in shallow tropical waters and tide
pools. As their nan,e suggests, n1ost flatworms are
Classification of The Animal strikingly flattened dorsoventrally, although the
Kingdom (Metazoa) body shape varies from broadly oval to elongate
and ribbon-like; a few bear short tentacles at the
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata anterior end or have other elaborations of the body
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA
surface. The free-living forms range from less than
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACH I OPODA 1 mm to about 30 cm long; although most famil­
PHYLUM CNIDARIA ECDYSQZQA iar species are 1-4 c m long, the vast majority of
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida free-living flatworms are "microturbellarians." The
PHYLUM NEMATODA largest of all pJatyhelJninths are certain tapeworn1s
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) that attain lengths of several meters (a tapeworm
PHYLUM XENACOELOMORPHA that infests blue whales grows to 10 m i n length!).
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA The combined features of the platyhelminths
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICIFERA represent a suite of attributes marking major ad­
SPIBALIA Panarthropoda vancements in the evolution of the Metazoa (Box
PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES PHYLUM TARDIGRADA lOA). Con1bined with a third germ layer (meso­
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA derm), bilateral symmetry, and cephalization are
some sophisticated organs and organ systems
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA and a trend toward centralization of the nervous
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA syste1n. The solid (acoelomate) body plan usually
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHELICERATA includes a relatively dense mesenchyme (often
Oeuterostomia called "parenchyrne") between the gut and the
Gnathifera body wall. The mesenchyn,e is not homogeneous,
PHYLUM GNATHOSTOMUUDA PHYLUM CHORDATA but comprises a multitude of differentiated cell
PHYLUM MICROGNATHOZOA types and small gaps or lacunae. Within the m e s ­
PHYLUM ROTIFERA •paraphyletic group
enmyme of most flatworms are discrete excretory-
osmoregula tory structures, the protonephridia,
374 Chapter Ten



. :-'. . ... .
·....... ... _ ..·.•.. . .. ..... ...............·..... .:.:.:
.. ',: :. ,•

(G) (H)

which are found in many invertebrate taxa, especially Taxonomic History and
among protostomes. Most flatworms possess complex Classification
reproductive systen1s and an incomplete yet con1plex
gut with a single opening serving for both ingestion In his first edition of Systema Nat11rae (1735), Linnaeus
and egestion. The mouth leads to a pharynx of vary­ established two phyla to encompass all of the known
ing complexity and then to a blind intestine. The gut is invertebrates. To one he assigned the insects and to
entirely lacking in tapeworms, as well as in a few other the other the rest of the invertebrates. Linnaeus called
symbiotic species. this latter taxon Vermes (Greek, ""'•orms"). By the thir-

(I) Ol


(M) (N)


Figure 10.1 Representative flatwonns. (A-K) Free­

living flatworms. (A) Catenula lemnae, a catenulid.
(B) Macrostomum sp. (a macrostomid). (Cl The terrestria l
tri clad Bipalium kewense. (D) A colorful flatworm (Bipa/ium
sp.) on a decayed leaf. Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia.
(E) SEM of Cheliplana, an interstitial rhabdocoel.
(F) Pseudoceros bajae, an intertidal polyclad flatworm
from the Sea of Cortez, Mexico (also see chapter opener
photo, Pseudobiceros bedford,). (G) The strikingly colored
polyclad Pseudoceros ferrugineus. (H) The famil iar fresh­
water tric lad Ougesia tigrina. (I) The polyclad flatworm
Thysanozoon, a predator on small invertebrates, including
barnac les. (J) The marine polyclad, Eurylepta calitornica.
(K) Alloioplana californica, a common polyclad on the
Pacific Coast of North America. (L) Acanthomacrostomum
sp. A meiofaunal flatworm that has a layer of calcareous
spicules just below the epidermis. This skeletal framework
may provide protection and support in aiding in locomo­
t ion. (M) The liver fluke Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda:
Digenea). (N) Anterior end of the tapeworm Taenia ground for almost any creatures with wormlike bodies
(Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea). (and many that were not so worm like).
During the nineteenth century, the flahvorms were
eventually separated from most other groups of "'Orms
teenth edition of Systema Naturne (1788), the various and creatures. Jn 1851, C. Vogt isolated the flat­
groups of f1at\vorn1s were placed together in the order worms and the nemerteans as a single taxon, which he
Intestina. During the early 1800s, several biologists, called the Platyelrnia, a name changed to Platyel.m.inthes
including Lamarck and Cuvier, questioned and reject­ by Karl Gegenbaur in 1859. (Unfortunately, Gegenbaur
ed the concept of the phylum Vermes, although the also resurrected the phylum Vermes.) Gegenbaur's
taxon continued to surface from time to time and actu­ Platyelminthes (now Platyhelminthes) was eventually
ally persisted into the hventieth century as a dumping raised to the rank of phylum, con1prising four classes:
376 Chapter Ten

TurbeUaria, Nemertea, Trematoda, and Cestoda. In 1876 yolk is deposited within the cytoplasm of the ova (en­
Charles Mi.not dropped the nemerteans from this as­ dolecithal ova) or separately, in special celJs outside
semblage, although many \Vorkers did not accept this the ova (ectolecithal ova). Those with endolecithal ova
change for several decades. Libbie Hyman (1951) as­ were placed i.n the Archoophora and those with ecto­
serted the monophyly of Platyhelminthes, a view shared lecitha1 ova in the Neoophora. These names have been
by Tor Karling (1974), Peter Ax (1985) and Ulrich Ehlers abandoned as formal taxa because they are now known
(1985) who recognized three clades (Acoelomorpha, to be nonmonophyletic. However, the names are still de­
Catenulida, and Rhabditophora) that have since been scriptive because the placement of yolk, as well as the
supported by molecular phylogenetic studies. Later uterine sh·uctures that mediate this process, provide ad­
analyses of morphology and the advent of molecular ditional characters for describing the various flatworm
gene sequence analyses have supported the monophyly orders. The patterns also have important implications in
of Catenulida and Rhabditophora (although these two the early development of these animals.
major flatvvorm clades still lack unambiguous mor­
phological synapomorphies), b u t suggested acoelo­
morphs were basal bilaterians rather than flatworms
(seeChapter 9). With the ren1oval of the Acoelomorpha, SUBPHYLUM CATENULIDEA Catenulids (Fi gure 10.1A).
Platyhelminthes i s now viel-\1 ed as a monophyletic S imple anteri or pharynx and saclike gut; mesenchyme
phylum. someti mes reduced to a flu id matr ix (making them effect ive­
The internal classification o f flatworms has been ly blastocoelomate); sometimes with statocyst bear i ng 1 to
subjected to frequent revisions. However, two recent 3 statoliths; bra in l ies at base or middle o f preoral lobe; with
a ci li ated ventrol ateral groove between base of preoral lobe
studies by independent groups of researchers targeted
and the rest of the body; tubules of excretory system me­
platyhelminth phylogeny by analyzing different sets
di odorsal; with a s ing le b i fl agellate protonephridium; male
of thousands of genes (Egger et al. 2015; Laumer et al.
genita l opening dorsal and anter ior; female ducts and ac­
2015). Ren1arkably, these genomic studies, published at cessory organs are lacking; with endolec ithal ova and sp ira l
nearly the same time, resulted in nearly the same phy­
cleavage. Catenulids are elongate freshwater and marine
logeny. Our su.n,mary tree (Figure 10.34) and classifica­
forms. A s i ngle order, Catenulida. (e.g., Catenula, ParaC8.­
tion are based primarily on this recent work. However, tenula, Stenostomum)
students can expect continued reorganization of the
flarn1orms in the near future. There are about 6,500 spe­ SUBPHYLUM RHABDITOPHORA With l amellated rhabd ites,
cies of free-living flatworms, 12,000 species of flukes, a d u o -gland adhesive system and multif l agellate terminal
and 8,000 species of tapeworms. cell in the protonephridia; most taxa with b i fl agellate sperm.
The free-living flatworms (formerly classified as "tur­ INFRAPHYLUM MACROSTOMORPHA Rhabd itophora with
bellarians," a category now known to be a paraphyletic duo-gl and adhesive organ consisting of v iscid gland and
group, although the name i s still sometimes loosely used releasing gland necks emerging in a common collar of an­
for the non-neodermatan platyhelminths) were previ­ chor cell microvilli; with a post-oral neural commissure, and
ously grouped into two taxa o n the basis of whether a protrusible pharynx simplex; with afl agellate sperm, endo­
lec ithal ova, and spi ral cleavage.
6 mm l ong) with a simple proboscis and pharynx;
BOX 1 OA Characteristics of the proboscis separate from pharynx and beneath
Phylum Platyhelminthes the anterior tip of the body (remin iscent of nemer­
teans); anal pore weakly developed, but perma­
1. Parasitic or free-living. unsegmented worms (the
nent; bra in encapsulated by a unique membrane;
Cestoda are strobi lated)
oviduct posterior to male genital apparatus; male
2. Triploblasti c. acoelomate, bi laterally symmetri cal; copulatory organ cons ists of a posterior prostat­
dorsoventrally flattened ic ves icle and an anter ior style! apparatus. One
3. Spiral cleavage ( in non-parasit ic species) and 4d genus (HaplophaJYnX) and at least three spec ies
ORDER MACROSTOMIDA Macrostomids (Figure
4 . Compl ex, though incomplete, gut usually present;
10.18). Simple pharynx; s imple, saclike gut; with
gut absent in some parasitic forms (Cestoda)
endolecithal ova and a common oviduct anterior
5. Cephalized. w ith a central nervous system com­ to the male genital apparatus; small and predomi­
pri s i ng an anterior cerebral ganglion and (usually) nately interstitial forms; marine and freshwater.
longitudinal nerve cords connected by transverse (e.g., Acanthomacrostomum, Macrostomum,
commi ssures Oadderl ike nervous system)
6. With protonephridia as excretory/osmoregulatory
structures INFRAPHYLUM TREPAXONEMATA Rhabditophorans
7. Hemiaphroditic, with complex reproductive system with biflagellate sperm bearing a 9 x 2 + "1 " pattern of

SUPERCLASS AMPLIMATRICATA With a tendency few live on other invertebrates or on turt les. Q.e.,
to express an ample extracellular matrix; with spiral Temnocephala)
ORDER POL YCLADIDA Polyclads (Figure (Figures 10.1E and 10.11F). Mouth not termi nal;
10.1F,G,1-K). A diverse group of re lative ly large w ith a complex eversible proboscis at anterior
free-living flatworms w ith endol ecithal ova; nearly end that is separate from the mouth and pharynx;
all are marine; common i n littoral zones through­ free-livi ng marine and freshwater species. (e.g.,
out the world, especially in the trop ics; predomi­ Cheliplana, Cystiplex, Gnathorhynchus, Gyratrix)
nately benth ic and free-l iving. Some are so large
CLASS PROSERIATA Freshwater and marine free­
and colorful as to be easi yl mistaken for sea slugs;
living flatworms lacking lamellate rhabdites; bearing a
some cases of mimicry are known. Many swi m
by graceful undulations of the body margins. A cylindrical pl icate pharynx; simple gut; spiral cleavage.
few are pe lagic or symbiotic. (e.g., Eury/epta, ORDER UNGUIPHORA Proseriates with pigment
Hoploplana, Leptoplana, Notoplana, Planocera,
in the mantle cells of rhabdomeric receptors, and
Prostheceraeus, Pseudobiceros, Pseudoceros, usually without a statocyst; molecu lar studies sug­
Sty/ochus, Thysanozoon) gest that th is order is in need of revision, and also
ORDER PRORHYNCHIDA Freshwater and t e r ­ that the enigmati c genus Ciliopharyngiella may
restrial flatworms, often bearing prominent ante­ belong here. (e.g., Nema-toptana, Polystyliphora)
rior auricles and an anteriorly situated, complex ORDER LITHOPHORA Proseriates without
pharynx; ovaries lecithoepitheliate, consist­ p igment in the mantle cells and usually with a
ing of two kinds of cells, vitellocytes embracing statocyst; recent mo lecular studies indicate that
the grow ing ovocytes, both types of cells pro­ this order is monophy1etic and suggests that
duced by a common proximal germ inal tissue. families Coelogynoporidae and Calviriidae as
(e.g., Geocentrophora, Prorhynchus). Some well as Otoplanidae, Archimonoceli didae and
classification schemes place the freshwater Monocelididae may belong in th is group. (e.g.,
Prorhynchida and the marine Gnosonesimida Calviria, Coetogynopora, Otoplana, Otoptanella,
with in the Lecithoepitheliata, a taxon compri sed Archimonocelis, Monocelis)
of about 30 species united on the basis of an
intermediate condit ion between endo lecithal and CLASS ACENTROSOMATA Rhabditophorans lacki ng
ectolecithal ova, but recent research consi ders genes controlling format ion of centrosomes, leading to
Lecithoepitheliata to be nonmonophyletic. loss of highly regulated spiral cleavage (and, in some lin­
eages, blastomere anarchy) duri ng early development.
apparent lecithoepithelial development of ova but closer SUBCLASS ADIAPHANIDA Although there are no
structura l and mo lecular aff inities to Euneoophora; with clear synapomorph ies for th i s clade, it is strongly
ectol ecithal ova (cleavage not yet described). supported by molecular analyses; the name is from
the anc ient Greek word for "opaque" referring to the
ORDER GNOSONESIMIDA A single marine genus fact that most species have opaque bodies.
is known (Gnosonesima), bearing a coniform bul­
bous pharynx. ORDER TRICLADIDA Triclads. (Figure 10.1C,H)
Freshwater, marine, terrestrial and parasitic forms;
SUPERCLASS EUNEOOPHORA Rhabditophorans cylindrical plicate pharynx; gut three-branched
whose ovary is divided into germ ina l and v itelline cell with numerous divertioula; two germinaria located
produci ng parts; w ith ectolecithal ova. at anterior end of germo-vitelloducts. Most are
CLASS RHABDOCOELA Rhabdocoels. Bulbous or free-living, including the famil iar p lanarians. (e.g..
sometimes plicate pharynx; simple saclike gut without Bde//oura, Bipalium, Crenobia, Dugesia (formerly
Planaria], Geoplana, Po/yce/is, Procotyla)
diverticula; ectolecithal ova produced by ovaries that
are usually fully separate from the yolk glands; spiral ORDER PROLECITHOPHORA Prolecithopho
c leavage. rans. Pharynx plicate or bulbous; gut si mple;
sperm aflagellate, w ith extensive membranous
folds. Reduction of duo-gland adhesive system
of free-l iving or ecto- or endosymb ionts of marine
comp lete; genita lia variabl e but male aperture
and freshwater invertebrates. Molecu lar data
often opens forward, female reproductive system
suggests three main groups: neodalyellids, with
often opens to a common pore; small, free-l iving,
an anterior mouth (e.g., Anop/odium, Graffilla,
marine and fresh water. (e.g., P/agiostomum,
Pterasterico/a); thalassotyphloplanids, mostly
marine spec ies with the mouth not anterior (e.g.,
Kytorhynchus, Mesostoma, Typhlorhynchus); ORDER FECAMPIIDA Fecampiids. Endopara­
and limnotyphloplanids, mostly freshwater spe­ si tes of various marine invertebrates and ver­
ci es (e.g., Castre//a, Dalyellia, Microdalyelliathis). tebrates; lacking a pharynx and intestine; with
Limnotyphloplanids are small symbionts on a ci liated epidermis but with vertical ciliary
freshwater decapod crustaceans, although a
378 Chapter Ten

rootlets reduced. (e.g., Fecampia, Glanduloderma, ectoparasitic, usually on fishes (some occur on tur­
Kronborgia, Piscinquilinus) t les, frogs, hippos, copepods, or squids); a few are
endoparasitic in ectothermic vertebrates. Although
previously classified according to the relative com­
INFRACLASS BOTHRIOPLANATA Freshwater flat­ plexity of the opisthaptor (Figure 10.8; simp le, Mono­
worms bearing a three-branched, d iverticulated gut, pisthocotylea; complex, Polyopisthocotylea), the
and media l-posteriorly directed p licate pharynx; mul­ evolutionary relationsh ips within and among these
tiple follicular vitellaria. taxa remain unclear. Nine orders are now recognized.
ORDER BOTHRIOPLANIDA Monospecific, Bo­ ORDER CAPSALIDEA Capsalids. Gill and sk in
thrioplana semperi, a freshwater scavenger and ectoparasites of elasmobranch and teleost fishes;
predator on small invertebrates. flattened, leaf like bodies with a simple aseptate
or septate opisthaptor; with 3 pairs of median
i larval epider­ sclerites and 14 small hooklets at the periphery
mis shed and replaced by a syncytial neodermis with of the opisthaptor. (e.g., Capsala, Benedeniella,
subepithelial nuclei (the tegument); locomotory epi­ Trochopus)
dermal ci lia bearing a single rootlet; ep ithelial sensory
receptors with coll ars. ORDER CHIMAERICOLIDEA Gill parasites of
holocephalan fishes. (e.g., Chimaericota)
COHORT TREMATODA Digenean and aspidogas­
trean flukes (F igures 10.11 and 10.3A,B,E,F). With ORDER DICL YBOTHRIIDEA Gill parasites of
one or more suckers; lacking prohaptor and opist­ acipenseriform fishes. Oral sucker absent; mouth
haptor; male copulatory organ is a cirrus; 1 to 3 ventral; lateral sclerites on opisthaptor absent.
(e.g., Diclybothrium, Paradiclybothrium)
hosts during the life cycle , often includ ing a mollusc;
most are endoparas itic. ORDER DACTLOGYRIDEA Gill parasites of fresh­
water teleost fish; body with op isthaptor bearing
2-4 anchors with 14-16 marginal hooks, and 4
trean flukes. eyespots. (e.g., Oactylogyros, Ancyrocephalus)
ventral sucker formed by lateral growth and sub­ s ites of freshwater fish; body fusiform with termi­
division of posterior part of sucker. Most with a nal cephal ic lobes; opisthaptor forms a half-oval
single host (a mollusc) in life cycle; second host, and is armed w ith 16 marginal hooks and a pair
when present, a turt le or a teleost fish; oral sucker of median anchors (hamul i) stab ilized with median
absent. (e.g., Aspidogaster, Cotytaspis) bars. (e.g., Gyrodactylus, Paragyrodactytoides,
ORDER STICHOCOTYLIDA With complex ventral Acanthoplacatus)
sucker formed by linear growth and subdivis ion ORDER MAZOCRAEIDEA Gill parasites of c lupeid
o f anterior part of sucker. Most w ith single host and scombrid fishes; oncomiracidium with one
(a lobster) in life cycle; second host, when pres­ pair of fused eyes; opisthaptor with two pairs of
ent, is a chondrichthyan fish. (e.g., Stichocotyte, latera l sclerites. (e.g., Clupeocotyle, Mazocraes,
Rugogastel) Grobea)
SUPERORDER DIGENEA Digenean flukes. ORDER MONOCOTYLIDEA Gill and ectodermal
ORDER DIPLOSTOMIDA Endoparasites of tetra­ t issue parasites of mostly tropical elasmobranchs;
pods; adult genita l pore posterior to the ventral opisthaptor wit h a single central and mul tiple
sucker; some with bl ood-dwelling adult stages. peripheral suckers ( loculi), often armed with
Usually with 3-host life cycles but occasionally hamuli and marginal hooks. (e.g., Monocotyte,
with 2; first intermediate host is a mollusc. (e.g., Potamotrygonocotyle)
Schistosoma; Sanguinicola) ORDER MONTCHADSKYELLIDEA Gill parasites
ORDER PLAGIORCHIIDA An extraordinari ly of tropical reef fishes. (e.g., Montchadskyella)
d iverse order of vertebrate endoparasites with a ORDER POL YSTOMATIDEA Sk in, gill, and uro­
wide range of life cycle characteristics and hosts. genital parasites of aquatic and semiaquatic tet-
Usually with at least a 2-host life cycle; first inter­ rapods; opisthaptor well developed with 3 pairs
mediate host is a mollusc. (e.g., Microphatlus, of suckers or one sucker pai r . (e.g., Polystoma,
Opisthorchis [= Clonorchis]. Fasciola, Echino­ Oculotrema, Metapolystoma)
COHORT CESTODA Tapeworms and their relatives
COHORT MONOGENEA Monogenean flukes
(Figures 10.1M and 10.4). Exclusively endoparasitic;
(Figure 10.3C). Oral sucker (prohaptor) reduced or
in most, the body consists of an anterior scolex, fol­
absent; posterior hook-bearing sucker (op isthap­
lowed by a short neck, and then a strobila composed
tor) present; ventral sucker (acetabul um) absent;
of a series of "segments" or proglottids, although
gut bi furcate; 3 rows of cil ia on oncomirac i dium
basal taxa are monozoic (not strobilated); digestive
larva; life cycle invo l ves only one host. Most are
tract absent. Previous c lass ifications recognized

several subclasses; until taxonomic uncerta i nty is by a scolex with 4 suckers or bothria and an ap i­
reso lved, we recogn ize 16 orders. cal structure that may have tentacles, cones, or
add itional suckers; l ife cycl es are poorly known
ORDER AMPHILINIDEA Endoparasites in the
by may include molluscs, crustaceans and tele­
guts or coelomic cavities o f cartilagi nous and c e r ­
osts as intermediate hosts. (e.g., Polypocephalus,
tain primitive bony fishes, less commonly i n tur­ Ouadcuspibothrium, Corrugatocephafum)
tles; leaflike bodies, lacking scolex and monozoic
(not strobilated); 10 minute hooks may be present ORDER LITOBOTHRIDEA Intestinal parasites of
at posterior of body i f retai ned from decacanth lamn iform sharks; scolex with ap ical sucker and
larvae that may develop in crustaceans. (e.g., several muscular, cruc i form pseudosegments; l ife
Amphilina; Austramphilina, Gyrometra) cycles are unknown. (e.g., Uthobothr i um)
teleost fishes and occasionally in acipenseriforms to med i um sized intestinal parasites of elasmo­
and amphi bians; body strobilated w ith proglot­ branchs, as well as of freshwater fish, amph ib­
tids wider than long; scolex with a pair of bothria; ians, reptiles, and occasionally mammals; strob ila
occasionally with hooks; life cyc le with 2 3
- hosts, polyzoic, with prog lottids, or with few anapolytic
usually a crustacean first host and a tel eost s ec ­ (non-detaching) proglottids; with lateral, irregu­
ond host. (e.g., Bothriocephalus, Triaenophorus, larly alternating genital pores; scolex often with 4
Polyonchobothrium) muscular bothrid ia, unarmed or with one pair of
hooks; occasionally with a rostellum-like apical
ORDER CARYOPHYLLIDEA Intestinal parasites structure; life cycles include 1 or 2 intermed iate
of cypri niform and siluriform fishes; body mono­ hosts (crustaceans or fish); thi s order has sub­
zoic (not strobilated); scolex often simple; with sumed the former order Proteocephal idea and
2 host life cycles; ol igochaetes as intermed iate part of the Tetraphyllidea. (e.g., Proteocephalus,
hosts. (e.g., Archigetes, Paraglaridacris) Chambriella, Brachyplatysoma, Acanthobothrium,
ORDER CYCLOPHYLLIDEA Intestinal parasites of Ptatybothrium)
birds and mammals; body variab le in size, scolex ORDER PHYLLOBOTHRIIDEA Small to medium
with 4 suckers, rostellum is present may be armed
sized intestinal parasites of sharks, batoids and
or not; most species are hermaphrodites although ratfi sh; strobili polyzoic and with proglottids,
the family Dioecocestidae is gonochoristic); highly scolex often with 4 muscul ar bothridia. (e.g.,
diverse and possibly the most derived order of Calyptrobothrium, Chimaerocestos, Marsupio­
cestodes; life cycles w ith 2-3 hosts with diverse bothrium)
invertebrate and vertebrate species as inter­
mediate and paraten ic hosts. (e.g., Dipylidium, ORDER RHINEBOTHRIIDEA Intestinal parasites
Hymenolepis, Moniezia, Taenia) of freshwater stingrays; scolex often with both­
rid ial stalks. (e.g., Spongiobothrium)
ORDER DIPHYLLIDEA Intestinal parasites of elas­
mobranch fishes; body strobilated with midventral ORDER SPATHEBOTHRIIDEA Intestinal parasites
genital pores; scolex w ith 2 bothria and a cephalic of Chondrichthyes and teleost fishes; body stro­
peduncle; life cycles are poorly known but larva l biliated without external differentiation of proglot­
stages occur in marine crustaceans and mol­ tids; male and female genital pores c lose together
luscs. (e.g., Echinobothrium, Ditrachybothridium) and alternating dorsally and ventrally the length of
the body; with 2 host life cyc les; crustaceans as
ORDER DIPHYLLOBOTHRIIDEA Intestinal para­ intermed iate hosts; progenesis (early maturation)
sites of piscivorous vertebrates, usually mam­ of larvae is widespread. (e.g., Spathobothrium,
mals; body strobilated but w ith variable externa l Bothrimonus)
differentiation; scolex always unarmed, usualty
with paired attachment grooves (bothria); with ORDER TETRABOTHRIIDEA Intestinal para­
2-3 host li fe cycles; copepod crustaceans as first sites of marine horneotherms inhabiting pe lagic
intermediate hosts, second intermed iate hosts ecosystems; body with well-defined strobilation;
within vertebrates. (e.g., Oiphyllobothrium, Ligula, sco lex w ith 4 muscular bothrid ia of variable form;
Spirometra) rostellum lacking; eggs w ith 3 membranes; life
cycles are unknown but are like ly to involve crus­
ORDER GYROCOTYLIDEA Intestinal parasites taceans, cephalopods and teleosts as intermedi­
of ho locephalan fishes although also reported in ate hosts. (e.g., Priapocephafus, Tetrabothrius,
sharks; body stout, monozo ic with a muscular Trigonocotyle)
anterior attachment organ; posterior body termi­
nates in a rosette- like adhesive organ; lateral m a r ­ ORDER TETRAPHYLLIDEA Intestinal parasites
gins often ruffled; li fe cycles are unknown. (e.g., of elasmobranch fishes, rare ly in holocephalan
Gyrocoty/e, Gyrocotyloides) fishes; body strobilated with variable apolysis of
proglott ids; scolex often with 4 muscu lar bothridia
ORDER LECANICEPHALIDEA Small intestinal that vary wide ly in form, often elongate, stalked
parasites of rays and occasionally sharks; although
and with hooks; l ife cycles are poorly known;
probably paraphyletic, species are characterized
but 3-5 hosts are likely and include molluscs,
380 Chapter Ten

crustaceans, teleosts and marine mammals; a ·�- -.

recent molecular analysis has shown this order to
be nonmonophy letic, and genera are being red is ­
tributed to other orders (Onchoproteocephalidea, Ocellus
Phyllobothriidea). (e.g., Rhoptrobothrium, Dino­
ORDER TRYPANORHYCHA Intestinal and stom­
ach parasi tes o f elasmobranch fishes; body
strobilated with latera l gen i ta l pores; scolex with
4 eversible tentacl es each bearing a complex
array of hooks; 2 3 - host life cycles with crusta­
ceans and teleosts and intermediate hosts. (e.g.,
Dasyrhynchus, Halsiorhynchus, Otobothrium)

The Platyhelminth Body Plan Testes

Compared with phyla discussed in preceding chapters,
flatworms display son1e of the most in1portant advanc­ Sperm ducts
es found i11 the anilnal kingdom. l.n many ways, they
Semjna.J vesicle
arethe prototypical. acoelomate bilateria and, accordmg
to some hypotheses, they represent the basic body plan
from which the protostornes were ultimately derived. Cirrus sac
The evolution of the triploblastic condition and b i ­
lateral. symmetry al.n1ost certainly occw-red m concert
with the evolution of sophisticated mternal "plumb­
ing" (organs and organ systems) and the tendency to Longitudinal
centralize and cephalize the nervous system and to de­ nerve
velop specialized w1.its withil1 the nervous system for
sensory, integrative, and motor activities. It is likely
that this first step toward bilaterality took place with
the Xenacoelomorpha (Chapter 9), and progressed
Figure 10.2 A generalized freshwater flatworm (order
with the Platyhelrnmthes. With these features came Tricladida).
unidirectional move1nent and a more active lifestyle
than that of radially symmetrical anilnals. The prilnary
evolutionary advantages of these coinciding changes compounded by the lack of any special structures for
derived chiefly from the ability of these "new" crea­ gas exchange . These problen1s relate, of course, to the
tures to move around more or less freely and thus e x ­ surface-to v - olume dilemma discussed in Chapter 4.
ploit previously unavailable survival strategies. In the absence of circulatory and gas exchange struc­
These strategies can be appreciated by examinmg tures, flatworms (particularly free-living ones) are
the rather complex structural features displayed by the constrained i n terms of size and shape. They have
free-Jiving flatworms (Figure 10.2). The presence of n 1 e ­ remained relatively small and flat, with shapes that
sodern1 allov-7s the formation of a fibrous and muscular mai.ntam short diffusion distances. The largest free-liv­
mesenchyme that provides structural support and al­ ing flah-vorms have highly branched guts that assume
lO\VS patterns of locomotion not possible in diploblas­ much of the responsibility of mternal transport.
ti.c radiates. Elaborate reproductive systen1s evolved Having a high surface-to-volun1e ratio and usil1g
in the platyhelmmths, providing for mternal fertil­ the entire body surface for gas exchange create poten­
ization and enhancing the production of yolky and tial problems of ionic balance and osmoregulation m
encapsulated eggs. Most flatworms have abandoned freshwater and terrestrial species, and of desiccation in
free-swimming larval stages for mixed and direct life intertidal and terrestrial habitats. The permeable body
histories. Osmoregulatory structures in the form of surface must be kept moist; thus, flatworms have in­
protonephridia were most likely mstrumental in the vaded land rarely and mostly m very damp areas, al­
mvasion of fresh water. though a few rhabdocoels, prorhynchids, and several
This body plan is not without constraints, however. parasitic species have developed desiccation-resistant
Higher energy de1nands accompany an active lifestyle. life stages. Flatworms have, however, exploited a vari­
A major limitmg factor for flatworms, fw1ctionally, is ety of marine and freshwater habitats, and are particu­
the absence of an efficient circulatory mechanism to larly successful as parasites and commensals, enjoying
move materials throughout the body. This problem is the benefits of living on or in their hosts.
(A) (B) Oral sucker

Genital pore

(yolk gland) _-I.ill 02
. ,,m

Sperm duct

Ovary Ootype

Laurer's canal �[ Vitellinc duel

Seminal 7'. Excretory
receptacle duct

Paired sperm Anterior testis


Posterior testis

(E) Mouth
Excretory pore


Figure 10.3 Representative flukes. (A,B) Opisthorchis

(= Clonorchis) sinensis, a plagiorchiid trematode that inhab­
The ancestral flatv,orm is thought to have been a its human livers. (C,D) Gyrodactylus (Monogenea), an ecto­
free-living form, from which the present-day catenu• parasite on fishes. (E) Cotylaspis (an aspidogastrid trema•
lode). (F) The human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni (a
lids and rhabditophorans evolved and diversified. The
copulating male and female), a diplostomid fluke and one
flukes and tapeworn1s evolved from within the rhab­ of the few gonochoristic flatworms.
ditophoran assemblage (discussed in more detail later
in this chapter). Thus, in each of the following sections
we first examine the basic features of the free-living
flatworms and set the stage for understanding not only The head is usually ill defined, except for the presence
the diversity within that class but the derivation of the of sense organs. The mouth is often located ventrally,
specialized parasitic taxa as well. either near the middle of the body or more anteriorly,
The anatomy of free-living flatworms, flukes, and though again, there are exceptions (e.g., prorhynchids
tapeworms is shown in Figures 10.2 through 10.6. Free­ whose raptorial mouth i s fully anterior; cestodes who
living flah,vorm species vary in shape from broadly oval have no 1nouth at all). Most flukes (Figure 10.3) are oval
to ribbon-like, and are typically flattened dorsoventral­ o r leaf shaped and bear external attachment organs
ly, although very small ones may be nearly cylindrical. such as hooks and suckers. As their common name
382 Chapter Ten


c: :: .:: .,: :,·;:.. .....· - ---,

(A) (B)
cng proglottids

Sucker� (), Scllex


'"" , ,: ,::":,::,�mw:-
m-,:- l'""
:;., S o ex iiOthilHI�
.. »1'W
· Neck

cJ W:l [ID
_�_-� !. -,--,
,, ..' 0::� :.1
. . Old progloltids
Figure 1 0.4 Representative
cestodes (Cestoda). (A) Taenia
saginata, the beef tapeworm Male pore
(order Cyclophyllidea), has
a tiny scolex and proglottids
that increase in size poste­
riorward. (8) Echinococcus
granu/osus, another cyclophyl­
lid tapeworm that normally
inhabits the digesti ve tracts
of dogs and other canines. If
the free larval stage invades
humans, however, it migrates

1F-8f---Lateral . .,
to various organs and forms
permanent cysts (called hyda•
nerve cord
. : :;.

tid cysts). Such conditions f,;

frequently cause serious t i s ­
sue damage and may result in
death, especially if the central
nervous system is affected.
Echinococcus is particularly
interesting because the body
(strobila) compr ises only three
prog lottids. (C) Gyrocotyle fim­
briata, (order Gyrocotylidea).

suggests, the tapevvorms are typically elongate and rib­ of certain features of the life cycle. They may represent
bon-Like (Figure 10.4). Their anterior end forms a tiny the primitive, prestrobilation body plan of the Cestoda.
scolex, modified for attachment within the host; the rest
of the body is essentially a reproductive machine. Body Wall
Tapeworms live in the guts of vertebrates. Most Free-living fl atworms The body waU of these species
species belong to the Cestoda and possess three dis­ is multilayered and complex (Figure 10.5). The epider­
tinguishable regions of the body. The scolex serves for mis i s composed of a wholly or partially ciliated, syncy­
attachment and is usua.U y armed vvith hooks and suck­ tiaJ or cellular epithelium, with gland cells and sensory
ers. Immediately behind the scolex is a short region nerve endings distributed in various patterns. Beneath
called the neck, followed by an elongated, segmented the epidermis is a basement membrane, which is often
trunk, or strobila, consisting of individual proglottids. thick enough to lend some structural support to the
The proglottids bud (strobilate) from a gernunal zone body. 1n Catenulida and Macrostomida, the basement
in the neck (or at the base of the scolex vvhen a neck is n1embrane is apparently absent, but this condition is
absent). As new proglottids arise, older ones move p o s ­ viewed as secondarily derived. Internal to the base­
teriorly and mature, become inseminated, and fill with ment membrane are smooth muscle cells, frequently
embryos. StrobiJation in tapeworms is thus not by way arranged in rather loosely organized outer circular,
of teloblastic growth (discussed in Chapters 14 and 20), middle diagonal, and inner longitudinal layers. The
and it is clearly not homologous to the true segmenta­ area between the body wall and the internal organs is
tion seen in annelids and arthropods. usuaUy filled with a mesenchyme (often called a paren­
Tapeworms in the orders Amphilinidea and ch yme) that includes a variety of loose and fixed cells,
Gyrocotylidea are somewhat flukelike in appearance. muscle fibers, and connective tissue. Many macrosto­
They lack a scolex, and the body is not divided into morphans appear to lack a cellular mesenchyme.
proglottids. They are placed within the Cestoda be­ The gland cells of the body wall are generally de­
cause o f the absence of a digestive tract and because rived from ectoderm. When mature, many of these
Gland cell

Bas.ii bodies
of cilia



Circular muscles

Figure 10.5 Rhabdocoelan epidermis and body wall

structure. (A) Epidermis of the polyclad Thysanozoon
brocchii. (B) Body wall and cellular epidermis of the triclad Diagonal Dorsoventral
Geoplana. muscles muscles Longitudinal muscles

cells lie in the mesenchyme with a "neck" extending so1ne ectoco1nmensaJ forn1s (e.g., Bdellourn triclads
between epidermal cells to the body surface. These and various temnocephalid dalytyphloplanids; Figure
cells produce mucous secretionsthat serve a number of 10.6) these adhesive glands are associated with special
functions. In semiterrestrial and intertidal flatworms, plates or suckers for attachment to the host.
the mucus forms a moist covering that provides pro­ In most f r e e l-iving flatworms epidermal and sub­
tection from desiccation and aids in gas exchange. epidermal cells produce structures called rhabdoids
Most benthic flatworms possess a
ventral concentration of mucous
(A) (B) Tentacle
gland cells that secrete a slime
that aids in locomotion. Mucous
secretion around the mouth aids Ovaries
in prey capture and swallowing. '·
Other gland cells or complexes
of cells provide granules con­
taining adhesives for temporary
attachment, as well as granules
that break the attachment, oc­
curring several times per sec­
-.::::,,\--,i;i�Yolk gland
ond. Such duo-gland adhesion
systems (often involving a third
cell type that provides struc­
tural support) are widespread in Testis
free-living flatworms and other . . .,
phyla with sin,ilar lifestyles. In '·.1
receptacle •

Figure 10.6 Two symbiotic
euneoophoran flatworms with
adhesive attachment organs.
(A) Bdelloura candida, a triclad l�f-,,!..:::,.. Posterior branches
ectocommensal on horseshoe of intestine Penis
crabs (Limulus). (B) Temnocephala
Adhesive disc
caeca, a rhabdocoel ectocommen­
sal on Phreatoicopis terrico/a (a
f r e s hw
- ater isopod). Caudal adhesive disc
384 Chapter Ten

(A) (8)



Main body of
tegumental cell

Figure 1 0 .7 (A) The tegument and underlying body wall
of a plagiorchiid fluke (Fasciola hepatica; longitudinal sec­
tion). (B) The tegument and body wall of a cestode (cross
section). platyhelminths are no exception. Unlike the free-living
flatworms, flukes and tapeworms possess an exter­
nal covering called a tegument, formed of nonciliated
(Figure 10.58}. These rod-shaped cellular inclusions cytoplasmic extensions of large cells whose cell bod­
produce mucus when moved to the surface of the epi­ ies actually lie in the mesenchyme (Figure 10.7). The
thelium. Some other phyla (e.g., Xenacoelomorpha, extensions fuse their margins such that the outer sur­
Gastrotricha, Nemertea, Annelida) have similar, but face of the ,vorm forms a functional syncytium. The
probably convergently-evolved secretory cellular b o d ­ tegument not only provides son1e protection but also
ies. The mucus aids in ciliary gliding and also may is an important site of exchange between the body and
help protect animals from desiccation and from preda­ the environment. Gases and nitrogenous wastes move
tors. Rhabdoids that are produced by gland ceUs in the across this surface b y diffusion, and son1e nutrients,
epidermis or mesenchyme are called rhabdites. These especially amino acids, are taken in by pinocytosi.s. In
structures can reach the body surface through intercel­ tapeworms, the uptake of nutrients occurs solely across
lular spaces in the epidermis (Figure 10.SA). They also the body wall, and the surface area of the tegument
contribute to mucus production and, in some species, is greatly increased by 1nany tiny folds called micro­
release noxious chen1icals for defense. Rhabdites are triches (Figure 10.7B). As one of nature's more remark­
diagnostic of the huge flatworm clade (subphylum) able adaptations, these folds may interdigitate with the
Rhabditophora. Somewhat similar structures, called intestinal microvilli of the host organjsm and aid in the
"false rhabdites," have been described from the other absorption of nutrients.
main flatworn1 clade (subphylun1) Catenulidea, but The nature of the tegument in flukes and tape­
they may not be hon1ologous to those of Rhabditophora. worn1s is viewed by some zoologists as unique and
Some species of f r e e l-iving flatworms (e.g., m a c ­ of major phylogenetic importance. The larvae of these
roston1ids, proseriates, polyclads) have prominent tu­ parasitic worms have a "normal" ciliated epider­
bercles covering the dorsal surface and these probably mis over at least part of their bodies. However, this
also have a defensive role. In some species, unfired epidermis is shed, and postlarval stages develop a
nematocysts from hydroid prey are transported to the new, syncytial body covering-the neodermis. This
tubercles. In others, sum as species of Thysnnozoon, the phenomenon appears to be a unique synapomorphy
tubercles appear to release a powerful acid that may uniting the Monogenea, Trematoda, and Cestoda as a
deter would-be predators. monophyletic taxon that Ehlers named Neodermata
(in reference to the "new skin" of these animals), an
Flukes and tapeworms Modifications of the outer hypothesis that is now substantiated by several mo­
body covering are common among parasites, and lecular phylogenetic analyses.

The tegument/neodermis is underlain by a base­ careous plates or spicules are embedded in the body
ment men1bra11e, beneath which is the n1esenchyme. wall (Figure 10.lL). Body support in all other flat­
Most flukes and tapeworms have circular and longitu­ worms is provided by the hydrostatic qualities of the
dinal muscles within the mesenchyme, and sometimes mesenchyme, the elasticity of the body wall, and the
diagonal, transverse, and dorsoventral muscles as general body musculature.
well. The mesenchyme varies from masses of densely Most free-living, benthic species n1ove on their ven­
packed cells to syncytial and fibrous networks with flu­ tral surface by cilia-po\vered gliding. Mucus provides
id-filled spaces. In some digenean flukes (Trematoda: lubrication as the animal moves and serves as a vis­
orders Diplostomida and Plagiorchiida), spaces form cous mediun1 against which the cilia act. Some of the
vessels through the mesenchyme called lymphatic larger or more elongate forms also use muscular c o n ­
channels, which contain free cells that have been l i k ­ tractions. The ventral surface of the body is thro,vn into
ened to lymphocytes. The mesenchyme also contains a series of alternating transverse furrows and ridges
gland cells with connections to the surface of the body that move as waves along the aninlal, propelling it for­
through the tegument. These gland cells are few in ward. Muscular undulations of the lateral body mar­
number compared with those of free-living flatwonns, gins allow some large polyclads to sv.,im for brief p e ­
and they are prin1arily adhesive in nature and associ­ riods of time. Muscular action allows the body to twist
ated with certain organs of attachment. and turn, providing steerage. Some interstitial forms
One of the least explored yet 1nost interesting a t ­ are highly elongate a11d use the body wall muscles to
tributes of tapeworms, and indeed of all intestinal slither between sand grains. Many of these types of
parasites, is their ability t o thrive in an environment flatworms possess adhesive glands, the secretions of
of hydrolytic enzymes without being digested. In ad­ ,vhicll provide temporary stickiness and enable the
dition to constant replacement of the outer tegument animals to gain purchase and leverage as they move.
by underlying cells, one popular hypothesis is that gut Adult flukes lack external cilia, and their movement
parasites produce enzyn-1e inhibitors (sometin1es called depends on their body wall n1uscles or on the body flu­
"antienzymes"). One study showed that Hy111enolepis ids of their host. Some move about slowly on or within
dimi1111ta (a common tapeworm in rats and mice) releas­ their host by muscle action, and a few (e.g., blood Aukes)
es proteins that appear to inhibit h·ypsin activity. This are carried in the host's circulatory system. However,
tapeworn1 can also regulate the pH of its immediate en­ certain larval stages are highly n1otile and do swin1
vironment to about 5.0 by excreting organic acids; this using ciliary action. Once established within or on a
acidic output may also inhibit the activity of trypsin. host, it is usually advantageous for a fluke to stay more
or less in one place. In that regard, nearly all of them are
Support, Locomotion, and Attachment equipped \Vith external organs for temporary or perma­
Only a very few flatworms possess any sort of special nent attacrunent (Figures 10.3C and 10.8). Monogenean
skeletal elements. In a few free-living species, tiny cal- flukes typically have an anterior and a posterior adhe­
sive organ called the prohaptor and the opisthaptor, re­
spectively. The prohaptor consists of a pair of adhesive
(A) ,.--, ./ Buccal sucker structures, one on each side of the 1nouth, bearing suck­
Y" (prohaptor) ers or simple adhesive pads. The opisthaptor is usually
O the major organ of attachment, and includes one or more
well developed suckers with hooks or claws.
The digenean flukes possess two hookless suckers.
One, the oral sucker, surrolmds the 1nouth, and the

(C) (D)



Figure 10.8 Some attachment organs of monogenean

flukes. (A) Anoptocotytoides papillata. (B,C) Opisthaptors
from monogenean flukes. {D) An unidentified fluke with
suckered prohaptor and elaborate opisthaptor.
386 Chapter Ten

(A) (B) (C)


,'· Suckers

(D) (El


Cepha/obothri11111) the anterior end bears a protrusible

sucker, or adhesive pad, called a myzorhynchus. The
rest of the scolex bears various suckers or sucker-like
structures and sometimes hooks or spines. There are
three categories of adhesive suckers upon whjch ordi­
Figure 10.9 Scoleces of various cestodes. (A) Typical nal and subordinal classification of cestodes is partially
scolex with rostellum, hooks, and suckers (Taenia solium). based. Bothria are elongate, longitudinal grooves on
(B) Complex scolex with suckered myzorhynchus and the scolex. They possess weak muscles but are capable
leaf l ike bothridia (Myzophyllobothrium). (C-F) Photos of of some sucking action. Bothria occur as a single pair
four different scoleces. and are typical of the orders Diphyllobothriidea (e.g.,
Diphyllobothri11111) and Bothriocephalidea. Members
other, the acetabulum, is located elsewhere on the v e n ­ of the nonmonophyletic order Tetraphyllidea (e.g.,
tral surface (Figure 10.36). These suckers are usually Acanthobothriu,11, Phyllobothrir1111) bear four syrrunetri­
supplied with adhesive gland cells, although the well­ cally placed bothridia arow1d the scolex. These foli­
developed ones operate on suction produced ose structures are often equipped with suckers at their
by muscle action. The aspidogastrean flukes lack an anterior ends. The third and most familiar type of at­
oral sucker but have a large, subdjvided ventral sucker tachn1ent structures on the scolex are true suckers,
(Figure 10.3E). or acetabula. They are identical in structure and are
Adult tapeworms (Cestoda) do not move arow1d probably ho1nologous t o the acetabula of digenean
much, but they are capable of muscular undulations of tren1atodes. There are usually four acetabula, placed
the body. They remain fixed to the host's intestinal wall symmetrically around the circumference of the scolex.
by the scolex (or, in the case of members of the cestode They are characteristic of many me1nbers of the order
order Amphilirudea, by an anterior adhesive organ) Cyclophyllidea (e.g., Dipylidi11111, Taenin).
and by the nucrotriches. The details of scolex anatomy
(Figure 10.9) are extremely variable and have great Feeding and Digestion
importance in the taxonomy of tapeworms. The tip of Free-living flatworms Most species are carnivorous
the scolex in many cestodes (e.g., Taenia) is equipped predators or scavengers, feedjng on nearly any avail­
1,vith a movable hook-bearing rostellum, which is able ani.n1al matter, or in the case of very small species,
sometimes retractable into the scolex. In others (e.g., on bacteria or fungi in biofi.lms. A few are herbivorous

on microalgae, and son1e species switch from herbivory

to carnivory as they mature. Their prey includes almost
any invertebrate s1nall enough to be captured and
ingested (e.g., protists, small crustaceans, worms, tiny
gastropods). Some species graze on sponges, ectoprocts,
and tunicates, and some consume the flesh of barnacles, Sperm duct
leaving behind the empty shell. Most free-living flat­
Testis ;'
worms locate food by chemoreception. Land planarians
capture and consun1e earthworms (e.g., 8ipnli11111), land Yolk
snails (e.g., Plntydes111us, Endenvourin), and insects (e.g., gland
Rhynchode1n11s, Microplnnn). Plntydesmus 111n11okwnri, the
6.5 cm long "New Guinea flatworm," is a highly inva­ .,
sive species that is a threat for endemic terrestrial mol­
luscs; it has invaded throughout the Pacific, as weU as in
Europe, the Caribbean, and most recently Florida (USA).
More than 100 species of free-living flatworms are
receptacle .. Ejaculatory
known to be symbiotic with other invertebrates. Some
of these are simply conunensals that derive son1e p r o ­
tection fron1 their associations, showing only physical
modifications for temporary attachment. Others, how­
ever, feed upon their hosts, causing various degrees of
damage and displaying true physiological dependency
in the relationship. While we can devote space to men­
tioning only a few examples of syn1biotic f r e e l-iving
Figure 10.10 Syndesmis, a rhabdocoel from the gut of
flatworms, recognition of these situations is of consid­ a sea urchin.
erable importance. First, it emphasizes the evolution­
ary adaptability of the flatworm body plan; and sec­
ond, it provides some essential foundation for our later The digestive systen1 of the f r e e -living flatworms
discussion of the origins of the flukes and tapeworms. includes a mouth and a pharynx, which lead to an
(For an excellent survey of the symbiotic free-Jiving intestine, or enteron. Like that of cnidarians and
flatworn1s, see Jennings 1980). Xenacoelon1orpha, the free-living flatworm gut is i n ­
Most of the symbiotic f r e e -living flatworms belong complete, bearing a single opening, and thus may be
to the intraclass Rhabdocoela. Species in the family called a gastrovascular cavity. The 1nouth varies in
Temnocephalidae (Figure 10.6B) are ectocommensals position from midventral to anterior. The pharynx i s
within the branchial chambers of freshwater decapod derived from embryonic ectoderm (i.e., it i s stomo­
crustaceans, where they feed on microorganisms in deal) and lined with epidermis. Epithelial pharyngeal
the host's gas exchange currents. Temnocephalids glands are associated with the lumen of the pharynx;
also occur on aquatic insects, molluscs, turtles, they produce mucus that aids in feeding and swallow­
and a few other kinds of hosts. Several families of ing, and (in some species) proteolytic enzymes that ini­
Dalytyphloplanida include syo1biotic members. For tiate digestion outside the body.
example, Syndesmis live witlcin the gut and coelomic The feeding n1ethods of free-living flatworms vary
fluid of echinoids, where they feed on protists and with the size of the animal and the complexity of their
bacteria, and some may devour cells of their hosts food-getting apparatus, especially the pharynx. As
(Figure 10.10). The genera Grnffilln and Pnrnvortex noted in the classification scheme, the nature of the
include several species of parasites in the diges­ pharynx varies greatly among taxa. There are thi-ee
tive tracts of gastropod and bivalve molluscs, where basic pharynx types among the free-living flah-vorms:
they derive nutrients from the host tissues. Members simple, bulbous, and plicate (Figures 10.11 and 10.12).
of the family Fecampiidae (Fecn111pia, Kronborgia, A sin1ple pharynx (or pharynx simplex) is a short,
Gln11d 11/oden11n) are parasites in marine crustaceans ciliated tube connecting the mouth and intestine (Figure
and certain polychaete worms, where they reside in 10.12). This type of pharynx has been considered ple­
the host's body fluids and absorb soluble organic nu­ siomorphic within the phylum Platyhelminthes and
trients. Non-rhabdocoelan symbiotic species include i s found in the orders Macrostomida and Catenulida.
the triclad Bdellourn (Figure 10.6A), an ectocommen­ In all members of these orders, the pharynx leads to a
sal on the gills of Li11111/11s, the horseshoe crab. At least simple saclike or elongate intestine generally lacking
two polyclads live and feed on coral (Prosthiosto11111m extensive diverticula. Free-living flatworn1s with a sim­
on Hawaiian Montiporn; A111nk11snplann ncroporne on ple tubular pharynx are generally quite small, vvith the
Australian Acroporn). mouth located more or less midventrally. They usually
388 Chapter Ten

(A) (D) Hooks Retractor muscles

Neorhabdocoela Simple saclike gut

'°� - --�

�=��1/ - Yr
�:; ;

Pharyngeal Bulbous
muscles pharynx
� muscles
' <.. 7"'
.. . .
. '-'. ·a .


(sheath) plicate

Polycladida Intestine

Figure 10.11 (A-C) The pharynges of three tree­

liv ing flatworms (sagittal sections). (D) The pro­
Pharyngeal cavity boscis apparatus (sagittal section) of the rhab­
Rufned docoel Gnathorhynchus (order Kalyptorhynchia).
plicate (E) Cheliplana, another rhabdocoel (order
pharynx Ka lyptorhynch ia), with jawed proboscis extended
(top right).


feed by sweeping small organic particles and tiny prey Gut

into the pharynx by ciliary action. Those with an ever­
sible pharynx usually fold their body around the prey
or other food source and cover it with mucus from the
epidermal glands. Then the pharynx is everted over or
into the food item.
Some free-living flatworms, especially triclads, s e ­
crete digestive enzymes externally via special glands
that empty through the pharyngeal lumen or from the
tip of the pharynx. The food is partially digested and Simple pharynx
reduced to a soupy consistency prior to swallowing. Figure 1 0.1 2 Sagittal section through anterior end of
Many other species swallow their food whole by the Macrostomum (Macrostomorpha), which has a simple
action of po1Nerfu1 pharyngeal muscles. tubular pharynx.

(A) (8) (C)

, '

cavity gut

plicate pharynx

Figure 10.13 Pharynx type and gut shape combina­

tions among free-living flatworms. (A) Rhabdocoela. i s 1nultibranched with diverticula (Figure 10.13B,C).
(B) Tricladida. (C) Polycladida. These ramifications of the intestine provide not only
an increased surface area for digestion and absorption,
but also are a means of distributing the products of
Rhabdocoels typically possess a slightly protractile, digestion through the relatively large body in the ab­
muscular, bulbous pharynx and a simple saclike gut sence of a circulatory system. The lining of the intestine
(Figure 10.13A). Members of the Proseriata, Triclaclida, is a single cell layer of phagocytic nutritive cells and
and Polyclaclida have eversible plicate pharynges. The enzyn1atic gland cells (Figure 10.14). In some groups,
eversible portion of a plicate pharynx lies within a the gastroderrnis is ciliated.
space called the pharyngeal cavity, which is produced In most free-living flatworms, initial digestion is e x ­
by a muscular fold of the body wall (Figures 10.11 and tracellular, mediated by endopept.idases secreted from
10.13). the pharyngeal glands or from enzymatic gland cells
Proseriates and triclads possess cylindrical plicate within the intestine. The partially digested n1aterial is
pharynges oriented along the body axis. Most poly­ clistributed throughout the gut, then phagocytized by
clads have a ruffled, skirtlike plicate pharynx attached the intestinal cells, wherein final (intracellular) diges­
dorsally within the pharyngeal cavity. During feeding, tion occurs. There are, however, some notable excep­
a plicate pharynx is protruded by a squeezing action tions to this sequence. Bowen (1980) described an in­
of extrinsic pharyngeal muscles. Once extended, the teresting phagocytic process in the freshwater tridad
pharynx can be moved about by intrinsic muscles of its Polycelis tenuis. Follo1v, ing the ingestion of tiny food
wall. Retractor muscles pull the pharynx back inside
the cavity.
Active prey can b e subdued in several ways. Some
free-living flatworms produce mucus, which, in ad­
dition t o entangling the prey, may contain narcotic or
poisonous chen1icals such as A few flat­
worms use the sharp stylet of the copulatory organ
to stab prey and even to introduce venon1; one c a n ­
not help but concede the remarkable adaptive capac­
ity of the flatworms. Members of the Kalyptorhynchia
/_-�- �
· '.,,.�' ,f,: �)· -.(cil'-1,-. :::-----
.,t. \
Phagocyt ic nutritive cell
(Rhabdocoela) are unique among free-living flatworms t,
-VS/7 �•1--...,I �

in their possession of a n1uscular proboscis that is sit­ Gut lumen

uated at the anterior end of the body and is separate
from the mouth (Figure 10.11D,E); the proboscis, vvhicll
in some species is armed ,,vith hooks, can be everted to
Enzymatic gland cell
grab prey.
Most of the free-living flatworms that possess a pli­
cate pharynx are relatively large, especially the triclads
and the polyclads. Associated vvith large body size
is an elaboration of the intestine. As the names imply,
the triclad intestine comprises three main branches, Figure 10.14 The gut lining (partial cross secti on) of a
one anterior and two posterior, each with numer­ freshwater triclad contains enzymatic gland cells and
ous diverticula, ,,vhereas the intestine of polyclads phagocytic nutritive cells.
390 Chapter Ten

Mouth 10.15). The lliling of the ceca in.eludes absorptive nutri­

i._,_,_Oral sucker tive cells and enzymatic gland cells. Digestion is at least
partly extracellular. Some flukes secrete enzymes from
� Pharynx
the gut out the mouth, or from the suckers, to partially
) digest host tissue prior to ingestion.
\ -8ophagus
Cestodes lack any vestige of a n1outh or digestive
tract. All nutrients must be taken mto the body across
the tegument. Uptake probably occurs by pmocytosis
and by diffusion across the increased surface area of
tlle microtriches. Some work suggests that tapeworms
are w1able to take in large molecules and thus rely to a
considerable extent on the digestive processes of their
hosts and the secretion of enzymes outside their bodies
to chemically reduce the size of potential nutrient ma­
Nephridioduct terial. It has also been proposed that the surface of the
scolex may absorb host tissue fluids through the site of
attachment to tlle gut wall.
Many parasites, in nun1erous phyla, have been
.£----Flame bulb
shown to alter the behavior of their hosts il1 ways that
/f - are beneficial to themselves, usually by causing the
host to position itself such that the odds of success in
'( �der the next stage in the parasite's life cycle is improved.
Excretory pore Parasitic platyhelminths are no exception. For example,
Figure 10.15 Gut and protonephridial system of Micro­ larvae of the trematode, Micropha//11s pnpillorobustus,
phallus (order Plagiorchiida; see also Figure 10.3). In encyst il1 the nervous systems of two species of amphi­
most monogenean flukes, the protonephridial ducts are pods (Gnm111ar11s spp.). There, they induce photophilia
separate and terminate anteriorly in separate pores. in animals that are usually photophobic.Consequently,
mfected amphipods are more than twice as Likely as
Lminfected animals to b e eaten by seagulls (a poten­
particles or the preliminary extracellular digestion tial fmal host). When the cestode £11.bothri11111 snlve/ini
of larger food, the intestinal phagocytic cells extend reaches the developmental. stage vvhere it is infective to
processes into the gut lumen, nearly occluding the di­ the fil1al host (brook trout, Snlvelinusfrontinalis), its in­
gestive cavity. These processes interdigitate to forn1 termediate host-the copepod Cyclops vernalis-begms
a complex web, forcing food material into the phago­ to swim more often tllan normal, makmg it more Like to
cytes, where digestion is completed. be eaten by the fish. The beetle, Tribolium co11fus11111, is
Since flatworn1s generally lack a through gut, any intermediate host to the tapeworm Hymenolepis dimin11-
undigested material must be expelled through the tn. Evidence suggests the beetle might be more attract­
mouth. As discussed in Chapter 4, the major limita­ e d to rat feces that contain the cestode's eggs than to
tion of single-opening guts is the restriction on region­ uninfected feces. The same may be true of cockroach­
al specialization. However, an incipient anus occurs es (Periplnnetn m11ericn11a) confronted with tlle feces of
in several flatworms, suggesting that evolutionary rats parasitized by the acanthocephalan Mo11ilifor111is
"experilnentation" with a complete gut began il1 this 111oniliformis.
group. One macrostomorphan, Hnplophnn;nx rostrn/11s,
possesses a minute anal pore, and some polyclads have Circulation and Gas Exchange
pores at the ends of gut branches; son1e proseriatians As mentioned earHer, except for the lymphatic chan­
(e.g., Tabaota) n1ay forn1 a temporary anus. nels in son1e flukes, flatworn1s lack special circulato1y
or gas exchange structures. This condition imposes re­
Flukes and flatworms Adult flukes feed on host tis­ strictions on size and shape. The key to survival with
sues and fluids 01� in some cases, material within the such limitations and a generally solid mesenchyme is
host's gut. Most of the food is taken in through the the maintenance of small diffusion distances. Thus, the
mouth by a pumpmg action of the muscular pharynx, flatness of their bodies facilitates gas exchange across
but some organic molecules are picked up across the the body wall, between the tissues and the environ­
tegument by pinocytosis.The anterior part of the diges­ ment; nutrients are distributed internally by the diges­
tive systen1 mcludes a mouth, a n1uscular pharynx, tive system and by diffusion, which is aided by general
and a short esophagus. The esophagus leads to a pair body movements.
of intestinal ceca (occasionally, a single cecum), which The endoparasitic flatworms are capable of surviv­
extend(s) posteriorly il1 the body (Figures 10.3 and ing il1 areas of their host where oxygen is absent. In

(A) {B) Figure 1 0.16 (A) The protonephri d ial

system in a freshwater triclad. (B) The
Protonephridial --4H nephridial arrangement in a rhabdo­
network coel that has anucleate flame bulbs
Ciliory attached to collecting tubules.


To nephridiopore

such cases, they rely on anaerobic metabolisn1, pro­ that run the length of the body (Figures 10.15 and
ducing a variety of reduced end products (e.g., lactate, 10.17). Although son1e variation in plumbing occurs,
succinate, alanine, and long-chain fatty acids). Most of the ventral ducts are typicaHy connected to one another
these adaptable animals also possess the appropriate by transverse tubules near the posterior end of each
enzymes for and are capable of aerobic respiration in proglottid. In relatively young worms that have not
the presence of oxygen. lost any proglottids (see the section on Reproduction
and Development), the excretory ducts lead to a c o l ­
Excretion and Osmoregulation lecting bladder in the most posterior proglottid. Once
One of the major advances of flatworms over diploblas­ this terminal proglottid is lost, the nephridioducts
tic animals is the development of protonephridia (see open separately to the outside on the posterior margin
Chapter 4 for a review of nephridia among Metazoa). of the remaining hindmost proglottid.
These structures occur in all free-living flatworms e x ­ There is still rnuch to be learned about the proto­
cept some marine catenulids and consist of flame bulbs nephridia of cestodes. They probably function both in
that may occur singly (as they do in some catenulids)
or in pairs (from one to 1nany pairs in different taxa).
The protonephridia are connected to networks of col­
lecting tubules that lead to one or more nephridiopores
(Figure 10.16). Protonephridia in free-living flatworms
function prin1arily as osmoregulatory structures. Genital opening
Freshwater species tend to have n1ore protoneph1·idia
and more complex tubule systerns than do their marine
counterparts. Although a small amount of ammonia is
released via the protonephridia, most metabolic wastes longitudinal
are lost by diffusion across the body wall. excretory ducts
Flukes also possess variable numbers of flan1e bulb Proglottids
protonephridia. Two nephridioducts drain the ne­
phridia and lead to a storage area, or bladder, which
in turn connects with a single posterior nephridiopore
in the digenean flukes, or a pair of anterior pores in the
monogenean types (Figure 10.15). Nitrogenous waste Ventrolateral longitudinal
in the form of ammonia i s excreted largely across the excretory ducts
tegu1nent. As in free-living flatworms, the protone­
phridia of flukes are primarily osmoregulatory. Posterior
Tapeworms possess numerous flame bulb protone­
phridia throughout the body. The flame bulbs drain to Figure 10.17 The arrangement of major protonephridial
pairs of dorsolateral and ventrolateral nephridioducts ducts in a cestode proglottid (ventral view).
392 Chapter Ten

excretion and osmoregulation. They may also serve to Son1e are knov.rn to home in on concentrations of dis­
eliminate certain organic acid products of anaerobic solved chemicals associated with poten ti al food.
cellular metabolisn1. Some experimental work indi­ Others, such as D11gesia, hunt by waving the head back
cates that tapeworms are capable of precipitating and and forth as they crawl forward, exposing the auricles
storing some waste products within their proglottids. to any chemical stimulus in their path. When exposed
to diffuse chemical attractants, some free-living f l a t ­
Nervous System and Sense Organs worms begin a trial-and-error behavior pattern. If un­
F r e e -living flatworms The nervous system of these able to determine the direction of the attractant, the
species varies from a simple netlike nerve plexus with worm begins moving in a straight line. If the stimulus
only a minor concentration of neurons i n the head weakens, the animal makes apparently random turns
(similar to that seen in the phylum Xenacoelomorpha), w1til i t encounters sufficient stimulus, then moves to­
to a distinctly bilateral arrangement with a well-devel­ ward it. This behavior can eventually bring the ani­
oped cerebral ganglion and longitudinal nerve cords mal near enough t o the food source to home in on it
connected by transverse commissures (Figure 10.18}. directly. Some species orient to water moven1ents by
The more advanced condition is referred to as a ladder­ rheoreceptors located on the sides of the head (Figure
like nervous system. Even many of those species that 10.180).
possess distinctly centralized nervous systems have Statocysts are common in certain flatworms, no­
a plexus formed by the repeated branching of nerve tably in members of the Catenulida and Proseriata.
endings (e.g., polyclads). In general, larger flatwonns These groups include mostly sv.•irnming and intersti­
show an increasing concentration of the peripheral tial forms in which orientation t o gravity cannot be ac­
nerves into fewer and fewer longitudinal cords and an complished by touch. When present, tile statocyst is
accumulation of neurons in the head as an associative usually located on or near the cerebral ganglion. Ehlers
center or cerebral ganglion. Furthern1ore, they show a (1991) presents details on the ultrastructure of some
tendency to separate the elements of the nervous s y s ­ flatworn1 statocysts.
tem into distinct sensory and motor pathways and to Most free-living flatworms possess photorecep­
develop a circuitry that operates primarily on unidirec­ tors in the form of inverted pign1ent-cup ocelli (Figure
tional impulse transmission. 10.18E). A few macros tomids possess simple piginent­
The nervous system and sense organs of free-living spot ocelli, which are presun1ed to be primitive with­
flatworms appear to have been elaborated in associa­ in the flatworms. Many species bear a single pair of
tion with bilateral symmetry and unidirectional move­ ocelli on the head; but some, such as certain polyclads
ment. The result is a general concentration of sense o r ­ and terrestrial triclads, may have many pairs of eyes.
gans at the anterior end of the body and an elaboration In a few terrestrial forms (e.g., Geoplana mexicana) and
of those receptor types that are compatible with these many of the large tropical polyclads, nwnerous eyes
animals' lifestyle. Tactile receptors are abundant over extend along the edges of the body. Most free-living
much of the body surface as sensory bristles projecting species are negatively phototactic. The dorsal place­
fron1 the epidermis. These receptors tend to be c o n ­ ment of the eyes and the orientation of the pigment
centrated a t the anterior end and around the pharynx. cups facilitate the detection of light direction as well
Benthic free-living flatworms orient to the substratum as intensity.
by touch; they are positively thigmotactic ventrally and Larvae of the polyclad flatworm Pse11doceros ca­
negatively thiginotactic dorsally. nadensis possess two dissinular kinds of eyes. The dght
Most free-living flatworms are equipped with c h e ­ eye appears to be microvillar (i.e., rhabdomeric), but
moreceptors that aid in food location. Although sensi­ the left one has components of both microvillar and
tive over most of the body, free-living flatworms have ciliary origin (Eakin and Brandenberger 1980). The
distinct concentrations of chemoreceptors anteriorly, histories of these two eye types were noted in Chapter
particularly on the sides of the head. Some fonns, such 4. The discovery of both types of eyes in a flatworm
as the familiar freshwater planarians, and prorhyn­ larva suggests to son1e researcl1ers the possibility that
chidans have the chemoreceptors located in flaplike this animal stands at a major point of evolutionary
processes called auricles on the head (Figures 10.2 and divergence.
10.18C), whereas others have these sense organs in cili­ Neurosecretory cells have been known in free-living
ated pits, on tentacles, or distributed over much of the flatworms for more than three decades, and work con­
anterior end of the body. The epithelium bearing the tinues on exploring their functions. These special cells
chemoreceptors is often ciliated and frequently forms are generally located in the cerebral ganglion, but they
depressions or grooves. The cilia are the receptor or­ also occur along major nerve cords in at least so1ne spe­
ganelles, but also circulate water, thus facilitating sen­ cies. Neurosecretions play important roles in regenera­
sory input from the environment. tion, asexual reproduction, and gonad maturation in
The utilization of chemoreception in locating food free-living species that could serve as models for un­
has been demonstrated in many free-living flatworms. derstanding similar functions in parasitic species.

(A) Anterior continuation

of ventral nerve cord
- Auri cle

ganglion Commissures

'· ,...,
-· ·-·.
... . .
/ I
-•· •-
Optic nerve Ocellus
Pharynx Lateral cord Dorsal cord Cerebral ganglion
Ventrolateral cord

Lateral cord (F)

Ventral cord
Dorsal cord

Ring commissures



� �
Figure 1 0.18 Rhabdocoelan nervous systems
"X��)"',,,,;:, •
.,. • --·
,f. -···· - ,~ .•i"'
- .... ..{!,+,_--::,..'_. and sense organs. (A) The ladderl ike nervous
::JJ •._
system of the rhabdocoel Bothrioplana. (B) The
nervous system of the polyclad Planocera.
e (CJ The cerebral ganglion and associated nerves
I (' I' •
in the tr iclad Crenobia. (D) The anterior end
(cross section) of the rhabdocoel Mesostoma,
showing tactile, chemo-, and rheoreceptors.
(E) Retinular cells Epidermis
(Rheoreceptors detect water movements over
the surface of the animal.) (E) A typical f r e e l-iving
flatworm inverted pigment cup ocellus (section).
(F) An interstitial free-l iving flatworm with a dis­
tinct statocyst and numerous anterior sensory

-Pigment cup
394 Chapter Ten

Flukes and tapewonns The nervous system of flukes Scolex Rostellar nerve ring
is distinctly ladder!ike and very similar to that in n1any
free-living flatworms (Figure 10.19). The cerebral g a n ­
glion comprises two well-defined lobes connected by
a dorsal transverse commissure. Nerves from the cere­
bral ganglion extend anteriorly to supply the area of Nerve ring
the mouth, adhesive organs, and any cephalic sense
organs. Extending posteriorly from the cerebral gan­
glion are up to three pairs of longitudinal nerve cords
with transverse connectives. A pair of ventral cords
is usually 1nost well developed, and dorsal cords are L--j-Laleral
present in the digenean flukes. Most flukes also have a nerve cord
pair of lateral nerve cords. Transverse
LJ� •--{---Ventral
nerve cord
The suckers of flukes bear tactile receptors in the
l 1� .-j -,\I;--Dorsal
form of bristles and small spines. There is also some IWW:-- I
evidence of reduced chemoreceptors. Nearly all mono­ nerve cord

genean flukes possess a pair of rudimentary pigment­

cup ocelli near the cerebral ganglion.
The cerebral ganglion of cestodes i s usually a com­
plex nerve ring located i n the scolex (Figure 10.20). The Comm issural Commissural
nerve ring ganglion
ring bears ganglionic S\vellings and gives rise to a nun,­
ber of nerves. Anterior nerves, in the form of a ring or Figure 10.20 Cestode nervous system. The anterior
plexus, serve the rostellum (when present) and other end of Moniezia, a cyclophyllidean. The longitudinal cords
attachn1ent organs. Lateral cerebral ganglionic svvell­
extend the length of the animal.
ings give rise to a pair of major lateral longitudinal
nerves, which extend the length of the animal. In each
proglottid, these nerves bear additional ganglia from pairs of accessory lateral cords-a pair of dorsal cords
which transverse con101issures arise and connect the and a pair of ventral cords. As might be expected, sense
two longitudinal cords. Additional longitudinal nerves organs are greatly reduced in cestodes and are limited
are often present; the most typical pattern includes two to abundant tactile receptors in the scolex.

Reproduction and Development

Mouth Asexual processes Asexual reproduction is com­

Oral sucker
mon among freshwater and terrestrial free-living flat­
Anterior nerves

worms, and it generally occurs by transverse fission.
Geographical variation exists in the tendency for indi­

Cerebral gang lion' 1

-�� Ventral nerve cord
viduals to undergo this process. In the catenulideans
and macrostomorphans, an odd sort of multiple trans­
� verse fission occurs wherein the individuals thus pro­
duced remain attached to one another in a chain until
Latera.1 nerve cord

they mature enough to survive alone (Figure 10.21A).
Some freshwater triclads (e.g., D11gesin) split in half
() Dorsal nerve cord behind the pharynx, and each half goes its own way,
� eventually regenerating the lost parts. A few (e.g.,
Phagocntn) reproduce by fragmentation, each part
encysting until the new worm forms.
The remarkable regenerative abilities of free-living
' flatworms have been studied intensely for many years.
Much of the experimental work has been conducted on
the common triclad D11gesia, a familiar animal to begin­
ning zoology students. Underlying all of the bizarre re­
sults of various surgeries performed on these animals
·' (Figure 10.21B,C) is the fact that the cells of organisms
like Dugesia are not totipotent; an anterior-posterior
\,_\ •/
body polarity exists in terms of the regenerative capa­
Figure 10.19 A generalized ladderl ike nervous system bilities of the cells. However, the cells in the midbody
of a trematode (ventral view). region are less fixed in their potential to produce other

(A) (8)
chamber called the male atriuo1, wluch houses the
copulatory organ. The actual organ of sperm trans­
fer may be a papilla-like pe,us or an eversible cirrus,
through which sperm are forced by muscular action of
the atrium.
The feo1ale reproductive system is more variable
than that of the male. Mucl1 of the variation is related
to whether the flatworm in question produces en­
dolecithal or ectolecithal ova-that is, whether the
worm is described as archoophoran or neoophoran.
The arcl1oophorans (e.g., Macrostomida, Polycladida)
Fission :-i� typically possess an organ that produces both eggs
planes (CJ and yolk. The final product is endolecithal ova. Such
an organ is called a gerrnovitellarium, and may occur
either singly or paired. In the neoophorans (e.g.,

u the order Prolecithophora and the entire superclass

Euneoophora), the ovary (germarium) is separate
from the yolk gland (vitelladun1). Yolk-free eggs are
produced by the ovary and then cellular yolk is trans­
ported through a vitelline duct and deposited along­
side the ova inside the eggshell, a process resulting in
ectolecithal ova.
Figure 10.21 (A) Asexual reproduction by trans­ In both cases, the eggs are typically moved via an
verse fission in the catenulid flatworm, Alavrina. (B,C)
oviduct toward the female atrium, which often bears
Regeneration after experimental injuries in planarians.
special c11ambers for receipt and storage of sperm (i.e.,
copulatory bursa and seminal receptacle). Associated
\¥ith this arrangement may be a variety of accessory
parts of the body than are those toward the anterior or glands, such as cement glands, for the production of
posterior ends. Thus, i f the flatworm is cut through the shells and egg cases.
middle of the body (as occurs in natural transverse fis­ The male and female gonopores are often separate,
sion), each half ,,viii regenerate the corresponding lost the female opening usually located posterior to the
part. However, if the animal is cut transversely near male pore. In some species, however, the two systen1s
one end-say, separating a small piece of the tail from share a common genital opening, and in a few the male
the rest of the body-the larger piece "'illgrow a new atrium opens just inside the mouth. In the latter case,
posterior end, but the piece of tail lacks the capability the mouth is referred to as an orogenital pore.
to produce an entire new anterior end. This gradient Mating is usually by n1utual cross-fertilization. The
of cell potency has been of particular interest to cell two 1nates align themselves so that the male gonopore
biologists and medical researchers because of its rel­ of each is pressed against the female gonopore of the
evance to healing and regeneration potential in higher mate (Figure 10.23A). The male copulatory organ,
animals. or stylet (or penis or cirrus) is everted by hydrostat­
Asexual reproduction is an in1portant feature of the ic pressure caused by the muscles surrounding the
life cycle of flukes, where the ability to reproduce asex­ atrium and is inserted into the mate's female atrium,
ually helps ensure survival, particularly when poten­ where sperm are deposited. The mates then separate,
tial mates may not be nearby. each going its own way and carrying foreign sperm.
Fertilization usually occurs as the eggs pass into the fe­
Sexual reproduction: Free-living flatworms Most male atrium or within the oviduct itself. The zygotes
free-living flatworms are hermaphroditic and possess are frequently stored for a period of time in special
complex and highly diverse reproductive systems parts of the female system or in enlarged oviducts; any
(Figure 10.22). The male system includes single (e.g., such storage area is called a uterus.
Macrostomorpha), paired (e.g., many Rhabdocoela), or Some macrostomorph and polyclad flatworms ex­
multiple (e.g., Polycladida) testes. The testes are gener­ hibit hypodermic insemination, whereby the male
ally drained by collecting tubules that tulite to form stylet is thrust through the body wall of the mate and
one or two sperm ducts, which often lead to a pre­ sperm are forcibly injected into the n1esenchyme. ln
copulatory storage area or seminal vesicle. Prostatic other polyclads, individuals receive spermatophores
glands, wluch supply seminal fluid to the sperm, are from partners on their dorsal surface. Whereas most
often associated ,,vith and empty into the seminal ves­ flatworms mate i n pairs, sucl1 dermal impregnation
icle. The seminal vesicle is typically part of a muscular may occur in groups. By a method not yet understood,
396 Chapter Ten

(A} (C)
Catenul ida

Cereb ral ---,""'

gangtion ·,.,
•, •




Copulatory Prolecithophora/Lecithoepitheliata
Cirrus -------- Rhabdocoela

Mou t h and cf

Proseri ata _________


Ejaculatory duct
(B) Cir rus sheath

1 7
Seminal vesicle
Cirrus Cemen t glands
Ov uct
cess or l
�=:::�1 �� � Ac :: y g n d
J� :__
f ::� :: • V�
r :;
: �
�,:,, k

Figure 10.22 Reproductive systems of free-living flat­ (C) Generalized scheme of the relative position of male (d')
worms. (A) Generalized tricl ad condition with separate and female (9) reproductive structures w ith respect to the
ovaries and yolk gl ands (neo6phoran condition). (8) The location of the mouth in seven taxa.
copulatory structures of a triclad (sagittal section).

after mating, the sperm find their way to the female sperm in position within the female reproductive tract
system and fertilize the eggs. after mutual insemination by mating pairs. After pairs
In the genus Macrostom11111, a close correspondence separate, each individual applies its mouth to its own
exists between the morphology of sperm, the n1orphol­ vagina and "sucks," evidently ren1oving unattached
ogy of the male stylet, and whether insemination is h y ­ sperm. The sperm that have imbedded their feelers
podermic or occurs by copulation (Figure 10.23C,D). into the female reproductive tract are in position for
Sperm i n all Macrostom11n1 have "feelers," anterior fertilization, and bristles appear to assist in this pro­
projections that embed themselves into the wall of the cess. Unattached sperm are removed from the vagina
female reproductive tract in position to allow fertiliza­ by suction and are apparently eaten.
tion. However, depending on the species, sperm may Ingestion of sperm from mating partners may in
also possess backwardly-directed bristles. Species in fact be widespread. 1J1 other free-living flat,vorn1s from
which the stylet is hooked engage in hypodermic in­ several taxa, the presence of Lang's vesicle is associ­
semination and sperm lack bristles. In contrast, species ated with species that engage in copulation. Although
in which the stylet is not hooked tend to copulate, and this structure i s thought to be a sperm storage organ
sperm do possess bristles. Bristles appear to maintain its significance is still in doubt. The structure is usually

(A) (8)

. ..
,1;.;.� ·. ;- /.., _ •


(C) Sperm morphology / -� Bristles (D) Stylet morphology

Shaft Distal
Body thickening Shaft Base
' ,_
20 11m

Figure 10.23 Mating and egg laying in rhabdocoels. 20�un

(A) Mating, egg c luster, and hatching in a freshwater p l a ­
narian. (B) Egg laying b y the polyclad Stylochus. catenulidean genus Rhynchoscolex pass through a v e r ­
(C) Sperm and stylet morphology of Macrostomum lig­ miform stage in their development that has been re­
nano, a species in which individuals reciprocally copu­
ferred to as a larval form.
late when mating. (D) Sperm and style! morphology in
Macrostomum hystrix, a species in which hypodermic Early embryogeny differs greatly between the ar­
insemination occurs. choophoran and neoophoran flatworms. The endo­
lecithal ova of the ard1oophorans undergo some forn1
of spiral cleavage (although some authors question
attached to the digestive system suggesting that it may the details of this process). The pattern and cell fates
be involved in sperm digestion. in many of these ard1oophoran en1bryos are distinctly
Once fertilization is accomplished, the zygotes are e i ­
ther retained by the parent within the uteri of the female
reproductive tract or laid in various sorts of gelatinous •
or encapsulated egg masses (Figure 10.23B). Thus, n1ost
maternal free-living flatworms are obliged to contrib­
� .
ute substantially toward the care of their embryos; they '
may be described as oviparous or ovoviviparous. Some (_ _.._- '
freshwater triclads produce special overwintering zy­
gotes, which are encapsulated and retained within the
fen1ale reproductive tract until spring.
The general strategy of the vast majority of f r e e ­
living flatworms is to produce relatively few zygotes,
whid1 are protected by brooding or encapsulation and \
undergo direct development. A few polyclads pro­ ' )
duce Muller's larvae, which swim about for a few days
prior to settling and metamorphosing (Figures 10.24
and l0.25). This larva is equipped with eight ventrally
directed ciliated lobes, by means of which it switns.
A few species o f parasitic polyclads of the genus
Styloclt11s produce a Gotte's larva, which bears four Figure 10.24 "Face-on" view of Muller's larva of a p o l y ­
rather than eight lobes; and members of the freshwater clad (Planocera).
398 Chapter Ten

Ciliated band



Pha.ryngcal cavity

Figure 10.25 Polyclad development. (A) A Muller's larva

(sagittal section). (B) A later larval stage, showing forma­
tion of the pharyngeal apparatus (sagittal section).
embryo flattens, \vith the mouth directed ventrally,
and hatches as a tiny flatwonn. If development is in­
protostome-like, and this spiral cleavage has been well direct, the larva emerges about the the intestine is
studied (especially in polyclads). Quartets of cells are hollowing.
produced, the fates of which n1ay be described using Because of the deposition of extracellular yolk with
Wilson's coding system (Chapter 5). By the end of spi­ ectolecithal ova, the development of neoophoran spe­
ral cleavage, the embryo is considered a stereoblastula, cies is highly modified from the plan described above.
oriented with the derivatives of the first micron,ere Certain species of rhabdocoels and triclads have been
quartet at the animal pole and the macromeres at the most extensively studied, and the two groups differ­
vegetal pole. The lq cells become the anterior ectodern1, especially in the early stages. In both cases, cleavage
cerebral ganglion, and most of the rest of the nervous is so distorted that cell fates and germ layer formation
system. The 2q derivatives contribute to ectoderm and cannot easily be compared with the typical spiralian
ectomesodenn, particularly that of the pharyngeal a p ­ pattern. In the rhabdocoels, early cleavage leads to the
paratus and its associated musculature. The remainder formation of three masses of cells positioned along the
of the ectoderm and probably some ectomesoderm are presumptive ventral surface of the embryo beneath the
formed from the derivatives of the third micromere mass of yolk (Figure 10.26A). The cell masses then pro­
quartet. The 4d cell, norn1ally associated solely \vith duce a layer of cells that extends around to enclose the
endomesoderm in typical protostomes, divides to yotk. This covering thickens to several cell layers, the
produce a 4d1 and 4di cell in polyclads. The 4d1 gives innermost eventually becoming t h e .intestinal tining
rise to endoderm and thus to the intestine; the 4d 2 pro­ (and enclosing the yolk), the outermost becoming the
duces the endomesoderm from which the body 1,vall epidermis. The anterior cell mass produces the nervous
and mesenchymal 1nuscles, n1uch of the tnesench)'lnal system, the middle cell mass the pharynx and associ­
n1ass, and most of the reproductive system are derived. ated muscles. The posterior cell n1ass forn1s the rear
The remaining cells (4a, 4b, 4c, and the 4Q) include portion of the worm and the reproductive system.
most of the yolk and are incorporated into the develop­ Early development in triclads differs from that of
ing archenteron as embryonic food. other neoophorans. During early cleavage, the blas­
Gastrulation is by epiboly of the presumptive ecto­ tomeres are loose within a surrounding mass of fluid
derm derived from some of the cells of the first three yolk, a condition described as "blastomere anarchy."
micro1nere quartets. The ectoderm grows from the ani­ A fe"'' of the blastomeres migrate a"'•ay from the oth­
mal pole to the vegetal pole, surrounding the 4q and ers and flatten to produce a thin membrane enclosing
4Q cells. At the vegetaJ pole the ectoderm turns inward a packet of the yolk including the remaining blasto­
as a stomodeal invagination, which later elaborates meres (Figure 10.26B,C). These migrating blastomeres
as the pharynx and connects with the developing in­ are often called hull cells, but the yolk-enclosing hull
testine (Figure 10.25). As development proceeds, the membrane they create can be variable and may not be

homologous among flatworm taxa. Additional yolk intromittent organ (Figure 10.27C). The common gen­
cells are produced as a syncytia1 n1ass around a group ita.l pore opens ventrally near the anterior end of the
of developing embryos and encapsulated, as many as animal and leads to a shallow atrium, usually shared
40 per capsule. Through migration and differentiation by both the male and female systems. Many monoge­
of various blaston1eres, each embryo forms a tempo­ nean flukes have simpler male systems than that just
rary intestine, pharynx, and mouth, through which it described, often lacking much elaboration of the ternu­
ingests the yolky syncytium. The embryonic mouth nal structures and possessing a simple penis papilla
eventually closes and the wall of the embryo thickens rather than an eversible cirrus.
to fonn anterior, n1iddle, and posterior cell masses, The female reproductive system (Figure 10.27B)
whose fates are similar to those in rhabdocoels. usually bears a single ovary connected by a short o v i ­
duct to a region known as the ootype. The oviduct is
Sexual reproduction: Flukes Like the free-living flat­ joined by a yolk duct(= vitelline duct) formed by the
worms, flukes are hermaphroditic and typically engage union of paired ducts, which carry yolk from the mul­
in mutual cross-fertilization. S e l f -fertilization occurs tiple latera.lly placed yolk glands. A seminal receptacle
only in rare cases. There is a great deal of variation in i s usually present as a bhnd pouch off the oviduct.
the details of the reproductive systems among flukes, Extending anteriorly to the genital atrium is a single
but most are built around a common plan similar to uterus, which is sometimes modified as a vagina near
that iJ1 certain free-living flah,vorms (Figure 10.27). the female gonopore.
The n1ale system includes a variable number of testes Sperm are produced in the testes and stored prior
(usually many in the monogenean flukes and two in to copulation in the seminal vesicle (Figure 10.27C).
the digenean flukes), alJ of vvhjch drain to a common During mating, two flukes align themselves such that
sperm duct that leads to a copulatory apparatus, usu­ the cirrus of each can be inserted into the female orifice
ally an eversible cirrus. The lumen of the cirrus is c o n ­ of the other. Sperm, along v.rith sen1en fron1 the prostat­
tinuous with that of the sperm duct, and their junction ic glands, are ejaculated into the fe1na.le systen1 by n1us­
is frequently enlarged as a seminal vesicle. Prostatic cular contractions. The sperm move to, and are stored
glands are typically present, opening into the cirrus within, the seminal receptacle, and the mates separate.
lumen near the seminal vesicle. All of these terminal As eggs pass through the oviduct to the ootype, they
structures are housed within a muscular cirrus sac, the are fertilized by sperm released from the seminal r e ­
contraction of which causes eversion of the cirrus as an ceptacle into the oviduct.


cell ma
Fi gure 10.26 Neoophoran development. (A) The embryo
of a typical rhabdocoel has three cell masses wi th large,
c:;;;cT___ Pcell terior
vacuolated extemal yolk cells. (B) A tricl ad egg capsule
containing three embryos surrounded by yolk syncy-
Epidermis tium. (C) This single triclad embryo has ingested the yo lk
through the temporary embryonic pharynx, and shows the
three cell masses.
(BJ (C) Inner

.. . . '
.·.'. ·•. '..

.. ..:... .
cell mass

syncytium Embryonic
pharynx Outer
400 Chapter Ten

Laurer's canal


Mehlis's gland

T�tis 0�
'• Yolk reservoir €)0 0:

Yolk duel� : �@
(:} Valve

Shell globules in
yolk cells

Yolk gland -. (C)

..,_-�Cirrus sac
·. �

F igure 10.27 Fluke reproductive systems. (A) Repro•

ductive structures of Fascio/a hepatics. (B) The region of
the ootype in F . hepatics. (C) Male copulatory apparatus
with cirrus extended. --..;-,r--Seminal

Flukes produce ectolecithal ova. The yolk glands

produce yolk, which is deposited outside the eggs
along with secretions that forn1 a tough shell around f'
Egg - _lj\
the zygote. Thus encapsulated, the zygotes move from
/ \Sperm duel
the ootype into the uterus, probably aided by secre­ Uterus
tions from clusters of unicellular Mehlis's glands.
The zygotes may be stored within the uterus for vari­
ous lengths of ti111e prior to release through the fe1naJe produce as many as 100,000 tin1es as many eggs as free­
gonopore. living species.
Some flukes possess an additional canal that arises The early stages of development in flukes are usual­
from the oviduct and serves as a special copulatory ly highly modified because of the ectolecithal nature of
duct. This duct, called Laurer's canal, opens on the the ova. In species where little yolk is present, cleavage
dorsal body surface and receives the male cirrus d u r ­ is holoblastic, and cell fates and germ layer formation
ing mating. A fevv polyclad and triclad free-living flat­ have been traced accurately. Development is virtually
worms also possess a similar copulatory duct. always mixed, involving one or more independent lar­
High fecundity is a general rule among parasites, val stages.
and the flukes are no exception. The dangers of com­ The life cycles of monogenean flukes are relative­
plex life cycles and host location result in extremely ly simple and involve only a single host. Most of the
high mortality rates that must be offset by increased adults are ectoparasites on fishes, although some at­
zygote production or asexual processes. Flukes may tach to turtles, various amphibians, and even some

ciliated larvae called miraddia, which actively pene­

trate an intero1ediate host. Several asexual generations
of larval forms occur in the intermediate host, eventu­
ally producing free-swimming forms called cercaria.
The cerca.ria usually encyst within a second intermedi­
Eye ate host, becoming metacercaria. Infection of the defin­
itive host occurs \-Vhen the metacercaria are eaten or, if
Oral sucker there is no second intermediate host, when the cercaria
penetrate directly. The larval skin is lost in the defini­
tive host and the syncytial tegument develops.
In their aduJt stages, nearly all of the digenean flukes
are endoparasites of vertebrates. They are known to
Intestinal inhabit nearly every organ of the body, and many are
serious pathogens of humans and Livestock. The inter­
mediate hosts of all trematode flukes are gastropods,
although some are known to use other invertebrates
or even certain vertebrates. Most species of snails host
one o r n1ore species of digeneaJ1 flukes; the como1on
California tidal flat gastropod Cerithideoposis c11/ifon1ica
serves as intermediate host t o nearly two dozen spe­
cies of digenean flukes, most of which ultimately infect
shore birds. Almost all of the trematodes that infect C .
californica castrate the snail, thus, theoreticaJly, free­
Figure 10.28 Photograph and drawing of an oncomira•
ing up the host's energy reserves for their own p u r ­
cidium larva of a monogenean fluke.
poses as they live out their life producing their own
offspring. Space does not permit an account of more
than a few of the life cycles of these worms. We begin
invertebrates. A few members of the Monogenea have below with a general case, using the Chinese liver fluke
taken u p a mesoparasitic life style and reside in host Clonorchis si11ensis (order Plagiorchiida) as an example.
body chambers that open to the environment (e.g., gill This trematode is widespread in the Far East. It dis­
chambers, mouth, bladder, cloacal cavity). When the plays all the con,mon stages found in the life cycles of
embryos are released from the uterus they often attach most digenetic flukes. In northern a related
to the host tissue by means of special adhesive threads fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini, has a similar life cycle and
on the shell. Upon hatching, a larval stage called an on­ pathology.
comiracidium is released to the environment (Figure The adult Chinese l.iver fluke usually lives within
10.28). The oncon1iracidiun1 is densely ciJiated and the branches of the bile duct in humans. This animal
swims about until it encounters another appropriate may reach several centimeters in length and in high
host. The cues larvae use to locate particuJar hosts n1ay nwnbers causes serious problen1s, including cholan­
be tactile, chemical, or may vary depending on local giocarcinoma, a deadly cancer of the bile duct. While
densities of hosts and other larvae. The prohaptor and stiJJ in the uterus of the female reproductive tract, the
especially the opisthaptor develop during the larvaJ zygotes develop to n1iracidia, each housed within its
stage and facilitate attachment to the new host, where­ original egg case. Once released fron1 the female sys­
upon the larva metamorphoses to a juvenile fluke. It is tem and passed out of the host \-Vith the feces, the mi­
about this time that the ciliated larval skin is shed and racidia are eaten by the first intermediate host, a snail
the tegurnent (= neodermis) forms. There are many of the genus Parafossaru/11s. The ciliated, swimming
variations on this basic life cycle an1ong men1bers of ntlracidium hatches from its egg case in the gut of the
the class Monogenea; we present two in outline form snail and migrates into the digestive gland. Here each
in Figure 10.29. miracidium becon1es an asexually active form called a
Digenean flukes ( o r d e r s Diplostomida and sporocyst, within which germinal cells become yet an­
Plagiorchiida) .include some of the most successful other larval form ca!Jed a redia. Subsequently, germi­
parasites known. A good deal of variation exists not nal cells within the redia produce the cercaria larvae.
onJy in adult 1norphology but also in life cycles (FigLue This double sequence of rapid asexual reproduction
10.30). In general, eggs are produced by adult worms results in perhaps 250,000 cercariae from each original
in their definitive host. After fertilization, the zygotes miracidium!
are eventually discharged via the host's feces, urine, The cercariae leave the snail, swim about, and enter
or sputum. Upon reaching water they either are eaten the second intermediate host, the Chinese golden carp
by an intermediate host or hatch as free-swimming (Macropodus operc11/11ris). The cercariae of C . sinensis
402 Chapter Ten

(A) Carp (Cyprinis cnrpio)

Adult Swimming ·•
Ouke form 11
- .·,,,-y �
Pond·,��tt�m-t@)._______ Hatching


No sexual maturity Frog rele ase s
of Polystomn as gonadot ripin,
-� l ong as host
,,,.- which stimula tes --,
does not bree d re lease or s ex


Larva grows Stimul ates

(3 years) m at urity of
Polystomn ADULT FROG

Polystomn larva
enters b ladder
or young frog

At taches to Frog Frog

tadpole's tadpole- - - - - - - - eggs ___________,,,
interna l gills larva laid Polystoma eggs
released into water

(,.-- - -
Induced .-
behavior _

At taches to Frog Polystoma egg
tadpole's tadpo le
external gills larva

l 3 weeks
�- - - ----
Accelerated ma turation
-• of l'olystoma larva
to sexual maturity

◄ Figure 10.29 Life cycles of two monogenean trema•

cestodes demonstrate well . Most of their time, energy,
todes. (A) The l ife cycle o f Dactylogyrus vastator, a para­
site of freshwater cyprinodont fishes. (B) The life cycle of and body mass are devoted to the production of n1ore
Polystoma integerrimum, a parasite in the urinary bladders tapeworms. Like other flatworms, cestodes are her­
of frogs. This fascinating life history demonstrates the maphroditic and practice mutual cross-fertilization
dramatic influences exerted by the developmental stage when mates are available. However, some cestodes
of the host on the devel opment of the parasite. Under are known to self-fertilize. The orders Amphilinidea
normal conditions, the adult f luke resides in the bl ad• and Gyrocotylidea possess a single male and a single
der of adult frogs. The fluke releases fertilized eggs into
female reproductive system, whereas the more derived
the water, where they hatch as oncomiracidia. These in
turn become so-called gyrodactylid larvae, which attack cestodes contain complete systems repeated within
the tadpole larval stages of the host. If the tadpole is each proglottid. There is a good deal of variation in the
very young, the fluke larvae attach t o the external gills details of these syste1ns; the following is a generalized
of the host and undergo precocious sexual maturat ion description of the male and female systems as they
(progenesi s) to produce more zygotes; these f lukes die occur in a single proglottid of a cestode (Figure 10.31).
upon metamorphosi s of the host. However, if the fluke
The testes are numerous. Some are scattered
larvae encounter more advanced tadpoles, they enter the
throughout the mesenchyme, but most are concentrat­
branchial chambers and attach to the host's gills, where
they reside until the host undergoes metamorphosi s. At e d along the lateral margins. Collecting tubules lead
that time. the flukes leave the branchial chamber, migrate from the testes to a single coiled spern1 duct, whicll ex­
to the cloaca! pore, and enter the host's bladder. Here tends laterally (as a se1ninal vesicle) to a cirrus housed
the flukes l ive and grow, but they do not become sexu­ within a muscular cirrus sac. The male system en1pties
ally active until they are influenced by the host's sex into a common genital atrium.
hormones. Thus, sexual reproduction of the host and its The female system usually includes two ovaries
parasites are synchronized-a pattern that guarantees
from which an oviduct extends to an ootype surround­
availability of larval hosts for larval parasites!
e d by shell glands. The uterus is a branclled blind sac
extending from the ootype. A duct extends from the
female gonopore in the genital atrium to the oviduct;
burrow through the skin of the fish and encyst in the its junction with the oviduct, near the tube, is swollen
muscle tissue as metacercaria. lf the fish is insufficient­ as a seminal receptacle. The portion of the duct near the
ly cooked and then eaten by a human, the metacercaria genital atrium is called the vagina. A diffuse yolk gland
survive and are released from their cysts by the action empties via a vitelline duct into the oviduct.
of the host's digestive enzymes. Once freed, they mi­ During mutual cross-fertilization the cirrus of each
grate into the bile duct, metan,orphose into juvenile mate is inserted into the vagina of the other. Many
wonns, mature, and complete the cycle. Adult flukes tapeworms double back on themselves so that two p r o ­
can inhabit their hosts for many years, causing irrita­ glottids o f the same wonn; in some spe­
tion and blockages. With this general life cycle in mind, cies, self-fertilization is known to occur within a single
we refer you to Figure 10.30 for a brief overview of two proglottid. Sperm are injected into the vaginal duct and
additional exan,ples. are stored in the se.minal receptacle. Eggs are fertiljzed
A critical point here are the strategies for survival as they move through the oviduct from the ovaries to
displayed by these parasites. There is, of course, no as­ the ootype. Capsule material and yolk cells are deposit­
surance of finding the proper hosts at the proper times, ed around eacll zygote, and the zygotes are moved into
and 1nortalities are extremely high. The advantages of the uterus for temporary storage.
high specialization could be efficiency and reduced The reproductive systems mature and becon1e ftu,c­
competition with other species once established in a tional with age as they are moved more posteriorly
proper host. However, multiple infections and within­ along the body by the production of new proglottids.
host competition can be intense, favoring a wide range If mating has occurred, the proglottids toward the pos­
of co1npetitive adaptations among species, including in terior end bec ome. filled with an expanded uterus en­
at least one tren1atode species (Hinu1sthla), soldier and gorged with developing embryos (Figure 10.31B). These
reproductive castes within molluscan hosts, sin1ilar proglottids eventually break free from the body and are
to those observed in social insects. Such adaptations lost from the host with the feces, although in some cases
imply the existence of strong selection, acting on lar­ the proglottids release embryos inside the host and the
val as well as adult life stages. As we have en1phasi.zed embryos pass out with the feces. Early developn1ent of
earlier, the compensation for such high mortality is tapeworm embryos is drastically modified from the pat­
high fecundity coupled with asexual reproduction­ tern seen in free-living flatworms and varies somewhat
and therein lies the expense. among different groups. However, like all Neodermata,
after fertilization the ectolecithal ova of cestodes show
Sexual reproduction: Tapeworms That the "business no vestiges of spiral cleavage, and even germ layer f o r ­
of animals is to reproduce themselves" is a lesson the mation is often difficult or impossible to trace.
404 Chapter Ten

Fi gure 1 0.30 Life cycles of two digenean trema­
todes. (A) L ife cycle of Paragonimus westermani,
Zygote passes with sputum the human lung fluke (order Plagiorchiida). (B) Life
or feces cycle of the blood f luke Schistosoma mansoni (order
Diplostomida), one of three species that causes schis­
tosomiasis (bilharzia) in humans. Schistosomiasis is
among the most widespread diseases in tropical areas
Juvenile of the world and is of major medical importance.
migrates Depend ing on the species of schistosome involved,
to lungs
various organs of the body are affected (e.g., blood
vessels, urinary bladder, liver). In S . mansoni, larvae
are disseminated from freshwater snails; when people
come into contact with the contaminated water, the
larvae attach to and penetrate the skin. The resulting
Develops disease, b ilharzia or schistosomiasis, affl icts approxi­
Metacercaria in water
eaten by mately 67 million people in Africa and South America.
definitive host (C) Trematode redia. (D) Trematode cercariae from the

Cal ifornia horn snail (Cerithideoposis californica).

Crab ingests hatches and
metacercari a (B)

Matures in
host's veins
is shed



Zygote passed
from intestine in feces

in egg case

(D) in water
unbroken skin

Two Miracidium
of sporocysts snail
in snail release
cercaria into water

(A) (B}

Sperm duct
Excretory ducts
Seminal vesicle

Testes -
��C -Vagina

Ovary �µ+-r--Seminal receptacle


F igure 10.31 Cestode reproductive systems. (A) A

mature proglottid of Taenia solium. (8) A gravid proglottid
with expanded uterus. See also Figure 10.4.

Most adult tapeworms live in the digestive tracts of (Figure 10.32B). Nearly any fish-eating mammal, in­
vertebrates and usually require one or more intermedi­ cluding humans, can serve as the definitive host for
ate hosts to complete their life cycles. A fe\v can com­ this tapeworm. Encapsulated zygotes are released
plete their life cycle in a single host. Depending on the from mature proglottids and shed in the host's feces.
number of hosts and other factors, tapev-•orm life cycles After one or two weeks in water, the embryos develop
are quite variable, and we describe only two exan1ples. to the oncosphere (hexacanth) stage. At this time, each
Tnenin snginntn (order Cyclophyllidea) is known as oncosphere is encased in a ciliated en1bryophore and it
the beef tapeworm, since cattle are the intermediate hatcl1es as a free-swimming larva called a coracidium.
host. The adults, v-•hich may exceed 1 m in length, re­ To successfully continue the life cycle, the coracidium
side in human small intestines (Figure 10.32A). As pro­ must be eaten by the first intermediate host, a copepod
glottids mature, they are released in the host's feces. (Crustacea). The cilia are shed and the released hexa­
The fertilized eggs break free into the environment as canth larva bores through the gut wall into the host's
the proglottids disintegrate. By this time eacl1 zygote body cavity, where it develops into a procercoid stage.
has developed to a stage called an oncosphere sur­ Certain species of freshwater fish can serve as the sec­
rounded by a resistant coat called an embryophore, ond intermediate host. The fish eats the copepod, the
whicl1 allows the embryo to remain in the environment procercoid bores through the gut and into the fish's
for two or three months. Usually six tiny hooks are evi­ muscle tissue, and there it grows into a seg1nented ple­
dent in the embryo; thus the oncosphere is sometimes rocercoid stage, complete with a tiny scolex. When a
called a hexacanlh larva. human consumes raw or u11dercooked iJ1fected fish,
Tf grazing cattle ingest the oncosphere, it is released the plerocercoid attaches to the intestinal wall and
from its covering, the hexacanth larva penetrates the matures.
intestinal wall using its hooks, and is carried by the cir­
culatory system to the cow's skeletal muscle. Here the
hexacanth develops into a stage called the cysticercus,
or bladder worn1, which encysts in the connective t i s ­
Platyhelminth Phylogeny
sue within the muscle o f the intermediate host. Each Ideas about the origiJ1 of flatworms, their relationships
cysticercus contains an invaginated developing scolex. to other phyla, and evolution within the group have
!f humans eat raw or poorly cooked infected beef, the been debated since early in the nineteenth century. The
scolex evaginates and attaches to the lining of the new lack of a robust fossil record and their extreme anatom­
host's small intestine, where the adult worm grows ical simplicity have made morphology-based phylo­
and matures. (Another tapewonn, Tnenia soliu.111, uti­ genetic analysis difficult-there is a paucity of reliable
lizes pigs as its intermediate host and follows a similar characters that might identify and differentiate clades.
life cycle.) In fact, unambiguous synapomorphies that define the
The life cycles of some cestodes involve two or n1ore phylum Platyhelminthes itself have yet to be identi­
hosts, such as that of Diphyllobothri11111 lntum, the so­ fied. Platyhel.tninth fossils consist mainly of structures
called broad fish tapeworm (order Diphyllobothriidea) left on hosts by parasitic species, or occasional evidence
Adult tapeworm in
406 Chapter Ten human small intestine

Figure 10.32 Two cestode life

cycles. (A) The life cycle of the Tapeworm
beef tapeworm. Taenia saginata matures

(order Cyclophyllidea) (B) The life
cycle of the broad fish tapeworm,
Diphyllobothrium /atum (order
Di phyllobothriidea). Scolcx cverts and attaches
in smaU intestine

_,r,--.,,=-r--:. aten by cow
lnvaginatcd ,.'
eaten by h uman

Forms cysticercus
in muscles

Definitive host,

Fish eaten by bear

or human; tapeworm Young embryo
matures passed with feces
..'- . •. ••

Perch eaten by
carnivorous fish

Pleroccr..-oid forms Free-swimming:

in visccr.\ coracidium
eaten by copepod

Proccrcoid eaten Hexaconth reaches

with copepod by hemocoel of
plonktivorous fish copepod

from host coprolites, although some trace fossils fron, (A) Statocyst Nephridioduct
the early Paleozoic have been assigned to this phylun,. Frontal Gut cavity
In the twentieth century, several popular hypoth­ gland
Male copulatory
eses concerning the origin of flatworms (or acoels) ap­
peared. The ciliate-to-acoeJ hypothesis (discussed in
Chapter 5 as part of the syncytial theory of Hadzi and
Hansen) has been abandoned by most modern zoolo­
gists. Another hypothesis was called the ctenophore­
polyclad theory, which suggested the ctenophores
gave rise to polyclad flatworms. This creative scenario
envisioned a flattened ctenophore that assumed a ben­ nerve
thic, crawling lifestyle, with the mouth directed against
the substratum. By reducing the tentacles and moving
them forward along with the apical sense organ, a b i ­
lateral condition was achieved. Couple these events
with increased gut branching and the formation of a Statocyst
plicate pharynx, and a polyclad body plan is approxi­
mated-at least on paper.This hypothesis, too, no lon­
ger has much support.
We can safely assume that the original flatworm was
free-living, although not necessarily assignable to any
extant order. Peter Ax, Tor Karling, and Ulrich Ehlers
Frontal gland
have presented various versions of this "turbellarian
archetype." These hypothetical ancestral flatworms
are envisioned as having had a simple pharynx and a Figure 10.33 Two examples of hypothetical "turbellar­
saclike gut without diverticula, such as seen in modern ian" archetypes. (A) Macrostomid-like archetype suggest­
ed by Peter Ax. (B) Archetype proposed by Tor Karl ing.
Catenulidea and Macrostomorpha (Figure 10.3-1A,B).
There is also general agreement that the printltive
flatworm was probably an archoophoran with endo­
lecithal ova, spiral cleavage, and a single-layered, com­ Neodermata and also of its three major clades­
pletely ciliated epidermis. Trematoda, Monogenea, and Cestoda. MitochoJ1drial
In 1963, Ax suggested that flatworms might actually DNA analyses have suggested Monogenea is basal in
be more highly derived (in the protostome line) than the Neodermata clade, but 18S rRNA and nuclear "ge­
previously thought, and that they might represent a nomic" analyses (and morphology) studies suggest
series of reductions from a vermiform coelomate an­ Trematoda is basal, and that Monogenea + Cestoda
cestor-a case of extreme reduction by paedomorpho­ comprise a sister group. This uncertainty is shov"n by
sis (the retention by adult individuals of traits seen in a trichotomy in our phylogenetic tree (Figure 10.34).
young), perhaps through neoteny, wherein the somatic Importantly, molecular phylogenies clearly place the
development of adults is slowed or delayed. The idea flahvorms within the protostome clade, and generally
had son,e support, especiaLIy with regards to the acoe­ position theo1 within the Spiralia. Therefore, while pos­
lomorphs (then included in Platyhelminthes). There sibly somewhat ren1oved fron, the base of the bilateri­
was also an idea that platyhelminths arose through an tree, the 1norphological simplicity of platyhelminths
progenesis (a type of paedomorphosis in which sexual likely represents an ancestral condition, and is less like­
development of larvae or young is accelerated), from ly to be due a secondary loss or reduction of complex
developn1ental stages of early protostomes prior to the characters such as the coelom or segmentation.
embryo1tlc appearance of the coelomic cavities-that The availability of genomic datasets for platyhel­
is, rapid maturation of larval or other stages that had minths is uneven. H i g h -quality reference geno1nes
solid bodies or still contained the blastocoel. You are exist for some parasites such as Schistoso1na nrnnsoni
probably beginning to see how zoologists have strug­ and Ec/1inococc11s 11111/tiloc11/aris, and detailed analyses
gled to understand what flatworms "really are"! of S. haenrntobi11111 and Taenia solit1111 as welJ as partial
Fortunately, modern gene sequence analyses have genomes of a couple dozen tapeworms, and about
begun to shed new light on the phylogeny of flat­ the same nu,nber for flukes, now exist. However, few
worn,s, including the removal of the Acoelomorpha if any free-living platyhelminths have been fully se­
(now i n the phylun1 Xenacoelomorpha) and broad quenced. A draft genome of Macrostomu1n ligna110 is
acceptance that platyhehninths comprise two major currently w,derway, and a geno1nic compilation of the
clades, Catenulida and Rhabditophora. Molecular triclad Schmid/ea mediterranea has been attempted but
phylogenies also support the monophyly of the is not yet fully published. 1n the fluke Schistosoma, two
408 Chapter Ten


} Macrostomorpha

} Amplimatricata

• -• -• --- • --• --• Cnosonesin'tida "':::r"

Rhabdocoela -
� :::r
Proseriata "O


" "-

" ""
---- Bothrioplanida "'::, 0

a :::r


Monogenea Neodermata

Figure 10.34 An evolutionary tree showing the rela­ unresolved clade classified as the polyphyletic subclass
tionships within Platyhelminthes, based on a con­ Eulecithophora. The relationships of the three Neodermata
sensus of molecular and morphological phylogenet­ infraclasses also remain unresol ved. See text for further
ics. Note that the order Proseriata, formerly classified details.
among the Polycladidea, is now removed to the large

distinct mitochondrial gene orders have been found. All of the earliest-branching clades of flatworms,
However, all other parasitic species that have been ex­ Catenulida, Macrostomorpha, and Polycladida share
amined have a similar gene order. The gene orders in spiral cleavage and endolecithal eggs with other spri­
free-living groups are often quite different fron1 one ralian protostomes. The terrestrial/freshwater group
another (and from the gene order of parasitic species). Prorhynchida, a proposed sister group to the mainly
All this n1eans resolution of platyhelminth phylogeny 1narine, diverse and well-k nown polyclad flatworn1s
remains challenging. (Polycladida), retains spiral cleavage, but has shifted
The phylogeny of Platyhelminthes shown in Figure to ectolecithal eggs. Molecular evidence strongly sup­
10.34 is based primarily on two recent genon1ic studies ports the sister group relationship between the endo­
(Laumer et al. 2015; Egger et al. 2015). This scheme is Jecithal polyclads and the ectolecithal Prorhyndtida (a
subject to revision, as many researchers are currently clade known as Amplimatricata), suggesting that pro­
working to refine our understanding of platyhelminth rhynchids independently developed ectolecithal ova.
phylogeny. Although 1nany internal relationships r e ­ The discovery that Prorhynchida likely independently
n1ain largely enign1atic, the Catenulida are now ,-videly evolved ectolecithal ova led to abandonment of the old
viewed to be the most basal platyhelminths, and the taxon "Neoophora," wltid1 had held all the ectolecithal
sister group to Rhabditophora (the remaining platyhel­ taxa (i.e., Prorhynchida, Rhabdocoela, Proseriata, and
minths). Catenulids are anatomically simple flatworms, Acentrosomata). The latter three groups now comprise
with a n unbranched pharynx and gut and a single b i ­ the Euneoophora, the most highly derived flatworm
flagellate protonephridium. And, they retain the spiral lineage. These patterns confir1n the basal nature of the
cleavage and endolecithal ova that characterize most archoophoran plan. Gnosonesimora i s likely the sister
phyla in the clade Spiralia. Rhabditophora comprises group to the Euneoophora. RecaLI that in the neoopho­
two clades, Macroston1orpha and Trepaxonemata, the ran plan (seen in the order Prorhynch.ida and the su­
latter being home to the majority of species in the p h y ­ perclass Euneoophora) there is an ovarian specializa­
lum and including some of the best kno,,vn free-living tion into germinal and vitelline cell producing regions.
groups as well as the flukes and tapev,orms. It has been suggested that this separation of germ-line

and yolk-line cells might allow these ectolecithal s p e ­ of course, play a critical role in the developn1ent of
cies to synthesize yolk at a higher rate than their en­ spindle fibers during cell division. In some cases,
doleci thal ancestors, thereby enhancing fecundity, and early embryogenesis in acentrosomate species is so
possibly allowing multiple embryos to develop within chaotic that the blastomeres undergo what has been
the same egg capsule, also enhancing fecundity by al­ called dispersive cleavage, wherein they temporarily
lowing conservation of resources for larval nutrition. lose physical contact with one another and "drift" in
Phylogenetic relationships within the huge and a matrix of yolk. This process has been given the col­
complex Euneoophora lineage are still somewhat orful name blastomere anarchy, and it characterizes
unsettled. The Rhabdocoela and Proseriata retain Adiaphanida (triclads, prolecithorans and fecampi­
elements of spiral cleavage, suggesting their basal ids) and Bothrioplanida. Bothrioplanids appear to be
placement within this clade. Molecular analyses the last free-living ancestor to the Neodermata. There
also suggest that rhabdocoels could be basal to the is no trace of spiral cleavage in neodermatans either,
Proseriata, and that the latter might be the sister taxon although they are not generally characterized by blas­
to the Acentrosom.ata. Acentroson1ata is notable for its tom.ere anarchy. There seems to be no question about
loss of spiral cleavage. This is thought to be due to the the monophyly of the Neodermata, all of which are
evolutionary loss of three genes associated with c e n ­ ectolecithal, lack spiral cleavage, and have larvae that
triole formation and function, which has been dem­ shed their cilia early in their life cycle (hence the name
onstrated in species of Adiaphanida, Bothrioplanida, "neo-dermata"). However, there is still debate over
and Neodern1ata. It is this feature that led to their relationships an1ong the Monogenea, Cestoda, and
grouping under the name Acentrosomata. Centrioles, Trematoda.

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Four Enigmatic
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Rhombozoa, Orthonectida,
Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha

n the 1979 book The Medusa nnd /he Snnil, Lev. ,js Tho1nas v.rrote, "The
onJy solid piece of scientific truth about which 1 feel totaJ!y confident
is that we are profoundly ignorant about nature." Despite D r . Thomas'
pessimism, w e have actually come a long way since 1979. But, alas, are still uncertain about v.rhere four enigmatic animal phyla fit into the tree
of life: Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha, Rhombozoa, and Orthonectida. Well, that's
not quite true. Thanks n1ainly t o n1olecular phylogenetic discoveries of the past
decade, we do know that all four of these phyla belong to the Protostomia
clade. And there is growing evidence that they could be spiralians, although
this is still not certain. Taken together, these four phyla amount to only about
1,000 described species. We cover then1 together in this chapter not because
they are closely related, but because they are, at
this point in time, protostomes of uncertain affin­
ity. Our classification in this book includes all but
Classification of The Animal Chaetognatha in the clade Spiralia, even though
Kingdom (Metazoa) their phylogenetic positions within Protostomia
are still uncertain. Rhombozoans have a very spira­
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata lian-like embryogenesis, whereas gastrotriclls have
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA
a unique, nonradial and nonspiral embryogenesis;
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACH IOPODA the embryology of orthonectids and chaetognaths
PHYLUM CNIOARIA ECDYSQZQA is still poorly known. The most recent phylogenetic
PHYLUM CTE NOPHORA Nematoida analyses suggest Chaetognatha may be the sister
PHYLUM NEMATODA group to Spiralia, as shown in our tree of Metazoa
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) (Chapter 28), or perhaps basal protostomes.
Eacl, of these phyla i s highly specialized for the
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA niche they exploit: chaetognaths mainly inhabit the
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORIC IFERA marine planktonic realm (although numerous spe­
SPJM IAL Panarthropoda cies have adopted benthic lifestyles); gastrotrichs
are nunute species Jiving meiofaunally or in surface
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA detritus; rhombozoans are symbionts in the ne­
phridia of cephalopod molluscs; and orthonectids
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA are parasitic in a variety of invertebrates, includ­
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA ing echinoderms, molluscs, nemerteans, free-living
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHEUCERATA flatworms, and polychaete worms. All of these ani­
Deuterostomia mals have been subjects of taxonomic and phylo­
Gnathifera genetic controversy since their discovery long ago.
PHYLUM ROTIFERA "Paraphyletic group
Phylum Chaelognatha has been revised by George Shinn.
Phylum Gastrotricha has been revised by Rick Hochberg.
414 Chapter Eleven

The rhombozoans and orthonectids were for m.any The Dicyemida

years treated as closely related groups, classes, or o r ­ Adult dicyenuds are very sn1a1l, just 0.5 to 3 mm long.
ders in a taxon of phylum rank: the Mesozoa. They There are two adult forms, nematogens and rhombo­
were often allied with the flatl-vorms (Platyhelminthes) gens that have nearly the same organization but that
because of their complex life cycle and superficially produce two distinct types of larvae: nematogens pro­
sin1ilar appearance to 1niracidia larvae of digenetic duce vermiform larvae asexually from an a.gamete in
trematodes. At other times they were allied, surpris­ their body, whereas rhombogens produce infusori­
ingly, Viith ciliate protists. Auguste Lameere (1922) form larvae from fertilized eggs.
even suggested that the orthonectids might have arisen The body of a nematogen consists of an outer sheath
from echiuran worms, apparently because some echiu­ of ciliated somatic cells, the number of whidl has been
rans (e.g., Bonellia) show extreme sexual dimorphism, constant for most, but not all, species that have been
with tiny, reduced males. Lameere likened this feature examined. 2 Within the covermg of somatic cells lies a
to the dimorphic nature o f some orthonectids. Neither single, long axial cell (Figure 11.lA). Eight or nme so­
the ciliate nor the echiuran hypothesis ever gained matic cells at the anterior end forn1 a distinctive polar
much favor. There are no proven fossils of these two cap (or calotte). lmmediately behi.J1d the polar cap are
groups. Recently, researchers have becon1e convinced two parapolar cells. The rest of the 10 to 15 somatic
that Rhombozoa and Orthonectida are not at all cells are sometimes called trunk cells; the two posteri­
related. We agreed v.rith this viev., and abandoned the o r -most cells are the uropolar cells. Altogether, d i c y ­
name Mesozoa as a formal taxon in the first edition emids have from about 8 to 40 body cells, depending
(1990) of this textbook. Since then, 1nolecular and ultra­ on the species-one of the smallest cell counts among
structural work have supported the idea that these two the Metazoa. As in other Bilateria, dicyemids have
groups eadl represent a distinct clade of highly modi­ been shown to have three types of cell-cell junctions:
fied parasitic protostomes. septate, adl1erens, and gap junctions.
Young dicye1nids are motile and swim about in the
host cephalopod's urine by ciliary action. The adults,
however, attach to the inner lining of the nephridia by
Phylum Rhombozoa their polar caps. There is no conclusive evidence that
Rhon1bozoans were described and named by A. Krohn these a11.imals cause damage to their hosts, but when
in Germany in 1839. But it was not until 1876 that a present i n very high numbers they may interfere
careful study of these creatures was published by the with the normal flow of fluids through the nephridia.
Belgian zoologist Edouard van Beneden. He was con­ They attach by inserting the "head end"- the polar
vinced that these odd parasites represented a true link cap-mto renal tubules or crypts of the host's kidney.
between the protists and the Metazoa, and it was van Nematogens consun1e particulate and 1nolecular nutri­
Beneden who coined the name "Mesozoa" (= middle ents from the host's urine by phagocytotic and pino­
animals) to emphasize this point of view. Stunkard cytotic action of their somatic cells. Once the adult has
(1982) considered Rhombozoa as a class of "Mesozoa" attached to the host, the somatic cilia might serve to
comprising the orders Dicyemida and Heterocyemida, keep fluids moving over the body, brmging nutrients
and we retain those two subtaxa.1 Rhombozoans have in contact with the surface cells. Although iI1 nature
a simple, solid body construction-there are no body dicyemids appear to be obligatorily associated with
cavities or differentiated organs (e.g., chapter opener cephaJopods, U1ey have been successfully maintained
photo of a vermiform stage). An outer layer of somatic/ in experin1ental nutrient media.
nutritive cells surr0Lu1ds an i.Jmer core of reproductive What we know s o far about dicyemid life history
cells (or a single reproductive cell, depending on how is rather bizarre, and the stages of the dicyemid life
one views it!). About 70 species have been described. cycle that occur outside the host are still incompletely
Recent molecular studies, including sequencing of known. The host-dwelling portion of the life cycle m­
185 rRNA, Pax6, and other genes, as well as patterns cludes both asexual and sexual processes, but without
of Hox (and other gene) expression, suggest that rhom­ a regular alternation betv.,een them. Adult nemato­
bozoans are probably highly reduced and specialized gens thus produce two kinds of offspring. One is the
parasitic members of the protostome clade Spiralia. vermiform stage, in which the dicyemid exists as a
Dicyemids are more common and better understood vermiform larva formed asexually fron1 an agamete
than are the heterocyemids. Members of both groups cell; these grow t o become new worms iI1 the renal
are obligate symbionts i.J1 the nephridia of cephalopod sac of the host. The other is the mfusoriform larva,
molluscs. which develops from a fertilized egg produced around

'Some people refer to this phylum as simply "Dicyemida," but 2A constancy in the number of cells (in a given organ, or in the
th is is confusing and suggests that heterocyemids are not includ­ entire body of an animal) is called "eutely" and is a common fea­
ed; hence we retain the name Rhombozoa for the phylum. ture of many microscopic and near-microscopic organisms.
FOUR ENIGMATIC PROTOSTOME PHYLA Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha 415

hermaphroditic gonads called infusorigens, and these larger cell becomes the progeny's axial cell proper with
eventually escape the host to enter the sea. What stin1u­ its single nudeus, and the smaller engulfed cell becomes
lates production of infusoriform larvae, and how they the progenitor of all future axoblasts witllin that axial
find their new hosts are unknown. Notably, in sexual cell. The "embryo," which now consists of its own cen­
reproduction, both fertilization and embryonic devel­ tral axial cell surrounded by somatic cells, elongates and
opment occur within the worm's body. the somatic cells develop cilia. The resulting structure is
Asexual reproduction is curious indeed. The cyto­ a miniature vermiform organism. The immature vermi­
plasm of the single axial cell of the nematogen contains form organism leaves the parent nematogen and swims
nun1erous tiny cells called axoblasts. Immature ver­ about in the nephridial fluids. EventualJy it attaches to
miform organisms are produced asexually by a sort of the host and enters the adult stage of the life eye.le.
embryogeny of individual axoblasts within the parent The initiation of sexual reproduction in dicyemids
axial cell (Figure 11.2). The first division of an axoblast may be a density-dependent phenomenon associated
is unequal and produces a large presumptive axial cell with high numbers of vermiform individuals within
and a small presu1nptive somatic cell. The presump­ the host's nephridia. Some workers have suggested that
tive somatic cell divides repeatedly, and its daughter the switch from asexual to sexual processes might be a
cells move by a n process (rapid growth of response to some chenucal factor that accu1nulates in
animal pole ectodermal cells to from a sheetlike cover­ the urine of the host. Other workers suggest that sexual
ing to the vegetal cells) to enclose the presumptive axial reproduction in dicyemids is brought on by the sexual
cell, which has not yet divided. When this iJmer ceU fi­ n1aturation of the host. 1n any event, once the vermi­
nally does divide, it does so unequally, and the smaller form adults become sexually "motivated" they are
daughter cell is then engulfed by the larger one! The called rhombogens, and their somatic cells usually en­
large as they become filled with yolky material (Figure
11.3).3 The axoblast of a rhombogen-stage individual
(A) develops into multiceUular structures called infusori­
Polar cap gens, eac.lJ consisting of an outer layer of ova and an
inner mass of sperm (Figure 11.3B). The infusorigens
3Because the reported differences between rhombogcns and
nematogens are not consistently found, some workers pre•
fer to simply call �,em sexual ai,d asexual vermiform adults,

Figure 11.1 Comparison o f two phyla of highly

reduced, parasitic protostomes: Rhombozoa and
Orthonectida. (A) Nematogen of Dicyema (Rhombozoa).
(B) Adult female and (C) m ale of the orthonectid Rhopalura

Anlerior cone

Vermiform embryo


A ·· alo

Anterior cone ;g�,o"" 0

Somatic cells� .
416 Chapter Eleven

Dividing axoblast Presumptive axial cell Dividing presumptive

axial cell
, :I; ✓ \ '�,;

. ·..
,. ,3,-
t�1' ·."...� .
'!.1°1"• A 0 0 0 0
@ "

. ,... �r;,i,"
·••' .
,•., .:.. ,;,_..: C ..,.· ,.
,....· c; ....,.-...-�

somatic cells

>•.-"--- :__../,:.:-(

Q {) Axial
fo cell
() 0 0
0 0 0 I'\
.l--'"-'�-'--""-J... '-'
.. ,-·
..... Axoblast
@ Q ··-�{)
. 0 ,.)

( �-
( , Ci Somatic cells
Axial cell

Axial cell

. ..
Figure 11.2 A young verm iform embryo develops from Immature
an axoblast within the axial cell of the nematogen of an vermiform stage
adult Dicyema (Rhombozoa).

pole. The cleavage pattern of sexually-produced em­

bryos in Dicyema japonicu111 has been described as ho­
are retained ,,vithin a vacuole of the parent's axial cell, loblastic and spiral. A cavity (the um cavity) appears
and they are functionally hermaphroditic gonads. ln among the ventral internal cells, but this sn,all space
each infusorigens, the centrally located spenn fertilize is interpreted t o appear secondarily and not t o be a
the peripherally arranged ova, each zygote then devel­ blastocoel.
oping into a ciliated infusoriform larva (Figure 1l.3C). The events of the dicyemid life cycle that occur
This larva has a fixed nun1ber of cells; the two anterior­ outside the cephalopod host remain a mystery. Son1e
n1ost cells-<:alled apical cells-<:ontain high-density workers have held to the view that the infusoriform
substances within their cytoplasm. The rest of the s u r ­ larva enters an intennediate host (presumably some
face cells are ciliated and form a sheath around a ring benthic invertebrate), but most of the evidence to date
of capsule cells, which in turn enclose four central cells. suggests that this is not the case. While much remains
The number of infusorigens, and the larvae they pro­ to be learned, the following scenario seems plausible.
duce, seems to be related to the size of the adult rhom­ After leaving the host, the infusoriforn1 Jarva sinks t o
bogen. The infusoriform larvae escape from the parent the bottom of the ocean-the dense contents of the api­
vermiform adult and pass out of the host's body with cal cells serving as ballast. The larva, or son,e persisting
the urine. part of the larva (perhaps the innermost four cells), e n ­
The development of several species has been stud­ ters another cephalopod host. This infectious individu­
ied, and there is no clear evidence of germ-layer forma­ al travels through the host, probably via the circulatory
tion in the development of the infusoriform larva, with system, and enters the nephridia, v.•here it becomes a
a rough distinction only as outer and inner cells. The s o c- alled sten, nematogen (Figure 11.3D). The sten,
outer cells occupy the dorsal and caudal surfaces of the nematogen i s similar to the vermifonn adult except
embryo, and the inner cells are derived fron1 the blasto­ that the fonner has three axial cells rather than one.
meres of the vegetal hemisphere. The innermost germi­ Axoblasts within the axial cells of the stem nematogen
nal cells are derived from the cells that form the vegetal give rise to more vermiform adults, just as the axoblasts
FOUR ENIGMATIC PROTOSTOME PHYLA Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha 417
(A) (B)
Sperm Figure 11.3 Sexual reproduction in dicyemid rhombo•
Ova zoans. (A) Adult, sexual (rhombogen) form. (B) lnfusorigen
of sperm and ova formed within the axial cell of the adult.
(C) lnfusoriform larva produced by fertilization. (D) Stem
0 nematogen with three axial cells.

\.Yithin the adults described earlier did. The vermiform

adults produce more individuals like themselves until
the onset of sexual reproduction is triggered again, pre­
sumably by the high population density. This putative
life cycle is schematically represented in Figure 11.4.
Apical cells
(Cl Ciliated
somatic cell The Heterocyemida
Only two species of heterocyen,ids have been de­

.. .··... ...
scribed. Conocye111a poly111orphn Jives in the nephridia
of octopuses, and Microcye11,a gracile in cuttlefishes of
the genus Sepia. These two heterocyemids differ from
.. .....''
eacJ, other in certain respects .
The vermiforo1 adult of Conocye111n bears a polar cap
of four enlarged cells and has a trunk of somatic cells
.. around an inner axial cell; all the cells of the body lack

.. cilia (Figure 11.5 A). The axial cell contains axoblasts,

which give rise to ciliated "larvae" that escape from
""""'r:' �-.:
the parent, lose their cilia, and grov.• into more ver­
Capsule cell
miform adults within the host. The individuals that
(D) produce the infusorigens lack a polar cap. They have
cells only a very thin layer of somatic cells surrounding the
axial cell, which contains the developing infusorigens
(Figure 11.58). The infusorigens produce infusoriform
larvae similar to those of dicyemids. Details of the life
cycle of Conocyemn are lacking.
, What little is known about Microcye1na suggests
a co1nplex and distinctive life cycle. The vermiforn1
adult consists of a single inner axial cell surrounded

Axial cells
,�· f
Axoblasts develop ----....
/ Vermiform "larvae"
Vermiform Asexual reproduction
___ )
✓ �
Leave parent axial cell
High population
Axoblasts develop

/ '\
Stem vermiform stage
develop \
Migrate to nephridia

(= hermaphroditic
Generative cells
"gonad") enter new host

Sink to bottom

Escape frolarent
and from host
"----... lnfusoriform �
Figure 11.4 Life cycle of a dicyemid. larvae
418 Chapter Eleven

(A) (B) Axial cell presumptive son1atic cells surround the axial cell pre­

Polar cells
cursor, the cell boundaries of the somatic cells break
down, resulting in a n ameboid individual in which a
syncytial mass surrounds the growing axial cell (Figure
1 l.6C,D). This individual apparently develops into
a nevv vermiform adult. Another asexual process in­
volves the formation of ciliated Wagener's larvae from
the axoblasts (Figure 11.6E). These larvae leave the
parent, swim about in the host's nephridial fluids, and
eventually attach and metainorphose into more vermi­
form adults. Microcye1na adults also produce infusori­
Developing gens and infusoriform larvae much like those of the
vermiform dicyemids. The infusoriform larvae apparently leave
stage the host via the urine, but nothing is known about the
stages of the life cycle outside the host. It is assumed
infosoriform Somatic that the infusoriform larva enters a host and n1atures
larvae cell into a ciliated nematogen, which has three axial cells.
Such stem nen,atogens have been observed in host
anin,als. Eventually, the cilia and the cell boundaries
Figure 11.5 The heterocyemid rhombozoan, between adjacent somatic cells are Jost (Figure 11.6F),
Conocyema. (A) Vermiform adult. (B) During the repro­ and the animal develops into another vermiform adult.
duct ive phase, infusoriform larvae are formed within the
adult's axial cell (cross section).

Phylum Orthonectida
by a somatic syncytium (Figure 11.6A). The axoblasts First described in 1877, orthonectids, like the rhombo­
within the axial cell produce more vern,iform adults zoans, long defied placement in the tree of life. And
by two very different methods. One sequence of events like Rhon1.bozoa, they have spent time allied with flat­
involves the formation of a multicellular ''embryo" worms or viewed as some kind of "transition group"
similar to that seen in dicyemids (Figure 11.6B). As the between the lower Metazoa and the Bilateria. Some



�Axial cell :X
". 0
0 0

Developing �---+-
) .J.Jf-0 :..\-f---._
axoblasts (D) � --I'

Axial cell nucleus�)\{_�

g g•

Somatic syncytium....-1' � Developing
8 � axoblasts

Axial cell
Figure 11.6 The heterocyemid rhombozoan, nucleus
Microcyema. (A) Vermiform adult. (B) An embryo (E)
develops from an axoblast within the vermiform adult. ......�:::.....

(C,D) Ameboid phases in devel opment of new indi­

vi duals. (E) Wagener's larva. (F) A stem nematogen
has three ax i al cells.

Axial cells

FOUR ENIGMATIC PROTOSTOME PHYLA Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha 419
Developing gametes


Developing "embr)'OS"
Figure 11.7 The well-studied northwest Pacific ortho­
nectid Rhopalura ophiocomae. (A) Plasmodial stage.
(B-0) Sexual adults develop from plasmodial cells.
(E) Mating adults. (F) Larva.

workers even imagined them to be highly complex cili­

ate protists. But, preliminary molecular phylogenetic
analyses (mainly 185 rDNA sequence data) have nov.• part of the orthonectid itself. Eventually, some of the
placed them squarely within the Bilateria-not as sister orthonectid cells within the hypertrophied host cells
to the Rhombozoa, but somewhere within the Protosto­ develop into sn1all (< 1 mm) ciliated adults that escape
mia. Thus they appear to be highly reduced, bilaterian the host and swim free in the surrounding seawater.
parasites. Only about 21 species are known. The organization of these free-living adults-with a
All orthonectids are morphologically simple and, central mass of developing gametes surrounded by a
like the Rhombozoa, they lack body cavities or discrete layer of ciliated cells-is reminiscent of rhombozoans.
organs; there is no gut or nervous systen1. They are However, rhombozoans have a central axial cell within
small, less than 1 mm in length, free swi1nming, and v,h.ich germ cells (axoblasts) develop into both more
ciliated. A 2 layered
- cuticle has been described in one worms and what appears to be hermaphroditic go­
species (Intoshia linei). Most species are gonochoristic, nads, a process quite unlike anything seen in orthonec­
but some are hermaphroditic (e.g., Stoeclmrt/1r11111). The tids. Also, rhombozoans lack free-living sexual forms.
outer layer of the body consists of a defined nun1ber of Adult, f r e e l-iving orthonectids are nonfeeding, cili­
cells, arranged more or less i n rings. All are parasites of ated, vermiform organisms that live for a short time in
other invertebrates, and they have been reported from the sea. Females reach about 1 mm in length, males are
nemerteans, free-living platyhelminths, gastropods, bi­ generaJJy smaller. They are filled with gametes (eggs,
valves, polychaete annelids, brittle, and ascidians. spern1, or both). Between the gametes and the outer
The life cycles of some orthonectids are knov.rn a11d somatic layer are what appear to be contractile cells,
these differ markedly fron1 those of the rhombozoans. and in some species these have been described as circu­
Asexual individuals dominate the life cycle (Figure lar and longitudinal muscles. Both males and females
11.7A). Some orthonectids cause severe damage to the have genital pores, usually situated in the middle part
host. For example, the well-known species Rlzopalura of the body in a nonciliated ring of epidermal cells,
ophioco111ae (in the brittle star A111plzipholis squamata) and and this is apparently v.•here spern1 is placed, although
R. granosa (in the bivalve mollusc Heteranomia sq11a11111- males lack a specialized copulatory organ. Copulation
la) destroy the gonads of their hosts. is very fast -3Q-40 seconds in lntoshin variabili. Sperm
The orthonectid Rhopalura ophioconme is a well-stud­ (Rhopalura littoralis) contain a single 1nitochondrion,
ied parasite of fue brittle star Arnphipholis sq11a111ata, on lack ru1 acroson1e, and the tail is a simple flagellum
the northeast Pacific shores. This orthonectid infects with a 9+2 structure. The fertilized eggs develop into
muscle cells underlying the peritoneum, adjacent to minute larvae that are the infective stage, and these
the genital bursae and gut of Amphipholis. The infected larvae exit via the fe1nale's genital pore. When a nev.•
cells grow into large masses that bulge into the body host is located, and the larvae have entered it, they
coelom. The 1nass is enclosed by the coelomic perito­ shed their ciliated outer cells and, in a most remark­
neum, giving it discrete form. These masses were long able process, the inner cells separate and scatter within
called "plasmodia" when it was thought that they were the host's tissue spaces. These infective cells are called
420 Chapter Eleven

Fragmentation Figure 11.9 This stun­

� ning photograph by
Plasmodial stages� Asexual reproduction Eri c Thuesen shows the
deep-water chaetognath
'--------- Agametes Eukrohnia fowleri (order
/ / / � Phragmophora) carrying
Inner cells
\ its developing embryos in
Adult sexual two temporary gel atinous
/ individuals
Somat ic cells lost pouches on e ither side of
the body.
L eave )
Enters new host parent
p lasmodium
\ reproduction / /
Ciliated larva
Production of
\. sperm and eggs
/ /
'-...___ Fertilization'../

Figure 11.8 Generalized life cycle of an orthonectid.

agametes (or "germline cells"). In /t ophioco111ae, the

larvae appear to enter the host brittle star through
the genital btu-sae and gut. The agametes develop to
become multicellular sexual forms, both 1nales and
females. When fully developed, the adults leave the Phylum Chaetognatha
host as tiny, nonfeeding worms that characteristically
swim in straight lines (hence the phylu1n's nan1e; or/ho, The chaetognaths, or arrow worms, comprise about
"straight"; necta, "swimming"). Embryonic develop­ 130 species of marine, mainly planktonic, voraciously
ment has not yet been described for orthonectids. This predatory invertebrates (Figures 11.9 and 11.10). They
life cycle is shown in Figure 11.8. are of moderate size, ranging fron1 about 0.5 to 12 cm in

(A) (B) (C) (D)

. -Head •
spines Ventral
Ventral ganglion
gai1glion ,

Intestine coelom s
Latera l
Ova ry Ovary ..

Anus organs
Testis Lateral
septum . "
Seminal Tail
vesicle coeloms

,,,. Tail .-
mcsentery :.
- -'
(E) Posterior teeth (G)
Vestibular Anterior Frontal Cerebral
ridge teeth Vestibular pit (gland cells) c<>nnective ganglion

/f .
(; raptorial)
ganglion (/j
...__,, • .,;r nerve
commisure Eye
Mouth ganglion
Line of hood
longitudinal muscle Corne.a
Intestinal ciliat a

(F) Hema) sinus Stratified epidermis

Dorsal longitudinal muscles
Egg in
Lateral Group of
field cells forming sperm Ventral --ri'h�

Lateral fin i
(I) Trunk coelom Intestine
coelom Oviduct
Intestinal mesentery Posterior
muscles of tail tail fin Septum
(H) Developing l_ tnutk and tail
Anterior Dorsal eggs ,n ovary<f:.:::: coelomic

Lateral ., •' Posterior


(Top view) (Medial view) mesentery
Sperm mass
Figure 11.1 O General anatomy of chaetognaths. (A) Hetero­
krohnia involucrum (dorsal view). (BJ The benthic chaetognath
Paraspadella gotoi (ventral view). (C) Krohnitta subtilis (dorsal
view). (D) Outline of Ferosagitta hispida. showing sensory bris• Seminal
ties. (E) Anatomy of the head o f Sagitta. (F) Anatomy of Sagitta vesicle
(cross section), showing the trunk on the left and tail on the
right (G) The nervous system of a generalized chaetognath. Caudal fin
(H) Arrangement of eye units in a chaetognath. (I) Reproductive
systems in Sagitta.
422 Chapter Eleven

length. Arrow •..vorms are distributed throughout the attributes, may be ancestral (plesiomo.rphic) bilaterian
world's oceans and occur in some estuaries; they are features. Sinula.rly, the enzyme GAMT (gua.rudinoac­
ecologically in1portant as consumers of copepods and etate N-metl1yltra.t1Sferase), which occurs in cnidarians,
other small zooplankton. Arrov.• worms often occur in deuterostomes, and chaetognaths but not other proto­
very high numbers and sometimes dominate the bio­ stomes, may represent a remnant ancestral feature of
mass in mid-water plankton tows. Son1e species (e.g., arrov.r worms that was lost i n the rest of the protostome
Spade/la) are epibenthic in shallow water. Special col­ line.
lection methods, such as use of submersibles, are turn­ Co,nparative morphologists have not yet identi­
ing up new species at great ocean depths and many of fied any clear synapomorphies that unite chaetognaths
these live just off the deep ocean floor (e.g., Heterokroh­ with other protostome phyla. However, 1nany unique
nia and Archeterokroltnia). At least two deep-water s p e ­ features reveal the phylum status of arrow worms, i n ­
cies, Caecosngitta macrocepltn/a and Eukroltnia f01uleri, are cluding tile moveable cuticular grasping spines on the
bioluminescent, releasing luminous particles that form head, a multilayered epidermis over most of tile body,
glowing clouds in the water (although their luciferin/ horizontal fins o n the sides and posterior end, and
luciferase-based luminescent organs are located in d i f ­ closed seminal vesicles on the tail. Major characteristics
ferent parts of the body). Only two definitive fossil of the group are listed in Box 1lA.
chaetognaths have been described, one from the Car­
boniferous (Pn11cijnc11/r1111 s11111n111ithio11) and one from
the Lower Cambrian, about 520 million years ago ( E o ­
gnntlincantlta ercninelln), although it has been suggested BOX 11A Characteristics of the
that some of the Cambrian protoconodonts could be
grasping spines of arrow worms.
Phylum Chaetognatha
1. Bilateral protostomes, wit h streamlined, elongate,
trimeric body comprising head, trunk, and tail
regi on; single head coelom, and pai red trunk and
Chaetognath Classification tail coeloms separated by transverse septa
2. Epidermis mostly stratified, with cut icle on ventral
The first record of a chaetognath was n1ade by the
side of head; body with lateral and caudal fins, sup­
Dutch naturalist Martinus Slabber in 1775, and the ported by "rays• consisting of elongate cytoskele­
group name was first proposed by Leuckart in 1854. t o n -rich epi dermal cells; nonmolting
The systematic position of the group has been hotly 3. Mouth surrounded by sets of long moveab le grasp­
debated ever since. Arrow worms have been at times
ing spines and short teeth used i n prey capture;
allied with the catchall group Vennes, the molluscs, the mouth set in ventral vestibule; antero lateral fold of
arthropods, and certain blastocoelomates (particularly body wall forms retractable hood that can enclose
nematodes). For many years chaetognaths were con­ grasping spines
sidered deuterostomes, based o n developmental fea­ 4. Longitudi nal muscles of unusual type, arranged in
tures and their tripartite body coeloms. Although the quadrants; weak circu lar muscu lature consists of
question of chaetognath phylogenetic affinities is still myoepithelial cells
somev.rhat unsettled, modern research is beginning to 5. No d i screte gas exchange or excretory systems
resolve some of the longstanding issues. For example, 6. Hamal system restricted to trunk, consisting of
arrow worms, without doubt, coelomate anin,aJs. narrow pen-intestinal sinuses and larger sinuses in
This v.ras revealed by early ernbryological studies, but dorsal mesentery and posteri or septum
it took electron microscopy to demonstrate that the 7. Complete gut; anus ventral, at trunk-tail junction
adult body cavities are completely lined by mesoder­ 8. Centralized neNous system with large dorsal (cere­
mally derived tissues. bral) and ventral (subenteric) gangl ia connected by
Molecular phylogenetic methods consistently re­ circumenteric connectives; ci l iary fence receptors
for detection of water-borne disturbances; anterior
veal that chaetognaths are neither deuteroston1es nor
ci l iary loop (= corona ci liata) of uncertai n functi on.
a close sister group to the deuterostomes. Recent p h y ­ Inverted pi gment-cup ocelli
logenomic analyses have strongly suggested proto­
9. Hermaphrodit i c, with internal fertil ization and direct
stome affinities, branching near or at the base of that development. Cleavage equal, holoblastic, and
line. This is consistent with then1 having typical p r o ­ perhaps modified spiral. Mesoderm and body
tostome ventral mid-body ganglia and circumesopha­ caviti es form by enterocoely. Although blastopore
geal fibers. The possibility of arrow worms being sister denotes posterior end of body, both mouth and
to all other protoston,es is intriguing because it might anus form secondari y,l subsequent to closure of
explain their mix of protostome and deuterostome-like the blastopore.
features. Thus, the enterocoelous formation of body 1 O. Strictly mari ne; raptorial carnivores; largely plank­
cavities and the secondary appearance of the mouth, tonic, but some benthic species are known
once considered to be their defining deuterostome
FOUR ENIGMATIC PROTOSTOME PHYLA Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha 423

Morphological uniformity withjn the phylum has adaptations to a planktonjc predatory life style but,
resulted in few features that can be used to establish with nowhere to hide, pelagic arrow worms n1ust also
genera and fanulies, or t o determine systematic rela­ be adept at avoiding their own predators. Most chaeto­
tionships within the phylum. The features that are used gnaths are as transparent as glass and spend much of
may be subject to homoplasy. The following classifica­ their time suspended motionlessly in the water, both
tion based on n1orphology is only partially corroborat­ features that n1inimize detection by visual predators
ed by molecular systematic studies. such as fish. A chaetognath's sensitivity to water-born
disturbances i s equally useful for detecting prey and
Order Phragmophora With ventral transverse muscles
approaching predators, and the ability to move quickly
(phragma) in trunk or ta il. Three famili es with about 60 spe­
enables both prey capture and escape from potential
cies: Spadellidae (e.g., Paraspadella, Spade/la), Eukrohni­
idae (Eukrohnia), Heterokrohniidae l,4rcheterokrohnia, H e t ­ predators.
erokrohnia, Xenokrohnia).
Body wall, support, and movement
Order Aphragmophora Without ventral transverse Over most of the body, the epidern1js is a stratified epi­
muscles (phragma). Six families with about 70 speci es: thelium. Flattened surface cells produce a tl'lin layer of
Sagittidae (e.g., Caecosagitta, Ferosagitta, Parasagitta, Sa­ secretion over the body, much like in fish. Underlying
gitta), Krohnitt idae (Krohnitta), Pterosagittidae (Pterosagitta), epidermal cells are filled with cytoskeleta.l tonofila­
Bathybelidae (Bathybelos). Krohnittellidae (Krohnittella), and
n1ents (supportive cytoskeietal microfilan1ents). The
Plerokrohniidae (Pterokrohnia).
epidermis on the ventral and lateral parts of the head
consist of a single layer of cuticula.rized cells. The c u ­
ticle is not molted. On all parts of the body, a thick
The Chaetognath Body Plan basement membrane joins the epidermis to underly­
Externally, arrow worms are streanilined, witl1 virtu­ ing tissues. Four large groups of striated longitudinal
ally perfect bilateral symn1etry. Internally, transverse n1uscle dominate the body wall of the trunk and tail
septa divide the coelomate body into a head, a trunk, (Figure 11.lOF). These are separated from the body
and a taiI. The head bears a ventrally placed mouth, cavities by a thin layer of squamous peritoneum (non­
set in a depression called the vestibule. The entire contractile peritoneal cells). In addition, a weak circular
head region is elegantly adapted to a predatory life­ n1usculature exists i n the form of myoepithelial "lateral
style. Lateral to the mouth are long moveable grasp­ field cells" and dorsomedial and ventromedial cells.
ing spines, or "hooks," and i n front of the mouth are In the Phragmophora, sheets of transverse muscle ex­
short cuticular teeth-both used in prey capture and tend obliquely from the lateral body wall to the ventral
ingestion (Figures 11.lOE and 11.11). The dorsolateral n1idline. In all arrow worms, the head 1nusculature is
n1argi.ns of the head possess a n1uscula.rized fold of the complex (Figure 11.lOE).
body wall called the hood. Except during prey capture, The body cavities are true coeloms. The single head
this i s drawn ventrally around the sides of the head, cavity is reduced by the elaborate cephalic muscula­
thereby enclosing the grasping spines and streamlining ture. Tn the trunk and tail, longitudinal mesenteries
the head. A pair of small, pigmented photoreceptors separate the coelomic space into left and right compart­
lie dorsally on the head. Also dorsally is a distinctive ments and in the tail incomplete lateral 01esenteries
ring of innervated ciliated cells, the corona cilia.ta, of partially subdivide each tail compartment. The 1:2:2
unknown h1nction. The trunk bears one or two pairs tripartite arra11geo1ent of the coeJon1 reseo1bles the coe­
of lateral fins and the tail bears a single horizontal tail lon1ic arrangement of deuterostomes and lophopho­
fin. Chaetognath fins are simple epidermal folds e n ­ rates, but this similarity may represent convergent
closing a thick sheet of supportive extracellular matrix; evolution. It has even been suggested that the posteri­
certain elongate epidermal cells form fin rays. The body or-most transverse septum is not a embryological ho-
surface bears n1any ciliary fence receptors, which are 111ologue to that seen in other deuteroston1es, and that
short rows of nonmotile cilia serving as n1ecl1anorecep­ it forms later, in connection with the developn1ent of
tors for detecting disturbances i n the water. The trunk the gonads. The coelomic fluid is colorless in life, but
contains the intestine, which terminates ventrally at the it stains intensely, which suggests an abundance of
trunk-tail junction, and two ovaries. The female gono­ dissolved organic molecules. Circulation of coelomic
pores are located laterally at the posterior end of the fluids in both trunk and tail is caused by ciliated peri­
trunk. The male reproductive system occupies the tail, toneal cells in the lateral body wall. Coelomocytes are
which is commonly filled with masses of differentiat­ lacking.
ing sperm. Paired seminal vesicles protrude laterally, Body support in chaetognaths is provided by the h y ­
between the lateral and caudal fins. drostatic quality of tl1e coelom, crossed helical arrange­
The chaetognath body plan couples structural s i m ­ n1ent of collagen fibers in the basement me111brane, and
plicity with a high degree of specialization. We tend tonus of the body ,,vall musculature. Locomotion of
to view the specialized features of arrow worms as both pelagic and epibenthic species involves forward
424 Chapter Eleven

(A) (B)
Grasping Vestibular PapiJlac of Anterior Posterior
spines pit vestibular ridge teeth teeth

Cap of grasping spine---


Vestibular pit

Posterior teeth

Anterior tooth ~ ·A--Cuticular base of spine

)._j,'lf/,!f:!ft.1-Pulp cavity


• Anchor cells

Figure 11.11 (A,B) Heads of chaetognaths. (A) Zono­ as stabilizers. In pelagic species, brief swimming bursts
sagitta pulchra. Note the well-developed raptorial struc­ alternate with quiescent periods, when the animals
tures. (B) Zonosagitta bedoti, from the eastern Pac ific. The
may slowly sink. This "hop-sink swinuning," coo:m1on
hooks are clearly visible on either side of the head sur­
rounding the exceptionally large number (17-20) of long, among small planktonic invertebrates, probably consti­
narrow, posterior teeth. The shorter anterior teeth l ie just tutes a prey search behavior. Because swimming tends
above the mouth. The vestibular r idge with its pores to be upward it helps the animals maintain their level
is partially visible behind the left set of posterior teeth. in the water column. The fins increase resistance to
(C) The chaetognath in th is photo, Flaccisagitta hexaptera, sinking between swimnung bursts. Species that n1ake
has partially swallowed a fish larva (probab ly an anchovy).
pronounced diurnal vertical migrations-up at night
A single anterior tooth projects down below the second
and down during the day-are presumably capable of
hook on the left side of the photo, and two posteri or teeth
can be seen between the first and second hooks. The c i r ­
extended bouts of swimming. Some species of arrow
cular organ just below the f irst hook is the vestibular pit. worms are neutrally buoyant due to hypertrophied in­
(D) Diagram of a grasping spine of Parasagitta elegans. testinal cells or vacuolated epidermal cells that contain
fluids less dense than seawater. The ventral transverse
muscles in benthic chaetognaths (e.g., Spade/la) might
aid posturing or epibenthic movement.
darting motions caused by rapid alternating contrac­
tions of the dorsal- and ventral-longitudinal muscles. Feeding and Digestion
The fins are not used as propelling surfaces but are Chaetognaths prey upon a variety of small pelagic ani­
placed so that they slice through the vvater and serve mals, especially copepods. They can consume prey that
FOUR ENIGMATIC PROTOSTOME PHYLA Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha 425

are nearly as large as themselves, including small fish passes through the head-trunk septum, and it extends
and other arrow worn1s! The con1plex n1usculature of posteriorly as a long intestine. A short rectum jo.ins
the head operates the grasping spines and retraction of the posterior intestine to the anus. Most digestion oc­
the hood during feeding. Both planktonic and benthic curs extracellularly in the posterior intestine and can
species are ambush predators, using ciliary receptors be extremely rapid. Orange carotenoid pigments de­
scattered over the body to detect n1oven1ents of nearby rived from the prey are incorporated mto the otherwise
prey. A chaetognath can determine both the direction transparent tissues of some deep-water chaetognaths.
and distance of potential prey at close range. Prey are
ingested vvhole. The release of luminescent clouds in Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
deep-sea species might serve to startle potential prey A sitnple hemal system exists in chaetognaths, but
into movement, which can then be detected by the it is easily overlooked because the blood is colorless
chaetognaths to facilitate predation. The luminescent and transparent. The hemal system consists of thin si­
cloud might also provide a means of escaping from nuses situated between the intestinal epithelium and
predators. surrounding myoepithelial peritoneum. Larger hemal
Benthic forms, such as Spade/la, feed while affixed sinuses exist in the dorsal mesentery, trunk/ tail sep­
to a substratum by adhesive secretions. As prey swim tum, ovaries, and body wall near the ventral ganglion.
within reach, the anterior end is raised, and grasp­ Transport through the hen1al system is probably driv­
ing spines flared. The prey i s captured by a quick en by the intestinal n1u sculature. Even when the gut is
downward flex of the head while the rest of the body empty, posteriorly directed peristalsis alternates with
remains firmly attached. The grasping spines close anteriorly directed peristalsis. The nutritive demru1ds
around and manipulate the prey, orienting it for inges­ of various tissues in the tail are probably met by ultra­
tion. Planktonic chaetognaths feed on prey approach­ filtration across the tail side of the posterior septum,
ing the body from all sides. Laterally positioned prey from the hemal sinus in the trunk/tail septum to the
are captured by rapid flexure of the body and a short tail coelom. Gas exchange and excretion are apparently
forward hop can be executed to grab prey located in by diffusion through the body wall.
The grasping spines on left and right sides can be Nervous System and Sense Organs
moved simultaneously or alternately, resulting in a Of paramount importru1ce to the success of chaeto­
surprising degree of dexterity during manipulation of gnaths as active predators are features of the nervous
prey. When rigid prey such as small crustaceans are system and associated sensory receptors. As we have
captured, the chaetognath positions the victim longi­ seen in other groups, a body plan that emphasizes
tudinally for swallowing. The spines and teeth contain cephalization i s usually an integral factor in adaptmg
a-chitin, hardened at their tips by silicon in the two to a predatory lifestyle. The central nervous system of
species so far examined closely. While superficially chaetognaths includes a large dorsal cerebral ganglion
resembling setae of arthropods or chaetae of annelids, in the head. From this, paired nerves extend posteri­
each tooth and grasping spine is a con,plex structure orly to the eyes and corona ciliata, and two pairs of
produced by a group of specialized epidermal cells. circumenteric connectives extend ventrally. S1nall ante­
The grasping spines of some species bear serrations. rior frontal connectives innervate the head muscles and
Teeth are commonly cuspidate, a shape that may aid in gut. Larger main connectives extend posteroventrally
the penetration of prey, including the exoskeletons of to join a large ventral ganglion located in the trunk
Sm.all crustaceans. Some, if not most, species of arrow epidermis (Figure 11.lOG). From the ventral ganglion,
worms use a fast-acting neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin, numerous peripheral nerves radiate to all parts of the
to quell prey. Tetrodotoxin blocks sodium transport trunk and tail, branching to form an elaborate intraepi­
across cell membranes. Many marine bacteria syn­ dermal nerve plexus. The ventral ganglion receives
thesize tetrodotoxin, and in chaetognaths the toxin is sensory input from the ciliary fence receptors on the
probably produced by commensal bacteria (Vibrio) in­ body, and it controls swimn1ing and other behaviors
habiting the head or gut of the arrow worm. The toxin caused by the body wall musculature.
is presumably incorporated into the very sticky secre­ The ciliary fences are stereotypically arranged and
tions produced by vestibular glands and, possibly, the are oriented either parallel or transversely relative to
esophageal glands. the long axis of the body, such that the entire body
The gut is a relatively sitnple straight tube extending functions as an "antenna" for reception of nearby dis­
from the mouth it1 the vestibule to the ventral anus at turbances. Each ciliary fence contains 50-300 cells.
the trunk- tail junction (Figure 11.lOA,C,I). The mouth Although chemoreceptors have yet to be positively
leads to a short pharynx, which is equipped with m u ­ identified in chaetog:naths, they almost certaituy exist.
c u s -secreting cells. Swallowing is accomplished by Candidates include the aforementioned corona ciliata,
well-developed pharyngeal muscles aided by lubri­ the pore-bearing vestibular ridges located just behind
cants from the mucous cells. The gut narro1,vs where it the teeth, and other tiny pores flanking the mouth.
426 Chapter Eleven

(A) (8)

(E) • (F)

Figure 11 .12 The chaetognath Eukrohnia, with tempo­ fow/eri carrying fertilized eggs in posterior marsupial sacs.
rary gelatinous marsupia housing the developing embry­ (E) Young of Eukrohnia fowleri just after hatching. (F)
o s . (A-C) Eukrohnia bathypelagica carrying developing Eukrohnia fowleri carrying the empty marsup i al sacs from
embryos and young in the marsupium. (D) Eukrohnia which the young have already escaped.

Most arrow "''Orms possess a pair of eyes on the dor­ Reproduction and Development
sal surface of the head. Typically, each eye has a large Arrow worms are hermapnroditic, with paired ova­
central pigment cell, indented to form seven cups c o n ­ ries i n the trunk and paired testes in the tail (Figure
taining the light sensitive parts of the ciliary receptor 11.101). Groups of spermatogonia are released from the
cells (Figure 11.1 OH). We can infer from their struc­ testes to the tail coeloms, where they circulate as the
ture that chaetognaths have a nearly uninterrupted sperm mature. The filiform sperm are picked up by
visual field enabling them t o orient to light direction open ciliated funnels and conveyed down the sperm
and intensity. The eyes of deep-water arrow worms ducts to a pair of seminal vesicles, which bulge from
are variously modified in ways that presumably in­ the sides of the tail. In son1e species, gland cells secrete
crease sensitivity to light. For example, i n certain spe­ a spermatophore wall around the enclosed sperm.
cies of Eukrohnia, the photoreceptor cells are directed When filled with sperm, the seminal vesicles are c o n ­
outward, and each is capped by a transparent "lens." spicuously white. Release of spern1 involves rupture
The eyes probably do not form images but are used for of the seminal vesicles during mating. This can lead to
orientation during vertical migration. self-fertilization in some species, but happens during
FOUR ENIGMATIC PROTOSTOME PHYLA Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha 427

mating in most species. Each ovary bears along its side body near the tail, until the young are ready to swim
an oviduct that leads to a genital pore just in front of (Figure 11.12). Ferosagitta ltispida descends and attaches
the trunk-tail septum. Eggs develop within the ovaries developing eggs to stationary benthic objects. When
where they are bathed in a nutritive fluid derived from food is abundant, new batches of sperm and eggs can
the posterior hemal sinus. Fertilization occurs prior to be produced in daily succession.
ovulation as spenn received during mating pass from Development is direct, lacking any larval stage or
the oviduct through specialized accessory fertilization metamorphosis. The transparent eggs contain little
cells to the attached eggs. lmmediately after fertiliza­ yolk, and cleavage is holoblastic and equal. Both clas­
tion, zygotes move into the oviduct for release to the sical and modern studies have suggested a modified
environment. spiral pattern of cleavage, with unmistakable animal
Mating has been 1nost extensively studied in and vegetal cross-furrow cells, but this is easily over­
some benthic spadellids (e.g., Spade/la celpltaloptera, looked because animal-pole cells ("micromeres'') and
Paraspade/111 gotoi) and the neritic Feros11gitt11 hispida. vegetal-pole cells (" macromeres") are similar in size,
After a rathe1· elaborate mating "dance," spern, from and cleavage of arrow worms has been incorrectly de­
a seminal receptacle are deposited as a mass onto the scribed in the past as being radial. However, while a
n1ate's body. In Paraspadella gotoi, the sperm mass is spiralian-like tetrahedral 4-cell embryo is derived via
precisely placed at the female gonopore, but in the a levotropic blastomere displacement in the second
others sperm o,asses are attached more anteriorly and cleavage, subsequent cleavage stages have not yet been
columns of sperm strean1 over the epidermis of the documented and further research is needed to under­
recipient to enter the female gonopores. Benthic c h a e ­ stand the nature of cleavage in these anio1als. The co­
tognaths (e.g., Spade/la) tend to deposit fertilized eggs eloblastula consists of pyramidal cells arranged around
on algae or other suitable substrata. Planktonic species a small blastocoel (Figure 11.13).
typically shed floating embryos to the sea. Pterosagitta Gastrulation (genn layer formation) occurs by i.nvag­
draco encloses the embryos in a large floating gelati­ ination of the presumptive endoderm, leaving no blas­
nous mass and species of E11krolt11i11 carry developing tocoel. The blastopore marks the eventual posterior end
embryos in gelatinous masses, one on either side of the of the animal-both mouth and anus form secondarily,

(A) Animal view Vegetal view Key

1. Egg membrane
/4 ••
bodies b
--. . --.
. -
2. Blastomere
3. Blastocoel
•' '' 4. Ectoderm
ab cd '
_.. a ·•�·-· a 5 . Endoderm
.••..� C C
•• 0 ' 6. Archenteron
'' '
..- 7. Blastopore
0 d
8. Primordial germ ceU
(stem cell destined for
(B) (C) (D) 9. Mesodermal fold
10. Mouth
2 11. Stomodeal pharyi-,x
12. Gut
13. Anterior coelomic space
14. Developing trunk coelom

Figure 11 .13 Early chaeto­

gnath development. (A) Four­
7 celled embryo of Paraspadella
(E) (G) gotoi, showing the spiral
13 arrangement of blastomeres.
(8) Early blastula. (C) Gastrula.
14 (D) Later gastrula. (E) Production
of mesodermal folds from arch­
enteron. (F) Blastopore cl osure
8 and secondary mouth opening
with the formation of a stomo•
deum. (G) Formation of coelomic
428 Chapter Eleven





Figure 11.14 Representative gastrotrichs. (A-C) light

micrographs of order Chaetonotida. (A) Neodasys.
(8) Xenotrichula. (C) Chaetonotus. (0-F) light micrographs
of order Macrodasyida. (D) Megadasys. (E) Urodasys.
(F) Xenodasys.
thus giving chaetognaths a deuterostome-like develop­
mental pattern. Coelon1 formation has been described
as a modified form of enterocoely. Starting at the future investment per e1nbryo is small, the eggs contain little
anterior end, vertical epithelial folds of endoderm grow yolk, and they are abandoned soon after fertilization
posteriorly through the archenteron, separating the fu­ (except in brooding forms). The rapid development to
ture lateral coelomic cavities fron, the medial gut cavity a feeding juvenile is essential to the success of this life
(Figure 11.13). Early forn1ation of the head-trunk s e p ­ history strategy.
tum results in the early isolation o f the head coeloms.
As development continues, embryos elongate and the
body cavities become compressed, but the surrounding Phylum Gastrotricha:
mesodermal cells retain their epithelial morphology.
The coeloms re-expand later in developn1ent and then
The Gastrotrichs
persist as true coeloms into adulthood. Interestingly, The phylum Gastrotricha (Greek gasteros, "stomach";
all organs and tissues of mesodermal origin, including trichos, "hair") comprises about 800 species of n,arine,
body wall musculature, intestinal musculature, and so­ brackish, and freshwater Metazoa. Most species are less
matic reproductive tissues derive entirely from the peri­ than 1 n1m long, although a fev.• reach 3 n,m in length.
toneum of the embryonic coeloms. lt seems that coelom Many gastrotrichs bear a superficial resemblance to
and mesoderm formation in chaetognaths is neither flatworms and rotifers, but are easily distinguished by
fully enterocoelous nor schizocoelous, and Kapp (2000) their adhesive tubes and cilia restricted to the ventral
proposed the name heterocoely for the wuque mode of surface. Under high magnification the tiny gastrotrichs
coelom formation in this group. appear to be very charismatic invertebrates, with their
·oevelopment from zygote release to hatching as a "whiskered" faces and spiny or scaled, often bowling
juvenile chaetognath is rapid, about 48 hours. Parental pin-shaped bodies. Figure 11.14 illustrates some of the
FOUR ENIGMATIC PROTOSTOME PHYLA Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha 429

rounded, bilobed, tailed, or forked caudum that bears

BOX 11 B Characteristics of the adhesive tubes.
Phylum Gastrotricha The ,nost recent molecular phylogenetic studies
place gastrotrichs squarely within the protostome bi­
1. Triploblastic, bilateral, unsegmented, acoelomate
laterians and close to the base of the Spiralia, where
2. Microscopic, body elongate or bowling pin-shaped they seem to arise near the Platyhelminthes or t h e
3. Bilayered cuticle, smooth or with scale or spine-like Gnathifera (Gnathostomulida, Micrognatl1ozoa, and
elaborations; with exocuticle covering entire body Rotifera). Anatomically, however, gastrotrichs are
including all cilia; cuticle is not molted
more similar to Nematoida and Scalidophora clades
4. Duo-gland adhesive tubes because of t11eir circumpharyngeal brain, bilayered c u ­
5. Ep idermis cellular or partly syncyt ial; epidermal cells ticle, and 1nyoepitl1elial pharynx.
monoci liate or multiciliate; locomotory cilia on ven­
tral surface only
6. Myoepithetial pharynx wit h triradiate lumen; com­
plete gut Gastrotrich Classification
7. One pair or more of protonephrid ia, without special Order Chaetonotida (Figure 11.14A-C). Primarily fresh­
circulatory or gas exchange structures water, but also some marine, estuar i ne, and semiterrestria l
8. Hermaphroditic, parthenogenetic, or hermaphrod itic (freshwater mioohabitat s) species; smooth or comp lex cuti­
and parthenogenetic c le with a vari able number of adhesive tubes (most with only
9. Complex reproduct ive organs two on caudal furca); pharynx with Y-shaped lumen, pha­
1O. Embryon ic development poorly studied ryngeal pores absent; one or more pair of protonephri d i a
present; hermaphroditic, parthenogenetic, or a combi nation
11. Direct development
of hermaphrod itic and parthenogenetic.

Suborder Multitubulatina Marine: s t r a p -s haped

body with smooth cuticle and anter ior, posterior, and
body forms within this phylum and son1e features of lateral adhesive tubes; hermaphroditic. Monogeneric:
their external anatomy, and Box 11 B lists the distin­ Neodasys, with two known species.
guishing features of this group. Marine gast:rotrichs are Suborder Paucitubulatina Mostly freshwater spe­
meiofaunal and live i n the interstitial spaces between cies but with many marine representati ves; bowling pi n­
sand grains from the intertidal zone to abyssal depths shaped body often covered by e laborate cuticle, usually
(> 2,500 m). Freshwater species are found in surface with two termi nal adhes ive tubes on caudal furca; h e r ­
detritus or among the filaments of aquatic plants and maphrod iti c, parthenogenetic, or both (e.g., Aspidiopho­
plantlike protists; a fev.• are semiplanktonic. They are rus, Chaetonotus, Dasydytes, Lepidodermella).
sometimes abundant when found.
Order Macrodasyida (Figures 11.14D-F). Mostly ma­
The gastrotrich body is typically divisible into
rine and estuarine gastrotrichs with only a single freshwater
a head and a t r u n k (Figures l 1.14B,C and 11.lSA),
genus (Redudasys); with smooth or elaborately sculptured
though n1any species lack such an obvious distinc­
cut icle, usually bearing numerous adhesi ve tubes a long the
tion. Externally, gastrotrichs possess a cuticle t11at s u r ­ head (ventra l) and trunk (lateral , ventral, somet i mes dorsal);
rounds all aspects of the body and is often smooth in pharynx with inverted Y -shaped lumen, pharyngeal pores
appearance but n1ay be elaborated into spines, bristles, present in all except species of Lepidodasys; usually wit h
scales, and/or plates (Figure 11.14). Adhesive tubes, a several pa irs of protonephridia; hermaphroditic with com­
diagnostic character of most gastrotrichs, are also d e ­ plex reproducti ve organs; some may be parthenogenetic
rived from the cuticle and generally contain a pair of (e.g., Oactylopodola, Macrodasys, Turbanella, Urodasys,
glands that secrete adhesive and releaser substances Xenodasys).
(tl1e duo-gland adhesive system). These tubes may be
abundant (Macrodasyida) or sparse t o absent (most
Chaetonotida). The Gastrotrich Body Plan
The gastrotrich head bears a terminal or subterminal
mouth with stiff cilia or othe.r cuticular elaborations. A Body Wall
ring of motile cilia often encompasses the head dorsally A gastrotrich's body is encased in a bilayered cuticle of
while other ciliary elaborations such as pits and tentacles varying thickness and complexity. It is never molted.
are present on the sides (Figure 11.14F). A neck-like con­ The outer portion or exocuticle contains one or more
striction behind the head is present in many but not all lamellae that cover all external surfaces including l o c o ­
gastrotricl1s. The gastrotrich trLulk (the main part of the motory and sensory cilia (Figure 11.lSE); the inner por­
body) is generally vermiform (Macrodasyida, Neodnsys) tion or endocuticle is thick and fibrous and produces
or bowling pin-shaped (Chaetonotida), and it contains the spines, scales, and adhesive tubes (Figure 11.14).
most of the organ systems. The trunk terminates i n a The epidermis may be cellular as in Macrodasyida or
430 Chapter Eleven

(A) Mouth (C) Mouth

(B) Sensory cilia

�Jf Cerebral
. --

Pharynx .. •.
Protonephritun Adhesive � -
(filtration organ) ------ Neck tubes tr-
Pharyngeal pores


.lll--Canal cell of
pr<>tonephrium Irt
Trunk- -
Trunk-- /, \)'
Intestine 0



adhesive S)•Stem
Anus tubes

(E) ' (F)

Figure 11.15 Anatomy of gastrotrichs. (A) Repre­ section through pharynx showing inverted Y-shaped p h a ­
sentative of Chaetonotida, Paucitubulatina, (B) Cross ryngeal lumen. (E-F) Transmission electron micrographs
section through pharynx showing Y-shaped pharyngeal of (E) a cross section through locomotory ci lia and (F) an
lumen. (C) Representative of Macrodasyida and (D) cross adhesive tube.

partly syncytial as in most Chaetonotida; only ventral one releaser gland (which are critical for rapid grip
epidermal cells bear locomotory cilia (thus the deriva­ and release from sand grains i n the interstitial envi­
tion of the phylum name: "hairy belly"). Most species ronment), are present in all species and forn1 cuticle
possess multiciliate epidermal cells, however some covered neck-like tubes to the outside (Figure 1 LlSF).
species possess monociliate cells, Duo-gland adhesive lnternal to the epidermis are connective tissues such
organs, consisting of at least one adhesive gland and as a basal lamina (absent in many species) or in some
FOUR ENIGMATIC PROTOSTOME PHYLA Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha 431

cases large vacuolar Y-cells (some Macrodasyida and of anaerobic respiration when environmental condi­
Neodasys) that fw1ction in hydrostatic support; hen10- tions reqwre i t . Protonephridia are the primary excre­
globin has been detected in the Y -cells of Neodasys and tory organs in gastrotrichs. Marine species such as most
may be present in others. Muscles are present as cir­ macrodasyidans and Neodasys possess multiple pairs of
cular, helicoidal, and longitudinal bands that insert on protonephridia that function solely in the removal of
the cuticle via an intervening epithelial cell; dorsoven­ metabolic wastes. Their protonephridia are generally
tral and other muscle orientations may also be present. mono- or bicellular filtration organs each with a single
flagellum; they connect to the outside by way of a single
Support and Locomotion ciliary canal cell and nephridiopore cell. Tn species that
The cuticle and compact (acoelomate) body plan pro­ live in a hypo-osmotic environment like most freshwa­
vide hydrostatic support while the complex array of ter chaetonotidans, the single parr of protonephridia
muscles produce the bending and tvvisting movements also function in osmoregulation. Their protonephridia
characteristic of gastrotrich locomotion, and essential are bicellular organs that lead to an elongate and convo­
for life between sand grains (which are "boulder size" luted canal cell (Figure 11.lSA). The extra length of the
for millimeters -long gastrotrichs). Most animals are canal cell in freshwater species is hypothesized to ftu1c­
highly flexible and in some genera such as Megada­ tion for increased reabsorption of necessary salts and
sys (Figure 11.14D) can stretch their already elongate minerals from the primary urine before elimmation.
bodies to nearly twice gliding length or contract into
a tight ball. The adhesive tubes play a significant role Nervous System and Sense Organs
during these activities. Some semi-planktonic freshwa­ The central nervous syste1n consists of a dorsal brain
ter gastrotrichs such as species of Dasydytidae (Chae­ and one or n1ore pairs of longitudinal nerve cords. The
tonotida) have moveable spines that permit a form of brain consists of numerous cells that sit atop a ring-like
saltatory swiniming. commissure arow1d the anterior region of the pharynx
(Figure 11.lSA). Cerebral neurons innervate the head
Feeding and Digestion and pharynx. The nonganglionated nerve cords arise
Most gastrotrichs feed by pun1ping small food items into from the brain and are interconnected by thin cornmis­
the gut by action of the pharynx, a myoepithelial tube sures; they unite at the posterior end.
that is surrounded by con1plex layered muscles. The Sensory receptors are ciliary in structure and con­
pharyngeal lumen is either Y-shaped (Chaetonotida) or centrated in the head region but may be distributed
inverted Y-shaped (Macrodasyida) (Figures 11.15B,D). over the entire body. Ciliary pits and tentacles on the
In most macrodasyidans, a pair of pharyngeal pores heads of son1e species are likely chen1osensory, while
connects the pharyngeal lumen to the outside, thereby stiff, bristlelike cilia on the head and trunk probably
pernutting the release of excess water imbibed with the have a tactile function. Several species possess pig­
food (Figure 11.lSC). Gastrotrichs feed on nearly any mented (red) ocelli that indicate probable photorecep­
organic material, alive or dead, of appropriately small tive capabilities; experiments have shown that species
size (bacteria, detritus, protists, w1jcellular algae). lacking ocelli still have spectral sensitivity. One s p e ­
The mouth is tenninal or subtenninal and often s u r ­ cies, Pleurodasys helgolandicus, possesses an unusual
rounded by a ring of stiff cilia o r c uticular spines that pair of drumstick-like organs that are hypothesized to
may aid in food capture. A short buccal cavity connects h1nction as gravity receptors.
the mouth to the elongate muscular pharynx lined with
cuticle (a stomodaeurn) (Figure 11.14). In species of Reproduction and Development
Chaetonotida, a pharyngeal "valve" may be present at Most species of gastrotrichs are hermaphroditic or a
the junction of the pharynx and intestine (midgut). The combination of hermaphroditic and parthenogenetic.
endodermally derived portion of the gut is a straight Strict parthenogenesis is rare and known from only a
tube that narrows posteriorly and leads to a ventral few species. The hermaphroditic reproductive system is
anus. The anus is preceded by a cuticle-lined lundgut best studied in Macrodasyida and often contains g a m ­
in Chaetonotida, while in most Macrodasyida a hind­ etes and organs of sperm transfer and storage (Figure
gut is absent and the anus is presumably permanent 11.lSC). The male system comprises one or tvvo testes
or temporary. Digestion and absorption occur in the with associated sperm ducts that lead to a single or
intestine, which is co1nprised of cuboidal cells with a paired ventral gonopores. A caudal organ that presum­
brush border; motile cilia may be present in some spe­ ably ftmctions i n the transfer of sperm is present in n1ost
cies and aid in food passage. species, but only in Macrodasyidae and Thaun1astoder­
matidae i s it directly connected to the sperm ducts; some
Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, species bear a sclerotized stylet within the caudal organ.
and Osmoregulation The fen1ale system includes one or two ovaries in
Circulation and gas exchange occur b y diffusion the posterior body region. Other reproductive organs
through the body wall. Some gastrotrichs are capable may include a frontal organ (seminal receptacle) as in
432 Chapter Eleven

Macrodasyida and Neodnsys, or an X -organ as in n1ost population gro\vth, while the last egg (opsiblastic) n1ay
Chaetonotida. The ovaries are generally compact or overwinter before hatching.A third and n,ore rare type
somewhat diffuse. Oocytes mature anteriorly in n1ost of egg, called the plaque-bearing egg, is thought to be
species and become positioned above the intestine and the result of sexual reproduction, but i ts development
in proximity to the frontal organ when present; ovi­ has never been followed.
ducts are rare but son1e species do have a distinct u t e r ­ Few embryological studies have been conducted
us. Yolk is produced \Vithin the oocyte itself. Mutual on gastrotrichs and those that have detailed the main
cross-fertilization leads t o the direct exchange of sperm cleavage events are somewhat contradictory. In gen­
or spern1atophores (via hypodennic in1pregnation eral, cleavage is holoblastic and adequal (i.e., the b l a s ­
or some other 1nechanism) in all species, but sperm is tomeres a r e o f approximately equal size), however,
stored in the frontal organ of most macrodasyidans. after the initial equatorial division, there is an apparent
The X-organ in chaetonotidans is a bilobed syncytial divergence in cleavage patterns between the two or­
organ in the posterior trunk that develops during the ders. The second cleavage plane of the posterior blas­
sexual phase and is thought to play a role in reproduc­ ton1ere is meridional in macrodasyidans but equatorial
tion, although its function has never been demonstrat­ in chaetonotidans, which leads to different fates for the
ed. Fertilization is always internal and precedes the developing tissues. In neither case is a spiral-like cleav­
production of an eggshell by the egg itself.Oviposition age pattern evident. By the fifth division, a bilaterally
is through the body walJ of most species, and it 1night syn1n1etric embryo has developed. Gash·ulation occurs
occur through a temporary or perhaps permanent by invagination followed by epiboly of the secondary
pore, or in some cases via rupture of the body wall. ectoderm over presumptive mesoderm. A stomodae­
Historically, most freshwater chaetonotidans were um forms in both orders but a proctodeum has been
assumed to be strict parthenogens until small packets noted only for chaetonotidans. The U-shaped e1nbryo
of rodlike sperm were discovered next to their midgut. continues to grow and elongate in the eggshell for sev­
The sperm develop after the production of the parthe­ eral hours (to several days) prior t o hatching.
nogenetic ova and in synchrony with the meiotic (sexu­ Development i s direct and juveniles are small ver­
al) ova, suggesting they are not vestigial male gametes; sions of adults, though without noticeable repro­
such a condition is referred to as post-parthenogenetic ductive organs and with fewer adhesive tubes (in
hermaphroditism. Cross-fertilization has never been Macrodasyida). Maturation is rapid and the animals
observed in these species. Tv-ro forms of partheno­ usually are sexually mature within a few days after
genetic eggs are produced: the first few eggs (tachy­ hatching. Individuals of most species probably live
blastic) hatch quickly and are important for rapid only a few weeks.

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Phylum Nemertea
·llft;f., The Ribbon Worms

en1bers of the phylum Nemertea (Greek, "a sea nyn1ph") or Rhyn­

chocoela (Greek rhynchos, "snout"; coel, "cavity") are comn1only called
ribbon worms. Figure 12.1 illustrates a variety of body forms
this taxon and the n1ajor features of their anatomy. These unsegmented
vermiform animals are usually flattened dorsoventrally and are moderately
cephalized; they possess highly extensible bodies. Many ribbon worn1 species
are rather drab in appearance, but others are brightly colored or distinctively
marked (e.g., the tropical eastern Pacific species Baseodisc11s punnetti, above).
There are about 1,300 accepted, described species of nemerteans. They range
in length from a few mm to several meters. Many can stretch easily to several
times their contracted lengths (one specimen of Lineus /011gissin1t1s reportedly
measured 60 m i n length). They are predominate­
ly benth.ic marine animals. A few, however, are
planktonic, and some are syn1biotic in molluscs,
Classification of The Animal ascidians, or other marine invertebrates. A few
Kingdom (Metazoa) freshwater and terrestrial species are known, the
latter having some species of nearly cosmopolitan
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata distribution.
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA
Many features of the nen1ertean body plan (Box
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHIOPODA 12A) are siinilar to the conditions seen flatworms
PHYLUM CNIDARIA ECDYSQZQA (Platyhelminthes), and historically the two taxa
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida were often grouped together as triploblastic acoe­
PHYLUM NEMATOOA lomate Bilateria. However, we now understand
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) that nemerteans are truly coelomate, and that they
PHYLUM XENACOELOMORPHA are closely related t o annelids, molluscs, and the
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA lophophorate phyla. The similarities with the flat­
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICIFERA worms are reflected in the overall architecture of
SPJM IAL Panarthropoda the nervous systems, the types of sense organs, and
PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES PHYLUM TARDIGRADA the protonephridial excretory structures. However,
other respects ribbon worms are more siinilar to
the above-mentioned spiralian phyla. Nemerteans
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA possess a through gut with an anus (a complete,
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA one-way digestive tract), a closed circulatory sys­
tem that is coelomic nature, and an eversible pro­
Deuterostomia boscis surrow1ded by a hydrostatic cavity called the
Gnathifera rhynchocoel. The circulatory system and the rhyn­
PHYLUM GNATHOSTOMUUDA PHYLUM CHORDATA chocoel are both coelo1nic cavities. The structure of
PHYLUM ROTIFERA "Paraphyletic group

This chapter has been revised by Gonzalo Giribet.

436 Chapter Twelve

the proboscis apparatus is unique t o nem.erteans and

represents a novel synapomorphy that distinguishes BOX 12A Characteristics of the
the Nemertea from all other invertebrate taxa. Phylum Nemertea
1. Marine, freshwater. or terrestrial
2. Trip loblast ic. coelomate, bi laterally symmetrical
Taxonomic History and unsegmented worms
Classification 3. Digestive tract complete, with an anus
The earliest report of a nemertean was that of Willian, 4. With protonephrid ia (a few deep-sea pelagic spe­
Borlase (1758), who described his specimen as "the sea cies lack excretory systems)
long-worm" and categorized it "among the less p e r ­ 5. With bilobed cerebral gangl ion that surrounds pro­
fect kind o f sea animals." For nearly a century, most boscis apparatus (not the gut), and two or more
authors placed the ribbon worms with the turbellar­ longitudinal nerve cords connected by transverse
comm issures
ian flahvorn,s, although other writers suggested that
6. With two or three layers of body wall muscles
they were allied to annelids (including sipunculans),
arranged in various ways
nematodes, and even molluscs and insects. It was d u r ­
7. With a unique proboscis apparatus lying dorsal to
ing this period that Georges Cuvier (1817) described
the gut and surrounded by a coelomic hydrostatic
a particular ribbon worm and called it Nemertes, fron, chamber called the rhynchocoel
which the phylum nan1e was eventua!Jy derived.
8. With a closed circulatory system; some species
However, it was not until 1851 that substantial e v i ­ with hemoglobin
dence for the distinctive nature of the ribbon worms
9. Most are gonochoristic; c leavage holob last ic; early
vvas published by Max Schultze, who described the development typically spiralian, and either direct o r
functional 1norphology of the proboscis, established
the presence of nephridia and an anus, and discussed 1O. Asexual reproduction by fragmentat ion is not
many other features of these animals. Schultze even uncommon
proposed the basis for classifying these worms, which
is still largely employed today by most authorities.
Interestingly, he persisted in considering then, to be
turbellarians, but he coined the names Nemertina and stilifera and Polystilifera. Recent accounts o f the
Rhynchocoela. Charles Minot separated the nemerte­ systematics of Nemertea found a division behveen
ans fron, the flatworn1s in 1876, but it vvas not until the Palaeonemertea and Neonemertea, with Hubrechtidae
mid-hventieth century that the unique combination of as the sister group of Heteronemertea, constituting
characters displayed by the ribbon worms was fully the clade Pilidiophora (see classification that follows).
accepted. Since that time they have been treated as a Furthermore, all molecular analyses have contradicted
valid phylum. It was in the mid-1980s that James M. the ordinal status of Bdellonemertea, which is deeply
Turbeville, studying their ultrastructure, determined nested within Hoplonen,ertea.
that nemerteans are more closely related t o the coelo­ We therefore follow a system i n which the phylum is
mate protostomes than to platyhelminths, a result later subdivided into hvo main clades, Palaeonemertea and
corroborated by molecular sequence data and by the Neonemertea, the latter divided into Pilidiophora (in­
n1ode of development. cluding the traditional order Heteronemertea and the
family Hubrechtidae) and Hoplonen1ertea (= Enopla of
Classification older classifications). The principal anatomical features
Since the publication of Schultze's classic accounts, used to distinguish between these clades include pro­
the primary effort of nemertean taxonomists has been boscis armature, mouth location relative to the posi­
to refine the details of his schen1e, which has g e n e r ­ tion of the cerebral ganglion, gut shape, layering of the
ated sUI·prisingly few controversies. The classification body wall muscles, position of the longitudinal nerve
scheme used here is mostly based on the traditional cords, and several larval features.
one established by Wesley Coe in 1943 and refined
with molecular phylogenetic analyses.
For most of the last 100 years, the traditional classifi­
cation system of nemerteans has largely followed that (= RHYNCHOCOELA)
of Gerarda Stiasny-Wijnhoff (1936), which accepted as CLASS PALAEONEMERTEA Unarmed nemerteans (Fig­
classes Schultze's (1851) division of nemerteans into ure 12. 1 B). Proboscis not armed with stylets and not
the classes Anopla and Enopla. Stiasny-Wijnhoff divid­ morphologically specia lized into three regions. Mouth
ed Anopla into Palaeonemertea and Heteronemertea, separate from proboscis pore and located directly below
and Enopla into Hoplonemertea and Bdellonemertea. or somewhat poster i or to cerebral ganglion. Two or three
Hoplonemertea was further subdivided into Mono- layers of body wall muscles, from external to internal e ither
PHYLUM NEMERTEA The Ribbon Worms 437


Cephalic slit


(GJ (H)

Intestinal diverticulum

,. .
,, t - Genital pore
Dorsal blood vessel

Caudal cirrus


Figure 12.1 Representative nemerteans. (A) Micrura

verrilli (order HeteronemerteaJ. (B) Tubulanus sexlinea•
tus (class Palaeonemertea). (C) Phallonemertes mur-
rayi, a pel agic hoplonemertean (order PolystiliferaJ. (D)
Baseodiscus sp. (order HeteronemerteaJ, a deep-sea rib­
bon worm. (E) Cerebratulus sp. (order HeteronemerteaJ.
(F) Cerebratulus leucopsis from Panama (Car ibbean). (G)
Malacobdella grossa (order Monostilifera), a commensal Anus
in the mantle cavity of bivalve molluscs. (H) Anatomy of a
generalized nemertean (probosci s apparatus not shown).

Connecting vessel
438 Chapter Twelve

circu lar-longitudina l or circular-longitud inal-c ircular; dermis species are commensal in the mantle cavities of m a ­
thin and gelatinous, or absent; longitudinal nerve cords rine biva lves and, in one species, a freshwater gastro·
epidermal, dermal, or intramuscular within the longitudinal pod. (e.g., Amphiporus, Annulonemertes, Carcinone­
layer; cerebral organs and ocelli frequently lacking. Palae­ mertes, Emplectonema, Geonemertes, Malacobdella,
onemerteans are marine, primarily littoral forms. (e.g., Cari­ Ovicides, Paranemertes)
noma, Cephalothrix, Tubulanus)
CLASS NEONEMERTEA Unarmed or armed nemerte­
ans wit h separate or fused mouth and proboscis pores. The Nemertean Body Plan
Because Hubrechti dae was formerly placed in Pa laeone­ The nemertean body plan is especially interesting,
mertea, most characters within Neonemertea are variable. since it presents d1aracteristics of both coelomates (the
SUBCLASS PILIDIOPHORA Nemerteans with a pilid ium closed circulatory system and rhynchocoel) and a c o e ­
larva (when present) and the proboscis musculature bi­ lomates (the parenchyma and protonephridial system).
In Chapters 4 and 10 we discussed some of the lirnita•
laterally arranged.
tions of the acoelomate body plan, and we have seen
ORDER HUBRECHTIDA Unarmed nemerteans w ith the results of these constraints in our examination of
separate mouth and proboscis pores. The brain and the flatworms. It might be said that the ribbon wonns
lateral nerve chords are situated below the ep idermis have made the best of a rather difficult situation. Even
in the connective tissue, whereas the cerebral sensory though it is now clear that nen1erteans have true coelo•
organ occupies a position relat ive to the brain and
nuc cavities, these worms have relatively soUd bodies.
lateral b lood vessel similar to that of heteronemer­ Thus they are at least functionally acoelomate. Recall
teans. Historically, hubrechtiids were regarded as a
that many of the problems inherent in acoelon1ate ar­
"transitional stage" between palaeonemerteans and
basal heteronemerteans. All marine. (e.g., Hubrechtia, chitecture are related to restricted internal transport
Hubrechtella) capabilities. The presence of a circulatory system in
nemerteans has largely eased thjs problem, and the
ORDER HETERONEMERTEA Three layers of body functional anato1ny of many other systems is related
wall muscles, from external to interna l longitudinal-cir· directly or indirectly to the presence of this circulatory
cular-longitud inal; dermis usually thick, part ly fibrous; mechanism. For exan1ple, nemertean protonephridia
longitudinal nerve cords intramuscular, between outer are usually intimately associated with the blood, from
longitudinal and midd le circular layers; cerebral organs which wastes are drawn, rather than with the mesen•
and ocelli usually present; development indirect. These
chymal tissues as are flatworm protonephridia.
nemerteans are primari ly marine littoral forms, but a
The increased capabilities for internal circulation
few freshwater species are known (Figure 12.1A,D-F).
and transport have allowed a number of developments
(e.g., Baseodiscus, Cerebratulus, Lineus, Micrura,
that would otherwise be impossible. First, the circula­
Nemertoscolex, Paralineus)
tory system provides a solution to the surface-to-vol­
SUBCLASS HOPLONEMERTEA (= ENOPLA) Typically ume dilemma, and as a result nemerteans tend to be
armed nemerteans (Figure 12.1C,G). Proboscis usually much larger and more robust than flatworms, having
armed with distinct stylets and morphologically special­ been largely reUeved of the constraints of relying on
ized into three regions (except in Bdellonemertea); mouth diffusion for internal transport and exchange. Second,
and proboscis pore usually united into a common aper­ the digestive tract is complete and somewhat region·
ture; mouth located anterior to cerebral gangl ion; longi• ally specialized. With a one-way moven1ent of food
tudinal nerve oords w ithin mesenchyme, internal to body
materials through the gut, and a circulatory system to
wall muscles. With marine, freshwater and terrestrial
absorb and distribute digested products, the anterior
species; many marine spec ies symbiotic with or parasitic
region of the gut has been freed for feeding and inges­
upon other invertebrates.
tion. Third, since the animal does not have to rely on
ORDER POLYSTIUFERA Style! apparatus consi sts of diffusion for transport through a loosely organized
many small stylets borne o n a basal shield. All spe­ n1esend1yn1e,that general body area is freed for the d e ­
c ies are marine, either benthic or pelagic. (e.g., H u ­ velopment of other structures, notably the well devel­
brechtonemertes, Nectonemertes, Pelagonemertes, oped layers of muscles. In summary, the presence of a
Phaflonemertes) circulatory system in concert with these other changes
ORDER MONOSTIUFERA Stylet apparatus consists has resulted in relatively large, active animals, capable
of a single main stylet and two or more sacs housing of more co1nplex feeding and rugestive activities than
accessory (replacement) stylets; proboscis apparatus seen in most acoelomate metazoans.
is unarmed and opens into foregut in Malacobdella, This general body plan is enhanced by the presence
which has a trunk with a large posterior sucker and of the wuque proboscis apparatus (whid1 usually func­
a convoluted gut that lacks lateral d iverticula. Most tions i n prey capture), the distinctly anterior location
species are marine and benthic, but freshwater, t e r · of the mouth, and well-developed cephaUc sensory or­
restrial, and parasitic forms are known; Malacobdella gans for prey location. Thus, \-vrule variation exists, the
PHYLUM NEMERTEA The Ribbon Worms 439

(A) Rhynchocoel Figure 12.2 Organization of the nemertean body wall.

Proboscis canal (A) A hoplonemertean (cross section). (B) The anterior end
of a palaeonemertean (longitudinal section). (C) Epidermal



blood vessel

Circular muscle Lateral nerve cord

Cerebral ganglion Rhynchocoel Gland cell
Cephalic Rhynchodetull
Circular ·'
',, •.

. _;,,
,f. ..
Basal replacement cell

Mouth Foregut foregut blood lacunae

"typicaJ" nemertean may be viewed as an active b e n ­ ety of gland cells. Beneath the dermis are well-devel­
thic hunter/tracker that moves among nooks and cran­ oped layers of circular and longitudinal muscles. The
nies preying on other invertebrates or even on some organization of these rnuscles varies among taxa and
vertebrate prey and vertebrate remains. n,ay occur in either a two-or three-layered plan (Figure
12.3). The layering arrangement may a.Jso vary to some
Body Wall degree along tl1e body length of individual animals.
The body wall of nemerteans comprises an epidermis, Internal to the muscle layers is a dense, more or less
a dermis, relatively thick muscle layers surrounding solid mesenchyme, although in son,e nemerteans the
the gut and other internaJ organs, and a mesenchyn1e n1uscle layers are s o thick that they nearly obliterate
of varying thickness (Figure 12.2). The epidermis i s a this inner mass. The mesenchyme includes a gel ma­
ciliated co.lumnar epithelium (Figure 12.2C). Mixed trix and often a variety of loose cells, fibers, and dorso­
among the columnar cells are sensory cells (probably ventrally oriented muscles. Figure 12.3 depicts cross­
tactile), mucous gland cells, and basal replacement sectional views of representatives of the two classes,
cells that may extend beneath the epidermis. Below the showing mesenchyme thickness, muscles, place1nent
epidermis is the dermis, which varies greatly in thick­ of longitudinal nerve cords, major longitudinal blood
ness and composition. In some ribbon worn1s (e.g., vessels, and other features.
the paJaeonemerteans) the dermis i s extremely thin
or composed of onJy a homogeneous gel-like layer; in Support and Locomotion
others (e.g., the heteronemerteans), it is typically quite 1n the absence of any rigid skeletal elements, tl1e sup­
thick and densely fibrous and usually includes a vari- port system of nemerteans is provided by tlle muscles
440 Chapter Twelve

_,,,-,�:,--- - E-pidermis--- - --±!�".',-"""· · Figure 12.3 Representatives of the two

;.--outer dr<ular muscle--- classes of nemerteans, Palaeonemertea
(A) and Neonemertea (B), the l a t -
___Longitudinal muscle---:t: ter showing Heteronemertea and
Hoplonemertea (cross sections). Note
--- Rhynchocoel
- ---- the organization of the body wall mus­
cles and the placement of nerve cords
and other major organs.

- - -
--Digesrive tract--­
;v',;.:-----Lateral blood vessel--- :=;�v



C ircular muscle

Heteronemertea Hoplonemertea

and other tissues of the body ,,vall and by the hydro­ Feeding and Digestion
static qualities of the mesenchyme. These features Most ribbon worms are active predators on small
permit dramatic changes in both length and cross­ invertebrates, but some are able to capture live fish,
sectional shape and diameter, characteristics that are or even active invertebrates like cephalopods. Son,e
closely associated with locomotion and accom1noda­ are scavengers, feeding on all sorts of decaying ani-
tion to cramped quarters. Most very small benthic rib­ 1nal matter, including large vertebrates, and yet oth­
bon worms are propelled by the action of their epider­ ers feed on plant material (at least under laboratory
n1al cilia. A slime trail is produced by the body waJI conditions). There is evidence to suggest that species
n1ucous glands and provides a lubricated surface over of the comm.ensal genus Mnlncobdella, which inhabit
which the worm slowly glides. Small nemerteans c o m ­ the mantle cavity of bivalve molluscs, feed largely on
monly live among the interstices of filamentous algae, phytoplankton captured from their host's feeding and
under tidepool rocks, or in the spaces of other irregu­ gas exchange currents. Field observations indicate that
lar surfaces such as those found iJ1 mussel beds and the diets of predatory forms may be either extremely
sand, n1ud, or pebble botton1s. Larger epibenthic rib­ varied or quite restricted, depending on the species.
bon wonns and most of the burrowing forms employ Some species are capable of tracking prey over long
peristaltic waves of the body v,rall muscles to propel distances, whereas others must locate food by direct
them over moist surfaces or through soft substrata. contact. Distance prey location and assessment of food
Some of the larger forms (e.g., Cerebrnlulus) use undu­ acceptability are almost certaiJuy chemotactic respons­
Jatory swimming as a secondary means of locomotion, es. Ribbon w·onns that actually hunt and track can rec­
and perhaps as an escape reaction to benthic predators. ognize the trails left by potential prey, and they fire
Fully pelagic nen,erteans (certain polystiliferan hop­ their proboscis along the trail ahead of them to capture
lonemerteans) generally drift or swim slowly. Some of food (Figure 12.4). Similar reactions are elicited when
the terrestrial forms produce a slin1.e sheath through infauna! nemerteans encounter burrows iJ1 v.rhich po­
1,vhich they glide by ciliary action, and some use their tential prey might be located. Surface hunters that live
proboscis for rapid escape responses. in intertidal areas generally forage during high tides or
PHYLUM NEMERTEA The Ribbon Worms 441

amphipod crustaceans seem to be favorite food items

for n1any predatory nemerteans.
Species of the hoplonemertean genus Carcino­
n e111ertes are ectoparasites (egg predators) on
brachyuran crabs. Different species inhabit differ­
ent regions of the host's body, but all migrate to the
egg masses on gravid female crabs and feed on the
yolky eggs. In high numbers, these egg predators
can kill all of the e1nbryos in the host's clutch. Some
studies have reported up to 99% infestation rates of
Carci11one1 11ert es errans on the commercially impor­
tant Pacific Dungeness crab (Cancer magister), with
up to 100,000 worms per host. This parasite has been
in1plicated in past collapses of the central California
Dungeness crab fishery. Several species of Ovicides
Figure 12.4 Paranemertes peregrina (order (Carcinonemertidae) live on the abdon1ens of hydro­
Hoplonemertea) capturing a nereid polychaete. The pro­ thermal vent crabs in the Pacific, and Ne111ertoscolex
boscis is coiled around the polychaete. pnrnsiticus (Heteronen1ertea) Ii ves in the coelomic
fluid of the echiuran Echi11r11s ecl1i11n1s.

at night, and thus avoid the threats of desiccation and The proboscis apparatus The proboscis apparatus is
visual predators. However, n1embers of some marine a complex arrangement of tubes, muscles, and hydrau­
genera (e.g., Tubulnnus, Parn11e111ertes, Amphiporus) n1ay lic systems (Figure 12.5). The proboscis itself is an elon­
frequently be seen during low tides on foggy morn­ gate, eversible, blind tube, and either is associated with
ings, gliding over the substratum in search of prey. The the foregut or opens through a separate proboscis pore.
rapid expulsion of their proboscis and successful prey The proboscis, which may be branching in son1e spe­
capture can be a memorable moment of high dran1a for cies, may be regionaUy specialized and bears stylets in
tidepool enthusiasts. various arrangements (Figures 12.SE-H). Nen1ertean
The behavior involved in the capture and ingestion stylets are nail-shaped structures that typically reach
of live prey is significantly different from that associ­ lengths of 50-200 µm. Each calcified stylet is composed
ated with scavenging on dead material. In predation, of a central organic matrix surrounded by an inorganic
the proboscis is employed both in capturing prey and cortex composed of calcium phosphate. The stylets are
in moving it to the mouth for ingestion. The probos­ formed within large epithelial cells called styletocytes.
cis is everted and wrapped around the victim (Figure Because growing ribbon worms must replace their sty­
12.4). The prey is not only physically held by the pro­ lets with ne,v larger ones, and because they often lose
boscis but may be subdued o r killed by its toxic s e ­ the stylet during prey capture, new stylets are continu­
cretions. In the Pacific species Paranemertes p eregri11a, ously produced in reserve stylet sacs and stored until
wh.id1 feeds primarily on nereid polychaetes, the glan­ needed, whereupon they are transported and affixed in
dular epithelium of the everted proboscis secretes a po­ their proper position.
tent neurotoxin. Neo1erteans with an arn1ed proboscis The basic structure and action of the proboscis are
(Hoplonemertea) actualJy use the stylets to pierce the n1ost easily described where the apparatus is entirely
prey's body (often numerous times) to introduce the separate from the gut. As shown in Figures 12.SA and
toxin. Once captured, the prey is drawn to the mouth B, the proboscis pore leads from the outside directly
by retraction and manipulation of the proboscis; it is into the anterior proboscis lumen, called the rhyncho­
usually swalJowed whole. The 1nouth is expanded and deum, the lining of which is continuous with the epi­
pressed against the food, and swaJJowing is accom­ dermis. Posterior to the rhynchodeum, the lumen con­
plished by peristaltic action of the body wall muscles tinues as the proboscis canal that is surrounded by the
aided by ciliary currents in the anterior region of the muscular wall of the proboscis itself; these muscles are
gut. Scavenging, in contrast, usually does not involve derived from the muscles of the body wall. The pro­
the proboscis. The worm simply ingests the food di­ boscis i s surrounded by a dosed, fluid-filled, coelomic
rectly by muscular action of body wall and foregut. space called the rhynchocoel, which in turn is sur­
In some predatory hoplonemerteans (those in which rounded by additional muscle layers. The inner blind
the lun1en of the proboscis is connected with the an­ end of the proboscis is connected to the posterior wall
terior gut lumen), the foregut itself may be everted for of the rhynchocoel by a proboscis retractor muscle. In
feeding on animals too large to be swalJowed whole. a few taxa (e.g., Gorgonorhynch11s), there is no retractor
In such cases, fluids and soft tissues are generally muscle, and eversion and retraction are accomplished
sucked out of the prey's body. Polychaete worms and hydrostaticaJJy.
442 Chapter Twelve



Proboscis retractor muscle

(F) (C) (H)

Intest ne


stylet base -��

Figure 12.5 (A-0) The arrangements of the proboscis

apparatus and digestive tube in the (A) Palaeonemertea
(B) Heteronemertea, (C) Hoplonemertea, and (D) the
Bulb chamber highly modified hoplonemertean Ma/acobdetta. (E) Stylet
apparatus in the proboscis of Prostoma graecense
(Monostilifera). (F) Stylet apparatus of Amphiporus f o r ­
midabifis (Monostilifera). (G) Stylet from Paranemertes
peregrina (scanning electron micrograph). (H) Style! from
Amphiporus bimacufatus (scanning electron micrograph).

Eversion of the proboscis (Figure 12.6) is accom­ intestine or midgut, which is n1ore or less straight
plished by contraction of the muscles around the rhyn­ but usually bears numerous lateral diverticula. In
chocoel; this increases the hydrostatic pressure within Mnlncobdelln, the intestine is loosely coiled and lacks
the rhynchocoel itself, squeezing on the proboscis and diverticula; diverticula are also lacking in the strange
causing its eversion. The everted proboscis 1noves v-rith "segmented" A111111/one111ertes. At the posterior end of
the n1uscles in its wall; the proboscis is retracted back the intestine is a short ectodermally derived hindgut
inside the body by the coincidental relaxation of the (proctodeum) or rectum, whim terntinates in the anus.
muscles around the rhynchocoel and contraction of Elaborations on this basic plan are common in certain
the proboscis retractor muscle. The retracted proboscis taxa and may include various ceca arising from the
may extend nearly to the posterior end of the worm, sto1nach or from the intestine at its junction with the
and usually only a portion of it is extended during foregut.
evers1on. The entire digestive tube is ciliated, the foregut
more densely than the midgut. The gut epithelium is
Digestive system Nemerteans have a complete basically columnar, mixed with gland cells. The fore­
through gut with an anus (Figures 12.6 and 12.7). gut contains a variety of mucus-producing cells, some­
Associated with the one-way movement of food from titnes multicellular mucous glands, and occasionally
mouth t o anus we find various degrees of regional enzymatic gland cells in the stomach region. The mid­
specialization (both structural and functional) in the gut is lined with vacuolated ciliated columnar cells;
guts of ribbon worms. The n1outh leads inward to an these are phagocytic and bear nucrovilli, greatly in­
ectodermally derived foregut (sto1nodeun1) consisting creasing their surface area. Enzymatic gland cells are
of a bulbous buccal cavity, sometimes a short esopha­ abundantly mixed with the ciliated cells of the midgut.
gus, and a stomac11. The stomach leads to an elongate The hindgut typically lacks gland cells. Food is moved
PHYLUM NEMERTEA The Ribbon Worms 443

(A) Probosc is
Buccal cavity
Proboscis canal Proboscis
'* f-'" .,: ifit.

Proboscis pore -


(8) Cerebral ganglion Retractor muscl e

• ,! ···• · ·•. ,, • ,' f•

Figure 12.6 A retracted (A)

and an extended (B) probos­
cis of a hoplonemertean. Everted proboscis

through the digestive tract by cilia and by the action

of the body wall muscles; there are usually no muscles
in the gut wall itself, except in the foregut of son1e
The process of rugestion in carnivorous nemerte­ Probosci s pore-� �

ans is a two-phase sequence of protein breakdown.
The first step involves the action of endopeptidases -Cerebral
released fron1 gland cells into the gut lumen. This e x ­ ganglion
tracellular digestion is quite rapid and is followed by
Mouth v-
. �
phagocytosis (and probably pinocytosis) of the par­
,· :iil
�.•.·· l\n--_ � ·
tially digested material by the ciliated columnar cells cavity
of the midgut. Protein rugestion is completed intracel­ '·. l

�' �\I
lularly by exopeptidases within the food vacuoles of LateraI nerve cord Esophagus
the midgut epithelium. Lipases have been discovered ,. . . .. .;.;
in at least one species (Lineus ruber), and carbohydrases • ·:
Il Stomach
are known in the onmivorous commensal Malacobdelln.
Food is stored primarily i n the fonn of fats, and to a
much lesser extent as glycogen, in the wall of the m id­
gut. Transportation of digested materials throughout
the body is accomplished by the circulatory system,
which absorbs these products from the cells lining the
intestine. lnrugestible materials are moved through the

:. ·i,y
gut and out the anus.

Circulation and Gas Exchange Intestinal

i 1 diverticula
We have mentioned briefly the evolutionary and adap­
tive significance of the circulatory system in nemerte­
ans and its general relationship to other systems and

,'\'�i' j.,,.r__
functions. This closed system consists of vessels and ,.
' •��
- �Rectum
thin-walled spaces cal.led lacunae (Figure 12.28). There
is a good deal of variation in the architecture of ne­
mertean circulatory systems (Figure 12.8). The simplest
arrangement occurs in certain palaeonemerteans in Anus
which a single pair of longituru.nal vessels extends the
length of the body, co1u1ecting anteriorly by a cephalic Figure 12.7 A nemertean digestive system, Anteri or
lacuna and posteriorly by an anal lacuna. Elaboration and posterior regions of the gut of Carinoma (ventral
on this basic scheme may include transverse vessels view).
444 Chapter Twelve

(A) (B) Cephalic function. The anatomical association of the circulatory

lacuna ---
systen, with other structures, as well as the composi­
-cephalic Ventral tion of the blood, suggest several circulatory functions.
lacuna connective Although conclusive evidence is lacking, the circulato­
Lateral ry system appears to be involved with the transport of
blood vessel
nutrients, gases, neurosecretions, and excretory prod­
1 -Lateral
- Esophageal ucts. Some intermediary metabolism probably occurs
blood vessel vessel
in the blood, as several appropriate enzymes have been
Rhynchocoel identified in solution. The blood may also serve as an
vessel aid to body support through changes in hydrostatic

pressure v.rithin the vessels and Jacunar spaces. There
is some evidence to support the idea that the blood
Anal may also function in osmoregulation.
lacuna Gas exchange in nemerteans is epidermal and does
Nephridioduct --..1
not involve any special structures. Oxygen and carbon
dioxide diffuse readily across the moist body surface,
Nephridiopore____,,/ which is usually covered with mucous secretions.
Some robust forms (e.g., Cerebratu/11s) augment this
(C) passive exchange of gases across the skin with regular
irrigation of the foregut, v.rhere there is an extensive
system of blood vessels. In those species in which he­
moglobin occurs, this pigment probably aids in oxygen
Lateral transport or storage within the blood.
vessel -- -­
Excretion and Osmoregulation

vessel The excretory system of most nemerteans consists of
Nephridiopores two to thousands of flame bulb protonephridia (Fig­
vessel � ures 12.8 and 12.9) sinillar to those found in free-living
• � flatworms. However, apparently the deep-sea pelagic
• Nephridioduct

hoplonemerteans lack protonephridia altogether. The
-Lateral vessels flame bulbs are usually intin,ately associated with the

lateral blood vessels or less commonly \,vith other parts
of the circulatory system. The nephridial units are often
Figure 12.8 Nemertean circulatory systems. (A) The pressed into the blood vessel walls, and in some in­
si mple circulatory loop of Cephalothrix (Palaeonemertea) stances the walls are actually broken down so that the
consists of a pair of lateral blood vessels connected by
nephridia are bathed directly in blood. ln the simplest
cephalic and anal lacunae. (8) The complex circulatory
system of Tubulanus (Palaeonemertea). Note the inti­ case, a single pair of flame bulbs leads to two nephrid­
mate association of the nephrid ial system with the lateral ioducts, each with its own laterally placed nephridio­
blood vessels. (C) The circulatory system of Amphiporus pore. More complex conditions include rows of single
(Hoplonemertea) includes a middorsal vessel and numer­ flan,e buJbs or clusters of flame bulbs with n1ultiple
ous transverse vessels. ducts. In some species the walls of the nephridioducts
are syncytial and lead to htu1dreds or even thousands
of pores on the epidermjs. The most elaborate condi­
between the longitudinal vessels, enlargement and tions occur in certain terrestrial nemerteans where ap­
compartn,entalization of the lacunar spaces, and the proximately 70,000 clusters of flame bulbs (six to eight
addition of a nuddorsal vessel. The walls of the blood in each cluster) lead to as many surface pores. In son1e
vessels are only slightly contractile, and general body heteronemerteans (e.g., Baseodiscus), the excretory sys­
movements generate most of the blood flow. There tem discharges into the foregut.
is no consistent pattern to the movement of blood The functioning of nemertean protonephridia in the
through the systen1; it may flow either anteriorly or excretion of metabolic wastes has not been well stud­
posteriorly in the longitudinal vessels, and currents ied. The close association of the flame bulbs with the
often reverse directions. circulatory system suggests that nitrogenous wastes
The blood consists of a colorless fluid in which (probably ammonia), excess salts, and other n,etabolic
various cells are suspended. These cells can include products are removed from the blood as well as from
pigmented corpuscles (yellow, orange, green, red), at the surrounding mesenchyme by the nephridia. If such
least some of which contain hemoglobin, and a variety is the case, i t explains again the significance of the cir­
of so-called lymphocytes and leukocytes of uncertain culatory system in overcoming surface-to-volume
PHYLUM NEMERTEA The Ribbon Worms 445

(A) (C)

,..; . .. I.
;\ .


·�· .· . . '

blood vessel
·,: ... .�. ... ..
. ...... ;,
·-��.. ..
.•..•.. ..• ..--.: .· ,.,,..•.
..·��..�.i.:-r-::�c o11ecting tubu1c

Figure 12.9 Nemertean excretory systems (see
also Figure 12.8). (A) A protonephridial cluster of
Drepanophorus (Hoplonemertea). (B) Nephridial ducts
associated with a lateral blood vessel in Amphiporus
(Hoplonemertea). (C) Excretory system of Carinina
(Palaeonemertea) in which the secretory units (so-called
nephridial gland) project into the lumen of the lateral blood
(one genus of Heteronen1ertea and several genera of
Hoplonemertea), face little or no osmotic stress. But
problems and the constraints of simple diffusion on the many species found intertidally do face periods of
body size. Relatively active anjmals produce large exposure to air and to lowered (or elevated) salinities.
amounts of metabolic wastes. Dependence on diffu­ Their soft borues are largely unprotected, and they are
sion alone would seriously li.mjt any increase in body relatively intolerant of fluctuations in environmental
bulk, but the transport of these wastes from the tissues conditions. Intertidal nemerteans rely strongly on be­
to the protonephridial system by circulatory vessels havioral attributes to survive periods of potential os­
greatly eases this li1nitation. One of the most remark­ motic stress and remain in moist areas during low tide
able evolutionary achievements of the nemerteans has periods. Burrowing in soft, water-soaked substrata, or
been their ability to grow to great size, particularly in living among algae or mussel beds, in cracks and crev­
length, \vithout segmentation or the development of a ices, or other areas that retain seawater at low tide are
large body cavity. lifestyles illustrating how habitat preference and be­
There is some morphological and experimental havior prevent exposure t o stress. In addition, most i n ­
evidence that the protonephridia also play an in1por­ tertidal nemerteans are somewhat negatively phototac­
tant role in osmoregulation, especially in freshwater tic, and many restrict their activities to night hours or
and terrestrial ribbon v.•orms. It is in son1e of these to foggy or overcast 1nornings and evenings. A marine
forms, which aJ·e subjected to extreme osmotic stress, n1eiofaunal species fron, North Carolina lives in sedi­
that the most elaborate excretory systems are found ments at about 1 m depth above high tide level, proba­
and these systems are probably associated with water bly relying on the water that fills the interstices of sand
balance. Furthermore, it appears that there may be a by capillarity.
very complex interaction between the nervous sys­
tem (neurosecretions), the circulatory system, and the Nervous System and Sense Organs
nephrirua to facilitate osmoregulatory mechanis1ns, The basic organization of the nemertean nervous sys­
but the details remain to be studied. Some members tem reflects a relatively active lifestyle. Nemerteans
of Heteronemertea and Hoplonemertea have invaded are cephalized, especially in the anterior placement
fresh water and must combat water influx from their of the mouth and feeding structures, and we find
strongly hypotonic surroundings. Members of some related concentrations of sensory and other nervous
genera (e.g., Geo11e111er/es) are terrestrial, although re­ elements in the head. The central nervous system of
stricted to moist shady habitats where they avoid se­ ribbon v.•orms consists of a complex cerebral ganglion
rious problems of desiccation. In adrution, they tend from v1hich arises a pair of ganglionated, longitudi­
to cover their bodies with a mucous coat that reduces nal (lateral) nerve cords (Figure 12.lOA). The cerebral
water loss. Those forms that inhabit marine subtidal ganglion is formed of four attached lobes that encircle
or deep-water environments, or are endosymbiotic the proboscis apparatus (not the gut, as in many other
446 Chapter Twelve

(A) Dorsal and ventral (B) (C)


Circular muscle
Dorsal ganglion
Longitudinal Figure 12.1 O Nervous system and sense organs of
(= lateral) nemerteans. (A) Anterior portion of the nervous system
nerve cord
\.. < of Tubulanus (Palaeonemertea); see text for explanat ion
of variations. (B) The cephalic slits and grooves and eye
i,'. spots are visible on the heads of three nemerteans.
(C) The cerebral organ of Tubulanus (cross section). Note
1' the association of the organ with the cerebral canal, the
nervous system, and the blood system. (D) Clusters of
frontal glands occur in the anterior end of a hoplonemer­
(D) Outlet of frontal glands tean (longitudinal section).
(frontal sense organ)

invertebrates). Each side of the cerebral ganglion in­

Frontal glands cludes a dorsal and a ventral lobe; the two sides are
attached to one another by dorsal and ventral connec­
tives. Several pairs of sensory nerves provide input
du·ectly t o the cerebral ganglion from various cephalic
sense organs. The main longitudinal nerve cords arise
from the ventral lobes of the cerebral ganglion and pass
posteriorly; they attach to each other at various points
by branched transverse connectives and ternunally by
an anal commissure. The longitudinal nerves also give
rise to peripheral sensory and motor nerves along the
length of the body. Elaboration on this basic plan in­
Gut cludes additional longitudinal nerve cords, frequently
a middorsal one arising from the dorsal commissure
of the cerebral ganglion, and a variety of connectives,
nerve tracts, and plexus.
As noted u1 the classification scheme, the positions
of the major longitudinal nerve cords vary among the
nemertean orders (Figure 12.3). These changes in the
position of the nerve cords from epidermal to mesen­
chymal correspond to general u1creases m body con1-
plexity and tendencies toward specialization. Most
workers agree that these differences reflect a plesio­
morphic (epidermal) to apon1orphic (subepidermal)
Proboscis trend among these taxa.
Ribbon worn1s possess a variety of sensory recep­
tors, many of v>'hich are concentrated at the anterior
PHYLUM NEMERTEA The Ribbon Worms 447

end and associated with an active, typically hunting canals with glandular, nervous, and circulatory struc­
lifestyle and with other aspects of their natural histo­ tures has Jed some workers t o suggest an endocrine
ry. Nemerteans are very sensitive to touch. This tactile and/ or neurosecretory function for the cerebral or­
sensitivity plays a role in food handling, avoidance re­ gans. Other suggestions have included auditory, gas
sponses, locomotion over irregular surfaces, and mat­ exchange, excretory, and tactile activities. Cerebral or­
ing behavior. Several types of modified ciliated epider­ gans are absent in several genera, including the sy1nbi­
mal cells are scattered over the body surface(especially otic Carcinone111ertes and Malacobdel/a, and the pelagic
abundant at the anterior and posterior ends) and are hoplonemerteans.
presumed to have a tactile function. The cells occur ei­ In the region anterior to the cerebral ganglion, large
ther singly or in clusters; some of the latter types are frontal glands open to the outside through a pitlike
located in small depressions and can be thrust out from frontal sense organ(Figure 12.10D). These structures
the body surface. receive nerves from the cerebral ganglion and appear
The eyes of ribbon worms are located anteriorly t o be chemosensory, but solid evidence for this sugges­
and number from tvvo to severa.l hundred; they can be tion is lacking. Finally, statocysts have also been found
arranged in various patterns (Figure 12.lOB). Most of i n some nemerteans, including pelagic forms where
these ocelli are of the inverted pig1nent-cup type, simi­ geotaxjs is an obvious advantage.
lar to those seen in flatworms, although a few species
possess lensed eyes. As discussed in Chapter 4, these Reproduction and Development
types of eyes typically are sensitive to light intensity Asexual processes Many nemerteans show remark­
and light direction. They help the ne1nerteans avoid able powers of regeneration, and nearly all species can
bright light and potential exposure to predators or en­ regenerate at least posterior portions of the body. Those
vironmental stresses. with the greatest regenerative abilities are certain spe­
Much of the sensory input important to nemerteans cies of Lineus, whlch engage in a ren,arkable form of
is chemosensory. These ,vorn1.s are very sensitive to asexual reproduction on a regu.lar basis by undergoing
dissolved chemicals in their environment and employ mu.ltiple transverse fission into nun,erous fragments.
thjs sensitivity in food location, probably mate loca­ The fragments are o�en extremely small and the pro­
tion, substratum testing, and general water analysis. cess is sometimes referred to sin,ply as fragmenta­
Probably all nemerteans respond to contact with chem­ tion. The smaU pieces often form mucous cysts within
ical stimuli, and many are capable of distance cl1emo­ which the new 1,vorm regenerates; larger pieces grow
reception of materials in solution. At least three differ­ into new anirnaJs without the protection of a cyst. In
ent nemertean structures have been implicated (some some nemerteans only anterior fragments can regener­
through specu.lation) in the initiation of chemotactic r e ­ ate into new wornlS.
sponses: cephalic slits or grooves, cerebral organs, and
frontal glands(= cephalic glands)(Figures 12.108-D). Sexual reproduction Nemerteans show remarkable
Cephalic slits are furrows of variable depth that OCClU variation i n reproductive and developmental strate­
laterally on the heads of many ribbon worms (see also gies. Most ribbon worms are gonochoristic, although
Figure 12.lE,F). These furrows are lined with a cili­ protandric and even simultaneous hermaphrodites
ated sensory epithelium supplied with nerves from are known. The reproductive syste1n of nemerteans
the cerebral ganglion. Water is circulated through the has gonads that are simply specialized patches of
cephalic slits and over thls presun1ably chemosensory n1esenchyn1a.l tissue arranged serially along each side
epithelia.l lining. of the intestine and alternate with the midgut diver­
Most nemerteans possess a pair of the remarkably ticula(Figure 12.11). ln Malacobdel/a and a few others,
complex cerebral organs (Figure 12.lOC). The core of the gonads are more or less packed within the mesen­
each cerebral organ is a ciliated epidermal invagination chyme (Figure 12.lH). In most nemerteans the devel­
(the cerebra.I canal), which is expanded at its inner end. op1nent of gonads occurs along nearly the entire length
These canals lead laterally to pores withln the cephalic of the body, but in a few species they are restricted to
slits(when present) or else directly to the outside via certain regions, usually toward the anterior end. The
separate pores on the head. The inner ends of the ca­ gonads begin to enlarge and hollow just prior to the
nals are surrounded by nervous tissue of the cerebral onset of breeding activities. Specialized cells in the
ganglion, and by glandular tissue, and they are often walls of the rudimentary ovaries and testes prolifer­
intimately associated with lacunar blood spaces. Cilia ate eggs and sperm into the lunl.ina of the enlarging
in the cerebra.I canal circulate water through the open gonadal sacs. In females additional special cells are
portion of the organ; this activity intensifies in the pres­ responsible for yolk production. There is evidence that
ence of food. Nemerteans presumably use thls mech­ maturation is under neurosecretory hormonal control,
anism when hunting and trackJng prey or in other at least in some species. The secretions are probably
chemotactic responses. The association of the cerebral from the cerebra.I organ complex.
448 Chapter Twelve

Figure 12.11 Arrangement of

gonads in the palaeonemertean
Carinina (cross section). Note the
position of a pair of gonads in the
mesenchyme. See also Figure 12.7.



Lateral nerve cord
blood vessel


With the proliferation of gametes, the gonadal sacs advantage for surviving on land. Ovoviviparity is also
expand t o almost fill the area between the gut and known in a few other nemerteans, including deep-sea
the body wall. When the anin1als are nearly ready to pelagic fonns. Since the population densities of these
spawn, mating behavior is in_itiated and the 1,vorn1s b e ­ pelagic worn1s are extremely 101,v, they n1ust presum­
come increasingly active. As mention_ed earlier, mate ably capitalize on tile relatively infrequent encounters
location probably depends on chen1otactic responses. of n1ales and females and ensure successful fertiliza•
The same is apparently true of spawning itself, at least tion. In a few cases the males are equipped with suck­
for son1e species, because the presence of a ripe con­ ers, 1-vhich are used to clasp tile fe1nale, or, rarely, with
specific stimulates the release of gametes from other a protrusible penis, 1,vhich is used to transfer sperm.
mature individuals. Experimental evidence indicates Regardless of the method of fertilization, develop­
that physical contact is not necessary for such a spawn­ ment through the gastrula is similar among most of
ing response; thus, so1ne sort of pheromone is probably the nemerteans studied to date. Cleavage is holoblastic
involved. In nature, however, spawning usually occurs and spiral, producing either three (T11bula1111s) or, more
in concert with actual physical contact; tactile respons­ typically, four quartets of micromeres. A coeloblastula
es evidently follow chemotactic mate location. During forms, and this often shows the rudinlents of an api­
such mating activities, veritable knots of scores of cal ciliary tuft associated witll a slight thickening of the
worms may writhe in a mucus-covered mating mass. blastula wall at or near the animal pole. Gastrulation
The coordinated release of ripe gametes under such is usually by invagination of the macro1neres and the
conditions ensures successful fertilization. The gam­ fourth micromere quartet to produce a coelogastrula.
etes are extruded through ten1porary pores or through In at least one genus (Prosfoma, a hern,aphrodHic fresh­
ruptures in the body wall Rupture occurs by contrac­ water forn1), gastrulation is by unipolar ingression of
tion of the body ,-vall muscles or of special mesenchy­
mal muscles surrounding the gonads.
Fertilization is often external, either free in the sea­
water or in a gelatinous mass of mucus produced by
the n1ating worms. In the latter situation, actual egg
cases are frequently formed, and part or all of the
embryonic development occurs within them (Figure
12.12). Internal fertilization occurs in certain nemer­
teans. In some cases the sperm are released into the
mucus surrounding the mating worms and then move
into the ovaries of the female; once fertilized, the eggs
are usually deposited in egg capsules, where they de­ Egg capsules
velop, although some Antarctic species brood with
cocoons. Some terrestrial species are ovoviviparous;
the embryos are retained within the body of the fe­ Figure 12.12 Egg capsules in the heteronemertean
male and development is fully direct-an obvious Uneus ruber.
PHYLUM NEMERTEA The Ribbon Worms 449

., •·!- '· •·'.'

apparatus is not fully forn1ed at hatching (the probos­
cis of heteronemerteans and Mnlncobdelln is fw1ctional at
Cut the time of hatching).
A recent study of e1nbryogenesis of the palaeone­
mertean Cnrino,nn treninplroros has shown large squa­
Frontal glands mous cells covering the entire larval surface except for
Figure 12.13 Hatching form produced by direct devel­ the apical and posterior regions. Although apical and
opment in Prosorhochmus, a hoplonemertean. posterior cells continue to divide, in the large surface
cells cleavage arrest and form a contorted preoral belt.
Based on its position, cell lineage, and fate, it has been
the vegetal 1nacromeres; this movement produces a suggested that this belt corresponds to the prototroch
stereogastrula, which later hollows. Mesoderm may of other trochozoans.
originate in several ways, and in some cases the pro­ The Pilidiophora undergo a bizarre and fascinat­
cesses are poorly uJ1derstood. In Cerebrntulus, one of ing pattern of i.ndirect developn1ent. Most species in
the best-studied nemerteans develop1nentally, ec­ this subclass produce a free-swim1ning, planktotro­
tomesoderm is derived from two blastomeres (3a and phic larva called the pilidium (Figure 12.14). At this
3b), which give rise to the extensive array of the larval stage the gut is incomplete, consisting of a mouth lo­
muscle cells. Cerebrntulus lncteus also possesses a true cated between a pair of flaplike ciliated lobes, a sto­
mesentoblast (4d) vvhich gives rise to a pair of s1nall n1odeaJ foregut, and a blind intestine; the anus forn1s
mesodermal bands, and scattered mesenchymal cells. later as a proctodeal invagination. Interestingly, the
This dual origin of the mesoderm, as both ectomeso­ intestinal diverticula of nemerteans do not form as
derm and endomesoderm, appears to be a condition evaginations of the gut wall but are produced by me­
present in all spiralians. The gut is formed by all the dial encroachments of n1esenchyme, which press in
fourth quartet rnicromeres as well as the vegetaJ mac­ the gut wall, thus creating the diverticula. As the pi­
romeres (4A, 48, 4C, 4D). Unraveling the embryogeny lidium S\-\•ims and feeds, a series of invaginations in
of nemerteans has led to the recent discovery that the the larval ectoderm (Figure 12.148) eventually pinch
rhynchocoel is formed by schizocoely, and it therefore off internally to produce the presumptive adult ecto­
represents a true coelomic cavity. derm. Perhaps the most striking characteristic of the
Developmental strategies are also varied among pilidium is the way the juvenile worm develops inside
nemerteans. Members of Palaeonemertea and Hoplo­ the larva from a series of isolated rudiments, called
nemertea undergo direct developn1ent ,,vithin egg the imaginal discs. The paired cephalic discs, cerebral
cases. The embryos in these groups develop gradually organ discs, and trunk discs originate as invagina­
to juvenile worms without any abrupt 1netamorpho­ tions of larval epidermis and subsequently grow and
sis (Figure 12.13), but may have multiple invagina­ fuse around the larval gut to form the juvenile (Figure
tions and shedding of a transitory larval epidermis. 12.14C). The fully formed juvenile ruptures the larval
These embryos are nourished by yolk until they hatch, body and, n1ore often than not, devours the larva dur­
whereupon they commence feeding. This is especially ing catastrophic metamorphosis. In this way, the ani­
true of the palaeonemerteans, in which the proboscis mal prepares for benthic life before it faces the rigors of

(A) (B) (C)

Apical sense organ
Larval Developing
ectodennal ---".ii juvenile

Figure 12.14 Development of a pilidium larva. (A) Pilidium larva (sagittal

section). (B) A pil idium larva (transverse section) during invagination of larval
ectoderm to form adult skin. (C) Late pi l idium larva with juven ile formed within.
450 Chapter Twelve

Figure 12.15 Phylogeny of Nemertea

derived from recent analyses of molecular


Polystilifcra Neonemertea

settlement. When developn1ent is c ompleted,

. the l a r ­ worms, but these could be syn1plesion1orphic for Spi­
val skin is shed and the juvenile assumes its Ufe on the ralia or they could be convergences. Their mode or
sea floor. Pilidia from different species vary in shape, early egg cleavage places them as clear members of
size, and color. Modifications of pilidial development the clade Spiralia, and interpretations of the arrested
include Desor's Jarva in viridis, Schmidt's Jarva cells of some embryos suggest a relationship to phyla
in Lineus r11ber, and Iwata's larva i n several Micrura with trochophore larvae-a relationshjp otherwise
species. Development of Desor's and Schmjdt's larva unsupported by any other anatomjcal characters.
is encapsulated, while the others have planktonic leci­ This is why their phylogenetic placement has been
thotrophic deveJopn,ent. In all of these cases, the pilid­ in flux for quite some time. However, molecular data
ial lobes are lacking, the blastocoeJ is reduced, the larva strongly suggest a relationship to Mollusca, Annelida,
does not feed but, similar to the canorucal pilidium, the and the lophophorate phyla (and probably also the
juvenile develops via imaginal discs. Entoprocta).
The phylogenetic relationships among the various
taxa of Nemertea have been examined in detail in the
past few years and now include a phylogenomic analy­
Nemertean Phylogeny sis using hw1dreds of genes (Figure 12.15). These new
The fossil record is, unfortunately, of little use in es­ studies are largely congruent ,.vith some of the tradi­
tablishing the origin of nemerteans in geological time, tional classifications, but they have found paraphyly of
but the group obviously diverged sometime after the the former class Anopla, aJ1d include some in1portant
origin of the spiralian bilateral condition. Although rearrangements, like the placement of Hubrechtida as
now viewed to be part of the spiralian clade, related to sister group to Heteronemertea and not as a 1nember of
other spiralians with trodlophore larvae, nemerteans Palaeonemertea, or the placement of the former mono­
had long been considered to b e related to flatworms generic order Bdellonemertea wi.thin Monostilifera. The
(Chapter 10). However, this idea is refuted by the dis­ former result i s not really that surprising, as species of
covery of the coelomic nature of the nemertean rhyn­ Hubredltida have a mosaic of palaeone1nertean and
chocoel and blood vessels, which place them closer heterone.mertean dlaracters and some authors have con­
to other phyla of coelomate spiralians. An older view sidered them as a "transitional stage" betvveen palae­
is that nemerteans arose from an early archoophoran onemerteans and basal heteronen1erteans. Furthermore,
"turbellarian" stock, perhaps sharing conunon ances­ the new evolutionary tree therefore implies that c e r ­
try with the macrostomid flatvvorms. The nemerteans tain characters found i n Anopla are actual symple­
and free-living platyhelminths display a number of siomorphies for Nemertea, including the unarmed
similarities including protonephridia, types of ocelli, proboscis or the separation of the opening of mouth
certain histological characteristics (especially of the and proboscis. Within Hoplone1nertea, Monostilifera
epidermis), and the general orgaruzation of the ner­ appear divided into two clades, Cratenemertea and
vous system. Furthermore, various ciliated slits and Distromatonemertea, whereas Polystilifera splits into
depressions among free-living flatvvorms resemble the the clades Pelagica and Reptantia.
cephalic slits and similar structures of the nemerte­ One of the principal structural trends among the
ans. Some flatvvorms possess frontal (cephalic) glands ne,nerteans is the internalization of the major longitu­
long thought t o be homologous t o those of ribbon dinal nerve cords. We assume that the earliest ribbon
PHYLUM NEMERTEA The Ribbon Worms 451

worms possessed epidern1al nerve cords, as do some almost certainly a secondary abandonment of free pi­
n1odern palaeonemerteans. Palaeonemerteans and p i ­ lidial larval life.
lidiophorans retain the plesiomorphic feature of the The hoplonemerteans show some distinct changes
placement of the mouth posterior to the cerebral gan­ from the members mentioned above. Most notable are
glion. The relatively simple and unarmed proboscis the regional specialization and armature of the probos­
and the placement of the nerve cords external to the cis, the movement of the nerve cords to a mesenchymal
mesenchyme suggest further that these clades retain position, and the movement of the mouth more anteri­
the plesiomophic rnaracter states among the ribbon orly. The bdellonemerteans are a specialized offshoot
worn1S. Pilidiophorans acquired indirect development, of Monostilifera that displays significant modification
the unique formation of the double larval and adult for an endosymbiotic lifestyle, including simplification
ectoderm during metamorphosis, and the evolution of of the proboscis, coiling and increased relative length
their unique arrangement of body waU muscles. The of the gut (probably associated with their herbivorous
encapsulation, and thus functionally direct develop­ habits), a posterior body sucker, and decreased body
ment, of those heteronemerteans 'Nith a Desor larva is length.

Selected References
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Phylum Mollusca

.' ..
· Ii

olluscs include some of the best-known invertebrates; almost everyone

is familiar with snails, clan1s, s.lugs, squids, and octopuses. Molluscan
shells have been popular since ancient times, and so1ne cultures still
use them as tools, containers, musical devices, money, fetishes, reli­
gious symbols, ornaments, and decorations and art objects. Evidence of histori­
cal use and knowledge of molluscs is seen in ancient texts and hieroglyphics,
on coins, in tribal customs, and in archaeological sites and aboriginal kitchen
middens or shell mounds. Royal or Tyrian purple of ancient Greece and Rome,
and even Biblical blue (Num. 15:38), were molluscan pigments extracted fron,
certain marine snails. 1 Many aboriginal groups have for miUenia relied on mol-
luscs for a substantial portion of their diet and for
use as tools. Today, coastal nations annually har­
vest millions of tons of molluscs commercially for
Classification of The Animal food.
Kingdom (Metazoa) There are approximately 80,000 described, l i v ­
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata ing mollusc species and about the same number of
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONI DA described fossil species. However, many species
PHYLUM PORIFERA PHYLUM BRYOZOA still await names and descriptions, especially those
from poorly studied regions and tirne periods, and
PHYLUM CNI DAR IA f;cpysozo11 i t has been estimated that only about hall of the l i v ­
ing molluscs have so far been described. In addi­
Bilateria PHYLUM NEMATOMORPHA tion to three familiar molluscan classes comprising
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) the clams (Bivalvia), snails and slugs (Gastropoda),
Scal idophora
PHYLUM XENACOELOMORPHA PHYLUM KINOAHYNCHA and squids and octopuses (Cephalopoda), five
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA other extant classes exist: chitons (Polyplacophora),
tusk shells (Scaphopoda), Neopilinn and its kin
SPIRALIA Panarthropoda (Monoplacophora), and the vermiform sclerite­
PHYLUM GASTROTRIC H A PHYLUM ONYCHOPHORA bearing aplacophoran classes-Caudofoveata
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA PHYLUM ARTHROPODA (or Chaetodermon1orpha) and Solenogastres (or
PHYLUM ORTHONECTIDA SUBPHYLUM CRUSTACEA• Neomenio,norpha), Although members of these
eight classes differ enormously in superficial ap­
PHYLUM ANNELI DA pearance, there i s a suite of characters that diag­
Deuterostomia nose their fundamental body plan (Box 13A).
PHYLUM GNATHOSTOMULIDA This chapter has been revised by Richard C, 8rusca, David R.
PHYLUM MICROGNATHOZOA Lindberg, and Winston F, Ponder
1Archaeological sites in Israel reveal the probable use
PHYLUM ROTIFERA •paraphytetic group of two
n,uricid snails (Murex brandaris and Trunculariopsis lrrmculus)
as sources of the Royal purple dye.
454 Chapter Thirteen
BOX 13A Characteristics of the
Taxonomic History and Phylum Mollusca
1. B i laterally symmetrical (or secondari ly asymmetri­
Classification cal), unsegmented, coelomate protostomes
Molluscs carry the burden of a very long and convolut­ 2. Coelom limited to small spaces in nephridia , heart
ed taxonomic history, in which hundreds of names for and gonads
various taxa have come and gone. Aristotle recognized 3 . Principal body cavity i s a hemoooel (open circula­
molluscs, dividing them into Malachia (the cephalo­ tory system)
pods) and Ostrachodermata (the shelled forms), the lat­ 4. Viscera concentrated dorsally as a "vi sceral mass''
ter being divided into univalves and bivalves. Joannes 5. Body covered by a cut icle-covered epi dermal sheet
Jonston (or Jonstonus) created the name Mollusca2 in of skin. the mantle
1650 for the cephalopods and barnacles, but this name 6 . Mantle with shell glands that secrete calcareous
was not accepted w1til it was resurrected and redefined epi dermal scl erites, shell p lates, or shells
by Linnaeus nearly a hundred years later. Linnaeus's 7. Mantle overhangs and forms a cavity (the mantl e
Mollusca included cephalopods, slugs, and pteropods, cavity) in which are housed the ctenidia, osphradia,
as well as twucates, anemones, medusae, echinodenns, nephridiopores, gonopores, and anus
and polychaetes-but included chitons, bivalves, wu­ 8. Heart situated in a pericardia! chamber and com­
valves, nautiloids, barnacles, and the serpulid poly­ posed of a single ventricl e and one or more sepa­
chaetes (which secrete calcareous tubes) in another rate atria
group, Testacea. In 1795 Georges Cuvier published a 9. Typically with large, well-def i ned muscular foot,
revised classification of the Mollusca that was the first often with a flattened creeping so le
to approxin1ate modern views. Henri de Blainville 10. Buccal region provided with a radula and muscular
(1825) altered the name Mollusca to Malacozoa, which odontophore
won little favor but survives in the terms malacology, 1 1 . Compl ete (through) gut, with marked regional spe-
malacologist, etc. i ion, including large di gestiv e glands
cial zat
Much of the nineteenth century passed before the 12. With large, comp l ex metanephri dial "kidneys•
phylum was purged of all extraneous groups. In the 13. Cleavage spiral and embryogeny protostomous
1830s, Thompson and C. Brumeister identified the 14. With trochophore laNa, and a veliger larva in two
larval stages of barnacles and revealed them to be crus­ major groups
taceans, and in 1866 Alexander Kowalevsky removed
the tunicates from Mollusca. Separation of the brachio­
pods fron1 the n1olluscs was long and controversial
and not resolved until near the end of the nineteenth possess calcareous sclerites by placing Polyplacophora
century. as the sister taxon of the aplacophorans (Caudofoveata
The first sclerite-covered wormlike aplacopho­ + Solengastres). Aculifera was sometimes also called
rans, members of what today we recognize as the class Amphineura, although this latter term has also been
Caudofoveata, were discovered in 1841 by the Swedish used by some workers to refer only to chitons. Sclerites
naturalist Sven Loven. H e classified them with ho­ are spicules, scales, and so on that cover or are embed­
lothuroid echinoderms because of their vermiform ded in the epidermis of molluscs and are often calcified.
bodies and the presence of calcareous sclerites in the The history of classification of species i n the class
body walls of both groups. l n 1886, another Swede, Gastropoda has been volatile, undergoing constant
Tycho Tullberg, described the first representative of change since Cuvier's time. Most modern rnalacolo­
the other aplacophoran group -the Solenogastres. gists adhere more or less to the basic sche1nes of Henri
Ludwig von Graff (1875) recognized both groups as Milne-Edwards (1848) and J. W .Spengel (1881). The for­
molluscs and they \.\'ere united in the Aplacophora mer, basing his classification on the respiratory organs,
in 1876 by Hern1a1m von lhering. The Aculifera hy­ recognized the groups Pulmonata, Opisthobranchia,
pothesis of An1elie Schelten1a unites molluscs that and Prosobranchia. Spengel based his scheme on the
nervous system and divided the gastropods into the
2-fhc name of the phylum derives from the Latin mollusc11s1 mean• Streptoneura and Euthyneura. In subsequent classifica­
ing "soft," in allusion to the similarity of clams and snails to tions, Streptoneura was equivalent to Prosobranchia;
the mollusca, a kind of Old World soft nut with a thin but hard Euthyneura included Opisthobranchia and Pulmonata.
shell. 11,e vernacular for Mollusca is often spelled mollusks in
the United States, whereas i n most of the rest of the world it i s The bivalves have been called Bivalvia, Pelecypoda,
typically spelled molluscs. In biology, a vernacular o r diminutive and Lamellibranchiata. More recently, anatomical,
name is generally derived from the proper Latin narne; thus the ultrastructural, and molecular studies have brought
custom of altering the spelling of Mollusca by changing the c to k
seems to be an aberration (although it may have i t s historic roots about considerable changes to molluscan classification,
in the Gem,an language, which does not have U1e free-standing c; as outlined below. Many taxa have n1ultiple names and
e.g., Molluskenkunde). We prefer the more widely used spelling the more commonly encountered ones are noted below.
"molluscs," which seems to be the proper vemacularization and is
in line with other accepted terms, such as molluscan, molluscoid., Molluscan classification at the generic and species
mo11uscivore, etc. levels is also troublesome. Many species of gastropods

and bivalves are also burdened with nun1erous names COHORT HYPSOGASTROPODA Higher caeno­
(synonyn,s) that have been proposed for the san1e s p e ­ gastropods
cies. This tangle is partly the result of a long history of SUPERORDER LITTORIN IMORPHA Periwinkles,
amateur shell collecting beginning with the natural his­ cowries, triton shells, etc.
tory cabinets of seventeenth century Europe, which re­
quired documentation and pron1oted n1ultiple taxono­
volutes, rock shells etc.
mies and names based only on shell characters. Today,
species are recognized based on a combination of shell, SUBCLASS HETEROBRANCHIA Mar i ne, freshwater
anatomical, and, most recently molecular characters. and land snails, most sea slugs, all land s lugs, and some
However, because of the tremendous diversity of g a s ­ "false l impets"
tropods and bivalves 111any species still re1nain known
"LOWER HETEROBRANCHIA" A few pri mi tive hetero-
only from their shells. branch groups incl uding sundial shells, valvat ids, etc.
Only taxa with extant members are included in the
following classification and not all famjlies are listed INFRACLASS EUTHYNEURA "Opisthobranchs" and
in the taxonomic synopses. The classification is mostly "pulmonates"
ranked, but in a fe\-v cases unranked group names are COHORT NUDIPLEURA Side-gilled sea sl ugs and
used. 3 Examples of the major molluscan taxa appear in nud ibranchs
Figure 13.1.
hares, pteropods, etc.
THE PHYLUM MOLLUSCA midellids, sacog lossan sea slugs, most land snai ls, all
CLASS CAUDOFOVEATA Caudofoveatan aplacophorans land slugs
(spicule "worms")
CLASS BIVALVIA Clams and their ki n (bivalves)
CLASS SOLENOGASTRES Solenogaster aplacophorans
(spicule "worms")
feeding bivalves
CLASS MONOPLACOPHORA Monoplacophorans. Deep
SUBCLASS AUTOBRANCHIA "Lamellibranch" suspen­
sea, l impet-like
sion-feeding bivalves
CLASS POLYPLACOPHORA Chitons, with eight shell
COHORT PTERIOMORPHIA Mussels, oysters, scal­
lops, and their kin
CLASS GASTROPODA Sna i ls, slugs and li mpet
COHORT HETEROCONCHIA Marine and freshwater
shell snails, abalones and "l impets" c lams (mussels), broch shells
SUBCLASS NER ITIMORPHA Marine, land and freshwa­ MEGAORDER HETERODONTA Most marine c lams
ter neri te sna il s and "l impets"
SUBCLASS CAENOGASTROPODA Marine, freshwater lies of pri mitive marine clams
and land snai ls (creepers, per iwinkles, conchs, whelks,
cowries etc.) and some "limpets"
marine and some freshwater clams
"ARCHITAENIOGLOSSA" Nonmarine basal caeno­
gastropods (paraphyletic)
CLASS CEPHALOPODA Nautilus, squids, octopuses


shells, etc.

COHORT COLEOIDEA Octopuses, squ ids, cuttlefish

'Multitudes of extinct molluscs have been described. Perhaps the
most weU-known are some of the groups of cephalopods that had SUPERORDER OCTOPODIFORMES Octopuses,
hard external sheUs, similar to those of living Na111i/11s. One of
these groups was the ammonites. They differed from nautiloids vampire squid
in having sheU septa that were highly fluted on the periphery,
forming complex mazclike septaI suh1rcs. Ammonites a ls o had SUPERORDER DECAPODIFORMES Cuttlefish,
the siphuncle lying against the outer wall of the shell, as opposed squi d
to the condition seen in ma.ny nautiloids where tl,e siphuncle runs
through tl,e center of the shell.


(FJ (G)

(H) (l)

Figure 13.1 Morphological diversity among the (Scaphopoda). (M) Scallops (Bivalvia: Pteriomorphia:
molluscs. (A) Laevipilina hyalina (Monop lacophora). Pectinidae), with a hermit crab in the foreground. (N) The
(8) Mopalia muscosa, the mossy chiton (Polypl acophora). giant clam Tridacna maxima (note zooxanthellate mantle),
(C) Epimenia austratis (Solenogastres). (0) Haliotis rute­ from the Marshall Isl ands, Northwest Pacific (Bivalvia:
scens, the red aba lone, (Gastropoda); note the exhalant Heterodonta: Cardiida). (0) The European cockle Acantho­
holes in the shell. (E) Conus, a predatory neogastropod; cardia tubercu/ata (Bivalvi a: Heterodonta: Cardiida).
note anterior siphon extending beyond shell. (F) The Note the partly extended foot. (PJ Lima, a tropical cl am
common garden snail, Cornu aspersum (Gastropoda). that swi ms by clapping the valves together (Bivalvia).
(G) Aptysia, the sea hare (Gastropoda: Euopisthobranchia). (Q) The highly modified bivalve Brechites. (Heterodonta:
(H) The chambered Nautilus (Cephalopoda). ( I) Octopus Poromyata). Brechites are known as watering pot shells.
bimacutoides (Cephalopoda). (J) Sepioteuthis tessoniana, They begin their life as a typical small bivalve, but then
the bigfin reef squid (Cephalopoda). (K) Histioteuthis, a secrete a large cal careous tube around themselves
pelagic squid (Cephalopoda). (L) Fustiaria, a tusk shell through which water is pumped for suspension feeding.

0) (K) (L)
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458 Chapter Thirteen

(A) (B) (D)


,.: I"-
_ Constricti n caused by
retractor muscles


(0 Radular Dorsal
Esophagus sac aorta Intestine

Cerebral !,'llnglion

Oral shield

Ventral (= pedal)
nerve cord Odontophore Vertical Ventral
septum (= pedal)
Digestive nerve
cecum cord septum

(El (F) . ',. .,


Pedal groove Pedal pit

Pedal groove (G) �


I,/; •·1;1.--Anus
13.2D-K). Sp icule "worms." Mari ne, benthi c; body vermi­
form and nearly cylindrical ; vestibulum (= atrium) w ith sen­
(Figure 13.2A-C). Spicule "worms." Marine, benthic, b u r ­
sory pap illae anterior to the mouth; small posterior mantl e
rowing; body vermiform, cylindrical, lacking any trace of
cavity lacking ctenidia but often with respiratory folds; body
a shell; body wall with a ch itinous cuticle and imbricating
wall w ith a ch itinous cuticle and imbued with cal careous
scale-like aragonitic calcareous sclerites; mouth shield an­
sclerites (as s pines or scales); w ith or without radul a; h e r ­
terior to or surrounding the mouth; small posterior mantle
maphrod itic; pedal glands opening into a pre-pedal cil iary
cavity with a pair of bipectinate ctenidi a; radula present;
gonochoristic. Without foot, eyes, tentacles, statocysts, pi t, foot weakly muscular, narrow, and can be retracted
crystalline style, osphradia, or nephridia. About 120 species; into a ventral furrow or "pedal groove.· Without eyes, ten­
burrow in muddy sediments and consume microorgan­ tacles, statocysts, crystalline style, osphrad ia or nephrid ia.
isms such as foraminiferans. (e.g., Chaetoderma, Chevro­ About 260 described species, but many undescribed spe­
cies are thought to exist; epibenth ic carnivores, often found
derma, Falcidens, Umifossor, Prochaetoderma, Psilodens,
Scutopus) on (and consuming) cnidarians and a few other types of

- - . . -

0) (K)

(L) Cerebral Buccal Lateral

Ventral /) \
nerve cord Anterior
Pedal pit Odontophore
radular pocket
Figure 13.2 General anatomy of aplacophorans. tricarinata, ventral view (X-ray micro-Cl). (J) Macellomenia
(A-C) Caudofoveata. (A) Chaetoderrna productum. morseae. SEM of ventral surface showing two types
(B) Chaetoderma Joveni. (C) Internal anatomy of Limi­ of scale-like sclerites surrounding the foot and spiny
fossor (high l y stylized sag i ttal sect ion drawing). (D-L) sclerites covering the rest of the surface of the body.
Solenogastres. (D) Kruppomenia minima. (E) Pruvotina (K) Macellomenia schanderi. SEM of ventral surface of
impexa, ventral vi ew. (Fl Proneomenia antarctica. anterior end showing densely ciliated pedal pit and
(G) Epimenia verrucosa. The body is covered wi th warts. mouth. (L) Anteri or region of Spengelomenia bathybia
(H) Neomenia carinata, ventral view. (I) Entonomenia (highly stylized sagittal section drawing).

invertebrates. Solenogastres and Caudofoveata are proba­ around foot encloses 3-6 pairs cten idia; 2 pairs gonads;
bl y sister groups and are sometimes regarded as subclass­ 3-7 pa irs nephridia; 2 pairs heart atria; a pair of statocysts;
es within the class Apl acophora. (e.g., Alexandromenia, with radula and distinct but small head region; without eyes;
Dondersia, Epimenia, Kruppomenia, Neomenia, Proneo­ short ora l tentacles present around mouth; with posterior
menia, Pruvotina, Rhopatomenia, Spengelomenia, Wirenia) anus; without a crystalline style; gonochoristic or, rarely,
hermaphroditic (Rgures 13.1A and 13.3). Until the first living
CLASS MONOPLACOPHORA Monop lacophorans. With a
species (Neopilina galatheae) was discovered by the Dan­
single, cap-like shell; foot forms weakly muscular ventra l
ish Galathea Expedit ion in 1952, monoplacophorans were
disc, with 8 pairs of retractor muscles; shallow mantle cavity
460 Chapter Thirteen


(D) Cerebral


Figure 13.3 General anatomy of a mono­

placophoran (Neopilina). (A) Dorsal view
(shell). (B) Ventral view. (C) Photograph of
the ventral surface o f a preserved specimen
of Neopilina. (D) Ventral view, foot removed.
(E) One of the gills.

Foot retractor Lateropedal sometimes have shell eyes (Figure 13.43C,D). Marine, inter­
muscle commissure t idal to deep sea. Chitons are unique in the ir possession of
8 separate shell pl ates, called valves, and a thick marginal
gird le; about 850 described species in one living order.4
known only from lower Paleozoic fossils. Since then their
unusual anatomy has been a source of much evol utionary ORDER NEOLORICATA Shells with unique articula­
speculation. Monoplacophorans are limpet-like in appear­ mentum layer, which forms insertion plates that inter­
ance, living species are less than 3 cm in length, and most lock the valves.
live at considerable depths. About 30 described species. in
8 genera l,4denopilina, Laevipi/ina, Monop/acophorus, N e o ­
pilina, Rokope/la, Veleropilina, Vema, Micropilina). edge of shell pl ates lacking attachment teeth; gir­
dle not extending over plates; cten idi a limited to a
CLASS POLYPLACOPHORA Ch itons (Figures 13.18 and few posterior pairs. (e.g., Choriplax, Lepidochiton,
13.4). Flattened, e longated molluscs w ith a broad ventral Lepidopleurus, Oldroydia)
foot and 8 dorsal shell plates (composed of aragonite);
SUBORDER CHITONIDA Outer edges of shell
mantle forms thick gird le that borders and may part ly or en­
p l ates with attachment teeth; gird le not extending
tirely cover shell pl ates; ep idermis of gird le usually with cal­
careous sp ines, scales, or bristles; mantle cavity encircles over plates. or extending partly over pl ates; ctenid i a
foot and bears from 6 to more than 80 pairs of bipectinate occupying most of mantle groove, except near anus.
cten id i a; 1 pair nephridia; head w ithout eyes or tentacles; (e.g., Callistochiton, Chaetopleura, lschnochiton,
crystalli ne style, statocysts and osphradia absent; nervous
system lacking discrete gangli a, except in buccal region; �uncommon, aberrant individua ls have been found with onl y 7
well-developed radula present. Shell canals (aesthetes) valves.

Figure 13.4 Generalized anatomy (A) Head (anterior) valve

o f chitons (Polyplacophora). (A,8)
A typical chiton (dorsal and ventral
views). (C) The Pacific lined chiton,
Tonicella lineata. (D) Dorsal view of a
chiton, shell plates (valves) removed.
(E) Dorsal view of a ch i ton, dorsal
musculature removed to reveal internal
organs. (F) Dorsal view of a chiton,
.. ...�. .
• · ·

,· .

showing extensive nephridia. (G) The

arrangement of internal organs in a
chiton (lateral vi ew).


(C) Anterior inserti ons or

longitudinal and (D) (E) Salivary gland
lateral muscles

muscles ---,._
Longitudinal ,..,.,.,

Position of
dorsal artery-r-cc:r


Con ad-'riiC'.

Pericardium Atrium

(P) Head Posterior insertion of

Mouth longitudinal and
lateral muscles


Gonad Dorsal
Right atrium Intestine
rK"''-+-Gonad Va1 ves artery
Gonoduct Ventricle
Nephrostome Pericardium
in pericardium

Pericardia I
Anus chamber
Renopcricardial ,. . ...
Right Right Right Digestive Nerve
nephridiopore gonopore nephridium gl and nerves ring Esophagus
462 Chapter Thirteen

(/\) __Mantle edge papillae protruding (CJ

out of shell foramen

Slit in Stomach
mantle skirt

. ,•1.�� _
.. ·
), .
� . .. , ,


Mantle edge Epipodial Foot Eye Cephalic

with papillae sense organ tentacles

(B) Snout
(in mantle cavity) sense organ Intestine
Figure 13.5 General anatomy of limpet-like gastropods.
(A) The vetigastropod limpet Fissure/la (Fissurellidae)
(lateral view). (BJ The patellogastropod limpet Lottia
(Lottiidae) (ventral vi ew). The arrows indicate the direction
of water currents. (CJ The vetigastropod limpet Puncture/la
(Fissurellidae), removed from shell and seen from the left.
Foot The arrows indicate the water currents. Certain structures
are visualized through the mantle skirt: ctenidium, eye,
anus, and epipodial sense organs.
Shell muscle

and hypobranchial glands; cten idia sometimes lost and re­

placed with secondary gas exchange structures.
Gastropods comprise approximately 70,000 described liv ­
ing species of marine, terrestrial , and freshwater snai ls and
slugs. The class was traditionally divided into three sub­
classes: prosobranchs (largely shelled marine snails), opis­
thobranchs (marine slugs), and pulmonates (terrestrial snai ls
Katharina, Lepidozona, Mopalia, Nutta/lina.
and slugs). However, recent anatomical and molecular stud­
Placiphorella, Schizop/a;<, Tonicella)
ies have shown that classification to be incorrect, as reflect­
SUBORDER ACANTHOCHITONIDA. Outer edge of ed in the classification below.
shell plates with w e ll -d eveloped attachment teeth;
shell valves partially or completely covered by g i r ­
(limpets) wi th porcelaneous, nonnacreous shell; oper­
dle; ctenid ia do not extend full length of foot. (e.g.,
cul um absent in adult; cepha lic tentacles with eyes at
Acanthochitona, Cryptochiton. CryptoplaJ<)
outer bases; radula docoglossate, w ith iron impregnat­
CLASS GASTROPODA Snails, limpets and slugs (Figures ed teeth, rest of gut wit h large esophageal glands and
13.1D-G, 13.5, 13.6, and 13. 7). Asymmetrical molluscs simp le stomach lacking a crystalline styte; intestine long
with single, usually spirally coiled shell into which body can and looped; gill configuration variabl e, single bipecti­
be withdrawn; shell lost or reduced in many groups; dur­ nate ctenidium someti mes present(Figure 13.58). and/
ing development, visceral mass and mantle rotate 90-180° or with mantle groove secondary gills, or gills lacking;
on foot (a process known as tors ion), so mantle cavity lies shell muscle divided into discrete bundles; mantle cavity
anteriorly or on right side (rather than posteriorly as in other w ithout siphon or hypobranchial g lands; 2 rudimentary
molluscs), and gut and nervous system are tw isted; some osphradia; si ngle atria; 2 nephridia; usually gonochoris­
taxa have partly or totally reversed the rotation (detors ion); tic; nervous system weakly concentrated, pleural ganglia
with muscular creeping foot (modified in swimming and near peda l ganglia, pedal and lateral cords present. Pri­
burrowin g taxa); foot with operculum in larva and often in marily marine with a few estuarine species; herbivorous.
adult; head with eyes(often reduced or lost), and 1 2 - pairs The patellogastropods include 6 families: Patellidae(e.g.,
of tentacles, and a snout; most with radula and some w ith Patella, Scutellastra), Nacellidae (e.g., Cellana), Lottiidae
crystalline sty le, the latter being absent in most primitive and (e.g., Lottia), Acmaeidae (e.g., Acmaea), Lepeti dae (e.g.,
in many advanced groups; 1 2 - nephridia; mantle(= pallium) Lepeta), and Neolepetopsidae (e.g., Neo/epetopsis).
usually forms anterior cavity housing ctenidia, osphrad ia, These are often regarded as the "true" li mpe ts.

Posterior aorta Figure 13.6 General anatomy of coiled gastropods.

(A) (A) A generalized coiled-shell gastropod (female), indi­
cating positions of internal organs. (B) The periwinkle,
Littorina, removed from its shell (anterior view).
Seminal receptacle-
-. • Nephriditun
Oviduct �.
Visceral mass
Mantle cavity

it-'7:i�-Columellar muse.le Mantle

�- ,i:,,,./ ,, .,s ,,¾:,,!l)/0,; ,;;: _ :•_ ii;.._:;._:_\·..·..,.. ,.. Penial glands Outer lip Buccal mass
Radular Statocyst Esophagus Foot Operculum

SUBCLASS VETIGASTROPODA Shells both porcela­ ORDER NEOMPHALIDA Comprises many of the hot
neous and nacreous; cephalic tentacl es usually with vent snails and limpets Neomphalidae (e.g., Neom­
eyes on short processes on outer bases; opercu lum phafus), Peltospiridae (e.g., Peltaspira), Lepetodrilidae
usually circular, with a central nucleus and often many (e.g., Lepetodrifus).
spiral s, horny or calcareous: radula usually r hi pidoglos­
sate (with numerous transverse rows of teeth), rest of gut
PART) The small, deep-sea wood and bone limpets
with esophagus having large glands, comp lex stomach
Cocculinidae (e.g., Coccutina).
with style sac but no crystalli ne style, looped intestine;
12 - bipectinate ctenidia: shell musc les paired or single: SUBCLASS NERITIMORPHA Shell coiled, limpet-like,
mantle cavity with 2 hypobranchial g lands, 2 atria, and or lost (Titiscaniidae}. Shell porcelaneous, with interior
2 nephridia; usually gonochoristic; ma le generally with­ whorls reabsorbed i n many coiled groups; operculum
out penis: nervous system weakly concentrated, gan­ typically present, of few spira ls and with non-central nu­
glia poorly formed, pedal cords present; 1 2 - osphradia, cleus, horny or calcified, usually with interna l peg; shell
small, inconspicuous.All marine and benthic. Many spe­ muscle d ivided into d iscrete bund les; only left ctenidium
cies are microdetritivores or feed on films of bacteria or present; hypobranchial glands often lost on left side;
other organisms, or are microherb ivores: some are mac­ stomach highly modified; right nephridium incorporated
roherb ivores, some grazing carnivores, and a few sus­ into complex reproductive system with multi ple openings
pension feeders. Most gastropods found at hydrother­ into mantle cavity; radula rhipidoglossate; most spe­
mal vents, col d seeps, and on deep sea hard substrates cies gonochoristic, with copulatory structures; nervous
are vetigastropods. Vetigastropods comprise about 30 system with gangl ia concentrated, pleura l ganglia near
families and while the internal classification rema i ns un­ pedal ganglia, pedal cords present. Globally distributed
sett led, three main groups are often recognized, which in marine, estuarine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats.
we treat here as orders. There are 9 families of neriti morphans, four of which,
Helicinidae (e.g., Atcadia, Heticinia), Hydrooenidae ( H y ­
ORDER TROCHIDA Most of the vetigastropods, in­
drocena, Georissa), Proserpinellidae (e.g., Proserpine/fa),
cluding the slit-shelled sna ils Pleurotomaridae (e.g.,
and Proserpinidae (Proserpina) are exclusive ly terrestrial;
Perotrochus, Pleurotomaria), Scissurellidae (e.g.,
also Neritopsidae (neritopsids, Neritopsis), Trtiscaniidae
Scissure//a) and Anatom idae (e.g., Anatoma), the
(titiscaniid, Titiscania), Neritidae (nerites, e.g., Nerita, The­
aba lones Haliotidae ( e .g., Hatiotis), the keyhole and
odoxus), Neritili idae (cave nerites, e.g., Pisutina, Nerititia)
slit limpets Rssurellidae (e.g., Diodora, Rssurella, Lu­
and Phenacolepadidae (Phenacotepas).
capinelfa, Puncture/fa), deep sea limpets comprising
the Lepetellidae and related families (e.g., Lepetella, SUBCLASS CAENOGASTROPODA Shell mainly por­
Pseudococcutina), trochids Trochidae (e.g., Trochus, celaneous; operculum usually present and corneous,
Monodonta) and related families such as Calliostomat - rarely calcified, w ith few spi ra ls and usually with a non­
idae (e.g., Caltiostoma), Margaritidae (e.g., Margarites), centra l nucleus, mostly non-nacreous, rarely with internal
Tegulidae (e.g., Tegula), and turbans Turbinidae (e.g., peg(s); head w ith pai r of cephal ic tentacles, with eyes at
Turbo, Astrea). outer bases; mantle cavity asymmetrical, with incurrent
464 Chapter Thirteen

Figure 13.7 More gastropod anatomy; some caenogastropods

(A-C) and heterobranchs (0-J). (A) The p elagic shelled heteropod
Carinaria (Caenogastropoda). (B) Anatomy of Carinaria. (C) The
shell -less heteropod Pterotrachea (Caenogastropoda). (0) The
pelagic shelled pteropod Clio (Heterobranchia: Euopisthobranchia).
The arrows indicate the direction of water flow; water enters all
around the narrow neck and is forcibly expelled together w ith
fecal, urinary, and genital products by contraction of the sheath.
(E) A swimming pteropod, Corolla (Heterobranchia: Euopistho­
branchia). (F-1) Various nudibranchs (Heterobranchia: Nudipl eura).
(F) A dori d nudibranch, Diaulula. (G) An aeolid nudibranch,
Phidiana. (H) A dorid nudibranch, Chromodoris geminus (from
the Red Sea). (I) The eastern Pacific "Spanish shawl" aeol id nudi­
branch, Flabel/ina. (J) The lettuce sea slug, Tridachia crispata
(Heterobranchia: Panpulmonata), from the Caribbean.
(B} Esophagus (0)
•• ulh
. ,, .· ,-�
Stomach Sucker Propodium ,•• • ,. � . ·.,-.· __ \, .• 'I-.
Intestine � ,,\ \ �


Salivary ' ...·. Prot oconch

Ctenidium / �Sheil

Median keel on shell

(C) Fin

Retracto r-;,ti!
muscle '

Intestine Ctenidia

(E) (F) Branchial plume





(H) (I)

divided into two main groups, Cerithiomorpha and
a penis; eggs usually laid in jelly, often in strings, or
are brooded. The anterior aperture may or may not
have a notch, which houses a short siphon. Include
marine, brackish, and freshwater species. About
19 families are recognized, including the marine
Campanilidae (e.g., Campanile), Cerithiidae (horn
shells, e.g., Cerithidea, Cerithium, Liocerithium),
Sil iquariidae (sl it worm shells, e.g., Siliquaria), and
Turritellidae (tower or turret shells, e.g., Turrite/la);
and the freshwater Melanopsidae (e.g., Melanopsis),
Thiaridae (e.g., Thiara), and Pleuroceri dae (e.g.,
opening on anterior left, sometimes elaborated into an Pleurocera).
inhalant siphon; right ctenidium lost; left ctenidium mono­
pectinate; left hypobranchial gland lost; right nephridium COHORT HYPSOGASTROPODA Comprises the re­
lost except for remnant incorporated into reproduct ive maining caenogastropods. The anterior mantle may
system; heart with only left atrium. Radula taenioglossate be simp le or can be enrolled forming an anterior si­
(7 rows of teeth), ptenog lossate (many rows of similar phon wh ich emerges from an anterior notch in the ap­
teeth), rachiglossate (1-3 rows o f teeth), or toxoglos­ erture or, in some, i s contained within an extension of
sate (teeth modified as harpoons), or occasionally lost. the shell, the siphonal canal. Male with cephalic penis;
Higher forms w ith concentrated ganglia, pleural gangl ia eggs usually laid in capsules or sometimes brooded.
usually near cerebral ganglia, pedal cords usually ab­ Nervous system concentrated; opercul um, if present,
sent; osphrad ium conspicuous, often large, sometimes chitinous, rarely calcareous. This large group is divided
surface subdivided into lamellae. Most caenogastropods into the Littorinimorpha and Neogastropoda.
are gonochoristic. The caenogastropods, comprise the SUPEROROER LITTORINIMORPHA Classification
former "mesogastropods" and neogastropods, and they unsettled; includes the mar i ne grazing snai ls
are often divided into two groups, as follows: Littorinidae (periw inkles, e.g., Littorina), a number of
"ARCHITAENIOGLOSSA" A lthough th is is not a mono­ small-sized marine families including the Rissoidae
phyleti c group, we retain it informally. Architaenioglos­ (e.g., Rissoa, Alvania), and larger sna ils such as the
sans differ from other caenogastropods in details of the ir Strombidae (conchs or strombids, e.g., Strombus),
nervous system and in the ultrastructure of their sperm and the carrier shells Xenophoridae (e.g., Xenophora).
and osphradia. They are div ided among 1O families, in­ Al so includes the uncoiled suspensi on-feeding
cl uding the freshwater Ampullariidae (apple sna ils, e.g., "worm" gastropods Vermetidae (e.g., Serpulorbis,
Ampullaria, Pomacea, Pila) and Viviparidae (river snails, Oendropoma) and the limpet-like Hipponicidae (e.g.,
e.g., Viviparus), and the terrestrial Cyclophoridae (e.g., Hipponix) which are deposit feeders, while Capul idae
Cyclophorus) and several related families such as Oiplom­ (e.g., C8pulus) attach to other molluscs and mostly
mati nidae (e.g., Oiplommatina and Opisthostoma). feed on the ir feces. The slipper shells Calyptrae idae
(e.g., C8/yptraea, Crepidula, Crucibulum) are sus­
INFRACLASS SORBEOCONCHA This grouping con­ pension-feeders. The Cari nariidae (one of sev­
tai ns all the rest of the caenogastropods. These are eral famil ies of pelagic molluscs collectively called
466 Chapter Thirteen

heteropods, e.g., Carinaria) also have a cap-shaped (e.g., Turris) and several other allied families including
shel l.5 Cypraeidae (cowries, e.g., Cypraea) are her­ the auger shells Terebridae (e.g., Terebra).
bivores or grazing carnivores, while several other
littori nimorph snail -like families are strictly carnivo­
were previously organ ized as two subclasses-Opi s­
rous, incl uding Naticidae (moon snails, e.g., Natica,
thobranchia (sea slugs and their kin) and Pulmonata
Polinices) that feed mostly on b ivalves, the ascidian­
(air breathing snails). Although this divi sion was long
feeding Eratoidae (coffee bean shells, e.g., Erato,
accepted, recent morphological and molecular studies
Trivia), and the soft coral feeding Ovul idae (ovul ids or
now dMde the subclass into two main groups-an infor­
egg shells, e.g., Jenneria, Ovuta, Simnia). Tonnidae
ma l paraphyletic group often referred to as the "Lower
(tun shells, e.g., Ma/ea) and related families such as
Heterobranchia" (= Allogastropoda, Heterostropha) and
Cassididae (helmet shells, e.g., Cassis) mainly feed
the Euthyneura, which incl udes both pulmonates and the
on echinoderms, whereas Ficidae (fig shells, e.g.,
Ficus) are primari yl polychaete feeders. Ep itoni idae
(wentletraps or epitoni ids, e.g., Epitonium) feed on The subclass Heterobranchia characterized by lacking a
cnidarians, while the floating violet snails Janthinidae true cten idi um and, usually, a small to absent osphradi­
(e.g., Janthina) feed on siphonophores that drift on um, a simp le gut with the esophagus lacking glands, the
the surtace of the ocean. Eul imidae are ectoparasites stomach lacking a crystalline style in all but one group,
on echinoderms, and the sponge-feeding Triphoridae and the intestine usually being short. The radu la is highly
(e.g., Triphora) and Cerithiopsidae (e.g., Cerithiopsis) variable ranging from rhipidoglossate to a single row of
are h ighly diverse. There are some diverse famil ies of teeth or lost altogether. The shell may be well-deve loped,
small-sized freshwater snai sl such as the Hydrobi idae reduced, or absent; the operculum, if present, is horny;
(e.g., Hydrobia) and several related famili es including the larva l shell is heterostrophic (i.e., coils in a different
the Pomatiopsidae (e.g., Pomatiopsis, Trieu/a), and plane to the adult shell). The head bears one or two pairs
there are also a few terrestrial taxa in families such of tentacles, w ith the eyes variously p laced; all are h e r ­
as Pomatiasidae (e.g., Pomatias) and the otherwise m aphroditic. The nervous system i s streptoneurous or
mainly supralittoral Assimineidae. euthyneurous w ith various degrees of concentration of
the gangli a; pleural ganglia near peda l or cerebral gan­
glia, peda l cords absent. Most ly benthic; with marine,
derived hypsogastropod clade.Radula rach iglossate
freshwater and terrestrial species.
or toxoglossate, with 1 5- teeth in each row; ante­
rior siphon present; opercul um, if present, chitinous; "LOWER HETEROBRANCHS" This informal group in­
osphradium large and pectinate, lying near base of cludes some snails long thought to be "Mesogastrop­
siphon. This highly diverse group compri ses mostly oda," such as staircase or sundial shells Architectonici­
carnivorous taxa. dae (e.g., Architectonica, Philippia) and some groups of
small-sized marine snails includi ng Rissoell dae (e.g., Ris­
The neogastropods comprise more than 30 liv­
soella), Omalogyridae (e.g., Omalogyra), and the fresh­
ing families of almost entirely marine snails, includ­
water Valvatidae (e.g., Valvata) and marine relatives such
ing: whelks such as Buccin idae (e.g., Buccinum,
as Cornirostridae. These snails are superticially similar
Cantharus, Macron, and the Asian freshwater genus
to caenogastropods, but often possess secondary gills
Clea); Fasciolariidae (tulip shells and spind le shells,
and long cephalic tentacles with cephalic eyes set in the
e.g., Fasciolaria, Fusinus, Leucozonia, Troschelia);
middle of thei r bases or o n their inner sides. Another
Melongenidae (e.g., Me/ongena); Nassari idae (dog
group included here are t iny interstitial slugs of the family
whel ks and basket shells, e .g ., Nassarius); dove
shells C ol umbel lidae (e.g., Anachis, Co/umbel/a,
Mitre/la, Pyrene, Strombina); harp shells Harpidae INFRACLASS EUTHYNEURA Incl ude most of the former
(e.g., Harpa); margin shells Marginellidae (e.g., opisthobranchs and pu lmonates. The euthyneuran body
Marginella, Granula); miter shells Mitridae (e.g., Mitra, is characterized by: the shell bei ng external or internal,
Subcancilla) and Costellari dae
i (e.g., Vexillum, Pusia); or lost altogether; a heterostrophic larval shell; opercu­
rock shells and thaids Muricidae (e.g., Hexaplex, lum horny, often absent in adult; body variously detorted;
Murex, Phyllonotus, Pferynotus, Acanthina, Morula, head usually with one o r two pairs of tentacles, eyes on
Neorapana, Nuce/la, Purpura, Thais) and the re lated inner sides or on separate stal ks; ctenidia and mantl e
coral associated Coralliophilidae (e.g., Coral/iophila, cavity usually reduced or lost; hermaphroditic; euthy­
Latiaxis); Olividae (olive shells, e.g., Agaronia, Oliva); neurous wi th various degrees of nervous system con­
Olivellidae (e.g., Olive/la); the volutes Volutidae centration. Mostly benthic; with marine, freshwater, and
(e.g., Cymbium, Lyria, Voluta) and nutmeg shells terrestrial species.
Cancellari idae (e.g., Admete, Cancel/aria); cone
The Euthyneura is divided into three major groups wh ich
shells Conidae (e.g., Conus) and the related Turridae
we treat here as cohorts.

5The term "heteropod" is an old taxonomic name now used infor­ COHORT NUDIPLEURA Includes both the internal­
mally for a group of planktonic, predatory caenogastropods that shel led Pleurobranchidae ( e .g., Berthe/la, Pleuro­
have a reduced shell or no shell at all. branchus) and the Nud ibranchia (shell-less or "true"

nud ibranchs) which includes many families. some ex• freshwater species) and the ectoparasitic Pyramidelli­
amples being the doridoid nud ibranchs such as Onchi­ dae (e.g., Odostomia, Pyramidella, Turbonilla, Amathi­
dorididae (e.g., Acanthodoris, Corambe), Polyceridae na), all of which were previously incl uded in the Opis­
(e.g., Polycera, Tambja), Aegiretidae (e.g., Aegires), thobranchia. The remaining panpulmonates include
Chromodori didae (e.g., Chromodoris), Phyllidiidae all the members of the group previous ly known as
(e.g., Phyllidia), Dendrodorididae (e.g., Oendrodoris), Pulmonata, namely the mainly intert idal Siphonari idae
D iscodorididae (e.g., Oiscodoris, Oiaulula, Rostanga), (false limpets: e.g., Siphonaria, Wi//iamia); two oper­
Dorid idae (e.g., Doris), Platydorididae (e.g., Platydoris), cu late families); the freshwater Glacidorbidae (e.g.,
Hexibranchidae (e.g.. Hexabranchus), Goniodorid idae Glacidorbis); the estuari ne Amphibolidae f/l,mphibola,
(e.g., Okenia), and the cladobranch nud ibranchs in­ Salinator); the Hygrophila, including the mainly fresh­
cluding the Arminidae (flrmina), Proctonotidae (e.g., water South American Chilinidae (e.g., Chilina), and
Janolus), Embletoniidae (e.g., Embletonia), Scyllaei ­ freshwater Physidae (e.g., Physa), Planorbidae (e.g.,
dae (e.g., Scy//aea). and Dendronotidae (e.g., Den• Bulinus , Planorbis, Ancy/us) and Lymnaei dae (e.g.,
dronotus). A lso included are the c ladobranch group Lymnaea, Lanx). these latter families being mostly
collect ively known as aeo l id ido ids-inc luding the Ae• sna ils, but some such as Lanx and Ancy/us are lim•
ol idiidae (e.g., Aeolidia), Flabellinidae (e.g., Coryphella), pets.The remaining "pulmonates" are contained with­
Fionidae (e.g., Rona). Facelinidae (e.g., Hermissenda, i n a superorder, Eupulmonata. The best known and
Phidiana). Tergi ped idae (e.g., Trinchesia). Tethydidae largest group of eupulmonates is the order Stylomma­
(e.g., Melibe), and Glaucidae (e.g., Glaucus). tophora, comprising the land snails and slugs. In some
of the shelled forms, the shell is partly or comp letely
enveloped by dorsal mantle. Their eyes are on the tips
groups that could be treated at the ordinal level: (1) the
of long sensory sta l ks and there is an anterior pa ir of
basal acteonoideans including Acteonidae (barrel or
tentacles. Eupulmonates are all terrestrial and are an
bubble snai ls, e.g., Acteon, Pupa, Rictaxis); (2) several
enormous group with over 26,000 described species
families grouped as Cephalaspidea, for example the
s lugs Aglajidae (e.g., Ag/aja, Chelidonura, Navanax). in 104 families. Some of those incl uded are the land
snail famil ies Helicidae (e.g., Comu [= Helix], Cepaea),
Bullidae (bubble shells, e.g., Bulla), Haminoeidae (e.g ..
Achatinidae (e.g., Achatina), Bul imul idae (e.g., Bulimu­
Haminoea), Retusidae (e.g., Retusa), and Scaphandri·
lus), Haplotrematidae (e.g., Haplotrema), Orthalicidae
dae (e.g., Scaphander); (3) the Runci noidea, contain­
(e.g., Uguus), Cerionidae (e.g., Cerion), Oreohel icidae
ing two families of tiny slugs, llbi idae (e.g., 1/bia) and
(e.g., Oreohelix), Pupillidae (e.g., Pupil/a), Cerastidae
Runcinidae (e.g., Runcina); (4) the Ap lysiomorpha (=
(e.g., Rhachis), Succineidae (e.g., Succinea), and Ver­
Anaspidea) or sea hares, inc l ud ing Aplysidae (e.g.,
t iginidae (e.g., Vertigo), as well as terrestrial slug fami­
Ap/ysia, Oo/abella, Sty/ocheilus); (5) the pelagic ptero­
lies such as Arionidae (e.g., Arion) and Limacidae (e.g.,
pods, comprising two distant groups, the Thecosoma­
ta or shelled pteropods, which include the famil ies Ca•
vo lini idae (e.g., Clio, Cavolinia) and Limacinidae, (e.g., The remaini ng Eupulmonata include the orders Systet­
Limacina), and Gymnosomata or naked pteropods in­ lommatophora and Ellobiacea. The former are slug­
cluding Clionidae (e.g., Clione); and (6) the Umbrachu­ like, without internal or external shell; dorsal mantl e
lida, composed of the umbrella slugs, Umbracul idae integument forms a keeled or rounded notum; head
(e.g., Umbraculum) and Tylodinidae (e.g., Tylodina). usually with 2 pairs tentacles, upper ones forming con­
tractile sta l ks bearing eyes. Inc luded are the ma i nly
COHORT PANPULMONATA This highly diverse group
mari ne family Onchidiidae (e.g., Onchidella, Onchidi·
i s characterized by: variable shell shape or loss of
um) and the terrestrial Veronicellidae (e.g., Veronicella).
shell, m i nute or in moderate size; generally sp i rally
The Ellobiacea includes the three superfamilies; the
coiled, planispiral, or limpet-shaped; usually without an
ma i nly supralittoral hollow-shelled ear snails Ellob io i ­
operculum as adults; eyes at bases of sensory stalks;
dea (, e.g., Blobium, Melampus, Garychium, Ovate/la),
secondary gills present in some members (e.g., Pyra­
small intertidal snails or sl ugs of the Otino idea (e.g.,
midella, Siphonaiia); body detorted; nervous system
Otina), and the limpet-like interti da l T ri musculoidea
highly concentrated (euthyneurous); mantle cavity­
(e.g., Trimusculus).
derived lung in the derived groups, with a contractile
aperture in the Eupul monata; marine (intert idal), brack­ CLASS BIVALVIA (= PELECYPODA, = LAMELLIBRANCHI·
ish, freshwater and amphibious; includes freshwater ATA) Clams, oysters, mussels, scallops, etc. (Figures
limpets and the minute, mei ofaunal Acochlidioidea 13.1 M-0 and 13.8). Laterally compressed; shell typically of
(e.g., Acochlidium, Unela). two valves hinged together dorsally by elastic ligament and
usually by shell-teeth; shells closed by adductor musc les
Other panpulmonate groups include: the sap-sucking
derived from mantle muscles; head rudimentary, without
sea sl ugs Sacog lossa (e.g., Berthelinia, Elysia, O x y ­
eyes, tentacles or radula, but eyes may occur elsewhere on
noe, Tridachia, and the "bivalve gastropods" Jul iidae),
body; pair of large labial pal ps present composed of inner
which are shelled or shell-less; the small shell-less and
and outer parts that lie against one another; pair of stato­
sometimes spiculate acochlid io id sl ugs that are often
cysts present, associated with pedal gangl ia, foot typ ically
interstitial and usually mari ne (although there are some
laterally compressed, often without a sole; 1 pair of large
468 Chapter Thirteen

(A) (B) Hinge ligament

Fused siph<>ns Perica.(d.ial







VENTRAL membranes '\:'7"½-<;:::t_

Right urogenital pore
Cercbrovisceral connective
Right visceral ganglion
Left ctenidium

Inhalant area


Pedal ganglion
Foot Gonad

Right visceral ganglion


◄ Figure 13.8 General anatomy of bival ves. (A) Tresus, a mainly for housing symbiotic bacteria. Gut reduced or
deep-burrowing eulamellibranch (Mactridae), with a dig- absent. (e.g., Solemyidae, So/emya).
ging foot and long, fused siphons. (B) A typical eulamel­
libranch (cross section). (C) The eulamellibranch Mercenaria SUPERORDER NUCULANIFORMII Mantle fused pos­
(Veneridae), w ith the left shell valve and mantle removed. teriorly, w ith siphons, inhalant water enters posteriorly;
(D} Internal anatomy of Mercenaria. The visceral mass is shells without nacre and gill filaments along ctenidial
opened up, the foot i s dissected, and most of the gills are cut axis alternate. Several mainly deep-sea families in­
away. (E) The common mussel, Mytilus (Mytilidae), seen from c ludin g Nuculanidae (e.g., Nucutana), Malleti idae (e.g.,
the right si de after removal of the r ight shell valve and mantle. Malletia) and Sareptidae (e.g., Yoldia).
(F) Mytilus, with the visceral mass opened up, the foot dis­
sected, and most of the gills cut away. SUBCLASS AUTOBRANCHIA (= AUTOLAMELLIBRAN­
CHIATA) Pa ired ctenidia, with very long fi laments folded
back on themse lves so that each row o f filaments forms
bipectinate ctenid ia; large mantle cavity surrounds animal; two lamellae; adjacent filaments usually attached to one
mantle may be variously fused, sometimes forming exten­ another by cil iary tufts (filibranch condition). or by tissue
sions (siphons); 1 pai r nephridia; nervous system si mpl e, bridges (eulamellibranch condition). The greatly enlarged
typically composed of cerebropleural , pedal and visceral ctenidia are used in combination with the two pairs of
ganglia labial pa l ps in ciliary feeding; ctenidial surfaces capture
B ivalves are marine or freshwater molluscs, primari ly mi­ water borne parti cles and transfer them to the lab i al
crophagous or suspension feeders. The class includes palps where the capture debris is sorted and potential
about g ,200 living spec ies represented at all depths and in food particles routed to the mouth.
all marine environments. Bivalve classification has been in COHORT PTERIOMORPHIA (= FILIBRANCHIA) Ctenid­
a state of turmoil over the past 50 years and continues to ia with outer fo l d not connected dorsally to visoera l
be unsettled. Higher taxa have been delimi ted on the basis mass, with free filaments or with adjacent fi laments
of shell characters (e.g., hinge anatomy, position of muscle attached by c iliary tufts (filibranch condition); shell ara­
scars), or, in other c lassifications, internal organ anatomy gonitic or calcitic, sometimes nacreous; mantle mar­
(e.g., ctenidia, stomach) have been used. However, begin­ gin unfused, with weakly differentiated incurrent and
ning w ith the work of Giribet and Wheeler (2002), bivalve excurrent apertures or siphons; foot well developed or
taxonomy has become more stab le as both molecules and extremely reduced; usually attached by byssal threads
morpho logy have been combined w ith the fossil record to or cemented to substratum (or secondarily free). These
understand the relationships o f the class. primitive lamelli branchs include several d ivergent an­
SUBCLASS PROTOBRANCHIA Includes the former Pal ­
cient lineages separated as orders.
aeotaxodonta in part. Cten idi a are 2 pairs of simple, un­ ORDER MYTILIDA The true musse ls, Mytilidae (e.g.,
folded, bipectinate, plate-like leaflets suspended in the Adu/a, Brachidontes, Uthophaga, Modiolus, Mytitus).
mantle cavity. The cteni dia are mainly respiratory struc­
tures. wh i le the labial pa l ps are the pri mary food collect­ ORDER ARCIDA The ark shells Arcidae (e.g., Anada­
ing organs. These are the most primit ive living bivalves, ra, Arca, Barbatia), and dog cockles Glycymerididae
comprising two superorders. (e.g., Gtycymeris).

CHIA) Mantle open, with inhalant water entering ante­ oysters, e.g., Crassostrea, Ostrea).
riorly; shells w ith nacre and gill filaments along ctenidial ORDER MALLDIDA (= PTERIOIDA, PTERIIDA) Pearl
axis arranged opposite one another; foot longitudinally oysters and their relatives Pteriidae (e.g., Pinctada,
grooved and with a plantar so le, without byssal gland; Pleria). hammer oysters Malleidae (e.g., Malleus). and
nervous system primitive, often with incomplete union pen shells Pinn idae (e.g., Atrina, Pinna).
of cerebral and pleural ganglia. Two orders.
ORDER LIMOIDA F ile shells Limidae (e.g., Uma).
ORDER NUCULIDA Shell aragonitic, interior nacreous
or porcelaneous; periostracum smooth; shell valves ORDER PECTINIDINA Scallops. Pectinidae (e.g.'
equal and taxodont (i.e., the valves have a row of simi­ Chlamys, Lyropecten, Pecten), thorny oysters Spon­
lar interlocking short teeth along the hinge margi ns); dylidae (e.g., Spondylus), jingle shells Anomiidae (e.g.,
adductor muscles equal in size; with large labial palps Anomia, Pododesmus).
extended as proboscides used for food collection; COHORT HETEROCONCHIA This clade encompass­
ctenidia small, for respiration; marine (particularly in es the Paleoheterodonta and Heterodonta, previously
the deep sea), mainly infauna! detritivores. (e.g., Nu­ treated as separate higher groups but shown to be
cul idae, Nucula). sister groups in recent molecular phylogenies.
thin, e longate, and equal in size; uncalcified along gonitic, pearly internally; periostracum usually well
outer edges, without hinge teeth; anterior adductor developed; va lves usually equal, with few hinge
musc le larger than posterior one; ctenidia large, used teeth; elongate lateral teeth (when present) are not
470 Chapter Thirteen Water movement

Sediment surface
separated from the large cardinal teeth; usually dim y ­
arian; mantle opens broadly ventrally, mostly unfused
posteriorly but with exhalant and inhalant apertures.
About 1,200 species of mari n e and freshwater
clams. Includes two very disti nct groups c lassified as
ORDER TRIGONIIDA The relictual marine broach
shells (Trigoni idae), with onty a few living species of
Neotrigonia i n Australia.
ORDER UNIONIDA Entirely freshwater, includ ing the
freshwater clams (or musse ls), e.g., Unionidae (e.g.,
Anodonta, Unio), Margaritiferidae (e.g., Margaritifera),
and Hyri idae (e.g., Hyridella).
Visceral ganglion
ranked as superorders, are recognized-the Archiheter­
odonta (with a s ingle livin g order) and the Euheterodonta
(wi th four li ving orders).
Pedal ganglion
ORDER CARDITIDA This group of primitive heter­ �dhesive knob
odonts is represented by the families Crassatelli dae
(e.g., Crassatella), Cardit idae (e.g., Cardi/a) and Astart­
idae (e.g., Astarle).
Figure 13.9 General anatomy of a scaphopod.

ORDER LUCINIDA Includes the fam ilies Luncinidae

(e.g., Lucina, Codakia), a group w ith symbiotic bac­ well developed; mantle usually fused ventrally, with
teri a in thei r gills and an anterior water current, and anteroventral pedal gape, and posteriorly with ventral
Thysiridae. incurrent and dorsal excurrent apertures or siphons;
ctenidia eulamellibranch iate or septibranchiate (modi­
ORDER CARDIIDA (= VENERIDA) Usually thick-valved, fied as a muscular pumping horizontal septum). Thi s
equi-valved, and isomyarian, with posterior siphons. anci ent and very diverse group of marine bivalves
Includes: cockles and their kin, Cardiidae (e.g., Cardi­ incl udes about 20 l ivi ng families, incl uding the rare
um, Clinocardium, Laevicardium, Trachycardium, and deep water Pholadomyidae (e.g., Pholadomya) and
the g iant c lams e.g., Tridacna); surf clams, Mactridae the aberrant water ing pot shells C lavagellidae (e.g.,
(e.g., Mactra); so lens, Solenidae (e.g., Ensis, Solen); Brechites), as well as Pandoridae, Poromyidae, Cus­
tellins, Tellinidae (e.g., Rorimetis, Macoma, Te/Jina); s e ­ pidari idae, Laternul idae, Thraciidae, Cleidothaeridae,
mel ids, Semelidae (e.g., Leptomya, Semele); wedge Myochamidae, and Periplomatidae.
shells, Donacidae (e.g., Donax); Venus clams, Veneri­
dae (e.g., Chione, Dosinia, Pilar, Protothaca, Tivela); CLASS SCAPHOPODA Tusk shells (Figures 13.1 L and
freshwater pea clams, Sphaeriidae (e.g., Sphaerium, 13.9). Shell of one piece, tubular, usually tapering, open at
Pisidium); the estuarine-to-freshwater Cyrenidae (e.g., both ends; head rudimentary, projecting from larger aper­
Corbicula, Batissa); and zebra mussels, Dreissenidae ture; mantle cavity large, extendi ng a long entire ventral s u r ­
(e.g., Dreissena). The latter two fami lies contain impor­ face; without ctenidia or eyes; with radula, long, snout-like
tant invasive species. "proboscis," and pa ired c lusters of long, thin contracti le ten­
tacles w ith clubbed ends (captacula) that serve to capture
ORDER PHOLADIDA (= MYIDA) Thin-shelled b u r ­ and manipulate minute prey; heart absent; foot somewhat
rowing forms with well-developed siphons. Incl udes: cylindrical, with epipodium-like fri nge. Over 500 species
soft-shell c lams, Myidae (e.g., Mya); rockborers or pid­ o f mari ne, benthic molluscs in fourteen families and two
docks, Phol adidae (e.g., Barnea, Martesia, Pho/as);
shipworms, Teredinidae (e.g., Bankia, Teredo); and
basket clams, Corbulidae (e.g., Corbula). The mono­ ORDER OENTALIIOA Shell regularly tapering. Paired
phyly of this order is uncer1ain. digestive gland with a muscular foot terminati ng in
epi podial lobes and a cone-shaped process. Several
families including Dentaliidae (e.g., Oentalium, Fusti­
equivalved, aragonitic, of 2-3 layers, innermost con­ aria) and Laevidentaliidae (e.g., Laevidentalium).
si sting of sheet nacre; periostracum often incorpo­
rates granulations; w ith 0-1 hinge teeth; generally ORDER GADILIDA Shell regularly tapering or bulbous
isomyarian, rarely amyarian; posterior s iphons usually w ith maximum shell di ameter approxi mately nearer
Esophagus SUBCLASS NEOCEPHALOPODA Includes one fossil
Jaw muscle group in addition to the coleoids. The shell is reduced
Odontophore and internal in most (and in all living taxa).
squids, and their kin. Shell reduced and internal or ab­
sent; head and foot united into a common anterior struc­
ture bearing 8 or 1 O prehensile appendages (arms and
tentac les) bearing suckers and, often, cirri, one arm usu­
ally modi fied in male for copulation; 7 tooth rows in radu­
la; with chitinous beak; funnel a single closed tube; 1 pair
ctenidia ("dibranchiate"); 1 pair nephridia; eyes complex,
with lens and often with cornea; nervous system well de­
veloped and concentrated into a bra in; w ith a comp lex
Tentacles statocyst; with chromatophores and ink sac.
group, wh ich includes the octopuses and vampire squid,
Figure 13.10 The anatomy of Nautilus (sagittal do not have the head d istinctly separated from the rest
of the body; have 8 arms, w ith 2 additional retractile fila­
ments in the vampire squids; lateral fins on the body are
center of shel l. Sing le d igestive gland and foot with a present or absent.
terminal disk surrounded by epipodial papilla. Families ORDER OCTOPODA Octopuses. Body short, round,
include Pulsellidae (e.g., Pu/sellum, Annulipulsellum) usually w ithout fins; internal shell vest igial or albsent; 8
and Gadilidae (e.g., Cadulus, Gadila). similar arms joined by web of skin (interbrachial web);
CLASS CEPHALOPODA Nautilus, squids, cuttlefish, and suckers w ith narrow stal ks, most are benthic . About
octopuses (Figures 13.1H-K, 13.10, 13.11, 13.12, 13.17, 200 spec ies, in two groups: the lncirrata, including the
and 13.22). With linearly chambered shell, usually reduced benthic octopuses and some pelagic taxa that lack
or lost in living taxa; if external shell present (Nautilus), a n i ­ fins and c irri with examples being Octopodidae (e.g.,
mal inhabits last (youngest) chamber, with a filament of living Octopus) and Argonautidae (Argonauta), the paper
tissue (the siphuncle) extending through older chambers; nautilus; and Cirrata, which are mainly pelagic deep
circulatory system largely closed; head with large, com­ sea cephalopods with fins and cirri, such as Cirroteu­
plex eyes and circle of prehensile arms or tentacles around thidae (e.g., Cirroteuthis), Opisthoteuthidae (e.g., Op i s ­
mouth; with radula and beak; 1 -2 pairs ctenidia, and 1 2- thoteuthis), and Stauroteuthidae (e.g., Stauroteuthis).
pairs comp lex nephrid ia; mant le forms large ventra l mantle ORDER VAMPYROMORPHA The vamp ire squid.
cavity containing 1 -2 pairs of ctenidia; with muscular fun­ Body p lump, w ith 1 pair fins; shell reduced to thin,
nel (the siphon) through which water is forced, providing jet leaf-shaped, unca lcified, transparent vestige; 4 pairs
propuls ion; some tentacles of male modi fied for copu lation; equal -sized arms, each w ith one row of unstal ked
benthic or pelagic, marine; about 700 living spec ies. d istal suckers and two rows of cirri; arms joined by
SUBCLASS PALCEPHALOPODA Incl udes many fossil extensive web of skin (interbrachial membrane); fifth
taxa, all with external shells, as well as the living pearly pair of arms represented by 2 tendril-like, retractalble
nauti lus. fi laments; hectocotylus lacking; radula well developed;
ink sac degenerate; mostly deep water. One living
COHORT NAUTILIDIA (= TETRABRANCHIATA) The species, Vampyroteuthis infernalis, that lives in the
pearly nautilus. Shell external, many-chambered, coiled oxygen mini mum zone of the deep sea.
in one plane, exterior porcel aneous, interi or nacreous
(pearly); head with many (80-90) sucker1ess tentacles (4
modified as spad ix in male for copulation and protected Members of this group, which incl udes the squid and
by a fleshy hood); 13 tooth rows in radula; beak of chi­ cuttlefish, have the head distinctly separated from the
tin and calcium carbonate; funnel of 2 separate folds; 2 rest of the body; with 8 arms and 2 retractile (into pi ts)
pa irs cteni dia ("tetrabranchiate"); 2 pa irs nephridia; eyes tentacles with suckers only on expanded ti ps; suckers
like a pinhole camera, w ithout cornea or lens; nervous with wide bases, sometimes with spines or hooks; lateral
system with anteri or elements concentrated into a brain, fins on body. The internal shell is large (as in the cuttlefish
optic lobes large; statocyst simple; w ithout chromato­ or in Spiru/a), reduced to an uncalcified gladius, or lost.
phores or ink sac. Fossil record r ich, but represented ORDER SPIRULIDA The on ly l iving species is the
today by a sing le order (Nautilida) and single genus, the ram's horn, Spirula spirula (Spirulidae), a small deep
chambered or pearly nautilus (Nautilus), with five or six sea squid with a coiled, internal, chambered shel l.
lndo-Pacific species (although a second, controversial ORDER SEPIIDA Cutt lefish. Body short, dorsoventral­
genus, Allonautilus, has also been proposed).
ly flattened, w ith lateral fins; shell internal, calcareous,
472 Chapter Thirteen

straight or slightly curved, chambered; or shell horny, structures, most notably eyes and tentacles; statocysts
or absent; 8 short arms, and 2 long tentacles; suck• may be located in the foot region and chen1osensory
ers lack hooks. Includes the shell- less Sep iol idae (e.g., structures can also be present.
Rossia, Sepiola), the Sepiidae (e.g., Sepia) w ith an in­ The visceral mass is covered by a thick epidermal
ternal calcareous shell, the cuttlebone, and ld iosepi­ sheet of skin called the mantle (also known as the pal­
idae (e.g., ldiosepis), being t iny squids that live in sea­ lium), •..vhich is sometimes covered in cuticle and plays
grass to which they attach with a special sucker.Their a critical role in the organization of the body. It secretes
shell is reduced to a horny gladius.
the hard calcareous skeleton, either as minute sclerites,
ORDER MYOPSIDA Squids with the eye covered with or plates, that are embedded in the body wall or as a
a cornea and having a well developed g ladius. Body solid internal or external shell. Ventrally the body u s u ­
elongate, tubular, with lateral fins. Lol iginidae (e.g., Lo­ ally bears a large, muscular foot, 1,vhicl1 typically has a
ligo, Do,yteuthis). creeping sole.
Surrounding or posterior to the visceral mass is a
ORDER OEGOPSIDA Includes the majority of squids
(and the formerTeuthoida in part); the eye lacks a cor­ cavity-a space beh,veen the visceral m.ass and folds
nea and the shell is a gladius. Body elongate, tubular, of the mantle itself. This mantle cavity (also known
wi th lateral fins; suckers often wi th hooks. Some of as the pallial cavity) often houses the gills (the origi­
the many families in th is group include Architeuthi• nal molluscan gills are known as ctenidia), along with
dae (Architeuthis), Bathyteuthidae (e.g., Bathyteu­ the openings of the gut, nephridial, and reproductive
this; sometimes treated as a separate order), Chiro­ systems, and, in addition, special patches of chemosen­
teuthidae (e.g., Chiroteuthis), Ommastrephidae (e.g., sory epithelium in many groups, notably the osphra­
Ommastrephes, Dosidiscus, I/lex), Gonatidae (e.g., dia. In aquatic forms, ,,vater is circulated through this
Gonatus), Histoteuthidae (e.g., Hisfjoteuthis), Lycoteu­ cavity, passing over the ctenidia, excretory pores, anus,
thidae (e.g., Lycoteuthis), and Octopoteuthidae (e.g., and other structures.
Octopoteuthis). Molluscs have a complete, or through-gut that is re­
gionally specialized. The buccal region of the foregut
typically bears a uniquely molluscan structure, the rad­
The Molluscan Body Plan ula, which is a toothed, rasping, tongue-like strap used
in feeding. It is located on a muscular odontophore that
Mollusca is one of the most morphologically diverse moves the radula through its feeding motions. The cir­
phyla i n the animal kingdom. Molluscs range in size culatory system usually includes a heart in a pericardia!
from microscopic solenogasters, bivalves, snails, and cavity and a few large vessels that empty into or drain
slugs, to whelks attaining 70 cm in length, giant clams he1nocoelic spaces. The excretory system consists of one
(Cardiidae) over a 1 m i n length, and giant squids ( A r ­ or 1nore pairs of metanephridial kidneys (here sin1ply
chiteutflis) reaching at least 13 m i n overall length (body referred to as nephridia), with openings (nephrostomes)
plus tentacles). The giant Pacific octopus (Octopus to the pericardium via renopericardial canals and to
dofleini) comn1only attains an arm span of 3 5 - 1n and the mantle cavity via the nephridiopore. The nervous
a weight of over 40 kg. It is the largest living octopus, system typically includes a dorsal cerebral ganglion, a
and one particularly large specimen was estimated to nerve ring encircling the buccal area or esophagus, and
have an arm span of nearly 10 m and a weight of over two pairs of longitudinal nerve cords arise from paired
250 kg! Despite t11eir differences, giant squids, cow­ pleural ga11glia and connecting with the visceral ganglia
ries, garden slugs, eight-plated chitons, and wormlike more posteriorly i11 the body. Other anterior paired gan­
aplacophorans are all closely related and share a c o 1 n ­ glia (buccal and labial) may be present. Pedal ganglia lie
mon body plan (Box 13A). In fact, the myriad ways in in the foot and may give off pedal nerve cords.
which evolution has shaped the basic molluscan body Gametes are produced by the gonad in the viscer•
plan provide son1e of the best lessons in homology and al n1ass and fertilization n1ay be external or internal.
adaptive radiation in the anin1al kingdom. Developn1ent i s typically protostomous, with spiral
Molluscs are bilaterally symmetrical, coelomate pro­ cleavage and a trochophore larval stage. There is also a
tostomes, but the coelom generally exists only as small secondary larval form unique to gastropod and bivalve
vestiges around the heart (the pericardia! chamber), molluscs called the veliger.
the gonads, and parts of the nephridia (kidneys). The Although this general sun1mary describes the basic
principal body cavity is a hemocoel composed of sever­ body plan of most molluscs, notable modifications
al large sinuses of the open circulatory system, except occur and are discussed throughout this chapter. The
in some cephalopods that have a largely dosed systen1. eight classes are characterized above (see classification)
In general, the body comprises three distinguishable and are briefly summarized below.
regions: a head, foot, and centrally concentrated viscer­ Some of the most bizarre molluscs are the "apla­
al mass, but the configuration differs in different class­ cophorans"-Solenogastres and Caudofoveata (Figure
es (Figure 13.13). The head may bear various sensory 13.lC and 13 .2). Members of these groups are wormlike

(A) Posterior (13) Posterior (C) . LJ � Funnel


�. . . :'t Fin

) .

1i Anterior
. ·· Ji Posterior
, ·. .
Funnel �\r--1..::1:::-
''. :f {i]'l/
surface surface -¥--._

Right �. /J
� -Left Right
side .{ side side
;�; '.
� .
crest FunneI "Jt.
�� , ..' Aquiferous
( Sipho,,) ' . ·, , pore
Tip . ,.
of pen .
.. .
' ' .. '
Figure 13.11 The anatomy of a squids. (A-C) The common squid,
(DJ Lo/igo.(A) External morphology (anterior vi ew). (B) External morphology
(posteri or view). (C) Internal anatomy of a male. The mantle is dissected
open and pulled aside . (D) The giant squid (11.rchiteuthis dux) netted off the
coast of New Zealand in 1997.

Polyplacophorans, or chitons, are oval molluscs that

bear eight (seven in Paleoloricata) separate articulat­
ing shell plates on their backs (Figures 13.1Band 13.4).
They range in length from about 7 mm to over 35 Cin.
These n1arine animals are inhabitants of deep sea to in­
tertidal regions around the 1>vorld, at all latitudes.
Monoplacophorans are limpet-like molluscs with a
single cap-shaped shell ranging from about l n,m to
about 4 cm in length (Figures 13.lA and 13.3). Most
live in the deep sea, some at great depths(> 2,000 m).
Their most notable feature i s the repetitive arrange­
n,ent of gills, gonads, and nephddia, a condition that
has led some biologists t o speculate that they 1nust rep­
resent a link to son1e ancient segn1ented ancestor of the
Mollusca (an idea no longer deemed reasonable).
Gastropods are by far the largest group of molluscs
and include son,e of the best-studied species(Figures
and typically small, and either burrow in sedin1ent 13.1D-G, 13.5, 13.6, and 13.7). This class includes the
(Caudofoveata) or may spend their entire lives on the common snails and slugs i n all marine and many fresh­
branches of various cnidarians (Solenogastres) such as water habitats, and they are the only n,olluscan class
gorgonians upon ,.,,,hich they feed. Caudofoveata lack a to have successfulJy invaded terrestrial environments.
foot, but a reduced one is present i n the Solenogastres, They are the only molluscs that undergo torsion during
and neither group has a solid shell. Aplacophorans also early development, a process involving a 90-180° rota­
have no distinct head, eyes, or tentacles. They were tra­ tion of the visceral mass relative to the foot (for details
ditionally considered prin,itive molluscs that evolved see section on torsion below).
before the appearance of solid shells, but some molecu­ Bivalves include the clams, oysters, mussels, and
lar and developmental data suggest they may actually their kin (Figures 13.lM-Q and 13.8). They pos.5ess two
be highly derived forms that have lost the shell and separate shelJs, calJed vaJves. The smallest bivalves are
have secondarily acquired a simple body morphology. members of the marine fanuly Condylocardiidae some
474 Chapter Thirteen

of which are about 1 1nm in length; the largest are giant of developn1ent of each of these muscle layers differs
tropical clams (Tridncnn), one species of which ( T . gigns) among the classes (e.g., in solenogasters the diagonal
may weigh over 400 kg! Bivalves inhabit all 1narine e n ­ layers are frequently absent).
vironments and many freshwater habitats.
Scaphopods, the tusk shells, live in marine surface The Mantle and Mantle Cavity
sediments at various depths. Their distinctive single, The significance of the n1antle cavity and its impor­
tubular uncoiled shells are open at both ends and tance in the evolutionary success of molluscs has al­
range from a few millimeters to about 15 cm in length ready been alluded to. Here we offer a brief summary
(Figures 13.1Land 13.9). of the nature of the mantle cavity, and its disposition
The cephalopods are among the most highly modi­ in each of the major groups of molluscs.
fied 1nolluscs and include the pearly nautilus, squids, The mantle, as the name implies, is a sheet-like
cuttlefish, octopuses, and a host of extinct forms, in­ organ that forms the dorsal body wall, and i n most
cluding the ammonites (Figures 13.11-K, 13.10, 13.11, molluscs it grows during development to envelop tlle
13.12, 13.17, and 13.22). This group includes the l a r g ­ molluscan body and at its edge there are one or two
est of all living invertebrates, the giant squid, with folds that contain muscle layers and hemocoelic chan­
body and tentacle lengths arow1d 13 m. Among living nels (Figure 13.lSC). The outward growth creates a
cephalopods, only the nautilus has retained an exter­ space lying between the mantle fold(s) and the body
nal shell. The cephalopods differ markedly from other proper. This space, the n1antle cavity, may be in the
molluscs in several vvays. For exan1ple, iliey have a forn1 of a groove surrounding the foot or a primitive­
spacious body cavity that includes the pericardium, ly posterior chamber through which water is passed
gonadal cavity, nephriopericardial connections, and by ciliary or, in more derived taxa, by muscular ac­
gonoducts, all of which form an interconnected system tion. Generally, the mantle cavity houses the respi­
representing a highly modified but true coelom. In ad­ ratory surface (usually the ctenidia or other gill-like
dition, wilike all other molluscs, many coleoid cepha­ structures), and receives the fecal material disd1arged
lopods have a functionally closed circulatory system. from the anus and excretory waste from the kidney.
The nervous system of cephalopods is the most sophis­ Gametes are also primitively discharged into the man­
ticated of all invertebrates, with unparalleled learning tle cavity. lncoming water provides a source of oxygen
and memory abilities. Most of these modifications are for respiration, a means of flushing waste and, in some
associated with the adoption of an active predatory instances, also carries food for suspension feeding.
lifestyle by these remarkable creatures. The mantle cavity of cllitons i s a groove surround­
ing the foot (Figures 13.4A and 13.13A,B). Water enters
The Body Wall the groove from the front and sides, passing medial­
The body wall of molluscs typically co1nprises three ly over the ctenidia and then posteriorly between the
main layers: the cuticle (when present), epidermis, ctenidia and tlle foot. After passing over the gonopores
and muscles (Figure 13.15A). The cuticle is composed and nephridiopores, v.•ater exits the back end of the
largely of various amino acids and sclerotized proteins groove and carries away fecal material fron1 the poste­
(called conchin), but it apparently does not contain riorly located anus.
chitin (except in the aplacophorans). The epidermis T h e aplacophorans have a small mantle cav­
is usually a single layer of cuboidal to columnar cells, ity, with either a pair of ctenidia (Caudofoveata) or
v.•11.ich are ciliated on much of the body. Many of the lan1ella-like folds or papillae on the mantle cavity wall
epidern1al cells participate in secretion of the cuticle. (Solenogastres). The paired coelom. oducts and the anus
Other kinds of secretory gland cells can also be pres­ also open into the 1nantle cavity
ent, some of which secrete mucus and these can be very The single mantle cavity of gastropods originates
abundant on external surfaces such as the sole of the during development as a posteriorly located chamber.
foot. Other specialized epidermal cells occur on the As developn1ent proceeds, however, most gastropods
dorsal body v.•all, or 1nantle. Many of these cells con­ undergo a 180 rotation of the visceral 1nass and shell to
stitute the molluscan shell glands, v.1llich produce the bring the mantle cavity forward, over the head (Figllres
calcareous sclerites or shells characteristic of this phy­ 13.5, 13.6, and 13.13C) (see section on torsion that fol­
lum. Still other epidermal cells are sensory receptors. lows). The different orientation does not affect the water
The epidermis and outermost muscle layer are often flow, which still passes through this chan1ber through
separated by a basen1ent membrane and occasionally the ctenidia, and then past the anus, gonopores, and
a dermis-like layer. nephridiopores. A great many secondary modifications
The body wall usually includes three distinct lay­ on this plan have evolved in the Gastropoda, includ­
ers of smooth muscle fibers: an outer circular layer, a ing rerouting of current patterns; loss or n1odification
middle diagonal layer, and an inner longitudinal layer. of associated structures such as the gills, hypobrancllial
The diagonal muscles are often in two groups with fi­ glands and sensory organs; and even "detorsion," as
bers running at right angles to each other. The degree discussed in later sections of this chapter.

Figure 13.12. The anatomy of Octopus. (Bl

(A) General external anatomy. (Bl Right­
side view of the internal anatomy.
(C) Arm and sucker (cross section).
(Dl Tip of the hectocotylus arm. (El The
diminutive Eastern Pacific Paroctopus
digueti well camouflaged on a sand
bottom. (F) The tropical Pacific
Octopus chierchiae. (Gl The remark­
able lndo-West Pacific Abdopus

Visceral hump

Eye Ctenidium Anus Funnel

(Cl (D ) Copulatory

Arm with suckers

,' :

Connective tissue
. ;F�

r '' <© ©H;�

Brachia! artery
n'!,._' ©· C·r
Nerve cord
Central canal
Suction cup apparatus


476 Chapter Thirteen

Figure 13.13 Modifications of the shell, foot, gut, (A) Valves

ctenidia, and mantle cavity i n five classes of mol• .
luscs. (A,B) Lateral and cross secti ons of a chiton
Stomach� ;.., , c.:._�
(Polyplacophora). (C) Side view of a snail (Gastropoda).
(D,E) Cutaway side view and cross section of a clam H ead�
/7· -·· · · · •·r ··· · ···-·· ·· ·••<:>--•
···.•.: ·· '\
(Bivalvia). (F) Lateral view of a tusk shell (Scaphopoda).
(G) Lateral view of a squid (Cephalopoda). In cephalopods 7-
D igestive lntesrine I
___,,.___ Foot
the foot is modified to form the funnel (= siphon) and at Nephridiopore
1 d
least parts of the arms.
(8) (C)
!!!!!!!'"' !!!!!! I
�� o;� �!!!�!Oo Mantle Shell

Cephalic gland

-. .... ..... . . .. . ... .. . .. . . . ...... ...

(D) Stomach Foot



' ...__ (F) Shell aperture

Ctenidium Mantle cavity



Deak Foot
H ead Shell (pen)

-:� y --::::::::..:--:::;;�


Bivalves possess a greatly enlarged mantle cav•

ity that surrounds both sides of the foot and visceral well as accomplishing gas exchange. The water flow
mass (Figures 13.8 and 13.130,E). The mantle Jines the then sweeps across the gonopores and nephridiopores,
laterally placed shells, and the folds making up the and lastly past the anus as it exits through the exhalant
mantle edges are often fused in various ways posteri• siphon.
orly to form inhalant and exhalant siphons, through Scaphopods have a tapered, tubular shell (Figures
which water enters and leaves the mantle cavity. The 13.9 and 13.13F). Water enters and leaves the elongate
"''ater passes over and through the ctenidia that, in au• mantle cavity through the small opening in the top of
tobranch bivalves, extract suspended food material as the shell and flushes over the mantle surface, which, in

the absence of ctenidia, is the site of gas exchange. The on a protein matrix ill layers, and often covered by
anus, nephridiopores, and gonopores also eo1pty into a thin organic surface coating called a periostracum
the mantle cavity. (called the hypostracum i n chitons) (Figure 13.15). The
While no detailed studies of the functioning of the periostracum is composed of a type of conchin (largely
monoplacophoran mantle cavity have been made, ob­ quinone-tanned proteins) similar to that found in the
servations of the first living specilnens i111977 revealed epidermal cuticle. The calcium layers have four crys­
that the gills vibrated, apparently circulating water tal types: prismatic, spherulitic, lammar, and crossed
through the mantle groove. It was also noted that shell structures. All incorporate conchin onto which the
movement was accompanied by an acceleration of gill calcareous crystals precipitate. The majority of living
beating. Vibrating gills are unknown in other molluscs molluscs have an outer prismatic layer and an mner
where ciliary action, so1netimes assisted by muscular porcelaneous, crossed layer. In monoplacophorans,
contractions, moves water through the mantle cavity. cephalopods and in some gastropods and bivalves, an
The anus, nephridiopores, and gonopores also open iridescent, nacre (la1nmar) layer replaces the layer of
i11to the mantle cavity. crossed crystals. Shells are often made up of multiple
With the exception of the monoplacophorans, ill layers of different crystal types.
all of the above cases, water is moved through the Molluscs are noted for their wonderfully intricate
mantle cavity by the action of long lateral cilia on the and often flamboyant shell color patterns and sculp­
ctenidia. But in cephalopods the ctenidial gills are not turing (Figure13.16), but very little is knov,n about the
ciliated. Instead, in Na11til11s a ventilatory current is evolutionary origins and functions of these featu1·es.
passed through the mantle cavity by the unduatory Some molluscan pigments are 1netabolic by-products,
movements of two muscular flaps associated with the and thus shell colors might largely represent strategi­
funnel lobes. In the coleoid cephalopods, however, cally deposited food residues, while others appear to
well-developed, highly innervated 01antle muscles have no relationship to diet. Molluscan shell pigments
perform this function through the regular pulsation mclude such compounds as pyrroles and porphyri.ns.
of the mantle wall. The exposed, fleshy body surface Melanms are common ill the mtegument (cuticle and
of squids and octopuses is, in fact, the mantle itself epidermis), the eyes, and internal organs, but they are
(Figures 13.11, 13.12, and 13.13G). Unconstrained by rare in shelIs.
an external shell, the mantle of these n1olluscs expands So1ne shell sculpture patterns are correlated with
and contracts to draw water mto the mantle cavity and specific behaviors or habitats. For example, shells with
then forces it out through the narrow muscular furmel low spires are more stable ill areas of heavy vvave shock
(= siphon). The forceful expelling of this jet of exhalant or on vertical rock surfaces. Si1nilarly, the low, cap­
water can also provide a means of rapid locomotion shaped shells of limpets (Figures 13.SA and 13.16H,I)
for most cephalopods. In the mantle cavity the water are presuo1ably adapted for withstandi11g exposure to
passes through the ctenidia, and then past the anus, re­ strong waves. Heavy ribbmg, thick or mflated shells,
productive pores, and excretory openings. and a narrow gape in bivalves are all possible adap­
The remarkable adaptive qualities of the n101luscan tations to provide protection from predators. lJ1 some
body plan are manifested i n these variations m the po­ gastropods, fluted shell ribs help them land upright
sition and function of the mantle cavity and its associ­ when they are dislodged from rocks. Several groups of
ated structures. 1n fact, the nature of many other struc­ soft-bottom bentllic gastropods and bivalves have long
tuxes is also influenced by mantle cavity arrangement, spines on the shel.l that 1nay help stabiJize the anio.1als
as shown schematically in Figure 13.14. That molluscs in loose sedin1ents as well as provide some protection
have been able to successfully exploit an extremely from predators. Many molluscs, particularly clams,
broad range of habitats and lifestyles can be explained have shells covered with living epizootic organisms
in part by these variations, which are central to the such as sponges, annelid tube worms, ectoprocts, and
story of 1nolluscan evolution. We will have more to say hydroids. Some studies suggest that predators have a
about these matters throughout this chapter. difficult time recognizil1g such camouflaged n1olluscs
as potential prey.
The Molluscan Shell Molluscs may have one she.II, two shells, e.ight shells,
Except for the two aplacophoran classes, all molluscs or no shell. 1n the latter case the outer body wall may
have solid calcareous shells (either aragonite or calcite) contam calcareous sclerites of various sorts. In the apla­
produced by shell glands ill the mantle. 1n the Caudo­ cophorans, for example, the cuticular sclerites vary in
foveata and Solenogastres, aragonite sderites or scales shape and range in length from microscopic to about 4
are forn1ed extracellularly in the mantle epidermis mm. These sclerites are essentially crystals composed
and are embedded i11 the cuticle. 1n the other classes ahnost entirely of calcium carbonate as aragonite.
molluscan shells vary greatly ill shape and size, but Caudofoveates produce platelike cuticular sclerites that
they all adhere t o tile basic construction plan of cal­ give their body surface a scaly texture and appearance.
cium carbonate produced extracellularly, laid down The sclerites in both taxa appear to be secreted by a
(A) (8) (C) (D)


A i-\

/ /��-


(E) (F) (G)

'' CT



\ / I
\ /

posttorsional gonad. The right renopericardial duct serves

both the nephridium and the single gonad and leads to
(H) Acces.,;ory a urogenital pore. A s water enters the mantle cavity from

"heart" the front, it passes first over the two bipectinate ctenidia
Key and then over the anus, nephridiopore, and urogen ital pore

before exiting through dorsal shell openings (e.g., hol es
A Atrium
o r s lits). (C) The patellogastropod (l impet), Lottia. Here the
' 1-- � AN Anus posttorsional r ight ctenidium and right atrium are lost, and

CT Ctenidium the nephridiopore, anus, and urogenital pore are shifted
G Gonad to the right si d e of the mant le cavity, thus allowing a one­
way, l e f t t-o-right water flow. A simi lar configuration and is
N Nephridium
also found in vetigastropods with single gills (e.g., Tricolia).
re Pericardium (D) Most caenogastropods have a si ngle, posttorsi onal left,
V Ventricle monopecti nate ctenidium, suspended from the roof of the
mantle cavity. The right renopericardial duct has typi cally
lost its association with the peri cardium and is co-opted
into the genital tract. Such isolation of the tract and gonad
from the excretory plumbing has allowed the evolution of
elaborate reproductive systems among "higher" gastro­
pods (e.g., neritomorphs, caenogastropods, and hetero­
branchs) and probably important in the story of gastropod
Figure 13.14 Variations in the mantle cavi ty, circulatory success. (E) The conditi on in monoplacophorans includes
system, ctenidia, nephridia, reproductive system, and the serial repetition of several organs. (F) In polyplacopho­
positi on of the anus in molluscs (dorsal views). Although rans, the gonoducts and nephridioducts open separately
schematic, these drawings give some idea of the evolu­ into the exhalant regi ons of the lateral pallial grooves. (G)
tionary changes in arrangement of these structures and A generalized bivalve condition. The gonads and nephridia
systems in the phylum Mollusca. (A) A hypothetical, untort­ may share common pores, as shown here, or el se open
ed, gastropod-like mollusc w ith a posteri or mantle cavity separately into the lateral mantle chambers. (H) The condi­
and symmetrically paired atr ia, ctenidia, nephridia, and tion in a generalized cephalopod w ith a single, isolated
gonads. (B) A posttorsi onal vetigastropod (e.g., Fissure/la) reproduct ive system and an effectively c losed circulatory
wherein all paired organs are retai ned except the left system.

(A) Subepidermal Eosinophilous (8)

Basement gland cell gland cell
membrane Mucocyte

Prismatic layer

Extrapallial cavity
Hemolymph spaces
Mantle epithelium

Outer (secretory)
Figure 13.15 The body wall and mantle lobe
shell of molluscs. (A) A general­ -Middle
· (sensory)
ized molluscan body wall (section). mantle lobe
The cuticle, epidermis, muscle layers, and vari ous
gland cells constitute the body wall. (B) The com­ ,,..,__Inner (muscular)
ponents of a generalized molluscan shell (sect ion). mantle lobe
(C) The margin of the shell and the trilobed mantle Mucocyte
of a bivalve (transverse section). Pallial muscle Mantle epithelium

diffuse network of specialized groups of cells and dif­ the microaesthetes. ln some species, megaesthetes may
ferent shapes are found in different regions of the body. be modified as shell eyes, with compound lenses made
The eight transverse plates, or valves(Figures 13.4 of large crystals of araganite. The vertical aesthete ca­
and 13.16A-F), of polyplacophorans are encircled b y nals arise from a layer of horizontal canals in the lower
and embedded i n a thickened region o f the mantle part of the tegmentum and the articulamentum(Figure
called the girdle. The size of the girdle varies from nar­ 13.43C) and some pass through the articulamentum to
row to broad and may cover much of the valves. In the join with nerves in the mantle at the lower edge of the
giant Pacific "gumboot" chiton, Cryptochiton stelleri, the shell valve. The articulamentu1n is a thick, calcareous,
girdle completely covers the valves. The girdle is thick, porcelaneous layer tl1at differs in certain ways from the
heavily cuticularized, and usually beset with calcare­ shell layers of oilier 1nolluscs.
ous sclerites, spines, scales, or noncalcareous bristles Monoplacophorans have a single, limpet-like shell
secreted by specialized epidern1al cells. These sclerites with the apex situated far forvvard (Figures 13.lA and
are probably homologous with those in the body wall 13.3). The shell has a distinctive outer prisn,atic layer
of aplacophorans. and an i.Jmer nacreous layer. As in clutons, the mantle
The anterior and posterior valves of chitons are re­ encircles the body and foot as a circular fold, forming
ferred to as the end valves, or cephalic(= anterior) and lateral mantle grooves.
anal(= posterior) plates; the six other valves are called The bivalves possess two shells, or valves, that are
the intern1ediate valves. Son1e details of chiton valves connected dorsally by an elastic, proteinaceous liga­
are shown in Figure 13.16A-F. The shells of dutons are ment, and enclose the body and spacious mantle cavity
three-layered, with an outer periostracum, a colored (Figures 13.1M-P, 13.8, and 13.16J,K). Shells of bivalves
tegmentum, and an inner calcareous layer, or articu• typically have a thin periostracum, covering two to
Jarnentum. The periostracum is a very, delicate o r ­ four calcareous layers that vary in composition and
ganic membrane and is not easily seen. The tegmentum structure. The calcareous layers are often aragonite or
is composed of organic material (probably a form of an aragonite/calcite mixture, and they usually have a
conchin) and calciun, carbonate suffused with various substantial organic framework. The periostracum and
pigments. It is penetrated by vertical canals that lead orgruuc matrix 1nay account for over 70% of the shell's
to minute pores in the surface of the valves. The pores dry weight in so1ne tlun-shelled taxa. Each valve has
are of two sizes: the larger ones(megapores) housing a dorsal protuberance called the umbo, which is ilie
the megaesthetes and the smaller ones (micropores) oldest part of the shell. Concentric gro1,vth lines radiate
(A) Anterior
(B) Figure 13.16 Shell morphology and terminology.
(A-F} Chiton shells (Po l yp lacophora): (A) A chiton
showing the eight valves (dorsal view). (B) Isolated
val ves of Cryptochiton stel/eri, the giant "gumboot"
chiton. (C) An anterior val ve (ventral view). (D,E} An
intermediate valve (dorsal and ventral views). (F) A
posterior valve (ventral view). (G) Internal and external
features of a spiral gastropod shell. (H) A lottiid limpet
(Patellogastropoda) (side vi ew). (I) The shell of a veti­
gastropod keyhole limpet (top view}. (J) Insi de view of
the left valve of a heterodont clam shell (Bivalvia). (K}
(mantle) Dorsal view of a heterodont clam shell.

Periostracum (folded
(G} onto underside of
valve from dorsal side)
(D) Apophysis

Columella Spire
(= keel)
Median triangle

(E) Apophysis Outer lip


• ,---,,.,... �·· . -j� • -;'-.,....:,..-s,--' "'"yln sertion teeth

i'. ., · '
•-·· ..·., Jo,,,,.,_ •7 ,,., . � . ..... .. .,

,.. �·.."$�....... ·�· . • ' ...:-'·-. -:.��':"'
·; . '..< · .
-��..,,!i-' ., . ·�-�
� " ':e,�
,"it"._$�� ,f·
�Periostracum (folded
Insertion plate Anterior notch
onto underside of
valve from dorsal side) Anterior
(F) .,
([} Foramen


::=� �
Dors.,I (K) Anterior margin Portion
Hinge ligament of hinge
0) Umbo ligament
Posterior retractor Umbo
Hinge teeth exposed
muscle scar ""- ��Iii!!!

��\;,,' -
Lateral hinge / Lunule
tooth muscle scar

f) :';
1 Right
(siphon end)
I ..•"';�· · : \. . //
(foot end) ;¥ $·: valve
Posterior� � c ·-) \7'�
adductor ·
; · .,,.,. --- ·- , .}l Anterior
muscle scar · ,. __ / .;
· : -� ii!'. adductor
· J- · :·· . ;· : } :i :.....- muscle scar
Pallial sin� .: :- ridges
Ventral Pallial line
Posterior margin/

Figure 13.17 Two very different kinds of cephalopod

shells. (A) The chambered shell of Nautilus, cut in longitu­
dinal section. (8) The egg case "shell" of the paper nauti­
of smooth nacreous or porcelaneous shell. The result
lus, Argonauta.
is a pearl, either free in the extrapalJial space or partly
embedded in the growing shelJ.6
ouhvard from the urnbo. When the valves are closed Scaphopod shells resemble miniature, hollow el­
by contraction of the adductor muscles, the outer ephant tusks, hence the vernacular names "tusk shell"
part of the ligament is stretched and the inner part is and "tooth shell" (Figures 13.lL and 13.9). The scaph­
compressed. Thus, when the adductor muscles relax, opod shelJ is open at both ends, with the smaller open­
the resilient Jiga1nent causes the valves to open. The ing at the dorsal end of the body. Most tusk shells are
hinge apparatus comprises various sockets and tooth­ slightly curved, the concave side being the equivalent
like pegs or flanges (hinge teeth) that align the valves to the anterior of other molluscs. The mantle is large
and prevent lateral movement. In most bivalves, the and lines the entire posterior surface of the shell. The
adductor n1uscles contain both striated and sn1ooth dorsal aperture serves for both inhalant and exhalant
fibers, facilitating both rapid and sustained closure of water currents.
the valves. This division of labor is apparent in some Most extant cephalopods have a reduced shell or
bivalves as for example in oysters where the large sin­ are shell-less. A completely developed external shell
gle adductor 1nuscle is clearly co1nposed of hvo parts, is found only in fossil forn1s and the living species of
a dark striated region that functions as a rapid closure Nautilus. In squids and cuttlefish tile shell is reduced
muscle, and a white smoother region that hmctions to and internal, and in octopuses it is entirely lacking or
hold the shell tightly closed for long periods of time. present only as a small rudiment.
The thin mantle lines the inner valve surfaces in b i ­ The shell of N1111til11s is coiled in a plaJ1jspiral fash­
valves and separates the visceral n1ass fro1n the shell. ion (whorls lie in a single plane) and has a thin perio­
The edge of a bivalve mantle bears three longitudinal stracum (Figures 13.10, 13.17A, and 13.22B). Nautilus
ridges or folds-the inner, middle, and outer folds shells (and all cephalopod shells) are divided into in­
(Figure 13.lSC). The innermost fold is the largest and ternal chambers by transverse septa, and only the last
contains radial and circular n1uscles, so1ne of vvhich chan,ber is occupied by the body of the living animal.
attach the mantle to the shell. The line of mantle at­ As the animal grows, it periodically moves for�vard,
tachment appears on the inner surface of each valve and the posterior part of the mantle secretes a new sep­
as a scar called the pallial line (Figure 13.16J), and this tum behind it. Each septum is interconnected by a tube
scar is often a useful diagnostic character. The middle through which extends a cord of tissue called the sip­
mantle fold is sensory in function, and the outer fold is huncle. The siphuncle helps to regulate buoyancy of tl1e
responsible for secreting tl1e shell. The cells of the outer animal by varying tl1e amotu1ts of gas and fluid in the
lobe are specialized: the medial cells lay down the peri­ shell chambers. The shell is composed of an inner nacre­
ostracum, and the lateral cells secrete the first calcare­ ous layer and an outer porcelaneous layer containing
ous layer. The entire mantle surface is then responsible prisn1s of calcium carbonate and an organic matrix. The
for secreting the remaining innennost calcareous por­ outer surface may be pig1nented or pearly white. The
tion of the shell. A thin extrapallial space lies behveen junctions behveen septa and the shell wall are called su­
the mantle and the shell, and it is into this space that tures, and are simple and straight, or slightly waved (as
materials for shell formation are secreted and mixed. in Nautilus), or were highly convoluted (as in the extinct
Should a foreign object, such as a sand grain, lodge
behveen the mantle and the shell, it may become the 6Pear1s are also found in some gastropods with nacreous inner
nucleus around v.rhich are deposited concentric layers shell layers, such as abalone.
482 Chapter Thirteen

anunonoids). In cuttlefish (order Sepiida), the shell is r e ­ shell form has been derived fron1 coiled ancestors on
duced and internal, with d1ambers that are very narrow nun1erous occasions during gastropod evolution.
spaces separated by thin septa. Like Nautilus, a cuttle­ Gastropod shells consist of an outer thin organic
fish can regulate the relative amounts of fluid and gas in periostracum and two or three calcareous layers: an
its shell chambers. The small, coiled, septate, gas-filled outer prismatic (or palisade) layer, and middle and
shells of the deep-water squid Spir11/a are occasionally inner la1nellar or crossed layers. In n1any vetigastro­
found "'ashed up on beadles. pods the inner layer is nacreous. In some patellogastro­
Fossil data suggest that the first cephalopod shells pods up to six calcareous layers are distinguishable but
were probably small curved cones. From these ances­ in the great majority of living gastropods the shell struc­
tors both straight and coiled shells evolved, although ture is primarily one layer composed of crossed crystals
secondary uncoiling probably occurred in several (crossed lamellar shell structure). Gastropods in which
groups. Some straight-shelled cephalopods from the the shell is habitually covered by mantle lobes lack
Ordovician period exceeded 5 m in length, and some a periostracum (e.g., olives and cowries), but in some
Cretaceous coiled species had shell diameters of 3 rn. other groups the periostracurn is very thick and some•
Gastropod shells are extremely diverse in size and times i t is produced into lamellae or hairs. The prismat­
shape (Figure 13.1D,G). The sn1allest are microscopic ic and lamellate layers consist largely of calcium c a r ­
(less than 1 mm) and the largest may reach 70 cm in bonate, either as calcite or aragonite. These two forms
length. The "typical" shape is the fan1iUar conical spi­ of calcium are chenucally identical, but they crystallize
ral wound around a central or colurnella (Figure differently and can b e identified by microscopic exami­
13.16G). The turns of the spire form whorls, demar­ nation of sections of the shell. Small amounts of other
cated by lines called sutures. The largest whorl is the inorganic constituents are incorporated into the calci­
last (or body) whorl, which bears the aperture through um carbonate frame1''0rk, including chemicals such as
whidl the foot and head protrude. The traditional view phosphate, calcium sulfate, n1agnesium carbonate, and
of a coiled gastropod shell "'ith the spire uppermost, salts of aluminum, iron, copper, strontiun1, barium, sili­
is actually "upside down," since the lower edge of the con, manganese, iodine, and fluorine.
aperture is anterior and the apex of the shell spire is An intriguing aspect of gastropod evolution is shell
posterior. The first few, very small, whorls at the apex loss and the achievement of the "slug" form. Despite
are the larval shell, or protoconch (or its remnant), the fact that evolution of the coiled shell led to great
which usually differs in sculpturing and color from success for the gastropods-75% of all living mol­
the rest of the shell. The last whorl and aperture may luscs are snails-secondary loss of the shell occurred
be notched and drawn out into an anterior siphonal many times in this class but n,ostly in various groups
canal, to house a siphon when present. A smaller p o s ­ of euthyneurans sud1 as the sea slugs and land slugs.
terior canal may also be present on the rear edge of the In forms such as the land and sea slugs, the shell
aperture that houses a siphon-like fold of the mantle may persist as a small vestige covered by the dorsal
where vvaste and water are expelled. mantle (e.g., in the euthyneuran sea slugs Aplysiinae
Every imaginable variation on the basic spiraled and Pleurobranchidae, and the caenogastropod fam­
shell occurs among the gastropods (and some unimagi­ ily Velutinidae), o r as a small external rudiment as
nable): the shell may be Jong and slender (e.g., auger in the carnivorous land slug Testacelln, or it may be
shells) or short and plump (e.g., trochids), or the shell lost altogether (e.g., the nudibranchs, the systellom­
01ay be flattened, with all whorls more-or-less in one rnatophorans and so1ne terrestrial stylon1Jnatophoran
plane (e.g., sundials). In some the spire may be n1ore slugs, and in the neritin1orph slug Tifiscnnin). In the
or less incorporated into the last whorl and eventually nudibranchs (Nudibranchia) the larval shell is first
disappear from view (as in cowries). In some with a covered, then resorbed, by the mantled uring ontoge­
much larger last whorl, the aperture may be reduced ny. Shell loss occurred numerous times in gastropods,
to an elongated slit (Figure 13.lE (e.g., cowries, oUves, particularly among the sea slugs ("opisthobranchs")
and cones). In a few groups the shell n1ay coil so loose­ and stylommatophoran pulmonates. Shells are e n e r ­
ly as to form a meandering wormlike tube (e.g., the s o ­ getically expensive to produce and require a reliable
called "tube snails," vermetids and siliquariids; Figure source of calcium in the environment, so it might be
13.19E). In a number of gastropod groups the shell advantageous to eliminate them if compensatory
may be reduced and overgrown by the mantle, or it mechanisn1s exist. For example, 01ost, if not all, sea
may disappear entirely resulting in a slug (see below). slugs secrete chemicals that make them distasteful to
Most gastropods spiral clockwise; that is, they show predators. In addition, the bright coloration of many
right-handed, or dextral, coiling. Some are sinistral nudibranchs may serve a defensive h1nction. [n son1e
(left-handed), and some normally dextral species may species, the color matches the animal's background
occasionally produce sinistral individuals. In lin1pets such as the sn1all red nudibranch, Rostanga p11/chrn,
the shell is cap-shaped, ivith a low conical shape with which matches almost perfectly the red sponge on
no or little visible coiling (Figure 13.16H,D. The limpet which it feeds. Many nudibranchs, are however,
(A) (B) (C)

•. •�··


. . ... . . .,.,,. ...

....\ . ..
Left ctenidium


(E) Mantle
Right retractor Anus cavity
Crossing of the Right retractor nfront)
Right pleurointestinal ��
ctenidium-+-'l connectives

' Shell

Anus Mantle cavity
Larval foot .....--t":

(F) Buccal

"""" T
Figure 13.18 Pre- and post-torsional adult gastropods. Cerebral cerebral
(A-D) Dorsal views. (A) Hypothetical untorted p r e -gastro­ ganglion ...__..,.....,, �Pleural ganglion
pod. (B,C) Stages of torsion. (D) The fully tarted condition. ...____
Note that the mantle cavity, gills, anus, and nephridio­
pores are moved from a posterior to an anterior orienta­ Pedal
tion, just above and behind the head. Furthermore, many ganglion
structures that were on the r ight side of the animal in the
pretorsional condition (e.g., the right gill, osphradium,
heart atrium, and nephrid iopore) are located on the left
side after torsion has taken place (and the pretorsional left
gill, osphradium, atrium, and nephridiopore subsequently
occur o n the ri ght side). (E) A gastropod vel iger larva,
/ ......____,- ganglion
before and after torsion (lateral view). Note that after tor­
sion the head can b e withdrawn into the anterio r mantle Supraparielal
cavity. (F) Confi guration of the principal ganglia and con­ Visceral ganglion
nectives of a hypothetical untorted and a tarted adult ganglion-
vent of torsion, a unique synapomorphy of gastropods,
conspicuous in nature. In these cases, the color may and it is quite unljke anything else in the animal king­
serve to warn predators of the noxious taste of the dom. Torsion takes place during development in all
slug or, as suggested by Rudman (1991), predators gastropods, usually during the late veliger larval stage.
may simply ignore such bright "novelties" in their It is a rotation of the visceral mass and its overlying
environment. mantle and shell as n1uch as 180° with respect to the
head and foot(Fjgures 13.18, and 13.53). The twist­
Torsion, or "How the Gastropod Got Its Twist" ing is always in a counterclockwise direction (viewing
One of the most remarkable and dramatic steps taken the animal from above), and it is completely different
during the course of molluscan evolution was the ad- from the phenomenon of coiling(= spiraling). During
484 Chapter Thirteen

torsion, the mantle cavity and anus are moved from a The evolution of asymmetrically coiled shells had
posterior to ru1 anterior position, somewhat above and the effect of restricting the right side of the mantle cavi­
behind the head. Visceral structures ru1d incipient o r ­ ty, a restriction that led to reduction or loss of the struc­
gans that were on the right side of the larval ani1nal end tures it contained on the adult right side (the original
up on the left side of the adult. The gut is twisted into left ctenidium, atrium, and osphradium). At the san,e
a U-shape, and when the longitudinal nerve cords c o n ­ tin1e, these structures on the adult left side (the origi­
necting the pleural to the visceral ganglia develop, they nal right ctenidium, atrium, and osphradium) tended
are crossed rather like a figure eight. Most veligers have to enlarge. Possibly correlated with torsion and coiling
nephridia, which reverse sides, but the adult gills and was the loss o f the left post-torsional gonad. The single
gonads are not fully developed when torsion occurs. remaining gonad opens on the right side via the p o s t ­
Torsion is usually a t w o s- tep p1·ocess. During larval torsional right nephridial duct and nephridiopore.
development, an asymmetrical velar or foot retractor Patellogastropods a11d most vetigastropods retain two
muscle develops. It extends from the shell on the right, functional nephridia, although the post-torsional left
dorsally over the gut, and attaches on the left side of the one is often reduced. ln other gastropods the post-tor­
head and foot. At a certain stage in the veliger's devel­ sional right nephridium is lost, but its duct and pore
opment, contraction of this muscle causes the shell and ren1ain associated with the reproductive tract in neriti­
enclosed viscera to twist about 90° in a counterclockwise n1orphs and caenogastropods.
direction. This first 90 twist is usually rapid, taking Such profound changes in spatial relations betv. ,een
place in a few mjnutes to a few hours. The second 90 n1ajor body regions as those brought about by torsion
twist is typically mud, slo1,ver and results from differen­ and spiral coiling i n gastropods are rare among other
tial tissue grov.•th. By the end of the process, the viscera animals. Several theories on the adaptive significance
have been pulled from above toward the left, ultimately of torsion have been proposed and are still being ar­
leading to the figure-eight arrangen1ent of the adult v i s ­ gued. The great zoologist Walter Garstang suggested
ceral nerves. But the figure -eight arrangement is not p e r ­ that torsion was an adaptation of the veliger larva
fect as the left esophageal ganglion usually comes to lie that served to protect the soft head and larval ciliated
dorsal to the gut and is thus caUed the supraesophageal velum from predators (see the section on development
(= supraintestinal) ganglion; however, the right esopha­ later in this chapter). When disturbed, the immediate
geal ganglion lies ventral to the gut, as a subesophageal reaction of a veliger is to withdraw the head a11d foot
(= subintesti.nal) ganglion (Figures 13.18 and 13.40). into the larval shell, whereupon the larva begins to sink
Gastropods that retain torsion into adulthood are rapidly. This theory may seem reasonable for evasion
said to be torted; those that have secondarily reverted of very small planktonic predators, but it seems illogi­
back to a partially or fully untorted state in adulthood cal as a 1neans of escape from larger predators in the
are detorted. The torted, figure-eight configuration of sea, which no doubt consume veligers \Vhole-and a11y
the nervous system is referred to as streptoneury. The adaptive value to adults is not explained. Two zoolo­
detorted condition, in \vhich the visceral nerves are gists finally tested Garstang's theory by offering torted
secondarily unt.visted, is referred to as euthyneury. and untorted abalone veligers to various planktonic
Detorted gastropods, sud, as many heterobranchs, predators; they found that, in general, torted veligers
undergo a postveliger series of changes through which were not consumed any less frequently than untorted
the original torsion is reversed to various degrees. The ones (Pennington and Chia 1985). Garstang first pre­
process shifts the mantle cavity and at least son1e of sented his theory i.n verse, in 1928, as he was often
the associated orga11s about 90° back to the right (as in taken to do with his zoological ideas.
many "puln1onates" and some sea slugs), or in some The Ballad of tl,e Veliger, or
cases all the way back to the rear of the arumal (the de­ How tlte Gastropod Got Its T1uist
torsion seen in some nudibranchs).
Tlte Veliger's n lively tnr, tl,e liveliest njlont,
After torsion the anus lies in front; this means that
A wltirling wlteel on either side propels his little boat;
the first gastropods could no longer grow in length e a s ­
But when tire danger signal warns /tis bustling submarine,
ily. Subsequent increase in body size thus occurred by
the developn,ent of loops or bulges in the middle p o r ­
He stops tl,e engine, shuts tl,e port, nnd drops below
tion of the gut region, thereby producing the character­
He's witnessed several changes in pelngic motorcrnft;
istic coiled visceral hump. The first signs of torsion a11d
coiling occur at about the same time during gastropod Tire first lie sailed wns just II tub, wit/, n tiny cabin 11ft.
development. The earliest coiled gastropod shells in An Arc/1i-1110/111skfnsl,ioned it, nccording to /,is kind,
the fossil record include both planispiral and coruspiral He'd always stowed /tis gills and tltings in n mnnt/e-snc
forms, and it is possible that coiling predated the ap­
pearance of torsion in gastropods. Once both features Young Arclti-11101/usks went to sen witlt not/ting but n
v.•ere established, they coevolved i n various ways to
produce what 1,ve see today in living gastropods. A sort ofn11tocycling ltoop, instend of prnm-to wlteel 'em;

A11d, spinning ro1111d, tl,ey one by one acquired parental theoretically allow for greater growth and elongation
features, of the shell while reducing the tendency of the animal
A shell a/Jave, a foot below-the queerest Iii/le creatures. to topple over sideways.
811I when by chance they brushed against their 11eighbors No matter what the evolutionary forces were that led
in tlze briny, to torsion in the earliest gastropods, the results were to
Coelenterates with sti11ging threads and Arthropods so move the adult anus, nephridiopores, and gonopores
to a more anterior position, corresponding to the new
By one weak spot betrayed, alas, they fell an easy prey­ position of the mantle cavity. It should be noted how­
Their soft preoral lobes in front could not be tucked away! ever, that the actual position and arrangement of the
Their feel, you see, amidships, next the cuddly-hole abaft, mantle cavity and its associated structures show great
Drew in at once, and left their heads exposed to every sltaft. variation; in many gastropods these structures, while
So Archi-mo/lusks dwindled, and the race was sinking fast, pointing forward, may actually be positioned further
When by the merest accident salvation came at last. towards the posterior region of the animal's body.
Aflee/ of fry t11r11ed out one day, eventful i11 the sequel, Torsion is not a perfectly symmetrical process.
Whose left and rig!,t retractors 011 the two sides were Most of the stories of gastropod evolution focus on
1111eq11al: changes in the 1nantle cavity and its associated s t r u c ­
Their starboard halliards fixed astern alone supplied the tures, and many of these changes seem to have been
head, driven by some negative impacts of torsion. Many
Wlzile those set apart were spread abeam and served the anatonucal modifications of gastropods appear to be
back instead. adaptations to avoid fouling, for without changing
Predaceous foes, still drifting by iu 111111,bers 1111abated, the original flov-• of water through the mantle cav­
Were baffled now by tactics whic/1 their dining plans ity in a primitive gastropod with two ctenidia, waste
frustrated. from the centrally positioned anus (and perhaps the
Their prey upon alarm collapsed, but promptly t11n1ed nephridia) v-•ould be dun1ped on top of the head and
about, potentially pollute the mouth and ctenidia. Hence, it
Wit/, the lender morsel safe within and the l,orny foot has long been hypothesized that the first step, sub•
without! sequent to the evolution of torsion, was the develop•
This manoeuvre (vide Lamarck) speeded up with repetition, ment of slits or holes in the shell, thus altering water
Until tile parts affected gained a rl1yth111ical condition, flow so that a one-way current passed first over the
And lorsio11, 11eedi11g now 110 more a stimulating stab, ctenidia, then over the anus and nephridiopore, and
Will take its predetermi11ed course in a watcl,glass in the finally out the slit or shell holes. This arrangement is
lab. seen in some vetigastropods, such as the slit shells
/11 this way, then, tile Veliger, triumphantly askew, (Pleurotomarioidea) and abalone and keyhole limpets
Acquired !,is cabin for'ard, 1,o/ding all his sailing crav­ (Figures 13.10, 13.161, and 13.36). As reasonable as it
A Trochosphere in nn11our cased, with a foot to work the sounds, there has been surprisingly little empirical
hatch, evidence in support of this hypothesis. ln addition, the
And double scravs to drive ahead with smartness arid adaptive significance of shell holes was examined by
dispatch. Voltzow and Collin (1995), who found that blocking
But when thefirst new Veligers came home again lo shore, the holes in keyhole limpets did not result in damage
And sellled down as Gastropods with 111a11t/e-sac afore, to the organs of the mantle cavity. Thus, the adaptive
The Archi-mollusk sought a cleft, !,is shame and grief to significance of torsion in gastropod evolution remains
hide, an open question.
Crunched horribly his horny teeth, gave up the ghost, and Once evolutionary reduction or loss of the gill and
died. osphradium on the right side had taken place, water
flow through the mantle cavity was fron, left to right,
Other workers have hypothesized that torsion was passing through the left gill and osphradiwn first, then
an adult adaptation that might have created more across the nephridiopore and anus, and on out the
space for retraction of the head into the shell (perhaps right side. This strategy also had the effect of allowing
also for protection from predators), or for directing the structures on the left side to enlarge and eventually to
mantle cavity with its gills and water-sensing osphra­ develop more control over water flow into and out of
dia anteriorly. Still another theory asserts that torsion the mantle cavity, including the evolution of long si·
evolved in concert with the evolution of a coiled shell­ phons. While most gastropods have retained full or
as a mechanism to align the tall spiraling shells from a partial torsion, many of the heterobranch gastropods,
position in which they stuck out to one side (and were all of which lost the original ctenidiwn, have under­
presumably poorly balanced and growth limiting), gone various degrees of detorsion, and a host of other
to a position more in aligrunent with the longitudinal modifications, perhaps in response to the absence of
(head-foot) axis of the body. The latter position would constraints originally brought on by torsion.
486 Chapter Thirteen

------ ----► .,. ______

""" .....;�;- --- -• •----::;,;-- ..__,

(C) (D)

Figure 13.19 (A,B) Locomotion in a benthic gastropod moving t o the right by waves
(E) of contraction of the pedal and foot muscles (solid arrow indicates direction of ani-
mal movement; dashed arrow indicates direction of muscle wave). In (A) the waves of
contraction are moving in the same direction as the animal, from back to front (direct
waves). Muscles at the rear of the animal contract to lift the foot off the substratum;
the foot shortens in the contracted reg ion and then e l ongates as it is p laced back
down on the substratum after the wave passes. In this way, successi ve sections of the
foot are "pushed" forward. In (B) the animal moves forward as the contraction waves
pass i n the opposite direction, from front t o back (retrograde waves). In this case, the
pedal muscles lift the anterior part of the foot off the substratum, the foot elongates,
i s placed back on the substratum, then contracts to "pull" the animal forward, rather
like "stepping." (C) Calliostoma, a vetigastropod (Calliostomatidae) adapted to crawling
on hard substrata. Note the line separating the right and left si des of the trailing foot;
the line denotes a separation of muscle masses that allows a somewhat "bipedal-like"
motion as the animal moves (see text for further details). (D) The moon snail, Polinices
(Naticidae), has a huge foot that can be inflated by incorporating water into a network
of channels in its ti ssue, thus allowing the animal to plow through the surface layer of
soft sed iments. (E) Tenagodus (Siliquariidae), a sessi le siliquariid worm snail.

The foot in aplacophorans is either rudimentary or lost and Solenogastres are largely symbiotic on various c n i ­
(Figure 13.2). Caudofoveata are mostly infauna! bur­ darians. With the exception of these two groups, most
rowers and ,nove by peristaltic movements of the body other molluscs possess a distinct and obvious foot,
,..vall, using the anterior mouth shield as a burrowing with the exception of the cephalopods where it is very
device and anchor. The foot of solenogasters is only highly modified. In chitons, monoplacophorans and
weakly n1uscular, and locon1otion is primarily by slow most gastropods the foot often forms a flat, ventral,
ciliary gliding movements through or upon the sub­ creeping sole (Figures 13.3B, 13.48, 13.58, and 13.19).
stratum. Caudofoveata are mostly infauna! burrowers, The sole is ciliated and imbued with numerous gland

cells that produce a mucous trail over which the animal also use their broad girdle for adrutional adhesion to
glides. l n gastropods, enlarged pedal glands supply the substratum by clamping down tightly and rais­
substantial amounts of mucus (slime), this being espe­ ing the inner margin to create a slight vacuum. Some
cially important in terrestrial species that must glide snails, such as the Vermetidae and Siliquariidae are en­
on relatively dry surfaces. In most gastropods, there tirely sessile, tlle former attached to hard substrata, tlle
is an anterior mucus gland, which opens in a slit on or latter (Figure 13.19E) living in sponges. These gastro­
just behind the anterior edge of the foot. This anterior pods have typical larval and juvenile shells; but after
lobe is called the propodium, the rest of the foot the they settle and start to grow, tlle shell whorls become
metapodium. In some caenogastropods, an enlarged increasingly separated from one another, resulting in
metapodial mucus gland opens into the middle of the a corkscrew or twisted shape. Otller gastropods, sum
sole. S1nall molluscs may move largely by ciliary p r o ­ as slipper shells, are sedentary. They tend to remain in
pulsion but most move primarily by waves of muscu­ one location and feed on orgaruc particles in the Stu-­
lar contractions that move along the foot. rounding water. The sole of tlle hipporucid limpets se­
The gastropod foot possesses sets of pedal retractor cretes a calcareous plate and the adults are tllus oyster­
muscles, which attach to the shell and dorsal mantle at like and deposit feed using tlleir long snout.
various angles. These and s1naller muscles in the foot Some limpets and a few chitons exhibit homing b e ­
act in concert to raise and lower the sole or to short­ haviors. These activities are usually associated witll
en it in either a longitudinal or a transverse direction. feeding excursions stimulated by changing tide levels
Contraction waves may move fron1 back to front (dj­ or darkness, after which the anin1als return to their
rect waves), or from front to back (retrograde waves) homesites \Vhich is seen as a scar or even a depression
(Figure 13.19A,B). Direct waves depend on contraction on tlle rock surface. Homing behaviors are also seen in
of longitudinal and dorsoventral muscles beginning some land snails and slugs.
at the posterior end of the foot; successive sections of Most bivalves live in soft benthic habitats, where
the foot are thus "pushed" fonvard. Retrograde waves they burrow to various depths in the substratum
involve contraction of transverse muscles interacting (Figure 13.20E-I).In these infauna! species the foot is
with he.mocoelic pre.ssure to extend the anterior part of usually blade-like and laterally compressed (tlle word
the foot forward, followed by contraction of longitudi­ pelecypod means "hatchet foot"), as is tlle body in
nal muscles. The result is that successive areas of the general. The pedal retractor muscles in bivalves a.r e
foot are "pulled" forward (Figure 13.19A,B). In some somewhat different from those of gastropods, but they
gastropods the muscles of the foot are separated by a still run from the foot to the shell (Figure 13.80). The
midventral line, so the two sides of the sole operate foot is directed anteriorly and used primarily in b u r ­
somewhat independently of each other. The right and rowing and ru1choring.I t operates through a combina­
left sides of the foot alternate in their forward motion, tion of muscle action and hydraulic pressure (Figure
almost in a stepping fashion, resulting in a sort of "bi­ 13.20A-0). Extension of the foot is accomplished by
pedal" locomotion. engorgement with hemolymph, coupled with the ac­
Modifications of this general benthic locomotory tion of a pair of pedal protractor n1uscles. With the
scheme occur in many groups. Some gastropods, such foot extended, the valves are pulled together by tl,e
as moon snails (Figure 13.190), plow through the seru­ shell adductor muscles. More hen1olymph is forced
ment, and some even burro"'' beneath the sediment from tlle visceral mass hemocoel into the foot hemo­
surface. Such gastropods often possess an enlarged, coel, causing the foot to expand and ancl,or in the sub­ propodium that acts Iike a plough and stratu1n. Once the foot is anchored, the anterior and
some naticids and cephalaspideans possess a dorsal posterior pairs of pedal retractor muscles contract and
flaplike fold of the foot that covers the head as a pro­ pull the shell downward. Withdrawal of tlle foot into
tective shield. Other burrowers, such as augers, dig the shell is accomplished by contraction of the pedal
by thrusting the foot into the substratwn, anchoring retractors coupled with relaxation of the shell adduc­
i t by engorgen1ent with hen1olymph, and then p u l l ­ tor n1uscles. Many infauna! bivalves burrow up"''ard
ing the body forward by contraction of longitudinal i n this same mruu1er, but others back out by using hy­
muscles. In tlle conch Stro111bus, tlle operculum forms a draulic pressure to push against tlle anmored end of
large "claw" that digs into tlle substratum and is used the foot. Most motile bivalves possess well-developed
as a pivot poi11t as the animal thrusts itself forward anterior and posterior adductor muscles (the rumyar­
like a pole-vaulter using its muscular, highly modi­ ian condition).
fied foot.In so1ne heterobranchs, notably tlle sea hares There are several groups of bivalves tllat have epi­
(Aplysidae), lateral flaps of the foot expand dorsally as faunal lifestyles and are permanently attach to the
paraporua and these fuse dorsally in son1e species. substratun1 either by cementing one valve to a ha.r d
Son1e molluscs tl,at inhabit high-energy littoral hab­ surface as in the true oysters such as the rock oysters
itats, such as chitons and limpets, have a very broad (Ostreidae) and rock scallops (Spondylidae). Otllers
foot tllat can adhere tightly to hard substrata. Chitons use special anchoring threads (byssal threads), as
488 Chapter Thirteen

Exhalant siphon

----�,- / Water flow / Inhalant siphon



.: . .
(8) (C)
J ,- (D)
! ,,,-
. ..
.. .
.. .. . .. . muscles
.. . ..:· ... ..
. . .. . ·, . ' ' . ' ...
.;.--: . ·.
. .. '. . ..
•• • + •

.. ' . . ... ... ..

. ..
. .
< . .:-.......-'·: . . ..
. ..;·\· . .
(f )
' � (G)

.. .I. . ...

. ..
.. ... .. .
. " ..:. . ... .. ..
. .. . '

. ... . ..

· -
�- .• :::: . .'

tJ. · :,' .
� ··
. .. . . .. .

.. . .
·' .
. . ..
. .. . .'
. . .. '
.. . . ' . . . . . .< .
. . . .. ·:.·.·.·: . .
.. ... ... '.'
. .. .
; :' :,.-::.-· : · . . .
..: ' . . . . . .. .. .
. . . ...... .
... .... .. .. . . ·.-'.:· ·.:•.··:·
.' . . . '


. i\
: . .. . .
. :· ·:- • ..' i\i-; :F' . :::-. :: .:• . . ·.· :
Figure 13.20 (A-D) Burrowing and life ..·. ,·•, ·)·:·:· . .' . . ·<.. .
. . .. - •':•
· r<
positions of some infaunal bivalves. (A) Shell .
. · · .. Foot
adductor muscle relaxes, causing the shell valves .'

to push apart and create an anchorage. Pedal retrac-

tor muscles relax. Circu lar and transverse foot muscles Burrow
cotract, causing the foot to extend into the substratum.
(B) Hemolymph is pumped into the tip of the toot, caus ing
it to expand and form an anchorage Siphons cl ose and
withdraw as the shell adductor muscles contract, clos­ in mussels (Mytilidae) (Figure 13. 21A,B), ark shells,
ing the shell and forcing water out between the val ves
and a number of other fan1ilies including winged or
and around the foot. (C) Anterior and posterior pedal
retractor muscles contract, pulling the clam deeper into
pearl oysters (Pteriidae), and numerous other pterio­
substratum. (D) The shell adductor muscle relaxes to morphian bivalves including the Pinnidae and many
allow shell valves to push apart and create an anchor­ Arcidae and Pectinidae. While the juveniles of many
age in the new position, The foot is withdrawn, (E-1) Fi ve heterodont bivalves produce one or a few temporary
bivalves in soft sediments; arrows indicate direction of byssal threads, a few species, such as the zebra mussel
water flow. (E) A deep burrower with long, fused siphons (Dreissena), remain byssally attached as adults.
(Tresus). (F) A shallow burrower with very short siphons The true oysters (Ostreidae) (including the edible
(C/inocardium). (G) A deep burrower w ith long, separate
American and European oysters) irtitially anchor as
siphons (Scrobicutaria). (H) The razor clam (Tage/us) lives
in unstable sands and maintains a burrow into which it a settling veliger larva (called a spat by oyster farn1-
can rapidly escape. (I) The pen shell, Atrina, attaches its ers) by secreting a drop of adhesive from the byssus
byssal threads to solid objects buried in soft sediments. gland. Adults, however, have one valve permanently

cemented to the substratun1, with the cement being by currents (Figure 13.lN). In jingl.e shells (Anonilidae),
produced by the mantle. the byssal threads run from the upper valve through a
Byssal threads are secreted as a liquid by the byssus hole in the lower valve to attach to the substratum after
gland in the foot. The liquid flows along a groove in which they become secondarily calcified. Byssal threads
the foot to the substratum, where each thread becomes probably represent a primitive and persisting larval fea­
tightly affixed. The threads are emplaced by the foot; ture in those groups that retain then1 into adulthood,
once attached they quickly harden by a tanning process, and many bivalves lacking byssal threads as adults uti­
whereupon the foot is withdrawn. A byssal thread re­ lize them for initial attachment during settlement.
tractor muscle may assist the ani1nal in pulling against
its anchorage. Mussels have a small, finger-like foot
whose principal function is generation and place1nent Figure 13.21 More bivalves. (A) A "bed" of mussels
of the byssal threads. Giant clams (Cardiidae) initially (Mytilus califomianus) attached by byssal threads (close
up of two mussels). (B) A mussel ( lateral view, with left
attach by byssal threads, but usually lose these as they
valve removed). (C) Shell of the Mesozoic rudist clam
mature and becon1e heavy enough not to be cast about Coralliochama. (D) The wood-boring bival ve (shipworm)
Teredo. The pallets (only one is shown) are a pair of shelly
plates that close over the siphons when they are retract­
(A) ed. (E) A sh ipworm-bored piece of driftwood (notice the
thousands of small holes). (F) A pholad-bored rock. The
pholad can be seen in its bore hole.



Lower (right) •
valve ...____ .•'

.. .

Exhalant siphon PaUet

�.­ .
• •. ,• ��

mantle folds Inhalant
Byssal threads

490 Chapter Thirteen

In many families of attached bivalves, such as mus­ in several different taxa in several different ways, in­
sels and true oysters, the foot and anterior end are r e ­ cluding by vaJve flapping in scallops. In most others
duced. This often leads to a reduction of the anterior of these groups, the foot is modified as the swin1ffiing
adductor muscle (anisomyarian condition) or its com­ structu1·e. In the unique caenogastropod group known
plete loss (monomyarian condition). as heteropods, the body is laterally compressed, the
Great variation occurs i n shell shape and size shell is greatly reduced, the foot forn1S a fin, and the an­
among attached bivalves. Some of the most remark­ imal swims upside down (Figure 13.7A-C). Swimming
able were the Mesozoic rudists, in which the lower has evolved several times in the heterobranchs, includ­
valve was horn-like and often curved, and the upper ing the pteropods (sea butterflies), where the parapodi­
valve formed a much smaller he1nispherical or curved a l extensions of the foot form two long lateral fins that
lid (Figure 13.21C). Rudists v.rere large, heavy creatures are used like oars (Figure 13 .70,E). Some nudibranchs
that often formed massive reef-like aggregations, either also swim by gracefuJ undulations of flaplike parapo­
by somehow attaching t o the substratum or by simply dial folds along the body margin or by vigorous un­
accumulating in large numbers on the seabed, in "log dulations of the body. Although not technically swim­
jams." These accumulations of fossil shells provide the ming, violet shells (Jnnthina) float about the ocean's
spaces in which oil deposits formed in sediments in surface on a raft of bubbles secreted by the foot, and
many parts of the Middle East and Caribbean. some planktonic nudibranchs (e.g., Glaucus, Glaucilln)
Some originally attached bivalves have evolved to stay afloat by use of an air bubble held in the ston1ach!
Live freely upon the sea floor (e.g., son1e Pectinidae and The champion S\-vimmers are, of course, the cepha­
Limidae) (Figure 13.lM). Some are capable of short lopods (Figures 13.lJ,K and 13.22). These animals have
bursts of "jet-propelled" sv.•imming, which is accom­ abandoned the generally sedentary habits of other
plished by quickly clapping the valves together. molluscs and have become highly effective swim1ning
The habit of boring into hard substrata has evolved predators. Virtually all aspects of their biology have
in several different bivalve lines. In all cases, excava­ evolved to exploit this lifestyle. Most cephalopods
tion begins soon after larval settlement. As the animal swim by rapidly expelling water from the mantle cav­
bores deeper, it grows in size and soon becon1es per­ ity. In the coleoid cephalopods the mantle has both
manently trapped, with only the siphons protruding radial and circular muscle layers. Contraction of the
out of the original small opening. Boring is usually by radial muscles and relaxation of the circular muscles
a mechanical process; the animal uses serrations on the draws v.•ater into the mantle cavity while reversal of
anterior region of the shells to abrade or scrape away this muscular action forces water out of the mantle
the substratun1. Some species also secrete an acidic cavity. The mantle edge is clamped tightly around the
mucus that partially dissolves or weakens hard calcare­ head to channel the escaping \vater through a ventral
ous substrata (lin1estone, coral, large dead shells). Some tubular funnel, or siphon (Figure 13.11B,C). The f u n ­
species bore into wood, such as Martesia (Phaladidae), nel is highly mobile and can be manipulated to point in
Xylophaga (Xylophagidae), and nearly all species in nearly any direction, thus allov.•ing the animal to turn
the family Teredinidae (Bankin, Teredo). Teredinids, and steer. Squids attain the greatest swim.ming speeds
with their long wormlike bodies, are known as ship­ of any aquatic invertebrates, and several species can
worms because of the destruction that they can cause even leave the water and propel themselves many feet
to the wooden hulls of ships (or to wood pier pilings). into the air. Most octopuses are bentluc and lack the
ln the teredi..nids the shells are reduced to small ante­ fins and streamlined bodies characteristic of squids.
rior b u J bl-ike valves that serve as the drilling apparatus Although octopuses still use water-powered jet p r o ­
(Figure 13.21D,E). Some pholads bore into soft stone pulsion, they more commonly rely on their long suck­
(e.g., Pho/as), or into other substrata (e.g., Barnea; Figure ered arms for crawling about the sea floor. Some octo­
13.21E). Some species in the family Mytilidae also are puses have even been observed moving about upright
borers, such as Lithophnga, which bores by mechanical on only two tentacles-bipedal locomotion! Cuttlefish
and possibly che1nical .m eans into calcareous rocks, are slov.,er than squids, and often use their fins for f o r ­
shells o f various other molluscs (including chitons), and ward swimming as well as stabilization and to assist in
corals, and the genus Adu/a, which bores into soft rocks. steering and propulsion.
Scaphopods are adapted to infauna! habitats, bur­ Nautilus move up and down in the water column on
rowing vertically by the same basic n1echanism used by a diurnal cycle, often traveling hundreds of meters in
many bivalves (Figures 13.lL and 13.9). The elongate each direction. They can actively regulate their buoy­
foot is projected downward into soft substrata, where­ ancy by secretion and reabsorption of shell chamber
upon a rim in the distal part of tile foot is expanded to gases (chiefly nitrogen) by the cells of the siphuncle.
serve a s an anchoring device; contraction of the pedal The unoccupied chambers of these shells are filled part­
retractor muscles pulls the animal downward. ly with gas and partly with a liquid called the cameral
Perhaps the most remarkable locomotory adap­ fluid. The septa act as braces, giving the shells enough
tation of molluscs is swimming, which has evolved strength to withstand pressures at depth. As discussed

earlier, each septum in nautiloid shells is perforated by The buccal cavity may contain a pair of lateral jaws
a small hole, through which runs the siphunde, which (or a single dorsal jaw), n1uscularized regions with chi­
originates in the viscera and is enclosed in a porous tinous plates that can be solid or co1nposed of multiple
calcareous tube. Various ions dissolved in the camera! small units. Molluscan jaws are highly variable. For
fluid can be pumped through the porous outer layers example, in some heterobranchs the jaws can be quite
into the cells of the siphw1cular epithelium. When the co1nplex, with distinct "teeth," in some carnivorous
cellular concentration of ions is high enough, the diffu­ caenogastropods the jaws can be quite large, in ceph­
sion gradient thus created draws fluid fro,n the shell alopods the jaws are modified to form the beak, and
chambers into the cells of the siphuncle while the fluid some lineages have no jaws at all including bivalves,
is replaced with gas. TI1e result is an increase in buoy­ which lack both jaws and radula.
ancy. By regulating this process, N1111til11s may be able The radula is usually a ribbon of recurved chitinous
to remain neutrally buoyant at whatever depth they teeth (Figures 13.23-13.26). The teeth may be simple,
are. It was once thought that this gas-fluid "pump" serrate, pectinate, or otherwise modified. The radula
mechanism allowed buoyancy changes sufficient to ex­ often functions as a scraper to remove food particles
plain all the large-scale vertical movements of N1111ti/11s, for ingestion, although in many groups it has become
but density changes n1ay not be the sole source of adapted for other actions. A radula is present in the
power for moving great distances up and down in the majority of the most primitive living molluscs and is
water colun1n. Nautilus moves using jet propulsion therefore assumed to have originated in the earliest
by rapidly contracting its head, not by n1antle muscle stages of n1olluscan evolution. In the aplacophoran
contraction. groups the teeth, \,vhen present, may not be borne on
a ribbon per se but on a relatively thin cuticle cover­
Feeding ing the foregut epithelium-perhaps the evolutionary
Two basic and fundamentally different types of feed­ forerunner of the ribbon-like radula. In some apla­
ing occur among molluscs: the first encon1passes the cophorans, the teeth form simple plates en1bedded in
feeding modes of most molluscs and includes micro- to either side of the lateral foregut wall, while in others
macrophagy involving browsing and scraping, herbiv­ they form a transverse row, or up to 50 rows, with as
ory, carnivorous grazing and predation, while the sec­ many as 24 teeth per row.
ond is suspension feeding (suspension rnicrophagy).
The basic mechanics of these two feeding modes are
examined in Chapter 4. Here we briefly summarize
the ways in which these feeding behaviors are en1-
ployed by molluscs. In this section we also discuss
a wuquely molluscan structure, the radula, which is
used in microphagy, herbivory, and predation, and
has become modified in a variety of unusual and
iJ1teresting ways.

Figure 13.22 Swimming cephalopods. (A) Sepia, the

cuttlefish. (B) Nautilus. (C) Vampyroteuthis, a "vampire"
squid, viewed from the side.

(8) (C)
492 Chapter Thirteen
Body wall

Figure 13.23 A generalized molluscan radula and asso•

ciated buccal structures, at three "magnifications" (Ion•
gitudinal section).

In gastropods and other molluscs (except bivalves)

an odontophore projects from the floor of the pharynx retractor muscles
or buccal cavity. It is a muscular structure bearing the
complex tooth-bearing radular ribbon (Figure 13.23). protractor muscles
The ribbon, ca!Jed a radular membrane, is moved back Muscles
and forth by sets of radular protractor and retractor
muscles over cartilages encased in the odontophore Mouth
(Figure 13.23}. These cartilages are absent in many het• Odontophore Salivary gland
erobranch gastropods. The radula originates in a radu­ protractor muscles
la.r sac, in which the radular membrane and new teeth
are continually being produced by special cells called
odontoblasts, to replace those lost by erosion during Radular
feeding. Measurements of radular growth indicate that
up to five rows of new teeth n1ay be added daily in with sinus
radul ar
some species. The odontophore itself is moved in and
out of the buccal cavity during feeding by sets of odon·
teeth Ii
tophore protractor and retractor muscles, which also
assist in applying the radula firmly against the substra•
tum (Figures 13.23 and 13.24A,B).
The number of radular teeth ranges from a few to
thousands and serves as an important taxonomic charac· Odontophoral Odontoblasts
ter in many groups. In some molluscs, the radular teeth cartilage
are hardened with iron compounds, such as magnetite
(in chitons) and goethite (in patellogastropods). Just as
in many vertebrates, the radular teeth show adaptations over the bending plane of the odontophore, these teeth
to the type of food eaten. In vetigastropods (e.g., keyhole act like stiff brushes, sweeping small particles to the
limpets, abalones, top shells), the rhipidoglossate rad• mid line "'here they are caught on the recurved parts of
ulae bear large numbers of fine 1narginal teeth in each the central teeth, which draw the particles into the buc·
row (Figures 1325A and 13.26A). As the radula is pulled cal cavity. Most vetigastropods are intertidal foragers

fk.. ...:·:..


,._.,,,,- �il,,t:'

._,. •� . ,) : .: (BJ

Odontophore --'-':-

'. '.:· ";\ ·,·

Radular /­

Radular teeth
�,.,. Boring gland

Figure 13.24 Feeding in macrophagous molluscs.

(A) Cutting and scraping action of a gastropod radula.
(BJ A boring gastropod, the moon snail Natica, with
radula visible in the mouth and the boring gl and
exposed (oral view). (C) The Paci fic chiton
Placiphorella velata in feeding position, with
ra ised head flap ready to capture small prey.


. ·•
"'··"'. '
- · . ,,.t :,


Central tooth Lateral tooth

Central tooth Lateral tooth (F)

Figure 13.25 Various arrangements of radular teeth.

(A) The rhipidoglossan condition of an aba lone, Haliotis
(Vetigastropoda). The marginal s o n the right side are not
shown. (8) The taenioglossan cond i tion of the caeno­
gastropod Viviparus. (Cl The taenioglossan condition of
the caenogastropod Littorina. (D) The highly modified
taenioglossan condi tion of the heteropod Pterotrachea
(Caenogastropoda). On ly one transverse row of teeth is
shown. (E) The rachig lossan condition of the neogastro­
pod Buccinum. (F) The toxoglossan condition of the neo­
gastropod Mangelia (a single tooth).

that live on diatoms and other algae and microbes on marginal teeth altogether (Figures 13.25E and 13.26C,D).
the substratum. In contrast, patellogastropods (e.g., l o t ­ They use the ren1aining (one to three) teeth for rasping,
tiid and patellid limpets) possess a docoglossate radula, tearing, or pulling. These snails are usually carnivores
which i s in1pregnated with iron and bear relatively few or carrion feeders although some 01eo1bers of one fan1-
teeth in each transverse row. Lottiid radulae, for exam­ iJy, the Columbellidae, are herbivores. Caenogastropods
ple, have only one, two, or no marginal teeth, and only of the families Muricidae and Naticidae eat other mol-
three pairs of lateral teeth per row (Figure 13.26B). The 1uscs by boring through the prey's calcareous shell
mucous trails left by some limpets (e.g., homing species to obtain the underlying flesh. This ability to bore has
such as the Pacific Loftin giganten and Colliselln scnbra) a c ­ evolved entirely independently in the two groups. I t is
tually serve as adhesive traps for the ntlcroalgae that are n1ainly mechanical; the predator boring vvith its radula
their primary food resource). whiJe holding the prey with the foot. The boring activity
The radula of many caenogastropods i s the taenio­ is complemented by the secretion of an acidic chemical
glossate type, in which there are only t\-\10 marginal from a boring gland (also called the "accessory boring
teeth in each row, along with three other teeth (laterals organ"); the chemical is periodically applied to the drill
and central) (Figure 13.258-0). 1n conjunction with the hole to weaken the calcareous matrix. The boring gland
elaboration of jaws, taenioglossate radulae are capable of the neogastropod muricids is located on the foot
of povverful rasping, ,vhich enables some littorid snails while that of the littorinimorph naticids is located on the
to feed b y directly scraping off the surface cell layers of anterior end of the proboscis (Figure 13.24B). Boring g a s ­
algae. tropods such as the American drill (Urosnlpinx) and the
The most derived caenogastropods (Neogastro­ Japanese drill (Rapana) cause a loss of millions of dollars
poda) usually have rachiglossate radulae, which lack annually for oyster farms.
494 Chapter Thirteen

Figure 13.26 Gastropod radulae.

(A) A closeup view of the rhipidoglossate
radula of the abalone Haliotis rufescens
(Vetigastropoda). Note the many hook­
like marginal teeth. (8) The docogl ossate
radula of a lott iid limpet. (C) The serrated
central teeth of a rachiglossate radula
from the muricid whelk Nuce/fa emargina•
ta, a neogastropod (Caenogastropoda)
that preys on small mussels and barna­
cles. (D) The worn radular teeth of Nuce/fa.
(E) The radula of the polycerid nudibranch
Triopha, seen here in dorsal view as it
rests in the animal.

(C) (D) (E)

Some carnivorous gastropods (e.g., Jnntlzinn) do venom gland. A few Indo-West Pacific cones produce
not gnaw or rasp their prey, but swallow it whole. In a potent neuromuscular toxin that has caused human
these gastropods a ptenoglossate radula forms a cov­ deaths.
ering of strongly curved spines over the buccal mass. Among the most unusual gastropod feeding strate­
The prey is seized by the quickly extruded buccal gies are those that involve parasitism on fishes. For ex­
mass and simply pulled whole into the gut. A some­ ample, the neogastropod Cnncellnrin cooperi attaches to
what similar feeding method is seen in the carnivorous the Pacific electric ray and makes s1nall cuts in the skin
slug Tes/11cella1 where the hooked radula catches earth­ through which the proboscis is inserted to feed on the
worms that the slug consumes whole. The nudibranch ray's blood and cellular fluids. Several other neogas­
Melibe (chapter opener photo) uses its large hood to tropods parasitize "sleeping" reef fishes by inserting
sweep the water for copepods, amphipods, and other theh' proboscides into the host and sucking out fluids.
small planktonic prey. Some other gastropods are known to parasitize vari­
A few gastropods have lost the radula altogether ous invertebrate hosts, notably the pyramidellids (on a
and feed by sucking body fluids from their prey, a habit variety of invertebrates, including other molluscs) and
seen, for exainple, in some nudibranchs. PyramideUids the Eulirnidae on echinodern,s, with the .latter group
do this with the aid of a hypodermic stylet (a modified including some internal parasites that have lost their
jaw) on the tip of an elongate proboscis. shell and become worrnlike.
One of the most specialized feeding modes in gas­ Certain euthyneurans also show various radular
tropods is seen in the cone snails (Conus), and rela­ modifications. Groups of "opisthobranchs" that feed
tives. Their toxoglossate radula is formed from a few o n cnidarians, ectoprocts, and sponges, and those that
harpoon-like, venom injecting teeth that are probably scrape algae (e.g., aplysiids) usually have typical rasp­
modified marginal teeth. The teeth (Figure 13.25F) are ing radulae. In sacoglossans, however, the radula is
discharged from the end of a long proboscis that can be modified as a single row of lance-like teeth that can
extended very rapidly to capture prey, usually a fish, a pierce the cellulose wall of fila111entous algae, allowing
worm, or another gastropod, which is then pulled into the gastropod to suck out the cell contents. A similar
the gut (Figure 13.27). The venom is injected through type of feeding strategy is also seen in the microscopic
the hollow, curved radular teeth by contraction of a lower heterobra11ch 0111alogyrn.

occur between anemone fishes and their host anemo­

nes), or perhaps that only imn1ature nematocysts sur­
vive, to later undergo maturation in the dorsal cerata.
It may also be that, once the cnidocytes are digested,
the nematocysts' firing threshold i s raised, thereby
preventing discharge. In any case, once in the cerata
the nematocysts are stored in structures called cnido­
sacs and presumably help the nudibranch to fend off
attackers. Discharge might even be under the control
of the host nudibranch, perhaps by means of pressure
exerted by circular muscle fibers around each cnidosac.
Some dorid nudibranchs also utilize their prey in
remarkable ways. Many dorids secrete complex toxic
compow1ds incorporated into mucus released fron1 the
mantle surface. These noxious che1nicals act to deter
potential predators. While some of these chen1icals
may be manufactured in some dorids, in most cases it
appears that they are obtained fron1 the sponges or e c ­
toprocts on which they feed. Some species, such as the

' ..., ·-·

• • "Spanish dancer" nudibranch (Hexabrnnchus snng11i11e-
11s), not only use a chemical from their prey (in this case
a sponge) for its own defense, but deposit some of the
noxious chemical on the egg mass, helping to protect
the en,bryos w1til they hatch.
In polyplacophorans there are generally 17 teeth
in each transverse row of the radula (a central tooth
flanked by eight on each side). Most chitons are her­
bivorous grazers. Notable exceptions are certain m e m ­
bers of the order lschnochitonida (family Mopaliidae,
e.g., Mopnlin, Plnciphorelln), which are kn.own to feed on
both algae and small invertebrates. Mopnlia consun1es
sessile invertebrates, such as barnacles, ectoprocts, and
hydroids. Plnciphorella captures live microinvertebrates
Figure 13.27 Sequence of photographs of a cone shell (particularly crustaceans) by trapping them beneath
(Conus) capturing and swallowing a small fish. The pro­ its head-flap, a large anterior extension of the girdle
boscis is extended and swept back and forth above the
(Figure 13.24C).
substratum in search of prey; when a fish is encountered,
a poison-charged tooth of the toxoglossan radul a is fi red
In monoplacophorans the radula consists of a
like a harpoon; and the prey is quickly para lyzed and ribbon-like 1nembrane bearing a succession of trans­
ingested. verse rows of 11 teeth each (a slender central tooth
flanked on each side by five broader lateral teeth).
Monoplacophorans are probably generalized deposit
Aeolid nudibranchs (Figure 13.7G) have a well-de­ feeders that graze on n1inute organisms coating the
served reputation for their particular mode of feeding, substratum on which they live.
in which portions of their cnidarian prey are held by Cephalopods are predatory carnivores. Squids are
the jaws while the radula rasps off pieces for ingestion. some of the most voracious creatures in the sea, suc­
A similar n1ode of feeding has also been observed in cessfully con1peting with fishes. Octopuses are also
the caenogastropod family Epitoniidae. active carnivores, preying primarily on crabs, bivalves
Many aeolid nudibranchs engage in a remarkable and gastropods. Some species of Octopus bore through
phenomenon caJJed kleptocnidae. Some of the prey's the shells of molluscan prey in a fashion similar to that
nematocysts are ingested unfired, passed through the of gastropod drills. Some even drill and prey upon
nudibranch's gut, and eventually transported to lobes their close relatives, the chambered nautiluses. They do
of the digestive gland in dorsal finger-like extensions not use the radula to drill, but instead use a rasp-like
called cerata (singular, ceras) (Figure 13.32D,E). How projection formed from the salivary papilla.
the nen1atocysts w1dergo this transport without firing Using their impressive locomotor skills, most
is still a mystery. Popular hypotheses are that mucous cephalopods hunt and catch active prey. Son1e octo­
secretions by the nudibranch limit the discharge, or puses, however, hunt "blindly," by tasting beneath
that a form of acclimation occurs (like that suspected to stones with their highly sensitive suckers that are both
496 Chapter Thirteen

(A) Visceral mass (8) (C) septum
blood vessel


Figure 13.28 Arrangement of ctenidia in some bivalves

(transverse sections) showing the following conditions:
(A) protobranch, (B) lamellibranch, (C) septibranch. e.g., Vennetus; Turritellidae, e.g., T11rritelln) and the
freshwater Viviparidae (e.g., Vivipar11s). The ctenidial
filaments in these filter feeders are much elongated
mechano-and chemosensitive. Ii1 any event, once prey and the mantle waste rejection cilia have evolved into a
is captured and held by the arms, the cephalopod bites food collecting groove that runs to the mouth. The rad­
it with its horny beak (modified jaws) and injects a neu­ ula in suspension-feeding gastropods is somewhat re­
rotoxin from modified salivary glands. This ability to duced, serving mainly to pull mucus-bound food into
quickly in1n1obilize prey also helps prevent the soft­ the D1outh. Some feed entirely by suspension feeding,
bodied cephalopod from being engaged in a potential­ others use brov.•sing to supplement this metl1od.
ly dangerous struggle. The wormlike shell of the vermetids is permanently
Suspension feeding evolved in autobranch bivalves, affixed to the substratum and while some adopt cili­
and also several times in gastropods, and in most of ary food collecting, otllers combine tlljs with mucous
these cases it involves modifications of the ctenidia net collecting or use the latter method exclusively. A
that enabled the animal to trap particulate matter car­ special pedal gland in tile reduced foot produces copi­
ried into the mantle cavity by incoming respiratory ous amounts of mucus that spreads into the water col­
water current. The lan1ellar nature of n1olluscan gills umn as a sticky plankton trap. Periodically the net is
exapted them for extracting suspended food particles. hauled in by the foot and pedal tentacles, and a new
Increasing the size of the gills and the degree of fold­ one is quickly secreted. Thylacodes arenarius, a large
ing also increased the surface area available for trap­ Mediterranean species, casts out individual threads
ping particulate material. In suspension feeders, at least up to 30 cm long, whereas the gregarious California
some of the gill and mantle cilia, which otherwise serve species Thylacodes sq11nmiger11s forms a communal net
to remove potentially clogging sediment from the man­ shared by many individuals.
tle cavity (as pseudofeces), are preadapted to transport The radula apparently disappeared early in the
particulate matter from the gills to the mouth region. course of bivalve evolution, and i n living species there
While collecting food on the gills has been adopted is no trace of tl1is structure or even the buccal cavity
b y autobranch bivalves and some groups of gastro­ that contained it. Most autobranch bivalves use their
pods, other methods have also been employed. In the large ctenidia for suspension feeding but the more
gill-less planktonic sea butterflies (pteropods), the cili­ primitive bivalves in the subclass Protobranchia are
ated "wings" or parapodia used for swimming (Figure not suspension feeders but engage in a type of deposit­
13.7D,E) also function as food-collecting surfaces or feeding 1nicrophagy. Protobranchs Jive in soft n1a.rine
n1ay cooperate ,,vith the mantle to produce large m u ­ sedin1ents and maintain contact with the overlying
cous sheets that capture small zooplankton. Fro1n water either directly (e.g., N11c11/a) or by means of si­
the foot, ciliary currents carry mucus and food to the phons (e.g., N11c11/nna, Yo/din). The two ctenidia are
mouth. In some pteropods, the mucous sheet may be small, conforming to the primitive molluscan bipecti­
as large as 2 m across.Mucous sheet feeding is also e m ­ nate plan of an elongated axis carrying a double row
ployed by a few other gastropods including the inter­ of lamellae (Figures 13.28A and 13.29). Protobranchs
tidal limpet-like Trirnusculidae and the vermetids (see feed by means of two pairs of large labial palps flank­
below). Hov.•ever, the majority of suspension feeding ing the mouth. The two innermost palps are the short
gastropods, including a few vetigastropods sucl, as the labial palps, and the two outermost palps are formed
sand-beach trocllids (U1nbo11it1111, Bankivia), the hot vent into tentacular processes called proboscides (each
neomphalid (Neornphnlus), and some marine caenogas­ being called a palp proboscis), which can be extend­
tropods (Calyptraeidae, e.g., Crepid11ln; Vermetidae, ed beyond the shell (Figure 13.29). During feeding the

area in the posterior mantle cavity to be clischarged; the
spaces ventral to the W's are inhalant and comn1unicate
with the inhalant area of the mantle edge. Many other
bivalves have eulamellibranch ctenidia, which are sim­
ilar to the filibranch design but neighboring filaments
are fused t o one another by actual tissue junctions at
numerous points along their length. This arrangement
results in interfilament pores that are rows of ostia
rather than the long narrow slits of filibranchs (Figure
13.30B,E,F). In adclition, the ascencling and descending
halves of some filaments n1ay be joined by tissue bridg­
es that provide firmness and strength to the gill.
Both filibranch and eulamellibranch ctenidia are used
to capture food. Water i s driven fron, the inhalant to
the exhalant parts of the mantle cavity by lateral cilia all
along the sides of filaments in filibranchs, or by special
Right palp lateral ostial cilia in eulamellibranchs (Figure 13.30E-F).
proboscis · Place where pseudofeces As the water passes through the interfiJament spaces
are ejected it flows through rows of frontolateral ciJia, which flick
Figure 13.29 Feeding i n the primitive bivalve Nucula particles from the water onto the surface of the filament
(Protobranchia). The clam is seen from the right side, in facing into the current. These feeding cilia are called
its natural positi on in the substratum (right valve and right compound cirri; they have a pinnate structure that prob­
mantle skirt removed). Arrows show direction of ciliary ably increases their catclung power. Mucus presumably
currents in the mantle cavity and on the palps. Water
plays some part in trapping the particles and keep­
currents are also shown in the ( I) inhalant region and
(E) exhalant region. ing them close to the gill surface, although its precise
role is uncertain. Bivalve ctenidia are not covered with
a continuous sheet of mucus, as occurs in many other
proboscides are extended into the bottom sediments. suspension-feeding invertebrates (e.g., gastropods, t u ­
Detrital material adheres t o the mucus-covered sur­ nicates, amphioxus). Once on the filament surface, par­
face of the proboscides and is then transported by cilia ticles are moved by frontal cilia toward a food groove on
to the labial palps, which function as sorting devices. the free edges of the ctenidium, and then anteriorly to
Lowd - ensity particles are carried to the 1nouth; heavy the labial palps. The palps sort tl1e material by size and
particles are carried t o the palp margins and ejected perhaps also by quality before passing the food to the
into the mantle cavity. mouth. Rejected particles fall off the gill or palp edges
In the suspension feeding subclass Autobranchia, lat­ into the mantle cavity as pseudofeces. This "filtration"
eral cilia on the ctenidia generate a water current from of water by bivalves is quite efficient. The American oys­
which suspended particles are gleaned. Increased e f ­ ter (Crassostrea virginica), for example, can process up to
ficiency is achieved by various ctenidial modifications. 37 liters of water per hour (at 24 C), and can capture p a r ­
The primary modification, seen in all living autobranch ticles a s small as 1 µ m i n size. Studies o n the common
bivalves, has been the conversion of the original, small, n1ussels Mytilus edulis and M. californianus suggest that
triangular plates into V-shaped filaments with exten­ these bivalves 1naiJ1tain pumping rates of about 1 Uter
sions on either side (Figures 13.28B and 13.30B). The per hour per gram of (wet) body weight.
arm of this V-shaped filament that is attached to the cen­ Members of the superfamily Tellinoidea (including
tral axis of the ctenidium is called the descending arm; Tellinidae and Semelidae) are deposit feeders, sucking
the arm forming the other half of the Vis the ascend­ up surface detritus with their long, mobile inhalant si­
ing arm. The ascending arm is usually anchored clistally phon (Figure 13.20G) and using the large labial palps
by ciliary contacts or tissue junctions to the roof of the t o pre-sort the particles before ingesting them.
mantle, or to the visceral mass. Taken together, the two Some members of the order Poromyata (Anomalo­
V-shaped filaments, with their double row of leaflets, desmata) are known as septibranchs and are sessile
form a W-shaped structure when seen in cross section. predators and, wilike other autobranch bivalves, their
Some pteriomorphian autobranch bivalves have gills are not used for feecling. Instead the ctenidia are
filibranch ctenidia (e.g., mussels) wherein adjacent very reduced and modified as a perforated but mus­
filaments are interlocked to one another by periodic cular septum that divides the n1antle cavity into d o r ­
clwnps of specialized cilia, leaving long narrow slits in sal and ventral chambers (Figures 13.28C and 13.31A).
between (interfilament spaces) (Figure 13.30C,D). The The muscles are attached to the shell such that the sep­
spaces beh-veen the arms of the W's are exhalant su­ tum can be raised or lowered within the mantle cavity.
prabranchial chambers, which merge with the exhalant Raising the septum causes water to be sucked into the
498 Chapter Thirteen

(A) - +
Exha lant
spacee ---
--- ��

T issue connection
blood vessel

Afferent bra nchial vessel

Efferent branchial vessel

Frontolateral blood
(C) Ciliary tuft junctions Lateral (to a trium AAY--Descending arm of
cilia of heart) ctenidial filament

Ascending arm of
ctenidial fila ment

Food groove
Tissue connection between
ascending and descending
arms of same filament
Tissue (o interlamellar junction)


/ I"'
Frontolateral Frontal

Figure 13.30 Ctenidial structure i n bivalve molluscs. In all

drawings. sol id arrows indicate the direction of water flow
(from inhalant space, between ctenidial filaments, to exhalant
space). (A) Section through part of the gill axis in a nuculanid
protobranch, showing four a lternating fi laments (leaflets) on
each side. Dashed arrows indicate direction of hemolymph
flow in the filament. (B) Highly schematic cutaway view show­
ing four ctenidial filaments, and thei r interconnections, on one
si de of the body of a eulamellibranch. (C) Lateral view of four
ctenidial filaments of a filibranch. (D) Cross section through (I)
ascending and descending arms of four filibranch ctenidial fila­
ments. (E) Lateral v iew of four filaments of a eulamellibranch. Food
(F) Cross section through ascending and descending arms of groove
four eulamellibranch ctenidi al filaments. (G) Ctenidial fi laments
of the mussel Myti/us californianus showing ciliary junctions
and interti lament spaces. (H) Frontal cil i ary tracts on ctenidia l
fil aments of Mytilus. (I) Ventral gill edge of Mytilus showing
food groove.

(A) (B) (D) Inhalant
Inhalant Exhalant Exhalant ;·
· ,,_... siphon
siphon siphon


·' •

;; Siphonal
. " / sheath

Figure 13.31 Feeding i n the septibranch bivalve

Cuspidaria (Anomalodesmata). (A) General anatomy
of Cuspidaria rostrata. Arrows indicate water fl ow.
(B) Siphon and sensory siphonal tentacles protruding
from the substratum, but largely contracted. (C) Siphon
extended, capturing a microcrustacean. (D) Details of
the siphons and tentacles.

mantle cavity by way of the inhalant siphon; lowering host's nutritional biology. One of the most interesting of
the septum causes water to pass dorsally through the these relationshjps exists between many molluscs and
pores into the exhalant chamber. These movements also sulfur bacteria. These molluscs appear to derive a por•
force hemolyn1ph from mantle sinuses into the siphonal tion of their nutritional needs from symbiotic, carbon­
sinuses, thereby causing a rapid protrusion of the inhal­ fixing sulfur bacteria, which usually reside on the host
ant siphon, which can be directed toward potential prey mollusc's gills. In some monoplacophorans (Laevipilina
(Figure 13.31B-D). ln this fashion, small animals such antartica) and gastropods (Lurifax vitreus, Hirtopelta) the
as microcrustaceans are sucked into the mantle cavity, bacteria are housed in special cavities called bacterio­
where they are grasped by muscular labial palps and cytes in the n1antle cavity. This mollusc-bacteria sym­
thrust into the mouth; at the same time, the mantle tis• biosis has been recently documented from a variety of
sue serves as the gas exchange surface. sulfide-rich anoxic habitats, including deep-sea hydro·
While n1ost pteriomorphians a1·e restricted to thermal vents, where geothern1ally produced sulfide
epibenthic life, lacking siphons (Figure 13.21A, B), i s present, and from other reduced sediments, where
many heterodont bivalves live buried i11 soft sedi­ microbial degradation of organic matter leads to the re­
ments, where long siphons are utilized to maintain duction of sulfate to sulfide (e.g., anoxic marine basins,
contact with the overlying water (Figures 13.8A and seagrass bed and n1ang,rove s,,vamp sedin1ents, pulp
13.200--H). n1ilJ effluent s.ites, sewage outfall areas).
Scaphopods consume foraminifera and other meio­ Members of some bivalve fa1nilies, in particular
fauna taxa, diatoms, zooplankton, and interstitial detri· the Solemyidae and Lucinidae, harbor sulfur bacteria
tus. Two lobes flank the head, each bearing numerous in their enlarged gilJs which have the ability to direct•
(up to several hw1dred) long, slender tentacles called l y oxidize sulfide. They do this by means of a special
captacula (Figures 13.9 and 13.13F). The captacula are sulfide oxidase enzyn1e in the mitochondria. These bi­
extended into the substratum by metachronal beating valves inhabit reduced sediments where free sulfides
of ciJja on the small termjnal bulb. Within the sediment are abundant. The ability to oxidize sulfide not only
organic particles and microorganisms adhere to the provides the bivalve with a source of energy to drive
sticky terminal bulb; small food particles are transport· ATP synthesis, it also enables them to rid their body of
ed to the mouth by way of ciliary tracts along the ten• toxic sulfide molecules that accumulate in such habi­
tacles, while larger food items are transported directly tats. The nutrients obtained by this symbiosis are suffi.
to the n1outh by muscular contraction of the captacula. cient for the bivalve so, in solemyids, the gut is reduced
A well-developed, large radula pulls the food into the or, in a few species, absent.
mouth, perhaps partially n1acerating it in the process. Another notable partnership exists between giant
Several forms o f symbiotic relationships have clams (Tridacna) and their symbiotic zooxanthellae (the
evolved within molluscs that are intimately tied to the dinoflagellate Sy111biodi11i11111). These clams live with
(A) Mouth
Sphincter Outer lip

Radular sac Buccal bulb

Esophagus lI
Sali vary gland duct

' .
� Gland of Leiblein
/IIJ.lfX'e·· (modified esophageal gland) '• f
=--Anus ,, '


Salivary gland-.

(C) •.

iM"::J'----+4- Digestive


(D) Cnidosac
digestive gland

_j.:_;,,l{--fr Branch of
\\'-)'(, f<-Anterior di verticu]um
of 'stomach Epidermis
Salivary gl and
Digestive Salivary I Pharynx
gland gland

their dorsal side against the substratum, and they e x ­ of these dinoflagellates in "carrier cells" associated with
pose their fleshy mantle to sw1light through the large their digestive glands. Experiments indicate tl1at when
shell gape. The mantle tissues harbor the zooxanthellae. sufficient light is available, host nudibranchs utilize
Many species have special lens-like structures that focus photosynthetically fixed organic molecules produced
light on zooxanthellae living in the deeper tissues. A by the alga to supplement their usual diet of prey. The
few other bivalves and certain sea slugs also 1naintain a di.noflagellates are probably not transmitted with the
symbiotic relationship with Sy1nbiodini11111. Several spe­ zygotes of the nudibranchs, each new generation thus
cies of Melibe, Pteraeolidia, and Berghia harbor colonies requiring reinfection from the environment. A nwnber
Exhalant Intestine Position of internal
s phon opening of duct of (H) Lower jaw Upper jaw
Anus digestive gland
\ �Buccal mass
Mouth // E.'\Ophagus
Labial palps Anus
Portion of Anterior
intestine salivary gland
housing style
Inhalant Gonad

i;• ·."
siphon ,!.-l .:•,"T-1.
:.. ,;,.� 1-- "Liver"
Posterior (digestive
salivary glands :i'
i gland)
(G) Mouth "Pancreatic"
I duct

Buccal mass

" Stomach­
*' ,
"liver'' duct
Salivary glands
Stomach '

fLJ:...;}--:7E-�ophagus �


I &. . '
' Cecwn

Figure 13.32 Molluscan digestive system. (A) The digestive system of the
neogastropod (Muricidae). (B) The digestive system of the stylommatopho­
ran land snail Cornu. (C) The histol ogy of the intestinal wall of the gastropod
Tonna. (D) A cladobranch nudibranch (Embfetonia) in which large branches
Intestine of the digestive gland fill the dorsal cerata. (E) A l ongitud inal section of the
ceras of the aeolidid nudibranch Trinchesia showing the cnidosac where
nematocysts (not shown) from this an imal's cnidarian prey are stored.
(F) Diagrammatic lateral view of the digestive tract and nearby organs of the
unionoid clam Anodonta. (G) The digestive system of the cuttlefish Eledone.
(H) The digestive system of the squid Lofigo.

of aeolid nudibranchs accumulate zooxanthellae from breaks down cellulose and makes its products avail­
their cnidarian prey. Some of the dinoflagellates end able to its host. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria occur as part of
up inside cells of the nudibra.nch's digestive gland, but the gut flora in n1any ani1nals whose diet is rich in c a r ­
many others are released in the slug's feces, from where bon but deficient in nitrogen (e.g., tern1ites). However,
they may reinfect cnidarians. An even more remark­ shlpworms are the only animals known to harbor a n i ­
able phenomenon occurs in some members of another trogen fixer as a pure (single species) culture in a spe­
group of sea slugs, the Sacoglossa (e. g ., Plncobrnnch11s). cialized organ (similar t o the host nodule-Rhizobium
These sea slugs obtain functional chloroplasts from the symbiosis of leguminous plants).
green algae upon which they feed and incorporate them In addition to the above and myriad other feeding
into their own tissues; the chloroplasts remain active for strategies of molluscs, some species (notably some bi­
a period of time and produce photosynthetically fixed valves and sea slugs) probably obtain a significant por­
carbon molecules that are utilized by the hosts. tion of their nutritional needs by direct uptake of dis­
Still another unusual symbiosis occurs between solved organic material from seawater, such as antino
an aerobic bacterium and the 1>1•ood-boring marine acids.
shipworm bivalves (Teredinidae) (Figure 13.21D).
Shipworms are capable of living on a diet of 1>1•ood Digestion
alone by harboring this cellulose-decomposing, nitro­ Molluscs possess complete, or through guts, a few of
gen-fixing bacterium. The bivalve cultures the bacte­ which are illustrated in Figure 13.32. The mouth leads
rium in a special organ associated with ctenidial blood inward to a buccal cavity, within which the radular
vessels called the gland of Deshayes. The bacterium apparatus and jaws (when present) are located (Fig-
502 Chapter Thirteen

(A) Gastric shield {on dorsal
stomach wall) Rotating

]-small particle�

To fat CiLiated
-� From
anus \
,.__Digestive gland
Figure 13.33 The molluscan stomach and style sac. contains a crystalline style (Figure 13.33). This struc­
(A) A generalized stomach and style apparatus of an ture, which functions to aid i n digestion, is a rodlike
autobranch bivalve.The crystalline style rotates against
the gastric shield, releasing digestive enzymes and wind­ matrix of proteins and enzy1nes (often an1ylase) that
ing up the mucus-food string to assist in pulling it from are slowly released as the projecti11g end of the style r o ­
the esophagus. Food particles are sorted in the ciliated, tates and grmds against the gastric shield that protects
grooved sorting area: small particles are carri ed (in part by the otherwise delicate stomach wall. The gastric cilia
the typhlosole) to the digestive glands for digestion; large and rotating style wind up the mucus and food into a
particles are carried to the intestine for eventual elimina­ strmg and draw it along the esophagus to the
tion. (B) A cross secti on of a style sac.
The style is produced by special cells of the style sac.
The style of some bivalves is enormous, one-third to
one-half the length of the clam itself.Particulate n1atter
ure 13.23). The esophagus is generally a straight tube is swept against the stomach's anterior sorting region,
connecting the foregut to the stomach. Various glands which sorts mainly by size. Small particles are carried
are often associated with this anterior gut region, in­ into the digestive glands, which arise from the stomach
cluding some that produce enzymes and others that se­ wall. Larger particles are passed a.long ciliated grooves
crete a lubricant over the radula that are usually called of the stomach to the intestine. In more primitive bi­
salivary glands. In n1any herbivorous species (e.g., c e r ­ valves (Protobra.nchia) and in 111any gastropods a crys­
tain eupulmonates, anaspideans [Aplysia], and some talline style is absent but a style sac is often present,
cephalaspideans), a muscular gizzard (unrelated to the which contains a rotating mass of mucus mixed with
jaws) may be present for grinding u p tough vegetable particles that i s termed a protostyle.
matter. The gizzard may have chitinous, or even c a l ­ Extracellular digestion takes place in the ston1ach
careous plates or teeth. The stomach usually bears one and lumina of the digestive glands, while absorp­
or more ducts that lead to the large glandular diges­ tion a n d intracellular digestion occur i11 the diges­
tive gland (variously called the digestive diverticula, tive gland cells and the mtestinal walls. Extracellular
digestive caeca, n1idgut glands, liver, or other silnilar digestion is accon1plished by enzymes produced in
terms). Several sets of digestive glands may be present. foregut (e.g., salivary glands, esophageal pouches or
The intestine leaves the stomacl1 and terminates as the glands, pharyngeal gland s-sometimes called "sugar
anus, which is typically located in the mantle cavity in glands" because they produce amylase), the stomach,
or near the exhalant .vater flow. and the digestive glands. In primitive groups, mtracel­
Once food has entered the buccal cavity of 1nost lular digestion tends to predon1L11ate.In Solenogastres
n1olluscs, it is carried m n1ucous strmgs mto the esoph­ all digestive functions are accomplished m a uniforn1
agus and then to the stomach. In cephalopods and midgut Lined by voluminous digestive and secretory
some predatory gastropods, chunks of food or whole cells. In most molluscs, ciliated tracts line the digestive
prey are swallowed by muscular action of the esopha­ glands and carry food particles to minute diverticula,
gus. The food is stored m the stomach or in an expand­ where they are engulfed by phagocytic digestive cells
ed region of the esophagus called the "crop," as in oc­ of the duct wall. The same cells dump digestive wastes
topuses and Nauti/11s, and many gastropods. In many back into the ducts, to be carried by other cilia.ry tracts
bivalves and gastropods, the sto1nach wall bears a chi­ back to the ston1ach, from there to be passed out of the
tinous gastric shield and a ciliated, ridged sorting area gut via the i11testine and anus as fecal material. In most
(Figure 13.33). The posterior stomach region (anterior highly-derived groups (e.g., cephalopods and many
in gastropods) is a style sac, which is lined with cilia gastropods), extracellular digestion predommates.
and in autobranch bivalves and in some gastropods Enzymes secreted primarily by the digestive glands

,..--- = == =�

�Intestine �

Hemocoel · . d'1a1
R enopencar
duct Nephridium
. \�
f?: /I//
�� · Atrium
_ Pericardium
,r---...--<.-- - �
\,,,' 1/
::::::::=:/f;::9\1�,ir!_/ '--/ _-_-Afferentbranchial
Efferent branchial vessel

\\,__1__1�-il_;//J["- vessel

pore t
Urogenital Anus
Figure 13.34 Hemolymph flow in a typical mollusc.
Oxygenated hemo lymph is pumped from the ventricle to
the hemocoel, where it bathes the organs; eventually it
Mantle cavity drains into vari ous channels and sinuses and then into
( the afferent branchial vessels, which enter the ctenidia.
Ctenidium Oxygen is pi cked up in the ctenidia, and the hemolymph
is then transported by the efferent branchial vessels to the
left and r ight atria, through the ventricle, and then back
and stomaci, digest the food, and absorption occurs in to the hemocoel. Additi onal auxiliary pumping vessels
the stomach, digestive glands, and intestine. occur in several taxa, particularly in active groups such as
Circulation and Gas Exchange
Although molluscs are coelomate protostomes, the
coelom is greatly reduced. The main body cavity is, in cirClllation is shown diagrammatically in Figure 13.34,
most species, an open circulatory space or hen,ocoel, although it is n,odified to various degrees in different
which co1nprises several separate sinuses, and a n e t ­ classes (Figure 13.35). In so1ne cephalopods the circula­
work of vessels in the gills, where gas exchange takes tory system is secondarily dosed (Figure 13.35C).
place. The blood of molluscs contains various cells, in­ Most molluscs have ctenidia. But many have lost the
cluding amebocytes, and is referred to as hemolymph. ctenidia and rely either on secondarily derived gills or
It is responsible for picking up the products of diges­ on gas exchange across the mantle or general body sur­
tion from the sites of absorption and for delivering face. In the primitive condition the ctenidium is built
these nutrients throughout the body. It usually carries arow1d a long, flattened axis projecting from the wall
in solution the copper-containing respiratory pigment of the mantle cavity (Figure 13.30A). To ead1 side of the
he1nocyanin. S01ne molluscs use hen1oglobin to bind are attached triangular or wedge-shaped filaments
oxygen and n1any have myoglobin in the active muscle that alternate in position with filaments on the oppo­
tissues, in particular those of the odontophore. site side of the axis (except in nucuid protobranchs,
The heart lies dorsally within the pericardia) cham­ where they are opposite). This arrangement, in which
ber, and includes a pair of atria (often called auricles) filaments project on both sides of the central axis, is
and a single ventricle. In monoplacophorans and in called the bipectinate condition. There is one gill on
Nnuti/11s there are two pairs of atria, and in many g a s ­ each side of the mantle cavity, sometimes held in posi­
tropods there is only one (the left) that corresponds to tion by membranes that divide the mantle cavity into
the single gill. The atria receive the efferent branchial upper and lower chambers (Figure 13.28A,B). Lateral
vessels, drawing oxygenated hemolymph fro.m each cilia on the gill draw water into the inhalant (ventral)
ctenidiu1n and passing it into the muscular ventricle, chamber, fron1 which it passes upward between the
which pumps it anteriorly through a large anterior gill filaments to the exhalant (dorsal) d1amber and then
artery {the anterior or cephalic aorta). The anterior out of the mantle cavity (Figure 13.30A).
artery branches and eventually opens into various s i ­ Two vessels run through each gill axis. The afferent
nuses within which the tissues are bathed in oxygen­ vessel carries oxygen-depleted hemolymph into the
ated hemolyn1ph. Retw·n drainage through the sinuses gill, and the efferent vessel drains freshly oxygenated
eventually funnels the hemolymph back into the affer­ hemolymph from the gill to the atria of the heart, as
ent branchial vessels. This basic pattern of molluscan noted above. Hemolymph flows through the filaments
504 Chapter Thirteen

Figure 13.35 The circulatory systems
of three molluscs. (A) A neogastropod
Buccinum (hemolymph sinuses not
shown). (B) A eulamellibranch unionid
bivalve. (C) A squid, Lo/igo.

Pallial artery-�
Mantle margin from the afferent to the efferent ves­
sel. Ctenidial cilia move water over the
gill filaments in a direction opposite to
that of the flow of the underlying he­
molymph in the branchial vessels. This
countercurrent phenomenon enhances
gas exchange between the hemolymph
and water by maxin,izing the diffusion
gradients of 02 and CO2 (Figure 13.30A).
These presumed primitive bipectinate
ctenidial gill conditions are expressed
Stomach in several living groups, for example, in
Caudofoveata, chitons, protobranch bi-
valves, and some gastropods.
Efferent As a result of torsion, gastropods
branchial evolved novel ways to circulate water
over the gills before it comes into con­
tact with gut or nephridial discharges.
Ctenidium Some vetigastropods with two bipec­
ti nate ctenidia may accomplish this
ro- - I
by circulating water in across the gills,

Hemolymph sinus of foot
Afferent branchial
then past t h e a n u s and nephridio-
pore, and away from the body via slits
Vein from foot or holes in the shell. This circulation pattern is used
by the slit shells (Pleurotomariidae) and the minute
Scissurellidae and Anatornidae (Figure 13.36), abalones
(Haliotidae) (Figure 13.10), and volcano (or keyhole)
limpets (Fissurellidae) (Figures 13.16H,l and 13.25A).
Anterior, or Anterior, or cephalic,
artery (; anter or aorta) Some specialists regard the Pleurotomariidae as "liv­
cephalic, vein i ing fossils" that reflect an early gastropod character
state since gastropods bearing slits are found amongst
early gastropod fossils. Most other gastropods have
Efferent lost the right ctenidium and with it the right atrium;
Left branchial vessel inhalant water enters on the left side of the head and
ctenidium Afferent
then passes through the mantle cavity and straight out vessel
the right side, where the anus and nephridiopore open.
Other gastropods have lost both ctenidia and utilize
Left branch u.-- Anterior
of cephalic +\__J� ,,.,,---, mantle vein secondary respiratory regions, either the mantle sur­
vein -1--1---lnk sac artery face itself, expanded nephridial surfaces, or secondari­
ly derived gills of one kind or another. Limpets of the
genus Patella have rows of secondary gills in the mantle
groove along each side of the body, superficially simi­
lar to the condition seen in chitons where multiple
ctenidia are found.
1n many gastropods one ctenidium is lost, e.g.,
patellogastropods, so1ne vetigastropods, all neriti­
morphs and caenogastropods. In caenogastropods,
the dorsal and ventral suspensory n1embranes seen
in vetigastropod ctenidia are absent and the gill is a t ­
tached directly to the mantle wall by the gill axis. The
gill filaments on the attached side have been lost, while

Cephalic tentacles
In chitons the mantle cavity is a groove extending
along the ventral body 111argin and encircling the foot
(Figure 13.48). A large number of small bipectinate
Slit ctenidial gills lie laterally in this groove. The mantle
is held tight against the substratum, largely enclosing

-, ,..
(A) �.- . ) . I

, , �1_·::>1K· -.•.. i �- •· \..·

·· �,,'',.,.i,...:_."'J,,f"•
Epipodial tentacles I •
.,.....v,7-� ;1,,,1 ;·.. :i�: r-.1,<'-� ?\ t .. �

...: --� � ..
'> ..,., .
\,·"Ii!., . '\-,
·' ....�·<·t .. ) �-
Pallial tentacles
.. •'•.-_ , ,,
, ,• !I/ , l,:._,_ :l-1
,•, .:. -·
,- 1·. . /cJ
.• .-'_ \ ... • I
,:.· ·:
�. . ·;\.
- •·�· ,, .;,-,,..,-,i·i
,,�.,/", •( � '
.. "' -:- .J. . ',

�lit,' __.\·�·..;.... _ ...,\_


ft,"'- � ;, ,J} · .-

fl: ...... ""':;,_ _ :�

. ...

• ,If · •-•. "• ,-·

- r,, -,. I ,,>·
,. ,. ,
� ' ,,., ,.,1 1 -
• � ' ·"'I l

. • :: , '
,r� •� •)•'·.·
.:, .I ,•,• ·\·
• l,4 I
'. ..

. .
• , . • ,: _. ,. _;; • ....._ . . ', '- e
ri .. ' '.. i
· •.,, · ,.. -�..,. ,· � ,.

♦' ' ...,.'�

rr.7! ; ' •'
' .·'� , }

--;. .,.. 'y . ',,

_ .> .
'".i,:+ ,ifi.
. -
,.. ..,"'I·1·"·
•• -.
' .
' �
� '
. •:.. ;
, .{:
·;: �- • '. ,, .

- •· .....,�-
�r. . > · , r
--1J·, ., j - · �,-,. "� . "!
.. .,.. \. . ,
,. , ..· � ;·' ,1-· ,t ' , ,..;_..:. .:., ,' ,..
Figure 13.36 The slit-bearing vetigastropod Anatoma. ••

·;'',' 1'!,
•.' '. �

I ' .._f,. ___ / i;':• /:.1::-0.\... \i ;

1 t"t... )1


those of the opposite side project freely into the mantle

cavity. This arrangement of filaments on only one side (B) '
of the central axis is referred to as the monopectinate
(or pectinobranch) condition (Figure 13.14D). Some
caenogastropods have evolved inhalant siphons by
extension and rolling of the anterior n1antle margin
(Figures 13.lE and 13.40A). In these cases the margin
of the shell may be notched, or drawn out as a canal to
house the siphon. The siphon provides access to sur­
face water in burrov>'ing species, and may also function
as a mobile, directional organ used in conjunction with
the chemosensory osphradium.
All heterobranchs have lost the typical ctenidia
but some have a plicate, or folded, gill that has been
considered by some to be a reduced ctenidium, but is
now considered to be a secondary structure that has
reformed in much the same location as the original
ctenidial gill. Trends toward detorsion, loss of the shell,
and reduction of the mantle cavity occur in n1any het­
erobranchs, and the process has apparently occurred
several times within this group. Some nudibranchs
have evolved secondary dorsal gas exchange struc­
tures called cerata or, in some nudibranchs, secondary
g.ills that surround the anus (Figures 1 3 . 7FJ).
Wholly terrestrial gastropods lack gills and exchange
gases directly across a vascularized region of the man­
tle, usually within the mantle cavity, the latter arrange­
ment usually referred to as a lung. In marine, fresh­
water and terrestrial eupulmonates, the edges of the
mantle cavity have become sealed to the back of the ani­
mal except for a small opening on the right side called
Figure 13.37 Land snails (Heterobranchia:
a pneumostome (Figure 13.37A) that is conh·olled by
Eupulmonata). (A) A terrestrial slug (Arion /usitanicus),
a sphincter muscle (except in siphonariid li_1npets). showing the pneumostome that opens to the "lung"
Instead of having gills, the roof of the mantle cavity is (Stylommatophora: Limacidae). (B) Terrestrial hel icid snails
highly vascularized. By arching and flattening the man­ (Stylommatophora: Helicidae) during summer dormancy in
tle cavity floor, air is moved into and out of the lung. Sicily.
506 Chapter Thirteen

this groove except on either side a t the anterior end to most cephalopods, the pumping of blood into the
form incurrent channels, and in one or two places at ctenidia is assisted by muscular accessory branchial
the posterior end to form excurrent areas. Water enters hearts, which boost the low venous pressure as the h e ­
the inhalant region of the mantle groove lateral to the molymph enters the gills. The gills are not ciliated and
gills, then passes between the gills into the exhalant their surface is highly folded, increasing their surface
region along the sides of the foot. Moving posteriorly, area for greater gas exchange necessary to 1neet ilie de­
the current passes over the gonopores, nephridiopores, mands of ilieir high metabolic rate.
and anus before exiting (Figure13.48). In the Solenogastres, gills are absent but the mantle
In bivalves the capacious mantle cavity allows the cavity surface may be folded or form respiratory pa­
ctenidia to develop a greatly enlarged surface area, pillae. Caudofoveates have a single pair of bipectmate
serving in most autobranch species for both gas ex­ ctenidia iJ1 the mantle cavity. Monoplacophoran gills
change and feeding. Many of the morphological modi­ are well-developed but weakly muscular and ciliated,
fications of bivalve gills are described above in discus­ and only have lamellae on one side of ilie gill axis; they
sion of suspension feeding. In addition to the folded, occur as three to six pairs, aligned bilaterally within
W-shaped ctenidial filaments seen in many bivalves ilie mantle groove. The gills of 1nonoplacophorans are
(Figure 13.28B), some forms (e.g., oysters) have pli­ iliought to be modified ctenidia tl1at vibrate and venti­
cate ctenidia. A plicate ctenidium has vertical ridges or late the groove where gas excl1ange occurs.
folds, each ridge consisting of several ordinary ctenid­
ial filaments. S o -called "priJ1cipal fila111ents" lie il1 the Excretion and Osmoregulation
grooves between these ridges and their cilia are impor­ The basic excretory structures of molluscs are paired
tant in sorting particles fron1 the ventilation and feed­ tubular nephridia (often called kidneys) that are primi­
ing currents. The plicate condition gives the ctenidium tively similar to those of annelids. Typical nephridia
a corrugated appearance and further increases the s u r ­ are absent in the aplacophoran groups. Three, six,
face area for feeding and gas exchange. or seven pairs of nephridia occur il1 monoplacopho­
In spite of these modifications, the basic system of rans, two pairs in the nautiloids, and a single pair in
circulation and gas exchange in b.ivalves is similar to all other molluscs (except where one is lost in higher
that seen in gastropods (Figure 13.35B). In most bi­ gastropods) (Figure 13.14). The nephrostome typically
valves, the ventricle of the heart folds around the gut, opens into the pericardia! coelom via a renopericardial
so the pericardia! cavity encloses not only the heart duct, and ilie nephridiopore discl1arges into the mantle
but also a short section of the digestive tract. The large cavity, often near the anus (Figures 13.1 4 and 13.34). In
mantle lines the interior of the valves and provides molluscs, the pericardia! fluids (prin1ary urine) pass
an additional surface area for gas exchange, which in through the nephrosto1ne and into the nephridium,
some groups may be as important as the gills il1 this where selective resorption occurs along the tubule wall
regard. For example, in lucinid bivalves where the gills until the final urine i s ready to pass out tl1e nephrid­
are full of symbiotic bacteria, folds on the mantle act as iopore. The pericardia! sac and heart ,vall act as selec­
a secondary gill, and in septibranchs, which have very tive barriers between the open nephrostome and the
reduced gills, the mantle surface is the priJ1cipal area of he1nolymph il1 the surroundmg he1nocoel and in the
gas exchange. heart. Mollusc nephridia are rather large and saclike,
Most autobranch bivalves lack respiratory pigments and their walls are often greatly folded. ln many spe­
in the hemolymph, although hemoglobin occurs in a cies, afferent and efferent nephridial vessels carry h e ­
few families and hen1ocyanin is found in protobranchs. molyn1ph to and from the nephridial tissues (Figure
Scaphopods have lost the ctenidia, heart, and v i r ­ 13.38). Sometimes a bladder i s present just before ilie
tually all vessels. The circulatory system is reduced to nephridiopore and sometimes a ureter forms a duct to
simple hemolymph sinuses, and gas exchange takes carry urine well beyond the nephridiopore.
place mainly across the mantle and body surface. A In many n10Uuscs urine formation involves pres­
fev.1 ciliated ridges occur il1 the mantle cavity that may sure filtration, active secretion, and active resorption.
assist in maintaining water flow. A few tmy gastropods Aquatic molluscs excrete mostly ammonia, and most
and at least one small monoplacophoran species lack a marine species are osmoconformers. In freshwater
heart altogether. species the nephridia are capable of excreting a hypo­
No doubt associated v.riili their large size and active somotic urine by resorbmg salts and by passmg large
lifestyle, cephalopods have a more developed circu­ quantities of water. Terrestrial gastropods conserve
latory system than other molluscs, and in the highly water by converting ammonia to uric acid. Land snails
active decapodiforms (squid and cuttlefish) it is effec­ are capable of surviving a considerable loss of body
tively closed, with many discrete vessels, secondary water, which i s brought on in large part by evapora­
pumpi11g structures, and capillaries (Figures 13.llC, tion and ilie production of the metabolically expensive
13.12B, and 13.35C). The result i s increased pressure slin1e trail. They often absorb water from the urine in
and efficiency of hemolymph flow and delivery. In the ureter. In many gastropods (e. g. , neritimorphs,

Surface folds Figure 13.38 The nephridium and nearby

organs of Littorina (cutaway view). The
Cut edge of nephridial sac has been slit open.
nephridial sac
nephridial Afferent


Posterior artery
way of renopericardial canals and empty
.. .... . ..., ....... via nephridiopores into the mantle cav­
•• .' ity. However, the nephridia bear en­
' <, '

larged regions called renal sacs. Before

reaclling the branchial heart, a large vein
Left passes through the renal sac, wherein nu­
atrium merous thin-walled evaginations, called
branchial renal appendages, project off the vein. As
vessel the branchial heart beats, hemolymph is
drawn through the renal appendages, and
caenogastropods, and heterobranchs), torsion is ac­ ,vastes are filtered across their thin walls into the ne­
companied by loss of the adult right nephridium; in phridia. The overall result is an increase in excretory ef­
neritimorphs and caenogastropods, a small renmant ficiency over the sinlpler arrangement present in other
contributes to part of the gonoduct. Some gastropods molluscs.
have lost the direct connection of the nephrostome to The fluid-filled nephridia of cephalopods are iJlhab­
the pericardiaI coelom. In such cases the nephridium ited by a variety of commensals and parasites. The epi­
is often very glandular and served by afferent and ef­ thelium of the convoluted renal appendages provides
ferent hemolymph vessels, and wastes are ren1oved an excellent surface for attachn1ent, ru1d the renal pores
largely from the circulatory fluid. provide a simple exit t o the exterior. Symbionts identi­
In bivalves, the two nephridia are located beneath fied from cephalopod nephridia include viruses, fungi,
the pericardia! cavity and are folded in a long U-shape. ciliate protists, rhombozoans, trematodes, larval ces­
In autobrru1ch bivalves, one arm of the U is glandular todes, and juvenile nematodes.
and opens into the pericardia( cavity; the other arm
often forms a bladder and opens through a nephridio­ Nervous System
pore in the suprabranchial cavity. In protobranchs, the The molluscan nervous system is derived from the
unfolded walls of the tube are glandular throughout. basic protostome plan of an anterior circumenteric ar­
The nephridiopores may be separate from or joined rangement of ganglia and paired ventral nerve cords.
with the ducts of the reproductive system. In the latter In molluscs, the more ventral and medial of the two
case, the openings are urogenital pores. pairs of nerve cords are called the pedal cords (or
In pateUogastropods and vetigastropods a.nd son1e ventral cords); they innervate the muscles of the foot.
other molluscs, the gonoduct fuses with the renoped­ The n1ore lateral pair of nerves are the visceral cords
cardial canal, and the nephridiopore fw1ctions as a u r o ­ (or lateral cords); they serve t!1e mantle and viscera. tal pore and discharges both excretory wastes and Transverse commissures interconnect these longitu­
gametes. In some cases, as in one monoplacophoran, dinal nerve cord pairs, creating a ladderlike nervous
a few bivalves and iJ1 some vetigastropods, the uro­ systen,. This basic plan is seen in the aplacophorans
genital pore may becon1e glandular. In many bivalves and polyplacophorans (Figure 13.39). The molluscan
and chitons the nephridiun1 and gonad have separate nervous system lacks the segmentally arranged ganglia
ducts. of anneHds and art.llropods.
In monoplacophorans and chitons, the nephridia In the "simplest" molluscs-such as aplacophorans,
open into the exhalant regions of the mru1tle grooves; in n1onoplacophorans, ruid polyplacophorru1s-ganglia
scaphopods, the paired nephridia open near the ru1us. are poorly developed (Figure 13.39). A simple nerve
In most gastropods the nephridiopores open directly ring surrounds the anterior gut, often with small ce­
into the mantle cavity but in so1ne, such as in stylom­ rebral ganglia on either side. Each cerebral ganglion,
matophoran pulmonates, there is an elongate ureter or the nerve ring itself, issues small nerves to the b u c ­
that opens outside the enclosed lung (mantle cavity). cal region and gives rise to the pedal and the visceral
Cephalopods retain the basic nephridial plan, in nerve cords. Most other molluscs have more well-de­
which the nephridia dram the pericardia( coelom by fined gangHa. Their nervous systems are built around
508 Chapter Thirteen
(A) (B)
Cerebropedal Cerebral Dorsal buccal commissure
connective ganglia Ventral buccal
commissure ""'60--- Buccal ganglion
Buccal commissure Circumenteric .,.
_ } nerve ring Buccal
Buccal ganglion connective--¼--/ Cerebrobuccal ring

Pedal ganglion t<-:s=��\--subradular connective

Pedal (= ventral) \--Visceral (• lateral)

nerve cords nerve cord
Visceral (= lateral)
nerve cords Pedal nerve cord
Pedal commissures comm.issures
Figure 13.39 Aculiferan mollus­
can nervous systems. (A) Class
Pedolateral commissures Solenogastres, Proneomenia.
(B) Class Po lyplacophora,
Terminal ganglion Acanthochitona.
of pedal cords
q__ Pedolateral commissures
Parietal ganglion
Suprarectal commissure--=--�

three pairs of large ganglia that interconnect to form a to two pairs of nerve cords, one extending posterodor­
partial or complete nerve ring around the gut (Figures sally to the visceral ganglia, the other leading venh·ally
13.40 and 13.41). Two pairs, the cerebral and pleural to the pedal ganglia (Figure 13.41). The two cerebro­
ganglia,lie dorsal or lateral to the esophagus, and one pleural ganglia are joined by a dorsal comn'lissure over
pair, the pedal ganglia, lies ventral to the gut, in the the esophagus. The cerebropleural ganglia send nerves
anterior part of the foot. ln cephalopods, bivalves, and to the palps, anterior adductor muscle, and mantle.
advanced gastropods, the cerebral and pleural ganglia The visceral ganglia issue nerves to the gut, heart, gills,
are often fused. From the cerebral ganglia, peripheral mantle, siphon, and posterior adductor muscle.
nerves innervate the tentacles, eyes, statocysts, and The degree of nervous system development within
general head surface, as well as buccal ganglia, with the Cephalopoda is unequaled among invertebrates.
special centers of control for the buccal region, radu­ The paired ganglia seen in other molluscs are not rec­
lar apparatus, and esophagus. The pleural ganglia give ognizable in cephalopods, where extre1ne cephaliza­
rise to the visceral cords, which extend posteriorly, tion has concentrated ganglia into lobes of a large brain
supplying peripheral nerves to the viscera and mantle. encircling the anterior gut (Figure 13.42A). 1n addition
The visceral cords eventually join a pair of esophageal to the usual head nerves originating from the dorsal
(=intestinal,=pallial) ganglia and from there pass on part of the brain (more or less equivalent to the cere­
to terminate in paired visceral ganglia. The esophageal bral ganglia), a large optic nerve extends to each eye
ganglia or associated nerves innervate the gills and o s ­ via a massive optic lobe. In most cephalopods, much
phradium, and the visceral ganglia serve organs in the of the brain is enclosed in a cartilaginous cranium. The
visceral mass. The pedal ganglia also give rise to a pair pedal Jobes supply nerves to the funnel, and anterior
of pedal nerve cords that extend posteriorly and pro­ divisions of the pedal ganglia (called brachiaI lobes)
vide nerves t o muscles of the foot. send nerves to each of the arms and tentacles, an ar­
A s described above, due to torsion, the posterior rangement suggesting that the funnel and tentacles
portion of the gastropod nervous system is twisted are derived from the molluscan foot. Octopuses may
into a figure eight, a condition known as streptoneury be the "sn1artest" invertebrates, for they can be quickly
(Figure 13.40A,B). In addition to twisting the nervous taught some rather con1plex memory-dependent tasks.
system, torsion brings the posterior ganglia forward. In Squid and cuttlefish (Decapodiformes) have a rapid
many advanced gastropods this anterior concentration escape behavior that depends on a system of giant
of the nervous system is accompanied by a shortening motor fibers that control powerful and synchronous
of some nerve cords and fusion of ganglia. In most d e ­ contractions of the mantle muscles. The command cen­
torted gastropods the nervous system displays a sec­ ter of this syste1n is a pair of very large first-order giant
ondarily derived bilateral symmetry and more or Jess neurons in the lobe of the fused visceral ganglia. Here,
untwisted visceral nerve cords-a condition known as connections are made to second-order giant neurons
euthyneury (Figure 13.40C). that extend t o a pair of large stellate ganglia. At the
In bivalves, the nervous syste1n is clearly bilateral, stellate ganglia, connections are 1nade with third-order
and fusion has usually reduced it to three large, dis­ giant neurons that innervate the circular muscle fibers
tinct ganglia. Anterior cerebropleural ganglia give rise of the mantle (Figure 13.42D). Other nerves extend
(A) (B) Tentacular nerve
_,..Cephalic tentacle
Left cerebral
Left pleural
Pedal ganglion Pedal ganglion
Visceral ganglion Cut edge of mantle
nerve cord Subesophageal
Supraesophageal\ \
ganglion � I
Visceral ganglia ,1;,1-' .:J!-Ovary
Stomach Nephridiopore
Visceral ganglion

Digestive gland

Figure 13.40 The nervous system of some gas•

tropods. (A) Arrangement of the nervous system
in a torted neogastropod. Note the location of the
Pedal major ganglia and nerve cords. (B) Nervous system
Cerebral ganglion of the torted terrestrial caenogastropod Pomatias
(Littorinimorpha) seen in dissection. Note the lack
of a cten idium. (C) The nervous system of the euo•
pisthobranch, Akera.

,.._ Supraesophageal
_ Pleural ganglion
--- ganglion
;-..�Visceral ganglion

posteriorly from the brain and terminate in various

ganglia that innervate the viscera and structures in Anterior Dorsal Intestine
the n,antle cavity. adductor commissure f /
muscle rior adductor muscle
For several decades neurobiologists have uti­ ::;;;;::::J�
lized the giant axons of Loligo as an experimental
system for the study of nerve physiology and me­
chanics, and 1nuch of our fundamental knowledge
of how nerve cells work is based on squid neurol­
ogy. The sea hare Aplysia, and some eupulmonate ganglia
snails have also been used in the same fashion and,
although they lack giant axons, they possess excep•
tionally large neurons and ganglia that can be eas­
ily impaled with rnicroelectrodes to discover the

physiological secrets of such systems.

Sense Organs Cerebropleural

Foot Pedal ganglia ganglion
With the exception of the aplacophorans, mol­
luscs possess various combinations of sensory ten­ Figure 13.41 The reduced and concentrated nervous sys­
tacles, photoreceptors, statocysts, and osphradia. tem o f a typical autobranch bivalve.
510 Chapter Thirteen

r-;��-Vertical lobe
-���--Fro!ltal lobe Supraesophageal
-,,-,'---,'-::'',....,>ts"W.t'G-- -
Superior complex
buccal region buccal lobe

Optic nerves (cut)

Subesophageal complex
Statocyst of left side
Pedal lobe
nerves to arms Brachia] lobe
(C) Tentacle
(B) (brachia!) nerve
nerve �""·r-1""\ r-.
L_ - Brachial nerves
��). Superior buccal ganglion
[:i:, Buccal nerves
Optic lobe
Esophageal ganglia Brachia! ganglion
Optic tract Cerebral ganglion

lnfundibular Optic lobe Olfactory nerve/ Pallial nerve

nerve :-ll-!lf--Optic nerves
Eye SteUate nerve

Fin nerves
Stellate ganglion

"',-----/..Visceral nerve
Brallchial ganglion
Visceral ganglion

Figure 13.42 The highly developed

nervous system of cephalopods. (A) The
brain of an octopus. The lobes of the (D)
supraesophageal complex approximately First-order Second-order Third-order
correspond to the cerebral and buccal giant nerve cells giant cells giant cells
ganglia of other molluscs while the sube­ Proximal (finer)
sophageal complex comprises the fused third-order axon s _ Distal
rd-order axons
pedal and pleurovisceral ganglia. About
15 structurally and functionally dist inct
pairs of lobes have been identified in the
brain of octopuses. (B) Nervous system
of an octopus. (C) Nervous system of a
squid (Lotigo). (D) Giant fiber system of
a squid. Note that the first-order giant
neurons possess an unusual cross con­
nection, and that the third-order giant Palliovisceral Stellate ganglion
neurons are arranged so that motor Brain Magnocellular
lobe center
impulses can reach all parts of the man­
tle-wall musculature simultaneously (as
a result of the fact that impulses trave l
faster in thicker axons).

(A) Osphradia a1·e patches of sensory epithelium, located

on or near the gills, or on the mantle wall (Figures
13.40B and 13.43A,B). They are chen1oreceptors, and
their cilia can also assist in mantle cavity ventilation i n
some caenogastropods. Little is known about the biol­
ogy of osphradia, and their morphology and histology
Hemolymph spaces Osphradial ganglion differs markedly within the phylum and even within
Epithelial cells some classes such as the gastropods.
In vetigastropods, a small osphradium is present
on each gill; in those gastropods that possess one gill,
there is only one osphradiun1, and it lies on the mantle
cavity wall anterior and ventral to the attachment of
the gill itself. Osphradia are reduced or absent in gas­
Osphradial tropods that have lost both gJJls, that possess a highly
ganglion reduced mantle cavity, or that have taken up a strict­
l y pelagic existence. Osphradia are best developed in
zone benthic predators and scavengers, such as neogastro­
pods and some other caenogastropods.
Most gastropods have one pair of sensory cephalic
tentacles, but eupulmonates and many sea slugs pos­
sess two pairs. Many vetigastropods also have epipo­
dial tentacles on the margin of the foot or mantle and
there are also epipodial sense organs present (Figure
13.SA,C). The cephalic tentacles may bea1·eyes as well
as tactile a11d cl1emoreceptor cells. Many nudibranchs
have a pair of branching or folded anterior dorsal che­
moreceptors called rhinophores (Figure 13.7F,G).
Aesthete The primitive patellogastropods have simple p i g ­
ment-cup eyes, while the more advanced gastropods
(mantle) have more complex eyes with a Jens and often a cor­
nea (Figure 13.44A,B,D). Most gastropods have a small
eye at the base of earn cephalic tentacle, but in some,
sucl1 as the concl1 Strombus and some neogastropods,
the eyes are enlarged and elevated on long stalks. The
stylommatophoran and systellommatophoran pulmo­
nates also have eyes placed on the tips of special optic
tentacles and, in stylommatophorans, these tentacles
have become olfactory organs.
Gastropods typically produce a mucopolysaccl1a­
ride slime trail as they crawl. In 1nany species the trail
contains che1nical messengers that other men1bers of
the species "read" by means of their excellent c11emo­
reception. These chemical messengers may be simple
Fiber bundle trail markers, so one animal can follow or locate anoth­
of aesthetes cord er, or they may b e alarm substances that serve to warn
others of possible danger on the path ahead. For ex­
ample, when tl1e carnivorous cephalaspidean sea slug
Figure 13.43 Two sensory organs of molluscs: osphra­ Navanax is attacked by a predator, it quickly releases a
dia and aesthetes. (A) Cross sect ion of a bi pectinate yellow c11emical mixture on its trail that causes other
osphradium of the caenogastropod Rane/la showing two n1en1bers of the species to abort their trail-following a c ­
leaflets. (B) Part of the osphradium of a littorinimorph tivity. Laboratory experiments have shown that at least
caenogastropod such as Littorina. (C) One valve of a poly­ one nudibranch (Tritonia dio111edea) possesses geomag­
placophoran (Tonicia). The aesthetes extend to the shell netic orientation to the Earth's magnetic field. Motile
surface through megalopores and micropores. (D) Eye­
gastropods usually possess a pair of closed statocysts
beari ng aesthetes (longitudinal section) in a megalopore of
a chiton (Acanthopleura). near the pedal ganglia i n the anterior region of the foot
that contain either a single large statolith or several sta­
toconia (much smaller particles).
512 Chapter Thirteen

Scaphopods lack eyes, tentacles, and osphradia typi­ (A) O pening of optic cup
ca.l of the epibenthic and motile molluscan groups. The
captacula may function as tactile (as well as feeding)
structures. Sense organs are found in the mantle edge --!hotoreceptor cells
surrounding the ventral aperture and at the dorsal
water intake opening.
Bivalves have most of their sensory organs along Pigment cells
the middle lobe of the mantle edge where they are in Cornea Photoreceptor cells
contact with the external environment (Figure 13.lSC).
These receptors may include mantle tentacles, which
can contain both tactile and chemoreceptor cells. Such
tentacles are commonly restricted to the siphonal areas,
but in some swimming clams (e.g., Li111n, Pee/en) they
may line the entire mantle margin. Paired statocysts
usually occur in the foot near the pedal ganglia, and are

(C) Epidermis

Optic nerves



Epidermis Pigment cells

Optic nerves




Figure 13.44 Molluscan eyes. (A) The simple pigment­

cup eye of some gastropods. (B-E) Eyes with lenses.
(B) The eye of a garden snail (Cornu)-a heterobranch
Pigment cells gastropod. (C) The eye of a scallop (Pecten), a pteriomor­
phian bivalve. (D) The eye of a marine caenogastropod
(Littorina). (E) The eye of an octopus (Octopus). (F) The
queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis, showing its dark
eyes along the mantle edges.

of particular in1portance in georeception by burrowing coleoids can discrinunate an1ong objects by size, shape,
bivalves. Mantle eyes may also be present along the and vertical versus horizontal orientation. The eyes
mantle edge or on the siphons and have evolved inde­ of Nautilus are rather primitive relative to the eyes of
pendently in a number of bivalve groups. In the spiny coleoids. They lack a lens, and are open to the water
oyster Spo11dyl11s and the sv.1 imming scallop Pecten, through the pupil. They are thought to function in the
these eyes are "mirror eyes" with a reflective layer same way that a pinhole camera does.
(the tapeum) behind paired retinas. This layer reflects Coleoids have complex statocysts that provide in­
light back into the eye giving these bivalves a separate formation on static body position and on body motion.
focal image on each retina-on e from the lens and the Those of Nautilus are relatively simple. ln addition, the
other fro1n the mirror. (Figure13.4 4C-E). The bivalve arms of coleoids are liberally supplied with chemosen­
osphradium lies in the exhalant chamber, beneath the sory and tactile cells, especially on the suckers of ben­
posterior adductor muscle. thic octopuses, which have extremely good chemical
Chitons lack statocysts, cephalic eyes, and tentacles. and textural discrimination capabilities. Nautilus is the
Instead, they rely largely on hvo special sensory struc­ only cephalopod with osphradia.
tures. These are the adanal sensory structures in the
posterior portion of the mantle cavity and the aesthetes, Cephalopod Coloration and Ink
which are a specialized system of photoreceptors unique Coleoid cephalopods are noted for their striking pig­
to the class Polyplacophora. Aesthetes occur in high n1entation and dran1atic color displays. The integu­
numbers across the dorsal surface of the shell plates. n1ent contains many pigment cells, or chron1atophores,
They are mantle cells that extend into the minute vertical most of wluch are under nervous control. Such chro­
canals (megalopores and rnicropores) in the upper teg­ matophores can be individually rapidly expanded or
mentum of the shelJ (Figure13.43C,O). The canals and contracted by means of tiny muscles attached to the pe­
sensory endings terminate beneath a cap on the shell riphery of each cell. Contraction of these n1uscles pulls
surface. Little is knov.'11 about the fw1ctioning of aes­ out the cell and its internal pigment into a flat plate,
thetes, but they apparently mediate light-regulated b e ­ thereby displaying the color; relaxation of the muscles
havior. In at least one family (Chitonidae), some of the.m causes the cell and pigment to concenti·ate into a tiny,
are modified as simple lensed eyes. The outer mantle inconspicuous dot. Because these chromatophores are
surface of the girdle of many chitons is liberally supplied displayed or concealed b y muscle action, their activity
with tactile and photoreceptor cells (Figure 13.430). i s extremely rapid and coleoid cephalopods can change
Like the rest of their nervous system, the sense or­ color (and pattern) almost instantaneously. Chromato­
gans of cephalopods are highly developed. The eyes phore pigments are of several colors-black, yellow,
are superficially similar to those of vertebrates (Figure orange, red, and blue. The chron1atophore color may be
13.44£), and these hvo types of eyes are often cited as enhanced by deeper layers of iridocytes that both reflect
a classic example of convergent evolution. The eye of and refract light in a prismatic fashion. Some species,
a coleoid cephalopod such as Octop11s sits in a socket such as the cuttlefish Sepia and many octopuses, are ca­
associated with the cranium. The cornea, iris, and lens pable of closely mimicking their background coloration
arrangement is much like that of vertebrate eyes. Also (Figure 13.12E) as well as producing vivid contrasting
as in vertebrates, the lens is suspended by ciliary m u s ­ colors (Figure 13.12F,G). Many epipelagic squids show
cles but has a fixed shape and focal length. An iris dia­ a dark-above, light-below countershading sinillar to that
phragm controls the a.mount of light entering the eye, seen in pelagic fishes. Most coleoids also w1dergo color
and the pupil is a horizontal slit. The retina comprises changes in relation to behavioral rituals, such as court­
closely packed, long, rodlike photoreceptors whose ship and aggression. ln octopuses, many color changes
sensory ends point toward the front of the eye; hence are accompanied by modifications in the surface texture
the cephalopod retina is the direct type rather than the of the body, mediated by muscles beneath the skin­
indirect type seen in vertebrates. The rods connect to son1ething like elaborate, controlled "gooseflesh."
retinal cells that supply fibers to the large optic ganglia In addition to the color patterns formed by chro­
at the distal ends of the optic nerves. Unlike the eyes matophores, some coleoids are bioluminescent. When
of vertebrates, the coleoid cornea probably contributes present, the light organs, or photophores, are arranged
little to focusing because there is almost no light refrac­ in various patterns on the body, and in some cases
tion at the corneal surface (as there is at an air-cornea even occur on the eyeball. The luminescence is some­
interface). The coleoid eye accommodates to varying times due to symbiotic bacteria, but in other cases it
light conditions by changes in the size of tl1e pupil and is intrinsic. The photophores of some species have a
by migration of the retinal pigment. Coleoid eyes form complex reflector and focusing-lens arrangement, and
distinct images (although octopuses are probably quite some even have an overlying color filter or chromato­
nearsighted) and experimental work suggests tl1at they phore shutter to control the color or flashing pattern.
do not see colors other than as different shades of grey, Most luminescent species are deep-se a forms, and lit­
although they can detect polarized light. ln addition, tle is known about the role of light production in their
514 Chapter Thirteen

lives. Some appear to use the photophores to create a ++-+::,,..Gonads

countershading effect, s o as to appear less visible to
predators (and prey) from below and above. Others
living below the photic zone may use their glowing or
flashing patterns as a means of communication, the sig­ Seminal receptacles
nals serving to keep animals together in schools or to
attract prey. The flashing may also play a role in mate
attraction. The fire squid, Lycote11this, can produce sev­
eral colors of light: white, blue, yellow, and pink. At
least one genus of squid, Heterote11this, secretes a lumi­
nescent ink. The light co1nes from luminescent bacteria
cultured in a small gland near the ink sac, from which
ink and bacteria are ejected simultaneously.
1n n1ost coleoid cephalopods, a large ink sac is locat­
ed near the intestine (Figure 13.32H). An ink-producing Pericardium
gland lies in the wall of the sac, and a duct runs from -f--Nephridium
the sac to a pore into the rectum. The gland secretes a
Urogenital pores
brown or black fluid that contains a high concentration
of n1elanin pigment and mucus; the fluid is stored in Figure 13.45 A solenogaster urogenital system.
the ink sac. When alarmed, the animal releases the ink
through the anus and mantle cavity and out into the
surrounding water. The cloud of inky material hangs where fertilization occurs. Monoplacophorans pos­
together in the water, forming a "dummy" image that sess two pairs of gonads, each with a gonoduct con­
serves to confuse predators. The alkaloid nature of the nected to one of the pairs of nephridia (Figures 13.3D
ink may also act to deter predators, particularly fishes, and 13.14E). One tiny monoplacophoran species,
and may interfere with their chemoreception. Micropilina arntzi, is a hern1aphrodite and broods its
Like virtually all other aspects of coleoid biology, embryos in its n1antle cavity.
the ability to change color and to defend against preda­ Most chitons are gonochoristic, although a few h e r ­
tors are part and parcel of their active hunting life­ maphroditic species are known. In chitons, the hvo
styles. 1n the course of their evolution, coleoid cepha­ gonads are fused and situated medially in front of the
lopods abandoned the protection of an external shell, pericardia! cavity (Figure 13.4F). Gametes are trans­
beco1ning more efficient swimmers but also exposing ported directly to the outside by two separate gonod­
their fleshy bodies to predators. The evolution of cam­ ucts. The gonopores are located in the exhalant region
ouflage and ink production, coupled with high mobil­ of the mantle groove, one in front of each nephridio­
ity and complex behavior, played a major role in the pore. Fertilization is external but can occur in the man­
success of these animals in their radical n1odification of tle cavity of the female. The eggs are enclosed within
the basic molluscan body plan. a spiny, buoyant membrane and are released into the
sea individually or in strings. A few chitons brood
Reproduction their embryos in the mantle groove, and in one species
Prio1itively, molluscs are 01ostly gonochoristic, with (Cnllistochiton viviparous) development takes place e n ­
a pair o f gonads that discharge their gametes to the tirely within the ovary.
outside, either through the nephridial plu1nbing or 1n living gastropods, one gonad has been lost and
through separate ducts. In species that free-spawn, the remaining one is usually located with the digestive
fertilization is external and development is indirect. gland in the visceral mass. The gonoduct is developed
Many molluscs with separate gonoducts that store in association with the right nephridiutn in patello­
and transport the gametes also have various means of gastropods and vetigastropods (Figure 13.46A) while
internal fertilization. 1n these forms, direct and mixed in neritimorphs and caenogastropods a vestige of the
lffe history patterns have evolved. right nephridium is incorporated in the oviduct. In
Caudofoveata are gonochoristic \vith paired gonads, cases where the right nephridiun1 is still functional in
while Solenogastres are hermaphroditic with a pair of transporting excretory products, as in the patellogas­
gonads (Figure 13.45). l n both aplacophoran groups the tropods and vetigastropods, the gonoduct is properly
gonads discharge gametes by way of short gonoperi­ called a urogenital duct, because it discharges both
cardial ducts into the pericardiaI chamber, from which gametes and urine.
they pass through gametoducts to the mantle cavity. In Gastropods may b e gonochoristic or hermaphro­
the Solengastres fertilization is internal and the yow1g ditic, but even in the latter case usually only a single
are sometimes brooded, while i n the Caudofoveata the gonad (an ovotestis) exists, although a few hetero­
gametes are discharged into the surrounding sea,vater branchs have separate male and female gonads (e.g.,

i e · •I reccpt acIe
lb men S Ca psule gland
f----lma .
Gonoduct (8) V
(A) ;lan� �: : .
,,,--, Renopericardial duct
Gonad �
Urogenital pore
Gonad � uil V�t: ;,,;•'/
� 'lf UJ)� --------- \Copulatory
Right kidney��\ '-Glandular lips Gem·1a1 duct / T
S,te of Ventral sperm channel bursa
Ureter Urogenital duct fertilization
(C) (D)
Gonad(= ovotestis) Mucous gland
Hermaphroditic Bursa Common Gonad
..-, d,,ct . seminalis g•n·,tal (ovotestis) Flagellum
· Vagma� 0v .d ct Oviduct
___ ��-
½�- _ e, r
a ; tu e
_ _


Figure 13.46 Reproductive
systems in gastropods.
(A) Female vetigastropod (E) Albumen
(Trochidae). (8) Female Gonad Hermaphroditic
neogastropod (Muricidae, (ovotestis)
Nuce/la). (C) Hermaphrodite duct
system of the euopistho­

branch Aplysia. (D) Herma­
phrodite system of the eupul­ complex
monate Cornu. (E) Herma­
phrodite system of the eupul• \
monatehygrophilan Physa. Seminal FertiJization Regions O Go.nopore
vesicles pouch of oviduct duct <i? Gonopore

0111alogi1r11 and in the mathildid Gegania valkyrie), while and a mucous or capsule gland. Many heterobranchs
others are protandric. The commitment of the right ne­ lay fertilized eggs i n jelly-like mucopolysaccharide
phridial plumbing entirely to serving the reproductive masses or strings produced by these glands. Most ter­
systen1 was a 1najor step in gastropod evolution. The restrial pulmonates produce a small number of large,
isolation of the reproductive tract allowed its indepen­ individual, yolky eggs, which are often provided with
dent evolution, without which the great variety of re­ calcareous shells. Other pulmonates brood their em­
productive and developmental patterns in gastropods bryos internally and give birth to juveniles. Many
may never have been realized. caenogastropods produce egg capsules in the form of
Tn n1any gastropods with isolated reproductive leathery or hard cases that are attached to objects in
tracts, the female system bears a ciliated fold or tube the environment, thereby protecting the developing
that forms a vagina and oviduct (or pallial oviduct). embryos. A ciliated groove is often present to conduct
The tube develops inwardly from the mantle \•Vall and the soft egg capsules from the female gonopore do\-vn
connects with the genital duct. The oviduct may bear to a gland in the foot, where they are molded and a t ­
specialized structures for spern1 storage or egg case s e ­ tached to the substratum.
cretion. An organ for storing received sperm, the semi­ The male genital duct, or vas deferens, may include
nal receptacle often lies near the ovary at the proximal a prostate gland for production of seminal secretions.
end of the oviduct. Eggs are fertilized at or near this In many gastropods the proximal region of the vas
location prior to entering the long secretory portion of deferens functions as a sperm storage area, or seminal
the oviduct. Many female systems also have a copu­ vesicle. In many caenogastropods, neritimorphs, and
latory bursa, usually at the distal end of the oviduct, lov.,er heterobranms the males have an external penis
where sperm are received during mating. Tn such to facilitate transfer of sperm (Figures 13.6B and 13.47),
cases the sperm are later transported along a ciliated and internal fertilization takes place prior to f o r m a ­
groove in the oviduct to the seminal receptacle, near tion o f the egg case. The penis is a long extension of
where fertilization takes place. The secretory section the body wall usually arising behind the right cephalic
of the oviduct may be modified as an albumin gland tentacle. In these groups with a cephalic penis, most
516 Chapter Thirteen

(A) �)

of penis

Seminal �
receptacles y_ Columellar muscle
Testicular duct acting Penial =•,,-.. Glandular pallial
as seminal vesicle glands oviduct
Operculu m



. .
,,1,-: · � • ' Sperm groove

' • (ri .
.. if., (D) Vas defcrcns
" Flagellum

· #!/
Sperm groove

.1't 1)
� Foot Vagina Tentacle (cut)
�Sperm duct Buccal mass
Seminal vesicles
Diverticulum of �,,J...--Penis
spermathccal duct Mucous glands

.i Visceral mass

Figure 13.47 Reproductive systems in some \;:""----spermathecal duct

gastropods. A-C showing animals removed
from their shells. (A) The periwinkle Littorina �Spermatheca
(Caenogastropoda). (B,C) Reproductive systems of
the slipper shell Crepidula (Caenogastropoda) (male
and female). (0) Dissection of the common garden Common
sna i l Cornu aspersum (Stylommatophora). genital duct

Stomach leading to ,,.-1�··-, ;;;;f>(

intestine and rectum ':::

of the glandular parts of the reproductive system lie the two. Sedentary species, such as territorial limpets
within the 1nantle cavity or may extend back alongside and slipper shells, are often protandric hermaphro·
the nephridiun1. In most euthyneurans these parts of dites. In slipper shells (Crepiduln), individuals n1ay
the reproductive system have migrated into the body stack one atop the other (Figure 13.48), with the more
cavity and the penis has become a retractile, internal recently settled individuals being males o n top of
structure. Sperm transfer in some gastropods involves the stack, females on the bottom. Each male (Figure
the use of spermatophores either involving a penis or 13.47B) uses its long penis to insemi11ate the females
without one in the case of the cerithiomorph groups, (Figure 13.47C) below. Males that are in association
and some others. In some, large parasperm are used to with females tend to remain male for a relatively long
transport the normal sperm. period of tin1e. Eventually, or if isolated fron1 a fe­
With both silnultaneous and sequential hermaph· male, the n1ale develops into a female. Female slipper
rodite gastropods, copulation is the rule-either with shells cannot S\Vitch back to males, because the 1nas­
one individual acting as the male and the other as the culine reproductive system degenerates during the
female, or with a mutual exchange of sperm between sex change.

Young female-

. ;

Figure 13.48 A stack of Crepidula fornicata, a slip•

per shell (Caenogastropoda) displaying sequential
hermaphroditism. the body wall of the other, perhaps as a means of sexu­
ally arousing its partner.
Most eupulmonates are simultaneous hermaph­ Most bivalves are gonochoristic and retain the primi­
rodites, although protandric hermaphrodites some­ tively paired gonads. However, the gonads are large and
times occur. In most simultaneous hermaphrodite closely invested with the viscera and with eadl other, so
euthyneurans a single complex gonad, the ovotestis, an apparently single gonadal mass results. The gonod­
produces both eggs and sperm (Figures 13.46C-E and ucts are sin1ple tubes, and fertilization is usually exter­
13.470) •..vith the n1ature gametes leaving the ovotestis nal, although son1e marine and most fresh•..vater species
via the hermaphroditic duct. Euthyneuran reproduc­ brood their embryos for a time. In primitive bivalves, the
tive systems are amazingly complex and varied in their gonoducts join the nephridia and gametes are released
plumbing and structure, and sometimes have separate through urogenital pores. In many advanced bivalves,
male and female gonopores, or only a single conm1on the gonoducts open into the mantle cavity separately
gonopore (Figure 13.46D,E). from the nephridiopores. Hermaphroditism occurs in
Distinct precopulatory behaviors occur in a few some bivalves, including shipworms and some species
groups of gastropods. These primitive courtship rou­ of cockles, oysters, scallops, and others. Oysters of the
tines are best documented in land pultnonates and in­ genus Ostrea are sequential hermaphrodites, and most
clude behaviors such as oral and tentacular stroking, are capable of switclling sex in either direction.
and intertwining of the bodies. In some pulmonates Cephalopods are almost all gonochoristic, with a
(e.g., the common garden snail, Corn11, formerly Helix) single gonad in the posterior region of the visceral
the vagina contains a dart sac, which secretes a calcare­ mass (Figures 13.J lC, 13.12B, and 13.49). The testis
ous harpoon. As courtship reaches its crescendo, and a releases sperm to a coiled vas deferens, which leads
pair of snails is intertwined, one will drive its dart into anteriorly to a seminal vesicle. Here various glands as-
sist in packaging the sperm into elaborate sper­
matophores, which ase stored in a large reservoir
(A) (13) called Needham's sac. From there the spermato­
phores are released into the mantle cavity via a
sperm duct. In females the oviduct terminates
in one oviducal gland in squids, and two in oc­
,,....-+Gonopore topuses. This gla11d secretes a protective men1-
brane around eadl egg.
lt---!)-sperm duct The highly developed nervous system of
cephalopods has facilitated the evolution of
Seminal vesicle
r I some very sophisticated precopulatory behav­
iors, which culminate in the transfer of s p e r ­
Needham's sac
/ matophores from the male to the female. Because
the oviducal opening of females is deep within
Testis the mantle chamber, n1ale coleoids use one of
their anns as a.n intromittent organ to transfer
the spermatophores. These modified arms are
Figure 13.49 Reproductive systems in a coleoid cephalopod, called hectocotyli (Figures 13.12D and 13.498).
the squid Loligo. (A) Female and (B) male. In squids and cuttlefish the right or left fourth
518 Chapter Thirteen

arm is used; in octopuses it is the right thjrd arm. In them by flushjng the egg mass with jets of water.
Nn11til11s four small arms forn1 a conical organ, the Octopuses aJ1d squids tend to grow quickly to matu­
spadix, that fw1ctions in sperm transfer. Hectocotylus rity, reproduce, and then die, usually within a year or
arms have special suckers, spoonlike depressions, or tvvo. The pearly nautilus, however, is long-lived (per­
superficial chambers for holding sperrnatophores dur­ haps to 25-30 years), slow growing, and able to repro­
ing the transfer, which may be a brief or a very lengthy duce for n1any years after 1naturity.
process. One of the most astonishing reproductive behaviors
Each spermatophore comprises an elongate sperm among invertebrates occurs in members of the pelagic
mass, a cement body, a coiled, "spring-loaded" ejacu­ octopod genus Argo11n11tn, known as the paper nauti­
latory organ, and a cap. The cap is pulled off as the luses. Female argonauts use two specialized arms to
spern1atophore is ren1oved from the Needham's sac in secrete and sculpt a beautiful, coiled, calcareous shell
squids or by uptake of seawater in octopuses. Once the into which eggs are deposited (Figure 13.17B). The
cap is removed, the ejaculatory organ everts, pulling thin-walled, delicate shell is carried by the female and
the sperm mass out with it. The sperm mass adheres serves as her temporary home and as a brood chan1ber
by means of the cement body to the seminal receptacle for tl1e embryos. The mucl1 smaller male often cohabits
or mantle wall of the female, where it begins to disinte­ the shell with the female.
grate and liberate sperm for up to two days.
Precopulatory rituals in coleoid cephalopods usu­ Development
ally involve striking changes in coloration, as the male Developn1ent in molluscs is sin1ilar in many funda­
tries to attract the female (and ruscourage other males mental ways to that of tl1e other spiralian protostomes.
in the area). Male squids often seize their female part­ Most n1olluscs undergo typical spiral cleavage, ,vith
ner with the tentacles, and the two swim head-to-head the mouth and stomodeum developing from the blas­
through the water. Eventually the male hectocotylus topore, and the anus forming as a nev., opening on the
grabs a spermatophore and inserts it into the mantle gastruJa wall (protoston1ous). Cell fates are also typi­
chamber of his partner, near or in the oviducal open­ cally spiralian, including a 4d mesentoblast.
ing. Mating in octopuses can be a savage affair. The By the end of the 64-cell stage, the distinctive m o l ­
exuberance of the copulatory embrace may result in luscan cross is formed by a group of apical micromeres
the couple tearing at each other with their sharp beaks, (la12-ld1 2 cells and their descendants, witl1 cells la112-
or even strangulation o f one partner by the other as ld 112 forming the angle between the arms of tl1e cross)
the former's arms wrap around the mantle cavity of (Figure 13.50). This configuration of blastomeres ap­
the latter, cutting off ventilation. In many octopuses pears to be unique to the Mollusca. Beyond these gen­
(e.g., Argonnutn, Philonexis) the tip of the hectocotylus eralities, a great deal of variation occurs in molluscan
arm 1nay break off and remain in the female's mantle cleavage. As detailed sturues are conducted on n1ore
chamber.7 and more species, the phylogenetic implications of
As the eggs pass through the oviduct, they are cov­ these variations are being evaluated.
ered with a capsule-like n1embrane produced by the
oviducal gland. Once in the mantle cavity, various
kinds of nidamentaJ glands may provide additional (A) (BJ

layers o r coatings on the eggs. In the squid Loligo,

which n1igrates to shallow water to breed, the nida­
n1ental glands coat the eggs within an oblong gelati­
nous mass, earn containing about 100 eggs. The female
holds these egg cases in her arms and fertilizes them
with sperm ejected from her seminal receptacle. The
egg masses harden as they react with seawater and are
then attached to the substratum. The adults die after
mating and egg laying. Cuttlefish deposit single eggs (C)
and attach them to seaweed or other substrata. Many
open-ocean pelagic coleoids have floating eggs, and
the young develop entirely in the plankton. Octopuses
usually lay grapelike egg clusters in dens in rocky
areas, and many species care for the developing em­
bryos by protecting them, and aerating and cleaning

The detached arm was mistakenly first described as a parasitic
Figure 13.50 The "molluscan cross" of developing
worm and given the genus name Hectocoty/11s (hence the origin of embryos. (A) Gastropoda (Lymnaea). (B) Potyptacophora
the term). (Stenoplax). (C) Apt acophora (Epimenia).

Figure 13.51 Molluscan trocho•

(A) I-Apical tuft (B) phore larvae. (A) Generalized
molluscan trochophore larva.
(B) Trochophore of a solengaster
---Apical plate I aplacophoran. (C) Metamorphosis
Apical tuft of a polyp lacophoran from
trochophore to juvenile.




. -- -

__,.,.,.. . ~ ..,.,-

Development may be direct, mixed, or indirect. (lecithotrophic) and live on yolk reserves. Eventually
During indirect development, the f r e e -swirnnung eyes and tentacles appear, and the veliger transforms
trochophore larva that develops is remarkably similar into a juvenile, settles to the bottom, and assumes an
to that seen in annelids (Figure 13.51). Like the anne­ adult existence.
lid larva, the molluscan trochophore bears an apical Like gastropods, some bivalves have long-lived
sensory plate with a tuft of cilia and a girdle of ciliated planktotrophic veligers, whereas others have short­
cells-the prototroch-just anterior to the mouth. lived lecithotrophic veligers. Many widely distributed
ln some free-spawning molluscs (e.g., chi tons and species have very long larval Uves that allow dispersal
Caudofoveata), the trochophore is the only larval over great distances. A few bivalves have 1nixed de­
stage, and it n,etamorphoses directly into the juve­ velopment and brood the developing embryos in the
nile (Figure 13.51 C). Solenogasters usually have a so­ suprabranchial cavity through the trochophore period;
called "test cell larva," where a bell-shaped larval test then the embryos are released as veliger larvae. Some
encloses parts of the developing animal. But in other marine and freshwater clams have direct development,
groups (e.g., gastropods and bivalves), the trocho­ as for example in the freshwater family Sphaeriidae
phore is followed by a uniquely molluscan larval stage where en,bryos are brooded between the gill lamellae
called a veliger (Figure 13.52). The veliger larva may and juveniles shed into the water when development is
possess a foot, shell, operculum, and other adult-like completed. Several unrelated n,arine groups have in­
structures. The most characteristic feature of the ve­ dependently evolved a similar brooding behavior (e.g.,
Uger larva is the swimming organ, or velum, which Arca vivipnra, some Carditidae, etc.).
consists of two large ciliated lobes developed from the l n the freshwater mussels (Unionida), the embryos
trochophore's prototroch. 1n some species the velum is are also brooded between the gill lamellae, where they
also a feeding organ and is subdivided into four, five, develop into veligers highly modified for a parasitic life
or even six separate lobes (Figure 13.52C). Feeding on fishes, thereby facilitating dispersal. These parasitic
(planktotrophic) veligers capture particulate food b e ­ larvae are called glochidia (Figure 13.52E). They attach
tween opposed prototrochal and metatrochal bands of t o the skin or gills of the host fish by a sticky mucus,
cilia on the edge of the velum, others are non-feeding hooks, or other attachment devices. Most glochidia
520 Chapter Thirteen

lack a gut and absorb nutrients from the host by means caenogastropods and heterobranchs). As with bivalves,
of special phagocytic mantle cells. The host tissue often son1e of these gastropods have planktotrophic veligers
forms a cyst around the glochidium. Eventually the that may have brief or extended (to several months)
larva matures, breaks out of the cyst, drops to the bot­ free-swimming lives. Others have lecithotrophic ve­
tom, and assumes its adult life. ligers that remain planktonic only for short periods
Among the gastropods, only the patellogastropods
and vetigastropods that rely on external fertilization (A)
have retained a free-swimming trochophore larva. All
other gastropods suppress the trochophore or pass Nephridium
through i t quickly before hatching. In many groups
e1nbryos hatch as veligers (e.g., many neritimorphs,

Figure 13.52 Molluscan veliger larvae. (A,B)

Side and front views of the veliger larva of a
caenogastropod snail. (C) A caenogastropod
veliger with four velar lobes. (D) General ized
bivalve veliger. (E) Glochidium larva of a fresh­
water unionoidean bival ve. (F) Late veliger of a
scaphopod (Dentalium). Shell

(B) Food groove

Pedal ganglion

Velar lobe


Apical tuft

(D) Velum

Attachment thread
Sensory tufts

Right valve

sheU aperture
Reml\ant of velum

I Larval embryo that develops within the egg case. Early cleav­
age is n1eroblastic and eventually produces a cap of
cells (a discoblastula) at the animal pole. The embryo
grows in such a way that the mouth opens to the yolk
Eye sac, and the yolk is directly "consumed" by the devel­
oping anin1al (Figure 13.54).

Shell Molluscan Evolution and

Digestive The phylogenetic details of molluscan evolution have
yet to be thoroughly elucidated. The phylwn is highly
diverse, and many nan1.ed taxa below the class level
are known to be polyphyletic or paraphyletic. The ex­
istence of a good fossil record (prin1arily of shells) has
been both a blessing and a curse as efforts to trace the
evolutionary history of 1n0Uuscs have often been frus­
trated by the li.mited and sometimes confusing dataset
provided by molluscan shells.
Until fairly recently, the idea of a "hypothetical an­
cestral mollusc" (affectionately known as HAM) was
popular, the nature of whicll derived largely from early
work of the eminent British biologist and "Darwin's
Bulldog" T. H. Huxley. Detailed and sometimes highly
imaginative descriptions of this hypothetical ances­
Operculum tral mollusc were proposed by various workers, even
Right shell muscle
including speculations on its physiology, ecology and
Figure 13.53 Settled larva of the abalone (Haliotis) behavior (see Lindberg and Ghiselin 2003). The useful­
undergoing torsion. (A) Left-side view after about 90° of ness of HAM in molluscan evolutionary studies was
torsion, with mantle cavity on the ri ght side. (B) Torsi on questioned as zoology moved into an era of explicit
continues as the mantl e cavity and its associated struc­
phylogenetic analysis (i.e., cladistics). Thus, most work­
tures twist forward over the head.
ers now avoid the pitfalls of II priori construction of a

(sometime less than a week). Planktotrophic veligers

feed by use of the velar cilia, whose beating drives the ,.
aninlal forward and draws minute planktonic food p a r ­
ticles into contact with the shorter cilia of a food groove.
Once in the food groove, the particles are trapped in
mucus and carried a.long ciliary tracts to the mouth.
,. J,,. ,._ '
Almost all pulmonates and n1any caenogastropods .

have direct development, and the veliger stage is passed ,,_ / Optic lobe
in the egg case, or capsule. Upon hatching, tiny snails
crawl out of the capsule into their adult habitat. ln some
neogastropods (e.g., certain species of Nucel/11), the en­
capsulated embryos cannibalize on their siblings, a p h e ­
no,nenon called adelphophagy; consequently, only one
or two juveniles eventually emerge from eacll capsule.
' ..
It is usually during the veliger stage that gastropods
undergo torsion (see previous discussion of torsion), "'it:·
when the shell and visceral mass twist relative to the ·�-.: ·.
head and foot (Figures 13.18 and 13.53). As we have
seen, this phenomenon is still not fuJJy understood, but .' '

it has played a major role in gastropod evolution.

Cephalopods produce large, yolky, telolecithal eggs.
Development is ahvays direct, the larval stages having Figure 13.54 Juvenile coleoid cephalopod attached t o
been lost entirely during evolution of the yolk-laden and consuming its sac of yolk.
522 Chapter Thirteen

hypothetical ancestor, and instead analyze the evolu­ are enumerated in the figure legend and briefly sum­
tionary history of molluscs by phylogenetic inference. marized in the folJowing discussion. The nodes on
Although morphological analyses of molluscan rela­ the cladogram have been lettered to facilitate the
tionships have differed in so1ne details, the phyloge­ discussion.
netic relationships resulting from this work have been Exactly where the molluscs arose within the spira­
similar. In contrast, n1ore recent n1olecular analyses of Jian clade, and their kinship to other spiralian phyla,
molluscan relationships have produced several alter­ are still matters of mucll debate. While some workers
native trees depending on the molecular data type and treat them as descendant from a segmented ancestor,
analytical methods. Based on these recent phylogenetic most do not. We support the idea that molluscs arose
studies, the probable molluscan common ancestor was from a schizocoelomate, nonsegmented precursor.
small (~5 mm long), with a dorsal shell or cuticle, and Recent □1olecular studies (see References: Molluscan
a flattened ventral surface on whicll the animal moved Evolution and Phylogeny) have suggested different sis­
by ciliary gliding. Our phylogeny (Figure 13.55) sum­ ter-group relationships for the molluscs, though com­
marizes some current thinking on molJuscan evolu­ monly the annelids are nested within these putative
tion. The characters used to construct the cladogram sister clades. However, as with many of the spiralian

Figure 13.55 A c ladogram depicting a conservative Solenogastres) defining node e: (1 O) vermiform body;
view of the phyl ogeny of the Mollusca based on current (11) foot reduced; (12) gonads empty into pericardia! cav­
hypotheses (see Sigwart and Lindberg 2015 for a l terna­ ity, exiting t o mantle cavity via U-shaped gametoducts;
tive molluscan phylogenies). The numbers on the clado­ (13) w ithout nephridia.
gram indicate suites of synapomorphies defining each Synapomorphies of Caudofoveata: (14) calcareous scler­
hypothesized l ine or clade. ites of the body wall form imbricating scales; (15) com­
Synapomorphies of the phylum Mollusca defining node plete loss of foot.
a: (1) reduction of the coelom and development of an Synapomorphies o f Solenogastres: (16) posterior end of
open hemocoelic circulatory system; (2) dorsal body wall reproductive system with copulatory spicules; (17) loss of
forms a mantle; (3) extracellular product ion of calcareous ctenidia.
sclerites (and/or shell) by mantl e shell glands; (4) ventral Synapomorphies of Polyplacophora: (18) shell wi th 8
body wall muscles develop as muscular foot (or foot pre­ pl ates (and with 8 shell gland regions), articulamentum
cursor); (5) radula; (6) chambered heart with separate atria layer, and aesthetes; (19) multiple ctenidia; (20) expanded
and ventricle; (7) increase in gut complexity, w ith large and highly cuticularized mantle girdle that "fuses" with
digestive glands; (8) ctenidia. shell plates.
Synapomorphies of the Aculifera (Aplacophora + Synapomorphies o f the Conchifera defining node b:
Polyplacophora) defining node d: (9) sclerites. (21) presence of a well-defi ned single shell gland reg ion
Synapomorphies of the Aplacophora (Caudofoveata + and larval shell (protoconch); (22) shell univalve (of a
single piece; note: the bi valve shell is derived from the
univalve condition); (23) shell of basically three-layers
Aculifera (periostracum, pri smatic layer, lamellar or crossed layer);
(24) mantle margin of three parallel folds, each specialized
Aplacophora Conchifera for specific functions; (25) statocysts; (26) viscera concen­
I \
e trated dorsa lly.

-"':," "'<> " Synapomorphies of Monoplacophora: (27) 3 -6 pairs

0.. "C " ctenidia; (28) 3-7 pairs nephridia; (29) 8 pairs pedal retrac­
0.. "'
.i:; 0
&. "8
8" ,£
g, 0.. 8.. ":, 0
tor muscles; (30) 2 pairs gonads; (31) 2 pairs heart atria.

0 Synapomorphies o f Gastropoda: (32) torsion; (33) cephal­
0.. "C
"' 0 ..c: ..c:
" " e
1:- ::, 5 � 0.. 0..
ic tentacles; (34) operculum.
u � ::E () E cX Synapomorphies o f Bivalvia: (35) bivalve shell and its
associated mantle and (in autobranch bivalves) ctenidial
modifications; (36) loss of radula; (37) byssus (auto­
35-40 branchs); (38) lateral compression o f body; (39) adductor
muscles; (40) ligament.
Synapomorphies o f the cephalopo d-scaphopod line
defining node c: (41) ano-pedal flexure; (42) new neuro­
anatomical features, including cerebral ganglia fusion and
b position.
Synapomorphies o f Cephalopoda: (43) expansion of the
coelom and closure o f the circulatory system; (44) septate
shell; (45) ink sac (in coleoids); (46) siphuncle; (47) beak­
like jaws; (48) foot modified as prehensile arms/tentacles
and funnel (=siphon); (49) development of large brain.
Synapomorphies of Scaphopoda: (50) tusk-shaped, shell
open at both ends; (51) loss of heart and ctenidia;
(52) captacula.

phyla, identification of the mollusc sister group r e ­ Because of their small size, specialized respiratory
mains a work in progress. Molluscs are clearly allied structures were probably not requ_ired in the first
with the other spiralian protostomes (Platyhelminthes, molluscs and gas exchange was through the dorsal
Nemertea, Annelida), which are characterized by devel­ epidermis. However, with the origin of the cuticle­
opmental features such as spiral cleavage, 4d mesento­ covered mantle or dorsal shell covering this surface,
blast, and trochophore-like larvae. But precisely where posterior, specialized respiratory structures (ctenidia)
in the spiralian lineage they arose remains problematic. originated and became associated with excretory and
The major steps i n the evolution of what we gener­ reproductive pores in a posterior mantle cavity. This
ally think of as a "typical" mollusc-that is, a shelled arrangement ·vvould have been modified at least twice;
mollusc, also remains controversial. Previous scenarios i n both the polyplacophora.ns and monoplacophorans
have often argued that this step took place after the ori­ the 1nantle cavity was lost as it became continuous
gin of the aplacophorans, perhaps as molluscs adapted with the expanded mantle groove alongside the foot
to active epibenthic lifestyles. These steps centered and the ctenidia multiplied and extended anteriorly
largely on the elaboration of the mantle and mantle in the n1antle groove. Secondary modifications of the
cavity, the refinement of the ventral surface as a well­ shape of the foot and other features in bivalves and
developed muscular foot, and the evolution of a c o n ­ scaphopods allowed most of these animals to exploit
solidated dorsal shell gland and solid shell(s) in place infauna! life i n soft sediments, and both of these taxa
of independent calcareous sclerites. are highly adapted to sediment burrowing. However,
The description of a solenogaster Jarva by Pruvot in these modifications are clearly convergent and scaph­
1890, in which the dorsal surface was said to bear seven opods share other characters, including a n o p- edal flex­
transverse bands of sclerites (described as "composite ure, \.Yith cephalopods. Gastropods also undergo ano­
plates," reminiscent of chitons), led some workers to pedal flexure, but this could be convergent according
postulate that aplacophorans and polyplacophorans t o some molecular studies. Scaphopods are also the last
might be sister-groups; a relationships confirmed by class of molluscs to appear in the fossil record (about
several recent phylogenomic studies (e.g., Kocot et al. 450 Ma, Late Ordovician).
2011). Ho�vever, the discovery of a possible aplacopho­ Monoplacophorans share the character of a single
ran fossil having seven dorsal shell plates from Silurian (univalve) shell with other molluscs (other than bi­
deposits in England (Acnenoplax), as well as "footless" valves and chitons). They also share a similar shell
chitons (Kulindroplax and Phthipodoc/1iton), have further structure and a host of other features. The only syn­
confused the polarity of the aplacophoran-chiton char­ apomorphies defining the monoplacophorans seem
acter transformation. Adding to the confusion, there are to be their repetitive organs (multiple gills, nephridia,
funda1nental differences between the shells of polypla­ pedal muscles, gonads, and heart atria). The ques­
cophorans and those of all other molluscs, an observa­ tion of whether this multiplicity arose uniquely in the
tion suggesting that the chitons and aplacophorans may monoplacophorans or represents a symplesiomorphic
stand alone as a unique radiation off the early molluscan retention of ancestral features from some unknown
line. Three hypotheses have been offered to explain this metan1eric ancestor (below node non the cladogram)
"shell problem" in n101luscan evolution: (1) The m u l ­ has not been resolved (see discussion below) and will
tiplate shell may have been ancestral, the single-shell likely require developn1ental studies on 01onoplacoph­
condition having evolved by coalescence of plates. (2) orans to finally settle the question.
The single shell n1ay have been ancestral, and the mul­ The bivalve line in the cladogram is defined by the
tiplate forms arose by subdivision of the single shell. presence of 2 shell valves, adductor muscles, reduction
(3) The single-shell and multishell designs arose i n d e ­ of the head region, decentralization of the nervous sys­
pendently from a shell-less ancestor, perhaps by way tem and associated reduction or loss of certain sensory
of sclerite consolidation. The presence of eight pairs of structures, and expansion and deepening of the mantle
pedal retractor muscles in both polyplacophorans and cavity.
monoplacophorans has been taken as evidence in favor Cephalopods are highly specialized n1olluscs
of the first explanation. Acceptance of the first hypoth­ and possess a number of complex synapomorphies.
esis suggests that the ancestor at node nin the cladogram Primitive shelled cephalopods are represented today
in Figure 13.55 was a multivalved dliton-like creature. by only six species of Nautilus, although thousands of
Acceptance of the second hypothesis in1plies that the an­ fossil species of shelled nautiloid cephalopods have
cestor at node n was a univalved, monoplacophoran-like been described. This highly successful molluscan
ancestor. The third hypothesis postulates that the ances­ class probably arose about 450 million years ago. The
tor at node n lacked a solid shell altogether. nautiloids underwent a series of radiations during
The primitive mantle and foot arrangement was the Paleozoic, but were largely replaced by the am­
probably somewhat si1nilar t o that in living polypla­ monoids after the Devonian period (325 million years
cophorans or monoplacophorans-that is, a large ago). The ammonoids, in turn, became extinct around
flattened sole was surrounded by a mantle groove. the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (65 million years
524 Chapter Thirteen

ago). The origin of the coleoid cephalopods (octopus­ The various ideas on the origin of the n101luscs fall
es, squids, and cuttlefish) is obscure, possibly dating into tlu·ee categories: molluscs ·,vere derived from (1)
back to the Devonian. They diversified mainly in the a free-living flatworm (Platyhelnw,thes) ancestor, (2) a
Mesozoic and became a highly successful group by e x ­ nonsegmented coelomate protostome ancestor, or (3)
ploiting a very new lifestyle, as we have seen. a segmented ancestor, perhaps even a common ances­
The issue of ancestral metamerism i n molluscs tor with the annelids. The first hypothesis, known as
has been debated since the discovery of the first liv­ the "turbellarian theory," was originally based upon
ing monoplacophoran (Neopilina galatheae) in 1952. the supposed homology and simiJarity in mode of lo­
However, monoplacophorans are not t h e only comotion behveen molluscs and flatworms by means
molluscs to express serial replication or to have of a "ventral mucociliary gliding surface." It suggests
repeated organs reminiscent of metamerism (or that either the 1nolluscs were the first coelomate proto­
"pseudometamerisn1," as some prefer to call it). stomes, or that they share a common ancestor with the
Polyplacophorans have many serially repeated gills first coelomates. However, most contemporary work­
in the mantle groove and also typically possess eight ers argue that the large pericardia! spaces present in
pairs of pedal retractor muscles and eight shell plates. pri.initive molluscs (e.g., aplacophorans, monoplacoph­
The two pairs of heart atria, nephridia, and ctenidia in orans, polyplacophorans) point to a coelomate rather
Nautilus (and two pairs of retractor muscles in some than an acoelomate (platyhelminth) ancestry, and the
fossil forms) have also been regarded by some work­ turbellarian theory enjoys little favor today.
ers as primitive metameric features. The second theory advanced by Scheltema in the
The question is whether or not organ repetition in 1990s suggested that sipunculans (now placed withm
these molluscs represents vestiges of a true, or funda­ tlie Annelida) and mo!Juscs might be sister groups, shar­
mental, metamerism in the phylum. If so, they represent ing, among other things, the unique "molluscan cross"
remnants of an ancestral metameric body plan and n,ay during development. However, the idea that sipunculan
indicate a close relationship to annelids. On the other embryogeny iJ1cludes a n1olluscan cross blaston,ere c o n ­
hand, organ repetition in certain molluscan groups may figuration is no longer strongly supported. Scheltema
be the result of independent convergent evolution and also suggested that certain features of the sipunculan
not an ancestral molluscan attribute at all. And, nothing pelagosphera larva may be homologous to some mol­
like the teloblastic metameric development of annelids luscan structures. Indeed, molluscs share 1nost of their
is seen in molluscs. The genetic/evolutionary potential typical spiralian features \Vith the sipunculans, as well
for serial repetition of organs is not uncommon and oc­ as the echiurids and other arinetids (e.g., spiral cleavage,
- nnelid bilaterian phyla as well, e.g.,
curs in other n o n a schizocoely, trochophore larvae). This leads to the third
Platyhelnunthes, Nemertea, and Chordata. hypothesis, tl1at n1olluscs and annelids are closely relat­
The origin of molluscs then1Selves remaiJlS enigmat­ ed and that molluscs might have arose fron1 a segment­
ic. The excellent fossil record of this phylum extends ed coelomate ancestor. Perhaps the three most striking
back some 500 million years and suggests that the ori­ synapomorphies distinguishing modern molluscs from
gin of the Mollusca probably lies in the Precambrian. annelids and most other spiralians are: the reduction of
Indeed, the late Precambrian fossil Ki111berelln qrmdrata, the coelom and the concomitant conversion of tl,e closed
once thought to be a cnidarian, has been argued to have circulatory system to an open hemocoelic one; tl,e elabo­
molluscan features, including perhaps a shell and mus­ ration of the body wall into a mantle capable of secreting
cuJar foot. However, recent exanw,ation of hundreds calcareous sclerites or sheU(s); and, the unique mollus­
of specimens now suggests Kin1berelln more likely b e ­ can radula. Identifying the sister group to the Mollusca
longs to an extinct spiralian group. ren1aiJlS a work i.11 progress.

Selected References
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• • '· . . . CHAPTER 14
Phylum Annelida
The Segmented
(and Some Unsegmented) Worms

his chapter treats the segmented worn1s, or Annelida (Greek, nnel/11s,

"ringed"), which comprise about 20,000 described species. Annelids
include the familiar earthw·orms and leeches, as well as various marine
"sand worms," "tube v.•orms," and an array of other descriptors (Fig­
ures 14.1-14.3). Some are tiny animals of the meiofauna; others, such as certain
southern hemisphere earthworms and son,e n1arine species, can exceed 3 m
in length. And, recently, phylogenetic studies have shown that several former
phyla-including Sipuncula and Echiura-are also annelids (see the following
section on Taxonomic History and Classification).
Annelids have successfully occupied virtually all habitats where sufficient
water is available. They are particularly ubiquitous in the sea, but also abound
i n fresh water, and many live in damp terrestrial
environments. There are also parasitic, mutualistic,
and commensal species. Their success is no doubt
Classification of The Animal due in part to the evolutionary plasticity of their
Kingdom (Metazoa) segn1ented bodies and use of a wide variety of life
histories and feeding strategies. Most annelids are
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata characterized by having a head followed by a seg­
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA
PHYLUM PORIFERA PHYLUM BRYOZOA m.ented body in which most internal and external
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHI OPODA parts are repeated with each segment, a condition
PHYLUM CNIOARIA ECDYSQZQA referred to as serial homology. Serial homology
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida refers to body structures with the same genetic and
PHYLUM NEMATODA developn,entaJ origins that arise repeatedly d u r ­
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) ing the ontogeny of an organism. In annelids this
PHYLUM XENACOELOMORPHA repetition of homologous body structures results
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA i n metamerism-body segmentation that arises
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICIFERA by way of teloblastic development (the prolifera­
SPJMLIA Panarthropoda tion of paired, segn,entaJ mesodermal bands from
PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES PHYLUM TARDIGRADA teloblast cells at a posterior grov.,th zone irt the
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA embryo). There are some dramatic exceptions to
this for several annelid groups that have lost their
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA metameric tendencies, or transformed from hav­
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA ing an obviously segmented body (e.g., Echiuridae
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHEUCERATA and Sipuncula). Annelids are triploblastic coe­
Deuterostomia lomate worms with a complete gut (with few ex­
Gnathifera ceptions), a closed circulatory system (again with
PHYLUM ROTIFERA "Paraphyletic group This chapter has been revised by Greg Rouse except for
the Sipuncula section, which has been revised by Gonzalo
532 Chapter Fourteen

(= Siboglinidae). Although now known to be highly

BOX 14A Characteristics of the modified annelids, these groups are so distinct that they
Phylum Annelida are given detailed treatment at the end of this chapter.
The overall classification Annelida is also current­
1. Bilaterally symmetrical . vermiform, protostomes.
ly undergoing significant revisions and has yet to stabi­
Terrestrial, fresh water. and marine
lize. Phylogenomic and other 1nolecu1ar phylogenetic
2. Segmented (segmentation secondarily lost in some
analyses have shown that taxonomic groupings based
groups, e.g., Sipuncula, Echiuridae): segments
arise by teloblastic growth on morphology are, i n many cases, invalid. Annelida
was traditionally divided into three classes. Polychaeta
3. Development typ ically protostomous. with holoblas­
tic, spiral, 4d, sch izocoelous embryogeny was the largest and most diverse group, the other two
being Oligoghaeta (earthworms and their relatives) and
4. Digestiv e tract complete, usually with regional spe­
cial ization (secondarily lost in some groups) the leeches (Hirudinoidea or Hirudinea). It is now dear
that the closest relative of Hirudinoidea is the fresh­
5. With a closed c irculatory system (secondarily lost
in some groups); respiratory pigments may include water group Lumb riculidae, a taxon that is inside the
hemoglobin. chlorocruorin and hemerythrin Oligochaeta, and these two former classes (Hirudinoidea
6 . Most adul ts possess metanephrid ia or, less com­ and Oligochaeta) are now referred to as Clitellata, a
monly, protonephrid ia. taxon that actually dates back t o 1919. Furthermore,
7. Nervous system well developed, with a dorsal Clitellata has been shown to have arisen deep within
cerebral gangl ion, circumenteric connectives. and Polychaeta, n1aking "Polychaeta" synonyn1ous with
ventral gangl ionated nerve cord(s) Annelida. Hence, all three of the former classes are no
8 . With lateral, segmentally arranged epidermal chae­ longer ranked as such, the Oligochaeta and Polychaeta
tae (secondarily lost in some, e.g., Sipuncula) are recognized as paraphyletic groups and no longer
9. In most. head composed of presegmental pro­ hold systen,atic ranking, and "oligod,aete" and "poly­
stomium and peristomium (often with body seg­ cl,aete" are inforn1al names only. Owing to their novel
ments fused to it; peristomium may be reduced). morphology and lifestyle, Hirudinoidea are also given
Echiuridae and Sipuncula without obvious some detailed treatment at the end of chapter.
prostomium/peristom ium
10. Gonochoristic or hermaphroditic; deve lopment indi­
rect or d irect; often wtth trochophore larva SYNOPSES OF MAJOR GROUPS
As noted above, the taxonomy for Annelida has yet to sta­
bili ze, and our understanding of relationsh ips within this
phylum has undergone momentous changes in the last two
some exceptions), a •Nell-developed nervous systen1, decades. For a current assessment of the overall relat ion­
and excretory structures in the form of protonephridia ships among the major annelid groups see Figure 14.41,
which is based on a synthesis of the phyfogenomic stud­
or, more commonly, metanephridia (Box 14A). Marine
annel.ids produce trochophore larvae, a feature shared i es of We igert et al. (2014) and Andrade et al. (2015). No
Linnaean ranks are used here with regard to the names,
with several other protostome taxa (e.g., Mollusca,
though those ending wnh "-idae· have trad itionall y carried
Nemertea, Entoprocta). The story of annelid diversity
the rank of fami ly.
and success is one of variation on this basic theme.
OWENIIDAE Fewer than 50 species (Figures 14.1A and
14.128). Generally small-bodied (some reach ing 10 cm),
Taxonomic History and tube-dwelling annelids with numerous fine parapodial
hooks. The prostomium may be lobed or folded into a cili­
Classification ated crown (e.g., Owenia). The group is best known for its
As n1entioned in earlier chapters, the roots o f modern unusual and beautiful "m itrar i a" larvae (Figure 14.20H,1 ).
animal classification can be traced to Linnaeus (1758), M.AGELONIDAE Around 70 species, most in the genus Ma­
who placed all invertebrates except insects in the taxon gelona (Figure 14.2A). Relativel y similar in appearance, with
Vermes. In 1802, Lamarck established the taxon Annel­ shovel-shaped anter ior ends and a pair of papillated palps.
ida; he had a reasonably good idea of their unity and of Thin, cylindrical worms, less than 1 mm wide, but reaching
their differences from other groups of worms. He and 15 cm in length. Live as burrowers in sands and muds; do
many other workers recognized the affinity among most not seem to form permanent tubes. though they do li ne the ir
annelids, but Hirudinoidea (leeches and allies) were burrows with mucus.
often erroneously allied with trematode platyheln1inths.
CHAETOPTERIOAE Around 7 0 speci es, pl aced mostly
Recently, some groups previously regarded as sepa­ in the genera Chaetopterus, Mesochaetopterus, Phyl­
rate phyla have been accepted as annelids. These in­ lochaetopterus or Spiochaetopterus (F igures 14.1 B and
clude Echiura, Sipuncula, and a group comprised of 14.10C-E). Adults range in size from less than 1 cm to more
the former phyla Pogonophora and Vestimentifera than 4 0 cm, though there are fewer than 60 segments in
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 533

(A) (B) (C)

(D} (E) (F)

f'rostomium ,
Pt:'ristom1um /

............_ Clitdlum

(G) (H) (I)

Figure 14.1 Representative annelids spanning the (Sipuncula). (E) Arcovestia ivanovi (Siboglinidae).
phylogenetic breadth of the group. (A) Owenia sp. (F) Lumbricus terrestris (Lumbri cidae). (G) Boccardia
(Oweniidae). (B) $piochaetopterus sp. (Chaetopteri dae). proboscidea (Spionidae). (H) Harmothoe s p . (Polynoidae).
(C) Protobonellia sp. (Echiuridae). (D) Phascolion sp. (I) Dorvil/ea sp. (Dorvilleidae).

most taxa. Body distinctl y heteronomous, divided into two namely brittle cal careous chaetae that break off when
or three functional regions with varying parapodia. Chaetop­ touched and can be intensel y irritating in the skin. Amphino­
terids live in straight or U-shaped tubes and most are mu­ mids are more common in shallow warm seas, whereas the
cous-net filter feeders. eating plankton and detritus pumped more sessile Euphrosinidae (e.g., Euphrosine) are found in
through the tube in water currents they generate. The group deeper colder waters.
is most well known for the extraordinary filter-feeding mech­ SIPUNCULA Peanut worms. About 150 species, all marine
an ism emp loyed by Chaetopterus, which is a lso renowned
(Fi gures14.22-14.27). Formerl y wi th the rank of phylum,
for the bl ue luminescence that it produces.
phylogenetic studies have shown this group belongs wi thin
AMPHINOMIDA Includes Amph inomidae and Euphro­ Annel ida; w ith six families. Sipuncu lans range in l ength from
sinidae; over 200 species (Figure 14.28). The more motile less than 1 cm to about 50 cm. They are found from the
forms. amphinom ids. are often quite large (e.g., Chloeia. E u ­ intertidal zone to depths of over 5,000 meters. The body
rythoe, Hermodice) and commonly referred to as fire worms. is sausage-shaped and has a retractable introvert that can
This name comes from a feature unique to Amphinomida, withdraw into a much thicker trunk. The anterior end of the
534 Chapter Fourteen

{A) {B) (Q

(D) (E) (F)

(G) (H) (I)

0) (K) (L)
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 535

(M) (NJ (0)

(P} (Q) (R)


introvert bears the mouth and feed ing tentacles. It is when

the introvert is retracted an d the body is turgid that some
species resemb l e a peanut (e.g., Sipunculus). Sipuncul ans
are also notabl e among annelids in lacking a closed circula­
tory system, for thei r spacious coelom, and for the lack of
obvious segmentation. The gut is U-shaped and coiled, with
the anus located dorsally on the body near the introvert­
trunk junction. The body surface is usually beset wi th minute
bumps, warts, tubercles, or spines.
ERRANTIA This is an ol d taxonom ic grouping that was
recently resurrected by Torsten Struck and colleagues. It
contains more than a quarter of all described annel id spe­
Figure 14.2 Further examples of annelid diversity.
c ies diversity, in three major groups: Protodrilida, Eunicida,
(A) Magelona pitelkai (Magelonidae). (B) Hermodice
Phyllodocida (the latter two comprising a sister group called
caruncu/ata (Amphinomidae). (C) Saccocirrus sp.
(Saccocirridae}. (D) Chrysopetalum sp. (Chrysopetalidae}. Aciculata).
(El Platynereis dumerilii (Nerei didae). (F) Lopadomynchus PROTODRILIDA Over 60 species, mainly l iving inter­
sp. (Lopadorhynchidae). (G) Trypanosyllis califomiensis stitially in sediments (Fi gure 14.2C). Includes Protodrili­
(Syllidae). (H) Lumbrinereis sp. (Lumbrineridae). (I) Diopatra
dae, Protodri loididae, and Saccocirridae, best known for
cuprea (Onuphidae). (J) Sco/op/os armiger (Orbiniidae).
(K} Thoracophelia mucronata (Opheli idae). (L) Capite//a sp.
being members of the now defunct taxon Arch iannel ida.
(Capite llidae). (M) Cirriformia s p . (Cirratu lidae). (N) Pherusa Taxa such as Protodrilus and Saccocirrus are found in
sp. (Flabelligeridae). (0) Abarenicola pacifica (Arenicolidae}. medium to coarse sediments in shallow waters. Adult
(P) Para/vine/la fijiensis (Ampharetidae). (Q) Amphitrite Protodrilida range in length from 2 to 30 mm and can
kerguelensis (Terebellidae). (R) Sabellastarte magnifica have up to 200 segments. Protodri lidae lack chaetae,
(Sabellidae). ($) Neosabellaria cementarium (Sabellariidae). though these are found in Protodriloididae and Saccoc ir ­
ridae. All have a pair of pa l ps emerging from the prosto­
mium that form highly mob ile sensory structures.
536 Chapter Fourteen

(B) (D) Mouth

Cirrus Pharynx

Male pore

Figure 14.3 Myzostomids. (A) Hypomzyostoma dode­
cephalis, ventral view showi ng proboscis, parapodia (five
pairs). and chaetae. (B) Hypomzyostoma dodecephalis on
crinoid host. (C) Myzostoma cirriferum ventral vi ew.
(D) Myzostoma anatomy. The parapodia are small lobes
with hooked chaetae. These alternate with suckertike
lateral organs. The myzostomid reproduct ive systems is
much more complex than that of most other annelids, a
trend seen in many parasitic animals. Anus

EUNICIDA Eunici da is a well-del i neated group o f over EUNICIDAE 362 species (Figure 14.17H). A group
1,000 species that have a ventral muscularized pharynx that contains arguab l y the largest of annelids, some
with complex jaws that i nclude elements such as ventral exceeding 3 m in length, with on l y a megascol ecid
mandibles and dorsal maxillae. Their parapod ia are sup­ earthworm species coming near this size. Usually with
ported by rodl ike chaetae called aciculae and often bear three antennae and a pair of palps that resemb l e an­
compound chaetae. They generally have three antennae tennae. Mot ile, though a lso living i n burrows or tem­
and a pair of sensory pal ps on the head. Eunicida include porary tubes in mucous or parchment-like tubes. C a r ­
some of the smallest and largest known annelids. Cur­ ni vores. omnivores or herbivores. Famous examp les
rently wi th seven family-ranked taxa (four of which are include Palolo worms and the Bobbitt worms. (e.g ..
descri bed below). Eunice, Marphysa, Palo/a)
DORVILLEIDAE 178 species (Fi gures 14.11 and LUMBRINERIDAE 275 species (Figure 14.2H). Thin
14.8F). Includes some of the smallest annelids (Neote­ and elongate and, except for Lysarete and Kuwaita;
notrocha). wh ile others may reach severa l cent imeters lacking head appendages. Most crawl about in algal
and have a large number of segments (e.g., Dorvil/ea). mats and holdfasts, and small cracks in hard substra­
The head often has three antennae and there can be a ta; some burrow in sand or mud. Carni vores, scaven­
pair of palps that may either resemble or d iffer from the gers, detritivores, and deposit feeders. (e.g.. Lumbrin­
shape of the antennae. Ophryotrocha is a well-known erides, Lysarete, Ninoe)
"model annelid" as they are also easily kept in culture
OENONIDAE 87 species. Elongate, with small para­
on sp i nach or similar foods. Dorvilleids are also very
pod ia; lacking head appendages. or wi th three small
commonl y found in extreme habitats such as hydro­
antennae. Resembling Lumbr ineridae. though their
thermal vents. methane seeps, and whale falls, where
jaws and chaetae di ffer. Often found in soft substrata
they are bacteri ovores.
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 537

where they burrow ai ded by secretion of copious Those wi th the dorsum covered by flattened paleae
amounts of mucus. Predatory carnivores; many have tend to be yellowish brown to go lden, sometimes with
an endoparasitic juvenile stage living inside other an­ transverse stripes. One clade,Calamyzinae, contains
nelids. (e.g., Arabella, Drifonereis) parasit ic forms that live in bivalve molluscs (these were
formerly in thei r own family, Nauti lin iellidae. as they
ONUPHIDAE 272 species (Figure 14 .21).Closest rela ­
show li ttle resemb lance to other chrysopetal ids; e.g..
t ives are Eunicidae, though onuphids generally have
prominent gills o n anterior segments. Most live in
tubes, but others roam through sediments. Most tube GLYCERIDAE 89 species (Figures 14.58, 14.8D and
dwellers are sessile (e.g. Diopatra). while others carry 14.12C). Cylindrica l. tapered, homonomous body,
their tubes wi th them. Generally scavengers or preda­ usually red or pi nk, reaching 30 cm in length. Enor­
tors. Interesting forms include quill worms (Hyalinoecia) mous eversible pharynx that can be retracted into 1/3
and the Australian beach worms (Australonuphis, etc.). o f the body length, armed with four hook-l ike jaws
used in prey capture; each jaw has a venom gland.
PHYLLODOCIDA The pharynx is also used in burrowing. Most are infau­
Phyllodocida. with more than 4,600 species, is disti n­ na! burrowers in soft substrata. (e.g., Glycera, Glycer­
guished by its members having an ax ial muscular pro­ ella, Hemipodus)
boscis (often armed w i th two or more Jaws). They tend HESIONIDAE 172 species (Figure 14.110). Generally
to show fusion of some anterior segments with the head. beauti ful worms, adults measuring from a few milli­
often on ly identifiable by the retention of anterior enlarged meters in length to more than 10 cm. Subtidal, espe­
cirri. and the head usually has two or three antennae and cially on rocky and m ixed bottoms, and increasingly
a pa ir of sensory palps. Like Eunicida, their parapodia are known from hydrothermal vents and methane seeps.
also often supported by ac i culae and bear compound A famous hesionid is the ice worm, Sirsoe methani­
chaetae. Currently with around 20 fami ly-ranked taxa; cola, which lives on methane hydrates in the Gulf of
the more species-rich ones are introduced here. Mexico. Many Hesionidae have striking pigmentat ion
APHRODITIFORMIA Scale worms comprise a di verse patterns and some are commensa ls, particularly with
group of over 1,000 spec ies in seven (or eight) fam il y ­ echinoderms. The number of segments in adults may
ranked taxa (Figures 14.1H, 14.5E, 14.11A,B): Acoeti­ be flXed at 21 (e.g., Hesione, Leocrates). or varying up
dae, Aphroditidae. Eulepethidae, Polynoidae (contains to about 50-60.
most spec ies), lphionidae, Sigalionidae, and possibly NEPHTYIDAE 142 species (Figure 14.5C). Usually
Pholoidae. Aphrodi tiformia also includes the scaleless long and slender, w i th well-developed parapodia but
scale worms of the former fam ily Pisionidae. Most are s imple heads. They can be very abundant in shallow­
relatively short and somewhat flattened dorsoventrally; water sediments, and there are often a number of d if­
one highly unusual Antarctic speci es, Eulagisca gigan­ ferent taxa in a single sediment sample. While they are
tea, reaches a length of nearly 30 cm and a width of eas ily identified to this family level. spec ies identifica­
about 15 cm. Most also have relatively few segments at t ion is difficult. Adu lts range from a few millimeters to
adul thood, some sigalionids being exceptions. Most of 30-40 cm and up to 150 segments. Eversi ble jawed
the dorsal surface is normally covered by transformed pharynx used in prey capture and burrowing. (e.g.,
flattened cirri (called elytra, or scales), hence the com­ Aglaophamus, Micronephtyes. Nephtys)
mon name. The cover photo of this book shows the
scale worm Arctonoe pulchra on the warty sea cu­ NEREIDIDAE 691 spec ies (Figures 14.2E. 14.SA-C.
cumber (Apostichopus parvimensis); this species is a 14.13A and 14.17D). Among the best-known marine
common commensal on echinoderms and molluscs (in annelids and widely used in teaching, laboratories, and
mantle cavities) and also lives freely in tide pools of the as fishing bait. Most nereidids are found in shallow wa­
temperate northeast Pacific. The eversible pharynx has ters, though some are found at hydrothermal vents.
one pair of jaws that close dorsoventrally somewhat Small to very large (over 100 cm) with homonomous
seg ments. Mostly errant predators or scavengers
i a parrot's beak. Most scale worms are motile but
l ke
usually crypt ic (under stones. etc.). Many are predators with well-developed eyes and parapodia . Immediately
while others are bacteriovores. Many scale worms are recogn ized by their pair of large, curved pharyngeal
commensals, IMng on the bodies or in the dwell ings of jaws (e.g., Cheilonereis, Dendronereis, Neanthes, Ne­
other animals. (e.g., Arctonoe, Gorgoniapolynoe, Halo­ reis, Platynereis). One group, Namanereidinae, is
sydna, Harmothoe, Hesperonoe, Polynoa) semiterrestrial or lives in freshwater. (e.g., Lycastella,
CHRYSOPETALIDAE 135 species (Figure 14.20). The
name (Lati n for "golden petals") refers to the shape PHYLLODOCIDAE 417 species (Figures 14.5F, 14.SE
and co lor of the go lden, flattened notochaetae (called and 14.16D). Th in, often elongate (over 50 cm) bodies
paleae) that cover the dorsal surface in many species of up to 700 homonomous segments; commonly ac­
(e.g., Chrysopeta/um). These are small to moderately tive epi benthic predators on sol id substrata; a few b u r ­
s ized worms, wi th adul ts varying in length from 1 to row in mud (e.g., Eteone. Eulalia, Notophyllum, Phyl­
50 mm, and with as few as 10 to over 300 segments. lodoce). One clade, Alciopinae, comprise holopelagic
538 Chapter Fourteen

forms, in wh ich the body is transparent except for pig­ and a pair of grooved peristom ial palps used for feed•
ment spots and a large pair o f lensed eyes. (e.g., A J ­ ing. The first four segments each bear a pai r of simple
ciopa, Alciopina, Torrea, Vanadis) unbranched branchiae, wh ich are easily lost. Adults
reach 5 to 150 mm and have from as few as ten seg­
SPHAERODORIDAE 171 species. Easi ly recognized
ments, to more than 200. Live acrocirrids tend to be
by conspicuous tubercles and/or papi llae all over the
yellowish to greenish-brown in color (e.g., Acrocirrus,
body, generally arranged in transverse rows. Adults
Macrochaeta). An extraordinary new group of hofope­
range from a few mi llimeters to several centimeters.
lagic Acrocirridae was recently described in wh ich the
Bodies can be short and grub-like with up to about 30
anterior branchiae have transformed into biolumines­
segments (e.g., Sphaerodoridium, Sphaerodoropsis),
cent structures that glow when shed, presumably to
or elongate and slender w ith a larger number of seg­
distract predators. (e.g., Swima)
ments. (e.g., Ephesiella, Sphaerodorum)
CIRRATULIDAE Around 250 species (Figures 14.2M
SYLLIDAE 906 species (Figures 14.2G, 14.11C
and 14.17B). Elongate, re lat ively homonomous, with
14.17C,G). Mostly small, homonomous worms found
up t o 350 segments, often each with a pair of thread­
on various substrata. Best known for their diversity in
li ke branchial filaments (e.g., Cirratu/us, Cirriforrnia). In
reproductive biology, includi ng various forms of epito­
others there may be only four pairs of branchiae ante­
ky. Adult sizes from 1 to 150 mm; with only a few seg­
riorly (e.g., Dodecaceria), or none at all in smaller forms
ments or with many segments. Syllids show some of
(e.g., Ctenodri/us). Cirratulids are mostly shallow-water
the most striking coloration patterns among annel ids.
burrowers ly ing just beneath the surface of the sedi­
Mainly predators on small invertebrates. The pharynx
ment, from where they extend thei r branchiae into the
has a d istinct barrel-shaped region that may be armed
overlying water. Most are se lective deposit feeders,
with a si ngle tooth or a ring of small teeth for grasp­
extracting organic detritus from surface sed iments
ing prey. (e.g., Autolytus, Brania, Odontosyl/is, Syl/is,
usi ng grooved pa lps that may be a simple pa ir (e.g.,
Chaetozone, Dodecaceria) or transformed into two
PELAGIC PHYLLODOCIDA A po lyphyletic grouping cl usters. (e.g., Cirriforrnia , Timarete)
of about 150 pe lag ic species. In add ition to Alciopi­
FLABELLIGERIDAE 264 species (Fi gure 14.2N).
nae, several other groups of Phyllodocida have in­
Sometimes called bristle-cage worms. With papillae
dependently evo lved into holopelagic forms, though
covering the body; papillae often sticky, hence some
the number of evo l utionary events has yet to be fully
have a sediment coating. Others have a thick, trans­
resolved. Holopelagic forms are included in the fami­
parent gelatinous sheath. al low ing the body contents
l ies lospil idae, Lopadorhynchidae (Figure 14.2F), Pon­
and green circulatory system to be seen. The head,
todoridae, T omopteridae, Typhloscolec idae. Most are
which has a pair of grooved palps, and presumably
l ikely to be predators. Tomopterids are spectacular
some achaetous anterior segments bearing bran­
forms w ith transparent flattened bodies, finlike para­
chiae, is often retractab le into the following anterior
podia, and only a few chaetae.
segments that bear a "cage" of protective chaetae.
SEDENTARIA Another previously defunct taxonomic group Mostly benthic, from the intertidal under stones to
resurrected by Torsten Struck and colleagues and contain­ deep-s ea muds, though there are two holope lagic
ing over 13,000 species. It comprises a ser ies of major groups, Poeobius and Flota, that were in their own
groups, though the relationships among them are not fully families until recently .Adults are 5 mm to more than 10
reso lved. The former phyla Echiura and Pogonophora (and cm in length. (e.g., Brada, Pherusa, Spio, Spiophanes)
Vestimentifera) are placed here, as well as a variety of tube­
OPHELIIDAE 153 species (Fi gure 14.2K). Homono­
dwelling and burrowing forms.
mous, usually less than 3 cm long, with up to 60 seg­
ORBINIIDAE 175 extant species (Figures 14.2J and ments. Body shape varies from short and thick to elon­
14.16G). Prostomium can be rounded or pointed, with• gate and somewhat tapered. Most opheliids burrow in
out appendages. Adults from 3 to 300 mm long and soft substrata, but some can swim by undulatory body
large forms can have several hundred segments; usually movements. The eversible pharynx is unarmed. Most are
with an anterior "muscular" thoracic region and a more direct deposit feeders. (e.g., Armandia, Euzonus, Oph­
fragile abdomen. Usually with complex parapod ia and a elia, Polyophthalmus)
wide range of chaetae. Generally burrowing forms, they
are usually found in the sediments of shallow bays and SPIONIDA
estuaries (e.g. Orbinia, Scoloplos), but also have been SPIONIDAE 527 species (Figures 14.1 G and 14.9F).
recorded from hydrothermal vents and methane seeps. Body thin, elongate, homonomous. The head is simple
(e.g. Methanoaricia) with a pair of grooved peristom ial palps. Most burrow,
or form deli cate sand or mud tubes. A few bore into
CIRRATULJFORMIA ca lcareous substrata, inc l uding rocks and mollusc
ACROCIRRIDAE Around 50 species. Often found shells; most use the grooved peristomial palps to se ­
intertidally, under rocks or in shallow sed iments and lectively extract food from the sed iment surface. (e.g.,
muds. The head is simple with a rounded prostom ium Polydora, Scolelepis, Spio, Spiophanes)
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 539

SABELLARIIDAE 124 species (Fi gures 14.2S and m, though excepti onally they are found in depths of less
14.7H,1). Sabellariidae are easi ly distinguished from than 100 m. Though most are known from deep-sea
most other annel ids by having an operculum that is muds (e.g., Siboglinum), mud volcanoes, or on sunken
developed from anteri or segments and a robust tube plant materi al (e.g., Scterolinum), vest imentiferan sibogli­
bui lt from coarse sand grains. The operculum com­ nids (e.g., Riftia) are spectacular members of hydrother­
prises two fleshy lobes that are fused (e.g., Sabel/aria), mal vent communities or methane seeps (e.g., Lamel­
or free (e.g., Lygdamis), and it includes 1 3- rows of librachia). Sibogli nidae vary greatly in size, with adults of
large go lden or black stout chaetae (paleae). Gener­ some Siboglinum reaching 5 cm in length (and on ly 0.1
ally found in intertidal to slightly subtidaJ areas, though mm in width), whi le Riftia pachyptila, are more than 150
deep-w ater forms are known. Sabellari ids can form cm in length and l i ve in tubes more 2.5 m long. The most
extens i ve biogenic reefs and can reach densi ties of up recently discovered group of Si bogl in i dae is the genus
to 6000 indivi duals/m2 (e.g., Phragmatopoma, Sab el ­ Osedax, a group that devours the bones of marine ver­
/aria), while others are so litary. (e.g., Lygdamis) tebrates by dissolving through them w i th t issue that re­
semble p lant roots.
SABELLIDAE 460 species (Figures 14.2R, 14.7A MALDANOMORPHA
and 14.16E). Commonly called fan worms or feather­ ARENICOLIDAE 20 species (Figures 14.20 and
duster worms. Sabellids l ive in sediment and mucous 14.5H). Aren icolids or lug worms have si mp le heads
tubes and are common at all depths. The body is and a thick, fleshy, heteronomous body divided into
heteronomous, di vided into a thorax and an abdo­ two or three d istinguishable regions; the pharynx is un­
men, and can be 3 to 300 mm long. The thorax bears armed but eversi ble and aids burrowing and feeding.
long dorsal "cap illary" or hooded chaetae and ventral Most aren icolids li ve in J-shaped burrows in intertidal
hooks, whi le the abdomen shows the inverse (chaetal and subtidal sands and muds, where they are di rect
inversi on). The prostomium is a crown of branched, deposit feeders. (e.g., Abarenicola, Arenicola)
feathery palps (rad i oles) that projects from the tube
MALDANIDAE 283 species (Rgure 14.7C,D). Known
and functions in gas exchange and ciliary suspensi on
as bamboo worms because of the long cyl indrical
feeding (e.g., Bispira, Eudistylia, Myxicola, Sabella,
segments with ridge-like parapodia that resemble
Schizobranchia) and may bear simple (e.g., Demonax)
stalks of bamboo. Like arenicol i ds, the head has no
or compound eyes (e.g., Megalomma). Some species
appendages; maldanids are 0.3 cm to more than 20
bore into calcareous substrates (e.g., Pseudopota­
cm in length. They usually have 2Q--30 segments and
milla). Sabellidae also once included Fabriciidae, all
the body does not taper posteriorly as in most other
small-bodied feather-duster worms, but these have
anneli ds.
been shown to be more closely related to Serpulidae
and were placed in thei r own family. TEREBELLIFORMIA
SERPULIDAE 397 species (F i gures 14.7E,F,J and AMPHARETIDAE 282 species (Fi gures 14.2P and
14.20A-C). Simi lar to sabellids, except the secreted 14.11D). Amphareti ds are tubico lous and easi ly distin­
tube is calcareous and usually attached to rocks. The guished from the similar Terebellidae in that their mul­
body is heteronomous, d ivi ded into thorax and abdo­ tiple grooved palps, usually called tentacles, can be
men, ranging in size from 3 to 200 mm. Anterior end retracted into the mouth. Generally four pairs of bran­
bears radio lar crown as in sabellids; many species chiae. Relati vely uncommon in interti dal and shallow
have one rad i ole transformed into an operculum that waters; in recent years, most new taxa have been de­
plugs the end of the tube when the worm w i thdraws scri bed from deeper sediments. Includes the unusual
(e.g., Hydroides, Serpula, Spirobranchus), though hydrothermal vent group from the Pacific Ocean, the
many lack th is (e.g., Rlograna, Protu/a). The most well­ Pompeii worms, once in their own fami ly, Alvinellidae
known serpul d i group is Spirobranchus, the Christmas (e.g., Alvine/la, Para/vine/la). Ampharetidae are 0.5 cm
tree worms, that bore into coral substrates and have to 6 cm long as adults. The b lood is often green ish
colorful sp i ral radi olar crowns (Rgure 14.7J). One spe­ o wing to the presence of ch lorocruorin, but is red from
ciose clade, Spirorbinae, contains small-bod ied forms hemoglobin in some species. The body consists of
that secrete coiled calcareous tubes. (e.g., Circeis, two distinct regions in addi ti on to the head, a thoracic
Paralaeospira, Spirorbis) region that generally has biramous parapodi a and an
abdomen that has neuropodia only. (e.g., Ampharete,
SIBOGLINIDAE 164 species (Figures 14.1 E, 14.31-
Amphicteis, Melinna)
14.33). Previ ously known as the phyla Pogonophora and
Vesti ment ifera, subsequent morphological and mo lecu­ PECTINARIIDAE 53 species (Figures 14.7G and
lar analyses placed the group well inside Annelida: the 14.9G). The ice-cream cone worms. Body short and
orig inal family name, S iboglinidae, has si nce been gener­ con ical wi th stout go lden chaetae projecti ng from the
ally adopted. Si boglinidae all appear to li ve vi a symbi­ head. A lso easily recognizab le from their elegant cone­
oti c bacteria in their bodies and are generally found at shaped tubes, constructed from sand, small shells or
greater than 1,000 m depth, even down to nearly 10,000 other small particles, open at both ends. Body length
540 Chapter Fourteen

1 to 10 cm, with no more than 20 segments beari ng suggested they should be treated as a fami ly Echi uri­
chaetae. Multip le grooved palps ("tentacles'') used to dae, which is adopted here.
feed on detritus extracted from sed iment. (e.g., P ec ­
CLITELLATA Around 6,000 species. Earthworms,
tinaria, Petta)
leeches, and related forms.Without parapodia; chaetae
TEREBELLIDAE 535 species (Figures 14.20 and usual ly greatly reduced or absent. Hermaphroditic, with
14.98-E). Tube dwelling, though many are burrowers complex reproduct ive systems. A d isti nct ring, the elite!·
or "creepers" and some are even capab le of swim­ lum, functions in cocoon format ion; development is di·
ming. The grooved palps are often seen extend­ rect.With few or no chaetae; cephalic sensory structures
ing out over the sediment in shallow marine waters. reduced; body externally homonomous except for elite!·
When d isturbed, the tentacles, often brightly colored, lum. Mostly terrestrial or freshwater annel ids, although
are retracted back toward the worm, though they are there are als o many marine species.
not retracted into the mouth. Usually three pai rs of
CAPILLOVENTRIDAE Five spec ies. The morphology
branch iae. The body usually consists of two distinct
and arrangement of the i r chaetae resemble those of
reg ions in addition to the head, a thoracic reg ion that
some errantiate annelids, but the presence of a cl itel·
generally has biramous parapodia and a long tapering
lum and other features reveals they are clitell ates. Inter­
abdomen that has neuropodia only . (e.g., Arnphitrite,
esti ng ly, both morpholog ical and mo lecu lar evidence
Pista, Polycirrus, Terebella, Thelepus)
suggests they are the sister group to all other c l itellates
CAPITELLIDA and lends support to the hypothesis that Clitellata has
an aquatic origin. Two o f the species are marine, two
CAP ITELLIDAE 173 spec ies (Figure 14.2l). Easily
live in freshwater, and one in brackish water. A sing le
recognized by the divis ion of the body into an ante­
genus, Capilloventer.
rior region with capillary chaetae only and a posterior
reg ion with long-handled hooks. The body is a simp le NAIDIDAE {formerly known as Tubificidae). 700 s p e ­
cyl indrical shape, resembling Clitenata. The head has cies. Range in length from a few mm to several cm.
no appendages and is a simp le conical structure in The best known of the freshwater cl itellates, though
most. Body less than 1 cm to more than 20 cm in some l ive in marine or brackish water. Some bu ild
length; usually bright red. Extensions of the body wall, tubes, others are burrowers. Usually the body is ho­
often erroneously called "branchiae" (erroneous, since monomous throughout with a simple head, though
capitellids lack a circulatory system), are present in several species bear an e longate prostomial probos•
abdomi nal segments o f some taxa. Some, such as cis; some have branchiae. Many reproduce asexually,
Capitella, are well known as pollution indicators since but most have gonads at some stage of development.
their numbers explode in nutrient-rich conditions that Some species are very common in areas of high pollu ­
exclude many other annel id species. t ion. Some small, gut less species that re ly on symbiot·
ic bacteria for nutrition are known from tropical regions
ECHIURIDAE Around 200 speci es (Figures 14. 1 C
(e.g., lnanidrilus, Olavius). Other genera include Bran•
and 14.28-14.30). Spoon worms, anchor worms. Un­
chiodrilus, Dero, Ripistes, Slavina, Sty/aria, Branchiura,
usual annel dsi in that they have a muscular extensib le Clitellio, Umnodrilus, and Tubifex.
preoral proboscis at the anterior end of an apparently
unsegmented trunk. The proboscis cannot be w ith­ CRASSICLITELLATA Earthworms and their allies
drawn into the mouth, but can be extended for sev­ (Figures 14.1F, 14.12F, 14.15F, and 14.18). Approxi­
eral meters in some species. The trunk ranges from 1 mately 3,000 va l id species that are ma inly terrestrial,
to 40 cm in length and bears a single pair of chaetae but some taxa (e.g., Biwadrilidae and Almidae) live
anteriorly, or both anteriorly and with rings of chae­ in aquatic or semi-aquatic environments. The most
tae posteriorly . Echiuridae were generally considered spec ies-rich families are Megasco lecidae, Lumbric•
as annelids, butW.W. Newby proposed a separate idae, and Glossoscolecidae. Crassiclitellata include
phylum, Echiura, based on a detailed embryolog ical the common terrestrial earthworms, including Lumbri ·
study of Urechis caupo. His proposal was generally cus terrestris, which has been spread to soi ls across
accepted until Damhnait McHugh provided molecular the world from its native Europe. Crassicl itellates are
evidence that they are, in fact, annelids. Subsequent relatively large, with well-developed and complex r e ­
morphological stud ies supported her concl usion and productive systems. They are d irect deposit feeders,
recent molecular analyses have shown the group to be living in so il, feeding on live and dead organic matter
closely re lated to Cap itellidae. Echiurids appear to be The largest of all clitellates belong to Megascolecidae,
unsegmented, but the echiurid nervous system pro­ for example the giant Gi ppstand earthworm, Mega­
ceeds from anterior to posterior duri ng embryogen­ scolides austratis (an endangered species native to
esis, indicating the occurrence of a posterior growth Austral ia), can stretch to about 3 m in length, though
zone (teloblasty). The taxonomy of the group has yet their norma l length is said to be around 1 m long and
to be fully reconciled with its former status as a p h y ­ 2 cm in d iameter.
lum. In line w ith the logic presented for Pogonophora ENCHYTRAEDIDAE 700 species. Found mainly in
and Vestimentifera becoming Sibogl inidae, McHugh
soil, but also in a wide range of freshwater and marine/
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 541

bracki sh water habitats. Marine enchytraeids are com­ INCERTAE SEDIS

mon in intertidal sands, but they are al so known from
MYZOSTOMIDA 156 species (Figure 14.3). During the
deep-sea sedi ments. Those of the genus Mesenchy­ twenti eth century, these animals were treated as annelids
traeus are known as ice worms as they thrive in glac ial with a rank of fam i ly or order, or even as a separate class.
ice. Eeckhaut et al. (2000) suggested that Myzostomida are
LUMBRICULIDAE Over 150 species (Figure 14.18H). more closely re lated to Platyhelminthes than to any anne­
Worms of moderate size, found in marshes, streams, lids. However, the pendulum swung back in favor of myzos­
and lakes. The group shows a great dea l of endemism, tomids being annel ds i starting with a mo lecu lar ana lysi s by
mainly in Siberia (notably Lake Baika l) and the western Bleidorn et al. (2007). Recent phylogenomic analyses have
parts of North Americ a (e.g., Lamprodilus, Rhynche/­ not been ab le to stabil i ze the phylogenet ic position of the
mis, Stylodrilus, Styloscolex, Trichodrilus). Thi s group group, and whi le they clearly appear to be annelids, thei r
i s the closest relative to Hirudinoidea. c losest relative is still not known, though there are morpho­
logical similarities with Phyllodocida. Myzostomids include
HIRUDINOIDEA Leeches and their relatives (Figures several groups of flattened, oval, or elongate forms, always
14.34-14.40). Body with fixed number of segments, with five chaetae-bearing segments. They are mai nly ecto­
each with superficia l annuli; chaetae generally absent; symbionts, endosymbionts, or parasites of cri noid echino­
heteronomous, with clitellum and a posterior and usu­ derms, though a few are parasitic on Anthozoa.
ally an anterior sucker; most live in freshwater or ma­
rine habitats, a few are semiterrestrial; ectoparasitic,
predaceous, or scavenging. There are three major
clades within Hirudinoidea. The Annelid Body Plan
ACANTHOBDELLIDA Two species. Acanthobdella The annelid body is comprised of four regions: a pre­
peledina and Paracanthobdella livanowi, both segmental region derived from the larval episphere,
from northern hemisphere freshwater lakes (Figure the prototroch region around the mouth, the serially re­
14.34A). Part of the animal's l ife is spent as an ecto­ peated body segn1ents, and the posterior pygid.iun1. The
parasite on freshwater fishes, espec ially salmonids episphere (see the section o n Reproduction and Devel­
and thymallids and presumably the rest of the t ime opment) becon1es the presegmental prostomium, a n d
is spent in vegetat ion. Body with 30 segments, the prototroch and buccaJ region g i v e rise to the peri­
reaching 3 cm in length; with posterior sucker on ly stomium, the region surrounding the mouth. The body
in Acanthobde/la peledina; chaetae on anterior seg­ segmentation of annelids is referred to as metamerism.
ments; coelom partially reduced, but obvious and The extreme posterior end of the body i s the pygidium
with intersegmental septa. and i t bears the anus and often some cirri. A s with the
BRANCHIOBDELLIDA Around 150 species (Figure prostomium, the pygid.ium i s n o n -seginental and may
14.34B). Usually less than 1 cm long; ectocom­ well contain renu1ants o f the larval body.Fron1 this basic
mensal or ectoparasitic on freshwater crayfish; body scheme, the tremendous diversity of body forms seen
with 15 segments; with anterior and posterior suck­ in annelids is built. The majority of annelids show me­
ers; chaetae absent; coelom partially reduced, but tamerism and a greatly elongate cylindrical body. They
spacious throughout most of the body. A single are triploblastic, have a through (complete) gut, and a
family, Branchiobdellidae. (e.g., Branchiobdella, spacious coelom. The exceptions with regard to metam­
Cambarincola, Stephanodrilus) erism are SipuncuJa and Echiuridae, where this has been
lost. In other groups, like Hirudinoidea and Myzos­
HIRUDINIDA Over 700 species (Figure 14.34C,D,
14.37, and 14.38). The "true" leeches. Around 100 tomida, the coelom is reduced. The gut (lost i n some
species are marine, 90 are terrestrial, and the remain ­ clitellates and in all Siboglinidae) i s separated from tl1e
der freshwater. Many are ectoparasitic bloodsuck­ body wall by thecoelom, except i n those where the body
ers, others are free-living predators or scavengers; cavity has been secondarily reduced.
some parasitic forms serve as vectors for pathogenic The sin1plest annelid head is composed of a pro­
protozoa, nematodes, and cestodes. Body a lways stonlitlll1 and a peristom i u m . The segmentation of the
with 34 segments; with anterior and posterior suck­ main body i s usually v isible externally as rings, or an­
ers; no chaetae; coelom reduced to a complex series nuli, and is reflected internally by the serial arrange­
of channe l s ( lacunae). About 12 fam ilies, in two main ment of coelomjc compartments separated from one an­
groups. Rhynchobdellida (proboscis leeches) is a other by intersegmental septa (Figure 14.4). This basic
paraphyletic group of several families that contains arrangement has been modified to various degrees
the marine species as well as many freshwater forms runong annelids, particularly by reduction in the size of
(e.g., Gtossiphonia, Piscicola). Arhynchobdellida i s a the coelon, or by loss of septa; the latter modification
clade that lacks a proboscis, a lthough many have leads to fewer but larger internal compartments. The
jaws; all are either freshwater or terrestrial. (e.g., bodies of many annelids are homonomous, bearing
Erpobdetla, Haemopsis, Hirudo) segments that are very much alike.
542 Chapter Fourteen

(A) Coelomic Pari etal Longitudinal

compartment peritoneum muscle
Dorsal mesentery
Dorsal blood vessel --......_ ')
V.,sceraI peritoneum
• �/�� "

Cin:ular . �• -
visceral muscle
visceral muscle
Ventral mesentery
Ventral blood vessel
Nerve cord Nephrostome Nephridiopore
Longitudinal muscles
(B) (C) Dorsal vessel
Septum Peri toneum Musculature of intestine
/ Bodywall

Dorsal blood vessel

The current view of annelid phylogeny (Figure 14.41) of Clitellata (thousands of species) live on land. An­
hypothesizes Oweniidae, Magelonidae, Chaetop­ nelids range in length from less than 0.5 mm as adults
teridae, and A.mphinomJda forn1Jng a basal grade of for some interstitial species to over 3 m for son1e giant
four major groups, and in general these are homono­ eunicids and megascolecid clitellates (earthworms).
mous annelids, suggesting that is the pritnitive c o n ­ The myriad variations ill body form among aimelids
dition for the phylum. Many others, particularly tu­ can best be described relative to the basic annelid re­
bicolous forms, have groups of segments specialized gions of a head, segmented trunk, and pygidium. Note
for different functions and are thus heteronon1ous. though, that son1e groups such as Echiuridae, Hiru­
Specialization of segment groups (heteronomy) has dinea, Siboglinidae, and Sipuncula are so transforn1ed
contributed greatly to morphological diversification fro1n this condition, each it1 their own interesting ways,
among annelids. The hydraulic properties of differ­ that they are treated as special sections near the end of
ent coelomic arrangements have allowed correspond­ this chapter . However, in general, the annelid head is
ing modifications in patterns of locomotion, which are composed of the prostonuum and peristonuum, which
responsible in part for the success of the annelids in a take various forms, and may also have one or more
variety of habitats. body segments fused with it, in which cases cirri and
lateral chaetae may be present (Figure 14.8, 14.12A and
Body Forms 14.15). The prostomium ai1d peristonuu1n often bear
Most a1melids are marine, living in habitats ranging appendages in the form of antennae and/or palps, or
from the intertidal zone to extreme depths. But quite a may be naked, as ill many infauna! burrowers such as
few inhabit brackish or fresh v.1ater, and the majority the clitellates. The nature of these head appendages
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 543

(D} Dorsal blood vessel

Gland cell Peritoneum

Segmental nerve --Circular muscles

,__--Longitudinal muscles
�--Chloragogcn cells

Typhlosole - -,!

Tubule -=== (E)



Ventral blood vessel Segmental nerve
Subneural blood vessel
Nerve cord
Figure 14.4 (A) Annelid body organization. This gen­ Circular muscle
eral condition exists in most annelids. (B) Metameric
coelom arrangement in a homonomous annel id, seen in
dorsal view (the dorsal body wall has been removed).
(C) A nerei di d (cross section). Note the consolidation of
longitudinal muscles into nearly separate bands. (D) An
earthworm (cross section). The left side of the illustration
depicts a sing le nephridium and therefore the drawing is
a composite of two segments; the right side of the illus­
tration shows chaetae. (E) A chaeta and its associated
musculature. different body regions. Often, for exa1nple, parapodia
i n one region are modified as gills, in another region as
locomotory structures, and elsewhere to assist in food
varies greatly and often reveals clues as to the worms' gathering. Tn some cases, particularly in burrowing
habits. The trunk may be homonomous or variably het­ forms, as well as Sipuncula, Echiuridae and Clitellata,
eronomous as noted above, and each seg1nent often parapodia have been lost altogether.
bears a pair of unjointed appendages, called parapodia, Most annelids are gonochoristic and proliferate the
and bundles of chaetae (FiguJ·e 14.4C and 14.5). gametes from the peritoneum .into the coelo1n "''here
Chaetae are a unique feature of annelids, although they develop. Many aJ1nelids have broadcast spawning
very similar structures are fow1d in son1e Brachiopoda. and produce free-s\>\•unming larvae, but there is a great
They come in a huge range of shapes and sizes and variety of life history strategies in this phylum, with
each is derived from the microvillar border of an in­ a wide range of kinds of parental care also present.
vaginated epidermal cell and they are essentially bun­ Notably, n1any annelids are hermaphrodites, indud­
dles of parallel longitudinal canals, the walls of which ing all members of Clitellata, which typically exchange
are the sclerotized chitin (Figure 14.5). Chaetae have sperm and produce brooded or encapsulated embryos
been lost in several annelid groups, most notably in that develop directly to juveniles.
Sipuncula and Hirudinea.
Parapodia, when present, are generally biramous, Body Wall and Coelomic Arrangement
with a dorsal notopodium and a ventral neuropodi­ The annelid body is covered by a thin cuticle, whicl1 is
um, each lobe with its own cluster of chaetae (Figures composed of scleroprotein and mucopolysaccharide
14.4 and 14.5). However, annelids have evolved a huge fibers deposited by epidermal cellular n1icrovilli. The
diversity of parapodia that serve a variety of functions epidermis is a colunmar epitheliwn that is often cili­
(locomotion, gas exchange, protection, anchorage, c r e ­ ated on certain parts of tl1e body. Beneath the epider­
ation of water currents). In heteronomous annelids, mis lies a layer of connective tissue, circular muscles
the morphology of the parapodia may vary greatly in (sometimes absent) and thick longitudinal muscles,
544 Chapter Fourteen

(A) Dorsal--,

7""--Supcrior lobe
Chaetae Notopodium
.;-- Inferior lobe Ventral cirrus --

Superior lobe
(E) Scale
/ (F)

Chaetae Neuropoclium Gill

�Inferior lobe _J
Ventral cirrus

(G) (H) (M) (N)

( )
(K) L '



Figure 14.5 Parapodial and chaetal types among a n n e ­ as gill b lades. (G) The reduced parapodium of a tube­
lids. (A) A stylized parapodium. (B) The parapodium of dwelling sabellid. (H) The parapodium of an arenicolid.
a g lycerid, with reduced lobes. (C) The parapodium of a (1-0) Chaetae from various annelids. The classification of
nephtyid. (D) The parapodi um of a eunicid with its modi­ chaetae types rivals that of sponge spicules in complexity
fi ed notopodium; note the dorsal filamentous gill. (E) The and term inology. A few general types are distinguished
parapodium of a polynoid (a scale worm) has the dorsal here as simple chaetae (1-M), compound chaetae
cirrus modifi ed as a scale, or e lytron. (F) The parapodium (N-0), hooks (P), and uncini (Q).
of a phyllodocid; the noto- and neuropodia are modified

the latter often arranged as four bands (Figure 14.4). In several annelid lineages, the intersegmental septa
The circular muscles do not form a continuous sheath, have been secondarily Jost or are perforated, so in these
but are interrupted at least at the positions of the para­ animals the coelomic fluid and their contents, such as
podia. The inner lining of the body wall is the perito­ gametes, are continuous among segments. This is of
neum, which surrounds the coelomic spaces and lines course the case for Echiuridae and Sipuncula, where
the surfaces of internal organs. The coelom of anne­ there are no segments.
lids with ho1nonomous bodies is generally arranged In addition to the main body wall and septaI mus­
as laterally paired (i.e., right and left) spaces, serially cles, other muscles function to retract protrusible or
(segmentally) arranged within the trunk. Dorsal and eversible body parts (e.g., branchiae, pharynx) and to
ventral mesenteries separate the 1nembers of each pair operate the parapodia (Figure 14.4C). Each parapo­
of coeloms, and muscular intersegmental septa isolate dium is an evagination of the body v-,au and contains
each pair from the next along the length of the body. a variety of muscles. Movable parapodia are operated
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 545

primarily by sets of diagonal (oblique) muscles, which are pushed against the substratum and serve as pivot
have their origin near the ventral body midline. points as the parapodia engage in its power stroke. As
These muscles branch and insert at various points each parapodium moves past the crest, it is retracted
inside the parapodium. In the clades Aciculata and and lifted from the substratum as it is brought forward
Amphinomida, and some Orbiniidae, the large parapo• during its recovery stroke. The main pushing force in
dia may contain stout internal chaetae called aciculae this sort of moven1ent is provided by the oblique para­
(Figllre 14.5), on which some muscles insert and oper­ podial muscles (Figure 14.4C). Dilling rapid crawling,
ate. In general, chaetae are also maneuvered by mus­ much of the driving force i s provided by the longitu­
cles and can usually be reh·acted and extended (quite dinal body wall muscles in association with the longer
unlike the setae of arthropods). wavelength and greater amplitude of the body undu­
lations (Figure 14.6C), which accentuate the power
Support and Locomotion strokes of the parapodia.
Annelids provide a great example of the employment Nereis can also leave the substratum to swim (Figure
of coelomic spaces as a hydrostatic skeleton for body 14.6D). ln svvin1ming, the metachronal wavelength
support. Coupled with the w e l l -developed muscu­ and amplitude are even greater than they are in rapid
lature, the metameric body, and the parapodia, this crawling. When watching a nereidid swin1, however,
hydrostatic quality provides the basis for understand­ one gets the impression that the "harder it tries" the
ing locon1otion in these vvorms. The genera Nereis and less progress it makes, and there is some truth to this.
Plntynereis (Phyllodocida, Nereididae) are errant, h o ­ Th.e problem is that, even tl1.ough tl1e parapodia act as
monomous annelids that show a variety of locomotory paddles pushing t h e animal forward on their power
patterns that are worth describing (Figure 14.2£ and strokes, the large metachronal waves continue to move
14 .6A-D). ln such annelids the intersegmental septa are from posterior to anterior and actually create a water
functionally complete, and thus the coelomic spaces in current in that same direction; this current tends t o
each segment can be effectively isolated hydraulically push tile animal into reverse. The result i s that Nereis
from each other. Modifications on this fundamental a r ­ is able to lift itself off the substratum, but tllen largely
rangement are discussed later. thrashes about in the water. This behavior is used pri•
In addition to burrowing (see below), Nereis can marily as a short-term mechanism to escape benthic
engage in three basic epibenthic locomotory patterns: predators rather than as a n1eans to get from one place
slow crawling, rapid crawling, and swimming (Figure t o anotller. There are, however, some annelid groups,
14.6A-D). All of these methods of movement depend such as Alciopinae (Phyllodocidae) and To111opteris
primarily on the bands of longitudinal n1uscles, espe­ (Phyllodocida), whose men1bers live their whole lives
cially the larger dorsolateral bands, and on the para po· as pelagic swimming animals.
dial muscles. The circular muscles are relatively thin With tl1ese basic patterns and mechanisms in 1nind,
and serve primarily to maintain adequate hydrostatic w·e consider a few oilier methods of locomotion in an­
pressure within the coelomic compartments. Each nelids. Nephh;s (Nephtyidae) superficially resembles
method of locomotion in Nereis (and similar forms) in· Nereis, but its m.ethods of movement are s .ignificantly
volves the antagonistic action of the longitudinal m u s ­ different. Although Nephtys is less efficient than Nereis
cles on opposite sides of the body i n each segment. a t slow walking, it is a 1nuch better swimmer, and it
During movement, the longitudinal muscles on is also capable of effective burrowing in soft substra•
one side of any given segn1ent alternately contract and ta. The large, fleshy parapodia serve as paddles and,
relax (and are stretched) in opposing synchrony with when swim.ming, Nephn;s does not produce long, deep
the action of the muscles on the other side of the s e g · metachronal waves. Rather, the faster it swims, the
ment. Thus, the body is thrown into undulations that shorter and shallower the waves become, thus elimi•
move in metachronal waves from posterior to anterior. nating much of the counterproductive force described
Variations in the length and amplitude of these waves for Nereis. When initiating bllfrowing, Nephtys swims
combine with parapodial movements to produce the head first into the substratum, anchors the body by ex·
different patterns of locomotion. The parapodia and tending the chaetae laterally from tl1e bllfied segments,
their chaetae are extended maximally in a power stroke and then extends the proboscis deeper into the sand. A
as they pass along the crest of each metachronal wave. swimming motion is then employed to bllfrow deeper
Conversely, the parapodia and chaetae retract in the into tl1e substratum.
wave troughs during their recovery stroke. Thus, the In contrast to the above descriptions, scale worms
parapodia on opposite sides of any given segment are (Polynoidae; cover photo on book) have capitalized on
exactly out of phase with one another. the use of their muscular parapodia as efficient walking
When Nereis is crawling slowly, the body is thrown devices. The body undulates little if at all, and tllere is
into a high nu1nber of metachronal undulations of a corresponding reduction in the size of the longitudi­
short wavelength and low amplitude (Figure 14.6B). nal muscle bands and their importance in locomotion.
The extended parapodial chaetae on the wave crests These worms depend almost entirely on the action of
546 Chapter Fourteen

Longitudinal muscles relaxed

and incompletely stretched
- --Contact points

L Figure 14.6 Patterns of locomotion in annelids.

(A) Dorsal vi ew of several segments of Nereis
during crawling. Note the states of contrac-
tion of longitudinal muscles (stippled), the body
curvature, and the retraction and extension of
parapod ia. (B-D) Nereis crawling and swimming.
Direction of Note the changes in metachronal wavelength
locomotion and amplitude. (E) Midsaggital section through
an annelid. The perforated intersegmental septa
allow peristaltic body contracti ons to cause v o l u ­
Left-side longitudinal metric changes in segments. (F) Burrowi ng move­
muscles fully contracted; ments in Arenicola. (G-J) An earthworm moving
right-side longitudinal to the left. Every fourth segment is darkened for
muscles fully stretched
reference. The dotted line passes through a pos­
Parapodia retracted
..". and lifted
teriorly moving point of contact with the substra•
tum. (K) Several segments of an earthworm (sag­

- Right-side longitudinal muscles

fully contrac ted; left-side
longitudinal muscles fully stretched
ittal section). Since each segment is a functionally
isolated compartment, shortening and elongation
accompany the contraction of longitudinal and
Parapodia extended and c ircular muscles, respectively, while each seg­
in contact with substratum ment essentially maintains a constant volume.

(B) Slow crawling (C) Rapid crawling (D) Swimming

Longitudinal muscles contracted

(G) (chaetae protruded)

-6-8segments in -14 segments in -40 segments in

\ -✓
- Circular muscles contracted
(chaetae withdraw n l

1JlUIIP 1 1�
. __
one "wavelength" -
one #wavelength" one "wavelength"

. ••

(H) ..


(E) (I) ••
• .


0) •.

Both circular and I

Both circular and
Zone of contact
c:r1lllJJ1_1 IIWJJlP
longitudinal muscles with substratum •
relaxed and stretched longitiidinal
muscles contracted

(F) Segment 9 Segment 9 (K) Longitudinal muscles co ntracted,

�..,-,,-..... circular muscles relaxed
Circular muscles contracted,
longitudinal muscles relaxed


\ \ /
Lon�dinal muscles stretched

Circular muscles stretched

PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 547

the parapodia for walking and most adult polynoids generated by a sequence of impulses from the ventral
cannot swim, except for very short bursts. nerve cord and associated motor neurons. So, at any
Nereis is also a burrower and studies on N. virens moment during locomotion, the body of the worm ap­
showed that they can extend their burrows in muddy pears as alternating thick and thin regions. Without
sediments by using mechanically efficient fracturing some method of anchoring the body surface, this ac­
style of locomotion called "crack propagation." This is tion would not produce any motion. The chaetae p r o ­
an efficient use of energy as the worm forces its way vide this anchorage as they protrude like barbs from
through the mud, and it involves everting the pharynx the thicker portions of the body. When the longitudi­
to apply dorsoventral forces to burrow ,-valls that are nal muscles relax and the circular muscles contract, the
amplified at the burrow tip making a crack in a forward body diameter decreases and the chaetae are turned to
direction. The ·1-vonn then anchors itself by expanding point posteriorly and lie close to the body. As shown
the body laterally and pushing its narrow head into the i n Figure 1 4 .6G-K, as the anterior end of the body is
crack, whereupon it repeats the process. Other annelid extended by circular-muscle contraction, the chaetae
groups such as cirratulids, glycerids, and orbiniids are prevent backsliding, the head is pressed into the sub­
also known to use this form of burrowing. Burrowing stratum, and the worm advances. The anterior end
in sand presents different challenges to burrowing in then swells by contraction of the longitudinal muscles,
mud, since sand doesn't "crack," but instead needs to and the rest of the body is pulled along.
be fluidized. Sand burrowing has been described for Most tube-dwelling annelids (Figure 14.7) are h e t ­
Arenicoln (Arenicolidae), which, like many burro•..vers, eronomous and many, such as Terebelliformia, have
has lost most of the intersegmental septa, or have septa rather soft bodies and relatively weak muscles. The
that are perforated. This means that segments are not parapodia are reduced, so the chaetae are used to posi­
of constant volume; in other words, a loss of coelomic tion and anchor the animal in its tube. Movement with­
fluid from one body region causes a corresponding in the tube is usually accomplished by slow peristaltic
gain in another. Arenicoln also has reduced parapodia. action of the body or by chaetae n1oven1ents. When the
The chaetae, or simply the surface of the expanded p o r ­ anterior end is extended for feeding, it may be quickly
tions of the body, serve as anchor points, while the bur­ withdrawn by special retractor n1uscles while the un­
row wall provides an antagonistic force resisting the exposed portion of the body is anchored in the tube.
hydraulic pressure. Arenicoln burrows in sand by first Annelid tubes provide protection as well as support
embedding and anchoring the anterior body region in for these soft-bodied worms, and also keep the animal
the substratum. The anchoring is accomplished by con­ oriented properly in relation to the substratum. Some
tracting the circular muscles of the posterior portion annelids build tubes composed entirely of their ovvn
of the body, thus forcing coelon1ic fluid anteriorly and secretions. Most notable an1ong these tube builders are
causing the first few segments to swell.Then the poste­ the serpulids, which construct their tubes of calcium
rior longitudinal muscles contract, thereby pulling the carbonate secreted by a pair of large glands near a fold
back of the worm forward. To continue the burrowing, of the peristomium called the collar. The crystals of
a second phase of activity i s undertaken. As the anteri­ calcium carbonate are added to an organic matrix; the
or circular muscles contract and the longitudinal bands mixture is molded to the top of the tube by the collar
relax, the posterior edges of each involved segment fold and held in place until it hardens.
are protruded as anchor points to prevent backward Sabellids, close relatives of serpulids, produce parch­
movement; the proboscis is thrust forward, deepening n1ent-like or membranous tubes of organic secretions
the burrow. Then the proboscis is reh·acted, the front n1olded by the collar.Some, such as Snbelln, nl.ix n1ucous
end of the body is engorged with fluid, and the entire secretions with size-selected particles extracted from
process is repeated (Figure 14.6F). feeding currents, then lay down the tube with this ma­
Clitellates such as crassiclitellates (earthworms and terial (Figure 14.7A,B and 14.lOA,B). Numerous other
their kin) face the problem of burrowing in soils, which annelid groups form sinillar tubes of sediment particles
may not crack or fluidize like marine sediments. It is collected in various ways and cemented together with
argued that they solve this by eating their way through mucus. Some of the most beautiful are made by pecti­
compacted, or pushing sediment aside in looser nariids, the ice-cream cone ,-vorms, where the ornate
soils. In some cases they line the burrows with mucus tube is only one particle thick (Figure 14.7G).
to stop the burrows from collapsing. Movement in A few annelids are able to excavate burrows by
most clitellates involves the alternately contracting cir­ boring into calcareous substrata, such as rocks, coral
cular and longitudinal muscles within each segment, skeletons, or mollusc shells (e.g., certain members
and this is seen in many other annelids with complete of the families Cirratulidae, Eunicidae, Spionidae,
body septa. The shape of a segment changes fron1 Sabellidae).In extreme situations, the activity of the a n ­
long and thin to short and thick with the respective nelids may have deleterious effects on the "host." For
muscle actions (Figure 14.6G-J). These shape changes example, a boring sabellid, Terebrnsabella, which lives
move anteriorly along the body in a peristaltic wave i n abalone shells, can cause fatalities by making them
548 Chapter Fourteen

(A) (8) Base of (C)

tentacular crown

..• .,

-��: .. . ..

Sand storage-+.--�!.
Mucus-sand ----,�"F'=::t Collar
."' ,.
..,,, .•
:, . Tube
.. Tube

' ,


(G) (H)


PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 549

◄ Figure 14.7 Tube-dwelling annelids. (A) E:udistylia van­ Some predatory annelids do not actively hunt.
couveri (Sabell idae in and out of its tube). (B) The ventral Many scale worms (Polynoidae) sit and wait for pass­
base of the radiolar crown of a sabellid. Note the addi­
ing prey, then ambush it by sucking it into their mouth
t ion of a m u c u ssand
- mixture to the lip of the tube. (C)
The bamboo worm, Axiothella rubrocincta (Maldanidae),
or grasping it with the pharyngeal jaws. In addition,
oriented head down in its sand tube. (D) Bamboo worm not all raptorial annelids are surface dwellers. Some
Ciymenella (Maldanidae) out of tube. (E) A cluster of s e r ­ live in tubes (Diopnlra) or in complex branched bur­
pulid tubes formed of calcium carbonate and cemented rows (Glycera). Such annelids detect the presence of
to the substratum. (F) Ditrupa (Serpulidae) in its calcare­ potential prey outside their tubes or burrows by che­
ous tube. (G) The particulate tube of the ice-cream-cone mosensory or vibration-sensory means and extend
worm, Pectinaria (Pectinariidae), and animals out of
their everted proboscis to capture the prey. Some leave
their tubes. (H) A colony of Phragmatopoma californica
(Sabellariidae). ( I) Spec imen of Phragmatopoma califomica their residence to hunt for short periods of time (e.g.,
(Sabellariidae) removed from its tube. (J) Spirobranchus Eunice aphrnditois; Figure 14.8G). Poison glands, associ­
giganteus (Serpulidae), with algae-encrusted operculum, ated with the jaws, occur in some genera (e.g., Glycera;
Figure 14.8D).
A number of annelids are deposit feeders that
deform their shells. Species of Polydora (Spionidae) are relatively unselective, simply ingesting the sub­
often excavate galleries in various calcareous sub­ stratum and digesting the organic matter contained
strata (e.g., shells) and have been responsible for kill­ therein (e.g., members of Arenicolidae, Opheliidae,
ing oysters in comn,ercially ha.tvested areas of Europe, Maldanidae, and n1any clitellates). Lug,,vorms, such
Australia, and North America (Figure 14.9F). as Arenicola, excavate an L-shaped burrow, which
they irrigate with water drawn into the open end by
Feeding and Digestion peristaltic movements of the worm's body (Figure
Feeding The great diversity of form and function 14.9A). The water percolates upward through the
an1ong annelids has allo,,ved them to exploit nearly all overlying sedin1ent and tends to liquefy the sand at
marine food resources in one way or another, and to the blind end of the L, near the worm's mouth. This
be critical ecosystem components of most terrestrial sand is ingested by the n1uscular action of a bulbous
soils. For convenience we have categorized annelids as proboscis. The water brought into the burrow also
raptorial, deposit, and suspension feeders (see Chapter adds suspended organic n1aterial to the sand at the
4). However, there are several feeding methods and feeding site. The worm periodically moves to the
dietary preferences ,,vithin each of these basic designa­ open end of its tunnel and defecates the ingested sand
tions. Following a discussion of selected exan1ples of outside the burrow in characteristic surface castings.
these feeding types, we mention a few of the sy1nbiotic So1ne maldanids live in straight vertical burrows,
annelids. head down, and ingest the sand at the bottom (Figure
The most familiar raptorial annelids are hunting 14.7C). They periodically move upward (backward)
predators belonging to the clade Errantia (e.g., many to defecate on the surface. A number of other direct
phyllodocids, syUids, nereidids and eunic.ids, all part deposit feeders (e.g., some opheliids) do not live in
of Aciculata). These animals tend toward homonomy constructed burrows but simply move through the
and are capable of rapid movement across the sub­ substratum ingesting sediments as they go. In high
stratum. For the most part they feed on small inver­ concentrations, populations of these annelids can pass
tebrates. When prey is located by chemical or n1e­ thousands of tons of sediments through their guts
chanical means, the worm everts its pharynx by quick each year-which has a significant impact on the na­
contractions of the body wall n1uscles in the anterior ture of the deposits in which they live. Most terrestrial
segments, increasing the hydrostatic pressure in the and many aquatic clitellates are at least in part direct
coelomic spaces and causing the eversion. As a result deposit feeders. Earthworms burro"'' through the soil,
of the design of the pharynx, the jaws (if present) gape ingesting the substratum as they n1ove. As the soiJ is
at the anteriorn1ost end when the pharynx is everted passed along the digestive tract, the organic material
(Figure 14.8). Once the prey is positioned within the is digested and absorbed from the gut. The inorganic,
jaws, the coelomic pressure is released, the jaws col­ indigestible material passes out the anus. Earthworms
lapse on the prey, and the proboscis and captured vic­ are said to "work" the soil in this manner, loosening
tim are pulled into the body by large retractor m u s ­ and aerating it. Many of these terrestrial burrowers,
cles. Many of these raptorial feeders can also ingest including the common earthworm L1111ibric11s, are
plant material and detritus. Some scavenge, feeding more selective and retrieve organic material from the
on almost any dead organic material they encounter. surface. These worms can burrow to the surface of the
Raptorial feeding also occurs in some freshwater clitel­ soil and there use their sucker-like mouth to obtain
lates such as Lumbriculidae (e.g., Phagodrilus), which relatively large pieces of food (e.g., partially decom­
capture prey (often other clitellates!) with their mus­ posed leaves), which they carry back underground
cular pharynx. for ingestion.
550 Chapter Fourteen

(A) Jaws
Proboscis �
(evertcd pharynx)

Peristomial -
- -- r'\'t\,,

Cirri of
� fused anterior

r"" .,
�--"t'T"':' :;{,;,_;.""'......
, _;;;;;;l�-­
Chaelae --
.. . . ..,
Lumen of pharynx
(C) Proboscis

(E) (F) (G)

Figure 14.8 The eversible pharyngeal jaws of annelids. everted. (G) The giant (1 to 3 m) tropical Bobbit worm,
(A) Nereis (Nereididae) with jaws everted. (B) Perenereis Eunice aphroditois, with its head extended from the sedi­
(Nereididae) with jaws everted. (C) Nereidid with jaws ment at night. The jaws are locked open while it awaits
retracted inside body, (0) G/ycera (Glyceridae) with jaws a passing victim, typically a fish. When the antennae or
everted, (E) Eumida (Phyllodocidae) w ith proboscis (lack• palps detect the prey, the jaws snap shut and it draws the
ing jaws but with numerous papillae) withdrawn and evert­ victim into its burrow.
ed. (F) Ophryotrocha (Dorvilleidae). Complex jaws being

Selective deposit feeders are defined by their abil­ the methods used to sort food ruffers among these
ity to effectively sort the organic material from the groups. Most terebellids (e.g., A111phitrite, Pistn,
sediment prior to ingestion (e.g., many species of Terebelln) establish themselves in shallow burrows
Terebellidae, Spionidae, and Pectinariidae). However, or permanent tubes (Figure 14.9B-'E). The feeding
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 551

(A) Water flow

·J:, '

, ,
� ,;'
- ·• ,

_ ,,� ..

u"",,,-----7 Tentacles


'fl:J.•· .,t..!./,..::��::.: -r�i.:.J,.· . ......

' ·1-.'.!:�·��c' :l:f,:·-: ��·��, : .
-'t'-·..f:,; :,�',<i .t • , .,, ,:_ ., r;- � -� -

(E) ✓ Upper lip

,.: ,f�·:i-_: . .., .;.' ·\: ,

' ..
Figure 14.9 Deposit feeding annelids. ·;?\/)\ (: \,/
.;/:r _ ,
(A) Arenicola. a direct deposit feeder, in its burrow.
Arrows indicate direction of the water flow; the sub­
stratum around the head is loosened and ingested . _,;?\ ,$,_ Tentacle

by the worm (see text for additi onal explanation).

Castings ("cleaned" sand) from feeding have a char­
acteristi c appearance. (B-E) Feeding in terebellid
annelids. (B) A terebellid in its feeding posture within
the substratum. The prostomial tentacles "creep"
over the surface of the substratum and accumulate
food, which is then passed to the mouth. Color
photograph shows a large colony of terebellids with
their feeding tentacles extended. (C) A terebellid ten­
tacle (cross section) has cilia on the underside. (D)
A section of the tentacle rolls to form a temporary (G)
food groove. (E) A tentacle is wi ped across the oral
area, where food is passed to the mouth and ingest­
ed. Such terebellids are indirect (selective) deposit
feeders. (F) The spionid Polydora, another selective
deposit feeder, uses its tentacle-like prostomial
palps to obtai n food. (G) The ice-cre a m -cone worm,
Pectinaria, in feeding position. A water current is
created (arrows), liquefying the sand around the
tentacled head; organic matter is removed and
' .:, .i--- �- f
· ,:;\:

': : '
552 Chapter Fourteen

tentacles are grooved prostonual palps that are ex­ (/\)

tended over the substratun1. These are extended by Pinnules
ciliary crawling, and can be retracted by muscles. Once
extended, their epithelium secretes a mucous coat to
which organjc material, sorted from the sediment, ad­
heres. The tentacle edges curl up to form a longitudi­
nal groove along \Vruch food and mucus are carried by Radiole
cilia to the mouth. Tube-dwelling spioruds engage in a
similar method of feeding. In these animals, the feed­
ing structures are more muscular and derived from
the peristomial palps (Figure 14.9F). They are swept
through the water or brushed through the surface sedi­ .J--- Sand tube
ments, extracting food and moving i t to the mouth. l
Pecti11nrin, the ice-cream cone worms, live in a tube Figure 14.10 Two strategies of suspension feeding
constructed of sand grains and shell fragments. The in annelids. (A,B) Suspension feeding by a sabellid. (A)
tube is open at both ends. The animal orients itseU head Tentacular crown extended from tube and water currents
down, with the posterior end of the tube projecting to (arrows) passing between tentacles. (B) A portion of a ten­
tacle (radiole) in section. Various ciliary tracts remove par­
the sedin1ent surface (Figure 14.9G). Head append­
t iculate matter and direct i t t o the longitudinal groove on
ages partially sort the sedin1ent, and a relatively high the radiole axis, Here, sorting by size occurs. Most of the
percentage of organic matter is ingested. A nwnber of largest particles are rejected, the smallest ones are ingest­
other annelids employ these and other methods of se­ ed, and the medium-size parti cles are used in tube bui ld­
lective deposit feeding. ing. (C) Chaetopterus (Chaetopteridae) in its U•shaped
Various forms of suspension feeding are accom­ burrow. The ventral view shows details of the worm's
plished by many tube-d,,velling annelids (e.g., n1em­ anterior end. A water current (arrows) is produced through
bers o f Serpulidae and Sabellidae), and by some the burrow by fan-shaped parapodia. Food is removed
as the water passes through a secreted mucous bag. The
that live in relatively permanent burrows (e.g., bag is eventually passed to the mouth and ingested, food
Chaetopteridae). The feedjng structures of Snbelln and and all. See text for additional details. (D) The two ends
many related types are a crown of branching prostonu­ of the U -shaped tube of a Chaetopterus emerging from
al palps called radioles. Some of these worms generate the sediment. (E) Chaetopterus (Chaetopteridae) removed
their own feeding currents, whereas others "fish" their from its tube.
tentacles in moving water. As food-laden water passes
over the tentacles, the ,,vater is driven by cilia upward
between the pinnules (branches) of the radioles (Figure burrows through ,,vhich they move water, extracting
14.lOA,B). Eddjes form on the medial side (inside) of suspended materials. Each body region plays a partic­
the tentacular crown and bet.veen the pinnules, slov- ,­ ular role in this feeding process. Segments 14-16 bear
ing the flow of water, decreasi ng its carrying capacity, greatly enJarged notopodial fans that serve as paddles
and thus facilitating extraction of suspended particles. to create the water Cllrrent through the burrow. A m u ­
The particles are carried, with mucus, along a series of cous bag, produced by secretions from segment 12, is
small ciliary tracts on the pinnules to a groove along held as shown in Figure 14.lOC, so that water flows
the n1ain axis of each radiole. This groove is v-,idest at into the open end of the bag and thJ·ough its mucous
its opening and decreases in width in a stepwise fash­ wall. Particles as small as 1 µm in diameter are cap­
ion to a narrow slot deep in the groove, By thls means, tllred by this structure, and there is some evidence
particles are mecharucally sorted into three size catego­ that even protein molecules are held in the mucous
ries as they are carried into the groove. Typically, the net (probably by ionic charge attraction rather than
smallest particles are carried to the mouth and ingest­ mechaiucal filtering). During active feeding, the bag is
ed, the largest particles are rejected, and the mediun1- rolled into a ball, passed to the n1outh by a ciliary tract,
sized ones are stored for use in tube building. In the and ingested every 15-30 minutes or so; then a new
freshwater naidjd cliteUate genus Ripistes, long chaetae bag is produced.
located on the anterior segments are waved about i n Syn1biotic relationships with other animals occur
the water and small detrital particles adhere to them; an1ong several groups of annelids. There are some in­
food material is then ingested by wiping the chaetae teresting cases that reflect, again, the adaptive diversity
across the mouth. of these v-,orms. Many sy1nbiotic annelids are hardly
S o m e members of Chaetopteridae, such as modified from thejr free-living counterparts and do not
Cltnetoplen1s, are among the n1ost heteronomous of all shov-• the drastic adaptive cl1aracteristics often associ­
annelids, and the body is distinctly regionally special­ ated with this sort of life. For many, the relationship
ized (Figures 14.1B and 14.lOC-E). Chnetopter11s fil­ with their host is a loose one, the annelid often using
ters water for food. These animals reside in U-shaped the host merely as a protective refuge. We have already
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 553

(8) (C) ..
.. .
.. ,, . . .. . . .
' . .... '


' .

notopodium . .·... .... ...
'' ..'

Mucous bag to
filter food

Mediums• Abfrontal
ciliary stream
Small particles ,

(D) (E)

mentioned annelids that burrow into the shells of other shapes and lifestyles, ,,vith most described species liv­
invertebrates that are quite similar to their free-living ing freely on the exterior of their hosts as adults, while
relatives. Among the most commonly found commen­ others live in galls, cysts, or in the host's mouth, diges­
saJ annelids are polynoid scale worms, especiaJJy n,em­ tive system, coelon,, or even in the gonad. Myzostomid
bers of the genera Arctonoe, Halosydnn, and Mnllicephnla, lifestyles range from stealing incoming food from the
which live on the bodies of various molluscs, echino­ host's food grooves to consuming the host's tissue di­
derms, and cnidarians (Figure 14.llA,B and this book's rectly (Figure 14.3).
cover). A polynoid has even been discovered living There are many examples of these rather informal as­
as a commensal in the mantle cavity of giant deep-sea sociations: certain syllids that live and feed on hydroids,
mussels residing near tl1ermal vents on the East Pacific a nereidid (Nereis fucata) that resides in the shells of her­
Rise. One scale worm, Hesperonoe ndventor, inhabits mit crabs, and so on. Most of these animals do not feed
the burrows of the Pacific innkeeper worm, Urechis upon their hosts, but prey upon tiny organisms that
caupo (Echiuridae; Figure 14.28G). One group of an­ happen into their immediate envirorunent. Others con­
nelids, Myzostomida, is nearly always symbiotic with sume detritus or scraps from their host's meals.
echinoderms, chiefly crinoids, but also asteroids and A number of other odd associations are known
ophiuroids. Myzostomids show variety of adult body among the annelids. Most oenonids live part of their
554 Chapter Fourteen


(C) (D)


Figure 14.11 Symbiotic annelids. (A) Arctonoe, a poly­ on fishes. The styl ets anchor the worm t o its host and
noid that lives in the ambulacral grooves of starfish and the large glands secrete an anticoagu lant. (D) Photo of
the mantle chambers of certain molluscs (with probos­ Alvine/la pompejana (Ampharetidae) partly removed from
cis extended). (B) Two specimens of Macellicephala sp. its tube, showing symbiotic bacter ia all over its back, and
(Polynoidae) on Pannychia sp. (Holothuroidea). (C) The also a specimen of the hesionid Hesiolyra bergi that is
anteri or end of lchthyotomous sanguinarius, a parasite often seen in the tubes of A. pompejana.

lives as parasites in the bodies of echiurids and other any other animal in the vent community, often near
annelids. Again, these endosymbionts show little struc­ perforated structures called "snowballs" or "beehives"
tural modification associated with their lifestyles, other fonned by the thermal plumes. Te1nperatures inside the
than a tendency for small body size and reduction in the tubes of Alvi11elln can reach an astonishing 80°C. The
pharyngeal jaws. An example of a fully parasitic anne­ bodies of Pompeii worms are covered with unique vent
lid is lchthyoto,nus snnguinnrius. These small (1 cm long) bacteria. The worn1s are son,ehow protected from the
worms attach to eels by a pair of stylets or jaws. The sty­ hot temperahues, and they feed on these symbiotic b a c ­
Jets are arranged so that when their associated muscles teria. A hesionid worm, Hesiolyrn bergi, is often found
contract, the stylets fit together like the closed blades of living in the tubes of Alvine/In po111pejnnn and may also
a scissors. The sty lets are thrust into the host, and when be eating the bacteria or possibly preying on the worm
the muscles relax they open and anchor the parasite to itself (Figure 14.11D).
the fish (Figure 14.11C). The Pacific hydrocoral Alloporn Over 80 species of gutless n1arine clitellates, all
cnlifornicn typically harbors colonies of the spionid in the family Naididae, have been described in shal­
Polydorn alloporis, whose paired burrow openings are low coral-sand habitats and in anaerobic, sulfide-rich
often mistaken for the hydrozoan's polyp cups. subsurface sediments. These worms typically harbor
A most unusual symbiotic relationship exists b e ­ a range of coexisting subcuticular symbiotic bacteria
tween the strange ampharetid Pompeii worm (Alvine/In (up to five species), whose precise role in the host's
pompejnnn; named after the deep-sea submersible Alvin) nutritional regimen is not yet fully understood. The
and a variety of n,arine chen,oautotrophic sulfur bac­ endosymbiotic bacteria are clearly in,portant to the
teria. Alvine/la is a notable member of deep hydrother­ worn1s; they are passed to the fertilized eggs during
mal vent communities of the East Pacific Rise (Figure oviposition from storage areas next to the female's
14.11D). It lives closer to the hot water extrusions than gonopore.
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 555

Digestion The gut of annelids is constructed on Toward the posterior end of the gut, there may be
a basic plan of foregut, mjdgut, and hmdgut; some additional secretory cells that produce mucus, which
examples are shown in Figure 14.12. The foregut is a is added to the undigested 1naterial during the forma­
stomodeum and includes the buccal capsule or tube, tion of fecal pellets. Food is moved along the midgut
the pharynx, and at least the anterior portion of the by cilia and by peristaltic action of gut muscles, usu­
esophagus. It i s lined with cuticle, and the teeth or ally comprising both circular and longitudinal layers.
jaws, when present, are derived from scleroprotein A short rectum connects the mjdgut to the anus, locat­
produced along this lining. The jaws are often hard­ ed on the pygiditun. A variety of digestive enzymes
ened with calcium carbonate or metal compounds. are known from different species. Predators tend to
When present, the eversible portion of this foregut (the produce proteases, herbivores largely carbohydrases.
proboscis) is derived from the buccal tube or the phar­ So1ne omnivorous forms (e.g., Nereis virens) produce
ynx. Various glands are often associated with the fore­ a mixture of proteases, carbohydrases, lipases, and
gut, including poison glands (glycerids), esophageal even cellulase. Digestion is predominantly extracellu­
glands (nereidids and others), and mucus-producing lar in the midgut lumen, although intracellular diges­
glands in several groups. In earthworms the posteri­ tion is known in some groups (e.g., Arenicola). Some
or esophagus often bears enlarged regions forming a annelids harbor symbiotic bacteria in their guts that
crop, where food is stored, and one or more muscular aid in the breakdo\vn of cellulose and perhaps other
gizzards liJ1ed with cuticle and used to mechanjcally con,pounds.
grind ingested material. The esophagus of many clitel­
Jates also has tluckened portions of the wall in which Circulation and Gas Exchange
are located lamellar evaginations lined with glandu­ Given the relatively large size of many anneJjds, the
lar tissue. (Figure 14.128,G). These calciferous glands compartmentalization of their coelomic chambers, and
ren,ove calciu1n fro1n ingested material. The excess the fact that only certain portions of tl,eir gut absorb
calcium is precipitated by the glands as calcite and digested food products, it is essential that a circulatory
then released back into the gut lumen. Calcite is not mechanism be present for internal transport and distri­
absorbed by the intestinal wall and so passes out of the bution of nutrients. Furthermore, many annelids have
body via the anus. In addition, the calciferous glands their gas exchange structures limited to particular body
apparently regulate the level of calcium ions and c a r ­ regions; thus they depend on the circulatory system for
bonate ions in the blood and coelomic fluids, thereby internal transport of gases.
buffering the pH of those fluids. It is easiest to understand the circulatory system
The endodermally-derived midgut generally in­ of annelids by considering it in concert with their gas
cludes the posterior portion of the esophagus and a exchange structures, which are remarkably varied. In
long, straight intestine, the anterior end of which may many annelids that lack appendages, the entire body
be modified as a storage area, or stomach. The rnidgut surface functions i n gas exchange (e.g., lumbrinerids,
may be relatively smooth, or its surface area may be oenonids). Some of the active epibenthic forms uti­
increased by folds, coils, or many large evaginations Jjze hjghly vascul.arized portions of the parapodia as
(or ceca). The rnidgut is often histologically differenti­ gills. Special gas exchange structures, or branchiae,
ated along its length. Typically, the anterior midgut are fow1d in the form of trunk filrunents (cirratulids,
(stomach or anterior intestine) contains secretory cells orbiniids), anterior gills (ampharetids, terebellids), and
that produce digestive enzyn,es. The secretory mid­ tentacuJar, or branchial, crowns on the head (sabellids,
gut grades to a more posterior absorptive region. In serpulids, and siboglinids). Since the blood generally
many terrestrial clitellate species, the surface area of carries respiratory pigments, the anaton1y of the circu­
the intestine is enlarged by a middorsal groove called latory system has evolved along with the structure and
the typhlosole. Associated with the midgut of many location of these gas exchange structures.
clitellates, and some other a1melids as well, are mass­ We again begin our examination witl, a hon1ono­
es of pign1ented cells called chloragogen cells. These n1ous a1melid, such as Nereis, in which the parapodia
modified peritoneal cells contain greenish, yellowish, are more or less similar to one another and the notopo­
or brownish globules that impart the characteristic d ia function as gills. The major blood vessels include a
coloration to this chloragogenous tissue. This tissue middorsal longitudinal vessel, which carries blood an­
lies within the coelom, but is pressed tightly agamst teriorly, and a rnidventral vessel, which carries blood
the visceral peritoneum of the intestinal wall and posteriorly. Exchange of blood between these vessels
typhlosole. Chloragogenous tissue serves as a site of occurs through posterior and anterior vascular net­
intermediary metabolisn, (e.g., synthesis and stor­ works and serially arranged segmental vessels (Figure
age of glycogen and lipids, deanunation of proteins). 14.13A). Anterior vessel networks are especially well
It also plays a 1najor role in excretion, as discussed developed around the muscular pharynx and the re­
below. gion of the cerebral ganglion.
556 Chapter Fourteen

(A) (B) Mouth (C) Prostomium

.;---Stomach ., nerve cord
segments ii
• ••

') ,,

'' -.' Body wall
....- s

.•,,. Midgut \. �
Esophageal ,, .. �\\:
4--:!--1---z- Pharynx
gland ..

., �.
!� } '
"' .. • \'
Esophagu s <i ',
.._ : .



.•. Sc.,.



,;- --Rectum

Retractor Intestine

Gut Lateral vessels (F)

Ventral vessel Buccal cavity---
(D) Buccal capsule Pharynx ---- il

Gizzard ___



PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 557

(G) Prostomium Figure 14.12 Annelid digestive systems. (A) A dissected

nereidid (dorsal view). Note the regional specialization of
�/ the anterior gut. (B) The simple tubular gut of Owen/a. (C)
A dissected Glycera (dorsal vi ew). (0) The multicecate gut
Cerebral of Aphrodita. (E) The coi led digestive tract of Petta. (F) The
ganglion digestive tract of Eisen/a foetida (Lumbricidae in dorsal view;
note the marked regional special ization; hindgut not shown).
(G) The foregut of Lumbricus. Note the positional relation•
ship of the anterior gut regions to other organs.

funnel /i( Testis
�P.--Oviductal funnel
Ovary li Sperm duct
Ovisac ;aaa;;r--c,op

the blood and the tissues take place through capillary
beds supplied by afferent and efferent vessels. Blood
flows posteriorly in ventral and subneural vessels and
anteriorly in the dorsal vessel; exchange between the
dorsal and ventral vessels occurs in each segment, as
shown in Figure 14.13E.
There are many variations on the basic circulatory
schemes outlined above, and we mention only a few
t o illustrate the diversity within annelids. Drasbc dif­
ferences are present even among annelids of gener­
ally similar body forms. Among the homonomous
The movement of blood in Nereis depends on the a c ­ forms, for example, the circulatory system 1nay be r e ­
tion of the body wall muscles and on intrinsic muscles duced (e.g., Phyllodocidae), or lost (e.g., Capitellidae,
in the walls of the blood vessels, especially the large Glyceridae, and Sipuncula). In some cases, reduchon is
dorsal vessel. There are no special hearts or other probably associated with small size. This hypothesis,
pun1ping organs. The blood passing through the vari­ however, cannot be applied to capitellids and glycer­
ous segmental vessels supplies the body wall muscles, ids, many of which are large and quite active. In these
gut, nephridia, and parapodia, as illustrated in Figure worms and some others, the circulatory syste1n is
14.13A. Note that the oxygenated blood is being re­ greatly reduced and has become fused with remnants
turned to the dorsal vessel, thus maintaining a primary of the coelom. The coelom of glycerids and capitel­
supply of oxygen to the anterior end of the anin1al, in­ lids contain red blood cells (with hemoglobiJ1). Since
cluding the feeding apparatus and cerebral ganglion. glycerids have incomplete septa, the coelomic fluid
In L11111bric11s and many clitellates, three main longi­ can pass among segments, moved by body activities
tudinal blood vessels extend most of the body length and ciliary tracts on the peritoneu1n. ln their burrow­
and are connected t o one another in each segment ing lifestyle, enlarged parapodial gills or delicate ante­
by additional segn1entally arranged vessels (Figure rior gills would be disadvantageous; thus the general
14.13E,F). The largest longitudinal blood vessel is the body surface has probably taken over the funcbon of
dorsal vessel; the wall of thjs vessel is quite thjck and gas exchange and the coelom the funcbon of circula­
muscular, and provides much of the pumping force tion. A similar phenomenon has probably occurred in
for blood movement. Suspended in the mesentery b e ­ Sipw1cula.
neath the gut is the longitudinal ventral vessel. The Compared with Nereis or Lumbricus, many annelids
third longitudinal vessel lies ventral to the nerve cord display additional blood vessels, modification of v e s ­
and is called the subneural vessel. Exchanges between sels, differences in blood flow patterns, and formabon
the longitudinal vessels occur in each segment through of large sinuses. As might be predicted, some stri.kiJ1g
various routes supplying the body wall, gut, and n e ­ differences are seen among certain heteronomous a n ­
phridia (Figure 14.13F). Most of the exchanges between nelids with reduced parapodia and anteriorly located
558 Chapter Fourteen

Figure 14.13 Annelid circula­ (A) Dorsolateral vessel

tory and gas exchange systems. Septum Capillaries
Variations from the basic plan Notopodium
include additional vessels, sinuses
associated with the foregut, and
branchial vessels serving anterior
g ills. (A) A segment and parapo­
dium (cutaway view) of a nereid.
Note the major blood vessels Intestinal
and blood flow pattern (arrows). vessels
Blood flows anteriorly in the d o r ­
sal vessel and posteriorly in the
ventral vessel. In such annelids
the flattened parapodia serve as �...___.,,
gills. (B-F) Circulatory patterns
in an aren icolid (BJ, a terebellid
(CJ, a serpulid (DJ, and Lumbricus Ventrolateral vessel Neuropodium
(Clitellata). (E) Anterior blood
vessels (lateral view) and (F) the
circulatory pattern in one segment (BJ
- �\
Segmental vessels

(cross section).

branchiae (e.g., terebellids, sabellids, and

t t
serpuHds). In n1any of these worms, in �
the region of the stomach and anterior -=;z;:::=-_---L---_.).,,..---,,:-:..:::-�<;:
intestine, the dorsal vessel is replaced by Tenth gill First gill Right blood pump
a voluminous blood space called the gut
sinus (Figure 14.13C,D). Usually, the dor­ Dorsal vessel Esophageal vessel
(CJ Dorsal ring vessel
sal vessel continues anteriorly from this Afferent
sinus and it often forms a ring connecting Subintestinal branchial
vessel vessel
with the main ventral vessel. In the sabel-
lids and serpulids, a single, blind-ended
vessel extends into each branch.ial tentacle.

- -- -f /
Blood flows in and out of these branchial
vessels that, in some forms (e.g., serpu­ :-; :-.
lids), are equipped with valves that pre­
vent backflow into the dorsal vessel. Thjs
vessel - - ◄

Ventral Median
twow - ay flow of blood within single ves­
Supra neural Lateral vessel Ventral vessel Efferent
sels is quite different from the capillary vessel vessel ring vessel branchial
exchange system in most closed vascular ves-�el
systems. A few clitellates possess exten­ Branchial

£ .
Thoracic membrane vessel

sions of the body wall that increase the Gut sinus Dorsal
surface area and ftu1ction as simple gills vessel
(e.g., Brnncl1iurn, Dero), but most exchange
�=-.-,,,. _t_ I .."" __, . .
gases across the general body surface.
Specialized pumping structures have
- -· I '
evolved in a number of annelids. They ,.... ..,·; ••! •··• •\ .
are especially well developed in certain vessel
tube-dv,elling forms where they compen­
sate for the reduced effect of general body Esophageal Circumesoph<1sgeal
Ventral vessel
movements on circulation. These struc­ plexus vessel
tures, sometimes called hearts, are often
little more than an enlarged and muscu-
larized portion of one of the usual vessels; the dorsal A variety of similar structures are known among other
muscular vessel of chaetopterids is such a structure. annelids.
Terebellids possess a "pumping station" at the base Most annelids contain respiratory pigment within
of the gills that functions to maintain blood pressure their circulatory fluid, which is generally acellular.
and flow within the branchial vessels (Figure 14.13B). Those without any such pigment include some very
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 559

(E) into cells is probably a mechanism to

Lateral Dorsa I vessel Dorsosubneural vessel
prevent the serious osn1otic effects
esophageal that would result from large num­
. � , . · .'.. bers of free dissolved molecules in the
body fluid. Corpuscular coelomic he-
1noglobins tend to be of much smaller
molecular sizes than those dissolved
in the blood plasma. The significance
of this difference is not clear, but in
the case of arenicolids it could be re­
Buccal Grcumc>sophogeal Ventral vessel Subneural vessel lated to oxygen challenges as these
cavity vessels
worms often burrow in low-oxygen
(F) The types of respiratory pigments
Dorsal vessel Afferent typhlosolar vessel
Dorsoiotes�nal vessel and their disposition within the body
of annelids are related at least in
part to the lifestyles. As discussed in
Chapter 4, different pigments-even
different forms of the san,e pigment­
Perienteric plexus
have different oxygen loading and
unloading cl1aracteristics. The nature
of the pigments in a particular worm
reflects its ability to store oxygen and
then release it during periods of envi­
ronmental oxygen depletion. A n u m ­
ber of intertidal burrowing anneUds
take up and store oxygen during high
tides ru1d dissociate the stored oxygen
during low tides. This sort of physi­
ological cycle ameliorates the poten­
tial stress of oxygen depletion in the
body during low tide periods. S01ne
Ventral vessel capillaries have n1ore than one pigment type; for
Nerve cord example, one form of hemoglobin for
Efferent normal conditions and another form
Subneural vessel nephridial
vessel that stores oxygen and releases it dur­
Lateral neural vessel
ing periods of stress. Some annelids
(e.g., Euzonus) can actually convert to
anaerobic metabolic pathways during
small forms and various syllids, phyllodocids, poly­ extended periods of anoxic conditions. Many terresh·iaJ
noids, aphroditids, Chnetopterus, a11d a few others. When clitellates are capable of sufficient gas exchru1ge only
a pigment is present, it is usually so1ne type of hemo­ when exposed to air; they will dro�vn if submerged.
globin, although chlorocruorin is common in some fami­ (Remember, air contains far more oxygen than water.)
lies (e.g., certain flabelligetids, sabellids, and serpulids), We have all seen earthworms crawling about the sur•
and hemerythi-in occurs in n1agelonids, the latter now face following a heavy rain. One particular species of
seen as one of the earliest branching a1melid clades. earthworn1 (Alnin e111i11i) has evolved a ren1arkable ad­
Magelonidae are also interesting in that their blood con­ aptation that allows it to survive the rainy season in its
tains cells (corpuscles). Some anneHds have more than East African habitat. When rains cause its burrow to
one type of pigment; for example, the blood of some ser­ flood, the worm moves to the surface of the soil and
pulids contains both hemoglobin and chlorocruorin. forms a temporary opening. The worm then projects
Annelid respiratory pigments may occur in the its posterior end out truough the opening and rolls
blood itself, the coelornic fluid, or both. With a fe,,v ex­ the sides of the body wall into a pair of folds, forming
ceptions, blood pigments occur in solution and coelo­ an open chamber that serves as a kind of "lung." The
mic pigments ai-e contained within corpuscles. The lat­ highly vascularized posterior epithe!iUin enhances the
ter situation is generally associated with reduction or exchange of gases. A number of aquatic clitellates cru1
loss of the circulatory system (as in glycerids). The in­ tolerate periods of lo,,v available oxygen and even an­
corporation of coelornic pigments, usually hemoglobin, oxic conditions for short periods of time.
560 Chapter Fourteen

Excretion and Osmoregulation As described in Chapter 4, the open nephTostomes

In Chapter 4 we djscussed nephridial organs in in­ of n1etanephridja nonselectively pick up coelo1nic flu­
vertebrates. Thus far, ,,ve have seen various types of ids. This action is followed by resorption of materials
protonephridia, especially among the acoelomate frorn the nephridium back into the body, either directly
and certain blastocoelomate Metazoa. In annelids, into the surrounding coelomic fluid, or into the blood
metanephridia are found and these structures c o m ­ in cases where extensive nephridial blood vessels aTe
monly pass through a protonephridial stage during present (e.g., in some nereidids and in aphroditids).
their development. Most annelids possess some type In either case the composition of the urine is quite dif­
of metanephridia, often serially arranged as one pair ferent from that of the body fluids; the difference indi­
per segment, with the pore in the segment posterior to cates a significant amount of physiological selectivity
the nephrostome. However, variations on thls theme along the length of the nephridium.
are many and protonephridia (secondarily derived Osmoregulation presents little problem for subtidal
in the sense that they do not fully develop into meta­ marine annelids living in relatively constant osmotic
nephridia and arrest at the protonephridial stage) are conditions. Intertidal and estuarine forms, however,
found i n sotne adult annelids. The success of an ani­ must be able to withstand periods of stress associated
mal with segmentally arranged isolated coelomic c o n 1 - with fluctuations in environmental salinities. Many
partments depends on the physical and physiological species are osmoconformers (e.g., Arenicola), allowing
maintenance of those separate segn1ents. The removal the tonicity of their body fluids to fluctuate with chang­
of n1etabolic wastes (predominantly ammonia) and the es in the environmental salinity. Most annelid osrno­
regulation of osmotic and ionic balance must occur in conformers have relatively simple metanephridia, with
each functionally isolated coelomic chamber. (See also comparatively short nephridioducts and correspond­
the discussion and figures pertaining to excretion and ingly weaker resorptive and regulatory capacities.
osmoreguJation in Chapter 4). While it was once as­ Some also have relatively thin body walJ n1usculature,
sun1ed that annelids had separately derived excretory and the body swells when in a hypotonic medium. It
(nephridial) and gonoduct (coelomoduct) systems, the is likely that burrowers and tube dwellers face less os­
evidence now appears to suggest that the ducts exiting n1otic stress than epibenthic forms, because the v.•ater
the body are for the most part nephridial only, but may in their tubes may be less subject to ionic variation than
serve both for excretion and spawning of gametes. the overlying water. Osmoregulators, such as a number
Protonephridia are found in certain adult annelids of estuarine nereidids, often have thicker body walls
mostly in groups within Phyllodocida, and these ap­ that tend to resist changes i n shape and volume. When
pear to actually be n1etanephridia that have altered water enters the body from a hypotonic surrounding,
their development such that the funnel opening to the the increased hydrostatic pressure generated v,ithin
coelom connects to a nephridioduct (Figure 14.14A) the coelom works against that os,notic gradient.In ad­
that also leads to some flame cells. However, the vast dition, regulators are able to maintain (within limits) a
majority of annelids possess paired metanephridia that more or less constant internal fluid tonicity because of
each open to the coelom via a ciliated nephrostome. In the greater selective capabilities of their n1ore complex
a few annelids (e.g., capitellids), both metanephridia nephridia.
and separate coelomoducts occur, but in most there Ionic- and osmoregulation are major challenges for
are metanephridia only. In certain annelid groups with annelids in freshwater and terrestrial habitats, and few
incon1plete or missing septa, the nun1ber of nephridia evolutionary lineages have solved these proble1ns, the
is reduced. In some, such as TerebelJjformia, anterior main example being the Clitellata. The n1oist, perme­
nephridia are excretory only, whereas i n the posterior able surface necessary for gas exchange, and the se­
region of the body, where the gametes are formed, ne­ vere osmotic gradients across the body wall, present
phridia are used for both spawning and presumably potentially serious problems of water loss to terrestrial
also excretion. The extreme case of is found in forn1s, and of \Yater gain to freshwater forms. Both
groups such acrocirrids, cirratulids, serpulids, sibogli­ situations threaten the loss of precious diffusible salts.
nids, and sabellids where there is a single anterior pair Passive diffusion of water and salts also occurs across
of large excretory metanephridia. In sabellids and ser­ the gut wall. The major organs of water and salt bal­
pulids these lead to a single fused nephridioduct and ance in freshwater annelids are, of course, the nephrid­
conunon pore behind the head (Figure 14.14C). A typi­ ia. Excess water is excreted and salts are retained by se­
cal clitellate nephridium is composed of a preseptal lective and active resorption along the nephridioduct.
nephrosto1ne (either open to the coelom or secondarily The problem in terrestrial species is more serious.
closed as a bulb), a short canal that penetrates the sep­ Surprisingly, earthworms are not absolute osn1oregu­
tum, and a postsegmental nephridioduct that is vari­ lators; rather, they lose and gain water according to the
ably coiled and son1etirnes dilated as a bladder (Figure amount of water in their environment. Various spe­
14.14D). The nephridiopores are usually located ven­ cies can tolerate a loss of 20 to 75% of their body water
trolaterally on body segments. and still recover. Under normal conditions, water
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 561

Protonephridia (B)

---Common nephridiopore

Nephrostome �
I' '
; ·/ �
i" 0,---Nephridioduct

- - - +----'!)'lJ
,, . i

• I
• 'I
I !
� Excretory sac

Figure 14.14 Annelid nephridia. (A) A protonephrid ium

(D) o f a phyllodocid. Here a cluster of solenocytic protone­
Muscular tube phridia sits atop a nephridioduct that has a side funnel.
or bladder (B) A metanephridium of a spionid. (C) A single p ai r of
nephri dia joined to a common duct in a serpulid. (D) A
single nephridium and its relat ionship to a septum in
:, Lumbricus (Clitellata). Evidence suggests that earthworm
nephri dia are h ighly selective excretory and osmoregula­
tory units. The nephri dioduct is regionally specialized

along its length. The narrow tube receives body fluids and
various solutes, f irst from the coelom through the nephro­
stome and then from the blood via capillaries that lie adja­
cent t o the tube. In addition to various forms of nitrog­
enous wastes (ammonia, urea, uri c acid), certain coelomic
proteins, water, and ions (Na+, K+, Cl") are also picked
up. Apparently, the wide tube serves as a site of selective
reabsorption (probably into the blood) of proteins, ions,
Nephrostome and water, leaving the urine rich in nitrogenous wastes.

• I

conservation by earthworms is probably accomplished nonselective from the coelom (in those worms with
in several ways. The production of urea allows the ex­ open nephrostomes), and partly selective across the
cretion of a relatively hypertonic urine compared ·,vi th walls of the nephridioduct from the afferent nephridial
that of a strictly ammonotelic animal. There may also blood vessels. A significant an1ount of selective resorp­
be active uptake of water and salts from food across the tion occurs into the efferent blood flow along the distal
gut wall. Certainly there are behavioral adaptations for portion of the nephridioduct, facilitating efficient ex­
remaining in relatively moist environments, in addi­ cretion as well as ionic and osmoregulation.
tion to the physiological adaptations that allow these
animals to tolerate temporary partial dehydration of Nervous System and Sense Organs
their bodies. The central nervous system in annelids (as in proto­
Aquatic clitellates are ammonotelic, but most terres­ stomes in general) includes a dorsal cerebral ganglion,
trial forms are at least partially ureotelic. These wastes paired circu1nenteric connectives, and one or more
are transported to the nephridia via the circulatory ventral longitudinal nerve cords (Figure 14.15). The
system and by diffusion through the coelomic fluid. nervous system of Magelonidae, one of the groups
Uptake of materials into the nephridial lumen is partly near the base of the annelid tree, is unusual in that,
562 Chapter Fourteen

(A) Antenna (D)



Pedal ganglion of Subpharyngeal Pedal gangtion of firsl lnfraesophageal
peristomfal cirri ganglion parapodial segment sympathetic
connectives �
Lateral giant fiber ganglion
Paramcdial giant fiber
Dorsal giant fiber
Ventral nerve cord

Dorsal integumentary


Septum Figure 14.15 Annelid nervous systems.

(A) The anteri or part of the nervous system of
Nereis (dorsal view). Note the innervation of
Pedal ganglion
head appendages and parapodia of the first
segment. (B) The ventral nerve cord in the
trunk of Nereis. Note that while the bulk of any
single ganglion lies within one segment, each
ganglion actually serves two segments, and
thus each segment is supplied with nerves
from two adjacent ganglia. Also, note the giant
nerve fibers. (C) Lateral view of a generalized
Parapodial nerve annelid nervous system. Note that the cerebral
ganglion is located within the prostomium,
unlike the condition in clitellate annel ids (see
Dorsomedial nerve Lateral intersegmental nerve F). (D, E) Some details of the anteri or nervous
systems of a eunicid, Eunice (D, lateral view;
Dorsolateral nerve
E, dorsal view). The cerebral ganglion is spe­
cialized into fore-, mid-, and hindbrain. (F) The
nervous system of the clitellate Lumbricus in
lateral view. Note that the cerebral ganglion
is located behind the head, a development
apparently associated with a reduction in the
size of the prostomium.
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 563

Segm�ntal stomatogastric nerves associated with the
ganglion nerves foregut, especially with the operation of the
proboscis or pharynx. The circumenteric
connectives often bear ganglia from which
nerves extend to the peristomial cirri, or else
these appendages are innervated by nerves
from the subenteric ganglion. The suben­
teric ganglion appears to exhibit excitatory
control over the ventral nerve cord(s) and
segmental ga11glia.
The nerves that arise fro1n the segmental
Mouth ,,-...-
ganglia innervate the body wall muscula­
ture and parapodia (via the pedal ganglia),
Circumpharyngeal ., . ·"
Nerve cord a11d the digestive tract. The ventral nerve
cord and sometimes the lateral nerves of
most aimelids contain some extren1ely long
unlike most annelids, it is largely intraepidermal and neurons, or giant fibers, of large diameter; these neu­
this mjght represent the primitive condition for the rons facilitate rapid, "straight-through" in1pulse con­
phylum. Another annelid group near the base of the duction, bypassing the ganglia (Figure 14.156). Giant
tree, Oweniidae, has basioepithlial nerve cords, while fibers are apparently lacking in some aiu1elids (e.g., syl­
almost all other annelids have subepidermal nerve lids), but are well developed in tube dwellers, such as
cords. sabellids and serpulids, permitting rapid contraction of
The cerebral ganglion of annelids is usually bilobed the body ai1d retraction into the tube. The central ner­
and lies within the prostomium. One or two pairs of vous systen1 of clitellates consists of the usual aimelid
circumenteric connectives extend from the cerebral components: a supraenteric cerebral ganglion joined
ganglion around the foregut and unite ventrally in the to a ganglionated ventral nerve cord by circumenteric
subenteric ganglion. Commonly, a pair of longitudinal connectives and a subenteric ganglion (Figure 14.15).
nerve cords arises from the subenteric ganglion and With the reduction in head size, especially of the p r o ­
extends the length of the body and these two separate stomium, the cerebral ganglion occupies a more poste­
trunks withm the ventral cord has traditionally been rior position than in the other aimelids, often lying as
viewed as the primitive condition. Ganglia are ar­ far back as the third body segment. The paired ventral
ranged along these nerve cords, one pair in each s e g ­ nerve cords are almost always fused as a single tract
ment, and are connected by transverse cornmissures. in clitellates, and it usually contains some giant fibers,
Lateral nerves extend from each ganglion to the body especial! y in leeches.
wall and each bears a so-called pedal ganglion. This Annelids show a11 impressive array of sensory re­
double nerve cord arrangement is comn1on in certain ceptors. As would be expected, the kinds of sense
groups of annelids, including sabellids and serpulids, organs present and the degree of their develop1nent
though these are highly derived aiu1elids. lnterestingly, vary greatly among aimelids with different lifestyles.
in amphinomids, which are found toward the base Certainly, the requirements for particular sorts of sen­
of the annelid tree, there are four longitudinal nerve sory infonnation are not the for a tube-dwelling
cords, a medial pair and a lateral pair, the latter c o n ­ sabellid as they are for an errant predatory nereidid or
necting the pedal gai1glia. Similar, but perhaps nonho­ a burrowing arenicolid.
mologous, lateral longitudinal cords appear in some In general, annelids are highly touch-sensitive.
other annelid taxa that are considered to be relatively Crawlers, tube dwellers, and burrowers depend on tac­
derived. In n1any other aiu1elids there has been fusion tile reception for interaction with their inunediate s u r ­
of the medial nerve cords to form a single midventral roundings (locomotion, anchorage within their tube,
longitudinal cord. The degree of fusion varies among and so on). Touch receptors are distributed over mucl1
taxa, and some retain separate nerve tracts withln the of the body surface but are concentrated in such areas
single cord. as the head appendages and parts of the parapodia.
The cerebral ganglion is often specialized into three The chaetae are also typically associated with sensory
regions, typically called the forebrain, midbrain, and neurons and serve as touc11 receptors. Some burrowers
hindbrain. Generally, the forebrain innervates the pro­ and tube dwellers have such a strong positive response
stomial palps, the midbrain the eyes and prostomial to contact with the walls of their burrow or tube that
antennae or tentacles, a11d the hi.ndbrain the chemosen­ the response dominates all other receptor input. So1ne
sory nuchal organs (Figure 14. lSA,D,E). The circumen­ of these annelids will remain in their burrow or tube
teric connectives arise from the fore- and midbrains. regardless of other stimuli that would normally pro­
The midbrain also gives rise to a complex of motor duce a negative response.
564 Chapter Fourteen





Optic nerve

(F) (G)


Figure 14.16 Annelid photoreceptors and nuchal eyes, similar to, but convergently evo lved to those seen
organs. (A) Simple pigment cup eye of a chaetopterid. in arthropods. This pair of compound eyes allows the
(B) Lensed pigment cup eye of a nereid. (G) A complex worm to detect potent ial predators and safely wi thdraw
eye (section) of an alciopid (Vanadis). (D) Anterior end of into the tube. (F) Nuchal organs of Notomastus. (G) SEM
an alciopin phyllodocid (ventral v iew) showing the large of Prosco/op/os (Orbiniidae) showing nuchal organs on the
eye lobes. (E) Megalomma (Sabellidae) has compound prostomium.

Most annelids possess photoreceptors, although they may be quite complex, with a distinct refractive
these structures are Jacking in many burrowers (Figure body or lens (Figure 14.16A-C). In nearly all cases, the
14.16). The best-developed annelid eyes occur i n pairs eye units are covered by a modified section of the cu­
on the dorsal surface of the prostomium. In some there ticle that functions as a cornea. The eyes of most a1me­
is a single pair of eyes (e.g., most phyllodocids); in lids are capable of transmitting information on light di­
many there are two or n1ore pairs (e.g., nereidids, poly­ rection and intensity, but in certain pelagic forms (e.g.,
noids, hesionids, 1nany syllids). These prostonlial eyes alciopin phyllodocids) the eyes are huge and possess
are direct pigment cups. They may be simple depres­ true lenses capable of accommodation and perhaps
sions in the body surface lined with retinular cells, or image perception (Figure 14.16C,D).
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 565

In addition to, or instead of, the prostomial eyes, Reproduction and Development
some annelids bear photoreceptors on other parts of Regeneration and asexual reproduction A11nelids
the body. A few species bear simple eyespots along the show various degrees of regenerative capabilities.
length of the body (e.g., the opheliid Polyopl1t'1n/11111s). Nearly all of them are capable of regenerating lost
Pygidial eyespots occur in newly settled sabellariids appendages such as palps, tentacles, cirri, and parapo­
and some adult fabriciids (e.g., Fnbricia) and sabellids dia. Most of then1 can also regenerate posterior body
(small ones such as A111phiglena). Interestingly, in these segments if the trunk is severed. There are numerous
cases the animals crawl backward. Many sabellids and exceptional cases of the regenerative po,,vers of anne­
serpulids possess simple ocelli, or even compound lids. While regeneration of the posterior end is com­
eyes remarkably similar to those of arthropods, on the mon, most carmot regenerate lost heads. However,
branchial crown tentacles, and they react to sudden d e ­ sabellids, syllids, and so1ne others can regrow the
creases in light intensity by retracting into their tubes anterior end. The most dramatic regenerative pow­
(Figure 14.16£.). This "shadow response" helps these ers among the annelids occur, oddly, in a few forms
sedentary worms avoid predators and can easily be with highly specialized and heteronomous bodies. In
demonstrated by passing one's hand to cast a shadow Cliaetopter11s, for example, the anterior end will regen­
over a live worm. erate a nonnal posterior end as long as the regenerating
Nearly all annelids are sensitive to dissolved chemi­ part (the anterior end) includes not more than fourteen
cals in their environo1ent. Most of the chen1orecep­ segments; if the anin1al is cut behind the fourteenth
tors are specialized cells that bear a receptor process segment, regeneration does not occur. Furthermore,
extending through the cuticle. Sensory nerve fibers any single segment from among the first fourteen can
extend from the base of each receptor cell. Such sim­ regenerate anteriorly and posteriorly to produce a
ple chemoreceptors are often scattered over much of complete worm (Figure 14.17A). A n even more dra­
the \,vorm's body, but they tend to be concentrated on n1atic example of regenerative power is known among
the head and its appendages. Some annelids also p o s ­ certain species of Dodecaceria (Ci.rratulidae), ,,vhich are
sess ciliated pits or slits called nuchal organs, which capable of fragmenting their bodies into individual
are presumed to be chemosensory (Figure 14.16F,G). segments, each of which can regenerate a complete
These structures are typically paired and lie poste­ individual! A similar situation is seen in another cir­
riorly on the dorsal surface of the prostomiun1. In ratulid, Ctenodri/11s, where segments transforn1 into a
some forms (e.g., certain nereidids) the nuchal organs series of heads that then proliferate further segments
are simple depressions, whereas in others (e.g., oph­ behind, resulting in a chain of individuals that eventu­
eliids) they are rather complex eversible structures ally separates. A chain of six is shown in Figure 14.17B.
equipped with special retractor 1nuscles. In members Such clonal reproduction has been n1aintained by
of Amphino1nidae, the nuchal organs are elaborate Cte11odri/11s in culture for decades without any instanc­
outgrowths of an extension of the prostomium called es of sexual reproduction.
the caruncle. Regeneration appears to be controlled by neuro­
Statocysts are common in son,e burrowing and endocrine secretions released by the central nervous
tube-dwelling annelids (e.g., certain terebellids, a r ­ syste1n at sites of regrowth. It is initiated by severing
enicolids, and sabellids). A few forms possess several the elements of the nervous system. Initiation has been
pairs of statocysts, but most have just a single pair, lo­ demonstrated experimentally by cutting the ventral
cated near the head. These statocysts n1ay be closed or nerve cord while leaving the body intact; the result
open to the exterior, aJ1d the statoUth may be a secreted i s the formation of an extra part at the site of cutting
structure or formed of extrinsic material, such as sand (e.g., two "tails"). The actual med1ruusm of regenera­
grains. It has been demonstrated experimentally that tion has been studied in a variety of annelids and, al­
the statocysts of some annelids do serve as georecep­ though the results are not entirely consistent, a general
tors and help maintain proper orientation when the scenario can be outUned. Normal growth and addition
bearer is burrowing or tube building. of segments (in young worms) take place immedi­
A number of other structures of presumed sensory ately anterior to the pygidium, in a region known as
function occur in some annelids. These structures are the gro\,vth zone. However, this growth zone is obvi­
often in the form of ciliated ridges or grooves occurring ously not involved in regeneration. Rather, when the
on various parts of the body and associated with s e n ­ trunk is severed, the cut region heals over and then a
sory neurons. A variety of names have been applied to patch of generative tissue, or blastema, forms. The blas­
these structures, but in most cases their functions re­ tema comprises an inner mass of cells originating from
main unclear. Annelids also possess organs or tissues nearby tissues that were derived originally from me­
of neurosecretory or endocrine functions. Most of the soderm, and an outer covering of cells from ectoder­
secretions appear to be associated with the regulation n1ally derived tissues such as the epidermis. These two
of reproductive activities, as discussed in the follo,,ving cell masses act somewhat as a growth zone analogue,
section. proliferating new body parts according to their tissue
(A} (B) (C)

Parapodium ......__
of original
segment .,;

,� l





Figure 14.17 Regeneration, asexual reproduction, and

epitoky in annelids. (A) The remarkable regeneration of a
chaetopterid from a single excised segment (,n this case,
a fan parapodia segment). (B) Clonal reproduction in
Ctenodrilus (Cirratulidae). Body segments transform into
a seri es of heads that then proliferate further segments epitokous nereidid, known as a heteronereid, Nereis irro­
behind, resulting in a chain of indivi duals that eventually rata. Note the dimorphic condition of the anterior and pos­
separates. (C) A portion of sylli d (Sy//is ramosa, but also terio r parapodia. (G) Another syllid, Myrianida gidholmi,
occurs in Ramisy/lis) in which reproductive individuals where there are two epitokes being produced in a series.
are budded (cloned) from the parent's parapodia. (D) The The more mature epitoke (posterior) is full or eggs and
posterior end of Typosy//is, beari ng a cluster of epitokes. has enlarged eyes. (H) The epitokous palolo worm, Palo/a
(E) Another heteronereid. Note the enlarged eyes. (F) An viridis (Eunicidae).
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 567

origins. This process is coupled with the growth of the these forms, fertilization is internal, followed by brood­
gut, which contributes parts of endodermal origin. ing or by the production of floating or attached egg
In addition, research has shown that relatively u n ­ capsules. In most instances the embryos are released as
differentiated cells from mesenchyme-Like layers of the free-swimming lecithotrophic trochophor e s . Some spe­
body migrate to injured areas and contribute to vari­ cies brood their embryos on the body surface or in their
ous (and uncertain) degrees to the regenerative p r o ­ tubes.
cess. These so-called neoblast cells are ectomesodermal Many of the free-spawning annelids have evolved
in origin, because they arise embryonically from pre­ methods that ensure relatively high rates of fertiliza­
sumptive ectodern,. During regeneration, they appar­ tion. One of these methods is the fascinating phe­
ently contribute to tissues and structures normally a s ­ nomenon of epitoky, characteristic of many syllids,
sociated with true mesoderm, and perhaps other germ nereidids, and eunicids (Figure 14.17D-H). This phe­
layers as well. The implication here is that the germ nomenon involves the production of a sexually re­
layer of the precursor of a regenerated part may not productive worm called an epitokous individual.
correspond to the normal origin of that part. For exam­ Epitokous forn1s may arise from nonreproductive
ple, regenerated coelomic spaces may be lined with tis­ (atokous) animals by a transformation of an individual
sue derived originally from ectodenn rather than from worn1, as in nereidids, or by the asexual production of
mesoderm. nev.1 epitokous individuals, as in many syllids. So in
A number of anneli.ds use their regenerative p o w ­ nereidids, the whole body may transform into a sexual
ers for asexual reproduction. A few reproduce asexu­ epitokous individual called a heteronereid. In these
ally by multiple fragmentation. We mentioned above heteronereids the posterior body segments is swollen
the ability of Dodecncerin to regenerate complete indi­ and filled with gametes, their associated parapodia
viduals from isolated segments; this phenomenon oc­ become enlarged and natatory while the head devel­
curs spontaneously and naturally in these animals as ops large eyes and the gut atrophies (Figure 14.17E,F).
a highly effective reproductive strategy. Spontaneous In syllids, \-vhere the epitokous worn1 is donally pro­
transverse fragmentation of the body into two or s e v ­ duced, the epitokes are formed as single clone, in a
eral groups of segments also occurs in certain syl­ linear series (Figure 14.17G), or even as clusters of out­
lids, chaetopterids, cirratulids, and sabellids (Figure growths from particular body regions (Figure 14.17D).
14.17B). The point (or points) a t which the body f r a g ­ In any event, the epitokes are gamete-carrying bod­
ments is typically species-specific, and can b e antici­ ies capable of swimming from the bottom upward into
pated by an ingrowth of the epidermis that produces the v.•ater column, where the gametes are released.
a partition across the body called a macroseptum. Epitoky is controlled by neurosecretory activity, and
Asexual reproduction results in a variety of regenera­ the upward migration of the epitokes is precisely timed
tion patterns, including chains of individuals, budlike to synci1ronize spawning within a population. The re­
outgrowths, or direct growth to new individuals from productive swarming of epitokes is linked v.•ith lunar
isolated fragments. Asexual reproduction in annelids periodicity. This activity not only ensures successful
may b e under the same sort of neurosecretory control fertilization but establishes the developing embryos
as that postulated for n o n r- eproductive regeneration. in a planktonic habitat suitable for the larvae. Perhaps
the n1ost famous of the epitokous worms are euni­
Sexual reproduction The majority of annelids are cids in the genus Pnloln, commonly known as palolo
gonochoristic. Hermaphroditisn1 is known i.n son1e worms based on the Samoan nan1e for then,. Native
sabellids, serpulids, certain freshwater nereidids, and Polynesian islanders have long been known to predict
isolated cases in other clades, but is .notably found the swarming (typically to the day and hour) and col­
across all of Clitellata. The gametes arise by prolifera­ lect the ripe epitokes, which are the released posterior
tion of cells from the peritoneum, these being released end of the worm's body, under a full moon to feast on
into the coelon1 as gatnetogoni.a or primary gameto­ them (Figure 14.17H).
cytes. Formation of gametes n1ay occur throughout the Clitellates are hermaphroditic and the various parts
body or only in particular regions of the trunk. Within of the reproductive apparatus are restricted to par­
a reproductive segment, the production of gametes ticular segments, usually in the anterior portion of the
may occur all over the coelomic lining or only on spe­ worm (Figure 14.18). The arrangement of the reproduc­
cific areas. tive system facilitates mutual cross-fertilization fol­
The gametes generally mature within the coelom lowed by encapsulation and deposition of the zygotes.
and are released to the outside by mechanisms such as The male system includes one or two pairs of testes l o ­
metanephridia or a simple rupture of the parent body cated in one or two specific body segments. Sperm are
wall. Many species release eggs and sperm into the released from the testes into the coelornic spaces, where
water, where external fertilization is followed by in­ they mature or are picked up by storage sacs (seminal
direct development with planktotrophic trochophore vesicles) derived from pouches of the septa! perito­
larvae. Others display mixed li.fe hi.story patterns. 1n neum (Figure 14.18B). There may be a single seminal
568 Chapter Fourteen

(A) (13)
/.,::;;,_,, ;----- Prostomium 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
.. .. ..... ;:;;:;=;:;3:,::::::;::::;:;:;:7-�.,::;:::;_:;:;;:::;:::;,;-::::;:=,�3�q;-7��ef!��-Circular muscle
.. . - . Mouth

Ventral sctae
.. muscle

. .. .'
Spcrmathecal ., , . ,
.. apertures , Ovisac
Female aperture Oviduct
_, ,
Male aperture Sperm duel

Seminal groove

·· ___ Papilla Testis sac Seminal Ovary Male gonopore

Testis vesicle
... Spermatheca
.. .. Funnel of sperm duct Female gonopore
. . : ·�Clitell um
t :
.•- .

... (E) Cocoon forming

on clitellum


(D) Spcrmathecal Male gono pore Clitellu m


(H) (()
Sperm duct


Entrance to spermatheca
Figure 14.18 The reproductive system of Lumbricus male pores and travel along paired seminal grooves to the
(Clitellata) and mating in earthworms. (A) External struc­ spermathecal openings o f the mate. (E-G) An earthworm
tures associated with reproduction of Lumbricus (ventral forming and releasing a cocoon. As the cocoon slides
view). (BJ Segments 9 15- of Lumbricus (composite l ateral over the worm, it receives ova and sperm. (H) Engaged
view). (C,D) Copulating earthworms. (C) Pheretima trans­ copulatory apparatus of Rhynche/mis, a lumbri culid
fers sperm directly from the mal e pore, through a penis, with direct sperm transfer. (I) Copulating earthworms
into the mate's spermatheca. (D) Eisenia uses indirect (Lumbricus).
sperm transfer. As in Lumbricus, the sperm leave the
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 569

vesicle or as many as three pairs in some earthworms. produced around the clitellum and all the anterior s e g ­
When mature, the sperm are released from the senunal ments. Then the clitellum produces the cocoon itself
vesicles, picked up by ciliated seminal (sperm) funnels, i n the form of a leathery, proteinaceous sleeve. The
and carried by sperm ducts to paired gonopores. The cocoons of terrestrial species are especially tough and
female reproductive system consists of a single pair of resistant to adverse conditions. Albumin is secreted be­
ovaries located posterior to the n1ale system (Figures tween the cocoon and the clitellar stuface. The amount
14.12F and14.18B). Again, the ova are released into the of albumin deposited with the cocoon is much great­
adjacent coelomic space and sometimes stored until er in terrestrial species than in aquatic forms. Thus
mature in shallow pouches in the septa! wall called formed, the cocoon and underlying albumin sheath are
the ovisacs. Next to each ovisac is a ciliated fwmel that moved toward the anterior end of the worm by mus­
carries the mature ova to an oviduct and eventually to cular waves and backward n1otion of the body. As it
the female gonopore. Most clitellates also possess one moves along the body, the cocoon first receives eggs
or tv-10 or more pairs of blind sacs called spermathecae from the female gonopores, and then sperm previously
(seminal receptacles) that open to the outside via sepa­ received from the mate a.nd stored in the seminal recep­
rate pores (Figure 14.18A,B). tacles. Fertilization occurs within the albumin matrix
Of major importance to the overall reproductive inside the cocoon (though not in leeches, see below).
strategy of clitellates is the unique region of glandular The open ends of the cocoon contract and seal as they
tissue called the clitellum (Latin for "saddle") (Figu re pass off the anterior end of the body (Figure 14.18E-G).
14.18A,C-G,I), a principal anaton1ical feature giving Th.e closed cocoons are deposited in benthic debris by
rise to the name Clitellata. The clitellum has the appear­ aquatic clitellates. Terrestrial forms deposit their co­
ance of a thick sleeve that partially or completely en­ coons in the soil at various depths, the particular depth
circles the worm's body. It is formed of secretory cells depending on the moisture content of the substratum.
within the epidernus of particular segments. The exact
position of the clitellum and the number of seg111ents Development Early annelid development exempli­
involved are consistent within any particular species. fies a classic protostomous, spiralian pattern (Figures
In freshwater forms the clitellum is located around the 14.19-14.21. The eggs are telolecithal with small to
position of the gonopores, but in most earthworms it moderate quantities of yolk. Those with a period of
is posterior to the gonopores. There are three types of encapsulation or brooding prior to larval gen­
gland cells within the clitellwn, each secreting a differ­ erally contain more yolk than those that free spawn.
ent substance important to reproduction: mucus that In any case, cleavage is holoblastic and clearly spiral.
aids in copulation; the material fornting the outer cas­ A coeloblastu la 01� in the cases of n1ore yolky eggs, a
ing of the egg capsule (or cocoon); and albumin depos­ stereoblastula develops and w1dergoes gastrulation by
ited with the zygotes inside the cocoon. i.nvagination, epiboly, or a combination of these two
During copulation in most clitellates, the mat­ events. Gastrulation results in the internalization of the
ing worms align themselves facing in opposite direc­ presumptive endoderm (the 4A, 48, 4C, 4D and the 4a,
tions (Figure 14.18C-D,I) and mucous secretions fron1
the clitellum hold them in this copulatory posture.
Presumptive anterior ectoderm
Many clitellates position themselves so that the male
gonopores of one are aligned with the spermathecal
openings of the other. In such cases, special copula­ ld 1
Presumptive lb1 I a1 Presumptive
tory chaetae near the male pores or eversible penis-like prototroch posterior
structures aid in and1oring the mates together (Figure ectoderm
14.18H). Some Crassicilitellata earthworms are not so
accurate with their mating, and their copulatory po­ 2a
sition does not bring the male pores against the sper­ 2a
mathecal openings. Instead, they develop external 3b 2d
sperm grooves along whid1 the male gametes must
travel prior to entering the spermathecal pores. These
grooves are actually formed temporarily by muscle --- - - -- -_:_Ectoteloblast
contraction, and are covered by a sheet of mucus. ring
;,<---- Presumptive
Underlying muscles cause the grooves to undulate, ..,,,..__ telotroch
and the sperm are transported along the body to their Presumptive---i--·-s; Pygidium
destination. Following the mutual exchange of sperm ectomesoderm Presun,ptive
to the seminal receptacles of each Lnate, the ,,vorms sep­ Presumptive mesoderm
arate, each fwlctioning as an inseminated female. neurotroch
From several hours to a few days following copu­ Figure 14.19 Fate map of a Sco/op/os (Orbiniidae) blas­
lation between clitellate annelids, a sheet of mucus is tula (viewed from the left side).
570 Chapter Fourteen

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E)



5-0 µm
Figure 14.20 Some annelid larvae-trochophores and (Eunicidae) with first segment developing and showing
beyond. (A-C) Opposed-band planktotrophic trocho­ chaetae. (G) Some annelid larvae that show little, if any,
phores of serpul id polychaetes. (A) Spirobranchus gigan­ metamorphosis. After 9 days in the tube a young juvenile
teus (Serpulidae) trochophore showing complete gut (g), of Echinofabricla alata (Fabr iciidae), with a fully developed
apical tuft (a), eye (e), prototroch (p), and metatroch (m) radiolar crown and gut, as well as anterior and posterior
(differential interference contrast micrograph). (B) SEM of eyes, is ready to crawl away. (H-J) Others show dramatic
Spirobranchus giganteus trochophore in side view show­ metamorphosis. sometimes in just a few minutes as seen
ing apical tuft (a), episphere (epi), and prototroch (p). (C) here in Owenia (Oweniidae). (H) Lateral view of an owe­
SEM of Spirobranchus giganteus trochophore in posteri or niid mitraria larva taken from p lankton off Belize showing
vi ew showing prototroch (p), metatroch (m), and ciliated long larval chaetae and episphere with ciliated margin.
food groove (shown by arrow). (D) SEM of a planktonic (I) Close-up of mitraria episphere showing juvenile inside
6-segmented nectochaete larva of a chrysopetalid. (E) larval body. (J). Juvenile immediately after metamorphosis
SEM of a planktonic 5-segmented nectochaete larva of (taken only a few seconds after the previous micrograph).
a glycerid. (F) Lec ithotrophic trochophore of Marphysa Larval chaetae have been shed, as has the episphere.

4b, 4c cells) and presumptive mesoderm (the 4d m e s ­ body wall and the developing gut. As the endoderm
entoblast). The derivatives o f the first three micromere hollows to produce the archenteron, a stomodeal
quartets give rise to ectoderm and ectomesoderm, the invagination forms at the site of the blastopore and a
latter producing various larval muscles between the proctodeal invagination produces the hindgut.
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 571

(H) (I) expand as paired coelomic spaces, which

eventually obliterate the blastocoe!. Thus
the production of serially arranged c o e ­
lomic compartments and the formation
of segments are one and the same; the
anterior and posterior walls of adja­
cent coelomic compartments form the
intersegmental septa. Proliferation of
segments by this process is called telo­
blastic growth. Externally, additional
ciliary bands are added at each segn1ent.
These metatrochal bands aid in locomo­
tion as the animal increases in size. Such
seginented larvae are sometimes called
polytroch larvae.
The fates of the various larval regions
are now apparent (Figure 14.19, 14.21).
The region anterior to the prototrochal
ring (the episphere) becomes the p r o ­
stomium, while the prototrochal area
itself forms the peristomium. Note that
these tvvo parts are not involved in the
proliferation of segments and are thus
presegn1ental. However, in so1ne a i m e ­
lids, one or more of the anterior trunk
U) segments may be incorporated into the
peristomium during growth. The seg­
n1ental, metatrochal portion of the larva
In most annelids, these early ontogenetic events re­ forms the trunk, and the growth zone and postsegmen­
sult in a clearly recognizable trochophore larva char­ tal pygidium remain as the corresponding adult body
acterized by a locomotory ciliary band just anterior parts. The apical sense organ becomes the cerebral gan­
to the region of the mouth (Figures 14.20 and 14.21). glion, which is eventually joined with the developing
Trochophores are also seen in Mollusca and Nemertea ventral nerve cord by the formation of circumenteric
(and possibly some other phyla). This ciliary band, connectives. The body continues to elongate as more
the prototroch, arises from special cells, called trocho­ segments form, and the juvenile worm finally drops
blasts, of the first and second quartets of micromeres. from.the plankton and assun1es the lifestyle of a young
Most trochophores also bear a n apical ciliary tuft asso­ annelid. This whole affair was beautifully described in
ciated with an apical sense organ derived from a plate verse by the late Walter Garstang (1951), where he e x ­
of thickened ectoderm at the anterior end. ln addition, plained the development of Phyllodoce in the first part
there is often a perianal ciliary band calied the telotroch of his classic poem, "The Trochophores":
and/or a midventral band called the neurotroch. Some
The trochophores are larval tops the Annelids set spinning
trochophores may also have band called a metatroch.
The mesentoblast divides to form a pair of cells called With just a cilinted ring_,t lenst in the beginning­
teloblasts, which in turn proliferate a pair of mesoder­ Theyfeed, nndfeel an urgent need to groiu more like their
n1aJ bands, one on ead1 side of the archenteron in the nrothers,
region of the hindgut, an area known as the growth So sprout some segments on behind, first one, and the11
zone (Figure 14.21B). Many trochophores bear larval the others.
sense organs such as ocelli, as well as a pair of larval And si11ce more weight demands more power, each seg­
protonephridia. Many trochophores develop bundles ment hns to bring
of mobile chaetae, which are known to serve as a de­ Its co11trib11tion in an extrn locomotive ring:
fense against predators and to help retard sinking.
With these the larva swims with ease, a11d, adding s e g ­
Several annelid larvae are shown in Figure 14.20. ments more,
The larva grows and elongates by proliferation of tis­
sue i.n the growth zone (Figure 14.21C), while segments
Becomes II Polytroch11la instead o/Trocltophore.
are produced by the anterior proliferation of mesoderm Then setose bundles spro11t and grow, and the sequel can't
from the teloblast derivatives on either side of the gut. be hid:
These packets of mesoderm hollow (schizocoely) and The larv11/nils to pull its weight, and sinks-an Annelid.
572 Chapter Fourteen (C) Prostomium
�. .' . ': ..
. ''
(A) (8)
Apical tuft

Stomodeum ----,.i,
f:.13/ v;::?:
,''5< Midgut
,,t, _

� .
� .i;, '.

Growth zone

Figure 14.21 Growth of a trochophore larva. (A) Generalized cutaway
diagram of an early trochophore larva of Eteone (Phyllodocidae). Note the
teloblastic (4d) mesodermal bands destined t o form the metameric coelomic
spaces. (B,C) Two later stages in the development of Eteone. (B) Early-stage
segmentation. (C) Juvenile, showing the fates of the larval regions.
Caudal ci rrus __...t,Y

Clitellates produce telolecithal ova, but the amow1t these two groups are remarkably modified spiralian
of yolk varies greatly and inversely with the amount of clades embedded within the phylu.n1 Annelida. Sipun­
albumin secreted into the cocoon. The eggs of freshwa­ culans and eclliurans resemble one another in several
ter forms often contain relatively large an1ounts of yolk respects, although they are not closely related, and they
but are encased with only a small quantity of albumin. are often found in similar habitats. For these reasons,
Conversely, the eggs of terrestrial species tend to have biologists who find interest in one of these groups often
little yolk, but are supplied with large quantities of a l ­ study both. Sipunculans are never as abundant or i m ­
bumin on which the developing embryos depend for a port.ant ecologically as some other wonns, especial!y
source of nutrition. ln any case, cleavage is holoblastic the polycllaetes and nematodes. Nonetheless, they dis­
and unequal. And, although highly modified, evidence play body plans that are different from any we have
of the ancestral spiralian pattern is still apparent in cell discussed so far and provide important lessons in func­
placement and fates (e.g., an identifiable 4d mesento­ tional morphology-and thus deserve special attention.
blast homologue gives rise to the presumptive meso­ The clade Sipuncula (Greek siph1111c11/11s, "little
derm). Developn1ent is direct, with no trace of a trocho­ tube") includes about 150 species in 16 genera and 6
phore larval stage. However, the teloblastic production families. Usually called "peanut worms," adult sipun­
of coelorn.ic spaces and segn1ei1ts is an obvious retained culans show no evidence of segmentation or chaetae
characteristic of the basic annelid developn1ental pro­ (two features viewed as characteristic of annelids). The
gram. Development tin1e varies fro,n about one week body i s sausage-shaped and divisible into a retract­
to several months, depending on the species and en­ able introvert and a thicker trunk (Figure 14.22). It is
vironmental conditions. In climates where relatively when the introvert is retracted and the body is turgid
severe conditions follow cocoon deposition, develop­ that some species resemble a peanut. The anterior end
n1ent titne is usually long enough to ensure that the ju­ of the introvert bears the n1outh a11d feeding tentacles.
veniles hatch i n the spring. Under more stable condi­ The te11tacles are derived from the regions arow1d the
tions, development time is shorter and reproduction is mouth (peripheral tentacles) and around the nuchal
less seasonal. organ (nuchal tentacles); differences in tentacular ar­
rangements are of taxonomic importance. The gut is
characteristically U-shaped and highly coiled, and the
anus i s located dorsally on the body near the introvert­
Sipuncula: The Peanut Worms trunk junction. The body surface is usually beset with
In the past, the coelomate worm phyla Sipuncula minute bwnps, warts, tubercles, or spines. Sipunculans
and Echiura Viere often dismissed i n short fashion as range in length from less than 1 cm to about 50 cm, but
"minor" or "lesser" groups. However, thanks to recent most are 3-10 cm long. With the exception of the coiled
molecular phylogenetic research, w e now kno"' that gut, the body plan of sipunculans has remained largely
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 573

(A) (8)

(C) (D)

(E) (F)


Figure 14.22 Representative sipunculans.

(A) Phascolosoma, with the t ip of the introvert turned
inward. (8) Sipunculus nudus. (C) Thysanocardia nigra.
(D) Aspidosiphon cristatus. (E) Sipuncu/us norvegicus.
(F) Phascolion sp. in a gastropod shell. (G) Feeding ten­
tacles of Themiste dyscrita.

unchanged since the Lower Cambrian, as judged by surface. There is no circulatory system, but the coelo­
two recently discovered species fro,n the Maotianshan mic fluid includes cells containing a respiratory pig­
Shales of Southwest China. ment. Most sipunculans are gonochoristic and repro­
The coelom is well developed and unsegmented, duce by epidemic spavvning. Development is usually
forming a spacious body cavity. Metanephridia are indirect, typically protostomous, and includes a free­
present, with nephridiopores on the ventral body swimming larva.
574 Chapter Fourteen

Sipunculans are benthic and exclusively n1arine.

They are usually reclusive, either burrowing into sedi­
ments or living beneath stones or in algal holdfasts. In
tropical waters sipunculans are common inhabitants
of coral and (jttoral communjties where they often bur­
rov.• into hard, calcareous substrata. Some inhabit aban­
doned gastropod shells, polychaete tubes, and other
such structures. They are found from the intertidal zone
to depths of over 5,000 m.eters, and son1e deep burrow­ Antillesomatidae
ing species may play an important role in influencing
the ecology and geochemistry of the Norruc Seas region. Phascolosomatidae
1n Southeast Asia (e.g., Vietnam), large sand-burrowing
species are occasionally consumed as human food, and Aspidosiphonidae
others are used as fishing bait in Europe.
Figure 14.23 Phylogenetic relationships of the sipuncu­
The sipunculan body plan is founded on the quali­ lan families.
ties of the spacious body coelom. Un.interrupted by
transverse septa, the coelomjc fluid provides an ample
circulatory medium for these sedentary worn1s. The
coelom and associated musculature function as a h y ­ The gephyrean concept was founded on superficial
drostatic skeleton and as a hydraulic system for loco­ characteristics, but it persisted well into the twentieth
motion, circulation of coelomic fluid, and introvert century even though many authors attempted to raise
extension. the constituent groups to individual phylum status.
The embryonic and adult characteristics of sipuncu­ Finally, Libbie Hyman (1959), recognizing the p o l y ­
lans and eclliurids place them solidly within the spi­ phyletic nature of the Gephyrea, elevated the sipuncu­
ralian protostomes, and molecular data have provided lans to a separate phylum rank; her view was quickly
strong evidence for their membership in the phylum accepted. At that time, however, no classes, orders, or
Annelida, despite the lack of adult segmentation. One families v.•ere recognized, and the phylum was divided
might view the absence of segmentation as a second­ into only genera and species. The Herculean effort by
ary loss of a partitioned coelom associated with the Alexander Stephen and Stanley Edmonds (1972) and
exploitation of a sedentary, burrowing lifestyle. The subsequent modifications by other 1-vorkers (e.g., Mary
reduction in sensory receptors and simplification of the Rice 1982) led to a classification comprising 4 families
nervous system in general are explainable on this same and 16 genera. Later, Edward Cutler and Peter Gibbs
basis, but ecltiurid neurogenesis shows clear traces of (1985) applied modern phylogenetic methods to the
segmentation. However, many other species of anne­ sipunculans and produced a classification scheme of 2
lids have evolved burrowing lifestyles while retaining classes, 4 orders, 6 families, and 17 genera, which has
their basic segmentation. been used until recently. However, with the use of
molecular phylogenetics, this classification was chal­
lenged, the phylum was subsumed within Annelida,
and a new system, consisting of 6 families and 16 gen­
Sipunculan Classification
era has been proposed (Figure 14.23).
The first published illustrations of sipunculans were
produced from woodcuts made i n the mid-sixteenth
century. Linnaeus included these animals in the
twelfth edition of his Systemn Nnturne (1767) and placed FAMILY SIPUNCULIDAE Large sipunculans, trunk to 45
them in the Vermes, along with so many other odds cm in length. Introvert shorter than the trunk, covered with
and ends. In the nineteenth century, Lamarck and prom i nent papillae arranged irregularly. Hooks absent. Cir­
Cuvier considered the sipunculans to be relatives of cular and longitudinal muscle layers divi ded into distinct
holothuroid echinoderms (sea cucumbers). No sepa­ bands. Body wall with coelomic extensions in the form of
parallel longitudinal canals extending through most of the
rate taxon was established for these worms until 1828,
trunk length, or short diagonal canals limited in length to the
when Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville introduced
width of one circular muscle band. Two protractor musc les
the name Sipunculida and allied the group with certain
may be present. With p a ired metanephrid i a. Development
parasitic helnlinths.
proceeds through a planktotrophic pelagosphera larva. Two
Tn 1847 Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages invented
genera: Sipunculus, Xenosiphon.
the group Gephyrea to include sipunculans, echiu­
rans, and priapulans. The Greek root gephyra means FAMILY GOLFINGIIDAE Heterogeneous group o f small
"bridge," as Quatrefages regarded these animals as to me dium-sized sipunculans (trunk no longer than 20
intermediate between annelids and echinoderms. cm). Hooks may be d eciduous, si m ple when present, not
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 575

sharply curved and genera lly scattered. except in three spe­ Internally, the longitudinal muscle is generally subd i vi ded
cies where hooks are arranged in rings. Body wall with a into ana stomosing bands except in two subgene r aPhas­ -
contin uous muscle layer, except in Phascolopsis, where the co/osoma (Fisherana) and APionsoma (Apionsoma)-where
longitudinal muscles are divided in anastomosing bands. th i s layer is thinner and continuous. Contracti l e vessel i s
With paired or single metanephridi a. Seven genera: Golfin­ smooth but may be large with bulbous pouches or swelling
gia, Nephasoma, Onchnesoma, Phascolion, Phascolopsis, in a few Phascolosoma. With pa i red metanephridia. Two
Themiste, Thysanocardia. genera: Apionsoma, Phasco/osoma.
FAMILY SIPHONOSOMATIDAE Large to medium-sized si ­ FAMILY ASPIDOSIPHONIDAE Generally small (to 30 mm)
punculans (trunk to 50 cm in length). Introvert much shorter sipunculans with smooth trunk and two retractor muscles.
than trunk with prominent conica l papillae and/or hooks a r ­ Introvert protruding a t 45-90 angle ventral to main axis of
ranged in rings. Body wall with small, i rregular sacli ke c o e ­ trunk. Muscle layers generally smooth and continuous. or
lomic extensions. C i rcular and longi tudina l muscle layers wi th longitudinal muscle layer separated in anastomosing
gathered in to anastomosing, sometimes indi stinct bands. bundl es. Trunk with anterior, and sometimes posterior, ana l
With paired metanephri d i a. Two genera: Siphonomecus, shields derived from thi ckened cut i cle or calcareous depos­
Siphonosoma. its. With pa ired metanephridia. Two genera: Aspidosiphon,
FAMILY ANTILLESOMATIDAE Medium-sized sipunculans
(trunk to 8 cm). Di stal part of the introvert smooth and whi te,
proxi mal porti on bears dark papillae and is marked off by a
distincti ve collar. Hooks absent in adults, but a few hooks
present in small indMduals (<1 cm). Oral disc consi sting of
The Sipunculan Body Plan
nucha l organ enclosed by numerous tentacles, which vary Body Wall, Coelom, Circulation,
in number accordi ng to size (from 30 to 200 in adults). Body and Gas Exchange
wall with longi tudina l muscle layer gathered into anasto­ The sipunculan body s urface is covered by a well-de­
mosing bands. Contracti l e vessel wi th many vill i. Four intro­
veloped cuticle that varies fron1 thin on the tentacles
vert retractor muscles wi th the lateral pa ir often extensively
t o quite thick and layered over much of the trunk (Fig·
fused. Wi th pa i red metanephri d i a . Without an anal sh ie ld.
u r e 14.22 and 14.24). The cuticle often bears papillae,
Singl e genus: Antillesoma.
\¥arts, or spines of various shapes. Beneath the cuticle
FAMILY PHASCOLOSOMATIDAE Small to medium-sized lies the epiderntls, the cells of which are cuboidaJ over
sipuncu lans (trunk to 12 cm in length). Hooks recurved, usu­ most of the body but grade to columnar and ciliated
ally wi th interna l structures, and closely packed in regul arly on the tentacles. The epidermis contains a variety of
spaced r ings (absent in Apionsoma trichocephalus). Exter­ unicellular and multicellular glands called epidermal
nal trunk wall rough wi th obvi ous papillae. In Apionsoma, organs, some of wltlch project into the cuticle and p r o ­
papillae are concentrated a t the posterior end of the trunk. duce so1ne of the surface papillae or knobs. Some of
these glands are associated with sensory nerve end­
(A) ings; others are responsible for producing the c u ticle
Longitudinal o r for n1ucus secretion. I n both larval and adult si­
muscle ,:;:-·.,.."""
.::.......... punculans, epidermal organs are externally encapsu­
. ..
'\. lated by a c uticle and internally delimited by regular
epidermal cells. If pocketed deeply into the body ball,
epidermal orgai1s are also delin1.ited by subepidermal
�-:!!/--Epidermal n1usculature.
gland Beneath the epidermis, especially where it is raised,
is a connective tissue dermis of fibers and loose cells.
Peritoneum From one to four large introvert retractor m uscles
extend from the body wall into the introvert where
they insert on the gut just behind the mouth (Figure
14.25A,8). All species so far studied go through devel­
opmental stages with four retractor m uscles, which
are eventually reduced to a lower n u mber in the adult.
Species with crawling larvae have more strongly de­
veloped body wall musculature than those with swim­
. �·« ming la.rvae .
In Sipunculidae, \vhich are mostly large and include
some w a r m -w ater species, the dermis also houses a
Figure 14.24 (A) The body wall of Sipunculus nudus system of coelomic extensions or channels (Figure
(cross section). (B) Two types of cuticular hooks from 14.24). These coelomic channels may extend entirely
sipunculans. through the muscle layers and into the epidermal
576 Chapter Fourteen

(A) (B)

Cerebral retractor
'i muscles
, / \�<,\ Esophagus Esophagus � \
Compensation sac
� Dorsal

� , , sac
. �- �Rectum Dorsal
· ·,: , · Rectal retractor
�, muscle
Ventral gland

/\/•.<ll · :, p
-. .
· · .t

sac ••
·.;,-, \a:
Fixing muscle
Ventral ..;,.
muscle '
Spindle Ventral retractor
muscle muscles ,· (D)

Ascending Area of gonads


nerve cord nerve cord

(E) Figure 14.25 Sipunculan anatomy. (A) $ipunculus

nudus. (B) Golfingia vulgaris. (C, D) Free coelomic urns
from Sipunculus (C) and Phasco/osoma (D). (E) The gut
of Golfingia (parti al section). Note the ciliated intestinal
groove. (F) A nephridium of Phasco/osoma (section).

layer, and they have a gas transport function in some

species. They are connected to the trunk coelom by
pores. The muscles of the body wall include outer cir­
cular and inner longitudinal layers and sometimes a
thin middle layer of diagonal fibers. The longitudinal
muscles form a continuous sheet in many sipunculans,
but in some genera these muscles form distinct bundles
or bands (e.g., Ph11scoloso11111, Phnscolopsis, Sipho110111ec11s,
Siphonoso,1111, Sip 11nc11lus, and Xenosiphon). This ar­
rangement gives the internal surface of the body wall a
ribbed appearance that is often visible through the anj­
mal's cuticle. While this character was once the basis
for the family Sipunculidae, the family now has a more
.. restricted definition and it has been sho"vn that this
feature is homoplastic.
A peritoneum lines the body wall and the internal
• organs. The coelom is a continuous space, but perito­
:, ., neal mesenteries form incon1plete partitions support­
ing the organs. l n addition to the main body coelom
and the coelomic cl1annels in the body ½•all, a separate
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 577

fluid-filled "coelom" called the compensation system is relax. When the mtrovert is fully extended, the tenta­
associated \•vith the tentacles. The hollow tentacles con­ cles are erected by increasing the presslLre on the c o m ­
tain lined spaces that are continuous with one or two pensation sacs.
sacs (the compensation sacs) that lie next to the esoph­ Sipunculans are highly tactile and strongly thig­
agus (Figure 14.25A,B). Upon eversion of the introve1i, motactic, requiring contact with their surroundings.
circular body muscles apply pressure on these sacs and Placed alone i n a glass dish, they are rather inactive
force the contained fluid into the tentacles, causing except for rolling the introvert in and out. However, if
their erection. several sipunculans are placed together or with small
The fluid of the body cavity contains a variety of stones or shell fragments, they soon respond by mak­
cells and other inclusions. There are both granular and mg contact with eacli other or surrounding objects.
agranular amebocytes of uncertain function, and red
blood cells containing hemerythrin. Also contained in Feeding and Digestion
the coelomic fluid are unique and fascinating multicel­ There is surprisingly little information on the details
lular structures called urns, some of \vhich are fixed of sipw1culan feeding n1echanisms. Indirect evidence
to the peritoneum and some of which swim free in the from anatomy, gut contents, and general behavior s u g ­
fluid (Figure 14.2SC,D). The urns accu1nulate waste gests that these animals use different feeding methods
materials and dead cells by trapping them with cilia i n different habitats. Most of the sipunculans that can
and mucus. place their tentacles at a substrat u m w- ater interface
Gas exchange apparently varies an1ong species. It are selective or nonselective detritivores (e.g., shal­
has been suggested that rock borers and those that b u r ­ low burrowers, algal holdfast dwellers); they use
row i n sediments of low oxygen content (e.g., Themiste) the mucus and cilia on the tentacles to obtain food.
exchange gases largely across the tentacles, which ex­ Deeper burrowers in sand are direct deposit feeders.
tend into the overlying water. Other burrowers with Some appear to be ciliary-mucus suspension feeders,
long introverts may use the body surface of both the using the tentacles to extract organic material £ron1 the
tentacles and the introvert for gas exchange, whereas water. Sipw1culans that burrow in calcareous substra­
others, such as the large-bodied species of the genus ta use spines or hooks on their introverts to retrieve
Sip1111c11/11s, may use the entire body surface. The coelo­ organic detritus within reach and ingest the material
mic fluid in the body cavity and in body wall channels by retracting the introvert. Limited data suggest that
provides a circulatory medium, aided by diffusion and at least some sipunculans take up dissolved organic
body movements. The erythrocytes that circulate in the compounds directly across the body wall. Some work­
coelomic fluid of sipunculans contai n . intracellular poly­ ers have speculated that up to 10% of these animals'
meric hemerythrin for storing and transporting oxygen. nutritional requirements 1nay be met in this fashion.
Because the anus is located anteriorly on the dor­
Support and Locomotion sal side of the body, the digestive tract is basically
Sipunculans are sedentary creatures. The general body U-shaped, although highly coiled (Figure 14.2SA,B)­
shape is maintained by the muscles of the body wall the coiled gut is unique among annelids or any other
and the hydrostatic skeleton established by the large invertebrate group. The mouth is terminal, located
coelom. The body is essentially a f l u i d -f illed bag of a t the e n d of the introvert and is wholly or p a r ­
constant volume, so any constriction at one point is tially surrounded by the peripheral tentacles (e.g.,
accompanied by an expansion at another. Burrowing Sipunculidae) or lies near the nuchal tentacles (e.g.,
i11 soft substrata is accomplished by peristalsis, driven Phascolosomatidae). The mouth leads inward to a
by the circular and longitudinal muscles of the body short, muscular stomodeal pharynx, which is follo\,ved
wall and by the action of the introvert. Movement by an esophagus that extends through the introvert
through algal holdfasts and bottom rubble occurs in and into the trunk. The midgut consists of a long intes­
a similar manner. Some species with an anterior cu­ tine con1posed of descending and ascending portions
ticular shield burrow into hard substrata and use the coiled together, although the coiling is not observed in
shield as a functional operculum to close the burrow the Cambrian species. Studies comparing the expres­
entrance. Burrowing into hard substrata is probably sion patterns of regulatory "gut genes" of The111iste and
accomplished by both mechanical and chemical means, other annelids (with uncoiled guts) revealed differenc­
the former using cuticular structures (such as spines es in persistence and extension of endodennal expres­
and the posterior shield) as rasps, the latter facilitated sion of FoxA, which could be related to the U-shaped
by the secretions of epidermal glands. gut and coiling. The gut is usually supported by a
The introvert is extended when the coelomic pres­ threadlike spindle muscle that extends fron1 the body
sure is increased by contracting the circular muscles wall near the anus through the coils to the end of the
of the body wall. Withdrawal is acco1nplished by the trunk and by several fixing muscles connecting the
retractor muscles, .vhich pull from the mouth end, gut to the body wall. The ascending intestine leads to a
turning the introvert inward as the body wall muscles short proctodeal rectum, terminating in the anus.
578 Chapter Fourteen

The intestine is ciliated and bears a distinct groove Sipunculans are basically os1noconformers and they
along its length (Figure 14.25E). This ciliated groove are unknown fron1 fresh and brackish-water habitats.
leads ultimately to a small pouch or diverticulum (the Under normal conditions, the coelomic fluid is nearly
rectal gland) off the rectum. The function of this groove isotonic to the surrounding seawater. However, when
and diverticulum is unknown. The lumen epithelium placed in hypotonic or hypertonic environments, the
of the descending intestine contains a variety of gland body volume increases or decreases, respectively.
cells that are presumably the sources of digestive Interestingly, the rates of volume change differ when
enzymes. the animal is exposed to these opposing environments,
suggesting that sipunculans are better at preventing
Excretion and Osmoregulation water loss than at preventing water gain. This situation
Most sipunculans possess one pair of elongate, may b e due to a differential permeability of the cuticle,
saclike, tubular metanephridia (nephromixia; Figure or perhaps t o some active mechanism of the nephrid­
14.25A,B,F) located ventrolaterally at the anterior end ia. In any case, sipunculans rarely face severe osmotic
of the trunk. Two genera (Onch11eso111n and Phnscolio11) problems in their usual environments, and even in
have but a single nephridium. Species in these g e n ­ laboratory experiments they are able to recover nicely
era tend to be asymmetrically coiled. The nephridio­ from most conditions of osmotic stress.
pores are located ventrally on the anterior region of
the h·unk. The nephrostome Lies close to the body wall, Nervous System and Sense Organs
near the pore, and leads to a large nephridial sac that The general struchue of the sipunculan nervous system
extends posteriorly in the trunk. is similar i n many respects to that in other annelids.
Sipunculans are ammonotelic. Nitrogenous wastes A bilobed cerebral ganglion lies dorsally in the intro­
accumulate in the coelomic fluid and are excreted via vert, just behind the mouth. Circumenteric connectives
the nephridia. The urns also play a major excretory role extend fron1 the cerebral ganglion to a ventral nerve
by picking up particulate waste material in the coelon1. cord running along the body wall th.rough the intro­
The fate of wastes accumulated by urns is unknown, vert and trlutl< (Figures 14.25A,B and 14.26). The adult
but at least some i s probably transported to the ne­ ventral nerve cord is single, and there is no evidence
phridia. Urns originate as fixed epithelial cell complex­ of segmental ganglia. In Plznscolosoma ngassizii, a dou­
es in the peritoneum, where they trap and remove p a r ­ ble ventral nerve cord forms initially, but later fuses
ticulate debris. They are also known to secrete mucus into a single cord, and neurogenesis initially follows
in response t o pathogens i n the coelomic fluid. Fixed a segmental pattern similar to that of armelids. Start­
urns regularly detach and become free-swimming in ing out with paired FMRFamidergic and serotonergic
the coelomic fluid. Not only d o urns effectively cleanse axons, four pairs of associated serotonergic perikarya
the coelomic fluid, but they also participate in a clot­ and commissures form one after an­
ting process when a sipunculan is injured. Free urns other in an anterior-posterior progression. In late-stage
can be seen by preparing a wet slide of fresh coelomic larvae, the two serotonergic axons of the VNCs fuse,
fluid. They are usualJy obvious, moving about like l i t ­ the comm.issures disappear, and one additional pair of
tle bumper cars, trailing strands o f mucus and bits of perikarya is formed. These cells (ten in total) migrate
particulate matter. toward one another, eventually forming two clusters


;l:-,: ....:: : :·

� Introvert
.:::-:: ::.,;:.-:)f.(,J;:_,,
�•<··,:_. : • . .. ,i:" Spmes

�-t·. ,•�f.., .,,.. , .•.

�-;...� · . . . .

. . . . . ::i� t )
. ... .
. ... ~ . .....-

,. .
• . .•.,.•. , , ,..:,�,,..
;,t .,.. ·
�•-•,c, •.'
Circumenter ic :/:• J:-: :· .• • • • •.• .•.• •' .•. •• • •....
--�,., .• : '.'• i'Ji,,,

,,,_, ._,... . .. .
........ . .... ..."
.. ,.,

;\,;.-•,'' · .. ,..· ' ·•·

.-.,lf.'; .
-• '
..... ..., ·. •
'· .
,..;·:· ·.'. • ....•.•.. ········•·.• ..
-� Ventral nerve cord

Figure 14.26 (A) Anterior porti on of the central nervous system of Golfingia.
(B) Anterior end of Golfingia. Note the nuchal organs.
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 579

of five ceUs each. These neural-remodeling processes are now considered to be an early but highly derived
result in the single nonmetameric central nervous sys­ offshoot of Annelida.
tem of the adult sipunculan. This ontogenetic example The cell fates are the same as those il1 most typical
suggests that the ancestral sipunculan condition may spiralians. The first three quartets of micromeres be­
have been a double ventral nerve cord like that found come ectoderm and ectomesoderm; the 4d cell pro­
in some primitive annelids. Lateral nerves arise fron1 duces endomesodern1; and 4a, 4b, 4c, and 4Q form the
the nerve cord and extend to the body "'all muscles endoderm. The mouth opens at the site of the blasto­
and sensory receptors in the epidermis. pore, and the surrounding ectodermal cells grow in­
Sensory receptors are widespread in sipunculans, ward as a stomodeum. The anus breaks through sec­
but many are poorly understood. Tactile receptor cells ondarily on the dorsal surface (Figure 14.27). The 4d
are scattered over the body within the epjdermis, as mesoderm proliferates as two bands, as it does in other
would be expected, and are especially abtrndant on annelids, but yields the major trunk coelom without
and around the tentacles. Chemosensory nuchal or­ segmentation.
gans are located on the dorsal side of the introvert in Four different developmental sequences have been
many specjes (Figure 14.26B). Many possess a pair of recognized among the sipunculans, includmg direct
pigment-cup ocelli on the dorsal surface of the cerebral (e.g., Golfingin 111in11ta, Phnscolio11 cryptn, The111iste pyroi­
gangljon, and some have a so-called cerebral organ, des) and mdirect development. ln direct development,
consisting of a ciliated pit projecting inward to the c e ­ the eggs are covered by an adhesive jelly and attached
rebral ganglion. The cerebral organ may be i11volved in to the substratum after fertilization. The embryo de­
cl1emoreception or perhaps neurosecretion, as is simi­ velops directly to a vermiform individual that hatches
lar in structure to that seen in nemerteans. as a mmute juvenile sipunculan. The other three de­
velopmental patterns are mdirect, involving various
Reproduction and Development combinations of larval stages. 1n some species (e.g.,
Sipunculans possess reasonable powers of regenera­ Phnscolion strombi), a free -living lecithotrophlc trocho­
tion. Most species are able to regrow lost parts of the phore larva develops and metamorphoses into a ju­
tentacles and even the introvert, and some can regener­ venjle worm. The other t1-vo developmental patterns
ate portions of the trunk and the digestive tract. It "'as involve a second larval stage, the pelagosphera larva,
long believed that sipunculans could not reproduce that forms after a 1netamorphosis of the trod1ophore
asexually. However, in the 1970s it was discovered (Figure 14.27C). 1n some species, both the troc11ophore
that at least some species do possess this capacity. The and the pelagosphera forms are lecithotrophjc and
process takes place by transverse fission of the body, relatively short-l ived (e.g., son1e species of Golftngin
whereby the worm divides into a small posterior frag­ and Themiste), while il1 others the pelagosphera larva
ment and a larger anterior portion. Both portions then i s planktotrophic and n1ay live for extended periods
regrow the missing parts. Regeneration from the small of time in the plankton (e.g., Aspidosiphon parvulus,
posterior part is quite remarkable, smce most of the Sipuncu/11s n11d11s, members of the genus Phasco/oson,n).
trunk, anterior gut, retractor muscles, nephridia, intro­ The transformation of the trochophore to the pela­
vert, and so on must be regrown. gosphera larva i11volves a reduction or loss of the pro­
Except for Golftngin mi,zuta, sipunculans are gono­ totrochal ciliary band and the formation of a single
cl1oristic. (Facultative parthenogenesis has been report­ metatrochal band for locomotion. The pelagosphera
ed in one species, The,niste lngenifonnis.) The gametes eventually elongates, settles, and becomes a juvenile
arise from the coelonlic Uning, often near the origins sipunculan (Figure 14.270).
of the retractor muscles. Gametes are released into the Si.nee the pelagosphera larva of some species are e s ­
coelom, where they mature. Ripe eggs and sperm are timated to spend several months in the plankton and
picked up selectively by the nephridia and stored in sipunculans display little morphological variation, a
the sacs until released. The eggs are encased in a lay­ disproportionate number of species, when compared
ered, porous covering. Males spawn first, probably il1 to any other marme worm groups, have been suggest­
response to some environmental cue, and the presence e d to be cosmopolitan. However detailed developmen­
of sperm in the water stimulates females to spawn. tal and molecular analyses of several supposed cos­
Following external fertilization, the zygotes pass mopolitan species have shown that cosmopolitanism
through typical spiralian development. In Golfi11gin cannot be the norm, and that instead sipunculans have
cleavage is spiral and holoblastic, but the relative sizes many cryptic or pseudocryptic species.
of micromeres and macromeres differ among species,
depending on the amount of yolk in the egg. Although
traditionally sipunculan embryos ,vere described as
Echiuridae: The Spoon Worms
having a "molluscan cross," whlch suggested a close
relationship with the Mollusca, this character is now Ecl1.iuridae (Greek echis, "serpent-like") are secondari­
known to have been misinterpreted, and sipunculans ly unsegmented annelids. There are about 200 known
580 Chapter Fourteen

J .1�� Prototroch
(A) (B) (C)
/t----Apic,,l tuft · ·
· ""'+--� Eyespot
t '
Apical tuft
. Metatrochal
Mouth ciliary band
;• 1. , •


,l-<r--'i\_ Anus
Prototroch Anus


Figure 14.27 Sipunculan development. (A) Young trochophore

of Golfingia. (B) A l ater larva of Golfing/a (section), showing gut
shape and placement of the anus. (C) The pelagosphera larva
of Phasco/osoma has an enlarged metatroch. (D) A juvenile
sipunculan. (E-J) A seri es of scanning electron micrographs
showing growth to the trochophore and metamorphosis to the
pelagosphera in Siphonosoma. ap: apical tuft; m: metatroch;
mo: mouth region; I: lower ciliated lip; p: prototroch; to: terminal
attachment organ; vh: ventral ciliated head; s: stomodeum.
(K) One-day-old juvenile of Siphonosoma. Note the coiled gut.

species. The vermiform body is divided into an a n t e ­ 12 - meters (e.g., in Tkeda, Figure 14.29B). Son,e forms,
rior, preoral proboscis, and an enlarged trunk (Figure such as the beautiful emerald green Metabo11ellia, show
14.28). The mouth is located at the anterior end of the drastic sexual dimorphism, wherein "dwarf" males are
trunk at the base of a proboscis groove, or gutter. The less than 1 cm long (Figure 14.28E,F). Bonellia, and rela­
body surface may be smooth or somewhat warty, and tives such as Metabo11ellia, are also notable for females
often bears chaetae (e.g., Protobo11ellia). Most echiurids producing the compound bonellin, which appears to
are quite large. The trunk may be from a few to as many act as an antibiotic for the worm, but also as a sex hor­
as 40 cm long, but the proboscis may reach lengths of mone to create dwarf males. Echiurids are always ben-
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 581

(A) __,,,.
_____ (B) (C)


.-. '-�·



(F) (G)

(H) Figure 14.28 Representative echiuri ds. (A) Echiurus,

anatomy. (B) Listriolobus, with the proboscis somewhat
contracted. (C) Anelassorhynchus porceflus removed
from under a rock, with proboscis somewhat contracted.
(D) Bonellia viridis. Note the extreme sexual dimorphism
between the large female (with her probosc is extended)
and the tiny mal e. (E) Female Metabonellia haswelli
removed from its burrow; with forked and somewhat
contracted proboscis and 15 cent imeter trunk. The green
color comes from the pigment bonellin. (F) One cent ime­
ter long dwarf male of Metabonellia haswe/li, removed
from the nephridium o f a female . (G) Urechis caupo, the
"fat innkeeper." (H) Ochetostoma sp., from Papua New
Guinea. Montage sequence of an individual with peristaltic
waves along body.

true and marine, though a few species are known from

brackish-water habitats. Most burrow in sand or mud,
or live in surface detritus or rubble. Some species typi­
cally inhabit rock galleries excavated by boring clams
or other invertebrates. They are known from intertidal
regions to a depth of 10,000 meters.
582 Chapter Fourteen

(A) (B)
Trunk Gutter Proboscjs

'.. .,...
--�"·' 7 _: :?··...{.. �, •-·. .. .. :
��\���- ..: : · .
?\. .:/..;;L.ii.'\ . · . . ..
'.•.:.... . :
. . .. . : ..
. -.
. .
. .--�-
. .

- ··

(C) 'T7Jl=r-, ,,_.,.,._..:.

Sedime�t'{l' .· {:·

Mucous net�-·.:;::::_
<?f( . ;, .•.
j;fi, 1/',

Proboscis--i!L J \ ··

. .. . ' �f •
' .: .. ..
' , . . '. ..
• .. . ! '. .
. ... ..

. ·. .
• • b ·,:,,- . I . .'

•J ,• ,.

l ,: .:· .. : .
. ..
:- :

Body Wall and Coelom Figure 14.29 Feeding in echiurids. (A) Tatjanel/ia grandis
The body wall of echiurids has an outer thin cuticle in a "typical" echiuri d feeding posture, with the proboscis
covering the epidermjs, 'Nhich is composed of a cuboi­ extended over the surface of the substratum. (8) Ikeda
sp., w i th its long proboscis extending from burrow in sedi­
dal epithelium and contains a variety of gland cells.
ment. (C) A portion of the burrow of Urechis caupo. The
Epidermal chaetae occur in some species at either a n ­ wom1 i s in its feeding position. (D,E) The proboscides of
terior trunk, posterior trunk, or both locations. Layers deep-sea echiurids living at depths of 2,635 m and 7,570
of circular, longitudinal, and oblique 01uscles forn1 the m, respectively.
b u lk. of the body wall, which i s lined internally by the
peritoneum. The epidermis is ciliated along the p r o ­
boscis groove, or gutter . The coelomic cavity is spa­ and the more conventional posterior position of the
cious and occupies most of the trunk-it is interrupted anus, allows one to easily distinguish the two groups.
only by partial n1esenteries between the gut and the
body wall. The coelomic fluid contains red blood cells, Feeding and Digestion
with hemoglobin in some species, and various types Most echiurids feed on epibenthic detritus. Typically,
of amebocytes. the animal lies with the trunk more or less buried in the
substratum, with the proboscis extended over the sedi­
Support and Locomotion ment (Figure 14.28C,E,G,H and 14.29). Densely packed
The large trunk coelom provides a hydrostatic skeleton gland cells of the proboscis epithelium secrete mucus,
against which the body wall muscles operate. The non­ to which organic detrital particles adhere. The mucous
septate coelom allo,,vs peristaltic moven1ents as the coating and the food are moved along a ventral p r o ­
animal burrows or moves through various sediments, boscis groove, often called the gutter, by ciliary action
gravel, or rubble. The proboscis is capable of shorten­ into the mouth.
ing and lengthening, but it does not roll in and out as An interesting exception to the above feed­
does the introvert of sipunculans. This characteristic, ing method occurs in Urechis, worms that live in
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 583

(A) (C)


Ventral Ventral
nerve cord

Gonad�- · • · -"·

• Hindgut

Figure 14.30 Internal anatomy of three echiurids. (A) General

internal anatomy, as seen in Echiurus. (Bl A dissected Bonellia viridis
female (proboscis cut off). (CJ Internal organs of Urechis. Note espe­
Rectum Anus
cially the enlarged midgut. (D) SEM of anal vesicles and excretory
funnels of Urechis at 60><.

The digestive tract is generally very long and coiled,

leading from the mouth at the base of the proboscis to
the posterior anus (Figure 14.30). The foregut may be
regionally specialized as pharynx, esophagus, gizzard,
and stomach, or it may be more or less uniform along its
length. The midgut usually bears a longitudinal ciliated
groove, the siphon, which probably aids the movement
of materials through the gut. It may also shunt excess
water fro1n the main midgut lumen, thereby concen­
trating food and facilitating digestion. The hindgut, or
cloaca, varies in structure an1ong different species. In
n1ost echiurids, the cloaca bears a pair of large excre­
tory diverticula called anal vesicles (see Excretion and
Anus Osmoregulation). ln some species of Urechis the clo­
aca is enlarged and thin-walled. In such cases water is
U -shaped burrows in soft substrata (Figure 14.28G). pumped in and out of the hindgut for gas exchange.
They have a short proboscis, unlike those of more typi­ Not n1uch is known about digestive physiology in
cal echiurids, and engage in mucous-net filter feeding. echiurids. The epithelium of the midgut is rich in gland
A ring of glands located near the proboscis t-runk junc­ cells that presun1ably produce and secrete digestive
tion produces a funnel-shaped mucous net, which is enzymes. Digestion and absorption occur mainly in the
attached to the burrow wall by the proboscis. Water midgut.
is drawn through the burrov-• and the sheet of mucus
by peristaltic movements of the body, and suspended Circulation and Gas Exchange
food particles as small as 1 µn1 are caught in the fine­ Most echiurids possess a simple closed circulatory
meshed net. Periodically the animal grasps the food­ system, although it is absent from some fonns (e.g.,
laden net with its proboscis and ingests it. The whole Urechis) in v-•hich case the coelonuc fluid contains red
process is somewhat similar t o the feeding behavior of blood cells with hemoglobin. The circulatory system
another annelid, Chnelopterus. generally includes dorsal and ventral longitudinal ves-
584 Chapter Fourteen

sels in the trunk and median and lateral vessels in the touch sensitive, especially on the proboscis, which
proboscis (Figure 14.30A). There is no major pump­ can retract quickly upon detecting vibrations or water
ing organ (except in Ikeda); the blood is transported by movements.
pressures generated from body movements and by the
weak musculature of the vessel walls. The main site of Reproduction and Development
gas exchange in Urechis is provided with oxygenated Asexual reproduction is unknown in echiurids, and lit­
water by cloaca! irrigation-water being pumped in tle •..vork has been done on the powers of regeneration.
and out of the anus by muscle action. In other echiurids At least a few display remarkable healing capabilities.
it would appear that gas exchange also occurs across For example, Urec/1is caupo (Figure 14.28G)-the "fat
the surface of the proboscis. innkeeper"-is often found in bay muds that are sub­
jected to heavy pressure .from clam diggers. In some of
Excretion and Osmoregulation these tidal flats, nearly every Urechis specimen bears
The excretory structures of echiurids include paired scars, some nearly completely across the body-signs
metanephridia and anal vesicles (Figure 14.30). The that the animal has survived cuts from the clamn1ers'
number of nephridia varies: one pair i n Bonellia and shovels.
Metabonel/ia; two pairs in Echiurus; three pairs in Ure­ Echiurid sexes are separate. The gametes are pro­
chis; and hundreds of pairs in Ikeda. When only one or duced in special "gonadal" regions of the ventral peri­
a fe"v pairs are present, the nephridia are located in toneum, and released into the coelom to mature. When
the anterior region of the trunk and lead to neplu·id­ ripe, the gametes accumulate in the nephridia (or ne­
iopores on either side of the ventral midline. The de­ phridium, Figure 14.30C) until spawning occurs. The
gree to which these nephridia h,nction in excretion is nephridia often swell enormously when packed with
debatable; they seem to function prin1arily in picking eggs or sperm. In most cases, epidemic spawning takes
up gametes fron1 the coelom, having relinquished the place and is followed by external fertilization.
major excretory responsibility to the anal vesicles. Ecl1iurid development is similar to that of other
Echiurids are relatively poor osmoregulators provid­ annelids, with spiral cleavage and lecithotrophic
ing an explanation as to why they are only generally trochophore larvae (Figure 14.31C) that may drift in
in fully marine habitats. the plankton for up to three months as they gradually
The anal vesicles are hollow sacs arising as evagina­ elongate to produce young worrns (Figure 14.31D). The
tions of the cloaca near the anus (Figure 14.30A--C). Each prototroch and the episphere regions develop into the
vesicle bears from about a dozen to as many as300 cili­ proboscis, which is thus equivalent to the prostomium
ated funnels that open to the coelom. Few studies have and periston1ium in other annelids. The region behind
been conducted on the function of these structures, but the proboscis, apparently a series of fused segments,
they apparently pick up wastes from the coelomi.c fluid forms the trwlk. As with other annelids tl1e 4d n1esen­
and remove the material to the hindgut and anus. toblast proliferates the main trunk coelom.
Echiurids are well known for the sexual dimor­
Nervous System and Sense Organs phism and environmental sex determination found
The nervous system of echiurids is simple, although in a clade that includes genera such as Bonellia, Ikeda,
constructed in a fashion generally similar to other and Metabonellia. In such species, the females are quite
annelids. An anteriorly located nerve ring extends large, reaching lengths of up to2 m, including the pro­
around the gut and dorsally forward into the probos­ boscis. The males, however, which caJ1 be fron1 a few
cis. Ventrally, in the trunk, the nerve ring meets at a millimeters to a centin1eter or so long, are si. m ple-bod­
subesophageal ganglion that connects with a seeming­ ied, and often retain remnants of larval ciliation. They
ly single ventral nerve cord extending the length of the live on the female's body, or in her nephridia (Figures
body (Figure 14.30A--C). There are no ganglia in this 14.280-F and 14. 31A). Experiments have shown that
system and no obvious evidence of seg1nentation in the when exposed to fen1ales the larvae usually meta­
adults. However, n1ethods and n1orphose into dwarf males, but normally differenti­
confocal laser-scanning microscopic studies have p r o ­ ate into females when developing in the absence of fe­
posed a metameric organization of the nervous systen1 males. This sexual determination is apparently caused
in different larval stages of Urechis caupo and Bonellia by a masculinizing hormone produced by the skin of
viridis, which corresponds to the segmental arrange­ the female worm.
ment of ganglia seen in other arinelids. This suggests
that the trunk of echiurids consists of a series of fused
segments. Lateral nerves arise from the ventral nerve Siboglinidae: Vent Worms
cord and extend to the body wall muscles.
Associated with the simple nervous system and
and Their Kin
infauna! sedentary lifestyle of echiurids is the ab­ Siboglinidae is an enigmatic family of tube-dwelling
sence of major sensory receptors. These animals are marine annelids containing four groups: Frenulata
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 585

Figure 14.31 Reproduction in Echiur i ds. (A) A dwarf (C) A Urechis trochophore larva (15 days) exhibits a pro­
male (arrow) of Metabonellia haswelli inside the nephridi• totroch, neurotroch, and telotroch. Note the segmented
um of a female, wh ich is also packed wi th mature oocytes appearance of the trunk produced by distinct bands of
(yellow spheres). (8) Metabonellia haswelli trochophore epitheli al cells. This has been dismissed previously as
larva in ventrolateral view, showing prototroch and tel o­ superficial but may be real. (D) A juvenile Urechis, after
troch and overall ciliation. This larva is sexually undifferen­ settling. (E) The anteri or end of a juvenile (ventral view).
ti ated and will become a female if it settles on sediment, Note the pair of hooked chaetae.
or a dwarf male if it settles on a female Metabonellia.

(Latinfre1111lt1111, "little bridle"), Vesti.J.nentifera (Lati.J.1 cm in length (Figure 14.32A-F). The tubes may be
vestirne11t11n1, "garment"; ferre, "to bear"), the genus three or four times as long as the worm's body. The
Sclerolin11111 (Latin, sclern, "hard"; li1111ni, "thread"), and other main group, Vestimentifera (e.g., Riftin, Sclero­
the genus Osednx (Latin Os, "bone"; ednx, "to devour"). lin11111, Tevinn) is generally found at n1ethane seeps or
Together these four worm groups comprise around hydrothermal vents (Figure 14.32G-I). These can be
180 species of strange creatures that have been the very large worms, "''ith Rift-in pnchypti/n reachmg well
subject of taxonomic and phylogenetic debate since over 1 meter in length and several cm in diameter.
their discovery some one hundred years ago (Figures The anterior trunk of the body has a collar and two
14.lE, 14.32 and 14.33). We recognize the family nan1e lateral extensions, the vestimentum, from which the
Siboglinidae, although for a while these worms were group gets its name. One genus that is close to Vesti­
classified in two distinct phyla, Pogonophora and mentifera, Sclerolinum, resides in wood fragments or
Vestimentifera. Frenulata (e.g., Ln111ellisnbelln, Sibo­ other plant material or at seafloor mud volcanoes. A
gli1111111, Polybrnchia), which contains most of the d e ­ recently discovered group of siboglmids belongs to
scribed species, Jive in thi.J.1 tubes buried in sedi.J.nents the genus Osednx (Figure 14.32J-L), and all of the 20+
at ocean depths from 100 to 10,000 m. Most frenulates known species consume the bones of vertebrates that
are less than 1 mm in diameter, but can be 10 t o 75 have come to rest on the sea floor.
586 Chapter Fourteen

(A) (B) (Cl

Girdles or annuli,
with chaetae Tube
•-� Peristornium
Prostootium ''
·. Anterior end
· __......of trunk ·, �Palp

'I'>--Paired papillae .
/ Posterior end
, •
' PeristooUum
Ciliated band
of trunk ,.
-- .,
. .,. .
.- '


' � Septum between
forepart and trunk
� I

Palps Chaetae I


Pcristomium·� '
,. !-

. '

' ....
Figure 14.32 Siboglinidae. (Al A generalized frenu late the white chitinous tube. Whole specimen removed from
si boglinid. (B) The tube of the frenulate Lameflisabella. tube showing vestimentum, long trunk, and segmented
(C) Anterior end of the monotentaculate frenulate opisthosoma. (J) Dozens of Female Osedax emerging from
Siboglinum i n its tube. (D) Anterior end of living spec imen a phalange (finger bone) of a gray whale. Each female has
of the frenulate Siboglinum veleronis. (E,F) Anterior and four palps. Note the large red blood vessels running along
posterior ends of the frenulate Polybrachia. (E) The peri­ the trunk into the palps. (K) Female Osedax frankpressi
stomium gives rise to multi pl e palps in Polybrachia. with bone dissected away to reveal the ovi sac and roots.
(F) Enlarged view of the opisthosoma of Polybrachia. (L) Diagram of Osedax rubiplumus w ith bone cutaway
(G) Living specimens of the deep-sea, hydrothermal vent showing the major body regions. Note the placement of
vestimentiferan Riftia pachyptila. (H) Riftia pachyptila d i s ­ the harem of males in the transparent tube, where they lie
sected from tube showing body regions. (I) The vestimen­ near the female's oviduct.
tiferan Tevnia jerichonana. Anterior end emerging from
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 587

(C) (H)


of palp



(I) 0)

(K) (L) Female with trunk

and crown withdrawn

Sperm into tube

Developing I � Female extended
sperm from tube

� Dwarf males
� in tube of female

(blow up)

Cutaway showing
inside bone
588 Chapter Fourteen

The body of n1ost Siboglinidae species is divided in the following decades and developed an elaborate
into four regions (Figure 14.32A). The head (proston1i­ taxonomy of genera and families, strongly emphasi.z­
um, as in other ruu1elids) bears from 1 to over 200 sepa­ ing that Pogonophora were deuterostomes. However,
rate thin palps, or an elaborate crown of fused palps. in 1964, the first whole specimens were recovered, with
These bear tiny side branches called pinnules. The pro­ the segmented opisthosoma, and an annelid affinity for
stomium (obscured in Vestin1entifera) is follo,ved by the group was again proposed by some workers. The
a short peristomium (possibly a segment) and then an discovery of the very large Vestimentifera in the late
elongate trunk, which is a single very lengthy segment 1960s and 1970s, associated with seeps and vents, fur­
often bearing various annuli, papillae, and a ring of ther complicated the controversies surrounding these
chaetae. Behind the trwlk is a series of segments with animals as they were interpreted by one important
more chaetae called the opisthosoma. worker (M. L. Jones) as being closer to annelids tha11
Internally, siboglinids possess a closed circulatory to Pogonophora, leading to the two separate phyla,
system and ½•ell-developed nervous system. There Pogonophora and Vestirnentifera. By the 1990s, both
is an anterior pair of large nephridia, as seen in close morphology and DNA data began to make it clear that
relatives such as Cirratuliformia and Sabellida. There these worms should all be placed within Annelida. To
is no digestive tract in the adults. There has been some clear up ru1y lingering confusion the original nrune for
confusion about the overall body orientation of these the group, designated by Caullery, Siboglinidae is now
ani1nals. For many years it was unclear whether the used for the group as a whole.
main longitudinal nerve cord was dorsal or ventral.
Those who argued it was dorsal used this to justify the
status of phylum for Pogonophora. Furthermore, de­ The Siboglinidae Body Plan
velopmental studies demonstrated a transitory gut in
at least one species. However, it no\v seems clear that The Tube, Body Wall, and Body Cavity
the nerve cord is ventral, as in other rumelids and other The elongate tubes of most siboglinids are composed
protostomes. of chitin and scleroproteins secreted by the epider­ The tubes are often fringed, flared, or otherwise
distinctively shaped and are frequently banded with
Siboglinid Taxonomic History yellow or brown pigment rings (Figures 14.lE and
14.328,G). The upper end of the tube projects above
Siboglinids have a complicated, though interesting, the substratum so the "''Orms' palps can extend into
history. They were first studied in the early 1900s, the water. The palps of Siboglinidae can be single as
following the expedition of the Dutcl1 research vessel seen in most species (Sibogli1111111, Figure 14.32C,D), or
Siboga in Indonesia. The dredged, partial specimens a pair, or four as in Osedax (Figure 14.32J L -), and they
(lacking the segmented opisthosoma) were given to also range in number from 14-40 (e.g., Polybrachia, Fig­
the eminent French zoologist Maurice Caullery, ½•ho ure 14.32E) to hundreds (e.g. vestimentiferans, Figure
studied then, for over 40 years and published sev­ 14.32G-l). The palps can be free from each other (e.g.
eral papers describing these strange worms. In 1914, Osedax, Polybrachia), or partially fused together by the
Caullery named the originally collected specimens cuticle in frenulates such as Lame/lisabella and in all ves­
Sibogli11111111veberi and created the family name Sibo­ ti.mentiferans. Vestimenti.ferans have a paired structure
glinidae for then,, although he was unable to assign called the obturaculum as part of the crown, a.nd its
then, to any known phylun1. He suggested they were origi11 has yet to be resolved.
close to deuteroston1es such as hemicl1ordates, as they In frenulates the region immediately behind the pro­
had what he interpreted to be a dorsal nerve cord. stomium is \¥hat appears to be a segment that bears a
The next species to be described, La111ellisabel/a zachsi cuticular structure called the frenulum, while in ves­
so111e 20 years later by a Russian rumelid taxono1nist timentiferans the equivalent region i s called the ves­
(P. V. Uschakov), was placed as a new subfamily of timentum. These regions are likely involved in tube
Sabellidae. However, a Swedish rumelid \Vorker (K. E. secretion. The bulk of the body, the trwlk, is a single
Johansson) suggested that Uschakov had the worms very elongate segment. In frenulates there is a girdle of
upside down and said they were not annelids and chaetae halfway along the trunk, which lends support
coined the name Pogonophora for them as a new class to it being a single segment. In Vestimentifera there are
of animals (again, without a phylwn assignment). The no ci1aetae on the trwlk. The chaetae in front of the first
problem in interpreting dorsal and ventral was related opisthosomal septum in these groups are at the end of
to the fact that adult animals lacked a mouth and a the trunk, and so correspond to the girdle of uncini­
gut, features that normally helped with orientation. In type chaete on the trunk of other siboglinids (Figure
1944, Pogonophora was made a phylum and part of 14.SQ). In most siboglinids (except for Osedax) the re­
the Deuterostomia. A Russian specialist, A. V. Ivanov, mainder of the body is a short multi-segmented region
described many ne½' species of frenulate siboglinids called the opisthosoma that has peglike or hooked
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 589

(A) Muscle bands (B) Palp Coelom

Longitudinal muscle
Efferent vessel
,.,,�•. Affe rent vessel

Afferent vessel---.:�
Palp coeJom---+�� �......_...l..__. Gland ceLI-
Efferent vessel ,


Nep hridium
\ Afferent vessel
------w Efferent vessel
Coelom :;:::;:./1' Pinnule
------tt. .

(C) Opisthoso ma


Head with sperm duct


,_,. Prototroch

Figure 14.33 (A) The anterior end of the frenulate

Siboglinum (cutaway dorsal view). (B) Two palps of the
chaetae. The body surface is covered by a typical anne­
frenulate Lamellisabella (cross sections), showing elements
lid cuticle. There can be small papillae in various parts
of the circu latory system. (C) Dwarf male of Osedax rubi­
of the anterior and trunk-bearing thickenings of the cu­ ptumus. The male is basi cally an arrested larva; stage with
ticle referred to as cuticular plaques. The epidermis is a two-segmented opisthosoma. The body cavity contains
mostly a cuboidal to columnar epithelium and includes devel oping sperm. (DJ Fertilized egg and first three cleav­
various gland cells, papillae, and ciliary tracts. Beneath age stages of Osedax. The 8 -cell stage clearly shows nor­
the epidermis is a thin layer of circular muscle and a m al spiral cleavage occurs in Si boglinidae. (E) Trochophore
larva of Osedax (prio r t o formation of the opisthosoma).
thick layer of longitudinal muscle, the latter developed
590 Chapter Fourteen

as bands or bundles in some parts of the body. There is 14.33B). Excl1ange also occurs in the posterior part of
a spacious coelom in the trunk and extensions extend the body thTough a series of connecting blood rings. In
into the head region and palps. Osedax the blood vessels brancl1 into the roots.
The blood contains hemoglobin in solution and a
Nutrition variety of cells and cell-like inclusions. Gas exchange
Siboglinidae lack a fw1ctional digestive tract, and for probably takes place across the thin walls of the palps.
many years the method of nutrition of these relatively In the species that live near hydrothermal vents, prob­
large worms was puzzling. Early suggestions were that lems of oxygen supply and sulfur toxicity are especial­
the worms subsist on dissolved organic matter from the ly critical. These worms, such as Riftia pnchyptiln, live
seawater flowing across the palps and from the muddy where hot, anoxic, sulfurous vent water mixes with the
sedin1ents in which the aninlals are buried. Other s u g ­ surrow1ding cold, oxygenated water. The animals are
gestions were that suspended particulate organic mat­ thus exposed to potentially dramatic fluctuations in
ter and/or bacteria were being filtered from the water ambient temperatures and oxygen and sulfide avail­
colunm. These ideas have now been supplanted by the ability. These vvorms possess very high concentrations
realization that all siboglin.ids have symbiotic bacteria of hen1oglobin in the fluid of their body cavities as well
in their bodies fro1n wh.ich they derive their nutrition. as in their blood. This hemoglobin appears to retain
This was first discovered in Riftin pnchyptiln by then its high affinity for oxygen across a v.•ide temperature
graduate student Colleen Cavanaugh and colleagues. range. Furthermore, a unique sulfide-binding protein
Riftin and its relatives inhabit the sulfide-rich waters occw·s in their blood, wh.ich serves to concentrate the
near hydrothermal vents or methane seeps, and symbi­ sulfur and avoid sulfide toxicity, and to transport the
otic chemoautotroph.ic gamma-Proteobacteria inhabit a sulfur to the cl1emoautotrophic bacteria. Interestingly,
region in the trunk called the trophosome. These sym­ similar adaptations are known in the burrowing anne­
bionts generate ATP by carrying out sulfide oxidation lid Arenicoln, wh.ich typically lives in anoxic n1uds in
and by reducing CO2 t o organ.ic cornpow1ds. Trans­ shallow marine environments.
fer of organic matter from symbionts to host occurs A pair of large anterior metanephridia lies in close
through translocation of amino acids and other com­ association with the circulatory system, as seen in the
pounds released from the bacteria and direct digestion closely related Cirratuliformia and Sabellida. In some
of symbiont cells. It appears that free-living stages of Vestimentifera there may be a single fused exterior
the bacteria are taken in by a transitory digestive tract pore or two pores.
or through the skin by early juvenile stages of the
worms. A trophosome with syn1biotic bacteria is now Nervous System and Sense Organs
known for all siboglin.ids that have been examined. The nervous system of sibogli.nids is largely intraepi­
Osednx i s unusual in regard in that, rather than dern1al. A well-developed nerve ring just behind in the
chemoautotroph.ic gamma-Proteobacteria, the tropho­ prostomium bears a large ventral ganglion. A single
some houses heterotroph.ic garnma-Proteobacteria (be­ ventral nerve cord arises from this ganglion and ex­
longing to the Oceanospirillales clade). This is because tends through all body regions. In n1any cases there
Osedax is relying on the organic material in the bone are ganglia (or at least nerve "bulges") at the junctions
such as collagen, and possibly fats. The Oceanospiral­ of the various body regions, and there is an enlarge­
leles bacteria can exploit these and then are in turn di­ ment of the nerve cord in the anterior part of the trunk.
gested by the worms. In Osedax there are "roots" of In frenulates that have been studied, the opisthosoma
tissue (FiguTe 14.32J-L) that ramify through the bone, contains three distinct nerve cords that apparently bear
and these roots contain the bacteria. The epidermis of segmental ganglia. The vestimentiferans, however,
the roots secretes acid to dissolve hard bone allowing have a single opisthosoma.1 nerve cord without ganglia.
access to the proteins and fats. Sense organs are poorly understood. The palps
probably contain tactile receptors as the 1,vorms are
Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and sensitive t o vibrations and can rapidly retract into their
Osmoregulation tubes if disturbed. No sibogl.inids are known to have
Siboglinids all possess a .vell-developed closed circula­ eyes or nucl1al organs.
tory system (Figure 14.33A). The major blood vessels
are dorsal and ventral longitudinal vessels that extend Reproduction and Development
nearly the entire length of the body. The dorsal ves­ Nothing is known about asexual reproduction or re­
sel is si,volien as a muscular pump in the anterior of generation in these animals. While there is simultane­
the body. As in other annelids, blood flows anteriorly ous hermaphroditism known from one species (Sibogli-
in the dorsal vessel and posteriorly in the ventral ves­ 1111111fiordic11111), the sexes in Sibogli.nidae are otherwise
sel. Anteriorly, the vessels branch extensively. Some separate and worn1s possess a pair of gonads in the
of these vessels supply parts of the head region and trunk. In males of frenulates and vestimentiferans,
lead to afferent and efferent vessels in the palps (Figure paired sperm ducts extend from the testes to gono-
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 591

pores located near the anterior end of U1e trunk. As have a fixed nun1ber of segments, which are tradition­
sper1n move aJong these ducts, they are packaged. In ally numbered with Roman nun1erals (Figure 14.34C).
frenulates these are as sperinatophores, witll an enve­ In an lmusual tradition vvitll respect to otller annelids,
lope around the sperm, while in vestimentiferans the the prostomium and peristomium (when present) are
sperm are in clusters called spermatozeugmata. Osednx counted as segments, and so the bodies of branchiob­
is unusual in that tlle males are generally dwarfs ( F i g ­ clellids are counted as having 15 segn1ents (though
ures 14.32L and 14.33C), which can be more than they lack a prostomium), acanthobdellids with 29 or
100,000 times smaller than the female-developmen­ 30 segments (lacking botll a prostomium and peristo­
tally arrested larvae that develop sperm. These l.ive in mium), and hirudinids (leeches) have 3 4 segments.
the tubes of U1e females and use U1eir limited yolk sup­ These segments are generally obscured b y superficial
ply to make spenn before they die. Females can have annulations, giving tlle impression of many more seg­
up to 600 males i n a "harem." ments (Figure 14.34). Externally, hirudinoicls generally
The female system of frenulates and vestimentif­ feature anterior and posterior suckers and clitellum,
erans includes a pair of ovaries from which arise ovi­ while lacking parapodia and chaetae (though Acan­
ducts leading to gonopores on tlle sides of the trunk. thobdellicla have tlle latter in a few anterior segments).
ln Osednx, the females have a large ovisac that lies in Internally, acantllobdellids have a coelom and segmen­
the "host" bone and can be up to one-third of tlle body tal septa typical of annelids, "''hile in branchiobdellids
mass. This leads to a single oviduct tllat runs dorsally there are at least a few segn,ents with coelomic spaces.
along the trunk and ends in tlle plun1e of palps. The However, the coelon, of leeches is reduced to a series
eggs of all siboglinids are spheroidal to elongate and of interconnected cha1mels and spaces, \¥itllout serially
development is lecitllotrophic. arranged septa.
Fertilization is internal i n Vestimentifera and We usually think o f leeches as the bloodsuck­
Osednx, and this is likely also the case for Frenulata. In ers popularized in adventure stories and films and
frenulates and vestirnentiferans, males release s p e r ­ this is arguably the ancestral state for Hiruclinoidea.
matozeugmata or spermatophores, which drift to the However, many hirudinids are free-living predators,
plumes and tubes of nearby females. The sperm end and some are scavengers. Most range from less Ulan 0.5
up in tlle oviduct, which can have sperm storage areas. to about 2 cm in length, although one species from the
In Osednx the sperm somehow end up in the ovary An1azon basin, Haementerin ghilin11ii, n1ay reach 45 cn1
itself. Brooding of larvae in the tube occurs in some i n length. Acanthobdellicls and branchiobclellicls are
frenulates, while in all vestimentiferans and Osednx exclusively freshwater groups, while leeches occur in
the fertilized eggs are apparently released into the sea. both fresh and salt water, and many live in moist ter­
Individual Osednx females can release 4 0 0 8 - 00 eggs restrial envirorunents as well. Those that are full- or
daily and tlle larvae can live for several weeks in the p a r t -time parasites feed on the body fluids of a vari­
plankton. Vestimentifera also produce numerous eggs ety of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Some of tllese
and tllese also live for a month or more as larvae. Such leeches serve as tlle intermediate hosts and vectors for
high fecundity is necessary as the habitats for these certain protist, nen,atode, and cestode parasites.
worms is very restricted and most larvae are likely u n ­ Many hirudinoicls are cylindrical while others are
successful in finding a suitable place to settle. flattened clorsoventrally. The body is usually divisible
Cleavage is spiral in all siboglinids and early reports into five regions, although tlle points of division are
of radial cleavage now appear to be erroneous (FiguTe son1ewhat arbitrary. Th.e anteriormost head region is
14.33D). Trochophore larvae develop (Figure 14.33E) composed of the much-reduced (or absent) prostomi­
and add some segments that will later become tlle opis­ um and peristomium and the anterior body segn1ents.
tllosoma. In tlle dwarf male of Osednx, two segments are The anterior region usually bears a number of eyes
formed than have hooked chaetae. A transitory diges­ and a ventral mouth surrounded by the oral or ante­
tive tract occurs during development and in juveniles rior sucker (note the sucker is lacking in Acnnthobde/111
of at least some vestimentiferans and frenulates. Inner peledinn). In leeches segments V V - JII forn1 U1e preclitel­
cells near the presumptive posterior encl of tlle embryo lar region, followed by the clitellar region (segments
proliferate spaces witllin tlle opistllosomal segments as IX-XI). The clitellum is only apparent during periods
tlley develop, a process strikingly similar to tlle teloblas­ of reproductive activity. The postcliteUar or midbody
tic growtll and schizocoely seen in otller annelids. region co1nprises segments XII-XXVII. The poste­
rior region of the body includes tlle ventrally directed
posterior sucker formed from seven fused segments
Hirudinoidea: Leeches (XXVlTI-XXXIV). In branchiobdellids and acanthob­
clellicls the counts are different owing to tlleir s1naller
and Their Relatives number of segn1ents.
Hirudinoids are clitellate annelids whose closest rela­ Other than the suckers, gonopores, and nephrid­
tives are Lumbriculidae (Figure 14.34-14.41). They iopores, hirudinoids have few distinctive external
592 Chapter Fourteen

(C) Ninth nephridiopore Segmental

Anterior sucker
Male pore
Female pore
' sensory receptor Posterior sucker

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The Hirudinoidean Body Plan

Body Wall and Coelom
A cross-sectional view of a leech is dramatically differ­
ent fro,n that of other annelids, in large part because of
a thick dermal connective tissue layer beneath the epi­
dermis and the reduction of the coelo1n (Figurel4.35).
The typical ciicular and longitudinal muscles are pres­
ent, as well as bands of dorsoventral and diagonal
(oblique) muscles between the circular and longitudi­
nal layers. The dense dermis fills the areas between the
1nuscle bands. Septate coelomic con1partments are pres­
ent only in acanthobdellids (in the fiist five segments)
and i n the m.idbody region of branchiobdel.lids. In all
Figure 14.34 Representative hirudinoids. Hirudinea, the coelom is limited to various channels
(A) Acanthobde/la peledina (order Acanthobdellida), a and small spaces. These augment the ciiculatory system
part-time parasi te of freshwater fishes. (B) Stephanodritus in rhynchobdellids (proboscis leeches) and completely
(order Branchiobdellida). These small (less than 1 cm)
replace it in arhynchobdellids Gawed leeches).
worms live on freshwater crustaceans, especially crayfish.
(C) Ventral vi ew of Hirudo medicinalis (Arhynchobdellida).
Support and Locomotion
Roman numerals indicate true segments; Arabic num­
bers indicate superficial annuli. (D) Branche/lion parkeri, With the exception of acanthobdellids, hirudinoids
Piscicolidae (Rhyncobdellida). show a more or less solid body construction and the
absence of a spacious coelom precludes kinds of lo­
comotion seen in other annelids. They d o not burrow,
features. In a few forms the body surface bears tuber­ but are mostly surface dwellers, and the suckers in
cles, and some such as the piscicolid Branche/lion have branchiobdellids and hiiudinids serve as the points of
lateral gills (Figure 14.34D). Chaetae are present on the contact with the substratum against which the muscle
fiist few segments of acanthobdellids, but they do not action can operate (Figure 14.36). Beginning with the
occur in any other hirudinoids. Most is known about posterior sucker attached, the circular muscles are c o n ­
the anatomy and physiology of leeches (Hirudinida) tracted, making t h e entire body elongate forward, and
and this is reflected in the summary below. then the anterior sucker is attached. Then the longitu-
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 593

Dorsal channel Cecum several losses of this feeding mode

across the group. The acanthobdellids
Acanthobdella peledina and Pnracantltobdel/a
livanowi live on the skin, usually fin rays,
channels of freshvvater fishes and suck the blood of
their hosts, though they have been shown
to also eat insect larvae. Acnntliobde/ln
peledina is found across northern Europe
and Russia with P. livnno1vi limited to
Dorsoventral the Kamchatka Peninsula. There is re­
cord also from Alaska though the species
Longitudinal £-­ identification needs further assessment.
muscles Branchiobdellids are tiny wonns that live
on freshwater crayfish. The anteri.or end of
Sperm duct the pharynx bears a pair of toothed jaws
Nephridioduct Testis (Figure 14.37). These animals eat other epi-
Nerve cord Ventral channel zoites living on the host, but they also feed
on the host's eggs and body fluids.
Figure 14.35 Body wall and general internal organiza­
The majority of Hirudiiuda lineages ranked as fami­
tion of Hirudo (cross section), in which the original cir•
lies are ectoparasites that feed by sucking the blood or
culatory system has been lost and replaced by coelomic
channels. other body fluids from their hosts. The rest are preda­
tors on small invertebrates or scavenge on dead ani­
n1al matter. Feeding Lnvolves either a protrusible pha­
ryngeal proboscis or cutting structures iI1 the form of
dinal muscles contract, shortening the body and draw slicing jaws or stylets. Members of the paraphyletic
the posterior end forward. Some leeches are also ca­ Rhynchobdellida possess a pharyngeal proboscis but
pable of swimming by dorsoventral body undulations; lack jaws, whereas members of the Arhynchobdellida
this behavior is an important mechanisn1 for locating lack a proboscis and all but a few possess jaws (Figure
and contacting nonbenthic hosts. 14.34). Because of their medical importance, much
work has been done on the parasitic leeches, especially
Feeding and Digestion those that affect livestock, game anin1als, or humans.
Like that of other annelids, the leech digestive tract in­ Blood-sucking leeches are not especially host-specific,
cludes a foregut, midgut, and hindgut (Figure 14.37). and most do not remain attached to a siI1gle host for
The foregut, as mentioned earlier, includes a mouth,
buccal cavity, jaws or proboscis, pharynx, and esopha­
gus. There are also masses of unicellular salivary glands
that secrete hirudin in the jawed bloodsuckers and may
produce enzymes to aid penetration of the proboscis
in those parasitic forms that lack jaws. Posterior to the
esophagus is the enlarged oudgut, usually called the
stomach or crop. This region bears large ceca in most
leecl1es, providing a large storage capacity as well as a
high surface area. In some kinds of leeches, the poste­
rior midgut is structurally differentiated from the ante­
rior portion. A short rectum connects the nudgut to the
anus, located dorsally near the junction of the body and
the posterior sucker. Little is known about digestion in
hirudinoids, except for some fragmentary information
on blood-sucking leeches. Midgut enzymes apparently
are llinited to exopeptidases, which probably accounts
for the extremely slow rate of digestion in these ani­
mals (a medicinal leech may take several months to
digest the contents of a full blood n,eal).
Assess1nent of the distribution of blood-feeding
and other feeding modes across the phylogeny of Figure 14.36 Locomotion in a leech, moving left to
Hirudinoidea has led to the conclusion that blood­ right, using the anteri or and posterior suckers to prog­
feeding is the ancestral condition for the group, with ress in 11 inch worm'' fashion.
594 Chapter Fourteen

(A) (B) Buccal



Dilator muscles
of pharynx

Figure 14.37 Feeding structures and di gestive tract of leeches. (A) The anterior
end (l ong itudinal section) of a rhynchobdellid leech. (B) The anteri or end of an
arhynchobdellid leech (cutaway view). Note the arrangement of the jaws and the
musculature of the sucking pharynx. The oral aperture is pressed against
the host's skin, and the three jaws are rocked to and fro, slicing into the skin.
(C) Basic gut structure of Hin,,do. (D) Johanssonia, a pi scicol id leech found on
the seafloor at a methane seep, full of blood taken from a fish host.

long periods of time; many of these leeches n1ay feed leeches are used to reduce hematomas in areas of the
by other means when not attached to a suitable host. body that are difficult to treat surgically, and to avoid
A few species of leeches feed exclusively on inver­ leaving scars. The anticoagulant pumped into the
tebrate hosts, including annelids (even other leeches), wound by the leech (hirudin) allows blood to contin­
gastropods, and crustaceans, but the majority of them ue to drain, even after the leech as been removed and
parasitize vertebrates. Some leeches are parasitic on s o promotes healing. In addition to the anticoagulant,
members of particular groups of vertebrates. For ex­ some leeches produce a number of other chemicals,
ample, most Piscicolidae (Rhynchobdellida) feed including anesthetics and vasodilators. When feeding,
on the blood of fishes (including some deep-sea and the leech anchors to the host by the suckers and press­
hydrothermal vent fishes (Figure 14.37D), whereas es the mouth against the surface of the host's body.
Ozobranchidae (another family of Rhynchobdellida) Jawed leeches have three bladelike jaws, each shaped
seem to prefer aquatic reptiles such as turtles and like a half circle. The jaws are set at roughly 120-degree
crocodilians. angles to one another so that the cutting edges form a
The European n1edicinal leeches such as Hirudo m e ­ Y -shaped incision. Muscles rock the jav.•s to and fro,
dicinalis and Hin�do verbana, which normally feed on making slices in the host's skin. The leech releases an
amphibians, will obligingly consume human blood. anesthetic as it makes its incisions, then secretes hiru­
Over-collecting has meant that Hirr1do medicinalis is din into the wound, and blood is sucked from the host
now classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN and by the n1uscular pharynx. The anesthetic desensitizes
it is protected across much of its range. The North the victim's skin, so that the v.•orms can go unnoticed
American medicinal leech is Macrobdella decora and while they take their blood meal. While the predatory
other species are used for medicinal purposes in Asia. leeches eat frequently, the bloodsuckers feed at wide­
The common name is derived from using these leech­ ly spaced, very irregular intervals, depending on the
es to draw blood from people afflicted with a wide availability of hosts. When they do feed, they gorge
range of maladies for which such "bleeding" \Vas once themselves with several times their own weight in
thought to be curative or restorative. Today, medicinal blood (Figure 14.370).
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 595

Figure 14.38 Coelomic and circulatory systems of

two leeches. (A) A portion o f the circulatory and coelo•
m ic systems of Placobdella, a rhynchobdellan leech in
Intermediate wh ich the circulatory system persists and is associated
sinus with the coel omic channels. (B) A portion of the coelo•
m ic system in Hirudo, an arhynchobdellid leech. Here
the circulatory system has been completely replaced by
coelomic channels.


Nerve cord
Lateral sinus chyme," but the eventual disposition of this material
is not known.
(B) Laterodor:sai
Dorsal sinus--� / sinus Nervous System and Sense Organs
sinus The nervous system of leeches has, and continues, to
receive a great deal of attention from biologists. The
/ leech nervous system-even that of large leeches-is
composed of very few neurons, and these individual
nerve cells are sufficiently large that their circuitry
sinus has been traced in great detail.
The hirudinoid nervous systen1 includes a cere·
bra! ganglion that is usually set back from the ante•
smus rior end of the body at about the level of the pharynx
(Figure 14.39). The cerebral ganglion, circun1enteric
connectives, and subenteric ganglion together form
a nerve ring around the foregut. Two longitudinal
nerve cords arise from the ventral portion of this ring
Circulation and Gas Exchange
Many leeches are relatively large and quite active.
The drastic reduction of the coelom has led to a flat•
(A) Cerebral ganglion
tening of the body and the formation of extensive
gut ceca or diverticula in so1ne lineages. Both of --•
these reduce internal diffusion distances. In R h y n ·
chobdellida this system is a combination o f a true
closed circulatory system and the reduced coelomic
spaces; in the Arhynchobdellida, the original circu•
latory system is co1npletely replaced by one derived
entirely from the reduced coelom. In both of these
arrangements the circulatory fluid is moved through _ Ventral
the system by the action of contractile vessels and -=. ,_____
_ nerve cord
by general body movements (Figure 14.38). Gas e x •
change is accon1plished by diffusion across the body connective
wall; gills are present only in some ozobranchids and
piscocolids. Some leeches possess hemoglobin in so•
lution in the circulatory fluid, thought to account for (B) Ganglion
about 50 percent of their oxygen-carrying capacity.

Excretion and Osmoregulation ,c:::.J7 One

The excretory structures of hjrudinoids are paired segment
and segmentally arranged metanephridia that are
usually absent from several anterior and posterior
segments. The nephrostomes are ciliated funnels as­
sociated with coelomic circulatory vessels (where Neuronal mass
present). Ammonia is the n1ain nitrogenous waste
Figure 14.39 Leech nervous system. (A) The anterior ner•
product eli1runated via the nephridia. Apparently, vous system ( lateral view). (B) A generalized leech segment
particulate waste materials are engulfed by phago· comprising three annuli, cut away to show segmental gan­
cytes, both in the coelomic fluid and in the "mesen- glion and innervation of epithelial sense organs.
596 Chapter Fourteen

(A) (B)
Ejaculatory duct_.


i\..\�-\j--- Vector

Testis (C)

. ..


Sperm duct


nerve cord
Figure 14.40 (A) Reproductive system Piscicola
(Piscicolidae). (B) Copulating leeches. (C) Erpobdella with
cocoon. (D) Leech with two broods of offspring against its
ventral surface.

and extend posteriorly through the body. The nerve detect movement in their surroundings, as evidenced
cords are separate in some areas, but the segmental by their responses to shadows passing over them. This
ganglia are fused. Peripheral nerves include abundant reaction has been noted particularly in leeches that a t ­
sensory neurons from the cerebral ganglion and s e g ­ tack fishes. Leeches also respond to mechanical stim­
mentally arranged motor and sensory neurons from ulation in the forms of direct touch and vibrations in
the ventral nerve cord ganglia. their environments. They are also chemosensitive and
Leeches are exh·emely sensitive to certain environ­ attracted to the secretions of potential hosts. Son1e
n1ental stimuli, although their sensory receptors are aquabc and even terrestrial leeches that prefer warm­
relatively simple. They have from two to ten dorsal blooded mammalian hosts are apparently attracted
eyes of varying complexity, and special sensory pa­ to points of relatively high temperatures in their sur­
pillae that bear bristles extending from the body sur­ roundings, thus aiding in food location. Standing in
face. Except for the eyes, the functions of various leech a leech-inhabited pond is a great way to observe first
sense organs are not well understood, and most of the hand this rapid response, as these animals will detect
information is based on behavioral responses to differ­ your presence and begin swimming or crawling to­
ent stimuli. Leeches tend to be negatively phototactic. ward you within seconds.
However, some of the blood-sucking species react pos­
itively to light when preparing to feed. This behavioral Reproduction and Development
change likely causes the leech to move into areas where Hirudinoids, like all Clitellata, are hermaphroditic an­
a host encounter i s more likely. Most leeches can also nelids and have complex reproductive organs (Figure
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 597

14.40) and direct development The male reproductive development of leeches is simila.r to that described for
system includes a variable nun1ber of paired testes, other clitellates. Except for a few species, the amount
usually from 5 to 10 pairs in leeches, arranged serially of yolk is relatively small and development time quite
beginning in segment XI or XII (Figure 14.34C). The short.
testes are drained by a pair of sperm ducts that lead to
a copulatory apparatus and a single gonopore located
midventraUy on segment X. There is a single pair of
ovaries in leeches, which may extend through several
Annelid Phylogeny
segn1ents. Oviducts extend anteriorly from the ovaries There are undoubted annelid fossils that date back to
and unite as a common vagina, which leads to the f e ­ the Cambrian period, with well-known examples being
male gonopore on the midventral surface of segment Cnnndin and B11rgessochnetn. These show dear evidence
XI, just behind the male pore. of segmentation and chaetae, though it is a subject
The copulatory apparatus of leeches is often com­ of debate as t o whether they could be classified very
plex and varies in structure an1ong species. Each closely with any extant lineage of annelids. But these
spenn duct is coiled distally and enlarges as an ejacu­ were quite complex annelids and the early origins of
latory duct. The two ducts join at a common glandu­ the group are obscure. As outlined in the Introduction,
lar, muscular atrium. In arhynchobdeUids, the atrium the traditionally recognized classes were Polychaeta,
is modified as an eversible penis. The rhychobdellids Oligochaeta, and Hirudinea. The latter two are novv
lack a penis and the atrium functions as a chamber in viewed as the taxon Clitellata, sin.ce recognizing Hiru­
which spermatophores are produced. In arhynchob­ dinea with class rartk renders Oligochaeta paraphyletic
dellids, n1ating worms align themselves so that the (Figure 14.41). Furthennore, we now know that Poly­
male pore of each rests over the female pore of the chaeta contains Clitellata, making it synonymous with
other. The penis is everted and inserted into the mate's Annelida and so the name "Polychaeta" is no longer
vagina, where sperm are deposited. Fertilization used as a forn1al taxon.
takes place within the female reproductive system. In addition to the recognition that the traditional
Rhynchobdellids leeches use hypodermic impregna­ classification had to change, the past few decades has
tion. These animals grasp one another by their anterior seen a series of major changes in annelid member­
suckers and bring their male pores in alignment with ship as well, mainly due to molecular-based phyloge­
a particular region of the mate's body. The spermato­ netic studies. Echiura, Sipuncula, Pogonophora, and
phores are released onto the ditellar region of the mate, Vestimentifera, all of which were once considered sep­
which then penetrate the body surface of the recipi­ arate phyla, are now clearly seen as part of Annelida.
ent and the sperm emerge beneath the epiderntis. The Hence, Annelida now encompasses many ani1nals that
sperm nugrate to the ovaries by way of the coelomic do not conform to the traditional wuque features of the
channels and sinuses. In some of the piscicolid leeches group such as possession of body segmentation and
there is a special "target" area, beneath which is a mass chaetae. Even more problematic has been resolving the
of tissue called vector tissue that connects viith the o v a ­ relationships among the groups that have long been
ries via short ducts. regarded as part of the annelid radiation, a work that
Cocoon formation in leeches is similar to that in must still be regarded as very much in progress.
other clitellates, with the clitellum producing a co­ While a deep understanding of the origin and evo­
coon wall and albumin (Figure 14.40C). However, as lution of annelids still eludes us, considerable prog­
the cocoon slides anteriorly past the fen1ale gonopore, ress has been recently n1ade with the use o f Next
it receives the zygotes or young embryos rather than Generation sequencing technology, which holds great
separate eggs and sperm. The cocoons are deposited promise. This means we will likely see a stable anne­
in damp soil by terrestrial species and even by a few lid phylogenetic tree in the coming years. Our current
aquatic forms that migrate to land for this process knov.rledge of annelid relationships, as used in this
(e.g., Hirudo). Most aquatic forms deposit their c o ­ chapter, is based on the recent phylogenonuc studies of
coons by attaching them to the bottom or to algae; a Sonia Andrade and Anne Weigert and their colleagues,
few attach them to their hosts (e. g ., some piscicolids). and these were used to generate the sun,mary tree and
A few freshwater leeches display son1e degree of pa­ classification used in this chapter (Figure 14.41). As
rental care for their cocoons. Some of these bury their future phylogenomic analyses are integrated with in­
cocoons and remain over them, generating ventila­ creasing knowledge of fossil aru1elids, we will be able
tory currents. Others attach the cocoons to their own to make better inferences as to the origin and evolution
bodies and brood them externally (Fig 14.40D). The of this amazingly diverse group of anin1als.
598 Chapter Fourteen


- Magelonidae





Phyllodocida [














- Tubificidae









Figure 14.41 Phylogenetic relationships of annelids. (A) Annelida, based

on areas of agreement in the phylogenomic analyses of Andrade et al.
(2015) and Struck et al. (2015). (B) Clitellata based on topologies in S iddall
et al. (2001), Rousset et al. (2008), and Marotta et al. (2008).
PHYLUM ANNELIDA The Segmented (and Some Unsegmented) Worms 599

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Two Enigmatic
Spiralian Phyla
Entoprocta and Cycliophora

rnong the spiralian protostomes are two phyla that have been difficult
to position in the tree of life, Entoprocta and Cycliophora. Entoprocts
have been known since the nineteenth century, but cycli.ophorans were
not discovered and described until 1995. Both are small marine phyla,
although two freshwater entoproct species are known. Entoprocts resemble
minute cnidarian polyps and are often colonial, whereas cycliophorans are
solitary microscopic symbionts on the mouthparts of certain crustaceans. Both
groups are acoelomate, and neither is encotu1tered frequently enough to have
acquired a generally accepted vernacular name. Although species in these two
phyla d o not resemble one another superficially, you wiJI recognize some fun-
damental anatomical sinularities as you read about
them here. Some morphological work (and early
molecular phylogenies) supported a grouping of
Classification of The Animal Entoprocta + Cycliophora + Bryozoa (the "Poly-
Kingdom (Metazoa) zoa"), but phylogenetic studies over the past d e ­
Non-Bilateria• cade have ren1oved the bryozoans fron1 this group,
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA leaving just the entoprocts and cycliophorans as a
PHYLUM PORIFERA PHYLUM BRYOZOA possible sister group buried somewhere deep in
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHIOPODA the Spiralia ljneage (although son1e phylogenetic
ecoxsoZoA studies have also paired Entoprocta and Bryozoa
Nematoida as sister groups).
(a.k.a. the triploblasts)
SPIRALIA Panarthropoda
PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES The phylum Entoprocta (Greek entos, "inside"; prok­
tos, "anus"), or Kamptozoa (Greek kamptos, "bent"),
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA PHYLUM ARTHROPODA includes about 200 described species of small, ses­
PHYLUM ORTHONECTIDA SUBPHYLUM CRUSTACEA• sile, solitary or colonial creatures that superficially
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA resemble cnidarian hydroids (Figure 15.1; Box 15A).
PHYLUM ANNELIDA All but two species are marine (the probably mono­
PHYLUM ENTOPROCTA typic freshwater colonial Urnntelln and one species
PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA of Loxoso111atoides). Colonial forms live attached to
Gnathifera PHYLUM HEMICHORDATA various substrata, including algae, shells, and rock
PHYLUM ROTIFERA Claus Nielsen has revised the section on Entoprocta,
·paraphyletic group and Ricardo Cardoso Neves has revised the section on
604 Chapter Fifteen

" Atrium
(A) ' '
' ,,..,,.,//

Food groove L.1teral

Food groove / cilia


Star-cell complex

Esophagus Stalk-+- Gonads
Stomach Buds
l,l.�:---Foot gland
1:1�--i-Accessory gland cells
Loxoscmel/11 _,;.-Foot groove Stolon

,__-Adhesive organ

(C) (D) (E)


surfaces. Many solitary species are co1nmensal on a va­ horseshoe of ciliated tentacles (Figure 15.1). The tenta­
riety of hosts, especially sponges (Figure 15.lC), poly­ cles encircle a concavity, called the atrium or vestibule,
chaetes, and sipunculans, and are typically associated in which both the protonephridia and the gonoducts
with just one or a few host species. Entoprocts are not open. The mouth is situated on the rim carrying the ten­
uncon1IDon in shallow water, and so1ne species are tacle crown, and the anus opens on a s1nall anal cone
kno�vn from depths as great as 500 meters. They are in the atrium. The calyx is carried on a stalk, which in
often mistaken for cnidarian polyps or otherwise over­ solitary forn1s attaches to the substratum, either directly
looked by the casual tidepool observer because of their or via a complicated foot. In colonial forms the stalk at­
small size, but a quick examination through a hand lens taches to branched stolons or an enlarged basal plate.
reveals both their beauty and their true nature. Certain The phylogenetic position of the entoprocts has been
benthic flatworms and molluscs are known to feed on much discussed. Originally, they were treated as bryo­
entoprocts. zoans, but when the larval protonephridium was discov­
The individual zooids of entoprocts are clearly bilat­ ered in 1877 (by Berthold Hatsd1ek) they were placed in
eral, but the tentacle crown of most of the colonial s p e ­ the Scolecida, with affinities to the Rotifera. In
the 1920s,
cies is almost circular. Each zooid consists of a cup like R. 8. Clark discovered that they lack a coelom and they
body, the calyx, from which arises an almost closed were then placed somewhere in the large group Spiralia.
TWO ENIGMATIC SPIRALIAN PHYLA Entoprocta and Cycl iophora 605

(F) (G)



Large bud


Pedal gland

-Pedal groove

Attachment disk

Figure 15.1 Entoprocts. (A, B) Diagrams of a solitary

(Loxosomelfa) and a colonial (Pedice//ina) entoproct. FAMILy LOXOKALYPODIDAE Colonial; without a septum
(C) Dense growth of an unidentified Loxosomelfa on between stalk and c alyx; a few zoo ids attached to a basal
a sponge; many calyces can be seen rising from their plate; muscles continuous from stalk to ca lyx; ectocom­
stalks. (D) Two zooids of Pedicelfina cemua, each show­ mensal on the polychaete G/ycera nana in the northeastern
ing its calyx and stalk. (E) Zooids of an undescribed Pacific. Monotypic: Loxokalypus sociatis
Australian species of Barentsia. (F) An undescribed spe­
cies of Loxosomelfa from San Juan Island, Washington, FAMILy PEDICELLINIDAE Colonial; wi th incompl ete stalk ­
with embryos, larvae, and buds. (G) Labeled micrograph ca lyx septum with star-cell comp lex; muscles extend length
of the meiofaunal species Loxosomella vancouverensis, of stalk, but are not continuous with those of calyx; stalk
from British Columbi a (Canada). Described in 2012, this is
the fi rst free -living entoproct (and only the third entoproct
species) reported from the west coast of North America.
The other two known west coast species are both symbi­ BOX 15A Characteristics of the
onts on the mantis shrimp Pseudosquilla bigelowi. L. van­
couverensis is just 440 ftm long, and has 14 tentacles and Phylum Entoprocta
two attachment discs at the base o f the foot organ. The 1. Tri plobl astic, bi lateral, unsegmented, functionally
foot adheres to the substrate (sand grains and shell bits), acoelomate
but can detach and reattach.
2. Sessile, solitary or co lon ial (with stalks borne on
Their position runong the Spiralia remains enigmatic, 3. Cup-shaped body houses a U-shaped gut
but recent work suggests they are closely allied to the 4 . Body carries a horseshoe or ciliated tentacles with
Cycliophora, and possibly the Bryozoa. The phylum is mouth situated at base ol the frontal tentacles and
con1.monly divided into four fan,ilies as follo"vs. S001e anus at the opposite side or the concavity
specialists recognize orders on the basis of the presence 5 . Body carried by a stalk situated on the convex side
or absence of a septum between the stalk and calyx, or of the body (calyx)
on solitary versus colonial habits. 6 . With protonephridia
7. Hermaphroditic or gonochoristic


9 . With trochophore larvae
FAMILY LOXOSOMATIDAE So l itary; without a septum
between stalk and calyx; usually commensal on other in­ 10. Nearly all species are shallow-water marine animals
(two known freshwater species) inhabiting stones
vertebrates; some are capable of limited movement on a
or algae; many of the so l itary species are com­
suckered base or a compl icated foot; muscles continuous
mensals of pol ychaetes, sponges, and other water­
from sta lk to calyx. (e.g., Loxosoma, Loxosomella; see
Fig­ current producing invertebrates,
ure 15.1A,C)
606 Chapter Fifteen

(A) (B)

0 ••

0. . -
6 ..
•• •• ••
• Compound •
lateraJ cilium

-- - 6

(D) Rectum

Lateral cilia
Atrium Subenteric

' Gonad


Upper lip
Anus Lower lip

I , "-- St
- alk

undifferentiated. (e.g .. Loxosomatoides. Myosoma, Pedicel­ "shields" are characteristic of some of the colonial spe­
lina; see Figure 15.18,D) cies. The epidermis is cellular, and the epidermal cells
FAMILY BARENTSIIDAE Colonial; with incomplete stalk­ are cuboidal to flattened. Mesodermal and myoepithe­
calyx septum; with star-cell comp lex; stalkdifferentiated into lial cells move the tentacles and curl then, up when the
wide, muscular nodes and narrow, non-muscular rods (see tentacle cro,.,vn is reh·acted; a ring muscle just below the
Figure 15.1 E). (e.g., Barentsia, Urnatella) tentacle base constricts the atrium over the retracted
tentacles. Other mesodermal muscle bands compress
the body (calyx) to extend the tentacles. Contractions
The Entoproct Body Plan of longitudinal and oblique n1uscles in the basal part
of the body and in the stalk make characteristic nod­
Body Wall, Support, and Movement ding movements of the zooid possible, but also enable
The calyx and stalk are covered by a thin cuticle that more complicated movements of the stalk. As n,en­
does not extend over the ciliated portion of the t e n ­ tioned above, there is no persistent body cavity, and
tacles o r the atriun1. The stiff parts o f the stalk of the the area between the gut and body wall is filled v,rith
barentsiids have a thick cuticle, and cuticular dorsal mesenchyme (Figure 15.20).
TWO ENIGMATIC SPIRALIAN PHYLA Entoprocta and Cycliophora 607

◄ Figure 15.2 Entoproct feeding and digestion. (A) Water

entoproctshave a s o -called star-cell organ located near
currents of the tentacle crown of Loxosomella leptoclini
set up by the lateral cilia. (BJ Downstream c - ollect ing by the stalk-calyx junction (Figure 15.2D). This structure
the catch-up pri nciple. A cross section through a tentacle functions as a heart by pulsating and pumping fluid
w ith the movements of the large compound lateral cili a from the calyx to the stalk. Gas exchange probably oc­
illustrated through successive steps (numbered 1 12) - of curs over much of the body surface, particularly at the
a cilium on each side. The compound cilium catches up cuticle-free tentacles and atriun1.
w ith the grey particle and pushes i t to the frontal band
o f small separate cilia. (C) Ciliary feeding currents of the Nervous System
tentacle crown of a Loxosomella. Particles caught by the
lateral cilia are transported a long the frontal side of the A s is often the case in small sessile invertebrates, the
tentacle to the food groove and further to the mouth. (D) nervous system is greatly reduced. A single ganglionic
Diagram of a median section of the body of a Barentsia. n1ass lies between the stomacl1 and atrial surface, and
is called the subenteric ganglion (Figures 15.18 and
15.20). The subenteric ganglion gives rise to several
Feeding and Digestion pairs of nerves to the tentacles, calyx wall, and stalk.
Entoprocts are ciliary suspension feeders. They collect Unicellular tactile receptors are concentrated on the
food particles, mostly phytoplankton, from currents tentacles and scattered over much of the body surface.
produced by the lateral cilia on the tentacles (Figure Ciliated papillae form lateral sense organs in some
15.2 A,C). The ,., ater currents pass between the ten­ loxosomatids.
tacles and away from the atrium. Food particles are
collected on the downstrean1 -side of the ciliary band by Reproduction and Development
the "catch-up method" in whicl1 the compound lateral Colony growth occurs by budding from the tips of
cilia-several cilia working together as one unit-cut the stolons (Figure 15.lA,B,F) or in some barentsiids
through the water to contact the particle and push it to from joints of the stalk. Solitary forn1s produce buds
the frontal band of separate cilia on the frontal side of on the calyx in tl1e region of the esophagus; when in an
the tentacle (Figure 15.2B). The particles are then trans­ advanced state, they separate from the parent (Figure
ported along the tentacle to the horseshoe-shaped ciJi­ 15.3C).
ary band along the food groove on the atrial ridge and Most, perhaps all, loxostomatids are hermaphro­
to the mouth (Figure 15.2C). ditic and many are protandric. Those that are thought
Food particles are moved into the gut by cilia lining t o have separate sexes may also be protandric, but
the buccal tube and by muscular contractions of the with a long time between the male and female phases.
esophagus (Figure 15.2D). The esophagus leads to a Colonial forms may have hermaphroditic or gonocl1o­
spacious ston1acl1, from whicl1 a short intestine extends ristic zooids, and colonies may contain one or both
to the rectum located within the anal cone. Food is sexes. One or two pairs of gonads lie just beneath
moved through the gut by cilia. The stomacl1 lining se­ the surface of the atrium. Short gonoducts lead from
cretes digestive enzymes and mucus, which are mixed the gonads to a common pore opening to the atrium
with the food by a tumbling action caused by the cili­ (which serves as a brood chan,ber, somewhat like a
ary currents. Digestion and absorption probably occur kangaroo's pouch) (Figure 15.2D).
within the ston1ach and intestine, where food is held Sperm apparently are released into the water and
for a time by an intestinal-rectal sphincter muscle. then enter the female reproductive tract, with fertil­
ization occurring in the ovaries or oviducts. As the zy­
Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion gote moves along the oviduct, cement glands secrete a
The gut also apparently serves as a n excretory passage. tough surrounding membrane with a stalk by whicl1
Cells in the ventral stomach wall accumulate brownish the embryos are attached to the wall of the brood
spheres and release them into the stomacl1 lumen, from chamber. ln a few species, the embryos are nourished
\vhich they are discharged through the anus. Adult by cells of the maternal atrit11n.
entoprocts also possess a pair of flan1e bulb protone­ Cleavage in entoprocts is holoblastic and spiral. Non­
phridia located between the stomach and the atrium syncl1ronous divisions produce five"quartets" of micro­
epithelium (Figure 15.18). The freshwater species Ur­ meres at about the 56-cell stage. Cell fates are similar to
nntelln grncilis has additional protonephridia both in the those in typical protostome development, including the
body and in the joints of the stalk. The protonephridia derivation of mesoderm from the 4d mesentoblast. A
drain to a short common nephridioduct that leads to coeloblastula forms and gastrulates by invagination. A
a pore on the surface of the atritun. ln most species, larva develops that, in some species, resembles a typical,
protonephridia appear to be present also in the larvae. planktotrophic trochophore with proto-and metatroch
Internal transport is largely through the expansive used in swimming and downstream-collecting of food
gut; diffusion distances through the 1nesenchyme are particles, a basic laf"al type among protostomes (Figure
small between its lumen and the body wall. Colonial 15.38). A few loxosomatids produce small eggs, and the
608 Chapter Fifteen

(A) Apical organ (B) Apical organ




(D) (E)


. -

Loxosomella 1,armeri Loxosomella leptocli11i Loxosomella vivi1mra PediceJlinn cermm

Figure 1 5.3 Entoproct larvae and metamorphoses. (Loxosomella leptoclin1). (E) The large internal bud disrupts
(A) Lecithotrophic larva of Loxosomel/a harmeri. (B) the larval body and settles as a juvenile (Loxosomella
Planktotrophic larva of Loxosoma pectinaricola. (C-F) vivipara). (F) The larva settles with the area just above
settling and metamorphosis. (C) The larva settles with the prototroch and the gut rotates 180° with the mouth
the frontal organ and becomes a juvenile (Loxosomella in front; the atrium reopens in the juvenile (Pedicellina
harmen). (D) The larva settles and develops one or two cernua).
buds that detach as juveniles; the larval body disintegrates

larvae apparently spend a considerable period feeding After release from the mother, these larvae have a short
in the plankton. Most of the loxosomatids and all the free period, and some of them do not feed (Figure
colonial species produce larger eggs; the fully differenti­ 15.3A}. Settling and metamorphosis shows much varia­
ated larvae break the egg envelope and begin feeding. tion. Some species of Loxosornelln settle v.,ith a frontal
TWO ENIGMATIC SPIRALIAN PHYLA Entoprocta and Cycliophora 609



organ and the larval gut is retained in the

adult (Figure 15.3C). Other loxosomatids
develop external (Figure 15.3D) or internal
Dwarf male (Figure 15.3£) buds from the episphere (the
region above the prototroch) of the larva and
Putative Attached the larval body disintegrates. The larvae of
cerebral Prometheus the colonial species settle by cells just above
ganglion larva
the retracted prototroch and undergo a re­
markable unequal growth of the body mass
cells to rotate the gut so that the ventral, atrial
Host'sseta surface points away from the substratum
(Figure 15.3F).

Phylum Cycliophora:
The Cycliophorans
New buccal -���l
funnel Sy111bio11 pnndorn is a microscopic marine
animal first discovered in the 1960s living
comn1ensally on the mouthparts of Nor­
way lobsters (Figure 15.4; Box 15B). Not
described until 1995, this apparently acoe­
�· lomate animal was recognized as a separate
phylum, Cycliophora. Since then, a second
species, Sy,nbion n111ericn11us, has been de­
scribed from the American lobster. And
investigations of the mouthparts of the Eu­
ropean lobster suggest that a third species
Figure 15.4 Symbian pandora. (A) Several individuals of S . pandora might also exist. Additionally, the existence
attached to the mouthparts of a Norwegian lobster (Nephrops of one or more additional cryptic species on
norvegicus). (B) A feeding individual Symbian with a Prometheus the American lobster has been suggested by
larva attached to its trunk. molecular studies. Cycliophorans are high-
610 Chapter Fifteen

pair of sphincters involved in the closure of the mouth

BOX 15B Characteristics of the opeiung. The U s- haped gut is ciliated along its entire
Phylum Cycliophora length. The buccal funnel leads to a curved esophagus
and then to a stomach consisting of large gland cells
1. Triploblastic, bilateral. unsegmented, functionally
penetrated by a narrow lumen. An intestine extends
anteriorly to a short rectun1 and anus, located dorsally
2. Sess i le, so litary symb ionts of lobsters. Two
described species and several undescribed
near the base of the buccal funnel. A complex sphincter
species are known; so far all from Atlantic and is located proximally t o the anus. The area between the
Mediterranean lobsters gut and other organs is packed vvith a cellular mesen­
3. With layered cuticle, adhesive disc for attachment cl1y1ne. A pair of muscles span longitudinally along the
to host. and U-shaped gut buccal funnel, wlule several longitudinal muscle fibers
4. Suspension feeding, utilizing dense c ilia situated on (six in S. n111ericanus and two to eight in S. pandorn) span
ring of multicil iate epi dermal cells encircl ng from the most distal region of the trunk until about
i opening
of buccal funnel two-thirds of its length.
5. Circulation and gas exchange by diffusion Circulation and gas excl1ange are presumably accom­
6. With pair of protonephridia in the chordoid larva plished by simple diffusion i n these tiny animals. Two
7. With complex life cycle invo lving sexual and asexual
ganglia were described in the feeding individual: one
stages that alternate through a succession of ganglion located at the base of the buccal funnel, and the
events other partially surrounding the esophagus. However,
8. Cleavage apparently ho lob lastic. though pattern is further observations based on ultrastructural and i m ­
unique among the Sp ir al ia munohistoc11emical investigations have not confirmed
9. Maturation of the male involving a marked reduction the existence of these ganglia. Excretory organs have
of internal body volume, main ly by massive nuc lei not been identified in the feeding individual, although
loss a pair of protonephridia is present in one of the larval
10. With unique Pandora. Prometheus, and chordo id stages, the cl1ordoid larva, which is described below.
larvae Feeding stage individuals are able to reproduce
asexually by a budding process that occurs inside the
trunk and generates free-swirnnling stages, one at a
time-these are the Pandora larvae, the Prometheus
ly host specific, though recent observations provided larva, and the female. 1n order to rapidly increase the
evidence for a symbiotic relationship between them population density on a single host, the feeding indi­
and harpacticoid copepods. Although the role of these vidual generates Pandora larvae (170 �im long), which
small crustaceans in the cycliophoran life cycle is u n ­ possess a buccal fwu1el inside their bodies. Once re­
known, two specimens of copepods carrying cyclioph· leased, the Pandora larvae settle close to the maternal
oran life history stages were collected from the mouth­ individual on the lobster host and develop into new
parts of a European lobster. Why these enigmatic little feeding stages.
creatures only occur on lobsters is not known, and their 1n the sexual part of the life cycle, a free swimJning
odd ecology is surpassed only by their bizarre anatomy Prometheus larva (120 µm long) settles on the trunk of
and life history. a feeding individual and develops one to three dwarf
The li.fe cycle of a cycliophoran is con1plex and i n ­ males (40 �tm long) inside its own body. Fem.ales that
volves various sexual and asexual stages alternating have also settled on the maternal individual carry a
through a succession of stages. The most conspicuous single oocyte, and this is impregnated by a dwarf male
in the cycle is an approximately 350 µm sessile individ­ in a process that is not yet well understood. A number
ual with a body divided into an anterior buccal funnel, of morphological structures might be involved in im•
an oval trunk, and a posterior adhesive disc by which pregnation. For instance, a sn,all (-3 µm in diameter),
the a11in1al attac11es to its host's setae (Figure 15.4). A circular structure surrounded by cilia is located n,edi­
layered cuticle covers the trunk and adhesive disc, the ally on the ventral side of the female body. This struc­
latter apparently composed entirely of cuticular ma­ ture was described as a putative gonopore, though a
terial. Equipped with a U-shaped gut, this is the only canal for the conductance of sperm is not evident. ln
cycliophoran stage able to feed. The region between addition, the external morphology of the male is char­
the gut and body wall is packed with large mesenchy­ acterized by a "penis" located ventroposteriorly, al­
mal cells and no evidence of a body cavity has been though its actual ftmction as a true copulatory organ
observed. Suspension feeding is enhanced by creating or as a mere anchoring and piercing device is uncer­
water currents with dense cilia that are situated on a tain. A recent investigation at the ultrastructural level
ring of epidermal cells encircling the open end of the revealed the presence of a sperm cell inside the penis
buccal funnel. These n1ulticiliate epidermal cells alter­ of the dwarf male, which provides support for the for­
nate with contractile myoepithelial cells, which form a mer view. The female migrates from the body of the
TWO ENIGMATIC SPIRALIAN PHYLA Entoprocta and Cycliophora 611

pattern similar to that seen in other spiralian taxa. As

for asexual development, a recent study using serial
block face-scaruung electron microscopy provided new
insights on the development of the dwarf male inside
the attached Prometheus larva. During the maturation
of a young male into a mature dwarf male, the body
undergoes a reduction of about one third in the inter­
nal body volume, mainly by extensive loss of nuclei in
the majority of its somatic cells (but especially in cells
of the muscles and epidermis). Organs seen in mature
dwarf males-n1uscles, brain, testis, glands, etc.-are
already formed in the young male. The young male
Figure 15.5 Symbian pandora, chordoid larva. Note stage possesses about 200 nucleated cells, whereas the
the dense ciliated fields covering the ventral region of the mature m.ale stage comprises only around 50 nucleated
body, from posterior (left) to anterior (right). The arrow cells; muscle and epidermal cells of the mature male
points at the dorsal ciliated organ, which appears to have lack nuclei. Thus, contrary to typical developn1ent of
a sensory rol e. metazoans, the cycliophoran dwarf male does not
grow after organogenesis is concluded.
The external morphology of the Prometheus larva,
maternal cycliophoran individual to the lobster host, the Pandora larva, and the female is similar in many re­
where it settles into a sheltered area of the mouthparts, spects. For exan1ple, an anteroventral ciliated field and
encysts, and the en1bryo develops into the so-called a posterior ciliated tuft, as •Nell as four bundles of long
chordoid larva. cilia-which compose the sensory organ, or sensilla­
The chordoid larva (Figure 15.5) hatches from the are present in all these life cycle stages. In addition, all
cyst and settles on a new host, where it eventually d e ­ of these free-swimming stages possess a well-differen­
velops into a new feeding stage. This is probably the tiated cuticle characterized by a polygonal sculptured
avenue by which dispersal to new host individuals is surface. The external morphology of the chordoid
achieved. The anatomy of the chordoid larva was first larva differs fron1 these stages in that it possesses a n ­
described by Funch (1996), 1,vho suggested that it is a terior, ventral, and posterior ciliated fields, as well as a
modified trochophore larva, homologous to those of paired dorsal organ that appears to have a sensory role
many spiralians (e.g., annelids, molluscs, sipunculans, (Figure 15.5). The dwarf male is characterized by dense
echiurans). However, the overall neuroanato1ny of this ventral and frontal ciliated fields, and sensilla situated
larval stage (below) n1ud1 more closely resembles the laterally and frontally. The n1yoanatomy and nervous
condition of adult rather than larval stages of spiralian system of all cycliophoran free-swimming stages has
taxa. The chordoid larva is also characterized by a ven­ been investigated by transmission electron and confo­
tral chordoid organ that spans along the entire length cal laser scanning microscopy. In general, the muscu­
of the body. TI1e function of the chordoid organ is not lature of the free stages is very cornplex and includes
known, although it might be supportive and locomo­ longitudinal muscles that span the body dorsally and
tory; it is mainly muscular. ventrally, as well as dorsoventral muscles. All free­
K11owledge o f cycliophoran development is quite swimn1ing stages possess a dorsal brain con1posed of
limited. Details on early embryogenesis derive from a pair of lateral clusters of perikarya interconnected by
observations on settled females bearing an internal a commissural neuropil. Moreover, the d1ordoid larva
embryo. The eight-cell stage embryo is composed of has four distinct ventral longitudinal neurites, while
a group of four macromeres and four micromeres. all the other free-swimming stages have only two. The
Cleavage appears to be holoblastic, though the a r ­ typical spiralian apical organ is absent in all cycliopho­
rangement of the blastomeres does not reveal any dear ran larval stages.

Selected References
Entoprocta Nielsen, C. 1971. Entoproct life cycles and the entoproct/ec t o ­
proct relationship. Ophelia 9(2): 209-341.
Franke, M. 1993. Ultrastructure of the protonephridia of
wxowmellaJa11veli, Bare11tsia 111ats11s/ti111a11a and Pedicelli11a c e r - Nielsen, C. 1989. Entoprocts. Synopses British Fauna, N.S. 41:
1 -131. Brill, Leiden.
1111a. Implications for the protonephridia in the grow1d p a t ­
Nielsen, C. 2002. The phylogenetic position of Entoprocta,
tern of U,e Entoprocta (Kamptozoa). Microfauna Mar. 8: 7 3- 8 .
Hausdorf, B. and 8 others. 2007. Spiralian phylogenomics sup­ Ectoprocta, Phoronida and Brachiopoda. Integrative and
Comparative Biology 42(3): 68�91.
ports the resurrection of Bryozoa comprising Ectoprocta and
Entoprocta. Mol. Biol. Evol. 24(12): 2723-2729. Nielsen, C. 2010. A review of the taxa of solitary entoprocts
(Loxosomellatidae). Zootaxa 2395: 45-56. [There is a beautiful
612 Chapter Fifteen

figure with many line drawings of weird looking entoprocts, Neves, R. C., R.M. Kristensen and A. Wanninger. 2009. Three­
along with a species list and lengthy literature cited. This dimensional reconstruction of the musculature of various
could be a guide for a future entoproctologist.] life cycle stages of the cycliophoran Sy111bio11 n111ericn1111s. ).
Nielsen, C . and A Jespersen. 1997. Entoprocta. Pp.1343 i n F . W . Morphol. 270: 2 5 7 2-70.
Harrison (ed.), Microscopic A11a/0111y of Invertebrates, Vol. 1 3 . Neves, R. C., K. ). K. S0rensen, R . M. Kristensen and A.
Wiley-Liss, New York. Wanninger. 2009. Cycliophoran dwarf males break the n1le:
Nielsen, C. and J. Rostgaard. 1976. Structure and function of an high complexity with low cell-numbers.Biol. Bull. 217: 2 5- .
entoproct tentacle with discussion of ciliary feeding types. Neves, R . C., M. R. Cunha, P . Funch, A. Wanninger and R.M.
Ophelia 15: 115-140. Kristensen. 2010. External morphology of the cycliophorall
Riisgard, H. U., C. Nielsen and P. S . Larsen. 2000. Downstrean1 dwarf male: a comparative study of Sy111bio11 pa11dora and S .
collecting in ciliary suspension feeders: the catch-up princi­ a111erican11s. HelgolandMar.Res. 6 4: 257-262.
ple. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.207: 33-51. Neves, R. C.,M. R. Cunha, R.M .Kristensen and A. Wanninger.
Rundell, R. J. and B. S . Leander.2012. Description and phyloge­ 2010. Comparative myoallatomy of cycliophoran life cycle
netic position of the first sand-dwelling e11toproct from the stages.J.Morphol. 271: 596-611.
western coast of North America: Loxosomella va11co11vere11sis Neves, R. C., R.M.Kristensen and A .Wanninger.2010. Serotonin
sp.nov.Marine Biology Research 8: 284-291. immulloreactivity in the nervous system of the Pandora
Todd, J. A. and P. D. Taylor . 1992. The first fossil entoproct. larva, the Prometheus larva, and the dwarf male of Sy111bio11
Natunviss. 79: 3 1 1 3-14. n111ericn1111s (Cycliophora). Zool. Anzeiger249: 1 12.
Was.�on, K. 1997a. Sexual modes i n the colollial kamptozoan Neves, R. C., R .M. Kristensen and P . FUllch. 2012. Ultrastructure
genus Barentsin. Biol. Bull. 193: 163-170. and morphology of the cycliophoran female. J. Morphol. 273:
Wasson, K. 1997b. Systematic revision of colollial kamptozoans 850-869.
(entoprocts) of the Pacific coast of North America. Zool. J. Neves, R .C., C. Bailly ru1d H .Reichert. 2014. Are copepods se c ­
Linn. Soc. 121: 1-63. ondary hosts of Cycliophora? Org. D ivers. Evol. 14: 363-367.
Neves, R . C. and H . Reichert. 2015. Microanatomy and d e ­
Cycliophora velopment of the dwarf male of Sy111bio11 pn11dora (Phylu1n
Baker, J.M. and C. Giribet. 2007. A molecular phylogenetic ap­ Cycliophora): new insights from ultrastructural investiga­
proach to the phylum Cycliophora provides furU1er evidence tion based on serial section electroll. PLoS ON'E. doi: 10.1371/
for cryptic speciation in Sy111bio11 a111eric111111s. Zool. Scripta 36: joumal.pone.0122364
353-359. Obst, M. and P . Punch. 2003. DwarfMale of Sy111bio11 pa11dora
Funch, P. 1996. The chordoid larva of Sy111bio11 pandora (Cycliophora).J.Morphol. 255: 2 6 1 2-78.
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231-263. host specificity in cycliophorans: a phylogeographic analysis
Funch, P. and R. M. Kristensen. 1995. Cycliophora is a new phy­ along the North Atlantic andMediterranean Sea.Mol. Ecol.
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661-662. Obst, M., P. Funch, R. M. Kristensen. 2006.A llew species of
Funch, P . and R. M. Kristensen. 1997. Cycliophora. Pp. 409- Cycliophora from the moutl1parts of the American lobster,
474, in F . W. Harrison and E. E. Ruppert (eds.), Microscopic Homnrus a111erica1111s (Nephropidae, Decapoda). Org. Divers.
Anatomy of/llvertebrntcs, Vol. 13, Lcphophorntes, £11toprocta , and Evol. 6: 83-97.
Cycliophorn. Wiley-Liss, New York.
The Gnathifera
Phyla Gnathostomulida, Rotifera
(including Acanthocephala), and

he clade Gnathifera includes three phyla: Gnathostoo,ulida, Mi.crogna­

thozoa, and Rotifera, with the latter including the parasitic acantho­
cephalan worms (formerly a separate phylum). The name is derived
from the Greek gnathos, "jaw" and the Latinfern, "to bear," and refers
to the presence of pharyngeal hard parts, i.e., jaws that are either present or
secondarily lost in al.I gnathiferan taxa. Despite their small size, gnathiferans
show a remarkable complexity of anatomy, especially in their jaw structures
(e.g., the mastax and trophi) and the organization of their muscular and n e r ­
vous systems.
Until the mid-1990s, the Gnathostomulida and Rotifera were pooled together
with other microscopic taxa in questionable groups such as"Aschelminthes"
or "Nemathelminthes"-catchall group­
ings that were more o r less solely character­
ized by hosting microscopic taxa with uncer­
Classification of The Animal tain phylogenetic positions. At that time, the
Kingdom (Metazoa) Acanthocephala was treated as a distinct p h y ­
lum, but despite their macroscopic size and
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata
(a.k.a. the diploblasts)
endoparasitic biology, they were already con­
sidered to be closely related to the Rotifera,
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHIOPODA based on ultrastructural similarities in their
PHYLUM CNI DARIA ECDYSOZOA integuments. During the 1990s, a number of r e ­
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida searchers began to investigate the phylogenetic
PHYLUM NEMATODA positions of the aschelntinth phyla. ln 1995, n.vo
(a.k.a. the triploblasts)
important papers (by W. H. Ahlrichs, R. M.
Scalidophora Rieger and S. Tyler) suggested a sister-group
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA relationship betv,een Gnathostomulida and
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICIFERA Rotifera, based on a proposed homology be­
Se1BAuA Panarthropoda tween the jaws in the two groups. The homol­
PHYLUM TARDIGRAOA ogy was supported by ultrastructural data from
transmission electron microscopy, whicl, dem­
onstrated that jaws in both taxa are made up by
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA rodlike elements that in cross section appear as
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA translucent areas with a central, electron-dense
SUBPHYLUM CHELICERATA core. Ahlrichs (1995) referred to this group as
Deuterostomia Gnathifera, and he further suggested that the
PHYLUM MICROGNATHOZOA Marlin V. Sorensen wrote the introduction and revised
PHYLUM ROTIFERA "'Paraphyletic group sections on phyla Gnathostomulida and Rotifera. Katrine
Worsaae and Reinhardt M0bjerg Kristensen wrote the
section on phylum Micrognathozoa.
614 Chapter Sixteen

Gnathostomulida Micrognathozoa Rotifer.,

Acanthocephala Bddloidea Seisonidea

Figure 16.1 Phyl ogenetic tree showing jaw structure hard parts/jaws composed of rods made of a translucent
and the relationships within Gnathifera. Synapomorphies material with an electron-dense core, (2) cellular epidermis
for the major clades are marked on the tree: (1) pharyngeal with intracellular protein lamina, (3) syncytial epidermi s.

endoparasitic acanthocephalans were actually no more Morphology-based phylogenies indicate that

than highly modified rotifers. Gnathostomulida branches off as the n1ost basal
At the same time Gnathifera was taking its shape, gnathiferan, whereas Micrognathozoa and Rotifera
another new animal was discovered in mosses from (including Acanthocephala) appear as sister-groups
a cold spring in Greenland. It was a tiny, microscopic supported by similarities in the ultrastructure of their
invertebrate that in some respects resembled a rotifer, integuments (Figure 16.1). Both free-living Rotifera
and in other ways a gnathostomulid, but also pos­ and Acanthocephala (see below) have a syncytial epi­
sessed several characteristics that were not found in dermis where the outer cuticle has been replaced by
any other groups. The animal had jaws that were even an intracellular protein lamina in the epidermal cells.
more complex and numerous in elements than those Micrognathozoa has a regular non-syncytial epidermis,
found in the two other gnathiferan phyla. Trans1nission but a similar intracellular proteil1 lamina is found in its
electron microscopy showed that the ultrastructure dorsal epidern1al plates, and the presence of this l a m ­
of the jaws "'as nearly identical with that of Rotifera ina is considered synapomorphic for Micrognathozoa
and Gnathostomulida. Six years after its discovery, R. and Rotifera-Acanthocephala.
M. Kristensen and P. Funch (2000) named the animal Several molecular studies initially suggested a close
Li111nognnlhin nzaerski, and assigned it to a ne"' animal relationship between Gnathostomulida and Rotifera­
group Micrognathozoa, ,,vhich four years later was rec­ Acanthocephala, but then in 2015, using larger data­
ognized as a third gnathiferan phylum. sets, the Micrognathozoa began to appear as a sister
Morphologically, Gnathifera appears to be a group to the Rotifera-Acanthocephala.
well-supported 1nonophyletic group that is c h a r ­ Based on ultrastructural similarities il1 their integu­
acterized by the presence of homologous pharyn­ ments, the microscopic rotifers and the macroscopic
geal hard parts, and at least one phylogenomic study acanthocephalans have long been considered as like­
has also found support for the clade Gnathifera. ly sister taxa. However, more recently an increasing
THE GNATHIFERA Phyla Gnathostomuli da, Rot ifera (including Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 615

(A) (B) (C)

Ciliary pit
·,..:,,.- Rostrum

,,,{i ,
Pharynx f.:

:\ , Ovary
r-. .

. '

·r Vagina .. ,
� ,
1 •lepore Testis----'-""

Partner's sp erm Male pore

Figure 16.2 Representative gn athostomulids.
(A) Haplognathia simplex. (B) Austrognatharia kirsteueri.
(C) Basal plate a n d jaws of Gnathostomula armata. features of this phylum include a unique jawed pha­
ryngeal apparatus and monociliated epidermal cells
(Box 16A). The currently described 100 species ai,d 26
amount of evidence from molecular studies have un­ genera are divided between two orders.
ambiguously shown that Acanthocephala is not the
sister of Rotifera, but actually evolved from within the
Rotifera-presu1nably as a clade that becan1e obligate
endoparasitic, and subsequently went through a series ORDER FILOSPERMOIDEA Body usually very elongate,
of dramatic morphological modifications and changes, with s lender rostrum; jaws relatively simple; male parts with­
Modern acanthocephalans are so modified and adapt­ out injectory penis; sperm filiform (with one 9+2 flagellum);
ed to their endoparasitic lifestyle that it is hard to find
comparative morphological characters that would
place them inside Rotifera, but the molecular support BOX 16A Characteristics
is strong and includes studies based on selected target
loci a.nd expressed sequence tags, as well as the com­ of the Phylum
plete mitochondrial genomes. Gnathostomulida
1. Tr i plobl astic, bilateral . unsegmented, vermiform
Phylum Gnathostomulida: 2. Epidermis monolayered; all epithelial cells are
The Gnathostomulids monociliated
3. Gut incomp lete (anus rudimentary, vestig ial, or
The phylum Gnathostomulida (Greek, gnnthos, "jaw"; absent)
ston,n, "mouth") includes about 100 species of minute 4. Pharynx with unique, complex jaw apparatus
vermiform hermaphroditic animals (Figure 16.2). These
5. W ithout ci rcul atory system or specia l gas exchange
meiofaunal creatures were first described by Peter Ax
in 1956 as turbellarians, but given their own phylum
6. Excretion through protonephr i d ia with monociliated
rank by Rupert Riedl in 1969. Gnathostomulids are
terminal cells
found worldwide, interstitially in marine sands mixed
7. Hermaphroditic
with detritus, from the intertidal zone to depths of
hundreds of meters. The tiny, elongate body (less than 8. Cleavage spiral and development direct
2 mm long) is usually divisible into head, trurtk, and 9. Inhabit marine, interstitial env i ronments
in some species a narrow tail region. Distinguishing
616 Chapter Sixteen

female parts wi thout vagina and bursa. (3 genera: Cosmog­

monociliated cells are concentrated in the head region.
nathia, Haplognathia, and Pterognathia)
Gnathostomuli.d specialists have attached a fornudable
ORDER BURSOVAGINOIDEA Body usually not extremely array of names to these structures, which are of major
elongate relative to width; head with s horter rostrum and taxonomic significance.
often a constriction in the neck area; jaws complex; male
parts with penis, with or without a stylet; sperm cells aflagel­ Reproduction and Development
late, e it her dwarf cells or giant conuli; female parts with Gnathostomulids are hermaphrodites. The male repro­
bursa and usually a vagina. (23 genera, in cluding Austrog­ ductive system includes one or n, vo testes generally
natharia, Gnathostomula, and Onychognathia) located in the posterior part of the trunk and tail; the
female system consists of a single large ovary (Figure
16.2). Members of the order Bursovaginoidea possess
a vaginal orifice and a sperm-storage bursa, both as­
The Gnathostomulid Body Plan sociated with the female gonopore, and a penis in the
Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion male system; men1bers of the order FilospernJoidea
Each outer epithelial cell bears a single cilium by which lack these structures.
the animal moves in a gliding motion. Movement is Mating has been only superficially studied in gna­
aided by body contortions produced by the contraction thostomulids. Although the method of sperm transfer
of thin strands of subepidermal (cross-striated) muscle is not certain, suggestions include filiform spenn of fi­
fibers. These actions, plus reversible ciliary beating, lospermoid gnathostomuJids boring through the body
facilitate twisting, turning, and crawling among sand wall. Among some bursovagi.noi.d gnathostomulids,
grains, and allow limited swimming in some species. sperm is transferred directly to the mating partner's
Mucous gland cells occur in the epidermis of at least bursa by hypodermic impregnation of the sclerotized
some species. The body is supported by its n1ore or less penis stylet. In any case, these animals appear to be g r e ­
solid construction, with a loose mesenchyrne filli11g the garious, t o rely on internal fertilization, and to deposit
area between the internal organs. zygotes singly in their habitat. Cleavage is reported as
spiral and development is direct, but details on embry­
Nutrition, Circulation, Excretion, onic and juvenile development are generally scarce.
and Gas Exchange
The mouth is located on the ventral surface at the
"head-trunk" junction and leads inward to a complex Phylum Rotifera:
muscular pharynx arn1ed with pincerlike jaws and in
some species an unpaired anterior basal plate (Figure
The Free-Living Rotifers
16.2). Curiously, the two known species of the genus The phylum Rotifera (Latin rota, "wheel"; fern, "to
Agnnthiella have no jaws at all. Gnathostomulids in­ bear") includes more than 2,000 described species of
gest bacteria and fungi by snapping actions made by microscopic (about 100 to 1000 µm long), generally
the jaws or scraping with the basal plate. The pharynx free-living animals. FurthernJore, the parasitic, mac­
connects with a simple, elongate, saclike gut. A perma­ roscopic acanthocephalan worms actually represent a
nent, functional anus is not present, but i n a few gna­ rotifer in-group as well, but due to their considerable
thostomulids a tissue connection between the posterior differences in biology and morphology, they will be
end of the gut and the overlying epidermis has been discussed separately. Thus, in this section the name R o ­
observed. This enign1atic feature has been variously tifera refers to the microscopic, free-Uving rotifers only.
interpreted as either a tetnporary anal co,mection to The name "Syndermata" was proposed some time ago
the exterior, as the remnant of an anus that has been for a clade of Rotifera + Acanthocephala, but with the
evolutionarily lost, or as an incipient anus that has yet current understanding that these are not sister groups
to fully develop. (the latter arose as a clade from within the former), that
These a11in1als depend largely on diffusion for circu­ name i s no longer useful.
lation and gas exchange. The excretory syste1n is com­ Rotifers were discovered by the early microsco­
posed of serially arranged protonephridia that stretch pists, sucll as Antony van Leeuwenhoek in the late
from the pharyngeal region to the terminal end of the seventeenth century; at that time they were lumped
body. Like the epithelial cells, the protonephridial t e r ­ with the protists as "animalcules" (mainly because
minal cells are monociliated. of their small size). Besides the 2,050 or so known,
morphologically recognizable species, complexes of
Nervous System cryptic speciation have been demonstrated for several
The nervous system is intimately associated with the morphospecies. For example, the species Brnchio1111s
epidermis and as yet is incompletely described. Vari­ plicntilis has been subject to intensive studies, and at
ous sensory organs, such as sensory ciliary pits and least 22 cryptic species have been identified within this
stiff sensoria formed by groups of joined cilia from species group.
THE GNATHIFERA Phyla Gnathostomuli da, Rot ifera (including Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 617

Ganglion (8) ----Corona
�' .

Trunk ,__-- Mastax

;··\ Mastax Gastric gland
Head Ovary


Pedal glands (0 )

Pedal glands
. .
. ..
. ../ '

. ;,:,:t:

. ·.;/'
. -�• --
.. '.-��

�- ...:r.
., ·\ ·, ..,..
.- '

-- -.:, .- ;'1{fj"'
,. ,•

Figure 16.3 Representat ive rotifers. (A) Paraseison
annulatus (subclass Seisonidea), a marine ectoparasitic
. ·:.... ;
rotifer from the gills of Nebalia. (B) Philodina roseola
(subclass Bdelloidea). (C-F) Members of the subclass
Monogononta: (C) SEM of a sessile rotifer (Floscularia)
that lives inside a tube that it constructs from small pellets

composed of bacteri a and detri tus. (D) Stephanoceros,
one of the strange collothecacean rotifers with the corona
modified as a trap. (E) The loricae of two loricate rotifers.
(F) Live specimens of Stephanoceros.

photo of Conoc/1i/11s). They are most common in fresh

water, but many marine species are also known, and
others live in damp soil or in the water film on mosses.
They often co1nprise an i1nportant component of the
plankton of fresh and brackish waters.
Despite their small size, rotifers are actually quite The body comprises three general regio ns-the
complex and display a variety of body forn1S (Figure head, trw'lk, and foot. The head bears a ciliary organ
16.3). Most are solitary, but some sessile fonns are co­ called the corona. When active, the coronal cilia often
lonial, a few of which secrete gelatinous casings into give the impression of a pair of rotating wheels, hence
which the individuals can retract (e.g., chapter opener the derivation of the phylum name; in fact, rotifers
618 Chapter Sixteen

(gr inding). (20 genera, e.g., Adineta, Embata, Habrotro­

were historically called "wheel anilnalcules." Members
cha, Philodina, Rotaria)
of this phylum are further characterized by being blas­
tocoelomate, having an integument without an outer SUBCLASS SEISONIDEA (F i gure 16.3A) Epizoic on the
cuticle, but instead with a supportive intracellular pro­ mari ne leptostracan crustacean Nebalia; corona reduced
tein lamina. They have a complete gut (usually), proto­ to bristles; trophi fu lcrate (piercing); males fully developed
nepluidia, show a tendency to eutely, and often have and considered to have d iploid chromosome numbers;
syncytial tissues or organs (Box 168). The pharynx i s sexual fema les produce on ly mictic ova. (2 genera: Para­
modified as a mastax comprising sets of internal jaws seison and Seison)
called trophi. The morphology of the trophi is of great
systematic importance and often the main character to
identify species and genera. CLASS EUROTATORIA
A highly surprising discovery about rotifers was SUBCLASS MONOGONONTA (Figure 16.3C-F) Pre­
made i n 2008, when it was found that bdelloid roti­ dominately freshwater, some are marine; swimmers,
fers have incorporated large nun,bers of genes from creepers, or sessile; corona and trophi variab l e; ma les
diverse foreign sources into their genomes, including typically short lived, haploid, and reduced in size and
bacteria, fungi, and plants. These foreign genes have complexity; sexual reproduction probably occurs at
accumulated mainly i n the telomeric regions at the some po i nt in the life history of all species; mictic and
ends of chromosomes, and at least most of then, seem amict i c ova produced in many species; single germo­
to retain their functional iJ1tegrity. vitellarium. (121 genera, e.g., Asplanchna, Brachionus,
Collotheca, Dicranophorus, Encentrum, Epiphanes, Eu­
chlanis, Roscularia, Lecane, Notommata, Proa/es, Syn­
ROTIFER CLASSIFICATION chaeta, Testudinel/a)
CLASS HEMIROTATORIA Endoparasites, ectoparas i tes, or
free-l iving; th is group is recognized on ly by molecular data.
The Rotifer Body Plan
parasites; see chapter sect i on below. Body Wall, General External Anatomy, and
Details of the Corona
SUBCLASS BDELLOIDEA (Figure 16.38) Found in
Most rotifers possess a soft, gelatinous glycocalyx
freshwater, moist so ils, and fo l iage (also marine, and ter­
outside their epidermis, but unlike many other inver­
restriaQ; corona typically well developed; trophi ramate
tebrates, they h a v e no external cuticle. lnstead they
have an inh·acellular protein lamina located inside the
epidermis, for protection and stabilization of the body.
This protein larnma may vary considerably in thickness
BOX 16B Characteristics of the and flexibility among the genera and families. Species
Phylum Rotifera with a very thin protein lamilla are called "illoricate ro­
1. Triploblastic, bi lateral, unsegmented tifers," and they often appear as very flexible and hya­
blastocoelomates line anilnals that contract completely when disturbed.
2. Gut complete and regionally special ized In other species, the intracellular protein lamina is
3. Pharynx mod i fied as a mastax, containing jawl ike much thicker and forms a body-armor, called a lorica,
elements called "trophi" and these species are referred to as "loricate rotifers."
4. Anterior end bears variable ciliated fields as a Another special condition of the rotifer epidermis r e ­
corona gards the absence of walls between the epidermal cells,
5. Posterior end often bears toes and adhesive glands meaning that the epidermis is a syncytium with about

6 . Ep idemiis syncyt ial, with fixed number of nuclei;

900 to 1,000 nuclei.
secretes extracellular glycocalyx and intracellular The body sw·face of many illoricate rotifers is annu­
skeletal lami na (the latter forming a lorica in some lated, allowing flexibility. The surface of loricate s p e ­
species) cies often bears spines, tubercles, o r other sculptltring
7. Wrth protonephridia, but no spec ial circu latory or (Figure 16.3E). Many rotifers bear single dorsal and
gas exchange structures paired lateral sensory antennae arising from various
8. With unique retrocerebral organ regions of the body. A foot is not present in all species,
9 . Males generally reduced or absent; parthenogen­
but when present it i s often elongate, with cuticular
esis common annuli that permit a telescoping action. The distal por­
1 0 . With modi fied spiral cleavage tion of the foot often bears spines, or a pair of "toes"
through which the ducts from pedal glands pass. The
11. Inhab it mari ne, freshwater, or semiterrestrial envi­
ronments; sessi le or free-swimming secretion from the pedal glands enables the rotifer to
attach temporarily to the substratum. The foot is absent
THE GNATHIFERA Phyla Gnathostomuli da, Rot ifera (including Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 619

(A) Circumapical Apical (B) established during development, and there are no mi­
field field totic cell djvisions in the body following ontogeny.
'.,, ,., ..,, �/�
Body Cavity, Support, and Locomotion
Beneath the epidermis are various circular and longi­
tudinal muscle bands (Figure 16.5); there are no sheets
Buccal field
' .,, . , or layers of body wall muscles. The internal organs lie
Cingulum ,, '
within a typically spacious, fluid-filled blastocoelom.
In the absence of a thick, muscular body wall, body
support and shape are maintained by the intraepider­
(C) TrochaJ mal skeletal lamina and the hydrostatic skeleton pro­
discs vided by the body cavity. In loricate species the integu­
' ment is onJy flexible enough to allow slight changes in
shape, so increases in hydrostatic pressure vvithin the
body cavity can be used to protrude body parts (e.g.,
foot, corona). These parts are protracted and retracted
by various muscles (Figure 16.5), each consisting of
onJy one or two ceUs.
Cingulum Although a few rotifers are sessile, most are mo­
tile and quite active, moving about by swinuning or
creeping like an inchworm. Some are exclusively either
swimmers or crawlers, but many are capable of both
Figure 16.4 Mod i fications of t h e corona among select­ n1ethods of locomotion. Swimming is accomplished
ed rot ifer types. (A) The presumed plesiomorphic condi­ by beating the coronal cilia, forcing water posteri­
t ion has buccal and circumapical fields. (B) The circum­ orly along the body, and driving the animal forward,
apical field is separated into trochus and cingulum. The
sometimes in a spiral path. When creeping, a rotifer at­
trochus is lobed, like that of Floscularia. (C) The trochus is
separated into two trochal discs, as found in many bdel­ taches its foot with secretions from the pedal glands,
loid rot ifers. then elongates its body and extends forward. It a t ­
taches the extended anterior end to the substratum,

from some swimming forms (e.g., Asplnnchnn) and is

modified for permanent attachment in sessile types Rostral retractor Trochal discs
(e.g., Flosculnrin).
The corona i s the most characteristic external fea­
ture of rotifers. Its morphology varies greatly and, in Trochal disc
some groups, the corona is an important taxonomic retractor
character. The presumed prinutive condition is shown
in Figure 16.4A. A ,.vell-developed patch of cilia s u r ­
rounds the anteroventral mouth. This patch is the buc­
cal field, or circumoral field, and it extends dorsally
around the head as a ciJjary ring called the circumapi­
cal field. The extreme anterior part of the head bor­
dered by this ciliary ring is the apical field. The corona
has evolved to a variety of modified forms in different
rotifer taxa. In some species, the buccaJ field is quite r e ­
duced, and the circun1apical field i s separated into t,vo
ciliary rings, one slightly anterior to the other (Figure
16.4B). The anteriormost ring is called the trochus,
the other the cinguJum. In many bdelloid rotifers the
trochus is a pair of well-defined anterolateral rings of
cilia called trochal discs (Figure 16.4C), which may be
retracted or extended for locon1otion and feeding. It is
the metachronal ciliary waves along these trochal ruses
that impart the impression of rotating wheels. Figure 16.5 Major muscle bands of the bdelloid rotifer,
Many organs and tissues of rotifers display eutely: Rotaria (dorsal view).
cell or nuclear number constancy. This condition is
620 Chapter Sixteen

Figure 16.6 SEMs showing different rotifer trophi types. trophi, found in the monogonont family Dicranophori dae.
(A) Dissotrocha acu/eata with the ramate trophus type, (D) Resticu/a nyssa with its virgate trophi, typical for
found in all bdelloids. (B) Brachionus catyciflorus w ith the Notommatidae and several other monogonont fam ilies.
malleate trophus type that characterizes several mono­ (E) Paraseison kisfatudyi, tulcrate trophi of the ectopara­
gonont families. (C) Encentrum astridae with forcipate sitic Seisonidea.

releases its foot, and draws its body forward by n,us­ reduced or used exclusively for locon,otion. Raptodal
cular contraction. feeders obtain food by grasping it with protrusible,
pincerlike mastax jaws; most possess either a forcipate
Feeding and Digestion mastax (non-rotating) (Figure 16.6C) or an incudate
Rotifers display a variety of feeding n1ethods, depend­ mastax (rotating 90-180° during protrusion). RaptoriaJ
ing upon the structure of the corona (Figu re 16.4) and rotifers feed n1ainly on small animals but are known
the mastax trophi (Figure 16.6). Ciliary suspension to ingest plant material as well. They may ingest their
feeders have well-developed coronal ciliation and a prey whole and subsequently grind it to smaller par­
grinding mastax. These forms include the bdelloids, ticles within the mastax, or they may pierce the body of
which have trochal discs and a ran1ate n1astax (Figure the plant or anin1al with the tips of the mastax jaws and
16.6A), and a number of n1onogonont rotifers, which suck fluid from the prey (Figure 16.6D).
have separate trochus and cingulum and a malleate Some monogonont rotifers have adopted a trapping
mastax (Figure 16.6B). These forms typically feed on method of predation. In such cases the corona usu­
organic detritus or minute organisms. The feeding cur­ ally bears spines or setae arranged as a funnel-shaped
rent is produced by the action of the cilia of the trochus trap (Figure 16.3D,F). The mouth in these trappers is
(or trochal discs), which beat in a direction opposite to located more or less in the middle of the ring of spines
that of the cilia of the cingulum. Particles are drawn (rather than in the more typical anteroventral position);
into a ciliated food groove that lies between these o p ­ thus, captured prey is drawn to it by contraction of the
posing ciliary bands and are carried to the buccal field trap elements. The mastax in trapping rotifers is often
and mouth. reduced.
Raptorial feeding is com. mon in many species of A fevv rotifers have adopted symbiotic lifestyles.
Monogononta. Coronal ciliation in these rotifers is often As noted in the classification scheme, seisonids live on
THE GNATHIFERA Phyla Gnathostomuli da, Rot ifera (including Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 621

(A) {B) Blastocoelom Circular muscle

Buccal tube

M.astax (pharynx)
Salivary gland
Gastric gland ._- Epidermis
Stomach •
- Lntegument


Cloaca Germovitellarium

Figure 16.7 (A) Digestive system of a rotifer. (B) Cross
in each species (Figure 16.78). The intestine is short
section through the trunk.
and leads to the anus, which is located dorsally near
the posterior end of the trunk. Except for Asplauchnn,
which lacks a h.indgut, an expanded cloaca connects
marine leptostracan crustaceans of the genus Nebalia. the intestine and anus.The oviduct and usually the ne­
These rotifers (Seison and Paraseison) crawl around the phridioducts also empty into this cloaca.
base of the legs and gills of their host, feeding on detri­ Digestion probably begins in the lumen of the
tus and on the host's brooded eggs. It has been suggest­ n1astax and is completed extracellularly in the stom­
ed that species of the predatory Paraseison may use the ach, where absorption occurs. In one large and enig­
anterior tip of the fulcrun, of its fulcrate trophi (Figure matic group of bdelloids the stomach lacks a lumen.
16.6E) to pinch the cuticle of its leptostracan host and Although much remains to be learned about the diges­
feed on its hae1noly1nph. Some bdelloids (e.g., Ernbata) tive physiology of rotifers, some experimental work in­
also live on the gills of crustaceans, particularly am­ dicates that diet has mllltiple and important effects on
phipods and decapods. There are isolated examples of various aspects of their biology, including the size and
endoparasitic rotifers inhabiting hosts such as Volvox shape of individuals as well as some life cycle activities
(a colonial protist), freshwater algae, snail egg cases, (see Gilbert 1980).
and the body cavities of certain annelids and terrestrial
slugs. Little is known about nutrition in most of these Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and
species. Osmoregulation
The digestive tract of most rotifers is complete and Rotifers have no special organs for internal transport
more or less straight (Figure 16.7A). (The a.nus has or for the exchange of gases between tissues and the
been secondarily lost in a few species, and some have environment. The blastocoelomic fluid provides a me­
a moderately coiled gut.) The mouth leads inward to dium for circulation "''ithin the body, which is aided
the pharynx (mastax) either directly or via a short, cili­ by general moven1ent and n,uscular activities. Small
ated buccal tube. Depending on the feeding method body size reduces diffusion distances and facilitates the
and food sources, swallowing is accomplished by vari­ transport and excl1ange of gases, nutrients, and wastes.
ous means, including ciliary action of the buccal field These activities are further enhanced by the absence of
and buccal tube, or a pistonlike pumping action of cer­ linings and partitions within the body cavity, so the
tain ele1ne.nts of the mastax apparatus. The n,astax is excl1anges occur direct! y beh•veen the organ tissues and
ectodern1al in origin. Opening into the gut lumen just the body fluid. Gas exchange probably occurs over the
posterior to the mastax are ducts of the salivary glands. general body surface wherever the integument is s u f ­
There are usualJy two to seven such glands; they are ficiently thin.
presumed to secrete digestive enzymes and perhaps Most rotifers possess one or several pairs of flame
lubricants aiding the n1ovement of the n1astax trophi. bulb protonephridia, located far forward in the body.
A short esophagus connects the mastax and stom­ A nephridioduct leads from each flame bulb to a col­
ach. A pair of gastric glands opens into the posterior lecting bladder, which in turn empties into the cloaca
end of the esophagus; these glands apparently secrete via a ventral pore. In some forms, especially the bdel­
digestive enzy1nes. The walls of the esophagus and loids, the ducts open directly into the cloaca, which is
gastric glands are often syncytial. The ston1ach is g e n ­ enlarged to act as a bladder (Figure 16.7A). The proto­
erally thick walled and m a y b e cellular or syncytial, nephridial system of rotifers is primarily osmoregula­
usually comprising a specific number of cells or nuclei tory in function, and i s most active in fresh\>\•ater forms.
622 Chapter Sixteen

(A) (B) Pores of

Sense organ
retrocerebral organ
Pharyngeal nerve
Mastax ganglion

Viscera) nerve


nerve cord --:i-.!I
Dorsal antenna Mouth
Coronal cilia

Figure 16.8 (A) The nervous system of Asplanchna.

(BJ The coronal area of l=uch/anis (apical view). Note the the coronal surface, and son,etimes by a pair of apical
various sense organs. ocelli i n the apical field. The lateral and apical ocelli are
multicellular epidennal patches of photosensitive cells.
Pierre Clement (1977) described possible baro- or che­
Excess water fro1n the body cavity and probably fron, moreceptors in the body cavity that may help regulate
digestion is also pumped out via the anus by muscular internal pressure or fluid composition.
contractions of the bladder. This "urine" is significant­ Associated ""ith the cerebral ganglion is the so­
ly hypotonic relative to the body fluids. It is likely that called retrocerebral organ. This curious glandular
the protonephridia also remove nitrogenous excretory structure gives rise to ducts that lead to the body sur­
products from the body. This forn1 of waste removal is face in the apical field (Figure 16.8B). Once thought to
probably supplemented by simple diffusion of wastes be sensory in function, more recent work suggests that
across permeable body wall Sllrfaces. it may secrete mucus to aid in crawling.
Some rotifers (especially the freshwater and semi­
terrestrial bdelloids) are able to withstand extreme Reproduction and Development
environmental stresses by entering a state of n1eta­ Parthenogenesis is probably the n1ost common method
bolic dormancy. They have been experimentally desic­ of reproduction among rotifers. Other forms of asexual
cated and kept in a dormant condition for as long as reproduction are unknown, and most groups show
four years-reviving upon the addition of water. Some only very weak powers of regeneration. Most rotifers
have survived freezing in liqllid helium at -272°C and are gonochoristic; however, other than the Seisoni­
other severe stresses dreamed up by biologists. dea, males are either reduced in abw1dance, size, and
complexity, and with haploid chromosome numbers
Nervous System and Sense Organs (Monogononta), or are still unknown (Bdelloidea).
The cerebral ganglion of rotifers is located dorsal to If you find a rotifer, the chances are good that it is a
the mastax, in the neck region of the body. Several female.
nerve tracts arise from the cerebral ganglion, some of The male reproductive system (Figure 16.9A) in­
which bear additional small ganglionic swellings (Fig­ cludes a single testis (paired in Seisonidea), a sperm
ure 16.8A). There are usually two major longitudinal duct, and a posterior gonopore whose wall is usually
nerves positioned either both ventrolaterally or one folded to produce a copulatory organ. Prostatic glands
dorsally and one ventrally. are sometimes present in the wall of the spern1 duct.
The coronal area generally bears a variety of touch­ The males are short lived and possess a reduced gut
sensitive bristles or spines and often a pair of ciliated unconnected to the reproductive tract.
pits thought to be chemoreceptors (Figure 16.8B). The The female system includes paired (Bdelloidea)
dorsal and lateral antennae are probably tactile. Some or single (Monogononta) syncytial germovitellaria
rotifers bear sensory organs, which are arranged as a (Figure 16.98). Eggs are produced in the ovary and re­
cluster of micropapillae encircling a pore. These organs ceive yolk directly fro,n the vitellarium before passing
may be tactile or chemosensory. Most of the errant r o ­ along the oviduct to the cloaca; in those forms that have
tifers possess at least one simple ocellus embedded in lost the intestinal portion of the gut (e.g., Aspla11ch11a),
the cerebral ganglion. In some, this cerebral ocellus is the oviduct passes directly to the outside via a gono­
accompanied by one or hvo pairs of lateral ocelli on pore. In the Seisonidea, there are no yolk glands.
THE GNATHIFERA Phyla Gnathostomuli da, Rot ifera (including Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 623

(A) (8) Figure 16.9 Male and female

Ovary reproductive systems from a gener­
; :• .f alized monogonont rotifer.


encapsulating membranes and are then either attached
to the substratum or carried externally or internally by
Prostalic _......_,�I Sperm Cloaca
the brooding female.
glands duct Parthenogenesis i s generally the rule an1ong the

· :
. -, · ·
bdelloids, but it is also a common and usually seasonal
occurrence in the monogononts, where it tends to al­
ternate with sexual reproduction. This cycle (Figure
16.lOA) is an adaptation to freshwater habitats that are
Cloaca! pore
Gonopore subject to severe seasonal changes. During favorable
conditions, females reproduce parthenogenetically
through the production of mitotically derived diploid
In rotifers with a male form, copulation occurs ei­ ova (amictic ova). These eggs develop into more fe­
ther by insertion of the male copulatory organ into the males without fertilization. However, when ova from
cloacal area of the female or by hypodermic impregna­ amictic females are subjected to particular environ­
tion. In the latter case, males attach to females at vari­ mental conditions (so-called mixis stimuli), they de­
ous points on the body and apparently inject sperm velop into mictic females, which then produce mictic
directly into the blastocoelon1 (through the body wall}. (haploid) ova by meiosis. The exact stimulus apparent­
The sperm somehow find their way to the female re­ ly varies among different species and may include such
productive tract, where fertilization takes place. The factors as changes in day length, temperature, food re­
number of eggs produced by a n individual female is sources, or increases in population density. Although
detern1ined by the original, fixed number of ovar­ these cycles are commonly termed "summer" and
ian nuclei-usually 20 or fewer, depending on the "autumn cycles," this is a bit misleading because rnixis
species. Once fertilized, the ova produce a series of can also occur during warm v-,eather and many popu­
lations have several periods of mixis each year. Mictic
ova require fertilization by male gametes to develop a
(A) Amictic �� new female individual, but if no males are present, the
unfertilized mictic ova v-•ill instead develop into hap­
Parthenogenesis loid males, which produce sperm by mitosis. These
spern1 fertilize other mictic ova, producing diploid,
Ova (211) "Summer thick-walled, resting zygotes. The resting zygotic form
Ova (211)- - - -
cycle" i s extremely resistant to low temperatures, desiccation,
and other adverse environmental conditions. When
Parthenogenesis favorable conditions return, the zygotes develop and
hatch as amictic females (Figure 16.10B), completing
Amictic �9
(211) Mixis the cycle.

Spr ing

zygote (211) Mictic �9

! - -Ova �iosis

Sperm (11)

Figure 1 6.1o (A) Mictic/amictic alternation in the life
cycle of a monogonont rot ifer. (B) M icrograph of an amic­
1lOSlS tic female hatching from an overwinteri ng phase.
624 Chapter Sixteen

Bdelloids are prone to infection by an aggressive Asplnnch11a (both are rotifers), are stimulated to devel­
fungus, Rotiferophthora angustisporn, that eats thern op into larger-bodied adults witl1 an extra long anterior
frorn the inside out. Experiments have recently shown spine, thus rendering them more difficult to eat.
that the longer the rotifers remain dry and in a state of
dormancy, the n1ore likely they are to avoid infection
by R. a11g11stisporn, suggesting that their adaptation for Phylum Rotifera,
quiescence may also be an adaptation to avoid fungal Subclass Acanthocephala:
Only a few studies have been conducted on the em­
The Acanthocephalans
bryogeny of rotifers (see especially Pray 1965). ln spite As adults, the 1,200 or so described species of acan­
of the paucity of data, and some conflicting interpreta­ thocephalans are obligate intestinal parasites in ver­
tions in the literature, it is generally thought that roti­ tebrates, particularly in birds and freshwater fishes.
fers have modified spiral cleavage. However, detailed Larval develop1nent takes place i n intermediate arthro­
analyses of cell lineages are still needed to determine if pod hosts. The name Acanthocephala (Greek ncanthins,
the typical spiral pattern persists past the first couple of "prickly"; cephalo, "head") derives from the presence of
cell divisions in rotifers, especially with regard to the recurved hooks located on an eversible proboscis at the
origin of the mesoderm. The isolecithal ova undergo anterior end. The rest of the body forms a cylindrical
unequal holoblastic early cleavage to produce a stereo­ or flattened trunk, often bearing rings of small spines.
blastuJa. Gastrulation is by epiboly of the presumptive Most acanthocephalans are less than 20 cm long, al­
ectoderm and involution of the endoderm and meso­ though a few species exceed 60 cm in lengtl1; females
derm; the gastrula gradually hollows to produce the are generally larger than n1ales. The digestive tract has
blastocoel, "''hich persists as the adult body cavity. The been completely lost, and, except for the reproductive
mouth forms in the area of the blastopore. Definitive organs, there is significant structural and functiona I
nuclear numbers are reamed early in developn1ent for reduction of most other systems, a condition related to
those organs and tissues displaying eutely. the parasitic lifestyles of these worms (Box 16C). The
Errant rotifers undergo direct development, hatch­ persisting organs lie within an open blastocoelorn, par­
ing as mature or nearly mature individuals. Sessile tially partitioned by mesentery-like ligaments.
forms pass through a short dispersal phase, sometimes The acanthocephalans are usually divided into
called a larva, which resembles a typical swimming three groups based upon tl1e arrangement of probos­
rotifer. The "larva" eventually settles and attaches to cis hooks, the nature of the epidermal nuclei, spina­
the substratum. In all cases, there is a total absence of tion patterns on the trunk, and nature o f the reproduc­
cell division during postembryonic life (i.e., they are tive organs: PaJaeacanthocephala (e.g., Poly111orph11s,
eutelic). Corynosoma, Plagiorhy11cl111s, Acant/1ocepha/11s), Arclu­
Many rotifers exhibit developmental polymor­ acanthocephala (e.g., Monilifor111is), and Eoacantho­
phism, a phenomenon also seen in some protists, in­ cephala (e.g., Neoec/zinorhynchus, Octospiniferoides) (see
sects, and primitive c rustaceans . It is the expression Figure 16.11).
of alternative morphotypes under different ecological
conditions, by organisms of a given genetic constitu­
tion (the differentiation of certain castes in social in­ The Acanthocephalan Body Plan
sects is one of tl1e most remarkable exan1ples of devel­
opmental polymorphism). In all such animals studied Body Wall, Support, Attachment, and Nutrition
to date, the alternative adult n1orphotypes appear to Adult acanthocephalans attach to their host's intesti­
be products of flexible developmental pathways, trig­ nal wall by their proboscis hooks, which are retractable
gered by environmental cues and often mediated by into pockets, like the claws of a cat (Figure 16.11). The
internal mechanis1ns such as horn1onal activities. In cl1ernicaJ nature of the hooks is not yet known. In nearly
one "''ell-studied genus of rotifers (Aspln11c/11zn), the all species, the proboscis itself is retractable into a deep
environmental stimulus regulating which of several proboscis receptacle, enabling the body to be pulled
adult morphologies is produced is the presence of a dose to the host's intestinal mucosa. Nutrients are a b ­
specific molecular form of vitamin E a-tocopherol.
- sorbed through the body wall, and a gut is absent. The
Asplnnchnn obtains tocopherol fron1 its diet of algae outer body wall is a multilayered, syncytial, living tegu­
or other plant material, or when it preys on other her­ ment, whicl1 overlies sheets of circular and longitudinal
bivores (animals do not synthesize tocopherol). The muscles. The tegument includes layers of dense fibers
chemical acts directly on the rotifer's developing tis­ as well as what appear to be sheets of plasma men1-
sues, where i t stimulates differential growth of the brane, and an intracellular protein lamina, sucl1 as the
syncytial hypodermis after cell division has ceased. one found in free-living rotifers. The tegument is p e r ­
Predator-induced morphologies also occur among roti­ forated b y numerous canals that connect to a complex
fers. Keratelln slncki eggs, in the presence of the predator set of unique circulatory channels called the lacunar
THE GNATHIFERA Phyla Gnathostomuli da, Rot ifera (including Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 625


ligament Ligament sac

receptacle ''
' '
...., \

(CJ (D) (E) .. ''

\1 �Uteru$

Neck '

' '''

Sperm duct

ganglion Cement reservoir
Penis /
/ -Seminal vesicle
Cement duct
Figure 16.11 Representative acanthocephalans.
(Al Macracanthorynchus hirudinaceus, an archiacantho­
BOX 16C Characteristics cephalan, attached to the intestinal wall of a pig.
of the Subclass (B) Corynosoma, a palaeacanthocephal an found in aquatic
birds and sea ls. (C) Longitud inal section through the ante­
Acanthocephala r ior end of Acanthocephatus {class Palaeacanthocephal a).
(Phylum Rotifera) (D) An adult male eoacanthocephalan (Pallisentis frac-
tus). (E) The isolated female reproductive system o f
1. Triploblast ic, bilateral, unsegmented Botbosoma.
2. Gut absent
3. Anterior end with hook-bearing proboscis system (Figure 16.llC). The tegumental channels near
4. Tegument and muscles contain a unique system of the body surface n,ay facilitate pinocytosis of nutrients
channels called the lacunar system from the host. The body wall organization is such that
5. Protonephridia absent except in a few species each species has a distinct external appearance; some
6. With unique system of ligaments and l igament sacs even appear to be segmented, but they are not.
partially part itioning the body cavity At the junction of the proboscis and trunk, the epi­
7. W ith unique hydraulic structures called lemnisci that dermis extends inward as a pair of hydraulic sacs
facilitate extension of proboscis (lemnisci) that facilitate extension of the proboscis, as
8. Gonochoristic in free-living rotifers; the proboscis is withdrawn by
9. W ith acanthor larva retractor muscles. The lernnisci are continuous with
10. W ith modified spiral cleavage each other and with a ring -shaped canal near the an­
terior end of the body, whereas their distal ends float
11. All are ob ligate parasites in guts of vertebrates;
many have comp lex li fe cycle s . free in the blastocoelom. This arrangement may help
to circulate nutrients and oxygen from the body to the
626 Chapter Sixteen

proboscis, although the actual function of the lemnisci connected t o the gonopore. This gonopore is often
is not known. called a cloaca! pore, because the bui-sa appears to be
One or two large sacs lined with connective tissue a remnant of the hindgut.
arise from the rear wall of the proboscis receptacle and In females, a single mass of ovarian tissue forms
extend posteriorly in the body. These structures sup­ within a ligament sac. Clumps of immature ova are
port the reproductive organs and divide the body into released from this transient ovary and enter the body
dorsal and ventral ligament sacs in the archiacantho­ cavity, where they mature and are eventually fertil­
cephalans and eoacanthocephalans, or produce a sin­ ized. The female reproductive system comprises a
gle liga1nent sac down the center of the body cavity in gonopore, a vagina, and an elongate uterus that t e r ­
the palaeacanthocephalans (Figure 16.11D,E). Within minates internally i n a complex open funnel called the
the walls of these sacs are strands of fibrous tissue­ uterine bell (Figure 16.llE). Dui-ing mating the male
the ligaments-that may represent remnants of the gut. everts the copulatory bursa and attaches it to the fe­
The space between these internal organs is presumably male gonopore. The penis is inserted into the vagina,
a blastocoelom. sperm are transferred, and the vagina neatly capped
The body is supported by the fibrous tegument and with cement. Spenn then travel up the female system,
the hydrostatic qualities of the blastocoelom and lacu­ enter the body cavity through the uterine bell, and
nar system. The muscles and ligament sacs add some fertilize the eggs.
structural integrity to this support system and canals of Much of the early development of acanthocepha­
the lacunar systen1 penetrate most of the n1usdes. lans takes place within the body cavity of the fen1ale.
Cleavage is holoblastic, unequal, and likened to a
Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion highly modified spiral pattern. A stereoblastula is pro­
Exchanges of nutrients, gases, and waste products duced, at which time the cell me.mbranes break down
occur by diffusion across the body wall (some Archia­ to yield a syncytial condition. Eventually, a shelled
canthocephala possess a pair of protonephridia and a acanthor laiva is forn1ed (Figure 16.12). The embryo
sma!J bladder). Internal transport is by diffusion within leaves the mother's body at this (or an earlier) stage.
the body cavity and by the l. acunar system, the latter Remarkably, the uterine bell "sorts" through the devel­
functioning as a unique sort of circulatory system, oping embryos by manipulating them with its muscu­
which permeates most body tissues. The lacw1ar fluid lar funnel; it accepts only the appropriate embryos into
is moved about by action of the body wa!J muscles. the uterus. Embryos in earlier stages are rejected and
pushed back into the body cavity, where they continue
Nervous System development. The selected en1bryos pass through the
As in 1nany obligate endoparasites, the nervous system uterus and out the genital pore and are eventually r e ­
and the sense organs of acanthocephalans are greatly leased with the host's feces.
reduced. A cerebral ganglion lies within the proboscis Once outside the definitive host, the developing
receptacle (Figure 16.llC) and gives rise to nerves to acanthocephalan must be ingested by an arthropod
the body wall muscles, the proboscis, and the genital intennediate host-usually an insect or a crusta­
regions. Males possess a pair of genital ganglia. The cean-to continue its life cycle. The acanthor larva
proboscis bears several structures that are presumed penetrates the gut wall of the intermediate host and
to be tactile receptors, and small sensory pores occur enters the body cavity, where it develops into an
at the tip and base of the proboscis. Males have what acanthella and then into an encapsulated form called
appear to be sense organs in the genital area, especially a cystacanth (Figure 16.12). When the intermediate
on the penis. host is eaten by an appropriate definitive host, the
cystacanth attaches to the intestinal wall of the host
Reproduction and Development and matures into an adult.
Acanthocephalans are gonochoristic and females are
generally son1ewhat larger than n1ales. In both sexes,
the reproductive systems are associated with the Phylum Micrognathozoa:
ligament sacs (Figure 16.11£). In males, paired testes
(usually arranged in tandem) lie within a ligament
The Micrognathozoans
sac and are drained by sperm ducts to a common A new microscopic animal, Lit1111og11athia ,nnerski,
seminal vesicle. Entering the seminal vesicle or the was described in 2000 by Reinhardt Kristensen and
sperm ducts are six or eight cement glands, whose Peter Funch from a cold spring at Disko Island, West
secretions serve to plug the female genital pore fol­ Greenland. Due to the numerous unique features of
lowing copulation. When nephridia are present, they this new microscopic anin1al, a new monotypic class,
also drain into this system. The senlinal vesicle leads Micrognathozoa (Greek, micro, "small," gnathos, "ja,v";
to an eversible penis, which lies within a genital bursa zoa, "animal") was erected. Though L. maerski shows
THE GNATHIFERA Phyla Gnathostomuli da, Rot ifera (including Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 627

Pig ingests beetle,

cystacanth develops

to adult

Embryos passed with

feces of host and
Adults in ingested by beetle larva
pig intestine

Acanthor larva

(develops as
beetle matures)

a superficial resemblance to microscopic annelids, its Figure 16.12 Life cycle of Macracanthorhynchus hiru­
affiliation with Gnathostomulida and Rotifera was dinaceus, an intestinal parasite in pigs. The adults reside
quickly established based on ultrastructural si1nllari­ in the intestine of the defini tive host and embryos are
released with the host's feces. The encapsu lated embryos
ties of the epidermis andjav.,s. Jaw like structures are
are ingested by the secondary host, in thi s case, beetle
also found in other protostome taxa, such as the p r o ­
larvae. Within the secondary host, the embryo passes
boscises of kalyptorhynch turbellarians, in dorvilleid through the acanthor and acanthella stages while the
annelids, and aplacophoran molluscs, but studies of beetle grows, eventually becoming a cystacanth. When
their ultrastructure show that none of these jaws are the beetle is ingested by a pig, the juvenile matures into
homologous with those of L. 111aerski. Early molecular an adult, thereby completing the cycle.
phylogenetic studies showed that Micrognathozoa did
not nest within either the two other gnathiferan phyla
(Gnathostomulida and Rotifera), but next to them. For
this reason, Micrognathozoa was given phylum sta­ two later records of morphologically similar micro­
tus (Giribet et al. 2004). A later phylogenetic analysis gnathozoans from geographically widely separated
based on transcriptomic data placed Micrognathozoa freshwater creeks i n Antarctica and Great Britain will
as the sister group to Rotifera (including Acantho­ most likely prove to be distinct, cryptic species when
cephala), with these two comprising the sister clade DNA analyses have been completed. 1n the southern
to Gnathostomulida. Micrognathozoa still includes Indian ocean on Ile de l a Possession (Crozet Islands)
only the single described species from Greenland, but micrognathozoans were found to be numerous in
628 Chapter Sixteen (A)
Frontalia -
Figure 16.13 Micrognathozoa: head struc�n:ur�__:�
Limnognathia maerski. (A) Ventral view.
(B) Lateral view.

Mouth dJiation
lakes and rivers, whereas in the United Oral plate
Kingdom only a few animals have been Pharyngeal
found from a stream in southern Wales Head
ciliophore - bulb
(and only in winter), as well as an animal ---
found on a single sand grain of river sedi-
ment in Lambourn Parish, Berkshire.
Protonepluidia Thorax
The Micrognathozoan
Body Plan dliophore
Li111nognnthin 11iaerski is an acoelomate Posterior Oocyte
animal ranging from 101 µm to 152 µ1n in
Gonopore? Abdomen
adult length Quveniles n1easuring 85-107
µm in length). TI1e adult body can be d i -
vided into three main regions: a head, an
accordion-like thorax, and an abdomen
(Figures 16.13 and 16.14); the head con- Caudal
tains the prominent jaw apparatus (Box plate
Epidermis, Ciliation, and Body 5() flffi

Wall Musculature (8) Dorsalia latcralia

Despite their small size, micro­ Pharyngeal Oocyte
gnathozoans have a complex Apical bulb I
support systen, and body mus­
culature. Lin,nog,znthia maerski
has dorsal and lateral epidermal
plates formed by an intracellular
matrix as in rotifers and acan­
thocephalans (Figures 16.13 and '°7,°-t¥---Refractive
16.14). Ventral plates are lacking, body
but the "naked" epidermis has a Adhesive ciliary pad
thin extracellular glycocalyx layer Lateral plate
and a true cuticular oral plate Pseudophalru,gia
(described below). The animal
lacks syncytia, a key character of SOµm
Rotifera (and Acanthocephala);
however, it possesses a unique form of gap junctions annelids Diurodri/11s and Neotenotrocha. An adhesive
showing transverse electron dense bands in a zipper­ ciliary pad consisting of five pairs of multiciliated
like pattern (we call these zip-junctions) between the cells is located posteriorly on the ventral side. A mid­
dorsal epidermal cells. ventral pore exists behveen the clusters of ciliated
The ventral ciliation consists of an arched preoral celJs, which may represent the fem.ale gonopore of the
ciliary field, four pairs of head ciliophores (synchro­ paired oviducts seemingly having a midventral com­
nously beating multiciliated cells) surrounding the mon opening. The ciliary pad is very different from
pharyngeal bulb, 18 pairs of ventral ciliophores located the adhesive toes of rotifers, gastrotrichs, and annelids,
at the thorax and abdomen, and a posterior adhesive and the structure may be a unique synapomorphy for
ciliary pad (Figure 16.13). The ventral paired cilio­ Micrognathozoa.
phores form the locomotory organ and are character­ As in many marine interstitial animals (e.g., gna­
ized by very long ciliary roots, originally mistaken thosto1nulids, gastrotrichs, microscopic annelids), s p e ­
for cross-striated muscles. These cells are highly simi­ cial forms o f tactile bristles or sensoria are fow1d on the
lar to ciliophores found in the interstitial microscopic body. The tactile bristle may consist of a single sensory
THE GNATHIFERA Phyla Gnathostomuli da, Rot ifera (including Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 629

(A) (8)
BOX 16D Characteristics
of the Phylum
1. Triploblastic, bi lateral, unsegmented, acoelomate
2. Epidermis with supporti ng dorsal and lateral plates
(i ntracellular matrix)
3. Without a syncyt ial epidermis
4. Ventral ciliation consisting of preoral ciliary f ield and
paired cil iophores (synchronously beating multicili­
ated cells) around mouth and along m idline of tho­
rax and abdomen
5. Sensory organs in the form of stiff monoc iliated
cells supported by mi crovilli (collar receptors) and
nonciliated internal eyes (phaosomes)
6. Poster ior end with cil ated pad and one pair of
7. Mouth opening ventral, gut incomplete (the dorsal
anus being temporary)
8. Pharyngeal apparatus containi ng complex jaw
apparatus w ith four sets of jaw-like elements and
several sets of striated muscles largely related to
the fibularium and the main jaws
9. Three pairs of protonephridia w ith monociliated
terminal cells Figure 16.14 Micrognathozoa: Limnognathia maer­
ski, light micrographs. (A) Adult female with mature egg
1O. Without circu latory system or special gas exchange ( l ength 0.14 mm). (B) Juvenile with relatively large thorax/
smaller abdomen and immature oocyte (length 0.09 mm).
11. Males unknown; probably parthenogenetic
12. Two female gonads in close contact with the
the entire length of the body, and so1ne fibers even
branch off to contmue anteriorly into the head and
posteriorly into the abdomen, forming a fine muscular
cell, the collar receptor, with a single cilium in the mid­ diversification. These muscles seemingly aid longitudi­
dle surrounded by 8 or 9 n,jcrovilli. Two large, poste­ nal contraction and ventral bending of the body. The
rior glands were recently revealed by iJnmunostaining 13 oblique dorsoventral muscles may function together
(Figures 16.13 and 16.15), which by their simple c o n ­ with the longitudinal muscles as supporting semicircu­
figuration and homogenous content resemble mucus­ lar body walJ musculature. Their close approximation
secreting glands. They nught have an adhesive func­ to the gut further suggests they may act as gut n1uscu­
tion, together with the ciliary pad, but they do not re­ lature, thus possibly compensating for the lack of outer
semble the more complex adhesive duo gland system or iJu1er circular musculature in Micrognathozoa.
found in the posterior end of gastrotrichs and the in­
terstitial annelid Diurodri/11s. Otherwise, no epidermal Locomotion
glands are known fron, nlicrognathozoans. Micrognathozoans s,vm, in a characteristic slow spiral
Limnog,wthia maerski has an elaborate body wall 111otion when moving freely in the water column. It
musculature, comprising seven main pairs of longitu­ is a slow movement, very rufferent from the rotifers.
dinal muscles extending from head to abdomen, and1 3 From video recordmgs, it seems that the trunk cili­
pairs o f oblique dorsoventral muscles localized in the ophores are used both m swimmmg and in epibenthic
thoracic and the abdonlinal regions (Figure 16.16). The crawling or gliding motions on the substrate. GlidiJ1g
musculature further comprises several minor posterior is accomplished by the rows of motile ciliophores,
muscles and fine anterior forehead muscle, as well as each with multiple cilia beating m unison, m the same
the pron,inent pharyngeal n1uscular apparatus (Figure way as seen in the annelid Diurodrilus. However, the
16.178). Cross-striated muscles are fow,d m both the preoral ciliary field does not seem to be mvolved m
body wall and the jaw musculature. The three n1am either swimming or glidmg. Lin1nog11athia rnaerski has
ventral longitudinal pairs and one dorsal pair of mus­ never been observed moving backwards (as is common
cles (green and turquoise muscles, Figure 16.16) span among gnathostomulids), not even when they reverse
630 Chapter Sixteen

(A) (B)

- Head ciliation


- Sensoria

Trunk ciliation

Ciliary pad
Posterior gland

Figure 16.15 Micrognathozoa: confocal laser scanning projection of anti-acetyl ated Ct·tubulin immunoreactivity
microscopy images of Limnognathia maerski, maximum showing the ventral ciliation (red) and the ciliated three
intensity projection of Z-stacks. (A) Antibody staining anterior pairs of nephridial ducts and one pair of posterior
showing ventral ciliation in blue, pharyngeal muscula­ oviducts beneath the ciliary field (yellow).
ture in green, posterior glands in red. (B) Depth coded

the beating of their long cilia. In addition, an escape of the ventral jaws cal.led the pseudophalangia. So far,
motion has been observed where contraction of trunk little is known about the functionality of this complex
muscles creates rapid jerky movements. apparatus or the possible independent movement of
al.I these parts, and only the pseudophalangia has been
Pharyngeal Apparatus, Feeding, and Digestion observed protruding from the mouth in fast snapping
The mouth opens ventrally on the anterior margin movements, possibly grasping food. The pharyngeal
of the cuticular, nonciJiated oral plate and leads into musculature is sinularly complex and includes a major
the pharyngeal cavity, followed by a short esophagus
dorsal to the paired jaw apparatus, then continuing
into the undifferentiated, nonciliated gut. The tempo­
rary anus is located dorsally and opens only periodi­
cally, a s also seen in al.I gnathoston,ulids and in some
The less than 30 µm wide pharyngeal apparatus
shows a complexity unseen in any other microscopic
taxon, comprising numerous hard jaw parts and in­
tricate musculature (Figure 16.17), as well as a buccal
Figure 16.16 Micrognathozoa: Lirnnognathia maer•
ganglion. The jaw parts comprise four main sets of
ski isosurface reconstruction of body wall muscula­
sclerotonized, denticulated, hard elements (sclerites): ture from confocal microscopy of phalloidin staining.
the large paired fibularium, the main jaws, the ventral Reconstruction showing 13 obl ique dorsoventral pairs of
jaws, and the dorsal jaws. The largest sclerite in each muscles (red) and seven main pa irs of longitudinal mus­
jaw is the fibularium and it plays a central role in sup­ cles: three ventral (green), two lateral (yellow and orange),
porting the pharynx. Severa] subparts of the main sder­ and two dorsal pairs (blue) as well as additional minor
ites have been described, including the anterior region muscles.
THE GNATHIFERA Phyla Gnathostomuli da, Rot ifera (including Acanthocephala), and Micrognathozoa 631


Basal plate



- -
- --Ventral
- jaw

Pharyngeal lamella muscle

Dorsal jaw

t=t=- ,;:;;;;;a�Main jaw muscles

,---- Ventral jaw muscle

Ventral muscle plate

Caudal muscle

Fi gure 16.17 Micrognathozoa: Limnognathia maerski

jaws and related musculature. (A) Scanning electron
micrograph of jaw elements, dorsal view. (B) Schematic
reconstruction of jaw musculature related to specific jaw
e lements.

ventral muscle plate supporting (and moving) the en­ seem mainly related to the fibularium and the main
tire jaw apparatus, as well as several other paired and jaws, moving the jaws as well as supplying some of the
unpaired striated muscles (Figure 16.178). The ven­ minor jaw elements such as the accessory sclerites and
tral muscle plate is formed by 8-10 longitudinal cross the pharyngeal Jamellae and allowing for the extrusion
striated muscle fibers (purple muscles, Figure 16.17B) of the ventral jaws. The feeding biology of microgna­
underlying the fibularium and enveloping the jaws thozoans is not well known. The animals are found on
laterally and caudally. This large muscle is unique to mosses or in the sediments, and video recordings have
the Micrognathozoa, being absent in other gnathif­ shown the animal eating bacteria on the surfaces of
eran phyla. The many paired and unpaired n1uscles mosses and sand grains.
632 Chapter Sixteen

Figure 16.18 Micrognathozoa: scanning electron micro•

graph of Limnognathia maerski sculptured winter egg.

Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion

Micrognathozoans are acoelon1ates with no circulato­
ry system, and gas exchange takes place by diffusion
across the epidermis. There are three pairs of protone­
phridia, two pairs in the thorax and one pair extending
into the abdomen. The terminal cells are monociliated
in contrast to the multiciliated terminal cells of Ro­
tifera, but similar to those fotu1d in Gnathostomulida.
It has been suggested that the monociliated condition
is plesiomorphic within Protostomia.
may be unpigmented, inner eyes of the armelid type,
Nervous System and Sense Organs the so-called phaosomes, and like these contain a dense
Micrognathozoa possess a seemingly simple nervous layer of microvilli, but no ciliary structures.
system consisting of an anterior, slightly bilobed, d o r ­
sal brain and two ventral nerve cords, extending fron1 Reproduction and Development
each o f the lobes to the posterior abdomen. A large Only the female reproductive system has been found,
buccal ganglion is found within the pharyngeal ap­ suggesting the Limnognathia 111aerski is parthenogenetic.
paratus, which may control the movement of jaw el­ The reproductive system is anatomically simple, and
ements, and is possibly followed by a few indistinct it seen1s that the two ovaries obtain nutrition directly
posterior ganglia. Peripheral nerves extend fro1n the from the midgut, a feature also reported from fresh­
cords, connecting to the sensory cilia. Some of these water chaetonotoid gastrotrichs. Though collecting
cilia are dearly monociliated collar receptors (one ciJj. has been done year round in Greenland, the species is
um surrounded by 8-9 m.icrovilli), whereas others are only found during the short summer. Two egg types
more complex with several sensory cells involved. The have been found, as in limn.ic gastrotrichs and rotifers,
terminology of the sensory structures is, from anterior where the smooth egg may be a quick-developing
to posterior: apicalia, frontalia, lateralia, dorsalia, and summer egg and the strongly sculptured winter egg
caudalia (Figure 16.13). In the anterior end of the a n i ­ (Figure 16.18) may be a resting egg, not developing
mal, a pair of lateral hyaline vesicles i s present. They during the ten -month-long Arctic winter.

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The Lophophorates
Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa,
and Brachiopoda

ince the late nineteenth century, three phyla-Phororuda, Bryozoa (=

Ectoprocta), and Brachiopoda-all of which posses a unique feeding
structure called a lophophore, had been regarded as a possible clade
within the Deuterostomia (see box on this page). The primary unify­
ing feature of the Lophophorata was the lophophore itself, a ciliated tentacular
feeding structure, and the associated epistome (a muscular flap that functions
to n1ove captured food particles from the lophophore to the mouth). Their a l ­
liance with the deuterostomes had been based on a suite of developmental
features, including: radial and indeterminate cleavage, enterocoely, and devel­
opment of the mouth secondarily rather than from the blastopore (i.e., "deu­
terostomy"). Further, all three phyla develop a n adult body that is organized
into three distinct parts, earn with its own coelomic
cavity (or paired cavities). This trait was originally
termed archicoely, in reference to the "archicoe­
Classification of The Animal lomate" concept, the idea that three regionalized
Kingdom (Metazoa) body coelon1s is a fundamental feature of Deu­
terostornia. This archicoelomate condition is also
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata seen in the deuterostome phyla Echinodermata,
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA
Hemichordata, and Chordata. The developmental
PHYI.UM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHIOPODA features were viewed as differentiating them from
PHYI.UM CNIOARIA ECDYSQZQA protostomes, in whim the blastopore develops into
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida the mouth and radial cleavage typically does not
PHYLUM NEMATODA occur.In deuterostomes, the n1outh is formed as a
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) secondary opening (i.e., deutero, "second"; stome,
"mouth") on the anterior end of the embryo.
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA However, the advent of molecular phylogenetics
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICI FERA thre1,v us a curve ball, and it now seems certain that
SPJMLIA Panarthropoda the three lophophorate phyla are allied with spira­
PHYLUM PLATYHELMI NTHES PHYLUM TARDIGRADA Jian protoston1es, not deuterosto1nes, even though
PHYI.UM RHOMBOZOA their development seems to have a mix of protosto­
mous and deuterostomous maracteristics.It has long
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA been suspected that something akin to radial cleav­
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA age might be the prin1itive cleavage pattern within
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHY\.UM CHEUCERATA Bilateria (most demosponges also have radial cleav­
Deuterostomia age), and the discovery that the lophophorate phyla
Gnathifera belong to the Spiralia suggests that radial cleavage
PHYI.UM ROTIFERA "Paraphyletic group Scot1 Santagata revised the sect-ion on phylum Phoronida,
Claus Nielsen reviS<.>d the section on phylum Bryozoa, and
Carsten Liiter revised the section on phylum Brachiopoda.
636 Chapter Seventeen

and deuterostomy are retained (or reacquired) plesio­ Even though the lophophorate phyla are no longer
morphic developmental features of the lophophorate considered deuterostomes, recent Lnolecular phyloge­
phyla. In fact, the protostome phylum Priapula is now netic work does suggest they comprise a 1nonophy­
also thought to have radial cleavage. And, in the case of letic clade, the Lophophorata. However, the precise
the Phoronida, the mouth does develop from a portion placement of this clade within Spiralia remains enig­
of the blastopore (protostomously), and species with ra­ matic. And whether Phoronida is sister to Bryozoa or
dial and spiral cleavage have both been documented (the Braclliopoda is stiU being debated, but the latter group­
cleavage pattern may depend on the size of the egg; see ing see,ns to be favored by both comparative anatomy
the section on phoronid reproduction and developn1ent). and recent phylogenomic research.
Bracluopods, on the other hand, develop the mouth (and At first glance, the three lophophorate phyla may
the anus) secondarily and hence show deuterostomous not appear closely related to one another. However, in
development. Molecular phylogenetics also places the addition to molecular phylogenetic analyses, they are
former deuterostome phylum Chaetognatha within the united by their common possession of a lophophore and
protoston1e lineage (chaetognaths might also have spiral epistome; no other animal phylum has these structures.
cleavage, although this is not certain). In other \Vords, d e ­ The lophophore is a ciliated, tentacular outgrowth aris­
velopmental programs appear to be more flexible (and ing from the mesosome and containing extensions of the
homoplasious) than once thought, and even phyla out­ n1esocoel. It surrounds the mouth but not the anus. All
side the classic Deuterostomia clade can exhibit a d e u ­ lophophorate a1limals are sessile, have a U -shaped gut,
terostome type of development. and typically very sin1ple, often transient reproductive
The archicoelomate concept recognizes three d i s ­ systems. Nearly aU secrete outer casings in the form of
tinct body regions (an anterior prosome, middle me­ tubes, shells, or compartmented exoskeletons.
sosome, and posterior metasome), each with its own With the exception of a few freshwater bryozoans,
coelomic cavities (protocoel, mesocoel, and metacoel). the lophophorates are exclusively marine. All are ben­
This condition is also referred to as a tripartite or tri­ thic, living either in tubes (phoronids) or in secreted
meric body plan. However, developmental researcl, shells, or casings. The phoronids are a small group,
since 2000 has shown that the protocoel may not com­ comprising only two genera and 11 known species
prise a true coelom in all lophophorate species, or of solitary or gregarious worms. Bryozoans, on the
might be absent altogether in n1any, and we discuss other hand, make up a diverse taxon of about 6,000
this below for eacll of the phyla. The great zoologist species of colonial forms. The brachiopods, or lamp
Libbie Hyman noted i n the 1950s that a correspon­ shells, include about 400 extant species. However, the
dence between the adult coelon1s of lophophorates and brachiopods have left a record of thousands of fos­
the trimeric body of deuterostomes was poorly sup­ sil species (over 15,000 extinct species) as evidence of
ported b y both embryology and by adult morphology. a greater past, and they were well established by the
In fact, Hyman was dismayed with the mix of charac­ early Cambrian. Braclliopods flourished in both abun­
teristics found in the Lophophorata. She was actually dance and diversity from the Ordovician through the
inclined to classify them with protostomes, despite the Carboniferous, but they have declined iJ1 numbers and
enterocoelous coelom formation in brachiopods and kinds ever since.
the lack of spiral cleavage in bryozoans and brachio­
pods. She eventually found comfort in concluding that
"the lophophorates constitute a connecting link b e ­ Taxonomic History of the
tween the Protostomia and the Deuterostomia, but the
details of this connection cannot be stated." Hardly a
more glib phylogenetic statement could be made. The lophophorates have had a long and torturous taxo­
With molecular phylogenetics confirming that nomic history.The earliest records of lophophorates are
lophophorates are protoston1es, use of the terms "pro­ of various bryozoans reported in the sixteenth century.
son1e," "mesosome," and "n1etasome" to describe their With few exceptions, the early zoologists treated them
body plan is perhaps ambiguous, and the homology of as plantlike and included them in the taxon Zoophyta,
these regions to those of deuterostomes is now called a misconception that persisted into the 1700s. In 1729,
into question. The same holds for the Entoprocta, an­ Jean-Andre Peyssonal finally established the animal
other protostome group whose body regJ.ons are often nature of bryozoans, and in 1742 Bernard de Jussieu
referred to as "prosome," "mesosome," and "meta­ noted the compartmentalized condition of the colonies
some." The tentacular crown of pterobrancl1s (phylum and coined the term "polyps" to refer to the individu­
Hemichordata; Chapter 26) also possesses mesosomal al a,umals. Still, most well kno1,vn workers of the day
tentacles with a coelonlic lumen. However, the homol­ (e.g., Linnaeus and Cuvier) continued to msist on ally­
ogy between pterobranch tentacles and a true lopho­ ing them with the cnidarians in the group Zoophyta.
phore is invalidated because in the former case the ten­ Eventually (in 1820), H. M. de Blainville noted the
tacles do not fuUy surround the mouth. complete gut of the bryozoans and "raised" them
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 637

above the cnidarians. By 1831, two names had been grounds. Entoprocts do not possess the lophophore­
coined for these ani.n,als-Bryozoa (by the German z o ­ epistome complex. Furthermore, they lack any vestiges
ologist Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg) and Polyzoa (by of a coelom or trimeric body plan. The feeding currents
the Englishman J. Vaughan Thon,pson). Just about the are virtually opposite in the two groups, and the meth­
time the bryozoans were being recognized as a sepa­ ods of food capture and transport are entirely different.
rate group (under one name or the other), concurrent Entoprocts possess ducted gonads and bryozoans do
events confused the issue further. The entoprocts (= not. Cleavage in entoprocts is spiral, whereas it is ra­
Kamptozoa) were described, and most workers includ­ dial in bryozoans. Larval forms and particularly meta­
ed them v.•ith the Bryozoa, whjle others recognized a morphosis are clearly different in the two groups. More
relationshlp between bryozoans and other lophopho­ importantly, if the three phyla comprising Polyzoa
rate phyla. All o f this beca1ne terribly entangled in formed a monophyletic clade, then they should be d e ­
1843 with Henri Milne-Edwards's concept of a taxon fined by synapomorphies, but none have been foU11d.
Molluscoides, whlch he established to include bryo­ Similarities such as budding and U-shaped guts are su­
zoans and compound ascidians (chordates). Hatschek perficial and common to many colonjal sessile,als.
raised Bryozoa and Entoprocta to distinct phylum Thus, we conclude that Bryozoa and Entoprocta are
ranking in 1891. The brachiopods were known, at least distantly related protostomes, a conclusion supported
from fossils, in the 1600s and were allied with the mol­ by the most recent molecular phylogenetic studies.
luscs. This n,istaken vie\v was held until late in the The na1ne Ectoprocta is often used in lieu ofBryozoa,
nineteenth century. acknov.•ledging the fact that the anus lies outside the
Phoronids were first described from their larvae by lophophore ring, whereas in the Entoprocta it lies with­
Johannes MUiler in 1846, who thought they were adults in the lophophore ring (and the mouth is on the rim
and named them Actinotrocha brachiata. In 1854, Karl carrying the tentacle crown).
Gegenbaur recognized these ani.nlals as larval stages.
The adults were found in 1856 and described by T. S.
Wright, who named them Plu,ronis. Finally, in 1867 the
renowned embryologist Alexander Kov.•alevsky stud­
The Lophophorate Body Plan
ied the metamorphosis of "Actinotrocha" and estab­ All lophophorates are built for benthic life and suspen­
lished the relationship between the two stages. To this sion feeding, the latter being a primary function of the
day, the name "actinotroch" persists as a general term lophophore itself. The anterior body region, or prosome,
for the phoronid larva. i s reduced to a small flaplike structure called the epi­
In 1857, Albany Hancock recognized the relation­ stome (lost in son,e lineages), which is associated with
ship bet\\•een brachiopods and bryozoans, but the an overall reduction of the head, the elaboration of the
whole matter was 1nixed up with confusion over mesoso1ne as the lophophore, and a sessile lifestyle. The
the entoprocts and Milne-Edwards's Molluscoides. metasome houses the bulk of the viscera. The U-shaped
Hinrich Nitsche made a valiant attempt in 1869 to gut is dearly advantageous for living encased in tubes,
separate the entoprocts and bryozoans, and in the compartments, and sheJls; such animals do not "foul
1880s Otis Caldwell and Thomas Masterman both their nests," as it were. We have seen similar adaptations
put forth the idea of a close relationship between the i n some other groups with comparable habits, such as
three lophophorate phyla. This view was supported the recurved gut of sipunculans and the ciliated fecal­
by Hatschek in J 888, when he suggested the establish­ removal grooves of son,e tube-dwellli,g polychaetes . In
ment of a phylu1n Tentaculata to include the classes lophophorates, this condition not only prevents fecal a c ­
Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda (but exclud­ cumulation in the encasement, but generally brings the
ing the entoprocts), thus establishing the grouping anus close to rejection currents produced by the cilia on
we recognize today as Lophophorata. Since that time the lophophore. In recent years, it has been shown that
several atten,pts to wute some or all of these ani.n1als an epistome coelom (the protocoel) is absent in some
into a single taxon have been n1ade, including Anton phoronids and brachiopods, and all gymnolaemate
Schneider's Lophophorata in 1902 (originally only for bryozoans, \\•hereas in phylactolaemate bryozoans there
phoronids and bryozoans). Hyman (1959) retained is an open connection between the epistomal cavity and
separate phylum status for the three groups, an ar­ the lophophoral coelom.
rangement that has remained popular ever since. The phoronids most clearly display the above traits,
In the recent past, some workers revived the idea of and retain the venniform shape of the probable ances­
a possible entoproct-ectoproct affinity and argued that tral form. Evolutionarily, bryozoans have exploited
the two groups are closely allied with Cycliophora in asexual reproduction, colonialism, and small size.
a grouping called Polyzoa. However, this is not sup­ Relieved of long-distance internal transport problems,
ported by the n1ost recent l a r g e -scale phylogenetic the bryozoans have lost the circulatory and excretory
work. An alliance between Bryozoa and Entoprocta systems. The brachiopods evolved a pair of valves or
can also be rejected on the basis of direct comparative shells that encase and protect the body, including the
638 Chapter Seventeen

lophophore. Thus, instead of exposing the lophophore

in the water (as phoronids and bryozoans do), the BOX 17A Characteristics of the
brachiopods draw water into their mantle cavity for Phylum Phoronida
suspension feeding, an action analogous to that in bi­
1. Trimeric. verm iform lophophorates
valve molluscs. Sessile animals with soft parts (e.g., the
2. Adult mesoderm derived from both embryon ic
lophophore), living on benthic surfaces, are exposed to
ectoderm and endoderm
potentially high levels of predation-thus the selective
3. Body d ivided into flap-l ike epistome (prosome),
advantage of the brachiopod shell is clear. The phoro­
nids are motile to the extent that their bodies can be lophophore-bearing collar (mesosome), and elon­
gate tn.,nk (metasome)
retracted within their tubes, protecting the soft parts.
4. Gut U-shaped, anus close to mouth
Bryozoans are entirely anchored in their casings, but
the lophophore itself is uniquely retractable into the 5. One pair of metanephrid i a in metasome (
body, as the result of a unique arrangement of muscles 6. Closed circulatory system
and hydraulic mechanisms. 7. Gonochorislic o r hermaphrodi tic, with transient
peritoneal gonads
8. With indirect life histories; usually with a unique acti­
notroch larva
Phylum Phoronida:
9. Rad i al and spi ral-l ike. indeterminate cleavage; c o e ­
The Phoronids loblastulae gastrulate by invagination; blastopore
All phoronids occupy a cylindrical tube of their own becomes mouth (protostomous)
secretion in which they can move freely. The animals 1 O. Marine benthic tube dwellers
typically occur in aggregations that, in some species,
result from asexual propagation. Their chHinous tubes
are usually cemented to hard substrata or buried v e r ­
tically i n soft sediments (Figure 17.1; Box 17A). They adult mouth and anus. Because of these conditions, we
are assigned to only two genera- Phoronis and Pho­ refer to the "ends" of the adult worn, as the lophophoral
ronopsis-and 11 vvidely distributed species. The phy­ end and the stomachic (= ampullar) end (Figure 17.lA).
lum name was apparently derived from the Latin term
Plioronis, the surname oflo (who, according to mythol­ Body Wall, Body Cavity, and Support
ogy, was changed into a cow and roamed the Earth, The phoronid body wall includes an epidermis of co­
eventually to be returned to her former body). Recall lumnar cells overlaid by a very thin cuticle. Within
that these worms were first described fro1n larval stag­ the epidermis are sensory neurons and various gland
es drifting in the sea, and only much later were the cells (Figure 17.2A), the latter being responsible for
adults recognized as part of the same life cycle. Adult the production of mucus and chitin. The epidermis of
phoronids are found in intertidal sands or mud flats, the lophophore is densely ciliated. Internal to the epi­
and to depths of about 400 meters. dermis and its basen,ent 1nen,brane i s a thin layer of
circular muscle, some limited diagonal muscle, and a
thick layer of longitudinal muscle. A peritoneum lines
the longitudinal muscles and forms the outer boundary
The Phoronid Body Plan of the coelom.
Most adult phoronids range from about 1 to 25 en, Although the coelon, was long described as being
in length. The vermiform body shows little regional tripartite, there is structural variation among species
specialization, except for the distinct lophophore and in the epithelial lining of the most anterior cavity, the
a modest inflation of the end bulb, which houses the protocoel. Ultrastructural investigations have shown
stomach and also aids in anchoring the animals in their that the u1yoepithelial lining of the epistome lacks ad­
tubes. The slitlike mouth is located between the ten­ herent cell junctions (a key component of true epithe­
tacle-bearing lophophoral ridges and is overlaid by a lial tissues) i n at least two Phoronis species. Ho\vever,
flap, the epistome. The lateral aspects of the ridges are adherent junctions are present i n the myoepithelial
distinctly coiled and flank the dorsal anus and paired lining of the epistome of Phoronopsis han11eri. True epi­
nephridiopores (Figures 17.2 and 17.3). Using the terms thelial layers comprise the coelornic linings of the collar
anterior and posterior when referring to phoronids can (mesocoel) and trunk (metacoel) body regions in both
be misleading. During metamorphosis, the true ante­ Plioronis and Phoronopsis. This leads to the question of
rior (mouth-bearing) and posterior (anus-bearing) ends whether the ancestral state of phoronid coelomic cavi­
are brought very close together by rapid growth and ties was bipartite (and subsequently evolved to become
enlargement of the ventral surface (Figure 17.4). The tripartite in Phoronopsis) or tripartite (and was subse­
dorsal surface is reduced to the small area between the quently lost in Plzoronis). Regardless of the validity of
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 639
Lophophoral end
(A) (B)


(C )
,. �

Lophophoral organ

� ·• ,•


End bulb/.

Stomachic end
(D) (E)

Figure 17.1 Phoronids. (A) General (F) (G)

external form of a phoronid (Phoronis
architecta). (B) Phoronis psammophila
encrusted with sand grains and shell
fragments. (C) A phoronid viewed from
the lophophoral end. The tentacles have
been cut in cross section. (D) Exposed
lophophores of a colony of Phoronis
ijimai (= P . vancouverensis) collected
from a tidal flat at San Juan Island,
Washington State. (E) The lophophore
of Phoronis architecta from Panacea,
Florida. (F) The lophophore of Phoronis
pa/Iida, False Bay, Washington State.
(G) The phoronid Phoronopsis califor­
nica, w i th its spiral lophophore.
640 Chapter Seventeen

(A) Efferent vessel Mesentery (B)


__ Epidermis
.__-- -Red blood cells
-- ---Tentacular vessel
Gland cell


Circular muscle Tentacular
Coelom nerve

(C) (0) vessel
Moulh Anus Efferent blood ring

Buccal tube \ JI

Esophagus ).'(
Prestomach Afferent 6
vessel 7 14
Stomach 'fl/

Figure 17.2 Phoronid internal anatomy. (A) The trunk of

a phoroni d in cross section. Note the body wall layers and
coelomic partitioning. (B) A tentacle of the lophophore in
the "protocoel" as a true coelomic cavity, as an anatom­
cross section. (C) The digesti ve tract. (D) The circulatory
ical structure i t is lin1ited to a single sn1all cavity within system. (E) The major internal organs in the lophophoral
the epistome of only some species. The unpaired meso­ and stomachic ends.
coel comprises a coelo1nic ring in the lophophoral c o l ­
lar and extends into each tentacle (Figure 17.2B). The
protocoel and mesocoel are connected to one another
along the lateral regions of the epistome. The metacoel tubes phoronids are capable of only limited move111ent.
forn1S the main trunk coelon1, vvhich is separated fron1 Nor111ally, however, the body wall of the end bulb is
the mesocoel by a transverse septum. Ontogenetically, pressed against the tube, holding the worm in place.
the n1etacoel is an uninterrupted cavity with only one When disturbed, the animal simply contracts into the
midventral mesentery. However, secondary mesenter­ tube; the lophophore itself is not retractable.
ies form later in development, yielding four longitudi­ The tube is secreted b y epidern1al gland cells.
nal spaces (Figure 17.2A). The coelomic fluid contains When first produced, the chitinous secretion is sticky,
several kinds of freely wandering cells, or coelomo­ but upon contact with water it solidifies to a flexible
cytes, including phagocytic amebocytes. parchment-like consistency. Sand grains and bits of
Body support is provided by the hydrostatic quali­ other material adhere t o the tube during the sticky
ties of the coelomic chambers and by the tube. The phase of tube formation in those phoronids that inhabit
muscles of the body wall are rather weak, particularly soft substrata (e.g., Phoronopsis /zannen). In some spe­
those in the circular layer, and once removed from their cies the tubes intertwine with one another, with the
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 641

Nephridiopore Spcrmatophoral organ

SmaU �/
nephrostome Nidamental
X gland Epistome

Large Nephridioduct
� area

Tentacular portion
(A) of nidamental gland (B) Spermatic groove (C)

Figure 17.3 (A) A phoronid metanephridium (from Phoronis australis). Note the
p aired nephrostomes. (B) The lophophore of Phoronis ijimai = P . vancouveren­
sis. Note the accessory lophophoral organs. (C) Spermatophore of Phoronopsis
harmeri. (D) Spermatophore of Phoronis ijimai (= P . vancouverensis).

whole tangled aggregation attached to a substratum or initial forn1ation of the larval intestine that are formed
actually embedded in calcareous stone or shells (e.g., from an ectodermal invagination. Son1e parts are m u s ­
Plroronis hippocrepin). cular, but only weakly so, and much of the moven1ent
of food is by ciliary action. A middorsal strip of densely
The Lophophore, Feeding, and Digestion ciliated cells arises in the prestomach and extends into
The tentacles of the lophophore are hollow, ciliated the stomach, and it is probably responsible for direct­
outgrowths of the n1esosome, and each contains a ing food along that portion of the gut. Gland cells occur
blind-ended blood vessel and a coelomic extension i n the esophagus but their function remains uncertain.
(Figure 17.28). The tentacles are i n a double row, aris­ Transitory syncytial bulges i n the stomach walls are
ing from two ridges, in a circle or a spiral as is Pho­ the sites of intracellular digestion in that organ.
ronopsis californicn (Figures 1 7 . 117.3).
- The ridges lie
close t o one another and form a narrow food groove Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
in ,vhich the slitlike mouth is located (Figure 17.lC). Phoronids contain an extensive circulatory system
Because the sides of the lophophoral ridges are coiled, comprised of lvvo major longitudinal vessels between
many tentacles are compacted into a smalJ area. which blood is exchanged in the lophophoral and
Phoronids are ciliary-mucus suspension feeders. stomachic ends of the body (Figure 17.2D,E). Various
The lophophoral cilia generate a water current that names have been applied to these vessels depending
passes down between the two rows of tentacles and on their positions i n the body. These terms are often
then out between the tentacles. Food particles confusing because tl1e positions of vessels vary along
trapped in mucus lining the food groove and then the length of the trunk, and they are not clearly dorsal,
passed along the groove by cilia to the mouth. As the medial, lateral, or ventral as the names imply. There­
current passes between the tentacles and out of the fore, preference is given he1·e to the terms afferent and
area of the food groove, some water flow is directed efferent vessels, which refer to the direction of blood
over the anus and nephridiopores away from the ani­ flow relative to the lophophore.
mal (Figure 17.lC). The afferent vessel extends unbranched from the
The digestive tract is U-shaped, but rather simple region of the end bulb t o the base of the lophophore.
and not coiled (Figure 17.2C). The mouth is overlaid by For most of its length it lies more or less betvveen the
the epistomal flap and leads inward to a short buccal descending and ascending portions of the gut. ln the
tube, 1, vhich is followed by an esophagus and a narrow n1esosome the afferent vessel forks, forming an afferent
prestomach. Within the end bulb the gut expands into "ring" vessel (U-shaped) at the base of the lophopho­
a stomach, from which emerges the intestine. The in­ ral tentacles. A series of lophophoral vessels, one in
testine bends up toward the lophophore and leads to each tentacle, arises fron1 the afferent ring. Each of
a short rectu1n and the anus. The gut is supported by these vessels joins with an efferent "ring" vessel (also
peritoneal mesenteries (Figure17.2A). U-shaped), which drains blood from the lophophore.
The majority of the digestive tract i s apparently Thus the afferent and efferent blood rings lie against
derived from endoderm, except for the anus and the one another, and generally share openings into the
642 Chapter Seventeen

lophophoraJ tentacles within whicl, blood moves back the body surface as the only receptor structures. Motor
and forth, as there is just a single vessel in eacll tenta­ neurons extend inward to the n1uscle layers.
cle. One-way flap valves largely prevent backflow into The central nervous system includes a group of
the afferent ring. basiepidermal neuronal cell bodies concentrated be­
The arms of the efferent ring unite to form the main tween the mouth and the anus (the so called dorsal
efferent blood vessel, whicll extends through the trunk. "ganglion" or neural plexus) connected to a collar nerve
This vessel connects with numerous branches or sim­ ring, whicll lies at the base of the lophophore and is con­
ple blind diverticula called capillary ceca, whicll bring tinuous with the basiepidermal nerve layer. The collar
blood close to the gut wall and other organs. 1n the end nerve ring connects "'ith frontal and abfrontal nerves of
bulb, surrounding the stomaell and first part of the i n ­ the tentacles and also with motor nerves that innervate
testine, blood flows from efferent to afferent vessels some of the longitudinal muscles i n the metasome. In
through spaces co,nposing the hemal (stomachic) plex­ addition, a bundle of sensory neurons extends from the
us (Figure 17.2D,E). Blood actually leaves the vessels nerve ring to each of the lophophoral organs.
here and flows through spaces between the organs and Phoronids possess one or two longitudinal giant
their bordering layers of peritoneum. Thus, tecllnicaUy motor fibers i n the trunk (absent in the very small
speaking, the syste1n is open at this point; however, Phoronis ovnlis). When only one longitudinal fiber is
blood flow is directed within the confines of these pas­ present, it lies on the left side.This fiber actually origi­
sages. Blood is moved through the circulatory systen, nates within the right side of the nerve ring, through
largely b y 1nuscu!ar action of the blood vessel walls. which it passes to emerge on the left side. This nerve
The intimate association of blood and the stom­ fiber is intraepider1nal except where it extends inward
acll walJ suggests that nutrients are picked up from along the left nephridium. ln those species where t\-vo
the stomach by the circulatory fluid and transported longitudinal fibers are present, the right one originates
throughout the body. The tentacles of the lophophore on the left side of the nerve ring and extends to the op­
are also probably the most important sites of gas ex­ posite side of the body.
change. Oxygenated blood flows from the lopho­
phore into the efferent vessel, and is then distributed Reproduction and Development
to all parts of the trunk. The blood contains nucleated Asexual reproduction by transverse fission or by a
red corpuscles, "'ith hemoglobin as the respiratory form of budding has been documented in a few s p e ­
pigment. cies. Phoronids are also capable of regenerating lost
A pair of metanephridia lies i n the trunk, and body parts, and various parts of the lophophoral end
each bears two nephrostomes opening to the n,eta­ are capable of autotomy.
coel (Figure 17.2E and 17.3A). In each nephridium, Both gonoclloristic and hermaphroditic species of
the nephrostomes-one large and one sn1all-join a phoronids are known, and in the latter case some are
curved nephridioduct, which leads to a nephridio­ simultaneous hermaphrodites (e.g., Phoronis ijimni = P.
pore adjacent to the anus. Although virtually nothing vnnco11verensis). The gonads are transient and form as
is known about excretory physiology in phoronids, thickened areas of the peritoneu1n around the hemal
particulate crystalline matter has been observed ex­ plexus (Figure 17.20). The resulting mass of gamete­
iting the nephridiopores and probably represents forming tissue and blood sinuses is son1eti.Jnes called
precipitated nitrogenous waste products. The ne­ vasoperitoneal tissue. Gametes are proliferated into the
phridia also function as pathways for the release of metacoel and typically are carried to the outside via the
gametes. Osmoregulatory problems are presumably nephridia. Fertilization is usually internal, as found in
insignificant in subtidally occurring phoronid species. P/10ro11opsis liarmeri. In this species, the male lophopho­
However, little is known about the osmotic challenges ral organs produce elaborately shaped spermatophores
faced by those species inhabiting intertidal and/or es­ (Figure 17.3B-D) that are transferred to the metane­
tuarine habitats. phridial opening or tentacles of the fe1nales. In these
females the lophophoral organs are called nidamenta1
Nervous System glands and serve as brooding areas. The complicated
The nervous system of phoronids is rather diffuse and internal fertilization process in Phoro11opsis hnrmeri (=
lacks a distinct cerebral ganglion. This condition is no P . viridis) was elucidated by Russel Zimmer (1972 and
doubt related to the sedentary lifestyle and overall r e ­ 1990). Spermatophores contacting the nephridiopore
duction in cephalization in these worms. Most of the release ameboid masses of V-shaped sperm, which
nervous system is intimately associated with the body travel down the metanephridial funnels into the base
wall, being either intraepidermal or immediately sub­ of the trunk coelom near the ovary. Tf a spermatophore
epidermal. Throughout the body a layer of nerve fi­ contacts a fe1nale's tentacle instead, the sperm enter the
bers is present between the epidermis and the circular lophophoral coelom by lysis of the tentacu!ar wall and
muscle layer. Simple sensory neurons project out from then proceed to digest their way through the septum
this layer, either singly or in bundles, and extend to separating the mesocoel and metacoel into the trunk
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 643



Larval Everted
tentacle____-. ·� mctasomal sac

Figure 17.4 Phoronid larvae and meta­
morphosis. (A) Diagram of a typical mid­
stage actinotroch larva. (B,C) Stages in the
metamorphosis of an actinotroch larva. The
metasomal (or juvenile trunk) sac everts
from the larval body, drawing out the larval
gut at its midpoint. The juven ile gut is now
U -shaped, leaving the mouth and anus
at the anteri o r end. (D) Scanning e lectron
micrograph of an un identified actinotroch
larva collected from Tampa Bay, Florida.
(E) Photograph of the initia l stage of meta­
morphosis o f Phoronis hippocrepia when
the juvenile trunk sac everts from the larval
body. (F) Photograph of a lateral view of a
mid-metamorphic stage of Phoronis pa/Iida
when the gut is U -shaped and the larval
(F) (G) tentacles are remodel ed. (G) Photograph of
an oral v iew of a late metamorphic stage of
Phoronis pa/Iida when the efferent and affer­
ent vessels are filled w ith red blood cells.
Dissociated cells at top are produced from
the histolysis of hood tissues.

coelom, where fertilization occurs. Although fertiliza­ ova of broadcast-spawning species contain little yolk
tion has not actually been observed, Zimmer's experi­ and develop quickly to planktotrophic actinotroch
mental data, coupled with the fact that fertilized ova larvae (Figure 17.4). In species that possess nidamen­
occur internally, suggest that this scenario is the likeli­ tal glands, fertilization is followed by brooding until
est explanation. release at the actinotroch stage. The eggs of these spe­
Developmental strategy differs among species, the cies are moderately rich in yolk, providing nutrients
particular pattern depending in part on the size of the for the embryos during the brooding period. Phoronis
egg and whether or not the embryo is brooded. The ova/is lacks nidamental glands, but the yolky eggs are
644 Chapter Seventeen

shed into the maternal tube where they are brooded. species, but, in general, the neural and muscul. ar tissues
Developn1ent in P . ova/is does not include a typical a c ­ of the hood undergo histolysis . In son1e species the lar­
tinotroch; instead, the e1nbryos emerge through the au­ val tentacles are remodeled into thejuvenile lophophore
totomized lophophoral end as ciliated, sluglike larvae during metamorphosis (Figure 17.4), but in other spe­
that have a short, planktonic life. cies the larval tentacles are shed, and the initial juvenile
There are aspects of actinotroch anatomy that link lophophore forms from separate tentacle rudiments. All
phoronid larvae to both trochophore and dipleurula­ of these dramatic tissue rearrange,nents can occu.r in as
like larval fonns (nervous system, ciliated bands, and little as 15-20 minutes, after which the juvenile worms
cellular composition). However, considering recent in­ begin to secrete th.eir tubes.
terpretations of both trochophore and dipleurula con­
cepts (e.g., Rouse 1999; Nielsen 2009), concluding that
the actinotroch form is derived strictly from a trocho­ Phylum Bryozoa:
phore or dipleurula-like larval form may be too con­
straining. It might be that plesiomorphic larval traits at
The Moss Animals
the base of the bilaterian tree were mixed and extant Members of the phylum Bryozoa (Greek bryo11, "moss";
larval forms exhibit a derived subset of these traits. zoo11, "ani1nal"), sometimes called Ectoprocta (Greek
Although this argument is speculative, it is supported ecto, "outside"; proctn, "anus"), are sessile colonies of
by the broad general conservation of developn1en­ zooids living in marine and freshwater environn1ents
tal programs that exist on a n1etazoan-wide scale (see (Box 178, Figure 17.5). Most colonies are the product of
Hejnol and Martin-Duran 2015). budding from a single, sexually produced individual
Since their first description, the evolutionary affini­ called an ancestrula, but colonies may also develop
ties of phoronids have been debated, as some develop­ from various types of resting bodies. The colony form
mental and n1orphological characters seemingly sup­ differs greatly among species, and the bushy species
port both a deuterostome and protostome (spiralian) were earlier treated as plants, so specin1ens can be
origin. Early reports of spiral-like cleavage in species folmd in older herbariu1ns. Each zooid typically con­
that broadcast spawn smaller (~60 �Lm) eggs have been sists of a polypide, with a tentacle crown and the gut.
corroborated by confocal and 4-D time-lapse micros­
copy. Species with larger (-100 µn,) eggs typically have
radial cleavage. A coeloblastula forms and gastrulates
largely by invagination. Cell labeling and other em­ BOX 17B Characteristics of the
bryological experiments show that some of the larval
mesoderm is derived from ectodermal cells, especially Phylum Bryozoa
where the ectoderm is in contact with the endoderm; 1. Always co l onial, with zooids developing through
the remaining mesoderm is derived from the endo­ budding from a metamorphosed larva or from exis t ­
derm. Furthermore, a portion of the blastopore forms ing zooids
the mouth. Along with these developmental and mor­ 2. Each zooid consists of a polypide, which can be
phological features, molecular phylogenetic evidence retracted into a cystid.
supports phoronids being related to brachiopods and 3. The polypide is composed of a ciliated tentac le
ectoprocts as well as spiralian animals such as annelids crown used in fit ter feeding, a U-shaped gut, a
and molluscs. simple nervous system, and various muscles asso­
ciated with extension and retraction of the po lypid e .
With the exception of Plioronis ova/is, all phoronids
produce distinctive actinotroch larvae (Figure 17.4A,D). 4. The cystid wall consists of an extracellu lar ge lati­
nous or chitinous cuticle, with a calcified basal layer
The fully formed actinotroch bears a preoral hood, or
lobe, over the mouth. As the actinotroch develops, an in some groups, the epidermis, and the perito­
neum; various types of muscles are associated with
in.pocketing (called the metasomal or juvenile trunk sac) the body wall.
forms on the ventral surface. At settlen1ent and meta­ 5. There are no circulatory or excretory organs.
morphosis this sac everts, extending the ventral sur­ 6. Zooids are hermaphroditic in many species, but
face such that the anus and mouth remain close to one some specie s have mate and female zoo ids in
another as the gut is drawn out into the characteristic the same co lony; gametes differentiate from tran­
U-shape. As discussed previously the structure of the s ient patches of the body wall peritoneum or the
hood "coelom" of some Phoronis species varies and may funicu lus.
collapse late in larval development. However, the hood 7. Radial hot oblastic c leavage; indirect development
coelom of P/1oro11opsis harmeri apparently has a true epi­ with planktotrophic cyphonautes larvae or with teci­
thelial lining, at least a portion of which may be carried thotroph ic coronate larvae; all internal ISNal organs
over during metamorphosis to form the coelomic lining degenerate after settling
of the juvenile epistome. Metamorphic remodeling of 8. Sessile in marine or freshwater habitats
the larva into the juvenile form varies somewhat among
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 645

Fi gure 17.5 Bryozoan diversity. (A-C) Ctenostomata. the white gonozooids on the two middle branches.
(A) Tritice//a growing on the antenna of a crustacean. (H) Tubulipora. (I) Heteropora. (J-L) Phylactol aemata.
(B) Anguinella. (C) Alcyonidium washed up on the shore. (J) Plumatella, part of a colony with many statoblasts in the
(D-F) Che ilostomata. (D) Scruparia growing on a coralline body cavity. (K) Cristatella. (L) Pectinatella, large floating
a lga. (E) A small co lony of Membranipora on a pi ece of colonies (ojassie).
kelp. (F) Pentapora. (G-1) Cyclostomata. (G) Crisia, note
646 Chapter Seventeen

These can be retracted into a cystid, which is the body ORDER CHEILOSTOMATA Colony form varies, but
wall of the individual zooid or the wall that is co1runon generally of box-shaped zooids with cal careous
to several zooids (Figure 17.6). Marine bryozoans are walls; open ings with operculum; zoo ids often poly ­
known from all depths and latitudes, mostly growing morph ic; embryos usually develop in various types
on or attached to solid substrata. A few types form free of brooding structures. (e.g., Bugula, Callopora,
colonies that creep on the bottom (Figure 17.SE). An Carbasea, Cellaria, Conopeum, Cornucopina,
Antarctic species forms gelatinous colonies on floating Cribrilaria, Cryptosula, Cupuladria, Electra, Eurys­
pieces of ice. A few species occur i n fresh and brackish tomella, Flustra, Hippothoa, Primavelans (former ly
water. Large gelatinous colonies of Pectinntelln mngniftcn Hippodiplosia), Membranipora , Metrarabdotos,
are frequently encountered in streams and ponds east Microporella, Pentapora, Pore/la, Pyripora, Rham­
of the Mississippi River. Meter-large floating colonies phostomella, Schizoporella, Selene/la, Thalamo­
of the same species occur i n Lake Shoji in Japan, where porella, Tricellaria)
they are called "ojassie." Littoral regions i n most parts SUBCLASS STENOLAEMATA (with the only surviving
of the world harbor luxuriant grovvths of bryozoans subgroup Cyclostomata). Exclusively marine. Zooids
tl1at often cover large areas of rock surfaces and algal housed in tubular, calcified skeletal compartments; zo­
fronds. Some species have coral-like growth fom1S that oids cyl indri cal or trumpet shaped, rarely po lymorph ic;
can create miniature "reefs" in shallow-water habitats. each polypide surrounded by a coelom ic sac, where the
Others form dense bushJike colonies or gelatinous spa­ inner wall covers the gut whereas the outer wall is free,
ghetti-like masses. Many encrusting forms grow on the forming the unique, so-called membranous sac, which
shells or exoskeletons of other invertebrates and some consists of the coelomic epithelium, a series of tiny ring­
bore into calcareous substrata. Most members of the shaped muscles, and a basal membrane; the body cavity
gymnolaemate family Hippoporidridae grow on mol­ outside the membranous sac, the exosaccal cavity, is
lusc shells inhabited by hermit crabs, \¥here evidence continuous throughout the co lony, e ither through small
suggests a m utualistic relationship between the bryo­ interzooidal pores or through larger common cavities;
zoans and tl1e crustaceans. Two classes are recognized fun iculus inside the coe lomic cavity, not connecting
here, but other classification schemes are in use. The neighboring zoo ids; reproduct ion involves specialized fe­
fossil record indicates that the cheilostomes evolved male zooids in which the ferti lized egg develops through
from stem-group ctenoston1es, and this probably holds polyembryony, so that the embryos in a gonozooid are a
for the cyclostomes as well. About 6,000 living species clone. {e.g., Actinopora, Crisia, Oiaperoecia, Oisporella,
are recognized, and there is a rich fossil record going
Homera, ldmodronea, Tubulipora)
back to the Early Ordovician. CLASS PHYLACTOLAEMATA Freshwater bryozoans. Colo ­
nies with c hitinous or gelatinous cystids; zooids cylindrical,
large, and monomorphic; tentac l e crown large and usu­
CLASSIFICATION: PHYLUM BRYOZOA ally horseshoe-shaped; body wall muscles well developed;
CLASS GYMNOLAEMATA Mainly marine bryozoans. Colo­ body cavity of the zooids in open connection throughout
nies with chiti nous or calcified cystids; in calcified species, the colon ies; a cord of tissue, the funiculus, extends from
the cystid walls are primari ly calci um carbonate, often with the gut to the body wall, but not between zooids; most pro­
aragonite on the outer surface of the frontal walls; zoo ids duce asexual resting bodies called statoblasts. {e.g., Cris­
rather small, monomorphic in some species, but especially ta/el/a, Hyalinella, Lophophus, Lophopodella, Pectinatella,
the cheilostomes show several types of heterozooids; ten­ Plumatel/a)
tacle crowns circular or slightly obl ique.
SUBCLASS EURYSTOMATA A highly diverse group of
almost exclusively marine bryozoans. Colony form is
extremely variable, soft or calcified, encrusti ng to arbo­
The Bryozoan Body Plan
rescent; body wall lacks an entirely continuous layer of Bryozoan specialists have developed a con,plicated
muscles; zooids vari ably modified from basic cyl indrical terminology, especially concerning the morphology of
form; zooids joi ned by pores through wh ich cords of tis­ the cystids, and some terms have, quite confusingly,
sue extend and join with the ir neighbor's funicul us. been given various definitions. Early workers mistak­
ORDER CTENOSTOMATA Colonies vary in shape enly thought that bryozoan zooids \¥ere actually com­
from forms with hydroi d-like individual zooids de­ posed of two organisms, the skeletal outer wall and the
veloping from free o r creeping stolons to compact internal soft parts, which they named the cystid and
colonies; skeleton leathery, ch itinous, o r gelatinous, polypide, respectively. These terms were redefined by
not calcified; openings through which tentac le Hyman (1959) and now have good meaning relative
crowns protrude lack operculum; zooids generally to the functional n1orphology of bryozoans. The c y s ­
monomorphic. (e.g., Aethozoon, Alcyonidium, Am­ tid comprises the outer body wall-that is, the nonliv­
athia, Bowerbankia, Flustrellidra, Nole/la, Victorella) ing and living housing of each zooid. The polypide
includes the tentacle crown (the lophophore) and soft
Supraneural pore
Frontal wall Spine Frontal membrane

Operculum parietal
muscle muscles-�,.
iJ1terzoidal pore
in transverse wall
Egg Parietal muscle
(C) Ovicel
Operculum muscles
Frontal Funiculus
\ Stolonial funiculus

Polypide lnterzoidal Ovary
Funiculus (E)
retractors pore
Abanal side Sensory
cell with
(D) cilium


Anal side

retractors Mouth


Fully formed Funiculus Developing
Interzoidal pore statoblast statoblast

Figure 17.6 Bryozoan morphology. (A) General bryozo­ Crisia. Note constant volume of the exosaccal cavity and
an structure, based on Electra. (BJ Ctenostome anatomy, of body cavity plus polypide in extended and retracted
based on Bowerbankia. (C) Generalized cheilostome, states. (E) Phylactolaemate anatomy, based on Cristatella.
note constant volume of body cavity plus polypides in (F) Diagram of transverse section of the myoepithelial
extended and retracted states. (DJ Cyclostome, based on pharynx of Crisia.
648 Chapter Seventeen

(A) (B) (C)

Figure 1 7 .7 Zoecia of cheilostomes and cyclostomes

(SEMs). (Al The cheilostome Tricel/aria occidentalis; two
zooids w ith ovicells (ov) and a lateral avicularium (av). autozooids. The widespread Me111brn11ipora normally
(B) The chei lostome Fenestrulina malusii; rows of zooids consists only of autozooids. Most other types have
with ovicells (ov). (C) Part of a colony of the cyclostome both the normal autozooids and various types of n o n ­
ldmidronea (the large tubular structures) with the small feeding zooids, called heterozooids. Kenozooids are
cheilostome Cribrilaria growing between the large tubes. reduced individuals modified for example for attach­
(Note the small ancestrula in the lower middle of the colo­
ment to a substratum; various types of attachment
ny, of a compl etely different structure with a large frontal
membrane and small spines a long the edge.) discs, "holdfasts," and stolons are in this category.
Many gymnolaemates possess the type of heterozooids
called avicularia, each of whjch bears an operculun1
viscera that can be protruded and retracted from the morufied as a movable mandible (or jaw), which articu­
cystid (Figure 17.6). The opening in the cystid through lates against a rigid extension of the body wall called
which the tentacle crov.,n extends is termed the orifice the rostrum (Figure 17.8). Avicularia may be large and
and bears a flaplike, chitinous covering, or operculum, take u p a place in the general layer of zooids, others
in the cheiloston1es. are large and situated at the side of the branched col­
The nature of the body wall differs among bryo­ onies (Figure 17.8D), but a n1uch 1nore co1nmon type
zoans, as does the fonn of the colony. It is entirely is smaller and situated on the frontal wall or on the
gelatinous or chitinous in the Ctenostomata and ovicells. A special type of avicularium is the peduncu­
Phylactolaemata, but has an inner calcified layer in the late or bird's-head avicularium, vvhich looks like the
Ch.eilostomata and Cyclostomata, called the zoecium head of a parrot; it is attached to the colony through a
(Figure 17.7). Many studies use colonies that have been stalk and able to perform nodrung movements (Figure
cleaned of all organic n1aterial, so that the specific char­ 17.88,C). Avicularia, which were first described by
acters o f the often highly ornamented zoecia can be Charles Darwin in 1845 based on observations of
sturued. The chapter opener shows a gelatinous colony 811gula n1ade aboard the Beagle, probably function pri­
of Alcyo11idiu111 (Ctenoston1ata) from costal California marily to defend the colony against small organisms
waters. and keep the surface clean of debris.
The Gymnolaemata include a bewildering array of Another type of heterozooid is the vibraculum
colony forms (Figure 17.5). Some of the ctenostomes (Figure 17.8A,E), which is thought to be a modified
have colonies in which the zooids arise from runners or aviculariun1, with a flagellun1-like operculum that
stolons on the substrah.un (e.g., Triticella, Bowerbankia). sweeps over the colony surface. They may help re­
This apparently represents the ancestral gyn1nolae­ move sediment particles and other material, but c o n ­
mate pattern as demonstrated by the fossil record. In vincing evidence for this function is wanting. In the
the more advanced forms, the zooids are more or less free-living, discoidal cheilostomes, such as Selenella
closely packed, with pores between neighboring zo­ and C11puladria, the vibracula are used in locomotion
oids. These colonies may be sheet shaped, encrusting (Figure 17.8E). Some of the arborescent cyclostomes
stones or algae; erect leaf shaped or arborescent; or in have long anchoring zooids, but all cyclostomes have
few cases discoidal and free-living. special female zooids, called gonozooids (see the sec­
In addition to the variation in overall form of the tion on reproduction).
colonies, zooids of many cheilostomes and some c y ­ Most 1nembers of the Phylactolaemata display ei­
clostomes are polymorphic (within a colony). Typical ther plumatellid or lophopodid colony forms (Figure
tentacle crown-bearing, feeding zooids are called 17.SK,L). Plumatellid colonies are usually erect
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 649

Abductor muscles The Body Wall, Coelom, Muscles,

(A) (Bl
Adductor and Movement
muscle The body wall comprises the outer secreted body wall,
\¥hich may be uncalcified or have a strong calcified
Sensory papilla inner layer (zoecium), the underlying epidermis, and
Abductor the peritoneum. Sheets of circular and longitudinal
Stalk muscles are present between the epidermis and perito­
Stalk Mandible ('jaw') neum in phylactolaemates, but these muscle sheets are
muscle specialized in the other groups to form various groups
of separate muscles.
(C) Many bryozoans possess ornate and species-specific
'r,Modified surface sculpturing including spines, pits, and protu­
� operculum berances. Experiments indicate that the cheilostomate
i· '., Me111brn11ipora undergoes a rapid growth of new protec­
' tive surface spines after being grazed by predatory nudi­
branchs. Some bryozoans also produce chemicals used
as defense against would-be predators. These chemicals
}. ,· are probably all synthesized by symbiotic bacteria.
The mechanjsn1s of tentacle crown retraction and
extension (protraction) differ among bryozoan spe­
(D) cies. The specific 1nechanisn1 depends largely upon the
arrangement of muscles, the degree of rigidity of the
Gyrator cystid, and the morphology of the coelomic co1npart­
ments, whlch function as a hydrostatic skeleton (see
Figure 17.6).
ln all bryozoans, the n1ain coelom provides a Ouid­
Adductor filled space with muscles acting directly or indirectly
muscle t o increase hydraulic pressure for extension of the t e n ­
tacle crown. Thus, when the coelom is compressed the
(E) polypide is partially forced out of the cystid, thereby
extending the tentacle crown. The protruded tentacles
are straight or slightly curved, their shape probably
being determined by the shape of their thickened basal
membrane. The retractor muscles, whlch originate at
the basal part of the cystid wall and insert on the thick­
ened basal membrane surrounding the mouth, serve to
pull the polypide back within the cystid. Generally, the
methods of tentacle crown extension are common to all
bryozoans, but the morphology of the muscle systems
involved differs considerably. Below we describe a few
exa1nples of how these moveo1ents are accomplished
Figure 17.8 Heterozooids. (A) Diagram of a vibraculum;
and at the same time illustrate variations on the basic
abm: abductor muscl e; adm: adductor muscle; gyr: g yra ­
tor muscle. (B) Diagram of a n avicularium. (C) SEM of an bryozoan body plan.
aviculari um of Bugula. (D) Zoecia of Tricellaria; av: av icu­ The phylactolaemates show the simplest mecha­
larium (without the organic mandible); ov: ovicell. (E) Two rus111. They extend their tentacle crowns by contrac­
colonies of Selene/la walking with vibracula. tion of the muscles of the flexible body wall around the
common body cavity. This action imposes pressure di­
rectly on the coelomic fluid and is similar to the mech­
anisms seen in many other coelomate animals. These
or prostrate, and often are highly branched, like bryozoans possess a ring-shaped, muscular diaphragm
P/11111atella. 1n lophopodid colonies, the gelatinous just internal t o the orifice through which the tentacle
body wall forms the surface of irregular clumps crown protrudes. The diaphragm relaxes as the t e n ­
from which the tentacle crowns protrude, as seen in tacle crown is protracted and serves to partially close
Pectinatella and Lophophus. The colonies of the remark­ off the orifice when the tentacle crown has been with­
able Cris/ate/la are gelatinous, sluglike, and capable of drawn by retractor muscles (Figure 17.6E).
locomotion, gliding over the substratum powered by Ctenostomes possess an uncalcified, flexible body
the action of the cilia of the tentacle crown. wall composed of gelatinous, chltinous, or leathery
650 Chapter Seventeen

material. Contraction of transverse parietal muscles

.. /_
Fron1al membrane Spine Orifice Frontal

pulls the cystid walls inward, thereby causing an in­
crease i n coelomic pressure that then extends the ten­ Parietal
tacle crown (Figure 17.6B). Retraction of the tentacle muscles
crown is accomplished by the usual retractor muscle, 0 0

which is aided by longitudinal parietal 111uscles that Cribrimorpb

pull in the atrial chamber. When the tentacle crov-1n is
fully retracted, a sphincter contracts t o close the orifice
Frontal wall Ascus Ascopore Operculum Frontal wall
and, in some species, folding a pleated collar over the
end of the zooid. muscles
Gymnolaemates show 1nany intricate variations in 0
the method of polypide extension and retraction, es­
pecially among the cheilostomes and the cyclostomes, Gymnocystidean/ascophoran
but they all rely on the constant volume of the coelom, Fron1al Hypo- Frontal Ascus Operculum
which functions as a hydrostatic skeleton. mem- stegal shield Frontal Frontal
brane coelom membrane shield
Cheilostomes have cystids that are calcified to vari­
I Ascus \
ous degrees. A completely stiff body wall would make
polypide movements impossible, so various areas of Parie1al
the cystids are uncalcified and can be n1oved in or out
to by groups of special muscles of the body wall. In -o
.., _ , .
most species, the zooids are more or less boxlike (rath­ U1nbonulifonn
er than erect or tubular). The outer surface of the box Frontal Cryptocys1
that bears the orifice is called the frontal surface. It has membrane Opcrculum
a partly uncalcified and flexible part called the fron­
tal membrane, and contraction of parietal protractor muscles I
muscles pulls the frontal n1embrane inward, thus in­
creasing coelomic pressure and pushing out the polyp­
ide (Fig. 17.6C). There are, of course, variations on this Cryptocystidean
general theme. An operculum closes over the orifice
Figure 17.9 Frontal walls. Diagrams of four different
when the polypide is retracted, but the exposed frontal types.
me1nbrane presents a weakness in the defense against
predation, and n1any species have evolved more or less
complicated protective structures (Figure 17.9). Some as a separate subclass. The key structure is the me1n­
forms, known as the cribrimorphs, bear hard spines branous sac, which is the detached peritonetun of the
that project over the membrane and in some cases ac­ cystid wall plus its basal membrane and a series of tiny
tually n1eet and fuse to form a cage above the vulner­ ring n1uscles. lt is attached by ligaments to the body
able area (Figure 17.7C). In others a calcified partition, wall and separates the coelom from the outer exosaccal
called the frontal shield or cryptocyst, lies beneath the cavity. Distally, tile exosaccal space harbors a series of
frontal membrane, separating it from the soft parts fine atrial dilator muscles. Protraction of the polypide
within. The cryptocyst bears pores through which the involves relaxation of the retractor and atrial sphincter
protractor muscles extend (Figure 17.9). The most dras­ muscles and contraction of the atrial dilators and the
tic modifications are seen in the so-called ascophoran ring muscles of the men1.branous sac. With the constant
type (Figure 17.9), in which the frontal wall is heavily volumes of both the coelom and the exosaccal cavity,
calcified except for a smaII pore below the orifice. This the polypide is squeezed out. When a zooid is retracted
opening, the ascopore, leads into the invaginated s a c ­ by the large retractor n1uscles, the atrial dilators are
shaped frontal 111en1.brane, called the ascus. The pari­ relaxed and a special atrial sphincter effectively closes
etal muscles insert on the ascus. Cheilostomes are the tile inner end of tl1e atriwn.
most diverse and species-rich group of bryozoans.
Cyclostomes have erect, tubular zooids surrounded Zooid Interconnections
b y heavily calcified zoecia (Figure 17.6D). The inflex­ As discussed in Chapter 4, clear definitions of the term
ibility of the body wall and the absence of well-devel­ colony are sometimes elusive. This difficulty arises
oped sheets of muscles preclude use of direct compres­ because it i s not always easy t o tell vvhere one indi­
sion, so they have evolved a mechanism of polypide vidual ends and another begins, or because the degree
protraction wlique among the bryozoans. The structur­ of structural and functional communication among
al features associated with tllis mechanism comprise a individuals is uncertain or variable. Bryozoan zooids,
synapomorphy on which this group was established at least autozooids, are clearly demarcated by the ele-
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 651

ments of the polypide (tentacle crown, gut, ganglion, toward the mouth, and then out between the tentacles.
and so on), however the way in which the zooids are Some food particles are carried directly to the area of
interconnected differs among groups. the mouth by the central flo"'' of water. Other potential
In phylactolaemates the coelom is continuous food, however, moves peripherally \,vith the current to­
among zooids, uninterrupted by septa (Figure 17.6E). ward the intertentacular spaces. When a particle con­
Each zooid bears a tubular tissue cord called a funicu­ tacts the rather stiff laterofronta.l cilia, a tentacle flick
lus that extends from the inner end of the curved gut i s initiated moving the particle towards the central
to the body wall. All other bryozoans lack extensive current (Figure 17.lOE). Additional flicks may occur
coelomic connections, and the zooids are separated by if particles have not reached the central current. A lo­
various sorts of structural components. calized reversa.l of power stroke direction is initiated
Stoloniferous gymnolaemates (e.g., Bowerbnnkia; i n the lateral cilia, and the particle may be tossed onto
Figure 17.68) have septa spaced along the stolons be­ the frontal edge of the tentacle. The particle is repeat­
tween the zooids. A cord of tissue passes along the edly bounced i n this fashion and is moved toward the
stolons and through pores in each septun,. This cord, mouth under the influence of a current generated by
called a stolonal funiculus, connects with the funicu­ the frontal cilia.
lus of each zooid arising from the stolon. In most n o n ­ Many bryozoans supplement suspension feeding
stoloniferous gymnolaemates the cystid walls o f adja­ by various means that allow them to capture relatively
cent zooids are penetrated by pores with tissue plugs, large food particles, including live zooplankton. Some
which, again, usually connect with the funiculus of a s ­ species, such as Buguln neritinn, are capable of trapping
sociated zooids. ln the cheilosto1nes the pores are cov­ zooplankton or large algae by folding their tentacles
ered by pore plates with a number of small openings over the prey and pulling it to the mouth. A number of
The walls of adjacent zooids of cyclostomes bear in­ bryozoans rock or rotate the entire tentacle crown, ap­
terzooidal pores or co111-mon dista] cavities that allow parently sampling reachable water for food.
communication of exosacca.l coelomic fluid (Figure All the polypides in a colony transport water to­
17.60). The fwuculus is contained within the coelom ward the surface of the colonies. This is no problem
with the rest of the viscera and attaches the gut to the for branching, bushy types, but in colonies forn1ing
body wall. The exchange of nutrients between zooids, larger sheets the water must flovv away again, and
for example, between the feeding autozooids and the this has led to the formation of various types of ex­
nonfeeding gonozooids, remains a mystery. current chimneys. Polypides may simply bend away
It is clear that bryozoan zooids are interconnected from a small area, \>\1hich then creates a chimney.
structurally, either by direct sharing of coelomic spac­ Large colonies of Me111brnniporn show regularly spaced
es or by funicular tissue, except for the e1ugmatic cy­ areas without polypides, wluch function as excurrent
clostomes. Fw1ctionally, these connections provide a chimneys (Figure 17.llA). Other chitnneys 1nay be
means of distributing materials through the colony, formed by small groups of nonfeeding male zooids or
and perhaps other communal activities as well. Other pregnant zooids with degenerated polypides. In leaf­
special functions of the funicu]us are discussed later in shaped colonies (e.g., Pentapora), the edge of the leaves
the chapter. may function as excurrent areas (Figure 17.11B). The
generation of strong excurrent water flow away from
The Tentacle Crown, Feeding, and Digestion the colony surface helps to push nonfood material and
The tentacle crown (which is a lophophore) is horse­ feces far enough to reduce the possibility of recycling.
shoe shaped in the phylactolaen1-ates (except for the Such currents, which move larger amounts of water
supposedly primitive Fredericelln) and circular in the over the tentacle cr0\>\'115 than could be moved by indi­
gymnolaemates. The tentacles are ciliated with the vidual zooids, may be especially important to colonies
cilia arranged i n characteristic bands related to the inhabiting quiet water.
feeding mechanism. Bryozoans are suspension feed­ The digestive tract is U-shaped (Figures 17.6B,C and
ers, although supplemental methods occur. They feed 17.12). The mouth lies witlun the tentacle ring, and in
largely on protists, but some species are able to capttue the Phylactolaemata it i s overlain by the epistome. Cilia
and ingest larger organisms. of the peristomial field keep the captured particles ro­
Upon extension, the tentacles of the circular tentacle tating in front of the mouth, and from time to time the
crowns of gymnolaemates are erected in a funnel or 111outh is opened and in the gymnolaemates the p a r ­
bell-shaped arrangement around the mouth. Each ten­ ticles are sucked into the triradiate pharynx by contrac­
tacle bears four or five ciliary bands along its length, tion of the radiating epitheliomuscular cells (Figure
one frontal tract (lacking in the cyclostomes), and a pair 17.6F). A valve separates the lower end of the pharynx
of laterofrontal and lateral bands (Figure 17.10). During fro111 the descendit1g portion of the stomach, which is
normal suspension feeding, the lateral cilia create a called the cardia and i n some species is modified as a
current that enters the open end of the fwmel, flows grinding gizzard. The cardia leads to a central stomach
652 Chapter Seventeen




(C) (D)

Laterofrontal cilia
/ ......____
Frontal cilia



I) Pharynx

Figure 17.10 Tentacles and filter feeding. (A) Diagram curved due to fixation). (C) Transverse section of a ten­
of transverse section of a tentacle crown; the directi ons of tacle of Electra (based on TEM). (D) Diagram of ciliary
the water currents set up by the lateral cilia are indicated. currents set up by the lateral cilia. (E) Tentacle flick. Note
(B) SEM of one side of a tentacle of Flvstrellidra with the the small alga (arrow) that has just been pushed into the
three ciliary bands: fc: frontal cilia; le: lateral cilia (note central current.
the metachronal waves); lfc: laterofrontal cilia (unnaturally

fron1 ,,vhich arises a large cecun1; the funiculus attaches peristalsis and cilia. Undigested material is rotated and
to the botto1n of the cecum. The ascending portion of formed into a spindle-shaped 1nass by the cilia of the
the stomach, or pylorus, arises from the central stom­ pylorus and then passed to the rectum for expulsion.
ach and leads to a proctodeal rectum and the anus,
which lies outside the tentacle crown ring. A spllinc­ Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
ter controls the flow of material from the pylorus to There is no structural circulatory system in bryozoans,
the rectum. The phylactolae1nates have a flat, funnel­ so movement of metabolites within single zooids is by
shaped, ciliated pharynx without radiating muscles, diffusion. Given the sn1all size of these animals, intra­
and the hindgut is elongated as an intestine. zooid diffusion distances are sn1al1, and the coelomic
Digestion begins extracellularly in the cardia and fluid provides a mediUill for passive transport. Inter­
central stomach, and is completed intracellularly in all zooid circulation is facilitated by the common coelom
parts of the stomach. Food is moved through the gut by in phylactolaemates, the cystid pores in cyclostomes,
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 653

(A) budding process from the area of the orifice. In some

euryston1ates the brown body is left within the basal
part of the cystid, and the number of regenerated pol­
yp ides can be assessed by the number of brown bod­
ies. In other species, the brown body is taken up into
the gut of the developing polypide and expelled as the
first fecal pellet \Vhen the new polypide first protrudes
from the cystid. In most stoloniferous ctenostomes, the
old cystid with its bro\vn body drops from the colony,
and an entire new zooid regenerates from the stolon.
In all cases, it is presun1ed that metabolic wastes are
precipitated and concentrated in the brown bodies and
thus eliminated or at least rendered inert.
Nervous System and Sense Organs
In concert with their sessile lifestyle and the lack of a
discrete head, the bryozoan nervous system and sense
organs are predictably reduced. A neuronal mass, or
cerebral ganglion, lies on the anal side of the pharynx
(Figure 17.6B,C). Arising from this structure is a cir­
(B) cumoral nerve ring. Nerves extend from the ring and
ganglion to the viscera, and motor and sensory nerves
extend into each tentacle. Interzooidal nerve fibers
have been reported in some species, but their function
remains unclear. The only known receptors are tactile
cells on the tentacles (the laterofrontal ciliary cells [Fig•
ure 17.108,C) and single cells on the abfrontal side) and
on the sensory papilla of the avicularia (Figure 17.SB).

Figure 17.11 Excurrent chimneys. (A) Membranipora,

the dark areas of empty cyst ids form the excurrent chim• Pharynx
neys. (8) Diagram of a cross section of four leaves of a
colony of Primavetans (formerl y Hippodiplosia) showing
the incoming currents set up by the tentacles (medium
arrows), the currents a long the colony surface below the
tentacles (short arrows), and the excurrents ( long arrows) Pylorus
at the edge of the leaves.

and the funicular cords of 1nost eurystomates. Gas ex­

change occurs across the \Valls of the extended parts
of the polypide, particularly the tentacle crown. Bryo•
zoans contain no respiratory pigments, and gases are
carried in solution.
Nondigested particles and waste products accu­
mulate in the cells of the stomach. The elimination of
these wastes is not fully understood, but apparently
it occurs at least in part by the cyclic degeneration of
the polypides that form structures called brown bod­ i
F gure 17.12 The gut of Cryptosula. The ingested p a r ­
ies. A new polypide is then formed through the usual ticles rotate in the stomach and the rectum.
654 Chapter Seventeen

(C) Membranous ec10oecium Calcified ec10occium

Hyp0s1egal cacity




. ...
•. .. .,
• ••..

• -�...
• • •• A

Figure 17.13 Reproduction of Primavelans insculpta sect ion of a female and a "male" zooid. (D) Part of a
(formerly Hippodiplosia). (A and B) SEM of two female colony with rows of female and "male" zooids; the upper
zooids (fe) which have induced their distal neighbors to labeled ovicell is newly formed and still empty, and large
form an ovicell (ov); op: operculum of "male" zooid; opo: cherry-red eggs can be distinguished in the body cavity of
operculum of the ovicell (the cracks at the kenozooids are the females: the lower ovicell contains a newly deposited
artifacts). (A) Uncleaned with the outer periostracum and egg. (E) SEM of newl y re leased larva (note heavy ciliation).
the opercula retained. (B) Cleaned zoecium of a similar (F) The composite ancestrula with one zooid with protrud­
part of the col ony: ke: kenozooi d. (C) Diagram of a median e d tentacles and three developing zooids.

The larvae have an apical organ, which supposedly is Reproduction and Development
sensory, and a ciliated pyriform organ that is used in Sexual reproduction Bryozoan colonies are he.r­
testing the substratum before settling. At least some maphrodi tic, and son1e species may produce sperm
bryozoans exhibit a marked negative geotaxis prior to and eggs i n the same zooid (e.g., Membranipora). Other
settling. Experiments suggest that this geotaxis is a di­ species (e.g., some cyclosto1nes) have colonies with
rect response to gravity, but the mechanism mediating separate male and female zooids of very different
this phenon1enon is unknown. Many of the coronate shape (see below). Rather diffuse ovaries usually arise
larvae have well developed ocelli and are positively from transient patches of the peritoneum at the cystid
phototactic while free swimming. Settlement is often wall. Testes usually develop on the funiculus (Figure
accompanied by a shift to a negative phototaxis. 17.6C). Sperm differentiates in the body cavity, and the
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 655

ripe sperm moves to the coelon1 at the base of the ten­

tacles and are eventually shed through small tetnporal vesicle
pores at the tips of the abfrontal tentacles. The spern1
enters the body cavity of a zooid with a ripe egg, prob­ (A)
ably through the supraneural pore located between the Embryo
bases of two abfrontal tentacles, or the intertentacular
organ, and fertilize the eggs. The few cheilostomes and
ctenostomes that spav.-n fertilized eggs into the water
(e.g., Electra, Membraniporn, Hislopin, and some species
of Alcyonidiu111) have the supraneural pore elevated
on a pedestal called the intertentacular organ (Figure Retractor muscle
17.6A). However, most species brood the eggs in more
or less elaborate structures. Maternal zooid
Phylactolaemates brood their embryos in embryo
sacs produced by invaginations of the body wall. The Apical region
eggs may leave the supraneural pore and become i m ­ '"Pallial epithelium
planted into the embryo sacs in a method like that ob­
served in ctenostoo1es (e.g., Victorelln), but the process
has not been observed.
Some ctenostomes (e.g., Triticella) attach the eggs
to the atrial wall so that they become freely exposed
when the polypides protrude. Others (e.g., Victorella)
deposit the fertilized egg into a brood pouch formed
by the atrial wall, and a further specialization is that
the fertilized eggs are retained in the retracted atrium Vibratile plume Pyriform organ
where the whole development takes place while the Adhesive sac/body wall
polypide degenerates (e.g., Bowerbankia and species of
A variety of brooding methods occurs among chei­
lostomes, usually involving the formation of an exter­
nal brooding structure called an ovicell (Figures 17.6C,
17.7A,B, 17.13A-D, and 17.14A). In many genera (e.g.,
Fenestr11/i11a, Prhnnvelans [formerly Hippodiplosia], and
Tegelln), the developing female zooids induce the de­
veloping distal zooid (male or female) to produce an Adhesive sac Blastema Corona
oviceJI by a specialization of the proxin1al part of the Figure 17.14 Brooding and larval metamorphosis of
frontal wall (Figure 17.13A-D). The usually very large Bugula neritina. (A) Ovicell with an embryo that has grown
egg is deposited into the ovicell where the develop­ large through nourishment from the placenta. (B) Drawing
ment to the free-swimming lecithotrophic larval stage of a larva. (C-E) Larva, settling and metamorphosis.
takes place. The opening may be covered by the oper­ (C) Median section of the larva. (D) The adhesive sac is
everted in contact with the substratum, and a f ine pellicle
culurn of the maternal zooid or by an extension of the
has been secreted; the everted pallial epithelium cov-
distal wall of the maternal polypide. This extension is ers the upper side of the ancestrula and the corona has
called the oecial vesicle and h1nctions as a placenta in become internal ized. (E) The pallial epithelium has retract­
species with small eggs (e.g., Buguln) (Figure 17.14A). ed again and the epithelium of the adhesive sac now
Bryozoans undergo radial, holoblastic, nearly covers the whole ancestru la, the polypide will d ifferentiate
equal cleavage to form a coeloblastula or a stereoblas­ from the blastema.
tula. Subsequent develop1nent differs greatly among
groups, but in all cases it involves a free-swin1ming dis­
persal form. Very little solid information exists on the budding process (see below). This "larva" is ciliated
derivation and fates of germ layers in bryozoans. This and escapes the embryo sac for a short swimming life
is especially true for mesoderm and coelomic linings. before settling and metamorphosing.
In phylactolaemates, the fertilized egg enters a The coeloblastulae of eurystomates undergo a
brood sac formed from the cystid wall, and later stages gastrulation where four cells divide so that one of
receive nourishment fron1 the maternal zooid through each pair of daughter cells is shunted to the blasto­
various types of placentas. The coeloblastula develops coel as presumptive endoderm and mesoderm. Free­
into a cystid-like stage lacking endoderm and then swimming larvae are eventually produced. Most of the
generates one or more polypides through a normal species that free spawn have a characteristic laterally
656 Chapter Seventeen

(A) (Bl (C)



Figure 17.15 Larvae of Membranipora. (A) Cyphonautes

larva. (B). Diagram of the morphology of the cyphonautes
become negatively phototactic and swim toward the
larva. (C) Newly settled larva, the shells are st ill cover-
ing the young ancestrula, which is developing a pair of bottom as they become "con1petent" (i.e., preparing
polypides. to settle onto the substrate). Once in contact with the
substratun,, the pyriform organ complex is apparently
used t o test for chen1jcaJ and tactile cues reflecting the
compressed, triangular larva called a cyphonautes, suitability of the substratum for settlil1g. Once a proper
which swin,s by means of a ring of cilia at the "lower" surface has been selected, the adhesive sac everts and
edge of the triangular shells (Figure 17.15A,B). This lar­ secretes sticky material for attachment. After attach­
val type is found both in basal ctenostomes and chei­ ment, tl1ere is a thorough reorganization of tissue p o ­
lostomes. These larvae feed by n1eans of the U-shaped sitions accon1panied by histolysis of larval structures.
ciliated ridge, \Vhich resembles and functions as one In gymnolaemates, the first zooid, the ancestrula,
side of a tentacle. They have a complete gut and may usually has one polypide, but two or more polypides
re1nain in the plankton for months, whereas the larvae are found in several species (Figures 17.13F, 17.lSC).
of brooding species lack a digestive tract and lead very The settling cyphonautes larva everts the adhesive
short, pelagic lives (Figures 17.13£ and 17.148). These sac, which spreads out along the substratum and se­
more or less globular larvae are called coronate lar­ cretes the basal wall of the ancestrula. The shells open
vae, because the ciliation that covers almost the whole widely and becon1e detached, while the underlying
body is believed to be the extended ciliary ring of the pallial epithelium secretes the frontal wall. The coro­
cyphonautes larva. Despite these differences, eurysto­ na becomes enclosed in an inner r i n g s- haped cavity.
mate larvae have some fundamental similarities. For Metamorphoses of the various types of coronate lar­
example, they possess a complicated apical organ, a vae show considerable variation on this theme. In one
sensory pyriforn, organ complex, and a pouchlike ad­ type (e.g., Buguln; Figure 17.J4C-E), the pedphery of
hesive sac, which are important in settling and m e t a ­ the everted adhesive sac extends along tile sides of the
morphosis (Figures 17.13£, 17.148, and 17.158). settled larva finally to cover the whole outer wall of the
The fertilized cyclostome egg cleaves to form a ball larval body; thus, the v.•hole cystid wall origmates from
of cells, which then undergoes a budding process, the adhesive sac.In other types (e.g., Bowerbnnkin), the
fornung secondary embryos, which in turn bud tertia­ adhesive sac retracts again, and the paIliaI epitllelium
ry embryos. Dozens of small, solid, asexually produced expands to cover the whole surface of the ancestrula.
embryos may result from a single primary ball of cells.
This pheno1nenon, called polyembryony, is very un­ Asexual reproduction A s in all colonial animals,
usual in the anilnal kingdon1. Each embryo develops asexual reproduction i s an mtegral part of the life h i s ­
cilia and escapes as a completely ciliated larva with an tory of bryozoans and is responsible for colony growth
il1vagination a t both poles, one representing the api­ and regeneration of zooids. Each colony begins from the
cal organ/pole and the other is the adhesive sac. The tissues of a metamorphosed larva, which develops one
larva settles after a short free period and undergoes or a few zooids from the body waII, or il1 some cheilos­
a metamorphosis sinular t o that described below for tomates from a mass of undifferentiated cells (called a
the coronate eurystomate larvae, with the frontal wall blastema) connected with the apical organ. As il1 sexual
covered by the everted chitmous covermg of the apical reproduction, this first zooid or group of zooids that
invagination. develop before feeding begins is called the ancesh-ula
Bryozoan larvae are a t first positively phototac­ (Figures 17.7C, 17.13F). It undergoes budding to p r o ­
tic, and n1any possess pigment spots with a group duce daughter zooids, which subsequently forn1 more
of modified cilia that are thought to b e light sensi­ buds, and so on. The initial group of daughter zooids
tive. Followmg a planktonic phase, the larvae usually may arise in a chainlike series, a plate, or a disc; the
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 657

(A) (B)

Figure 17 .16 Statoblasts o f phylactolaemates.

{A) Cristatel/a. {B) Germinating statoblast of Fredericel/a.

Phylum Brachiopoda:
The Lamp Shells
budding pattern determjnes the growth form of the
colony and is highly variable among species. The ances­ Members of the phylum Brachlopoda (Greek brachi-
trula is usually of a shape different from that of the bud­ 11111, "arn1"; poda, "feet") are called lamp shells because
ded zooids (Figure 17.7C) and, in a few species, changes the shape of their exoskeleton resembles historical oil
in zooid n1orphology along the growing colony has been lamps (Box 17C and Figure 17.17). They have been
observed. known since at least the early Wddle Ages and their
Budding involves only elements of the body wall. images were published in books in the late sixteenth
In most eurystomates, a partition forms that isolates a
small chamber, the developing zooid, from the parent
zooid. The bud initially includes only co1nponents of
the cystid and an internal coelomic compartment. A BOX 17C Characteristics of the
new polypide is then generated from the living tissues Phylum Brachiopoda
of the bud (the epidermis and the peritoneum). The
1. Enterocoelic, coelomate lophophorates
epidermis and peritoneum invaginate, the former p r o ­
ducing the tentacle crown and the gut. The peritoneum 2. Epistome present, with o r w ithout coelomic lumen
produces all of the new coelomic linings and the fu­ 3. Body enclosed between two shells {valves), one
niculus. Budding in phylactolaemates is similar, except dorsal and one ventral
that the polypide develops first and only becomes iso­ 4. Usually attached to the substratum by a stalk. the
lated from the parent zooid i n some species. Budding pedicle
among cyclostomes is in need of further investigation. 5. V alves lined {and produced) by mantle lobes
In addition to budding, freshwater bryozoans formed by outgrowths of the body wall and creating
a water-filled mantle cavity
(Phylactolaemata) reproduce asexually by the forn1a­
tion of statoblasts (Figures 17.6E and 17.16). These 6. Lophophores are circular to var iably coiled, with or
without internal skeletal support.
structures are extremely resistant to drying and freez­
ing, and are often produced in huge numbers during 7. Gut U-shaped; anus present {Linguliformea,
Crani iformea) or absent (Rhynchonelliformea)
adverse environmental conditions. Statoblasts gen­
erally form on the funiculus and include peritoneal 8. One or two {Rhynchonellida) pairs of metanephrid ia
and epidermal cells plus a store of nutrient n1aterial. 9. Circulatory system rudimentary and open
Each cellular ,nass secretes a pair of chitinous protec­ 1 0 . Most are gonochor istic and undergo mixed or indi­
tive valves, differing among species in shape and or­ rect life h istories.
namentation. The parent colony usually degenerates, 11 . Indirect developers with lecithotrophic laNae
freeing the statoblasts. Some statoblasts sink to the b o t ­ 12. Gametes develop from transient gonadal tissue on
tom, but others float b y means of enclosed gas spaces. peri toneum of metacoel.
Some bear surface hooks or spines and are dispersed 13. C leavage holoblastic, radial, and nearly equal;
by passive attachment to aquatic animals or vegetation coeloblastulae usually gastrulate by invaginat ion;
(Figure 17.16A). With the return of favorable conru­ blastopore closes and mouth {and anus) form s e c ­
ondari ly (deuterostomous development)
tions, the cell mass generates a nev.• zooid, which sheds
its outer casing and attaclles as a functional individual 14. Sol tary,
i benth ic, marine
(Figure 17.168).
658 Chapter Seventeen

(A) (B)




Figure 17.17 Representative brachiopods. (A) Magel­ attaches to hard substrates with its ventral valve.
lania venosa (Rhynchonellitormea, Terebratelloidea). (F) The organophosphatic shelled Discinisca tame/·
Reaching lengths of 9 cm, this is the largest living b r a ­ /osa (Linguliformea, Oiscinoidea) with its fri nging row of
chiopod; from Chilean fiords. (8) Close up of M. venosa, setae protruding from the mantle margin. (G) Ungula sp.
showing the lophophore inside the shell and branched (Linguliformea, Linguloidea), removed from its burrow.
egg-carryi ng mantle canals shining through the dorsal (H) Lingula sp. (Linguliformea, Linguloidea) in feeding pos­
valve. (C) A t less than 1 mm in length, Gwynia capsu/a ture. The arrows indicate the direction of water flow.
(Rhynchonelliformea, Gwyn ioidea) is the smallest living (I) Marginifera sp., a spinose Permian brachiopod.
brachiopod; the gaping valves expose the lophophore, (J) Lingula sp. tor sale in a market in Southeast Asia,
forming a small circle of single tentacles. (0) Thecidellina where it is locally consumed. (K) The articulate (rhyn­
meyeri (Rhynchonelliformea, Thecideoidea), with fully chonelliform) brachiopod Frenulina sanguinolenta from the
opened shell. The orange lophophoral tentacles form trop i cal Pacific, showing the position of the lophophore.
an effecti ve filter for microplankton. (E} The limpet- Attached to the shell is a purple bryozoan, Disporella sp.
like Novocrania /ecointei (Craniiformea), which directly
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 659

\ iI (I)
. ..
(G) (1-1)
·�··,.. _........


��•- :

. .,•:

·: ' >



0) (K)

century. All are solitary, marine, benthic creatures. known from nearly all ocean depths, they are most
The body, including the lophophore, is enclosed be­ abundant on the continental shelf. The approximately
tween a pair of dorsoventrally oriented valves. Most 400 living species represent a small surviving fraction
brachiopods are attached to the substratum by a fleshy of the more than 15,000 extinct species that have been
pedicle (Figure 17.18A,B). Some species lack a pedicle described. Their rich fossil record dates back at least
(e.g., Novocrania), and these usually cen1ent themselves 550 1nillion years (Ediacaran period). Brachiopods,
directly to a hard substratum. On the other hand, some especially rhynchonelliforms, were among the n1ost
species that possess a pedicle do not form permanent abnndant animals of the Paleozoic, but they declined in
attachments, such as Anakinetica c11111ingi, which lies numbers and diversity after that time. Charles Thayer
free, and Ling11/a spp., whjch anchor in loose sand (Fig­ (1985) presented experimental evidence that competi­
ures 17.17G and 17.18B). A few species possess both tion with epibenthic bivalve n1olluscs was at least part­
unattached and attached populations (e.g., Neotlzyris ly responsible for the reduction in brachiopod diversity
lenticularis and Terebratel/a sanguinea). following their Paleozoic success.
The valves of the brachiopod shell are unequal,
and are attached to one another either posteriorly by
a tooth-and-socket hinge (Rhynchonelliformea) o r
simply by muscles (Linguliformea, Craniiformea). BRACHIOPODA
Brachiopods normally "sit" ventral side up, the pedicle SUBPHYLUM LINGULIFORMEA Valves not hinged, at­
usually arising from the ventral valve through a shell tached by muscles only; valves of organophosphatic com­
opening called the posit ion, incl uding apatite (calc ium phosphate), chi tin, colla­
Most extant brachiopods measure 2 to 4 cm along gen, and proteins; pedicle usually with intrinsic muscles and
the greatest shell dimension, but range from below 1 a coelom i c lumen; lophophore without internal skeletal sup­
m m to over 9 cm in extreme cases. Although they are port; anus present. Two extant superfamilies, Linguloidea
660 Chapter Seventeen



Blind intestine
Figure 17.18 Anatomy of brachiopods. (A) The
rhynchonelliform brachiopod Terebratulina sp. (cut­
away view). (B) The linguliform brachiopod Lingula
(ventral valve removed). (C) The edge of the shell
and mantle of a rhynchonelliform (l ongitudinal s e c ­
tion). (D) The mantle edge of Notosaria nigricans
(Ahynchonelliformea, Hemithir i doidea) ( inside v iew).
/ shell valve
and Discinoidea, comprising about 25 extant species. Mantle
(e.g., Oiscinisca, Gtottidia, Linguta, Pelagodiscus)
SUBPHYLUM CRANIIFORMEA Valves not h inged, at­ vessels
tached by muscles only; val ves made of proteins and
calcite (cal cium carbonate); no pedi c le; ventral valve di­
rectly cemented to hard substratum, variab le from thin
calcite lamella (e.g., Novocrania anomata) to massive
cone-shaped val ve (e.g., Neoancistrocrania norfolkt); Central
lophophore without internal skeletal support; anus pres­ adductor
ent. One extant superfami ly, Cranioidea, comprising muscle
about 20 extant species. (e.g., Novocrania, Neoancis­
trocrania, Vatdiviathyris) Digestive
lated by tooth-and-socket hi nge; val ves composed of Adjustor
proteins and calci te (ca lcium carbonate); pedicle usu- muscle
ally present, but l acking muscles and coelomic lumen;
lophophore generally with interna l supportive elements;
gut ends blindly, anus lacking. Three extant orders:
Rhynchonellida, Terebratulida, and Thecideida, with just
over 350 species. (e.g., Argyrotheca, Dallina, Frenutina,
Gryphus, Hemithiris, Lacaze/la, Laqueus, Liothyrella, Intestine
Magellania, Thecide/Jina, Terebratalia, Terebratella, Ter­
ebratutina, Tichosina)

adductor muscle

The Brachiopod Body Plan

The Body Wall, Coelom, and Support covering their periostracum. Various spines were also
The shells of brachiopods comprise an outer organic present in some fossil species as outgrowths of the
periostracum and an inner structural layer or layers shell and served to anchor the animals in place (Figure
composed variably of cakiwn carbonate (calcite), c a l ­ 17.171). In a fashion similar to that of molluscs, brachio­
cium phosphate (apatite), proteins, chitin, and colla­ pod shells are secreted by a mantle, which is divided
gen. Extant discinids may have siliceous nanoparticles into a dorsal and a ventral mantle formed as an out-
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 661

(C) Periostracum
Primary shell layer Connections between
secretory cells and } = Brush
Mantle periostracum
papilla '... ...
.. . .

The pedicle is an outgrowth of the body wall, aris­

il1g from the posterior area of the ventral valve. In lm­
epithelium gulifonns it contains all the usual layers beneath the
epidermis, mcludmg connective tissue, muscles, and a
Mantle canal coelontic lumen. However, the pedicle of rhynchonelli­
forms Jacks muscles and a coelornic cavity. In the latter
case extrmsic muscle bands from the body wall itself
• ·,_ ,·: -· . operate the pedicle. ln brachiopods that attach firmly,
· :,
..... ·...:. -�-• .:: · :
�. ....� .,. - : .
�-: · ' the tip of the pedicle bears papillae or fmgerlike exten­
- .·. _:_:--�--
�· ;:: :
sions that adhere tightly to the substratum.
. The coelonuc system of brachiopods mcludes the
typical mesocoel and metacoel as the lophophoral and
body coelon1s, respectively. The episton1e is solid in
rhynchonelliforn1s, but in linguliforms may contain
coelotnic cells that are continuous with the lophopho­
ral mesocoel. The coelornic fluid mcludes various coe­
growth of the body wall (Figure 17.18). The periostra­ lomocytes, some of which contam hemerythrin.
cum is secreted by the mantle edges in a periostracal
slot, and the ilu1er shell layer by the general mantle The Lophophore, Feeding, and Digestion
surface, the outer 1nantle epitheliu1n. Shells of many Like that of phoronids and bryozoans, the lophophore
brachiopods bear perforations, or punctae, extendmg of brachiopods comprises a rmg of tentacles surround­
from their inner surfaces nearly to the periostracum mg the mouth. In brachiopods however, the lopho­
and containing tiny tissue extensions of the mantle phore is produced as a pair of tentacle-bearing arms
(Figure 17.18). The function of these mantle papillae is that extend anteriorly into the mantle cavity. The over­
unknown, but some workers have suggested that they all shape of the lophophore varies a1nong taxa from a
might serve as areas for food storage and gas exchange, simple circular or U-shape to those with highly coiled
or m son1e way deter the activities of borers. ShelJs that artns. The brach.iopod lophophore also differs i11 tl1at it
lack perforations are termed impunctate. is always contamed within the protection of the valves
The soft mantle Imes and is attached to the dorsal and is essentially immovable. In most brachiopods, the
and ventral valves of the shell and forms the water­ lophophore and tentacles are held in position by coelo­
fiJled mantle cavity, which houses the lophophore. The mic pressure, whereas in some rhynchonelliforms the
ntantle edges often bear chitinous setae, which may dorsal valve produces a lophophore-supportmg struc­
protect the fleshy tissue and perhaps serve to prevent ture, the brachidiwn. In son1e groups (e.g., Thecideida)
the entrance of large particles into the mantle cavity. the dorsal valve has ridges and grooves mstead of an
The epidermal cells of the mantle and general body erect lophophore skeleton that help support and posi­
surface vary from cuboidal to columnar and are mono­ tion the lophophore.
ciliated. Beneath the epidermis is a connective tissue In order to pass a water current tllrough the mantle
layer of varymg thickness, which iI1 some species may cavity, the t,..vo valves must be opened slightly. The
house mesenchymal cells and can produce calcite spic­ mechanisms of valve operation differ among members
ules. The inner surface of the body wall is lined by both of the three subphyla. In hinge-bearing rhynchonel­
peritoneal and myoepithelial cells; these form the outer liforms two pairs of muscles are responsible for valve
boundary of the coelom. Bemg folds of the body \vall, moven1ents-whereas a pair of diductor muscles
the dorsal and ventral mantle contain extensions of the opens the valves (Figures 17.lSA,B and 17.19A), the
coelom, called mantle canals (Figure 17.18D). adductor n1uscle pair i s responsible for shell closure.
662 Chapter Seventeen

(A) Ventral valve Figure 17.19 (A) The rhynchonell iform brachiopod
Calloria inconspicua (Terebratelloidea) (ventral side up;
Tooth cutaway view). Note the major muscles that operate the
valves. (B) The complete gut of a craniiform. (C) The
bl ind gut of a rhynchonelliform. (D) The nervous sys­
tem of Magellania f/avescens (Rhynchonelliformea,
Terebratelloidea). Note the dorsal and ventral aspects
on the left and right sides of the drawing, respectively.

Pedicle nerve


(C) /valve

Dorsal mantle edge �
Ventral mantle edge

Linguliforms and craniiforms Jack a hinge and do not stomach and connects to i t via paired ducts. The intes­
possess diductor muscles. Instead, the gape is pro­ tine extends posteriorly, where it ends blindly in rhyn­
duced by contraction of the posterior adductor or the chonelliforms or recurves as a rectum tern1inating in an
wnbonal muscle and relaxation of different anterior anal opening in inarticulated brachiopods. In the latter
muscle groups. Central adductor muscles are mainly case the anus opens either medially (craniiforms) or on
used to close the valves. As both shell opening and clo­ the right side of the animal (linguliforms). The absence
sure depend on either rapid or long lasting active mus­ of an anus is almost certainly a secondary loss in rhyn­
cle contraction, diductor and adductor muscles contain chonelliforn1s, and can be traced back to differences
striated as well as smooth fibers. in the fate of the blastopore during early embryonic
Feeding currents are generated by the lophopho­ development in co1nparison to craniifonns. Little is
ral cilia. Specific incurrent and excurrent flow patterns known about digestion in brachiopods, but some work
occur, varying with shell 1norphology and the shape and on Linguln indicates that it occurs intracellularly in the
orientation of the lophophore. In any case, water is di­ digestive gla11d.
rected over and between the tentacles before passing out
of the mantle cavity (Figure 17.20A). Each tentacle bears Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
lateral and frontal ciliary tracts (Figure 17.208). The lat­ The brachiopod circulatory system is open, much re­
eral cilia of adjacent tentacles overlap and redirect food duced, and largely unstudied. A contractile heart lies
particles from the water to the frontal cilia by beat rever­ in the dorsal 1nesentery just above the gut (Novocrn­
sal. The frontal cilia beat toward the base of the tentacles, nin possesses several "hearts"). Leading anteriorly
helping to direct trapped food. The lophophoral ridge, and posteriorly from the heart, the blood vessels form
or brachia! axis, bears a brachia! food groove within channels within the connective tissue of the mesenter­
which food material is moved to the mouth (Figure ies, thus no true vessels are present. These channels
17.20C). Brachiopods feed on nearly any appropriately branch to various parts of the body, but the pattern
small organic particles, especially phytoplankton. of circulation is not fully understood. It appears that
The digestive system is U-shaped (Figures 17.18A the blood is separate from the coelomic fluid, although
and 17.198,C). The 1nouth is followed by a short esoph­ both contain certain similar cells. The function of the
agus, which extends dorsally and then posteriorly circulatory system is thought to be largely restricted to
to the stomach. A digestive gland covers most of the nutrient distribution.
THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 663


inhalant area Fronta! cilia
""'.- Latera.l
arm Water current
Lateral cilia

exhalant area
Figure 17.20 Feeding currents in brachiopods.
(C) Particle transport
(A) Feeding currents (arrows) of Ca//oria inconspicua
(Rhynchonelliformea, Terebratelloidea). (B)Lophophoral Brachia! to mouth
tentacles (section). The water (arrows) passes over l a t - canal
eral ci liary bands. (C) A porti on of a lophophore. Food
particles are transported along tentacles and the bra-
chia! food groove (arrows).

Water current
Gas exchange probably occurs across the general through filament row
body suxface, especially the lophophore tentacles and
mantle.These structuxes not only provide large surface
areas but are also sites over which water moves and is perhaps through surface receptors on the tentacles or
brought close to underlying coelomic fluid. This gen­ mantle edge. Men1bers of at least one burrowing spe­
eral arrangement and the presence of hemerythrin in cies of Ling11/a possess a pair of statocysts that are as­
certain coelomocytes suggest that the coelomic fluid, sociated with orientation in the substratum. Larvae of
not the blood, is the medium for oxygen transport. some rhynchonelliform groups possess eyes composed
Brachiopods possess one or two pairs of metane­ of two photoreceptor cells almost certainly mediating
phridia, with the nephroston1es opening to the meta­ their photonegative behavior prior to settlement and
coel. The nepluidioducts exit truough pores into the metamorphosis. Comparable to the vertebrate eye,
n1antle cavity. The nepluidia function as gonoducts as brachiopod larval eyes contain a ciliary opsin as the
well as discharging phagocytic coelomocytes that have photosensitive pigment. The larval nervous system in
accumulated metabolic wastes. In the distal part of the brachiopods has been shown to contain both serotoner­
metanephridia (nephridial canal), columnar cells a b ­ gic and histan1inergic neurons.
sorb large quantities of coelomic fluid by endocytosis
suggesting secondary urine fonnation as in other meta­ Reproduction and Development
nephridial systems. However, primary urine formation Asexual reproduction does not occur in brachiopods.
through a podocyte filter system fro1n the blood vessel Most species are gonochoristic, with gan1etes develop­
into the coelom has only been assun1ed for the peri­ iJ1g from patches of transient gonadal tissue derived
oesophageal coelom i n the rhynchonellid Hemit/1iris from the coelomic epithelium in the metacoel. Gam­
psittacea. etes are released into the metacoel and escape through
the metanephridia. 1n most cases both eggs and sperm
Nervous System and Sense Organs are shed freely, and fertilization is external. A few
The nervous system of brachi.opods is somewhat r e ­ species, however, brood their embryos w1til the l a r ­
duced. A dorsal ganglion and a ventral ganglion lie val stage is reacl1ed. In these cases spern1 are picked
against the esophagus and are connected by a circu­ up in the water currents of females, and the eggs are
menteric nerve ring. Nerves emerge from the ganglia retained in a brooding area where they are fertilized.
and nerve ring and extend to various parts of the body, Argyrothecn, for example, broods its embryos in special
especially the muscles, mantle, and lophophore (Figure caverns formed by the mantle epithelium. Species of
17.190). As usual, the array of sense organs in these Thecideida form brood pouches either in the dorsal or
animals is compatible with their lifestyle. The mantle ventral valves as derivatives of the lophophore epithe­
edges and setae are richly supplied with sensory neu­ lium. Others retain their embryos on the arms of the
rons, probably tactile receptors. There is also evidence lophophore, in special regions of the mantle cavity, or
that brachiopods are sensitive to dissolved chemicals, i n modified depressions in a valve.
664 Chapter Seventeen




Apic.11 tuft
:\pk.JI lobe

l'ili,1rv b.1nd



Larva ) Setae

THE LOPHOPHORATES Phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 665

◄ Figure 17 .21 Brachiopod lobate larvae and meta•

band around the apical lobe could be interpreted as
morphosis. (A) Plankton ic juvenile of Glottidia sp.
(Linguliformea, Linguloidea) with contracted lophophore. hon1ologue to the prototroch of a traditional trocho­
(BJ The same G/ottidia juvenile with expanded lophophore phore. Whereas lingulid brachlopods hatch as plank­
during acti ve swimming. (C) The shelled pl anktonic juve• totrophic stages ("free-swimming juveniles") with a
nile of a discinid (Linguliformea, Discinoidea}. Note the pair thorough and a first-formed ("embryonic") shell, all
of long posterior setae. (D) SEM photo of a three-lobed other groups hatch as nonfeeding stages. In discinids
stage larva of Macandrevia cranium (Rhynchonelliformea, the has typical larval characters (e.g., larval
Zeillerioidea). Cilia are restricted to the apical lobe and
setae) but quickly develops tentacles, a ftmctional di­
a midventral band. (E} Three-lobed stage of Terebratalia
transversa (Rhynchonelliformea, Laqueoidea) with two gestive system, and a first-forn1ed shell while still in
dorsolateral rows of red eye spots on the apical lobe. the plankton stage. Craniiforms and rhynchonelliforms
(F, G) Two subsequent metamorphic stages of Laqueus have a lecithotrophic larval stage that only develops
erythraeus (Rhynchonelliformea, Laqueoidea). Mantle tentacles and a shell, and starts feeding upon settle­
lobe inversion starts immediately after attachment of the ment and metamorphosis.
larva to the substrate. (H) Hatchling of Lingula anatina Jn linguliforn1s, such as Linguln, the lophophore
(Linguliformea, Linguloidea) already equipped with two
of the planktonic stage (Figure 17.21A,B) can be pro­
shelled mantle lobes and a ciliated lophophore rudiment.
truded out from between the mantle lobes and func­
tion to propel and feed the larva. As the mantle lobes
and shell bear some weight, the developmental stage
Cleavage is holoblastic, radial, and nearly equal; it immediately sinks when the lophophoral tentacles are
leads to the formation of a coeloblastula. Gastrulation retracted into the mantle cavity. Extension of the grow­
is by invagination, except in the brooding form ing pedicle while on the seafloor marks the start of the
Lacnzelln, where i t apparently occurs by delamination. juvenile's benthic life. Thus, there is no drastic meta­
The blastopore closes and the mouth forms secondarily n1orphosis at the time of settling (Figure 17.21A,B).
(i.e., deuterosto1ny). The anus, when present, breaks The free-switnming larvae of rhynchonelliforms are
through late as the gut grows and approaches the body regionalized into an anterior (apical) lobe, a mantle
wall. Mesoderm formation starts by proliferation of lobe, and a pedicle lobe (Figure 17.21C-F). As crani­
archenteral cells and subsequent separation from the iforms lack a pedicle throughout their life, their larval
larval gut anlage. Only during 1netamorphosis the body has only an apical and a posterior lobe, the l a t ­
mesoderm cells diverge, thereby opening a lumen, ter bearing three pairs of larval setal bundles. After a
the coelom. The origin of the prospective coelomic short larval life of a few days to weeks (depending on
epithelium from archenteral cells can be interpreted as the ambient temperatures), the nonfeeding brachiopod
enterocoely. larvae settle and metamorphose. As the pedicle Jobe a t ­
Whether the developn1ental pattern is mixed or fully taches to the substratum (only rhynchonelliforms), the
indirect, all brachlopods eventually enter a free-swim­ mantle lobes flex forward over the anterior lobe. The
ming stage (Figure 17.21). Although these planktonic no,v exterior surfaces of the mantle lobes commence
forms differ morphologically they have been con,­ secretion o f the valves, while the anterior lobe differen­
pared to trochophore larvae, in which case the ciliary tiates it1to the body and the lophophore.

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onal n,usculature in phoronids (Lophophorata: Phoronida). Temereva, E and A. Wanninger. 2012. Development of the
Dokl. Biol. Sci. 433: 264-267. nervous syste1n in P/1oro11opsis hnrmeri (Lophotrochozoa,
Emig, C . C. 1974. The systematics and evolution of the phylum Phoronida) reveals both deuterostmne-and ttochozoan-like
Phoronida.Z. Zool. Syst.Evol. 12(2): 128-151. features. BMC Evol. Biol. 12: 121.
Emig, C . C . 1977. The embryology of Phoronida. Am. Zool. 17: Temereva, E . N . and E. 8. Tsitrin. 2013.Development, organiza­
21-38. tion, and remodeling of phoronid muscles from embryo to
Emig, C. C. 19$2. Phoronida. In S. P. Parker (ed.), Synopsis nnd metamorphosis (Lophotrochozoa: Phoronida). BMC Dev.
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Freeman, G. 1991. The bases for and timing of regional specifi­ Zimmer, R. L. 1967.The morphology and function of accessory
cation during larval development in Phoronis. Develop. Biol. reproductive glands in the lophophores of Phoronis vn11co11ve•
147: 157-173. re11sis and Phoronopsis hnrmeri. J. Morphol. 121(2): 1 5 9 -178.
668 Chapter Seventeen

Zimmer, R. L. 1972. Structure and transfer of spermatozoa in Zimmer, R .L. 1980. Mesoderm proliferation and function of the
Piloro11opsis viridis. In C. J. Arceneaux (ed.), 30th Annual protocoel and metacoel in early embryos of P/roro11is va11co11ve­
Proceedings of the Electron MicroscopicaI Society of America. re11sis (Phoronida).Zool. Jb., Anat. 103: 219-233.
Zimmer, R. L. 1978. The comparative structure of the preoral Zimmer, R. L.1991. Phoronida. Pp. 1-45 in J. S.Pearse, V. B .Pearse
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Seltle111e11t a11d 111eta11101plrosis of111ari11e i11vertebrate larva. New vo/11111e VI £cili11oder111s a11d Loplrop/,orates. Boxwood Press,
York, Elsevier. Pacific Grove, CA.
The Nematoida
Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha

his chapter is the first of seven that describe the animals belonging to
a clade knov-,n as Ecdysozoa. Ecdysozoa is one of the two main pro­
tostome clades (the other being Spiralia) and it contains eight phyla
and about 83% of animal species diversity (see Chapter 9), much of
which is contained within the arthropods and ne1natodes. All ecdysozoans molt
their cuticle at least once during their life history. The group comprises three
w e l l -supported subclades: Nematoida (phyla Nematoda, Nematomorpha),
Scalidophora (phyla Kinorhyncha, Priapula, Loricifera), and Panarthropoda
(phyla Onychophora, Tardigrada, Arthropoda). The relationships of these three
subclades have not been firmly deternlined, and they appear as an unresolved
trichotomy in otu tree of the Metazoa (see Chapter
28). However, some evidence suggests that Nema­
toida and Scalidophora comprise a sister group,
Classification of The Animal and they do share a number of morphological sim­
Kingdom (Metazoa) ilarities (e.g., a circumoral collar-or ring-shaped
brain composed of a ring netuopil, or network of
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata
(a.k.a. the dipl l asts)
nervous tissue, \Vith anterior and posterior somata).
This putative dade has been given the nan1e Cy­
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACH IOPODA cloneuralia. However, recent molecular phyloge­
PHYLUM CNIDARIA ECDYSQZQA netic analyses have failed to find strong support
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida for this dade. Unlike the Spiralia, Ecdysozoa can
PHYLUM NEMATODA be defi11ed by morphological synapon1orphies, i n ­
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) cluding their thxee-layered cutide that is molted, a
process regulated by ecdysteroids hormones. The
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA cutide consists of a prote.inaceous exocutide and an
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICIFERA endocutide with chitin or collagen, with the epicu­
Sel MLIA Panarthropoda ticle fonning from the apical zone of the epidern1al
PHYLUM TARDIGRADA rnicrovilli. Ecdysozoans also lack external epithelial
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA cilia, lack a primary (ciliated) larva with an apical
organ, and unlike most other protostomes, ecdyso­
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA zoans do not undergo spiral cleavage.
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA The phyla Nematoda (roundworms) and Nema­
SUBPHYLUM CHEUCERATA tomorpha (horsehair worms) comprise the clade
Deuterostomia Nematoida, supported by both morphological and
molecular analyses. As in the other ecdysozoan
PHYLUM ROTIFERA "Paraphyletic group The section on phylum Nematoda has been revised by S .
Patricia Stock. Phylum Nematomorpha (and the introductory
text) has been revised by Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa.
670 Chapter Eighteen

(A) (8) (C) (D)

(E) (F)

(G) (H)

Figure 18.1 Examples of the phylum Nematoda.

(A) Allantonema sp. (class Chromadorea), an insect
Nematodes and ne1natomorphans are both s.lender
parasite. (B) Sphaerulariopsis s p . (class Chromadorea),
an insect parasite. (C) Heterordera glycines (c lass worn1s. Specimens of the nen,atode order Mermlthida
Chromadorea), a plant parasite. (DJ Tylenchu/us semipen­ (Figure 18.lF) cru1 be easily confused •,vith nematomor­
etrans (cl ass Chromadorea), a plant parasite. (E) Greeffiella phans, because both are insect parasites vvith a free-liv­
sp. (class Enoplea), a free-living mari ne species. (F) Hex­ ing phase and large body size (usually in the range of
amermis sp. (class Enopl ea), a parasite of various several tens of centin1eters). However, they are differ­
invertebrates. (G) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (class entiated by external differences in the surface structure
Chromadorea), an insect pathogen. (H) Draconema sp.
of the cuticle and the shape of the ends of their bodies.
(class Enopl ea), a free-living marine species.
Nematomorphans emerge from their hosts as adults
and possess diagnostic cl,aracters for identification to
species; mermithid nematodes emerge as postparasitic
taxa, nematoids lack locomotory cilia and have a cuticle juveniles and must undergo a final molt to read, the
that is molted during gro,.vth. The cuticle contains chi­ adult stage.
tin in all ecdysozoans, at least in some stages of the life Nematodes and nematomorphans share a number
cycle or in particular regions of their bodies. In the case of other features, for example the absence of circular
of nematoids, chitin has been shown only in the pharyn­ musculature in the body wall and the absence of pro­
geal cuticle of nematodes and in the juvenile cuticle of tonephridia. The epidermis has epidermal cords, and
nematomorphans. it i s likely that two such cords, dorsal and ventral,
THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 671

are ancestral for the clade Nematoida. The epidermal Nematodes are nearly ubiquitous, and they exist
cords include longitudinaJ nerve strands. Males in both in almost every habitat and ecosystem on Earth.
phyla possess a cloaca, the exception being the ma­ Ecologically, they can be divided into free-living and
rine nematomorphans(genus Nectonemn) in which the parasitic species. At the beginning of the 1900s, Nathan
posterior part of the intestine is reduced and therefore Cobb, known as the father of nematology i.n the United
cannot fonn a cloaca. In fen1ale nematodes the genital States, described the diversity of nen1atodes like this:
opening is separate from the anus and often far away "If all the 111atter in the universe except ne,nntodes 1vere
from it, in the middle region of the body. One further sivept aivny, 1vo11ld our 1vorld still be recognizable? ... if1ve
corresponding character is the possession of sperm could then investigate it, 1ve shouldfind its n1011ntni11s, hills,
that lack cilia, although both taxa have highly moctified valleys, rivers, lakes, and oceans represented by a fi/111 of
spennatozoa that are not coinparable with ead1 other 11enwtodes." Indeed, nematodes can be found in aquatic
in their structure. (marine and fresh water) and terrestrial ecosystems
Nematodes molt four times during their develop­ ranging from the tropics to the poles, and at all eleva­
ment; the p r e -adult stages resemble the adults in gen­ tions. In 2011, a 0.5 m m -long neJnatode was even found
eral and are therefore often called juveniles(although living in ancient waters several miles below the Earth's
the term "larvae" is often applied as well). In nemato­ surface in South Africa. Named Halicephalob11s mesphis­
morphans, onJy one molt has been observed. This takes to, after Mephistopheles(in reference to the devil in the
place at the end of a gro,.,th phase of the parasitic ju­ Faust legend), this is the deepest-living metazoan yet
venile; its thin cuticle is therefore capable of enormous discovered. It is thought to inhabit water-filled rock
growth. Nematomorphans possess a true larva, which fractures and feed on subterranean bacteria.
is microscopic(< 1 mm) and morphologically com­ Some species are generalists, but many have very
pletely different than the adult. specific habitats. For example, the sour paste nema­
While Nematoda is a species-rich taxon with a great tode, Pnnagrellus rediviv11s, described by Linnaeus in
variety of life styles that has adapted to nearly every 1776, was isolated fron1 bookbinding glue. Another
habitat on earth, Nematomorpha are all very similar in species, Stei11er11e111n scapterisci, is a parasite of crickets
their life cycle, which includes a parasitic phase and a and mole crickets, and the species Dioctophy111n renale
free-living phase for reproduction. parasitizes only the right kidney of monkeys.
Marine roundworms are considered the n1ost di­
verse and widespread group of nematodes, occurring
Phylum Nematoda: from shores to the abyss. However, in spite of their
abundance, most marine nematodes are poorly known
Roundworms and Threadworms and their importance in benthic systen1s is little appre­
Nematoda is one of the most diverse groups of meta­ ciated, though their relative abundance is son1etiines
zoans, with estimates ranging from 100,000 to 100 mil­ used in biomonitoring. Some soil environments yield
lion species, although onJy about 25,000 have so far as many as three million nematodes per square meter.
been named and described. An enormous amount of Many free-living soil species are used as indicators in
literature exists on nematodes(Greek nenw, "thread"; biodiversity assessments and biomonitoring.
odes "resembling")-roundworms and threadworms­ An exception to this relative obscurity is the free­
much of it dealing with the parasitic species of econom­ living soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegnns, which is
ic or medical in1portance. Many of the large parasitic considered a model organism in n1any fields including
forms, such as the trichina worm (Trichinelln spiralis), neurobiology, developmental biology, toxicology, a11d
have been known since ancient times. However, the genetics. Many scientists around the world focus their
small free-living types were not discovered until after research on C . elegnns with the goal of fully understand­
the invention of the microscope. Some authorities on ing every aspect of its biology and the developmental
the group prefer the shortened phylum name Nemata, fate of every embryonic cell. Cne11orhnbditis elegans has
although Nematoda is more comrnonJy used. a number of features that make it not just relevant but
Roundworms have been characterized as a "tube quite powerful as a model for biological research. For
within a tube," referring to the linearity of the body example, it is easy and inexpensive to maintain in labo­
and the alimentary tract and other organs. However, ratory conctitions, it has a short life cycle(about 3 days),
not all species have the typical thread-like appearance it produces a large number (300+) of offspring, and it
(Figure 18.1). Their size may vary from a few microns has a transparent body that allows easy observation
to meters in length. For example, one of the smallest of all the cells. C.elegans was the first 1nulticellular or­
species kno\ovn is Gree ffielln 111in11t11111, a coral reef spe­ ganism to have its entire geno,ne sequenced, with the
cies that is onJy 80 µ m long. At the opposite end of the surprising finding that 40% of its genes have hu1nan
size spectru1n is Place11tone1na gigantisinw, the sperm n1atches!
whale nematode-the largest roundworm known, Nematodes have developed a multitude of para­
reaching over 8 m in length. sitic life styles, which is why they can affect almost
672 Chapter Eighteen

small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences from 53 nema­

BOX 18A Characteristics of the tode species. Since then, SSU rDNA sequences avail­
Phylum Nematoda able i n public databases have increased enormously.
The molecular data published to date have resulted in
1. Triploblastic, bilateral. vermiform, unsegmented
a new classification system that i s relatively stable. Thjs
molecular framework has confirmed the presence of
2. Body round in cross section and covered by a lay­
three early nematode lineages, named Chromadoria,
ered cut ic le: growth in juven iles (four stages) usually
accompanied by cuticular molting Enoplia, and Dorylaimja (Figure 18.2). However, the
exact order of appearance of these three lineages is not
3. With un ique cephalic sense organs called amphids;
some have caudal sense organs called phasmids yet resolved. The phylum comprises two classes, in
both the classical and modern classification: Chroma­
4. Complete digestive system: various mouth struc­
tures arranged in radially symmetrical pattern dorea and Enoplea. ft is beyond the scope of this text
to present much of the exhaustive classification scheme
5. Most with unique excretory system, composed
of one or two renette cells or a set of collecti ng of the nematodes; for a n1ore detailed classification see
tubules De Ley and Blaxter 2002, Holterman et al. 2006, and
6 . Without special circulatory or respiratory systems Melda! et al. 2007.
7. Body wall has only longitudinal muscles (no circular CLASS CHROMADOREA With pore like or slitlike amphids,
muscles) which vary from labi al pores or slits to postlabi a l elaborate
8. Epidermis cellular or syncytial, forming longitudinal coils and spirals; cuti c le usually annulated, sometimes o r ­
cords housing nerve cords namented with project i ons and setae; phasmids present
9. Gonochoristic (males commonl y with 'hooked' pos­ or absent, generally posterior; esophagus usually d ivided
terior end); wide range of reproductive modes into bulbs, w i th 3 to 5 esophageal glands; excretory sys­
1 O . With unique cleavage pattern; not unambiguously tem glandular o r tubular, female with one or two ovaries;
radial or sp iral cauda l alae present or absent. This class contains a si ngle
11. Inhabit mari ne, fresh water and terrestrial environ­ subclass, Chromadoria, and numerous orders, including the
ments, free livi ng and parasitic following:

ORDER AREOLAIMIDA (e.g., Aphanolaimus)

ORDER CHROMADORIDA (e.g., Achromadora,

every animal and plant on Earth. In fact, it has been Atrochromadora)
estimated that over one-third of all hun1ans, mainly
in the developing world, carry a nematode infection. ORDER DESMODORIDA (e.g., Oraconema, Ethmoliamus,
Some cause serious damage to crops and livestock,
and some are pathogenic to humans. Most pet O\vn­ ORDER DESMOCOLECIDA (e.g.' Greeffiella)
ers eventually encounter parasitic nematodes, as they
are commonly seen in the feces and vomit of dogs and ORDER MONHYSTERIDA (e.g., Parastomonema)
cats. The filarid worm, Onchocercn volvulus, causes an ORDER OXYURIDA (e.g., Oxyuris)
eye disease in humans called "river blindness" and
is thought to infect nearly 20 million people in Latin ORDER PLECTIDA (e.g., Anaplectus, Aphanolaimus)
An1erica and Africa. ORDER RHABDITIDA
Nematodes are vermiform blastocoelomates v.rith
thin Lu1segmented bodies that are usually distinctly SUBORDER CEPHALOBINA (e.g.' Cephalobus,
round i n cross section (Box 18A). They possess diges­ Plectonchus)
tive, nervous, excretory, and reproductive systems, but
lack a discrete circulatory or respiratory systetn. To the
untrained and unaided eye, n1ost nematodes look very SUBORDER MYOLAIMINA (e.g., Myolaimus)
much alike, but there are significant variations in exter­
SUBORDER RHABDITINA (e.g., Caenorhabditis,
nal body form (Figure 18.1).
Chronogaster, OesophaJJostomum, Rhabditis)
SUBORDER SPIRURINA (e.g., Ascaris, Cama//anus,
Onchocerca, Parascaris, Placentonema, Rhigonema ,
Nematode Classification Spironoura, Wuchereria)
Molecular phylogenetics, bioinformatics, and digital
SUBORDER TYLENCHINA (e.g.' Allantonema, Aphelen­
comn1unication technologies have substantially im­
chus, Bursaphelenchus, Criconema, Helioctylenchus,
pacted nematode systematics over the past tv ,,o de­ Globodera, Heterodera, Heterorhabditis, Meloido­
cades. Blaxter et al. (1998) created the first molecular gyne, Steinernema, Tylenchulus, Sphaerulariopsis)
frame,,vork for the classification of Nematoda, using
THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 673


Strongylida (VP)
------- ::::::::= Rhabdit ina (B, IP, EP)
Diplogasterida (B, AOP, lP)

Strongyli dae (VP)

Steinemematidae (EP)
Panagrolaimidae (B)

Cephalobidae (B) Class Chroma dorea

Ascaridida (VP)
Tylenchida (IP, PP)

Aphel enchlda (F, fP, PP)

Oxyurida (VP, IP)
Spiruri d a (VP)
Rhigonematid a (B, AOP)

Chromadori da (F, AOP)

--t-----:::::::::J Enoplida (B, AOP)
Tripl onchi da (PP)

Dorylaimi da (PP, AOP) Class En<>ple a
Mermithid a (IP)
Trichocephalida (VP)
Mononchida (B, AOP)

..___ Outgroups
Figure 18.2 Nematoda molecular phylogenetic frame­
work. VP: vertebrate parasites; IP: invertebrate parasites; ORDER ISOLAIMIDA
EP: entomopathogens; 8: bacterivores; AOP: algivores­
omnivores-predators; PP: plant parasites; F: fung ivores. ORDER MARIMERMITHIDA
(Based on Blaxter et al. 1998. Note that not all orders or
ORDER MERMITHIDA (e.g., Hexamermis)
families are included.)
ORDER MONONCHIDA (e.g., Mononchus)
CLASS ENOPLEA With pocketlike amphids, not spira l, usu­ ORDER MUSPICEIDA
ally postlabial; cuticle smooth or finely str iated; phasmids
present or absent; esophagus cylindr ical or bottle-shaped ORDER TRICHOCEPHALIDA (e.g., Trichinella)
with 3 to 5 esophageal glands, a stichosome and tropho­
some may be present (e.g., Merm ithida); si mple nontubu­
lar excretory system, usually a single cell; female generally The Nematode Body Plan
w ith two ovaries; male generally with two testes; caudal alae
rare. Th is class contains two subclasses and numerous or ­ Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion
ders, including the following: The ne1natode body is covered by a well-developed
SUBCLASS ENOPLIA and co.mplexly layered cuticle secreted by the epi•
dermis (Figure 18.3). The cuticle is mainly composed
ORDER ENOPLIDA of lipids and proteins associated with mucopolysac­
ORDER TRIPLONCHIDA charides. Collagen, a structural protein, is the major
component of the cuticle (> 80%). Nematodes lack
ORDER TRICHURIDA (e.g., Trichuris)
chitin in their cuticle, although it is present in the egg
SUBCLASS DORYLAIMIA shell. The cuticle forms a flexible exoskeleton that i n ­
vaginates at the n1outh, cloaca, a n d rectum as well at
the amphids, phasmid secretory-excretory pore, and
ORDER DORYLAIMIDA (e.g., Dorylaimus, Xiphinema) vulva. The cuticle is responsible i n part for allowing
674 Chapter Eighteen

(A) (B)

Intestinal lumen

Excretory Contractile portion of cell
Egg muscles
- --
Uterus I
..__.,,, ,
,, \
' \

(C) (D) '/

,,_ '\
,- ''
Excretory canal
I '



,,,,,, ......\
I \


,-,' ,"
/ \ I
\ I
\ I
' ,_,I ''
Figure 18.3 (A) Stylized section through a female nem­ longitudinal muscle fibers. The concave areas along the
atode such as Ascaris. (8) A single longitudinal muscle body represent pos itions of muscle contractions; the con­
cell, illustrating the origin of the muscle arm. (C) The vex areas are regions of the muscle stretch ing. Leverage
lateral epiderma l cord of Cucullanus (order Rhabditida). is gained against surrounding objects of the substratum in
(D) The layers of the cuticle. (E) Undulatory locomotion the envi ronment.
in a free-living nematode results from the action of the

neinatodes to live in hostile envi.rorunents, such as ally arranged rods, punctuations, or other inclusions
dry terrestrial soils and the digestive tracts of host of various shapes. As a nen1atode grows, it sheds its
animals, for it drastically reduces the permeability of cuticle and grows a new one through a series of four
the body wall. Predominantly terrestrial or parasitic molts during its lifetime.
nematodes usually have a dense, fibrous inner layer The epidermis varies among the different taxa from
of the cuticle, whereas most of the free-.Living marine cellular to syncytial, and it is often thickened as dorsal,
and freshwater forms lack this inner layer. The cuticle ventral, and lateral longitudinal cords (Figure 18.3A,C).
is a complex structure and it is highly variable among The dorsal and ventral thickenings house longitudinal
nematodes. It may be relatively smooth, or covered nerve cords; the lateral thickenings contain excretory
with sensory setae and wartlike bwnps. The cuticle canals (when present, as they are in Ascaris) and neu­
in many roundworms has rings or annules, or it is rons. Internal to the epidermis is a relatively thick layer
marked with longitudinal ridges and grooves (Figure o f obliquely striated longitudinal muscle arranged
18.4). ln many marine forms, the cuticle contains radi- in four quadrants. The muscles are connected to the
THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 675

(A) (8) (C)

(D) (£) (F)

----. -- · �·

,-• �-,,----
• • ·\\ ,-.,-­
.\' ,,,. ,,,1,1-
....,,, ill\l·,�1
•I I I • 'I

Figure 18.4 Cuticle patterns of some nematodes.

(A) Annules (Criconema sp., class Chromadorea).
(B) Close-up of annu les showing crenate pattern
(Criconema sp., class Chromadorea). (C) Chronogaster
sp., cl ass Chromadorea). (D) Scale-like omamentation of
annules (criconematid nematode, class Chromadorea).
(E)Tessellate pattem and longitudinal stri ae wall muscles, some types of locomotion, such as peri­
(Heterorhabditis sp., infective juvenile stage, class staltic burrowing, are impossible. Nematode move­
Chromadorea). (F) Transverse striae and tubular supple­ ments depend on waves of n1uscle contractions, whicl1
ment (plectid nematode, class Enoplea). travel back,vard along the body. These movements
drive the worm forward, whether it is swimming
through water or crav.•ling through soil particles. The
dorsal and ventral nerve cords by unique extensions typical pattern of nematode locomotion involves c o n ­
called muscle arms (Figure 18.3A,B). This arrangement tractions of longitudinal muscles, producing a v.•hi.p­
is different from the usual neuromuscular junctions in like undulatory motion (Figure 18.3E). Among the
most other animals; in nematodes the connections are free-living nen,atodes this move1nent pattern relies on
made by extensions of the n,uscle cells rather than of contact with environmental substrata, against which
the neurons. Oddly, a similar condition apparently e x ­ the body pushes. The muscles act against the hydro­
ists in the cephalochordate Brnnchiostomn (Chapter 27), static skeleton and the cuticle, which serve as antago­
presumably a case of convergent evolution. Also, in nistic forces to the muscle contractions. The portion of
nematon1orphans (horsehair worms) and gastrotrichs, the collagenous fibers of the cuticle that are crossed are
the longitudinal muscles bear extensions suggested to nonelastic, but their overlapping arrangen1ent allows
be a possible homologue of the nematode muscle artns. shape changes as the body w1dulates. When placed
There i s no circular muscle layer in nematodes, or in in a fluid environment and deprived of contact with
nematomorphans, a condition viewed as homologous solid objects, benthic nematodes thrash about rather
by some workers. inefficiently. Some actually do swim (but not very
The fluid-filled blastocoelom is not spacious. The well), and some are able to crawl along using various
apparently large body cavity seen in many laboratory cuticular spines, grooves, ridges, and glands to gain
specimens is an artifact caused by shrinkage of tissues purchase on the substratum (Figures 18. lE,H and 18.4).
in alcohol. Modern microscopy tedmiques reveal that For nematodes, the energy cost of swimming is trivial.
the organs of 1nost nematodes occupy nearly all of the Contrastingly, the energy cost of locomotion for many
internal space. The cuticle provides most of the body larger animals corresponds to a considerable fraction
support in nematodes. In the absence of circular body of tlleir metabolic rate.
676 Chapter Eighteen

(A) (8)



Inner labial papilla

Buccal capsule

Cepl\alic papilla
Outer labial papilla


(E) (F)


THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 677

◄ Figure 18.5 Mod ifications of anterior end among

subsist on a variety of body fluids and organs, where
selected nematodes. (A) The front end (in face view) of
a generalized nematode. Note basic radial symmetry of they can cause extren1e tissue damage.
the parts. (B) Anterior end (face view) of a typical free­ Nematode digestive tracts vary greatly in complex­
living nematode showing four cephal ic papillae and six ity and regional specialization. The anteriorly located
symmetr ical lips each bearing a lab i al papillae and lat­ mouth is usually surrounded by lips (one dorsal and
eral amphids. (C) Anterior end of Anap/ectus sp. (class two ventral parts, some or all of which may be fused
Chromadorea), a free-living freshwater nematode, show­ together and may form elaborate prolongations), with
ing a ci rcular amphid and cephalic papillae. (D) Anterior
each lip typically bearing a papilla. Labial probolae
end of Draconema sp. (class Chormadorea), a free-living
marine nematode showing an amphid and setae. are flaplike cuticular processes surrounding the mouth
(E) Anterior end of Cervidellus sp. (class Chromadorea), opening in many cephalobid nematodes-there are
a free-living soil nematode, showing probolae (used for three flaps, one dorsal and two subventral. Cephalic
sorting of food). (F) Anterior end of Dorylaimus sp. (class probolae are simple or complex cuticular processes
Enoplea), a free-living soil nematode, showing the pro­ arising from the lips i n many cephalobid nematodes;
truded stylet used to puncture prey. (G) Anter ior end of there are six in total-two lateral, two subdorsal, and
Ancylostoma caninum, a vertebrate parasite, showing
two subventral. Lips, labial and cephalic probolae,
cuticular teeth that are used like a lathe on the host's
intestine. (H) Anterior end of Aphanolaimus sp. (class spines, teeth, jaws, and other annature are arranged in
Chromadorea), a f r e e l-iving freshwater nematode with radially symmetrical patterns (Figure 18.5). The mouth
spiral amphids and long cephalic papill ae. leads to a buccal cavity or stoma, the shape of which is
variable depending on the feeding habits of the neo1a­
todes. (The stoma has been the subject of detailed d e ­
Feeding and Digestion velopmental and histological studies.) The stoma con­
The vast range of environments inhabited by nema­ nects to the pharynx (Figure 18.6).
todes is paralleled by the diversity of feeding habits The basic structural features of the pharynx are a
and associated a.natonucal and behavioral adaptations. tri -ra diated lumen, n1uscles, one or more valves, and
Many infauna! nematodes are direct deposit feeders. dorsal and ventral glands and neurons. The pharynx
Others are detritivores or microscavengers, Living in is elongate and n1ay be subdivided into distinct n1us­
or on dead organisms or fecal material. Many of these cular and glandular regions, the details of which are of
species apparently do not feed directly on the carcass­ considerable taxonon1ic importance (Figure 18.6A-G).
es they inhabit, but on the microorganisms (fungi and The muscles of the pharynx pump food material from
bacteria) that grow in the decomposing organic matter. the buccal cavity into the intestine. In most nematodes
Many f r e e l-iving nematodes are predatory carnivores, the intestine is a simple tube con,posed of a single layer
feeding on a variety of other srnall ani.rnals including of cells ensheathed by a basal lamina. In some cases it
other nematodes. Others feed on diatoms, algae, and is possible to discern an anterior, nuddle, and posterior
bacteria. Plant parasitic nematodes use a specialized region of the intestine. The posterior portion of the in­
oral structure, the stylet, to pierce individual root cells testine leads to a short proctodeal (i.e., ectodermally­
and suck out the contents (Figure 18.5). derived) rectum and a subtern1inal anus on the ventral
Bacterial symbioses occur in some nematodes. For surface of the body (Figure 18.61). In n1ales the rectum
exarnple, species of Artornonenia and Pnrasto1no11ernn opens up into a cloaca., which also receives products of
that inhabit sulfur-rich sediments harbor chemoau­ the reproductive system.
totrophic bacteria in their highly reduced guts. These The esophageal glands and the midgut lining se­
worms meet their nutritional requirements by absorb­ crete digestive enzymes into the intestinal lun1en.
ing some of the metabolic products of the bacteria. Initial digestion is extracellular; final intracellular d i ­
Some other nematodes (family Stilbonematidae) inhab­ gestion occurs in the intestine, following absorption
it sulfide-rich oxygen-poor sediments, where symbiot­ across the surfaces of the microvilli of the intestinal
ic bacteria coat their cuticle. These nematodes are able cells (Figure 18.6K). In 111ermitl1id ne1natodes (most
to twist themselves in such a way that they can feed on of which are parasites of insects) the pharynx is modi­
the bacteria "farmed" on their body surface. fied as a stichosome, a region of large glandular cells
Insect pathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae (stichocytes) important in protein synthesis. Also in
and Heterorhabditidae) carry gram-negative bacteria mermithids, modification of the intestine creates a tro­
in their intestines that help the1n kill their insect hosts. phosome, a region of enlarged, solid cells that form a
The bacteria, once introduced into the host, grow and closed food storage organ.
reproduce to become food for the nematode, which
also grows and reproduces in the insect cadaver. Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion,
Nematode parasites have been described from near­ and Osmoregulation
ly every group of plants and animals, and they have Nematodes have no specialized circulatory or gas
evolved a multitude of life history patterns. In inverte­ exchange structures. As in many other very small in­
brates and vertebrates (including humans), nematodes vertebrates, particularly blastocoelomates, diffusion
678 Chapter Eighteen

(A} ·,·� (BJ (CJ (DJ (E) (F)


C(>rpus Muscular
Nerve region


End End
bull) bulb
- 0. �

(H} (I) 0)

(K) Microvilli (L)

THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 679

◄ Figure 18.6 (A-G) Vari ation in pharynx structure gut lenchoid pharynx (.Aphefenchus, c lass Chromadorea).
anatomy among different nematodes. Note the differ- (H) Anterior end of Rhabditis(class Chromadori a), a free­
ent degrees of regional specialization. (A) Cylindrical living soil bacterivore showing tubular stoma (lateral view).
pharynx (Mononchus, class Enoplia).(B) Dorylaimoid (1) Anterior end of Mononchus (cl ass Enoplia), free-living
pharynx (Dory/aimus, class Enoplea).(C) Bulboid pharynx predatory soil nematode showing cylindrical stoma (lat­
(Ethmoliamus, class Chromadorea).(D) Rhabdito id phar­ eral view). (J) Anterior end of Dorylaimus, showing stylet
ynx (Rhabditis, class Chromadorea). (E) Diplogasteroid (lateral view). (K) Intestinal epithelium of Ascaris (class
pharynx (Diplogaster, class Chromadorea). (F) Tylenchoid Chromadorea). (L) Digestive tract and reproductive system
pharynx (Helicotylenchus, class Chromadoria). (G) Aphe- of Steinernema female (class Chromadorea).

and movement o f body cavity fluids accomplish these Nematodes have no recognizable kidney, and solu­
functions. Some parasitic nematodes possess a form ble waste products are apparently concentrated prior
of hemoglobin i n these fluids that presumably trans­ t o their eli1nination. For this purpose they have unique
ports and stores oxygen. Both aerobic and anaerobic excretory structures that are apparently not homolo­
metabolic pathways are found among the nematode gous to any of the protonephrid.ial types found in other
groups, and many of these wonns are able to shift from Metazoa. In fact, there exists a rather clear evolution­
one mechanism to the other according to environmen­ ary sequence of different excretory structures among
tal oxygen concentrations. Facultative anaerobiosis is nen,atodes (Figure 18.7A). The presun,ed ancestral
surely significant in parasitic nematodes and those that condition occurs in certain free-living t a x a and has
live in other anoxic environments. The blastocoelom been modified among other groups, especially within
serves as a circulatory system, transporting molecules specialized parasitic forms. In many free-living thread­
such as CO2 from the tissues of origin (mostly muscle worms, the system comprises one or two glandular
and reproductive tissue) to the epidermis and intestine renette cells that connect directly to a midventral e x ­
for excretion into the environment. cretory pore (Figure 18.7E,F), and son1etimes a third

Buccal cavity (E)

(A) (8) (C)

Nerve rmg- f·'-
ML., (D)

Renette gland pore

( = excretory pore)


Figure 18.7 Nematode excretory systems. (A) A pair of renette cells(=
renette gland) leading to the excretory pore (Rhabditis). (B) Schematic of
the excretory system of Oesophagostomum (order Rhabditida), wherein the
renette cells are associated with lateral excretory canals. (C) The so-called
H-system of collecting canals remaining after the loss of the glandular renette
cell bodies (Camaflanus, order Rhabditida).(D) Modification of the H-system
(inverted Y), with an anterior excretory pore and lateral canals (in many asca­
rids). (E) Excretory canal in Steinernema. lateral view (order Rhabditi da).
5() [Im
(F) Excretory pore(lateral view) in Steinemema(order Rhabditida).
680 Chapter Eighteen

(A) i,'";;H-:',•��
• #,1.---A snp hidial pore
It It \\
'1 II 4---Amphi dial pouch
1, 11 '(\
II II 1'
11 I I lrr--Amphi d ial nerve
I I (B) (C)
Amphid --.,f;::--7., Nerve endings
/ 1j jI I
1 I
J :1 1 I
I II !1 1 1
llrc--Amphid nerve
1 1• 11 I i;..;;-;--Subventral papil lary nerve
\ 11 1 J
) ,, 11 1 ' ��
Papillary nerve-1-�
/ II '

I 11II \
I II h I Papill ary ganglia
1 11 II /
\ I I II
�1 1! ll /I JI
'N,' .tf' Cepha lic ganglion

���y�� l11 -
Dorsal ganglion
v�';:�� : L/\'ti
7 Nerve ring
11 ,,
Lateral ganglion
a teroventra l commissu re
;:: I

f:., 1: \\'-"V__1
1 ,ll L Supporting cel l

, : ·~ Subventral ganglion
� rrLateral nerve
1 Later al ganglion
\ Double ventra l nerve
�Dorsal nerve

Posterosubventral ganglion Do rsal nerve
, .olf�ll: •-
,,, \
7"t----. (
Posterolatcral ganglion
� \\ \

ir :

Lateral nerve 'Esophagus

Phasmid g l and
Retrovesicular ganglion
Figure 18.8 Nematode nervous system. (A,B) Anterior components
of the central nervous system of Ahabditis and Cephal/obe/lus (order (D)
Rhabditida), respectively. (C) An amphid of Ascaris (section). (D) A 'Lcu1ic1e
phasmid from $pironoura (order Rhabditida).

cell forming an ampulla at the opening (Figure 18.7A).

Modifications to this system often include various ar­
rangements of intracellular collecting ducts within
the cytoplasm of extensions of the renette cells (Figure
18.7B). In many parasitic species the renette cell bodies problems in hypotonic environments where excess
are lost completely, leaving only the system of tubules water must be eliminated; such elimination is appar­
in an H or inverted Y pattern (Figure 18.7C,D). Many ently accomplished by the renette cells (when present),
n1e01bers of the subclass Enoplia lack renette cells alto­ by the gut lining, and by the epidermis. Marine species
gether. Instead they have numerous tu'licellular tu'lits d o not osmoregulate well and desiccate rapidly when
distributed along the entire length of the body. Each exposed to air.
cell opens to the outside via a duct and a pore. If these
cells are excretory .in fw1ction, they may represent non­ Nervous System and Sense Organs
ciliated protonephridia. The neuroanatomy of nematodes was studied first by
Most nematodes are anunonotelic, although some R. Hesse (1892) and Ricl1ard Goldschmidt (1908, 1909)
excrete increased amounts of urea when in a hyper­ who showed that nematodes have 250 to 302 neurons
tonic environment. Apparently much of the loss of and their position and structure is roughly the same
nitrogenous wastes is across the wall of the mid­ throughout the phylum (Figure 18.8A,B). Ne1natodes
gut, and the renette cells are primarily osmoregula­ have no brain, but they have a nerve ring that encircles
tory. Water balance is also aided by the activities of the pharynx and is associated with longitudinal nerves
other tissues, organs, and structures. In some round­ that extend anteriorly and posteriorly. The anterior
worms, the cuticle is differentially permeable t o nerves (six i n total) coru1ect with cephalic sensory or­
water in that it allows water t o enter but not to leave gans (sensilla) and labial papillae in the anterior end.
the body. This condition is advantageous under These structures are ci1emoreceptors or have a chemo­
conditions of potential desiccation, but it presents sensory function in these worms' highly toucl1-orient-
THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 681

ed world (e.g., interstitial, parasitic, and soil habitats). spern1 (Figure 18.9E-G). Another structUie called the
Amphids are paired organs located laterally on the guben1aculum n1ay be present (Figure 18.9G). The gu­
head. They consist of an external pore leading inward bernaculum is a. sclerotized region of the dorsal wall of
to a short duct and a.mphidial pouch. The pouch is as­ the cloaca that serves to anchor and guide the spicules
sociated with a unicellular gland and an a.mphidial during copulation.
nerve from the cerebral nerve ring (Figure 18.SA,C), Prior to copulation the males produce spenn (round
although there is some variation in structUial details or elongate depending on the species) and store them
among species. The receptor sites of amphids are de­ in the seminal vesicle, while the females produce eggs
rived fro1n n1odified cilia, but recall that motile cilia that are moved into the hollow uteri. Potential mates
do not occUI in nematodes. Specialists think that the make contact (females of some species are known to
an1phids chemosensory i n function. produce m a l e a- ttracting pheromones), and the 1nale
Via a series of associated ganglia, longitudinal nerves usually wraps his curved posterior end around the
also extend posteriorly through the epidermal cords body of the female near her gonopore (Figure 18.9H).
(Figure 18.SA). The m.ajor nerve trunk is ventral and in­ Thus positioned, the copulatory structures inserted
cludes both motor and sensory fibers. It is formed from into the vagina, and sperm are transferred by contrac­
the union of paired nerve tracts that arise ventrally on tions of the ejaculatory duct. Fertilization usually oc­
the nerve ring and h1se posteriorly, where the main curs within the uteri. A relatively thick double-layered
trunk bears ganglia. The dorsal nerve cord is motor, and shell forms arow1d each zygote; the inner layer is d e ­
the less well-developed lateral nerve tracts are predomi­ rived from the fertilization n1embrane and the outer
nantly sensory. Lateral commissures connecting some or layer is produced by the uterine wall. The zygotes are
all of the longitudinal nerves occur in many nematodes. usually deposited in the environment where develop­
Most members of the class Chromadorea (parasitic ment takes place. In some female nematodes the zy­
forms) possess a posteriorly located pair of glandular gotes hatch inside, a process known as endotokia. ma­
structures called phasrnids (Figure 18.8D). These struc­ tricida., which causes the female's death. The juveniles
tures are also considered to be chemoreceptors. Some that hatch within the mother remain there obtaining
freshwater and marine free-living nematodes (class nutrients from the mother until its body ruptures liber­
Enoplea) possess a pair of anterior pigment-cup ocelli ating the progeny into the environment.
as well, and at some nen1atodes contain proprio­ 1n addition t o the general description given above,
ceptor cells in the lateral epidermal cords. These senso­ two relatively uncommon reproductive processes
ry cells contain a cilium and appear to monitor bending occUI in nematodes. In the few known hermaphroditic
of the body during loco1notion. species, sperm and egg production take place within
the same gonad (an ovitestis). Sperm formation p r e ­
Reproduction, Development, and Life Cycles cedes egg production, so the animals are technically
Most nematodes are gonochoristic and show some de­ protandric; but they do not engage in cross-fertilization
gree of sexual dimorphism (Figure 18.9A,B). The female as occurs in most sequential hermaphrodites. Rather,
reproductive system (Figure J8.9A) usually consists of the sperm are stored until ova are produced, and self­
one or two elongate ovaries that gradually hollow as fertilization occurs. Parthenogenesis also occurs in
oviducts and then enlarge as uteri (FigUies 18.9C-E). a few species of nematodes. Sperm and eggs are pro­
The uteri converge to form a short vagina connected duced by separate males and females that then engage
to the single gonopore, exiting via the vulva. TI1e uteri in typical copulation. However, the sperm do not fuse
converge to form a short vagina connected to the single with the egg nuclei, but apparently serve only to stimu­
gonopore. The female gonopore is con1pletely separate late cleavage.
from the anus, opening on the ventral surface near the As stated earlier, development among free-liv­
middle of the body or sometimes right above the anus. ing nematodes is typically direct, although the term
Males tend to be smaller than females and are often "larva" is often used for juvenile stages. Cleavage is
sharply curved posteriorly. The male reproductive holoblastic and subequa.l, but the pattern appears to be
system (Figure 18.9B,F,G) typically includes one (or wuque among the Metazoa.. TI1e orientation of blasto­
two) threadlike tubular testes, of which is region­ meres during early cleavage is fairly consistent among
ally differentiated into a distal germinal zone, a middle those nematodes that have been studied, but it cannot
growth zone, and a proximal maturation zone near the be readily assigned to a clearly radial or spiral pattern.
junction with the sperm duct. The spenn duct extends Figure 18.10 illustrates tlus cleavage pattern and some
posteriorly, where it enlarges as a seminal vesicle lead­ details of cell fates. A stereoblastula or slightly hollo,v
ing to a muscular ejaculatory duct that joins the hind­ coeloblastula. forms and undergoes gastrulation by
gut near the anus. Some species have prostatic glands epiboly of the presun1ptive ectoderm combined with
that secrete seminal fluid into the ejaculatory duct. an inward 1novement of presumptive endoderm and
Most male nematodes possess a copulatory apparatus, mesoderm. After a specific point in developn1ent, few
including one or t,vo cuticular spicules that transfer nuclear divisions occur, and most subsequent growth,
682 Chapter Eighteen

(A) (8)

•I \
epidermal cord

1 '"-�

: Genital pore
- � intestine

t'·J Vagim1

.. .

/Oviduct duct


f'-------. Seminal


(F) (G ) (H)

Figure 18.9 Nematode reproductive systems. (A,B)

Female and male reproductive system of Ascaris (dis­ even after hatching, is via the enlargement of existing
sected). (C) Confocal microscopy image of female ovary cells. Four sequential cuticular molts during juvenile
of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (an insect pathogen). ille usually accompany growth.
(D) Liplike vulva and vagina of P/ectonchus sp., a soi l
microbivore. (E) The insect parasite, Hexamermis sp., has
an $ -shaped vagina, with the gonopore surrounded by
a slightly-raised vulva. (F) Spicule of a mermithid nema­ Life Cycles of Some Parasitic
tode, an insect parasit e . (G) Spicules and gubemaculum Nematodes
of Steinemema sp., an insect pathogen. (H) Male and
female Plectonchus nematodes mating (scanning electron The study of parasitic nematode life cycles is a field
micrograph). unto itself, and we present only a fev.• illustrative
THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 683

(A) (B) (C) (E)


...____..__ EMSt

entoderm · , .
�-'./ ',j,

. ��){://�: i• • kY---<:,:..>. •

coel;m· • • �. • •• •
germ cells
:.. �: ...St�modcum

Figure 18.1 0 Early embryogeny in Parascaris equorum

(class Chromadorea). (A) T w o -cell stage, coded S1 and
P 1 cells. (B,C) Four-cell stage. (8) The S1 cell divides to
produce cells A and B; the P1 cell divides to produce cells
S2 and P2. (C) The P2 cell migrates to the presumptive
posterior end of the embryo. (D) A later stage following adult Wuchererin block lymphatic vessels and cause fluid
gastrulation, during the formation of the stomodeum. The accumulation (eden1a) and severe swelling, a condition
S2 (EMSt, endodermal/mesodermaVstomodeal) cell has
resulting in grotesque enlargement of body parts and
divided to produce and E and an St cell. The E cell forms
the endoderm upon gastrulation, the M cell becomes known as lyinphatic filariasis, or elephantiasis. Such i n ­
mesoderm and the St cell forms the region of the stomo• fections often affect the legs and arms, or the scroh.in1 in
deum; the A and B cells produce most of the ectoderm, males and breasts in females. Some 120 million people in
the P2 cell becomes some of the posterior ectoderm 73 countries are infected with lymphatic filariasis.
and the primordial germ cells, and the mesoderm. (E,F) Plant parasitic nematodes can be found in both
Steinernema carpocapsae embryo with two (E) and four nematode classes. They cause billions of dollars annu­
(F) blastomeres.
ally in crop losses worldwide. One of the most damag­
ing and widely distributed plant parasites is root-knot
(Meloidogyne) and cyst nematodes (e.g., Heterodera,
life history cycles here (Figures 18.11 and 18.12). An Globodera). Nematodes usually cause damage to the
example of a simple parasitic life cycle is that of the roots of plants, including the formation of visible galls
whipworm Trich11ris trichiurn (class Enoplea) (Figure (e.g., by root-knot nematodes). Figure 18.12A shows the
18.llA). These relatively large (3-5 crn long) nen1a­ Ii fe cycle of a r o o tknot
- nen,a tode that attaches to the
todes reside and mate in the huma.n gut, and the f e r ­ roots of a host tomato plant. However other species can
tilized eggs are passed with the host's feces. Reinfec­ cause damage to the aerial parts of the plants including
tion occurs when another host ingests the embryos. A leaves, stem, flowers, and seeds. Some species transmit
more complicated life cycle is that of the trichina worm plant pathogens (viruses and bacteria) through their
Trichinelln Spira/is (Figure 18.11B). A mammalian host feeding activity on roots. For example the Xipi,ine,na
acquires Trichinella b y ingesting raw or poorly cooked index vectors the grapevine f a n l-eaf virus, an important
meat containing encysted "larvae." disease of grapes. So,ne species, such as the pine wood
Most parasites of vertebrates belong to the class nen1atode B11rsnpl,e/e11c/1us xylopl,i/us, are important for­
Chromadorea, which includes such notables as hook­ estry parasites in Asia and America and Europe.
worms, pinworms, ascarid worms, and filarid worms. Onchocercn volv11/11s, a filarid nematode, is the c a u s ­
One of the most dramatic nematode infections in hu­ ative agent o f river blindness, transmitted by bites from
mans is filariasis, caused by any of a number of secern­ certain black fly species (Sirnulidae: Sil'nuli11111). The d i s ­
entean nematodes called the fi)arids. These parasites ease (and the parasite) comes out of Africa, where it is
require an intennediate host, typically a blood-sucking endenl.ic in 27 countries, and it also occurs in six Latin
insect (e.g., fleas, biting flies, mosquitoes). One such f i ­ A1nerican countries as a result of the slave trade. If left
larid is Wuchererin bnncrofti, whose vector is a mosquito. t o run its course, river blindness is a disease for life.
When present in humans in high numbers, masses of Adult worms can live 12 to 15 years and be sexually
684 Chapter Eighteen

Figure 18.11 Life cycles of two Enoplea.

(A) Life cycle of the whipworm Trichuris
trichiura, a common intestinal parasite
Zygotes are ingested of humans in tropical and subtropical
by human beings regions. The ferti lized eggs can remain
viable for extended periods of time out­
side the host. Whipworms parasitize the
intestine of the host and suck blood from
the intestinal lining. In l ow-level infections,
the symptoms are minor or absent, but in
cleavage /P.,�r, heavy infections intestinal bl eeding, a n e ­
mia, and abdominal pain can occur. (B)
Life cycle of Trichinella spiralis in humans;
serious symptoms may result from the
burrowing activ ity of the larvae through
the intestinal wall and from high levels of
encysted larvae in skeletal muscle tissue.

Larvae hatch in
small intestine

2-cell stage
Adult whipworms
in human gut

Fertilized eggs pass out

with the host's feces Q

(8) Raw or undercooked meat eaten by

new host (human, pig, rat, bear)

r Encysted
n-id1i11e/l,1 spirnlis larva

Larvae freed from cyst

in host's gut

Larvae migrate to host's

skeletal muscles and encyst
Adult worms
\_ mate

Larvae released and �

enter blood stream �

Impregnated females embed in

walls of small intestine
THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 685

(A) Figure 18.12 (A) Life cycle of the root-

\. /Egg mass knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita
Root (Chromodorea). Infective juvenile stages
\\�l---7 Root knots
(second stage juveni les or J2s) hatch from
eggs and have a short free-living stage in
the soil, in the rhizosphere of the host plants
(i.e., the narrow region of soil that is directly
influenced by root secretions and associated
soil microorganisms). J2s may reinvade the
roots of the host p lants in the root elonga­
Egg mass ti on region and migrate in the root until they
became sedentary. J2 feed on parenchyma
cells, forming feeding sites known as giant
cells. Concomitant with giant cell formation,
the surrounding root tissue gives r ise to a gall
Swollen adult in which the developi ng juvenile is embed­
•• female ded. J2s undergo morphological changes
• Root knot
and eventually become adults. Fema les
have a saccate shape, and produce many
hundreds of eggs that they lay in gelatinous
masses. (B) Generalized life cycle of an ento­
mopathogenic nematode, Steinernema sp.
Infective (class Chromadorea, order Rhabditida). Free­
juveniles living infective stages (third-stage juveniles
invade root or IJs) live in the soil. Once they encounter
a suitable host they penetrate it and release
symbiotic bacteria as they reach the host's
Infective body cavity. The bacteria kill the host by
juveniles 02s) septicemia and reproduce. The nematodes
feed on the bacteri a as they mature and grow
(B) into adults. Two to three nematode gen­

Fre c..Jiving infective Host larva erations can develop inside the host. Once
juveniles (IJs) food resources are depleted, the nematodes
penetrate larv½ become IJs and reassociate with the bacter ia

in a mutualistic manner, before they leave the

cadaver in search for a new host.

In fective juveniles
release bacteria

Bacteria release
toxins which

reassociate "-
with bacteria
and leave
the host
Food resources )
are depleted Nematodes reproduce
(2-3 generations)

active for 9 to 11 years. Adults live in large nodules their reproductive lives. The microfilariae are also the
under the skin-a telltale diagnostic feature. Each nod­ infective stages in this disease. It is the microfilariae
ule harbors 2 to 3 female individuals measuring up to stage that is transmitted to humans by the biting black
50 cm in length (but only about 0.5 mm in diameter), flies, which serve as intermediate hosts to the worms.
and the much smaller males (to 4 cm long) migrate to Once in the blood strean1, these tiny (250-300 µm long)
these sites to inseminate the females. Once fertilized, microfilariae circulate throughout the host's body,
females release a staggering 1,300 to 1,900 microfilariae some eventually arriving in the eyes where they invest
worms (third "larval stage" or L3) per day throughout the vitreous chamber, retina, and optic nerve. Here,
686 Chapter Eighteen

Figure 18.13 Gordius robustus, a com­
mon North American horsehair worm.
(A} The juvenile worm emerging from its
insect host ( a Jerusalem c ricket). (B) Close
up of the worm. (C) Anterior (left) and pos­
terior (right) ends of adult male worm.

(B) (C)

0 1 2 3

when the microfilariae die, they cause scarification, gram-negative bacteria, which they vector in their
leading to visual impairment and eventually blindness. intestines. Once the nematodes enter a suitable host
It is estimated that 37 million people in Africa have they release the bacteria, which kill the insect host by a
onchocerciasis, hundreds of thousands of them being septicemia in 24 to 48 hours. The bacteria tllen
blind. become the nematodes' food allowing tllem to mature
In the 1970s, the drug ivermectin was developed and reproduce in the insect cadaver. Figure 18.12B
from a bacteria (Strepto111yces avennectinius) found on shows a generalized the life cycle. These nematodes
a golf course in Japan. The drug kills or permanently have been successfully used in the control of many a g ­
sterilizes the adult ½'Orm, with few side effects to tI1e ricultural insect pests. The worms witll their symbiotic
host animal. At first this drug was broadly developed bacteria are raised and sold worldwide as biological
for use on husbandry animals, cats, and dogs, but in control agents.
1996 the FDA approved its use in humans. Recent stud­
ies have shown that a large part of tile patI,ogenicity of
filarial worms is due to immune response of the host Phylum Nematomorpha:
toward the nematode's naturally-occurring Wolbachia
bacterial symbionts. Also, it has been demonstrated
Horsehair Worms and Their Kin
that elimination of Wolbachia from the worms generally The Nen1atomorpha is a sn,all group of large worms.
results in eitller their death or sterility. Consequently, There are about 360 described species of nematomor­
current strategies for control of filarial nematode dis­ phans (Greek, ne111a, "thread"; 111orph, "shape"), com­
eases include elimination of Wolbachia via adminis­ monly called the hair, horsehair, or gordian worms.
tration of antibiotics such as doxycycline, which are The phylun, name (and tile comn1on name of hair and
more effective and less harmful than anti-nematode horsehair \'l'Orms) derives from tile threadlike or hair­
medications. like shape of tllese animals (Figure 18.13A,B), and from
Many nematodes parasitize invertebrates in both the belief held for some time after their discovery in
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. One of the n1ost the fourteenth century that they actually arose from
interesting groups is the so-called insect-pathogenic tile hairs of horses' tails. They are generally from 1 to
(or entomopathogenic) nematodes. These nema­ 3 mm in diameter and up t o 1 m in length. Many of
todes associate (mutualistic symbiosis) "'ith certain the highly elongate forms tend to twist and turn upon
THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 687

themselves in such a way as to give the appearance of NEMATOMORPHAN CLASSIFICATION

complicated knots, and thus the name gordian worn1s. ORDER NECTONEMATOIDEA Marine, planktonic; with a
In the American midwest large clumps of intertwined double row of natatory setae along each side of body; with
groups of Cordius difficilis are commonly found in cold, dorsal and ventral longitud inal epidermal cords and inte­
spring-fed habitats. Most species occur in fresh water, grated dorsal and ventral nerve cords; small body spaces
but five marine species have also been described. Char­ may be evident, though f lu i d filled; gonads single; larvae
acteristics of this phylum are listed in Box 18B. parasi tize decapod crustaceans. Monogeneri c: Nectonema
Nematomorphans were once thought to have a per­ (5 known species)
sistent blastocoelom, but recent work suggests this is
ORDER GORDIOIDEA Fresh water; lack lateral rows of
not the case. Apparently the embryological blastocoel setae; with a s ingle, ventral epidermal cord in a submuscular
(the coeloblastula) is fully obliterated by the invasion posi tion, i nc lud i ng the single nerve cord; body cavity largel y
of mesenchyme and organs during development, and filled wi th mesenchyme; older indi vi duals develop spaci ous
neither larvae nor adults have a significant body cavity. gonads; gonads paired; larvae parasitize aquati c and ter­
In mature animals, the gonads become very spacious restri a l insects, such as grasshoppers and cri ckets. (e.g.,
and occupy a large volume of the body. The digestive Chordodes, Gordius, Paragordius)
tract is largely nonfunctional, and nematomorphans
appear to lack any structural excretory mechanisms.
Like nematodes, nematomorphans possess only lon­ The Nematomorphan Body Plan
gitudinal (and n o circular) musculature-in contrast,
the closely related ecdysozoan phyla Kinorhyncha, Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion
Priapula, and Loricifera have both longitudinal and The general organization of the body wall of nemato­
circular musculature in the body wall. There are no morphans is similar in many aspects to that of the nema­
functional cilia in these animals. todes (Figure 18.14A--C). The cuticle of adult specimens,
The larvae of nen1atomorphans are parasitic in a r ­ secreted by the epidermis, is very thick (especially in the
thropods. Most adults live i n fresh water, among litter gordioids) and comprises an outer homogeneous layer
and algal mats near the edges of ponds and streams. and an inner, lan1eJJate, fibrous layer. The homogeneous
Members of the enigmatic genus Nectone111n are pelagic layer often forms bumps, warts, or papillae (colJectively
in coastal n1arine environments. called areoles; Figure 18.14D), some of which bear apical
spines or pores. The function of the areoles is unknown,
but spined ones may be touch sensitive and pore-bear­
ing ones may produce a lubricant. Some species have
two or three caudal lobes at the posterior end.
BOX 18B Characteristics of the The unciliated epidermis covers the entire body and
rests upon a thin basal lamina. The epidermis is pro­
Phylum Nematomorpha duced into ventral (Gordioidea) or dorsal and ventral
1. Triploblastic, bi laterally symmetrical, unsegmented, (Nectonematoidea) epidermal cords containing longi­
vermiform; body long and very thi n tudinal nerve tracts. In Gordioidea the ventral cord is
2. Body cavity largely obliterated by mesenchyme and i n a submuscular position and connected to the epider­
organs mis by a thin lamella. Beneath the epidermis is a single
3. Cuticle well developed; a single cuticular molt has layer of longitudinal muscle cells; as in nen1atodes,
been reported in some species there is no layer of circular muscle in the body wall.
4. Body without functional cilia or flagella The body cavity of ne1natomorphans is very sn1all
5. Body wall has only longitud inal muscles (no circular and fiJled with fluid (e.g., Nectonenrn), or altogether ab­
muscles) sent and filled with mesenchyme (see Figure 18.14A,B).
6. Gut reduced to various degrees Body support comes mainly from the well-developed
7. With unique juvenile stage that is parasi tic in cuticle. Locomotion i n the plank.tonic Nectonenrn is by
arthropods undulatory swimming using the body wall muscles and
8. Epidermis forms cords housing longitudinal nerves the natatory bristles (Figure 18.15F) or by passive flota­
9. W ithout special excretory, circulatory. or gas tion in nearshore currents, aided by the bristles, which
exchange organs provide resistance to sinking. Freshwater nen1ato1nor­
10. Gonochoristic phans (orderGordioidea) use their longitudinal muscles
11. W ith unique cleavage pattern; not unambiguously to move by undulations or by coiling and uncoiling
rad ial o r sp ira l movements.
12. Mostly inhab it freshwater and wet terrestrial hab itats.
Feeding and Digestion
Almost all are parasites during the juvenile phase. A
few are marine plankton ic species. Nematomorphans might feed only during the parasitic
juvenile stage, when they absorb nutrients across their
688 Chapter Eighteen


Dorsal nerve cord


Ventral ep idermal cord

(0) Areoles

muscle layer


Cuticle (G)
Modified "ocellus" • •\\---Proboscis
epidermis ------/.---/·----

0 0

·1 .
.· �


Figure 18.14 Internal anatomy of nematomorphans.

(A) A gordioid nematomorphan (cross section). (B) Nectonema End spine
(cross section). Note the invasion of mesenchyme in A and the
persisting body cavity in B. (C) The body wall of Paragordius. (0) The ornate
areoles of Chordotes, a gordioid. (E) The anterior end of Paragordius (sagittat
section). Note the elements of the nervous system and the suspected photore­
ceptor units. (F) The female reproductive system of Paragordius. (G) A nemato­
morphan larva.
THE NEMATOIDA Phyla Nematoda and Nematomorpha 689

thin body wall from the host's tissue and fluids, leaving Excretory and osmoregulatory functions probably
adults to rely entirely on nutrients stored during the ju­ operate on a strictly cellular level, as there are no pro­
venile parasitic life. There is some evidence that adults of tonephridia or other known special structures for these
a few species might take in nutrients by absorbing small functions. Some workers, however, have speculated
organic molecules across the body waJI, but this seems that the cells of the midgut may function in the excre­
a remote possibility due to the thickness of the adult tion of n1etabolic wastes, and that they may have a
cuticle and the reduced state of the intestine. There is structure similar to the Malpighian tubules of insects.
growing evidence that parasitism by ne,natomorphans
in insects can alter the host's behavior in ways that cause Nervous System and Sense Organs
the insect to position itself near or in standing water, e n ­ Like the nervous systems of nematodes and some
suring that the adults emerge in an appropriate habitat. other sn1all Metazoa, the nervous system of nemato­
The digestive tract of nematomorphans is a simple morphans is closely associated with the epidermis.
elongate tube running the length of the body (Figure The cerebral ganglion is a circumesophageal mass
18.14E). juveniles, the gut is actively i.nvolved with of nervous tissue, the majority of it ventral to the
uptake and storage of nutrients, transported across the esophagus, located i n an enlarged region of the head
body wall (although possible nutrient uptake through called the calotte, in reference to the skull caps worn
the mouth cannot be excluded). The intestine (midgut) by ecclesiastics (Figures 18.14E and 18.158). ln gordi­
is a t h i n w
- alled tube and may serve an excretory func­ oids a single mjdventral nerve cord arises fron1 the
tion as well as a digestive one. The hjndgut is procto­ cerebra I ganglion and extends the length of the body.
deal (ectodermally-derived), functions as a cloaca, and It is attached to the epidermis by a tissue connection
receives the reproductive ducts. In Nectone,na a tiny called the epidermal lamella (Figure 18.14A). Necto­
mouth leads to a midgut that deteriorates posteriorly ne111a possesses an additional dorsal, intraepidermal
and is not connected to the genital opening. nerve cord.
All nematon1orphans are touch-sensitive, and some
Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, are apparently chemosensitive. Adult males are able
and Osmoregulation to detect and track mature females from a distance.
Very little is known about the physiology of nemato­ However, the structures associated with these sensory
morphans. Internal transport i s undoubtedly by d i f ­ fw1ctions are a matter of speculation. Presumably, son1e
fusion through body fluids and mesenchyme, and is of the cuticular areoles are tactile, and perhaps others
probably aided by body movement. The free-living are cllemoreceptive. Members of the genus Parngordi11s
gordian worms are presumably obligate aerobes as possess modified epidermal cells in the calotte that
adults and are restricted to moist environments \Vith contain pigment and may b e photoreceptors (Figure
ample available oxygen. The threadlike body results 18.14E), although this function has not been confirmed.
in short diffusion distances between the environment Other possible sensory structures are four "giant cells"
and the body organs and tissues. near the cerebral ganglion in Nectonerna.

(A) (8) (C ) (D)

Cloaca) pore
.J· ··. .'./ Postanal
_ .
. '
crescent Caudal lobes

... :· ••�
J 1-,caudaJ lobe t; ..
� .' .
. . .
,'}\. '
."'i •-. .•• '

�· ' ...
. ......
.. . ..


Figure 18.15 Representative nematomorphans. (A) Anter i or

end of Gordius (Gordioidea). (B, C) Posterior end of Gordius
(femal e and male, respectively). (D) Posterior end of female
Paragordius (Gordio idea). (E) The pelagic marine nematomor­
phan Nectonema.
690 Chapter Eighteen

Reproduction and Development presumptive endodern1. Mesodermal cells proliferate

Nematomorphans are gonochoristic and display some into the blastocoel fron, the area around the blastopore.
sexual dimorphis1n (Figure 18.lSC-E). The male repro­ The anus and cloaca! chamber also form from the area
ductive system includes one (Nectonen,a) or two (gor­ of the blastopore. A nematomorphan larva develops
dioids) testes (Figure 18.14A). Each testis opens to the (Figure 18.14G) and emerges from the egg case. The
cloaca via a short sperm duct. The reproductive sys­ following life cycle is not completely resolved and may
tem of female gordioids is not completely understood. differ among species. ln most cases, the larvae infect
They possess a pair of elongate ovaries with repeated intermediate (paratenic) hosts and encyst in their tis­
pouches. A se1ninal receptacle as an extension of the sue without further development. Such developn1ent
cloaca is present (Figure 18.14G). Nectonenw contains occurs only in an appropriate arthropod host, whicl1 it
no discrete ovary; instead, the gern,inal cells occur as probably enters by being eaten together with the inter­
scattered oocytes in the body cavity. mediate host. Intermediate hosts include a variety of
Mating has been studied in some gordioids. The fe­ aquatic animals, while final hosts are mainly terrestrial
males remain relatively inactive, but males become insects such as beetles, crickets, cockroaches, n1antids,
highly motile during the breeding season and respond and even some flies, myriapods, and back swimmers
to the presence of potential mates i n their environment. (Notonecta). It is likely that metamorphosing insects
Once a male locates a receptive female, he wraps his with aquatic larvae play the most important role as in­
body around her and deposits a drop of sperm near her termediate hosts. Within the host's hen,ocoel, the larva
cloacal pore. The sperm find their way into the seminal grows into a juvenile nematomorphan, which emerges
receptacle and are stored while the ova mature. The eggs from the host when it is mature. A single cuticular molt
are fertilized internally and laid in gelatinous strings. has been reported i n some species, taking place shortly
Early development has been studied in only a few before the young ,,vorm emerges. Juveniles are nearly
species of gordioid ne1natomorphans. Cleavage is h o ­ full size when tl1ey leave their host and do not grow
loblastic, but not clearly spiral or radial. A coeloblas­ much as adults. For most of the two dozen or so horse­
tula forms, then gastrulates by invagination of the hair worms of North America, the hosts are not known.

Selected References
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The Scalidophora
Phyla Kinorhyncha, Priapula,
and Loricifera

calidophora is an ecdysozoan clade that, together with Nematoida

(Nen1atoda a.nd Nematon1orpha), is often considered to comprise a
larger clade, Cycloneuralia. However, molecular phylogenetics is still
divided on this view, and some work suggests Nematoida is a sister
clade to the Panarthropoda. In any case, adult nematoidans and scalidophorans
retain the embryonic blastocoel into adulthood (although recent studies suggest
it might be obliterated in adult Nematomorpha and in some Ki.norhyncha). The
clade Scalidophora accommodates three phyla: Ki.norhyncha, Priapula, and L o ­
ricifera, two of which (Kinorhyncha and Loricifera) are exclusively n1eiofaunal.
As with all other ecdysozoans, the scalidophoran taxa lack cilia for locomotion
and feeding, and they shed their cuticle during
growth or periodic molts. Chitin is present in the
cuticle of au three scalidophoran phyla, whereas
Classification of The Animal collagen only has been demonstrated from macro­
Kingdom (Metazoa) faw1al priapulans where it occurs in the intestinal
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata epithelium and in the connective tissue beneath
(a.k .a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA the epidermis.
PHYLUM PORIFERA PHYLUM BRYOZOA The three scalidophoran phyla may not seem
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACH IOPOOA like they have much in common, given the varia-
PHYLUM CNIDARIA ECDY$0ZQA tion in body plans: the segmented trunk of kino­
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida rhyncl1s, the worm-like body of priapulans, and
the loricated trunk (i.e., covered by a hard pro­
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) tective shell) of loriciferaJ1s. Ho,.,vever, the three
PHYLUM KINORHYNCHA groups share important si.n1jJarities in their head
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA morphology. In all three phyla the head has the
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICIFERA form of a uniquely built eversible introvert, and is
SP1AALIA Panarthropoda
PHYLUM PLATYHELM INTHES defined by a multilayered cuticle, a circumenteric
"brain," and characteristic sensory or locomotory
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA PHYLUM ARTHROPODA sealids whose structure is continuous · with the epi­
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA When the head is withdrawn, the mouth cone
PHYLUM ANNEL IDA is retracted like a tube, whereas the introvert is
PHYLUM ENTOPROCTA inverted so that the parts that are exterior and
PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA anterior in the protruded head become interior
PHYLUM M I CROGNATHOZOA The sections on phyla Kinorhyncha and Priapula, and the
PHYLUM ROTIFEAA •Paraphyletic group introduction have been revised by Marlin Vinther 50renscn.
The section on phylum lorkifera has been revised by
Reinhardt M0bjerg Kristensen.
694 Chapter Nineteen

Sternal plate
Dorsal spine
Tergal plate

Figure 19.1 (A,B) Extemal anatomy of the kinorhynch

Echinoderes. (A) Ventral view w ith head retracted. (B)
Lateral view with head extended. (C) A trunk segment
(cross section) of a kinorhynch; note the arrangement of
the body wall structures and the organs wi thin the blasto­
coelom. (D) Echinoderes, a meiofaunal species, with head

from kinorhynchs as well, and their close relationship

Lateral has been confirmed by several analyses. However, data
terminal from only a few selected loci are avai labl.e for loricifer­
ans, and only very few molecular analyses of metazoan
(C) or ecdysozoan relationships have included representa­
tives of all three scalidophoran taxa. One analysis of ec­
dysozoan relationships, based on 18S rRNA sequences
supplemented with Histone 3 data, included two spe­
cies of loriciferans, and the results confirmed a close
relationship between kinorhynchs and priapulans, but
i t also suggested a sister-group relationship between
Loricifera and Nematomorpha, thus moving the loricif­
Cuticle (sternal plate) VenlTolateral muscle erans from Scalidophora to Nematoida. This result c o n ­
tradicts morphology, since the mouth cone and introvert
are scalidophoran synapomorphies. However, the result
and posterior in the retracted head (Figure 19.lA,B). might also point towards an alternative hypothesis, s u g ­
Among kinorhynchs and loriciferans, the mouth cone gesting that possession of a n1outh cone and an introvert
is usually large and well developed, with structures was part of the original ecdysozoan or cycloneuralian
such as large oral styles or a mouth tube 1,vith oral ridg­ body plan, and that these characters are the.refore plesio­
es..However, among priapulans, a mouth cone is only morphic for the scalidophoran taxa. To some extent this
found in son,e of the meiofaunal taxa, and even an,ong is supported by the fossil record that includes a broad
these species, the mouth only constitutes a relatively variety of scalidophoran stem-and crown-group taxa.
small region between the pharynx and the introvert. Many palae oscolecidans, for example, have toothed
The introvert is always well developed in scalidopho­ pharynxes and scalid-bearing introverts.
rans, and always equipped 1,vith sensory or locomo­ The fossil record holds a diverse scalidophoran
tory scalids. The priapulan scalids are small and hook fauna. Some fossil taxa, such as Priaprtlites, unques­
shaped, whereas kinorhynchs and loriciferans have tionably belong to the phylum Priapula, whereas oth­
longer spino -or clavoscalids. ers appear to be either priapulan (e.g., Ottoia, Se/kirkia,
From a morphological perspective, scalidophoran Xiaolreiqingella, Yunnnnprinprrlrrs) or loriciferan (Sirilorica)
monophyly is 1nore or less undisputed. However, it has sten,- or crown-group taxa. Fossil kinorhynchs have not
not yet been possible to confirn, this monophyly with yet been found. A possible stem-g roup scalidophoran
molecular sequence data. Comprehensive genomic could be Markuelin-an annulated, introvert-bearing
data are available from priapulans, and to some extent worm that is from the lower Cambrian.
THE SCALIDOPHORA Phy la Kinorhyncha, Priapula, and Lor icifera 695

Phylum Kinorhyncha:
The Kinorhynchs BOX 19A Characteristics of the
Phylum Kinorhyncha
Among the most intriguing of the "little animalcules"
1. Triplob!astic, bi aterally
l segmented
are members of the phylum Kinorhyncha (Creek kineo,
"n1ovable"; rhynchos, "snout"), sometimes called "1nud 2. Body b lastocoelomate or, in some species,
dragons." Since their discovery in 1841 on the north­
ern coast of France, about 200 species of kinorhynchs 3. Body divi ded into head. neck, and 11-segmented
have been described from around the world, nearly
all of which are less than 1 mm in length. Most live 4. Head divided into mouth cone and introvert with
scali ds
in n1arine sands or muds, from the intertidal zone to
a depth of 7,800 meters. However, specimens have 5 . Segments formed by comp lete cuticular rings or
composed of tergal and sternal plates
also been recorded from algal mats or kelp holdfasts,
sandy beaches, and brackish estuaries; others live on 6. Epidermis cellular without locomotory cil i a
hydroids, ectoprocts, sponges, or sediment aggrega­ 7. Gut complete
tions in polychaete tubes or on shells of molluscs. 8 . W ith one pair of protonephridia in segment 8,
The body of a kinorhynch is composed of three re­ but w ithout special c irculatory o r gas exchange
gions: A head, a short neck region, and a seg1nen ted structures
trunk (Figure 19.1). Families and genera are often di­ 9 . Direct development through six juveni le stages;
agnosed by the composition of the segments (which juveni les molt their cuticle at the transition between
are sometimes called "zonites"), whereas species dif­ each stage
ferences often relate to distribution of spines and setae. 1 0 . Gonochorist ic
The kinorhynchs are one of three truly segn1ented 11. Embryonic deve lopment and c leavage patterns not
metazoan clades (the other two being Annelida and the well understood
Panarthropoda), although the genetic developmental 12. Inhabit marine, benth ic habitats, a lthough a few
process of segment formation in kinorhynchs is not yet brackish species, and species inhabiting ep izo ic or
epiphytic habitats are known
well known. The major characteristics of kinorhynchs
are given in Box 19A.
The kinorhynch head is formed by a retractable
mouth cone with nine outer oral styles, and an intro­ Fi gure 19.2 Scanning electron microscopy showing
vert with numerous appendages called spinoscalids extended and retracted head of a kinorhynch.
(Figure 19.2). By using the ten anterior-n1ost primary (A) Extended head, showing the external morphology of
spinoscalids as 1narkers, the remaining spinoscalids the mouth cone and introvert. (B) Retracted head, with the
placids of the neck acting as closing apparatus.

Oukr or.,I .

! \louth Cone


/ Placids

696 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19.3 Scanning electron micros•

copy of Kinorhyncha, showing (A) the
alloma lorhagid genus Pycnophyes, and
the cyclorhagid genera (8) Centroderes
and (C) Meristoderes. (D) Close-up of
right sternal plate. Note the articulations
with the left sternal plate, and the tergal

on the introvert can be divided into ten sectors, •..vhere KINORHYNCH CLASSIFICATION
the spinoscalids follow either a bilateral or pentarad.ial
symmetry pattern. Functionally, the two wuts can be CLASS CYCLORHAGIDA Neck usually with 14-16 placids
distinguished by the ,,..,ay they move when the head that work as a closing apparatus, although in one group
is retracted into the trunk. The mouth cone is retract­ a clamshell-like first trunk s egment may assist; trunk oval,
ed Like a tube, meaning that the proximal end of the round, or slightly triangular in cross section; numerous cu­
mouth cone is the first to disappear when the mouth ticular trunk spines and tubes present; trunk segments usu­
cone muscles drag the mouth cone into the introvert. ally with dense coveri ng of cuticular hairs or denticles. The
order includes genera such as Centroderes (Figure 19.38),
When the head retraction continues into the trunk, the
Echinoderes (Figure 19.1 D), Meristoderes (Figure 19.3C),
introvert is inverted, that the anterior-most
and Semnoderes.
spinoscalids and the part of the introvert that joins the
mouth cone are the first to retract. CLASS ALLOMALORHAGIDA Neck wi th 9 or fewer placi ds.
The kinorhynch neck is composed of a number of Trunk either tri angular or completely round in cross section.
plates, called placids, and when the head is retracted, Midterminal spi ne never present in adults. The c lass in­
the placids act as a closing apparatus (Figure 19.2B). cludes genera such as Paracentropyhyes, Neocentrophyes,
In some genera the placids are hard structures that are Pycnophyes, Dracoderes, and Franciscideras (Figure 19.3A)
easily recognized, whereas in other genera they are that previously were assigned to the order Homalorhagida
thinner and softer, and more difficult to see. Within the (now consi dered paraphyletic).
genus Cateria, the placids are extremely soft and almost
impossible to identify, whereas they are completely
fused into a neck ring in the genus Franciscideres. The The Kinorhynch Body Plan
number of placids differs among genera, and range
fron, four to sixteen. Body Wall
The kinorhynch trunk consists of eleven segments in Beneath the thick, v.•ell-developed, chitinous cuticle
all adults. Most trunk segments are made up of a dor­ is a nonciliated epidermis (Figure 19.lC), "vhlch c o n ­
sal (tergal) plate and a pair of ventral (sternal) plates tains elements of the nervous system. Largely inter­
(Figures 19.lA and 19.3). The anus is located on the last nal to the epidermis but still attached to the cuticle are
segment and is usually flanked by strong lateral termi­ bands of cross-striated, dorsolateral, and ventrolateral
nal spines. intersegmental muscles. S01ne of the anterior longitu­
During juve1ule development, and in so1ne species dinal muscle bands serve as head retractors. A series of
during adult life as "vell, kinorhynchs shed their cuti­ metamerically arranged dorsoventral muscles creates
cle. This supports their position among the ecdysozoan the increased hydrostatic pressure that protracts the
protostomes, even though it is still uncertain whether head and oral cone when the retractor muscles relax
molting is mediated by the hormone ecdysone. (Figure 19.4).
THE SCALIDOPHORA Phy la Kinorhyncha, Priapula, and Lor icifera 697

to a short, cuticle-lined proctodeal hindgut (rectum),

and the anus on the last segment. So-called "digestive
Dorsal spine
glands" often arise from the midgut.

Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and

Gas exchange takes place by diffusion across the body
wall, and circulation and internal transport is accom­
plished primarily by body movements. Kinorhynchs
- -
Ventrolateral muscle possess one pair of solenocyte protonephridia in s e g ­
ment 8, each with a short nephridioduct that opens
laterally on segment 9. Excretory and osmoregulato­
ry physiology is likely interesting, although remains
--Lateral spine
largely unstudied; some estuarine and intertidal spe­
cies can tolerate large fluctuations in salinities, and
some live i n ties as low as 6 parts per thousand
i n the Gulf of Finland.

Nervous System and Sense Organs

Figure 19.4 The trunk muscles of a kinorhynch (lateral The central nervous system of kinorhynchs is relatively
view). sin1ple and is intimately associated with the epidermis.

(A) (8) Dorsoventral

Support and Locomotion ,_________ Oral stylet muscle Solenocyte
Body shape in kinorhynchs is more or less fixed by the
rigid plates of the supportive cuticular exoskeleton, but
the animals are able to flex and even twist at the points
_ l,---Oral cone
._.'� Buccal cavity

of articulation between adjacent segments. Segmented
trunk musculature facilitates movements of the articu­
lated cuticular plates along the anterior-posterior axis.
lntersegrnental muscle fibers assist with dorsoventral
and lateral trunk movements. In the absence of external Cerebral
cilia, burrowing is accomplished by extending the head Nephridioduct
into the substratum, anchoring the anterior spines, and Pharynx
then pulling the rest of the body forward. It has also (C)
been suggested that the numerous glandular cells that
open along the trunk may be involved in locomotion,
i.e., by creating a push in a forward direction when
mucus is released from the glands. Ovary

Feeding and Digestion

Kinorhynchs are probably direct deposit feeders, i n ­
gesting the substratum and digesting the organic ma­ ovum
terial or eating unicellular algae contained therein;
they have been found with their guts fulJ of benthic
diaton1s. However, the details of feeding and the exact
nature of their food are not known.
The mouth leads into a buccal cavity located with­
in the mouth cone and subsequently to a muscular
pharynx (Figure 19.5). The buccal cavity, pharynx,
and esophagus are lined with cuticle. Protractors, re­
tractors, and circular muscles coordinate eversion and Anus Oviduct---

Figure 19.5 Internal anatomy of kinorhynchs. (A) The

retraction of the introvert and mouth cone. Various
paired glands are often associated with the esophagus, digestive tract of Pycnophyes. (8) The nephridial arrange­
but their functions are uncertain. The esophagus c o n ­ ment in two segments of Pycnophyes. (C) The simple
nects with an elongate, straight midgut, which leads female reproductive system of a kinorhynchs.
698 Chapter Nineteen

A series of ten connected ganglia is arranged in a ring BOX 19B Characteristics of the
aroUI1d the pharynx. Each ganglion probably originally
gave rise to one longitudinal nerve cord, eight of which
Phylum Priapula
are retained by most species. The two mid ventral nerve 1. Triploblastic, bi laterally symmetrical, unsegmented
cords are most pron1inent, and they bear ganglia in (may be superficially annulated), and vermiform
each segment. Sensory receptors include tactile bristles, 2. Body cavity lining probab ly not peritoneal; presum­
spines, and sensory spots on the trtmk. Microvillar eye­ ably blastocoelomate
spots are present on the pharyngeal nerve ring in at 3. Introvert with hooked spines
least some species. 4. Nervous system radially arranged and largely
Reproduction and Development 5. Gut complete
Kinorhynchs are gonochoristic and possess relatively 6. With (often multicellular) protonephridia associated
sin1ple reproductive systems. External morphological w ith the gonads as a urogenital system
differences between males and fen1ales are usually re­ 7. Many with unique caudal appendage (in adults) that
stricted to the most posterior segments. In both sexes, may serve for gas exchange
paired saclike gonads lead to short gonoducts that 8 . No circulatory system
open separately on the terminal segment. In the males, 9 . Thin cuticle is periodi cally shed
the gonopore 1nay be associated with two or three cu­ 1 0 . With unique loricate larva, with cuticular lorica that
ti.cular, hollow, penile spines that presumably aid in . is shed at metamorphosis to adult stage
copulation, although their precise function is uncer­ 11 . Gonochoristic
tain. The female gonads con1prise both germ cells and
12. Cl eavage radial-l ike
nutritive (yolk-producing) cells. Each oviduct bears a
13. Marine and benthic; most are burrowers
diverticulun1 that forn1s as a sen1inal receptacle prior
to ending at a gonopore between segn1ents 10 and 11.
Mating has never been observed in kinorhynchs,
and egg laying and early development (e.g., cleavage Prinp11/11s) are macrofaunal, with the largest species,
patterns) have not been adequately studied. Fertilized the Alaskan Hnlicrypt11s higgi11si, reaching a length of
eggs are coated with a protective envelope of silt and almost 40 cm. Priapulans are cylindrical vern1iform
detritus, and then deposited in sediment. Embryos creatures. The body comprises an introvert, sometimes
develop directly and hatch as juveniles with nine seg­ a neck region, a trunk, and sometimes a "tail" or cau­
ments. The juvenile will reach n1aturity a�er six molts, dal appendage (Figure 19.6 and opening chapter p h o ­
and gradually change from juvenile to adult morphol­ tograph). The whole mtrovert can be inverted, and it
ogy during these molts. New segments are added by is equipped with short, h o o k -shaped scalids that are
elongation, and subsequently subdivision of the termi­ considered homologous with the spinoscalids of loric­
nal segment. The mature condition with eleven trunk iferans and kinorhynchs. When present, the caudal ap­
segments is often reached in juvenile stage 5. M.olting pendage varies in shape ai1d function among species.
among adults has been reported as well. Large priapulans are active infaw1al burrowers i n
relatively fme marme sedi.Jnents and occur primarily
in boreal and cold temperate seas. A few species con­
struct tubes. Adults of one species, Hnlicrypt11s spinulo­
Phylum Priapula: The Priapulans sus, lives in anoxic, sulfide-rich sediments in the Baltic
Twenty extant species (and several fossil species) are a s ­ Sea and sho\vs remarkable abilities to both tolerate ai1d
signed to the phylum Priapula (from Prinpos, the Greek detoxify high sulfide levels in its body. In contrast, the
god of reproduction, symbolized by his enormous small meiofaunal forms burrovv or live interstitially
penis). These odd creatures were recorded in Li.Ju1ae­ an1ong sediment particles, and they appear to be tnost
us's Syste111a Nnturne, vvhere he mentioned tl1e species abundant m subtropical and tropical waters.
Prinpus h11111nn11s (literally, "human penis"). Since that S t e m -and crown-group priapulans are rather com­
time priapulans (or priapulids) have been associated mon in the fossil record. They may have been one of
with several different invertebrate phyla, but today both the major predator groups in Cambrian seas, and they
morphological and molecular evidence support their a l ­ were almost certainly more abundant in Paleozoic
liance with the other scalidophoran ecdysozoans, per­ titnes than they are today. The most abundant fossil
haps most closely related to the ki.J1orhynchs. The major species, Ottoia prolifica, resembles the extant Halicryptus
characteristics of priapulans are given i11 Box 198. spi1111los11s. Recent work confirms that 0. prolifica (and
Three genera (T11bi/11c/111s, Meioprinp11/us, and the closely related 0. tric11spida), which date from the
Mnccnbe11s) comprise meiofaunal species tl1at measure middle Cambrian, were serious carnivores, their mtro­
1.5 rrun to about 5 mm, whereas the remaining four vert being lined with rO\VS of hooks, teeth, and spmes
genera (Acanthopriapu/11s, Halicryptus, Priapulopsis, and for dealing with their prey.
THE SCALIDOPHORA Phy la Kinorhyncha, Priapula, and Lor icifera 699

(A) 1.ntrovert (B) Circumoral (C) (D)

ri ngs

Location of
ventral nerve


FAMILY TUBILUCHIDAE (Figure 19.6D). Small (less than 5
mm long); trunk not annul ated; caudal appendage vermi­
form and muscular. Tubiluchids li ve in sediments of shallow
tropical waters. Nine species, two genera (Tubiluchus and
1g_5E) _ Very small (less than 3 mm long); meiofauna l; trunk
with rings of tubercl es and posterior longitudinal ridges with
hooks; no cauda l appendage; posterior end of abdomen
extensible and mobile, used for burrowing ( posterior end
first). Maccabeids are found in the Mediterranean Sea and
Indian Ocean. Monogeneric, with only two described spe­
cies (Maccabeus tentaculatus and M . cirratus)

Figure 19.6 Representative priapulans. (A) Priapulus Priapulan Body Plan

bicaudatus (Priapulidae). The North Atlantic species Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion
Priapu/us caudatus is shown in the chapter opener photo.
(B) Priapulopsis australis (Priapulidae). (C) Halicryptus The priapulan body is covered by a thin, flexible c u ­
(Pr iapulidae). (D) Tubiluchus corallicola (tubiluchidae). ticle that forms a variety of spines, warts, and tubercles
(E) Maccabeus tentacu/atus (Maccabeidae). (Figure 19.6). Hook-shaped scalids are often present
around the mouth and on the introvert, and these are
considered homologous with the spinosca.lids of kino­
rhynchs and loriciferans. In all three groups the scalids
PRIAPULAN CLASSIFICATION f unction as sensory structures and assist in locomotion.
Classes and orders are usually not recognized within Priapulans move through sediments by means of the
the Priapula; the phylum is divided into the three ex­ introvert and peristaltic body muscle action. The cuticle
tant families: contains chitin and i s periodically shed as the animal
grows. Beneath the cuticle lies an unciliated epidermis
FAMILY PRIAPULIDAE (Figure 19.6A-C). Relative l y large
of thin, elongate cells with large fluid-filled intercellu­
(4-40 cm); trunk with superficia l annulat i ons; caudal ap­
lar spaces. Beneath the epidermis are well-developed
pendage (absent from Halicryptus spinulosus) either a
grapel ike cluster of fluid-filled sacs (called vesiculae) or a layers of circular and longitudinal muscles. There are
muscular extensi on with cuticul ar hooks. Nine species, four also complex muscle layers and bands associated v1ith
genera: Acanthopriapulus, Halicryptus, Priapu/opsis, and the pharynx, and a set of introvert retractor muscles
Priapulus (Figure 19.7A).
700 Chapter Nineteen

(A) Nerve ring Figure 19. 7 (A) Priapu/us (longitudinal section). (B) The nervous system in
the anterior end of Halicryptus. (CJ the loricate larva of Priapulus caudatus.

Buccal tube

Pharynx Introvert
retractor musdes
Proboscis ......_�. ,\ ,-,"·: "��
·... Ventral Nerve to

. ..
' .,,'· , .. ��..,,' ,
nerve cord

body wa.11
·.· - .
• ) <
:, , � .J
'.; . j)
<. ) ;.,
. . .... -Body wall \�ircumenteric •.

... ,· :<:.' , ring


: ·.:. .... .
.. . . -

'·: - Body cavity

Wjll\---i-.'.._�Nerve to pharynx
Intestine Jy\fu ,,.\\?'
.:· / •:
Gonads {Gt:lll'.--+--- Nerve ring
in pha rynx

�L�i _i �
� Lateral lorica--
Solenocytes p late \
: .
l!r--Urogenital Lateral tactile _j,/
Rectum� duct organ
Anus --Caudal
appendage Tubi/11c/111s corallico/a (Figure 19.6D) lives in coral
sediments and feeds on organic detritus. The pharynx
is lined with pectinate teeth, which Ille animal uses to
sort food material from tl1e coarse sediment particles.
Maccabeus tentac11/at11s, a tube dweller, is a trapping
Adult priapulans have a large body cavity that may carnivore. Eight short scalids, called trigger spines,
extend into the caudal appendage. The body cavity is arranged around the mouth opening are assumed to
lined by a simple nonceUular membrane secreted by be touch-sensitive and these are in turn ringed by 25
surface cells on the retractor muscles, and is therefore branched scalids (Figure 19.6E). It is suspected that
a blastocoel (blastocoelom). The only exception from when a potential prey touches the trigger spines, the
this is the meiofaw1al species Meiopriapu/11sfijiensis that other scalids quickly close as a trap.
does possess a small epitheliwn-lined compart1nent The digestive system is con1plete and either straight
around the foregut, and this cavity is apparently a true or slightly coiled (Figure 19.7A). The portion of the gut
coelom (Storch et al. 1989). The fluid of the body cavity that lies roughly within the bounds of the introvert
contains n1otile phagocytic amebocytes and free erytl1- comprises the buccal tube, pharynx, and esophagus, all
rocytes with hemerythrin. of whidl are lined with cuticle and together constitute
Maintenance of body form and support are pro­ a stomodeum. In members of the genus T11bil11c/111s, Ille
vided by the hydrostatic skeleton of the body cavity. stomodeum also includes a region behind the esopha­
The contraction of ciJ·cular muscles around this cavity gus called a polythridium, which bears a circlet of two
also facilitates protrusion of the introvert by increasing ro�vs of plates and may be used to grind food. The
the internal pressure. Priapulans that move through midgut or intestine is tl1e only endodermally derived
the substratum d o so largely by peristaltic burrowing, section of the digestive tract and is followed by a short
probably using the various hooks and other cuticular proctodeal rectum. The anus is located at the posterior
extensions to hold one part of the body in place while end of the abdomen, either centrally or slightly to one
the rest is pushed or pulled along. Maccabeus is thought side. Nothing is known about the digestive physiology
to use its ring of posterior cuticular spines for andlor­ of priapulans, although it is likely that digestion and
age within its burrow (Figure 19.6E). nutrient absorption occur in the midgut.

Feeding and Digestion Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and

The majority of priapulans (i.e., members of the family Osmoregulation
Priapulidae) live in soft sediments and prey on soft-bod­ Internal transport takes place through diffusion and
ied invertebrates such as polychaetes. During feeding, a movement of the fluid in the body cavity. The pres­
portion of the toothed, cuticle-lined pharynx is everted ence of the respiratory pigment hemerythrin in the
through the mouth at the end of Ille extended introvert. body fluid cells suggests oxygen transport or storage
As the prey is grasped, the pharynx is inverted; the in­ functions, and many priapulans are known to live in
trovert then retracts and Ille prey is drawn into the gut. marginally anoxic muds. In those species with a vesic-
THE SCALIDOPHORA Phy la Kinorhyncha, Priapula, and Lor icifera 701

ulate caudal appendage, the lumen of that structure is Direct development occurs only m Meiopriapulus
continuous with the main body cavity and such caudal fijiensis, in "vhich the females brood the embryos. All
appendages n1ay function as gas exchange surfaces. other species develop through a series of loricate lar­
Clusters of solenocyte protonephridia lie in the pos­ vae (Figure 19.7C), which in some ways rese1nble lo­
terior portion of the body cavity and are associated riciferans. The trunk of the larva is encased within a
with the gonads as a urogenital system or complex thick cuticular lorica h1to vvhich the h1trovert can be
(Figure 19.7A). Priapulan protonephridia are possibly \-vithdrawn. The larvae live in benthic muds and are
unique in being composed of two or more terminal probably detritivores. The lorica is periodically shed as
cells. A pair of urogenital pores opens near the anus. the larva grows; it is finally lost as the animal meta1nor­
Priapulans inhabit both hyper-and hyposaline envi­ phoses to a juvenile priapulan. At that time the caudal
ronments, so the protonephridia may function in both appendage forms in those species that possess this
osmoregulation and excretion. structure. The larvae of different genera vary some­
what i n cuticular shape and ornamentation. Detailed
Nervous System and Sense Organs larval development is best kno,, vn for Prinpulus cnuda­
The priapulan nervous system i s intraepidermal and tus. The newly hatched larva has a functional introvert,
is constructed for the most part on a radial plan within but mouth and anus are still closed, and no lorica i s
the cylindrical body (Figure 19.7B). The brain is ring present yet. The lorica appears after the first molt, and
shaped and wrapped around t h e buccal tube in the additional scalids are added to the introvert. A mouth
anterior part of the introvert. The main ventral nerve appears after the next molt, and during the following
cord arises from this ring and gives off a series of ring molts the trunk changes shape from being circular in
nerves and peripheral nerves along the body. ln addi­ cross section to have the flattened, bilateral sy1nn1etri•
tion, longitudinal nerves extend from the main nerve cal shape that typically are found in the Prinp11!11s lar­
ring along the inner pharyngeal lining and are con­ vae (Wennberg et al. 2009). The exact number of larval
nected by the ring conlffiissures. stages is uncertain.
Priapu..lans have several types of sensory structures.
All introvert scalids, except the locomotory scalids in
Meioprinpul11sfijiensis, probably have a sensorial func• Phylum Loricifera:
tion, and smaller sensory structures-the so-called
flosculi-are distributed over the trunk region. A
The Loriciferans
flosculus is a sensory structure that includes a central I t may be apparent to you by now that interstitial habi­
sensory ciliun1 surrounded by a circle or coUar of seven tats (the n1eiobenthic realm) are home for a host of bi­
modified mi.crovilli. Besides scalids and flosculi, d i f . zarre and specialized creatures. Recent studies by two
ferent setae, tubuli, and anal hooks may have receptor German zoologists, D. Waloszek and K. J. Miiller, have
cells and hence serve a sensory function. revealed that a rich meiofaunal ecosystem was already
in place as early as the upper Cambrian Era. Studies
Reproduction and Development on modern meiofauna continue to reveal new animals,
Priapulans are gonochoristic, although males are w1- previously undescribed taxa, and myriad examples of
known in Maccabeus tentnculatus. The reproductive o r ­ convergent evolution associated with success h1 this
gans are simi.Jarly placed and connected i n both sexes. environment. Among these recently described groups
The paired gonads are dra.iJ1ed by genital ducts, which is the loricifera, first nan1ed and described by Rein­
are joined by colJecting tubules from the protonephrid­ hardt Kristensen in 1983. The name Loricifera (Latin
ia to form a pair of urogenital ducts exiting posteriorly loricn, "corset"; ferre, "to bear") refers to the well-devel­
through urogenital pores (Figure 19.7A). oped cuticular lorica encasing most of the body (Figure
Priapulans free-spawn (first the males and then 19.8; Box 19C). The description of the phylum was ini•
the females), and fertilization is external. Cleavage is tially based upon a single widespread species, Nann­
holoblastic, appears to be radial, and results in a co­ loricus 111ysticus, but 34 other species have since been
eloblastula (so1ne accounts differ) that undergoes i n · described. Most loriciferans have been found at depths
vagination. Gene expression studies on developing of about 20-450 m in coarse marine sediments. One
embryos of Prinpulus cnudntus have led to the surpris­ species, Pliciloric11s hndnlis, was collected in the western
ing discovery that the anus is formed directly from the Pacific at a depth of over 8,000 m. Others, as yet unde­
blastopore, whereas the mouth opening is formed by a scribed, have been recorded from additional deep-sea
group of ectodermal cells a t the animal hemisphere of muddy bottom locations. Most recently, a new type of
the en1bryo, thus these animals have deuterostomous larval form, called the Shira-larva, was described from
development. Gastrulation starts at the 64-cell stage more than 3,000 meters; it resembles Cambrian fos­
with the invagination of the vegetal-most cells into a sils fron1 Australia. To date, all loriciferans have been
small blastocoel and the epibolic movement of the ani­ placed in three families (Nanaloric.idae, Pliciloricidae,
mal blastomeres toward the vegeta I pole. and Urnaloricidae) in a single order, Nanaloricida. All
702 Chapter Nineteen

(A) (B) (C)

(0) (E) (F)


" '

Figure 19.8 Representative loriciferans. (A) Nanloricus in a11ox:ic conditions, this was the first report of a n1eta­
mysticus, the first described loriciferan (photograph of zoan proven to do so and to have obligate anaerobic
the male allotype specimen for the species, from Roscoff, metabolism. All three species lack mitochondria, but
France). (8) Nanloricus sp, (an undescribed species from
have hydrogenosomes in their cells, as seen in some cil­
northwest France). (C} Pliciloricus enigmaticus (male),
from the U.S.A. (D) Pliciloricus gracilis, mal e, from the iate protists. In this deep basin, these loriciferans occur
U.S.A. (E,F) Spinoloricus cinziae, dorsal views in micro­ in the highest abundance ever recorded for this p h y ­
graph and line drawing. This is the first known metazoan lum (up to 701 individuals per square meter). The nev,
l iving in an anoxic environment; from a deep basin in the species Spinoloricus cinzine from the hypersaline basin
Mediterranean Sea. L'Atalante was described in 2014.
The loriciferan body is minute (85-800 µm long;
the giant i s Titnniloric11s inexpectntovus) but complex,
are free living. Figures 19.8 and 19.9 provide overviews containing over 10,000 cells. It is divided into a head
of loriciferan anatomy. (introvert and mouth cone), neck, thorax, and loricate
In 2010, three species of loriciferans (all new to sci­ abdoinen. The head, neck, and most of the thorax can
ence) were discovered living and reproducing in a telescope into the lorica. The mouth i s located at the
fully anoxic, high sulfide, hypersaline basin in the deep end of an introvert, called the mouth cone, that proj­
Mediterranean Sea. Although prokaryotes and a few ects from the head and contains 6 protrusible oral sty­
protists have long been known to spend their entire life lets in some species. Furthermore, the mouth cone also
THE SCALIDOPHORA Phy la Kinorhyncha, Priapula, and Lor icifera 703

(A) Clavoscalid (B) Mouth

Telescopic poin1--ml
of buccal canal �Buccal canal

-- �---Oral ridge

Stylet muscle

Pharyngeal bulb
retractor muscle
Neck •
I Neck muscle
Pharyngeal bulb

plate l
Lateral­ I
plate The lorica comprises 6 to 10 plates in the family
Nanaloricidae, whicl, bear anteriorly directed spines
around the base of the neck. In the family Pliciloricidae
Seminal there are no plates, but there are cuticular plicae. In the
plate resceptacle genus Pliciloric11s there are about 22 plicae, but in the
genera R11giloric11s and Titnni/oric11s there are 30 to 60
plicae. Beneath the cuticle and the body wall are sever­
Anus al muscle bands, including those responsible for retrac­
Figure 19.9 Anatomy of Loric ifera. (A) An adu l t femal e tion of the anterior parts. The body cavity is presum­
loriciferan, Nana/oricus mysticus (ventral view). (B) The ably a blastocoelom (as is typical of the Scalidophora)
anterior end of Nanaloricus mysticus.

can have up to 8 oral ridges, each with a furca at the BOX 19C Characteristics of the
base where the 8 muscles attach. Nine rings of spine­ Phylum Loricifera
like scalids (200-400 scalids in all) of various shapes 1. Triploblaslic, bi aterally symmetrica l, unsegmented,
also protrude from the spherical head, most appar­ never vermifom,
ently with intrinsic muscles. In the pliciloricids, some 2. Body cavity lining probab ly not peritoneal; presum­
of these projections bear joints near their bases, ren,i­ ably blastocoelomate
niscent of articulated limbs. The first ring consists of 3 . Body d ivided into a head (with a mouth cone and
8 anteriorly directed clavoscalids; the remaining 8 an introvert), neck, and thorax, and loricate abdo­
rings of spinoscalids are directed posteriorly. In at men; the head-neck-thorax telescopes into the
least some species of Nanaloricidae, the number of lorica
clavoscalids differs between n1ales and fen1ales. The 4 . Mouth located on mouth cone, beset with spines
males may have 6 of the clavoscalids each split into 3 (slylets); head (introvert) and neck with 7 9
- rings of
branches, resulting in a total of up 20 clavoscalids. The scalids
clavascalids seems to be cl,emoreceptors, while the 5 . Gut complete
spi.noscalids both are locomotory and mecl,anorecep­ 6 . No apparent circul atory or gas exchange systems
tors. The 15 tric!,oscalids of the neck can be double or 7. One pair of protonephridia , situated in gonads
single. Recently i t was discovered that the tricl,oscalids 8. Gonochoristic. parthenogenic (neotenous l arvae,
are attached to large cross-striated muscles, and in or hem,aphroditic; development al ways inc ludes a
family Nanaloricidae the adults use them to "jump" unique, toed l arva
more than three ti.mes their own length, whereas in the 9. All inhabit marine interstitial environments or deep­
fam.ily Pliciloricidae the tricl,oscalids maybe used for sea muds
704 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19.10 The Higgins larvae (A) (B)

of two loriciferans. (A) Higgins larva
of P . gracilis (ventral vi ew; note the
oral stylets and the tubular toes).
(B) The Higgins larva of Armorloricus
elegans (dorsal view; note the toes
have mucrones for swimming).

and varies from rather spacious in

pliciloricids to virtually absent in
Nnnnloricus (which would thus be
acoelous in the adult). Two muscu•
larized toes occur caudally in the
larva, on the abdomen, and func·
tion in both locomotion and adhe·
sion. In the family Nanaloricidae,
the Higgins larva has leaflike cu•
ticular structures called mucrones.
These structures may be involved
in the swimming behavior of the
The digestive tract is con1plete.
A long, tubular, buccal canal leads
from the mouth to a muscular
pharynx bulb and esophagus (Figure 19.9B). The phar• locomotion. These toes are thought to also have adhe­
ynx has both circular and longitudinal n1uscles. The sive glands at their bases. Early stages apparently con­
lumen of these anterior gut structures is lined with cu• tain yolk reserves in the cells of the body cavity. The
ticle. Behind the esophagus is a long midgut leading cuticle is periodically shed as the individuals grow in
to a short, cuticle-1.ined rectun1 and an anus located on size. In some species the larva metan1orphoses to a s o ­
an anal cone. One pair of salivary glands is associated called "postlarva" Quvenile), which resembles an adult
with the buccal tube. Little is known about feeding in fen1ale but lacks ovaries. In others, larval metamorpho­
loriciferans, but some apparently eat bacteria. sis involves a molt directly to an adult.
The central nervous system includes a large circum• The original discovery of loriciferans •..vas a for­
pharyngeal ganglion and a number of sn1aller ganglia tunate event because the first species described,
associated with the various body regions and parts. Nn11nloric11s mysticus (Nanaloricidae), proved to have
A large ventral nerve cord also bears ganglia. At least the simplest life cycle in tl1e phylum with the only life
some of the scalids are probably sensory in function; stages being the Higgins larva, free-living postlarva
however, videos have shown that at least the tricho­ and adult. In the second described genus, Rugiloric11s,
sca.lids are involved in a jumping behavior. a strongly modified postlarval stage 1v , as discovered
Loriciferans are gonochoristic, although one recent­ (in R. cnuliculus). Successive co,nplexity was added to
ly described species (R11giloricus rennudne) is hermaph­ loriciferan life cycles with the discovery of partheno­
roditic. Males and females differ externally in the form genetic phases, and then with the newly discovered
and number of certain scalids. The n1ale reproductive Urnaloricidae, which lack free adults. And we now
system comprises two dorsal testes in the abdomi· know that d e e p s- ea species hasten their life cycle by
nal body cavity, probably a blastocoelom. The female producing neotenous larvae, which produce from 2
system includes a pair of ovaries and probably in a to 4 additional larvae by parthenogenesis. The larvae
few species of Nnnnloricus also 2 seminal receptacles. of some loriciferans encyst for a period of time before
Fertilization is suspected t o be internal. Loriciferans metamorphosis, and tl1is process might include a new
have one or two pairs of monoflagellate protonephrid­ type of larva-the "ghost larva." The newest discov­
ia that are uniquely located within the gonads. ered loops in life cycle are shown in Figure 19.11. The
Little is yet known about early development in lo­ species Rugiloricus 111nn11elne lacks free-living postlar­
riciferans. In Lnost species, a feeding, benthic Higgins vae, similar to what is seen in the genus Pliciloricus.
larva develops. This larva (Figure 19.10) is built along The larvae of some loriciferans encyst for a period of
the same general body plan as the adult, but it possess­ time before metamorphosis. Figure 19.11 shows a typi­
es a pair of "toes'' at the posterior end that are used for cal life cycle for species in the family Pliciloricidae.
THE SCALIDOPHORA Phy la Kinorhyncha, Priapula, and Lor icifera 705

cycle, with
larvae External Internal
(G) maturation


Sexual cycle

(Ml) (M2)


. .. ..•.. . .
' •. 1 • ••

Figure 19.11 The life cycle of Pliciloricidae, with all the (J) Penultimate larva with ghost larva and embryos ins ide.
newly discovered "loops" in the life history. (A) Egg. (K) First instar Higgins larva. (L) Free postlarva. (M1) Adult
(8) Embryo in the egg. (C) First instar Higgins larva. female. (M2) Adult mal e. (N) Last instar Higgins larva with
(D) Late instar Higgins larva. (E) Penultimate larva with postlarva inside. (0) Last instar Higgins larva with post­
ghost larva and embryos inside. (F) Free ghost larva. l arva and young adult inside
(G) Egg. (H) Embryo in egg. (I) Fi rst instar Higgins larva.
706 Chapter Nineteen

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The Emergence of the
Tardigrades, Onychophorans,
and the Arthropod Body Plan

rth.ropods constitute 81.5% of all described living animal species. They

are so abundant, so diverse, and play such vital roles in all of Earth's
envirorunents that we devote five chapters to them. The present chap­
ter is divided into three parts, first introducing the close allies of the
arthropods-the phyla Tardigrada (v.1 ater bears) and Onychophora (velvet
worms; Peripatus and their kin). Then we introduce the a.rth.ropods themselves,
exploring the general body plan and basic unifying features of the phylum and
ho,,v this combination of features has led to its preeminent success. Finally, we
provide a brief overview of arthropod evolution. Detailed treatments of the
living arthropod subphyla (Crustacea, Hexapoda, Myriapoda, Chel.icerata) are
provided in Chapters 21-24.
The close relationship among the Onychophora,
Tardigrada, and Arthropoda has rarely been ques­
tioned, and this clade is knov.1n as the Panarthropo­
Classification of The Animal da. Panarthropoda co1nprises one of the three great
Kingdom (Metazoa) clades of Ecdysozoa, or the molting protostomes.
The Panarthropoda arose in ancient Precambrian
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata seas 550 to 600 m.illion years ago, and the arthro­
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIOA
pods, in particular, have undergone a tren1endous
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHIOPODA evolutionary radiation since then. TI1ere are over
PHYLUM CNI DARI A ECDYSQZQA one m.illion described living arthropod species,
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida as compared with 1,200 tardigrades and 200 ony­
PHYLUM NEMATODA chophorans (Table 20.1). For years it \vas thought
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) that tardigrades were the sister group to the A r ­
ScaJidophora thropoda, but recent molecular phylogen.ies sug­
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA gest that onychophorans are the sister group to Ar­
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LOR IC I FERA thropoda, and that Tardigrada is the sister group to
Se1BAuA Panarthropoda that pairing. However, the final word on this has
PHYLUM TAROIGRAOA probably not yet been written.
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA Today, arthropods occur in virtually every en­
vironment on Earth, exploiting every imaginable
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA lifestyle (Figure 20.lC-J). Modern forms range
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA in size from tiny mites and crustaceans less than
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHELICERATA 1 mm long to Japanese spider crabs (Mncroc/1eirn
Deuterostomia kne111pferi) with leg spans that reach nearly 4 m.
Our inadequate knowledge of Earth's biodiversity
PHYLUM ROTIFERA ,Paraphyletic group The section on Onychophora has be-en revised by Gonzalo
Giribet. The section on Tardigrada has been revised by
Reinhardt M0bjerg Kristensen and Richard C. Brusca.
(A) (B)

(CJ (0)

(E) (F)

(G) (H)
• ."
-A '�.
,._, ,, "11" . .' � �
•-- ):

. I" "-•. '·\.

.i d ·\'• . ... "

, ......_ .·. . ..'➔�, ....
. ..

.,,..,'· •, .. . .

. -:"1-!�
-,..,:.--· •. ,....,.�;,.., ·,
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, -'-••
. ...... . , .
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- . - ...
..,;; . . · .
-� . ,

(I) Ol

◄ Figure 20.1 Examples of the Panarthropoda.

(A) Phylum Tardigrada; a water bear with developing
oocytes. (B) Phylum Onychophora; a velvet worm. BOX 20A Characteristics of the
(C,D) Phylum Arthropoda, subphylum Crustacea. Phylum Tardigrada
(C) The oceanic shrimp, Sicyonia ingentis. (D) A clam
1. W ith modified, or non-teloblastic segmentation;
shr i mp (order Diplostraca). (E) Phylum Arthropoda, sub­
phylum Trilobita. {F,G,H) Phylum Arthropoda, subphy­ 4 pairs o f legs
lum Chelicerata. (F) A horseshoe crab, Limulus {C lass 2. Malpighian tubules endodermally derived; without
Merostomata). (G) An orchard spider, Leucauge (a long­ cuticle
jawed orb-weaver; class Arachnida). (H) A pycnogonid 3. Muscles are isolated bands.
{cl ass Pycnogonida). {I) Phylum Arthropoda, subphylum
4. With non-jointed, tel escopic legs lacking intrinsic
Myriapoda. A lithobiomorphan centipede. (J) Phylum
Arthropod, subphylum Hexapoda. A horse lubber grass­
hopper (Taeniopoda eques), from Arizona. 5. With a unique nerve connection between the first
bra in lobe and first ventral trunk gangl ion, not seen
in any other Metazoa
6. Body coe lom greatly reduced and functioning as a
is apparent when we consider the estimates of n u m ­
hemocoel (defined coelomic compartments restrict­
bers of undescribed species of arthropods, which range ed to gonadal cavities)
from 3 million to over 100 miUion species. Most of this
7. With thin, uncal cified cut icle
undiscovered diversity resides a1nong the insects and
8. Body wall without sheetl ike circular musc l e layer
mites on land and the crustaceans in the sea. Whether
we lean toward the conservative or the liberal e s t i ­ 9. Some w ith striated muscle
mates, we are struck by the reality that no other phy­ 1O. Mouth terminal or ventral
lum approaches the n,agnitude of species richness 11. Without discrete blood vessel s, gas exchange
seen in arthropods. One n1ight say, the modern world structures, and true metanephridia
belongs to the arthropods. Yet, despite their o v e r ­ 12. Capabl e of pronounced anabios is/cryptobiosis
whelming diversity, the arthropods share a suite of
fundamental similarities and a distinct unifying body
plan that we describe in this chapter. But first, ,,ve
begin our discussion with the less diverse, but equal­ Canada and Mi/11esi11111 swolenskyi from New Jersey
ly charismatic relatives of the arthropods-the water (USA). But recently, rock fossils of tardigrades were
bears and velvet worms. discovered in the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang depos­
its of China and the mid-Cambrian Orsten deposits of
Siberia, specimens fro1n the latter having only three
pairs of legs (Box 20A).
Phylum Tardigrada Recent phylogenomic analyses, as well as neu­
The first recorded observation of a tardigrade was by roanatomical studies, support the traditional viev. ,
Eichhorn in 1767. Since then, about 1,200 species have that tardigrades are part of the Panarthropoda clade.
been described. Fossil tardigrades are very rare, and Although the phylogenetic position of tardigrades rela­
until very recently the only described fossils were from tive to Onychophora is still debated, the most recent
North American Cretaceous amber-Beorn leggi from evidence suggests Onychophora is the sister group to

TABLE 20.1 A Comparison of the Panarthropod Phyla

Number of Musc l es isolated
Phylum descri bed species Malpighian tubul es as bands Jointed legs Compound eyes

Tardigrada 1,200 Present; endodennally To some degree No No

Onychophora 200 Absent Partly No No
Crustacea 70,000 Absent Strongly Yes Yes
Hexapoda About 926,990 Present; ectodermally Strongly Yes Yes
Myriapoda 16,360 Present; ectodermally Strongly Yes Yes
Chel icerata 113,335 Present; endodermally Strongly Yes Yes
Trilobita (extinct) >15,000 Unknown Strongly Yes Yes
712 Chapter Twenty

(C) (D) (E)

�(9---';,, -Symbiotic


(F) ,,

l:: \

• ¾,
Figure 20.2 Phylum Tardigrada. Representative tardi•
grades. (A) Halobiotus crispae, a marine species common
on brown al gae in Greenland. This species undergoes
a yearly cyc lomorphosis involving a special hibernation
stage (the pseudosimplex) during which it overwinters in
the icy Greenland littoral zone. (B) Echiniscoides sigis­
mundi (ventral v iew), a littoral species from Denmark.
(C) Wingstrandarctus corallinus. (D,E) Styraconyx qivitoq
(ventral and dorsal views), a tardigrade that lives on ecto­
Arthropoda, while Tardigrada is likely the sister group procts and has been collected only in Greenland. (F) A
to that grouping. marine water bear, Florarctus heimi (Arthrotardigrada),
Most living tardigrade species are found in semi­ from coal sand at Heron Island, Australia. A male with
aquatic habitats such as the water films on mosses, li­ extremely long primary clavae (chemoreceptors).
chens, liverworts, and certain angiosperms, or in soil
and forest litter. Others live in various freshv,,ater and up to 300,000 per square n1eter in soil and more than
marine benthic habitats, both deep and shallow, often 2,000,000 per square meter i n moss. All are small, usu­
interstitially or among shore algae. A few, very inter­ ally on the order of 0.1-0.5 mm in length, although
esting species have been reported from hot springs. some 1.3 mm giants have been reported.
Some marine species are commensals on the pleopods Under the microscope, tardigrades resemble mirtia­
of isopods or the gills of mussels; others are ectopara­ ture eight-legged bears, especially as they move with
sites on the epidermis of holothurians or barnacles. a lumbering, ursine gait-hence the name Tardigrada
Tardigrades occasionally occur in high densities, (Latin tnrdus, "slow"; grndus, "step"). Their locomotion,

The resistant qualities of tardigrade tuns in anhy­

drobiosis have been demonstrated by experiments in
which individuals have recovered after immersion in
extremely toxic compounds such as brine, ether, abso­
lute alcohol, and even liquid helium. They have sur­
vived temperatures ranging from +149°C to -272°C, on
the brink of absolute zero.They have also survived high
vacuums, intense ionizing radiation, and long periods
with no environmental oxygen whatsoever. Following
desiccation, when water is again available, the animals
swell and beco1ne active within a few hours. Many
rotifers, nematodes, mites, and a few insects are also
known for their anabiotic powers, and these groups
often occur together in the surface water films of plants
such as mosses and lichens. Tardigrades are also fow,d
on the Greenland ice sheet, in the so-called cryoconite
holes formed by stardust and dark terrestrial material
such as soot and volcanic dust, ,.-,here few other n,eta­
zoans can survive. Experiments with tardigrades in an­
hydrobiosis have demonstrated they can even survive
at least several months in the outer space. The BlOPAN
6 experiment in 2007 showed that tardigrades from
Figure 20.3 The giant eutardigrade Richtersius coro­ n,osses (Figure 20.3) could survive outside the space­
nifer, from moss on the Swedish island of Oland. The craft in anl,ydrobiosis for several months. In the n1ost
cryptob iotic tun of this species survived experiments in extreme case, embryos of Mi/nes111n tardigradu111 kept for
outer space. three months in the outer space hatch had 100% surviv­
al after rehydration.
One marine tardigrade genus (Echiniscoides) s u r ­
paunchy body, and clawed legs have earned them the vives quite well with a life cycle that regularly alter­
nickname "water bears" (Figures 20.lA and 20.2-20.10). nates between active (Figure 20.2B) and tun stages,
Most terrestrial tardigrade species are widespread and it can even survive an experimentally induced
and many might b e cosmopolitan. A major factor in cycle forcing it to undergo cryptobiosis every six hours!
their wide distribution is probably the fact that their Evidence indicates that the tardigrade aging process
eggs, cysts, and tuns (see below) are light enough and largely ceases during cryptobiosis, and that by alter­
resistant enough to be carried great distances either nating active and cryptobiotic periods tardigrades may
by winds or on sand and mud clinging to the feet of extend their life span to several decades. One rather
insects, birds, and other animals. The minute sizes sensational report described a dried Italian museum
and precarious habitats of water bears have resulted specimen of moss that yielded living tardigrades when
in numerous traits also seen in some blastocoelomate moistened after 120 years on the shelf! However, this
groups that live in sin,ilaT habitats. specimen died shortly later. Recent genon,ic analyses
Tardigrades are well known for their remarkable of tardigrades indicate this group has acquired a huge
powers of anabiosis (a state of dormancy that involves number of foreign genes into its own genome, by way
greatly reduced metabolic activity during unfavor­ of horizontal gene transfer, from various Eubacteria,
able environmental conditions) and cryptobiosis (an Archaea, and even plants and fungi. These adopted
extren,e state of anabiosis in which all external signs genes, which may co1nprise as much as 17.5% of the
of n,etabolic activity are absent). Soil and fresh-water tardigrades DNA, might play a role in the ability of
tardigrades, during dry periods when the ponds or water bears to withstand extreme stresses.
vegetation they inhabit becomes desiccated, encyst by In certain areas of extreme environmental condi­
pulling in their legs, losing body water, and secreting tions, marine tardigrades may undergo an annual
a double-walled cuticular envelope arotmd the shriv­ cycle of cyclomorphosis (rather than the cryptobiosis
eled body. Such anabiotic cysts maintain a very low typical of terrestrial and freshwater forms). During
basal metabolism. Further reorganization (or "deor­ cyclomorphosis, two distinct morphologies alten,ate.
ganization") of the body can result in a single-walled For example, Halobiotus crispae, a littoral species first
tun stage, in which body metabolism is w1detectable (a found in Greenland, (Figures 20.2A and 20.4), has a
cryptobiotic state). The extreme expression cryptobio­ summer morph and a winter morph. The latter is a
sis is the anhydrobiosis state, in which terrestrial tardi­ special hibernation stage called the pseudosimplex
grades can survive as dry tuns for many years. that is resistant to freezing temperatures and perhaps
714 Chapter Twenty

Figure 20.4 Cyclomorphosis in t h e marine tardigrade, (A)

Halobiotus crispae from Greenland; frontal views.
(A) The hibernation stage, pseudosimplex 1 (winter form,
with double cuticle). (B) Pseudosimplex 2 (spring form,
with thin cuticle and small claws). (C) The sexually mature
stage (summer form, with large claws). (D) The molting
(simplex) stage, with closed mouth opening (molting ani­
ma l s can be found year round).

(C ) (D) ,,

, ,.

gland cell- ::;::;;�..,.:;,,
Symbiotic ��+:�� low salinities. In contrast to cryptobiotic tuns, the pseu­
dosimplex i s active and motile. Cyclomorphosis is
coupled with gonadal development, and in Greenland
only the sumn1er morph is sexually mature.
The phylum Tardigrada comprises 22 families in
Coxal three classes: Heterotardigrada, Mesotardigrada, and
gland---' ,.,--+,"""-,.,-
Eutardigrada. The classes are defined largely on the
basis of the details of the head appendages, the na­
ture of the leg claws, and the presence or absence of
Semi nal ...,._,__Leg
receptacle- � �-
"Malpighian tubules." The class Mesotardigrada is
.,,- spine
interesting because the single species Then11ozodi11111 es­
Anus- - -
-+,'-:--,1!"�=--'--';m nkii is known only from the hot springs of Unzen Park,
near Nagasaki, Japan (and it has not been found since

Figure 20.5 Tardigrade anatomy. (A) Wingstrandarctus

corallinus (ventral view), an inhabitant of shallow, sandy
(B) Median cirrus marine habitats in Austra l ia and Florida. (B) Batillipes n o e r ­
Internal cirrus \ revangi (ventral v iew). (C) Generalized l=chiniscus (dorsal
� view).
"- (C)

Frontal pla te


·' Dorsolateral sp ine

... Dorsal spine

-Lateral spine
or filament

Anus Cirrus

Dcnta te collar 7

Figure 20.6 Body plan of a generalized tardigrade. .19

� � c

'�� I>
,_., � .,._�
C, -,.,
<$'- �

"'" �
�,;,YI �<S'
» �e

e,<F <I.�� <,y,0� «,�''l:,"' <:J'�<.'>�_,<fo0""\

Lateral cirrus-__,
Primary dava
cimls �c:::,,t:-:---Caudal ganglion
Deuterocerebrum--'IH'f- ---Seminal receptacle
Secondary clava LJ!---
Exten1al cirrus­
�-Claw gland


the end of the Second World War). Heterotardigrades 20.2B and 20.7). The claws may be modified as adhe­
include the orders Arthrotardigrada (nearly all ma­ sive pads or discs, or the claws may resen1ble those of
rine) and Echiniscoidea (marine-lin1nic-terrestrial). onychophorans (Figure 20.7). In the marine arthrotar­
Eutardigrades comprises two orders, Apochela (lim­ digrades (Figures 20.2C and 20.SA), the legs are strong­
nic-terrestrial) and Parachela (limnic-terrestrial, ex­ l y telescopic, and the leg consists of a so-cal.led coxa,
cept for two secondarily marine genera). femur, tibia, and tarsus; however there is no evidence
that these leg "segments" are homologous to those of
arthropod legs.
The Tardigrade Body Plan As in onychophorans, the body is covered by a thin,
uncalcified cuticle that is periodically molted. It is
Tardigrades have four pairs of ventrolateral legs (Fig­ often ornamented and occasionally divided into sym­
ures 20.2, 20.5, and 20.6). The legs of eutardigrades metrically arranged dorsal and lateral (rarely ventral)
(Figure 20.2A) are short, hollow extensions of the body plates (Figures 20.2 and 20.SC). These plates may be
wall, essentially lobopodal in design, and similar to the homologous with the sclerites of arthropods, but this
lobopodal legs of onychophorans. Each leg terminates is not certain. The cuticle shares some features with
in one or as many as a dozen or so "claws" (Figures both onychophorans and arthropods, but it is also


Figure 20.7 Tardigrade feet. (A) The foot of
Halechiniscus. (B) Claw types from Echiniscus.
(C) Typical claws from Macrobiotus. (D) The feet of
Orzeliscus (l eft) and Batillipes (ri ght), showing adhe­
sive discs or pads on the claws.
716 Chapter Twenty

---Cilium Like the coelom of arthropods and onychophorans,

the adult coelom of tardigrades is greatly reduced a11d
___ Honeycomb layer of cuticle confined largely to the gonadal cavities. The main body
cavity is thus a hemocoel, and the colorless body fluid
directly bathes the internal organs and body muscula­
ture. The musculature of tardigrades is quite different
from that of onychophora11s, in which the body wall
muscles are in sheetlike layers; in tardigrades there is
no circular muscle layer in the body wall, and the mus­
cles occur in separate bands extending between s u b ­
cuticular attachment points, a s they do in arthropods
(Figure 20.6).
Cuticular support pillar I t was long thought that tardigrades possessed only
smooth muscle, in contrast t o the striated muscles of
arthropods, and in the past this feature was used as an
argument against a close relationship between these
two phyla. However, we now kllow that both smooth
and striated n1uscles occur in tardi.grades, the latter
predon1.inantly in the class Arthrotardigrada. The stri­
4--Trichogen cell
ated muscles are of the arthropod type, being cross­
[,?---Sheath cell striated rather than obliquely-striated like those of on­
ychophorans. Numerous fine structural details of the
muscle attachment regions are also shared between
tardigrades and arthropods. R. M. Kristensen has sug­
Figure 20.8 Base of an external bristle of Batillipes gested that a partial shift from arthropod-like striated
noerrevangi (l ongitudinal section), showing the relation­ n1uscle to smooth n1uscle in some tardigrades might
ship between the various cells and the cuticl e.
have accompanied a transition from the marine to the
terrestrial environment, and it might be functionally
unique in certain ways-for example, the epicuticle tied to the phenomenon of cryptobiosis. Furthermore,
often has support pillars (Figure 20.8). Elsewhere the both slow and fast nerve fibers occur in tardigrades,
cuticle comprises up to seven distinguishable layers, the former predon1inating in the son1atic musculature
contains various sclerotized ("tanned") proteins and and the latter in the leg musculature. However, the leg
always chitin in the procuticle, and it lines the foregut musculature appears to be entirely extrinsic, like that
and rectum. The cuticle is secreted by an underlying of onychophorans, with one muscle attachment near
epidermis, v.,hich is composed of a constant cell num­ the tip of the leg and the other within the body proper.
ber in many (but not all) species. Such eutely is com­ Many of the muscle bands in tardigrades consist of
mon in minute metazoans, and we have noted several only a single muscle cell or a few large muscle cells
other examples among the blastocoelomate phyla (e.g., each.
rotifers). Gro�vth in tardigrades proceeds by molts, as
in onychophorans and arthropods, with sexual matu­ Locomotion The concentration of n1uscles as dis­
rity being attained after three to six instars. Not only crete units and the thick cuticle in tardigrades demands
is the cuticle molted-the buccal canal, the two stylets, a different loco111otory strategy than the primarily
the two stylet supports, and the distal part of legs with hydrostatic system seen in onychophorans. Instead,
claws or toes are also re-formed during ecdysis. Both tardigrades use a step-by-step gait controlled by
the claws and the stylets are formed in special glands­ independent antagonistic sets of muscles or by flexor
called style! and claw glands (Figures 20.SA and 20.6). n1uscles that work against hemocoelic pressure. The
During ecdysis the animal cannot eat, and the mouth claws, pads, or discs at the ends of the legs are used for
opening is closed. This stage is called the simplex purchase and for clinging to objects, such as strands of
stage. vegetation or sediment particles (Figure 20.7). And, at
Although the body is quite short, it is nevertheless least one marine species Tholoarctus 11atans is capable of
homonomous and rather weakly cephalized. Non­ limited jellyfish-like swimming by use of a bell-shaped
marine tardigrades are often colorful animals, exhib­ expansion of the cuticle margin to keep it suspended
iting shades of pink, purple, green, red, yellow, gray, just above the sediment.
and black. Color is determined by cuticular pigments,
the color of the food in the gut, or the presence of gran­ Feeding, digestion, and excretion Tardigrades
ular bodies with carotene in the coelomocyte cells sus­ usually feed on the fluids inside plant or animal
pended in the hemocoel. cells by piercing the cell walls with a pair of oral

stylets. S o i l -dwelling species feed on bacteria, algae, on diffusion through the body wall and the extensive
and decaying plant n1atter or are predators on small body cavity. The body fluid contains numerous cells
invertebrates. Carnivorous and omnivorous tardi­ (sometimes called coelomocytes) credited with a stor­
grades have a tern1inal mouth; herbivorous and detri­ age function.
tivorous ones have a ventral mouth.
The mouth opens into a short stomodeal buccal Nervous system and sense organs The nervous s y s ­
tube, which leads to a bulbous, muscular pharynx tem o f tardigrades is built o n the arthropod plan and is
(Figure 20.6). A large pair of salivary glands flank distinctly metamerous. A large dorsal cerebral gangli­
the esophagus and produce digestive secretions that on is connected to a subpharyngeal ganglion by a pair
empty into the mouth cavity; these glands also are r e ­ of commissures surrounding the buccal tube (Figure
sponsible for the production of a new pair of oral sty­ 20.6). From the subpharyngeal ganglion, a pair of v e n ­
lets with each molt, hence they are often referred to as tral nerve cords extends posteriorly, connecting a chain
style! glands (Figures 20.SA and 20.6). The muscular of four pairs of ganglia that serve the four pairs of legs.
pharynx produces suction that attaches the mouth As a unique apomorphy for aU tardigrades, there exists
tightly to a prey item during feeding and pumps the a nerve connective between the first brain lobe and the
cell fluids out of the prey and into the gut. In many s p e ­ first ventral trwlk ganglion. Sensory bristles or spines
cies there is a characteristic arrangement of chitinous occur on the body, particularly in the anterior and ven­
rods, or placoids, within an expanded region of the tral region and on the legs. The structure of these bris­
pharynx. These rods provide support for the n1uscula­ tles is essentially homologous to that of arthropod setae
ture of that region and may contribute to masticating (Figure 20.8). A pair of sensory eyespots is often pres­
action. The pharynx empties into an esophagus, which ent inside the dorsal brain. Each eyespot consists of five
in turn opens into a large intestine (midgut), 1-vhere di­ cells, one of which is a pigmented light-sensitive cell
gestion and absorption take place. The short hindgut with both a n1icrovilli and modified ciliary structure.
(the cloaca or rectum) leads to a terminal anus. In son1e Recent research using neural markers has suggested
species defecation accompanies molting, with the feces tardigrades may have a o n e -s egmented head, but
and cuticle being abandoned together. Several marine subsequent work has shown that the brain and sense
arthrotardigrades have symbiotic bacteria in cephalic organs are tripartite, suggesting more work is needed.
vesicles (Figures 20.2C and 20.SA). In Wingstrnndarc/11s The anterior end of many heterotardigrades bears
these bacteria may be used when the tardigrades are long sensory cirri, and most of these species also have
starving. The vesicles can be empty 1, vhen the tardi­ one to three pairs of hollow anterior sensory structures
grades have a full, green gut content, indicating they called clavae that are probably chemosensory in nature
have been feeding on plant material. (Figures 20.2C and 20.SA,B,C). The clava appears struc­
At the intestine-hindgut junction in freshwater and turally similar to the olfactory seta of many arthropods.
terrestrial species of eutardigrades there are three large Many males have longer clavae than females.
glandular structures that are called Malpighian tubules
(Figure 20.6), each consisting of only about nine cells. Reproduction and development Many tardigrades
The precise nature of these organs is not well under­ are gonochoristic, with both sexes possessing a single
stood, but they are probably not homologous to the saclike gonad lying above the gut. In males, the gonad
Malpighian tubules of arthropods. 1n at least one ma­ terminates as two sperm ducts, suggesting that the sin­
rine eutardigrade genus (Hnlobiotus), the Malpighian t u ­ gle gonad is derived fron1 an ancestral paired condition.
bules are greatly enlarged and have an osmoregulatory The ducts extend to a single gonopore, which opens just
function. It is probable that some excretory products are in front of the anus or into the rectun1. In females a single
absorbed through the gut wall and eliminated 1-vith the oviduct (right or left) opens either through a gonopore
feces; other 1,vaste products may be deposited in the old anterior to the anus or into the rectum (which in this case
cuticle prior to molting.In terrestrial heterotardigrades, is called a cloaca) (Figure 20.6). There are two con1plex
excretory and ion/ osn1oregulatory structures are found se1ninal receptacles (e.g., Arthrotardigrada) that open
between the second and third pairs of legs. However, separately (Figure 20.SA), or a single small seminal
in several marine arthrotardigrades segmental trunk receptacle (e.g., some Eutardigrada) that opens into the
glands are open at the base of the legs (Figures 20.SA rechun near the cloaca (Figure 20.6).
and 20.6), and a single pairs of these segmental glands is Males are unknown in some terrestrial genera, but
located in the head. These glands may be homologous most tardigrades that have been studied copulate and
witl1 the coxal glands of arthropods. lay eggs, and copulation i s amazingly diverse among
these little water bears. Parthenogenesis may be com­
Circulation and gas exchange Perhaps because of mon in some terrestrial species, notably those in which
their small size and 1noist habitats, tardigrades have n1ales are u1lknown. Hermaphroditis1n has also been
no traces of discrete blood vessels, gas exchange struc­ reported in a few genera. Dwarf males have been re­
tures, or true metanephridia; consequently, they rely cently discovered in several marine genera. 1n some
718 Chapter Twenty

tardigrades the n1ale deposits spern1 directly into the

female's seminal receptacles (or cloaca) or into the
body cavity by cuticular penetration. In the latter case
fertilization takes place in the ovary. In other tardi­
grades, a ,,vonderfully curious form of indirect fertiliza­
tion takes place: the n1ale deposits sperm beneath the
cuticle of the female prior to her molt, and fertilization
occurs when she later deposits eggs i n the shed cuticu­
lar cast (Figure 20.9). Several studies have shown ta.rdi­
grade sperm to be uniflagellate. In at least a few marine
species, a primitive courtship behavior exists, wherein
the male strokes the female with his cirri. Thus stim­
ulated, the female deposits her eggs on a sand grain,
upon which the male then spreads his spern,.
Females lay from 1 to 30 eggs a t a time, depending on
the species. I n strictly aquatic species the fertilized eggs
are either left in the shed cuticle or glued to a submerged
object. The eggs of many terrestrial species bear thick,
sculptured shells that resist drying (Fi gure 20.10). Some
species alternate between tlun-,valled and tllick-walled
eggs, depending on environmental conditions. Figure 20.9 (A) Sculptured eggs of terrestrial tardi­
There have been only a few studies on tardigrade grades. (B) A femal e Hypsibius annulatus in the process
embryology. Development appears to be direct and of molting an egg-contai ning cuticle.
rapid, but indeterminate. Cleavage has been described
as holoblastic and radial. A blastula develops, with a
small blastocoel; eventually i t proliferates an inner these remarkable animals may live only a few months
mass of endoderm that later hollows to form the arch­ or may survive for a great many years.
enteron. Stomodeal a n d proctodeal invaginations
develop, completing the digestive tube. Subsequent
to gut formation, five pairs of archenteric coelomic
pouches are said to appear off the gut, reminiscent
Phylum Onychophora
of the enterocoelous development of many deutero­ The first living onychophoran (Greek onycho, "talon";
stomes. The first pair arises from the stomodellln ( e c ­ phorn, "bearer") was described by the Reverend Lans­
toderm) and the last four pairs from the midgut (en­ down Guilding i n 1826 as a leg-bearing slug (a mol­
doderm). The two posterior pouches fuse to form the lusc). Since that irlitial discovery, 200 or so species of
gonad; t h e others disappear as their cells disperse to onychophorans have been described, 180 of which are
form the body musculature. considered valid, and probably at least that many more
Tardigrades were long thought to have typical telo­ remain to be discovered (Figure 20.lA-G). All the liv­
blastic segmentation. Typically, this means there is a ing species are terrestrial, constituting the only a.nirnal
growtl, zone fron, whid, the new body segn1ents arise. phylun1 that i s entirely land-bound, although the f o s ­
However, recent work has shown that tardigrades d e ­ sil record informs us that they originated fron1 mariJ1e
velop all four pairs of legs and the coeloms very early ancestors. And, we now know tl1at onychophoran rela­
in embryogenesis, and the legs are present when they tives known as lobopodians were part of the explo­
hatch. So teloblastic segmentation may be modified i n sive marine diversification in the early Cambrian (see
Ii ving species. However, extinct Cambrian tardigrades Chapter 1). Their fossils have been found in middle
fron1 Siberian limestone n1ay have had teloblastic s e g ­ Cambrian n1arine faunas at several localities (e.g., Ay­
mentation-the s1nallest specimens have only three shenin ped11nc11/nta from the famous nliddle Cainbrian
pairs of legs, and larger specimens have limb buds for Burgess Shale deposits of British Columbia, Canada;
the fourth pair of legs. Development in living species is and Aysheain prolntn from a similar deposit in Utah), in
typically completed in 14 days or less, whereupon the the remarkable Chengjiang Lower Cambrian (520-530
young use their stylets to break out of the shell (Figure Ma) deposits of China, and i n the equally stunning
20.lOC). Swedish Upper Cambrian Orsten faw1a. Perhaps the
Juveniles lack adult coloration, have fewer lateral most famous lobopodan fossil is the amazing Cam­
and dorsal spines and cirri, and may have reduced brian genus Hnll11cigenin, long a n1ystery because it
nU111bers of claws. At birth, the nU111ber of cells in the was originally interpreted i n an upside -down orienta­
body is relatively fixed, and growth is primarily by in­ tion, but later turned right side up and discovered to
creases in cell size rather than in cell number. In nature, possess long dorsal spines (Figure 20.12A). The fossil

(A) (B) Figure 20.1 O The egg and develop-

ing embryo of Austeruseus faeroensis
(Eutardigrada). (A) Surface ornamenta­
tion of egg. (8) Developing embryo inside
the egg shell. (C) Drawing of developing
embryo inside the egg shell.

20 1•m 20 1•m

(C) deal of research on onychophorans, aimed at under­

standing the early steps in the evolution of Earth's larg­
est animal phylum. Indeed, research on velvet worms
has undergone a revival in the twenty-first century
with a plethora of studies focusing on their develop­
ment, the nervous system, segmentation, as "'ell as
taxonomic and biogeographic treatments.
Living onychophorans comprise two families, Peri­
patidae and Peripatopsidae (Figure20.11). The former
i s circumtropical in distribution (with multiple spe­
cies in the Neotropics, one in West Africa, and a few
in southeast Asia), whereas the latter is circumaustral
(confined to the temperate Southern Hemisphere),
with species in Chile, South Africa, New Guinea,
20 1•m
Australia, and New Zealand. During dry periods, vel­
vet worms retire to protective burrows or other retreats
\¥here they can preserve 1noisture and become inac­
record of crown-group Onychophora is, however, r e ­ tive. During wet periods they can be found actively
stricted to t,vo Carboniferous deposits, one from the hunting at night, inside damp fallen tree logs, or in leaf
Middle Pennsylvanian Mazon Creek (USA), and one litter in the regions where they live. Onychophorans
from the Stephanian deposits of Montcea u -l es-Mines live for several years, during which time periodic molt­
(France), in addition to a few amber deposits from the ing takes place, as often as every two weeks in some
Cretaceous of Myanmar, and the early Tertiary of the species (Box208).
Baltic Sea and Dominican Republic (Figure 20.11).
Onychophora constitute an old group that has
changed very Little over the past 310 million years, but ONYCHOPHORA
at some point in its long history successfully invaded FAMILY PERIPATIDAE 19 to 43 leg pairs, gen ital opening
the terrestrial environment prior to the Carboniferous, between the penultimate pair; w ith a d iastema on the inner
when the first unambiguous crown-group onychopho­ blades of the jaws. Tropical distribution, 74 spec i es in 1 O
rans first appear in the fossil record. Like arthropods genera: Eoperipatus (Soutlleast Asia), Mesoperipatus (West
and tardigrades, onychophorans are segmented ani­ Africa), and a series of poorly characterized genera from the
mals, and they have features that are somewhat inter­ Neotropics, Epiperipatus, Heteroperipatus, Macroperipatus,
mediate between those of tardigrades and arthropods. Oroperipatus, Peripatus, Plicatoperipatus, Speleoperipatus,
The three phyla together comprise the clade called
Panarthropoda. Due to their special type of segmen­ FAMILY PERIPATOPSIDAE 13 to 29 leg pai rs, genital open­
tation, in the past, workers regarded onychophorans ing between the last pair ; without a diastema on the inner
as "living fossils," or "missing links" between other blades of the jaws. Temperate to tropical in the southern
segmented soft-bodied ani1nals like annelids, and the hemisphere, 106 species in 39 genera, e.g., Austroperipa­
arthropods. However, molecular phylogenetic stud­ tus, Cephalofovea, Euperipatoides, Kumbadjena, Nodo­
ies nO'A' place the annelids in the Spiralia, quite distant capitus, Occiperipatoides, Ooperipatellus, Ooperipatus,
from the Panarthropoda, which are ecdysozoans.Their Opisthopatus, Paraperipatus, Peripatoides, Peripatopsis,
close relationship to arthropods has triggered a great Phallocephale, Planipapillus, Tasmanipatus.
720 Chapter Twenty

(8) '·
<I:.!: ...
•• ' ��.

(C) (D)



Figure 20.11 Some onychophorans. (A) Peripatoides

sp. from Waikato, North Island, New Zealand. (B) Peri•
patoides aurorbis, Kahurango National Park, North Island,
New Zealand. (C) Peripatopsis moseteyi, Karkloof Nature
Reserve East, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. (D) Peri­
patopsis capensis, Marloth Nature Reserve, South Africa.
(E) Unidentified Per ipatidae from the Central Amazon
Conservation Complex, Roraima. Brazil. (F) Peripatopsis
alba, Wynberg Cave, Table Mountain National Park,
South Afri ca. (G) An undescribed fossi l onychophoran
from the Stephanian deposits of the Montc,eau-les-Mines
Lagerstiltte, late Carboniferous of France.
(A) (C)

':''- ,• .,
. ..


Figure 20.12 Reconstructions of Cambrian mari ne

lobopodians. (A) The enigmat ic Hallucigenia sparsa,
wi th two rows of long dorsal spines. (B) Ony•
chodictyon ferox from the Lower Cambrian
Changjiang deposits of China, with dorsal spi nes
and papi llae. (C) Aysheaia pedunculata, from middle
Cambrian Burgess shal e deposits. (D) In 2015 the
remarkable lobopodan fossil Col/insium ciliosum was
described from the Cambrian Xiaoshiba deposit in
southern China (not far from the famous Changjiang
deposit). Li ke Hallucigenia, its dorsum is covered with
long hard spines, but wi th many more than seen in
Hallucigenia-up to 72 in fact. It also differs from Hallucigenia in having distinctly dif­
ferent anterior and poster ior legs; the front legs being brushlike and probably function­
ing as feeding appendages, the rear legs being clawed and likely adapted for clinging
to a sponge or cnidarian or other substratum. Being one of the earliest animal s to
develop armor, and reaching lengths of nearly 1O cm, this species would have been a
striking and form idable Cambri an marine creature. It is further evidence that the ances­
tors to modern Onychophora were far more morphologically and ecologically diverse
than today's vel vet worms. A reconstruction of C . ciliosum is shown below the photo­
graph of the actual fossil.

BOX 20B Characteristics of the Phylum Onychophora

1. Segmentation probably teloblastic; 13-43 pairs of position of legs; cell bodies of serotonergic neurons
legs not arranged in the segmentally repeated and bilater­
2. Muscles are isolated bands. ally symmetrical pattern characteristic of arthropods
(instead, the neurons are scattered in an apparently
3. W i th superficially annulated, non-jointed, telescopic, random fashion along the length of the nerve cord)
lobopodal legs lacking intrinsic musculature; legs with 7. W i th sl ime papillae, poss ibly from modified nephridia
terminal c law (or hooks)
(innervated by ventral nerve cords)
4. Cerebral ganglion (brain ) lies dorsal to pharynx, prob­
ably with only two pairs of ganglia. Protocerebrum 8. Embryonic coelomic cavities fuse with spaces of pri­
innervates eyes and antennae; deutocerebrum inner­ mary body cavity (blastocoel); adult bocly thus a mixo­
vates jaws. coeVhemocoel ; with unique subcutaneous vascular
channels (hemal channels).
5. W ith jaws, probably homologous to chelicerae of
Chelicerata, or antennae of myriapods and hexapods 9. Body wall with sheetlike muscle layer
(first antennae of crustaceans) 10. Gas exchange by tracheae and spi racles (probably
6. Paired ventral nerve cords differ from those of tardi­ not homologous to arthropod trachea)
grades and arthropods, with no relationship between 11. Almost all species gonochoristic
arrangement of med ian or ring commissures and
722 Chapter Twenty

�, (�

Figure 20.13 The "business end" of onychophorans.

(A) Peripatopsis sedgwicki feeding on a piece of meat.

The tips of the jaws are visible within the distended lips. •'
(8) Ventral view of oral region of a genera lized

first antennae of crustaceans, and are innervated by the

deutocerebrum. Although the slime papillae align with
The Onychophoran Body Plan the pedipalps of chelicerates and the second antennae
Modern onychophorans loosely resen1ble caterpillars, of crustaceans, U1ey are innervated by the ventral nerve
ranging from 5 mm to 15 cm i n adult length. Within cords, and not by the tritocerebrwn as i n artllfopods, as
a given species, males are sn1aller than fen1ales and the brain of velvet worn1s seems to comprise only two
normally have fewer legs. Little cephalization is exter­ pairs of ganglia.
nally visible, and body segmentation is homono1nous, Similarly, the paired ventral nerve cords are very
where all legs differ little. Three paired appendages different from those of tardigrades and arthropods,
are found on the head: one pair of fleshy annulated as there is no relationship between the arrangement
antennae, a single pair of jaws, and a pair of fleshy of median or ring commissures and the position of the
oral papillae ("slinte papillae"), resembling a small legs. In addition, the cell bodies of serotonergic neu­
leg, lying posterior to the mouth (Figure 20.13). C i r ­ rons are not arranged in the segmentally repeated and
cular lips surround the jaws. Beady eyes are located bilaterally symmetrical pattern characteristic of artllfo­
at the bases of the antennae in most species, but a few pods and annelids. Rather, these neurons are scattered
species are eyeless (Figure 20.14). The anterior head in an apparently random fashion along the length of
appendages are followed by 13-43 pairs of simple lo­ Ute onychophoran nerve cord. In swnmary, the over­
bopodal (saclike) walking legs. A series of ventral and all arrange1nent of nerve pathways in U1e onychopho­
preventral organs is common among onychophorans ran nerve cord differs markedly from the rope-ladder
and serve as attachment sites for segmental limb d e ­ arrangen1ent in artlu·opods. In fact, it is more similar
pressor muscles. The odgin of these structures can be to the arrangen1ent of orthogonally cross. i ng nerve
traced back in the embryo as lateroventral segmental, pathways found in the nervous systems of various
ectodermal thickenings not associated with the devel­ worm-like protostomes, than to those of tardigrades or
opment of the nervous system. Although the head ap­ arthropods.
pendages and lobopodia are superficially annulated, Externally, the unjointed, fleshy nature of the head
they are not jointed or segn1ented, nor do they possess appendages, the structure of the ja,ovs, and the legs ap­
intrinsic (segmental) musculature. pear quite different to those of arthropods. As such,
The homology of onychophoran head structures the serially arranged, cla-,ved lobopodial append­
with those of annelids and arthropods has long been ages of onychophorans (including certain enigmatic
a matter of debate, but the issue now seems resolved, fossil forms) have no clear counterpart in the animal
in part thanks to the use of DNA labeling, immunocy­ kingdom.
tochemistry, and neuronal tracing techniques in devel­ The body is covered by a thin chitinous cuticle (con­
oping en1bryos. The eyes and antennae are innervated taining et-chitin, as in arthropods) that is molted, as is
by the protocerebrwn, wilike in any living arthropod in all other ecdysozoans. However, unlike that of a r ­
where the protocerebrum innervates only the eyes. The thropods, the cuticle of onychophorans is soft, thin,
jaws are homologous to the chelicerae of chelicerates, flexible, very permeable, and not divided into articulat­
or to the antennae of myriapods and hexapods, or the ing plates or sclerites, but instead is annulated like that

(A) (B)

Figure 20.14 Although a few species of onychophorans

are blind, most have small beady eyes that are homolo­
gous to the simple eyes of arthropods. (A) Epiperipatus i s standing or walking, each leg rests on three to six
sp. from Reserva Ducke, Manaus, Amazonia, Brazil. distal transverse pads (Figure 20.15). These lobopodal
(Bl Peri-patopsis moseleyi, Karkloof Nature Reserve, legs are filled .vith he1nocoelic fluid and contain only
Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. extrinsic muscle insertions. Walking is accomplished
by leg mechanics combined with extension and con­
traction of the body by hydrostatic forces exerted via
of priapulans, exhibiting n1ultiple pUcae per segment. the hen1ocoel. Waves of contraction pass from anterior
Beneath the cuticle is a thin epidermis, which overlies a to posterior. When a segment is elongated, the legs are
connective tissue dermis and layers of circular, diago­ lifted from the ground and moved forward. When a
nal, and longitudinal muscles (Figure 20.15). The body segment contracts, a pulling force is exerted and the
surface of onychophorans is covered with wartlike t u ­ n1ore anterior legs are held against the substratum. The
bercles or papillae of multiple kinds, usually arranged overall effect is reminiscent of some types of polychaete
in rings or bands around the trunk and appendages locomotion, wherein the parapodia are used mainly for
that are of taxonomic importance. The tubercles are purchase rather than as legs or paddles.
covered with minute scales. Most onychophorans are The body muscles are a combination of smooth and
distinctly colored blue, green, orange, or black, and the obliquely striated fibers and are arranged sin1ilarly
papillae, sometimes quite colorful, and scales give the t o those of annelids. The thin cuticle, soft body, and
body surface a velvety sheen-hence the common
name "velvet worms."
The coelom formation in relation to that of Circular muscle and connective tissue
arthropods has received considerable recent at­
Heart Pericardia]
tention and is restricted almost entirely to the go­
Hema! channel
nadal cavities in the adult onychophoran. In the
Neotropical species Epiperipntus biol/et.fl the fate of --longitudinal muscle
the embryonic coelomic cavities has been stud- --
ied in detail, providing evidence that embryonic b.---Pericardial floor
coelomic cavities fuse \-Vith spaces of the primary
body cavity (blastocoel). During embryogenesis,
the somatic and splanchni.c portions of the n,e­
soderm separate and the former coelomic linings
are transformed into mesenchymatic tissue. The
resulting body cavity therefore represents a mix-
ture of primary and secondary (coelomi.c) body
cavities, i.e., the "n1ixocoel," but the homology
of the segmental coeloms and nephridia in ony­
chophorans and arthropods (and annelids) is not
supported from the point of view of comparative
anatomy. The hemocoel is also arthropod-like,
longitudinal muscle
being partitioned into sinuses, including a dorsal
pericardia! sinus. Deep dorsoventraJ muscle
Ventral remotor muscle
Locomotion The segmentally paired walking of leg
legs of onychophorans are conical, unjointed,
ventrolateral lobes with a multispined terminal Figure 20.15 Body segment and leg of Peripatopsis (trans­
claw (sometimes called hooks). When the animal verse section). The arrows indicate directi on of blood flow.
724 Chapter Twenty

(B) Figure 20.16 Some onychopho­

ran anatomy. (A) Nephridium from
Trachea Peripatopsis capensis. (B) A tracheal
unit of P . capensis (cross section).
(CJ The body wall of Peripatopsis mose­
/eyi (section). Note the hemal channels
internal to each annular ridge. The ridg­
es bear papillae surmounted by sensory
Sacculus bristles. (D) The eye of an onychopho­
Contractile ran (longitudinal section).



Nephridioporc (Q
Sensory bristle'- Circular Pigment

Oblique muscles---��
Longitudinal muscles --

hydrostatic body plan allow onychophorans to crawl of a pharynx and esophagus. A large, straight intestine
and force their way through narrow passages in their is the principal site of digestion and absorption. The
environment. As \Ve saw in the annelids, the efficiency hindgut (rectum) usually loops forward over tl1e intes­
of a hydrostatic skeleton is enhanced by internal longi­ tine before passing posteriorly to the anus, which is lo­
tudinal communication of body fluids. The ancestors cated ventrally or terminally on the last body segment.
of the onychophorans apparently expanded the blood
vascular system to achieve a hemocoelic hydrostatic Circulation and gas exchange The circulatory s y s ­
skeleton. tem o f onychophorans i s arthropod-like and linked to
the hemocoelic body plan. A tubular heart is open at
Feeding and digestion Onychophora.ns occupy a each end and bears a pair of lateral ostia i11 each s e g ­
niche similar to that of centipedes. They are carnivores ment. The heart lies within a pericardia] sinus. Blood
that prey on small invertebrates such as snails, worms, leaves tl1e heart anteriorly and then flows posteriorly
termites, and other insects, which they pursue into within the large hemocoel via body sinuses, eventu­
cracks and crevices. Special slime glands, thought to be ally reentering the heart by way of the ostia. The blood
modified nephridia, open at the ends of the oral papil­ is colorless, containing no oxygen-binding pigments.
lae (Figure 20.17); through these openings an adhesive Onychophorans possess a unique system of subcutane­
is discharged in two powerful streams, someti1nes to a ous vascular channels, called hemal channels (Figure
distance of 30 cm. The glue hardens quickly, entangling 20.15 and 20.16C). These channels are situated beneath
prey (or would-be predators) for subsequent leisurely the transverse rings, or ridges, of the cuticle. A bulge in
dining. the layer of circular muscle forms the outer wall of each
The jaws are used to grasp and cut up prey. Paired channel, and the oblique muscle layer forms the inner
salivary glands, also thought to be modified nephridia, wall. The hemal channels may b e ilnportant in the
open into a median dorsal groove on the jaws (Figure functioning of the hydrostatic skeleton. Thus the super­
20.13). Salivary secretions pass into the body of the ficial annulations of tl1e onychophoran body are exter­
prey and partly digest it; the semiliquid tissues are then nal manifestations of the subcutaneous hemal chan­
sucked into the mouth, after they ingest their own glue. nels, as it may also be in some Cambrian lobopodians.
The mouth opens into a chitin-lined foregut, composed Gas exchange is by tracheae that open to the outside

through the rnany small spiracles located between the

bands of body tubercles. Each tracheal unit is sn1all and --- -Antenna
supplies only the immediate tissue near its spiracle
(Figure 20.16). Anatomical data suggest that the trache­
al system is not homologous to those of insects, arach­
nids, or terrestrial isopods, but has been independently
derived in each of these terrestrial groups, including in

Excretion and osmoregulation A pair of nephridia Slime gland

lies in each l e g -bearing body segment, except the one
possessing the genital opening (Figures 20.16A and
20.17). The nephridiopores are situated next to the base
of each leg, except at the fourth and fifth legs where the
nephridia open through distal nephridiopores on the
transverse pads of the legs themselves. The nephridial
anlagen develops by reorganization of the lateral por­
tion of the embryonic coelonuc wall that initially gives
rise to a ciliated canal. All other structural con1ponents,
including the saccul us, merge after the nephridial
anlagen has been separated from tl1e remaining meso­
dermal tissue. The nephridial sacculus thus does not
represent a persisting coelonuc cavity, as previously
thought, since it arises de novo during embryogenesis.
There is no evidence for "nephridioblast" cells partici­
pating in tl1e nephridiogenesis of Onychophora, which ""- Gonopore
is in conh·ast to the general mode of nephridial forma­ Anus
tion i n Annelida. Each set of sacculus + nephridioduct Figure 20.17 Internal anatomy of a generalized
together is called a segmental gland. The nephrid­ onychophoran.
ioduct, or tubule, enlarges to form a contractile bladder
just before opening to the outside via the nephridio­
pore. The nature of the excretory wastes is not known. seroto1un-like irnrnunoreactive neurons do not show
The anterior nephridia are tl1ought to be rnodified as any ordered arrangement but are instead scattered
the salivary glands and slime glands, in addition to tl1e tllroughout the entire length of each nerve cord, show­
nephridial anlagen in the antenna! segment, and the ing neither a serially iterated nor a bilaterally sym­
posterior ones form the gonoducts in fe.n1ales. metric pattern, in contrast t o the strictly segmental
The legs of some onychophorans, such as Peripatus, arrangement of serotonergic neurons in arthropods
bear thi.n-,valled eversible sacs or vesicles that open to (Figure 20.18). The general body surface, especially tl1e
the exterior near the nephridiopores by way of minute larger tubercles, is supplied with sensillae that might
pores or slits. These vesicles may function in taking up be homologous to those of tardigrades and arthropods.
moisture, as do the coxal glands of many myriapods, Onychophorans are nocturnal anin1als and photo­
hexapods, and arachnids. They are everted by hemo­ phobic. There is a small dorsolateral eye at tl1e base of
coelic pressure and pulled back into the body by retrac­ each antenna. The eyes are of the dire.ct rhabdomeric
tor muscles. type, with a large chitinous lens and a relatively well­
developed retinal layer (Figure 20.16D).
Nervous system, sense organs, and behavior The The presence in onychophorans of only one optic
nervous system of onychophora.ns is ladder-like in neuropil, and eye development from an ectodermal
structure, but differs considerably from those of anne­ groove, correspond with the median ocelli rather than
lids and arthropods. A large bilobed cerebral ganglion compound eyes of arthropods. ln addition, there are
("brain") lies dorsal t o the pharynx. A pair of ventral some parallels in the innervation pattern bel\veen o n y ­
nerve cords, without segmental ganglia, is connect­ chophoran eyes and tl1e median ocelli o f artl1ropods,
ed by non-segmental ring commi.ssures, which are since both are associated with tl1e central (ratl1er than
also connected to n1ultiple longitudinal nerve tracts. lateral) part of the brain. Jt has therefore been inter­
The protocerebrum iru1ervates the eyes and anten­ preted that there may be particular correspondences
nae; the deutocerebrum innervates the jaws. The between the eyes of Onychophora, median ocelli of
paired leg nerves are the only segmental structures Chelicerata, and nauplius eyes of Malacostraca since in
in the onychophoran nerve cords, and tl1e somata of all tl1ese taxa there is a visual input to tl1e central body.
726 Chapter Twenty

Heart nerve
Ring comn,issure Dorsolateral Insenli.nation can also be vaginal or facultative between
longitudinal nerve vaginal and dern1al Several Eastern Australian species
present a diversity of male extra-genital sexual struc­
tures in the form of organs on the dorsal surface of the
head, are highly elaborate in some species, and may be
involved in the mechanics of sperm transfer.
Embryological work on onychophorans has re­
vealed some unusual features. For example, onychoph­
orans may be oviparous, viviparous, or ovoviviparous.
Females of oviparous species (e.g., Ooperipntus) have
an ovipositor and produce large, oval, yolky eggs
with chltinous shells. Evidence suggests that this is the
primitive onychophoran condition, even though liv­
ing oviparous species are rare. The eggs of oviparous
onychophorans contain so much yolk that early, super­
ficial, intralecithal cleavage takes place, with the even­
tual formation of a germinal disc similar to that seen
in n1any terrestrial arthropods. Most Jivi ng onychoph­
Median commissure orans, however, are viviparous and have evolved a
Ventral highly specialized mode of development associated
nerve cords
with small, spherical, nonyolky eggs. Interestingly,
Figure 20. 18 Schematic diagram of the arrangement most Old World viviparous species, although devel­
of the main serotonin-like immunoreactive nerve tracts oping at the expense of n1aternal nutrients, Jack a pla­
in the onychophoran trunk. Innervation of gut, various centa, whereas all New World viviparous species have
fiber networks, nephridial nerves, and ventral and lateral a placental attachment to the oviducal wall (Figure
branches contributing to the subepidermal network are
20.19A). Placental development is viewed as the most
not shown.
advanced condition in onychophorans.
The yolky eggs of Jecithotrophic species have a typi­
Males of onychophorans have a special crural cal centrolecithal organization. Cleavage is by intra­
gland, a type of exocrine gland that opens a t the base of lecithal nuclear divisions, similar to that seen in many
the legs. This gland secretes a pheron,one that attracts groups of arthropods. Some of the nuclei migrate to
conspecific males. the surface and form a s1nall disc of blastomeres that
eventually spreads to cover the embryo as a blasto­
Reproduction and development With the exception derm, thus producing a periblastula. Simultaneously,
of one known parthenogenetic species from Trinidad the yolk mass djvides into a number of anucleate "yolk
(Epiperipntus imth11r11i), all onychophorans are gonocho­ spheres" (Figure 20.196-D).
ristic. Most females have a pair of largely fused ovaries Nonyolky and yolk-poor eggs are initially spheri­
in the posterior region of the body (Figure 20.17). Each cal, but once within the oviduct, they swell to become
ovary connects to a gonoduct (oviduct), and each gono­ ovate. As cleavage ensues, the cytoplasm breaks up
duct to a uterus. The uteri open through a posteroven­ into a number of spheres. The nucleate spheres the
tral gonopore. Males are s1naller than females and have blastomeres, and the anucleate ones are called pseu­
a pair of elongate, separate testes. Paired sperm ducts doblastomeres (Figure 20.19E-G). The blastomeres
join to form a single tube in whjch sperm are packaged divide and form a saddle of cells on one side of the
into spermatophores up to 1 mm in length. The male embryo (Figure 20.19G). The pseudoblastomeres disin­
gonopore is also located posteroventrally. tegrate and are absorbed by the dividing blastomeres.
Copulation has been observed in a few onychopho­ The saddle expands to cover the embryo with a o n e ­
rans. In the South African genus Peripntopsis the male cell-thlck blastoderm around a flwd-filled center.
deposits spermatophores seemjngly at random on the Placental oviparous species have even smaller eggs
general body surface of the female. The presence of the than do nonplacental species, and the eggs do not
spern1atophores stimulates special amebocytes in her swell after release fron1 the ovary. Further, these eggs
blood to bring about a localized breakdown of the in­ are not enclosed in membranes. Cleavage is total and
tegument beneath the spermatophore. Sperm then pass egual, yielding a coeloblastula. The embryo then at­
from her body surface into her hemolymph, through taches to the oviducal wall and proliferates as a flat
whlch they eventually reach the ovaries, where fertH­ placental plate. As development proceeds, the embryo
ization takes place. In some onychophorans a portion moves progressively down the oviduct and eventually
of the uterus is expanded as a seminal receptacle, but attaches i n the uterus. Gestation may be quite long, up
sperm transfer in these species is not well understood. to 15 1nonths, and the oviduct/uterus often contains a

(A) (8) (C) (0)

Jntralecithal cleavage nucleus Anucleate yolk spheres

1,:, ·•···· ••

Brood cavity

Figure 20.19 Onychophoran devel­

Blastoderm opment. (A) Placental development
in Epiperipatus trinidadensis.
(B-0) Early cleavage in a yolky egg.
(E) (E-H) Early cleavage in a nonyolky
egg (Peripatopsis mose/ey,).

Egg membrane Saddle of blastomcres

series of developing embryos of different ages. Sperm with the fourth pair of legs being tem1inal-a charac­
can remain 1notile in the seminal receptacle for up to 6 ter that seems to differentiate them from the Cambrian
months. loboporuans.
Development after the formation of the blastula is
remarkably similar among the few species of ony­ Systematics and biogeography The phylogenetic
chophorans that have been studied. Gastrulation in on­ relationships of onychophorans have received little
ychophorans involves very little actual cell migration. attention until recently, when the use of DNA sequence
Cells of the presumptive areas undergo immediate data has been generalized and used in many evolu­
organogenesis by direct proliferation. Thjs process in­ tionary studies at multiple hierarchjcal levels, illustrat­
volves the proliferation of small cells into the interior of ing in several cases the existence of cryptic species. A
the ernbryo through and arow1d the yolk tnass or fluid­ recent analysis of multiple DNA markers has shown
filled center and the production by surface cells of tl1e strong evidence for the division of Onycliophora into
germinal centers of limb buds and other external struc­ Peripatidae and Peripatopsidae, v,ith both families
tures. All onychophorans have direct development. In diverging around the Carboniferous period, before the
all species that have been studied, the fuU comple1nent breakup of Pangaea. Peripatidae, witl1 their tropical
of segments and adult organ systen1s is attained before distribution have a species-p oor lineage in Southeast
they hatch or are born as juveniles. Asia, a n1onotypic genus in West Africa, and most of its
Onychophorans are also unusual in that neither a diversity in the Neotropics, including many Caribbean
presegmental ac.ron nor a postsegmental pygidium or islands, and the group has been diversifying since
telson can be differentiated. In onychophorans, even around the Permian period. Peripatopsidae, restricted
though growth i s teloblastic, the growth zone from to the former circum-Antarctic Gondwanan landmass­
which the trunk segments arise appears to be post­ es divides into a South African/Chilean clade and into
anal. When the last mesoderm has been formed, the an Australian/New Zealand clade with monophyletic
growth-zone ectoderm apparently develops directly groups in Western Australia, Eastern Australia and
into the anal somite with no postsegmental ectoderm Tasmania/New Zealand, diversifying initially around
remaining. Onychophorans thus have tlle last pair of the Jurassic period, long after its divergence from
legs in subterminal position, as opposed to tarrugrades, Peripatidae.
728 Chapter Twenty

An Introduction to the thought, the former now being placed in the clade
Spiralia, �vith arthropods being in the clade Ecdyso­
Arthropods zoa (also see Giribet 2003). Brief diagnoses of the four
With over a million described living species, and living arthropod subphyla are provided below, and
3-100 times that many still remainjng to be described, detailed treatments of these groups are presented in
the phylu1n Arthropoda is unprecedented in its di­ Chapters 21 tlu·ough 24.
versity. There are five clearly distinguished groups of It is important to offer a word of caution about the
arthropods, which are usually recognized as subphyla: use of terminology among the various groups of ar­
Trilobita (trilobites and their kin, with a fossil record thropods. Because the Arthropoda is such a vast and
from the early Cambrian to the end of the Permian), diverse lineage, specialists usually concentrate on only
Crustacea (crabs, shrimps, etc.), Hexapoda (insects one or a few groups. Thus, over time, slightly differ­
and their kin), Myriapoda (centipedes, millipedes, and ent terminologies have evolved. Students sometimes
their kin), and Chelicerata (horseshoe crabs, eurypter­ feel ovenv , helmed by arthropod terminology-for ex­
ids, arachnids, and pycnogonids). After 150 years of ample, the hindmost region of the body may be called
debate over the evolutionary relationships of arthro­ an abdomen or pleon (as in insects and crustaceans), an
pods, molecular systematics has finally allowed us to opisthoso1na (in chelicerates), or a pygidiurn (in trilo­
largely resolve the phylogeny among these groups bites). But there is a greater, though more subtle dan­
(Figure 20.38). The basic features of the arthropod ger to this mixed terminology. Different terms for simi­
body plan are listed in Box 20C. Some of these fea­ lar parts or regions in different taxa do not necessarily
tures are unique to the phylum Arthropoda and thus imply nonhomology; conversely, the same term ap­
represent defining synapomorphjes; others also occur plied to similar parts of different arthropods does not
in closely related taxa, such as the onychophorans and always imply homology. To deal with these problems
tardigrades, and hence are syn1plesio1norphies within in this text, we have 1nade an effort to achieve consis­
the panarthropod line. tency in terminology as much as possible, to simplify
word use and spelling, and to indicate homologies
Taxonomic History and Classification (and nonhomologies) where known.
As mentioned earlier, Linnaeus recognized six major Although we do not treat them in this book, of all
groups of animals (Vern1es, Insecta, Pisces, Amphibia, fossil invertebrates trilobites are perhaps the most
Aves, and Mammalia), placing all of the invertebrates symbolic of ancient and exotic faunas. The subphylum
except the insects in a single group-Vermes. I n the Trilobita, or Trilobitomorpha (Latin trilobito, "three­
early 1800s such famous zoologists as Lamarck and lobed"; Greek morph, "forn,"), includes over 15,000
Cuvier presented substantial reorganizations of L i n ­ species of arthropods known only from tl,e fossil record
naeus's earlier scheme, and it was during this period (Figure 20.36 and 20.37). They were restricted to (and
that the various arthropod taxa began to emerge. La­ characteristic of) Paleozoic seas. Trilobites dominate the
marck recognized four basic arthropod groups: Cir­ fossil record of the Cambrian and Ordovician periods
ripedia (barnacles), Crustacea, Arachnida, and lnsecta. (551 to 444 Ma) and continued to be important compo­
He placed the ostracods with the brachiopods and, of nents of marine communities until the Permo-Triassic
course, he did not realize the crustacean nature of the 1nass extinction that marked the end of the Paleozoic
barnacles. Cuvier joined the arthropods and aruielids era. Because of their hard exoskeletons (made of chitin
in his Articulata (referring to the segn,ented nature and calciuni carbonate, as i n modern crustaceans and
of these anin,als), and Lanlester also classified then, horseshoe crabs), great abundances, and broad distribu­
together with rotifers in his Appendiculata. The great tions, the trilobites left a rich fossil record, and more is
zoologists Hatschek, Haeckel, Beklemishev, Snod­ known about them than about most other extinct taxa.
grass, Tiegs, Sharov, and Remane all viewed the Ar­ Most of the present world's land areas were submerged
ticulata as a discrete phylum, including in it at various during various parts of the Paleozoic, so trilobites are
times the groups Echiura, Sipuncula, Onychophora, found in n1arine sedi1nentary rocks worldwide.
Tardigrada, and Pentastornida. It was Leuckart who, The trilobite body was divided into three tagmata:
in 1848, separated out the arthropods as the distinct cephalon, thorax, and pygidium (abdomen). The seg­
phylum ,v , e recognize today; Von Siebold coined the ments of the cephalon and pygidium were fused, while
name Arthropoda in the same year, noting the joint­ those of thorax were free. The body was demarcated by
ed legs (Greek nrthro, "jointed"; pod, "foot") as the two longitudinal grooves into a median and two lat­
group's principal distinguishing attribute. Haeckel eral lobes ("tri-lobite"). The cephalon had one pair of
published the first evolutionary tree of the arthropods preoral antennae; all other appendages were postoral
in 1866. And, beginning i n 1997 with the benchmark and more or less similar to one another, with a robust
study by Anna Marie Aguinaldo and colleagues, 1no­ loconiotory telopod to which was attached at tlie base
lecular phylogenetics began t o reveal that annehds a Jong filamentous branch (thought to be a protopodal
and arthropods are not at all as closely related as long exite). Most seem to have had compound eyes.

BOX 20C Characteristics of the Phylum Arthropoda

1. Body segmented, both internally and externally; seg­ compound eyes, ocelli , or both have been lost in sev­
ments arise by teloblastic growth (showing en gene eral groups
expression) 7. Coelom reduced to portions of the reproductive
2. Minimally, body divided into head (cephalon) and and excretory systems; m ain body cavity is an open
trunk; commonly with further regional body spec ial iza­ hemocoel (= mixocoel); circulatory system largely
tion or tagmosis; typically with a head sh ield or cara­ open; dorsal heart is a muscular pump with lateral
pace covering fused head segments ostia for b lood return
3. Head with labrum (or clypeolabrum) (showing Distal­ 8. Gut complex and highly regional ized, with well-devel•
less gene expression) and with nonsegmental acron. oped stomodeum and proctodeum; digest ive material
4. Cuticle forms well developed exoskeleton, general ly (and often a lso the feces) encapsulated in a chitinous
with thick sclerotized plates (sclerites) consisting of peritroph ic membrane
dorsal tergites, lateral pleurites, and ventral stemites; 9. NeNous system with dorsal (supraenteric) ganglia (=
cuticle of exoskeleton consists of chitin and protein cerebra l ganglia), circumenteric ( ci rcumesophageal)
(including resilin), with varying degrees of calc ification; connectives, and paired, gangl ionated ventra l neNe
without collagen cords, the latter often fused t o some extent.
5. Each true body segment prim itively with a pair of 1 O. Growth by ecdysone-med iated molting (ecdysis): with
segmented Oointed), ventrally attached appendages, cephalic ecdysial glands
showing a great range of specialization among the 11. Muscles metamerically arranged, striated, and
various taxa; appendages composed of a proximal grouped in isolated, intersegmental bands; dorsal and
protopod and a distal telopod (both multiarticulate); ventral longitudinal muscles present; intersegmen-
protopodal articles may bear medal endites or lateral tal tendon system present; without circular somatic
exiles muscu lature
6. Cepha lon with a pair of lateral faceted (compound) 12. Most are gonochoristic, with di rect, indirect, or mixed
eyes and one t o several s imple median ocelli; the development; some species parthenogenetic

Although trilobites were exclusively marine, they appendages-the preoral first antennae (antennules) and
exploited a variety of habitats and lifestyles. Most were 4 pairs of postoral appendages: second antennae (which
benthic, either crawling about over the bottom or plow­ migrate to a "preora l pos ition• in adults), mandib les, first
ing through the top layer of sediment. Most benthic maxi llae (maxillules), and second maxillae; cerebral ganglia
species were a few centimeters long, although some gi­ tripartite (w ith deutocerebrum); with compound eyes usu­
ally having tetrapart ite crystalli ne cone; gonopores located
ants reached lengths of 60-70 centimeters. A fev., trilo­
posteriorly on thorax or anteriorly on abdomen. Crustacea is
bites appear to have been planktonic; they were mostly
now known to be a paraphyletic group, because the Hexa­
small forms, less than 1 cm long and equipped with
poda arose from within it (see Chapter 21 ).
spines that presu1nably aided in flotation. Most of the
benthic trilobites were probably scavengers or direct SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA Insects and their kin; monophy­
deposit feeders, although some species may have been letic. Nearly a million described living species. Body d ivided
predators that laid partially burro\-ved in soft sedi­ into three tagmata: head (cephalon), thorax, abdomen; with
ments and grabbed passing prey. Son1e workers specu­ 4 pa irs cephalic appendages: antennae. mandib les, max­
late that at least some trilobites may have suspension illae, and labium (fused second maxillae); 3-segmented
fed by using the filamentous parts of their appendages. thorax with uniramous legs; cerebral ganglia tripartite (with
One group of Olenidae may have had symbiotic rela­ deutocerebrum); w ith compound eyes having tetrapartite
tionships with sulfur bacteria; these late Cambrian­ crystalli ne cone; gas exchange by spiracles and tracheae;
with ectodermally derived (proctodeal) Mal pigh ian tubules;
early Ordovician trilobites had vestigial n1outhparts
gonopores open on abdominal segment 7, 8, or 9 (see
and large "gill filaments" (epipods) that might have
Chapter 22).
been sites for bacterial cultivation.
SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA M illipedes. cent i pedes, etc.;
monophytetic . Over 16,350 described living species. Body
SYNOPSES OF THE LIVING ARTHROPOD divided into two tagmata, head (cephal on) and long, ho­
SUBPHYLA monomous, many-segmented trunk; with 4 pai rs cephal ic
SUBPHYLUM CRUSTACEA Crabs, lobsters, shrimps, appendages (antennae, mandi bles, first maxillae, second
beach hoppers, pillbugs, etc. About 70,000 descri bed l iv­ maxillae); first maxillae free o r coalesced; second maxillae
absent or partly (or wholly) fused; all appendages unira­
ing specie s . Body usually divided into three tagmata: head
(cephalon), thorax, and abdomen (the notab le exception mous; cerebral gang lia with deutocerebrum, but lacking tri­
being the class Remipedia, which has only head + trunk); tocerebrum; living spec ies mostly lack compound eyes (but
appendages uniramous or biramous; 5 pairs of cephalic they are present in Scutigeromorpha); w ith ectodermally
730 Chapter Twenty

derived (proctodeal) Malpighian tubules; gonopores on thi rd numerous and specialized and acquiring various de­
or last trunk som ite (see Chapter 23). vices for transnlitting sensory impulses to the nervous
SUBPHYLUM CHELICERATA Horseshoe crabs, scorp ions, system in spite of the hard exoskeleton. Gas excllange
sp iders, mites, "sea spiders," etc.; monophyletic. About structures evolved in various ways that overcame the
113,335 described species. Body d ivided into two tagmata, barrier of the exoskeleton.
anterior prosoma (cephalothorax) and posterio r opisthoso­ For these anin1als, now encased in a rigid outer cov­
ma (abdomen); opisthosoma with up to 12 segments (plus ering, growth was no longer a simple process of grad­
telson); prosoma of 6 som ites, each with a pai r of uniramous ual increase i n body size. Thus the complex process of
appendages (chelicerae, pedipalps, 4 pairs of legs); gas ex­ ecdysis, a specific hormone-mediated form of molting
change by gill books, book lungs, or tracheae; excretion or cuticular shedding, �vas "perfected." As w e have
by coxal glands and/or endodermally derived (m idgut) Mal­ already seen, some fonn of ecdysis occurs in all eight
pighian tubules; with simp le med ial eyes and lateral com­ phyla belonging to the dade Ecdysozoa. In arthropods,
pound eyes; cerebral gangl ai triparti te, the deutocerebrum i t is through the process of ecdysis (molting) that the
innervati ng the cheliceres (see Chapter 24). exoskeleton is periodically shed to allow for an increase
in real body size. If we add to this suite of events the
notion of arthropods invading terrestrial and freshwa­
The Arthropod Body Plan ter environments, tile evolutionary challenges become
compounded by osn1oti. c and ionic stresses, the neces­
and Arthropodization sity for aerial gas exchange, and the need for structural
If w e are to grasp the "essence of arthropod," we support and effective reproductive strategies.
must first understand the effects of one of the major While tile origin of the exoskeleton de1nanded a host
synapomorphies of this phylum-the hard, jointed of coincidental changes to overcome the constraints
exoskeleton. Just imagine living your life encased in it placed on arthropods, it clearly endowed these ani­
a rigid exoskeleton, a pern1anent suit of arn1or if you n1aJs with great selective advantages, as evinced by
will. What kinds of structural and functional problems their enormous success. One of the key advantages is
"''Ould have to be solved in order for such an animal the protection it provides. Arthropods armored not
to survive? The approach arthropods evolved to Live only against predation and physical injury, but also
in their hard casing con1prises a suite of adaptations against physiological stress. In many cases the cuticle
collectively known as arthropodization. Arthropo­ provides an effective barrier against osmotic and iorlic
dization has some of its roots in the Onychophora and gradients, and as sucll is a major means of homeostatic
Tardigrada, but came to full fruition in the phylum control. It also provides the strength needed for seg­
Arthropoda itself. mental muscle attaclunent and for predation on other
Being encased in an exoskeleton resulted in some shelled invertebrates.
obvious constraints on growth and locomotion. The If \>\1e start with a generalized, rather homonomous
fundamental problem of locomotion was solved by arthropod prototype with a fairly high number of seg­
the evolution of body and appendage joints and highly ments, and with paired appendages on each of those
regionalized muscles. Flexibility was provided by thin segments, we can set the stage for arthropod diversi­
intersegmental areas fjoints) in the otherwise rigid exo­ fication. The diversity seen today has resulted largely
skeleton, imbued with a unique and highly elastic pro­ from the differential specialization of various seg­
tein called resilin. As the n1usdes becan1e concentrated ments, regions, and appendages. The arthropod body
into intersegmental bands associated with the individ­ has itself undergone va6ous forms of regional spe­
ual body segments and appendage joints, the circular cialization, or tagmosis, to produce segment groups
muscles were lost almost entirely. specialized for different functions. These specialized
With the loss of peristaltic capabilities resulting body regions (e.g., the head, thorax, and abdomen)
fron, body rigidity and the loss of circular muscles, the are called tagmata. Tagmosis is mediated by Hox
coelom becan1e nearly useless as a hydrostatic skel­ genes and the other developmental genes they influ­
eton. The ancestral body coelom was lost, and an open ence. Our emerging understanding of Hox genes tells
circulatory system evolved -the body cavity becan1e
a hemocoel, or blood cllamber, in which the internal 1The he:mocoel is not a true coelom either evolutionarily or onto­
organs could be bathed directly in body fluids.1 But tile
genetically, but it may be viewed as a persistent blastocoelic rem­
large bodies of these animals still required some way of nant. Thus, one might at first reason that the arthropods techni­
moving the blood around through the hemocoel, hence cally are blastocoelomates. However, the absence of a large body
coelom in arthropods is a secondary condition resulting from a
a highly muscularized dorsal vessel was developed as loss of the ancesrral coelomic body cavity during the evolution of
a pumping structure-a heart. The excretory organs u,e arthropod body plan, not a primary condition Like that seen in
became closed internally, thereby preventing the blood the true blastocoelomates, at least some of which probably never
have had a true coelom in their ancestry. A similar secondary loss
from being drained from the body. Surface sense or­ o f the coelom has occurred, in a different way, in the molluscs
gans (the "arthropod setae") differentiated, becoming (see Chapter 13).

us that the most fundamental aspects of animal d e ­ the underlying epidermis (Figure 20.21}. The epider­
sign arise from spatially restricted expression of these mis, often referred to in arthropods as the hypodermis,
"master developmental genes." However, tagmosis i s typically a simple cuboidal epithelitun. In general,
varies among the arthropod groups (see the classifica­ each body segment (or somite) is "boxed" by skeletal
tion above). The genetic and evolutionary plasticity of plates called sclerites. Each somite typically has a large
regional specialization, like limb variation, has been of dorsal and ventral sclerite, the tergite and sternite re­
paramount importance in establishing the diversity of spectively.2 The side regions, or pleura, are flexible ttn­
the arthropods and their dominant position in the ani­ sclerotized areas in which are embedded various min­
mal wo1·ld. ute, "floating" sclerites, the origins of which are hotly
One of the best exa1nples of arthropod tagmosis is debated. The legs (and wings) of arthropods articulate
revealed by the expression pattern of the segment po­ i n this pleural region. Numerous secondary deviations
larity gene engrai/ed (en) in the head, or cephalon, of fron1 this plan exist, such as fusion or loss of adjacent
Crustacea, Hexapoda, and Myriapoda, three arthropod sclerites. Muscle bands are attached at points where
subphyla comprising the clade known as Mandibulata. the inner surfaces of sclerites project inward as ridges
In each of these subphyla, the same seven head regions or tubercles, called apodemes.
emerge during embryogenesis. The most anterior re­ The structure of the multilayered arthropod cu­
gion i s the presegmental acron. Following the acron ticle is similar to that of other ecdysozoans, although
is the first true segment (the protocerebral, or ocular the layers can have different names in different phyla.
segment) that lacks appendages (see Table 20.2). Next Figure 20.21 illustrates the cuticles of an insect and a
come the first and second antennal segments, the m a n ­ marine crustacean. The outermost layer is the epicu­
dibular segment, and the first and second maxillary ticle, which is itself multilayered. The external surface
segments. This six-segmented (plus the acron) head of the epicuticle is a protective lipoprotein layer-some­
pattern was long ago used in support of a grouping times called the cen1ent layer. Beneath this is a waxy
known as Mandibulata, ""h.ich is currently supported layer that i s especially well developed in terrestrial
by molecular phylogenetic data. arachnids and insects. The 1,vaxes in this layer, which
As we discuss the various aspects of the arthropod are long-chain hydrocarbons and the esters of fatty
body plan below, and in subsequent chapters, do not acids and alcohols, provide an effective barrier to water
lose sight of the "whole aniJnal" and the "essence of a r ­ loss and, coupled with the outer lipoprotein layer, pro­
thropod" described in this section. tection against bacterial invasion. These outermost two
layers of the epicuticle largely isolate the arthropod's
The Body Wall .internal environment from the external environment.
A cross section through a body segment of an arthro­
pod reveals a good deal about its overall architecture 2The terms tergum, sternum, and pleuron are often used inter•
(Figure 20.20}. As noted above, the body cavity is an changeably with tergite, stcrnite, and pleurite. However, the term
open hemocoel, and the organs are bathed directly in tergum refers more precisely to the dorsal, or tergal region, and
sternum to the ventral, or sternal region. Thus we restrict the use
the hemocoelic fluid, or blood (although some blood of the terms tergite (pl., tergites) and stemite (pl., sternites) to the
vessels do occur, notably in Crustacea). The body wall specific skeletal plates, or sderites. In some cases, the sternum is
is composed of a complex, layered cuticle secreted by formed of multiple fused stemites.

Figure 20.20 Cross section of a segment of

a generalized arthropod. Note the positions of
the ma j or organs w ithin the hemocoel and the Intrinsic
typical arrangement of body muscles. limb muscles

Pleuron Sternite Ventral Longitudinal muscle

nerve cord
732 Chapter Twenty

(A) Seta Opening of duct Figure 20.21 Arthropod cuticles. (A,B) The cuticle and

of tegumental gland epidermis of (A) a crustacean, and (B) an insect. (C) A
simple unicellular arthropod gland. (D) The epicuticle of

an insect.

• Exocuticle

ffl"j' ' "


" ]' '

endocuticle Wax filament
Cuticulin Wax canal
Pore canal
Basement membrane Pore canal
Duct of tegumental gland filament
Tegumental gland Procuticle
Gland cell pore
(8) Cuticular process
(solid spine) Epicuticle
Exocuticle 7

Sensory seta

Trichogen cell
Sensory neuron/

No doubt the development of the epicuticle was critical flexible. In fact, certain arthropods possess rather soft
to the invasion of land and fresh water by various ar­ and pliable exoskeletons (e.g., many insect larvae, parts
thropod lineages. The innermost layer of the epicutide of spiders, son1e small crustaceans). Hov.1 ever, in most
is a cuticuJm layer, which consists primarily of proteins arthropods, the cuticle is hard and inflexible except at
and is particularly well developed in insects. The cutic­ the joints, a condition brought about by one or both of
ulin layer usually has two components: a thin but dense two processes: sderotization and mineralization.
outer layer and a thicker, somewhat less dense inner Cuticular hardening by sclerotization (tanning) oc­
layer. The cuticulin layer is involved in the hardening curs to various degrees in all arthropods. The layered
of the exoskeleton, as discussed belo,,v, and contains ca­ arrangement of untanned proteins yields a flexible
nals through which waxes reach the waxy layer. structure. To produce a rigid sclerotized structure, the
Beneath the epicuticle is the relatively thick procu­ protein molecules are cross-bonded to one another by
ticle, which may be subdivided into an outer exocu­ orthoquinone Linkages. The bonding agent is typically
ticle and a n inner endocuticle (Figure 20.2IA,B).3 The produced from polyphenols and catalyzed by polyphe­
procuticle consists primarily of layers of protein and nol oxidases present in the protein layers of the cuticle.
chitin (but no collagen). It is intrinsically tough, but Sclerotization generally begins in the cuticulin layer
of the epicuticle and progresses into the procuticle to
various degrees, where it is associated with a distinct
3Caution: Some authors use the term "end(,cuticle" to refer to darkening in color. The relationship betv,een cuticu­
the entire procuticle of crustaceans, and use the hvo subdivision
terms only when referring to insecls. lar hardening, joints, and molting is discussed in the

section dealing with support, locon1otion, and growth. laterally (collectively called exiles) or medially (col­
Mineralization of the skeleton is largely a pheno1nenon lectively called endites) (Figure 20.22A). Evolutionary
of crustaceans, millipedes, and horseshoe crabs, and is creativity among the protopodal exiles has been excep­
accomplished by the deposition of calcium carbonate tional among arthropods. In crustaceans and trilobites
in the outer region of the procuticle. they form a diversity of structures such as gills, gill
The epidermis is responsible for the secretion of the cleaners, and swimming paddles. Broad or elongate
cuticle, and as sum contains various unicellular glands exiles that function as gills or gill cleaners are often
(Figure 20.21C), some of which bear ducts to the sur­ called epipods. Exites may become annulated, like the
face of the cuticle. Because the cuticle is secreted by the flagella of some antennae. Protopodal exites probably
cells of epidermis, it often bears their impressions in gave rise to the wings of insects. Protopodal endites,
the form of microscopic geometric patterns. The epi­ on the other hand, often form grinding surfaces, or
dermis is underlain by a distinct basement membrane "jaws," usually termed gnathobases. Figure 20.22 illus­
that forms the outer boundary of the body cavity or trates some arthropod appendage types and the terms
hemocoel. applied to their parts. 5
Appendages \.Yith large exites, such as gills, gill
Arthropod Appendages cleaners, or swimming paddles (the latter often devel­
Appendage anatomy In an evolutionary sense, one oped in combination with a paddle-like telopod) are
might be tempted to say "arthropods are all legs." often called biramous limbs (or, so1netimes, triramous
Certainly, much of arthropod evolution has been about or polyramous lin1bs). Biramous limbs occur only in
the appendages, modified in myriad ways over the crustaceans and trilobites, although their ancestral o c ­
600-million-year history of this group. The unique currence in chelicerates is suggested by the gills and
combination of body segmentation and serially hon1ol­ other structures that may be derivatives of early limb
ogous appendages, in combination with the evolution­ exiles. In crustaceans, the exite on the last protopo­
ary potential of developn1ental genes, has allowed dite can be as large as the telopod itself, and in these
arthropods to develop 1nodes of locomotion, feeding, cases i t is termed an exopod, the telopod then being
and body region/appendage specialization that have called the endopod (Figure 20.22A). Biramous limbs
been unavailable to the other metazoan phyla. The are commonly associated \.vith swimming arthropods,
enormous variety of lin1b designs in arthropods has, and in crustaceans in which they are greatly expanded
unfortunately, also driven zoologists to create a pleth­
ora of terms to describe them. Read on, and we will try 4Although some authors refer t o the articles of the appendages
to walk you through this tenninological jungle in the as "sebrments," w e attempt to restrict the use of the latter term to
clearest fashion we can. the true body segments, or sonlites, reserving the term "articles"
for the separate "segments" of the limb.
Primitively, every true body somite, or seg­ 5A basic morphological view of arthropod imb evolution is
ment, probably bore a pair of appendages, or limbs. l
rooted i n 30 years of detailed comparative morphology by
Arthropod appendages are articulated outgrowths of Jarmila Kukalova-Peck, who studies both fossil and living arthro­
the body "val!, equipped with sets of extrinsic muscles pod Limbs. In the Kukalova-Peck model, the ancestral arthropod
appendage comprised a series of 11 articles (4 prolOp(>dites, 7
(connecting the limb to the body) and intrinsic m u s ­ telopodites), each of which could theoretically bear an articulated
cles (wholly within the limb). The limbs of the other endite or exile. The number of articles in her arthropod limb
panarthropod phyla (Tardigrada and Onychophora) grow,d plan is not so important as her concept of a single series
of articles, with endites and exites that specialized to become the
do not have intrinsic musculature and thus n1ust diversity of structures seen in modern taxa. Over evolutionary
rely strongly on hydraulics for moven1ent. In the a r ­ time, so her theory goes, the basalmost protopodites fused with
thropods, muscles move the various limb segments the pleural region of the body to form pleural sclerites in vari­
ous taxa. On the thoracic segments of hexapods, the exile of the
or pieces, which are called articles (or podites). 4 The first protopodite (the epicoxa) migrated dorsally and gave rise
limb articles are organized into two groups, the basal­ to insect wings (see Chapter 22). On the other hand, many of the
n1ost group constituting the protopod (= sympod) and earliest known arthropod fossils (including trilobites) have proto­
pods of a single article, as do many living arthropods, suggesting
the distalmost group constituting the telopod (Figure t o some workers that multiarticulate protopods m.ight be derived
20.22). Whether the protopod i s composed of one or conditions. Kukalova-Peck's hypothesis, however, holds that
more articles, the basalmost article is always called such uniarticu1ate protopods represent cases in which protopo­
dal articles have fused together (e.g., in trilobites) or migrated
the coxa (in living arthropods). The telopod arises onto the pleural region of the body somites. The number of
fron1 the distalmost protopodite, or protopodal article. articles i n the telopods of living arthropods varies greatly, rcOect•
Sometimes the exoskeleton of the telopodites becomes ing, in Kukalova-Peck's view, various kinds of loss or fusion of
articles. The elegance of Kukalova-Peck's theory is that it simply
annulated, forming a flagellum, as in the antennae of explains the origin of all arthropod limb structures. Viewing the
many arthropods, but these annuli should not be con­ arthropod limb ground plan as a series of articles from which
fused with true articles. endites and exites were modified in a variety of ways eliminates
100 years of confusion over the nature of uniramous, biramous,
A great variety of additional structures can arise and polyramous limbs (these terms now having little phyloge­
from articles of the protopod (the protopodites), either netic significance).
734 Chapter Twenty

(AJ Coxa 7
l,;,-"-'("Endite Protopod
Basis _J (BJ (C)

... ,}' ,,

Merus Endopod
Endites (TelopodJ


,, ., , Patella
(0) ,_ Filamentous


Tibia ,


Figure 20.22 Arthropod trunk limbs. (A) A generalized

crustacean biramous limb. (B) A crustacean biramous
phyllopodial limb. (CJ A crustacean uniramous walking leg
(a stenopodJ. (D) The biramous trunk limb of a trilobite.
(E) The uniramous walking leg (stenopod) of a scorpion.
(F) The uniramous leg (stenopod) of a grasshopper.

and flattened (e.g., Cephalocarida, Branchiopoda, the following chapters, be sure to notice the phenome­
Phyllocarida), they may also be caJJed foliacious liinbs, nal array of limb morphologies and adaptations among
or phyllopodia (Greek pl1yllo, "leaf-shaped"; podia, the arthropods.
"feet") (Figure 20.22B).
Appendages without large exites are called uni­ Appendage evolution The amazing diversity seen in
ramous limbs (or stenopods; Greek steno, "narrow"; arthropod Lin,bs has come about through the u11ique
podin, "feet") (Figure 20.22C). Uniramous lin1bs are potential of homeobox (Hox) genes and other develop­
characteristic of the chelicerates, hexapods, myriapods, mental genes, and the downstream genes they regulate,
and some crustaceans, although these appendages which are conserved and yet flexible in their expres­
were probably secondarily derived from biramous sion. We are just beginning to understand how these
limbs on more than one occasion. Uniramous legs are genes work, and new information in this field is appear­
typically ambulatory (walking legs). ing so fast that we hesitate to go into great detail-our
The combination of protopodal and telopodal arti­ understanding of arthropod developmentaJ biology is
cles, and their evolutionarily "plastic" endites and ex­ literally changing from one month to the next! We no""
ites, has created in arthropods a veritable "Swiss army know that the fates of arthropod appendages are largely
knife" of appendages. This diversity has no equal in w1der the ultimate control of Hox genes, which dictate
the anin1al kingdom, and it has played a pivotal role in where body appendages form and the general types of
the evolutionary success of the phylum. As you peruse appendages that form. Hox genes can either suppress

lin1b development or modify it to create alternative (i.e., btlilt of all, or most, of the full complement of a r ­
appendage morphologies. These unique genes have ticles) or a "gnathobasic" appendage (i.e., built of only
played major roles in the evolution of new body plans the basalmost, or protopodal, articles) depends on
among arthropods (and other phyla). whether or not (or how much) the gene 0// is expressed.
A good example of the evolutionary potential of Oil is expressed throughout the development of the
Hox genes is seen in the abdominal limbs of insects. multiarticulate, telomeric chelicerae, and pedipalps of
Abdominal limbs (prolegs) occur on the larvae (but chelicerates, but only transiently in myriapod man­
not the adults) of various insects in several orders, dibles and in crustacean mandibles lacking palps. It
and they are ubiquitous in the order Lepidoptera (i.e., is expressed throughout embryogeny in crustacean
caterpillars). Abdominal limbs were almost certainly mandibles (in the mandibular palp), but not at all in
present in the crustacean ancestry of insects. Hence, the mandibles of hexapods. This expression pattern
prolegs may have reappeared in groups such as the suggests that only the chelicerae and pedipalps of che­
Lepidoptera through something as simple as the de­ licerates are fully telomeric appendages, although the
repression of an ancestral limb development program palp of the crustacean ma.ndible represents the telopod
(i.e., they are a Hox gene-mediated atavism). We now of that limb. It also suggests that the develop1nent of
know that proleg formation is initiated during embryo­ a telopod is an evolutionarily flexible feature that can
genesis by a change in the regulation and expression easily show homoplasy (i.e., parallelism). 0/1 is also
of the bithorax gene complex (which includes the Hox expressed in the endites of arthropod limbs (e.g., in
genes Ubx, nbdA, and AbdB). the phyllopodous limbs of Branchiopoda). In fact, Oil
Molecular developmental biology has also begun is an ancient gene that occurs in many animal phyla,
to unravel the origins of arthropod appendages them­ ,vhere it is expressed at the tips of ectodermal body
selves. We now kno,v that appendage development is outgrowths in such different structures as the limbs of
orchestrated by a complex of developmental genes, in vertebrates, the parapodia and antennae of polychaete
particular the genes Distnl-less (0/1) and Extrndenticle worn1s, the tube feet of echinoderms, a.nd the siphons
(Exd). Evidence suggests that Exd is necessary for the of twucates.
development of the proxinlal region of arthropod limbs So, we see that despite their considerable diversity,
(the protopod), whereas Oil is expressed in the distal re­ all arthropod limbs have a common ground plan and
gion of developing appendages (the telopod). Thus the similar genetic mechanisms in their development.
protopod and the telopod of arthropod appendages are For example, developmental biology has now identi­
somewhat distinct, each under its own genetic control fied the appendage homologies of the head region
and each, presumably, free to respond to the whims for the major arthropod groups. A good exan1ple of
and processes of evolution. So, whether an arthropod develop1nental gene potential is revealed in Table
mandible is a "telomeric," or "whole-limb," appendage 20.2, where we see the diversity of hon1ologous head

TABLE20.2 Homologies of Arthropod (and Onychophoran) Anterior/Head Appendages8

Segment Onychophora Pycnogonida Chelic erata Myriapoda Crustacea Hexapoda
1 (= protocerebral Antennae
segn,ent, ocular
2 (= deutocerebral Jaws Chelifores Chelicerae Antennae First antennae Antennae
segment) (= antennules)

3 (= tritocerebral Slime papillae Palps Pedipalps Second

segment) (Note: Onychophorans antennae
probably do not have a
4 Leg pair Leg pair Leg pair Mandibles Mandibles Mandibles
5 Leg pair Leg pair Leg pair First maxillae First maxillae Maxillae
(= maxillules)
6 Leg pair Leg pair Leg pair Second maxillae Second maxillae Labiwn
(or without (= St'COnd
appendages) maxillae)
"Gene expression sh1d ies have reveal ed the likelihood that the anlerionn0$t Ho,vever, recent gene expression st udies suggest it m ight rtpre-sen t the rem­
ap�ndages (the"protocer-ebral appendages") hav� bet?n lost in aJI mo<forn nant o( a pair of andent fuS<?d app&nda&.-e-s. In inse<ts and spiders, the labrum
arthropods. A labrum (or•uppcr lip") occurs in all artluopod subphyla, and also has been shown lo arise from two primordia tJrnt fuse during cmbryogcll)�
in Onychophora. Its function L� thought to be to prevem food particles from e s ­ controlle d by the genes decnpeutaplegic (dpp) and wingless (mg); the some gene
caping i,,g�tion.The cvolution.ary origi1\ of the fobrum has long been a mystery, cxpressio1\S as Sl'e-n ln the buds of rcguJar appendages in arthropods.
and m05t workers have not regarded it a s a. true appendage of the head.
736 Chapter Twenty

(A) Procuticle (C) flexor muscle

Epicuticle (mostly hardened)

·.<,-,.' ,

? i Proximal
�:-:· article

·"--------Thinner, less­ a.rticu1ar Extensive
hardened procuticle membrane Sternites ,.,,
._ ,

(ventra l ) membrane
Direction of
movement when
Figure 20.23 Arthropod Joints. (A) A body wall (section)
nexors contract '-'SS'-- flexion
with a thin articular membrane. (B) Three body segments stop
like those of a crustacean abdomen (longitudinal section). ·· �. Bearing
of condyle
Note the arrangement of the intersegmental muscles and ,_��

.,:._.�,. .
· .· ;
the articular membranes. In this situat ion, the segments '
;• Distal
are capable of ventral flexion only. (C) A generalized limb
joint Qongitudinal section). showi ng the arrangement of stop
antagonistic muscles, one oondyle, and stops. (D) The ..
extended condition at a si mple joint (cutaway view). .::
Direction of movement
when flexor contracts

appendages across the onychophoran-arthropod spec­

trum. Imagine the jaws of velvet worms, chelicerae of Condyles
scorpions, and antennae of insects all being derived
from the san1e ancestral appendages! Evidence now
suggests that the uniramous legs of hexapods (and
perhaps also the myriapods) arose from the biramous only by the placement of the antagonistic muscle sets,
(or uniramous) appendages of crustacean ancestors. but also by the structure of the hard parts of the cuticle
Although morphologists have struggled to establish that border the articular membrane. In such cases the
homologies among the specific articles, or podites, of articular membrane may not form a complete ring of
arthropod legs, considerable debate still exists on that flexible material, but will be interrupted by points of
issue. But we are beginning to acquire the develop­ contact between hard cuticle on either side of the joint.
mental genetic toolkit needed to resolve this and other These contact points, or bearing surfaces, are called
issues across the arthropod subphyla. condyles and serve as the fulcnun for the lever system
formed by the joint. A dicondylic joint allows move­
Support and Locomotion ment in one plane, but not at angles to that plane. The
Arthropods rely on the exoskeleton for support and motion at a joint is also usually lin,ited by hard cuticu­
maintenance of body shape. Their muscles are a r ­ lar processes called locks or stops, which prevent over­
ranged as short bands that extend from one body seg­ extension and overflexion (Figure 20.23C,D).
ment to the next, or across the joints of appendages and Some joints are constructed to allow movement in
other regions of articulation. An understanding of the more than one plane, much like a baU-and-socket joint.
nature of these articulation points-the areas where the For example, in most arthropods the joints between
cuticle is notably thin and flexible-is crucial to an un­ walking legs and the body (the c o x a l p - leural joints)
derstanding of the action of the muscles and hence of lack large condyles, and the articular membranes form
locomotion. In contrast to most of the exoskeleton, the complete bands around the joints. In other cases, two
articulations Qoints) between body and limb segments adjacent dicondylic limb joints articulate at 90 to one
are bridged by areas of very thin, flexible cuticle in another, forming a gimbal-like arrangement that facili­
which the procuticle is much reduced and unhardened tates movement in two opposing planes.
(Figure 20.23). These thin areas are called arthrodial or Arthropods have evolved a plethora of locomotor
articular membranes. Generally, each articulation i s devices for movement in water, on land, and in the air.
bridged by one or more pairs of antagonistic muscles. Only the vertebrates can boast a similar range of abili­
One set of muscles, the flexors, acts to bend the body ties, albeit utilizing a far less diverse set of mechanisms.
or appendage at the articulation point; the opposing Like so many other aspects of arthropod biology, their
set of muscles, the extensors, serves to straighten the methods of movement reflect the extreme evolutionary
body or appendage. plasticity and adaptive qualities associated with the
Joints that operate as described above generally segmented body and appendages.
articulate i n only a single plane (much like your own Movement through water involves various pat­
knee or elbow joints). Such movement is lirnited not terns of swimming that include smooth paddling by

(A) Figure 20.24 Swimming motions in a primi­

tive crustacean. (A) A fairy shri mp (Anostraca)
Ovisac on its back in its normal swi mming posture .
(8) The appendages "in motion," producing a
.,.,.�c,c,000� posteriorl y directed fl ow of water that propels

, . � the animal forward. Arrows near the bases
. . . of the appendages ind icate feeding currents .
The small arrows bel ow the drawing indicate
the direction of movement of each numbered
(8) Swimming appendage at this moment in the anteri or
current progression of the metachronal wave. Water
Anterior Posterior
is drawn into the interlimb spaces as adjacent
appendages move away from one another,
and water i s pressed out of the spaces as
adjacent limbs move together. The lateral
art icl es of these phyllopodial appendages are
hinged in such a way that they extend on the
power stroke to present a large surface area
and collapse on the recovery stroke, thereby
producing less drag.

Limbs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 may b e restricted to particular body regions (e.g., the
abdominal swimmerets of shrimps, stomatopods,
and isopods; the metasomal lin1bs of swilnn1ing c o p e ­
shrimps, jerky stroking by certain insects and small pods) or n1ay occur along much of the trunk (e.g., the
crustaceans, and startling back,vard propulsion by tail appendages of anostracans, remipedes, and cephalo­
flexion in lobsters and crayfish. Aerial locomotion has carids) (Figure 20.24). These appendages engage in a
been mastered by the pterygote (winged) insects, but backward power (propulsive) stroke and a forward
is also practiced b y certain spiders that drift on tlueads recovery stroke. In all cases, the appendages are con­
of silk. Many arthropods burro"' or bore into various structed in such a way that on the recovery stroke, they
substrata (e.g., ants, bees, termites, burrowing crusta­ are flexed and the flaps and marginal setae passively
ceans). Some terrestrial arthropods that are normally "collapse" to reduce the coefficient of friction (drag).
associated with the ground engage in short-term aerial On the power stroke the limbs are held erect, with their
movements that serve as escape responses. Son1e, like largest surface facing the direction of limb movement,
fleas, simply jump, whereas others and glide, thus increasing thrust efficiency (by increasing the
giving us possible clues to the evolutionary origin of coefficient of friction and the distance through which
flight. Son,e crustaceans ju1np as well, such as the fa­ the limb travels). These swimming appendages typi­
miliar beach hoppers (a1nphipods) that bound away cally articulate with the body only on a plane parallel
over the sand when disturbed. Arthropods that move to the body axis. Less sophisticated swim1ning is ac­
in contact with the surface of the substratum, under complished in other arthropods by use of various other
water or on land, by various forn1s of walking, creep­ appendages, mcluding the antennae of n1any n1inute
i11g, crawli11g, or running are referred to as pedestrian crustaceans and larvae and the thoracic stenopods of
or reptant. many aquatic insects.
All of the common forms of arthropod locomotion Pedestrian locomotion in arthropods i s highly vari­
except flight depend on the use of typical appendages able, both among different groups and even m indi­
and thus are based on the principles of joint articulation vidual anin1als. With the exception of a few strongly
described above, coupled with specialized architecture homonomous "vernuform" types (e.g., centipedes and
of the appendages. Belo"' we discuss some aspects of millipedes), most arthropods are incapable of lateral
two fundamental types of appendage-dependent lo­ body undulations. Thus, they cannot amplify the stride
comotion in arthropods, swimming and pedestrian lo­ length of their appendages by body waves (as many
comotion, exploring variations on these methods and polychaetes do, for example). Walking arthropods
others i n subsequent chapters. depend almost entirely on the mobility of specialized
Many examples of swilnming arthropods are found groups of appendages. The structure of these ambu­
among the crustaceans. Most swimming crustaceans latory legs is quite different from that of paddle-like
(e.g., anostracans and shrimps) and even those that swimming appendages, and their action is much more
swin1 only infrequently (e.g., isopods and amphipods) complex and variable.
employ ventral, flaplike setose appendages as paddles Consider the general movement of an ambulatory
(Figure 20.22B). The appendages used for swimming leg as it passes through its power and recovery strokes
738 Chapter Twenty

(A) Trochanter Figure 20.25 Aspects o f leg movement in arthro­

pods. (A) Ground-level view of one pa ir of walking legs

Tibia Left limb o n an approaching insect. The leg in contact with the
(recovery stroke) substratum is in its power stroke position, whereas the
Right lim.b opposite leg is off the ground in its recovery stroke.
(power stroke) (B) Anterior view of a walki ng limb in various positions
during recovery and power strokes: (1) shows the
limb extended and raised during the forward-swing
recovery stroke; (2) shows the limb extended and
lowered agai nst the substratum, as positioned at the
(B) beginning or the end o f the power stroke; (3) shows
--------··. the limb f lexed and lowered against the substratum
in the middle o f the power stroke. Notice the change
.. .. .
(1) in body to limb ti p distance during the power stroke.
(C,D) Ventral views o f a walking limb, illustrating the
range of anterior-p osterior (promotor-remotor) and
adduct or-abductor movements. (C) Rotational move­
(3) (2)
ment at coxa-body junction to swing limb forward and
backward. (D) Extension and flexion of a walking limb
with resultant abduction and adduction of the limb lip
(C) relative t o the body.

.. . (D)
.. �..

Stemite Sternite
,_.. '

(Figure 20.25). At the con1pletion of the power stroke, also accomplished by extensor and flexor muscles,
the appendage is extended posteriorly and its tip is in which thus serve as levators and depressors, respec­
contact with the substratum. The recovery stroke i n ­ tively; the 1nuscles i n the proximal leg joints usually
volves lifting the limb, swinging it forward, and plac­ serve these purposes.
ing it back do• on the substratum; by then the limb Anterior-posterior limb movements are accom­
is extended anterolaterally. The power stroke is a c ­ plished in two basic ways. First, the ball-and-socket
complished by first flexing and then extending the leg type of joint at the point of limb-body articulation typi­
while the tip is held in place against the substratum. cally carries out these actions in most crustaceans, in­
Thus the body is first pulled and then pushed fon,vard sects, and myriapods. Promotor and remotor muscles
by each Lin1b. tl1at are associated with these joints rotate the limb
These con1plicated move1nents obviously would not forward and backward, respectively. Second, m.any
be possible if all of the limb joints and limb-body joints arachnids accomplish multidirectional 1.iJ.nb move­
were dicondylic articulations in the same plane, paral­ ments by using only uniplanar dicondylic joints. In
lel to the body axis. The leg must be able to move up these arthropods, one or 1nore of the proximal joints
and down as well as forward and backward, and the articulate perpendicular to the limb axis, and thus to
action a t each joint must be coordinated with the a c ­ the rest of the limb joints, providing forward and back­
tions o f all the others. In general, the distal limb joints ward movement.
are dicondylic, with articulation (and movement) Understanding how a single limb moves does not,
planes parallel to the limb axis. They allow the append­ of course, describe the locomotion of the whole ani•
age to flex and extend, that is, to move the tip closer mal. The various patterns of pedestrian locomotion
to (adduction) or farther from (abduction) the point in arthropods, called gaits, are the result of many fac­
of limb origin. The actions of these joints typically in­ tors (e.g., leg number, leg movement sequences, stride
volve the usual sets o f antagonistic flexor and extensor lengths, speed). The number of patterns is great, but it
muscles described earlier. In some arachnids and a few is Limited by certain biological and physical constraints.
crustaceans, however, certain lin1b joints lack extensor Speed is linuted by rates of muscle contraction and the
muscles, and the limbs are extended by an increase in necessity for coordinating leg movements to avoid
blood pressure. Raising and lowering of the limb are tangling. Furthermore, the animal must maintain an

appropriate distribution of legs at all times in various "Apparent" arthropod

Arthropod growth growth due to moltu1g
phases of power and recovery strokes so that its weight (real tissue growth)
,' /
is fully supported.
The gaits of insects have been more extensively ""',,, ,,- Nonarthropod
studied than those of other arthropods. Studies on
1 growth
insects and myriapods led to an atten1pt to establish
principles under ivhich all pedestrian arthropod lo­
comotion could be unified. The most frequently used
descriptions of arthropod walking, crawling, and run­
ning are based on the "metachronal model." The basic
idea of this model is that the legs on each side of the
body move in metachronal (repeated) waves from back
to front and that the waves overlap to various degrees, Figure 20.26 Arthropod versus non-arthropod growth.
depending on the speed of moven1ent. This model The heavy soli d line indicates the incremental ("stair­
does work for some arthropods, some of the time, but step") growth pattern of an arthropod as measured by
changes in external body size associated with molts.
things are not so simple, and attempts to over general­
The dotted line depi cts real tissue growth in the same
ize have been misleading. A good deal of the work on arthropod. The gray line dep icts the typical growth of a
crustaceans and arachnids (and even insects) indicates non-arthropod.
that leg moven,ent sequences, stepping patten,s, stride
lengths, and other characteristics are extremely v a r i ­
able, even ,,vithin individuals, and depend on a host of and stored v>'ithin the body for later redeposition. As
factors other than speed. The actions of the joints are the old cuticle is loosened and thinned, the epidermis
coordinated by information supplied to the central n e r ­ begins secreting a soft new cuticle. Figure 20 .27 depicts
vous system by proprioceptors in the joints the1nselves. some of these events.
Once the old cuticle has been substantially loosened
Growth and a new cuticle formed, actual molting occurs. The
The imposition of a rigid exoskeleton on the arthro­ old cuticle splits in such a way that the animal can
pods precludes growth by means of a gradual increase wriggle free aJ1d pull itself out. The lines along which
in external body size. Rather, an overall increase in the cuticle splits vary among the arthropods but are
body size takes place in staggered increments associ­ consistent within particular groups. It is important to
ated with the periodic loss of the old exoskeleton and remember that all cuticular linings are lost during ec­
the deposition of a new, larger one (Figure 20.26). The dysis, including the linings of the foregut and hindgut,
process of shedding the exoskeleton is called molting, the eye surfaces, and the cuticle that lines every pit,
and it is a phenomenon characteristic of arthropods groove, spine, and seta on the body surface. When you
and all other ecdysozoans. The molting process var­ see a cast-off intact exoskeleton, or exuvium, of an ar­
ies iJ1 detail even among the arthropods. It has been thropod, you are bound to be impressed with its won­
best studied in certain insects and crustaceaJ1s, and derfully perfect detail. It is at first difficult to imagine
the description below is based primarily on those two how the animal could extricate itself from each and
groups. We first outline the basic steps in the arthro­ every tiny part of the old cuticle (Figure 20.27C,D).
pod molt cycle and then briefly discuss the horn1onal The abitity to do so depends, of course, on the great
control of those events. l n all aJthTopods (and probably flexibility of the body within its new and unhardened
all ecdysozoans) molting i s regulated by a hormone exoskeleton.
called ecdysone; thus, the entire molting process in As soon as the arthropod emerges from its old cuti­
these groups is referred to as ecdysis. cle, and while the new cuticle is still soft and pliable, its
The stages between molts are called intermolts (or body swells rapidly by taking up air or water. Once the
instars, in insects). In arthropods, it is during these i n ­ nev>' cuticle i s thus enlarged, the animal enters a post­
termolt stages that real tissue growth occurs, although molt period (postecdysis) during ivhich the cuticle is
with no increase in external size. When such tissue hardened by sclerotization and/or the redeposition of
growth reaches the point at which the body "fills" its calcium salts. The excess water (or air) is then actively
exoskeletal case, the animal usually enters a physiolog­ pumped from the body, and real tissue growth occurs
ical state known as premolt or proecdysis. During this during the subsequent intermolt period. During the
stage there is active preparation for the molt, including sclerotization process, the cuticle becomes drier, stiff­
accelerated growth of any regenerating parts. Certain er, and resistant to chemical and physical degradation
epidermal glands secrete enzymes that begin digesting through the molecular cross-linking process in the pro­
the old endocuticle, thus separating the exoskeleton tein-chitin matrix described earlier.
from the epidermis. ln many crustaceans, some of the We have stressed the adaptive significance of the
calcium is removed from the cuticle during this period arthropod exoskeleton in terms of its protective and
740 Chapter Twenty

(A) Early premolt

�'\ Subcuticular
Dissolution of space
membranous Molt
Jntermolt Shed old
Epicuticle -

Exocuticle - cuticle

Endocuticle CRUSTACEAN

Epidermis - ---- Membranous

Membranous layer la er Mineral resorption; formation
present; Y
of new e p i -and exocuticle
cuticle complete


Sclerotization and calcification

of new cuticle; deposition of

Mature cuticle Epicuticle


(B) Postmolt: / ��L� Early premolt

Remains of old/ � (� Apolys1s) --- Epicuticle
cuticle cast-off Dermal gland Epidermis


o I

Molting fluid
Ecdysial - Old exocuticle
, '
_ I
.... ,•trs

Late premolt:
endocuticle digested

(C) (D)

Figure 20.27 Arthropod molting. Schematic representations

of some events in the molting of (A) a crustacean and (B) an
insect. The separation of the old cuticle from the body is gen­
erally accomplished by dissolution of the membranous layer
in large crustaceans and by digestion of the inner boundary of
the cuticle in insects. (C) A swimming crab in the final stage of
extracting itself from its old, molted exoskel eton; only the c h e ­
lipeds remain to b e pulled out of the exuvium. (D) The cast-off
exoskeleton of a tarantula.

supportive qualities. However, during the postmolt In both crustaceans and hexapods (and probably all
period, before the nev, exoskeleton is hardened, the arthropods), the initiation of molting, beginning with
animal is quite vulnerable to injury, predation, and o s ­ the events of proecdysis, is brought about by the action
motic stress. Many arthropods become reclusive at this of a molting hormone called ecdysone. Apparently,
time, hiding in protective nooks and crannies and not however, the pathways controlling the secretion of
even feeding when in this "soft-shell" condition. The ecdysone are different in insects and crustaceans, as
time required for hardening of the new exoskeleton diagrammed in Figure 20.28. In crustaceans ecdysone
varies greatly an1ong arthropods, generally being lon­ i s secreted by an endocrine gland called the Y-organ
ger in larger animals. The well-known and delectable located at the base of the antennae or near the mouth­
"soft-shell crabs" of the eastern United States are sim­ parts. The action of the Y-organ is controlled by a com­
ply blue crabs (Cnllinectes) caught during their post­ plex neurosecretory apparatus located near the eyes or
molt period. i n the eyestalks. During the intermolt period, a molt­
Many genes and a complex hormonal system regu­ inhibiting hormone (MIH) is produced by neurosecre­
late the molt cycle (Figure 20.28). Several models have tory cells of the X-organ, located in a region of the eye­
been proposed to explain the hormonal pathways in­ stalk nerve (or ganglion) called the medulla ternunalis
volved in molting in insects and crustaceans, and the (Figure 20.28A). MlH is carried by axonaJ transport to
picture is still somewhat incomplete. The hormonal a c ­ a storage area called the sinus gland, wh.icJ, appears
tivities of the crustacean ecdysial cycle have been most to control MIH release into the blood. As long as suf­
extensively studied in decapods. In some (e.g., lobsters ficient levels of MIH are present in the blood, the pro­
and crayfish), molting occurs periodically through­ duction of ecdysone by the Y-organ is inlubited.
out the animal's life, but in many others (e.g., c o p e ­ The active premolt and subsequent 1nolt phases are
pods and some crabs), molting, and therefore growth, initiated by sensory input to the central nervous sys­
ceases at some point, and a maxin,um size is attained. tem. The stimulus is external for some crustaceans (e.g.,
Animals that have engaged in their final molt are said day length or photoperiod for certain crayfishes) and
to have entered a state of anecdysis, or permanent i n ­ internal for others (e.g., growth of soft tissues in certain
termolt-they are in their final instar. Among insects, crabs). External stimuli are transmitted via the central
molting is largely associated with metamorphosis nervous system to the medulla terminalis and X-organ
from one developmental stage to the next (e.g., pupa (Figure 20.28B). Appropriate stimuli inhibit the secre­
to adult), and, except for the most primitive hexapods, tion of MIH, ultimately resulting in the production of
adults do not molt (i.e., they are in anecdysis). ecdysone and the initiation of a new molt cycle.
742 Chapter Twenty

The sequence of events in insects is son1ewhat dii­ intercerebralis, secrete ecdysiotropin. This hormone
ferent from that in crustaceans in that a molt inhibi­ is carried by axonal transport to the corpora cardiaca,
tor is apparently not involved. When an appropriate paired neural masses associated with the cerebral gan­
stimulus is introduced to the central nervous system, glia. Here, thoracotropic hormone is produced and car­
certain neurosecretory cells in the cerebral ganglia are ried to the prothoracic glands, stimulating them to pro­
activated. These cells, which are located in the pars duce and release ecdysone (Figure 20.28C).

The Digestive System

(A) It will come as no surprise that the great diversity
among arthropods is reflected in their display of near­
ly every feeding 1nethod imaginable. As a group, the
only real constraint on arthropods in this regard is the
absence of external, functional cilia. Evolutionarily,
many arthropods have overcome even this lin,itation
and suspension feed by other means. So varied are ar­
thropod feeding strategies that we postpone discussion
of them to the sections and chapters on particular taxa,
and here atten1pt only t o generalize about the basic
structure and function of arthropod digestive systems.
X-organ-sinus The digestive tract of arthropods is complete (a
gland tract through gut) and generally straight, extending from a
ventral mouth on the head to a posterior anus. Various
__:. -Neurosecretory fibers
l from sinus gland appendages (the mouthparts and other associated a p ­
:'- ) pendages) may be associated with processing food and
1..,., �•�;:,:,1--- Optic nerve moving it to the mouth. Regional specialization of the

(B) (C)

Appropriate Appropriate
Absence of appropriate stimulus internal external Presence of appropriate stimulus
stimulus stimulus

t ! ! !
Neurosecretory cells of X-organ Central nervous system Central nervous system
remaill active; produce MIH

l Axonal transport
ofMIH ! !
MIH stored in sinus gland Inhibition of MJH production Neurosecretory cells of pars

in X-organ intercerebralis produce ecd ysiotropin

MIH released
into blood ! MIH levels in
blood drop ! Axonal transport
of ecdysiotrop in

MIH illhibits production of Y-organ produces ecdysone Corpora cardiaca produces

ecdysone by Y-organ thoracotropic hormone (TH)

! ! !
No molting Molting initiated TH stimulates prothoracic
glands to produce ecdysone

Figure 20.28 (A) The neurosecretory apparatus in a crustacean eye­

stalk. (B) Flow diagram of events inhibiting and initiating molting in crus­
taceans. (C) Flow diagram of events initiating molti ng in an insect.

e��· -�-�
,, ,, Digestive
Stomach cecum
gives them strength and elasticity; they are composed
Intestine of regular assemblies of l o n g -chain n1acro1nolecuJes
(most being fibrous proteins) and many also incorpo­
Mouth �.-f-�,l--- Rectum rate collagens. Modified salivary glands are common
silk-producing organs, but silks are also secreted by the
digestive tract, Malpighian tubules, accessory repro­
ductive glands, and assorted dermal glands. Silk pro­
LJ Anus duction occurs in chelicerates (false scorpions, spiders,
LForegut_j '- - --Midgut and mites), many i"nsect orders (such as adult webspin­
(ectodermal; (entodem,al) Hindgut
stomodeaJ) (ectodermal; ners or Embioptera, and the larvae of commercial silk­
proctodeal) wonn moths Bo,nbyx and Annphe), son1e myriapods,
and some crustaceans (e.g., amphipods). Arthropod
Figure 20.29 The major gut regions of arthropods. The
myriad variations on this theme are discussed in subse­ silks are used i n the production of cocoons, egg cases,
quent chapters on particul ar taxa. v,ebs, larval "houses," flotation rafts, prey entrapment
threads, dragl.i.nes, spennatophore receptacles, intra­
specific recognition devices, and other sundry ite1ns.
gut occurs in most taxa. ln almost all cases there is a The truly spectacular array of silk uses by spiders is
well -developed, cuticle-lined, ston1odeal foregut and discussed in Chapter 2 4 . Silk production and use pro­
proctodeal hindgut, connected by an endodern1ally vide one of the more spectacular examples of evolu­
derived rnidgut (Figure 20.29). In general, the foregut tionary convergence seen in the arthropods.
serves for ingestion, transport, storage, and mechanical
digestion of food; the midgut for enzyn1e production, Circulation and Gas Exchange
chemical digestion, and absorption; and the hindgut A tnajor aspect of the arthropod body plan is reflected
for water absorption and the preparation of fecal mate­ in the nature of the circulatory system. The largely
rial. The rnidgut typically bears one or more evagina­ open he1nocoelic system is in part a result of the impo­
tions in the form of digestive ceca (often referred to as sition of the rigid exoskeleton and the loss of an inter­
the "digestive gland," "liver," or "hepatopancreas"). nally segmented and fluid-filled coelom. We have seen
The number of ceca and the arrangement of the other that isolated coelonuc spaces (such as the segments of
gut regions vary among the different taxa. A charac­ annelids) require a closed circulatory system to service
teristic feature of arthropods (and tardigrades) is the them, but this requirement is not present in arthro­
enclosure of the n,aterial being digested in the hindgut pods. Furthern,ore, without a muscular, flexible body
within a permeable peritrophic membrane, which a l ­ \Vall to augment blood movement, a pumping 1necha­
lows digestive flu.ids to flow in and water and nutri­ nism becon1es necessary, resulting in the elaboration
ents to flow out. Arthropod feces are typically "pack­ of a muscular heart. The result is a system wherein
aged" in the remains of the peritrophic membrane. the blood is driven from the heart chamber through
The various terrestrial arthropods have conver­ short vessels and into the hemocoel, where it bathes
gently evolved many similar features as adaptations the internal organs. The blood returns to the heart via
to life on land. Many of these convergent structures a noncoelornic pericardia] sinus and perforations in the
are associated with (although not necessarily derived heart wall called ostia (Figure 20.30). The blood flows
fron1) the gut. For exan1ple, excretory structures called back to the heart along a decreasing pressure gradient
Malpighian tubules (see below) that develop fron1 the resulting from lo,,vered pressure within the pericar­
rnidguts or hindguts of insects, arachnids, myriapods, dia] sinus as the heart contracts. The complexity of the
and tardigrades appear to be convergences (i.e., non­ circulatory system varies greatly among arthropods,
homologous structures). The excretory structures of the differences being dependent in large part on body
onychophorans also used to be called Malpighian tu­ size and shape. These differences include variations in
bules, but they have recently been shown to be c o m ­ the size and shape of the heart (Figure 20.30B-D), the
plex metanephridia with secondarily derived, closed number of ostia, the length and number of vessels, the
end sacs. Many unrelated terrestrial taxa have special arrangement of hemocoelic sinuses, and the circulatory
repugnatorial glands, which may or may not b e asso­ structures associated with gas exchange.
ciated with the gut and which produce noxious sub­ Arthropod blood, or hemolymph, serves to transport
stances used to deter predators. Many different groups nutrients, wastes, and usually gases. It includes a vari­
of terrestrial arthropods also have evolved the ability ety of types of amebocytes and, in some groups, clotting
to produce silks or silk-like substances for use outside agents. The blood of many kinds of small arthropods
their bodies. These silk-like fibers are produced by is colorless, simply carrying gases in solution. Most of
nonhomologous structures a1nong different arthro­ the larger forms, however, contain hemocyanin, and a
pods. Although they vary greatly in chemical com­ few contain hemoglobin. Both pigments are always dis­
position, all share a common molecular feature that solved in the hen,olymph rather than contained within
744 Chapter Twenty

(A) (B) ,...•.

Cephalic aorta Anterior artery . ..,..

..<. •..
Ventral artery
Anterior artery
(0) (E)
Ostia Hearl
/ � Lateral arteries
( )
Ostia Various arterie s

0 0 •
\0 ' Pericardia!
. smus
� Figure 20.30 Arthropod circulation.
0 (A) General pattern of blood flow through
� Collecting / a crayfish. (B-D) Crustacean hearts.
vessels (B) Ca/anus. a copepod. (C) Squilla, a
stomatopod. (D) Astacus, a crayfish.
(E) Generalized pattern of blood flow
through an arthropod.

cells. In most groups of arthropods, the circulatory route providing large surface areas (Figure 20.31A). The gills
takes at least some of the blood past the gas exchange of some crustaceans (e.g., euphausids) are exposed,
surfaces (e.g., gills) before returning to the heart. unprotected, to the surrounding medium, whereas in
One of the major evolutionary problems arising others (e.g., crabs and lobsters) the gills are carried b e ­
from the acquisition of a relatively impermeable exo­ neath protective extensions of the exoskeleton.
skeleton involves gas exchange, particular!y for terres­ The most successful terrestrial arthropods-the in­
trial arthropods. On land, any increase in cuticular per­ sects and arachnids-have evolved gas exchange sh·uc­
meability to facilitate gas exchange also increases the tures in the fonn of invaginations of the cuticle, rather
threat of water loss. Remember that gas exchange sur­ than the evaginations seen in aquatic crustaceans.
faces not only must be permeable but also must be kept Obviously, external gills would be unacceptable in dry
n1oist (see Chapter 4). Evolutionarily, the challenge for conditions, but placed internally, these gas exchange
the arthropods becomes one of disrupting the integ­ structures remain m.oist and act as hun1idity chambers,
rity of the exoskeleton in such a way as to allow gas allowing oxygen to enter solution for uptake. Many
exchange without seriously jeopardizing the survival arachnids possess invaginations called book lungs,
of the animal by abandoning the principal benefits of which are sacciform pockets with thin, highly folded
the exoskeleton. walls called lan1ellae (Figure 20.31C). Hexapods, myr­
The design of arthropod gas exchange structures iapods, and n1any arachnids possess inwardly directed
has taken one form in aquatic groups and quite an­ branching tubules called tracheae, which open external­
other in terrestrial taxa (Figure 20.31). The former is ly through pores called spiracles (Figure 20.31B). In in­
best exemplified by the crustaceans and the latter by sect tracheal systems the inner ends of the tubules lie in
the insects and terrestrial chelicerates. Some very tiny the he1nocoel or are embedded in organ tissues, allow­
crustaceans (e.g., copepods) with a lovv surface area­ ing direct gas exchange between the air and the blood
to-volume ratio exchange gases cutaneously across the and internal organs. The trachea of arachnids are prob­
general body surface or at thin cuticular areas such as ably not directly homologous to those of insects. Son1e
articulating metnbranes. However, most of the larger terrestrial crustaceans (isopods) have pseudotracheae
crustaceans have evolved various types of gills in on the abdo1ninal appendages; these structures are
the form of thin-walled, hemolymph-filled cuticular short, branching tubes that bring air close to the blood­
evaginations. Gills are commonly branched or folded, filled spaces i n these appendages (Figure 20.31 D).

(A) (B) (C)

Blood channels Lamella of book lung

Blood now


Figure 20.31 Arthropod gas

exchange structures. (A) One type
of crustacean gill (surface view and Air nowing in
cross section). (8) Tracheal system through spiracle opening
in a beetle. (C) An arachnid book
lung (cutaway view). (D) The abdo­
men of a terrestrial isopod or "pill­ '
bug," Porcellio (ventral view). Note
the pseudotracheae ("white bodies")
on the abdominal appendages, o r


Excretion and Osmoregulation

With the evolution of a hen1ocoelic circulatory system
in arthropods, nephridia with open nephrostomes b e ­
came functionally untenable. lt simply would not do
to drain the blood directly from an open hen1ocoel
to the outside. Arthropods have evolved a variety of
highly efficient excretory structures that share a com­
mon adaptive feature in that they are internally closed.
In addition to this n1ajor difference between the n e ­
phridia of arthropods a n d those of other coelomate
protostomes, there has been a reduction in the overall
number of excretory units.
In many arthropods, portions of the excretory units
are coelomic remnants and are formed in various body types of coelomic origin are functionally much more
segments during development. In most adult crus­ complex and efficient than open metanephridia. The
taceans only a single pair of nephridia (nephromixia) uptake of materials from the hemocoel by the i.Ju1er
persists, usually associated v.•ith particular segments of ends of these nephridia apparently illvolves passive
the head (i.e., as antenna] glands or n1axillary glands) n1oven1ent in respo.nse to filtration pressure, as well as
(Figure 20.32A). In arachnids there may be as 1nany as active transport. The flujd entering the nephridium is
four pairs of nephridia (and in onyc11ophorans, many generally similar in composition to the hemolymph it­
more) opening at the bases of the walking legs (i.e., self, but as it passes along the plumbing system of the
coxal glands). nephridium, a good deal of selective reabsorption oc­
A second type of excretory structure occurs in four curs, particularly of salts and nutrients sud1 as glucose.
terrestrial panarthropod taxa: arachnids, myriapods, Thus the urine exiti.J1g the nephridial pores is mark­
insects, and tardigrades. These structures, known as edly different from the hemolymph and represents a
Malpighian tubules, arise as blind tubules extending concentration of nitrogenous waste products (Figure
into the hemocoel from the gut wall (Figure 20.32C). 20.32B).
However, anatomical and developmental evidence Malpighjan tubules acco1nplish the same pro­
suggests that these Malpighian tubules may have cess, but they must rely on assistance from the gut.
evolved independently in ead1 of these groups, repre­ Malpighian tubule uptake from the hemocoel is rela­
senting yet another exen1plary case of convergent evo­ tively nonselective, and the resulting "primary urine"
lution among the Arthropoda. (contai.Jung nutrients, water, salts, and so on) is emp­
The excretory physiology of arthropods is a complex tied directly into the gut. Very little reabsorption of
and extensively studied topic, and we present only a non-waste material occurs along the length of the
very general summary here. The various nephridial tubule itself. The hindgut is mostly responsible for
746 Chapter Twenty

(A) (C) Malpighian tubules

Cecum Midgut

End sac

. ,..

, , _ · < -

Figure 20.32 Arthropod excretory structures. (A) The antenna!
gland of a decapod crustacean (section). (B) Changes in chloride
content of the excretory fluid in different regions of a decapod
antenna! gland. Note the active resorptive capabilities of the
C structure. (C) An insect gut. Note the attachments of Malpighian
:c tubules,
e 100

"CJ ventral subesophageal (subenteric) ganglion. The lat­
'§ ter is formed by the coalescence of several other head
2 Bladder
u ganglja, usually those associated with the mandibles
and maxillae. A double or single, ganglionated ventral
nerve cord extends through some or all of the body
segments. Each of these regions gives rise to a major
concentrating the urine by reabsorbing the non-waste pair of nerves to particular head appendages (Figure
fractions. The abiJjty of the gut to reabsorb water plays 20,33B,C). ln extant arthropods, the protocerebrum in­
a critical role in osmoregulation in terrestrial and fresh­ nervates the eyes, whereas the deutocerebrum inner­
water arthropods. Like most aquatic invertebrates, ma­ vates the antennae (only the first antennae in Crusta­
rine crustaceans excrete most (about 70-90%) of their cea), the chelifores of pycnogoruds, and the cheliceres
nitrogenous v-,astes as ammonia; the remainder is ex­ of chelicerates. Recall that i n Onychophorans the pro­
creted in the forms of urea, uric acid, amino acids, and tocerebrurn innervates both the eyes and the antennae,
son1e other compounds, Terrestrial arachnids, myr­ and the deutocerebrurn innervates the jaws.6
iapods, and insects excrete predominantly uric acid The segmental ganglia of the ventral nerve cord
(via the hindgut and anus), In Chapter 4 we revie\-ved show various degrees of linear fusion with one another
som.e of the relationships between excretory products in different groups of arthropods. Hence, just as tag­
and osmoregulation in terms of adaptation to terres­ mosis is reflected in the joining of body segn1ents exter­
trial habitats. The ability to produce large quantities of nally, it is also apparent in the uruon of groups of gan­
uric acid, and thus conserve water, has doubtless con­ glia along the ventral nerve cord. These modifications
tributed significantly to the success of arachnids and of the central nervous system are exaJnined more close­
insects on land. The crustaceans, on the other hand, ly in the following chapters on the arthropod subphyla.
have not been able to make a major shift from arnrn o ­ Although the presence of an exoskeleton has had
notelism to uricotelism. Only the terrestrial crustaceans little evolutionary effect on the structure of the cere­
(i.e., isopods-woodlice and pillbugs) show a slight in­ bral ganglia and nerve cord, it has had a major effect
crease in uric acid excretion over that of their marine on the nature of sensory receptors. Unmodified, the
counterparts. exoskeleton would in1pose an effective barrier between
the environment and the epidermal sensory nerve e n d ­
Nervous System and Sense Organs ings. Hence, most of the external mechanoreceptors and
The general plan of the arthropod nervous system is chemoreceptors are actually cuticular processes (setae,
similar to that seen in n1any other protostomes, and
many obvious homologies exist (Figure 20,33A), The
arthropod brain ( cerebral ganglia) comprises three "The concentration of nervous tissue in the arthropod head has
been called a brain, cerebrum, cerebral ganglion, and cerebral
regions, each of which originates from a pair of co­ ganglionic mass. Some of these terms may seem anthropomor­
alesced ganglia. The two pairs of anteriorn1ost ganglia phic, or might suggest the presence of a single head ganglion, In
are the protocerebrum and deutocerebrurn. The p o s ­ fact, the cerebral ganglia comprise a cluster of associated ganglia
(concentrations of nervous tissue composed primarily of neuronal
terior-most ganglion, the tritocerebrurn, usually forms cell bodies)-hence the term cerebral ganglia is probably the most
circumenteric connectives around the esophagus to a accurate.

(A) (D)


�"f'.:..---- ganglion



nerve cord
Sensory seta .. .
"·. I

Figure 20.33 The arthropod nervous system and some sense organs. (A) The . : ;;.-,
central nervous system of a crayfish, showing the basic annelid-like plan {dorsal :.:•,,,
view). (8) The brain of a crustacean. (C) The brain of a chel icerate. (D) Sensory 0
setae on the wa lking leg of a lobster (Homarus). (E) A typical arthropod tactile seta.
(F) Distribution of proprioceptors in a spi der leg.

hairs, bristles), pores, or slits, collectively called sensilla. cuticular coverings or miJ1ute pores that briJ1g the envi­
Most arthropod tactile receptors (mechanorecep­ ronment into contact with chen1oreceptor neurons.
tors) are cuticular projections in the form of movable Proprioception is of particular importance to ani­
bristles or setae, the inner ends of which are associated mals .vith jomted appendages, such as arthropods and
with sensory neurons (Figure 20.33D,E). When the cu­ vertebrates. The way in which these stretch receptors
ticular projections are touched, that movement is trans­ span the joints enables them to convey information to
lated into a deformation of the nerve ending, thereby the central nervous systen1 about the relative positions
initiating a nerve impulse. Sensitivity to environmen­ of appendage articles or body segments (Figure 20.33F).
tal vibrations is similar t o tactile reception. Sensilla Through this systen1, an arthropod (or vertebrate)
in the form of fine "hairs" or setae are mechanically knows where its appendages are, even without seeing
moved by external vibrations and impart that n1ove­ them. Arthropod versions of these "stram gauges" are
ment to underlying sensory neurons. Some terrestrial called campaniform sensilla in hexapods, slit sensilla
arthropods bear thin, membranous cuticular 'Nindows i n arachnids, and force-sensitive organs in most crus­
overlyiJ1g chambers lined with sensory nerves. When taceans. Despite subtle differences in their anatomy, all
struck by airborne vibrations (e.g., sound), these .vin­ are linked t o the central nervous system iJ1 similar ways,
dows vibrate in turn and impart the stimulus to the and all record exoskeletal strain by means of neuronal
chamber and thence to the nerves below. stretching or deformation. Arthropods possess three
We have seen in soft-bodied invertebrates that che­ basic kinds of photoreceptors, including simple ocelli,
moreception is usually associated with ciliated epithe­ complex lensed ocelli, and faceted or compound eyes.
lial structures (e.g., nuchal organs, ciliated pits), across Ocelli were described m Chapter 4; although they vary
which dissolved chemicals diffuse to nerve endings. i n anatomical detail, their basic structure and opera­
fn arthropods, in the presence of a relatively imper­ tion is consistent in all invertebrates. Compound eyes,
meable cuticle and in the absence of free cilia, such though found in all arthropod subphyla, have been lost
arrangements are obviously not possible. Thus, many or 1nodified in various groups throughout the phylum.
arthropods possess special thin or hollow setae, often Because of their unique structure and function, com­
associated with the head appendages, with permeable pound eyes are described here in some detail.
748 Chapter Twenty

As their name indicates, compound eyes comprise of the rhabdon1eres extend toward the central axis of
from a few to many distinct photoreceptive w1jts, called the ommatidium a t right angles t o the long axis of tl1e
onunatidia. Each onunatidium is supplied with its own retinular cell.
nerve tracts leading to the major optic nerve, and each The initiation of an impulse depends upon light
has its own field of vision through square or hexagonal striking the rhabdome portion of the retinular element.
cuticular facets on the eye surface. The visual fields of Light that enters through the facet of a particular on1-
neighboring ommatidia overlap to some extent, such matidium is directed to its rhabdome by the lens-like
that a shift in the position of an object within the visual qualities of the cornea and the crystalline cone. The lens
field generates impulses from several omn1atidja; hence has a fixed focal length, so accommodation to objects
compound eyes are especially suitable for detecting at dilferent distances is not possible. Light is shared
movement. However, visual acwty is affected by the among all the rhabdomeres of a given rhabdome, al­
degree of overlap among the fields of vision of neigh­ though not necessarily equally.8
boring ommatidia-the greater the overlap, the poorer I n contrast to those of insects and crustaceans, the
the visual acujty. ln general, compound eyes with many lateral eyes of n,ost myriapods are probably not true
small facets probably produce hlgher-resolution i n 1 - compow1d eyes, but co1nprise clusters of simple ocelli.
ages than eyes with fewer, larger facets. Note that the There is evidence, however, that the eyes of scutige r o ­
function of an ommatiruum is to concentrate light from n1orph centipedes (and of some fossil myriapods) may
a reasonably narrow direction into a receptor area, and be true compound eyes. The only chelicerates ,.,ith
an individual on,matidiUJTI cannot "focus" in the sense typical compound eyes, the xiphosurans, have omma­
of image formation. Image formation is the result of tidia that ruffer i n most details from the insect-crusta­
multiple signals fron1 n1ultiple ommatidia. cean design. There is some evidence that the lateral eye
The following discussion describes the structure and groups of terrestrial chelicerates may be derived from
function of compound eyes using the crustacean-hexa­ reduced and fused con1pow1d eye onu11atidia, and
pod n1odel (Figure 20.34). Each ommatiruum is covered Silurian scorpions had huge bulging compound eyes.
by a morufied portion of the cuticle called the cornea ( = The eyes of chelicerates are relatively larger than those
corneal lens); the special epidermal cells that produce of insects or crustaceans, and their ommatidia have an
the corneal elements are called corneagen cells. The indeterminate number of cells. The pigment cells are
corneagen cells may later withdraw to the sides of the arranged in a cupHke manner, and the botton1 of the
ommatidium to form (usually two) primary pigment "cup" is occupied by a sheet of cells secreting a proh1-
cells (= iris cells). When viewed externally, the facets berance of the cuticle, which i s a functional but not a
on the surface of each cornea produce the characteris­ morphological equivalent of a crystalline cone. A spe­
tic mosaic pattern so frequently photographed by rni­ cial "eccentric cell"-a large speciaHzed photorecep­
croscopists. The core of each ommatidium con1prises tor-found in chelicerate ommatidia has no equivalent
a group of crystalline cone cells and the crystalline in the insect or crustacean retina.
cone that they produce, sometimes a crystalline cone Compound eyes evolved early in arthropod history
stalk, and a basal retinula (= retinular element). There and were present in trilobites and many stem groups,
are typically four (rarely three or five) crystalline cone including anomalocaridids. The versatility of com­
cells; an 01nmatidium with a four-part crystalline cone pound eyes is to a large degree a result of the distal
is highly diagnostic of crustacean-hexapod eyes and and proximal screerung pigments located in cells that
is termed a tetrapartite ommatiditun.7 The crystalline wholly or partially surround the core of the on1Jna­
cone is a hard, clear structure bordered laterally by the tidium (Figure 20.34B-D). Distal screenjng pigments
prin1ary pigment cells. The retinula is a complex struc­ are located i n the primary pigment cells (iris cells),
ture formed from several retinular cells, which are the and proximal pigments are often located in the retinu­
actual photosensitive uruts that give rise to the sensory lar cells and secondary pigment cells. In many cases,
nerve tracts. These retinular cells, usually numbering these screening pign1ents are capable of migrating in
8 but ranging from 5 to 13 in various derived condi­ response to varying Hght conditions and thus chang­
tions, are arranged in a cylinder along the long axis of ing their positions somewhat along the length of the
the ommatidium. The retinular cells are surrounded by ommatidium. In bright Light, the screening pigments
secondary pigment cells, which isolate each ommatid­ may disperse so that nearly all of the light that strikes
iun, from its neighbors. The core of the cylinder is the a particular rhabdomere must have entered through
rhabdome, whlch is made up of rhodopsin-containing the facet of its om1natiruum. In other words, the screen­
microh1bular folds (microvilli) of the cell membranes ing pigment prevents Hght that strikes the facets at an
of the retinular cells. Each retinular cell's contribution angle fron, passing through one ommatidium and into
to the rhabdo1ne is called a rhabdomere. The rnicrovilli
8The compound eyes of one large group of crustaceans, the maxil­
7The crystalline cone cells are often called Semper cells (especially lopodans, differ considerably from those of other crustaceans; see
by entomologists}. Chapter 21.

(A) (B) Cornea

Corneagen cells
.-t,'-"/H---Crystal.line cone
Crystalline cone cells

Crystalline cone stalk

V.J'5_.{,--- Retinular ceU

(C) Light Light

[, =l:=.J-- - -
Cornea-- -C::l:=.J
.•·'. \/.a...' P.1_Crystalline cone light Figure 20.34 Arthropod compound eyes. (A) A com­
-�Distal pound eye (cutaway vi ew). (B) A single ommati dium.
, pigments (C,D) Major ommatidial e lements in (C) an appositional,
or light-adapted, eye and (D) a superpositional, or dark­
adapted, eye.

types of eyes occur (e.g., isopods and amphipods have
apposihonal eyes, but mysids have superpositional
eyes). Furthermore, crustacean larvae that possess
compound eyes almost al,,vays have the appositional
type, which metamorphose into superpositional eyes
another. Many crustacean eyes are fixed in this condi­ i n those groups that possess them in adulthood.
tion. Such appositional eyes(= light-adapted eyes) are Among the arthropods, compound eyes elevated on
thought to maximjze resolution, in that the image from stalks occur only in certain crustaceans (and perhaps a
the visual field o f each ommatidium is mamtained as few Paleozoic trilobites and anomalocaridids). Biologists
a discrete unit. Conversely, under conditions of dim have Jong argued over the derivation of such stalked
light, screening pigments may concentrate, usually dis­ eyes, and the matter is still far from settled-are they the
tally, thereby allowing light to pass through n1ore than primitive condition in arthropods or in crustaceans, or
one omm.atidium before striking rhabdon1eres. The r e ­ have they been derived multiple fron1 sessile-eyed
sult is that the image formed by each on1matidium is ancestors (the latter seems far more likely). The eyestalk
superimposed on the images formed by neighboring is much more than a device to support and move the
ommatidia. This design has the advantage of produc­ eye. Eyestalk movements are produced by up to a dozen
ing enhanced irradiances on the retinula, but at the cost or n1ore muscles with complex motor innervation . In
of reduced resolution. Many crustacean eyes are fixed 111ost malacostracans the eyestalks contain several optic
i n this condition also. Such superpositional eyes(= ganglia separated by chiasmata, as well as important e n ­
dark-adapted eyes) function as efficient light-gather­ docrine organs, usually including the sinus gland and
ing structures while sacrificing some visual acuity and X-organ. Thus, neither loss of eyestalks nor convergent
in1age formation capabilities. recreation of these structures would have been a simple
Some arthropod groups possess compound eyes evolutionary feat. The loss of functional eyes is a com­
that are always either appositional or superposition­ mon evolutionary pathway among the Crustacea(and
al; thus they lack the ability to switch back and forth other arthropods), especially in species that inhabit sub­
with varying light conditions. For example, maxil­ terranean, deep-sea, or interstitial habitats. But among
lopodans and branchiopods apparently all possess those clades with stalked eyes, the eyestalk remains
appositional eyes. However, within the two principal even when the eye itself degenerates-testimony to im­
malacostracan clades, Eucarida and Peracarida, both portance of this complex bit of anatomy.
750 Chapter Twenty

Reproduction and Development It is characterized by a progressive, anterior-to-pos­

The great diversity of adult form a11d habit among terior addition of segments fron1 a distinct posterior
arthropods i s also reflected in their reproductive and growth zone situated near the anus (i.e., in front of the
developmental strategies. The extreme evolutionary terminal, or anal, segment-often called the telson or
and ontogenetic plasticity of arthropods has led to a pygidium). So programmed is the development of
great deal of convergence and parallelisn1 as different the segments that the growth zone is often composed
groups have developed similar structures under simi­ of a fixed number of uniquely identifiable stem cells
lar selective conditions or pressures. (teloblasts) whose progeny undergo a predictable
Nearly all arthropods are gonochoristic, and most and stereotyped sequence of segmentally iterated cell
engage in some sort of formal mating. Fertilization divisions. Teloblasty is further characterized by the
is usually, although not always, internal and is often forn1ation of secondary body cavities (coelomic c a v i ­
followed by brooding or some other form of parental ties) at the growth zone a s segments are elaborated. In
care, at least during early development. Development arthropods, the adult body cavity is derived from the
is frequently mixed, 1-vith brooding and encapsulation fusion of the blood vascular system with these transi­
followed by larval stages, although direct development tory embryonic coelo1nic cavities. Although the coe­
occurs in many groups.9 lomic cavities are secondarily lost during arthropod
Arthropod eggs are centrolecithal (Figure 20.35), embryogenesis, they form by way of schizocoely, origi­
but the amount of yolk varies greatly and results in nating from a pair of caudally situated mesodern1al cell
different patterns of early cleavage. Cleavage is holo­ bands. These bands have long been thought to origi­
blastic in the relatively weakly-yolked eggs of xipho­ nate fron1 a 4d (mesentoblast) cell, as in annelids, but in
surans, son1e scorpions, and various crustaceans (e.g., fact there is little evidence for this.
copepods and barnacles), and is meroblastic in the Not only do the segments form in a similar fashion
strongl y -yolked eggs of most insects and many other in annelids and arthropods, but the two groups also
crustaceans. A number of arthropods exhibit a unique appear to use a similar genetic mecl1anisn1 (especially
form o f meroblastic cleavage that begins with nuclear the products of the engrailed gene) to define seg,nen­
divisions within the yolky n1ass (Figure 20.29). These tal boundaries and polarity. The engrailed (en) gene
intralecithal nuclear divisions are followed by a mi­ belongs to a class of genes known as segment polarity
gration of the daughter nuclei to the periphery of the genes. It plays a key role in deternlining and maintain­
cell and subsequent partitioning of the nuclei by cell ing the posterior cell fates of segmental structures in
membranes. These processes typically result in a peri­ all arthropods (and in annelids and onychophorans).
blastula that consists of a single layer of cells around an Because this gene occurs in iterated h·ansverse stripes
inner yolky mass. Holoblastic cleavage is usually more in the posterior portion of each developing segment
or less radial in appearance. in the germ ba11d of all annelids and arthropods, it can
One of the most striking features of arthropods is be used to clarify ambiguities in segment position and
their segmentation and the complex way in which it number. Embryonic Hedgehog signaling path"rays also
is embryologically derived. This developmental pro­ play similar roles i.n annelids and arthropods, in both
cess is very similar to that seen in annelids (and in cases playing a crucial role in the axial patterning of d e ­
onychophorans and tardigrades), and until the advent veloping segments.
of molecular phylogenetic techniques it 1-vas taken as
evidence of a close shared ancestry.
The process i s called teloblastic segmental growth (or
simply teloblasty) (Greek te/os, "end"; blasto, "bud").

9Direct development in arthropods is sometimes called amorphic

development, and indirect development is often called anamor�
phic development.

Figure 20.35 Superficial cleavage of

.• • • •',,•.
a centro lecithal egg and the forma­ Nuclei Yolk
tion of a periblastula in arthropods.
' .,-,, . • • • • •
..· '.. •:-�:-. .
(A) Centrolecithal egg. (B) lntralecithat
nuclear divisions following fertilization.
(C) Migration o f nuclei to the periphery
of the cell. (D,E) The periblastula is pro­
duced by a partitioning of nuclei as cell
membranes form. .

In arthropods, the transitory embryonic coelomic earliest animals to evolve; even the Ediacaran fauna
cavities are lined with simple epithelitun, but this grad­ of the late Proterozoic included animals regarded by
ually disappears as the embryo develops, and the large some as stem arthropods (including, perhaps, anoma­
adult body cavity comes to be lined by an extracellu­ locaridids a,nong others, some of which had stalked
lar matrix. Hence, the body cavity of adult arthropods eyes as in modern Crustacea). For all these reasons, we
is derived by the fusion of a primary body cavity (the know a lot about arthropods.
blood vascular system) and a secondary body cavity Arthropod evolutionary history has been a favorite
(the coelom) and is therefore termed a he,nocoel (or pastime of zoologists for centuries. Every imaginable
mixocoel). Segmentally arranged pairs of transitory phylogenetic tree has been proposed for the relation­
coelomic cavities, and their embryonic fusion, have ships among the crustaceans, hexapods, chelicerates
been reported in the early developmental stages of and myriapods at one time or another. However, since
virtuaIJy every onychophoran and arthropod that has the mid-1980s, a virtual explosion of new irtformation
been studied. on this phylum has appeared, much of it concerning
phylogeny, paleontology, gene expression, and de­
velopmental biology. I f we examine the evolution of
The Evolution of Arthropods arthropods in light of these recent discoveries, a new
phylogeny of the Arthropoda begins to come into focus
The Origin of Arthropods (Figure 20.38). We do not yet have enough inforn,ation
In 1997, a ground-breaking analysis of animal phylog­ to fill in all of the details of this tree, but son1e clear r e ­
eny based on 18S rRNA sequence data led Aguinaldo lationships have emerged.
and her colleagues to propose a new hypothesis of ar­ The most important ancient arthropod fossils are
thropod relationships-that they belong to a clade of those in \,vhich even the soft parts of the animal were
anin,als that we now know also includes nematodes, preserved-the s o -called ancient Lagerstiitten, such
nematomorphans, ki.norhynchs, priapulans, and loric­ as the faunas of the Upper Cambrian Orsten depos­
iferans (as well as tardigrades and onychophorans), but its of Sweden, the middle Cambrian Burgess Shale of
not annelids. The newly recognized clade was called Canada (and elsewhere), and the Lower Cambrian
Ecdysozoa. Today, scores of molecular phylogenetic Chengjiang (520 Ma) deposits of China. Recent discov­
studies support view of animal relationships and it eries from these well-preserved deposits have shown
is now broadly accepted that the protostomes comprise that the fossil record of Crustacea and Pycnogonida
n,vo main clades: Ecdysozoa and Spiralia. One of the dates to at least the early Cambrian, and possibly to the
most revolutionary outcon,es is compelling evidence late Precambrian. In 2015, Ma and colleagues described
that Annelida and Panarth.ropoda are not sister groups the brains of a lower Cambrian (517 Ma) shrimp-like
(a long held hypothesis based on morphological and crustaean, Fuxianhuia protensa, that were basically
developmental studies). This modern view of animal identical to those of modern Crustaceans. These ex­
relationships stimulated new morphological and de­ traordinary faunas are now informing us that crusta­
velopmental investigations, and significant differences ceans possibly predate the appearance of trilobites in
behveen the annelids and arthropods have begun to the fossil record, and some workers consider the first
emerge, the most obvious being fundamental differ­ arthropods to be crustaceans (or "protocrustaceans" or
ences in the adult body cavity and cleavage patterns "crustaceamorphans").
during embryogenesis. However, the relationships The Chengjiang fam,a includes at least a hu11dred
among the three main clades within Ecdysozoa is still species of animals, many without hard skeletons, in­
uncertain and we depict the clade Panarth.ropoda as an cluding the first kno1,,vn members of many modern
unresolved trichotomy with the other hvo ecdysozoan groups. Hovvever, it is the arthropods that dominate
clades-Nematoida and Scalidophora-on our phylo­ this fauna, including trilobites and bradoriid crusta­
genetic tree of Metazoa (Chapter 28). Molecular clock ceans (and also tardigrades and onychophorans). The
estimates place the origin of Arthropoda at around 600 largest of the Chengjiang anin1als are the anomalo­
million years ago. caridids, stem arthropods that were common during
the Cambrian and are also knov-rn from a single de­
Evolution within the Arthropoda scribed species (Schinderhannes bartelsi) from the Lower
With nearly 1.2 million described species, arthropods Devonian Hunstri.ick Slate of Germany (see Figure
are arguably the most successful animal phylum on 1.3C). Some anomalocaridids reached 2 m in length;
Earth. They encompass an tmparalleled range of struc­ most were predators, but some were probably suspen­
tural and taxonon,ic diversity, have a rich fossil record, sion feeders. The Chengjiang fauna is very similar to
and have become favored study animals of evolution­ that of the Burgess Shale, and it demonstrates that the
ary develop1nental biology. Some artlu·opod "model arthropods were already far advanced by this early
systems" (e.g., Drosophila) have been studied inten­ date. In fact, arthropods may have been the domi­
sively for many decades. Arthropods were among the nant animals in terms of species diversity since the
752 Chapter Twenty

Can1brian, and they constitute over one-third of all arachi1ids. By the late Ordoviciru1 or early Silurian the
species described fron1 Lo,ver Cambrian strata. first mydapods had evolved, perhaps marine crea­
The spectacular research by Klaus Mi.iller and Dieter tures, and about 15 million years later terrestrial milli­
Waloszek since the 1980s on microscopic arthropods pedes appear in the fossil record. The last major arthro­
from the Upper Cambrian Orsten deposits of Sweden pod group to appear was the hexapods, making their
have brought to light a rich fauna of crustaceans, many appearance in the Devonian, or perhaps the Silurian,
of which closely resemble modern groups such as on­ and radiating rapidly to dominate the terrestrial world,
ychophoran-like lobopodians, tardigrades, pentasto­ ultimately qualifying the Cenozoic to be called "the age
mids, cephalocarids, mystacocarids, and branchiopods. of insects."
Orsten-type preservation is a secondary phosphatiza­ The relationship of trilobites to living arthropods
tion of the upper cuticle, apparently soon after death of is still being debated (Figures 20.36 and 20.37). The
the animal as no further destruction takes place. Such two main opposing views argue them close to either
preservation can produce exquisite tlu·ee-dimensional the Chelicerata or the Mandibulata. Our view, in con­
fossils with aU the details of eyes, limbs, setae, cuticu­ trast, positions theoJ as one of many extinct lineages
lar pores and other structures less than a micrometer stemming frotn a crustaceamorph stem line ancestry
in size. It generally occurs with a post-mortem embed­ (Figure 20.38).
ding of the animals in limestone (that later formed into This model of a Paleozoic crustaceamorph stem line
nodules). Since the fossils themselves are phospha­ spinning off the other arthropod subphyla one after
tized, they caJ1 be etched from their surrounding lime­ another differs considerably from earlier ideas of a r ­
stone rock with weak acids. These exceptional fossils, thropod evolution. Nonetheless, a great deal of infor­
which are mostly microscopic arthropods, were first mation now supports this nev., view-one in which
discovered, in southern Sweden, by the German pale­ the Crustacea are recognized as an ancient paraphy­
ontologist Klaus Muller in the 01id-1960s. Orsten-type letic assen1blage that was the "mother of alJ n1odern
fossils are now kno\vn from several continents from Arthropoda."
the early Cambrian (520 Ma) to the Early Cretaceous Arthropods are the first land animals for which we
(100 Ma). The recovery of these three-dimensionally have a paleontological record. The first land arthro­
preserved animals and the developmental series that pods appeared in the late Ordovician or early Silurian
have been found (with successive larval, juvenile, and (arachnids, n1jllipedes, centipedes), and these fossils
adult stages) have provided us with information on represent the first terrestrial invertebrates for which we
the detailed anatomy of the body segments and ap­ have direct evidence. lndeed, animal life on land might
pendages of many ancient stem arthropods, or crusta­ not have been possible before the late Ordovician,
ceamorphans. The Orsten fauna shows that Cambrian when terrestrial plants first made their appearance.
Crustacea had all the attributes of n1odern crustaceans, The first insects in the fossil record are 3 9 0 -tnillion­
such as compound eyes, a head shield, naupliar larvae year-old Devonian springtails (Collembola) and
(with locomotory first antennae), and biramous ap­ bristletails (Archaeognatha). By the mid-Paleozoic all
pendages on the second and third head somites (the four living arthropod subphyla were in existence and
second antennae and mandibles). had already undergone substantial radiation. By the
A modern view of arthropod phylogeny thus plac­ Middle Devonian, centipedes, millipedes, mites, am­
es a panorama of crustacean-like early Cambrian lin­ blypygids, opilionids, scorpions, pseudoscorpions, and
eages at its base-a diverse array of early arthropods hexapods were all well established. Hence, terrestrial
that had typical crustacean, or crustacea.n1orph bodies, arthropods seen1 to have undergone major radiations
eyes, development, and naupliar larvae, though p e r ­ in the Silurian. TI1e presence of a wide variety of preda­
haps with a smaller number of fused head somites than tory terrestrial arthropods during the early Paleozoic
seen in modern Crustacea. Early in the Cambrian, the suggests that complex terrestrial ecosystems were in
trilobites may have emerged from this crustaceamorph place at least as early as the late Silurian. However, in­
stem line, radiating rapidly to becon1e the most abun­ terestingly, molecular dating studies consistently s u g ­
dant arthropods of Paleozoic seas, but then abruptly gest the origin of terrestrial arthropods much earlier, as
disappearing in the Permian-Triassic extinction. Next early as 510 million years ago
to appear were probably the chelicerates, in the form Work by the great comparative biologist Robert
of giant marine water scorpions nearly 3 m long (eu­ Snodgrass in the 1930s estabHshed a benchmark in
rypterids) and their kin, which had appeared at least arthropod biodiversity research. The Snodgrass clas­
by the Ordovician; by the Silurian, eurypterids had sification embraced three important hypotheses: (1)
probably become keystone predators in the marine arthropods constituted a monophyletic taxon; (2)
realm. Also by the Silurian, the chelicerates had invad­ myriapods and hexapods were sister groups, togeth­
ed land and begun to leave a fossil record of terrestrial er forming a taxon called Atelocerata (= Tracheata,

(A) Figure 20.36 Tri lobites. (A) Dorsal

Antenna and ventral views of a generalized trilo­
bite. (B) 0/ene//us gilberti. (C) The tiny
Carapace Devonian planktonic Radiaspis radiata.
Clabella (D) The proposed normal, partially b u r ­
rowed posture of Panderia. (E) The

• · ,I �·:(,\
shovel-nosed burrower Mega/aspis
acuticauda. (F) The ability to enroll
is demonstrated by Asaphus. G) The

� .\ eye
�• Ordovician tri lobite Boedaspis ensi­
'•/ .' ' � fer with long spines. (H) The trilobite
i ,, • ,
,,. .... Phacops rana from Devonian shale

,. (Sylvania, Oh io). Note the large com­
Thorax -.
L ,·
C, . .- , pound eyes.


Median lobe

Lateral lobes

(C) (D)

(C) (H)
754 Chapter Twenty

Figure 20.37 A trilobite

segment (cross section).
Note the extended pleura
and the general leg structure.
Dorsoventral muscle
Ventral longitudinal muscle

Pleural lobe ... Filamentous

Endites 1
Trochanter 77
Prefemur / ./
or Uniramia of some authors); and (3) Crustacea and Patella �
Atelocerata were sister groups, together formjng a Tibia __..-,
taxon called the Mandibulata. Snodgrass uruted the Tarsus
Atelocerata on the basis of several attributes: a tracheal Pretarsus
respiratory system, uniramous legs, Malpighian tu­
bules for excretion, and loss of the second antennae (as
the name Atelocerata impljes). The Mandibulata were Researcll i n the field of developmental biology and
united on the basis of the mandibles (whjch are almost gene expression has shown that the Arthropoda are
certainly homologous in these taxa) and a simjlar head rich with homoplasy, and it is now clear that much
and head appendage structure. of the difficulty in reconciling earlier n1orphological
It was not until the late 1980s that Snodgrass's long­ trees and molecular trees was due to the high levels of
standing view of arthropod relationships began to be parallel evolution seen within the Arthropoda. For e x ­
seriously questioned. While the Mandibulata is still ample, many characters shared between hexapods and
supported as a monophyletic group, i t now appears myriapods, wruch in the past had been assumed to be
almost certain that Hexapoda arose from so1newhere synapomorphies, are now interpreted as parallelisn1s
within Crustacea, a clade called Pancrustacea, and this (or convergences), including such things as the tracheal
then is the sister group to the Myriapoda. It turns out gas exchange system, uniramous legs, Malpighjan tu­
that Snodgrass, and others, were misled by the sin1ilar­ bules, organs of Tomosvary, loss of the second anten­
ities between myriapods and hexapods, which are no\V nae, and loss of mandibular palps.
known to b e convergences (or parallelisms) resulting The rigid, co1npartmentalized bodies of arthropods
from adaptations to terrestrial habjtats. When fossils have allo"red for modes of body region specialization
are included i n morphological phylogenetic analyses, Lmavailable t o most other metazoan phyla. We now
the Crustacea are seen to arise at the very base of the a r ­ know that the fates of segmental units and their ap­
thropod tree as a sequence of taxa from which the other pendages are under the ultimate orchestration of Hox
subphyla emerge-much as shown in Figure 20.38. and other develop1nental genes. These genes select
While the crustacean sister group to the Hexapoda the critical developmental pathways to be followed by
re1nains enigmatic, several recent multigene analyses groups of cells during 1norphogenesis. Hox genes de­
suggest i t might be the Ren1ipedia or a Cephalocarida termine such basic body architecture as the dorsoven­
+ Remjpedia clade, although these crustaceans are all tral and anterior-posterior body axes and where body
restricted to the marine environment today and there is appendages form. Hox genes can either suppress limb
no paleontological evidence that they invaded land in development or modify it to create alternative append­
the past. While we treat "Crustacea" as a subphylum in age morphologjes. These unique genes have played
this book, remen1ber that the discovery that insects are n1ajor roles in the evolution of ne"' body plans among
"flying crustaceans" makes the subphylum Crustacea arthropods (and the Metazoa i n general). The degree to
a paraphyletic group (if the Hexapoda are not also which such developmental genes have been conserved
included).10 is remarkable, and most of them probably date back at
least to the Cambrian. For example, homologues of the
developmental gene Pax-6 seem to dictate "'here eyes
10Although the idea of a Crustacea-Hexapoda sister-group rela­ will develop in all anjmal phyla. Pax-6 is so similar in
tionship may seem new to many, the idea was actually proposed protostomes (e.g., insects) and deuterostomes (e.g.,
at the tum of the twentieth century, when William T. Calman pre­
sented detailed arg,.unents from comparative anatomy that argued mammals) that their genes can be experimentally inter­
for an alliance between the Crustacea and the Hexapoda. changed and still function 1nore or less correctly.

Figure 20.38 A phylogeny o f the Panarthropoda. Based

on a synthesis of paleontolog ical and phylogenetic stud­
ies, the arthropods are seen to be rooted in a crustacean­
like ancestral line, from which the living subphyla emerged. \------- Tardigrada
The subphylum Crustacea is paraphyletic (unless the
Hexapoda are included). The position of the Trilobita is ,.______ Onychophora
uncertain. See text for details.
,.... Crustacea morph stem line
• • • •• • •• • • •• Trilobita
,._____ Chelicerala ..
It has been known since the late nineteenth century ::T

that the compound eyes of hexapods and crustaceans

� ""
a ..
::f- 8.
possess many complex homologous features, and that
they differ 1narkedly from the eyes of n1yriapods and
chelicerates. Recall that in hexapods and crustaceans,
Crustacea 3:
::, ..
each ommatidium consists of a cuticular corneal lens Hexapoda Pancrustacea "'
that is, at least partly, secreted by two cells-termed !i)"

primary pigment cells in Hexapoda and corneagen

cells in Crustacea. The crystalline cone, produced by
four Sen1per cells, is fundan1entally tetrapartite. A r e ­
tinula is present, typically composed of eight retinular
cells. This common anaton1ical plan is unique to the neuroblasts aggregate to form the segmental ganglia.
Hexapoda + Crustacea and constitutes strong evidence The formation of neuroblasts is highly stereotyped
of a close relationship between the two groups. Dohle and predictable in both Crustacea and Hexapoda.
(2001) even proposed a name on this basis for the clade, These large neuroblasts are of a special type, regarded
the "Tetraconata," although the name "Pancrustacea" as stem cells, and they divide tu1equally to generate a
has had more popularity.11 specific number of neurons. So far, 29-31 neuroblasts
Recent research on the anatomy and development have been identified in each segment of hexapods and
of the arthropod central nervous system has identi­ 25-30 in crustacean segments, many of which appear
fied many other neurological features that appear to be to be homologous between the two subphyla. Nothing
unique to the Hexapoda +Crustacea.In fact, Strausfeld resembling these stem cell neuroblasts has been seen in
(1998) developed a phylogeny of the Arthropoda based myriapods. In both hexapods and crustaceans, longitu­
solely on 100 anatomical features of the cerebral gan­ dinal connectives of the CNS originate in the seg1nental
glia. In particular, numerous anatomical similarities neurons, whereas in 1nyriapods they derive from n e u ­
exist in the elements of the optic lobes and "m.idbrain." rons i n the cerebral ganglia that send their axons pos­
Developmental similarities suggest a fundamental dis­ teriorly to set up long parallel connectives. Thus, myr­
tinction between embryonic development in the hexa­ iapod segmental gangUa receive contributions from
pod + crustacean central nervous system and in that more widely distributed neurons.
of myriapods and chelicerates. In hexapods and crus­ Their great size range, especially at the smaller end
taceans, development of the CNS begins with the de­ of the scale, adapts arthropods for a great variety of
lamination of enlarged cells, called neuroblasts, fron1 ecological niches. The Can1.brian Orsten deposits in­
the ectoderrn (neuroectodern1) of each segment. The form us that a whole fauna of interstitial/1neiofaunal
arthropods already existed as early as the mid-Cambri­
an, and this habitat has continued to be rich in adaptive
11Although tetrapartite ommatidia appear lo be restricted to the radiation and specialized species ever since. Similar
Hexapoda and Crustacea, they may not be a synapomorphy
for this clade. We don't yet know when the telrapartite condi­ small-body-size niches are filled by arthropods in a
tion first appeared within the Crustacea or the Arthropoda, but great many environn1.ents today. We find high diver­
it probably was well before the insects emerged (perhaps in the sities of minute arthropods in habitats sum as marine
early Cambrian crustacean stem line). Crustacean fossils from
Cambrian Lagerstatten deposits have eyes that strongly resemble sediments, coral reefs, among the fronds of algae, on
modern crustacean eyes, at least superficially. In any case, t e l ­ mosses and other primitive plants, and on the bodies
rapartile ommatidia are probably a symplcsiomorphy retained of every kind of animal imaginable. SmaJJ insects and
in both Hexapoda and crown Crustacea (their transformation in
myriapods perhaps being a synapomorphy defining that clade). mites have exploited virtually every terrestrial micro­
The compound eyes of xiphosurans are very different from those habitat available. The arthropods (insects) were pre­
of other Arthropoda, suggesting they might have evolved apart sumably the first flying animals, and the abiUty to fly
from the tetrapartile condition seen in Crustacea and Hexapoda
(or that they are somehow derived from the crustacean tetrapar­ also led them into nimes that other invertebrates s i m ­
tile condition). ply could not penetrate.
756 Chapter Twenty

Selected References
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Phylum Arthropoda
Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin

rustaceans are one of the most popular invertebrate groups, even

an1ong nonbiologists, for they include some of the world's most delec­
table gourmet fare, sucli as lobsters, crabs, and shrimps (Figure 21.1).
There are an estin,ated 70,000 described living species of Crustacea, and
probably five or ten times that number 1.vaiting to be discovered and named.
They exhibit an incredible diversity of forn,, habit, and size. The sn,allest known
crustaceans are less than 100 µn1 i n length and live on the antennules of c o p e ­
pods. The largest are Japanese spider crabs (Macrocheira kae1npferi), with leg spans
of 4 m, and giant Tas.manian crabs (Pse11docarcin11s gigas) with carapace widths
of 46 en,. The heaviest crustaceans are probably American lobsters (Ho11111rus
11meric1111.11s), which, before the present era of overfishing, attained weights in
excess of 20 kilograms. The world's largest land
arthropod by weight (and possibly the largest
land invertebrate) is the coconut crab (Birgus Intro),
Classification of The Animal weighing in at up to 4 kg. Crustaceans are found
Kingdom (Metazoa) a t all depths in every marine, brackish, and fresh­
water environment on Earth, including in pools at
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata 6,000 m elevation (fairy shrimp and cladocerans i n
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORON IDA
northern Chile). A few have become successful on
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACHIOPODA land, the most notable being sowbugs and pillbugs
PHYLUM CNI DARIA ECOYSQZQA (the terrestrial isopods).1
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida Crustaceans are commonly the dominant or­
PHYLUM NEMATODA ganisms in aquatic subterranean ecosystems, and
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) new species of these stygobionts continue to be
discovered as new caves are explored. They also
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA dominate ephemeral pool habitats, where many
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICIFERA undescribed species are known to occur. 2 And
Se1BAuA Panarthropoda crustaceans are the n,ost widespread, diverse, and
This chapter has been revised by Richard C. Brusca and Joel
PHYLUM ORTHONECTIDA SUBPHYLUM CRUSTACEA* 1When most people hear the word "shrimp" they think of
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA edible shrimps, two crustacean groups nesled within the
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRJAPOOA order Decapoda (in the suborders Dendrobranchiata and
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHELICERATA Pleocyemata). However, the term "shrimp" is applied to a
PHYLUM ENTOPROCTA number of long-tailed crustaceans, many not closely reJated
PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA at all to decapods. So, in this general sense, there are fairy
shrimps, tadpole shrimps, mantis shrimps, etc. In much of
PHYLUM GNATHOSTOMUL ID A the English-speaking world, the word "prawn" is used for
PHYLUM MICROGNATHOZOA the edible shrimps, thus eliminating some of the confusion.
Paraphylellc group 20ne study of ephemeral pools in northern California d i s ­
covered 30 probable undescribed and unnamed c.rustacean
species (King et al. 1996).
762 Chapter Twenty-One

IN �




(I) (J) (K)

(L) (M)
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 763

(N) (0)




Figure 21 .1 Diversity among the Crustacea. (A-D)

C lasses Remipedia, Cephalocarida, and Branchiopoda.
(A) Speleonectes ondinae; note the remarkably homono• vivesi (Decapoda: Axi idea). (M) The Hawaiian regal lobster,
mous body of this swimming crustacean (Remipedia ) . Enoplometopus (Decapoda: Achelata). (N,O) Two unusual
(B) A cephalocarid. (C) A tadpole shrimp (Branchiopoda; amphipods (Peracarida: Amphipoda). (N) Cystisoma, a
Notostraca) from an ephemeral pool. (D) A clam shrimp huge (some exceed 10 cm), transparent, pelagic hyperi d i
(Branchiopoda: Diplostraca), carrying eggs. (E-0) C lass amphipod. (0) Cyamus scammoni, a paras itic caprell id
Ma lacostraca. (E) The f idd ler crab, Uca princeps amphipod that lives on the skin of gray whales. (P) A male
(Decapoda: Brachyura). (F) The giant Caribbean hermit and female cumacean; note the eggs in the marsupium
crab, Petrochirus diogenes (Decapoda: Anomura). (G) A of the female (Peracari da: Cumacea). (0) Ugia pacifica
hermit crab (Paragiopagurus fasciatus) removed from its (Peracarida: lsopoda), the rock louse; Ugia are inhabitants
snail shell (Decapoda: Anomura). (H) The coconut crab, of the high spray zone on rocky shores worl dwide. (R) The
Birgus latro (Decapoda: Anomura), climbing a tree. mysid Sirie//a sp. (Peracarida: Mysida) wi th a parasitic epi­
(I) Euceramus praelongus, the New England ol ive pit caridean isopod (Peracarida: lsopoda: Dajidae) attached to
porcelain crab (Decapoda: Anomura). (J) The pelagic lob­ its carapace (Western Australia). (S,T) Class Thecostraca.
sterette, Pleuroncodes ptanipes (Decapoda: Anomura). (S) Acorn barnacles, Semibatanus balanoides (Cirripedia:
(K) The cleaner shri mp, Lysmata californica (Decapoda: Thoracica). (T) Lepas anatifera (Cirripedia: Thoracica), a
Caridea). (L) The unusual rock-boring lobster shrimp, Axius pelagic barnacle hanging from a floating ti mber.
(Continued on next page)
764 Chapter Twenty-One


Figure 21 .1 (continued) Diversity among the Crustacea.

(U) Class Copepoda; the calanoid copepod Gaussia,
a common planktonic genus. M Class Tantulocarida,
Deoterthron, parasitic on other crustaceans. abundant animals inhabiting the world's oceans. The
biomass of one species, the Antarctic krill (Euphausia
superbn), has been estimated at 500 million tons at any
given time, probably surpassing the biomass of any
other group of marine animals (and rivaling that of the
world's ants), The range of morphological diversity
BOX 21 A Characteristics of the among crustaceans far exceeds that of even the insects.
Subphylum Crustacea Many species of Crustacea are threatened by environ­
1. Body composed of a 6-segmented head, or cepha• mental degradation, over 500 are listed on the IUCN
Ion (pl us the acron), and a long postcephalic trunk; Red List, and about two dozen are protected by the
trunk d ivided into two more o r less d istinct tagmata U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Crustaceans
(e.g., thorax and abdomen) in all but the remipedes are also the most common invasive invertebrates, and
and ostracods (Figure 21.2)
well over 100 species have established themselves in
2. Cephalon composed of (anterior to poster ior): p r e • marine and estuarine waters of North America alone.
segmental (indi stingui shabl e) acron, protocerebral
Because of their taxonomic diversity and numerical
segment Qacking appendages), antennular seg•
ment, antenna! segment, mandibular somite, maxil· abundance, it is often said that crustaceans are the "in­
lulary somite, and maxill ary somite; one or more sects of the sea." We prefer to think of insects as "crus­
anterior thoracomeres may fuse with the head in taceans of the land." And indeed, there is now strong
members of some classes (e.g., Remipedia, and phylogenetic evidence that the insects arose from a
Malacostraca), their appendages forming maxillipeds branch within the Crustacea.
3 . Cephal ic shield or carapace present (hi ghly reduced Despite the enorn1ous n,orphological diversity seen
in anostracans, amphipods, and isopods) among crustaceans (Figures 21.1 to 21.20), they display
4 . Appendages mul tiart iculate, un i ramous or bi ramous a suite of fundamental unifying features (Box 21A). In
5. Mandibles usual ly mult iarti culate limbs that function an effort to introduce both the diversity and the unity
as biting, piercing, or chew ing/grind ing jaws of this enormous group of arthropods, we first present
6 . Gas exchange by aqueous diffusion across special· a classification and synopses of the major taxa. We then
ized branchial surfaces, either gill-l ike structures or discuss the biology of the group as a whole, drawing
special zed
i regions of the body surface examples from its various members. As you read this
7. Excretion by true nephridial structures (e.g., anten­ chapter, we ask that you keep i n mind the general ac­
na! glands, maxillary glands) count of the arthropods presented in Chapter 2 0 .
8 . Both s imple ocelli and compound eyes occur in
most taxa (not Rem iped ia), at l east at some stage
of the l ife cycle; compound eyes often elevated on
stalks Classification of The Crustacea
9 . Gut with d i gestive ceca Crustaceans have been known to hun1ans since ancient
1O . With nauplius larva (unknown from any other arthro• times and have provided us with sources of both food
pod subphy lum); development mixed or direct and legend. It i s somewhat comiorting to cardnolo­
gists (those who study crustaceans) to note that Can-
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shr imps, and Their Kin 765


(= pleopods)

Figure 21.2 Crustacean external m o r ­

phology: A crayfish (Malacostraca,
Antenna Astacidea). (A) External form. Note the
fully developed carapace covering the
Compound cephalon and thorax. (B) The typical mala­
eye 5
costracan tail tan (ventral view). Note the
position of the anus on the telson.

(� pereopods)

cer, one of the two invertebrates represented in the

zodiac, is a crab (U1e other, of course, is Scorpio-an­
other artluopod). Our modern view of Crustacea as a
taxon can be traced to Lamarck's scheme in the early
nineteenth century. He recognized most crustaceans
as such, but placed the barnacles and a few others in
separate groups. For many years barnacles were clas­
sified with molluscs because of their thick, calcareous
cladocerans (water fleas), and cyclesther ians
outer shell. Crustacean classification as •,ve know it
today was n1ore or less established during the second INFRAORDER SPINICAUDATA Clam shrimps
half of the nineteenth century, although internal revi­ (e.g., Cyzicus, Eulimnadia, lmnadia, Metalimnadia)
sions continue. Martin and Davis (2001) presented an INFRAORDER CLADOCEROMORPHA Water fleas
overview of crustacean classification, and readers are and cyclestheriid s
referred to that publication for a \vindow into the laby­
rinthine hjstory of thjs subphylum. Our classification TRIBE CY CLESTHERIDA Monotypic: Cycle­
recognizes 11 classes, following Ahyong et al. (2011) stheria hislopi
and Martin et al. (2014). TRIBE CLADOCERA Water fleas (e.g.,
Anchistropus, Oaphnia, Leptodora, Moina, Poly­
CLASS REMIPEDIA Remipedes. One l ivi ng order, Nec­
tiopoda (e.g., Cryptocorynectes. Godzillius, Lasionectes, SUBCLASS PHYLLOCARIDA
Pleomothra, Speleonectes)
ORDER LEPTOSTRACA Leptostracans or nebali­
CLASS CEPHALOCARIDA Cephalocarids (e.g., Chiltoniella, aceans (e.g., Dahle/la, Levinebalia, Nebalia, Neb­
Hampsonellus, Hutchinsoniella, Lightiella, Sandersiella) afiella, Nebaliopsis, Paranebafia)
ORDER ANOSTRACA Fa iry shr imps (e.g., Artemia, ORDER STOMATOPODA Mant is shrimps (e.g.,
Branchinecta, Branchinella, Streptocephalus) Echinosquilla, Gonodactylus, Hemisquilla, Squilla)
rus, T
ORDER DIPLOSTRACA The "b i va l ved" branchio­
ORDER BATHYNELLACEA (e.g., Bathynella)
SUBORDER LAEVICAUDATA Flat-tailed clam ORDER ANASPIDACEA (e.g., Anaspides, Psam­
shrimps (e.g., Lynceus) maspides)
766 Chapter Twenty-One


Gnathophausia, Lophogastel )
ORDER EUPHAUS IACEA Euphausids, or krill (e.g.,
Bentheuphausia, Euphausia, Meganyctiphanes, ORDER CUMACEA Cumaceans (e.g., Campytaspis,
Nyctiphanes) Cumopsis, Oiastylis, Diastylopsis)
ORDER AMPHIONIDACEA Amphionids. Monotypi c: ORDER TANAIDACEA Tanaids (e.g., Apseudes,
Amphionides reynaudii Heterotanais, Paratanais, Tanais)
ORDER DECAPODA Crabs, shrimps, lobsters, etc. ORDER MICTACEA Mictaceans (e.g., Mictocaris,
etc.). Some researchers separate out the family
Hirsutiidae as a d istinct order (Bochusacea, contain­
and sergestid shrimps (e.g., Lucifer, Penaeus,
Sergestes, Sicyonia) ing Hirsutia, Montucaris and Thetispelecaris).
ceans. Four described living speci es (Potiicoara
INFRAORDER CARIDEA Caridean and procari d­ brazilienses, Spe/aeogriphus tepidops , and two s p e ­
ean shrimps (e.g., A/pheus, Crangon, Hippotyte, ci es of Mangkurtu), and two known fossil spec i es
Lysmata, Macrobrachium, Palaemon, Panda/us, (the Carboniferous Acadiocaris novascotica and the
Pasiphaea) Upper Jurassic Uaoningogriphus quadripartitus)
(Procaris, Vetericaris) ceans (e.g., Halosbaena, Umnosbaena, Monodella,
Theosbaena, Thermosbaena, Tulumel/a)
shrimps (e.g., Spongicola, Stenopus) ORDER ISOPODA lsopods (sea slaters, rock li ce,
p illbugs, sowbugs, roly-polies)
INFRAORDER GLYPHEIDEA "Primitive" lobsters
(Neoglyphea, Laurentaeglyphea) SUBORDER ANTHURIDEA (e.g., Anthura,
Colanthura, Cyathura, Mesanthura)
lobsters (e.g., Polycheles, Stereomastis) SUBORDER ASELLOTA (e.g., Asel/us, Eurycope,
Jaera, Janira, Microcerberus, Munna)
INFRAORDER BRACHYURA "True" crabs (e.g.,
Actaea, Callinectes, Cancer, Cardisoma, Carcinus, SUBORDER CALABOZOIDEA (Calabozoa)
Grapsus, Hemigrapsus, Maja, Menippe, Ocypode,
Pachygrapsus, Pinnotheres, Polydectus, Portunus,
Scylla, Uca, Xantho) Bathynomus, Cymothoa, Cirotana, Rocinela)
SUBORDER EPICARIDEA (e.g., Bopyrus, Dajus,
INFRAORDER ANOMURA Hermit crabs, galatheid
Hemiarthrus, tone, Pseudione)
crabs. sand crabs, porcelain crabs, etc. (e.g.,
Birgus, Coenobita, Emerita, Galathea, Hippa, Kiwa, SUBORDER GNATHIIDEA (e.g., Gnathia, Para­
Uthodes, Lomis, Paguristes, Pagurus, Petrochirus, gnathia)
Petrolisthes, Pteuroncodes, Pytopagurus)
SUBORDER LIMNORIDEA (e.g., Limnoria, Keu­
INFRAORDER ASTACIDEA Crayfishes and clawed phylia, Hadromastax)
(chelate) lobsters (e.g., Astacus, Cambarus,
Atlantasellus, Microcerberus)
INFRAORDER ACHELATA (formerly Palinura).
SUBORDER ONISCIDEA (e.g., Armadillidium,
Palinuri d, spiny, and Spanish (slipper) lobsters
(e.g., Enoplometopus, Evibacus, lbacus , Jassa, Ligia, Oniscus, Porcellio, Trichoniscus, Tylos,
Jasus, Palinurus, Panulirus, Scyl/arus) Venezillo)
(e.g., Axiopsis, Axius. Calocarides, Catocaris,
phisopus, Phreatoicopis, Phreatoicus)
Ca/lianassa, Neaxius) SUBORDER PHORATOPIDEA (Phoratopus)
(e.g., Axianassa, Gebiacantha, Tha/assina, Upo­ Bathycopea, Paracerceis , Parade/la, Sphaeroma,
gebia) Sero/is, Tecticeps)
ORDER MYSIDA Mysids or opossum shrimps (e.g., Tainisopus)
Acanthomysis, Hemimysis, Mysis, Neomysis) SUBORDER VALVIFERA (e.g., Arcturus, ldotea,
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 767


sand fleas, scuds, skeleton shrimps, whale lice, etc.
ORDER CALANOIDA Calanoids (e.g., Bathycalanus,
Anisogammarus, Corophium, Eurythenes,
Ca/anus, Oiaptomus. Eucalanus, Euchaeta)
Gammaros, Niphargus, Orchestia, Phoxocephalus.

SUBORDER HYPERIIDEA (e.g., Cystisoma. ORDER CYCLOPOIDA Cyc lopoids (e.g.. Cyclopina,
Hyperia, Phronima. Primno, Rhabdosoma, Scina. Cyclops, Eucyclops, Lernaea, Mesocyc/ops,
Streetsia, Vibilia) Notodelphys)
SUBORDER CAPRELLIDEA (e.g .. Caprella. ORDER GEL YELLOIDA Gelyelloids (e.g.• Ge/yel/a)
Cyamus. Metacaprella, Phtisica, Syncyamus)
ORDER HARPACTICOIDA Harpactioo ids (e.g., Harp­
SUBORDER INGOLFIELLIDEA (e.g., lngo/fie/la, acticus, Longipedia, Peltidium, Porcellidium,
Metaingolfiella) Psammus, Sunaristes, Tisbe)
CLASS THECOSTRACA Barnac les and their kin ORDER MISOPHRIOIDA Misophriods (e.g., B o x ­
shallia, Misophria)
SUBCLASS FACETOTECTA Monogeneric (Hansenoca­
ris): the mysteri ous " y -larvae," a group of marine nauplii ORDER MONSTRILLOIDA Monstrilloids (e.g., Mon­
and cyprids for which adults are unknown stri/la, Stilloma)
Dendrogastri da) of parasiti c thecostracans (e.g., Asco­ Monogeneri c: Mormonilla
thorax, Dendrogaster, Laura, Synagoga, Zoanthoecus)
SUBCLASS CIRRIPEDIA C i rripedes, the barnacles, and toids (e.g., Chondracanthus, Erebonaster, Ergasi/us,
their kin Pseudanthessius)
ders. Lepadiforrnes (peduncu late or goose barnacles: matoids (e.g.. Clave/la, Nemesis, Penella,
e.g., Lepas), lbliformes, Scal pelli formes (Po/licipes, Pontoeciella, Trebius)
Scalpel/um), and Sessil ai (sessi le or acorn barnacles:
e.g., Ba/anus, Chthamalus, Conchoderma, Coronula,
Tetraclita, Venuca) SUBCLASS MYODOCOPA
nacles." Two orders, Cryptophia l ida and Lythoglyptida Euphilomedes, Eusarsiella, Gigantocypris,
(e.g., Cryptophia/us, Trypetesa) Skogsbergia, Vargula)
cles." Two orders, Kentrogonida and Akentrogonida Polycope)
(e.g.. Heterosaccus, Lernaeodiscus. Mycetomorpha,
Peltogaster, Sacculina, Sy/on)
ORDER PODOCOPIDA (e.g., Cypris, Candona,
CLASS TANTULOCARIDA Deep water, mari ne parasites
Celtia. Oarwinula, Umnocythre)
(e.g., Basipodella, Deoterthron, Microdajus)
ORDER PLATYCOPIDA (e.g., Cytherella, Sclero­
CLASS BRANCHIURA Fish li ce. or argulids. A single fam­
ily (Argulidae) (e.g., Argulus, Chonopeltis, Dipteropeltis,
Do/ops) ORDER PALAEOCOPIDA (e.g., Manawa)
CLASS PENTASTOMIDA Tongueworms. Two orders, nu­
merous families (e.g., Cephalobaena, Lingua tu/a, Pentas­
toma, Waddycephalus) Synopses of Crustacean Taxa
CLASS MYSTACOCARIDA Mystacocarids, w ith a single The following descriptions of major crustacean taxa
family (Derocheilocarididae), and 13 species (e.g., Cteno­ will give you an idea of the range of diversity within
cheilocaris, Oerochei/ocaris) the group and the variety of ways in which these suc­
cessful animals have exploited the basic crustacean
body plan.
Subphylum Crustacea
ORDER PLATYCOPIOIDA Platycopi oids (e.g., Antri­
Body composed of a 6-segmented cephalon (plus pre­
socopia, Platycopia)
segmental acron), o r head, and multisegmented post-
768 Chapter Twenty-One

cephalic trunk; trunk divided into thorax and abdo­ The discovery of living remipedes in 1981 by Jill
men (except in remipedes and ostracods); segments of Yager, strange vermiform crustacea11s first collected
cephalon bear first antennae (antennules), second an­ from a cavern in the Bahan1as, gave the carcinological
tennae, mandibles, maxillules, and maxillae (see Table world a tum. The combination of features distinguish­
20.2); one or more anterior thoracomeres may fuse with ing these creatures is puzzling, for they possess charac­
the head (e.g., Remipedia and Malacostraca), their ap­ teristics that are certainly very prinlitive (e.g., long, ho­
pendages forming maxillipeds (secondarily modified monomous trunk; double ventral nerve cord; segmental
for feeding); cephalic shield or carapace present (sec­ digestive ceca; cephalic shield) as well as some attributes
ondarily lost in some groups); with antenna! glands traditionally recognized as advanced (e.g., maxillipeds;
or maxillary glands (excretory nephridia); both simple nonphyllopodous (though flattened), biramous limbs).
ocelli and compound eyes in most groups, at least at They swim about on their backs as a result of metachro­
some stage of the life cycle; compound eyes stalked in nal beating of the trunk appendages, similar to anostra­
many groups; with nauplius larval stage (suppressed cans. The remipedes are thus reminiscent of two other
or bypassed in some groups), and often a series of ad­ primitive classes, the branchiopods and cephalocarids.
ditional larval stages. There are an estimated 70,000 However, the laterally directed limbs are wilike those of
living species, in over 1,000 farnilies.3 any other crustacean, and the "internalized" mandibles
and the poison-injecting hypodermic maxillules are
Class Remipedia unique (the complex venom contajns neurotoxins, pep­
Body of two regions, a cephalon and an elongate ho­ tidases, and chitinases). The presence of the preanten­
monomous trunk of up to 32 segn1ents, each with a nular processes is also puzzling, although similar struc­
pair of flattened limbs. Cephalon with a pair of sen­ tures are known to occur in a few other crustaceans.
sory preantennular frontal processes; first antennae Some phylogenetic analyses based on morphological
biramous; trunk lin1bs laterally directed, biramous, data suggest that remipedes may be the n1ost primitive
paddle-like, but without large epipods; rami of trunk living crustaceans, whereas molecular data remain a m ­
limbs (exopod and endopod) each of three or more biguous on the subject or, in some cases, ally them with
articles; without a carapace, but with cephalic shield cephalocarids and/or the Hexapoda.
covering head; n1idgut with serially arranged digestive All of the Living remipedes discovered thus far are
ceca; first trunk segment fused with head and bearing found in caves (usually with connections to the sea)
one pair of prehensile maxillipeds; labrum very large, in the Caribbean Basin, lndian Ocean, Canary Islands,
forming a chamber (atrium oris) in \•vhich reside the and Australia. The water in these caves is often dis­
"internalized" mandibles; maxillules function as hypo­ tinctly stratified, with a layer of fresh water overlying
dennic fangs; last trunk segment partly fused dorsally the denser salt \vater in which the remipedes swim.
with telson; telson with caudal rami; segn1ental double Remipedes hatch as lecithotropllic naupliar larvae,
ventral nerve cord; eyes absent in living species; male which is also unusual given their habitat (most cave
gonopore on trunk limb 15, female on 8; up to 45 mm crustaceans have direct development). Postnaupliar
in length. The above diagnosis is for the 24 known liv­ development is largely anan,orphic; juveniles have
ing remipedes (order Nectiopoda); the fossil record is fewer trunk segments than do the adults. Based on the
currently based on a single poorly preserved specimen three pairs of raptorial, prehensile cephalic lunbs (and
(order Enantiopoda) (Figures 21.lA 21.3D-F, 21.21D, direct observations), it was long thought that remi­
21.22F, and 21.31E,F). pedes were strictly predators. However, studies by
Stefan Koenen1aru1 and his colleagues have suggested
they might also be capable of suspension feeding.
3Segments of the thorax are called thoracomeres (regardless of
whether or not any of these segments are fused to the head), Class Cephalocarida
whereas appendages of the thorax are called thoracopods. The
term "pereon" refers to that portion of the thorax not fused to Head followed by 8-segmented thorax with each s e g ­
the head (when such fusion occurs), and the terms "pereonites" n,e.nt bearing limbs, a 11-segmented limbless abdon1en,
(= pereomeres) and "pereopods" are used for the segments and
appendages, respectively, of the pereon. Hence, on a crustacean and a telson with caudal rami; common gonopore on
with the first thoracic segment (thoracomere 1) fused to the head, protopods of sixth thoracopods; carapace absent but
thoracomere 2 is typically called pereonite I, the first pair of head covered by cephalic shield; thoracopods 1 7- bira­
pereopods represents the second prur of thoracopods, and so 011.
Be assured that we are trying to simplify, not confuse, this issue. mous and phyllopodous, with large flattened exopods
Also, we caution you that the homology of the thorax and abdo­ and epipods (exites) and stenopodous endopods; tho­
rnen among the major crustacean lineages is probably more reverie racopods 8 reduced or absent; 1naxillae resemble thora­
than reality; the segmental homologies of the thorax and abdomen
have not yet been unraveled among the c.rustacean classes. For copods; no maxillipeds; eyes absent;naupl.ii with anten­
summaries of naupliar develop1nent across the group and larval na! glands, adults with maxillary glands and (vestigial)
features in all crustaceans, see Martin et al. (2014). In most crusta­ antenna! glands (Figures 21.lT, 21.3A-C, and 21.21A).
cean species the number of body segments is fixed, but in at least
two groups (notostracans and remipedes) the segment number can Cephalocarids are tiny, elongate crustaceans rang­
vary within a given species. ing i n length from 2 t o 4 mm. There are 12 species in
(A) (B)
'-b.,c---Head shield


(C ) Protopod

I ,\
•. \
/' · Telson
Caudal (0)



(F) Figure 21.3 Anatomy in

the classes Remipedia and
Cephalocarida. (A) The cepha­
locari d Hutchinsoniella (lateral
view). (B) SEM of head and tho­
rax of a cephalocar i d. (C) First
trunk limb of the cephalocarid,
Lightiella. (0) The remipede,
Spe/eonectes (ventral view).
(E) Tenth trunk limb of the remi­
pede, Lasionectes. (F) The ante­
r io r end of a remipede (ventral
view). In both the cephalocarids
and the remipedes, the trunk is
a long, homonomous series of
somites with biramous swimming appendages. In cepha­
5 genera. All are benthic marine detritus feeders. Most locari ds the first trunk appendages are like all the others,
are associated with sediments covered b y a layer of which bear large swimming epipods (exiles). In remipedes
flocculent organic detritus, although some have been the first trunk somite is fused to the head, and its append­
found in clean sands. They occur from the intertidal ages are maxillipeds.
zone to depths of over 1,500 m, from the North and
South Pacific, to the North and South Atlantic, and
the Mediterranean. Hatching is a t a slightly advanced carapace present or absent; telson usually with caudal
naupliar stage (called a metanauplius). Most research­ ra1ni; body appendages generally phyllopodous; max­
ers agree that cephalocarids are very primitive crusta­ illules and maxillae reduced or absent; no maxillipeds
ceans, largely because of their relatively homonomous (Figures 21.1 C,D, 21.4, 21.21B, 21.31C, and 21.35B).
body form, undifferentiated maxiUae, long and gradu­ The branchiopods are difficult to describe in a gen­
al (anamorphic) larval development, and shape of the eral way. Most are small freshwater forms with mini­
trunk limbs (from which limbs of all other crustaceans mal body tagmosis and leaflike legs. Most are short­
seem to be easily derived). lived, and those inhabiting ephemeral waters complete
their life cycle in just a few weeks. Because of their
Class Branchiopoda short life cycle and predilection for ephemeral waters
Number of segments and appendages on tl1orax and (e.g., vernal pools), many groups produce drought-re­
abdomen vary, the latter usually lacking appendages; sistant eggs or zygotes, called cysts, which can survive
770 Chapter Twenty-One

(A) (C)


:,-_ Preepipods
' ;,. -�' -
Caudal ;
ramus .



Digestive cecum (G)


Food string--�::.J.:tl (*��e::::� �
' .
Shel.I gland
·�� "--- Thoracic 4:

processes Postabdominal



Rostrum--+.�i"'-- -,1

First thoracopod
(modified as a clasper)

Opercular lamellae (shell)
(covering anal somite}--"�...!
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 771

(D) (E)

First trunk

;, ii-


Abdominal phyllopodia


Caudal ramus Anus


(H) (I) .t·


Adductor (M)
Sensory Hinge
field Occipital Dorsal
Anal somite

Figure 21 .4 Anatomy and diversity in the class

Branchiopoda. (A) An anostracan (Branchinecta) in swim­
ming posture. (8) The anostracan, Branchipus schaefferi
swimming. (C) Trunk limb of an anostracan (Linderiella).
(D,E) The notostracan, Triops; (D) dorsal and (E) ventral
views. (F,G) Two cladocerans: (F) Daphnia and (G) Lep­
todora. (H) The shed carapace, or ephippium, of Daphnia,
with the embryos enclosed. (I) Two extreme stages in the
seasonal change in head form of Daphnia (cyclomorpho­
sis). (J-L) The clam shrimp (Diplostraca), Lynceus: (J) the
valves are partially open (ventral view); (K) the head (ventral
view); (L) the whole animal, w ith one valve removed.
(M) The clam shrimp (Cyclestherida), Cyctestheria, SEM
Ventral Carapace
Clasper Thoracopod photo, with one valve removed (the specimen is slightly
(Cf first thoracopod) distorted; in life the shell is round).
772 Chapter Twenty-One

years or decades w1til the next adequate rains appear. Triopsidae. Most species are2 10 - cm long. The com­
As diverse as the branchiopods might appear, both mon name derives fro1n the general body shape: the
morphological and molecular analyses indicate that broad carapace and narrow "trwlk" give the animals a
they comprise a monophyletic group. Development superficial tadpole-like appearance.
is remarkably uniform across the group, with naupli­ Notostracans inhabit inland waters of all salinities,
ar larvae distinguishable by several wuque features. but none occur in the ocean. Of the two known gen­
Several taxonomic names have been proposed to clus­ era, Triops (Figure 21.4D,E) lives only in temporary
ter alleged sister-groups within the Branchiopoda, but waters, and its eggs are capable of surviving extended
there is as yet little consensus, and branchiopod rela­ dry periods. Most species of Lepid11r11s live in ten,po­
tionships remain w1settled. Nearly 1,000 extant species rary ponds, but at least one species (L. nrcticus) inhab­
have been described, and at least one fossil branchio­ its perinanent ponds and lakes. However, all species
pod (Rehbnchiella) is known from the middle Cambrian, are short-lived, and most complete their lifecycle in
confirming that they are an ancient group. just 30 to 40 days. Triops is of some economic impor­
tance in that large populations often occur i11 rice pad­
Order Anostraca Postcephalic trunk divisible into dies and destroy the crop by burrowing into the mud
appendage-bearing thorax of 11 segments (17 or 19 in and dislodging yow1g plants. Tadpole shrimps mostly
members of the family Polyartemiidae) and abdomen crawl, but they are also capable of swimming for short
of 8 segn,ents plus telson with caudal ran,i; gono­ periods by beating the thoracic li1nbs. They are om­
pores on genita.l region of abdomen; trW1k limbs bira­ njvorous, feeding n1ostly on organjc material stirred
mous and phyllopodous; small cephalic shield p r e s ­ up from the sediments, although some scavenge or
ent; paired, large, stalked compound eyes and a single prey on other animals, including molluscs, other crus­
median simple (naupliar) eye. taceans, frog eggs, and even frog tadpoles and small
The anostracans are comn1only called fairy shrimps fishes. Some species of notostracans are exclusively
and brine shrimps. They differ from other branchio­ gonochoristic, but others may include hermaphroditic
pods in lacking a carapace. There are just over 300 liv­ populations (often those populations living at high l a t ­
ing species in the order, worldwide, most of which are itudes). Earlier reports of parthenogenetic populations
less than 1 cm in length, although a few giants attain have been questioned.
lengths of 10 cm. These animals inhabit ephemeral
ponds (including snowmelt ponds and desert pools), Order Diplostraca The clam shrimps and cladocer­
hypersaline lakes, and marine lagoons. 1n many areas ans (water fleas) comprise two groups of closely related
they are an important food resource for water birds. branchiopods known as the Diplostraca (Figure 21.4J­
Anostracans are son1etimes united with the extinct L). They share the feature of a w1iquely developed,
order Lipostraca as the subclass Sarsost:raca. Their f o s ­ large, "bivalved" carapace that covers all or most of the
sil record dates back to the Devonian. body. Most diplostracans are benthic, but many swim
Anostracans swim ventral side up by metachronal during reproductive periods. Some are direct suspen­
beating of the trunk appendages. Many use these limb sion feeders, whereas others stir up detritus from the
movements for suspension feeding. Some other spe­ substratum and feed on suspended particles, and o t h ­
cies scrape organic material from submerged surfaces, ers scrape pieces o f food from the sedi.Jnent.
and at least two species (Branchinecta gigas, B. raptor) The species formerly lumped together as clam
are specialized as predators on other fairy shrimps. shrin1ps are nov. , partitioned between the two diplos­
Although m.ost anostracans live in isolated ponds, their tracan suborders, Laevicaudata and Onychocaudata.
eggs might b e transported during passage through the Diplostracans share several features: body divided into
gut of predatory diving beetles (Dytiscidae). cephalon and trunk, the latter with 10-32 segments, all
with appendages, and with no regionalization into tho­
Order Notostraca Thorax of 11 segments, ead, with rax and abdomen; trunk limbs phyllopodous, decreas­
a pair of phyllopodous appendages; abdo1nen of ing in size posteriorly; males with trW1k limbs 1, or 1 2,-
"rings," each formed of more than one true segment; modified for grasping females during mating; trunk
each anterior ring ,,vith several pairs of appendages; typically terminates in spinous anal somite or telson,
posterior rings lack appendages; telson with long cau­ usually with robust caudal rami (cercopods); gono­
dal rami; gonopores on last thoracon1ere; broad, shield­ pores on eleventh trW1k segment; bivalved carapace
like carapace h1sed only with head, but extending to completely encloses body; valves folded (Spinicaudata,
loosely cover thorax and part of abdomen; paired, ses­ Cyclestherida) or hinged (Laevicaudata) dorsally; usu­
sile compound eyes and a single simple eye near ante­ ally vvith a pair of sessile compound eyes and a single,
rior midline on carapace. median, simple eye.
Notostracans are often called tadpole shrimps. The Laevicaudata, or f l a t t-ailed clam shrimps, c o n ­
There are only about a dozen living species, in two tains the single family Lynceidae, with close to 40
genera (Triops and Lepid11r11s) placed in a single family, species in th:ree genera, characterized by a hinged,
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 773

globular carapace that encloses the entire animal. The is ectoparasitic on Hydra. Most of the benthic forms
Onychocaudata contains the spiny-tailed or "true" feed by scraping organic material from sediment p a r ­
clam shrimp in the infraorder Spinicaudata, and the ticles or other objects; the planktonic species are sus­
cladocerans (commonly called water fleas) in the pension feeders. Some (e.g., Leptodora, Bythotrep/1es) are
infraorder Cladoceromorpha. Spinicaudatans in­ predators on other dadocerans.
clude the co1nmonly encow1tered freshwater genera In sexual reproduction, fertilization generally oc­
Limnadia, E11li11111adi11, Leptest/1eri11, and Cyzicus. The curs in a brood chamber between the dorsal surface of
Cladoceromorpha contains the well-known cladoc­ the trunk and the inside of the carapace. Most species
eran water fleas D11p/1ni11, Moina, Di11pho11oson111, and have direct development. In the family Daphnidae the
Leptodora, as ,,veil as the unique genus Cyclestheria (in developing embryos are retained by a portion of the
the Cyclestherida). Confusingly, Cyclestheria is also shed carapace, whicl, fw1ctions as an egg case called an
commonly called a clam shrimp, though it is more ephippiurn (Figure 21.4H), whereas in the Chydoridae
closely related to the water fleas). the ephippium remains attached to the entire shed
TI1e common nan1e "darn shrimp" derives fro1n the carapace. Leptodora exhibits a heterogenous life cycle,
clamlike appearance of the valves, which usually bear alternating between parthenogenesis and sexual repro­
concentric growth lines reminiscent of bivalved mol­ duction, the latter of which results in free-Jiving larvae
luscs. The approximately 200 species of clam shrimps (metanauplii hatch from the shed resting eggs).
(including laevicaudatans, spinicaudatans, and Cladoceran life histories are ohen con1pared \-vith
Cyclestheria) live primarily in ephemeral freshwater those of animals such as rotifers and aphids. Dvvarf
habitats worldwide. Cyc/estheria hislopi, the only 1nem­ males occur in many species in all three groups, and
ber of the Cyclestherida, inhabits permanent freshwa­ parthenogenesis is common. Members of two cladoc­
ter habitats throughout the world's tropics, and is one eran families that undergo parthenogenesis (Moinidae
of the most widespread anin1als on Earth. Cyclestheria and Polyphemidae) produce eggs with very little yolk.
is also the only clan1 shrimp vvith direct development, In these groups the floor of the brood cl,amber is lined
the larval and juvenile stages being passed within the with glandular tissue that secretes a fluid rich in nu­
brood chamber, one of the features aJlying it with the trients, which is absorbed by the developing embryos.
cladocerans. Periods of overcrowding, adverse temperatures, or
In cladocerans, the carapace is never hinged (only food scarcity can induce parthenogenetic fen1ales to
folded dorsally, like a taco) and never covers the entire produce male offspring. Occasional periods of sexual
body, and appendages do not occur on all the trunk reproduction have been shown to occur in most par­
somites. The body segmentation is generally reduced. thenogenetic species. Many planktonic cladocerans
The thorax and abdomen are fused as a "trW1k" bear­ w1dergo seasonal cl,anges in body form through suc­
ing 4-6 pairs of appendages anteriorly and terminat­ ceeding generations of parthenogenetically produced
ing in a flexed "postabdomen" with clawlike caudal individuals, a phenomenon known as cyclomorphism
rami. Trunk appendages are usually phyllopodous. (Figure 21.41).
The carapace usually encloses the entire h·unk, but not
the cephalon, serving as a brood chamber (and greatly Class Malacostraca
reduced to this fw1ction) in some species; a single m e ­ Body of 19-20 segments, including 6-segmented ceph­
dian compound eye is always present. alon, 8-segmented thorax, and 6-segmented pleon
The cladocerans, or water fleas, include about 400 (7-segn1ented in leptostracans), plus telson; with or
species of predon1inantly freshwater crustaceans, al­ without caudal ran,i; carapace covering part or alJ
though several American marine genera and species of thorax, or reduced, or absent; 0 3- pairs of maxil­
are known (e.g., Evadne, Podon). Although there are lipeds; thoracopods primitively biramous, uniramous
relatively few species, the group exhibits great mor­ in some groups, phyllopodous only in members of the
phological and ecological diversity. Most cladocerans subclass Phyllocarida; antennules and antennae usu­
are 0.5-3 mm long, but Leptodora kindfii reaches 18 rrun ally biramous; abdon1en (pleon) usually with 5 pairs
in length. Except for the cephalon and large natatory of biramous pleopods and 1 pair of biramous uropods;
antennae, the body is enclosed by a folded carapace, eyes usually present, compound, stalked or sessile;
whicl, is fused with at least some of the trunk region. mainly gonocl,oristic; female gonopores on sixth, and
The carapace is greatly reduced in members of the n1ale pores on eighth thoracomeres. When uropods are
families Polyphemidae and Leptodoridae, in which it present, they are often broad and flat, lying alongside
forms a brood cl,amber. the broad telson to form a tail fan.
Cladocerans are distributed \•vorldwide in nearly all Most classification schemes divide the more than
inland waters. Most are benthic crawlers or burrowers; 40,200 species of malacostracans into three subclasses,
others are planktonic and swim by means of tl1eir large Phyllocarida (leptostracans), Hoplocarida (stomato­
antennae. One genus (Scapho/eberis) is typically found pods), and the megadiverse Eumalacostraca. The
in the surface film of ponds, and another (A11chistrop11s) phyllocarids are typically viewed as representing the
774 Chapter Twenty-One

(A) Caudal (B)


Brain Epipod

Seventh abdominal
Rostrum SC!,'1l1Cnt
--Fifth pleopod

Antcnnule First pleopod

""'=---Antenna (C)
Figure 21.5 Anatomy in leptostracans (class
Malacostraca, subclass Phyllocarida). (A) General
anatomy of Nebalia. (Bl Phyllopodous swimming limb of
Nebalia. (C) SEM of Nebalia. (D) Anterior end of an oviger­
ous Nebalia.

primitive malacostracan condition (6-8-7 body seg­

ments plus telson; Figure 21.5). The basic eumalacos­
tracan body plan, characterized by the 6-8-6 (plus tel­
son) arrangement of body segments, was recognized
in the early 1900s by W. T. Calman, who termed the
defining features of the Eumalacostraca "caridoid fa­
cies" (Figure 21.6). Much work has been done since
Caiman's day, but the basic elements of his caridoid thorax and compressed laterally so as to fro1n an
facies are still present in all n1embers of the subclass unrunged bivalved "shell," .vith an adductor n1uscle;
Eumalacostraca. cephalon with a movable, articulated rostrum; pleo­
pods 1-4 similar and biramous, 5-6 uniramous; no uro­
Subclass Phyllocarida pods; paired stalked compound eyes; antennules bira­
Order Leptostraca With the typical malacostracan mous; anteru1ae wuramous; adults with both antenna!
characteristics, except notable for presence of seven and maxillary glands (Figures 21.5 and 21.21C).
free pleomeres (plus telson) rather than six, generally The subclass Phyllocarida includes about 40 species
taken to represent the pdmjtive condition for the class. in 10 genera. Most are 5-15 1nn1 long, but Nebnliopsis
Also, with phyllopodous thoracopods (all similar to typicn is a giant at nearly 5 cn1 i11 length. TI,e leptostra­
one another); no maxillipeds; large carapace covering can body form is distinctive, with its loose bivalved

Figure 21.6 The bas ic eumalacostran
body plan and the "caridoid facies." Compound eye
Note the thick (muscled) abdomen and Antennule
the tail fan, which work in combination
to produce a powerful tail flip escape
reaction. Antenna! scale


PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 775

(B) Compound eye



Eighth Penis Raptorial leg

(C) thoracopod Legs �5 (second thoracopod)
� - P
-leon- - -





Figure 21.7 External anatomy in the class Malacostraca, subclass

Eumalacostraca- stomatopods and syncarid s . (A) The spiny Hawai ian stomatopod
Echinosquilta guerinii. (B) External anatomy of the stomatopod Squilta.
(C) "Spearing" claw and "clubbing" claw (second thoracopod) of stomatopods.
(D) A bathynellacean, Bathyne/la. (E) An anaspidacean, Stygocare/la.

carapace covering the thorax, a protruding rostrum, Subclass Hoplocarida

and an elongate abdomen. All leptostracans are ma­ Order Stomatopoda Carapace covering portion of
rine, and most are epibenthic from the intertidal zone head and fused with thoracomeres 1-4; head with mov­
to a depth of 400 m; Nebaliopsis typica is bathypelagic. able, articulated rostrum; thoracopods 1-5 uniramous
Most species seen, to occur in low-oxygen environ­ and subchelate, second pair massive and raptorial (all
ments. One species, Dahle/la caldariensis, is associated five are sonietirnes called "maxillipeds" or gnathopods
with the hydrothermal vents of the Galapagos and because they are involved in feeding); thoracopods
the East Pacific Rise. Speonebalia cannoni is known only 6-8 biramous, ambulatory; pleopods biramous, with
from marine caves. dendrobranchiate-like gills on exopods; antennules tri­
Most leptostracans suspension feed by stirring up ramous; antennae biramous, with large, paired, stalked
bottom sediments. They are also capable of grasping compound eyes that are unique in the anin1al kingdom
relatively large bits of food directly with the mandi­ (Figures 21.7A-C,21.27D, and 21.33K).
bles. Some are carnivorous scavengers, and some are All 500 or so living hoplocarids are placed in the
known to aggregate in areas on the sea floor where order Stomatopoda, known as mantis shrimps. They
large amow1ts of detritus accumulate. In many species are relatively large crustaceans, ranging in length from
the antennae or antennules of males are modified to 2 to 30 cm. Compared with that of most malacostra­
hold females during copulation. cans, the muscle-filled abdomen is notably robust.
776 Chapter Twenty-One

Most stomatopods are found in shallow tropical or and extant men,bers of the order Anaspidacea (e.g.,
subtropical n,arine environments. Nearly a\J of then, Anaspides), it has been suggested that syncarids may
live in burrows excavated in soft sediments or in cracks encompass the most primitive living eumalacostra­
and crevices, among rubble, or in other protected can body plan. Bathynellaceans occur worldwide
spots. All species are raptorial carnivores, preying on in interstitial or groundwater habitats, whereas the
fishes, molluscs, cnidarians, and other crustaceans. The anaspididaceans are strictly Gondwanan in distribu­
large, distinctive subchelae of the second thoracopods tion. Many Anaspidacea are endemic to Tasmania,
act either as crushers or as spears (Figure 21.7C). where they inhabit freshwater environ1nents, such as
Stomatopods cra1v , l about using the posterior thora­ open lake surfaces, sti·eams, ponds, and crayfish bur•
copods and the flap like pleopods. They also can swim rows. No syncarids are marine. These reclusive eum­
by metachronal beating of the pleopods (the swimmer­ alacostracans show various degrees of what some have
ets). For these relatively large animals, living in narrow regarded as paedomorphism, including small size
burro"''S requires a high degree of maneuverability. (Anaspididae includes members to 5 cm, whereas most
The short carapace and the flexible, muscular abdomen others are less than 1 cm long), eyelessness, and reduc­
allow these animals to rn•ist double and turn around tion or loss of pleopods and some posterior pereopods.
within their tunnels or i n other cramped quarters. This Ba thynellaceans are small (1-3 mn, long), possess 6 or
ability facilitates an escape reaction whereby a mantis 7 pairs of long, thin swimming legs, and have a pleo­
shrin,p darts into its burrow rapidly head first, then telson formed by the fusion of the telson to the last
tun,s around to face the entrance. pleonite.
Stomatopods are one of only two groups of malacos­ Syncarids either crawl o r swim. Little is known
tracans that possess pleopodal gills. Only the isopods about the biology of n1ost species, although some are
share this trait, but the pleopods are quite different in considered omnivorous. Unlike most other crusta­
the two groups. The tubular, thin, highly brandied gills ceans, which carry the eggs and developing early em­
of stomatopods provide a large surface area for gas e x ­ bryos, syncarids lay their eggs or shed them into the
d,ange in these active animals. water follo"'•ing copulation.

Subclass Eumalacostraca Superorder Eucarida Telson without caudal rami;

Head, thorax, and abdon,en of 6 -8-6 somites respec­ 0, 1, or 3 pairs of n,axillipeds; carapace present, cov­
tively (plus telson); with 0, 1, 2, or 3 thoracomeres fused ering and fused dorsally with head and entire thorax;
with head, their respective appendages usually modi­ usually with stalked compound eyes; gills thoracic.
fied as maxillipeds; antennules and antennae primi­ Although n,embers of this group are highly diverse,
tively biramous (but often reduced to uniramous); they are united by the presence of a complete carapace
antennae often with scalelike exopod; most with well that is fused with all thoracic segments, forming a d,ar­
developed carapace, secondarily reduced in syncarids acteristic cephalothorax. Most species (several thou­
and some peracarids; gills primitively as thoracic epi­ sand) belong to the order Decapoda. The other two
pods; tail fan composed of telson plus paired uropods; orders are the Euphausiacea (krill), and the monotypic
abdomen long and muscular. Three superorders: S y n ­ Amphionidacea.
carida, Eucarida, and Peracarida.
Order Euphausiacea Euphausids are distinguished
Superorder Syncarida Without maxillipeds (Bathy­ a.mong the eucarids by the absence of maxillipeds, the
nellacea) o r with one pair of n,axillipeds (A11aspid­ exposure of the thoracic giJls external to the carapace,
acea); n o carapace; pleon bears telson with or w i t h ­ and the possession of biramous pereopods (the last 1 or
out furcal lobes; at least some thoracopods biramous, 2 pairs sometimes being reduced). They are shrimplike
eighth often reduced; pleopods variable; compound in appearance. Adults have antenna! glands. Most of
eyes present (stalked or sessile) or absent (Figure then, have photophores on the eyestalks, the bases of
21.70,E). There are about 285 described species of s y n ­ the second and seventh thoracopods, and between the
carids i n two orders, Al1aspidacea and Bathynellacea.4 first 4 pairs of abdominal limbs.
To many workers, the syncarids represent a key group The 90 or so species of euphausids are all pelagic and
in eumalacostracan evolution, and they may rep­ range in length from 4 to 15 cm. The pleopods function
resent an ancient relictual taxon that now inhabits as swimmerets. Euphausids are knov-,n from all ocean­
refugial habitats. Through studies of the fossil record ic environments to depths of 5,000 m. Most species are
distinctly gregarious, and species that occur in huge
schools (krill) provide a major source of food for larger
'Until recently a third syncarid order was recognized, the nektonic animals (baleen whales, squids, fishes) and
Stygocaridacea, endemic to the Southern Hemisphere. Most work­
ers now agree that the stygocarids should be reduced to the rank even some marine birds. Krill densities, particularly for
of family within the order Anaspidacea. Eupliausin s11perba, often exceed 1,000 animals/m3 (614
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 777

(A) Carapace (8)


<• Gill


Pereopod Branchial
Pleopod Uropod
Photophore Feeding
Antenna! Antenna setae

Second Carapace
thoracopod \ - Second Comb selae
(C) _,,,,,.--;����-;�; --

Fifth pleopod
Maxilliped Dactyl

Figure 21.8 Anatomy in the class Malacostraca, super­

order Eucarida-euphausids and amphionidaceans.
(A) General body form of the euphausid, Meganyctiphanes.
(Bl Pereopod of Euphausia superba. (CJ Amphionides
reynaudii (female), the only living species of the
first pair in females is uniramous and greatly enlarged,
perhaps functioning to form a brood pouch extend­
g wet weight/m3).5 Generally, euphausids are suspen­ ing under the thorax. Females have a reduced gut and
sion feeders, although predation and detritivory also apparently do not feed. A111phionides is a worldwide
occur (Figures 21.SA,B and 21.21E). member of marine oceanic plankton and occurs to a
depth of 1,700 m (Figure 21.SC).
Order Amphionidacea The single known species of
the order Amphionidacea, A111phio11ides rey11a11dii, p o s ­ Order Decapoda The decapods are among the most
sesses an enlarged cephalothorax covered by a thin, familiar eumalacostracans. They possess a well devel­
almost membranous carapace that extends to enclose oped carapace enclosing a branchial chamber, but they
the thoracopods. The thoracopods are biramous with differ fro1n other eucarid orders in always possessing 3
short exopods. The first pair is modified as maxil­ pairs of maxillipeds, leaving 5 pairs of functional unira­
lipeds, and the last pair is absent in females. Some of mous or weakly biramous pereopods (hence the name,
the mouthparts are highly reduced in females. The Decapoda); one (or more) pairs of anterior pereopods
pleopods are biramous and natatory, except that the are usually clawed (chelate). Adults have antenna!
glands. Rearrange1nent of the subtaxa within order
5 Where krill densities exceed about 100 grams per cubic meter, is a popular carcinological pastime (see Martin and
they are often fished commercially. Krill schools can extelld for Davis 2001 for an entry into the vast literature on deca­
tens of miles, contain millions of tons of krill, and stain the ocean pod classification). In vernacular terms, nearly every
red with their surface swarms in coastal waters. Large baleen
whales can eat a ton of krill in one mouthful. Seals, fish, squid, decapod may b e recognized as some sort of shrimp,
and humans also eat krill. Krill fishing has been banned in most crab, lobster, or crayfish.
of North America, but it continues in Japan where tens of thou­
sands of tons are landed a1\nually and used maj1\ly as feed for
We do not want to belabor the issue of decapod gill
farmed fish. The largest krill fishery is in the ocean surrounding nomenclature. However, the gills play a prominent role
Antarctica_, where they have been harvested con1mercia1ly since in the taxonomy of this group; thus, we provide brief
the l 970s. In the 1980s, large neets from the Soviet Union caught descriptions of the basic types. All decapod gills arise
up to 400,000 tons of Antarctic krill annually, but the current
catch is now down t o about 120,000 tons (taken by Japan, Korea, as thoracic coxal exites (epipods), but their final place­
Norway, Poland, the Ukraine, and the U.S.). ment varies. Those that remain attached to the coxae are
778 Chapter Twenty-One

podobranchs (= "foot gills"), but others eventually b e ­ Suborder Dendrobranchiata This group includes
come associated with the articuJar membrane between over 500 species of decapods, most of which are
the coxae and body and are thus called arthrobranchs (= penaeid and sergestid shrimps. As the nan,e indicates,
"joint gills"). Some actually end up on the lateral body these decapods possess dendrobranchiate gills (Figure
wall, or side-surface of the thorax, as pleurobranchs 21.28B), a unique synapomorphy of the taxon. One
(= "side gills"). TI1e sequence by ,,vhich some of these genus, Lucifer, has secondarily lost the gills completely.
gills arise ontogenetically varies. For example, in the The dendrobranchiate shrimps are further character­
Dendrobranch.iata and the Stenopodidea, arthrobranchs ized by chelae on the first three pereopods, copula­
appear before pleurobranchs, whereas in members of tory organs modified from the first pair of pleopods
the Caridea the reverse is true. In most of the other deca­ in males, and ventral expansions of the abdo1ninal t e r ­
pods the arthrobranchs and pleurobranchs tend to ap­ gites (called pleural lobes). Generally, none of the che­
pear simultaneously. These developmental differences lipeds is greatly enlarged. In addition, fen1ales of this
may be minor heterochronic dissinlilarities and of Jess group do not brood their eggs. Fertilization is external,
phylogenetic importance than actual gi!J anaton1y. and the embryos hatch as nauplius larvae (see the sec­
Among the decapods, the gills can also be one of tion on Reproduction and Development later in this
three basic structural types, described as dendrobran­ chapter). Many of these animals are quite large, over
chiate, trichobranchiate, and phyllobranchiate (Figure 30 cm long. The sergestids are pelagic and all marine,
21.288-D). All three of these gill types include a n1ain whereas the penaeids are pelagic or benthic, and son1e
axis carrying afferent and efferent blood vessels, but occur in brackish water. Some dendrobranchiates
they differ 1narkedly in the nature of the side filaments (e.g., Penneus, Sergestes, Acetes, Sicyonia) are of major
or branches. Dendrobranchiate gills bear two principal comn1ercial importance in the world's shrimp fisher­
branches off the main axis, each of which is divided ies, most of which are now being exploited beyond
into multiple secondary branches. Trichobranchiate sustainable levels and often with techniques
gills bear a series of radiating w1branched tubuJar fila­ that are highly habitat-destructive (Figures 21.9A and
ments. Phyllobranchiate gills are characterized by a 21.33G).
double series of platelike or leaflike branches from the
axis. Within each gill type, there may be considerable Suborder Pleocyemata All of the remaining deca­
variation. The occurrences of these three major gill pods belong to the suborder Pleocyen1ata. Members
types among various taxa are presented below. of this taxon never possess dendrobranchiate gills.
Close inspection of the proximal parts of the pe­ The embryos are brooded on the female's pleopods
reopods usually reveals another decapod feature: in and hatch at some stage later than the nauplius
most forms, the basis and ischiurn are fused (as a basi­ larva. Included in this suborder are several kinds of
ischium), with the point of fusion often indicated by a shriinps, the crabs, crayfish, lobsters, and a host of
suture line. Tegumental glands are also a ubiquitous less familiar forms. Most current workers now rec­
feature among the Decapoda. These glands originate ognize 11 infraorders within the Pleocyemata, as we
below the epidermal cells and produce a fluid that have done below, but a nun1ber of other schemes have
opens on the surface of the cuticle. They have been been proposed and persist in the literature. One older
reported from gills, legs, pleopods, and uropods. TI1e approach divided decapods into tvvo large groups,
roles of tegmental glands are not well known, and they called the Natantia and Reptantia-the swimming
have been suspected to be involved in cuticular t a n ­ and walking decapods, respectively. Although these
ning, the production of mucus by the mouthparts, the terms have largely been abandoned as formal taxa,
production of cement substance involved with egg a t ­ they still serve a useful descriptive purpose, and one
tachment, and possibly also grooming. continues to see references to natant decapods and
The 18,000 or so living species of decapods comprise reptant decapods.
a highly diverse group. They occur in all aquatic envi­
ronments a t all depths, and a few spend most of their lnfraorder Procarididea The procarids consist of a sin­
lives on land. Many are pelagic, but others have adopt­ gle family containing two genera of shrimp, Procaris and
ed benthic sedentary, errant, or burrowing lifestyles. Vetericnris, that have been called "primitive shrimps."
Decorating of the exoskeleton is frequently seen among Like caridean shrimp (below) and most other pleocye­
the decapods, especially in spider crabs (Brachyura: mates, they bear flattened, platelike (nondendrobranch)
Majoidea), which use Velcro-like hooked setae to at­ gills, but they lack claws on any of their legs, have a very
tach dead or living plants and animals; decorating has leglike (pediform) third maxilliped, and have epipods
been shown to reduce predation through camouflage on all of the maxilJipeds and pereopods, assumed to be
and/ or chemical deterrence. Decapod feeding strate­ an ancestral condition because most decapod groups no
gies include suspension feeding, predation, herbivory, longer bear the fuJl complement. They are known from
scavenging, and more. Most workers recognize two anchialine habitats-inland pools with connections to
suborders: Dendrobranchiata and Pleocyemata. the sea (Figure 21.98).
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 779

(A) (B) Second pleomere


�- Pereopods __J LPleopodsJ

(C) (E)

Figure 21.9 External anatomy and diver-

sity in shrimps (Decapoda). (A) A penaeid shrimp
(Dendrobranchiata), Penaeus setlferus. (8) A procarid
shrimp (Procarididea), Procaris ascensionis. (C) A hippo­
lyti d shri mp (Caridea, Hippolytidae), Lysmata cafifornica.
(0) An alpheid, or snapping shrimp (Caridea, Alpheidae),
Alpheus. (E) A stenopodid shri mp (Stenopodidea),

lnfraorder Caridea The nearly 3,500 living species in associated with shallow benthic environments, espe­
this infraorder are generally referred to as the caridean cially with coral reefs; others are known from the deep
shri1nps. These swin,ming decapods have phyllobran­ sea. Many are con,n,ensal, and the group includes
chiate gills. The first 1 or 2 pairs of pereopods are che­ the cleaner shrimps (e.g., Stenopus) of tropical reefs,
late and variably enlarged. The second abdominal pleu­ which are known to remove parasites fro1n local fish­
ra (side walls) are distinctly enlarged to overlap both es. Stenopodids often occur as male-female couples.
the first and third pleura. The first pleopods are gener­ Perhaps the most noted example of this bonding is
ally son1ewhat reduced, but not much n,odified, in the associated with the glass sponge (Euplectelln) slu·iinp,
males (Figures 21.lK, 21.9C,D, 21.24D, and 21.31D). Spongicoln venustn: A young male and female shrimp
enter the atrium of a host sponge, eventually growing
lnfraorder Stenopodidea The 70 or so species in this too large to escape and thus spending the rest of their
infraorder belong to three families. The first 3 pairs of days together.
pereopods are chelate, and the third pair is significant­
ly larger than the others. The gills are trichobranchiate. lnfraorder Brachyura These are the so-called "true
The first pleopods are tu1iramous in males and females, crabs." The abdomen is symmetrical but highly
but are not strikingly n,odified. The second abdomi­ reduced and flexed beneath the thorax, and uropods
nal pleura are not expanded as they are in carideans are usually absent. The body, hidden beneath a well­
(Figures 21.9E and 21.31B). developed carapace, is distinctly flattened dorso­
These colorful shrimps are usually only a few cen­ ventrally and often expanded laterally. The gills are
timeters long (2-7 cm). Most species are tropical and typically phyllobranchiate, but exceptions occur.
780 Chapter Twenty-One

(A) Figure 21.10 Anatomy and diversity of the "true," or brachy­

Compound uran, crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura). (A,B) General crab anatomy:
Palp of maxilliped Antennule frontal and ventral views of a swimming crab (fami l y Portunidae).
Antenna (C) A spider crab (fami l y Majidae), Loxorhynchus. (D) A kelp crab
Carap ace Carpus
�---'r·I· /Orbit (Majidae), Pugettia. (E) An arrow crab (Majidae), Stenorhynchus.
(F) A cancer crab (family Cancridae), Cancer. (G) A grapsid crab
(family Grapsidae), Pachygrapsus. (H) A pinnotherid or pea crab
(family Pinnotheridae), Parapinnixa. (I) A xanthid crab (family
Xanthidae), Trapezia. Many members of th is genus are obligate
Third maxilliped
1 \
D ctyl \ Propodus
commensa ls in scleractinian corals. (J) A dromiid crab (fam-
ily Dromiidae), Hypoconcha (anterior view). Members of the
Abdomen Fixed finger Dromiidae carry bivalve mollusc shells (or other objects) on their
backs. (K) A calappid crab (family Calappidae), Hepatus (ante­
rior view). (L) Ventral views of a female (upper photo) and (l ower
' --Cla,"----'
- photo) male Hemigrapsus sexdentatus.

(B) (C)


Propodus ......,__,

(D )
Carpus Coxa Thoracic sterna
Merus Basis
lschium Abdomen
Fifth pereopod




PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 781

about a dozen families) all have direct development,

incubate their embryos, and are independent of sea
water. Some freshwater crabs are intermediate hosts
of Pnragoni11111s, a cosmotropical parasitic human lung
fluke, and others are obligate phoretic hosts of larval
black flies (Sil1111/i11111), the vector for Onchocerca volv11/11s
(the causative agent of river blindness). A number of
species carry other invertebrates on their carapace (e .g.,
sponges, tunicates) or on their claws (e.g., anemones);
these associations are generally thought to be mutu­
alistic, providing camouflage or predator deterrence
for the crab while their partner is moved about in the
environment and 1nay feed off debris from their host's
feeding activities. The opener photo for this chapter
shows the tropical Pacific teddy-bear crab, Polydec/11s
c11p11lifer, which is densely covered with setae and fre­
quently carries a sea anemone on each cheliped. ln
the northeast Pacific, n1egalopae and juveniles of the
crab Cancer gracilis ride (and feed) on the bell of c e r ­
tain jellyfish; individuals of Phncellophora cn111tsclmtica
(Scyphozoa) have been found with hundreds of C. gra­
ciils megalopae. There are about 7,000 described spe­
cies of Brachyura.

lnfraorder Anomura This group includes hermit

crabs, galatheid crabs, king crabs, porcelain crabs,
mole crabs, and sand crabs. The abdomen may be
soft and asymmetrically twisted (as in hermit crabs)
or symmetrical, short, and flexed beneath the thorax
(as in porcelain crabs and others). Those with twisted
abdomens typically inhabit gastropod shells or other
e1npty "houses" not of their own making. King crabs
(Lithodidae and Hapalogastridae) probably evolved
out of hermit crab-like ancestors. Carapace shape
and gill structure vary. The first pereopods are che­
late; the third pereopods are never chelate. The sec­
ond, fourth, and fifth pairs are usually simple, but
occasionally they are chelate or subchelate. The fifth
pereopods (and sometimes the fourth) are generally
n1uch reduced and do not function as walking limbs;
the fifth pereopods function as gill cleaners and often
The first pereopods are chelate and usually enlarged. are not visible externally. The pleopods are reduced or
Pereopods 2 to 5 are typically simple, stenopodous absent. The eyes are positioned medial to the anten­
walking legs, although in some groups, the fifth pereo­ nae. The zoea Jarva is similar to that of the true crabs
pods are also chelate. The eyes are positioned lateral to but is typically longer than broad, with the rostral
the antennae. Males lack pleopods 3 to 5. The distinc­ spine directed anteriorly. Most anomurans are n1arine,
tive larval stage is called a zoea; its carapace is spheri­ but a few freshwater and selni-terrestrial species are
cal and bears a ventrally directed rostral spine (or no known. The s o c- alled "yeti crab" (Kiwn hirsutn) was
spine) (Figures 21.lE, 21.10, 21.27H, 21.28F,G, 21.29C, discovered in 2005 from 2,200 m-deep hydrothermal
21.32, and 21.33H,I). vents south of Easter Island. It is remarkable for its
Brachyuran crabs are mostly marine, but freshwa­ "garden" of filamentous bacteria that grow on the long
ter, semi-terrestrial, and moist terrestrial species occur setae of the exoskeleton; the bacteria are heterotrophic,
in the tropics. The land crabs (certain species in the utilizing sulfides in the deep environment (the p r e ­
families Gecarcinidae, Ocypodidae, Grapsidae, etc.) cise role of the bacteria, of several species, in the life
are still dependent on the ocean for breeding and l a r ­ history of the yeti crab is not yet well understood). A
val development. The surprisingly large number of second species of Kiivn was described in 2011 (Figures
freshwater crabs (about 3,000 species, classified into 21.lF-J, 21.llC-G, 21.24A-C, 21.31A, and 21.331).
782 Chapter Twenty-One

(A) (C)

Walking legs Chcla

(B) Antenna Antennule (D)


. maxillipcd ·.

LPereopods 1 S_J
(pereopod 1)



Figure 21.11 External anatomy and diversity in some

other reptant decapods (Eumalacostraca, Eucarida).
(A) A mud shrimp, Ca//ianassa (Gebiidea). (B) A spiny l o b ­
ster, Panulirus (Achelata). (C) A hermit crab, Paguristes, in
its shell (Anomura). (D) A hermit crab, Pagurus, removed
from its shell to expose the soft abdomen. (E) A porcelain
crab, Petrolisthes (Anomura), with the reduced posterior
pereopods extended. (F) A sand crab, Emerita (Anomura).
(G) The umbrella crab Cryptolithodes (Anomura), in ventral
lnfraorder Astacidea The 650+ species of crayfish view.
and clawed lobsters con1prise some of the n1ost famil­
iar decapods (Figure 21.2). A.sin most other decapods,
the dorsoventrally flattened abdomen terminates in a of crayfish occur in North America alone, where ti1ey
strong tail fan. The gills are trichobranchiate. The first 3 show high levels of endemicity to particular regions or
pairs of pereopods are always chelate, and the first pair river drainages. (Figures 21.27E,G and 21.29B).
is greatly enlarged. Ho111nr11s m11ericn11us, the American
or Maine lobster, is strictly marine and is the largest liv­ lnfraorder Achelata This group includes ilie coral
ing crustacean by weight (ti1e record ,,veight being over and spiny lobsters (family Palinuridae) and slipper
20 kilograms). Most crayfish live in fresh water, but a lobsters (family Scyllaridae). The name Achelata comes
few species live in damp soil, where ti1ey may excavate from the fact ti1at they lack chelae on all pereopods as
extensive and complex burrow systems. The 600+ s p e ­ adults (except for a small grooming claw on pereo­
cies o f freshwater crayfish comprise a monophyletic pod 5 in some females). The flattened abdomen bears
group that is sister to clawed lobsters. Over 425 species a tail fan; the carapace may be cylindrical or flattened
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 783

dorsoventrally; the gills are trichobranchiate. The large, prejuvenile stage lacking the last pair of thoracopods
flattened larvae, called phyllosomas because of their (no larvae occur in this group) (Figures
leaf-like appearance, are unique and distinctive. All 21.12-21.15).
species are marine, and they are found in a variety of The roughly 25,000 species of peracarids are divided
habitats throughout the tropics. Many species produce among nine orders. The peracarids are an extremely
sounds by rubbing a process (the plectrum) at the base successful group of 1nalacostracan crustaceans and
of the antennae against a "file" on the head (Figures are known from many habitats. Although most are
21.lM, 21.118, 21.30A,C, and 21.33L). marine, many also occur on land and in fresh water,
and several species live in hot springs at temperatures
lnfraorders Gebiidea and Axiidea These two infra­ of 30-50 C. Aquatic forms include planktonic as well
orders, traditionally referred to collectively as the as benthic species at all depths. TI1e group includes the
Thalassinidea, have recently been recognized as dis­ most successful terrestrial crustaceans-the pillbugs
tinct. The vernacular term "thalassinid" is still some­ and sowbugs of the order Isopoda-and a few amphi­
times used to refer to them together. The mud and pods that have invaded land and live in damp forest
ghost shrimps are particularly difficult to place within leaf litter or gardens. Peracarids range in size from tiny
the decapods. Sometimes they are depicted as related interstitial forms only a few millimeters Jong to plank­
to the crayfish and chelate lobsters (Astacidea), and tonic amphipods over 12 cm long (Cystisoma), deepsea
son1etimes they are grouped with the hern1it crabs necrophagous aa1phipods exceeding 34 cm (Alice/la g i ­
and their relatives (Anomura). These decapods have a gnnten), and benthic isopods growing to 50 cm in length
symmetrical abdomen that is flattened dorsoventrally (Bathy11011n1s gignnteus). These animals exhibit all sorts
and extends posteriorly as a well-developed tailfan. of feeding strategies; a number of them, especially iso­
The carapace is somewhat compressed laterally, and pods and amphipods, are commensaJs or parasites.
the gills are trid1obranch.iate. The first 2 pairs of pereo­
pods are chelate, and the first pair is generally 01uch Order Mysida Carapace well developed, covering
enlarged. Most of these animals are marine burro\-vers most of thorax, but never fused with more than four
or live in coral rubble. They generally have a rather anterior thoracic segments; maxillipeds (1-2 pairs) not
thin, lightly sclerotized cuticle, but some (e.g., mem­ associated with cephalic appendages; thoracomere
bers of the family Axiidae) have thicker skeletons and 1 separated from head by internal skeletal bar; abdo­
are more lobster-like in appearance. Gebiideans (par­ men with well developed tail fan; pereopods bira­
ticularly Upogebia, Callia11nssa, and related genera) often mous, except last pair, which are sometimes reduced;
occur in huge colonies on tidal flats, where their bur­ pleopods reduced or, in males, modified; compound
row holes form characteristic patterns on the sediment eyes stalked, so1netimes reduced; gills absent; usually
surface (Figures 21.lL and 21.11A). with a statocyst in each uropodal endopod; adults with
antennal glands (Figures 21.12A,B, 21.308, and 21.33C).
lnfraorders Glypheidea and Polychelida The gly­ There are more than 1,050 species of mysids, rang­
pheids are something of a relict group, represented by ing in length from about 2 n1rn to 8 cm. Most swim by
two living genera (Neoglyphea and Ln11rentaglyplzea), action of the thoracic exopods. Mysids are shrimplike
each with a single species, of a foro1erly diverse crustaceans that are often confused with the superfi­
group known from the fossil record. Polychelids are cially similar euphausids (which lack oostegites and
a small group of blind deep-sea lobsters, notable for uropodal statocysts). Mysids are pelagic or demer­
having chelae on all of their pereopods and unusual, sal and are known from all ocean depths; a few spe­
large, globate larvae (called eryoneicus larvae) unique cies occur i n freshwater. Some species are intertidal
among the decapods. and burrow in the sand during IO\-V tides. Most are
omnivorous suspension feeders, eating algae, zoo­
Superorder Peracarida Telson without caudal plankton, and suspended detritus. IJ, the past, mysids
ran1i; 1 (rarely 2 3)
- pair of maxillipeds; maxilliped were combined with lophogastrids and the extinct
basis typically produced into an anteriorly directed, Pygocephalomorpha as the "Mysidacea."
bladelike endite; mandibles with articulated acces­
sory processes in adults, between molar and incisor Order Lophogastrida Similar to mysids, except for
processes, called the lacinia mobilis; carapace, when the following: 1naxillipeds (1 pair) are associated with
present, not fused with posterior pereonites and usu­ the cephalic appendages; thoracomere 1 not separat­
ally reduced in size; gills thoracic or abdominal; with ed from head by internal skeletal bar; pleopods well
unique, thinly flattened thoracic coxal endites, called developed; gills present; adults with both antenna!
oostegites, that form a ventral brood pouch or m a r ­ and maxillary glands; without statocysts; all 7 pairs of
supiu1n in fen1ales all species except me1nbers of the pereopods well developed and similar (except among
order Thermosbaenacea (the latter using the cara­ members of the family Eucopiidae, in which their
pace to brood embryos); young hatch as mancas, a structure varies) (Figures 21.12C,D and 21.21G).
784 Chapter Twenty-One

(B) Compound






(E) Uropod
� Pseudorostrwn


Figure 21.12 Anatomy and diversity in some peracarid crus­
taceans (Eumalacostraca; Peracar ida)-mysids, lophogastrids,
cumaceans, and tanaids. (A) A mysid, Bowmanelfa braziliensis.
(Bl Anatomy of a generalized mysid (Mysida). (C) Anatomy of a
lophogastrid, Gnathophausia. (D) Second pereopod of Gnatho­
phausia. (E) A cumacean, Diastylis, in its typical partially buried
position. The arrows indicate the feeding and ventilation current.
(F) A cumacean. (G) A tanaid. (H) Anatomy of a general ized tanaid.
(H) Head r- ---Pereon

Gnathopod Pereopods
(second thoracopods)
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 785

There are about 60 known species of lophogastrids, two species of w1usual crustaceans: Mictocnris ha/ope
most of whid, are l--8cm long,although the giantG11ntho­ (from marille caves in Bern1uda) and Hirsutin bnthyn­
plinusia ingens read,es 35 cm. All are pelagic swiinmers, lis (from a bentluc sample 1,000 m deep ill tl1e Guyana
and the group has a cosmopolitan oceanic distribution. Basin off northeastern South America). A third spe­
Lophogastrids are primarily predators on zooplankton . cies of Mictacea was described in 1988 from Australia,
and a fourth fron1 the Bahan1as m 1992; there are now
Order Cumacea Carapace present, covering and h1sed 6 species known. Mictaceans are small, 2-3.5 mm in
to first three thoracic segments, whose appendages are length. Mictocnrisfin/ope is the best known of these s p e ­
modified as 1naxillipeds, the first "vith n1odified bran­ cies because n,any specimens have been recovered and
chial apparatus associated with brandual cavity formed some have been studied alive. It is pelagic ill cave wa­
by carapace; pereopods 1 5 - ambulatory, simple, 1-4 ters and swims by using its pereopodal exopods. The
may b e biramous; pleopods usually absent in females stah1s of the Mictacea as a monophyletic grouping and
and present in males; telson sometiines fused with sixth its relationships to other peracarid orders is a subject
pleonite, forming pleotelson; uropods styliform; c o m ­ of ongoing debate. Some workers recognize the fam­
pound eyes absent, or sessile and usually fused (Figures ily Hirsutiidae (contammg Hirsutin, Montucaris, and
21.1P and 21.12E,F). T/1etispelecaris) as a separate order, the Bochusacea
Cumaceans are small, odd-looking crustaceans with (male pleopods biramous).
a large, bulbous anterior end and a Jong, slender poste­
rior-resembling horizontal comn,as! The great carcin­ Order Spelaeogriphacea Carapace short, fused with
ologist Waldo Schmitt referred to them as "little w o n ­ first thoracomere; 1 pair of maxillipeds; pereopods 1 7 -
ders and queer blunders." They occur worldwide and sin,ple, biramous, with shortened exopods; exopods
include about 1,500 species, most of whid, are between on legs 1-3 modified for producing currents, on legs
0.1 and 2 en, long, though some species ill cold water 4-7 as gills; pleopods 1-4 biramous, natatory; pleopod
read, 3 cm ill length. Most are mari11e, although a few 5 reduced; tail fan well developed; con1pound eyes
brackish-water species are known. They live in associa­ nonfunctional or absent, but eyestalks persist (Figltres
tion with bottom sediments, but are capable of swim­ 21.13A and 21.21H). The order Spelaeogriphacea i.s cur­
ming and probably leave the bottom to breed. Most are rently known from only four living species. These rare,
deposit feeders or predators on the meiofaw1a, others small (less tha11 1 cm) peracarids were Jong known
eat the organic film on sand grains. only from a single species living ill a freshwater stream
ill Bat Cave on Table Mountain, South Africa. A sec­
Order Tanaidacea Carapace present and fused with ond species is known from a freshwater cave in Brazil,
first two thoracic segments; thoracopods 1 2 - are maxil­ and a third and fourtl1 species were described from an
lipeds, the second beiI1g d,elate; thoracopods 3--8 are aquifer m Australia. Little is known about the biology
simple, ambulatory pereopods; pleopods present or of these anirnals, but they are suspected to be detrih1s
absent; uropods biramous or uniramous; telson and feeders. Like thermosbaenaceans, spelaeogriphaceans
l. a st one or two pleonites fused as pleotelson; adults are thought to be relicts of a widespread shallow­
with maxillary and (vestigial) antenna! glands; coin­ water marine Tethyan fauna stranded m illterstitial and
pound eyes absent, or present and on cephalic lobes. grow1d-water environments duri11g periods of mariI1e
Members of this order are known worldwide from ben­ regression.
thic marine habitats; a fe"" live i n brackish or nearly
fresh water. Most of the 1,500 or so species are sn1all, Order Thermosbaenacea Carapace present, fused
rangillg from 0.5 to 2 cm ill length. They often live in with first thoracomere and extendmg back over 2 3-
burrows or tubes and are known from all ocean depths. additional segments; 1 pair of maxillipeds; pereopods
Many are suspension feeders, others are deh'itivores, biramous, simple, lacking epipods and oostegites; cara­
and still others are predators (Figure 21.12G,H). pace forn1s dorsal brood pouch (unlike all other pera­
carids, which forn1 the brood pouch fro1n ventral ooste­
Order Mictacea Without a carapace, but with a well gites); 2 pairs of uniramous pleopods; uropods bira­
developed head shield fused with first thoracomere mous; telson free or forming pleotelson with last ple­
and produced laterally over bases of mouthparts; 1 pair onite; eyes absent (Figure 21.13B,C). About 34 species
of maxillipeds; pereopods siinple, 1 5- or 2-6 birarnous, of thermosbaenaceans are recognized in seven genera.
exopods natatory; gills absent; pleopods reduced, wu­ Ther111osbne11a 111irnbilis is known from fresh1,vater hot
ramous or biramous; uropods biramous, with 2-5 seg­ sprillgs i n North Africa, where it lives at temperatures
mented rami; telson not fused with pleonites; stalked in excess of 40°C. Several species in other genera occur
eyes present (Mictocaris) but lacking any evidence of ill much cooler fresh waters, typically i11 groundwater
visual elements, or absent (Hirsutin) (Figure 21.130-E). or i11 caves. Other species are mari11e or inhabit under­
Mictacea is the most recently (1985) established per­ ground anchialine pools. Limited data suggest that
acaridan order. The order was erected to accommodate thermosbaenaceans feed on plant detritus.
786 Chapter Twenty-One


Pereopods 1 -7
,--- - - - - -
- --,,
Thoracomeres 3 8


Pereopods 1-7

(E) Anlennule


Maxilliped Telson

Exopod Endopod

L Pereopod 5 J
Figure 21.13 More peracarids. (A) The spelaeogriphacean,
Spelaeogriphus. (B) The thermosbaenacean, Monodella. (C) A
thermosbaenacean. (D,E) The m ictacean, Mictocaris.

pleopods biramous and well developed, natatory and

Order lsopoda Carapace absent; first thoracomere for gas exchange (functioning as gills in aquatic taxa,
fused with head; 1 pair of maxillipeds; 7 pairs of uni­ and with air sacs called pseudotrachea in most t e r ­
ramous pereopods, the first of which is so1neti1nes restrial Oniscidea); adults with maxillary and (ves­
subchelate, others usually simple (gnathiids have only tigial) antenna! glands; telson fused with one to six
five pairs of pereopods, as thoracopod 2 is a maxilli­ pleonites, forming pleotelson; eyes usually sessile and
pedal "pylopod" and thoracopod 8 is missing); pereo­ compound, absent from some, pedunculate in most
pods variable, 1nodified as ambulatory, prehensile, or Gnathiidea; with biphasic molting (posterior region
swimming; in the more derived suborders pereopodal molts before anterior region) (Figures 21.lQ, 21.14,
coxae are expanded as lateral side plates (coxal plates); 21.211, 21.28H,l, and 21.33M).
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 787

(A) Rostrum Antennule (C)

Compound eye

Pereonite one
(= thoracomere two)

Coxal plates



Exopod Uropod

(G) (H)

' , .
. ' -:.
· J.

Figure 21.14 More peracarids:

members of the order lsopoda.
(A) A f l abelliteran, Excorallana
(family Corallanidae). (B) A fl a ­
belliferan, Paracerceis (family
Sphaeromatidae). Male mem­
bers of this genus possess
greatly enlarged uropods.
(C) A flabelliferan, Codonophilus
(family Cymothoidae). Members
of this genus are parasites that
attach to the tongues of various marine fishes. (D) A fla•
The isopods comprise about 10,500 marine, freshwa­ belliferan, Heteroserolis (famil y Serol idae). (E) A valviferan,
ldotea (family ldoteidae). (F) An asellote, Joeropsis (fam­
ter, and terrestrial species, ranging in length from 0.5 to
ily Joeropsididae). (G) An anthurid. Mesanthura (famil y
500 mm, the largest being species of the benthic genus Anthuridae). (H) A gnathiidean, Gnathia (family Gnathiidae).
Bathyno,1111s (Cirolanidae). They are common inhabit­ Note the gross l y enlarged mandibles characteristic of
ants of nearly all environments, and some groups are male Gnathiidea. (I) An oniscidean, Ligia (the common
exclusively (e.g., Bopyridae, Cymothoidae) or partly seashore "rock louse"),
788 Chapter Twenty-One
(A) Sessile
compound e)•e

Key Head
□ Coxal plates

- Pleopads


(B ) Peduncle (C)
Pereopod 3



(D) (E)

Figure 21.15 And still more peracarids: amphipod diversity.

(A) General anatomy of a gammaridean amph ipod. (B) General anat­
omy of a hyperiidean amphipod. (C) General anatomy of a cyamid
amphipod (Cyamus monodontis). (D) A gammari dean, Melita. (E) A
caprellid amphipod. (F) A cyamid amphipod, Cyamus erraticus, para­
si tic on right whales. (G,H) Two gammaridean amphipods: (G) Hyale,
a beach hopper, and (H) Heterophlias, an unusual, dorsoventrally
flattened species. (1-K) Three hyperiidean amphipods: (I) Primno,
(J) Leptocottis, and (K) a hyperiid on its host medusa. (L) A free-living
caprellid, Caprel/a. (M) An ingolfiellid amphipod, lngolfiel/a.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 789


0) (K)



(e.g., Gnathiidae) parasitic. The suborder Oniscidea in­ Order Amphipoda Carapace absent; first thoraco­
cludes about 5,000 species that have invaded land (pill­ mere fused to head; 1 pair of maxillipeds; 7 pairs of
bugs and sowbugs); they are the most successful terres­ uniramous pereopods, with first, second, and some­
trial crustaceans. Their direct development, flattened ti mes others frequently modified as chelae or sub­
shape, osmoregulatory capabilities, thickened cuticle, chelae; pereopodal coxae expanded as lateral side
and aerial gas exchange organs (pseudotrachea) allow plates (coxal plates); gills thoracic (medial pereopo­
most oniscideans to live completely divorced from dal epipods); adults with antenna! glands; abdomen
aquatic environments. F ossils as old as 325 1nillion "divided" into tvvo regions of three segments each, an
years (Carboniferous) have been reported. anterior "pleon" and posterior urosome, with anterior
Isopod feeding habits are extremely diverse. Many appendages as typical pleopods and urosomal append­
are herbivorous or omnivorous scavengers, but direct ages modified as uropods; telson free or fused with last
plant feeders, detritivores, and predators are also com­ urosomite; other urosomites sometimes fused; com­
mon. Some are parasites (e.g., on fishes or on other pound eyes sessile, absent in some, huge in many (but
crustaceans) that feed on the tissue fluids of their hosts. not alJ) members of the suborder Hyperiidea (Figures
Overall, grinding mandibles and herbivory see1n to 21.lN,O, 21.15, 21.23, 21.27F, and 21.29D).
represent the primitive state, with slicing or piercing Isopods and amphipods share 1nany features and
mandibles and predation appearing later in the evolu­ are often said to be closely related. Earlier workers
tion of several isopod clades. recognized these similarities (e.g., sessile compound
790 Chapter Twenty-One

eyes, loss of carapace, and presence of coxal plates) contains only about 40 species, most of which live in
and classified them together as the "EdriopthaLma" subterranean fresh and brackish waters, although a few
or "Acarida." However, recent work suggests that are 1nari:ne and interstitial. Little is known about their
many similarities between these two taxa may be con­ biology. The 300 or so species of caprellid amphipods
vergences or parallelisms. The roughly 11,000 species ("skeleton shrimp") are highly modified for clinging to
of amphipods range in length from tiny 1 n1rn forn1s other organisn1s, including filamentous algae and h y ­
to giant deep-sea benthic species reaching 29 cm, and droids. In most species the body and appendages are
a group of planktonic forms exceeds 10 cm. They very narrow and elongated. In one family of ca.prellids,
have invaded most marine and freshwater habitats the Cyamidae (with 28 species), individuals are obligate
and often constitute a large portion of the biomass in symbionts on cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpois­
many areas. The largest known amphipod is Alice/la es) and have flattened bodies and prehensile legs.
gigantea, a cosmopolitan marine species living at In addition to parasitism, amphipods exhibit a vast
depths up to 7,000 m. array of feeding strategies, including scavenging, her•
The principal suborder is Gan1maridea. A few garn­ bivory, can1ivory, and suspension feeding.
marideans are semiterrestrial in moist forest leaf litter
or on supralittoral sandy beaches (e.g., beach hop­ "Maxillopodans" The following seven classes­
pers); a few others live in moist gardens and green­ Thecostraca, Tantulocarida, Branchiura., Pentastomida,
houses (e.g., T11/itr11s sylvaticus and T . pacificus). They Mystacocarida, Copepoda, and Ostracoda-histori·
are common in subterranean groundwater ecosystems cally were united in a group called the Maxillopoda
of caves, the majority being stygobionts-obligatory that is now known to b e artificial (norunonophyletic).
groundwater species characterized by reduction or loss However, many of these "maxillopodan" groups share
of eyes, pigmentation, and occasionally appendages. some basic characteristics. These include a body of five
About 900 species of stygobiontic amphipods have cephalic, six thoracic, and four abdominal somites, plus
been described, including the diverse genera Niphargus a telson, but reductions of this basic 5 6
- --4 body plan are
(in Europe) and Stygobromus (in North America), each common, and different specialists sometimes interpret
"''ith over 100 described species. However, most of the the nature of these tagmata in different ways, leading
gamn1aridean amphipods are marine benthic species, to some confusion. Additional characters that most of
and a few have adopted a pelagic lifestyle, usually in these classes have i n common thoracon1eres vari­
deep oceanic waters. There are many intertidal spe­ ously fused with cephalon; usually with caudal rami;
cies, and a great many of these live in association with thoracic segments with biramous (sometimes unira­
other invertebrates and with algae. Domicolous gan1- mous) limbs, lacking epipods (except in many ostra­
maridean amphipods in at least three families spin silk cods); abdo1ninal seg1nents lack typical appendages;
from their legs that is used for consolidating the walls carapace present or reduced; with both simple and
of their tube or shelter. compound eyes, the latter being unique, with three
The suborder Hyperiidea includes exclusively pe­ cups, each with ta petal cells (an arrangement still often
lagic amphipods that have apparently escaped the referred to as the maxiJlopodan eye).
confines of benthic life by becoming associated with Most of these former "maxillopodans" are small
other plankters, particularly gelatinous zooplankton crustaceans, barnacles being a notable exception. They
such as medusae, ctenophores, and salps. The hype• are generally recognizable by their shortened bodies,
riideans are usually characterized by huge eyes (and especially the reduced abdon1en, and by the absence
a few other inconsistent features), but several groups of a. full complen1ent of legs. The reductions in body
bear eyes no larger than those of most gammarideans. size and leg number, emphasis on the naupliar eye,
The Hyperiidea are almost certainly a polyphyletic minimal appendage specialization, and certain other
group, and it is thought that several lineages are de• features have led biologists to hypothesize that pae•
rived independently fron1 various gammaridean an­ domorphosis (progenesis) played a role in the origin
cestors, although a modern phylogenetic analysis has of some of these classes. That is, in n1any ways, they
yet to b e attempted. The precise nature of the relation­ resemble early postlarva.l forms that evolved sexual
ships between hyperiideans and their zooplankton maturity before attaining all the adult features. Over
hosts remains controversial. Some appear to eat host 26,000 species have been described within the seven
tissue, others may kill the host to fashion a floating classes.
"home," and still others may utilize the host merely
for transport or as a nursery for newly hatched young. Class Thecostraca
Specimens of the scyphozoan P/1acellophora c11111tschtica This group includes the barnacles, parasitic ascothorac•
have been found with nearly 500 Hyperia 111ed11sar11m ids, and mysterious " y -larvae." The thecostracan clade
riding (and feeding) on it. is defined by several rather subtle synapomorphies of
There are two other small amphipod suborders: cuticular fine structure, including cephalic chemosen­
lngolfiellidea and Caprellidea. The first suborder sory structures known as lattice organs. The group is
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 791

also supported by rnolecular phylogenetic analyses. All crystalline cone structure in the compound eye, a fea­
taxa have pelagic larvae, the terminal instar of which ture not known fron1 any other crustacean group and
possesses prehensile antennules and is specialized for perhaps a vestige of the ancestral thecostracan body
locating and attaching to the substratum of the sessile plan. Most species of barnacles are hermaphrodites,
adult state. whereas separate sexes are the rule in acrothoracicans
and rhizocephalans, and some androgonochoristic s p e ­
Subclass Ascothoracida About 125 described spe­ cies (males + hermaphrodites; e.g., Scnlpel/11111) have
cies of parasites of anthozoans and echinoderms. also been reported.
Although greatly modified, they retain a bivalved Locomotion in barnacles is generally confined to
carapace and the full complement of thoracic and the larval stages, although adults of a few species are
abdominal segments (facts that suggest they might be specifically adapted to live attached to floating ob­
the most primitive living thecostracans). Ascothoracids jects (e.g., seaweeds, pumice, logs) or nektonic marine
generally have mouthparts modified for piercing and ani1nals (e.g., "''hales, sea turtles). Others are often
sucking body fluids, but some live inside other ani­ found on the shells and exoskeletons of various er­
mals and absorb the host's tissue fluids. In at least one rant invertebrates (e.g., crabs and gastropods), ivhich
species, Synagoga 111irn, males retain the ability to swim inadvertently provide a means of transportation from
throughout their lives, attaching only temporarily one place to another. Thoracican and acrothoraci­
whjje feeding on corals (Figure 21.16F). can barnacles use their feathery thoracopods (cirri) to
suspensio11 feed. Barnacles in the fao1ily Coronulidae
Subclass Cirripedia Primitively with tagmata as in are suspension feeders that attach to whales and tur­
the class, but in most groups the adult body is modified tles (e.g., Chelonibia, Platylepas, Stomntolepas, Coron11/a,
for sessile or parasitic life; thorax of six segments with Xenobala1111s). The 265 or so kno"',n species of rhizo­
paired biramous appendages; abdomen without limbs; cephalans are all endoparasitic in other Crustacea,
telson absent in most, although caudal rami persist on and are the most highly modified of all cirripedes.
abdomen in some; nauplius larva with frontolateral They mainly in11abit decapod crustaceans, but a few
horns; unique, "bivalved" cypris larva; adult carapace are kno"',n from isopods, cumaceans, stomatopods,
"bivalved" (folded) or forming fleshy mantle; first tho­ and even thoracican barnacles. Some even parasitize
racomere often fused with cephalon and bearing m a x ­ freshwater and terrestrial crabs. The body consists of
illiped-like oral appendages; female gonopores near a reproductive part (the externa) positioned outside
bases of first thoracic limbs, male gonopore on median the host's body, and an internal, ramifying, nutrient­
penis on last thoracic or first abdon1.inal segment; com­ absorbing part (the intema). 6
pound eyes lost in adults (Figures 21.15,T, 21.16A -E,
21.25, 21.26, 21.278,C, 21.32E, and 21.33F). Subclass Facetotecta Monogeneric (Hansenocaris):
The 1,285 or so described cirripede species are most­ The "y-larvae," a half-dozen small (250-620 mm)
ly free-living barnacles, but this group also includes marine nauplii and cyprids (Figure 21.161). Although
some strange paras.i tic "barnacles" rarely seen except known since Hansen's original description in 1899, the
by specialists. The corrunon acorn and goose barnacles adult stage of these animals has still not been identi­
belong to the superorder Thoracica. The superorder fied. However, a stage subsequent to the y -Jarva, the
Acrothoracica consists of minute animals that burrow slug-like ypsigon stage, has been induced by treat­
into calcareous substrata, including corals and mollusc ing y-larvae with molting hormones. The prehensile
shells (Figure 21.16G). The superorder Rhizocephala antennules and hooked labrum of the y -cyprids and
are exceptionally modified parasites of other crusta­ the degenerative nature of the ypsigon suggest that the
ceans, especially decapods (Figure 21.16H). adults are parasitic in yet-to-be-identified hosts.
Jf the body plan of the cirripedes i s derived from
something similar to what is seen in other "maxillopo­ Class Tantulocarida
dan" classes, then it has been so extensively modified Bizarre parasites of deep-water crustaceans. Juveniles
that its basic features are nearly unrecognizable in with cephalon, 6 s- egmented thorax, and abdomen of
adults of this subclass. The abdomen is greatly reduced up to 7 segments; cephalon lacking appendages (other
in adults, and also in most cypris larvae. In cyprids than antennules in one knovvn stage only) but with an
(cypris larvae) the carapace is always present and "bi­ internal median stylet; thoracopods 1 5 - biramous, 6
valved," the two sides being held by a transverse cypris
adductor muscle; in adults the carapace may be lost 6Rhizocephalans or the family Sacculinidae infest only decapod
(Rhizocephala) or modified as a membranous, saclike crustaceans and have been suggested as biological control agents
mantle (thoracicans and acrothoracicans). In the b a r ­ for invasive exotics such as the green crab (Cnrciuus maenas),
nacles (Thoracica), it i s this rnantle that produces the fa­ which are upsetting coastal ecosystems worldwide. Sacculinds
have the ability to take control over such major host functions
miliar calcareous plates that enclose the body. Cyprids as molting and reproduction, and also to compromise the host's
and adult acrothoracicans share a unique tripartite in1mune system.
792 Chapter Twenty-One


..... .···.··.. .
·....:.:. :.·... (C)
(B) ..
...' .... Lateral plates
Car inolateral



(F) Midgut
Ventral (G)
nerve mass Mantle
First abdominal

oGonopore ramus
FoW'lh thoracic
Maxillule Maxillary limb

(H) (I)
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 793

◄ Figure 21.16 Anatomy and diversity in the class The tiny tantulocarids are less than 0.5 1nn1 long.
Thecostraca-barnac les and their kin. ( AE) - Thoracican They attach to their hosts by penetrating the body with
barnac les. (A) A sessile (acorn) barnacle with its cirri
a protruding cephalic sty let. The young bear natatory
extended for feeding. (B) Plate term inology in a balano­
thoracopods. About three dozen species in 22 genera
morph (acorn) barnacle. (C) The lepadomorph (stal ked)
barnac le Pollicipes polymerus. (D) Verruca, the "wart" bar­ have been described (Figures 21.1V and 21.17). They
nacle. (E) Two thoracican barnacles that live in assoc i ation are known from abyssal depths to the intertidal zone,
with each other and with whales. The stalked barnacle from polar to tropical waters, and from anchialine pools
Conchoderma attaches to the sessi le barnacle Coronuta, and hydrothermal vents, always as parasites on other
which in turn attaches to the skin of certa in whal es. (F) crustaceans. Until recently, n1embers of this group had
The ascothoracican Ascothorax ophiocentenis, a para­
been assigned to various parasitic groups of Copepoda
s i te that feeds periodically on echi noderms Oongitudinal
section). (G) An acrothoraci can, Atcippe. Note the highly and Cirripedia. In 1983 Geoffrey Boxshall and Roger
modified female and the tiny attached male. This species Lincoln proposed the new class Tantulocarida. Some
bores into cal careous substrata such as coral skeletons, early work on the group supported a view of these ani­
(H) A crab (Carcinus) infected with the rhizocephalan mals as .maxillopodans, although the presence of six or
Saccu/ina carcini. The crab's right side is shown as trans­ seven abdominal segments in juveniles of some species
parent, exposing the ramifying body of the parasite. (I) A is inconsistent with this view; they are now believed to
cypris y-larva, in lateral and dorsal views.
be allied to the Thecostraca. The life cycle is unique and
includes a larva called the tantulus.

uniramous; abdomen without appendages but with Class Branchiura

caudal rami; adults highly modified, with "unsegment­ Body compact and oval, head and most of trunk cov­
ed" sacciform thorax and a reduced abdomen bearing ered by broad carapace; antennules and antennae re­
a uniramous penis on the first segn1ent; fen1ale gono­ duced, the latter son,etirnes absent; n1outhparts n1odi­
pores on fifth thoracic segment. fied for parasitism; no maxillipeds; thorax reduced

(A) Cuticular Figure 21.17 Anatomy in the

ornamentation class Tantulocarida. (A) An adult
Ovary (?)
Basipodella attantica. Note the
absence of an abdomen and the
modifications for parasitic life.
(B) Basipodella attached to the
antenna of a copepod host.
Host (C,D) Microdajus pectinatus on
antennule a crustacean host, adult, and
juvenile (SEM).

(C) (D)
794 Chapter Twenty-One


Maxilliped Third thoracic



Ill rv IV

2 2

(B) Naupliar eye Ovisacs Ovisac

Figure 21.18 Anatomy o f the classes Mystacocarida,

Copepoda, and Branchiura. (A) General anatomy and SEM
of the mystacocarid Derocheilocaris. (B) General anatomy of
a cyclopoid copepod. (C-E) General body forms of (C) a cala­
noid, (D) a harpacticoid, and (E) a cyclopoid copepod. Note
the points of body articulation (dark band) and the position
"!-'-,.JI"'Cephalothorax of the genital segment (shaded segment). Roman numerals
are thoracic segments; Arabic numerals are abdominal seg­
Ill ments; T = telson. (F) An elaborately setose cal anoid copepod
adapted for flotation. (G) A poecilostomatid copepod, Ergasifus
pitalicus, ectoparasi tic on cichlid fishes. (H) A female sipho­
nostomatid copepod (Caligus sp.) with egg sacs. (1) A female
siphonostomatid copepod (Trebius heterodont, a parasite of
horn sharks in California) with egg sacs. (J) A siphonostomatid
copepod, Clave/la adunca, showing extreme body reduction;
this species attaches t o the gills of fishes by its e longate max­
Ovisac illae. (K} Notodelphys, a wormlike cyclopoid copepod adapted
for endoparasitism in tunicates. (L) Argutus fofiaceus, a
branchiuran that parasitizes fishes. Note the powerful hooked
suckers (mod ified maxillules) on the ventral surface.

midventral surface of last thoracic somHe; paired, ses­

to four segn1ents, with paired biramous appendages; sile compound eyes and one to three meruan simple
abdomen unsegmented, bilobed, limbless, but with eyes (Figure 21.18L).
minute caudal rami; female gonopores at bases of The Branchiura comprise about 230 species of ec­
fourth thoracic legs, male with single gonopore on toparasites on marine and freshwater fishes. The
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 795

(F) (H)


(J) Cephalon


-�, . ·,
. ....'-, 'I.:;•

(,-Z,iil'''' -,ii: b£e., .

.' Egg s.,c

Cephalon Appendages Thorax Abdomen


thoracic limb

796 Chapter Twenty-One

(A) (8) Mouth (C) (D)
Hooks Legs
Mouth Claw glands
, "'·

Seminal Seminal .,
receptacle receptacles '•

Intestine Ventral
nerve cord


Figure 21.19 Anatomy and diversity in

the class Pentastomida. (A) Linguatu/a
sen-ata. (B) Cepha/obaena tetrapoda.
(C) lntemal anatomy of female Penta­
stomum. (D) lntemal anatomy of female
Waddycephalus teretiuscu/us, a parasite Vagina
of Australian snakes. (E) A generalized
pentastomid primary larva. Gonopore
. '
., -Rectum

antennules generally bear hooks or spines for attach­ ages reduced to 2 pairs of head appendages, lobelike
ment to their host fish. The mandibles are reduced and with chitinous claws used to cling to host. Body
in size and complexity, bear cutting edges, and are cuticle nonchitinous and highly porous. Body muscles
housed within a styliform "proboscis" apparatus. The somewhat sheetlike, but clearly segmental and cross­
maxillules are clawed in Do/ops, but they are modi­ striated. Mouth lacks jaws; often on end of snoutlike
fied as stalked suckers in the other genera (Arg11l11s, projection; connected to a muscular pu1nping pharynx
Clionopeltis, Dipteropeltis). The uniramous maxillae usu­ used to suck blood from host. The combination of the
ally bear attachment hooks. The thoracopods are bira­ snout and the 2 pairs of legs gives the appearance of
n1ous and used for swinuning when the animal is not there being five 1nouths, hence the nan1e (Greek penta,
attached t o a host. Branchiurans feed by piercing the "five"; sto,nida, "mouths"). In many species the ap­
skin of their hosts and sucking blood or tissue fluids. pendages are reduced to no more than the terminal
Once they locate a host, they crawl toward the fish's cla�vs. No specific gas excllange, circulatory, or excre­
head and anchor in a spot \<\•here water flow turbulence tory organs. Gonochoristic; females larger than males.
is low (e.g., behind a fin or gill operculun1). About 130 described species, including two cosmopoH­
Men1bers of the genus Argulus occur \<\'Orldwide, tan species that can occasionally infest humans (Figure
and can pose a serious problem to aquaculture, but 21.19).
members of the other genera have restricted distribu­ For years it \<\•as believed that pentastomids were al­
tions. Chonopeltis is found only in Africa, Dipteropeltis ljed with the fossil lobopodians, onychophorans, and
in South America, and Do/ops in South America, Africa, tardigrades as some kind of segmented, vermiform,
and Tasmania. proto-arthropod creature-and some workers still
entertain this idea. However, independent molecular
Class Pentastomida studies suggest the pentastomids are highly modified
Obligatory parasites of various amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, perhaps derived fron1 the Branchiura.
birds, and manunals. Adults inhabit respiratory tracts Corroboration has con1e fro1n cladistic analyses of
(lungs, nasal passages, etc.) of their hosts. Body highly sperm and larval morphology, nervous system anato­
modified, wormlike, 2-13 cm in length. Adult append- my, and cuticular fine structure.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 797

Work on the Swedish Orsten fauna indicates that There are more than 12,500 described species of
pentaston1id-like anilnals had appeared as early as copepods. They ca11 be incredibly abundant ill the
the late Cambrian (500 Ma), long before the land v e r ­ world's seas, and also i11 some lakes-by one estilnate,
tebrates had evolved. What might the original hosts of they outnumber all other multicellular forms of life
these parasites have been? Conodont fossils are com­ on Earth. Most are small, 0.5-10 mm long, but some
mon ill all the Cambrian localities that have yielded free-livillg forms exceed 1.5 cn1 ill length, and certaill
pentastomids, raising the possibility that conodonts highly modified parasites may ream 25 cm. The bod­
(also long a mystery, but now widely regarded as parts ies of most copepods are distinctly divided into three
of early fishlike vertebrates) may have been at least one tagmata, the names of which vary among authors.
of the origillal hosts of these early Pentastomida. The first region includes the five fused head segments
and one or two additional fused thoracic somites; it
Class Mystacocarida is called a cephalosome (= cephalothorax) and bears
Body divided into cephalon and 10-segniented trunk; the usual head appendages and maxillipeds. All of
telson with clawlike caudal rami; cephalon character­ the other lin1bs arise on the ren1aining thoracic seg­
istically cleft; all cephalic appendages nearly identical, ments, which together constitute the metasome. The
antennae and mandibles biramous; antennules, m a x ­ abdomen, o r urosome, bears no lin1bs. The append­
illules, and maxillae uniramous; first b·unk segment age-bearing regions of the body (cephaJosome and
bears n1axillipeds but is not fused ,..vith cephalon; no n1etasome) are frequently collectively called the pro­
carapace; gonopores on fourth trunk segn1ent; trunk some. The majority of the free-living copepods, and
segments 2 5- with short, single-segment appendages those most frequently encountered, belong to the
(Figure 21.18A). orders Calanoida, Harpacticoida, and CycJopoida,
There are only 13 described species of mystaco­ although even some of these are parasitic. We focus
carids, eight in the genus Derocheilocnris and five i11 here on these three groups and then briefly discuss
Ctenocheilocnris. Most are less than 0.5 0101 long, al­ some of the other, smaller orders and their modifica­
though D. ingens reaches 1 mm. The head is marked by tions for parasitism. The calanoids are characterized
a transverse "cephalic constriction" between the origins by a point of major body flexure between the meta­
of the first and second antennae, perhaps a remnant of son1e and the urosome, marked by a distinct nar­
primitive head segmentation. In addition, the lack of f u ­ rowing of the body. They possess greatly elongate
sion of the cephalon and maxillipedal trunk segment, the antennules. Most of the calanoids are planktonic, and
silnplicity of the mouth appendages, and other features as a group they are extremely important as primary
have led some workers to propose that the mystacoca­ consumers in freshwater and marine food webs. The
rids are a1nong the most primitive livil1g crustaceans. point of body flexure in the orders Harpacticoida and
These attributes may, however, siinply be related to a Cyclopoida is between the last two (fifth and sixth)
neotenic origin and specialization for interstitial habitats. metasomal segments. (Note: Some authors define
Mystacocarids are marille, interstitial crustaceans the urosome in harpacticoids and cyclopoids as that
that live in littoral and sublittoraJ sands throughout the region of the body posterior to this point of flexure.)
world's temperate and subtropical seas. Their rather Harpacticoids are generally rather vermiform, with
vermiform body and small size are clearly adaptations the posterior segments not much narrower than the
to life among sand grains. Mystacocarids are thought anterior; cyclopoids generally narrow abruptly at the
to feed by scraping organic material from the surfaces n1ajor body flexure. Both the antennules and the an­
of saJ1d grains with their setose rnouthparts. tennae are quite short in harpacticoids, but the latter
are moderately long i11 cyclopoids (although never
Class Copepoda as long as the antennules of calanoids). The anten­
Without a carapace, but with a \.veil developed cephal­ nae are uniramous in cyclopoids but biramous in the
ic shield; single, n1edian, simple 1naxillopodan eye other two groups. Most harpacticoids are benth_ic,
(son1etilnes lackmg); one or more thoracon1eres fused and those that have adapted to a planktonic lifestyle
to head; thorax of six segments, the first always fused show modified body shapes. Harpacticoids occur ill
to the head and with maxillipeds; abdomen of five seg­ all aquatic environments; encystment is known to
ments, including anal somite (= telson); 1vell developed occur in at least a few freshwater and marine species.
caudal rami; abdomen without appendages, except an Cyclopoids are known fron1 fresh and salt water, and
occasional reduced pair on the first segment, associ­ most are planktonic.
ated with the gonopores; poillt of n1aill body flexure The nonparasitic copepods move by crawling or
varies among major groups; antennules uniramous, swimming, using some or all of the thoracic limbs.
antennae uniramous or biramous; 4-5 pairs of natatory Many of the planktonic forms have very setose append­
thoracopods, 1nost locked together for swilnming; pos­ ages, offering a high resistance to sil1killg. Calanoids
terior thoracopods always biramous (Figures 21.lU, are predornillantly planktonic feeders. Benthic harpac­
21.18B-K, 21.27A, 21.30D, and 21.33D). ticoids are often reported as detritus feeders, but many
798 Chapter Twenty-One

feed predominantly on microorganisms living on the modified fifth linlbs are in fact these appendages. The
surface of detritus or sediment particles (e.g., diatoms, trunk seldom shows external evidence of segmenta­
bacteria, and protists). tion, although all 11 postcephalic somites are discern­
Of the seven remaining orders, the Mormonilloida able in some taxa. The trunk limbs vary in structure
are planktonic; the Misophrioida are known from among taxa and on individuals. The third pair of trunk
deep-sea epibenthic habitats as well as anchialine caves limbs bears the gonopores and constitutes the so-called
in both the Pacific and Atlantic; and the Monstrilloida copulatory organ.
are planktonic as adults, but the larval stages are en­ Ostracods are one of the most successful groups of
doparasites of certain gastropods, polychaetes, and crustaceans. They also have the best fossil record of any
occasionally echinoderms. Members of the orders arthropod group, dating from at least the Ordovician,
Poecilostomatoida and Siphonosto1natoida are ex­ and an estimated 65,000 fossil species have been de­
clusively parasitic and often have modified bodies. scribed. Most are benthic crawlers or burrowers, but
Siphonostomatoids are endo- or ectoparasites of vari­ many have adopted a suspension-feeding planktonic
ous invertebrates as well as marine and freshwater lifestyle, and a few are terrestrial in moist habitats. One
fishes; they are often very tiny and show a red uc­ species is known to be parasitic on fish gills-Sheina
tion or loss of body segmentation. Poecilostomatoids orri (Myodocopida, Cypridinidae). Ostracods are
parasitize invertebrates and marine fishes, and may abundant worldwide in all aquatic environments and
also show a reduced number of body segments. The are known to depths of 7,000 rn in the sea. Son1e are
Platycopioida are benthic forms known prin1arily fron1 con1mensal on echinoderms or other crustaceans. A
marine caves; the Gelyelloida are known only from few podocopans have invaded supralittoral sandy r e ­
European groundwaters. gions (members of the family Terrestricytheridae), and
members of several families inhabit terrestrial n1osses
Class Ostracoda and humus. Two principal taxa (ranked as subclasses
Body segmentation reduced, trunk not clearly divided here) are recognized within the Ostracoda: Myodocopa
into thorax and abdomen, ,vith 6 to 8 pairs of limbs and Podocopa.
(including the male copulatory limb); trunk with 1 to 3 Myodocopans are all n1arine. Most are benthic, but
pairs of limbs, variable in structure; caudal rami pres­ the group also includes all of the marine planktonic
ent; gonopores on lobe anterior to caudal rami; cara­ ostracods. The largest of all ostracods, the planktonic
pace bivalved, hinged dorsally and closed by a central Gigantocypris, is a member of this group. Myodocopans
adductor muscle, enclosing body and head; carapace include scavengers, detritus feeders, suspension
highly variable in shape and ornamentation, smooth feeders, and some predators. There are two orders:
or with various pits, ridges, spines, etc.; most with one Myodocopida and Halocyprida.
simple median naupliar eye (often called a "maxillopo­ Podocopans include predominantly benthic forms;
dan eye") and sometinles weakly stalked compound although some are capable of temporary swimming,
eyes (in Myodocopida); adults with maxillary and (in none are fully planktonic. Their feeding methods in­
some) antenna! glands; males with distinct copulatory clude suspension feeding, herbivory, and detritus
limbs; caudal ra1ni (furca) present (Figure 21.20). feeding. The Podocopa are divided into three orders:
Ostracods include about 30,000 described liv­ the exclusively 1narine Platycopida, the ubiquitous
ing species of small bivalved crustaceans, ranging Podocopida, and the Palaeocopida. The Palaeocopida
in length fro1n 0.1 to 2.0 mm, although some giants were diverse and widespread in the Paleozoic, but
(e.g., Gigantocypris) reach 32 mm. They superficially are represented today only by the extremely rare
resemble clam shrimps in having the entire body en­ Pw1ciidae (known from a few living specimens, and
closed within the valves of the carapace. However, from dead valves dredged in the South Pacific).
ostracod valves lack the concentric growth rings of
clan1 shrin1ps, and there are major differences in the
appendages. The shell is usually penetrated by pores,
some bearing setae, and is shed with each molt. A good
The Crustacean Body Plan
deal of confusion exists about the nature of ostracod We realize that the above synopses are rather exten­
limbs, and homologies with other crustacean taxa (and sive, but the diversity of crustaceans demands empha­
even within the Ostracoda) are unclear-this confusion sis before we attempt to generalize about their biology.
is reflected in the variety of names applied by differ­ The evolutionary success of crustaceans, like that of
ent authors. We have adopted terms here that allow the other arthropods, has been closely tied to modifica­
easiest comparison with other taxa. tions of the jointed exoskeleton and appendages, the
Ostracods possess the fewest limbs of any crusta­ latter having an extensive range of modifications for a
cean class. The four or five head appendages are fol­ great variety of fw1ctions.
lowed by 1-3 trunk appendages. Superficially, the (sec­ The most basic crustacean body plan is a head
ond) maxillae appear to be absent; however, the highly (cephalon) followed by a long body (trunk) with many
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 799

Figure 21.20 Anatomy and diversity in the class

Ostracoda. (A) Anatomy of Sclerocypris (Podocopa).
Median eye (B) Anatomy of Thaumatoconcha (Myodocopa).
-(=Continued on next page)



Zenker's Organ

Male copulatory

Sixth limb
(walking leg)
Seventh limb
(cleaning limb)

Fifth limb (male) Fifth limb (female)

(maxi lliped /cla sper) maxilliped



Seventh limb



(Continued on next page)

800 Chapter Twenty-One

Figure 21.20 (continued) Anatomy and diver-

sity in the class Ostracoda. (Cl Internal vi ew of
Bellonci organ Metapotycope (Myodocopa), left valve removed.
(D) The highly ornate Eusarsiella (Myodocopa);
si de view and edge view, showing the ornate
shell. (E) Examples of genera from the major
ostracod groups (scal e bar = 1.0 mm). A: Vargula
(Myodocopa, Myodocopida). B: Eusarsiella
(Myodocopa, Myodocopida). C: Potycope
(Myodocopa, Halocypr ida). D: Cythere//oidea
(Podocopa, Platycopida). E: Propontocypris
(Podocopa, Podocopida). F: Macrocypris (Podocopa,
Podocopida). G: Saipanetta (Podocopa, Podocopida).
H: Neonesidea (Podocopa, Podocopida). I: Triebelina
(Podocopa, Podocopida). J: Candona (Podocopa,
Podocopida). K: llyocypris (Podocopa, Podocopida).
L: Cyprinotus (Podocopa, Podocopida).
M: Potamocypris {Podocopa, Podocopida).
N: Hemicytherura (Podocopa, Podocopida).
0: Acanthocythereis (Podocopa, Podocopida).
P: Celtia (Podocopa, Podocopida). Q: Umnocythere
(Podocopa, Podocopida). R: Sahnicythere (Podocopa,
Podocopida). S: Darwinula (Podocopa, Podocopida).
Antenna Maxillula Fifth limb Purca All arrows point anteriorly.


PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 801

sin1ilar appendages, as seen in the class Remipedia together termed the pereon. Each segment of the pe­
(Figu1·es 21.lA and 21.3D,E). In the other crustacean reon is called a pereonite (= pereomere), and their ap­
classes, however, various degrees of tagmosis occur, pendages are called pereopods. The pereopods may
and the cephalon is typically followed by a trunk that be specialized for walking, swimming, gas exchange,
is divided into hvo distinct regions, a thorax and an feeding, and/ or defense. Crustacean thoracic (and
abdomen. All crustaceru1s possess, at least prilnitive­ pleonal) appendages nught be prilnitively biramous,
ly, a cephalic shield (head shield) or a carapace. The although the uniramous condition is seen iI1 a variety
cephalic shield results from the fusion of the dorsaJ of taxa. The general crustacean limb i s composed of
head tergites to form a solid cuticular plate, often with a basal protopod (= sympod), from which may arise
ventrolateral folds (pleural folds) on the sides. Head mediaJ endites (e.g., gnathobases), lateral ex:ites (e.g.,
shields are found in ancient Catnbrian fossil crusta­ epipods), and tvvo rarni, the endopod and exopod.
ceans (e.g., from the Orsten fauna), and they are char­ Members of the classes Remipedia, Cephalocarida,
acteristic of the classes Remipedia and Cephalocarida; Branchiopoda, and some ostracods possess append­
they also occur in some former maxillopodan groups ages with uniarticulate (single-segn1ent) protopods;
and in rnalacostracans. The carapace is a more expan­ the remaining classes usually have appendages vvith
sive structure, composed of the head shield and a large multiarticulate protopods (Table 21.1).8
fold of the exoskeleton that probably arises (primi­ The abdomen, called a pleon iI1 maJacosb"acans, is
tively) fron1 the maxillary sonute. The carapace may co1nposed of several segments, or pleonites (= pleo­
extend over the body dorsally and laterally as well as n1eres), followed by a postsegrnental plate or Jobe, the
posteriorly, and it often fuses to one or more thoracic anal somite or telson, bearing the anus (Figure 21.28).
segn1ents, thereby producing a cephalothorax (Figure In primitive crustaceans this anal somite bears a pair
21.2A). Occasionally, the carapace may grow forward of appendage-like or spinelike processes convention­
beyond the head as a narrow rostru111. ally called caudal rami. In the Eun1alacostraca, the ru,al
Most of the differences among the major groups of sornite lacks caudal rruni and is followed by a dorsal
crustaceans, and the basis for much of their classifica­ flattened cuticular flap; tlus flap is sometimes referred
tion, arise from variations in the number of somites in to as the telson.
the thorax and abdomen, the form of their appendages, In general, distinctive abdominal appendages
and the size ru1d shape of the carapace. A brief skim­ {pleopods) occur only in the malacostracans. These
ming of the synopses {above) and the corresponding appendages are almost ahvays biramous, and often
figures vvill give you some idea of the range of varia­ they are flaplike and used for swimming (e.g., Figures
tion in these characteristics. 21.9-21.15). The posteriorly directed last pair(s) of a b ­
Unifonnity within the subphylum Crustacea is dem­ donunal appendages is usually different from the other
onstrated particularly by the consistency of elements pleopods, and are called uropods. Together v.rith the
of the cephalon and the presence of a nauplius larva. telson, the uropods form a distinct tail fan in many
Except for a few cases of secondary reduction, the head malacostracans (Figure 21.28).
of all crustaceans has 5 pairs of appendages. Fron, an­ Crustaceans produce a characteristic, and unique,
terior to posterior, these are the antennules (first anten­ larval stage called the nauplius (Figures 21.258,C and
nae), antennae (second ru1tennae), mandibles, maxil­ 21.33D), which bears a median simple (naupliar) eye
lules (first maxillae), and maxillae (second maxillae). and 3 pairs of setose, functional head appendages­
The presence of 2 pairs of anteru,ae is, among arthro­ destined t o becon,e the anten11ules, antennae, and
pods, unique to the Crustacea (as is the nauplius larva, n1andibles. Behind the head segn1ents is a growth-zone
although similar "head larvae" are known from other and the telson. In many groups (e.g., Peracarida, and
arthropod groups in the fossil record).7 Although the most of Decapoda), ho"vever, the free-living nauplius
eyes of some crustaceans are simple, most possess a larva i s absent or suppressed. In such cases, develop-
pair of well developed compound eyes, either set di­ 1nent is either fully direct or mixed, with larval hatch­
rectly on the head (sessile eyes) or borne on distinct ing taking place at some postnaupliar stage (Table
movable stalks (stalked eyes). 21.2). Often other larval stages follow the nauplius (or
In many crustaceans, from one to three anterior other hatcl,ing stage) as the individual passes through
thoracic segments (thoracomeres) are fused with a series of molts, during whicl, segments and append­
the cephalon. The appendages of these fused seg­ ages are graduaJly added. A recent compilation of all
ments are typically mcorporated mto the head as ad­ crustacean larval forms (Martm et al. 2014) includes
ditional mouthparts called maxill ipeds. In the class
Malacostraca, the remaining free thoracomeres are
8The term "peduncle" is a general name often applied to the basal
portion of certain appendages; it is occasionally (but not always)
;Cambrian crustacean•like larvae in the fossil record termed "head used in a way that is synonymous with protopod. As noted in
larvae" may be precursors to the distinctive nauplius stage seen in Chapter 20, the exopod might be no more U,an a highly modified
many modern crustaceans. See Martin et al. (2014) exite that evolved from an ancestral uniramous condition.
802 Chapter Twenty-One

TABLE 21.1 Comparison of Distinguishing Features among the 11 Crustacean Classes

(and in Orders of the Class Branchiopoda and Subclasses of the Class Eumalacostraca)
Body tagmata and
Carapace or number of segments in
Taxon cephalic shield each (excluding telson) Thoracopods Maxillipeds
Class Remipedia Cephalic shield Cephalon (6) Not phyllopod ous 1 pair
Trunk (up to 32)
Class Cephalocarida Cephalic shield Cephalon (6)Thorax (8) PhyUopodous None
Abdomen (11)
Class Branchiopoda, Cephalic shield Cephalon (6) Phyllopodous None
Order Anostraca Thorax (usually 11)
Abdomen (usually 8)
Class Branchiopoda, Carapace Cephalon (6), Phyllopodous None
Order Notostraca Thorax (11), Abdomen
(many segments)
Class Branchiopoda, Carapace (bivalved, Cephalon 6, Trunk 10-32, Phyllopodous None
Order Oiplostraca hinged or folded) or obscured)

Oass Malacostraca, Large, folded carapace Cephalon (6),Thorax (8), Phyllopodous None
Subclass Phyllocarida covers thorax Abdomen (7)
Class Malacostraca, Well developed Cephalon (6),Thorax (8), Not phyllopodous Five paris of thoracopods
Subc lass Hoplocarida carapace covers Abdomen (6) referred to as
thorax maxillipeds
Class Malacostraca, Carapace well Cephalon (6),Thorax (8), Not phyUopodous; 0 to 3 pairs
Subclass developed or Abdomen (6) uniramous in many
Eumalacostraca secondarily reduced
or lost
Class Thecostraca Carapace bivalved (at Cephalon (6), Thorax (6), Not phyllopodous, often None
some stage), often Abdomen (4) reduced
modified as a mantle
Class Tantulocarida Cephalic shield Cephalon (6),Thorax (6), Not phyllopodous, None
Abdomen (up to 7) greatly reduced
Class Branchiura Carapace broad, Cephalon (6),Thorax (6), Not phyllopodous None
covering head Abdomen (4') (but all natato,y)
and tnmk
Class Pentastomida None Not distinguishable; body None None
Oass Mystacocarida Cephalic shield Cephalon (6),Trunk (10) Not phyUopodous 1 pair
Class Copepoda Cephalic shield Cephalon (6), Thorax (6), Not phyllopodous; Usually 1 pair
Abdomen (5) natatory, often reduced
Class Ostracoda Carapace, bivalved Subdivisions not clear; 6-8 Not phyllopodous, None
pairs of limbs reduced

keys to the distinctive naupliar larvae in all groups that Swimming is usually accomplished by a rowing ac­
hatch as a nauplius as well as synopses of larval devel­ tion of the li1nbs. Archetypical swimming is exempli­
opment in all crustaceans. fied by crustaceans �vith relatively undifferentiated
trunks and high numbe1·s of similar biramous append­
Locomotion ages (e.g., remipedes, anostracans, notostracans). In
Crustaceans move about primarily by use of their general, these animals swim by posterior to anterior
limbs (Figure 21.21), and lateral body undulations are metachronal beating of the trunk limbs (Figure 21.22
unkno\vn. They crawl or swim, or more rarely burrow, and Chapter 20). The appendages of such crustaceans
"hitchhike," or jump. Many of the ectoparasitic fonns are often broad and flattened, and they usually bear
(e.g., branchiurans, certain isopods, and copepods) are fringes of setae that increase the effectiveness of the
largely sedentary on their hosts, and most cirripedes power stroke. On the recovery stroke the limbs are
are fully sessile. flexed, and the setae may collapse, reducing resistance.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 803

Compound Abdominal
Antennules Antennae eyes appendages Gonopo re location
Biramous Biramous Absent All trunk appendages <:J: protopods of trunk segment 15;
similar 9: trunk segment 8
Uniramous Biramous Absent None Common pores on protopods of
thoracopods 6
Uniramous Uniramous Present None 9: on segment 12/13 or 20/21

Uniramous Vestigial Present Present (posterior ly Thoracomere 11 (both sexes)


Uniramous Biramous Present All trunk appendages Variable, on trunk segment 9 or 1.1,
similar, or posterior or on apodous posterior region
segments limbless (some Cladocera)
Biran,ous Uniramous Present Pleopods (posteriorly <:J: coxae of thoracopods 8;
reduced) 9: coxae of thoracopods 6
Triramous Biramous Present, well Well developed <:J: coxae of thoracopods 8;
developed pleopods with gills; 9: coxae of thoracopods 6
1 pair of uropods
Uniramous or Uniramous or Present, well Usually 5 paris of <:J: coxae of thoracopods 8 or sternum
biramous biramous developed pleopods, 1 pair of thoracomere 8;
of uropods 9: coxae of thoracopods 6 or sternum
of thoracomere 6
Uniramous Biramous Absent {in None Variable; <:J openings usually on trunk
adults) 9
segment 4 or 7; on 1, 4 , or 7

None (paired in one None Absent None 9 openings on trunk segment 5

Uniramous, reduced Biramous, reduced Present None <:J single opening on thoracomere 6;
9 gonopores at base of thoracopod 4
None None Absent None Common gonopore, location variable

Uniramous B iramous Absent None <:J and 9 openings on trunk segment 4

Uniramous Uniramous or Absent None Gonopores usually on urosomal
biramous segmentl
Uniramous Biramous Absent None Gonopores on lobe anterior to
(typically) caudal rami

In n1embers of some groups (e.g., Cephalocarida, t o selected appendages (e.g., the pleopods of shrimps,
Branchiopoda, Leptostraca), large exites or epipods stomatopods, amphipods, and isopods; the pereopods
arise from the base of the leg, producing broad, "leafy" of euphausids and mysids). In swimming euphau­
limbs called phyllopodia. These flaplike structures aid sids and mysids the thoracopods beat in a metachro­
in loco1notion and may also serve as osmoregulatory nal rowing fashion, ,-vith the exopod and setal fan e x ­
(branchiopods) or gas exchange (cephalocardis and tended on the power stroke and flexed on the recovery
leptostracans) surfaces (Figure 21.21A-C). Although stroke. The movements and nervous-muscular coordi­
such epipods increase the surface area on the pO\-ver nation of crustacean limbs are deceivingly complex. In
stroke, they also are hinged so that they collapse on the common mysid G11athophn11sin ingens, for exrunple,
the recovery stroke, reducing resistance. Metachronal twelve separate muscles power the thoracic exopod
limb movements are retained in many of the "higher" alone (three that are extrinsic to the exopod, five in the
swimming crustaceans, but they tend to be restricted limb peduncle, and four in the exopodal flagellum).
804 Chapter Twenty-One

(A) (8) Epipod (C)

Protopod Epipod

Protopod Epipod




(D} Protopod (E) .-

_ _

Endopod �,...-....


Endopod ..
. .. ·.....
. . . .. .

Dactyl Dactyl

.....,..-- (I)
� Ischiwn

Endopod Carpus


PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 805

◄ Figure 21.21 Generalized thoracic appendages of in the four primitive groups of crustaceans (cephalocarids,
various crustaceans. (A-C) Biramous. phyllopodous branchiopods, phyllocarids, and remipedes) the protopod
thoracopods. (A) Cephalocari da. (BJ Branchiopoda. is composed of a single article. And in branchiopods and
Dashed lines indicate fold or "hinge" lines. (CJ Leptostraca leptostracans, the articles of the endopod are not clearly
(Phyllocarida). (D) A biramous, fl attened, but nonphyl­ separated from one another. In the higher crustaceans
lopodous thoracopod: Remipedia. (E-1) Stenopodous (Malacostraca and former "maxillopodans") the protopod
thoracopods. (E) Euphausiacea. (F) Caridea (Decapoda). comprises two or three separate articles, although in most
(G) Lophogastri d a (Peracari da). (H) Spelaeogriphacea former maxillopodans these may be reduced and not eas­
(Peracarida). (I) lsopoda (Peracari da). Because of the pres­ ily observed. In the lophogastrid (G), the large marsupial
ence of large epipods on the legs of the cephalocarids, oostegite characteristi c of female peracarids is shown
branchiopods. and phyllocari ds, some authors refer to ari sing from the coxa. In two groups (amphipods and
them as "triramous" appendages. However, smaller epi­ isopods) all traces of the exopods have disappeared, and
pods al so occur on many typical "biramous" legs, so this only the endopod remai ns as a long, powerful, uniramous
distinction seems unwarranted (and confusing). Note that walki ng leg.

Water in (BJ
(A) To he Median space
Water out Food groove (midline) ' �

,_ . -- -- l

Epipods / Exopods

Water leaves
Brood pouch
under epipods
Thoracic limbs

Endite' with

"filter ' setae




Figure 21.22 Some aspects o f locomotion (and feeding) in three crustaceans

(also see Chapter 20). (A,B) Generat ion of swi mming and feed ing currents i n an
anostracan. (A) An anostracan swimming on its back by metachronal beating of the
trunk limbs. The limbs are hinged to fold on the recovery stroke, thereby reduc-
ing resi stance. (Bl Water is drawn from anteri or to posterior along the midline and
into the interfimb spaces, and food particles are trapped on the medial sides of
the endites; excess water is pressed out laterally, and the trapped food is moved
anteri orly to the mouth. (C-E) Locomotion in the postlarva of Panulirus argus.
(C) Normal swimming posture when moving forward sl owly. (DJ Si nking posture
with appendages flared to reduce sinking rate. (El A quick retreat by rapid tail
f lexure (the "cari doid escape reaction"), a method commonly employed by crus-
taceans with well developed abdomens and tail fans. (F) A swimming remipede,
Lasionectes. Note the metachronal waves of appendage movement.
806 Chapter Twenty-One

TABLE 21.2 Summary of Crustacean Reproductive Features8

Development type, or larval Hermaphrodit ic (at Parthenogenesis

Taxon type at hatching least some species) Gonochoristi c (i n at least some species)
Class Remipedia Nauplius (anamorphic) Yes No No

Class Cephalocarida Metanauplius (anamorphic) Yes No No

Oass Branchiopoda, order Nauplius or metanauplius No Yes Yes

A11ostraca (anamorphic)
Oass Branchiopoda, order Nauplius or metanauplius Yes Yes Yes
Notostraca (anamorphic), or direct
Class Branchiopoda, order Nauplius (partly anamorphic) No Yes Yes

Class Ostracoda Direct, or with bivalved nauplius/ No Yes Yes

metanauplius with anamorphic

Class Mys tacocarida Metanauplius (partly anamorphic) No Yes No

Oass Copepoda Nauplius (metamorphic) No Yes No

Class Branchiura Metanauplius-like (partly No Yes No

anamorphic), or with direct
ClassThecostraca ? Yes Yes No

ClassTantulocarida Nauplius? + tantulus No Yes ?


Class Malacostraca, subclass Direct development No Yes No

Class Malacostraca, subclass Zoea larva ("antizoea"or No Yes No
Hoplocarida "pseudozoea") (metamorphic)

Class Malacostraca, Direct development No Yes No

subclass Eumalacostraca,
superorder Syncarida
Oass Malacostraca, Direct development No Yes No
subclass Eumalacostraca,
superorder Peracarida

Oass Malacostraca, Nauplius (metamorphic) No Yes No

subclass Eumalacostraca,
superorder Eucarida, order
Class Malacostraca, Amphion (modified zoea) (weakly No Yes No
subclass Eumalacostraca, metamorphic)
superorder Eucarida, order

Oass Malacostraca, P r ezoea

- orzoea, and with a Rare Yes No
subclass Eumalacostraca, nauplius in Dendrobranchiata
superorder Eucarida, order (metamorphic), or direct
Decapoda development
• Also se� Martin et al. 2014,Table 55. 1.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 807

Recall fron1 our discussions in Chapters 4 and 20

Comments that a t the low Reynolds numbers at which sn1alJ
crustaceans (such as copepods or larvae) swim
Eight naupliar stages (2 orthonauplii and 6 metanauplii), followed by about, the netlike setal appendages act not as a fil­
a"pre-juvenile"stage, have been reported.
tering net, but as a paddle, pushing water in front
One or two eggs at a time are fertilized and carried on genital of them and the surrounding \vater along
processes of the first pleonites.
with them due to the thick boundary layer adher­
Emb ryos usually shed from ovisac early in development; resistant ing t o the limb. Only in larger organisms, with
(cryptobiotic) fertilized eggs accommodate unfavorable conditions. Reynolds numbers approaching 1 , do setose ap•
Eggs briefly brooded, then deposited on substrata; resistant pendages (e.g., the feeding cirri of barnacles) begin
(cryptobiotic) fertilized eggs accommodate w\favorable conditions. to act as filters, or rakes, as the surrounding ,vater
acts less viscous and the boundary layer thinner.
Most cladocerans undergo direct development (Leptodora hatches Of course, the closer together the setae and setules
as nauplii or metanauplii). Clam shrimps carry developing are placed, the more likely it is that their individual
embryos on the thoracopods prior to releasing them as nauplii or
metanauplii. boundary layers will overlap; thus densely setose
appendages are more likely to act as paddles.
Embryos usually deposited direct!)' on substrata; man)• Not all swimming crustaceans move by typical
myodocopans and some podocopans brood embryos between
valves until hatching as a reduced adult; no metamorphosis; up to metachronal \vaves of limb action. Certain plank­
8 preadult instars. tonic copepods, for example, move haltingly and
depend on their long antennules and dense se­
Little studied, but apparently the eggs are laid free and up to 7
preadult stages may occur. tation for flotation between movements (Figure
21.18F). Watch living calanoid copepods and you
Usually with 6 naupliar stages leading to a second series of S"larval"
stages called copepodites. wiJJ notice that they may move slowly by use of
the antennae a11d other appendages, or in short
Emb ryos are deposited; only Arg11/11s is known to hatch as jerky increments, often sinking slightly between
metanauplii, others have direct development and hatd, as
juveniles. these movements. The latter type of motion results
from an extremely rapid and condensed metachro­
Six naupliar stages followed by a unique larval form called a cypris nal wave of power strokes along the trunk limbs.
Although the long antennae may appear to be act­
A benthic non-feeding stage, possibly a nauptius, has been reported ing as paddles, they actually collapse against the
but not formally described. Development entails complex
metamorphosis with infective"tantulus la1va." body an instant prior to the beating of the lin1bs,
thus reducing resistance to forward motion. Some
Undergo djrect development in the female brood pouch, emerging other plank.tonic copepods create swimming c u r ­
as a postlarval/prejuvenile stage called a"manca."
rents by rapid vibrations of cephalic appendages,
Eggs brooded or deposited in burrow; hatch late as clawed by \vhich the body moves smoothly through the
pseudozoea larvae, or earlier as undawed antizoea larvae. Both
water. "Rowing" does occur in the swimming crabs
molt into distinct ericthus (and some into alima) larvae before
settling on bottom as post-larvae or juveniles. (family Portunidae) and some d e e p -s ea asellote
isopods (e.g., fa1nily Eurycopidae), both of which
All free larval stages have been lost; eggs deposited on substrattun.
use paddle-shaped posterior thoracopods to sculJ
Most eumalacostracans with w e l l -developed
Embryos brooded in marsupium of female typically formed from
ventral coxal plates called oostegites; usually released as mancas abdomens exhibit a form of temporary, or "burst,"
(subjuveniles with incompletely developed 8th thoracopods). swimming that serves as an escape reaction (e.g.,
Brood pouch (marsupium) in Thermosbaenacea formed by dorsal mysids, syncarids, euphausids, shrimps, lobsters,
carapace chamber. and crayfish). By rapidly contracting the ventral
Emb ryos shed or briefly brooded; typically undergo nauplius­ abdominal (flexor) n1uscles, such anin1als shoot
metanauplius-calyptopis-furcilia-juvenile developmental series. quickly backward, the spread tail fan providing a
large propulsive surface (Figure 21.22C-E). This
behavior is sometimes called a tail-flip, or "cari­
Eggs apparently brooded in female brood pouch; hatching likely doid escape reaction."
occurs as eggs float upward after release; hatching probably as an
ampruon larva (a zoea with only one pair of thoracopods modified Surface crawling by crustaceans is accomplished
as maxillipeds), with perhaps 20 stages that metamorphose by the same general sorts of leg movements de­
gradually to a subadult. sc1·ibed in the preceding chapters for insects and
Dendrobranchiata shed embryos to hatch in water as nauplii or pre­ other arthropods: by flexion and extension of the
zoea; all others brood embryos (on pleopods), which do not hatch limbs to pull or push the animal forward. Walking
until a pre-zoeal or zoeal stage (or later). limbs are typicalJy composed of relatively stout,
more or less cylindrical articles (i.e., stenopodous
808 Chapter Twenty-One

limbs) as opposed to the broader, often phyUopodous shrimp (Diplostraca), most of which are largely en­
limbs of swin1mers (see Figure 21.21 for a co1nparison closed by their carapaces (Figures 21.4F,G,J,L,M
of crustacean limb types). Walking limbs are lifted and 21.20), swim by rowing w i t h the antennae.
from the substratum and moved forward during their Mystacocarids crawl in interstitial water using vari­
recovery strokes; then they are placed against the sub­ ous head appendages. Most semi-terrestrial amphi­
stratum, which provides purchase as they move p o s ­ pods kno"rn as "beach hoppers" (e.g., Orchestia and
teriorly through their power strokes, pulling and then Orchestoidea) execute dramatic jumps by rapidly ex­
pushing the animal forward. Like many other arthro­ tending the urosome and its appendages (uropods),
pods, crustaceans generally lack lateral flexibility at the reminiscent of the jumping of springtails described in
body joints, so turning is accomplished by reducing Chapter 22. Most caprellid amphi pods (Figure 21.lSE)
the stride length or movement frequency on one side move about in inchwonn fashion, using their subche­
of the body, toward which the animal turns (like a trac­ late appendages for clinging. There are also a number
tor or tank slowing one tread). Many crustaceans mi­ of crustacean burrowers, and even some that build
grate; perhaps the most famous is the Chinese 01itten their own tubes or "homes" from materials in their
crab (Eriocheir sine11sis), which spends most of its life in surrotmdings. Many benthic amphipods, for example,
fresh water, but returns to the sea to breed. These crabs spin s i l k -l ined 1nud burrows in which they reside.
have been found over 1000 km upriver from the sea­ One species, Pseuda111phithoides incurvnrin (suborder
testimony to their superb locomotory ability. Perhaps Gammaridea), constructs and lives in an unusual "bi­
not unexpectedly, E. sinensis is also an important (and valved pod" cut fron1 the thin blades of the same alga
destructive) invasive species in North America and on which it feeds (Figure 21.23A). Another garrunarid­
Europe. It has been accidently introduced into the ean amphipod, Photis conchicoln, actually uses empty
Great Lakes several times, but has not yet been able to gastropod shells in a fashion similar to that of hermit
establish a permanent population. crabs (Figure 21.23C). "Hitchhiking" (phoresis) occurs
Most walking crustaceans can also reverse the di­ in various ectosyn1biotic crustaceans, including i s o ­
rection of leg action and move backward, and most pods that parasitize fishes or shrimps and hyperiidean
brachyuran crabs can walk sideways. Brachyuran amphipods that ride on gelatinous drifting plankters.
crabs are perhaps the most agile of all crustaceans. In addition to sin1ply getting from one place to an­
The extreme reduction of the abdomen in this group other in their usuaJ day-to-day activities, many crusta­
allows for very rapid movement because adjacent ceans exhibit various migratory behaviors, employing
limbs can move in directions that avoid interference their locomotor skills to avoid stressful situations or
with one another (and much the same thing has hap­ to remain where conditions are optimal. A nun,ber of
pened, independently, in many a.nomurans with r e ­ planktonic crustaceans undertake daily vertical nugra­
duced abdomens). Brachyura.n crab legs are hinged in tions, typically moving upward at night and to greater
such a way that most of their motion involves lateral depths during the day. Such vertical migrators include
extension (abduction) and medial flexion (adduction) various copepods, cladocerans, ostracods, and hype­
rather than rotation frontward and backward. As a riid amphipods (the latter n1ay make their migrations
crab moves, its limbs move in various sequences, as in by riding on their gelatinous hosts). Such movements
normal crawling, but those on the leading side exert place the animals in their near-surface feeding grounds
their force by flexing and pulling the body toward the during the dark hours, when there is probably less
limb tips, while the opposite, trailing, legs exert pro­ danger of being detected by visual predators. In the
puJsive force as they extend and push the body away daytime, they 01ove to deeper, perhaps safer, water.
from the tips. Still, this motion is simply a mechani­ These crustaceans can form enormous shoals that
cal variation on the common arthropodan walking contribute to the deep scattering layer seen on ship's
behavior. Many crustaceans move into mollusc shells sonar. Many intertidal crustaceans use their locomotor
or other objects, carrying these about as added protec­ abilities to change their behaviors with the tides. Crab
tion. In most cases, the exoskeleton of the crustacean larvae in particular are known to migrate upward or
is reduced, especially the abdomen (e.g., hermit crabs). downward according to daily rhythms, taking advan­
Of course, crustaceans grow in size as they go through tage of incoming or outgoing tides to move in and out
their molts, so these mobile-home-carrying crustaceans of estuaries. Some anomuran and brachyuran crabs
must conti11ually find larger shells to inhabit. Many simply move in and out with the tide, or seek shelter
hermit crabs assemble in congregations to exchange beneath rocks when the tide is out, thus avoiding the
shells in a sort of group "passing of the shells" as they problems of air exposure. One of the most interesting
move into vacated larger abodes. locomotor behaviors among crustaceans is the mass
In addition to these two basic locomotor methods migration of the spiny lobster, Pnn11/irr1s nrgus, in the
("typical" walking and swimn1ing by metachronal Gulf of Mexico and northern Caribbean. Each autumn,
beating of limbs), many crustaceans move by other lobsters queue up in single file and march in long lines
specialized means. Ostracods, cladocerans, and clam across the seafloor for several days. They move from
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 809


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Figure 21.23 Amphipod "houses." (A) The complex sequence

of steps in the construction of a "bivalve pod" from the brown
alga Dictyota by the Caribbean amphipod Pseudamphithoides
incurvaria: (1) Initi ation of cut and notch; the upper flap of the
alga forms the first "valve." (2) Continuation of the cut across the
alga l thallus. (3) Measuring and c learing algal hairs off the second
branch tip. (4) Cutting of the second valve. (5) Compl eted "pod"
with valves attached al ong margins by threadlike secretions.
(B) The gammaridean amphipod Grandiderella (male and female)
in its silk-lined tube. The antennules and antennae are protruding
from the pod entrance on the right. (C) Photis conchicola, a tem­
perate eastern Pacific amphipod that spins its silken tube inside
a minute snail shell, which is then carried about in the style of
hermit crabs.

shallow areas to the edges of deeper oceanic channels.

This behavior is apparently triggered by �vinter storm
fronts moving into the a1·ea, and it may be a n,eans of
avoiding rough water conditions in the shallows. water is drawn into an interlin,b space as the adjacent
appendages 1nove av.ray from one another, ru1d water­
Feeding borne particles are trapped by setae on the endites as
With the exception of ciliary mechanisms, crustaceans the appendages then close. From here, the trapped
have exploited virtually every feeding strategy imagin­ particles are moved to a midventral food groove and
able (and son1e "unimaginable"). Even without cilia, then anteriorly, toward the head. This mechanisn1
many crustaceans generate water currents and engage of forming a boxlike ''filter press" with setose phyl­
in various types of suspension feeding. We have select­ lopodous limbs is the typical suspension feeding strat­
ed a few examples to demonstrate the range of feeding egy of cephalocarids, most branchiopods, and many
mechanisms that occur ill this group. n1alacostracans.
In some crustaceans the action of the thoracic limbs Planktoruc copepods were long thought to "filter"
simultaneously creates the swimming ru,d suspension feed by generating lateral feeding gyres or currents by
feeding currents. As the metachronal wave of append­ movements of the antennae and mouth appendages. It
age motion passes along the body, adjacent limb pairs was believed that these gyres swept ill small particles
are alten1ately moved apart and then pressed together, that were directly filtered by the 1naxillae. This clas­
thus changing the size of each interlimb space (Figure sic idea of maxillary filtration, built on work by H. G.
21.22A,B; see also Chapters 4 and 20). Surrounding Cannon in the 1920s, has been questioned by recent
810 Chapter Twenty-One

workers, but the model persists and is still commonly (Figure 21.24A; see also Chapter 4). E111eritn are adapted
presented in general works. As 1nentioned in Chapter to living on wave-swept sand beaches. Their con1pact
4, we no"v know that copepods and other small plank­ oval shape and strong appendages facilitate burrowing
tonic crustaceans live in a world of low Reynolds num­ in the unstable substratum. They burrow posterior end
bers, a world dominated by viscosity rather than by first in the area of shallow wave wash, with the ante­
inertia. Thus, the setose mouth appendages behave rior end facing upward. Following a breaking wave, as
more like paddles than like sieves, with a water layer the water rushes seaward, E1neritn unfurls its antennae
near the limb adhering to it and forming part of the into the moving water along the surface of the sand.
"paddle." As the maxillae move apart, parcels of "vater The fine setose n1esh traps protists and phytoplankton
containing food are drawn into the interlimb space. from the water, and the antennae then brush the col­
As the maxillae press together, the "parcel" is moved lected food onto the mouthparts. Many porcelain and
forward to the endites of the maxillules, which push hermit crabs also engage in suspension feeding. By
it into the mouth. Thus, food particles are not actually hvirling their antennae in various patterns these ano­
filtered from the water, but are captured in sn1all par­ murans create spiraling cun·ents that bring food-laden
cels of water. High-speed cinematography indicates water toward the mouth (Figure 21.24B,C). Food p a r ­
that copepods are capable of capturing individual algal ticles then become entangled o n setae of the mouth ap­
cells, one at a time, by this "hydraulic vacuum" meth­ pendages and are brushed into the mouth by the endo­
od. In fact, copepods are probably fairly selective about pods of the third n1axillipeds. Many of these animals
what they consume, which includes everything from also feed on detritus by sin1ply picking up particles
protistan microplankton (e.g., diatoms) to other small with their chelipeds.
crustaceans. Some mud, ghost, and lobster shrimps, such as
Sessile thoracican barnacles feed by using their long, Cnllinnnssn and Upogebin (Axiidea, Gebiidea), sus­
feathery, biran1ous thoracopods, called cirri, to fil­ pension feed vvithi.n their burrows. They drive water
ter feed on suspended material from the sw-rounding through the burrow by beating the pleopods, and the
water (Figure 21.16A,C,E). Studies indicate that b a r ­ first two pairs of pereopods remove food with medi­
nacles are capable of trapping food particles ranging ally directed setal brushes. The maxillipeds then comb
from 2 µm to 1 mm, including detritus, bacteria, algae, the captured particles forward to the mouth.
and various zooplankters. Many barnacles are also ca­ Most other crustacean feeding mechanisms are less
pable of preying on larger planktoruc animals by coil­ complicated than suspension feeding and usually in­
ing a single cirrus around the prey, i n tentacle fashion. volve direct manipulation of food by the mouthparts
In slow-moving or very quiet water, most barnacles and sometimes the pereopods, especially chelate or
feed actively by extending the last three pairs of cirri subchelate anterior legs. However, even in these cases
in a fanlike manner and sweeping them rhythmically of direct manipulation, the sheer nun1ber of crusta­
through the water. The setae o n adjacent limbs and cean appendages adapted for feeding makes "simple"
limb rami overlap to form an effective filtering net. The feeding a surprisingly complex affair, with the vari­
first three pairs of cirri serve to remove trapped food ous mouthparts taking on tasks that include tasting
from the posterior cirri and pass it to the mouthparts. (via sensory setae), holding, chewing, scraping, and
In areas of high water movement, such as wave-swept 1nacerating.
rocky shores, barnacles often extend their cirri into the Many small crustaceans may be classified as mi­
backwash of waves, allowing the moving water to s i m ­ crophagous selective deposit feeders, e1nploying vari­
ply run through the "filter," rather than moving the ous n1ethods of removing food fro1n the sediments in
cirri through the water. In such areas you will often which they live. Mystacocarids, many harpacticoid
see clusters of barnacles in which all the individuals copepods, and some cumaceans and gammaridean
are oriented similarly, taking advantage of this labor­ amphipods are referred to as "sand grazers" or "sand
saving device. lickers." By various n1ethods these animals remove d e ­
Most krill (euphausids) feed in a fashion similar tritus, diaton1s, and other microorganisms fron1 the s u r ­
to barnacles, but while swimming. The thoracopods faces o f sediment particles. Interstitial mystacocarids,
forn1 a "feeding basket" that expands as the legs move for example, simply brush sand grains with their setose
outward, sucking food-laden water in from the front. mouthparts. On the other hand, some cumaceans pick
Once inside the basket, particles are retained on the up an individual sand grain with their first pereopods
setae of the legs as the water i s squeezed out laterally. and pass it to the maxillipeds, which i n turn rotate and
Other setae comb the food particles out of the "trap" tumble the particle against the margins of the maxillules
setae, while yet another set brushes them forward to and mandibles. The maxillules brush and the mandibles
the mouth region. scrape, removing organic material. Some sand-dwelling
Sand crabs of the genus E111eritn (Anomura) use isopods may employ a similar feeding behavior.
their long, setose antennae in a fashion similar to that Predatory crustaceans include stomatopods, remi­
of barnacle cirri that "passively" strain wave backvvash pedes, and most lophogastrids, as well as many species
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 811


.: '.

. . ..'• .

" (C)





II �
' '
, ......' ' �

Figure 21.24 Some crustacean feeding mechanisms feed ing hermit crabs (B) Australeremus cooki and
(see also Figure 21 .22). (A) Suspension feeding in the (C) Paguristes pilosus twirl thei r antennae, either in a circle
sand crab Emerita. The arrows point seaward and ind icate or a figure e ight, to create water currents that pull food
the direction of water movement as waves recede. The particles to the mouth region. (D) The predatory shrimp
antennules direct water through branchial chambers. The Procaris ascensionis (Cari dea) is shown here munching on
antennae remove food particles from the water and then another shrimp (Typhlatya) as i t holds the prey in a "cage"
brush them onto the mouthparts. (B,C) The suspension formed by the pereopodal endopods.

of anostracans, cladocerans, copepods, ostracods, cir­ atory behavior is particularly interesting. Its prey i n ­
ripedes, anaspidaceans, euphausids, decapods, ta­ cludes other crustaceans, particularly atnplupods and
naids, isopods, and amphipods. Predation typically shrimps. After Procaris locates a potential victim (prob­
involves grasping the prey with chelate or subchel.ate ably by chemoreception), it n1oves quickly to the prey
pereopods (or son,etirnes directly with the mouth a p ­ and grasps it within a "cage" forn,ed by the pereopodal
pendages), o r even with the antennae in the case of endopods (Figure 21.240). Once captured, the prey is
predatory anostracans, followed by tearing, grinding, eaten while the shrimp swims about. Apparently the
or shearing with various mouthparts, particularly the third maxillipeds press the prey against the mandjbles,
rnanclibles. Perhaps the most highly adapted predatory which bite off chw,ks and pass them to the mouth.
specialists are the stomatopods (Figure 21.7), which The remipedes capture prey with their rapto­
possess greatly enlarged, raptorial subchelate limbs, rial 1nouth appendages (Figures 21.lA, 21.30-F, and
whjch they use to stab or to club and smash prey. Some 21.22F), then immobilize the victim with an injection
species search out prey, but many sit in ambush at from the hypodermic maxillules. It is suspected that tis­
their burrow entrance. The actual attack generally f o l ­ sues are then sucked out of the prey by action of a man­
lows visual detection of a potential prey item, which dibular mill and muscular foregut. They are probably
may be another crustacean, a 1nollusc, or even a small also facultative suspension feeders and scavengers.
fish. Once captured and stunned or killed by the rapto­ Another fascinating adaptation for predation can
rial clav1s, the prey is held against the mouthparts and be seen in many species of Alphejdae (the snapping
shredded into ingestible pieces. shrimps, e.g., Alpheus, Synalpheus) (Figure 21.90). In
Although the cave-dwelling and often presumed such species, one of the chelipeds is much larger than
"primitive" shrimp Procaris is omnivorous, its pred- the other, and the movable finger is hinged in such
812 Chapter Twenty-One

a way that it can be held open under n,uscle tension Figure 21.25 The remarkable life cycle of the rhizo- ►
and then snapped quickly closed; this forceful clos­ cephalan cirripede Peltogaster paguri, a kentrogonid
ing produces a loud popping sound and a pressure paras it e of hermit crabs. (A) The mature reproductive
portion of the parasite (extema) produces numerous
or "shock" wave in the surrounding water. Some spe­
broods of mal e and female larvae, wh ich are released as
cies appear t o use this mechanism in ambushing prey nauplii (B,C) and eventually metamorphose into cypris lar­
(although most alpheids are probably omnivores and vae (D). Female cyprids settl e on the thorax and limbs of
even include algae in their diet). When feeding in a host crabs (E) and undergo a major internal metamorpho­
predatory mode, the shrimp sits at its burrow entrance sis into the kentrogon form (F), which is provided with a
with the antennae extended. When a potential prey pair of antennu les and an injection style!. The kentrogon's
approaches (usually a small fish, crustacean, or anne­ viscera metamorphoses into an infective stage, the vemii­
gon, which is transferred t o the host through the hollow
lid), the shrimp "pops" its cl,eliped, and the resulting
stylet. Inside the host, the vermigon grows with rootlets
pressure wave stuns the victim, whicl, is then quickly that ramify throughout much of the host's body; it is
pulled into the burrow and consumed. These shrimps now called the interna (G). Eventually the female parasite
typically Uve in male-female pairs "vithin the burrow, emerges on the abdomen of the host as a virginal externa
and prey captured by one individual is shared with (H). When the externa acquires a mantle pore, or aperture,
its partner. Two mechanisms have been proposed ii becomes attract ive to male cyprids (1). Male cyprids
for the production of the "pop" and associated shock settle within the aperture, transform into a trichogon form,
and implant part of their body contents in the female's
wave. In some species the pop seen,s to be created by
receptac les (J). The deposit proceeds to differentiate into
mechanical impact of the dactylus ha1nmering u,to the spermatozoa, which fertilize the eggs of the female .
propodus. A second mechanism recently proposed is (K) The dissected externa, with its rootlets, of Peltogaster,
the collapse of cavitation bubbles, which are created removed from its host. Note the mantle aperture.
by the rapid closure of the claw (in excess of 100 km/
sec). Captivation occurs in Uquids when bubbles form
and then implode around an object (it is a well-known
phenomenon damaging ship propellers). Both mecl,a­ range from ectoparasites with mouthparts modified
nisms create shock waves. Some boring (endolithic) for piercing or tearing and sucking body fluids (e.g.,
alpheids even use the claw snap to break off pieces of many copepods, branchiurans, tantulocarids, several
the rock into whicl, they are digging. In some areas of isopod fanillies, and at least one species of ostracod) to
the world, populations of snapping shrimp are so large the highly modified and fully parasitic rhizocephalans,
that their noise disturbs underwater communication. whose bodies ramify throughout the host tissue and
In the Caribbean, colonies of alpheids have been lik­ absorb nutrients directly (Figures 21.25 and 21.26).
ened to those of social insects (e.g., Synalpheus regalis Rhizocephalans, whicl, are cirripeds that have been
colonies u1 Belize inhabit sponges and contain up to highly modified to become u1ternal parasites of other
350 sibling males and females, and a single dominant crustaceans, are some of the most bizarre organisms in
breeding female). the animal kingdom. They may have typical cirripede
Many crustaceans en,erge from the benthos under nauplius and cypris larvae, but in this group the cyprid
cover of darkness to feed or mate in the water column. will settle only upon another crustacean, selected to be
Many predatory isopods emerge at night to feed on i n ­ the unfortunate host.
vertebrates or fish, particularly weak or diseased fish The most complex rhizocephalan life cycle is that of
(or fish caught in fishing nets). the suborder Kentrogonida, which are obligate para­
Macrophagous herbivorous and scavenging crusta­ sites of decapods. ln this group, a settled female cypris
ceans generally feed by simply hanging onto the food larva tu1dergoes an internal reorganization that rivals
source and biting off bits with the mandibles (a feeding that of caterpillar pupae in scope, developing an infec­
technique similar to that of grasshoppers and other in­ tive stage, called the kentrogon, beneath the cyprid exo­
sects). Notostracans, some ostracods, and many deca­ skeleton. Once fully developed, the kentrogon forn1s
pods, isopods, and amphipods are scavengers and h e r ­ a hollow cuticular structure, the stylet, whicl, injects a
bivores. Certain isopods i n the falnily Sphaeromatidae motile, multicellular, vermiform creature called the ver­
bore into the aerial roots of mangrove trees. Their ac­ migon into the host. The vermigon is the active infec­
tivities often result in root breakage followed by new tion stage. It has a thin cuticle and epidermis, several
multiple root initiation, creating the stiltlike appear­ types of cells, and the anlagen of an ovary. It invades the
ance characteristic of red mangroves (Rhizophora). A host's hemocoel by sending out Jong, brancliing, hollow
number of crustaceans are full-time or part-time detri­ rootlets that penetrate most of the host's body and draw
tivores; many scavenge directly on detritus, but others nutrients directly from the hemocoel. So profound is
(e.g., cephalocarids) stir up the sediments in order to the intrusion by the rootlets that the parasite takes over
remove organic particles by suspension feeding. nearly complete control of the host's body, altering its
Finally, several groups of crustaceans have ad­ morphology, physiology, and behavior.Once the para­
opted various degrees of parasitism. These animals site invades the host's gonads, parasitic castration may
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 813

(A) (K)
Hermit crab (host)


ln1mature female
Trich ogon produces
sperm in the receptacles ":�!:::'-:::,;

\ (I)
Male cyprid transforms into
trichogon which invades
receptacles (see F ig . 21.261)
____ t?

Virg i11al female

t (H)
Receptacles empty 9

Female cyprid settles on host

(E) \ Parasite penetrates host abdomen

�.::::: I
Reproductive body i s developed
from root system within host
Female develops into kentrogon
larva and penetrates host
� Kentrogon larvea

Kentrogon injects (G)

vermigon larva into host
(see Fig. 21.26G)

Root system i s developed within host

Vennigon larvae
(see Fig. 21.26H)
814 Chapter Twenty-One

(A) (B)

(C) Epidermis Epidermal

Cement gl and
(of cypris)


SOµm Cerebral ganglion

Cuticular reinforcement
on antennular article 1

.. .'


Remnant of anterior
mantle cavity

• :'. '.·
. •. :•. '. · :... ..


Invasion cell Cement gland Gill filament

of kentrogon of host

PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 815

(F) Kentrogon Fi gure 21.26 Various stages in the life

cement gland cycle o f parasitic rhizocephalans. (See
Figure 21.25 for a full descri ption of a rhi­
zocephalan (kentrogonid) l ife cycle.) (A-D)
20µm Larvae of Lernaeodiscus porcellanae: (A) A
l ive cyprid. (B) A cypri d (lateral view; SEM).
(C,D) Diagrams of cyprid larvae before and
Cement canal
after settlement (right side of carapace
removed; naupliar eye omitted). The dot·
ted l ine in the second antennular article
indicates the primordial kentrogon cuticle,
and the placement of muscle fibers in the

I cyprid are indicated by arrows; the m u s ­

cles are hypothesized to effect formation
Cement canal pare
of the kentrogon and separation of the old
cypri d from the kentrogon. In D, kentro­
gon formation is complete. (E) A whole gill
(SEM) of a host crab, Petro/is/hes cabriolli
(Anomura), with several attached kentro­
gons (arrows). (F) A 2 -hour-old kentrogon
(sagittal section). (G) A kentrogen injecting
a vermigon via the stylet. (H) A vermi gon.
(I) A trichogon.

(H) (I)

result (i.e., the gonads of parasitized crabs never p r o ­ Members of the rhizocephalan order Akentrogonida
duce 1nature gan1etes). Thus the host is transformed parasitize a much wider range of crustacean hosts
into a slave that serves the needs of its master.The in­ and do not have a kentrogon stage in their life cycle.
ternal root systeo1, or intema, eventuaUy develops an Instead of injecting a vernugon, the fen1ale cyprid has
external reproductive body (the externa), where egg long, slender antennuJes that it uses to attach to the ab­
production occurs. A male cyprid settles on the externa, domen of the host, one of which actually penetrates the
transforms into a minute sexually mature instar called host's cuticle, becomes hollow, and serves for the pas­
a trichogon, and moves into the ovary-filled externa to sage of embryonic cells from cyprid larva to host. Male
take u p residence, where its sole function is to produce cyprids son1ehow find infected hosts and penetrate
sperm. It takes only one or two trichogons to stimulate them in the same fasluon as the fen1ales, releasing their
the female ovaries to mature and begin releasing eggs sperm in such a way that they actually enter the body
into the chamber of the externa. Externa that fail to ob­ of the female parasite.
tain male trichogons eventually die.The males are thus The akentrogonid life cycle is similar to that of the
parasitic on the female (which is itself parasitic on the Kentrogonida although, in some cases, n1ore than one
crustacean host), and kentrogonids are gonochoris­ individual parasite might infect a single host, lead­
tic. A mature externa, usually arising from the host's ing t o multiple externas. And in at least one genus
abdomen, will produce a succession of larval broods, (Thompsonin), multiple externa can develop from a sin­
molting after each larval release (it is the only part of gle infection. The anatomy of tl1e externa is more vari­
the rhizocephalan body tl1at molts). The larvae are leci­ able than in kentrogonids, and the embryos develop d i ­
thotrophic and develop through several nauplius stag­ rectly into cypris larvae-there are no free-s,vimrning
es to the cyprid (Figures 21.25 and 21.26). nauplius stages. The extreme sexual size dimorphism
816 Chapter Twenty-One

of kentrogonids does not occur in Akentrogonida, and is best developed in 1nacrophagous decapods (scaven­
no nugrating trichogon stage has been observed. gers, predators, and some herbivores). Thus the food
Isopods of the family Cymothoidae use modi­ can b e taken in quickly, in big bites, and mechanically
fied mouthparts to suck the body fluids of their fish processed afterward.
hosts. They attach to their host's skin or gills or, in
some genera, to the tongue. One species, Cymotl1oa Circulation and Gas Exchange
exigua, sucks so much blood out of its host's tongue The basic crustacean circulatory system usuaJJy con­
(the spotted rose snapper, in the Gulf of California) sists of a dorsal ostiate heart within a pericarilial cav­
that the tongue con1pletely degenerates. But, remark­ ity and variously developed vessels emptying into an
ably, the fish doesn't die; the isopod remains attached open hemocoel (Figure 21.27). But the open hemocoel,
with its clawed legs to the basal muscles of the missing wluch in the past led t o descriptions of crustaceans as
tongue, and the fish use the crustacean as a "replace­ having an open circulatory system, has become highly
ment tongue" to continue to feed. This is one of the modified i n many groups, and in decapods at least
fevv known cases of a parasite functionally replacing a there is a complex and intricate arrangement of true
host organ it destroys. vessels that has only recently begun to be recognized.
The heart is absent i n most ostracods, many copepods,
Digestive System and many cirripedes. ln some groups the heart is re­
The digestive system of crustaceans includes the usual placed or supplen1ented by accessory pumping struc­
arthropod foregut, nudgut, and hjndgut. TI1e foregut tures derived from .muscular vessels.
and hindgut are lined with a cuticle that is continu­ The pri.tnitive heart structlLre i n crustaceans is a long
ous with the exoskeleton and molted with it (i.e., it is tube \.Yith segmental ostia, a condition retained in part
ectodermally derived). The stomodeal foregut is modi­ in cephalocarids and in some branchiopods, leptostra­
fied i.t1 different groups, but usually includes a rela­ cans, and stomatopods.Ho\-vever, the general shape of
tively short pharynx-esophagus region followed by a the heart and the number of ostia are also closely relat­
stomach. The stomam often has chambers or special­ ed to body form and the location of gas exmange struc­
ized regions for storage, grinding, and sorting; these tures. The heart n1ay be relatively long and tubular
structures are best developed i n the malacostracans and extend through much of the postcephalic region
(Figure 21.27G). The rnidgut forms a short or long i.t 1 - of the body, as it does in the renupedes, anostracans,
testine-the length depending mainly on overall body and leptostracans, or it may tend toward a globular
shape and size-and bears variably placed digestive or box shape and be restricted to the thorax (e.g., as in
ceca. The ceca are serially arranged only i n the remi­ cladocerans), where it n1ay be associated with the tho­
pedes. In some malacostracans, sud, as crabs, the ceca racic gills (e.g., as in decapods). The intimate coevolu­
fuse to form a solid glandular mass, best called a di­ tion of the circulatory system with body form and gill
gestive gland but sometimes called a rnidgut gland placement is best exemplified when comparing closely
or hepatopancreas, within which are many branmed, related groups. Although isopods and amphipods, for
blind tubules. The rugestive gland in son,e crustaceans instance, are both peracarids, their hearts are located
has been shown to store lipids. The hindgut is usually largely in the pleon and i n the pereon, respectively,
short, and the anus is generally borne on the anal so­ corresponding to the pleopodal and pereopodal gill
mite or telson, or on the last segment of the abdomen locations.
(when the anal sonute or telson is reduced or lost). The number and length of blood vessels and the
Examples of some crustacean digestive tracts are presence of accessory pumping organs are related to
shown in Figure 21.27. After ingestion, the food m a ­ body size and to the extent of the heart itself. In most
terial is usually handled mechanically by the foregut. non-malacostracans, for example, there are no arte­
This may involve simply transporting the food to the rial vessels at all; the heart pumps blood directly into
rnidgut or, more commonly, processing the food in the hemocoel from both ends. These animals tend to
various ways prior to menucal iligestion. For exan1ple, have short bodies, long hearts, or both, an arrange­
the complex foregut of decapods (Figure 21.27G) is d i ­ ment that facilitates circulation of the blood to all body
vided into an anterior cardiac stomam and a posterior parts. Sessile forms, such as most cirripedes, have lost
pyloric stomach. Food is stored in the enlarged por­ the heart altogether, although it is replaced by a vessel
tion of the carruac stomach and then moved a bit at a pump in the thoracicans. Large malacostracans tend to
time to a region containing a gastric mill, whim usuaJJy have well developed vessel systems, thus ensuring that
bears heavily sclerotized teeth. Special muscles associ­ blood flows throughout the body and hemocoel and to
ated with the stomach wall move the teeth, grinding the gas exchange structures (Figure 21.270,E). Recent
the food into smaJJer particles. The macerated material sturues using corrosion casting temniques have shown
then moves into the back part of the pyloric sto1nach, just how con1plex these vessel systems can be and have
1-vhere sets of filtering setae prevent large particles from even called into question the paradigm of "open'' vs.
entering the rnidgut. This type of foregut arrangement "closed" circulatory systems in invertebrates. Large or
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 817

Figure 21.27 Internal anatomy of representative (A}

crustaceans. (A) A calanoid copepod. (B) A lepado-
morph barnacle. (C) A balanomorph barnacle.
(D) A stomatopod. (Continued on next page)

(B) Tergum

/ Penis Foregut Ventral Posterior
(esophagus) ---v--r nerve cord midgut cecum
Supraesophageal Maxillary
ganglion gland

Adductor muscle Ventral

of scutum nerve mass
(C) Rostal
blood Mouth

of tergum

Stalk (peduncle) Egg mass

in mantle.....,_,,_
cavity cavity

Sperm duct
Antennule Intestine

Accessory vesicle
(D) Antennular Anterior
artery gland
Optic artery

Optic nerve

Compound eye--1

Antenna! artery
Supra esophageal

Subesophageal artery Ventral
gang.lion Lateral nerve cord

(Continued on next page)

818 Chapter Twenty-One

(E) Anterior Posterior

Cor frontale aorta
Optic artery Abdominal

Antenna! artery Ganglion

Antenna! nerve
abdominal artery
nerve cord
Midgut artery
Subesophageal cecum Oviduct
ganglion Ventral
thoracic artery
Anterior midgut cecum
Ostia Midgut
(F) Anterior

Foregut Posterior
midgut cecum
glands ....

(G) Lateral tooth DorsaI tooth Subesophageal '
of gastric mill of gastric mill ganglion

Fused ganglia
Ventral nerve cord

F igure 21.27 (continued) Internal anatomy

of representative crustaceans. (E) A crayfi sh,
(F) An amph ipod. (G) The stomach of a crayfish.
(H) A brachyuran crab, dorsal view with cara­
pace removed.
I •, '�--i•···.:£.�
l· Straining setae
/; �

active crustaceans n1ay also possess an anterior acces­ Crustacean blood contains a variety of cell types,
sory pump called the cor frontale, which helps main­ including phagocytic and granular amebocytes
tain blood pressure, and often a venous system for re­ and special wandering explosive cells that release
turning blood to the pericardia] chamber. a clotting agent at sites of injury o r autotomy. In
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 819

(H) Supracsophageal
Anterior Antennule Antenna I
Antenna gland
Compound eye muscle Lateral adductor
muscle of mandible
Branchial chamber

Epipod of
first maxilliped ----::;::j'r.!
Anterior dorsal
pyloric muscle
Ovary v.;::::..---Ostium
Pyloric stomach '!-/----Heart
Pericardia! sac
Muscles of
fifth pereopod
�:...---,A---Superior abdominal

Lateral abdominal

non-malacostracans, oxygen is either carried in solu­ an organ with a relatively high surface area. The gills
tion or attached to dissolved hemoglobin. Most mala­ provide a thin, moist, permeable surface between the
costracans possess hemocyanin i n solution (although internal and external environments. The gills of sto­
some contain hemoglobin within tissues). Hemoglobin matopods and isopods (Figure 21.28H,I) are formed
uses iron as the oxygen-binding site, whereas hemo­ from the abdominal pleopods. In the first case they are
cyanin uses copper. The latter can give a bluish color to branched processes off the base of the pleopods, but in
the hemolymph; carotenoid pigments frequently give the isopods the flattened pleopods themselves are v a s ­
hemolymph a pale brown or orange color. Oxygen­ cularized and provide the necessary surface area for
binding pigments are never carried in corpusc.les as exchange. Stomatopods also have epipodal gills on the
they a re in the vertebrates. thoracopods, but these are highly reduced.
We have n1entioned the form and position of gas ex­ For gills to be efficient, a flow of water must be
change organs (gills) for some groups of crustaceans in maintained across them. In stomatopods and aquat­
the taxonomic synopses. Sou1e small forms (e.g., cope­ ic isopods a current is generated by the beating of
pods, some ostracods) lack distinct gills and rely on cu­ the pleopods. Similarly, the pereopodal gills of eu­
taneous exchange, •..vh.ich is facilitated by their relative­ phausids are constantly flushed by water as the ani­
ly thin cuticles and high surface area-to-volume ratio. mal swin,s. lJ1 many crustaceans, however, the gills
In the small forms of other groups a thin, membra­ are concealed to various degrees and require special
nous inner lining of the carapace serves this purpose mechanisms in order to produce the ventilating cur­
(e.g., Cladocera, Cirripedia, Leptostraca, Cumacea, rents. In most decapods, for example, the gills are
Mysida, clan, shrimps, and even some n1en1bers of the contained in branchial chambers formed between the
Decapoda). carapace and the body wall (Figure 21.28). Thus the
Most crustaceans, however, possess distinct gills of delicate gills, while still teclmically outside the body,
some sort (Figure 21.28). These structures are common­ appear to be (and are protected as though they were)
ly derived from epipods (exites) on the thoracic legs internal organs. While such an arrangement provides
that have been modified in various ways to provide a protection from damage to the fragile gill filaments,
large surface area. The inner hollow chambers of these the openings to the chambers are generally small, re­
gills are confluent with the hemocoel or their vessels. stricting the passive flow of water. Not surprisingly,
Although their structure varies considerably (recall the the solution to this dilemma comes once again from
various decapod gills described earlier), they all oper­ the evolutionary plasticity of crustacean appendages.
ate on the basic principles of gas excl1ange organs ad­ Most decapods have elongate exopods on the maxil­
dressed in Chapter 4 and throughout this text: the cir­ lae, called gill bailers or scaphognathites, that vibrate
culatory fluid is brought close to the oxygen source in to create ventilating currents through the branchial
820 Chapter Twenty-One

(A) (B) Blood vessels (Cl (D)


Endite of
maxilla (E) Gill (F)

Base of first leg (I)

(G) (H) Attachment point
to body wall

. '...
rt .._ .." ._..,.f' :r�(._
, .
.,._.., :


Spiracle Hemocoel

Figure 21.28 Gas exchange structures. (A) Maxilla of
the shrimp Panda/us. Note the setose scaphagnathite
used to generate the ventilating current. (B-D) Cross s e c ­ sand or mud with only their front ends exposed to the
tions of types of decapod gills: (B)Dendrobranchiate. water.
(C) Trichobranchiate. (D) Phyllobranchiate. (E,F) Paths of The positioning of the gills in branchial chambers
ventilating currents through the left branchial chambers of
protects then1 from desiccation during low tides and
(E) a shrimp and (F) a brachyuran crab. (G) The branchial
thus enables many crustaceans to live in littoral habi­
chamber (cross section) of a brachyuran crab, showing
the position of a single phyllobranchiate podobranch. (H,I) tats; diffusion of respiratory gases commonly contin­
A pleopod of the terrestri al isopod Porcellio (surface view ues even during low tides. Some decapods have even
and section). Note the pseudotracheae. invaded land, especially certain crayfish and the ano­
n1tiran and brachyuran crabs known as land crabs (e.g.,
the hermit crab Coenobita and the coconut crab Birg11s;
chambers (Figure 21.28A). These currents typically Figure 21.lH}. In these semi-terrestrial species the gills
enter from the sides and rear through small openings are typically reduced in size. In Birglls the original gills
around the coxae of the pereopods (called in crabs are very sn1all, and the vascularized cuticular surface
Milne-Edwards openings, after their discoverer), and of the gill chamber is used for gas exchange. Although
exit anteriorly from under the carapace in the vicin­ young Birgus may carry shells (or coconuts) to protect
ity of the mouth field (and antenna! glands). They can their soft abdomen, adults do not and the abdomen
be easily seen by observing a crab or lobster in quiet is hardened. Another striking decapod adaptation
water. The flow rate of the currents can be altered, d e ­ to life in air is displayed by the sand-bubbler crabs of
pending on environmental factors, and can also be re­ the Indo-Pacific region (family Dotillidae: Scopi"1era,
versed, thus allowing certain decapods to burrow in Doti/la). These crabs possess membranous discs on
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 821

their legs or sternites that were once thought to be a u ­ tubule. These activities not only regulate the loss of
ditory organs (tympana), but are now thought to func­ metabolic wastes but are also extremely important in
tion as gas exchange surfaces. water and ion balance, particularly in freshwater and
The most successful crustaceans on land are not terrestrial crustaceans.
the decapods, ho1, v ever, but the familiar sowbugs The excretion and osmoregulation carried out by an­
and pillbugs. The success of these oniscidean isopods tenna! and 1naxillary gland activity are supplen1ented
(e.g., Porce/Jio) is due in part to the presence of aerial by other mechanisms. TI1e cuticle itself acts as a barrier
gas exchange organs called pseudotrachea (Figure to exchange between the internal and external environ­
21.28H,I). These organs are inwardly directed, n1oder­ ments and, as we have mentioned, i s especially in1-
ately branched, thin-walled, blind sacs located in some portant in preventing water loss on land or excessive
of the pleopodal exopods, connected to the outside via uptake of water in fresh water. Moreover, thin areas of
small pores (similar to insect tracheae and spiracles). the cuticle, especially the gill surfaces, serve as sites of
Air circulates through these sacs, and gases are ex­ waste loss and ionic exchange. The epipods on the legs
changed with the blood in the pleopods. Thus, in these of Branchiopoda were long assumed to function in gas
animals the original aquatic pleopodal gills have been exchat1ge (as "gills") but they are now known to serve
refashioned for air breathing by moving the exchange primarily as sites of osmoregulation (hence, the taxo­
surfaces inside, where they remain moist. The superfi­ nomic name Branchiopoda, meaning gill-footed, is a
cially similar tracheal systen1s of isopods, insects, and misnomer!). Phagocytic blood cells and certain regions
arachnids evolved independently, by convergence, in of the midgut are a]so thought to accumulate ,,vastes.
association with other adaptations to life on land. 1n so1ne terrestrial isopods, ammonia actually diffuses
from the body in gaseous form.
Excretion and Osmoregulation
Like other fundamentally aquatic invertebrates, crusta­ Nervous System and Sense Organs
ceans are anunonotelic, whether in fresh water or sea­ The central nervous system of crustaceans is con­
water or on land. They release runmonia both through structed in concert with the segmented body structure,
nephridia and by way of the gills. As discussed in along the same lines as seen in other arthropods (Fig­
Chapter 20, most crustaceans possess nephridial ex­ ure 21.29). In the more primitive condition it is lad­
cretory orgat1S i n the form of either antenna! glands or derlike, the segmental ganglia being largely separate
maxillary glands (Figures 21.SA and 21.27). These are and linked by transverse commissures and longitudi­
serially homologous structures, constructed similarly nal connectives (Figure 21.29A). The crustacean brain
but differing in the position of their associated pores is con1posed of three fused ganglia, the two anterior
(at the base of the second antennae or the second max­ being the dorsal (supraesophageal) protocerebru.m and
illae, respectively). The irmer blind end is a coelomic deutocerebrum, which are thought to be preoral in o r i ­
remnant of the nephridium called the sacculus, which gin. From the protocerebrum, optic nerves innervate
leads through a variably coiled duct to the pore. The the eyes. From the deutocerebrum, antennulary nerves
duct n1ay bear an enlarged bladder near the opening. run to the antennules, while smaller nerves innervate
Antenna( glru1ds are sometimes called "green glands." the eyestalk musculature. The third ganglion of the
Most crustaceans have only one pair of these ne­ brain is the posterior tritocerebru.m, which presumably
phridial organs, but lophogastrids and mysids have represents the first postoral somite ganglion. The tri­
both antenna! and maxillary glands, and a few others tocerebrum fonns a pair of circumenteric connectives
(cephalocarids and a few tanaids and isopods) have that extend around the esophagus to a subesophageal
well developed maxillary and rudimentary a n t e n ­ or subenteric ganglion and link the brain •Nith the ven­
na! glands. Most non-malacostracans have maxillary tral nerve cord bearing the segmental body ganglia.
glands, as do stomatopods, cumaceans, and most ta­ From the tritocerebrum also arise the antennary nerves
naids and isopods. Adult ostracods have 1naxillary as well as certain sensory nerves from the anterior re­
glands, but antenna( glands also occur in freshwater gion of the head.
species. All of the other malacostracans have antenna! The nature of the ventral nerve cord often clearly
glands. reflects the influence of body tagmosis. ln crustaceans
Blood-filled channels of the hemocoel intermingle with relatively homonomous bodies (e.g., remipedes,
with brru1ched extensions of the sacculus epitheliun1, cephalocarids, and anostracan and notostracan brru1-
creating a large surface area across which filtration oc­ chiopods), the ganglia associated with each postanten­
curs. The cells of the sacculus wall also actively take up nary segment remain separate along the ventral nerve
and secrete material from the blood into the lumen of cord. In more heteronomous forms, however, a single
the excretory organ. These processes of filtration and large subenteric ganglionic mass is formed by the fu­
secretion are to so1ne degree selective, but most of the sion of ganglia associated with the postoral cephalic
regulation of urine composition is accomplished by segments (e.g., those of the mandibles, maxillules,
active exchange between the blood and the excretory maxillae, and, when present, maxillipeds). The ganglia
822 Chapter Twenty-One

(A) (B) (0) Antennary

Brain Brain nerve
Circumenteric""--1 Esophagus
connectives Subenteric
-==;;:::;::1 r::S:::-

(C) nerves
Thoracic Antennulary •
ganglia nerve
Optic nerve
Antennary\ /


nerve Nerves of

Thoracic �'"'�
nerve plate .,,,.

L Nerves to
Pleon ganglia
Figure 21.29 Central nervous systems of four crusta­ brachyuran crab, wherein all thoracic ganglia have fused
ceans. (A) The ladderlike system of an anostracan. Note and the abdominal ganglia are reduced. (D) Nervous sys­
the absence of well developed gangl ia in the posteri or, tem of a hyperiid amphipod. Note the loss of the urosomal
apodous, portion of the trunk. (B) Elongate metameric ganglia typical of all amphipods.
system of a crayfish. (C) Highly compacted system of a

of the thorax and abdomen may also be variably fused, 1n decapods, hundreds of neurons can innervate each
depending on segment fusion and body compaction. aesthetasc. Thermoreceptors probably occur in many
For example, in most l o n g -b odied decapods (lobsters crustaceans (those Jiving near hydrothermal vents in
and crayfish), the thoracic and abdominal ganglia are the deep sea would seem likely candidates) but are not
largely fused across the body midline, but remain sepa­ yet documented. However, behaviors related to ther­
rate fron1 one another longitudinally (Figure 21.29B). mal avoidance and ten1perature preferences have been
However, in short-b odied decapods (e.g., crabs), all shown, v-rith thermosensitivities reported from 0.2 to
of the thoracic segmental ganglia are fused t o form a 2.0° C. A pair of unique sensory structures whose func­
large ventral nerve plate, and the abdominal ganglia tion is unknown, called frontal processes, occurs on
are much reduced (Figure 21.29C). the head of remipedes. Many crustaceans have dorsal
Most crustaceans have a variety of sensory recep­ organs, poorly understood glandular-sensory struc­
tors that transn1it information to the central nervous tures on the head, which actually constitute several dif­
system in spite of the imposition of the exoskeleton ferent types of sensory struchll'es that may or 1nay not
(as previously explained for arthropods in general) be homologous.
(Figure 21.30). Among the most obvious of these senso­ Like all arthropods, crustaceans contain well-devel­
ry structures are the many innervated setae or sensilla oped proprioceptors that provide information about
that cover various regions of the body and appendages body and appendage position and movement during
(Figure 21.31). Studies of these structures suggest most locomotion. A few taxa within the class Malacostraca
function as both mechanoreceptors (sensing touch and possess statocysts, which either are fully closed and
currents) and chemoreceptors. Most crustaceans also contain a secreted statolith (e.g., n1ysids, son1e an­
possess special chemoreceptors in the form of clumps thurid isopods) or open to the outside through a small
or rows of soft, tubular, cuhcular processes called aes­ pore and contain a statolith formed of sand grains
thetascs (Figure 21.30A) located on the first antennae. (e.g., many decapods) (Figure 21.30B,C). l n the latter
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 823

case the statocyst not only serves as a georeceptor, but stage is suppressed. Median eyes are in a sense "com­
also detects the angular and linear acceleration of the pound" in that tl1ey are composed of more tha_n one
body relative to the surrounding water as well as the photoreceptor unit (Figure 21.30D). There are typical­
movement of water past the animal (i.e., the statolith ly three such units in the median eyes of nauplii and
is rheotactic). And, in some shrimp, the statocyst is ap­ up to seven in the eyes of adults in which they persist.
parently also engaged in hearing. Except for their basic rhabdomeric nature, ho\,vever,
There are two types of rhabdomeric photoreceptors the structure of median eye tmits is unlike that of the
among crustaceans, median simple eyes and lateral ommatidia of true co1npound eyes. The former are in­
compound eyes; both are innervated by the protoce­ verse pign1ent cups, each with relatively few retinu­
rebrum. Many species possess both kinds of eyes, e i ­ lar (photoreceptor) cells. Cuticular lenses are present
ther simultaneously or at different stages of develop­ over the median eyes of n1ost ostracods and some
ment. The compound eyes may be sessile or stalked. copepods. Simple crustacean eyes probably function
Stalked compound eyes occur in the Anostraca, many only t o detect light direction and intensity. Such infor­
Malacostraca, and perhaps some Cumacea (and per­ mation is of particular value as a n,eans of orientation
haps also some trilobites). These are the only examples in planktonic forms without compow,d eyes, such as
of moveable stalked compound eyes in the animal nauplius larvae, many copepods, etc. In some bran­
kingdom. chiopods, a space above the median eye is connected
The median eye generally first appears during the to the external environment by a small pore, perhaps
nauplius larval stage, and for that reason it is often indicating an invagination of the eye at some point in
called a naupliar eye. Like the nauplius larva itself, the distant past, although the nature and function of
the median eye is thought to be an ancestral (defin­ the pore is not known.
ing) feature of the Crustacea; it is secondarily reduced The structure and function of compound eyes (om­
or lost in many taxa in ,,vhich the corresponding larval n1atidia) were reviewed in Chapter 20. [n terms of

(A) (CJ Edge of

Thread cutaway Opening to
hairs cuticle statocyst
Guard setae

Outer row o f
free hairs -+i/.i- ..

Large free Convex side of pigment

-'5+-+i- Aesthctascs anterolatcral hairs cup of ventral ocellus
(chemosensory setae) Inner rows of hair
supporting statolith Frontal nerve

(DJ ,--Suspensory

Retinal cell

Retinal cell
tissue cover
Chroma tophores Pigment cup
(at base of endopod)

Figure 21.30 Some crustacean sense organs.

(A) Aesthetascs on the antenna of the lobster Panulirus.
(BJ Closed statocysts in the uropodal endopods of a
mysid. (CJ Open statocyst in the antennu les of a lobster
(cutaway view). (D) A median simple eye of the copepod
Telson Eucatanus (surface view).
824 Chapter Twenty-One


Figure 21 .31 Sensilla of selected crustaceans. (A) Serrate seta (mecha­

noreceptor) of the second maxilliped of the anomuran Petrolisthes armatus
(x428). (B) Sockets of serrate setae of the th ird maxilliped of the clean ing
shrimp Stenopus hispidus (x228}. (C) Current receptor from the anterior
trunk limbs of the notostracan Triops. (D) Chemosensory seta from the first
pereopod of the freshwater shrimp Atya (x5700); note the character istic
apical pore. (E) A dual receptor (mechanoreceptor and chemoreceptor)
seta from the maxilla of the remipede Speleonectes tulumensis (x4560).
(F) Cross section of a dual receptor (m icrograph and interpretive drawing).
Note the microtubules with in the dendrites and the dendr i ti c sheath that
attaches to the cuti cle of the setal shaft (x 17,100).

visual capacity, much more work has been done on the

Micro tubules
eyes of insects than on those of crustaceans, and we are
left with a good deal of speculation in tenns of what
crustaceans actually see. Although most probably Jack
the visual acuity of many insects, it has been sho'<vn the ultraviolet and f a r r-ed spectra, at least to 470-570
that many crustaceans can discern shapes, patterns, nm). Stomatopods, in particular, have been shown
and movement; color vision has been de1nonstrated to have extremely co1nplex and sensitive eyes with a
in some species (various species have been shown to wide range of capabilities. Running through the center
respond to light waves from the blue-green region to of each stomatopod eye i s a midband of 6 ommatidial
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 825

rows-which in most species contain 4 rovvs that make systems is far from complete. In general, the phenom­
up a color vision system with 12 visual pig1nents-as ena of n1olting (see Chapter 20), d1romatophore activ­
well as 2 rows that analyze both linearly and circularly ity, and various aspects of reproduction are under hor­
polarized light. The ommatidia that deal with color monal and neurosecretory control. Interesting recent
have a three-tier structure: the top tier contains an ul­ work indicates that juvenile hormone-like compounds,
traviolet-sensitive pigment, and below this are 2 tiers long thought to occur only in insects, may also occur
with different pigments sensitive to wavelengths in the i n at least some crustaceans. Guvenile hormones are
human visible spectrum. The upper and lower halves a family of compow1ds that regulate adult 1netamor­
of each eye also have overlapping visual fields, so that phosis and gametogenesis in insects.) Biolu1ninescence
each eye can act as a stereoscopic rangefinder. The 12 also occurs in several crustacean groups. It is common
different photoreceptor types ead1 sample a narrow set among pelagic decapods, and it has also been reported
of wavelengths ranging from deep UV to far red (300 in certain myodocopan ostracods, hyperiid amphi­
to720nm). pods, and copepod larvae.
Although both insects and crustaceans have tetra­
partite ommatidia, there are certain structural differ­ Reproduction and Development
ences between the compound eyes of insects and those Reproduction We have often 1nentioned the relation­
of crustaceans, probably as a result of adaptation to ships between an animal's reproductive and develop­
the requirements of aerial and aquatic vision. In vvater, n1ental pattern and its lifestyle and overall survival
light has a more restricted angular distribution, a lower strategy. With the exception of purely vegetative pro­
intensity, and a narrower range of wavelengths than cesses such as asexual budding, the crustaceans have
it does in air. Contrast is also some,,.,hat reduced in managed to exploit virtually every life history smeme
water. AU of these factors place a premium on enhanc­ imaginable. The sexes are usually separate, although
ing the sensitivity and contrast perception of the eyes hern1aphroditism is the rule in remipedes, cephaloca­
of aquatic creatures. Mounting the eyes on stalks is one rids, most cirripedes, and a few decapods. Sequential
dramatic way in whim many crustaceans increase the hermaphroditism is not uncommon and usually is
amount of information available to the eyes, by increas­ expressed as protandry (individuals first mature as
ing the field of view and binocular range. Eyestalks are males, then later become females), although protog­
complex structural features with a dozen or so muscles yny occurs in a few species (e.g., the marine isopod
controlling their movement. G11ori1110sphnero11,a orgonense). In addition, parthenogen­
Typical tetrapartite compound eyes are lacking in esis is known in some branchiopods and certain ostra­
the small crustaceans formerly combined as "n1axillop­ cods. In one species of clam shrin1p (E11/i11111ndin texnnn)
odans" (copepods, barnacles, etc.), but various forms a rare type of mixed mating system exists, called and­
of "compound eyes" do occur a1nong the Branchiura, rogonochorism (i.e., androdioecy in plants), in whid1
Ostracoda (Cypridinacea), and Cirripedia. Eyes in the males coexist with hermaphrodites, but there are no
first two taxa most closely resemble those of other crus­ true females. Androgonochorism is rare, but is also
taceans in general structure and may be homologous known i n the nematode Caenorhabditis elegnns, some
with them. In the Cirripedia, the median eye and two thoracican barnacles (e.g., Bnlnnus galenl11s, Scalpellr1111
lateral eyes are all derived from a single tripartite ocel­ scalpell11t11), and from several other branchiopod
lar eye of the nauplius larva, whim splits into its three crustaceans.
components, ead1 forn1ing an adult photoreceptor f o l ­ The reproductive systen1s of crustaceans are gener­
lowing metamorphosis of the nauplius into a cypris a.U y quite sin1ple (Figure21.27). The gonads are derived
larva. All three of these eyes thus appear to be c o m ­ from coelomic remnants and lie as paired elongate
posed of simple ocelli, although the lateral eyes have structures in various regions of the trunk. In many cir­
three photoreceptor cells and for this reason are often ripedes, however, the gonads lie in the cephalic region.
called "compound eyes." Rhizocephalan nauplii also I n some cases the paired gonads are partially or wholly
have a tripartite nauplius eye, which persist into the fused into a single mass. A pair of gonoducts extends
cyprid larval stage. from the gonads to genital pores located on one of the
Compound eyes are lacking altogether in many crus­ trunk segments, either on a sternite, on the arthrodial
tacean taxa (e.g., Copepoda, Mystacocarida, Cepha­ membrane between the sternite and leg protopods, or
locarida, Tantulocarida, Pentaston1ida, Remipedia, on the protopods themselves. In many crustaceans the
and some Ostracoda). Members of some other groups paired penes are fused into a single median penis (e.g.,
possess compound eyes only i n late larval stages and i n tantulocarids, cirripedes, and some isopods). The fe­
lose them at metamorphosis (e.g., some cirripedes). male systen, sometimes includes seminal receptacles.
Reduction or loss of eyes is also common in many d ee p ­ The position of the gonopores varies among the classes
sea species, burrowers, cave dwellers, and parasites. (Table 21.1).
Crustaceans have complex endocrine and neurose­ The curious phenomenon of intersex-having both
cretory systems, although our understanding of these male and female secondary sexual maracteristics-is
826 Chapter Twenty-One

Figure 21.32 Reproduction in Crustacea. (A-0) Mating ►

widespread among crustaceans. Intersexual develop­ behaviors o f the fidd ler crab Uca. (A) Two mal es in ritual ­
ment is associated directly with the presence of endo­ ized combat for the favor of a female, while she watches
parasites such as bacteria and microsporidia, and it has (8). (C) A single m ale waving his enlarged cheliped to
also been correlated with the presence of endocrine­ attract a female. (0) A m ale fi ddler crab engaged in claw­
disrupting pollutants that seem to induce opposing waving behavior to attract a female. (E) A balanomorph
secondary sexual characterisitcs. barnacle, with cirri and groping penis extended, impreg­
Most crustaceans copulate, and many have evolved nating a nei ghbor. The advantage of a long penis in ses-
sile animals is made obvious by this illustration. (F) Ventral
courtship behaviors, the most elaborate and well views o f a mal e and female brachyuran crab, Cancer
knovvn of which occur among the decapods. Although magister, showing the modified pleopods (setose append­
many crustaceans are gregarious (e.g., certain plank­ ages t o retain eggs in female; modified as gonopod in
tonic species, barnacles, many isopods and an1phi­ male). (G) A copulating pair of Hemigrapsus sexdentatus.
pods), most decapods Live singly except during the (H) The planktonic copepod Sapphirina, with egg sacs.
mating season. More or less permanent, or at least sea­
sonal, pairing is known among n1any crustaceans (e.g.,
stenopodid shriJ.nps; certaiJ.1 parasitic and commensal
isopods; pinnotherid "pea" crabs, which often live as A good deal of work has been done on fiddler crabs
pairs in the mantle cavities of bivalve molluscs or in of the genus Uca (family Ocypodidae). In these species,
burrows of thalassinid shrimps). males engage in dramatic cheliped waving (of their
Even the parasitic pentastomids copulate (within greatly enlarged chela, or major claw, which can a c ­
the host's respiratory system) and have internal fertil­ count for more than 50% of the male's total mass-more
ization, relying on a transfer of sperm to the female's than the largest rack of a male elk!) to attract females and
vagina by way of the male's cirri (penes). Pentastomid repel competing males (Figure 21.32A-D). In addition,
early embryos metamorphose into a so-called prin1ary males produce sounds by stridulation and substratwn
larva with two pairs of double-clawed legs and one or thun1ping, which are thought to attract potential mates.
more piercing stylets (Figure 21.19E). The larvae may Mating generally takes place once the male has enticed
be autoinfective in the primary host, or they may mi­ the female into his burrow. Males of some fiddler crab
grate to the host's gut and pass out \.Vith the feces. In species build sand structures at the entrance of their bur­
U1e latter case, a n intermediate host is required, which row, which have been shown to attract fen1ales.
may be almost any kind of vertebrate. The larvae bore Among many crustaceans, the external sexual cl1ar­
through the gut wall of the intermediate host, where acteristics are associated with the actual mating pro­
they undergo further development to the infective cess. Tn some males, particular appendages, such as
stage. Once U1e intermediate host is consumed by a d e ­ the ante1mae of anostracans and some cladocerans, o s ­
fin.itive host (usually a predator), the parasite makes its tracods, and copepods, are modified for graspiJ.1g t11e
way from the new host's stomach up the esophagus, or female. Additionally, many males bear special sperm
bores through the intestinal wall, eventually settling in transfer structures, in the form of either modified ap­
the respiratory systen1. pendages or special penes such as those of the thoraci­
Mating in nonpaired crustaceans requires mecha­ can barnacles (Figure 21.32£), anostracans, and ostra­
n.isms that facilitate location and recognition of part­ cods. Exan1ples of modified appendages include the
ners. Among decapods, and perhaps many other last trunk of copepods and the anterior pleopods
crustaceans, scattered individuals apparently find one of most n1ale malacostracans (called gonopods in most
another either b y distance chen1.oreception (phero­ malacostracans, or petasma i n Dendrobranchiata)
mones) or through synclu-onized migrations associated (Figure 21.32F). Sperm are transferred either loose in
with lunar periodicity, tidal movements, or some other seminal fluid or (in many malacostracans and in cope­
environmental cue. Contact sex pheromones are also pods) packaged in spermatophores. Motile flagellated
utilized. Males of some n1arine myodocopan ostracods sperm occur only in some of tl1.e former n1axillopodan
(son1e Halocyprididae, son1e Cypridinidae) produce groups; in other crustaceans the sperm are nonmotile.
complex biolu1ninescent displays, similar to those of Crustacean sperm are highly variable in shape, even
fireflies, to attract females. Once prospective mates are bizarre in many instances, often being large round or
near each other, recognition of conspecifics of the op­ stellate cells that move by pseudopods or are, seem­
posite sex may iJ.1volve several mechanisms. Over 60 ingly, nonmotile.9 Spenn are deposited directly into
speceis of cypridinid ostracods engage in luminescent the oviduct or into a seminal receptacle in or near the
courtship behavior in the Caribbean alone. Apparently, female reproductive system. In some crustaceans
most decapods employ chemotactic cues requiring
actual contact. Vision is known to be iJ.nportant in the
stenopodid shrimps (most of which live in pairs), in �e sperm of freshwater ostracods are the longest i n the animal
kingdom, relative to body size (up to lOx body length}. Even
certain anomurans (e.g., the family Porcellanidae), and though their sperm are aflageUate, they are fiLiform and range
in brachyurans (many grapsids and ocypodids). from several hundred microns to m.illimeters in length.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 827

(A) (B l (C)

. -�

! -.
... ' ,


(F) (G)

828 Chapter Twenty-One
la lb (B)


extraembryonic ectoderm

la '.};}b Mandibular ntennal
� - 0 , ',,<.) ectoderm L:ectoderm
Antennular ·-

Postnaupliar � ectoderm
ectoderm '-,, - - Id ____-\

Yolk ..
,r 2d •I ,t ,I\ Protocerebral
3d I --,- 11C :>.<

i •
1 1 A ectoderm
4d 'I ' I
t t

M1dgut 4D 1 ' ,
3c 2c I
lb /J
(entoderm)�11:,1,.;,3e,, 3 2b
•e '
, 111 I, I I

·'.\351t b ....--
__ ,,----
.� ,--,�
'L ,..




maxilliped First pereopod


Figure 21.33 Cleavage and posthatching stages among crustaceans.

(A) Modified holoblast ic spiral cleavage has produced a 2 8 -cell embryo of the
cirripede Tetrac/ita. The cells are labeled as in Wi lson's coding system. (B) A
fate map of a cirripede blastula (right-side view). (C) lntralecithal nuclear divi­
sions in the early c l eavage of a mysid. (D) Newly hatched copepod nauplius
larva. (E) Nauplius of a copepod. (F) Settling and metamorphosis of a cypris
larva of a lepadomorph barnacle. (G) The zoea ("mysis") stage larva of the
dendrobranchiate shrimp Penaeus. (H) Zoea larva of the brachyuran crab
Ca//inectes sapidus. (I) Zoea larva of a porcelain crab. (J) Megalopa larvae of
the xanthid crab Menippe adina. (K) The characteristic antizoea larva of a sto­
matopod. (L) The translucent. paper-thin phyllosoma larva of the lobster Jassa.
(M) Cryptoniscus stage (not a true larva) of the ep i caridean isopod Probopyrus
bithynis. (N) Cyprid larva of a barnacle.

females can store sperm for long periods (e.g., several embryos in a marsupium, a ventral brood pouch
years in the lobster Ho11inr11s), thus facilitating multiple forn,ed from in\.vardly directed plates of the leg coxae
broods from single inseminations. called oostegites (thermosbaenaceans are an excep­
The great 1najori ty of crustaceans brood their eggs tion among the Peracarida and use the carapace as a
until hatching occurs, and a variety of brooding strat­ brood chamber). Other crustaceans attach the embryos
egies has evolved. Peracarids brood the developing to endites on the bases of the legs or to the pleopods
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 829


(J) (K)

First thoracopod



little about their embryology. The eggs are centro­

lecithal, with various amounts of yolk. The amount of
yolk greatly influences the type of early cleavage and
is often related to the of hatching (Chapter 4). As
(FiguTe 21.32F), usually using mucus secreted by spe­ far as is known, the zygotes of most n o n -rnalacostra­
cialized glands. I n some cladocerans, brooding takes cans undergo some forn1 of holoblastic cleavage, as do
place in a dorsal brood chamber formed by the cara­ those of syncarids, euphausids, penaeids, amphipods,
pace. However, the syncarids, almost all dendrobran­ and parasitic isopods. However, cleavage patterns are
chiate shrilnps, and most euphausids shed the zygotes extremely variable, ranging from equal to unequal
directly into the water. A few others deposit their fertil­ and from radial-like to spiral-like. The occurrence of
ized eggs in the environment, usually attaching them modified spiral cleavage (Figure 21.33A) reported from
to some object (e.g., branchiurans, some ostracods, some crustaceans had generally viewed as evidence
many stomatopods). These deposited embryos may be of close ties between the crustaceans and other spira­
abandoned or, as is the case in stomatopods, carefully lian groups such as the annelids. However, the gen­
tended by the female. Nonetheless, parental protection erality of spiral-like cleavage among crustaceans has
of the embryos w1til they hatch as larvae or juveniles been called into question with evidence from molecu­
is typical in crustaceans. Thus, crustaceans usually e n ­ lar phylogenetics that indicates arthropods belong to
gage in mixed or direct life histories (Table 21.2). the Ecdysozoa clade of Protosto1nia, not the Spriralia
(where annelids are nested). And in some crustacean
Development Although crustaceans are the most groups, the cell lineages and germ layer origins are
widespread animals on Earth, we know surprisingly quite different from those of typical spirally cleaving
830 Chapter Twenty-One

en1bryos. For example, in barnacles the mesodermal subsequent phases, with each phase containing slightly
germ layer arises from the 3A, 3B, and 3C cells, and different n1orphological steps called stages, before the
the 4d cell contributes to ectoderm (Figure 21.33B)­ adult condition i s achieved. Direct development o c ­
whereas typical spiral cleavage involves a 4d origin of curs in some cladocerans and branchiurans, and in
mesoderm. Euphausids were long thought to have spi­ all ostracods, phyllocarids, syncarids, and peracarids.
ral cleavage, but recent work indicates they do not­ Ostracods are typically viewed as having direct devel­
only the oblique angle of the mitotic spindles during opment, and they lack a distinct larval stage. However,
the transition from the 2- to the 4-cell stage resembles some ostracod species hatch with only the first three
spiral cleavage. There are also differences betl,veen pairs of appendages present, and they are thus true
various crustacean and other arthropod taxa involving nauplii, even though they are in a bivalved carapace
the positions of the presumptive germ layers relative to and add limbs gradually (the juvenile instars resemble
one another, especially the endoderm and mesoderm. miniature adults). All other crustaceans have some
We want to emphasize, however, that such variations form of mixed development. The larval stages that
are not surprising in such a diverse and ancient taxon have been recognized in crustacean groups that under­
and do not negate the fundamental similarities that go nlixed development have been assigned a plethora
unite the Arthropoda. of names, and the ho1nologies an1ong these forms are
Meroblastic cleavage is the rule among many mala­ not always understood. The more commonly encoun­
costracans. Here again, the exact pattern varies, but it tered developmental forms are summarized belov-,
generally involves intralecithal nuclear divisions fol­ (also see Table 21.2 and Figure 21.33), but we do not
lowed by nuclear migration to the periphery of the em­ attempt to describe them all.
bryo and subsequent partitioning of the nuclei into a Crustacean development is sometimes described as
cell layer around a central mass (Figure 21.33C). being either epimorphic, metamorphic, or anamorphic.
The forn1 of the blastula and the method of gastrula­ However, we caution readers that a clear evolution­
tion are dependent primarily on the preceding cleav­ ary a11d functional understanding of crustacean de­
age pattern and hence ultimately on the amount of velopmental stages is still lacking, and thus the terms
yolk. Holoblastic cleavage may lead to a coeloblastuJa "mixed" and "direct" n,ay be preferable, and less an,­
that undergoes invagination (as in syncarids) or in­ biguous, until we have a better understanding of this
gression (as in n1any copepods and some cladocerans phenomenon.
and anostracans). Other crustaceans form a stereoblas­ Epimorphic development is direct; in crllStaceans it
tula followed by epibolic gastruJation (e.g., cirripedes). is thought to result from a delay in the hatching of the
Most cases of meroblastic cleavage result in a periblas­ embryo, which causes the nauplius (and any other pos­ and the subsequent formation of germinal centers. sible larval stages) to be suppressed or absent.
Crustaceans share a characteristic larval stage known Metamorphic development is the type of extreme
as the nauplius larva, denoted by the appearance of three mixed development seen among the Eucarida; it in­
pairs of appendage-bearing somites (Figure 21.33D).10 cludes dramatic transitions in body form from one life
In those groups having little yolk in their eggs, the nau­ history stage to another. (This pattern is sinuJar to holo­
plillS is generally free living. In those species with metabolous development i n insects-for example, the
eggs, the nauplius stage is generally passed through as transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.) In gen­
part of a longer period of embryonic development (or eral, up to five distinct preadult, or larval, phases may
a long brood period), and it is son1eti1nes referred to as be recognized among crustaceans: nauplius, meta­
an egg nauplius. Free-living nauplii are llSually plank­ nauplius, protozoea, zoea, and "postlarva." The zoeal
totrophic, and their release corresponds to the depletion phase shows the greatest diversity in form among the
of stored yolk. However, in a few groups of crustaceans various taxa, and especially in decapods it has been
(e.g., euphausids and dendrobranchiate shrimps), the given different names in different groups (e.g., acan­
nauplius exhibits lecithotrophy. thosoma, antizoea, n,ysis, phyllosoma, pseudozoea). It
Crustacean development is either direct, with the is comn1on for the zoeal phase to contain a large num­
embryos hatching as juveniles that resemble 1niniature ber of stages, each differing only slightly fro1n the one
adults, or mixed, with embryos brooded for a brief or preceding it. 11 Regardless of name, zoea are character­
prolonged period and then hatching as a distinct lar­ ized by the presence of natatory exopods on some or all
val form. These larval forms may pass through several of the thoracic appendages and by the pleopods being
absent (or rudimentary). Use of the term "postlarva"
'°It was not until J. V. Thompson discovered the nauplius larvae
is unforh.mate, as these stages differ dramatically from
of ban1acles i n the nineteenth century that this group was 6nally the preceding larvae as well as from the adults; they
classified as Cn,stacea, a discovery that also marked the first
use of lan•al features in understanding the phylogeny of marine
invertebrates. A recent atlas of crustacean larvae (Martin et al. 11The zoea larvae of panulirid lobsters (phyllosoma larvae) are
2014) includes historical notes on larval development in all major large, bizarre-appearing creatures (Figure 21.33L), which can
crustacean groups. occur in such large numbers as to be a favorite food of tuna.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 831

represent unique transitional stages (both morphologi­ From this wealth of terms and diversity of develop­
cally and ecologically). Exan,ples in the Decapoda in­ mental sequences, we can draw two important gener­
clude the megalopa of true crabs and the puerulus l a r ­ alizations concerning the biology and evolution of the
vae of spiny lobsters. ln this phase of development, the crustaceans. First, different developmental strategies
role of swimming has switched from the thoracopodal reflect adaptations to different lifestyles. ln spite of
limbs to the appendages of the abdo1nen. n1any exceptions, we can cite the early release of disper­
Anamorphic development i s a less extreme type of sal larvae by groups \, vith limited adult mobility, sucl,
indirect development in which the embryo hatches as a as thoracican barnacles, and by those whose resources
nauplius larva, but the adult forn, is achieved through may not pern,it production of huge quantities of yolk,
a series of gradual changes in body morphology as sucl, as the copepods. At the other end of this adaptive
new segments and appendages are added (it is similar spectrum is the direct development of peracarids-a
in many ways to hemimetabolous development in in­ major factor allowing the invasion of land by certain
sects). In other •,vords, the postnaupliar stages gradu­ isopod lineages. Between these extremes we see all de­
ally take on the adult form with succeeding molts; the grees of mixed life histories, with larvae being released
classic example of anamorphic development is often at various stages following brooding ru1d care. Second,
said to be the Anostraca. Cephalocarida, Remipedia, because developmental stages also evolve, an ru,alysis
many Branchiopoda, and Mystacocarida are anamor­ of developmental sequences can son1etimes provide
phic-the nauplius larva grows by a series of n,olts information about the radiation of the principal crusta­
that add new segn1ents and appendages gradually as cean lineages. For exan,ple, the evolution of oostegites
the adult morphology appears. In many groups hatch­ and of direct development combine as a unique s y n ­
ing is somewhat delayed, and the e1nergent nauplius apomorphy of the Peracarida. Similarly, the addition
larva is termed a metanauplius. The basic nauplius pos­ of a unique larval forn1, such as the cypris larva that
sesses only three body somites, while the n1etanauplius follows the nauplius in the cirripedes, can be viewed
has a fe\v n1ore; ho\vever, both possess only three pairs as a unique specialization that demarcates that group
of similar-appearing appendages (which become the (Cirripedia). The cyprid either hatches as the only f r e e ­
adult antennules, antennae, and mandibles). The end of living larva, o r it is the final larval stage after a series of
the naupliar/metanaupliar stage is defined by the ap­ lecithotrophic or planktotrophic nauplius larval stages.
pearance of the fourth pair of functional limbs, the m a x ­ It should also be noted that the branchiopods and
illules. In copepods a postnaupliar stage called a copep­ some freshwater ostracods have evolved specialized
odite (simply a small juvenile) i s often recognized. ways of coping \,vith the harsh conditions of many fresh­
The most exh·e1ne forn,s of metamorphic, or mixed, water environments. Parthenogenesis, for example, is
development occur in the malacostracan superorder comn1on in freshwater ostracods. Other adaptations in­
Eucarida. The n1ost complex developmental sequences clude production of special overwintering forms, usu­
are seen among the dendrobranchiate shrimps, which ally eggs or zygotes that can survive extreme cold, lack
hatch as a typical nauplius larva that eventually under­ of ,,vater, or anoxic conditions. Perhaps most remark­
goes a metamorphic molt to become a protozoea larva, able in this respect are the large-bodied branchiopods
with sessile con1pound eyes ru1d a full complement of (fairy shrimp, tadpole shrimp, ru,d clam shrimp) whose
head appendages. The protozoea, after several molts, encysted embryos are capable of an extreme state of a n ­
becomes a zoea larva, with stalked eyes and three pairs aerobic quiescence, or diapause. During these resistant
of thoracopods (as maxillipeds). The zoea eventualJy stages, the metabolic rate of the eo,bryos o,ay drop to
yields a juvenile stage (the "postlarva," a better term less than 10% of their norn,aJ rate.
for whicl1 is "decapodid") that resembles a nliniature Many crustaceans have indeterminate growth,
adult, but is not sexuaJly mature. ln some other eucarid that is, they continue to molt throughout their life. ln
groups (Caridea and Brachyura) the postlarva is called contrast, other species have determinate growth and
a megalopa, and in the Anomura it is often called a cease molting following puberty (this life history stage
glaucothoe; in both cases there are setose natatory i s sometimes referred to as the tern1inal molt, or ter­
pleopods on some or all of the abdominal somites. In minal anecdysis). I n some species, the ter1ninal molt
other eucarids, some (or all) of these stages are absent. is sex specific; for example, i n American blue crabs
Various other terms have been coined for different (Callinectes sapidus) only females have a terminal molt.
(or sintilar) developmental stages. For example, the
modified zoeal stages of some sto1natopods are called
antizoea and pseudozoea larvae, and the advanced
zoeal stage of many other malacostracans is often
Crustacean Phylogeny
called a mysis larva. In euphausids, the nauplius is fol­ Countless phylogenetic studies have been published
lowed by two stages, the calyptopis and the furcilia, on the topic of crustacean evolution. General agree­
which roughly correspond to protozoea and zoea stag­ ment has been reached in some areas, but despite a
es, before the juvenile morphology is attained. great deal of effort, many fundamental mysteries re-
832 Chapter Twenty-One

main unsolved, including the broad structure of the Thecostraca (barnacles and their kin), and Mala­
Pancrustaca tree.The use of molecular gene sequence costraca, but challenged others, and proposed sev­
data in crustacean phylogenetics is only just beginning. eral new names and clades (e.g., Oligostraca and
While in some cases it has resolved longstanding issues Vericrustacea) that have yet to withstand the test of
or confirmed previous hypotheses, in other cases it has time.
led to still n1ore questions. There are several particu­ In the 1950s, Russian biologist W .N. Beklenuschev
larly problematic issues. What are the basalrnost living and Swedish carcinologist E. Dahl independently pro­
crustaceans, what sort of body did they have, and what posed that the copepods and several related classes
are the relationships among them? What are the rela­ constitute a 1nonophyletic clade. Dahl proposed the
tionships of, and ainong, the taxa that were once united class Maxillopoda for these taxa, and that term has
as "max.illopodans" (the copepods, brai1chiurans, the­ been en1ployed often since then. Characters shared by
costracans, tantulocarids, mystacocarids, and pentas­ these small taxa include the shortening of the thorax to
tomids)? Where do the Ostracoda, Cephalocarida, and six or fevver segments and of the abdomen to four or
Remipedia fit into crustacean phylogeny? What are the fewer segments, reduction of the carapace (or, in the
relationships among the Peracarida, especially of the case of ostracods and cirripedes, extreme modifica­
many orders and fainilies oflsopoda and Amphipoda? tion of the carapace), loss of abdo1ninal appendages,
What are the major decapod lineages and how are they and other associated changes, all thought to be tied to
related to one another? What group of crustaceans is early paedon,orphic events during the larval (or post­
represented by the n1ysterious "y-larvae" (the Faceto­ larval) stage of this lineage as it began to radiate (an
tecta), beyond the subsequent sluglike ypsigon stage idea first proposed in 1942 by R. Gurney). However,
that is clearly still not an adult? And, of course, what is molecular phylogenetic studies since then have shown
the crustacean sister group to the Hexapoda? Maxillopda to be a nonmonophyletic grouping, and
Debates on crustacean phylogeny often center on the taxon has been abandoned by n1ost modern work­
whether paddle-legged Crustacea are ancestral or d e ­ ers. Yet two of those groups, the copepods and thecos­
rived. The paddle-legged ancestry hypothesis holds tracans, have since been reunited i n one study (Oakley
that the first crustaceans had leaflike (phyllopodous) et al. 2013) that posits a clade (the Hexanauplia) based
thoracic legs that were used both for swimming and on the same number (6) of naupliar larval stages in
for suspension feeding, as seen in the living cephalo­ these groups.
carids, leptostracans, and many branchiopods. Or that The monophyletic nature of the class Malacostraca
the first crustaceans had simple, paddle-like legs that has rarely been questioned. Within the Malacostraca
were used for swimming, but not for feeding; instead, are two clades: Leptostraca, which have phyllopo­
the tasks of feeding were undertaken by the cephalic dous l i m b s and seven abdominal somites, and
appendages-a plan perhaps best represented ainong Eurnalacostraca, which lack phyllopodous li1nbs
living crustaceans by the remipedes. However, the op­ and have s i x abdominal segments. Whether the
posing view, that paddle-legged crustaceans are more Hoplocarida are members of the Eumalacostraca or
derived, is supported by the recent multigene studies. deserving of their own subclass of the Malacosb·aca is
A large molecular study suggested a highly-derived still a subject of debate, but we consider them a sepa­
sister group relationship between the two most many­ rate subclass here. Hoplocarids and eumalacostracans
segmented and "wormlike" groups, the cephalocarids also have the sixth abdominal appendages modified as
and remipedes, both being padd.le-legged groups, unit­ uropods (which work iJ1 conjunction v.•ith the telson as
ing them in a proposed clade (called Xenocarida) that a tail fan). Relationships among the three maiu eumala­
would be the sister to the hexapods (Regier et al. 2010; costracan lines (syncarids, peracarids, and eucarids),
Figure 21.348). Another recent phylogenomic study and even within the Eucarida, are far from settled and
concluded that Remipedia are the closest extant rela­ have provided zoologists with many generations of
tives of insects (Misof et al. 2014), and some con1para­ lively debate.
tive neurological work also supports this view. In c o n ­ The class Branchiopoda is usually monophyletic in
trast, a traditional, morphology-based phylogeny of molecular analyses, but it is difficult to define on the
the Crustacea hypothesizes a paddle-legged ancestry, basis of unique synapomorphies because it shows such
but places the Remipedia at the base of the crustacean great morphological variation. But larval (naupliar)
tree (Figure 21.34A). Comparative spermatological cllaracters, such as the reduced and tubular first anten­
studies, on the other hand, seem to ally the remipedes na and uniramous mandibles, strongly support their
with certain former maxillipodans. Clearly, we have a monophyly, as do almost all studies employing molec­
good way to go before we will deeply understand the ular data. As is true with so many crustacean groups,
phylogeny of Crustacea. our early classifications greatly underappreciated their
The Regier et al. (2010) study, sumn1arized here diversity, and relationships a1nong the constituent
in Figure 21.348, strongly supported some tradition­ groups are far more complex than was first thought.
ally recognized groupings, such as 8ranchiopoda, Apparently some branchiopods have secondarily lost
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 833


18 23 (B)


10 Branchiura, Pentastomida, /vlystacocarida
9 15
8 Branchiopoda
6 Copepoda

Thecostraca (barnacles and their kin)


Figure 21.34 Two competing views of evolut ion within Cephalocarid

the Crustacea. (A) A traditiona l view of crustacean rela­ }Xcnocarida
tionships, with paddle-legged Crustacea at the base. The \-'i:;..._ Remipedia
morphological synapomorphies depicted on the clado•
gram are as follows (1-5 represent synapomorphies of
the subphylum "Crustacea"): 1: head composed of 4 or 5 exapoda
fused segments (plus acron) with 2 pairs of antennae and
2 o r 3 pairs of mouth appendages; 2: biramous second
antennae; 3: nauplius larva; 4: phyllopodous body limbs with maxillopodan naupliar eye; 23: thorax of 6 or fewer
(with large epipods): 5: with head shield or small cara­ segments; 24: abdomen of 4 or fewer segments; 25:
pace; 6: raptorial mouth appendages; 7: mouth append• genital appendages on the fi rst abdominal somite (associ­
ages s ituated in posteriorly directed atrium; 8: anteri or ated with ma l e gonopores); 26: a-segmented thorax and
thoracopods (one or more pairs) modified as maxillipeds 7 -segmented abdomen (plus telson); 27: male gonopores
(a highly vari able trait that occurs in remipedes, malacos­ fixed on thoracomere 8/females on thoracomere 6; 28:
tracans, and some former "maxillopodans"); 9: loss of carapace forms large "folded" structure encl osing most of
phyllopodous condition on trunk appendages: 1 0: trunk body; 29: abdomen reduced to 6 segments (plus telson);
appendages ori ented laterally; 11: maxi llules function as 30: last abdominal appendages mod ified as uropods and
hypodermic fangs; 12: postcephalic trunk regionalized as forming tail fan with telson; 31: caridoid tail f l ip locomo­
thorax and abdomen; 13: loss of interna l organ homon­ tion (escape reaction); 32: thoracopods with stenopodous
omy (e.g., segmental gut ceca); 14: reduction in number endopods; 33: replacement of thoracic suspension feed­
of body segments; 15: reduction of abdomen (to 11 seg­ ing and phyllopodous thoracic limbs with cephal ic feeding
ments); 16: fully developed carapace (reduced in several and nonphyllopodous thoracic limbs. Note that loss of
subsequent lineages); 17: reduction of abdomen to fewer the phyllopodous trunk limbs (character 9) has occurred
than 9 segments; 18: reduction (or loss) of abdominal several ti mes, in the Remipedia, Eumal acostraca, some
appendages; 19: first and second maxillae reduced or lineages o f Branchiopoda, and most of the former "maxil•
lost; 20: thorax shortened to fewer than 11 segments; lopodan" groups. (B) Phylogeny of the Pancrustacea clade
21: abdomen shortened to fewer than 8 segments; 22: as derived by Regier et al. 201o.

the carapace, and others have secondarily lost most or realization renders the group called Crustacea para­
all of the abdominal appendages. phyletic. The monophyletic clade containing both
That a group of crustaceans gave rise to the mega­ crustaceans and insects is n,ost often referred to as the
diverse group of arthropods called the Hexapoda ( i n ­ Pancrustacea (see Chapter 20), but it is also sometimes
sects and their kin) i s now almost universally agreed called the Tetraconata, a nan,e that recognizes the
upon, based on a wide array of evidence that includes square shape of the ommatidia of many species. Earlier
molecular sequence data and neuroanatomy. This work suggested that Branclliopoda was the likely sister
834 Chapter Twenty-One

group to Hexapoda, but recent research supports the opportunity for evolutionary experin1entation. Any
origin of the Hexapoda from either the Remipedia conceivable cladogram of crustacean phylogeny will
or a remipede-cephalocarid clade-the later group­ require the acceptance of considerable homoplasy.
ing (Remipedia-Cephalocarida-Hexapoda) has been Fossil data (including that of the Orsten fauna,
named Miracrustacea, meaning "surprising crusta­ Figure 21.35) seems to favor phyllopodous limbs as the
ceans." Like the arthropods in general, crustaceans primitive condition. However, developmental studies
exhibit high levels of evolutionary parallelism and following the expression of Distal-less and other devel­
convergence and many apparent reversals of character opmental genes suggest that the early embryogeny of
states. This genetic flexibility is no doubt due in part to limbs is very similar ainong crustaceans. For example,
the nature of the segmented body, the serially homolo­ trunk lin1bs always emerge as ventral, subdivided
gous appendages, and the flexibility of developmental limb buds. In phyllopodous limbs, the subdivisions
genes, which, as we have stressed, provide enormous of these limb buds grow to become the endites and
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Crustacea: Crabs, Shrimps, and Their Kin 835


Figure 21.35 (A-E) Examples of Upper Cambrian (-510 Ma), prob­

ably meiofaunal crustacean fossi ls from the spectacu l ar Swedish
Orsten deposits. This ancient crustacean fauna possessed the key
(F) attri butes of modern Crustacea, including compound eyes, head
sh ields/carapaces, naupliar larvae (with locomotory first antennae),
and biramous appendages on the second and third head seg-
ments (the second antennae and mandibles). (A) Bredocaris. (B)
Rehbachiella, an early branchiopod, lateral (drawing) and ventral
(SEM) v iews. (C) Skara, drawing and SEM. (D) Cambropachycope
cfarksoni, a bizarre species with an expanded head and two pairs of
enlarged thoracopods, drawing and SEM. (E) Martinssonia e/ongata,
SEMs of first l arva and postlarval stage. (F) Ercaia minuscuta, an early
... ., . , Cambrian (520 Ma) crustacean from South China.

larvae are only a couple hundred microns long; adults

are about 1 mm in length). Skara and many other Orsten
Crustacea were probably meiofaunal anirnals not un­
like modern marine meiofaunal crustaceans (e.g., the
mystacocarids). Dozens of Orsten microcrustacea have
so far been described (Figure 21.35). Recently, a beauti­
fully preserved fossil crustacean, Ercaia 111i11usc11/a, was
described from the middle Cambrian (520 Ma) of South
China. It has an untagmatized, 13-segmented trunk
with serially repeated biramous appendages and a
head with stalked eyes and five pairs of head append­
the endopod of the natatory/filtratory adult limbs. In ages, including two pairs of antennae. Ercaia rni11usc11-
stenopodous limbs, the same limb bud subdivisions /a i s only 2-4 mn1 long (hence the species name), and
end up developing into the actual segments of the bears resemblances to both cephalocarids and maxil­
adult limb. Hence, the endites of phyllopodous limbs lopoda.ns (Fi gure 21 .35F).
appear to be homologous to the segments of the steno­ Studies on the Swedish Orsten fauna (510 Ma), the
podous limbs. This discovery supports an emerging Middle Canilirian (520 Ma) Burgess Shale-like deposits
view of developmental plasticity in arthropod limbs, from around the world, and the Lower Cambrian (530
and it suggests that relatively simple genetic "switch­ Ma) Chengjiang fossils from China have shown that
es" can account for major differences in adult m o r ­ Can1brian Crustacea had all the attributes of modern
phologies. Thus, it is quite plausible that stenopodous crustaceans, such as con1pound eyes, an acron, distinct
limbs have evolved rnultiple times from phyllopodous head and trlmk tagmata, at least four head append­
ancestors, and this is the scenario depicted in the dado­ ages, a carapace (or head shield), naupliar (or "head")
gram in Figure 21.34A. larvae (with locomotory first antennae), and biramous
Work by Klaus Mi.iller and Dieter Waloszek on appendages on the second and third head somites
three-dimensionally preserved microscopic arthropods (the second antennae and mandibles). We now kno\V
from the middle Cambrian Orsten (around 510 Ma) de­ that the crustaceans are an ancient group. Their fossil
posits of Sweden has documented a diverse fauna of record dates back to the early Cambrian, or likely the
minute crustaceans and their larvae. Among them, for Ediacaran period if some arthropod fossils from those
exarnple, is Skara (Figure 21.35C), a cephalocarid- or strata are viewed as Crustacea. The earliest known
mystacocar i d like
- crustacean for which both naupliar crustacean larval stage is a fossil of a slightly ad­
larvae and adults have been recovered (the nauplius vanced nauplius (called a metanauplius) from the early
836 Chapter Twenty-One

Can1brian (525 Ma) of China that in many ways re­ within the Crustacea, such as the cirripedes, that were
seo1bles the naupliar larvae of modern cirripedes. This already becoming distinct. Depending on one's defini­
is remarkable, as it confirms not only of the great age tion of "Crustacea," it may even be that the first arthro­
of the Crustacea as a whole but also the age of groups pods were themselves crustaceans.

Selected References
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Phylum Arthropoda
The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin

exapods stand out among all other invertebrates for being far and
away the n1ost diverse group of animals on Earth, the only iJ1verte­
brates to fly, and the only terrestrial invertebrates to undergo indirect
development or complete metamorphosis.
The arthropod subphylum Hexapoda comprises the class Insecta and three
other small, closely related, wingless, insect-like groups: Collen1bola, Protura,
and Diplura. The Hexapoda are united on the basis of a distinct body plan of a
head, 3 -segmented thorax, and 1 1 s-egmented abdomen, 3 pairs of thoracic legs,
a single pair of antennae, 3 sets of "jaws" (mandibles, maxillae, and labium),
an aerial gas exchange system composed of tracheae and spiracles, Malpighian
tubules forn1ed as proctodeal (ectodermal) evaginations, and, among the
Pterygota, \>\•ings (Box 22A). The presence of a tho­
rax fixed at 3 segments, each with a pair of walking
legs, is a unique synapomorphy for the Hexapoda.
Classification of The Animal Other synapomorphies include the presence of a
Kingdom (Metazoa) large fat body (mainly concentrated in the abdo­
men), and fusion of the second maxillae to form a
Non-Bilateria* Lophophorata
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA
lower lip (the labium).
PHYLUM PORIFERA PHYLUM BRYOZOA Hexapods evolved on land; groups inhabit­
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACH IOPODA ing aquatic environments today have secondarily
PHYI.UM CNIDARIA i;QDYSQZOA invaded those habitats through behavioral adap­
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida tations and modifications of their aerial gas ex­
PHYLUM NEMATODA change syste1ns. The eartiest undisputed fossils of
(a .k .a. the triploblasts) hexapods are early DevoniaJ1 (412 Ma). However,
Scalidophora there are Silurian trace fossils that are very hexa­
Protostomia PHYLUM PRIAPULA pod-like, and molecular clock data suggest an
PHYI.UM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICIFERA Early Ordovician origin for Hexapods at about
SPIRALIA Panarthropoda 479 n1.illion years ago and an early Silurian origin
PHYLUM TARDIGRADA about 441 nl.illion years ago for Insecta.
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA The most spectacular evolutionary radiation
PHYLUM ORTHONECTIDA SUBPHYLUM CRUSTACEA* among the Hexapoda (in fact among all eukary­
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA otic life) has, of course, been within the insects,
PHYI.UM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYI.UM MYRIAPODA wluch inhabit nearly every conceivable terrestrial
SUBPHYLUM CHEUCERATA and freshwater habitat and, Jess commonly, even
Deuterostomia the sea surface and the marine littoral region.
Insects are also found in such unlikely places as oil
PHYLUM GNATHOSTOMUUDA PHYLUM CHORDATA swamps and seeps, sulfur springs, glacial streams,
PHYLUM MICROGNATHOZOA and brine ponds. They often live where few other
PHYI.UM ROTIFERA "'Paraphyletic group

This chapter has been revised by Wendy Moore.

844 Chapter Twenty-Two

Insects are not only diverse, but also incredibly

BOX 22A Characteristics of the abundant. For every human alive, there are a11 estimat­
Subphylum Hexapoda ed 200 million insects. Howard Ensign Evans estimat­
ed that an acre of ordinary English pasture supports
1 . Body composed of 20 true somites (plus acron)
an astonishing 248,375,000 springtails and 17,825,000
organized as a head (6 somites), thorax (3 somites)
beetles. In tropical rain forests, insects can constitute
and abdomen (11 somites). Due to fusion of
somi tes, these body segments are not always 40% of the total animal biomass (dry weight), and the
externally obvious. biomass of the ants can be far greater than that of the
2. Head segments bear the following structures (from combined mammal fauna (up to 15% of the total ani­
anterior to posterior): compound eyes and ocelli; mal biomass). A single colony of the African driver ant
antennae; clypeolabrum; mandi b les; maxillae. labi­ A11om111n ,vilverthi may contain as many as 22 million
um (fused second maxillae). Ocelli (and compound workers. Based on his research in the tropics, biodi­
eyes) are secondari ly lost in some groups. versity sleuth Terry Erwin has calculated that there
3. Legs uniramous; present on the three thoraci c seg­ are about 3.2 x 108 individual arthropods per hectare,
ments of adults; legs composed of 6 articles: coxa, representing more than 60,000 species, in the w e s t ­
trochanter, femur. t i bi a, tarsus, pretarsus: tarsus
ern Amazon. In Maryland, a single population o f the
often subdivided; pret<1rsus typically clawed ant Fonnica exsectoides comprised 73
4. G<1s exchange by spi racles and tracheae
nests coverh,g an area of 10 acres and containing ap­
5. Gut with gastric (digestive) ceca proximately 12 .million workers. Termites have colo­
6. With large tat body (mainly concentrated in nies of similar magnitudes. E. 0. Wilson has calculated
abdomen) that, at any given time, 10 15 (a million billion) ants are
7. Fused exoskeleton of head forms unique internal alive on Earth!
tentorium In most parts of the world, insects are among the
8. Wi th ectodermally derived Malpighian tubules (proc­ principal predators of other invertebrates. Insects are
todeal evag inations) also key items in the diets of many terrestrial verte­
9. Gonopores open on the last abdominal segment, brates, and they play a major role as reducer-level or­
or on abdominal segment 7, 8, or 9 ganisms (detritovores and decomposers) in food webs.
10. Gonochoristic; direct o r indirect development Due to their sheer numbers, they constitute much of
the matrix of terrestrial food webs. Their biomass and
energy consumption exceed those of vertebrates in
most terrestrial habitats. In deserts and in the tropics,
ani1nals or plants can exist. I t is no exaggeration to say ants replace earthworms as the 1nost abundant earth
that insects rule the land. Their diversity and abun­ movers (ants are nearly as in1portant as earthworn1s
dance defy imagination (Figures 22.1-22.7). even in temperate regions). Termites are among the
We do not know how many species of insects there chief decomposers of dead wood and leaf litter around
are, or even how 1nany have been described. Published the world, and without dung beetles African savan­
estimates of the number of described species range nal1s would be buried under the excrement of the tens
from 890,000 to well over a million (we calculate of thousands of large grazing mammals.
about 926,990). An average of about 3,500 new species Without insects, life as we know it would cease to
have been described annually since the publication exist. l n fact, E. 0. Wilson has stated, "so in1portant
of Linnaeus's Syste,nn Nnturne in 1758, although in r e ­ are insects and other land-dwelUng arthropods that if
cent years the average h a s cfunbed to 7,000 new s p e ­ all were t o disappear, humanity probably could not
cies annually. Estimates of the number of insect species last more than a few months." Eighty percent of the
remaining to be described range from 3 million to 100 world's crop species, including food, medicine, and
million. The Coleoptera (beetles), with a n estin,ated fiber crops, rely on animal pollinators, nearly all of
380,000 described species, is far and away the largest which are insects. Insects also play key roles in pol­
insect order (more than a quarter of all ani.Inal species linating wild, native plants. Beekeeping began long
are beetles). The beetle family Curculionidae (the wee­ ago, at least by 600 BC in the Nile Valley and prob­
vils) contains about 65,000 described species (nearly ably well before that. The first migratory beekeep­
5% of all described animal species). The rich diversity ers were Egyptians who floated hives up and down
of insects seems to have come about through a combi­ the Nile to provide pollination services to floodplain
nation of advantageous features, including the evolu­ farmers while simultaneously producing a honey
tionary exploitation of developmental genes working crop. Domestic honeybees (Apis 111ellifera), introduced
on segn1ented and compart1nentalized bodies, coevo­ to North America fro1n Europe in the mid-1600s, are
lution with plants (particularly the flov1ering plants), now the dominant pollinators of most food crops
miniaturization, and the invention of flight. grown around the world, and they play some role
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 845


(C) (D)

Figure 22.1 Representatives of t h e three orders of

entognathous (noninsectJ hexapods. (A) Anurida grana­
ria, a springtail (order CollembolaJ. (BJ Ptenothrix sp., a resulted in flowers with anaton1y and scents that are
springtail showing entognathous mouthparts. (C) A diplu­ finely tuned to their insect partners. In exchange for
ran from New Zealand (order Diplura). (DJ A proturan from pollination services, flowers provide insects with
British Columbia (order ProturaJ.
food (nectar, pollen), shelter, and chemicals used by
the insects t o produce such things as pheromones. In
general, insect pollination is accomplished coinciden­
in pollinating 80% of the crop varieties grown in the tally, as the pollinators visit flo\vers for other reasons.
United States (they are estimated to be directly re­ But in a few cases, such as that of the yucca moths of
sponsible for $10 to $20 billion in crops annually).1 the An,erican Southwest (Tegiticuln spp.), the insects
Interactions between insects and floweriJ,g plants actually gather up pollen and force it into the recep­
have been going on for a very long time, begiJu1ing tive stigma of the flower, initiating pollinahon. The
over 100 million years ago with the origin of tl1e an­ moth's goal is to assure a supply of yucca seed for its
giosperms and accelerating with the ascendancy of larvae, whjch develop within the yucca's fruits. Some
these flowering plants during the early Cenozoic. insects also play important roles as seed dispersers,
Millions of years of plant-insect coevolution have especially ants. More than 3,000 plant species (in 60
families) are known t o rely on ants for the djspersal of
1 their seeds.
The study of bees is called "melittophily." The study of honey­
bees (Apis spp.) and their management is called "apiculture." Like all other animals on Earth, insects are facing
The management of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) is "bombiculture." enormous threats of extinction. Certainly many thou­
The ritualized keeping of stingless bees is "meliponiculti.u·e." sands of species have become extinct over the past
The Asian honeybee, Apis dorsata, not yet introduced to the U.S., is
a giant reaching an inch in length.Its droppings are quite notice­ century as a result of rampant land use change and
able, and the mass defecations of these bees at sunset create a deforestation. With accelerating biodiversity losses
"golden shower" that provides significant nutrient enrichment worldwide, estilnates of the nu1nber of iI1sect species
to tropical soils.Their droppings were once con.fused with the
dreaded "yellow rain," a deadly form of biochemical warfare that that have already gone extinct range into the millions.
poisoned thousands of villagers during the Vietnam \-Var. Further, widespread and often inappropriate use of
846 Chapter Twenty-Two

pesticides has created a "pollination crisis" in n1any ability to fly, the ability to fold back their wings, and the
parts of the world, as pollinating insects are locaJly evolution of holon1etabolous development(= indirect
extirpated and native plant and domestic crop pollina­ development, = complete n1etamorphosis). The persis­
tion plummets. tence of tl1e main lineages of insects since the Devonian
As valuable as insects are to human life, some spe­ and tl1eir ecological and morphological versatility have
cies seem to conspire to give the whole group a bad undoubtedly contributed to making Hexapoda the
name. Some insect species are pests and consume dominant group in extant terrestrial ecosystems, with
about a third of our potential annual harvest, and respect to species diversity, functional diversity, and
some other species transn1it n1any major hun1an dis­ overall bion1ass. Obviously, the subject of insect biol­
eases. Every year we spend billions of dollars on insect ogy, or entomology, is a discipline in its own right, and
control. Malaria, transmitted by mosquitoes, kills 1 to a multitude of books and college courses on the subject
3 million people annually (mostly children), and each exists. If we apportioned pages t o animal groups on the
year nearly 500 million people contract tl1e disease. It basis of numbers of species, overall abundance, or eco­
is the leading cause of death from infectious disease, nomic importance, insect chapters could easily fill 90%
and it has plagued humans for at least 3,000 years of tlus textbook. The Selected References at the end of
(Egyptian mwnmies have been found with malaria tlus chapter provide entry into son1e of the current l i t ­
antigens in their blood). One of the most widespread erature o n insects.
and fastest spreading human viral djseases, dengue, is Because the Hexapoda comprises such a large and
transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. Dengue diverse assemblage of arthropods, we first present
is essentially an urban disease, almost entirely a s ­ a brief classification of the 31 recognized orders, f o l ­
sociated with anthropogenic environments because lov-•ed by more detailed synopses, brief diagnoses, and
its main vectors, A. albopictus and A. aegypti, breed comments, on each order. These two sections serve as
primarily in artificiaJ containers (e.g., flower vases, a preface to the body plan discussion that follows, and
discarded tires, water tanks). In recent years, these also provide a reference that tl1e reader can tun1. to as
species have spread throughout the tropics, often fol­ needed.
lowing the international trade in used tires. Although
tl1ese mosquitoes have not penetrated very far into the
temperate zones, they have become established in the CLASSIFICATION OF THE
soutl1ern United States. A variety of mosquitoes trans­ SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA
mits the filarial nematode Wuchereria bancrofti, the
causative agent of lymphatic filariasis ("elephantia­ Our classification scheme recognizes 31 orders of
sis") throughout the world's tropics. Chagas' rusease living hexapods. Three entognathous, or non-insect
(American trypanosomiasis) is trans1nitted by certain hexapod orders (the Entognatha), are basal to the
hemipteran bugs in the subfamily Triatominae (family monophyletic class lnsecta. The fnsecta comprise
Reduviidae), and causes chronic degenerative disease two monophyletic sister groups, the order Archae­
of the heart and intestine. The species of tdatomine ognatha (with monocondylic mandibles) and all the
bugs that occur in the southwestern United States tend others (with dicondylic mandibles). The subclass
not to defecate when they feed, greatly reducing the Pterygota, or flying insects, comprise two groups:
possibility of humans contracting Chagas' disease in the Palaeoptera (Ephemeroptera, Odonata), which
that area. However, global ,-varming is now increas­ may be a paraphyletic group, and the n1onophyletic
ing the spread of Aedes, Cu/ex, triatomines, and other infraclass Neoptera. We recognize three superor­
tropical disease vectors. ders within tl1e modern winged insects, or Neoptera:
The natural history writer David Quammen, the Polyneoptera (Plecoptera, Zoraptera, Blattodea,
speaking of the blood-sucking varieties of mosqui­ Mantodea, Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Phasmida, Cr­
toes, notes that the average blood meal of a female ylloblattodea, Embioptera, Mantophasmatodea), the
(the only sex that feeds on blood) an1ounts to 2.5 times Acercaria (Psocodea, Thysanoptera, Herniptera), and
the original weight of the insect-the equivalent, the Holometabola (all tl1e remaining orders). Within
Quammen notes, "of Audrey Hepburn sitting down the Holometabola we recognize four well supported,
to dinner and getting up from the table weighting but unranked clades: Coleopetrida (Coleoptera, Strep­
380 pounds, then, for that matter, flying away." But siptera), Neuropterida (Neuroptera, Megaloptera,
as Quammen also points out, mosquitoes have made Rhapidioptera), Antliophora (Mecoptera, Siphonap­
tropical rain forests (tl1e most diverse ecosystems on tera. Diptera), and Amphiesmenoptera (Trichoptera,
Earth) largely uninhabitable to humans, thus helping Lepidoptera). With nearly a n1illion named species of
to preserve them! Hexapoda, we have opted to include representative
The enormous diversification of Hexapoda is often families of only tl1e most diverse and common orders
attributed to tl1e evolution of tl1ree key innovations: tl1e in tl1e taxonomic synopses.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 847


(Note: "Entognatha" and "Palaeoptera" are likely paraphy­ Order Trichoptera: Caddisflies
letic groups) Order Lepidoptera: Butterflies, moths
Order Collembola: Springtails
Order Protura: Proturans Hexapod Classification
Order Dip lura: Diplurans Subphylum Hexapoda
Body differentiated into head (acron + 6 segments),
thorax (3 segments), and abdomen (11 or fewer seg­
Order Archaeognatha: Jumping bristleta ils ments); cephalon with one pair lateral compound eyes
Dicondylia and often with a triad or pair of medial ocelli; with one
Order Thysanura (= Zygentoma): S i lverfish pair of uniramous muJtiarticuJate antennae, mandibles,
Subclass Pterygota: Winged insects and maxillae; second pair of maxillae fused to form a
Pa laeoptera: Ancient winged insects complex labium; each thoracic segment with one pair
of uniramous legs; \,vings often present on second and
Order Ephemeroptera: Mayflies third thoracic segments (in pterygote insects); abdomen
Order Odonata: Dra gonflies and damselflies without fully developed legs, but "prolegs" (presum­
Intraclass Neoptera: Modern, wing-folding ably hon1ologous to the ancestral arthropod abdominal
insects appendages) occur i n at least seven orders (in adults
Superorder Polyneoptera of some Diplura, Thysanura, and Archaeognatha; in
Order Plecoptera: Stoneflies larvae of some Diptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, and
Order Blattodea: Cockroaches and term ites Hymenoptera); abdon1en with a large fat body; gono­
Order Mantodea: Mantises pores open on the last abdon1inal segment or on the
Order Phasmida (= Phasmatodea): Stick and seventh, eighth, or ninth abdominal segment; paired
leaf insects cerci often present; males commonly with intromittent
Order Grylloblattodea: Rock crawlers and clasping structures; development direct, involving
Order Dermaptera: Earwigs relatively slight changes in body form (ametabolous
Order Orthoptera: Locusts, katydids, crickets, or hemimetabolous), or indirect with striking changes
grasshoppers (holometabolous).
Order Mantophasmatodea: Heel-wa lkers or
gladi ators Entognatha
Order Embioptera (= Embiidina): W e b -spinners Mouthparts with bases hidden within the head cap­
Order Zoraptera: Zorapterans sule (ento-gnathous); mandibles with single articula­
Superorder Acercaria (= Paraneoptera) tion; most or all antenna! articles with intrinsic mus­
Order T h ysanoptera: Thrips culature; wingless; without, or with poorly developed,
Order Hemiptera: True bugs Malpighian tubules; legs with one (undivided) tarsus.
Order Psocodea: Book lice, bark l ice, The three orders of entognathous hexapods do not
true lice form a monophyletic group. While the entognathous
Superorder Holometabola conditions of Collen1bola a11d Protura appear to be ho­
Order Hymenoptera: Ants, bees, wasps n1ologous (these two orders are often placed together
Coleopterida i n the class Ellipura), entognathy i n the Diplura 1nay
be a product of convergent evolution. Recent data from
Order Coleoptera: Beetles
paleontology, comparative anato1ny, and molecular
Order Strepsiptera: Twisted-wing paras ites
phylogenetics suggest that the Diplura are the sister
Neuropterida group of the Insecta, and are therefore n1ore closely
Order Mega loptera: Al derfl ies, dobsonflies, related to the Insecta than they are to the other ento­
fishflies gnathous orders.
Order Raphidioptera: Snakeflies
Order Neuroptera: Lacewings, ant lions, Order Collembola Approximately 6,000 described
mantisflies, owlflies species (Figure 22.lA,B). Small (most less than 6 mm);
Antliophora biting-chewing mouthparts; with or without small
Order Mecoptera: Scorp ionflies, hangingflies, compound eyes; ocelli vestigial; antennae 4 a- rticulate,
snow scorp ionflies first 3 articles with intrinsic muscles; tarsus of legs
Order Siphonaptera: Fleas indistinct (perhaps fused with tibia); pretarsus of legs
Order Diptera: True flies, mosquitoes, gnats \.vith single claw; abdomen with a reduced number of
848 Chapter Twenty-Two

segn1ents (six); first abdontinal segment with ventral article with intrinsic musculature; sin1ple develop­
tube (collophore) of unknown function; third abdon,i­ ment. Most species live in mesic habitats beneath rocks,
nal segment with s1nall process (retinaculum); a forked rotting logs, leaf litter, humus, and soil.
tail-like appendage on fourth or fi�h abdominal seg­
ment (furcula); without cerci; with gonopores on last Class lnsecta
abdominal segn1ent; without Malpighian tubules; often Mouth appendages ectognathous (exposed and pro­
without spiracles or tracheae. jecting from the head capsule); mandibles with lvvo
The earliest known hexapods i.n the fossil record points of articulation (except Archaeognatha); intrinsic
are colle,nbolans. Rhynielln prnecursor and other s p e ­ musculature of antenna] articles greatly reduced; an­
cies from the Lower Devonian closely resemble some tenna) pedicel with a mechanoreceptor that perceives
modern colJembolan families. Unlike other hexapods, the n1ovement of the flagellum, called the Johnston's
which breathe using internal tubes called trachea, organ; head with a tentorial bridge connecting the pos­
springtails breathe air directly through their cuticle terior tentorial arms; tarsi subdivided into tarso,neres;
and epidermis. Theix cuticle repels water, allowing with well-developed Malpighian tubules; ovipositor
them to live in 1noist environments without suffocat­ formed from modifications of the appendages of ab­
ing. They also have a remarkable system for escaping dominal segments 8 and 9. The lnsecta comprise two
predators. While at rest, the furcula is retracted under clades, the order Arcllaeognatha (with monocondylic
the abdomen and held i n place by the retinaculum. mandibles) and all other insects (the clade Dicondylia,
When the furcula and retinaculum disassociate, the with dicondylic mandibles). Dicondy.lia also comprise
furcula swings downwards with sucl1 force that it hits two clades, the order Thysanura and the subclass Pter­
the substrate, and quickly propels the collembolan ygota (winged insects).
high into the air. Many workers believe that springtails
evolved via neoteny. Order Archaeognatha Approximately 390 described
species (Figure 22.2A,B). Small (to 15 mm), wingless
Order Protura Approximately 200 described species (perhaps secondarily), resembling silverfish but body
(Figure 22.10). Minute (smaller than 2 mm); whitish; n1ore cylindrical; ocelli present; compound eyes large
,,vithout eyes, abdominal spiracles, hypopharynx, or and contiguous; body usually covered ,,vith scales;
cerci; Malpighian tubules are sn1all papillae; sucking mandibles biting-chewing; with a single condyle
mouthparts; stylet-like mandibles; vestigial antennae; (articulation point); maxillary palp large and leglike;
first pair of legs carried in an elevated position and tarsi 3-articulate; middle and hind coxae usually with
used as surrogate "antennae"; pretarsus of legs with exites ("styli"); abdomen 11-segmented, with 3 to 8
single claw; abdomen 1 1 -segmented, with a telson (per­ pairs of lateral leglets ("styli") and 3 caudal filaments;
haps rerniniscent of their crustacean ancestors); the s e g ­ sin1ple development. Jwnping bristletails are usually
mental nature o f this telson or twelfth "segment" has found in grassy or wooded areas under leaves, bark,
not been confirmed; first 3 abdominal segments with or stones.
small appendages; without external genitalia, but male
gonopores on protrusible phallic complex; gonopores Dicondylia
on last abdominal segment; with or without tracheae; Includes Thysaura and the Pterygota. These insects
simple development. have mandibles with a two condyles (articulation
Proturans are the only hexapods with anamor­ points).
phic development, a type of development in which a
new abdo1ninal segment is added with eacl1 instar (or Order Thysanura Approximately 450 described
molt). All other insects have epimorphic development, species (Figure 22.2C,D). Small, wingless, resembling
in which segmentation is complete before hatching. Archaeognatha but with flattened body; with or with­
Proturans are rare, and live in leaf litter, moist soils, out ocelli; co1npound eyes reduced, not contiguous;
and rotting vegetation. body usually covered with scales; n1andibles biting­
cllewing; antennae multiarticulate, but only basal arti­
Order Diplura Appro xim.ately 800 described spe­ cle with musculature; tarsi 3- to 5-articulate; abdomen
cies (Figure 22.lC); fossils date to the Carboniferous. 11-segmented, with lateral leglets (often called styli) on
Small (less than 4 mm); whitish; without eyes, ocelli, segments 2 9 -, 7 9
-, or 8-9; 3 caudal cerci; fen1ale gono­
external genitalia or Malpighian tubules; chevving pores on eighth abdominal segment, n1ale gonopores
mouthparts; abdomen 11-segmented, but embryonic on tenth; without copulatory organs; with traclleae;
segments 10 and 11 fuse before hatching; gonopores on simple development. Silverfish occur i n leaf litter or
rtinth abdontinal segment; 7 pairs of lateral abdominal w1der bark or stones, or in buildings, where they may
leglets; 2 caudal cerci; with tracheae and up to 7 pairs feed on wallpaper paste, bookbindings, and the starch
of abdominal spiracles; antennae multiarticulate, each sizing of some fabrics.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 849

(A) (B} Figure 22.2 Representatives of the two

orders o f wingless lnsecta. (A) Jumping bris­
tletail (order Archaeognatha) and (B) Close-up
of jumping bristletail head, note the eyes are
contiguous. (C) A silverfish (order Thysanura).
(D) Close-up of sliverfish head. Note that eyes
are not contiguous, but set wide apart, and
that the bodies of both of these groups are
covered with scales.


Subclass Pterygota corclion-like; antennae highly reduced or vestigial in

The ,vinged insects (with a pair of v.•ings on the sec­ adults; hemimetabolous developn1ent; larvae aquatic.
ond and third thoracic segments), the forewings (front T,vo extant orders; n1any extinct groups.
wings) and hindwings; wings n1ay be secondarily lost
in one or both sexes, or modified for functions other Order Ephemeroptera Approximately 2,500
than fljght; adults without abdominal leglets except on described species (Figtu-e 22.3A). Adults with vestigial
genjtal segments; female gonopores on eighth abdomi­ mouthparts, minute antennae, and soft bodies; wings
nal segment, male on tenth; female often with oviposi­ held vertically over body when at rest; forewings pres­
tor; molting ceases at maturity. ent; hindwings absent or present but much smaller
than fore1,vings; long, articulated cerci, usually with
Palaeoptera medial caudal filament; male with first pair of legs
Wings cannot be folded, and when at rest vvings are elongated for clasping female in flight; second and
either held straight out to the side or vertically above thud legs of male, and all legs of female, may be vesti­
the abdomen (,,vith dorsal surfaces pressed together); gial or absent (Polymitarcyidae); abdomen 10-segment­
wings always membranous, vvith many longitudinal ed; larvae aquatic; young (nymphs) with paired articu­
veins and cross veins; wings tend to be fluted, or a c - lated lateral gills, caudal filaments, and weU developed


Figure 22.3 Representatives of the two
orders of Palaeoptera. (A) A mayfl y (order
Ephemeroptera). (B) A damselfly (order Odonata).
(C) A dragonfly (order Odonata). Note all of these
insects hold their wings either out flat or straight
up, but they cannot fold thei r wings over their
850 Chapter Twenty-Two

mouthparts; adults preceded by winged subimago Order Plecoptera Approxin1ately 1,700 described
stage. The mayfly subiinago (subadult) is the only species (Figure 22.4A). Adu.Its with reduced mouth­
winged insect known to undergo an additional molt. parts, elongate antennae, (usually) long articulated
It is the one exception to the rule, that an insect with cerci, so� bodies, and a 10-segmented abdomen; with•
wings is a mature adult insect and "'ill never undergo out ovipositor; wings membranous, pleated, folded
another molt. over and around abdon1en when at rest; wings with
Mayflies are primitive winged insects in which the primitive venation; nymphs aquatic (naiads), with gills.
aquatic nymphal stage dominates the life cycle. Larvae Stonefly nymphs live in well-oxygenated lakes and
hatch in fresh water and become long-lived nymphs, strea1ns "'here they are either herbivores, feeding on
passing through many instars. Mayfly nymphs are i m ­ submerged leaves and benthic algae, or predators of
portant food for many stream and lake fishes. Adults other aquatic arthropods. They are an hnportant food
eclose in synchrony and live only a few hours or days resource for fish. Plecopteran nymphs are intolerant of
(hence the name, "ephemeral winged"), do not feed, water pollution, and their presence is often used as a
and copulate in the air, sometimes in large nuptial bioindjcator of high water quality. Adults of most spe·
swarms. cies are short-lived and die soon after mating.

Order Odonata Approximately 6,000 described spe• Order Blattodea Approximately 7,000 described
cies (Figure 22.3B,C). Adults with small filiform anten· species (Figure 22.4B,C). Two major body forn1s: c o c k •
nae, large compound eyes, and chewing n1outhparts roaches and termites. Cockroaches have a dorsoven·
with massive mandibles; larval labium modified i11to trally flattened body; large pronotum, with expanded
prehensile organ; two pairs of large wings, held out• margins extending over head; forewings (when pres•
stretched (dragonflies) or straight up over body (dam• ent) leathery; hindwings expansive and fanlike; ovi•
selflies) when at rest; abdomen slender and elongate, positor reduced; cerci multiarticulate; legs adapted
I O s- egmented; male with accessory genitalia on second for running; eggs laid in cases (ootheca). Termites are
and third abdontinal sternites; eggs and larvae aquatic, small; soft-bodied; wings equal-sized, elongate, m e m ­
"'ith caudal or rectal gills. branous, dehiscent (shed by breaking at basal line of
Dragonflies and damselflies are spectacular insects weakness); antennae short, filamentous, with 11-33
with broad public appeal, not only for their beauty articles; cerci small to minute; ovipositor reduced or
but because they are fast flyers and consume large absent; many \Vit h rudimentary or no external genita­
numbers of insect pests, including mosquitoes, on the li a; marked polymorphism.
wing. Larvae and adults are both highly active preda• Of the 4,000 described species of cockroaches,
tors, with larvae consuming various invertebrates and fewer than 40 are domestic (household inl1abitants).
adults capturing other flying insects. Many species are Some species are omnivores, wlti.le others are restrict­
7-8 cm long, while some extinct forms had a wingspan ed in diet. Most species are tropical, but some live in
of over 70 cm. temperate habitats, caves, deserts, and ant and bird
nests. Son1e Live in and feed on wood and have iJ1tes·
Intraclass Neoptera tinal flora that aid in cellulose digestion (Cryptocercus).
TI1e modern, wing-folding insects. Modifications of the These wood-feeding cockroaches gave rise to the t e r ­
sclerites and an associated muscle at the base of the mites (infraorder Lsoptera), a strictly social group of in•
"'ings, allow neopterans to rotate their "'ing joint and sects, usually with three distinct types of individuals,
fold back their wings when they are not flying. This is or castes, in a species: workers, soldiers, and alates ( r e ·
one of the most important evolutionary innovations in productive individuals). Workers are generally sterile,
hexapods. Wing folding allows insects to protect their blind individuals with normal mandibles; they are re•
fragile wings, especially from abrasion, thereby allow• sponsible for foraging, nest construction, and caring for
ing them to live iI1 tight spaces such as crevices under men1bers of the other castes. Soldi.ers are blind, usually
bark, w1der rocks, in burrows, nests, and tunnels. sterile, wingless forms with po\,verful enlarged man·
dibles used to defend the colony. Alates have wings
Superorder Polyneoptera and fully formed compound eyes. They are produced
Polyneopterans are a morphologically diverse group of in large numbers at certain times of the year, where•
insects with biting-chewing mouth parts and he1nime­ upon they emerge from the colony in swarms. Mating
tabolous development. The phylogenetic relationships occurs at this time, and individual pairs start new colo­
among the orders within Polyneoptera, and the mono­ nies. Wings are shed after copulation. Colonies form
phyly of the group itself have long been controversial. nests (termitaria) in wood that is in or on the ground.
However, recent phylogenomic work based upon 1478 Workers harbor a variety of symbiotic cellulose-digest­
single-copy nuclear genes, recovered strong support iI1g flagellate protists in special chambers in the ltind­
that the 10 polyneopteran orders form a monophyletic gut. Some families contain symbiotic bacteria that serve
group (£ e t al. 2014). the same purpose. Termites often occur in enormous
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 851

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F)

• r

(G) (H)

U) (K)

Figure 22.4 Representatives of the ten orders of

Polyneoptera. (A) A stonefly (order Plecoptera). (B) A
cockroach (order Blattodea). (C) Termi tes (order Blattodea,
infraorder lsoptera). (D) A mantid (order Mantodea). (E) A molecular evidence that order Blattodea is the s i s ­
stick insect (order Phasmida). (F) A rock crawler (order ter group of the order Mantodea. Together these two
Grylloblattodea). (G) Earwigs (order Dermaptera). (H) A groups are referred to as the Oictyoptera.
horse lubber grasshopper (order Orthoptera). (I) A heel­
walker (order Mantophasmatodea), inset SEM of the Order Mantodea Approximately 2,400 described
tarsus of a heelwalker showing enlarged arolium. (J) A species (Figure 22.40). First pair of legs large and rap­
webspinner (order Embioptera). (K) A zorapteran (order
torial; prothorax elongate; head highly mobile due to
cervical sclerites that lend structural and musculature
support, with very large compound eyes, not covered
nwnbers; one spectacular estin1ate suggests that there by the pronotum; forewings thickened, hindwings
are about three-quarters of a ton of termites for every membranous; abdomen II-segmented, 10 visible seg­
person on Earth! There is strong morphological and ments and the fragmented epiproct (which is made
852 Chapter Twenty-Two

up of a Lnedian and two lateral components); reduced Order Grylloblattodea Approximately 30 species
ovipositor made up of three valvular structures; male (Figure 22.4F). Slender, elongate, cylindricaJ, ""ingless
genitalia made up of three phallomeric Jobes; one pair insects, usually 15-30 m m long. Body usually pale or
multiarticulate cerci; styli sometimes present in males. golden and finely pubescent; compound eyes small or
Mantises are obligate predators, mostly on insects absent; no ocelli; mouthparts mandibulate; antennae
and spiders. While many species are highly cryptic in long and filiforn1, of 23-45 antennomeres, cerci long,
both color and structural morphology, some species 8-segmented; terminal sword-shaped ovipositor of
feature brightly colored patches on the anteroventral simiJar length as cerci.
surface of their forecoxae to use in threat displays or Rock crav.•lers were not discovered until 1914, and
courtship displays. They have very good eyesight, today 33 species known, roughly half of which are
which they use to locate and track prey before striking from North America. They inhabit cold, rocky habitats,
with their raptorial forelegs, using either an ambush or including snow fields below glaciers and ice caves.
cursorial hunting strategy. Females lay many eggs to­ Most species cannot tolerate warm temperatures, but
gether in an ootheca, a protective matrix of hardened thrive at below freezing te1nperatures. Due to the cold
foam, which is characteristic of order. Mantises temperature at which they live, growth and develop­
are distributed around the world, with their greatest ment are very slow. Rock crawlers may require up to
diversity in the lndo-Malaysian, tropical African, and seven years to complete a single generation. They are
Neotropical regions. nocturnal scavengers on dead insects and other organ­
ic matter.
Order Phasmida Approximately 3,000 described spe­
cies (Figure 22.4E). Body cylindrical or markedly flat­ Order Dermaptera Approximately 1,800 described
tened dorsoventrally, usually elongate; biting-chewing species (Figure 22.4G). Cerci usually form heavily
mouthpa1·ts; prothorax short, with specialized glands sclerotized posterior forceps; forewings (when present)
for the excretion of noxious chemicals when disturbed; form short, leathery tegmina, without veins and serv­
meso- and metathorax greatly elongate; forewings ing as covers for the senucircular, 1nembranous hind­
absent, or forming small to moderately elongate, leath­ wings (v,hen present); ovipositor reduced or absent.
ery tegmina; hindwings absent, reduced to leathery Earwigs are common in urban environments. Most
tegnlina, or fanlike; ta.rson1eres with ventral adhesive appear to be nocturnal scavenging omnivores. The for­
pads (euplantulae); short, unsegmented cerci; male ceps are used in predation, for defense, to hold a mate
with vomer-a specialized sclerite on venter of abdom­ during courtship, for grooming the body, and for fold­
inal segment 10; ovipositor of female weak. ing the hind wings under leathery forewings. Son1e
Stick and leaf insects ("walking sticks"), and other species eject a foul-sLnelling liquid from abdominal
phasmids are large, tropical, predonlinantly noctur­ glands when disturbed. Most species are tropical, al­
nal herbivores and are some of the most spectacular though many also inhabit temperate regions.
and oddest of all the insects. Although resembling or­
thopterans i n basic form, they are clearly a distinct ra­ Order Orthoptera Approximately 23,000 described
diation. Their ability to mimic plant parts is legendary, species (Figure 22.4H). Pronotum unusually large,
and many have evolved as perfect mimics of twigs, extending posteriorly over mesonotum; forewings with
leaves, bark, broken branches, moss or lichens. Stick thickened and leathery region (tegmina), occasionally
and leaf insects are the only hexapods that can regener­ modified for stridulation or can1ouflage; hindwings
ate lost lin1bs (e.g., due to predation) like their crusta­ membranous, fa.nlike; hindlegs often large, adapted
cean ancestors; regeneration occurs during molts, with for jumping; auditory tympana present on forelegs
the new legs markedly smaller than original limbs but and abdomen; tarsomeres with ventral adhesive pads
increasing in relative size with each successive molt (euplantulae); ovipositor large; male genitalia complex;
(as in Crustacea). Phasnuds are the only insect order cerci distinct, short, and jointed.
with species-specific egg morphology across the e n ­ Grasshoppers and their kin common and abun­
tire order. The eggs of some species even mimic a n ­ dant insects at all but the coldest latitudes. This order
giosperm seeds and are spread via ant-mediated dis­ includes some of the largest living insects. Most are
persal. The order includes the longest extant insects on herbivores, but many are omnivorous, and some are
Earth, including the worlds longest at just over 56 cn1 predatory. Stridulation, which is common among
in length, though some are Jess than 4 cm. Sexual di­ males, is usually accomplished by rubbing the special­
morphism is so striking that males and females have ly modified forewings (tegnuna) together, or by rub­
often mistakenly been given different species names. bing a ridge on the inside of the hind femur against a
Phasmids are facultatively parthenogenetic; in the ab­ special vein of the tegmen. N o orthopterans stridulate
sence of n1ales, fen1ales can produce viable eggs that by rubbing the hindlegs together, as is often thought.
are genetic clones of their mother. Common families include Acrididae (short-horned
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 853

grasshoppers), Gryllotalpidae (n1ole crickets), Grylla­ blood sinuses in both pairs of wings. They feed mostly
cridadae (Jerusalem crickets), Tetrigidae (pygmy grass­ on dead plant material and also graze on the outer bark
hoppers); Tridactylidae (pyg,ny mole crickets); Grylla­ of trees, and on mosses and lid,ens.
cridadae (cave crickets); Gryllidae (crickets); Tetti­
gonijdae (long-homed grasshoppers, katydids). Order Zoraptera Approximately 40 species (Figure
22.4K). Minute (to 3 1nn1); ternute-like; colonial; wing­
Order Mantophasmatodea Approximately 20 spe­ less or with wings; wings eventually shed; antennae
cies (Figure 22 .41). Head hypognathous, with general­ moniliform, 9-articulate; abdomen short, oval, 10-seg­
ized mouthparts; antennae long, filiform; ocelli absent; mented; chewing mouthparts; simple development.
wings entirely lacking; coxae elongate; tarsi with 5 t a r ­ These uncommon insects are usually found in gre­
someres, pretarsus o f all legs with an unusually large garious colonies in dead wood, but they do not have
aroliwn; cerci short, one-segmented. a division of labor or polymorphism (as in termites
The Mantophasmatodea is the most recently de­ and ants). They feed chlefly on mites and other small
scribed order of i.nsects (2002) and the only ne\,v insect arthropods. All extant species are classified in the sin­
order described since 1914. The order includes several gle genus Zorotyp11s. The sister group relationship of
living species (from Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania., this order remains controversial and elusive.
and Malawi) and six fossil species (5 from Baltic amber
and one fossil fron, China). They resen,ble a mix b e ­ Superorder Acercaria
tween praying n1antises and phasmids, but n1olecular The superorder Acercaria is sometimes referred t o
evidence indicates that they are n1ost closely related to as the Paraneoptera or the "hemipteroids." These i n ­
the Grylloblattodea. sects are characterized by (usually) short antennae,
Mantophasmatodeans have several distinct char­ enlarged cibarial (feeding) n1uscles, visible externally
acteristics, including a hypognathous head and, most as an enlarged portion of the head; lacinia slender
strikingly, when walking all species keep the fifth t a r ­ and elongate; sucking n1outhpa.rts, tarsi with three or
somere and pretarsus (a greatly enlarged arolium plus fev-1er tarsomeres, absence of cerci, lack of true male
two tarsal claws) of eacI, leg turned upwards and off gonopods, wings (when present) \•vith reduced vena­
the substrate, giving them the appearance of '\valking tion, and hemimetabolous development (although life
on their heels." Both sexes are wingless. They are high­ cycles in several groups includes one or two inactive
ly flexible along their longitudmal body axis enabling pupa-like stages).
them to dean their external genitalia with their mouth­
parts. During the day they hide in bushes, rock crevices Order Thysanoptera Approxin,ately 5,000 described
or clumps of grass and prey on spiders and insects at species (Figure 22.SD). Slender, minute (0.5-1 5. mm)
night. Males and females produce percussive signals by insects with long, narrow wings (when present) b e a r ­
tapping their abdomens on the substrate to locate mates. ing long marginal setal fringes; mouthparts form a con­
ical, asymmetrical sucking beak; left mandible a style!,
Order Embioptera (Embiidina) Approxin,ately 400 right mandible vestigial; with compound eyes; anten­
described species (Figure 22.4J). Males somewhat nae with 4 1-0 flagello1neres; abdomen IO-segmented;
flattened; females and young cylindrical Most about without cerci; tarsi 1 2
- segmented, with an eversible,
10 mm long, however Southeast Asian species in the pretarsal eversible adhesive sac, or arolium. Thrips are
genus Ptilocere111bin are approxin,ately 20 n,m long. n,ostly herbivores or predators, and many pollinate
Antennae filiform; ocelli lacking; chewing mouthparts; flowers. They known to tt·ansmit plant viruses a11d
head prognathous; legs short and stout; tarsi 3 -articu­ fungal spores. "Thrips" i s both singular and plural.
late; hind femora greatly enlarged. The basal article of
the front tarsus is enlarged and contains glands that Order Hemiptera Approximately 85,000 species
produce silk, which is spun from a dense field of hol­ (Figure 22.SA,B). Piercing-sucking mouthparts fortn
low hairlike structures on the ventral surface. Males an articulated beak, n1andibles and first m.axillae s t y ­
of most species are winged, but some are wingless; l e t l-ike, lying in dorsally grooved labiwn; forewings
females and nymphs are always wingless. Abdomen either completely membranous, or hardened basally
10-segmented, with rudiments of the eleventh seg­ and membranous only distally; hindwings membra­
ment, and a pair of short cerci. nous; pronotum large.
Webspinners are small, slender, chlefly tropical Hemipterans occur worldwide and in virtually all
insects. They live gregariously in silken galleries that habitats. He1rupterans are liquid feeders. Most feed on
they construct in leaf litter, under or on stones, in soil the xylem or phloem of plants, although many feed on
cracks, in bark crevices, and i n epiphytic plants. Wings the hemolymph of arthropods or blood of vertebrates
are n1ade rigid for flight and flexible in galleries, by and some are specialized ectoparasites. They are of
regulating the hemocoelic fluid pressure in the radial considerable economic importance because many
854 Chapter Twenty-Two

(A) (B) Figure 22.5 Representatives

of the three orders of
Acercaria. (A) A true bug (order
Hemiptera). (B) A cicada (order
Hemiptera). (C) Two bark lice
(order Psocodea). (D) A thrips
(order Thysanoptera). Note that
"thrips" is both singular and

(C) (D)

are serious crop pests. Members of one subfamily of


were classified in two separate orders: the Psocoptera

Reduviidae (Triatominae, the assassin or kissing bugs) (the book and bark lice) and the Phthiraptera (the true
transnlit Chagas disease. Others have more positive lice). Psocopterans are small (1-10 mn1 long); with
economic importance to humans, such as the cochineal long, filiform, multiarticulate antennae; short pro­
bugs(Dactylopiidae), from which a safe red dye(cochi­ thorax; meso- and metathorax often fused; chewing
neal) is extracted for use in the food industry. Shellac is mouthparts; abdomen 9-segmented; without cerci.
made from lac, a d1emical produced by me1nbers of the Phthirapterans are even sn1aller (less than 5 mm),
family Kerriidae (lac insects). One of the most famous wingless, b l o o d -s ucking, obligate ectoparasites of
hemipterans are the 17-year cicadas (genus Mngicindn), birds and mammals; thoracic segments completely
which have a very long life cycle and synchronized fused; cuticle largely membranous and expandable
developn1e.nt and can reach plague-like levels of abun­ to permit engorgement; compound eyes absent or of
dance (to 3.7 million inclividuals per hectare). Common 12 - ommatidia; ocelli absent; piercing-sucking mouth­
predacious hetnipteran families include Nepidae parts retractable into a buccal pouch; antennae short
(water scorpions), Belostomatidae (giant water bugs or (5 or fewer flageUomeres), exposed or concealed in
"toe biters"), Corixidae(v.,ater boatmen), Notonectidae grooves beneath the head; with 1 pair dorsal thoracic
(backswimn1ers), Gerridae (water striders), Saldidae spiracles and 6 or fev.,er abdominal spiracles; without
(shore bugs), Cirnicidae(bedbugs), and Reduviidae( a s ­ cerci; fen1ales lack ovipositor.
sassin bugs). Psocids-the book and bark lice-generally feed on
Many others are plant feeders (hence the common algae and fungi, and occur in suitably moist areas (e.g.,
nan1e "plant bugs"). Heavy infestations of these msects w1der bark, in leaf litter, under stones, in human habi­
on plants may cause wilting, stunting, or even death, tations where humid climates prevail). They are often
and some are vectors of important plant diseases. pests that get mto various stored food products or con­
Common herbivorous families include the Cicadidae sume insect and plant collections; some species live in
(cicadas), Cicadellidae (leafhoppers), Fulgoridae (pl­ books and eat the bindings. Commonly called sucking
anthoppers), Metnbracidae (treehoppers), Cercopidae lice(" Anoplura") and biting lice ("Mallophaga"), phthi­
(spittle bugs and froghoppers), Aleyrodidae (white­ rapterans spend their entire life on one host. Eggs (nits)
flies), and Aphidae(aphids), as well as members of the are usually attached to the hair or feathers of the host,
large superfamily Coccoidea (coccoids, scale insects, although the human body louse (a "sucking louse")
mealybugs, and many others). may attach eggs to clothing. No bitmg lice are known
to infest humans. Posthatching development comprises
Order Psocodea Approximately 8,500 described spe­ three nymphal instars. Some species that infest domes­
cies (Figure 22.SC). Until recently, species m this order tic birds and mammals are of economic significance.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 855

Superorder Holometabola Coleopterida

Holometabola is a monophyletic group strongly sup­ The Coleopterida includes two orders the Coleoptera
ported by both morphological and molecular data. (beetles) and the Strepsiptera (twisted wing parasites).
One of its key synapomorphies is indirect (holome­ This clade includes the most diverse order of insects
tabolous) development, with distinct egg, larval, (Coleoptera) and one with the most highly modified
pupal, and adult states. During the pupal stage, most and morphologically and developmentally aberrant
tissues undergo a complete reorganization (e.g., lar­ groups of parasites (Strepsiptera). Largely due to their
val eyes [stemmata] disintegrate and adult compound bizarre combination of morphological characters, and
eyes and ocelli form de novo). Another key apomorphy the high rate of molecular evolution in many strep­
is the presence of internal wing buds (imaginal discs) sipteran genes, the sister group relationship of the
in the larval stage, these clusters of early embryonic Strepsiptera eluded researchers unti.l very recently. In
cells arise from localized invaginations of the ecto­ the past, Strepsiptera were considered at various times
derm in the early embryo and form adult structures t o be close relatives of either Hymenoptera, Diptera,
during pupation. or Coleoptera. Recent genon1e-wide analyses and new
morphological evidence strongly suggests that they are
Order Hymenoptera Approximately 115,000 de­ i n fact the sister group to the Coleoptera.
scribed species (Figure 22.6A). Mouthparts often
elongate and modified for ingesting floral nectar, Order Coleoptera Approxjmately 380,000 described
although n1andibles usually remaiJ1 functional; labi­ species (Figure 22.68). Body usually heavily sclero­
um often (bees) distally expanded as paired lobe­ tized; forewings sclerotized and modified as rigid
like structures called glossae and paraglossae; three covers (elytra) over hindwings and body; membra­
ocelli; usually with two pairs of men1branous wings; nous hindwings fold both transversely and longitudi­
hindwings small, coupled to forewings by hooks nally, and are often reduced or absent; biting-chewing
(hamuli); wing venation highly reduced; antennae mouthparts; antennae usually with 8-11 flagellomeres;
well developed, of various forms and \-Vith 3-70 flag­ prothorax large and mobile; mesothorax reduced;
ellon1eres, reduced metathorax usually fused to first abdomen typically of 5 (or u p to 8) segments; without
abdominal segment; males with complex genitalia; ovipositor; male genitalia retractable.
females with ovipositor (in most), modified for saw­ Coleoptera is the largest order of insects. Many hy­
ing, piercing, or stinging. potheses have been proposed to explain the extraordi­
The earliest fossil Hymenoptera date from the nary diversity of beetles, including: (1) their age, the
Triassic (220-207 Ma). Ants, bees, wasps, sawflies, and oldest fossils date to the early Pern1ian but they most
their relatives are all active insects with a tendency probably arose in the late Carboniferous (300 Ma); (2)
to form poly1norphic social conm1wuties. Two sub­ their heavily sclerotized bodies, including their protec­
orders are generally recognized. Suborder Symphyta tive elytra, and general lack of exposed membranous
contains the primitive, wasplike, "thick-waisted" hy­ surfaces facilitates their adaptation to a wide variety
menopterans (sawflies, horntails, and their kin). They of tight narrow spaces and reduced their risk of preda­
rarely show conspicuous sexual dimorphism and are tion; and (3) the their co-evolution with the great an­
always fully winged. The first and second abdon1i­ giosperm radiation in the Cretaceous period. Today,
nal segments are broadly joined. Larvae are mostly beetles range from minute (0.35 mm, Nnnoselln fungi)
caterpillar-Like, with a well-developed head capsuJe, to very large (20 cm, Titnnus gignnteus) and occur in all
true legs, and often also vvith abdonunal prolegs. the world's envii-onments (except the open sea). Son1e
Suborder Apocrita contains the "narrow-waisted" of the world's strongest animals are beetles: rhinocer­
hymenopterans (true wasps, bees, and ants), in which o s beetles can carry up to 100 times their own weight
the first and second abdominal segments are joined for short distances, and 30 times their weight indefi­
by a distinct and often elongate constriction. Adu.Its nitely (equivalent to a 1 5 0 p
- ound n1an walking with a
tend t o be strongly social and display marked poly­ Cadillac on !us head-without tiring). Humans have
morphism. Socia.I communities often include distinct had a long fascination with beetles, and beetle worship
castes of queens, haploid males, parthenogenetic fe­ can be traced back to at least 2500 BC. (The venerated
males, and individuals with other s e x r- elated special­ scarab of early Egyptians v,ras actually a dung beetle.)
izations, as well as non-reproducing worker and s o l ­ Some common coleopteran families include
dier forms. Common families of Hymenoptera include Carabidae (ground beetles), Dytiscidae (preda­
the Apidae (bumblebees and honeybees), Formicidae ceous diving beetles), Gyrinidae (whirligig beetles),
(ants), Vespidae (yellow jackets, hornets, paper wasps, Hydrophilidae (water scavenger beetles), Staphylinidae
and potter wasps, Halictidae (sweat bees), Sphecidae (rove beetles), Cantharidae (soldier beetles),
(sand wasps, digger wasps, and n1ud-daubers), and l.ampyridae (fireflies and lightning bugs), Phengodidae
three large groups of parasitic wasps (lchneumonidae, (glowworms), Elateridae (click beetles), Buprestidae
Braconidae, Chalcidoidea). (metallic wood-boring beetles), Coccinellidae (ladybird
856 Chapter Twenty-Two

beetles), Meloidae (blister beetles), Tenebrionidae Order Raphidioptera Approximately 260 described
(darkling beetles), Scarabaeidae (scarab beetles, dw1g species (Figure 22.6E). Snakeflies strongly resemble
beetles, June "bugs"), Cerambycidae (long-horned neuropterans (and are often regarded as a suborder),
beetles), Chrysomelidae (leaf beetles), CurcuJionidae but are unique in having the prothorax elongate (as in
(weevils), Brentidae (primitive weevils), and PtiJiidae the mantises), but the forelegs similar to the other legs.
(featherwinged beetles, the smallest of all beetles, some The head can be raised above the rest of the body, as
with body lengths of just 0.35 mm). in a snake preparing t o strike. Adults and larvae are
predators on small insect prey.
Order Strepsiptera Approximately 600 described
species (Figure 22.6C). Extreme sexual dimorphism; Order Neuroptera Approxiinately 6,000 described
males free-living and winged; females wingless, usu­ species (Figure 22.6F). Adults soft-bodied; with two
ally parasitic. Females of free-living species with dis­ pairs of similar, highly veined wings held tent-like
tinct head, simple antennae, chewing mouthparts, and over the abdomen when at rest; with biting-chewing
compound eyes. Fen1ales of parasitic species neoten­ mouthparts; abdomen 10 -segmented; \vithout cerci;
ous, larviforn1, usually without eyes, antennae, and larvae with ,nandibles and maxillae co-adapted to
legs; with indistinct body seg,nentation. Male anten­ create a sucking tube; mouth closed off by modified
nae often with elongate processes on flagellomeres; labrum and labium; well developed legs; larval midgut
forewings reduced to club-like structures resen1bling is closed off posteriorly, larval waste accumulates until
halteres of Diptera; hindwings large and membranous, the adult emerges; Malpighian tubules secrete silk, via
with reduced venation; raspberry-like eyes. the anus, to construct the pupal cocoon.
Most of these minute insects are parasitic on other The lacewings, ant lions, mantisflies, spongilla­
insects. Adult females of parasitic species are larviform flies, and owlflies form a complex group, the adults
and most commonly live between the abdon,inaJ scler­ of which are often important predators of insect pests
ites of flying insects that pollinate flowers, such as bees (e.g., aphids). The larvae of many species have pierc­
and wasps. Winged males find the females on the bee i n g s-ucking mouthparts, and those of other species are
or wasp abdomen and mate with her. The fertilized predaceous and have biting mouthparts. The pupae
eggs hatch into first instar larvae inside their mother's are often unusual in possessing free appendages and
body. These larvae, caJled triW1guUns, have well devel­ fw,ctional n1andibles used for defense; they may ac­
oped eyes and legs and they actively crawl out of their tively walk about prior to the adult molt, but do not
mother to invade the soil and vegetation. The triun­ feed. Common families include Chrysopidae (green
gulins eventually locate a new host insect and enter it, lacewings), Myrmeleontidae (ant lions); Ascalaphidae
wherein they molt into a legless wormlike larval stage (owlflies); Mantispidae (mantidflies).
that feeds in the host's body cavity. Pupation also takes
place within the host's body, where the females re­ Antliophora
main for the rest of their lives and the free-living males The Antliophora include three orders, the Mecoptera,
emerge as fully forn1ed adults. Siphonaptera, and Diptera. There is strong molecular
and morphological support for the monophyly of this
Neuropterida group. The males of all members of Antliophora have
The three orders of Neuropterida have always been a sperm pump, a structure that aids i n sperm transfer
considered close relatives. Some workers subsun1e the during copulation. Many other n1ore characters also
Megaloptera and Raphidioptera within the Neurop­ define this grouping, most of which have to do with
tera, but all three groups are n1onophyletic making relatively subtle aspects of the adult n1outhparts.
sucll a taxonomic decision arbitrary. These three orders
have two pairs of membranous ,vings with many cross Order Mecoptera Approximately 600 described spe­
veins, 5-segmented tarsi, adults with mandibles, and cies (Figure 22.6G). Two pairs of similar, narrow, mem­
decticous pupae (with articulated mandibles). branous wii1gs, held horizontally from sides of body
when at rest; antennae long, slender, and of many
Order Megaloptera Approxim.ately 300 described flagellomeres (about half the body length); head with
species (Figure 22.6D). Ocelli present or absent; larvae ventral rostrwn and reduced biting mouthparts; long,
aquatic, with lateral abdominal gills. Megalopterans slender legs; mesothorax,metathorax, and first abdom­
(alderflies, dobsonflies, fishflies) strongly resemble inal tergum fused; abdomen 11-segmented; female
neuropterans (and are often regarded as a suborder), with two cerci; male genitalia prominent and com­
but their hindwings are broader at the base than the plex, at apex of attenuate abdomen and often resem­
forewings, and the longitudinal veins do not have bling a scorpion's stinger. The larvae of some species
branches near the wing margin. Larvae of some mega­ are remarkable in having compoW1d eyes, a condition
lopterans (hellgrammites) are corrunonly used as fish Wlknown among larvae of other insects having com­
bait. plete metamorphosis.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 857

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F)

(G) (H) (I)

,,t ,I
Gl (K)

Figure 22.6 Representatives o f the eleven orders of Megaloptera). (E) A snakefly (order Raphidioptera). (F) A
Holometabola. (A) A paper wasp (order Hymenoptera). green lacewing (order Neuroptera). (G) A scorpionfly (order
(8) A pleasing fungus beetle, Gibbifer ca/ifornicus (order Mecoptera). (H) A adult male Oropsylla montana flea
Coleoptera). (C) Female twisted wing parasites (order (order Siphonaptera). ( I) A golden dung fly (Scathophaga
Strepsiptera) vi sible between the abdominal sclerites stercoraria) (order Diptera). (J) A caddisfly (order
of a wasp (order Hymenoptera). (D) An alderfly (order Trichoptera). (K) A luna moth (order Lepidoptera).

Mecopterans are usually found in moist places, Order Siphonaptera Approxitnately 3,000 described
often in forests, where most are diurnal flyers. They are species (Figure 22.6H). Small (less than 3 mm long);
best represented in the Holarctic region. Some feed on wingless; body laterally compressed and heavily scler­
nectar; others prey on insects or are scavengers. There otized; short antennae lie it1 deep grooves on sides of
are several families, including Panorpidae (scorpion­ head; mouthparts piercing-sucking; compound eyes
flies), Bittacidae (hangingflies), and Boreidae (snow often absent; legs modified for clinging and (especially
scorpionflies). hindlegs) jumping; abdomen 11-segmented; abdominal
858 Chapter Twenty-Two

segment 10 with distinct dorsal pincushion-like sensil­ in extreme environments, such as hot springs, saline
lun1, containing a number of sensory organs; without desert lakes, oil seeps, tundra pools, and even shallow
ovipositor; pupal stage passed in a cocoon. benthic marine habitats.
Adult fleas are ectoparasites on n,ammals and birds, Some common dipteran families include Asilidae
from which they take blood meals. They occur wher­ (robber flies), Bombyliidae (bee flies), Calliphoridae
ever suitable hosts are found, including the Arctic and (blowflies, bluebottles, greenbottles, screv.rworm
Antarctic. Larvae usually feed on organic debris in flies, etc.), Chironomidae (midges), Coelopidae (kelp
the nest or dwelling place of the host. Host specific­ flies), Culicidae (mosquitoes: Cu/ex, Anopheles, etc.),
ity is often weak, particularly among the parasites of Drosophilidae (pomace or vinegar flies; often also
mammals, and fleas regularly commute from one host called "fruit flies"), Ephydridae (shore flies and brine
species to another. Fleas act as intermediate hosts and flies), Glossinidae (tsetse flies), Halictidae (sweat
vectors for organisms such as plague bacteria, dog and bees), Muscidae (houseflies, stable flies, etc.), Otitidae
cat tapeworms, and various nematodes. Commonly (picture-winged flies), Sarcophagidae (flesh flies),
encountered species include Ctenocephalidesfelis (cat Scatophagidae (dung flies), Sin,uliidae (blackflies and
flea), C. canis (dog flea), P11lex irritans (domestic flea), buffalo gnats), Syrphidae (hover flies and flower flies),
and Dim1111s 111011tan11s (western squirrel flea). Tabanidae (horseflies, deerflies, and clegs), Tachinidae
(tachinid flies), Tephritidae (fruit flies), and Tipulidae
Order Diptera Approximately 135,000 described spe­ (crane fljes).
cies (Figure 22.61). Adults vvith one pair of membra­
nous mesothoracic forev.rings and a metathoracic pair Amphiesmenoptera
of club-like halteres (organs of balance); head large and The Amphiesmenoptera contains the orders Trichop­
mobile; compound eyes large; antennae primitively tera and Lepidoptera. Some characteristics that unite
filiforn,, with 7 to 16 flagellomeres and often second­ these two groups include the presence of hairy \-vings
arily annulated (reduced to only a few articles in some (the hairs are modified into scales in Lepidoptera),
groups); mouthparts adapted for sponging, sucking, the females are the heterogametic sex, and the larval
or lapping; mandibles of blood-sucking females devel­ labium and hypopharynx are h1sed into a composite
oped as piercing sty lets; hypopharynx, laciniae, galeae, lobe with the opening of an associated silk gland at
and mandibles variously n1odified as stylets in para­ its apex.
sitic and predatory groups; labium forms a proboscis
("tongue"), consisting of distinct basal and distal por­ Order Trichoptera Approxin1ately 12,000 described
tions, the latter in higher families forming a sponge­ species (Figure 22.6J). Adults resemble small moths,
like pad (labellwn) with absorptive canals; mesothorax but with body and wings covered with short hairs;
greatly enlarged; abdomen primitively 1 1 s- eginented, two pairs of wings, tented in oblique vertical plane
but reduced or fused in many higher fonns; male geni­ (rooflike) over abdomen when at rest; compound eyes
talia complex; females vvithout true ovipositor, but present; mandibles minute or absent; antennae usually
many with secondary ovipositor composed of t e l e ­ as long or longer than body, setaceous; legs long and
scoping posterior abdominal segments; larvae lack slender; larvae and pupae mainly in fresh water, adults
true legs, although ambulatory structures (prolegs and terrestrial; larvae with abdominal prolegs on terminal
"pseudopods") occur in many. segment.
The true flies (which include n1osquitoes and gi,ats) The freshwater larvae of caddisflies construct fixed
are a large and ecologically diverse group, notable for or portable "houses" (cases) made of sand grains,
their excellent vision and aeronautic capabilities. The wood fragments, or other material bound together by
mouthparts and digestive system are modified for a silk emitted through the labium. Larvae are primar­
fluid diet, and several groups feed on blood or plant ily herbivorous scavengers; some use silk to produce
juice. Dipterans are vastly in1portant carriers of human food-filtering devices. Most la.rvae inhabit benthic hab­
diseases, such as sleeping sickness, yellow fever, itats in temperate sh·eams, ponds, and lakes. Adults are
African river blindness, and various enteric diseases. strictly terrestrial and have liquid diets.
It has been said that mosquitoes (and the diseases
they carry) prevented Genghis Khan from conquering Order Lepidoptera Approximately 120,000
Russia, killed Alexander the Great, and played pivotal described species (Figure 22.6K). Minute to large; suck­
roles i n both world wars. Myiasis-the infestation of ing mouthparts; mandibles usually vestigial; maxillae
living tissue by dipteran larvae-is often a problem for coupled, forming a tubular sucking proboscis, coiled
livestock and occasionally for humans.Many dipterans between labial palps when not in use; head, body,
are also beneficial to hwnans as parasites or predators wings, and legs usually densely scaled; compow1d
of other insects and as pollinators of flowering plants. eyes well developed; usually with two pairs of large
Dipterans occur worldwide and in virtually every and colorfully scaled wings, coupled to one another
major environment (except the open sea). Some breed by various mechanisms; protibia with epiphysis used
Figure 22.7 Defense, warning
coloration, and camoufl age in
insects. (A) A leaf-mimicking katy­
did (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from
Ecuador is perfectl y camouflaged.
(B) The bri ght coloration of the
silkmoth caterpillar {Lepidoptera:
Saturniidae: Hyalophora euryalus),
warns potential predators of the
defensive hairs on its back. (C) A
bombardier beetle (Coleoptera:
Carabidae: Brachinus) sprays nox­
ious benzoqu inones in defense
while being "attacked" by f o r ­
ceps. (0) Close-up of an "eye
spot" on a luna moth (see Figure
22.6K) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae).
Eyespots attract predators away
from the moth's head and body
and encourage predators to focus
on their wings. Si nce butterflies
and moths can fly even with slight
wing damage, eyespots are a
commonl y used defense mecha­
nism. (E) A spittlebug {Hemiptera:
Cercopoidea) produces a cover of
frothed-up pl ant sap resembling
saliva which hides the nymph
from the view of predators and

for deaning antennae; male genitalia complex; females The Hexapod Body Plan
with ovipositors.
Butterflies and moths are among the best known General Morphology
and most colorful of all the insects. The adults are pri­ In Chapter 20 ,,._,e briefly discussed the various advan­
marily nectar feeders, and many are important polli­ tages and constraints imposed by the phenomenon of
nators, some of the best known being the large hawk, arthropodization, including those associated with the
or sphinx, moths (Sphingidae). A few tropical species establishment of a terrestrial lifestyle. Deparh.1re from
are known to feed on animal blood, and some even the ancestral aquatic environment necessitated the evo­
drink the tears of mammals. The larvae (caterpillars) lution of stronger and more efficient support and loco­
feed on green plants. Caterpillars have three pairs of motory appendages, special adaptations to withstand
thoracic legs and a pair of soft prolegs on ead, of a b ­ osmotic and ionic stress, and aerial gas exd,ange struc­
dominal segments 3 6; - the anal segn1ent bears a pair tures. The basic arthropod body plan included n1any
of prolegs or claspers. Butterflies can be distinguished preadaptations to life in a "dry" world. As we have
from moths by two features: their antennae are always seen, the arthropod exoskeleton inherently provides
long and slender, ending in a knob (moth antennae are physical support and protection from predators, and
never knobbed), and their wings are typically held to­
gether above the body at rest (moths never hold their 20ne of the best known butterfly taxononlists was the great
wings in this position). Over 80% of the described Russian noveList Vladimir Nabokov (Lolita, PaleFire, The Gift),
Lepidoptera are moths. who left Saini Petersb,trg in 1917 to travel around Europe and
Other common families include Psychidae (bag eventually settled in the United States (first working at the
American Museum of Natural History in New York,. then at
worms); Cossidae (carpenter worms); Pyralidae (snout Cornell University). Nabokov was a specialist on the blue b u t ­
moths); Saturniidae (silk moths); Sphingidae (hawk terflies (Polyommatini) of the New World and a pioneer anato­
moths); Hesperiidae (skippers); Geometridae (inch mist,. coining such alliterative anatomical terms as "alula" and
"bullula." Butterflies, real and imaginary, flit through 60 years
worms); Arctiidae (tiger 1noths); Noctuidae (owlet of Nabokov's fiction, and many Jepidopterists have named b u t •
moths); Papillionidae (swallowtails); Nymphalidae terflies after characters i n his life and writings (e.g., species c p i •
thets include /olita, J,11111/Jert, ada, zembla, and vokoba11-a reversal
(brush-footed butterflies); Pieridae (v,hites and sul­ of Nabokov). Nabokov's descriptions of Lolita were patterned
phurs); Lycaenidae (gossamer-winged butterflies); and after his species descriptions of butterflies (e.g., "her fine downy
Riodinidae (metalmarks).2 limbs").
860 Chapter Twenty-Two

by incorporating waxes into the epicuticle, the insects,
like the arachnids, acquired an effective barrier to water
loss. Similarly, within the Hexapoda, the highly adapt­
able, serially arranged arthropod li1nbs evolved into a
variety of specialized locomotory and food-capturing
appendages. Reproductive behavior became increas­
ingly complex, and in many cases highly evolved so­
cial systems developed. Within the class Insecta, 1nany
taxa underwent intimate coevolution with land plants,
particularly angiosperms. The adaptive potential of i n ­
sects is evident in the many species that have evolved
striking camouflage, warning coloration, and chemical
defense (Figure 22.7).
Non-insect hexapods (proturans, collembolans, and
diplurans-the entognathous hexapods) differ from
insects in several important ways. The mouthparts
are not fully exposed (i.e., they are entognathous), the
mandibles have a single point of articulation, develop­
ment i s always simple, the abdomen .may have a r e ­
duced number of segments, and they never developed
Insects are primitively composed of 20 somites (as
in the Eumalacostraca; Chapter 21), although these are Figure 22.8 The pr incipal body regions of hexapods,
not always obvious. The consolidation and specializa­ illustrated by three kinds of insects. (A) A grasshopper
tion of these body segments (i. e ., tagmosis) has played (wings removed). (B) A beetle. (C) An ant. In each case.
a key role in hexapod evolution and has opened the the stippled region is the head; the white region is the tho­
rax; the black region is the abdomen.
way for further adaptive racliation. The body is always
organized into a head, thorax, and abdon1en (Figures
22.8 and 22.9), comprising 6, 3, and 11 segments respec­
tively. I n contrast to marine arthropods, a true cara­ labium) (Figure 22.11). Compound eyes, as well as
pace never develops in hexapods. In the head, all body three simple eyes (ocelli) are typically present in adult
sclerites are more or less fused as a solid head capsule. hexapods. The median (anterior) ocellus is thought to
In the thorax and abdomen, the adult sclerites usually have arisen through the fusion of two separate ocelli.
develop embryologically such that they overlap the The internal manifestation of the fused exoskeleton
primary segment articulations, forming secondary seg­ of the head forms a variety of apodemes, braces, and
ments, and these are the "segments" we typically see struts collectively called the tentorium. Externally,
when we examine an insect externally (e.g., the tergum the head may also bear lines that may demarcate its
and sternun1 of each adult abdominal secondary s e g ­ original segmental divisions, and others that represent
ment actually overlap its adjacent anterior primary the dorsal (and ventral) ecdysial lines, where the head
segment) (Figure 22.10). The printitive (prin1ary) body capsule splits in immature insects and which persist as
segmentation can be seen in unsclerotized larvae by w1pigmented lines in son1e adults. Still other lines r e p ­
the insertions of the segmental muscles and transverse resent inflections o f the surface associated with internal
grooves on the body surface. apodemes.
Most insects are small, between 0.5 and 3.0 cm in The antennae (Figure 22.12) are composed of three
length. The smallest are the thrips, feather-winged bee­ regions: the scape, pedicel, and multijoi.nted sensory
tles, and certain parasitic wasps, which are all nearly flagellum. The scape and pedicel constitute the proto­
microscopic. The largest are certain beetles, orthopter­ pod; the flagellum represents the telopod. Among the
ans, and stick insects, the latter attaining lengths great­ entognathous insects, muscles intrinsic to the scape,
er than 56 cm. Hovvever, certain Paleozoic species grew pedicel and flagellum are retained. But in the class
to twice that size. To familiarize you with the hexapod Insecta, the intrinsic muscles of the antennae have been
body plan and its ter1ninology, we briefly discuss each lost except for those in the scape. In addition, in many
of the main body regions (tagmata) below. insects the joints, or flagellomeres, of the flagellum
may have been secondarily subdivided (or annulated)
The hexapod head The hexapod head comprises to produce adclitional unmuscled joints, and increasing
an acron and six segments, bearing (from anterior to the length and flexibility of the antenna.
posterior) the eyes, antennae, clypeolabrum, and three The mouth is bordered anteriorly by the clypeola­
pairs o f mouth appendages (mandibles, maxillae, brum, posteriorly by the labium, and on the sides by
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 861

I Hea d� T
- - - - horax- - � n
-Abdome - - - --
-- - - -
I �
== :,',S!--Forewing




v-�.1vA rolium
'-Tarsal claw

(B) (C) Antenna Fenestra



Mesothoracic leg

f 5-jointed tarsus
Tarsal claw -.J
Metathoracic leg Cercus

Figure 22.9 General body anatomy of insects. (A) A grasshopper (order

Orthoptera). (B,C) Dorsal and ventral views of a cockroach (order Blattodea).

(A) Posterior (C) Anterior




: ---Primary segment--• :
'. .' • Conjunctiva!
' ' ' •• •'
men1brane ''
1 1 1 1
1 \ l 1

�lntersegmental /old______..?' I I Sternum 1..1,.\ I

�lntersternitc __,,.,..
(B) Ante<:oastal suture Acrotergite
/ Figure 22.1 O The ontogenesis of insect body segments.
Tergum (A) Primary segmentation. (B) Simple secondary segmenta­
tion. (C) More advanced secondary segmentation.
' ..._______-l.... . '
' L.. ----':
: ..._,

Secondary segment 7:

• • •
� --f'"1J i -·�
y Sternum
Coniunctival ,,<.;mbrane
862 Chapter Twenty-Two

(A) Front view
?✓// ''"',:
Frons r.t"' /.,
.,,._ ,. .....
.. ..'
Clypeus .:
\� t' .�,.I),

t Labrum

-Maxillary palp
Mandible '
-Labial palp

(B) Side view

,, ,_

(first maxilla)
Figure 22.11 The mouth appendages of a typical biting-chewing
insect: a grasshopper (order Orthoptera). (A) Front view. (Bl Side v iew.

the mandibles and maxillae. In the entognathans, the prognathous (projecting anteriorly) or opisthogna­
mouthparts are sunk within the head capsule and thous (projecting posteriorly; Figure 22.13).
largely hidden from view. In contrast, the n1outhparts The labrum is a movable plate attached to the mar­
of insects are exposed (ectognathous) and ventrally gin of the clypeus (a projecting frontal head piece), and
projecting (hypognathous). However, in some insects, together they form the clypeolabrum. Some work­
the orientation of the head has changed so that they are ers regard the clypeolabrum to be an independently

(A) (B) (C) (D) (F) (H) (I)


Figure 22.12 A variety of insect antennae and the t e r ­

minology generally applied to them. (A) Setaceous. (8)
- -�_. 7"
Filiform. (C) Moniliform. (D,E) Clavate. (F) Capitate. (G) (M)
Serrate. (H) Pectinate. (I) Plumose. (J) A r i state. (K) Stylate. �

(L) Flabellate. (M) Lamellate. (N) Geniculate.

' ''.

PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 863

(A) (8) (CJ

. Antenna
--,,, ·fr=,--
\ Mandible

Mandible . ...:,-::
Maxillary Labial
Maxillary palp
palp palp _..,?,· Proboscis

/� r
Labial palp ,
�Prothorac,c leg Mesothoracic leg
Prothoracic leg
Figure 22.13 Different positions of head and mouth­
parts relat ive t o the rest of the body. (A) Hypognathous some insects (e.g., Hemiptera), the labium is drawn out
condition (grasshopper). (B) Prognathous condition (beetle into an elongate trough to hold the other mouthparts,
larva). (C) Opisthorhynchous conditi on (aphid). and its palps 1nay b e absent; in others (e.g., Diptera),
it is n1odified distally into a pair of fleshy porous lobes
derived structure of the exoskeleton; others bel.ieve it called labellae.
could be the fused appendages of the first or third head
segment. The mandibles (Figure 22.14) are strongly The hexapod thorax The three segn1ents of the tho­
sclerotized, usually toothed, and lack a palp. In most rax are the prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax
insects the n1andible is of one article, but in some prim­ (Figure 22.9). Their tergites carry the same prefixes:
itive groups (and fossil taxa) it is composed of several pronotum, mesonotum, metanotum. In the winged
articles. However, the gene Distnl-less (OIi) is apparent­ insects (Pterygota), the n1esothorax and metathorax
ly never expressed in the embryogeny of hexapodan are enlarged and closely united to form a rigid ptero­
mandibles, suggesting that they are fully gnathobasic thorax. Wings, when present, are borne on these two
(i.e., protopodal). The maxillae are generally multi­ segments and articulate with processes on the tergite
articulate and bear a palp of 1-7 articles. The labium (notum) and pleura of the somites. The prothorax is
con1prises the fused second maxillae and typically sometimes greatly reduced, but in some insects it is
bears two palps. In addition to these appendages, there greatly enlarged (e.g., beetles) or even expanded into
is a median, unpaired, tonguel.ike organ called the hy­ a large shield (e .g., cockroaches). The lateral, pleural
popharynx that projects forward from the back of the sclerites are complex and thought to be derived, at
preoral cavity. The salivary glands open through the least in part, from subcoxal (protopodal) elements of
hypopharynx.3 the ancestral legs that became incorporated into the l a t ­
ln the past variations i n feeding appendages were eral body wall. The sternites may be simple, or may be
often used to define the major insect clades, and more divided into multiple sclerites on each segment.
recent molecular phylogenetic work has largely cor­ Each of the three thoracic sornites bears a paix of legs
roborated those ideas although a number of cases of (Figure 22.9), composed of two parts, a proximal p r o ­
convergent evolution in mouthparts have also been topod and a distal telopod. The protopod (sometimes
revealed. In sucking insects both mandibles and maxil­
lae 01ay be transformed into spear-like structures (sty­
lets), or the mandibles may be absent altogether (Figure Adductor
22.15 and 22.24). In most Lepidoptera, the maxillae muscle
form an elongate coiled sucking tube, the proboscis. In
3Study of the 011 gene reveals that it was probably primitively
expressed in the distal parts of all arthropod appendages. It is also \
expressed in the endites, or inner lobes, of arthropod limbs (e.g., -70ouble
in the phyllopodous limbs of Branchiopoda and in the maxillae of articulation
Malacostraca). In crus tacea. ns ar,d myriapods there is an initial 011
expressi on in the mandibular limb buds that is displaced laterally
and continues in the mandibular palp in crustaceans. ln insects,
no Oil expression at all is seen in the mandibles-it has appar­
ently been completely lost. Thus, the mandibles of all three groups
are gnathobasic. The palp of the crustacean mandible represents
Molar { < Axis of
the distal portion of the mandibular limb, altogether lost in hexa­
pods and myriapods. The oi,ly real "whole-limb jaws" among the
arthropods are those of onychophorans. DI/ is also expressed in
the coxal endites of chelicerates and the pedipalp endites of arach­
nids. The complete loss of DI/ expression in hexapod mandibles
may be a synapomorphy for the group. Figure 22.14 The musculature of an insect mandible.
864 Chapter Twenty-Two

(A) Compound eye Figure 22.15 A variety o f insect mouth

appendages, specialized for different types
of feeding habits. (A,B) P i ercing-sucking
mouthparts of a mosquito (Diptera). Note the
(Bl compl ex stylet structure in (B). (C) Sucking
Labrum mouthparts of a honeybee (Hymenoptera).
epipharynx (D) Sucking mouthparts of a butterfly
(Lepidoptera). (E) Sponging mouthparts of
a false blackfly (Diptera). (For an illustration
, of biting-chewing mouthparts, see Figure
.. 'l
Antenna /
7• i�Labrum

(C) Ocelli . (D) Antenna

Compound eye hi Ep,stome

I"--. Compound eye


Labial palp



called a "coxopodite" by entomologists) is composed occurs in them, and they are thus viewed as subdivi­
of two articles (coxa, trochanter), and the telopod i s sions of a single original article. The whole length of
composed o f four articles (femur, tibia, tarsus, pretar­ the tarsus is crossed by the tendon of the flexor muscle
sus) (Figure 22.16). The tarsus is often subdivided into of the pretarsus, whose fibers usuaUy arise on the tibia
additional pseudoarticles caJled tarso1neres. The basal (Figure 22.17). The pretarsus is a minute article that
hexapods have a single tarsus (Protura and Diplura) or usually bears a pair of lateral claws. The pretarsus in
an indistinct tarsus (Collembola; probably fused with C0Ue1nbola and Protura bears a single median claw. A
the tibia). 1n the Archaeognatha the tarsus is usually single claw also occurs in many holometabolous larvae
composed of three tarsomeres, and in the Pterygota it is and some pterygote adults. But in most hexapods, the
composed of one, three, or five tarsomeres.4 Whatever pretarsus bears a pair of lateral cla½•S, and many also
the nun1ber of tarsal articles, no intrinsic musculature have a median aroliurn ("r hich functions as an adhe­
sive pad on smooth surfaces), unguitractor plate, or
median claw.
1t is unclear whether having one or several tarsomeres is the In insects, many adult organs derive from clusters
primitive conditioi, for the Hexapoda. Homologization of the leg
articles among the various arthropod groups is a p<)pular and of early embryonic cells called imaginal discs, which
often rancorous pastime. The issue is further confused when the arise from localized invaginations of the ectoderm in
number of articles differs from the norm (e.g., some insects have the early embryo. The embryonic thorax contains three
two trochanters, the number of tarsi varies from one to five, etc.).
The protopods of myriapods, chclicerates, and trilobites all seem pairs of leg discs, and as development proceeds, these
to consist of a single basal article (usually called the coxa). h1 the discs develop a series of concentric rings, which are the
latter case, Kukalova-Peck hypothesizes that three "missing" pro­ presumptive leg articles. The center of the disc corre­
topodal articles were lost by fusion among themselves and with
the pleural region. See Chapter 20 for a discussion of ancestral sponds to the distalmost articles (tarsus and pretarsus)
arthropod legs. of the future leg, while the peripheral rings correspond
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 865

(C) Femur

\_.• Tibia
• :
'-u..• ' • . •
�-!_;:,,..., .,.·�
k•. ,. ,. ,.._{'
'< ;1�


(D) (E)


..·, � .-.. -
�-. ,�.,� .
.. �

,· .. - ·

Figure 22.16 Leg modifications in some insects. (A)

The hindleg o f a grasshopper (Orthoptera), modified for
(G) jumping. (8) The raptorial foreleg of a mant i d (Mantodea),
modified for prey capture. (C) The h indleg of a honeybee
(Hymenoptera), modified tor collecting and holding pollen
(anatomy diagram and photograph). (D) The foreleg of a
worker honeybee has a notch for antenna! grooming. (E)
The foreleg o f a mole cricket (Orthoptera), mod ified for
digg ing. (F) The hindleg of a backswimmer (Hemiptera),

modified for swimming (anatomy diagram and photo­
Pretarsus 1
graph). (G) Close-up of insec t tarsus with 5 tarsomeres
Tarsomeres and a pretarsus with 2 lateral claws flanki ng an arolium.

to its proximal region (coxa, trochanter). During em­ Most workers use a consistent naming system that
bryogenesis, the leg telescopes out as it subdivides into recognizes six major veins: costa (C), subcosta (SC), ra­
the component articles. The gene Distal-less (DI/) is e x ­ dius (R), media (M), cubitus (CU), and anal (A) (Figure
pressed in the presumptive distal region of the limb, 22.18). Areas in the wings that are enclosed by longi­
while the gene Extrndenticle (Exd) is necessary for the tudinal and cross veins are called cells, and these too
developn1ent of the proxin1al portion of the limb. Thus
the protopod and telopod of the legs are each w1der
their own genetic control. Trochanter
Within the Pterygota, most species also have a pair
of wings on the second and third thoracic segments.
Wing n1orphology has been more extensively used in
insect classification than any other single structure. Articulation
Wings are often the only remains of insects preserved Femoral reductor Tibial depressor
muscle muscle Pretarsal
in fossils. The \'lings of modern insects develop as
evaginations of the integument, with thin cuticular Tarsal depressor----;if/ muscles
me1nbranes forming the upper and lower surfaces muscle
of each wing. Wing veins, which contain circulating Tarsal
hemolymph, anastomose and eventually open into Post-tarsal-'-' levalor
tendon muscle
the body. The arrangen1ent of veins in insect wings
provides important diagnostic characters at all taxo­
nomic levels. The origin and homologization of wing
venation has been heavily debated over the decades. Figure 22.17 The musculature of an insect leg.
866 Chapter Twenty-Two

Figure 22.18 The nomenclature of basic SC,

wing venation in insects. Although the
C h sc,.
cells formed within the veins al so have
r R,.
names, only the names of the vei ns are
given here. Longitudinal veins are coded s
with capital letters, cross veins with l o w ­ RS rm
ercase letters. Longitud inal veins: costa
(C); subcosta (SC); radius (R); rad ial sec­ Rs
tor (RS}; media (M); cubitus (CU): anal (A).
Cross ve ins: humeral (h); radial (r); sectorial
(s); radiomedial (rm); med ial (m); mediocu•
bital (m-cu): cubitoanal (cu-a).
A, cu, cu,. Cu,. M,

have a son1ewhat complex nomenclature. In some insects, however, the intromittent organ develops late
groups (e.g., Orthoptera, Dermaptera) the forewings in embryogeny by fusion of the genital papillae to form
develop heavily sclerotized regions called tegmina a median, tubular, often eversible endophallus, with
(sing. tegmin), used for protection, stridulation, or the joined ejaculatory ducts opening at a gonopore at
other purposes. In 01any sedentary, cryptic, parasitic, its base. The external ,,valls may be sclerotized or modi·
and insular lineages the wings have become shortened fied in a \/\•ide variety of \/\'ays, and the whole organ is
(brachypterous) or lost (apterous). lnsects often couple known as the aedeagus. Some workers consider the
their wings together for flight by means of hook-like aedeagus to be derived from segment9; others regard
devices along the margin between the posterior border it as belonging to segment 10. A pair of sensory cerci
of the forewings and the anterior margin of the hind­ (sing. cercus) often project fron1 the last abdonlinal
wings (e.g., harnuli in Hyn1enoptera; frenula in many segment.
Lepidoptera). In these insects the coupled wings func­
tion together as a single unit. Locomotion
Walking Hexapods rely on their sclerotized exo­
The hexapod abdomen The abdon1en primitively skeleton for support on land. Their limbs provide the
comprises 11 segments, although the first is often physical support needed to lift the body clear of the
reduced or incorporated into the thorax, and the ground during locomotion. I n order to accomplish this,
last may be vestigial. Abdon,inal pleura are greatly the limbs must be long enough to hold the body high
reduced or absent. The occurrence of true (though m i n ­ off the ground, but not so high as to endanger stability.
ute) abdominal leglets (sometimes called "prolegs" or Most hexapods maintain stability by having the legs
"styli") on the pregenital segments is commonplace in positions that suspend the body in a sling-like fash­
among the apterygotes and also occurs in the larvae of ion and keep the overall center of gravity low (Figure
many pterygotes (e.g., the legs of caterpillars). In addi­ 20.19).
tion, transitory limb buds or rudiments appear fleet­ The basic structure of arthropod limbs was described
ingly in the early embryos of some species, presUinably in Chapter 20. In hexapods (and crustaceans) the ante·
harking back to the deep evolutionary past. Abdominal rior-posterior limb movements take place between the
segments 8 9- (or 7 9)
- are typically modified as the a.n o ­ coxae and the body proper (in contrast to most arach­
genital tagmata, or terminalia, the exposed parts being nids, in which the coxae are immovably fixed to the
the genitalia. The female n1edian gonopore occurs body and limb moven1ent occurs at more distal joints).
behind sternum 7 in Ephemeroptera and Dermaptera, Like the power controlled by the range of gears in an
and behind sternum 8 or9 in all other orders. The anus automobile, the power exerted by a limb is greatest at
is always on seg1nent 11 (which may be fused with s e g ­ low speeds and least at higher speeds. At lower speeds
n1ent 10). the legs are in contact with the ground for longer pe·
There is enormous complexity in both clasping and riods of time, thus increasing the power, or force, that
intromittent organs among the Hexapoda, and a cor­ can be exerted during locomotion. In burrowing forms
respondingly sharp disagi·eement over the homologi­ the legs are short, and the gait is slO\/\' and pov,erful as
zation and ternunology of these structures. In gener­ the animal forces its way through soil, rotting wood,
al, females discriminate among males on the basis of or other material. Longer limbs reduce the force, but
sensory stimuli produced by the male genitalia; hence increase the speed of a running gait, as do limbs capa­
selection pressure has been a pO\/\•erful force in the ble of swinging through a greater angle. Limbs long in
evolution of these structures (in both sexes). The n1ost length and stride are typical features of the fastest-run­
primitive male architecture can be seen in apterygotes ning insects (e.g., tiger beetles, Carabidae).
and Ephemeroptera, in which the penes are paired One of the principal problems associated with in­
and contain separate ejaculatory ducts. J n most other creased limb length is that the field of movement of one
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 867

predator, generates 400 g of force, with a peak decel­

eration of 2,300 g .

Flight Among the many remarkable advances of

insects, flight is perhaps the most impressive. insects
were the first flying animals, and throughout the histo­
ry of We on Earth no other invertebrates have learned
the art of true flight. The wingless insects belong either
to groups that have secondarily lost the wings (e.g.,
fleas, lice, certain scale insects) or to pri.Jnitive taxa (the
apterygotes) that arose prior to the evolution of "'ings.
In three orders, the "'ings are effectively reduced to a
single pair. In beetles, the forewings are modified as a
protective dorsal shield (elytra). In dipterans, the hind­
wings are 1nodified as organs of balance (halteres). The
halteres beat with the same frequency as the forewings,
functioning as gyroscopes to assist in flight perfor­
n,ance and stability-flies fly very well.
Compared with an insect, an airplane is a simple
R, study in aerodynamics. Planes fly by moving air over
Figure 22.19 A beetl e walking. The alternating tripod a fixed wing surface, the leading edge of which is tilted
gait consi sts of alternate stepping with two sets of three upward, forcing the air to travel farther (thus faster)
legs; thus the body is a lways supported by a tri ad of legs. over the top of the wing than the bottom, resulting i..11
Here, three legs (L1, R2, and L3) are moving forward while a vortex that creates a Wt. But conventional fixed-"•i.J1g
the other three (R1. L2, and R3) are on the ground. aerodynamic theory is insufficient to understand insect
flight. Insect wings are anything but fixed. Insects, of
course, fly by flapping their wings to create vortices,
limb may overlap that of adjacent limbs. Interference from which they gai..11 Wt, but these vortices slip off the
is prevented by the placement of the tips of adjacent wings with each beat, and new vortices are formed
legs at different distances from the body (Figure 22.19). with each alternate stroke. Beating insect wings trace
Thus fast-running insects usually have legs of slightly a figure eight pattern, and they also rotate at certain
different lengths. Insects usually 1nove their legs in an crucial mo1nents. Thus, each cycle of flapping creates
alternating tripod sequence. Balance is maintained b y dynamic forces that fluctuate drastically. By complex
always having three legs in contact with the ground. actions of wing orientation, insects can hover, fly for­
Like many spiders, some insects can walk on water, ward, back,vard, and side"•ays, negotiate highly so­
and they do so in much the same way-by balancing phisticated aerial maneuvers, and land in any posi­
the pull of gravity on their featherweight bodies with tion. To complicate matters even more, in the case of
the physical principles of buoyancy and surface t e n ­ small i.J1sects (and most are small, the average size of
sion. Insects (and spiders) that walk on water don't get all insects being just 3-4 mm), the complex mechanics
wet because their exoskeletons are coated with waxes of flight take place at very low Reynolds numbers (see
that repel water molecules. The water surface, held taut Chapter 4), such that the insect is essentially "flying
by surface tension, bends under each leg to create a de­ through molasses." As a result of these complex me­
pression, or dimple, that works to push the animal up­ chanics, insect flight is energetically costly, requiring
ward in support. Water walking occurs in many insect metabolic rates as high as 100 times the resting rate.
groups, notably the Hemiptera (e.g., water striders), Each wing articulates with the edge of the notum
Coleoptera (e.g., whirligig beetles), and Collembola (thoracic tergite), but its proximal end rests on a d o r ­
(some springtails).s solateral pleural process that acts as a fulcrum (Figure
Many insects are good jumpers (e.g., fleas, spring­ 22.20). The wing hinge itself is composed in large part
tails, most orthopterans), b u t the click beetles of resilin, a highly elastic protein that allows for rapid,
(Elateridae) are probably the champions. It has been sustained move1nent. The complex wing movements
calculated that a typical click beetle (e.g., Atlwus haem­ are made possible by the flexibility of the wing itself
orrhoidalis), when jackknifing into the air to escape a and by the action of a number of different muscle sets
that run from the base of the wing to the inside walls
of the tl1oracic segment on which it is borne. These di­
SOn an undisturbed surface, water molecules are attracted to their rect flight muscles serve t o raise and lower the wings
neighbors beside and below, resulting in a flat skin of molecules
that exerts only horizontal tensile forces; it is this "elasticity" of and to tilt their plane at different angles (some"1hat
the surface that we call surface tension. like altering the blade angles on a helicopter) (Figure
868 Chapter Twenty-Two

Figure 22.20 A typical insect wing hinge arrangement. "A) (8) Resilin plus
This transverse section through the thoracic wall of a chitin lamellae
grasshopper shows the base of the w ing and the wing
hinge. (A) Entire hinge area. (B) En l argement of hinge

22.21). However, except in palaeopterans (Odonata

and Ephemeroptera), the direct flight muscles are not
the main source of power for insect v,ing movements.
Most of the force comes from two sets of indirect flight
muscles, which neither originate nor insert on the
wings themselves (Figures 22.21 and 22.22).
Dorsal longitudinal muscles run between apodemes
at the anterior and posterior ends of each winged
segment. When these 1nuscles contract, the seg­
ment i s shortened, which results i n a dorsal arching
of the segment roof and a downstroke of the wings.
Dorsoventral muscles, which extend from the notum to of the mesothorax and metathorax. Other, smaller tho­
the sternum (or to basal leg joints) in each wing-bear­ racic muscle sets serve to n1ake n1jnor adjustments to
ing segment, are antagonistic to the longitudinal m u s ­ this basic operation.
cles. Contraction of the dorsoventral muscles lowers Insects 1,vith low ""ing-flapping rates (e.g., dragon­
the roof of the segment. In doing so, it raises the wings. flies, orthopterans, mayflies, and lepidopterans) are
Thus, \-ving flapping in 1nost insects is prin1arily gener­ limited by the rate at which neurons can repeatedly
ated by rapid changes in the walls and overall shape fire and muscles can execute contractions. However, in
insects with rugh wing-flapping rates (e.g., rupterans,
hymenopterans, and some coleopterans), an entirely
(A) (8) different regulatory mechanism has evolved. Once
Dorsal longitudinal
Notum: raised
depressed Dorsoventral (indirect)

muscle: relaxed
,,F--Ligament Fulcrum
/ Point of action of
process basalar muscle

Basalar (direct)

muscle: relaxed

Dorsoventral (indirect} Basalar (direct)

muscle: contracted muscle: contracted


Figure 22.21 Wing movements of a primitive insect such as

a dragonfly, in which direct wing muscles cause depression
of the wings. Dots represent pi vot points, and arrows ind icate
the direction of wing movement. (A) The dorsoventral muscles
contract to depress the notum as the basalar muscles relax, a
combination forcing the wings into an upstroke. (B) The dorso­
ventral muscles relax as the basalar muscles contract, a com­
bination pulling the wings into a downstroke and relaxing (and
raising) the notum. (C) Thorax of a dragonfly showing wing
attachment to the notum of thoracic segments 2 and 3.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 869
Notum: muscles:
arched contracted
Notum: Dorsal
depressed longitudinal
muscles: �l l•
relaxed ,I

Gut Pivot (fulcrum)

on pleural process

muscles: relaxed

muscles: contracted
Figure 22.22 Wing movements o f an insect such as a
thoracic tergites (paranotal lobes), vihich eventually
fly o r hemipteran, in which both upward and downward
movements of the wings are produced by indirect fl ight
becan,e articulated and muscled to form wings. The
muscles. In these transverse sections of a thoracic seg­ latter hypothesizes that wings evolved from pre-exist­
ment, dots represent pivot points, and arrows indicate the ing articulated structures on the thoracic appendages,
direction of wing movement. On ly two sets of muscles are such as gills or protopodal exites on the legs. There is
shown. (A) The dorsoventral muscles contract, depressing also tantalizing evidence from the fossil record sug·
the thoracic notum and forcing the wings into upstroke. gesting that the first pterygote insects possessed ap­
(B) The dorsoventral muscles relax as the dorsal longitu­
pendages on the prothorax, called "winglets," U1at may
dinal muscles contract to "pop up" the notum, elevating it
and forcing the wings into a downstroke.
have been serially ho1nologous to modern wings, i m ­
plying that the loss of prothoracic proto-wings might
have taken place in the early evolutionary history of
flight has been initiated and a high wing-flapping rate the Hexapoda.
attained (up to 100 beats/second), myogenic control The paranotal lobe hypothesis was first proposed by
takes over. This mechanism exploits the elastic-me­ MUiier i n 1873, saw a resurgence of popularity in the
chanical properties of the exoskeleton. When one set n,iddle of the twentieth century, and has lost favor in
of indirect muscles contracts, the thorax is deformed. recent years. It suggests that wings originated as lateral
Upon relaxation of the muscles, there is an elastic re­ aerodynamic flaps of the thoracic nota that enabled
bound of the thoracic exoskeleton, which stretches the insects to alight right side up when jumping or when
second set of indirect muscles and thus directly stirnu- blown about by the wind. These stabilizing parano­
1.ates their contraction. This contraction establishes a tal lobes later evolved hinged structures and muscles
second deformation, which in turn stretches and stim­ at their bases. The occurrence of fixed paranotal lobes
ulates the first muscle group. Once initiated, this mech­ i n certain ancient fossil insects has been cited in sup­
anism is nearly self-perpetuating, and the nonsynchro• port of the paranotal lobe hypothesis (Figure 22.23).
nous firing of neurons serves only to keep it in action. However, recent studies suggest that these prin,itive
Not all insects utilize wings to travel through the paranotal lobes might have been used for other p u r ·
Many small and immature insects are effectively dis­ poses, such as covering the spiracular openings or gills
persed by wind power alone. Some first-instar lepidop• in amphibious insects, protecting or concealing the
terans use silk threads for dispersal (as do spiders and insects from predators, courtship displays, or thermo•
rnites). Tiny scale insects are conunonly collected in regulation by absorption of solar radiation.
aerial nets. In fact, studies have revealed the existence The appendage hypothesis (also known as tl,e "gill
of "aerial plankton" consisting of insects and other or branchial theory," "exite theory," or "leg theory")
minute arthropods, extending to altitudes as high as also dates back to the nineteenth century, but was res•
14,000 feet. Most are minute winged forms, but wing• urrected by the great entomologist V. B . Wigglesworth
less species are also common. in the 1970s, and was cha1npioned by J. Kukalova­
Peck since the 1980s. lt is the more favored hypoth­
The Origin of Insect Flight esis of wing origin today, based on recent paleonto­
For many decades, hvo competing views of insect wing logical work, microscopic anatomy, and molecular
origin have dominated. In general, these views can be develop1nental biology. It suggests that insect wings
tenned the para.notal lobe hypothesis and the append­ are derived from thoracic appendages-from pro­
age hypothesis. The former holds that wings evolved topodal exites, in Wigglesworth and Kukalova-Peck's
by way of a gradual expansion of lateral folds of the view. These proto-wing appendages might have first
870 Chapter Twent y -Two

(A) Paranotal lobe form the leg primordium, from which they segregate,
"'x�� migrating dorsally to a position below the tergum.
Recent studies on gene expression al�o support the ori­
gin of wings from legs. The genes pd111 and npterous are
expressed in the wing (and leg) primordia of all insects.
Expression of both genes appears to be necessary for
normal wing formation. In malacostracan crustaceans
{but not in branchiopod crustaceans) these same genes
are expressed, in a si1nilar manner, in the formation of
Hindwing the leg rami (the exopod and endopod).

Feeding and Digestion

Feeding Every conceivable kind of diet is exploited
(B) (C) by species within the Hexapoda, \-vhose feeding strate­
gies include herbivory, carnivory, and scavenging, as
well as a magnificent array of commensalism and par­
asitism. This "nutritional radiation" has played a key
role in the phenomenal evolution a1nong the Insecta. A
comprehensive survey of insect feeding biology alone
Hindwing could easily fill a book this size. Setting aside symbiotic
relationships for a moment, in the most general sense
insects can be classified as (1) biters-chewers, (2) suck­
ers, or (3) spongers (Figure 22 .24).
Biters-chewers, such as the grasshoppers, have the
least modified mouthparts, so we describe them first.
The maxillae and labium of these insects have well de­
veloped leglike palps (Figure 22.24A) that help them
hold food in place, while powerful mandibles cut off
Fi gure 22.23 Fossil insects with paranotal lobes on the
and chew bite-sized pieces. The mandibles lack palps
prothorax. (A) Stenodictya lobata. (B) Lemmatophora typa.
(C) Nymphal stage of Rochdalia parkeri, a Paleo:zoic ter­ (in all insects) and typically bear small, sharp teeth that
restr ial palaeodictyopteran. In this species, all three tho­ work in opposition as the appendages slide against
racic segments appear to have had "articulated" thoracic each other in the transverse (side to side) fashion char­
lobes. acteristic of most arthropod jaws. Biting-chewing i n ­
sects may be carnivores, herbivores, or scavengers. In
functioned as aquatic gills or paddles, or as terrestrial many plant eaters, the labrum bears a notch or cleft in
gliding structures. The paired abdominal gills of n1ay­ which a leaf edge may be lodged while being eaten.
flies have been suggested as serial homologues of such So1ne of the best examples of this feeding strategy are
"proto-wings." In Kukalova-Peck's version of this h y ­ seen among the Orthoptera (locusts, grasshoppers,
pothesis, the first protopodal leg article (the epicoxa) crickets), and most people have witnessed the efficient
fused with the thoracic pleural n1embrane ea1·ly in the fashion i n which these insects consun1e their garden
evolution of the Arthropoda, as did the second article plants! Equally in1pressive are the famous leafcutter
(the precoxa) in the ancient hexapods, with both m i ­ ants of the Neotropics, which can denude an entire tree
grating dorsally off the leg and onto the body proper. in a few days. Leafcutter ants have a notable feeding
In insects, the epicoxa eventually fused with the tergite, adaptation: when cutting leaf fragments, they produce
its exite enlarging to form the proto-wing, and even­ high-frequency vibrations with a n abdominal stridu­
tually the true wing. The precoxa formed the pleural latory organ. This stridulation is synchronized with
sclerite providing the ventral articulation of the wing. movements of the mandible, generating complex vi­
Wing veins might have evolved from cuticu!ar ridges brations. The high vibrational acceleration of the man­
that served to strengthen these struch.1res, and eventu­ dible appears to stiffen the material being cut, just as
ally to circulate blood through then,.6 soft n1aterial is stiffened with a vibratome for section­
Kukalova-Peck's theory of wing evolution finds ing in a laboratory. Leafcutters don't eat the leaves they
support in 1nolecular developmental studies, which cut; instead, they carry them into an undergrow1d nest,
have shown that the cells that give rise to the wing where they use the.m to grow a fungus on which they
primordium derive from the san1e cluster of cells that feed. Several other insect groups have evolved associa­
tions with fungi, and in aln1ost every case these rela­
6Unspecialized coxal exites can be seen on the legs of some living tionships are obligate and mutualistic-neither partner
archaeognathans (bristletails) and in numerous extinct hexapods. can Live without the other.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 871

(A) (B)



Figure 22.24 Mouthparts specialized for different

modes o f feeding. (A) Biting-chewing mouthparts of a often barbed to tear the prey's tissues and enlarge the
grasshopper. Note the well developed leglike palps. (B) wound. The labrum is in the form of a small flap c o v ­
Sponging mouthparts of a f ly. (C) Sucking mouthparts of a ering the base of the grooved labium. When piercer­
butterfly. (D) Piercing mouthparts of a true bug.
suckers feed, the labium remains stationary, and the
stylets do the work of puncturi11g the plant (or animal)
In sucking insects the mouthparts are markedly and drawmg out the liquid meal.
modified for the consun1ption of liquid foods, gener­ Different variations of piercing-sucking mouthparts
ally plant saps or nectars or animal blood or cell fluids are fow1d i11 other insect taxa. In mosquitoes, midges,
(Figure 22.24D). Sucking mouthparts and liquid diets and certain biting flies (e.g., horseflies) there are six
have clearly evolved many times in different insect long, slender stylets, which include the labrum-epi­
lines-fw·ther testimony to the frequency of evolution­ pharynx and the hypopharynx as well as the man­
ary convergence iJ1 arthropods and the develop1nental dibles and first n1axiJlae (Figure 22.15A). Other biting
adaptability of their appendages. In son1e sucking i n ­ flies, such as the stable fly, have mosquit o l-ike mouth­
sects, such as mosquitoes, feeding is initiated by pierc­ parts but lack mandibles and maxillae altogether. Fleas
ing the victim's epidermal tissue; this mode of feeding (Siphonaptera) have three stylets: the labrum-epi­
is referred to as piercing-sucking. Other insects, such pharynx and the two mandibles. Thrips have wiusual
as butterflies and 1noths that feed on flo"''er nectar, do n1outhparts: the right mandible is greatly reduced,
not pierce anything and are merely suckers. making the head so1ne"''hat asymmetrical, and the left
In all sucking insects the mouth itself is very small mandible, first n1axi1lae, and hypopharynx make up
and hidden. The mouthparts, instead of being adapted the stylets.
for handling and chewing solid pieces of food, are elon­ Lepidopterans are nonpiercing sucking insects
gated into a needle-like beak adapted for a liquid diet. i n which the paired first maxillae are enormously
Different combinations of mouth appendages consti­ elongated, coiled, and fused to form a tube through
tute the beak in different taxa. True bugs (He1niptera), which flower nectar is sucked (Figure 22.24C); the
which are piercer-suckers, have a beak composed mandibles are vestigial or absent (Figure 22.15D). The
of five elen1ents: an outer troughlike elen1ent (the la­ rnouthparts of bees are similar: the first maxillae and
bium) and, lying i11 the trough, four very sharp stylets labium are modified together to form a nectar-suck­
(the two mandibles and two maxillae). The stylets are ing tube, but the mandibles are retained and used for
872 Chapter Twenty-Two

(A) (B)

Dilator muscle
Dilator muscle
of pharynx

-�- -
Salivary duct
ffr-f-f-7"""---Salivary pump

Figure 22.25 Feeding pump o f a cicada (Hemiptera). (A) Close-up
head showing dilated cibarial pump for feeding on xylem. (B) Diagram­
matic verti cal cross section of the head and cibarium. Note the enlarge­
ment of the cibarial dilator muscles, which activate the feeding pump.

wax manipulation during hive construction (Figure exposing the blood and cellular fluids to be sponged
22.lSC). The collected nectar is stored in a special "sac" up by the labellae.
in the foregut and carried back to the hive where it is Many insects are scatophagous, feeding on animal
converted into honey, which is stored as a food reserve. feces. Most of these groups have biting mouthparts,
Bees in an average hive consume about 500 pounds of but some (such as certain flies) have sucking mouth­
honey per year-we humans get the leftovers . parts. Perhaps the most famous of the scatophagous i n ­
Associated with sucking mouthparts are various sects are the dung beetles, or tumblebugs (certain bee­
mechanisms for drawing liquid food into the mouth. tles in the families Scarabaeidae and Histeridae). These
Most piercer-suckers rely largely on capillary action, remarkable insects harvest animal dung by biting or
but others have developed feeding "pumps." Often the slicing off pieces with specialized head o r leg struc­
pump is developed through elongation of the preoral tures and working the1n into a ball. They may roll the
cavity, or cibarium, which by extension of the cuticle dung ball a considerable distance, and eventually bury
around the mouth becomes a semi-closed chamber it in the soil, whereupon females deposit eggs within it.
connecting •..vith the alimentary canal (Figure 22.25). Larvae are thus assured of a ready food supply. Dung
In these cases, cibarial muscles from the clypeus are balls may even be maneuvered by a pair of dung bee­
enlarged to make a powerful pump. In lepidopterans, tles pushing and pulling in a cooperative effort.
dipterans, and hymenopterans the cibarial pump is There are many symbiotic insects, and two orders
co.mbined with a pharyngeal pun1p, which operates are composed entirely of \•vingless parasites, most
by n1eans of muscles arising on the front of the head. of which spend their entire lives on their host: some .
Specialized salivary glands are also often associated Psocodea (lice) and Siphonaptera (fleas). Bird lice are
with sucking mouthparts. In some hemipterans a sali­ common, and lice are also found on dogs, cats, hors­
vary pump forces saliva through the feeding tube and es, cattle, and other mammals. Biting lice have broad
into the prey, softening tissues and predigestiJ1g the heads and biting moutl1parts used to chev., epithelial
liquid food. In mosquitoes, saliva carries blood thin­ cells and other structures on the host's skin. Sucking
ners and anticoagulants (and often parasites such as lice have narrow heads aJld piercing-sucking mouth­
Plns1nodil1111, which causes malaria). parts, which they use to suck blood and tissue fluids
In spongers, such as most flies (order Diptera), the from their host, always a n1ammal. Unlike most ar­
labium is typically expanded distally into a labellum thropod parasites, lice (of both types) spend their en­
(Figures 22.lSE and 25.24B). Fluid nutrients are trans­ tire lives on the bodies of their hosts, and transmission
ported by capillary action along minute surface chan­ to new hosts is by direct contact. For this reason most
nels from the labellae to the mouth. In many spongers, lice show a high degree of host specificity. Eggs, or nits,
such a s houseflies, saliva is exuded onto the food to are attached by the female to the feathers or hair of
partly liquefy it. In strict spongers, the mandibles are the host, where they develop \vithout a marked meta­
absent. In biting spongers, such as horseflies, the man­ morphosis. Many lice, particularly those whose diet is
dibles serve to slice open a wound i n the flesh, thus chiefly keratin, possess symbiotic intracellular bacteria
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 873

that appear to aid in the digestion of their food. These adobe house). Mosquitoes (family Culicidae), on the
bacteria are passed to the offspring by way of the in­ other hand, are vectors for a large number of disease­
sects' eggs. Similar bacteria occur in ticks, mites, bed­ ca using microorganisms, including Plasr11odi11111 (re­
bugs, and some blood-sucking dipterans. sponsible for malaria; Figure 3.16), yellow fever, viral
None of the biting lice are knov1n to infest people or encephalitis, dengue, and lymphatic filariasis (with its
to transmit human disease microorganisms, although gross sympton1, elephantiasis, resulting from blockage
one species acts as an intermediate host for certain of lymph ducts). Kissing bugs (Herniptera, Reduviidae,
dog tapeworms. The sucking lice, on the other hand, Triatominae) also have a casual host relationship. They
include two genera that commonly infest humans live in all kinds of environments, but often inhabit the
(Pedicu/115 and Phthir11s). The latter genus includes burrows or nests of mammals, especially rodents and
the notorious P . pubis, the human pubic "crab" louse a.rmadillos, as well as birds and lizards. They feed on
(which often occurs on other parts of the body as well). the blood of these and other vertebrates, including
A number of sucking lice are vectors for human disease dogs, cats, and people. Their host specificity is low.
organisms. The most common reaction to infestation Several species are vectors of n,amnJalian trypano­
with lice-a condition known as pediculosis, or being somiasis (Trypanoso111n cruzi, the causative agent of
lousy- is sitnple irritation and itching caused by the Cha.gas' disease). The tendency of some species to bite
anticoagulant injected by the parasite during feeding. on the face (where the skin is thin) has resulted in the
Chronic infestation with lice an1ong certain footloose common name.
travelers is manifested by leathery, darkened skin-a In the dipteran family Cal.liphoridae, larvae are sa­
condition known as vagabond's disease. prophagous, coprophagous, wow1d feedmg, or para­
Fleas (order Siphonaptera) are perhaps the best sitic. The parasitic species include earthworms, locust
known of all insect parasites. Nearly 1,500 species from egg cases, termite colonies, and nestling birds among
birds and mammals have been described. Unlike lice, their hosts, and several parasitize hun1ans and do­
fleas are holometabolous, passing through egg, larval, mestic stock (e.g., Goc/1/iomyin a,nericana, the tropical
pupal, and adult stages. Some species of fleas live their American screwworm).
entire lives on their host, although eggs are generally Many insect parasites of plants cause an abnor­
deposited in the host's environment and larvae feed on mal growth of plant tissues, called a gall. Some fungi
local organic debris. Larvae of domestic fleas, includ­ and nematodes also produce plant galls, but n1ost are
ing the rare human flea (Pu/ex irritans), feed on virtu­ caused by mites and insects (especially hymenopter­
ally any organic crumbs they find in the household ans and dipterans). Parasitic adults may bore into the
furniture or carpet. Upon metamorphosis to the adult host plant or, more commonly, deposit eggs in plant
stage, fleas 1nay undergo a quiescent period until an tissues, where they w1dergo larval developn1ent. The
appropriate host appears. A nun1ber of serious disease presence of the it1sect or its larva stitnulates the plant
organisms are transmitted by fleas, and at least 8 of tissues to grov.1 rapidly, forming a gall. The adaptive
the 60 or so species of fleas associated with household significance (for insects) of galls remains unclear, but
rodents are capable of acting as vectors for bubonic one popular theory is that their production interferes
plague bacteria. with the production of defensive chemicals by the
Other msect orders contain pritnarily free-living i n ­ plant, thus rendering gall tissues more palatable. A
sects, but include various families of parasitic or micro­ somewhat similar strategy is used by leaf miners, spe­
predatory forms, or groups in which the larval stage cialized larvae fro.m several orders (e.g., Coleoptera,
is parasitic but the adults are free-Jiving. Most of these Diptera, Hymenoptera) that live entirely within the tis­
"parasites" do not live continuously on a host and have sues of leaves, burrowing through and consunung the
feeding behaviors that fall into a gray zone between most digestible tissues.
true obligate parasitism and predation. Such insects are An interesting predatory strategy is that of New
son1etimes classed as intern,Jttent parasites, or nucro­ Zealand glowworms (Arachnocampn l11111inosn), which
predators. Bedbugs (Henuptera, Cinucidae), for exam­ live in caves and in bushes along riverbeds. These lar­
ple, are minute flattened insects that feed on birds and vae of small flies produce a bright bioluminescence
mammals. However, most live in the nest or sleeping in the distal ends of the Malpighian tubules, which
area of their host, emerging only periodically to feed. lights up the posterior end of the body. (The light
The common human bedbugs (Cin1ex lectulnrius and peaks at485 nm wavelength.) Each larva constructs a
C. '1e111ipterus) hide in bedding, i n cracks, in thatched horizontal web fro1n which up to 30 vertical "fishing
roofs, or under rugs by day and feed on their host's lines" descend, each with a regularly spaced series of
blood at night. They are piercer-suckers, much like sticky droplets. Small invertebrates (e.g., flies, spiders,
the sucking lice. Bedbugs are not known to trans1nit small beetles, hymenopterans) attracted to the light
any human diseases, although when present in large are caught by the fishing lines, hauled up, and eaten.
numbers they can be troublesome (in South America, Harvestmen (Opiliones), the mam predators of glow­
as many as 8,500 bugs have been found in a single worms, use the light to locate their prey!
874 Chapter Twenty-Two


lnvagination of
stomodeum Midi,"Ut

Figure 22.26 Main subdivisions of an insect gut.

(A) The ent ire alimentary canal. (B) The juncti on of the
foregut and midgut in a dipteran. Note the origin of the
peritrophic membrane and the fold formed by the stomo­
deal invagination and the midgut wall.

Digestive system Like the guts of all arthropods, the

long, usually straight hexapod gut is divisible into a
Peri trophic----���
stomodeal foregut, endodermal midgut, and proctode­ membrane
al hindgut (Figure 22.26). Salivary glands are associated
with one or severaI of the n1outh appendages (Figure
22.27). The salivary secretions soften and lubricate chitinous material may line the nudgut or pull free to
solid food, and in some species contain enzymes that envelop and coat the food particles as they pass through
initiate chemical digestion. In larval n1oths (caterpil­ the gut. The peritrophic men1brane serves to protect the
lars), and in larval bees and wasps, the salivary glands delicate midgut epithelium from abrasion. It is perme­
secrete silk used to make pupal cells. ated by microscopic pores that allo"' passage of en­
All hexapods, as well as most other arthropods that zymes and digested nutrients. In many species, produc­
consume solid foods, produce a peritrophic mem­ tion of this membrane also takes place in the hindgut,
brane in the midgut (Figure 22.26B). This sheet of thin where it encapsulates the feces as discrete pellets.


Figure 22.27 Internal anatomy of

two common insects. (A) Cockroach.
(B) Grasshopper.
Ventral nerve curd

� Crop

\Ning Digestive ceca
,.. ',


Sixth abdominal ganglion

'---Hindgut- -

PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 875


O__ \

_JP . .
._ �:�
•I dia phra gm

/ er1v1sceraI sinus vessel
,.t--f-- Ventral diaphragm
'-s-t- �=-::::jV

(B) __ Dorsal
diaphragm dl>!+---Tergosternal


Nerve cord
diaphragm Septa
Figure 22.28 The circulatory system of insects. (A) An
insect abdomen (cross sect ion). Note the division of the
hemocoel into three chambers (a dorsal pericardia ! sinus, hindgut serves prin1a.rily to regulate the composition
a ventral perineural sinus, and a central perivisceral sinus). of the feces and perhaps to absorb some nutrients.
These chambers are separated by d iaphragms lying on Digestion of cellulase by tern1ites and certain wood­
frontal planes. (B) Blood ci rculation in an insect with a eating roaches is made possible by enzymes produced
fully developed circulatory system (longitudinal section). by protists and bacteria that inhabit the hindgut.
Arrows ind icate the circulatory course. (C) A cockroach Ousters of fat cells create a fat body in the hemocoel
(ventral dissection). Note the dorsal and segmental ves­ of many insects, whicl1 is most conspicuous in the ab­
sels. The dorsal diaphragm and aliform (heart) muscles are
continuous over the ventral wall of the heart and vessels, domen but also extends into the thorax and head. The
but they are omitted from the diagram for c larity. fat body is a unique organ to the insects and is often
likened to the vertebrate liver and the chlorogogen
tissue in annelids. The fat body not only stores lipids,
proteins and carbohydrates, but also synthesizes pro­
Along with their vast range of feeding habits, in­ teins. Many insects do not feed during their adult life;
sects have evolved a number of specialized digestive instead, they rely on stored nutrients accumulated in
structures. The foregut is typically divided into a well the larval or juvenile stages and stored in the fat body.
defined pharynx, esophagus, crop, and proventriculus
(Figures 22.26 and 22.27). The pharynx is muscular, Circulation and Gas Exchange
particularly in the sucking insects, in which it com­ The hexapod circulatory systen1 includes a dorsal tu­
monly forms a pharyngeal pump. The crop is a storage bular heart that pumps the hemocoelic fluid (blood)
center whose walls are highly extensible in species that toward the head. The heart narrows anteriorly into a
consume large but infrequent meals. The proventricu­ vessel-like aorta, from which blood enters the large he-
lus regulates food passage into the mi.dgut, either as a 1nocoelic cl1a.mbers, through which it flows posteriorly,
sin1ple valve that strains the semi.fluid foods of suck­ eventually returning to the pericardia! sinus and then
ing insects or as a grinding organ, called a gizzard or to the heart via paired lateral ostia (Figure 22.28). In
gastric miU, that masticates the chunks ingested by bit­ most insects the heart extends through the first nine
ing insects. Well-developed gastric mills have strong abdominal segments; the number of ostia is variable.
cuticular teeth and grinding SLLrfaces that are gnashed Accessory pLunping organs, or pulsatile organs, often
together by powerful proventricular muscles. occLLr at the bases of wings and of especially Jong ap­
The mi.dgut (= stomach) of most insects bears gastric pendages, such as the hindlegs of grasshoppers, to as­
ceca that lie near the midgut-foregut junction and re­ sist in circulation and maintenance of blood pressure.
semble those of crustaceans. These evaginations serve The heart is a rather weak pumping organ, and
to increase the surface area available for digestion and blood is moved primarily by routine muscular activ­
absorption. In some cases the ceca also house mutual­ ity of the body and appendages. Hence, circulation is
istic microorganisms (bacteria and protists). The insect slow and system pressure is relatively low. Like many
876 Chapter Twenty-Two

L -�� . . .
(A) (C) Cuticle
Fluid in tracheole � ichomes
Closer muscle �

Trachea / -
. · .�
- ..,�.1.,�Spiracle
.· - Atrium
. Tra�heoles . .. ' · .
Tracheole end cell

� . •.� ·




� d,-
Nucleus ____.,.,..
Tracheolar cell body ---f
�Opcrung into trachea

Figure 22.29 The tracheal system of insects. (A)

Tracheoles and flight muscle cells. Note the region where
the trachioles become functionally intracellular within
the muscle fibers. The upper figure depicts a situation
in which the muscle cells are well oxygenated, oxygen
demand is low, and f luid accumulates in the trachioles.
The lower figure depicts muscle cells that are oxygen­
deficient. Decreased f luid volumes in the tracheoles allow
the ti ssues increased access to oxygen. (B) A tracheo le
end cell. The taenidia are rings that serve to keep the
lumen o f the trachioles open. (C) A generalized insect spir­
acle (longitudinal section). Note the dust-catching spines
(trichomes) within the atrium. (D) View ins ide a prothoracic
trachea of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. (960x) (E) SEM of
trachea and tracheoles o f a carabid beetle. (F) Dragonfly
nymph molting into an adult. Note the long white tracheae
being pulled out of the exuvi a by the emerging adult.
arachnids, some hexapods use the hydraulic pressure
of the hemocoelic system in lieu of extensor muscles.
In this way, for example, butterflies and n,oths unroll
their 1naxillary feeding tubes. in wound healing and clotting. Nutrients, wastes, and
Many types of hemocytes have been reported from hormones can be efficiently carried by this system, but
the blood of insects. None ftmctions in oxygen stor­ respiratory oxygen cannot (some CO2 does diffuse
age or transport, but several are apparently important into the blood). The active lifestyles of these terrestrial
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 877

animals require special structures to carry out the tasks and gas exchange takes place directly between the body
of respiratory gas exchange and excretion. These struc­ cells and the trad1eoles. Unlike tracheae, tracheoles are
tures are the tracheal system and the Malpighian tu­ not shed during ecdysis. The tracheoles are so minute
bules, described below. (0.2-1.0 �tm) that ventilation is impossible, and gas trans­
Desiccation is one of the principal dangers faced by port here relies on aqueous diffusion. 1l1is ultimate con­
terrestrial invertebrates. Adaptations to terrestrial life straint on the rate of gas exchange 1nay be the primary
always involve some degree of compromise between reason terrestrial arthropods never achieved extremely
water loss and gas exchange ,,vith the atmosphere. large sizes.
Even though the general body surface of insects may In aquatic insects the spiracles are usually nonfunc­
be largely waterproof, the gas exchange surfaces can­ tional, and gases si1nply diffuse across the body wall
not be. directly to the tracheae. A few species retain functional
In some minute hexapods, such as Collembola, gas spiracles; they hold an air bubble over each opening,
exchange occurs by direct diffusion across the body through which oxygen from the surrounding "''ater
surface. However, the vast majority of hexapods rely diffuses. The air bubbles are held in place by secreted
on a tracheal system (Figure 22.29). As explained in waxes and by patd1es of hydrophobic hairs in densities
Chapter 20, tracheae are extensive tubular invagina­ that may exceed 2 million per square millin1eter. Most
tions of the body wall, opening through the cuticle by aquatic insects, particularly larval stages, have gills­
pores called spiracles. Up to ten pairs of spiracles can external projections of the body wall that are covered
occu.r on the pleural walls of the thorax and abdoo1en. by thin, unsclerotized cuticle and contain blood, tra­
Since tracheae are epidennal in origin, their linings are cheae, or air bubbles (Figure 22.30). The gills contain
shed with each molt. The cuticular wall of each trachea channels that lead to the n1ai.n tracheal system. In some
is sclerotized and usually strengthened by rings or spi­ aquatic insects, such as dragonfly nymphs, the rectum
ral thickenings called taenidia, which keep U1e tube bears tiny branched tubules called rectal accessory
from collapsing but allO'-'' for changes in length that gills. By pumping water in and out of the anus, these
may accompany body movements. The tracheae origi­ insects exchange gases across the increased surface
nating at one spiracle commonly anastomose with oth­ area of the thin gut wall. There are analogous examples
ers to form branching networks penetrating most of the of hindgut respiratory irrigation in other, unrelated in­
body. In some insects it appears that air is taken into vertebrate groups (e.g., echiurids, holothurians).
the body through the thoracic spiracles and released
through the abdominal spiracles, thus creating a flow­ Excretion and Osmoregulation
through systen1. The problem of water conservation and the nature of
Each spiracle is usually recessed in an atrium, the circulatory and gas exchange systems in terrestrial
whose walls are lined with setae or spines (trichomes) arthropods necessitated U1e evolution of entirely new
that prevent dust, debris, and parasites from entering structures to remove metabolic wastes. Like the gas
the tracheal tubes. A muscular valve or other closing exchange surfaces, the excretory system is a site of
device is often present and is under control of internal potential water loss, because nitrogenous wastes ini­
partial pressures of 02 and CO2 . In resting insects most tially occur in a dissolved state. These problems are
of the spiracles are generally closed. Ventilation of the

tracheal system is accomplished by simple diffusion
gradients, as well as by pressure changes induced by
the animal itself. Almost any movement of the body
or gut causes air to move in and out of some tracheae.
Telescopic elongation of the abdomen is used by some � "
insects to move air in and out of the tracheal tubes. •
. �
Many insects have expanded tracheal regions called
tracheal pouches, which fw1ction as sacs for air storage.
Because the blood of hexapods does not transport o x ­
ygen, the tracheae must extend directly to each organ of
the body, "''here their ends actually penetrate the tissues.
Oxygen and CO2 thus are exchanged directly between
cells and the small ends of the tracheae, the tracheoles. ln
. .,
the case of flight muscles, where oxygen demand is high, ,- _,//, ..-, . ,, . ,,,
the tracheal tubes invade the muscle fibers themselves.
Tracheoles, the innermost parts of the tracheal syste1n,
• • I
Caudal filaments .

are Ulin -walled, fluid-filled channels that end as a sin­ Figure 22.30 Aquatic nymph of a mayfly, Para­
gle cell, the tracheole end cell(= tracheolar cell) (Figure leptoph/ebia (Ephemeroptera), with lateral abdominal
22.29). The tracheoles penetrate every organ in the body, gills.
878 Chapter Twenty-Two Malpighian tubule
K• Cl -phosphate
Figure 22.31 A single Malpighian
tubule opening into the hindgut a t its
junction with the midgut. Arrows indi­
cate the fl ow of materials. Water, K•, solutes

.. .

.. . . . .. .. .
---Midgutj '---------Hindgut---------

compounded i n small terrestrial organisms, such as environments. In many terrestrial arthropods (includ­
many hexapods, because of their large surface area­ ing primitive insects) an eversible coxal sac (not to be.
to-volwne ratios. And water loss problems are even confused with the coxal glands of arachnjds) proj­
more severe in flying insects, because flight is prob­ ects from the body wall near the base of each leg. It is
ably the most metabolically demanding of all locomo­ thought that the coxal sacs assist in maintaining body
tor activities. hydration by taking u p water from the environment
In n1ost terrestrial arthropods, the. solution to these. (e.g., dewdrops). Many insects collect environmental
problen1s is Malpighian tubules. In the Hexapoda, water by various other devices. Some desert beetles
these u11branched outgrowths of the gut arise near (Tenebrionidae) collect atn1ospheric water by "stand­
the junction of the midgut and hi11dgut (Figures 22.26, ing on their heads" and holding their bodies up to the
22.27, and 22.31). Their blind distal ends extend into n1oving air so that hun1idity can condense on the abdo­
the hemocoel and lie among various organs and tis­ men and be channeled to the mouth for consumption.
sues. Up to several hw1dred Malpighian tubules n1ay Insects that inhabit desert environn1ents have a
be present. much greater tolerance of high temperatures and body
In the absence of sufficient blood pressure for typi­ water loss than do insects in mesic environments, and
cal excretory filtration, hexapods use osmotic pressure they are particularly good at water conservation and
to achieve the same result. Various ions, especially p o ­ producing insoluble njtrogenous waste products. They
tassiun1, are actively transported across the Malpighian also have behavioral traits, such as nocturnal activity
tubule epithelium from the blood into the tubule lumen cycles and dormancy periods that enhance v.,ater con­
(Figure 22.31). The osmotic gradient maintained by this servation. Upper lethal temperatures for desert species
ion transport n1echanisn1 enables water and solutes to comn1only range to 50°C. The spiracles are often cov­
move from the body cavity into the tubules, ru1d thence ered by setae or depressed below the cuticular surface.
into the gut. Water and other metabolically valuable Many xerjc insects also undergo periods of dormancy
materials are selectively reabsorbed into the blood (i.e., diapause or aestivation) during some stage of the
across the wall of the hindgut, while the Malpighiru1 f i l ­ Life cycle, characterized by a lowering of the basal m e t ­
trate left behind is n1ixed with the other gut contents. abolic rate and cessation of moven1ent, which allow
Reabsorption of water, amino acids, salts, and other n u ­ them to withstand prolonged periods of temperature
trients may be enhanced by the action of special cells in and moisture extremes. Some even utilize evaporative
thickened regions called rectal glands. The soluble. po­ cooling to reduce body te1nperatures. The long-chain
tassium urate from the Malpighian tubules has, at this hydrocarbons that waterproof the epicuticle also are
point in the gut, been precipitated out as solid uric acid n1ore abundant in xeric insects.
as a result of the low pH of the hindgut (pH 4--5). Uric
acid crystals cannot be reabsorbed into the blood, hence Nervous System and Sense Organs
they pass out the gut with the feces. Insects also possess The hexapod nervous system conforms to the basic ar­
special cells called nephrocytes or pericardia! cells that thropod plan described in Chapter 20 (Figures 22.32
move about in certain areas of the hemocoel, engulfing and 22.33). The two ventral nerve cords, as well as the
and digesting particulate or complex waste products. segmental ganglia, are often largely fused. In dipterans,
The hexapod cutide is sclerotized or tanned to vari­ for example, even the three thoracic ganglia are fused
ous degrees, adding a sn1all n1easure of waterproof­ into a single mass. The largest number of free ganglia
ing. But more importantly, a waxy layer occurs with­ occurs in the primitive wingless insects, which have as
in the epicuticle, which greatly increases resistance many as eight unfused abdominal ganglia. Giant fibers
to desiccation and frees insects to fully exploit dry have also been reported from several insect orders.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 879


Segmental Lateral
gangl ia ocellus

�JI.__;__�.;;� �L-2.��.Segmental

! Compound

Figure 22.32 (A) The insect central nervous system.

(BJ Frontolatera l view of the brain of a locust (Orthoptera).

Like the "brains" of other arthropods, the cerebral Postesophagea I connective

ganglia of insects comprise three distinct regions: the
protocerebrum, the deutocerebrum, and the tritocere­
brum. The subesophageaJ ganglion is coinposed of the
fused ganglia of the fourth, fifth, and perhaps the sixtl1 almost all directions. Compound eyes are greatly re­
head segments and controls the mouthparts, salivary duced or absent in parasitic groups and in many cave­
glands, and some other local n1usculature. dwelling forms. The general anatomy of the arthropod
Insects possess a hypocerebral ganglion between the compound eye was described in Chapter 20, but sever­
cerebral ganglion and the foregut. Associated with tlus al distinct structural trends are found in hexapod eyes,
ganglion are two pairs of glandular bodies called the as we describe below.
corpora cardiaca and the corpora allata (Figure 22.33). The number of ommatidia apparently determines
These two organs work in concert with the prothoracic the overall visual acuity of a compound eye; hence
glands and certain neurosecretory cells in the protocer­ large eyes are typically found on active, predatory
ebrum. The whole complex is a major endocrine center insects such as dragonflies and damselflies (order
that regulates growth, metamorphosis, and other func­ Odonata), which may have over 10,000 ommatidia in
tions (see Chapter 20). each eye. On the other hand, workers of some ant spe­
Hexapods typically possess simple ocelli in the l a r ­ cies have but a single on1matidium per eye (ants live in
val, juvenile, and often adult stages. When present in a world of chenlical commwlication)! Siinilarly, larger
adults, they usually form a triad or a pair on the a n ­ facets capture more light and are typical of nocturnal
terodorsal surface of the head. The compound eyes are insects. In alt cases, a single ommatidiu.m consists of
welt developed, resembling those of Crustacea, and are two functional elements: an outer light-gathering part
in1age-forming. Most adult insects have a pair of com­ composed of a lens and a crystalline cone, and an inner
pound eyes (Figure 22.34), which bulge out to some sensory part composed of a rhabdome and sensory
extent, giving these animals a wide field of vision in cells (Figure 22.34).

Neurosecretory cells

...�· �.C �--Aorta

- -=·=-"'·':. · ·-:;- · ···
'.-:.,_:..�� :--cut
Deutocerebrum �Prothoracic gland

Figure 22.33 Endocri ne organs

and central nervous system in
the head and thorax of a general­
/leg ized insect. These organs all play
Mandible roles in the control of moting
l and
Maxilla metamorphosis.
880 Chapter Twenty-Two

Figure 22.34 Compound eyes (A) (B)

of insects. (A) Close-up of the
compound eyes of a tachini d fly
(Diptera) with many ommatidia.
(8) A generalized insect com­
pound eye (cross sect ion). (C) A
si ngle ommatidium from a eucone
compound eye.
Nerve fiber

Basement membrane

(C) Corneal lens

.:.i--- Corncagen cell
.; (primary pigment ceU)
(z:r7semper cells
),}f:( (crystalline cone cells)
In some insects the outer surface of the cornea (lens) .e
is covered with 01-inute conical tubercles about 0.2 µm '/;
tall and arranged in a hexagonal pattern. It is thought l
that these projections decrease reflection from the sur­ ' fl __...--Secondary

0 � pigment cell
face of the lens, thus increasing the proportion of light ...
transmitted through the facet. Insect eyes in which
' --
- Retinular cell
· --
the crystalline cone is present are called eucone eyes

(sensory nerve cell)
(Figure 22.34B). Immediately behind the crystalline �
cone (in eucone eyes) are the elongate sensory neurons, Rhabdome
or retinular cells. Primitively, each omn1atidium prob­
ably contained eight retinular cells arising from three
successive divisions of a single cell. This number is
----l-'----''r--- _.,..---Basement membrane
found i n some insects today, but in most it is reduced
Optic nerve axons
to six or seven, with the other one or two persisting as
short basal cells in the proximal region of each omma­
tidium. Arising from each retinular cell is a neuronal
axon that passes out through the basement membrane
at the back of the eye into the optic lobe. There is no true
optic nerve in insects; the eyes connect directly with are surrounded by 12 to 18 secondary pigment ceJJs,
the optic lobe of the brain. The rhabdomeres consist of which isolate each ommatidium from its neighbors.
tightly packed m.icrovilli that are about 50 nm in diam­ The general body surface of hexapods, like that of
eter and hexagonal in cross section. The retinular cells other arthropods, bears a great variety of microscopic

(A) (B)

Distal processes
of chemoreceptor cells


Figure 22.35 Chemosensory peg organs. (A) SEM of a peg organ from an
antenna of a beetle. (8) Diagram of a peg organ in cross section from the
antenna of a grasshopper.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 881

(A) (C)

Air space

Air space

Receptor cells
Main body
Tympanic membrane of antenna
(= tympanum)
Figure 22.36 Insect "ears." Insect auditory organs (phonorecep­
tors) differ widely in their anatomy and location. (A) The "ear" of
noctuid moths (Lepidoptera) is a pressure receiver used to detect
the ultrasonic cries of hunting bats. It is similar to most insect
"ears" in comprising a tympanic membrane backed by a tracheal air
space. Two receptor cells attach to the tympanum. (BJ In Drosophila
(Diptera), a feathery seta called an arista ari ses on the third anten-
na! segment. The a rista detects ai r movements, thus respond ing
to sound through interaction with vibrating air particles. It is used
to detect the calling song o f the species. (C) In the "ear" of a water
boatman (Hemiptera), the tympanum is covered by the base of a
c l u b -shaped cuticular body that protrudes outside the body. The club
performs rocking movements that allow some frequency analysis of
the songs of other water boatmen. (D) Tympani (arrows) on the tibiae
of katydid forelegs.

sensory hairs and setae, known collectively as sensil­ (generally above the range of human ears), will fold
l a (sing., sensillum). The incredible diversity of these their wings and suddenly drop groundward as an eva­
cuticular surface structures has only begun to be ex­ sive maneuver. Praying mantises, whose sonar detec­
plored, primarily by scanning electron microscopy. tion device i s buried in a groove on the ventral side of
Sensilla are n,ost heavily concentrated on the antennae, the abdomen, throw out the raptorial forelimbs and el­
mouthparts, and legs. Most appear to be tactile or che­ evate the abdomen. These 1nove1nents cause the irtsect
mosensory. Club-shaped or peg-shaped chemosensory to "stall" and go into a steep roll, which it pulls out of
setae, usually called peg organs and resembling the at the last minute with a "power dive'' that effectively
aesthetascs of crustaceans, are particularly common on avoids bat predators.
the antennae of hexapods (Figure 22.35). Sound con1munication in insects, like light­
Insects have internal proprioceptors called chor­ nication in fireflies (and some ostracods), is a species­
dotonal organs. These structures stretch across joints specific means of mate communication. Several irtsect
and monitor the movement and position of various groups (e.g., some orthopterans, coleopterans, dipter­
body parts. Phonoreceptors also occur in most insect ans, and hen1ipterans) possess sound-producing struc­
orders. These structures may be simple 1nodified body tures. Male flies of the genus Drosophila create species­
or appendage setae, or antennae, or complex structures specific mating songs by rapidly vibrating the "'i.ngs
called tympanic organs (Figure 22.36). Tympanic or­ or abdomen. These "love songs" attract conspecific fe­
gans generally develop from the fusion of parts of a males for copulation. It has been demonstrated that the
tracheal dilation and the body wall, which forn1 a thin rhythtn of the male's song is encoded in genes irther­
tympanic n1embrane (= tympanum). Receptor cells in ited from his mother, on the X chron1oson1e, whereas
an underlying air sac, or attached directly to the tym­ the song's "pulse interval" is controlled by genes on
panic membrane, respond to vibrations in much the autosomal chromosomes.
same fashion as they do in the cochlea of the human Cicadas may possess the most complex sound-pro­
inner ear. Many insects can discriminate among dif­ ducing organs in the animal kingdom (Figure 22.37).
ferent sound frequencies, but others may be tone-deaf. The ventral 1netathoracic region of male cicadas bears
Tympanic organs may occur on the abdomen, the two large plates, or opercula, that cover a complex sys­
thorax, or the forelegs. Several insects that are prey tem of vibratory membranes and resonating chambers.
to bats have the ability to hear the high frequencies of One membrane, the tymbal, is set vibrating by special
bat echolocation devices, and they have evolved flight muscles, and other membranes in the resonating cham­
behaviors to avoid these flying mammals. For exam­ bers amplify its vibrations. The sotmd leaves the cica­
ple, some moths, "'hen they hear a bat's echolocation da's body through the metathoracic spiracle.
882 Chapter Twenty-Two Tergum Viscern
Tymbal cover
Figure 22.37 Sound production structure in
cicadas (Hemiptera) from the first abdominal seg­
ment (section). Sound is produced by buckling
of the tymbal, a thin disc of cuticle. The tymbal
muscle is connected to the tymbal by a strut.
Contraction of this muscle causes the tymbal to
Tensor muscle
buckle inward, thereby producing a click that is
amplified by resonance in the underlying air sacs.
On relaxation, the elasticity of the muscle causes
the tymbal to buckle out again. On the underside of
this abdominal segment, a folded membrane can
be stretched to tune the air sacs to the resonant
frequency of the tymbal.

Numerous families of beetles and bugs utilize ,�•ater feeding ground. The forager bee a.lso carries food odors
surfaces as a substratum both for locomotion and for (nectar samples), pollen, and various other odors cling­
comn1unication by waves or ripples. Such insects pro­ ing to the hairs on her body. She can also mark the food
duce a signal with simultaneous vertical oscillations source with a pheromone produced in a special gland,
of one or n1ore pairs of legs, and son1etimes also with called the Nasanov gland. All of these clues help her
distinct vertical body motions. The wave patterns p r o ­ hive-mates find the new food source. Karl von Frisch
duced are species-specific. Potential prey trapped on a was the first person to document all these attributes of
surface film may also be recogn i. zed in this fashion , just bee foraging early in the twentieth century.
as spiders recognize prey by web vibrations. Limited A large body of researm on bee navigation has ac­
data suggest that the receptor organs for ripple c o m ­ cumulated since the pioneering "dancing bee stud­
munication are either specialized sensilla on the legs ies" of von Frisch. We now know that honeybees (and
or special proprioceptors between joints of the legs or solitary bees) have outstanding vision. Much of the
antennae, perhaps similar to the tarsal organs of scor­ bee's daily activity, including navigation and flower
pions (Chapter 24). recognition, relies strongly on ultraviolet vision. Bees
A number of insects are biolun1inescent, the most f a ­ appear to utilize a hierarcl1ical series of flight orienta­
miliar being beetles of the family Lampyridae, known tion mechanisms; when the primary mechanism is
as lightning bugs or fireflies. In the tropics, where they blocked, a bee can switch to a secondary system. The
are especially abundant, fireflies are sometimes kept in primary navigation system utilizes the pattern of p o ­
containers and used as natural flashlights, and women larized ultraviolet sunlight in the sky. This pattern
may wrap the1n in gauze bags worn as glowing hair o r ­ depends on the location of tl1e sun as detennined by
naments. The light of luminescent insects ranges from two coordinates, the azimuth and the elevation. Bees
green through red and orange, depending on the spe­ and many other animals that orient t o the sun have a
cies and the precise che1nical nature of the luciferin-lu­ built-in ability to compensate for both hourly manges
ciferase system involved. Light-producing organs are (elevation) and seasonal manges (azimuth) in the sw1's
typically composed of clusters of light-producing cells, position with time. On cloudy days, when the sun's
or photocytes, backed by a layer of reflecting cells and light is largely depolarized, bees cannot rely on their
covered with a tl1in, transparent epidermis. The photo­ uHraviolet celestiaJ navigation mechanism and thus
cytes are richly supplied with trameae, oxygen being may switch to their second-order navigational system:
necessary for the chemical reaction. Each species of navigation by landmarks (foliage, rocks, and so on)
firefly, and of most other glo1>ving insects, has a distinct that were imprinted during the most recent flight to the
flash pattern, or code, to facilitate mate recognition and food source. Limited evidence suggests that some form
communication. of tertiary backup system n,ay also exist.
One of the n1ost sophisticated comn1unication be­ Thus, if the honeybee dance model is correct,7 hon­
haviors among insects may be the famous honeybee eybees must si1nultaneously process information
"waggle dance." Eam day forager bees leave their concerning time, the direction of flight relative to the
colony to locate new food sources (e.g., fresh flower sun's azimuth, the movement of tl,e sun, the distance
blooms). They fly meandering search forays until a flo",n, and local landmarks (not to mention complica­
good source is located. Then they return t o the hive tions due to other factors, such as crosswinds), and in
along a straight flight path (a "bee line"); while doing doing so reconstruct a straight-line heading to inform
so, they are thought to imprint a navigational "map"
from the colony to the food source. Most behavior­
ists believe that this information is communicated t o The honeybee dance hypothesis is n o t without its detractors,
and some workers doubt its existence altogether; see the General
hive-mates i n a complex tail-wagging dance that al­ References section of this chapter for a glimpse at the history of
lows other bees from the hive to fly directly to the new the honeybee dance controversy.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 883

their hive-mates. If recent evidence is correct, bees (like tubular ovarioles (Figure 22.38A). The oviducts u1ute
homing pigeons) n1ay also detect Earth's magnetic as a coo1mon duct before enteri 11g a genital chamber.
fields with iron compounds (magnetite) located in their Seminal receptacles (spermathecae) and accessory
abdomens. Bands of cells in each abdominal segment glands also empty into the genital chamber. The genital
of the honeybee contain iron-rich granules, and nerve chamber opens, via a short copulatory bursa (= vagi­
branches from each segmental ganglion appear to in­ na), on the stemun1 of the eighth, or occasionally the
nervate these tissues.8 seventh or ninth, abdominal segment. The male repro­
In some insects the ocelli are the principal naviga­ ductive system is similar, with a pair of testes, each
tion receptors. Son1e locusts and dragonflies and at formed by a nun1ber of sperm tubes (Figure 22.38B).
least one ant species utilize the ocelli to read compass Paired sperm ducts dilate into seminal vesicles (where
information from the blue sky. As in bees, the pattern spenn are stored) and then unite as a single ejaculatory
of polarized light in the sky seems to be the main com­ duct. Near this duct, accessory glands discharge semi­
pass cue. In some species, both ocelli and con1pound nal fluids into the reproductive tract. The lower end of
eyes may function in this fashion. Many (probably the ejaculatory duct is housed within a penis, which
most) insects also see ultraviolet light. extends posteroventrally from the ninth abdo1ni.nal
Perhaps the most famous insect navigators are sternite.
North America's monarch butterflies (Dn11a11s plexip­ Courtship behaviors in insects are extremely di­
pus). Each autumn, monarchs migrate up to 4,000 kn1 verse and often quite elaborate, and each species has
fron1 breeding grounds in the eastern United States its own recognition n1ethods. Courtslup may consist of
and Canada to over-wintering sites in the mountains simple chenucal or visual attraction, but more typically
of Michoacan, in central Mexico. They make this re­ it involves pheromone release, followed by a variety
markable journey by orienting with a Sun compass, of displays, tactile stimulation, songs, flashing lights,
using the Sw1's changing azimuth (and knowledge or other rituals that may last for hours. The subject of
of the relative tin1e of day) to direct their movements. insect courtship is a large and fascinating study of its
On cloudy days, when a precise solar azimuth is un­ own. Although the field of pheromone biology is still
obtainable, monarchs still manage to orient towards in its infancy, sexual attractant or aggregation phero­
the south-southwest, suggesting that they also have a mones have been identified from about 500 different
backup mechanism of orientation, such as a geon1ag­ insect species (about half of which are synthesized and
netic compass. Monarchs are one of a small group of sold commercially for pest control purposes).
animal species for ,,vhich a sun compass orientation Most insects transfer sperm directly as the male in­
mecllanism has been shown to exist. serts either his aedeagus (Figure 22.38B,D) or a gono­
Ma11y insects release noxious qui.none compounds pod into the genital chamber of the female. Special
to repel attacks. Perhaps best known in this regard are abdominal claspers, or other articuJated cuticular
certain Tenebrionidae, many of which stand on their structures on the male, often augment his copulatory
heads to do so. But the champions of this chemical grip. Such morphological modifications are species
warfare strategy are definitely the bombardier beetles, specific and thus serve as valuable recognition char­
members of the carabid subfamilies Brachini.nae and acters, both for insect mates and insect taxonomists.
Paussi.nae, which expel quinone con1pounds at t e m ­ Copulation often takes place in m i d -flight. In some of
peratures reaching 100° C (Figure 22.7C). the primitive wingless insects, and in the odonatans,
sperm tra11sfer is indirect. In these cases, a male may
Reproduction and Development deposit his spern1 on specialized regions of his body to
Reproduction Hexapods are dioecious, and most are be picked up by the fen1ale; or he may simply leave the
oviparous. A few insects are ovoviviparous, and many sperm on the ground, where they are found and taken
can reproduce parthenogenetically. Most insects rely up by females. In bedbugs (order Hemiptera, family
on dii·ect copulation and insenunation. Reproductively Ci.nucidae) males use the swollen perus to pierce a spe­
mature insects are tern1ed adults or imagos. Female cial region of the female's body wall; spern1 are then
imagos have one pair of ovaries, formed of clusters of deposited directly into an internal organ (the organ of
Berlese). From there they migrate to the ovaries, where
3Many animals possess magnetotactic fertilization takes place as eggs are released.
capabilities, including some
molluscs, hornets, salmon, tuna, turtles, salamanders, homing Sperm may be suspended in an accessory gland
pigeons, cetaceans, and even bacteria and humans. Magnetotactic secretion, or, more commonly, the secretion hard­
bacteria swim to the north in the Northern Hernisphere, to the ens around the sperm to produce a spermatophore.
south in the Southern Hemisphere, and in both directions at the
geomagnetic equator. In all these cases, iron oxide crystals in Females of n1any insect species store large quantities of
the form of magnetite have been shown to underlie the primary sperm witlun the spermathecae. In some cases spenn
detection devices. However, in honeybees, the iron-containing from a single mating is sufficient to fertilize a female's
structures are trophocytes that contain paramagnetic magnetite.
These magnetotactic tTophocytcs surround each abdominal seg• eggs for her entire reproductive lifetime, which may
mcnt and are innervated b y the central nervous system. last a few days to several years.
884 Chapter Twenty-Two (A)
,,__-Ovarian ligan1ent
(B) Sperm tubes

Figure 22.38 Insect reproductive Sperm duct -

systems. (A) Female system. (B) Male (=vas deferens) �
system. (C) The posterior end of the
abdomen of a mature female insect.
' ...,:
(D) The posterior end of the abdomen
! ir ,-. glands -
of a mature male insect. • 'ii • • i'
j I.


Ovary .

(C) Lateral Spermathecal
gland Semi nal , ,.x ,..
Tergum vesicle
Ejaculatory duct
8 9


,. . ' .


species, Wo/bachia infections elimiJ.1ate males altogether

by disrupting the first cell division of the egg, resulting
in diploid eggs that can develop only as females-thus
(D) .. ..
' 11 /Cercus
creating parthenogenetic strains of normally sexual

.I V Aedeagus
An us wasps. Such asexual strains of wasps ,,viii revert back
Accessory gl and 9 �o' to dioecy if the Wolbachia dies out.9
Sperm duct
(=vas deferens) Embryology As discussed in Chapter 20, the large
centrolecithal eggs of arthropods are often very yo lky, a
condition resulting in modifications of the cleavage pat­
tern. Although vestiges of what have been interpreted
as holoblastic spiral cleavage are still discernible in some
crustaceans, the hexapods show almost no trace of spiral
Insect eggs are protected by a thick membrane (the cleavage at aU. Instead, most undergo n1eroblastic cleav­
chorion) produced within the ovary. Fertilization oc­ age by way of intralecithal nuclear divisions, followed
curs as the eggs pass through the oviduct to be depos­ by migration of the daughter nuclei to the peripheral
ited. Accessory glands contribute adhesives or secre­ cytoplasm (= periplasm). Cytokinesis does not occur
tions that harden over the zygotes. In many species, during these early nuclear divisions (up to 13 cycles),
cuticular extensions around the gonopore of the female which thus generate a syncytium, or plasrnodial phase
form an ovipositor (Figure 22.38C), with which she of embryogenesis. The nuclei continue to divide until
places the eggs in a brooding site that will afford suit­ the periplasm is dense with nuclei, whereupon a syncy­
able conditions for the young once they hatch (such as tial blastoderm exists. Eventually, cell membranes begin
in a shallow undergrow1d chan1ber, in a plant stem, or to form, pa.rtitioning wlinucleate cells fron1 one another.
within the body of a host insect). Although 50-100 eggs At this point the en1b1yo is a periblastula, comprising a
are usually laid at a time, as few as one and as many as yolky sphere containing a fe\V scattered nuclei and cov­
several thousand are deposited by some species. Some ered by a thin cellular layer (Figure 22.39).
insects, such as cockroaches, enclose several eggs at a Along one side of the blastula a patch of columnar
time in a protective egg case. cells forms a germinal disc, sharply marked off from
Parthenogenesis is comn1on in a variety of insect the thin cuboidal cells of the remaining blastodern1
groups. It is used as an alternative form of reproduc­ (Figure 22.39A). From specific regioll5 of this disc, pre­
tion seasonally by a number of insect taxa, particu­ sumptive endodermal and mesodermal cells begin to
larly those living in unstable environments. In the proliferate as germinal centers. These cells migrate in­
Hyrnenoptera (bees, wasps, ants), it is also used as a ward during gastrulation to lie beneath their parental
mechanism for sex determination. In these cases, dip­ cells, which now form the ectoderm. The mesoderm
loid fertilized eggs become females, and haploid llll­ proliferates inward as a longitudinal gastral groove
fertilized eggs develop into males. Infections by the
bacterium Wolbacl1ia, a frequent parasite of arthropod
9Wolbacl,ia pipientis are maternally transmitted, gram-negative,
reproductive systems, are known to affect reproduc­
tion in many insect species. In some cases, infections obl igate intracellular bacteria found in filarial nematodes, crus­
taceans, arachnids, and at least 20% of all insect species. Ma ny
result in infertility, whereas in others they transform Wolbachia increase their prevale nce in populations by manipulat­
males into functional fen1ales. But in some wasp ing host reproductive systems.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 885

Figure 22.39 Early stages of insect

development. (A) The blastoderm ( bl as­
tula) of a generalized insect, subsequent
to cytokinesis (cross section). Note the
thickened germinal d isc. (B) An early
gastrula of a honeybee (cross section).
Note the gastral groove and the prolif­
eration of mesoderm.

CastraI groove

(Figure 22.39B). The cells of the developing gut usuaJJy PolyeJnb ryony occurs in a number of insect taxa, par­
surround and gradually begin absorbing the central ticularly parasitic Hymenoptera. In this form of devel­
yolky mass of the embryo, and paired coelomic spaces opment the early embryo splits to give rise to more than
appear in the mesodern1. one developing embryo. Thus, from two to thousands of
As segments begin to den1arcate and proliferate, larvae n1ay result froin a single fertilized egg, which .is
each receives one pair of .mesodermal pouches and often deposited in the body of another 01ost) insect.
eventually develops appendage buds. As the meso­
derm contributes to various organs and tissues, the Post-embryonic development Within Hexapoda
paired coelomic spaces merge ,,vith the small blastocoel there are three main types of development: ametabo­
to produce the hemocoe!ic space. The mouth and anus lous (direct, or amorphic development), hemime­
arise by ingrowths of the ectoderm that form the proc­ tabolous, and holometabolous (indirect, or complete
todeal foregut and hindgut, which eventually establish development). Figure 22.40 depicts these development
contact with the developing endodermal mjdgut. types. Species in the most primitive wingless hexapod

(A) (B) (C) Figure 22.40 Side­

b y -side compar ison
of the three main
types of development
found in hexapods. (A)
Ametabolous develop­
ment, (B) hemimetabo­
lous development, and
(C) holometabolous


l ...
886 Chapter Twenty-Two



Abdomen \\' Hindwing
•• '" . • \ pad
First instar Second instar Third instor

I Scutellum


Figure 22.41 Illustrations and photo of the life stages

of milkweed bugs (Hemiptera), illustrating the main life
stages of hemimetabolous development. Note the wing
pads in instars 3 5.

However functional wings and sexual structures are

ahvays Jacking, although juveniles have wing rudi­
ments called wing pads or wing buds, and the wings
themselves become exposed for the first time during
the preadult molt.
Holometabolous insects hatch as ver1niform lar­
vae that bear no resemblance whatsoever to the adult
forms. These larvae are so di. fferent from adults that
they are often given separate vernacular names; for
example, butterfly larvae are called caterpillars, fly lar­
vae maggots, and beetle larvae grubs. Holometabolous
larvae Jack compound eyes (and often antennae), and
orders undergo ametabolous development. The young their natural history differs n1arkedly from that of
hatch out as juveniles closely resembling the adult, or adults. Their 1nouthparts may be wholly unlike those
imago, condition but the overall body size increases of adults, and external wing buds are never present.
with each successive molt. Winged insects undergo Often the greater part of a holometabolous insect's
either hemimetabolous development (Figures 22.40B lifetime is spent in a series of larval instars. Larvae
and 22.41) or holon1etabolous development (Figures typically consume vast quantities of food and attain a
22.40C and 22.42). larger size than adults. Termination of the larval stage
In hemimetabolous development, principal changes is accompanied by pupation, d vvhich (in a single
during growth are in body size and proportions and in molt) the pupal stage is entered (Figure 22.43). Pupae
the development of wings and sexual structures. The do not feed or move about very much. They often re­
juveniles of hemimetabolous insects are called nymphs side i n protective niches in the ground, within plant
(terrestrial juveniles) o r naiads (aquatic juveniles, tissues, or housed in a cocoon. Energy reserves stored
such as mayflies, dragonflies, damselflies). Nymphs during the long larval life are utilized by the pupa to
and adults often live in the same general habitat; na­ undergo whole scale body transformation. Many l a r ­
iads and their respective adults do not. Nymphs and val tissues are broken down and reorganized to attain
naiads possess compound eyes, antennae, and feeding the adult fonn; external wings and sexual organs are
and walking appendages similar to those of the adults. formed. The remarkable transformation from larval
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 887

Dorsal process Figure 22.42 Life stages of a butterfly

·. • -ji- •�
(Lepidoptera), illustrating the main life stages of
holometabolous deve lopment.

Thoracic legs Prolegs Anal proleg Hexapod Evolution

i The hexapods were among the first animals to

colonize and exploit terrestrial and freshwater eco­
, .• , Legs syste1ns. The fossil record is good, with about 1,263
..... . t':] recognized families (by comparison, there are 825

-l ·�
r/i"t- Proboscis recognized fossil families of tetrapod vertebrates).
1, The oldest known fossil insects are from the Early
Devonian, which has led to the hypothesis that
"· J Line of weakness hexapods originated in the late Silurian with the
earliest terrestrial ecosystems. The remarkable di­
versification of insects is undoubtedly related to
': i:-------Cremasler
the evolution of wings, and insects are the only
group of invertebrates with the ability to fly. Fossil

winged insects exist from the Late Mississippian
(~324Ma), which suggests a pre-Carboniferous

-..�-. Forewing origin of insect flight. Ho,,vever, the description

of Rhyniognnthn (~412Ma) fro.m a n1andible, po-
tentially indicative of a winged insect, suggests a
late Silurian to Early Devonian origin of winged
insects. Divergence time estimates based on a mo­
" ' -�
lecular phylogenetic analysis of many nuclear,
protein-coding genes (Misof et al. 2014) corrobo­
--Thorax rate an origin of winged insect lineages during this
y Abdomen time period, which implies that the ability to fly
�Hindwing emerged after the establishment of complex terres­
Adult trial ecosystems. Since then, insects have shaped
Earth's terrestrial ecosystems, coevolving with a n ­
other hyperdiverse terrestrial group, the flowering
stage to adult stage in holometabolous insects is one of plants, ultimately qualifying the Cenozoic to be called
the most impressive achieven1ents of ani.mal evolution "the age of insects."
(Figure 22.42), and it is on par with the transformation By the Carboniferous, various modern insect orders
of crustaceans through a series of larval stages to adult­ were flourishing, although many were quite unlike to­
hood (Figure 21.33). day's fauna. Some Carboniferous hexapods are notable
The role of ecdysone in initiating 111olting i s d e ­ for their gigantic size, such as silverfish (Thysanu.ra)
scribed in Chapter 20. Thjs horn1one works in conjunc­ that reached 6 cm in length and dragonflies with wing­
tion with a second endocrine product in controlling the spans of about 70 cm. 1n addition to the living orders
sequence of events in insect metamorphosis. This sec­ of insects, at least ten other orders arose and radiated
ond product, juvenile hormone, is manufactured and in late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic times, then went
released by the corpora allata, a pair of glandlike struc­ extinct.
tures associated vvith the brain (Figtu-e 22.33). When e c ­ The Pernlian saw an explosive radiation of holon1e­
dysone initiates a 1nolt in an early larval instar, the a c ­ tabolous insects, although many groups went extinct
companying concentration of juvenile hormone in the in the great end-Permian extinction event (Chapter 1).
hemolymph is high. A high concentration of juvenile In fact, relatively few groups of Paleozoic insects sur­
hormone ensures a larva-to-larva 1nolt. After the last vived into the Mesozoic, and many recent families first
larval i.nstar is reached, the corpora allata ceases to se­ appeared in the Jurassic, By the Cretaceous, most mod­
crete juvenile hormone, Lo"'' concentrations of juvenile ern families were extant, insect sociality had evolved,
horn1one result in a larva-to-pupa molt. Finally, when and many insect families had begun their intimate r e ­
the pupa is ready to molt, juvenile hormone is absent lationships with angiosperms. Tertiary insects were es­
from the hen1olymph altogether; this deficiency leads sentially modern and included many genera indistin­
to a pupa-to-adult molt. guishable from the Recent (Holocene) fauna.
888 Chapter Twenty-Two

(A) (B) (C)


Figure 22.43 Four different types

of insect pupae. (A) Chrysal i s of
a monarch butterfly (Lepidoptera:
Nymphalidae: Danaus ptexip­
pus). (B) Pupa of a longhorn
beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae:
Xytotrechus nauticus). (C) Cocoon
of a silkworm moth (Lepidoptera:
Saturniidae: Bombyx mor,) sliced
open to reveal the pupa inside. The shed skin (exuviae) of the final larval
instar is visible to the right of the pupa inside the cocoon. (D) Pupa of a
mosquito (Diptera: Culic idae).

Our current vie'A' of the evolutionary relationships wall). In addition, the Malpighian tubules and com­
of hexapod orders is presented in Figure 22.44. This pound eyes are reduced-compound eyes are degener­
tree is based on a recent publication (Misof et al. 2014) ate in Collembola and absent in the extant Diplura and
presenting a molecular phylogenetic analysis of 1,478 Protura. However, these reductions could be conver­
single-copy nuclear, protein-coding genes (see Chapter gences resulting from small body size. Our evolution­
2 for detailed tree with divergence time estimates . ) This ary tree thus depicts an unresolved trichotomy at the
is by far the most data rich analysis of the hexapods base of the Hexapoda, and we treat the entognathous
conducted to date. The results of this analysis support hexapods as a potentially paraphyletic group in our
many of the long held viev-,s of hexapod evolution but classification.
also provide novel support for some parts of the tree The monophyly of the Insecta (Archaeognatha,
that had been difficult to resolve based on smaller m o ­ Thysanura, and Pterygota) (Figure 22.44B) is Lrndis­
lecular sets and by analyses of m.orphological charac­ puted. The principal synapomorphies of this group
ters alone. include the structure of the antenna, with its lack of
The hexapods are divided betv.een three entogna­ muscles beyond the first segment (scape); the pres­
thous orders and the lnsecta. The three entognathous ence of a group of special chordotonal organs (vibra­
orders (the Colle1nbola, Protura, and Diplura) all tion sensors) in the second antennaI segment (pedicel)
have internalized n1outhparts. Most current workers called the Johnston's organ; a well developed poste­
regard the Collembola + Protura t o be a 1nonophy­ rior tentorium (forming a transverse bar); subdivision
letic group (called the Ellipura), and this relationship of the tarsus into tarsomeres; females with ovipositor
is strongly supported by the most recent analyses. formed by gonapophyses (limb-base endites) on seg­
However, whether the Diplura are more closely re­ ments 8 and 9; and long, aimulated, posterior terminal
lated to the Collembola + Protura, or to the Insecta (a filaments (cerci).
view persuasively argued by Kukalova-Peck) remains The Insecta have traditionally been divided into
hotly debated and unresolved. Thus, the entognathous the wingless insects (Archaeognatha and Thysanura)
hexapods 1nay or may not form a monophyletic group. and the \,vinged insects (Pterygota). However, on the
Among the potential synapomorphies that may unite basis of n1olecular studies and the presence of a di­
all three orders is entognathy itself (the overgrowth of condylic mandible, the Thysanura (silverfish) are
the mouthparts by oral folds from the lateral cranial now thought to be the sister group of the Pterygota.
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The Hexapoda: Insects and Their Kin 889

} "Crustacea"



© -..

Blattodea 1

Phas 1nida
Grylloblattodea .. )(

,.. 5".. .. ,.
Mantophasmatodea 0

-" 0
,.... z,., og- -·" ..


.. .,, ..
Psocodea :,.

Hymenoptera * ;;:

Coleoptera *

Raphidioptera 2.
Lepidoptera *
Diptera •

Figure 22.44 Phylogeny o f the 31 orders of Hexapoda. the evo lut ion of dicondylic mandibles (an apomorphy of
Major clades are indicated to the right of the tree. The the Dicondylia) (D) the evolution of wings (an apomorprhy
most recent common ancestor of extant taxa with traits of Pterygota); (E) the evolution of wing folding (an apo­
that led to the success of the Hexapods are denoted with morphy of Neoptera); (F) the evolution of holometabol ous
circled letters to the left of the tree. These key innovations development (= indirect development, or complete meta­
include: (A) arthropod body subdivided into three tagmata: morphosis; an apomorphy o f the Holometabola). The most
the head, 3 -segmented thorax with one pair of uniramous diverse insect orders, commonly known as the "big four,"
legs on each segment, and an 11-segmented abdomen are denoted w ith asterisks. Crustacea, a paraphyletic
(synapomorphies of Hexapoda); (8) the evolution of exter­ group due to its exclusion of the Hexapoda, is shown at
nal mouthparts (an apomorphy of the class lnsecta); (C) the base of the tree.

They are classified together in a lineage known as the only once in Hexapoda along the branch leading to
Dicondylia (see Figure 22.44C). the Pterygota (Figure 22.44D). However, the Pterygota
The Pterygota are, of course, distinguished by the comprise two groups, Palaeoptera and Neoptera, with
presence of wings on the mesothorax and metathorax fundamentally different wing types. The Palaeoptera
of adults. There is wide agreement that wings evolved ("ancient wings") include the Odonata (dragonflies
890 Chapter Twenty-Two

and damselflies) and Ephen1eroptera (mayflies), whid1 characters, the monophyly of this group is likely (but
are characterized by many-veined, netlike wings that controversial), since Misof et al. (2014) found evi­
cannot be folded over the back. It is still unclear wheth­ dence that the Psocodea may be the sister group to
er or not the two palaeopterous orders, Ephemeroptera Holometabola. Although this relationship appears to
and Odonata, form a monophyletic group and they be well-supported by their analyses (see Figure 2.6)
are therefore depicted in a trichoto1ny with Neoptera with high bootstrap support values, this measure of
in our summary tree (Figure 22.44D). The Neoptera statistical support is of controversial utility for such
("modern wings") have reduced wing venation, but large molecular data sets.
more importantly, they can rotate their wing joint and The monophyly of the Holometabola is well es­
fold back their wings when they are not flying (Figure tablished. The eleven orders placed together in the
22.44£). This is one of the most important evolutionary Holometabola are united on the basis of holo1netabo­
innovations in hexapods. Wing folding allows insects lous development (Figure 22.44F). The eminent suc­
to protect their fragile \vings, especially from abrasion, cess of the holometabolous lifestyle is demonstrated
thereby allowing them to live in tight spaces such as by the fact that their species outnumber hemimetabo­
crevices under bark, under rocks, in burrows, nests, lous species ten to one. The most species rich insect
and tunnels. orders (Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and
The Neoptera is divided into three broad groups: Diptera), commonly known as the "big four" all un­
Polyneoptera (10 orders); Acercaria, or Paraneoptera (3 dergo complete metamorphosis. There is a popular
orders); and the Holon1etabola, or Endopterygota (11 theory an1ong evolutionary biologists that views in­
orders). Polyneopterans are a morphologically diverse direct development, including holon1etabolous de­
group of insects with biting-chewing mouthparts and velopment in insects, as selectively advantageous be­
hemimetabolous development. The phylogenetic re­ cause it results in the ecological segregation of adults
lationships among the orders within Polyneoptera, from young, thus avoiding intraspecific competition
and the monophyly of the group itself have long been and allowing each stage to develop its own suite of
controversial. However, recent phylogenomic work re­ specific survival strategies. We have seen that such
covered strong support that the polyneopteran orders transforn1ations in development are common in ma­
form a monophyletic group. rine and some freshwater invertebrates, but only the
The Acercaria includes the Thysanoptera, Hemi­ insects have managed to exploit this strategy so s u c ­
ptera, and the Psocodea. Supported by many derived cessfully on land.

Selected References
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Phylum Arthropoda
The Myriapods: Centipedes, Millipedes,
and Their Kin

he arthropod subphylun1 Myriapoda includes four groups tradition­

ally ranked as classes: 01ilopoda (centipedes), Diplopoda (millipedes),
Pauropoda (pauropods), and Symphyla (symphylans) (see classifica­
tion on p. 897). All modern n1yriapods are terrestrial, but the lineage
probably began its evolution in the aquatic realm. The first fossil records of
millipedes are fron1 the late Ordovician or early Silurian, and some of these are
thought to represent marine species. Fossil evidence suggests that n1yriapods
(millipedes) did not make their first appearance on land until the m i d -Silurian.
Figure 23.1 illustrates a variety of myriapod types. More than 16,000 living spe­
cies have been described so far.
Centipedes and millipedes are familiar arthro­
pods, easily distinguished from all other terrestrial
invertebrates by a body divided into just t"•o tag­
mata, the cephalon and the long, homonomous,
Classification of The Animal and many-segmented trunk arranged with 1nany
Kingdom (Metazoa) pairs of articulated legs. As in the Hexapoda, the
head is equipped with one pair of antennae, and
Non-Bilateria• Lophophorata the mouthparts are represented by the mandibles
(a.k.a. the diploblasts) PHYLUM PHORONIDA
PHYLUM PORIFERA PHYLUM BRYOZOA and the first n1axillae; a second pair of maxillae is
PHYLUM PLACOZOA PHYLUM BRACH IOPODA present in the centipedes and symphylans, but in
PHYLUM CNIOARIA ECDYSQZQA millipedes and pauropods the corresponding s e g ­
PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Nematoida ment bears no appendages.
PHYLUM NEMATODA Millipedes are slow-n1oviJ1g detritus feeders
(a.k.a. the triploblasts) that generally spend their time burrowing through
soil and litter, consun1ing plant remains and con­
Protostomia PHYLUM P RI APULA verting vegetable matter into humus. In tropical
PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA PHYLUM LORICI FERA environments where earthworms are often scarce,
SPJMLIA Panarthropoda n1illipedes may be the n1ajor soil-forn1ing ani­
PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES PHYLUM TARDIGRADA mals. Most of thefr trunk segmental units are actu­
PHYLUM RHOMBOZOA ally diplosegments beariJ1g two pairs of legs earn
(Figure 23.2F). When threatened, many millipedes
PHYLUM NEMERTEA SUBPHYLUM HEXAPODA roll up into a flat coil, and some can roll up into
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA SUBPHYLUM MYRIAPODA perfect balls (like many isopods). Millipedes typi­
PHYLUM ANNELIDA SUBPHYLUM CHEUCERATA cally have many trunk segments, but some have
Deuterostomia only 9 to 12. Despite their vernacular name (milli­
pedes), which has equivalents in many languages,
PHYLUM GNATHOSTOMUUDA PHYLUM CHORDATA no millipede has a thousand legs; the record holder
PHYLUM ROTIFERA "Paraphyletic group

This chapter has been revised by Alessandro Minelli.

896 Chapter Twenty-Three

(A) (C)

(D) (El



(G) (H)

Figure 23.1 Representative myriapods. (A) The Africa. (E) The Southwestern desert millipede Orthoporus
European centipede Himantarium gabrielis, whose leg ornatus. (F) An un identified pauropod from Tasmania
count may reach 179 pairs. (B) Scutigera co/eoptrata, the (Australia). (G) An unident ified symphylan from Tasmania
common house centipede. (C) The Southwestern desert (Australia). (H) A bioluminescent millipede (Motyxia) from
centipede Scolopendra heros. (D) A millipede from East C alifornia.

(Jllac111e plenipes, a California species) reaches the im­ they squeeze out drops of fluid containing quinazoli­
pressive number of 375 pairs of legs. nones, which belong to the same class of substances as
Millipedes are incapable of strong biting and at first the synthetic dn,g Quaalude (methaqualone), a power­
sight seen1 only to rely on their calcified cuticle and their ful sedative. One con1mon household species in Nortl1
rolling ability for defense, but the n1ajority of these a r ­ An1erica (introduced long ago from Asia), the poly­
thropods possess repugnatorial glands vvith lateral desmidan Oxidus gracilis, releases strong-smelling de­
openings (ozopores) that secrete volatile toxic liquids fensive chemicals when injured. Members of the sub­
(Figure 23.2F). Thei1· chemical weaponry is surprisingly class Penicillata, which are small, soft bodied, and lack
diverse: it includes the benzoquinones, hydroquinones, repugnatorial glands, have evolved a mechanical d e ­
phenol, and acetates of long-chain carboxylic acids pro­ fense strategy of throwing stiff brist.les from their pos­
duced by juloids; and the benzoic acid, benzaldehyde terior end at ants and other predators. Given their range
and hydrogen cyanide produced by polydesmoids. A of defensive tactics, it is not surprising that many mil­
few tropical species have toxins powerful enough to lipedes have aposematic (warning) coloration, usually
cause blisters on human skin. Pill millipedes, such as the bright reds, yellows, and oranges, and that some soil­
comn1on European species of the genus G/0111eris, lack dwelling vertebrates (lizards and worm snakes) have
lateral ozopores, but from along their dorsal midline evolved look-alike coloration (Batesian mimicry).
PHYLUM ANTHROPODA The Myr iapods: Centipedes, Millipedes, and Their Kin 897

Millipedes in the family Xystodesmidae (order

Polydesrnida) produce hydrogen cyanide as a defen­ Subclass Penicillata
sive chemical, and use aposematic coloration to warn Order Polyxenida
predators of their toxicity. Coloration patterns in these
Subclass Chilognatha
species include bright yellows, oranges, reds, and vio­
let. One nocturnal genus in this fanlily, Motyxia, kno,,vn
only from California, does not display conspicuous col­ Order Glomeridesmida
oration. Remarkably, however, they produce a novel Order Glomerida
green biolun1inescent glow at a dominant wavelength Order Sphaerotheriida
of 495 nm by way of a biochemical source of light p r o ­ INFRACLASS HELMINTHOMORPHA
duced in their exoskeleton. The source is a photopro­ Superorder Colobognatha
tein with a chromophore containing a porphyrin as its Order Pl atydesmida
functional group. This is the only known instance of Order Po lyzoniida
light production via a photoprotein on land, all other Order Si phonocryptida
exa1nples being marine. The structure of the milli­ Order Si phonophorida
pede's photoprotein is unknown and its homology to Superorder Eugnatha
molecules of other animals is uncertain. Scientists have Order Julida
speculated that the emitted light could be a sexi1al s i g ­ Order Sp irobolida
nal to attract mates, o r an aposematic warning glow Order Spi rostreptida
to announce the presence of a cyanide-based che1ni­ Order Calli podida
cal defense. So far as is known, millipedes in the order Order Chordeumatida
Polydesmida all are blind, suggesting that the preda­ Order Stemmiul ida
t o rw- arning hypothesis might be more likely. Other Order Si phoniul ida
than the genus Motyxia, there al"e no other conffrmed Order Polydesmida
accounts of biolurninescence among millipedes.
l n contrast to millipedes, most centipedes are fast­ CLASS PAUROPODA (PAUROPODS)
running predators, with one pair of legs per segment,
and with poison claws at the tip of the first legs, thus
turned into a peculiar kind of maxillipeds called for­
cipules or prehensors.Centipedes never roll into a coil Myriapod Classification
when threatened; instead, they usually strike out with
the poison claws with ,vhicl1 they can inflict a pain­ Subphylum Myriapoda
ful bite. A few Scolopendra species have warning col­ Terrestrial 1nandibulate and tracl1eate artluopods p r o ­
oration-black and red banding (Figure 23.lC). Some vided with one pair of antennae; mandibles with articu­
lithobiomorph centipedes bear large numbers of uni­ lating endite; first maxillae free or fuse

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