Extraction of Catechins and Caffeine From Different Tealeaves and Comparison With Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography

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Chinese Science Bulletin 2003 Vol. 48 No. 22 2438ü2443 anti-mutagenic, anti-oxidant and anti-tumorigenic proper-
ties[4ü7] and may exert prophylactic effects against hyper-
Extraction of catechins tension[8]. High levels of catechins also may render the tea
bitter and affect its astringency. The five major tea cate-
and caffeine from different chins are (+)-catechin (C), ()-epicatechin (EC), ()-
tealeaves and comparison epigallocatechin (EGC), ()-epicatechin gallate (ECG)
and ()-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). The structural
with micellar electrokinetic similarity of the various catechins makes the quantitation
and analysis difficult. Caffeine is another important bitter
chromatography component, which was contained in some popular bever-
ages like tea, coffee and cocoa and known for its stimula-
SONG Guanqun1, LIN Jinming1, Qu Feng1 tory effect.
& C. W. Huie2 Many analytical methods have been developed to
1. Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy measure these important tea components in order to esti-
of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China; mate the quality and taste of tea. Gas chromatography
2. Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon
Tong, Hong Kong, China
(GC) methods[9,10] utilizing both glass or fused-silica cap-
Correspondence should be addressed to Lin Jinming (e-mail: jmlin@ illary column have been developed for the determination
mail.rcees.ac.cn) of catechins. The methods give good separation of the
catechins but the derivatization step, along with the indi-
Abstract This work describes the simultaneous deter-
mination of catechins and caffeine in green, black tealeaves
vidual isocratic runs, makes the methods time consuming
and canned tea-drink using micellar electrokinetic chroma- and labor intensive. High-performance liquid chromatog-
tography. The catechins analyzed include (+)-catechin, ()- raphy (HPLC)[11ü14] is currently the most useful approach
epicatechin, ()-epigallocatechin, ()-epicatechin gallate and for the routine analysis and research of non-volatile tea
()-epigallocatechin gallate. Using UV absorption method at constituents. However, these methods need large quantity
280 nm, the limits of detections of catechins and caffeine are of elutant. Furthermore, with HPLC very little can be done
106 mol/L, which is suitable for the real sample determina- to manipulate the selectivity as the analytical columns are
tion. Using this analytical method, the extraction of these used with simple buffers or dilute acid only.
compounds from the tealeaves with hot water is compared
under different temperatures. The effects of temperature on
Recently, capillary electrophoresis (CE) has been
the amount of catechins and caffeine extracted are evident, complementary to chromatographic methods for it pro-
showing that ()-epigallocatechin gallate is the most easiest to vides several promising features such as high separation
be extracted at 100ć. The stability of catechins and caffeine efficiency, fast analysis and low consumption of chemicals.
in stocking solution of tea-drink at 4ć is also compared on Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)[15,16] and micellar
five consecutive days. The contents of catechins and caffeine electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC)[17ü21] are
in green and black teas are discussed and the difference of the CE methods of choice for the determination of cate-
the content between different tealeaves can provide a refer- chins. In general, the MEKC methods provide better
ence for the assessment of tea quality.
separation, resolution and quantitation for a larger number
Keywords: catechins, caffeine, tea, micellar electrokinetic chroma- of catechins than do the rudimentary CZE methods[22].
tography, pretreatment.
Although the previous methods had lower detection limit
DOI: 10.1360/03wb0105 and wider linear range, they were complex[16ü19] and the
analysis time was longer[15,18,21]. The present method was
Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the simple, fast and without using organic solvent, applicable
world because of its attractive taste, aroma and healthy for analysis of the real tea samples. Microemulsion elec-
effects. Recently, several studies lead to acceptance of tea trokinetic chromatography (MEEKC) is a relatively new
as a useful cancer preventive agent[1]. Increased public variant of CE, which also was used to analyze the cate-
awareness of the health protective characteristics of tea, chins[23,24], and Pomponio et al.[23] represented MEEKC was
which are generally considered to be associated with the superior to MECK in resolution, sensitivity and retention time,
high flavonoid content of the leaves and extracts, has con- but this method was not suitable for the real sample analysis.
tributed to the public’s general attitude toward the bever- The main purpose of this paper was to systematically
age[2]. The main components of tea are polyphenolic study the pretreatment of tea samples and analyze the tea
compounds, commonly known as catechins, which repre- samples. The effects of several crucial parameters during
sent a group of compounds belonging to the flavonoid dealing samples, including temperature of sample prepa-
family. Catechins may be contained in up to 30% (w/w) of ration and time of deposition, on the contents of catechins
the dried tealeaf[3], which has been found to possess and caffeine extracted into the tea infusion were discussed.

2438 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 48 No. 22 November 2003

In addition, the content of catechins and caffeine in green (π) Preparation of tea sample solution. 1.000 g of
tea, black tea and canned tea drink were also compared tealeaves were weighted and placed into a 250 mL beaker,
and the difference of the content between different tea- adding 100 mL of deionized hot water at 90ć, stirring for
leaves was primarily discussed. 10 min by a constant temperature shaker at 90ćWhen
1 Experiments cooling at about 70ć,20 mL of tea infusion filtered with
common filter paper was diluted 10 times with 0.1%
(ν) Reagents and tea samples metaphosphoric acid. After passing through the 0.45-µm
(1) Reagents. Five catechin standards, (+)-catechin membrane filter, the filtrates were used as samples. Canned
(C), ()-epicatechin (EC), ()-epigallocatechin (EGC), tea drink was diluted five times with 0.1% metaphosphoric
()-epicatechin gallate (ECG) and ()-epigallocatechin acid and passed through the 0.45-Pm membrane filter and
gallate (EGCG) (see Fig. 1) were purchased from Funa- the filtrate was used as a sample.
koshi (Tokyo, Japan). Caffeine was from Acros Organics
(USA). Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) was obtained 2 Results and discussion
from Wako Pure Chemival Industries Ltd (Japan). All re- (ν) Optimal conditions for the determination of
agents were of analytical-reagent grade. All solutions were catechins and caffeine
prepared with distilled water that was deionized using a (1) Effect of pH. In alkaline solutions catechins are
Milli-Q purification system with 0.2 µm fiber filter (Barn- known to be unstable and the peak tailing significantly[25].
stead, USA). The pH of the electrophoretic run buffer must be carefully
(2) Tea samples. The tea samples, including green tea, controlled, as it influenced not only the EOF, but also the
Huang-Shan Maofeng, Dahong Pao, West-lake Longjing resolution of the catechins. The influence of pH on elec-
and Xinyang Maojian were from Anhui, Fujian, Zhejiang trophoretic mobility of catechins and caffeine was tested.
and Henan respectively, and black tea, Qi black tea and The migration time decreased with increasing of pH. This
Dian black tea were from Anhui and Yunnan respectively. is because when the pH value of the solution is higher, the
Canned tea drinks, Tongyi green tea and Tongyi black tea density of the negative charges on the inner-wall of capil-
(Tongyi Tea Inc. China) were obtained from the market. lary is increased, resulting in the value of the zeta potential
(ξ) Apparatus. All experiments were carried out (]) higher and the velocity of the electroosmotic flow in-
with a lab-built CE system equipped with a high voltage creased. Therefore, the optimum pH was chosen at 7.0.
power supply (Beijing New Tech. Inc., China), a UV spec- (2) Effect of SDS concentration. The SDS concen-
trometer (Jasco, Japan) and a plexiglass box in which the tration was particularly important for separating the com-
buffer and sample reservoirs were. A fused-silica capillary pounds with the similar structures. When its concentration
(Yongnian, China) with a total length of 60 cm and an I.D. is above the critical micelle concentration (CMC), the
of 50 µm was used. A detection window was created at 45
surfactant provided a pseudo-stationary phase, with which
cm from the capillary inlet by removing the polyimide
the analytes were separated on their different hydrophobic
coating. HW chromatography software (Qianpu Inc.,
interactions. The SDS concentration was tested in the
China) was used for both the operation of the detector and
range 0ü35 mmol/L at pH 7.0. An increase in the SDS
data processing. THZ-82 constant-temperature shaker
concentration helped to resolve the different analytes. But
(Changzhou Inc., China) was used to dispose the sample.
higher SDS concentration did not increase the resolution
(ο) Analytical conditions. A 25 mmol/L SDS in a
while caused peak broadening and unacceptable high
20 mmol/L borate (pH 7.0) solution was used as a running
Joule heating. 25 mmol/L was chosen as the optimum con-
buffer. The potential applied for the separation was +25 kV
and the detection was performed by UV absorption at 280 nm. centration.
The samples were injected by 1.5 kPa pressure for 10 s. (3) Construction of calibration curves for catechins
Stock solutions of catechins and caffeine were ob- and caffeine. As shown in Table 1, calibration curves for
tained by dissolving these compounds in deionized water, each compound were established from six concentration
and the concentrations of all stock solution were 103 mol/L. levels of mixed sample, which showed good linearity be-
The stock solutions were stored at 4ć and used within 1 tween peak area and sample concentration. Relative stan-
week. dard deviations (RSD) of peak area and migration time
The capillary was conditioned prior to use with 1.0 were calculated based on four duplicate injections of a
mol/L HCl for 10 min, followed by deionized water for 2 standard sample. The limits of detection (LOD) were ob-
min, 1.0 mol/L NaOH for 10 min, deionized water for 2 tained at a 3ĩ1 ratio of signal-to-noise (S/N). The deter-
min and finally buffer solution for 10 min. To achieve mination ranges for caffeine and five catechins are from
reproducibility, between runs the capillary was rinsed their limit of detection to 5h105 mol/L The high repro-
consecutively with 1.0 mol/L HCl (2 min), deionized water ducibility and low LOD indicated that CE is reliable for
(1 min) and finally for 2 min with buffer. analysing catechins and caffeine in tea samples.

Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 48 No. 22 November 2003 2439


Fig. 1. The chemical structures of the catechins and caffeine.

Table 1 Calibration curves expressed as regression lines (y = ax+b)a)

Compound a b r RSDt (%) RSDA (%) LOD/molgL1

Caffeine 5.446h108 6764.1 0.9988 0.52 3.3 2.1h106

(+)-C 1.037h109 3225.8 0.9985 0.78 3.5 4.3h106
()-EGC 6.112h10 7
2200.6 0.9983 0.96 4.1 5.9h106
()-EGCG 3.572h108 99728 0.9989 0.58 3.3 2.2h106
()-EC 6.746h10 8
7769 0.9993 0.43 2.8 2.3h106
()-ECG 1.786h109 41589 0.9992 0.48 3.2 4.2h106
a) y, Integrated peak area; x, concentration of catechins and caffeine (mol/L); a, slope; b, intercept; r, relative coefficient. RSDt is relative stan-
dard deviation of retention time. RSDA is relative standard deviation of peak area. LOD is limits of determination at 3ĩ1 signal-to-noise ratio.

2440 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 48 No. 22 November 2003

(ξ) Application to real samples and EGC was shown. According to the mechanism of
(1) Effect of temperature on catechins and caffeine antioxidative cooperative action, the antioxidative effect
extraction. The extraction of catechins and caffeine from of EGCG and EGC was the most significant. So, the
the tealeaves with hot water at 100, 90, 70, 50, 30ć for health protecting activities of tea was reduced with the
10 min was studied. From Fig. 2, the concentration of in- increase of the storage time of tea water. There was no
dividual catechin and caffeine increased with the increase evident change in the concentration of C, EC and ECG,
of extraction temperature. EGCG was the easiest to be but the concentration of caffeine increased quickly with
extracted at 100ć. In the temperature range from 90ć the longer storage time. The reason for the increase of
to 100ć, the content of the compounds increased gradu- caffeine may be the degradation of complexes of caffeine
ally with the exception of ECG. Chen et al.[26] reported the with polyphenols, which slowly released caffeine[27].
effects of extraction temperature and time on the poly- These results told us that the home-made tea drink could
phenol content of Oolong tea and found an increase in be stored at 4ć and drunk at least 5 days even thought
catechin content with increasing extraction temperature part of EGC and EGCG were decomposed in the water so-
and suggested the total polyphenol levels were highest lution. This is why the canned tea is so popular in the world.
when extracted within 80ü90ć. The present work also (3) Analysis of green and black teas. Green and
shows that the temperature for the extraction of catechins black teas are popular in the world, especially in China. The
and caffeine from tealeaves is suitable at 80ü90ć. most difference between them is the manufacture process.
Green tea is manufactured by steaming or drying fresh tea
leaves to prevent oxidation of the green tea polyphenols.
While the manufacture of black tea is characterized by a
high degree of enzymatically catalysed aerobic oxidation of
the leaf polyphenols followed by a series of chemical con-
densations. The compositions of tea varied with species,
season, age of the leaf, climate and horticultural practices.
Four brand green teas, two brand black teas and canned tea
drink were analyzed and the content of catechins and caf-
feine was compared. A typical chromatogram for Xinyang
Maojian tea is shown in Fig. 4. Spiking with standards
identified the peaks.

Fig. 2. Effect of temperature on catechins and caffeine extraction, as an

example of Xinyang Maojian tea, at different temperatures (100, 90, 70,
50 and 30ć).

(2) Effect of daytime on the content of catechins and

caffeine. It has been proved that drinking tea could prevent
diseases because the catechins in tealeaves played an impor-
tant role. In epidemiological studies, the intake of catechins
has normally been determined by tea consumption, but not all
cups of tea were drunk immediately. A decrease of the con-
centrations with time was found because catechins were un-
stable. Fig. 3 shows the changes of the catechins content in 5
days. Based on the drinking custom of Chinese, we prepared
the green tea sample at 90ć in the above method. Then the
tea sample was stored at 4ć all the time. The content of Fig. 3. Dependence of the content of catechins and caffeine in the tea
the catechins was determined on 5 consecutive days. extraction solution on the stocking time during 5 days at the same time.
A significant decrease of the concentration of EGCG The stocking temperature of the tea solution: 4ć.

Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 48 No. 22 November 2003 2441


Fig. 4. Electropherogram of the Xinyang Maojian tea sample. The conditions are the same as in Fig. 2, except the buffer pH 7.0. Peak
identification: 1, caffeine; 2, (+)-C; 3, (-)-EGC; 4, (-)-EGCG; 5, (-)-EC; 6, (-)-ECG.

Fig. 5 shows a comparison of the concentration of

catechins and caffeine for different green and black teas.
EGCG was the major constituent of the green tea and the
trends of their individual catechin contents (EGCG>EGC
>EC>ECG>C) were similar. The caffeine content of green
tea was found to be higher than that of catechins except
that in Xinyang Maojian tea. That was probably because
of the difference in resources, agronomic conditions, stor-
age, etc.
The two kinds of black tea reported in this study are
classified as fully fermented tea and showed an overall
similar trend among individual catechins (EGCG>ECG>
EC>EGC>C). The caffeine content of black tea was still
high. Generally, fermentation has little effect on caffeine
levels in tealeaves; therefore, the variation could be due to
the variety of tea and the structure of the leaf that can in-
fluence the kinetics of the infusion process. Fig. 5. Analytical results for the individual five catechins and caffeine
in green tea, black tea and commercial canned green and black tea sam-
At the process of manufacturing canned drink, ples (n=3). Green Tea: 1, Huang-shan Maofeng tea; 2, Dahong Pao; 3,
ascorbic acid was added to maintain the quality, and the West-lake Longjing tea; 4, Xinyang Maojian tea; Black Tea: 5, Qi black
composition of catechins was changed by the high-tem- tea; 6, Dian black tea; Canned tea drink: 7, Tongyi Green tea; 8, Tongyi
black tea.
perature treatment to kill the microorganisms. In our ex-
periment, the contents of the catechins and caffeine in 3 Conclusion
canned drink were a little lower.
An easy and fast analytical method to determine
It is known that the amount and the proportion of
catechins and caffeine in tea was presented and could be
various catechins depend on the agronomic conditions, successfully applied to analysis the real tea samples. In
leaf age, and degree of fermentation, which are directly this research, the relationship between the tea health effect
correlated with the final quality of the beverage[28]. It is and dealing conditions was elucidated and the mechanism
considered that the finest tea is made from the young tea of health protective characteristics will be studied further.
shoots containing the highest levels of catechins. Green
tea prior to black tea manufacturing generally contains a Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Science
Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (Grant No. 20125514)
high catechin content, which may also account for some and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.
of the variation in catechin contents. 50273046 and 20275043).

2442 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 48 No. 22 November 2003

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