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Ruler Exile (opp) Exalt Fall.

Day Ruler Night Quadrant

opp Ruler
Aries Cardinal Fire Mars Venus Sun Sat M Sun Jup 1
Taurus Fixed Earth Venus Mar / Plu Moon U S o Ven Mo
u o Fire
Gemini Mutable Air Mercury Jupiter N m n Sat Mer
Cancer Cardinal Water Moon Saturn Jupiter Mars Ven Mon/Ma 2
Leo Fixed Fire Sun Sat / Ura plu /Ne S Sun Jup
u Water
Virgo Mutable Earth Mercury Jup / Nep Mer?Pluto Venus n
Ven Mon

Libra Cardinal Air Venus Mars Saturn Sun W Sat Mer 3

Scorpio Fixed Water Mars/ Plu Venus Ura, Nep Moon i Ven Mar/ Mo
n Air
Saggitari Mutable Fire Jupiter Merc Nep? t Sun Jup
Capricorn Cardinal Earth Saturn Moon Mars Jupiter Ven Moon 4
Acquariou Fixed Air Sat / Ura Sun Merc? Plu/Ne Sat Mer
Pisces Mutable Water Jup / Nep Merc Venus Mer?Plu Ven /Ma Mon/Ma
/Chir Chir

Exaltation here is what I have picked up from ptolemy:

Dinural Planets, masculine, triplity, stays masculine Sun, jup, Sat trines, - Uranus
Noctural, feminine, stays feminie Moon, Ven, Mars sextiles - pluto neptune
Sat and mars are malefics. Sat and Mars works by Contrary principles, tempered. #tetrabiblios chap. VII pp22.
-Could mean a Square?
Planets is strong when keeping their relative distance, position to each other. As in venus sextile to sun/moon.

: why moon exalts in taurus; sextile. And Venus;benefic,moist. And Not Virgo, mercury dual, and dyr/moist.

Summer circle commanding = Masculine.

Winter Obeying. = Feminie.
Planetary Orbs: Tetrabiblios. chapter IV.
Sun: heat and modeerate Dry.
Moon Moistrure, damp, Vapours. Moderate heat from illumination from the Sun.
Saturn Cold and Dry. More Cold than dry.
Mars Dry, Strong Heat.
Jupiter between Extreme cold of Saturn and Burning Heat of Mars.; Warm and moisture.Warmt predominates
Venus same as Jupiter, throught conversely, heat not so strong, Moisture greater.
Mercury sometimes Dry, othertimes Moisture. Dryness from the sun, Moisture from the moon. Rapid Changes.

So from this it makes sense that moon exalts in Taurus; moisture.

Jupiter In Cancer; Warmt and Moist.
Saturn Libra; Dry
Sun:heat and Dry:Aries
So IF:
Pluto exalts in Gemini, fall in Sagg; Would make sense as Pluto can be seen as a Water planet. But If Pluto is seen as
Fire (hot, destructive) it would not make sense. And Gemini -Pluto I can't see as a good match. And Scorpio-gemini is
not a trine or sextile.

Virgo-Pisces. Would makes sense; an sextile and Femine sign, He would keep his Malefic character somewhat. But
would not make sense as Pluto is Water / Pisces-Water.

Leo Could fit as exaltation, Fall in Aquarious. It would keep the 'apparent' relations ship of the Malefics having a square
relationship to their Exalt positions. ( Problem with that statement is that Mars exalt in Cap seems to come from
Scorpio, a sextile. ) But regarding Masculine/Femine it would not fit. Only sign whos is feminie is Virgo.

Neptune Can go to Scorpi, feminie. And would fall in Taurus. - makes sense.
To Sagg, having a malefic Square

Uranus can go Gemini,Sagg or scorpio, Not Leo as it would be a opposition.

But If Ura exalt in Gem he will have fall in Sagg. And if exalt in Sagg he will fall in Gem.
If he goes to Scorpio he will Fal in Taurus, But scorpio is square from Aquarious, and Fem/mask signs.

As Acq is Air, Ura. would fit in Gem. But that will make a trine. If he were a Malefic he should make a square.
Ruler Exile (opp) Exalt Fall. Day Ruler Night Quadrant
opp Ruler
Aries Cardinal Fire Mars Venus Sun Sat M Sun Jup 1
Taurus Fixed Earth Venus Mar / Plu Moon S o Ven Mo
u o Fire
Gemini Mutable Air Mercury Jupiter m n Sat Mer
Cancer Cardinal Water Moon Saturn Jupiter Mars Ven Mon/Ma 2
Leo Fixed Fire Sun Sat / Ura S Sun Jup
u Water
Virgo Mutable Earth Mercury Jup / Nep Venus n
Ven Mon

Libra Cardinal Air Venus Mars Saturn Sun W Sat Mer 3

Scorpio Fixed Water Mars/ Plu Venus Moon i Ven Mar/ Mo
n Air
Saggitari Mutable Fire Jupiter Merc t Sun Jup
Capricorn Cardinal Earth Saturn Moon Mars Jupiter Ven Moon 4
Acquariou Fixed Air Sat / Ura Sun Merc? Sat Mer
Pisces Mutable Water Jup / Nep Merc Venus Mer? Ven /Ma Mon/Ma

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