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Zumroni / 20198110005



Venti Mawarni M.Hum

The Answers
1. For Example in my country when some people talk bahasa Indonesia with their
culture dialect, talking Bahasa Indonesia with some Javanese dialect or with the east
Indonesia Dialect in daily conversations

2. Rhoticity in English is the pronunciation of the historical rhotic consonant /r/ in all
contexts by speakers of certain varieties of English. The presence or absence of
rhoticity is one of the most prominent distinctions by which varieties of English can
be classified. In rhotic varieties, the historical English /r/ sound is preserved in all
pronunciation contexts. In non-rhotic varieties, speakers no longer pronounce /r/ in
postvocalic environments—that is, when it is immediately after a vowel and not
followed by another vowel.

3. The Rhoticity in English. No, I think they’re not because it’s the freedom of language
in any country
4. Bussman’s definition includes the reasons behind considering an issue a taboo and
defines a taboo as ‘ a term that is avoided for religious, political, or sexual reasons
and is usually replaced by a euphemims’ and offers the example of rest room or
vathroom as euphemistic terms for toilet. Taboos are one of the social phenomena
through which language change comes about and seem to be characteristic of
languages. To avoid taboo words, interlocutors employ what is called euphemism
defined as “ a pleasant replacement for an objectionable word that has pejorative
connotations” such as too pass on for ‘to die’.
5. I think the way some bilingual people behave cannot be categorized according to
what language they speak or what ethnicity they come from, this is because many
factors affect how a person speaks and behaves and can also be a justification
coming from several multicultural problems that are happening in that country

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