Andres Peña - Ignacio Gomez Jaramillo

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Assigment 1

Presentado Por:

Andrés Felipe Peña Fajardo

Ciclo IV PERACA 777

Presentado a:

Yamile Medina Pacheco



Momento 2

With regular verbs:

1. I liked very much to visit new places and people.

2. On my trip I played a lot of football with my family.

3. I carried my guitar on the trip and we sing a lot of song.

4. The last week we traveled to my favorite aunt’s house.

5. That night we were very lost so we had to ask where was the central park.

With irregular verbs:

1. We went by bus in that occasion.

2. I went for a walk in the bus stop with my mom.

3. Last year I went to Europe with my aunt.

4. I wore traditional Huila clothes.

5. my mother bought food from local restaurants and they were delicious.
Momento 3

Ignacio Gómez Jaramillo

“Soy un pintor y ello me basta”

Gómez, I. (1959). “EL GALLO”.[Fotografía]. Recuperado de:

1. Ignacio Jaramillo was born in December 30th of 1910.

2. Ignacio travelled to Spain in 1929 to study at The Royal Artistic Cycle in Barcelona.
3. In 1937 painted two murals at the National Capitol.
4. Jaramillo received the first prizes in Painting in the first and third National Artists Salon of
5. Director of the school of “Bellas Artes” of Bogotá.
6. The work “Madre del pintor” winner of the prize in painting in the First National Salon of
Artists of 1940.
7. President of the Association of Writers and Artists of Colombia.
8. Jaramillo painted two murals in the National Capitol, and a mural at the Teatro Colón. The
three were very daring for the moment and were covered with lime.
9. I take his first drawing lessons at the Antonio J. Duque school in Medellín.
10. In Madrid he shared a workshop with the artist Miguel Pujol and received visits from
Federico Garcia Lorca, a renowned Spanish poet.

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Bibliografias Ignacio Gomez Jaramillo. Recuperado de

Pinturacolombiana. Ignacio Gomez Jaramillo. Recuperado de

Red Cultural del Banco de La Republica de Colombia (Banrepcultural). (1959). “EL GALLO”.

Recuperado de

Wikipedia. (2020). Ignacio Gomez Jaramillo. Recuperado de

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