Holliday Masks

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September 18,2020 Hello Holiday 1SD Families, ‘At the star ofthis school year, we sent out a google frm for families to let us know if you would be choosing emote. education for your student, We stated atthe time that you would be able to adjust that decision atthe end of every sh week grading period. The second sicweeks grading period will begin on September 29” and we are asking our families todecide on your preference of how your stugent wil eceve their education during this time. if you want your child to receive remote instruction, please fillou the attached google form to let us know so that we can plan accordingly. if Your childs coming to schoo! fr facet face instruction, you donot need to fil ut the form In order for everyone to make informed decisions that bes ft your neds, we want to make you aware of some changes to ourmask policy that will begin on September 25. As the year began, we made the decison to go above what the ‘Governor's orders stated and what the CDC and TEA recommendations were by requiring al students to wear masks at school. We have been very dligent in staying informed about the current COVID-19 recommendations and requirements. We have been in touch with various health officials at the local, county and state evel as well asthe TEA. ‘and UIL, and we are tracking our postive cases inthe district, county andthe state. We have decided ta make some changes at the Elementary campus de to the fact that there have been no active cases at the elementary and research shows that ths age group has been the leas affected by the virus. We wil stil strongly recommend that ll stents at Holiday Elementary school wear masks, but we will not require students at that campus to wear masks. Allstudents at Holiday MS and HS wil stil be required to wear the masks while at school a5 well as all staff members. We know that ‘thisis a challenging issu to deal with and there sno one solution for everyone. It sur desire to make decisions inthe best interest of our students and staff health and safety as we continue to move towards a more normal educational setting, We willbe cautious inthis process as we are raking smal steps to accomplish that. ‘One major factor to consider when making the choice of whether or not to send your student to school without a mask |s the possibilty of being quarantined. It sour understanding that masks can be the mast effective protection from becoming infected with the vius. Ifa student atthe elementary tests positive, one ofthe main factors in deciding who in that clas is quarantined wil be determining whether or not the student was wearing a mask. While thsi not the ‘only determining factor, it could be the aifference inthe student having to quarantine or being allowed to remain at school tis also important to know that we do have teachers at the elementary who may be more susceptible to the virus for various reasons, or who may be taking care of loved ones who are susceptible. Those teachers willstil be allowed to Fequire masts in ther classroom for their own protection. will support thate teachers who make the masks Fequirement in their classroom and we will continue tobe dilgent in making sure our teachers health and safety area Priority in every decision "have included the results of our elementary parent survey we sent out eal inthe week for your review. Once again, we understand that there are two very different views on ths topic. We are making decisions based on what we are hearing from the various groups that we aren contact with s wellas the active numbers in the county. However, should we see positive cases atthe Elementary, we wil most likely return to requiring masks forall students ¥ you have questions or concerns, please eal 940-586-1261 or emai me at cody carrll@holidavsd.net Sincerely, Cody carrot ‘Superintendent ‘Mask Survey - Parents ‘Asa parent, what your comfort level with changing the policy to make masks “resommended" instead of requires"? wae Very Uncomfortable Very Camfortable Which tearing option would you choose we no longer require children younger than 10 to wear ‘2 mask/shietd at school forthe 2nd Sic Weeks?

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