Benefits and Risks of Reverse Inclusion For Preschoolers With and Without Disabilities

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Benefits and Risks of Reverse Inclusion for

Preschoolers With and Without Disabilities:

Parents’ Perspectives



Cornell University

In this article,we compare the perceived benefits and risks of inclusion among 244 parents
whose preschoolers with and without disabilities attended a community-based reverse inclusion
program. Parents reported strong support for inclusion and differed on only one attitude
dimension. Perceived risks for typically developing children were greater among parents of
typically developing children than among parents of children with disabilities. Level of support
was consistent for parents of children with mild, moderate, and severe disabilities. Parents

reported greater support for including children with mild-moderate disabilities, as well as
those with speech or orthopedic impairments. Rates of program satisfaction and parent
involvement were high and 94% indicated they would place their child in a similar program

State and local education agencies are en- dall, Anderson, & Cottam, 1997; Odom et al.,
gaged in systematic reform efforts emphasiz- 1996; Peck, Odom, & Bricker, 1993). Other
ing inclusion (Guralnick, 2001; Odom, 2000; terms, such as mainstreaming and integration,
Vaughn, Bos, & Schumm, 1997). Inclusion re- are often used interchangeably with inclusion,
fers to the process of educating children with although they are synonymous. Main-
disabilities in the regular education class- streaming refers to practice of removing
rooms of their neighborhood schools-the students from their special classes for part of
schools they would attend if they did not have the day and placing them in regular education
a disability-and providing them with the classes (McLean & Hanline, 1990). In addi-
necessary services and supports (Turnbull, tion, children are given access to regular ed-
Turnbull, Shank, & Leal, 1995). Related ser- ucation classes only when they are able to
vices, such as speech therapy, are provided in function on the same level without instruc-
the regular education classroom as appropri- tional modifications or support services. In-
ate. Support services are provided through the tegration is a broader term, and refers to the
collaboration of professionals from various process of actively mixing children with and
disciplines and might include a team approach without disabilities (Odom & McEvoy, 1990).
to service delivery, innovative instructional As practiced, early childhood inclusion pro-
strategies, consulting teachers, appropriate grams vary substantially in terms of their
staffing ratios, paraprofessionals, and staff structure and the extent to which children with
training (Yell, 1998). The goal is to provide and without disabilities are integrated, al-
all children with equitable opportunities for a though four categories of inclusive programs
successful education (Janko, Schwartz, San- have been identified (Guralnick, 2001). The

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term full inclusion describes programs where- each of these programs to meet demand, and
by children with disabilities are full partici- waiting lists tend to be long (Children’s De-
pants in the general program environment and fense Fund, 2001). Consequently, the chal-
the general early childhood educator is re- lenge of providing children with disabilities
sponsible for all of the children, although spe- with the necessary services and supports to
cialized staff can provide both special educa- succeed in the schools they would attend if
tion and related services integrated into the they did not have a disability is more com-
ongoing curriculum. The cluster model de- plicated for preschoolers than for their school-
scribes programs whereby a small group of age peers.
children with disabilities is embedded within In contrast with the options for typically de-
an existing program for typically developing veloping children, preschoolers with disabili-
children. The cluster of children with disabil- ties in the United States are entitled to special
ities, although frequently assigned a separate education and related services under the In-
physical location within the larger program dividuals with Disabilities Education Act
with its own special education staff, partici- (1997). Traditionally, the majority of pre-
pates in the usual program activities. Reverse schoolers with disabilities were placed in seg-
inclusion refers to settings whereby a relative- regated center-based programs where they had
ly small group of typically developing chil- little, if any, opportunity to interact with typ-
dren (usually 25%-40% of the total) is added ically developing peers. According to Gural-
to a specialized program for children with dis- nick (2001), children’s access to inclusive pro-
abilities. Although early childhood special ed- grams has grown in recent years, although in-
ucators generally staff these settings, there are clusion options are still not offered to a sub-
substantial variations across programs in stantial proportion of families. Greater
terms of structure, curriculum, and education- collaboration is needed between the systems
al philosophy. Finally, social inclusion refers responsible for preschool programs for typi-
to programs for typically developing children cally developing children and the center-based
whereby children with disabilities are housed programs for children with disabilities. In
in the same general location but are main- New York City, for example, Committees for
tained in separate spaces with separate staff. Preschool Special Education (CPSEs) place
Social interaction opportunities are planned preschoolers with disabilities in only those
during free play and other recreational activ- programs that are operated by approved 4410
ities. providers (referred to as the &dquo;Section 4410
This shift in special education policy and Schools&dquo; after the section of state law which
practice has created challenges for educators governs provision of this service). Section
and parents as they attempt to design and im- 4410 programs, which are fully funded and
plement high-quality inclusion programs regulated by the New York State Department
(Bricker, 1995). One major challenge is policy of Education, offer special classes in both in-
related and pertains to the unavailability of tegrated (reverse inclusion) and segregated
regular education classrooms in neighborhood settings. The CPSE considers placement in a
schools for typically developing children. Be- preschool program (&dquo;Section 4410 School&dquo;)
cause preschoolers in the United States do not only when they have determined that the child
have a legal right to education, public schools cannot be appropriately served in a less re-
rarely provide programs for typically devel- strictive setting-i.e., by receiving &dquo;Related
oping children (Guralnick, 2001). Placement Services Only&dquo; or &dquo;Special Education Itiner-
options for typically developing preschoolers ant Teacher Services&dquo; in the child’s home, a
include Head Start, day care (private and pub- related service provider’s office, or at a reg-
lic), and to a lesser extent, programs operated ular education site the parent arranged for the
by the public school system such as the Uni- child (e.g., a preschool program, Head Start;
versal Prekindergarten (UPK) program. In Rafferty, 2002). In view of these policies, it
most areas, there are insufficient places in is not surprising that only 3% of the pre-

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schoolers receiving services in the UPK pro- tribute their children’s developmental gains to
gram in New York City during 1999-2000 opportunities for modeling age-appropriate
had identified disabilities and were receiving skills and the enhanced social exchanges in
special education services (Lekies & Cochran, integrated settings (Bennett et al., 1997; Gur-
2001). alnick, 1994).
A second challenge to preschool inclusion Parents of typically developing preschool-
is the absence of a comprehensive research ers report how integration helps children learn
base describing the social and academic im- about and become more accepting of differ-
pact of inclusion on children with and without ences in how people grow and develop. Per-

disabilities, characteristics of successful pro- ceived benefits are related to social cognition
grams, and strategies that overcome policy (e.g., increased awareness of other children’s
and attitudinal barriers (Fuchs & Fuchs, 1994; needs), prosocial behavior (e.g., increased re-
Kauffman, 1993; Lewis, Chard, & Scott, sponsiveness to needs of others), and accep-
1994; Odom, 2000). In addition, although par- tance of human diversity (e.g., less likely to
ents exert a powerful influence on preschool feel uncomfortable around people with dis-
inclusion programs, as well as on the devel- abilities, less prejudice and fewer stereotypes
opment of their children’s attitudes toward about people who look or behave differently;
people with disabilities, there is also a paucity Bailey & Winton, 1987; Cansler & Winton,
of research related to parents’ perspectives on 1983; Green & Stoneman, 1989; Guralnick,
the benefits and drawbacks of inclusion 1994; Miller et al., 1992; Peck, Carlson, &
(Buysse & Bailey, 1993; Diamond & Innes, Helmstetter, 1992; Reichart et al., 1989; Turn-
2001; Odom & Diamond, 1998; Stoneman, bull et al., 1983). Related research has indi-
2001). There are a number of studies, how- cated that participation in integrated class-
ever, that have focused on mainstreaming or rooms helps typically developing children ac-

integration and, although different from inclu- cept diversity in others (Okagaki, Diamond,
sion, provide considerable insights into par- Kontos, & Hestenes, 1998), become more
ents’ perceptions of the benefits and risks as- knowledgeable about disabilities, and more
sociated with inclusion. accepting of young children with disabilities
A number of studies have indicated that (Diamond & Hestenes, 1996; Favazza &
parents of children with disabilities are gen- Odom, 1996). As with parents of preschoolers
erally supportive of opportunities for integra- with disabilities, parents of typically devel-
tion and that they favor the increased social oping preschoolers also indicate that integra-
contact with typically developing peers that tion facilitates friendships between children
integrated settings provide. They are more with and without disabilities (Green & Stone-
likely than parents of preschoolers in segre- man, 1989; Peck et al., 1992).
gated programs to report opportunities for Researchers have also reported that parents
their child to participate with their typically have concerns about the potential impact of
developing peers in activities outside of the integration on their child. Parents of pre-
preschool setting, and to report that their child schoolers with disabilities are concerned that
has afriend who does not have a disability. their child will be socially isolated, rejected,
They also report that integration provides their or teased by their typically developing peers
children with greater preparation for the real (Bailey & Winton, 1987; Cansler & Winton,
world (Bailey & Winton, 1987; Blacher & 1983; McDonnell, 1987; Turnbull & Winton,
Turnbull, 1982; Guralnick, 1994; Turnbull & 1983). Parents of typically developing pre-
Winton, 1983; Turnbull, Winton, Blacher, & schoolers are concerned that their child might
Salkind, 1983) and is associated with positive develop undesirable behaviors (Cansler &
developmental outcomes and peer relation- Winton, 1983; Reichart et al., 1989). Addi-
ships (Bennett, Deluca, & Bruns, 1997; Han- tional concerns pertain to the special needs of
son et al., 2001; Miller et al., 1992; Stoiber, the children with disabilities and the pro-
Gettinger, & Goetz, 1998). Parents often at- gram’s ability to adequately meet the educa-

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tional needs of children with and without dis- ceived benefits and risks of inclusion for chil-
abilities (Bailey & Winton, 1987; Cansler & dren with disabilities and typically developing
Winton, 1983; Green & Stoneman, 1989; children. We compared the attitudes of parents
Hanline & Halvorsen, 1989; McDonnell, of preschoolers with and without disabilities
1987; Peck, Hayden, Wandschneider, Peter- on each scale, as well as on an existing mea-

son, & Richarz, 1989; Reichart et al., 1989; sure of global attitudes toward inclusion
Turnbull et al., 1983; Turnbull & Winton, (slightly modified for this study). In addition,
1983). we focused on parents of preschoolers with

Despite these concerns, several studies have disabilities and compared attitudes toward in-
indicated that more favorable attitudes toward clusion of parents of preschoolers with mild,
integration are found among parents of chil- moderate, and severe disabilities (based on se-
dren in integrated environment than among verity ratings in self-reports). Furthermore, we
parents of children in segregated environ- compared parents’ attitudes toward inclusion
ments, and that exposure to integration alle- for hypothetical children with different types
viates parents’ concerns (Bailey & Winton, of disabilities (e.g., speech impairment, emo-
1987; Diamond & LeFurgy, 1994; Green & tional problems, autism) and severity of dis-
Stoneman, 1989; Miller et al., 1992; Peck et ability (mild, moderate, severe). Finally, we
al., 1992). There are several limitations, how- examined if parents’ attitudes toward inclu-
ever, to existing research on this topic. First, sion on any of the above mentioned attitude
almost all of the studies involved mainstream- dimensions were associated with their level of
ing or integration, which, although related to program satisfaction or involvement.
inclusion, are inherently different from inclu- This study makes a unique contribution to
sion. Second, most studies were conducted in the research literature by providing informa-
university-based settings, contained character- tion about the issues that parents think about
istics not typical of preschool programs op-
when considering an inclusive setting for their
erating in the wider community (e.g., low stu- preschool child. It addresses the major limi-
dent-teacher ratios; Buysse & Bailey, 1993),
tations of research in this area by studying re-
and did not explore the relationship between
verse inclusion, rather than mainstreaming or
program satisfaction and involvement on at-
titudes toward inclusion. Third, researchers integration, by using a large sample of parents
who have had first-hand experience with a re-
did not compare the attitudes of parents of
verse inclusion program, and by using fami-
children with and without disabilities as they
lies with children in a community-based in-
pertain to children with disabilities as well as clusion program, rather than a university-
typically developing children attending the based model preschool program. Rather than
same classes. Fourth, the unit of analysis in

many studies was a single item as opposed to relying on single items to reflect parental at-
a valid and reliable scale. Although this type titudes, this study presents a comprehensive
measure (based in part on items from existing
of analysis can provide insight, item scores
tend to be relatively unstable and can distort scales) that produces scores with good internal
results. The use of univariate analysis can also consistency reliability and validity. In addi-
inflate experiment-wise Type I error rates. A tion, it includes parents of preschoolers with
final issue pertains to methodological limita- disabilities as well as parents of typically de-
tions, such as small sample sizes and low re- veloping children attending the same pre-
sponse rates in many of the studies. Thus, the school program enabling comparisons across
findings obtained might not be a true repre- the same measures, and addresses attitudes to-
sentation of the population surveyed. ward inclusion for children with disabilities
and without disabilities. Finally, it addresses
Purpose of Study how levels of program satisfaction and in-
In this study we describe the development and volvement might influence attitudes toward
validation of two scales to assess the per- inclusion.

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METHOD proximately 65% are children with disabili-
ties. Each class has a special education teacher
Participants with a master’s degree, an early childhood
Study participants were 244 parents of pre- teacher with either a bachelor’s degree or an
schoolers with and without disabilities whose associate’s degree, and a teaching assistant
children attended reverse inclusion classes in who all co-teach the class. A few children
a community-based preschool program in work with individual paraprofessionals.
New York State. The preschool setting was
Offering comprehensive learning experi-
selected because (a) it is known among mem- ences through a planned environment ensured
bers of the community as offering a high-qual-
quality early childhood programs to young
ity program for children with and without dis- children and their families. Each classroom’s
abilities, (b) it has a long-standing history of curriculum was designed to meet the devel-
supporting integration/inclusion by educating opmental levels of all children within the
children with and without disabilities in the
group and focused attention on interests and
same classroom settings, and (c) the admin-
individual learning differences of each child.
istration readily granted permission to conduct Activities and routines were based on sound
research. The children of the participants were
developmental practices and built on chil-
primarily boys (72%); 68% were children dren’s natural curiosity and problem-solving
with disabilities. Parent reports indicated that abilities. Children participated in many play
slightly more than half of the children with and language activities, which were child-di-
disabilities (55%) had a mild disability, 37% rected and teacher-supported, and had the op-
had a moderate disability, and 9% had a se-
portunity to work and play in small groups,
vere disability. In addition, parents described
large groups, and individually. The curriculum
55% of the children as having a speech im- was organized according to developmentally
pairment, 12% as having behavioral or emo- appropriate practices and included the areas of
tional problems, 9% as having autism, and 6%
receptive and expressive language, cognition
as having multiple disabilities. Most children
(pre-academic arithmetic and reading), fine
(72%) attended half-day programs. The aver- motor, gross motor, socialization (play and
age age at entry into the preschool program peer interaction, affect, and self-concept),
was 41 months (SD 10.8) and the average
adult interactions, classroom behavior, and
time spent in the program was 16 months (SD
self-help skills. In addition, the children were
11.1). exposed to formal structured group language
instruction in the classroom as well as indi-
The Preschool Setting vidual instruction conducted by a speech and
The early childhood
learning center is a pri- language pathologist. Related services for pre-
vate-agency run community-based program schoolers with disabilities were generally pro-
that provides services for young children birth vided in the classroom.
to 5 years of age. The program is designed to
meet the individual needs of all children in a Procedure
&dquo;whole-child&dquo; model focused on physical, so- An envelope containing a survey, a return en-
cioemotional, cognitive, and language devel- velope (stamped and addressed to the princi-
opment. Combined in the same classroom are pal investigator), and a cover letter (signed by
children with disabilities receiving services both the executive director of the preschool
under the Public Preschool Program (Part B, and the principal investigator who was not af-
Section 619) of the Individuals with Disabil- filiated with the preschool) was sent home to
ities Education Act (IDEA) and typically de- all parents in their child’s backpack (N =

veloping children who are receiving services 383). The letter described the study and as-
through regular day care and the UPK pro- sured parents their survey responses would re-
gram. Each classroom contains 9-18 pre- main anonymous and confidential. Two hun-
schoolers between the ages of 3 and 5; ap- dred and forty-four respondents returned com-

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pleted surveys, yielding an acceptable 64% re- in the data. As shown in Figure 1, two latent
sponse rate (Goyder, 1987). factors were specified in the measurement
model for the Impact of Inclusion on Children
Measures with Disabilities Scale (IICD), with each la-
Perceived benefits and risks of inclusion. tent factor representing one of two subscales:
Two attitude scales were developed for this the Perceived Benefits of Inclusion and the
study to assess the perceived benefits and risks Perceived Risks of Inclusion. The Perceived
of inclusion for children with disabilities and Benefits latent factor of the IICD contains sev-
typically developing children: The Impact of en indicator items (large circles represent la-

Inclusion on Children With Disabilities Scale, tent factors and rectangles represent indicator
and the Impact of Inclusion on Children With- items); the item coefficients ranged from .67
out Disabilities Scale. These scales were de- (Helps them feel better about themselves) to
veloped based on items from a variety of pub- .86 (Enables them to learn by observing typ-
lished scales, such as the Benefits and Draw- ically developing children). The Perceived
backs of Mainstreaming Scale (Bailey & Win- Risks latent factor of the IICD contains six
ton, 1987) and the Parental Attitudes Toward indicator items, and item coefficients ranged
Mainstreaming Scale (Green & Stoneman, from .59 (May negatively affect their emo-
1989). Four subscales were created and Cron- tional development) to .86 (They are more
bach’s alpha coefficients suggested high inter- likely to be rejected or left out by teachers).
nal consistency (Nunnaly, 1987) for each sub- The correlation between the Perceived Bene-
scale : Benefits for Children With Disabilities fits and Perceived Risks subscales of the IICD
(alpha =
.90), Risks for Children With Dis- was -.48. According to model fit criteria out-
abilities (alpha =
.87), Benefits for Typically lined above, the CFA model was a good fit,
Developing Children (alpha .83), and Risks
.93, X’ldf 2.9, and SRMR

for Typically Developing Children (alpha =

Furthermore, factor coefficients for all latent
.88). constructs were high and in the expected di-
Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were rection, indicating that the measurement mod-
conducted to test the hypothesized factorial el was properly specified and that each factor
structures for the two attitude scales and to was statistically reliable based on the hypoth-

investigate the psychometric properties of the esized model.

individual items. The EQS computer program As shown in Figure 2, two latent factors
(Bentler, 1995) was used for the CFA models. were specified in the measurement model for
The following criteria were used to evaluate the Impact of Inclusion on Typically Devel-
the overall fit of the CFA models: (a) the com- oping Children Scale (IITDC), with each la-
parative fit index (CFI), which specifies the tent factor representing one of two subscales:
amount of covariation in the data that is ac- the Perceived Benefits of Inclusion and the
counted for by the hypothesized model rela- Perceived Risks of Inclusion. The Perceived
tive to a null model that assumes indepen- Benefits of Inclusion latent factor of the
dence among factors, adjusting for the sample IITDC contains four indicator items and the
size (a CFI of .90 or above indicates a good item coefficients ranged from .71 (They ben-
fit of the model to the data, whereas 1.0 in- efit in many ways) to .83 (Helps them to de-
dicates a perfect fit); (b) the X2 to degree of velop sensitivity to others). The Perceived
freedom ratio, which should be less than 5.0; Risks of Inclusion latent factor of the IITDC
and (c) the standardized root mean squared contains eight indicator items and the item co-
residual (SRMR), which should be .05 or less efficients ranged from .48 (They may be
(Bollen, 1989). frightened by unusual behavior) to .80 (They
The primary reason for conducting the may not receive enough attention from teach-
CFAs was to determine whether the hypoth- er). The correlation between the Perceived
esized two-factor structure (risks vs. benefits) Benefits and Perceived Risks subscales of the
of the impact of inclusion scales was observed IITDC was -.53. According to model fit cri-

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Figure 1.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Impact of Inclusion on Children With Disabilities Scale.

Figure 2.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Impact of Inclusion on Typically Developing Children Scale.


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teria outlined above, the CFA model was a gram quality, and teacher training (alpha =

good fit, CFI .95, x2/df = 2.1, and SRMR

.92). Parents of children with disabilities were
.05. Furthermore, factor coefficients for all asked to complete three additional items as-
latent constructs were high and in the expect- sessing their satisfaction with the development
ed direction, indicating that the measurement of their child’s Individualized Education Pro-
model was properly specified and that each gram, adequacy of speech-language services,
factor was statistically reliable based on the and adequacy of physical therapy or occupa-
hypothesized model. tional therapy services (alpha .86). Parents

Global attitudes toward inclusion. To as- were also asked to indicate whether or not
sess global attitudes, we presented parents they would place their child in an inclusion
with 13 situations and asked them to indicate program again.
the extent to which they disagreed or agreed A 5-item scale assessed parents’ level of
that children with disabilities should be in- involvement with their child’s program (alpha
volved (e.g., ride the same bus that typically =
.81). Areas of involvement included the
developing children ride). Most of the items transition into the preschool program, contact
(n - 12) were selected from the Attitudes with teacher, observations at school, educa-
about Integration Opportunities for Children tional activities at home, school activities, and
with Special Needs (Miller et al., 1992), de- overall. Three of these items were adapted
signed to assess teachers’ attitudes toward in- from items Cone and colleagues (1985) used
tegration opportunities for students with se- in their study of family involvement in special
vere disabilities. This is a modification of the education programs for school-age children.
Severely Handicapped Integration Attitude One question was adapted from Miller and
Survey (Stainback & Stainback, 1983). An colleagues (1992): &dquo;To what extent have you
additional question from the Parental Atti- been involved in your son’s/daughter’s edu-
tudes Toward Mainstreaming Scale (Green & cational program during the current year?&dquo;
Stoneman, 1989) asked parents how important One remaining item pertaining to the transi-
it is for them that their preschool child partic- tion into the preschool program was devel-
ipates in an inclusion program. Little infor- oped for this study. Parents of preschoolers
mation is available on the validity or reliabil- with disabilities were asked to complete an
ity of this scale. Miller and colleagues (1992) additional two-item scale assessing their in-
did not present reliability data. Stainback and volvement with the assessment or evaluation
Stainback (1983) reported that 27 profession- process, and the placement decision (alpha

als in special education unanimously estab- .75). Finally, parents were given a list of eight
lished the content validity of their survey, and items and asked whether or not they limited
that a split-half reliability using the responses their involvement in their child’s program.
of 92 regular education teachers yielded a re- The items included time of day meetings are
liability coefficient of .89. In the present held, job or work schedule, no babysitter,
study, internal consistency was high (alpha =
transportation problems, lack of interest, feel
.94). unwelcome by staff, and language barriers.
Program satisfaction and involvement. Moderating factors. To examine whether
Two scales assessing program satisfaction and or not parents’ attitudes toward inclusion were

involvement were developed based on items associated with the severity of their own
used by Cone, Delawyer, and Wolfe (1985), child’s disability, parents of preschoolers with
and Miller and colleagues (1992). We also de- disabilities were asked to report on the sever-
veloped additional items. To assess satisfac- ity of their own child’s disability (mild, mod-
tion with the preschool program, we asked erate, severe). In addition, all parents were
parents to indicate how satisfied they were asked to respond to two exploratory single
with five areas of their child’s preschool pro- items pertaining to their attitudes toward in-
gram : quality of instruction, availability of in- clusion according to (a) type of disability
structional services, contact with teacher, pro- (speech impairment, orthopedic impairment,

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visual impairment, hearing impairment, learn- autism) and severity of disability (mild, mod-
ing disability, deaf, other health impairment, erate,severe). Finally, the strength of the re-
autism, cognitive impairment, emotional prob- lationships between program satisfaction and
lems) and (b) severity of disability (mild, involvement on parents’ attitudes toward in-
moderate, severe). These questions were cre- clusion were assessed using the Pearson prod-
ated for this study, based on the literature dis- uct-moment correlation coefficient.
cussed above. Parents were asked, &dquo;Some
children may benefit more from inclusion than RESULTS
others. Please indicate how much you disagree
or agree with inclusion for children in each of Perceived Benefits and Risks for
the following categories.&dquo; Children With Disabilities
For each question adapted from existing Benefits. On average, parents agreed (mean
measures, semantic changes were required. item score =
4.0) that inclusion would have
For example, existing items assessed attitudes a positive impact on children with disabilities.
toward mainstreaming and thus required a As shown in Table 1, there was no statistically
change in terminology from mainstreaming to significant difference between parents of typ-
inclusion. Other changes included replacing ically developing children and parents of chil-
the term &dquo;handicapped&dquo; with &dquo;disabled&dquo; and dren with disabilities. Agreement was gener-
&dquo;normally developing&dquo; with &dquo;typically de- ally high for each of the potential benefits ex-
veloping&dquo; to reflect changes in terminology. amined. Most parents agreed that inclusion
The response format was also changed. For promotes the acceptance of children with dis-
each of the attitude scales, parents reported the abilities in the community, helps them to de-
extent to which they agreed or disagreed with velop independence in self-help skills, pro-
each item (1 =
Strongly Disagree to 5 = vides them with more chances to participate
Strongly Agree). Response choices for the in a variety of activities, helps them to become
program satisfaction questions ranged from prepared to function effectively in the real
Not at All ( 1 ) to Extremely Satisfied (5). The world, and helps them to learn more because
corresponding response choices for the pro- they have a chance to see typically developing
gram involvement questions ranged from Not children (see Table 2). Parents were less likely
at All (0) to Very Much (3). to report that inclusion could make children
with disabilities want to try harder or to make
Data Analysis them feel better about themselves. Parent
The t-test for independent groups was used to groups differed on only one item: Parents of
compare the total mean score of parents of children with disabilities were statistically sig-
children with and without disabilities on each nificantly less likely than parents of typically
attitude measure and the measures of program developing children to agree that inclusion
satisfaction and involvement. In addition, the would make children with disabilities want to
percentage of parents who agreed with each try harder.
item was computed and Chi-Square tests were Risks. On average, parents disagreed
used to compare their responses with the per- (mean item score 2.7) that inclusion would

centage of parents who either did not agree or have a negative impact on children with dis-
neither agreed or disagreed. The attitudes of abilities. As shown in Table 1, there was no
parents of children with disabilities were fur- statistically significant difference between
ther examined according to the severity of parents of typically developing children and
their own child’s disability (mild, moderate, parents of children with disabilities. A sub-
severe) using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) stantial minority of parents, however, ex-
techniques. Chi-Square tests were also used to pressed concerns about inclusion. The major
compare parents’ attitudes for hypothetical risks pertained to factors associated with the
children with various types of disabilities child’s program, including, unqualified teach-
(e.g., speech impairment, emotional problems, ers, inadequate special help and individualized

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Table 1.
Parent’s Attitudes Toward Inclusion for Children With Disabilities and Typically Developing

Note. N varies because of missing data.

’Range 7-35, bRange 6-30, crange 4-20, dRange 8-40, ’Range
= = = = =
13-65, ’Comparison of attitudes of parents
of typically developing children and children with disabilities.
**(p < .01).

attention from teachers, inadequate special their own strengths and weaknesses, and ben-
services, and rejection by teachers (see Table efit in general (see Table 3). Parent groups dif-
2). Other concerns were child related and in- fered on only one item. Parents of typically
cluded rejection by other children and the pos- developing children were statistically signifi-
sibility of a negative impact on emotional de- cantly more likely than parents of children
velopment. Parent groups differed on only one with disabilities to agree that inclusion helps
item: Parents of children with disabilities were typically developing children become aware
statistically significantly less likely than par- of their own strengths and weaknesses.
ents of typically developing children to agree Risks. On average, parents disagreed
that inclusion would have a negative impact (mean item score 2.8) that inclusion may

on the emotional development of children have a negative impact on typically develop-

with disabilities. ing children. As shown in Table 1, parents of
typically developing children were more con-
Perceived Benefits and Risks for cerned than were parents of preschoolers with
Typically Developing Children disabilities. An analysis of the eight items
Benefits. On average, parents agreed (mean comprising the scale indicated that a substan-
item score = 4.1 ) that inclusion would have tial percentage of parents agreed that some
a positive impact on typically developing chil- typically developing children might be fright-
dren. As shown in Table 1, there was no sta- ened by the strange behavior of some children
tistically significant difference between par- with disabilities, that children with disabilities
ents of typically developing children and par- might injure them, or that they might learn
ents of children with disabilities. Agreement negative behaviors (see Table 3). Some par-
was generally high for each of the potential ents agreed that children with disabilities pre-
benefits examined. Most parents agreed that sent a number of behavior problems and that
inclusion helps typically developing children children with disabilities make it difficult to
develop sensitivity to others, understand dif- maintain order in the classroom. Program-re-
ferences in people, become more aware of lated concerns were also prevalent among a

Downloaded from at UNIV OF RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY on April 5, 2015
Table 2.
Percentage of Parents Who &dquo;Agreed&dquo; With Potential Benefits and Risks for Children with Dis-

&dquo;Comparison of attitudes of parents of children with and without disabilities.

*bp .013, Cramer’s V
= .16; *p =
.05, Cramer’s V .13. =

minority of both parent groups. Some parents =

4.1). There was no statistically significant
were concerned that typically developing chil- difference between the attitude of parents of
dren might not receive enough teacher atten- typically developing children and parents of
tion, might have their learning slowed down, children with disabilities. An analysis of the
and might not get their fair share of resources. 13 individual items comprising the scale in-
For seven of the eight risks assessed, parents dicated that agreement was generally high for
of typically developing children were statisti- each situation examined (see Table 4). The
cally significantly more likely to agree than percentage of parents agreeing with each item
were parents of children with disabilities (see ranged from 63% (ride the same school bus)
Table 3). to 91 % (pictures interspersed throughout
school publications). In addition, 76% report-
Global Attitudes Toward Inclusion ed it was important for them to have their pre-
As shown in Table 1, both groups of parents school child participate in an inclusion pro-
strongly favored inclusion (mean item score gram.

Downloaded from at UNIV OF RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY on April 5, 2015
Table 3.
Percentage of Parents who &dquo;Agreed&dquo; With Potential Benefits and Risks for Typically Developing

&dquo;Cramer’s V =
.13, ’Cramer’s V = .16, ’Cramer’s V =
*(p < .05); **(p < .01).

Association Between Attitudes Toward dren, F (2, 144) 1.84, p .162, ’fl2 .025;
= = =

Inclusion and Severity of Disability and global attitudes, F (2, 144) = .81, p =

Analysis of Variance techniques were used to .448, ~=.011.

compare the attitudes of parents of preschool-
ers with disabilities on each of the five attitude Impact of Type of Disability and
dimensions discussed above according to self- Severity of Disability on Parents’
reports of their own child’s severity of dis- Attitudes
ability (one item). Parents were asked if their As shown in Table 5, parents were most likely
child had a mild (n 85), moderate (n 57),
= =
to support inclusion if it involved children
or severe disability (n 14). There was no
with a speech impairment or children with an

relationship between severity of the child’s orthopedic impairment. They least likely were

disability and any attitude dimension: Benefits to support inclusion if it involved children
for Children With Disabilities, F (2, 149) = who had emotional problems, a cognitive im-
2.20, p .114, q2 = .029; Risks for Children
pairment, or autism. Severity of disability was
With Disabilities, F (2, 144) 2.97, p .055, = =
also identified as a key factor influencing par-
n2 .040; Benefits for Typically Developing
ents’ attitudes. Both parent groups were very
Children, F (2, 148) 1.62, p =
.202, n2 = =
supportive of inclusion involving children
.021; Risks for Typically Developing Chil- with mild disabilities, although parents of

Downloaded from at UNIV OF RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY on April 5, 2015
Table 4.
Global Attitudes Toward Inclusion: Percentages Agree and Mean Ratings (SD)

Note: No statistically significant differences were found on overall attitude rating or on any individual items.
1 =
Strongly Disagree; 2 Disagree; 3
= =
Undecided; 4 =
Agree; 5 Strongly Agree.

Table 5.
Attitudes Toward Inclusion by Type and Severity of Disability

* p < .05, d = .46.

Downloaded from at UNIV OF RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY on April 5, 2015
children with disabilities were slightly more were a lot or very much involved in the tran-
supportive than were parents of typically de- sition into the preschool program (87%), in
veloping children, t(238) 2.17, p =
.031, =
child’s educational program overall (86%),
Cohen’s d .46. Both groups were less sup-
and in educational activities at home (84%).
portive of inclusion if it involved children Fewer parents were much involved with ob-
with severe disabilities. servations at school (69%) and school activi-
ties (52%). There was also a high percentage
Program Satisfaction and Involvement of high involvement in special education
Program satisfaction. There was a high level among parents of children with disabilities.
of program satisfaction among all parents (M For example, 90% indicated they were in-
20.9, SD =
3.9). There was no statistically volved a lot or very much with both the as-
significant difference between parents of typ- sessment or evaluation process and the place-
ically developing children (M 20.2, SD = =
ment decision. Parents identified the following
4.3) and parents of children with disabilities barriers to program involvement: job or work
(M 21.2, SD 3.7), t(228) = -1.93, p
= = =
schedule (44%), time of meetings (38%),
.055, Cohen’s d =
.52). The majority of par- child care responsibilities (31 %), and lack of
ents was very satisfied with the overall pro- transportation (15%).
gram (85%), teacher qualifications (83%),
amount of contact with teacher (83%), quality
Relationship Between Program
of instruction (77%), and availability of in- Satisfaction, Involvement, and Attitudes
structional materials (72%). Parents of chil- Toward Inclusion
dren with disabilities (n 133) were also

Relationships between program satisfaction

asked about their satisfaction with three areas and program involvement and attitudes toward
of special education. There was an overall inclusion were very weak: The association be-
high level of satisfaction with special educa- tween program satisfaction and global atti-
tion (M =
12.6, SD 2.4). Most parents were
tudes toward inclusion was r .14 (n 221),
= =

very satisfied with the adequacy of speech or the association between involvement with spe-
language services (84%), and physical therapy cial education and global attitudes was r =

or occupational therapy services (81 %). Fewer .22 (n 151), and the association between

parents were satisfied with the development of involvement with special education and per-
their child’s Individualized Education Pro- ceived benefits for typically developing chil-
gram (67%). Parents were also asked to indi- dren was r .18 (n
154). These findings

cate if they would place their child into an

suggest that the positive attitudes toward in-
inclusion program again, if afforded the op- clusion found in this study were not related to
portunity ; almost all (94%) indicated that they the high level of satisfaction and involvement
would, and there was no statistically signifi- with the child’s program.
cant difference between parents of children
with disabilities (93%) and parents of typical- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
ly developing children (94%), X2 .01, df = =

1, p =
.92, Cramer’s V .006.
This study identified a strong level of support
Program involvement. Parents were very for inclusion among parents of children with
involved with their child’s program (M =
and without disabilities attending a reverse in-
13.4, SD =
3.5). There was no statistically clusion program in New York State. This find-
significant difference between the involve- ing was consistent in terms of parents’ global
ment of parents of typically developing chil- support for inclusion and also on measures of
dren (M =
12.9, SD =
3.9) and parents of perceived benefits and risks for children with
children with disabilities (M 13.6, SD
= =
and without disabilities. Parents’ attitudes
3.4), t(203) _ -1.24, p .22, Cohen’s d
= =
were consistently strong, regardless of their
.19. The majority of parents reported they had level of program satisfaction or involvement.
frequent contact with the teacher (89%) and Ninety-four percent of the parents reported

Downloaded from at UNIV OF RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY on April 5, 2015
they would place their child in an inclusion dren to be have emotional prob-
program again. There were no statistically sig- lems, cognitive impairment, or autism than for
nificant differences between parents of chil- those who have a physical, hearing, or lan-
dren with and without disabilities with regard guage impairment. This finding is consistent
to benefits for children with disabilities or with early studies of mainstreaming and in-
benefits for typically developing children. Al- tegration (Green & Stonemen, 1989; Mlynek,
most all parents reported that inclusion pro- Hannah, & Hamlin, 1982; Turnbull & Winton,
motes the acceptance of children with dis- 1983) as well as a more recent study of inclu-
abilities in the community, provides them with sion (Stoiber et al., 1998). Severity or type of
more opportunities to participate in a wide disability has also emerged as a major factor
range of activities, prepares them to function in research involving child care providers. For
in the real world, and helps them to learn example, early childhood practitioners have
more because they have a chance to see typ- reported that the greatest amount of classroom
ically developing children. In addition, almost adaptation is required for children with au-
all parents reported that inclusion helps typi- tism, neurological disorders, challenging be-
cally developing children develop sensitivity haviors, or emotional problems (Stoiber et al.,
to others, understand differences in people, 1998). These practitioners also reported that
and become more aware of their own they prepared to serve children with
are more

strengths and weaknesses. mild disabilities (speech and language delays,

The overall level of perceived risks asso- learning disabilities, and mild cognitive dis-
ciated with inclusion for both children with in
abilities) early childhood inclusive settings
and without disabilities was also relatively than children with autism, neurological dis-
low for both parent groups, although a sub- orders, or with visual or hearing impairments.
stantial minority of parents identified potential As expected, special educators reported feel-
risks. The major risks for children with dis- ing a greater sense of competence than regular
abilities focused on the ability of the program education teachers in serving young children
to adequately address their needs. Both parent with disabilities (Stoiber et al., 1998).
groups were concerned that children with dis- Parents’ overall concerns about inclusion,
abilities would not get enough special assis- as well as their specific concerns about chil-
tance or individualized instruction, that their dren with more severe or specific types of dis-
teachers might not be adequately qualified to abilities, however, cannot be discussed with-
address their child’s special needs, and that out recognizing their concerns about the qual-
they may not receive the special related ser- ity of the preschool program and its ability to
vices that they might require. The overall lev- adequately meet the needs of all children. Re-
el of perceived risk for typically developing lated research has identified the adequacy of
children was comparable to the overall level instruction, training and preparation of staff,
identified for children with disabilities, al- planning time, special services, and service
though parents of typically developing chil- coordination and integration (Buysse, Wesley,
dren identified a slightly higher (although sta- & Keyes, 1998; Peck et al., 1989; Turnbull &
tistically significant) level of risk for typically Winton, 1983; Turnbull et al., 1983), class-
developing children than parents of preschool- room practices (Stoiber et al., 1998), adequacy
ers with disabilities did. The major risks for of teacher qualifications (Bailey & Winton,
typically developing children focused on pos- 1987; Green & Stoneman, 1989; Reichart et
sible negative behaviors of children with dis- al., 1989; Turnbull et al., 1983; Turnbull &
abilities and inadequate teacher attention and Winton, 1983), the availability of appropriate
resources. instructional and related resources (Bailey &
Parents were less likely to support inclusion Winton, 1987; Cansler & Winton, 1983; Han-
for children with severe disabilities than for line & Halvorsen, 1989; McDonnell, 1987;
those with mild or moderate disabilities. Level Turnbull & Winton, 1983), class size (Buysse
of support was substantially lower if the chil- et al., 1998; Wesley, Buysse, & Tyndall,

Downloaded from at UNIV OF RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY on April 5, 2015
1997), attitudes of school staff (Hanline & vere) was not associated with the attitudes to-

Halvorsen, 1989), community resources ward inclusion among parents of preschoolers

(Buysse et al., 1998), and the district’s com- with disabilities. The level of support was
mitment to providing quality services (Han- consistently strong for parents at each level.
line & Halvorsen, 1989). In addition, Bailey, Unsolicited handwritten comments also
McWilliam, Buysse, and Wesley (1998) pro- suggested that parents’ reservations about in-
posed that concern about inclusion would be clusion, as well as the level of perceived risk,
minimized if such programs were of high are minimized when program quality is high.

quality with provisions for individual learning For example, one parent commented:
experiences to meet the children’s needs. In- For inclusion to be a success adequate staff
deed, Hanson and colleagues (2001) reported must be in place and proper assistance and
that parents in their study were forced to support must be given to the teachers and the
choose between inclusion classes or getting students. A lot depends on how the programs
are set up. For inclusion to be a success, there
specialized services and supports to address has to be enough staff in the classroom that
their children’s disabilities. Finally, as noted are properly trained to work with disabled and
by Stoneman (2001), &dquo;It is regrettable that non-disabled children. If they have a good
during the 1990s, as inclusionary programs teacher, the classroom is staffed appropriately,
multiplied, that parent concerns about inade- and there is proper staff support and training,
then there should be no problem.
quate preparation continues to compromise
their enthusiasm about preschool inclusion&dquo; Some parents also described how their atti-
(p. 108). tudes toward inclusion had changed once their
Whereas parents were very satisfied in this concerns about program quality were allevi-
study with their child’s program in terms of ated :
mean satisfaction score, as well as when spe-
I was a little skeptical at first, but as the year
cific areas were individually examined (e.g.,
progressed I thought it was a great idea. There
program quality, teacher qualifications, avail- were plenty of teachers in the classroom so

ability of related services), a substantial mi- everyone who needed help received it. She re-
nority of parents also agreed that there were ally benefited from having two highly qualified
teachers in her room.
risks associated with inclusion (e.g., unquali-
fied teachers, inadequate teacher attention, in- Other parents remarked that with adequate
sufficient special services and resources). Al- supports, severity of disability should not be
though these two scales were tapping into dif- a problem:
ferent aspects of inclusion, with program sat-
All children, regardless of the severity of their
isfaction questions focusing on the child’s
disability, should have the same opportunities
current preschool reverse inclusion program as long as it is a positive learning experience
and the questions pertaining to perceived risks for all children. As long as the children are
focusing on inclusion in general, no definitive getting the necessary assistance to help them
succeed and the teacher is getting the neces-
conclusions can be made with regard to how
sary support.
parents’ experiences with their child’s current
program shaped their attitudes toward inclu- Program quality is important for reasons
sion. The finding that there was no relation- other than to alleviate parents’ concerns about
ship between level of potential risks associ- inclusion. Related research has also linked de-
ated with inclusion and the high level of pro- sirable outcomes at the early childhood level
gram satisfaction among parents, however, with the quality of the program structure and
suggests that the potential risks were not an process (Buysse, Wesley, Bryant, & Gartner,
issue for this sample of parents. This also sug- 1999; National Institute of Child Health and
gests that concerns about inclusion might be Human Development, 1999). In addition, pro-
minimized when the inclusion program is of gram quality might help explain the inconsis-
high quality. As noted earlier, the severity of tent research findings on developmental out-
their child’s disability (mild, moderate, se- comes for children with disabilities in inte-

Downloaded from at UNIV OF RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY on April 5, 2015
grated settings. Cole, Mills, Dale, and Jenkins a more culturally diverse population. Third,
(1991) for example, found that preschoolers the findings are descriptive of the mean re-
with severe disabilities made relatively greater sponses of groups of parents with consider-
gains in self-contained special education able variability in parents’ responses. A more
classrooms, whereas higher performing chil- extensive analysis of the data, however, one
dren made relatively greater gains in integrat- that would describe the family and child char-
ed classes. Mills, Cole, Jenkins, and Dale acteristics of respondents in relation to their
(1998) also found that relatively higher func- attitudes, was not possible because of school
tioning children with disabilities benefited confidentiality mandates. Finally, the percep-
more from integrated special education place-
tions of inclusion among parents in this study
ment, whereas relatively lower functioning were undoubtedly shaped in part by their ex-
children benefited more from self-contained
periences with their own child’s program, a
special education classes and mainstream clas- reverse inclusion program of high quality
ses. In contrast, Hundert, Mahoney, Mundy,
and Vernon (1998) found that preschoolers whereby the programmatic issues described as
concerns in the literature were not an issue.
with severe disabilities in inclusion settings
made statistically significantly greater devel- Thus, the findings cannot be generalized to
lower quality programs or to those with a dif-
opmental and social gains than their peers in
ferent ratio of children with and without dis-
segregated settings did. More recently, Holo-
han and Constenbader (2000) found that chil- abilities, a different ratio of children to adults,
dren with a higher level of social and emo- class size, teacher qualifications, or classroom
tional development progressed at a faster rate practices.
in inclusive classes than in segregated classes, Despite these limitations, this study makes
whereas the gains made for children with a a substantial contribution to the literature by
lower level of functioning were comparable focusing on inclusion rather than mainstream-
across settings. Finally, whereas benefits of in- ing or integration, by using an attitude mea-
clusion typically focus on developmental sure resulting in reliable and valid informa-

gains, there are additional outcomes that are tion, and including parents of children with
often overlooked. They include membership and without disabilities. This study also iden-
(participation as full members of the class), tified several key factors associated with par-
relationships (as reflected by children’s inter- ents’ attitudes toward inclusion that should be
action with peers and adults), activities out-
explored further. Future research might ex-
side of the classroom, and greater preparation
plore parents’ experiences with inclusion and
for life in the community (McWilliam, Wol- how their satisfaction with prior experiences
ery, & Odom, 2001).
impacts their current attitudes toward inclu-
sion. There is also a need to study the opin-
Study Limitations
ions of parents in a longitudinal manner. Fu-
Although instructive, this study has its limi- ture studies could explore how parents’ atti-
tations. First, the sample of parents was not
tudes change as their children enter school-
randomly selected and was restricted to those
who voluntarily completed the survey. Thus, age programs and are required to adapt to
more structured classrooms and more de-
they might not be representative of all parents
in the child’s preschool program. Second, the manding curricula. In addition, the issues sur-
sample of parents was drawn from one pro- rounding type or severity of disability warrant
further investigation. In this study, parent
gram, which is basically homogeneous in both
ethnic composition (i.e., primarily Caucasian) comments identified two issues as barriers to
and socioeconomic status (i.e., low-middle in- their ability to respond effectively to the is-
come). Thus, it would be difficult to general- sues raised in the survey. The concerns one

ize the findings to other areas, particularly parent raised exemplify the typical concerns
those in urban or rural settings and those with of other parents:

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I feel unable to answer many of these ques- inclusion to be successful program quality
tions. These decisions need to be made on an must be acceptable and appropriate support
individual basis, which considers the child’s
services must be provided; a lack of needed
disability, the severity of the disability, and the
extent to which the school is equipped to do supports and services would deprive not only
this. the child with special needs but also the rest
of the class. A full system of supports would
Because the most negative attitudes were benefit every child either directly or indirect-
toward including children with severe disabil-
ly ; it would strengthen the classroom and
ities and those who had emotional, behavioral, should have the highest priority.
and cognitive delays, future research should
establish a reference group for parents by REFERENCES
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Downloaded from at UNIV OF RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY on April 5, 2015
lege of Arts and Sciences, Pace University, New complete the surveys, for which we are deeply
York. We are very thankful. We thank two anony- grateful.
mous reviewers for their insightful comments on an
earlier version of this manuscript. Finally, this re- Addresscorrespondence to Yvonne Rafferty, Psy-
search could not have been completed without the chology Department, Pace University, 41 Park
cooperation and support of the preschool program Row, New York, New York 10038-1502. E-mail:
administrators and the parents who volunteered to YRafferty @ Pace. edu.

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