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Fusha: Gjuhë dhe Lënda: Shkalla: Klasa:

komunikim Anglisht e katert IX

Tema mësimore: 5. Let’s Communicate Veprimtaria e të nxënit:
Grammar and writing (WB exercises) Leaving a message on an answer machine
Rezultatet e të nxënit të kompetencave të fushës sipas temës Fjalët kyçe:
mësimore: Words
- Uses modals of prohibition, permission and possibility answer machine beep change (n)
in appropriate written and spoken conservation dial (v) slot text (v)
be in call back
it takes so long, get with it
right away hang up hold on
Burimet: Lidhja me fushat e tjera ose me temat
Text book, Workbook, board, flashcards, etc. ndërkurrikulare:
Metodologjia dhe veprimtaritë e nxënësve
Lidhja e temës me njohuritë e mëparshme të nxënësve:
Start the class with the following warm up activity: Can I take a message?
After your introduction, give a few students some pieces of paper with instructions to 'call' the teacher. You can use a
cell phone if you have one, or you can just use your hand and say, "Bring! Bring!" When the students ask for you, say,
"Sorry. He’s not here right now. Can I take a message?" and see what kind of response this gets. After trying this a few
times, you can write some expressions on the board, focusing on the function of taking messages and the grammar of
reported speech.
Ndërtimi i njohurive të reja
Ask students to move to Grammar exercise and read the table and the examples:
• Draw Ss' attention to the two headings and explain to them that can/could/may/will/would/must/have to/need to/can't
are modal verbs. • Draw Ss' attention to the examples in the first column.
• Ask Ss to tell you where Can/Could/May/Will/Would are used.
• Elicit the answer that we use Can/Could/May I ... ? to offer help, to ask for permission and make requests. We use
Can/Could! Will/Would you ... ? to make requests and ask for a favour.
Could and Would are more polite.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference. Ask Ss to underline any examples of Can/Could/May/Will/
Would in the comic strip. (How may I help you? Could I speak to ... ? Would you like to .. .? Will you tell him. .. ?)
• Ask Ss to come up with their own examples. Draw Ss' attention to the examples in the second column.
• Explain to Ss that we use must and have to in the affirmative and question form to express obligation in the present or
future. We use mustn't/can't to express prohibition and don't/ doesn't have to to express lack of obligation.
• Explain to Ss that we use need to in the affirmative and question form to express necessity and don't need to to
express lack of necessity. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference.
Prezantimi dhe demostrimi i rezultateve të arritura
In order to reflect on the learning of this class ask students to move to Speak Exercise:
•Ask Ss: Do you ever leave messages on other people's answer machines?
What do you usually say?
• Ask Ss who have an answer machine to tell you their answer machine message and those who don't have an answer
machine to come up with a message. If Ss can't give examples of answer machine messages, refer them to the text on
page 64 and draw their attention to the answer machine message. If necessary, give Ss one more example of an answer
machine message. eg. Hello. This is Tina! I'm out at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep and I will call
you back. Beeeeeep.
N2. Asks for, gives and refuses permission, makes polite offers and requests. Asks for a favour
N3. Expresses necessity/lack of necessity and prohibition, obligation/lack of obligation. Understands messages
N4. Writes notes/e-mails/text messages. Talks on the phone and leaves a message on an answer machine.
Write Exercise page 65.

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