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/* Unisolve 10.1 DATE 28.04.

01. Now Print product information when curqty is greter than 0 and not select
'PRINT NIL TRANSACTION PRODUCT' in sales and stock statement.
02. Now now showing adjusted credit debit note entry which are transfer from
last year and run balance validation with question no 1 in new financial
company with
03. Provide the option to select Min stock of last selected days and
consider last sales days in Reorder Report.
04. New Raj. VAT Form 7A,8A and 10(2010).

Unisolve 10.1.1 DATE 11.05.2010

01. Solve Error in Export E-Return CSV Files.

02. In VAT Form Raj.10(2010) in Tax Rate add '%' up to 2 decimals
03. Add option to enter Vat payment detail in vat forms.(Entry Screen)

Unisolve 10.1.2 DATE 18.05.10

01. Error Solve IN Raj Vat Form 8A.

Unisolve 10.1.3 DATE 07.06.10

01. Add Option to export AWACS and IMS DATA In System->Facilities->Import
02 Show Grand Totals in Product Customer wise sales reports.

Unisolve 10.1.4 DATE 07.06.10

Unisolve 10.1.5 DATE 14.06.10
Unisolve 10.1.6 DATE 17.06.10
Unisolve 10.1.7 DATE 25.06.10
01. Error Solved in Vat form regenarate data.
02. AWACS Password window shows properly now.

Unisolve 10.1.8 DATE 03.07.10

01. Changes in Repost Packing Slip Challan (include Utility Jabalpur)
02. Add New Menu Option for Problem of Showing bill no in converted(packing
slip challan)
item but not in bill In System->Maintenance->Update
03. Error solved when export csv.
04. Provide variable mpendchallan for packing slip printing
05. PDC Entry not delete from link table which is not exist in pdchdr table
in case of
run balance validation.Now problem solved when run repost pdc.(3809)
06. Now Forward replacement when convert packing slip challan.
Unisolve 10.2 Date 12.07.2010

01. Add option(F11 Key) TO see All csv file import messages In purhcase
02. Enable Excise Duty In Purchase Challan When Applicable.
03. Provide the Facility To Enter Email In Customer,Supplier Master
04. Provide the Facility To Enter Email and mobile no In
MSR,DM,SalesPerson,User Master
05. Add System parameter to change the prompt of tax 1%,4%,12.5%
06. Provide the facility to show purchase scheme of batch which are received
purchase invoice and it will also showing after close financial
07. Provide the facility to Update Scheme from Last Years from
System->Facilities->Update Scheme from last years.
08. AMC Due Date now store for more then 366 days.
09. Now provide the facility of entered purchase tax in header of purchase
transfer in entries.
10. Update product tax type in batch master when received new batch in
sales return.(3797)
11. Add Index on Product Table For Shlelfid.
12. Add Default New User for Accounts Menu Rights only (User Name ACCNT)
13. Add CTRL+I key for update input tax credit details in sales invoice.
14. Add Option To Show ITC Detail in Vat Forms which create in sales invoice.
15. Provide variables of input vat credit for mITCTaxable,mITCAmt,mITCTaxPay
mITCDTaxable,mITCDTaxAmt for Detail variable in sales invoice.
16. Provide the facility to Enter scheme under discount master.
17. Problem solved when Enter Amount Received is greater than 100000 in
receipt entry.
18. Add Option to export purchase order(csv) in Purchase Menu.
19. Add Option to print tin and non tin dealers in Rajasthan VAT FORM 07A and
Form 8A.
20. Add Option to Create Template Voucher in Accounts->Transactions->Create
Template Voucher.
21. Add Option to Create Voucher through Template Voucher in Create Template
Voucher Key (Alt+G)
22. Add Option to Receive Cheques.
23. Add Option to delete Following non transaction masters in Facilities
Master Group
24. Add Option to print adjustment details in voucher print.
25. Changes in Vat Form of J&K Tax Rate Prompt Now consider.
26. Now Showing Rate Wise Detail in point 2 of part B in Rajasthan Vat Form
27. Provide the option to 'Show Last Year Unpaid Bills in 'Payment Status of
in System Defaultin OTHER Tab.
28. Now Also show Last year unpaid of sales person in 'Payment status of
bill'.(New Dbf SPOSDTL)
29. Now provide the option 'Transfer Unpaid Bills of Sales Person' in Close
Finanical Year. This option is showing when Show Last Year Unpaid Bills
'Payment Status of Bills' is checked in OTHER Tab in System Default.
30. Changes in Repost Packing Slip Challan (include Utility Jabalpur)
31. Add New Menu Option for Problem of Showing bill no in converted(packing
slip challan)
item but not in bill In System->Maintenance->Update
32. Add Option to import Sales Invoice (csv) in Sales Menu. (3805)
33. Show Qty and Rate in Box in History Window when Press F6 in All Screens.
34. Add Menu Option For PDC Issue in Accounts->Transaction->PDC Issue.
35. Add Menu Option For Show List of Pending PDC Issue in Accounts-
>Transaction->Pending PDC Issue.
36. Add Menu Option For PDC Clear in Accounts->Transaction->PDC Clear
37. Add Option Show message in sales for Diff. TaxType in System parameter-
>other tab ,
to show message when sales tax type with purchase tax type in sales.
38. Add Multi Selection of Customer when copy price list.
39. Add Option To Change Company Wise Discount in Cr/Dr Note. Press Key F4
40. Add Option To Change Company Wise Rate Hike in Cr/Dr Note. Press Key
41. Add Option To Change Company Wise Lot Discount in Cr/Dr Note.Press Key
42. Problem Solved in Vat form regenarate data.
43. Add Option to Create New User and Copy Rights from existing user in
System->Facilities->Copy User Rights.
44. When Save System Parameter BackUp File is created with name
PrincipleCode+"WU"+PadL(Current Date,5) .
45. Add Variable mSpComm of sales man commision in sales invoice.(3645)
46. In Printing option left margin now save in packing slip.(3597)
47. Grand Total now show in report->sales Report->customer product wise.
48. Add Option Product List MrpWise in System->Facilities->Product
49. During the purchase invoice add option to update recevied scheme in
scheme master for sales.
(Add System Parameter Update scheme for sales in Standard Tab)(3810)
50. Now User has no Right when disable rights for transaction and open
through another
51. Add VAT Compution in Reports->Vat Reports.
52. Add Vat Account Summary in Reports->Vat Reports.
53. Discount not less in Rajasthan vat form 8A.Now it has been solved.(3812)
54. Add Report Vat Summary in Reports->Vat Reports.(3804)
55. Add Report Vat Computation Report in Reports->Vat Reports.(3804)
56. Add Option to Create Master Group Wise Discount in Facilities->Product-
>Master Group Discount.
57. Now Showing proper balance in Group Customer wise outstanding.(3813)
58. Increase field width upt 20 char in return to supplier refinvno.(3814)
59. Add Option to Enter Percentage in Create TDS Entry.(3566)
60. Add Option to skip page after each customer in Reports->Sales Report-
>Customer product wise.(3440)
61. Now should not slect product when select group in sales and stock
62. Add Option to less % in cr/dr note through F4 key.(3442)
63. Add Option to Export Following Transaction in Purchase->Export
1. Purchase Invoice
2. Purchase Order
3. Transfer In
64. Problem Solved in Reports->Sales Report->Product Customer Wise.
65. Problem Solved in Rajasthan Vat Form 10.(3819)

Unisolve 10.2.1 Date 03.08.2010

01. Add Cst tax in 13 in jammu vat form no 11.(3827)
02. Add Message when sales scheme is greater than last purchase scheme.

Unisolve 10.2.2 Date 06.08.2010

01. Changes in VAT Form 11 of Jammu.
02. Import Csv Problem Solved.

Unisolve 10.2.3 Date 31.07.2010

01. Export VForm10.xls for Raj. VAT Form 10.
02. Export VForm10A.xls for Raj. VAT Form 10A.
03. Export CSV Files For Raj VAT Form 10A.
Unisolve 10.2.4 Date 14.08.2010
01. Add Option of AWACS Rural in Facilities->Export Import.

Unisolve 10.2.5 Date 21.08.2010

01. Add All Account balance even debit and credit balance in differanct
in Print Schedule.Now it has been solved.(3851)

Unisolve 10.2.6 Date 25.08.2010

01. Changes in VAT Form 14 West Bengal.(3852)
02. Changes in VAT Form 14 West Bengal Anx.
a.Add New Anx. TDS
b.Add New Anx. Sales Return within State
c.Add New Anx. Notes.
d.Add New Anx. D.
e.Add New Anx. F.
03. Add New VAT Form 1 For West Bengal.
04. Add New Anx. For VAT Form 1 West Bengal.
a.Anx. A,B,C,D,E,F,G,SR(CST)
05. Add Bank Detail in Vat payment.

Unisolve 10.2.7 Date 01.09.2010

01. Showing blank pdc date in outstanding report.Now it has been solved.
02. Account name width increase to 80 .(3862)
03. Changes in VAT Form Assam 13.

Unisolve 10.2.7 DATE 04.09.2010

01. Provide Full Party Address with Station,PinCode in West Bengal Annexure

Unisolve 10.2.8 DATE

Unisolve 10.2.9 DATE
Unisolve 10.2.10 DATE 02.10.2010
01. Alignment now proper in Reports->New Reports->Bill /Product Wise sales.
02. Add System parameter for Message for Empty Purchase Scheme in Sales
03. Problem solve in closing.
04. Add Option for cancel issue cheque.(3868)
05. Increase Invoice No Column Width in VAT For 48 for Rajasthan.(3877)
06. Now not truncating 'Signature With Seal....' in Bottom of VAT For 48 for
07. Now not deducting return in Aggreagate Amount of point 16 in VAT Form 14
for West Bengal.
08. Now showing Stock Transfer for sales in Part-C in VAT Form 201(New) for
09. Now showing Input Tax in Month wise breakUp instead of Output Tax in
point 38 in VAT Form 14 for West Bengal.

Unisolve 10.2.12 DATE 23.10.2010

01. Gross Sales and sale return amount now proper.(3902)

Unisolve 10.2.13 DATE 25.11.2010

01. Round off amount now shows in calculation in tds entry.(3922)
02. Discount mater now applicable in sales invoice if min amount for packing
03. Provide Option to print net bill amount in place of post amt in west
bengal vat
form 14 Anx B.(3921)
04. Deduct Cr/Dr Note Data in west bengal vat form 14 Anx B.(3921)
05. Show Converted Voucher No and Type in PDC Header Browser.
06. Add New Field(PD2BillDT) in PdcDTL .
07. Save Pdc No. in Ref. Voucher No when convert Pdc to voucher.
08. Do not want to add exempted sale/purchase in raj vat form 7,8.(3924)

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