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Name: Chemistry Date: 06-09-2020

Grade: 7 Topic: 9Ec Page no- 60,61

1. What are alloys?
a) The mixture of gases
b) The mixture of metals
c) The mixture of carbonated compounds
d) The mixture of hydrocarbons

2. How many metals are used in buildings in their full forms?

a) 95% b) Very few c) Several d) Almost all the metals

3. What does brass consist of?

a) Copper and zinc b) Copper and tin c) Copper and aluminum d) None

4. What is the density of aluminum (g/cm3)?

a) 50-90 b) 20-23 c) 2.7 d) 2.8

5. What is the strength of brass in MPa?

a) 50-90 b) 330-500 c) 100-400 d) 1000+

6. In Wright brothers’ wright flyer, which alloy was used?

a) Aurum/copper/magnesium
b) Aluminum/iron/tin
c) Aluminum/copper/zinc
d) Aluminum/copper/magnesium

7. When did the engine of the first aeroplane use metal alloy?
a) 1992 b) 1993 c) 1994 d) 1995

8. How many kinds of atoms do metals have?

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

9. What is rust?
a) Iron oxide b) Iron hydride c) Iron sulphate d) Iron phosphate

10. How does rust look?

a) Blue b) Crumbly red c) Green d) Yellow

11. What does cast iron have except iron?

a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) Carbon d) Chromium

12. Which is an alloy of iron?

a) Bronze b) Brass c) Duralumin d) Steel

13. How is iron known when extracted from its ore?

a) Cast iron b) Steel c) Pig iron d) Hematite

14. For what is stainless steel used?

a) For cladding buildings
b) For making jewelries
c) Both
d) None
15. What is the density of cast iron (g/cm3)?
a) 7-7.4 b) 7.5-8 c) 8-10 d) 1-7

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