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Static generation and dissipation of polyester

continuous filament yarn
a a a a
M. Suh , A. M. Seyam , W. Oxenham & T. Theyson
College of Textiles , NC State University , Raleigh, NC, USA
Published online: 14 Dec 2009.

To cite this article: M. Suh , A. M. Seyam , W. Oxenham & T. Theyson (2010) Static generation and dissipation of polyester
continuous filament yarn, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 101:3, 261-269, DOI: 10.1080/00405000802377250

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The Journal of The Textile Institute
Vol. 101, No. 3, March 2010, 261–269

Static generation and dissipation of polyester continuous filament yarn

M. Suh, A.M. Seyam∗ , W. Oxenham and T. Theyson
College of Textiles, NC State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
(Received 10 June 2008; final version received 29 July 2008)

The effect of environmental conditions (temperature and relative humidity) and contact conditions (yarn tension and speed)
on static generation and dissipation of polyester flat continuous filament yarn, when rubbed against stainless steel was
analyzed. A newly developed device, housed in an environmental room, was used to charge the yarn while moving un-
der desired tension. The charge potentials were measured at two different positions in real time. These measurements
and previously established exponential relationship permitted the calculation of the initial potential (at the generation
point) and a ‘characteristic decay time’, which is a measure of static dissipation. Experimental data showed that temper-
Downloaded by [University of Delaware] at 07:04 03 October 2014

ature, humidity, yarn tension, and yarn speed have significant effects on static generation; while temperature, humidity,
and yarn speed yielded statistically significant changes on static dissipation. Anomalous behavior of static charge when
measured at a temperature of 35◦ C, provided a meaningful clue to control the environmental conditions in the textile
Keywords: electrostatics; static charge generation; static charge dissipation; static charge measurement; coefficient of friction

Introduction fibers such as nylon or polyester are more hydrophobic

Low energy surfaces such as polymeric materials are char- than natural fibers (like cotton and wool) and easier to
acterized by their tendency to collect electrostatic charge collect and maintain electrostatic charges for long time
when rubbed against themselves, other polymeric surfaces, (slow charge dissipation). Polyester is the most widely
or metals (Ohara, Nakamura, & Kinoshita, 2001). Static used man-made fibers throughout the world and it has
shock occurs when a relatively large charge is built up on bad reputation for generating and accumulating static
a person or a low surface energy material. Static charge charges.
generated by friction may detract from the other properties There is no universally agreed explanation regarding the
of textile products, for example, it may cause garments to mechanism of static generation and dissipation and this is
cling to the body resulting in discomfort and create poor in part due to the low reproducibility of tribo-electrification
aesthetics and furthermore the charge attracts dust from experiments. According to Henry (1953), there are equilib-
the air spoiling the appearance of garments. Static shock, rium effects and kinetic effects, and tribo-electrification is
as a result of discharge, is commonly experienced, espe- caused by the combination of these two effects. Equilibrium
cially in dry conditions when walking on a carpet, touching effects refer to charge transfer due to contact alone (with-
a door knob, and putting on or taking off clothes. This out any friction), while kinetic effect is associated with
can be a matter of life and death when a parachute fails a rubbing motion. Because kinetic motion creates many
to open due to clinging as a result of static generation possible variables such as rubbing asymmetry and charge
or spark generation at a gas station that may cause fire back flow, static experiments are difficult to control. Diaz
(Sweeney, 1955). and Felix-Navarro (2004) pointed out that the contradic-
Static has been a major source of problems for the tions reported in the literature may be explained by the
textile industry as well as for consumers, and there is complexity of measurement and the numerous parameters
often a possibility of static charge generation when fibers affecting the static generation/dissipation such as chemical
are handled. During processing, fibers, yarns, or fabrics composition, surface characteristics, nature of contact, and
are rubbed against guides, rollers, or tension devices and experimental conditions. Additionally, the charge transfer
this operation of contact and separation is frequently mechanism of insulators is still debatable. The contradiction
repeated. The static problems in the textile industry have of results and the discrepancy between different methods
become more serious with the greater adoption of synthetic and devices are the reasons behind the current research be-
fibers and use of higher processing speeds. Synthetic ing undertaken. It is believed that the combined effects of

Corresponding author. Email:
ISSN 0040-5000 print / ISSN 1754-2340 online
C 2010 The Textile Institute
DOI: 10.1080/00405000802377250
262 M. Suh et al.

advances in instrumentation, improved data acquisition sys-

tems, better control systems, implementation of predefined
and strictly controlled procedures provide the contempo-
rary tools needed to carry out research in the area of static
generation/dissipation of polymeric materials.
The overall goal of this research is to obtain a better
understanding of the mechanism of static generation and
dissipation on polymeric surfaces and to relate these find-
ings to the static charge issues in textile material processing.
In a previous publication (Seyam, Cai, & Oxenham, 2009),
we described newly developed devices for testing the elec-
trostatic generation/dissipation properties of polymer sur-
faces. These devices include a tester for assessing moving
yarns, a high-resistance system to measure the yarn’s lin-
ear resistance, a tester for evaluating stationary fabrics or
films while rubbing against a moving surface, and a con-
Downloaded by [University of Delaware] at 07:04 03 October 2014

tact charge tester for investigating charge generated by the

contact of two surfaces. The devices were designed us-
ing the latest electronic measurement equipment and auto-
matic data acquisition with noncontact sensors to avoid the
problems associated with the previously developed methods
(Seyam et al., 2009). This paper focuses on the influence Figure 1. Linear Tester.
of ambient conditions (temperature and relative humidity)
and processing parameters on the static charge generation
The yarn package was left in the environmental room
and dissipation on polyester multifilament yarn. The static
under desired temperature and relative humidity for at least
charge was generated by passing the yarn over a stainless
12 hr before running tests. Using the CCT controller, the
steel pin, which is the most commonly used material (for
yarn speed and tension were adjusted to the desired levels
yarn guides, tension devices, and feed and delivery rollers)
before testing. The angle of wrap of the yarn on the charg-
in processing and handling yarns. Our future papers will
ing pin was kept constant at 120◦ . Two voltmeters collect
address studies of static behavior in terms of fiber type,
potential signals from the first and second probes located
yarn type, and charge pin material.
25 mm and 420 mm away from the charge pin (Figure 2).
The data from the two probes were acquired at a sampling
rate of 100 data points/seconds for at least 15 s. Spectrum
Experimental analysis was done on the raw signals collected from the
Equipment potential probes. Potential signal and its periodogram are
The equipment used to generate and measure static gen- given in Figure 3, and it indicates that potential signals
eration and dissipation on yarns is known as a “Linear were fairly stable without any periodical peak. Therefore,
Tester” that is housed inside an environmental room. The
tester is shown in Figure 1. It consists of a CTT (con-
stant tension transport) machine, a charge pin, two potential
probes connected to two voltmeters, and a computer system
for automatically acquiring the output of the two potential
probes. The dimensions given in Figure 2 were used to
calculate charge generation on the yarn surface right after
the charge pin and the static dissipation. More details on
the Linear Tester can be found elsewhere (Seyam et al.,

Materials and test protocol

As mentioned earlier the material assessed is flat polyester
yarn with linear density of 1000 denier and comprised of
140 filaments. The yarn was supplied with a “commercial
finish” at 0.625%. Figure 2. Dimensions between charge pin and probes.
The Journal of The Textile Institute 263

Figure 3. Potential signal and periodogram.

the average over the signals was selected to represent the Calculation of responses
potential signal observed during 15 s. The responses of interest in this study are the initial poten-
tial (the charge generated on the yarn right after the yarn
Experimental design separates from the charge pin) and characteristic decay time
Full experimental design was utilized to reveal the influ- (defined as the time needed for the potential to reduce to
Downloaded by [University of Delaware] at 07:04 03 October 2014

ence of independent parameters on the measured responses the 1/e of initial potential). Equation (2) was utilized for
and this is shown in Table 1. The temperature and relative deducing the initial potential and the characteristic decay
humidity levels were selected to include a broad range of time. The equation was derived empirically to express the
environmental conditions, including those used in industry, residual potential on a charged surface after certain time
and standard atmospheric conditions were also included. in terms of the initial potential and time (Taylor & Secker,
Two environmental conditions (21◦ C, 30% relative humid- 1994).
ity [RH] and 25◦ C, 30% RH) were excluded because rel-
Vt = V0 × e− t ∗ .
ative humidity as low as 30% was not attainable with the (2)
low temperatures (21◦ C and 25◦ C).
In Equation (2), Vt is the potential at time t (V), V0
Friction measurements is the initial potential (V), t is time at certain point (s),
and t ∗ is the characteristic decay time (s). With two poten-
Yarn friction is known to vary with yarn speed, yarn tension,
tial measurements along the moving yarn, and values for
and ambient conditions (Nikonova, Pakshver, & Yagudina,
the yarn speed and the dimensions between the charge pin
1971). The frictional forces between the charge pin and
and the two probes (Figures 1 and 2), V0 and t∗ can be
the moving yarn influence the nature of contact between
the two surfaces and consequently impact the static charge
It is thought that the ratio Vt /V0 (residual potential) in
behavior. The incoming tension (tension before the charge
terms of t provides a standard value by which different runs
pin) is a controlled parameter, as seen from Table 1. The
can be fairly compared. Equation (3) expresses the residual
output tension (tension after the charge pin) varies as a result
potential in terms of time.
of change in the coefficient of friction between the yarn and
the charge pin. The coefficient of friction was determined by Vt
× 100 = e− t ∗ × 100.
measuring the incoming and output tensions using a digital (3)
tension meter. Equation (1) was implemented to determine
the coefficient of friction (Morton & Hearle, 1997). ANOVA using SAS 9.1 software was used to assess
T2 whether the responses (initial potential and decay time)
eµθ = (1) are significantly impacted by the controlled parameters
and their interactions. For further investigation, multiple
where µ, coefficient of friction; θ , angle of contact (rad); mean comparison analyses were conducted using Scheffe’s
T1 incoming tension (gf); T2 , output tension (gf). method.

Table 1. Design of experiments. Results

Static generation (initial potential)
Parameters Levels
ANOVA analysis for the initial potential as a response is
Temperature (◦ C) 21, 25, 30, 35 shown in Tables 2 and 3. Some data were excluded from the
Humidity (%) 30, 40, 50, 65 analysis because there was no charge generated with 10 m/
Yarn tension (gf) 50, 75, 100, 150
Yarn speed (m/min) 10, 50, 100, 300 min yarn speed, and the measured charge increased with
time at 35◦ C temperature (which obviously would result
264 M. Suh et al.

Table 2. Overall ANOVA of initial potential.

Source DF Sum of squares Mean square F-value Pr > F

Model 45 16, 601, 649.45 368, 925.54 58.99 <0.0001

Error 73 456, 528.93 6, 253.82
Corrected 118 17, 058, 178.38

DF, degree of freedom. Pr > F, probability greater than F-value.

in conditions for using Equation (2) to be invalid). As can

be seen from Table 3, all independent parameters and first-
order interactions have significant influence on the initial
Figures 4–7 show graphical representations of the re-
Figure 4. Effect of temperature on initial potential.
sults of static generation represented by initial charge. The
Downloaded by [University of Delaware] at 07:04 03 October 2014

effect of temperature on initial potential or charge is shown

in Figure 4. In general, the initial potential decreased as
temperature went up. There is no significant difference be-
tween temperatures of 21◦ C and 25◦ C. However, the initial of Figure 6. Higher yarn tension resulted in more po-
potential at 30◦ C was significantly lower. This tendency is tential, and the magnitude of this effect was systemati-
also supported by Scheffe’s multiple mean comparison. The cally influenced by the temperature, humidity, and speed.
data generated by conducting Scheffe’s analysis is published Effect of yarn tension was more pronounced when tem-
elsewhere (Suh, 2008). perature and humidity were lower, and yarn speed was
It must be emphasized that the effect of temperature higher.
is confounded by the effect of humidity because, theo- These findings are supported by previous work. Contact
retically, the amount of moisture existing in the air is area is known to be proportional to the normal contact force
more under higher temperature than lower temperature at (Morton & Hearle, 1997). Increase in yarn tension enlarged
a given relative humidity. In general, potential fell down the contact area between the charge pin and the yarn due to
as humidity increased (Figure 5). The fact that high hu- yarn flattening as a result of spreading the filaments on the
midity reduced the static generation was clearly distin- charge pin. Minor flattening of individual filament may also
guished and this is in agreement with previous works have taken place by increase in tension. The degree of yarn
(Abdurakhmanova, Dzhalilov, & Tushkova, 1987; Coletti, flattening increases with yarn tension. Increased contact
Guastavino, & Torello, 2003; Guastavino, Coletti, Dardano, area gives the yarn more chance to exchange charges since
& Torello, 2004). more charge sites are available to change electrons between
Figure 6 shows the effect of yarn tension on initial po- the two surfaces (yarn and charge pin). Elsdon and Mitchell
tential at different temperature, humidity, and speed. The (1976), who worked on charge of polymeric surfaces, found
yarn tension and its interactions with temperature, humid- that transferred charge was proportional to the real area of
ity, and yarn speed can be seen clearly from the graphs contact and the normal force.

Table 3. ANOVA Type III error of initial potential.

Source DF Type III SS Mean square F-value Pr > F

Temperature 2 1, 772, 779.175 886, 389.588 141.74 <0.0001

Humidity 3 2, 181, 573.892 727, 191.297 116.28 <0.0001
Tension 3 6, 849, 127.224 2, 283, 042.408 365.06 <0.0001
Speed 2 3, 834, 316.491 1, 917, 158.246 306.56 <0.0001
Temperature × humidity 4 440, 107.719 110, 026.930 17.59 <0.0001
Tension × speed 6 482, 982.508 80, 497.085 12.87 <0.0001
Temperature × tension 6 435, 044.461 72, 507.410 11.59 <0.0001
Temperature × speed 4 86, 706.806 21, 676.701 3.47 0.0120
Humidity × tension 9 354, 613.248 39, 401.472 6.30 <0.0001
Humidity × speed 6 164, 397.924 27, 399.654 4.38 0.0008

SS, sum of square.

The Journal of The Textile Institute 265

Figure 5. Effect of humidity on initial potential.

Downloaded by [University of Delaware] at 07:04 03 October 2014

Initial potential increased with yarn speed, and there The effect of yarn speed could be explained by the frictional
were interactions with temperature, humidity, and yarn behavior between the yarn and the charge pin. Increasing
tension. The effect of yarn speed was larger at the low tem- friction coefficient depends on yarn speed. The trends of
perature and humidity and smaller at the high temperature the effect of speed on friction coefficient and the effect
and humidity (Figure 7). Also, the initial charge was larger of speed on initial potential are very similar (Figure 8),
with high tension, and smaller with low tension (Figure 6). and their correlation is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 6. Effect of yarn tension on initial potential and interactions.

266 M. Suh et al.

Figure 7. Effect of yarn speed on initial potential and interactions.

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Figure 8. Friction coefficient at different yarn speeds.

Static dissipation
Statistical analysis of static dissipation measured by the
characteristic decay time is shown in Tables 4 and 5. Figure 9. Friction coefficient and potential.
ANOVA results for the decay time indicate that the tem-
perature, humidity, and speed have significant effect on the
decay time. Additionally, the first-order interactions temper-
ature × humidity and humidity × tension have significant
influence on the decay time.
Figures 10–14 show graphical presentation of the re-
sults of static dissipation. Figures 10 and 12–14 were
plotted using data generated by Equation (3) after de-
termining the initial charge and the characteristic time
using the average measurements from the two probes.

Table 4. Overall ANOVA of decay time.

Source DF Sum of squares Mean square F-value Pr > F

Model 45 37.35549421 0.83012209 16.17 <0.0001

Error 73 3.74798468 0.05134226
Corrected 118 41.10347889
Figure 10. Effect of temperature on decay time.
The Journal of The Textile Institute 267

Table 5. ANOVA Type III error of decay time.

Source DF Type III SS Mean square F-value Pr > F

Temperature 2 1.38034473 0.69017237 13.44 <0.0001

Humidity 3 1.67846046 0.55948682 10.90 <0.0001
Tension 3 0.13511829 0.04503943 0.88 0.4570
Speed 2 17.51274489 8.75637245 170.55 <0.0001
Temperature × humidity 4 2.64484017 0.66121004 12.88 <0.0001
Tension × speed 6 0.13550374 0.02258396 0.44 0.8498
Temperature × tension 6 0.14937032 0.02489505 0.48 0.8176
Temperature × speed 4 0.23652580 0.05913145 1.15 0.3393
Humidity × tension 9 0.54497517 0.06055280 1.18 0.3210
Humidity × speed 6 3.44591429 0.57431905 11.19 <0.0001

SS, sum of square.

35◦ C. Higher voltages were observed at the second probe

than those at the first probe, which meant potential did not
Downloaded by [University of Delaware] at 07:04 03 October 2014

decrease with time but increased. It was thought that the

runs with this temperature are related to hidden reason. The
runs were repeated twice at different times and the results
were consistently same. Figure 11 resulted from the data
(acquired by a second probe) generated at different speeds
with constant temperature and relative humidity (35◦ C and
50%) in order to check the decay behavior trend of a stopped
yarn. Observation on the stationary yarn (Figure 11)
indicated that the charge decayed with time as expected.
It seems that at temperature of 35◦ C the moving yarn is
charged as a result of contacting the surrounding air. Fur-
ther investigation is required to understand such unexpected
Figure 11. Steady yarn observation from second probe.
The effect of temperature is also confounded by the
effect of humidity for static dissipation. Generally, decay
time was the shortest at 30% RH, but there was no sig-
The effect of temperature on decay time was signif- nificant difference between 40% RH and 50% RH (Fig-
icant, but not gradual. Generally, decay time was the ure 12) and Schefffe’s analysis supports these facts. The
longest at 25◦ C, and shortest at 30◦ C (Figure 10). data of Scheffe’s analysis is published elsewhere (Suh,
However, charge decay behavior did not follow the trend at 2008).

Figure 12. Effect of humidity on decay time.

268 M. Suh et al.

the air as the yarn ran faster. This is a point that obviously
warrants further investigation, but was beyond the scope of
the current research.

Polyester multifilament yarn with linear density of 1000
denier (g/9 km) and 140 filament was rubbed against a
stainless steel charge pin in order to investigate static gen-
eration and dissipation on the yarn surface while moving.
The Linear Tester enabled the acquisition of charge po-
tential measurements at two different points so that initial
potential and characteristic decay time can be calculated.
Statistical analyses were conducted on the initial potential
and decay time for studying effect of temperature, rela-
tive humidity, yarn tension, and speed and their first-order
Downloaded by [University of Delaware] at 07:04 03 October 2014

Figure 13. Effect of yarn tension on decay time.

For static generation, temperature, humidity, yarn ten-
sion, and speed, had significant effects on initial potential.
Higher temperature and humidity led to less charge gen-
eration, while higher yarn tension and speed caused more
charge generation. The effect of yarn tension was caused
by the increased contact area between the sample yarn and
the charge pin. As yarn speed went up, more static charge
was created due to increased friction between the yarn and
charge pin.
For static dissipation, temperature, humidity, and yarn
speed, were proved to have significant effects on decay time.
Longer decay time was observed in the middle level of tem-
perature (25◦ C) and humidity (40% RH and 50% RH). Un-
expectedly, yarns experienced negative decay times (charge
at the second probe is higher than the charge at the first
probe) at 35◦ C. This implies that high temperature around
35◦ C should be avoided. In practice, this temperature level
may be reached as a result of friction between yarn and
Figure 14. Effect of yarn speed on decay time. different machine parts especially when processing at high
speed for long time. This work suggests that yarn should
not reach such temperature.
Figure 13 shows that yarn tension did not have any
Yarn speed affected static dissipation, and this effect
effect on decay time. It can be assumed that tension applied
is potentially due to the contact between the yarn and the
to the yarn enlarged the contact area between the yarn and
surrounding air. More investigation would be necessary for
a charge pin, generating more static charge, but it lost its
exact explanation, but this has obvious implications for
effect soon after the yarn left the pin. Larger yarn area due
to flattening is subjected to larger surrounding environment
and the rate of charge loss is larger than the unflattened
yarn. The percentage of potential retained on the yarn to Acknowledgements
the initial potential remained the same regardless of the This work was funded by National Textile Center and the State of
yarn tension level. North Carolina. The authors would like to thank Dr Peter Castle of
Western Ontario University, Canada for his invaluable discussion
It took approximately 1 s for the yarn moving with and suggestions. Additionally, the authors extend their thanks to
300 m/min to loose charges completely, and characteristic Dr Yiyun Cai of USDA and Lu Liu of NCSU for training Miny-
decay time was shorter than 0.5 s (Figure 14). Decay time oung Suh on the use of the equipment.
was shorter when the yarn was moving faster, and this meant
static charge decayed faster. The effect of yarn speed for References
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