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Baw Back-to-Basics What are Orbit plots, anyway? by Mark A. Jordan MDS Vibration Spectatist. ‘Bently Nevada Corporation rne question often asked by plant personne! is.. “Just what are Orbit plots, anyway, and how can they help me solve machinery problems?” There are many ways to observe sig- nals generated by noncontacting prox imity probes, including Bode and Polar plot formats, These plots establish a rotor’ frequency filtered amplitude and phase components, through transient and steady state operations. However, ‘an understanding of Orbit and Average Shafi Centerline Position plots helps you indicate how the dynamics of machinery malfunctions takes place, and how they can be more accurately ‘denttied before failure. Thersore, monitoring Orbit and aver age shaft comterlin postion within a bear ing provides important and relovant Information on rapidly changin machin ery conditions. Many vibration transducers an able in today’s marketplace, Chosing the correet transducer for & specitic application is not only erueal for acc rate machinery vibration monitoring but also for diagnostic capabilities. Bearing eap vibration information ‘cannot truly indicate the dynamic response of the shaft in a state of mal: function. Casing measurements acquired by seismie transducers (either velocity or accelerometer) can be srossly inaccurate, Therefor using a case-monnued trans. ducer stem by itself can only be vigwed as fan indirect method of queniifying a ‘machine’ malfunction. B omit Conversely, proximity probes ean ‘measure the diet relative response of the rotor to the stationary bearing hous ing, And for those machines that pose ses high bearing cap activity, both a proximity probe and a casing transducer eam be used, resulting in what is known, as shaft absolute motion. The term “absolute motion” has historically been used because antique shaft riers orig nally yielded this reading. Untor= tunately, shaft riders are unreliable and ‘eat show slow roll data. This severely Timits their use in machinery diagnos- ties and even mote so in balancing, ‘When noncontacting eddy current probes and Proximitors are used to ‘monitor lateral shaft motion, the prox: imity probe provides the following sig- nal components + A de signal proportional to the fverage shaft position relative 40 ‘the probe mounting, + An AC signal (in this ease, nega tively fluctuating) corresponding 0 shaft dynamic motion relative to the probe mounting. In typical plant applications, rans: ‘ducer signals are usually processed and displayed by a radial vibration monitor Proximity probes are primarily used on machines with fluid film-lubricated bearings, such as turbines, pumps and ‘compresors For minimum machinery monitoring. two orthogonally-mounted proximity probes should be mounted at each hear: ing. This provides the required AC and de signals for on-line monitoring and diagnostics. When used in conjunction with 2 onee-per-turn reference probe Piguet Shows the Shaft Average Centeline Postion within the bearing clearance using to ‘orthogonally-mounted displacement probes. For dockwise rotation, this response Is con- sidered acceprabe. December 1993 (Keyphasor, the diagnostic capability tific angular location on the rotor which is even more pronounced. These trans- AC component - Orbits relates the amount of shaft lateral ducers provide most of the machinery The ACeomponent ofthe transducer movin in that plane. When two probes data needed for proper rotating signal produces @ periodic waveform, ye mounted orthogonally (XY conte achinery monitoring, such us Orbit ne from each of the two orthogonal ration, 0° apart), the wo individual and Average Shaft Position. However, probes. A typical output waveform is Signals (waveforms) ate representative ‘mode identification probes, installed at shown in Figure 2 of shaft peak-to-peak displacement ceach end of a machine or at exch radial ‘beating should be considered for more complete information and problem diagnosis. More information on mode identification probes is available in Bently Nevada Applications Note ANO4O or in the Following ises of the ‘Orbis “Shatt observing mode idemtfien- tion probes for improved machinery Protection.” Sept. 1990, p. 10. and “Mode idemtitication probes” Feb. 1991, pl thi exes mgr planes in ae waveform ite ston; the letters, Plotted as amplitude, oF displacement, form, filtered to running speed (1X), Yeu time. (Figures 2and 3) shows a smooth sine wave, while the Am Orbit is generated by pulsing right represents unfiltered overall vibra- together the two XY waveforms so the tion. nestblshing how Orbits are fore ‘ime element is removed, lewing the X med, you must frst know that the amplitude component vers ¥ ampli travcform produced ty each wansducer Wade component, plotted in what is Js an individually-processed vibration commonly known as the Cartesian signal This signal is generated a aspe- Coordinate (or polar coordinate) sy-™ Note that in Figure 2, two separate ‘de component - Average Shaft Position ‘Average Shaft Postion isthe average position of the shaft relative to the st tionary component on the machine where the probe is mounted. Voltage Fluctuations are generated by the prox: imity probe relative to the distanee change eaused ty dynamic rotor motion under operating conditions. To obtain accurate shaft centerline data you mast reference voltage changes to a zero { Flgwe2 ‘The left waveform represents the rotors synchronous (tered to 1X) tral vbraton see eee omeTme® (08 Te? reponse ile theta sa representation of evr vibration present inthe stem For horizontal machines, this reference Heawense# in the overall mene are rom de (O12) to 1 Ke nce is generally obtained with the rotor at sever, rman rine wer ner restoron turning sea ‘meine Si seu a a Inthiscondition.the rotorisassumed | tobe at rest inthe boom of wes “7 ings theroore, all ssequent gap volt age changes are referenced (0 this Starting position, 'AS machine speed increases during =f Fw wt startup, changing gap voltages from wo ‘orthoponaly:mounted probes indicate the amount of average shaft travel Within that bearing clearance. At eune ning speed, the rotors average positon within the bearing is easily identified When the relereneed 2020 speed gap values ate wed. By analyzing Average ; ne ne me Shaft Position within the known iametral bearing clearane, valuable Figue3 information regarding alignment, over- ‘The graphical result of plotng Equations 1 and2 fom ie Tt time T2. To the ight of ail bearing condition, oi fim thickness, the waveforms. the ansocoled shalt ob pled as piu verse amptase Numer Shaft radial loading, ete, becomes calpainta (12.3. ete along the Tease weveorms conespendtoapecticpatson the inailable, ‘eit precession, The same np are used for Figure December 1993 bit tem, To ilustrate this point, take a pair ‘of XY Timehase waveforms, which are separated by a phase difference of 90° and whose wavetorm amplitudes are {.00 mil (from the vertical probe) and 10.50 mil (from the horizontal probe). ‘These two signals are described by the following equations: (0) somal an (Equation I) YC) serio (Equation 3} Where 0=at (= rotational rotor frequenes, (= time) represents one shaft revoltion (T1to-T2) in radians 0.30 Cox (8) 1.00 Sin (0) and the numerical values (1.00 mil & 1.500 mil) are the amplitudes of lateral shaft vibration, In Figure 3, Equations | and 2 are plotted in the amplitude versus time {domain (waveform). Similar results are achieved using a machine's 1X filtered XY waveform pair or unfiltered ave form pair for each bearing, which yields 4 1X filtered Orbit or an overall vibra- tion Orbit, respective ‘Waveforms and orbital presentations canbe easily displayed 2 two channel ‘oscilloscope. Ili important to note that the eseilloscope should have a third channel, "2." channe! for a Keyphasor ‘Two individual timebase signals input into an oscilloscope along wth a Keyphasor" sional, sllow angular phase information to be represented es an Orbi. The Orbitamplitude spans 2 ‘nil peak-to-peak vertically drection) and 1 ‘il horizontally (X cretion) withthe XY ‘channel amplitude scales Set 2.5 mill per division. Figure Shows one revolution of the rotor with the Timebase waveforms to the right and the associated Ort tothe let 10 orbit __ 5 signal input (Figure 4). When two vibra- tion signals are inpat to dual channel ‘oscilloscope and observed on its display, the amount of vibration can be dis. played in timebase (sinusoid waveform) rin orbital form (Figure 4). In its Orbit mode, the oscilloscope places the vertical (¥) and horizontal (X)signals along their respective axis to create a display of amplitude versus ‘amplitude. The form in which this takes place is governed by the following equations: XU) (Equation 3) YOM (Equation 4) Where @=ut (w frequency. 1=time) represents one shaft revolution (in radians). and denotes lateral shalt amplitude ‘An Orbit pattern, as seen on an ‘oscilloscope, is simply a light beam dot moving very rapidly s0 it looks like a ‘continuous Hine on the sereen. This rap- idly moving dot represents the cen= terlinemotion of the shaft as seen by the proximity probes. The Orbit is the path fof the rotor centerline at the lateral position of the probes. ‘The Keyphasor" pulse, when fed 10 Cos(@) scope, intensifies the dot atthe instant tine when the keyway (onee-per-tucn event is passing under the Keyphasor probe. Therefore, the Keyphasor® dot fn the Orbit (or waveform) represents the centerline location of the shaft i its path of travel (or high spot) at the instant thatthe keyway iin front ofthe Keyphasor® probe. This technique identifies a fixed physical reference to the shall. This Arrangement produces not only peak> to-peak amplitude, but important phase information that is commonly used in machinery diggnostis. Figure 5 shows actual machinery field data processed by 2 vibration diagnostics software package, The Average Shaft Position Within the bearing clearance and the Orbit’ eliptical shape indicate rotor loading andior differenees in dynamic slifness ata beating location Notice the Orhit plot in Figure 5 is slightly elliptical. This data suggests the December 1993 g00d operational condition nal minor influential forces, such as gravity, fluidic, ancl bearing lsd forces. Shaft position and Orbits Machinery diagnosties depends on knowledge of a machine's bearing parameters, Elements, such as ‘diametral clearance and specific bear Ing type, are helpful when applying the agnostic techniques discussed here, Cases 1, 2 and 3 illustrate chonging ‘machinery conditions. Each case shows the relative shaft position within the bearing clearance, along with its associ- ated Orbit. These examples progres from normal operation wa state of mal- uni The Orbit/Shatt Centerline data shown im Figure 6 (Case 1) shows machine in good operating condition, The Shaft Centerline data shows the rotor isin the lower left quadrant. The Orbit does not show evidenee of abnor- ‘mal loading The next et of dat, however, (Figure 7) demonstrates how 2 malfunction, such as misalignment between two machines, can affect both the shaft posi- tion and Orbit display asa result of shaft preloading. The change of shape of the Orbit can, for example, indicate chang: ing proloads (ie. misalignment) acting fon the rotor. Ifthe restraining forces (the dynamic stiffness) in the machine are equal in all radial directions, with the only foree acting on the rotor its residual imbalance, then the Orbit should he completely circular. Other fotees or unequal restraints cause the "tor to respond in noncircular shapes, such as these illuscated in Figures 7 ands. A progressive prelond, (Figure 8), may result in the Orbit shape changing into “Figure 87 The associated shaft average position shown in the upper left quad- rant of the Shaft Centerline plot. The Figure 8 shape. and the fact that the average shaft postion isnow inthe upper left quadrant, indicate excessive rotor Toading that may be a result of misalign- ment coupled with excessive pipe strain December 1993. andfor severe bearing problems. A. ‘machine train experiencing such prob- lems should be inspected immediatels Preloads -a general summary ‘Typically, a heavy preload isnot in: cated by a perfectly shaped Figure 8, but by differs 1 sized loops. reloads affect ing a rojor sysiem ean fall into several di These three cases show how shaftcen- hy terline position and Orbit shape might adjustable types), seals, and pipe strain, respond toan inercasing steady state uni- directional preload, progressing from a normal condition toa heavy preloading, fatigue. The resus can be see ifferent categories. Radial preloads Include gravity. uid forees, abnormal rearing loads (especially internally Preloadsean be damaging ithe forces involved are strong enough to create resultingin the clasical Figure patiern. sive bearing wear, shaft fatigue. shaft By observing orbital patterns overtime, cracks, ete the degree and plane of preload condi- In observing Orbit shapes, increasing tion can be determined and tacked. rotor preloads will force the Orbit into Fiowes 0.200 mii/0iv ‘An acceptable unfitered Omit at 3600 rpm along wthitsagsociated shaft centerine travel in the bearing during startup. Notice the machine rota ions coi. asindicated by te shalt Position in the lower left quadrant ofthe Shalt Centetine plot for CCW rotation, this shaft Position would bein the lower ight quackan!), This OibiShaft Centerline plots epresenta- tive ofa herizntaly-mounted mochine in good operational state. Figure 7 {A conciton of lateral loaing malfunction evidenced by shalt centerline travel into the ppc Jeft quadrant, and an eliptical Orbit shape caused by a heavy resultant force acting on the ‘tor. Conditions such as this are fpically seen on the Inboard beatings of turbines! ‘compressors when misalignment Is present. Addtionally ths may ako be seen onthe No. 1 Bearingof steam turbines, mainly duet the summation of dyramic forces presente tear ow. gravity bearing preload, Du properties te Orbit 11 4 more elliptical shape. ‘The initial tesponse is a change in the 1X ampli- tude, followed by an increase in other frequencies, such as 2X, indicating severe misalignment or other malfune= tions ate present. Orbit direction & vibration precession Figure 9 shows two Orbitsof the same size and shape but with different orien. tations.and precessions Oxbit*A" might be considered normal fora bearing with the journal rotating counterelockwise (CCW) but abnormal for clockwise tation (CW). The converse i true for SHAFT CENTERLINE Orbit" — fairly normal for CW rota son, and abnormal for CCW rotation. Note the Keyphasor*dot andthe pre ceding “blank” seetion in the Oxbit pre cession. From this mark, the direction of vibration precession can be deter: ‘mined. The term blank-bright implies the vibration direction given by the Keyphasor® location on the Orbit pre cession, The machine's actual rotational direction under normal conditions should coincide with vibration direction, Common malfunctions Orbit data presentations are of great 0.200 mii/D1v ORBIT ew ROTATION Figures ‘Shows a condition of heavy loading evidenced by shaft centering travel into the upper lft ‘qudrant and against the bearing wal, Figure 8 Orbit shape suggests reverse precession. Indicating the preload condition’ severe. A Figure ‘orbit precession (shown inside the bearing dearance). The Keyphasor*blank-blght spot shows the direction of vibration precession when viewed on an oscilloscope, (Note, this serves illustrat the rotor direction of two diferent machine tains). 12 owit value to the machinery vibration spe= alist. Many different types of malfune tions can he identified through Orbit anaksis. A few of these malfunetions are illustrated here t0 show how much can be learned by using this powerful diagnostic too! Figure 10jlluteatesa rotor with mini smal preloads (other than normal load ing forees, aravity, Mudie, ete.), whose predominant frequency is | times run hing speed. Lateral load malfunctions Wher misalignment (the most com mon preload cause) is present, the Orbit might resemble that shown in Fi ure 11, Increased angular andor paral- lel affects between two rotors are the most common causes of machinery ‘misalignment Fluid induced instabil whip) Figure 12 shows a subsynebronous ‘component, & fluid instability, as illus trated by the two Keyphasor® dots. The precession of the vibration component is always forward (same direction as ‘machine rotation), snd the Orbit shape is usualy circular. For a typical fluid film bearing, the self escited vibration Irequency of an instability isiypicall within the range of 30% to 48% of machine operating speed, When fluid whit! is viewed on an coxcillocope, the two Keyphasor® dots rotate slowly against machine rotation, sicating thatthe subsyneheonous fre= queney is less than Si% of machine speed. Conversely, if the dots remain Stationary, then the frequency is exactly Ina (50 of machine speed. Figure 13 shows a destructive bearing malfunction in progress. Typically known as fluid whip, its vibration pre cession is forward. The period of this self excited malfunction may or may not bbe harmonically related to the rota tional period of the shaft. When it is ol, the Keyphasor® dots move in a ly random patterns when harmonically related, the multiple Ke phasor dots wll appear to be stations. This condition is accompanied by’ large ies (whirl & December 1998 vibration amplitudes that usually tra verse the bearing dlearanee. Rotor contact malfunctions - rub Shaft position and Orbit shapes can also indicate rubs, another form of ry malfunetion commonly seen applications. Rubs ace hen the rotating shaft contaels 4 staionary part of the machine. Malfunctions Include shaft comtact with seals (osually with minimal radial clearances), new installed steam packing, contact of turbineicompressor blading due (0 a failed thrust bearing, abnormal case anomalies due t thermal warping, et A rub occurs asa secondary effect of machinery malfunction. Itis indicated by increased vibration levels and a ‘change of Orbit shape and average shaft feline position. If the cub cone Wes, this malfunction response becomes dominant. Unlike fl iduced whirl and whip, a rub ean have many different Orbit shapes. These shapes can range from looping Figure 8s, with inereasing amplitudes over ime, to a completely citeular Orbit Shape (full annular rub which fully ‘encompasses the seal or bearing clea ance thatthe rotor isin contact With), reased system temperature can alo indicate a machine is malfunetion- ing. Lubrication oil and process tempera- tures may rise because of heat caused by tom in the system. Vibration levels ‘may inerease throughout the machine train, most likely de 1 shat how, ‘The «wo main types of rub malfune- ton may be classified as follows: Partial rah. Piss the most common form of rub, whieh oceuts when the rotor occasionally contacts a stationary part of the machine. The fundamental frequency is most often at 50% of run- ning speed. Therefore, the Orbit may resemble a Figure 8, but with two Key- phasor® dots present, Duc to irregular motion of the shaft because of part rotor contact with the stationary part(s), other frequencies may also Appear in the Orbit’s progression. Sub- multiples of running speed, such as 25K, 2X, ete, may be identified by Additional Keyphasor® dots For exam ple, a 33% (1/3X) frequeney may December 1993, appear as a twisted looping Ocbit with three Keyphasor® dots in its vibration precession (Figure 14), The Following relationships can help dency partial rubs ‘Common Frequencies Generated by Partial Rub When Frequencies Generated 25 2econaae 1X 8220 comme EX OF 12%, 223 eeanne IX, VOX or 3X a2du., IX, 1X, 1/3X or Vax, With other ratios possible 0.200 mil/DIVv Where: ais roworspeed and ws rtor first balanee resonanes Pull annular rub. This rub is most ofien encountered in seals when the seal clearance interferes wit the rota i element. In fll angular ru, the precession of vibration is backwards bpposite to the rotar dizeetion, This conditions very destructive, and ean bo recognized by its Orbit shape traversing the ul euent of the Bearing or Sacer ance. Once initiated, the vibration may ‘worsen ul the sytem estat Fores ‘overcome the rub entation force or the machine self-desirucis. When this ® ROT: ccw Figure 10 Representative ofa machine uith minimal prlead characteristics and no abnormal prob Jems. Predominant amplitude frequency i IX 0.500 mit/Dr Figure Vv ROT: cw Representative ofa machine wth poor alignment, ora “cocked” bearing assembly. Further Investigation warranted. Note, lage amplitude present inthe major plane of vibration. Orbit 13 ‘malfunctions present, the machine isin imminent danger of total destruction When the rotor and seal are in co Lact, the two major regimes ofthe rotor vibration under steady state conditions 1. A forced synchronous precession «duc to imbalance excitations. The rotor ‘bounces inside the seal, the lowest fre: ‘quency being 1X. 2. Forced self-encted circular reverse precession with a frequeney corre: sponding toone of the natural frequen cies ofthe rotor system, ‘Therefore, the Orbit is predomi- nantly circular to the limit of the seal clearance and has a reverse precession. The only recommended course of action under these circumstances is to shut the machine train down, inspeet the damage and correet the initial problem, Acasehistory “The following case history shows why sft Centerline and Orbit pls are use- ful. The machine consists of an industrial ‘as turbine driving a six-stage, water ‘ood injection pump, During the lst few ‘years this pump had experienced high vibration problems. Investigation by sev 2.00 miisoilv ROT ccw Figure 12 Representative of a machine with subsynchronous component et approximately haf n= ring speed. Usually soggests machinery seleexcited fed whirl, Nate = TWO Keyphasor® dots, suey accompanied by larger vibration amplitudes, Orbit 2.00 milsDlv ROT: cw Figure 13 Representative of a machine with subsynchronous excitation at a fist balance rotor resonance wien the machine speed is well boxe two tlmes tht resonance. Typealy fefered to 09 fuid whip. Note « Multiple Keyphasor dots ~ This malfunction can be very destructive, with vibration amplitudes approaching the lametal dearance ofthe bearing 14 owit ‘eral independent consultants, using Dearing cap vibration transducers, con firmed that the machine's vibration levels began to rise when the machine approached operating speed. Bently Nevadals Machinery Diagnos tics group was contracted 1 perform an in-depth vibration analysis on this, machine in 1992. XY proximity trans: ducers were temporarily installed adie cent to both pump bearings observing exposed sections ofthe pump sha Machinery vibration information ves acquired using proximity probes. A sam= ple Orbit is shown in Figure 15. Notice that it is @ predominantly preloaded Orbit, where the major pkane of vibration is oviented ina horizontal direction, sug- ‘gesting that an almost true vertical mise alignment condition is present ‘An optical alignment study per formed on this machine showed the [pump vas .008 inch (.13 mm) too ow in relation to the turbine centerline. Fu thermore, the shaft average centerline data showed the rotor was initially posi- tioned in the upper right quadrant (Fi ure 17). This data indicated that the journal system misalignment. The pump was subsequently realigned! to the turbine, resulting inthe change as shown in Fig: ures 16 & 17. Shaft Postion and Oxbit plots clearly show the diagnosis of misalignment was, correct, An acceptable running cond tion was achieved through «logical diag- nostic approach. The change in Shaft Average Centerline Position is clearly shown in Figure 17, Conclusions Although machinery needs are con tinuously changing, one thing remains ‘constant: the nced fora reliable method of accurately monitoring industrial machinery, Observing signals from proximity probes in their simplest form isbasie to quality machinery monitoring and machinery diagnostics. Many parameters needed in complex machin- ‘ery malfunction analysis cannot be determined accurately by any other December 1993 0.500 mil/DIv ons IT Figure 14 Representative ofa machine with 3X subsynehronous excitation ‘caused by « patil ub condition. Note the positioning of the Keyphasor* dots, ROT Figure 16 ‘Shows an Orbe after realignment. Notice hardy any lateral shaft oad exists December 1993. Figure 15 ‘Shows an elliptical Orbit. Notice the preload force is predomie ‘nantly oriented in the tre vertical plane. This data was acquired rior to machinery realignment. Figure 17 Before and after realignment plot of Shaft Average Centetine positions orbit 15

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