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BotSprint CEO Ragini Vecham Provides Top Tips for B2B Digital Marketing

Best Practices

San Francisco, CA, September 18, 2020 --( BotSprint CEO Ragini Vecham announces her top
tips for B2B digital marketing best practices.

Ragini Vecham is a Strategic Digital Marketing Advisor based out in the San Francisco bay area. She has
extensive experience of more than a decade in providing technological solutions to businesses across the
world. Her diligent efforts and outstanding leadership, as well as her management skills, have helped her
in maintaining her standard of excellence that she has set through her dedication and hard work.
Currently, she holds the position of Chief Executive Officer in BotSprint, which serves as a platform for
digital marketers. Throughout her career, she has implemented myriads of effective digital marketing
strategies that have not only helped various businesses to multiply their revenues but also facilitated
minimization of their expenses, which resulted in an improved bottom line. She is a well-known
personality in this field of work because of her integrity, expertise, and passion for sales, marketing and
M&A strategies. She also possesses high proficiency in acquiring and managing new business

B2B Digital Marketing Best Practices

Every business, irrespective of whether it is a B2B or a B2C business must have a strong digital presence
that comprises search engine optimization, an attractive website, paid ads, and any other platform where
the B2B company can be active online. Here are a handful of tactics that can help to strengthen the B2B
digital marketing strategy for any business, big or small.

1. Defining Target Audience

The key aspect of a strong B2B digital marketing strategy is defining the target audience or the buyer
persona. Having this demographic and psychographic information can help to formulate every other
marketing activity thereafter. It not only ensures that the content and digital material is absorbed by the
right eyes and ears but also makes sure that no resources are going to waste.

2. Creating an Engaging Website

The next effective digital marketing strategy in line is creating an informative as well as engaging
website, as digital marketing cannot truly function without it. Research shows that more than 80% of
buyers visit a business' website first before making a purchase. Also, since a quintessential B2B sales
cycle usually involves several key players, websites tend to be the easiest and most straightforward way
for influencers to share information about a product or service.

3. Optimizing the Digital Presence

Though the website needs to be informative and engaging, the website must be discoverable as well. This
can be done with the help of on-page SEO as well as technical SEO tactics. These include image alt text
and meta descriptions as well as structured data and site speed. On the other hand, off-page SEO also
plays a critical role here. Off-page SEO refers to the social sharing and external linking strategies, the
SEO tactics that take place off the website.

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About Ragini Vecham
Ragini Vecham resides in Cupertino, California with her family. She has earned her master’s degree from
the noted Notre Dame De Namur University in Belmont. After completing her education, she joined
several firms, where she gave her best efforts and made those companies prosper. She was associated
with organizations like Cisco Systems and CNET. She believes in effectively communicating a clear
vision for business growth. She has received numerous accolades from many customers and partners. In
addition to her studies, work endeavors and professional interests, she loves to mentor budding business
owners on how to navigate expertly through the overwhelming and, at times, confusing minefields of
technology mergers, real estate acquisitions, etc. She is herself an entrepreneur as well, establishing two
companies in January 2020. Currently, she is engaged in the role of chief executive officer in both her
firms, namely, Internship4Teens and BotSprint.

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