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third geries

instruction booklet
third series 17Stv

instruction booklet

I rNNocENTr I motor division



INNOCENT¡ motor d¡vis¡on

lt ts our pleasurc to cotgtatulatc you or1 your choicc ol o

L.!ñb?caar¡ fV ,AA our machi¡c lor tic ambitiout.
You prelercncc lor this machinc cncouruget uJ ,o ,rc.t,
you at a s¡ecialist a tuPct tPort!ftran a con¡oitrcu¡
- -
in thc ficld ol scooreting.
Yoa haac alutys hopcd. lor pcrlectiol ia pcrformaacc. Wc
haae achicucd it with thc i¿troductio¡ ol tlc TV 175,
Ycars ol rcscorch aad application ol ,hc ,not, rigourous
tert! hdoe ptoduced this machi¡e which combincs spccd
uith *lcty, powcr toith comlot.
Thc ¡ta¡da ol cllicieocy ol thc TV 175 las bccn ¡ct qt a
peaft. Wc depetd oa you ,o ¡ndintain tÁis ttardard by ca-
rclully lolloaing thc;ntrructioru rct out in thk boo\lct.
Do not dcay yoar machine the carc o¡d attcntion rreccrrary
lor perlcct ¡cooteing. Wc haac ctcatcd a nctuork ol au-
thorizcd l-amb¡etu Scraice Agents in ,hir courrtry and
thrc4ghout tlc uo¡ld. Do ¡ot hc¡iutc to takc ddt)antagc ol
thc s\ill a . ctpert \noeicdgc ol their traincd ?c¡tottrrcl
who arc lully cqui?pcd to a¡¡i¡t a¡d guidc you.
Wc uish you "Bot Voyagc" on your nco TV 175
dctigned lor you, ,hc connoirs.ur.


l¿.rt¡ñ.qtioñ o. th. .co.t.r

- Or th. hoñdl.bor
- Oo th. f@tboord I
On th. l.oñ. rib 8
- Or rigfit hand !iJ. of ñochir.
S.rv¡.. ln¡tru.l¡on. . » t0
- Duriñg .snniñ
pe.iod . " l0
ru.l - nu.l toñt .»10
- 8¡oI¡¡
- R.ctifi.., ls¡.
- Clutch
- . » t5
- H.odlomp od¡s¡tm.ñt . » ló
Lusgosc box ond roolr
- Storiñg .»t7
- - tuññing - Stoppiñs .»t7
W¡iiñg diogrom ' ,, ]9
P.r¡cdic oi'tl.n.n..
- EY.ry ¿ w..l¡ ,» 22
- Evcry 1250 ñ¡1.. {2000 km) .» 22
LuSri.ol¡.n ¿iog..ñ . »21-25
Ev.ry 2500 (4000 t.) .r 26
' - Cl.on¡ns of 'nil..
.Goot r .» 27
- Wh.n rh. r.ool.r r.ño¡ár óul of ur. $m. tim.
- ,t 27
froubl. .torr - A EU¡d. to o..i¡t ¡. th. no.i.g oñd r..tilr-
i.g .oñño. loú¡rr » 2A
ü.iñ l..t!r.r " 30
t..n¡..Ío .- . . . .» '13
The frome ond engine numbers, which serve to iden'tify
your scooter in occordonce with the Rules ond Regulolions, ore
stomped os shown in figures 1 ond 2. These numbers ore
repeoted on log-book, ond should olwoys be quoted when
requesting spore ports.



The sels of keys supplied wiih your scooter ore for the
moin light swilch in the centre of ihe hondlebor focing the
driver, see fig 3, for the steering ock fitted under the lefi
hond of the hondlebor ond for the luggoge box situoted in ihe
cenirol front rib of the frome (lg. 4). Eoch key hos o number
stomped on it ond ihe some number is stomped on the lock
or swiich iiself, so lhot in the cose of loss, o remp ocement con
be obtoined by quoiing the opproprlote number

Fig.5. Shows the conlrols on your scooter. They ore:

On the hondlebq¡
Right hond: front broke lever, throtile lwist grip ond heod-
lomp beom swilch with horn button.
Left hqnd: Clulch control lever ond geor chonge control.
on lop: speedometer ond heod-lomp;
focing driver: moin switch ond sleering lock.
The moin switch key hos five posilions; clockwise:
p¡lot light, speedometer light ond reor light on when used
- for porking;
(key veriicol)mochine oi siondsiill - lights out;
- doy riding-lights out;
- nighl riding (in town) - pilot light, speedomeler light ond
- reor lighl on;
nighi riding (in country oroos) - heodlomp, speedometer
- light ond reor light on.
The heodlomp beom switch, with horn button, is fitted neor
to the right hond twisi grip.
ln the firsl two posilions to lhe left, lhe key con be extrocl-
ed from moin switch.
Under left hond hondlebqr orm: steering lock.
To use steering lock, turn hondlebor full lock to either of
left ond then turn key holf o turn.

On the footboord
Right hond side: Reor broke pedol.

On lhe centrol frome rib under the front port of soddle

On.Lefl hqnd ride: 3-woy fuel top (open, reserve, closed) see
When mochine is ot stond-still, it is odvisoble to turn loP to
closed posiiion. Tha fuel tonk contoins o toiol of 1.9 golls.
(8,ó Lt) of fuel. When riding, iop should be in open position,
ond when you hove io swilch lo you still hove 1 { pints
(0,8 lt) ovoiloble {in other words o'furlher 20 miles opprox-

On Right hond ¡ide: stort conlrol. Turn stort control lever '180'
clockwise (this only when storting on o cold engine). Return to
originol positions os soon os engine is running steodily.

On right hond side of mochine

Kickstort pedol. Before kick storling, ensure thot geor is in

neutrol, insert key into moin swilch, turning it to position 3.

During running-in period

(first'1800 miles) keep strictly to lhe following rules:
do not exceed the following speeds;
'st gédr 2.d g.o 3,o 960r ¿th 960'
ñ p.h -.p.h. ..p.h. ñ p h

Up lo 900 mil.r $ 22 30 40
From 900 lo 1800 mil.r 13 22 30 47

do not mointoin these speeds for long periods;

- do not
climb hills on full throttle;
- do not
occelerote ot full lhrottle;
- toke greot
- toke greot core nol lo overheol your engine;
core to hove your mochine fully serviced, os
- per ihe service schedule, ot lhe correct time, by one of lhe
outhorized service ogents.
Remember thot lhe life of your scooter depends entirely on
the running-in schedule being properly moinloined.

Fuel - Fuel ionk

During running-in period ond ofter use o mixture of 4 % oil
(BP Energol Two Stroke) ond good stondord peirol.
To reoch the fuel tonk filler cop:
free lhe soddle hold by pressing on reor port¡on (see
- fig. 7 ond 8);
lift soddle forword ond open lid on frome rib. (see fig. 10).
- The tonk contoins o totol of 1,9 golls. of which 1] pints
reserve (for the fuel top, see poge 8).

.ig. 7 F¡¡. I
Tires 10" x 3.5".
Pressure: front 12 lbs per sq. inch (0,9 kg/; reor 1g
lbs per sq. (t,25 kg/ rider onty; reor 32 lbs per
sq. inch (2,25 kg/ with pillion rider.
Wheels ore inlerchongeoble.
To dismonile, lift mochine on its stond. The necessorv tools
will be found in the luggoge box (see pog. l7).

To dismonlle ti¡e from rims:

unscrew lhe four dome nuts fixing rim to hub (core musl
- be token not io unscrew the othei nuts);
unscrew the two nuts holding hub lo troiling links;
- slip wheel from links ond hub, loking core noi lo pinch or
- bond ihe front broke ond speedometer drive coblás.


To dismontle the front wheel:

suPPlied in kit, to the lug on
fit the wheel lift stond,
- cronkcose (see fig, 9);
unscrew the four dome nuts ond slip wheel from hub.
fo dismqntle lhe reqr wheel:
dismontle wheel (os obove);
- ensure thot fire is defloted;
- unscrew the four nuts holding the rims.
Ensure thot the brokes ore kept iegulorly odlusted so thot
the wheel is completely free lo rotote, but the broking efrect
begins immediotely the lever or pedol is used. Adiustment is
corried out by meons of lwo odluslers (see fig. 10 ond 11).
Reclifier, fuse
Should ihe lights nol function when iurning the moin swilch
key ic ihe first position on ihe leit ond pressing the foot broke,
check ihot thc fuse hos noi blown lf so, reploce ond check {or
ihe.ouse of ihe short circuit.
The 8 A fuse which protecis lhe eleciricol insiolloilon con
be reoched by removing the leít hond side ponel ond ioking
oñ ihe cover of the box conloining ihe rectilLer-impendence
fuse qroup (fig. l2- l3).
Allention - To ovoid possible burning up of the lomps, when
the enqine is operoting ihe lights musi nol be li-qhiod up il
lhe br,tlcry :, noi requlorl'7 connected
Keep the c ui(h coñstontiy odiusted so ihoi it begins to slip
when ihe clutch evcr is iñ lhe posilion shown on fig 14 The
odiustmeni is corrled out by iurning the od!uster ilLustroted in
fis 15

Fis. l2
l+2 mm

Heodlomp odiurlmenl

Check tire prossuros (see poge 1 1).

Ploce o verticol sceen os shown in fig. 1ó.
Put the scooter under the normol lood conditions.
Loosen ihe 3 V screws shown on the heodlomp. rototing it
until the upper edge of the zone illuminolrad by ihe dipped
beom coiniiáes with ihe horizontol line troced on lhE screen.

Luggoge box ond lools
The luggoge box is moulded into lhe centrol frome rib
under lhe front port of the duol seol. A poir of keys for this box
ore supplied with the scooter (see poge ó). ln the luggoge box,
q tool kit is supplied consisting of:
'l double ended box sponner 21 - 14 mm. for the spork plug
ond wheels nuts;
1 l0 mm. ollen sp<.:nner for oil plugs;
I sponner 14 - 27 mm. for reor wheel nut;
'I double ended sponner 8 - 10 mm.;
l screwdriver;
I reor wheel lifting stond;
'l points file;
I 4 mm. ollen sponner for trunnion grub screws.

Storting - Running - Stopping

To slorl the scooter:

ploce on centre slond;

- ensure thoi geor is in neulrol;
- insert key into moin switch ond turn to posilion of doy
- riding (see poge 8);
-- open fuel top (see poge 8);
lurn storl¡ng control lever - Only when engine is cold (see
- poge 9);
keeping throttle to minimum, kick siort mochine;
- os soon os engine is turning over, give slight occelerotion
- to worm up;
if lhe sioriing control lever hos been used, relurn lo originol
- position.

To move ofi¡

bring mochino oft its stond;

- with engine ticking over, pull clutch lever ond Put into lst
- geor by rototing left lwist grip;
lei clutch lever oul slowly, occeleroting engine groduolly
- to moinloin constont revolulions;
conlinue lo occelerote until you hove reochad the correci
- speed to chonge up to o higher geor.

To chonge geor:
close ihrotlle;
- pull clutch lever;
- insert next geor;
- let clutch lever oui slowly, occeleroting groduolly ot the
- some time.
Do not hos¡tote lo chonge down, when wonting lo opprecio-
- bly reduce speed.

To siop engine:

close throtlle;
- pull clulch lever;
- put geor into neulrol;
- cui oul engine by turning moin swiich key to varticol
- pos¡tion.


rrculÁflo]{ a33E¡l!lY
lrcHt swrcH BAftf¡Y e

@ ,{Dá,


fir SP:¡DO
sroP swllcfl

LIGHI ¡¡aa ltcHt
rr¡. ¡bñ.nr üulh óV . !/trW

rr¡n ñloE.ñr ü!16 ó v . 25/25w

p¡lor liohr húlb óV.5w tlYWH::l ¡lAcr¡ro
H.t. coll
fis. 17


Every 4 weeks:

Add distilled woier to pork¡ng light boitery until woter is

obout ¡!" (mm. 5) over the top of cells. To do this it is neces-
sory to toke bottery oul from its seot, os shown in fig. 17.
Greose botiery lerminols wiih voseline.

Evary I250 miles (2000 km):

Brokes: check odiustment (see poge 12).

Spork plug: check, cleon eleclrodes with kit file ond od¡ust
gop to 0,020"-0,025" (mm. 0,5-:0,ó).
Co¡burettor Air Filter: Toka oul ñller coriridge in from oir
inlet box (see fig. 18-19), shoke ond blow with low pressure
oir. Do nol wo:h in pelrol.

r¡r. It Ftt. 19

Cronkcose: rs-ostobl¡sh level with BP Encrgol Gcor Oil SAE
9O. To do this, unscrew oil level ond filler plugs, pour in oil
until this begins to flow from level plug (see fig. 20).

2. L.Y.l alua. 3. Dr.¡n pl!!.

Cr..r 2500 ,n¡1..

ÉYc?r I250 mil..

PE¡lODlC tUSslcATlON - (l) Cronkc6.., Ghoñs. oil oft r 6rrt l0(x) ñ¡l.r (1500
tñJ s3¡ñe BP tncrsol G.or O¡¡ SAE t0. (2) G.or .hoñs. *ñockl.¡, iwin
l!vc.. (3) Clut<h oñd s.o. GhoñsG kñuckl6. (5) ¡.or brok. kñu.11... (ó) n.or
brok. c.m p¡n. (7) n6r brolc Fedql p¡ñ. (8) f'o.l brot. kñucll.r. (r)
ñet.r d.¡v. bo¡ ond 3ospeni¡on tnuclle.. (10) fronr wh..¡ bé.riñ§3. (l,t) L.v€ñ
ond.oñlrol! on th€ hondlobo.: (lub.¡col..nd cyl¡ñd.r3 ol rh. clui.h 6nd brol.
@bl.¡, lhroitl. qñd s.or.ontrol driv. bo¡ on kno.kl.¡).

t = oil Gll.. plue. L : o¡l l.v.l pluc. s= oil d..¡n plut. tO ñ.o'tt ¡P :n.

Ef o¡1.

o Cfioñe. o¡1.



l.Port I2), (3), (5), (8) .hould b. lúbr¡cor.d *¡th Eñ.rsr.d$ Al.
2. Sr..rins bqll b.orins., po.r. (12) (13) ¡hould b. lubri.qr.d with Eñ.ror.o3ó 13.
3. Sid. pon.l hoot¡ (,.) ord hoñdl.b.. .oñkol 1.v.. tóúGU.¡ (1.) .hould b.
lubri.ot.d w¡rh En.rer.qr. al.
4. n'ont 3ú3p.n3ioñ hélicol .p¡¡ñs. (ll) ¡hould b. r6.6?.d w¡th En.rsr.o3. Al.
5. lñrodu.. d l¡tl. lP Eñ.rgr.or. in.06rt0l .obl. Goor¡ñr b.for. mo!ñt¡ns wke!.
G..r O¡l S^E 90, Al m.ont 3P En.rsr.o¡. Al. t:3 ñ.oñ. BP Eñ.rsr.o¡. ü1.
CIulch coble knuckles
Geor chonge coble knuckles, Lubricote with
twin lever
BP Encrgol Gco¡ Oil SAE 90
Reor broke knuckles
Front broke knucklas

Reor broke com pin

Hondlebor control lever Greose with
knuckles BP Energrcotc Al
Reor broke pedol Pin

Every 2500 miles (4000 km):

Clutch control: check odiuslmenl (saa Poge l5).
Flywheel mogneto conctoct brookor points: cleon ond set
ooo 1t64" (mm. 0,35+-0,45); ws suggost ihot od¡uslmenl on
t-tr¡i port sháuld ba corried out by outhorized Service Agent'
Flywheel mogneto com oil pod: lubricota wiih oil drop'
Decorbonisa cylinder, cylinder heod, piston heod ond si-
-lencer. We strongiy recommend thot th¡s work be corried out
by the Authorized Service Agent.


Cronkcose: droin oil complelely through droin plug (see

fig. 20). Reploce droin plug; unscrew -filler.ond
lÁvel plugs; pour in oil unlil this flows from level
plug. Quontity of oil needed 1 pint (ó00 cmr) of
BP Energol Geqr Oil SAE 90.
Soeedomeier Drive Box:
greose with gun through nipple. BP Energreorc A1'

Front wheel beorings:
greoso with gun through nipple. BP Energrecro 13.
Fronl suspens¡on knuckles:
graose wilh gun lhrough nipple. BP Enoigroo¡e Al.

Cleoning ol lcooler

Wosh engine wilh petroleum, using o brush. Dry wilh cleon

wosh cellulosed ond plostic ports wilh woter, using o spon-
ge. Dry with chomois leolher. Do nol u¡e pelrol or pclro-
leum, otherwise domoge will result.

When lhe scooler remoint oul of uce 3ome l¡mé:

wosh ond dry corefully os obove;

droin oll pelrol from tonk ond corburetlor;
cleon tonk ond corburetlor filters;
unscrew spork plug, insert few drops of engine oil, roloie
engine by hond lwo or ihree iimes lo ensure o proteclive
oil film in cylindor borrel. Reploce spork plug;
cool with onti-rust greqse oll non-pointed poris;
loke oul bollery; ploce in dry ploce to ovoid freezing; hove
il re-chorged monlhly ot on Aulhorized Service Agent;
lift mochine ofi lhe ground by plocing blocks corefully
undar frome; lires should nol reoch ihe floor;
cleon ond deflote tires;
cover mochine.

Engine foils lo slort, or slops immediotely

Possible couse: Remedy,

Foulty fuel flow to cqrburettor. cleon fuel lines ond ñliers.

cleon out iets,

Flooded co¡bureltor . . . close fuel top, open throltle

ond endeovour to kick stort.
Or. unscrew ond dry oul spork
plug, reploce plug ond kick
storl lhe motor.

Slorl conlrol non odiusted . . odiust threod regulotor on the


Domoged corburellor flool hove it reploced ot Service


(if current is reoching H.T. leod)

dirty spork plug unscrew ond cleon.
- eleclrodes non odiusted . odiust to 0,020"-0,025"
(0.5-0,ó mm).

foulty spork plug . reploce with o new one.

-(if current does not reoch H.T.

- co nlq cl breoker poinls

foulty ioke mochine to Authorized
Service Agenl.

Flywheel mognoto or H.T.
- cáil circuits shoriing tqke mochine to Aulhorized
Service Agent.

Engine knocking

Incor.ecl m¡xlure droin out ond reploce with

correct fuel mixture.
Pre-¡gnition cleon spork splug. Decorboni-
se cylinder heod.

lgn¡tioñ too for odvonced see Aulhorized Service Agent.

Engine misfires

of fuel to
lrregulor flow the
corburettor check ond cleon oui fuel line.
Spork plug electrode gop too
wide re-odlust lo correct goP.

Dirty spork plug unscrew ond cleon out.

Contocl poinls dirty or nol od-
iustei : cleon ond odlust gop betwean

Explosion in cqrbureilor

Pre-ign¡t¡on due lo excessive

oierheoting of spork plug . chonge spork. plug for one
with o higher heot ronge.
Corbon deposils on spork plug cleon oul spork plug.
Loss of power or excessiye overheoling
lñcorrecl lim¡ng odjust timing. Toke mochine
to on outhorized Service Sto-
Exhoust port or silencer portiol-
ly obstructed cleon out port or silencer.
Cylinder heod loose iighten cylinder heod nuts.


Overoll length 71" (m. 1.800)

Overoll width 27 L" (m. 0.700)
Overoll height 41" (m. 1.035)
Ground cleoronce ó{" (m. 0.1ó5)
. Wheel bose 5l" (m. I.290)
Centrol frome in steel tube.
Bodywork in pressed steel sheel.
Fronl suspension by meons of troiling links, corrying o vo-
rioble pitch helicol springs qnd shock obsorbers.
Reor-suspension: swinging engine unit w¡lh shock obsorber
corrying one helicol spring of vorioble pitch.
Centre slond wilh lwo orms.
Unloden weighl 242 lbs. (110 ks.).
Fuel tonk copocity '1.9 imp. gols (2,3 U.S.
gols - 8,ó lt.).
Moximum speed:
driver upright 56/58 m.p.h. (91193 kmlh).
,driver bent forword ó4 m.p.h. ( 10a km/h).
(occording to the CUNA stondord)

Fuel consumption (oi the speed of l18 m.p. imP. gol. ll@
28-31 m.P.h.) . m.p. U.S. 9ol. - 2,3
Itl100 km). .
Ronge . 218 miles (350 km).
Uphill . . 4th seor 'l in l1 ( 9U )
3rd geor '1 in ó,ó (1 5% )
2nd geor 1 in 4,2 (24%l
1st geor 'l in 2,8 (3óts)
lwo slroke single cylinder. Forced oir cooled.
Bore 62 mm
Stroke 58 mm
Copocity cc
Compression rolio I
Moximum ouipul 8,75 HP. ot 5,300 r.p.m.
Lubricoiion Petrol.
Storting Kictstort Pedol.

Dell'Orto SH 20 outomolic, with centrol floot chomber; no
needle. Air filter cortridge type incorporoted in oir intoke box'

by flywheet mogneto ond externol H.T. coil.
Sporú plug: during running-in period: heot ronge 225
- Bosch scole
ofter running-in period: heot ronge 22ó or
- 240 occording to conditions of use'
multi-disc in oil both.

double dow choin with two shock dompers.

Geor box
Four-speed constonl mesh in oil both,
st 1:12.522

2nd 1: 8.762
3rd l: ó.304
4th l : 4.819
Wheels ond brokes
lnterchongeoble wheels.
Rims: in pressed sheet, split in two holves.
Brokes: front - disc broke; reor - internol exponsion.
Tires: 3.5" x 10".
Tires pressures:
lron!: 12 lbs/ (0,9 kg/cmq)
reor (rider only); 18 lbs/ (1,25 kg/cmq)
reor (with pillion):32 lbs/ {2.25 kg/cmq)
Electricol equipment
Generol: flywheel mognelo 27 W g poles.
Fuse: 8 Amp.
Bollery: óV, 8 Ah


,] év -25125W 8A20d
pilol lighl 1 s 8,5/e,s

R.or lighl l BAY rs d/]9

'l 12y - 2,5 W Cyliñdricol


,{OTE. - To owid po3siblo bor¡iñg oul ol búlbs, do noi uñd€. oñy <ircumton.c
lwit<h l¡glhi on *h6n €ñ9¡.€ ie .u¡ñing únl.3i bollory h p.op6ly connocl€d.



arl¡a.o tcr rü Yoa¡ i ataa a(añ ¡E¡¡rtac¡¡l

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