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Leadership today is increasingly associated with the concept

of ______________?
Getting others to follow

Which of the following statements about leadership is false?

  Leadership does not necessarily take place within a hierarchical structure of an
When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and
Not every leader is a manager
All the above

Approaches to the study of leadership which emphasis the personality

of the leader are termed ______________.
  Group theories
Trait theories
Contingency theories
Inspirational theories

Adair claims that the effectiveness of a leader is dependent upon

meeting ________areas of need within the work group.
None of the above
In Adair’s approach, needs such as training the group, setting
standards and maintaining discipline, and appointing sub-leaders may
be called _____________.
  Individual functions
Work functions
Team functions
Task functions
All of the above
None of the above

The Ohio State Leadership Studies revealed two major dimensions of

leadership behaviour: _________________ and initiating structure.
None of the above

The terms “employee-centred” and “production-centred” to describe

leader behaviour were used by ___________?
  Blake and McCanse
None of the above

What are the four main styles of leadership displayed by the manager
which identified in Tannenbaum and Schmidt's continuum of possible
leadership behaviour?
  None of the above
Tells, helps, joins and leads
Tells, sells, consults and joins
Commands, sells, consults and resists
Commands, helps, joins and leads

On what belief are contingency theories of leadership based?

  That there is a single style of leadership appropriate to all managers
That there is a single style of leadership appropriate to all situations
That there is no single style of leadership appropriate to all situations
None of the above

According to Fiedler’s LPC scale what will leaders with a low LPC score
gain satisfaction from?
  Achieving objectives
Developing team relationships
Both of the above
Neither of the above

On which aspects of a leader’s decision are Vroom and Yetton’s

contingency model of leadership based?
  Decision acceptance
Decision quality
Both of the above
Neither of the above

One contingency model of leadership is the path-goal theory. This

suggests that an individual‘s motivation is dependent on
  The necessary direction, guidance, training and support being provided
Their effective performance
Whether path-goal relationships are clarified
Expectations that increased effort to achieve an improved level of performance
   will be successful
None of the above

The situation leadership theory of ___________ and ______________

is based on follower’s readiness to perform.
  Tannenbaum and Schmidt
Hersey and Blanchard
Abbot and Costello
Vroom and Yetton

Extensive research in over 30 countries has shown that people want

leaders who exemplify four qualities. Kouzes and Posner (2000)
suggest these qualities are ________, ________, _________ and
  Honest, forward-looking, inspiring, competent
Inspiring, competent, influential, dynamic
Forward-looking, influential, competent, dynamic
Honest, dynamic, ruthless, single minded

Referent power is based on the subordinate’s perception that the

leader has a right to exercise influence because of the leader’s
  Role or position within the organisation
Ability to punish or reward
Expertise and knowledge
Personal charisma
All of the above
None of the above
2. some common mcqs including some on model with good true and false questions

3. John Kotter’s Model

_____ are responsible for initiating and managing change within an organization.

  Change agents
Team leaders
Stan is trying to implement a new organizational structure at his
company. A group of key employees is resisting the change. In an
attempt to "buy off" the leaders, Stan is giving them a key role in the
change decision. He doesn't really value their opinion, but wants their
endorsement. Stan is using the change strategy of _____.

Refreezing involves _____.

  movement to a new state

retrograde to an old state
making a new change permanent
training employees for change

John Kotter's _____ for implementing change builds on Lewin's three-

step model.
  action plan
implicit strategy
refreezing model
8-step plan

What of the following best describe action research?

  a financial analysis tool used to evaluate the areas of the organization with the
greatest potential for change
a change process that focuses on the forces driving change and the forces
restraining change
a change process based on the systematic collection of data and then selection of
a change action based on what the analyzed data indicate
all of the above
_____ is a paradigm that values human and organizational growth,
collaborative processes, and a spirit of inquiry.
  Organizational development
Change management
Action research
Employee wellness

_____ uses high-interaction group activities to increase trust and

openness among team members.
  Sensitivity training
Process consultation
Intergroup development
Team building

_____ seeks to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of

an organization and build on these to improve performance.
  Sensitivity training
Intergroup development
Process consultation
Appreciative inquiry

When errors are detected in _____, the correction process relies on

past routines and present policies.
  double-loop learning
single-loop learning
survey feedback
organizational development
_____ has developed a reputation as one of America's most innovative
companies by developing a stream of diverse products, including
guitar strings, dental floss, medical devices, and fuel cells.
  Procter and Gamble
General Motors
American Home Products
W. L. Gore

A change agent can be a manager or non-manager or even an outside


Resistance to change can be reduced by communication.


Research suggests that the ability to easily accept and adapt to

change is related to personality.

In action research, the analysis stage involves gathering information

about problems, concerns, and needed changes from members of the
Team building seeks to change the attitudes, stereotypes, and
perceptions that groups have of each other.

Self-efficacy moderates stress.


Psychological symptoms of stress include heart attacks and increased

blood pressure.

Individual approaches to stress management include relaxation


Biofeedback is a relaxation technique.

Work stress will have a negative impact on employee performance.


Which of these steps in Kotter's change model involves monitoring the acceptance of change
and how well the organizational culture is adapting to that change?

1. consolidate gains to produce more change

2. develop a vision and strategy
3. empower broad-based action
4. anchor changes within the organizational culture
5. generate short-term wins

2. Which of these steps in Kotter's change model provides employees with a clear
understanding of what the change is all about?

1. develop a vision and strategy

2. generate short-term wins
3. establish a sense of urgency
4. communicate the change vision
5. empower broad-based action

3. Which of these steps in Kotter's change model requires the change leader to remove any
barriers to change?

1. develop a vision and strategy

2. establish a sense of urgency
3. create the guiding coalition
4. empower broad-based action
5. generate short-term wins

4. Which of these steps in Kotter's change model involves the change leader selecting and
recruiting a team of individuals who will be capable of carrying out the change?

1. consolidate gains to produce more change

2. establish a sense of urgency
3. generate short-term wins
4. create the guiding coalition
5. empower broad-based action

5. Which of these steps in Kotter's change model involves inspiring the necessary teamwork,
ideas, and eagerness to make sacrifices relating to the change?
1. consolidate gains to produce more change
2. establish a sense of urgency
3. generate short-term wins
4. create the guiding coalition
5. develop a vision and strateg

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 05:36:51 PM ) Total M - 1

The biggest ethical dilemma that occurs on the entry and contracting phase of planned change, where
the OD consultants take stand against the reasonability of intervention is termed as which of the
Select correct option:
Misrepresentation of problem
Value and goal conflict
Technical ineptness
Misrepresentation is likely to occur in the entering and contracting phases of planned change
when the
initial consulting relationship is being established-
Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 05:38:17 PM ) Total M - 1
Which one of the following is the component of input at individual level diagnosis?
Select correct option:
Group design
Skill variety
Task identity
Task significant
Three major inputs affect job design: organization design, group design, and the personal
characteristics of
job holders.

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 05:39:27 PM ) Total M - 1

The pathfinder practitioner focuses on all of the following processes essential for effective
organization performance EXCEPT:
Select correct option:
Communication among managers
Member role and functions in groups
Group problem-solving and decision-making
Leadership and authority
The pathfinder practitioner focuses on six processes essential for effective organization
performance: (1) communication, (2) member role and functions in groups, (3) group
problem-solving and
decision-making, (4) group norms and growth, (5) leadership and authority, and (ft) inter-
groupcooperation a competition.
Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 05:40:41 PM ) Total M - 1
Work groups are highly involved in setting goals, making decisions, improving methods, and
appraising results in which of the following systems?
Select correct option:
Exploitative authoritative system
Benevolent authoritative system
Consultative system
Participative group system
Participative group systems (System 4) are almost the opposite of System 1. Designed
around group
methods of decision making and supervision, this system fosters high degrees of member
involvement and
participation. Work groups are highly involved in setting goals, making decisions, improving
methods, and
appraising results.
Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 05:41:29 PM ) Total M - 1
In 3M managers and employees initiated changes in the organization and acted as OD change
agents. Which of the following is the drawback associated with this type of OD consultancy?
Select correct option:
Unfamiliarity with internal culture and technologies used
Lack of specialized skills
Difficulty gathering pertinent information
Unfamiliarity with communication networks
Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 05:42:44 PM ) Total M - 1
Which of the following problem is associated with external practitioners of organization development?
Select correct option:
Unfamiliarity with internal culture and technologies used
Lack of specialized skills
Lack of objectivity
Lack of degree of influence and status in client system
Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 05:43:15 PM ) Total M - 1
A process that deals with facilitating system wide change in an organization is known as:
Select correct option:
Organization development
Organizational change management
Structural change management
Organization theory
Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 05:43:41 PM ) Total M - 1
“Coding and interpretation difficulties” is the disadvantage of:
Select correct option:
Unobtrusive measures
• Bias in interviewer responses
• coding and interpretation
• self-report bias
Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 05:44:19 PM ) Total M - 1
A small, unstructured group in which participants learn from their own interactions and evolving
dynamics is among which of the following OD stems?
Select correct option:
Quality of work life
Strategic change
Survey feedback
Laboratory training
1. Laboratory Training (The T-Group):
This stem of OD pioneered laboratory training, or the T-group – a small, unstructured group
in which
participants learn from their own interactions and evolving dynamics about such issues as
relations, personal growth, leadership, and group dynamics.
Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 05:45:03 PM ) Total M - 1
“Responses can be quantified and easily summarized” is advantage of:
Select correct option:
Unobtrusive measures
Responses can be quantified and
easily summarized
• Easy to use with large samples
• Relatively inexpensive
• Can obtain large volume of data
Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 05:45:51 PM ) Total M - 1
Which one of the following is the identity of design component at organization level of comparison
planned change model?
Select correct option:
General environment
Industry structure
Organization effectiveness

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 05:46:32 PM ) Total M - 1

The way an organization uses its resources is called which of the following design components?
Select correct option:
Measurement systems
A strategy represents the way an organization uses its resources (human, economic, or
technical) to gain
and sustain a competitive advantage.

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 05:47:36 PM ) Total M - 1

________ is the relevant people or groups who need to be involved in the change program of degree
to which the client system is organized.
Select correct option:
1. Identification: This step identifies the relevant people or groups who need to be involved
in the change

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 05:48:55 PM ) Total M - 1

NTL stands for ________.
Select correct option:
National Training Laboratories
National Testing Laboratories
National Taxing Laboratories
National Tiring Laboratories
The first was the growth of the National Training Laboratories (NTL) and the development of
training groups, otherwise known as sensitivity training or T-groups, The second stem of OD
was the classic work on action research conducted by social scientists interested in applying
research to managing

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 05:49:35 PM ) Total M - 1

Which of the following interventions reduces costs and bureaucracy by decreasing the size of the
organization through personnel layouts, organization redesign and outsourcing?
Select correct option:
Structural design
Large group
Downsizing. This intervention reduces costs and bureaucracy by decreasing the size of the
organization through personnel layouts, organization redesign and outsourcing. Each of
downsizing methods must be planned with a clear understanding of the organizations

The term ________ refers to a set of sequenced planned actions or events intended to help an
organization increase its effectiveness.
Select correct option:
Performance management
Knowledge management
The term intervention refers to a set of sequenced planned actions or events intended to
help an
organization increase its effectiveness.
 Which of the following models focuses on planned change as a cyclical process in which initial
research about the organization provides information to guide subsequent action?
Select correct option:
Action research model
Lewin’s change model
Contemporary action research
Lickert scale
The action research model focuses on planned change as a cyclical process in which initial
research about
the organization provides information to guide subsequent action.
As an OD consultant you have fear of unpredictable outcome of OD practices. This fear gets stronger
in which of the following situations?
Select correct option:
Entering stage when the consultant is external
Entering stage when the consultant is internal
Contracting stage when the consultant is external
Contracting stage when the consultant is internal
Source clients
• Build relationships
• Learn company jargon
• “presenting problem” challenge
• Time consuming
• Stressful phase
• Select project/client according to own criteria
• Unpredictable outcome
Kurt Lewin was the founder of which of the following?
Select correct option:
Quality of work life
Strategic change
Participative management
Kurt Lewin, a
prolific theorist, researcher, and practitioner in group dynamics and social change, was
instrumental in the
development of T-groups, survey feedback, and action research.

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 06:22:41 PM ) Total M - 1
Which of the following is NOT an invisible manifestation of culture?
Select correct option:
Invisible Manifestations of Culture:
• Values
• Private Conversations (with self or confidants)
• Invisible Rules
• Attitudes
• Beliefs
• Worldviews
• Moods and Emotions
• Unconscious Interpretations
• Standards of Behavior
• Paradigms
• Assumptions
Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 06:23:47 PM ) Total M - 1
Developing a marketing strategy for a new product is an example of which of the following consulting
Select correct option:
Purchase of Expertise Model
Doctor-patient Model
Process Consultation Model
Organization model
In the “purchase of expertise model,” a leader or group identifies a need for information or
that the organization cannot supply. The leader hires a consultant to obtain the information
and make a
report, often including recommendations for action. Example would be (1) surveying
consumers or
employees about some matter, (2) finding out how best to organize the company after a
merger, or (3)
developing a marketing strategy for a new product.
Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 06:24:31 PM ) Total M - 1
Sustained planned change requires which of the following change to be incorporated in organization?
Select correct option:
Structural change
Cultural change
Change in vision
Change in mission

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 06:26:00 PM ) Total M - 1
Norms essential to accomplishing the organization's objectives are called:
Select correct option:
Pivotal norms
Irrelevant norms
Peripheral norms
Marginal norms
Norms essential to accomplishing the organization's objectives are called pivotal
Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 06:26:46 PM ) Total M - 1
________ involves goal setting, performance appraisal, and reward systems that align member work
behavior with business strategy, employee involvement, and workplace technology.
Select correct option:
Human Resource Management
Performance management
Management By objectives
Knowledge management
Performance management involves goal setting, performance appraisal, and reward
that align member work behavior with business strategy, employee involvement, and
workplace technology.
Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 06:27:51 PM ) Total M - 1
Kurt Lewin was the founder of which of the following?
Select correct option:
Survey feedback
Quality of work life
Strategic change
Participative management
Kurt Lewin, a
prolific theorist, researcher, and practitioner in group dynamics and social change, was
instrumental in the
development of T-groups, survey feedback, and action research.
Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 06:28:22 PM ) Total M - 1
In which of the following stage of planned change, the feedback to organization members about the
intervention's results provides information about whether the changes should be continued, modified,
or suspended.
Select correct option:
Evaluating and Institutionalizing Change
Planning and Implementing Change
Entering and Contracting
Evaluating and Institutionalizing Change:
The final stage in planned change involves evaluating the effects of the intervention and
managing the institutionalization of successful change programs. Feedback to organization
members about the
intervention's results provides information about whether the changes should be continued,
modified, or

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 06:29:11 PM ) Total M - 1
The modern manager must be flexible and adaptive to changing environment. He must also posses
which of the following capabilities?
Select correct option:
Problem diagnostic capabilities (Not sure)
Avoiding the change in external environment capabilities
Capabilities to implement strict rules and policies
All of the given options
Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 06:30:35 PM ) Total M - 1
Which of the following can affect the kinds of job designs that are considered acceptable?
Select correct option:
Group performance norms
Group composition
Goal clarity
Task structure
Group performance norms can affect the kinds of job designs
that are considered acceptable, including the level of job holders’ performances.
Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 06:31:26 PM ) Total M - 1
Which of the following models focuses on planned change as a cyclical process in which initial
research about the organization provides information to guide subsequent action?
Select correct option:
Action research model
Lewin’s change model
Contemporary action research
Lickert scale
The action research model focuses on planned change as a cyclical process in which initial
the organization provides information to guide subsequent action.
 Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 06:32:31 PM ) Total M - 1
Which one of the following is the identity of inputs at organization level of comparison planned change
Select correct option:
Industry structure
Measurement system
Organization effectiveness
Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 06:33:50 PM ) Total M - 1
At individual level diagnosis, “autonomy” is the component of:
Select correct option:
Design component
Design Components:
Figure 25(C) shows that individual jobs have five key dimensions: skill variety, task identity,
significance, autonomy, and feedback about results.
Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 06:34:50 PM ) Total M - 1
The application of behavioral science knowledge is present in which of the following planned change
Select correct option:
Lewin’s change model
Action research model
Contemporary adaptations to the ac¬tion research model
All models include application of behavioral science knowledge
Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 06:35:46 PM ) Total M - 1
Expectations of both parties (OD consultants and clients) from each other are taken into consideration
in which of the following stages of action research model?
Select correct option:
Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 06:36:49 PM ) Total M - 1
A process that deals with facilitating system wide change in an organization is known as:
Select correct option:
Organization development
Organizational change management
Structural change management
Organization theory
Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 06:44:16 PM ) Total M - 1
The________ involves specifying how the client and the OD practitioner will work together.
Select correct option:
Contracting process
Entering process
OD process
Selecting process
The final part of the contracting process involves specifying how the client and the OD
practitioner will work together.
Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 06:45:03 PM ) Total M - 1
Employee involvement is the common traits of:
Select correct option:
Successful organization
Learning organization
Developing organization
Losing organization
Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 06:45:46 PM ) Total M - 1
A manager must make sure to employees that in the process of unfreezing while incorporating
planned change in organization, their self esteem will not get hurt. Which of the following stage of
unfreezing truly takes in to consideration the above reservation?
Select correct option:
Creation of psychological safety
Induction of guilt
Induction of anxiety
iii. Creation of psychological safety. To face disconfirmation, experience guilt
or anxiety, and be able to act or move, people must believe that moving will not
bring them humiliation or loss of self-esteem.
Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 06:46:32 PM ) Total M - 1
A process that deals with facilitating system wide change in an organization is known as:
Select correct option:
Organization development
Organizational change management
Structural change management
Organization theory
Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 06:47:36 PM ) Total M - 1
Internal consultants have clear advantage over external consultants at entry stage due to which of the
following factors?
Select correct option:
Informal agreements
No out-of-pocket expenses
Information can be open or confidential
Ready relationships
Pg# 59
 Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 06:48:23 PM ) Total M - 1
All of the following are the benefits an external consultant gets in consulting stage of organization
development EXCEPT:
Select correct option:
Formal documents
Must complete projects assigned
Can terminate project at will
Information confidential
Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 06:49:18 PM ) Total M - 1
“Coding and interpretation difficulties” is the disadvantage of:
Select correct option:
Unobtrusive measures
• Bias in interviewer responses
• coding and interpretation
• self-report bias
Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 06:49:46 PM ) Total M - 1
At the group level diagnosis the “task structure” is the component of:
Select correct option:
Design component
Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 06:50:34 PM ) Total M - 1
Lewin’s change model differs from other models in which of the following grounds?
Select correct option:
It emphasizes on application of behavioral science knowledge
It focuses on general practices of planned change
It involves organizational member in change process
It forces the interaction between consultants and organization
Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 06:51:57 PM ) Total M - 1
Which one of the following is the identity of inputs at organization level of comparison planned change
Select correct option:
Industry structure
Measurement system
Organization effectiveness
Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 06:53:22 PM ) Total M - 1
Handling well the group dynamics and understanding comparative cultural perspectives in an
organization are core elements of which of the following skills of OD practitioner?
Select correct option:
Intrapersonal skills
Interpersonal skills
General consultation skills
Organization development skills
553 2. Interpersonal skills. Practitioners must create and maintain effective relationships
with individuals and
groups within the organization and help them gain the competence necessary to solve their
own problems.
Group dynamics, comparative cultural perspectives, and business functions are considered
to be the
foundation knowledge, and managing the consulting process and facilitation as core skills.
Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 06:54:04 PM ) Total M - 1
Which one of the following is the component of design component at group level diagnosis?
Select correct option:
Goal clarity
General environment
Group design
Personal characteristic
Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 06:55:25 PM ) Total M - 1
“Responses can be quantified and easily summarized” is advantage of:
Select correct option:
Unobtrusive measures
Responses can be quantified and
easily summarized
• Easy to use with large samples
• Relatively inexpensive
• Can obtain large volume of data
Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 06:56:24 PM ) Total M - 1
OD focuses on:
Select correct option:
Work design
Training and development
Technological innovation
Operations management

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 06:56:49 PM ) Total M - 1
Force-Field Analysis is used for which type of data?
Select correct option:
Qualitative Tools:
Of the several methods for summarizing diagnostic data in qualitative terms, two of the most
important are
content analysis and force-field analysis.
Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 06:58:30 PM ) Total M - 1
Which one of the following is the part of action research method?
Select correct option:
Problem identification
Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 06:59:02 PM ) Total M - 1
Which of the following is not among the five stems of OD practices?
Select correct option:
Laboratory training
Action research
Participative management
Organizational transformation
Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 07:00:00 PM ) Total M - 1
“Decreasing number of customers” represents what in organization development process?
Select correct option:
A rapid change in organization
Diagnosis of problem
A specific problem
A general problem

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