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Visualizing the Mind

Strategies of cognitive science and techniques

of modern brain imaging open a window
to the neural systems responsible for thought

by Marcus E. Raichle

hat causes the pity we might velopments in imaging technology that posits that networks of neurons resid-
feel for the melancholy Dane the past few years have seen, most no- ing in strictly localized areas perform
in Hamlet or the chill during a tably positron-emission tomography thought processes. So just as speciÞc
perusal of the Raven? Our brains have and magnetic resonance imaging. Cou- members of a large orchestra perform
absorbed from our senses a printed se- pled with powerful computers, these together in a precise fashion to pro-
quence of letters and then converted techniques can now capture in real time duce a symphony, a group of localized
them into vivid mental experiences and images of the physiology associated brain areas performing elementary op-
potent emotions. The Òblack boxÓ de- with thought processes. They show how erations work together to exhibit an
scription of the brain, however, fails to speciÞc regions of the brain Òlight upÓ observable human behavior. The foun-
pinpoint the speciÞc neural processes when activities such as reading are per- dation for such analyses is that com-
responsible for such mental actions. formed and how neurons and their elab- plex behaviors can be broken down into
While philosophers have for centuries orate cast of supporting cells organize a set of constituent mental operations.
pondered this relation between mind and coordinate their tasks. The map- In order to read, for example, one must
and brain, investigators have only re- ping of thought can also act as a tool for recognize that a string of letters is a
cently been able to explore the connec- neurosurgery and elucidate the neural word; then recognize the meaning of
tion analyticallyÑto peer inside the diÝerences of people crippled by dev- words, phrases or sentences; and Þnal-
black box. The ability stems from de- astating mental illnesses, including de- ly create mental images.
pression and schizophrenia. The challenge, of course, is to deter-
I hasten to point out that mine those parts of the brain that are
the underlying assumptions active and those that are dormant dur-
6 5 4 3 2 1 of current brain mapping are ing the performance of tasks. In the
distinct from those held by past, cognitive neuroscientists have re-
early phrenologists. They pos- lied on studies of laboratory animals
ited that single areas of the and patients with localized brain in-
brain, often identiÞed by juries to gain insight into the brainÕs
bumps on the skull, uniquely functions. Imaging techniques, howev-
represented speciÞc thought er, permit us to visualize safely the
processes and emotions. In anatomy and the function of the nor-
contrast, modern thinking mal human brain.

ACTIVE NEURAL AREAS from a subject remembering a sequence of let-

ters are mapped by magnetic resonance imaging. The images below rep-
resent six slices through the frontal cortex. The slices are identiÞed by
numbers in the corners that correspond to those in the scan at the left.
Red, orange and yellow represent areas of increasing activity. Jonathan
D. Cohen and his colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh and Car-
negie Mellon University formed the images.


58 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1994 Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc.

The modern era of medical imaging
began in the early 1970s, when the MARCUS E. RAICHLE is professor of neurology, radiology and neurobiology as well as
world was introduced to a remarkable a senior fellow of the McDonnell Center for Studies of Higher Brain Function at the
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He received his B.S. and M.D. de-
technique called x-ray computed tomog-
grees from the University of Washington in Seattle. He began researching brain
raphy, now known as x-ray CT, or just metabolism and circulation when he was a neurology resident at the New York Hospi-
CT. South African physicist Allan M. Cor- talÐCornell Medical Center. His current focus is the use of positron-emission tomogra-
mack and British engineer Sir Godfrey phy and magnetic resonance imaging to study human cognition and emotion.
HounsÞeld independently developed
its principles. HounsÞeld constructed
the Þrst CT instrument in England. Both
investigators received the Nobel Prize blood ßow. In tissue autoradiography, lected a class of radioisotopes that emit
in 1979 for their contributions. a radioactively labeled compound is in- positrons, which resemble electrons ex-
Computed tomography takes advan- jected into a vein. After the compound cept that they carry a positive charge.
tage of the fact that diÝerent tissues has accumulated in the organ (such as A positron would almost immediately
absorb varying amounts of x-ray ener- the brain) under interest, the animal is combine with a nearby electron. They
gy. The denser the tissue, the more it sacriÞced and the organ removed for would annihilate each other, emitting
absorbs. A highly focused beam of x- study. The organ is carefully sectioned, two gamma rays in the process. Because
rays traversing through the body will and the individual slices are laid on a each gamma ray travels in nearly oppo-
exit at a reduced level depending on piece of Þlm sensitive to radioactivity. site directions, devices around the sam-
the tissues and organs through which Much as the Þlm in a camera records a ple would detect the gamma rays and
it passed. A beam of x-rays passed scene as you originally viewed it, this x- locate their origin. The crucial role of
through the body at many diÝerent an- ray Þlm records the distribution of ra- positrons in human autoradiography
gles through a plane collects suÛcient dioactively labeled compound in each gave rise to the name positron-emis-
information to reconstruct a picture of slice of tissue. sion tomography, or PET [see ÒPositron-
the body section. Crucial in the devel- Once the x-ray Þlm is developed, sci- Emission Tomography,Ó by Michel M.
opment of x-ray CT was the emergence entists have a picture of the distribu- Ter-Pogossian, Marcus E. Raichle and
of clever computing and mathematical tion of radioactivity within the organ Burton E. Sobel; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN,
techniques to process the vast amount and hence can deduce the organÕs spe- October 1980].
of information necessary to create im- ciÞc functions. The type of information

ages themselves. Without the availabil- is determined by the radioactive com- hroughout the late 1970s and
ity of sophisticated computers, the pound injected. A radioactively labeled early 1980s, researchers rapidly
task would have been impossible to form of glucose, for example, measures developed PET to measure vari-
accomplish. brain metabolism because glucose is the ous activities in the brain, such as glu-
X-ray CT had two consequences. primary source of energy for neurons. cose metabolism, oxygen consumption,
First, it changed forever the practice of Louis SokoloÝ of the National Institute blood ßow and interactions with drugs.
medicine because it was much superior of Mental Health introduced this now Of these variables, blood ßow has
to standard x-rays. For the Þrst time, widely used autoradiographic method proved the most reliable indicator of
investigators could safely and eÝective- in 1977. moment-to-moment brain function.
ly view living human tissue such as the Investigators adept with tissue au- The idea that local blood ßow is inti-
brain with no discomfort to the patient. toradiography became fascinated when mately related to brain function is a sur-
Standard x-rays revealed only bone and CT was introduced. They suddenly real- prisingly old one. English physiologists
some surrounding soft tissue. Second, ized that if they could reconstruct the Charles S. Roy and Charles S. Sherring-
it immediately stimulated scientists and anatomy of an organ by passing an x- ton formally presented the idea in a
engineers to consider alternative ways ray beam through it, they could also re- publication in 1890. They suggested
of creating images of the bodyÕs interior construct the distribution of a previous- that an Òautomatic mechanismÓ regu-
using similar mathematical and comput- ly administered radioisotope. One had lated the blood supply to the brain. The
er strategies for image reconstruction. simply to measure the emission of ra- amount of blood depended on local var-
One of the Þrst such groups to be in- dioactivity from the body section. With iations in activity. Although subsequent
trigued by the possibilities opened by this realization was born the idea of au- experiments have amply conÞrmed the
computed tomography consisted of ex- toradiography of living human subjects. existence of such an automatic mecha-
perts in tissue autoradiography, a meth- A crucial element in the evolution of nism, no one as yet is entirely certain
od used for many years in animal stud- human autoradiography was the choice about its exact nature. It obviously re-
ies to investigate organ metabolism and of radioisotope. Workers in the Þeld se- mains a challenging area for research.

4 5 6

Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1994 59

BRAIN SECTION (a ) is compared with
corresponding images of the slice taken
by x-ray computed tomography ( CT )
(b ), positron-emission tomography
( PET ) (c ) and magnetic resonance imag-
ing ( MRI ) (d ). CT depicts the features of
the brain section, whereas PET shows
the amount of neuronal work (the dark-
er the area, the greater the activity).
Properly set up, MRI can do both tasks.
Here it images structure.

PET measures blood ßow in the nor-

mal human brain by adapting an auto-
radiographic technique for laboratory with oxygen 15, a radioactive isotope of arm. In just over a minute the radioac-
animals developed in the late 1940s by oxygen. The labeled water emits copi- tive water accumulates in the brain,
Seymour S. Kety of the National Insti- ous numbers of positrons as it decays forming an image of blood ßow.
tute of Mental Health and his colleagues. (hydrogen isotopes cannot be used, be- The radioactivity of the water pro-
PET relies on radioactively labeled wa- cause none emit positrons). The labeled duces no deleterious eÝects. Oxygen 15
terÑspeciÞcally, hydrogen combined water is administered into a vein in the has a half-life of only two minutes; an



PET SCANS show active neural areas. In the far left column nouns (a ), the primary visual cortex lights up. When nouns
the left side of the brain is presented; the next columns show are heard (b ), the temporal lobes take command. Spoken
Þve horizontal layers (the right side faces to the right, with nouns minus viewed or heard nouns (c ) reveal motor areas
the front to the top). Each row corresponds to the diÝerence used for speech. Generating verbs (d ) requires additional
between a speciÞc task and the control state of gazing at a neural zones, including those in the left frontal and temporal
dot on a television monitor. When subjects passively view lobes corresponding roughly to BrocaÕs and WernickeÕs areas.

60 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1994 Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc.

word Òhammer,Ó to which an appropri-
ate response might be Òhit.Ó
We chose this assignment because it
could be broken down into many com-
ponents. Each component could sepa-
rately be analyzed through a careful se-
lection of tasks. The most readily appar-
ent elements include visual and auditory
word perception, the organization and
execution of word output (speech), and
the processes by which the brain re-
trieves the meanings of words. ( Of
course, each of these operations can be
divided further into several additional
entire sample decays almost complete- mental trials in the same person. Aver- To identify the areas of the brain used
ly in about 10 minutes (Þve half-lives) aging enables researchers to detect in a particular operation, we composed
into a nonradioactive form. The rapid changes in blood ßow associated with four levels of information processing.
decay substantially reduces the expo- mental activity that would otherwise be Such a hierarchy has become standard
sure of subjects to the potentially harm- easily confused with spurious shifts re- among laboratories doing this type of
ful eÝects of radiation. Moreover, only sulting from noise. research [see bottom illustration on op-
low doses of the radioactive label are posite page]. In the Þrst level, subjects

necessary. ne of the Þrst assignments in were asked to Þx their gaze on a pair
The fast decay and small amounts which PET blood-ßow mapping of small crosshairsÑthe arrangement
permit many measurements of blood has proved useful is in the study looks like a small plus signÑin the
ßow to be made in a single experiment. of language. The manner in which lan- middle of a television monitor. At the
In this way, PET can take multiple pic- guage skills are acquired and organized same time, a PET scan measured blood
tures of the brain at work. Each picture in the human brain has been the subject ßow in the brain, providing a snapshot
serves as a snapshot capturing the mo- of intense investigation for more than of mental activity.
mentary activity within the brain. Typi- a century. Work began in earnest in In the second level, subjects contin-
cal PET systems can locate changes 1861, when French physician Pierre Paul ued to maintain their gaze on the cross-
in activity with an accuracy of a few Broca described a patient whose dam- hairs as blood ßow was measured, but
millimeters. aged left frontal lobe destroyed the abil- during this scan they were exposed to
A distinct strategy for the functional ity to speak. ( To this day, patients who common English nouns. The nouns ei-
mapping of neuronal activity by PET has have frontal lobe damage and have trou- ther appeared below the crosshairs on
emerged during the past 10 years. This ble speaking are often referred to as the television monitor or were spoken
approach extends an idea Þrst intro- having BrocaÕs aphasia.) BrocaÕs studies through earphones (separate scans were
duced to psychology in 1868 by Dutch of language localization were comple- performed for visual and auditory pre-
physiologist Franciscus C. Donders. mented by Carl Wernicke, a German sentations). In the third level, subjects
Donders proposed a general method to neurologist. In 1874 Wernicke told of were asked to recite the word they
measure thought processes based on a people who had diÛculty comprehend- viewed or heard. Finally, in the fourth
simple logic. He subtracted the time ing language. They harbored damage to level, the subjects said out loud a verb
needed to respond to a light (with, say, the left temporal lobe, a region now usu- appropriate for the noun.
the press of a key) from the time need- ally referred to as WernickeÕs area. From Subtracting the Þrst level from the
ed to respond to a particular color of these beginnings has emerged a con- second isolated those brain areas con-
light. He found that discriminating color cept of language organization in the cerned with visual and auditory word
required about 50 milliseconds. In this human brain: information ßows from perception. Deducting the second level
way, Donders isolated and measured a visual and auditory reception to areas from the third pinpointed those parts
mental process for the Þrst time. in the left temporal lobe for compre- of the brain concerned with speech pro-
The current PET strategy is designed hension and then on to frontal areas duction. Subtracting level three from
to accomplish a similar subtraction but for speech production [see ÒSpecializa- level four located those regions con-
in terms of the brain areas implement- tions of the Human Brain,Ó by Norman cerned with selecting the appropriate
ing the mental process. In particular, im- Geschwind; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Sep- verb to a presented noun.
ages of blood ßow taken before a task tember 1979 ]. The Þnal subtraction (speaking nouns
is begun are compared with those ob- All this information was gleaned from minus generating verbs) was of partic-
tained when the brain is engaged in that brain-damaged patients. Can investiga- ular interest, because it provided a por-
task. Investigators refer to these two pe- tors derive insight about language orga- trait of pure mental activity (perception
riods as the control state and the task nization from a healthy brain? In 1988 and speechÑor input and outputÑhav-
state. Workers carefully choose each my colleagues Steven E. Petersen, Mi- ing been subtracted away). This image
state so as to isolate as best as possible chael I. Posner, Peter T. Fox and Mark permitted us to view what occurs in our
a limited number of mental operations. A. Mintun and I at the Washington Uni- brains as we interpret the meaning of
Subtracting blood-ßow measurements versity Medical Center began a series of words and, in turn, express meaning
made in the control state from each studies to answer just this question. The through their use. It renders visible con-
task state indicates those parts of the initial study was based on a PET analy- scious function because much of our
brain active during a particular task. sis of a seemingly simple job: speaking thinking is carried out by concepts and
To achieve reliable data, workers take an appropriate verb when presented ideas represented by words.
the average of responses across many with a common English noun. For ex- The results of this study clearly dem-
individual subjects or of many experi- ample, a subject might see or hear the onstrate how brain imaging can relate

Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1994 61

predictably involves motor areas of the
BEFORE PRACTICE brain. Regions thought to be BrocaÕs and
WernickeÕs areas do not appear to be
engaged routinely in this type of speech
production, an activity that would be
viewed by many as quite automatic for
most ßuent speakers in their native
language. This Þnding suggests what
we might have suspected : we occasion-
ally speak without consciously thinking
about the consequences.
Regions of the left frontal and tem-
poral lobes (those corresponding in gen-
eral to the respective locations of Bro-
caÕs and WernickeÕs areas) only become
active when two tasks are added : con-
sciously assessing word meaning and
choosing an appropriate response.
Moreover, two other areas come into
play under these circumstances, form-
ing a network of four brain regions. In-
terestingly, two areas used in the rou-
tine repetition of words were turned
LEARNING-INDUCED CHANGES in neural activity are revealed by PET imaging. The
top row shows the brain of a subject who must quickly generate verbs appropriate oÝ. This shutdown suggests that the
to visually presented nouns. The bottom row shows the result of 15 minutes of prac- demands of generating a verb to a pre-
tice; the regions activated are similar to those used in simply reading out loud. sented noun does not simply build on
the task of just saying the noun. Rather
the act of speaking a verb to a present-
mental operations of a behavioral task Perception of visually presented words ed noun diÝers from speaking the
to speciÞc networks of brain areas or- occurs in a network of areas in the back noun, as far as the brain is concerned.
chestrated to perform each operation. of the brain, where many components This Þnding caused us to pause and
As anticipated by cognitive scientists of the brainÕs visual system reside. Per- consider what would happen if we al-
and neuroscientists, the apparently sim- ception of aurally presented words oc- lowed subjects a few minutes of prac-
ple task of generating a verb for a pre- curs in an entirely separate network of tice on their task of generating verbs.
sented noun is not accomplished by a areasÑin our temporal lobes. Although subjects initially discover that
single part of the brain but rather by Speech production (that is, simply re- forming verbs rapidly is diÛcult (nouns
many areas organized into networks. peating out loud the presented nouns) are presented every 1.5 seconds), they
become relaxed and proÞcient after 15
minutes of practice. An examination
of the brain after training reveals that
TASK STATE CONTROL STATE DIFFERENCE practice completely changes the neural
circuits recruited [see top illustration on
this page]. The circuits responsible for
noun repetition now generate the
verbs. Thus, practice not only makes
perfect (something we have always
known) but also changes the way our
brain organizes itself (something we
may not have fully appreciated ).

s cognitive neuroscientists dem-
onstrated the utility of PET tech-
nology, a newer method swiftly
emerged that could compete with PETÕs
abilities. Magnetic resonance imaging,
or MRI, has now become a fairly com-
mon tool for diagnosing tissue damage.
Recent developments have vastly in-
creased the speed with which MRI can
form images, thus making it suitable
for research in cognitive neuroscience.
MRI derives from a potent laboratory
MEAN DIFFERENCE IMAGE technique known as nuclear magnetic
resonance ( NMR ), which was designed
IMAGE SUBTRACTION AND AVERAGING serve as the foundation of functional to explore detailed chemical features of
brain imaging. Researchers subtract the PET blood-ßow pattern of a control state molecules. It garnered a Nobel Prize for
from that of a task state to produce a diÝerence image (top row ). Data from diÝer- its developers, Felix Bloch of Stanford
ent subjects are averaged (bottom two rows ) to eliminate statistical ßuctuations. University and Edward M. Purcell of

62 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1994 Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc.

Harvard University, in 1952. The method ate Linus C. Pauling in 1935. He found permitting an accurate structural iden-
depends on the fact that many atoms that the amount of oxygen carried by tiÞcation of the active regions. Third,
behave as little compass needles in the hemoglobin (the molecule that trans- the spatial resolution is quite good, dis-
presence of a magnetic Þeld. By skillful- ports oxygen and gives blood its red tinguishing parts as small as one to two
ly manipulating the magnetic Þeld, sci- color ) aÝects the magnetic properties millimeters (better than PETÕs resolu-
entists can align the atoms. Applying of the hemoglobin. In 1990 Seiji Ogawa tion). Fourth, when properly equipped
radio-wave pulses to the sample under and his colleagues at AT&T Bell Labora- (that is, given so-called echoplanar ca-
these conditions perturbs the atoms in tories demonstrated that MRI could de- pability), MRI can monitor the rate of
a precise manner. As a result, they emit tect these small magnetic ßuctuations. change in the blood-ßow-induced oxy-
detectable radio signals unique to the Several research groups immediately gen signal in real time [see illustration
number and state of the particular realized the importance of this obser- below ].
atoms in the sample. Careful adjust- vation. By the middle of 1991 investi- Finally, MRI has little, if any, known
ments of the magnetic Þeld and the ra- gators showed that MRI can detect the biological risk. Some workers have
dio-wave pulses yield particular infor- functionally induced changes in blood raised concerns about the intensity of
mation about the sample under study. oxygenation in the human brain. The the magnetic Þeld to which the tissues
NMR moved from the laboratory to ability of MRI machines to detect func- are exposed. So far most studies have
the clinic when Paul C. Lauterbur of the tionally induced changes in blood oxy- found the eÝects to be benign. The
University of Illinois found that NMR genation leads many to refer to the largest drawback is the claustrophobia
can form images by detecting protons. technique as functional MRI, or fMRI. some subjects may suÝer. In most in-
Protons are useful because they are Functional MRI has several advan- strument designs the entire body must
abundant in the human body and, by tages over x-ray CT and other imaging be inserted into a relatively narrow tube.
acting as little compass needles, re- techniques. First, the signal comes di- Several intriguing results with func-
spond sensitively to magnetic Þelds. rectly from functionally induced chang- tional MRI were reported this past year.
Their application resulted in excellent es in the brain tissue (that is, the change Robert G. Shulman and his colleagues
images of the anatomy of organs that in venous oxygen concentration). Noth- at Yale University have conÞrmed PET
far surpassed in detail those produced ing, radioactive or otherwise, needs to Þndings about language organization
by x-ray CT [see ÒNMR Imaging in be injected to obtain a signal. Second, in the brain. Using conventional, hospi-
Medicine,Ó by Ian L. Pykett; SCIENTIFIC MRI provides both anatomical and func- tal-based MRI, Walter Schneider and
AMERICAN, May 1982]. Because the term tional information in each subject, hence Jonathan D. Cohen and their colleagues
ÒnuclearÓ made the procedure sound
dangerous, NMR soon became known FUNCTIONAL MRI PET
as magnetic resonance imaging.
The current excitement over MRI for
brain imaging stems from the tech-
niqueÕs ability to detect a signal inacces-

sible to PET scans. SpeciÞcally, it can BLOOD FLOW

detect an increase in oxygen that oc-
curs in an area of heightened neuro-
nal activity. The basis for this capacity
comes from the way neurons make use
of oxygen. PET scans had revealed that
functionally induced increases in blood
ßow accompanied alterations in the
amount of glucose the brain consumed
but not in the amount of oxygen it used. HEMOGLOBIN RADIOACTIVE
In eÝect, the normal human brain dur- OXYGEN WATER
ing spurts of neuronal activity resorts
to anaerobic metabolism. Few had sus-
pected that the brain might rely on tac-
tics similar to those used by sprinterÕs
muscles. In fact, this form of metabo-
lism occurs despite the presence of

abundant oxygen in the normal brain.

Why the brain acts this way is a mystery
worthy of intense scientiÞc scrutiny.
Additional blood to the brain without
a concomitant increase in oxygen con-
sumption leads to a heightened con-
centration of oxygen in the small veins
draining the active neural centers. The
reason is that supply has increased, but
the demand has not. Therefore, the ex-
tra oxygen delivered to the active part BLOOD FLOW to the brain provides the signals detected by functional MRI and
of brain simply returns to the general PET. When resting neurons (top ) become active (bottom ), blood ßow to them in-
circulation by way of the draining veins. creases. MRI (left ) detects changes in oxygen levels, which rise in the nearby blood
Why does oxygen play a crucial role vessels because active neurons consume no more oxygen than when they are at
in MRI studies of the brain? The answer rest. PET (right ) relies on the increased delivery of injected radioactive water,
lies in a discovery made by Nobel laure- which diÝuses out of the vessels to reach all parts of the brain.

Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1994 63

enough to have the necessary technical
and human resources need to make
them available to scientists at institu-
tions less fortunate. Although some ra-
diology departments have such equip-
ment, the devices are usually commit-
ted mostly for patient care.
In addition to the images of brain ac-
tivity, the experiments provide a vast
amount of information. Such an accu-
mulation not only yields answers to the
questions posed at the time of the ex-
periment but also provides invaluable
information for future research, as
those of us in the Þeld have repeatedly
discovered to our amazement and de-
light. Recent eÝorts to create neuro-
science databases could organize and
MAGNETOENCEPHALOGRAPHY, or MEG, cap- quickly disseminate such a repository
tures neural activity too brief to be detected by of information.
PET or MRI. Above, MEG has located the areas Wise use of these powerful new tools
in the normal adult somatosensory cortex as- and the data they produce can aid our
sociated with the digits of the right hand (col- understanding and care of people who
ored symbols ). The symbols on the MRI image have problems ranging from develop-
of the brain correspond to those on the Þngers. mental learning disorders to language
disabilities arising from, say, stroke. Re-
searchers have begun to use functional
at the University of Pittsburgh have cor- scalp, and magnetoencephalography brain imaging to learn about the mood
roborated work in monkeys that indi- ( MEG ), which measures the magnetic disturbances that aÜict patients with
cated the primate visual cortex is orga- Þelds generated by electrical activity such mental illnesses as depression.
nized into topographic maps that re- within the brain. The technology could guide neurosur-
ßect the spatial organization of the Why donÕt researchers just use EEG geons in the excision of brain tumors,
world as we see it. Other groups are ac- or MEG for the whole job of mapping enabling them to judge how the remov-
tively trying to visualize other forms of brain function? The limitations are al of tissue will hamper the patient.
mental activity, such as the way we cre- spatial resolution and sensitivity. Even Centers across the world are investigat-
ate mental images and memories. though great strides in resolution have ing such other mental activities as at-
been made, especially with MEG [see il- tention, memory, perception, motor

he ability of MRI systems to mon- lustration above ], accurate localization control and emotion. Clearly, we are
itor the oxygen signal in real time of the source of brain activity remains headed toward a much richer grasp of
has suggested to some the possi- diÛcult with electrical recording de- the relation between the human mind
bility of measuring the time it takes for vices. Furthermore, the resolution be- and the brain.
diÝerent brain areas to exchange infor- comes poorer the deeper into the brain
mation. Conceptually, one might think we attempt to image.
of a network of brain areas as a group Neither MRI nor PET suÝers from
of individuals in the midst of a confer- this diÛculty. They both can sample all FURTHER READING
ence call. The temporal information parts of the brain with equal spatial INTRINSIC SIGNAL CHANGES ACCOMPANY-
sought would be equivalent to knowing resolution and sensitivity. As a result, a ING SENSORY STIMULATION: FUNCTION-
who was speaking when and, possibly, collaboration seems to be in the mak- AL BRAIN MAPPING WITH MAGNETIC RES-
ONANCE IMAGING. S. Ogawa, D. W. Tank,
who was in charge. Such information ing between PET and MRI and electrical
R. Menon, J. M. Ellermann, S.-G. Kim,
would be critical in understanding how recording. PET and MRI, working in a H. Merkle and K. Ugurbil in Proceedings
speciÞc brain areas coordinate as a net- combination yet to be determined, can of the National Academy of Sciences,
work to produce behavior. deÞne the anatomy of the circuits un- Vol. 89, No. 13, pages 5951Ð5955; July
The stumbling block, however, is the derlying a behavior of interest; electri- 1, 1992.
speed of neuronal activity compared cal recording techniques can reveal the SOMATOSENSORY CORTICAL PLASTICITY
with the rate of change of oxygenation course of temporal events in these spa- IN ADULT HUMANS REVEALED BY MAG-
levels. Signals from one part of the brain tially deÞned circuits.
al. in Proceedings of the National
can travel to another in 0.01 second or Regardless of the particular mix of Academy of Sciences, Vol. 90, No. 8,
less. Unfortunately, changes in blood technologies that will ultimately be used pages 3593Ð3597; April 15, 1993.
ßow and blood oxygenation are much to image human brain function, the IMAGES OF MIND. M. I. Posner and M. E.
slower, occurring hundreds of millisec- Þeld demands extraordinary resources. Raichle. W. H. Freeman and Company,
onds to several seconds later. MRI Expensive equipment dominates this 1994.
would not be able to keep up with the work. MRI, PET and MEG equipment PRACTICE-RELATED CHANGES IN HUMAN
ÒconversationsÓ between brain areas. costs from $2 million to $4 million and FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY DURING NON-
MOTOR LEARNING. M. E. Raichle, J. A.
The only methods that respond quickly is expensive to maintain. Furthermore,
Fiez, T. O. Videen, A.-M. K. MacLeod,
enough are electrical recording tech- success requires close collaboration J. V. Pardo, P. T. Fox and S. E. Petersen
niques. Such approaches include elec- within multidisciplinary teams of sci- in Cerebral Cortex, Vol. 4, No. 1, pages
troencephalography ( EEG ), which de- entists and engineers working daily 8Ð26; January/February 1994.
tects brain electrical activity from the with these tools. Institutions fortunate

64 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1994 Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc.

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