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Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 3 (1988) 73-88 73



Application of computerized infrared and Raman spectroscopy to

conformation studies of casein and other food proteins
D. Michael Byler and Heino Susi
USDA-Eastern Regional Research Center, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
Received 14 September 1987
Revised 7 December 1987
Accepted 8 December 1987

Key words: Spectroscopy, computerized; IR spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy; Protein structure-function relationship;
Conformation study


The ability of modern biotechnology to produce new or modified proteins has outpaced current under-
standing of the relationship between protein structure and protein function. Resolution-enhanced infrared
spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy are excellent non-destructive techniques for investigating the secon-
dary structure of proteins under a wide variety of conditions. The techniques yield rapid, reliable estimates
of the proportion of helical structure, fl-strands, and turns of proteins in solution, as gels, or as solids. These
methodologies can also detect subtle variations in protein conformation that frequently occur upon change
of the biomolecular environment. In particular, it is possible to study structural changes which arise from
alterations in pH, ionic strength, nature of solvent, and from interactions with other molecules or ions, such
as another protein or Ca 2§ ions. The first part of this paper will briefly review various important aspects of
the techniqueS. The subsequent part describes application to structural problems of casein and other food

INTRODUCTION Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy are sen-

sitive methods for examining biomolecular struc-
To understand the function of proteins and en- ture at the submolecular level. These complemen-
zymes requires detailed knowledge of the molecular tary spectroscopic techniques provide structural in-
architecture of these complex biomolecules [15]. formation on groups of atoms which comprise the
The conformation, or secondary structure, of a pro- biomolecule as a whole, indicating how the atoms
tein is a critical determinant of its functional prop- are bonded to each other and the nature of their
erties, biologically [22] as well as in processed food geometric arrangement. Equally important is the
products. use of IR and Raman spectroscopy to examine the
intra- and intermolecular interactions in which spe-
Correspondence: D.M. Byler, USDA-Eastern Regional Re- cific structural groups are engaged.
search Center, Philadelphia, PA 19118, U.S.A. Although neither IR nor Raman spectroscopy

can, at present, provide detailed knowledge con- or any other type of secondary structure present
cerning bond lengths and bond angles of large [1,29-31]. Once proper correlations have been es-
molecules, both methods provide information tablished, the structure of unknowns can be inves-
about the overall molecular conformation imposed tigated. An alternative method relies on the empir-
upon proteins by intra- and intermolecular hydro- ical observation that the broad amide I band (either
gen bonding, amino acid sequence, hydrophobic in- IR or Raman) is actually composed of individual
teractions, and other factors. The frequencies and component peaks whose band areas are propor-
intensities of IR and Raman bands of proteins are tional to the amounts of different types of secon-
quite sensitive to rather small structural variations, dary structure present in the protein. In order to
such as changes caused by altering the molecular estimate the areas of individual components, the
environment, e.g. pH and/or solvent composition. composite band is first resolved into components
X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques, which by Fourier deconvolution; the areas of the resolved
provide more precise atomic parameters than the components are then determined by a suitable
spectroscopic procedures, are limited to investiga- curve-fitting technique (see below). This method
tions of single crystals and can be, in addition, quite was first developed using Fourier deconvolved
slow and tedious. Molecular spectroscopy, by con- FTIR spectra of proteins in D20 solution [3,24].
trast, can be used to study structural characteristics Recently, the same method was successfullly ap-
of lyophilized powders, solutions, gels and colloids, plied to Raman spectra of proteins in the solid state
as well as crystalline samples, and in certain cases (either lyophilized or crystallized) [2,26]. A third
even particular molecular species within a whole approach involves the second derivative spectrum
cell [4,14]. of a protein in the region of interest [23]. The
For proteins - as distinct from synthetic poly- second derivative spectrum exhibits peaks with a
peptides containing only one or two kinds of amino considerably reduced band width, thus again in-
acid residues - each characteristic IR and Raman creasing the apparent resolution. To date, however,
band is generally a broad composite that consists this technique has been used only for qualitative
of overlapping components representing vibration- studies.
al transitions associated with c~-helical sections, fi- In this paper we will focus on deconvolved and
strands, turns, and aperiodic regions [32]. These second derivative IR and Raman spectra, and dis-
components usually cannot be resolved by conven- cuss some recent qualitative and quantitative ap-
tional spectroscopic techniques because their inher- plications of these techniques to elucidate protein
ent widths are greater than the instrument resolu- structure. In the case of IR spectroscopy, the reli-
tion. Until recently, both IR and Raman spectros- able and reproducible application of resolution en-
copy therefore served essentially as qualitative tools hancement techniques became feasible with the de-
for conformational studies of proteins [18], al- velopment of modern, computerized FTIR inter-
though some semi-quantitative applications have ferometric spectrometers. (In the past, only disper-
been attempted [6,13,19,21]. sive instruments were generally available. Their sen-
Since about 1983, several methods have been sitivity and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was not suf-
proposed to estimate protein conformation (sec- ficient to permit application of deconvolution or
ondary structure) quantitatively by means of Ra- second derivative techniques.)
man [1,2,26,29-31] or Fourier-transform infrared Fig. 1 illustrates the wealth of spectroscopic in-
(FTIR) [3,24] spectroscopy. One method involves formation hidden within the inherently broad IR
analyzing the intensity distribution across the bands of a typical globular protein, triose phos-
amide I bands (1700-1620 cm -1) of the IR or Ra- phate isomerase, in D20 solution. The upper curve
man spectra of proteins of known structure to de- represents the original spectrum, the middle curve
termine how this intensity distribution correlates gives the deconvolved spectrum, the bottom curve
with the percentage of c~-helices, fl-structure, turns the second derivative of the original spectrum. In


0.44 -



~,gl -o.91



1800 17'~0 1400 16~0 16'00 1~'~0 1~'00 1 4 ~ 0 1450 13~0
Fig. 1. FTIR spectra of triose phosphate isomerase (5% w/v in DzO). Upper curve: original spectrum; middle curve: deconvolved
spectrum; lowercurve: second derivativeof the original spectrum.

the particular case of the amide I band (ca. 1650 lysozyme. Fig. 3 gives corresponding information
cm- ~), the fine structure is due to the C = O stretch- about the Raman spectra of (A) immunoglobulin
ing vibrations of different peptide groups. Each G, (B) serum albumin, (C) carbonic anhydrase, and
class of secondary structure (e-helix, /?-structure, (D) ribonuclease S. The curves given by crosses are
turns, and aperiodic segments) gives rise to C = O the digitized experimental F T I R or Raman spectra
component bands at different frequencies. In the after deconvolution. The individual peaks denoted
following sections we will discuss how this new in- by solid lines are the sub-bands determined by it-
formation can be used both qualitatively and quan- eratively fitting the experimental curves with Gaus-
titatively in protein structure studies. Susi and Byler sian components. The solid lines which closely fit
[24] have given a brief review of the basic theory of the deconvolved experimental data are the sum-
Fourier transform interferometry and of the math- mations of these components. It is evident that by
ematical basis of derivative spectroscopy as well as using the combination of deconvolution and curve
Fourier deconvolution techniques. More detailed fitting the original broad amide I band can be re-
information on each of these subjects can be ob- solved into a number of components with well-de-
tained by consulting references cited therein. fined frequencies, shapes, and band areas: The ap-
Fig. 2 illustrates the application of deconvolu- plication of second derivative spectroscopy as a
tion, combined with curve fitting, to the F T I R spec- complementary technique was illustrated in Fig. 1.
tra of ribonuclease S, concanavalin A, elastase and

1.40. Ribonuclease S 1.50- Conca nava l i n




1700 16~30 l&O lShO 1G o 166o

17oo lS So lS O 1G o
lS5O lebO

1.20. Elastase 1.50- Lysozyme

0.90. 1.10-

0.60- 0.70-

0.30- 0.30-

0 - -0.10
17oo 1s;o 1s;o Is: o 16_o 165o 17oo lS O 16'60 16~40 163o 166o
Fig. 2. Deconvolved IR amide I bands of four proteins as 5% (w/v) solutions in DzO (+ + + + +). Individual Gaussian components
determined by iterative curve-fitting and their sum are given by the solid curves ( ). Relative intensity in absorbance units is
plotted versus wavenumber (cm-1). (A) ribonuclease S; (B) concanavalin A; (C) elastase; (D) lysozyme (hen egg white). (From Ref. 3.)

D E U T E R A T I O N A N D CHOICE OF PROPER in H 2 0 solution. Instead of the earlier 'differential

SOLVENT methods' [27], subtraction of the solvent spectrum
from the solution spectrum could now be easily ac-
Both IR and Raman spectra can, in principle, be complished in order to obtain the spectrum of the
obtained from samples in the solid state or in so- pure solute. Unfortunately, neither the subtraction
lution. IR spectroscopy in aqueous solution has al- nor the differential procedures are as straightfor-
ways been very difficult because water absorbs ward as they first appear. Whenever a solute is pres-
strongly throughout much of the mid-IR region ent, changes occur in the frequency, width, and
(ca. 4000-400 cm-~). Particular problems are en- height of the water band. When strong solvent
countered in the conformationally important amide bands overlap those of the solute (as in the case of
I region (ca. 1700-1620 cm-1) because of the very the HOH bending mode of water and the protein
strong HOH bending mode which occurs around amide I band) residual features of the intense sol-
1644 cm -1. When FTIR first became available, it vent bands often remain after subtraction and may
was thought that the increased sensitivity would distort the weaker solute bands of interest.
render IR spectroscopy of proteins effortless even Koenig and Tabb have tabulated a number of

1.400 1.600

1.200 1.400

1.000 1.200

0. BOO 1.000

0.600 0.800

0400 0.600

0.200 ~ , , ~ , 0.400 I I I I







1720 1700
. . 1 6 8 0. 1 6. 6 0 . 1640
. 1620 1600 1720 17'0 0 16 '8 0 16'60 16 4 0 1620
' 1600
Fig. 3. Deconvolved Raman amide I bands of four lyophilized proteins (undeuterated) (+ + + + + ). Individual Gaussian components
determined by iterative curve-fitting and their sum are given by the solid curves ( ). Relative intensity in counts/s is plotted
versus Raman shift in wavenumber (cm-1). (A) immunoglobulin G; (B) serum albumin (bovine); (C) carbonic anhydrase; (D) ribonucle-
ase S. (From Ref. 26.)

observed IR frequencies for selected proteins in strumentation is used (instead of the older disper-
H 2 0 solution [9]. Some of their results strongly in- sive instruments). The same appears to be true for
dicate considerable distortion of the observed pro- Raman spectra. Although the disturbing H O H
tein bands by residual water bands. For example, bending mode is weak in the Raman effect, diffi-
the amide I band of ribonuclease A is reported to culties remain because in the Raman effect the
absorb at 1646 and 1656 cm -1. This protein is amide I band is also weak and subtraction without
known to contain a high proportion of/~-structure distortion may again be very difficult [30].
and should exhibit a strong amide I component If D 2 0 is used as a solvent instead of H20, one
closer to 1630-1640 cm-1 [3]. Recent studies [7,16] must ensure, if possible, that complete H,D ex-
suggest that a better value for the amide I band of change has taken place in the backbone amide
ribonuclease A in H 2 0 solution is 1642 or 1643 groups. This is most easily accomplished by follow-
cm 1, with an obvious shoulder near 1655 cm -a. ing the decrease in the intensity of the amide II
Therefore, one can conclude that quantitative con- band near 1550 cm-1 as progressive deuteration
formation studies are more easily and accurately shifts it to lower frequencies (ca. 1450 cm a)
accomplished with D 2 0 solutions even if F T I R in- [27,28]. The amide I band also shifts upon deuter-

ation, but by a considerably smaller amount, usu- a high S/N ratio, otherwise the noise in the second
ally by less than 10 cm-~. Althought questions derivative is amplified disproportionately and is
sometimes arise regarding the frequencies of amide likely to overshadow all but the strongest true ab-
I components for proteins which have not' under- sorption peaks.
gone complete deuteration [7,16], following the de- The net effect of taking the second derivative of
scribed procedure (i.e., determining the extent of a broad band comprised of a number of overlap-
deuteration by the shift of the amide II band) leads ping peaks is to resolve the broad band into many
to consistent quantitative results in any case. It of its original components. (See Figs. 1 and 5). Be-
should be added that attempts to achieve complete cause the second derivative is accompanied by
deuteration by heating the protein solution can run side-lobes, quantitative measurements of the in-
the risk of irreversible denaturation, because most tensities of individual components are very difficult.
proteins begin to unfold around 50-60~ Second derivative spectra, nevertheless, provide an
exceedingly useful 'fingerprint' of individual pro-
teins and an effective qualitative means for follow-
APPLICATION OF SECOND DERIVATIVE ing subtle changes in their secondary structure.
FTIR SPECTROSCOPY Fig. 5 provides an example of the usefulness of
the technique. Fig. 5A shows the second derivative
Fig. 4 shows a single isolated IR band, and its spectrum of hemoglobin from 1800 to 1350 cm-~.
first and second derivatives. For an ideal Lorentzi- Fig. 5B shows the same region for native #-lacto-
an band, the width of the second derivative is 1/2.7
of the width of the original band. The second de-
rivative band center is unchanged ila frequency, but
the peak is now negative with two small positive 0.0160-

side lobes. A", the peak intensity of the second de-

rivative band (in intensity units/cm 2) is proportion- 0.0135-
al to -A/2G 2, where A is the peak height and a is
the half width at half height of the original band. 0.011 O-
The relative intensities of second derivative bands
can thus be markedly different from those of the
original peaks. In particular, narrow features in the
original, even if weak, exhibit sharply increased in- g
tensities in the second derivative, relative to the
peak intensities of second derivatives of broad 8
bands. The original spectrum must therefore have 0.0036.
< o.oolo.
Ori, linal 1st D e r i v a t i v e 2 Derivative
- 0.0015.


1700 16100 1500 14100
~o ~o Wavenum b e r s
Fig. 4. Original, first derivative, and second derivative of an Fig. 5. Second derivative F T I R spectra of native hemoglobin
isolated empirical IR band (469 cm - ~ band of crystalline phenyl- (A), native/3-1actoglobulin (B), and alkaline-denatured #-lacto-
alanine). (Maximum peak intensities were arbitrarily set equal.) globulin (C). (5% solutions (w/v) in D20.) (From Ref. 23.)

globulin A and Fig. 5C, for alkaline-denatured/~- has 47% #-structure but only about 7% e-helix [17].
lactoglobulin A. (All spectra are of 5% protein The two strong bands at 1623 and 1634 cm -1 and
(w/v) dissolved in D20.) Hemoglobin, whose con- the weak band close to 1679 cm 1 are due to the
formation is nearly 80% e-helical, exhibits only one /~-strands [3]. The other features can also be as-
strong band at 1652 cm-1 in the amide I region signed on the basis of earlier empirical and theo-
(1700-1620 cm 1). This band most likely results retical studies [3,24,28]; the peak at 1649 c m - t is
from vibrations of the helical coils of the proteins. probably an unresolved doublet resulting from a
X-ray studies show that/Mactoglobulin A (Fig. 5B) weak e-helical band above 1650 cm-1 and a band

~/r l D(x)

_ _ 1AIIAIA~,^^
,o , VVVW" . .

. . . . . . . .

, Lx

EL(~):2Lsinc[2~r(lp-~o)L] D(x)exp[2~r(rlxl] B

- ~ ~ v v~v . . . .


] EL('}:L{sini~-iL~:' 1. Do(~)=,-~ C
I I~.(x)=(I-L~)-2cos2T~x

' L~

EL(~)=L[sinc[y(P-~o)L.~eL[sincCr~-'l_2]] 1" D=(x)=I-~L D~x) exp[2Tr~lxl] D

.... .

-V VVVVVVW,W ..... L'i

Fig. 6. Illustration of Fourier deconvolution and the effects of alternative apodization functions. (A) (left to right) Original band,
Fourier transform, and 'boxcar' apodization; (B, C, D) deconvoIutioninvolvingalternative apodization functions. B represents maxi-
mum band narrowing with the introduction of side-lobes; D represents the best compromise for the given set of conditions between
optimal narrowing and the minimization of side lobes; C gives an intermediate case. (See Kauppinen et al. (Ref. 22) for more details.
Figure reprinted with permission.)

below 1648 c m - 1 due to aperiodic or ' r a n d o m ' seg- the 'spectral domain', the width of the band will
ments. Bands at 1667 and 1693 cm 1 are charac- also have decreased. The procedure is more elab-
teristic of different types of turns [3]. orate than can be easily summarized here; more
All fine structure in the amide I region (1700 detailed explanations of the theory and applications
1620 cm -1) gradually disappears (Fig. 5C) when of deconvolution can be found elsewhere [3,8,24].
the pD of the fi-lactoglobulin solution is raised to If several overlapping bands of ill-defined shape
13. When held for some hours under such condi- and width are involved, the procedure becomes
tions, the protein unfolds and is denatured [27,28]. much more complex and, to a degree, resembles an
Only one strong, broad band at 1640 c m - 1 (with art more than an exact science [14]. The net effect
a shoulder at ca. 1665 cm 1) remains. (at least in favorable cases) is to resolve a broad,
Note that the bands due to the amino acid side composite, band into its original components. This
chains (which absorb mainly in the region between is illustrated for the amide I band of several pro-
1600 and 1350 cm -1) are, as might be expected, teins in Fig. 2. The areas of the resolved compo-
much less affected by denaturation (compare Fig. nents can be fairly well estimated by curve fitting
5B and C). One significant change is the decrease with Gaussian components. The components can
in frequency of the 1515 cm 1 band associated with be assigned to particular types of secondary struc-
the ring stretching vibrations of tyrosine residues ture by empirical comparison with spectra arising
[3]. It is observed at 1515 c m - ~ in the native protein from proteins known to contain only one major
(Fig. 5B) and at 1502 cm -x at pD 13. This fre- component (e.g., the c~-helix of hemoglobin) [3,24]
quency shift is associated with the ionization of the or with the help of theoretical calculations [10].
hydroxyl group on the aromatic ring. The obser- Table 1 lists such assignments, based on the study
vations on the amide I band of the denatured pro-
tein clearly demonstrate that the fine structure ob- Table 1
served in the second derivative of the amide I band Characteristic IR frequencies and assignments for amide I band
of the native sample is real, and not simply noise or components (1700-1620 cm-1) for 19 globular proteins in DzO
some artifact produced by the resolution enhance- solutiona
ment process.
Mean frequency (cm-t) Assignment

1623 4= 3b fl-Structure
F I T T I N G OF F T I R S P E C T R A 1637 • 3 fl-Structure
1645 • 4 Unordered (aperiodic)
Fig. 1B shows the Fourier deconvolved F T I R 1653 • 4 a-Helix
1663 4- 4 Turns
spectrum of the protein triose phosphate isomerase,
1670 • 2 Turns
as compared with the original spectrum, given in I675 • 5 //-Structure
Fig. 1A. In principle, deconvolution of a single 1683 • 2 Turns
band proceeds as indicated in Fig. 6. Fourier trans- 1689 4- 2 Turns
formation of a single band yields a sine wave whose 1694 • 2 Turns
period is identical with that of the interferogram
Data for 17 proteins (carbonic anhydrase, carboxypeptidase,
originally measured. When the original band has a casein, c~-chymotrypsin,chymotrypsinogen, concanavalin A,
Lorentzian or Gaussian shape the envelope of the elastase, immunoglobulinG, e-lactalbumin,//-lactoglobulinA,
sine wave is a slowly decaying exponential function. lysozyme(hen egg white), papain, ribonucleaseA, ribonuclease
If this interferogram (sine wave) is multiplied by S, trypsin, trypsinogen, trypsin inhibitor (soybean)) are taken
from Ref. 3: data for flavodoxin and triose phosphate isomer-
one or more appropriate functions (Fig. 6B-D) the ase are from Ref. 25.
rate of decrease in the sine wave envelope will be b Maximum range of the observed frequency for each compo-
reduced. After Fourier transformation back into nent.

Table 2
Estimated protein conformation by three independent methods ~

Protein % e-Helix %/3-Structure % Otherb

R FTIR X-ray R FTIR X-ray R FTIR X-ray

Bovine serum albumin 39 47 - 32 28 29 25 -

Carbonic anhydrase 11 13 16 51 49 45 38 38 39
Immunoglobulin G 8 9 3 67 76 67 27 15 30
c~-Lactalbumin 31 33 36 41 - 33 26
/3-Lactoglobulin A 10 10 7 54 50 47 36 40 46
Lysozyme 43 41 45 25 21 19 32 38 36
Ribonuclease A 21 21 22 50 50 46 31 29 32
Cytochrome c - 51 49 34 10 - 15 41

Raman (R), Ref. 26; FTIR, Ref. 3 (except for bovine serum albumin, this work); X-ray data, Ref. 12 (except for/3-1actoglobulin A,
Ref. 17).
b Includes turns and undefined or aperiodic segments.

o f 19 p r o t e i n s with k n o w n s e c o n d a r y structures FOURIER DECONVOLUTION AND BAND

[3,25]. T h e relative areas o f the c o m p o n e n t s p r o v i d e FITTING OF RAMAN SPECTRA
a g o o d i n d i c a t i o n o f w h a t percentage o f p e p t i d e
chain is f o l d e d into a given s u b s t r u c t u r e in a given Fig. 3 gives the d e c o n v o l v e d a n d curve-fitted
protein. W h e n m o r e t h a n one b a n d is associated R a m a n spectra o f f o u r proteins. T h e m a t h e m a t i c a l
with one type o f substructure, the sum o f the areas p r o c e d u r e a n d i n t e r p r e t a t i o n is a n a l o g o u s to the
o f all such b a n d s m u s t be used for this purpose. The t r e a t m e n t o f d e c o n v o l v e d F T I R spectra, as de-
p r o c e d u r e is essentially b a s e d on empirical obser- scribed above. A few p e r t i n e n t facts m u s t be k e p t
vations but, nevertheless, yields quite acceptable
results [3,24]. T a b l e 2 gives some representative da-
ta. M o r e are f o u n d in Ref. 3. I n m o s t cases the Table 3
estimates for a p a r t i c u l a r structural c o m p o n e n t ap- Characteristic Raman frequencies and assignments for amide I
p e a r to be at least as g o o d as those d e d u c e d f r o m band components (1700-I 620 cm- 1) for ten lyophilized globular
circular d i c h r o i s m ( C D ) d a t a (the prevailing proteins"
m e t h o d for such investigations), a n d in some cases
better. I R m e t h o d s have the a d d i t i o n a l a d v a n t a g e Mean frequency (ca'n-1) Assignment
over o t h e r p r o c e d u r e s in t h a t p r a c t i c a l l y a n y p r o -
1632 + ib /3-Structure
tein s a m p l e can be e x a m i n e d , regardless o f t u r b i d - 1645 4- 3 Bound H20
ity, fluorescence a n d / o r o t h e r d i s t u r b i n g factors. 1656 4- 3 e-Helix
I f d e c o n v o l u t i o n o f c o m p l e x samples is carried 1661 • 2 Undefined and/or turns
o u t by the described p r o c e d u r e , extreme care m u s t 1672 + 4 /3-Structure
1683 4- 3 Turns
be exercised to a v o i d ' o v e r d e c o n v o l u t i o n ' , i.e., the
1689 • 2 Turns
use o f t o o high values for the ' d e c o n v o l u t i o n 1694 4- 3 Turns
p a r a m e t e r s ' . T w o are needed: a n a s s u m e d w i d t h o f
the original b a n d s (full w i d t h at h a l f height, a Data for carbonic anhydrase, c~-chymotrypsin,immunoglobu-
F W H H ) a n d a ' r e s o l u t i o n - e n h a n c e m e n t f a c t o r ' K. lin G, insulin, c~-lactalbumin,fl-lactoglobulin A, lysozyme (hen
egg white), ribonuclease A, ribonuclease S, and serum albumin
Values o f 13 cm -1 a n d 2.4, respectively, have led
(bovine) from Ref. 26; all proteins are undeuterated.
to g o o d results in this l a b o r a t o r y a n d elsewhere b Maximum range of the observed frequency for each compo-
[3,32]. nent.

1.200 1.400 C

1.000 1.200
0.800 /
++ 1.000
0,600 4

0.40~ /
++ 0.600
0200 ++
,44 §
I I I I I i
0 i , i l a , 0.4001

1.400 IB 1.400 D
1.200 1.200

1.000 ~ 0.80C


0.600 0.40C

1720 1700 '
16B0 '
1660 16140 16'20 1600
' Q20C1720 1700
' 16I80 '
1660 16'40 16'20 '
Fig. 7. Amide I Raman bands of lyophilized caseins. Relative intensity in counts/s is plotted versus Raman shift in wavenumber (cm-1).
(A) Original spectrum of/?-casein; (B) spectrum of/?-casein, but now deconvolved and curve-fitted; (C) deconvolved and curve-fitted
spectrum of esl-casein; (D) deconvolved and curve-fitted spectrum of whole bovine casein mixture (Ca z+ replaced by K +). (Note: the
frequency scale in (D) is ca. + l0 cm -1 too high.) The two bands near 1605 and 1615 cm -a result from aromatic side chains and not
from peptide backbone vibrations. (From Res 2.)

in mind. First of all, the S/N ratio of Raman spectra assignments are not identical for the two spectro-
is much lower (usually by a factor of at least ten) scopic techniques, i.e., the assignments for solid
than the corresponding value of FTIR spectra. Re- state Raman samples differ somewhat from the as-
solution-enhancement techniques must therefore be signments listed in Table 1 for IR spectra of pro-
applied more carefully and generally must be pre- teins in D20 solution. Raman assignments based
ceded by a mathematical smoothing of the data on a study of ten globular proteins [26] are reported
[26]. Secondly, high-quality Raman spectra are in Table 3. Table 2 includes Raman results regard-
more easily obtained for proteins in the solid state ing quantitative estimations, calculated by a pro-
than in solution; the opposite is true for IR spectra. cedure quite analogous to the one described above
The Raman data presented here are thus measured for IR studies. Examination of the results presented
for proteins in the solid state. Finally, because of in Table 2 reveals good agreement between the two
the change of state, shifts in frequency due to deu- spectral methods and published X-ray data.
teration, and different effective selection rules [26],








O. 2001 I I I I I
1720 1700 1680 1660 1640 1620 1600
cm -1

Fig. 8. Deconvolved and curve-fitted Raman spectrum of tyophilized whole bovine casein micelles containing typical amounts of Ca z+
(2.8% by weight). (Compare with the whole casein without Ca 2+ in Fig. 7D.) The two low frequealcy bands result from side-chain
vibrations, as in Fig. 7. (From Ref. 26.)

R A M A N STUDIES OF CASEINS AND CA- respectively. Fig. 8 represents the corresponding

SEIN MICELLES spectrum of freeze-dried casein micelles in the pres-
ence of Ca 2 + ions. There appears to be about 10%
Caseins represent a family of phosphoproteins a-helical structure and approximately 20% fl-struc-
which occur in skin milk as colloidal calcium phos- ture in the two isolated caseins, but the fine struc-
phate complexes termed casein micelles [2,5]. The ture of the spectrum of the two species is different,
individual caseins are frequently regarded as largely suggesting that their conformations are not ident-
'structureless' proteins [5,27], but the deconvolved ical [2]. The most interesting observations are con-
solid state Raman spectra of isolated cq1-casein and cerned with the protein sections usually called 'ran-
/?-casein, as well as the spectra of lyophilized whole dom' or 'structureless'. These are clearly divided
casein submicelles (no Ca 2§ and micelles (with spectroscopically into two categories, one giving
Ca2+), show some distinct fine structure. (By rise to bands in the 1660 cm -1 region, the other
weight, whole bovine casein is about 40% c~sl-, 40% one in the region above ca. 1680 cm -1. We tenta-
/?-, 10% es2-, and 10% K-casein.) Fig. 7 presents (A) tively call the first category 'undefined' or 'aperiod-
the original amide ! Raman band of/?-casein, (B) ic' and the second one 'turns', in analogy with other
the corresponding deconvolved spectrum of/?-cas- proteins studied by this Raman method [26]. It is
ein, (C and D) the deconvolved spectrum of c~t- also interesting to observe that whole casein mi-
casein and of whole casein submicelles (K + only), celles in the presence of Ca 2 + ions and submicelles

n,,.. l


r LtJ
~E - ~ M I
cOO 1 "/50 1 "=/00 1~ 1 ,~300 1, ~ 0


j /

u..I r

<~ rn
nn =E
0 Z
o~ t~

O0 1~50 lqO0 1~50 I~00 1~50

Fig. 9. FTIR spectra of/Mactoglobulin A in various solvents. (I denotes deconvolved spectrum; II denotes original spectrum; III denotes
second derivative of the original spectrum.) (A) native protein (5% w/v in DzO, pD 7); (B) denatured protein (5% w/v in D20, pD 13);
(C) denatured protein in 60% CH3OD/40% D20, pD 4; (D) denatured protein in 40% isopropanol-d/60% D20, pD 7. (From Ref. 20.)

in the presence of K + ions appear to have more to have relatively little periodic structure [5], no di-
turns and/?-structure compared to the isolated ~sl- rect comparison with X-ray data of any homolo-
and/?-caseins. The increase is at the expense of the gous protein is possible. Thus, all conformational
amount of 'undefined' structure [2,26]. Because designations are more qualitative and have a more
these caseins have never been crystallized and seem descriptive meaning for these proteins than for

other globular proteins yet studied by F T I R or Ra- 0.0027"

Trypsin (D20)
man spectroscopy.


Resolution-enhanced F T I R spectra of proteins in
deuterated solvents provide a good method for
- 00024. Without Ca ~2
studying the effect of different solvents on the struc-
ture of proteins. Denaturation can be defined as any
departure from native conformation. This term, -0.0048
1800 1700 1600 I~00 ~4bO I~00 ~2'00
therefore, does not necessarily imply complete un- Wavenumber

folding into a totally aperiodic or random coil. In- Fig. 10. Effect of Ca2+ on the second derivative spectrum of
stead, new types of secondary structures can even trypsin (5% w/v in D20). Upper curve: enzymein the presence
be introduced, some of which are different from any of 0.02 M Ca2+. Lower curve: enzymewith no Caa+ present.
secondary structure observed in native proteins.
The milk protein,/?-lactoglobulin, furnishes a good the presence of 0.02 M Ca / + (upper curve) and with
example. The native form has a very high propor- the Ca 2 + removed by dialysis (lower curve). (Ad-
tion of p-structure [3,17]; in methanol solution the dition of Mn 2 + or Gd 3 + (also at 0.02 M) results in
protein appears to assume an essentially helical spectra nearly identical with that observed when
conformation [28]; in isopropanol solution [20] a Ca 2 + is present.) Fig. 11 provides analogous infor-
new kind of extended structure, characterized by mation concerning the deconvolved F T I R spectra.
bands around 1685 and 1615 cm 1, is observed. In The process appears to be reversible, i.e., if calcium
aqueous solution at high pH (above ca. 13) com- ions are added to the calcium-free sample, the spec-
plete unfolding appears to take place, resulting in trum of the complex is again obtained. The total
a spectrum similar to that for caseins. Figure 9 pre- amount of e-helix appears to remain about the
sents the amide I region of these four structurally same, but there is a noticeable decrease in/?-strands
different forms of/?-lactoglobulin. To our know- and a comparable increase in 'aperiodic' structure
ledge no other spectroscopic technique has been when calcium is present, compared to the metal-free
used to study the effect of solvents on protein con- protein. This observation is in good agreement with
formation in equivalent detail [20]. the notion [11] that the calcium ions are embedded
in a/?-structure region of the protein which loses its
regularity when the metal ions are present.
P R O T E I N - M E T A L ION I N T E R A C T I O N S Resolution-enhanced F T I R spectroscopy thus
constitutes a sensitive probe concerning confor-
A comparison of Figs. 7 and 8 already showed mational changes of proteins caused by protein-
that Ca z+ ions have but a limited effect on the metal ion interaction. Another interesting example
amide I band of the Raman spectrum of whole cas- is provided by the interaction of the protein ferritin
ein. Casein, however, is unusual in that it forms with Fe 3+ ions. The protein is overwhelmingly in
micelles in the presence of calcium ions while, at the the e-helical conformation in both the holo [3] and
same time, retaining a very high proportion of 'un- apo (D.M. Byler, unpublished data) forms, but re-
defined' structure. The interaction of trypsin with moval of the ferric ions results in a marked narrow-
calcium ions presents distinctly different behavior. ing of the characteristic e-helix band centered close
Fig. 10 gives the second derivative F T I R spectrum to 1650 cm -1. It appears that in the more highly
of trypsin (5% w/v in D 2 0 with 0.01 M NaC1) in associated halo form interactions with ferric ions

Trypsin, No Ccl2§





Trypsin with Co 2§



-0.40 i

1700 1680 1660 1640 1 20 1600

Fig. 11. Effect of Ca 2+ on the deconvolved and curve-fitted FTIR spectrum of trypsin (5% w/v in D20). Upper curve: calcium-free
trypsin. Lower curve: trypsin with 0.02 M Caz+.

result either in a loosening of the helical structure dispensible tool for the study of the architecture of
or in increased protein-protein interactions. In proteins and enzymes. N o t only can this technique
turn, one or both of these changes apparently in- give qualitative information sometimes heretofore
duces a broadening of the characteristic helix band. unavailable, but in many cases, when combined
with the judicious use of iterative curve-fitting pro-
CONCLUSION cedures, such spectra can provide a quantitative
measure of the secondary structure present in a pro-
In summary, resolution-enhanced vibrational tein. Such spectra have proved invaluable for in-
(IR and Raman) spectroscopy is becoming an in- vestigations of the conformation of proteins in so-

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