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English II

Title of the paper

Used to + infinitive

Author’s name (with ID)

Daniela Sánchez Duran.
ID: 623442

Teacher’s name

Colombia, Santiago de Cali valle 01 november, of 2019

Used to + infinitive

1. Complete the sentences with these words.

didn’t use to used to use to
a. What did you used to throw away?
b. We didn’t use to throw things away. 8
c. We use to keep things we might want later.

2. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

200 years ago …
a. 200 years ago… people used to make theirown clothes.
b. 200 years ago …people didn’t use to have mobile phones.
c. 200 years ago …people used to read books.
d. 200 years ago …people didn’t use to watch TV.
e. 200 years ago …people used to didn’t use to drive cars.
f. 200 years ago …people used to walk everywhere.

3. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

1. Why did people _______________ mend their clothes?

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to
2. I _______________ like watching football, but now I do.
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to
3. What did you _______________ like doing when you were young?
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to
4. John _______________ like Mary, but he doesn’t now.
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to
5. People _______________ produce as much rubbish as we do nowadays.
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to
6. Did you _______________ collect anything when you were young?
a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

4. Complete these sentences with used to or didn’t use to.

a. I _ didn’t use to ____ play the guitar, but I do now.
b. I _ used to _______ ride a bike, but I don’t any more.
c. I _ used to ________ collect stamps, but I don’t any more.
d. I _ didn’t use to ____ enjoy getting up early, but I do now.
e. I _ didn’t use to ____ be worried about the environment, but I am now.
f. I _ used to ________ be afraid of flying, but I’m not anymore.
g. I _didn’t use to ____ know how to use acomputer, but I do now

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