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Daily Journal Assignment and Letter

Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law


Student First Name: Jai Karan

Student Last Name: Korpal

Student ID Number: 664213692

Instructor Name: Jessica Meza

Date: July 10th, 2020

Instructions: 1. Read instructions carefully.

2. Due date: July 12th, 2020


Part 1: Daily Journal.............................................. /40

Part 2: Letter.......................................................... /60

TOTAL: /100
Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law (IMM101) Journal Assignment & Letter – Page 2 of 3

This assignment consists of two parts: a daily journal and a letter to your client’s

employer. Part 1: Daily Journal — 40 marks

Day One — Friday, June 26, 2020

Today we were given an overview of Canadian immigration and refugee programs including sources of
immigration, refugee, and citizenship laws. A special knowledge point I learnt today was about the
intervention by local MP in matters of immigration applications. I got to know about the ‘Conrad M. Black’
case and the ‘Report Under Subsection 44(1)’ which I found to be very intriguing. I also learnt that syphilis
and tuberculosis are the specific diseases that a panel physician checks for during medical examination. I
loved listening to the real-life examples that made the topics very understandable. WC: 95
Day Two — Saturday, June 27, 2020
Today Jessica reviewed with us various important sections of IRPR. We studied the different causes of
inadmissibility for permanent resident applications including sections 35, 36, 37 for which there is no
appeal. We also went through the section 7 of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom and its correlation
to immigration process. I found the session very interesting as well as informative. We also discussed the
responsibilities of various decision makers such as Minister for IRCC, Minister for PSEDC and IRB. Our
instructor gave us numerous examples by explaining the intricacies of the appeal process which I found
very engaging. WC: 100
Day Three — Sunday, June 28, 2020
Temporary Resident Visa Programs was the opening topic of Day 3 and we discussed different types of TRV
including student visa, visitor visa and temporary resident visa. I liked the way we were able to relate this
information with the information posted on the website of IRCC to make a correct determination of types
of temporary resident visa and permit to apply. We did a case study in the class which was composed of
scenario-based questions. I really like the part of solving those questions as I think it really prepares us well
for RCIC examination. WC: 96
Day Four — Friday, July 3, 2020
Today we learnt about different programs of the worker class such as international mobility program and
temporary foreign worker program. Jessica took us the application form IMM-5709 for work permit
extension and it really helped me to understand how to fill such application packages. We also started
reviewing an initial concept about permanent resident application. Then there was a case study which had
scenario-based questions. Once again, I really liked to solve these questions. These questions arouse my
interest to know the deepest rules for the different types of permanent resident application.
WC: 92
Day Five — Saturday, July 4, 2020
Today we discussed in about residency applications for permanent residents. We also reviewed family class
applications which include the sponsorship process and the permanent resident application process.
Jessica discussed some real-life examples and guided us on few related CANLII cases as precedents. A
unique thing for me was the Canada- Quebec accord where I learnt that Quebec has the sole responsibility
for the selection of permanent residents and refugee who wish to settle down in Quebec. We also
discussed in detail about common law partners and Conjugal partners. I liked the discussion around the
differences and how it impacts immigration. WC: 100

© 2019 July 10, 2020

Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law (IMM101) Journal Assignment & Letter – Page 3 of 3

Part 2 of the Assignment: Letter — 60 marks

Please see attached file titled IMM101 v1-1 _Letter _Jai Korpal both in word and pdf versions
Pdf version of the file is also uploaded in the assignment section on ecampus separately for review
and grading.

IMM101 v1-1 Letter IMM101 v1-1

_Jai Korpal.docx Letter_Jai Korpal.pdf

© 2019 July 10, 2020

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