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Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S.

(1 Cranch) 137 (1803)  Jefferson was sworn into office on 4 March

1801. Jefferson instructed his Secretary of State, James
Madison, to withhold undelivered appointments.
 Jefferson maintained that the appointments void
due to not being delivered in time. William Marbury was
one of the prospective judges who had not had their
 This decision arose out of the intense rivalry appointment delivered on time. Madison refused to hand
between Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. it to Marbury.
 Prior to Jefferson’s inauguration, Issues
Adams nominated approximately 60 Federalist  Did Marbury have a right to his appointment?
supporters to circuit judge and justice of the peace  If so, did Marbury have a legal remedy or relief
positions which the Federalist-controlled Congress had for him to reclaim it?
created under the Judiciary Act 1801.  Most of the  If so, could the US Supreme Court legally issue
judges were appointed, but some had not had their that remedy to Marbury?
appointments delivered by the time of Jefferson’s
 Jefferson was sworn into office on 4 March
1801. Jefferson instructed his Secretary of State, James Held
Madison, to withhold undelivered appointments.
 Jefferson maintained that the appointments void  The US Supreme Court (led by Chief Justice
due to not being delivered in time. William Marbury was John Marshall) held that Marbury did have a right to his
one of the prospective judges who had not had their appointment as it had been signed and sealed.  The
appointment delivered on time. Madison refused to hand delivery of the appointments were a formality and
it to Marbury. custom, rather than part of the legal process.
 As a result, Marbury clearly had a legal right to
relief – the Court held that a writ of mandamus was the
appropriate remedy.
 Marshall  went on to declare that the Court had
no power to issue a writ of mandamus to Marbury
 Did Marbury have a right to his appointment? because the relevant provision of the Judiciary Act 1801
 If so, did Marbury have a legal remedy or relief was unconstitutional.
for him to reclaim it?  Section 13 of the Act was inconsistent with
 If so, could the US Supreme Court legally issue Article III, Section 2 of the US Constitution, which stated
that remedy to Marbury? (in part) that “the supreme Court shall have original
 KB Home Jurisdiction” in “all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other
 Constitutional Law public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State
 Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 shall be Party,” and that “in all the other Cases before
(1803) mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate
 In doing so, Marshall had read into the law the
Court’s power of “judicial review”.
 KB Home
 Constitutional Law
 This decision arose out of the intense rivalry  Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137
between Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. (1803)
 Prior to Jefferson’s inauguration,
Adams nominated approximately 60 Federalist
supporters to circuit judge and justice of the peace
positions which the Federalist-controlled Congress had Facts
created under the Judiciary Act 1801.  Most of the
judges were appointed, but some had not had their  This decision arose out of the intense rivalry
appointments delivered by the time of Jefferson’s between Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
 Prior to Jefferson’s inauguration,  Marshall’s judgment had granted the Supreme
Adams nominated approximately 60 Federalist Court the power of judicial review.
supporters to circuit judge and justice of the peace  It is arguably the most important decision in
positions which the Federalist-controlled Congress had respect of American constitutional law, and is an
created under the Judiciary Act 1801.  Most of the interesting comparative decision with Australian
judges were appointed, but some had not had their constitutional case law.
appointments delivered by the time of Jefferson’s  The right of judicial review has gone on to be
inauguration. accepted by the American people as part of the role of
 Jefferson was sworn into office on 4 March the Court – to enforce the constitutionality of laws made
1801. Jefferson instructed his Secretary of State, James by Congress.
Madison, to withhold undelivered appointments.  Even though Marbury v. Madison established
 Jefferson maintained that the appointments void the right to strike down unconstitutional laws, this right
due to not being delivered in time. William Marbury was has only been rarely utilised. Another famous example of
one of the prospective judges who had not had their a legislative strike out was the decision of Dredd Scott v.
appointment delivered on time. Madison refused to hand Sandford.
it to Marbury.
Issues Brief Fact Summary. William Marbury (Marbury), an
 Did Marbury have a right to his appointment? end-of-term appointee of President John Adams
 If so, did Marbury have a legal remedy or relief (President Adams) to a justice of the peace position in
for him to reclaim it? the District of Columbia, brought suit against President
 If so, could the US Supreme Court legally issue Thomas Jefferson’s (President Jefferson) Secretary of
that remedy to Marbury? State, James Madison, seeking delivery of his

Synopsis of Rule of Law. The Supreme Court of the

United States (Supreme Court) has constitutional
authority to review executive actions and legislative acts.
 The US Supreme Court (led by Chief Justice The Supreme Court has limited jurisdiction, the bounds
John Marshall) held that Marbury did have a right to his of which are set by the United States Constitution
appointment as it had been signed and sealed.  The (Constitution), which may not be enlarged by the
delivery of the appointments were a formality and Congress.
custom, rather than part of the legal process.
 As a result, Marbury clearly had a legal right to acts. Before the inauguration of President Jefferson,
relief – the Court held that a writ of mandamus was the outgoing President Adams attempted to secure
appropriate remedy. Federalist control of the judiciary by creating new
 Marshall  went on to declare that the Court had judgeships and filling them with Federalist appointees.
no power to issue a writ of mandamus to Marbury Included in these efforts was the nomination by
because the relevant provision of the Judiciary Act 1801 President Adams, under the Organic Act of the District of
was unconstitutional. Columbia (the District), of 42 new justices of the peace
 Section 13 of the Act was inconsistent with for the District, which were confirmed by the Senate the
Article III, Section 2 of the US Constitution, which stated day before President Jefferson’s inauguration. A few of
(in part) that “the supreme Court shall have original the commissions, including Marbury’s, were undelivered
Jurisdiction” in “all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other when President Jefferson took office. The new president
public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State instructed Secretary of State James Madison to withhold
shall be Party,” and that “in all the other Cases before delivery of the commissions. Marbury sought mandamus
mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate in the Supreme Court, requiring James Madison to
Jurisdiction.” deliver his commission.
 In doing so, Marshall had read into the law the
Court’s power of “judicial review”. Issue. Is Marbury entitled to mandamus from the
Significance Supreme Court?
 Marbury v. Madison was the first decision where
the US Supreme Court struck down legislation as Held. No. Case dismissed for want of jurisdiction.  As
unconstitutional. the President signed Marbury’s commission after his
confirmation, the appointment has been made, and II. THE ISSUE
Marbury has a right to the commission.  Given that the
law imposed a duty on the office of the president to
deliver Marbury’s commission, that the Supreme Court Did the Electoral Commission act without or in excess of
has the power to review executive actions when the its jurisdiction in taking cognizance of the protest filed
executive acts as an officer of the law and the nature of against the election of the petitioner notwithstanding the
the writ of mandamus to direct an officer of the previous confirmation of such election by resolution of
government “to do a particular thing therein specified,” the National Assembly?
mandamus is the appropriate remedy, if available to the
Supreme Court.  To issue mandamus to the Secretary of
State really is to sustain an original action, which is (in
this case) outside the constitutional limits of jurisdiction
imposed on the Supreme Court.

Discussion. The importance of Marbury v. Madison is [The Court DENIED the petition.]

both political and legal. Although the case establishes
the traditions of judicial review and a litigable constitution
on which the remainder of constitutional law rests, it also NO, the Electoral Commission did not act without or in
transformed the Supreme Court from an incongruous excess of its jurisdiction in taking cognizance of the
institution to an equipotent head of a branch of the protest filed against the election of the petitioner
federal government. notwithstanding the previous confirmation of such
election by resolution of the National Assembly.
Angara v. Electoral Commission, G.R. No. L-45081,
July 15, 1936
The Electoral Commission acted within the legitimate
I. THE FACTS exercise of its constitutional prerogative in assuming to
take cognizance of the protest filed by the respondent
Ynsua against the election of the petitioner Angara, and
that the earlier resolution of the National Assembly
Petitioner Jose Angara was proclaimed winner and took
cannot in any manner toll the time for filing election
his oath of office as member of the National Assembly of
protests against members of the National Assembly, nor
the Commonwealth Government. On December 3, 1935,
prevent the filing of a protest within such time as the
the National Assembly passed a resolution confirming
rules of the Electoral Commission might prescribe.
the election of those who have not been subject of an
election protest prior to the adoption of the said
The grant of power to the Electoral Commission to judge
all contests relating to the election, returns and
qualifications of members of the National Assembly, is
On December 8, 1935, however, private respondent
intended to be as complete and unimpaired as if it had
Pedro Ynsua filed an election protest against the
remained originally in the legislature. The express
petitioner before the Electoral Commission of the
lodging of that power in the Electoral Commission is an
National Assembly. The following day, December 9,
implied denial of the exercise of that power by the
1935, the Electoral Commission adopted its own
National Assembly. xxx.
resolution providing that it will not consider any election
protest that was not submitted on or before December 9,
[T]he creation of the Electoral Commission carried with it
ex necesitate rei the power regulative in character to
limit the time with which protests intrusted to its
Citing among others the earlier resolution of the National
cognizance should be filed. [W]here a general power is
Assembly, the petitioner sought the dismissal of
conferred or duty enjoined, every particular power
respondent’s protest. The Electoral Commission
necessary for the exercise of the one or the performance
however denied his motion.
of the other is also conferred. In the absence of any
further constitutional provision relating to the procedure
to be followed in filing protests before the Electoral
Commission, therefore, the incidental power to
promulgate such rules necessary for the proper exercise
of its exclusive power to judge all contests relating to the
election, returns and qualifications of members of the Decision Overview
National Assembly, must be deemed by necessary
implication to have been lodged also in the Electoral The Court ruled that the BOI violated Garcia’s
Commission. Constitutional right to have access to information on
Garcia vs. Board of Investments, 191 SCRA 288 matters of public concern under Article III, Section 7 of
the Constitution. The Court found that the inhabitants of
CASE ANALYSIS Bataan had an “interest in the establishment of the
Case Summary and Outcome petrochemical plant in their midst [that] is actual, real,
and vital because it will affect not only their economic
The Supreme Court of the Philippines ruled that a life, but even the air they breathe”. [p. 4] The Court also
foreign investment group’s applications to build a ruled that BPC’s amended application was in fact a
petrochemical plant had to be disclosed, but any trade second application that required a new public notice to
secrets and other confidential information could be be filed and a new hearing to be held.
redacted. The Bataan Petrochemical Corporation (BPC)
applied to invest into Bataan State, but later amended its Although Article 81 of the Omnibus Investments Code
application to invest in a different region of Batangas. provides that “all applications and their supporting
This angered a Bataan congressman who requested a documents filed under this code shall be confidential and
copy of BPC’s original and amended application shall not be disclosed to any person, except with the
documents, which was denied, leading to a lawsuit. The consent of the applicant,” the Court emphasized that
Court reasoned that the inhabitants of Bataan had an Article 81 provides for disclosure “on the orders of a
interest in the establishment of a petrochemical plant court of competent jurisdiction”. [p. 4] The Court ruled
because it would affect their economic life and health, that it had jurisdiction to order disclosure of the
and that BPC’s amended application required a new application, amended application, and supporting
public notice to be filed and a new hearing to be held. documents filed with the BOI under Article 81, with
certain exceptions.
The Court went on to note that despite the right to
The Bataan Petrochemical Corporation (BPC), a access information, “the Constitution does not open
Taiwanese private corporation, applied for registration every door to any and all information” because “the law
with the Board of Investments (BOI) in February 1988 as may exempt certain types of information from public
a new domestic producer of petrochemicals in the scrutiny”. [p. 4] Thus it excluded “the trade secrets and
Philippines. It originally specified the province of Bataan confidential, commercial, and financial information of the
as the site for the proposed investment but later applicant BPC, and matters affecting national security”
submitted an amended application to change the site to from its order. [p. 4] The Court did not provide a test for
Batangas. Unhappy with the change of the site, what information is excluded from the Constitutional
Congressman Enrique Garcia of the Second District of privilege to access public information, nor did it specify
Bataan requested a copy of BPC’s original and amended the kinds of information that BPC could withhold under
application documents. its ruling.

The BOI denied the request on the basis that the Oposa vs Factoran
investors in BPC had declined to give their consent to
the release of the documents requested, and that Article Legal Standing: Common and General Interest
81 of the Omnibus Investments Code protected the  
confidentiality of those documents absent consent to

G.R. NO. 101083.     224 SCRA 792     July 30, 1993

The BOI subsequently approved the amended
application without holding a second hearing or
publishing notice of the amended application. Garcia
filed a petition before the Supreme Court.
OPOSA et al, petitioner,  Whether or not petitioners’ proposition to have
vs. all the TLAs indiscriminately cancelled without the
HONORABLE FULGENCIO S. FACTORAN, JR., requisite hearing violates the requirements of due
respondents. process.

The principal petitioners, all minors duly represented and
In the resolution of the case, the Court held that:
joined by their respective parents. Impleaded as an
additional plaintiff is the Philippine Ecological Network,
 The petitioners have the right to bring action to
Inc. (PENI), a domestic, non-stock and non-profit
the judicial power of the Court.
corporation organized for the purpose of, inter alia,
1. The case at bar is subject to judicial
engaging in concerted action geared for the protection of
review by the Court. Justice Davide, Jr.
our environment and natural resources. The petitioners
precisely identified in his opinion the requisites
alleged the respondent, Honorable Fulgencio S.
for a case to be subjected for the judicial review
Factoran, Jr., then Secretary of the Department of
by the Court. According to him, the subject
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), continued
matter of the complaint is of common interest,
approval of the Timber License Agreements (TLAs) to
making this civil case a class suit and proving
numerous commercial logging companies to cut and
the existence of an actual controversy. He
deforest the remaining forests of the country. Petitioners
strengthens this conclusion by citing in the
request the defendant, his agents, representatives and
decision Section 1, Article 7 of the 1987
other persons acting in his behalf to:
2. The petitioners can file a class suit
 Cancel all existing timber license agreements in
because they represent their generation as well
the country;
as generations yet unborn. Their personality to
 Cease and desist from receiving, accepting,
sue in behalf of the succeeding generations can
processing, renewing or approving new timber
only be based on the concept of
license agreements.
intergenerational responsibility insofar as the
right to a balanced and healthful ecology is
Plaintiffs further assert that the adverse and detrimental concerned. Such a right, as hereinafter
consequences of continued and deforestation are so expounded, considers the “rhythm and harmony
capable of unquestionable demonstration that the same of nature.” Nature means the created world in its
may be submitted as a matter of judicial notice. This act entirety. Such rhythm and harmony
of defendant constitutes a misappropriation and/or indispensably include, inter alia, the judicious
impairment of the natural resource property he holds in disposition, utilization, management, renewal
trust for the benefit of plaintiff minors and succeeding and conservation of the country’s forest,
generations. Plaintiff have exhausted all administrative mineral, land, waters, fisheries, wildlife, off-
remedies with the defendant’s office. On March 2, 1990, shore areas and other natural resources to the
plaintiffs served upon defendant a final demand to end that their exploration, development and
cancel all logging permits in the country. Defendant, utilization be equitably accessible to the present
however, fails and refuses to cancel the existing TLA’s to as well as future generations.
the continuing serious damage and extreme prejudice of 3. Every generation has a responsibility to
plaintiffs. the next to preserve that rhythm and harmony
  for the full enjoyment of a balanced and
healthful ecology. Put a little differently, the
Issues: minors’ assertion of their right to a sound
environment constitutes, at the same time, the
 Whether or not the petitioners have the right to performance of their obligation to ensure the
bring action to the judicial power of the Court. protection of that right for the generations to
 Whether or not the petitioners failed to allege in come.
their complaint a specific legal right violated by the  The Court does not agree with the trial court’s
respondent Secretary for which any relief is provided conclusions that the plaintiffs failed to allege with
by law. sufficient definiteness a specific legal right involved
or a specific legal wrong committed, and that the
complaint is replete with vague assumptions and national interest so requires, the President may
conclusions based on unverified data. amend, modify, replace or rescind any contract,
1. The complaint focuses on one specific concession, permit, licenses or any other form
fundamental legal right — the right to a of privilege granted herein .
balanced and healthful ecology which, for the 2. All licenses may thus be revoked or
first time in our nation’s constitutional history, is rescinded by executive action. It is not a
solemnly incorporated in the fundamental law. contract, property or a property right protested
Section 16, Article II of the 1987 Constitution by the due process clause of the Constitution.
explicitly provides:
Hence, the instant Petition is hereby GRANTED, and the
Sec. 16. The State shall protect and advance the right of challenged Order of respondent Judge of 18 July 1991
the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord dismissing Civil Case No. 90-777 was set aside. The
with the rhythm and harmony of nature. petitioners amend their complaint to implead as
defendants the holders or grantees of the questioned
1. This right unites with the right to health which is timber license agreements.
provided for in the preceding section of the same
article: MANILA PRINCE HOTEL VS. GSIS G.R. NO. 122156.
February 3,
Sec. 15. The State shall protect and promote the right to
health of the people and instill health consciousness MANILA PRINCE HOTEL petitioner,
among them.
1. While the right to a balanced and healthful
ecology is to be found under the Declaration of GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE SYSTEM,
Principles and State Policies and not under the Bill MANILA HOTEL CORPORATION, COMMITTEE ON
of Rights, it does not follow that it is less important PRIVATIZATION and OFFICE OF THE GOVERNMENT
than any of the civil and political rights enumerated CORPORATE COUNSEL, respondents.
in the latter. Such a right belongs to a different
category of rights altogether for it concerns nothing Facts:
less than self-preservation and self-perpetuation —
aptly and fittingly stressed by the petitioners — the The controversy arose when respondent Government
advancement of which may even be said to predate Service Insurance System (GSIS), pursuant to the
all governments and constitutions. As a matter of privatization program of the Philippine Government,
fact, these basic rights need not even be written in decided to sell through public bidding 30% to 51% of the
the Constitution for they are assumed to exist from issued and outstanding shares of respondent Manila
the inception of humankind. Hotel Corporation (MHC). The winning bidder, or the
eventual “strategic partner,” will provide management
 The Court are not persuaded by the trial court’s expertise or an international marketing/reservation
pronouncement. system, and financial support to strengthen the
1. The respondent Secretary did not profitability and performance of the Manila Hotel.
invoke in his motion to dismiss the non-
impairment clause. If he had done so, Justice In a close bidding held on 18 September 1995 only two
Feliciano would have acted with utmost infidelity (2) bidders participated: petitioner Manila Prince Hotel
to the Government by providing undue and Corporation, a Filipino corporation, which offered to buy
unwarranted benefits and advantages to the 51% of the MHC or 15,300,000 shares at P41.58 per
timber license holders because he would have share, and Renong Berhad, a Malaysian firm, with ITT-
forever bound the Government to strictly respect Sheraton as its hotel operator, which bid for the same
the said licenses according to their terms and number of shares at P44.00 per share, or P2.42 more
conditions regardless of changes in policy and than the bid of petitioner. Prior to the declaration of
the demands of public interest and welfare. He Renong Berhard as the winning bidder, petitioner Manila
was aware that as correctly pointed out by the Prince Hotel matched the bid price and sent a manager’s
petitioners, into every timber license must be check as bid security, which GSIS refused to accept.
read Section 20 of the Forestry Reform Code
(P.D. No. 705) which provides that when the
Apprehensive that GSIS has disregarded the tender of laws or rules for its enforcement. From its very words the
the matching bid and that the sale may be consummated provision does not require any legislation to put it in
with Renong Berhad, petitioner filed a petition before the operation. It is per se judicially enforceable. When our
Court Constitution mandates that in the grant of rights,
privileges, and concessions covering national economy
Issues: and patrimony, the State shall give preference to
qualified Filipinos, it means just that – qualified Filipinos
Whether or not Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII, of the shall be preferred. And when our Constitution declares
1987 Constitution is a self-executing provision. that a right exists in certain specified circumstances an
action may be maintained to enforce such right
Whether or not the Manila Hotel forms part of the notwithstanding the absence of any legislation on the
national patrimony. subject; consequently, if there is no statute especially
enacted to enforce such constitutional right, such right
Whether or not the submission of matching bid is enforces itself by its own inherent potency and
premature puissance, and from which all legislations must take their
bearings. Where there is a right there is a remedy. Ubi
Whether or not there was grave abuse of discretion on jus ibi remedium.
the part of the respondents in refusing the matching bid
of the petitioner. The Court agree.

Rulings: In its plain and ordinary meaning, the term patrimony

pertains to heritage. When the Constitution speaks of
In the resolution of the case, the Court held that: national patrimony, it refers not only to the natural
resources of the Philippines, as the Constitution could
It is a self-executing provision. have very well used the term natural resources, but also
to the cultural heritage of the Filipinos.
Since the Constitution is the fundamental, paramount
and supreme law of the nation, it is deemed written in It also refers to Filipino’s intelligence in arts, sciences
every statute and contract. A provision which lays down and letters. In the present case, Manila Hotel has
a general principle, such as those found in Art. II of the become a landmark, a living testimonial of Philippine
1987 Constitution, is usually not self-executing. But a heritage. While it was restrictively an American hotel
provision which is complete in itself and becomes when it first opened in 1912, a concourse for the elite, it
operative without the aid of supplementary or enabling has since then become the venue of various significant
legislation, or that which supplies sufficient rule by events which have shaped Philippine history.
means of which the right it grants may be enjoyed or
protected, is self-executing. Verily, Manila Hotel has become part of our national
economy and patrimony. For sure, 51% of the equity of
A constitutional provision is self-executing if the nature the MHC comes within the purview of the constitutional
and extent of the right conferred and the liability imposed shelter for it comprises the majority and controlling stock,
are fixed by the constitution itself, so that they can be so that anyone who acquires or owns the 51% will have
determined by an examination and construction of its actual control and management of the hotel. In this
terms, and there is no language indicating that the instance, 51% of the MHC cannot be disassociated from
subject is referred to the legislature for action. Unless it the hotel and the land on which the hotel edifice stands.
is expressly provided that a legislative act is necessary
to enforce a constitutional mandate, the presumption It is not premature.
now is that all provisions of the constitution are self-
executing. If the constitutional provisions are treated as In the instant case, where a foreign firm submits the
requiring legislation instead of self-executing, the highest bid in a public bidding concerning the grant of
legislature would have the power to ignore and rights, privileges and concessions covering the national
practically nullify the mandate of the fundamental law. economy and patrimony, thereby exceeding the bid of a
Filipino, there is no question that the Filipino will have to
10, second par., Art. XII of the 1987 Constitution is a be allowed to match the bid of the foreign entity. And if
mandatory, positive command which is complete in itself the Filipino matches the bid of a foreign firm the award
and which needs no further guidelines or implementing should go to the Filipino. It must be so if the Court is to
give life and meaning to the Filipino First Policy provision CORPORATION to purchase the subject 51% of the
of the 1987 Constitution. For, while this may neither be shares of the Manila Hotel Corporation at P44.00 per
expressly stated nor contemplated in the bidding rules, share and thereafter to execute the necessary
the constitutional fiat is omnipresent to be simply agreements and documents to effect the sale, to issue
disregarded. To ignore it would be to sanction a perilous the necessary clearances and to do such other acts and
skirting of the basic law. deeds as may be necessary for the purpose.

Kilosbayan v. Guingona
The Court does not discount the apprehension that this
policy may discourage foreign investors. But the Facts:
Constitution and laws of the Philippines are understood
to be always open to public scrutiny. These are given This is a special civil action for prohibition and injunction,
factors which investors must consider when venturing with a prayer for a temporary restraining order and
into business in a foreign jurisdiction. Any person preliminary injunction which seeks to prohibit and
therefore desiring to do business in the Philippines or restrain the implementation of the Contract of Lease
with any of its agencies or instrumentalities is presumed executed by the PCSO and the Philippine Gaming
to know his rights and obligations under the Constitution Management Corporation in connection with the on-line
and the laws of the forum. lottery system, also know as lotto.

Petitioners strongly opposed the setting up of the on-line

There was grave abuse of discretion. lottery system on the basis of serious moral and ethical
considerations. It submitted that said contract of lease
To insist on selling the Manila Hotel to foreigners when violated Section 1 of R. A. No. 1169, as amended by B.
there is a Filipino group willing to match the bid of the P. Blg. 42.
foreign group is to insist that government be treated as
any other ordinary market player, and bound by its Respondents contended, among others, that, the
mistakes or gross errors of judgement, regardless of the contract does not violate the Foreign Investment Act of
consequences to the Filipino people. The 1991; that the issues of wisdom, morality and propriety
miscomprehension of the Constitution is regrettable. of acts of the executive department are beyond the
Thus, the Court would rather remedy the indiscretion ambit of judicial reviews; and that the petitioners have no
while there is still an opportunity to do so than let the standing to maintain the instant suit
government develop the habit of forgetting that the
Constitution lays down the basic conditions and
parameters for its actions. 1. Whether or not petitioners have the legal standing to
file the instant petition.
Since petitioner has already matched the bid price
tendered by Renong Berhad pursuant to the bidding 2. Whether or not the contract of lease is legal and valid.
rules, respondent GSIS is left with no alternative but to RULING: As to the preliminary issue, the Court resolved
award to petitioner the block of shares of MHC and to to set aside the procedural technicality in view of the
execute the necessary agreements and documents to importance of the issues raised. The Court adopted the
effect the sale in accordance not only with the bidding liberal policy on locus standi to allow the ordinary
guidelines and procedures but with the Constitution as taxpayers, members of Congress, and even association
well. The refusal of respondent GSIS to execute the of planters, and non-profit civic organizations to initiate
corresponding documents with petitioner as provided in and prosecute actions to question the validity or
the bidding rules after the latter has matched the bid of constitutionality of laws, acts, decisions, or rulings of
the Malaysian firm clearly constitutes grave abuse of various government agencies or instrumentalities.
As to the substantive issue, the Court agrees with the
Hence, respondents GOVERNMENT SERVICE petitioners whether the contract in question is one of
INSURANCE SYSTEM, MANILA HOTEL lease or whether the PGMC is merely an independent
CORPORATION, COMMITTEE ON PRIVATIZATION contractor should not be decided on the basis of the title
and OFFICE OF THE GOVERNMENT CORPORATE or designation of the contract but by the intent of the
COUNSEL are directed to CEASE and DESIST from parties, which may be gathered from the provisions of
selling 51% of the shares of the Manila Hotel the contract itself. Animus homini est anima scripti. The
Corporation to RENONG BERHAD, and to ACCEPT the intention of the party is the soul of the instrument.
matching bid of petitioner MANILA PRINCE HOTEL
Therefore the instant petition is granted and the Upon expiration of term, PCSO can purchase the
challenged Contract of Lease is hereby declared equipment at P25M.
contrary to law and invalid.
Kilosbayan again filed a petition to declare amended
ELA invalid because:

KILOSBAYAN VS. MORATO It is the same as the old contract of lease.

G.R. NO. 118910. July 30, 1993 It is still violative of PCSO’s charter.

KILOSBAYAN, INCORPORATED, JOVITO R. It is violative of the law regarding public bidding. It has
SALONGA, CIRILO A. RIGOS, ERME CAMBA, EMILIO not been approved by the President and it is not most
C. CAPULONG, JR., JOSE T. APOLO, EPHRAIM advantageous to the government.
PCSO and PGMC filed separate comments
VICTORINO, JOSE CUNANAN, QUINTIN S. ELA is a different lease contract with none of the
DOROMAL, SEN. FREDDIE WEBB, SEN. WIGBERTO vestiges in the prior contract.
TAÑADA, REP. JOKER P. ARROYO, petitioners,
ELA is not subject to public bidding because it fell in the
vs. exception provided in EO No. 301.
MANUEL L. MORATO, in his capacity as Chairman of Power to determine if ELA is advantageous vests in the
the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, and the Board of Directors of PCSO.
CORPORATION, respondents. Lack of funds. PCSO cannot purchase its own online
lottery equipment.

Petitioners seek to further their moral crusade.

Petitioners do not have a legal standing because they
were not parties to the contract.
GR 113375 (KIlosbayan vs. Guingona) held invalidity of Issues:
the contract between Philippine Charity Sweepstakes
Office (PCSO) and the privately owned Philippine Whether or not petitioner Kilosbayan, Incorporated has a
Gaming Management Corporation (PGMC) for the legal standing to sue.
operation of a nationwide on-line lottery system. The
Whether or not the ELA between PCSO and PGMC in
contract violated the provision in the PCSO Charter
operating an online lottery is valid.
which prohibits PCSO from holding and conducting
lotteries through a collaboration, association, or joint Rulings
In the resolution of the case, the Court held that:
Both parties again signed an Equipment Lease
Agreement (ELA) for online lottery equipment and Petitioners do not have a legal standing to sue.
accessories on January 25, 1995. The agreement are as STARE DECISIS cannot apply. The previous ruling
follow: sustaining the standing of the petitioners is a departure
Rental is 4.3% of gross amount of ticket sales by PCSO from the settled rulings on real parties in interest
at which in no case be less than an annual rental because no constitutional issues were actually involved.
computed at P35,000 per terminal in commercial LAW OF THE CASE (opinion delivered on a former
operation. appeal) cannot also apply. Since the present case is not
Rent is computed bi-weekly. the same one litigated by the parties before in
Kilosbayan vs. Guingona, Jr., the ruling cannot be in any
Term is 8 years. sense be regarded as “the law of this case”. The parties
are the same but the cases are not.
PCSO is to employ its own personnel and responsible
cannot still apply. An issue actually and directly passed
upon and determine in a former suit cannot again be
drawn in question in any future action between the same prohibited from investing in any activities that would
parties involving a different cause of action. But the rule compete in their own activities.
does not apply to issues of law at least when
It is claimed that ELA is a joint venture agreement which
substantially unrelated claims are involved. When the
does not compete with their own activities. The Court
second proceeding involves an instrument or transaction
held that is also based on speculation. Evidence is
identical with, but in a form separable from the one dealt
needed to show that the transfer of technology would
with in the first proceeding, the Court is free in the
involve the PCSO and its personnel in prohibited
second proceeding to make an independent examination
association with the PGMC.
of the legal matters at issue.
O. 301 (on law of public bidding) applies only to
Since ELA is a different contract, the previous decision
contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials and
does not preclude determination of the petitioner’s
equipment and not on the contracts of lease. Public
bidding for leases are only for privately-owned buildings
Standing is a concept in constitutional law and here no or spaces for government use or of government owned
constitutional question is actually involved. The more buildings or spaces for private use.
appropriate issue is whether the petitioners are ‘real
parties of interest’.

Question of contract of law: The real parties are those

who are parties to the agreement or are bound either
Petitioners have no standing. ELA is a valid lease
principally or are prejudiced in their rights with respect to
contract. The motion for reconsideration of petitioners is
one of the contracting parties and can show the
DENIED with finality.
detriment which would positively result to them from the
contract. Tanada vs Angara

Petitioners do not have such present substantial interest. Justiciable Question; Theory of Auto-Limitation;
Questions to the nature or validity of public contracts Declaration of Principles and State Policies
maybe made before COA or before the Ombudsman.
TANADA VS ANGARA G.R. No. 118295 May
Equipment Lease Agreement (ELA) is valid. 2, 1997

It is different with the prior lease agreement: PCSO now Wigberto E. Tanada et al, in representation of various
bears all losses because the operation of the system is taxpayers and as non-governmental organizations,
completely in its hands. petitioners,

Fixing the rental rate to a minimum is a matter of vs.

business judgment and the Court is not inclined to
EDGARDO ANGARA, et al, respondents.
Rental rate is within the 15% net receipts fixed by law as
a maximum. (4.3% of gross receipt is discussed in the This is a case petition by Sen. Wigberto Tanada,
dissenting opinion of Feliciano, J.) together with other lawmakers, taxpayers, and various
NGO’s to nullify the Philippine ratification of the World
In the contract, it stated that the parties can change their
Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement.
agreement. Petitioners state that this would allow PGMC
to control and operate the on-line lottery system. The Petitioners believe that this will be detrimental to the
Court held that the claim is speculative. In any case, in growth of our National Economy and against to the
the construction of statutes, the resumption is that in “Filipino First” policy. The WTO opens access to foreign
making contracts, the government has acted in good markets, especially its major trading partners, through
faith. The doctrine that the possibility of abuse is not a the reduction of tariffs on its exports, particularly
reason for denying power. agricultural and industrial products. Thus, provides new
opportunities for the service sector cost and uncertainty
It was held in Kilosbayan Vs. Guingona that PCSO does
associated with exporting and more investment in the
not have the power to enter into any contract which
country. These are the predicted benefits as reflected in
would involve it in any form of “collaboration,
the agreement and as viewed by the signatory Senators,
association, or joint venture” for the holding of
a “free market” espoused by WTO.
sweepstakes activities. This only mentions that PCSO is
Petitioners also contends that it is in conflict with the protect their common interests more effectively through
provisions of our constitution, since the said Agreement the WTO than through one-on-one negotiations with
is an assault on the sovereign powers of the Philippines developed countries. Within the WTO, developing
because it meant that Congress could not pass countries can form powerful blocs to push their
legislation that would be good for national interest and economic agenda more decisively than outside the
general welfare if such legislation would not conform to Organization. Which is not merely a matter of practical
the WTO Agreement. alliances but a negotiating strategy rooted in law. Thus,
the basic principles underlying the WTO Agreement
recognize the need of developing countries like the
Whether or not the petition present a justiciable Philippines to “share in the growth in international trade
controversy. commensurate with the needs of their economic
Whether or not the provisions of the ‘Agreement
Establishing the World Trade Organization and the In its Declaration of Principles and State Policies, the
Agreements and Associated Legal Instruments included Constitution “adopts the generally accepted principles of
in Annexes one (1), two (2) and three (3) of that international law as part of the law of the land, and
agreement’ cited by petitioners directly contravene or adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice,
undermine the letter, spirit and intent of Section 19, freedom, cooperation and amity, with all nations. By the
Article II and Sections 10 and 12, Article XII of the 1987 doctrine of incorporation, the country is bound by
Constitution. generally accepted principles of international law, which
are considered to be automatically part of our own laws.
Whether or not certain provisions of the Agreement A state which has contracted valid international
unduly limit, restrict or impair the exercise of legislative obligations is bound to make in its legislations such
power by Congress. modifications as may be necessary to ensure the
fulfillment of the obligations undertaken. Paragraph 1,
Whether or not certain provisions of the Agreement
Article 34 of the General Provisions and Basic Principles
impair the exercise of judicial power by this Honorable
of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of
Court in promulgating the rules of evidence.
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) may intrudes on the
Whether or not the concurrence of the Senate ‘in the power of the Supreme Court to promulgate rules
ratification by the President of the Philippines of the concerning pleading, practice and procedures. With
Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization’ regard to Infringement of a design patent, WTO
implied rejection of the treaty embodied in the Final Act. members shall be free to determine the appropriate
method of implementing the provisions of TRIPS within
Discussions: their own internal systems and processes.
1987 Constitution states that Judicial power includes the The alleged impairment of sovereignty in the exercise of
duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies legislative and judicial powers is balanced by the
involving rights which are legally demandable and adoption of the generally accepted principles of
enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has international law as part of the law of the land and the
been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or adherence of the Constitution to the policy of
excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or cooperation and amity with all nations. The Senate, after
instrumentality of the government. deliberation and voting, voluntarily and overwhelmingly
Although the Constitution mandates to develop a self- gave its consent to the WTO Agreement thereby making
reliant and independent national economy controlled by it “a part of the law of the land” is a legitimate exercise of
Filipinos, does not necessarily rule out the entry of its sovereign duty and power.
foreign investments, goods and services. It contemplates Rulings:
neither “economic seclusion” nor “mendicancy in the
international community.” The WTO itself has some built- In seeking to nullify an act of the Philippine Senate on
in advantages to protect weak and developing the ground that it contravenes the Constitution, the
economies, which comprise the vast majority of its petition no doubt raises a justiciable controversy. Where
members. Unlike in the UN where major states have an action of the legislative branch is seriously alleged to
permanent seats and veto powers in the Security have infringed the Constitution, it becomes not only the
Council, in the WTO, decisions are made on the basis of right but in fact the duty of the judiciary to settle the
sovereign equality, with each member’s vote equal in dispute. As explained by former Chief Justice Roberto
weight to that of any other. Hence, poor countries can Concepcion, “the judiciary is the final arbiter on the
question of whether or not a branch of government or Teodoro Santiago was a Grade 6 pupil at Sero Elem.
any of its officials has acted without jurisdiction or in School. He was adjudged 3rd Honors (3rd placer). 3
excess of jurisdiction or so capriciously as to constitute days before graduation, Teodoro and his parents sought
an abuse of discretion amounting to excess of the invalidation of the ranking of honor students. They
jurisdiction. This is not only a judicial power but a duty to filed a CERTIORARI case against the principal and
pass judgment on matters of this nature.” teachers who composed the committee on rating honors.

While the Constitution indeed mandates a bias in favor They contend that the committee acted with grave abuse
of Filipino goods, services, labor and enterprises, at the of official discretion because they claim that
same time, it recognizes the need for business
o the 1st and 2nd placers had never been a close rival
exchange with the rest of the world on the bases of
of Santiago before, except in Grade 5 only.
equality and reciprocity and limits protection of Filipino
enterprises only against foreign competition and trade o That Santiago was a consistent honor student from
practices that are unfair. In other words, the Constitution Grade 1 to 5
did not intend to pursue an isolationist policy. It did not
shut out foreign investments, goods and services in the o that the 1st placer was coached and tutored by
development of the Philippine economy. While the grade 6 teachers during the summer (gaining unfair
Constitution does not encourage the unlimited entry of advantage)
foreign goods, services and investments into the
o The committee was composed only of Grade 6
country, it does not prohibit them either. In fact, it allows
an exchange on the basis of equality and reciprocity,
frowning only on foreign competition that is unfair. o That some teachers gave Santos a 75% with an
intention to pull him to a much lower rank
By their inherent nature, treaties really limit or restrict the
absoluteness of sovereignty. By their voluntary act, o That in the Honors Certificate in Grade 1, the word
nations may surrender some aspects of their state power “first place” was erased and replaced with “second
in exchange for greater benefits granted by or derived place”
from a convention or pact. After all, states, like
individuals, live with coequals, and in pursuit of mutually o That the Principal and district supervisors merely
covenanted objectives and benefits, they also commonly passed the buck to each other to delay his grievances.
agree to limit the exercise of their otherwise absolute The respondents filed a MTD claiming that the action
rights. As shown by the foregoing treaties Philippines was improper, and that even assuming it was proper, the
has entered, a portion of sovereignty may be waived question has become academic (because the graduation
without violating the Constitution, based on the rationale already proceeded).
that the Philippines “adopts the generally accepted
principles of international law as part of the law of the Respondents also argue that there was no GADALEJ
land and adheres to the policy of cooperation and amity on the part of the teachers since the Committee on
with all nations.” Ratings is not a tribunal, nor board, exercising judicial
functions. (under Rule 65, certiorari is a remedy against
The provision in Article 34 of WTO agreement does not judicial functions)
contain an unreasonable burden, consistent as it is with
due process and the concept of adversarial dispute ISSUE: may judicial function be exercised in this case?
settlement inherent in our judicial system. What is judicial power?

The assailed Senate Resolution No. 97 expressed SC:

concurrence in exactly what the Final Act required from
A judicial function is an act performed by virtue of judicial
its signatories, namely, concurrence of the Senate in the
powers. The exercise of judicial function is the doing of
WTO Agreement. Moreover, the Senate was well-aware
something in the nature of the action of the court. In
of what it was concurring in as shown by the members’
order for an action for certiorari to exist, (TEST TO
deliberation on August 25, 1994. After reading the letter
of President Ramos dated August 11, 1994, the senators
of the Republic minutely dissected what the Senate was
concurring in. 1) there must be specific controversy involving rights of
persons brought before a tribunal for hearing and
determination. , and
judicial power and judicial function
2) that the tribunal must have the power and authority to The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities
pronounce judgment and render a decision. made a petition that Acts No. 2706 otherwise known as
the “Act making the Inspection and Recognition of
3) the tribunal must pertain to that branch of the
private schools and colleges obligatory for the Secretary
sovereign which belongs to the judiciary (or at least the
of Public Instruction” and was amended by Act No. 3075
not the legislative nor the executive)
and Commonwealth Act No. 180 be declared
It maybe said that the exercise of judicial function is to unconstitutional on the grounds that 1) the act deprives
determine what the law is, and what the legal rights of the owner of the school and colleges as well as teachers
parties are, with respect to a matter in controversy. and parents of liberty and property without due process
of Law; 2) it will also deprive the parents of their Natural
The phrase judicial power is defined: Rights and duty to rear their children for civic efficiency
and 3) its provisions conferred on the Secretary of
as authority to determine the rights of persons or
Education unlimited powers and discretion to prescribe
rules and standards constitute towards unlawful
authority vested in some court, officer or persons to hear delegation of Legislative powers.
and determine when the rights of persons or property or
Section 1 of Act No. 2706
the propriety of doing an act is the subject matter of
adjudication. “It shall be the duty of the Secretary of Public Instruction
to maintain a general standard of efficiency in all private
The power exercised by courts in hearing and
schools and colleges of the Philippines so that the same
determining cases before them.
shall furnish adequate instruction to the public, in
The construction of laws and the adjudication of legal accordance with the class and grade of instruction given
rights. in them, and for this purpose said Secretary or his duly
authorized representative shall have authority to advise,
The so-called Committee for Rating Honor Students are inspect, and regulate said schools and colleges in order
neither judicial nor quasi-judicial bodies in the to determine the efficiency of instruction given in the
performance of its assigned task. It is necessary that same,”
there be a LAW that gives rise to some specific rights of
persons or property under which adverse claims to such The petitioner also complain that securing a permit to the
rights are made, and the controversy ensuring therefrom Secretary of Education before opening a school is not
is brought in turn, to the tribunal or board clothed with originally included in the original Act 2706. And in
power and authority to determine what that law is and support to the first proposition of the petitioners they
thereupon adjudicate the respective rights of contending contended that the Constitution guaranteed the right of a
parties. citizen to own and operate a school and any law
requiring previous governmental approval or permit
There is nothing about any rule of law that provides for before such person could exercise the said right On the
when teachers sit down to assess individual merits of other hand, the defendant Legal Representative
their pupils for purposes of rating them for honors. submitted a memorandum contending that 1) the matters
Worse still, the petitioners have not presented the presented no justiciable controversy exhibiting
pertinent provisions of the Service Manual for Teachers unavoidable necessity of deciding the constitutional
which was allegedly violated by the Committee. question; 2) Petitioners are in estoppels to challenge the
The judiciary has no power to reverse the award of the validity of the said act and 3) the Act is constitutionally
board of judges. valid. Thus, the petition for prohibition was dismissed by
the court.
And for that matter, it would not interfere in literary
contests, beauty contests, and similar competitions. Issue:


PACU VS. SEC OF EDUCATION / (G.R. No. L-5279 Whether or not Act No. 2706 as amended by Act no.
October 31, 1955) 3075 and Commonwealth Act no. 180 is void and

The Petitioner suffered no wrong under the terms of law and SALVADOR MARINO, Secretary of Justice,
and needs no relief in the form they seek to obtain. respondents.
Moreover, there is no justiciable controversy presented
before the court. It is an established principle that to
entitle a private individual immediately in danger of Exec. Secretary Hechanova authorised the importation
sustaining a direct injury and it is not sufficient that he of foreign rice to be purchased from private sources.
has merely invoke the judicial power to determined the Ramon Gonzales filed a petition opposing the said
validity of executive and legislative action he must show implementation because RA No. 3542 which allegedly
that he has sustained common interest to all members of repeals or amends Republic Act No. 2207, prohibits the
the public. Furthermore, the power of the courts to importation of rice and corn “by the Rice and Corn
declare a law unconstitutional arises only when the Administration or any other government agency.”
interest of litigant require the use of judicial authority for
their protection against actual interference. As such, Respondents alleged that the importation permitted in
Judicial Power is limited to the decision of actual cases Republic Act 2207 is to be authorized by the President of
and controversies and the authority to pass on the the Philippines, and by or on behalf of the Government
validity of statutes is incidental to the decisions of such of the Philippines. They add that after enjoining the Rice
cases where conflicting claims under the constitution and Corn administration and any other government
and under the legislative act assailed as contrary to the agency from importing rice and corn, Section 10 of
constitution but it is legitimate only in the last resort and Republic Act 3542 indicates that only private parties may
it must be necessary to determined a real and vital import rice under its provisions. They contended that the
controversy between litigants. Thus, actions like this are government has already constitute valid executive
brought for a positive purpose to obtain actual positive agreements with Vietnam and Burma, that in case of
relief and the court does not sit to adjudicate a mere conflict between Republic Act Nos. 2207 and 3542, the
academic question to satisfy scholarly interest therein. latter should prevail and the conflict be resolved under
The court however, finds the defendant position to be the American jurisprudence.
sufficiently sustained and state that the petitioner
remedy is to challenge the regulation not to invalidate
the law because it needs no argument to show that Issue/s:
abuse by officials entrusted with the execution of the
statute does not per se demonstrate the
unconstitutionality of such statute. On this phase of the Whether or not an international agreement may be
litigation the court conclude that there has been no invalidated by our courts.
undue delegation of legislative power even if the
petitioners appended a list of circulars and memoranda Discussions:
issued by the Department of Education they fail to
From a constitutional viewpoint, the said international
indicate which of such official documents was
agreement being inconsistent with the provisions of
constitutionally objectionable for being capricious or pain
Republic Acts Nos. 2207 and 3452. Although the
nuisance. Therefore, the court denied the petition for
President may, under the American constitutional
system enter into executive agreements without previous
Gonzales vs Hechanova legislative authority, he may not, by executive
agreement, enter into a transaction which is prohibited
conflict with the fundamental law; separation of by statutes enacted prior thereto.
Under the Constitution, the main function of the
GONZALES VS HECHANOVA Executive is to enforce laws enacted by Congress. He
G.R. No. L-21897 9 SCRA 230 October 22, 1963 may not interfere in the performance of the legislative
powers of the latter, except in the exercise of his veto
RAMON A. GONZALES, petitioner, power. He may not defeat legislative enactments that
have acquired the status of law, by indirectly repealing
the same through an executive agreement providing for
RUFINO G. HECHANOVA, as Executive Secretary, the performance of the very act prohibited by said laws.
MACARIO PERALTA, JR., as Secretary of Defense,
BALMACEDA, as Secretary of Commerce and Industry,
Yes. The Constitution authorizes the nullification of a people under the name and style of the Cultural Center
treaty, not only when it conflicts with the fundamental of the Philippines entrusted with the task to construct a
law, but also, when it runs counter to an act of Congress. national theatre, a national music hall, an arts building
and facilities, to awaken our people's consciousness in
Section 2 Article 8 states that judicial review is vested
the nation's cultural heritage and to encourage its
with the Supreme Court. The alleged consummation of
assistance in the preservation, promotion, enhancement
the aforementioned contracts with Vietnam and Burma
and development thereof, with the Board of Trustees to
does not render this case academic. Republic Act No.
be appointed by the President, the Center having as its
2207 enjoins our government not from entering into
estate the real and personal property vested in it as well
contracts for the purchase of rice, but from entering rice,
as donations received, financial commitments that could
except under the conditions prescribed in said Act.
thereafter be collected, and gifts that may be
A judicial declaration of illegality of the proposed forthcoming in the future. 2 It was likewise alleged that
importation would not compel our Government to default the Board of Trustees did accept donations from the
in the performance of such obligations as it may have private sector and did secure from the Chemical Bank of
contracted with the sellers of rice in question because New York a loan of $5 million guaranteed by the
aside from the fact that said obligations may be complied National Investment & Development Corporation as well
without importing the said commodity into the as $3.5 million received from President Johnson of the
Philippines, the proposed importation may still be United States in the concept of war damage funds, all
legalized by complying with the provisions of the intended for the construction of the Cultural Center
aforementioned laws. building estimated to cost P48 million. The Board of
Trustees has as its Chairman the First Lady, Imelda
G.R. No. L-31685 July 31, 1975 Romualdez Marcos, who is named as the principal
respondent.3 In an order of dismissal by the then Judge,
RAMON A. GONZALES, petitioner,
now Justice of the Court of Appeals, Jose G. Bautista of
vs. a suit for prohibition filed in the Court of First Instance of
Manila, stress was laid on the funds administered by the
IMELDA R. MARCOS, as Chairman of the Cultural Center as coming from donations and contributions, with
Center of the Philippines, Father HORACIO DE LA not a single centavo raised by taxation, and the absence
COSTA, I. P. SOLIONGCO, ERNESTO RUFINO, of any pecuniary or monetary interest of petitioner that
ANTONIO MADRIGAL, and ANDRES SORIANO, as could in any wise be prejudiced distinct from those of the
Members thereof, respondents. general public. Moreover, reference was made to the
admission by petitioner of the desirability of the objective
of Executive Order No. 30, his objection arising from the
Ramon A. Gonzales in his own behalf. alleged illegality of its issuance.4

Acting Solicitor General Hugo E. Gutierrez; Jr. and There was a motion of respondents to file a motion to
Assistant Solicitor General Reynato S. Puno for dismiss this appeal by certiorari, and it was granted in a
respondent Imelda R. Marcos. resolution of March 5, 1970. Such a pleading was
submitted to this Court twelve days later, where it was
contended that Executive Order No. 30 represented the
Siguion Reyna, Montecillo, Beto and Ongsiako for legitimate exercise of executive power, there being no
respondents. invasion of the legislative domain and that it was
supplementary to rather than a disregard of Republic Act
FERNANDO, J.: No. 4165 creating the National Commission on Culture.
It was the novelty of the constitutional question raised, In this exhaustive motion to dismiss, the point was
there being an imputation by petitioner Ramon A. likewise raised that petitioner did not have the requisite
Gonzales of an impermissible encroachment by the personality to contest as a taxpayer the validity of the
President of the Philippines on the legislative executive order in question, as the funds held by the
prerogative, that led this Tribunal to give due course to Cultural Center came from donations and contributions,
an appeal by certiorari from an order of dismissal by the not one centavo being raised by taxation.5 Thereafter, a
Court of First Instance of Manila.1 More specifically, the manifestation was filed by the then Solicitor General,
issue centered on the validity of the creation in Executive now Associate Justice, Felix Q. Antonio, adopting "the
Order No. 30 of a trust for the benefit of the Filipino Motion to Dismiss the Petition dated February 25, 1970,
filed by respondents with this Honorable Court."6 There liberal approach followed in Pascual v. Secretary of
was an opposition to such motion to dismiss on the part Public Works, 11 foreshadowed by People v. Vera, 12
of petitioner.7 That was the status of the case, there where the doctrine of standing was first fully discussed.
being no further pleadings filed except two motions for It is only to make clear that petitioner, judged by
extension of time to file answer submitted by the Solicitor orthodox legal learning, has not satisfied the elemental
General and granted by this Court, when on July 22, requisite for a taxpayer's suit. Moreover, even on the
1975, there was a second motion to dismiss on the part assumption that public funds raised by taxation were
of respondents through the Acting Solicitor General involved, it does not necessarily follow that such kind of
Hugo E. Gutierrez Jr. and Assistant Solicitor General an action to assail the validity of a legislative or
Reynato S. Puno. It is therein set forth: "(1) As stated in executive act has to be passed upon. This Court, as held
the petition itself its undeniable quintessence is [the in the recent case of Tan v. Macapagal, 13 "is not devoid
allegation of] "an executive usurpation of legislative of discretion as to whether or not it should be
powers, hence, respondents in enforcing the same, are entertained." 14 The lower court thus did not err in so
acting without jurisdiction, hence, are restrainable by viewing the situation.
prohibition." ... (2) On October 5, 1972, Presidential
Decree No. 15 ... was promulgated creating the Cultural
Center of the Philippines, defining its objectives, powers 2. Nor was the lower court any more impressed by the
and functions and other purposes. Section 4, thereof contention that there was an encroachment on the
was amended by Presidential Decree No. 179 ... legislative prerogative discernible in the issuance of
enacted on April 26, 1973. It is submitted that it is now Executive Order No. 30. It first took note of the exchange
moot and academic to discuss the constitutionality of of diplomatic notes between the Republic of the
Executive Order No. 30 considering the promulgation of Philippines and the United States as to the use of a
PD Nos. 15 and 179, done by the President in the special fund coming from the latter for a Philippine
exercise of legislative powers under martial law. cultural development project. Then, as set forth in the
Executive Order No. 30 has ceased to exist while PD order of dismissal, it explained why no constitutional
Nos. 15 and 179 meet all the constitutional arguments objection could be validly interposed. Thus: "When the
raised in the petition at bar."8 President, therefore, acted by disposing of a matter of
general concern (Section 63, Rev. Adm. Code) in accord
with the constitutional injunction to promote arts and
It would thus appear that the petition cannot succeed. letters (Section 4, Article XIV, Constitution of the
There is no justification for setting aside the order of Philippines) and issued Executive Order No. 30, he
dismissal. Notwithstanding the exhaustive and scholarly simply carried out the purpose of the trust in establishing
pleadings submitted by petitioner on his own behalf, the the Cultural Center of the Philippines as the
burden of persuasion to warrant a reversal of the action instrumentality through which this agreement between
of the lower court was not met. Both on procedural and the two governments would be realized. Needless to
substantive grounds, a case for prohibition was not state, the President alone cannot and need not
made out, notwithstanding the valiant efforts of personally handle the duties of a trustee for and in behalf
petitioner. With this latest manifestation, that Executive of the Filipino people in relation with this trust. He can do
Order No. 30 had been superseded by Presidential this by means of an executive order by creating as he
Decree Nos. 15 and 179, the moot and academic did, a group of persons, who would receive and
character of this appeal by certiorari became rather administer the trust estate, responsible to the President.
obvious. To repeat, the petition must fail. As head of the State, as chief executive, as spokesman
in domestic and foreign affairs, in behalf of the estate as
parens patriae, it cannot be successfully questioned that
1. It may not be amiss though to consider briefly both the the President has authority to implement for the benefit
procedural and substantive grounds that led to the lower of the Filipino people by creating the Cultural Center
court's order of dismissal. It was therein pointed out as consisting of private citizens to administer the private
"one more valid reason" why such an outcome was contributions and donations given not only by the United
unavoidable that "the funds administered by the States government but also by private persons." 15
President of the Philippines came from donations [and]
contributions [not] by taxation." Accordingly, there was
that absence of the "requisite pecuniary or monetary There is impressive juridical support for the stand taken
interest." 9 The stand of the lower court finds support in by the lower court. Justice Malcolm in Government of the
judicial precedents. 10 This is not to retreat from the Philippine Islands v. Springer 16 took pains to
emphasize: "Just as surely as the duty of caring for worthy of commendation was his resolute determination
governmental property is neither judicial nor legislative in to keep the Presidency within the bounds of its
character is it as surely executive." 17 It Would be an competence, it cannot be denied that the remedy, if any,
unduly narrow or restrictive view of such a principle if the could be supplied by Congress asserting itself in the
public funds that accrued by way of donation from the premises. Instead, there was apparent conformity on its
United States and financial contributions for the Cultural part to the way the President saw fit to administer such
Center project could not be legally considered as governmental property.
"governmental property." They may be acquired under
3. The futility of this appeal by certiorari becomes even
the concept of dominium, the state as a persona in law
more apparent with the issuance of Presidential Decree
not being deprived of such an attribute, thereafter to be
No. 15 on October 5, 1972. As contended by the
administered by virtue of its prerogative of imperium. 18
Solicitor General, the matter, as of that date, became
What is a more appropriate agency for assuring that they
moot and academic. Executive Order No. 30 was thus
be not wasted or frittered away than the Executive, the
superseded. The institution known as the Cultural Center
department precisely entrusted with management
is other than that assailed in this suit. In that sense a
functions? It would thus appear that for the President to
coup de grace was administered to this proceeding. The
refrain from taking positive steps and await the action of
labored attempt of petitioner could thus be set at rest.
the then Congress could be tantamount to dereliction of
This particular litigation is at an end. There is, too,
duty. He had to act; time was of the essence. Delay was
relevance in the observation that the aforesaid decree is
far from conducive to public interest. It was as simple as
part of the law of the land. So the Constitution provides.
that. Certainly then, it could be only under the most
strained construction of executive power to conclude that
in taking the step he took, he transgressed on terrain 4. It only remains to be added that respondents as
constitutionally reserved for Congress. trustees lived up fully to the weighty responsibility
entrusted to them. The task imposed on them was
performed with competence, fidelity, and dedication.
This is not to preclude legislative action in the premises. That was to be expected. From the inception of the
While to the Presidency under the 1935 Constitution was Marcos Administration, the First Lady has given
entrusted the responsibility for administering public unsparingly of herself in the encouragement and support
property, the then Congress could provide guidelines for of literary, musical, and artistic endeavors and in the
such a task. Relevant in this connection is the excerpt appreciation of our rich and diverse cultural heritage.
from an opinion of Justice Jackson in Youngstown Sheet The rest of the then Board of Trustees, named as the
& Tube Co. v. Sawyer: 19 "When the President acts in other respondents, were equally deserving of their being
absence of either a congressional grant or denial of chosen for this worthy project. One of them, the late I.P
authority, he can only rely upon his own independent Soliongco, was in his lifetime one of the most gifted men
powers, but there is a zone of twilight in which he and of letters. Father Horacio de la Costa is a historian and
Congress may have concurrent authority, or in which its scholar of international repute. Respondents Ernesto
distribution is uncertain. Therefore, congressional inertia, Rufino, Antonio Madrigal and Andres Soriano, all men of
indifference or quiescence may sometimes, at least as a substance, have contributed in time and money to civic
practical matter, enable, if not invite, measures on efforts. It is not surprising then that the Cultural Center
independent presidential responsibility. In this area, any became a reality, the massive and imposing structure
actual test of power is likely to depend on the imperative constructed at a shorter period and at a lower cost than
of events and contemporary imponderables rather than at first thought possible. What is of even greater
on abstract theories of law." 20 To vary the phraseology, significance, with a portion thereof being accessible at
to recall Thomas Reed Powell, if Congress would modest admission prices, musical and artistic
continue to keep its peace notwithstanding the action performances of all kinds are within reach of the lower-
taken by the executive department, it may be considered income groups. Only thus may meaning be imparted to
as silently vocal. In plainer language, it could be an the Constitutional provision that arts and letters shall be
instance of silence meaning consent. The Executive under State patronage. 22 For equally important as the
Order assailed was issued on June 25, 1966. Congress encouragement and support for talented Filipinos with a
until the time of the filing of the petition on August 26, creative spark is the diffusion of the opportunity for the
1969 remained quiescent. Parenthetically, it may be rest of their countrymen to savour the finer things in life.
observed that petitioner waited until almost the day of Who knows, if state efforts along these lines are
inaugurating the Cultural Center on September 11, 1969 diligently pursued, that what was said by Justice Holmes
before filing his petition in the lower court. However about France could apply to the Philippines. Thus: "We
have not that respect for art that is one of the glories of executive to provide pardon because providing
France." 23 In justice to petitioner Gonzales, it may be probation, in effect, is granting freedom, as in pardon
noted that he did not question the wisdom or soundness
of the goal of having a Cultural Center or the
disbursement of the funds by respondents. It is the Whether or not Act No. 4221 constituted an undue
absence of statutory authority that bothered him. The delegation of legislative power
lower court did not see things in the same light. It is
easily understandable why, as the preceding discussion Whether or not the said act denies the equal protection
has made clear, it cannot be said that such a conclusion of the laws
suffered from legal infirmity. What is more, with the
issuance of Presidential Decree No. 15, the suit, to
repeat, has assumed a moot and academic character. An act of the legislature is incomplete and hence invalid
if it does not lay down any rule or definite standard by
WHEREFORE, this appeal by certiorari to review the
which the administrative officer or board may be guided
lower court's order of dismissal dated December 4, 1969
in the exercise of the discretionary powers delegated to
is dismissed.
it. The probation Act does not, by the force of any of its
PEOPLE VS VERA G.R. No. L-45685 65 Phil 56 provisions, fix and impose upon the provincial boards
November 16, 1937 any standard or guide in the exercise of their
discretionary power. What is granted, as mentioned by
undue delagation of power; equal protection of the Justice Cardozo in the recent case of Schecter, supra, is
law a “roving commission” which enables the provincial
boards to exercise arbitrary discretion. By section 11 if
the Act, the legislature does not seemingly on its own
authority extend the benefits of the Probation Act to the
provinces but in reality leaves the entire matter for the
vs. various provincial boards to determine. The equal
protection of laws is a pledge of the protection of equal
JOSE O. VERA, Judge . of the Court of First Instance of
laws. The classification of equal protection, to be
Manila, and MARIANO CU UNJIENG, respondents.
reasonable, must be based on substantial distinctions
Facts:Mariano Cu Unjieng was convicted by the trial which make real differences; it must be germane to the
court in Manila. He filed for reconsideration and four purposes of the law; it must not be limited to existing
motions for new trial but all were denied. He then conditions only, and must apply equally to each member
elevated to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the class.
remanded the appeal to the lower court for a new trial.
While awaiting new trial, he appealed for probation
alleging that the he is innocent of the crime he was The Court concludes that section 11 of Act No. 4221
convicted of. The Judge of the Manila CFI directed the constitutes an improper and unlawful delegation of
appeal to the Insular Probation Office. The IPO denied legislative authority to the provincial boards and is, for
the application. However, Judge Vera upon another this reason, unconstitutional and void. There is no set
request by petitioner allowed the petition to be set for standard provided by Congress on how provincial
hearing. The City Prosecutor countered alleging that boards must act in carrying out a system of probation.
Vera has no power to place Cu Unjieng under probation The provincial boards are given absolute discretion
because it is in violation of Sec. 11 Act No. 4221 which which is violative of the constitution and the doctrine of
provides that the act of Legislature granting provincial the non delegation of power. Further, it is a violation of
boards the power to provide a system of probation to equity so protected by the constitution. The challenged
convicted person. Nowhere in the law is stated that the section of Act No. 4221 in section 11 which reads as
law is applicable to a city like Manila because it is only follows: This Act shall apply only in those provinces in
indicated therein that only provinces are covered. And which the respective provincial boards have provided for
even if Manila is covered by the law it is unconstitutional the salary of a probation officer at rates not lower than
because Sec 1 Art 3 of the Constitution provides equal those now provided for provincial fiscals. Said probation
protection of laws. The said law provides absolute officer shall be appointed by the Secretary of Justice and
discretion to provincial boards and this also constitutes shall be subject to the direction of the Probation Office.
undue delegation of power. Further, the said probation The provincial boards of the various provinces are to
law may be an encroachment of the power of the determine for themselves, whether the Probation Law
shall apply to their provinces or not at all. The that all Appellants were taxpayers.
applicability and application of the Probation Act are
entirely placed in the hands of the provincial boards. If Issue. Have the Appellants established standing to bring
suit in an Article III court?
the provincial board does not wish to have the Act
applied in its province, all that it has to do is to decline to
Held. Yes. Reversed and remanded.
appropriate the needed amount for the salary of a
The Supreme Court of the United States (Supreme
probation officer. Court) states that standing refers to the plaintiff(s) having
It is also contended that the Probation Act violates the a “personal stake in the outcome” of the case. In the
taxpayer context, the Supreme Court outlines two
provisions of our Bill of Rights which prohibits the denial requirements to show this personal stake.
to any person of the equal protection of the laws. The The first requirement is that the taxpayer must challenge
resultant inequality may be said to flow from the the constitutionality only of exercises under the taxing
unwarranted delegation of legislative power, although and spending clause of the Constitution. Expenditures
perhaps this is not necessarily the result in every case. which are incidental to a regulatory statute or other
Adopting the example given by one of the counsel for incidental expenditures do not give rise to taxpayer
the petitioners in the course of his oral argument, one
The second requirement is that the moving party must
province may appropriate the necessary fund to defray allege that Congress acted beyond the scope of a
the salary of a probation officer, while another province particular constitutional provision. It is insufficient to
may refuse or fail to do so. In such a case, the Probation allege spending beyond the powers delegated under Art.
Act would be in operation in the former province but not I, Section: 8 of the Constitution.
in the latter. This means that a person otherwise coming
within the purview of the law would be liable to enjoy the Dissent. Justice John Marshall Harlan (J. Harlan)
argues that the two requirements outlined by the majority
benefits of probation in one province while another
do not establish that P has a personal stake in the
person similarly situated in another province would be outcome.
denied those same benefits. This is obnoxious
discrimination. Contrariwise, it is also possible for all the Discussion. The Supreme Court establishes a two-
provincial boards to appropriate the necessary funds for prong test that allows taxpayer standing without opening
the salaries of the probation officers in their respective the federal courts to generalized grievances.
provinces, in which case no inequality would result for
the obvious reason that probation would be in operation
in each and every province by the affirmative action of
appropriation by all the provincial boards.

Flast v. Cohen

Brief Fact Summary. The Appellant, including Flast

(Appellants), brought suit, claiming standing solely as
taxpayers, seeking to enjoin expenditure of federal funds
on religious schools. Appellants claimed such
expenditures violated the Establishment and Free
Exercise clauses of the First Amendment of the United
States Constitution (Constitution).

Synopsis of Rule of Law. Taxpayer standing is

appropriate when the plaintiff challenges an enactment
under the taxing and spending clause of the Constitution
and the enactment exceeds specific constitutional
limitations on taxing and spending.

Facts. Congress had funded, under Titles I and II of the

Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (the
Act), writing, arithmetic, and other subjects in religious
schools. Appellants brought suit, claiming that these
expenditures violated the Establishment and Free
Exercise clauses of the First Amendment of the
Constitution. The only claim to standing provided was

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