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Toward Optimal Health: Maternal

Benefits of Breastfeeding
Jodi R. Godfrey, M.S., R.D. and David Meyers, M.D.

A Journal and Reflection

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements


Submitted by:

Submitted to:
Clinical Instructor

JANUARY 4, 2011
Toward Optimal Health: Maternal Benefits of
Jodi R. Godfrey, M.S., R.D. and David Meyers, M.D.


Twenty-five years ago, former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, M.D., hosted a
workshop on breastfeeding and human lactation that was chaired by Ruth Lawrence, M.D.,
currently Editor-in-Chief of Breastfeeding Medicine. This forum represented a milestone in
efforts to improve maternal and child health and highlighted breastfeeding as a public health
priority. Over the intervening years, breastfeeding has been proven a cost-effective, accessible,
low-tech solution to reducing infant mortality–the United States ranks 29th in the world in

In 2007, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) published a research
summary on breastfeeding and maternal and infant health outcomes in developed countries that
reaffirms the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child. The major benefits of
breastfeeding for infants are well known, including reduced risk for otitis media, gastroenteritis,
severe lower respiratory infections, and necrotizing enterocolitis. In addition, breastfeeding was
found to be associated with lower rates of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), childhood
obesity, type 2 diabetes, and leukemia.

An interview was done with Dr. Meyer and he said that it is necessary to set the stage by
acknowledging that breastfeeding is an amazingly complex and incredibly adaptive system.
Breastfeeding represents an intricate process of interaction between mother and infant that is far
more than nutrition; it is about creating a new person: immune system,brain function,
socialization, and long-term health. He also stated that for very low birth weight infants who are
at high risk for necrotizing enterocolitis and who are at heightened susceptibility to a variety of
infections, providing breast milk is essential, more as a medicine than as pure nourishment. He
even said that no formula, or even the milk from another mother, can enhance the development
of the brain, intestines, and immune systems as well as the infant’s own mother’s milk can.


At first I was staring at my laptop, reading the study. I didn’t quite get it at first, due to
the way it was arranged . But after some time, I got to extract the significant statement from the
study, and it is astonishing.

On one hand, it got my attention, on the other, it lost me. As a nurse, I find it interesting
since it deals with breastfeeding and it’s benifits but as a simple reader, I lost interest due to it
was done in United States of America.

Over all, the study is good. It dealt with different advantage of breast feeding. But it
would’ve been better if this was done here in the philippines. Also, it will be better if they have
included all the continents in their advocacy. But with no doubt, in my opinion, the findings are
beneficial to all.



As nurses, we may apply whatever knowledge we gain in our profession. We may

educate other people and share our knowledge to them, thus promoting the well-being of our
clients. If we are able to promote the well-being of people, then we will be able to render
effective care. We will be better nurses, with our role as client advocates. Under our educative
treatments, we can include the different benefits of breast feeding for lactating mothers.


As to nursing education, the study may allow health care providers to have more
knowledge about the research topic since it will serve as an additional lecture and resource
material. Knowledge gained from the study will be properly disseminated as awareness to other
forms of institutions and agencies. It will lead to the development of a common understanding
between health care professions in regards to the other benefits of breast feeding. The study also
provides evidenced-based knowledge which serves as a basis for new or improved course
content for subject matters since there is added data, information and knowledge specifically on
the ability of breast milk to help infant with low birth weight to avoid having necrotizing
enterocolitis and variety of infections. Additional to this is that the findings can also be used as a
reference for future researches that may expound on the effects of the specified for better and
more precise information.


Nursing research is the term used to describe the evidence used to support nursing
practice. Nursing, as an evidence based area of practice, has been developing since the time of
Florence Nightingale to the present day, where many nurses now work as researchers based in
universities as well as in the health care setting. Nursing research develops knowledge to build
the scientific foundation for clinical practice, prevent disease and disability, manage and
eliminate symptoms caused by illness and Enhance end-of-life and palliative care. This journal
research will provide baseline data for novice nursing student on the other health benefits of
breastfeeding to both mother and baby.


As to local setting, we know for a fact that pregnancy is actually rampant here in our
country and most of these pregnant women after giving birth prefer more to bottle feed their
babies rather that breast feeding them and we also know that cases of malnutrition in infants
increases every year due to lack of nutrition they got from these powdered milks.. This shows
that this study will be a tool in the awareness of the Filipina mothers on benefits they could get
from breast feeding.

This journal was very much applicable to my patient because he was just 3 months old
and her mother prefer breastfeeding than bottle feeding. This journal would increase the
knowledge of the mother about the other benefits of breast feeding. Plus, it is client-friendly
since its effects are natural, and as to the worth, it is inexpensive compared to powdered milks.


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